[gimp] app: get rid of using gdk_draw to construct bitmap cursors

commit 7f9a4d51f742df8446dc17adca9859837ed5ed72
Author: Michael Natterer <mitch gimp org>
Date:   Fri Sep 10 19:12:52 2010 +0200

    app: get rid of using gdk_draw to construct bitmap cursors
    At the same time, get rid of bitmap cursors alltogether. Instead
    (because it looks ugly to have GDK convert RGBA cursors into bitmaps
    for old X servers), add the bitmaps as proper PNGs and simply use them
    as RGBA cursors.

 app/widgets/gimpcursor.c                        |  792 +++++------------------
 cursors/Makefile.am                             |  317 ++++------
 cursors/cursor-bad-bw.png                       |  Bin 0 -> 211 bytes
 cursors/cursor-color-picker-bw.png              |  Bin 0 -> 222 bytes
 cursors/cursor-corner-bottom-left-bw.png        |  Bin 0 -> 198 bytes
 cursors/cursor-corner-bottom-right-bw.png       |  Bin 0 -> 158 bytes
 cursors/cursor-corner-top-left-bw.png           |  Bin 0 -> 268 bytes
 cursors/cursor-corner-top-right-bw.png          |  Bin 0 -> 207 bytes
 cursors/cursor-crosshair-bw.png                 |  Bin 0 -> 156 bytes
 cursors/cursor-crosshair-small-bw.png           |  Bin 0 -> 146 bytes
 cursors/cursor-mouse-bw.png                     |  Bin 0 -> 180 bytes
 cursors/cursor-move-bw.png                      |  Bin 0 -> 196 bytes
 cursors/cursor-none-bw.png                      |  Bin 0 -> 96 bytes
 cursors/cursor-side-bottom-bw.png               |  Bin 0 -> 166 bytes
 cursors/cursor-side-left-bw.png                 |  Bin 0 -> 181 bytes
 cursors/cursor-side-right-bw.png                |  Bin 0 -> 182 bytes
 cursors/cursor-side-top-bw.png                  |  Bin 0 -> 171 bytes
 cursors/cursor-zoom-bw.png                      |  Bin 0 -> 203 bytes
 cursors/tool-airbrush-bw.png                    |  Bin 0 -> 220 bytes
 cursors/tool-blend-bw.png                       |  Bin 0 -> 179 bytes
 cursors/tool-blur-bw.png                        |  Bin 0 -> 204 bytes
 cursors/tool-bucket-fill-bw.png                 |  Bin 0 -> 214 bytes
 cursors/tool-burn-bw.png                        |  Bin 0 -> 189 bytes
 cursors/tool-clone-bw.png                       |  Bin 0 -> 207 bytes
 cursors/tool-color-picker-bw.png                |  Bin 0 -> 213 bytes
 cursors/tool-crop-bw.png                        |  Bin 0 -> 184 bytes
 cursors/tool-dodge-bw.png                       |  Bin 0 -> 189 bytes
 cursors/tool-ellipse-select-bw.png              |  Bin 0 -> 188 bytes
 cursors/tool-eraser-bw.png                      |  Bin 0 -> 190 bytes
 cursors/tool-flip-horizontal-bw.png             |  Bin 0 -> 155 bytes
 cursors/tool-flip-vertical-bw.png               |  Bin 0 -> 174 bytes
 cursors/tool-free-select-bw.png                 |  Bin 0 -> 210 bytes
 cursors/tool-fuzzy-select-bw.png                |  Bin 0 -> 227 bytes
 cursors/tool-hand-bw.png                        |  Bin 0 -> 218 bytes
 cursors/tool-heal-bw.png                        |  Bin 0 -> 883 bytes
 cursors/tool-ink-bw.png                         |  Bin 0 -> 238 bytes
 cursors/tool-iscissors-bw.png                   |  Bin 0 -> 245 bytes
 cursors/tool-measure-bw.png                     |  Bin 0 -> 206 bytes
 cursors/tool-move-bw.png                        |  Bin 0 -> 192 bytes
 cursors/tool-paintbrush-bw.png                  |  Bin 0 -> 206 bytes
 cursors/tool-paths-anchor-bw.png                |  Bin 0 -> 245 bytes
 cursors/tool-paths-bw.png                       |  Bin 0 -> 241 bytes
 cursors/tool-paths-control-bw.png               |  Bin 0 -> 256 bytes
 cursors/tool-paths-segment-bw.png               |  Bin 0 -> 258 bytes
 cursors/tool-pencil-bw.png                      |  Bin 0 -> 165 bytes
 cursors/tool-perspective-bw.png                 |  Bin 0 -> 174 bytes
 cursors/tool-polygon-select-bw.png              |  Bin 0 -> 219 bytes
 cursors/tool-rect-select-bw.png                 |  Bin 0 -> 172 bytes
 cursors/tool-resize-bw.png                      |  Bin 0 -> 193 bytes
 cursors/tool-rotate-bw.png                      |  Bin 0 -> 255 bytes
 cursors/tool-shear-bw.png                       |  Bin 0 -> 173 bytes
 cursors/tool-smudge-bw.png                      |  Bin 0 -> 236 bytes
 cursors/tool-text-bw.png                        |  Bin 0 -> 191 bytes
 cursors/tool-zoom-bw.png                        |  Bin 0 -> 190 bytes
 cursors/xbm/cursor-bad-mask.xbm                 |   17 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-bad.xbm                      |   17 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-color-picker-mask.xbm        |   16 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-color-picker.xbm             |   16 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-corner-bottom-left-mask.xbm  |   16 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-corner-bottom-left.xbm       |   16 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-corner-bottom-right-mask.xbm |   16 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-corner-bottom-right.xbm      |   16 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-corner-top-left-mask.xbm     |   16 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-corner-top-left.xbm          |   16 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-corner-top-right-mask.xbm    |   16 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-corner-top-right.xbm         |   16 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-crosshair-mask.xbm           |   17 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-crosshair-small-mask.xbm     |   17 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-crosshair-small.xbm          |   17 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-crosshair.xbm                |   17 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-mouse-mask.xbm               |   17 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-mouse.xbm                    |   17 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-move-mask.xbm                |   16 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-move.xbm                     |   16 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-none.xbm                     |   16 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-side-bottom-mask.xbm         |   16 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-side-bottom.xbm              |   16 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-side-left-mask.xbm           |   16 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-side-left.xbm                |   16 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-side-right-mask.xbm          |   16 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-side-right.xbm               |   16 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-side-top-mask.xbm            |   16 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-side-top.xbm                 |   16 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-zoom-mask.xbm                |   17 -
 cursors/xbm/cursor-zoom.xbm                     |   17 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-anchor-mask.xbm            |   15 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-anchor.xbm                 |   15 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-background-mask.xbm        |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-background.xbm             |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-bad-mask.xbm               |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-bad.xbm                    |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-control-mask.xbm           |   15 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-control.xbm                |   15 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-foreground-mask.xbm        |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-foreground.xbm             |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-intersect-mask.xbm         |   15 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-intersect.xbm              |   15 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-join-mask.xbm              |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-join.xbm                   |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-minus-mask.xbm             |   15 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-minus.xbm                  |   15 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-move-mask.xbm              |   15 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-move.xbm                   |   15 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-pattern-mask.xbm           |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-pattern.xbm                |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-plus-mask.xbm              |   