[vinagre/gnome-3-4] Updated HINDI translation

commit 61464508d36155d30f68559c454791c5fba90933
Author: Chandan Kumar <chandankumar 093047 gmail com>
Date:   Sun Apr 8 19:36:25 2012 +0530

    Updated HINDI translation

 po/hi.po | 1543 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 1 files changed, 789 insertions(+), 754 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/hi.po b/po/hi.po
index 042d2e6..3b90be3 100644
--- a/po/hi.po
+++ b/po/hi.po
@@ -4,207 +4,246 @@
 # Rajesh Ranjan <rranjan redhat com>, 2008, 2009, 2010.
 # Rajesh Ranjan <rajesh672 gmail com>, 2009.
+# chandankumar <chandankumar 093047 gmail com>, 2012.
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: vinagre.master.hi\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=vinagre&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-13 12:21+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-28 13:48+0530\n"
-"Last-Translator: Rajesh Ranjan\n"
-"Language-Team: Hindi <Indlinux>\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=vinagr";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-31 08:49+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-08 19:21+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: chandankumar <chandankumar 093047 gmail com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Hindi <indlinux-hindi lists sourceforge net>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
-"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"X-DamnedLies-Scope: partial\n"
+"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n"
+"Language: hi\n"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.Vinagre.gschema.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Active plugins"
-msgstr "àààààà àààààà"
+msgid "Whether we should leave other clients connected"
+msgstr "àààà àààà ààààà ààààààà àà àààààààà àààààà ààààà"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.Vinagre.gschema.xml.in.h:2
 msgid ""
-"List of active plugins. It contains the \"Location\" of the active plugins. "
-"See the .vinagre-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+"When connecting to a host, the client can say to the server to leave other "
+"clients connected or to drop the existent connections. Set the value to true "
+"to share the desktop with the other clients."
 msgstr ""
-"àààààà àààààà àà àààà. àà àààààà àààààà àà \"Location\" àààààà àààà àà. .vinagre-"
-"plugin ààààà ààààà ààà àà àààààà àà \"Location\" àààà àà ààà."
+"àà àààààà àà àààààà àààà àààà àà, ààààààà ààààà àà àà àààà àà ààààà ààààààà "
+"àà àààààààà àààà "
+"àà àààààà ààààààà àààààà àà ààà. ààà àà ààà ààà àààà àààààààà àà ààààà "
+"ààààààà àà ààà àààà "
+"àààà àà ààà."
 #: ../data/org.gnome.Vinagre.gschema.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Maximum number of history items in connect dialog"
-msgstr "àààààà ààààà ààà àààààà àà àà àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../data/org.gnome.Vinagre.gschema.xml.in.h:4
 msgid ""
-"Set to \"false\" to disable menu shortcuts. Set to \"true\" to enable them. "
-"Note that if they are enabled, those keys will be intercepted by the menu "
-"and will not be sent to the remote host."
-msgstr ""
-"\"false\" àà ààà àààà àààààà ààààààà àà ààààààààà àààà àà ààà. \"true\" àà àààààà àààààà "
-"àààà àà ààà ààà àààà. ààà àààà àà ààà àà àààààà ààà, àà àààààààà àààààà àà àààààà ààààà ààààà àà "
-"àààààà àààààà àà àààà àààà àààààà."
+"Whether we should show tabs even when there is only one active connection"
+msgstr "àààà àààà ààà àààààà ààààà àà àààà àà àààààà ààààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../data/org.gnome.Vinagre.gschema.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../data/org.gnome.Vinagre.gschema.xml.in.h:4
 msgid ""
 "Set to \"true\" to always show the tabs. Set to \"false\" to only show the "
 "tabs when there is more than one active connection."
 msgstr ""
-"\"true\" àà ààà àààà ààà àà ààààà àààààà àà ààà. \"false\" àà ààà àààà àààà ààà ààà "
+"\"true\" àà ààà àààà ààà àà ààààà àààààà àà ààà. \"false\" àà ààà àààà àààà "
+"ààà ààà "
 "àààààà àà ààà àà àà àà àààà àààààà ààààààà àà."
+#: ../data/org.gnome.Vinagre.gschema.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "Whether we should show the menu accelerators (shortcut keys)"
+msgstr "àààà àààà àààààà ààààà àààààà ààààà (shortcut keys)"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.Vinagre.gschema.xml.in.h:6
 msgid ""
-"Set to \"true\" to always start the program listening for reverse "
+"Set to \"false\" to disable menu shortcuts. Set to \"true\" to enable them. "
+"Note that if they are enabled, those keys will be intercepted by the menu "
+"and will not be sent to the remote host."
 msgstr ""
+"\"false\" àà ààà àààà àààààà ààààààà àà ààààààààà àààà àà ààà. \"true\" àà "
+"àààààà àààààà "
+"àààà àà ààà ààà àààà. ààà àààà àà ààà àà àààààà ààà, àà àààààààà àààààà àà "
+"àààààà ààààà ààààà àà "
+"àààààà àààààà àà àààà àààà àààààà."
 #: ../data/org.gnome.Vinagre.gschema.xml.in.h:7
-msgid "Specifies the maximum number of items in the host dropdown entry."
-msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààààààààà ààà àà àà àààààà àààààà ààààààààà àààà."
+msgid "Maximum number of history items in connect dialog"
+msgstr "àààààà ààààà ààà àààààà àà àà àààààà àààààà"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.Vinagre.gschema.xml.in.h:8
-msgid ""
-"When connecting to a host, the client can say to the server to leave other "
-"clients connected or to drop the existent connections. Set the value to true "
-"to share the desktop with the other clients."
-msgstr ""
-"àà àààààà àà àààààà àààà àààà àà, ààààààà ààààà àà àà àààà àà ààààà ààààààà àà àààààààà àààà "
-"àà àààààà ààààààà àààààà àà ààà. ààà àà ààà ààà àààà àààààààà àà ààààà ààààààà àà ààà àààà "
-"àààà àà ààà."
+msgid "Specifies the maximum number of items in the host dropdown entry."
+msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààààààààà ààà àà àà àààààà àààààà ààààààààà àààà."
 #: ../data/org.gnome.Vinagre.gschema.xml.in.h:9
-msgid "Whether we should leave other clients connected"
-msgstr "àààà àààà ààààà ààààààà àà àààààààà àààààà ààààà"
-#: ../data/org.gnome.Vinagre.gschema.xml.in.h:10
-msgid "Whether we should show tabs even when there is only one active connection"
-msgstr "àààà àààà ààà àààààà ààààà àà àààà àà àààààà ààààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../data/org.gnome.Vinagre.gschema.xml.in.h:11
-msgid "Whether we should show the menu accelerators (shortcut keys)"
-msgstr "àààà àààà àààààà ààààà àààààà ààààà (shortcut keys)"
-#: ../data/org.gnome.Vinagre.gschema.xml.in.h:12
-#, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Whether we should leave other clients connected"
 msgid "Whether we should start the program listening for reverse connections"
-msgstr "àààà àààà ààààà ààààààà àà àààààààà àààààà ààààà"
+msgstr "àààà àà ààààà ààààààà àà ààà ààààà ààààààààà àààà àà àààà ààààà"
 #: ../data/vinagre.desktop.in.in.h:1 ../data/vinagre-file.desktop.in.in.h:1
-msgid "Access remote desktops"
-msgstr "àààààà àààààààà àà ààààà ààà"
-#: ../data/vinagre.desktop.in.in.h:2 ../data/vinagre-file.desktop.in.in.h:2
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-applet.c:411 ../vinagre/vinagre-applet.c:464
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-main.c:130
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-main.c:129
 msgid "Remote Desktop Viewer"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:1
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "_Show menu shortcuts"
-msgid "Allow _keyboard shortcuts"
-msgstr "àààààà ààààààà àààààà (_S)"
-#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:2
-msgid "Authentication is required"
-msgstr "ààààààà ààààà àà"
+#: ../data/vinagre.desktop.in.in.h:2 ../data/vinagre-file.desktop.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Access remote desktops"
+msgstr "àààààà àààààààà àà ààààà ààà"
-#. setup label
-#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:3 ../vinagre/vinagre-fav.c:854
-msgid "Bookmarks"
-msgstr "àààà"
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:1
+#| msgid "Vinagre is a remote desktop viewer for the GNOME Desktop"
+msgid "Vinagre is a remote desktop viewer for the GNOME desktop"
+msgstr "àààààààà àààà àààààààà àà ààà àààààà àààààààà àààààààà àà"
-#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:4
-msgid "Connection"
-msgstr "ààààààà"
+#. Add your name here to appear as a translator in the about dialog
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:3
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"ààààà àààà (rajeshkajha yahoo com, rranjan redhat com)\n"
+"ààààààà àààààààààà (raviratlami yahoo com)\n"
+"àààà ààààà (chandankumar 093047 gmail com)"
+#. This is a button label, in the authentication dialog
 #: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:5
-msgid "Connection options"
-msgstr "ààààààà àààààà"
+msgid "_Authenticate"
+msgstr "àààààààà àààà (_A)"
 #: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:6
-msgid "Folder"
-msgstr "ààààààà"
+msgid "Authentication is required"
+msgstr "ààààààà ààààà àà"
-#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:7 ../plugins/rdp/vinagre-rdp-tab.c:53
-#: ../plugins/ssh/vinagre-ssh-tab.c:49 ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:148
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:138 ../vinagre/vinagre-fav.c:406
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:7 ../plugins/rdp/vinagre-rdp-tab.c:54
+#: ../plugins/ssh/vinagre-ssh-tab.c:49 ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:149
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:139
 msgid "Host:"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:8
-msgid "Interface"
-msgstr "ààààààà"
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:8 ../plugins/rdp/vinagre-rdp-plugin.c:105
+#: ../plugins/ssh/vinagre-ssh-plugin.c:110
+msgid "_Username:"
+msgstr "àààààààà ààà (_U):"
-#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:9
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr "àààààà"
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:9 ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:294
+msgid "_Password:"
+msgstr "ààààààà: (_P)"
 #: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:10
-msgid "Parent Folder"
-msgstr "ààà ààààààà"
+msgid "_Remember this credential"
+msgstr "àà ààààà ààà àààà (_R)"
 #: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:11
-msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr "àààààààààààà"
+#| msgid "Error saving the credentials on the keyring."
