[glom/sqlbuilder2] (23 commits) ...Merged from master.

Summary of changes:

  81a2c46... PyGlom: Don't use deprecated boost::python::args. (*)
  15f8a65... In progress (*)
  dceaa3d... Move tests out of sub-directories, simplifying the build fi (*)
  63be021... Fix document saving (recently broken by me) and add a test  (*)
  c4190cc... Merged from glom-1-14 (*)
  0229bd0... Fixed ChangeLog for accidental in-progress commit. (*)
  fd18da7... Fixed merge conflict. (*)
  91a6396... create_database(): Actually use the progress slot. (*)
  0b50bb0... Move some more methods from Base_DB. (*)
  20a8aa2... Python Glom API documentation improvement. (*)
  48e6747... Fix a possible crash when showing choices. (*)
  b360b8b... Python scripts and calcuations: Test buttons now show pytho (*)
  4043f6a... Fixed merge conflict. (*)
  6ba693d... Updated German doc translation (*)
  425005b... Updated German translation (*)
  4ce15f9... Update Czech translation by Marek Cernocky (*)
  dfa303d... Add test of type conversion after python calculations. (*)
  af79b02... Python calculations: Really convert to expected types. (*)
  875b78d... User Guide: Update the pygda example for pygda 4. (*)
  aa32bed... 1.14.2 (*)
  0540889... Mark the branch in the ChangeLog (*)
  ccafe3a... Set default icon instead of individual window icons. (*)
  f7a3772... Merged from master.

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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