[tomboy] [l10n] Update Japanese translation

commit de58dd4cf96c8531c4d998c8e11b940b61a9e2d5
Author: Jiro Matsuzawa <jmatsuzawa gnome org>
Date:   Fri Aug 10 21:35:14 2012 +0900

    [l10n] Update Japanese translation
    Merge latest pot

 po/ja.po | 1045 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 356 insertions(+), 689 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
index 3a41014..8af0574 100644
--- a/po/ja.po
+++ b/po/ja.po
@@ -11,598 +11,396 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: tomboy master\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-16 11:45+0000\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=tomboy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-05-01 16:57+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-11-16 21:55+0900\n"
 "Last-Translator: OKANO Takayoshi <kano na rim or jp>\n"
 "Language-Team: Japanese <gnome-translation gnome gr jp>\n"
+"Language: ja\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: ja\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
 #: ../data/GNOME_TomboyApplet.server.in.in.h:1
-msgid "Accessories"
-msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../data/GNOME_TomboyApplet.server.in.in.h:2
-msgid "Simple and easy to use note-taking"
-msgstr "ãããããäããããããçãããããããããã"
-#: ../data/GNOME_TomboyApplet.server.in.in.h:3
 msgid "Tomboy Applet Factory"
 msgstr "Tomboy ãããããããããããã"
-#: ../data/GNOME_TomboyApplet.server.in.in.h:4 ../data/tomboy.desktop.in.h:3
+#: ../data/GNOME_TomboyApplet.server.in.in.h:2 ../data/tomboy.desktop.in.h:1
 #: ../Tomboy/Tray.cs:579
 msgid "Tomboy Notes"
 msgstr "Tomboy ãã"
+#: ../data/GNOME_TomboyApplet.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Simple and easy to use note-taking"
+msgstr "ãããããäããããããçãããããããããã"
+#: ../data/GNOME_TomboyApplet.server.in.in.h:4
+msgid "Accessories"
+msgstr "ãããããã"
 #: ../data/GNOME_TomboyApplet.xml.h:1 ../Tomboy/ActionManager.cs:179
 #: ../Tomboy/Tray.cs:274
 msgid "S_ynchronize Notes"
 msgstr "ãããåæ(_Y)"
-#: ../data/GNOME_TomboyApplet.xml.h:2 ../Tomboy/ActionManager.cs:164
-msgid "_About"
-msgstr "æå(_A)"
+#: ../data/GNOME_TomboyApplet.xml.h:2 ../Tomboy/ActionManager.cs:153
+#: ../Tomboy/Tray.cs:283
+msgid "_Preferences"
+msgstr "èå(_P)"
 #: ../data/GNOME_TomboyApplet.xml.h:3 ../Tomboy/ActionManager.cs:157
 #: ../Tomboy/Tray.cs:288
 msgid "_Help"
 msgstr "ããã(_H)"
-#: ../data/GNOME_TomboyApplet.xml.h:4 ../Tomboy/ActionManager.cs:153
-#: ../Tomboy/Tray.cs:283
-msgid "_Preferences"
-msgstr "èå(_P)"
-#: ../data/tomboy.desktop.in.h:1
-msgid "Note-taker"
-msgstr "ãã"
+#: ../data/GNOME_TomboyApplet.xml.h:4 ../Tomboy/ActionManager.cs:164
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "æå(_A)"
 #: ../data/tomboy.desktop.in.h:2
 msgid "Take notes, link ideas, and stay organized"
 msgstr "ãããåãããããããééããããããäçåããã"
+#: ../data/tomboy.desktop.in.h:3
+msgid "Note-taker"
+msgstr "ãã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:1
-msgid "Accept SSL Certificates"
-msgstr "SSL ãèææãåãåããããã"
+msgid "Enable spellchecking"
+msgstr "ããããããããæåããããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:2
-msgid "Automatic Background Synchronization Timeout"
-msgstr "ããããããããããèååæããããããã"
+msgid "If true, misspellings will be underlined in red, and correct spelling suggestions shown in the right-click menu."
+msgstr "TRUE ãååããããéããèèãäçããããåãããããããããååãããããæçãããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:3
-msgid "Create a new Note"
-msgstr "æèããããçæãããã"
+msgid "Enable WikiWord highlighting"
+msgstr "WikiWord ãåèèçãæåããããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:4
-msgid "Custom Font Face"
-msgstr "çèãããããå"
+msgid "Enable this option to highlight words ThatLookLikeThis. Clicking the word will create a note with that name."
+msgstr "ThatLookLikeThis ããããåèãåèèçããããããããããããæåãããããããåèãããããããããåèãååããããããããæãããããäæãããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"Determines X coordinate of \"Search All Notes\" window; stored on Tomboy "
-msgstr ""
-" \"ãããããããæç\"ããããããXåæããTomboy ãçäããéãæçããã"
+msgid "Enable automatic bulleted lists."
+msgstr "èåçãçææããæåãããããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:6
-msgid ""
-"Determines Y coordinate of \"Search All Notes\" window; stored on Tomboy "
-msgstr ""
-" \"ãããããããæç\"ããããããYåæããTomboy ãçäããéãæçããã"
+msgid "Enable this option if you want bulleted lists to be automatic when you place - or * at the beginning of a line."
+msgstr "èéã '-' ã '*' ãããæåãååãããèåçãçææããããããããååãããããããããæåããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:7
-msgid ""
-"Determines pixel height of \"Search All Notes\" window; stored on Tomboy "
-msgstr ""
-" \"ãããããããæç\"ããããããéã (ããããåä) ããTomboy ãçäãã"
+msgid "Enable Middle-Click Paste On Icon."
+msgstr "äãããããããããèãäããããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:8
-msgid ""
-"Determines pixel width of \"Search All Notes\" window; stored on Tomboy exit."
-msgstr ""
-" \"ãããããããæç\"ããããããå (ããããåä) ããTomboy ãçäããé"
+msgid "Enable this option if you want to be able to middle-click the Tomboy icon to paste timestamped content into the Start Here note."
+msgstr "Tomboy ããããããããããäããããããããããããããããéåãããããããããããããäããååãèãäããããããããããååãããããããããæåããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:9
-msgid "Enable Middle-Click Paste On Icon."
-msgstr "äãããããããããèãäããããããã"
+msgid "Enable custom font"
+msgstr "ãããããæåããããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:10
-msgid "Enable Tray Icon"
-msgstr "ããããããããæåå"
+msgid "If true, the font name set in custom_font_face will be used as the font when displaying notes. Otherwise the desktop default font will be used."
+msgstr "TRUE ãååããããèçããããã custom_font_face ããããããããããåãäçããããããäåãããããããããããããããããããäçãããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:11
-msgid "Enable WikiWord highlighting"
-msgstr "WikiWord ãåèèçãæåããããããã"
+msgid "Custom Font Face"
+msgstr "çèãããããå"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:12
-msgid "Enable automatic bulleted lists."
-msgstr "èåçãçææããæåãããããããã"
+msgid "If enable_custom_font is true, the font name set here will be used as the font when displaying notes."
+msgstr "enable_custom_font ã TRUE ãååããããèçããéãããããæåãããããããäçãããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:13
-msgid "Enable closing notes with escape."
-msgstr "Escããããããéããããããã"
+msgid "Enable global keybindings"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããæåããããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:14
-msgid "Enable custom font"
-msgstr "ãããããæåããããããã"
+msgid "If true, the desktop-global keybindings set in /apps/tomboy/global_keybindings will be enabled, allowing for useful Tomboy actions to be available from any application."
+msgstr "TRUE ãååã/apps/tomboy/global_keybindings ã desktop-global ãããããããæåããããåããããããããããã Tomboy ãæäãåèãããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:15
-msgid "Enable global keybindings"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããæåããããããã"
+msgid "Enable the Delete Note confirmation dialog"
+msgstr "ãããåéãçèããããããæåããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:16
-msgid "Enable spellchecking"
-msgstr "ããããããããæåããããããã"
+msgid "If disabled, the \"Delete Note\" confirmation dialog will be suppressed."
+msgstr "çååãããããããããåéããçèããããããèçãããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:17
-msgid "Enable startup notes"
-msgstr "èåæããããéããããã"
+msgid "Enable Tray Icon"
+msgstr "ããããããããæåå"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:18
-msgid "Enable the Delete Note confirmation dialog"
-msgstr "ãããåéãçèããããããæåããã"
+msgid "If true, Tomboy's tray icon will be displayed in the notification area. Disabling this may be useful when another application is providing the functionality of the tray icon."
+msgstr "TRUE ãååãTomboy ãããããããããéçéåãèçããããããããçååãããããäããããããããããããããããããæèãæäããããååãåãçãããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:19
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you want bulleted lists to be automatic when you place "
-"- or * at the beginning of a line."
-msgstr ""
-"èéã '-' ã '*' ãããæåãååãããèåçãçææããããããããååã"
+msgid "Start Here Note"
+msgstr "ããããéåããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:20
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you want to be able to middle-click the Tomboy icon to "
-"paste timestamped content into the Start Here note."
