[gnome-shell/wip/aggregate-menu: 9/57] userMenu: Implement new user menu design
- From: Jasper St. Pierre <jstpierre src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnome-shell/wip/aggregate-menu: 9/57] userMenu: Implement new user menu design
- Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 06:35:49 +0000 (UTC)
commit 2b38f22b57aabb9519e85174095ec7f72286d38f
Author: Jasper St. Pierre <jstpierre mecheye net>
Date: Tue Apr 23 17:33:54 2013 -0400
userMenu: Implement new user menu design
For now, turn it into another system status button with a simple
icon. We'll revamp this when we revamp how panel menus work in
data/theme/gnome-shell.css | 36 ---
js/ui/userMenu.js | 597 +-------------------------------------------
2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 628 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/theme/gnome-shell.css b/data/theme/gnome-shell.css
index 3c5aa49..cd31541 100644
--- a/data/theme/gnome-shell.css
+++ b/data/theme/gnome-shell.css
@@ -605,42 +605,6 @@ StScrollBar StButton#vhandle:active {
spacing: 8px;
-/* User Menu */
-#panelUserMenu {
- spacing: 4px;
-.status-chooser {
- spacing: .4em;
-.status-chooser .popup-menu-item,
-.status-chooser-combo .popup-menu-item {
- padding: .4em;
-.status-chooser-user-name {
- font-weight: bold;
- font-size: 1.3em;
- min-width: 120pt;
-.status-chooser-combo {
- border: 1px solid transparent;
-.status-chooser-combo.popup-combo-menu {
- padding: .4em 0em;
- border-radius: 4px;
- border: 1px solid #5f5f5f;
-.status-chooser-combo .popup-combobox-item {
- spacing: .4em;
.system-status-icon {
icon-size: 1.09em;
diff --git a/js/ui/userMenu.js b/js/ui/userMenu.js
index 820a0b8..66173d5 100644
--- a/js/ui/userMenu.js
+++ b/js/ui/userMenu.js
@@ -6,11 +6,7 @@ const Gio = imports.gi.Gio;
const GLib = imports.gi.GLib;
const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk;
const Lang = imports.lang;
-const Pango = imports.gi.Pango;
-const Shell = imports.gi.Shell;
const St = imports.gi.St;
-const Tp = imports.gi.TelepathyGLib;
-const Atk = imports.gi.Atk;
const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter;
const BoxPointer = imports.ui.boxpointer;
@@ -30,21 +26,9 @@ const DISABLE_USER_SWITCH_KEY = 'disable-user-switching';
const DISABLE_LOCK_SCREEN_KEY = 'disable-lock-screen';
const DISABLE_LOG_OUT_KEY = 'disable-log-out';
const ALWAYS_SHOW_LOG_OUT_KEY = 'always-show-log-out';
-const SHOW_FULL_NAME_IN_TOP_BAR_KEY = 'show-full-name-in-top-bar';
-const IMStatus = {
- BUSY: 1,
- HIDDEN: 2,
- AWAY: 3,
- IDLE: 4,
- LAST: 6
const SystemdLoginSessionIface = <interface name='org.freedesktop.login1.Session'>
<property name="Id" type="s" access="read"/>
<property name="Remote" type="b" access="read"/>
@@ -55,463 +39,26 @@ const SystemdLoginSessionIface = <interface name='org.freedesktop.login1.Session
const SystemdLoginSession = Gio.DBusProxy.makeProxyWrapper(SystemdLoginSessionIface);
-const IMStatusItem = new Lang.Class({
- Name: 'IMStatusItem',
- Extends: PopupMenu.PopupBaseMenuItem,
- _init: function(label, iconName) {
- this.parent();
- this.actor.add_style_class_name('status-chooser-status-item');
- this._icon = new St.Icon({ style_class: 'popup-menu-icon' });
- this.addActor(this._icon);
- if (iconName)
- this._icon.icon_name = iconName;
- this.label = new St.Label({ text: label });
- this.actor.label_actor = this.label;
- this.addActor(this.label);
- }
-const IMUserNameItem = new Lang.Class({
- Name: 'IMUserNameItem',
- Extends: PopupMenu.PopupBaseMenuItem,
- _init: function() {
- this.parent({ reactive: false,
- can_focus: false,
- style_class: 'status-chooser-user-name' });
- this._wrapper = new Shell.GenericContainer();
