[gtk+/wip/multiple-backgrounds: 14/15] tests: update background-shorthand parser test for multiple backgrounds
- From: Cosimo Cecchi <cosimoc src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gtk+/wip/multiple-backgrounds: 14/15] tests: update background-shorthand parser test for multiple backgrounds
- Date: Mon, 14 May 2012 13:24:18 +0000 (UTC)
commit 2ff75af44b2b0de98e873c0877f83a5d6cfc38cb
Author: Cosimo Cecchi <cosimoc gnome org>
Date: Fri May 11 20:43:09 2012 -0400
tests: update background-shorthand parser test for multiple backgrounds
tests/css/parser/background-shorthand.css | 2056 ++++++--
tests/css/parser/background-shorthand.ref.css | 7286 +++++++++++++++++++------
2 files changed, 7453 insertions(+), 1889 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/css/parser/background-shorthand.css b/tests/css/parser/background-shorthand.css
index 0fd5be9..eb803a2 100644
--- a/tests/css/parser/background-shorthand.css
+++ b/tests/css/parser/background-shorthand.css
@@ -1,1300 +1,2704 @@
a {
- background: url("test.png") padding-box content-box no-repeat pink;
+ background: round no-repeat border-box top left, content-box, padding-box padding-box 10% repeat none, url("test.png") round no-repeat, border-box center / auto auto linear-gradient(pink, purple), none padding-box round no-repeat 5px bottom, round no-repeat top left padding-box, padding-box none round no-repeat #ADF 5px bottom / 10%;
b {
- background: url("test.png") padding-box content-box no-repeat;
+ background: 10% border-box, content-box content-box round no-repeat 10%, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom padding-box content-box, repeat 10% / 10% none content-box content-box, border-box round no-repeat top left / cover, round no-repeat top left / 10% content-box padding-box, border-box round no-repeat top left none, center border-box url("test.png") round no-repeat, border-box border-box none repeat center;
c {
- background: url("test.png") padding-box content-box pink no-repeat;
+ background: round no-repeat none padding-box top left / auto auto, round no-repeat center, padding-box, repeat none padding-box, content-box padding-box top left / cover url("test.png") round no-repeat, content-box content-box round no-repeat, round no-repeat 10% none, @home border-box border-box center url("test.png");
d {
- background: url("test.png") padding-box content-box pink;
+ background: url("test.png") round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat 10% content-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat top left content-box, url("test.png") 10% padding-box, repeat padding-box 10% / auto auto none, padding-box padding-box url("test.png"), content-box repeat 10% / cover, round no-repeat red;
e {
- background: url("test.png") padding-box content-box;
+ background: round no-repeat 10%, url("test.png") 10% content-box repeat, 5px bottom, url("test.png") 5px bottom padding-box, url("test.png") top left border-box padding-box repeat, url("test.png") center / cover, repeat padding-box, none 10% / auto auto, border-box content-box repeat, center / 10% repeat red padding-box;
f {
- background: url("test.png") padding-box no-repeat content-box pink;
+ background: round no-repeat content-box border-box top left, top left none border-box, #ADF content-box none round no-repeat;
g {
- background: url("test.png") padding-box no-repeat content-box;
+ background: repeat url("test.png") 5px bottom / 10% padding-box border-box, top left content-box content-box round no-repeat url("test.png"), url("test.png") repeat center / cover content-box;
h {
- background: url("test.png") padding-box no-repeat pink content-box;
+ background: center / 10% content-box round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat 10% content-box padding-box, padding-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) center / cover, none, url("test.png") repeat padding-box 5px bottom, border-box url("test.png") repeat;
i {
- background: url("test.png") padding-box no-repeat pink;
+ background: url("test.png") padding-box, alpha(pink, 0.5) round no-repeat top left content-box;
j {
- background: url("test.png") padding-box no-repeat;
+ background: top left padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box border-box top left, url("test.png"), alpha(pink, 0.5) round no-repeat none;
k {
- background: url("test.png") padding-box pink content-box no-repeat;
+ background: repeat top left / 10% none content-box, top left border-box padding-box repeat, center / 10% content-box content-box url("test.png"), top left / cover border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box padding-box repeat none, url("test.png") repeat, round no-repeat padding-box top left none, content-box content-box 10% repeat;
l {
- background: url("test.png") padding-box pink content-box;
+ background: border-box url("test.png"), round no-repeat padding-box content-box top left, repeat 10% content-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box 10% @home repeat;
m {
- background: url("test.png") padding-box pink no-repeat content-box;
+ background: content-box padding-box repeat none center, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple);
n {
- background: url("test.png") padding-box pink no-repeat;
+ background: 10% round no-repeat, none repeat padding-box content-box, content-box center / 10% repeat, top left round no-repeat none, content-box border-box round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10%, top left / 10% repeat, padding-box border-box;
o {
- background: url("test.png") padding-box pink;
+ background: border-box content-box round no-repeat 5px bottom url("test.png"), top left / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple);
p {
- background: url("test.png") padding-box;
+ background: currentColor content-box content-box 5px bottom / auto auto;
q {
- background: url("test.png") content-box padding-box no-repeat pink;
+ background: border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10%, padding-box repeat 10% / cover none, linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box content-box, repeat, padding-box padding-box repeat 10% / cover, top left linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box border-box round no-repeat, url("test.png") 5px bottom round no-repeat, top left border-box border-box, content-box repeat center, content-box padding-box center url("test.png") round no-repeat #ADF;
r {
- background: url("test.png") content-box padding-box no-repeat;
+ background: content-box url("test.png") center round no-repeat, border-box border-box 10% round no-repeat url("test.png"), repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box, #ADF 5px bottom repeat padding-box content-box;
s {
- background: url("test.png") content-box padding-box pink no-repeat;
+ background: round no-repeat padding-box 10%, repeat padding-box content-box, content-box repeat none, round no-repeat top left / 10%, top left repeat url("test.png") padding-box border-box, repeat center url("test.png"), padding-box 5px bottom, center / auto auto content-box round no-repeat url("test.png"), padding-box round no-repeat none center, content-box 5px bottom round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% repeat, padding-box 5px bottom repeat url("test.png"), center url("test.png") border-box;
t {
- background: url("test.png") content-box padding-box pink;
+ background: padding-box url("test.png") 5px bottom / 10% round no-repeat, round no-repeat none alpha(pink, 0.5);
u {
- background: url("test.png") content-box padding-box;
+ background: round no-repeat, border-box repeat currentColor top left / auto auto;
v {
- background: url("test.png") content-box no-repeat padding-box pink;
+ background: none padding-box content-box round no-repeat, content-box 5px bottom round no-repeat, center / 10% url("test.png"), center padding-box none, round no-repeat content-box 5px bottom url("test.png"), 10% round no-repeat padding-box, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) red content-box padding-box;
w {
- background: url("test.png") content-box no-repeat padding-box;
+ background: top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), top left none repeat content-box, 10% border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, content-box center / auto auto round no-repeat, border-box round no-repeat 10% / 10%, border-box border-box 10%, none round no-repeat, 5px bottom border-box round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple), linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, repeat top left / 10% padding-box, round no-repeat none, linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat url("test.png") top left, round no-repeat content-box none top left, 10% repeat, 10% repeat padding-box border-box url("test.png"), round no-repeat center url("test.png"), repeat none center border-box padding-box, padding-box border-box none, padding-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left, none border-box, url("test.png") round no-repeat, content-box content-box center / 10% repeat none;
x {
- background: url("test.png") content-box no-repeat pink padding-box;
+ background: none content-box round no-repeat 10%, alpha(pink, 0.5) top left;
y {
- background: url("test.png") content-box no-repeat pink;
+ background: repeat 5px bottom / cover, top left / auto auto round no-repeat, round no-repeat 10% / cover content-box none, red padding-box repeat 5px bottom url("test.png");
z {
- background: url("test.png") content-box no-repeat;
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom repeat content-box, round no-repeat content-box top left, repeat content-box none top left, center / auto auto padding-box border-box none, padding-box top left none repeat, 5px bottom / 10% padding-box url("test.png") repeat, repeat top left, round no-repeat border-box padding-box 10% none, padding-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10%, round no-repeat center border-box, border-box 10% url("test.png"), top left padding-box padding-box, padding-box none, 5px bottom / cover border-box content-box round no-repeat, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box padding-box, url("test.png") content-box 5px bottom / auto auto, round no-repeat none content-box 10%, 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box repeat, 10% padding-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box url("test.png") round no-repeat top left, repeat 10% none padding-box, padding-box border-box repeat top left none, center round no
ab {
- background: url("test.png") content-box pink padding-box no-repeat;
+ background: repeat 5px bottom padding-box padding-box, top left linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box padding-box, center repeat border-box, 5px bottom round no-repeat, top left / auto auto padding-box content-box none, round no-repeat 5px bottom / 10% content-box, 5px bottom / auto auto border-box, round no-repeat none, url("test.png") round no-repeat top left, url("test.png") content-box, url("test.png") center, border-box border-box url("test.png"), url("test.png") border-box 10%, center url("test.png") border-box, center / cover content-box padding-box round no-repeat, url("test.png") repeat 10% padding-box content-box, none content-box center / auto auto, content-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat top left / cover, repeat content-box content-box 10%, center border-box, 5px bottom / auto auto linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat padding-box, repeat 5px bottom, none border-box border-box, content-box round no-repeat, center / auto auto round no-repea
t border-box border-box, red linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat content-box;
bb {
- background: url("test.png") content-box pink padding-box;
+ background: 5px bottom / 10% content-box, center border-box padding-box repeat, round no-repeat 5px bottom alpha(pink, 0.5) linear-gradient(pink, purple);
cb {
- background: url("test.png") content-box pink no-repeat padding-box;
+ background: url("test.png") round no-repeat, padding-box padding-box center none, center repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box, center / cover padding-box border-box, top left round no-repeat none border-box border-box, round no-repeat 10% / cover border-box border-box, none padding-box padding-box red;
db {
- background: url("test.png") content-box pink no-repeat;
+ background: border-box padding-box @home 5px bottom;
eb {
- background: url("test.png") content-box pink;
+ background: none repeat, top left url("test.png") border-box repeat, none border-box padding-box center, content-box 5px bottom / auto auto url("test.png"), none, padding-box 10% url("test.png"), padding-box 10% / 10%, border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, center none padding-box;
fb {
- background: url("test.png") content-box;
+ background: border-box 10% round no-repeat, none padding-box center, content-box 5px bottom / auto auto url("test.png"), linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom / auto auto border-box border-box repeat, padding-box padding-box round no-repeat top left, center repeat url("test.png") content-box, repeat border-box, 5px bottom / auto auto round no-repeat none, top left url("test.png"), border-box padding-box url("test.png") top left / cover, none 5px bottom / auto auto, none 5px bottom repeat, top left content-box border-box repeat, top left url("test.png") repeat content-box content-box, border-box 5px bottom / auto auto, 10% / 10% border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat 10% url("test.png"), url("test.png") round no-repeat 5px bottom, content-box 5px bottom none, repeat 5px bottom border-box none, padding-box border-box none top left repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box 10% round no-repeat, top left / auto auto content-box repeat url("test.png"), borde
r-box round no-repeat 10% / 10%, center repeat url("test.png"), 5px bottom / cover none padding-box padding-box repeat, repeat top left padding-box none, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10%, none red round no-repeat;
gb {
- background: url("test.png") no-repeat padding-box content-box pink;
+ background: padding-box round no-repeat top left;
hb {
- background: url("test.png") no-repeat padding-box content-box;
+ background: center border-box padding-box url("test.png") round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box border-box 10% repeat, none 5px bottom repeat content-box, 5px bottom round no-repeat content-box url("test.png"), padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom repeat, center padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box round no-repeat, content-box 5px bottom url("test.png"), top left padding-box padding-box none round no-repeat;
ib {
- background: url("test.png") no-repeat padding-box pink content-box;
+ background: none 5px bottom / 10%, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom padding-box round no-repeat;
jb {
- background: url("test.png") no-repeat padding-box pink;
+ background: round no-repeat 10% none border-box, round no-repeat 10% none, none round no-repeat center / auto auto, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box padding-box top left, round no-repeat, 5px bottom / 10% border-box, border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% / auto auto, 10% border-box round no-repeat, url("test.png") border-box padding-box, 5px bottom border-box content-box, repeat border-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat 5px bottom, 10% / cover none padding-box padding-box round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box, #ADF content-box 5px bottom;
kb {
- background: url("test.png") no-repeat padding-box;
+ background: 5px bottom / auto auto, repeat url("test.png");
lb {
- background: url("test.png") no-repeat content-box padding-box pink;
+ background: 5px bottom / 10% none content-box repeat, round no-repeat border-box url("test.png"), center linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box padding-box round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left round no-repeat, 10% border-box border-box, center round no-repeat content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat url("test.png") alpha(pink, 0.5);
mb {
- background: url("test.png") no-repeat content-box padding-box;
+ background: content-box content-box round no-repeat none, round no-repeat top left, round no-repeat 5px bottom, repeat border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) center, center padding-box url("test.png"), round no-repeat url("test.png"), repeat padding-box 10%;
nb {
- background: url("test.png") no-repeat content-box pink padding-box;
+ background: url("test.png"), content-box repeat, top left padding-box round no-repeat @home;
ob {
- background: url("test.png") no-repeat content-box pink;
+ background: padding-box center round no-repeat, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat border-box, url("test.png") repeat content-box, padding-box round no-repeat top left none, border-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, padding-box center / cover none, content-box round no-repeat 5px bottom, #ADF round no-repeat url("test.png") top left / 10% border-box padding-box;
pb {
- background: url("test.png") no-repeat content-box;
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple), 10% none round no-repeat, url("test.png") center currentColor repeat;
qb {
- background: url("test.png") no-repeat pink padding-box content-box;
+ background: top left none, url("test.png") border-box content-box center, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box content-box top left / 10% repeat, border-box top left alpha(pink, 0.5) repeat;
rb {
- background: url("test.png") no-repeat pink padding-box;
+ background: border-box padding-box center none, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% content-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom / 10% repeat, #ADF url("test.png") content-box center;
sb {
- background: url("test.png") no-repeat pink content-box padding-box;
+ background: round no-repeat top left none, none round no-repeat content-box padding-box 5px bottom, 5px bottom red round no-repeat;
tb {
- background: url("test.png") no-repeat pink content-box;
+ background: alpha(pink, 0.5) repeat 10%;
ub {
- background: url("test.png") no-repeat pink;
+ background: padding-box, center, repeat 10% border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat top left, none content-box repeat top left, content-box 5px bottom / 10% url("test.png") alpha(pink, 0.5);
vb {
- background: url("test.png") no-repeat;
+ background: 5px bottom round no-repeat;
wb {
- background: url("test.png") pink padding-box content-box no-repeat;
+ background: content-box padding-box none repeat, border-box, center border-box content-box, repeat url("test.png") top left padding-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat content-box padding-box 10%, padding-box round no-repeat top left, top left / auto auto padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) @home;
xb {
- background: url("test.png") pink padding-box content-box;
+ background: url("test.png") 5px bottom / cover border-box #ADF repeat;
yb {
- background: url("test.png") pink padding-box no-repeat content-box;
+ background: repeat padding-box, padding-box round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10%, top left / auto auto round no-repeat content-box url("test.png"), repeat content-box center url("test.png"), url("test.png") repeat border-box border-box top left, url("test.png") 10% repeat, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left, none round no-repeat content-box, url("test.png") 10% / cover padding-box padding-box repeat, border-box repeat top left / 10%, content-box url("test.png") center, top left border-box repeat;
zb {
- background: url("test.png") pink padding-box no-repeat;
+ background: padding-box content-box none round no-repeat top left, url("test.png") round no-repeat 10% content-box content-box, repeat 10% padding-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box round no-repeat, top left repeat border-box, top left / cover border-box, content-box round no-repeat 5px bottom / 10%, content-box round no-repeat 5px bottom, round no-repeat border-box 5px bottom / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat padding-box none 5px bottom, 10% padding-box repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat border-box padding-box red;
ac {
- background: url("test.png") pink padding-box;
+ background: url("test.png") padding-box repeat, round no-repeat top left / 10% url("test.png"), content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat top left, 5px bottom / 10% round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), top left content-box repeat red;
bc {
- background: url("test.png") pink content-box padding-box no-repeat;
+ background: repeat top left / auto auto, repeat, 10% / 10% padding-box border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat @home;
cc {
- background: url("test.png") pink content-box padding-box;
+ background: repeat border-box, border-box content-box center none, round no-repeat none center, 5px bottom / cover round no-repeat none content-box, padding-box content-box center;
dc {
- background: url("test.png") pink content-box no-repeat padding-box;
+ background: 5px bottom none content-box round no-repeat, center round no-repeat content-box, 10% url("test.png") border-box repeat, none border-box content-box top left / 10% repeat, repeat padding-box none 10%, 5px bottom round no-repeat content-box, repeat 5px bottom url("test.png") padding-box, repeat none, center padding-box, url("test.png") center border-box padding-box @home;
ec {
- background: url("test.png") pink content-box no-repeat;
+ background: none content-box round no-repeat @home;
fc {
- background: url("test.png") pink content-box;
+ background: round no-repeat center / auto auto padding-box, none 5px bottom / 10% content-box, padding-box 10% url("test.png") repeat, repeat border-box none center, round no-repeat content-box center url("test.png"), round no-repeat 10% none, border-box url("test.png"), top left / cover url("test.png") repeat, content-box border-box repeat top left, none padding-box repeat, center repeat none, linear-gradient(pink, purple) center content-box;
gc {
- background: url("test.png") pink no-repeat padding-box content-box;
+ background: repeat center, round no-repeat 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box, content-box top left / auto auto repeat, url("test.png") 10% repeat;
hc {
- background: url("test.png") pink no-repeat padding-box;
+ background: url("test.png") border-box center, none padding-box 5px bottom / auto auto, none, repeat url("test.png") 10% / cover content-box, repeat border-box padding-box center url("test.png"), top left / 10% @home;
ic {
- background: url("test.png") pink no-repeat content-box padding-box;
+ background: repeat top left url("test.png") content-box padding-box, center / cover padding-box repeat none, content-box content-box top left url("test.png"), border-box 10% / cover round no-repeat, repeat 10%, repeat 5px bottom content-box, border-box 5px bottom, linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box top left round no-repeat, content-box url("test.png") round no-repeat, repeat padding-box 5px bottom, 10% / auto auto round no-repeat padding-box, content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat content-box center #ADF linear-gradient(pink, purple);
jc {
- background: url("test.png") pink no-repeat content-box;
+ background: border-box url("test.png") round no-repeat top left, url("test.png") 10% @home border-box repeat;
kc {
- background: url("test.png") pink no-repeat;
+ background: padding-box currentColor repeat 5px bottom url("test.png");
lc {
- background: url("test.png") pink;
+ background: round no-repeat top left / auto auto content-box, center / cover round no-repeat padding-box border-box none, round no-repeat padding-box top left / auto auto linear-gradient(pink, purple), 5px bottom repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) center / cover repeat, center repeat content-box none, round no-repeat url("test.png") top left, center content-box url("test.png") #ADF repeat;
mc {
- background: url("test.png");
+ background: padding-box none 10%, center, round no-repeat, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box border-box, padding-box padding-box repeat top left / cover, 5px bottom border-box none;
nc {
- background: padding-box url("test.png") content-box no-repeat pink;
+ background: content-box 5px bottom, repeat url("test.png") top left / cover, none content-box content-box, padding-box 10% / auto auto url("test.png") repeat currentColor;
oc {
- background: padding-box url("test.png") content-box no-repeat;
+ background: alpha(pink, 0.5) padding-box none center;
pc {
- background: padding-box url("test.png") content-box pink no-repeat;
+ background: repeat border-box url("test.png"), round no-repeat 5px bottom / auto auto linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box, repeat center red;
qc {
- background: padding-box url("test.png") content-box pink;
+ background: content-box content-box 5px bottom / auto auto, round no-repeat center / 10% content-box, 10% / auto auto currentColor;
rc {
- background: padding-box url("test.png") content-box;
+ background: padding-box padding-box url("test.png"), 5px bottom url("test.png") padding-box, url("test.png") padding-box repeat 10% / cover, padding-box repeat none top left, none repeat, border-box, url("test.png") round no-repeat content-box;
sc {
- background: padding-box url("test.png") no-repeat content-box pink;
+ background: repeat content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), 10% repeat border-box, border-box url("test.png"), round no-repeat 5px bottom / 10% none, none top left / cover, 5px bottom none repeat, border-box border-box none, none currentColor round no-repeat padding-box;
tc {
- background: padding-box url("test.png") no-repeat content-box;
+ background: none content-box, 5px bottom, padding-box 5px bottom, padding-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) red;
uc {
- background: padding-box url("test.png") no-repeat pink content-box;
+ background: center content-box repeat url("test.png"), 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box, round no-repeat url("test.png") content-box padding-box, repeat none, padding-box 10% repeat url("test.png"), round no-repeat content-box content-box top left, round no-repeat padding-box border-box center linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat url("test.png") 10%, repeat none, round no-repeat 5px bottom / cover url("test.png"), repeat border-box border-box 5px bottom / cover, none padding-box border-box top left, 10% / cover none, linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box round no-repeat 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), center round no-repeat, url("test.png") alpha(pink, 0.5) border-box center;
vc {
- background: padding-box url("test.png") no-repeat pink;
+ background: round no-repeat 10% none, repeat url("test.png") 5px bottom, none repeat, repeat border-box, none content-box border-box round no-repeat, round no-repeat 5px bottom padding-box border-box red;
wc {
- background: padding-box url("test.png") no-repeat;
+ background: repeat border-box padding-box top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), 5px bottom round no-repeat border-box none alpha(pink, 0.5);
xc {
- background: padding-box url("test.png") pink content-box no-repeat;
+ background: border-box url("test.png") top left repeat;
yc {
- background: padding-box url("test.png") pink content-box;
+ background: @home;
zc {
- background: padding-box url("test.png") pink no-repeat content-box;
+ background: top left / auto auto linear-gradient(pink, purple) red border-box border-box;
ad {
- background: padding-box url("test.png") pink no-repeat;
+ background: 5px bottom / cover url("test.png") border-box border-box, repeat padding-box top left, repeat 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), top left, repeat padding-box;
bd {
- background: padding-box url("test.png") pink;
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat 10%;
cd {
- background: padding-box url("test.png");
+ background: url("test.png") repeat, none round no-repeat padding-box center, 5px bottom padding-box none, round no-repeat border-box, repeat padding-box, round no-repeat content-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box content-box round no-repeat, top left content-box, center, none border-box repeat top left, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left / cover border-box, padding-box border-box repeat 10% / auto auto linear-gradient(pink, purple), currentColor url("test.png");
dd {
- background: padding-box content-box url("test.png") no-repeat pink;
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box content-box, url("test.png") border-box round no-repeat;
ed {
- background: padding-box content-box url("test.png") no-repeat;
+ background: center / auto auto alpha(pink, 0.5) repeat content-box none;
fd {
- background: padding-box content-box url("test.png") pink no-repeat;
+ background: repeat border-box, border-box border-box 10% none, 5px bottom, round no-repeat top left, padding-box repeat url("test.png"), padding-box content-box center round no-repeat url("test.png"), url("test.png") repeat top left, border-box border-box url("test.png") top left, content-box, padding-box none repeat center, url("test.png") 10%, top left / auto auto url("test.png") repeat, #ADF center / 10% content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple);
gd {
- background: padding-box content-box url("test.png") pink;
+ background: round no-repeat border-box 10% / 10%, 10%, none 5px bottom padding-box repeat, 10% round no-repeat, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom content-box, 10% / cover repeat content-box;
hd {
- background: padding-box content-box url("test.png");
+ background: content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat padding-box 5px bottom / cover, url("test.png") padding-box padding-box 5px bottom, url("test.png") content-box padding-box repeat alpha(pink, 0.5);
id {
- background: padding-box content-box no-repeat url("test.png") pink;
+ background: 10% / cover padding-box, none 5px bottom repeat border-box border-box, center / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box repeat, border-box round no-repeat url("test.png") top left, border-box repeat url("test.png") top left, 10% border-box padding-box url("test.png") repeat, 10% content-box border-box round no-repeat url("test.png") @home;
jd {
- background: padding-box content-box no-repeat url("test.png");
+ background: border-box none repeat 10%, none round no-repeat content-box padding-box currentColor;
kd {
- background: padding-box content-box no-repeat pink url("test.png");
+ background: none center / 10% #ADF padding-box;
ld {
- background: padding-box content-box no-repeat pink;
+ background: border-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), 5px bottom none repeat, content-box border-box 5px bottom / cover url("test.png");
md {
- background: padding-box content-box no-repeat;
+ background: url("test.png") round no-repeat border-box, padding-box padding-box top left, repeat content-box 10%, border-box top left linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, none padding-box center / auto auto, none border-box, #ADF linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box padding-box 5px bottom;
nd {
- background: padding-box content-box pink url("test.png") no-repeat;
+ background: url("test.png") 5px bottom / auto auto, red 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box padding-box;
od {
- background: padding-box content-box pink url("test.png");
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) center, padding-box top left round no-repeat, none, repeat 5px bottom, alpha(pink, 0.5) url("test.png");
pd {
- background: padding-box content-box pink no-repeat url("test.png");
+ background: content-box 10% @home round no-repeat;
qd {
- background: padding-box content-box pink no-repeat;
+ background: repeat none 5px bottom, center round no-repeat none content-box padding-box, none padding-box border-box #ADF center / 10%;
rd {
- background: padding-box content-box pink;
+ background: border-box border-box top left repeat url("test.png"), 10% / cover none content-box round no-repeat;
sd {
- background: padding-box content-box;
+ background: 10% none, 10% / auto auto content-box content-box, border-box content-box url("test.png") top left, round no-repeat padding-box 5px bottom, repeat padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left / 10%, padding-box 10%, content-box none, padding-box 5px bottom / 10%, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box center / 10% repeat, repeat center, repeat 5px bottom / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) #ADF;
td {
- background: padding-box no-repeat url("test.png") content-box pink;
+ background: 10% padding-box repeat, url("test.png") repeat border-box top left, none border-box, repeat top left none padding-box border-box, center round no-repeat url("test.png"), padding-box repeat, round no-repeat 10% url("test.png"), 5px bottom / auto auto round no-repeat none content-box border-box, round no-repeat, center padding-box none, repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat content-box border-box, padding-box round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box top left / cover none repeat, padding-box padding-box top left repeat none, repeat 10% none, 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple);
ud {
- background: padding-box no-repeat url("test.png") content-box;
+ background: 10% / 10% border-box none;
vd {
- background: padding-box no-repeat url("test.png") pink content-box;
+ background: none;
wd {
- background: padding-box no-repeat url("test.png") pink;
+ background: 10% / auto auto round no-repeat, 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple) red border-box repeat;
xd {
- background: padding-box no-repeat url("test.png");
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left repeat content-box border-box, padding-box none round no-repeat;
yd {
- background: padding-box no-repeat content-box url("test.png") pink;
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box content-box, padding-box 10%, border-box repeat 10% url("test.png"), url("test.png") round no-repeat 10% / 10% padding-box, content-box border-box round no-repeat alpha(pink, 0.5) top left / 10% url("test.png");
zd {
- background: padding-box no-repeat content-box url("test.png");
+ background: repeat content-box 10%, 5px bottom content-box none;
ae {
- background: padding-box no-repeat content-box pink url("test.png");
+ background: 10% content-box repeat url("test.png"), none padding-box 5px bottom / cover, repeat padding-box center none, top left padding-box padding-box repeat, content-box none, repeat padding-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom, 10% / cover content-box, center content-box border-box round no-repeat, top left content-box repeat, padding-box padding-box top left repeat, round no-repeat center / 10% url("test.png"), padding-box 5px bottom;
be {
- background: padding-box no-repeat content-box pink;
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box border-box 5px bottom, none 5px bottom @home round no-repeat;
ce {
- background: padding-box no-repeat content-box;
+ background: round no-repeat top left border-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple);
de {
- background: padding-box no-repeat pink url("test.png") content-box;
+ background: border-box url("test.png") round no-repeat 10% / 10%, round no-repeat center, round no-repeat content-box border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) center / auto auto, linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box, url("test.png") border-box border-box center, 5px bottom / auto auto repeat content-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left, none, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat border-box, top left repeat border-box padding-box, 5px bottom round no-repeat border-box, border-box padding-box center repeat, content-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), 10% / auto auto round no-repeat border-box, 5px bottom / auto auto content-box content-box none @home;
ee {
- background: padding-box no-repeat pink url("test.png");
+ background: 10% / auto auto, none round no-repeat top left, round no-repeat padding-box, none top left content-box, 5px bottom padding-box padding-box, url("test.png") 10%, border-box repeat center, round no-repeat content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat padding-box center, padding-box center / auto auto;