-msgstr ""
-"Tomboy ããããããããããäããããããããããããããããéåãããããã"
+msgid "The note URI of the note that should be considered the \"Start Here\" note, which is always placed at the bottom of the Tomboy note menu and also accessible by hotkey."
+msgstr "\"ããããéå\" ãããã URI ããã\"ããããéå\" ããããåã Tomboy ããããããæääãèçããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:21
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option to highlight words ThatLookLikeThis. Clicking the word "
-"will create a note with that name."
-msgstr ""
-"ThatLookLikeThis ããããåèãåèèçããããããããããããæåããããã"
+msgid "Minimum number of notes to show in menu"
+msgstr "ãããããèçããããæ (æåå)"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:22
-msgid "FUSE Mounting Timeout (ms)"
-msgstr "FUSE ãããããããæé (ms)"
+msgid "Integer determining the minimum number of notes to show in the Tomboy note menu."
+msgstr "Tomboy ããããããäãèçãããããåæ (æåå) ãèãææåããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:23
-msgid "HTML Export All Linked Notes"
-msgstr "ãããåãããããããã HTML ããããããããããããã"
+msgid "List of pinned notes."
+msgstr "ããäãããããäèã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:24
-msgid "HTML Export Linked Notes"
-msgstr "ãããåãããã HTML ããããããããããããã"
+msgid "Whitespace-separated list of note URIs for notes that should always appear in the Tomboy note menu."
+msgstr "ãããããããã (çç) ãååããããã URI ãäèã Tomboy ããããããäãåãèçãããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:25
-msgid ""
-"If disabled, the \"Delete Note\" confirmation dialog will be suppressed."
-msgstr "çååãããããããããåéããçèããããããèçãããããã"
+msgid "Maximum note title length to show in tray menu."
+msgstr "ããããããããèçããããããããããéã (æåå) ããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:26
-msgid ""
-"If enable_custom_font is true, the font name set here will be used as the "
-"font when displaying notes."
-msgstr ""
-"enable_custom_font ã TRUE ãååããããèçããéãããããæåãããããã"
+msgid "Maximum characters of note title to show in the Tomboy tray or panel applet note menu."
+msgstr "Tomboy ããããããããããããããããããããããèçãããããããããããæåæåæããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:27
-msgid ""
-"If enabled, all notes that were open when Tomboy quit will automatically be "
-"reopened at startup."
-msgstr ""
-"æåãããååãTomboy ãçäããæãããããããããããããããããèåæã"
+msgid "Enable startup notes"
+msgstr "èåæããããéããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:28
-msgid "If enabled, an opened note can be closed by hitting the escape key."
-msgstr ""
-"æåãããååãEsc ãããæäãéãããããããéãããããããããããã"
+msgid "If enabled, all notes that were open when Tomboy quit will automatically be reopened at startup."
+msgstr "æåãããååãTomboy ãçäããæãããããããããããããããããèåæãããäåãèåçããããããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:29
-msgid ""
-"If true, Tomboy's tray icon will be displayed in the notification area. "
-"Disabling this may be useful when another application is providing the "
-"functionality of the tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-"TRUE ãååãTomboy ãããããããããéçéåãèçããããããããçååã"
+msgid "Show applet menu"
+msgstr "ããããããããããèçãããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:30
-msgid ""
-"If true, misspellings will be underlined in red, and correct spelling "
-"suggestions shown in the right-click menu."
-msgstr ""
-"TRUE ãååããããéããèèãäçããããåãããããããããååããããã"
+msgid "The global keybinding for showing the Tomboy applet's menu. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this action."
+msgstr "\"Tomboy ããããã\" ãããããèçãããããããããããããããã (ãããããããããããã) ãããæåã \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" ããã \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\" ãããããããããããèçåãéããåæå/åæåãåçãããããããã \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" ã \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\" ããããççåãåèãããããããããããçæãæåå \"disabled\" ãæåããããããããããããåãããããåãåããèããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:31
-msgid ""
-"If true, the desktop-global keybindings set in /apps/tomboy/"
-"global_keybindings will be enabled, allowing for useful Tomboy actions to be "
-"available from any application."
-msgstr ""
-"TRUE ãååã/apps/tomboy/global_keybindings ã desktop-global ããããããã"
-"æåããããåããããããããããã Tomboy ãæäãåèãããããã"
+msgid "Open Start Here"
+msgstr "\"ããããéå\" ããããéããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:32
-msgid ""
-"If true, the font name set in custom_font_face will be used as the font when "
-"displaying notes. Otherwise the desktop default font will be used."
-msgstr ""
-"TRUE ãååããããèçããããã custom_font_face ããããããããããåãä"
+msgid "The global keybinding for opening the \"Start Here\" note. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this action."
+msgstr "\"ããããéå\" ãããéããããããããããããããã (ãããããããããããã) ãããæåã \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" ããã \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\" ãããããããããããèçåãéããåæå/åæåãåçãããããããã \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" ã \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\" ããããççåãåèãããããããããããçæãæåå \"disabled\" ãæåããããããããããããåãããããåãåããèãããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:33
-msgid ""
-"Indicates that the Sticky Note Importer plugin has not been run, so it "
-"should run automatically the next time Tomboy starts."
-msgstr ""
-"äççããããããããããããèããããããããèãããããããããããæå "
-"Tomboy ãèåãããèåçãããããããèããããããããã"
+msgid "Create a new Note"
+msgstr "æèããããçæãããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:34
-msgid ""
-"Integer determining the minimum number of notes to show in the Tomboy note "
-msgstr "Tomboy ããããããäãèçãããããåæ (æåå) ãèãææåããã"
+msgid "The global keybinding for creating and displaying a new Note. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this action."
+msgstr "æãããããäæããèçãããããããããããããããã (ãããããããããããã) ãããæåã \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" ããã \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\" ãããããããããããèçåãéããåæå/åæåãåçããããããããã\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" ã \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\" ããããççåãåèãããããããããããçæãæåå \"disabled\" ãæåããããããããããããåãããããåãåããèãããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:35
-msgid ""
-"Integer value indicating how frequently to perform a background sync of your "
-"notes (when sync is configured). Any value less than 1 indicates that "
-"autosync is disabled. The lowest acceptable positive value is 5. Value is in "
-msgstr ""
-"ããçåãéåãããããããããããããåæãããããçãææåãã (åæã"
-"èåãããããåå)ã1 ããåããåãååãèååæãçååããããããããç"
-"ããããèååèãæãåãæååã 5 ãããåãååäããã"
+msgid "Open Search Dialog"
+msgstr "æçããããããéããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:36
-msgid ""
-"Integer value indicating if there is a preference to always perform a "
-"specific behavior when a conflict is detected, instead of prompting the "
-"user. The values map to an internal enumeration. 0 indicates that the user "
-"wishes to be prompted when a conflict occurs, so that they may handle each "
-"conflict situation on a case-by-case basis."
-msgstr ""
-"ãããååãççãççããéãåæããååæãèããææåããã0 ãççãç"
+msgid "The global keybinding for opening the Note Search dialog. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this action."
+msgstr "\"ãããæç\" ããããããéããããããããããããããã (ãããããããããããã) ãããæåã \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" ããã \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\" ãããããããããããèçåãéããåæå/åæåãåçãããããããã \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" ã \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\" ããããççåãåèãããããããããããçæãæåå \"disabled\" ãæåããããããããããããåãããããåãåããèãããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:37
-msgid ""
-"Integer value indicating if there is a preference to always perform a "
-"specific link updating behavior when a note is renamed, instead of prompting "
-"the user. The values map to an internal enumeration. 0 indicates that the "
-"user wishes to be prompted when renaming a note may impact links that exist "
-"in other notes. 1 indicates that links should automatically be removed. 2 "
-"indicates that link text should be updated to the new note name so that it "
-"will continue linking to the renamed note."
-msgstr ""
-"ãããããããçãææåãããåãåéçãåæåããããããããããã0 ãã"
-"ããããããçèããããããçãããã1 ããããããããèåçãåéãããã"
-"ããçãããã2 ããããååãåæããããããããããçãããããããããæ"
+msgid "Open Recent Changes"
+msgstr "æèåæãããããéããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:38
-msgid "Last Directory used in HTML Export"
-msgstr "HTML ãããããããäçããæåããããããã"
+msgid "The global keybinding for opening the Recent Changes dialog. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this action."
+msgstr "\"æèãåæ\" ããããããéããããããããããããããã (ãããããããããããã) ãããæåã \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" ããã \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\" ãããããããããããèçåãéããåæå/åæåãåçãããããããã \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" ã \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\" ããããççåãåèãããããããããããçæãæåå \"disabled\" ãæåããããããããããããåãããããåãåããèããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:39
-msgid "Link Updating Behavior on Note Rename"
-msgstr "ãããååãåæãæãããããææãæå"
+msgid "Saved height of \"Search All Notes\" window"
+msgstr " \"ãããããããæç\" ããããããéã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:40
-msgid "List of pinned notes."
-msgstr "ããäãããããäèã"
+msgid "Determines pixel height of \"Search All Notes\" window; stored on Tomboy exit."