+msgid "Store the login credential in GNOME Keyring"
+msgstr "GNOME àààààà ààà ààààà ààààà ààà"
-#. This is a tooltip in preferences dialog
-#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:13
-msgid ""
-"This option enables menu accelerators and keyboard shortcuts. For more info "
-"on why you may want to disable them, check the documentation."
-msgstr ""
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:12
+msgid "Bookmarks"
+msgstr "àààà"
-#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:14
-msgid "Which machine do you want to connect to?"
-msgstr "ààà àààà ààà àà àààààà àààà ààààà ààà?"
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:13
+msgid "Connection"
+msgstr "ààààààà"
+#. Translators: This is the name of a bookmark. It appears in the add/edit bookmark dialog.
 #: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:15
-msgid "_Always show tabs"
-msgstr "ààààà ààà àààààà (_A)"
+msgid "_Name:"
+msgstr "ààà (_N):"
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Host:"
+msgstr "àààààà (_H):"
-#. This is a button label, in the authentication dialog
 #: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:17
-msgid "_Authenticate"
-msgstr "àààààààà àààà (_A)"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "àààààà"
 #: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:18
 msgid "_Full screen"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààààà (_F)"
 #: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:19
-msgid "_Host:"
-msgstr "àààààà (_H):"
+msgid "Folder"
+msgstr "ààààààà"
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:20
+#| msgid "Root Folder"
+msgid "Bookmark Folder"
+msgstr "ààààààà ààààààà"
-#. Translators: This is the name of a bookmark. It appears in the add/edit bookmark dialog.
 #: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:21
-msgid "_Name:"
-msgstr "ààà (_N):"
+msgid "Parent Folder"
+msgstr "ààà ààààààà"
-#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:22 ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:295
-msgid "_Password:"
-msgstr "ààààààà: (_P)"
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:22
+#| msgid "Connection"
+msgid "Connect"
+msgstr "àààààà"
 #: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:23
+#| msgid "Choose a Remote Desktop"
+msgid "Choose a remote desktop to connect to"
+msgstr " àààààà àààààààà àà àààààà àààà àà ààà ààààà"
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:24
 msgid "_Protocol:"
 msgstr "ààààààààà (_P):"
-#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:24
-msgid "_Remember this credential"
-msgstr "àà ààààà ààà àààà (_R)"
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:25
+msgid "Select a remote desktop protocol for this connection"
+msgstr "àà ààààààà àà ààà àààààà àààààààà ààààààààà àà ààà àààà"
-#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:25 ../plugins/rdp/vinagre-rdp-plugin.c:108
-#: ../plugins/ssh/vinagre-ssh-plugin.c:113
-msgid "_Username:"
-msgstr "àààààààà ààà (_U):"
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:26
+msgid "Search for remote hosts on the network"
+msgstr "ààààà àà àààààà ààààààà àà ààà ààààà"
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:27
+msgid "Connection options"
+msgstr "ààààààà àààààà"
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:28
+#| msgid "_Full screen"
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "àààààààààà (_F)"
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:29
+#| msgid "Take a screenshot of active connection"
+msgid "Enable fullscreen mode for this connection"
+msgstr "àà ààààààà àà ààà ààààà ààààààà ààà ààààà àààà"
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:30
+#| msgid "_Recent connections"
+msgid "Reverse Connections"
+msgstr " ààààà ààààààà"
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:31
+msgid ""
+"By activating reverse connections you can access remote desktops that are "
+"behind a firewall. The remote side is supposed to initiate the connection "
+"with you. For further information, read the help."
+msgstr ""
+"ààààà ààààààà àà àààààà àààà àà àààààà àààààààà àà ààààà àà àààà ààà àà"
+"àààààààà àà àààà ààà. àààààà àààà àà ààà àààà ààà ààààààà àààà àààà àààà "
+"àààà. àààà ààààààà àà ààà, ààà àààà"
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:32
+#| msgid "_Recent connections"
+msgid "_Enable Reverse Connections"
+msgstr "ààààà ààààààà ààààà àààà (_E)"
+#. Translators: this is the reverse connection mode. "Always enabled" means it will be enabled by default in the program startup. You can see this string in the dialog Remote->Reverse connections.
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:34
+#| msgid "Enabled"
+msgid "_Always Enabled"
+msgstr "ààààà àààààà (_A)"
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:35
+msgid "This desktop is reachable through the following IP address(es):"
+msgstr "àà àààààààà àààààààààà àààà ààà (ààà) àà àààààà àà ààààààà ààààà àà:"
+#: ../data/vinagre.ui.h:36
+#| msgid "Connection"
+msgid "Connectivity"
+msgstr "ààààààààààà"
 #: ../data/vinagre-mime.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Remote Desktop (VNC) file"
@@ -214,64 +253,55 @@ msgstr "ààààà àààààààà (àààààà) ààà
 msgid "Remote Desktop Connection"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../plugins/rdp/rdp.plugin.desktop.in.h:1
 #: ../plugins/rdp/vinagre-rdp-plugin.c:55
 msgid "RDP"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../plugins/rdp/rdp.plugin.desktop.in.h:2
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "SSH support"
-msgid "RDP support"
-msgstr "SSH àààààà"
-#. Translators: This is a description of the RDP protocol. It appears at Connect dialog.
+#. Translators: This is a description of the RDP protocol. It appears in the Connect dialog.
 #: ../plugins/rdp/vinagre-rdp-plugin.c:57
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Access Unix/Linux, Windows and other machines."
-msgid "Access MS Windows machines"
-msgstr "Unix/Linux  àààààà àà ààààà àààà àà ààààà ààà."
+#| msgid "Access remote desktops"
+msgid "Access MS Windows remote desktops"
+msgstr "MS àààààà àààààà àààààààà àà ààààà ààà"
 #: ../plugins/rdp/vinagre-rdp-plugin.c:96
-#, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Options"
 msgid "RDP Options"
-msgstr "àààààà"
+msgstr "RDP àààààà"
 #. Translators: This is the tooltip for the username field in a RDP connection
 #. Translators: This is the tooltip for the username field in a SSH connection
-#: ../plugins/rdp/vinagre-rdp-plugin.c:113
-#: ../plugins/ssh/vinagre-ssh-plugin.c:118
+#: ../plugins/rdp/vinagre-rdp-plugin.c:110
+#: ../plugins/ssh/vinagre-ssh-plugin.c:115
 msgid ""
 "Optional. If blank, your username will be used. Also, it can be supplied in "
-"the Machine field above, in the form username hostname "
+"the Host field above, in the form username hostname "
 msgstr ""
+"àààààààà. ààà ààààà àà, àààà àààààààààà ààà àà ààààà àààà ààààà. "
+"àààà ààààà, àà ààààààà ààààà ààààààà ààà ààààààà àà àà àààà àà, "
+"username hostname ààààààà ààà."
