[chronojump] 699951 pyserial same results as graph.R (99%)

commit 941242bf8a6ca187f608b470e62fa5a83e466b2f
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Wed Jun 19 11:53:46 2013 +0200

    699951 pyserial same results as graph.R (99%)

 encoder/graph.R                   |    9 +++-
 encoder/pyserial_pyper.py         |   89 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 encoder/pyserial_pyper_windows.py |   89 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 3 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)
diff --git a/encoder/graph.R b/encoder/graph.R
index 1d90ffc..b09b96f 100644
--- a/encoder/graph.R
+++ b/encoder/graph.R
@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ findCurves <- function(rawdata, eccon, min_height, draw, title) {
                     xlim=c(1,length(a))/1000,          #ms -> s
                title(title, cex.main=1, font.main=1)
                mtext("time (s) ",side=1,adj=1,line=-1)
                mtext("height (cm) ",side=2,adj=1,line=-1)
@@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ findCurves <- function(rawdata, eccon, min_height, draw, title) {
 #if this changes, change also in python capture file
 reduceCurveBySpeed <- function(eccon, row, startT, rawdata, smoothingOneEC, smoothingOneC) {
        #print("startT and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")
@@ -292,8 +293,6 @@ return (propulsiveEnd)
 #eccon="ec" one time each curve
 #eccon="ecS" means ecSeparated. two times each curve: one for "e", one for "c"
 kinematicsF <- function(a, mass, smoothingOneEC, smoothingOneC, g, eccon, analysisOptions) {
-       #print("length unique x in spline")
-       #print(length(unique(1:length(a))))
        smoothing = 0
        if(eccon == "c")
@@ -348,6 +347,9 @@ print("WARNING ECS\n\n\n\n\n")
 powerBars <- function(eccon, kinematics) {
+       #print("speed$y")
+       #print(kinematics$speedy)
        meanSpeed <- mean(kinematics$speedy)
        #max speed and max speed time can be at eccentric or concentric
        maxSpeed <- max(abs(kinematics$speedy))
@@ -364,6 +366,7 @@ powerBars <- function(eccon, kinematics) {
        meanForce <- mean(kinematics$force)
        maxForce <- max(abs(kinematics$force))
        #here paf is generated
        #mass is not used by powerBars, but used by Kg/W (loadVSPower)
        #meanForce and maxForce are not used by powerBars, but used by F/S (forceVSSpeed)
diff --git a/encoder/pyserial_pyper.py b/encoder/pyserial_pyper.py
index acfdda6..a624fdd 100644
--- a/encoder/pyserial_pyper.py
+++ b/encoder/pyserial_pyper.py
@@ -163,15 +163,24 @@ def calculate_all_in_r(temp, top_values, bottom_values, direction_now,
-               print("start:" + str(start) + "; end:" + str(end))
+               #declare
+               x_ini = 0       
+               #this will have same values than graph.R:
+               #1) first remove at start with reduceCurveBySpeed
+               #2) do speed and accel for curve once reducedCurveBySpeed
+               #3) find propulsive (if appropiate)
+               #4) remove at end with propulsive (if appropiate)
+               #1) first remove at start with reduceCurveBySpeed
                if direction_now == -1:
-                       myR.run('speed <- smooth.spline( 1:length(a), a, spar=smoothingOne)')
+                       #some variables only used for cutting
+                       myR.run('speedCut <- smooth.spline( 1:length(a), a, spar=smoothingOne)')
                        #reduce curve by speed, the same way as graph.R
-                       myR.run('b=extrema(speed$y)')
-                       myR.run('maxSpeedT <- min(which(speed$y == max(speed$y)))')
+                       myR.run('b=extrema(speedCut$y)')
+                       myR.run('maxSpeedT <- min(which(speedCut$y == max(speedCut$y)))')
                        maxSpeedT = myR.get('maxSpeedT')
                        bcrossLen = myR.get('length(b$cross[,2])')
                        bcross = myR.get('b$cross[,2]')
@@ -186,35 +195,67 @@ def calculate_all_in_r(temp, top_values, bottom_values, direction_now,
                        if bcrossLen == 0:
-                               return
+                               x_ini = 0
                        if bcrossLen == 1:
                                x_ini = bcross  #if bcross has only one item, then this fails: 'bcross[0]'. 