+msgstr " \"ãããããããæç\"ããããããéã (ããããåä) ããTomboy ãçäããéãæçããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:41
-msgid ""
-"Maximum characters of note title to show in the Tomboy tray or panel applet "
-"note menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Tomboy ããããããããããããããããããããããèçããããããããããã"
+msgid "Saved width of \"Search All Notes\" window"
+msgstr "\"ãããããããæç\" ããããããå"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:42
-msgid "Maximum note title length to show in tray menu."
-msgstr "ããããããããèçããããããããããéã (æåå) ããã"
+msgid "Determines pixel width of \"Search All Notes\" window; stored on Tomboy exit."
+msgstr " \"ãããããããæç\"ããããããå (ããããåä) ããTomboy ãçäããéãæçããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:43
-msgid "Minimum number of notes to show in menu"
-msgstr "ãããããèçããããæ (æåå)"
+msgid "Saved horizontal position of \"Search All Notes\" window"
+msgstr " \"ãããããããæç\" ããããããæåäç"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:44
-msgid "Note Synchronization Conflict Saved Behavior"
-msgstr "ãããåæãççãççããæãåå"
+msgid "Determines X coordinate of \"Search All Notes\" window; stored on Tomboy exit."
+msgstr " \"ãããããããæç\"ããããããXåæããTomboy ãçäããéãæçããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:45
-msgid "Open Recent Changes"
-msgstr "æèåæãããããéããã"
+msgid "Saved vertical position of \"Search All Notes\" window"
+msgstr " \"ãããããããæç\" ããããããåçäç"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:46
-msgid "Open Search Dialog"
-msgstr "æçããããããéããã"
+msgid "Determines Y coordinate of \"Search All Notes\" window; stored on Tomboy exit."
+msgstr " \"ãããããããæç\"ããããããYåæããTomboy ãçäããéãæçããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:47
-msgid "Open Start Here"
-msgstr "\"ããããéå\" ããããéããã"
+msgid "Last Directory used in HTML Export"
+msgstr "HTML ãããããããäçããæåããããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:48
-msgid "Path on SSH server to Tomboy synchronization directory (optional)."
-msgstr "ããããããã Tomboy ãåæããããããããåãã (ããããã)ã"
+msgid "The last directory a note was exported to using the Export To HTML plugin."
+msgstr "\"Export To HTML\" ãããããäãããæåãããããããããããã HTML ãæçãããããããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:49
-msgid ""
-"Path to the synchronization server when using the filesystem synchronization "
-"service addin."
-msgstr "ãããããããããåæãããããäçãããããããããããã"
+msgid "HTML Export Linked Notes"
+msgstr "ãããåãããã HTML ããããããããããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:50
-msgid "SSHFS Remote Synchronization Folder"
-msgstr "SSHFS ãäããããããåæããããã"
+msgid "The last setting for the 'Export linked notes' checkbox in the Export to HTML plugin."
+msgstr "\"Export To HTML\" ããããã \"ããããããããã\" ãæåãèåãããããããããããçæããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:51
-msgid "SSHFS Remote Synchronization User Name"
-msgstr "SSHFS ãäãããããå"
+msgid "HTML Export All Linked Notes"
+msgstr "ãããåãããããããã HTML ããããããããããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:52
-msgid "SSHFS Synchronization Server Port"
-msgstr "SSHFS ãäã SSH ããããããããçå"
+msgid "The last setting for the 'Include all other linked notes' checkbox in the Export to HTML plugin. This setting is used in conjunction with the 'HTML Export Linked Notes' setting and is used to specify whether all notes (found recursively) should be included during an export to HTML."
+msgstr "Export To HTML ãããããèåãã \"ããäããããäãããããããåãã\" ããããããããããæåãçæãããããèåã \"ãããäãããã HTML ããããããããã\" èåãéåããã(ååçãæåãã) ãããããã HTML ååããããããããããããããæåããéãäçãããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:53
-msgid "SSHFS Synchronization Server URL"
-msgstr "SSHFS ãäãåæåã URL"
+msgid "Sticky Note Importer First Run"
+msgstr "ååèåæãäççããããããããããããèããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:54
-msgid "Saved height of \"Search All Notes\" window"
-msgstr " \"ãããããããæç\" ããããããéã"
+msgid "Indicates that the Sticky Note Importer plugin has not been run, so it should run automatically the next time Tomboy starts."
+msgstr "äççããããããããããããèããããããããèãããããããããããæå Tomboy ãèåãããèåçãããããããèããããããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:55
-msgid "Saved horizontal position of \"Search All Notes\" window"
-msgstr " \"ãããããããæç\" ããããããæåäç"
+msgid "Synchronization Client ID"
+msgstr "åæããããããã ID"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:56
-msgid "Saved vertical position of \"Search All Notes\" window"
-msgstr " \"ãããããããæç\" ããããããåçäç"
+msgid "Unique identifier for this Tomboy client, used when communicating with a sychronization server."
+msgstr "Tomboy ãããããããèåããéèããã ID ãã (ãããããåæããéãäçããã)ã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:57
-msgid "Saved width of \"Search All Notes\" window"
-msgstr "\"ãããããããæç\" ããããããå"
+msgid "Synchronization Local Server Path"
+msgstr "åæããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:58
-msgid "Selected Synchronization Service Addin"
-msgstr "éæãã Synchronization ãããã ãããã"
+msgid "Path to the synchronization server when using the filesystem synchronization service addin."
+msgstr "ãããããããããåæãããããäçãããããããããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:59
-msgid "Set to TRUE to activate"
-msgstr "æåãããååã TRUE ããã"
+msgid "Selected Synchronization Service Addin"
+msgstr "éæãã Synchronization ãããã ãããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:60
-msgid "Show applet menu"
-msgstr "ããããããããããèçãããã"
+msgid "Unique identifier for the currently configured note synchronization service addin."
+msgstr "Synchronization ãããããããããçåèåããããéèãããèååããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:61
-msgid "Start Here Note"
-msgstr "ããããéåããã"
+msgid "FUSE Mounting Timeout (ms)"
+msgstr "FUSE ãããããããæé (ms)"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:62
-msgid "Sticky Note Importer First Run"
-msgstr "ååèåæãäççããããããããããããèããããã"
+msgid "Time (in milliseconds) Tomboy should wait for a response when using FUSE to mount a sync share."
+msgstr "FUSE ãäããåæãããããããããéã Tomboy ãåçåãããæé (ããçåä) ããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:63
-msgid "Synchronization Client ID"
-msgstr "åæããããããã ID"
+msgid "SSHFS Remote Synchronization Folder"
+msgstr "SSHFS ãäããããããåæããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:64
-msgid "Synchronization Local Server Path"
-msgstr "åæããããããããããããããã"
+msgid "Path on SSH server to Tomboy synchronization directory (optional)."
+msgstr "ããããããã Tomboy ãåæããããããããåãã (ããããã)ã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:65
-msgid "The date format that is used for the timestamp."
-msgstr "ããããããããäçããææãæåããã"
+msgid "SSHFS Synchronization Server URL"
+msgstr "SSHFS ãäãåæåã URL"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:66
-msgid ""
-"The global keybinding for creating and displaying a new Note. The format "
-"looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The "
-"parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also "
-"abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the "
-"option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding "
-"for this action."
-msgstr ""
-"æãããããäæããèçãããããããããããããããã (ããããããããã"
-"ããã) ãããæåã \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" ããã \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1"
-"\" ãããããããããããèçåãéããåæå/åæåãåçããããããããã"
-"\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" ã \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\" ããããççåãåèãããããããããã"
-"ãçæãæåå \"disabled\" ãæåããããããããããããåãããããåãå"
+msgid "URL of SSH server containing Tomboy synchronization directory."
+msgstr "Tomboy ãåæããããããæçãã SSH ããããã URL ããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:67
-msgid ""
-"The global keybinding for opening the \"Start Here\" note. The format looks "
-"like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is "
-"fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such "
-"as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
-"special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
-msgstr ""
-"\"ããããéå\" ãããéããããããããããããããã (ããããããããã"
-"ããã) ãããæåã \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" ããã \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1"
-"\" ãããããããããããèçåãéããåæå/åæåãåçãããããããã "
-"\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" ã \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\" ããããççåãåèãããããããããã"
-"ãçæãæåå \"disabled\" ãæåããããããããããããåãããããåãå"
+msgid "SSHFS Remote Synchronization User Name"
+msgstr "SSHFS ãäãããããå"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:68
-msgid ""
-"The global keybinding for opening the Note Search dialog. The format looks "
-"like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is "
-"fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such "
-"as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
-"special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
-msgstr ""
-"\"ãããæç\" ããããããéããããããããããããããã (ãããããããã"
-"ãããã) ãããæåã \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" ããã \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;"
-"F1\" ãããããããããããèçåãéããåæå/åæåãåçãããããããã "
-"\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" ã \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\" ããããççåãåèãããããããããã"
-"ãçæãæåå \"disabled\" ãæåããããããããããããåãããããåãå"
+msgid "User name to use when connecting to the synchronization server via SSH."
