[gnumeric] special functions: split out bessel functions from mathfunc.c

commit e8f849ec75957a5bb46279efa63475506a142082
Author: Morten Welinder <terra gnome org>
Date:   Mon Nov 18 13:19:18 2013 -0500

    special functions: split out bessel functions from mathfunc.c

 plugins/fn-eng/functions.c |    3 +-
 src/Makefile.am            |    2 +
 src/mathfunc.c             | 2259 -------------------------------------------
 src/mathfunc.h             |    5 -
 src/sf-bessel.c            | 2273 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/sf-bessel.h            |   11 +
 6 files changed, 2288 insertions(+), 2265 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/fn-eng/functions.c b/plugins/fn-eng/functions.c
index ab13903..0f810f2 100644
--- a/plugins/fn-eng/functions.c
+++ b/plugins/fn-eng/functions.c
@@ -24,12 +24,13 @@
 #include <gnumeric-config.h>
 #include <gnumeric.h>
 #include <func.h>
+#include <gnm-i18n.h>
 #include <parse-util.h>
 #include <value.h>
 #include <mathfunc.h>
+#include <sf-bessel.h>
 #include <collect.h>
-#include <gnm-i18n.h>
 #include <number-match.h>
 #include <workbook.h>
 #include <sheet.h>
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index 34e8680..215be42 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ libspreadsheet_la_SOURCES =                 \
        search.c                                \
        selection.c                             \
        session.c                               \
+       sf-bessel.c                             \
        sf-gamma.c                              \
        sf-trig.c                               \
        sheet.c                                 \
@@ -281,6 +282,7 @@ libspreadsheet_include_HEADERS =    \
        search.h                                \
        selection.h                             \
        session.h                               \
+       sf-bessel.h                             \
        sf-gamma.h                              \
        sf-trig.h                               \
        sheet.h                                 \
diff --git a/src/mathfunc.c b/src/mathfunc.c
index f625ec2..436b5be 100644
--- a/src/mathfunc.c
+++ b/src/mathfunc.c
@@ -56,27 +56,18 @@
 #define M_SQRT_32       GNM_const(5.656854249492380195206754896838)  /* sqrt(32) */
 #define M_1_SQRT_2PI    GNM_const(0.398942280401432677939946059934)  /* 1/sqrt(2pi) */
-#define M_SQRT_2dPI     GNM_const(0.797884560802865355879892119869)  /* sqrt(2/pi) */
 #define M_2PIgnum       (2 * M_PIgnum)
 #define ML_ERROR(cause) do { } while(0)
-#define MATHLIB_ERROR(_a,_b) return gnm_nan;
 #define MATHLIB_WARNING g_warning
-#define MATHLIB_WARNING2 g_warning
-#define MATHLIB_WARNING4 g_warning
 #define REprintf g_warning
 static inline gnm_float fmin2 (gnm_float x, gnm_float y) { return MIN (x, y); }
 static inline gnm_float fmax2 (gnm_float x, gnm_float y) { return MAX (x, y); }
-static inline int imin2 (int x, int y) { return MIN (x, y); }
-static inline int imax2 (int x, int y) { return MAX (x, y); }
 #define ML_ERR_return_NAN { return gnm_nan; }
 static void pnorm_both (gnm_float x, gnm_float *cum, gnm_float *ccum, int i_tail, gboolean log_p);
-static gnm_float bessel_y_ex(gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha, gnm_float *by);
-static gnm_float bessel_k(gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha, gnm_float expo);
-static gnm_float bessel_y(gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha);
 /* MW ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -3220,2214 +3211,6 @@ gnm_float pcauchy(gnm_float x, gnm_float location, gnm_float scale,
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* Imported src/nmath/bessel.h from R.  */
-/* Constants und Documentation that apply to several of the
- * ./bessel_[ijky].c  files */
-/* *******************************************************************
- Explanation of machine-dependent constants
-   beta          = Radix for the floating-point system
-   minexp = Smallest representable power of beta
-   maxexp = Smallest power of beta that overflows
-   it = p = Number of bits (base-beta digits) in the mantissa
-           (significand) of a working precision (floating-point) variable
-   NSIG          = Decimal significance desired.  Should be set to
-           INT(LOG10(2)*it+1).  Setting NSIG lower will result
-           in decreased accuracy while setting NSIG higher will
-           increase CPU time without increasing accuracy.  The
-           truncation error is limited to a relative error of
-           T=.5*10^(-NSIG).
-   ENTEN  = 10 ^ K, where K is the largest long such that
-           ENTEN is machine-representable in working precision
-   ENSIG  = 10 ^ NSIG
-   RTNSIG = 10 ^ (-K) for the smallest long K such that
-           K >= NSIG/4
-   ENMTEN = Smallest ABS(X) such that X/4 does not underflow
-   XINF          = Largest positive machine number; approximately beta ^ maxexp
-           == GNM_MAX (defined in  #include <float.h>)
-   SQXMIN = Square root of beta ^ minexp = gnm_sqrt(GNM_MIN)
-   EPS   = The smallest positive floating-point number such that 1.0+EPS > 1.0
-         = beta ^ (-p)  == GNM_EPSILON
-  For I :
-   EXPARG = Largest working precision argument that the library
-           EXP routine can handle and upper limit on the
-           magnitude of X when IZE=1; approximately LOG(beta ^ maxexp)
-  For I and J :
-   xlrg_IJ = (was = XLARGE). Upper limit on the magnitude of X (when
-           IZE=2 for I()).  Bear in mind that if ABS(X)=N, then at least
-           N iterations of the backward recursion will be executed.