-#: ../plugins/rdp/vinagre-rdp-tab.c:54 ../plugins/ssh/vinagre-ssh-tab.c:50
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:149
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:139
+#: ../plugins/rdp/vinagre-rdp-tab.c:55 ../plugins/ssh/vinagre-ssh-tab.c:50
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:150
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:140
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../plugins/rdp/vinagre-rdp-tab.c:123
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../plugins/rdp/vinagre-rdp-tab.c:124
 #| msgid "Error while saving history file: %s"
 msgid "Error while executing rdesktop"
-msgstr "àààààà ààààà àààààà àà ààààà àààààà: %s"
+msgstr "rdesktop àà ààààà àà ààààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../plugins/rdp/vinagre-rdp-tab.c:124 ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks.c:366
+#: ../plugins/rdp/vinagre-rdp-tab.c:125 ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks.c:366
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks.c:492
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-migration.c:135
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-cache-prefs.c:56 ../vinagre/vinagre-commands.c:170
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-connect.c:492 ../vinagre/vinagre-fav.c:766
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-options.c:76 ../vinagre/vinagre-options.c:94
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-window.c:278 ../vinagre/vinagre-window.c:749
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-cache-prefs.c:57 ../vinagre/vinagre-commands.c:163
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-connect.c:495 ../vinagre/vinagre-options.c:82
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-options.c:100 ../vinagre/vinagre-window.c:260
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-window.c:798
 msgid "Unknown error"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààà"
-#. vim: set ts=8:
 #: ../plugins/ssh/vinagre-ssh-plugin.c:59
-#: ../plugins/ssh/ssh.plugin.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "SSH"
 msgstr "SSH"
@@ -281,21 +311,19 @@ msgid "Access Unix/Linux terminals"
 msgstr "Unix/Linux ààààààà àà ààààà ààà"
 #: ../plugins/ssh/vinagre-ssh-plugin.c:101
-#, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Options"
 msgid "SSH Options"
-msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../plugins/ssh/ssh.plugin.desktop.in.h:2
-msgid "SSH support"
-msgstr "SSH àààààà"
+msgstr "SSH àààààà"
 #. Translators: 'shared' here is a VNC protocol specific flag. You can translate it, but I think it's better to let it untranslated
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-connection.c:316
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-connection.c:317
 #: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:199
 #, c-format
-msgid "Bad value for 'shared' flag: %d. It is supposed to be 0 or 1. Ignoring it."
-msgstr "'shared' ààààà àà ààà àààà ààà: %d. àà 0 àà 1 àààà àààà àà. ààà àààààà àà ààà àà."
+msgid ""
+"Bad value for 'shared' flag: %d. It is supposed to be 0 or 1. Ignoring it."
+msgstr ""
+"'shared' ààààà àà ààà àààà ààà: %d. àà 0 àà 1 àààà àààà àà. ààà àààààà àà ààà "
 #. Translators: this is a command line option (run vinagre --help)
 #: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:50
@@ -312,239 +340,243 @@ msgstr "VNC àààààà:"
 msgid "Show VNC Options"
 msgstr "VNC àààààà àààààà"
-#. vim: set ts=8:
 #: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:87
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vnc.plugin.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "VNC"
 msgstr "VNC"
 #: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:88
-msgid "Access Unix/Linux, Windows and other machines."
-msgstr "Unix/Linux  àààààà àà ààààà àààà àà ààààà ààà."
+#| msgid "Access Unix/Linux, Windows and other machines."
+msgid "Access Unix/Linux, Windows and other remote desktops."
+msgstr "Unix/Linux  àààààà àà àààààà àààààààà àà ààààà ààà."
 #: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:145
 #: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:100
 msgid "Could not parse the file."
 msgstr "àààà ààààààààà àààà ààà."
-#. Translators: Do not translate "connection". It's the name of a group in the .vnc (.ini like) file.
+#. Translators: Do not translate "Connection". It's the name of a group in the .vnc (.ini like) file.
 #: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:153
-msgid "The file is not a VNC one: Missing the group \"connection\"."
-msgstr "ààààà VNC àààà àà: \"connection\" àààà ààààààààà àà."
+#| msgid "The file is not a VNC one: Missing the group \"connection\"."
+msgid "The file is not a VNC one: Missing the group \"Connection\"."
+msgstr "ààààà VNC àààà àà: \"Connection\" àààà ààààààààà àà."
-#. Translators: Do not translate "host". It's the name of a key in the .vnc (.ini like) file.
+#. Translators: Do not translate "Host". It's the name of a key in the .vnc (.ini like) file.
 #: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:160
-msgid "The file is not a VNC one: Missing the key \"host\"."
-msgstr "ààààà VNC àààà àà: \"host\" ààààà ààààààààà àà."
+#| msgid "The file is not a VNC one: Missing the key \"host\"."
+msgid "The file is not a VNC one: Missing the key \"Host\"."
+msgstr "ààààà VNC àààà àà: \"Host\" ààààà ààààààààà àà."
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:252
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:251
 msgid "VNC Options"
 msgstr "VNC àààààà"
 #. View only check button
 #. View only check button - not fully ready on spice-gtk side
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:265
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:624
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:222
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:506
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:259
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:619
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:221
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:507
 msgid "_View only"
 msgstr "àààà ààààà (_V)"
 #. Scaling check button
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:273
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:246
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:268
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:245
 msgid "_Scaling"
 msgstr "ààààààà (_S)"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:289
+#. Keep ratio check button
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:282
 msgid "_Keep aspect ratio"
 msgstr "àààà àààààà àààà àààà (_K)"
 #. JPEG Compression check button
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:299
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:292
 msgid "_Use JPEG Compression"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "JPEG àààààà àààààà àààà (_U)"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:300
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:293
 msgid "This might not work on all VNC servers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "àà ààà VNC ààààà àà ààà àààà àà àààà"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:309
-msgid "_Depth Color:"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:303
+msgid "Color _Depth:"
+msgstr "ààà ààààà: (_D)"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:314
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:308
 msgid "Use Server Settings"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ààààà àààààààà àà ààààà àààà"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:315
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:309
 msgid "True Color (24 bits)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "àààààààà ààà (24 ààà)"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:316
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:310
 msgid "High Color (16 bits)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "àààà ààà (16 ààà)"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:317
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:311
 msgid "Low Color (8 bits)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "àà ààà (8 ààà)"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:318
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:312
 msgid "Ultra Low Color (3 bits)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ààààààà àà ààà (3 ààà)"
+#. Translators: the whole sentence will be: Use Host <hostname> as a SSH tunnel
 #. Translators: the whole sentence will be: Use host <hostname> as a SSH tunnel
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:331
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:257
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:326
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:256
 msgid "Use h_ost"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ààààà àà ààààà àààà (_o)"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:340
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:266
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:335
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:265
 msgid "hostname or user hostname"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "àààààààà àà user hostname"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:341
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:267
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:336
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:266
 msgid "Supply an alternative port using colon"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "àààààààààà àà ààààà àà àà àààààààà ààààà àà ààààààà"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:342
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:268
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:337
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:267
 msgid "For instance: joe example com:5022"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "àààààà àà ààà: joe example com:5022"
 #. Translators: the whole sentence will be: Use host <hostname> as a SSH tunnel
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:348
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:274
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:343
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:273
 msgid "as a SSH tunnel"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SSH ààààà àà ààà ààà"
 #. Translators: this is a pattern to open *.vnc files in a open dialog.
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:383
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-plugin.c:378
 msgid "VNC Files"
 msgstr "VNC ààààà"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:147
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:148
 msgid "Desktop Name:"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààà:"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:150
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:151
 msgid "Dimensions:"
 msgstr "àààà:"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:295
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:251
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:296
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:252
 msgid "Error creating the SSH tunnel"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SSH ààààà ààààà ààà àààààà"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:296 ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:307
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:252
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:264
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:297 ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:308
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:253
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:265
 #| msgid "Unknown error"
 msgid "Unknown reason"
 msgstr "àààààà àààà"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:306
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:263
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:307
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:264
 msgid "Error connecting to host."
 msgstr "ààààà àà àààààà ààà àààààà"
 #. Translators: %s is a host name or IP address; %u is a code error (number).
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:351
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:352
+#, c-format
 #| msgid "Authentication method to host %s is unsupported. (%u)"
 msgid "Authentication method for host %s is unsupported. (%u)"
-msgstr "ààààààà àààà %s àà ààààà àààà àà ààà ààààààà àà. (%u)"
+msgstr "ààààààà àààà  %s ààààà àà ààà ààààààà àà. (%u)"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:355
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:356
 msgid "Authentication unsupported"
 msgstr "àààààààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:523 ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:540
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:518 ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:535
 msgid "Authentication error"
 msgstr "àààààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:524
-msgid "A username is required in order to access this machine."
-msgstr "àà àààà àà ààààà àà ààà ààà ààààààààààà ààààà àà."
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:519
+#| msgid "A username is required in order to access this machine."
+msgid "A username is required in order to access this remote desktop."
+msgstr "àà àààààà àààààààà àà ààààà àà ààà ààà ààààààààààà ààààà àà."
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:541
-msgid "A password is required in order to access this machine."
-msgstr "àà àààà àà ààààà àà ààà ààà ààààààà ààààà àà."
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:536
+#| msgid "A password is required in order to access this machine."
+msgid "A password is required in order to access this remote desktop."
+msgstr "àà àààààà àààààààà àà ààààà àà ààà ààà ààààààà ààààà àà."