fe {
- background: padding-box no-repeat pink content-box url("test.png");
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box padding-box, content-box padding-box round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat 5px bottom url("test.png"), none round no-repeat center, 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, url("test.png") repeat content-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) center / auto auto round no-repeat padding-box content-box, padding-box center / cover repeat none, none content-box currentColor round no-repeat 5px bottom / 10%;
ge {
- background: padding-box no-repeat pink content-box;
+ background: 10% round no-repeat border-box padding-box, round no-repeat top left, linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box 10% / 10% red round no-repeat;
he {
- background: padding-box no-repeat pink;
+ background: repeat content-box, border-box border-box center repeat, none 10% repeat, 5px bottom content-box content-box none repeat, content-box, padding-box content-box top left repeat, 10% none content-box, repeat padding-box padding-box center, @home repeat 10% / 10% border-box none;
ie {
- background: padding-box no-repeat;
+ background: round no-repeat 10% / cover border-box padding-box, center / 10% border-box url("test.png") round no-repeat, repeat center border-box, url("test.png") repeat, round no-repeat 5px bottom / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple);
je {
- background: padding-box pink url("test.png") content-box no-repeat;
+ background: content-box center repeat, repeat top left, round no-repeat, round no-repeat url("test.png") 10% / cover, repeat content-box 10% none, center, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat border-box, border-box center / cover, round no-repeat, 5px bottom content-box content-box none, border-box url("test.png"), 5px bottom / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple) #ADF;
ke {
- background: padding-box pink url("test.png") content-box;
+ background: round no-repeat url("test.png") padding-box padding-box 5px bottom, none round no-repeat border-box content-box top left, round no-repeat @home content-box;
le {
- background: padding-box pink url("test.png") no-repeat content-box;
+ background: round no-repeat center / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple) currentColor;
me {
- background: padding-box pink url("test.png") no-repeat;
+ background: content-box border-box 5px bottom / cover, border-box top left url("test.png"), repeat padding-box, border-box none center / auto auto, none repeat border-box padding-box top left, 10% border-box content-box round no-repeat;
ne {
- background: padding-box pink url("test.png");
+ background: border-box round no-repeat 10% / 10%;
oe {
- background: padding-box pink content-box url("test.png") no-repeat;
+ background: border-box 5px bottom repeat, round no-repeat padding-box 5px bottom none, round no-repeat padding-box center / auto auto, content-box top left round no-repeat, border-box, 10% / cover content-box repeat url("test.png"), repeat padding-box border-box top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), none padding-box content-box round no-repeat, none top left, none 5px bottom content-box, top left repeat padding-box, 5px bottom padding-box, none padding-box top left / auto auto currentColor;
pe {
- background: padding-box pink content-box url("test.png");
+ background: url("test.png") repeat, url("test.png") round no-repeat top left content-box, 5px bottom / auto auto padding-box content-box round no-repeat, center repeat, padding-box, 5px bottom;
qe {
- background: padding-box pink content-box no-repeat url("test.png");
+ background: border-box url("test.png") 5px bottom;
re {
- background: padding-box pink content-box no-repeat;
+ background: top left / cover repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), 5px bottom border-box repeat, url("test.png") repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, none repeat padding-box padding-box, repeat none padding-box top left, url("test.png") 10% / 10% border-box, repeat 5px bottom none, center border-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, border-box round no-repeat 10%, content-box padding-box top left / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat;
se {
- background: padding-box pink content-box;
+ background: none round no-repeat content-box center, center border-box, round no-repeat url("test.png") border-box center / cover, padding-box url("test.png"), border-box border-box 5px bottom round no-repeat, none 5px bottom, round no-repeat 10% border-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) center content-box, repeat padding-box center, border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box 5px bottom url("test.png") repeat, center repeat padding-box, repeat border-box, padding-box round no-repeat none center, padding-box round no-repeat, none 5px bottom padding-box round no-repeat, repeat 10% border-box, none content-box 5px bottom round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat 5px bottom, round no-repeat 5px bottom / cover none content-box, url("test.png") 5px bottom / cover padding-box, padding-box repeat 5px bottom / cover, border-box padding-box none 10%, repeat center padding-box url("test.png"), round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat padding-box bo
rder-box none #ADF;
te {
- background: padding-box pink no-repeat url("test.png") content-box;
+ background: url("test.png") top left, border-box top left / cover repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box padding-box center none repeat, 5px bottom padding-box content-box round no-repeat, center / cover url("test.png") repeat content-box, padding-box, url("test.png") 10% padding-box, padding-box padding-box round no-repeat center none, content-box border-box round no-repeat 10% none, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom content-box padding-box currentColor;
ue {
- background: padding-box pink no-repeat url("test.png");
+ background: center padding-box content-box @home round no-repeat;
ve {
- background: padding-box pink no-repeat content-box url("test.png");
+ background: 5px bottom;
we {
- background: padding-box pink no-repeat content-box;
+ background: currentColor round no-repeat none padding-box;
xe {
- background: padding-box pink no-repeat;
+ background: repeat center / 10% content-box, padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, #ADF repeat 5px bottom url("test.png");
ye {
- background: padding-box pink;
+ background: content-box top left, content-box content-box url("test.png"), content-box content-box url("test.png") round no-repeat, padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), currentColor round no-repeat content-box;
ze {
- background: padding-box;
+ background: 10% none, border-box center none, url("test.png") content-box 5px bottom, red 10% padding-box border-box url("test.png");
af {
- background: content-box url("test.png") padding-box no-repeat pink;
+ background: url("test.png") repeat, none content-box padding-box, 10%, none content-box top left, top left / 10% round no-repeat, border-box center, content-box round no-repeat, url("test.png") padding-box repeat, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box, padding-box 10% url("test.png"), content-box content-box repeat none, content-box center repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), center / 10% round no-repeat border-box border-box none, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box center / auto auto, url("test.png") top left / cover border-box, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box, none, content-box content-box repeat none, none, border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box none round no-repeat, url("test.png") padding-box, repeat none, repeat url("test.png") content-box top left / 10%, center / auto auto round no-repeat padding-box;
bf {
- background: content-box url("test.png") padding-box no-repeat;
+ background: url("test.png") round no-repeat padding-box top left / 10%;
cf {
- background: content-box url("test.png") padding-box pink no-repeat;
+ background: repeat top left / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), none content-box content-box, repeat 5px bottom / auto auto border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box alpha(pink, 0.5) repeat url("test.png");
df {
- background: content-box url("test.png") padding-box pink;
+ background: top left repeat, 10% border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), none 10%;
ef {
- background: content-box url("test.png") padding-box;
+ background: #ADF none;
ff {
- background: content-box url("test.png") no-repeat padding-box pink;
+ background: 5px bottom content-box border-box none, repeat url("test.png"), center padding-box border-box repeat url("test.png"), content-box top left repeat none, border-box padding-box none center, none repeat, border-box content-box none round no-repeat, top left / cover padding-box url("test.png"), currentColor linear-gradient(pink, purple);
gf {
- background: content-box url("test.png") no-repeat padding-box;
+ background: padding-box 10% url("test.png"), round no-repeat padding-box content-box url("test.png") 10% / cover, repeat border-box url("test.png") top left / 10%, border-box repeat 10% / auto auto @home;
hf {
- background: content-box url("test.png") no-repeat pink padding-box;
+ background: padding-box round no-repeat none center / cover, border-box round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom, content-box padding-box url("test.png"), url("test.png") border-box content-box, center / 10% round no-repeat, padding-box 5px bottom, content-box padding-box top left, currentColor linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat padding-box;
if {
- background: content-box url("test.png") no-repeat pink;
+ background: padding-box repeat url("test.png"), repeat none content-box content-box center / 10%, repeat content-box none, round no-repeat 10% / auto auto linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box border-box, 5px bottom / 10%, round no-repeat border-box padding-box 5px bottom / cover, round no-repeat padding-box top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), none center border-box content-box, center / auto auto round no-repeat, round no-repeat border-box, repeat padding-box 10% none;
jf {
- background: content-box url("test.png") no-repeat;
+ background: content-box content-box none center, none content-box, repeat border-box none 5px bottom / cover, 5px bottom / cover repeat content-box url("test.png"), 10% border-box, round no-repeat padding-box url("test.png");
kf {
- background: content-box url("test.png") pink padding-box no-repeat;
+ background: padding-box border-box 5px bottom / auto auto, url("test.png") border-box padding-box round no-repeat, round no-repeat url("test.png") 5px bottom, linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box 10% / cover, url("test.png") 10% / 10% round no-repeat, @home url("test.png") 5px bottom border-box content-box repeat;
lf {
- background: content-box url("test.png") pink padding-box;
+ background: alpha(pink, 0.5) content-box content-box repeat center;
mf {
- background: content-box url("test.png") pink no-repeat padding-box;
+ background: repeat 10% / auto auto padding-box padding-box;
nf {
- background: content-box url("test.png") pink no-repeat;
+ background: round no-repeat currentColor;
of {
- background: content-box url("test.png") pink;
+ background: content-box none top left repeat, round no-repeat top left / 10% border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat 10% / cover, center content-box content-box url("test.png"), center url("test.png") repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box top left / cover repeat, 5px bottom / cover url("test.png"), border-box padding-box url("test.png") center, none padding-box border-box;
pf {
- background: content-box url("test.png");
+ background: center none border-box content-box, repeat none, repeat none 5px bottom content-box, top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box border-box top left linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, url("test.png") repeat, url("test.png") padding-box 5px bottom, content-box none 5px bottom, url("test.png") round no-repeat 10% content-box, 10%, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% padding-box;
qf {
- background: content-box padding-box url("test.png") no-repeat pink;
+ background: none 10% / cover repeat, padding-box border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, 5px bottom border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, padding-box content-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box, center linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box 5px bottom none repeat;
rf {
- background: content-box padding-box url("test.png") no-repeat;
+ background: repeat 5px bottom, top left / 10% padding-box border-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), center / cover content-box red repeat;
sf {
- background: content-box padding-box url("test.png") pink no-repeat;
+ background: padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat alpha(pink, 0.5);
tf {
- background: content-box padding-box url("test.png") pink;
+ background: none content-box padding-box center, 5px bottom none content-box round no-repeat, padding-box round no-repeat top left / cover, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") repeat center, repeat content-box 10% / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box content-box 10% round no-repeat, border-box padding-box 5px bottom url("test.png"), none 10% border-box repeat, alpha(pink, 0.5) none border-box padding-box;
uf {
- background: content-box padding-box url("test.png");
+ background: top left currentColor url("test.png");
vf {
- background: content-box padding-box no-repeat url("test.png") pink;
+ background: round no-repeat url("test.png") center padding-box content-box, top left repeat, 10% repeat, url("test.png") 10% padding-box, repeat padding-box border-box, padding-box url("test.png") top left, round no-repeat 10%, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, round no-repeat url("test.png") padding-box center, center round no-repeat;
wf {
- background: content-box padding-box no-repeat url("test.png");
+ background: 10% / cover none content-box, none top left repeat, none center;
xf {
- background: content-box padding-box no-repeat pink url("test.png");
+ background: top left round no-repeat content-box border-box, border-box content-box repeat 10% / auto auto, 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat 5px bottom;
yf {
- background: content-box padding-box no-repeat pink;
+ background: padding-box content-box round no-repeat none, linear-gradient(pink, purple) center, padding-box center repeat, repeat padding-box, content-box padding-box round no-repeat, content-box url("test.png"), content-box url("test.png") round no-repeat, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) center border-box content-box, url("test.png") 5px bottom round no-repeat, 5px bottom / cover border-box url("test.png") repeat, padding-box round no-repeat top left, repeat border-box top left, linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box round no-repeat 10%, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat padding-box content-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat border-box content-box, url("test.png") content-box padding-box repeat top left, repeat top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), @home padding-box none;
zf {
- background: content-box padding-box no-repeat;
+ background: top left border-box round no-repeat, repeat border-box currentColor;
ag {
- background: content-box padding-box pink url("test.png") no-repeat;
+ background: alpha(pink, 0.5) repeat top left padding-box border-box;
bg {
- background: content-box padding-box pink url("test.png");
+ background: none 10% content-box content-box, round no-repeat, url("test.png") border-box padding-box, 10% none border-box round no-repeat, none top left repeat, url("test.png") border-box border-box top left repeat, padding-box 10% url("test.png"), border-box url("test.png") top left repeat, round no-repeat content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10%, currentColor border-box;
cg {
- background: content-box padding-box pink no-repeat url("test.png");
+ background: none center round no-repeat border-box, repeat 10% / cover, 5px bottom content-box padding-box, repeat content-box border-box none 10% / 10%, repeat #ADF content-box padding-box 5px bottom / 10%;
dg {
- background: content-box padding-box pink no-repeat;
+ background: padding-box padding-box repeat center, none content-box 10%;
eg {
- background: content-box padding-box pink;
+ background: round no-repeat top left / 10% border-box content-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat center border-box padding-box, top left round no-repeat red;
fg {
- background: content-box padding-box;
+ background: none repeat center padding-box, url("test.png") border-box 5px bottom, @home repeat padding-box 10% url("test.png");
gg {
- background: content-box no-repeat url("test.png") padding-box pink;
+ background: top left linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box round no-repeat, #ADF 10% / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box round no-repeat;
hg {
- background: content-box no-repeat url("test.png") padding-box;
+ background: top left / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple);
ig {
- background: content-box no-repeat url("test.png") pink padding-box;
+ background: 10% / auto auto, 10% border-box content-box repeat, 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat content-box, content-box round no-repeat top left, none top left / 10%, content-box center / auto auto, content-box, border-box 10% / auto auto, 5px bottom, round no-repeat;
jg {
- background: content-box no-repeat url("test.png") pink;
+ background: border-box border-box 10%, repeat padding-box url("test.png") center, padding-box center, border-box center round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), none round no-repeat, content-box 5px bottom / cover;
kg {
- background: content-box no-repeat url("test.png");
+ background: padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left / cover, linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box round no-repeat center, round no-repeat url("test.png"), 10%, 10% repeat content-box, round no-repeat 10% padding-box padding-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) @home top left repeat;
lg {
- background: content-box no-repeat padding-box url("test.png") pink;
+ background: 5px bottom, top left content-box repeat, 10% / 10% content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple);
mg {
- background: content-box no-repeat padding-box url("test.png");
+ background: 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple);
ng {
- background: content-box no-repeat padding-box pink url("test.png");
+ background: center / cover, content-box content-box round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat 10%, repeat, center linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box content-box, 10% / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat;
og {
- background: content-box no-repeat padding-box pink;
+ background: url("test.png") 10% border-box, center round no-repeat url("test.png") content-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box center, none padding-box;
pg {
- background: content-box no-repeat padding-box;
+ background: 5px bottom / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat border-box, round no-repeat url("test.png") padding-box 10%, round no-repeat border-box content-box none, 5px bottom round no-repeat border-box none, border-box url("test.png") center, padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left / 10%, center / 10% padding-box border-box url("test.png"), round no-repeat none padding-box border-box top left, round no-repeat padding-box border-box 10%, round no-repeat content-box 5px bottom, 10% / cover padding-box border-box, repeat content-box padding-box 5px bottom, content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box url("test.png"), linear-gradient(pink, purple) red center / auto auto;
qg {
- background: content-box no-repeat pink url("test.png") padding-box;
+ background: repeat url("test.png") content-box, top left / cover padding-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), 5px bottom none round no-repeat, padding-box, center border-box repeat, top left / auto auto padding-box none, url("test.png") center / cover content-box round no-repeat, padding-box 10% url("test.png") round no-repeat, center none padding-box content-box repeat, top left / cover border-box none round no-repeat, round no-repeat 5px bottom padding-box, url("test.png") border-box round no-repeat 5px bottom, none border-box round no-repeat, #ADF linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box round no-repeat;
rg {
- background: content-box no-repeat pink url("test.png");
+ background: content-box padding-box none round no-repeat #ADF;
sg {
- background: content-box no-repeat pink padding-box url("test.png");
+ background: border-box round no-repeat, 5px bottom / cover round no-repeat content-box padding-box, 10% round no-repeat border-box content-box, top left repeat content-box, alpha(pink, 0.5);
tg {
- background: content-box no-repeat pink padding-box;
+ background: border-box content-box top left, repeat none, center content-box repeat currentColor;
ug {
- background: content-box no-repeat pink;
+ background: 10% / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), 10% content-box none, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat 5px bottom, content-box center / 10% url("test.png") repeat, border-box center linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left / auto auto repeat, padding-box round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") padding-box repeat, 5px bottom / 10% repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box border-box, url("test.png") 10% padding-box repeat, padding-box repeat 5px bottom / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple) currentColor;
vg {
- background: content-box no-repeat;
+ background: 5px bottom / auto auto round no-repeat, red round no-repeat top left / cover;
wg {
- background: content-box pink url("test.png") padding-box no-repeat;
+ background: padding-box 10% / cover repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box border-box top left, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat padding-box center, none 5px bottom content-box, content-box border-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") round no-repeat 5px bottom / 10%, 10% / 10% none, url("test.png") content-box border-box repeat, 10% / cover url("test.png") repeat, 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple), top left repeat content-box, none 5px bottom round no-repeat content-box border-box;
xg {
- background: content-box pink url("test.png") padding-box;
+ background: 5px bottom url("test.png") repeat padding-box border-box, repeat 5px bottom / cover, 5px bottom padding-box padding-box none repeat, round no-repeat, 5px bottom padding-box round no-repeat none, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left;
yg {
- background: content-box pink url("test.png") no-repeat padding-box;
+ background: center none border-box, none 10% / auto auto border-box, url("test.png") padding-box padding-box 5px bottom, linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box content-box, repeat top left, url("test.png") content-box border-box repeat, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box border-box, repeat 5px bottom border-box;
zg {
- background: content-box pink url("test.png") no-repeat;
+ background: 10% / 10% url("test.png") content-box, top left / cover repeat content-box, center / cover border-box content-box url("test.png"), content-box 5px bottom repeat, center, url("test.png") padding-box, repeat content-box url("test.png"), repeat url("test.png") center, top left none border-box alpha(pink, 0.5);
ah {
- background: content-box pink url("test.png");
+ background: padding-box 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple), center round no-repeat border-box content-box, url("test.png") border-box center, 10% / cover padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, round no-repeat content-box padding-box none, content-box padding-box repeat 10%, top left / auto auto, none content-box round no-repeat, red url("test.png") repeat;
bh {
- background: content-box pink padding-box url("test.png") no-repeat;
+ background: padding-box center none, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat border-box top left / cover;
ch {
- background: content-box pink padding-box url("test.png");
+ background: repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat 5px bottom, repeat 10% / cover padding-box border-box, repeat content-box, repeat top left padding-box content-box, center url("test.png") content-box, content-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom, border-box border-box 5px bottom repeat, 10% / cover border-box, padding-box @home none;
dh {
- background: content-box pink padding-box no-repeat url("test.png");
+ background: repeat 5px bottom / 10% padding-box padding-box, content-box content-box none center / 10%, 10% / auto auto border-box padding-box repeat url("test.png"), 10% padding-box, repeat @home none 5px bottom content-box padding-box;
eh {
- background: content-box pink padding-box no-repeat;
+ background: 5px bottom / auto auto url("test.png") border-box, url("test.png") border-box padding-box top left repeat, content-box padding-box top left / cover round no-repeat, padding-box content-box top left / auto auto repeat;
fh {
- background: content-box pink padding-box;
+ background: center padding-box round no-repeat, 5px bottom url("test.png") #ADF round no-repeat;
gh {
- background: content-box pink no-repeat url("test.png") padding-box;
+ background: none center repeat, 5px bottom round no-repeat border-box;
hh {
- background: content-box pink no-repeat url("test.png");
+ background: repeat url("test.png"), repeat top left padding-box content-box, repeat border-box none center, repeat content-box 5px bottom, padding-box content-box 5px bottom / auto auto red;
ih {
- background: content-box pink no-repeat padding-box url("test.png");
+ background: round no-repeat top left, none border-box top left;
jh {
- background: content-box pink no-repeat padding-box;
+ background: round no-repeat content-box center linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box 5px bottom / auto auto, padding-box content-box center / 10%, repeat none 10% / auto auto, linear-gradient(pink, purple) center padding-box, top left / cover round no-repeat url("test.png"), center repeat content-box content-box, #ADF content-box url("test.png") 5px bottom / 10%;
kh {
- background: content-box pink no-repeat;
+ background: padding-box;
lh {
- background: content-box pink;
+ background: repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box top left, linear-gradient(pink, purple) currentColor border-box center;
mh {
- background: content-box;
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% / auto auto border-box round no-repeat;
nh {
- background: no-repeat url("test.png") padding-box content-box pink;
+ background: center border-box round no-repeat none, top left repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat none center, content-box border-box center none, round no-repeat padding-box 5px bottom / 10%, url("test.png") 5px bottom / cover padding-box border-box, 10% none border-box, url("test.png") padding-box padding-box top left repeat, content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom, currentColor border-box padding-box center repeat;
oh {
- background: no-repeat url("test.png") padding-box content-box;
+ background: round no-repeat border-box center / auto auto;
ph {
- background: no-repeat url("test.png") padding-box pink content-box;
+ background: center / 10% padding-box url("test.png") round no-repeat, content-box content-box url("test.png") top left, round no-repeat padding-box padding-box 10% / cover, 10% repeat url("test.png"), round no-repeat 5px bottom / cover, url("test.png") padding-box content-box round no-repeat center / 10%;
qh {
- background: no-repeat url("test.png") padding-box pink;
+ background: content-box top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), center repeat border-box, repeat url("test.png") top left, round no-repeat border-box content-box, top left, border-box border-box center url("test.png") repeat, none center / auto auto border-box padding-box, 5px bottom repeat none, border-box repeat 10%, 10% / cover padding-box url("test.png"), content-box url("test.png") top left, repeat padding-box 10% / 10%, 5px bottom padding-box, none round no-repeat border-box, round no-repeat 10% none content-box, 10% border-box;
rh {
- background: no-repeat url("test.png") padding-box;
+ background: round no-repeat 10%, repeat top left, content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) @home round no-repeat;
sh {
- background: no-repeat url("test.png") content-box padding-box pink;
+ background: padding-box repeat center none, top left round no-repeat border-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat 10%, padding-box alpha(pink, 0.5) repeat url("test.png") 10% / cover;
th {
- background: no-repeat url("test.png") content-box padding-box;
+ background: top left / auto auto round no-repeat none border-box content-box, repeat 5px bottom / cover content-box content-box, round no-repeat border-box none, border-box padding-box repeat, top left repeat border-box, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) center / auto auto content-box, 10% currentColor round no-repeat;
uh {
- background: no-repeat url("test.png") content-box pink padding-box;
+ background: padding-box #ADF none round no-repeat 5px bottom;
vh {
- background: no-repeat url("test.png") content-box pink;
+ background: round no-repeat padding-box none, 5px bottom content-box round no-repeat, content-box padding-box round no-repeat url("test.png") 5px bottom, 10% / 10% none round no-repeat content-box content-box, padding-box top left, repeat padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box none round no-repeat 5px bottom, linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box border-box round no-repeat, 5px bottom round no-repeat, red 5px bottom border-box padding-box;
wh {
- background: no-repeat url("test.png") content-box;
+ background: none 10% round no-repeat content-box, none round no-repeat content-box content-box, 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box content-box, 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, content-box, top left none padding-box, repeat top left, content-box 5px bottom repeat url("test.png"), content-box repeat center, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat center, round no-repeat 5px bottom, round no-repeat none padding-box border-box;
xh {
- background: no-repeat url("test.png") pink padding-box content-box;
+ background: border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) center repeat, 5px bottom content-box border-box none, round no-repeat, border-box padding-box, padding-box url("test.png") 10% repeat, center / 10% repeat none alpha(pink, 0.5);
yh {
- background: no-repeat url("test.png") pink padding-box;
+ background: border-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat 10% @home;
zh {
- background: no-repeat url("test.png") pink content-box padding-box;
+ background: 10% round no-repeat padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat content-box padding-box center, round no-repeat none center padding-box, 10% / 10% border-box, repeat 10% border-box padding-box, repeat url("test.png") center / cover, border-box #ADF round no-repeat none 10%;
ai {
- background: no-repeat url("test.png") pink content-box;
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% padding-box round no-repeat, padding-box none repeat center, 10% / 10% repeat content-box, border-box 5px bottom / cover, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box, round no-repeat none content-box top left / 10%, top left / 10% border-box round no-repeat, 5px bottom / cover repeat, center / cover padding-box padding-box url("test.png"), 5px bottom padding-box padding-box repeat, repeat padding-box 10% / auto auto, url("test.png") top left / cover, border-box currentColor none round no-repeat;
bi {
- background: no-repeat url("test.png") pink;
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) center / cover repeat content-box, padding-box repeat, repeat padding-box, content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple);
ci {
- background: no-repeat url("test.png");
+ background: repeat center / cover none, border-box 10% repeat, border-box 10% url("test.png") repeat, none round no-repeat center, none round no-repeat padding-box border-box, repeat, border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left round no-repeat, repeat none center #ADF;
di {
- background: no-repeat padding-box url("test.png") content-box pink;
+ background: top left none repeat, 10% url("test.png");
ei {
- background: no-repeat padding-box url("test.png") content-box;
+ background: border-box repeat;
fi {
- background: no-repeat padding-box url("test.png") pink content-box;
+ background: @home content-box border-box top left;
gi {
- background: no-repeat padding-box url("test.png") pink;
+ background: border-box padding-box 5px bottom / cover, padding-box content-box none center repeat, top left border-box, padding-box repeat top left;
hi {
- background: no-repeat padding-box url("test.png");
+ background: 10% / cover padding-box content-box none repeat, content-box @home linear-gradient(pink, purple);
ii {
- background: no-repeat padding-box content-box url("test.png") pink;
+ background: content-box content-box round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), 5px bottom padding-box repeat @home;
ji {
- background: no-repeat padding-box content-box url("test.png");
+ background: 5px bottom none padding-box, content-box none round no-repeat, repeat border-box none, round no-repeat padding-box url("test.png");
ki {
- background: no-repeat padding-box content-box pink url("test.png");
+ background: repeat 5px bottom border-box, round no-repeat 10% url("test.png"), none border-box, round no-repeat content-box, round no-repeat 5px bottom border-box, top left / 10% repeat url("test.png") content-box, content-box border-box round no-repeat, 5px bottom / 10% round no-repeat, content-box padding-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10%, round no-repeat padding-box top left / cover none, center url("test.png"), round no-repeat url("test.png") content-box top left / auto auto, border-box center @home linear-gradient(pink, purple);
li {
- background: no-repeat padding-box content-box pink;
+ background: url("test.png") border-box top left, padding-box 10% round no-repeat, content-box, repeat none content-box 5px bottom, repeat red center url("test.png") padding-box content-box;
mi {
- background: no-repeat padding-box content-box;
+ background: round no-repeat padding-box, none border-box 10% round no-repeat, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10%, border-box repeat;
ni {
- background: no-repeat padding-box pink url("test.png") content-box;
+ background: top left none, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat center border-box, content-box padding-box url("test.png") repeat 5px bottom / 10%, top left / 10% url("test.png") round no-repeat, center / cover padding-box repeat, top left repeat padding-box url("test.png"), center, content-box none, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, top left / 10% repeat content-box padding-box, 10% round no-repeat none, padding-box padding-box, round no-repeat top left, repeat padding-box padding-box center / 10% none, round no-repeat border-box none top left, border-box padding-box none 5px bottom round no-repeat, top left / auto auto padding-box content-box, content-box border-box repeat center none, repeat url("test.png"), padding-box alpha(pink, 0.5) linear-gradient(pink, purple);
oi {
- background: no-repeat padding-box pink url("test.png");
+ background: 5px bottom / auto auto none padding-box padding-box round no-repeat, repeat content-box content-box center / auto auto, url("test.png") 10% repeat, 10% / 10% padding-box none, content-box 10%, top left repeat border-box url("test.png");
pi {
