[gnome-shell/wip/paging-release2: 8/24] appDisplay: Use new IconGrid implementation in AllView and FrequentView
- From: Florian MĂźllner <fmuellner src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnome-shell/wip/paging-release2: 8/24] appDisplay: Use new IconGrid implementation in AllView and FrequentView
- Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 01:16:48 +0000 (UTC)
commit 6dd51c9263cd3cae73dda3215bee2321274c615d
Author: Carlos Soriano <carlos soriano89 gmail com>
Date: Tue Aug 27 21:22:16 2013 +0200
appDisplay: Use new IconGrid implementation in AllView and FrequentView
Add "usePagination" parameter to Alphabetical view to allow AllView
use the new PaginatedIconGrid.
FrequentView adapts the new IconGrid implementation. Create a
PagesView class to allow us control the allocation of the IconGrid
child and the scroll adjustment. Hook up the allocation/size comunication
between the FrequentView, AllView and FolderView with AppDisplay with
a ViewStackLayout that updates all views.
data/theme/gnome-shell.css | 3 +-
js/ui/appDisplay.js | 235 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
js/ui/iconGrid.js | 15 +++-
3 files changed, 176 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/theme/gnome-shell.css b/data/theme/gnome-shell.css
index afb1f48..8992fc7 100644
--- a/data/theme/gnome-shell.css
+++ b/data/theme/gnome-shell.css
@@ -934,9 +934,8 @@ StScrollBar StButton#vhandle:active {
padding: 3px 31px;
.search-display > StBoxLayout,
-.all-apps > StBoxLayout,
.frequent-apps > StBoxLayout {
/* horizontal padding to make sure scrollbars or dash don't overlap content */
padding: 0px 88px;
diff --git a/js/ui/appDisplay.js b/js/ui/appDisplay.js
index cbe113a..570e7a0 100644
--- a/js/ui/appDisplay.js
+++ b/js/ui/appDisplay.js
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ const INACTIVE_GRID_OPACITY = 77;
+const PAGE_SWITCH_TIME = 0.3;
// Recursively load a GMenuTreeDirectory; we could put this in ShellAppSystem too
function _loadCategory(dir, view) {
@@ -59,9 +60,16 @@ const BaseAppView = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'BaseAppView',
Abstract: true,
- _init: function() {
- this._grid = new IconGrid.IconGrid({ xAlign: St.Align.MIDDLE,
- columnLimit: MAX_COLUMNS });
+ _init: function(params, gridParams) {
+ gridParams = Params.parse(gridParams, { xAlign: St.Align.MIDDLE,
+ columnLimit: MAX_COLUMNS,
+ fillParent: false });
+ params = Params.parse(params, { usePagination: false });
+ if(params.usePagination)
+ this._grid = new IconGrid.PaginatedIconGrid(gridParams);
+ else
+ this._grid = new IconGrid.IconGrid(gridParams);
// Standard hack for ClutterBinLayout
this._grid.actor.x_expand = true;
@@ -112,27 +120,22 @@ const BaseAppView = new Lang.Class({
-const AllViewLayout = new Lang.Class({
- Name: 'AllViewLayout',
- Extends: Clutter.BinLayout,
- vfunc_get_preferred_height: function(container, forWidth) {
- let minBottom = 0;
- let naturalBottom = 0;
- for (let child = container.get_first_child();
- child;
- child = child.get_next_sibling()) {
- let childY = child.y;
- let [childMin, childNatural] = child.get_preferred_height(forWidth);
- if (childMin + childY > minBottom)
- minBottom = childMin + childY;
+* Since St.Bin expands to child size, and we don't want that
+* we have to create a custom class that returns 0 to its
+* get_preferred_height/width. In this manner the parent
+* will not take into account child preferred height/width
+const PagesView = new Lang.Class({
+ Name: 'PagesView',
+ Extends: St.Bin,
+ vfunc_get_preferred_height: function (forWidth) {
+ return [0, 0];
+ },
- if (childNatural + childY > naturalBottom)
- naturalBottom = childNatural + childY;
- }
- return [minBottom, naturalBottom];
+ vfunc_get_preferred_width: function(forHeight) {
+ return [0, 0];
@@ -141,30 +144,32 @@ const AllView = new Lang.Class({
Extends: BaseAppView,
_init: function() {
- this.parent();
+ this.parent({ usePagination: true }, null);
+ this._pagesView = new PagesView({ style_class: 'all-apps',
+ x_expand: true,
+ y_expand: true,
+ x_fill: true,
+ y_fill: false,
+ reactive: true,
+ y_align: St.Align.START });
+ this.actor = new St.Widget({ layout_manager: new Clutter.BinLayout(),
+ x_expand:true, y_expand:true });
+ this.actor.add_actor(this._pagesView);
- this._grid.actor.y_align = Clutter.ActorAlign.START;
- this._grid.actor.y_expand = true;
+ this._stack = new St.Widget({ layout_manager: new Clutter.BinLayout() });
+ this._box = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true });
+ this._verticalAdjustment = new St.Adjustment();