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:595
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:465
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:590
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:466
 msgid "S_caling"
 msgstr "ààààààà (_c)"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:596
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:466
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:591
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:467
 msgid "Fits the remote screen into the current window size"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà àààà ààà àààààà ààààààà àà ààà àààà àà"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:609
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:604
 msgid "_Keep Aspect Ratio"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "àààà àààààà àààà àààà (_K)"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:610
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:605
 msgid "Keeps the screen aspect ratio when using scaling"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "àààààààà àà ààààà àààà àà ààààà ààààààà àààà àààààà àààà àà "
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:625
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:507
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:620
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:508
 msgid "Does not send mouse and keyboard events"
 msgstr "àààà àà ààààààà àààà àà àààà ààààà àà"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:638
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:633
 msgid "_Original size"
 msgstr "ààà àààà (_O)"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:639
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:634
 msgid "Adjusts the window to the remote desktop's size"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààààà àààà ààà ààààà àààààààà àààà"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:652
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:647
 msgid "_Refresh Screen"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ààààà ààààààà (_R)"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:653
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:648
 msgid "Requests an update of the screen"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ààààààà àà àààààà àà àààààà"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:675
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:530
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:670
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:531
 #| msgid "Send Ctrl-Alt-Del"
 msgid "_Send Ctrl-Alt-Del"
-msgstr "ààààà Ctrl-Alt-Del"
+msgstr "ààààà Ctrl-Alt-Del (_S)"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:676
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:531
-msgid "Sends Ctrl+Alt+Del to the remote machine"
-msgstr "Ctrl+Alt+Del àà àààààà ààààààà ààà ààààà àà"
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:671
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:532
+#| msgid "Sends Ctrl+Alt+Del to the remote machine"
+msgid "Sends Ctrl+Alt+Del to the remote desktop"
+msgstr "Ctrl+Alt+Del àà àààààà àààààààà ààà ààààà àà"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:728 ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:729
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:583
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:724 ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:725
 #: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:584
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:585
 msgid "Scaling"
 msgstr "àààà ààààà"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:738 ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:739
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:593
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:734 ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:735
 #: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:594
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:595
 msgid "Read only"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààà àà ààà"
 #. Send Ctrl-alt-del
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:747 ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:749
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:602
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:604
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:743 ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:745
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:603
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:605
 msgid "Send Ctrl-Alt-Del"
 msgstr "ààààà Ctrl-Alt-Del"
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:912
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tab.c:908
 msgid ""
 "Scaling is not supported on this installation.\n"
@@ -553,217 +585,73 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "ààààààà àà àààààààà àà ààààààà àààà àà.\n"
-"README ààààà ààààà (àààààààà àà ààà àààààà) àà ààààààà àà àààààà àààà àà àààà ààà ààààà àà ààà."
+"README ààààà ààààà (àààààààà àà ààà àààààà) àà ààààààà àà àààààà àààà àà àààà "
+"ààà ààààà àà ààà."
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tunnel.c:96
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tunnel.c:96
+#: ../plugins/vnc/vinagre-vnc-tunnel.c:97
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tunnel.c:103
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to find a free TCP port"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/vnc/vnc.plugin.desktop.in.h:2
-msgid "VNC support"
-msgstr "VNC àààààà"
-#: ../plugins/reverse-vnc/reverse-vnc.plugin.desktop.in.h:1
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "_Recent connections"
-msgid "Allows reverse VNC connections"
-msgstr "àààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../plugins/reverse-vnc/reverse-vnc.plugin.desktop.in.h:2
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "_Recent connections"
-msgid "Reverse VNC"
-msgstr "àààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../plugins/reverse-vnc/vinagre-reverse-vnc-listener-dialog.c:101
-msgid "IPv4:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/reverse-vnc/vinagre-reverse-vnc-listener-dialog.c:113
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/reverse-vnc/vinagre-reverse-vnc-listener-dialog.c:172
-#, c-format
-msgid "On the port %d"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/reverse-vnc/vinagre-reverse-vnc-listener.c:211
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Error saving recent connection."
-msgid "Error activating reverse connections"
-msgstr "ààà àà ààààààà àààààà ààà àààààà."
-#: ../plugins/reverse-vnc/vinagre-reverse-vnc-listener.c:212
-msgid ""
-"The program could not find any available TCP ports starting at 5500. Is "
-"there any other running program consuming all your TCP ports?"
-msgstr ""
-#. Translators: "Reverse" here is an adjective, not a verb.
-#: ../plugins/reverse-vnc/vinagre-reverse-vnc-plugin.c:69
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "_Recent connections"
-msgid "_Reverse Connections..."
-msgstr "àààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../plugins/reverse-vnc/vinagre-reverse-vnc-plugin.c:71
-msgid "Configure incoming VNC connections"
-msgstr ""
-#. vim: set ts=8:
-#: ../plugins/spice/spice.plugin.desktop.in.h:1
-msgid "Spice"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/spice/spice.plugin.desktop.in.h:2
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "SSH support"
-msgid "Spice support"
-msgstr "SSH àààààà"
+msgstr "ààààà TCP ààààà àààà ààà àààààà"
 #. Translators: Do not translate "connection". It's the name of a group in the .spice (.ini like) file.
 #: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:107
-#, fuzzy
 #| msgid "The file is not a VNC one: Missing the group \"connection\"."
 msgid "The file is not a Spice one: Missing the group \"connection\"."
-msgstr "ààààà VNC àààà àà: \"connection\" àààà ààààààààà àà."
+msgstr "ààààà Spice àààà àà: \"connection\" àààà ààààààààà àà."
 #. Translators: Do not translate "host". It's the name of a key in the .spice (.ini like) file.
 #: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:114
-#, fuzzy
 #| msgid "The file is not a VNC one: Missing the key \"host\"."
 msgid "The file is not a Spice one: Missing the key \"host\"."
-msgstr "ààààà VNC àààà àà: \"host\" ààààà ààààààààà àà."
+msgstr "ààààà Spice àààà àà: \"host\" ààààà ààààààààà àà."
 #: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:158
 msgid "SPICE"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "àààààà"
 #. Translators: This is a description of the SPICE protocol. It appears at Connect dialog.
 #: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:160
-#, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Access remote desktops"
 msgid "Access Spice desktop server"
-msgstr "àààààà àààààààà àà ààààà ààà"
+msgstr "Spice àààààààà ààààà àà ààààà ààà"
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:209
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:208
 #| msgid "Options"
 msgid "SPICE Options"
-msgstr "àààààà"
+msgstr "SPICE àààààà"
 #. Resize guest check button
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:230
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:479
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:229
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:480
 msgid "_Resize guest"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ààààà àà àààà ààààà (_R)"
 #. Clipboard sharing check button
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:238
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:492
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:237
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:493
 msgid "_Share clipboard"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "àààààààààà àààà àààà (_S)"
 #. Translators: This is the tooltip for the password field in a SPICE connection
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:300
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:299
 #| msgid "Options"
 msgid "Optional"
 msgstr "àààààààà"
 #. Translators: this is a pattern to open *.spice files in a open dialog.
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:321
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-plugin.c:320
 #| msgid "VNC Files"
 msgid "Spice Files"
-msgstr "VNC ààààà"
+msgstr "àààààà ààààà"
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:480
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:481
 msgid "Resize the screen guest to best fit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "àààà ààààà ààà àààà àà ààà ààààààà ààààà àà àààà àààààààà àààà"
-#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:493
+#: ../plugins/spice/vinagre-spice-tab.c:494
 msgid "Automatically share clipboard between client and guest"
-msgstr ""
-#. vim: set ts=8:
-#: ../plugins/reverse-vnc/reverse-vnc.ui.h:1
-msgid ""
-"By activating reverse connections you can access machines that are behind a "
-"firewall. The remote side is supposed to initiate the connection with you. "
-"For further information, checkout the help."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/reverse-vnc/reverse-vnc.ui.h:2
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Connection"
-msgid "Connectivity"
-msgstr "ààààààà"
-#: ../plugins/reverse-vnc/reverse-vnc.ui.h:3
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "_Recent connections"
-msgid "Reverse Connections"
-msgstr "àààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../plugins/reverse-vnc/reverse-vnc.ui.h:4
-msgid "This machine is reachable through the following IP address(es):"
-msgstr ""
-#. Translators: this is the reverse connection mode. "Always enabled" means it will be enabled by default in the program startup. You can see this string in the dialog Machine->Reverse connections.
