[gnumeric] Updated Slovenian translation
- From: Matej UrbanÄiÄ <mateju src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnumeric] Updated Slovenian translation
- Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2012 08:10:38 +0000 (UTC)
commit 6099df6d02f80af09f7fcb5d90c947e02bf983e6
Author: Matej UrbanÄiÄ <mateju svn gnome org>
Date: Wed Aug 1 10:10:33 2012 +0200
Updated Slovenian translation
po-functions/sl.po | 82 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
1 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po-functions/sl.po b/po-functions/sl.po
index 6fd0e5e..ed4f281 100644
--- a/po-functions/sl.po
+++ b/po-functions/sl.po
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnumeric-functions master\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gnumeric&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-29 11:12+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-29 13:41+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-01 02:37+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-08-01 10:09+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Matej UrbanÄiÄ <mateju svn gnome org>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovenian GNOME Translation Team <gnome-si googlegroups com>\n"
"Language: Slovenian\n"
@@ -9413,82 +9413,82 @@ msgstr ""
"4: interpolacija z naravnimi kubiÄnimi zlepki;\n"
"5: interpolacija z naravnimi kubiÄnimi zlepki s povpreÄenjem."
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:380
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:381
msgid "INTERPOLATION:interpolated values corresponding to the given abscissa targets"
msgstr "INTERPOLATION: interpolirane vrednosti, ki sovpadajo s podanimi cilji abscise"
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:381
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:382
msgid "abscissae:abscissae of the given data points"
msgstr "abscise: abscise podanih podatkovnih toÄk"
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:382
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:383
msgid "ordinates:ordinates of the given data points"
msgstr "ordinata: navpiÄne koordinate podanih podatkovnih toÄk"
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:383
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:384
msgid "targets:abscissae of the interpolated data"
msgstr "cilji: vodoravne koordinate interpoliranih podatkov"
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:384
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:385
msgid "interpolation:method of interpolation, defaults to 0 ('linear')"
msgstr "interpolacija: naÄin interpolacije, privzeto doloÄen z 0 ('linearni')"
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:385
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:570
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:386
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:575
msgid "The output consists always of one column of numbers."
msgstr "Odvod je vedno izpisan v enem stolpcu Åtevil."
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:387
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:388
msgid "The @{abscissae} should be given in increasing order. If the @{abscissae} is not in increasing order the INTERPOLATION function is significantly slower."
msgstr "Vrednosti @{abscis} morajo biti podane v naraÅÄajoÄem redu. V kolikor vrednosti @{abscis} niso ustrezno urejene, deluje funkcija INTERPOLATION opazno poÄasneje."
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:389
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:390
msgid "If any two @{abscissae} values are equal an error is returned."
msgstr "V kolikor sta katerikoli dve vrednosti @{abscis} enaki, funkcija vrne napako."
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:390
-msgid "If any of interpolation methods 1 ('linear with averaging'), 3 ('staircase with averaging'), and 5 ('natural cubic spline with averaging') is used, the number of returned values is one less than the number of targets and the targets values must be given in increasing order."
-msgstr "V kolikor je uporabljena ena izmed metod interpolacije; 1 ('linearna s povpreÄenjem'), 3 ('stopniÄasta s povpreÄenjem') oziroma 5 ('interpolacija z naravnimi kubiÄnimi zlepki s povpreÄenjem'), je Åtevilo vrnjene vrednosti manjÅe kot Åtevilo ciljev in vrednosti ciljev morajo biti razvrÅÄeni v naraÅÄajoÄem vrstnem redu."
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:391
+msgid "If any of interpolation methods 1 ('linear with averaging'), 3 ('staircase with averaging'), and 5 ('natural cubic spline with averaging') is used, the number of returned values is one less than the number of targets and the target values must be given in increasing order. The values returned are the average heights of the interpolation function on the intervals determined by consecutive target values."
+msgstr "V kolikor je uporabljena ena izmed metod interpolacije; 1 ('linearna s povpreÄenjem'), 3 ('stopniÄasta s povpreÄenjem') oziroma 5 ('interpolacija z naravnimi kubiÄnimi zlepki s povpreÄenjem'), je Åtevilo vrnjenih vrednosti manjÅe od Åtevila ciljev, vrednosti ciljev pa morajo biti razvrÅÄeni v naraÅÄajoÄem vrstnem redu. Vrnjene vrednosti so povpreÄne viÅine interpolirane funkcije na intervalih, doloÄenih v zaporedju ciljnih vrednosti."
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:395
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:577
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:398
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:582
msgid "Strings and empty cells in @{abscissae} and @{ordinates} are ignored."
msgstr "Celica z nizi in prazne celice @{abscise} in @{ordinate} so prezrte."
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:396
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:578
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:399
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:583
msgid "If several target data are provided they must be in the same column in consecutive cells."
msgstr "V kolikor je podanih veÄ ciljnih podatkov, morajo biti ti v istem stolpcu v zaporednih navpiÄnih celicah."