+msgstr "Tomboy ãåæããããããæããããããæçããéãäçããããããåããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:69
-msgid ""
-"The global keybinding for opening the Recent Changes dialog. The format "
-"looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The "
-"parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also "
-"abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the "
-"option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding "
-"for this action."
-msgstr ""
-"\"æèãåæ\" ããããããéããããããããããããããã (ãããããããã"
-"ãããã) ãããæåã \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" ããã \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;"
-"F1\" ãããããããããããèçåãéããåæå/åæåãåçãããããããã "
-"\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" ã \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\" ããããççåãåèãããããããããã"
-"ãçæãæåå \"disabled\" ãæåããããããããããããåãããããåãå"
+msgid "SSHFS Synchronization Server Port"
+msgstr "SSHFS ãäã SSH ããããããããçå"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:70
-msgid ""
-"The global keybinding for showing the Tomboy applet's menu. The format looks "
-"like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is "
-"fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such "
-"as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
-"special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
-msgstr ""
-"\"Tomboy ããããã\" ãããããèçãããããããããããããããã (ãã"
-"ãããããããããã) ãããæåã \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" ããã \"&lt;"
-"Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\" ãããããããããããèçåãéããåæå/åæåã"
-"åçãããããããã \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" ã \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\" ããããççåãåè"
-"ãããããããããããçæãæåå \"disabled\" ãæåããããããããããã"
+msgid "The port to use when connecting to the synchronization server via SSH. Set to -1 or less if default SSH port settings should be used instead."
+msgstr "SSH ççãåæãããããæçããéãäããããçåããããããããã SSH ãããçåãäãååã -1 ãããããåããåãèåããããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:71
-msgid "The handler for \"note://\" URLs"
-msgstr "URI \"note://\" ãäçããããããã"
+msgid "Accept SSL Certificates"
+msgstr "SSL ãèææãåãåããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:72
-msgid ""
-"The last directory a note was exported to using the Export To HTML plugin."
-msgstr ""
-"\"Export To HTML\" ãããããäãããæåãããããããããããã HTML ãæç"
+msgid "Use wdfs option \"-ac\" to accept SSL certificates without prompting the user."
+msgstr "ãããããåãåãããèããããã SSL ãèææãåãåãã \"-ac\" ããããããäãããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:73
-msgid ""
-"The last setting for the 'Export linked notes' checkbox in the Export to "
-"HTML plugin."
-msgstr ""
-"\"Export To HTML\" ããããã \"ããããããããã\" ãæåãèåãããããã"
+msgid "Note Synchronization Conflict Saved Behavior"
+msgstr "ãããåæãççãççããæãåå"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:74
-msgid ""
-"The last setting for the 'Include all other linked notes' checkbox in the "
-"Export to HTML plugin. This setting is used in conjunction with the 'HTML "
-"Export Linked Notes' setting and is used to specify whether all notes (found "
-"recursively) should be included during an export to HTML."
-msgstr ""
-"Export To HTML ãããããèåãã \"ããäããããäãããããããåãã\" ã"
-"ãããããããããæåãçæãããããèåã \"ãããäãããã HTML ãããã"
-"ããããã\" èåãéåããã(ååçãæåãã) ãããããã HTML ååããã"
+msgid "Integer value indicating if there is a preference to always perform a specific behavior when a conflict is detected, instead of prompting the user. The values map to an internal enumeration. 0 indicates that the user wishes to be prompted when a conflict occurs, so that they may handle each conflict situation on a case-by-case basis."
+msgstr "ãããååãççãççããéãåæããååæãèããææåããã0 ãççãççããæããããããåãåãããèãããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:75
-msgid ""
-"The note URI of the note that should be considered the \"Start Here\" note, "
-"which is always placed at the bottom of the Tomboy note menu and also "
-"accessible by hotkey."
-msgstr ""
-"\"ããããéå\" ãããã URI ããã\"ããããéå\" ããããåã Tomboy ãã"
+msgid "Automatic Background Synchronization Timeout"
+msgstr "ããããããããããèååæããããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:76
-msgid ""
-"The port to use when connecting to the synchronization server via SSH. Set "
-"to -1 or less if default SSH port settings should be used instead."
-msgstr ""
-"SSH ççãåæãããããæçããéãäããããçåããããããããã SSH ãã"
-"ãçåãäãååã -1 ãããããåããåãèåããããããã"
+msgid "Integer value indicating how frequently to perform a background sync of your notes (when sync is configured). Any value less than 1 indicates that autosync is disabled. The lowest acceptable positive value is 5. Value is in minutes."
+msgstr "ããçåãéåãããããããããããããåæãããããçãææåãã (åæãèåãããããåå)ã1 ããåããåãååãèååæãçååããããããããçããããèååèãæãåãæååã 5 ãããåãååäããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:77
-msgid ""
-"Time (in milliseconds) Tomboy should wait for a response when using FUSE to "
-"mount a sync share."
-msgstr ""
-"FUSE ãäããåæãããããããããéã Tomboy ãåçåãããæé (ããçå"
-"ä) ããã"
+msgid "Link Updating Behavior on Note Rename"
+msgstr "ãããååãåæãæãããããææãæå"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:78
-msgid "Timestamp format"
-msgstr "ããããããããæå"
+msgid "Integer value indicating if there is a preference to always perform a specific link updating behavior when a note is renamed, instead of prompting the user. The values map to an internal enumeration. 0 indicates that the user wishes to be prompted when renaming a note may impact links that exist in other notes. 1 indicates that links should automatically be removed. 2 indicates that link text should be updated to the new note name so that it will continue linking to the renamed note."
+msgstr "ãããååãåæãããååããããããçèãããããããããããææãåãããããããããçãææåãããåãåéçãåæåããããããããããã0 ãããããããååãåæããæãäããããååããããããåéãäãããããããããããããçèããããããçãããã1 ããããããããèåçãåéããããããçãããã2 ããããååãåæããããããããããçãããããããããæååãææããããããçãããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:79
-msgid "URL of SSH server containing Tomboy synchronization directory."
-msgstr "Tomboy ãåæããããããæçãã SSH ããããã URL ããã"
+msgid "Timestamp format"
+msgstr "ããããããããæå"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:80
-msgid ""
-"Unique identifier for the currently configured note synchronization service "
-msgstr ""
-"Synchronization ãããããããããçåèåããããéèãããèååããã"
+msgid "The date format that is used for the timestamp."
+msgstr "ããããããããäçããææãæåããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:81
-msgid ""
-"Unique identifier for this Tomboy client, used when communicating with a "
-"sychronization server."
-msgstr ""
-"Tomboy ãããããããèåããéèããã ID ãã (ãããããåæããéãäçã"
+msgid "Enable closing notes with escape."
+msgstr "Escããããããéããããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:82
-msgid ""
-"Use wdfs option \"-ac\" to accept SSL certificates without prompting the "
-msgstr ""
-"ãããããåãåãããèããããã SSL ãèææãåãåãã \"-ac\" ãããã"
+msgid "If enabled, an opened note can be closed by hitting the escape key."
+msgstr "æåãããååãEsc ãããæäãéãããããããéãããããããããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:83
-msgid "User name to use when connecting to the synchronization server via SSH."
-msgstr ""
-"Tomboy ãåæããããããæããããããæçããéãäçããããããåããã"
+msgid "The handler for \"note://\" URLs"
+msgstr "URI \"note://\" ãäçããããããã"
 #: ../data/tomboy.schemas.in.h:84
-msgid ""
-"Whitespace-separated list of note URIs for notes that should always appear "
-"in the Tomboy note menu."
-msgstr ""
-"ãããããããã (çç) ãååããããã URI ãäèã Tomboy ããããããäã"
+msgid "Set to TRUE to activate"
+msgstr "æåãããååã TRUE ããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/ActionManager.cs:127
 msgid "_File"
@@ -708,13 +506,8 @@ msgid "(none)"
 msgstr " (ãã)"
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/Bugzilla/BugzillaPreferences.cs:23
-msgid ""
-"You can use any bugzilla just by dragging links into notes.  If you want a "
-"special icon for certain hosts, add them here."
-msgstr ""
-"ãããäãããããããããããããã Bugzilla ãåçãããããããããããç"
+msgid "You can use any bugzilla just by dragging links into notes.  If you want a special icon for certain hosts, add them here."
+msgstr "ãããäãããããããããããããã Bugzilla ãåçãããããããããããçåãããããåããçåããããããçæãããååããããããããããèåãããããããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/Bugzilla/BugzillaPreferences.cs:41
 msgid "Host Name"
@@ -791,14 +584,14 @@ msgid "Note exported successfully"
 msgstr "ããããããããããåäãããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/ExportToHtml/ExportToHtmlNoteAddin.cs:132
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:195
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:273
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:250
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:328
 msgid "Access denied."
 msgstr "ãããããæåãããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/ExportToHtml/ExportToHtmlNoteAddin.cs:134
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:200
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:278
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:255
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:333
 msgid "Folder does not exist."
 msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
@@ -820,11 +613,8 @@ msgid "Folder path field is empty."
 msgstr "ããããããããåãçããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/FileSystemSyncService/FileSystemSyncServiceAddin.cs:136
-msgid ""
-"Specified folder path does not exist, and Tomboy was unable to create it."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Specified folder path does not exist, and Tomboy was unable to create it."
