[gnumeric] Updated Serbian translation

commit 85b8dc67ed87855b60198116036c7f190530ff65
Author: Мирослав Николић <miroslavnikolic rocketmail com>
Date:   Mon May 13 10:55:05 2013 +0200

    Updated Serbian translation

 po-functions/sr.po       | 6224 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 po-functions/sr latin po | 6224 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 2 files changed, 6980 insertions(+), 5468 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po-functions/sr.po b/po-functions/sr.po
index be3baa9..e0c0985 100644
--- a/po-functions/sr.po
+++ b/po-functions/sr.po
@@ -1,32 +1,39 @@
 # Courtesy of Prevod.org team (http://www.prevod.org/) -- 2003.
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the gnumeric package.
 # Maintainer: Slobodan Sredojević <ssl uns ns ac yu>
+# Мирослав Николић <miroslavnikolic rocketmail com>, 2013.
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: gnumeric 1.2\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-09 11:12-0500\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-12-08 01:14+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Слободан Средојевић <ssl uns ns ac yu>\n"
-"Language-Team: Serbian (sr) <serbiangnome-lista nongnu org>\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gnumer";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-04-17 19:02+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-13 10:50+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Мирослав Николић <miroslavnikolic rocketmail com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Serbian <gnom prevod org>\n"
+"Language: sr\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : "
+"n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+"X-Project-Style: gnome\n"
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:140
 msgid ""
 "EASTERSUNDAY:Easter Sunday in the Gregorian calendar according to the Roman "
 "rite of the Christian Church"
 msgstr ""
+"НЕДЕЉА_ВАСКРСА:Недеља Васкрса по грегоријанском календару према римском "
+"обреду хришћанске цркве"
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:142
 msgid ""
 "year:year between 1582 and 9956, defaults to the year of the next Easter "
 msgstr ""
+"година:година између 1582 и 9956, подразумева се година следеће Недеље "
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:143
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:166
@@ -37,109 +44,127 @@ msgid ""
 "Two digit years are adjusted as elsewhere in Gnumeric. Dates before 1904 may "
 "also be prohibited."
 msgstr ""
+"Године са две цифре се исправљају као и другде у Гномовом бројевнику. Датуми "
+"пре 1904 могу бити забрањени."
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:146
 msgid ""
 "The 1-argument version of EASTERSUNDAY is compatible with OpenOffice for "
 "years after 1904. This function is not specified in ODF/OpenFormula."
 msgstr ""
+"Издање 1-аргумента НЕДЕЉЕ_ВАСКРСА је сагласно са Опен офисом за године након "
+"1904. Ова функција није наведена у ОДФ-у/Отвореној формули."
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:163
 msgid ""
 "ASHWEDNESDAY:Ash Wednesday in the Gregorian calendar according to the Roman "
 "rite of the Christian Church"
 msgstr ""
+"ЗАДУШНИЦЕ:Задушнице по грегоријанском календару према римском обреду "
+"хришћанске цркве"
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:165
 msgid ""
 "year:year between 1582 and 9956, defaults to the year of the next Ash "
 msgstr ""
+"година:година између 1582 и 9956, подразумева се година следећих Задушница"
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:183
 msgid ""
 "PENTECOSTSUNDAY:Pentecost Sunday in the Gregorian calendar according to the "
 "Roman rite of the Christian Church"
 msgstr ""
+"НЕДЕЉА_ДУХОВА:Недеља духова по грегоријанском календару према римском обреду "
+"хришћанске цркве"
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:185
 msgid ""
 "year:year between 1582 and 9956, defaults to the year of the next Pentecost "
 msgstr ""
+"година:година између 1582 и 9956, подразумева се година следеће Недеље "
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:202
 msgid ""
 "GOODFRIDAY:Good Friday in the Gregorian calendar according to the Roman rite "
 "of the Christian Church"
 msgstr ""
+"ВЕЛИКИ_ПЕТАК:Велики петак по грегоријанском календару према римском обреду "
+"хришћанске цркве"
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:204
 msgid ""
 "year:year between 1582 and 9956, defaults to the year of the next Good Friday"
 msgstr ""
+"година:година између 1582 и 9956, подразумева се година следећег Великог "
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:221
 msgid ""
 "ASCENSIONTHURSDAY:Ascension Thursday in the Gregorian calendar according to "
 "the Roman rite of the Christian Church"
 msgstr ""
+"СПАСОВДАН:Спасовдан по грегоријанском календару према римском обреду "
+"хришћанске цркве"
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:223
 msgid ""
 "year:year between 1582 and 9956, defaults to the year of the next Ascension "
 msgstr ""
+"година:година између 1582 и 9956, подразумева се година следећег Спасовдана"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:81
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:78
 msgid "COMPLEX:a complex number of the form @{x} + @{y} {i}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "КОМПЛЕКСНИ:комплексни број у облику @{x} + @{y} {i}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:82
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:79
 msgid "x:real part"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "x:реални део"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:83
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:80
 msgid "y:imaginary part"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "y:имагинарни део"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:84
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:81
 msgid ""
 "i:the suffix for the complex number, either \"i\" or \"j\"; defaults to \"i\""
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "i:суфикс комплексног броја, било „i“ или „j“; подразумева се „i“"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:85
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:82
 msgid "If @{i} is neither \"i\" nor \"j\", COMPLEX returns #VALUE!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако @{i} није ни „i“ ни „j“, #ВРЕДНОСТ! је резултат КОМПЛЕКСНОГ"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:86 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:114
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:141 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:165
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:192 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:263
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:289 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:394
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:421 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:447
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:472 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:499
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:526 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:561
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:593
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1076
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1103
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1133
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1202 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:84
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:83 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:111
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:138 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:162
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:189 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:260
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:286 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:392
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:420 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:446
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:471 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:498
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:525 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:560
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:592
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1075
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1102
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1132
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1201 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:84
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-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:356 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:391
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:408 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:429
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:454 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:473
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:496 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:519
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:541 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:565
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:589 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:617
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:658 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:696
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-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:287 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:312
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:336 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:359
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:403 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:430
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:453 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:476
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:499 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:519
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:608 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:637
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1127 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1150
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:354 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:389
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:406 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:431
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:492 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:511
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:534 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:557
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:579 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:603
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:627 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:655
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:696 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:734
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:236 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:261
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:285 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:314
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:340 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:363
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:407 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:434
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:457 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:480
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:503 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:523
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:612 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:641
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1131 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1154
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:97 ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1285
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1351 ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1440
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1458 ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1480
@@ -151,397 +176,420 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1722 ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1759
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 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:131 ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:269
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-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:124 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:225
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:243 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:266
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:326 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:351
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:370 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:389
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:423 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:469
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:543 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:655
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:723 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:752
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:772 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:826
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:845 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:879
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:940 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1018
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1075 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1108
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1130 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1158
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1182 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1208
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-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1890 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1914
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-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2127 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2375
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2419 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2462
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2505 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2562
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2819 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2886
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+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:246 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:268
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:328 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:354
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:378 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:397
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+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:737 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:766
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:786 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:840
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:859 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:893
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:954 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1032
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1089 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1122
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+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1196 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1330
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1373 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1391
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+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1553 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1577
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1623 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1640
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1677 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1712
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1747 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1784
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1863 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1888
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1915 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1941
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+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2051 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2178
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2426 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2470
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2513 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2556
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2613 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2765
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2863 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2908
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-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:354 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:387
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:411 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:436
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:467 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:496
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:525 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:545
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:572 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:599
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:625 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:661
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:695 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:721
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:756 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:796
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:850 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:918
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:950 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:980
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1007 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1037
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1125 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1162
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1245 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1282
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1448 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1480
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1576 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1603
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1633 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1668
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1695 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1727
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1759 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1791
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1824 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1874
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1899 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1924
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1956 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1985
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2004 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2030
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2152 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2195
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2244 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2324
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2382 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2441
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2466 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2493
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2525 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2552
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2582 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2609
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2733 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2776
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2817 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2883
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3052 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3916
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3973 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4021
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-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:221 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:238
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:258 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:322
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:342 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:469
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:538 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:558
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:580 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:624
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:655 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:693
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:750 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:796
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:897 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:921
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:974 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1021
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1117 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1188
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1271
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+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:466 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:517
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:546 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:575
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:595 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:622
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:649 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:675
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:700 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:725
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:751 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:786
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:826 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:880
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:948 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:980
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1010 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1037
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1067 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1155
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1192 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1275
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1312 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1478
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1510 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1606
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1633 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1663
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1698 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1725
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1757 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1789
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1821 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1854
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1904 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1929
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1954 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1986
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2015 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2034
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2060 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2192
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2235 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2284
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2364 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2422
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2481 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2506
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2533 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2565
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2592 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2622
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2649 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2773
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2816 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2857
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2923 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3092
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4013 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4070
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4118 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4183
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:68 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:140
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:247 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:266
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:283 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:303
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:367 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:387
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:514 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:583
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:603 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:625
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:669 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:700
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:738 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:795
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:841 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:942
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:966 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1019
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1066 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1162
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1233 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1316
 msgid "This function is Excel compatible."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција је сагласна са Екселом."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:111
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:108
 msgid "IMAGINARY:the imaginary part of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:112 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:139
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:163 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:190
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:215 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:238
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:261 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:287
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:313 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:340
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:366 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:392
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:418 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:442
+msgstr "ИМАГИНАРНИ:имагинарни део комплексног броја @{z}"
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:109 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:136
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:160 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:187
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:212 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:235
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:258 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:284
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:310 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:337
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:363 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:390
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:417 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:441
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:469 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:496
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:590 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:615
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:639 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:664
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:689 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:713
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:738 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:762
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:789 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:816
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:843 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:867
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:892 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:916
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:943 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:971
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:999
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1023
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1048
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1073
+msgid "z:a complex number"
+msgstr "z:комплексни број"
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:110 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:137
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:161 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:188
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:213 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:236
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:259 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:285
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:312 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:339
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:365 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:391
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:419 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:445
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:470 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:497
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:591 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:616
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:640 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:665
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:690 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:714
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:739 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:763
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:790 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:817
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:739 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:765
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:792 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:819
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:844 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:868
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:893 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:917
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:944 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:972
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:893 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:919
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:947 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:975
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1000
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1024
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1049
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1074
-msgid "z:a complex number"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:113 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:140
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:164 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:191
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:216 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:239
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:262 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:288
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:315 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:342
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:368 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:393
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:420 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:446
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:471 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:498
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:592 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:617
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:641 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:666
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:691 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:715
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:740 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:766
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:793 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:820
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:845 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:869
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:894 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:920
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:948 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:976
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1001
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1025
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1050
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1075
 msgid "If @{z} is not a valid complex number, #VALUE! is returned."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако @{z} није исправан комплексни број, #ВРЕДНОСТ! је резултат."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:138
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:135
 msgid "IMABS:the absolute value of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМАПС:апсолутна вредност комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:162
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:159
 msgid "IMREAL:the real part of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМРЕАЛ:реални део комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:189
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:186
 msgid "IMCONJUGATE:the complex conjugate of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМКОНЈУГОВАНИ:конјуговано комплексни број @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:214
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:211
 msgid "IMINV:the reciprocal, or inverse, of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМИНВ:реципрочни, или обратни, комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:237
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:234
 msgid "IMNEG:the negative of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМНЕГ:негатив комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:260
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:257
 msgid "IMCOS:the cosine of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМКОС:косинус комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:286
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:283
 msgid "IMTAN:the tangent of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМТАН:тангенс комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:312
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:309
 msgid "IMSEC:the secant of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМСЕК:секанс комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:314
-msgid "secz = 1/cosz."
-msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:311
+msgid "IMSEC(@{z}) = 1/IMCOS(@{z})."
+msgstr "ИМСЕК(@{z}) = 1/ИМКОС(@{z})."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:339
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:336
 msgid "IMCSC:the cosecant of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМКСК:косеканс комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:341
-msgid "cscz = 1/sinz."
-msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:338
+msgid "IMCSC(@{z}) = 1/IMSIN(@{z})."
+msgstr "ИМКСК(@{z}) = 1/ИМСИН(@{z})."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:365
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:362
 msgid "IMCOT:the cotangent of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМКОТ:котангенс комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:367
-msgid "cotz = cosz/sinz."
-msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:364
+msgid "IMCOT(@{z}) = IMCOS(@{z})/IMSIN(@{z})."
+msgstr "ИМКОТ(@{z}) = ИМКОС(@{z})/ИМСИН(@{z})."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:391
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:389
 msgid "IMEXP:the exponential of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМЕКСП:изложилац комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:417
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:416
 msgid "IMARGUMENT:the argument theta of the complex number @{z} "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМАРГУМЕНТ:тета аргумент комплексног броја @{z} "
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:419
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:418
 msgid ""
 "The argument theta of a complex number is its angle in radians from the real "
 msgstr ""
+"Тета аргумент комплексног броја је његов угао у радијанима у односу на "
+"реалну осу."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:441
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:440
 msgid "IMLN:the natural logarithm of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМЛН:природни логаритам комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:443
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:442
 msgid ""
 "The result will have an imaginary part between -Ï€ and +Ï€.\n"
 "The natural logarithm is not uniquely defined on complex numbers. You may "
 "need to add or subtract an even multiple of π to the imaginary part."
 msgstr ""
+"Резултат ће садржати имагинарни део између -π и +π.\n"
+"Природни логаритам није јединствено одређен за комплексне бројеве. Мораћете "
+"да додате или да одузмете паран умножак броја π на имагинарни део."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:469
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:468
 msgid "IMLOG2:the base-2 logarithm of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМЛОГ2:логаритам основе-2 комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:496
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:495
 msgid "IMLOG10:the base-10 logarithm of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМЛОГ10:логаритам основе-10 комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:522
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:521
 msgid "IMPOWER:the complex number @{z1} raised to the @{z2}th power"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМСТЕПЕН:комплексни број @{z1} на @{z2}° степен"
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:522 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:557
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1099
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1129
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1198
+msgid "z1:a complex number"
+msgstr "z1:комплексни број"
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:523 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:558
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1100
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1130
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1199
-msgid "z1:a complex number"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "z2:a complex number"
+msgstr "z2:комплексни број"
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:524 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:559
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1101
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1131
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1200
-msgid "z2:a complex number"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:525 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:560
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1102
 msgid "If @{z1} or @{z2} is not a valid complex number, #VALUE! is returned."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако @{z1} или @{z2} није исправан комплексни број, #ВРЕДНОСТ! је резултат."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:557
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:556
 msgid "IMDIV:the quotient of two complex numbers @{z1}/@{z2}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМДИВ:коефицијент комплексног броја @{z1}/@{z2}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:590
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:589
 msgid "IMSIN:the sine of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМСИН:синус комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:615
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:614
 msgid "IMSINH:the hyperbolic sine of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМСИНХ:хиперболички синус комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:639
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:638
 msgid "IMCOSH:the hyperbolic cosine of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМКОСХ:хиперболички косинус комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:664
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:663
 msgid "IMTANH:the hyperbolic tangent of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМТАНХ:хиперболички тангенс комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:689
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:688
 msgid "IMSECH:the hyperbolic secant of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМСЕКХ:хиперболички секанс комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:713
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:712
 msgid "IMCSCH:the hyperbolic cosecant of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМКСКХ:хиперболички косеканс комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:738
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:737
 msgid "IMCOTH:the hyperbolic cotangent of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМКОТХ:хиперболички котангенс комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:762
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:761
 msgid "IMARCSIN:the complex arcsine of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМАРКСИН:комплексни аркус-синус комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:764
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:763
 msgid ""
 "IMARCSIN returns the complex arcsine of the complex number @{z}. The branch "
 "cuts are on the real axis, less than -1 and greater than 1."
 msgstr ""
+"„ИМАРКСИН“ исписује комплексни аркус-синус комплексног броја @{z}. Подеоци "
+"гране се налазе на реалној оси, мањи од -1 а већи од 1."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:789
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:788
 msgid "IMARCCOS:the complex arccosine of the complex number "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМАРККОС:комплексни аркус-косинус комплексног броја "
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:791
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:790
 msgid ""
 "IMARCCOS returns the complex arccosine of the complex number @{z}. The "
 "branch cuts are on the real axis, less than -1 and greater than 1."
 msgstr ""
+"„ИМАРККОС“ исписује комплексни аркус-косинус комплексног броја @{z}. Подеоци "
+"гране се налазе на реалној оси, мањи од -1 а већи од 1."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:816
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:815
 msgid "IMARCTAN:the complex arctangent of the complex number "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМАРКТАН:комплексни аркус-тангенс комплексног броја "
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:818
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:817
 msgid ""
 "IMARCTAN returns the complex arctangent of the complex number @{z}. The "
 "branch cuts are on the imaginary axis, below -i and above i."
 msgstr ""
+"„ИМАРКТАН“ исписује комплексни аркус-тангенс комплексног броја @{z}. Подеоци "
+"гране се налазе на имагинарној оси, испод -i а изнад i."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:843
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:842
 msgid "IMARCSEC:the complex arcsecant of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМАРКСЕК:комплексни аркус-секанс комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:867
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:866
 msgid "IMARCCSC:the complex arccosecant of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМАРККСК:комплексни аркус-косеканс комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:892
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:891
 msgid "IMARCCOT:the complex arccotangent of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМАРККОТ:комплексни аркус-котангенс комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:916
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:915
 msgid "IMARCSINH:the complex hyperbolic arcsine of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМАРКСИНХ:комплексни хиперболички аркус-синус комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:918
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:917
 msgid ""
 "IMARCSINH returns the complex hyperbolic arcsine of the complex number @"
 "{z}.  The branch cuts are on the imaginary axis, below -i and above i."
 msgstr ""
+"„ИМАРКСИНХ“ исписује комплексни хиперболички аркус-синус комплексног броја "
+"@{z}.  Подеоци гране се налазе на имагинарној оси, испод -i а изнад i."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:943
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:942
 msgid "IMARCCOSH:the complex hyperbolic arccosine of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМАРККОСХ:комплексни хиперболички аркус-косинус комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:945
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:944
 msgid ""
 "IMARCCOSH returns the complex hyperbolic arccosine of the complex number @"
 "{z}. The branch cut is on the real axis, less than 1."
 msgstr ""
+"„ИМАРККОСХ“ исписује комплексни хиперболички аркус-косинус комплексног броја "
+"@{z}. Подеоци гране се налазе на реалној оси, мањи од 1."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:971
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:970
 msgid "IMARCTANH:the complex hyperbolic arctangent of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМАРКТАНХ:комплексни хиперболички аркус-тангенс комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:973
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:972
 msgid ""
 "IMARCTANH returns the complex hyperbolic arctangent of the complex number @"
 "{z}. The branch cuts are on the real axis, less than -1 and greater than 1."
 msgstr ""
+"„ИМАРКТАНХ“ исписује комплексни хиперболички аркус-тангенс комплексног броја "
+"@{z}. Подеоци гране се налазе на реалној оси, мањи од -1 а већи од 1."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:999
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:998
 msgid "IMARCSECH:the complex hyperbolic arcsecant of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМАРКСЕКХ:комплексни хиперболички аркус-секанс комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1023
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1022
 msgid "IMARCCSCH:the complex hyperbolic arccosecant of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМАРККСКХ:комплексни хиперболички аркус-косеканс комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1048
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1047
 msgid ""
 "IMARCCOTH:the complex hyperbolic arccotangent of the complex number @{z}"
 msgstr ""
+"ИМАРККОТХ:комплексни хиперболички аркус-котангенс комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1073
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1072
 msgid "IMSQRT:the square root of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМСКуРТ:квадратни корен комплексног броја @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1099
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1098
 msgid "IMSUB:the difference of two complex numbers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМСУБ:разлика два комплексна броја"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1129
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1128
 msgid "IMPRODUCT:the product of the given complex numbers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМПРОДУКТ:производ датих комплексних бројева"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1132
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1201
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1131
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1200
 msgid ""
 "If any of @{z1}, @{z2},... is not a valid complex number, #VALUE! is "
 msgstr ""
+"Ако ниједан од @{z1}, @{z2},... није исправан комплексни број, #ВРЕДНОСТ! је "
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1198
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1197
 msgid "IMSUM:the sum of the given complex numbers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИМСУМ:збир датих комплексних бројева"
 #: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:45
 msgid ""
 "database:a range in which rows of related information are records and "
 "columns of data are fields"
 msgstr ""
+"база_података:опсег у коме редови односног податка јесу записи а колоне "
+"података јесу поља"
 #: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:48
 msgid "field:a string or integer specifying which field is to be used"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "поље:ниска целог броја која одређује које поље ће бити коришћено"
 #: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:50
 msgid "criteria:a range containing conditions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "мерило:опсег који садржи услове"
 #: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:52
 msgid ""
@@ -549,6 +597,9 @@ msgid ""
 "columns of data are fields. The first row of a database contains labels for "
 "each column."
 msgstr ""
+"@{база_података} је опсег у коме редови односног податка јесу записи а "
+"колоне података јесу поља. Први ред базе података садржи натписе за сваку "
 #: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:57
 msgid ""
@@ -556,6 +607,9 @@ msgid ""
 "{field} is an integer n then the nth column will be used. If @{field} is a "
 "string, then the column with the matching label will be used."
 msgstr ""
+"@{поље} је ниска или цео број који наводи које поље ће бити коришћено. Ако "
+"је @{поље} цео број n тада ће n-та колона бити коришћена. Ако је @{поље} "
+"ниска, тада ће бити коришћена колона са одговарајућим натписом."
 #: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:62
 msgid ""
@@ -566,6 +620,12 @@ msgid ""
 "specifying a value, e. g. \"3\" or \"Jody\". For a record to be considered "
 "it must satisfy all conditions in at least one of the rows of @{criteria}."
 msgstr ""
+"@{мерило} је опсег који садржи услове. Први ред @{мерила} треба да садржи "
+"натписе. Сваки натпис одређује у ком пољу се примењује услов дат у тој "
+"колони. Свако поље испод натписа одређује услов као што је „>3“ или „<9“. "
+"Услов једнакости може бити дат једноставним навођењем вредности, тј. „3“ или "
+"„Jody“. Да би запис био разматран мора да задовољи све услове у барем "
+"једном од редова @{мерила}."
 #: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:73
 msgid ""
@@ -584,230 +644,269 @@ msgid ""
 ">40     \t>46000\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Претпоставимо да опсег A1:C7 садржи следеће вредности:\n"
+"Име             Године          Примање\n"
+"Јован           34              54342\n"
+"Бојан           35              22343\n"
+"Зоран           29              34323\n"
+"Бобан           43              47242\n"
+"Сузана          37              42932\n"
+"Љиљана          45              45324\n"
+"Као додатак, поље A9:B11 садржи следеће вредности:\n"
+"Године          Примања\n"
+">40             >46000\n"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:322
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:323
 msgid ""
 "DAVERAGE:average of the values in @{field} in @{database} belonging to "
 "records that match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"ДПРОСЕК:просек вредности у @{пољу} у @{бази_података} који припада записима "
+"који задовољавају @{мерило}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:331
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:332
 msgid "DAVERAGE(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:A11) equals 42296.3333."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДПРОСЕК(A1:C7, „Примања“, A9:A11) износи 42296.3333."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:332
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:333
 msgid "DAVERAGE(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:A11) equals 39."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДПРОСЕК(A1:C7, „Године“, A9:A11) износи 39."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:333
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:334
 msgid "DAVERAGE(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:B11) equals 40782.5."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДПРОСЕК(A1:C7, „Примања“, A9:B11) износи 40782.5."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:334
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:335
 msgid "DAVERAGE(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:B11) equals 36."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДПРОСЕК(A1:C7, „Године“, A9:B11) износи 36."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:358
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:359
 msgid ""
 "DCOUNT:count of numbers in @{field} in @{database} belonging to records that "
 "match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"ДИЗНОС:износ бројева у @{пољу} у @{бази_података} који припада записима који "
+"задовољавају @{мерило}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:367
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:368
 msgid "DCOUNT(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:A11) equals 3."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДИЗНОС(A1:C7, „Примања“, A9:A11) износи 3."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:368
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:369
 msgid "DCOUNT(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:B11) equals 2."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДИЗНОС(A1:C7, „Примања“, A9:B11) износи 2."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:369
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:370
 msgid "DCOUNT(A1:C7, \"Name\", A9:B11) equals 0."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДИЗНОС(A1:C7, „Име“, A9:B11) износи 0."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:393
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:394
 msgid ""
 "DCOUNTA:count of cells with data in @{field} in @{database} belonging to "
 "records that match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"ДИЗНОСА:износ поља са подацима у @{пољу} у @{бази_података} који припада "
+"записима који задовољавају @{мерило}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:402
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:403
 msgid "DCOUNTA(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:A11) equals 3."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДИЗНОСА(A1:C7, „Примања“, A9:A11) износи 3."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:403
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:404
 msgid "DCOUNTA(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:B11) equals 2."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДИЗНОСА(A1:C7, „Примања“, A9:B11) износи 2."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:404
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:405
 msgid "DCOUNTA(A1:C7, \"Name\", A9:B11) equals 2."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДИЗНОСА(A1:C7, „Име“, A9:B11) износи 0."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:425
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:426
 msgid ""
 "DGET:a value from @{field} in @{database} belonging to records that match @"
 msgstr ""
+"ДГЕТ:вредност из @{поља} у @{бази_података} која припада записима који "
+"задовољавају @{мерило}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:434
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:435
 msgid "If none of the records match the conditions, DGET returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако ниједан од записа не одговара условима, #ВРЕДНОСТ! је резултат ДГЕТ-а"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:435
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:436
 msgid "If more than one record match the conditions, DGET returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако више од једног записа одговара условима, #БРОЈ! је резултат ДГЕТ-а"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:436
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:437
 msgid "DGET(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:A10) equals 34323."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДГЕТ(A1:C7, „Примања“, A9:A10) износи 34323."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:437
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:438
 msgid "DGET(A1:C7, \"Name\", A9:A10) equals \"Clark\"."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДГЕТ(A1:C7, „Име“, A9:A10) износи „Зоран“."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:466
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:467
 msgid ""
 "DMAX:largest number in @{field} in @{database} belonging to a record that "
 "match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"ДМАКС:највећи број у @{пољу} у @{бази_података} који припада запису који "
+"задовољава @{мерило}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:475
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:476
 msgid "DMAX(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:A11) equals 47242."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДМАКС(A1:C7, „Примања“, A9:A11) износи 47242."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:476
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:477
 msgid "DMAX(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:A11) equals 45."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДМАКС(A1:C7, „Године“, A9:A11) износи 45."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:477
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:478
 msgid "DMAX(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:B11) equals 43."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДМАКС(A1:C7, „Године“, A9:B11) износи 43."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:502
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:503
 msgid ""
 "DMIN:smallest number in @{field} in @{database} belonging to a record that "
 "match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"ДМИН:најмањи број у @{пољу} у @{бази_података} који припада запису који "
+"задовољава @{мерило}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:511
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:512
 msgid "DMIN(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:B11) equals 34323."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДМИН(A1:C7, „Примања“, A9:B11) износи 34323."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:512
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:513
 msgid "DMIN(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:B11) equals 29."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДМИН(A1:C7, „Године“, A9:B11) износи 29."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:535
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:536
 msgid ""
 "DPRODUCT:product of all values in @{field} in @{database} belonging to "
 "records that match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"ДПРОДУКТ:производ свих вредности у @{пољу} у @{бази_података} који припада "
+"записима који задовољавају @{мерило}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:544
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:545
 msgid "DPRODUCT(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:B11) equals 1247."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДПРОДУКТ(A1:C7, „Године“, A9:B11) износи 1247."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:568
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:569
 msgid ""
 "DSTDEV:sample standard deviation of the values in @{field} in @{database} "
 "belonging to records that match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"ДСТДЕВ:узорак стандардног одступања вредности у @{пољу} у @{бази_података} "
+"који припада записима који задовољавају @{мерило}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:577
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:578
 msgid "DSTDEV(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:B11) equals 9.89949."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДСТДЕВ(A1:C7, „Године“, A9:B11) износи 9.89949."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:578
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:579
 msgid "DSTDEV(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:B11) equals 9135.112506."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДСТДЕВ(A1:C7, „Примања“, A9:B11) износи 9135.112506."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:601
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:602
 msgid ""
 "DSTDEVP:standard deviation of the population of values in @{field} in @"
 "{database} belonging to records that match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"ДСТДЕВ:стандардно одступање популације вредности у @{пољу} у "
+"@{бази_података} који припада записима који задовољавају @{мерило}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:611
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:612
 msgid "DSTDEVP(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:B11) equals 7."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДСТДЕВП(A1:C7, „Године“, A9:B11) износи 7."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:612
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:613
 msgid "DSTDEVP(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:B11) equals 6459.5."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДСТДЕВП(A1:C7, „Примања“, A9:B11) износи 6459.5."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:635
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:636
 msgid ""
 "DSUM:sum of the values in @{field} in @{database} belonging to records that "
 "match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"ДСУМ:збир вредности у @{пољу} у @{бази_података} који припада записима који "
+"задовољавају @{мерило}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:644
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:645
 msgid "DSUM(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:B11) equals 72."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДСУМ(A1:C7, „Године“, A9:B11) износи 72."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:645
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:646
 msgid "DSUM(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:B11) equals 81565."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДСУМ(A1:C7, „Примања“, A9:B11) износи 81565."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:669
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:670
 msgid ""
 "DVAR:sample variance of the values in @{field} in @{database} belonging to "
 "records that match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"ДВАР:узорак варијансе вредности у @{пољу} у @{бази_података} који припада "
+"записима који задовољавају @{мерило}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:678
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:679
 msgid "DVAR(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:B11) equals 98."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДВАР(A1:C7, „Године“, A9:B11) износи 98."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:679
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:680
 msgid "DVAR(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:B11) equals 83450280.5."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДВАР(A1:C7, „Примања“, A9:B11) износи 83450280.5."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:702
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:703
 msgid ""
 "DVARP:variance of the population of values in @{field} in @{database} "
 "belonging to records that match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"ДВАРП:варијанса популације вредности у @{пољу} у @{бази_података} који "
+"припада записима који задовољавају @{мерило}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:712
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:713
 msgid "DVARP(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:B11) equals 49."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДВАРП(A1:C7, „Године“, A9:B11) износи 49."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:713
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:714
 msgid "DVARP(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:B11) equals 41725140.25."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДВАРП(A1:C7, „Примања“, A9:B11) износи 41725140.25."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:736
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:737
 msgid "GETPIVOTDATA:summary data from a pivot table"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДОБАВИ_ПОДАТКЕ_СТОЖЕРА:подаци збира из стожер табеле"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:737
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:738
 msgid "pivot_table:cell range containing the pivot table"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "стожер_табела:опсег поља који садржи стожер табелу"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:738
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:739
 msgid "field_name:name of the field for which the summary data is requested"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "назив_поља:назив поља за које се траже подаци збира"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:739
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:740
 msgid "If the summary data is unavailable, GETPIVOTDATA returns #REF!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако подаци збира нису доступни, ДОБАВИ_ПОДАТКЕ_СТОЖЕРА даје #РЕФ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:74
 msgid "DATE:create a date serial value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДАТУМ:ствара редну вредност датума"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:75
 msgid "year:year of date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "година:година датума"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:76
 msgid "month:month of year"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "месец:месец у години"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:77
 msgid "day:day of month"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "дан:дан у месецу"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:78
 msgid ""
@@ -815,26 +914,34 @@ msgid ""
 "2-Jan-1900 is serial value 2, and so on.  For compatibility reasons, a "
 "serial value is reserved for the non-existing date 29-Feb-1900."
 msgstr ""
+"Функција „ДАТУМ“ ствара редне вредности датума.  „1-јан-1900“ је редна "
+"вредност 1, „2-јан-1900“ је редна вредност 2, и тако редом.  Због "
+"сагласности, редна вредност је обезбеђена за не-постојећи датум "
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:79
 msgid ""
 "If @{month} or @{day} is less than 1 or too big, then the year and/or month "
 "will be adjusted."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{месец} или @{дан} мањи од 1 или превелик, тада ће година и/или "
+"месец бити исправљени."
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:80
 msgid ""
-"For spreadsheets created with the Mac version of Excel, serial 1 is 1-Jan-"
-msgstr ""
+"For spreadsheets created with the Mac version of Excel, serial 1 is 1-"
+msgstr "За табеле направљене Мековим издањем Ексела, редни 1 је „1-јан-1904“."
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:137
 msgid "UNIX2DATE:date value corresponding to the Unix timestamp @{t}"
 msgstr ""
+"ЈУНИКС_у_ДАТУМ:вредност датума која одговара Јуниксовој временској ознаци "
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:138
 msgid "t:Unix time stamp"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "t:Јуниксова временска ознака"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:139
 msgid ""
@@ -842,14 +949,17 @@ msgid ""
 "date.  A Unix timestamp is the number of seconds since midnight (0:00) of "
 "January 1st, 1970 GMT."
 msgstr ""
+"Функција „ЈУНИКС_у_ДАТУМ“ преводи Јуниксове временске ознаке у одговарајући "
+"датум.  Јуниксова временска ознака је број секунди од поноћи (0:00) 1. "
+"јануара, 1970. године."
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:167
 msgid "DATE2UNIX:the Unix timestamp corresponding to a date @{d}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДАТУМ_у_ЈУНИКС:Јуниксова временска ознака која одговара датуму @{d}"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:168
 msgid "d:date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "d:датум"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:169
 msgid ""
@@ -857,424 +967,533 @@ msgid ""
 "timestamp is the number of seconds since midnight (0:00) of January 1st, "
 "1970 GMT."
 msgstr ""
+"Функција „ДАТУМ_у_ЈУНИКС“ преводи датум у Јуниксову временску ознаку. "
+"Јуниксова временска ознака је број секунди од поноћи (0:00) 1. јануара, "
+"1970. године."
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:193
 msgid "DATEVALUE:the date part of a date and time serial value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ВРЕДНОСТ_ДАТУМА:датумски део редне вредности датума и времена"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:194 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:451
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:194 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:489
 msgid "serial:date and time serial value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "редно:редна вредност датума и времена"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:195
 msgid ""
 "DATEVALUE returns the date serial value part of a date and time serial value."
 msgstr ""
+"„ВРЕДНОСТ_ДАТУМА“ исписује део датумске редне вредности редне вредности "
+"датума и времена."
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:211
 msgid "DATEDIF:difference between dates"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "РАЗЛ_ДАТУМА:разлика између датума"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:212 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:651
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:956 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1222
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1251
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:212 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:689
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:994 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1260
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1289
 msgid "start_date:starting date serial value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "почетни_датум:редна вредност почетног датума"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:213 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:652
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:957 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1223
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1252
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:213 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:690
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:995 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1261
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1290
 msgid "end_date:ending date serial value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "крајњи_датум:редна вредност крајњег датума"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:214
 msgid "interval:counting unit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "период:јединица бројања"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:215
 msgid ""
 "DATEDIF returns the distance from @{start_date} to @{end_date} according to "
 "the unit specified by @{interval}."
 msgstr ""
+"„РАЗЛ_ДАТУМА“ исписује растојање од @{почетног_датума} до @{крајњег_датума} "
+"складно јединици наведеној @{периодом}."
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:216
 msgid ""
 "If @{interval} is \"y\", \"m\", or \"d\" then the distance is measured in "
 "complete years, months, or days respectively."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{период} „y“, „m“, или „d“ онда се растојање мери читавим годинама, "
+"месецима, или данима."
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:217
 msgid ""
 "If @{interval} is \"ym\" or \"yd\" then the distance is measured in complete "
 "months or days, respectively, but excluding any difference in years."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{период} „ym“ или „yd“ онда се растојање мери читавим месецима или "
+"данима, али искључујући било какву разлику у годинама."
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:218
 msgid ""
 "If @{interval} is \"md\" then the distance is measured in complete days but "
 "excluding any difference in months."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{период} „md“ онда се растојање мери читавим данима, али искључујући "
+"било какву разлику у месецима."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:352
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:350
 msgid "EDATE:adjust a date by a number of months"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЕДАТУМ:исправља датум бројем месеци"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:353 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:539
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:563 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:587
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:611 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:693
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:733 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1123
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1147 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1183
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:351 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:577
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:601 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:625
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:649 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:731
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:771 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1161
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1185 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1221
 msgid "date:date serial value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "датум:редна вредност датума"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:354 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:694
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:352 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:732
 msgid "months:signed number of months"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "месеци:уписани број месеци"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:355
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:353
 msgid ""
 "EDATE returns @{date} moved forward or backward the number of months "
 "specified by @{months}."
 msgstr ""
+"„ЕДАТУМ“ исписује @{датум} померен унапред или уназад за број месеци "
+"наведених у @{месеци}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:389
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:387
 msgid "TODAY:the date serial value of today"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДАНАС:редна вредност датума за данас"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:390
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:388
 msgid ""
 "The TODAY function returns the date serial value of the day it is computed.  "
 "Recomputing on a later date will produce a different value."
 msgstr ""
+"Функција „ДАНАС“ исписује редну вредност датума дана његовог израчунавања. "
+"Поновно израчунавање према каснијем датуму ће произвести другачију вредност."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:406
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:404
 msgid "NOW:the date and time serial value of the current time"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "САДА:редна вредност датума и времена тренутног времена"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:407
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:405
 msgid ""
 "The NOW function returns the date and time serial value of the moment it is "
 "computed.  Recomputing later will produce a different value."
 msgstr ""
+"Функција „САДА“ исписује редну вредност датума и времена тренутка његовог "
+"израчунавања. Касније поновно израчунавање ће произвести другачију вредност."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:423
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:421
 msgid "TIME:create a time serial value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ВРЕМЕ:ствара редну вредност времена"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:424
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:422
 msgid "hour:hour of the day"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "сат:сат у току дана"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:425
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:423
 msgid "minute:minute within the hour"
+msgstr "минут:минут у току сата"
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:424
+msgid "second:second within the minute"
+msgstr "секунда:секунда у току минута"
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:425
+msgid ""
+"The TIME function computes the fractional day after midnight at the time "
+"given by @{hour}, @{minute}, and @{second}."
 msgstr ""
+"Функција „ВРЕМЕ“ израчунава подељени дан после поноћи за време које дају "
+"@{сат}, @{минут}, и @{секунда}."
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:426
-msgid "second:second within the minute"
+msgid ""
+"While the return value is automatically formatted to look like a time "
+"between 0:00 and 24:00, the underlying serial time value is a number between "
+"0 and 1."
 msgstr ""
+"Док је исписана вредност самостално обликована да изгледа као време између "
+"0:00 и 24:00, основна редна вредност времена је број између 0 и 1."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:427
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:428
 msgid ""
-"The TIME function computes the fractional day between midnight at the time "
-"given by @{hour}, @{minute}, and @{second}."
+"If any of @{hour}, @{minute}, and @{second} is negative, #NUM! is returned"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{сат}, @{минут}, или @{секунда} негативна вредност, биће исписан "
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:450
-msgid "TIMEVALUE:the time part of a date and time serial value"
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:458
+msgid "ODF.TIME:create a time serial value"
+msgstr "ОДФ.ВРЕМЕ:ствара редну вредност времена"
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:459
+msgid "hour:hour"
+msgstr "сат:сат"
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:460
+msgid "minute:minute"
+msgstr "минут:минут"
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:461
+msgid "second:second"
+msgstr "секунда:секунда"
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:462
+msgid ""
+"The ODF.TIME function computes the time given by @{hour}, @{minute}, and @"
+"{second} as a fraction of a day."
+msgstr ""
+"Функција „ОДФ.ВРЕМЕ“ израчунава време које дају @{сат}, @{минут}, и "
+"@{секунда} као разломак дана."
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:463
+msgid ""
+"While the return value is automatically formatted to look like a time "
+"between 0:00 and 24:00, the underlying serial time value can be any number."
 msgstr ""
+"Док је исписана вредност самостално обликована да изгледа као време између "
+"0:00 и 24:00, основна редна вредност времена може бити било који број."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:452
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:467 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:780
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1002 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1292
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:211 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:315
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:384 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:752
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1312 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:433
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1033 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1060
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1411 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1431
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2099 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2726
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2925 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1545
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2423 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4602
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:304 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:388
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:515 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1103
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1445 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1575
+msgid "This function is OpenFormula compatible."
+msgstr "Ова функција је сагласна са Отвореном формулом."
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:488
+msgid "TIMEVALUE:the time part of a date and time serial value"
+msgstr "ВРЕДНОСТ_ВРЕМЕНА:временски део редне вредности датума и времена"
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:490
 msgid "TIMEVALUE returns the time-of-day part of a date and time serial value."
 msgstr ""
+"„ВРЕДНОСТ_ВРЕМЕНА“ исписује део време-у-току-дана редне вредности датума и "
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:469
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:507
 msgid "HOUR:compute hour part of fractional day"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "САТ:израчунава део сата разломачког дана"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:470 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:493
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:516
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:508 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:531
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:554
 msgid "time:time of day as fractional day"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "време:време у току дана као разломачки дан"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:471
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:509
 msgid ""
 "The HOUR function computes the hour part of the fractional day given by @"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Функција „САТ“ израчунава део сата разломачког дана који даје @{време}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:492
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:530
 msgid "MINUTE:compute minute part of fractional day"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "МИНУТ:израчунава део минута разломачког дана"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:494
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:532
 msgid ""
 "The MINUTE function computes the minute part of the fractional day given by @"
 msgstr ""
+"Функција „МИНУТ“ израчунава део минута разломачког дана који даје @{време}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:515
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:553
 msgid "SECOND:compute seconds part of fractional day"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "СЕКУНДА:израчунава део секунди разломачког дана"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:517
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:555
 msgid ""
 "The SECOND function computes the seconds part of the fractional day given by "
 msgstr ""
+"Функција „СЕКУНДА“ израчунава део секунди разломачког дана који даје "
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:538
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:576
 msgid "YEAR:the year part of a date serial value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ГОДИНА:део године редне вредности датума"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:540
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:578
 msgid "The YEAR function returns the year part of @{date}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Функција „ГОДИНА“ исписује део године за @{датум}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:562
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:600
 msgid "MONTH:the month part of a date serial value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "МЕСЕЦ:део месеца редне вредности датума"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:564
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:602
 msgid "The MONTH function returns the month part of @{date}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Функција „МЕСЕЦ“ исписује део месеца за @{датум}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:586
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:624
 msgid "DAY:the day-of-month part of a date serial value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДАН:део дан-у-месецу редне вредности датума"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:588
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:626
 msgid "The DAY function returns the day-of-month part of @{date}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Функција „ДАН“ исписује део дан-у-месецу за @{датум}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:610
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:648
 msgid "WEEKDAY:day-of-week"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДАН_СЕДМИЦЕ:дан-у-седмици"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:612 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1184
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:650 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1222
 msgid "method:numbering system, defaults to 1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "начин:систем нумерисања, основно је 1"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:613
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:651
 msgid ""
 "The WEEKDAY function returns the day-of-week of @{date}.  The value of @"
 "{method} determines how days are numbered; it defaults to 1. "
 msgstr ""
+"Функција „ДАН_СЕДМИЦЕ“ исписује дан-у-седмици за @{датум}.  Вредност "
+"@{начина} одређује како се нумеришу дани; основно је 1. "
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:614
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:652
 msgid "If @{method} is 1, then Sunday is 1, Monday is 2, etc."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{начин} 1, недеља је тада 1, понедељак је 2, итд."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:615
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:653
 msgid "If @{method} is 2, then Monday is 1, Tuesday is 2, etc."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{начин} 2, понедељак је тада 1, уторак је 2, итд."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:616
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:654
 msgid "If @{method} is 3, then Monday is 0, Tuesday is 1, etc."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{начин} 3, понедељак је тада 0, уторак је 1, итд."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:650
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:688
 msgid "DAYS360:days between dates"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДАНИ360:дани између датума"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:653
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:691
 msgid "method:counting method"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "начин:начин бројања"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:654
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:692
 msgid "DAYS360 returns the number of days from @{start_date} to @{end_date}."
 msgstr ""
+"„ДАНИ360“ исписује број дана од @{почетног_датума} до @{крајњег_датума}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:655
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:693
 msgid ""
 "If @{method} is 0, the default, the MS Excel (tm) US method will be used. "
 "This is a somewhat complicated industry standard method where the last day "
 "of February is considered to be the 30th day of the month, but only for @"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{начин} 0, биће коришћен основни, МС Екселов (tm) амерички начин. "
+"Ово је помало сложен индустријски стандардни начин у коме се последњи дан "
+"фебруара сматра за 30. дан у месецу, али само за @{почетни_датум}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:656
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:694
 msgid ""
 "If @{method} is 1, the European method will be used.  In this case, if the "
 "day of the month is 31 it will be considered as 30"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{начин} 1, биће коришћен европски начин.  У том случају, ако је дан "
+"у месецу 31. биће сматран као 30."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:657
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:695
 msgid ""
 "If @{method} is 2, a saner version of the US method is used in which both "
 "dates get the same February treatment."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{начин} 2, користи се здравије издање америчког начина у коме оба "
+"датума добијају исти третман фебруара."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:692
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:730
 msgid "EOMONTH:end of month"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "КРАЈ_МЕСЕЦА:крај месеца"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:695
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:733
 msgid ""
 "EOMONTH returns the date serial value of the end of the month specified by @"
 "{date} adjusted forward or backward the number of months specified by @"
 msgstr ""
+"„КРАЈ_МЕСЕЦА“ исписује редну вредност датума краја месеца који наводи "
+"@{датум} исправљен унапред или уназад за број месеци које наводе @{месеци}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:732
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:770
 msgid "WORKDAY:add working days"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "РАДНИ_ДАН:додаје радне дане"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:734
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:772
 msgid "days:number of days to add"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "дани:број дана за додавање"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:735 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:958
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:773 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:996
 msgid "holidays:array of holidays"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "празници:низ празника"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:736 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:959
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:774 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:997
 msgid ""
 "weekend:array of 0s and 1s, indicating whether a weekday (S, M, T, W, T, F, "
 "S) is on the weekend, defaults to {1,0,0,0,0,0,1}"
 msgstr ""
+"слободни_дани:низ 0 и 1, које указују да ли су дани у седмици (Н, П, У, С, "
+"Ч, П, С) слободни дани, основно је {1,0,0,0,0,0,1}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:738
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:776
 msgid ""
 "WORKDAY adjusts @{date} by @{days} skipping over weekends and @{holidays} in "
 "the process."
 msgstr ""
+"„РАДНИ_ДАН“ исправља @{датум} према @{данима} прескачући слободне дане и "
+"@{празнике} у поступку."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:739
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:777
 msgid "@{days} may be negative."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "@{дани} могу бити негативни."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:740 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:962
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:778 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1000
 msgid ""
 "If an entry of @{weekend} is non-zero, the corresponding weekday is not a "
 "work day."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако неки унос @{слободног_дана} јесте не-нулти, одговарајући слободни дан "
+"није радни дан."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:741 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:963
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:779 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1001
 msgid "This function is Excel compatible if the last argument is omitted."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција је сагласна са Екселом ако је изостављен последњи аргумент."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:742 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:964
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1254 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:213
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:380 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:748
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1312 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:424
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1019 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1046
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1363 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1383
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2048 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2781
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1515 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2383
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4512 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:259
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:343 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:470
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1058 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1400
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1530
-msgid "This function is OpenFormula compatible."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:955
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:993
 msgid "NETWORKDAYS:number of workdays in range"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "РАДНИ_ДАНИ_МРЕЖЕ:број радних дана у опсегу"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:961
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:999
 msgid ""
 "NETWORKDAYS calculates the number of days from @{start_date} to @{end_date} "
 "skipping weekends and @{holidays} in the process."
 msgstr ""
+"„РАДНИ_ДАНИ_МРЕЖЕ“ израчунава број дана од @{почетног_датума} до "
+"@{крајњег_датума} прескачући слободне дане и @{празнике} у поступку."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1122
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1160
 msgid "ISOWEEKNUM:ISO week number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИСО_БРОЈ_СЕДМИЦЕ:број ИСО седмице"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1124
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1162
 msgid ""
 "ISOWEEKNUM calculates the week number according to the ISO 8601 standard.  "
 "Weeks start on Mondays and week 1 contains the first Thursday of the year."
 msgstr ""
+"„ИСО_БРОЈ_СЕДМИЦЕ“ израчунава број седмице према стандарду ИСО 8601.  Недеље "
+"почињу понедељком а 1. седмица садржи први уторак у години."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1125 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1149
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1163 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1187
 msgid ""
 "January 1 of a year is sometimes in week 52 or 53 of the previous year.  "
 "Similarly, December 31 is sometimes in week 1 of the following year."
 msgstr ""
+"1. јануар у години је понекад у 52. или 53. недељи у претходној години.  "
+"Слично томе, 31. децембар је понекад у 1. недељи следеће године."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1146
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1184
 msgid "ISOYEAR:year corresponding to the ISO week number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИСО_ГОДИНА:година која одговара броју ИСО седмица"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1148
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1186
 msgid ""
 "ISOYEAR calculates the year to go with week number according to the ISO 8601 "
 msgstr ""
+"„ИСО_ГОДИНА“ рачуна да година иде са бројем седмице према стандарду ИСО "
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1182
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1220
 msgid "WEEKNUM:week number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "БРОЈ_СЕДМИЦЕ:број седмице"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1185
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1223
 msgid ""
 "WEEKNUM calculates the week number according to @{method} which defaults to "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "„БРОЈ_СЕДМИЦЕ“ рачуна број седмице према @{начину} који подразумева 1."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1186
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1224
 msgid ""
 "If @{method} is 1, then weeks start on Sundays and January 1 is in week 1."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{начин} 1, тада седмице почињу недељом а 1. јануар је у 1. седмици."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1187
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1225
 msgid ""
 "If @{method} is 2, then weeks start on Mondays and January 1 is in week 1."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{начин} 2, тада недеље почињу понедељком а 1. јануар је у 1. недељи."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1188
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1226
 msgid "If @{method} is 150, then the ISO 8601 numbering is used."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{начин} 150, тада се користи ИСО 8601 набрајање."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1221
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1259
 msgid "YEARFRAC:fractional number of years between dates"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "РАЗЛ_ГОДИНЕ:разломачки број година између датума"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1224 ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:454
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1262 ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:454
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:492
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:530
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:571
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:608
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:652
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1895
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2258
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2308
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2415
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2461
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2503
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2653
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2748
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2826
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2903
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2959
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3002
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3026
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3050
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3074
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3100
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3126
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3240
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2261
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2311
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2418
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2464
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2506
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2656
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2751
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2829
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2906
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2962
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3005
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3029
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3053
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3077
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3103
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3129
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3243
 msgid "basis:calendar basis"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "основе:основа календара"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1225
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1263
 msgid ""
 "YEARFRAC calculates the number of days from @{start_date} to @{end_date} "
 "according to the calendar specified by @{basis}, which defaults to 0, and "
 "expresses the result as a fractional number of years."
 msgstr ""
+"„РАЗЛ_ГОДИНЕ“ израчунава број дана од @{почетног_датума} до "
+"@{крајњег_датума} према календару који је наведен у @{основи}, која "
+"подразумева 0, и изражава резултат као разломачки број година."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1250
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1288
 msgid "DAYS:difference between dates in days"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДАНИ:разлика између датума у данима"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1253
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1291
 msgid ""
 "DAYS returns the positive or negative number of days from @{start_date} to @"
 msgstr ""
+"„ДАНИ“ исписује позитивни или негативни број дана од @{почетног_датума} до "
 #. Some common decriptors
 #: ../plugins/fn-derivatives/options.c:46
@@ -1353,11 +1572,11 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-derivatives/options.c:193
 msgid "a:limit for first random variable"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:ограничење за прву насумичну променљиву"
 #: ../plugins/fn-derivatives/options.c:194
 msgid "b:limit for second random variable"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:ограничење за другу насумичну променљиву"
 #: ../plugins/fn-derivatives/options.c:195
 msgid "rho:correlation of the two random variables"
@@ -1872,7 +2091,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-derivatives/options.c:1667
 #: ../plugins/fn-derivatives/options.c:1711
-msgid "spot2:spot price of asset 1"
+msgid "spot2:spot price of asset 2"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-derivatives/options.c:1668
@@ -2020,283 +2239,328 @@ msgid ""
 "slower to calculate."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:207
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:205
 msgid "BASE:string of digits representing the number @{n} in base @{b}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ОСНОВА:ниска бројева који представљају број @{n} у основи @{b}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:208 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1279
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:578
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:608
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:206 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1327
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:612
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:642
 msgid "n:integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:цео број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:209
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:207
 msgid "b:base (2 ≤ @{b} ≤ 36)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:основа (2 ≤ @{b} ≤ 36)"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:210
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:208
 msgid "length:minimum length of the resulting string"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "дужина:најмања дужина резултирајуће ниске"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:211
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:209
 msgid ""
 "BASE converts @{n} to its string representation in base @{b}. Leading zeroes "
 "will be added to reach the minimum length given by @{length}."
 msgstr ""
+"ОСНОВА претвара @{n} у његово представљање ниске у основи @{b}. Биће додате "
+"водеће нуле да би се достигла најмања дужина задата @{дужином}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:236
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:234
 msgid "BIN2DEC:decimal representation of the binary number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "БИН_у_ДЕЦ:децимално представљање бинарног броја @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:237 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:259
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:283
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:235 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:257
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:281
 msgid ""
 "x:a binary number, either as a string or as a number involving only the "
 "digits 0 and 1"
 msgstr ""
+"х:бинарни број, било као ниска или као број који обухвата само цифре 0 и 1"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:258
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:256
 msgid "BIN2OCT:octal representation of the binary number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "БИН_у_ОКТ:октално представљање бинарног броја @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:260 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:284
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:309 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:333
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:356 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:427
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:450 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:473
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:496
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:258 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:282
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:307 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:337
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:360 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:431
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:454 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:477
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:500
 msgid "places:number of digits"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "места:број цифара"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:261
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:259
 msgid ""
 "If @{places} is given, BIN2OCT pads the result with zeros to achieve exactly "
 "@{places} digits. If this is not possible, BIN2OCT returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако су задата @{места}, БИН_у_ОКТ попуњава резултат нулама да достигне тачно "
+"@{места} цифара. Ако ово није могуће, БИН_у_ОКТ исписује #БРОЈ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:282
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:280
 msgid "BIN2HEX:hexadecimal representation of the binary number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "БИН_у_ХЕКС:хексадецимално представљање бинарног броја @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:285
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:283
 msgid ""
 "If @{places} is given, BIN2HEX pads the result with zeros to achieve exactly "
 "@{places} digits. If this is not possible, BIN2HEX returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако су задата @{места}, БИН_у_ХЕКС попуњава резултат нулама да достигне "
+"тачно @{места} цифара. Ако ово није могуће, БИН_у_ХЕКС исписује #БРОЈ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:307
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:305
 msgid "DEC2BIN:binary representation of the decimal number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДЕЦ_у_БИН:бинарно представљање децималног броја @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:308 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:332
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:355 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1278
-msgid "x:integer"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:306
+msgid "x:integer (− 513 < @{x} < 512)"
+msgstr "х:цео број (− 513 < @{x} < 512)"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:310
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:308
 msgid ""
-"If @{places} is given, DEC2BIN pads the result with zeros to achieve exactly "
-"@{places} digits. If this is not possible, DEC2BIN returns #NUM!"
+"If @{places} is given and @{x} is non-negative, DEC2BIN pads the result with "
+"zeros to achieve exactly @{places} digits. If this is not possible, DEC2BIN "
+"returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако су задата @{места} и @{x} је не-негативно, ДЕЦ_у_БИН попуњава нулама да "
+"достигне тачно @{места} цифара. Ако ово није могуће, ДЕЦ_у_БИН исписује "
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:331
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:312
+msgid "If @{places} is given and @{x} is negative, @{places} is ignored."
+msgstr "Ако су задата @{места} и @{x} је негативно, @{места} се занемарују."
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:313
+msgid "If @{x} < − 512 or @{x} > 511, DEC2BIN returns #NUM!"
+msgstr "Ако је @{x} < − 512 или @{x} > 511, ДЕЦ_у_БИН исписује #БРОЈ!"
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:335
 msgid "DEC2OCT:octal representation of the decimal number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДЕЦ_у_ОКТ:октално представљање децималног броја @{x}"
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:336 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:359
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1326
+msgid "x:integer"
+msgstr "х:цео број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:334
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:338
 msgid ""
 "If @{places} is given, DEC2OCT pads the result with zeros to achieve exactly "
 "@{places} digits. If this is not possible, DEC2OCT returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако су задата @{места}, ДЕЦ_у_ОКТ попуњава нулама да достигне тачно @{места} "
+"цифара. Ако ово није могуће, ДЕЦ_у_ОКТ исписује #БРОЈ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:354
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:358
 msgid "DEC2HEX:hexadecimal representation of the decimal number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДЕЦ_у_ХЕКС:хексадецимално представљање децималног броја @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:357
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:361
 msgid ""
 "If @{places} is given, DEC2HEX pads the result with zeros to achieve exactly "
 "@{places} digits. If this is not possible, DEC2HEX returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако су задата @{места}, ДЕЦ_у_ХЕКС попуњава резултат нулама да достигне "
+"тачно @{места} цифара. Ако ово није могуће, ДЕЦ_у_ХЕКС исписује #БРОЈ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:377
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:381
 msgid "DECIMAL:decimal representation of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДЕЦИМАЛНО:децимално представљање броја @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:378
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:382
 msgid "x:number in base @{base}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х:број у основи @{основа}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:379
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:383
 msgid "base:base of @{x}, (2 ≤ @{base} ≤ 36)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "основа:основа броја @{x}, (2 ≤ @{основа} ≤ 36)"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:401
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:405
 msgid "OCT2DEC:decimal representation of the octal number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ОКТ_у_ДЕЦ:децимално представљање окталног броја @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:402 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:426
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:449
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:406 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:430
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:453
 msgid "x:a octal number, either as a string or as a number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х:октални број, било као ниска или као број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:425
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:429
 msgid "OCT2BIN:binary representation of the octal number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ОКТ_у_БИН:бинарно представљање окталног броја @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:428
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:432
 msgid ""
 "If @{places} is given, OCT2BIN pads the result with zeros to achieve exactly "
 "@{places} digits. If this is not possible, OCT2BIN returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако су задата @{места}, ОКТ_у_БИН попуњава резултат нулама да достигне тачно "
+"@{места} цифара. Ако ово није могуће, ОКТ_у_БИН исписује #БРОЈ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:448
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:452
 msgid "OCT2HEX:hexadecimal representation of the octal number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ОКТ_у_ХЕКС:хексадецимално представљање окталног броја @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:451
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:455
 msgid ""
 "If @{places} is given, OCT2HEX pads the result with zeros to achieve exactly "
 "@{places} digits. If this is not possible, OCT2HEX returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако су задата @{места}, ОКТ_у_ХЕКС попуњава резултат нулама да достигне "
+"тачно @{места} цифара. Ако ово није могуће, ОКТ_у_ХЕКС исписује #БРОЈ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:471
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:475
 msgid "HEX2BIN:binary representation of the hexadecimal number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ХЕКС_у_БИН:бинарно представљање хексадецималног броја @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:472 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:495
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:518
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:476 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:499
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:522
 msgid ""
 "x:a hexadecimal number, either as a string or as a number if no A to F are "
 msgstr ""
+"х:хексадецимални број, било као ниска или као број ако нису потребни ни A до "
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:474
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:478
 msgid ""
 "If @{places} is given, HEX2BIN pads the result with zeros to achieve exactly "
 "@{places} digits. If this is not possible, HEX2BIN returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако су задата @{места}, ХЕКС_у_БИН попуњава резултат нулама да достигне "
+"тачно @{места} цифара. Ако ово није могуће, ХЕКС_у_БИН исписује #БРОЈ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:494
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:498
 msgid "HEX2OCT:octal representation of the hexadecimal number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ХЕКС_у_ОКТ:октално представљање хексадецималног броја @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:497
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:501
 msgid ""
 "If @{places} is given, HEX2OCT pads the result with zeros to achieve exactly "
 "@{places} digits. If this is not possible, HEX2OCT returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако су задата @{места}, ХЕКС_у_ОКТ попуњава резултат нулама да достигне "
+"тачно @{места} цифара. Ако ово није могуће, ХЕКС_у_ОКТ исписује #БРОЈ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:517
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:521
 msgid "HEX2DEC:decimal representation of the hexadecimal number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ХЕКС_у_ДЕЦ:децимално представљање хексадецималног броја @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:540
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:544
 msgid ""
 "BESSELI:Modified Bessel function of the first kind of order @{α} at @{x}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:541 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:579
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:603 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:632
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:545 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:583
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:607 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:636
 msgid "X:number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "X:број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:542 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:580
-msgid "α:order (any number)"
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:546 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:584
+msgid "α:order (any non-negative number)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:543 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:581
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:547 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:585
 msgid ""
 "If @{x} or @{α} are not numeric, #VALUE! is returned. If @{α} < 0, #NUM! is "
 msgstr ""
+"Ако @{x} или @{α} нису бројеви, исписује се #ВРЕДНОСТ!. Ако је @{α} < 0, "
+"исписује се #БРОЈ!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:544 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:582
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:548 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:586
 msgid "This function is Excel compatible if only integer orders @{α} are used."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:547 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:585
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:611
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:551 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:589
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:615
 msgid "wiki:en:Bessel_function"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:578
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:582
 msgid ""
 "BESSELK:Modified Bessel function of the second kind of order @{α} at @{x}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:602
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:606
 msgid "BESSELJ:Bessel function of the first kind of order @{α} at @{x}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:604 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:633
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:608 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:637
 msgid "α:order (any non-negative integer)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:605 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:634
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:609 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:638
 msgid ""
 "If @{x} or @{α} are not numeric, #VALUE! is returned. If @{α} < 0, #NUM! is "
 "returned. If @{α} is not an integer, it is truncated."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако @{x} или @{α} нису бројеви, исписује се #ВРЕДНОСТ!. Ако је @{α} < 0, "
+"исписује се #БРОЈ!. Ако @{α} није цео број, скраћује се."
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:631
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:635
 msgid "BESSELY:Bessel function of the second kind of order @{α} at @{x}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:658
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:662
 msgid "CONVERT:a converted measurement"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:659 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1103
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:223 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:242
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:265 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:306
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:324 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:349
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:368 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:387
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:447 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:718
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:771 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:789
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:807 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:843
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:861 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:878
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:909 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:939
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:963 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:987
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1071 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1107
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1203 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1381
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1421 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1439
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1591 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1624
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1661 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1696
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1836 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1885
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1909 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1950
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1997 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:410
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:462 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:523
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:843 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:912
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:975 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1117
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1189 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1276
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1306 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1539
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1718 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1754
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1921 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4312
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4343 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4377
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4412 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4451
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4484
+msgstr "ПРЕТВОРИ:претворено мерење"
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:663 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1107
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1173 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:226
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:245 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:267
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:308 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:326
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:352 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:371
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:395 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:456
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:732 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:785
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:803 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:821
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:857 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:875
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:892 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:923
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:953 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:977
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1001 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1085
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1121 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1217
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1259 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1429
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1469 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1487
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1639 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1674
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1711 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1746
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1886 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1936
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1960 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2001
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2048 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:440
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:512 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:573
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:873 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:942
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1005 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1147
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1219 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1306
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1336 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1569
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1748 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1784
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1951 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4402
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4433 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4467
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4502 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4541
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4574
 msgid "x:number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х:број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:660
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:664
 msgid "from:unit (string)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "из:јединица (ниска)"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:661
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:665
 msgid "to:unit (string)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "у:јединица (ниска)"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:662
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:666
 msgid ""
 "CONVERT returns a conversion from one measurement system to another. @{x} is "
 "a value in @{from} units that is to be converted into @{to} units."
 msgstr ""
+"ПРЕТВОРИ исписује претварање из једног система мерења у друго. @{x} је "
+"вредност у „ {из}“ јединицама које ће бити претворене у „ {у}“ јединице."
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:664
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:668
 msgid "If @{from} and @{to} are different types, CONVERT returns #N/A!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако су @{из} и @{у} различите врсте, ПРЕТВОРИ исписује #Н/Д!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:665
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:669
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "@{from} and @{to} can be any of the following:\n"
@@ -2392,93 +2656,206 @@ msgid ""
 "\t'z'  \tzepto \t\t1E-21\n"
 "\t'y'  \tyocto \t\t1E-24"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:747
+"@{из} и @{у} могу бити нешто од следећег:\n"
+"Тежина и маса:\n"
+"\t„g“     \t\tГрам\n"
+"\t„sg„    \t\tSlug\n"
+"\t„lbm“   \t\tФунта\n"
+"\t„u“     \t\tU (атомска маса)\n"
+"\t„ozm“   \t\tУнца\n"
+"\t„m“     \t\tМетар\n"
+"\t„mi“    \t\tСтатутна миља\n"
+"\t„Nmi“   \t\tНаутичка миља\n"
+"\t„in“    \t\tИнч\n"
+"\t„ft“    \t\tСтопа\n"
+"\t„yd“    \t\tЈард\n"
+"\t„ang“   \t\tАнгстром\n"
+"\t„Pica“  \t\tPica Points\n"
+"\t„picapt“\t\tPica Points\n"
+"\t„pica“  \t\tПика\n"
+"\t„yr“    \t\tГодина\n"
+"\t„day“   \t\tДан\n"
+"\t„hr„    \t\tСат\n"
+"\t„mn“    \t\tМинут\n"
+"\t„sec“   \t\tСекунда\n"
+"\t„Pa„    \t\tПаскал\n"
+"\t„atm“   \t\tАтмосфера\n"
+"\t„mmHgд                  mm живиног стуба\n"
+"\t„N“     \t\tЊутн\n"
+"\t„dyn“   \t\tDyne\n"
+"\t„lbf“   \t\tPound force\n"
+"\t„J“     \t\tЏул\n"
+"\t„e“     \t\tErg\n"
+"\t„c“     \t\tТермодинамичка калорија\n"
+"\t„cal“   \t\tИТ калорија\n"
+"\t„eV“    \t\tЕлектрон волт\n"
+"\t„HPh“   \t\tКоњска снага-час\n"
+"\t„Wh“    \t\tВат-час\n"
+"\t„flb“   \t\tFoot-pound\n"
+"\t„BTU“   \t\tBTU\n"
+"\t„HP“    \t\tКоњска снага\n"
+"\t„W“     \t\tВат\n"
+"\t„T“     \t\tТесла\n"
+"\t„ga“    \t\tГаус\n"
+"\t„C“     \t\tСтепени Целзијуса\n"
+"\t„F“     \t\tСтепени Фаренхајта\n"
+"\t„K“     \t\tСтепени Келвина\n"
+"Мере течности:\n"
+"\t„tsp“   \t\tTeaspoon\n"
+"\t„tbs“   \t\tTablespoon\n"
+"\t„oz“    \t\tFluid ounce\n"
+"\t„cup“   \t\tШоља\n"
+"\t„pt“    \t\tПинта\n"
+"\t„qt“    \t\tЧетврт\n"
+"\t„gal“   \t\tГалон\n"
+"\t„l“     \t\tЛитар\n"
+"За метричке јединице може бити коришћен било који од следећих префикса:\n"
+"\t„Y“     \tјота  \t\t1E+24\n"
+"\t„Z“     \tзета  \t\t1E+21\n"
+"\t„E“     \tекса  \t\t1E+18\n"
+"\t„P“     \tпета  \t\t1E+15\n"
+"\t„T“     \tтера  \t\t1E+12\n"
+"\t„G“     \tгига  \t\t1E+09\n"
+"\t„M“     \tмега  \t\t1E+06\n"
+"\t„k“     \tкило  \t\t1E+03\n"
+"\t„h“     \tхекто \t\t1E+02\n"
+"\t„e“     \tдека  \t\t1E+01\n"
+"\t„d“     \tдеци  \t\t1E-01\n"
+"\t„cд     \tценти \t\t1E-02\n"
+"\t„m“     \tмили  \t\t1E-03\n"
+"\t„u“     \tмикро \t\t1E-06\n"
+"\t„n“     \tнано  \t\t1E-09\n"
+"\t„p“     \tпико  \t\t1E-12\n"
+"\t„f“     \tфемто \t\t1E-15\n"
+"\t„a“     \tато   \t\t1E-18\n"
+"\t„z“     \tцепто \t\t1E-21\n"
+"\t„y“     \tјокто \t\t1E-24"
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:751
 msgid "This function is Excel compatible (except \"picapt\")."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција је сагласна са Екселом (осим „picapt“)."
