[seahorse/mallard-help: 56/337] Edit create-pgp-key.page

commit 85f6817bb12bf66e9faab7fb4d339f8384b80811
Author: Aruna Sankaranarayanan <arunasank src gnome org>
Date:   Tue Jul 2 19:05:31 2013 +0530

    Edit create-pgp-key.page
    Add a note about using the advanced settings.

 help/C/create-pgp-key.page |    6 ++++++
 1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/help/C/create-pgp-key.page b/help/C/create-pgp-key.page
index 54c1d04..a747514 100644
--- a/help/C/create-pgp-key.page
+++ b/help/C/create-pgp-key.page
@@ -30,6 +30,12 @@
     <item><p>Enter a password, then confirm the password and click
+  <note style="info">
+    <p>You can change default settings for key expiration, key strength and
+    key type by expanding the <gui>Advanced key options</gui> panel while
+    creating a new key.</p>
+  </note>
   <p><app>Passwords and Keys</app> will take some time to generate your key.
   While your key is being created, move your mouse around and press some keys

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