+msgstr "æåãããããããããããååããããããTomboyããããããäæãããããåæããããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/FileSystemSyncService/FileSystemSyncServiceAddin.cs:214
 msgid "Local Folder"
@@ -850,14 +640,13 @@ msgstr "ããããããããæå"
 #. initial newline
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/InsertTimestamp/InsertTimestampPreferences.cs:29
-#: ../Tomboy/Applet.cs:223 ../Tomboy/Preferences.cs:154
+#: ../Tomboy/Applet.cs:223 ../Tomboy/Preferences.cs:155
 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, h:mm tt"
 msgstr "MMMMdæ (dddd) tth:mm"
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/InsertTimestamp/InsertTimestampPreferences.cs:54
 msgid "Choose one of the predefined formats or use your own."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "äåãçæãããæåããäãéæãããããããçèãæåãæåããããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/InsertTimestamp/InsertTimestampPreferences.cs:62
 msgid "Use _Selected Format"
@@ -889,12 +678,8 @@ msgid "Appointments"
 msgstr "äå"
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/NoteOfTheDay/NoteOfTheDayPreferences.cs:16
-msgid ""
-"Change the <b>Today: Template</b> note to customize the text that new Today "
-"notes have."
-msgstr ""
-"æããäæããããèçãããããããããããããããããã<span weight=\"bold"
-"\">äæ: ãããããã</span>ããããåæãããã"
+msgid "Change the <b>Today: Template</b> note to customize the text that new Today notes have."
+msgstr "æããäæããããèçãããããããããããããããããã<span weight=\"bold\">äæ: ãããããã</span>ããããåæãããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/NoteOfTheDay/NoteOfTheDayPreferences.cs:24
 msgid "_Open Today: Template"
@@ -920,10 +705,22 @@ msgid "dddd MM/dd/yyyy, hh:mm:ss tt"
 msgstr "yyyy/MM/dd (dddd) tt hh:mm:ss"
 #. Adding menu item when note is opened and window created
-#: ../Tomboy/Addins/RemoveBrokenLinks/RemoveBrokenLinksAddin.cs:32
+#: ../Tomboy/Addins/RemoveBrokenLinks/RemoveBrokenLinksAddin.cs:31
 msgid "Remove broken links"
 msgstr "åããããããåé"
+#: ../Tomboy/Addins/RemoveBrokenLinks/RemoveBrokenLinksApplicationAddin.cs:42
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:70
+#: ../Tomboy/Synchronization/SyncManager.cs:162
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "ããã(_T)"
+#: ../Tomboy/Addins/RemoveBrokenLinks/RemoveBrokenLinksApplicationAddin.cs:44
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Remove broken links"
+msgid "_Remove broken links"
+msgstr "åããããããåé"
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/Sketching/SketchingNoteAddin.cs:19
 msgid "Add a sketch"
 msgstr "ãããããèå"
@@ -944,12 +741,8 @@ msgstr "ããããã(ããããã)(_F): "
 #. Text for label describing setup required for SSH sync addin to work
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/SshSyncService/SshSyncServiceAddin.cs:59
-msgid ""
-"SSH synchronization requires an existing SSH key for this server and user, "
-"added to a running SSH daemon."
-msgstr ""
-"SSH ãããåæãèããããäãåèäã SSH ãããããèåãããããããããå"
+msgid "SSH synchronization requires an existing SSH key for this server and user, added to a running SSH daemon."
+msgstr "SSH ãããåæãèããããäãåèäã SSH ãããããèåãããããããããåãéãåèããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/SshSyncService/SshSyncServiceAddin.cs:83
 msgid "Server or username field is empty."
@@ -960,12 +753,8 @@ msgid "SSH"
 msgstr "SSH"
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/SshSyncService/SshSyncServiceAddin.cs:192
-msgid ""
-"Timeout connecting to server. Please ensure that your SSH key has been added "
-"to a running SSH daemon."
-msgstr ""
-"ãããããæçããããæäããããããããããããSSH ãéãèåäã SSH ãã"
+msgid "Timeout connecting to server. Please ensure that your SSH key has been added to a running SSH daemon."
+msgstr "ãããããæçããããæäããããããããããããSSH ãéãèåäã SSH ãããããèåãããããããçèããããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/StickyNoteImport/StickyNoteImportNoteAddin.cs:50
 msgid "Import from Sticky Notes"
@@ -987,8 +776,7 @@ msgstr "äççãããããããåäãããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/StickyNoteImport/StickyNoteImportNoteAddin.cs:144
 #, csharp-format
 msgid "<b>{0}</b> of <b>{1}</b> Sticky Note was successfully imported."
-msgid_plural ""
-"<b>{0}</b> of <b>{1}</b> Sticky Notes were successfully imported."
+msgid_plural "<b>{0}</b> of <b>{1}</b> Sticky Notes were successfully imported."
 msgstr[0] "<b>{0}</b>/<b>{1}</b> åãäççãããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/StickyNoteImport/StickyNoteImportNoteAddin.cs:159
@@ -1036,12 +824,8 @@ msgid "WebDAV"
 msgstr "WebDAV"
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/WebDavSyncService/WebDavSyncServiceAddin.cs:192
-msgid ""
-"There was an error connecting to the server.  This may be caused by using an "
-"incorrect user name and/or password."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "There was an error connecting to the server.  This may be caused by using an incorrect user name and/or password."
+msgstr "ãããããæçããããæäãããããççããããããããããããåãããããããããããããããããééãããããããååãããããããã"
 #. TODO: If the above fails (no keyring daemon), save all but password
 #. to GConf, and notify user.
@@ -1049,8 +833,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. Preferences.Set ("/apps/tomboy/sync_wdfs_url", url ?? string.Empty);
 #. Preferences.Set ("/apps/tomboy/sync_wdfs_username", username ?? string.Empty);
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/WebDavSyncService/WebDavSyncServiceAddin.cs:268
-msgid ""
-"Saving configuration to the GNOME keyring failed with the following message:"
+msgid "Saving configuration to the GNOME keyring failed with the following message:"
 msgstr "GNOME ããããããèåãäåãããããããã:"
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/WebSyncService/WebSyncPreferencesWidget.cs:66
@@ -1080,12 +863,8 @@ msgstr "Tomboy ããããèèãæåãããã"
 #. Translators: Body of web page presented to user after they authorized Tomboy for sync
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/WebSyncService/WebSyncPreferencesWidget.cs:213
-msgid ""
-"Please return to the Tomboy Preferences window and press Save to start "
-msgstr ""
-"Tomboy ãèåããããããæãã\"äå\" ãããããããåæãéåããããã"
+msgid "Please return to the Tomboy Preferences window and press Save to start synchronizing."
+msgstr "Tomboy ãèåããããããæãã\"äå\" ãããããããåæãéåããããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Addins/WebSyncService/WebSyncPreferencesWidget.cs:222
 msgid "Connected. Press Save to start synchronizing"
@@ -1106,96 +885,98 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããããèåããååèçããããã
 msgid "Tomboy Web"
 msgstr "Tomboy ããããããã"
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:53
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:58
 #, csharp-format
 msgid "Export All Notes to {0}"
 msgstr "ããããããã{0}ããããããã"
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:54
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:59
 #, csharp-format
 msgid "Start exporting notes to {0}"
 msgstr "{0}ãããããããããããéå"
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:58
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:63
 #, csharp-format
 msgid "Export selected notebook to {0}"
 msgstr "éæãããããã{0}ããããããã"
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:59
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:64
 #, csharp-format
 msgid "Start exporting notebook to {0}"
 msgstr "{0}ããããããããããããéå"
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:65
-#: ../Tomboy/Synchronization/SyncManager.cs:161
-msgid "_Tools"
-msgstr "ããã(_T)"
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:68
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:73
 msgid "Export"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:69
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:74
 msgid "Export your notes."
 msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:72
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:77
 #, csharp-format
 msgid "Export All Notes To {0}"
 msgstr "ããããããã{0}ããããããã"
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:77
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:82
 #, csharp-format
 msgid "Export Selected Notebook To {0}"
 msgstr "éæãããããã{0}ããããããã"
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:153
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "All Notes {0} Export"
-msgstr "ãããããã{0}ããããããã"
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:193
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:271
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:171
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:248
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:326
 msgid "Could not export, access denied."
 msgstr "ãããããæåããããããããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:198
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:276
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:173
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:253
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:331
 msgid "Could not export, folder does not exist."
 msgstr "ããããããçããããããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:203
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:281
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:175
+msgid "Could not export, error with the path. (No ending \"?)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:177
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:258
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:336
 #, csharp-format
 msgid "Could not export: {0}"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããã: {0}"
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:205
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:283
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:231
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "All Notes {0} Export"
+msgstr "ãããããã{0}ããããããã"
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:260
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:338
 msgid "Unknown error."