15 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-plus.xbm                   |   15 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-resize-mask.xbm            |   15 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-resize.xbm                 |   15 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-select-mask.xbm            |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/modifier-select.xbm                 |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-airbrush-mask.xbm              |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-airbrush.xbm                   |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-blend-mask.xbm                 |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-blend.xbm                      |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-blur-mask.xbm                  |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-blur.xbm                       |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-bucket-fill-mask.xbm           |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-bucket-fill.xbm                |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-burn-mask.xbm                  |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-burn.xbm                       |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-clone-mask.xbm                 |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-clone.xbm                      |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-color-picker-mask.xbm          |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-color-picker.xbm               |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-crop-mask.xbm                  |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-crop.xbm                       |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-dodge-mask.xbm                 |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-dodge.xbm                      |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-ellipse-select-mask.xbm        |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-ellipse-select.xbm             |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-eraser-mask.xbm                |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-eraser.xbm                     |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-flip-horizontal-mask.xbm       |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-flip-horizontal.xbm            |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-flip-vertical-mask.xbm         |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-flip-vertical.xbm              |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-free-select-mask.xbm           |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-free-select.xbm                |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-fuzzy-select-mask.xbm          |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-fuzzy-select.xbm               |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-hand-mask.xbm                  |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-hand.xbm                       |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-heal-mask.xbm                  |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-heal.xbm                       |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-ink-mask.xbm                   |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-ink.xbm                        |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-iscissors-mask.xbm             |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-iscissors.xbm                  |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-measure-mask.xbm               |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-measure.xbm                    |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-move-mask.xbm                  |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-move.xbm                       |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-paintbrush-mask.xbm            |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-paintbrush.xbm                 |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-paths-anchor-mask.xbm          |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-paths-anchor.xbm               |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-paths-control-mask.xbm         |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-paths-control.xbm              |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-paths-mask.xbm                 |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-paths-segment-mask.xbm         |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-paths-segment.xbm              |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-paths.xbm                      |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-pencil-mask.xbm                |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-pencil.xbm                     |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-perspective-mask.xbm           |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-perspective.xbm                |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-polygon-select-mask.xbm        |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-polygon-select.xbm             |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-rect-select-mask.xbm           |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-rect-select.xbm                |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-resize-mask.xbm                |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-resize.xbm                     |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-rotate-mask.xbm                |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-rotate.xbm                     |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-shear-mask.xbm                 |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-shear.xbm                      |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-smudge-mask.xbm                |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-smudge.xbm                     |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-text-mask.xbm                  |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-text.xbm                       |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-zoom-mask.xbm                  |   14 -
 cursors/xbm/tool-zoom.xbm                       |   14 -
 183 files changed, 291 insertions(+), 2710 deletions(-)
diff --git a/app/widgets/gimpcursor.c b/app/widgets/gimpcursor.c
index b82adad..e2170b1 100644
--- a/app/widgets/gimpcursor.c
+++ b/app/widgets/gimpcursor.c
@@ -25,155 +25,51 @@
 #include "cursors/gimp-tool-cursors.h"
-/*  standard gimp cursors  */
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-none.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-mouse.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-mouse-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-move.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-move-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-crosshair.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-crosshair-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-crosshair-small.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-crosshair-small-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-bad.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-bad-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-zoom.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-zoom-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-color-picker.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-color-picker-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-corner-top-left.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-corner-top-left-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-corner-top-right.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-corner-top-right-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-corner-bottom-left.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-corner-bottom-left-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-corner-bottom-right.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-corner-bottom-right-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-side-top.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-side-top-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-side-left.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-side-left-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-side-right.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-side-right-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-side-bottom.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/cursor-side-bottom-mask.xbm"
