[gtk-web] Updated debugging for index-fails.php and don't include class from filename but directly

commit 17d38fbdbd3b780cc06063748279a6d63e8fa4c3
Author: Martyn Russell <martyn lanedo com>
Date:   Thu Jun 2 12:22:26 2011 +0100

    Updated debugging for index-fails.php and don't include class from filename but directly

 index-fails.php |  158 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 155 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/index-fails.php b/index-fails.php
index c1e3bb9..6edeabf 100755
--- a/index-fails.php
+++ b/index-fails.php
@@ -1,14 +1,166 @@
 $nav = "about";
-include 'libs/gtknewsfeedloader.class.php';
+ * Made specifically for gtk.org
+ * By Devin Samarin <eboyjr14 gmail com>
+ ***************************************/
+echo '<!-- test 0a -->';
+define("TWITTER", 1);
+define("IDENTICA", 2);
+class GTKNewsFeedLoader {
+	public $protocol = TWITTER; // The protocol used to get the feed. Supports TWITTER or IDENTICA, and set in the constructor
+	public $usecaching = true;
+	public $iscached;
+	public $cachetime = 3600; // 1 hour
+	public $cachefile;
+	public $count;
+	public $userid = array(
+		IDENTICA => 135193,
+		TWITTER => 116482352
+	);
+	private $url;
+	function __construct($protocol) {
+		$this->protocol = $protocol;
+		// I'm glad StatusNet has a Twitter-compatible API
+		if( $this->protocol == TWITTER ) {
+			$this->url = "http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json";;
+		} elseif ( $this->protocol == IDENTICA ) {
+			$this->url = "http://identi.ca/api/statuses/user_timeline.json";;
+		} else {
+			print "Protocol not supported.";
+		}
+	}
+	// Returns an aray of items in the news feed e.g.
+	// array(
+	//     array(
+	//         "text" => "This is the text of the news item http://example.com via @eboyjr",
+	//         "html" => "This is the html of the news item <a href='http://example.com'>http://example.com</a> via @<a href='http://twitter.com/eboyjr'>eboyjr</a>",
+	//         "date" => 364229432 // This is the timestamp of when it was published
+	//     )
+	// )
+	public function load( $options ) {
+		$this->cachefile = dirname(__FILE__).'/newsfeed.cache.txt';
+		$this->count = $options['count'];
+		$options['count'] *= 2;
+		$options['user_id'] = $this->userid[$this->protocol];
+		$options['include_rts'] = true;
+		// If the cache file is used, the options aren't set right away,
+		// so delete the cache file for changes to appear.
+		if( isset($_GET['nocache']) ) $this->usecaching = true;
+		$this->iscached = false;
+		if( $this->usecaching ) {
+			if( file_exists($this->cachefile) ) {
+				if( (time() - filemtime($this->cachefile)) < $this->cachetime ) {
+					$list = unserialize(file_get_contents($this->cachefile));
+					$this->iscached = true;
+					return $list;
+				}
+			} else {
+				fclose(fopen($this->cachefile, 'a', true));
+			}
+		}
+		$options['trim_user'] = true;
+		$items = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->url."?".http_build_query($options)), true);
+		$list = array();
+		foreach( $items as $item ) {
+			// We don't want replies in our news feed
+			if( $item['in_reply_to_user_id'] != null ) continue;
+			$list[] = array(
+				'text' => $item['text'],
+				'html' => $this->htmlify($item),
+				'date' => $this->getdate($item)
+			);
+			if( --$this->count <= 0 ) break;
+		}
+		if( $this->usecaching )
+			file_put_contents($this->cachefile, serialize($list));
+		return $list;
+	}
+	private function htmlify(&$item) {
+		$find = array(
+			'@((s?ftp|https?)://([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(/([-\w/_\.+]*(\?\S+)?)?)?)@', // Generate hyperlinks
+			'/^RT /',   // This is just here
+			//'/ (!|#)/', // to make the feed
+			'/ gtk$/',  // more readable.
+			'/@([A-Za-z0-9_]+)/' // Link to users
+		);
+		$replace = array(
+			'<a href="$1">$1</a>',
+			'Post by ',
+			//' ',
+			''
+		);
+		// It looks like whoever is posting stuff to identica mentions users that
+		// only have a Twitter account
+		//if( $this->protocol == TWITTER )
+			$replace[] = '<a href="http://twitter.com/$1";>$1</a>';
+		//elseif( $this->protocol == IDENTICA )
+		//	$replace[] = '<a href="http://identi.ca/$1";>$1</a>';
+		return preg_replace($find, $replace, htmlentities($item['text'], NULL, 'utf-8'));
+	}
+	private function getdate(&$item) {
+		return strtotime($item['created_at']);
+	}
+	// Accepts $time (timestamp) and $now (timestamp) and returns a string saying when it was e.g. about 5 minutes ago
+	public function reltime($time, $now = false) {
+		$time = (int) $time;
+		$curr = $now ? $now : time();
+		$shift = $curr - $time;
+		if ($shift < 45):
+			$diff = $shift;
+			$term = "second";
+		elseif ($shift < 2700):
+			$diff = round($shift / 60);
+			$term = "minute";
+		elseif ($shift < 64800):
+			$diff = round($shift / 60 / 60);
+			$term = "hour";
+		else:
+			$diff = round($shift / 60 / 60 / 24);
+			$term = "day";
+		endif;
+		if ($diff != 1) $term .= "s";
+		return "about $diff $term ago";
+	}
+echo '<!-- test 0b -->';
+echo '<!-- test 0c -->';
 <div class="sidebar" id="NewsFeed">
 	<h2>News Feed</h2>
-<!-- test 0 -->
-	<ul class="newsfeed"><?php
+	<ul class="newsfeed">
 echo '<!-- test 1 -->';
 $newsfeed = new GTKNewsFeedLoader(IDENTICA);
 echo '<!-- test 2 -->';

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