- background: no-repeat padding-box pink content-box url("test.png");
+ background: content-box 5px bottom repeat, repeat content-box content-box, border-box top left @home;
qi {
- background: no-repeat padding-box pink content-box;
+ background: repeat border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left / 10%, none 10% / cover content-box, 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat @home border-box content-box;
ri {
- background: no-repeat padding-box pink;
+ background: round no-repeat content-box;
si {
- background: no-repeat padding-box;
+ background: none top left, 5px bottom / 10%, top left url("test.png") repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box round no-repeat, repeat padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% / 10%, padding-box none top left @home round no-repeat;
ti {
- background: no-repeat content-box url("test.png") padding-box pink;
+ background: content-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% / cover #ADF repeat;
ui {
- background: no-repeat content-box url("test.png") padding-box;
+ background: repeat border-box border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left, url("test.png") 5px bottom content-box border-box repeat, 10% content-box content-box, 5px bottom / auto auto none alpha(pink, 0.5) content-box padding-box;
vi {
- background: no-repeat content-box url("test.png") pink padding-box;
+ background: round no-repeat center, 5px bottom content-box none currentColor;
wi {
- background: no-repeat content-box url("test.png") pink;
+ background: center, round no-repeat, round no-repeat center, none padding-box, 5px bottom / auto auto round no-repeat url("test.png"), none padding-box, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box, top left content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") round no-repeat 10% / cover border-box, content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom repeat, 10% / cover none padding-box border-box, border-box repeat 10% / 10%, 10% url("test.png") border-box, #ADF none center / cover padding-box round no-repeat;
xi {
- background: no-repeat content-box url("test.png");
+ background: content-box padding-box center / cover, border-box none repeat top left, none border-box repeat, none padding-box, url("test.png") border-box content-box, none 10%, center, top left padding-box padding-box, none center / cover border-box padding-box, padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat;
yi {
- background: no-repeat content-box padding-box url("test.png") pink;
+ background: none border-box, 5px bottom none, repeat padding-box top left, border-box #ADF 5px bottom round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple);
zi {
- background: no-repeat content-box padding-box url("test.png");
+ background: border-box padding-box round no-repeat url("test.png") 5px bottom, round no-repeat url("test.png") padding-box, padding-box padding-box top left / auto auto none, top left content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") content-box content-box repeat top left, repeat 10% red url("test.png");
aj {
- background: no-repeat content-box padding-box pink url("test.png");
+ background: 5px bottom / auto auto repeat padding-box url("test.png"), content-box round no-repeat none, none repeat content-box content-box top left / 10%, center none currentColor;
bj {
- background: no-repeat content-box padding-box pink;
+ background: 10% content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom border-box border-box;
cj {
- background: no-repeat content-box padding-box;
+ background: repeat 10% url("test.png"), repeat url("test.png") 10% border-box, round no-repeat none top left / 10%, top left, none red top left / cover;
dj {
- background: no-repeat content-box pink url("test.png") padding-box;
+ background: 5px bottom / 10% content-box content-box round no-repeat url("test.png"), repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box, url("test.png") padding-box 10%, linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box, padding-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% / auto auto, content-box none, 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat content-box padding-box, round no-repeat content-box 5px bottom none, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom border-box padding-box repeat, 5px bottom, url("test.png") top left / auto auto, round no-repeat top left none, border-box url("test.png") repeat 5px bottom, repeat padding-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat padding-box center url("test.png"), repeat 10%, url("test.png") content-box center / auto auto, top left / auto auto content-box url("test.png") round no-repeat, center border-box url("test.png"), 10% padding-box url("test.png"), padding-box 10% round no-repeat none, 10% border-box, top left bor
der-box repeat none, url("test.png") center / auto auto border-box, url("test.png"), url("test.png") 10%, 5px bottom / auto auto none, border-box padding-box none, repeat 5px bottom padding-box border-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, round no-repeat center border-box border-box none, none border-box border-box round no-repeat, padding-box none 10% / 10% repeat, center / auto auto, center border-box round no-repeat, 10% border-box content-box none;
ej {
- background: no-repeat content-box pink url("test.png");
+ background: 5px bottom padding-box border-box, center border-box round no-repeat, 10% / cover none, center / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat content-box, round no-repeat, none center repeat, alpha(pink, 0.5) border-box 10% none;
fj {
- background: no-repeat content-box pink padding-box url("test.png");
+ background: content-box repeat none 10% / cover, padding-box repeat url("test.png") center / 10%, content-box padding-box, url("test.png") repeat 10% content-box, none content-box, top left url("test.png") content-box content-box, url("test.png") center / cover content-box round no-repeat, url("test.png") center repeat padding-box, center / 10% padding-box alpha(pink, 0.5) none repeat;
gj {
- background: no-repeat content-box pink padding-box;
+ background: none currentColor;
hj {
- background: no-repeat content-box pink;
+ background: none border-box 10%, padding-box content-box repeat center, content-box center none, content-box padding-box repeat top left url("test.png"), padding-box 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat 10% / cover;
ij {
- background: no-repeat content-box;
+ background: top left repeat border-box padding-box none, repeat top left, 10% / cover none, red content-box border-box round no-repeat;
jj {
- background: no-repeat pink url("test.png") padding-box content-box;
+ background: 10% / auto auto border-box content-box round no-repeat, center padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, url("test.png") round no-repeat, url("test.png") content-box, top left content-box round no-repeat, top left url("test.png") repeat content-box content-box, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat border-box top left, 5px bottom, center linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left / cover alpha(pink, 0.5) round no-repeat;
kj {
- background: no-repeat pink url("test.png") padding-box;
+ background: 5px bottom none, center none content-box, repeat top left / 10%, repeat url("test.png"), repeat padding-box center, none round no-repeat border-box padding-box top left, url("test.png") padding-box, round no-repeat content-box padding-box top left, none repeat center / 10% content-box, round no-repeat top left padding-box, none repeat padding-box 5px bottom / auto auto;
lj {
- background: no-repeat pink url("test.png") content-box padding-box;
+ background: content-box top left, round no-repeat padding-box, top left / cover round no-repeat, repeat 5px bottom / auto auto content-box border-box none, none top left content-box round no-repeat, 10% / auto auto none repeat border-box, none 5px bottom / auto auto padding-box, border-box repeat 5px bottom / 10% url("test.png"), url("test.png") content-box, none round no-repeat content-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom border-box padding-box;
mj {
- background: no-repeat pink url("test.png") content-box;
+ background: repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom, border-box center / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), center / cover round no-repeat content-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box 10%, url("test.png") top left padding-box padding-box, top left repeat none, center border-box content-box none round no-repeat, url("test.png") top left / 10%, center / cover none content-box content-box, round no-repeat center / cover content-box, top left border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, url("test.png"), linear-gradient(pink, purple), linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% / cover content-box round no-repeat, 10% / auto auto border-box, top left / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat @home;
nj {
- background: no-repeat pink url("test.png");
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat padding-box center, repeat 5px bottom / cover padding-box, padding-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% round no-repeat, repeat padding-box url("test.png"), content-box top left, 5px bottom / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box none;
oj {
- background: no-repeat pink padding-box url("test.png") content-box;
+ background: none 5px bottom / cover, center / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat content-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) center, padding-box top left / 10%, 5px bottom repeat url("test.png"), padding-box top left round no-repeat, center linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box content-box, @home round no-repeat top left;
pj {
- background: no-repeat pink padding-box url("test.png");
+ background: center none padding-box border-box, repeat content-box content-box, 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box, 5px bottom / cover border-box none round no-repeat;
qj {
- background: no-repeat pink padding-box content-box url("test.png");
+ background: repeat padding-box, 10% content-box none repeat, none content-box top left / 10%, repeat padding-box none, 5px bottom content-box padding-box url("test.png");
rj {
- background: no-repeat pink padding-box content-box;
+ background: padding-box 10% / auto auto alpha(pink, 0.5);
sj {
- background: no-repeat pink padding-box;
+ background: content-box top left / auto auto, padding-box 5px bottom round no-repeat, padding-box 10% / 10% round no-repeat, round no-repeat url("test.png"), url("test.png") 10% / auto auto padding-box content-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10%;
tj {
- background: no-repeat pink content-box url("test.png") padding-box;
+ background: center content-box border-box repeat, 10% content-box repeat, padding-box content-box 5px bottom url("test.png") round no-repeat, padding-box center round no-repeat none, none content-box 10% / auto auto, content-box repeat, border-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat 5px bottom;
uj {
- background: no-repeat pink content-box url("test.png");
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10%, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box 10%, 10% / 10% padding-box, padding-box 5px bottom / 10%, content-box border-box none round no-repeat center / auto auto, top left url("test.png") padding-box;
vj {
- background: no-repeat pink content-box padding-box url("test.png");
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) center round no-repeat;
wj {
- background: no-repeat pink content-box padding-box;
+ background: repeat url("test.png") padding-box 5px bottom, center round no-repeat border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box repeat 5px bottom / 10%, border-box center / 10%, round no-repeat content-box 10% / auto auto, border-box center round no-repeat, round no-repeat, center / 10% border-box, border-box url("test.png") 10%, repeat 10% none border-box, url("test.png") 5px bottom repeat border-box content-box;
xj {
- background: no-repeat pink content-box;
+ background: center padding-box url("test.png"), 10% / cover content-box border-box, repeat top left / 10%, center url("test.png"), border-box border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") 5px bottom, 5px bottom / auto auto url("test.png"), top left none round no-repeat, round no-repeat center / cover border-box padding-box, 5px bottom / auto auto round no-repeat padding-box, url("test.png") content-box, url("test.png") 5px bottom round no-repeat, content-box 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple);
yj {
- background: no-repeat pink;
+ background: round no-repeat border-box 5px bottom / 10% red;
zj {
- background: no-repeat;
+ background: repeat border-box 10% url("test.png"), repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) center padding-box border-box, none;
ak {
- background: pink url("test.png") padding-box content-box no-repeat;
+ background: content-box 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left, padding-box 5px bottom / cover round no-repeat, border-box content-box repeat 10% alpha(pink, 0.5);
bk {
- background: pink url("test.png") padding-box content-box;
+ background: border-box currentColor;
ck {
- background: pink url("test.png") padding-box no-repeat content-box;
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box top left / auto auto, 5px bottom / cover round no-repeat url("test.png") content-box, none round no-repeat center / auto auto border-box, 10% padding-box repeat url("test.png"), border-box repeat center / 10%, url("test.png") 5px bottom / auto auto content-box content-box, url("test.png") border-box round no-repeat, repeat content-box border-box url("test.png"), round no-repeat padding-box content-box, repeat url("test.png") 5px bottom, 10% repeat border-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, top left round no-repeat url("test.png"), padding-box top left / 10% none, center linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat padding-box, content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom, content-box border-box 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), alpha(pink, 0.5) padding-box none;
dk {
- background: pink url("test.png") padding-box no-repeat;
+ background: border-box content-box center currentColor none round no-repeat;
ek {
- background: pink url("test.png") padding-box;
+ background: 10% / 10% padding-box, none 5px bottom, round no-repeat 5px bottom border-box, none, top left, center url("test.png") round no-repeat, none round no-repeat red content-box 5px bottom;
fk {
- background: pink url("test.png") content-box padding-box no-repeat;
+ background: padding-box none, repeat content-box 5px bottom, url("test.png") center border-box padding-box round no-repeat, padding-box border-box 10% round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box 5px bottom none, repeat 10% alpha(pink, 0.5);
gk {
- background: pink url("test.png") content-box padding-box;
+ background: url("test.png") 5px bottom padding-box, padding-box round no-repeat url("test.png") 10% / auto auto, none repeat, border-box content-box round no-repeat, round no-repeat url("test.png") alpha(pink, 0.5) border-box padding-box;
hk {
- background: pink url("test.png") content-box no-repeat padding-box;
+ background: none currentColor content-box top left;
ik {
- background: pink url("test.png") content-box no-repeat;
+ background: url("test.png") repeat content-box 10% / auto auto, top left / cover padding-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box content-box, 10% url("test.png") round no-repeat, center / cover none content-box border-box, 10% border-box padding-box repeat, border-box repeat center / 10% url("test.png"), border-box content-box 5px bottom url("test.png") round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box round no-repeat, round no-repeat, url("test.png") 10% / cover repeat;
jk {
- background: pink url("test.png") content-box;
+ background: repeat content-box top left, repeat content-box center linear-gradient(pink, purple), center / auto auto repeat, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box repeat center / auto auto, repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box padding-box 10%, top left / auto auto padding-box round no-repeat, repeat padding-box border-box none, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat border-box, repeat padding-box 10% url("test.png"), center round no-repeat content-box content-box, @home top left;
kk {
- background: pink url("test.png") no-repeat padding-box content-box;
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left / 10% padding-box round no-repeat, center content-box border-box, round no-repeat border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box round no-repeat 10% / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box repeat center linear-gradient(pink, purple), 10% none padding-box repeat, 10% padding-box, repeat top left border-box, border-box none 5px bottom;
lk {
- background: pink url("test.png") no-repeat padding-box;
+ background: content-box none 10% repeat, none round no-repeat content-box, padding-box content-box round no-repeat none 10% / 10%, border-box round no-repeat;
mk {
- background: pink url("test.png") no-repeat content-box padding-box;
+ background: repeat padding-box center linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box repeat, url("test.png") center / 10% repeat, border-box border-box top left none round no-repeat, content-box repeat top left / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), 5px bottom url("test.png"), round no-repeat padding-box 5px bottom / 10%, content-box repeat url("test.png"), content-box none round no-repeat 5px bottom / cover, top left / auto auto content-box border-box, repeat 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat url("test.png") border-box, none 10% round no-repeat border-box, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom padding-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% / auto auto padding-box repeat @home;
nk {
- background: pink url("test.png") no-repeat content-box;
+ background: border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% / 10% round no-repeat, url("test.png") content-box, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box, round no-repeat none top left / auto auto, round no-repeat border-box border-box, 5px bottom border-box, repeat, padding-box center round no-repeat url("test.png"), linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box round no-repeat, 10% round no-repeat, content-box 5px bottom repeat, top left content-box padding-box, padding-box padding-box repeat 5px bottom / auto auto, center round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box border-box, padding-box round no-repeat, content-box repeat none, url("test.png") currentColor round no-repeat;
ok {
- background: pink url("test.png") no-repeat;
+ background: content-box 10% / cover url("test.png") repeat, content-box padding-box, center round no-repeat, round no-repeat 5px bottom / 10% border-box, repeat center, padding-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom / 10% repeat, 5px bottom round no-repeat none, border-box repeat 5px bottom / auto auto none, border-box padding-box none 5px bottom / 10%;
pk {
- background: pink url("test.png");
+ background: center repeat padding-box url("test.png"), border-box top left / 10% url("test.png"), content-box, top left / cover border-box content-box, none padding-box 5px bottom, round no-repeat content-box padding-box, alpha(pink, 0.5) center round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple);
qk {
- background: pink padding-box url("test.png") content-box no-repeat;
+ background: padding-box border-box round no-repeat alpha(pink, 0.5) none;
rk {
- background: pink padding-box url("test.png") content-box;
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box round no-repeat center / cover, center content-box padding-box, border-box 10% / 10%, url("test.png") padding-box top left / cover, linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left round no-repeat, border-box content-box repeat url("test.png"), url("test.png") border-box border-box, center linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat border-box content-box, none top left padding-box, border-box round no-repeat url("test.png"), none 5px bottom, 5px bottom none, padding-box padding-box 10%, repeat center / cover padding-box border-box @home none;
sk {
- background: pink padding-box url("test.png") no-repeat content-box;
+ background: repeat none content-box, border-box center, url("test.png") round no-repeat 10% / auto auto, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat 10%, repeat center padding-box currentColor;
tk {
- background: pink padding-box url("test.png") no-repeat;
+ background: url("test.png") 5px bottom / 10% repeat, content-box round no-repeat none 10%, top left / 10% alpha(pink, 0.5) url("test.png");
uk {
- background: pink padding-box url("test.png");
+ background: 10% url("test.png") border-box, padding-box center round no-repeat none, repeat content-box padding-box center / cover, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box center round no-repeat, none, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat top left padding-box border-box, padding-box url("test.png"), border-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box top left / auto auto red;
vk {
- background: pink padding-box content-box url("test.png") no-repeat;
+ background: repeat url("test.png") 5px bottom, none padding-box #ADF;
wk {
- background: pink padding-box content-box url("test.png");
+ background: top left border-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box padding-box 10% / auto auto linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") repeat, center / 10% round no-repeat none, linear-gradient(pink, purple);
xk {
- background: pink padding-box content-box no-repeat url("test.png");
+ background: none repeat border-box, 5px bottom / cover padding-box none;
yk {
- background: pink padding-box content-box no-repeat;
+ background: border-box content-box center url("test.png") round no-repeat;
zk {
- background: pink padding-box content-box;
+ background: 5px bottom / 10% padding-box border-box none, repeat border-box 5px bottom / auto auto, 10% / auto auto padding-box url("test.png"), repeat padding-box, round no-repeat alpha(pink, 0.5) content-box;
al {
- background: pink padding-box no-repeat url("test.png") content-box;
+ background: round no-repeat center content-box, border-box 5px bottom / 10%, url("test.png") border-box 10% / cover, repeat @home content-box content-box url("test.png");
bl {
- background: pink padding-box no-repeat url("test.png");
+ background: top left padding-box url("test.png") repeat, 10% url("test.png") round no-repeat, 5px bottom padding-box padding-box, round no-repeat border-box, round no-repeat none 5px bottom, url("test.png") 5px bottom padding-box round no-repeat, round no-repeat content-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom / auto auto, round no-repeat url("test.png") border-box, url("test.png") round no-repeat border-box 10%, 10% url("test.png"), round no-repeat border-box 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat padding-box border-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box center / cover, repeat center / cover border-box, 5px bottom repeat content-box content-box, none repeat 5px bottom content-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, 10% #ADF border-box padding-box none;
cl {
- background: pink padding-box no-repeat content-box url("test.png");
+ background: url("test.png") round no-repeat top left, top left linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, round no-repeat url("test.png") 5px bottom border-box padding-box, border-box none repeat, repeat, border-box round no-repeat, center / cover border-box padding-box none;
dl {
- background: pink padding-box no-repeat content-box;
+ background: padding-box repeat 10% url("test.png"), 10% repeat none, round no-repeat url("test.png");
el {
- background: pink padding-box no-repeat;
+ background: round no-repeat 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box;
fl {
- background: pink padding-box;
+ background: 5px bottom repeat content-box none, repeat none #ADF;
gl {
- background: pink content-box url("test.png") padding-box no-repeat;
+ background: 10% / cover repeat currentColor border-box padding-box;
hl {
- background: pink content-box url("test.png") padding-box;
+ background: 5px bottom url("test.png") round no-repeat, url("test.png") top left round no-repeat padding-box, border-box 10%, url("test.png") repeat center / auto auto padding-box padding-box;
il {
- background: pink content-box url("test.png") no-repeat padding-box;
+ background: border-box none round no-repeat center / auto auto, round no-repeat none padding-box 5px bottom, round no-repeat content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) center, alpha(pink, 0.5) none 10% / cover border-box repeat;
jl {
- background: pink content-box url("test.png") no-repeat;
+ background: padding-box repeat 5px bottom / auto auto, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, center / cover padding-box;
kl {
- background: pink content-box url("test.png");
+ background: top left / cover round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box;
ll {
- background: pink content-box padding-box url("test.png") no-repeat;
+ background: round no-repeat #ADF linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box;
ml {
- background: pink content-box padding-box url("test.png");
+ background: center url("test.png") content-box repeat;
nl {
- background: pink content-box padding-box no-repeat url("test.png");
+ background: padding-box content-box repeat top left none, none padding-box center repeat, border-box, none, content-box url("test.png") top left / auto auto, repeat url("test.png") top left / auto auto, repeat content-box none;
ol {
- background: pink content-box padding-box no-repeat;
+ background: padding-box round no-repeat 5px bottom, none padding-box 10%, repeat border-box content-box url("test.png"), repeat none 10% / auto auto, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") round no-repeat 5px bottom, round no-repeat padding-box top left / auto auto url("test.png"), none repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple);
pl {
- background: pink content-box padding-box;
+ background: repeat content-box content-box url("test.png"), top left round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box, round no-repeat none border-box, border-box border-box 5px bottom url("test.png"), content-box 5px bottom round no-repeat, repeat content-box 5px bottom / auto auto, 5px bottom round no-repeat, url("test.png") 5px bottom repeat, none padding-box 5px bottom, 5px bottom / 10% padding-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom / cover round no-repeat currentColor;
ql {
- background: pink content-box no-repeat url("test.png") padding-box;
+ background: border-box content-box round no-repeat, repeat border-box border-box center, border-box content-box url("test.png") repeat, round no-repeat border-box, repeat border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left / auto auto, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat 10% / auto auto border-box content-box, 10% / cover repeat currentColor content-box content-box;
rl {
- background: pink content-box no-repeat url("test.png");
+ background: none top left padding-box, currentColor repeat content-box border-box 5px bottom;
sl {
- background: pink content-box no-repeat padding-box url("test.png");
+ background: round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box, repeat none center, url("test.png") round no-repeat content-box, border-box url("test.png") repeat, padding-box 10%, 5px bottom repeat, round no-repeat top left padding-box, currentColor content-box top left / cover url("test.png");
tl {
- background: pink content-box no-repeat padding-box;
+ background: repeat border-box content-box, 10% url("test.png") padding-box round no-repeat, repeat 10% border-box, 5px bottom padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), center / cover content-box url("test.png") repeat;
ul {
- background: pink content-box no-repeat;
+ background: url("test.png") repeat 5px bottom content-box, none top left round no-repeat, 10% border-box, center padding-box content-box, repeat padding-box, top left round no-repeat border-box, 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box, repeat center linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") round no-repeat, content-box url("test.png") repeat center, 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), 10% border-box, 10% round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), currentColor content-box top left none;
vl {
- background: pink content-box;
+ background: none, url("test.png") round no-repeat center, url("test.png") top left round no-repeat red padding-box;
wl {
- background: pink no-repeat url("test.png") padding-box content-box;
+ background: round no-repeat 10% url("test.png") padding-box padding-box, none padding-box repeat, url("test.png") content-box 5px bottom / cover, 10% repeat, top left border-box round no-repeat, url("test.png") center content-box border-box, none center / 10% padding-box, padding-box content-box, 10% round no-repeat content-box, content-box round no-repeat, padding-box round no-repeat 10% / cover, linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box, none content-box padding-box 5px bottom / 10% repeat, repeat top left / auto auto, none center padding-box padding-box repeat, content-box none, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom, red;
xl {
- background: pink no-repeat url("test.png") padding-box;
+ background: url("test.png") 5px bottom, padding-box padding-box repeat none center, round no-repeat border-box padding-box url("test.png"), linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box 10% / cover, repeat padding-box alpha(pink, 0.5) linear-gradient(pink, purple) center;
yl {
- background: pink no-repeat url("test.png") content-box padding-box;
+ background: 10% border-box content-box, repeat none content-box, padding-box url("test.png"), 5px bottom repeat, border-box round no-repeat url("test.png"), repeat content-box border-box 5px bottom / auto auto, none, border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) @home repeat;
zl {
- background: pink no-repeat url("test.png") content-box;
+ background: url("test.png") round no-repeat border-box content-box 10%, border-box round no-repeat top left, round no-repeat 10%, center repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box, round no-repeat url("test.png") border-box, repeat content-box border-box, repeat padding-box 10%;
am {
- background: pink no-repeat url("test.png");
+ background: padding-box 5px bottom / 10%, border-box repeat none center, 5px bottom content-box border-box, repeat border-box top left, url("test.png") 10% content-box round no-repeat, border-box center, padding-box center red round no-repeat;
bm {
- background: pink no-repeat padding-box url("test.png") content-box;
+ background: repeat top left content-box, url("test.png") content-box padding-box, url("test.png") content-box center repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% / cover padding-box content-box;
cm {
- background: pink no-repeat padding-box url("test.png");
+ background: repeat padding-box border-box, top left linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box padding-box, none center repeat, round no-repeat 10% content-box, top left / 10%, round no-repeat, center repeat content-box, top left repeat padding-box content-box, border-box padding-box 10% repeat, top left content-box repeat, 10% / cover, top left round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box border-box, round no-repeat border-box content-box center, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat 5px bottom padding-box border-box, none center / cover, border-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, repeat center linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box url("test.png") 10%, border-box 5px bottom / 10% url("test.png"), border-box url("test.png") 5px bottom, linear-gradient(pink, purple), currentColor 10% repeat border-box url("test.png");
dm {
- background: pink no-repeat padding-box content-box url("test.png");
+ background: center padding-box, top left / 10% border-box border-box url("test.png") round no-repeat, round no-repeat border-box, none repeat, repeat url("test.png"), linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box padding-box, content-box repeat none 5px bottom, repeat border-box padding-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat content-box red;
em {
- background: pink no-repeat padding-box content-box;
+ background: #ADF 5px bottom none repeat border-box content-box;
fm {
- background: pink no-repeat padding-box;
+ background: url("test.png") round no-repeat red top left;
gm {
- background: pink no-repeat content-box url("test.png") padding-box;
+ background: border-box border-box top left, 10% / cover padding-box, content-box alpha(pink, 0.5);
hm {
- background: pink no-repeat content-box url("test.png");
+ background: border-box content-box center, round no-repeat content-box border-box none, repeat border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left, none 5px bottom content-box padding-box;
im {
- background: pink no-repeat content-box padding-box url("test.png");
+ background: top left / auto auto border-box repeat none, url("test.png") top left / auto auto content-box, round no-repeat none currentColor center / cover;
jm {
- background: pink no-repeat content-box padding-box;
+ background: url("test.png") border-box, round no-repeat center, alpha(pink, 0.5) center repeat;
km {
- background: pink no-repeat content-box;
+ background: content-box round no-repeat center / auto auto;
lm {
- background: pink no-repeat;
+ background: round no-repeat content-box top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), 10% content-box, content-box content-box none repeat, padding-box top left repeat, none 10% / 10% border-box, 10% border-box url("test.png"), center padding-box, content-box round no-repeat;
mm {
- background: pink;
+ background: none, round no-repeat content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom / cover, 5px bottom / cover url("test.png") content-box repeat, top left / auto auto none, round no-repeat top left, padding-box padding-box repeat top left / 10%, top left round no-repeat padding-box border-box, center / cover round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left content-box, 10% repeat, 10% padding-box border-box round no-repeat, padding-box 5px bottom, padding-box round no-repeat 5px bottom / auto auto none, content-box none round no-repeat, 10% round no-repeat padding-box padding-box, repeat padding-box, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box content-box, center none padding-box, padding-box padding-box url("test.png") 5px bottom / 10%, top left url("test.png"), none padding-box repeat #ADF top left;
+nm {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) center / auto auto, top left / 10% round no-repeat padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box 10% / auto auto, border-box, repeat content-box, url("test.png") repeat content-box 10% / cover, url("test.png") center, 10%, content-box round no-repeat url("test.png"), round no-repeat top left none border-box border-box, 5px bottom round no-repeat border-box padding-box, url("test.png") 5px bottom content-box currentColor round no-repeat;
+om {
+ background: top left @home border-box none;
+pm {
+ background: content-box round no-repeat, url("test.png") top left / cover repeat, 10% / auto auto round no-repeat, center / 10% round no-repeat border-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box center none, 10% border-box round no-repeat, center / auto auto border-box padding-box round no-repeat url("test.png"), round no-repeat center / cover, center none repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left content-box repeat, border-box, 10% / cover round no-repeat, content-box content-box repeat top left / auto auto url("test.png"), repeat url("test.png") currentColor;
+qm {
+ background: border-box border-box round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10%, 10% / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") round no-repeat top left / cover, center content-box border-box none, round no-repeat none top left / cover, top left / cover round no-repeat border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat border-box center / auto auto, padding-box repeat center @home;