-/*  tool cursors  */
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-rect-select.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-rect-select-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-ellipse-select.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-ellipse-select-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-free-select.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-free-select-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-polygon-select.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-polygon-select-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-fuzzy-select.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-fuzzy-select-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-paths.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-paths-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-paths-anchor.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-paths-anchor-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-paths-control.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-paths-control-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-paths-segment.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-paths-segment-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-iscissors.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-iscissors-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-move.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-move-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-zoom.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-zoom-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-crop.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-crop-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-resize.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-resize-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-rotate.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-rotate-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-shear.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-shear-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-perspective.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-perspective-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-flip-horizontal.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-flip-horizontal-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-flip-vertical.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-flip-vertical-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-text.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-text-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-color-picker.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-color-picker-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-bucket-fill.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-bucket-fill-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-blend.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-blend-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-pencil.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-pencil-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-paintbrush.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-paintbrush-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-eraser.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-eraser-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-airbrush.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-airbrush-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-clone.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-clone-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-heal.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-heal-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-blur.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-blur-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-ink.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-ink-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-dodge.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-dodge-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-burn.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-burn-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-smudge.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-smudge-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-measure.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-measure-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-hand.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/tool-hand-mask.xbm"
-/*  cursor modifiers  */
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-bad.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-bad-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-plus.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-plus-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-minus.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-minus-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-intersect.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-intersect-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-move.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-move-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-resize.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-resize-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-control.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-control-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-anchor.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-anchor-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-foreground.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-foreground-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-background.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-background-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-pattern.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-pattern-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-join.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-join-mask.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-select.xbm"
-#include "cursors/xbm/modifier-select-mask.xbm"
+#define cursor_none_x_hot 10
+#define cursor_none_y_hot 10
+#define cursor_mouse_x_hot 3
+#define cursor_mouse_y_hot 2
+#define cursor_crosshair_x_hot 15
+#define cursor_crosshair_y_hot 15
+#define cursor_crosshair_small_x_hot 10
+#define cursor_crosshair_small_y_hot 10
+#define cursor_bad_x_hot 10
+#define cursor_bad_y_hot 10
+#define cursor_move_x_hot 10
+#define cursor_move_y_hot 10
+#define cursor_zoom_x_hot 8
+#define cursor_zoom_y_hot 8
+#define cursor_color_picker_x_hot 1
+#define cursor_color_picker_y_hot 30
+#define cursor_corner_top_left_x_hot 10
+#define cursor_corner_top_left_y_hot 10
+#define cursor_corner_top_right_x_hot 10
+#define cursor_corner_top_right_y_hot 10
+#define cursor_corner_bottom_left_x_hot 10
+#define cursor_corner_bottom_left_y_hot 10
+#define cursor_corner_bottom_right_x_hot 10
+#define cursor_corner_bottom_right_y_hot 10
+#define cursor_side_top_x_hot 10
+#define cursor_side_top_y_hot 10
+#define cursor_side_left_x_hot 10
+#define cursor_side_left_y_hot 10
+#define cursor_side_right_x_hot 10
+#define cursor_side_right_y_hot 10
+#define cursor_side_bottom_x_hot 10
+#define cursor_side_bottom_y_hot 10
 typedef struct _GimpCursor GimpCursor;
 struct _GimpCursor
-  const guchar *bits;
-  const guchar *mask_bits;
-  const gint    width, height;
-  const gint    x_hot, y_hot;
   const guint8 *pixbuf_data;
+  const guint8 *pixbuf_data_bw;
+  const gint    x_hot, y_hot;
-  GdkBitmap    *bitmap;
-  GdkBitmap    *mask;
   GdkPixbuf    *pixbuf;
+  GdkPixbuf    *pixbuf_bw;
@@ -182,100 +78,84 @@ static GimpCursor gimp_cursors[] =
   /* these have to match up with enum GimpCursorType in widgets-enums.h */
-    cursor_none_bits, cursor_none_bits,
-    cursor_none_width, cursor_none_height,
-    cursor_none_x_hot, cursor_none_y_hot,
-    cursor_none, NULL, NULL, NULL
+    cursor_none,
+    cursor_none_bw,
+    cursor_none_x_hot, cursor_none_y_hot
-    cursor_mouse_bits, cursor_mouse_mask_bits,
-    cursor_mouse_width, cursor_mouse_height,
-    cursor_mouse_x_hot, cursor_mouse_y_hot,
-    cursor_mouse, NULL, NULL, NULL
+    cursor_mouse,
+    cursor_mouse_bw,
+    cursor_mouse_x_hot, cursor_mouse_y_hot
-    cursor_crosshair_bits, cursor_crosshair_mask_bits,
-    cursor_crosshair_width, cursor_crosshair_height,
-    cursor_crosshair_x_hot, cursor_crosshair_y_hot,
-    cursor_crosshair, NULL, NULL, NULL
+    cursor_crosshair,
+    cursor_crosshair_bw,
+    cursor_crosshair_x_hot, cursor_crosshair_y_hot
-    cursor_crosshair_small_bits, cursor_crosshair_small_mask_bits,