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1070
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1074
 msgid "ERF:Gauss error function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ФГР:Гаусова функција грешке"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1071
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1075
 msgid "lower:lower limit of the integral, defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "доња:доња граница интеграла, основно је 0"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1072
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1076
 msgid "upper:upper limit of the integral"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "горња:горња граница интеграла"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1073
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1077
 msgid ""
 "ERF returns 2/sqrt(Ï€)* integral from @{lower} to @{upper} of exp(-t*t) dt"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ФГР исписује 2/sqrt(π)* интеграл од @{доње} до @{горње} за exp(-t*t) dt"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1074
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1078
 msgid ""
 "This function is Excel compatible if two arguments are supplied and neither "
 "is negative."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција је сагласна са Екселом ако су достављена два аргумента и "
+"ниједан није негативан."
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1078 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1107
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1082 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1111
 msgid "wiki:en:Error_function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вики:ен:Функција_грешке"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1102
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1106
 msgid "ERFC:Complementary Gauss error function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "КФГР:Комплементарна Гаусова функција грешке"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1104
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1108
 msgid "ERFC returns 2/sqrt(π)* integral from @{x} to ∞ of exp(-t*t) dt"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "КФГР исписује 2/sqrt(π)* интеграл од @{х} до ∞ за exp(-t*t) dt"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1122
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1126
 msgid "DELTA:Kronecker delta function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДЕЛТА:Кнокерова функција делте"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1123 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1146
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1127 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1150
 msgid "x0:number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х0:број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1124 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1147
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1128 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1151
 msgid "x1:number, defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х1:број, подразумева се 0"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1125
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1129
 msgid "DELTA  returns 1 if  @{x1} = @{x0} and 0 otherwise."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДЕЛТА  исписује 1 ако је @{x1} = @{x0} а 0 у супротном."
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1126 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1149
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1130 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1153
 msgid "If either argument is non-numeric, #VALUE! is returned."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1145
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1149
 msgid "GESTEP:step function with step at @{x1} evaluated at @{x0}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1148
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1152
 msgid "GESTEP returns 1 if  @{x1} ≤ @{x0} and 0 otherwise."
+msgstr "ГЕСТЕП  исписује 1 ако је @{x1} ≤ @{x0} а 0 у супротном."
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1172
+msgid "HEXREP:hexadecimal representation of numeric value"
+msgstr "ХЕКСПРЕД:хексадецимално представљање бројевне вредности"
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1174
+msgid "HEXREP returns a hexadecimal string representation of @{x}."
+msgstr "ХЕКСПРЕД исписује представљање хексадецималне ниске за @{x}."
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1175
+msgid ""
+"This is a function meant for debugging.  The layout of the result may change "
+"and even depend on how Gnumeric was compiled."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција је осмишљена за уклањање грешака.  Распоред резултата може бити "
+"измењен и чак да зависи од начина превођења Гномовог бројевника."
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1168
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1203
 msgid "INVSUMINV:the reciprocal of the sum of reciprocals of the arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1169
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1204
 msgid "x0:non-negative number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х0:не-негативни број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1170
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1205
 msgid "x1:non-negative number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х1:не-негативни број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1171
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1206
 msgid ""
 "If any of the arguments is negative, #VALUE! is returned.\n"
 "If any argument is zero, the result is zero."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је било који аргумент негативан, исписује се #ВРЕДНОСТ!.\n"
+"Ако је неки аргумент нула, резултат је нула."
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1173
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1208
 msgid ""
 "INVSUMINV sum calculates the reciprocal (the inverse) of the sum of "
 "reciprocals (inverses) of all its arguments."
@@ -2490,12 +2867,12 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:106 ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:191
 msgid "traffic:number of calls"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "саобраћај:број позива"
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:107 ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:132
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:229
 msgid "circuits:number of circuits"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "кола:број кола"
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:108
 msgid ""
@@ -2505,11 +2882,11 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:110 ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:134
 msgid "@{traffic} cannot exceed @{circuits}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "@{саобраћај} не може да премаши @{кола}."
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:130
 msgid "OFFTRAF:predicted number of offered calls"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ПОНУЂ_САОБ:предвиђени број понуђених позива"
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:131
 msgid "traffic:number of carried calls"
@@ -2523,38 +2900,45 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:190
 msgid "DIMCIRC:number of circuits required"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДИМ_КОЛ:број потребних кола"
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:192 ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:230
 msgid "gos:grade of service"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "сус:степен услуге"
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:193
 msgid ""
 "DIMCIRC returns the number of circuits required given @{traffic} calls with "
 "grade of service @{gos}."
 msgstr ""
+"ДИМ_КОЛ исписује број потребних кола датих позива @{саобраћаја} са степеном "
+"услуге @{сус}."
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:228
 msgid "OFFCAP:traffic capacity"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "МАКС_МОГ:могућност саобраћаја"
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:231
 msgid ""
 "OFFCAP returns the traffic capacity given @{circuits} circuits with grade of "
 "service @{gos}."
 msgstr ""
+"МАКС_МОГ исписује могућности саобраћаја датих кола @{кола} са степеном "
+"услуге @{сус}."
 #. *************************************************************************
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:53
 msgid "@{frequency} may be 1 (annual), 2 (semi-annual), or 4 (quarterly)."
 msgstr ""
+"@{учесталост} може бити 1 (годишње), 2 (полу-годишње), или 4 (тромесечно)."
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:56
 msgid ""
 "If @{type} is 0, the default, payment is at the end of each period.  If @"
 "{type} is 1, payment is at the beginning of each period."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{врста} 0, основно, плаћање је на крају сваког раздобља.  Ако је "
+"@{врста} 1, плаћање је почетку сваког раздобља."
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:362
 msgid "ACCRINT:accrued interest"
@@ -2563,15 +2947,15 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:363
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:450
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:605
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2458
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2497
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2647
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2461
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2500
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2650
 msgid "issue:date of issue"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "издавање:датум издавања"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:364
 msgid "first_interest:date of first interest payment"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "прва_камата:датум плаћања прве камате"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:365
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:488
@@ -2583,21 +2967,21 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1124
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1158
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1890
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2252
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2302
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2411
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2456
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2495
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2645
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2741
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2819
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2999
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3023
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3047
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3071
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3097
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3123
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3235
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2255
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2305
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2414
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2459
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2498
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2648
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2744
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2822
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3002
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3026
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3050
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3074
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3100
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3126
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3238
 msgid "settlement:settlement date"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2605,45 +2989,45 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:452
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:529
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:686
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2254
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2304
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2459
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2499
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2649
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2744
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2822
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2257
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2307
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2462
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2502
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2652
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2747
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2825
 msgid "rate:nominal annual interest rate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "рата:номинална годишња рата камате"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:367
 msgid "par:par value, defaults to $1000"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "по:по вредности, основно је $1000"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:368
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1894
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2257
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2307
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2502
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2652
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2747
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2825
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3001
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3025
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3049
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3073
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3099
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3125
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3239
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2260
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2310
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2505
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2655
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2750
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2828
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3004
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3028
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3052
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3076
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3102
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3128
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3242
 msgid "frequency:number of interest payments per year"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "учесталост:број плаћања камате у току године"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:369
 msgid "basis:calendar basis, defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "основа:основа календара, основно је 0"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:370
 msgid "calc_method:calculation method, defaults to TRUE"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "начин_рачунања:начин рачунања, основно је ТАЧНО"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:372
 msgid ""
@@ -2670,6 +3054,7 @@ msgid ""
 "@{frequency} must be one of 1, 2 or 4, but the exact value does not affect "
 "the result."
 msgstr ""
+"@{учесталост} мора бити 1, 2 или 4, али тачна вредност не утиче на резултат."
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:387
 msgid "@{issue} must precede both @{first_interest} and @{settlement}."
@@ -2689,27 +3074,27 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1125
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1159
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1891
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2253
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2303
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2412
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2457
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2496
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2646
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2742
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2820
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3000
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3024
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3048
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3072
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3098
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3124
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3236
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2256
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2306
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2415
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2460
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2499
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2649
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2745
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2823
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3003
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3027
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3051
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3075
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3101
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3127
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3239
 msgid "maturity:maturity date"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:453
 msgid "par:par value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "по:по вредности"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:455
 msgid "ACCRINTM calculates the accrued interest from @{issue} to @{maturity}."
@@ -2717,7 +3102,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:456
 msgid "@{par} defaults to $1000."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "@{по} основно је $1000."
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:487
 msgid "INTRATE:interest rate"
@@ -2731,13 +3116,13 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:491
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:570
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:651
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2256
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2306
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2414
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2501
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2651
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2746
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2824
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2259
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2309
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2417
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2504
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2654
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2749
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2827
 msgid "redemption:amount received at maturity"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2776,10 +3161,10 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:607
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1893
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2255
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2500
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2745
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3238
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2258
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2503
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2748
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3241
 msgid "yield:annual yield of security"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2831,9 +3216,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1758
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1798
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1842
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1934
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1936
 msgid "rate:effective annual interest rate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "рата:ефективна годишња рата камате"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:713
 msgid "NOMINAL calculates the nominal interest rate from the effective rate."
@@ -2856,8 +3241,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1729
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1760
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1800
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3148
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3192
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3151
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3195
 msgid "nper:number of periods"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2869,9 +3254,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1761
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1801
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1844
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1935
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3149
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3193
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1937
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3152
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3196
 msgid "pv:present value"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2887,9 +3272,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:822
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:871
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:901
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2897
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2953
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3280
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2900
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2956
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3285
 msgid "cost:initial cost of asset"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2897,9 +3282,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:823
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:872
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:902
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2900
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2956
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3281
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2903
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2959
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3286
 msgid "salvage:value after depreciation"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2907,15 +3292,15 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:824
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:873
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:903
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3282
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3287
 msgid "life:number of periods"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:775
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:825
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:904
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2901
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2957
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2904
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2960
 msgid "period:subject period"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2934,7 +3319,7 @@ msgid "DDB:depreciation of an asset"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:826
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3285
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3290
 msgid "factor:factor at which the balance declines"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3068,9 +3453,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1762
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1802
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1845
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1936
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1938
 msgid "fv:future value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "бв:будућа вредност"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1196
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1462
@@ -3079,10 +3464,10 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1763
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1803
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1846
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3152
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3196
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3155
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3199
 msgid "type:payment type"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "врста:врста плаћања"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1197
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1342
@@ -3108,7 +3493,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1306
 msgid "p:number of periods"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "р:број раздобља"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1309
 msgid ""
@@ -3135,7 +3520,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1457
 msgid "PV:present value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "СВ:садашња вредност"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1458
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1498
@@ -3156,11 +3541,11 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1499
 msgid "value1:cash flow for period 1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вредност1:проток новца за раздобље 1"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1500
 msgid "value2:cash flow for period 2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вредност2:проток новца за раздобље 2"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1501
 msgid "NPV calculates the net present value of a cash flow."
@@ -3173,7 +3558,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1544
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1599
 msgid "dates:dates of cash flow"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "датуми:датуми протока новца"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1545
 msgid "XNPV calculates the net present value of a cash flow at irregular times"
@@ -3192,7 +3577,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1691
 msgid "FV:future value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "БВ:будућа вредност"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1697
 msgid ""
@@ -3231,7 +3616,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1841
 msgid "NPER:number of periods"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "БРАЗ:број раздобља"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1847
 msgid ""
@@ -3240,66 +3625,68 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1889
-msgid "DURATION:the duration of a security"
+msgid "DURATION:the (Macaulay) duration of a security"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1892
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3237
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3240
 msgid "coupon:annual coupon rate"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1896
-msgid "DURATION calculates the duration of a security."
+msgid "DURATION calculates the (Macaulay) duration of a security."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1933
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1935
 msgid "G_DURATION:the duration of a investment"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1937
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1939
 msgid ""
 "G_DURATION calculates the number of periods needed for an investment to "
 "attain a desired value."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1938
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1940
 msgid "G_DURATION is the OpenFormula function PDURATION."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1966
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1969
 msgid "FVSCHEDULE:future value"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1967
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1970
 msgid "principal:initial value"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1968
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1971
 msgid "schedule:range of interest rates"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1969
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1972
 msgid ""
 "FVSCHEDULE calculates the future value of @{principal} after applying a "
 "range of interest rates with compounding."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2002
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2005
 msgid "EURO:equivalent of 1 EUR"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЕВРО:еквивалент 1 ЕВРа"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2003
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2006
 msgid "currency:three-letter currency code"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "валута:трословни код валуте"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2004
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2007
 msgid ""
 "EURO calculates the national currency amount corresponding to 1 EUR for any "
 "of the national currencies that were replaced by the Euro on its "
 msgstr ""
+"ЕВРО израчунава одговарајући износ националне валуте према 1 евру за сваку "
+"од националних валута која је замењена евром приликом његовог увођења."
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2005
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2008
 msgid ""
 "@{currency} must be one of ATS (Austria), BEF (Belgium), CYP (Cyprus), DEM "
 "(Germany), EEK (Estonia), ESP (Spain), EUR (Euro), FIM (Finland), FRF "
@@ -3307,172 +3694,185 @@ msgid ""
 "(Malta), NLG (The Netherlands), PTE (Portugal), SIT (Slovenia), or SKK "
 msgstr ""
+"@{валута} мора бити једна од следећих: ATS (Аустрија), BEF (Белгија), CYP "
+"(Кипар), DEM (Немачка), EEK (ЕСтонија), ESP (Шпанија), EUR (Евро), FIM "
+"(Финска), FRF (Француска), GRD (Грчка), IEP (Ирска), ITL (Италија), LUF "
+"(Луксембург), MTL (Малта), NLG (Холандија), PTE (Португал), SIT (Словенија), "
+"или SKK (Словачка)."
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2024
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2208
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2027
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2211
 msgid "This function is not likely to be useful anymore."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2199
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2202
 msgid "EUROCONVERT:pre-Euro amount from one currency to another"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ПРЕТВОРИ_ЕВРО:износ пре-евра из једне валуте у другу"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2200
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2203
 msgid "n:amount"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:износ"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2201
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2204
 msgid "source:three-letter source currency code"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "извор:трословни код изворне валуте"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2202
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2205
 msgid "target:three-letter target currency code"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "циљ:трословни код циљне валуте"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2203
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2206
 msgid "full_precision:whether to provide the full precision; defaults to false"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "потпуна_тачност:да ли да се обезбеди потпуна тачност; основно је не"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2204
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2207
 msgid ""
 "triangulation_precision:number of digits (at least 3) to be rounded to after "
 "conversion of the source currency to euro; defaults to no rounding"
 msgstr ""
+"троугаона_тачност:број цифара (најмање 3) на које се заокружује након "
+"претварања изворне валуте у евро; основно је без заокруживања"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2205
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2208
 msgid ""
 "EUROCONVERT converts @{n} units of currency @{source} to currency @"
 "{target}.  The rates used are the official ones used on the introduction of "
 "the Euro."
 msgstr ""
+"ПРЕТВОРИ_ЕВРО претвара @{n} јединица @{изворне} валуте у @{циљну} валуту.  "
+"Коришћени односи су званични који се користе од увођења евра."
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2206
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2209
 msgid ""
 "If @{full_precision} is true, the result is not rounded; if it false the "
 "result is rounded to 0 or 2 decimals depending on the target currency; "
 "defaults to false."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{потпуна_тачност} изабрана, резултат се не заокружује; ако није "
+"изабрана онда се резултат заокружује на 0 или 2 децимале у зависности од "
+"циљне валуте; подразумева се да није изабрано."
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2207
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2210
 msgid ""
 "@{source} and @{target} must be one of the currencies listed for the EURO "
 msgstr ""
+"@{извор} и @{циљ} морају бити неке од валута наведених за функцију ЕВРО."
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2251
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2254
 msgid "PRICE:price of a security"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЦЕНА:цена осигурања"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2259
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2262
 msgid ""
 "PRICE calculates the price per $100 face value of a security that pays "
 "periodic interest."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2301
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2304
 msgid "YIELD:yield of a security"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2305
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2413
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2460
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2650
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2823
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2308
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2416
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2463
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2653
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2826
 msgid "price:price of security"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "цена:цена осигурања"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2309
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2312
 msgid "YIELD calculates the yield of a security that pays periodic interest."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2410
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2413
 msgid "YIELDDISC:yield of a discounted security"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2416
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2419
 msgid "YIELDDISC calculates the yield of a discounted security."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2455
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2458
 msgid "YIELDMAT:yield of a security"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2462
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2465
 msgid ""
 "YIELDMAT calculates the yield of a security for which the interest is paid "
 "at maturity date."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2494
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2497
 msgid "ODDFPRICE:price of a security that has an odd first period"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2498
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2648
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2501
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2651
 msgid "first_interest:first interest date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "прва_камата:датум прве камате"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2504
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2507
 msgid ""
 "ODDFPRICE calculates the price per $100 face value of a security that pays "
 "periodic interest, but has an odd first period."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2644
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2647
 msgid "ODDFYIELD:yield of a security that has an odd first period"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2654
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2657
 msgid ""
 "ODDFYIELD calculates the yield of a security that pays periodic interest, "
 "but has an odd first period."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2740
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2743
 msgid "ODDLPRICE:price of a security that has an odd last period"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2743
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2821
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2746
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2824
 msgid "last_interest:last interest date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "последња_камата:датум последње камате"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2749
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2752
 msgid ""
 "ODDLPRICE calculates the price per $100 face value of a security that pays "
 "periodic interest, but has an odd last period."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2818
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2821
 msgid "ODDLYIELD:yield of a security that has an odd last period"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2827
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2830
 msgid ""
 "ODDLYIELD calculates the yield of a security that pays periodic interest, "
 "but has an odd last period."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2896
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2899
 msgid "AMORDEGRC:depreciation of an asset using French accounting conventions"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2898
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2954
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2901
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2957
 msgid "purchase_date:date of purchase"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2899
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2955
-msgid "first_period:end of first period"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "датум_куповине:датум куповине"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2902
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2958
+msgid "first_period:end of first period"
+msgstr "прво_раздобље:крај првог раздобља"
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2905
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2961
 msgid "rate:depreciation rate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2905
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2908
 msgid ""
 "AMORDEGRC calculates the depreciation of an asset using French accounting "
 "conventions. Assets purchased in the middle of a period take prorated "
@@ -3481,7 +3881,7 @@ msgid ""
 "of the assets."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2909
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2912
 msgid ""
 "The depreciation coefficient used is:\n"
 "1.0 for an expected lifetime less than 3 years,\n"
@@ -3490,158 +3890,158 @@ msgid ""
 "2.5 for an expected lifetime of more than 6 years."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2914
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2917
 msgid ""
 "Special depreciation rules are applied for the last two periods resulting in "
 "a possible total depreciation exceeding the difference of @{cost} - @"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2916
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2919
 msgid "Named for AMORtissement DEGRessif Comptabilite."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2952
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2955
 msgid "AMORLINC:depreciation of an asset using French accounting conventions"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2961
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2964
 msgid ""
 "AMORLINC calculates the depreciation of an asset using French accounting "
 "conventions. Assets purchased in the middle of a period take prorated "
 "depreciation into account. "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2963
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2966
 msgid "Named for AMORtissement LINeaire Comptabilite."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2998
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3001
 msgid "COUPDAYBS:number of days from coupon period to settlement"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3003
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3027
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3051
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3075
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3101
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3127
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3006
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3030
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3054
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3078
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3104
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3130
 msgid "eom:end-of-month flag"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3004
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3007
 msgid ""
 "COUPDAYBS calculates the number of days from the beginning of the coupon "
 "period to the settlement date."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3022
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3025
 msgid "COUPDAYS:number of days in the coupon period of the settlement date"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3028
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3031
 msgid ""
 "COUPDAYS calculates the number of days in the coupon period of the "
 "settlement date."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3046
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3049
 msgid ""
 "COUPDAYSNC:number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon period"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3052
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3055
 msgid ""
 "COUPDAYSNC calculates number of days from the settlement date to the next "
 "coupon period."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3070
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3073
 msgid "COUPNCD:the next coupon date after settlement"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3076
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3079
 msgid "COUPNCD calculates the coupon date following settlement."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3096
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3099
 msgid "COUPPCD:the last coupon date before settlement"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3102
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3105
 msgid "COUPPCD calculates the coupon date preceding settlement."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3122
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3125
 msgid "COUPNUM:number of coupons"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3128
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3131
 msgid ""
 "COUPNUM calculates the number of coupons to be paid between the settlement "
 "and maturity dates, rounded up."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3146
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3149
 msgid "CUMIPMT:cumulative interest payment"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3147
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3191
-msgid "rate:interest rate per period"
-msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3150
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3194
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3283
+msgid "rate:interest rate per period"
+msgstr "рата:рата камате по раздобљу"
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3153
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3197
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3288
 msgid "start_period:first period to accumulate for"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3151
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3195
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3284
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3154
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3198
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3289
 msgid "end_period:last period to accumulate for"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3153
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3156
 msgid ""
 "CUMIPMT calculates the cumulative interest paid on a loan from @"
 "{start_period} to @{end_period}."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3190
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3193
 msgid "CUMPRINC:cumulative principal"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3197
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3200
 msgid ""
 "CUMPRINC calculates the cumulative principal paid on a loan from @"
 "{start_period} to @{end_period}."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3234
-msgid "MDURATION:the Macaulay duration of a security"
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3237
+msgid "MDURATION:the modified (Macaulay) duration of a security"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3241
-msgid "MDURATION calculates the Macaulay duration of a security."
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3244
+msgid "MDURATION calculates the modified (Macaulay) duration of a security."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3279
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3284
 msgid "VDB:depreciation of an asset"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3286
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3291
 msgid "no_switch:do not switch to straight-line depreciation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3287
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3292
 msgid ""
 "VDB calculates the depreciation of an asset for a given period range using "
 "the variable-rate declining balance method."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3288
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3293
 msgid ""
 "If @{no_switch} is FALSE, the calculation switches to straight-line "
 "depreciation when depreciation is greater than the declining balance "
@@ -3650,7 +4050,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:92
 msgid "HDATE:Hebrew date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ХДАТУМ:Хебрејски датум"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:93
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:162
@@ -3659,7 +4059,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:289
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:316
 msgid "year:Gregorian year of date, defaults to the current year"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "година:грегоријанска година датума, подразумева се текућа година"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:94
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:163
@@ -3668,7 +4068,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:290
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:317
 msgid "month:Gregorian month of year, defaults to the current month"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "месец:грегоријански месец у години, подразумева се текући месец"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:95
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:164
@@ -3677,57 +4077,57 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:291
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:318
 msgid "day:Gregorian day of month, defaults to the current day"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "дан:грегоријански дан у месецу, подразумева се текући дан"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:127
 msgid "DATE2HDATE:Hebrew date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДАТУМ_у_ХДАТУМ:Хебрејски датум"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:128
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:203
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:342
 msgid "date:Gregorian date, defaults to today"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "датум:грегоријански датум, подразумева се данас"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:161
 msgid "HDATE_HEB:Hebrew date in Hebrew"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ХДАТУМ_ХЕБ:Хебрејски датум у хебрејски"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:202
 msgid "DATE2HDATE_HEB:Hebrew date in Hebrew"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДАТУМ_у_ХДАТУМ_ХЕБ:Хебрејски датум у хебрејски"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:234
 msgid "HDATE_MONTH:Hebrew month of Gregorian date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "МЕСЕЦ_ХДАТУМА:Хебрејски месец грегоријанског датума"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:261
 msgid "HDATE_DAY:Hebrew day of Gregorian date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДАН_ХДАТУМА:Хебрејски дан грегоријанског датума"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:288
 msgid "HDATE_YEAR:Hebrew year of Gregorian date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ГОДИНА_ХДАТУМА:Хебрејска година грегоријанског датума"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:315
 msgid "HDATE_JULIAN:Julian day number for given Gregorian date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЈУЛИЈАНСКИ_ХДАТУМ:Број јулијанског дана за дати грегоријански датум"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:341
 msgid "DATE2JULIAN:Julian day number for given Gregorian date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДАТУМ_у_ЈУЛИЈАНСКИ:Број јулијанског дана за дати грегоријански датум"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:68
 msgid "CELL:information of @{type} about @{cell}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ПОЉЕ:подаци @{врсте} о @{ћелији}"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:69
 msgid "type:string specifying the type of information requested"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "врста:ниска која наводи врсту затражених података"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:70
 msgid "cell:cell reference"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "поље:упута поља"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:71
 msgid ""
@@ -3761,28 +4161,28 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1173
 msgid "EXPRESSION:expression in @{cell} as a string"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИЗРАЗ:израз у @{пољу} као ниска"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1174
 msgid "cell:a cell reference"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "поље:упута поља"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1175
 msgid "If @{cell} contains no expression, EXPRESSION returns empty."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако @{поље} не садржи изразе, испис ИЗРАЗА је празан."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1210
 msgid "GET.FORMULA:the formula in @{cell} as a string"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДОБАВИ.ФОРМУЛУ:формула у @{пољу} као ниска"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1211 ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1253
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1816
 msgid "cell:the referenced cell"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "поље:упутно поље"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1212
 msgid "GET.FORMULA is the OpenFormula function FORMULA."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДОБАВИ.ФОРМУЛУ је ФОРМУЛА функције Отворене формуле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1213
 msgid ""
@@ -3790,35 +4190,38 @@ msgid ""
 "GET.FORMULA(A2) yields '=B1+B2' and\n"
 "GET.FORMULA(A1) yields ''."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је A1 празно а A2 садржи =B1+B2, онда\n"
+"ДОБАВИ.ФОРМУЛУ(A2) даје „=B1+B2“ а\n"
+"ДОБАВИ.ФОРМУЛУ(A1) даје „“."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1252
 msgid "ISFORMULA:TRUE if @{cell} contains a formula"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЈЕСТЕ_ФОРМУЛА:ТАЧНО ако @{поље} садржи формулу"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1254
 msgid "ISFORMULA is OpenFormula compatible."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЈЕСТЕ_ФОРМУЛА је сагласна са Отвореном формулом."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1283
 msgid "COUNTBLANK:the number of blank cells in @{range}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИЗБРОЈ_ПРАЗНЕ:број празних поља у @{опсегу}"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1284
 msgid "range:a cell range"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "опсег:опсег поља"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1286
 msgid "COUNTBLANK(A1:A20) returns the number of blank cell in A1:A20."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИЗБРОЈ_ПРАЗНЕ(A1:A20) исписује број празних поља у A1:A20."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1338
 msgid ""
 "INFO:information about the current operating environment according to @{type}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ПОДАЦИ:подаци о тренутном радном окружењу у складу са @{врстом}"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1340
 msgid "type:string giving the type of information requested"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "врста:ниска која даје врсту затражених података"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1341
 msgid ""
@@ -3833,10 +4236,19 @@ msgid ""
 "  system       \t\tReturns the name of the environment.\n"
 "  totmem       \t\tReturns the amount of total memory available."
 msgstr ""
+"ПОДАЦИ исписује податке о тренутном радном окружењу у складу са @{врстом}:\n"
+"  memavail              Исписује износ расположиве меморије, у бајтовима.\n"
+"  memused               Исписује износ искоришћене меморије (бајтови).\n"
+"  numfile               Исписује број радних листова.\n"
+"  osversion             Исписује издање оперативног система.\n"
+"  recalc                Исписује режим поновног израчунавања (самостално).\n"
+"  release               Исписује издање Гномовог бројевника у виду текста.\n"
+"  system                Исписује назив окружења.\n"
+"  totmem                Исписује износ укупне расположиве меморије."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1438
 msgid "ISERROR:TRUE if @{value} is any error value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЈЕСТЕ_ГРЕШКА:ТАЧНО ако је @{вредност} било која вредност грешке"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1439 ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1457
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1479 ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1569
@@ -3844,23 +4256,24 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1642 ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1681
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1702 ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1752
 msgid "value:a value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вредност:вредност"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1456
 msgid "ISNA:TRUE if @{value} is the #N/A error value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЈЕСТЕ_НЕДОСТУПНО:ТАЧНО ако је @{вредност} #Н/Д вредност грешке"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1478
 msgid "ISERR:TRUE if @{value} is any error value except #N/A"
 msgstr ""
+"ЈЕСТЕ_ГРЕШКА:ТАЧНО ако је @{вредност} било која вредност грешке осим #Н/Д"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1497
 msgid "ERROR.TYPE:the type of @{error}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ВРСТА.ГРЕШКЕ:врста @{грешке}"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1498
 msgid "error:an error"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "грешка:грешка"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1499
 msgid ""
@@ -3874,90 +4287,104 @@ msgid ""
 "\t#NUM!    \t6\n"
 "\t#N/A     \t\t7"
 msgstr ""
+"ВРСТА.ГРЕШКЕ исписује број грешке који одговара датој вредности грешке.  "
+"Бројеви грешака за вредности грешке су:\n"
+"\t#ДИВ/0!                 2\n"
+"\t#ВРЕДНОСТ!              3\n"
+"\t#УПУТА!    \t\t4\n"
+"\t#НАЗИВ?                 5\n"
+"\t#БРОЈ!                  6\n"
+"\t#Н/Д                    7"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1533
 msgid "NA:the error value #N/A"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НЕДОСТУПНО:вредност грешке #Н/Д"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1551
 msgid "ERROR:the error with the given @{name}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ГРЕШКА:грешка са датим @{називом}"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1552
 msgid "name:string"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "назив:ниска"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1568
 msgid "ISBLANK:TRUE if @{value} is blank"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЈЕСТЕ_ПРАЗНО:ТАЧНО ако је @{вредност} празна"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1570
 msgid ""
 "This function checks if a value is blank.  Empty cells are blank, but empty "
 "strings are not."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција проверава да ли је вредност празна.  Празна поља су чиста, али "
+"празне ниске нису."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1585
 msgid "ISEVEN:TRUE if @{n} is even"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЈЕСТЕ_ПАРАН:ТАЧНО ако је @{n} парно"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1586 ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1660
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1260
 msgid "n:number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:број"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1606
 msgid "ISLOGICAL:TRUE if @{value} is a logical value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЈЕСТЕ_ЛОГИЧКА:ТАЧНО ако је @{вредност} логичка вредност"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1608
 msgid "This function checks if a value is either TRUE or FALSE."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција проверава да ли је вредност ТАЧНА или НЕТАЧНА."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1624
 msgid "ISNONTEXT:TRUE if @{value} is not text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЈЕСТЕ_НИЈЕ_ТЕКСТ:ТАЧНО ако @{вредност} није текст"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1641
 msgid "ISNUMBER:TRUE if @{value} is a number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЈЕСТЕ_БРОЈ:ТАЧНО ако је @{вредност} број"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1643
 msgid ""
 "This function checks if a value is a number.  Neither TRUE nor FALSE are "
 "numbers for this purpose."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција проверава да ли је вредност број.  Ни ТАЧНО ни НЕТАЧНО нису "
+"бројеви за ову сврху."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1659
 msgid "ISODD:TRUE if @{n} is odd"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЈЕСТЕ_НЕПАРАН:ТАЧНО ако је @{n} непарно"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1680
 msgid "ISREF:TRUE if @{value} is a reference"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЈЕСТЕ_УПУТА:ТАЧНО ако је @{вредност} упута"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1682
 msgid "This function checks if a value is a cell reference."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција проверава да ли је вредност упута поља."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1701
 msgid "ISTEXT:TRUE if @{value} is text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЈЕСТЕ_ТЕКСТ:ТАЧНО ако @{вредност} јесте текст"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1719
 msgid "N:@{text} converted to a number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Н:@{текст} претворен у број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1720 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:321
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:537 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:578
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:622 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:749
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:973 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1020
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1053 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1395
+#: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1720 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:366
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:582 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:623
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:667 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:794
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1018 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1065
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1098 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1440
 msgid "text:string"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "текст:ниска"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1721
 msgid "If @{text} contains non-numerical text, 0 is returned."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако @{текст} садржи не-бројевни текст, исписује се 0."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1724
 msgid "=N(\"eleven\")"
@@ -3965,7 +4392,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1751
 msgid "TYPE:a number indicating the data type of @{value}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ВРСТА:број који указује на врсту података @{вредности}"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1753
 msgid ""
@@ -3976,66 +4403,76 @@ msgid ""
 "16 \t= error\n"
 "64 \t= array"
 msgstr ""
+"ВРСТА исписује број који указује на врсту података @{вредности}:\n"
+"1  \t= број\n"
+"2  \t= текст\n"
+"4  \t= логичка вредност\n"
+"16 \t= грешка\n"
+"64 \t= низ"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1792
 msgid "GETENV:the value of execution environment variable @{name}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДОБАВИ_ОКРУЖЕЊЕ:вредност @{назива} променљиве окружења извршавања"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1793
 msgid "name:the name of the environment variable"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "назив:назив променљиве окружења"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1794
 msgid "If a variable called @{name} does not exist, #N/A! will be returned."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако променљива под називом @{назив} не постоји, биће исписано #Н/Д!."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1795
 msgid "Variable names are case sensitive."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Називи променљивих разликују величину слова."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1815
 msgid "GET.LINK:the target of the hyperlink attached to @{cell} as a string"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ДОБАВИ.ВЕЗУ:циљ хипервезе прикачене @{пољу} као ниска"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1817
 msgid ""
 "The value return is not updated automatically when the link attached to @"
 "{cell} changes but requires a recalculation."
 msgstr ""
+"Испис вредности се не освежава самостално када се промени веза прикачена "
+"@{пољу} већ захтева поновно израчунавање."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:44
 msgid "AND:logical conjunction"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "И:логичка конјункција"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:45 ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:124
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:178
 msgid "b0:logical value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b0:логичка вредност"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:46 ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:125
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:179
 msgid "b1:logical value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b1:логичка вредност"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:47
 msgid "AND calculates the logical conjunction of its arguments @{b0},@{b1},..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "„И“ израчунава логичку конјункцију својих аргумената @{b0},@{b1},..."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:48 ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:127
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:181
 msgid ""
 "If an argument is numerical, zero is considered FALSE and anything else TRUE."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је један аргумент број, нула се сматра НЕТАЧНИМ а било шта друго ТАЧНИМ."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:49 ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:102
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:128 ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:182
 msgid "Strings and empty values are ignored."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ниске и празне вредности се занемарују."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:50 ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:129
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:183
 msgid "If no logical values are provided, then the error #VALUE! is returned."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако није достављена логичка вредност, тада се исписује #ВРЕДНОСТ! грешке."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:51 ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:130
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:184
@@ -4043,209 +4480,229 @@ msgid ""
 "This function is strict: if any argument is an error, the result will be the "
 "first such error."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција је изричита: ако је неки од аргумената грешка, резултат ће бити "
+"прва таква грешка."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:57
 msgid "wiki:en:Logical_conjunction"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вики:ен:Логичка_конјункција"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:98
 msgid "NOT:logical negation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НЕ:логичка негација"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:99
 msgid "b:logical value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:логичка вредност"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:100
 msgid "NOT calculates the logical negation of its argument."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НЕ израчунава логичку негацију свог аргумента."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:101
 msgid ""
 "If the argument is numerical, zero is considered FALSE and anything else "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је аргумент број, нула се сматра НЕТАЧНИМ а било шта друго ТАЧНИМ."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:107
 msgid "wiki:en:Negation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вики:ен:Негација"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:123
 msgid "OR:logical disjunction"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИЛИ:логичка дисјункција"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:126
 msgid "OR calculates the logical disjunction of its arguments @{b0},@{b1},..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "„ИЛИ“ израчунава логичку дисјункцију својих аргумената @{b0},@{b1},..."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:136
 msgid "wiki:en:Logical_disjunction"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вики:ен:Логичка_дисјункција"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:177
 msgid "XOR:logical exclusive disjunction"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НИЛИ:логичка ексклузивна дисјункција"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:180
 msgid ""
 "XOR calculates the logical exclusive disjunction of its arguments @{b0},@"
 msgstr ""
+"„НИЛИ“ израчунава логичку ексклузивну дисјункцију својих аргумената "
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:189
 msgid "wiki:en:Exclusive_disjunction"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вики:ен:Ексклузивна_дисјункција"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:230
 msgid "IFERROR:test for error"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "АКО_ГРЕШКА:тест за грешком"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:231
 msgid "x:value to test for error"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х:вредност за тестирање на грешку"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:232 ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:250
 msgid "y:alternate value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "у:заменска вредност"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:233
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the first value, unless that is an error, in which "
 "case it returns the second."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује прву вредност, осим ако то није грешка, у том случају "
+"исписује другу по реду."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:248
 msgid "IFNA:test for #NA! error"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "АКОНД:проба за грешком #НД!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:249
 msgid "x:value to test for #NA! error"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х:вредност за тестирање на грешку #НД!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:251
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the first value, unless that is #NA!, in which case it "
 "returns the second."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује прву вредност, осим ако то није #НД!, у том случају "
+"исписује другу по реду."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:267
 msgid "TRUE:the value TRUE"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ТАЧНО:вредност ТАЧНО"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:268
 msgid "TRUE returns the value TRUE."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ТАЧНО исписује вредност ТАЧНО."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:272 ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:290
 msgid "wiki:en:Logical_value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вики:ен:Логичка_вредност"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:285
 msgid "FALSE:the value FALSE"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НЕТАЧНО: вредност НЕТАЧНО"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:286
 msgid "FALSE returns the value FALSE."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НЕТАЧНО исписује вредност НЕТАЧНО."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:714
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:730
 msgid "ADDRESS:cell address as text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "АДРЕСА:адреса поља као текст"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:715
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:731
 msgid "row_num:row number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "број_реда:број реда"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:716
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:732
 msgid "col_num:column number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "број_колоне:број колоне"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:717
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:733
 msgid ""
 "abs_num:1 for an absolute, 2 for a row absolute and column relative, 3 for a "
 "row relative and column absolute, and 4 for a relative reference; defaults "
 "to 1"
 msgstr ""
+"апс_број:1 за апсолутни, 2 за апсолутни реда и релативни колоне, 3 за "
+"релативни реда и апсолутни колоне, и 4 за упуту релативног; основно је 1"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:720
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:736
 msgid ""
 "a1:if TRUE, an A1-style reference is provided, otherwise an R1C1-style "
 "reference; defaults to TRUE"
 msgstr ""
+"а1:ако је ТАЧНО, доставља се упута А1-стила, у супротном упута Р1Ц1-стила; "
+"основно је ТАЧНО"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:722
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:738
 msgid "text:name of the worksheet, defaults to no sheet"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "текст:назив листа, подразумева се без листа"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:723
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:739
 msgid "If @{row_num} or @{col_num} is less than one, ADDRESS returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{број_реда} или @{број_колоне} мање од један, АДРЕСА исписује "
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:725
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:741
 msgid "If @{abs_num} is greater than 4 ADDRESS returns #VALUE!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{апс_број} већи од 4 АДРЕСА исписује #ВРЕДНОСТ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:799
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:828
 msgid "AREAS:number of areas in @{reference}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ОБЛАСТИ:број области у @{упути}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:800
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:829
 msgid "reference:range"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "упута:опсег"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:867
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:896
 msgid "CHOOSE:the (@{index}+1)th argument"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИЗАБЕРИ:аргумент бр. (@{индекс}+1)"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:868
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:897
 msgid "index:positive number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "индекс:позитиван број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:869
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:898
 msgid "value1:first value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вредност1:прва вредност"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:870
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:899
 msgid "value2:second value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вредност2:друга вредност"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:871
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:900
 msgid "CHOOSE returns its (@{index}+1)th argument."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИЗАБЕРИ исписује свој аргумент бр. (@{индекс}+1)."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:872
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:901
 msgid ""
 "@{index} is truncated to an integer. If @{index} < 1 or the truncated @"
 "{index} > number of values, CHOOSE returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
+"@{индекс} је скраћен на цео број. Ако је @{индекс} < 1 или ако је скраћени "
+"@{индекс} > броја вредности, ИЗАБЕРИ исписује #ВРЕДНОСТ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:914
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:943
 msgid "VLOOKUP:search the first column of @{range} for @{value}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ВТРАЖЕЊЕ:претражује прву колону @{опсега} за @{вредношћу}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:915 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:976
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:944 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1012
 msgid "value:search value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вредност:вредност претраге"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:916 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:977
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:945 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1013
 msgid "range:range to search"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "опсег:опсег за претраживање"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:917
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:946
 msgid "column:1-based column offset indicating the return values"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "колона:померај колоне на 1-заснован указујући на исписану вредност"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:918 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:979
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:947 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1015
 msgid ""
 "approximate:if false, an exact match of @{value} must be found; defaults to "
 msgstr ""
+"приближно:ако није тачно, мора бити пронађено тачно поклапање @{вредности}; "
+"подразумева се ТАЧНО"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:920
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:949
 msgid "as_index:if true, the 0-based row offset is returned; defaults to FALSE"
 msgstr ""
+"као_индекс:ако је тачно, исписује се померај реда на 0-заснован; подразумева "
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:922
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:951
 msgid ""
 "VLOOKUP function finds the row in @{range} that has a first cell similar to @"
 "{value}.  If @{approximate} is not true it finds the row with an exact "
@@ -4253,31 +4710,40 @@ msgid ""
 "less than or equal to @{value}. If @{as_index} is true the 0-based row "
 "offset is returned."
 msgstr ""
+"Функција „ВТРАЖЕЊА“ налази ред у @{опсегу} који има прво поље слично "
+"@{вредности}.  Ако @{приближно} није тачно налази ред са тачном једнакошћу. "
+"Ако је @{приближно} тачно, налази последњи ред са првом вредношћу која је "
+"мања или једнака @{вредности}. Ако је @{као_индекс} тачно померај реда на "
+"0-заснован се исписује."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:929 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:990
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:958 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1026
 msgid ""
 "If @{approximate} is true, then the values must be sorted in order of "
 "ascending value."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{приближно} тачно, тада вредности морају бити поређане према "
+"растућој вредности."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:931
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:960
 msgid "VLOOKUP returns #REF! if @{column} falls outside @{range}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ВТРАЖЕЊЕ исписује #УПУТ! ако @{колона} испада ван @{опсега}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:975
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1011
 msgid "HLOOKUP:search the first row of @{range} for @{value}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ХТРАЖЕЊЕ:претражује први ред @{опсега} за @{вредношћу}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:978
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1014
 msgid "row:1-based row offset indicating the return values "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ред:померај реда на 1-заснован указујући на исписану вредност "
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:981
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1017
 msgid ""
 "as_index:if true, the 0-based column offset is returned; defaults to FALSE"
 msgstr ""
+"као_индекс:ако је тачно, исписује се померај колоне на 0-заснован; "
+"подразумева се НЕТАЧНО"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:983
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1019
 msgid ""
 "HLOOKUP function finds the row in @{range} that has a first cell similar to @"
 "{value}.  If @{approximate} is not true it finds the column with an exact "
@@ -4285,1125 +4751,1270 @@ msgid ""
 "value less than or equal to @{value}. If @{as_index} is true the 0-based "
 "column offset is returned."
 msgstr ""
+"Функција „ХТРАЖЕЊА“ налази ред у @{опсегу} који има прво поље слично "
+"@{вредности}.  Ако @{приближно} није тачно налази колону са тачном "
+"једнакошћу. Ако је @{приближно} тачно, налази последњу колону са првом "
+"вредношћу која је мања или једнака @{вредности}. Ако је @{као_индекс} тачно "
+"померај колоне на 0-заснован се исписује."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:992
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1028
 msgid "HLOOKUP returns #REF! if @{row} falls outside @{range}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ХТРАЖЕЊЕ исписује #УПУТ! ако @{ред} испада ван @{опсега}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1036
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1079
 msgid ""
 "LOOKUP:contents of @{vector2} at the corresponding location to @{value} in @"
 msgstr ""
+"ТРАЖЕЊЕ:садржај @{вектора2} на одговарајућем месту у @{вредност} у "
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1038
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1081
 msgid "value:value to look up"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вредност:вредност за тражење"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1039
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1082
 msgid "vector1:range to search:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вектор1:опсег за претраживање:"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1040
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1083
 msgid "vector2:range of return values"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вектор2:опсег вредности исписа"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1041
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1084
 msgid ""
 "If  @{vector1} has more rows than columns, LOOKUP searches the first row of @"
 "{vector1}, otherwise the first column. If @{vector2} is omitted the return "
 "value is taken from the last row or column of @{vector1}."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако @{вектор1} има више редова него колона, ТРАЖЕЊЕ претражује први ред "
+"@{вектора1}, у супротном прву колону. Ако је изостављен @{вектор2} исписана "
+"вредност се узима из последњег реда или колоне @{вектора1}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1045
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1088
 msgid ""
 "If LOOKUP can't find @{value} it uses the largest value less than @{value}."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако ТРАЖЕЊЕ не може да пронађе @{вредност} онда користи највећу вредност "
+"мању од @{вредности}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1047
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1090
 msgid "The data must be sorted."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Подаци морају бити поређани."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1048
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1091
 msgid "If @{value} is smaller than the first value it returns #N/A."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{вредност} мања од прве вредности исписује #Н/Д."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1049
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1092
 msgid ""
 "If the corresponding location does not exist in @{vector2}, it returns #N/A."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако одговарајуће место не постоји у @{вектору2}, исписује #Н/Д."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1136
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1179
 msgid "MATCH:the index of @{seek} in @{vector}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ПОКЛАПАЊЕ:индекс @{трагања} у @{вектору}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1137
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1180
 msgid "seek:value to find"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "трагање:вредност за налажење"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1138
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1181
 msgid "vector:n by 1 or 1 by n range to be searched"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вектор:n пута 1 или 1 пута n опсега који ће бити тражени"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1139
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1182
 msgid ""
 "type:+1 (the default) to find the largest value ≤ @{seek}, 0 to find the "
 "first value = @{seek}, or-1 to find the smallest value ≥ @{seek}"
 msgstr ""
+"врста:+1 (основно) за налажење највеће вредности ≤ @{трагања}, 0 за налажење "
+"прве вредности = @{трагања}, или -1 за налажење најмање вредности ≥ "
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1142
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1185
 msgid "MATCH searches @{vector} for @{seek} and returns the 1-based index."
 msgstr ""
+"ПОКЛАПАЊЕ претражује @{вектор} за @{трагањем} и исписује индекс на "
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1143
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1186
 msgid ""
 " For @{type} = -1 the data must be sorted in descending order; for @{type} = "
 "+1 the data must be sorted in ascending order."
 msgstr ""
+" За @{врсту} = -1 подаци морају бити поређани опадајућим редом; за @{врсту} "
+"= +1 подаци морају бити поређани растућим редом."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1145
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1188
 msgid "If @{seek} could not be found, #N/A is returned."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако @{трагање} не може бити нађено, исписује се #Н/Д."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1146
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1189
 msgid "If @{vector} is neither n by 1 nor 1 by n, #N/A is returned."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако @{вектор} није ни n према 1 нити 1 према n, исписује се #Н/Д."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1197
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1233
 msgid "INDIRECT:contents of the cell pointed to by the @{ref_text} string"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НЕПОСРЕДНО:садржај поља на који указује ниска @{текст_упуте}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1198
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1234
 msgid "ref_text:textual reference"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "текст_упуте:текстуалне упуте"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1199
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1235
 msgid ""
 "format:if true, @{ref_text} is given in A1-style, otherwise it is given in "
 "R1C1 style; defaults to true"
 msgstr ""
+"запис:ако је тачно, @{текст_упуте} је дат у А1-стилу, у супротном је дат у "
+"Р1Ц1 стилу; подразумева се тачно"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1201
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1237
 msgid ""
 "If @{ref_text} is not a valid reference in the style determined by @"
 "{format}, INDIRECT returns #REF!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако @{текст_упуте} није исправна упута у стилу одређеном @{записом}, "
+"НЕПОСРЕДНО исписује #УПУТУ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1235
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1271
 msgid "INDEX:reference to a cell in the given @{array}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1236
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1272
 msgid "array:cell or inline array"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "низ:поље или унутрашњи низ"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1237
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1273
 msgid "row:desired row, defaults to 1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ред:жељени ред, подразумева се 1"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1238
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1274
 msgid "col:desired column, defaults to 1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "колона:жељена колона, подразумева се 1"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1239
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1275
 msgid "area:from which area to select a cell, defaults to 1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "област:из које области изабрати поље, подразумева се 1"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1240
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1276
 msgid ""
 "INDEX gives a reference to a cell in the given @{array}. The cell is "
 "selected by @{row} and @{col}, which count the rows and columns in the array."
 msgstr ""
+"ИНДЕКС даје упуту на поље у датом @{низу}. Поље се бира @{редом} и "
+"@{колоном}, које броји редове и колоне у низу."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1245
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1281
 msgid ""
 "If the reference falls outside the range of @{array}, INDEX returns #REF!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако упута испада ван опсега @{низа}, ИНДЕКС исписује #УПУТУ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1247
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1283
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, "
 "21.3, 25.9, and 40.1. Then INDEX(A1:A5,4,1,1) equals 25.9"
 msgstr ""
+"Претпоставимо да поље A1, A2, ..., A5 садржи бројеве 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, "
+"и 40.1. Тада ИНДЕКС(A1:A5,4,1,1) износи 25.9"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1336
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1372
 msgid "COLUMN:vector of column numbers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "КОЛОНА:вектор бројева колона"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1337 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1489
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1373 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1525
 msgid "x:reference, defaults to the position of the current expression"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х:упута, подразумева се положај текућег израза"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1338
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1374
 msgid ""
 "COLUMN function returns a Nx1 array containing the sequence of integers from "
 "the first column to the last column of @{x}."
 msgstr ""
+"Функција „КОЛОНА“ исписује низ Nx1 који садржи низ целих бројева од прве до "
+"последње колоне @{х}-а."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1341 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1493
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1377 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1529
 msgid ""
 "If @{x} is neither an array nor a reference nor a range, returns #VALUE!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако @{х} није нити низ нити упута нити опсег, исписује се #ВРЕДНОСТ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1345
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1381
 msgid "column() in G13 equals 7."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "колона() у Г13 износи 7."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1385
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1421
 msgid "COLUMNNUMBER:column number for the given column called @{name}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "БРОЈКОЛОНЕ:број колоне за дату колону под називом @{назив}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1386
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1422
 msgid "name:column name such as \"IV\""
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "назив:назив колоне као што је „IV“"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1387
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1423
 msgid "If @{name} is invalid, COLUMNNUMBER returns #VALUE!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{назив} неисправан, БРОЈКОЛОНЕ исписује #ВРЕДНОСТ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1412
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1448
 msgid "COLUMNS:number of columns in @{reference}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1413
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1449
 msgid "reference:array or area"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "упута:низ или област"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1414
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1450
 msgid ""
 "If @{reference} is neither an array nor a reference nor a range, COLUMNS "
 "returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако @{упута} није нити низ нити упута нити опсег, КОЛОНЕ исписује #ВРЕДНОСТ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1430
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1466
 msgid "OFFSET:an offset cell range"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ПОМЕРАЈ:опсег помераја поља"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1431
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1467
 msgid "range:reference or range"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "опсег:упута или опсег"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1432
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1468
 msgid "row:number of rows to offset @{range}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ред:број редова за @{опсег} помераја"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1433
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1469
 msgid "col:number of columns to offset @{range}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "колона:број колона за @{опсег} помераја"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1434
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1470
 msgid "height:height of the offset range, defaults to height of @{range}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "висина:висина опсега помераја, подразумева се висина @{опсега}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1435
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1471
 msgid "width:width of the offset range, defaults to width of @{range}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ширина:ширина опсега помераја, подразумева се ширина @{опсега}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1436
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1472
 msgid ""
 "OFFSET returns the cell range starting at offset (@{row},@{col}) from @"
 "{range} of height @{height} and width @{width}."
 msgstr ""
+"ПОМЕРАЈ исписује опсег поља почевши са померајем (@{ред},@{колона}) од "
+"@{опсега} висине @{висина} и ширине @{ширина}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1439
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1475
 msgid "If @{range} is neither a reference nor a range, OFFSET returns #VALUE!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако @{опсег} није нити упута нити опсег, ПОМЕРАЈ исписује #ВРЕДНОСТ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1488
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1524
 msgid "ROW:vector of row numbers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "РЕД:вектор бројева реда"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1490
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1526
 msgid ""
 "ROW function returns a 1xN array containing the sequence of integers from "
 "the first row to the last row of @{x}."
 msgstr ""
+"Функција „РЕД“ исписује низ 1хN који садржи низ целих бројева од првог до "
+"последњег реда @{х}-а."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1536
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1572
 msgid "ROWS:number of rows in @{reference}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "РЕДОВИ:број редова у @{упути}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1537
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1573
 msgid "reference:array, reference, or range"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "упута:низ, упута, или опсег"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1538
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1574
 msgid ""
 "If @{reference} is neither an array nor a reference nor a range, ROWS "
 "returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако @{упута} није нити низ нити упута нити опсег, РЕДОВИ исписује #ВРЕДНОСТ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1554
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1590
 msgid "SHEETS:number of sheets in @{reference}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЛИСТОВИ:број листова у @{упути}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1555
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1591
 msgid "reference:array, reference, or range, defaults to the maximum range"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "упута:низ, упута, или опсег, подразумева се највећи опсег"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1556
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1592
 msgid ""
 "If @{reference} is neither an array nor a reference nor a range, SHEETS "
 "returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако @{упута} није нити низ нити упута нити опсег, ЛИСТОВИ исписује "
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1592
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1628
 msgid "SHEET:sheet number of @{reference}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЛИСТ:број листа @{упуте}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1593
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1629
 msgid ""
 "reference:reference or literal sheet name, defaults to the current sheet"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "упута:упута или дослован назив листа, подразумева се текући лист"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1594
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1630
 msgid ""
 "If @{reference} is neither a reference nor a literal sheet name, SHEET "
 "returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако @{упута} није нити упута нити дослован назив листа, ЛИСТ исписује "
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1643
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1676
 msgid "HYPERLINK:second or first arguments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ХИПЕРВЕЗА:секунде или први аргумент"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1644
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1677
 msgid "link_location:string"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "место_везе:ниска"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1645
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1678
 msgid "label:string, optional"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "натпис:ниска, изборно"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1646
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1679
 msgid ""
 "HYPERLINK function currently returns its 2nd argument, or if that is omitted "
 "the 1st argument."
 msgstr ""
+"Функција „ХИПЕРВЕЗЕ“ тренутно исписује свој други аргумент, или ако је "
+"изостављен онда први аргумент."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1665
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1698
 msgid "TRANSPOSE:the transpose of @{matrix}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1666
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1699 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1737
 msgid "matrix:range"
+msgstr "матрица:опсег"
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1736
+msgid "FLIP:@{matrix} flipped"
+msgstr "ИЗВРНИ:изврнута @{матрица}"
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1738
+msgid ""
+"vertical:if true, @{matrix} is flipped vertically, otherwise horizontally; "
+"defaults to TRUE"
 msgstr ""
+"усправно:ако је тачно, @{матрица} је изврнута усправно, у супротном "
+"водоравно; подразумева се ТАЧНО"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1702
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1783
 msgid "ARRAY:vertical array of the arguments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НИЗ:усправни низ аргумента"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1703
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1784
 msgid "v:value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "в:вредност"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1759
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1840
 msgid "SORT:sorted list of numbers as vertical array"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "РЕЂАЊЕ:поређани списак бројева као усправни низ"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1760 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:163
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1841 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:163
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:215
 msgid "ref:list of numbers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "упут:списак бројева"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1761
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1842
 msgid "order:0 (descending order) or 1 (ascending order); defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "поредак:0 (опадајући) или 1 (растући); подразумева се 0"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1762
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1843
 msgid "Strings, booleans, and empty cells are ignored."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ниске, логичке вредности, и празна поља се занемарују."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1763
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1844
 msgid "SORT({4,3,5}) evaluates to {5,4,3}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "РЕЂАЊЕ({4,3,5}) се процењује на {5,4,3}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:48
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:51
 msgid ""
 "Numbers, text and logical values are included in the calculation too. If the "
 "cell contains text or the argument evaluates to FALSE, it is counted as "
 "value zero (0). If the argument evaluates to TRUE, it is counted as one (1)."
 msgstr ""
+"Бројеви, текст и логичке вредности се такође искључују из прорачуна. Ако "
+"поље садржи текст или се аргумент процењује на НЕТАЧНО, рачуна се као "
+"вредност нула (0). Ако се аргумент процењује на ТАЧНО, рачуна се као један "
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:56
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:59
 msgid "GCD:the greatest common divisor"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НЗД:највећи заједнички делилац"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:57 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:120
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:60 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:123
 msgid "n0:positive integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n0:позитиван цео број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:58 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:121
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:61 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:124
 msgid "n1:positive integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n1:позитиван цео број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:59
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:62
 msgid ""
 "GCD calculates the greatest common divisor of the given numbers @{n0},@"
 "{n1},..., the greatest integer that is a divisor of each argument."
 msgstr ""
+"НЗД израчунава највећи заједнички делилац датих бројева @{n0},@{n1},..., "
+"највећи цео број који је делилац сваког аргумента."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:60 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:123
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:63 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:126
 msgid "If any of the arguments is not an integer, it is truncated."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако неки од аргумената није цео број, скраћује се."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:119
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:122
 msgid "LCM:the least common multiple"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НЗМ:најмањи заједнички множилац"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:122
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:125
 msgid ""
 "LCM calculates the least common multiple of the given numbers @{n0},@"
 "{n1},..., the smallest integer that is a multiple of each argument."
 msgstr ""
+"НЗМ израчунава најмањи заједнички множилац датих бројева @{n0},@{n1},..., "
+"најмањи цео број који је множилац сваког аргумента."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:175
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:178
 msgid "GD:Gudermannian function"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:176 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:288
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1691
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:179 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:290
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1721
 msgid "x:value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х:вредност"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:179
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:182
 msgid "wolfram:Gudermannian.html"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:180
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:183
 msgid "wiki:en:Gudermannian_function"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:199
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:202
 msgid "HYPOT:the square root of the sum of the squares of the arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:200
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:203
 msgid "n0:number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n0:број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:201
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:204
 msgid "n1:number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n1:број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:222
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:225
 msgid "ABS:absolute value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "АПС:апсолутна вредност"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:224
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:227
 msgid ""
 "ABS gives the absolute value of @{x}, i.e. the non-negative number of the "
 "same magnitude as @{x}."
 msgstr ""
+"АПС даје апсолутну вредност @{х}-а, тј. не-негативни број исте магнитуде као "
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:241
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:244
 msgid "ACOS:the arc cosine of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "АКОС:аркус косинус @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:264
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:266
 msgid "ACOSH:the hyperbolic arc cosine of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "АКОСХ:хиперболички аркус косинус @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:287
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:289
 msgid "ACOT:inverse cotangent of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "АКОТ:инверзни котангенс @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:291
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:293
 msgid "wolfram:InverseCotangent.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "волфрам:Инверзни_котангенс.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:292 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:754
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:793 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1347
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1367 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1407
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:294 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:768
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:807 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1395
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1415 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1455
 msgid "wiki:en:Trigonometric_functions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вики:ен:Тригонометријске_функције"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:305
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:307
 msgid "ACOTH:the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "АКОТХ:инверзни хиперболички котангенс @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:309
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:311
 msgid "wolfram:InverseHyperbolicCotangent.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "волфрам:Инверзни_хиперболички_котангенс.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:310
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:312
 msgid "wiki:en:Inverse_hyperbolic_function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вики:ен:Инверзна_хиперболичка_функција"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:323
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:325
 msgid "ASIN:the arc sine of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "АСИН:аркус синус @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:325
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:327
 msgid ""
 "ASIN calculates the arc sine of @{x}; that is the value whose sine is @{x}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "АСИН израчунава аркус синус @{х}; то је вредност чији синус је @{х}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:327
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:329
 msgid "If @{x} falls outside the range -1 to 1, ASIN returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{х} изван опсега од -1 до 1, АСИН исписује #БРОЈ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:348
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:351
 msgid "ASINH:the inverse hyperbolic sine of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "АСИНХ:инверзни хиперболички синус @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:350
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:353
 msgid ""
 "ASINH calculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of @{x}; that is the value "
 "whose hyperbolic sine is @{x}."
 msgstr ""
+"АСИНХ израчунава инверзни хиперболички синус @{х}; то је вредност чији "
+"хиперболички синус је @{х}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:367
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:370
 msgid "ATAN:the arc tangent of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "АТАН:аркус тангенс @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:369
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:372
 msgid ""
 "ATAN calculates the arc tangent of @{x}; that is the value whose tangent is @"
 msgstr ""
+"АТАН израчунава аркус тангенс @{х}; то је вредност чији тангенс је @{х}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:386
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:375
+msgid "The result will be between −π/2 and +π/2."
+msgstr "Резултат ће бити између −π/2 и +π/2."
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:394
 msgid "ATANH:the inverse hyperbolic tangent of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "АТАНХ:инверзни хиперболички тангенс @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:388
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:396
 msgid ""
 "ATANH calculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of @{x}; that is the value "
 "whose hyperbolic tangent is @{x}."
 msgstr ""
+"АТАНХ израчунава инверзни хиперболички тангенс @{х}; то је вредност чији "
+"хиперболички тангенс је @{х}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:390
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:398
 msgid "If the absolute value of @{x} is greater than 1.0, ATANH returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је апсолутна вредност @{х}-а већа од 1.0, АТАНХ исписује #БРОЈ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:411
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:419
 msgid "ATAN2:the arc tangent of the ratio @{y}/@{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "АТАН2:аркус тангенс опсега @{y}/@{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:413
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:421
 msgid "x:x-coordinate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х:х-координата"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:414
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:422
 msgid "y:y-coordinate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "у:у-координата"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:415
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:423
 msgid ""
 "ATAN2 calculates the direction from the origin to the point (@{x},@{y}) as "
 "an angle from the x-axis in radians."
 msgstr ""
+"АТАН2 израчунава смер од почетка до тачке (@{x},@{y}) као угао над х-осом у "
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:419
-msgid "The result will be between π and +π."
-msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:427
+msgid "The result will be between −π and +π."
+msgstr "Резултат ће бити између −π и +π."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:421
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:430
 msgid "The order of the arguments may be unexpected."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Редослед аргумената може бити неочекиван."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:446
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:455
 msgid "CEIL:smallest integer larger than or equal to @{x}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:448
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:457
 msgid "CEIL(@{x}) is the smallest integer that is at least as large as @{x}."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:449
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:458
 msgid "This function is the OpenFormula function CEILING(@{x})."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:466
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:475
 msgid "COUNTIF:count of the cells meeting the given @{criteria}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "БРОЈ_АКО:број поља који задовољавају дато @{мерило}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:467 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:540
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:652
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:476 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:549
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:666
 msgid "range:cell area"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "опсег:област поља"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:468
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:477
 msgid "criteria:condition for a cell to be counted"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "мерило:услов да би поље било убројано"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:539
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:548
 msgid ""
 "SUMIF:sum of the cells in @{actual_range} for which the corresponding cells "
 "in the range meet the given @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"ЗБИР_АКО:збир поља у @{тренутном_опсегу} за који одговарајућа поља у опсегу "
+"задовољавају дато @{мерило}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:541
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:550
 msgid "criteria:condition for a cell to be summed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "мерило:услов да би поље било сабрано"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:542 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:654
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:551 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:668
 msgid "actual_range:cell area, defaults to @{range}"
+msgstr "тренутни_опсег:област поља, подразумева се @{опсег}"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:552
+msgid ""
+"If the @{actual_range} has a size that differs from the size of @{range}, @"
+"{actual_range} is resized (retaining the top-left corner) to match the size "
+"of @{range}."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако @{тренутни_опсег} има величину која се разликује од величине @{опсега}, "
+"мења се величина @{тренутног_опсега} (задржавајући горњи леви угао) да "
+"одговара величини @{опсега}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:651
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:665
 msgid ""
 "AVERAGEIF:average of the cells in @{actual range} for which the "
 "corresponding cells in the range meet the given @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"ПРОСЕК_АКО:просек поља у @{тренутном_опсегу} за који одговарајућа поља у "
+"опсегу задовољавају дато @{мерило}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:653
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:667
 msgid "criteria:condition for a cell to be included"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "мерило:услов да би поље било укључено"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:717
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:731
 msgid ""
 "CEILING:nearest multiple of @{significance} whose absolute value is at least "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:719 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1072
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:733 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1086
 msgid ""
 "significance:base multiple (defaults to 1 for @{x} > 0 and -1 for @{x} <0)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "значење:основни умножак (подразумева се 1 за @{x} > 0 и -1 за @{x} <0)"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:720
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:734
 msgid ""
 "CEILING(@{x},@{significance}) is the nearest multiple of @{significance} "
 "whose absolute value is at least ABS(@{x})."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:721
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:735
 msgid ""
 "If @{x} or @{significance} is non-numeric, CEILING returns a #VALUE! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:722
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:736
 msgid ""
 "If @{x} and @{significance} have different signs, CEILING returns a #NUM! "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:724
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:738
 msgid ""
 "CEILING(@{x}) is exported to ODF as CEILING(@{x},SIGN(@{x}),1). CEILING(@{x},"
 "@{significance}) is the OpenFormula function CEILING(@{x},@{significance},1)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:750
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:764
 msgid "COS:the cosine of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "КОС:косинус @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:751 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:825
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1342 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1361
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1401 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1574
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:765 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:839
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1390 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1409
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1449 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1622
 msgid "x:angle in radians"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х:угао у радијанима"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:753
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:767
 msgid "wolfram:Cosine.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "волфрам:Косинус.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:770
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:784
 msgid "COSH:the hyperbolic cosine of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "КОСХ:хиперболички косинус @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:788
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:802
 msgid "COT:the cotangent of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "КОТ:котангенс @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:792
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:806
 msgid "wolfram:Cotangent.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "волфрам:Котангенс.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:806
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:820
 msgid "COTH:the hyperbolic cotangent of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "КОТХ:хиперболички котангенс @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:810
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:824
 msgid "wolfram:HyperbolicCotangent.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "волфрам:Хиперболички_котангенс.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:811 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1387
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1427
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:825 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1435
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1475
 msgid "wiki:en:Hyperbolic_function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вики:ен:Хиперболичка_функција"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:824
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:838
 msgid "DEGREES:equivalent degrees to @{x} radians"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "СТЕПЕНИ:одговарајући степени за @{х} радијана"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:842
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:856
 msgid "EXP:e raised to the power of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИЗЛОЖИЛАЦ:на степен @{х}-а"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:844
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:858
 msgid "e is the base of the natural logarithm."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "е је основа природног логаритма."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:860
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:874
 msgid "EXPM1:EXP(@{x})-1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИЗЛОЖИЛАЦМ1:ИЗЛОЖИЛАЦ(@{x})-1"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:862
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:876
 msgid ""
 "This function has a higher resulting precision than evaluating EXP(@{x})-1."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција има већу тачност резултата него процена ИЗЛОЖИОЦА(@{x})-1."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:877
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:891
 msgid "FACT:the factorial of @{x}, i.e. @{x}!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ФАКТ:факторијел броја @{х}, тј. @{х}!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:880
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:894
 msgid "The domain of this function has been extended using the GAMMA function."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Домен ове функције је проширен употребом функције ГАМА."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:908
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:922
 msgid "GAMMA:the Gamma function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ГАМА:функција Гама"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:938
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:952
 msgid "GAMMALN:natural logarithm of the Gamma function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ГАМАПЛ:природни логаритам функције Гама"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:962
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:976
 msgid "BETA:Euler beta function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "БЕТА:Еулерова бета функција"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:964 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:988
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1204
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:978 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1002
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1218
 msgid "y:number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "у:број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:965
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:979
 msgid ""
 "BETA function returns the value of the Euler beta function extended to all "
 "real numbers except 0 and negative integers."
 msgstr ""
+"Функција БЕТА исписује вредност Еулерове бета функције проширене на све "
+"стварне бројеве изузев 0 и негативних целих бројева."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:966
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:980
 msgid ""
 "If @{x}, @{y}, or (@{x} + @{y}) are non-positive integers, BETA returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако @{x}, @{y}, или (@{x} + @{y}) јесу не-позитивни цели бројеви, БЕТА "
+"исписује #БРОЈ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:970 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:994
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:984 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1008
 msgid "wiki:en:Beta_function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вики:ен:Функција_бета"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:986
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1000
 msgid ""
 "BETALN:natural logarithm of the absolute value of the Euler beta function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "БЕТАПЛ:природни логаритам апсолутне вредности Еулерове бета функције"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:989
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1003
 msgid ""
 "BETALN function returns the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the "
 "Euler beta function extended to all real numbers except 0 and negative "
 msgstr ""
+"Функција БЕТАПЛ исписује природни логаритам апсолутне вредности Еулерове "
+"бета функције проширене на све стварне бројеве изузев 0 и негативних целих "
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:990
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1004
 msgid ""
 "If @{x}, @{y}, or (@{x} + @{y}) are non-positive integers, BETALN returns "
 msgstr ""
+"Ако @{x}, @{y}, или (@{x} + @{y}) јесу не-позитивни цели бројеви, БЕТАПЛ "
+"исписује #БРОЈ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1011
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1025
 msgid "COMBIN:binomial coefficient"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "КОМБИН:биномни коефицијент"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1012 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1044
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2121
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1026 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1058
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2172
 msgid "n:non-negative integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:не-негативни цео број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1013 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1045
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1027 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1059
 msgid "k:non-negative integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "k:не-негативни цео број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1014
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1028
 msgid ""
 "COMBIN returns the binomial coefficient \"@{n} choose @{k}\", the number of @"
 "{k}-combinations of an @{n}-element set without repetition."
 msgstr ""
+"КОМБИН исписује биномни коефицијент „ {n} бира @{k}“, број @{k}-комбинација "
+"скупа @{n}-елемента без понављања."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1017
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1031
 msgid "If @{n} is less than @{k} COMBIN returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{n} мање од @{k} КОМБИН исписује #БРОЈ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1022
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1036
 msgid "wiki:en:Binomial_coefficient"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вики:ен:Биномни_коефицијент"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1042
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1056
 msgid ""
 "COMBINA:the number of @{k}-combinations of an @{n}-element set with "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "КОМБИНА:број @{k}-комбинација скупа @{n}-елемента са понављањем"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1050
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1064
 msgid "wiki:en:Multiset"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1070
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1084
 msgid ""
 "FLOOR:nearest multiple of @{significance} whose absolute value is at most ABS"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1074
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1088
 msgid ""
 "FLOOR(@{x},@{significance}) is the nearest multiple of @{significance} whose "
 "absolute value is at most ABS(@{x})"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1076
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1090
 msgid ""
 "FLOOR(@{x}) is exported to ODF as FLOOR(@{x},SIGN(@{x}),1). FLOOR(@{x},@"
 "{significance}) is the OpenFormula function FLOOR(@{x},@{significance},1)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1106
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1120
 msgid "INT:largest integer not larger than @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЦЛБР:највећи цео број који није већи од @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1125
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1139
 msgid "LOG:logarithm of @{x} with base @{base}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЛОГ:логаритам @{x}-а са основом @{основа}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1126 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1156
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1179 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1234
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1256
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1140 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1170
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1193 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1282
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1304
 msgid "x:positive number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х:позитиван број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1127
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1141
 msgid "base:base of the logarithm, defaults to 10"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "основа:основа логаритма, подразумева се 10"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1128
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1142
 msgid "@{base} must be positive and not equal to 1."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "@{основа} мора бити позитиван број и различит од 1."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1129
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1143
 msgid "If @{x} ≤ 0, LOG returns #NUM! error."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{x} ≤ 0, ЛОГ исписује грешку #БРОЈ!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1155
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1169
 msgid "LN:the natural logarithm of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ПЛ:природни логаритам @{х}-а"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1157
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1171
 msgid "If @{x} ≤ 0, LN returns #NUM! error."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако @{x} ≤ 0, ПЛ исписује грешку #БРОЈ!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1178
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1192
 msgid "LN1P:LN(1+ {x})"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ПЛ1П:ПЛ(1+ {x})"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1180
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1194
 msgid ""
 "LN1P calculates LN(1+ {x}) but yielding a higher precision than evaluating LN"
 "(1+ {x})."
 msgstr ""
+"ПЛ1П израчунава ПЛ(1+ {x}) али даје већу тачност него проценом ПЛ(1+ {x})."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1181
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1195
 msgid "If @{x} ≤ -1, LN returns #NUM! error."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако @{x} ≤ -1, ПЛ исписује грешку #БРОЈ!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1202
-msgid "POWER:the value of @{x} raised to the power @{y}"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1216
+msgid ""
+"POWER:the value of @{x} raised to the power @{y} raised to the power of 1/@"
+msgstr "СТЕПЕН:вредност @{x}-а на степен @{y} на степен 1/@{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1205
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1219
+msgid "z:number"
+msgstr "z:број"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1220
 msgid "If both @{x} and @{y} equal 0, POWER returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако су @{x} и @{y} једнаки 0, СТЕПЕН исписује #БРОЈ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1206
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1221
 msgid "If @{x} = 0 and @{y} < 0, POWER returns #DIV/0!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{x} = 0 и @{y} < 0, СТЕПЕН исписује #ДИВ/0!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1207
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1222
 msgid "If @{x} < 0 and @{y} is not an integer, POWER returns #NUM!"