-#: ../plugins/reverse-vnc/reverse-vnc.ui.h:6
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Enabled"
-msgid "_Always Enabled"
-msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../plugins/reverse-vnc/reverse-vnc.ui.h:7
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "_Recent connections"
-msgid "_Enable Reverse Connections"
-msgstr "àààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../plugins/im-status/im-status.plugin.desktop.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Changes Instant Messenger status to busy when window toggles to fullscreen "
-"(works with Empathy)"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/im-status/im-status.plugin.desktop.in.h:2
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "_Statusbar"
-msgid "IM Status"
-msgstr "àààààà-ààààà (_S)"
-#: ../plugins/im-status/im-status.js:43
-msgid "Could not communicate to Telepathy. IM Status plugin will not work."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-applet.c:255 ../vinagre/vinagre-applet.c:339
-msgid "Could not run vinagre:"
-msgstr "vinagre àààà ààà ààà:"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-applet.c:359
-msgid "Open Remote Desktop Viewer"
-msgstr "ààààà àààààààà àààààààà ààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-applet.c:412
-msgid "Access your bookmarks"
-msgstr "àààà àààààààààà àà ààààà ààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-applet.c:456 ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:37
-msgid "_Help"
-msgstr "ààà (_H)"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-applet.c:457
-msgid "_About"
-msgstr "ààààà (_A)"
+msgstr "àààààà àà ààààà àà ààà ààààà àààààààààà àààà àààà"
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks.c:366
 #, c-format
@@ -775,8 +663,10 @@ msgid "Error while initializing bookmarks: The file seems to be empty"
 msgstr "àààààààààà àààà àààà àà ààààà àààààà: ààààà ààààà àààààà àààà àà"
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks.c:380
-msgid "Error while initializing bookmarks: The file is not a vinagre bookmarks file"
-msgstr "àààààààààà àààà àààà àà ààààà àààààà: ààààà àààààààà àààààààààà ààààà àààà àà"
+msgid ""
+"Error while initializing bookmarks: The file is not a vinagre bookmarks file"
+msgstr ""
+"àààààààààà àààà àààà àà ààààà àààààà: ààààà àààààààà àààààààààà ààààà àààà àà"
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks.c:453 ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks.c:460
 msgid "Error while saving bookmarks: Failed to create the XML structure"
@@ -788,7 +678,8 @@ msgstr "àààààààààà àààààà àà ààààà
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks.c:483
 msgid "Error while saving bookmarks: Failed to finalize the XML structure"
-msgstr "àààààààààà àààààà àà ààààà àààààà: XML àààààà àà ààààà ààà àààà àààà ààà àààà"
+msgstr ""
+"àààààààààà àààààà àà ààààà àààààà: XML àààààà àà ààààà ààà àààà àààà ààà àààà"
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks.c:492
 #, c-format
@@ -803,11 +694,14 @@ msgstr "àààààààààà àààààààààà àà à
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-migration.c:109
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-migration.c:116
 msgid "Error while migrating bookmarks: Failed to initialize the XML structure"
-msgstr "àààààààààà àààààààààà àà ààààà àààààà: XML àààààà àà àààààààà àààà ààà àààà"
+msgstr ""
+"àààààààààà àààààààààà àà ààààà àààààà: XML àààààà àà àààààààà àààà ààà àààà"
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-migration.c:125
 msgid "Error while migrating bookmarks: Failed to finalize the XML structure"
-msgstr "àààààààààà àààààààààà àà ààààà àààààà: XML àààààà àà ààààà ààààààà àààà ààà àààà"
+msgstr ""
+"àààààààààà àààààààààà àà ààààà àààààà: XML àààààà àà ààààà ààààààà àààà ààà "
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-migration.c:135
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-migration.c:216
@@ -828,7 +722,8 @@ msgid ""
 "Migrating the bookmarks file to the new format. This operation is only "
 "supposed to run once."
 msgstr ""
-"àà ààààààà ààà àààààààààà ààààà àà ààààààààààà àà ààà àà. àà àààààà àààà àà ààà àààà àà ààà "
+"àà ààààààà ààà àààààààààà ààààà àà ààààààààààà àà ààà àà. àà àààààà àààà àà "
+"ààà àààà àà ààà "
 "àààà ààà àà."
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-migration.c:249
@@ -845,74 +740,76 @@ msgstr "àààààààààà àààà"
 msgid "Could not remove the old bookmarks file"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààààààà ààààà àà ààà àààà ààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-tree.c:119
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-tree.c:120
 msgid "Root Folder"
 msgstr "ààà ààààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:77
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:78
 msgid "Invalid name for this folder"
 msgstr "àà ààààààà àà ààà àààà ààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:87 ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:199
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:88 ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:200
 #, c-format
-msgid "The name \"%s\" is already used in this folder. Please use a different name."
-msgstr "àà ààààààà ààà ààà \"%s\" àà ààààà àààà àà àà àà ààà àà. ààààà ààààà ààà ààààà àààà."
+msgid ""
+"The name \"%s\" is already used in this folder. Please use a different name."
+msgstr ""
+"àà ààààààà ààà ààà \"%s\" àà ààààà àààà àà àà àà ààà àà. ààààà ààààà ààà "
+"ààààà àààà."
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:88 ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:189
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:200
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:89 ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:190
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:201
 msgid "Invalid name for this item"
 msgstr "àà àà àà ààà àààà ààà"
 #. Translators: %s is a protocol name, like VNC or SSH
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:167
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:168
 #, c-format
 msgid "(Protocol: %s)"
 msgstr "(ààààààààà: %s)"
 #. Translators: %s is a bookmark entry name
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:305
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:306
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove %s from bookmarks?"
 msgstr "àààà àà ààààààà ààà àà àà %s àà àààààààààà àà ààààà ààààà ààà?"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:311
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:312
 msgid "Remove Folder?"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààààà?"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:312
-msgid "Notice that all its subfolders and items will be removed as well."
-msgstr "ààààà àà àààà ààà àààààààà àà àà ààà àà ààà ààà àààààà."
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:313
+#| msgid "Notice that all its subfolders and items will be removed as well."
+msgid "Note that all its subfolders and bookmarks will be removed as well."
+msgstr "ààààà ààà àà àààà ààà àààààààà àà àà ààà àà ààà ààà àààààà."
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:317
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:318
 msgid "Remove Item?"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààà?"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:334
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:335
 msgid "Error removing bookmark: Entry not found"
 msgstr "àààààààààà ààààà ààà àààààà: ààààààààà àààà àààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:351
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-bookmarks-ui.c:352
 msgid "New Folder"
 msgstr "ààà ààààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-cache-prefs.c:56
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-cache-prefs.c:57
+#, c-format
 #| msgid "Error while saving bookmarks: %s"
 msgid "Error while saving preferences: %s"
-msgstr "àààààààààà àààààà àà ààààà àààààà: %s"
+msgstr "àààààààà àààààà àà ààààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-commands.c:122
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-commands.c:115
 msgid "Choose the file"
 msgstr "ààààà àààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-commands.c:146
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-commands.c:139
 #| msgid "There are none supported files"
 msgid "There are no supported files"
 msgstr "ààà ààààààà ààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-commands.c:147
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-commands.c:140
 #| msgid ""
 #| "None of the active plugins offer a supported file to be open. Activate "
 #| "some plugins and try again."
@@ -920,129 +817,72 @@ msgid ""
 "None of the active plugins support this action. Activate some plugins and "
 "try again."
 msgstr ""
-"ààà àà àààààà àààààà ààààà àà ààà ààà ààààààà ààààà àààà àààà àà. ààà àààààà àààààà àààà "
-"àà ààà ààààà àààà."
+"àààààà àààààà ààà àà ààà àà àà àààààààà àà àààààà àààà àààà ààà.ààà àààààà "
+"àààààà àààà àà ààà ààààà àààà."
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-commands.c:181
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-commands.c:174
 msgid "The following file could not be opened:"
 msgid_plural "The following files could not be opened:"
 msgstr[0] "àààààààààà ààààà àààà àààà àà ààà:"
 msgstr[1] "àààààààààà ààààà àààà àààà àà ààà:"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-connect.c:91 ../vinagre/vinagre-connect.c:337
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-connect.c:456
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-connect.c:90 ../vinagre/vinagre-connect.c:336
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-connect.c:459
 #| msgid "Could not get the active protocol in the protocol list."
 msgid "Could not get the active protocol from the protocol list."
-msgstr "ààààààààà àààà ààà ààà àààààà ààààààààà àààà àà ààà."
+msgstr "ààààààààà àààà àà ààà àààààà ààààààààà àààà àà ààà."
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-connect.c:318
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-connect.c:317
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error while saving history file: %s"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà àààààà àà ààààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-connect.c:353
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-connect.c:352
 msgid "Choose a Remote Desktop"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààààà ààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-connection.c:524 ../vinagre/vinagre-tab.c:573
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tube-handler.c:254
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-connection.c:525 ../vinagre/vinagre-tab.c:575
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tube-handler.c:257
 #, c-format
 msgid "The protocol %s is not supported."
 msgstr "ààààààààà %s ààààààà àààà àà."
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-connection.c:632
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-connection.c:633
 msgid "Could not open the file."
 msgstr "àààà ààà àààà ààà."
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-connection.c:656
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-connection.c:657
 msgid "The file was not recognized by any of the plugins."
 msgstr "àà ààààà àààà àààààà àà ààààà àààà àààààà ààà àà."