-    cursor_crosshair_small_width, cursor_crosshair_small_height,
-    cursor_crosshair_small_x_hot, cursor_crosshair_small_y_hot,
-    cursor_crosshair_small, NULL, NULL, NULL
+    cursor_crosshair_small,
+    cursor_crosshair_small_bw,
+    cursor_crosshair_small_x_hot, cursor_crosshair_small_y_hot
-    cursor_bad_bits, cursor_bad_mask_bits,
-    cursor_bad_width, cursor_bad_height,
-    cursor_bad_x_hot, cursor_bad_y_hot,
-    cursor_bad, NULL, NULL, NULL
+    cursor_bad,
+    cursor_bad_bw,
+    cursor_bad_x_hot, cursor_bad_y_hot
-    cursor_move_bits, cursor_move_mask_bits,
-    cursor_move_width, cursor_move_height,
-    cursor_move_x_hot, cursor_move_y_hot,
-    cursor_move, NULL, NULL, NULL
+    cursor_move,
+    cursor_move_bw,
+    cursor_move_x_hot, cursor_move_y_hot
-    cursor_zoom_bits, cursor_zoom_mask_bits,
-    cursor_zoom_width, cursor_zoom_height,
-    cursor_zoom_x_hot, cursor_zoom_y_hot,
-    cursor_zoom, NULL, NULL, NULL
+    cursor_zoom,
+    cursor_zoom_bw,
+    cursor_zoom_x_hot, cursor_zoom_y_hot
-    cursor_color_picker_bits, cursor_color_picker_mask_bits,
-    cursor_color_picker_width, cursor_color_picker_height,
-    cursor_color_picker_x_hot, cursor_color_picker_y_hot,
-    cursor_color_picker, NULL, NULL, NULL
+    cursor_color_picker,
+    cursor_color_picker_bw,
+    cursor_color_picker_x_hot, cursor_color_picker_y_hot
-    cursor_corner_top_left_bits, cursor_corner_top_left_mask_bits,
-    cursor_corner_top_left_width, cursor_corner_top_left_height,
-    cursor_corner_top_left_x_hot, cursor_corner_top_left_y_hot,
-    cursor_corner_top_left, NULL, NULL, NULL
+    cursor_corner_top_left,
+    cursor_corner_top_left_bw,
+    cursor_corner_top_left_x_hot, cursor_corner_top_left_y_hot
-    cursor_corner_top_right_bits, cursor_corner_top_right_mask_bits,
-    cursor_corner_top_right_width, cursor_corner_top_right_height,
-    cursor_corner_top_right_x_hot, cursor_corner_top_right_y_hot,
-    cursor_corner_top_right, NULL, NULL, NULL
+    cursor_corner_top_right,
+    cursor_corner_top_right_bw,
+    cursor_corner_top_right_x_hot, cursor_corner_top_right_y_hot
-    cursor_corner_bottom_left_bits, cursor_corner_bottom_left_mask_bits,
-    cursor_corner_bottom_left_width, cursor_corner_bottom_left_height,
-    cursor_corner_bottom_left_x_hot, cursor_corner_bottom_left_y_hot,
-    cursor_corner_bottom_left, NULL, NULL, NULL
+    cursor_corner_bottom_left,
+    cursor_corner_bottom_left_bw,
+    cursor_corner_bottom_left_x_hot, cursor_corner_bottom_left_y_hot
-    cursor_corner_bottom_right_bits, cursor_corner_bottom_right_mask_bits,
-    cursor_corner_bottom_right_width, cursor_corner_bottom_right_height,
-    cursor_corner_bottom_right_x_hot, cursor_corner_bottom_right_y_hot,
-    cursor_corner_bottom_right, NULL, NULL, NULL
+    cursor_corner_bottom_right,
+    cursor_corner_bottom_right_bw,
+    cursor_corner_bottom_right_x_hot, cursor_corner_bottom_right_y_hot
-    cursor_side_top_bits, cursor_side_top_mask_bits,
-    cursor_side_top_width, cursor_side_top_height,
-    cursor_side_top_x_hot, cursor_side_top_y_hot,
-    cursor_side_top, NULL, NULL, NULL
+    cursor_side_top,
+    cursor_side_top_bw,
+    cursor_side_top_x_hot, cursor_side_top_y_hot
-    cursor_side_left_bits, cursor_side_left_mask_bits,
-    cursor_side_left_width, cursor_side_left_height,
-    cursor_side_left_x_hot, cursor_side_left_y_hot,
-    cursor_side_left, NULL, NULL, NULL
+    cursor_side_left,
+    cursor_side_left_bw,
+    cursor_side_left_x_hot, cursor_side_left_y_hot
-    cursor_side_right_bits, cursor_side_right_mask_bits,
-    cursor_side_right_width, cursor_side_right_height,
-    cursor_side_right_x_hot, cursor_side_right_y_hot,
-    cursor_side_right, NULL, NULL, NULL
+    cursor_side_right,
+    cursor_side_right_bw,
+    cursor_side_right_x_hot, cursor_side_right_y_hot
-    cursor_side_bottom_bits, cursor_side_bottom_mask_bits,
-    cursor_side_bottom_width, cursor_side_bottom_height,
-    cursor_side_bottom_x_hot, cursor_side_bottom_y_hot,
-    cursor_side_bottom, NULL, NULL, NULL
+    cursor_side_bottom,
+    cursor_side_bottom_bw,
+    cursor_side_bottom_x_hot, cursor_side_bottom_y_hot
@@ -283,355 +163,85 @@ static GimpCursor gimp_tool_cursors[] =
   /* these have to match up with enum GimpToolCursorType in widgets-enums.h */
-  {
-    NULL, NULL,
-    0, 0,
-    0, 0,
-  },
-  {
-    tool_rect_select_bits, tool_rect_select_mask_bits,
-    tool_rect_select_width, tool_rect_select_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_rect_select, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_ellipse_select_bits, tool_ellipse_select_mask_bits,
-    tool_ellipse_select_width, tool_ellipse_select_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_ellipse_select, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_free_select_bits, tool_free_select_mask_bits,
-    tool_free_select_width, tool_free_select_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_free_select, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_polygon_select_bits, tool_polygon_select_mask_bits,
-    tool_polygon_select_width, tool_polygon_select_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_polygon_select, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_fuzzy_select_bits, tool_fuzzy_select_mask_bits,
-    tool_fuzzy_select_width, tool_fuzzy_select_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_fuzzy_select, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_paths_bits, tool_paths_mask_bits,
-    tool_paths_width, tool_paths_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_paths, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_paths_anchor_bits, tool_paths_anchor_mask_bits,
-    tool_paths_anchor_width, tool_paths_anchor_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_paths_anchor, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_paths_control_bits, tool_paths_control_mask_bits,
-    tool_paths_control_width, tool_paths_control_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_paths_control, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_paths_segment_bits, tool_paths_segment_mask_bits,
-    tool_paths_segment_width, tool_paths_segment_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_paths_segment, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_iscissors_bits, tool_iscissors_mask_bits,
-    tool_iscissors_width, tool_iscissors_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_iscissors, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_move_bits, tool_move_mask_bits,
-    tool_move_width, tool_move_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_move, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_zoom_bits, tool_zoom_mask_bits,
-    tool_zoom_width, tool_zoom_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_zoom, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_crop_bits, tool_crop_mask_bits,
-    tool_crop_width, tool_crop_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_crop, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_resize_bits, tool_resize_mask_bits,
-    tool_resize_width, tool_resize_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_resize, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_rotate_bits, tool_rotate_mask_bits,
-    tool_rotate_width, tool_rotate_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_rotate, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_shear_bits, tool_shear_mask_bits,
-    tool_shear_width, tool_shear_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_shear, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_perspective_bits, tool_perspective_mask_bits,
-    tool_perspective_width, tool_perspective_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_perspective, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_flip_horizontal_bits, tool_flip_horizontal_mask_bits,
-    tool_flip_horizontal_width, tool_flip_horizontal_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_flip_horizontal, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_flip_vertical_bits, tool_flip_vertical_mask_bits,
-    tool_flip_vertical_width, tool_flip_vertical_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_flip_vertical, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_text_bits, tool_text_mask_bits,
-    tool_text_width, tool_text_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_text, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_color_picker_bits, tool_color_picker_mask_bits,
-    tool_color_picker_width, tool_color_picker_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_color_picker, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_bucket_fill_bits, tool_bucket_fill_mask_bits,
-    tool_bucket_fill_width, tool_bucket_fill_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_bucket_fill, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_blend_bits, tool_blend_mask_bits,