-           The value of 10 ^ 4 is used on every machine.
-  For j :
-   XMIN_J  = Smallest acceptable argument for RBESY; approximately
-           max(2*beta ^ minexp, 2/XINF), rounded up
-  For Y :
-   xlrg_Y =  (was = XLARGE). Upper bound on X;
-           approximately 1/DEL, because the sine and cosine functions
-           have lost about half of their precision at that point.
-   EPS_SINC = Machine number below which gnm_sin(x)/x = 1; approximately SQRT(EPS).
-   THRESH = Lower bound for use of the asymptotic form;
-           approximately AINT(-LOG10(EPS/2.0))+1.0
-  For K :
-   xmax_k =  (was = XMAX). Upper limit on the magnitude of X when ize = 1;
-           i.e. maximal x for UNscaled answer.
-           Solution to equation:
-              W(X) * (1 -1/8 X + 9/128 X^2) = beta ^ minexp
-           where  W(X) = EXP(-X)*SQRT(PI/2X)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-     Approximate values for some important machines are:
-                 beta minexp maxexp it NSIG ENTEN ENSIG RTNSIG ENMTEN   EXPARG
-   SUN, etc.) (S.P.)  2          -126  128  24   8  1e38   1e8   1e-2  4.70e-38     88
- IEEE  (...) (D.P.)  2  -1022 1024  53  16  1e308  1e16  1e-4  8.90e-308   709
- CRAY-1              (S.P.)  2  -8193 8191  48  15  1e2465 1e15  1e-4  1.84e-2466 5677
- Cyber 180/855
-   under NOS  (S.P.)  2          -975 1070  48  15  1e322  1e15  1e-4  1.25e-293   741
- IBM 3033     (D.P.) 16           -65   63  14   5  1e75   1e5   1e-2  2.16e-78    174
- VAX         (S.P.)  2   -128  127  24   8  1e38   1e8   1e-2  1.17e-38     88
- VAX D-Format (D.P.)  2          -128  127  56  17  1e38   1e17  1e-5  1.17e-38     88
- VAX G-Format (D.P.)  2         -1024 1023  53  16  1e307  1e16  1e-4  2.22e-308   709
-And routine specific :
-                   xlrg_IJ xlrg_Y xmax_k EPS_SINC XMIN_J    XINF   THRESH
-   SUN, etc.) (S.P.)   1e4  1e4   85.337  1e-4  2.36e-38   3.40e38     8.
- IEEE  (...) (D.P.)    1e4  1e8  705.342  1e-8  4.46e-308  1.79e308   16.
- CRAY-1              (S.P.)    1e4  2e7 5674.858  5e-8  3.67e-2466 5.45e2465  15.
- Cyber 180/855
-   under NOS  (S.P.)   1e4  2e7  672.788  5e-8  6.28e-294  1.26e322   15.
- IBM 3033     (D.P.)   1e4  1e8  177.852  1e-8  2.77e-76   7.23e75    17.
- VAX         (S.P.)    1e4  1e4   86.715  1e-4  1.18e-38   1.70e38     8.
- VAX e-Format (D.P.)   1e4  1e9   86.715  1e-9  1.18e-38   1.70e38    17.
- VAX G-Format (D.P.)   1e4  1e8  706.728  1e-8  2.23e-308  8.98e307   16.
-#define nsig_BESS      16
-#define ensig_BESS     1e16
-#define rtnsig_BESS    1e-4
-#define enmten_BESS    8.9e-308
-#define enten_BESS     1e308
-#define exparg_BESS    709.
-#define xlrg_BESS_IJ   1e5
-#define xlrg_BESS_Y    1e8
-#define thresh_BESS_Y  16.
-#define xmax_BESS_K    705.342/* maximal x for UNscaled answer */
-/* gnm_sqrt(GNM_MIN) = GNM_const(1.491668e-154) */
-#define sqxmin_BESS_K  1.49e-154
-/* x < eps_sinc         <==>  gnm_sin(x)/x == 1 (particularly "==>");
-  Linux (around 2001-02) gives GNM_const(2.14946906753213e-08)
-  Solaris 2.5.1                 gives GNM_const(2.14911933289084e-08)
-#define M_eps_sinc     2.149e-8
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* Imported src/nmath/bessel_i.c from R.  */
- *  Mathlib : A C Library of Special Functions
- *  Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Ross Ihaka and the R Development Core team.
- *
- *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- *  (at your option) any later version.
- *
- *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *  GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
- *  USA.
- */
-/*  DESCRIPTION --> see below */
-/* From http://www.netlib.org/specfun/ribesl   Fortran translated by f2c,...
