[gnome-color-manager] Add gcm_profile_generate_gamut_hull() to generate a 3D gamut hull of any 3 color profile
- From: Richard Hughes <rhughes src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnome-color-manager] Add gcm_profile_generate_gamut_hull() to generate a 3D gamut hull of any 3 color profile
- Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2011 18:25:58 +0000 (UTC)
commit bfd8017c356f4cc75cb19b67e69ff50f54f07afc
Author: Richard Hughes <richard hughsie com>
Date: Sat Mar 26 18:21:58 2011 +0000
Add gcm_profile_generate_gamut_hull() to generate a 3D gamut hull of any 3 color profile
The original code was taken from icc_examin copyright 2004-2009 Kai-Uwe Behrmann <ku b gmx de>,
although quite modified from how it was found. icc_examin is also GPLv2+ licenced.
src/gcm-profile.c | 428 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/gcm-profile.h | 3 +
src/gcm-self-test.c | 21 +++
3 files changed, 452 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/gcm-profile.c b/src/gcm-profile.c
index 1e3edb2..6bfd8dc 100644
--- a/src/gcm-profile.c
+++ b/src/gcm-profile.c
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#include "gcm-profile.h"
#include "gcm-color.h"
+#include "gcm-hull.h"
static void gcm_profile_finalize (GObject *object);
@@ -99,6 +100,8 @@ enum {
G_DEFINE_TYPE (GcmProfile, gcm_profile, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
+#define HYP(a,b) (sqrt((a)*(a) + (b)*(b)))
static void gcm_profile_file_monitor_changed_cb (GFileMonitor *monitor, GFile *file, GFile *other_file, GFileMonitorEvent event_type, GcmProfile *profile);
@@ -1472,6 +1475,431 @@ out:
+ * gcm_profile_create_lab_cube:
+ *
+ * The original code was taken from icc_examin,
+ * Copyright 2004-2009 Kai-Uwe Behrmann <ku b gmx de>
+ **/
+static gdouble *
+gcm_profile_create_lab_cube (guint res)
+ gdouble *lab = NULL;
+ gdouble max = 0.99;
+ gdouble min = 0.01;
+ gint area;
+ gint channels_n = 3;
+ gint pos;
+ gsize size;
+ guint x, y;
+ size = 4 * res * (res+1) + 2 * (res-1) * (res-1);
+ lab = g_new0 (gdouble, size * channels_n);
+ if (lab == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ g_debug ("created 2*%ix%i array", (guint)size, (guint)channels_n);
+ /* side squares */
+ for (y = 0; y <= res; ++y) {
+ for (x = 0; x < 4 * res; ++x) {
+ area = 0;
+ pos = (y * 4 * res + x) * channels_n;
+ lab[pos + 0] = pow(0.9999 - (gdouble)y / (gdouble)res, 2.0) + 0.0001;
+ if (area * res <= x && x < ++area * res) {
+ lab[pos + 1] = min + (x - (area - 1) * res) / (gdouble)res * (max-min);
+ lab[pos + 2] = min;
+ } else if (area * res <= x && x < ++area * res) {
+ lab[pos + 1] = max;
+ lab[pos + 2] = min + (x - (area - 1) * res) / (gdouble)res * (max-min);
+ } else if (area * res <= x && x < ++area * res) {
+ lab[pos + 1] = max - (x - (area - 1) * res) / (gdouble)res * (max-min);
+ lab[pos + 2] = max;
+ } else if (area * res <= x && x < ++area * res) {
+ lab[pos + 1] = min;
+ lab[pos + 2] = max - (x - (area - 1) * res) / (double)res * (max-min);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* bottom and top square */
+ for (y = 0; y < (res - 1); ++y) {
+ for (x = 0; x < 2 * (res - 1); ++x) {
+ gint x_pos;
+ gint y_pos;
+ gdouble val;
+ pos = (4 * res * (res + 1) + y * 2 * (res - 1) + x) * channels_n;
+ area = 1;
+ x_pos = x + 1;
+ y_pos = y + 1;
+ val = (gdouble)y_pos/(gdouble)res * (max-min);
+ if (/*0 <= x &&*/ x < res - 1) {
+ lab[pos + 0] = 1.0;
+ lab[pos + 1] = min + (x_pos - (area - 1) * (res - 1)) / (gdouble)res * (max-min);
+ lab[pos + 2] = min + val;
+ } else if (res - 1 <= x && x < 2 * res - 2) {
+ ++area;
+ lab[pos + 1] = min + (x_pos - (area - 1) * (res - 1)) / (gdouble)res * (max-min);
+ lab[pos + 2] = min + val;