-    tool_blend_width, tool_blend_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_blend, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_pencil_bits, tool_pencil_mask_bits,
-    tool_pencil_width, tool_pencil_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_pencil, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_paintbrush_bits, tool_paintbrush_mask_bits,
-    tool_paintbrush_width, tool_paintbrush_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_paintbrush, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_airbrush_bits, tool_airbrush_mask_bits,
-    tool_airbrush_width, tool_airbrush_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_airbrush, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_ink_bits, tool_ink_mask_bits,
-    tool_ink_width, tool_ink_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_ink, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_clone_bits, tool_clone_mask_bits,
-    tool_clone_width, tool_clone_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_clone, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_heal_bits, tool_heal_mask_bits,
-    tool_heal_width, tool_heal_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_heal, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_eraser_bits, tool_eraser_mask_bits,
-    tool_eraser_width, tool_eraser_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_eraser, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_smudge_bits, tool_smudge_mask_bits,
-    tool_smudge_width, tool_smudge_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_smudge, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_blur_bits, tool_blur_mask_bits,
-    tool_blur_width, tool_blur_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_blur, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_dodge_bits, tool_dodge_mask_bits,
-    tool_dodge_width, tool_dodge_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_dodge, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_burn_bits, tool_burn_mask_bits,
-    tool_burn_width, tool_burn_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_burn, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_measure_bits, tool_measure_mask_bits,
-    tool_measure_width, tool_measure_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_measure, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    tool_hand_bits, tool_hand_mask_bits,
-    tool_hand_width, tool_hand_height,
-    0, 0,
-    tool_hand, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  }
+  { NULL },
+  { tool_rect_select, tool_rect_select_bw },
+  { tool_ellipse_select, tool_ellipse_select_bw },
+  { tool_free_select, tool_free_select_bw },
+  { tool_polygon_select, tool_polygon_select_bw },
+  { tool_fuzzy_select, tool_fuzzy_select_bw },
+  { tool_paths, tool_paths_bw },
+  { tool_paths_anchor, tool_paths_anchor_bw },
+  { tool_paths_control, tool_paths_control_bw },
+  { tool_paths_segment, tool_paths_segment_bw },
+  { tool_iscissors, tool_iscissors_bw },
+  { tool_move, tool_move_bw },
+  { tool_zoom, tool_zoom_bw },
+  { tool_crop, tool_crop_bw },
+  { tool_resize, tool_resize_bw },
+  { tool_rotate, tool_rotate_bw },
+  { tool_shear, tool_shear_bw },
+  { tool_perspective, tool_perspective_bw },
+  { tool_flip_horizontal, tool_flip_horizontal_bw },
+  { tool_flip_vertical, tool_flip_vertical_bw },
+  { tool_text, tool_text_bw },
+  { tool_color_picker, tool_color_picker_bw },
+  { tool_bucket_fill, tool_bucket_fill_bw },
+  { tool_blend, tool_blend_bw },
+  { tool_pencil, tool_pencil_bw },
+  { tool_paintbrush, tool_paintbrush_bw },
+  { tool_airbrush, tool_airbrush_bw },
+  { tool_ink, tool_ink_bw },
+  { tool_clone, tool_clone_bw },
+  { tool_heal, tool_heal_bw },
+  { tool_eraser, tool_eraser_bw },
+  { tool_smudge, tool_smudge_bw },
+  { tool_blur, tool_blur_bw },
+  { tool_dodge, tool_dodge_bw },
+  { tool_burn, tool_burn_bw },
+  { tool_measure, tool_measure_bw },
+  { tool_hand, tool_hand_bw }
 static GimpCursor gimp_cursor_modifiers[] =
   /* these have to match up with enum GimpCursorModifier in widgets-enums.h */
-  {
-    NULL, NULL,
-    0, 0,
-    0, 0,
-  },
-  {
-    modifier_bad_bits, modifier_bad_mask_bits,
-    modifier_bad_width, modifier_bad_height,
-    0, 0,
-    modifier_bad, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    modifier_plus_bits, modifier_plus_mask_bits,
-    modifier_plus_width, modifier_plus_height,
-    0, 0,
-    modifier_plus, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    modifier_minus_bits, modifier_minus_mask_bits,
-    modifier_minus_width, modifier_minus_height,
-    0, 0,
-    modifier_minus, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    modifier_intersect_bits, modifier_intersect_mask_bits,
-    modifier_intersect_width, modifier_intersect_height,
-    0, 0,
-    modifier_intersect, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    modifier_move_bits, modifier_move_mask_bits,
-    modifier_move_width, modifier_move_height,
-    0, 0,
-    modifier_move, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    modifier_resize_bits, modifier_resize_mask_bits,
-    modifier_resize_width, modifier_resize_height,
-    0, 0,
-    modifier_resize, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    modifier_control_bits, modifier_control_mask_bits,
-    modifier_control_width, modifier_control_height,
-    0, 0,
-    modifier_control, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    modifier_anchor_bits, modifier_anchor_mask_bits,
-    modifier_anchor_width, modifier_anchor_height,
-    0, 0,
-    modifier_anchor, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    modifier_foreground_bits, modifier_foreground_mask_bits,
-    modifier_foreground_width, modifier_foreground_height,
-    0, 0,
-    modifier_foreground, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    modifier_background_bits, modifier_background_mask_bits,
-    modifier_background_width, modifier_background_height,
-    0, 0,
-    modifier_background, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    modifier_pattern_bits, modifier_pattern_mask_bits,
-    modifier_pattern_width, modifier_pattern_height,
-    0, 0,
-    modifier_pattern, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    modifier_join_bits, modifier_join_mask_bits,
-    modifier_join_width, modifier_join_height,
-    0, 0,
-    modifier_join, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  },
-  {
-    modifier_select_bits, modifier_select_mask_bits,
-    modifier_select_width, modifier_select_height,
-    0, 0,
-    modifier_select, NULL, NULL, NULL
-  }
+  { NULL },
+  { modifier_bad, modifier_bad },
+  { modifier_plus, modifier_plus },
+  { modifier_minus, modifier_minus },
+  { modifier_intersect, modifier_intersect },
+  { modifier_move, modifier_move },
+  { modifier_resize, modifier_resize },
+  { modifier_control, modifier_control },
+  { modifier_anchor, modifier_anchor },
+  { modifier_foreground, modifier_foreground },
+  { modifier_background, modifier_background },
+  { modifier_pattern, modifier_pattern },
+  { modifier_join, modifier_join },
+  { modifier_select, modifier_select }
-static GdkBitmap *
-get_cursor_bitmap (GimpCursor *cursor)
+static const GdkPixbuf *
+get_cursor_pixbuf (GimpCursor *cursor,
+                   gboolean    bw)
-  if (! cursor->bitmap)
-    cursor->bitmap = gdk_bitmap_create_from_data (NULL,
-                                                  (const gchar *) cursor->bits,
-                                                  cursor->width,
-                                                  cursor->height);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (cursor->bitmap != NULL, NULL);
-  return cursor->bitmap;
+  GdkPixbuf **pixbuf;
-static GdkBitmap *
-get_cursor_mask (GimpCursor *cursor)
-  if (! cursor->mask)
-    cursor->mask = gdk_bitmap_create_from_data (NULL,
-                                                (const gchar *) cursor->mask_bits,
-                                                cursor->width,
-                                                cursor->height);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (cursor->mask != NULL, NULL);
-  return cursor->mask;
+  if (bw)
+    pixbuf = &cursor->pixbuf_bw;
+  else
+    pixbuf = &cursor->pixbuf;
-static const GdkPixbuf *
-get_cursor_pixbuf (GimpCursor *cursor)
-  if (! cursor->pixbuf)
-    cursor->pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_inline (-1, cursor->pixbuf_data,
-                                                 FALSE, NULL);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (cursor->pixbuf != NULL, NULL);
+  if (! *pixbuf)
+    *pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_inline (-1,
+                                          bw ?