+rm {
+ background: content-box round no-repeat url("test.png") 5px bottom, border-box padding-box none top left / cover round no-repeat, none top left / auto auto content-box repeat, none repeat content-box content-box top left, top left border-box content-box round no-repeat url("test.png"), border-box round no-repeat 10%, content-box padding-box center url("test.png"), url("test.png") round no-repeat content-box, padding-box border-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) center / cover border-box round no-repeat, 10% / auto auto none padding-box, none top left repeat, round no-repeat top left / 10%, repeat content-box, none alpha(pink, 0.5) round no-repeat;
+sm {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% / auto auto repeat border-box border-box, content-box, border-box center / 10%, round no-repeat center padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat top left / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), 10% repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box border-box, url("test.png") top left padding-box, repeat center / cover padding-box, border-box url("test.png") 10% / auto auto, red repeat padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10%;
+tm {
+ background: round no-repeat center padding-box none, border-box, repeat url("test.png") 10% / cover, padding-box padding-box round no-repeat none center, 10% round no-repeat padding-box, url("test.png") border-box 5px bottom / 10% round no-repeat, content-box round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple);
+um {
+ background: 5px bottom url("test.png") padding-box round no-repeat, round no-repeat 5px bottom, top left round no-repeat border-box content-box url("test.png"), none round no-repeat center content-box, none repeat border-box content-box 10%, top left / auto auto content-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat, top left content-box round no-repeat currentColor;
+vm {
+ background: 10% content-box, repeat none 10% content-box, border-box padding-box top left, center linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box, repeat padding-box, round no-repeat alpha(pink, 0.5) top left padding-box padding-box;
+wm {
+ background: url("test.png") 10% / auto auto padding-box round no-repeat, url("test.png") round no-repeat padding-box border-box, top left linear-gradient(pink, purple);
+xm {
+ background: repeat 5px bottom / auto auto, padding-box url("test.png"), repeat border-box center / auto auto, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom border-box, repeat border-box, round no-repeat #ADF url("test.png") top left padding-box;
+ym {
+ background: round no-repeat 10% / 10% content-box border-box, border-box none, url("test.png") repeat top left, none content-box round no-repeat 5px bottom, top left linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box border-box, none repeat top left / cover padding-box, border-box content-box 10%, center / cover border-box repeat none, border-box center repeat, 10% border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat none padding-box center, url("test.png") border-box top left, repeat 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box, border-box border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10%, center content-box none, padding-box content-box 5px bottom, 10% / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box repeat, top left padding-box, url("test.png") top left / auto auto padding-box repeat, center none repeat, 10% content-box url("test.png"), padding-box, padding-box none 5px bottom / auto auto round no-repeat, padding-box 5px bottom repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), top
left / cover padding-box repeat, round no-repeat none, padding-box repeat top left / 10%, url("test.png") center repeat, round no-repeat center content-box url("test.png"), center / auto auto url("test.png") content-box padding-box, center / 10% round no-repeat, center / cover round no-repeat border-box none, padding-box repeat, url("test.png") border-box content-box round no-repeat, none border-box content-box repeat, repeat border-box, round no-repeat padding-box padding-box 5px bottom, content-box border-box round no-repeat 5px bottom / auto auto linear-gradient(pink, purple), 10% padding-box none round no-repeat, padding-box border-box 10% repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), center repeat, 10% / cover repeat, center round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat border-box padding-box center / 10% url("test.png"), 5px bottom padding-box, top left round no-repeat padding-box content-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box;
+zm {
+ background: round no-repeat 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat 10% / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat top left / 10% padding-box, border-box top left / 10% none, center repeat padding-box, repeat content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box center repeat, 10% / auto auto repeat alpha(pink, 0.5) content-box;
+an {
+ background: round no-repeat top left linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box, top left none repeat, round no-repeat content-box, repeat, 5px bottom padding-box padding-box repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat top left;
+bn {
+ background: center;
+cn {
+ background: padding-box round no-repeat url("test.png") center, 10% / 10% url("test.png") padding-box, url("test.png") repeat center content-box content-box, none repeat border-box border-box top left / 10%, content-box none, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% content-box content-box, center repeat border-box content-box url("test.png"), top left / auto auto repeat url("test.png") content-box, border-box content-box currentColor center / 10% none round no-repeat;
+dn {
+ background: repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) center / 10%, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box content-box repeat, padding-box content-box 10% none repeat, content-box padding-box center / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box padding-box 10% repeat, none 10% / auto auto, content-box 10%, padding-box padding-box repeat, round no-repeat url("test.png"), round no-repeat padding-box top left, content-box content-box top left none round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box, 5px bottom border-box content-box url("test.png"), padding-box;
+en {
+ background: top left repeat red;
+fn {
+ background: border-box none, none repeat padding-box, repeat padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), top left / cover #ADF content-box round no-repeat;
+gn {
+ background: repeat content-box center / 10%, none center padding-box, padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat center / auto auto, 10% / auto auto border-box border-box alpha(pink, 0.5);
+hn {
+ background: repeat content-box content-box center url("test.png"), round no-repeat content-box none top left, currentColor linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat 5px bottom padding-box padding-box;
+in {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat top left red;
+jn {
+ background: content-box center, url("test.png") round no-repeat #ADF 5px bottom padding-box;
+kn {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) center / cover, content-box border-box center / 10% repeat, url("test.png") 10% / cover;
+ln {
+ background: content-box center url("test.png"), content-box top left, content-box url("test.png") center, url("test.png") center / auto auto, padding-box round no-repeat 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box repeat 10%, repeat 10%, round no-repeat center, round no-repeat @home none content-box 10% / cover;
+mn {
+ background: center / cover padding-box content-box repeat, none padding-box content-box center, url("test.png") border-box round no-repeat, content-box, center / auto auto red round no-repeat border-box;
+nn {
+ background: content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, padding-box none top left, 5px bottom / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, 10% round no-repeat padding-box border-box;
+on {
+ background: content-box round no-repeat url("test.png"), content-box url("test.png") round no-repeat #ADF 10%;
+pn {
+ background: content-box content-box 5px bottom / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, url("test.png") top left padding-box padding-box, padding-box center repeat, content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom / auto auto @home;
+qn {
+ background: none 10%, round no-repeat top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), center / auto auto url("test.png") repeat, border-box 10% / auto auto round no-repeat, round no-repeat content-box url("test.png"), none padding-box 10% / 10%, 10% border-box padding-box @home;
+rn {
+ background: none padding-box round no-repeat top left, url("test.png") 10%;
+sn {
+ background: center / 10% repeat url("test.png") padding-box, 10% / cover content-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple);
+tn {
+ background: 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), 5px bottom repeat padding-box border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), center / 10% repeat, 5px bottom / cover, padding-box 5px bottom repeat none, content-box 5px bottom repeat, none border-box top left, content-box padding-box center, repeat padding-box content-box center none, top left round no-repeat border-box border-box, top left padding-box border-box, padding-box url("test.png") 5px bottom, round no-repeat url("test.png") padding-box #ADF;
+un {
+ background: 5px bottom repeat none border-box;
+vn {
+ background: none 5px bottom round no-repeat, round no-repeat content-box border-box none 10%, none center round no-repeat content-box, url("test.png") 5px bottom border-box, 10% / cover content-box padding-box, 5px bottom padding-box content-box, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box center, url("test.png"), round no-repeat border-box, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) @home content-box;
+wn {
+ background: none content-box padding-box center / 10% repeat, url("test.png") border-box center, none content-box border-box round no-repeat 5px bottom / 10%, border-box repeat none 5px bottom / auto auto, padding-box, url("test.png") padding-box repeat 10% / auto auto, top left / auto auto, repeat padding-box border-box center / cover, center round no-repeat padding-box border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box 10% / cover, round no-repeat 10% none, none content-box padding-box 10% repeat, round no-repeat border-box none, 5px bottom / auto auto content-box, center / auto auto padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat top left none border-box padding-box alpha(pink, 0.5);
+xn {
+ background: padding-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box padding-box top left none @home;
+yn {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box border-box repeat, content-box none 5px bottom round no-repeat, padding-box border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) center, 10% / cover, padding-box center, none content-box content-box top left repeat, border-box content-box none top left, border-box, red border-box 5px bottom none;
+zn {
+ background: none repeat, repeat border-box 10% / 10%, center padding-box round no-repeat, none round no-repeat;
+ao {
+ background: round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left content-box border-box, url("test.png") padding-box center, top left red border-box none repeat;
+bo {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% round no-repeat, top left url("test.png") repeat padding-box, top left linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box, center;
+co {
+ background: border-box border-box top left / auto auto, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% round no-repeat content-box content-box, border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) center, repeat top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box url("test.png") repeat center, 5px bottom content-box repeat, padding-box url("test.png") 10% / auto auto round no-repeat, url("test.png") 10% / 10% border-box;
+do {
+ background: padding-box round no-repeat, repeat content-box none;
+eo {
+ background: round no-repeat top left / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box content-box repeat, border-box border-box repeat none;
+fo {
+ background: content-box 10%, border-box round no-repeat none, round no-repeat 5px bottom padding-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box top left, none top left round no-repeat, top left / auto auto border-box padding-box none, padding-box url("test.png") repeat, round no-repeat, 5px bottom url("test.png"), url("test.png") 5px bottom, round no-repeat url("test.png") border-box, none content-box;
+go {
+ background: border-box top left / cover round no-repeat, repeat none border-box border-box @home;
+ho {
+ background: border-box repeat 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box, round no-repeat 10% url("test.png") content-box content-box, 5px bottom border-box content-box, round no-repeat none 5px bottom / auto auto padding-box, border-box round no-repeat, content-box border-box url("test.png") round no-repeat top left / auto auto, top left content-box content-box, padding-box content-box none 10% / auto auto round no-repeat, #ADF none center / 10% border-box;
+io {
+ background: padding-box round no-repeat center / auto auto, round no-repeat content-box border-box none top left, 5px bottom / auto auto round no-repeat border-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") padding-box round no-repeat 5px bottom;
+jo {
+ background: content-box padding-box none round no-repeat center, 10% padding-box border-box, repeat center / 10% padding-box none, repeat center, padding-box round no-repeat top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), none round no-repeat padding-box content-box center / cover, padding-box url("test.png") round no-repeat, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box content-box center, repeat content-box center / auto auto linear-gradient(pink, purple), top left / cover none padding-box, padding-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, round no-repeat, top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat center padding-box, content-box padding-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left, center border-box border-box, repeat top left / cover @home;
+ko {
+ background: content-box 5px bottom, padding-box round no-repeat none 10%, border-box center linear-gradient(pink, purple), top left linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box content-box round no-repeat, repeat 5px bottom / auto auto padding-box, url("test.png"), content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box padding-box, top left repeat none padding-box padding-box, center linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom;
+lo {
+ background: round no-repeat content-box url("test.png"), currentColor 5px bottom none border-box;
+mo {
+ background: repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), alpha(pink, 0.5) 10% repeat padding-box;
+no {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) @home 10% repeat;
+oo {
+ background: round no-repeat none border-box, border-box center repeat url("test.png");
+po {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% border-box, 5px bottom / auto auto url("test.png") content-box border-box, content-box padding-box 5px bottom / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box, round no-repeat padding-box border-box, url("test.png") 5px bottom padding-box, content-box content-box none top left repeat, round no-repeat content-box content-box none, repeat url("test.png") currentColor;
+qo {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% repeat, content-box round no-repeat top left, padding-box content-box 10% round no-repeat, repeat border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left, round no-repeat none content-box content-box 10%, center padding-box border-box #ADF;
+ro {
+ background: center / cover border-box, 5px bottom padding-box none repeat, top left border-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, round no-repeat top left border-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") content-box currentColor center;
+so {
+ background: padding-box round no-repeat, url("test.png") currentColor round no-repeat padding-box border-box;
+to {
+ background: repeat none, top left repeat none padding-box border-box, 5px bottom @home;
+uo {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box, repeat 10% / 10%, padding-box 5px bottom / auto auto, border-box, 10% border-box padding-box, repeat center none border-box, top left content-box padding-box none, url("test.png") padding-box, repeat top left, @home padding-box border-box repeat 5px bottom;
+vo {
+ background: border-box repeat, 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat padding-box #ADF;
+wo {
+ background: none 5px bottom padding-box content-box repeat, border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) center, top left / 10% round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat none, round no-repeat padding-box, repeat content-box center, border-box url("test.png") 5px bottom round no-repeat, round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box border-box, border-box repeat, top left url("test.png") padding-box border-box, none content-box border-box 10%, border-box red repeat url("test.png");
+xo {
+ background: repeat 10% border-box border-box, round no-repeat 5px bottom url("test.png"), content-box 5px bottom repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left repeat, center, round no-repeat 10% / 10% content-box border-box url("test.png"), border-box border-box round no-repeat 5px bottom;
+yo {
+ background: padding-box round no-repeat top left / auto auto, 5px bottom repeat, round no-repeat padding-box none top left, border-box padding-box url("test.png") red repeat center;
+zo {
+ background: repeat 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box repeat, none content-box border-box 5px bottom / cover;
+ap {
+ background: round no-repeat content-box url("test.png"), 10% / auto auto round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box, round no-repeat top left content-box border-box url("test.png"), border-box 10% / cover round no-repeat, round no-repeat padding-box 10% currentColor linear-gradient(pink, purple);
+bp {
+ background: padding-box, url("test.png") repeat 5px bottom border-box, border-box center / cover, padding-box 5px bottom round no-repeat url("test.png"), currentColor padding-box round no-repeat;
+cp {
+ background: 5px bottom / auto auto content-box repeat url("test.png"), 10% / 10% round no-repeat content-box, top left / auto auto none repeat, 10% / cover content-box, center / 10% repeat border-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box content-box 5px bottom, content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), center none border-box;
+dp {
+ background: 5px bottom round no-repeat url("test.png"), repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) center, padding-box, 5px bottom red;
+ep {
+ background: 5px bottom / 10% border-box content-box round no-repeat, center border-box, currentColor padding-box round no-repeat none center;
+fp {
+ background: border-box url("test.png"), url("test.png") center / cover border-box, round no-repeat url("test.png") alpha(pink, 0.5);
+gp {
+ background: url("test.png") repeat content-box, padding-box content-box 10% repeat, round no-repeat 5px bottom / 10%, padding-box 10%, 10% round no-repeat none border-box, 5px bottom content-box url("test.png") round no-repeat, padding-box repeat center, url("test.png") alpha(pink, 0.5);
+hp {
+ background: round no-repeat currentColor 5px bottom content-box;
+ip {
+ background: 10% / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), 5px bottom none border-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box padding-box, content-box border-box top left, repeat content-box none, content-box none top left / cover, 5px bottom / 10% repeat padding-box, 5px bottom round no-repeat content-box, url("test.png") repeat padding-box center, content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), 5px bottom / cover, 5px bottom, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) center / cover, padding-box url("test.png") repeat;
+jp {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% repeat content-box padding-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box padding-box top left round no-repeat, round no-repeat border-box 5px bottom / auto auto none, round no-repeat 10%, repeat top left none, content-box border-box, none content-box round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat border-box border-box, padding-box round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% #ADF;
+kp {
+ background: 5px bottom padding-box border-box, 10% border-box, padding-box padding-box, round no-repeat, center, repeat #ADF center linear-gradient(pink, purple);
+lp {
+ background: repeat url("test.png") padding-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat 5px bottom / cover, linear-gradient(pink, purple) center repeat, padding-box 10% / cover, border-box padding-box url("test.png") top left round no-repeat, 5px bottom alpha(pink, 0.5);
+mp {
+ background: round no-repeat none border-box content-box center, content-box 5px bottom / auto auto, round no-repeat 10% content-box none, round no-repeat top left none border-box padding-box, padding-box, border-box padding-box url("test.png") repeat, center repeat padding-box, 5px bottom / auto auto url("test.png") border-box, center, padding-box repeat;
+np {
+ background: top left round no-repeat, padding-box 10%, 5px bottom content-box padding-box none, repeat padding-box 5px bottom none, top left url("test.png") repeat, content-box 10% / auto auto round no-repeat, center / auto auto border-box border-box, url("test.png") repeat 5px bottom border-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box 5px bottom / auto auto, round no-repeat, repeat 10%, content-box round no-repeat 5px bottom #ADF;
+op {
+ background: content-box 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box, padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box padding-box alpha(pink, 0.5) center;
+pp {
+ background: top left border-box, 5px bottom border-box padding-box, url("test.png"), content-box none center round no-repeat, #ADF padding-box border-box repeat 5px bottom;
+qp {
+ background: top left / auto auto url("test.png"), padding-box padding-box 5px bottom / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, round no-repeat, center border-box padding-box none round no-repeat, url("test.png") center round no-repeat, 5px bottom / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box, center repeat url("test.png"), repeat 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box, padding-box border-box repeat 5px bottom, url("test.png") 10% round no-repeat, url("test.png") top left content-box content-box, 5px bottom / cover url("test.png"), repeat 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box content-box, padding-box none repeat, border-box 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, none repeat @home;
+rp {
+ background: border-box border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box center, top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box border-box round no-repeat, 10% round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left round no-repeat padding-box, 5px bottom round no-repeat, repeat center padding-box, 5px bottom / 10% url("test.png") content-box, 5px bottom none repeat border-box;
+sp {
+ background: round no-repeat url("test.png"), linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom / 10%;
+tp {
+ background: #ADF top left repeat;
+up {
+ background: none repeat 10%, center linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box round no-repeat, repeat 10% border-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box round no-repeat 5px bottom / 10%, url("test.png") repeat @home content-box;
+vp {
+ background: none top left / 10% round no-repeat, repeat alpha(pink, 0.5) content-box 10%;
+wp {
+ background: round no-repeat content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple);
+xp {
+ background: #ADF padding-box repeat center / 10%;
+yp {
+ background: repeat url("test.png") 5px bottom / cover border-box, @home padding-box border-box round no-repeat;
+zp {
+ background: content-box 5px bottom / 10%, none round no-repeat content-box border-box, round no-repeat content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box none, content-box url("test.png") center, content-box none repeat 10%, round no-repeat padding-box top left url("test.png"), url("test.png") 10% padding-box, content-box padding-box url("test.png") 10%, repeat top left padding-box;
+aq {
+ background: padding-box repeat none 5px bottom / cover, center / auto auto repeat border-box;
+bq {
+ background: url("test.png") top left / cover, round no-repeat content-box none 10% / 10%, border-box none center, url("test.png") center border-box content-box round no-repeat, center / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat content-box padding-box, repeat, 10%, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat 10% / 10% border-box;
+cq {
+ background: none #ADF repeat content-box border-box 10% / 10%;
+dq {
+ background: url("test.png") padding-box repeat;
+eq {
+ background: currentColor 10% repeat content-box;
+fq {
+ background: padding-box content-box none round no-repeat center / auto auto;
+gq {
+ background: 5px bottom none padding-box repeat, content-box 5px bottom repeat, border-box top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), none padding-box, 10% / auto auto round no-repeat, 5px bottom content-box url("test.png"), center, center url("test.png") border-box, 5px bottom round no-repeat, center round no-repeat, top left border-box padding-box none round no-repeat;
+hq {
+ background: repeat 5px bottom none padding-box, round no-repeat url("test.png"), border-box content-box none, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box top left round no-repeat, repeat, none border-box repeat, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box border-box center, repeat 5px bottom, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box padding-box, content-box border-box 5px bottom / 10% round no-repeat url("test.png"), url("test.png") border-box, center repeat padding-box padding-box, repeat content-box 5px bottom / auto auto none, repeat @home linear-gradient(pink, purple);
+iq {
+ background: none, 10% border-box, none repeat center / 10% padding-box;
+jq {
+ background: border-box 10% / auto auto url("test.png") repeat, center / auto auto red url("test.png");
+kq {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat border-box, padding-box #ADF top left repeat none;
+lq {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom / cover, top left padding-box border-box round no-repeat, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), 10%, currentColor 10% round no-repeat content-box border-box;
+mq {
+ background: none border-box 5px bottom, content-box content-box, center none repeat border-box, content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom, center / cover round no-repeat content-box, repeat, content-box padding-box, content-box padding-box, top left none, border-box round no-repeat url("test.png") top left;
+nq {
+ background: alpha(pink, 0.5) top left / auto auto none;
+oq {
+ background: padding-box content-box, top left round no-repeat, url("test.png") 10% repeat, center / cover repeat border-box, border-box repeat center / cover url("test.png"), url("test.png") content-box round no-repeat, url("test.png") border-box #ADF;
+pq {
+ background: 10% border-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat padding-box 5px bottom / auto auto, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom / 10% content-box padding-box repeat, top left / auto auto url("test.png") red round no-repeat;
+qq {
+ background: 5px bottom / auto auto round no-repeat border-box none, url("test.png") center content-box round no-repeat, center padding-box padding-box, round no-repeat border-box top left / auto auto none, border-box top left repeat, repeat top left url("test.png") padding-box content-box, border-box round no-repeat center, repeat 10% / auto auto border-box, center content-box url("test.png"), round no-repeat 5px bottom content-box, 5px bottom repeat, content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) center, none round no-repeat 10% #ADF;
+rq {
+ background: round no-repeat top left / cover border-box border-box, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), 5px bottom round no-repeat content-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), center currentColor linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat;
+sq {
+ background: repeat content-box none, none repeat 10%, round no-repeat none content-box 5px bottom, border-box padding-box none center repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat border-box 10% / auto auto, 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, border-box border-box top left round no-repeat url("test.png"), center linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, padding-box 10% / cover, url("test.png") repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box repeat, padding-box, content-box top left round no-repeat url("test.png"), center / 10% content-box round no-repeat, center / auto auto none, content-box content-box top left, none center padding-box;
+tq {
+ background: url("test.png") repeat border-box 5px bottom, round no-repeat center none, round no-repeat border-box padding-box 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple), red 10% border-box;
+uq {
+ background: center padding-box, border-box center / cover, top left / auto auto padding-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left round no-repeat content-box content-box, none border-box 5px bottom repeat, 10% round no-repeat padding-box, 10% repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat;
+vq {
+ background: url("test.png") border-box padding-box center, round no-repeat content-box 10%, padding-box padding-box round no-repeat 10%;
+wq {
+ background: 5px bottom none round no-repeat, round no-repeat center border-box none;
+xq {
+ background: round no-repeat content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box top left / auto auto none round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple), 5px bottom padding-box round no-repeat, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box center, repeat none center, none top left / 10% repeat, 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box, padding-box url("test.png") top left round no-repeat, center round no-repeat padding-box content-box;
+yq {
+ background: 5px bottom round no-repeat, top left / 10% round no-repeat, top left content-box, 5px bottom / auto auto currentColor padding-box content-box;
+zq {
+ background: round no-repeat content-box 5px bottom, top left linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box padding-box, repeat 10% / 10% none border-box, repeat 10% content-box url("test.png"), 5px bottom none, padding-box url("test.png"), none 5px bottom / auto auto padding-box, content-box padding-box url("test.png") round no-repeat, 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat padding-box, 10% border-box, border-box 5px bottom round no-repeat url("test.png"), linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat content-box padding-box, repeat url("test.png"), none content-box center round no-repeat, none content-box padding-box red;
+ar {
+ background: alpha(pink, 0.5) border-box top left repeat;
+br {
+ background: none 10% / 10% round no-repeat, 10% url("test.png") padding-box content-box round no-repeat, repeat top left / cover none border-box;
+cr {
+ background: top left, padding-box round no-repeat url("test.png") 10%, 5px bottom content-box content-box repeat, 10% padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, padding-box top left / auto auto, 5px bottom round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box padding-box, border-box round no-repeat, 5px bottom alpha(pink, 0.5) padding-box;
+dr {
+ background: 10% padding-box border-box url("test.png"), @home 5px bottom content-box;
+er {
+ background: url("test.png") round no-repeat center / cover, 10% / cover repeat border-box content-box, none padding-box top left;
+fr {
+ background: content-box 10% / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat;
+gr {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat 10% border-box padding-box, none padding-box top left, repeat none 5px bottom border-box, top left content-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) @home;
+hr {
+ background: repeat center border-box none, none round no-repeat, padding-box content-box repeat none top left, content-box top left, repeat top left / cover url("test.png"), border-box border-box round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom, center none round no-repeat, border-box repeat 5px bottom / auto auto, content-box top left / cover repeat none, border-box 5px bottom / cover, 5px bottom / cover none, top left repeat border-box padding-box none, 5px bottom / auto auto content-box, border-box none repeat, round no-repeat 5px bottom content-box padding-box url("test.png"), 5px bottom / 10% none border-box content-box, center padding-box, padding-box content-box, padding-box round no-repeat, round no-repeat border-box border-box none top left, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat border-box, padding-box content-box url("test.png"), 10% round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), top left round no-repeat border-box none, border-box, border-box url
("test.png") repeat 10%, padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat top left / 10%, alpha(pink, 0.5) content-box border-box url("test.png") top left;
+ir {
+ background: padding-box, center / cover;
+jr {
+ background: round no-repeat none center / 10%, padding-box url("test.png") 10%, linear-gradient(pink, purple) center content-box round no-repeat, center border-box repeat, content-box top left linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, round no-repeat url("test.png") 10% / cover border-box padding-box, round no-repeat border-box top left / cover;
+kr {
+ background: repeat url("test.png") padding-box content-box, padding-box 10%, top left repeat border-box, round no-repeat none center padding-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% content-box border-box, repeat border-box content-box url("test.png"), 10%;
+lr {
+ background: round no-repeat, content-box border-box repeat 5px bottom, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% border-box, border-box 5px bottom repeat, padding-box top left repeat;
+mr {
+ background: center currentColor;
+nr {
+ background: repeat url("test.png") content-box top left, 5px bottom / auto auto round no-repeat padding-box padding-box, content-box 10% none, round no-repeat padding-box, url("test.png") round no-repeat padding-box, border-box url("test.png") currentColor repeat 10%;
+or {
+ background: 5px bottom border-box padding-box none, padding-box padding-box url("test.png") repeat, content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat 10%, 10% / 10% round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), 10% currentColor round no-repeat;
+pr {
+ background: padding-box content-box round no-repeat center / auto auto, border-box top left repeat, 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box border-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat border-box 5px bottom;
+qr {
+ background: content-box 5px bottom, center / 10% padding-box border-box url("test.png"), linear-gradient(pink, purple) center content-box, 5px bottom / cover none repeat, content-box 10% repeat;
+rr {
+ background: top left repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box, round no-repeat content-box, url("test.png") repeat, 10% none, border-box round no-repeat, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom / 10% padding-box, url("test.png") 10% round no-repeat, none #ADF padding-box border-box round no-repeat;