+ lab[pos + 0] = HYP (lab[pos + 1] - 0.5, lab[pos + 2] - 0.5)/100.; /* 0.0 */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return lab;
+ * gcm_profile_create_hull_for_data:
+ *
+ * The original code was taken from icc_examin,
+ * Copyright 2004-2009 Kai-Uwe Behrmann <ku b gmx de>
+ **/
+static GcmHull *
+gcm_profile_create_hull_for_data (guint res, gdouble *lab, gdouble *rgb)
+ GcmColorRGB color;
+ GcmColorXYZ xyz;
+ GcmHull *hull = NULL;
+ gint channels_n = 3;
+ gint off;
+ gsize i;
+ gsize size;
+ guint face[3];
+ guint x, y;
+ size = 4 * res * (res+1) + 2 * (res-1) * (res-1);
+ hull = gcm_hull_new ();
+ /* collect colour points */
+ for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ xyz.X = lab[i*channels_n+0];
+ xyz.Y = lab[i*channels_n+1];
+ xyz.Z = lab[i*channels_n+2];
+ color.R = rgb[i*channels_n+0];
+ color.G = rgb[i*channels_n+1];
+ color.B = rgb[i*channels_n+2];
+ gcm_hull_add_vertex (hull, &xyz, &color);
+ }
+ for (y = 0; y < res; ++y) {
+ for (x = 0; x < 4 * res; ++x) {
+ gint x_ = x;
+ if (x == 4 * res - 1)
+ x_ = -1;
+ face[0] = y * 4*res+x;
+ face[1] = y * 4*res+x_+1;
+ face[2] = (y+1)*4*res+x;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ face[0] = y * 4*res+x_+1;
+ face[1] = (y+1)*4*res+x_+1;
+ face[2] = (y+1)*4*res+x;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ }
+ }
+ off = 4 * res * (res + 1);
+ /* 1 0 0 (L res b) */
+ face[0] = 4*res-1;
+ face[1] = off;
+ face[2] = 0;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ face[0] = off;
+ face[2] = 0;
+ face[1] = 1;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ /* 0 0 0 */
+ face[1] = off-1;
+ face[0] = off+res-1;
+ face[2] = off-4*res;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ face[1] = off+res-1;
+ face[2] = off-4*res;
+ face[0] = off - 4*res+1;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ /* 0 0 1 */
+ face[2] = off-res;
+ face[1] = off-res-1;
+ face[0] = off+2*(res-1)*(res-1)-res+1;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ face[0] = off-res;
+ face[1] = off-res+1;
+ face[2] = off+2*(res-1)*(res-1)-res+1;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ /* 0 1 1 */
+ face[0] = off-2*res+1;
+ face[2] = off-2*res;
+ face[1] = off+2*(res-1)*(res-1)-1;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ face[1] = off-2*res;
+ face[2] = off+2*(res-1)*(res-1)-1;
+ face[0] = off-2*res-1;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ /* 1 1 1 */
+ face[0] = 2*res-1;
+ face[2] = 2*res;
+ face[1] = off+2*(res-1)*(res-1)-res;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ face[1] = 2*res;
+ face[2] = off+2*(res-1)*(res-1)-res;
+ face[0] = 2*res+1;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ /* 1 0 1 */
+ face[2] = 3*res;
+ face[0] = 3*res-1;
+ face[1] = off+2*(res-1)*(res-1)-2*res+2;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ face[2] = 3*res;
+ face[1] = 3*res+1;
+ face[0] = off+2*(res-1)*(res-1)-2*res+2;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ /* 1 1 0 */
+ face[0] = off+res-2;
+ face[1] = res + 1;
+ face[2] = res - 1;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ face[0] = res + 1;
+ face[2] = res - 1;
+ face[1] = res;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ /* 0 1 0 */
+ face[0] = off+2*(res-1)-1;
+ face[1] = off-3*res-1;
+ face[2] = off-3*res;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ face[1] = off+2*(res-1)-1;
+ face[0] = off-3*res+1;
+ face[2] = off-3*res+0;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ for (y = 0; y < res; ++y) {
+ if (0 < y && y < res - 1) {
+ /* 0 0 . */
+ face[2] = off-y;
+ face[0] = off+(y+1)*2*(res-1)-res+1;
+ face[1] = off-y-1;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ face[0] = off+(y+0)*2*(res-1)-res+1;
