[orca] Remove the forced terminal-setup; enable accessibility support instead

commit 0dbe13b536c19a1963db02d9698c6112444e756c
Author: Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com>
Date:   Fri Feb 10 06:05:29 2012 -0500

    Remove the forced terminal-setup; enable accessibility support instead

 src/orca/orca.in |   29 -----------------------------
 src/orca/orca.py |   13 ++-----------
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/orca/orca.in b/src/orca/orca.in
index cd5020e..526fb9c 100644
--- a/src/orca/orca.in
+++ b/src/orca/orca.in
@@ -119,35 +119,6 @@ runOrca()
-# Orca will fall into a text-based question and answer session if the
-# user has not configured orca and/or accessibility yet.  We will
-# force that to happen in the foreground (i.e., RUNONCE=true).  In
-# addition, if the user passes any command line arguments to orca, we
-# will run it in the foreground as well to avoid a situation where
-# orca dumps itself into the text-based setup utility.
-# We make a special exception for gdm, which is used to handle the
-# accessible login.  If we're running as gdm, we assume everything is
-# all set and we don't need to muck around.
-if [ "x$LOGNAME" != "xgdm" ] ; then
-        get org.gnome.desktop.interface toolkit-accessibility`
-    if [ "x$ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED" != "xtrue" ] &&
-       [ `echo $ARGS | grep -c "no-setup"` -eq 0 ]; then
-        # Because we will be running Orca in text-setup mode, we want to
-        # make sure it is run in a terminal window.  If we're already in
-        # a terminal, this is great.  If not, we spawn a gnome-terminal
-        # and run orca in it.
-        #
-        tty -s && IN_TTY="true" || IN_TTY="false"
-        if [ "x$IN_TTY" = "xfalse" ] ; then
-            exec gnome-terminal -x $0 $ARGS
-            exit
-        fi
-    fi
 if [ `echo $ARGS | grep -c "\-q"` -gt 0 ] ; then
     # If the user has done -q or --quit, that means to tell any
     # existing orca process to quit.  So, we just do a cleanup.
diff --git a/src/orca/orca.py b/src/orca/orca.py
index 080e405..14e5048 100644
--- a/src/orca/orca.py
+++ b/src/orca/orca.py
@@ -1708,17 +1708,8 @@ def main():
     settings.userPrefsDir = options.userPrefsDir
-    # Do not run Orca if accessibility has not been enabled.
-    # We do allow, however, one to force Orca to run via the
-    # "-n" switch.  The main reason is so that things such
-    # as accessible login can work -- in those cases, the a11y
-    # setting is typically not set since the gdm user does not
-    # have a home.
-    #
-    a11yEnabled = _settingsManager.isAccessibilityEnabled()
-    if not options.bypassSetup and not a11yEnabled:
-        _showPreferencesConsole()
-        die()
+    if not _settingsManager.isAccessibilityEnabled():
+        _settingsManager.setAccessibility(True)
     if options.setupRequested and not (options.bypassSetup or options.showGUI):

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