- *     ------------------------------=#----    Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich
- */
-static void I_bessel(gnm_float *x, gnm_float *alpha, long *nb,
-                    long *ize, gnm_float *bi, long *ncalc);
-static gnm_float bessel_i(gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha, gnm_float expo)
-    long nb, ncalc, ize;
-    gnm_float *bi;
-    char *vmax;
-#ifdef IEEE_754
-    /* NaNs propagated correctly */
-    if (gnm_isnan(x) || gnm_isnan(alpha)) return x + alpha;
-    if (x < 0) {
-       return gnm_nan;
-    }
-    ize = (long)expo;
-    if (alpha < 0) {
-       /* Using Abramowitz & Stegun  9.6.2
-        * this may not be quite optimal (CPU and accuracy wise) */
-       return(bessel_i(x, -alpha, expo) +
-              bessel_k(x, -alpha, expo) * ((ize == 1)? 2. : 2.*gnm_exp(-x))/M_PIgnum
-              * gnm_sinpi(-alpha));
-    }
-    nb = 1+ (long)gnm_floor(alpha);/* nb-1 <= alpha < nb */
-    alpha -= (nb-1);
-    bi = (gnm_float *) calloc(nb, sizeof(gnm_float));
-    if (!bi) MATHLIB_ERROR("%s", ("bessel_i allocation error"));
-    vmax = vmaxget();
-    bi = (gnm_float *) R_alloc(nb, sizeof(gnm_float));
-    I_bessel(&x, &alpha, &nb, &ize, bi, &ncalc);
-    if(ncalc != nb) {/* error input */
-       if(ncalc < 0)
-           MATHLIB_WARNING4(("bessel_i(%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld); alpha=%" GNM_FORMAT_g 
". Arg. out of range?\n"),
-                            x, ncalc, nb, alpha);
-       else
-           MATHLIB_WARNING2(("bessel_i(%" GNM_FORMAT_g ",nu=%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): precision lost in result\n"),
-                            x, alpha+nb-1);
-    }
-    x = bi[nb-1];
-    free(bi);
-    vmaxset(vmax);
-    return x;
-static void I_bessel(gnm_float *x, gnm_float *alpha, long *nb,
-                    long *ize, gnm_float *bi, long *ncalc)
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
- This routine calculates Bessel functions I_(N+ALPHA) (X)
- for non-negative argument X, and non-negative order N+ALPHA,
- with or without exponential scaling.
- Explanation of variables in the calling sequence
- X     - Non-negative argument for which
-        I's or exponentially scaled I's (I*EXP(-X))
-        are to be calculated.  If I's are to be calculated,
-        X must be less than EXPARG_BESS (see bessel.h).
- ALPHA - Fractional part of order for which
-        I's or exponentially scaled I's (I*EXP(-X)) are
-        to be calculated.  0 <= ALPHA < 1.0.
- NB    - Number of functions to be calculated, NB > 0.
-        The first function calculated is of order ALPHA, and the
-        last is of order (NB - 1 + ALPHA).
- IZE   - Type. IZE = 1 if unscaled I's are to be calculated,
-                   = 2 if exponentially scaled I's are to be calculated.
- BI    - Output vector of length NB.   If the routine
-        terminates normally (NCALC=NB), the vector BI contains the
-        functions I(ALPHA,X) through I(NB-1+ALPHA,X), or the
-        corresponding exponentially scaled functions.
- NCALC - Output variable indicating possible errors.
-        Before using the vector BI, the user should check that
-        NCALC=NB, i.e., all orders have been calculated to
-        the desired accuracy.  See error returns below.
- *******************************************************************
- *******************************************************************
- Error returns
-  In case of an error, NCALC != NB, and not all I's are
-  calculated to the desired accuracy.
-  NCALC < 0:  An argument is out of range. For example,
-     NB <= 0, IZE is not 1 or 2, or IZE=1 and ABS(X) >= EXPARG_BESS.
-     In this case, the BI-vector is not calculated, and NCALC is
-     set to MIN0(NB,0)-1 so that NCALC != NB.
-  NB > NCALC > 0: Not all requested function values could
-     be calculated accurately. This usually occurs because NB is
-     much larger than ABS(X).  In this case, BI[N] is calculated
-     to the desired accuracy for N <= NCALC, but precision
-     is lost for NCALC < N <= NB.  If BI[N] does not vanish
-     for N > NCALC (because it is too small to be represented),
-     and BI[N]/BI[NCALC] = 10**(-K), then only the first NSIG-K
-     significant figures of BI[N] can be trusted.
- Intrinsic functions required are:
-     DBLE, EXP, gamma_cody, INT, MAX, MIN, REAL, SQRT
- Acknowledgement
-  This program is based on a program written by David J.
-  Sookne (2) that computes values of the Bessel functions J or
-  I of float argument and long order.  Modifications include
-  the restriction of the computation to the I Bessel function
-  of non-negative float argument, the extension of the computation
-  to arbitrary positive order, the inclusion of optional
-  exponential scaling, and the elimination of most underflow.
-  An earlier version was published in (3).
- References: "A Note on Backward Recurrence Algorithms," Olver,
-             F. W. J., and Sookne, D. J., Math. Comp. 26, 1972,
-             pp 941-947.
-            "Bessel Functions of Real Argument and Integer Order,"
-             Sookne, D. J., NBS Jour. of Res. B. 77B, 1973, pp
-             125-132.
-            "ALGORITHM 597, Sequence of Modified Bessel Functions
-             of the First Kind," Cody, W. J., Trans. Math. Soft.,
-             1983, pp. 242-245.
-  Latest modification: May 30, 1989
-  Modified by: W. J. Cody and L. Stoltz
-              Applied Mathematics Division
-              Argonne National Laboratory
-              Argonne, IL  60439
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------------------
-      Mathematical constants
-      -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-    const gnm_float const__ = 1.585;
-    /* Local variables */
-    long nend, intx, nbmx, k, l, n, nstart;
-    gnm_float pold, test,      p, em, en, empal, emp2al, halfx,
-       aa, bb, cc, psave, plast, tover, psavel, sum, nu, twonu;
-    /*Parameter adjustments */
-    --bi;
-    nu = *alpha;
-    twonu = nu + nu;
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------------------
-      Check for X, NB, OR IZE out of range.
