[gnome-shell-extensions] alternate-tab: move to the new configuration system

commit 245ab96a27c161b2c680c0148b60bcf1fe86fbf3
Author: Giovanni Campagna <gcampagna src gnome org>
Date:   Fri Feb 10 18:04:56 2012 +0100

    alternate-tab: move to the new configuration system
    Since 3.3.5, gnome-shell offers an integrated configuration tool
    for extensions, which can be used by adding a new "prefs" module.
    Replace the old modal dialog with a new gtk dialog, which also allows
    to configure the new highlight-selected setting.

 extensions/alternate-tab/Makefile.am               |    2 +-
 extensions/alternate-tab/extension.js              |    8 --
 ...e.shell.extensions.alternate-tab.gschema.xml.in |    5 -
 extensions/alternate-tab/prefs.js                  |  124 ++++++++++++++++++++
 extensions/alternate-tab/settings.js               |  113 ------------------
 5 files changed, 125 insertions(+), 127 deletions(-)
diff --git a/extensions/alternate-tab/Makefile.am b/extensions/alternate-tab/Makefile.am
index da27105..1f35392 100644
--- a/extensions/alternate-tab/Makefile.am
+++ b/extensions/alternate-tab/Makefile.am
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 EXTENSION_ID = alternate-tab
-EXTRA_MODULES = settings.js
+EXTRA_MODULES = prefs.js
 include ../../extension.mk
 include ../../settings.mk
diff --git a/extensions/alternate-tab/extension.js b/extensions/alternate-tab/extension.js
index af531f9..4eb9b2d 100644
--- a/extensions/alternate-tab/extension.js
+++ b/extensions/alternate-tab/extension.js
@@ -28,14 +28,12 @@ const N_ = function(e) { return e };
 const ExtensionUtils = imports.misc.extensionUtils;
 const Me = ExtensionUtils.getCurrentExtension();
 const Convenience = Me.imports.convenience;
-const Settings = Me.imports.settings;
 let settings;
 const POPUP_DELAY_TIMEOUT = 150; // milliseconds
 const SETTINGS_BEHAVIOUR_KEY = 'behaviour';
-const SETTINGS_FIRST_TIME_KEY = 'first-time';
 const SETTINGS_HIGHLIGHT_SELECTED_KEY = 'highlight-selected';
 const AltTabPopupWorkspaceIcons = new Lang.Class({
@@ -494,12 +492,6 @@ const MODES = {
 function doAltTab(display, screen, window, binding) {
-    if(settings.get_boolean(SETTINGS_FIRST_TIME_KEY)) {
-        let dialog = new Settings.AltTabSettingsDialog(settings);
-        dialog.open();
-        return;
-    }
     let behaviour = settings.get_string(SETTINGS_BEHAVIOUR_KEY);
     // alt-tab having no effect is unexpected, even with wrong settings
diff --git a/extensions/alternate-tab/org.gnome.shell.extensions.alternate-tab.gschema.xml.in b/extensions/alternate-tab/org.gnome.shell.extensions.alternate-tab.gschema.xml.in
index c93172e..f179b11 100644
--- a/extensions/alternate-tab/org.gnome.shell.extensions.alternate-tab.gschema.xml.in
+++ b/extensions/alternate-tab/org.gnome.shell.extensions.alternate-tab.gschema.xml.in
@@ -9,11 +9,6 @@
       <_summary>The alt tab behaviour.</_summary>
       <_description>Sets the Alt-Tab behaviour. Possible values are: native, all_thumbnails and workspace_icons.</_description>
-    <key type="b" name="first-time">
-      <default>true</default>
-      <_summary>Indicates if Alternate Tab is newly installed</_summary>
-      <_description>Ask the user for a default behaviour if true.</_description>
-    </key>
     <key type="b" name="highlight-selected">
       <summary>Bring each selected window to the front.</summary>
diff --git a/extensions/alternate-tab/prefs.js b/extensions/alternate-tab/prefs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9591e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/alternate-tab/prefs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
+/* most of the code is borrowed from
+ * > js/ui/altTab.js <
+ * of the gnome-shell source code
+ */
+const Gdk = imports.gi.Gdk;
+const Gio = imports.gi.Gio;
+const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk;
+const GObject = imports.gi.GObject;
+const Lang = imports.lang;
+const Gettext = imports.gettext.domain('gnome-shell-extensions');
+const _ = Gettext.gettext;
+const N_ = function(e) { return e };
+const ExtensionUtils = imports.misc.extensionUtils;