+msgstr "Ако је @{x} < 0 и @{y} није цео број, СТЕПЕН исписује #БРОЈ!"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1223
+msgid "@{z} defaults to 1"
+msgstr "@{z} подразумева 1"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1224
+msgid "If @{z} is not a positive integer, POWER returns #NUM!"
+msgstr "Ако @{z} није позитиван цео број, СТЕПЕН исписује #БРОЈ!"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1225
+msgid "If @{x} < 0, @{y} is odd, and @{z} is even, POWER returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{x} < 0, @{y} је непаран, а @{z} је паран, СТЕПЕН исписује #БРОЈ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1233
-msgid "LOG2:the base-2 logarithm of @{x}"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1258
+msgid "POCHHAMMER:the value of GAMMA(@{x}+ {n})/GAMMA(@{x})"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1235
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1261 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:23
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:102 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:181
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:260 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:338
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:412 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:490
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:567 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:645
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:718 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:792
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:871 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:951
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1034 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1108
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1188 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1272
+msgid "give_log:if true, log of the result will be returned instead"
+msgstr "даје_лог:ако је тачно, логаритам резултата ће бити исписан"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1281
+msgid "LOG2:the base-2 logarithm of @{x}"
+msgstr "ЛОГ2:логаритам @{х}-а основе 2"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1283
 msgid "If @{x} ≤ 0, LOG2 returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{x} ≤ 0, ЛОГ2 исписује #БРОЈ!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1255
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1303
 msgid "LOG10:the base-10 logarithm of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЛОГ10:логаритам @{х}-а основе 10"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1257
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1305
 msgid "If @{x} ≤ 0, LOG10 returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{x} ≤ 0, ЛОГ10 исписује #БРОЈ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1277
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1325
 msgid "MOD:the remainder of @{x} under division by @{n}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1280
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1328
 msgid "MOD function returns the remainder when @{x} is divided by @{n}."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1281
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1329
 msgid "If @{n} is 0, MOD returns #DIV/0!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{n} 0, МОД исписује #ДИВ/0!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1323
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1371
 msgid "RADIANS:the number of radians equivalent to @{x} degrees"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "РАДИАЈНИ:број радијана који одговарају @{х} степенима"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1324
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1372
 msgid "x:angle in degrees"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х:угао у степенима"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1341
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1389
 msgid "SIN:the sine of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "СИН:синус @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1346
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1394
 msgid "wolfram:Sine.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "волфрам:Синус.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1360
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1408
 msgid "CSC:the cosecant of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "КСК:косеканс @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1362 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1382
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1402 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1422
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1410 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1430
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1450 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1470
 msgid "This function is not Excel compatible."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција није сагласна са Екселом."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1366
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1414
 msgid "wolfram:Cosecant.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "волфрам:Косеканс.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1380
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1428
 msgid "CSCH:the hyperbolic cosecant of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "КСКХ:хиперболички косеканс @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1386
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1434
 msgid "wolfram:HyperbolicCosecant.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "волфрам:Хиперболички_косеканс.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1400
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1448
 msgid "SEC:Secant"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "СЕК:Секанс"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1403
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1451
 msgid "SEC(@{x}) is exported to OpenFormula as 1/COS(@{x})."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "СЕК(@{x}) се извози у Отворену формулу као 1/КОС(@{x})."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1406
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1454
 msgid "wolfram:Secant.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "волфрам:Секанс.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1420
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1468
 msgid "SECH:the hyperbolic secant of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "СЕКХ:хиперболички секанс @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1423
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1471
 msgid "SECH(@{x}) is exported to OpenFormula as 1/COSH(@{x})."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "СЕКХ(@{x}) се извози у Отворену формулу као 1/КОСХ(@{x})."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1426
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1474
 msgid "wolfram:HyperbolicSecant.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "волфрам:Хиперболички_секанс.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1438
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1486
 msgid "SINH:the hyperbolic sine of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "СИНХ:хиперболички синус @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1456
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1504
 msgid "SQRT:square root of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "КВДКОР:квадратни корен @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1457 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1863
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1505 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1914
 msgid "x:non-negative number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х:не-негативни број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1459
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1507
 msgid "If @{x} is negative, SQRT returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{х} негативан, КВДКОР исписује #БРОЈ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1478
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1526
 msgid "SUMA:sum of all values and cells referenced"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЗБИР:збир свих упутних вредности и поља"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1479 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1503
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1527 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1551
 msgid "area0:first cell area"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "област0:област првог поља"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1480 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1504
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1528 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1552
 msgid "area1:second cell area"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "област1:област другог поља"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1502
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1550
 msgid "SUMSQ:sum of the squares of all values and cells referenced"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЗБИРКВД:збир квадрата свих упутних вредности и поља"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1525
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1573
 msgid ""
 "MULTINOMIAL:multinomial coefficient (@{x1}+⋯+ {xn}) choose (@{x1},…,@{xn})"
 msgstr ""
+"ВИШЕНОМИНАЛНИ:вишеноминални коефицијент (@{x1}+⋯+ {xn}) бира (@{x1},…,@{xn})"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1526
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1574
 msgid "x1:first number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х1:први број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1527
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1575
 msgid "x2:second number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х2:други број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1528
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1576
 msgid "xn:nth number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "xn:н-ти број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1532
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1580
 msgid "wiki:en:Multinomial_theorem"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вики:ен:Вишеноминална_теорема"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1550
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1598
 msgid "G_PRODUCT:product of all the values and cells referenced"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Г_ПРОИЗВОД:производ свих упутних вредности и поља"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1551
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1599
 msgid "x1:number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х1:број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1552
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1600
 msgid "x2:number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х2:број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1553
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1601
 msgid "Empty cells are ignored and the empty product is 1."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Празна поља се занемарују а празан производ је 1."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1573
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1621
 msgid "TAN:the tangent of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ТАН:тангенс @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1590
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1638
 msgid "TANH:the hyperbolic tangent of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ТАНХ:хиперболички тангенс @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1607
-msgid "PI:the constant π"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1655
+msgid "PI:the constant 𝜋"
+msgstr "ПИ:константа 𝜋"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1608
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1656
 msgid ""
-"This function is Excel compatible, but it returns π with a better precision."
-msgstr ""
+"This function is Excel compatible, but it returns 𝜋 with a better precision."
+msgstr "Ова функција је сагласна са Екселом, али исписује 𝜋 са бољом тачношћу."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1623
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1673
 msgid "TRUNC:@{x} truncated to @{d} digits"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "СКРАЋ:@{х} скраћено на @{d} цифара"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1625
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1675
 msgid "d:non-negative integer, defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "d:не-негативни цео број, подразумева се 0"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1626
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1676
 msgid ""
 "If @{d} is omitted or negative then it defaults to zero. If it is not an "
 "integer then it is truncated to an integer."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{d} изостављено или негативно онда се подразумева нула. Ако није цео "
+"број онда се скраћује на цео број."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1660
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1710
 msgid "EVEN:@{x} rounded away from 0 to the next even integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ПАРАН:@{х} заокружен од 0 на следећи парни цео број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1695
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1745
 msgid "ODD:@{x} rounded away from 0 to the next odd integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НЕПАРАН:@{х} заокружен од 0 на следећи непарни цео број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1730
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1780
 msgid "FACTDOUBLE:double factorial"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1731
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1781
 msgid "x:non-negative integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х:не-негативни цео број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1732
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1782
 msgid "FACTDOUBLE function returns the double factorial @{x}!!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1733
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1783
 msgid ""
 "If @{x} is not an integer, it is truncated. If @{x} is negative, FACTDOUBLE "
 "returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1767
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1817
 msgid "FIB:Fibonacci numbers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ФИБ:Фибонаћијеви бројеви"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1768 ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:219
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1818 ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:220
 #: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:253
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:294
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:326
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:386
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:442
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:473
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:287
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:328
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:360
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:420
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:476
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:507
 msgid "n:positive integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:позитиван цео број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1769
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1819
 msgid "FIB(@{n}) is the @{n}th Fibonacci number."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ФИБ(@{n}) је @{n}-ти Фибонаћијев број."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1770
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1820
 msgid ""
 "If @{n} is not an integer, it is truncated. If it is negative or zero FIB "
 "returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако @{n} није цео број, скраћује се. Ако је негативан или нула ФИБ исписује "
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1808
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1858
 msgid "QUOTIENT:integer portion of a division"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "КОЕФИЦИЈЕНТ:целобројни део при дељењу"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1809
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1859
 msgid "numerator:integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "бројилац:цео број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1810
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1860
 msgid "denominator:non-zero integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "именилац:не-нулти цео број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1811
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1861
 msgid ""
 "QUOTIENT yields the integer portion of the division @{numerator}/@"
 "QUOTIENT (@{numerator},@{denominator})⨉ {denominator}+MOD(@{numerator},@"
 "{denominator})= {numerator}"
 msgstr ""
+"КОЕФИЦИЈЕНТ даје целобројни део при дељењу @{бројилац}/@{именилац}.\n"
+"КОЕФИЦИЈЕНТ (@{бројилац},@{именилац})⨉ {именилац}+МОД(@{бројилац},@{именилац"
+"})= {бројилац}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1835
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1885
 msgid "SIGN:sign of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЗНАК:знак @{х}-а"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1837
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1887
 msgid ""
 "SIGN returns 1 if the @{x} is positive and it returns -1 if @{x} is negative."
 msgstr ""
+"ЗНАК исписује 1 ако је @{х} позитиван и исписује -1 ако је @{х} негативан."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1862
-msgid "SQRTPI:the square root of @{x} times π"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1912
+msgid "SQRTPI:the square root of @{x} times 𝜋"
+msgstr "КВДКОРПИ:квадратни корен @{x}-а пута 𝜋"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1884
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1935
 msgid "ROUNDDOWN:@{x} rounded towards 0"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1886 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1910
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1951
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1937 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1961
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2002
 msgid "d:integer, defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "d:цео број, подразумева се 0"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1887
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1938
 msgid ""
 "If @{d} is greater than zero, @{x} is rounded toward 0 to the given number "
 "of digits.\n"
@@ -5411,24 +6022,30 @@ msgid ""
 "If @{d} is less than zero, @{x} is rounded toward 0 to the left of the "
 "decimal point"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{d} веће од нуле, @{x} се заокружује на 0 до датог броја цифара.\n"
+"Ако је @{d} нула, @{x} се заокружује на 0 до следећег целог броја.\n"
+"Ако је @{d} мање од нуле, @{x} се заокружује на 0 с лева од децималне тачке"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1908
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1959
 msgid "ROUND:rounded @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЗАОКРУЖИ:заокружено @{х}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1911
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1962
 msgid ""
 "If @{d} is greater than zero, @{x} is rounded to the given number of "
 "If @{d} is zero, @{x} is rounded to the next integer.\n"
 "If @{d} is less than zero, @{x} is rounded to the left of the decimal point"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{d} веће од нуле, @{x} се заокружује на дати број цифара.\n"
+"Ако је @{d} нула, @{x} се заокружује на следећи цео број.\n"
+"Ако је @{d} мање од нуле, @{x} се заокружује с лева од децималне тачке"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1949
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2000
 msgid "ROUNDUP:@{x} rounded away from 0"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1952
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2003
 msgid ""
 "If @{d} is greater than zero, @{x} is rounded away from 0 to the given "
 "number of digits.\n"
@@ -5437,42 +6054,45 @@ msgid ""
 "decimal point"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1996
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2047
 msgid "MROUND:@{x} rounded to a multiple of @{m}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "МЗАОКРУЖИ:@{х} заокружено на умножак броја @{m}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1998
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2049
 msgid "m:number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "m:број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1999
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2050
 msgid "If @{x} and @{m} have different sign, MROUND returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако @{x} и @{m} имају различит знак, МЗАОКРУЖИ исписује #БРОЈ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2042
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2093
 msgid "ARABIC:the Roman numeral @{roman} as number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "АРАПСКИ:римски симбол @{римски} као број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2043
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2094
 msgid "roman:Roman numeral"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "римски:римски симбол"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2044
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2095
 msgid ""
 "Any Roman symbol to the left of a larger symbol (directly or indirectly) "
 "reduces the final value by the symbol amount, otherwise, it increases the "
 "final amount by the symbol's amount."
 msgstr ""
+"Било који римски симбол са леве стране највећег симбола (посредно или "
+"непосредно) умањује крајњу вредност износу симбола, у супротном, увећава "
+"крајњи износ износом симбола."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2120
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2171
 msgid "ROMAN:@{n} as a roman numeral text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "РИМСКИ:@{n} као римски бројевни текст"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2122
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2173
 msgid "type:0,1,2,3,or 4, defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "врста:0,1,2,3, или 4, подразумева се 0"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2123
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2174
 msgid ""
 "ROMAN returns the arabic number @{n} as a roman numeral text.\n"
 "If @{type} is 0 or it is omitted, ROMAN returns classic roman numbers.\n"
@@ -5480,207 +6100,267 @@ msgid ""
 "1, and type 3 is more concise than type 2. Type 4 is a simplified type."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2370
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2421
 msgid "SUMX2MY2:sum of the difference of squares"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2371 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2413
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2456
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2422 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2464
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2507
 msgid "array0:first cell area"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "низ0:област првог поља"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2372 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2414
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2457
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2423 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2465
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2508
 msgid "array1:second cell area"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "низ1:област другог поља"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2373
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2424
 msgid ""
 "SUMX2MY2 function returns the sum of the difference of squares of "
 "corresponding values in two arrays. The equation of SUMX2MY2 is SUM(x^2-y^2)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2412
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2463
 msgid "SUMX2PY2:sum of the sum of squares"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЗБИРХ2ПY2:збир збира квадрата"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2415
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2466
 msgid ""
 "SUMX2PY2 function returns the sum of the sum of squares of corresponding "
 "values in two arrays. The equation of SUMX2PY2 is SUM(x^2+y^2)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2417
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2468
 msgid ""
 "If @{array0} and @{array1} have different number of data points, SUMX2PY2 "
 "returns #N/A.\n"
 "Strings and empty cells are simply ignored."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2455
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2506
 msgid "SUMXMY2:sum of the squares of differences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЗБИРXМY2:збир квадрата разлика"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2458
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2509
 msgid ""
 "SUMXMY2 function returns the sum of the squares of the differences of "
 "corresponding values in two arrays. The equation of SUMXMY2 is SUM((x-y)^2)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2460
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2511
 msgid ""
 "If @{array0} and @{array1} have different number of data points, SUMXMY2 "
 "returns #N/A.\n"
 "Strings and empty cells are simply ignored."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2500
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2551
 msgid "SERIESSUM:sum of a power series at @{x}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2501
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2552
 msgid "x:number where to evaluate the power series"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2502
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2553
 msgid "n:non-negative integer, exponent of the lowest term of the series"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2503
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2554
 msgid "m:increment to each exponent"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2504
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2555
 msgid "coeff:coefficients of the power series"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2558
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2609
 msgid "MINVERSE:the inverse matrix of @{matrix}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2559 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2884
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2610 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2861
 msgid "matrix:a square matrix"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "матрица:матрица корена"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2560
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2611
 msgid "If @{matrix} is not invertible, MINVERSE returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2561
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2612
 msgid ""
 "If @{matrix} does not contain an equal number of columns and rows, MINVERSE "
 "returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2692
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2646
 msgid ""
 "CHOLESKY:the Cholesky decomposition of the symmetric positive-definite @"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2693
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2647
 msgid "matrix:a symmetric positive definite matrix"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2694
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2648
 msgid ""
 "If the Cholesky-Banachiewicz algorithm applied to @{matrix} fails, Cholesky "
 "returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2695
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2649
 msgid ""
 "If @{matrix} does not contain an equal number of columns and rows, CHOLESKY "
 "returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2779
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2724
 msgid "MUNIT:the @{n} by @{n} identity matrix"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2780
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2725
 msgid "n:size of the matrix"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:величина матрице"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2816
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2762
 msgid "MMULT:the matrix product of @{mat1} and @{mat2}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ММУЛТ:производ матрица @{мат1} и @{мат2}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2817
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2763
 msgid "mat1:a matrix"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "мат1:матрица"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2818
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2764
 msgid "mat2:a matrix"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "мат2:матрица"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2804
+msgid "LINSOLVE:solve linear equation"
+msgstr "ЛИНРЕШИ:решавање линеарне једначине"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2805 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3154
+msgid "A:a matrix"
+msgstr "А:матрица"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2806
+msgid "B:a matrix"
+msgstr "Б:матрица"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2808
+msgid "Solves the equation @{A}*X= {B} and returns X."
+msgstr "Решава једначину @{А}*X= {Б} и исписује X."
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2809
+msgid "If the matrix @{A} is singular, #VALUE! is returned."
+msgstr "Ако је матрица @{А} једна, исписује се #ВРЕДНОСТ!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2883
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2860
 msgid "MDETERM:the determinant of the matrix @{matrix}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "МДЕТЕРМ:детерминанта матрице @{матрица}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2919
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2892
 msgid "SUMPRODUCT:multiplies components and adds the results"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЗБИРПРОИЗВОДА:множи састојке и додаје резултате"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2921
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2894 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2917
 msgid ""
 "Multiplies corresponding data entries in the given arrays or ranges, and "
 "then returns the sum of those products."
 msgstr ""
+"Множи уносе одговарајућих података у датим низовима или опсезима, а затим "
+"исписује збир тих производа."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2924
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2897
 msgid "If an entry is not numeric, the value zero is used instead."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако неки унос није број, онда се користи вредност нула."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2925
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2898 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2921
 msgid ""
 "If arrays or range arguments do not have the same dimensions, return #VALUE! "
 msgstr ""
+"Ако низови или аргументи опсега немају исте димензије, исписује грешку "
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2927
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2900
 msgid ""
-"SUMPRODUCTs arguments are arrays or ranges. Attempting to use A1:A5>0 will "
-"not work, implicit intersection will kick in. Instead use --(A1:A5>0)"
+"This function ignores logicals, so using SUMPRODUCT(A1:A5>0) will not work.  "
+"Instead use SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A5>0))"
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција занемарује логику, стога ЗБИРПРОИЗВОДА (A1:A5>0) неће радити.  "
+"Уместо тога користите ЗБИРПРОИЗВОДА(--(A1:A5>0))"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:3041
-msgid "EIGEN:eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the symmetric @{matrix}"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2909
+msgid ""
+"This function is not OpenFormula compatible. Use ODF.SUMPRODUCT instead."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција није сагласна са Отвореном формулом. Уместо ње користите "
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:3042
-msgid "matrix:a symmetric matrix"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2915
+msgid "ODF.SUMPRODUCT:multiplies components and adds the results"
+msgstr "ОДФ.ЗБИРПРОИЗВОДА:множи састојке и додаје резултате"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2920
+msgid "If an entry is not numeric or logical, the value zero is used instead."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако неки унос није број или логичка вредност, онда се користи вредност нула."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:3043
-msgid "If @{matrix} is not symmetric, EIGEN returns #NUM!"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2923
+msgid "This function differs from SUMPRODUCT by considering booleans."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2924
+msgid "This function is not Excel compatible. Use SUMPRODUCT instead."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција није сагласна са Екселом. Уместо ње користите ЗБИРПРОИЗВОДА."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:3044
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:3059
+msgid "EIGEN:eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the symmetric @{matrix}"
+msgstr "ЕЈГЕН:лична вредност и лични вектор симетричне @{матрице}"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:3060
+msgid "matrix:a symmetric matrix"
+msgstr "матрица:симетрична матрица"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:3061
+msgid "If @{matrix} is not symmetric, EIGEN returns #NUM!"
+msgstr "Ако @{матрица} није симетрична, ЕЈГЕН исписује #БРОЈ!"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:3062
 msgid ""
 "If @{matrix} does not contain an equal number of columns and rows, EIGEN "
 "returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако @{матрица} не садржи једнаки број колона и редова, ЕЈГЕН исписује #БРОЈ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:218
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:219
+msgid "NT_OMEGA:Number of distinct prime factors"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:221
+msgid "Returns the number of distinct prime factors without multiplicity."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:252
 msgid "NT_PHI:Euler's totient function"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:220
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:254
 msgid ""
 "Euler's totient function gives the number of integers less than or equal to @"
 "{n} that are relatively prime (coprime) to @{n}."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:223
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:257
 msgid "wiki:en:Euler's_totient_function"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:252
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:286
 msgid "NT_MU:Möbius mu function"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:255
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:289
 msgid ""
 "NT_MU function (Möbius mu function) returns 0  if @{n} is divisible by the "
 "square of a prime. Otherwise, if @{n} has an odd  number of different prime "
@@ -5688,214 +6368,210 @@ msgid ""
 "factors, it returns 1. If @{n} = 1, NT_MU returns 1."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:262
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:296
 msgid "wiki:en:Möbius_function"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:263
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:297
 msgid "wolfram:MoebiusFunction.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "волфрам:Моебјус функција.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:293
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:327
 msgid "NT_D:number of divisors"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НТ_Д:број делилаца"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:295
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:329
 msgid "NT_D calculates the number of divisors of @{n}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НТ_Д израчунава број делилаца @{n}-а."
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:325
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:359
 msgid "NT_SIGMA:sigma function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НТ_СИГМА:функција сигма"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:327
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:361
 msgid "NT_SIGMA calculates the sum of the divisors of @{n}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НТ_ЗБИР израчунава збир делилаца @{n}-а."
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:330
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:364
 msgid "wiki:en:Divisor_function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вики:ен:Функција_делиоца"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:359
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:393
 msgid "ITHPRIME:@{i}th prime"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИТИПРОСТ:@{i}-ти прост"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:360
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:394
 msgid "i:positive integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "i:позитиван цео број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:361
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:395
 msgid "ITHPRIME finds the @{i}th prime."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ИТИПРОСТ налази @{i}-ти прост број."
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:385
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:419
 msgid "ISPRIME:whether @{n} is prime"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЈЕСТЕ_ПРОСТ:да ли је @{n} прост број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:387
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:421
 msgid "ISPRIME returns TRUE if @{n} is prime and FALSE otherwise."
 msgstr ""
+"ЈЕСТЕ_ПРОСТ исписује ТАЧНО ако је @{n} прост број а у супротном НЕТАЧНО."
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:390
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:424
 msgid "wolfram:PrimeNumber.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "волфрам:Прост_број.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:441
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:475
 msgid "PFACTOR:smallest prime factor"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ПЧИНИЛАЦ:најмањи чинилац простог броја"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:443
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:477
 msgid "PFACTOR finds the smallest prime factor of its argument."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ПЧИНИЛАЦ налази најмањи чинилац простог броја његовог аргумента."
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:444
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:478
 msgid ""
 "The argument @{n} must be at least 2. Otherwise a #VALUE! error is returned."
 msgstr ""
+"Аргумент @{n} мора бити барем 2. У супротном се исписује грешка #ВРЕДНОСТ!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:472
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:506
 msgid "NT_PI:number of primes upto @{n}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НТ_ПИ:број простих бројева на @{n}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:474
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:508
 msgid "NT_PI returns the number of primes less than or equal to @{n}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НТ_ПИ исписује број простих бројева мањих или једнаких са @{n}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:477
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:511
 msgid "wolfram:PrimeCountingFunction.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "volfram:Funkcija_brojawa_prostih_brojeva.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:503
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:537
 msgid "BITOR:bitwise or"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:504
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:528
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:552
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:577
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:607
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:538
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:562
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:586
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:611
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:641
 msgid "a:non-negative integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:не-негативни цео број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:505
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:529
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:553
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:539
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:563
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:587
 msgid "b:non-negative integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:не-негативни цео број"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:506
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:540
 msgid ""
 "BITOR returns the bitwise or of the binary representations of its arguments."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:527
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:561
 msgid "BITXOR:bitwise exclusive or"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:530
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:564
 msgid ""
 "BITXOR returns the bitwise exclusive or of the binary representations of its "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:551
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:585
 msgid "BITAND:bitwise and"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:554
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:588
 msgid ""
 "BITAND returns the bitwise and of the binary representations of its "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:576
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:610
 msgid "BITLSHIFT:bit-shift to the left"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "БИТЛПОМАК:помак бита на лево"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:579
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:613
 msgid ""
 "BITLSHIFT returns the binary representations of @{a} shifted @{n} positions "
 "to the left."
 msgstr ""
+"БИТЛПОМАК исписује бинарно представљање броја @{a} помереног за @{n} "
+"положаја на лево."
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:580
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:614
 msgid ""
 "If @{n} is negative, BITLSHIFT shifts the bits to the right by ABS(@{n}) "
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{n} негативан, БИТЛПОМАК помера битове на десно АБС(@{n}) "
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:606
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:640
 msgid "BITRSHIFT:bit-shift to the right"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "БИТДПОМАК:помак бита на десно"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:609
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:643
 msgid ""
 "BITRSHIFT returns the binary representations of @{a} shifted @{n} positions "
 "to the right."
 msgstr ""
+"БИТДПОМАК исписује бинарно представљање броја @{a} помереног за @{n} "
+"положаја на десно."
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:610
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:644
 msgid ""
 "If @{n} is negative, BITRSHIFT shifts the bits to the left by ABS(@{n}) "
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{n} негативан, БИТДПОМАК помера битове на лево АБС(@{n}) положајима."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:19
 msgid "R.DNORM:probability density function of the normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ДНОРМ:функција густине вероватноће нормалне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:20 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:45
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:99 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:124
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:151 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:178
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:203 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:257
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:282 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:336
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:359 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:409
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:434 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:461
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:178 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:203
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:257 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:282
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:336 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:359
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:409 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:434
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:488 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:512
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:564 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:589
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:643 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:666
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:716 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:739
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:789 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:814
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:841 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:868
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:893 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:947
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:974 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1032
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1055 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1105
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1130 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1184
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1211 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1240
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:868 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:893
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:947 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:974
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1032 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1055
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1105 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1130
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1184 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1211
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1269 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1294
 msgid "x:observation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х:посматрање"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:21 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:46
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:73
 msgid "mu:mean of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "mu:средња вредност расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:22 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:47
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:74
 msgid "sigma:standard deviation of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:23 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:102
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:181 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:260
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:338 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:412
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:490 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:567
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:645 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:718
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:792 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:871
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:951 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1034
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1108 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1188
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1243
-msgid "give_log:if true, log of the result will be returned instead"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "sigma:стандардно одступање расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:24
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the normal "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција исписује функцију густине вероватноће нормалне расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:44
 msgid "R.PNORM:cumulative distribution function of the normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ПНОРМ:функција целокупне расподеле нормалне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:48 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:75
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:127 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:154
@@ -5912,7 +6588,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:978 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1007
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1057 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1082
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1133 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1160
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1215
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1215 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1244
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1297 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1324
 msgid ""
 "lower_tail:if true (the default), the lower tail of the distribution is "
@@ -5933,91 +6610,104 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:979 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1008
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1058 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1083
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1134 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1161
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1216
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1216 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1245
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1298 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1325
 msgid "log_p:if true, log of the probability is used"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "лог_п:ако је тачно, користи се логаритам вероватноће"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:50
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the normal "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција исписује функцију целокупне расподеле нормалне расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:71
 msgid "R.QNORM:probability quantile function of the normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.КуНОРМ:квантилна функција вероватноће нормалне расподеле"
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:72 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:230
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:309 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:384
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:72 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:151
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:230 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:309
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:384 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:461
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:538 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:616
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:691 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:764
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:920 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1003
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1080 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1157
-#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:630 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:492
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:945 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1003
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1154 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1241
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1442 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1787
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:841 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:920
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1003 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1080
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1157 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1240
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1321 ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:630
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:542 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:975
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1033 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1184
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1271 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1472
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1817
 msgid "p:probability"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "p:вероватноћа"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:77
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the normal distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује квантилну функцију вероватноће, тј., супротну функцији "
+"целокупне расподеле, нормалне расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:98
 msgid "R.DLNORM:probability density function of the log-normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ДЛНОРМ:функција густине вероватноће нормалне логаритамске расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:100 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:125
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:152
 msgid "logmean:mean of the underlying normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "лог_средња_вредност:средња вредност главне нормалне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:101 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:126
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:153
 msgid "logsd:standard deviation of the underlying normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "лог_сд:стандардно одступање главне нормалне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:103
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the log-normal "
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује функцију густине вероватноће нормалне логаритамске "
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:123
 msgid ""
 "R.PLNORM:cumulative distribution function of the log-normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ПЛНОРМ:функција целокупне расподеле нормалне логаритамске расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:129
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the log-normal "
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује функцију целокупне расподеле нормалне логаритамске "
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:150
 msgid "R.QLNORM:probability quantile function of the log-normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.КуЛНОРМ:квантилна функција вероватноће лог-нормалне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:156
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the log-normal distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује квантилну функцију вероватноће, тј., супротну функцији "
+"целокупне расподеле, нормалне логаритамске расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:177
 msgid "R.DGAMMA:probability density function of the gamma distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ДГАМА:функција густине вероватноће гаме"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:179 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:204
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:231 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:565
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:590 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:617
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1185 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1212
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1242
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1241 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1271
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1296 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1323
 msgid "shape:the shape parameter of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "облик:параметар облика расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:180 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:205
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:232 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:566
@@ -6026,163 +6716,176 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:765 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1107
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1132 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1159
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1187 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1214
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1243
 msgid "scale:the scale parameter of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "размера:параметар размере расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:182
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the gamma "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција исписује функцију густине вероватноће гама расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:202
 msgid "R.PGAMMA:cumulative distribution function of the gamma distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ПГАМА:функција целокупне расподеле гама расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:208
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the gamma "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција исписује функцију целокупне расподеле гама расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:229
 msgid "R.QGAMMA:probability quantile function of the gamma distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.КуГАМА:квантилна функција вероватноће гама расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:235
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the gamma distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује квантилну функцију вероватноће, тј., супротну функцији "
+"целокупне расподеле, гама расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:256
 msgid "R.DBETA:probability density function of the beta distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ДБЕТА:функција густине вероватноће бета расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:258 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:283
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:310
 msgid "a:the first shape parameter of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:параметар првог облика расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:259 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:284
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:311
 msgid "b:the second scale parameter of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:параметар друге размере расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:261
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the beta "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција исписује функцију густине вероватноће бета расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:281
 msgid "R.PBETA:cumulative distribution function of the beta distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ПБЕТА:функција целокупне расподеле бета расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:287
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the beta "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција исписује функцију целокупне расподеле бета расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:308
 msgid "R.QBETA:probability quantile function of the beta distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.КуБЕТА:квантилна функција вероватноће бета расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:314
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the beta distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује квантилну функцију вероватноће, тј., супротну функцији "
+"целокупне расподеле, бета расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:335
 msgid "R.DT:probability density function of the Student t distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ДТ:функција густине вероватноће студентове т расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:337 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:360
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:385 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1241
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:385 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1270
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1295 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1322
 msgid "n:the number of degrees of freedom of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:број степени слободе расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:339
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the Student t "
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује функцију густине вероватноће студентове т расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:358
 msgid "R.PT:cumulative distribution function of the Student t distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ПТ:функција целокупне расподеле студентове т расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:363
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the Student t "
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује функцију целокупне расподеле студентове т расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:383
 msgid "R.QT:probability quantile function of the Student t distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.КуТ:квантилна функција вероватноће студентове т расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:388
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the Student t distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује квантилну функцију вероватноће, тј., супротну функцији "
+"целокупне расподеле, студентове т расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:408
 msgid "R.DF:probability density function of the F distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ДФ:функција густине вероватноће Ф расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:410 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:435
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:462
 msgid "n1:the first number of degrees of freedom of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n1:први број степени слободе расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:411 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:436
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:463
 msgid "n2:the second number of degrees of freedom of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n2:други број степени слободе расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:413
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the F distribution."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција исписује функцију густине вероватноће Ф расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:433
 msgid "R.PF:cumulative distribution function of the F distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ПФ:функција целокупне расподеле Ф расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:439
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the F "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција исписује функцију целокупне расподеле Ф расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:460
 msgid "R.QF:probability quantile function of the F distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.КуФ:квантилна функција вероватноће Ф расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:466
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the F distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује квантилну функцију вероватноће, тј., супротну функцији "
+"целокупне расподеле, Ф расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:487
 msgid "R.DCHISQ:probability density function of the chi-square distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ДКИНАКВД:функција густине вероватноће ки на квадрат расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:489 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:513
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:539
 msgid "df:the number of degrees of freedom of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "df:број степени слободе расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:491
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the chi-square "
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује функцију густине вероватноће ки на квадрат расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:492
 msgid ""
@@ -6193,13 +6896,14 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:511
 msgid ""
 "R.PCHISQ:cumulative distribution function of the chi-square distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ПКИНАКВД:функција целокупне расподеле ки на квадрат расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:516
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the chi-square "
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује функцију целокупне расподеле ки на квадрат расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:517
 msgid ""
@@ -6209,13 +6913,15 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:537
 msgid "R.QCHISQ:probability quantile function of the chi-square distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.КуКИНАКВД:квантилна функција вероватноће ки на квадрат расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:542
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the chi-square distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује квантилну функцију вероватноће, тј., супротну функцији "
+"целокупне расподеле, ки на квадрат расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:543
 msgid ""
@@ -6225,108 +6931,118 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:563
 msgid "R.DWEIBULL:probability density function of the Weibull distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ДВЕЈБУЛ:функција густине вероватноће Вејбулове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:568
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the Weibull "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција исписује функцију густине вероватноће Вејбулове расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:588
 msgid "R.PWEIBULL:cumulative distribution function of the Weibull distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ПВЕЈБУЛ:функција целокупне расподеле Вејбулове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:594
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the Weibull "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција исписује функцију целокупне расподеле Вејбулове расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:615
 msgid "R.QWEIBULL:probability quantile function of the Weibull distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.КуВЕЈБУЛ:квантилна функција вероватноће Вејбулове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:621
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the Weibull distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује квантилну функцију вероватноће, тј., супротну функцији "
+"целокупне расподеле, Вејбулове расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:642
 msgid "R.DPOIS:probability density function of the Poisson distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ДПУАС:функција густине вероватноће Пуасонове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:644 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:667
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:692
 msgid "lambda:the mean of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ламбда:средња вредност расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:646
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the Poisson "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција исписује функцију густине вероватноће Пуасонове расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:665
 msgid "R.PPOIS:cumulative distribution function of the Poisson distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ППУАС:функција целокупне расподеле Пуасонове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:670
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the Poisson "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција исписује функцију целокупне расподеле Пуасонове расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:690
 msgid "R.QPOIS:probability quantile function of the Poisson distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.КуПУАС:квантилна функција вероватноће Пуасонове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:695
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the Poisson distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује квантилну функцију вероватноће, тј., супротну функцији "
+"целокупне расподеле, Пуасонове расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:715
 msgid "R.DEXP:probability density function of the exponential distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ДЕКСП:функција густине вероватноће експоненцијалне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:719
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the exponential "
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује функцију густине вероватноће експоненцијалне "
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:738
 msgid "R.PEXP:cumulative distribution function of the exponential distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ПЕКСП:функција целокупне расподеле експоненцијалне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:743
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the "
 "exponential distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује функцију целокупне расподеле експоненцијалне "
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:763
 msgid "R.QEXP:probability quantile function of the exponential distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.КуЕКСП:квантилна функција вероватноће експоненцијалне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:768
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the exponential distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује квантилну функцију вероватноће, тј., супротну функцији "
+"целокупне расподеле, експоненцијалне расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:788
 msgid "R.DBINOM:probability density function of the binomial distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ДБИНОМ:функција густине вероватноће биномне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:790 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:815
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:842 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:869
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:894 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:921
 msgid "n:the number of trials"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:број покушаја"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:791 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:816
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:843 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:870
@@ -6334,61 +7050,67 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1033 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1056
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1081
 msgid "psuc:the probability of success in each trial"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вусп:вероватноћа успеха у сваком покушају"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:793
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the binomial "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција исписује функцију густине вероватноће биномне расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:813
 msgid "R.PBINOM:cumulative distribution function of the binomial distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ПБИНОМ:функција целокупне расподеле биномне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:819
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the binomial "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција исписује функцију целокупне расподеле биномне расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:840
 msgid "R.QBINOM:probability quantile function of the binomial distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.КуБИНОМ:квантилна функција вероватноће биномне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:846
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the binomial distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује квантилну функцију вероватноће, тј., супротну функцији "
+"целокупне расподеле, биномне расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:867
 msgid ""
 "R.DNBINOM:probability density function of the negative binomial distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ДНБИНОМ:функција густине вероватноће негативне биномне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:872
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the negative "
 "binomial distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује функцију густине вероватноће негативне биномне "
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:892
 msgid ""
 "R.PNBINOM:cumulative distribution function of the negative binomial "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ПНБИНОМ:функција целокупне расподеле негативне биномне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:898
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the negative "
 "binomial distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује функцију целокупне расподеле негативне биномне "
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:919
 msgid ""
 "R.QNBINOM:probability quantile function of the negative binomial distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.КуНБИНОМ:квантилна функција вероватноће негативне биномне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:925
 msgid ""
@@ -6396,327 +7118,394 @@ msgid ""
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the negative binomial "
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује квантилну функцију вероватноће, тј., супротну функцији "
+"целокупне расподеле, негативне биномне расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:946
 msgid ""
 "R.DHYPER:probability density function of the hypergeometric distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ДХИПЕР:функција густине вероватноће хипергеометријске расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:948 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:975
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1004
 msgid "r:the number of red balls"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "r:број црвених куглица"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:949 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:976
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1005
 msgid "b:the number of black balls"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:број црних куглица"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:950 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:977
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1006
 msgid "n:the number of balls drawn"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:број бацања куглица"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:952
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the hypergeometric "
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује функцију густине вероватноће хипергеометријске "
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:973
 msgid ""
 "R.PHYPER:cumulative distribution function of the hypergeometric distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ПХИПЕР:функција целокупне расподеле хипергеометријске расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:980
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the "
 "hypergeometric distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује функцију целокупне расподеле хипергеометријске "
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1002
 msgid ""
 "R.QHYPER:probability quantile function of the hypergeometric distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.КуХИПЕР:квантилна функција вероватноће хипергеометријске расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1009
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the hypergeometric distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује квантилну функцију вероватноће, тј., супротну функцији "
+"целокупне расподеле, хипергеометријске расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1031
 msgid "R.DGEOM:probability density function of the geometric distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ДГЕОМ:функција густине вероватноће геометријске расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1035
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the geometric "
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује функцију густине вероватноће геометријске расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1054
 msgid "R.PGEOM:cumulative distribution function of the geometric distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ПГЕОМ:функција целокупне расподеле геометријске расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1059
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the geometric "
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује функцију целокупне расподеле геометријске расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1079
 msgid "R.QGEOM:probability quantile function of the geometric distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.КуГЕОМ:квантилна функција вероватноће геометријске расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1084
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the geometric distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује квантилну функцију вероватноће, тј., супротну функцији "
+"целокупне расподеле, геометријске расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1104
 msgid "R.DCAUCHY:probability density function of the Cauchy distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ДКОШИ:функција густине вероватноће Кошијеве расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1106 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1131
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1158
 msgid "location:the center of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "место:средиште расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1109
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the Cauchy "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција исписује функцију густине вероватноће Кошијеве расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1129
 msgid "R.PCAUCHY:cumulative distribution function of the Cauchy distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ПКОШИ:функција целокупне расподеле Кошијеве расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1135
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the Cauchy "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција исписује функцију целокупне расподеле Кошијеве расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1156
 msgid "R.QCAUCHY:probability quantile function of the Cauchy distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.КуКОШИ:квантилна функција вероватноће Кошијеве расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1162
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the Cauchy distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује квантилну функцију вероватноће, тј., супротну функцији "
+"целокупне расподеле, Кошијеве расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1183
 msgid "R.DSNORM:probability density function of the skew-normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ДНЕСНОРМ:функција густине вероватноће нормалне несиметричне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1186 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1213
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1242
 msgid "location:the location parameter of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "место:параметар места расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1189
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the skew-normal "
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује функцију густине вероватноће нормалне несиметричне "
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1210
 msgid ""
 "R.PSNORM:cumulative distribution function of the skew-normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Р.ПНЕСНОРМ:функција целокупне расподеле нормалне несиметричне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1217
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the skew-"
 "normal distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује функцију целокупне расподеле нормалне несиметричне "
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1239
-msgid "R.DST:probability density function of the skew-t distribution"
+msgid "R.QSNORM:probability quantile function of the skew-normal distribution"
 msgstr ""
+"Р.КуНЕСНОРМ:квантилна функција вероватноће нормалне несиметричне расподеле"
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1244
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1246
+msgid ""
+"This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
+"of the cumulative distribution function, of the skew-normal distribution."
+msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује квантилну функцију вероватноће, тј., супротну функцији "
+"целокупне расподеле, нормалне несиметричне расподеле."
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1268
+msgid "R.DST:probability density function of the skew-t distribution"
+msgstr "Р.ДНЕСТ:функција густине вероватноће несиметричне т расподеле"
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1273
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the skew-t "
 msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује функцију густине вероватноће несиметричне т расподеле."
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1293
+msgid "R.PST:cumulative distribution function of the skew-t distribution"
+msgstr "Р.ПНЕСТ:функција целокупне расподеле несиметричне т расподеле"
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1299
+msgid ""
+"This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the skew-t "
+msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује функцију целокупне расподеле несиметричне т расподеле."
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1320
+msgid "R.QST:probability quantile function of the skew-t distribution"
+msgstr "Р.КуНЕСТ:квантилна функција вероватноће несиметричне т расподеле"
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1326
+msgid ""
+"This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
+"of the cumulative distribution function, of the skew-t distribution."
+msgstr ""
+"Ова функција исписује квантилну функцију вероватноће, тј., супротну функцији "
+"целокупне расподеле, несиметричне т расподеле."
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:47
 msgid "RAND:a random number between zero and one"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМ:произвољан број између нуле и јединице"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:64
 msgid ""
 "RANDUNIFORM:random variate from the uniform distribution from @{a} to @{b}"
 msgstr ""
+"НАСУМРАВНОМЕРНО:произвољна варијанса из равномерне расподеле од @{a} до @{b}"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:65
 msgid "a:lower limit of the uniform distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:доња граница равномерне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:66
 msgid "b:upper limit of the uniform distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:горња граница равномерне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:67
 msgid "If @{a} > @{b} RANDUNIFORM returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{a} > @{b} НАСУМРАВНОМЕРНО исписује #БРОЈ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:89
 msgid "RANDDISCRETE:random variate from a finite discrete distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМДИСКРЕТ:произвољна варијанта из потпуне одвојене расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:90
 msgid "val_range:possible values of the random variable"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "опсег_вредности:могуће вредности произвољне променљиве"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:91
 msgid ""
 "prob_range:probabilities of the corresponding values in @{val_range}, "
 "defaults to equal probabilities"
 msgstr ""
+"опсег_вероватноће:вероватноће одговарајућих вредности у "
+"@{опсегу_вероватноће}, подразумевају се једнаке вероватноће"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:93
 msgid ""
 "RANDDISCRETE returns one of the values in the @{val_range}. The "
 "probabilities for each value are given in the @{prob_range}."
 msgstr ""
+"НАСУМДИСКРЕТ исписује једну од вредности у @{осегу_вредности}. Могућности за "
+"сваку вредност су дате у @{опсегу_вероватноће}."
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:95
 msgid ""
 "If the sum of all values in @{prob_range} is not one, RANDDISCRETE returns "
 msgstr ""
+"Ако збир свих вредности у @{опсегу_вероватноће} није јединица, НАСУМДИСКРЕТ "
+"исписује #БРОЈ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:96
 msgid ""
 "If @{val_range} and @{prob_range} are not the same size, RANDDISCRETE "
 "returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако @{опсег_вредности} и @{опсег_вероватноће} нису исте величине, "
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:97
 msgid ""
 "If @{val_range} or @{prob_range} is not a range, RANDDISCRETE returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ако @{опсег_вредности} или @{опсег_вероватноће} није опсег, НАСУМДИСКРЕТ "
+"исписује #ВРЕДНОСТ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:175
 msgid "RANDEXP:random variate from an exponential distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМЕКСП:насумична варијанса из експоненцијалне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:176
 msgid "b:parameter of the exponential distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:параметар експоненцијалне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:194
 msgid "RANDPOISSON:random variate from a Poisson distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМПУАСОН:насумична варијанса из Пуасонове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:195
 msgid "λ:parameter of the Poisson distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "λ:параметар Пуасонове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:196
 msgid "If @{λ} < 0 RANDPOISSON returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{λ} < 0 НАСУМПУАСОН исписује #БРОЈ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:218
 msgid "RANDBINOM:random variate from a binomial distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМБИНОМ:насумична варијанса из биномне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:219 ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:276
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:582
 msgid "p:probability of success in a single trial"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "p:вероватноћа успеха у једном покушају"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:220
 msgid "n:number of trials"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:број покушаја"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:221
 msgid "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 RANDBINOM returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{p} < 0 или @{p} > 1 НАСУМБИНОМ исписује #БРОЈ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:222
 msgid "If @{n} < 0 RANDBINOM returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{n} < 0 НАСУМБИНОМ исписује #БРОЈ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:244
 msgid ""
 "RANDBETWEEN:a random integer number between and including @{bottom} and @"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМИЗМЕЂУ:насумични цео број између и укључујући @{доње} и @{горње}"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:246
 msgid "bottom:lower limit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "доње:доња граница"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:247
 msgid "top:upper limit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "горње:горња граница"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:248
 msgid "If @{bottom} > @{top}, RANDBETWEEN returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{доње} > @{горње}, НАСУМИЗМЕЂУ исписује #БРОЈ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:275
 msgid "RANDNEGBINOM:random variate from a negative binomial distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМНЕГБИНОМ:насумична варијанса из негативне биномне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:277
 msgid "n:number of failures"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:број неуспеха"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:278
 msgid "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 RANDNEGBINOM returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{p} < 0 или @{p} > 1 НАСУМНЕГБИНОМ исписује #БРОЈ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:279
 msgid "If @{n} < 1 RANDNEGBINOM returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{n} < 1 НАСУМНЕГБИНОМ исписује #БРОЈ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:300
 msgid "RANDBERNOULLI:random variate from a Bernoulli distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМБЕРНУЛИ:насумична варијанса из Бернулијеве расподеле"
-#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:301 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:877
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:301 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:907
 msgid "p:probability of success"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "p:вероватноћа успеха"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:302
 msgid "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 RANDBERNOULLI returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{p} < 0 или @{p} > 1 НАСУМБЕРНУЛИ исписује #БРОЈ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:324
 msgid "RANDNORM:random variate from a normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМНОРМ:насумична варијанса из нормалне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:325
 msgid "μ:mean of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "μ:средња вредност расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:326 ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:374
 msgid "σ:standard deviation of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "σ:стандардно одступање расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:327
 msgid "If @{σ} < 0, RANDNORM returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{σ} < 0 НАСУМНОРМ исписује #БРОЈ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:349
 msgid "RANDCAUCHY:random variate from a Cauchy or Lorentz distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМКОШИ:произвољна варијанса из Кошијеве или Лоренцове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:350
 msgid "a:scale parameter of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "а:параметар размере расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:351
 msgid "If @{a} < 0 RANDCAUCHY returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{a} < 0 НАСУМКОШИ исписује #БРОЈ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:372
 msgid "RANDLOGNORM:random variate from a lognormal distribution"
@@ -6732,31 +7521,31 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:394
 msgid "RANDWEIBULL:random variate from a Weibull distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМВЕЈБУЛ:насумична варијанса из Вејбулијеве расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:395
 msgid "a:parameter of the Weibull distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:параметар Вејбулове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:396
 msgid "b:parameter of the Weibull distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:параметар Вејбулове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:415
 msgid "RANDLAPLACE:random variate from a Laplace distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМЛАПЛАС:насумична варијанса из Лапласове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:416
 msgid "a:parameter of the Laplace distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:параметар Лапласове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:434
 msgid "RANDRAYLEIGH:random variate from a Rayleigh distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМРЕЈЛАЈ:насумична варијанса из Рејлајове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:435 ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:455
 msgid "σ:scale parameter of the Rayleigh distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "σ:параметар Рејлајове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:453
 msgid ""
@@ -6765,206 +7554,215 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:454 ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:793
 msgid "a:lower limit of the tail"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:доња граница остатка"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:474
 msgid "RANDGAMMA:random variate from a Gamma distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМГАМА:насумична варијанса из Гама расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:475
 msgid "a:parameter of the Gamma distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "а:параметар гама расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:476
 msgid "b:parameter of the Gamma distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:параметар гама расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:477
 msgid "If @{a} ≤ 0, RANDGAMMA returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{a} ≤ 0, НАСУМГАМА исписује #БРОЈ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:499
 msgid "RANDPARETO:random variate from a Pareto distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМПАРЕТО:насумична варијанса из Паретове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:500
 msgid "a:parameter of the Pareto distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:параметар Паретове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:501
 msgid "b:parameter of the Pareto distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:параметар Паретове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:520
 msgid "RANDFDIST:random variate from an F distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМФРАСП:насумична варијанса из Ф расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:521
 msgid "df1:numerator degrees of freedom"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "df1:степени слободе бројиоца"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:522
 msgid "df2:denominator degrees of freedom"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "df2:степени слободе имениоца"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:541
 msgid "RANDBETA:random variate from a Beta distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМБЕТА:насумична варијанса из Бета расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:542
 msgid "a:parameter of the Beta distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:параметар Бета расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:543
 msgid "b:parameter of the Beta distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:параметар Бета расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:562
 msgid "RANDLOGISTIC:random variate from a logistic distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМЛОГИЧКА:насумична варијанса из логичке расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:563
 msgid "a:parameter of the logistic distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:параметар логичке расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:581
 msgid "RANDGEOM:random variate from a geometric distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМГЕОМ:насумична варијанса из геометријске расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:583
 msgid "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 RANDGEOM returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{p} < 0 или @{p} > 1 НАСУМГЕОМ исписује #БРОЈ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:604
 msgid "RANDHYPERG:random variate from a hypergeometric distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМХИПЕРГ:насумична варијанса из хипергеометријске расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:605
 msgid "n1:number of objects of type 1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n1:број предмета 1. врсте"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:606
 msgid "n2:number of objects of type 2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n2:број предмета 2. врсте"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:607
 msgid "t:total number of objects selected"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "t:укупан број изабраних предмета"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:629
 msgid "RANDLOG:random variate from a logarithmic distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМЛОГ:насумична варијанса из логаритамске расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:631
 msgid "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 RANDLOG returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{p} < 0 или @{p} > 1 НАСУМЛОГ исписује #БРОЈ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:652
 msgid "RANDCHISQ:random variate from a Chi-square distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМКИНАКВ:насумична варијанса из Ки на квадрат расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:653 ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:672
-#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:923
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:942
 msgid "df:degrees of freedom"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "сс:степени слободе"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:671
 msgid "RANDTDIST:random variate from a Student t distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМТРАСП:насумична варијанса из студентове т расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:690
 msgid "RANDGUMBEL:random variate from a Gumbel distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМГУМБЕЛ:насумична варијанса из Гумбелове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:691
 msgid "a:parameter of the Gumbel distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "а:параметар Гумбелове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:692
 msgid "b:parameter of the Gumbel distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:параметар Гумбелове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:693
 msgid "type:type of the Gumbel distribution, defaults to 1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "врста:врста Гумбелове расподеле, подразумева се 1"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:694
 msgid "If @{type} is neither 1 nor 2, RANDGUMBEL returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако @{врста} није ни 1 ни 2, НАСУМГУМБЕЛ исписује #БРОЈ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:719
 msgid "RANDLEVY:random variate from a Lévy distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМЛЕВИ:насумична варијанса из Левијеве расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:720
 msgid "c:parameter of the Lévy distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "c:параметар Левијеве расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:721
 msgid "α:parameter of the Lévy distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "α:параметар Левијеве расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:722
 msgid "β:parameter of the Lévy distribution, defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "β:параметар Левијеве расподеле, подразумева се 0"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:723
 msgid ""
 "For @{α} = 1, @{β}=0, the Lévy distribution reduces to the Cauchy (or "
 "Lorentzian) distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"За @{α} = 1, @{β}=0, Левијева расподела се умањује на Кошијеву (или "
+"Лоренцову) расподелу."
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:725
 msgid ""
 "For @{α} = 2, @{β}=0, the Lévy distribution reduces to the normal "
 msgstr ""
+"За @{α} = 1, @{β}=0, Левијева расподела се умањује на нормалну расподелу."
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:727
 msgid "If @{α} ≤ 0 or @{α} > 2, RANDLEVY returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{α} ≤ 0 или @{α} > 2, НАСУМЛЕВИ исписује #БРОЈ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:728
 msgid "If @{β} < -1 or @{β} > 1, RANDLEVY returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{β} < -1 or @{β} > 1, НАСУМЛЕВИ исписује #БРОЈ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:751
 msgid "RANDEXPPOW:random variate from an exponential power distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМЕКСПСТЕП:насумична варијанса из експоненцијалне степене расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:752
 msgid "a:scale parameter of the exponential power distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "а:параметар експоненцијалне степене расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:753
 msgid "b:exponent of the exponential power distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:изложилац експоненцијалне степене расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:754
 msgid ""
 "For @{b} = 1 the exponential power distribution reduces to the Laplace "
 msgstr ""
+"За @{b} = 1 експоненцијална степена расподела се умањује на Лапласову "
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:756
 msgid ""
 "For @{b} = 2 the exponential power distribution reduces to the normal "
 "distribution with σ = a/sqrt(2)"
 msgstr ""
+"За @{b} = 2 експоненцијална степена расподела се умањује на нормалну "
+"расподелу са σ = a/sqrt(2)"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:776
 msgid "RANDLANDAU:random variate from the Landau distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НАСУМЛАНДО:насумична варијанса из Ландове расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:792
 msgid ""
 "RANDNORMTAIL:random variate from the upper tail of a normal distribution "
 "with mean 0"
 msgstr ""
+"НАСУМНОРМОСТАТАК:насумична варијанса из горњег остатка нормалне расподеле са "
+"средњом вредношћу 0"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:794
 msgid "σ:standard deviation of the normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "σ:стандардно одступање нормалне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:795
 msgid ""
@@ -6978,14 +7776,16 @@ msgid ""
 "SIMTABLE:one of the values in the given argument list depending on the round "
 "number of the simulation tool"
 msgstr ""
+"СИМТАБЕЛА:једна од вредности у списку датог аргумента који зависи од "
+"заокруженог броја алата за симулацију"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:818
 msgid "d1:first value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "d1:прва вредност"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:819
 msgid "d2:second value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "d2:друга вредност"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:820
 msgid ""
@@ -7008,30 +7808,83 @@ msgid ""
 "is created according to the values."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:883
-msgid "RANDSNORM:random variate from a skew normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:884 ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:924
-msgid "a:amount of skew, defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:884
+msgid "RANDSNORM:random variate from a skew-normal distribution"
+msgstr "НАСУМНЕСНОРМ:насумична варијанса из нормалне несиметричне расподеле"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:885
-msgid "μ:mean of the underlying normal distribution, defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "𝛼:shape parameter of the skew-normal distribution, defaults to 0"
+msgstr "𝛼:параметар облика нормалне несиметричне расподеле, подразумева се 0"
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:887
+msgid "𝜉:location parameter of the skew-normal distribution, defaults to 0"
+msgstr "𝜉:параметар места нормалне несиметричне расподеле, подразумева се 0"
-#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:886
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:889
+msgid "𝜔:scale parameter of the skew-normal distribution, defaults to 1"
+msgstr "𝜔:параметар размере нормалне несиметричне расподеле, подразумева се 1"
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:891
 msgid ""
-"σ:standard deviation of the underlying normal distribution, defaults to 1"
+"The random variates are drawn from a skew-normal distribution with shape "
+"parameter @{𝛼}. When @{𝛼}=0, the skewness vanishes, and we obtain the "
+"standard normal density; as 𝛼 increases (in absolute value), the skewness of "
+"the distribution increases; when @{𝛼} approaches infinity  the density "
+"converges to the so-called half-normal (or folded normal) density function; "
+"if the sign of @{𝛼} changes, the density is reflected on the opposite side "
+"of the vertical axis."
 msgstr ""
+"Насумичне варијансе се цртају из нормалне несиметричне расподеле са "
+"параметром облика @{𝛼}. Када је @{𝛼}=0, несиметричност нестаје, а ми "
+"добијамо стандардну нормалну густину; како се 𝛼 повећава (по апсолутној "
+"вредности), несиметричност расподеле се повећава; када @{𝛼} тежи "
+"бесконачности густина тежи такозваној функцији полу-нормалне (или умотане "
+"нормале) густине; ако се промени знак @{𝛼}, густина се осликава на супротној "
+"страни усправне осе."
-#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:887
-msgid "If @{σ} < 0, RANDSNORM returns #NUM!"
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:901
+msgid ""
+"The mean of a skew-normal distribution with location parameter @{𝜉}=0 is not "
 msgstr ""
+"Средња вредност нормалне несиметричне расподеле са параметром места @{𝜉}=0 "
+"није 0."
-#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:922
-msgid "RANDSTDIST:random variate from a skew t distribution"
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:903
+msgid ""
+"The standard deviation of a skew-normal distribution with scale parameter @"
+"{𝜔}=1 is not 1."
 msgstr ""
+"Стандардно одступање нормалне несиметричне расподеле са параметром размере "
+"@{𝜔}=1 није 1."
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:905
+msgid "The skewness of a skew-normal distribution is in general not @{𝛼}."
+msgstr "Несиметричност нормалне несиметричне расподеле није уопште @{𝛼}."
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:906
+msgid "If @{𝜔} < 0, RANDSNORM returns #NUM!"
+msgstr "Ако је @{𝜔} < 0, НАСУМНЕСНОРМ исписује #БРОЈ!"
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:941
+msgid "RANDSTDIST:random variate from a skew-t distribution"
+msgstr "НАСУМНЕСТРАСП:насумична варијанса из несиметричне т расподеле"
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:943
+msgid "𝛼:shape parameter of the skew-t distribution, defaults to 0"
+msgstr "𝛼:параметар облика нормалне несиметричне т расподеле, подразумева се 0"
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:944
+msgid "The mean of a skew-t distribution is not 0."
+msgstr "Средња вредност несиметричне т расподеле није 0."
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:945
+msgid "The standard deviation of a skew-t distribution is not 1."
+msgstr "Средње одступање несиметричне т расподеле није 1."
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:946
+msgid "The skewness of a skew-t distribution is in general not @{𝛼}."
+msgstr "Несиметричност нормалне несиметричне т није уопште @{𝛼}."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:45
 msgid ""
@@ -7040,187 +7893,204 @@ msgid ""
 "value zero (0). If the argument evaluates to TRUE, it is counted as one (1). "
 "Note that empty cells are not counted."
 msgstr ""
+"Бројеви, текст и логичке вредности се такође искључују из прорачуна. Ако "
+"поље садржи текст или се аргумент процењује на НЕТАЧНО, рачуна се као "
+"вредност нула (0). Ако се аргумент процењује на ТАЧНО, рачуна се као један "
+"(1). Знајте да се празна поља не урачунавају."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:50
 msgid "VARP:variance of an entire population"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ВАРП:варијанса читаве популације"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:51 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:77
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:107 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:135
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2517 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2548
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2576 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2605
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2557 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2588
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2616 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2645
 msgid "area1:first cell area"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "област1:област првог поља"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:52 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:78
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:108 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:136
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2518 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2549
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2577 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2606
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2558 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2589
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2617 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2646
 msgid "area2:second cell area"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "област2:област другог поља"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:53
 msgid "VARP is also known as the N-variance."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ВАРП је такође позната као N-варијанса."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:54
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain number 11.4, 17.3, "
 "21.3, 25.9, and 40.1."
 msgstr ""
+"Претпоставимо да поље A1, A2, ..., A5 садржи бројеве 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, "
+"и 40.1."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:55
 msgid "Then VARP(A1:A5) equals 94.112"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Тада ВАРП(A1:A5) износи 94.112"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:57 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:87
 msgid "wiki:en:Variance"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вики:ен:Варијанса"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:58 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:88
 msgid "wolfram:Variance.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "волфрам:Варијанса.html"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:76
 msgid "VAR:sample variance of the given sample"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ВАР:варијанса узорка датог узорка"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:79
 msgid "VAR is also known as the N-1-variance."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ВАР је такође позната као N-1-варијанса."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:80 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2522
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:80 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2562
 msgid ""
 "Since the N-1-variance includes Bessel's correction, whereas the N-variance "
 "calculated by VARPA or VARP does not, under reasonable conditions the N-1-"
 "variance is an unbiased estimator of the variance of the population from "
 "which the sample is drawn."
 msgstr ""
+"Пошто N-1-варијанса укључује Беселову исправку, а N-варијанса израчуната "
+"ВАРПА-ом или ВАРП-ом не, под разумним условима N-1-варијанса је непристрасан "
+"процењивач варијансе популације из које је исцртан узорак."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:84 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:112
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:139 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:277
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:573 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:600
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:626 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:696
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:722 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:757
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:797 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:822
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1825 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1851
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1875 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1900
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2031 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2153
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2196 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2384
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2734 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2777
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:623 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:650
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:676 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:726
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:752 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:787
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:827 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:852
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1855 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1881
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1905 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1930
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2061 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2193
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2236 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2424
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2774 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2817
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, "
 "21.3, 25.9, and 40.1."
 msgstr ""
+"Претпоставимо да поље A1, A2, ..., A5 садржи бројеве 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, "
+"и 40.1."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:85
 msgid "Then VAR(A1:A5) equals 117.64."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Тада ВАР(A1:A5) износи 117.64."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:106
 msgid "STDEV:sample standard deviation of the given sample"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "СТОДСТ:стандардно одступање узорка датог узорка"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:109
 msgid "STDEV is also known as the N-1-standard deviation."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "СТОДСТ је такође познато као N-1-стандардно одступање."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:110
 msgid ""
 "To obtain the population standard deviation of a whole population use STDEVP."
 msgstr ""
+"Да добијете стандардно одступање популације читаве популације користите "
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:113
 msgid "Then STDEV(A1:A5) equals 10.84619749."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Тада СТОДСТ(A1:A5) износи 10.84619749."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:115 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:142
 msgid "wiki:en:Standard_deviation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вики:ен:Стандардно_одступање"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:116 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:143
 msgid "wolfram:StandardDeviation.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "волфрам:Стандардно_одступање.html"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:134
 msgid "STDEVP:population standard deviation of the given population"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "СТОДСТП:стандардно одступање популације дате популације"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:137 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2607
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:137 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2647
 msgid "This is also known as the N-standard deviation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ово је такође познато као N-стандардно одступање"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:140
 msgid "Then STDEVP(A1:A5) equals 9.701133954."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Тада СТОДСТП(A1:A5) износи 9.701133954."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:161
 msgid "RANK:rank of a number in a list of numbers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "РАНГ:ранг броја у списку бројева"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:162 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:214
 msgid "x:number whose rank you want to find"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "х:број чији ранг желите да пронађете"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:164 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:216
 msgid "order:0 (descending order) or non-zero (ascending order); defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "поредак:0 (опадајући) или не-нула (растући); подразумева се 0"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:165
 msgid "In case of a tie, RANK returns the largest possible rank."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "У случају нерешеног, РАНГ исписује највећи могући ранг."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:167
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, …, A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, "
 "25.9, and 25.9."
 msgstr ""
+"Претпоставимо да поље A1, A2, ..., A5 садржи бројеве 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, "
+"и 25.9."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:168
 msgid "Then RANK(17.3,A1:A5) equals 4."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Тада РАНГ(17.3,A1:A5) износи 4."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:169
 msgid "Then RANK(25.9,A1:A5) equals 1."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Тада РАНГ(25.9,A1:A5) износи 1."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:213
 msgid "RANK.AVG:rank of a number in a list of numbers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "РАНГ.ПРСК:ранг броја на списку бројева"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:217
 msgid "In case of a tie, RANK returns the average rank."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "У случају нерешеног, РАНГ исписује просечан ранг."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:218
 msgid "This function is Excel 2010 compatible."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ова функција је сагласна са Екселом 2010."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:219
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, "
 "21.3, 25.9, and 25.9."
 msgstr ""
+"Претпоставимо да поље A1, A2, ..., A5 садржи бројеве 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, "
+"и 25.9."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:220
 msgid "Then RANK.AVG(17.3,A1:A5) equals 4."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Тада РАНГ.ПРСК(17.3,A1:A5) износи 4."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:221
 msgid "Then RANK.AVG(25.9,A1:A5) equals 1.5."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Тада РАНГ.ПРСК(25.9,A1:A5) износи 1.5."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:271
 msgid "TRIMMEAN:mean of the interior of a data set"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "СКРАЋСРЕДВРЕД:средња вредност унутрашњости скупа података"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:272
 msgid "ref:list of numbers whose mean you want to calculate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "упута:списак бројева чију средњу вредност желите да израчунате"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:273
 msgid "fraction:fraction of the data set excluded from the mean"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "разломак:разломак скупа података искљученог из средње вредности"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:274
 msgid ""
@@ -7229,507 +8099,541 @@ msgid ""
 "avoid a bias, the number of points to be excluded is always rounded down to "
 "the nearest even number."
