[planet-web] [pgo] Update design information

commit 2a17bc747dc22c4130b08c749de4b38a1f44fd7f
Author: Alberto Ruiz <aruiz gnome org>
Date:   Wed Apr 6 00:56:09 2011 +0100

    [pgo] Update design information

 themes/gnome/index-3.0.html.tmpl |    4 ++--
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/themes/gnome/index-3.0.html.tmpl b/themes/gnome/index-3.0.html.tmpl
index a001e86..f5fac96 100644
--- a/themes/gnome/index-3.0.html.tmpl
+++ b/themes/gnome/index-3.0.html.tmpl
@@ -211,9 +211,9 @@
 <h3><TMPL_VAR title ESCAPE="HTML"></h3>
 <p><b><TMPL_VAR title ESCAPE="HTML"> is a window into the world, work and lives of GNOME <a href="http://planet.gnome.org/heads/";>hackers and contributors</a>.</b></p>
-<p>Brought to you by the <a href="http://www.planetplanet.org/";>Planet</a> aggregator, cron, <a href="http://www.python.org/";>Python</a>, <a href="http://www.redhat.com/";>Red Hat</a> (who kindly host the GNOME servers). Design by <a href="http://bethesignal.org/";>Jeff Waugh</a>, inspired by earlier work from <a href="http://www.actsofvolition.com/";>Steven Garrity</a>, <a href="http://www.gnome.org/~seth/";>Seth Nickell</a> and <a href="http://www.isity.net/";>Diana Fong</a>.</p>
+<p>Brought to you by the <a href="http://www.planetplanet.org/";>Planet</a> aggregator, cron, <a href="http://www.python.org/";>Python</a>, <a href="http://www.redhat.com/";>Red Hat</a> (who kindly host the GNOME servers). Design by <a href="http://vinicius.depizzol.com.br/blog/";>Vinicius Depizzol</a> and <a href="http://aruiz.typepad.com";>Alberto Ruiz</a>, inspired by earlier work from <a href="http://bethesignal.org/";>Jeff Waugh</a>, <a href="http://www.actsofvolition.com/";>Steven Garrity</a>, <a href="http://www.gnome.org/~seth/";>Seth Nickell</a> and <a href="http://www.isity.net/";>Diana Fong</a>.</p>
-<p><TMPL_VAR title ESCAPE="HTML"> is edited by Alberto Ruiz, Vincent Untz and Jeff Waugh. Please <a href="mailto:lucasr gnome org,vuntz gnome org,jdub gnome org?Subject=planet gnome org">mail them</a> if you have a question. If you would like your blog added to the feed, please <a href="https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=website;component=planet.gnome.org";>file a bug</a>. Make sure to read the <a href="http://live.gnome.org/PlanetGnome";><TMPL_VAR title ESCAPE="HTML"> guidelines</a> first, as it should cover most questions and as it contains detailed instructions for a blog addition.</p>
+<p><TMPL_VAR title ESCAPE="HTML"> is edited by Alberto Ruiz, Vincent Untz and Jeff Waugh. Please <a href="mailto:aruiz gnome org,vuntz gnome org,jdub gnome org?Subject=planet gnome org">mail them</a> if you have a question. If you would like your blog added to the feed, please <a href="https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=website;component=planet.gnome.org";>file a bug</a>. Make sure to read the <a href="http://live.gnome.org/PlanetGnome";><TMPL_VAR title ESCAPE="HTML"> guidelines</a> first, as it should cover most questions and as it contains detailed instructions for a blog addition.</p>
 <p>Updated on <TMPL_VAR date> UTC. Entries are normalised to UTC time.</p>

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