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-fav.c:569
-msgid "_New Folder"
-msgstr "ààà ààààààà (_N)"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-fav.c:570
-msgid "Create a new folder"
-msgstr "ààà àààààà ààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-fav.c:575
-msgid "_Open bookmark"
-msgstr "àààààààààà ààààà (_O)"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-fav.c:576
-msgid "Connect to this machine"
-msgstr "àà àààà àà àààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-fav.c:577
-msgid "_Edit bookmark"
-msgstr "àààààààààà ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-fav.c:578
-msgid "Edit the details of selected bookmark"
-msgstr "ààààà àààààààààà ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-fav.c:579
-msgid "_Remove from bookmarks"
-msgstr "àààààààààà àà ààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-fav.c:580
-msgid "Remove current selected connection from bookmarks"
-msgstr "àààààààààà àà àààààà ààààà ààààààà ààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-fav.c:597 ../vinagre/vinagre-window.c:408
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-#| msgid "Could not load builder file: %s"
-msgid "Could not merge UI XML file: %s"
-msgstr "àààààà ààààà àààà ààà àà ààà: %s"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-fav.c:755
-msgid "Invalid operation"
-msgstr "àààà àààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-fav.c:756
-msgid "Data received from drag&drop operation is invalid."
-msgstr "drag&drop àààààààà àà ààààààà àààààà àààà àà."
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-fav.c:862
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Side _Panel"
-msgid "Hide panel"
-msgstr "ààà ààààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-fav.c:1067
-msgid "Hosts nearby"
-msgstr "ààààà ààààààà"
 #. Setup command line options
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-main.c:140
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-main.c:133
 msgid "- Remote Desktop Viewer"
 msgstr "- àààààà àààààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-mdns.c:171
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-mdns.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to resolve avahi hostname: %s\n"
 msgstr "àààà ààààààààà àà àààà ààà àààà: %s\n"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-mdns.c:225
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-mdns.c:226
+#, c-format
 #| msgid "The file was not recognized by any of the plugins."
 msgid "The service %s was already registered by another plugin."
-msgstr "àà ààààà àààà àààààà àà ààààà àààà àààààà ààà àà."
+msgstr "àààà %s àààà àà àà àà àà àààààà àààààà ààààààà àààà ààà."
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-mdns.c:233
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-mdns.c:234
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to add mDNS browser for service %s."
 msgstr "mDNS àààààààà àà %s àààà àà ààà àààààà ààà àààà."
-#. Translators: "Browse for hosts" means the ability to find/locate some machines [with the VNC service enabled] in the local network
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-mdns.c:250
+#. Translators: "Browse for hosts" means the ability to find/locate some remote hosts [with the VNC service enabled] in the local network
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-mdns.c:251
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to browse for hosts: %s\n"
 msgstr "àààààà àà ààà àààààà àààà ààà àààà: %s\n"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-mdns.c:319
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-mdns.c:320
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to initialize mDNS browser: %s\n"
 msgstr "mDNS ààààààà àààà àààà ààà àààà: %s\n"
@@ -1059,153 +899,205 @@ msgstr "ààààààà àààà"
 #. Translators: %s is a host name or IP address.
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-notebook.c:483
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 #| msgid "Authentication to host %s has failed"
 msgid "Authentication for host %s has failed"
-msgstr "àààààà %s ààà ààààààà àààà ààà"
+msgstr "àààààà %s àà àààà ààààààà àààà ààà"
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-notebook.c:489
 msgid "Authentication failed"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-notebook.c:527
-msgid "Connecting..."
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-notebook.c:537
+#| msgid "Connection"
+msgid "Connectingâ"
 msgstr "àààà ààà àà..."
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-notebook.c:554 ../vinagre/vinagre-tab.c:354
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-notebook.c:559
 msgid "Close connection"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààà àààà"
 #. Translators: this is a command line option (run vinagre --help)
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-options.c:31
-msgid "Open vinagre in fullscreen mode"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-options.c:33
+msgid "Specify geometry of the main Vinagre window"
+msgstr "àààààà Vinagre ààààà àà àààààààà ààààààààà àààà"
+#. Translators: this is a command line option (run vinagre --help)
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-options.c:37
+#| msgid "Open vinagre in fullscreen mode"
+msgid "Open Vinagre in fullscreen mode"
 msgstr "àààààààà àà ààààà ààààààà àààà àà ààààà"
 #. Translators: this is a command line option (run vinagre --help)
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-options.c:35
-msgid "Create a new toplevel window in an existing instance of vinagre"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-options.c:41
+#| msgid "Create a new toplevel window in an existing instance of vinagre"
+msgid "Create a new toplevel window in an existing instance of Vinagre"
 msgstr "ààààààààààà ààààà àà àààà àààààà àààààààà àààààà ààà ààààà"
 #. Translators: this is a command line option (run vinagre --help)
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-options.c:39
-msgid "Open a file recognized by vinagre"
-msgstr "àààà àààààààà àà àààààà àààà ààà ààààà ààààà"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-options.c:45
+#| msgid "Open a file recognized by vinagre"
+msgid "Open a file recognized by Vinagre"
+msgstr "àààààààà àà àààààà àààà ààà ààààà ààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-options.c:39
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-options.c:45
 msgid "filename"
 msgstr "ààààààà"
 #. Translators: this is a command line option (run vinagre --help)
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-options.c:44
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-options.c:50
 msgid "[server:port]"
 msgstr "[server:port]"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-options.c:125
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-options.c:124
+#, c-format
+#| msgid "Invalid name for this folder"
+msgid "Invalid argument %s for --geometry"
+msgstr "àààààà àààà %s àà ààà -- àààààààà"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-options.c:142
 msgid "The following error has occurred:"
 msgid_plural "The following errors have occurred:"
 msgstr[0] "àààà àà ààà àààààà ààà:"
 msgstr[1] "àààà àà ààà àààààà ààà:"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-plugin-dialog.c:71
-msgid "Plugin Manager"
-msgstr "àààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-prefs.c:87
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-prefs.c:83
 msgid "Cannot initialize preferences manager."
 msgstr "àààààà ààààààà ààààààà àààà àà àààà."
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:106
-msgid "Timed out when logging into SSH host"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-reverse-vnc-listener-dialog.c:103
+msgid "IPv4:"
+msgstr "IPv4:"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-reverse-vnc-listener-dialog.c:115
+msgid ""
 msgstr ""
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-reverse-vnc-listener-dialog.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "On the port %d"
+msgstr "ààààà %d àà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:180
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-reverse-vnc-listener.c:212
+#| msgid "Error saving recent connection."
+msgid "Error activating reverse connections"
+msgstr "ààààà ààààààà àààààà àààà ààà àààààà"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-reverse-vnc-listener.c:213
+msgid ""
+"The program could not find any available TCP ports starting at 5500. Is "
+"there any other running program consuming all your TCP ports?"
+msgstr ""
+"ààààààààà 5500 àà àààà àààà àààà àààà àà àààààà TCP ààààà àà àààà ààà àààà àà."
+" àààà àààà ààà "
+"TCP ààààà àà ààà àààà àà àààà àà ààà ààààààààà àààààà àààà àà ààà àà?"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:115
+msgid "Timed out when logging into SSH host"
+msgstr "SSH ààààà ààà àààààà àà ààààà ààà àààààà"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:191
 msgid "Unable to spawn ssh program"
 msgstr "ssh ààààààààà àà ààààà ààààà ààà àààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:197
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:208
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to spawn ssh program: %s"
 msgstr "ssh ààààààààà àà ààààà ààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:352
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:425
 msgid "Timed out when logging in"
 msgstr "àààààà àà àà ààààà ààà ààààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:382 ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:537
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:621
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:455 ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:603
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:687
 msgid "Permission denied"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:448
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:514
 msgid "Password dialog canceled"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ààààààà ààààà àààà àà àààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:471
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:537
 #| msgid "Could not run vinagre:"
 msgid "Could not send password"
-msgstr "vinagre àààà ààà ààà:"
+msgstr "ààààààà àààà ààà àààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:479
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:545
 msgid "Log In Anyway"
 msgstr "àààà ààà ààààà àààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:479
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:545
 msgid "Cancel Login"
 msgstr "ààààà àààà àààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:488
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:554
 #, c-format
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The identity of the remote computer (%s) is unknown.\n"
+#| "This happens when you log in to a computer the first time.\n"
+#| "\n"
+#| "The identity sent by the remote computer is %s. If you want to be "
+#| "absolutely sure it is safe to continue, contact the system administrator."
 msgid ""
-"The identity of the remote computer (%s) is unknown.\n"
-"This happens when you log in to a computer the first time.\n"
+"The identity of the remote host (%s) is unknown.\n"
+"This happens when you log in to a host the first time.\n"
-"The identity sent by the remote computer is %s. If you want to be absolutely "
+"The identity sent by the remote host is %s. If you want to be absolutely "
 "sure it is safe to continue, contact the system administrator."
 msgstr ""
 "àààààà àààààààà (%s) àà ààààà àààààà àà.\n"
 "àà àà àààà àà àà àà ààààààààà ààà àààà ààà ààààà àààà ààà.\n"
-"àààààà àààààààà àà àààààà ààà àà àà ààààà %s àà. ààà àà àààà ààà àà ààààààà àààà ààààà ààà "
+"àààààà àààààààà àà àààààà àààà àà ààààà %s àà. ààà àà àààà ààà àà ààààààà "
+"àààà ààààà ààà "
 "àà àààà àààà àààààààà àà, ààààà ààààààà àà àààààà àààà."