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{разломак}=0,2 и скуп података садржи 40 бројева, 8 бројева се "
+"пробира из скупа података (40 х 0,2): са 4 највећа и 4 најмања. Да се "
+"избегне пристрасност, број тачака које ће бити искључене се увек заокружује "
+"на најближи паран број."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:278
 msgid ""
 "Then TRIMMEAN(A1:A5,0.2) equals 23.2 and TRIMMEAN(A1:A5,0.4) equals 21.5."
 msgstr ""
+"Тада СКРАЋСРЕДВРЕД(A1:A5,0,2) износи 23,2 а СКРАЋСРЕДВРЕД(A1:A5,0,4) износи "
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:320
 msgid "COVAR:covariance of two data sets"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "КОВАР:коваријанса два скупа података"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:321 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:351
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:381
 msgid "array1:first data set"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "низ1:први скуп података"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:322
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:322 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:352
 msgid "array2:set data set"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "низ2:други скуп података"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:323 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:353
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:543 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:791
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:820 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1817
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1848 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1898
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1984 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2003
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2027
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:383 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:593
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:821 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:850
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1847 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1878
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1928 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2014
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2033 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2057
 msgid "Strings and empty cells are simply ignored."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ниске и празне вредности се једноставно занемарују."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:325 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:355
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2325 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2818
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2884 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3917
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3974 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4026
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:385 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2365
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2858 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2924
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4014 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4071
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4123
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, "
 "21.3, 25.9, and 40.1, and the cells B1, B2, ... B5 23.2, 25.8, 29.9, 33.5, "
 "and 42.7."
 msgstr ""
+"Претпоставимо да поља A1, A2, ..., A5 садрже бројеве 11,4, 17,3, 21,3, 25,9, "
+"и 40,1, а поља B1, B2, ... B5 23.2, 25.8, 29.9, 33.5, и 42.7."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:328
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:328 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:358
 msgid "Then COVAR(A1:A5,B1:B5) equals 65.858."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Тада КОВАР(A1:A5,B1:B5) износи 65.858."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:330
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:330 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:360
 msgid "wiki:en:Covariance"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вики:ен:Коваријанса"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:331 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:361
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:391
 msgid "wolfram:Covariance.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "волфрам:Коваријанса.html"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:350
+msgid "COVARIANCE.S:sample covariance of two data sets"
+msgstr "КОВАРАРИЈАНСА.С:коваријанса узорка два скупа података"
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:380
 msgid "CORREL:Pearson correlation coefficient of two data sets"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "УЗАЈАМН:Коефицијент Пирсонове узајамности два скупа података"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:352
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:382
 msgid "array2:second data set"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "низ2:други скуп података"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:358
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:388
 msgid "Then CORREL(A1:A5,B1:B5) equals 0.996124788."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Тада УЗАЈАМН(A1:A5,B1:B5) износи 0,996124788."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:360
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:390
 msgid "wiki:en:CorrelationCoefficient.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вики:ен:Коефицијент_узајамности.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:380
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:410
 msgid ""
 "NEGBINOMDIST:probability mass function of the negative binomial distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НЕГБИНОМРАСП:масовна функција вероватноће негативне биномне расподеле"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:381
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:411
 msgid "f:number of failures"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "f:број неуспеха"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:382
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:412
 msgid "t:threshold number of successes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "t:почетни број успеха"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:383
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:413
 msgid "p:probability of a success"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "p:вероватноћа успеха"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:384
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:414
 msgid "If @{f} or @{t} is a non-integer it is truncated."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{f} или @{t} не-цео број скраћује се."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:385
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:415
 msgid "If (@{f} + @{t} -1) <= 0 this function returns a #NUM! error."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је (@{f} + @{t} -1) <= 0 ова функција исписује грешку #БРОЈ!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:386
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:416
 msgid "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 this functions returns a #NUM! error."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{p} < 0 или @{p} > 1 ова функција исписује грешку #БРОЈ!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:409
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:439
 msgid ""
-"NORMSDIST:cumulative density function of the standard normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+"NORMSDIST:cumulative distribution function of the standard normal "
+msgstr "НОРМСРАСП:функција целокупне расподеле стандардне нормалне расподеле"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:412
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:442
 msgid "NORMSDIST is the OpenFormula function LEGACY.NORMSDIST."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:415 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:440
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:445 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:470
 msgid "wiki:en:Normal_distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вики:ен:Нормална_расподела"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:416 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:441
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:446 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:471
 msgid "wolfram:NormalDistribution.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "волфрам:Нормална_расподела.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:433
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:463
 msgid ""
-"NORMSINV:inverse of the cumulative density function of the standard normal "
+"NORMSINV:inverse of the cumulative distribution function of the standard "
+"normal distribution"
 msgstr ""
+"НОРМСИНВ:инверзност функције целокупне расподеле стандардне нормалне "
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:434
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:464
 msgid "p:given probability"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "p:дата вероватноћа"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:435
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:465
 msgid "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 this function returns #NUM! error."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{p} < 0 или @{p} > 1 ова функција исписује грешку #БРОЈ!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:437
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:467
 msgid "NORMSINV is the OpenFormula function LEGACY.NORMSINV."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:461
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:491
+msgid "OWENT:Owen's T function"
+msgstr "ОВЕНТ:Овенсова Т функција"
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:492
+msgid "h:number"
+msgstr "h:број"
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:493
+msgid "a:number"
+msgstr "a:број"
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:511
 msgid ""
 "LOGNORMDIST:cumulative distribution function of the lognormal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ЛОГНОРМРАСП:функција целокупне расподеле логнормалне расподеле"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:463 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:493
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:513 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:543
 msgid "mean:mean"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "средња вредност:средња вредност"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:464 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:494
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:514 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:544
 msgid "stddev:standard deviation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "стндодст:стандардно одступање"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:465
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:515
 msgid "If @{stddev} = 0 LOGNORMDIST returns a #DIV/0! error."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је @{стндодст} = 0 ЛОГНОРМРАСП исписује #ДИВ/0! грешку."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:466
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:516
 msgid ""
 "If @{x} <= 0, @{mean} < 0 or @{stddev} <= 0 this function returns a #NUM! "
 msgstr ""
+"Ако је @{x} <= 0, @{средња_вредност} < 0 или @{стндодст} <= 0 ова функција "
+"исписује грешку #БРОЈ!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:470 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:499
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:520 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:549
 msgid "wiki:en:Log-normal_distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "вики:ен:ЛОг-нормална_расподела"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:471 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:500
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:521 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:550
 msgid "wolfram:LogNormalDistribution.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "волфрам:Лог_нормална_расподела.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:491
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:541
 msgid ""
 "LOGINV:inverse of the cumulative distribution function of the lognormal "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:495
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:545
 msgid ""
 "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 or @{stddev} <= 0 this function returns #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:522
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:572
 msgid "FISHERINV:inverse of the Fisher transformation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:524
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:574
 msgid "If @{x} is a non-number this function returns a #VALUE! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:540
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:590
 msgid "MODE:first most common number in the dataset"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:541 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:569
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:596 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:623
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:659 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:693
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:719 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:754
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:789 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:818
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1815 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1846
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1872 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1896
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2025 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2438
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2463 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2490
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:591 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:619
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:646 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:673
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:698 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:723
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:749 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:784
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:819 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:848
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1845 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1876
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1902 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1926
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2055 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2478
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2503 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2530
 msgid "number1:first value"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:542 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:570
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:597 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:624
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:660 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:694
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:720 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:755
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:790 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:819
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1816 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1847
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1873 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1897
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2026 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2439
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2464 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2491
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:592 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:620
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:647 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:674
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:699 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:724
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:750 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:785
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:820 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:849
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1846 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1877
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1903 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1927
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2056 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2479
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2504 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2531
 msgid "number2:second value"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:544
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:594
 msgid ""
 "If the data set does not contain any duplicates this function returns a #N/A "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:546
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:596
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, "
 "11.4, 25.9, and 40.1."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:547
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:597
 msgid "Then MODE(A1:A5) equals 11.4."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:549
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:599
 msgid "wiki:en:Mode_(statistics)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:550
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:600
 msgid "wolfram:Mode.html"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:568
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:618
 msgid "HARMEAN:harmonic mean"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:571
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:621
 msgid ""
 "The harmonic mean of N data points is  N divided by the sum of the "
 "reciprocals of the data points)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:574
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:624
 msgid "Then HARMEAN(A1:A5) equals 19.529814427."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:576
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:626
 msgid "wiki:en:Harmonic_mean"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:577
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:627
 msgid "wolfram:HarmonicMean.html"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:595
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:645
 msgid "GEOMEAN:geometric mean"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:598
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:648
 msgid ""
 "The geometric mean is equal to the Nth root of the product of the N values."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:601
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:651
 msgid "Then GEOMEAN(A1:A5) equals 21.279182482."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:603
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:653
 msgid "wiki:en:Geometric_mean"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:604
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:654
 msgid "wolfram:GeometricMean.html"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:622
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:672
 msgid "COUNT:total number of integer or floating point arguments passed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:627
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:677
 msgid "Then COUNT(A1:A5) equals 5."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:658
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:697
 msgid "COUNTA:number of arguments passed not including empty cells"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:662
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:701
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers and strings "
 "11.4, \"missing\", \"missing\", 25.9, and 40.1."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:663
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:702
 msgid "Then COUNTA(A1:A5) equals 5."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:692
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:722
 msgid "AVERAGE:average of all the numeric values and cells"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:697
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:727
 msgid "Then AVERAGE(A1:A5) equals 23.2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:699
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:729
 msgid "wiki:en:Arithmetic_mean"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:700
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:730
 msgid "wolfram:ArithmeticMean.html"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:718
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:748
 msgid ""
 "MIN:smallest value, with negative numbers considered smaller than positive "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:723
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:753
 msgid "Then MIN(A1:A5) equals 11.4."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:753
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:783
 msgid ""
 "MAX:largest value, with negative numbers considered smaller than positive "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:758
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:788
 msgid "Then MAX(A1:A5) equals 40.1."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:788
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:818
 msgid "SKEW:unbiased estimate for skewness of a distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НЕСИМ:непристрасна процена за несиметричност расподеле"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:792
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:822
 msgid ""
 "This is only meaningful if the underlying distribution really has a third "
 "moment.  The skewness of a symmetric (e.g., normal) distribution is zero."
 msgstr ""
+"Ово има смисла само ако основна расподела заиста има трећи моменат.  "
+"Несиметричност симетричне (на пример, нормалне) расподеле је нула."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:795
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:825
 msgid ""
 "If less than three numbers are given, this function returns a #DIV/0! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:798
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:828
 msgid "Then SKEW(A1:A5) equals 0.976798268."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Онда НЕСИМ(A1:A5) износи 0.976798268."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:817
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:847
 msgid "SKEWP:population skewness of a data set"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "НЕСИМП:несиметричност популације скупа података"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:821
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:851
 msgid "If less than two numbers are given, SKEWP returns a #DIV/0! error."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако је дато мање од два броја, НЕСИМП исписује #ДИВ/0! грешку."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:823
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:853
 msgid "Then SKEWP(A1:A5) equals 0.655256198."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Онда НЕСИМП(A1:A5) износи 0.655256198."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:842
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:872
 msgid ""
 "EXPONDIST:probability density or cumulative distribution function of the "
 "exponential distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:844
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:874
 msgid "y:scale parameter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:845 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:915
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1541 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1721
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1757
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:875 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:945
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1571 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1751
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1787
 msgid ""
 "cumulative:whether to evaluate the density function or the cumulative "
 "distribution function"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:846
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:876
 msgid ""
 "If @{cumulative} is false it will return:\t {y} * exp (- {y}*@{x}),otherwise "
 "it will return\t1 - exp (- {y}*@{x})."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:849
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:879
 msgid "If @{x} < 0 or @{y} <= 0 this will return an error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:875
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:905
 msgid "BERNOULLI:probability mass function of a Bernoulli distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:876
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:906
 msgid "k:integer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:878
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:908
 msgid "If @{k} != 0 and @{k} != 1 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:879 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:948
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1159 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1446
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1479 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1513
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1574 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4285
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:909 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:978
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1189 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1476
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1509 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1543
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1604 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4375
 msgid "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:911
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:941
 msgid ""
 "GAMMADIST:probability density or cumulative distribution function of the "
 "gamma distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:913 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:946
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1118 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1155
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1719
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:943 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:976
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1148 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1185
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1749
 msgid "alpha:scale parameter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:914 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:947
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1119 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1156
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1720
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:944 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:977
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1149 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1186
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1750
 msgid "beta:scale parameter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:916 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1280
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1725 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1954
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:946 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1310
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1755 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1984
 msgid "If @{x} < 0 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:917 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1123
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1160
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:947 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1153
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1190
 msgid "If @{alpha} <= 0 or @{beta} <= 0, this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:944
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:974
 msgid "GAMMAINV:inverse of the cumulative gamma distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:949 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1726
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:979 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1756
 msgid "If @{alpha} <= 0 or @{beta} <= 0 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:974
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1004
 msgid "CHIDIST:survival function of the chi-squared distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:976 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1004
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1190 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1242
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1006 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1034
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1220 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1272
 msgid "dof:number of degrees of freedom"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:977 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1005
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1192 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1243
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1279 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1445
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1007 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1035
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1222 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1273
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1309 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1475
 msgid "The survival function is 1 minus the cumulative distribution function."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:978
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1008
 msgid "If @{dof} is non-integer it is truncated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:979 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1193
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1009 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1223
 msgid "If @{dof} < 1 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:981
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1011
 msgid ""
 "CHIDIST(@{x},@{dof}) is the OpenFormula function LEGACY.CHIDIST(@{x},@{dof})."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1002
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1032
 msgid "CHIINV:inverse of the survival function of the chi-squared distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1006 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1244
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1036 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1274
 msgid ""
 "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 or @{dof} < 1 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1008
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1038
 msgid ""
 "CHIINV(@{p},@{dof}) is the OpenFormula function LEGACY.CHIDIST(@{p},@{dof})."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1029
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1059
 msgid "CHITEST:p value of the Goodness of Fit Test"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1030
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1060
 msgid "actual_range:observed data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1031
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1061
 msgid "theoretical_range:expected values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1032
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1062
 msgid ""
 "If the actual range is not an n by 1 or 1 by n range, but an n by m range, "
 "then CHITEST uses (n-1) times (m-1) as degrees of freedom. This is useful if "
@@ -7737,941 +8641,952 @@ msgid ""
 "independence or test of homogeneity."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1038
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1068
 msgid "CHITEST is the OpenFormula function LEGACY.CHITEST."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1116
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1146
 msgid "BETADIST:cumulative distribution function of the beta distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1120 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1157
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1150 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1187
 msgid "a:optional lower bound, defaults to 0"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1121 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1158
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1151 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1188
 msgid "b:optional upper bound, defaults to 1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1122
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1152
 msgid "If @{x} < @{a} or @{x} > @{b} this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1124 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1161
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1154 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1191
 msgid "If @{a} >= @{b} this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1153
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1183
 msgid ""
 "BETAINV:inverse of the cumulative distribution function of the beta "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1188
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1218
 msgid "TDIST:survival function of the Student t-distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1191
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1221
 msgid "tails:1 or 2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1194
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1224
 msgid "If @{tails} is neither 1 or 2 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1195
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1225
 msgid ""
 "The parameterization of this function is different from what is used for, e."
 "g., NORMSDIST.  This is a common source of mistakes, but necessary for "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1198
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1228
 msgid "This function is Excel compatible for non-negative @{x}."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1240
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1270
 msgid "TINV:inverse of the survival function of the Student t-distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1246
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1276
 msgid ""
 "The parameterization of this function is different from what is used for, e."
 "g., NORMSINV.  This is a common source of mistakes, but necessary for "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1275
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1305
 msgid "FDIST:survival function of the F distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1277 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1443
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1307 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1473
 msgid "dof_of_num:numerator degrees of freedom"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1278 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1444
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1308 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1474
 msgid "dof_of_denom:denominator degrees of freedom"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1281
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1311
 msgid ""
 "If @{dof_of_num} < 1 or @{dof_of_denom} < 1, this function returns a #NUM! "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1283
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1313
 msgid "FDIST is the OpenFormula function LEGACY.FDIST."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1305
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1335
 msgid ""
 "LANDAU:approximate probability density function of the Landau distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1441
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1471
 msgid "FINV:inverse of the survival function of the F distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1447
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1477
 msgid ""
 "If @{dof_of_num} < 1 or @{dof_of_denom} < 1 this function returns a #NUM! "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1449
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1479
 msgid "FINV is the OpenFormula function LEGACY.FINV."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1471
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1501
 msgid ""
 "BINOMDIST:probability mass or cumulative distribution function of the "
 "binomial distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1472
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1502
 msgid "n:number of successes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1473 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1507
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1569
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1503 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1537
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1599
 msgid "trials:number of trials"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1474 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1508
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1570
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1504 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1538
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1600
 msgid "p:probability of success in each trial"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1475 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1629
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1952 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4283
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1505 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1659
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1982 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4373
 msgid ""
 "cumulative:whether to evaluate the mass function or the cumulative "
 "distribution function"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1476
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1506
 msgid "If @{n} or @{trials} are non-integer they are truncated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1477
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1507
 msgid "If @{n} < 0 or @{trials} < 0 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1478
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1508
 msgid "If @{n} > @{trials} this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1506
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1536
 msgid ""
 "BINOM.DIST.RANGE:probability of the binomial distribution over an interval"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1509
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1539
 msgid "start:start of the interval"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1510
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1540
 msgid "end:end of the interval, defaults to @{start}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1511
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1541
 msgid "If @{start}, @{end} or @{trials} are non-integer they are truncated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1512 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1573
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1542 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1603
 msgid "If @{trials} < 0 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1514
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1544
 msgid "If @{start} > @{end} this function returns 0."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1537
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1567
 msgid ""
 "CAUCHY:probability density or cumulative distribution function of the "
 "Cauchy, Lorentz or Breit-Wigner distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1540 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4313
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4452
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1570 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4403
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4542
 msgid "a:scale parameter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1542
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1572
 msgid "If @{a} < 0 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1543 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4286
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1573 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4376
 msgid ""
 "If @{cumulative} is neither TRUE nor FALSE this function returns a #VALUE! "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1568
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1598
 msgid "CRITBINOM:right-tailed critical value of the binomial distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1571
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1601
 msgid "alpha:significance level (area of the tail)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1572
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1602
 msgid "If @{trials} is a non-integer it is truncated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1575
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1605
 msgid "If @{alpha} < 0 or @{alpha} > 1 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1598
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1628
 msgid "PERMUT:number of @{k}-permutations of a @{n}-set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1599
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1629
 msgid "n:size of the base set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1600
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1630
 msgid "k:number of elements in each permutation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1601
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1631
 msgid "If @{n} = 0 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1602
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1632
 msgid "If @{n} < @{k} this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1624
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1654
 msgid ""
 "HYPGEOMDIST:probability mass or cumulative distribution function of the "
 "hypergeometric distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1625
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1655
 msgid "x:number of successes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1626
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1656
 msgid "n:sample size"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1627
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1657
 msgid "M:number of possible successes in the population"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1628
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1658
 msgid "N:population size"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1630
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1660
 msgid "If @{x},@{n},@{M} or @{N} is a non-integer it is truncated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1631
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1661
 msgid "If @{x},@{n},@{M} or @{N} < 0 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1632
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1662
 msgid "If @{x} > @{M} or @{n} > @{N} this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1660
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1690
 msgid ""
 "CONFIDENCE:margin of error of a confidence interval for the population mean"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1661
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1691
 msgid "alpha:significance level"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1662
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1692
 msgid "stddev:population standard deviation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1663
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1693
 msgid "size:sample size"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1664
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1694
 msgid ""
 "This function requires the usually unknown population standard deviation."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1665
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1695
 msgid "If @{size} is non-integer it is truncated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1666
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1696
 msgid "If @{size} < 0 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1667
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1697
 msgid "If @{size} is 0 this function returns a #DIV/0! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1690
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1720
 msgid "STANDARDIZE:z-score of a value"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1692
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1722
 msgid "mean:mean of the original distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1693
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1723
 msgid "stddev:standard deviation of the original distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1694 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1758
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1724 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1788
 msgid "If @{stddev} is 0 this function returns a #DIV/0! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1717
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1747
 msgid ""
 "WEIBULL:probability density or cumulative distribution function of the "
 "Weibull distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1722
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1752
 msgid ""
 "If the @{cumulative} boolean is true it will return: 1 - exp (-(@{x}/@{beta})"
 "^ {alpha}),otherwise it will return (@{alpha}/@{beta}^ {alpha}) * @{x}^(@"
 "{alpha}-1) * exp(-(@{x}/@{beta}^ {alpha}))."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1753
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1783
 msgid ""
 "NORMDIST:probability density or cumulative distribution function of a normal "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1755 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1788
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1951
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1785 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1818
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1981
 msgid "mean:mean of the distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1756 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1789
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1786 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1819
 msgid "stddev:standard deviation of the distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1786
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1816
 msgid ""
 "NORMINV:inverse of the cumulative distribution function of a normal "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1790
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1820
 msgid ""
 "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 or @{stddev} <= 0 this function returns a #NUM! "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1814
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1844
 msgid "KURT:unbiased estimate of the kurtosis of a data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1818
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1848
 msgid ""
 "This is only meaningful if the underlying distribution really has a fourth "
 "moment.  The kurtosis is offset by three such that a normal distribution "
 "will have zero kurtosis."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1822
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1852
 msgid ""
 "If fewer than four numbers are given or all of them are equal this function "
 "returns a #DIV/0! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1826
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1856
 msgid "Then KURT(A1:A5) equals 1.234546305."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1845
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1875
 msgid "KURTP:population kurtosis of a data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1849
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1879
 msgid ""
 "If fewer than two numbers are given or all of them are equal this function "
 "returns a #DIV/0! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1852
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1882
 msgid "Then KURTP(A1:A5) equals -0.691363424."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1871
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1901
 msgid "AVEDEV:average of the absolute deviations of a data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1876
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1906
 msgid "Then AVEDEV(A1:A5) equals 7.84."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1895
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1925
 msgid "DEVSQ:sum of squares of deviations of a data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1901
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1931
 msgid "Then DEVSQ(A1:A5) equals 470.56."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1920
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1950
 msgid "FISHER:Fisher transformation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1922
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1952
 msgid "If @{x} is not a number, this function returns a #VALUE! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1923
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1953
 msgid "If @{x} <= -1 or @{x} >= 1, this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1949
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1979
 msgid ""
 "POISSON:probability mass or cumulative distribution function of the Poisson "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1950
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1980
 msgid "x:number of events"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1953
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1983
 msgid "If @{x} is a non-integer it is truncated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1955
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1985
 msgid "If @{mean} <= 0 POISSON returns the #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1981
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2011
 msgid "PEARSON:Pearson correlation coefficient of the paired set of data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1982 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2001
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2012 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2031
 msgid "array1:first component values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1983 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2002
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2013 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2032
 msgid "array2:second component values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2000
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2030
 msgid ""
 "RSQ:square of the Pearson correlation coefficient of the paired set of data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2024
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2054
 msgid "MEDIAN:median of a data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2028
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2058
 msgid ""
 "If even numbers are given MEDIAN returns the average of the two numbers in "
 "the center."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2032
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2062
 msgid "Then MEDIAN(A1:A5) equals 21.3."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2034
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2064
 msgid "wiki:en:Median"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2035
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2065
 msgid "wolfram:StatisticalMedian.html"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2054
-msgid ""
-"SSMEDIAN:median for grouped data as commonly determined in the social "
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2084
+msgid "SSMEDIAN:median for grouped data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2055
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2085
 msgid "array:data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2056
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2086
 msgid "interval:length of each grouping interval, defaults to 1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2057
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2087
 msgid ""
-"The data points given in @{array} are assumed to be the result of grouping "
-"data into intervals of length @{interval}"
+"The data are assumed to be grouped into intervals of width @{interval}. Each "
+"data point in @{array} is the midpoint of the interval containing the true "
+"value. The median is calculated by interpolation within the median interval "
+"(the interval containing the median value), assuming that the true values "
+"within that interval are distributed uniformly:\n"
+"median = L + @{interval}*(N/2 - CF)/F\n"
+"L = the lower limit of the median interval\n"
+"N = the total number of data points\n"
+"CF = the number of data points below the median interval\n"
+"F = the number of data points in the median interval"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2059 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2731
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2773
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2098 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2771
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2813
 msgid "If @{array} is empty, this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2060
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2099
 msgid ""
-"If @{interval} <= 0, this function returns a #NUM! error.SSMEDIAN does not "
+"If @{interval} <= 0, this function returns a #NUM! error. SSMEDIAN does not "
 "check whether the data points are at least @{interval} apart."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2063
-msgid "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, A3 contain numbers 7, 8, 8."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2064
-msgid "Then SSMEDIAN(A1:A3, 1) equals 7.75."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2146
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2186
 msgid "LARGE:@{k}-th largest value in a data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2147 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2190
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2187 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2230
 msgid "data:data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2148 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2191
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2188 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2231
 msgid "k:which value to find"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2149 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2192
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2189 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2232
 msgid "If data set is empty this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2150 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2193
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2190 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2233
 msgid ""
 "If @{k} <= 0 or @{k} is greater than the number of data items given this "
 "function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2155
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2195
 msgid "Then LARGE(A1:A5,2) equals 25.9.LARGE(A1:A5,4) equals 17.3."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2189
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2229
 msgid "SMALL:@{k}-th smallest value in a data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2198
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2238
 msgid "Then SMALL(A1:A5,2) equals 17.3.SMALL(A1:A5,4) equals 25.9."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2233
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2273
 msgid ""
 "PROB:probability of an interval for a discrete (and finite) probability "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2234
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2274
 msgid "x_range:possible values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2235
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2275
 msgid "prob_range:probabilities of the corresponding values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2236
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2276
 msgid "lower_limit:lower interval limit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2237
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2277
 msgid "upper_limit:upper interval limit, defaults to @{lower_limit}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2238
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2278
 msgid ""
 "If the sum of the probabilities in @{prob_range} is not equal to 1 this "
 "function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2240
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2280
 msgid ""
 "If any value in @{prob_range} is <=0 or > 1, this function returns a #NUM! "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2242
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2282
 msgid ""
 "If @{x_range} and @{prob_range} contain a different number of data entries, "
 "this function returns a #N/A error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2319
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2359
 msgid "STEYX:standard error of the predicted y-value in the regression"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2320 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3365
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3481 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3723
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3821 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3908
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3967 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4019
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2360 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3459
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3575 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3817
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3915 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4005
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4064 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4116
 msgid "known_ys:known y-values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2321 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3482
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3909 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3968
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4020
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2361 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3576
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4006 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4065
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4117
 msgid "known_xs:known x-values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2322
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2362
 msgid ""
 "If @{known_ys} and @{known_xs} are empty or have a different number of "
 "arguments then this function returns a #N/A error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2328
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2368
 msgid "Then STEYX(A1:A5,B1:B5) equals 1.101509979."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2372
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2412
 msgid ""
 "ZTEST:the probability of observing a sample mean as large as or larger than "
 "the mean of the given sample"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2374
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2414
 msgid "ref:data set (sample)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2375
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2415
 msgid "x:population mean"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2376
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2416
 msgid ""
 "stddev:population standard deviation, defaults to the sample standard "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2377
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2417
 msgid ""
 "ZTEST calulates the probability of observing a sample mean as large as or "
 "larger than the mean of the given sample for samples drawn from a normal "
 "distribution with mean @{x} and standard deviation @{stddev}."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2380
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2420
 msgid ""
 "If @{ref} contains less than two data items ZTEST returns #DIV/0! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2386
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2426
 msgid "Then ZTEST(A1:A5,20) equals 0.254717826."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2437
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2477
 msgid "AVERAGEA:average of all the values and cells"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2442 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2467
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2494 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2526
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2553 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2583
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2610
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2482 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2507
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2534 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2566
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2593 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2623
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2650
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers and strings "
 "11.4, 17.3, \"missing\", 25.9, and 40.1."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2443
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2483
 msgid "Then AVERAGEA(A1:A5) equals 18.94."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2462
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2502
 msgid ""
 "MAXA:largest value, with negative numbers considered smaller than positive "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2469
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2509
 msgid "Then MAXA(A1:A5) equals 40.1."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2489
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2529
 msgid ""
 "MINA:smallest value, with negative numbers considered smaller than positive "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2496
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2536
 msgid "Then MINA(A1:A5) equals 0."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2516
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2556
 msgid "VARA:sample variance of the given sample"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2519
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2559
 msgid "VARA is also known as the N-1-variance."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2520
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2560
 msgid "To get the true variance of a complete population use VARPA."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2528
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2568
 msgid "Then VARA(A1:A5) equals 228.613."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2547
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2587
 msgid "VARPA:variance of an entire population"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2550
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2590
 msgid "VARPA is also known as the N-variance."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2555
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2595
 msgid "Then VARPA(A1:A5) equals 182.8904."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2574
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2614
 msgid "STDEVA:sample standard deviation of the given sample"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2578
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2618
 msgid "STDEVA is also known as the N-1-standard deviation."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2579
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2619
 msgid ""
 "To obtain the population standard deviation of a whole population use "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2585
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2625
 msgid "Then STDEVA(A1:A5) equals 15.119953704."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2604
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2644
 msgid "STDEVPA:population standard deviation of an entire population"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2612
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2652
 msgid "Then STDEVPA(A1:A5) equals 13.523697719."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2631
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2671
 msgid "PERCENTRANK:rank of a data point in a data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2632
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2672
 msgid "array:range of numeric values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2633
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2673
 msgid "x:data point to be ranked"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2634
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2674
 msgid "significance:number of significant digits, defaults to 3"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2635
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2675
 msgid ""
 "If @{array} contains no data points, this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2637
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2677
 msgid ""
 "If @{significance} is less than one, this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2639
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2679
 msgid ""
 "If @{x} exceeds the largest value or is less than the smallest value in @"
 "{array}, this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2641
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2681
 msgid ""
 "If @{x} does not match any of the values in @{array} or @{x} matches more "
 "than once, this function interpolates the returned value."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2728
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2768
 msgid ""
 "PERCENTILE:determines the  100* {k}-th percentile of the given data points"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2729 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2771
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2769 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2811
 msgid "array:data points"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2730
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2770
 msgid "k:which percentile to calculate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2732
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2772
 msgid "If @{k} < 0 or @{k} > 1, this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2735
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2775
 msgid "Then PERCENTILE(A1:A5,0.42) equals 20.02."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2770
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2810
 msgid "QUARTILE:the @{k}-th quartile of the data points"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2772
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2812
 msgid "quart:a number from 0 to 4, indicating which quartile to calculate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2774
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2814
 msgid ""
 "If @{quart} < 0 or @{quart} > 4, this function returns a #NUM! error. If @"
 "{quart} = 0, the smallest value of @{array} to be returned."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2775
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2815
 msgid "If @{quart} is not an integer, it is truncated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2778
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2818
 msgid "Then QUARTILE(A1:A5,1) equals 17.3."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2813
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2853
 msgid ""
 "FTEST:p-value for the two-tailed hypothesis test comparing the variances of "
 "two populations"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2815 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2872
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2855 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2912
 msgid "array1:sample from the first population"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2816 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2873
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2856 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2913
 msgid "array2:sample from the second population"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2821
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2861
 msgid "Then FTEST(A1:A5,B1:B5) equals 0.510815017."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2870
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2910
 msgid ""
 "TTEST:p-value for a hypothesis test comparing the means of two populations "
 "using the Student t-distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2874
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2914
 msgid "tails:number of tails to consider"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2875
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2915
 msgid ""
 "type:Type of test to perform. 1 indicates a test for paired variables, 2 a "
 "test of unpaired variables with equal variances, and 3 a test of unpaired "
 "variables with unequal variances"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2878
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2918
 msgid ""
 "If the data sets contain a different number of data points and the test is "
 "paired (@{type} one), TTEST returns the #N/A error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2880
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2920
 msgid "@{tails} and @{type} are truncated to integers."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2881
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2921
 msgid "If @{tails} is not one or two, this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2882
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2922
 msgid ""
 "If @{type} is any other than one, two, or three, this function returns a "
 "#NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2887
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2927
 msgid ""
 "Then TTEST(A1:A5,B1:B5,1,1) equals 0.003127619.TTEST(A1:A5,B1:B5,2,1) equals "
 "0.006255239.TTEST(A1:A5,B1:B5,1,2) equals 0.111804322.TTEST(A1:A5,B1:B5,1,3) "
 "equals 0.113821797."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3045
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3085
 msgid "FREQUENCY:frequency table"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3046
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3086
 msgid "data_array:data values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3047
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3087
 msgid "bins_array:array of cutoff values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3048
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3088
 msgid "The results are given as an array."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3049
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3089
 msgid ""
 "If the @{bins_array} is empty, this function returns the number of data "
 "points in @{data_array}."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3267
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3153
+msgid "LEVERAGE:calculate regression leverage"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3156
+msgid "Returns the diagonal of @{A} (@{A}^T @{A})^-1 @{A}T as a column vector."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3157
+msgid "If the matrix is singular, #VALUE! is returned."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3361
 msgid "LINEST:multiple linear regression coefficients and statistics"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3268 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3576
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3362 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3670
 msgid "known_ys:vector of values of dependent variable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3269 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3577
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3363 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3671
 msgid ""
 "known_xs:array of values of independent variables, defaults to a single "
 "vector {1,…,n}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3270 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3367
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3579 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3725
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3824
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3364 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3461
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3673 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3819
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3918
 msgid "affine:if true, the model contains a constant term, defaults to true"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3271
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3365
 msgid ""
 "stats:if true, some additional statistics are provided, defaults to false"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3272
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3366
 msgid ""
 "This function returns an array with the first row giving the regression "
 "coefficients for the independent variables x_m, x_(m-1),…,x_2, x_1 followed "
 "by the y-intercept if @{affine} is true."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3275
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3369
 msgid ""
 "If @{stats} is true, the second row contains the corresponding standard "
 "errors of the regression coefficients.In this case, the third row contains "
@@ -8680,34 +9595,34 @@ msgid ""
 "row contains the regression sum of squares and the residual sum of squares."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3282
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3376
 msgid ""
 "If @{affine} is false, R^2 is the uncentered version of the coefficient of "
 "determination; that is the proportion of the sum of squares explained by the "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3285 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3580
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3379 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3674
 msgid ""
 "If the length of @{known_ys} does not match the corresponding length of @"
 "{known_xs}, this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3364
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3458
 msgid "LOGREG:the logarithmic regression"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3366 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3822
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3460 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3916
 msgid "known_xs:known x-values; defaults to the array {1, 2, 3, …}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3368 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3726
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3462 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3820
 msgid ""
 "stat:if true, extra statistical information will be returned; defaults to "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3369
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3463
 msgid ""
 "LOGREG function transforms your x's to z=ln(x) and applies the “least "
 "squares” method to fit the linear equation y = m * z + b to your y's and z's "
@@ -8716,7 +9631,7 @@ msgid ""
 "first column and b in the second. "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3377
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3471
 msgid ""
 "Any extra statistical information is written below m and b in the result "
 "array.  This extra statistical information consists of four rows of data:  "
@@ -8727,18 +9642,18 @@ msgid ""
 "residual sum of squares.The default of @{stat} is FALSE."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3386 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3741
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3832
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3480 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3835
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3926
 msgid ""
 "If @{known_ys} and @{known_xs} have unequal number of data points, this "
 "function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3480
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3574
 msgid "LOGFIT:logarithmic least square fit (using a trial and error method)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3484
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3578
 msgid ""
 "LOGFIT function applies the “least squares” method to fit the logarithmic "
 "equation y = a + b * ln(sign * (x - c)) ,   sign = +1 or -1 to your data. "
@@ -8746,76 +9661,76 @@ msgid ""
 "possibly mirrored across the y-axis (if sign = -1)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3490
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3584
 msgid ""
 "LOGFIT returns an array having five columns and one row. `Sign' is given in "
 "the first column, `a', `b', and `c' are given in columns 2 to 4. Column 5 "
 "holds the sum of squared residuals."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3494
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3588
 msgid ""
 "An error is returned when there are less than 3 different x's or y's, or "
 "when the shape of the point cloud is too different from a ``logarithmic'' "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3497
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3591
 msgid ""
 "You can use the above formula = a + b * ln(sign * (x - c)) or rearrange it "
 "to = (exp((y - a) / b)) / sign + c to compute unknown y's or x's, "
 "respectively. "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3502
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3596
 msgid ""
 "This is non-linear fitting by trial-and-error. The accuracy of `c' is: width "
 "of x-range -> rounded to the next smaller (10^integer), times 0.000001. "
 "There might be cases in which the returned fit is not the best possible."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3575
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3669
 msgid ""
 "TREND:estimates future values of a given data set using a least squares "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3578
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3672
 msgid ""
 "new_xs:array of x-values for which to estimate the y-values; defaults to @"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3582
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3676
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, …, A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, "
 "25.9, and 40.1, and the cells B1, B2, ... B5 23.2, 25.8, 29.9, 33.5, and "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3585
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3679
 msgid "Then TREND(A1:A5,B1:B5) equals {12.1, 15.7, 21.6, 26.7, 39.7}."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3722
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3816
 msgid "LOGEST:exponential least square fit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3724
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3818
 msgid "known_xs:known x-values; default to an array {1, 2, 3, …}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3727
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3821
 msgid ""
 "LOGEST function applies the “least squares” method to fit an exponential "
 "curve of the form\ty = b * m{1}^x{1} * m{2}^x{2}... to your data."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3731
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3825
 msgid "LOGEST returns an array { m{n},m{n-1}, ...,m{1},b }."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3732
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3826
 msgid ""
 "Extra statistical information is written below the regression line "
 "coefficients in the result array.  Extra statistical information consists of "
@@ -8826,87 +9741,87 @@ msgid ""
 "contains the regression sum of squares and the residual sum of squares."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3820
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3914
 msgid "GROWTH:exponential growth prediction"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3823
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3917
 msgid ""
 "new_xs:x-values for which to estimate the y-values; defaults to @{known_xs}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3825
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3919
 msgid ""
 "GROWTH function applies the “least squares” method to fit an exponential "
 "curve to your data and predicts the exponential growth by using this curve."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3830
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3924
 msgid ""
 "GROWTH returns an array having one column and a row for each data point in @"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3905
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4002
 msgid ""
 "FORECAST:estimates a future value according to existing values using simple "
 "linear regression"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3907
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4004
 msgid "x:x-value whose matching y-value should be forecast"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3910
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4007
 msgid ""
 "This function estimates a future value according to existing values using "
 "simple linear regression."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3912 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3969
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4022
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4009 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4066
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4119
 msgid ""
 "If @{known_xs} or @{known_ys} contains no data entries or different number "
 "of data entries, this function returns a #N/A error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3914
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4011
 msgid ""
 "If the variance of the @{known_xs} is zero, this function returns a #DIV/0 "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3920
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4017
 msgid "Then FORECAST(7,A1:A5,B1:B5) equals -10.859397661."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3966
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4063
 msgid "INTERCEPT:the intercept of a linear regression line"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3971 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4024
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4068 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4121
 msgid ""
 "If the variance of the @{known_xs} is zero, this function returns #DIV/0 "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3977
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4074
 msgid "Then INTERCEPT(A1:A5,B1:B5) equals -20.785117212."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4018
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4115
 msgid "SLOPE:the slope of a linear regression line"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4029
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4126
 msgid "Then SLOPE(A1:A5,B1:B5) equals 1.417959936."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4070
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4167
 msgid "SUBTOTAL:the subtotal of the given list of arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4071
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4168
 msgid ""
 "function_nbr:determines which function to use according to the following "
@@ -8923,97 +9838,97 @@ msgid ""
 "\t11   VARP"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4084
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4181
 msgid "ref1:first value"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4085
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4182
 msgid "ref2:second value"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4087
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4184
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 23, 27, 28, 33, "
 "and 39."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4088
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4185
 msgid ""
 "Then SUBTOTAL(1,A1:A5) equals 30.SUBTOTAL(6,A1:A5) equals 22378356.SUBTOTAL"
 "(7,A1:A5) equals 6.164414003.SUBTOTAL(9,A1:A5) equals 150.SUBTOTAL(11,A1:A5) "
 "equals 30.4."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4167
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4257
 msgid "CRONBACH:Cronbach's alpha"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4168
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4258
 msgid "ref1:first data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4169
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4259
 msgid "ref2:second data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4280
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4370
 msgid ""
 "GEOMDIST:probability mass or cumulative distribution function of the "
 "geometric distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4281
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4371
 msgid "k:number of trials"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4282
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4372
 msgid "p:probability of success in any trial"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4284
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4374
 msgid "If @{k} < 0 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4311
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4401
 msgid "LOGISTIC:probability density function of the logistic distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4342
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4432
 msgid "PARETO:probability density function of the Pareto distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4344
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4434
 msgid "a:exponent"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4345 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4453
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4435 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4543
 msgid "b:scale parameter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4376
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4466
 msgid "RAYLEIGH:probability density function of the Rayleigh distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4378 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4414
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4468 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4504
 msgid "sigma:scale parameter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4411
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4501
 msgid ""
 "RAYLEIGHTAIL:probability density function of the Rayleigh tail distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4413
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4503
 msgid "a:lower limit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4449
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4539
 msgid ""
 "EXPPOWDIST:the probability density function of the Exponential Power "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4455
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4545
 msgid ""
 "This distribution has been recommended for lifetime analysis when a U-shaped "
 "hazard function is desired. This corresponds to rapid failure once the "
@@ -9021,116 +9936,116 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4483
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4573
 msgid "LAPLACE:probability density function of the Laplace distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4485
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4575
 msgid "a:mean"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4506
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4596
 msgid ""
 "PERMUTATIONA:the number of permutations of @{y} objects chosen from @{x} "
 "objects with repetition allowed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4507
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4597
 msgid "x:total number of objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4508
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4598
 msgid "y:number of selected objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4509
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4599
 msgid "If both @{x} and @{y} equal 0, PERMUTATIONA returns 1."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4510
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4600
 msgid "If @{x} < 0 or @{y} < 0, PERMUTATIONA returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4511
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4601
 msgid "If @{x} or @{y} are not integers, they are truncated"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4539
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4629
 msgid "LKSTEST:Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) Test of Normality"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4540 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4657
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4741 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4826
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4630 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4747
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4831 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4916
 msgid "x:array of sample values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4541
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4631
 msgid ""
 "This function returns an array with the first row giving the p-value of the "
 "Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) Test, the second row the test statistic of "
 "the test, and the third the number of observations in the sample."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4543
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4633
 msgid "If there are less than 5 sample values, LKSTEST returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4545
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4635
 msgid "wiki:en:Lilliefors_test"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4656
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4746
 msgid "SFTEST:Shapiro-Francia Test of Normality"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4658
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4748
 msgid ""
 "This function returns an array with the first row giving the p-value of the "
 "Shapiro-Francia Test, the second row the test statistic of the test, and the "
 "third the number of observations in the sample."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4660
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4750
 msgid ""
 "If there are less than 5 or more than 5000 sample values, SFTEST returns "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4740
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4830
 msgid "CVMTEST:Cramér-von Mises Test of Normality"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4742
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4832
 msgid ""
 "This function returns an array with the first row giving the p-value of the "
 "Cramér-von Mises Test, the second row the test statistic of the test, and "
 "the third the number of observations in the sample."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4744
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4834
 msgid "If there are less than 8 sample values, CVMTEST returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4746
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4836
 msgid "wiki:en:Cramér–von-Mises_criterion"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4825
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4915
 msgid "ADTEST:Anderson-Darling Test of Normality"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4827
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4917
 msgid ""
 "This function returns an array with the first row giving the p-value of the "
 "Anderson-Darling Test, the second row the test statistic of the test, and "
 "the third the number of observations in the sample."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4829
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4919
 msgid "If there are less than 8 sample values, ADTEST returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4831
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4921
 msgid "wiki:en:Anderson–Darling_test"
 msgstr ""
@@ -9206,344 +10121,344 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "UNICODE:the Unicode code point for the character @{c}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:199
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:244
 msgid "EXACT:TRUE if @{string1} is exactly equal to @{string2}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:200
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:245
 msgid "string1:first string"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:201
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:246
 msgid "string2:second string"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:219
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:264
 msgid "LEN:the number of characters of the string @{s}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:220 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:237
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:255 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:287
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:339 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:379
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:466 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:502
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:265 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:282
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:300 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:332
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:384 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:424
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:511 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:547
 msgid "s:the string"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:236
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:281
 msgid "LENB:the number of bytes in the string @{s}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:254
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:299
 msgid "LEFT:the first @{num_chars} characters of the string @{s}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:256 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:467
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:301 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:512
 msgid "num_chars:the number of characters to return (defaults to 1)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:257
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:302
 msgid ""
 "If the string @{s} is in a right-to-left script, the returned first "
 "characters are from the right of the string."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:286
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:331
 msgid ""
 "LEFTB:the first characters  of the string @{s} comprising at most @"
 "{num_bytes} bytes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:288 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:381
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:503
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:333 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:426
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:548
 msgid "num_bytes:the maximum number of bytes to return (defaults to 1)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:289 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:382
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:504 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:849
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1340
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:334 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:427
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:549 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:894
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1385
 msgid ""
 "The semantics of this function is subject to change as various applications "
 "implement it."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:290
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:335
 msgid ""
 "If the string is in a right-to-left script, the returned first characters "
 "are from the right of the string."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:291 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:383
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:427 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:506
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:850 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1341
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:336 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:428
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:472 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:551
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:895 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1386
 msgid ""
 "While this function is syntactically Excel compatible, the differences in "
 "the underlying text encoding will usually yield different results."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:292 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:385
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:429 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:507
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:852 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1343
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:337 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:430
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:474 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:552
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:897 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1388
 msgid ""
 "While this function is OpenFormula compatible, most of its behavior is, at "
 "this time, implementation specific."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:320
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:365
 msgid "LOWER:a lower-case version of the string @{text}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:338
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:383
 msgid ""
 "MID:the substring of the string @{s} starting at position @{position} "
 "consisting of @{length} characters"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:340
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:385
 msgid "position:the starting position"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:341
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:386
 msgid "length:the number of characters to return"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:378
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:423
 msgid ""
 "MIDB:the characters following the first @{start_pos} bytes comprising at "
 "most @{num_bytes} bytes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:380
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:425
 msgid "start_pos:the number of the byte with which to start (defaults to 1)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:422
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:467
 msgid ""
 "FINDB:first byte position of @{string1} in @{string2} following byte "
 "position @{start}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:423 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:651
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:468 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:696
 msgid "string1:search string"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:424 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:652
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:469 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:697
 msgid "string2:search field"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:425 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1330
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:470 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1375
 msgid "start:starting byte position, defaults to 1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:426 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:654
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:471 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:699
 msgid "This search is case-sensitive."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:465
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:510
 msgid "RIGHT:the last @{num_chars} characters of the string @{s}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:468 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:505
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:513 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:550
 msgid ""
 "If the string @{s} is in a right-to-left script, the returned last "
 "characters are from the left of the string."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:501
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:546
 msgid ""
 "RIGHTB:the last characters of the string @{s} comprising at most @"
 "{num_bytes} bytes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:536
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:581
 msgid "UPPER:an upper-case version of the string @{text}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:555
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:600
 msgid "CONCATENATE:the concatenation of the strings @{s1}, @{s2},…"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:556
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:601
 msgid "s1:first string"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:557
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:602
 msgid "s2:second string"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:577
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:622
 msgid "REPT:@{num} repetitions of string @{text}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:579
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:624
 msgid "num:non-negative integer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:621
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:666
 msgid "CLEAN:@{text} with any non-printable characters removed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:623
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:668
 msgid ""
 "CLEAN removes non-printable characters from its argument leaving only "
 "regular characters and white-space."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:650
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:695
 msgid ""
 "FIND:first position of @{string1} in @{string2} following position @{start}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:653 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1261
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:698 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1306
 msgid "start:starting position, defaults to 1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:688
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:733
 msgid "FIXED:formatted string representation of @{num}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:689 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1186
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:734 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1231
 msgid "num:number"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:690
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:735
 msgid "decimals:number of decimals"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:691
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:736
 msgid ""
 "no_commas:TRUE if no thousand separators should be used, defaults to FALSE"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:748
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:793
 msgid "PROPER:@{text} with initial of each word capitalised"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:790
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:835
 msgid ""
 "REPLACE:string @{old} with @{num} characters starting at @{start} replaced "
 "by @{new}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:792 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:843
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:837 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:888
 msgid "old:original text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:793
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:838
 msgid "start:starting position"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:794
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:839
 msgid "num:number of characters to be replaced"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:795 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:846
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1114
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:840 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:891
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1159
 msgid "new:replacement string"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:841
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:886
 msgid ""
 "REPLACEB:string @{old} with up to @{num} bytes starting at @{start} replaced "
 "by @{new}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:844
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:889
 msgid "start:starting byte position"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:845
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:890
 msgid "num:number of bytes to be replaced"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:847
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:892
 msgid ""
 "REPLACEB replaces the string of valid unicode characters starting at the "
 "byte @{start} and ending at @{start}+ {num}-1 with the string @{new}."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:895
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:940
 msgid "T:@{value} if and only if @{value} is text, otherwise empty"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:896
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:941
 msgid "value:original value"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:918
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:963
 msgid "TEXT:@{value} as a string formatted as @{format}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:919
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:964
 msgid "value:value to be formatted"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:920
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:965
 msgid "format:desired format"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:972
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1017
 msgid "TRIM:@{text} with only single spaces between words"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1019
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1064
 msgid "VALUE:numeric value of @{text}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1052
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1097
 msgid "NUMBERVALUE:numeric value of @{text}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1054
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1099
 msgid "separator:decimal separator"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1055
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1100
 msgid ""
 "If @{text} does not look like a decimal number, NUMBERVALUE returns the "
 "value VALUE would return (ignoring the given @{separator})."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1111
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1156
 msgid "SUBSTITUTE:@{text} with all occurrences of @{old} replaced by @{new}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1112 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1522
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1157 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1567
 msgid "text:original text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1113
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1158
 msgid "old:string to be replaced"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1115
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1160
 msgid ""
 "num:if @{num} is specified and a number only the @{num}th occurrence of @"
 "{old} is replaced"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1185
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1230
 msgid "DOLLAR:@{num} formatted as currency"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1187
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1232
 msgid "decimals:decimals"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1257
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1302
 msgid ""
 "SEARCH:the location of the @{search} string within @{text} after position @"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1259 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1328
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1304 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1373
 msgid "search:search string"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1260 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1329
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1305 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1374
 msgid "text:search field"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1262 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1331
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1307 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1376
 msgid ""
 "@{search} may contain wildcard characters (*) and question marks (?). A "
 "question mark matches any single character, and a wildcard matches any "
@@ -9551,83 +10466,83 @@ msgid ""
 "with ~."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1267 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1336
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1312 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1381
 msgid "This search is not case sensitive."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1268
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1313
 msgid "If @{search} is not found, SEARCH returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1269
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1314
 msgid ""
 "If @{start} is less than one or it is greater than the length of @{text}, "
 "SEARCH returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1326
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1371
 msgid ""
 "SEARCHB:the location of the @{search} string within @{text} after byte "
 "position @{start}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1337
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1382
 msgid "If @{search} is not found, SEARCHB returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1338
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1383
 msgid ""
 "If @{start} is less than one or it is greater than the byte length of @"
 "{text}, SEARCHB returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1394
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1439
 msgid ""
 "ASC:text with full-width katakana and ASCII characters converted to half-"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1396
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1441
 msgid ""
 "ASC converts full-width katakana and ASCII characters to half-width "
 "equivalent characters, copying all others. "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1397 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1525
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1442 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1570
 msgid ""
 "The distinction between half-width and full-width characters is described in "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1398 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1527
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1443 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1572
 msgid "For most strings, this function has the same effect as in Excel."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1399
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1444
 msgid ""
 "While in obsolete encodings ASC used to translate between 2-byte and 1-byte "
 "characters, this is not the case in UTF-8."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1521
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1566
 msgid ""
 "JIS:text with half-width katakana and ASCII characters converted to full-"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1523
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1568
 msgid ""
 "JIS converts half-width katakana and ASCII characters to full-width "
 "equivalent characters, copying all others. "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1528
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1573
 msgid ""
 "While in obsolete encodings JIS used to translate between 1-byte and 2-byte "
 "characters, this is not the case in UTF-8."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:94
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:93
 msgid ""
 "Possible interpolation methods are:\n"
 "0: linear;\n"
@@ -9638,86 +10553,94 @@ msgid ""
 "5: natural cubic spline with averaging."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:371
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:380
 msgid ""
 "INTERPOLATION:interpolated values corresponding to the given abscissa targets"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:372
-msgid "abscissae:ordered abscissae of the given data points"
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:381
+msgid "abscissae:abscissae of the given data points"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:373
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:382
 msgid "ordinates:ordinates of the given data points"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:374
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:383
 msgid "targets:abscissae of the interpolated data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:375
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:384
 msgid "interpolation:method of interpolation, defaults to 0 ('linear')"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:376 ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:545
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:385 ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:574
 msgid "The output consists always of one column of numbers."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:378
-msgid "The @{abscissae} must be given in increasing order."
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:387
+msgid ""
+"The @{abscissae} should be given in increasing order. If the @{abscissae} is "
+"not in increasing order the INTERPOLATION function is significantly slower."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:379
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:389
+msgid "If any two @{abscissae} values are equal an error is returned."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:390
 msgid ""
 "If any of interpolation methods 1 ('linear with averaging'), 3 ('staircase "
 "with averaging'), and 5 ('natural cubic spline with averaging') is used, the "
 "number of returned values is one less than the number of targets and the "
-"targets values must be given in increasing order."
+"target values must be given in increasing order. The values returned are the "
+"average heights of the interpolation function on the intervals determined by "
+"consecutive target values."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:384 ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:552
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:397 ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:581
 msgid "Strings and empty cells in @{abscissae} and @{ordinates} are ignored."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:385 ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:553
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:398 ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:582
 msgid ""
 "If several target data are provided they must be in the same column in "
 "consecutive cells."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:538
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:567
 msgid "PERIODOGRAM:periodogram of the given data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:539
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:568
 msgid "ordinates:ordinates of the given data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:540
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:569
 msgid "filter:windowing function to  be used, defaults to no filter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:541
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:570
 msgid ""
 "abscissae:abscissae of the given data, defaults to regularly spaced abscissae"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:542
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:571
 msgid "interpolation:method of interpolation, defaults to none"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:543
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:572
 msgid "number:number of interpolated data points"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:544
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:573
 msgid ""
 "If an interpolation method is used, the number of returned values is one "
 "less than the number of targets and the targets values must be given in "
 "increasing order."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:547
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:576
 msgid ""
 "Possible window functions are:\n"
 "0: no filter (rectangular window)\n"
@@ -9726,291 +10649,124 @@ msgid ""
 "3: Welch (parabolic window)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:797
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:826
 msgid "FOURIER:Fourier or inverse Fourier transform"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:798
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:827 ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:923
 msgid "Sequence:the data sequence to be transformed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:799
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:828
 msgid ""
 "Inverse:if true, the inverse Fourier transform is calculated, defaults to "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:800
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:829
 msgid ""
 "Separate:if true, the real and imaginary parts are given separately, "
 "defaults to false"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:801
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:830
 msgid ""
 "This array function returns the Fourier or inverse Fourier transform of the "
 "given data sequence."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:802
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:831
 msgid ""
 "The output consists of one column of complex numbers if @{Separate} is false "
 "and of two columns of real numbers if @{Separate} is true."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:803
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:832
 msgid ""
 "If @{Separate} is true the first output column contains the real parts and "
 "the second column the imaginary parts."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:804
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:833 ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:927
 msgid ""
 "If @{Sequence} is neither an n by 1 nor 1 by n array, this function returns "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:922
+msgid "HPFILTER:Hodrick Prescott Filter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:305
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:924
+msgid "λ:filter parameter λ, defaults to 1600"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:925
+msgid ""
+"This array function returns the trend and cyclical components obtained by "
+"applying the Hodrick Prescott Filter with parameter @{λ} to the given data "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:926
+msgid ""
+"The output consists of two columns of numbers, the first containing the "
+"trend component, the second the cyclical component."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:928
+msgid ""
+"If @{Sequence} contians less than 6 numerical values, this function returns "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:306
 msgid "EXECSQL:result of executing @{sql} in the libgda data source @{dsn}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:307 ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:384
+#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:308 ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:385
 msgid "dsn:libgda data source"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:308 ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:385
+#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:309 ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:386
 msgid "username:user name to access @{dsn}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:309 ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:386
+#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:310 ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:387
 msgid "password:password to access @{dsn} as @{username}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:310
+#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:311
 msgid "sql:SQL command"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:311 ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:388
+#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:312 ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:389
 msgid "Before using EXECSQL, you need to set up a libgda data source."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:383
+#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:384
 msgid "READDBTABLE:all rows of the table @{table} in @{dsn}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:387
+#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:388
 msgid "table:SQL table to retrieve"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/sample_datasource/sample_datasource.c:278
+#: ../plugins/sample_datasource/sample_datasource.c:274
 msgid "ATL_LAST:sample real-time data source"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/sample_datasource/sample_datasource.c:279
+#: ../plugins/sample_datasource/sample_datasource.c:275
 msgid "tag:tag to watch"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/sample_datasource/sample_datasource.c:280
+#: ../plugins/sample_datasource/sample_datasource.c:276
 msgid ""
 "ATL_LAST is a sample implementation of a real time data source.  It takes a "
 "string tag and monitors the named pipe ~/atl for changes to the value of "
 "that tag."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/sample_datasource/sample_datasource.c:281
+#: ../plugins/sample_datasource/sample_datasource.c:277
 msgid "This is not intended to be generally enabled and is OFF by default."
 msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=COMPLEX(real,im[,suffix])\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=COMPLEX returns a complex number of the form x + yi.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@real is the real and @im is the imaginary part of the complex number.  "
-#~ "@suffix is the suffix for the imaginary part.  If it is omitted, COMPLEX "
-#~ "uses 'i' by default.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* If @suffix is neither 'i' nor 'j', COMPLEX returns #VALUE! error.\n"
-#~ "* This function is Excel compatible.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "COMPLEX(1,-1) equals 1-i.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@SEEALSO="
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=КОМПЛЕКС(реал,имаг[,суфикс])\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=КОМПЛЕКС враћа комплексни број у облику x+iy.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@реал је реални а @имаг је имагинарни део комплексног броја.  @суфикс је "
-#~ "суфикс за имагинарни део. Ако се изостави, КОМПЛЕКС подразумевано користи "
-#~ "знак „i“.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* Уколико @суфикс није „i“ нити „j“, КОМПЛЕКС враћа #ВРЕДНОСТ! грешка.\n"
-#~ "* Ова функција је сагласна са одговарајућом Ексел функцијом.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "КОМПЛЕКС(1,-1) је једнако 1-i.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@SEEALSO="
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=IMINV(inumber)\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=IMINV returns the inverse, or reciprocal, of the complex "
-#~ "number z (@inumber), where\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "\t1/z = (x - i y)/(x^2 + y^2).\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* If @inumber is not a valid complex number, IMINV returns #VALUE! "
-#~ "error.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "IMINV(\"1-j\") equals 0.5+0.5j.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@SEEALSO="
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=КОМПЛЕКС(реал,имаг[,суфикс])\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=КОМПЛЕКС враћа комплексни број у облику x+iy.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@реал је реални а @имаг је имагинарни део комплексног броја.  @суфикс је "
-#~ "суфикс за имагинарни део. Ако се изостави, КОМПЛЕКС подразумевано користи "
-#~ "знак „i“.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* Уколико @суфикс није „i“ нити „j“, КОМПЛЕКС враћа #ВРЕДНОСТ! грешка.\n"
-#~ "* Ова функција је сагласна са одговарајућом Ексел функцијом.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "КОМПЛЕКС(1,-1) је једнако 1-i.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@SEEALSO="
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=IMARGUMENT(inumber)\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=IMARGUMENT returns the argument theta of a complex number, i."
-#~ "e. the angle in radians from the real axis to the representation of the "
-#~ "number in polar coordinates.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* If @inumber is not a valid complex number, IMARGUMENT returns #VALUE! "
-#~ "error.\n"
-#~ "* This function is Excel compatible.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "IMARGUMENT(\"2-j\") equals -0.463647609.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@SEEALSO="
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=КОМПЛЕКС(реал,имаг[,суфикс])\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=КОМПЛЕКС враћа комплексни број у облику x+iy.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@реал је реални а @имаг је имагинарни део комплексног броја.  @суфикс је "
-#~ "суфикс за имагинарни део. Ако се изостави, КОМПЛЕКС подразумевано користи "
-#~ "знак „i“.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* Уколико @суфикс није „i“ нити „j“, КОМПЛЕКС враћа #ВРЕДНОСТ! грешка.\n"
-#~ "* Ова функција је сагласна са одговарајућом Ексел функцијом.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "КОМПЛЕКС(1,-1) је једнако 1-i.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@SEEALSO="
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=IMPOWER(inumber1,inumber2)\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=IMPOWER returns a complex number raised to a power.  "
-#~ "@inumber1 is the complex number to be raised to a power and @inumber2 is "
-#~ "the power to which you want to raise it.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* If @inumber1 or @inumber2 are not valid complex numbers, IMPOWER "
-#~ "returns #VALUE! error.\n"
-#~ "* This function is Excel compatible.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "IMPOWER(\"4-j\",2) equals 15-8j.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=КОМПЛЕКС(реал,имаг[,суфикс])\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=КОМПЛЕКС враћа комплексни број у облику x+iy.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@реал је реални а @имаг је имагинарни део комплексног броја.  @суфикс је "
-#~ "суфикс за имагинарни део. Ако се изостави, КОМПЛЕКС подразумевано користи "
-#~ "знак „i“.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* Уколико @суфикс није „i“ нити „j“, КОМПЛЕКС враћа #ВРЕДНОСТ! грешка.\n"
-#~ "* Ова функција је сагласна са одговарајућом Ексел функцијом.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "КОМПЛЕКС(1,-1) је једнако 1-i.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@SEEALSO="
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=GESTEP(x[,y])\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=GESTEP function tests if @x is >= @y, returning 1 if it is "
-#~ "so, and 0 otherwise. @y is optional, and defaults to 0.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* If either argument is non-numeric returns a #VALUE! error.\n"
-#~ "* This function is Excel compatible.\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "GESTEP(5,4) equals 1.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=КОМПЛЕКС(реал,имаг[,суфикс])\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=КОМПЛЕКС враћа комплексни број у облику x+iy.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@реал је реални а @имаг је имагинарни део комплексног броја.  @суфикс је "
-#~ "суфикс за имагинарни део. Ако се изостави, КОМПЛЕКС подразумевано користи "
-#~ "знак „i“.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* Уколико @суфикс није „i“ нити „j“, КОМПЛЕКС враћа #ВРЕДНОСТ! грешка.\n"
-#~ "* Ова функција је сагласна са одговарајућом Ексел функцијом.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "КОМПЛЕКС(1,-1) је једнако 1-i.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@SEEALSO="
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=POWER(x,y)\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=POWER returns the value of @x raised to the power @y.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* If both @x and @y equal 0, POWER returns #NUM! error.\n"
-#~ "* If @x = 0 and @y < 0, POWER returns #DIV/0! error.\n"
-#~ "* If @x < 0 and @y is non-integer, POWER returns #NUM! error.\n"
-#~ "* This function is Excel compatible.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "POWER(2,7) equals 128.\n"
-#~ "POWER(3,3.141) equals 31.523749.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=КОМПЛЕКС(реал,имаг[,суфикс])\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=КОМПЛЕКС враћа комплексни број у облику x+iy.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@реал је реални а @имаг је имагинарни део комплексног броја.  @суфикс је "
-#~ "суфикс за имагинарни део. Ако се изостави, КОМПЛЕКС подразумевано користи "
-#~ "знак „i“.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* Уколико @суфикс није „i“ нити „j“, КОМПЛЕКС враћа #ВРЕДНОСТ! грешка.\n"
-#~ "* Ова функција је сагласна са одговарајућом Ексел функцијом.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "КОМПЛЕКС(1,-1) је једнако 1-i.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@SEEALSO="
diff --git a/po-functions/sr latin po b/po-functions/sr latin po
index a49ad65..3bf967a 100644
--- a/po-functions/sr latin po
+++ b/po-functions/sr latin po
@@ -1,32 +1,39 @@
 # Courtesy of Prevod.org team (http://www.prevod.org/) -- 2003.
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the gnumeric package.
 # Maintainer: Slobodan Sredojević <ssl uns ns ac yu>
+# Miroslav Nikolić <miroslavnikolic rocketmail com>, 2013.
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: gnumeric 1.2\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-09 11:12-0500\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-12-08 01:14+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Slobodan Sredojević <ssl uns ns ac yu>\n"
-"Language-Team: Serbian (sr) <serbiangnome-lista nongnu org>\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gnumer";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-04-17 19:02+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-13 10:50+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Miroslav Nikolić <miroslavnikolic rocketmail com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Serbian <gnom prevod org>\n"
+"Language: sr\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : "
+"n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+"X-Project-Style: gnome\n"
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:140
 msgid ""
 "EASTERSUNDAY:Easter Sunday in the Gregorian calendar according to the Roman "
 "rite of the Christian Church"
 msgstr ""
+"NEDELJA_VASKRSA:Nedelja Vaskrsa po gregorijanskom kalendaru prema rimskom "
+"obredu hrišćanske crkve"
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:142
 msgid ""
 "year:year between 1582 and 9956, defaults to the year of the next Easter "
 msgstr ""
+"godina:godina između 1582 i 9956, podrazumeva se godina sledeće Nedelje "
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:143
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:166
@@ -37,109 +44,127 @@ msgid ""
 "Two digit years are adjusted as elsewhere in Gnumeric. Dates before 1904 may "
 "also be prohibited."
 msgstr ""
+"Godine sa dve cifre se ispravljaju kao i drugde u Gnomovom brojevniku. Datumi "
+"pre 1904 mogu biti zabranjeni."
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:146
 msgid ""
 "The 1-argument version of EASTERSUNDAY is compatible with OpenOffice for "
 "years after 1904. This function is not specified in ODF/OpenFormula."
 msgstr ""
+"Izdanje 1-argumenta NEDELJE_VASKRSA je saglasno sa Open ofisom za godine nakon "
+"1904. Ova funkcija nije navedena u ODF-u/Otvorenoj formuli."