+ this._box.set_adjustments(new St.Adjustment() /* unused */, this._verticalAdjustment);
- let box = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true });
- this._stack = new St.Widget({ layout_manager: new AllViewLayout() });
+ this._currentPage = 0;
this._eventBlocker = new St.Widget({ x_expand: true, y_expand: true });
- this._stack.add_actor(this._eventBlocker);
- box.add(this._stack, { y_align: St.Align.START, expand: true });
- this.actor = new St.ScrollView({ x_fill: true,
- y_fill: false,
- y_align: St.Align.START,
- x_expand: true,
- y_expand: true,
- overlay_scrollbars: true,
- style_class: 'all-apps vfade' });
- this.actor.add_actor(box);
- this.actor.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
- let action = new Clutter.PanAction({ interpolate: true });
- action.connect('pan', Lang.bind(this, this._onPan));
- this.actor.add_action(action);
+ this._stack.add_actor(this._eventBlocker, { x_align:St.Align.MIDDLE });
+ this._box.add_actor(this._stack);
+ this._pagesView.add_actor(this._box);
+ this._pagesView.connect('scroll-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onScroll));
this._clickAction = new Clutter.ClickAction();
this._clickAction.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, function() {
@@ -177,15 +182,30 @@ const AllView = new Lang.Class({
+ this._availWidth = 0;
+ this._availHeight = 0;
- _onPan: function(action) {
- this._clickAction.release();
+ goToPage: function(pageNumber) {
+ this._currentPage = pageNumber;
+ Tweener.addTween(this._verticalAdjustment,
+ { value: this._grid.getPageY(this._currentPage),
+ transition: 'easeOutQuad' });
+ },
- let [dist, dx, dy] = action.get_motion_delta(0);
- let adjustment = this.actor.vscroll.adjustment;
- adjustment.value -= (dy / this.actor.height) * adjustment.page_size;
- return false;
+ _onScroll: function(actor, event) {
+ let direction = event.get_scroll_direction();
+ if (direction == Clutter.ScrollDirection.UP) {
+ if (this._currentPage > 0)
+ this.goToPage(this._currentPage - 1);
+ } else {
+ if (direction == Clutter.ScrollDirection.DOWN) {
+ if (this._currentPage < (this._grid.nPages() - 1))
+ this.goToPage(this._currentPage + 1);
+ }
+ }
_getItemId: function(item) {
@@ -235,17 +255,17 @@ const AllView = new Lang.Class({
this._eventBlocker.reactive = isOpen;
this._currentPopup = isOpen ? popup : null;
- if (isOpen) {
- this._ensureIconVisible(popup.actor);
- this._grid.actor.y = popup.parentOffset;
- } else {
- this._grid.actor.y = 0;
- }
_ensureIconVisible: function(icon) {
- Util.ensureActorVisibleInScrollView(this.actor, icon);
+ let itemPage = this._grid.getItemPage(icon);
+ this.goToPage(itemPage);
+ },
+ updateAdjustment: function(availHeight) {
+ this._verticalAdjustment.page_size = availHeight;
+ this._verticalAdjustment.upper = this._stack.height;
_updateIconOpacities: function(folderOpen) {
@@ -260,16 +280,44 @@ const AllView = new Lang.Class({
transition: 'easeOutQuad' };
Tweener.addTween(this._items[id].actor, params);
+ },
+ // Called before allocation to calculate dynamic spacing
+ adaptToSize: function(width, height) {
+ let box = new Clutter.ActorBox();
+ box.x1 = 0;
+ box.x2 = width;
+ box.y1 = 0;
+ box.y2 = height;
+ box = this.actor.get_theme_node().get_content_box(box);
+ box = this._pagesView.get_theme_node().get_content_box(box);
+ box = this._grid.actor.get_theme_node().get_content_box(box);
+ let availWidth = box.x2 - box.x1;
+ let availHeight = box.y2 - box.y1;
+ let oldNPages = this._grid.nPages();
+ // Update the adjustments based on display height
+ this.updateAdjustment(availHeight);
+ // Update grid dinamyc spacing based on display width
+ this._grid.updateSpacingForSize(availWidth, availHeight);
+ // Calculate pagination values
+ this._grid.computePages(availWidth, availHeight);
+ if (this._availWidth != availWidth || this._availHeight != availHeight || oldNPages !=
this._grid.nPages()) {
+ this._verticalAdjustment.value = 0;
+ }
+ this._availWidth = availWidth;
+ this._availHeight = availHeight;
const FrequentView = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'FrequentView',
+ Extends: BaseAppView,
_init: function() {
- this._grid = new IconGrid.IconGrid({ xAlign: St.Align.MIDDLE,
- fillParent: true,
- columnLimit: MAX_COLUMNS });
+ this.parent(null, { fillParent: true });
this.actor = new St.Widget({ style_class: 'frequent-apps',
x_expand: true, y_expand: true });
@@ -277,10 +325,6 @@ const FrequentView = new Lang.Class({
this._usage = Shell.AppUsage.get_default();
- removeAll: function() {
- this._grid.removeAll();
- },