-      ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if (*nb > 0 && *x >= 0. && (0. <= nu && nu < 1.) &&
-       (1 <= *ize && *ize <= 2) ) {
-       *ncalc = *nb;
-       if((*ize == 1 && *x > exparg_BESS) ||
-          (*ize == 2 && *x > xlrg_BESS_IJ)) {
-           ML_ERROR(ME_RANGE);
-           for(k=1; k <= *nb; k++)
-               bi[k]=gnm_pinf;
-           return;
-       }
-       intx = (long) (*x);/* --> we will probably fail when *x > LONG_MAX */
-       if (*x >= rtnsig_BESS) { /* "non-small" x */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
-   Initialize the forward sweep, the P-sequence of Olver
-   ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-           nbmx = *nb - intx;
-           n = intx + 1;
-           en = (gnm_float) (n + n) + twonu;
-           plast = 1.;
-           p = en / *x;
-           /* ------------------------------------------------
-              Calculate general significance test
-              ------------------------------------------------ */
-           test = ensig_BESS + ensig_BESS;
-           if (intx << 1 > nsig_BESS * 5) {
-               test = gnm_sqrt(test * p);
-           } else {
-               test /= gnm_pow(const__, (gnm_float)intx);
-           }
-           if (nbmx >= 3) {
-               /* --------------------------------------------------
-                  Calculate P-sequence until N = NB-1
-                  Check for possible overflow.
-                  ------------------------------------------------ */
-               tover = enten_BESS / ensig_BESS;
-               nstart = intx + 2;
-               nend = *nb - 1;
-               for (k = nstart; k <= nend; ++k) {
-                   n = k;
-                   en += 2.;
-                   pold = plast;
-                   plast = p;
-                   p = en * plast / *x + pold;
-                   if (p > tover) {
-                       /* ------------------------------------------------
-                          To avoid overflow, divide P-sequence by TOVER.
-                          Calculate P-sequence until ABS(P) > 1.
-                          ---------------------------------------------- */
-                       tover = enten_BESS;
-                       p /= tover;
-                       plast /= tover;
-                       psave = p;
-                       psavel = plast;
-                       nstart = n + 1;
-                       do {
-                           ++n;
-                           en += 2.;
-                           pold = plast;
-                           plast = p;
-                           p = en * plast / *x + pold;
-                       }
-                       while (p <= 1.);
-                       bb = en / *x;
-                       /* ------------------------------------------------
-                          Calculate backward test, and find NCALC,
-                          the highest N such that the test is passed.
-                          ------------------------------------------------ */
-                       test = pold * plast / ensig_BESS;
-                       test *= .5 - .5 / (bb * bb);
-                       p = plast * tover;
-                       --n;
-                       en -= 2.;
-                       nend = imin2(*nb,n);
-                       for (l = nstart; l <= nend; ++l) {
-                           *ncalc = l;
-                           pold = psavel;
-                           psavel = psave;
-                           psave = en * psavel / *x + pold;
-                           if (psave * psavel > test) {
-                               goto L90;
-                           }
-                       }
-                       *ncalc = nend + 1;
-                       --(*ncalc);
-                       goto L120;
-                   }
-               }
-               n = nend;
-               en = (gnm_float)(n + n) + twonu;
-               /*---------------------------------------------------
-                 Calculate special significance test for NBMX > 2.
-                 --------------------------------------------------- */
-               test = fmax2(test,gnm_sqrt(plast * ensig_BESS) * gnm_sqrt(p + p));
-           }
-           /* --------------------------------------------------------
-              Calculate P-sequence until significance test passed.
-              -------------------------------------------------------- */
-           do {
-               ++n;
-               en += 2.;
-               pold = plast;
-               plast = p;
-               p = en * plast / *x + pold;
-           } while (p < test);
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
- Initialize the backward recursion and the normalization sum.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-           ++n;
-           en += 2.;
-           bb = 0.;
-           aa = 1. / p;
-           em = (gnm_float) n - 1.;
-           empal = em + nu;
-           emp2al = em - 1. + twonu;
-           sum = aa * empal * emp2al / em;
-           nend = n - *nb;
-           if (nend < 0) {
-               /* -----------------------------------------------------
-                  N < NB, so store BI[N] and set higher orders to 0..
-                  ----------------------------------------------------- */
-               bi[n] = aa;
-               nend = -nend;
-               for (l = 1; l <= nend; ++l) {
-                   bi[n + l] = 0.;
-               }
-           } else {
-               if (nend > 0) {
-                   /* -----------------------------------------------------
-                      Recur backward via difference equation,
-                      calculating (but not storing) BI[N], until N = NB.