 msgstr "äæããããã"
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:236
-#: ../Tomboy/Notebooks/Notebook.cs:237
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:291
+#: ../Tomboy/Notebooks/Notebook.cs:243
 msgid "Unfiled Notes"
 msgstr "æããããããã"
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:389
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:445
 #, csharp-format
 msgid "Your notes were exported to \"{0}\"."
 msgstr "ããã \"{0}\" ãããããããããããã"
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:398
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:454
 msgid "Notes exported successfully"
 msgstr "ããããããããããåäãããã"
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:421
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:477
 #, csharp-format
 msgid "Could not save the files in \"{0}\""
 msgstr "\"{0}\" ããããããããäåãããããããã"
 #. Translators: {0} is the export type, e.g. HTML
-#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:507
+#: ../Tomboy/ExportAllApplicationAddin.cs:563
 #, csharp-format
 msgid "Create destination folder for {0} export"
 msgstr "{0}ããããããçãããããããäæ"
@@ -1308,11 +1089,11 @@ msgstr "ããã"
 msgid "{0} Notebook Template"
 msgstr "{0}ããããããããã"
-#: ../Tomboy/Notebooks/Notebook.cs:153
+#: ../Tomboy/Notebooks/Notebook.cs:159
 msgid "New Note"
 msgstr "æãããã"
-#: ../Tomboy/Notebooks/Notebook.cs:205
+#: ../Tomboy/Notebooks/Notebook.cs:211
 msgid "All Notes"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
@@ -1321,12 +1102,8 @@ msgid "Really delete this notebook?"
 msgstr "ããããããæåãåéãããããããããã?"
 #: ../Tomboy/Notebooks/NotebookManager.cs:369
-msgid ""
-"The notes that belong to this notebook will not be deleted, but they will no "
-"longer be associated with this notebook.  This action cannot be undone."
-msgstr ""
-"ããããããäããããããåéããããã (åããããããããééäããããã"
+msgid "The notes that belong to this notebook will not be deleted, but they will no longer be associated with this notebook.  This action cannot be undone."
+msgstr "ããããããäããããããåéããããã (åããããããããééäãããããããããã)ãäããããæäãåãæããåãæãããããããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Notebooks/NotebookMenuItem.cs:14
 msgid "No notebook"
@@ -1353,7 +1130,7 @@ msgstr "ããã"
 msgid "_New notebook..."
 msgstr "æããããã(_N)..."
-#: ../Tomboy/Note.cs:515 ../Tomboy/NoteManager.cs:475
+#: ../Tomboy/Note.cs:515 ../Tomboy/NoteManager.cs:480
 #, csharp-format
 msgid "New Note {0}"
 msgstr "æãããã {0}"
@@ -1375,14 +1152,8 @@ msgstr "ãããåéãããããããååãååãåããããã
 #: ../Tomboy/Note.cs:1655
 #, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"An error occurred while saving your notes. Please check that you have "
-"sufficient disk space, and that you have appropriate rights on {0}. Error "
-"details can be found in {1}."
-msgstr ""
-"ãããäåããéãããããççãããããçãåéãååããã{0} ãéåãæé"
-"ããããããããçèãããããããããããèçããããã {1} ãåçããããã"
+msgid "An error occurred while saving your notes. Please check that you have sufficient disk space, and that you have appropriate rights on {0}. Error details can be found in {1}."
+msgstr "ãããäåããéãããããççãããããçãåéãååããã{0} ãéåãæéããããããããçèãããããããããããèçããããã {1} ãåçããããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Note.cs:1671
 msgid "Error saving note data."
@@ -1396,56 +1167,41 @@ msgstr "æããããããããããã"
 #. Create migration notification note
 #. Translators: The title of the data migration note
-#: ../Tomboy/NoteManager.cs:147
+#: ../Tomboy/NoteManager.cs:151
 msgid "Your Notes Have Moved!"
 msgstr "ãããçåããããã!"
 #. Translators: The contents (not including the title) of the data migration note. {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, and {4} are replaced by directory paths and should not be changed
-#: ../Tomboy/NoteManager.cs:160
+#: ../Tomboy/NoteManager.cs:164
 #, csharp-format
 msgid ""
-"In the latest version of Tomboy, your note files have moved.  You have "
-"probably never cared where your notes are stored, and if you still don't "
-"care, please go ahead and <bold>delete this note</bold>.  :-)\n"
+"In the latest version of Tomboy, your note files have moved.  You have probably never cared where your notes are stored, and if you still don't care, please go ahead and <bold>delete this note</bold>.  :-)\n"
-"Your old note directory is still safe and sound at <link:url>{0}</link:"
-"url> . If you go back to an older version of Tomboy, it will look for notes "
+"Your old note directory is still safe and sound at <link:url>{0}</link:url> . If you go back to an older version of Tomboy, it will look for notes there.\n"
-"But we've copied your notes and configuration info into new directories, "
-"which will be used from now on:\n"
+"But we've copied your notes and configuration info into new directories, which will be used from now on:\n"
-"<list><list-item dir=\"ltr\">Notes can now be found at <link:url>{1}</link:"
-"</list-item><list-item dir=\"ltr\">Configuration is at <link:url>{2}</link:"
-"</list-item><list-item dir=\"ltr\">You can install add-ins at <link:url>{3}</"
-"</list-item><list-item dir=\"ltr\">Log files can be found at <link:url>{4}</"
+"<list><list-item dir=\"ltr\">Notes can now be found at <link:url>{1}</link:url>\n"
+"</list-item><list-item dir=\"ltr\">Configuration is at <link:url>{2}</link:url>\n"
+"</list-item><list-item dir=\"ltr\">You can install add-ins at <link:url>{3}</link:url>\n"
+"</list-item><list-item dir=\"ltr\">Log files can be found at <link:url>{4}</link:url></list-item></list>\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Tomboy ãææçãããããããããããçåããããããäããããããããäåã"
-"ãããããã<bold>ãããããåéãããããã</bold> :-)\n"
+"Tomboy ãææçãããããããããããçåããããããäããããããããäåããããããããæããããããåãçãããããããäããæãããããããããããããããã<bold>ãããããåéãããããã</bold> :-)\n"
-"åããããããããããããããã <link:url>{0}</link:url> ãçããããããã"
-"Tomboy ãåãããããããæãååãããããããããæããããããã\n"
+"åããããããããããããããã <link:url>{0}</link:url> ãçãããããããTomboy ãåãããããããæãååãããããããããæããããããã\n"
 "<list><list-item dir=\"ltr\">ããã <link:url>{1}</link:url> ãåçãããã\n"
 "</list-item><list-item dir=\"ltr\">èåã <link:url>{2}</link:url> ãã\n"
-"</list-item><list-item dir=\"ltr\">ããããã <link:url>{3}</link:url> ããã"
-"</list-item><list-item dir=\"ltr\">ããããããã <link:url>{4}</link:url> ã"
+"</list-item><list-item dir=\"ltr\">ããããã <link:url>{3}</link:url> ãããããããããããã\n"
+"</list-item><list-item dir=\"ltr\">ããããããã <link:url>{4}</link:url> ãåçãããã</list-item></list>\n"
-#: ../Tomboy/NoteManager.cs:265
+#: ../Tomboy/NoteManager.cs:269
 msgid ""
 "<note-content>Start Here\n"
@@ -1453,75 +1209,54 @@ msgid ""
 "Use this \"Start Here\" note to begin organizing your ideas and thoughts.\n"
-"You can create new notes to hold your ideas by selecting the \"Create New "
-"Note\" item from the Tomboy Notes menu in your GNOME Panel. Your note will "
-"be saved automatically.\n"
+"You can create new notes to hold your ideas by selecting the \"Create New Note\" item from the Tomboy Notes menu in your GNOME Panel. Your note will be saved automatically.\n"
-"Then organize the notes you create by linking related notes and ideas "
+"Then organize the notes you create by linking related notes and ideas together!\n"
-"We've created a note called <link:internal>Using Links in Tomboy</link:"
-"internal>.  Notice how each time we type <link:internal>Using Links in "
-"Tomboy</link:internal> it automatically gets underlined?  Click on the link "
-"to open the note.</note-content>"
+"We've created a note called <link:internal>Using Links in Tomboy</link:internal>.  Notice how each time we type <link:internal>Using Links in Tomboy</link:internal> it automatically gets underlined?  Click on the link to open the note.</note-content>"
 msgstr ""
 "<bold>Tomboy ããããã!</bold>\n"
-"ããããããããæãããããããäçãããããããéã \"æåããã\" ããã"
+"ããããããããæãããããããäçãããããããéã \"æåããã\" ããããåçããããã\n"
-"GNOME ãããããã Tomboy ããããã \"æãããããäæ\" ãéæãããããã"
+"GNOME ãããããã Tomboy ããããã \"æãããããäæ\" ãéæãããããããããããããããããäæããããããããèåçãäåããããã\n"
-"ãããããããããã<link:internal>Tomboy ãããããåçãã</link:internal> "
-"ããããããèåããããã<link:internal>Tomboy ãããããåçãã</link:"
-"internal> ãååããåãäçãèåçãääããããããæãããããã? ããã"
+"ãããããããããã<link:internal>Tomboy ãããããåçãã</link:internal> ããããããèåããããã<link:internal>Tomboy ãããããåçãã</link:internal> ãååããåãäçãèåçãääããããããæãããããã? ãããããããããããããéããããããããã</note-content>"
-#: ../Tomboy/NoteManager.cs:284
+#: ../Tomboy/NoteManager.cs:288
 msgid ""
 "<note-content>Using Links in Tomboy\n"
-"Notes in Tomboy can be linked together by highlighting text in the current "
-"note and clicking the <bold>Link</bold> button above in the toolbar.  Doing "
-"so will create a new note and also underline the note's title in the current "
+"Notes in Tomboy can be linked together by highlighting text in the current note and clicking the <bold>Link</bold> button above in the toolbar.  Doing so will create a new note and also underline the note's title in the current note.\n"
-"Changing the title of a note will update links present in other notes.  This "
-"prevents broken links from occurring when a note is renamed.\n"
+"Changing the title of a note will update links present in other notes.  This prevents broken links from occurring when a note is renamed.\n"
-"Also, if you type the name of another note in your current note, it will "
-"automatically be linked for you.</note-content>"
+"Also, if you type the name of another note in your current note, it will automatically be linked for you.</note-content>"
 msgstr ""
 "<note-content>Tomboy ãããããåçãã\n"
-"Tomboy ãããããäãåèèçããæååãããããããããääãããããããã"
+"Tomboy ãããããäãåèèçããæååãããããããããääãããããããããã<bold>ããã</bold>ãããããããããããããããããããããããããæãããããäæããããããããããããããäçãääããããã\n"
 #. Attempt to find an existing Start Here note
-#: ../Tomboy/NoteManager.cs:299 ../Tomboy/NoteManager.cs:395
+#: ../Tomboy/NoteManager.cs:303 ../Tomboy/NoteManager.cs:398
 msgid "Start Here"
 msgstr "ããããéå"
-#: ../Tomboy/NoteManager.cs:304
+#: ../Tomboy/NoteManager.cs:308
 msgid "Using Links in Tomboy"
 msgstr "Tomboy ãããããåçãã"
 #. Use a simple "Describe..." body and highlight
 #. it so it can be easily overwritten
-#: ../Tomboy/NoteManager.cs:543 ../Tomboy/NoteManager.cs:646
+#: ../Tomboy/NoteManager.cs:560 ../Tomboy/NoteManager.cs:663
 msgid "Describe your new note here."
