[pitivi/ges: 175/287] effects: Move all effect related classes to effects.py

commit 4d68e29a0f54506635c61460cfacc4afc3a1b7f2
Author: Thibault Saunier <thibault saunier collabora com>
Date:   Mon Jan 9 17:44:53 2012 -0300

    effects: Move all effect related classes to effects.py
        + Rename EffectList into EffectListWidget
        + Rename EffectsPropertiesHandling into EffectsPropertiesManager

 pitivi/effects.py                 |  557 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 pitivi/ui/Makefile.am             |    2 -
 pitivi/ui/clipproperties.py       |    7 +-
 pitivi/ui/effectlist.py           |  475 -------------------------------
 pitivi/ui/effectsconfiguration.py |  110 --------
 pitivi/ui/mainwindow.py           |    4 +-
 po/POTFILES.in                    |    2 -
 7 files changed, 552 insertions(+), 605 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pitivi/effects.py b/pitivi/effects.py
index 8d6001c..52406af 100644
--- a/pitivi/effects.py
+++ b/pitivi/effects.py
@@ -22,28 +22,43 @@
 Effects global handling
+ Note: Some effects are available through the frei0r
+ library and the libavfilter0 library
+ There are different types of effects available:
+  _ Simple Audio/Video Effects
+     GStreamer elements that only apply to audio OR video
+     Only take the elements who have a straightforward meaning/action
+  _ Expanded Audio/Video Effects
+     These are the Gstreamer elements that don't have a easy meaning/action or
+     that are too cumbersome to use as such
+  _ Complex Audio/Video Effects
 import gst
 import gtk
 import re
 import os
+import gobject
+import time
+import pango
 from gettext import gettext as _
+from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
 from pitivi.configure import get_pixmap_dir
+from pitivi.settings import GlobalSettings
+import pitivi.utils.ui as dnd
+from pitivi.utils.loggable import Loggable
+from pitivi.utils.ui import SPACING
+from pitivi.utils.playback import Seeker
-# Note: Some effects are available through the frei0r
-# library and the libavfilter0 library
+from pitivi.ui.gstwidget import GstElementSettingsWidget
+from pitivi.ui.dynamic import FractionWidget
-# There are different types of effects available:
-#  _ Simple Audio/Video Effects
-#     GStreamer elements that only apply to audio OR video
-#     Only take the elements who have a straightforward meaning/action
-#  _ Expanded Audio/Video Effects
-#     These are the Gstreamer elements that don't have a easy meaning/action or
-#     that are too cumbersome to use as such
-#  _ Complex Audio/Video Effects
+#------------- Helper to handle effect in the backend ---------------------------#
 BLACKLISTED_EFFECTS = ["colorconvert", "coglogoinsert", "festival",
@@ -310,3 +325,525 @@ class EffectsHandler(object):
                 return None
         return icon
+#----------------------- UI classes to manage effects -------------------------#
+HIDDEN_EFFECTS = ["frei0r-filter-scale0tilt"]
+    section='effect-library',
+    key='last-effect-view',
+    type_=int,
+    default=SHOW_ICONVIEW)
+ COL_ICON) = range(7)
+INVISIBLE = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(os.path.join(get_pixmap_dir(),
+    "invisible.png"))
+class EffectListWidget(gtk.VBox, Loggable):
+    """ Widget for listing effects """
+    def __init__(self, instance, uiman):
+        gtk.VBox.__init__(self)
+        Loggable.__init__(self)
+        self.app = instance
+        self.settings = instance.settings
+        self._dragButton = None
+        self._dragStarted = False
+        self._dragSelection = False
+        self._dragX = 0
+        self._dragY = 0
+        #Tooltip handling
+        self._current_effect_name = None
+        self._current_tooltip_icon = None
+        #Searchbox and combobox
+        hfilters = gtk.HBox()
+        hfilters.set_spacing(SPACING)
+        hfilters.set_border_width(3)  # Prevents being flush against the notebook
+        self.effectType = gtk.combo_box_new_text()
+        self.effectType.append_text(_("Video effects"))
+        self.effectType.append_text(_("Audio effects"))
+        self.effectCategory = gtk.combo_box_new_text()
+        self.effectType.set_active(VIDEO_EFFECT)
+        hfilters.pack_start(self.effectType, expand=True)
+        hfilters.pack_end(self.effectCategory, expand=True)
+        hsearch = gtk.HBox()
+        hsearch.set_spacing(SPACING)
+        hsearch.set_border_width(3)  # Prevents being flush against the notebook
+        searchStr = gtk.Label(_("Search:"))
+        self.searchEntry = gtk.Entry()
+        self.searchEntry.set_icon_from_stock(gtk.ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY, "gtk-clear")