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:163
 msgid ""
 "ASHWEDNESDAY:Ash Wednesday in the Gregorian calendar according to the Roman "
 "rite of the Christian Church"
 msgstr ""
+"ZADUŠNICE:Zadušnice po gregorijanskom kalendaru prema rimskom obredu "
+"hrišćanske crkve"
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:165
 msgid ""
 "year:year between 1582 and 9956, defaults to the year of the next Ash "
 msgstr ""
+"godina:godina između 1582 i 9956, podrazumeva se godina sledećih Zadušnica"
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:183
 msgid ""
 "PENTECOSTSUNDAY:Pentecost Sunday in the Gregorian calendar according to the "
 "Roman rite of the Christian Church"
 msgstr ""
+"NEDELJA_DUHOVA:Nedelja duhova po gregorijanskom kalendaru prema rimskom obredu "
+"hrišćanske crkve"
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:185
 msgid ""
 "year:year between 1582 and 9956, defaults to the year of the next Pentecost "
 msgstr ""
+"godina:godina između 1582 i 9956, podrazumeva se godina sledeće Nedelje "
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:202
 msgid ""
 "GOODFRIDAY:Good Friday in the Gregorian calendar according to the Roman rite "
 "of the Christian Church"
 msgstr ""
+"VELIKI_PETAK:Veliki petak po gregorijanskom kalendaru prema rimskom obredu "
+"hrišćanske crkve"
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:204
 msgid ""
 "year:year between 1582 and 9956, defaults to the year of the next Good Friday"
 msgstr ""
+"godina:godina između 1582 i 9956, podrazumeva se godina sledećeg Velikog "
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:221
 msgid ""
 "ASCENSIONTHURSDAY:Ascension Thursday in the Gregorian calendar according to "
 "the Roman rite of the Christian Church"
 msgstr ""
+"SPASOVDAN:Spasovdan po gregorijanskom kalendaru prema rimskom obredu "
+"hrišćanske crkve"
 #: ../plugins/fn-christian-date/functions.c:223
 msgid ""
 "year:year between 1582 and 9956, defaults to the year of the next Ascension "
 msgstr ""
+"godina:godina između 1582 i 9956, podrazumeva se godina sledećeg Spasovdana"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:81
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:78
 msgid "COMPLEX:a complex number of the form @{x} + @{y} {i}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "KOMPLEKSNI:kompleksni broj u obliku @{x} + @{y} {i}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:82
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:79
 msgid "x:real part"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "x:realni deo"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:83
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:80
 msgid "y:imaginary part"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "y:imaginarni deo"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:84
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:81
 msgid ""
 "i:the suffix for the complex number, either \"i\" or \"j\"; defaults to \"i\""
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "i:sufiks kompleksnog broja, bilo „i“ ili „j“; podrazumeva se „i“"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:85
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:82
 msgid "If @{i} is neither \"i\" nor \"j\", COMPLEX returns #VALUE!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako @{i} nije ni „i“ ni „j“, #VREDNOST! je rezultat KOMPLEKSNOG"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:86 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:114
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:141 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:165
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:192 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:263
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:289 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:394
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:421 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:447
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:472 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:499
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:526 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:561
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:593
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1076
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1103
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1133
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1202 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:84
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:83 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:111
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:138 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:162
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:189 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:260
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:286 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:392
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:420 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:446
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:471 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:498
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:525 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:560
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:592
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1075
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1102
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1132
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1201 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:84
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:197 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:219
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:356 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:391
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:408 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:429
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:454 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:473
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:496 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:519
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:541 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:565
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:589 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:617
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:658 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:696
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:238 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:263
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:287 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:312
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:336 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:359
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:403 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:430
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:453 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:476
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:499 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:519
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:608 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:637
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1127 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1150
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:354 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:389
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:406 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:431
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:492 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:511
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:534 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:557
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:579 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:603
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:627 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:655
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:696 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:734
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:236 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:261
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:285 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:314
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:340 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:363
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:407 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:434
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:457 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:480
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:503 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:523
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:612 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:641
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1131 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1154
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:97 ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1285
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1351 ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1440
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1458 ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1480
@@ -151,397 +176,420 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1722 ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1759
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:52 ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:103
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:131 ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:269
-#: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:287 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:61
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:124 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:225
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:243 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:266
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:326 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:351
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:370 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:389
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:423 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:469
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:543 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:655
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:723 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:752
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:772 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:826
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:845 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:879
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:940 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1018
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1075 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1108
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1130 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1158
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1182 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1208
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1282 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1325
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1343 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1440
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1458 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1505
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1529 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1575
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1592 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1627
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1662 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1697
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1734 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1813
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1838 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1864
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1890 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1914
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1955 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2000
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2127 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2375
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2419 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2462
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2505 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2562
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2819 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2886
+#: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:287 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:64
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:127 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:228
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:246 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:268
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:328 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:354
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:378 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:397
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:432 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:478
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:557 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:669
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:737 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:766
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:786 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:840
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:859 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:893
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:954 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1032
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1089 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1122
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1144 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1172
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1196 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1330
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1373 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1391
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1488 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1506
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1553 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1577
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1623 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1640
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1677 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1712
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1747 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1784
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1863 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1888
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1915 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1941
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1965 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2006
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2051 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2178
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2426 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2470
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2513 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2556
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2613 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2765
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2863 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2908
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:48 ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:249
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:83 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:111
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:138 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:166
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:276 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:324
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:354 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:387
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:411 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:436
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:467 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:496
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:525 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:545
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:572 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:599
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:625 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:661
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:695 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:721
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:756 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:796
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:850 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:918
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:950 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:980
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1007 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1037
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1125 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1162
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1245 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1282
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1448 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1480
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1576 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1603
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1633 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1668
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1695 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1727
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1759 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1791
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1824 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1874
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1899 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1924
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1956 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1985
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2004 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2030
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2152 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2195
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2244 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2324
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2382 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2441
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2466 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2493
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2525 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2552
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2582 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2609
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2733 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2776
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2817 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2883
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3052 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3916
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3973 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4021
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4086 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:68
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:140 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:202
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:221 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:238
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:258 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:322
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:342 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:469
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:538 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:558
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:580 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:624
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:655 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:693
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:750 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:796
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:897 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:921
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:974 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1021
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1117 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1188
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1271
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:354 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:384
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:417 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:441
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:466 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:517
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:546 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:575
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:595 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:622
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:649 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:675
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:700 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:725
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:751 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:786
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:826 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:880
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:948 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:980
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1010 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1037
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1067 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1155
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1192 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1275
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1312 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1478
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1510 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1606
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1633 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1663
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1698 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1725
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1757 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1789
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1821 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1854
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1904 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1929
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1954 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1986
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2015 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2034
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2060 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2192
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2235 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2284
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2364 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2422
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2481 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2506
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2533 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2565
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2592 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2622
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2649 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2773
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2816 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2857
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2923 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3092
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4013 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4070
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4118 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4183
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:68 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:140
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:247 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:266
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:283 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:303
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:367 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:387
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:514 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:583
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:603 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:625
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:669 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:700
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:738 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:795
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:841 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:942
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:966 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1019
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1066 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1162
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1233 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1316
 msgid "This function is Excel compatible."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija je saglasna sa Ekselom."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:111
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:108
 msgid "IMAGINARY:the imaginary part of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:112 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:139
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:163 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:190
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:215 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:238
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:261 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:287
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:313 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:340
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:366 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:392
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:418 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:442
+msgstr "IMAGINARNI:imaginarni deo kompleksnog broja @{z}"
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:109 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:136
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:160 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:187
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:212 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:235
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:258 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:284
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:310 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:337
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:363 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:390
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:417 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:441
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:469 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:496
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:590 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:615
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:639 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:664
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:689 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:713
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:738 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:762
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:789 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:816
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:843 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:867
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:892 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:916
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:943 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:971
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:999
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1023
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1048
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1073
+msgid "z:a complex number"
+msgstr "z:kompleksni broj"
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:110 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:137
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:161 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:188
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:213 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:236
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:259 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:285
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:312 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:339
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:365 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:391
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:419 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:445
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:470 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:497
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:591 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:616
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:640 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:665
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:690 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:714
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:739 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:763
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:790 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:817
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:739 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:765
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:792 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:819
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:844 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:868
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:893 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:917
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:944 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:972
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:893 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:919
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:947 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:975
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1000
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1024
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1049
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1074
-msgid "z:a complex number"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:113 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:140
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:164 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:191
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:216 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:239
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:262 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:288
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:315 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:342
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:368 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:393
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:420 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:446
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:471 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:498
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:592 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:617
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:641 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:666
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:691 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:715
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:740 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:766
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:793 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:820
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:845 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:869
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:894 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:920
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:948 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:976
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1001
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1025
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1050
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1075
 msgid "If @{z} is not a valid complex number, #VALUE! is returned."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako @{z} nije ispravan kompleksni broj, #VREDNOST! je rezultat."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:138
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:135
 msgid "IMABS:the absolute value of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMAPS:apsolutna vrednost kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:162
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:159
 msgid "IMREAL:the real part of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMREAL:realni deo kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:189
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:186
 msgid "IMCONJUGATE:the complex conjugate of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMKONJUGOVANI:konjugovano kompleksni broj @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:214
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:211
 msgid "IMINV:the reciprocal, or inverse, of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMINV:recipročni, ili obratni, kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:237
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:234
 msgid "IMNEG:the negative of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMNEG:negativ kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:260
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:257
 msgid "IMCOS:the cosine of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMKOS:kosinus kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:286
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:283
 msgid "IMTAN:the tangent of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMTAN:tangens kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:312
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:309
 msgid "IMSEC:the secant of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMSEK:sekans kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:314
-msgid "secz = 1/cosz."
-msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:311
+msgid "IMSEC(@{z}) = 1/IMCOS(@{z})."
+msgstr "IMSEK(@{z}) = 1/IMKOS(@{z})."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:339
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:336
 msgid "IMCSC:the cosecant of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMKSK:kosekans kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:341
-msgid "cscz = 1/sinz."
-msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:338
+msgid "IMCSC(@{z}) = 1/IMSIN(@{z})."
+msgstr "IMKSK(@{z}) = 1/IMSIN(@{z})."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:365
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:362
 msgid "IMCOT:the cotangent of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMKOT:kotangens kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:367
-msgid "cotz = cosz/sinz."
-msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:364
+msgid "IMCOT(@{z}) = IMCOS(@{z})/IMSIN(@{z})."
+msgstr "IMKOT(@{z}) = IMKOS(@{z})/IMSIN(@{z})."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:391
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:389
 msgid "IMEXP:the exponential of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMEKSP:izložilac kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:417
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:416
 msgid "IMARGUMENT:the argument theta of the complex number @{z} "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMARGUMENT:teta argument kompleksnog broja @{z} "
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:419
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:418
 msgid ""
 "The argument theta of a complex number is its angle in radians from the real "
 msgstr ""
+"Teta argument kompleksnog broja je njegov ugao u radijanima u odnosu na "
+"realnu osu."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:441
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:440
 msgid "IMLN:the natural logarithm of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMLN:prirodni logaritam kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:443
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:442
 msgid ""
 "The result will have an imaginary part between -Ï€ and +Ï€.\n"
 "The natural logarithm is not uniquely defined on complex numbers. You may "
 "need to add or subtract an even multiple of π to the imaginary part."
 msgstr ""
+"Rezultat će sadržati imaginarni deo između -π i +π.\n"
+"Prirodni logaritam nije jedinstveno određen za kompleksne brojeve. Moraćete "
+"da dodate ili da oduzmete paran umnožak broja π na imaginarni deo."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:469
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:468
 msgid "IMLOG2:the base-2 logarithm of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMLOG2:logaritam osnove-2 kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:496
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:495
 msgid "IMLOG10:the base-10 logarithm of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMLOG10:logaritam osnove-10 kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:522
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:521
 msgid "IMPOWER:the complex number @{z1} raised to the @{z2}th power"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMSTEPEN:kompleksni broj @{z1} na @{z2}° stepen"
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:522 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:557
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1099
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1129
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1198
+msgid "z1:a complex number"
+msgstr "z1:kompleksni broj"
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:523 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:558
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1100
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1130
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1199
-msgid "z1:a complex number"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "z2:a complex number"
+msgstr "z2:kompleksni broj"
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:524 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:559
 #: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1101
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1131
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1200
-msgid "z2:a complex number"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:525 ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:560
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1102
 msgid "If @{z1} or @{z2} is not a valid complex number, #VALUE! is returned."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako @{z1} ili @{z2} nije ispravan kompleksni broj, #VREDNOST! je rezultat."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:557
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:556
 msgid "IMDIV:the quotient of two complex numbers @{z1}/@{z2}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMDIV:koeficijent kompleksnog broja @{z1}/@{z2}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:590
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:589
 msgid "IMSIN:the sine of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMSIN:sinus kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:615
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:614
 msgid "IMSINH:the hyperbolic sine of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMSINH:hiperbolički sinus kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:639
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:638
 msgid "IMCOSH:the hyperbolic cosine of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMKOSH:hiperbolički kosinus kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:664
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:663
 msgid "IMTANH:the hyperbolic tangent of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMTANH:hiperbolički tangens kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:689
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:688
 msgid "IMSECH:the hyperbolic secant of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMSEKH:hiperbolički sekans kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:713
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:712
 msgid "IMCSCH:the hyperbolic cosecant of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMKSKH:hiperbolički kosekans kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:738
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:737
 msgid "IMCOTH:the hyperbolic cotangent of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMKOTH:hiperbolički kotangens kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:762
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:761
 msgid "IMARCSIN:the complex arcsine of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMARKSIN:kompleksni arkus-sinus kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:764
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:763
 msgid ""
 "IMARCSIN returns the complex arcsine of the complex number @{z}. The branch "
 "cuts are on the real axis, less than -1 and greater than 1."
 msgstr ""
+"„IMARKSIN“ ispisuje kompleksni arkus-sinus kompleksnog broja @{z}. Podeoci "
+"grane se nalaze na realnoj osi, manji od -1 a veći od 1."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:789
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:788
 msgid "IMARCCOS:the complex arccosine of the complex number "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMARKKOS:kompleksni arkus-kosinus kompleksnog broja "
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:791
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:790
 msgid ""
 "IMARCCOS returns the complex arccosine of the complex number @{z}. The "
 "branch cuts are on the real axis, less than -1 and greater than 1."
 msgstr ""
+"„IMARKKOS“ ispisuje kompleksni arkus-kosinus kompleksnog broja @{z}. Podeoci "
+"grane se nalaze na realnoj osi, manji od -1 a veći od 1."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:816
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:815
 msgid "IMARCTAN:the complex arctangent of the complex number "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMARKTAN:kompleksni arkus-tangens kompleksnog broja "
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:818
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:817
 msgid ""
 "IMARCTAN returns the complex arctangent of the complex number @{z}. The "
 "branch cuts are on the imaginary axis, below -i and above i."
 msgstr ""
+"„IMARKTAN“ ispisuje kompleksni arkus-tangens kompleksnog broja @{z}. Podeoci "
+"grane se nalaze na imaginarnoj osi, ispod -i a iznad i."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:843
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:842
 msgid "IMARCSEC:the complex arcsecant of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMARKSEK:kompleksni arkus-sekans kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:867
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:866
 msgid "IMARCCSC:the complex arccosecant of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMARKKSK:kompleksni arkus-kosekans kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:892
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:891
 msgid "IMARCCOT:the complex arccotangent of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMARKKOT:kompleksni arkus-kotangens kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:916
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:915
 msgid "IMARCSINH:the complex hyperbolic arcsine of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMARKSINH:kompleksni hiperbolički arkus-sinus kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:918
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:917
 msgid ""
 "IMARCSINH returns the complex hyperbolic arcsine of the complex number @"
 "{z}.  The branch cuts are on the imaginary axis, below -i and above i."
 msgstr ""
+"„IMARKSINH“ ispisuje kompleksni hiperbolički arkus-sinus kompleksnog broja "
+"@{z}.  Podeoci grane se nalaze na imaginarnoj osi, ispod -i a iznad i."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:943
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:942
 msgid "IMARCCOSH:the complex hyperbolic arccosine of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMARKKOSH:kompleksni hiperbolički arkus-kosinus kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:945
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:944
 msgid ""
 "IMARCCOSH returns the complex hyperbolic arccosine of the complex number @"
 "{z}. The branch cut is on the real axis, less than 1."
 msgstr ""
+"„IMARKKOSH“ ispisuje kompleksni hiperbolički arkus-kosinus kompleksnog broja "
+"@{z}. Podeoci grane se nalaze na realnoj osi, manji od 1."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:971
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:970
 msgid "IMARCTANH:the complex hyperbolic arctangent of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMARKTANH:kompleksni hiperbolički arkus-tangens kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:973
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:972
 msgid ""
 "IMARCTANH returns the complex hyperbolic arctangent of the complex number @"
 "{z}. The branch cuts are on the real axis, less than -1 and greater than 1."
 msgstr ""
+"„IMARKTANH“ ispisuje kompleksni hiperbolički arkus-tangens kompleksnog broja "
+"@{z}. Podeoci grane se nalaze na realnoj osi, manji od -1 a veći od 1."
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:999
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:998
 msgid "IMARCSECH:the complex hyperbolic arcsecant of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMARKSEKH:kompleksni hiperbolički arkus-sekans kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1023
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1022
 msgid "IMARCCSCH:the complex hyperbolic arccosecant of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMARKKSKH:kompleksni hiperbolički arkus-kosekans kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1048
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1047
 msgid ""
 "IMARCCOTH:the complex hyperbolic arccotangent of the complex number @{z}"
 msgstr ""
+"IMARKKOTH:kompleksni hiperbolički arkus-kotangens kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1073
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1072
 msgid "IMSQRT:the square root of the complex number @{z}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMSKuRT:kvadratni koren kompleksnog broja @{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1099
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1098
 msgid "IMSUB:the difference of two complex numbers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMSUB:razlika dva kompleksna broja"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1129
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1128
 msgid "IMPRODUCT:the product of the given complex numbers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMPRODUKT:proizvod datih kompleksnih brojeva"
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1132
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1201
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1131
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1200
 msgid ""
 "If any of @{z1}, @{z2},... is not a valid complex number, #VALUE! is "
 msgstr ""
+"Ako nijedan od @{z1}, @{z2},... nije ispravan kompleksni broj, #VREDNOST! je "
-#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1198
+#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1197
 msgid "IMSUM:the sum of the given complex numbers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IMSUM:zbir datih kompleksnih brojeva"
 #: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:45
 msgid ""
 "database:a range in which rows of related information are records and "
 "columns of data are fields"
 msgstr ""
+"baza_podataka:opseg u kome redovi odnosnog podatka jesu zapisi a kolone "
+"podataka jesu polja"
 #: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:48
 msgid "field:a string or integer specifying which field is to be used"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "polje:niska celog broja koja određuje koje polje će biti korišćeno"
 #: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:50
 msgid "criteria:a range containing conditions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "merilo:opseg koji sadrži uslove"
 #: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:52
 msgid ""
@@ -549,6 +597,9 @@ msgid ""
 "columns of data are fields. The first row of a database contains labels for "
 "each column."
 msgstr ""
+"@{baza_podataka} je opseg u kome redovi odnosnog podatka jesu zapisi a "
+"kolone podataka jesu polja. Prvi red baze podataka sadrži natpise za svaku "
 #: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:57
 msgid ""
@@ -556,6 +607,9 @@ msgid ""
 "{field} is an integer n then the nth column will be used. If @{field} is a "
 "string, then the column with the matching label will be used."
 msgstr ""
+"@{polje} je niska ili ceo broj koji navodi koje polje će biti korišćeno. Ako "
+"je @{polje} ceo broj n tada će n-ta kolona biti korišćena. Ako je @{polje} "
+"niska, tada će biti korišćena kolona sa odgovarajućim natpisom."
 #: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:62
 msgid ""
@@ -566,6 +620,12 @@ msgid ""
 "specifying a value, e. g. \"3\" or \"Jody\". For a record to be considered "
 "it must satisfy all conditions in at least one of the rows of @{criteria}."
 msgstr ""
+"@{merilo} je opseg koji sadrži uslove. Prvi red @{merila} treba da sadrži "
+"natpise. Svaki natpis određuje u kom polju se primenjuje uslov dat u toj "
+"koloni. Svako polje ispod natpisa određuje uslov kao što je „>3“ ili „<9“. "
+"Uslov jednakosti može biti dat jednostavnim navođenjem vrednosti, tj. „3“ ili "
+"„Jody“. Da bi zapis bio razmatran mora da zadovolji sve uslove u barem "
+"jednom od redova @{merila}."
 #: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:73
 msgid ""
@@ -584,230 +644,269 @@ msgid ""
 ">40     \t>46000\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Pretpostavimo da opseg A1:C7 sadrži sledeće vrednosti:\n"
+"Ime             Godine          Primanje\n"
+"Jovan           34              54342\n"
+"Bojan           35              22343\n"
+"Zoran           29              34323\n"
+"Boban           43              47242\n"
+"Suzana          37              42932\n"
+"Ljiljana          45              45324\n"
+"Kao dodatak, polje A9:B11 sadrži sledeće vrednosti:\n"
+"Godine          Primanja\n"
+">40             >46000\n"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:322
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:323
 msgid ""
 "DAVERAGE:average of the values in @{field} in @{database} belonging to "
 "records that match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"DPROSEK:prosek vrednosti u @{polju} u @{bazi_podataka} koji pripada zapisima "
+"koji zadovoljavaju @{merilo}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:331
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:332
 msgid "DAVERAGE(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:A11) equals 42296.3333."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DPROSEK(A1:C7, „Primanja“, A9:A11) iznosi 42296.3333."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:332
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:333
 msgid "DAVERAGE(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:A11) equals 39."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DPROSEK(A1:C7, „Godine“, A9:A11) iznosi 39."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:333
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:334
 msgid "DAVERAGE(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:B11) equals 40782.5."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DPROSEK(A1:C7, „Primanja“, A9:B11) iznosi 40782.5."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:334
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:335
 msgid "DAVERAGE(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:B11) equals 36."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DPROSEK(A1:C7, „Godine“, A9:B11) iznosi 36."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:358
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:359
 msgid ""
 "DCOUNT:count of numbers in @{field} in @{database} belonging to records that "
 "match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"DIZNOS:iznos brojeva u @{polju} u @{bazi_podataka} koji pripada zapisima koji "
+"zadovoljavaju @{merilo}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:367
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:368
 msgid "DCOUNT(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:A11) equals 3."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DIZNOS(A1:C7, „Primanja“, A9:A11) iznosi 3."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:368
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:369
 msgid "DCOUNT(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:B11) equals 2."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DIZNOS(A1:C7, „Primanja“, A9:B11) iznosi 2."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:369
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:370
 msgid "DCOUNT(A1:C7, \"Name\", A9:B11) equals 0."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DIZNOS(A1:C7, „Ime“, A9:B11) iznosi 0."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:393
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:394
 msgid ""
 "DCOUNTA:count of cells with data in @{field} in @{database} belonging to "
 "records that match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"DIZNOSA:iznos polja sa podacima u @{polju} u @{bazi_podataka} koji pripada "
+"zapisima koji zadovoljavaju @{merilo}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:402
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:403
 msgid "DCOUNTA(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:A11) equals 3."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DIZNOSA(A1:C7, „Primanja“, A9:A11) iznosi 3."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:403
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:404
 msgid "DCOUNTA(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:B11) equals 2."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DIZNOSA(A1:C7, „Primanja“, A9:B11) iznosi 2."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:404
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:405
 msgid "DCOUNTA(A1:C7, \"Name\", A9:B11) equals 2."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DIZNOSA(A1:C7, „Ime“, A9:B11) iznosi 0."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:425
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:426
 msgid ""
 "DGET:a value from @{field} in @{database} belonging to records that match @"
 msgstr ""
+"DGET:vrednost iz @{polja} u @{bazi_podataka} koja pripada zapisima koji "
+"zadovoljavaju @{merilo}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:434
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:435
 msgid "If none of the records match the conditions, DGET returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako nijedan od zapisa ne odgovara uslovima, #VREDNOST! je rezultat DGET-a"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:435
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:436
 msgid "If more than one record match the conditions, DGET returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako više od jednog zapisa odgovara uslovima, #BROJ! je rezultat DGET-a"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:436
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:437
 msgid "DGET(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:A10) equals 34323."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DGET(A1:C7, „Primanja“, A9:A10) iznosi 34323."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:437
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:438
 msgid "DGET(A1:C7, \"Name\", A9:A10) equals \"Clark\"."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DGET(A1:C7, „Ime“, A9:A10) iznosi „Zoran“."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:466
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:467
 msgid ""
 "DMAX:largest number in @{field} in @{database} belonging to a record that "
 "match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"DMAKS:najveći broj u @{polju} u @{bazi_podataka} koji pripada zapisu koji "
+"zadovoljava @{merilo}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:475
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:476
 msgid "DMAX(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:A11) equals 47242."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DMAKS(A1:C7, „Primanja“, A9:A11) iznosi 47242."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:476
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:477
 msgid "DMAX(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:A11) equals 45."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DMAKS(A1:C7, „Godine“, A9:A11) iznosi 45."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:477
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:478
 msgid "DMAX(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:B11) equals 43."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DMAKS(A1:C7, „Godine“, A9:B11) iznosi 43."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:502
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:503
 msgid ""
 "DMIN:smallest number in @{field} in @{database} belonging to a record that "
 "match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"DMIN:najmanji broj u @{polju} u @{bazi_podataka} koji pripada zapisu koji "
+"zadovoljava @{merilo}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:511
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:512
 msgid "DMIN(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:B11) equals 34323."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DMIN(A1:C7, „Primanja“, A9:B11) iznosi 34323."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:512
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:513
 msgid "DMIN(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:B11) equals 29."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DMIN(A1:C7, „Godine“, A9:B11) iznosi 29."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:535
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:536
 msgid ""
 "DPRODUCT:product of all values in @{field} in @{database} belonging to "
 "records that match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"DPRODUKT:proizvod svih vrednosti u @{polju} u @{bazi_podataka} koji pripada "
+"zapisima koji zadovoljavaju @{merilo}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:544
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:545
 msgid "DPRODUCT(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:B11) equals 1247."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DPRODUKT(A1:C7, „Godine“, A9:B11) iznosi 1247."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:568
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:569
 msgid ""
 "DSTDEV:sample standard deviation of the values in @{field} in @{database} "
 "belonging to records that match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"DSTDEV:uzorak standardnog odstupanja vrednosti u @{polju} u @{bazi_podataka} "
+"koji pripada zapisima koji zadovoljavaju @{merilo}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:577
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:578
 msgid "DSTDEV(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:B11) equals 9.89949."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DSTDEV(A1:C7, „Godine“, A9:B11) iznosi 9.89949."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:578
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:579
 msgid "DSTDEV(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:B11) equals 9135.112506."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DSTDEV(A1:C7, „Primanja“, A9:B11) iznosi 9135.112506."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:601
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:602
 msgid ""
 "DSTDEVP:standard deviation of the population of values in @{field} in @"
 "{database} belonging to records that match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"DSTDEV:standardno odstupanje populacije vrednosti u @{polju} u "
+"@{bazi_podataka} koji pripada zapisima koji zadovoljavaju @{merilo}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:611
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:612
 msgid "DSTDEVP(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:B11) equals 7."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DSTDEVP(A1:C7, „Godine“, A9:B11) iznosi 7."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:612
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:613
 msgid "DSTDEVP(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:B11) equals 6459.5."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DSTDEVP(A1:C7, „Primanja“, A9:B11) iznosi 6459.5."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:635
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:636
 msgid ""
 "DSUM:sum of the values in @{field} in @{database} belonging to records that "
 "match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"DSUM:zbir vrednosti u @{polju} u @{bazi_podataka} koji pripada zapisima koji "
+"zadovoljavaju @{merilo}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:644
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:645
 msgid "DSUM(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:B11) equals 72."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DSUM(A1:C7, „Godine“, A9:B11) iznosi 72."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:645
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:646
 msgid "DSUM(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:B11) equals 81565."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DSUM(A1:C7, „Primanja“, A9:B11) iznosi 81565."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:669
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:670
 msgid ""
 "DVAR:sample variance of the values in @{field} in @{database} belonging to "
 "records that match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"DVAR:uzorak varijanse vrednosti u @{polju} u @{bazi_podataka} koji pripada "
+"zapisima koji zadovoljavaju @{merilo}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:678
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:679
 msgid "DVAR(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:B11) equals 98."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DVAR(A1:C7, „Godine“, A9:B11) iznosi 98."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:679
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:680
 msgid "DVAR(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:B11) equals 83450280.5."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DVAR(A1:C7, „Primanja“, A9:B11) iznosi 83450280.5."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:702
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:703
 msgid ""
 "DVARP:variance of the population of values in @{field} in @{database} "
 "belonging to records that match @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"DVARP:varijansa populacije vrednosti u @{polju} u @{bazi_podataka} koji "
+"pripada zapisima koji zadovoljavaju @{merilo}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:712
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:713
 msgid "DVARP(A1:C7, \"Age\", A9:B11) equals 49."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DVARP(A1:C7, „Godine“, A9:B11) iznosi 49."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:713
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:714
 msgid "DVARP(A1:C7, \"Salary\", A9:B11) equals 41725140.25."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DVARP(A1:C7, „Primanja“, A9:B11) iznosi 41725140.25."
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:736
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:737
 msgid "GETPIVOTDATA:summary data from a pivot table"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DOBAVI_PODATKE_STOŽERA:podaci zbira iz stožer tabele"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:737
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:738
 msgid "pivot_table:cell range containing the pivot table"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "stožer_tabela:opseg polja koji sadrži stožer tabelu"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:738
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:739
 msgid "field_name:name of the field for which the summary data is requested"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "naziv_polja:naziv polja za koje se traže podaci zbira"
-#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:739
+#: ../plugins/fn-database/functions.c:740
 msgid "If the summary data is unavailable, GETPIVOTDATA returns #REF!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako podaci zbira nisu dostupni, DOBAVI_PODATKE_STOŽERA daje #REF!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:74
 msgid "DATE:create a date serial value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DATUM:stvara rednu vrednost datuma"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:75
 msgid "year:year of date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "godina:godina datuma"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:76
 msgid "month:month of year"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "mesec:mesec u godini"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:77
 msgid "day:day of month"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "dan:dan u mesecu"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:78
 msgid ""
@@ -815,26 +914,34 @@ msgid ""
 "2-Jan-1900 is serial value 2, and so on.  For compatibility reasons, a "
 "serial value is reserved for the non-existing date 29-Feb-1900."
 msgstr ""
+"Funkcija „DATUM“ stvara redne vrednosti datuma.  „1-jan-1900“ je redna "
+"vrednost 1, „2-jan-1900“ je redna vrednost 2, i tako redom.  Zbog "
+"saglasnosti, redna vrednost je obezbeđena za ne-postojeći datum "
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:79
 msgid ""
 "If @{month} or @{day} is less than 1 or too big, then the year and/or month "
 "will be adjusted."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{mesec} ili @{dan} manji od 1 ili prevelik, tada će godina i/ili "
+"mesec biti ispravljeni."
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:80
 msgid ""
-"For spreadsheets created with the Mac version of Excel, serial 1 is 1-Jan-"
-msgstr ""
+"For spreadsheets created with the Mac version of Excel, serial 1 is 1-"
+msgstr "Za tabele napravljene Mekovim izdanjem Eksela, redni 1 je „1-jan-1904“."
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:137
 msgid "UNIX2DATE:date value corresponding to the Unix timestamp @{t}"
 msgstr ""
+"JUNIKS_u_DATUM:vrednost datuma koja odgovara Juniksovoj vremenskoj oznaci "
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:138
 msgid "t:Unix time stamp"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "t:Juniksova vremenska oznaka"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:139
 msgid ""
@@ -842,14 +949,17 @@ msgid ""
 "date.  A Unix timestamp is the number of seconds since midnight (0:00) of "
 "January 1st, 1970 GMT."
 msgstr ""
+"Funkcija „JUNIKS_u_DATUM“ prevodi Juniksove vremenske oznake u odgovarajući "
+"datum.  Juniksova vremenska oznaka je broj sekundi od ponoći (0:00) 1. "
+"januara, 1970. godine."
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:167
 msgid "DATE2UNIX:the Unix timestamp corresponding to a date @{d}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DATUM_u_JUNIKS:Juniksova vremenska oznaka koja odgovara datumu @{d}"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:168
 msgid "d:date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "d:datum"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:169
 msgid ""
@@ -857,424 +967,533 @@ msgid ""
 "timestamp is the number of seconds since midnight (0:00) of January 1st, "
 "1970 GMT."
 msgstr ""
+"Funkcija „DATUM_u_JUNIKS“ prevodi datum u Juniksovu vremensku oznaku. "
+"Juniksova vremenska oznaka je broj sekundi od ponoći (0:00) 1. januara, "
+"1970. godine."
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:193
 msgid "DATEVALUE:the date part of a date and time serial value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "VREDNOST_DATUMA:datumski deo redne vrednosti datuma i vremena"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:194 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:451
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:194 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:489
 msgid "serial:date and time serial value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "redno:redna vrednost datuma i vremena"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:195
 msgid ""
 "DATEVALUE returns the date serial value part of a date and time serial value."
 msgstr ""
+"„VREDNOST_DATUMA“ ispisuje deo datumske redne vrednosti redne vrednosti "
+"datuma i vremena."
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:211
 msgid "DATEDIF:difference between dates"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "RAZL_DATUMA:razlika između datuma"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:212 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:651
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:956 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1222
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1251
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:212 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:689
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:994 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1260
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1289
 msgid "start_date:starting date serial value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "početni_datum:redna vrednost početnog datuma"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:213 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:652
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:957 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1223
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1252
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:213 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:690
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:995 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1261
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1290
 msgid "end_date:ending date serial value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "krajnji_datum:redna vrednost krajnjeg datuma"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:214
 msgid "interval:counting unit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "period:jedinica brojanja"
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:215
 msgid ""
 "DATEDIF returns the distance from @{start_date} to @{end_date} according to "
 "the unit specified by @{interval}."
 msgstr ""
+"„RAZL_DATUMA“ ispisuje rastojanje od @{početnog_datuma} do @{krajnjeg_datuma} "
+"skladno jedinici navedenoj @{periodom}."
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:216
 msgid ""
 "If @{interval} is \"y\", \"m\", or \"d\" then the distance is measured in "
 "complete years, months, or days respectively."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{period} „y“, „m“, ili „d“ onda se rastojanje meri čitavim godinama, "
+"mesecima, ili danima."
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:217
 msgid ""
 "If @{interval} is \"ym\" or \"yd\" then the distance is measured in complete "
 "months or days, respectively, but excluding any difference in years."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{period} „ym“ ili „yd“ onda se rastojanje meri čitavim mesecima ili "
+"danima, ali isključujući bilo kakvu razliku u godinama."
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:218
 msgid ""
 "If @{interval} is \"md\" then the distance is measured in complete days but "
 "excluding any difference in months."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{period} „md“ onda se rastojanje meri čitavim danima, ali isključujući "
+"bilo kakvu razliku u mesecima."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:352
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:350
 msgid "EDATE:adjust a date by a number of months"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "EDATUM:ispravlja datum brojem meseci"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:353 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:539
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:563 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:587
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:611 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:693
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:733 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1123
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1147 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1183
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:351 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:577
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:601 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:625
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:649 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:731
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:771 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1161
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1185 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1221
 msgid "date:date serial value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "datum:redna vrednost datuma"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:354 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:694
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:352 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:732
 msgid "months:signed number of months"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "meseci:upisani broj meseci"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:355
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:353
 msgid ""
 "EDATE returns @{date} moved forward or backward the number of months "
 "specified by @{months}."
 msgstr ""
+"„EDATUM“ ispisuje @{datum} pomeren unapred ili unazad za broj meseci "
+"navedenih u @{meseci}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:389
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:387
 msgid "TODAY:the date serial value of today"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DANAS:redna vrednost datuma za danas"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:390
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:388
 msgid ""
 "The TODAY function returns the date serial value of the day it is computed.  "
 "Recomputing on a later date will produce a different value."
 msgstr ""
+"Funkcija „DANAS“ ispisuje rednu vrednost datuma dana njegovog izračunavanja. "
+"Ponovno izračunavanje prema kasnijem datumu će proizvesti drugačiju vrednost."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:406
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:404
 msgid "NOW:the date and time serial value of the current time"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SADA:redna vrednost datuma i vremena trenutnog vremena"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:407
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:405
 msgid ""
 "The NOW function returns the date and time serial value of the moment it is "
 "computed.  Recomputing later will produce a different value."
 msgstr ""
+"Funkcija „SADA“ ispisuje rednu vrednost datuma i vremena trenutka njegovog "
+"izračunavanja. Kasnije ponovno izračunavanje će proizvesti drugačiju vrednost."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:423
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:421
 msgid "TIME:create a time serial value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "VREME:stvara rednu vrednost vremena"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:424
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:422
 msgid "hour:hour of the day"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "sat:sat u toku dana"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:425
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:423
 msgid "minute:minute within the hour"
+msgstr "minut:minut u toku sata"
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:424
+msgid "second:second within the minute"
+msgstr "sekunda:sekunda u toku minuta"
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:425
+msgid ""
+"The TIME function computes the fractional day after midnight at the time "
+"given by @{hour}, @{minute}, and @{second}."
 msgstr ""
+"Funkcija „VREME“ izračunava podeljeni dan posle ponoći za vreme koje daju "
+"@{sat}, @{minut}, i @{sekunda}."
 #: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:426
-msgid "second:second within the minute"
+msgid ""
+"While the return value is automatically formatted to look like a time "
+"between 0:00 and 24:00, the underlying serial time value is a number between "
+"0 and 1."
 msgstr ""
+"Dok je ispisana vrednost samostalno oblikovana da izgleda kao vreme između "
+"0:00 i 24:00, osnovna redna vrednost vremena je broj između 0 i 1."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:427
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:428
 msgid ""
-"The TIME function computes the fractional day between midnight at the time "
-"given by @{hour}, @{minute}, and @{second}."
+"If any of @{hour}, @{minute}, and @{second} is negative, #NUM! is returned"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{sat}, @{minut}, ili @{sekunda} negativna vrednost, biće ispisan "
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:450
-msgid "TIMEVALUE:the time part of a date and time serial value"
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:458
+msgid "ODF.TIME:create a time serial value"
+msgstr "ODF.VREME:stvara rednu vrednost vremena"
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:459
+msgid "hour:hour"
+msgstr "sat:sat"
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:460
+msgid "minute:minute"
+msgstr "minut:minut"
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:461
+msgid "second:second"
+msgstr "sekunda:sekunda"
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:462
+msgid ""
+"The ODF.TIME function computes the time given by @{hour}, @{minute}, and @"
+"{second} as a fraction of a day."
+msgstr ""
+"Funkcija „ODF.VREME“ izračunava vreme koje daju @{sat}, @{minut}, i "
+"@{sekunda} kao razlomak dana."
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:463
+msgid ""
+"While the return value is automatically formatted to look like a time "
+"between 0:00 and 24:00, the underlying serial time value can be any number."
 msgstr ""
+"Dok je ispisana vrednost samostalno oblikovana da izgleda kao vreme između "
+"0:00 i 24:00, osnovna redna vrednost vremena može biti bilo koji broj."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:452
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:467 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:780
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1002 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1292
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:211 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:315
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:384 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:752
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1312 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:433
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1033 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1060
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1411 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1431
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2099 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2726
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2925 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1545
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2423 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4602
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:304 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:388
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:515 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1103
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1445 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1575
+msgid "This function is OpenFormula compatible."
+msgstr "Ova funkcija je saglasna sa Otvorenom formulom."
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:488
+msgid "TIMEVALUE:the time part of a date and time serial value"
+msgstr "VREDNOST_VREMENA:vremenski deo redne vrednosti datuma i vremena"
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:490
 msgid "TIMEVALUE returns the time-of-day part of a date and time serial value."
 msgstr ""
+"„VREDNOST_VREMENA“ ispisuje deo vreme-u-toku-dana redne vrednosti datuma i "
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:469
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:507
 msgid "HOUR:compute hour part of fractional day"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SAT:izračunava deo sata razlomačkog dana"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:470 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:493
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:516
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:508 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:531
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:554
 msgid "time:time of day as fractional day"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "vreme:vreme u toku dana kao razlomački dan"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:471
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:509
 msgid ""
 "The HOUR function computes the hour part of the fractional day given by @"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Funkcija „SAT“ izračunava deo sata razlomačkog dana koji daje @{vreme}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:492
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:530
 msgid "MINUTE:compute minute part of fractional day"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "MINUT:izračunava deo minuta razlomačkog dana"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:494
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:532
 msgid ""
 "The MINUTE function computes the minute part of the fractional day given by @"
 msgstr ""
+"Funkcija „MINUT“ izračunava deo minuta razlomačkog dana koji daje @{vreme}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:515
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:553
 msgid "SECOND:compute seconds part of fractional day"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SEKUNDA:izračunava deo sekundi razlomačkog dana"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:517
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:555
 msgid ""
 "The SECOND function computes the seconds part of the fractional day given by "
 msgstr ""
+"Funkcija „SEKUNDA“ izračunava deo sekundi razlomačkog dana koji daje "
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:538
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:576
 msgid "YEAR:the year part of a date serial value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "GODINA:deo godine redne vrednosti datuma"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:540
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:578
 msgid "The YEAR function returns the year part of @{date}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Funkcija „GODINA“ ispisuje deo godine za @{datum}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:562
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:600
 msgid "MONTH:the month part of a date serial value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "MESEC:deo meseca redne vrednosti datuma"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:564
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:602
 msgid "The MONTH function returns the month part of @{date}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Funkcija „MESEC“ ispisuje deo meseca za @{datum}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:586
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:624
 msgid "DAY:the day-of-month part of a date serial value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DAN:deo dan-u-mesecu redne vrednosti datuma"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:588
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:626
 msgid "The DAY function returns the day-of-month part of @{date}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Funkcija „DAN“ ispisuje deo dan-u-mesecu za @{datum}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:610
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:648
 msgid "WEEKDAY:day-of-week"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DAN_SEDMICE:dan-u-sedmici"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:612 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1184
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:650 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1222
 msgid "method:numbering system, defaults to 1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "način:sistem numerisanja, osnovno je 1"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:613
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:651
 msgid ""
 "The WEEKDAY function returns the day-of-week of @{date}.  The value of @"
 "{method} determines how days are numbered; it defaults to 1. "
 msgstr ""
+"Funkcija „DAN_SEDMICE“ ispisuje dan-u-sedmici za @{datum}.  Vrednost "
+"@{načina} određuje kako se numerišu dani; osnovno je 1. "
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:614
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:652
 msgid "If @{method} is 1, then Sunday is 1, Monday is 2, etc."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{način} 1, nedelja je tada 1, ponedeljak je 2, itd."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:615
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:653
 msgid "If @{method} is 2, then Monday is 1, Tuesday is 2, etc."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{način} 2, ponedeljak je tada 1, utorak je 2, itd."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:616
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:654
 msgid "If @{method} is 3, then Monday is 0, Tuesday is 1, etc."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{način} 3, ponedeljak je tada 0, utorak je 1, itd."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:650
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:688
 msgid "DAYS360:days between dates"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DANI360:dani između datuma"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:653
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:691
 msgid "method:counting method"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "način:način brojanja"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:654
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:692
 msgid "DAYS360 returns the number of days from @{start_date} to @{end_date}."
 msgstr ""
+"„DANI360“ ispisuje broj dana od @{početnog_datuma} do @{krajnjeg_datuma}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:655
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:693
 msgid ""
 "If @{method} is 0, the default, the MS Excel (tm) US method will be used. "
 "This is a somewhat complicated industry standard method where the last day "
 "of February is considered to be the 30th day of the month, but only for @"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{način} 0, biće korišćen osnovni, MS Ekselov (tm) američki način. "
+"Ovo je pomalo složen industrijski standardni način u kome se poslednji dan "
+"februara smatra za 30. dan u mesecu, ali samo za @{početni_datum}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:656
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:694
 msgid ""
 "If @{method} is 1, the European method will be used.  In this case, if the "
 "day of the month is 31 it will be considered as 30"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{način} 1, biće korišćen evropski način.  U tom slučaju, ako je dan "
+"u mesecu 31. biće smatran kao 30."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:657
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:695
 msgid ""
 "If @{method} is 2, a saner version of the US method is used in which both "
 "dates get the same February treatment."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{način} 2, koristi se zdravije izdanje američkog načina u kome oba "
+"datuma dobijaju isti tretman februara."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:692
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:730
 msgid "EOMONTH:end of month"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "KRAJ_MESECA:kraj meseca"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:695
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:733
 msgid ""
 "EOMONTH returns the date serial value of the end of the month specified by @"
 "{date} adjusted forward or backward the number of months specified by @"
 msgstr ""
+"„KRAJ_MESECA“ ispisuje rednu vrednost datuma kraja meseca koji navodi "
+"@{datum} ispravljen unapred ili unazad za broj meseci koje navode @{meseci}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:732
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:770
 msgid "WORKDAY:add working days"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "RADNI_DAN:dodaje radne dane"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:734
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:772
 msgid "days:number of days to add"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "dani:broj dana za dodavanje"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:735 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:958
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:773 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:996
 msgid "holidays:array of holidays"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "praznici:niz praznika"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:736 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:959
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:774 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:997
 msgid ""
 "weekend:array of 0s and 1s, indicating whether a weekday (S, M, T, W, T, F, "
 "S) is on the weekend, defaults to {1,0,0,0,0,0,1}"
 msgstr ""
+"slobodni_dani:niz 0 i 1, koje ukazuju da li su dani u sedmici (N, P, U, S, "
+"Č, P, S) slobodni dani, osnovno je {1,0,0,0,0,0,1}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:738
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:776
 msgid ""
 "WORKDAY adjusts @{date} by @{days} skipping over weekends and @{holidays} in "
 "the process."
 msgstr ""
+"„RADNI_DAN“ ispravlja @{datum} prema @{danima} preskačući slobodne dane i "
+"@{praznike} u postupku."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:739
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:777
 msgid "@{days} may be negative."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "@{dani} mogu biti negativni."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:740 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:962
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:778 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1000
 msgid ""
 "If an entry of @{weekend} is non-zero, the corresponding weekday is not a "
 "work day."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako neki unos @{slobodnog_dana} jeste ne-nulti, odgovarajući slobodni dan "
+"nije radni dan."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:741 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:963
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:779 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1001
 msgid "This function is Excel compatible if the last argument is omitted."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija je saglasna sa Ekselom ako je izostavljen poslednji argument."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:742 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:964
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1254 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:213
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:380 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:748
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1312 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:424
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1019 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1046
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1363 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1383
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2048 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2781
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1515 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2383
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4512 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:259
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:343 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:470
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1058 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1400
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1530
-msgid "This function is OpenFormula compatible."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:955
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:993
 msgid "NETWORKDAYS:number of workdays in range"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "RADNI_DANI_MREŽE:broj radnih dana u opsegu"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:961
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:999
 msgid ""
 "NETWORKDAYS calculates the number of days from @{start_date} to @{end_date} "
 "skipping weekends and @{holidays} in the process."
 msgstr ""
+"„RADNI_DANI_MREŽE“ izračunava broj dana od @{početnog_datuma} do "
+"@{krajnjeg_datuma} preskačući slobodne dane i @{praznike} u postupku."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1122
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1160
 msgid "ISOWEEKNUM:ISO week number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ISO_BROJ_SEDMICE:broj ISO sedmice"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1124
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1162
 msgid ""
 "ISOWEEKNUM calculates the week number according to the ISO 8601 standard.  "
 "Weeks start on Mondays and week 1 contains the first Thursday of the year."
 msgstr ""
+"„ISO_BROJ_SEDMICE“ izračunava broj sedmice prema standardu ISO 8601.  Nedelje "
+"počinju ponedeljkom a 1. sedmica sadrži prvi utorak u godini."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1125 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1149
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1163 ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1187
 msgid ""
 "January 1 of a year is sometimes in week 52 or 53 of the previous year.  "
 "Similarly, December 31 is sometimes in week 1 of the following year."
 msgstr ""
+"1. januar u godini je ponekad u 52. ili 53. nedelji u prethodnoj godini.  "
+"Slično tome, 31. decembar je ponekad u 1. nedelji sledeće godine."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1146
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1184
 msgid "ISOYEAR:year corresponding to the ISO week number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ISO_GODINA:godina koja odgovara broju ISO sedmica"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1148
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1186
 msgid ""
 "ISOYEAR calculates the year to go with week number according to the ISO 8601 "
 msgstr ""
+"„ISO_GODINA“ računa da godina ide sa brojem sedmice prema standardu ISO "
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1182
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1220
 msgid "WEEKNUM:week number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BROJ_SEDMICE:broj sedmice"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1185
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1223
 msgid ""
 "WEEKNUM calculates the week number according to @{method} which defaults to "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "„BROJ_SEDMICE“ računa broj sedmice prema @{načinu} koji podrazumeva 1."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1186
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1224
 msgid ""
 "If @{method} is 1, then weeks start on Sundays and January 1 is in week 1."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{način} 1, tada sedmice počinju nedeljom a 1. januar je u 1. sedmici."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1187
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1225
 msgid ""
 "If @{method} is 2, then weeks start on Mondays and January 1 is in week 1."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{način} 2, tada nedelje počinju ponedeljkom a 1. januar je u 1. nedelji."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1188
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1226
 msgid "If @{method} is 150, then the ISO 8601 numbering is used."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{način} 150, tada se koristi ISO 8601 nabrajanje."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1221
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1259
 msgid "YEARFRAC:fractional number of years between dates"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "RAZL_GODINE:razlomački broj godina između datuma"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1224 ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:454
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1262 ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:454
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:492
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:530
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:571
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:608
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:652
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1895
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2258
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2308
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2415
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2461
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2503
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2653
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2748
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2826
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2903
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2959
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3002
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3026
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3050
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3074
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3100
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3126
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3240
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2261
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2311
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2418
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2464
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2506
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2656
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2751
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2829
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2906
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2962
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3005
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3029
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3053
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3077
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3103
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3129
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3243
 msgid "basis:calendar basis"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "osnove:osnova kalendara"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1225
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1263
 msgid ""
 "YEARFRAC calculates the number of days from @{start_date} to @{end_date} "
 "according to the calendar specified by @{basis}, which defaults to 0, and "
 "expresses the result as a fractional number of years."
 msgstr ""
+"„RAZL_GODINE“ izračunava broj dana od @{početnog_datuma} do "
+"@{krajnjeg_datuma} prema kalendaru koji je naveden u @{osnovi}, koja "
+"podrazumeva 0, i izražava rezultat kao razlomački broj godina."
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1250
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1288
 msgid "DAYS:difference between dates in days"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DANI:razlika između datuma u danima"
-#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1253
+#: ../plugins/fn-date/functions.c:1291
 msgid ""
 "DAYS returns the positive or negative number of days from @{start_date} to @"
 msgstr ""
+"„DANI“ ispisuje pozitivni ili negativni broj dana od @{početnog_datuma} do "
 #. Some common decriptors
 #: ../plugins/fn-derivatives/options.c:46
@@ -1353,11 +1572,11 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-derivatives/options.c:193
 msgid "a:limit for first random variable"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:ograničenje za prvu nasumičnu promenljivu"
 #: ../plugins/fn-derivatives/options.c:194
 msgid "b:limit for second random variable"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:ograničenje za drugu nasumičnu promenljivu"
 #: ../plugins/fn-derivatives/options.c:195
 msgid "rho:correlation of the two random variables"
@@ -1872,7 +2091,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-derivatives/options.c:1667
 #: ../plugins/fn-derivatives/options.c:1711
-msgid "spot2:spot price of asset 1"
+msgid "spot2:spot price of asset 2"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-derivatives/options.c:1668
@@ -2020,283 +2239,328 @@ msgid ""
 "slower to calculate."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:207
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:205
 msgid "BASE:string of digits representing the number @{n} in base @{b}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "OSNOVA:niska brojeva koji predstavljaju broj @{n} u osnovi @{b}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:208 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1279
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:578
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:608
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:206 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1327
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:612
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:642
 msgid "n:integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:ceo broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:209
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:207
 msgid "b:base (2 ≤ @{b} ≤ 36)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:osnova (2 ≤ @{b} ≤ 36)"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:210
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:208
 msgid "length:minimum length of the resulting string"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "dužina:najmanja dužina rezultirajuće niske"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:211
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:209
 msgid ""
 "BASE converts @{n} to its string representation in base @{b}. Leading zeroes "
 "will be added to reach the minimum length given by @{length}."
 msgstr ""
+"OSNOVA pretvara @{n} u njegovo predstavljanje niske u osnovi @{b}. Biće dodate "
+"vodeće nule da bi se dostigla najmanja dužina zadata @{dužinom}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:236
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:234
 msgid "BIN2DEC:decimal representation of the binary number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BIN_u_DEC:decimalno predstavljanje binarnog broja @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:237 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:259
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:283
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:235 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:257
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:281
 msgid ""
 "x:a binary number, either as a string or as a number involving only the "
 "digits 0 and 1"
 msgstr ""
+"h:binarni broj, bilo kao niska ili kao broj koji obuhvata samo cifre 0 i 1"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:258
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:256
 msgid "BIN2OCT:octal representation of the binary number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BIN_u_OKT:oktalno predstavljanje binarnog broja @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:260 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:284
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:309 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:333
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:356 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:427
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:450 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:473
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:496
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:258 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:282
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:307 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:337
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:360 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:431
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:454 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:477
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:500
 msgid "places:number of digits"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "mesta:broj cifara"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:261
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:259
 msgid ""
 "If @{places} is given, BIN2OCT pads the result with zeros to achieve exactly "
 "@{places} digits. If this is not possible, BIN2OCT returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako su zadata @{mesta}, BIN_u_OKT popunjava rezultat nulama da dostigne tačno "
+"@{mesta} cifara. Ako ovo nije moguće, BIN_u_OKT ispisuje #BROJ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:282
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:280
 msgid "BIN2HEX:hexadecimal representation of the binary number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BIN_u_HEKS:heksadecimalno predstavljanje binarnog broja @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:285
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:283
 msgid ""
 "If @{places} is given, BIN2HEX pads the result with zeros to achieve exactly "
 "@{places} digits. If this is not possible, BIN2HEX returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako su zadata @{mesta}, BIN_u_HEKS popunjava rezultat nulama da dostigne "
+"tačno @{mesta} cifara. Ako ovo nije moguće, BIN_u_HEKS ispisuje #BROJ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:307
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:305
 msgid "DEC2BIN:binary representation of the decimal number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DEC_u_BIN:binarno predstavljanje decimalnog broja @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:308 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:332
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:355 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1278
-msgid "x:integer"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:306
+msgid "x:integer (− 513 < @{x} < 512)"
+msgstr "h:ceo broj (− 513 < @{x} < 512)"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:310
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:308
 msgid ""
-"If @{places} is given, DEC2BIN pads the result with zeros to achieve exactly "
-"@{places} digits. If this is not possible, DEC2BIN returns #NUM!"
+"If @{places} is given and @{x} is non-negative, DEC2BIN pads the result with "
+"zeros to achieve exactly @{places} digits. If this is not possible, DEC2BIN "
+"returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako su zadata @{mesta} i @{x} je ne-negativno, DEC_u_BIN popunjava nulama da "
+"dostigne tačno @{mesta} cifara. Ako ovo nije moguće, DEC_u_BIN ispisuje "
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:331
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:312
+msgid "If @{places} is given and @{x} is negative, @{places} is ignored."
+msgstr "Ako su zadata @{mesta} i @{x} je negativno, @{mesta} se zanemaruju."
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:313
+msgid "If @{x} < − 512 or @{x} > 511, DEC2BIN returns #NUM!"
+msgstr "Ako je @{x} < − 512 ili @{x} > 511, DEC_u_BIN ispisuje #BROJ!"
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:335
 msgid "DEC2OCT:octal representation of the decimal number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DEC_u_OKT:oktalno predstavljanje decimalnog broja @{x}"
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:336 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:359
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1326
+msgid "x:integer"
+msgstr "h:ceo broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:334
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:338
 msgid ""
 "If @{places} is given, DEC2OCT pads the result with zeros to achieve exactly "
 "@{places} digits. If this is not possible, DEC2OCT returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako su zadata @{mesta}, DEC_u_OKT popunjava nulama da dostigne tačno @{mesta} "
+"cifara. Ako ovo nije moguće, DEC_u_OKT ispisuje #BROJ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:354
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:358
 msgid "DEC2HEX:hexadecimal representation of the decimal number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DEC_u_HEKS:heksadecimalno predstavljanje decimalnog broja @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:357
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:361
 msgid ""
 "If @{places} is given, DEC2HEX pads the result with zeros to achieve exactly "
 "@{places} digits. If this is not possible, DEC2HEX returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako su zadata @{mesta}, DEC_u_HEKS popunjava rezultat nulama da dostigne "
+"tačno @{mesta} cifara. Ako ovo nije moguće, DEC_u_HEKS ispisuje #BROJ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:377
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:381
 msgid "DECIMAL:decimal representation of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DECIMALNO:decimalno predstavljanje broja @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:378
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:382
 msgid "x:number in base @{base}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h:broj u osnovi @{osnova}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:379
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:383
 msgid "base:base of @{x}, (2 ≤ @{base} ≤ 36)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "osnova:osnova broja @{x}, (2 ≤ @{osnova} ≤ 36)"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:401
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:405
 msgid "OCT2DEC:decimal representation of the octal number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "OKT_u_DEC:decimalno predstavljanje oktalnog broja @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:402 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:426
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:449
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:406 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:430
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:453
 msgid "x:a octal number, either as a string or as a number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h:oktalni broj, bilo kao niska ili kao broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:425
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:429
 msgid "OCT2BIN:binary representation of the octal number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "OKT_u_BIN:binarno predstavljanje oktalnog broja @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:428
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:432
 msgid ""
 "If @{places} is given, OCT2BIN pads the result with zeros to achieve exactly "
 "@{places} digits. If this is not possible, OCT2BIN returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako su zadata @{mesta}, OKT_u_BIN popunjava rezultat nulama da dostigne tačno "
+"@{mesta} cifara. Ako ovo nije moguće, OKT_u_BIN ispisuje #BROJ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:448
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:452
 msgid "OCT2HEX:hexadecimal representation of the octal number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "OKT_u_HEKS:heksadecimalno predstavljanje oktalnog broja @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:451
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:455
 msgid ""
 "If @{places} is given, OCT2HEX pads the result with zeros to achieve exactly "
 "@{places} digits. If this is not possible, OCT2HEX returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako su zadata @{mesta}, OKT_u_HEKS popunjava rezultat nulama da dostigne "
+"tačno @{mesta} cifara. Ako ovo nije moguće, OKT_u_HEKS ispisuje #BROJ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:471
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:475
 msgid "HEX2BIN:binary representation of the hexadecimal number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "HEKS_u_BIN:binarno predstavljanje heksadecimalnog broja @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:472 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:495
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:518
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:476 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:499
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:522
 msgid ""
 "x:a hexadecimal number, either as a string or as a number if no A to F are "
 msgstr ""
+"h:heksadecimalni broj, bilo kao niska ili kao broj ako nisu potrebni ni A do "
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:474
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:478
 msgid ""
 "If @{places} is given, HEX2BIN pads the result with zeros to achieve exactly "
 "@{places} digits. If this is not possible, HEX2BIN returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako su zadata @{mesta}, HEKS_u_BIN popunjava rezultat nulama da dostigne "
+"tačno @{mesta} cifara. Ako ovo nije moguće, HEKS_u_BIN ispisuje #BROJ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:494
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:498
 msgid "HEX2OCT:octal representation of the hexadecimal number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "HEKS_u_OKT:oktalno predstavljanje heksadecimalnog broja @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:497
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:501
 msgid ""
 "If @{places} is given, HEX2OCT pads the result with zeros to achieve exactly "
 "@{places} digits. If this is not possible, HEX2OCT returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako su zadata @{mesta}, HEKS_u_OKT popunjava rezultat nulama da dostigne "
+"tačno @{mesta} cifara. Ako ovo nije moguće, HEKS_u_OKT ispisuje #BROJ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:517
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:521
 msgid "HEX2DEC:decimal representation of the hexadecimal number @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "HEKS_u_DEC:decimalno predstavljanje heksadecimalnog broja @{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:540
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:544
 msgid ""
 "BESSELI:Modified Bessel function of the first kind of order @{α} at @{x}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:541 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:579
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:603 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:632
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:545 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:583
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:607 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:636
 msgid "X:number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "X:broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:542 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:580
-msgid "α:order (any number)"
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:546 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:584
+msgid "α:order (any non-negative number)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:543 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:581
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:547 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:585
 msgid ""
 "If @{x} or @{α} are not numeric, #VALUE! is returned. If @{α} < 0, #NUM! is "
 msgstr ""
+"Ako @{x} ili @{α} nisu brojevi, ispisuje se #VREDNOST!. Ako je @{α} < 0, "
+"ispisuje se #BROJ!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:544 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:582
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:548 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:586
 msgid "This function is Excel compatible if only integer orders @{α} are used."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:547 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:585
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:611
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:551 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:589
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:615
 msgid "wiki:en:Bessel_function"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:578
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:582
 msgid ""
 "BESSELK:Modified Bessel function of the second kind of order @{α} at @{x}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:602
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:606
 msgid "BESSELJ:Bessel function of the first kind of order @{α} at @{x}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:604 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:633
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:608 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:637
 msgid "α:order (any non-negative integer)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:605 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:634
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:609 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:638
 msgid ""
 "If @{x} or @{α} are not numeric, #VALUE! is returned. If @{α} < 0, #NUM! is "
 "returned. If @{α} is not an integer, it is truncated."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako @{x} ili @{α} nisu brojevi, ispisuje se #VREDNOST!. Ako je @{α} < 0, "
+"ispisuje se #BROJ!. Ako @{α} nije ceo broj, skraćuje se."
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:631
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:635
 msgid "BESSELY:Bessel function of the second kind of order @{α} at @{x}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:658
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:662
 msgid "CONVERT:a converted measurement"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:659 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1103
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:223 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:242
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:265 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:306
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:324 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:349
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:368 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:387
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:447 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:718
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:771 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:789
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:807 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:843
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:861 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:878
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:909 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:939
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:963 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:987
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1071 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1107
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1203 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1381
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1421 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1439
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1591 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1624
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1661 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1696
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1836 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1885
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1909 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1950
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1997 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:410
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:462 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:523
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:843 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:912
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:975 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1117
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1189 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1276
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1306 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1539
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1718 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1754
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1921 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4312
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4343 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4377
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4412 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4451
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4484
+msgstr "PRETVORI:pretvoreno merenje"
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:663 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1107
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1173 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:226
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:245 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:267
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:308 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:326
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:352 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:371
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:395 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:456
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:732 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:785
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:803 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:821
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:857 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:875
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:892 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:923
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:953 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:977
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1001 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1085
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1121 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1217
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1259 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1429
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1469 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1487
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1639 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1674
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1711 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1746
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1886 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1936
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1960 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2001
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2048 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:440
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:512 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:573
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:873 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:942
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1005 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1147
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1219 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1306
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1336 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1569
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1748 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1784
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1951 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4402
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4433 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4467
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4502 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4541
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4574
 msgid "x:number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h:broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:660
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:664
 msgid "from:unit (string)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "iz:jedinica (niska)"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:661
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:665
 msgid "to:unit (string)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "u:jedinica (niska)"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:662
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:666
 msgid ""
 "CONVERT returns a conversion from one measurement system to another. @{x} is "
 "a value in @{from} units that is to be converted into @{to} units."
 msgstr ""
+"PRETVORI ispisuje pretvaranje iz jednog sistema merenja u drugo. @{x} je "
+"vrednost u „ {iz}“ jedinicama koje će biti pretvorene u „ {u}“ jedinice."
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:664
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:668
 msgid "If @{from} and @{to} are different types, CONVERT returns #N/A!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako su @{iz} i @{u} različite vrste, PRETVORI ispisuje #N/D!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:665
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:669
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "@{from} and @{to} can be any of the following:\n"
@@ -2392,93 +2656,206 @@ msgid ""
 "\t'z'  \tzepto \t\t1E-21\n"
 "\t'y'  \tyocto \t\t1E-24"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:747
+"@{iz} i @{u} mogu biti nešto od sledećeg:\n"
+"Težina i masa:\n"
+"\t„g“     \t\tGram\n"
+"\t„sg„    \t\tSlug\n"
+"\t„lbm“   \t\tFunta\n"
+"\t„u“     \t\tU (atomska masa)\n"
+"\t„ozm“   \t\tUnca\n"
+"\t„m“     \t\tMetar\n"
+"\t„mi“    \t\tStatutna milja\n"
+"\t„Nmi“   \t\tNautička milja\n"
+"\t„in“    \t\tInč\n"
+"\t„ft“    \t\tStopa\n"
+"\t„yd“    \t\tJard\n"
+"\t„ang“   \t\tAngstrom\n"
+"\t„Pica“  \t\tPica Points\n"
+"\t„picapt“\t\tPica Points\n"
+"\t„pica“  \t\tPika\n"
+"\t„yr“    \t\tGodina\n"
+"\t„day“   \t\tDan\n"
+"\t„hr„    \t\tSat\n"
+"\t„mn“    \t\tMinut\n"
+"\t„sec“   \t\tSekunda\n"
+"\t„Pa„    \t\tPaskal\n"
+"\t„atm“   \t\tAtmosfera\n"
+"\t„mmHgd                  mm živinog stuba\n"
+"\t„N“     \t\tNjutn\n"
+"\t„dyn“   \t\tDyne\n"
+"\t„lbf“   \t\tPound force\n"
+"\t„J“     \t\tDžul\n"
+"\t„e“     \t\tErg\n"
+"\t„c“     \t\tTermodinamička kalorija\n"
+"\t„cal“   \t\tIT kalorija\n"
+"\t„eV“    \t\tElektron volt\n"
+"\t„HPh“   \t\tKonjska snaga-čas\n"
+"\t„Wh“    \t\tVat-čas\n"
+"\t„flb“   \t\tFoot-pound\n"
+"\t„BTU“   \t\tBTU\n"
+"\t„HP“    \t\tKonjska snaga\n"
+"\t„W“     \t\tVat\n"
+"\t„T“     \t\tTesla\n"
+"\t„ga“    \t\tGaus\n"
+"\t„C“     \t\tStepeni Celzijusa\n"
+"\t„F“     \t\tStepeni Farenhajta\n"
+"\t„K“     \t\tStepeni Kelvina\n"
+"Mere tečnosti:\n"
+"\t„tsp“   \t\tTeaspoon\n"
+"\t„tbs“   \t\tTablespoon\n"
+"\t„oz“    \t\tFluid ounce\n"
+"\t„cup“   \t\tŠolja\n"
+"\t„pt“    \t\tPinta\n"
+"\t„qt“    \t\tČetvrt\n"
+"\t„gal“   \t\tGalon\n"
+"\t„l“     \t\tLitar\n"
+"Za metričke jedinice može biti korišćen bilo koji od sledećih prefiksa:\n"
+"\t„Y“     \tjota  \t\t1E+24\n"
+"\t„Z“     \tzeta  \t\t1E+21\n"
+"\t„E“     \teksa  \t\t1E+18\n"
+"\t„P“     \tpeta  \t\t1E+15\n"
+"\t„T“     \ttera  \t\t1E+12\n"
+"\t„G“     \tgiga  \t\t1E+09\n"
+"\t„M“     \tmega  \t\t1E+06\n"
+"\t„k“     \tkilo  \t\t1E+03\n"
+"\t„h“     \thekto \t\t1E+02\n"
+"\t„e“     \tdeka  \t\t1E+01\n"
+"\t„d“     \tdeci  \t\t1E-01\n"
+"\t„cd     \tcenti \t\t1E-02\n"
+"\t„m“     \tmili  \t\t1E-03\n"
+"\t„u“     \tmikro \t\t1E-06\n"
+"\t„n“     \tnano  \t\t1E-09\n"
+"\t„p“     \tpiko  \t\t1E-12\n"
+"\t„f“     \tfemto \t\t1E-15\n"
+"\t„a“     \tato   \t\t1E-18\n"
+"\t„z“     \tcepto \t\t1E-21\n"
+"\t„y“     \tjokto \t\t1E-24"
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:751
 msgid "This function is Excel compatible (except \"picapt\")."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija je saglasna sa Ekselom (osim „picapt“)."
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1070
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1074
 msgid "ERF:Gauss error function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "FGR:Gausova funkcija greške"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1071
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1075
 msgid "lower:lower limit of the integral, defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "donja:donja granica integrala, osnovno je 0"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1072
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1076
 msgid "upper:upper limit of the integral"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "gornja:gornja granica integrala"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1073
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1077
 msgid ""
 "ERF returns 2/sqrt(Ï€)* integral from @{lower} to @{upper} of exp(-t*t) dt"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "FGR ispisuje 2/sqrt(Ï€)* integral od @{donje} do @{gornje} za exp(-t*t) dt"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1074
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1078
 msgid ""
 "This function is Excel compatible if two arguments are supplied and neither "
 "is negative."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija je saglasna sa Ekselom ako su dostavljena dva argumenta i "
+"nijedan nije negativan."