+const Me = ExtensionUtils.getCurrentExtension();
+const Convenience = Me.imports.convenience;
+const SETTINGS_BEHAVIOUR_KEY = 'behaviour';
+const SETTINGS_HIGHLIGHT_KEY = 'highlight-selected';
+const MODES = {
+    all_thumbnails: {
+        name: N_("All & Thumbnails"),
+        description: N_("This mode presents all applications from all workspaces in one selection \
+list. Instead of using the application icon of every window, it uses small \
+thumbnails resembling the window itself."),
+        extra_widgets: [ ]
+    },
+    workspace_icons: {
+        name: N_("Workspace & Icons"),
+        description: N_("This mode let's you switch between the applications of your current \
+workspace and gives you additionally the option to switch to the last used \
+application of your previous workspace. This is always the last symbol in \
+the list and is segregated by a separator/vertical line if available. \n\
+Every window is represented by its application icon."),
+        extra_widgets: [
+            { label: N_("Move current selection to front before closing the popup"), key: SETTINGS_HIGHLIGHT_KEY }
+        ]
+    }
+const AltTabSettingsWidget = new GObject.Class({
+    Name: 'AlternateTab.Prefs.AltTabSettingsWidget',
+    GTypeName: 'AltTabSettingsWidget',
+    Extends: Gtk.Grid,
+    _init : function(params) {
+        this.parent(params);
+        this.column_spacing = 10;
+        this.margin = 10;
+        this._settings = Convenience.getSettings();
+        let introLabel = _("The Alternate Tab can be used in different modes, that \
+affect the way windows are chosen and presented.");
+        this.attach(new Gtk.Label({ label: introLabel, wrap: true, sensitive: true,
+                                    margin_bottom: 10, margin_top: 5 }),
+                    0, 0, 2, 1);
+        let top = 1;
+        let radio = null;
+        let currentMode = this._settings.get_string(SETTINGS_BEHAVIOUR_KEY);
+        for (let mode in MODES) {
+            // copy the mode variable because it has function scope, not block scope
+            // so cannot be used in a closure
+            let modeCapture = mode;
+            let obj = MODES[mode];
+            let name = Gettext.gettext(obj.name);
+            let description = Gettext.gettext(obj.description);
+            let nextra = obj.extra_widgets.length;
+            radio = new Gtk.RadioButton({ group: radio, label: name, valign: Gtk.Align.START });
+            radio.connect('toggled', Lang.bind(this, function(widget) {
+                if (widget.active)
+                    this._settings.set_string(SETTINGS_BEHAVIOUR_KEY, modeCapture);
+                this._updateSensitivity(widget, widget.active);
+            }));
+            this.attach(radio, 0, top, 1, nextra + 1);
+            let descriptionLabel = new Gtk.Label({ label: description, wrap: true, sensitive: true,
+                                                   xalign: 0.0, justify: Gtk.Justification.FILL });
+            this.attach(descriptionLabel, 1, top, 1, 1);
+            radio._extra = [];
+            for (let i = 0; i < nextra; i++) {
+                let key = obj.extra_widgets[i].key;
+                let label = Gettext.gettext(obj.extra_widgets[i].label);
+                let extra = new Gtk.CheckButton({ label: label });
+                this._settings.bind(key, extra, 'active', Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
+                radio._extra.push(extra);
+                this.attach(extra, 1, top + i + 1, 1, 1);                            
+            }
+            if (mode == currentMode)
+                radio.active = true;
+            this._updateSensitivity(radio, radio.active);
+            top += nextra + 1;
+        }
+    },
+    _updateSensitivity: function(widget, active) {
+        for (let i = 0; i < widget._extra.length; i++)
+            widget._extra[i].sensitive = active;
+    },
+function init() {
+    Convenience.initTranslations();
+function buildPrefsWidget() {
+    let widget = new AltTabSettingsWidget();
+    widget.show_all();
+    return widget;

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