- this._wrapper.connect('get-preferred-width',
- Lang.bind(this, this._wrapperGetPreferredWidth));
- this._wrapper.connect('get-preferred-height',
- Lang.bind(this, this._wrapperGetPreferredHeight));
- this._wrapper.connect('allocate',
- Lang.bind(this, this._wrapperAllocate));
- this.addActor(this._wrapper, { expand: true });
- this.label = new St.Label();
- this.label.clutter_text.set_line_wrap(true);
- this.label.clutter_text.set_ellipsize(Pango.EllipsizeMode.NONE);
- this._wrapper.add_actor(this.label);
- },
- _wrapperGetPreferredWidth: function(actor, forHeight, alloc) {
- alloc.min_size = 1;
- alloc.natural_size = 1;
- },
- _wrapperGetPreferredHeight: function(actor, forWidth, alloc) {
- [alloc.min_size, alloc.natural_size] = this.label.get_preferred_height(forWidth);
- },
- _wrapperAllocate: function(actor, box, flags) {
- this.label.allocate(box, flags);
- }
-const IMStatusChooserItem = new Lang.Class({
- Name: 'IMStatusChooserItem',
- Extends: PopupMenu.PopupBaseMenuItem,
- _init: function() {
- this.parent({ reactive: false,
- can_focus: false,
- style_class: 'status-chooser' });
- this._userManager = AccountsService.UserManager.get_default();
- this._user = this._userManager.get_user(GLib.get_user_name());
- this._avatar = new UserWidget.Avatar(this._user, { reactive: true });
- this._iconBin = new St.Button({ child: this._avatar.actor });
- this.addActor(this._iconBin);
- this._iconBin.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this,
- function() {
- this.activate();
- }));
- this._section = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuSection();
- this.addActor(this._section.actor);
- this._name = new IMUserNameItem();
- this._section.addMenuItem(this._name);
- this._combo = new PopupMenu.PopupComboBoxMenuItem({ style_class: 'status-chooser-combo' });
- this._section.addMenuItem(this._combo);
- let item;
- item = new IMStatusItem(_("Available"), 'user-available-symbolic');
- this._combo.addMenuItem(item, IMStatus.AVAILABLE);
- item = new IMStatusItem(_("Busy"), 'user-busy-symbolic');
- this._combo.addMenuItem(item, IMStatus.BUSY);
- item = new IMStatusItem(_("Invisible"), 'user-invisible-symbolic');
- this._combo.addMenuItem(item, IMStatus.HIDDEN);
- item = new IMStatusItem(_("Away"), 'user-away-symbolic');
- this._combo.addMenuItem(item, IMStatus.AWAY);
- item = new IMStatusItem(_("Idle"), 'user-idle-symbolic');
- this._combo.addMenuItem(item, IMStatus.IDLE);
- item = new IMStatusItem(_("Offline"), 'user-offline-symbolic');
- this._combo.addMenuItem(item, IMStatus.OFFLINE);
- this._combo.connect('active-item-changed',
- Lang.bind(this, this._changeIMStatus));
- this._presence = new GnomeSession.Presence();
- this._presence.connectSignal('StatusChanged', Lang.bind(this, function(proxy, senderName, [status]) {
- this._sessionStatusChanged(status);
- }));
- this._sessionPresenceRestored = false;
- this._imPresenceRestored = false;
- this._currentPresence = undefined;
- this._accountMgr = Tp.AccountManager.dup();
- this._accountMgr.connect('most-available-presence-changed',
- Lang.bind(this, this._IMStatusChanged));
- this._accountMgr.connect('account-enabled',
- Lang.bind(this, this._IMAccountsChanged));
- this._accountMgr.connect('account-disabled',
- Lang.bind(this, this._IMAccountsChanged));
- this._accountMgr.connect('account-removed',
- Lang.bind(this, this._IMAccountsChanged));
- this._accountMgr.connect('account-validity-changed',
- Lang.bind(this, this._IMAccountsChanged));
- this._accountMgr.prepare_async(null, Lang.bind(this,
- function(mgr) {
- this._IMAccountsChanged(mgr);
- if (this._networkMonitor.network_available)
- this._restorePresence();
- else
- this._setComboboxPresence(Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.OFFLINE);