+sr {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom round no-repeat, repeat top left, padding-box padding-box none center, round no-repeat, content-box border-box none, repeat padding-box content-box top left / cover url("test.png"), center content-box url("test.png"), 5px bottom content-box border-box none, round no-repeat center, padding-box content-box repeat;
+tr {
+ background: repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left, content-box padding-box repeat 10%, top left linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box content-box round no-repeat, round no-repeat content-box top left url("test.png"), border-box content-box url("test.png") top left / cover repeat, 5px bottom border-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box content-box repeat top left / 10%, round no-repeat 10% / 10% border-box none, repeat padding-box top left, url("test.png") 5px bottom content-box border-box, padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom;
+ur {
+ background: round no-repeat, url("test.png") 5px bottom round no-repeat, border-box border-box top left / 10% @home round no-repeat;
+vr {
+ background: repeat url("test.png") padding-box center, none round no-repeat padding-box, top left none padding-box, center / cover padding-box none;
+wr {
+ background: 5px bottom padding-box none, content-box border-box 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat @home;
+xr {
+ background: none 5px bottom content-box round no-repeat, repeat top left / 10% none, none 10% round no-repeat, 5px bottom round no-repeat url("test.png") padding-box, repeat center, 10% round no-repeat content-box border-box, center / auto auto content-box, content-box content-box round no-repeat, url("test.png") content-box content-box #ADF top left / auto auto;
+yr {
+ background: round no-repeat, repeat url("test.png") 5px bottom, top left repeat padding-box, 10% / cover repeat none #ADF;
+zr {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat border-box, padding-box #ADF;
+as {
+ background: repeat top left url("test.png"), url("test.png") center, url("test.png") repeat #ADF center;
+bs {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box content-box 10% round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat padding-box, top left none content-box border-box, padding-box url("test.png") 5px bottom / 10%, 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple) red;
+cs {
+ background: repeat none, content-box top left url("test.png"), top left border-box, top left linear-gradient(pink, purple) currentColor;
+ds {
+ background: padding-box content-box url("test.png") alpha(pink, 0.5) 10%;
+es {
+ background: border-box repeat url("test.png"), 10% / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, repeat padding-box padding-box, none 5px bottom / auto auto border-box, padding-box padding-box top left, 10% / cover, border-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10%, top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10%, url("test.png") round no-repeat top left padding-box, repeat content-box 10%, padding-box center / 10% url("test.png");
+fs {
+ background: repeat url("test.png") content-box 10%, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom / auto auto content-box, round no-repeat 5px bottom / auto auto, padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) center / auto auto repeat, url("test.png") repeat 10%, top left / cover padding-box repeat, content-box border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) center / auto auto repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box padding-box round no-repeat, padding-box padding-box 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") @home 10% border-box;
+gs {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box round no-repeat, round no-repeat content-box content-box 5px bottom / auto auto, 10% / auto auto, padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat top left / auto auto, repeat center, top left padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), @home round no-repeat border-box url("test.png") 5px bottom;
+hs {
+ background: 10% url("test.png") repeat border-box content-box, border-box repeat, none content-box content-box 10% / auto auto, 10% / 10% round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), 5px bottom none content-box, none border-box 5px bottom, repeat top left / auto auto border-box content-box none, border-box center / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat @home 5px bottom / auto auto none;
+is {
+ background: padding-box padding-box none 5px bottom repeat;
+js {
+ background: none border-box padding-box alpha(pink, 0.5);
+ks {
+ background: round no-repeat #ADF border-box content-box 10% / auto auto;
+ls {
+ background: round no-repeat, 10% / auto auto padding-box, round no-repeat top left / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box, currentColor;
+ms {
+ background: border-box repeat, center content-box url("test.png"), 10% / 10% repeat none border-box content-box, border-box border-box round no-repeat @home;
+ns {
+ background: top left / cover url("test.png") padding-box, round no-repeat 5px bottom / auto auto linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box padding-box 10% / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, padding-box content-box url("test.png") repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box padding-box 5px bottom / cover repeat, content-box top left / 10% url("test.png"), repeat top left @home;
+os {
+ background: center none content-box round no-repeat, padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left / 10%, 5px bottom / cover padding-box, content-box border-box top left, padding-box 5px bottom / cover none, repeat border-box border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), 10% border-box padding-box round no-repeat, round no-repeat url("test.png") 10% / cover padding-box, none center repeat, content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat center, repeat 5px bottom;
+ps {
+ background: padding-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") border-box content-box center / 10% repeat, padding-box content-box round no-repeat top left / auto auto, round no-repeat content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) center, linear-gradient(pink, purple), linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box round no-repeat, repeat padding-box top left, center repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), top left linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box border-box, none 5px bottom round no-repeat, repeat 10% / cover content-box;
+qs {
+ background: content-box 10% repeat, border-box url("test.png") 10%, content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% / cover, none 10% / cover content-box, top left content-box round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) @home padding-box border-box center repeat;
+rs {
+ background: center round no-repeat none content-box, center / auto auto round no-repeat padding-box, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box content-box repeat url("test.png"), round no-repeat url("test.png") content-box content-box 5px bottom, 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") padding-box repeat, center / auto auto url("test.png"), border-box 5px bottom / auto auto repeat url("test.png"), round no-repeat padding-box top left / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box round no-repeat @home top left;
+ss {
+ background: url("test.png") top left / 10%, center padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, 10% none, top left / auto auto repeat padding-box, content-box 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, none content-box round no-repeat top left / cover, top left / 10% none border-box, content-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box repeat, border-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box top left, top left linear-gradient(pink, purple);
+ts {
+ background: top left, top left round no-repeat padding-box content-box, padding-box center / cover url("test.png") repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box border-box center, 5px bottom / 10% repeat content-box content-box, repeat center / cover, padding-box padding-box top left / auto auto url("test.png"), padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) center / 10%, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% repeat padding-box content-box, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) #ADF;
+us {
+ background: currentColor none 10% repeat padding-box padding-box;
+vs {
+ background: @home border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple);
+ws {
+ background: round no-repeat url("test.png") border-box, center repeat border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), linear-gradient(pink, purple);
+xs {
+ background: 10% / cover repeat, 5px bottom padding-box, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box padding-box, none, center content-box border-box repeat;
+ys {
+ background: center round no-repeat, 10% border-box repeat, top left / auto auto, padding-box 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat none 5px bottom content-box, round no-repeat content-box content-box 5px bottom none, round no-repeat 5px bottom, none padding-box 5px bottom, none round no-repeat padding-box, 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box, border-box round no-repeat @home;
+zs {
+ background: padding-box none top left / auto auto, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box border-box, padding-box round no-repeat top left none, none padding-box repeat 10%, top left / cover round no-repeat url("test.png") padding-box border-box red;
+at {
+ background: round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) center border-box, none top left / cover, center none, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat center, alpha(pink, 0.5) border-box;
+bt {
+ background: round no-repeat center border-box border-box, content-box padding-box top left / auto auto round no-repeat, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box 10%, round no-repeat 5px bottom / cover border-box, #ADF border-box top left round no-repeat;
+ct {
+ background: repeat border-box none, center / cover border-box border-box #ADF;
+dt {
+ background: 5px bottom content-box;
+et {
+ background: top left / cover none, border-box round no-repeat, repeat padding-box, padding-box center url("test.png") repeat, round no-repeat 10% / 10%, padding-box round no-repeat none, content-box @home round no-repeat;
+ft {
+ background: top left border-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box border-box top left / cover repeat;
+gt {
+ background: padding-box repeat red;
+ht {
+ background: none, repeat 10% border-box url("test.png") #ADF;
+it {
+ background: padding-box content-box center round no-repeat, content-box 5px bottom / 10% url("test.png") round no-repeat, url("test.png") repeat top left / 10%, round no-repeat 5px bottom, padding-box top left, 5px bottom / cover content-box, padding-box top left / auto auto linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box top left repeat none, border-box content-box top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), top left, center none repeat, top left / 10% repeat, content-box 5px bottom none, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom / cover, repeat 10% / cover padding-box url("test.png"), linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box round no-repeat, repeat top left, repeat none currentColor;
+jt {
+ background: 10%, linear-gradient(pink, purple), top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), none padding-box padding-box top left round no-repeat, none round no-repeat 10% / 10%, round no-repeat content-box content-box 5px bottom, round no-repeat 10% url("test.png"), top left none, url("test.png") round no-repeat alpha(pink, 0.5) padding-box;
+kt {
+ background: repeat padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), 5px bottom / 10% border-box border-box round no-repeat, content-box content-box round no-repeat center, center linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box round no-repeat, padding-box padding-box none round no-repeat, url("test.png") 10%, none repeat, top left / cover url("test.png"), round no-repeat 10% content-box, center / cover content-box content-box url("test.png") repeat, border-box center, content-box top left;
+lt {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) center round no-repeat, content-box repeat none, repeat border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), top left / 10%, top left border-box url("test.png"), content-box round no-repeat red;
+mt {
+ background: center / cover round no-repeat url("test.png"), 5px bottom round no-repeat content-box border-box, border-box padding-box round no-repeat 10% url("test.png"), none, 10% repeat content-box, top left repeat, none 10% / auto auto, url("test.png") repeat, 5px bottom padding-box repeat url("test.png"), center content-box padding-box repeat, none;
+nt {
+ background: content-box url("test.png") repeat, repeat 5px bottom / auto auto url("test.png") border-box, top left, border-box border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, top left round no-repeat padding-box content-box, repeat content-box content-box none top left / auto auto, repeat alpha(pink, 0.5) top left / auto auto;
+ot {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) center padding-box, top left round no-repeat, 10% / 10% round no-repeat, padding-box repeat url("test.png"), #ADF center / auto auto repeat none content-box border-box;
+pt {
+ background: repeat 5px bottom / 10% border-box url("test.png"), content-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) center, red round no-repeat border-box padding-box center / cover url("test.png");
+qt {
+ background: none content-box, red padding-box;
+rt {
+ background: repeat content-box border-box top left, content-box center, border-box border-box;
+st {
+ background: repeat url("test.png") padding-box content-box center, 10% none round no-repeat padding-box padding-box, none repeat 5px bottom border-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat content-box content-box top left, 10% content-box url("test.png"), padding-box round no-repeat url("test.png"), linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, content-box none top left round no-repeat, padding-box url("test.png") top left / cover, round no-repeat top left / auto auto border-box, none round no-repeat top left padding-box, url("test.png") border-box repeat 5px bottom / 10%, round no-repeat alpha(pink, 0.5) none;
+tt {
+ background: 5px bottom round no-repeat url("test.png"), 5px bottom repeat, none repeat, center none content-box, repeat url("test.png"), linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box repeat none center, none content-box content-box top left round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box padding-box red 5px bottom;
+ut {
+ background: repeat top left border-box padding-box url("test.png"), border-box, repeat 5px bottom border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box padding-box round no-repeat, content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat top left, repeat url("test.png") 10% padding-box red;
+vt {
+ background: content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom round no-repeat, padding-box padding-box url("test.png") top left / cover;
+wt {
+ background: 5px bottom, none 5px bottom / 10% padding-box content-box round no-repeat, none top left / cover round no-repeat, border-box border-box 5px bottom / 10% url("test.png"), round no-repeat, 10% / 10% none padding-box, content-box none 10% / auto auto repeat, padding-box repeat top left, padding-box;
+xt {
+ background: 10% url("test.png") border-box border-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box padding-box repeat 5px bottom, none 10%, url("test.png") content-box round no-repeat;
+yt {
+ background: padding-box center / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") top left, 10% url("test.png") repeat, round no-repeat, content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) center repeat, content-box 10% round no-repeat, none round no-repeat center content-box, center / cover padding-box repeat, border-box padding-box url("test.png") round no-repeat, top left border-box content-box round no-repeat, 10% content-box border-box none, none 5px bottom, border-box border-box none 5px bottom repeat, url("test.png") 5px bottom / cover round no-repeat padding-box, center border-box border-box url("test.png"), border-box 10% url("test.png"), none border-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box padding-box repeat url("test.png"), linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% repeat, 5px bottom url("test.png") round no-repeat, center / cover url("test.png") repeat, content-box #ADF linear-gradient(pink, purple) center round no-repeat;
+zt {
+ background: content-box padding-box 10% / 10%, padding-box repeat, border-box repeat center none, content-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, top left round no-repeat, round no-repeat url("test.png"), url("test.png") center repeat, repeat center padding-box content-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat padding-box padding-box center, url("test.png") content-box center / 10% round no-repeat, url("test.png") 10% repeat border-box, border-box none repeat 10%, padding-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) center, content-box repeat top left, url("test.png") repeat currentColor;
+au {
+ background: padding-box none alpha(pink, 0.5) top left;
+bu {
+ background: padding-box center, repeat, top left repeat content-box border-box none, url("test.png") border-box content-box repeat 10% / auto auto, currentColor linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom;
+cu {
+ background: round no-repeat top left / auto auto, round no-repeat 10% / 10% padding-box content-box none, center content-box border-box repeat, none border-box 5px bottom, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat 10%;
+du {
+ background: repeat url("test.png"), 10% none round no-repeat content-box, center none repeat padding-box, top left linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, top left padding-box padding-box, 5px bottom repeat none border-box, top left round no-repeat padding-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), 10% repeat none padding-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat top left / cover;
+eu {
+ background: padding-box none, content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat center;
+fu {
+ background: alpha(pink, 0.5) url("test.png") padding-box 5px bottom / auto auto;
+gu {
+ background: round no-repeat none content-box 5px bottom / cover, round no-repeat none, repeat, border-box 10%, repeat padding-box url("test.png") center / auto auto, 5px bottom / cover round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat content-box, center / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box content-box, top left round no-repeat url("test.png"), content-box content-box 5px bottom, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box round no-repeat top left, top left content-box none, border-box none 5px bottom, content-box center / 10% currentColor linear-gradient(pink, purple);
+hu {
+ background: 10% url("test.png"), repeat center / 10% border-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box border-box repeat none center, 10% border-box repeat none, content-box 5px bottom none, none center round no-repeat, top left content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box content-box repeat, content-box padding-box top left / 10% round no-repeat, 5px bottom repeat, 10% / auto auto linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, 5px bottom padding-box padding-box round no-repeat, 10% / 10% content-box round no-repeat none @home;
+iu {
+ background: 5px bottom repeat content-box, padding-box border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom / cover repeat;
+ju {
+ background: content-box red 10%;
+ku {
+ background: url("test.png") red round no-repeat 10%;
+lu {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat padding-box padding-box 5px bottom;
+mu {
+ background: round no-repeat top left / 10% content-box, round no-repeat 10% padding-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat padding-box top left / 10%, round no-repeat content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10%, center / 10% border-box none round no-repeat, round no-repeat padding-box top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat url("test.png") center padding-box padding-box, round no-repeat center / auto auto content-box none, content-box border-box, top left padding-box content-box url("test.png"), linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box content-box;
+nu {
+ background: none round no-repeat 10% / cover content-box padding-box, center url("test.png") content-box content-box, padding-box 5px bottom / cover round no-repeat none, border-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) currentColor round no-repeat;
+ou {
+ background: url("test.png") center padding-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) center padding-box, 10% repeat padding-box url("test.png"), url("test.png") repeat border-box, padding-box repeat 5px bottom, 5px bottom repeat content-box, repeat center / cover, padding-box top left / cover, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box repeat @home 5px bottom;
+pu {
+ background: repeat red url("test.png") padding-box center;
+qu {
+ background: url("test.png"), 5px bottom / 10% repeat padding-box border-box, none padding-box round no-repeat center, 5px bottom round no-repeat, padding-box, repeat none border-box center, 10% / 10% url("test.png") border-box, 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat alpha(pink, 0.5);
+ru {
+ background: repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom / auto auto content-box, content-box content-box 5px bottom / auto auto linear-gradient(pink, purple), 5px bottom round no-repeat, repeat center / 10% content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") top left, border-box round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left / 10%, 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% #ADF round no-repeat;
+su {
+ background: 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left / auto auto border-box, repeat content-box content-box 10% / auto auto none, url("test.png") repeat 5px bottom / 10%, round no-repeat 5px bottom, round no-repeat padding-box none, 10% padding-box round no-repeat url("test.png"), round no-repeat 5px bottom / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple);
+tu {
+ background: content-box border-box url("test.png") center / cover round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% / cover border-box, repeat url("test.png") 10%, border-box padding-box none center round no-repeat, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom padding-box;
+uu {
+ background: center padding-box border-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box 5px bottom / cover, 5px bottom / cover, linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box border-box, repeat alpha(pink, 0.5) url("test.png") 10%;
+vu {
+ background: border-box round no-repeat center, repeat content-box border-box, 5px bottom round no-repeat, none center / cover content-box border-box;
+wu {
+ background: repeat border-box, content-box repeat, url("test.png") center content-box content-box repeat, url("test.png") top left repeat, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box, 10% / 10% border-box border-box round no-repeat url("test.png"), border-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom, padding-box padding-box url("test.png") repeat 5px bottom / 10% currentColor;
+xu {
+ background: border-box border-box round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box center / 10%, repeat content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10%, url("test.png") content-box content-box @home round no-repeat;
+yu {
+ background: border-box 10% / cover url("test.png") round no-repeat, top left / auto auto none repeat content-box, center padding-box content-box url("test.png"), 10% content-box, none round no-repeat padding-box padding-box 5px bottom, 5px bottom repeat padding-box none, repeat 10% none, none content-box content-box currentColor repeat;
+zu {
+ background: 5px bottom currentColor padding-box content-box round no-repeat;
+av {
+ background: #ADF 5px bottom / cover round no-repeat;
+bv {
+ background: round no-repeat content-box 10%, repeat url("test.png") padding-box padding-box top left, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box border-box, padding-box 10%, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom round no-repeat, none border-box 10% / cover, linear-gradient(pink, purple);
+cv {
+ background: padding-box none top left round no-repeat, round no-repeat url("test.png") padding-box, none 10% border-box, top left, none center / 10%, #ADF center url("test.png");
+dv {
+ background: none repeat content-box top left, border-box 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box padding-box none 5px bottom, 10% url("test.png") border-box, repeat padding-box 5px bottom, url("test.png") center round no-repeat content-box, content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, padding-box repeat url("test.png"), 10% / auto auto padding-box round no-repeat none, padding-box none 5px bottom, repeat none center, padding-box top left round no-repeat, 10% / auto auto alpha(pink, 0.5) repeat border-box;
+ev {
+ background: content-box center / cover round no-repeat red;
+fv {
+ background: top left repeat, content-box repeat, padding-box content-box #ADF 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat;
+gv {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) center / cover padding-box border-box;
+hv {
+ background: center, currentColor content-box url("test.png");
+iv {
+ background: border-box none repeat, center padding-box content-box none, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat alpha(pink, 0.5) padding-box padding-box;
+jv {
+ background: repeat padding-box border-box, repeat center content-box none, border-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) center, top left / 10% round no-repeat content-box content-box, content-box border-box center, 10% border-box url("test.png"), 10% padding-box, none padding-box round no-repeat 5px bottom / cover, round no-repeat 5px bottom none, linear-gradient(pink, purple) center content-box, 5px bottom url("test.png"), round no-repeat 10% / 10% url("test.png"), 5px bottom repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), top left / cover, padding-box repeat url("test.png");
+kv {
+ background: alpha(pink, 0.5) none repeat;
+lv {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat 5px bottom, none center round no-repeat content-box, content-box padding-box url("test.png") center / auto auto round no-repeat, center round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box;
+mv {
+ background: none content-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box padding-box top left / auto auto, center padding-box content-box round no-repeat, round no-repeat url("test.png") border-box center / auto auto, border-box 10% round no-repeat url("test.png");
+nv {
+ background: padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) center / 10%, content-box top left / cover, border-box content-box round no-repeat 10% / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat padding-box top left / auto auto url("test.png"), repeat top left padding-box url("test.png"), content-box content-box repeat, currentColor url("test.png") 5px bottom round no-repeat;
+ov {
+ background: top left / cover repeat border-box content-box, center / 10% none repeat, round no-repeat 10%, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom / auto auto border-box content-box, round no-repeat none 10% content-box;
+pv {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) center / auto auto, url("test.png") red padding-box;
+qv {
+ background: repeat, 5px bottom round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat center linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box border-box, top left / 10% none, top left round no-repeat url("test.png"), padding-box border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat 5px bottom / cover red;
+rv {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box border-box round no-repeat 10% / auto auto, top left repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box content-box round no-repeat, top left border-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), center none repeat, url("test.png") padding-box, round no-repeat top left / 10% url("test.png"), border-box none;
+sv {
+ background: 10% round no-repeat url("test.png"), border-box repeat red 10% / auto auto;
+tv {
+ background: round no-repeat content-box border-box none, content-box round no-repeat, padding-box content-box repeat red;
+uv {
+ background: repeat, top left / cover content-box repeat @home;
+vv {
+ background: url("test.png") round no-repeat border-box padding-box, 5px bottom / auto auto padding-box border-box repeat, url("test.png") repeat padding-box padding-box, round no-repeat center, repeat none center content-box border-box, round no-repeat 5px bottom / auto auto url("test.png"), top left content-box repeat alpha(pink, 0.5);
+wv {
+ background: content-box top left / cover repeat none, repeat padding-box content-box, round no-repeat center / 10% none, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% / auto auto round no-repeat, round no-repeat content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left / cover, currentColor center repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple);
+xv {
+ background: 5px bottom repeat, round no-repeat none padding-box 5px bottom, url("test.png"), repeat top left padding-box, none, url("test.png") center / cover round no-repeat content-box content-box, url("test.png") 10% border-box repeat, top left content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, 10% @home linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat;
+yv {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom / cover round no-repeat border-box, top left content-box padding-box;
+zv {
+ background: repeat border-box padding-box top left url("test.png"), @home round no-repeat border-box;
+aw {
+ background: content-box top left, content-box url("test.png") round no-repeat, center padding-box none @home;
+bw {
+ background: center linear-gradient(pink, purple) alpha(pink, 0.5) padding-box padding-box;
+cw {
+ background: url("test.png") repeat border-box 10% / auto auto, 10% / 10% round no-repeat, content-box repeat 5px bottom, padding-box border-box round no-repeat, border-box round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), center #ADF round no-repeat padding-box content-box;
+dw {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box 10% repeat, repeat center content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple);
+ew {
+ background: round no-repeat none 10%, url("test.png") top left content-box round no-repeat, 10% / 10%;
+fw {
+ background: none center border-box round no-repeat, round no-repeat border-box padding-box url("test.png"), linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10%, repeat 10% content-box #ADF linear-gradient(pink, purple);
+gw {
+ background: top left / cover repeat, border-box 10% / 10%, currentColor 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box padding-box;
+hw {
+ background: content-box round no-repeat, content-box none repeat, repeat content-box url("test.png") center, top left round no-repeat border-box content-box none;
+iw {
+ background: url("test.png") top left, border-box red repeat;
+jw {
+ background: currentColor round no-repeat border-box none center;
+kw {
+ background: border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% repeat, repeat border-box 10% url("test.png"), 10%, center, 10% round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), top left repeat, top left / 10% none #ADF border-box padding-box repeat;
+lw {
+ background: round no-repeat padding-box center, content-box repeat 10% url("test.png"), padding-box center, border-box 5px bottom @home none;
+mw {
+ background: content-box content-box 5px bottom, top left url("test.png") round no-repeat padding-box padding-box, round no-repeat url("test.png");
+nw {
+ background: url("test.png") round no-repeat content-box, round no-repeat 5px bottom content-box content-box, repeat none, none, url("test.png") content-box, 5px bottom / auto auto round no-repeat content-box, center round no-repeat currentColor padding-box url("test.png");
+ow {
+ background: content-box padding-box repeat top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat content-box padding-box 10%, red round no-repeat none border-box content-box;
+pw {
+ background: border-box padding-box 5px bottom url("test.png"), repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10%, round no-repeat none top left, none border-box round no-repeat, repeat top left / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box padding-box, border-box border-box center round no-repeat, content-box none repeat, content-box border-box top left / auto auto repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple);
+qw {
+ background: content-box padding-box 5px bottom none, currentColor border-box top left none;
+rw {
+ background: round no-repeat none, border-box none repeat, repeat content-box currentColor;
+sw {
+ background: top left linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat content-box, top left / 10% red border-box border-box;
+tw {
+ background: border-box, center padding-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat center / auto auto alpha(pink, 0.5);
+uw {
+ background: border-box border-box top left, round no-repeat 10% border-box url("test.png"), url("test.png") border-box center / auto auto, 10% round no-repeat url("test.png") #ADF;
+vw {
+ background: 5px bottom / cover round no-repeat padding-box padding-box, padding-box padding-box round no-repeat center, border-box none, url("test.png") repeat 10% / 10% content-box, content-box border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% repeat content-box, border-box padding-box 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") top left, round no-repeat top left, 5px bottom / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat content-box, @home padding-box 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple);
+ww {
+ background: padding-box 5px bottom repeat, repeat 10% / cover padding-box padding-box none, 10% / auto auto repeat, content-box 10% round no-repeat, content-box repeat none top left, round no-repeat border-box content-box 10%, 5px bottom border-box round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") content-box top left repeat, repeat 5px bottom / cover border-box none, padding-box padding-box 5px bottom url("test.png"), repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box, content-box 10% none round no-repeat, url("test.png") border-box 10% / 10%, round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") 10% border-box padding-box, content-box round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat border-box top left / auto auto, none repeat padding-box top left, border-box 5px bottom url("test.png") repeat, none border-box 10% round no-repeat, padding-box, 10% / 10% url("test.png") padding-box border-box, url("test.png") center repeat, 5px bottom repeat paddin
g-box, center round no-repeat content-box, url("test.png") repeat border-box, none, border-box round no-repeat top left, 5px bottom / cover repeat border-box, url("test.png") padding-box, padding-box top left / auto auto url("test.png") repeat, 10% repeat, 5px bottom / auto auto repeat padding-box alpha(pink, 0.5);
+xw {
+ background: repeat, red center / 10%;
+yw {
+ background: repeat content-box, repeat none padding-box 5px bottom / 10%, round no-repeat, none center / auto auto round no-repeat content-box content-box, content-box round no-repeat, top left @home url("test.png");
+zw {
+ background: content-box content-box round no-repeat top left / cover, round no-repeat content-box padding-box top left;
+ax {
+ background: padding-box content-box url("test.png") 5px bottom round no-repeat, round no-repeat border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left, #ADF center linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat content-box border-box;
+bx {
+ background: none repeat center / 10%, top left none border-box content-box round no-repeat;
+cx {
+ background: none padding-box 10%, center;