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1078 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1107
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1082 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1111
 msgid "wiki:en:Error_function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "viki:en:Funkcija_greške"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1102
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1106
 msgid "ERFC:Complementary Gauss error function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "KFGR:Komplementarna Gausova funkcija greške"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1104
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1108
 msgid "ERFC returns 2/sqrt(π)* integral from @{x} to ∞ of exp(-t*t) dt"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "KFGR ispisuje 2/sqrt(π)* integral od @{h} do ∞ za exp(-t*t) dt"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1122
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1126
 msgid "DELTA:Kronecker delta function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DELTA:Knokerova funkcija delte"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1123 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1146
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1127 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1150
 msgid "x0:number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h0:broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1124 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1147
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1128 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1151
 msgid "x1:number, defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h1:broj, podrazumeva se 0"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1125
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1129
 msgid "DELTA  returns 1 if  @{x1} = @{x0} and 0 otherwise."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DELTA  ispisuje 1 ako je @{x1} = @{x0} a 0 u suprotnom."
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1126 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1149
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1130 ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1153
 msgid "If either argument is non-numeric, #VALUE! is returned."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1145
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1149
 msgid "GESTEP:step function with step at @{x1} evaluated at @{x0}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1148
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1152
 msgid "GESTEP returns 1 if  @{x1} ≤ @{x0} and 0 otherwise."
+msgstr "GESTEP  ispisuje 1 ako je @{x1} ≤ @{x0} a 0 u suprotnom."
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1172
+msgid "HEXREP:hexadecimal representation of numeric value"
+msgstr "HEKSPRED:heksadecimalno predstavljanje brojevne vrednosti"
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1174
+msgid "HEXREP returns a hexadecimal string representation of @{x}."
+msgstr "HEKSPRED ispisuje predstavljanje heksadecimalne niske za @{x}."
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1175
+msgid ""
+"This is a function meant for debugging.  The layout of the result may change "
+"and even depend on how Gnumeric was compiled."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija je osmišljena za uklanjanje grešaka.  Raspored rezultata može biti "
+"izmenjen i čak da zavisi od načina prevođenja Gnomovog brojevnika."
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1168
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1203
 msgid "INVSUMINV:the reciprocal of the sum of reciprocals of the arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1169
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1204
 msgid "x0:non-negative number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h0:ne-negativni broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1170
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1205
 msgid "x1:non-negative number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h1:ne-negativni broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1171
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1206
 msgid ""
 "If any of the arguments is negative, #VALUE! is returned.\n"
 "If any argument is zero, the result is zero."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je bilo koji argument negativan, ispisuje se #VREDNOST!.\n"
+"Ako je neki argument nula, rezultat je nula."
-#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1173
+#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:1208
 msgid ""
 "INVSUMINV sum calculates the reciprocal (the inverse) of the sum of "
 "reciprocals (inverses) of all its arguments."
@@ -2490,12 +2867,12 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:106 ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:191
 msgid "traffic:number of calls"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "saobraćaj:broj poziva"
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:107 ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:132
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:229
 msgid "circuits:number of circuits"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "kola:broj kola"
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:108
 msgid ""
@@ -2505,11 +2882,11 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:110 ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:134
 msgid "@{traffic} cannot exceed @{circuits}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "@{saobraćaj} ne može da premaši @{kola}."
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:130
 msgid "OFFTRAF:predicted number of offered calls"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "PONUĐ_SAOB:predviđeni broj ponuđenih poziva"
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:131
 msgid "traffic:number of carried calls"
@@ -2523,38 +2900,45 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:190
 msgid "DIMCIRC:number of circuits required"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DIM_KOL:broj potrebnih kola"
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:192 ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:230
 msgid "gos:grade of service"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "sus:stepen usluge"
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:193
 msgid ""
 "DIMCIRC returns the number of circuits required given @{traffic} calls with "
 "grade of service @{gos}."
 msgstr ""
+"DIM_KOL ispisuje broj potrebnih kola datih poziva @{saobraćaja} sa stepenom "
+"usluge @{sus}."
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:228
 msgid "OFFCAP:traffic capacity"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "MAKS_MOG:mogućnost saobraćaja"
 #: ../plugins/fn-erlang/functions.c:231
 msgid ""
 "OFFCAP returns the traffic capacity given @{circuits} circuits with grade of "
 "service @{gos}."
 msgstr ""
+"MAKS_MOG ispisuje mogućnosti saobraćaja datih kola @{kola} sa stepenom "
+"usluge @{sus}."
 #. *************************************************************************
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:53
 msgid "@{frequency} may be 1 (annual), 2 (semi-annual), or 4 (quarterly)."
 msgstr ""
+"@{učestalost} može biti 1 (godišnje), 2 (polu-godišnje), ili 4 (tromesečno)."
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:56
 msgid ""
 "If @{type} is 0, the default, payment is at the end of each period.  If @"
 "{type} is 1, payment is at the beginning of each period."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{vrsta} 0, osnovno, plaćanje je na kraju svakog razdoblja.  Ako je "
+"@{vrsta} 1, plaćanje je početku svakog razdoblja."
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:362
 msgid "ACCRINT:accrued interest"
@@ -2563,15 +2947,15 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:363
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:450
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:605
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2458
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2497
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2647
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2461
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2500
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2650
 msgid "issue:date of issue"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "izdavanje:datum izdavanja"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:364
 msgid "first_interest:date of first interest payment"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "prva_kamata:datum plaćanja prve kamate"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:365
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:488
@@ -2583,21 +2967,21 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1124
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1158
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1890
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2252
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2302
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2411
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2456
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2495
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2645
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2741
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2819
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2999
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3023
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3047
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3071
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3097
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3123
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3235
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2255
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2305
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2414
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2459
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2498
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2648
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2744
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2822
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3002
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3026
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3050
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3074
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3100
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3126
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3238
 msgid "settlement:settlement date"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2605,45 +2989,45 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:452
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:529
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:686
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2254
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2304
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2459
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2499
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2649
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2744
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2822
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2257
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2307
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2462
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2502
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2652
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2747
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2825
 msgid "rate:nominal annual interest rate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "rata:nominalna godišnja rata kamate"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:367
 msgid "par:par value, defaults to $1000"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "po:po vrednosti, osnovno je $1000"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:368
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1894
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2257
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2307
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2502
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2652
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2747
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2825
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3001
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3025
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3049
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3073
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3099
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3125
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3239
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2260
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2310
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2505
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2655
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2750
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2828
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3004
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3028
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3052
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3076
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3102
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3128
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3242
 msgid "frequency:number of interest payments per year"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "učestalost:broj plaćanja kamate u toku godine"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:369
 msgid "basis:calendar basis, defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "osnova:osnova kalendara, osnovno je 0"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:370
 msgid "calc_method:calculation method, defaults to TRUE"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "način_računanja:način računanja, osnovno je TAČNO"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:372
 msgid ""
@@ -2670,6 +3054,7 @@ msgid ""
 "@{frequency} must be one of 1, 2 or 4, but the exact value does not affect "
 "the result."
 msgstr ""
+"@{učestalost} mora biti 1, 2 ili 4, ali tačna vrednost ne utiče na rezultat."
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:387
 msgid "@{issue} must precede both @{first_interest} and @{settlement}."
@@ -2689,27 +3074,27 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1125
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1159
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1891
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2253
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2303
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2412
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2457
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2496
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2646
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2742
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2820
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3000
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3024
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3048
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3072
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3098
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3124
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3236
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2256
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2306
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2415
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2460
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2499
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2649
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2745
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2823
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3003
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3027
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3051
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3075
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3101
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3127
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3239
 msgid "maturity:maturity date"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:453
 msgid "par:par value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "po:po vrednosti"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:455
 msgid "ACCRINTM calculates the accrued interest from @{issue} to @{maturity}."
@@ -2717,7 +3102,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:456
 msgid "@{par} defaults to $1000."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "@{po} osnovno je $1000."
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:487
 msgid "INTRATE:interest rate"
@@ -2731,13 +3116,13 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:491
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:570
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:651
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2256
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2306
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2414
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2501
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2651
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2746
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2824
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2259
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2309
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2417
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2504
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2654
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2749
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2827
 msgid "redemption:amount received at maturity"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2776,10 +3161,10 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:607
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1893
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2255
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2500
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2745
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3238
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2258
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2503
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2748
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3241
 msgid "yield:annual yield of security"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2831,9 +3216,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1758
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1798
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1842
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1934
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1936
 msgid "rate:effective annual interest rate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "rata:efektivna godišnja rata kamate"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:713
 msgid "NOMINAL calculates the nominal interest rate from the effective rate."
@@ -2856,8 +3241,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1729
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1760
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1800
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3148
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3192
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3151
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3195
 msgid "nper:number of periods"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2869,9 +3254,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1761
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1801
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1844
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1935
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3149
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3193
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1937
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3152
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3196
 msgid "pv:present value"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2887,9 +3272,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:822
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:871
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:901
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2897
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2953
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3280
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2900
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2956
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3285
 msgid "cost:initial cost of asset"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2897,9 +3282,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:823
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:872
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:902
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2900
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2956
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3281
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2903
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2959
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3286
 msgid "salvage:value after depreciation"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2907,15 +3292,15 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:824
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:873
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:903
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3282
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3287
 msgid "life:number of periods"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:775
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:825
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:904
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2901
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2957
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2904
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2960
 msgid "period:subject period"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2934,7 +3319,7 @@ msgid "DDB:depreciation of an asset"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:826
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3285
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3290
 msgid "factor:factor at which the balance declines"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3068,9 +3453,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1762
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1802
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1845
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1936
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1938
 msgid "fv:future value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "bv:buduća vrednost"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1196
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1462
@@ -3079,10 +3464,10 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1763
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1803
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1846
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3152
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3196
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3155
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3199
 msgid "type:payment type"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "vrsta:vrsta plaćanja"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1197
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1342
@@ -3108,7 +3493,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1306
 msgid "p:number of periods"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "r:broj razdoblja"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1309
 msgid ""
@@ -3135,7 +3520,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1457
 msgid "PV:present value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SV:sadašnja vrednost"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1458
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1498
@@ -3156,11 +3541,11 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1499
 msgid "value1:cash flow for period 1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "vrednost1:protok novca za razdoblje 1"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1500
 msgid "value2:cash flow for period 2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "vrednost2:protok novca za razdoblje 2"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1501
 msgid "NPV calculates the net present value of a cash flow."
@@ -3173,7 +3558,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1544
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1599
 msgid "dates:dates of cash flow"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "datumi:datumi protoka novca"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1545
 msgid "XNPV calculates the net present value of a cash flow at irregular times"
@@ -3192,7 +3577,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1691
 msgid "FV:future value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BV:buduća vrednost"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1697
 msgid ""
@@ -3231,7 +3616,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1841
 msgid "NPER:number of periods"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BRAZ:broj razdoblja"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1847
 msgid ""
@@ -3240,66 +3625,68 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1889
-msgid "DURATION:the duration of a security"
+msgid "DURATION:the (Macaulay) duration of a security"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1892
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3237
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3240
 msgid "coupon:annual coupon rate"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1896
-msgid "DURATION calculates the duration of a security."
+msgid "DURATION calculates the (Macaulay) duration of a security."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1933
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1935
 msgid "G_DURATION:the duration of a investment"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1937
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1939
 msgid ""
 "G_DURATION calculates the number of periods needed for an investment to "
 "attain a desired value."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1938
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1940
 msgid "G_DURATION is the OpenFormula function PDURATION."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1966
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1969
 msgid "FVSCHEDULE:future value"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1967
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1970
 msgid "principal:initial value"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1968
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1971
 msgid "schedule:range of interest rates"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1969
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1972
 msgid ""
 "FVSCHEDULE calculates the future value of @{principal} after applying a "
 "range of interest rates with compounding."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2002
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2005
 msgid "EURO:equivalent of 1 EUR"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "EVRO:ekvivalent 1 EVRa"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2003
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2006
 msgid "currency:three-letter currency code"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "valuta:troslovni kod valute"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2004
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2007
 msgid ""
 "EURO calculates the national currency amount corresponding to 1 EUR for any "
 "of the national currencies that were replaced by the Euro on its "
 msgstr ""
+"EVRO izračunava odgovarajući iznos nacionalne valute prema 1 evru za svaku "
+"od nacionalnih valuta koja je zamenjena evrom prilikom njegovog uvođenja."
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2005
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2008
 msgid ""
 "@{currency} must be one of ATS (Austria), BEF (Belgium), CYP (Cyprus), DEM "
 "(Germany), EEK (Estonia), ESP (Spain), EUR (Euro), FIM (Finland), FRF "
@@ -3307,172 +3694,185 @@ msgid ""
 "(Malta), NLG (The Netherlands), PTE (Portugal), SIT (Slovenia), or SKK "
 msgstr ""
+"@{valuta} mora biti jedna od sledećih: ATS (Austrija), BEF (Belgija), CYP "
+"(Kipar), DEM (Nemačka), EEK (EStonija), ESP (Španija), EUR (Evro), FIM "
+"(Finska), FRF (Francuska), GRD (Grčka), IEP (Irska), ITL (Italija), LUF "
+"(Luksemburg), MTL (Malta), NLG (Holandija), PTE (Portugal), SIT (Slovenija), "
+"ili SKK (Slovačka)."
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2024
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2208
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2027
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2211
 msgid "This function is not likely to be useful anymore."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2199
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2202
 msgid "EUROCONVERT:pre-Euro amount from one currency to another"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "PRETVORI_EVRO:iznos pre-evra iz jedne valute u drugu"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2200
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2203
 msgid "n:amount"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:iznos"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2201
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2204
 msgid "source:three-letter source currency code"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "izvor:troslovni kod izvorne valute"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2202
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2205
 msgid "target:three-letter target currency code"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "cilj:troslovni kod ciljne valute"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2203
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2206
 msgid "full_precision:whether to provide the full precision; defaults to false"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "potpuna_tačnost:da li da se obezbedi potpuna tačnost; osnovno je ne"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2204
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2207
 msgid ""
 "triangulation_precision:number of digits (at least 3) to be rounded to after "
 "conversion of the source currency to euro; defaults to no rounding"
 msgstr ""
+"trougaona_tačnost:broj cifara (najmanje 3) na koje se zaokružuje nakon "
+"pretvaranja izvorne valute u evro; osnovno je bez zaokruživanja"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2205
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2208
 msgid ""
 "EUROCONVERT converts @{n} units of currency @{source} to currency @"
 "{target}.  The rates used are the official ones used on the introduction of "
 "the Euro."
 msgstr ""
+"PRETVORI_EVRO pretvara @{n} jedinica @{izvorne} valute u @{ciljnu} valutu.  "
+"Korišćeni odnosi su zvanični koji se koriste od uvođenja evra."
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2206
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2209
 msgid ""
 "If @{full_precision} is true, the result is not rounded; if it false the "
 "result is rounded to 0 or 2 decimals depending on the target currency; "
 "defaults to false."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{potpuna_tačnost} izabrana, rezultat se ne zaokružuje; ako nije "
+"izabrana onda se rezultat zaokružuje na 0 ili 2 decimale u zavisnosti od "
+"ciljne valute; podrazumeva se da nije izabrano."
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2207
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2210
 msgid ""
 "@{source} and @{target} must be one of the currencies listed for the EURO "
 msgstr ""
+"@{izvor} i @{cilj} moraju biti neke od valuta navedenih za funkciju EVRO."
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2251
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2254
 msgid "PRICE:price of a security"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "CENA:cena osiguranja"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2259
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2262
 msgid ""
 "PRICE calculates the price per $100 face value of a security that pays "
 "periodic interest."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2301
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2304
 msgid "YIELD:yield of a security"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2305
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2413
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2460
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2650
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2823
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2308
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2416
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2463
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2653
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2826
 msgid "price:price of security"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "cena:cena osiguranja"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2309
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2312
 msgid "YIELD calculates the yield of a security that pays periodic interest."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2410
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2413
 msgid "YIELDDISC:yield of a discounted security"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2416
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2419
 msgid "YIELDDISC calculates the yield of a discounted security."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2455
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2458
 msgid "YIELDMAT:yield of a security"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2462
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2465
 msgid ""
 "YIELDMAT calculates the yield of a security for which the interest is paid "
 "at maturity date."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2494
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2497
 msgid "ODDFPRICE:price of a security that has an odd first period"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2498
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2648
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2501
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2651
 msgid "first_interest:first interest date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "prva_kamata:datum prve kamate"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2504
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2507
 msgid ""
 "ODDFPRICE calculates the price per $100 face value of a security that pays "
 "periodic interest, but has an odd first period."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2644
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2647
 msgid "ODDFYIELD:yield of a security that has an odd first period"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2654
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2657
 msgid ""
 "ODDFYIELD calculates the yield of a security that pays periodic interest, "
 "but has an odd first period."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2740
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2743
 msgid "ODDLPRICE:price of a security that has an odd last period"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2743
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2821
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2746
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2824
 msgid "last_interest:last interest date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "poslednja_kamata:datum poslednje kamate"
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2749
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2752
 msgid ""
 "ODDLPRICE calculates the price per $100 face value of a security that pays "
 "periodic interest, but has an odd last period."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2818
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2821
 msgid "ODDLYIELD:yield of a security that has an odd last period"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2827
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2830
 msgid ""
 "ODDLYIELD calculates the yield of a security that pays periodic interest, "
 "but has an odd last period."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2896
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2899
 msgid "AMORDEGRC:depreciation of an asset using French accounting conventions"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2898
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2954
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2901
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2957
 msgid "purchase_date:date of purchase"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2899
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2955
-msgid "first_period:end of first period"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "datum_kupovine:datum kupovine"
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2902
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2958
+msgid "first_period:end of first period"
+msgstr "prvo_razdoblje:kraj prvog razdoblja"
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2905
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2961
 msgid "rate:depreciation rate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2905
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2908
 msgid ""
 "AMORDEGRC calculates the depreciation of an asset using French accounting "
 "conventions. Assets purchased in the middle of a period take prorated "
@@ -3481,7 +3881,7 @@ msgid ""
 "of the assets."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2909
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2912
 msgid ""
 "The depreciation coefficient used is:\n"
 "1.0 for an expected lifetime less than 3 years,\n"
@@ -3490,158 +3890,158 @@ msgid ""
 "2.5 for an expected lifetime of more than 6 years."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2914
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2917
 msgid ""
 "Special depreciation rules are applied for the last two periods resulting in "
 "a possible total depreciation exceeding the difference of @{cost} - @"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2916
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2919
 msgid "Named for AMORtissement DEGRessif Comptabilite."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2952
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2955
 msgid "AMORLINC:depreciation of an asset using French accounting conventions"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2961
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2964
 msgid ""
 "AMORLINC calculates the depreciation of an asset using French accounting "
 "conventions. Assets purchased in the middle of a period take prorated "
 "depreciation into account. "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2963
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2966
 msgid "Named for AMORtissement LINeaire Comptabilite."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2998
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3001
 msgid "COUPDAYBS:number of days from coupon period to settlement"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3003
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3027
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3051
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3075
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3101
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3127
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3006
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3030
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3054
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3078
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3104
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3130
 msgid "eom:end-of-month flag"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3004
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3007
 msgid ""
 "COUPDAYBS calculates the number of days from the beginning of the coupon "
 "period to the settlement date."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3022
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3025
 msgid "COUPDAYS:number of days in the coupon period of the settlement date"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3028
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3031
 msgid ""
 "COUPDAYS calculates the number of days in the coupon period of the "
 "settlement date."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3046
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3049
 msgid ""
 "COUPDAYSNC:number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon period"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3052
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3055
 msgid ""
 "COUPDAYSNC calculates number of days from the settlement date to the next "
 "coupon period."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3070
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3073
 msgid "COUPNCD:the next coupon date after settlement"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3076
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3079
 msgid "COUPNCD calculates the coupon date following settlement."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3096
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3099
 msgid "COUPPCD:the last coupon date before settlement"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3102
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3105
 msgid "COUPPCD calculates the coupon date preceding settlement."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3122
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3125
 msgid "COUPNUM:number of coupons"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3128
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3131
 msgid ""
 "COUPNUM calculates the number of coupons to be paid between the settlement "
 "and maturity dates, rounded up."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3146
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3149
 msgid "CUMIPMT:cumulative interest payment"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3147
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3191
-msgid "rate:interest rate per period"
-msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3150
 #: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3194
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3283
+msgid "rate:interest rate per period"
+msgstr "rata:rata kamate po razdoblju"
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3153
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3197
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3288
 msgid "start_period:first period to accumulate for"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3151
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3195
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3284
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3154
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3198
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3289
 msgid "end_period:last period to accumulate for"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3153
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3156
 msgid ""
 "CUMIPMT calculates the cumulative interest paid on a loan from @"
 "{start_period} to @{end_period}."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3190
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3193
 msgid "CUMPRINC:cumulative principal"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3197
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3200
 msgid ""
 "CUMPRINC calculates the cumulative principal paid on a loan from @"
 "{start_period} to @{end_period}."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3234
-msgid "MDURATION:the Macaulay duration of a security"
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3237
+msgid "MDURATION:the modified (Macaulay) duration of a security"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3241
-msgid "MDURATION calculates the Macaulay duration of a security."
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3244
+msgid "MDURATION calculates the modified (Macaulay) duration of a security."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3279
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3284
 msgid "VDB:depreciation of an asset"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3286
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3291
 msgid "no_switch:do not switch to straight-line depreciation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3287
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3292
 msgid ""
 "VDB calculates the depreciation of an asset for a given period range using "
 "the variable-rate declining balance method."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3288
+#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:3293
 msgid ""
 "If @{no_switch} is FALSE, the calculation switches to straight-line "
 "depreciation when depreciation is greater than the declining balance "
@@ -3650,7 +4050,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:92
 msgid "HDATE:Hebrew date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "HDATUM:Hebrejski datum"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:93
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:162
@@ -3659,7 +4059,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:289
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:316
 msgid "year:Gregorian year of date, defaults to the current year"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "godina:gregorijanska godina datuma, podrazumeva se tekuća godina"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:94
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:163
@@ -3668,7 +4068,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:290
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:317
 msgid "month:Gregorian month of year, defaults to the current month"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "mesec:gregorijanski mesec u godini, podrazumeva se tekući mesec"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:95
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:164
@@ -3677,57 +4077,57 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:291
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:318
 msgid "day:Gregorian day of month, defaults to the current day"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "dan:gregorijanski dan u mesecu, podrazumeva se tekući dan"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:127
 msgid "DATE2HDATE:Hebrew date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DATUM_u_HDATUM:Hebrejski datum"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:128
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:203
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:342
 msgid "date:Gregorian date, defaults to today"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "datum:gregorijanski datum, podrazumeva se danas"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:161
 msgid "HDATE_HEB:Hebrew date in Hebrew"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "HDATUM_HEB:Hebrejski datum u hebrejski"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:202
 msgid "DATE2HDATE_HEB:Hebrew date in Hebrew"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DATUM_u_HDATUM_HEB:Hebrejski datum u hebrejski"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:234
 msgid "HDATE_MONTH:Hebrew month of Gregorian date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "MESEC_HDATUMA:Hebrejski mesec gregorijanskog datuma"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:261
 msgid "HDATE_DAY:Hebrew day of Gregorian date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DAN_HDATUMA:Hebrejski dan gregorijanskog datuma"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:288
 msgid "HDATE_YEAR:Hebrew year of Gregorian date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "GODINA_HDATUMA:Hebrejska godina gregorijanskog datuma"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:315
 msgid "HDATE_JULIAN:Julian day number for given Gregorian date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "JULIJANSKI_HDATUM:Broj julijanskog dana za dati gregorijanski datum"
 #: ../plugins/fn-hebrew-date/functions.c:341
 msgid "DATE2JULIAN:Julian day number for given Gregorian date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DATUM_u_JULIJANSKI:Broj julijanskog dana za dati gregorijanski datum"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:68
 msgid "CELL:information of @{type} about @{cell}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "POLJE:podaci @{vrste} o @{ćeliji}"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:69
 msgid "type:string specifying the type of information requested"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "vrsta:niska koja navodi vrstu zatraženih podataka"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:70
 msgid "cell:cell reference"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "polje:uputa polja"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:71
 msgid ""
@@ -3761,28 +4161,28 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1173
 msgid "EXPRESSION:expression in @{cell} as a string"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IZRAZ:izraz u @{polju} kao niska"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1174
 msgid "cell:a cell reference"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "polje:uputa polja"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1175
 msgid "If @{cell} contains no expression, EXPRESSION returns empty."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako @{polje} ne sadrži izraze, ispis IZRAZA je prazan."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1210
 msgid "GET.FORMULA:the formula in @{cell} as a string"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DOBAVI.FORMULU:formula u @{polju} kao niska"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1211 ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1253
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1816
 msgid "cell:the referenced cell"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "polje:uputno polje"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1212
 msgid "GET.FORMULA is the OpenFormula function FORMULA."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DOBAVI.FORMULU je FORMULA funkcije Otvorene formule."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1213
 msgid ""
@@ -3790,35 +4190,38 @@ msgid ""
 "GET.FORMULA(A2) yields '=B1+B2' and\n"
 "GET.FORMULA(A1) yields ''."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je A1 prazno a A2 sadrži =B1+B2, onda\n"
+"DOBAVI.FORMULU(A2) daje „=B1+B2“ a\n"
+"DOBAVI.FORMULU(A1) daje „“."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1252
 msgid "ISFORMULA:TRUE if @{cell} contains a formula"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "JESTE_FORMULA:TAČNO ako @{polje} sadrži formulu"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1254
 msgid "ISFORMULA is OpenFormula compatible."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "JESTE_FORMULA je saglasna sa Otvorenom formulom."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1283
 msgid "COUNTBLANK:the number of blank cells in @{range}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IZBROJ_PRAZNE:broj praznih polja u @{opsegu}"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1284
 msgid "range:a cell range"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "opseg:opseg polja"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1286
 msgid "COUNTBLANK(A1:A20) returns the number of blank cell in A1:A20."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IZBROJ_PRAZNE(A1:A20) ispisuje broj praznih polja u A1:A20."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1338
 msgid ""
 "INFO:information about the current operating environment according to @{type}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "PODACI:podaci o trenutnom radnom okruženju u skladu sa @{vrstom}"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1340
 msgid "type:string giving the type of information requested"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "vrsta:niska koja daje vrstu zatraženih podataka"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1341
 msgid ""
@@ -3833,10 +4236,19 @@ msgid ""
 "  system       \t\tReturns the name of the environment.\n"
 "  totmem       \t\tReturns the amount of total memory available."
 msgstr ""
+"PODACI ispisuje podatke o trenutnom radnom okruženju u skladu sa @{vrstom}:\n"
+"  memavail              Ispisuje iznos raspoložive memorije, u bajtovima.\n"
+"  memused               Ispisuje iznos iskorišćene memorije (bajtovi).\n"
+"  numfile               Ispisuje broj radnih listova.\n"
+"  osversion             Ispisuje izdanje operativnog sistema.\n"
+"  recalc                Ispisuje režim ponovnog izračunavanja (samostalno).\n"
+"  release               Ispisuje izdanje Gnomovog brojevnika u vidu teksta.\n"
+"  system                Ispisuje naziv okruženja.\n"
+"  totmem                Ispisuje iznos ukupne raspoložive memorije."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1438
 msgid "ISERROR:TRUE if @{value} is any error value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "JESTE_GREŠKA:TAČNO ako je @{vrednost} bilo koja vrednost greške"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1439 ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1457
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1479 ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1569
@@ -3844,23 +4256,24 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1642 ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1681
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1702 ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1752
 msgid "value:a value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "vrednost:vrednost"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1456
 msgid "ISNA:TRUE if @{value} is the #N/A error value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "JESTE_NEDOSTUPNO:TAČNO ako je @{vrednost} #N/D vrednost greške"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1478
 msgid "ISERR:TRUE if @{value} is any error value except #N/A"
 msgstr ""
+"JESTE_GREŠKA:TAČNO ako je @{vrednost} bilo koja vrednost greške osim #N/D"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1497
 msgid "ERROR.TYPE:the type of @{error}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "VRSTA.GREŠKE:vrsta @{greške}"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1498
 msgid "error:an error"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "greška:greška"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1499
 msgid ""
@@ -3874,90 +4287,104 @@ msgid ""
 "\t#NUM!    \t6\n"
 "\t#N/A     \t\t7"
 msgstr ""
+"VRSTA.GREŠKE ispisuje broj greške koji odgovara datoj vrednosti greške.  "
+"Brojevi grešaka za vrednosti greške su:\n"
+"\t#DIV/0!                 2\n"
+"\t#VREDNOST!              3\n"
+"\t#UPUTA!    \t\t4\n"
+"\t#NAZIV?                 5\n"
+"\t#BROJ!                  6\n"
+"\t#N/D                    7"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1533
 msgid "NA:the error value #N/A"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NEDOSTUPNO:vrednost greške #N/D"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1551
 msgid "ERROR:the error with the given @{name}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "GREŠKA:greška sa datim @{nazivom}"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1552
 msgid "name:string"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "naziv:niska"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1568
 msgid "ISBLANK:TRUE if @{value} is blank"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "JESTE_PRAZNO:TAÄŒNO ako je @{vrednost} prazna"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1570
 msgid ""
 "This function checks if a value is blank.  Empty cells are blank, but empty "
 "strings are not."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija proverava da li je vrednost prazna.  Prazna polja su čista, ali "
+"prazne niske nisu."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1585
 msgid "ISEVEN:TRUE if @{n} is even"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "JESTE_PARAN:TAÄŒNO ako je @{n} parno"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1586 ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1660
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1260
 msgid "n:number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:broj"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1606
 msgid "ISLOGICAL:TRUE if @{value} is a logical value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "JESTE_LOGIČKA:TAČNO ako je @{vrednost} logička vrednost"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1608
 msgid "This function checks if a value is either TRUE or FALSE."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija proverava da li je vrednost TAÄŒNA ili NETAÄŒNA."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1624
 msgid "ISNONTEXT:TRUE if @{value} is not text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "JESTE_NIJE_TEKST:TAÄŒNO ako @{vrednost} nije tekst"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1641
 msgid "ISNUMBER:TRUE if @{value} is a number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "JESTE_BROJ:TAÄŒNO ako je @{vrednost} broj"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1643
 msgid ""
 "This function checks if a value is a number.  Neither TRUE nor FALSE are "
 "numbers for this purpose."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija proverava da li je vrednost broj.  Ni TAÄŒNO ni NETAÄŒNO nisu "
+"brojevi za ovu svrhu."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1659
 msgid "ISODD:TRUE if @{n} is odd"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "JESTE_NEPARAN:TAÄŒNO ako je @{n} neparno"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1680
 msgid "ISREF:TRUE if @{value} is a reference"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "JESTE_UPUTA:TAÄŒNO ako je @{vrednost} uputa"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1682
 msgid "This function checks if a value is a cell reference."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija proverava da li je vrednost uputa polja."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1701
 msgid "ISTEXT:TRUE if @{value} is text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "JESTE_TEKST:TAÄŒNO ako @{vrednost} jeste tekst"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1719
 msgid "N:@{text} converted to a number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "N:@{tekst} pretvoren u broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1720 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:321
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:537 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:578
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:622 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:749
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:973 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1020
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1053 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1395
+#: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1720 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:366
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:582 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:623
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:667 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:794
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1018 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1065
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1098 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1440
 msgid "text:string"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "tekst:niska"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1721
 msgid "If @{text} contains non-numerical text, 0 is returned."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako @{tekst} sadrži ne-brojevni tekst, ispisuje se 0."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1724
 msgid "=N(\"eleven\")"
@@ -3965,7 +4392,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1751
 msgid "TYPE:a number indicating the data type of @{value}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "VRSTA:broj koji ukazuje na vrstu podataka @{vrednosti}"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1753
 msgid ""
@@ -3976,66 +4403,76 @@ msgid ""
 "16 \t= error\n"
 "64 \t= array"
 msgstr ""
+"VRSTA ispisuje broj koji ukazuje na vrstu podataka @{vrednosti}:\n"
+"1  \t= broj\n"
+"2  \t= tekst\n"
+"4  \t= logička vrednost\n"
+"16 \t= greška\n"
+"64 \t= niz"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1792
 msgid "GETENV:the value of execution environment variable @{name}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DOBAVI_OKRUŽENJE:vrednost @{naziva} promenljive okruženja izvršavanja"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1793
 msgid "name:the name of the environment variable"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "naziv:naziv promenljive okruženja"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1794
 msgid "If a variable called @{name} does not exist, #N/A! will be returned."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako promenljiva pod nazivom @{naziv} ne postoji, biće ispisano #N/D!."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1795
 msgid "Variable names are case sensitive."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nazivi promenljivih razlikuju veličinu slova."
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1815
 msgid "GET.LINK:the target of the hyperlink attached to @{cell} as a string"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DOBAVI.VEZU:cilj hiperveze prikačene @{polju} kao niska"
 #: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1817
 msgid ""
 "The value return is not updated automatically when the link attached to @"
 "{cell} changes but requires a recalculation."
 msgstr ""
+"Ispis vrednosti se ne osvežava samostalno kada se promeni veza prikačena "
+"@{polju} već zahteva ponovno izračunavanje."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:44
 msgid "AND:logical conjunction"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "I:logička konjunkcija"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:45 ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:124
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:178
 msgid "b0:logical value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b0:logička vrednost"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:46 ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:125
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:179
 msgid "b1:logical value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b1:logička vrednost"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:47
 msgid "AND calculates the logical conjunction of its arguments @{b0},@{b1},..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "„I“ izračunava logičku konjunkciju svojih argumenata @{b0},@{b1},..."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:48 ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:127
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:181
 msgid ""
 "If an argument is numerical, zero is considered FALSE and anything else TRUE."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je jedan argument broj, nula se smatra NETAÄŒNIM a bilo Å¡ta drugo TAÄŒNIM."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:49 ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:102
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:128 ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:182
 msgid "Strings and empty values are ignored."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Niske i prazne vrednosti se zanemaruju."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:50 ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:129
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:183
 msgid "If no logical values are provided, then the error #VALUE! is returned."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako nije dostavljena logička vrednost, tada se ispisuje #VREDNOST! greške."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:51 ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:130
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:184
@@ -4043,209 +4480,229 @@ msgid ""
 "This function is strict: if any argument is an error, the result will be the "
 "first such error."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija je izričita: ako je neki od argumenata greška, rezultat će biti "
+"prva takva greška."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:57
 msgid "wiki:en:Logical_conjunction"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "viki:en:Logička_konjunkcija"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:98
 msgid "NOT:logical negation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NE:logička negacija"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:99
 msgid "b:logical value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:logička vrednost"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:100
 msgid "NOT calculates the logical negation of its argument."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NE izračunava logičku negaciju svog argumenta."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:101
 msgid ""
 "If the argument is numerical, zero is considered FALSE and anything else "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je argument broj, nula se smatra NETAÄŒNIM a bilo Å¡ta drugo TAÄŒNIM."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:107
 msgid "wiki:en:Negation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "viki:en:Negacija"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:123
 msgid "OR:logical disjunction"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ILI:logička disjunkcija"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:126
 msgid "OR calculates the logical disjunction of its arguments @{b0},@{b1},..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "„ILI“ izračunava logičku disjunkciju svojih argumenata @{b0},@{b1},..."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:136
 msgid "wiki:en:Logical_disjunction"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "viki:en:Logička_disjunkcija"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:177
 msgid "XOR:logical exclusive disjunction"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NILI:logička ekskluzivna disjunkcija"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:180
 msgid ""
 "XOR calculates the logical exclusive disjunction of its arguments @{b0},@"
 msgstr ""
+"„NILI“ izračunava logičku ekskluzivnu disjunkciju svojih argumenata "
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:189
 msgid "wiki:en:Exclusive_disjunction"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "viki:en:Ekskluzivna_disjunkcija"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:230
 msgid "IFERROR:test for error"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "AKO_GREŠKA:test za greškom"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:231
 msgid "x:value to test for error"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h:vrednost za testiranje na grešku"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:232 ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:250
 msgid "y:alternate value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "u:zamenska vrednost"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:233
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the first value, unless that is an error, in which "
 "case it returns the second."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje prvu vrednost, osim ako to nije greška, u tom slučaju "
+"ispisuje drugu po redu."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:248
 msgid "IFNA:test for #NA! error"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "AKOND:proba za greškom #ND!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:249
 msgid "x:value to test for #NA! error"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h:vrednost za testiranje na grešku #ND!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:251
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the first value, unless that is #NA!, in which case it "
 "returns the second."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje prvu vrednost, osim ako to nije #ND!, u tom slučaju "
+"ispisuje drugu po redu."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:267
 msgid "TRUE:the value TRUE"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "TAÄŒNO:vrednost TAÄŒNO"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:268
 msgid "TRUE returns the value TRUE."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "TAÄŒNO ispisuje vrednost TAÄŒNO."
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:272 ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:290
 msgid "wiki:en:Logical_value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "viki:en:Logička_vrednost"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:285
 msgid "FALSE:the value FALSE"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NETAÄŒNO: vrednost NETAÄŒNO"
 #: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:286
 msgid "FALSE returns the value FALSE."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NETAÄŒNO ispisuje vrednost NETAÄŒNO."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:714
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:730
 msgid "ADDRESS:cell address as text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ADRESA:adresa polja kao tekst"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:715
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:731
 msgid "row_num:row number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "broj_reda:broj reda"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:716
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:732
 msgid "col_num:column number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "broj_kolone:broj kolone"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:717
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:733
 msgid ""
 "abs_num:1 for an absolute, 2 for a row absolute and column relative, 3 for a "
 "row relative and column absolute, and 4 for a relative reference; defaults "
 "to 1"
 msgstr ""
+"aps_broj:1 za apsolutni, 2 za apsolutni reda i relativni kolone, 3 za "
+"relativni reda i apsolutni kolone, i 4 za uputu relativnog; osnovno je 1"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:720
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:736
 msgid ""
 "a1:if TRUE, an A1-style reference is provided, otherwise an R1C1-style "
 "reference; defaults to TRUE"
 msgstr ""
+"a1:ako je TAÄŒNO, dostavlja se uputa A1-stila, u suprotnom uputa R1C1-stila; "
+"osnovno je TAÄŒNO"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:722
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:738
 msgid "text:name of the worksheet, defaults to no sheet"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "tekst:naziv lista, podrazumeva se bez lista"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:723
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:739
 msgid "If @{row_num} or @{col_num} is less than one, ADDRESS returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{broj_reda} ili @{broj_kolone} manje od jedan, ADRESA ispisuje "
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:725
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:741
 msgid "If @{abs_num} is greater than 4 ADDRESS returns #VALUE!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{aps_broj} veći od 4 ADRESA ispisuje #VREDNOST!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:799
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:828
 msgid "AREAS:number of areas in @{reference}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "OBLASTI:broj oblasti u @{uputi}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:800
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:829
 msgid "reference:range"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "uputa:opseg"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:867
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:896
 msgid "CHOOSE:the (@{index}+1)th argument"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IZABERI:argument br. (@{indeks}+1)"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:868
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:897
 msgid "index:positive number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "indeks:pozitivan broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:869
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:898
 msgid "value1:first value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "vrednost1:prva vrednost"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:870
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:899
 msgid "value2:second value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "vrednost2:druga vrednost"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:871
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:900
 msgid "CHOOSE returns its (@{index}+1)th argument."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IZABERI ispisuje svoj argument br. (@{indeks}+1)."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:872
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:901
 msgid ""
 "@{index} is truncated to an integer. If @{index} < 1 or the truncated @"
 "{index} > number of values, CHOOSE returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
+"@{indeks} je skraćen na ceo broj. Ako je @{indeks} < 1 ili ako je skraćeni "
+"@{indeks} > broja vrednosti, IZABERI ispisuje #VREDNOST!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:914
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:943
 msgid "VLOOKUP:search the first column of @{range} for @{value}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "VTRAŽENJE:pretražuje prvu kolonu @{opsega} za @{vrednošću}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:915 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:976
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:944 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1012
 msgid "value:search value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "vrednost:vrednost pretrage"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:916 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:977
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:945 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1013
 msgid "range:range to search"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "opseg:opseg za pretraživanje"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:917
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:946
 msgid "column:1-based column offset indicating the return values"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "kolona:pomeraj kolone na 1-zasnovan ukazujući na ispisanu vrednost"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:918 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:979
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:947 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1015
 msgid ""
 "approximate:if false, an exact match of @{value} must be found; defaults to "
 msgstr ""
+"približno:ako nije tačno, mora biti pronađeno tačno poklapanje @{vrednosti}; "
+"podrazumeva se TAÄŒNO"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:920
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:949
 msgid "as_index:if true, the 0-based row offset is returned; defaults to FALSE"
 msgstr ""
+"kao_indeks:ako je tačno, ispisuje se pomeraj reda na 0-zasnovan; podrazumeva "
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:922
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:951
 msgid ""
 "VLOOKUP function finds the row in @{range} that has a first cell similar to @"
 "{value}.  If @{approximate} is not true it finds the row with an exact "
@@ -4253,31 +4710,40 @@ msgid ""
 "less than or equal to @{value}. If @{as_index} is true the 0-based row "
 "offset is returned."
 msgstr ""
+"Funkcija „VTRAŽENJA“ nalazi red u @{opsegu} koji ima prvo polje slično "
+"@{vrednosti}.  Ako @{približno} nije tačno nalazi red sa tačnom jednakošću. "
+"Ako je @{približno} tačno, nalazi poslednji red sa prvom vrednošću koja je "
+"manja ili jednaka @{vrednosti}. Ako je @{kao_indeks} tačno pomeraj reda na "
+"0-zasnovan se ispisuje."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:929 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:990
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:958 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1026
 msgid ""
 "If @{approximate} is true, then the values must be sorted in order of "
 "ascending value."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{približno} tačno, tada vrednosti moraju biti poređane prema "
+"rastućoj vrednosti."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:931
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:960
 msgid "VLOOKUP returns #REF! if @{column} falls outside @{range}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "VTRAŽENJE ispisuje #UPUT! ako @{kolona} ispada van @{opsega}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:975
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1011
 msgid "HLOOKUP:search the first row of @{range} for @{value}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "HTRAŽENJE:pretražuje prvi red @{opsega} za @{vrednošću}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:978
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1014
 msgid "row:1-based row offset indicating the return values "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "red:pomeraj reda na 1-zasnovan ukazujući na ispisanu vrednost "
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:981
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1017
 msgid ""
 "as_index:if true, the 0-based column offset is returned; defaults to FALSE"
 msgstr ""
+"kao_indeks:ako je tačno, ispisuje se pomeraj kolone na 0-zasnovan; "
+"podrazumeva se NETAÄŒNO"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:983
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1019
 msgid ""
 "HLOOKUP function finds the row in @{range} that has a first cell similar to @"
 "{value}.  If @{approximate} is not true it finds the column with an exact "
@@ -4285,1125 +4751,1270 @@ msgid ""
 "value less than or equal to @{value}. If @{as_index} is true the 0-based "
 "column offset is returned."
 msgstr ""
+"Funkcija „HTRAŽENJA“ nalazi red u @{opsegu} koji ima prvo polje slično "
+"@{vrednosti}.  Ako @{približno} nije tačno nalazi kolonu sa tačnom "
+"jednakošću. Ako je @{približno} tačno, nalazi poslednju kolonu sa prvom "
+"vrednošću koja je manja ili jednaka @{vrednosti}. Ako je @{kao_indeks} tačno "
+"pomeraj kolone na 0-zasnovan se ispisuje."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:992
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1028
 msgid "HLOOKUP returns #REF! if @{row} falls outside @{range}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "HTRAŽENJE ispisuje #UPUT! ako @{red} ispada van @{opsega}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1036
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1079
 msgid ""
 "LOOKUP:contents of @{vector2} at the corresponding location to @{value} in @"
 msgstr ""
+"TRAŽENJE:sadržaj @{vektora2} na odgovarajućem mestu u @{vrednost} u "
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1038
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1081
 msgid "value:value to look up"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "vrednost:vrednost za traženje"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1039
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1082
 msgid "vector1:range to search:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "vektor1:opseg za pretraživanje:"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1040
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1083
 msgid "vector2:range of return values"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "vektor2:opseg vrednosti ispisa"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1041
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1084
 msgid ""
 "If  @{vector1} has more rows than columns, LOOKUP searches the first row of @"
 "{vector1}, otherwise the first column. If @{vector2} is omitted the return "
 "value is taken from the last row or column of @{vector1}."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako @{vektor1} ima više redova nego kolona, TRAŽENJE pretražuje prvi red "
+"@{vektora1}, u suprotnom prvu kolonu. Ako je izostavljen @{vektor2} ispisana "
+"vrednost se uzima iz poslednjeg reda ili kolone @{vektora1}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1045
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1088
 msgid ""
 "If LOOKUP can't find @{value} it uses the largest value less than @{value}."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako TRAŽENJE ne može da pronađe @{vrednost} onda koristi najveću vrednost "
+"manju od @{vrednosti}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1047
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1090
 msgid "The data must be sorted."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Podaci moraju biti poređani."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1048
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1091
 msgid "If @{value} is smaller than the first value it returns #N/A."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{vrednost} manja od prve vrednosti ispisuje #N/D."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1049
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1092
 msgid ""
 "If the corresponding location does not exist in @{vector2}, it returns #N/A."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako odgovarajuće mesto ne postoji u @{vektoru2}, ispisuje #N/D."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1136
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1179
 msgid "MATCH:the index of @{seek} in @{vector}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "POKLAPANJE:indeks @{traganja} u @{vektoru}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1137
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1180
 msgid "seek:value to find"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "traganje:vrednost za nalaženje"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1138
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1181
 msgid "vector:n by 1 or 1 by n range to be searched"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "vektor:n puta 1 ili 1 puta n opsega koji će biti traženi"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1139
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1182
 msgid ""
 "type:+1 (the default) to find the largest value ≤ @{seek}, 0 to find the "
 "first value = @{seek}, or-1 to find the smallest value ≥ @{seek}"
 msgstr ""
+"vrsta:+1 (osnovno) za nalaženje najveće vrednosti ≤ @{traganja}, 0 za nalaženje "
+"prve vrednosti = @{traganja}, ili -1 za nalaženje najmanje vrednosti ≥ "
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1142
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1185
 msgid "MATCH searches @{vector} for @{seek} and returns the 1-based index."
 msgstr ""
+"POKLAPANJE pretražuje @{vektor} za @{traganjem} i ispisuje indeks na "
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1143
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1186
 msgid ""
 " For @{type} = -1 the data must be sorted in descending order; for @{type} = "
 "+1 the data must be sorted in ascending order."
 msgstr ""
+" Za @{vrstu} = -1 podaci moraju biti poređani opadajućim redom; za @{vrstu} "
+"= +1 podaci moraju biti poređani rastućim redom."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1145
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1188
 msgid "If @{seek} could not be found, #N/A is returned."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako @{traganje} ne može biti nađeno, ispisuje se #N/D."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1146
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1189
 msgid "If @{vector} is neither n by 1 nor 1 by n, #N/A is returned."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako @{vektor} nije ni n prema 1 niti 1 prema n, ispisuje se #N/D."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1197
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1233
 msgid "INDIRECT:contents of the cell pointed to by the @{ref_text} string"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NEPOSREDNO:sadržaj polja na koji ukazuje niska @{tekst_upute}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1198
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1234
 msgid "ref_text:textual reference"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "tekst_upute:tekstualne upute"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1199
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1235
 msgid ""
 "format:if true, @{ref_text} is given in A1-style, otherwise it is given in "
 "R1C1 style; defaults to true"
 msgstr ""
+"zapis:ako je tačno, @{tekst_upute} je dat u A1-stilu, u suprotnom je dat u "
+"R1C1 stilu; podrazumeva se tačno"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1201
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1237
 msgid ""
 "If @{ref_text} is not a valid reference in the style determined by @"
 "{format}, INDIRECT returns #REF!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako @{tekst_upute} nije ispravna uputa u stilu određenom @{zapisom}, "
+"NEPOSREDNO ispisuje #UPUTU!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1235
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1271
 msgid "INDEX:reference to a cell in the given @{array}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1236
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1272
 msgid "array:cell or inline array"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "niz:polje ili unutrašnji niz"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1237
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1273
 msgid "row:desired row, defaults to 1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "red:željeni red, podrazumeva se 1"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1238
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1274
 msgid "col:desired column, defaults to 1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "kolona:željena kolona, podrazumeva se 1"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1239
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1275
 msgid "area:from which area to select a cell, defaults to 1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "oblast:iz koje oblasti izabrati polje, podrazumeva se 1"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1240
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1276
 msgid ""
 "INDEX gives a reference to a cell in the given @{array}. The cell is "
 "selected by @{row} and @{col}, which count the rows and columns in the array."
 msgstr ""
+"INDEKS daje uputu na polje u datom @{nizu}. Polje se bira @{redom} i "
+"@{kolonom}, koje broji redove i kolone u nizu."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1245
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1281
 msgid ""
 "If the reference falls outside the range of @{array}, INDEX returns #REF!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako uputa ispada van opsega @{niza}, INDEKS ispisuje #UPUTU!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1247
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1283
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, "
 "21.3, 25.9, and 40.1. Then INDEX(A1:A5,4,1,1) equals 25.9"
 msgstr ""
+"Pretpostavimo da polje A1, A2, ..., A5 sadrži brojeve 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, "
+"i 40.1. Tada INDEKS(A1:A5,4,1,1) iznosi 25.9"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1336
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1372
 msgid "COLUMN:vector of column numbers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "KOLONA:vektor brojeva kolona"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1337 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1489
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1373 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1525
 msgid "x:reference, defaults to the position of the current expression"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h:uputa, podrazumeva se položaj tekućeg izraza"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1338
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1374
 msgid ""
 "COLUMN function returns a Nx1 array containing the sequence of integers from "
 "the first column to the last column of @{x}."
 msgstr ""
+"Funkcija „KOLONA“ ispisuje niz Nx1 koji sadrži niz celih brojeva od prve do "
+"poslednje kolone @{h}-a."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1341 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1493
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1377 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1529
 msgid ""
 "If @{x} is neither an array nor a reference nor a range, returns #VALUE!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako @{h} nije niti niz niti uputa niti opseg, ispisuje se #VREDNOST!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1345
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1381
 msgid "column() in G13 equals 7."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "kolona() u G13 iznosi 7."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1385
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1421
 msgid "COLUMNNUMBER:column number for the given column called @{name}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BROJKOLONE:broj kolone za datu kolonu pod nazivom @{naziv}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1386
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1422
 msgid "name:column name such as \"IV\""
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "naziv:naziv kolone kao što je „IV“"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1387
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1423
 msgid "If @{name} is invalid, COLUMNNUMBER returns #VALUE!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{naziv} neispravan, BROJKOLONE ispisuje #VREDNOST!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1412
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1448
 msgid "COLUMNS:number of columns in @{reference}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1413
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1449
 msgid "reference:array or area"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "uputa:niz ili oblast"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1414
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1450
 msgid ""
 "If @{reference} is neither an array nor a reference nor a range, COLUMNS "
 "returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako @{uputa} nije niti niz niti uputa niti opseg, KOLONE ispisuje #VREDNOST!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1430
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1466
 msgid "OFFSET:an offset cell range"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "POMERAJ:opseg pomeraja polja"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1431
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1467
 msgid "range:reference or range"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "opseg:uputa ili opseg"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1432
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1468
 msgid "row:number of rows to offset @{range}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "red:broj redova za @{opseg} pomeraja"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1433
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1469
 msgid "col:number of columns to offset @{range}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "kolona:broj kolona za @{opseg} pomeraja"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1434
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1470
 msgid "height:height of the offset range, defaults to height of @{range}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "visina:visina opsega pomeraja, podrazumeva se visina @{opsega}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1435
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1471
 msgid "width:width of the offset range, defaults to width of @{range}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Å¡irina:Å¡irina opsega pomeraja, podrazumeva se Å¡irina @{opsega}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1436
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1472
 msgid ""
 "OFFSET returns the cell range starting at offset (@{row},@{col}) from @"
 "{range} of height @{height} and width @{width}."
 msgstr ""
+"POMERAJ ispisuje opseg polja počevši sa pomerajem (@{red},@{kolona}) od "
+"@{opsega} visine @{visina} i Å¡irine @{Å¡irina}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1439
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1475
 msgid "If @{range} is neither a reference nor a range, OFFSET returns #VALUE!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako @{opseg} nije niti uputa niti opseg, POMERAJ ispisuje #VREDNOST!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1488
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1524
 msgid "ROW:vector of row numbers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "RED:vektor brojeva reda"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1490
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1526
 msgid ""
 "ROW function returns a 1xN array containing the sequence of integers from "
 "the first row to the last row of @{x}."
 msgstr ""
+"Funkcija „RED“ ispisuje niz 1hN koji sadrži niz celih brojeva od prvog do "
+"poslednjeg reda @{h}-a."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1536
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1572
 msgid "ROWS:number of rows in @{reference}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "REDOVI:broj redova u @{uputi}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1537
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1573
 msgid "reference:array, reference, or range"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "uputa:niz, uputa, ili opseg"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1538
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1574
 msgid ""
 "If @{reference} is neither an array nor a reference nor a range, ROWS "
 "returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako @{uputa} nije niti niz niti uputa niti opseg, REDOVI ispisuje #VREDNOST!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1554
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1590
 msgid "SHEETS:number of sheets in @{reference}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "LISTOVI:broj listova u @{uputi}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1555
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1591
 msgid "reference:array, reference, or range, defaults to the maximum range"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "uputa:niz, uputa, ili opseg, podrazumeva se najveći opseg"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1556
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1592
 msgid ""
 "If @{reference} is neither an array nor a reference nor a range, SHEETS "
 "returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako @{uputa} nije niti niz niti uputa niti opseg, LISTOVI ispisuje "
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1592
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1628
 msgid "SHEET:sheet number of @{reference}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "LIST:broj lista @{upute}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1593
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1629
 msgid ""
 "reference:reference or literal sheet name, defaults to the current sheet"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "uputa:uputa ili doslovan naziv lista, podrazumeva se tekući list"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1594
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1630
 msgid ""
 "If @{reference} is neither a reference nor a literal sheet name, SHEET "
 "returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako @{uputa} nije niti uputa niti doslovan naziv lista, LIST ispisuje "
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1643
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1676
 msgid "HYPERLINK:second or first arguments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "HIPERVEZA:sekunde ili prvi argument"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1644
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1677
 msgid "link_location:string"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "mesto_veze:niska"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1645
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1678
 msgid "label:string, optional"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "natpis:niska, izborno"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1646
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1679
 msgid ""
 "HYPERLINK function currently returns its 2nd argument, or if that is omitted "
 "the 1st argument."
 msgstr ""
+"Funkcija „HIPERVEZE“ trenutno ispisuje svoj drugi argument, ili ako je "
+"izostavljen onda prvi argument."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1665
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1698
 msgid "TRANSPOSE:the transpose of @{matrix}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1666
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1699 ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1737
 msgid "matrix:range"
+msgstr "matrica:opseg"
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1736
+msgid "FLIP:@{matrix} flipped"
+msgstr "IZVRNI:izvrnuta @{matrica}"
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1738
+msgid ""
+"vertical:if true, @{matrix} is flipped vertically, otherwise horizontally; "
+"defaults to TRUE"
 msgstr ""
+"uspravno:ako je tačno, @{matrica} je izvrnuta uspravno, u suprotnom "
+"vodoravno; podrazumeva se TAÄŒNO"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1702
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1783
 msgid "ARRAY:vertical array of the arguments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NIZ:uspravni niz argumenta"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1703
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1784
 msgid "v:value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "v:vrednost"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1759
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1840
 msgid "SORT:sorted list of numbers as vertical array"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "REĐANJE:poređani spisak brojeva kao uspravni niz"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1760 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:163
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1841 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:163
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:215
 msgid "ref:list of numbers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "uput:spisak brojeva"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1761
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1842
 msgid "order:0 (descending order) or 1 (ascending order); defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "poredak:0 (opadajući) ili 1 (rastući); podrazumeva se 0"
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1762
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1843
 msgid "Strings, booleans, and empty cells are ignored."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Niske, logičke vrednosti, i prazna polja se zanemaruju."
-#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1763
+#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1844
 msgid "SORT({4,3,5}) evaluates to {5,4,3}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "REĐANJE({4,3,5}) se procenjuje na {5,4,3}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:48
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:51
 msgid ""
 "Numbers, text and logical values are included in the calculation too. If the "
 "cell contains text or the argument evaluates to FALSE, it is counted as "
 "value zero (0). If the argument evaluates to TRUE, it is counted as one (1)."
 msgstr ""
+"Brojevi, tekst i logičke vrednosti se takođe isključuju iz proračuna. Ako "
+"polje sadrži tekst ili se argument procenjuje na NETAČNO, računa se kao "
+"vrednost nula (0). Ako se argument procenjuje na TAČNO, računa se kao jedan "
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:56
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:59
 msgid "GCD:the greatest common divisor"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NZD:najveći zajednički delilac"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:57 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:120
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:60 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:123
 msgid "n0:positive integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n0:pozitivan ceo broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:58 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:121
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:61 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:124
 msgid "n1:positive integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n1:pozitivan ceo broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:59
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:62
 msgid ""
 "GCD calculates the greatest common divisor of the given numbers @{n0},@"
 "{n1},..., the greatest integer that is a divisor of each argument."
 msgstr ""
+"NZD izračunava najveći zajednički delilac datih brojeva @{n0},@{n1},..., "
+"najveći ceo broj koji je delilac svakog argumenta."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:60 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:123
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:63 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:126
 msgid "If any of the arguments is not an integer, it is truncated."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako neki od argumenata nije ceo broj, skraćuje se."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:119
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:122
 msgid "LCM:the least common multiple"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NZM:najmanji zajednički množilac"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:122
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:125
 msgid ""
 "LCM calculates the least common multiple of the given numbers @{n0},@"
 "{n1},..., the smallest integer that is a multiple of each argument."
 msgstr ""
+"NZM izračunava najmanji zajednički množilac datih brojeva @{n0},@{n1},..., "
+"najmanji ceo broj koji je množilac svakog argumenta."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:175
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:178
 msgid "GD:Gudermannian function"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:176 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:288
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1691
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:179 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:290
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1721
 msgid "x:value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h:vrednost"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:179
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:182
 msgid "wolfram:Gudermannian.html"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:180
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:183
 msgid "wiki:en:Gudermannian_function"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:199
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:202
 msgid "HYPOT:the square root of the sum of the squares of the arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:200
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:203
 msgid "n0:number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n0:broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:201
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:204
 msgid "n1:number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n1:broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:222
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:225
 msgid "ABS:absolute value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "APS:apsolutna vrednost"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:224
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:227
 msgid ""
 "ABS gives the absolute value of @{x}, i.e. the non-negative number of the "
 "same magnitude as @{x}."
 msgstr ""
+"APS daje apsolutnu vrednost @{h}-a, tj. ne-negativni broj iste magnitude kao "
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:241
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:244
 msgid "ACOS:the arc cosine of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "AKOS:arkus kosinus @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:264
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:266
 msgid "ACOSH:the hyperbolic arc cosine of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "AKOSH:hiperbolički arkus kosinus @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:287
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:289
 msgid "ACOT:inverse cotangent of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "AKOT:inverzni kotangens @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:291
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:293
 msgid "wolfram:InverseCotangent.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "volfram:Inverzni_kotangens.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:292 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:754
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:793 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1347
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1367 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1407
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:294 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:768
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:807 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1395
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1415 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1455
 msgid "wiki:en:Trigonometric_functions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "viki:en:Trigonometrijske_funkcije"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:305
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:307
 msgid "ACOTH:the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "AKOTH:inverzni hiperbolički kotangens @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:309
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:311
 msgid "wolfram:InverseHyperbolicCotangent.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "volfram:Inverzni_hiperbolički_kotangens.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:310
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:312
 msgid "wiki:en:Inverse_hyperbolic_function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "viki:en:Inverzna_hiperbolička_funkcija"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:323
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:325
 msgid "ASIN:the arc sine of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ASIN:arkus sinus @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:325
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:327
 msgid ""
 "ASIN calculates the arc sine of @{x}; that is the value whose sine is @{x}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ASIN izračunava arkus sinus @{h}; to je vrednost čiji sinus je @{h}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:327
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:329
 msgid "If @{x} falls outside the range -1 to 1, ASIN returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{h} izvan opsega od -1 do 1, ASIN ispisuje #BROJ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:348
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:351
 msgid "ASINH:the inverse hyperbolic sine of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ASINH:inverzni hiperbolički sinus @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:350
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:353
 msgid ""
 "ASINH calculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of @{x}; that is the value "
 "whose hyperbolic sine is @{x}."
 msgstr ""
+"ASINH izračunava inverzni hiperbolički sinus @{h}; to je vrednost čiji "
+"hiperbolički sinus je @{h}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:367
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:370
 msgid "ATAN:the arc tangent of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ATAN:arkus tangens @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:369
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:372
 msgid ""
 "ATAN calculates the arc tangent of @{x}; that is the value whose tangent is @"
 msgstr ""
+"ATAN izračunava arkus tangens @{h}; to je vrednost čiji tangens je @{h}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:386
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:375
+msgid "The result will be between −π/2 and +π/2."
+msgstr "Rezultat će biti između −π/2 i +π/2."
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:394
 msgid "ATANH:the inverse hyperbolic tangent of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ATANH:inverzni hiperbolički tangens @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:388
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:396
 msgid ""
 "ATANH calculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of @{x}; that is the value "
 "whose hyperbolic tangent is @{x}."
 msgstr ""
+"ATANH izračunava inverzni hiperbolički tangens @{h}; to je vrednost čiji "
+"hiperbolički tangens je @{h}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:390
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:398
 msgid "If the absolute value of @{x} is greater than 1.0, ATANH returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je apsolutna vrednost @{h}-a veća od 1.0, ATANH ispisuje #BROJ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:411
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:419
 msgid "ATAN2:the arc tangent of the ratio @{y}/@{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ATAN2:arkus tangens opsega @{y}/@{x}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:413
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:421
 msgid "x:x-coordinate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h:h-koordinata"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:414
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:422
 msgid "y:y-coordinate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "u:u-koordinata"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:415
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:423
 msgid ""
 "ATAN2 calculates the direction from the origin to the point (@{x},@{y}) as "
 "an angle from the x-axis in radians."
 msgstr ""
+"ATAN2 izračunava smer od početka do tačke (@{x},@{y}) kao ugao nad h-osom u "
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:419
-msgid "The result will be between π and +π."
-msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:427
+msgid "The result will be between −π and +π."
+msgstr "Rezultat će biti između −π i +π."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:421
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:430
 msgid "The order of the arguments may be unexpected."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Redosled argumenata može biti neočekivan."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:446
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:455
 msgid "CEIL:smallest integer larger than or equal to @{x}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:448
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:457
 msgid "CEIL(@{x}) is the smallest integer that is at least as large as @{x}."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:449
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:458
 msgid "This function is the OpenFormula function CEILING(@{x})."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:466
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:475
 msgid "COUNTIF:count of the cells meeting the given @{criteria}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BROJ_AKO:broj polja koji zadovoljavaju dato @{merilo}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:467 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:540
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:652
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:476 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:549
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:666
 msgid "range:cell area"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "opseg:oblast polja"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:468
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:477
 msgid "criteria:condition for a cell to be counted"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "merilo:uslov da bi polje bilo ubrojano"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:539
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:548
 msgid ""
 "SUMIF:sum of the cells in @{actual_range} for which the corresponding cells "
 "in the range meet the given @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"ZBIR_AKO:zbir polja u @{trenutnom_opsegu} za koji odgovarajuća polja u opsegu "
+"zadovoljavaju dato @{merilo}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:541
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:550
 msgid "criteria:condition for a cell to be summed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "merilo:uslov da bi polje bilo sabrano"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:542 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:654
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:551 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:668
 msgid "actual_range:cell area, defaults to @{range}"
+msgstr "trenutni_opseg:oblast polja, podrazumeva se @{opseg}"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:552
+msgid ""
+"If the @{actual_range} has a size that differs from the size of @{range}, @"
+"{actual_range} is resized (retaining the top-left corner) to match the size "
+"of @{range}."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako @{trenutni_opseg} ima veličinu koja se razlikuje od veličine @{opsega}, "
+"menja se veličina @{trenutnog_opsega} (zadržavajući gornji levi ugao) da "
+"odgovara veličini @{opsega}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:651
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:665
 msgid ""
 "AVERAGEIF:average of the cells in @{actual range} for which the "
 "corresponding cells in the range meet the given @{criteria}"
 msgstr ""
+"PROSEK_AKO:prosek polja u @{trenutnom_opsegu} za koji odgovarajuća polja u "
+"opsegu zadovoljavaju dato @{merilo}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:653
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:667
 msgid "criteria:condition for a cell to be included"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "merilo:uslov da bi polje bilo uključeno"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:717
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:731
 msgid ""
 "CEILING:nearest multiple of @{significance} whose absolute value is at least "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:719 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1072
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:733 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1086
 msgid ""
 "significance:base multiple (defaults to 1 for @{x} > 0 and -1 for @{x} <0)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "značenje:osnovni umnožak (podrazumeva se 1 za @{x} > 0 i -1 za @{x} <0)"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:720
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:734
 msgid ""
 "CEILING(@{x},@{significance}) is the nearest multiple of @{significance} "
 "whose absolute value is at least ABS(@{x})."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:721
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:735
 msgid ""
 "If @{x} or @{significance} is non-numeric, CEILING returns a #VALUE! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:722
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:736
 msgid ""
 "If @{x} and @{significance} have different signs, CEILING returns a #NUM! "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:724
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:738
 msgid ""
 "CEILING(@{x}) is exported to ODF as CEILING(@{x},SIGN(@{x}),1). CEILING(@{x},"
 "@{significance}) is the OpenFormula function CEILING(@{x},@{significance},1)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:750
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:764
 msgid "COS:the cosine of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "KOS:kosinus @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:751 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:825
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1342 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1361
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1401 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1574
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:765 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:839
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1390 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1409
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1449 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1622
 msgid "x:angle in radians"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h:ugao u radijanima"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:753
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:767
 msgid "wolfram:Cosine.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "volfram:Kosinus.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:770
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:784
 msgid "COSH:the hyperbolic cosine of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "KOSH:hiperbolički kosinus @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:788
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:802
 msgid "COT:the cotangent of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "KOT:kotangens @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:792
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:806
 msgid "wolfram:Cotangent.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "volfram:Kotangens.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:806
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:820
 msgid "COTH:the hyperbolic cotangent of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "KOTH:hiperbolički kotangens @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:810
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:824
 msgid "wolfram:HyperbolicCotangent.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "volfram:Hiperbolički_kotangens.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:811 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1387
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1427
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:825 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1435
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1475
 msgid "wiki:en:Hyperbolic_function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "viki:en:Hiperbolička_funkcija"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:824
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:838
 msgid "DEGREES:equivalent degrees to @{x} radians"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "STEPENI:odgovarajući stepeni za @{h} radijana"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:842
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:856
 msgid "EXP:e raised to the power of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IZLOŽILAC:na stepen @{h}-a"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:844
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:858
 msgid "e is the base of the natural logarithm."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "e je osnova prirodnog logaritma."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:860
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:874
 msgid "EXPM1:EXP(@{x})-1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IZLOŽILACM1:IZLOŽILAC(@{x})-1"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:862
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:876
 msgid ""
 "This function has a higher resulting precision than evaluating EXP(@{x})-1."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija ima veću tačnost rezultata nego procena IZLOŽIOCA(@{x})-1."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:877
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:891
 msgid "FACT:the factorial of @{x}, i.e. @{x}!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "FAKT:faktorijel broja @{h}, tj. @{h}!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:880
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:894
 msgid "The domain of this function has been extended using the GAMMA function."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Domen ove funkcije je proširen upotrebom funkcije GAMA."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:908
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:922
 msgid "GAMMA:the Gamma function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "GAMA:funkcija Gama"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:938
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:952
 msgid "GAMMALN:natural logarithm of the Gamma function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "GAMAPL:prirodni logaritam funkcije Gama"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:962
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:976
 msgid "BETA:Euler beta function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BETA:Eulerova beta funkcija"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:964 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:988
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1204
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:978 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1002
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1218
 msgid "y:number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "u:broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:965
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:979
 msgid ""
 "BETA function returns the value of the Euler beta function extended to all "
 "real numbers except 0 and negative integers."
 msgstr ""
+"Funkcija BETA ispisuje vrednost Eulerove beta funkcije proširene na sve "
+"stvarne brojeve izuzev 0 i negativnih celih brojeva."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:966
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:980
 msgid ""
 "If @{x}, @{y}, or (@{x} + @{y}) are non-positive integers, BETA returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako @{x}, @{y}, ili (@{x} + @{y}) jesu ne-pozitivni celi brojevi, BETA "
+"ispisuje #BROJ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:970 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:994
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:984 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1008
 msgid "wiki:en:Beta_function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "viki:en:Funkcija_beta"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:986
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1000
 msgid ""
 "BETALN:natural logarithm of the absolute value of the Euler beta function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BETAPL:prirodni logaritam apsolutne vrednosti Eulerove beta funkcije"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:989
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1003
 msgid ""
 "BETALN function returns the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the "
 "Euler beta function extended to all real numbers except 0 and negative "
 msgstr ""
+"Funkcija BETAPL ispisuje prirodni logaritam apsolutne vrednosti Eulerove "
+"beta funkcije proširene na sve stvarne brojeve izuzev 0 i negativnih celih "
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:990
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1004
 msgid ""
 "If @{x}, @{y}, or (@{x} + @{y}) are non-positive integers, BETALN returns "
 msgstr ""
+"Ako @{x}, @{y}, ili (@{x} + @{y}) jesu ne-pozitivni celi brojevi, BETAPL "
+"ispisuje #BROJ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1011
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1025
 msgid "COMBIN:binomial coefficient"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "KOMBIN:binomni koeficijent"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1012 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1044
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2121
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1026 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1058
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2172
 msgid "n:non-negative integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:ne-negativni ceo broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1013 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1045
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1027 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1059
 msgid "k:non-negative integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "k:ne-negativni ceo broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1014
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1028
 msgid ""
 "COMBIN returns the binomial coefficient \"@{n} choose @{k}\", the number of @"
 "{k}-combinations of an @{n}-element set without repetition."
 msgstr ""
+"KOMBIN ispisuje binomni koeficijent „ {n} bira @{k}“, broj @{k}-kombinacija "
+"skupa @{n}-elementa bez ponavljanja."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1017
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1031
 msgid "If @{n} is less than @{k} COMBIN returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{n} manje od @{k} KOMBIN ispisuje #BROJ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1022
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1036
 msgid "wiki:en:Binomial_coefficient"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "viki:en:Binomni_koeficijent"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1042
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1056
 msgid ""
 "COMBINA:the number of @{k}-combinations of an @{n}-element set with "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "KOMBINA:broj @{k}-kombinacija skupa @{n}-elementa sa ponavljanjem"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1050
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1064
 msgid "wiki:en:Multiset"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1070
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1084
 msgid ""
 "FLOOR:nearest multiple of @{significance} whose absolute value is at most ABS"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1074
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1088
 msgid ""
 "FLOOR(@{x},@{significance}) is the nearest multiple of @{significance} whose "
 "absolute value is at most ABS(@{x})"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1076
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1090
 msgid ""
 "FLOOR(@{x}) is exported to ODF as FLOOR(@{x},SIGN(@{x}),1). FLOOR(@{x},@"
 "{significance}) is the OpenFormula function FLOOR(@{x},@{significance},1)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1106
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1120
 msgid "INT:largest integer not larger than @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "CLBR:najveći ceo broj koji nije veći od @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1125
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1139
 msgid "LOG:logarithm of @{x} with base @{base}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "LOG:logaritam @{x}-a sa osnovom @{osnova}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1126 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1156
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1179 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1234
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1256
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1140 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1170
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1193 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1282
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1304
 msgid "x:positive number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h:pozitivan broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1127
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1141
 msgid "base:base of the logarithm, defaults to 10"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "osnova:osnova logaritma, podrazumeva se 10"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1128
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1142
 msgid "@{base} must be positive and not equal to 1."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "@{osnova} mora biti pozitivan broj i različit od 1."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1129
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1143
 msgid "If @{x} ≤ 0, LOG returns #NUM! error."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{x} ≤ 0, LOG ispisuje grešku #BROJ!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1155
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1169
 msgid "LN:the natural logarithm of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "PL:prirodni logaritam @{h}-a"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1157
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1171
 msgid "If @{x} ≤ 0, LN returns #NUM! error."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako @{x} ≤ 0, PL ispisuje grešku #BROJ!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1178
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1192
 msgid "LN1P:LN(1+ {x})"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "PL1P:PL(1+ {x})"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1180
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1194
 msgid ""
 "LN1P calculates LN(1+ {x}) but yielding a higher precision than evaluating LN"
 "(1+ {x})."
 msgstr ""
+"PL1P izračunava PL(1+ {x}) ali daje veću tačnost nego procenom PL(1+ {x})."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1181
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1195
 msgid "If @{x} ≤ -1, LN returns #NUM! error."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako @{x} ≤ -1, PL ispisuje grešku #BROJ!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1202
-msgid "POWER:the value of @{x} raised to the power @{y}"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1216
+msgid ""
+"POWER:the value of @{x} raised to the power @{y} raised to the power of 1/@"
+msgstr "STEPEN:vrednost @{x}-a na stepen @{y} na stepen 1/@{z}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1205
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1219
+msgid "z:number"
+msgstr "z:broj"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1220
 msgid "If both @{x} and @{y} equal 0, POWER returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako su @{x} i @{y} jednaki 0, STEPEN ispisuje #BROJ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1206
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1221
 msgid "If @{x} = 0 and @{y} < 0, POWER returns #DIV/0!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{x} = 0 i @{y} < 0, STEPEN ispisuje #DIV/0!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1207
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1222
 msgid "If @{x} < 0 and @{y} is not an integer, POWER returns #NUM!"