+                                          cursor->pixbuf_data_bw :
+                                          cursor->pixbuf_data,
+                                          FALSE, NULL);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (*pixbuf != NULL, NULL);
-  return cursor->pixbuf;
+  return *pixbuf;
 GdkCursor *
@@ -641,12 +251,12 @@ gimp_cursor_new (GdkDisplay         *display,
                  GimpToolCursorType  tool_cursor,
                  GimpCursorModifier  modifier)
-  GdkCursor  *cursor;
-  gint        width;
-  gint        height;
   GimpCursor *bmcursor   = NULL;
   GimpCursor *bmmodifier = NULL;
   GimpCursor *bmtool     = NULL;
+  GdkCursor  *cursor;
+  GdkPixbuf  *pixbuf;
+  gboolean    bw;
   g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_DISPLAY (display), NULL);
   g_return_val_if_fail (cursor_type < GIMP_CURSOR_LAST, NULL);
@@ -708,93 +318,37 @@ gimp_cursor_new (GdkDisplay         *display,
       gdk_display_supports_cursor_alpha (display) &&
       gdk_display_supports_cursor_color (display))
-      GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
+      bw = FALSE;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      bw = TRUE;
+    }
-      pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_copy (get_cursor_pixbuf (bmcursor));
+  pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_copy (get_cursor_pixbuf (bmcursor, bw));
-      width  = gdk_pixbuf_get_width  (pixbuf);
-      height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf);
+  if (bmmodifier || bmtool)
+    {
+      gint width  = gdk_pixbuf_get_width  (pixbuf);
+      gint height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf);
       if (bmmodifier)
-        gdk_pixbuf_composite (get_cursor_pixbuf (bmmodifier), pixbuf,
+        gdk_pixbuf_composite (get_cursor_pixbuf (bmmodifier, bw), pixbuf,
                               0, 0, width, height,
                               0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0,
-                              GDK_INTERP_NEAREST, 200);
+                              GDK_INTERP_NEAREST, bw ? 255 : 200);
       if (bmtool)
-        gdk_pixbuf_composite (get_cursor_pixbuf (bmtool), pixbuf,
+        gdk_pixbuf_composite (get_cursor_pixbuf (bmtool, bw), pixbuf,
                               0, 0, width, height,
                               0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0,
-                              GDK_INTERP_NEAREST, 200);
-      cursor = gdk_cursor_new_from_pixbuf (display, pixbuf,
-                                           bmcursor->x_hot,
-                                           bmcursor->y_hot);
-      g_object_unref (pixbuf);
+                              GDK_INTERP_NEAREST, bw ? 255 : 200);
-  else
-    {
-      GdkBitmap       *bitmap;
-      GdkBitmap       *mask;
-      static GdkGC    *gc = NULL;
-      static GdkColor  fg, bg;
-      if (! gc)
-        {
-          GdkColor color;
-          gc = gdk_gc_new (get_cursor_bitmap (bmcursor));
-          color.pixel = 1;
-          gdk_gc_set_foreground (gc, &color);
-          /* should have a way to configure the mouse colors */
-          gdk_color_parse ("#FFFFFF", &bg);
-          gdk_color_parse ("#000000", &fg);
-        }
-      gdk_drawable_get_size (get_cursor_bitmap (bmcursor), &width, &height);
-      bitmap = gdk_pixmap_new (NULL, width, height, 1);
-      mask   = gdk_pixmap_new (NULL, width, height, 1);
-      gdk_draw_drawable (bitmap, gc, get_cursor_bitmap (bmcursor),
-                         0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);
-      gdk_draw_drawable (mask, gc, get_cursor_mask (bmcursor),
-                         0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);
-      if (bmmodifier)
-        {
-          gdk_gc_set_clip_mask (gc, get_cursor_bitmap (bmmodifier));
-          gdk_draw_drawable (bitmap, gc, get_cursor_bitmap (bmmodifier),
-                             0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);
-          gdk_gc_set_clip_mask (gc, get_cursor_mask (bmmodifier));
-          gdk_draw_drawable (mask, gc, get_cursor_mask (bmmodifier),
-                             0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);
-        }
-      if (bmtool)
-        {
-          gdk_gc_set_clip_mask (gc, get_cursor_bitmap (bmtool));
-          gdk_draw_drawable (bitmap, gc, get_cursor_bitmap (bmtool),
-                             0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);
-          gdk_gc_set_clip_mask (gc, get_cursor_mask (bmtool));
-          gdk_draw_drawable (mask, gc, get_cursor_mask (bmtool),
-                             0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);
-        }
-      if (bmmodifier || bmtool)
-        gdk_gc_set_clip_mask (gc, NULL);
-      cursor = gdk_cursor_new_from_pixmap (bitmap, mask,
-                                           &fg, &bg,
-                                           bmcursor->x_hot,
-                                           bmcursor->y_hot);
-      g_object_unref (bitmap);
-      g_object_unref (mask);
-    }
+  cursor = gdk_cursor_new_from_pixbuf (display, pixbuf,
+                                       bmcursor->x_hot,
+                                       bmcursor->y_hot);
+  g_object_unref (pixbuf);
   return cursor;
diff --git a/cursors/Makefile.am b/cursors/Makefile.am
index 609380f..5970a15 100644
--- a/cursors/Makefile.am
+++ b/cursors/Makefile.am
@@ -1,211 +1,130 @@
 ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
-	cursor-bad.png			\
-	cursor-color-picker.png		\
-	cursor-corner-top-left.png	\
-	cursor-corner-top-right.png	\
-	cursor-corner-bottom-left.png	\
-	cursor-corner-bottom-right.png	\
-	cursor-crosshair.png		\
-	cursor-crosshair-small.png	\
-	cursor-mouse.png		\
-	cursor-move.png			\
-	cursor-none.png			\
-	cursor-side-top.png		\
-	cursor-side-left.png		\
-	cursor-side-right.png		\
-	cursor-side-bottom.png		\
-	cursor-zoom.png			\
+	cursor-bad.png				\
+	cursor-bad-bw.png			\
+	cursor-color-picker.png			\
+	cursor-color-picker-bw.png		\
+	cursor-corner-bottom-left.png		\
+	cursor-corner-bottom-left-bw.png	\
+	cursor-corner-bottom-right.png		\
+	cursor-corner-bottom-right-bw.png	\
+	cursor-corner-top-left.png		\
+	cursor-corner-top-left-bw.png		\
+	cursor-corner-top-right.png		\
+	cursor-corner-top-right-bw.png		\
+	cursor-crosshair.png			\
+	cursor-crosshair-bw.png			\
+	cursor-crosshair-small.png		\
+	cursor-crosshair-small-bw.png		\
+	cursor-mouse.png			\
+	cursor-mouse-bw.png			\
+	cursor-move.png				\
+	cursor-move-bw.png			\
+	cursor-none.png				\
+	cursor-none-bw.png			\
+	cursor-side-bottom.png			\
+	cursor-side-bottom-bw.png		\
+	cursor-side-left.png			\
+	cursor-side-left-bw.png			\
+	cursor-side-right.png			\
+	cursor-side-right-bw.png		\