+dx {
+ background: content-box 5px bottom / cover repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box content-box url("test.png"), top left / cover border-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box content-box none, padding-box 5px bottom repeat url("test.png"), linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box border-box 5px bottom, round no-repeat padding-box url("test.png") 5px bottom, repeat url("test.png") 5px bottom, none content-box repeat, repeat content-box top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), top left linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box currentColor;
+ex {
+ background: border-box repeat;
+fx {
+ background: @home url("test.png") 10% / auto auto border-box content-box;
+gx {
+ background: alpha(pink, 0.5) content-box padding-box round no-repeat;
+hx {
+ background: 5px bottom / cover round no-repeat border-box, border-box round no-repeat 5px bottom url("test.png"), repeat padding-box center;
+ix {
+ background: repeat border-box, content-box content-box 10% url("test.png") repeat, red content-box 5px bottom none repeat;
+jx {
+ background: none repeat 5px bottom;
+kx {
+ background: 5px bottom / 10% repeat currentColor none;
+lx {
+ background: url("test.png") border-box top left round no-repeat, repeat center content-box, border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom, content-box repeat, none top left / 10% padding-box round no-repeat;
+mx {
+ background: 5px bottom round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box padding-box, 5px bottom;
+nx {
+ background: content-box content-box round no-repeat url("test.png") center / 10%, top left none repeat;
+ox {
+ background: round no-repeat red top left / 10% none;
+px {
+ background: 10% url("test.png") border-box border-box round no-repeat, padding-box border-box center repeat, content-box center / 10% url("test.png"), center content-box @home;
+qx {
+ background: round no-repeat border-box top left, 5px bottom / auto auto repeat none border-box, 10% repeat content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), 5px bottom currentColor repeat content-box;
+rx {
+ background: content-box 5px bottom url("test.png") repeat, padding-box repeat, repeat padding-box top left / 10%, 5px bottom padding-box content-box url("test.png"), padding-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), top left / 10% round no-repeat url("test.png") border-box, round no-repeat border-box content-box, top left url("test.png") padding-box round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box content-box round no-repeat 5px bottom, 10% / 10% padding-box #ADF url("test.png") round no-repeat;
+sx {
+ background: url("test.png") border-box, none content-box padding-box center / cover, border-box center / 10% repeat url("test.png"), 5px bottom repeat border-box, padding-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") 10% border-box content-box, padding-box 10% repeat, 10% / auto auto border-box border-box;
+tx {
+ background: none center padding-box content-box, padding-box url("test.png") top left / cover repeat, border-box none 5px bottom, center round no-repeat padding-box, content-box repeat, repeat 10% padding-box content-box, padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat top left, border-box repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat border-box top left, content-box padding-box 10% / cover none repeat, top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box content-box none 5px bottom / cover, padding-box repeat @home 5px bottom / 10% url("test.png");
+ux {
+ background: center repeat none border-box, border-box 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, center / auto auto padding-box border-box, repeat 10%, 5px bottom / auto auto round no-repeat padding-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) center, repeat 5px bottom padding-box padding-box none, border-box repeat center / 10%, repeat none top left content-box, round no-repeat none border-box, top left / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") border-box center, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat border-box, round no-repeat border-box top left / 10%, none center padding-box, none round no-repeat padding-box red top left / 10%;
+vx {
+ background: round no-repeat alpha(pink, 0.5) linear-gradient(pink, purple) center border-box;
+wx {
+ background: center / auto auto padding-box repeat url("test.png"), border-box repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat content-box currentColor;
+xx {
+ background: 5px bottom round no-repeat border-box, repeat top left, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, red padding-box center repeat;
+yx {
+ background: 10% / cover none padding-box, none 5px bottom round no-repeat, 5px bottom / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box content-box round no-repeat, 5px bottom / auto auto none padding-box padding-box, url("test.png") round no-repeat 10% / 10%, content-box border-box round no-repeat none, none top left border-box currentColor;
+zx {
+ background: url("test.png") content-box padding-box repeat, url("test.png") repeat 5px bottom, padding-box 10% / 10% none repeat currentColor;
+ay {
+ background: border-box padding-box top left / cover round no-repeat, round no-repeat padding-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom, top left round no-repeat;
+by {
+ background: repeat none 5px bottom / 10% padding-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% round no-repeat, border-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left, padding-box content-box currentColor center round no-repeat url("test.png");
+cy {
+ background: url("test.png") 10% / 10% repeat, @home top left url("test.png") content-box;
+dy {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left repeat content-box, repeat none content-box, round no-repeat padding-box, 10% currentColor repeat padding-box;
+ey {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat border-box border-box, round no-repeat padding-box 10% / auto auto url("test.png"), content-box repeat, alpha(pink, 0.5) linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left / 10% repeat;
+fy {
+ background: none repeat, round no-repeat red border-box border-box center;
+gy {
+ background: 5px bottom / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box, center / 10% repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), none repeat 10% / auto auto content-box content-box, @home linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat top left border-box padding-box;
+hy {
+ background: padding-box content-box 10% / auto auto currentColor round no-repeat;
+iy {
+ background: #ADF url("test.png") top left round no-repeat;
+jy {
+ background: 5px bottom url("test.png"), linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box 10% / cover, border-box padding-box center, center / cover repeat border-box url("test.png"), content-box none 10%, 5px bottom / 10% repeat content-box, repeat, round no-repeat url("test.png") content-box border-box, round no-repeat 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), top left round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box, padding-box center / 10% none, 5px bottom repeat content-box url("test.png"), linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box border-box top left / 10%, none content-box center, content-box center url("test.png"), content-box none top left, top left none padding-box, round no-repeat content-box padding-box center / 10%, padding-box repeat 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple), 5px bottom border-box padding-box url("test.png") round no-repeat, center / cover red url("test.png") repeat content-box padding-box;
+ky {
+ background: alpha(pink, 0.5) url("test.png") content-box top left / auto auto;
+ly {
+ background: repeat center / 10% border-box, none 10% / 10% repeat border-box;
+my {
+ background: center none repeat, content-box top left none repeat, center none padding-box round no-repeat, url("test.png") round no-repeat padding-box, repeat border-box border-box none;
+ny {
+ background: top left border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) alpha(pink, 0.5) repeat;
+oy {
+ background: padding-box 10% url("test.png"), top left none repeat, padding-box top left / cover round no-repeat, repeat padding-box border-box 10%, padding-box center none, repeat border-box border-box url("test.png") center, round no-repeat padding-box, center padding-box border-box round no-repeat url("test.png"), top left round no-repeat content-box none, 5px bottom border-box, url("test.png") repeat border-box content-box, border-box padding-box round no-repeat none, center red content-box repeat;
+py {
+ background: url("test.png") content-box content-box round no-repeat, none repeat center border-box border-box, padding-box border-box 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box border-box, repeat url("test.png") border-box top left, border-box url("test.png") center repeat, none, border-box border-box top left repeat, top left / 10% repeat red url("test.png");
+qy {
+ background: border-box center round no-repeat, none border-box content-box repeat, content-box border-box 10% / cover, repeat center / 10% url("test.png"), repeat, round no-repeat padding-box content-box top left / cover, top left none border-box, center / cover padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), content-box round no-repeat, content-box 5px bottom / cover @home url("test.png");
+ry {
+ background: round no-repeat center padding-box, center / 10% round no-repeat border-box, padding-box none, content-box top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") border-box border-box;
+sy {
+ background: top left / 10%, 5px bottom border-box, none repeat center content-box, round no-repeat padding-box, round no-repeat padding-box, 10% / auto auto, content-box round no-repeat, padding-box url("test.png"), border-box content-box top left, border-box 10% / 10% round no-repeat, none repeat, padding-box top left url("test.png"), border-box content-box url("test.png"), content-box border-box repeat none center / cover, round no-repeat 10% padding-box content-box, top left / auto auto round no-repeat, 5px bottom / cover repeat content-box none, top left currentColor padding-box padding-box;
+ty {
+ background: 5px bottom content-box, none content-box, 5px bottom / auto auto repeat padding-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple), border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat 5px bottom, 10% border-box repeat;
+uy {
+ background: padding-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat border-box, 10% / auto auto round no-repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), url("test.png") round no-repeat border-box, url("test.png") round no-repeat padding-box 5px bottom, round no-repeat url("test.png") 10% / auto auto, 10% none border-box border-box, 5px bottom / 10% url("test.png") repeat red border-box;
+vy {
+ background: round no-repeat 5px bottom url("test.png"), none padding-box repeat, 10% url("test.png"), 5px bottom url("test.png") repeat, content-box border-box round no-repeat 10% none, border-box border-box 10%, 5px bottom, border-box none repeat 5px bottom / auto auto, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat padding-box, 10% padding-box border-box repeat, 5px bottom / cover round no-repeat, padding-box content-box 10% none round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box 5px bottom / 10%, repeat padding-box padding-box top left none, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom, linear-gradient(pink, purple) red 5px bottom round no-repeat;
+wy {
+ background: url("test.png") 5px bottom / cover, 10% / auto auto linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat 10% border-box, border-box url("test.png") 10% / cover, round no-repeat 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box, top left padding-box, repeat url("test.png"), round no-repeat padding-box 10%, border-box url("test.png"), linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple), 5px bottom padding-box content-box, content-box 10% repeat, repeat 10%, content-box repeat none top left, none, center / cover url("test.png") content-box padding-box @home;
+xy {
+ background: content-box center, padding-box center url("test.png"), top left linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat content-box padding-box none, repeat, repeat 10% url("test.png"), content-box content-box none top left, 5px bottom / cover round no-repeat, border-box round no-repeat, top left url("test.png") repeat;
+yy {
+ background: round no-repeat url("test.png") border-box border-box center, padding-box border-box none top left, 5px bottom border-box round no-repeat, top left / 10% repeat border-box, linear-gradient(pink, purple), top left / cover repeat, padding-box padding-box 5px bottom repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple), 10% none, padding-box content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, round no-repeat center padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, content-box content-box repeat 10%, none;
+zy {
+ background: round no-repeat url("test.png"), center / 10% repeat, border-box center linear-gradient(pink, purple), repeat 5px bottom, padding-box padding-box round no-repeat none top left / auto auto, round no-repeat border-box border-box center, repeat content-box padding-box url("test.png"), 5px bottom none, none 5px bottom content-box, top left content-box padding-box round no-repeat, padding-box 5px bottom round no-repeat url("test.png"), round no-repeat border-box url("test.png") 10%, 10% / 10% repeat url("test.png") border-box content-box, content-box repeat @home 5px bottom / auto auto;
+az {
+ background: repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box padding-box, round no-repeat 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple), round no-repeat url("test.png") content-box border-box 10%, content-box border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) @home 5px bottom;
+bz {
+ background: round no-repeat border-box, top left content-box content-box, round no-repeat, round no-repeat padding-box, url("test.png") border-box 10% repeat, none padding-box content-box center, 5px bottom / cover none, url("test.png") round no-repeat, 5px bottom / auto auto, repeat 10% url("test.png") padding-box, repeat border-box url("test.png") 10% / cover, none 10% repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box top left repeat, 5px bottom url("test.png"), content-box none 10% / 10%, round no-repeat none padding-box top left, none top left / cover, repeat none 5px bottom, 5px bottom border-box padding-box, repeat, round no-repeat padding-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple), top left border-box repeat;
+cz {
+ background: 10% content-box none, 5px bottom, top left, 5px bottom / 10% repeat none, linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, none, center linear-gradient(pink, purple) padding-box repeat, top left / 10% url("test.png") content-box, url("test.png") 10% / 10% red;
+dz {
+ background: border-box round no-repeat center / cover, border-box content-box round no-repeat, 10% / auto auto, repeat center / cover url("test.png") border-box, 5px bottom repeat border-box, url("test.png") 5px bottom / 10% #ADF content-box padding-box;
+ez {
+ background: url("test.png") 10%, url("test.png") 10% round no-repeat, none content-box padding-box 5px bottom, padding-box 5px bottom / auto auto #ADF;
+fz {
+ background: padding-box 5px bottom round no-repeat, repeat center padding-box, round no-repeat 5px bottom @home;
+gz {
+ background: padding-box repeat url("test.png") 10%, round no-repeat center / cover padding-box border-box, url("test.png") 10% repeat, 5px bottom / 10% round no-repeat content-box;
+hz {
+ background: none round no-repeat center / cover border-box, 10% content-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, url("test.png") round no-repeat padding-box content-box 10%, border-box padding-box repeat center / cover linear-gradient(pink, purple), 5px bottom #ADF round no-repeat border-box;
+iz {
+ background: round no-repeat content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10%, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box, center round no-repeat, center url("test.png") repeat border-box padding-box, top left / cover url("test.png"), url("test.png") repeat content-box center, top left / auto auto repeat, border-box none repeat;
+jz {
+ background: padding-box content-box url("test.png"), round no-repeat content-box 5px bottom url("test.png"), repeat center / auto auto alpha(pink, 0.5);
+kz {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box padding-box repeat #ADF;
+lz {
+ background: padding-box center @home repeat none;
+mz {
+ background: none padding-box padding-box repeat, padding-box top left round no-repeat, repeat content-box url("test.png") 5px bottom / cover, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10%, border-box content-box none, 10%;
+nz {
+ background: repeat #ADF;
+oz {
+ background: content-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 10% / 10%, padding-box 5px bottom round no-repeat;
+pz {
+ background: content-box 10% / cover repeat, round no-repeat @home url("test.png") border-box;
+qz {
+ background: 5px bottom linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat padding-box border-box, border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom, padding-box padding-box round no-repeat, border-box border-box 10% repeat;
+rz {
+ background: padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat 5px bottom, border-box content-box, center / 10% border-box round no-repeat, border-box center round no-repeat url("test.png"), center / 10% none, center, none top left border-box currentColor;
+sz {
+ background: top left @home content-box url("test.png") round no-repeat;
+tz {
+ background: padding-box round no-repeat none, top left round no-repeat padding-box, content-box center / 10% url("test.png"), url("test.png"), content-box round no-repeat center url("test.png"), 10% padding-box, padding-box round no-repeat, border-box border-box none repeat, linear-gradient(pink, purple) border-box round no-repeat center, repeat url("test.png") 5px bottom / cover, padding-box padding-box top left / auto auto, center border-box repeat, round no-repeat center / cover, border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left / cover, none repeat 10% border-box;
+uz {
+ background: content-box 10% / 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple), padding-box content-box repeat url("test.png");
+vz {
+ background: border-box round no-repeat top left, 10% repeat url("test.png"), repeat content-box content-box 5px bottom, center none round no-repeat, repeat currentColor content-box border-box url("test.png") 5px bottom / auto auto;
+wz {
+ background: linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom padding-box, repeat center / auto auto border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple);
+xz {
+ background: round no-repeat padding-box content-box;
+yz {
+ background: content-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) top left, border-box 5px bottom, content-box repeat #ADF linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom;
+zz {
+ background: repeat center, round no-repeat url("test.png") top left / cover, padding-box padding-box 5px bottom / auto auto, top left / 10% round no-repeat border-box, 5px bottom url("test.png") border-box, border-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, border-box padding-box center / auto auto url("test.png"), round no-repeat border-box, 10% linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat content-box, repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) center, padding-box content-box url("test.png") repeat, 10% repeat linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box, repeat padding-box center / auto auto, none repeat, content-box center linear-gradient(pink, purple) round no-repeat, repeat content-box, 5px bottom / auto auto linear-gradient(pink, purple) content-box border-box repeat, content-box url("test.png") round no-repeat, repeat none, center round no-repeat url("test.png") content-box padding-box, round no-repeat 10% / auto auto url("test.png"), content-box border-box linear-gr
adient(pink, purple) repeat center, linear-gradient(pink, purple) 5px bottom / cover round no-repeat border-box, none, border-box round no-repeat center, linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, border-box padding-box linear-gradient(pink, purple) repeat, 10% / cover content-box round no-repeat, repeat none, repeat url("test.png") top left;
diff --git a/tests/css/parser/background-shorthand.ref.css b/tests/css/parser/background-shorthand.ref.css
index 7c6f15d..fa70da9 100644
--- a/tests/css/parser/background-shorthand.ref.css
+++ b/tests/css/parser/background-shorthand.ref.css
@@ -1,2599 +1,6759 @@
a {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 10%, left top, center, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%;
b {
- background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 10%, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, left top, left top, center, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, 10%, cover, 10%, auto, auto, auto;
c {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, url(""), none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, left top, left top, left top, left top, 10%, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto;
d {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, left top, 10%, 10%, left top, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto;
e {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, center, left top, 10%, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, 10%;
f {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
g {
- background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, cover;
h {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%, center, left top, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto;
i {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
j {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
k {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, center, left top, left top, left top, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, 10%, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto;
l {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
m {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
n {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, center, left top, 10%, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, 10%, auto;
o {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%;
p {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
q {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 10%, left top, left top, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, left top, center, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
r {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
s {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, url(""), url(""), none, url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, left top, left top, left top, center, 5px bottom, center, center, 5px bottom, 10%, 5px bottom, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
t {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto;
u {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
v {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, center, center, 5px bottom, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto;
w {
- background-clip: content-box;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, none, url(""), url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url("
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 10%, center, 10%, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, 10%, 10%, center, center, left top, left top, left top, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%;
x {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
y {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, cover, auto;
z {
- background-clip: content-box;
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, n
one, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, left top, center, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, 10%, center, 10%, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, 10%, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
ab {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, none, none, url(""), url(""), url(""), url(""), url(""), url("
0QA/wD/AP+gvaeTAAAAFUlEQVQImQXBAQEAAACAEP9PF1CpMCnkBftPnd1xAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"), none, url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, center, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, center, left top, 10%, center, center, 10%, center, left top, left top, 10%, center, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, left top, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
bb {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto;
cb {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, center, center, left top, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, cover, auto;
db {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
eb {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, url(""), none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, center, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, 10%, left top, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto;
fb {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, none, url(""), url(""), none, none, none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, center, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, center, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, left top, 10%, center, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto;
gb {
background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
hb {
- background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, center, left top, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
ib {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto;
jb {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 10%, center, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto;
kb {
- background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
lb {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, center, left top, 10%, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
mb {
- background-clip: content-box;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 5px bottom, center, center, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
nb {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
ob {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, center, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, 10%;
pb {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
qb {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto;
rb {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%, 5px bottom, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto;
sb {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
tb {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
ub {
- background-clip: initial;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, 10%, left top, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%;
vb {
- background-clip: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
wb {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, center, left top, 10%, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
xb {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: cover;
yb {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, url("
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, left top, center, left top, 10%, left top, left top, 10%, left top, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, 10%, auto, auto;
zb {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, 10%, left top, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, 10%, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto;
ac {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, 10%, auto;
bc {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%;
cc {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, center, 5px bottom, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, cover, auto;
dc {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, 10%, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, center, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
ec {
background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
fc {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), none, url(""), none, url(""), url(""), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, 5px bottom, 10%, center, center, 10%, left top, left top, left top, left top, center, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto;
gc {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, 5px bottom, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
hc {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, 10%;
ic {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: url(""), none, url(""), none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, left top, 10%, 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
jc {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
kc {
- background-clip: initial;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
lc {
- background-clip: initial;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, left top, 5px bottom, center, center, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto;
mc {
- background-clip: initial;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, center, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto;
nc {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, auto;
oc {
background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
pc {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
qc {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto;
rc {
- background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto;
sc {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, 10%, cover, auto, auto, auto;
tc {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
uc {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, url(""), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203),
rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%, left top, left top, 10%, left top, center, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, left top, 10%, center, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, cover, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto;
vc {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
wc {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
xc {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
yc {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
zc {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
ad {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, 10%, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, auto, auto;
bd {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
cd {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, center, left top, left top, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto;
dd {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
ed {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: initial;
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none;
background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
fd {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
xAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, 5px bottom, left top, left top, center, left top, left top, left top, center, 10%, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%;
gd {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 10%, 5px bottom, 10%, 5px bottom, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover;
hd {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, auto;
id {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 5px bottom, center, left top, left top, 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto;
jd {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
kd {
background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: 10%;
ld {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url("");
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover;
md {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 10%, left top, center, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
nd {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
od {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
pd {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none;
background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-position: 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
qd {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%;
rd {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover;
sd {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, center, center, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, 10%, 10%, auto, 10%;
td {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, none, url(""), none, url(""), none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, left top, left top, center, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, left top, center, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto;
ud {
- background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-clip: border-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: 10%;
vd {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
wd {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
xd {
- background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
yd {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), url(""), url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, 10%, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, 10%, 10%;
zd {
- background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
ae {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 5px bottom, center, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, center, left top, left top, center, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto;
be {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
ce {
background-clip: padding-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
de {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, center, center, left top, center, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, center, left top, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
ee {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, center, left top, center, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
fe {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 5px bottom, center, 10%, left top, center, center, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, 10%;
ge {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%;
he {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, none, none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, 10%, 5px bottom, left top, left top, 10%, center, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%;
ie {
- background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, center, center, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover, 10%, auto, auto, cover;
je {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none, none, url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, left top, 10%, 10%, center, left top, center, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, cover;
ke {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
le {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover;
me {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, left top, center, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
ne {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%;
oe {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 5px bottom, center, left top, left top, 10%, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
pe {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), url(""), none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 5px bottom, center, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
qe {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
re {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, center, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, 10%;
se {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), url(""), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, none, none, none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, none, url("