- }));
- this._networkMonitor = Gio.NetworkMonitor.get_default();
- this._networkMonitor.connect('network-changed',
- Lang.bind(this, function(monitor, available) {
- this._IMAccountsChanged(this._accountMgr);
- if (available && !this._imPresenceRestored)
- this._restorePresence();
- }));
- this._userLoadedId = this._user.connect('notify::is-loaded',
- Lang.bind(this,
- this._updateUser));
- this._userChangedId = this._user.connect('changed',
- Lang.bind(this,
- this._updateUser));
- this.actor.connect('notify::mapped', Lang.bind(this, function() {
- if (this.actor.mapped)
- this._updateUser();
- }));
- this.connect('sensitive-changed', function(sensitive) {
- this._avatar.setSensitive(sensitive);
- });
- },
- _restorePresence: function() {
- let [presence, status, msg] = this._accountMgr.get_most_available_presence();
- let savedPresence = global.settings.get_int('saved-im-presence');
- if (savedPresence == presence) {
- this._IMStatusChanged(this._accountMgr, presence, status, msg);
- } else {
- this._setComboboxPresence(savedPresence);
- status = this._statusForPresence(savedPresence);
- msg = msg ? msg : '';
- this._accountMgr.set_all_requested_presences(savedPresence, status, msg);
- }
- },
- destroy: function() {
- // clean up signal handlers
- if (this._userLoadedId != 0) {
- this._user.disconnect(this._userLoadedId);
- this._userLoadedId = 0;
- }
- if (this._userChangedId != 0) {
- this._user.disconnect(this._userChangedId);
- this._userChangedId = 0;
- }
- this.parent();
- },
- // Override getColumnWidths()/setColumnWidths() to make the item
- // independent from the overall column layout of the menu
- getColumnWidths: function() {
- return [];
- },
- setColumnWidths: function(widths) {
- },
- _updateUser: function() {
- if (this._user.is_loaded)
- this._name.label.set_text(this._user.get_real_name());
- else
- this._name.label.set_text("");
- this._avatar.update();
- },
- _statusForPresence: function(presence) {
- switch(presence) {
- case Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.AVAILABLE:
- return 'available';
- case Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.BUSY:
- return 'busy';
- case Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.OFFLINE:
- return 'offline';
- case Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.HIDDEN:
- return 'hidden';
- case Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.AWAY:
- return 'away';
- case Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.EXTENDED_AWAY:
- return 'xa';
- default:
- return 'unknown';
- }
- },
- _IMAccountsChanged: function(mgr) {
- let accounts = mgr.get_valid_accounts().filter(function(account) {
- return account.enabled;
- });
- let sensitive = accounts.length > 0 && this._networkMonitor.network_available;
- this._combo.setSensitive(sensitive);
- },
- _IMStatusChanged: function(accountMgr, presence, status, message) {
- if (!this._imPresenceRestored)
- this._imPresenceRestored = true;
- if (presence == this._currentPresence)
- return;
- this._currentPresence = presence;
- this._setComboboxPresence(presence);
- if (!this._sessionPresenceRestored) {
- this._sessionStatusChanged(this._presence.status);
- return;
- }
- if (presence == Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.AVAILABLE)
- this._presence.status = GnomeSession.PresenceStatus.AVAILABLE;
- // We ignore the actual value of _expectedPresence and never safe
- // the first presence change after an "automatic" change, assuming
- // that it is the response to our request; this is to account for
- // mission control falling back to "similar" presences if an account
- // type does not implement the requested presence.