+	cursor-side-top.png			\
+	cursor-side-top-bw.png			\
+	cursor-zoom.png				\
+	cursor-zoom-bw.png			\
-	modifier-anchor.png		\
-	modifier-bad.png		\
-	modifier-background.png		\
-	modifier-control.png		\
-	modifier-foreground.png		\
-	modifier-intersect.png		\
-	modifier-join.png		\
-	modifier-minus.png		\
-	modifier-move.png		\
-	modifier-pattern.png		\
-	modifier-plus.png		\
-	modifier-resize.png		\
-	modifier-select.png		\
+	modifier-anchor.png			\
+	modifier-bad.png			\
+	modifier-background.png			\
+	modifier-control.png			\
+	modifier-foreground.png			\
+	modifier-intersect.png			\
+	modifier-join.png			\
+	modifier-minus.png			\
+	modifier-move.png			\
+	modifier-pattern.png			\
+	modifier-plus.png			\
+	modifier-resize.png			\
+	modifier-select.png			\
-	tool-airbrush.png		\
-	tool-blend.png			\
-	tool-blur.png			\
-	tool-bucket-fill.png		\
-	tool-burn.png			\
-	tool-clone.png			\
-	tool-color-picker.png		\
-	tool-crop.png			\
-	tool-dodge.png			\
-	tool-ellipse-select.png		\
-	tool-eraser.png			\
-	tool-flip-horizontal.png	\
-	tool-flip-vertical.png		\
-	tool-free-select.png		\
-	tool-fuzzy-select.png		\
-	tool-hand.png			\
-	tool-heal.png			\
-	tool-ink.png			\
-	tool-iscissors.png		\
-	tool-measure.png		\
-	tool-move.png			\
-	tool-paintbrush.png		\
-	tool-paths.png			\
-	tool-paths-anchor.png		\
-	tool-paths-control.png		\
-	tool-paths-segment.png		\
-	tool-pencil.png			\
-	tool-perspective.png		\
-	tool-polygon-select.png		\
-	tool-rect-select.png		\
-	tool-resize.png			\
-	tool-rotate.png			\
-	tool-shear.png			\
-	tool-smudge.png			\
-	tool-text.png			\
-	tool-zoom.png
+	tool-airbrush.png			\
+	tool-airbrush-bw.png			\
+	tool-blend.png				\
+	tool-blend-bw.png			\
+	tool-blur.png				\
+	tool-blur-bw.png			\
+	tool-bucket-fill.png			\
+	tool-bucket-fill-bw.png			\
+	tool-burn.png				\
+	tool-burn-bw.png			\
+	tool-clone.png				\
+	tool-clone-bw.png			\
+	tool-color-picker.png			\
+	tool-color-picker-bw.png		\
+	tool-crop.png				\
+	tool-crop-bw.png			\
+	tool-dodge.png				\
+	tool-dodge-bw.png			\
+	tool-ellipse-select.png			\
+	tool-ellipse-select-bw.png		\
+	tool-eraser.png				\
+	tool-eraser-bw.png			\
+	tool-flip-horizontal.png		\
+	tool-flip-horizontal-bw.png		\
+	tool-flip-vertical.png			\
+	tool-flip-vertical-bw.png		\
+	tool-free-select.png			\
+	tool-free-select-bw.png			\
+	tool-fuzzy-select.png			\
+	tool-fuzzy-select-bw.png		\
+	tool-hand.png				\
+	tool-hand-bw.png			\
+	tool-heal.png				\
+	tool-heal-bw.png			\
+	tool-ink.png				\
+	tool-ink-bw.png				\
+	tool-iscissors.png			\
+	tool-iscissors-bw.png			\
+	tool-measure.png			\
+	tool-measure-bw.png			\
+	tool-move.png				\
+	tool-move-bw.png			\
+	tool-paintbrush.png			\
+	tool-paintbrush-bw.png			\
+	tool-paths.png				\
+	tool-paths-bw.png			\
+	tool-paths-anchor.png			\
+	tool-paths-anchor-bw.png		\
+	tool-paths-control.png			\
+	tool-paths-control-bw.png		\
+	tool-paths-segment.png			\
+	tool-paths-segment-bw.png		\
+	tool-pencil.png				\
+	tool-pencil-bw.png			\
+	tool-perspective.png			\
+	tool-perspective-bw.png			\
+	tool-polygon-select.png			\
+	tool-polygon-select-bw.png		\
+	tool-rect-select.png			\
+	tool-rect-select-bw.png			\
+	tool-resize.png				\
+	tool-resize-bw.png			\
+	tool-rotate.png				\
+	tool-rotate-bw.png			\
+	tool-shear.png				\
+	tool-shear-bw.png			\
+	tool-smudge.png				\
+	tool-smudge-bw.png			\
+	tool-text.png				\
+	tool-text-bw.png			\
+	tool-zoom.png				\
+	tool-zoom-bw.png
 	gimp-tool-cursors.xcf			\
-	\
-	makefile.msc				\
-	\
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-	xbm/cursor-mouse.xbm			\
-	xbm/cursor-mouse-mask.xbm		\
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-	xbm/cursor-move-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/cursor-crosshair.xbm		\
-	xbm/cursor-crosshair-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/cursor-crosshair-small.xbm		\
-	xbm/cursor-crosshair-small-mask.xbm	\
-	xbm/cursor-bad.xbm			\
-	xbm/cursor-bad-mask.xbm			\
-	xbm/cursor-zoom.xbm			\
-	xbm/cursor-zoom-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/cursor-color-picker.xbm		\
-	xbm/cursor-color-picker-mask.xbm	\
-	xbm/cursor-corner-top-left.xbm		\
-	xbm/cursor-corner-top-left-mask.xbm	\
-	xbm/cursor-corner-top-right.xbm		\
-	xbm/cursor-corner-top-right-mask.xbm	\
-	xbm/cursor-corner-bottom-left.xbm	\
-	xbm/cursor-corner-bottom-left-mask.xbm	\
-	xbm/cursor-corner-bottom-right.xbm	\
-	xbm/cursor-corner-bottom-right-mask.xbm	\
-	xbm/cursor-side-top.xbm			\
-	xbm/cursor-side-top-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/cursor-side-left.xbm		\
-	xbm/cursor-side-left-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/cursor-side-right.xbm		\
-	xbm/cursor-side-right-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/cursor-side-bottom.xbm		\
-	xbm/cursor-side-bottom-mask.xbm		\
-	\
-	xbm/modifier-bad.xbm			\
-	xbm/modifier-bad-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/modifier-plus.xbm			\
-	xbm/modifier-plus-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/modifier-minus.xbm			\
-	xbm/modifier-minus-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/modifier-intersect.xbm		\
-	xbm/modifier-intersect-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/modifier-move.xbm			\
-	xbm/modifier-move-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/modifier-resize.xbm			\
-	xbm/modifier-resize-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/modifier-control.xbm		\
-	xbm/modifier-control-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/modifier-anchor.xbm			\
-	xbm/modifier-anchor-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/modifier-foreground.xbm		\
-	xbm/modifier-foreground-mask.xbm	\
-	xbm/modifier-background.xbm		\
-	xbm/modifier-background-mask.xbm	\
-	xbm/modifier-pattern.xbm		\
-	xbm/modifier-pattern-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/modifier-join.xbm			\
-	xbm/modifier-join-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/modifier-select.xbm			\
-	xbm/modifier-select-mask.xbm		\
-	\
-	xbm/tool-rect-select.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-rect-select-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-ellipse-select.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-ellipse-select-mask.xbm	\
-	xbm/tool-free-select.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-free-select-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-polygon-select.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-polygon-select-mask.xbm	\