QA/wD/AP+gvaeTAAAAFUlEQVQImQXBAQEAAACAEP9PF1CpMCnkBftPnd1xAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, center, center, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 10%, center, center, left top, 5px bottom, center, left top, center, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 10%, center, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, cover, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto;
te {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, url(""), none, url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, left top, center, 5px bottom, center, left top, 10%, center, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
ue {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
ve {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
we {
background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
xe {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto;
ye {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
ze {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, center, 5px bottom, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
af {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, none, none, none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, u
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 10%, left top, left top, center, left top, left top, left top, 10%, left top, center, center, center, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto;
bf {
- background-clip: content-box;
+ background-clip: padding-box;
background-color: initial;
background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%;
cf {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, auto;
df {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
ef {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none;
background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
ff {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, url(""), url(""), none, none, none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, center, left top, center, left top, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto;
gf {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 10%, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, 10%, auto;
hf {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, 5px bottom, left top, left top, center, 5px bottom, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto;
if {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, center, center, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, auto, 10%, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
jf {
- background-clip: content-box;
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: none, none, none, url(""), none, url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover, cover, auto, auto;
kf {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, cover, 10%, auto;
lf {
background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
mf {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none;
background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-position: 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
nf {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
of {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 10%, center, center, left top, 5px bottom, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, cover, auto, auto, cover, cover, auto, auto;
pf {
- background-clip: content-box;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 10%, 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
qf {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, center, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
rf {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, cover;
sf {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
tf {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, 5px bottom, left top, left top, center, 10%, 10%, 5px bottom, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto;
uf {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
vf {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, url(""), none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 10%, 10%, left top, left top, 10%, left top, center, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
wf {
- background-clip: content-box;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: none, none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto;
xf {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
yf {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("
Rw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAIAAAACCAIAAAD91JpzAAAABmJLR0QA/wD/AP+gvaeTAAAAFUlEQVQImQXBAQEAAACAEP9PF1CpMCnkBftPnd1xAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, center, left top, left top, left top, left top, center, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, 10%, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
zf {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
ag {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none;
background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
bg {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), none, none, url(""), url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, left top, 10%, left top, left top, 10%, left top, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
cg {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%, 5px bottom, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, 10%, 10%;
dg {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
eg {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto;
fg {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, 5px bottom, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
gg {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover;
hg {
- background-clip: content-box;
+ background-clip: border-box;
background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: 10%;
ig {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 10%, 10%, left top, left top, center, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
jg {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, center, center, center, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover;
kg {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, center, left top, 10%, 10%, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
lg {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%;
mg {
- background-clip: content-box;
+ background-clip: border-box;
background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
ng {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 10%, left top, center, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover;
og {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, center, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
pg {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, center, left top, center, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, 10%, 5px bottom, left top, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, 10%, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto;
qg {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, url(""), url(""), none, none, none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top, center, left top, center, 10%, center, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto;
rg {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
sg {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, auto, auto;
tg {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
ug {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 10%, 5px bottom, center, center, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, cover;
vg {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover;
wg {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, center, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, 10%, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto;
xg {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto;
yg {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
zg {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, center, 5px bottom, center, left top, left top, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, cover, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
ah {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, center, 10%, left top, 10%, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
bh {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover;
ch {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, left top, center, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto;
dh {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, 10%, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, 10%, auto, auto, auto;
eh {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover, auto;
fh {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
gh {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
hh {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, center, 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
ih {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
jh {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, 5px bottom, center, 10%, center, left top, center, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, cover, auto, 10%;
kh {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
lh {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
mh {
- background-clip: content-box;
+ background-clip: border-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
nh {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, url(""), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, center, center, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto;
oh {
- background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-clip: border-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
ph {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 10%, 10%, 5px bottom, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, cover, auto, cover, 10%;
qh {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, none, url(""), none, none, none, url(""), url(""), none, none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, left top, left top, left top, center, center, 5px bottom, 10%, 10%, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto;
rh {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
sh {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, cover;
th {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, center, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
uh {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none;
background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
vh {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
wh {
- background-clip: content-box;
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, center, center, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
xh {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, 5px bottom, left top, left top, 10%, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%;
yh {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
zh {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, center, center, 10%, 10%, center, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, cover, auto;
ai {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, url(""), none, none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, center, 10%, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, center, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, cover, auto, 10%, 10%, cover, cover, auto, auto, cover, auto;
bi {
- background-clip: initial;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, auto;
ci {
- background-clip: initial;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%, 10%, center, left top, left top, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
di {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
ei {
- background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-clip: border-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
fi {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none;
background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
gi {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, auto;
hi {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto;
ii {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
ji {
- background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: none, none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
ki {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, none, none, url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 10%, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, center, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, 10%, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto;
li {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
mi {
- background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
ni {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), none, url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, none, none, none, none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, 5px bottom, left top, center, left top, center, left top, left top, left top, 10%, left top, left top, center, left top, 5px bottom, left top, center, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, 10%, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
oi {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, 10%, 10%, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto;
pi {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
qi {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, cover, auto;
ri {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
si {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, auto, 10%, auto;
ti {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: cover;
ui {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
vi {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
wi {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, center, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, 10%, 10%, 10%, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, cover, 10%, auto, cover;
xi {
- background-clip: content-box;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, url(""), none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, left top, left top, left top, 10%, center, left top, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto;
yi {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
zi {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
aj {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto;
bj {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
cj {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: initial;
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 10%, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto, cover;
dj {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
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a:image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAIAAAACCAIAAAD91JpzAAAABmJLR0QA/wD/AP+gvaeTAAAAFUlEQVQImQXBAQEAAACAEP9PF1CpMCnkBftPnd1xAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"), url(""), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, none, none;
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ej {
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+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
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+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, 10%, center, left top, center, 10%;
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fj {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
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- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, center, left top, 10%, left top, left top, center, center, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, 10%;
gj {
- background-clip: content-box;
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+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none;
background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
hj {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
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+ background-image: none, none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, center, center, left top, 5px bottom, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
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ij {
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- background-image: initial;
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- background-repeat: no-repeat;
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+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover, auto;
jj {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
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+ background-position: 10%, center, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, center, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover;
kj {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
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- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, url(""), none, none, url(""), none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, left top, left top, center, left top, left top, left top, center, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto;
lj {
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- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
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- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, none, none, none, url(""), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto;
mj {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
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- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, none, url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, center, 10%, left top, left top, center, left top, center, center, left top, left top, left top, 10%, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, cover, cover, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, 10%;
nj {
- background-clip: initial;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto;
oj {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, center, left top, 5px bottom, left top, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover, 10%, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto;
pj {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, cover;
qj {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, left top, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto;
rj {
background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
sj {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto;
tj {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%, 5px bottom, center, 10%, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
uj {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 10%, 10%, 5px bottom, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, 10%, auto, auto;
vj {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
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+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
wj {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, none, none, url(""), none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, 5px bottom, center, 10%, center, left top, center, 10%, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, 10%, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto;
xj {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
aeTAAAAFUlEQVQImQXBAQEAAACAEP9PF1CpMCnkBftPnd1xAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%, left top, center, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, center, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto;
yj {
- background-clip: initial;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%;
zj {
- background-clip: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box;
background-color: initial;
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
ak {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, 5px bottom, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover, auto;
bk {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
ck {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
VQImQXBAQEAAACAEP9PF1CpMCnkBftPnd1xAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, center, 10%, center, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, left top, left top, center, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
dk {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
ek {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, left top, center, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
fk {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, center, 10%, 5px bottom, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
gk {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 10%, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
hk {
background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
ik {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, none, url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, left top, 10%, center, 10%, center, 5px bottom, left top, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, auto, cover, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, cover;
jk {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, center, left top, center, left top, 10%, left top, left top, left top, 10%, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
kk {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, left top, 10%, center, 10%, 10%, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
lk {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto;
mk {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, center, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto, 10%, auto, 10%, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
nk {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top, center, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, center, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
ok {
- background-clip: initial;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, center, 5px bottom, center, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, 10%, auto, 10%, auto, auto, 10%;
pk {
- background-clip: initial;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: url(""), url(""), none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto;
qk {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
rk {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, center, 10%, left top, left top, left top, left top, center, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 10%, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, 10%, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover;
sk {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, 10%, 10%, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
tk {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, 10%;
uk {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, center, center, center, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
vk {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
wk {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, left top, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto;
xk {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover;
yk {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
zk {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto;
al {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, 5px bottom, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, cover, auto;
bl {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
VQImQXBAQEAAACAEP9PF1CpMCnkBftPnd1xAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, 10%, 10%, left top, center, center, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto;
cl {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover;
dl {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
el {
background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
fl {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
gl {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: cover;
hl {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, 10%, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
il {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, 5px bottom, center, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, cover;
jl {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover;
kl {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover;
ll {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
ml {
background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
+ background-color: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
nl {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, url(""), url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
ol {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 10%, left top, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
pl {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, none, none, url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, cover;
ql {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, left top, left top, left top, 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover;
rl {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
sl {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), url(""), none, none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, left top, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover;
tl {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, 10%, 5px bottom, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, cover;
ul {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, 10%, center, left top, left top, 10%, center, left top, center, 10%, 10%, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
vl {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
wl {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: url(""), none, url(""), none, none, url(""), none, none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, center, center, left top, 10%, left top, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, left top, center, left top, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
xl {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: url(""), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, left top, 10%, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, cover, auto;
yl {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), none, url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
zl {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, 10%, center, left top, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
am {
- background-clip: initial;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, center, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
bm {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, center, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, cover;
cm {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, none, none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, center, 10%, left top, left top, center, left top, 10%, left top, 10%, left top, center, 5px bottom, center, left top, center, 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto;
dm {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
em {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: content-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
fm {
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
gm {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto;
hm {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
im {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover;
jm {
- background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: padding-box;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
km {
background-clip: content-box;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
lm {
- background-clip: initial;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, left top, left top, 10%, 10%, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto;
mm {
- background-clip: initial;
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203);
- background-image: initial;
- background-origin: initial;
- background-repeat: initial;
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, left top, center, left top, 10%, 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, left top, left top, center, 5px bottom, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, cover, auto, auto, 10%, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto;
+nm {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, url(""), url(""), none, url(""), none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 10%, left top, left top, 10%, center, 10%, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+om {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+pm {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, url(""), url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 10%, center, center, 10%, center, center, center, left top, left top, 10%, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto;
+qm {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 10%, left top, center, left top, left top, center, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, cover, auto, cover, cover, auto, auto;
+rm {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, none, url(""), none, url(""), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, left top, 10%, center, left top, left top, center, 10%, left top, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto;
+sm {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, center, center, left top, 10%, left top, center, 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto, 10%, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto;
+tm {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 10%, center, 10%, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, 10%, auto;
+um {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: url(""), none, url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, center, 10%, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+vm {
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 10%, left top, center, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+wm {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+xm {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, center, 5px bottom, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+ym {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, url(""), n
one, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, url(""), url(""), url(""), none, none, none, url(""), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("
AAAD91JpzAAAABmJLR0QA/wD/AP+gvaeTAAAAFUlEQVQImQXBAQEAAACAEP9PF1CpMCnkBftPnd1xAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, 10%, center, center, 10%, center, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, center, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, left top, center, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, center, center, center, center, center, left top, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 10%, 10%, center, 10%, center, center, 5px bottom, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, 10%, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto;
+zm {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 10%, left top, left top, center, left top, center, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, 10%, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+an {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+bn {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+cn {
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%, center, left top, left top, 10%, center, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%;
+dn {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 10%, center, 10%, 10%, 10%, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+en {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+fn {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, cover;
+gn {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, center, center, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, auto;
+hn {
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+in {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+jn {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+kn {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, center, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, 10%, cover;
+ln {
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: url(""), none, url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, center, center, 10%, 10%, 10%, center, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover;
+mn {
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, center, left top, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+nn {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 5px bottom, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto;
+on {
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+pn {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, center, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, auto;
+qn {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, center, 10%, left top, 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto;
+rn {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+sn {
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, cover;
+tn {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, none, none, none, none, none, url(""), url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 5px bottom, center, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, center, center, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+un {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+vn {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none, none, url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 10%, center, 5px bottom, 10%, 5px bottom, center, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+wn {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, none, none, url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, center, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, left top, center, center, 10%, 10%, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+xn {
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+yn {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, center, 10%, center, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+zn {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, auto;
+ao {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+bo {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
+co {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, url(""), url("");
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, center, left top, center, 5px bottom, 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%;
+do {
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+eo {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto;
+fo {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, url(""), none, url(""), url(""), url(""), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+go {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto;
+ho {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, none, none, url(""), none, none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, 10%, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%;
+io {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
+jo {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%, center, center, left top, center, left top, center, center, left top, left top, left top, left top, center, left top, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover;
+ko {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 10%, center, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, left top, center, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+lo {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: url(""), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+mo {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+no {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+oo {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, url("");
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+po {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+qo {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, 10%, left top, 10%, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+ro {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+so {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+to {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+uo {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, none, none, url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, center, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+vo {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+wo {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, left top, left top, left top, center, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, left top, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+xo {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, center, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto;