-                      --------------------------------------------------- */
-                   for (l = 1; l <= nend; ++l) {
-                       --n;
-                       en -= 2.;
-                       cc = bb;
-                       bb = aa;
-                       aa = en * bb / *x + cc;
-                       em -= 1.;
-                       emp2al -= 1.;
-                       if (n == 1) {
-                           break;
-                       }
-                       if (n == 2) {
-                           emp2al = 1.;
-                       }
-                       empal -= 1.;
-                       sum = (sum + aa * empal) * emp2al / em;
-                   }
-               }
-               /* ---------------------------------------------------
-                  Store BI[NB]
-                  --------------------------------------------------- */
-               bi[n] = aa;
-               if (*nb <= 1) {
-                   sum = sum + sum + aa;
-                   goto L230;
-               }
-               /* -------------------------------------------------
-                  Calculate and Store BI[NB-1]
-                  ------------------------------------------------- */
-               --n;
-               en -= 2.;
-               bi[n] = en * aa / *x + bb;
-               if (n == 1) {
-                   goto L220;
-               }
-               em -= 1.;
-               if (n == 2)
-                   emp2al = 1.;
-               else
-                   emp2al -= 1.;
-               empal -= 1.;
-               sum = (sum + bi[n] * empal) * emp2al / em;
-           }
-           nend = n - 2;
-           if (nend > 0) {
-               /* --------------------------------------------
-                  Calculate via difference equation
-                  and store BI[N], until N = 2.
-                  ------------------------------------------ */
-               for (l = 1; l <= nend; ++l) {
-                   --n;
-                   en -= 2.;
-                   bi[n] = en * bi[n + 1] / *x + bi[n + 2];
-                   em -= 1.;
-                   if (n == 2)
-                       emp2al = 1.;
-                   else
-                       emp2al -= 1.;
-                   empal -= 1.;
-                   sum = (sum + bi[n] * empal) * emp2al / em;
-               }
-           }
-           /* ----------------------------------------------
-              Calculate BI[1]
-              -------------------------------------------- */
-           bi[1] = 2. * empal * bi[2] / *x + bi[3];
-           sum = sum + sum + bi[1];
-           /* ---------------------------------------------------------
-              Normalize.  Divide all BI[N] by sum.
-              --------------------------------------------------------- */
-           if (nu != 0.)
-               sum *= (gnm_exp(lgamma1p (nu)) * gnm_pow(*x * .5, -nu));
-           if (*ize == 1)
-               sum *= gnm_exp(-(*x));
-           aa = enmten_BESS;
-           if (sum > 1.)
-               aa *= sum;
-           for (n = 1; n <= *nb; ++n) {
-               if (bi[n] < aa)
-                   bi[n] = 0.;
-               else
-                   bi[n] /= sum;
-           }
-           return;
-       } else {
-           /* -----------------------------------------------------------
-              Two-term ascending series for small X.
-              -----------------------------------------------------------*/
-           aa = 1.;
-           empal = 1. + nu;
-           if (*x > enmten_BESS)
-               halfx = .5 * *x;
-           else
-               halfx = 0.;
-           if (nu != 0.)
-               aa = gnm_pow(halfx, nu) / gnm_exp(lgamma1p(nu));
-           if (*ize == 2)
-               aa *= gnm_exp(-(*x));
-           if (*x + 1. > 1.)
-               bb = halfx * halfx;
-           else
-               bb = 0.;
-           bi[1] = aa + aa * bb / empal;
-           if (*x != 0. && bi[1] == 0.)
-               *ncalc = 0;
-           if (*nb > 1) {
-               if (*x == 0.) {
-                   for (n = 2; n <= *nb; ++n) {
-                       bi[n] = 0.;
-                   }
-               } else {
-                   /* -------------------------------------------------
-                      Calculate higher-order functions.
-                      ------------------------------------------------- */
-                   cc = halfx;
-                   tover = (enmten_BESS + enmten_BESS) / *x;
-                   if (bb != 0.)
-                       tover = enmten_BESS / bb;
-                   for (n = 2; n <= *nb; ++n) {
-                       aa /= empal;
-                       empal += 1.;
-                       aa *= cc;
-                       if (aa <= tover * empal)
-                           bi[n] = aa = 0.;
-                       else
-                           bi[n] = aa + aa * bb / empal;
-                       if (bi[n] == 0. && *ncalc > n)
-                           *ncalc = n - 1;
-                   }
-               }
-           }
-       }
-    } else {
-       *ncalc = imin2(*nb,0) - 1;
-    }
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* Imported src/nmath/bessel_j.c from R.  */
- *  Mathlib : A C Library of Special Functions
- *  Copyright (C) 1998-2012 Ross Ihaka and the R Core team.
- *
- *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- *  (at your option) any later version.
- *
- *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *  GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- *  along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
- *  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/
- */
-/*  DESCRIPTION --> see below */
-/* From http://www.netlib.org/specfun/rjbesl   Fortran translated by f2c,...