Just do 'bcross'
-                               x_ini = bcross[0]
+                               x_ini = bcross[0]       #not 1, we are in python now
                                for i in bcross:
                                        if i < maxSpeedT:
                                                x_ini = i  #left adjust
-                       #find propulsive
-                       if analysisOptions == "p":
-                               myR.run('accel <- predict( speed, deriv=1 )')
-                               myR.run('accel$y <- accel$y * 1000') #input data is in mm, conversion to m
-                               myR.run('propulsiveData <- which(accel$y <= -9.81)') 
-                               propulsiveData = myR.get('propulsiveData') 
-                               propulsiveDataLength = myR.get('length(propulsiveData)') 
-                               if propulsiveDataLength > 0:
-                                       print("propulsiveData:" + str(propulsiveData) + "; end:" + str(end) + 
-                                                       ";min(propulsiveData):" + str(min(propulsiveData)))
-                                       end = start + min(propulsiveData)
-                       myR.assign('a',temp[start+x_ini:end])
-                       print("start reduced (start+x_ini):" + str(start + x_ini) + " (x_ini:" + str(x_ini) + 
"); end:" + str(end)) 
+                       myR.assign('a',temp[(start+x_ini):end])
+                       #parenthesis [( )] were totally needed in this operation!!
+                       #eg:
+                       #k=seq(1:100)
+                       #> kwoParentheses = k[10+10:90]
+                       #> length(kwoParentheses)
+                       #[1] 81
+                       #> fivenum(kwoParentheses)
+                       #[1]  20  40  60  80 100
+                       #> kwParentheses = k[(10+10):90]
+                       #> length(kwParentheses)
+                       #[1] 71
+                       #> fivenum(kwParentheses)
+                       #[1] 20.0 37.5 55.0 72.5 90.0
+               #2) do speed and accel for curve once reducedCurveBySpeed
                myR.run('speed <- smooth.spline( 1:length(a), a, spar=smoothingOne)')
+               myR.run('accel <- predict( speed, deriv=1 )')
                myR.run('a.cumsum <- cumsum(a)')
                myR.run('range <- abs(a.cumsum[length(a)]-a.cumsum[1])')
-               myR.run('accel <- predict( speed, deriv=1 )')
+               #3) find propulsive (if appropiate)
+               if direction_now == -1 and analysisOptions == "p":
+                       myR.run('accelCut <- predict( speed, deriv=1 )')
+                       myR.run('accelCut$y <- accelCut$y * 1000') #input data is in mm, conversion to m
+                       myR.run('propulsiveData <- which(accelCut$y <= -9.81)') 
+                       propulsiveData = myR.get('propulsiveData') 
+                       propulsiveDataLength = myR.get('length(propulsiveData)') 
+                       if propulsiveDataLength > 0:
+                               end = min(propulsiveData)
+                       #myR.assign('x_ini',x_ini)
+                       myR.assign('end',end)
+                       #4) remove at end with propulsive (if appropiate)
+                       myR.run('speed$y <- speed$y[1:end]')
+                       myR.run('accel$y <- accel$y[1:end]')
+               print("new curve")
+               print(start+x_ini)
+               myspeedy=myR.get('speed$y')
+               print(myspeedy)
                myR.run('accel$y <- accel$y * 1000') #input data is in mm, conversion to m
 #              if isJump == "True":
                myR.run('force <- mass*(accel$y+9.81)')
diff --git a/encoder/pyserial_pyper_windows.py b/encoder/pyserial_pyper_windows.py
index 80ef761..2315a53 100644
--- a/encoder/pyserial_pyper_windows.py
+++ b/encoder/pyserial_pyper_windows.py
@@ -166,15 +166,24 @@ def calculate_all_in_r(temp, top_values, bottom_values, direction_now,
-               print("start:" + str(start) + "; end:" + str(end))
+               #declare
+               x_ini = 0       
+               #this will have same values than graph.R:
+               #1) first remove at start with reduceCurveBySpeed
+               #2) do speed and accel for curve once reducedCurveBySpeed
+               #3) find propulsive (if appropiate)
+               #4) remove at end with propulsive (if appropiate)
+               #1) first remove at start with reduceCurveBySpeed
                if direction_now == -1:
-                       myR.run('speed <- smooth.spline( 1:length(a), a, spar=smoothingOne)')
+                       #some variables only used for cutting
+                       myR.run('speedCut <- smooth.spline( 1:length(a), a, spar=smoothingOne)')
                        #reduce curve by speed, the same way as graph.R
-                       myR.run('b=extrema(speed$y)')
-                       myR.run('maxSpeedT <- min(which(speed$y == max(speed$y)))')
+                       myR.run('b=extrema(speedCut$y)')
+                       myR.run('maxSpeedT <- min(which(speedCut$y == max(speedCut$y)))')
                        maxSpeedT = myR.get('maxSpeedT')
                        bcrossLen = myR.get('length(b$cross[,2])')
                        bcross = myR.get('b$cross[,2]')
@@ -189,35 +198,67 @@ def calculate_all_in_r(temp, top_values, bottom_values, direction_now,
                        if bcrossLen == 0:
-                               return
+                               x_ini = 0
                        if bcrossLen == 1:
                                x_ini = bcross  #if bcross has only one item, then this fails: 'bcross[0]'. 