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:563
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:568
msgid "PERIODOGRAM:periodogram of the given data"
msgstr "PERIODOGRAM: periodogram (ocena spektralne gostote signala) podanih podatkov"
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:564
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:569
msgid "ordinates:ordinates of the given data"
msgstr "ordinata: navpiÄne koordinate podanih podatkov"
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:565
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:570
msgid "filter:windowing function to be used, defaults to no filter"
msgstr "filter: uporabljena funkcija podatkovnega okna privzeto doloÄena brez filtra"
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:566
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:571
msgid "abscissae:abscissae of the given data, defaults to regularly spaced abscissae"
msgstr "abscisa: abscisa podanih podatkov, privzeto gre za absciso z enakomernimi razmiki"
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:567
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:572
msgid "interpolation:method of interpolation, defaults to none"
msgstr "interpolacija: naÄin interpolacije, privzeto doloÄen na brez"
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:568
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:573
msgid "number:number of interpolated data points"
msgstr "Åtevilo: Åtevilo interpoliranih podatkovnih toÄk"
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:569
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:574
msgid "If an interpolation method is used, the number of returned values is one less than the number of targets and the targets values must be given in increasing order."
msgstr "Äe je uporabljena interpolacija, je Åtevilo vrnjenih vrednosti za eno manjÅe od Åtevila ciljev, ti pa morajo biti podani naraÅÄajoÄe."
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:572
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:577
msgid ""
"Possible window functions are:\n"
"0: no filter (rectangular window)\n"
@@ -9502,57 +9502,57 @@ msgstr ""
"2: Hahn (ko-sinusno okno)\n"
"3: Welch (paraboliÄno okno)"
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:822
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:827
msgid "FOURIER:Fourier or inverse Fourier transform"
msgstr "FOURIER: Fourierjeva transformacija ali njena inverzna vrednost "
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:823
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:922
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:828
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:927
msgid "Sequence:the data sequence to be transformed"
msgstr "zaporedje: zaporedje podatkov za preoblikovanje"
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:824
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:829
msgid "Inverse:if true, the inverse Fourier transform is calculated, defaults to false"
msgstr "Inverzna vrednost: izbrana moÅnost vrne inverzno vrednost Fourierjeve transformacije"
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:825
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:830
msgid "Separate:if true, the real and imaginary parts are given separately, defaults to false"
msgstr "loÄenost: argument doloÄa, ali sta realni in imaginarni del podana loÄeno; privzeto je argument izpuÅÄen"
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:826
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:831
msgid "This array function returns the Fourier or inverse Fourier transform of the given data sequence."
msgstr "Funkcija polja vrne Fourierjevo transformacijo ali njeno inverzno vrednost podanega zaporedja podatkov."
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:827
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:832
msgid "The output consists of one column of complex numbers if @{Separate} is false and of two columns of real numbers if @{Separate} is true."
msgstr "V primeru, da je argument @{loÄenosti} doloÄen, je odvod sestavljen iz dveh stolpcev realnih Åtevil, Äe pa @{loÄenost} ni doloÄena, je odvod en stolpec kompleksnih Åtevil."
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:828
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:833
msgid "If @{Separate} is true the first output column contains the real parts and the second column the imaginary parts."
msgstr "V kolikor je argument @{loÄenosti} doloÄen, pomeni, da prvi stolpec doloÄa realne, drugi stolpec pa imaginarne vrednosti."
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:829
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:926
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:834
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:931
msgid "If @{Sequence} is neither an n by 1 nor 1 by n array, this function returns #VALUE!"
msgstr "V kolikor @{zaporedje} ni niti polje n x 1 niti 1 x n, funkcija vrne napako #VALUE!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:921
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:926
msgid "HPFILTER:Hodrick Prescott Filter"
msgstr "HPFILTER: Hodrick-Prescottov filter"
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:923
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:928
msgid "Î:filter parameter Î, defaults to 1600"
msgstr "Î: parameter filtra Î, privzeto je doloÄena vrednost 1600"
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:924
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:929
msgid "This array function returns the trend and cyclical components obtained by applying the Hodrick Prescott Filter with parameter @{Î} to the given data sequence."
msgstr "Ta matriÄna funkcija vrne trendno in cikliÄno komponento, ki ju pridobi z uveljavljanjem filtra Hodrick Prescott s parametrom @{Î} nad podanim nizom podatkov."
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:925
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:930
msgid "The output consists of two columns of numbers, the first containing the trend component, the second the cyclical component."
msgstr "Izhod sestavljata dva stolpca Åtevil, prvi vsebuje komponento trenda, drugi pa cikliÄno komponento."
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:927
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:932
msgid "If @{Sequence} contians less than 6 numerical values, this function returns #VALUE!"
msgstr "V kolikor vsebuje @{zaporedje} le 6 ÅtevilÄnih vrednosti, funkcija vrne napako #VALUE!"
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