- *     ------------------------------=#----    Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich
- * Additional code for nu == alpha < 0  MM
- */
-#define min0(x, y) (((x) <= (y)) ? (x) : (y))
-static void J_bessel(gnm_float *x, gnm_float *alpha, long *nb,
-                    gnm_float *b, long *ncalc);
-static gnm_float bessel_j(gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha)
-    long nb, ncalc;
-    gnm_float na, *bj;
-    const void *vmax;
-#ifdef IEEE_754
-    /* NaNs propagated correctly */
-    if (gnm_isnan(x) || gnm_isnan(alpha)) return x + alpha;
-    if (x < 0) {
-       return gnm_nan;
-    }
-    na = gnm_floor(alpha);
-    if (alpha < 0) {
-       /* Using Abramowitz & Stegun  9.1.2
-        * this may not be quite optimal (CPU and accuracy wise) */
-       return(bessel_j(x, -alpha) * gnm_cospi(alpha) +
-              ((alpha == na) ? 0 :
-              bessel_y(x, -alpha) * gnm_sinpi(alpha)));
-    }
-    nb = 1 + (long)na; /* nb-1 <= alpha < nb */
-    alpha -= (gnm_float)(nb-1);
-    bj = (gnm_float *) calloc(nb, sizeof(gnm_float));
-    if (!bj) MATHLIB_ERROR("%s", ("bessel_j allocation error"));
-    vmax = vmaxget();
-    bj = (gnm_float *) R_alloc((size_t) nb, sizeof(gnm_float));
-    J_bessel(&x, &alpha, &nb, bj, &ncalc);
-    if(ncalc != nb) {/* error input */
-      if(ncalc < 0)
-       MATHLIB_WARNING4(("bessel_j(%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld); alpha=%" GNM_FORMAT_g ". 
Arg. out of range?\n"),
-                        x, ncalc, nb, alpha);
-      else
-       MATHLIB_WARNING2(("bessel_j(%" GNM_FORMAT_g ",nu=%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): precision lost in result\n"),
-                        x, alpha+(gnm_float)nb-1);
-    }
-    x = bj[nb-1];
-    free(bj);
-    vmaxset(vmax);
-    return x;
-/* modified version of bessel_j that accepts a work array instead of
-   allocating one. */
-static gnm_float bessel_j_ex(gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha, gnm_float *bj)
-    long nb, ncalc;
-    gnm_float na;
-#ifdef IEEE_754
-    /* NaNs propagated correctly */
-    if (gnm_isnan(x) || gnm_isnan(alpha)) return x + alpha;
-    if (x < 0) {
-       return gnm_nan;
-    }
-    na = gnm_floor(alpha);
-    if (alpha < 0) {
-       /* Using Abramowitz & Stegun  9.1.2
-        * this may not be quite optimal (CPU and accuracy wise) */
-       return(bessel_j_ex(x, -alpha, bj) * gnm_cospi(alpha) +
-              ((alpha == na) ? 0 :
-               bessel_y_ex(x, -alpha, bj) * gnm_sinpi(alpha)));
-    }
-    nb = 1 + (long)na; /* nb-1 <= alpha < nb */
-    alpha -= (gnm_float)(nb-1);
-    J_bessel(&x, &alpha, &nb, bj, &ncalc);
-    if(ncalc != nb) {/* error input */
-      if(ncalc < 0)
-       MATHLIB_WARNING4(("bessel_j(%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld); alpha=%" GNM_FORMAT_g ". 
Arg. out of range?\n"),
-                        x, ncalc, nb, alpha);
-      else
-       MATHLIB_WARNING2(("bessel_j(%" GNM_FORMAT_g ",nu=%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): precision lost in result\n"),
-                        x, alpha+(gnm_float)nb-1);
-    }
-    x = bj[nb-1];
-    return x;
-static void J_bessel(gnm_float *x, gnm_float *alpha, long *nb,
-                    gnm_float *b, long *ncalc)
- Calculates Bessel functions J_{n+alpha} (x)
- for non-negative argument x, and non-negative order n+alpha, n = 0,1,..,nb-1.
-  Explanation of variables in the calling sequence.
- X     - Non-negative argument for which J's are to be calculated.
- ALPHA - Fractional part of order for which
-        J's are to be calculated.  0 <= ALPHA < 1.
- NB    - Number of functions to be calculated, NB >= 1.
-        The first function calculated is of order ALPHA, and the
-        last is of order (NB - 1 + ALPHA).
- B     - Output vector of length NB.  If RJBESL
-        terminates normally (NCALC=NB), the vector B contains the
-        functions J/ALPHA/(X) through J/NB-1+ALPHA/(X).
- NCALC - Output variable indicating possible errors.
-        Before using the vector B, the user should check that
-        NCALC=NB, i.e., all orders have been calculated to
-        the desired accuracy.  See the following
-        ****************************************************************
- Error return codes
-    In case of an error,  NCALC != NB, and not all J's are
-    calculated to the desired accuracy.
-    NCALC < 0: An argument is out of range. For example,
-       NBES <= 0, ALPHA < 0 or > 1, or X is too large.
-       In this case, b[1] is set to zero, the remainder of the
-       B-vector is not calculated, and NCALC is set to
-       MIN(NB,0)-1 so that NCALC != NB.
-    NB > NCALC > 0: Not all requested function values could
-       be calculated accurately.  This usually occurs because NB is
-       much larger than ABS(X).         In this case, b[N] is calculated
-       to the desired accuracy for N <= NCALC, but precision
-       is lost for NCALC < N <= NB.  If b[N] does not vanish
-       for N > NCALC (because it is too small to be represented),
-       and b[N]/b[NCALC] = 10^(-K), then only the first NSIG - K
-       significant figures of b[N] can be trusted.
-  Acknowledgement
-       This program is based on a program written by David J. Sookne
-       (2) that computes values of the Bessel functions J or I of float
-       argument and long order.  Modifications include the restriction
-       of the computation to the J Bessel function of non-negative float
-       argument, the extension of the computation to arbitrary positive
-       order, and the elimination of most underflow.
-  References:
-       Olver, F.W.J., and Sookne, D.J. (1972)
-       "A Note on Backward Recurrence Algorithms";
-       Math. Comp. 26, 941-947.