-	xbm/tool-fuzzy-select.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-fuzzy-select-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-paths-anchor.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-paths-anchor-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-paths-control.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-paths-control-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-paths-segment.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-paths-segment-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-paths.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-paths-mask.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-iscissors.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-iscissors-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-move.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-move-mask.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-zoom.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-zoom-mask.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-crop.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-crop-mask.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-resize.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-resize-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-rotate.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-rotate-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-shear.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-shear-mask.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-perspective.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-perspective-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-flip-horizontal.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-flip-horizontal-mask.xbm	\
-	xbm/tool-flip-vertical.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-flip-vertical-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-text.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-text-mask.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-color-picker.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-color-picker-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-bucket-fill.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-bucket-fill-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-blend.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-blend-mask.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-pencil.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-pencil-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-paintbrush.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-paintbrush-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-eraser.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-eraser-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-airbrush.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-airbrush-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-clone.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-clone-mask.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-blur.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-blur-mask.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-ink.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-ink-mask.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-dodge.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-dodge-mask.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-burn.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-burn-mask.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-smudge.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-smudge-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-measure.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-measure-mask.xbm		\
-	xbm/tool-hand.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-hand-mask.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-heal.xbm			\
-	xbm/tool-heal-mask.xbm
+	makefile.msc
 noinst_DATA = gimp-tool-cursors.h
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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index 0000000..f0468b4
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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index 0000000..3ab00b2
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new file mode 100644
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index 0000000..1f581f4
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eff908d
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..160b414
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afa955c
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99e0011
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d8c24d
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23aaa4b
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76edbbf
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..681234e
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15314fe
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index 0000000..35a8d17
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d24690
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec1a819
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cd486c
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4557f5a
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e69035
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87d99d7
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f1de52
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d03adf8
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f634e6f
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8f7f07
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fde4a14
Binary files /dev/null and b/cursors/tool-pencil-bw.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c33974
Binary files /dev/null and b/cursors/tool-perspective-bw.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e4d4ef
Binary files /dev/null and b/cursors/tool-polygon-select-bw.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45547f5
Binary files /dev/null and b/cursors/tool-rect-select-bw.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d5892f
Binary files /dev/null and b/cursors/tool-resize-bw.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d62dcb6
Binary files /dev/null and b/cursors/tool-rotate-bw.png differ
diff --git a/cursors/tool-shear-bw.png b/cursors/tool-shear-bw.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88d2514
Binary files /dev/null and b/cursors/tool-shear-bw.png differ
diff --git a/cursors/tool-smudge-bw.png b/cursors/tool-smudge-bw.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cf220b
Binary files /dev/null and b/cursors/tool-smudge-bw.png differ
diff --git a/cursors/tool-text-bw.png b/cursors/tool-text-bw.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83a9560
Binary files /dev/null and b/cursors/tool-text-bw.png differ
diff --git a/cursors/tool-zoom-bw.png b/cursors/tool-zoom-bw.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46281d8
Binary files /dev/null and b/cursors/tool-zoom-bw.png differ

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