 msgstr "æããããããããèèããããããã"
@@ -1540,13 +1275,11 @@ msgstr "ããããååãåæããã(_D)"
 #: ../Tomboy/NoteRenameDialog.cs:67
 #, csharp-format
 msgid ""
-"Rename links in other notes from \"<span underline=\"single\">{0}</span>\" "
-"to \"<span underline=\"single\">{1}</span>\"?\n"
+"Rename links in other notes from \"<span underline=\"single\">{0}</span>\" to \"<span underline=\"single\">{1}</span>\"?\n"
 "If you do not rename the links, they will no longer link to anything."
 msgstr ""
-"äãããäãããããååã \"<span underline=\"single\">{0}</span>\" ãã "
-"\"<span underline=\"single\">{1}</span>\" ãåæãããã?\n"
+"äãããäãããããååã \"<span underline=\"single\">{0}</span>\" ãã \"<span underline=\"single\">{1}</span>\" ãåæãããã?\n"
@@ -1642,17 +1375,13 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããåçããã"
 msgid "Delete this note"
 msgstr "ãããããåéããã"
-#: ../Tomboy/NoteWindow.cs:507 ../Tomboy/Synchronization/SyncManager.cs:163
+#: ../Tomboy/NoteWindow.cs:507 ../Tomboy/Synchronization/SyncManager.cs:164
 msgid "Synchronize Notes"
 msgstr "ãããåæ"
 #: ../Tomboy/NoteWindow.cs:565
-msgid ""
-"This note is a template note. It determines the default content of regular "
-"notes, and will not show up in the note menu or search window."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "This note is a template note. It determines the default content of regular notes, and will not show up in the note menu or search window."
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããããéåããããææãååãæåããããããããããæçããããããèçããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/NoteWindow.cs:571
 msgid "Convert to regular note"
@@ -1767,12 +1496,8 @@ msgid "_Spell check while typing"
 msgstr "ååäããããããããããã(_S)"
 #: ../Tomboy/PreferencesDialog.cs:183
-msgid ""
-"Misspellings will be underlined in red, with correct spelling suggestions "
-"shown in the context menu."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Misspellings will be underlined in red, with correct spelling suggestions shown in the context menu."
+msgstr "ãããéããæåããèèãäçãããããããããããããããäãååãããããæçãããã"
 #. WikiWords...
 #: ../Tomboy/PreferencesDialog.cs:194
@@ -1780,12 +1505,8 @@ msgid "Highlight _WikiWords"
 msgstr "WikiWord ãåèèçãã(_W)"
 #: ../Tomboy/PreferencesDialog.cs:202
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option to highlight words <b>ThatLookLikeThis</b>. Clicking the "
-"word will create a note with that name."
-msgstr ""
-"ããããããããæåãããã <b>ThatLookLikeThis</b> ããããåèãåèèçã"
+msgid "Enable this option to highlight words <b>ThatLookLikeThis</b>. Clicking the word will create a note with that name."
+msgstr "ããããããããæåãããã <b>ThatLookLikeThis</b> ããããåèãåèèçããããããåèãããããããããããããããããããæãããããäæãããã"
 #. Auto bulleted list
 #: ../Tomboy/PreferencesDialog.cs:209
@@ -1813,12 +1534,8 @@ msgid "Always rename links"
 msgstr "åãããããååãåæãã"
 #: ../Tomboy/PreferencesDialog.cs:261
-msgid ""
-"Use the new note template to specify the text that should be used when "
-"creating a new note."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Use the new note template to specify the text that should be used when creating a new note."
+msgstr "ããããããããããåçãããæããäæãããããèéããæåããããããæåãããããããåèããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/PreferencesDialog.cs:270
 msgid "Open New Note Template"
@@ -1830,13 +1547,8 @@ msgid "Listen for _Hotkeys"
 msgstr "ããããããçèãã(_H)"
 #: ../Tomboy/PreferencesDialog.cs:336
-msgid ""
-"Hotkeys allow you to quickly access your notes from anywhere with a "
-"keypress. Example Hotkeys: <b>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Shift&gt;F11</b>, <b>&lt;"
-msgstr ""
-"ããããããä: <b>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Shift&gt;F11</b>ã<b>&lt;Alt&gt;N</b>"
+msgid "Hotkeys allow you to quickly access your notes from anywhere with a keypress. Example Hotkeys: <b>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Shift&gt;F11</b>, <b>&lt;Alt&gt;N</b>"
+msgstr "ããããããäãããããããããçæãããããããããããããããããããããããããä: <b>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Shift&gt;F11</b>ã<b>&lt;Alt&gt;N</b>"
 #. Show notes menu keybinding...
 #: ../Tomboy/PreferencesDialog.cs:356
@@ -1915,11 +1627,8 @@ msgid "Other Synchronization Options"
 msgstr "ããäãåæããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/PreferencesDialog.cs:981
-msgid ""
-"When a conflict is detected between a local note and a note on the "
-"configured synchronization server:"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "When a conflict is detected between a local note and a note on the configured synchronization server:"
+msgstr "ããããããããåæåããããããããããããéãççãçããããåå:"
 #: ../Tomboy/PreferencesDialog.cs:988
 msgid "Always ask me what to do."
@@ -1938,44 +1647,29 @@ msgid "Are you sure?"
 msgstr "æåãããããããã?"
 #: ../Tomboy/PreferencesDialog.cs:1144
-msgid ""
-"Clearing your synchronization settings is not recommended.  You may be "
-"forced to synchronize all of your notes again when you save new settings."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Clearing your synchronization settings is not recommended.  You may be forced to synchronize all of your notes again when you save new settings."
+msgstr "åæãèåãããããããããåããããããæããèåãäåããéãåããããååçãåæãããããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/PreferencesDialog.cs:1157
 msgid "Resetting Synchronization Settings"
 msgstr "åæãèåãåææãããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/PreferencesDialog.cs:1159
-msgid ""
-"You have disabled the configured synchronization service.  Your "
-"synchronization settings will now be cleared.  You may be forced to "
-"synchronize all of your notes again when you save new settings."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "You have disabled the configured synchronization service.  Your synchronization settings will now be cleared.  You may be forced to synchronize all of your notes again when you save new settings."
+msgstr "åæãããããèåãçåããããããåæãèåãããããããããæããèåãäåãããåãããããååçãåæããããããããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/PreferencesDialog.cs:1237
 msgid "Connection successful"
 msgstr "æçãæå"
 #: ../Tomboy/PreferencesDialog.cs:1239
-msgid ""
-"Tomboy is ready to synchronize your notes. Would you like to synchronize "
-"them now?"
+msgid "Tomboy is ready to synchronize your notes. Would you like to synchronize them now?"
 msgstr "ãããåæãèãæåãæãããããäããåæãããã?"