-       Sookne, D.J. (1973)
-       "Bessel Functions of Real Argument and Integer Order";
-       NBS Jour. of Res. B. 77B, 125-132.
-  Latest modification: March 19, 1990
-  Author: W. J. Cody
-         Applied Mathematics Division
-         Argonne National Laboratory
-         Argonne, IL  60439
- *******************************************************************
- */
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-  Mathematical constants
-   PI2   = 2 / PI
-   TWOPI1 = first few significant digits of 2 * PI
-   TWOPI2 = (2*PI - TWOPI1) to working precision, i.e.,
-           TWOPI1 + TWOPI2 = 2 * PI to extra precision.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    const static gnm_float pi2 = GNM_const(.636619772367581343075535);
-    const static gnm_float twopi1 = GNM_const(6.28125);
-    const static gnm_float twopi2 =  GNM_const(.001935307179586476925286767);
- *  Factorial(N)
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* removed array fact */
-    /* Local variables */
-    long nend, intx, nbmx, i, j, k, l, m, n, nstart;
-    gnm_float nu, twonu, capp, capq, pold, vcos, test, vsin;
-    gnm_float p, s, t, z, alpem, halfx, aa, bb, cc, psave, plast;
-    gnm_float tover, t1, alp2em, em, en, xc, xk, xm, psavel, gnu, xin, sum;
-    /* Parameter adjustment */
-    --b;
-    nu = *alpha;
-    twonu = nu + nu;
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------------------
-      Check for out of range arguments.
-      -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-    if (*nb > 0 && *x >= 0. && 0. <= nu && nu < 1.) {
-       *ncalc = *nb;
-       if(*x > xlrg_BESS_IJ) {
-           ML_ERROR(ME_RANGE);
-           /* indeed, the limit is 0,
-            * but the cutoff happens too early */
-           for(i=1; i <= *nb; i++)
-               b[i] = 0.; /*was gnm_pinf (really nonsense) */
-           return;
-       }
-       intx = (long) (*x);
-       /* Initialize result array to zero. */
-       for (i = 1; i <= *nb; ++i)
-           b[i] = 0.;
-       /*===================================================================
-         Branch into  3 cases :
-         1) use 2-term ascending series for small X
-         2) use asymptotic form for large X when NB is not too large
-         3) use recursion otherwise
-         ===================================================================*/
-       if (*x < rtnsig_BESS) {
-         /* ---------------------------------------------------------------
-            Two-term ascending series for small X.
-            --------------------------------------------------------------- */
-           alpem = 1. + nu;
-           halfx = (*x > enmten_BESS) ? .5 * *x :  0.;
-           aa    = (nu != 0.)    ? gnm_pow(halfx, nu) / (nu * gnm_gamma(nu)) : 1.;
-           bb    = (*x + 1. > 1.)? -halfx * halfx : 0.;
-           b[1] = aa + aa * bb / alpem;
-           if (*x != 0. && b[1] == 0.)
-               *ncalc = 0;
-           if (*nb != 1) {
-               if (*x <= 0.) {
-                   for (n = 2; n <= *nb; ++n)
-                       b[n] = 0.;
-               }
-               else {
-                   /* ----------------------------------------------
-                      Calculate higher order functions.
-                      ---------------------------------------------- */
-                   if (bb == 0.)
-                       tover = (enmten_BESS + enmten_BESS) / *x;
-                   else
-                       tover = enmten_BESS / bb;
-                   cc = halfx;
-                   for (n = 2; n <= *nb; ++n) {
-                       aa /= alpem;
-                       alpem += 1.;
-                       aa *= cc;
-                       if (aa <= tover * alpem)
-                           aa = 0.;
-                       b[n] = aa + aa * bb / alpem;
-                       if (b[n] == 0. && *ncalc > n)
-                           *ncalc = n - 1;
-                   }
-               }
-           }
-       } else if (*x > 25. && *nb <= intx + 1) {
-           /* ------------------------------------------------------------
-              Asymptotic series for X > 25 (and not too large nb)
-              ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-           xc = gnm_sqrt(pi2 / *x);
-           xin = 1 / (64 * *x * *x);
-           if (*x >= 130.)     m = 4;
-           else if (*x >= 35.) m = 8;
-           else                m = 11;
-           xm = 4. * (gnm_float) m;
-           /* ------------------------------------------------
-              Argument reduction for SIN and COS routines.
-              ------------------------------------------------ */
-           t = gnm_trunc(*x / (twopi1 + twopi2) + .5);
-           z = (*x - t * twopi1) - t * twopi2 - (nu + .5) / pi2;
-           vsin = gnm_sin(z);
-           vcos = gnm_cos(z);
-           gnu = twonu;
-           for (i = 1; i <= 2; ++i) {
-               s = (xm - 1. - gnu) * (xm - 1. + gnu) * xin * .5;
-               t = (gnu - (xm - 3.)) * (gnu + (xm - 3.));
-               t1= (gnu - (xm + 1.)) * (gnu + (xm + 1.));
-               k = m + m;
-               capp = s * t / gnm_fact(k);
-               capq = s * t1/ gnm_fact(k + 1);
-               xk = xm;
-               for (; k >= 4; k -= 2) {/* k + 2(j-2) == 2m */
-                   xk -= 4.;
-                   s = (xk - 1. - gnu) * (xk - 1. + gnu);
-                   t1 = t;
-                   t = (gnu - (xk - 3.)) * (gnu + (xk - 3.));
-                   capp = (capp + 1. / gnm_fact(k - 2)) * s * t  * xin;
-                   capq = (capq + 1. / gnm_fact(k - 1)) * s * t1 * xin;
-               }
-               capp += 1.;
-               capq = (capq + 1.) * (gnu * gnu - 1.) * (.125 / *x);
-               b[i] = xc * (capp * vcos - capq * vsin);
-               if (*nb == 1)
-                   return;
-               /* vsin <--> vcos */ t = vsin; vsin = -vcos; vcos = t;
-               gnu += 2.;
-           }
-           /* -----------------------------------------------
-              If  NB > 2, compute J(X,ORDER+I) for I = 2, NB-1
-              ----------------------------------------------- */
-           if (*nb > 2)
-               for (gnu = twonu + 2., j = 3; j <= *nb; j++, gnu += 2.)