+        hsearch.pack_start(searchStr, expand=False)
+        hsearch.pack_end(self.searchEntry, expand=True)
+        # Store
+        self.storemodel = gtk.ListStore(str, str, int, object, object, str, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf)
+        # Scrolled Windows
+        self.treeview_scrollwin = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+        self.treeview_scrollwin.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+        self.treeview_scrollwin.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN)
+        self.iconview_scrollwin = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+        self.iconview_scrollwin.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+        self.iconview_scrollwin.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN)
+        # TreeView
+        # Displays name, description
+        self.treeview = gtk.TreeView(self.storemodel)
+        self.treeview_scrollwin.add(self.treeview)
+        self.treeview.set_property("rules_hint", True)
+        self.treeview.set_property("has_tooltip", True)
+        self.treeview.set_property("headers-clickable", False)
+        tsel = self.treeview.get_selection()
+        tsel.set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_SINGLE)
+        namecol = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Name"))
+        namecol.set_sort_column_id(COL_NAME_TEXT)
+        self.treeview.append_column(namecol)
+        namecol.set_spacing(SPACING)
+        namecol.set_sizing(gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED)
+        namecol.set_fixed_width(150)
+        namecell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+        namecell.props.xpad = 6
+        namecell.set_property("ellipsize", pango.ELLIPSIZE_END)
+        namecol.pack_start(namecell)
+        namecol.add_attribute(namecell, "text", COL_NAME_TEXT)
+        desccol = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Description"))
+        desccol.set_sort_column_id(COL_DESC_TEXT)
+        self.treeview.append_column(desccol)
+        desccol.set_expand(True)
+        desccol.set_spacing(SPACING)
+        desccol.set_sizing(gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_AUTOSIZE)
+        desccol.set_min_width(150)
+        desccell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+        desccell.props.xpad = 6
+        desccell.set_property("ellipsize", pango.ELLIPSIZE_END)
+        desccol.pack_start(desccell)
+        desccol.add_attribute(desccell, "text", COL_DESC_TEXT)
+        self.iconview = gtk.IconView(self.storemodel)
+        self.iconview.set_pixbuf_column(COL_ICON)
+        self.iconview.set_text_column(COL_NAME_TEXT)
+        self.iconview.set_item_width(102)
+        self.iconview_scrollwin.add(self.iconview)
+        self.iconview.set_property("has_tooltip", True)
+        self.effectType.connect("changed", self._effectTypeChangedCb)
+        self.effectCategory.connect("changed", self._effectCategoryChangedCb)
+        self.searchEntry.connect("changed", self.searchEntryChangedCb)
+        self.searchEntry.connect("button-press-event", self.searchEntryActivateCb)
+        self.searchEntry.connect("focus-out-event", self.searchEntryDesactvateCb)
+        self.searchEntry.connect("icon-press", self.searchEntryIconClickedCb)
+        self.treeview.connect("button-press-event", self._buttonPressEventCb)
+        self.treeview.connect("select-cursor-row", self._enterPressEventCb)
+        self.treeview.connect("motion-notify-event", self._motionNotifyEventCb)
+        self.treeview.connect("query-tooltip", self._queryTooltipCb)
+        self.treeview.connect("button-release-event", self._buttonReleaseCb)
+        self.treeview.drag_source_set(0, [], gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY)
+        self.treeview.connect("drag_begin", self._dndDragBeginCb)
+        self.treeview.connect("drag_data_get", self._dndDataGetCb)
+        self.iconview.connect("button-press-event", self._buttonPressEventCb)
+        self.iconview.connect("activate-cursor-item", self._enterPressEventCb)
+        self.iconview.connect("query-tooltip", self._queryTooltipCb)
+        self.iconview.drag_source_set(0, [], gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY)
+        self.iconview.connect("motion-notify-event", self._motionNotifyEventCb)
+        self.iconview.connect("button-release-event", self._buttonReleaseCb)
+        self.iconview.connect("drag_begin", self._dndDragBeginCb)
+        self.iconview.connect("drag_data_get", self._dndDataGetCb)
+        # Delay the loading of the available effects so the application
+        # starts faster.