- if (!this._expectedPresence)
- global.settings.set_int('saved-im-presence', presence);
- else
- this._expectedPresence = undefined;
- },
- _setComboboxPresence: function(presence) {
- let activatedItem;
- if (presence == Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.AVAILABLE)
- activatedItem = IMStatus.AVAILABLE;
- else if (presence == Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.BUSY)
- activatedItem = IMStatus.BUSY;
- else if (presence == Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.HIDDEN)
- activatedItem = IMStatus.HIDDEN;
- else if (presence == Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.AWAY)
- activatedItem = IMStatus.AWAY;
- else if (presence == Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.EXTENDED_AWAY)
- activatedItem = IMStatus.IDLE;
- else
- activatedItem = IMStatus.OFFLINE;
- this._combo.setActiveItem(activatedItem);
- for (let i = 0; i < IMStatus.LAST; i++) {
- if (i == IMStatus.AVAILABLE || i == IMStatus.OFFLINE)
- continue; // always visible
- this._combo.setItemVisible(i, i == activatedItem);
- }
- },
- _changeIMStatus: function(menuItem, id) {
- let [presence, s, msg] = this._accountMgr.get_most_available_presence();
- let newPresence, status;
- if (id == IMStatus.AVAILABLE) {
- newPresence = Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.AVAILABLE;
- } else if (id == IMStatus.OFFLINE) {
- newPresence = Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.OFFLINE;
- } else
- return;
- status = this._statusForPresence(newPresence);
- msg = msg ? msg : '';
- this._accountMgr.set_all_requested_presences(newPresence, status, msg);
- },
- getIMPresenceForSessionStatus: function(sessionStatus) {
- // Restore the last user-set presence when coming back from
- // BUSY/IDLE (otherwise the last user-set presence matches
- // the current one)
- if (sessionStatus == GnomeSession.PresenceStatus.AVAILABLE)
- return global.settings.get_int('saved-im-presence');
- if (sessionStatus == GnomeSession.PresenceStatus.BUSY) {
- // Only change presence if the current one is "more present" than
- // busy, or if coming back from idle
- if (this._currentPresence == Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.AVAILABLE ||
- this._currentPresence == Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.EXTENDED_AWAY)
- return Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.BUSY;
- }
- if (sessionStatus == GnomeSession.PresenceStatus.IDLE) {
- // Only change presence if the current one is "more present" than
- // idle
- if (this._currentPresence != Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.OFFLINE &&
- this._currentPresence != Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.HIDDEN)
- return Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.EXTENDED_AWAY;
- }
- return this._currentPresence;
- },
- _sessionStatusChanged: function(sessionStatus) {
- if (!this._imPresenceRestored)
- return;
- let savedStatus = global.settings.get_int('saved-session-presence');
- if (!this._sessionPresenceRestored) {
- // We should never save/restore a status other than AVAILABLE
- // or BUSY
- if (savedStatus != GnomeSession.PresenceStatus.AVAILABLE &&
- savedStatus != GnomeSession.PresenceStatus.BUSY)
- savedStatus = GnomeSession.PresenceStatus.AVAILABLE;
- if (sessionStatus != savedStatus) {
- this._presence.status = savedStatus;
- return;
- }
- this._sessionPresenceRestored = true;
- }
- if ((sessionStatus == GnomeSession.PresenceStatus.AVAILABLE ||
- sessionStatus == GnomeSession.PresenceStatus.BUSY) &&
- savedStatus != sessionStatus)
- global.settings.set_int('saved-session-presence', sessionStatus);
- let [presence, s, msg] = this._accountMgr.get_most_available_presence();
- let newPresence, status;
- let newPresence = this.getIMPresenceForSessionStatus(sessionStatus);
- if (!newPresence || newPresence == presence)
- return;
- status = this._statusForPresence(newPresence);
- msg = msg ? msg : '';
- this._expectedPresence = newPresence;
- this._accountMgr.set_all_requested_presences(newPresence, status, msg);
- }
const UserMenuButton = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'UserMenuButton',
- Extends: PanelMenu.Button,
+ Extends: PanelMenu.SystemStatusButton,
_init: function() {
- this.parent(0.0);
- this.actor.accessible_role = Atk.Role.MENU;
- let box = new St.BoxLayout({ name: 'panelUserMenu' });
- this.actor.add_actor(box);