+msgstr "Ako je @{x} < 0 i @{y} nije ceo broj, STEPEN ispisuje #BROJ!"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1223
+msgid "@{z} defaults to 1"
+msgstr "@{z} podrazumeva 1"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1224
+msgid "If @{z} is not a positive integer, POWER returns #NUM!"
+msgstr "Ako @{z} nije pozitivan ceo broj, STEPEN ispisuje #BROJ!"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1225
+msgid "If @{x} < 0, @{y} is odd, and @{z} is even, POWER returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{x} < 0, @{y} je neparan, a @{z} je paran, STEPEN ispisuje #BROJ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1233
-msgid "LOG2:the base-2 logarithm of @{x}"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1258
+msgid "POCHHAMMER:the value of GAMMA(@{x}+ {n})/GAMMA(@{x})"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1235
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1261 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:23
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:102 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:181
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:260 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:338
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:412 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:490
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:567 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:645
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:718 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:792
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:871 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:951
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1034 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1108
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1188 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1272
+msgid "give_log:if true, log of the result will be returned instead"
+msgstr "daje_log:ako je tačno, logaritam rezultata će biti ispisan"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1281
+msgid "LOG2:the base-2 logarithm of @{x}"
+msgstr "LOG2:logaritam @{h}-a osnove 2"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1283
 msgid "If @{x} ≤ 0, LOG2 returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{x} ≤ 0, LOG2 ispisuje #BROJ!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1255
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1303
 msgid "LOG10:the base-10 logarithm of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "LOG10:logaritam @{h}-a osnove 10"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1257
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1305
 msgid "If @{x} ≤ 0, LOG10 returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{x} ≤ 0, LOG10 ispisuje #BROJ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1277
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1325
 msgid "MOD:the remainder of @{x} under division by @{n}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1280
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1328
 msgid "MOD function returns the remainder when @{x} is divided by @{n}."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1281
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1329
 msgid "If @{n} is 0, MOD returns #DIV/0!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{n} 0, MOD ispisuje #DIV/0!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1323
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1371
 msgid "RADIANS:the number of radians equivalent to @{x} degrees"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "RADIAJNI:broj radijana koji odgovaraju @{h} stepenima"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1324
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1372
 msgid "x:angle in degrees"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h:ugao u stepenima"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1341
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1389
 msgid "SIN:the sine of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SIN:sinus @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1346
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1394
 msgid "wolfram:Sine.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "volfram:Sinus.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1360
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1408
 msgid "CSC:the cosecant of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "KSK:kosekans @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1362 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1382
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1402 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1422
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1410 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1430
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1450 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1470
 msgid "This function is not Excel compatible."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija nije saglasna sa Ekselom."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1366
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1414
 msgid "wolfram:Cosecant.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "volfram:Kosekans.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1380
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1428
 msgid "CSCH:the hyperbolic cosecant of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "KSKH:hiperbolički kosekans @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1386
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1434
 msgid "wolfram:HyperbolicCosecant.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "volfram:Hiperbolički_kosekans.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1400
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1448
 msgid "SEC:Secant"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SEK:Sekans"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1403
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1451
 msgid "SEC(@{x}) is exported to OpenFormula as 1/COS(@{x})."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SEK(@{x}) se izvozi u Otvorenu formulu kao 1/KOS(@{x})."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1406
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1454
 msgid "wolfram:Secant.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "volfram:Sekans.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1420
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1468
 msgid "SECH:the hyperbolic secant of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SEKH:hiperbolički sekans @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1423
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1471
 msgid "SECH(@{x}) is exported to OpenFormula as 1/COSH(@{x})."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SEKH(@{x}) se izvozi u Otvorenu formulu kao 1/KOSH(@{x})."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1426
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1474
 msgid "wolfram:HyperbolicSecant.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "volfram:Hiperbolički_sekans.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1438
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1486
 msgid "SINH:the hyperbolic sine of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SINH:hiperbolički sinus @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1456
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1504
 msgid "SQRT:square root of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "KVDKOR:kvadratni koren @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1457 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1863
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1505 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1914
 msgid "x:non-negative number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h:ne-negativni broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1459
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1507
 msgid "If @{x} is negative, SQRT returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{h} negativan, KVDKOR ispisuje #BROJ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1478
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1526
 msgid "SUMA:sum of all values and cells referenced"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ZBIR:zbir svih uputnih vrednosti i polja"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1479 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1503
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1527 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1551
 msgid "area0:first cell area"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "oblast0:oblast prvog polja"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1480 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1504
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1528 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1552
 msgid "area1:second cell area"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "oblast1:oblast drugog polja"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1502
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1550
 msgid "SUMSQ:sum of the squares of all values and cells referenced"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ZBIRKVD:zbir kvadrata svih uputnih vrednosti i polja"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1525
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1573
 msgid ""
 "MULTINOMIAL:multinomial coefficient (@{x1}+⋯+ {xn}) choose (@{x1},…,@{xn})"
 msgstr ""
+"VIŠENOMINALNI:višenominalni koeficijent (@{x1}+⋯+ {xn}) bira (@{x1},…,@{xn})"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1526
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1574
 msgid "x1:first number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h1:prvi broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1527
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1575
 msgid "x2:second number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h2:drugi broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1528
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1576
 msgid "xn:nth number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "xn:n-ti broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1532
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1580
 msgid "wiki:en:Multinomial_theorem"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "viki:en:Višenominalna_teorema"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1550
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1598
 msgid "G_PRODUCT:product of all the values and cells referenced"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "G_PROIZVOD:proizvod svih uputnih vrednosti i polja"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1551
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1599
 msgid "x1:number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h1:broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1552
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1600
 msgid "x2:number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h2:broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1553
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1601
 msgid "Empty cells are ignored and the empty product is 1."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prazna polja se zanemaruju a prazan proizvod je 1."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1573
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1621
 msgid "TAN:the tangent of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "TAN:tangens @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1590
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1638
 msgid "TANH:the hyperbolic tangent of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "TANH:hiperbolički tangens @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1607
-msgid "PI:the constant π"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1655
+msgid "PI:the constant 𝜋"
+msgstr "PI:konstanta 𝜋"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1608
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1656
 msgid ""
-"This function is Excel compatible, but it returns π with a better precision."
-msgstr ""
+"This function is Excel compatible, but it returns 𝜋 with a better precision."
+msgstr "Ova funkcija je saglasna sa Ekselom, ali ispisuje 𝜋 sa boljom tačnošću."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1623
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1673
 msgid "TRUNC:@{x} truncated to @{d} digits"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SKRAĆ:@{h} skraćeno na @{d} cifara"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1625
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1675
 msgid "d:non-negative integer, defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "d:ne-negativni ceo broj, podrazumeva se 0"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1626
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1676
 msgid ""
 "If @{d} is omitted or negative then it defaults to zero. If it is not an "
 "integer then it is truncated to an integer."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{d} izostavljeno ili negativno onda se podrazumeva nula. Ako nije ceo "
+"broj onda se skraćuje na ceo broj."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1660
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1710
 msgid "EVEN:@{x} rounded away from 0 to the next even integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "PARAN:@{h} zaokružen od 0 na sledeći parni ceo broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1695
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1745
 msgid "ODD:@{x} rounded away from 0 to the next odd integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NEPARAN:@{h} zaokružen od 0 na sledeći neparni ceo broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1730
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1780
 msgid "FACTDOUBLE:double factorial"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1731
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1781
 msgid "x:non-negative integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h:ne-negativni ceo broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1732
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1782
 msgid "FACTDOUBLE function returns the double factorial @{x}!!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1733
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1783
 msgid ""
 "If @{x} is not an integer, it is truncated. If @{x} is negative, FACTDOUBLE "
 "returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1767
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1817
 msgid "FIB:Fibonacci numbers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "FIB:Fibonaćijevi brojevi"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1768 ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:219
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1818 ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:220
 #: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:253
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:294
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:326
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:386
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:442
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:473
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:287
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:328
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:360
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:420
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:476
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:507
 msgid "n:positive integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:pozitivan ceo broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1769
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1819
 msgid "FIB(@{n}) is the @{n}th Fibonacci number."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "FIB(@{n}) je @{n}-ti Fibonaćijev broj."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1770
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1820
 msgid ""
 "If @{n} is not an integer, it is truncated. If it is negative or zero FIB "
 "returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako @{n} nije ceo broj, skraćuje se. Ako je negativan ili nula FIB ispisuje "
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1808
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1858
 msgid "QUOTIENT:integer portion of a division"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "KOEFICIJENT:celobrojni deo pri deljenju"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1809
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1859
 msgid "numerator:integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "brojilac:ceo broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1810
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1860
 msgid "denominator:non-zero integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "imenilac:ne-nulti ceo broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1811
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1861
 msgid ""
 "QUOTIENT yields the integer portion of the division @{numerator}/@"
 "QUOTIENT (@{numerator},@{denominator})⨉ {denominator}+MOD(@{numerator},@"
 "{denominator})= {numerator}"
 msgstr ""
+"KOEFICIJENT daje celobrojni deo pri deljenju @{brojilac}/@{imenilac}.\n"
+"KOEFICIJENT (@{brojilac},@{imenilac})⨉ {imenilac}+MOD(@{brojilac},@{imenilac"
+"})= {brojilac}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1835
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1885
 msgid "SIGN:sign of @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ZNAK:znak @{h}-a"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1837
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1887
 msgid ""
 "SIGN returns 1 if the @{x} is positive and it returns -1 if @{x} is negative."
 msgstr ""
+"ZNAK ispisuje 1 ako je @{h} pozitivan i ispisuje -1 ako je @{h} negativan."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1862
-msgid "SQRTPI:the square root of @{x} times π"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1912
+msgid "SQRTPI:the square root of @{x} times 𝜋"
+msgstr "KVDKORPI:kvadratni koren @{x}-a puta 𝜋"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1884
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1935
 msgid "ROUNDDOWN:@{x} rounded towards 0"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1886 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1910
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1951
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1937 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1961
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2002
 msgid "d:integer, defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "d:ceo broj, podrazumeva se 0"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1887
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1938
 msgid ""
 "If @{d} is greater than zero, @{x} is rounded toward 0 to the given number "
 "of digits.\n"
@@ -5411,24 +6022,30 @@ msgid ""
 "If @{d} is less than zero, @{x} is rounded toward 0 to the left of the "
 "decimal point"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{d} veće od nule, @{x} se zaokružuje na 0 do datog broja cifara.\n"
+"Ako je @{d} nula, @{x} se zaokružuje na 0 do sledećeg celog broja.\n"
+"Ako je @{d} manje od nule, @{x} se zaokružuje na 0 s leva od decimalne tačke"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1908
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1959
 msgid "ROUND:rounded @{x}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ZAOKRUŽI:zaokruženo @{h}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1911
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1962
 msgid ""
 "If @{d} is greater than zero, @{x} is rounded to the given number of "
 "If @{d} is zero, @{x} is rounded to the next integer.\n"
 "If @{d} is less than zero, @{x} is rounded to the left of the decimal point"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{d} veće od nule, @{x} se zaokružuje na dati broj cifara.\n"
+"Ako je @{d} nula, @{x} se zaokružuje na sledeći ceo broj.\n"
+"Ako je @{d} manje od nule, @{x} se zaokružuje s leva od decimalne tačke"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1949
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2000
 msgid "ROUNDUP:@{x} rounded away from 0"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1952
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2003
 msgid ""
 "If @{d} is greater than zero, @{x} is rounded away from 0 to the given "
 "number of digits.\n"
@@ -5437,42 +6054,45 @@ msgid ""
 "decimal point"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1996
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2047
 msgid "MROUND:@{x} rounded to a multiple of @{m}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "MZAOKRUŽI:@{h} zaokruženo na umnožak broja @{m}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1998
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2049
 msgid "m:number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "m:broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1999
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2050
 msgid "If @{x} and @{m} have different sign, MROUND returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako @{x} i @{m} imaju različit znak, MZAOKRUŽI ispisuje #BROJ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2042
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2093
 msgid "ARABIC:the Roman numeral @{roman} as number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ARAPSKI:rimski simbol @{rimski} kao broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2043
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2094
 msgid "roman:Roman numeral"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "rimski:rimski simbol"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2044
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2095
 msgid ""
 "Any Roman symbol to the left of a larger symbol (directly or indirectly) "
 "reduces the final value by the symbol amount, otherwise, it increases the "
 "final amount by the symbol's amount."
 msgstr ""
+"Bilo koji rimski simbol sa leve strane najvećeg simbola (posredno ili "
+"neposredno) umanjuje krajnju vrednost iznosu simbola, u suprotnom, uvećava "
+"krajnji iznos iznosom simbola."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2120
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2171
 msgid "ROMAN:@{n} as a roman numeral text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "RIMSKI:@{n} kao rimski brojevni tekst"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2122
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2173
 msgid "type:0,1,2,3,or 4, defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "vrsta:0,1,2,3, ili 4, podrazumeva se 0"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2123
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2174
 msgid ""
 "ROMAN returns the arabic number @{n} as a roman numeral text.\n"
 "If @{type} is 0 or it is omitted, ROMAN returns classic roman numbers.\n"
@@ -5480,207 +6100,267 @@ msgid ""
 "1, and type 3 is more concise than type 2. Type 4 is a simplified type."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2370
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2421
 msgid "SUMX2MY2:sum of the difference of squares"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2371 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2413
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2456
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2422 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2464
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2507
 msgid "array0:first cell area"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "niz0:oblast prvog polja"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2372 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2414
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2457
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2423 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2465
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2508
 msgid "array1:second cell area"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "niz1:oblast drugog polja"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2373
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2424
 msgid ""
 "SUMX2MY2 function returns the sum of the difference of squares of "
 "corresponding values in two arrays. The equation of SUMX2MY2 is SUM(x^2-y^2)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2412
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2463
 msgid "SUMX2PY2:sum of the sum of squares"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ZBIRH2PY2:zbir zbira kvadrata"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2415
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2466
 msgid ""
 "SUMX2PY2 function returns the sum of the sum of squares of corresponding "
 "values in two arrays. The equation of SUMX2PY2 is SUM(x^2+y^2)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2417
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2468
 msgid ""
 "If @{array0} and @{array1} have different number of data points, SUMX2PY2 "
 "returns #N/A.\n"
 "Strings and empty cells are simply ignored."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2455
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2506
 msgid "SUMXMY2:sum of the squares of differences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ZBIRXMY2:zbir kvadrata razlika"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2458
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2509
 msgid ""
 "SUMXMY2 function returns the sum of the squares of the differences of "
 "corresponding values in two arrays. The equation of SUMXMY2 is SUM((x-y)^2)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2460
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2511
 msgid ""
 "If @{array0} and @{array1} have different number of data points, SUMXMY2 "
 "returns #N/A.\n"
 "Strings and empty cells are simply ignored."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2500
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2551
 msgid "SERIESSUM:sum of a power series at @{x}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2501
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2552
 msgid "x:number where to evaluate the power series"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2502
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2553
 msgid "n:non-negative integer, exponent of the lowest term of the series"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2503
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2554
 msgid "m:increment to each exponent"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2504
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2555
 msgid "coeff:coefficients of the power series"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2558
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2609
 msgid "MINVERSE:the inverse matrix of @{matrix}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2559 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2884
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2610 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2861
 msgid "matrix:a square matrix"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "matrica:matrica korena"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2560
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2611
 msgid "If @{matrix} is not invertible, MINVERSE returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2561
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2612
 msgid ""
 "If @{matrix} does not contain an equal number of columns and rows, MINVERSE "
 "returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2692
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2646
 msgid ""
 "CHOLESKY:the Cholesky decomposition of the symmetric positive-definite @"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2693
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2647
 msgid "matrix:a symmetric positive definite matrix"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2694
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2648
 msgid ""
 "If the Cholesky-Banachiewicz algorithm applied to @{matrix} fails, Cholesky "
 "returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2695
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2649
 msgid ""
 "If @{matrix} does not contain an equal number of columns and rows, CHOLESKY "
 "returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2779
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2724
 msgid "MUNIT:the @{n} by @{n} identity matrix"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2780
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2725
 msgid "n:size of the matrix"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:veličina matrice"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2816
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2762
 msgid "MMULT:the matrix product of @{mat1} and @{mat2}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "MMULT:proizvod matrica @{mat1} i @{mat2}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2817
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2763
 msgid "mat1:a matrix"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "mat1:matrica"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2818
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2764
 msgid "mat2:a matrix"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "mat2:matrica"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2804
+msgid "LINSOLVE:solve linear equation"
+msgstr "LINREŠI:rešavanje linearne jednačine"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2805 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3154
+msgid "A:a matrix"
+msgstr "A:matrica"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2806
+msgid "B:a matrix"
+msgstr "B:matrica"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2808
+msgid "Solves the equation @{A}*X= {B} and returns X."
+msgstr "Rešava jednačinu @{A}*X= {B} i ispisuje X."
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2809
+msgid "If the matrix @{A} is singular, #VALUE! is returned."
+msgstr "Ako je matrica @{A} jedna, ispisuje se #VREDNOST!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2883
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2860
 msgid "MDETERM:the determinant of the matrix @{matrix}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "MDETERM:determinanta matrice @{matrica}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2919
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2892
 msgid "SUMPRODUCT:multiplies components and adds the results"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ZBIRPROIZVODA:množi sastojke i dodaje rezultate"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2921
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2894 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2917
 msgid ""
 "Multiplies corresponding data entries in the given arrays or ranges, and "
 "then returns the sum of those products."
 msgstr ""
+"Množi unose odgovarajućih podataka u datim nizovima ili opsezima, a zatim "
+"ispisuje zbir tih proizvoda."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2924
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2897
 msgid "If an entry is not numeric, the value zero is used instead."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako neki unos nije broj, onda se koristi vrednost nula."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2925
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2898 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2921
 msgid ""
 "If arrays or range arguments do not have the same dimensions, return #VALUE! "
 msgstr ""
+"Ako nizovi ili argumenti opsega nemaju iste dimenzije, ispisuje grešku "
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2927
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2900
 msgid ""
-"SUMPRODUCTs arguments are arrays or ranges. Attempting to use A1:A5>0 will "
-"not work, implicit intersection will kick in. Instead use --(A1:A5>0)"
+"This function ignores logicals, so using SUMPRODUCT(A1:A5>0) will not work.  "
+"Instead use SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A5>0))"
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija zanemaruje logiku, stoga ZBIRPROIZVODA (A1:A5>0) neće raditi.  "
+"Umesto toga koristite ZBIRPROIZVODA(--(A1:A5>0))"
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:3041
-msgid "EIGEN:eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the symmetric @{matrix}"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2909
+msgid ""
+"This function is not OpenFormula compatible. Use ODF.SUMPRODUCT instead."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija nije saglasna sa Otvorenom formulom. Umesto nje koristite "
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:3042
-msgid "matrix:a symmetric matrix"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2915
+msgid "ODF.SUMPRODUCT:multiplies components and adds the results"
+msgstr "ODF.ZBIRPROIZVODA:množi sastojke i dodaje rezultate"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2920
+msgid "If an entry is not numeric or logical, the value zero is used instead."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako neki unos nije broj ili logička vrednost, onda se koristi vrednost nula."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:3043
-msgid "If @{matrix} is not symmetric, EIGEN returns #NUM!"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2923
+msgid "This function differs from SUMPRODUCT by considering booleans."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:2924
+msgid "This function is not Excel compatible. Use SUMPRODUCT instead."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija nije saglasna sa Ekselom. Umesto nje koristite ZBIRPROIZVODA."
-#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:3044
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:3059
+msgid "EIGEN:eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the symmetric @{matrix}"
+msgstr "EJGEN:lična vrednost i lični vektor simetrične @{matrice}"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:3060
+msgid "matrix:a symmetric matrix"
+msgstr "matrica:simetrična matrica"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:3061
+msgid "If @{matrix} is not symmetric, EIGEN returns #NUM!"
+msgstr "Ako @{matrica} nije simetrična, EJGEN ispisuje #BROJ!"
+#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:3062
 msgid ""
 "If @{matrix} does not contain an equal number of columns and rows, EIGEN "
 "returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako @{matrica} ne sadrži jednaki broj kolona i redova, EJGEN ispisuje #BROJ!"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:218
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:219
+msgid "NT_OMEGA:Number of distinct prime factors"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:221
+msgid "Returns the number of distinct prime factors without multiplicity."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:252
 msgid "NT_PHI:Euler's totient function"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:220
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:254
 msgid ""
 "Euler's totient function gives the number of integers less than or equal to @"
 "{n} that are relatively prime (coprime) to @{n}."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:223
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:257
 msgid "wiki:en:Euler's_totient_function"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:252
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:286
 msgid "NT_MU:Möbius mu function"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:255
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:289
 msgid ""
 "NT_MU function (Möbius mu function) returns 0  if @{n} is divisible by the "
 "square of a prime. Otherwise, if @{n} has an odd  number of different prime "
@@ -5688,214 +6368,210 @@ msgid ""
 "factors, it returns 1. If @{n} = 1, NT_MU returns 1."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:262
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:296
 msgid "wiki:en:Möbius_function"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:263
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:297
 msgid "wolfram:MoebiusFunction.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "volfram:Moebjus funkcija.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:293
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:327
 msgid "NT_D:number of divisors"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NT_D:broj delilaca"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:295
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:329
 msgid "NT_D calculates the number of divisors of @{n}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NT_D izračunava broj delilaca @{n}-a."
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:325
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:359
 msgid "NT_SIGMA:sigma function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NT_SIGMA:funkcija sigma"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:327
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:361
 msgid "NT_SIGMA calculates the sum of the divisors of @{n}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NT_ZBIR izračunava zbir delilaca @{n}-a."
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:330
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:364
 msgid "wiki:en:Divisor_function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "viki:en:Funkcija_delioca"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:359
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:393
 msgid "ITHPRIME:@{i}th prime"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ITIPROST:@{i}-ti prost"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:360
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:394
 msgid "i:positive integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "i:pozitivan ceo broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:361
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:395
 msgid "ITHPRIME finds the @{i}th prime."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ITIPROST nalazi @{i}-ti prost broj."
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:385
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:419
 msgid "ISPRIME:whether @{n} is prime"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "JESTE_PROST:da li je @{n} prost broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:387
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:421
 msgid "ISPRIME returns TRUE if @{n} is prime and FALSE otherwise."
 msgstr ""
+"JESTE_PROST ispisuje TAÄŒNO ako je @{n} prost broj a u suprotnom NETAÄŒNO."
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:390
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:424
 msgid "wolfram:PrimeNumber.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "volfram:Prost_broj.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:441
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:475
 msgid "PFACTOR:smallest prime factor"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "PČINILAC:najmanji činilac prostog broja"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:443
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:477
 msgid "PFACTOR finds the smallest prime factor of its argument."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "PČINILAC nalazi najmanji činilac prostog broja njegovog argumenta."
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:444
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:478
 msgid ""
 "The argument @{n} must be at least 2. Otherwise a #VALUE! error is returned."
 msgstr ""
+"Argument @{n} mora biti barem 2. U suprotnom se ispisuje greška #VREDNOST!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:472
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:506
 msgid "NT_PI:number of primes upto @{n}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NT_PI:broj prostih brojeva na @{n}"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:474
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:508
 msgid "NT_PI returns the number of primes less than or equal to @{n}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NT_PI ispisuje broj prostih brojeva manjih ili jednakih sa @{n}."
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:477
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:511
 msgid "wolfram:PrimeCountingFunction.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "volfram:Funkcija_brojawa_prostih_brojeva.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:503
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:537
 msgid "BITOR:bitwise or"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:504
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:528
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:552
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:577
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:607
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:538
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:562
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:586
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:611
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:641
 msgid "a:non-negative integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:ne-negativni ceo broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:505
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:529
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:553
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:539
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:563
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:587
 msgid "b:non-negative integer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:ne-negativni ceo broj"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:506
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:540
 msgid ""
 "BITOR returns the bitwise or of the binary representations of its arguments."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:527
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:561
 msgid "BITXOR:bitwise exclusive or"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:530
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:564
 msgid ""
 "BITXOR returns the bitwise exclusive or of the binary representations of its "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:551
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:585
 msgid "BITAND:bitwise and"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:554
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:588
 msgid ""
 "BITAND returns the bitwise and of the binary representations of its "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:576
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:610
 msgid "BITLSHIFT:bit-shift to the left"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BITLPOMAK:pomak bita na levo"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:579
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:613
 msgid ""
 "BITLSHIFT returns the binary representations of @{a} shifted @{n} positions "
 "to the left."
 msgstr ""
+"BITLPOMAK ispisuje binarno predstavljanje broja @{a} pomerenog za @{n} "
+"položaja na levo."
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:580
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:614
 msgid ""
 "If @{n} is negative, BITLSHIFT shifts the bits to the right by ABS(@{n}) "
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{n} negativan, BITLPOMAK pomera bitove na desno ABS(@{n}) "
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:606
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:640
 msgid "BITRSHIFT:bit-shift to the right"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BITDPOMAK:pomak bita na desno"
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:609
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:643
 msgid ""
 "BITRSHIFT returns the binary representations of @{a} shifted @{n} positions "
 "to the right."
 msgstr ""
+"BITDPOMAK ispisuje binarno predstavljanje broja @{a} pomerenog za @{n} "
+"položaja na desno."
-#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:610
+#: ../plugins/fn-numtheory/numtheory.c:644
 msgid ""
 "If @{n} is negative, BITRSHIFT shifts the bits to the left by ABS(@{n}) "
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{n} negativan, BITDPOMAK pomera bitove na levo ABS(@{n}) položajima."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:19
 msgid "R.DNORM:probability density function of the normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.DNORM:funkcija gustine verovatnoće normalne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:20 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:45
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:99 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:124
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:151 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:178
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:203 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:257
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:282 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:336
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:359 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:409
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:434 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:461
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:178 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:203
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:257 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:282
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:336 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:359
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:409 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:434
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:488 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:512
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:564 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:589
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:643 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:666
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:716 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:739
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:789 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:814
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:841 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:868
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:893 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:947
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:974 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1032
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1055 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1105
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1130 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1184
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1211 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1240
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:868 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:893
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:947 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:974
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1032 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1055
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1105 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1130
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1184 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1211
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1269 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1294
 msgid "x:observation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h:posmatranje"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:21 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:46
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:73
 msgid "mu:mean of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "mu:srednja vrednost raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:22 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:47
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:74
 msgid "sigma:standard deviation of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:23 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:102
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:181 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:260
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:338 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:412
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:490 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:567
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:645 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:718
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:792 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:871
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:951 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1034
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1108 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1188
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1243
-msgid "give_log:if true, log of the result will be returned instead"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "sigma:standardno odstupanje raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:24
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the normal "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju gustine verovatnoće normalne raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:44
 msgid "R.PNORM:cumulative distribution function of the normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.PNORM:funkcija celokupne raspodele normalne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:48 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:75
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:127 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:154
@@ -5912,7 +6588,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:978 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1007
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1057 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1082
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1133 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1160
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1215
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1215 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1244
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1297 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1324
 msgid ""
 "lower_tail:if true (the default), the lower tail of the distribution is "
@@ -5933,91 +6610,104 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:979 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1008
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1058 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1083
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1134 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1161
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1216
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1216 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1245
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1298 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1325
 msgid "log_p:if true, log of the probability is used"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "log_p:ako je tačno, koristi se logaritam verovatnoće"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:50
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the normal "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju celokupne raspodele normalne raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:71
 msgid "R.QNORM:probability quantile function of the normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.KuNORM:kvantilna funkcija verovatnoće normalne raspodele"
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:72 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:230
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:309 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:384
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:72 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:151
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:230 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:309
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:384 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:461
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:538 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:616
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:691 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:764
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:920 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1003
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1080 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1157
-#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:630 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:492
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:945 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1003
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1154 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1241
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1442 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1787
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:841 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:920
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1003 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1080
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1157 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1240
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1321 ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:630
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:542 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:975
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1033 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1184
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1271 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1472
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1817
 msgid "p:probability"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "p:verovatnoća"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:77
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the normal distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje kvantilnu funkciju verovatnoće, tj., suprotnu funkciji "
+"celokupne raspodele, normalne raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:98
 msgid "R.DLNORM:probability density function of the log-normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.DLNORM:funkcija gustine verovatnoće normalne logaritamske raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:100 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:125
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:152
 msgid "logmean:mean of the underlying normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "log_srednja_vrednost:srednja vrednost glavne normalne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:101 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:126
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:153
 msgid "logsd:standard deviation of the underlying normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "log_sd:standardno odstupanje glavne normalne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:103
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the log-normal "
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju gustine verovatnoće normalne logaritamske "
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:123
 msgid ""
 "R.PLNORM:cumulative distribution function of the log-normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.PLNORM:funkcija celokupne raspodele normalne logaritamske raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:129
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the log-normal "
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju celokupne raspodele normalne logaritamske "
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:150
 msgid "R.QLNORM:probability quantile function of the log-normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.KuLNORM:kvantilna funkcija verovatnoće log-normalne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:156
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the log-normal distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje kvantilnu funkciju verovatnoće, tj., suprotnu funkciji "
+"celokupne raspodele, normalne logaritamske raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:177
 msgid "R.DGAMMA:probability density function of the gamma distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.DGAMA:funkcija gustine verovatnoće game"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:179 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:204
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:231 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:565
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:590 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:617
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1185 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1212
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1242
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1241 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1271
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1296 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1323
 msgid "shape:the shape parameter of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "oblik:parametar oblika raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:180 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:205
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:232 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:566
@@ -6026,163 +6716,176 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:765 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1107
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1132 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1159
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1187 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1214
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1243
 msgid "scale:the scale parameter of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "razmera:parametar razmere raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:182
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the gamma "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju gustine verovatnoće gama raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:202
 msgid "R.PGAMMA:cumulative distribution function of the gamma distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.PGAMA:funkcija celokupne raspodele gama raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:208
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the gamma "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju celokupne raspodele gama raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:229
 msgid "R.QGAMMA:probability quantile function of the gamma distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.KuGAMA:kvantilna funkcija verovatnoće gama raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:235
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the gamma distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje kvantilnu funkciju verovatnoće, tj., suprotnu funkciji "
+"celokupne raspodele, gama raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:256
 msgid "R.DBETA:probability density function of the beta distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.DBETA:funkcija gustine verovatnoće beta raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:258 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:283
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:310
 msgid "a:the first shape parameter of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:parametar prvog oblika raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:259 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:284
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:311
 msgid "b:the second scale parameter of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:parametar druge razmere raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:261
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the beta "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju gustine verovatnoće beta raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:281
 msgid "R.PBETA:cumulative distribution function of the beta distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.PBETA:funkcija celokupne raspodele beta raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:287
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the beta "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju celokupne raspodele beta raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:308
 msgid "R.QBETA:probability quantile function of the beta distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.KuBETA:kvantilna funkcija verovatnoće beta raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:314
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the beta distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje kvantilnu funkciju verovatnoće, tj., suprotnu funkciji "
+"celokupne raspodele, beta raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:335
 msgid "R.DT:probability density function of the Student t distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.DT:funkcija gustine verovatnoće studentove t raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:337 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:360
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:385 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1241
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:385 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1270
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1295 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1322
 msgid "n:the number of degrees of freedom of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:broj stepeni slobode raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:339
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the Student t "
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju gustine verovatnoće studentove t raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:358
 msgid "R.PT:cumulative distribution function of the Student t distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.PT:funkcija celokupne raspodele studentove t raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:363
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the Student t "
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju celokupne raspodele studentove t raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:383
 msgid "R.QT:probability quantile function of the Student t distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.KuT:kvantilna funkcija verovatnoće studentove t raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:388
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the Student t distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje kvantilnu funkciju verovatnoće, tj., suprotnu funkciji "
+"celokupne raspodele, studentove t raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:408
 msgid "R.DF:probability density function of the F distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.DF:funkcija gustine verovatnoće F raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:410 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:435
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:462
 msgid "n1:the first number of degrees of freedom of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n1:prvi broj stepeni slobode raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:411 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:436
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:463
 msgid "n2:the second number of degrees of freedom of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n2:drugi broj stepeni slobode raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:413
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the F distribution."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju gustine verovatnoće F raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:433
 msgid "R.PF:cumulative distribution function of the F distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.PF:funkcija celokupne raspodele F raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:439
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the F "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju celokupne raspodele F raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:460
 msgid "R.QF:probability quantile function of the F distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.KuF:kvantilna funkcija verovatnoće F raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:466
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the F distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje kvantilnu funkciju verovatnoće, tj., suprotnu funkciji "
+"celokupne raspodele, F raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:487
 msgid "R.DCHISQ:probability density function of the chi-square distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.DKINAKVD:funkcija gustine verovatnoće ki na kvadrat raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:489 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:513
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:539
 msgid "df:the number of degrees of freedom of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "df:broj stepeni slobode raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:491
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the chi-square "
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju gustine verovatnoće ki na kvadrat raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:492
 msgid ""
@@ -6193,13 +6896,14 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:511
 msgid ""
 "R.PCHISQ:cumulative distribution function of the chi-square distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.PKINAKVD:funkcija celokupne raspodele ki na kvadrat raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:516
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the chi-square "
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju celokupne raspodele ki na kvadrat raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:517
 msgid ""
@@ -6209,13 +6913,15 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:537
 msgid "R.QCHISQ:probability quantile function of the chi-square distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.KuKINAKVD:kvantilna funkcija verovatnoće ki na kvadrat raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:542
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the chi-square distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje kvantilnu funkciju verovatnoće, tj., suprotnu funkciji "
+"celokupne raspodele, ki na kvadrat raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:543
 msgid ""
@@ -6225,108 +6931,118 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:563
 msgid "R.DWEIBULL:probability density function of the Weibull distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.DVEJBUL:funkcija gustine verovatnoće Vejbulove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:568
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the Weibull "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju gustine verovatnoće Vejbulove raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:588
 msgid "R.PWEIBULL:cumulative distribution function of the Weibull distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.PVEJBUL:funkcija celokupne raspodele Vejbulove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:594
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the Weibull "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju celokupne raspodele Vejbulove raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:615
 msgid "R.QWEIBULL:probability quantile function of the Weibull distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.KuVEJBUL:kvantilna funkcija verovatnoće Vejbulove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:621
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the Weibull distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje kvantilnu funkciju verovatnoće, tj., suprotnu funkciji "
+"celokupne raspodele, Vejbulove raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:642
 msgid "R.DPOIS:probability density function of the Poisson distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.DPUAS:funkcija gustine verovatnoće Puasonove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:644 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:667
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:692
 msgid "lambda:the mean of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "lambda:srednja vrednost raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:646
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the Poisson "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju gustine verovatnoće Puasonove raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:665
 msgid "R.PPOIS:cumulative distribution function of the Poisson distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.PPUAS:funkcija celokupne raspodele Puasonove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:670
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the Poisson "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju celokupne raspodele Puasonove raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:690
 msgid "R.QPOIS:probability quantile function of the Poisson distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.KuPUAS:kvantilna funkcija verovatnoće Puasonove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:695
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the Poisson distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje kvantilnu funkciju verovatnoće, tj., suprotnu funkciji "
+"celokupne raspodele, Puasonove raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:715
 msgid "R.DEXP:probability density function of the exponential distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.DEKSP:funkcija gustine verovatnoće eksponencijalne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:719
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the exponential "
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju gustine verovatnoće eksponencijalne "
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:738
 msgid "R.PEXP:cumulative distribution function of the exponential distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.PEKSP:funkcija celokupne raspodele eksponencijalne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:743
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the "
 "exponential distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju celokupne raspodele eksponencijalne "
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:763
 msgid "R.QEXP:probability quantile function of the exponential distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.KuEKSP:kvantilna funkcija verovatnoće eksponencijalne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:768
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the exponential distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje kvantilnu funkciju verovatnoće, tj., suprotnu funkciji "
+"celokupne raspodele, eksponencijalne raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:788
 msgid "R.DBINOM:probability density function of the binomial distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.DBINOM:funkcija gustine verovatnoće binomne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:790 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:815
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:842 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:869
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:894 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:921
 msgid "n:the number of trials"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:broj pokušaja"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:791 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:816
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:843 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:870
@@ -6334,61 +7050,67 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1033 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1056
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1081
 msgid "psuc:the probability of success in each trial"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "vusp:verovatnoća uspeha u svakom pokušaju"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:793
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the binomial "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju gustine verovatnoće binomne raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:813
 msgid "R.PBINOM:cumulative distribution function of the binomial distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.PBINOM:funkcija celokupne raspodele binomne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:819
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the binomial "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju celokupne raspodele binomne raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:840
 msgid "R.QBINOM:probability quantile function of the binomial distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.KuBINOM:kvantilna funkcija verovatnoće binomne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:846
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the binomial distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje kvantilnu funkciju verovatnoće, tj., suprotnu funkciji "
+"celokupne raspodele, binomne raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:867
 msgid ""
 "R.DNBINOM:probability density function of the negative binomial distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.DNBINOM:funkcija gustine verovatnoće negativne binomne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:872
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the negative "
 "binomial distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju gustine verovatnoće negativne binomne "
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:892
 msgid ""
 "R.PNBINOM:cumulative distribution function of the negative binomial "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.PNBINOM:funkcija celokupne raspodele negativne binomne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:898
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the negative "
 "binomial distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju celokupne raspodele negativne binomne "
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:919
 msgid ""
 "R.QNBINOM:probability quantile function of the negative binomial distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.KuNBINOM:kvantilna funkcija verovatnoće negativne binomne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:925
 msgid ""
@@ -6396,327 +7118,394 @@ msgid ""
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the negative binomial "
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje kvantilnu funkciju verovatnoće, tj., suprotnu funkciji "
+"celokupne raspodele, negativne binomne raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:946
 msgid ""
 "R.DHYPER:probability density function of the hypergeometric distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.DHIPER:funkcija gustine verovatnoće hipergeometrijske raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:948 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:975
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1004
 msgid "r:the number of red balls"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "r:broj crvenih kuglica"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:949 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:976
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1005
 msgid "b:the number of black balls"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:broj crnih kuglica"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:950 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:977
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1006
 msgid "n:the number of balls drawn"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:broj bacanja kuglica"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:952
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the hypergeometric "
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju gustine verovatnoće hipergeometrijske "
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:973
 msgid ""
 "R.PHYPER:cumulative distribution function of the hypergeometric distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.PHIPER:funkcija celokupne raspodele hipergeometrijske raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:980
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the "
 "hypergeometric distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju celokupne raspodele hipergeometrijske "
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1002
 msgid ""
 "R.QHYPER:probability quantile function of the hypergeometric distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.KuHIPER:kvantilna funkcija verovatnoće hipergeometrijske raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1009
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the hypergeometric distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje kvantilnu funkciju verovatnoće, tj., suprotnu funkciji "
+"celokupne raspodele, hipergeometrijske raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1031
 msgid "R.DGEOM:probability density function of the geometric distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.DGEOM:funkcija gustine verovatnoće geometrijske raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1035
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the geometric "
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju gustine verovatnoće geometrijske raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1054
 msgid "R.PGEOM:cumulative distribution function of the geometric distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.PGEOM:funkcija celokupne raspodele geometrijske raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1059
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the geometric "
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju celokupne raspodele geometrijske raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1079
 msgid "R.QGEOM:probability quantile function of the geometric distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.KuGEOM:kvantilna funkcija verovatnoće geometrijske raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1084
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the geometric distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje kvantilnu funkciju verovatnoće, tj., suprotnu funkciji "
+"celokupne raspodele, geometrijske raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1104
 msgid "R.DCAUCHY:probability density function of the Cauchy distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.DKOŠI:funkcija gustine verovatnoće Košijeve raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1106 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1131
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1158
 msgid "location:the center of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "mesto:središte raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1109
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the Cauchy "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju gustine verovatnoće Košijeve raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1129
 msgid "R.PCAUCHY:cumulative distribution function of the Cauchy distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.PKOŠI:funkcija celokupne raspodele Košijeve raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1135
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the Cauchy "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju celokupne raspodele Košijeve raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1156
 msgid "R.QCAUCHY:probability quantile function of the Cauchy distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.KuKOŠI:kvantilna funkcija verovatnoće Košijeve raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1162
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
 "of the cumulative distribution function, of the Cauchy distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje kvantilnu funkciju verovatnoće, tj., suprotnu funkciji "
+"celokupne raspodele, Košijeve raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1183
 msgid "R.DSNORM:probability density function of the skew-normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.DNESNORM:funkcija gustine verovatnoće normalne nesimetrične raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1186 ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1213
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1242
 msgid "location:the location parameter of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "mesto:parametar mesta raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1189
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the skew-normal "
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju gustine verovatnoće normalne nesimetrične "
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1210
 msgid ""
 "R.PSNORM:cumulative distribution function of the skew-normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "R.PNESNORM:funkcija celokupne raspodele normalne nesimetrične raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1217
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the skew-"
 "normal distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju celokupne raspodele normalne nesimetrične "
 #: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1239
-msgid "R.DST:probability density function of the skew-t distribution"
+msgid "R.QSNORM:probability quantile function of the skew-normal distribution"
 msgstr ""
+"R.KuNESNORM:kvantilna funkcija verovatnoće normalne nesimetrične raspodele"
-#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1244
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1246
+msgid ""
+"This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
+"of the cumulative distribution function, of the skew-normal distribution."
+msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje kvantilnu funkciju verovatnoće, tj., suprotnu funkciji "
+"celokupne raspodele, normalne nesimetrične raspodele."
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1268
+msgid "R.DST:probability density function of the skew-t distribution"
+msgstr "R.DNEST:funkcija gustine verovatnoće nesimetrične t raspodele"
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1273
 msgid ""
 "This function returns the probability density function of the skew-t "
 msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju gustine verovatnoće nesimetrične t raspodele."
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1293
+msgid "R.PST:cumulative distribution function of the skew-t distribution"
+msgstr "R.PNEST:funkcija celokupne raspodele nesimetrične t raspodele"
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1299
+msgid ""
+"This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the skew-t "
+msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje funkciju celokupne raspodele nesimetrične t raspodele."
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1320
+msgid "R.QST:probability quantile function of the skew-t distribution"
+msgstr "R.KuNEST:kvantilna funkcija verovatnoće nesimetrične t raspodele"
+#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1326
+msgid ""
+"This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
+"of the cumulative distribution function, of the skew-t distribution."
+msgstr ""
+"Ova funkcija ispisuje kvantilnu funkciju verovatnoće, tj., suprotnu funkciji "
+"celokupne raspodele, nesimetrične t raspodele."
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:47
 msgid "RAND:a random number between zero and one"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUM:proizvoljan broj između nule i jedinice"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:64
 msgid ""
 "RANDUNIFORM:random variate from the uniform distribution from @{a} to @{b}"
 msgstr ""
+"NASUMRAVNOMERNO:proizvoljna varijansa iz ravnomerne raspodele od @{a} do @{b}"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:65
 msgid "a:lower limit of the uniform distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:donja granica ravnomerne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:66
 msgid "b:upper limit of the uniform distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:gornja granica ravnomerne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:67
 msgid "If @{a} > @{b} RANDUNIFORM returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{a} > @{b} NASUMRAVNOMERNO ispisuje #BROJ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:89
 msgid "RANDDISCRETE:random variate from a finite discrete distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMDISKRET:proizvoljna varijanta iz potpune odvojene raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:90
 msgid "val_range:possible values of the random variable"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "opseg_vrednosti:moguće vrednosti proizvoljne promenljive"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:91
 msgid ""
 "prob_range:probabilities of the corresponding values in @{val_range}, "
 "defaults to equal probabilities"
 msgstr ""
+"opseg_verovatnoće:verovatnoće odgovarajućih vrednosti u "
+"@{opsegu_verovatnoće}, podrazumevaju se jednake verovatnoće"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:93
 msgid ""
 "RANDDISCRETE returns one of the values in the @{val_range}. The "
 "probabilities for each value are given in the @{prob_range}."
 msgstr ""
+"NASUMDISKRET ispisuje jednu od vrednosti u @{osegu_vrednosti}. Mogućnosti za "
+"svaku vrednost su date u @{opsegu_verovatnoće}."
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:95
 msgid ""
 "If the sum of all values in @{prob_range} is not one, RANDDISCRETE returns "
 msgstr ""
+"Ako zbir svih vrednosti u @{opsegu_verovatnoće} nije jedinica, NASUMDISKRET "
+"ispisuje #BROJ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:96
 msgid ""
 "If @{val_range} and @{prob_range} are not the same size, RANDDISCRETE "
 "returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako @{opseg_vrednosti} i @{opseg_verovatnoće} nisu iste veličine, "
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:97
 msgid ""
 "If @{val_range} or @{prob_range} is not a range, RANDDISCRETE returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
+"Ako @{opseg_vrednosti} ili @{opseg_verovatnoće} nije opseg, NASUMDISKRET "
+"ispisuje #VREDNOST!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:175
 msgid "RANDEXP:random variate from an exponential distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMEKSP:nasumična varijansa iz eksponencijalne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:176
 msgid "b:parameter of the exponential distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:parametar eksponencijalne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:194
 msgid "RANDPOISSON:random variate from a Poisson distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMPUASON:nasumična varijansa iz Puasonove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:195
 msgid "λ:parameter of the Poisson distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "λ:parametar Puasonove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:196
 msgid "If @{λ} < 0 RANDPOISSON returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{λ} < 0 NASUMPUASON ispisuje #BROJ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:218
 msgid "RANDBINOM:random variate from a binomial distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMBINOM:nasumična varijansa iz binomne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:219 ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:276
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:582
 msgid "p:probability of success in a single trial"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "p:verovatnoća uspeha u jednom pokušaju"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:220
 msgid "n:number of trials"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:broj pokušaja"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:221
 msgid "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 RANDBINOM returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{p} < 0 ili @{p} > 1 NASUMBINOM ispisuje #BROJ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:222
 msgid "If @{n} < 0 RANDBINOM returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{n} < 0 NASUMBINOM ispisuje #BROJ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:244
 msgid ""
 "RANDBETWEEN:a random integer number between and including @{bottom} and @"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMIZMEĐU:nasumični ceo broj između i uključujući @{donje} i @{gornje}"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:246
 msgid "bottom:lower limit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "donje:donja granica"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:247
 msgid "top:upper limit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "gornje:gornja granica"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:248
 msgid "If @{bottom} > @{top}, RANDBETWEEN returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{donje} > @{gornje}, NASUMIZMEĐU ispisuje #BROJ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:275
 msgid "RANDNEGBINOM:random variate from a negative binomial distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMNEGBINOM:nasumična varijansa iz negativne binomne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:277
 msgid "n:number of failures"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n:broj neuspeha"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:278
 msgid "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 RANDNEGBINOM returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{p} < 0 ili @{p} > 1 NASUMNEGBINOM ispisuje #BROJ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:279
 msgid "If @{n} < 1 RANDNEGBINOM returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{n} < 1 NASUMNEGBINOM ispisuje #BROJ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:300
 msgid "RANDBERNOULLI:random variate from a Bernoulli distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMBERNULI:nasumična varijansa iz Bernulijeve raspodele"
-#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:301 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:877
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:301 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:907
 msgid "p:probability of success"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "p:verovatnoća uspeha"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:302
 msgid "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 RANDBERNOULLI returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{p} < 0 ili @{p} > 1 NASUMBERNULI ispisuje #BROJ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:324
 msgid "RANDNORM:random variate from a normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMNORM:nasumična varijansa iz normalne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:325
 msgid "μ:mean of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "μ:srednja vrednost raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:326 ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:374
 msgid "σ:standard deviation of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "σ:standardno odstupanje raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:327
 msgid "If @{σ} < 0, RANDNORM returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{σ} < 0 NASUMNORM ispisuje #BROJ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:349
 msgid "RANDCAUCHY:random variate from a Cauchy or Lorentz distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMKOŠI:proizvoljna varijansa iz Košijeve ili Lorencove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:350
 msgid "a:scale parameter of the distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:parametar razmere raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:351
 msgid "If @{a} < 0 RANDCAUCHY returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{a} < 0 NASUMKOÅ I ispisuje #BROJ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:372
 msgid "RANDLOGNORM:random variate from a lognormal distribution"
@@ -6732,31 +7521,31 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:394
 msgid "RANDWEIBULL:random variate from a Weibull distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMVEJBUL:nasumična varijansa iz Vejbulijeve raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:395
 msgid "a:parameter of the Weibull distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:parametar Vejbulove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:396
 msgid "b:parameter of the Weibull distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:parametar Vejbulove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:415
 msgid "RANDLAPLACE:random variate from a Laplace distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMLAPLAS:nasumična varijansa iz Laplasove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:416
 msgid "a:parameter of the Laplace distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:parametar Laplasove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:434
 msgid "RANDRAYLEIGH:random variate from a Rayleigh distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMREJLAJ:nasumična varijansa iz Rejlajove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:435 ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:455
 msgid "σ:scale parameter of the Rayleigh distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "σ:parametar Rejlajove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:453
 msgid ""
@@ -6765,206 +7554,215 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:454 ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:793
 msgid "a:lower limit of the tail"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:donja granica ostatka"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:474
 msgid "RANDGAMMA:random variate from a Gamma distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMGAMA:nasumična varijansa iz Gama raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:475
 msgid "a:parameter of the Gamma distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:parametar gama raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:476
 msgid "b:parameter of the Gamma distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:parametar gama raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:477
 msgid "If @{a} ≤ 0, RANDGAMMA returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{a} ≤ 0, NASUMGAMA ispisuje #BROJ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:499
 msgid "RANDPARETO:random variate from a Pareto distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMPARETO:nasumična varijansa iz Paretove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:500
 msgid "a:parameter of the Pareto distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:parametar Paretove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:501
 msgid "b:parameter of the Pareto distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:parametar Paretove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:520
 msgid "RANDFDIST:random variate from an F distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMFRASP:nasumična varijansa iz F raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:521
 msgid "df1:numerator degrees of freedom"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "df1:stepeni slobode brojioca"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:522
 msgid "df2:denominator degrees of freedom"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "df2:stepeni slobode imenioca"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:541
 msgid "RANDBETA:random variate from a Beta distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMBETA:nasumična varijansa iz Beta raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:542
 msgid "a:parameter of the Beta distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:parametar Beta raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:543
 msgid "b:parameter of the Beta distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:parametar Beta raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:562
 msgid "RANDLOGISTIC:random variate from a logistic distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMLOGIČKA:nasumična varijansa iz logičke raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:563
 msgid "a:parameter of the logistic distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:parametar logičke raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:581
 msgid "RANDGEOM:random variate from a geometric distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMGEOM:nasumična varijansa iz geometrijske raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:583
 msgid "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 RANDGEOM returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{p} < 0 ili @{p} > 1 NASUMGEOM ispisuje #BROJ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:604
 msgid "RANDHYPERG:random variate from a hypergeometric distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMHIPERG:nasumična varijansa iz hipergeometrijske raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:605
 msgid "n1:number of objects of type 1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n1:broj predmeta 1. vrste"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:606
 msgid "n2:number of objects of type 2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "n2:broj predmeta 2. vrste"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:607
 msgid "t:total number of objects selected"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "t:ukupan broj izabranih predmeta"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:629
 msgid "RANDLOG:random variate from a logarithmic distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMLOG:nasumična varijansa iz logaritamske raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:631
 msgid "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 RANDLOG returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{p} < 0 ili @{p} > 1 NASUMLOG ispisuje #BROJ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:652
 msgid "RANDCHISQ:random variate from a Chi-square distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMKINAKV:nasumična varijansa iz Ki na kvadrat raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:653 ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:672
-#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:923
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:942
 msgid "df:degrees of freedom"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ss:stepeni slobode"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:671
 msgid "RANDTDIST:random variate from a Student t distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMTRASP:nasumična varijansa iz studentove t raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:690
 msgid "RANDGUMBEL:random variate from a Gumbel distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMGUMBEL:nasumična varijansa iz Gumbelove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:691
 msgid "a:parameter of the Gumbel distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:parametar Gumbelove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:692
 msgid "b:parameter of the Gumbel distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:parametar Gumbelove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:693
 msgid "type:type of the Gumbel distribution, defaults to 1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "vrsta:vrsta Gumbelove raspodele, podrazumeva se 1"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:694
 msgid "If @{type} is neither 1 nor 2, RANDGUMBEL returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako @{vrsta} nije ni 1 ni 2, NASUMGUMBEL ispisuje #BROJ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:719
 msgid "RANDLEVY:random variate from a Lévy distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMLEVI:nasumična varijansa iz Levijeve raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:720
 msgid "c:parameter of the Lévy distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "c:parametar Levijeve raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:721
 msgid "α:parameter of the Lévy distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "α:parametar Levijeve raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:722
 msgid "β:parameter of the Lévy distribution, defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "β:parametar Levijeve raspodele, podrazumeva se 0"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:723
 msgid ""
 "For @{α} = 1, @{β}=0, the Lévy distribution reduces to the Cauchy (or "
 "Lorentzian) distribution."
 msgstr ""
+"Za @{α} = 1, @{β}=0, Levijeva raspodela se umanjuje na Košijevu (ili "
+"Lorencovu) raspodelu."
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:725
 msgid ""
 "For @{α} = 2, @{β}=0, the Lévy distribution reduces to the normal "
 msgstr ""
+"Za @{α} = 1, @{β}=0, Levijeva raspodela se umanjuje na normalnu raspodelu."
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:727
 msgid "If @{α} ≤ 0 or @{α} > 2, RANDLEVY returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{α} ≤ 0 ili @{α} > 2, NASUMLEVI ispisuje #BROJ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:728
 msgid "If @{β} < -1 or @{β} > 1, RANDLEVY returns #NUM!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{β} < -1 or @{β} > 1, NASUMLEVI ispisuje #BROJ!"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:751
 msgid "RANDEXPPOW:random variate from an exponential power distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMEKSPSTEP:nasumična varijansa iz eksponencijalne stepene raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:752
 msgid "a:scale parameter of the exponential power distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a:parametar eksponencijalne stepene raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:753
 msgid "b:exponent of the exponential power distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "b:izložilac eksponencijalne stepene raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:754
 msgid ""
 "For @{b} = 1 the exponential power distribution reduces to the Laplace "
 msgstr ""
+"Za @{b} = 1 eksponencijalna stepena raspodela se umanjuje na Laplasovu "
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:756
 msgid ""
 "For @{b} = 2 the exponential power distribution reduces to the normal "
 "distribution with σ = a/sqrt(2)"
 msgstr ""
+"Za @{b} = 2 eksponencijalna stepena raspodela se umanjuje na normalnu "
+"raspodelu sa σ = a/sqrt(2)"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:776
 msgid "RANDLANDAU:random variate from the Landau distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NASUMLANDO:nasumična varijansa iz Landove raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:792
 msgid ""
 "RANDNORMTAIL:random variate from the upper tail of a normal distribution "
 "with mean 0"
 msgstr ""
+"NASUMNORMOSTATAK:nasumična varijansa iz gornjeg ostatka normalne raspodele sa "
+"srednjom vrednošću 0"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:794
 msgid "σ:standard deviation of the normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "σ:standardno odstupanje normalne raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:795
 msgid ""
@@ -6978,14 +7776,16 @@ msgid ""
 "SIMTABLE:one of the values in the given argument list depending on the round "
 "number of the simulation tool"
 msgstr ""
+"SIMTABELA:jedna od vrednosti u spisku datog argumenta koji zavisi od "
+"zaokruženog broja alata za simulaciju"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:818
 msgid "d1:first value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "d1:prva vrednost"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:819
 msgid "d2:second value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "d2:druga vrednost"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:820
 msgid ""
@@ -7008,30 +7808,83 @@ msgid ""
 "is created according to the values."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:883
-msgid "RANDSNORM:random variate from a skew normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:884 ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:924
-msgid "a:amount of skew, defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:884
+msgid "RANDSNORM:random variate from a skew-normal distribution"
+msgstr "NASUMNESNORM:nasumična varijansa iz normalne nesimetrične raspodele"
 #: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:885
-msgid "μ:mean of the underlying normal distribution, defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "𝛼:shape parameter of the skew-normal distribution, defaults to 0"
+msgstr "𝛼:parametar oblika normalne nesimetrične raspodele, podrazumeva se 0"
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:887
+msgid "𝜉:location parameter of the skew-normal distribution, defaults to 0"
+msgstr "𝜉:parametar mesta normalne nesimetrične raspodele, podrazumeva se 0"
-#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:886
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:889
+msgid "𝜔:scale parameter of the skew-normal distribution, defaults to 1"
+msgstr "𝜔:parametar razmere normalne nesimetrične raspodele, podrazumeva se 1"
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:891
 msgid ""
-"σ:standard deviation of the underlying normal distribution, defaults to 1"
+"The random variates are drawn from a skew-normal distribution with shape "
+"parameter @{𝛼}. When @{𝛼}=0, the skewness vanishes, and we obtain the "
+"standard normal density; as 𝛼 increases (in absolute value), the skewness of "
+"the distribution increases; when @{𝛼} approaches infinity  the density "
+"converges to the so-called half-normal (or folded normal) density function; "
+"if the sign of @{𝛼} changes, the density is reflected on the opposite side "
+"of the vertical axis."
 msgstr ""
+"Nasumične varijanse se crtaju iz normalne nesimetrične raspodele sa "
+"parametrom oblika @{𝛼}. Kada je @{𝛼}=0, nesimetričnost nestaje, a mi "
+"dobijamo standardnu normalnu gustinu; kako se 𝛼 povećava (po apsolutnoj "
+"vrednosti), nesimetričnost raspodele se povećava; kada @{𝛼} teži "
+"beskonačnosti gustina teži takozvanoj funkciji polu-normalne (ili umotane "
+"normale) gustine; ako se promeni znak @{𝛼}, gustina se oslikava na suprotnoj "
+"strani uspravne ose."
-#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:887
-msgid "If @{σ} < 0, RANDSNORM returns #NUM!"
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:901
+msgid ""
+"The mean of a skew-normal distribution with location parameter @{𝜉}=0 is not "
 msgstr ""
+"Srednja vrednost normalne nesimetrične raspodele sa parametrom mesta @{𝜉}=0 "
+"nije 0."
-#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:922
-msgid "RANDSTDIST:random variate from a skew t distribution"
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:903
+msgid ""
+"The standard deviation of a skew-normal distribution with scale parameter @"
+"{𝜔}=1 is not 1."
 msgstr ""
+"Standardno odstupanje normalne nesimetrične raspodele sa parametrom razmere "
+"@{𝜔}=1 nije 1."
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:905
+msgid "The skewness of a skew-normal distribution is in general not @{𝛼}."
+msgstr "Nesimetričnost normalne nesimetrične raspodele nije uopšte @{𝛼}."
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:906
+msgid "If @{𝜔} < 0, RANDSNORM returns #NUM!"
+msgstr "Ako je @{𝜔} < 0, NASUMNESNORM ispisuje #BROJ!"
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:941
+msgid "RANDSTDIST:random variate from a skew-t distribution"
+msgstr "NASUMNESTRASP:nasumična varijansa iz nesimetrične t raspodele"
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:943
+msgid "𝛼:shape parameter of the skew-t distribution, defaults to 0"
+msgstr "𝛼:parametar oblika normalne nesimetrične t raspodele, podrazumeva se 0"
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:944
+msgid "The mean of a skew-t distribution is not 0."
+msgstr "Srednja vrednost nesimetrične t raspodele nije 0."
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:945
+msgid "The standard deviation of a skew-t distribution is not 1."
+msgstr "Srednje odstupanje nesimetrične t raspodele nije 1."
+#: ../plugins/fn-random/functions.c:946
+msgid "The skewness of a skew-t distribution is in general not @{𝛼}."