+        gobject.idle_add(self._loadAvailableEffectsCb)
+        self.pack_start(hfilters, expand=False)
+        self.pack_start(hsearch, expand=False)
+        self.pack_end(self.treeview_scrollwin, expand=True)
+        self.pack_end(self.iconview_scrollwin, expand=True)
+        #create the filterModel
+        self.modelFilter = self.storemodel.filter_new()
+        self.modelFilter.set_visible_func(self._setRowVisible, data=None)
+        self.treeview.set_model(self.modelFilter)
+        self.iconview.set_model(self.modelFilter)
+        self._addMenuItems(uiman)
+        self.show_categories(VIDEO_EFFECT)
+        hfilters.show_all()
+        hsearch.show_all()
+    def _loadAvailableEffectsCb(self):
+        self._addFactories(self.app.effects.getAllVideoEffects(), VIDEO_EFFECT)
+        self._addFactories(self.app.effects.getAllAudioEffects(), AUDIO_EFFECT)
+        return False
+    def _addMenuItems(self, uiman):
+        view_menu_item = uiman.get_widget('/MainMenuBar/View')
+        view_menu = view_menu_item.get_submenu()
+        seperator = gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()
+        self.treeview_menuitem = gtk.RadioMenuItem(None,
+                _("Show Video Effects as a List"))
+        self.iconview_menuitem = gtk.RadioMenuItem(self.treeview_menuitem,
+                _("Show Video Effects as Icons"))
+        if self.settings.lastEffectView == SHOW_TREEVIEW:
+            self.treeview_menuitem.set_active(True)
+            self.iconview_menuitem.set_active(False)
+        else:
+            self.treeview_menuitem.set_active(False)
+            self.iconview_menuitem.set_active(True)
+        self.treeview_menuitem.connect("toggled", self._treeViewMenuItemToggledCb)
+        view_menu.append(seperator)
+        view_menu.append(self.treeview_menuitem)
+        view_menu.append(self.iconview_menuitem)
+        self.treeview_menuitem.show()
+        self.iconview_menuitem.show()
+        seperator.show()
+        self.effect_view = self.settings.lastEffectView
+    def _addFactories(self, elements, effectType):
+        for element in elements:
+            name = element.get_name()
+            if name not in HIDDEN_EFFECTS:
+                effect = self.app.effects.getFactoryFromName(name)
+                self.storemodel.append([effect.getHumanName(),
+                                         effect.getDescription(), effectType,
+                                         effect.getCategories(),
+                                         effect, name,
+                                         self.app.effects.getEffectIcon(name)])
+                self.storemodel.set_sort_column_id(COL_NAME_TEXT, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING)
+    def show_categories(self, effectType):
+        self.effectCategory.get_model().clear()
+        self._effect_type_ref = effectType
+        if effectType is VIDEO_EFFECT:
+            for categorie in self.app.effects.video_categories:
+                self.effectCategory.append_text(categorie)
+        else:
+            for categorie in self.app.effects.audio_categories:
+                self.effectCategory.append_text(categorie)
+        if self.treeview_menuitem.get_active() == False:
+            self.effect_view = SHOW_ICONVIEW
+        self._displayEffectView()
+        self.effectCategory.set_active(0)
+    def _displayEffectView(self):
+        self.treeview_scrollwin.hide()
+        self.iconview_scrollwin.hide()
+        if self.effect_view == SHOW_TREEVIEW or\
+                        self._effect_type_ref == AUDIO_EFFECT:
+            widget = self.treeview_scrollwin
+            self.effect_view = SHOW_TREEVIEW
+        else:
+            widget = self.iconview_scrollwin
+        widget.show_all()
+    def _dndDragBeginCb(self, view, context):
+        self.info("tree drag_begin")
+        if self.effect_view == SHOW_ICONVIEW:
+            path = self.iconview.get_selected_items()
+        elif self.effect_view == SHOW_TREEVIEW:
+            path = self.treeview.get_selection().get_selected_rows()[1]
+        if len(path) < 1:
+            context.drag_abort(int(time.time()))
+        else:
+            if self._current_tooltip_icon:
+                context.set_icon_pixbuf(self._current_tooltip_icon, 0, 0)
+    def _rowUnderMouseSelected(self, view, event):
+        result = view.get_path_at_pos(int(event.x), int(event.y))
+        if result:
+            path = result[0]