Just do 'bcross'
-                               x_ini = bcross[0]
+                               x_ini = bcross[0]       #not 1, we are in python now
                                for i in bcross:
                                        if i < maxSpeedT:
                                                x_ini = i  #left adjust
-                       #find propulsive
-                       if analysisOptions == "p":
-                               myR.run('accel <- predict( speed, deriv=1 )')
-                               myR.run('accel$y <- accel$y * 1000') #input data is in mm, conversion to m
-                               myR.run('propulsiveData <- which(accel$y <= -9.81)') 
-                               propulsiveData = myR.get('propulsiveData') 
-                               propulsiveDataLength = myR.get('length(propulsiveData)') 
-                               if propulsiveDataLength > 0:
-                                       print("propulsiveData:" + str(propulsiveData) + "; end:" + str(end) + 
-                                                       ";min(propulsiveData):" + str(min(propulsiveData)))
-                                       end = start + min(propulsiveData)
-                       myR.assign('a',temp[start+x_ini:end])
-                       print("start reduced (start+x_ini):" + str(start + x_ini) + " (x_ini:" + str(x_ini) + 
"); end:" + str(end)) 
+                       myR.assign('a',temp[(start+x_ini):end])
+                       #parenthesis [( )] were totally needed in this operation!!
+                       #eg:
+                       #k=seq(1:100)
+                       #> kwoParentheses = k[10+10:90]
+                       #> length(kwoParentheses)
+                       #[1] 81
+                       #> fivenum(kwoParentheses)
+                       #[1]  20  40  60  80 100
+                       #> kwParentheses = k[(10+10):90]
+                       #> length(kwParentheses)
+                       #[1] 71
+                       #> fivenum(kwParentheses)
+                       #[1] 20.0 37.5 55.0 72.5 90.0
+               #2) do speed and accel for curve once reducedCurveBySpeed
                myR.run('speed <- smooth.spline( 1:length(a), a, spar=smoothingOne)')
+               myR.run('accel <- predict( speed, deriv=1 )')
                myR.run('a.cumsum <- cumsum(a)')
                myR.run('range <- abs(a.cumsum[length(a)]-a.cumsum[1])')
-               myR.run('accel <- predict( speed, deriv=1 )')
+               #3) find propulsive (if appropiate)
+               if direction_now == -1 and analysisOptions == "p":
+                       myR.run('accelCut <- predict( speed, deriv=1 )')
+                       myR.run('accelCut$y <- accelCut$y * 1000') #input data is in mm, conversion to m
+                       myR.run('propulsiveData <- which(accelCut$y <= -9.81)') 
+                       propulsiveData = myR.get('propulsiveData') 
+                       propulsiveDataLength = myR.get('length(propulsiveData)') 
+                       if propulsiveDataLength > 0:
+                               end = min(propulsiveData)
+                       #myR.assign('x_ini',x_ini)
+                       myR.assign('end',end)
+                       #4) remove at end with propulsive (if appropiate)
+                       myR.run('speed$y <- speed$y[1:end]')
+                       myR.run('accel$y <- accel$y[1:end]')
+               print("new curve")
+               print(start+x_ini)
+               myspeedy=myR.get('speed$y')
+               print(myspeedy)
                myR.run('accel$y <- accel$y * 1000') #input data is in mm, conversion to m
 #              if isJump == "True":
                myR.run('force <- mass*(accel$y+9.81)')

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