+ face[2] = off-y;
+ face[1] = off+(y+1)*2*(res-1)-res+1;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ /* 0 1 . */
+ face[1] = off+(y+1)*2*(res-1)-1;
+ face[0] = off-3*res+y+1;
+ face[2] = off+(y)*2*(res-1)-1;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ face[1] = off-3*res+y+1;
+ face[2] = off+(y)*2*(res-1)-1;
+ face[0] = off-3*res+y;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ /* 1 0 . */
+ face[0] = off+2*(res-1)*(res-1)-(y+1)*2*(res-1);
+ face[1] = 3*res+y+1;
+ face[2] = off+2*(res-1)*(res-1)-y*2*(res-1);
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ face[0] = 3*res+y+1;
+ face[2] = off+2*(res-1)*(res-1)-y*2*(res-1);
+ face[1] = 3*res+y;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ /* 1 1 . */
+ face[0] = off+2*(res-1)*(res-1)-(y+1)*2*(res-1)+res-2;
+ face[1] = off+2*(res-1)*(res-1)-(y+0)*2*(res-1)+res-2;
+ face[2] = 2*res-y;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ face[0] = 2*res-y-1;
+ face[1] = off+2*(res-1)*(res-1)-(y+1)*2*(res-1)+res-2;
+ face[2] = 2*res-y;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ }
+ for (x = 0; x < 2 * res; ++x) {
+ gint x_ = x + off;
+ /* lower border */
+ if ( y == 0 ) {
+ if (x == 0) {
+ } else if (x == res - 1) {
+ } else if (x < res - 1) {
+ /* 1 . 0 */
+ face[0] = off + x - 1;
+ face[1] = off + x;
+ face[2] = x;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ face[0] = off + x;
+ face[2] = x;
+ face[1] = x + 1;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ /* 0 . 1 */
+ face[0] = off-res-x;
+ face[2] = off-res-x-1;
+ face[1] = off+2*(res-1)*(res-1)-res+x;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ face[2] = off-res-x-1;
+ face[0] = off+2*(res-1)*(res-1)-res+x;
+ face[1] = off+2*(res-1)*(res-1)-res+x+1;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ /* 1 . 1 */
+ face[0] = 3*res - x;
+ face[1] = 3*res - x-1;
+ face[2] = off+2*(res-1)*(res-1)-2*(res-1)+x-1;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ face[0] = 3*res - x-1;
+ face[2] = off+2*(res-1)*(res-1)-2*(res-1)+x-1;
+ face[1] = off+2*(res-1)*(res-1)-2*(res-1)+x;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ } else if (x > res + 1) {
+ /* 0 . 0 */
+ face[0] = off+x-3;
+ face[2] = off+x-3+1;
+ face[1] = 4*res*(res+1)-4*res + x-res-1;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ face[1] = off+x-3+1;
+ face[2] = 4*res*(res+1)-4*res + x-res-1;
+ face[0] = 4*res*(res+1)-4*res + x-res;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ }
+ /* upper border */
+ } else if ( y == res - 1 ) {
+ if (x == 0) {
+ }
+ } else if (/*0 <= x &&*/ x < res - 1 - 1) {
+ /* upper middle field (*L=0.0) */
+ face[0] = (y-1) * 2*(res-1)+x_;
+ face[2] = (y-1)*2*(res-1)+x_+1;
+ face[1] = (y+0)*2*(res-1)+x_;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ face[2] = (y-1)*2*(res-1)+x_+1;
+ face[0] = (y+0)*2*(res-1)+x_;
+ face[1] = (y+0)*2*(res-1)+x_+1;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ } else if (res - 1 <= x && x < 2 * res - 2 - 1) {
+ /* lower middle field (*L=1.0) */
+ face[0] = (y-1) * 2*(res-1)+x_;
+ face[1] = (y-1)*2*(res-1)+x_+1;
+ face[2] = (y+0)*2*(res-1)+x_;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ face[0] = (y-1)*2*(res-1)+x_+1;
+ face[2] = (y+0)*2*(res-1)+x_;
+ face[1] = (y+0)*2*(res-1)+x_+1;
+ gcm_hull_add_face (hull, face, 3);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return hull;
+ * gcm_profile_generate_gamut_hull:
+ * @profile: a #GcmProfile
+ * @res: The resolution. 10 is quick, 20 is more precise. 12 is a good default.
+ *
+ * A cube from six squares with the range of the Lab cube will be
+ * transformed to a profile colour space and then converted to a
+ * mesh.