+yo {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
+zo {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover;
+ap {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, left top, 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, cover, auto;
+bp {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, center, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover, auto, auto;
+cp {
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 10%, left top, 10%, center, 5px bottom, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, cover, 10%, auto, auto, auto;
+dp {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
+ep {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto;
+fp {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto;
+gp {
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, 5px bottom, 10%, 10%, 5px bottom, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+hp {
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+ip {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, center, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, 10%, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, cover, auto;
+jp {
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, left top, left top, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+kp {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 10%, left top, left top, center, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+lp {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, center, 10%, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, cover, auto, auto;
+mp {
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, none, url(""), none, url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, left top, left top, center, 5px bottom, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+np {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, url(""), none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, center, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+op {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
+pp {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, left top, center, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+qp {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), url(""),
url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, left top, center, center, 5px bottom, center, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+rp {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, left top, left top, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, center, 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto;
+sp {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%;
+tp {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+up {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, center, 10%, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto;
+vp {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto;
+wp {
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+xp {
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: 10%;
+yp {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: url(""), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto;
+zp {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, url(""), url(""), url(""), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, center, 10%, left top, 10%, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+aq {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto;
+bq {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, center, center, center, left top, 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, 10%, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, 10%;
+cq {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: 10%;
+dq {
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+eq {
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+fq {
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+gq {
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, url(""), none, url(""), none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, center, center, 5px bottom, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+hq {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, center, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, left top, center, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+iq {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%;
+jq {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+kq {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+lq {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, left top, 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+mq {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, center, 5px bottom, center, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+nq {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+oq {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 10%, center, center, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, cover, cover, auto, auto;
+pq {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto;
+qq {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, none, none, url(""), none, none, url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, center, left top, left top, left top, center, 10%, center, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, center, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+rq {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 5px bottom, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, auto;
+sq {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, 5px bottom, center, 10%, 10%, left top, center, 10%, left top, left top, left top, left top, center, center, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto;
+tq {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, 5px bottom, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
+uq {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, center, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+vq {
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+wq {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+xq {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, center, center, left top, 10%, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto;
+yq {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, auto;
+zq {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, url(""), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("
TkSuQmCC"), none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, 10%, 10%, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, 10%, 5px bottom, left top, left top, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+ar {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+br {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, cover;
+cr {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+dr {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+er {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, cover, auto;
+fr {
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%;
+gr {
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
+hr {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, none, none, none, none, url(""), none, none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url("
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, center, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, center, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, 10%, left top, left top, 10%, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, cover, cover, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto;
+ir {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover;
+jr {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%, center, center, left top, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, cover;
+kr {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, left top, center, 10%, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+lr {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, 10%, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+mr {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+nr {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+or {
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, 10%, 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto;
+pr {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
+qr {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, center, 5px bottom, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, cover, auto;
+rr {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, left top, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto;
+sr {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, url(""), url(""), none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, center, left top, left top, left top, center, 5px bottom, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+tr {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, 10%, 10%, auto, auto, auto;
+ur {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%;
+vr {
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, cover;
+wr {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+xr {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none, none, url(""), none, none, none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, center, 10%, center, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+yr {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, cover;
+zr {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+as {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+bs {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto;
+cs {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
+ds {
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+es {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, url("");
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, 10%, left top, 10%, left top, 10%, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%;
+fs {
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, center, 10%, left top, center, left top, 5px bottom, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+gs {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, center, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+hs {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, 10%, 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, center, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto;
+is {
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+js {
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+ks {
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+ls {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover, auto;
+ms {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto;
+ns {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, 10%, auto, cover, 10%, auto;
+os {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, 10%, center, center, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, cover, auto, cover, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto;
+ps {
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, left top, center, left top, left top, left top, center, left top, 5px bottom, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover;
+qs {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 10%, 10%, 10%, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover, cover, auto, auto;
+rs {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, center, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, center, 5px bottom, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto;
+ss {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+ts {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, center, center, 5px bottom, center, left top, center, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover, auto, 10%, cover, auto, 10%, auto, auto;
+us {
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+vs {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+ws {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+xs {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 5px bottom, left top, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+ys {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+zs {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, left top, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, cover;
+at {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, center, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, auto, auto;
+bt {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, cover, auto;
+ct {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover;
+dt {
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+et {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none, none, url(""), none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, left top, center, 10%, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto;
+ft {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover;
+gt {
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+ht {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+it {
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, url(""), url(""), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, left top, center, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, 10%, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, cover, cover, auto, auto, auto;
+jt {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, url(""), none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, left top, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+kt {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, url(""), none, url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, center, center, left top, 10%, left top, left top, 10%, center, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, cover, auto, auto;
+lt {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto;
+mt {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, 10%, left top, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+nt {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: url(""), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+ot {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 10%, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto;
+pt {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, cover;
+qt {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+rt {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+st {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, 10%, auto;
+tt {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, center, left top, left top, center, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+ut {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+vt {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover;
+wt {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, url(""), none, none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, 10%, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, cover, 10%, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto;
+xt {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url("");
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 5px bottom, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
+yt {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, url(""), none, none, none, none, url(""), url(""), url("data:image/png;ba
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+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 10%, left top, center, 10%, center, center, left top, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, center, 10%, left top, left top, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, center, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto;
+zt {
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url("
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, center, left top, left top, left top, center, center, center, center, 10%, 10%, center, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+au {
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+bu {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, left top, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+cu {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, center, 5px bottom, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto;
+du {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, center, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover;
+eu {
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+fu {
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+gu {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, left top, 10%, center, 5px bottom, left top, center, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, 5px bottom, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%;
+hu {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, center, center, 10%, 5px bottom, center, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, 5px bottom, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, 10%;
+iu {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover;
+ju {
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+ku {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+lu {
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+mu {
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, left top, 10%, center, left top, center, center, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, 10%, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+nu {
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, center, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, cover, auto;
+ou {
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, center, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, center, left top, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, cover, auto, auto;
+pu {
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+qu {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, none, none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, center, 5px bottom, left top, center, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto;
+ru {
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, center, left top, left top, 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, 10%, auto, auto;
+su {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, cover;
+tu {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%, 10%, center, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, cover, auto, auto, auto;
+uu {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, cover, auto, auto;
+vu {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 5px bottom, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, cover;
+wu {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, center, left top, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, 10%;
+xu {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, auto;
+yu {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: url(""), none, url(""), none, none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, center, 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+zu {
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+av {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover;
+bv {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto;
+cv {
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 10%, left top, center, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto;
+dv {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 10%, 5px bottom, center, left top, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, center, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+ev {
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover;
+fv {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+gv {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: cover;
+hv {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+iv {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+jv {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, url(""), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, center, left top, center, 10%, 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, center, 5px bottom, 10%, 5px bottom, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, cover, auto;
+kv {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+lv {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, center, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
+mv {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, center, center, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+nv {
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 10%, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, cover, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+ov {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, 10%, 5px bottom, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover, 10%, auto, auto, auto;
+pv {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+qv {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, center, left top, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, cover;
+rv {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, left top, left top, center, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto;
+sv {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+tv {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+uv {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover;
+vv {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, left top, center, center, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+wv {
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, center, 10%, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, 10%, auto, cover, auto;
+xv {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), none, none, url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, center, 10%, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto;
+yv {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto;
+zv {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: url(""), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+aw {
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+bw {
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+cw {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 10%, 5px bottom, left top, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+dw {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+ew {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%;
+fw {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
+gw {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, 10%, auto;
+hw {
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
+iw {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+jw {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+kw {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 10%, 10%, center, 10%, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%;
+lw {
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%, center, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
+mw {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+nw {
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+ow {
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+pw {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 10%, left top, left top, left top, center, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto;
+qw {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+rw {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+sw {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%;
+tw {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+uw {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, center, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
+vw {
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, left top, 10%, left top, 10%, 10%, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto;
+ww {
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url("
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 10%, 10%, 10%, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, 10%, left top, 10%, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, 10%, center, 5px bottom, center, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+xw {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%;
+yw {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, left top, center, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+zw {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto;
+ax {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+bx {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto;
+cx {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+dx {
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+ex {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+fx {
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+gx {
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+hx {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 5px bottom, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto;
+ix {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+jx {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+kx {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: 10%;
+lx {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, 5px bottom, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%;
+mx {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+nx {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto;
+ox {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%;
+px {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, center, center, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto;
+qx {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
+rx {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, 10%;
+sx {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), none, url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, center, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, 10%, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+tx {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 5px bottom, center, left top, 10%, left top, left top, left top, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, cover, 10%;
+ux {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, 5px bottom, center, 10%, 5px bottom, center, 5px bottom, center, left top, left top, left top, center, left top, left top, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, 10%, auto, 10%;
+vx {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+wx {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+xx {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
+yx {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, cover, auto, 10%, auto, auto;
+zx {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%;
+ay {
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto;
+by {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 10%, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, auto;
+cy {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto;
+dy {
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
+ey {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, 10%;
+fy {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+gy {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, 10%, auto, auto;
+hy {
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+iy {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+jy {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url("
+gvaeTAAAAFUlEQVQImQXBAQEAAACAEP9PF1CpMCnkBftPnd1xAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 10%, center, center, 10%, 5px bottom, left top, left top, 10%, left top, center, 5px bottom, left top, center, center, left top, left top, center, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, cover, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, cover;
+ky {
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+ly {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, 10%;
+my {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, center, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+ny {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+oy {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, left top, 10%, center, center, left top, center, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+py {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), url(""), none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, 10%, left top, left top, center, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%;
+qy {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none, none, url(""), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url("");
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 10%, center, left top, left top, left top, center, left top, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover, 10%, auto, cover, auto, cover, auto, cover;
+ry {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, center, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto;
+sy {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, none, none, none, url(""), none, none, none, url(""), url(""), none, none, none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, center, left top, left top, 10%, left top, left top, left top, 10%, left top, left top, left top, center, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, cover, auto;
+ty {
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+uy {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url(""), url(""), none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%;
+vy {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: url(""), none, url(""), url(""), none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, 10%, 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, 10%, 5px bottom, 10%, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto;
+wy {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, none, none, url("
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 10%, 10%, 10%, 5px bottom, left top, left top, 10%, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, 10%, left top, left top, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover;
+xy {
+ background-clip: content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, url(""), none, none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, center, left top, left top, left top, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto;
+yy {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: url(""), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, center, left top, 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+zy {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, none, url(""), none, none, none, url(""), url(""), url(""), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, center, center, 5px bottom, left top, center, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto;
+az {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
+bz {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, url(""), none, none, url(""), none, url(""), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, none, none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(
160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, left top, left top, 10%, center, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, 10%, 10%, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+cz {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
+ background-image: none, none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, center, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, 10%, 10%;
+dz {
+ background-clip: border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, none, none, url(""), none, url("");
+ background-origin: border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 10%, center, 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, cover, auto, 10%;
+ez {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 10%, 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
+fz {
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+gz {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: 10%, center, 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, 10%;
+hz {
+ background-clip: border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: border-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: center, 10%, 10%, center, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto, auto, cover, auto;
+iz {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, url(""), url(""), url(""), none, none;
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top, center, center, left top, center, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto;
+jz {
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: alpha (rgb(255,192,203), 0.5);
+ background-origin: padding-box, content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+kz {
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+lz {
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+mz {
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, 5px bottom, 10%, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto;
+nz {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+oz {
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto;
+pz {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-image: none, url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover, auto;
+qz {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, 5px bottom, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto;
+rz {
+ background-clip: padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, url(""), none, none, none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, left top, center, center, center, center, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto, 10%, auto, auto;
+sz {
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: @home;
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+tz {
+ background-clip: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, none, url(""), url(""), url(""), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none;
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-position: left top, left top, center, left top, center, 10%, left top, left top, center, 5px bottom, left top, center, center, left top, 10%;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, cover, cover, auto;
+uz {
+ background-clip: content-box, content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url("");
+ background-origin: content-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: 10%, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: 10%, auto;
+vz {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: currentColor;
+ background-origin: border-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 10%, 5px bottom, center, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto, auto, auto;
+wz {
+ background-clip: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: padding-box, border-box;
+ background-position: 5px bottom, center;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto;
+xz {
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none;
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+ background-position: left top;
+ background-repeat: round no-repeat;
+ background-size: auto;
+yz {
+ background-clip: content-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-color: rgb(170,221,255);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240));
+ background-origin: content-box, border-box, content-box;
+ background-position: left top, 5px bottom, 5px bottom;
+ background-repeat: repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, auto, auto;
+zz {
+ background-clip: border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, content-box, border-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, border-box;
+ background-color: initial;
+ background-image: none, url(""), none, none, url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203
), rgb(160,32,240)), url(""), none, url(""), url(""), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), linear-gradient(rgb(255,192,203), rgb(160,32,240)), none, none, url("");
+ background-origin: padding-box, padding-box, padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, padding-box, content-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, padding-box, border-box, content-box, padding-box, padding-box;
+ background-position: center, left top, 5px bottom, left top, 5px bottom, left top, center, left top, 10%, center, left top, 10%, center, left top, center, left top, 5px bottom, left top, left top, center, 10%, center, 5px bottom, left top, center, left top, left top, 10%, left top, left top;
+ background-repeat: repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat, round no-repeat, repeat, repeat;
+ background-size: auto, cover, auto, 10%, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto, auto, auto, cover, auto, auto;
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