+msgstr "Nesimetričnost normalne nesimetrične t nije uopšte @{𝛼}."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:45
 msgid ""
@@ -7040,187 +7893,204 @@ msgid ""
 "value zero (0). If the argument evaluates to TRUE, it is counted as one (1). "
 "Note that empty cells are not counted."
 msgstr ""
+"Brojevi, tekst i logičke vrednosti se takođe isključuju iz proračuna. Ako "
+"polje sadrži tekst ili se argument procenjuje na NETAČNO, računa se kao "
+"vrednost nula (0). Ako se argument procenjuje na TAČNO, računa se kao jedan "
+"(1). Znajte da se prazna polja ne uračunavaju."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:50
 msgid "VARP:variance of an entire population"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "VARP:varijansa čitave populacije"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:51 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:77
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:107 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:135
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2517 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2548
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2576 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2605
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2557 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2588
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2616 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2645
 msgid "area1:first cell area"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "oblast1:oblast prvog polja"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:52 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:78
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:108 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:136
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2518 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2549
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2577 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2606
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2558 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2589
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2617 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2646
 msgid "area2:second cell area"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "oblast2:oblast drugog polja"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:53
 msgid "VARP is also known as the N-variance."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "VARP je takođe poznata kao N-varijansa."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:54
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain number 11.4, 17.3, "
 "21.3, 25.9, and 40.1."
 msgstr ""
+"Pretpostavimo da polje A1, A2, ..., A5 sadrži brojeve 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, "
+"i 40.1."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:55
 msgid "Then VARP(A1:A5) equals 94.112"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tada VARP(A1:A5) iznosi 94.112"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:57 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:87
 msgid "wiki:en:Variance"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "viki:en:Varijansa"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:58 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:88
 msgid "wolfram:Variance.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "volfram:Varijansa.html"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:76
 msgid "VAR:sample variance of the given sample"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "VAR:varijansa uzorka datog uzorka"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:79
 msgid "VAR is also known as the N-1-variance."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "VAR je takođe poznata kao N-1-varijansa."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:80 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2522
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:80 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2562
 msgid ""
 "Since the N-1-variance includes Bessel's correction, whereas the N-variance "
 "calculated by VARPA or VARP does not, under reasonable conditions the N-1-"
 "variance is an unbiased estimator of the variance of the population from "
 "which the sample is drawn."
 msgstr ""
+"Pošto N-1-varijansa uključuje Beselovu ispravku, a N-varijansa izračunata "
+"VARPA-om ili VARP-om ne, pod razumnim uslovima N-1-varijansa je nepristrasan "
+"procenjivač varijanse populacije iz koje je iscrtan uzorak."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:84 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:112
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:139 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:277
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:573 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:600
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:626 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:696
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:722 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:757
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:797 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:822
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1825 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1851
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1875 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1900
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2031 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2153
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2196 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2384
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2734 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2777
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:623 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:650
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:676 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:726
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:752 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:787
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:827 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:852
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1855 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1881
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1905 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1930
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2061 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2193
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2236 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2424
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2774 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2817
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, "
 "21.3, 25.9, and 40.1."
 msgstr ""
+"Pretpostavimo da polje A1, A2, ..., A5 sadrži brojeve 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, "
+"i 40.1."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:85
 msgid "Then VAR(A1:A5) equals 117.64."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tada VAR(A1:A5) iznosi 117.64."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:106
 msgid "STDEV:sample standard deviation of the given sample"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "STODST:standardno odstupanje uzorka datog uzorka"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:109
 msgid "STDEV is also known as the N-1-standard deviation."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "STODST je takođe poznato kao N-1-standardno odstupanje."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:110
 msgid ""
 "To obtain the population standard deviation of a whole population use STDEVP."
 msgstr ""
+"Da dobijete standardno odstupanje populacije čitave populacije koristite "
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:113
 msgid "Then STDEV(A1:A5) equals 10.84619749."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tada STODST(A1:A5) iznosi 10.84619749."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:115 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:142
 msgid "wiki:en:Standard_deviation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "viki:en:Standardno_odstupanje"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:116 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:143
 msgid "wolfram:StandardDeviation.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "volfram:Standardno_odstupanje.html"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:134
 msgid "STDEVP:population standard deviation of the given population"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "STODSTP:standardno odstupanje populacije date populacije"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:137 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2607
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:137 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2647
 msgid "This is also known as the N-standard deviation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ovo je takođe poznato kao N-standardno odstupanje"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:140
 msgid "Then STDEVP(A1:A5) equals 9.701133954."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tada STODSTP(A1:A5) iznosi 9.701133954."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:161
 msgid "RANK:rank of a number in a list of numbers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "RANG:rang broja u spisku brojeva"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:162 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:214
 msgid "x:number whose rank you want to find"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "h:broj čiji rang želite da pronađete"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:164 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:216
 msgid "order:0 (descending order) or non-zero (ascending order); defaults to 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "poredak:0 (opadajući) ili ne-nula (rastući); podrazumeva se 0"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:165
 msgid "In case of a tie, RANK returns the largest possible rank."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "U slučaju nerešenog, RANG ispisuje najveći mogući rang."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:167
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, …, A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, "
 "25.9, and 25.9."
 msgstr ""
+"Pretpostavimo da polje A1, A2, ..., A5 sadrži brojeve 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, "
+"i 25.9."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:168
 msgid "Then RANK(17.3,A1:A5) equals 4."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tada RANG(17.3,A1:A5) iznosi 4."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:169
 msgid "Then RANK(25.9,A1:A5) equals 1."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tada RANG(25.9,A1:A5) iznosi 1."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:213
 msgid "RANK.AVG:rank of a number in a list of numbers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "RANG.PRSK:rang broja na spisku brojeva"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:217
 msgid "In case of a tie, RANK returns the average rank."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "U slučaju nerešenog, RANG ispisuje prosečan rang."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:218
 msgid "This function is Excel 2010 compatible."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ova funkcija je saglasna sa Ekselom 2010."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:219
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, "
 "21.3, 25.9, and 25.9."
 msgstr ""
+"Pretpostavimo da polje A1, A2, ..., A5 sadrži brojeve 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, "
+"i 25.9."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:220
 msgid "Then RANK.AVG(17.3,A1:A5) equals 4."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tada RANG.PRSK(17.3,A1:A5) iznosi 4."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:221
 msgid "Then RANK.AVG(25.9,A1:A5) equals 1.5."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tada RANG.PRSK(25.9,A1:A5) iznosi 1.5."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:271
 msgid "TRIMMEAN:mean of the interior of a data set"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SKRAĆSREDVRED:srednja vrednost unutrašnjosti skupa podataka"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:272
 msgid "ref:list of numbers whose mean you want to calculate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "uputa:spisak brojeva čiju srednju vrednost želite da izračunate"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:273
 msgid "fraction:fraction of the data set excluded from the mean"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "razlomak:razlomak skupa podataka isključenog iz srednje vrednosti"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:274
 msgid ""
@@ -7229,507 +8099,541 @@ msgid ""
 "avoid a bias, the number of points to be excluded is always rounded down to "
 "the nearest even number."
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{razlomak}=0,2 i skup podataka sadrži 40 brojeva, 8 brojeva se "
+"probira iz skupa podataka (40 h 0,2): sa 4 najveća i 4 najmanja. Da se "
+"izbegne pristrasnost, broj tačaka koje će biti isključene se uvek zaokružuje "
+"na najbliži paran broj."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:278
 msgid ""
 "Then TRIMMEAN(A1:A5,0.2) equals 23.2 and TRIMMEAN(A1:A5,0.4) equals 21.5."
 msgstr ""
+"Tada SKRAĆSREDVRED(A1:A5,0,2) iznosi 23,2 a SKRAĆSREDVRED(A1:A5,0,4) iznosi "
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:320
 msgid "COVAR:covariance of two data sets"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "KOVAR:kovarijansa dva skupa podataka"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:321 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:351
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:381
 msgid "array1:first data set"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "niz1:prvi skup podataka"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:322
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:322 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:352
 msgid "array2:set data set"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "niz2:drugi skup podataka"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:323 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:353
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:543 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:791
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:820 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1817
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1848 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1898
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1984 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2003
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2027
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:383 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:593
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:821 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:850
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1847 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1878
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1928 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2014
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2033 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2057
 msgid "Strings and empty cells are simply ignored."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Niske i prazne vrednosti se jednostavno zanemaruju."
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:325 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:355
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2325 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2818
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2884 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3917
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3974 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4026
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:385 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2365
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2858 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2924
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4014 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4071
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4123
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, "
 "21.3, 25.9, and 40.1, and the cells B1, B2, ... B5 23.2, 25.8, 29.9, 33.5, "
 "and 42.7."
 msgstr ""
+"Pretpostavimo da polja A1, A2, ..., A5 sadrže brojeve 11,4, 17,3, 21,3, 25,9, "
+"i 40,1, a polja B1, B2, ... B5 23.2, 25.8, 29.9, 33.5, i 42.7."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:328
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:328 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:358
 msgid "Then COVAR(A1:A5,B1:B5) equals 65.858."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tada KOVAR(A1:A5,B1:B5) iznosi 65.858."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:330
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:330 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:360
 msgid "wiki:en:Covariance"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "viki:en:Kovarijansa"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:331 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:361
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:391
 msgid "wolfram:Covariance.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "volfram:Kovarijansa.html"
 #: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:350
+msgid "COVARIANCE.S:sample covariance of two data sets"
+msgstr "KOVARARIJANSA.S:kovarijansa uzorka dva skupa podataka"
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:380
 msgid "CORREL:Pearson correlation coefficient of two data sets"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "UZAJAMN:Koeficijent Pirsonove uzajamnosti dva skupa podataka"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:352
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:382
 msgid "array2:second data set"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "niz2:drugi skup podataka"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:358
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:388
 msgid "Then CORREL(A1:A5,B1:B5) equals 0.996124788."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tada UZAJAMN(A1:A5,B1:B5) iznosi 0,996124788."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:360
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:390
 msgid "wiki:en:CorrelationCoefficient.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "viki:en:Koeficijent_uzajamnosti.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:380
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:410
 msgid ""
 "NEGBINOMDIST:probability mass function of the negative binomial distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NEGBINOMRASP:masovna funkcija verovatnoće negativne binomne raspodele"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:381
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:411
 msgid "f:number of failures"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "f:broj neuspeha"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:382
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:412
 msgid "t:threshold number of successes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "t:početni broj uspeha"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:383
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:413
 msgid "p:probability of a success"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "p:verovatnoća uspeha"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:384
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:414
 msgid "If @{f} or @{t} is a non-integer it is truncated."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{f} ili @{t} ne-ceo broj skraćuje se."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:385
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:415
 msgid "If (@{f} + @{t} -1) <= 0 this function returns a #NUM! error."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je (@{f} + @{t} -1) <= 0 ova funkcija ispisuje grešku #BROJ!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:386
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:416
 msgid "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 this functions returns a #NUM! error."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{p} < 0 ili @{p} > 1 ova funkcija ispisuje grešku #BROJ!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:409
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:439
 msgid ""
-"NORMSDIST:cumulative density function of the standard normal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+"NORMSDIST:cumulative distribution function of the standard normal "
+msgstr "NORMSRASP:funkcija celokupne raspodele standardne normalne raspodele"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:412
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:442
 msgid "NORMSDIST is the OpenFormula function LEGACY.NORMSDIST."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:415 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:440
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:445 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:470
 msgid "wiki:en:Normal_distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "viki:en:Normalna_raspodela"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:416 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:441
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:446 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:471
 msgid "wolfram:NormalDistribution.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "volfram:Normalna_raspodela.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:433
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:463
 msgid ""
-"NORMSINV:inverse of the cumulative density function of the standard normal "
+"NORMSINV:inverse of the cumulative distribution function of the standard "
+"normal distribution"
 msgstr ""
+"NORMSINV:inverznost funkcije celokupne raspodele standardne normalne "
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:434
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:464
 msgid "p:given probability"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "p:data verovatnoća"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:435
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:465
 msgid "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 this function returns #NUM! error."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{p} < 0 ili @{p} > 1 ova funkcija ispisuje grešku #BROJ!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:437
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:467
 msgid "NORMSINV is the OpenFormula function LEGACY.NORMSINV."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:461
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:491
+msgid "OWENT:Owen's T function"
+msgstr "OVENT:Ovensova T funkcija"
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:492
+msgid "h:number"
+msgstr "h:broj"
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:493
+msgid "a:number"
+msgstr "a:broj"
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:511
 msgid ""
 "LOGNORMDIST:cumulative distribution function of the lognormal distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "LOGNORMRASP:funkcija celokupne raspodele lognormalne raspodele"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:463 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:493
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:513 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:543
 msgid "mean:mean"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "srednja vrednost:srednja vrednost"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:464 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:494
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:514 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:544
 msgid "stddev:standard deviation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "stndodst:standardno odstupanje"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:465
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:515
 msgid "If @{stddev} = 0 LOGNORMDIST returns a #DIV/0! error."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je @{stndodst} = 0 LOGNORMRASP ispisuje #DIV/0! grešku."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:466
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:516
 msgid ""
 "If @{x} <= 0, @{mean} < 0 or @{stddev} <= 0 this function returns a #NUM! "
 msgstr ""
+"Ako je @{x} <= 0, @{srednja_vrednost} < 0 ili @{stndodst} <= 0 ova funkcija "
+"ispisuje grešku #BROJ!."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:470 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:499
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:520 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:549
 msgid "wiki:en:Log-normal_distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "viki:en:LOg-normalna_raspodela"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:471 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:500
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:521 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:550
 msgid "wolfram:LogNormalDistribution.html"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "volfram:Log_normalna_raspodela.html"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:491
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:541
 msgid ""
 "LOGINV:inverse of the cumulative distribution function of the lognormal "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:495
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:545
 msgid ""
 "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 or @{stddev} <= 0 this function returns #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:522
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:572
 msgid "FISHERINV:inverse of the Fisher transformation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:524
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:574
 msgid "If @{x} is a non-number this function returns a #VALUE! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:540
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:590
 msgid "MODE:first most common number in the dataset"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:541 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:569
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:596 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:623
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:659 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:693
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:719 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:754
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:789 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:818
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1815 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1846
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1872 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1896
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2025 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2438
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2463 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2490
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:591 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:619
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:646 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:673
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:698 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:723
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:749 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:784
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:819 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:848
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1845 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1876
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1902 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1926
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2055 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2478
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2503 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2530
 msgid "number1:first value"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:542 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:570
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:597 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:624
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:660 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:694
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:720 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:755
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:790 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:819
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1816 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1847
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1873 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1897
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2026 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2439
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2464 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2491
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:592 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:620
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:647 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:674
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:699 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:724
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:750 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:785
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:820 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:849
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1846 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1877
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1903 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1927
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2056 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2479
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2504 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2531
 msgid "number2:second value"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:544
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:594
 msgid ""
 "If the data set does not contain any duplicates this function returns a #N/A "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:546
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:596
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, "
 "11.4, 25.9, and 40.1."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:547
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:597
 msgid "Then MODE(A1:A5) equals 11.4."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:549
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:599
 msgid "wiki:en:Mode_(statistics)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:550
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:600
 msgid "wolfram:Mode.html"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:568
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:618
 msgid "HARMEAN:harmonic mean"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:571
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:621
 msgid ""
 "The harmonic mean of N data points is  N divided by the sum of the "
 "reciprocals of the data points)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:574
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:624
 msgid "Then HARMEAN(A1:A5) equals 19.529814427."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:576
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:626
 msgid "wiki:en:Harmonic_mean"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:577
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:627
 msgid "wolfram:HarmonicMean.html"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:595
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:645
 msgid "GEOMEAN:geometric mean"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:598
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:648
 msgid ""
 "The geometric mean is equal to the Nth root of the product of the N values."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:601
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:651
 msgid "Then GEOMEAN(A1:A5) equals 21.279182482."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:603
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:653
 msgid "wiki:en:Geometric_mean"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:604
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:654
 msgid "wolfram:GeometricMean.html"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:622
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:672
 msgid "COUNT:total number of integer or floating point arguments passed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:627
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:677
 msgid "Then COUNT(A1:A5) equals 5."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:658
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:697
 msgid "COUNTA:number of arguments passed not including empty cells"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:662
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:701
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers and strings "
 "11.4, \"missing\", \"missing\", 25.9, and 40.1."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:663
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:702
 msgid "Then COUNTA(A1:A5) equals 5."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:692
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:722
 msgid "AVERAGE:average of all the numeric values and cells"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:697
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:727
 msgid "Then AVERAGE(A1:A5) equals 23.2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:699
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:729
 msgid "wiki:en:Arithmetic_mean"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:700
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:730
 msgid "wolfram:ArithmeticMean.html"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:718
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:748
 msgid ""
 "MIN:smallest value, with negative numbers considered smaller than positive "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:723
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:753
 msgid "Then MIN(A1:A5) equals 11.4."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:753
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:783
 msgid ""
 "MAX:largest value, with negative numbers considered smaller than positive "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:758
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:788
 msgid "Then MAX(A1:A5) equals 40.1."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:788
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:818
 msgid "SKEW:unbiased estimate for skewness of a distribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NESIM:nepristrasna procena za nesimetričnost raspodele"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:792
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:822
 msgid ""
 "This is only meaningful if the underlying distribution really has a third "
 "moment.  The skewness of a symmetric (e.g., normal) distribution is zero."
 msgstr ""
+"Ovo ima smisla samo ako osnovna raspodela zaista ima treći momenat.  "
+"Nesimetričnost simetrične (na primer, normalne) raspodele je nula."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:795
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:825
 msgid ""
 "If less than three numbers are given, this function returns a #DIV/0! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:798
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:828
 msgid "Then SKEW(A1:A5) equals 0.976798268."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Onda NESIM(A1:A5) iznosi 0.976798268."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:817
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:847
 msgid "SKEWP:population skewness of a data set"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NESIMP:nesimetričnost populacije skupa podataka"
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:821
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:851
 msgid "If less than two numbers are given, SKEWP returns a #DIV/0! error."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako je dato manje od dva broja, NESIMP ispisuje #DIV/0! grešku."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:823
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:853
 msgid "Then SKEWP(A1:A5) equals 0.655256198."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Onda NESIMP(A1:A5) iznosi 0.655256198."
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:842
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:872
 msgid ""
 "EXPONDIST:probability density or cumulative distribution function of the "
 "exponential distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:844
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:874
 msgid "y:scale parameter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:845 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:915
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1541 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1721
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1757
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:875 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:945
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1571 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1751
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1787
 msgid ""
 "cumulative:whether to evaluate the density function or the cumulative "
 "distribution function"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:846
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:876
 msgid ""
 "If @{cumulative} is false it will return:\t {y} * exp (- {y}*@{x}),otherwise "
 "it will return\t1 - exp (- {y}*@{x})."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:849
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:879
 msgid "If @{x} < 0 or @{y} <= 0 this will return an error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:875
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:905
 msgid "BERNOULLI:probability mass function of a Bernoulli distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:876
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:906
 msgid "k:integer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:878
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:908
 msgid "If @{k} != 0 and @{k} != 1 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:879 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:948
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1159 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1446
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1479 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1513
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1574 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4285
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:909 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:978
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1189 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1476
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1509 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1543
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1604 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4375
 msgid "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:911
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:941
 msgid ""
 "GAMMADIST:probability density or cumulative distribution function of the "
 "gamma distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:913 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:946
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1118 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1155
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1719
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:943 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:976
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1148 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1185
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1749
 msgid "alpha:scale parameter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:914 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:947
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1119 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1156
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1720
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:944 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:977
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1149 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1186
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1750
 msgid "beta:scale parameter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:916 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1280
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1725 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1954
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:946 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1310
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1755 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1984
 msgid "If @{x} < 0 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:917 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1123
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1160
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:947 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1153
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1190
 msgid "If @{alpha} <= 0 or @{beta} <= 0, this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:944
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:974
 msgid "GAMMAINV:inverse of the cumulative gamma distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:949 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1726
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:979 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1756
 msgid "If @{alpha} <= 0 or @{beta} <= 0 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:974
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1004
 msgid "CHIDIST:survival function of the chi-squared distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:976 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1004
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1190 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1242
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1006 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1034
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1220 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1272
 msgid "dof:number of degrees of freedom"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:977 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1005
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1192 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1243
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1279 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1445
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1007 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1035
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1222 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1273
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1309 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1475
 msgid "The survival function is 1 minus the cumulative distribution function."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:978
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1008
 msgid "If @{dof} is non-integer it is truncated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:979 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1193
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1009 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1223
 msgid "If @{dof} < 1 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:981
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1011
 msgid ""
 "CHIDIST(@{x},@{dof}) is the OpenFormula function LEGACY.CHIDIST(@{x},@{dof})."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1002
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1032
 msgid "CHIINV:inverse of the survival function of the chi-squared distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1006 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1244
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1036 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1274
 msgid ""
 "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 or @{dof} < 1 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1008
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1038
 msgid ""
 "CHIINV(@{p},@{dof}) is the OpenFormula function LEGACY.CHIDIST(@{p},@{dof})."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1029
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1059
 msgid "CHITEST:p value of the Goodness of Fit Test"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1030
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1060
 msgid "actual_range:observed data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1031
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1061
 msgid "theoretical_range:expected values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1032
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1062
 msgid ""
 "If the actual range is not an n by 1 or 1 by n range, but an n by m range, "
 "then CHITEST uses (n-1) times (m-1) as degrees of freedom. This is useful if "
@@ -7737,941 +8641,952 @@ msgid ""
 "independence or test of homogeneity."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1038
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1068
 msgid "CHITEST is the OpenFormula function LEGACY.CHITEST."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1116
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1146
 msgid "BETADIST:cumulative distribution function of the beta distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1120 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1157
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1150 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1187
 msgid "a:optional lower bound, defaults to 0"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1121 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1158
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1151 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1188
 msgid "b:optional upper bound, defaults to 1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1122
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1152
 msgid "If @{x} < @{a} or @{x} > @{b} this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1124 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1161
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1154 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1191
 msgid "If @{a} >= @{b} this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1153
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1183
 msgid ""
 "BETAINV:inverse of the cumulative distribution function of the beta "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1188
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1218
 msgid "TDIST:survival function of the Student t-distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1191
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1221
 msgid "tails:1 or 2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1194
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1224
 msgid "If @{tails} is neither 1 or 2 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1195
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1225
 msgid ""
 "The parameterization of this function is different from what is used for, e."
 "g., NORMSDIST.  This is a common source of mistakes, but necessary for "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1198
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1228
 msgid "This function is Excel compatible for non-negative @{x}."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1240
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1270
 msgid "TINV:inverse of the survival function of the Student t-distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1246
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1276
 msgid ""
 "The parameterization of this function is different from what is used for, e."
 "g., NORMSINV.  This is a common source of mistakes, but necessary for "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1275
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1305
 msgid "FDIST:survival function of the F distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1277 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1443
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1307 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1473
 msgid "dof_of_num:numerator degrees of freedom"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1278 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1444
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1308 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1474
 msgid "dof_of_denom:denominator degrees of freedom"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1281
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1311
 msgid ""
 "If @{dof_of_num} < 1 or @{dof_of_denom} < 1, this function returns a #NUM! "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1283
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1313
 msgid "FDIST is the OpenFormula function LEGACY.FDIST."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1305
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1335
 msgid ""
 "LANDAU:approximate probability density function of the Landau distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1441
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1471
 msgid "FINV:inverse of the survival function of the F distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1447
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1477
 msgid ""
 "If @{dof_of_num} < 1 or @{dof_of_denom} < 1 this function returns a #NUM! "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1449
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1479
 msgid "FINV is the OpenFormula function LEGACY.FINV."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1471
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1501
 msgid ""
 "BINOMDIST:probability mass or cumulative distribution function of the "
 "binomial distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1472
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1502
 msgid "n:number of successes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1473 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1507
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1569
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1503 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1537
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1599
 msgid "trials:number of trials"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1474 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1508
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1570
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1504 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1538
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1600
 msgid "p:probability of success in each trial"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1475 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1629
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1952 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4283
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1505 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1659
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1982 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4373
 msgid ""
 "cumulative:whether to evaluate the mass function or the cumulative "
 "distribution function"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1476
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1506
 msgid "If @{n} or @{trials} are non-integer they are truncated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1477
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1507
 msgid "If @{n} < 0 or @{trials} < 0 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1478
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1508
 msgid "If @{n} > @{trials} this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1506
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1536
 msgid ""
 "BINOM.DIST.RANGE:probability of the binomial distribution over an interval"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1509
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1539
 msgid "start:start of the interval"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1510
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1540
 msgid "end:end of the interval, defaults to @{start}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1511
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1541
 msgid "If @{start}, @{end} or @{trials} are non-integer they are truncated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1512 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1573
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1542 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1603
 msgid "If @{trials} < 0 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1514
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1544
 msgid "If @{start} > @{end} this function returns 0."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1537
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1567
 msgid ""
 "CAUCHY:probability density or cumulative distribution function of the "
 "Cauchy, Lorentz or Breit-Wigner distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1540 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4313
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4452
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1570 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4403
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4542
 msgid "a:scale parameter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1542
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1572
 msgid "If @{a} < 0 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1543 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4286
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1573 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4376
 msgid ""
 "If @{cumulative} is neither TRUE nor FALSE this function returns a #VALUE! "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1568
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1598
 msgid "CRITBINOM:right-tailed critical value of the binomial distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1571
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1601
 msgid "alpha:significance level (area of the tail)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1572
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1602
 msgid "If @{trials} is a non-integer it is truncated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1575
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1605
 msgid "If @{alpha} < 0 or @{alpha} > 1 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1598
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1628
 msgid "PERMUT:number of @{k}-permutations of a @{n}-set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1599
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1629
 msgid "n:size of the base set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1600
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1630
 msgid "k:number of elements in each permutation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1601
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1631
 msgid "If @{n} = 0 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1602
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1632
 msgid "If @{n} < @{k} this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1624
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1654
 msgid ""
 "HYPGEOMDIST:probability mass or cumulative distribution function of the "
 "hypergeometric distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1625
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1655
 msgid "x:number of successes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1626
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1656
 msgid "n:sample size"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1627
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1657
 msgid "M:number of possible successes in the population"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1628
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1658
 msgid "N:population size"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1630
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1660
 msgid "If @{x},@{n},@{M} or @{N} is a non-integer it is truncated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1631
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1661
 msgid "If @{x},@{n},@{M} or @{N} < 0 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1632
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1662
 msgid "If @{x} > @{M} or @{n} > @{N} this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1660
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1690
 msgid ""
 "CONFIDENCE:margin of error of a confidence interval for the population mean"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1661
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1691
 msgid "alpha:significance level"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1662
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1692
 msgid "stddev:population standard deviation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1663
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1693
 msgid "size:sample size"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1664
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1694
 msgid ""
 "This function requires the usually unknown population standard deviation."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1665
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1695
 msgid "If @{size} is non-integer it is truncated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1666
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1696
 msgid "If @{size} < 0 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1667
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1697
 msgid "If @{size} is 0 this function returns a #DIV/0! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1690
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1720
 msgid "STANDARDIZE:z-score of a value"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1692
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1722
 msgid "mean:mean of the original distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1693
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1723
 msgid "stddev:standard deviation of the original distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1694 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1758
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1724 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1788
 msgid "If @{stddev} is 0 this function returns a #DIV/0! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1717
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1747
 msgid ""
 "WEIBULL:probability density or cumulative distribution function of the "
 "Weibull distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1722
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1752
 msgid ""
 "If the @{cumulative} boolean is true it will return: 1 - exp (-(@{x}/@{beta})"
 "^ {alpha}),otherwise it will return (@{alpha}/@{beta}^ {alpha}) * @{x}^(@"
 "{alpha}-1) * exp(-(@{x}/@{beta}^ {alpha}))."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1753
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1783
 msgid ""
 "NORMDIST:probability density or cumulative distribution function of a normal "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1755 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1788
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1951
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1785 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1818
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1981
 msgid "mean:mean of the distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1756 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1789
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1786 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1819
 msgid "stddev:standard deviation of the distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1786
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1816
 msgid ""
 "NORMINV:inverse of the cumulative distribution function of a normal "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1790
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1820
 msgid ""
 "If @{p} < 0 or @{p} > 1 or @{stddev} <= 0 this function returns a #NUM! "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1814
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1844
 msgid "KURT:unbiased estimate of the kurtosis of a data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1818
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1848
 msgid ""
 "This is only meaningful if the underlying distribution really has a fourth "
 "moment.  The kurtosis is offset by three such that a normal distribution "
 "will have zero kurtosis."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1822
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1852
 msgid ""
 "If fewer than four numbers are given or all of them are equal this function "
 "returns a #DIV/0! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1826
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1856
 msgid "Then KURT(A1:A5) equals 1.234546305."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1845
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1875
 msgid "KURTP:population kurtosis of a data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1849
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1879
 msgid ""
 "If fewer than two numbers are given or all of them are equal this function "
 "returns a #DIV/0! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1852
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1882
 msgid "Then KURTP(A1:A5) equals -0.691363424."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1871
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1901
 msgid "AVEDEV:average of the absolute deviations of a data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1876
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1906
 msgid "Then AVEDEV(A1:A5) equals 7.84."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1895
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1925
 msgid "DEVSQ:sum of squares of deviations of a data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1901
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1931
 msgid "Then DEVSQ(A1:A5) equals 470.56."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1920
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1950
 msgid "FISHER:Fisher transformation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1922
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1952
 msgid "If @{x} is not a number, this function returns a #VALUE! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1923
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1953
 msgid "If @{x} <= -1 or @{x} >= 1, this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1949
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1979
 msgid ""
 "POISSON:probability mass or cumulative distribution function of the Poisson "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1950
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1980
 msgid "x:number of events"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1953
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1983
 msgid "If @{x} is a non-integer it is truncated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1955
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1985
 msgid "If @{mean} <= 0 POISSON returns the #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1981
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2011
 msgid "PEARSON:Pearson correlation coefficient of the paired set of data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1982 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2001
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2012 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2031
 msgid "array1:first component values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1983 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2002
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2013 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2032
 msgid "array2:second component values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2000
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2030
 msgid ""
 "RSQ:square of the Pearson correlation coefficient of the paired set of data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2024
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2054
 msgid "MEDIAN:median of a data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2028
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2058
 msgid ""
 "If even numbers are given MEDIAN returns the average of the two numbers in "
 "the center."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2032
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2062
 msgid "Then MEDIAN(A1:A5) equals 21.3."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2034
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2064
 msgid "wiki:en:Median"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2035
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2065
 msgid "wolfram:StatisticalMedian.html"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2054
-msgid ""
-"SSMEDIAN:median for grouped data as commonly determined in the social "
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2084
+msgid "SSMEDIAN:median for grouped data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2055
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2085
 msgid "array:data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2056
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2086
 msgid "interval:length of each grouping interval, defaults to 1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2057
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2087
 msgid ""
-"The data points given in @{array} are assumed to be the result of grouping "
-"data into intervals of length @{interval}"
+"The data are assumed to be grouped into intervals of width @{interval}. Each "
+"data point in @{array} is the midpoint of the interval containing the true "
+"value. The median is calculated by interpolation within the median interval "
+"(the interval containing the median value), assuming that the true values "
+"within that interval are distributed uniformly:\n"
+"median = L + @{interval}*(N/2 - CF)/F\n"
+"L = the lower limit of the median interval\n"
+"N = the total number of data points\n"
+"CF = the number of data points below the median interval\n"
+"F = the number of data points in the median interval"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2059 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2731
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2773
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2098 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2771
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2813
 msgid "If @{array} is empty, this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2060
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2099
 msgid ""
-"If @{interval} <= 0, this function returns a #NUM! error.SSMEDIAN does not "
+"If @{interval} <= 0, this function returns a #NUM! error. SSMEDIAN does not "
 "check whether the data points are at least @{interval} apart."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2063
-msgid "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, A3 contain numbers 7, 8, 8."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2064
-msgid "Then SSMEDIAN(A1:A3, 1) equals 7.75."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2146
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2186
 msgid "LARGE:@{k}-th largest value in a data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2147 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2190
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2187 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2230
 msgid "data:data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2148 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2191
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2188 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2231
 msgid "k:which value to find"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2149 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2192
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2189 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2232
 msgid "If data set is empty this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2150 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2193
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2190 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2233
 msgid ""
 "If @{k} <= 0 or @{k} is greater than the number of data items given this "
 "function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2155
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2195
 msgid "Then LARGE(A1:A5,2) equals 25.9.LARGE(A1:A5,4) equals 17.3."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2189
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2229
 msgid "SMALL:@{k}-th smallest value in a data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2198
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2238
 msgid "Then SMALL(A1:A5,2) equals 17.3.SMALL(A1:A5,4) equals 25.9."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2233
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2273
 msgid ""
 "PROB:probability of an interval for a discrete (and finite) probability "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2234
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2274
 msgid "x_range:possible values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2235
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2275
 msgid "prob_range:probabilities of the corresponding values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2236
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2276
 msgid "lower_limit:lower interval limit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2237
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2277
 msgid "upper_limit:upper interval limit, defaults to @{lower_limit}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2238
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2278
 msgid ""
 "If the sum of the probabilities in @{prob_range} is not equal to 1 this "
 "function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2240
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2280
 msgid ""
 "If any value in @{prob_range} is <=0 or > 1, this function returns a #NUM! "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2242
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2282
 msgid ""
 "If @{x_range} and @{prob_range} contain a different number of data entries, "
 "this function returns a #N/A error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2319
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2359
 msgid "STEYX:standard error of the predicted y-value in the regression"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2320 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3365
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3481 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3723
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3821 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3908
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3967 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4019
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2360 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3459
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3575 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3817
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3915 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4005
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4064 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4116
 msgid "known_ys:known y-values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2321 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3482
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3909 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3968
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4020
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2361 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3576
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4006 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4065
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4117
 msgid "known_xs:known x-values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2322
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2362
 msgid ""
 "If @{known_ys} and @{known_xs} are empty or have a different number of "
 "arguments then this function returns a #N/A error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2328
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2368
 msgid "Then STEYX(A1:A5,B1:B5) equals 1.101509979."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2372
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2412
 msgid ""
 "ZTEST:the probability of observing a sample mean as large as or larger than "
 "the mean of the given sample"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2374
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2414
 msgid "ref:data set (sample)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2375
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2415
 msgid "x:population mean"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2376
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2416
 msgid ""
 "stddev:population standard deviation, defaults to the sample standard "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2377
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2417
 msgid ""
 "ZTEST calulates the probability of observing a sample mean as large as or "
 "larger than the mean of the given sample for samples drawn from a normal "
 "distribution with mean @{x} and standard deviation @{stddev}."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2380
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2420
 msgid ""
 "If @{ref} contains less than two data items ZTEST returns #DIV/0! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2386
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2426
 msgid "Then ZTEST(A1:A5,20) equals 0.254717826."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2437
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2477
 msgid "AVERAGEA:average of all the values and cells"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2442 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2467
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2494 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2526
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2553 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2583
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2610
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2482 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2507
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2534 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2566
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2593 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2623
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2650
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers and strings "
 "11.4, 17.3, \"missing\", 25.9, and 40.1."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2443
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2483
 msgid "Then AVERAGEA(A1:A5) equals 18.94."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2462
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2502
 msgid ""
 "MAXA:largest value, with negative numbers considered smaller than positive "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2469
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2509
 msgid "Then MAXA(A1:A5) equals 40.1."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2489
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2529
 msgid ""
 "MINA:smallest value, with negative numbers considered smaller than positive "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2496
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2536
 msgid "Then MINA(A1:A5) equals 0."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2516
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2556
 msgid "VARA:sample variance of the given sample"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2519
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2559
 msgid "VARA is also known as the N-1-variance."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2520
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2560
 msgid "To get the true variance of a complete population use VARPA."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2528
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2568
 msgid "Then VARA(A1:A5) equals 228.613."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2547
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2587
 msgid "VARPA:variance of an entire population"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2550
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2590
 msgid "VARPA is also known as the N-variance."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2555
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2595
 msgid "Then VARPA(A1:A5) equals 182.8904."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2574
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2614
 msgid "STDEVA:sample standard deviation of the given sample"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2578
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2618
 msgid "STDEVA is also known as the N-1-standard deviation."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2579
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2619
 msgid ""
 "To obtain the population standard deviation of a whole population use "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2585
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2625
 msgid "Then STDEVA(A1:A5) equals 15.119953704."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2604
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2644
 msgid "STDEVPA:population standard deviation of an entire population"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2612
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2652
 msgid "Then STDEVPA(A1:A5) equals 13.523697719."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2631
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2671
 msgid "PERCENTRANK:rank of a data point in a data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2632
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2672
 msgid "array:range of numeric values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2633
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2673
 msgid "x:data point to be ranked"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2634
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2674
 msgid "significance:number of significant digits, defaults to 3"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2635
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2675
 msgid ""
 "If @{array} contains no data points, this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2637
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2677
 msgid ""
 "If @{significance} is less than one, this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2639
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2679
 msgid ""
 "If @{x} exceeds the largest value or is less than the smallest value in @"
 "{array}, this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2641
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2681
 msgid ""
 "If @{x} does not match any of the values in @{array} or @{x} matches more "
 "than once, this function interpolates the returned value."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2728
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2768
 msgid ""
 "PERCENTILE:determines the  100* {k}-th percentile of the given data points"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2729 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2771
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2769 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2811
 msgid "array:data points"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2730
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2770
 msgid "k:which percentile to calculate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2732
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2772
 msgid "If @{k} < 0 or @{k} > 1, this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2735
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2775
 msgid "Then PERCENTILE(A1:A5,0.42) equals 20.02."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2770
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2810
 msgid "QUARTILE:the @{k}-th quartile of the data points"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2772
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2812
 msgid "quart:a number from 0 to 4, indicating which quartile to calculate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2774
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2814
 msgid ""
 "If @{quart} < 0 or @{quart} > 4, this function returns a #NUM! error. If @"
 "{quart} = 0, the smallest value of @{array} to be returned."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2775
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2815
 msgid "If @{quart} is not an integer, it is truncated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2778
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2818
 msgid "Then QUARTILE(A1:A5,1) equals 17.3."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2813
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2853
 msgid ""
 "FTEST:p-value for the two-tailed hypothesis test comparing the variances of "
 "two populations"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2815 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2872
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2855 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2912
 msgid "array1:sample from the first population"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2816 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2873
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2856 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2913
 msgid "array2:sample from the second population"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2821
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2861
 msgid "Then FTEST(A1:A5,B1:B5) equals 0.510815017."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2870
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2910
 msgid ""
 "TTEST:p-value for a hypothesis test comparing the means of two populations "
 "using the Student t-distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2874
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2914
 msgid "tails:number of tails to consider"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2875
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2915
 msgid ""
 "type:Type of test to perform. 1 indicates a test for paired variables, 2 a "
 "test of unpaired variables with equal variances, and 3 a test of unpaired "
 "variables with unequal variances"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2878
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2918
 msgid ""
 "If the data sets contain a different number of data points and the test is "
 "paired (@{type} one), TTEST returns the #N/A error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2880
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2920
 msgid "@{tails} and @{type} are truncated to integers."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2881
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2921
 msgid "If @{tails} is not one or two, this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2882
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2922
 msgid ""
 "If @{type} is any other than one, two, or three, this function returns a "
 "#NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2887
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2927
 msgid ""
 "Then TTEST(A1:A5,B1:B5,1,1) equals 0.003127619.TTEST(A1:A5,B1:B5,2,1) equals "
 "0.006255239.TTEST(A1:A5,B1:B5,1,2) equals 0.111804322.TTEST(A1:A5,B1:B5,1,3) "
 "equals 0.113821797."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3045
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3085
 msgid "FREQUENCY:frequency table"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3046
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3086
 msgid "data_array:data values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3047
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3087
 msgid "bins_array:array of cutoff values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3048
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3088
 msgid "The results are given as an array."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3049
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3089
 msgid ""
 "If the @{bins_array} is empty, this function returns the number of data "
 "points in @{data_array}."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3267
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3153
+msgid "LEVERAGE:calculate regression leverage"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3156
+msgid "Returns the diagonal of @{A} (@{A}^T @{A})^-1 @{A}T as a column vector."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3157
+msgid "If the matrix is singular, #VALUE! is returned."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3361
 msgid "LINEST:multiple linear regression coefficients and statistics"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3268 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3576
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3362 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3670
 msgid "known_ys:vector of values of dependent variable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3269 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3577
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3363 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3671
 msgid ""
 "known_xs:array of values of independent variables, defaults to a single "
 "vector {1,…,n}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3270 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3367
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3579 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3725
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3824
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3364 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3461
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3673 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3819
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3918
 msgid "affine:if true, the model contains a constant term, defaults to true"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3271
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3365
 msgid ""
 "stats:if true, some additional statistics are provided, defaults to false"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3272
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3366
 msgid ""
 "This function returns an array with the first row giving the regression "
 "coefficients for the independent variables x_m, x_(m-1),…,x_2, x_1 followed "
 "by the y-intercept if @{affine} is true."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3275
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3369
 msgid ""
 "If @{stats} is true, the second row contains the corresponding standard "
 "errors of the regression coefficients.In this case, the third row contains "
@@ -8680,34 +9595,34 @@ msgid ""
 "row contains the regression sum of squares and the residual sum of squares."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3282
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3376
 msgid ""
 "If @{affine} is false, R^2 is the uncentered version of the coefficient of "
 "determination; that is the proportion of the sum of squares explained by the "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3285 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3580
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3379 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3674
 msgid ""
 "If the length of @{known_ys} does not match the corresponding length of @"
 "{known_xs}, this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3364
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3458
 msgid "LOGREG:the logarithmic regression"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3366 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3822
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3460 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3916
 msgid "known_xs:known x-values; defaults to the array {1, 2, 3, …}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3368 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3726
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3462 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3820
 msgid ""
 "stat:if true, extra statistical information will be returned; defaults to "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3369
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3463
 msgid ""
 "LOGREG function transforms your x's to z=ln(x) and applies the “least "
 "squares” method to fit the linear equation y = m * z + b to your y's and z's "
@@ -8716,7 +9631,7 @@ msgid ""
 "first column and b in the second. "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3377
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3471
 msgid ""
 "Any extra statistical information is written below m and b in the result "
 "array.  This extra statistical information consists of four rows of data:  "
@@ -8727,18 +9642,18 @@ msgid ""
 "residual sum of squares.The default of @{stat} is FALSE."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3386 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3741
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3832
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3480 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3835
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3926
 msgid ""
 "If @{known_ys} and @{known_xs} have unequal number of data points, this "
 "function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3480
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3574
 msgid "LOGFIT:logarithmic least square fit (using a trial and error method)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3484
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3578
 msgid ""
 "LOGFIT function applies the “least squares” method to fit the logarithmic "
 "equation y = a + b * ln(sign * (x - c)) ,   sign = +1 or -1 to your data. "
@@ -8746,76 +9661,76 @@ msgid ""
 "possibly mirrored across the y-axis (if sign = -1)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3490
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3584
 msgid ""
 "LOGFIT returns an array having five columns and one row. `Sign' is given in "
 "the first column, `a', `b', and `c' are given in columns 2 to 4. Column 5 "
 "holds the sum of squared residuals."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3494
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3588
 msgid ""
 "An error is returned when there are less than 3 different x's or y's, or "
 "when the shape of the point cloud is too different from a ``logarithmic'' "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3497
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3591
 msgid ""
 "You can use the above formula = a + b * ln(sign * (x - c)) or rearrange it "
 "to = (exp((y - a) / b)) / sign + c to compute unknown y's or x's, "
 "respectively. "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3502
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3596
 msgid ""
 "This is non-linear fitting by trial-and-error. The accuracy of `c' is: width "
 "of x-range -> rounded to the next smaller (10^integer), times 0.000001. "
 "There might be cases in which the returned fit is not the best possible."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3575
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3669
 msgid ""
 "TREND:estimates future values of a given data set using a least squares "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3578
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3672
 msgid ""
 "new_xs:array of x-values for which to estimate the y-values; defaults to @"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3582
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3676
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, …, A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, "
 "25.9, and 40.1, and the cells B1, B2, ... B5 23.2, 25.8, 29.9, 33.5, and "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3585
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3679
 msgid "Then TREND(A1:A5,B1:B5) equals {12.1, 15.7, 21.6, 26.7, 39.7}."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3722
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3816
 msgid "LOGEST:exponential least square fit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3724
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3818
 msgid "known_xs:known x-values; default to an array {1, 2, 3, …}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3727
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3821
 msgid ""
 "LOGEST function applies the “least squares” method to fit an exponential "
 "curve of the form\ty = b * m{1}^x{1} * m{2}^x{2}... to your data."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3731
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3825
 msgid "LOGEST returns an array { m{n},m{n-1}, ...,m{1},b }."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3732
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3826
 msgid ""
 "Extra statistical information is written below the regression line "
 "coefficients in the result array.  Extra statistical information consists of "
@@ -8826,87 +9741,87 @@ msgid ""
 "contains the regression sum of squares and the residual sum of squares."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3820
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3914
 msgid "GROWTH:exponential growth prediction"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3823
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3917
 msgid ""
 "new_xs:x-values for which to estimate the y-values; defaults to @{known_xs}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3825
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3919
 msgid ""
 "GROWTH function applies the “least squares” method to fit an exponential "
 "curve to your data and predicts the exponential growth by using this curve."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3830
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3924
 msgid ""
 "GROWTH returns an array having one column and a row for each data point in @"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3905
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4002
 msgid ""
 "FORECAST:estimates a future value according to existing values using simple "
 "linear regression"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3907
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4004
 msgid "x:x-value whose matching y-value should be forecast"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3910
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4007
 msgid ""
 "This function estimates a future value according to existing values using "
 "simple linear regression."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3912 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3969
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4022
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4009 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4066
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4119
 msgid ""
 "If @{known_xs} or @{known_ys} contains no data entries or different number "
 "of data entries, this function returns a #N/A error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3914
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4011
 msgid ""
 "If the variance of the @{known_xs} is zero, this function returns a #DIV/0 "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3920
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4017
 msgid "Then FORECAST(7,A1:A5,B1:B5) equals -10.859397661."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3966
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4063
 msgid "INTERCEPT:the intercept of a linear regression line"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3971 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4024
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4068 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4121
 msgid ""
 "If the variance of the @{known_xs} is zero, this function returns #DIV/0 "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3977
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4074
 msgid "Then INTERCEPT(A1:A5,B1:B5) equals -20.785117212."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4018
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4115
 msgid "SLOPE:the slope of a linear regression line"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4029
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4126
 msgid "Then SLOPE(A1:A5,B1:B5) equals 1.417959936."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4070
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4167
 msgid "SUBTOTAL:the subtotal of the given list of arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4071
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4168
 msgid ""
 "function_nbr:determines which function to use according to the following "
@@ -8923,97 +9838,97 @@ msgid ""
 "\t11   VARP"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4084
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4181
 msgid "ref1:first value"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4085
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4182
 msgid "ref2:second value"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4087
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4184
 msgid ""
 "Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 23, 27, 28, 33, "
 "and 39."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4088
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4185
 msgid ""
 "Then SUBTOTAL(1,A1:A5) equals 30.SUBTOTAL(6,A1:A5) equals 22378356.SUBTOTAL"
 "(7,A1:A5) equals 6.164414003.SUBTOTAL(9,A1:A5) equals 150.SUBTOTAL(11,A1:A5) "
 "equals 30.4."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4167
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4257
 msgid "CRONBACH:Cronbach's alpha"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4168
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4258
 msgid "ref1:first data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4169
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4259
 msgid "ref2:second data set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4280
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4370
 msgid ""
 "GEOMDIST:probability mass or cumulative distribution function of the "
 "geometric distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4281
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4371
 msgid "k:number of trials"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4282
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4372
 msgid "p:probability of success in any trial"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4284
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4374
 msgid "If @{k} < 0 this function returns a #NUM! error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4311
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4401
 msgid "LOGISTIC:probability density function of the logistic distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4342
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4432
 msgid "PARETO:probability density function of the Pareto distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4344
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4434
 msgid "a:exponent"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4345 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4453
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4435 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4543
 msgid "b:scale parameter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4376
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4466
 msgid "RAYLEIGH:probability density function of the Rayleigh distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4378 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4414
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4468 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4504
 msgid "sigma:scale parameter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4411
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4501
 msgid ""
 "RAYLEIGHTAIL:probability density function of the Rayleigh tail distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4413
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4503
 msgid "a:lower limit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4449
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4539
 msgid ""
 "EXPPOWDIST:the probability density function of the Exponential Power "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4455
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4545
 msgid ""
 "This distribution has been recommended for lifetime analysis when a U-shaped "
 "hazard function is desired. This corresponds to rapid failure once the "
@@ -9021,116 +9936,116 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4483
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4573
 msgid "LAPLACE:probability density function of the Laplace distribution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4485
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4575
 msgid "a:mean"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4506
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4596
 msgid ""
 "PERMUTATIONA:the number of permutations of @{y} objects chosen from @{x} "
 "objects with repetition allowed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4507
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4597
 msgid "x:total number of objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4508
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4598
 msgid "y:number of selected objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4509
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4599
 msgid "If both @{x} and @{y} equal 0, PERMUTATIONA returns 1."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4510
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4600
 msgid "If @{x} < 0 or @{y} < 0, PERMUTATIONA returns #NUM!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4511
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4601
 msgid "If @{x} or @{y} are not integers, they are truncated"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4539
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4629
 msgid "LKSTEST:Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) Test of Normality"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4540 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4657
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4741 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4826
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4630 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4747
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4831 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4916
 msgid "x:array of sample values"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4541
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4631
 msgid ""
 "This function returns an array with the first row giving the p-value of the "
 "Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) Test, the second row the test statistic of "
 "the test, and the third the number of observations in the sample."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4543
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4633
 msgid "If there are less than 5 sample values, LKSTEST returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4545
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4635
 msgid "wiki:en:Lilliefors_test"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4656
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4746
 msgid "SFTEST:Shapiro-Francia Test of Normality"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4658
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4748
 msgid ""
 "This function returns an array with the first row giving the p-value of the "
 "Shapiro-Francia Test, the second row the test statistic of the test, and the "
 "third the number of observations in the sample."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4660
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4750
 msgid ""
 "If there are less than 5 or more than 5000 sample values, SFTEST returns "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4740
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4830
 msgid "CVMTEST:Cramér-von Mises Test of Normality"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4742
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4832
 msgid ""
 "This function returns an array with the first row giving the p-value of the "
 "Cramér-von Mises Test, the second row the test statistic of the test, and "
 "the third the number of observations in the sample."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4744
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4834
 msgid "If there are less than 8 sample values, CVMTEST returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4746
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4836
 msgid "wiki:en:Cramér–von-Mises_criterion"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4825
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4915
 msgid "ADTEST:Anderson-Darling Test of Normality"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4827
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4917
 msgid ""
 "This function returns an array with the first row giving the p-value of the "
 "Anderson-Darling Test, the second row the test statistic of the test, and "
 "the third the number of observations in the sample."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4829
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4919
 msgid "If there are less than 8 sample values, ADTEST returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4831
+#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4921
 msgid "wiki:en:Anderson–Darling_test"
 msgstr ""
@@ -9206,344 +10121,344 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "UNICODE:the Unicode code point for the character @{c}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:199
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:244
 msgid "EXACT:TRUE if @{string1} is exactly equal to @{string2}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:200
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:245
 msgid "string1:first string"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:201
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:246
 msgid "string2:second string"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:219
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:264
 msgid "LEN:the number of characters of the string @{s}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:220 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:237
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:255 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:287
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:339 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:379
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:466 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:502
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:265 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:282
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:300 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:332
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:384 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:424
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:511 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:547
 msgid "s:the string"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:236
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:281
 msgid "LENB:the number of bytes in the string @{s}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:254
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:299
 msgid "LEFT:the first @{num_chars} characters of the string @{s}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:256 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:467
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:301 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:512
 msgid "num_chars:the number of characters to return (defaults to 1)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:257
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:302
 msgid ""
 "If the string @{s} is in a right-to-left script, the returned first "
 "characters are from the right of the string."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:286
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:331
 msgid ""
 "LEFTB:the first characters  of the string @{s} comprising at most @"
 "{num_bytes} bytes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:288 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:381
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:503
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:333 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:426
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:548
 msgid "num_bytes:the maximum number of bytes to return (defaults to 1)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:289 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:382
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:504 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:849
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1340
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:334 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:427
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:549 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:894
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1385
 msgid ""
 "The semantics of this function is subject to change as various applications "
 "implement it."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:290
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:335
 msgid ""
 "If the string is in a right-to-left script, the returned first characters "
 "are from the right of the string."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:291 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:383
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:427 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:506
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:850 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1341
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:336 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:428
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:472 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:551
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:895 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1386
 msgid ""
 "While this function is syntactically Excel compatible, the differences in "
 "the underlying text encoding will usually yield different results."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:292 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:385
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:429 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:507
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:852 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1343
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:337 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:430
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:474 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:552
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:897 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1388
 msgid ""
 "While this function is OpenFormula compatible, most of its behavior is, at "
 "this time, implementation specific."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:320
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:365
 msgid "LOWER:a lower-case version of the string @{text}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:338
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:383
 msgid ""
 "MID:the substring of the string @{s} starting at position @{position} "
 "consisting of @{length} characters"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:340
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:385
 msgid "position:the starting position"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:341
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:386
 msgid "length:the number of characters to return"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:378
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:423
 msgid ""
 "MIDB:the characters following the first @{start_pos} bytes comprising at "
 "most @{num_bytes} bytes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:380
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:425
 msgid "start_pos:the number of the byte with which to start (defaults to 1)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:422
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:467
 msgid ""
 "FINDB:first byte position of @{string1} in @{string2} following byte "
 "position @{start}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:423 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:651
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:468 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:696
 msgid "string1:search string"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:424 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:652
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:469 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:697
 msgid "string2:search field"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:425 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1330
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:470 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1375
 msgid "start:starting byte position, defaults to 1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:426 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:654
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:471 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:699
 msgid "This search is case-sensitive."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:465
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:510
 msgid "RIGHT:the last @{num_chars} characters of the string @{s}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:468 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:505
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:513 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:550
 msgid ""
 "If the string @{s} is in a right-to-left script, the returned last "
 "characters are from the left of the string."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:501
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:546
 msgid ""
 "RIGHTB:the last characters of the string @{s} comprising at most @"
 "{num_bytes} bytes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:536
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:581
 msgid "UPPER:an upper-case version of the string @{text}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:555
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:600
 msgid "CONCATENATE:the concatenation of the strings @{s1}, @{s2},…"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:556
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:601
 msgid "s1:first string"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:557
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:602
 msgid "s2:second string"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:577
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:622
 msgid "REPT:@{num} repetitions of string @{text}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:579
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:624
 msgid "num:non-negative integer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:621
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:666
 msgid "CLEAN:@{text} with any non-printable characters removed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:623
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:668
 msgid ""
 "CLEAN removes non-printable characters from its argument leaving only "
 "regular characters and white-space."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:650
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:695
 msgid ""
 "FIND:first position of @{string1} in @{string2} following position @{start}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:653 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1261
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:698 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1306
 msgid "start:starting position, defaults to 1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:688
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:733
 msgid "FIXED:formatted string representation of @{num}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:689 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1186
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:734 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1231
 msgid "num:number"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:690
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:735
 msgid "decimals:number of decimals"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:691
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:736
 msgid ""
 "no_commas:TRUE if no thousand separators should be used, defaults to FALSE"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:748
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:793
 msgid "PROPER:@{text} with initial of each word capitalised"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:790
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:835
 msgid ""
 "REPLACE:string @{old} with @{num} characters starting at @{start} replaced "
 "by @{new}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:792 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:843
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:837 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:888
 msgid "old:original text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:793
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:838
 msgid "start:starting position"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:794
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:839
 msgid "num:number of characters to be replaced"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:795 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:846
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1114
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:840 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:891
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1159
 msgid "new:replacement string"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:841
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:886
 msgid ""
 "REPLACEB:string @{old} with up to @{num} bytes starting at @{start} replaced "
 "by @{new}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:844
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:889
 msgid "start:starting byte position"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:845
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:890
 msgid "num:number of bytes to be replaced"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:847
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:892
 msgid ""
 "REPLACEB replaces the string of valid unicode characters starting at the "
 "byte @{start} and ending at @{start}+ {num}-1 with the string @{new}."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:895
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:940
 msgid "T:@{value} if and only if @{value} is text, otherwise empty"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:896
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:941
 msgid "value:original value"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:918
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:963
 msgid "TEXT:@{value} as a string formatted as @{format}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:919
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:964
 msgid "value:value to be formatted"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:920
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:965
 msgid "format:desired format"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:972
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1017
 msgid "TRIM:@{text} with only single spaces between words"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1019
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1064
 msgid "VALUE:numeric value of @{text}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1052
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1097
 msgid "NUMBERVALUE:numeric value of @{text}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1054
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1099
 msgid "separator:decimal separator"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1055
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1100
 msgid ""
 "If @{text} does not look like a decimal number, NUMBERVALUE returns the "
 "value VALUE would return (ignoring the given @{separator})."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1111
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1156
 msgid "SUBSTITUTE:@{text} with all occurrences of @{old} replaced by @{new}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1112 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1522
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1157 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1567
 msgid "text:original text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1113
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1158
 msgid "old:string to be replaced"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1115
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1160
 msgid ""
 "num:if @{num} is specified and a number only the @{num}th occurrence of @"
 "{old} is replaced"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1185
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1230
 msgid "DOLLAR:@{num} formatted as currency"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1187
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1232
 msgid "decimals:decimals"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1257
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1302
 msgid ""
 "SEARCH:the location of the @{search} string within @{text} after position @"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1259 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1328
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1304 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1373
 msgid "search:search string"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1260 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1329
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1305 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1374
 msgid "text:search field"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1262 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1331
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1307 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1376
 msgid ""
 "@{search} may contain wildcard characters (*) and question marks (?). A "
 "question mark matches any single character, and a wildcard matches any "
@@ -9551,83 +10466,83 @@ msgid ""
 "with ~."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1267 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1336
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1312 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1381
 msgid "This search is not case sensitive."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1268
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1313
 msgid "If @{search} is not found, SEARCH returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1269
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1314
 msgid ""
 "If @{start} is less than one or it is greater than the length of @{text}, "
 "SEARCH returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1326
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1371
 msgid ""
 "SEARCHB:the location of the @{search} string within @{text} after byte "
 "position @{start}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1337
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1382
 msgid "If @{search} is not found, SEARCHB returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1338
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1383
 msgid ""
 "If @{start} is less than one or it is greater than the byte length of @"
 "{text}, SEARCHB returns #VALUE!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1394
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1439
 msgid ""
 "ASC:text with full-width katakana and ASCII characters converted to half-"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1396
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1441
 msgid ""
 "ASC converts full-width katakana and ASCII characters to half-width "
 "equivalent characters, copying all others. "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1397 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1525
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1442 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1570
 msgid ""
 "The distinction between half-width and full-width characters is described in "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1398 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1527
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1443 ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1572
 msgid "For most strings, this function has the same effect as in Excel."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1399
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1444
 msgid ""
 "While in obsolete encodings ASC used to translate between 2-byte and 1-byte "
 "characters, this is not the case in UTF-8."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1521
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1566
 msgid ""
 "JIS:text with half-width katakana and ASCII characters converted to full-"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1523
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1568
 msgid ""
 "JIS converts half-width katakana and ASCII characters to full-width "
 "equivalent characters, copying all others. "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1528
+#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1573
 msgid ""
 "While in obsolete encodings JIS used to translate between 1-byte and 2-byte "
 "characters, this is not the case in UTF-8."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:94
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:93
 msgid ""
 "Possible interpolation methods are:\n"
 "0: linear;\n"
@@ -9638,86 +10553,94 @@ msgid ""
 "5: natural cubic spline with averaging."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:371
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:380
 msgid ""
 "INTERPOLATION:interpolated values corresponding to the given abscissa targets"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:372
-msgid "abscissae:ordered abscissae of the given data points"
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:381
+msgid "abscissae:abscissae of the given data points"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:373
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:382
 msgid "ordinates:ordinates of the given data points"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:374
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:383
 msgid "targets:abscissae of the interpolated data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:375
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:384
 msgid "interpolation:method of interpolation, defaults to 0 ('linear')"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:376 ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:545
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:385 ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:574
 msgid "The output consists always of one column of numbers."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:378
-msgid "The @{abscissae} must be given in increasing order."
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:387
+msgid ""
+"The @{abscissae} should be given in increasing order. If the @{abscissae} is "
+"not in increasing order the INTERPOLATION function is significantly slower."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:379
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:389
+msgid "If any two @{abscissae} values are equal an error is returned."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:390
 msgid ""
 "If any of interpolation methods 1 ('linear with averaging'), 3 ('staircase "
 "with averaging'), and 5 ('natural cubic spline with averaging') is used, the "
 "number of returned values is one less than the number of targets and the "
-"targets values must be given in increasing order."
+"target values must be given in increasing order. The values returned are the "
+"average heights of the interpolation function on the intervals determined by "
+"consecutive target values."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:384 ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:552
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:397 ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:581
 msgid "Strings and empty cells in @{abscissae} and @{ordinates} are ignored."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:385 ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:553
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:398 ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:582
 msgid ""
 "If several target data are provided they must be in the same column in "
 "consecutive cells."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:538
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:567
 msgid "PERIODOGRAM:periodogram of the given data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:539
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:568
 msgid "ordinates:ordinates of the given data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:540
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:569
 msgid "filter:windowing function to  be used, defaults to no filter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:541
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:570
 msgid ""
 "abscissae:abscissae of the given data, defaults to regularly spaced abscissae"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:542
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:571
 msgid "interpolation:method of interpolation, defaults to none"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:543
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:572
 msgid "number:number of interpolated data points"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:544
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:573
 msgid ""
 "If an interpolation method is used, the number of returned values is one "
 "less than the number of targets and the targets values must be given in "
 "increasing order."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:547
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:576
 msgid ""
 "Possible window functions are:\n"
 "0: no filter (rectangular window)\n"
@@ -9726,291 +10649,124 @@ msgid ""
 "3: Welch (parabolic window)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:797
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:826
 msgid "FOURIER:Fourier or inverse Fourier transform"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:798
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:827 ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:923
 msgid "Sequence:the data sequence to be transformed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:799
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:828
 msgid ""
 "Inverse:if true, the inverse Fourier transform is calculated, defaults to "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:800
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:829
 msgid ""
 "Separate:if true, the real and imaginary parts are given separately, "
 "defaults to false"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:801
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:830
 msgid ""
 "This array function returns the Fourier or inverse Fourier transform of the "
 "given data sequence."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:802
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:831
 msgid ""
 "The output consists of one column of complex numbers if @{Separate} is false "
 "and of two columns of real numbers if @{Separate} is true."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:803
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:832
 msgid ""
 "If @{Separate} is true the first output column contains the real parts and "
 "the second column the imaginary parts."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:804
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:833 ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:927
 msgid ""
 "If @{Sequence} is neither an n by 1 nor 1 by n array, this function returns "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:922
+msgid "HPFILTER:Hodrick Prescott Filter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:305
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:924
+msgid "λ:filter parameter λ, defaults to 1600"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:925
+msgid ""
+"This array function returns the trend and cyclical components obtained by "
+"applying the Hodrick Prescott Filter with parameter @{λ} to the given data "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:926
+msgid ""
+"The output consists of two columns of numbers, the first containing the "
+"trend component, the second the cyclical component."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:928
+msgid ""
+"If @{Sequence} contians less than 6 numerical values, this function returns "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:306
 msgid "EXECSQL:result of executing @{sql} in the libgda data source @{dsn}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:307 ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:384
+#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:308 ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:385
 msgid "dsn:libgda data source"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:308 ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:385
+#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:309 ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:386
 msgid "username:user name to access @{dsn}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:309 ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:386
+#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:310 ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:387
 msgid "password:password to access @{dsn} as @{username}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:310
+#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:311
 msgid "sql:SQL command"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:311 ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:388
+#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:312 ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:389
 msgid "Before using EXECSQL, you need to set up a libgda data source."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:383
+#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:384
 msgid "READDBTABLE:all rows of the table @{table} in @{dsn}"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:387
+#: ../plugins/gda/plugin-gda.c:388
 msgid "table:SQL table to retrieve"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/sample_datasource/sample_datasource.c:278
+#: ../plugins/sample_datasource/sample_datasource.c:274
 msgid "ATL_LAST:sample real-time data source"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/sample_datasource/sample_datasource.c:279
+#: ../plugins/sample_datasource/sample_datasource.c:275
 msgid "tag:tag to watch"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/sample_datasource/sample_datasource.c:280
+#: ../plugins/sample_datasource/sample_datasource.c:276
 msgid ""
 "ATL_LAST is a sample implementation of a real time data source.  It takes a "
 "string tag and monitors the named pipe ~/atl for changes to the value of "
 "that tag."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/sample_datasource/sample_datasource.c:281
+#: ../plugins/sample_datasource/sample_datasource.c:277
 msgid "This is not intended to be generally enabled and is OFF by default."
 msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=COMPLEX(real,im[,suffix])\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=COMPLEX returns a complex number of the form x + yi.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@real is the real and @im is the imaginary part of the complex number.  "
-#~ "@suffix is the suffix for the imaginary part.  If it is omitted, COMPLEX "
-#~ "uses 'i' by default.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* If @suffix is neither 'i' nor 'j', COMPLEX returns #VALUE! error.\n"
-#~ "* This function is Excel compatible.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "COMPLEX(1,-1) equals 1-i.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@SEEALSO="
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=KOMPLEKS(real,imag[,sufiks])\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=KOMPLEKS vraća kompleksni broj u obliku x+iy.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@real je realni a @imag je imaginarni deo kompleksnog broja.  @sufiks je "
-#~ "sufiks za imaginarni deo. Ako se izostavi, KOMPLEKS podrazumevano koristi "
-#~ "znak „i“.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* Ukoliko @sufiks nije „i“ niti „j“, KOMPLEKS vraća #VREDNOST! greška.\n"
-#~ "* Ova funkcija je saglasna sa odgovarajućom Eksel funkcijom.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "KOMPLEKS(1,-1) je jednako 1-i.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@SEEALSO="
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=IMINV(inumber)\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=IMINV returns the inverse, or reciprocal, of the complex "
-#~ "number z (@inumber), where\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "\t1/z = (x - i y)/(x^2 + y^2).\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* If @inumber is not a valid complex number, IMINV returns #VALUE! "
-#~ "error.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "IMINV(\"1-j\") equals 0.5+0.5j.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@SEEALSO="
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=KOMPLEKS(real,imag[,sufiks])\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=KOMPLEKS vraća kompleksni broj u obliku x+iy.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@real je realni a @imag je imaginarni deo kompleksnog broja.  @sufiks je "
-#~ "sufiks za imaginarni deo. Ako se izostavi, KOMPLEKS podrazumevano koristi "
-#~ "znak „i“.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* Ukoliko @sufiks nije „i“ niti „j“, KOMPLEKS vraća #VREDNOST! greška.\n"
-#~ "* Ova funkcija je saglasna sa odgovarajućom Eksel funkcijom.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "KOMPLEKS(1,-1) je jednako 1-i.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@SEEALSO="
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=IMARGUMENT(inumber)\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=IMARGUMENT returns the argument theta of a complex number, i."
-#~ "e. the angle in radians from the real axis to the representation of the "
-#~ "number in polar coordinates.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* If @inumber is not a valid complex number, IMARGUMENT returns #VALUE! "
-#~ "error.\n"
-#~ "* This function is Excel compatible.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "IMARGUMENT(\"2-j\") equals -0.463647609.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@SEEALSO="
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=KOMPLEKS(real,imag[,sufiks])\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=KOMPLEKS vraća kompleksni broj u obliku x+iy.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@real je realni a @imag je imaginarni deo kompleksnog broja.  @sufiks je "
-#~ "sufiks za imaginarni deo. Ako se izostavi, KOMPLEKS podrazumevano koristi "
-#~ "znak „i“.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* Ukoliko @sufiks nije „i“ niti „j“, KOMPLEKS vraća #VREDNOST! greška.\n"
-#~ "* Ova funkcija je saglasna sa odgovarajućom Eksel funkcijom.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "KOMPLEKS(1,-1) je jednako 1-i.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@SEEALSO="
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=IMPOWER(inumber1,inumber2)\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=IMPOWER returns a complex number raised to a power.  "
-#~ "@inumber1 is the complex number to be raised to a power and @inumber2 is "
-#~ "the power to which you want to raise it.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* If @inumber1 or @inumber2 are not valid complex numbers, IMPOWER "
-#~ "returns #VALUE! error.\n"
-#~ "* This function is Excel compatible.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "IMPOWER(\"4-j\",2) equals 15-8j.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=KOMPLEKS(real,imag[,sufiks])\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=KOMPLEKS vraća kompleksni broj u obliku x+iy.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@real je realni a @imag je imaginarni deo kompleksnog broja.  @sufiks je "
-#~ "sufiks za imaginarni deo. Ako se izostavi, KOMPLEKS podrazumevano koristi "
-#~ "znak „i“.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* Ukoliko @sufiks nije „i“ niti „j“, KOMPLEKS vraća #VREDNOST! greška.\n"
-#~ "* Ova funkcija je saglasna sa odgovarajućom Eksel funkcijom.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "KOMPLEKS(1,-1) je jednako 1-i.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@SEEALSO="
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=GESTEP(x[,y])\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=GESTEP function tests if @x is >= @y, returning 1 if it is "
-#~ "so, and 0 otherwise. @y is optional, and defaults to 0.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* If either argument is non-numeric returns a #VALUE! error.\n"
-#~ "* This function is Excel compatible.\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "GESTEP(5,4) equals 1.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=KOMPLEKS(real,imag[,sufiks])\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=KOMPLEKS vraća kompleksni broj u obliku x+iy.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@real je realni a @imag je imaginarni deo kompleksnog broja.  @sufiks je "
-#~ "sufiks za imaginarni deo. Ako se izostavi, KOMPLEKS podrazumevano koristi "
-#~ "znak „i“.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* Ukoliko @sufiks nije „i“ niti „j“, KOMPLEKS vraća #VREDNOST! greška.\n"
-#~ "* Ova funkcija je saglasna sa odgovarajućom Eksel funkcijom.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "KOMPLEKS(1,-1) je jednako 1-i.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@SEEALSO="
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=POWER(x,y)\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=POWER returns the value of @x raised to the power @y.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* If both @x and @y equal 0, POWER returns #NUM! error.\n"
-#~ "* If @x = 0 and @y < 0, POWER returns #DIV/0! error.\n"
-#~ "* If @x < 0 and @y is non-integer, POWER returns #NUM! error.\n"
-#~ "* This function is Excel compatible.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "POWER(2,7) equals 128.\n"
-#~ "POWER(3,3.141) equals 31.523749.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "@SYNTAX=KOMPLEKS(real,imag[,sufiks])\n"
-#~ "@DESCRIPTION=KOMPLEKS vraća kompleksni broj u obliku x+iy.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@real je realni a @imag je imaginarni deo kompleksnog broja.  @sufiks je "
-#~ "sufiks za imaginarni deo. Ako se izostavi, KOMPLEKS podrazumevano koristi "
-#~ "znak „i“.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "* Ukoliko @sufiks nije „i“ niti „j“, KOMPLEKS vraća #VREDNOST! greška.\n"
-#~ "* Ova funkcija je saglasna sa odgovarajućom Eksel funkcijom.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@EXAMPLES=\n"
-#~ "KOMPLEKS(1,-1) je jednako 1-i.\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "@SEEALSO="

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