+            if self.effect_view == SHOW_TREEVIEW or\
+                        self._effect_type_ref == AUDIO_EFFECT:
+                selection = view.get_selection()
+                return selection.path_is_selected(path) and\
+                                selection.count_selected_rows() > 0
+            elif self.effect_view == SHOW_ICONVIEW:
+                selection = view.get_selected_items()
+                return view.path_is_selected(path) and len(selection)
+        return False
+    def _enterPressEventCb(self, view, event=None):
+        factory_name = self.getSelectedItems()
+        self.app.gui.clipconfig.effect_expander.addEffectToCurrentSelection(factory_name)
+    def _buttonPressEventCb(self, view, event):
+        chain_up = True
+        if event.button == 3:
+            chain_up = False
+        elif event.type is gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS:
+            factory_name = self.getSelectedItems()
+            self.app.gui.clipconfig.effect_expander.addEffectToCurrentSelection(factory_name)
+        else:
+            chain_up = not self._rowUnderMouseSelected(view, event)
+            self._dragStarted = False
+            self._dragSelection = False
+            self._dragButton = event.button
+            self._dragX = int(event.x)
+            self._dragY = int(event.y)
+        if chain_up and self.effect_view is SHOW_TREEVIEW:
+            gtk.TreeView.do_button_press_event(view, event)
+        elif chain_up and self.effect_view is SHOW_ICONVIEW:
+            gtk.IconView.do_button_press_event(view, event)
+        else:
+            view.grab_focus()
+        return True
+    def _iconViewButtonReleaseCb(self, treeview, event):
+        if event.button == self._dragButton:
+            self._dragButton = None
+        return False
+    def _treeViewMenuItemToggledCb(self, unused_widget):
+        if self.effect_view is SHOW_ICONVIEW:
+            show = SHOW_TREEVIEW
+        else:
+            show = SHOW_ICONVIEW
+        self.settings.lastEffectView = show
+        self.effect_view = show
+        self._displayEffectView()
+    def _motionNotifyEventCb(self, view, event):
+        chain_up = True
+        if not self._dragButton:
+            return True
+        if self._nothingUnderMouse(view, event):
+            return True
+        if not event.state & (gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK | gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK):
+            chain_up = not self._rowUnderMouseSelected(view, event)
+        if view.drag_check_threshold(self._dragX, self._dragY,
+            int(event.x), int(event.y)):
+            context = view.drag_begin(
+                self._getDndTuple(),
+                gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY,
+                self._dragButton,
+                event)
+            self._dragStarted = True
+        if self.effect_view is SHOW_TREEVIEW:
+            if chain_up:
+                gtk.TreeView.do_button_press_event(view, event)
+            else:
+                view.grab_focus()
+        return False
+    def _queryTooltipCb(self, view, x, y, keyboard_mode, tooltip):
+        context = view.get_tooltip_context(x, y, keyboard_mode)
+        if context is None:
+            return False
+        if self.effect_view is SHOW_TREEVIEW or\
+                    self._effect_type_ref == AUDIO_EFFECT:
+            view.set_tooltip_row(tooltip, context[1][0])
+        elif self.effect_view is SHOW_ICONVIEW and\
+                     self._effect_type_ref == VIDEO_EFFECT:
+            view.set_tooltip_item(tooltip, context[1][0])
+        name = self.modelFilter.get_value(context[2], COL_ELEMENT_NAME)
+        if self._current_effect_name != name:
+            self._current_effect_name = name
+            icon = self.modelFilter.get_value(context[2], COL_ICON)
+            self._current_tooltip_icon = icon
+        longname = escape(self.modelFilter.get_value(context[2],
+                COL_NAME_TEXT).strip())
+        description = escape(self.modelFilter.get_value(context[2],
+                COL_DESC_TEXT))
+        txt = "<b>%s:</b>\n%s" % (longname, description)
+        if self.effect_view == SHOW_ICONVIEW:
+            tooltip.set_icon(None)
+        else:
+            tooltip.set_icon(self._current_tooltip_icon)
+        tooltip.set_markup(txt)
+        return True
+    def _buttonReleaseCb(self, treeview, event):
+        if event.button == self._dragButton:
+            self._dragButton = None
+        return False
+    def getSelectedItems(self):
+        if self.effect_view == SHOW_TREEVIEW or\
+                        self._effect_type_ref == AUDIO_EFFECT:
+            model, rows = self.treeview.get_selection().get_selected_rows()
+            path = self.modelFilter.convert_path_to_child_path(rows[0])
+        elif self.effect_view == SHOW_ICONVIEW:
+            path = self.iconview.get_selected_items()
+            path = self.modelFilter.convert_path_to_child_path(path[0])
+        return self.storemodel[path][COL_ELEMENT_NAME]
+    def _dndDataGetCb(self, unused_widget, context, selection,
+                      targettype, unused_eventtime):
+        self.info("data get, type:%d", targettype)
+        factory = self.getSelectedItems()
+        if len(factory) < 1:
+            return
+        selection.set(selection.target, 8, factory)
+        context.set_icon_pixbuf(INVISIBLE, 0, 0)
+    def _effectTypeChangedCb(self, combobox):
+        self.modelFilter.refilter()
+        self.show_categories(combobox.get_active())
+    def _effectCategoryChangedCb(self, combobox):
+        self.modelFilter.refilter()
+    def searchEntryChangedCb(self, entry):
+        self.modelFilter.refilter()
+    def searchEntryIconClickedCb(self, entry, unused, unsed1):
+        entry.set_text("")
+    def searchEntryDesactvateCb(self, entry, event):
+        self.app.gui.setActionsSensitive("default", True)
+    def searchEntryActivateCb(self, entry, event):
+        self.app.gui.setActionsSensitive("default", False)
+    def _setRowVisible(self, model, iter, data):
+        if self.effectType.get_active() == model.get_value(iter, COL_EFFECT_TYPE):
+            if model.get_value(iter, COL_EFFECT_CATEGORIES) is None:
+                return False
+            if self.effectCategory.get_active_text() in model.get_value(iter, COL_EFFECT_CATEGORIES):
+                text = self.searchEntry.get_text().lower()
+                return text in model.get_value(iter, COL_DESC_TEXT).lower() or\
+                       text in model.get_value(iter, COL_NAME_TEXT).lower()
+            else:
+                return False
+        else:
+            return False
+    def _nothingUnderMouse(self, view, event):
+        return not bool(view.get_path_at_pos(int(event.x), int(event.y)))
+    def _getDndTuple(self):
+        if self.effectType.get_active() == VIDEO_EFFECT:
+            return [dnd.VIDEO_EFFECT_TUPLE, dnd.EFFECT_TUPLE]
+        else:
+            return [dnd.AUDIO_EFFECT_TUPLE, dnd.EFFECT_TUPLE]
+PROPS_TO_IGNORE = ['name', 'qos', 'silent', 'message']
+class EffectsPropertiesManager:
+    def __init__(self, action_log):
+        self.cache_dict = {}
+        self._current_effect_setting_ui = None
+        self._current_element_values = {}
+        self.action_log = action_log
+        self._seeker = Seeker(80)
+    def getEffectConfigurationUI(self, effect):
+        """
+            Permit to get a configuration GUI for the effect
+            @param effect: The effect for which we want the configuration UI
+            @type effect: C{gst.Element}
+        """
+        if effect not in self.cache_dict:
+            #Here we should handle special effects configuration UI
+            effect_set_ui = GstElementSettingsWidget()
+            effect_set_ui.setElement(effect, ignore=PROPS_TO_IGNORE,
+                                     default_btn=True, use_element_props=True)
+            nb_rows = effect_set_ui.get_children()[0].get_property('n-rows')
+            effect_configuration_ui = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+            effect_configuration_ui.add_with_viewport(effect_set_ui)
+            effect_configuration_ui.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
+                                               gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+            self.cache_dict[effect] = effect_configuration_ui
+            self._connectAllWidgetCbs(effect_set_ui, effect)
+            self._postConfiguration(effect, effect_set_ui)
+        effect_set_ui = self._getUiToSetEffect(effect)
+        self._current_effect_setting_ui = effect_set_ui
+        element = self._current_effect_setting_ui.element
+        for prop in element.list_children_properties():
+            self._current_element_values[prop.name] = element.get_child_property(prop.name)
+        return self.cache_dict[effect]
+    def cleanCache(self, effect):