+ this.parent('user-available-symbolic', _("User Menu"));
this._screenSaverSettings = new Gio.Settings({ schema: SCREENSAVER_SCHEMA });
this._lockdownSettings = new Gio.Settings({ schema: LOCKDOWN_SCHEMA });
this._privacySettings = new Gio.Settings({ schema: PRIVACY_SCHEMA });
- this._userManager = AccountsService.UserManager.get_default();
- this._user = this._userManager.get_user(GLib.get_user_name());
- this._presence = new GnomeSession.Presence();
this._session = new GnomeSession.SessionManager();
this._haveShutdown = true;
this._haveSuspend = true;
- this._accountMgr = Tp.AccountManager.dup();
- this._loginManager = LoginManager.getLoginManager();
- this.actor.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, this._onDestroy));
- this._iconBox = new St.Bin();
- box.add(this._iconBox, { y_align: St.Align.MIDDLE, y_fill: false });
- let textureCache = St.TextureCache.get_default();
- this._offlineIcon = new St.Icon({ icon_name: 'user-offline-symbolic',
- style_class: 'popup-menu-icon' });
- this._availableIcon = new St.Icon({ icon_name: 'user-available-symbolic',
- style_class: 'popup-menu-icon' });
- this._busyIcon = new St.Icon({ icon_name: 'user-busy-symbolic',
- style_class: 'popup-menu-icon' });
- this._invisibleIcon = new St.Icon({ icon_name: 'user-invisible-symbolic',
- style_class: 'popup-menu-icon' });
- this._awayIcon = new St.Icon({ icon_name: 'user-away-symbolic',
- style_class: 'popup-menu-icon' });
- this._idleIcon = new St.Icon({ icon_name: 'user-idle-symbolic',
- style_class: 'popup-menu-icon' });
- this._pendingIcon = new St.Icon({ icon_name: 'user-status-pending-symbolic',
- style_class: 'popup-menu-icon' });
- this._lockedIcon = new St.Icon({ icon_name: 'changes-prevent-symbolic',
- style_class: 'popup-menu-icon' });
- this._accountMgr.connect('most-available-presence-changed',
- Lang.bind(this, this._updatePresenceIcon));
- this._accountMgr.connect('account-enabled',
- Lang.bind(this, this._onAccountEnabled));
- this._accountMgr.connect('account-removed',
- Lang.bind(this, this._onAccountRemoved));
- this._accountMgr.prepare_async(null, Lang.bind(this,
- function(mgr) {
- let [presence, s, msg] = mgr.get_most_available_presence();
- this._updatePresenceIcon(mgr, presence, s, msg);
- this._setupAccounts();
- }));
- this._name = new St.Label();
- this.actor.label_actor = this._name;
- box.add(this._name, { y_align: St.Align.MIDDLE, y_fill: false });
- this._userLoadedId = this._user.connect('notify::is-loaded', Lang.bind(this, this._updateUserName));
- this._userChangedId = this._user.connect('changed', Lang.bind(this, this._updateUserName));
- this._updateUserName();
- this._updateSwitch(this._presence.status);
- this._presence.connectSignal('StatusChanged', Lang.bind(this, function (proxy, senderName, [status])
- this._updateSwitch(status);
- }));
+ this._loginManager = LoginManager.getLoginManager();
+ this._userManager = AccountsService.UserManager.get_default();
+ this._user = this._userManager.get_user(GLib.get_user_name());
Lang.bind(this, this._updateMultiUser));
@@ -528,10 +75,6 @@ const UserMenuButton = new Lang.Class({
Lang.bind(this, this._updateLockScreen));
global.settings.connect('changed::' + ALWAYS_SHOW_LOG_OUT_KEY,
Lang.bind(this, this._updateLogout));
- this._screenSaverSettings.connect('changed::' + SHOW_FULL_NAME_IN_TOP_BAR_KEY,
- Lang.bind(this, this._updateUserName));
- this._privacySettings.connect('changed::' + SHOW_FULL_NAME_IN_TOP_BAR_KEY,
- Lang.bind(this, this._updateUserName));
@@ -556,35 +99,12 @@ const UserMenuButton = new Lang.Class({
Lang.bind(this, this._updateHaveShutdown));
Main.sessionMode.connect('updated', Lang.bind(this, this._sessionUpdated));
- if (Main.screenShield)
- Main.screenShield.connect('locked-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._updatePresenceIcon));
_sessionUpdated: function() {
this.actor.visible = !Main.sessionMode.isGreeter;
- let allowSettings = Main.sessionMode.allowSettings;
- this._statusChooser.setSensitive(allowSettings);
- this._updatePresenceIcon();
- this._updateUserName();
- },
- _onDestroy: function() {
- this._user.disconnect(this._userLoadedId);
- this._user.disconnect(this._userChangedId);
- },
- _updateUserName: function() {
- let settings = this._privacySettings;
- if (Main.sessionMode.isLocked)
- settings = this._screenSaverSettings;