 #: ../Tomboy/PreferencesDialog.cs:1262
 #, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Please check your information and try again.  The log file {0} may contain "
-"more information about the error."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Please check your information and try again.  The log file {0} may contain more information about the error."
+msgstr "æåãçèãããããäååæããããããããããããããã{0}ãããããããããããæåãåããããããããããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/PreferencesDialog.cs:1274
 msgid "Error connecting"
@@ -2053,12 +1747,8 @@ msgstr "ãã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Synchronization/FuseSyncServiceAddin.cs:94
 #, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"This synchronization addin is not supported on your computer. Please make "
-"sure you have FUSE and {0} correctly installed and configured"
-msgstr ""
-"ãäãããããããã Synchronization ãããããããããããããããããFUSE "
-"ã {0} ãæããããããããããèåããããããçèãããããã"
+msgid "This synchronization addin is not supported on your computer. Please make sure you have FUSE and {0} correctly installed and configured"
+msgstr "ãäãããããããã Synchronization ãããããããããããããããããFUSE ã {0} ãæããããããããããèåããããããçèãããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Synchronization/FuseSyncServiceAddin.cs:129
 msgid "Could not read testfile."
@@ -2134,12 +1824,8 @@ msgid "Server is locked"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Synchronization/SyncDialog.cs:270
-msgid ""
-"One of your other computers is currently synchronizing.  Please wait 2 "
-"minutes and try again."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "One of your other computers is currently synchronizing.  Please wait 2 minutes and try again."
+msgstr "çåãäãããããããããåæãèãããããã2åããåããããããäååæããããããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Synchronization/SyncDialog.cs:274
 msgid "Preparing to download updates from server..."
@@ -2163,8 +1849,7 @@ msgstr "åæãåæãããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Synchronization/SyncDialog.cs:285
 msgid "Could not synchronize notes.  Check the details below and try again."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããåæãããããããããèçãçèããããäååæããããããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Synchronization/SyncDialog.cs:291
 msgid "Synchronization Complete"
@@ -2218,8 +1903,7 @@ msgstr "ãããããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Synchronization/SyncDialog.cs:317
 msgid "Error connecting to the synchronization service.  Please try again."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "åæããããããæçãããããççãããããããäååæããããããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Synchronization/SyncDialog.cs:334
 msgid "Deleted locally"
@@ -2277,12 +1961,8 @@ msgstr "ãããççãæåãããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Synchronization/SyncDialog.cs:565
 #, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"The server version of \"{0}\" conflicts with your local note.  What do you "
-"want to do with your local note?"
-msgstr ""
-"ããããããã \"{0}\" ããããããããããããççãçããããããããããå"
+msgid "The server version of \"{0}\" conflicts with your local note.  What do you want to do with your local note?"
+msgstr "ããããããã \"{0}\" ããããããããããããççãçããããããããããååãããã?"
 #: ../Tomboy/Synchronization/SyncUtils.cs:119
 #: ../Tomboy/Synchronization/SyncUtils.cs:163
@@ -2291,12 +1971,8 @@ msgstr "FUSE ãæåããããããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Synchronization/SyncUtils.cs:120
 #: ../Tomboy/Synchronization/SyncUtils.cs:164
-msgid ""
-"The FUSE module could not be loaded. Please check that it is installed "
-"properly and try again."
-msgstr ""
-"FUSE ããããããããããããããããããããããããæããããããããããã"
+msgid "The FUSE module could not be loaded. Please check that it is installed properly and try again."
+msgstr "FUSE ããããããããããããããããããããããããæããããããããããããããçèããããäåèããããããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Synchronization/SyncUtils.cs:135
 msgid "Enable FUSE?"
@@ -2308,30 +1984,25 @@ msgstr "FUSE ãæåããããã?"
 msgid ""
 "The synchronization you've chosen requires the FUSE module to be loaded.\n"
-"To avoid getting this prompt in the future, you should load FUSE at "
-"startup.  Add \"modprobe fuse\" to /etc/init.d/boot.local or \"fuse\" to /"
+"To avoid getting this prompt in the future, you should load FUSE at startup.  Add \"modprobe fuse\" to /etc/init.d/boot.local or \"fuse\" to /etc/modules."
 msgstr ""
 "æåããåæãèããã FUSE ãããããããåèããã\n"
-"ããåéãèæããããããããããèåæã FUSE ãããããããããããããã"
-"ãããåèãããããã\"modprobe fuse\" ãããæã /etc/init.d/boot.local "
-"ãããããèåããããããã \"fuse\" ãããæã /etc/modules ãããããèå"
+"ããåéãèæããããããããããèåæã FUSE ãããããããããããããããããåèãããããã\"modprobe fuse\" ãããæã /etc/init.d/boot.local ãããããèåããããããã \"fuse\" ãããæã /etc/modules ãããããèåãããããããããã"
-#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:251
+#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:253
 msgid "Cannot create new note"
 msgstr "æãããããäæããããã"
-#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:317
+#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:319
 msgid "Primary Development:"
 msgstr "åæãéç:"
-#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:330
+#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:332
 msgid "Contributors:"
 msgstr "èçèäè:"
-#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:415
+#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:418
 msgid "translator-credits"
 msgstr ""
 "çè æ <takeshi aihana gmail com>\n"
@@ -2342,7 +2013,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kentaro KAZUHAMA <kazken3 gmail com>\n"
 "ææGNOMEããããä <http://www.gnome.gr.jp/>"
-#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:424
+#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:427
 msgid ""
 "Copyright  2004-2007 Alex Graveley\n"
 "Copyright  2004-2011 Others\n"
@@ -2350,15 +2021,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "Copyright  2004-2007 Alex Graveley\n"
 "Copyright  2004-2011 Others\n"
-#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:426
+#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:429
 msgid "A simple and easy to use desktop note-taking application."
 msgstr "ãããããäããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:436
+#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:439
 msgid "Homepage"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:554
+#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:575
 msgid ""
 "Tomboy: A simple, easy to use desktop note-taking application.\n"
 "Copyright  2004-2007 Alex Graveley\n"
@@ -2372,7 +2043,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Copyright  2004-2011 Others\n"
-#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:568
+#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:589
 msgid ""
 "  --version\t\t\tPrint version information.\n"
@@ -2384,10 +2055,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "  --version\t\t\tãããããæåãèçãã\n"
 "  --help\t\t\tããããããèçãã\n"
 "  --note-path [path]\t\tãããããããèãèã/äåãã path ãæåãã\n"
-"  --search [text]\t\tæçããããããéããæåãã text ãããããããããæ"
+"  --search [text]\t\tæçããããããéããæåãã text ãããããããããæçãã\n"
-#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:578
+#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:599
 msgid ""
 "  --new-note\t\t\tCreate and display a new note.\n"
 "  --new-note [title]\t\tCreate and display a new note, with a title.\n"
@@ -2396,13 +2066,18 @@ msgid ""
 "  --highlight-search [text]\tSearch and highlight text in the opened note.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "  --new-note\t\t\tæãããããäæããèçãã\n"
-"  --new-note [title]\t\tæåãã title ããããããããæãããããäæãèç"
+"  --new-note [title]\t\tæåãã title ããããããããæãããããäæãèçãã\n"
 "  --open-note [title/url]\tæåãã title/url ãäèãããããèçãã\n"
 "  --start-here\t\t\t\"ããããéå\" ãããèçãã\n"
 "  --highlight-search [text]\téãããããã text ãæçããåèèçãã\n"
-#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:592
+#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:609
+msgid ""
+"  --addin:html-export-all [path]\tExports all notes to HTML in the given location.\n"
+"  --addin:html-export-all-quit [path]\tExports all notes to HTML in the given location and then quits.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Tomboy/Tomboy.cs:619
 #, csharp-format
 msgid "Version {0}"
 msgstr "ããããã {0}"
@@ -2416,12 +2091,8 @@ msgid "_About Tomboy"
 msgstr "Tomboy ãããã(_A)"
 #: ../Tomboy/Utils.cs:189
-msgid ""
-"The \"Tomboy Notes Manual\" could not be found.  Please verify that your "
-"installation has been completed successfully."
-msgstr ""
-"\"Tomboy ãããããããã\" ãèãããããããããããããããããåéããè"
+msgid "The \"Tomboy Notes Manual\" could not be found.  Please verify that your installation has been completed successfully."
+msgstr "\"Tomboy ãããããããã\" ãèãããããããããããããããããåéããèãããããããããçèããããããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Utils.cs:198
 msgid "Help not found"
@@ -2509,12 +2180,8 @@ msgstr "(ãããããã {0})"
 #: ../Tomboy/Watchers.cs:189
 #, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"A note with the title <b>{0}</b> already exists. Please choose another name "
-"for this note before continuing."
-msgstr ""
-"ãããã <b>{0}</b> ãäãããããæãååããããçèããåãåãããããã"
+msgid "A note with the title <b>{0}</b> already exists. Please choose another name for this note before continuing."
+msgstr "ãããã <b>{0}</b> ãäãããããæãååããããçèããåãåããããããéæããããããã"
 #: ../Tomboy/Watchers.cs:204
 msgid "Note title taken"

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