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:506
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:572
 #| msgid "Migration cancelled"
 msgid "Login dialog canceled"
-msgstr "àààààààààà àààà"
+msgstr "ààààà ààààà àààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:527
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:593
 msgid "Can't send host identity confirmation"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààà àààààààà àààà ààà àààà àà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:562 ../vinagre/vinagre-tab.c:806
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:628 ../vinagre/vinagre-tab.c:808
 msgid "Error saving the credentials on the keyring."
 msgstr "àà àààààà àà ààààà àààààà ààà àààààà."
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:628
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:694
 msgid "Hostname not known"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààà ààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:635
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:701
 msgid "No route to host"
 msgstr "àààààà ààà ààà ààà àààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:642
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:708
 #| msgid "Connection closed"
 msgid "Connection refused by server"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààà àà àààààà àààààààà àààà ààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:649
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:715
 #| msgid "Authentication failed"
 msgid "Host key verification failed"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà àààà àààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:686
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ssh.c:752
 msgid "Unable to find a valid SSH program"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ààà SSH ààààààààà ààààà ààà àààààà"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tab.c:354
+#| msgid "Close connection"
+msgid "Disconnect"
+msgstr "ààààààà ààà àààà"
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-tab.c:375
 msgid "Leave fullscreen"
@@ -1215,64 +1107,65 @@ msgstr "ààààà ààààààà àààààà"
 msgid "Error saving recent connection."
 msgstr "ààà àà ààààààà àààààà ààà àààààà."
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tab.c:895
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tab.c:898
 msgid "Could not get a screenshot of the connection."
 msgstr "ààààààà àà àààààààààà àààà àà ààà."
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tab.c:900
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tab.c:903
 msgid "Save Screenshot"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààààààà"
-#. Translators: This is the suggested filename (in save dialog) when taking a screenshot of the connection. %s will be replaced by the friendly name of the connection, for instance: Screenshot of wendell wendell-laptop, or Screenshot of
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tab.c:912
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tab.c:917
 #, c-format
-msgid "Screenshot of %s"
-msgstr "%s àà àààààààààà"
+#| msgid "Screenshot of %s"
+msgid "Screenshot of %s at %s"
+msgstr "%s àà àààààààààà %s àà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tab.c:963
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tab.c:971
 msgid "Error saving screenshot"
 msgstr "àààààààààà àààààà ààà àààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tube-handler.c:230
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tube-handler.c:233
 #, c-format
 msgid "Impossible to get service property: %s"
 msgstr "àààà ààà àààà ààààà: %s"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tube-handler.c:287
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tube-handler.c:300
 #, c-format
 msgid "Impossible to create the connection: %s"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààà ààààà: %s"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tube-handler.c:326
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tube-handler.c:339
 #, c-format
 msgid "Impossible to accept the stream tube: %s"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààà ààààààààà ààààà: %s"
 #. Translators: this is an error message when we fail to get the name of an empathy/telepathy buddy. %s will be replaced by the actual error message.
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tube-handler.c:464
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tube-handler.c:477
 #, c-format
 msgid "Impossible to get the contact name: %s"
 msgstr "àààààà ààà àààà ààààà: %s"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tube-handler.c:501
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tube-handler.c:514
 #, c-format
 msgid "Impossible to get the avatar: %s"
 msgstr "ààààà àààà ààààà: %s"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tube-handler.c:522
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tube-handler.c:535
+#, c-format
 #| msgid "%s wants to share his desktop with you."
 msgid "%s wants to share their desktop with you."
 msgstr "%s àààà ààà àààà àààààààà àà àààà àààà ààààà àà."
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tube-handler.c:527
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-tube-handler.c:540
 msgid "Desktop sharing invitation"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààààà ààààààà"
 #. Toplevel
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:33
-msgid "_Machine"
-msgstr "àààà"
+#| msgid "Remove Item?"
+msgid "_Remote"
+msgstr "àààààà (_R)"
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:34
 msgid "_Edit"
@@ -1286,47 +1179,57 @@ msgstr "ààààà (_V)"
 msgid "_Bookmarks"
 msgstr "àààà (_B)"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:37
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "ààà (_H)"
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:41
-msgid "Connect to a remote machine"
-msgstr "ààààà àààà àà àààààà àààà"
+#| msgid "Connect to a remote machine"
+msgid "Connect to a remote desktop"
+msgstr "ààààà àààààààà àà àààààà àààà"
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:43
 msgid "Open a .VNC file"
 msgstr ".VNC àààà ààààà"
+#. Translators: "Reverse" here is an adjective, not a verb.
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:45
-msgid "Quit the program"
-msgstr "ààààààààà àà àààà àààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:49
-msgid "Edit the application preferences"
-msgstr "ààààààààà àààààà ààààààà àààà"
+#| msgid "_Recent connections"
+msgid "_Reverse Connectionsâ"
+msgstr "ààààààà ààààà ... (_R)"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:50
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Plugin"
-msgid "_Plugins"
-msgstr "àààààà (_P)"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:45
+msgid "Configure incoming VNC connections"
+msgstr "ààà àààà VNC ààààààà àà ààààààààà àààà "
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:51
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Active plugins"
-msgid "Select plugins"
-msgstr "àààààà àààààà"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:48
+msgid "Quit the program"
+msgstr "ààààààààà àà àààà àààà"
 #. Help menu
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:54
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:51
 msgid "_Contents"
 msgstr "àààà àààà (_C)"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:55
-msgid "Open the vinagre manual"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:52
+#| msgid "Open the vinagre manual"
+msgid "Open the Vinagre manual"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààààà ààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:57
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:54
 msgid "About this application"
 msgstr "àà ààààààààà àà àààà ààà"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:59
+#| msgid "_Show menu shortcuts"
+msgid "_Keyboard shortcuts"
+msgstr "ààààààà ààààààà (_K)"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:60
+#| msgid "_Show menu shortcuts"
+msgid "Enable keyboard shurtcuts"
+msgstr "ààààààà ààààààà àààààà àààà"
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:62
 msgid "_Toolbar"
 msgstr "ààààà-ààààà (_T)"
@@ -1343,158 +1246,290 @@ msgstr "àààààà-ààààà (_S)"
 msgid "Show or hide the statusbar"
 msgstr "ààààààààààà àààààà àà àààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:70
-msgid "Side _Panel"
-msgstr "àààààà àà ààà"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:75
+#| msgid "Close the current connection"
+msgid "Disconnect the current connection"
+msgstr "ààààààà ààààààà àà ààà àààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:71
-msgid "Show or hide the side panel"
-msgstr "àààààà àà ààà àààààà àà àààààà"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:76
+msgid "Disconnect All"
+msgstr "ààà ààààààààà àààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:79
-msgid "Close the current connection"
-msgstr "àà ààààààà àà ààà àààà"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:77
+#| msgid "Close all active connections"
+msgid "Disconnect all connections"
+msgstr "ààà ààààààà ààà àààà"
+#. Bookmarks menu
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:80
-msgid "C_lose All"
-msgstr "ààà ààà àààà (_l)"
+#| msgid "_Add to bookmarks"
+msgid "_Add Bookmark"
+msgstr "àààà àààààà (_A)"
 #: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:81
-msgid "Close all active connections"
-msgstr "ààà àààààà ààààààà ààà àààà"
-#. Bookmarks menu
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:84
-msgid "_Add to bookmarks"
-msgstr "àààààààààà ààà àààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:85
-msgid "Add current connection to your bookmarks"
+#| msgid "Add current connection to your bookmarks"
+msgid "Add the current connection to your bookmarks"
 msgstr "àààà àààààààààà ààà àààààà ààààààà àààààà"
-#. Machine menu
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:92
-#, fuzzy
+#. Remote menu
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:88
 #| msgid "Take screenshot"
-msgid "_Take screenshot"
-msgstr "àààààààààà ààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:93
-msgid "Take a screenshot of active connection"
-msgstr "àààààà ààààààà àà àààààààààà ààà"
+msgid "_Take Screenshot"
+msgstr "àààààààààà ààà (_T)"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:97
-msgid "View the current machine in full screen"
-msgstr "ààààà ààààààà ààà àààààà àààà ààààà"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:89
+#| msgid "Take a screenshot of active connection"
+msgid "Take a screenshot of the current remote desktop"
+msgstr "àààààà àààààà àààààààà àà àà àààààààààà àà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-utils.c:72
-msgid "An error has occurred:"
-msgstr "àà àààààà àà:"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-ui.h:93
+#| msgid "View the current machine in full screen"
+msgid "View the current remote desktop in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "ààààà ààààààà ààà ààà àààààà àààààà àààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-utils.c:161
-msgid ""
-"A plugin tried to open an UI file but did not succeed, with the error "
-msgstr ""
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-utils.vala:40
+#| msgid "An error has occurred:"
+msgid "An error occurred"
+msgstr "àà àààààà ààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-utils.c:163
-msgid ""
-"The program tried to open an UI file but did not succeed, with the error "
-msgstr ""
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-utils.vala:84
+msgid "Vinagre failed to open a UI file, with the error message:"
+msgstr "àààààààà UI ààààà ààààà ààà àààà ààà àà,  àààààà ààààà àà ààà:"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-utils.c:166
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-utils.vala:85
 msgid "Please check your installation."
 msgstr "àààà àààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-utils.c:167
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-utils.vala:89
 #| msgid "Error while saving history file: %s"
 msgid "Error loading UI file"
-msgstr "àààààà ààààà àààààà àà ààààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-utils.c:288
-msgid "Vinagre is a remote desktop viewer for the GNOME Desktop"
-msgstr "àààààààà àààà àààààààà àà ààà àààààà àààààààà àààààààà àà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-utils.c:291
-msgid ""
-"Vinagre is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the "
-"terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software "
-"Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later "
-msgstr ""
-"Vinagre is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the "
-"terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software "
-"Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later "
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-utils.c:295
-msgid ""
-"Vinagre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY "
-"WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS "
-"FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Vinagre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY "
-"WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS "
-"FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more "
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-utils.c:299
-msgid ""
-"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
-"this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>."