+        if effect in self.cache_dict:
+            conf_ui = self.cache_dict.get(effect)
+            self.cache_dict.pop(effect)
+            return conf_ui
+    def _postConfiguration(self, effect, effect_set_ui):
+        if 'aspectratiocrop' in effect.get_property("bin-description"):
+            for widget in effect_set_ui.get_children()[0].get_children():
+                if isinstance(widget, FractionWidget):
+                    widget.addPresets(["4:3", "5:4", "9:3", "16:9", "16:10"])
+    def _getUiToSetEffect(self, effect):
+        """ Permit to get the widget to set the effect and not its container """
+        if type(self.cache_dict[effect]) is gtk.ScrolledWindow:
+            effect_set_ui = self.cache_dict[effect].get_children()[0].get_children()[0]
+        else:
+            effect_set_ui = self.cache_dict[effect]
+        return effect_set_ui
+    def _connectAllWidgetCbs(self, effect_configuration_ui, effect):
+        for prop, widget in effect_configuration_ui.properties.iteritems():
+            widget.connectValueChanged(self._onValueChangedCb, widget, prop)
+    def _onSetDefaultCb(self, widget, dynamic):
+        dynamic.setWidgetToDefault()
+    def _onValueChangedCb(self, widget, dynamic, prop):
+        value = dynamic.getWidgetValue()
+        #FIXME Workaround in order to make aspectratiocrop working
+        if isinstance(value, gst.Fraction):
+            value = gst.Fraction(int(value.num), int(value.denom))
+        if value != self._current_element_values.get(prop.name):
+            self.action_log.begin("Effect property change")
+            self._current_effect_setting_ui.element.set_child_property(prop.name, value)
+            self.action_log.commit()
+            self._seeker.flush()
+            self._current_element_values[prop.name] = value
diff --git a/pitivi/ui/Makefile.am b/pitivi/ui/Makefile.am
index 122f345..49e711d 100644
--- a/pitivi/ui/Makefile.am
+++ b/pitivi/ui/Makefile.am
@@ -27,9 +27,7 @@ ui_PYTHON =			\
 	track.py		\
 	viewer.py		\
 	view.py			\
-	effectlist.py	\
 	clipproperties.py	\
-	effectsconfiguration.py	\
 	filechooserpreview.py	\
diff --git a/pitivi/ui/clipproperties.py b/pitivi/ui/clipproperties.py
index 2723d6f..19d5ac3 100644
--- a/pitivi/ui/clipproperties.py
+++ b/pitivi/ui/clipproperties.py
@@ -35,14 +35,13 @@ from pitivi.configure import get_ui_dir
 from pitivi.utils.ui import EFFECT_TUPLE
 from pitivi.utils.loggable import Loggable
-from pitivi.effects import AUDIO_EFFECT, VIDEO_EFFECT
+from pitivi.effects import AUDIO_EFFECT, VIDEO_EFFECT, HIDDEN_EFFECTS
 from pitivi.ui.depsmanager import DepsManager
 from pitivi.utils.ui import PADDING, SPACING
-from pitivi.ui.effectlist import HIDDEN_EFFECTS
 from pitivi.ui.gstwidget import GstElementSettingsWidget
-from pitivi.ui.effectsconfiguration import EffectsPropertiesHandling
+from pitivi.effects import EffectsPropertiesManager
@@ -93,7 +92,7 @@ class ClipProperties(gtk.ScrolledWindow, Loggable):
-        self.effect_properties_handling = EffectsPropertiesHandling(instance.action_log)
+        self.effect_properties_handling = EffectsPropertiesManager(instance.action_log)
         self.effect_expander = EffectProperties(instance,
                 self.effect_properties_handling, self)
diff --git a/pitivi/ui/mainwindow.py b/pitivi/ui/mainwindow.py
index 1123f70..339edb9 100644
--- a/pitivi/ui/mainwindow.py
+++ b/pitivi/ui/mainwindow.py
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ from pitivi.ui.timeline import Timeline
 from pitivi.ui.basetabs import BaseTabs
 from pitivi.ui.viewer import PitiviViewer
 from pitivi.sourcelist import SourceListWidget, SourceListError
-from pitivi.ui.effectlist import EffectList
+from pitivi.effects import EffectListWidget
 from pitivi.ui.zoominterface import Zoomable
 from pitivi.ui.clipproperties import ClipProperties
 from pitivi.ui.filechooserpreview import PreviewWidget
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ class PitiviMainWindow(gtk.Window, Loggable):
-        self.effectlist = EffectList(instance, self.uimanager)
+        self.effectlist = EffectListWidget(instance, self.uimanager)
         self.projecttabs.append_page(self.effectlist, gtk.Label(_("Effect Library")))
diff --git a/po/POTFILES.in b/po/POTFILES.in
index 9f682f8..8400c1f 100644
--- a/po/POTFILES.in
+++ b/po/POTFILES.in
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ pitivi/sourcelist.py

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