+ *
+ * The original code was taken from icc_examin,
+ * Copyright 2004-2009 Kai-Uwe Behrmann <ku b gmx de>
+ **/
+GcmHull *
+gcm_profile_generate_gamut_hull (GcmProfile *profile, guint res)
+ cmsHPROFILE lab_profile = NULL;
+ cmsHPROFILE srgb_profile = NULL;
+ cmsHTRANSFORM lab_transform = NULL;
+ cmsHTRANSFORM srgb_transform = NULL;
+ GcmHull *hull = NULL;
+ GcmProfilePrivate *priv = profile->priv;
+ gdouble *lab = NULL;
+ gdouble *rgb = NULL;
+ gint channels_n = 3;
+ gsize size = 4 * res * (res+1) + 2 * (res-1) * (res-1);
+ /* create data array */
+ lab = gcm_profile_create_lab_cube (res);
+ rgb = g_new0 (gdouble, size * channels_n);
+ if (rgb == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ /* run the cube through the Lab profile */
+ lab_profile = cmsCreateLab4Profile (cmsD50_xyY ());
+ lab_transform = cmsCreateTransform (priv->lcms_profile, TYPE_RGB_DBL,
+ lab_profile, TYPE_Lab_DBL,
+ if (lab_transform == NULL) {
+ g_warning ("failed to create Lab transform");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ cmsDoTransform (lab_transform, lab, lab, size);
+ /* run the cube through the sRGB profile */
+ srgb_profile = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile ();
+ srgb_transform = cmsCreateTransform (lab_profile, TYPE_Lab_DBL,
+ srgb_profile, TYPE_RGB_DBL,
+ if (srgb_transform == NULL) {
+ g_warning ("failed to create sRGB transform");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ cmsDoTransform (srgb_transform, lab, rgb, size);
+ /* create gamut hull */
+ hull = gcm_profile_create_hull_for_data (res, lab, rgb);
+ g_free (rgb);
+ g_free (lab);
+ if (lab_profile != NULL)
+ cmsCloseProfile (lab_profile);
+ if (srgb_profile != NULL)
+ cmsCloseProfile (srgb_profile);
+ if (lab_transform != NULL)
+ cmsDeleteTransform (lab_transform);
+ if (srgb_transform != NULL)
+ cmsDeleteTransform (srgb_transform);
+ return hull;
* gcm_profile_file_monitor_changed_cb:
static void
diff --git a/src/gcm-profile.h b/src/gcm-profile.h
index 11e6a7f..d01073e 100644
--- a/src/gcm-profile.h
+++ b/src/gcm-profile.h
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include "gcm-clut.h"
#include "gcm-color.h"
+#include "gcm-hull.h"
@@ -79,6 +80,8 @@ GcmClut *gcm_profile_generate_vcgt (GcmProfile *profile,
guint size);
GcmClut *gcm_profile_generate_curve (GcmProfile *profile,
guint size);
+GcmHull *gcm_profile_generate_gamut_hull (GcmProfile *profile,
+ guint res);
gboolean gcm_profile_set_vcgt_from_data (GcmProfile *profile,
guint16 *red,
guint16 *green,
diff --git a/src/gcm-self-test.c b/src/gcm-self-test.c
index 7ff812f..bbf3577 100644
--- a/src/gcm-self-test.c
+++ b/src/gcm-self-test.c
@@ -372,6 +372,8 @@ gcm_test_profile_func (void)
GcmColorYxy green;
GcmColorYxy blue;
GcmColorYxy white;
+ GcmHull *hull;
+ gchar *data;
/* bluish test */
profile = gcm_profile_new ();
@@ -475,6 +477,25 @@ gcm_test_profile_func (void)
g_object_unref (file);
g_object_unref (profile);
+ /* get gamut hull */
+ profile = gcm_profile_new ();
+ file = g_file_new_for_path (TESTDATADIR "/ibm-t61.icc");
+ ret = gcm_profile_parse (profile, file, &error);
+ g_assert_no_error (error);
+ g_assert (ret);
+ hull = gcm_profile_generate_gamut_hull (profile, 12);
+ g_assert (hull != NULL);
+ /* save as PLY file */
+ data = gcm_hull_export_to_ply (hull);
+ ret = g_file_set_contents ("/tmp/gamut.ply", data, -1, NULL);
+ g_assert (ret);
+ g_free (data);
+ g_object_unref (hull);
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ g_object_unref (profile);
static void
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