-msgstr ""
-"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
-"this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>."
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-utils.c:316
-msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr ""
-"ààààà àààà (rajeshkajha yahoo com, rranjan redhat com)\n"
-"ààààààà àààààààààà (raviratlami yahoo com)"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-utils.c:319
-msgid "Vinagre Website"
-msgstr "Vinagre ààààààà"
+msgstr "àààà ààààà ààà àààà ààà àààààà"
 #. Translators: %s is a protocol, like VNC or SSH
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-utils.c:431
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-utils.vala:112
+#, c-format
 #| msgid "Authentication is required"
 msgid "%s authentication is required"
-msgstr "ààààààà ààààà àà"
+msgstr "%s ààààààà ààààà àà"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-utils.vala:194
+#| msgid "Error while saving history file: %s"
+msgid "Error showing help"
+msgstr "ààà àààààà ààà àààààà"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-window.c:390
+#, c-format
+#| msgid "Could not load builder file: %s"
+msgid "Could not merge UI XML file: %s"
+msgstr "àààà XML ààààà àààà àààà àà ààà: %s"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-window.c:437
-msgid "_Recent connections"
-msgstr "àààààà ààààààà"
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-window.c:421
+#| msgid "_Recent connections"
+msgid "_Recent Connections"
+msgstr "àààààà ààààààà (_R)"
 #. Translators: This is server:port, a statusbar tooltip when mouse is over a bookmark item on menu
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-window.c:554
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-window.c:579
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s:%d"
 msgstr "ààààà %s:%d"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-window.c:733
-msgid "About menu accelerators and keyboard shortcuts"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-window.c:735
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-window.c:773
 msgid ""
-"Vinagre comes with menu accelerators and keyboard shortcuts disabled by "
-"default. The reason is to avoid the keys to be intercepted by the program, "
-"and allow them to be sent to the remote machine.\n"
-"You can change this behavior through the preferences dialog. For more "
-"information, check the documentation.\n"
+"Vinagre disables keyboard shortcuts by default, so that any keyboard "
+"shortcuts are sent to the remote desktop.\n"
 "This message will appear only once."
 msgstr ""
+"àààààààà àààààà ààà àà àààààààà ààààààà ààààààààà àààà àà, àààà àààà àà "
+"àààààààà "
+"ààààààà àààààà àààààààà àà ààà àààà àààà àà.\n"
+"àà ààààà àààà àà ààà ààààà àààà."
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-window.c:779
+msgid "Enable shortcuts"
+msgstr "ààààààà ààààà àààà"
-#: ../vinagre/vinagre-window.c:743 ../vinagre/vinagre-window.c:749
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: ../vinagre/vinagre-window.c:792 ../vinagre/vinagre-window.c:798
+#, c-format
 #| msgid "Error while saving history file: %s"
 msgid "Error while creating the file %s: %s"
-msgstr "àààààà ààààà àààààà àà ààààà àààààà: %s"
+msgstr "àààà %s ààààà àà ààààà àààààà: %s"
+#~ msgid "Active plugins"
+#~ msgstr "àààààà àààààà"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "List of active plugins. It contains the \"Location\" of the active "
+#~ "plugins. See the .vinagre-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a "
+#~ "given plugin."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "àààààà àààààà àà àààà. àà àààààà àààààà àà \"Location\" àààààà àààà àà. ."
+#~ "vinagre-plugin ààààà ààààà ààà àà àààààà àà \"Location\" àààà àà ààà."
+#~ msgid "Interface"
+#~ msgstr "ààààààà"
+#~ msgid "Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "àààààààààààà"
+#~ msgid "Which machine do you want to connect to?"
+#~ msgstr "ààà àààà ààà àà àààààà àààà ààààà ààà?"
+#~ msgid "_Always show tabs"
+#~ msgstr "ààààà ààà àààààà (_A)"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "SSH support"
+#~ msgid "RDP support"
+#~ msgstr "SSH àààààà"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Access Unix/Linux, Windows and other machines."
+#~ msgid "Access MS Windows machines"
+#~ msgstr "Unix/Linux  àààààà àà ààààà àààà àà ààààà ààà."
+#~ msgid "SSH support"
+#~ msgstr "SSH àààààà"
+#~ msgid "VNC support"
+#~ msgstr "VNC àààààà"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "_Recent connections"
+#~ msgid "Allows reverse VNC connections"
+#~ msgstr "àààààà ààààààà"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "_Recent connections"
+#~ msgid "Reverse VNC"
+#~ msgstr "àààààà ààààààà"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "_Recent connections"
+#~ msgid "_Reverse Connections..."
+#~ msgstr "àààààà ààààààà"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "SSH support"
+#~ msgid "Spice support"
+#~ msgstr "SSH àààààà"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "_Statusbar"
+#~ msgid "IM Status"
+#~ msgstr "àààààà-ààààà (_S)"
+#~ msgid "Could not run vinagre:"
+#~ msgstr "vinagre àààà ààà ààà:"
+#~ msgid "Open Remote Desktop Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "ààààà àààààààà àààààààà ààààà"
+#~ msgid "Access your bookmarks"
+#~ msgstr "àààà àààààààààà àà ààààà ààà"
+#~ msgid "_About"
+#~ msgstr "ààààà (_A)"
+#~ msgid "_New Folder"
+#~ msgstr "ààà ààààààà (_N)"
+#~ msgid "Create a new folder"
+#~ msgstr "ààà àààààà ààààà"
+#~ msgid "_Open bookmark"
+#~ msgstr "àààààààààà ààààà (_O)"
+#~ msgid "Connect to this machine"
+#~ msgstr "àà àààà àà àààààà"
+#~ msgid "_Edit bookmark"
+#~ msgstr "àààààààààà ààààààà àààà"
+#~ msgid "Edit the details of selected bookmark"
+#~ msgstr "ààààà àààààààààà ààààààà àààà"
+#~ msgid "_Remove from bookmarks"
+#~ msgstr "àààààààààà àà ààààà"
+#~ msgid "Remove current selected connection from bookmarks"
+#~ msgstr "àààààààààà àà àààààà ààààà ààààààà ààààà"
+#~ msgid "Invalid operation"
+#~ msgstr "àààà àààààà"
+#~ msgid "Data received from drag&drop operation is invalid."
+#~ msgstr "drag&drop àààààààà àà ààààààà àààààà àààà àà."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Side _Panel"
+#~ msgid "Hide panel"
+#~ msgstr "ààà ààààààà"
+#~ msgid "Hosts nearby"
+#~ msgstr "ààààà ààààààà"
+#~ msgid "Connecting..."
+#~ msgstr "àààà ààà àà..."
+#~ msgid "Plugin Manager"
+#~ msgstr "àààààà ààààààà"
+#~ msgid "_Machine"
+#~ msgstr "àààà"
+#~ msgid "Edit the application preferences"
+#~ msgstr "ààààààààà àààààà ààààààà àààà"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Plugin"
+#~ msgid "_Plugins"
+#~ msgstr "àààààà (_P)"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Active plugins"
+#~ msgid "Select plugins"
+#~ msgstr "àààààà àààààà"
+#~ msgid "Side _Panel"
+#~ msgstr "àààààà àà ààà"
+#~ msgid "Show or hide the side panel"
+#~ msgstr "àààààà àà ààà àààààà àà àààààà"
+#~ msgid "C_lose All"
+#~ msgstr "ààà ààà àààà (_l)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Vinagre is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under "
+#~ "the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+#~ "Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+#~ "any later version."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Vinagre is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under "
+#~ "the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+#~ "Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+#~ "any later version."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Vinagre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+#~ "ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+#~ "FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for "
+#~ "more details."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Vinagre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+#~ "ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+#~ "FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for "
+#~ "more details."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along "
+#~ "with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along "
+#~ "with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>."
+#~ msgid "Vinagre Website"
+#~ msgstr "Vinagre ààààààà"

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