- if (this._user.is_loaded && settings.get_boolean(SHOW_FULL_NAME_IN_TOP_BAR_KEY))
- this._name.set_text(this._user.get_real_name());
- else
- this._name.set_text("");
_updateMultiUser: function() {
@@ -656,91 +176,9 @@ const UserMenuButton = new Lang.Class({
- _updateSwitch: function(status) {
- let active = status == GnomeSession.PresenceStatus.AVAILABLE;
- this._notificationsSwitch.setToggleState(active);
- },
- _updatePresenceIcon: function(accountMgr, presence, status, message) {
- if (Main.sessionMode.isLocked)
- this._iconBox.child = this._lockedIcon;
- else if (presence == Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.AVAILABLE)
- this._iconBox.child = this._availableIcon;
- else if (presence == Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.BUSY)
- this._iconBox.child = this._busyIcon;
- else if (presence == Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.HIDDEN)
- this._iconBox.child = this._invisibleIcon;
- else if (presence == Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.AWAY)
- this._iconBox.child = this._awayIcon;
- else if (presence == Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.EXTENDED_AWAY)
- this._iconBox.child = this._idleIcon;
- else
- this._iconBox.child = this._offlineIcon;
- if (Main.sessionMode.isLocked)
- this._iconBox.visible = Main.screenShield.locked;
- else
- this._iconBox.visible = true;
- },
- _setupAccounts: function() {
- let accounts = this._accountMgr.get_valid_accounts();
- for (let i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) {
- accounts[i]._changingId = accounts[i].connect('notify::connection-status',
- Lang.bind(this, this._updateChangingPresence));
- }
- this._updateChangingPresence();
- },
- _onAccountEnabled: function(accountMgr, account) {
- if (!account._changingId)
- account._changingId = account.connect('notify::connection-status',
- Lang.bind(this, this._updateChangingPresence));
- this._updateChangingPresence();
- },
- _onAccountRemoved: function(accountMgr, account) {
- if (account._changingId) {
- account.disconnect(account._changingId);
- account._changingId = 0;
- }
- this._updateChangingPresence();
- },
- _updateChangingPresence: function() {
- let accounts = this._accountMgr.get_valid_accounts();
- let changing = false;
- for (let i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) {
- if (accounts[i].connection_status == Tp.ConnectionStatus.CONNECTING) {
- changing = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (changing) {
- this._iconBox.child = this._pendingIcon;
- } else {
- let [presence, s, msg] = this._accountMgr.get_most_available_presence();
- this._updatePresenceIcon(this._accountMgr, presence, s, msg);
- }
- },
_createSubMenu: function() {
let item;
- item = new IMStatusChooserItem();
- item.connect('activate', Lang.bind(this, this._onMyAccountActivate));
- this.menu.addMenuItem(item);
- this._statusChooser = item;
- item = new PopupMenu.PopupSwitchMenuItem(_("Notifications"));
- item.connect('toggled', Lang.bind(this, this._updatePresenceStatus));
- this.menu.addMenuItem(item);
- this._notificationsSwitch = item;
- item = new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem();
- this.menu.addMenuItem(item);
this.menu.addSettingsAction(_("Settings"), 'gnome-control-center.desktop');
item = new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem();
@@ -777,31 +215,6 @@ const UserMenuButton = new Lang.Class({
this._installUpdatesItem = item;
- _updatePresenceStatus: function(item, event) {
- let status;
- if (item.state) {
- status = GnomeSession.PresenceStatus.AVAILABLE;
- } else {
- status = GnomeSession.PresenceStatus.BUSY;
- let [presence, s, msg] = this._accountMgr.get_most_available_presence();
- let newPresence = this._statusChooser.getIMPresenceForSessionStatus(status);
- if (newPresence != presence &&
- newPresence == Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.BUSY)
- Main.notify(_("Your chat status will be set to busy"),
- _("Notifications are now disabled, including chat messages. Your online status
has been adjusted to let others know that you might not see their messages."));
- }
- this._presence.status = status;
- },
- _onMyAccountActivate: function() {
- Main.overview.hide();
- let app = Shell.AppSystem.get_default().lookup_app('gnome-user-accounts-panel.desktop');
- app.activate();
- },
_onLockScreenActivate: function() {
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