loadApps: function() {
let mostUsed = this._usage.get_most_used ("");
for (let i = 0; i < mostUsed.length; i++) {
@@ -289,6 +333,20 @@ const FrequentView = new Lang.Class({
let appIcon = new AppIcon(mostUsed[i]);
this._grid.addItem(appIcon.actor, -1);
+ },
+ // Called before allocation to calculate dynamic spacing
+ adaptToSize: function(width, height) {
+ let box = new Clutter.ActorBox();
+ box.x1 = 0;
+ box.x2 = width;
+ box.y1 = 0;
+ box.y2 = height;
+ box = this.actor.get_theme_node().get_content_box(box);
+ box = this._grid.actor.get_theme_node().get_content_box(box);
+ let availWidth = box.x2 - box.x1;
+ let availHeight = box.y2 - box.y1;
+ this._grid.updateSpacingForSize(availWidth, availHeight);
@@ -322,6 +380,21 @@ const ControlsBoxLayout = Lang.Class({
+const ViewStackLayout = new Lang.Class({
+ Name: 'ViewStackLayout',
+ Extends: Clutter.BinLayout,
+ vfunc_allocate: function (actor, box, flags) {
+ let availWidth = box.x2 - box.x1;
+ let availHeight = box.y2 - box.y1;
+ // Prepare children of all views for the upcoming allocation, calculate all
+ // the needed values to adapt available size
+ this.emit('allocated-size-changed', availWidth, availHeight);
+ this.parent(actor, box, flags);
+ }
const AppDisplay = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'AppDisplay',
@@ -357,20 +430,20 @@ const AppDisplay = new Lang.Class({
x_expand: true });
this._views[Views.ALL] = { 'view': view, 'control': button };
- this.actor = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'app-display',
- vertical: true,
- x_expand: true, y_expand: true });
- this._viewStack = new St.Widget({ layout_manager: new Clutter.BinLayout(),
- x_expand: true, y_expand: true });
- this.actor.add(this._viewStack, { expand: true });
+ this.actor = new St.Widget({ style_class: 'app-display',
+ x_expand: true, y_expand: true });
+ this.actor.set_layout_manager(new Clutter.BoxLayout({ vertical: true }));
+ this._viewStackLayout = new ViewStackLayout();
+ this._viewStack = new St.Widget({ x_expand: true, y_expand: true,
+ layout_manager: this._viewStackLayout });
+ this._viewStackLayout.connect('allocated-size-changed', Lang.bind(this,
+ this.actor.add_actor(this._viewStack, { expand: true });
let layout = new ControlsBoxLayout({ homogeneous: true });
this._controls = new St.Widget({ style_class: 'app-view-controls',
layout_manager: layout });
- this.actor.add(new St.Bin({ child: this._controls }));
+ this.actor.add_actor(new St.Bin({ child: this._controls }));
for (let i = 0; i < this._views.length; i++) {
@@ -470,6 +543,20 @@ const AppDisplay = new Lang.Class({
if (focused)
this.actor.navigate_focus(null, Gtk.DirectionType.TAB_FORWARD, false);
+ },
+ _onAllocatedSizeChanged: function(actor, width, height) {
+ let box = new Clutter.ActorBox();
+ box.x1 = 0;
+ box.x2 = width;
+ box.y1 = 0;
+ box.y2 = height;
+ box = this._viewStack.get_theme_node().get_content_box(box);
+ let availWidth = box.x2 - box.x1;
+ let availHeight = box.y2 - box.y1;
+ for (let i = 0; i < this._views.length; i++) {
+ this._views[i].view.adaptToSize(availWidth, availHeight);
+ }
@@ -534,7 +621,7 @@ const FolderView = new Lang.Class({
Extends: BaseAppView,
_init: function() {
- this.parent();
+ this.parent(null, null);
this.actor = this._grid.actor;
diff --git a/js/ui/iconGrid.js b/js/ui/iconGrid.js
index cb942c7..a4b38ea 100644
--- a/js/ui/iconGrid.js
+++ b/js/ui/iconGrid.js
@@ -261,7 +261,6 @@ const IconGrid = new Lang.Class({
let children = this._getVisibleChildren();
let availWidth = box.x2 - box.x1;
let availHeight = box.y2 - box.y1;
- this.updateSpacingForSize(availWidth);
let spacing = this._getSpacing();
let [nColumns, usedWidth] = this._computeLayout(availWidth);
@@ -394,6 +393,10 @@ const IconGrid = new Lang.Class({
return this._fixedSpacing ? this._fixedSpacing : this._spacing;
+ /**
+ * This function must to be called before iconGrid allocation,
+ * to know how much spacing can the grid has
+ */
updateSpacingForSize: function(availWidth) {
let spacing = this._spacing;
@@ -508,5 +511,15 @@ const PaginatedIconGrid = new Lang.Class({
let firstPageItem = pageNumber * this._childrenPerPage
let childBox = this._getVisibleChildren()[firstPageItem].get_allocation_box();
return childBox.y1;
+ },
+ getItemPage: function(item) {
+ let children = this._getVisibleChildren();
+ let index = children.indexOf(item);
+ if (index == -1) {
+ throw new Error('Item not found.');
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return Math.floor(index / this._childrenPerPage);
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