-                   b[j] = gnu * b[j - 1] / *x - b[j - 2];
-       }
-       else {
-           /* rtnsig_BESS <= x && ( x <= 25 || intx+1 < *nb ) :
-              --------------------------------------------------------
-              Use recurrence to generate results.
-              First initialize the calculation of P*S.
-              -------------------------------------------------------- */
-           nbmx = *nb - intx;
-           n = intx + 1;
-           en = (gnm_float)(n + n) + twonu;
-           plast = 1.;
-           p = en / *x;
-           /* ---------------------------------------------------
-              Calculate general significance test.
-              --------------------------------------------------- */
-           test = ensig_BESS + ensig_BESS;
-           if (nbmx >= 3) {
-               /* ------------------------------------------------------------
-                  Calculate P*S until N = NB-1.  Check for possible overflow.
-                  ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-               tover = enten_BESS / ensig_BESS;
-               nstart = intx + 2;
-               nend = *nb - 1;
-               en = (gnm_float) (nstart + nstart) - 2. + twonu;
-               for (k = nstart; k <= nend; ++k) {
-                   n = k;
-                   en += 2.;
-                   pold = plast;
-                   plast = p;
-                   p = en * plast / *x - pold;
-                   if (p > tover) {
-                       /* -------------------------------------------
-                          To avoid overflow, divide P*S by TOVER.
-                          Calculate P*S until ABS(P) > 1.
-                          -------------------------------------------*/
-                       tover = enten_BESS;
-                       p /= tover;
-                       plast /= tover;
-                       psave = p;
-                       psavel = plast;
-                       nstart = n + 1;
-                       do {
-                           ++n;
-                           en += 2.;
-                           pold = plast;
-                           plast = p;
-                           p = en * plast / *x - pold;
-                       } while (p <= 1.);
-                       bb = en / *x;
-                       /* -----------------------------------------------
-                          Calculate backward test and find NCALC,
-                          the highest N such that the test is passed.
-                          ----------------------------------------------- */
-                       test = pold * plast * (.5 - .5 / (bb * bb));
-                       test /= ensig_BESS;
-                       p = plast * tover;
-                       --n;
-                       en -= 2.;
-                       nend = min0(*nb,n);
-                       for (l = nstart; l <= nend; ++l) {
-                           pold = psavel;
-                           psavel = psave;
-                           psave = en * psavel / *x - pold;
-                           if (psave * psavel > test) {
-                               *ncalc = l - 1;
-                               goto L190;
-                           }
-                       }
-                       *ncalc = nend;
-                       goto L190;
-                   }
-               }
-               n = nend;
-               en = (gnm_float) (n + n) + twonu;
-               /* -----------------------------------------------------
-                  Calculate special significance test for NBMX > 2.
-                  -----------------------------------------------------*/
-               test = fmax2(test, gnm_sqrt(plast * ensig_BESS) * gnm_sqrt(p + p));
-           }
-           /* ------------------------------------------------
-              Calculate P*S until significance test passes. */
-           do {
-               ++n;
-               en += 2.;
-               pold = plast;
-               plast = p;
-               p = en * plast / *x - pold;
-           } while (p < test);
-           /*---------------------------------------------------------------
-             Initialize the backward recursion and the normalization sum.
-             --------------------------------------------------------------- */
-           ++n;
-           en += 2.;
-           bb = 0.;
-           aa = 1. / p;
-           m = n / 2;
-           em = (gnm_float)m;
-           m = (n << 1) - (m << 2);/* = 2 n - 4 (n/2)
-                                      = 0 for even, 2 for odd n */
-           if (m == 0)
-               sum = 0.;
-           else {
-               alpem = em - 1. + nu;
-               alp2em = em + em + nu;
-               sum = aa * alpem * alp2em / em;
-           }
-           nend = n - *nb;
-           /* if (nend > 0) */
-           /* --------------------------------------------------------
-              Recur backward via difference equation, calculating
-              (but not storing) b[N], until N = NB.
-              -------------------------------------------------------- */
-           for (l = 1; l <= nend; ++l) {
-               --n;
-               en -= 2.;
-               cc = bb;
-               bb = aa;
-               aa = en * bb / *x - cc;
-               m = m ? 0 : 2; /* m = 2 - m failed on gcc4-20041019 */
-               if (m != 0) {
-                   em -= 1.;
-                   alp2em = em + em + nu;
-                   if (n == 1)
-                       break;
-                   alpem = em - 1. + nu;
-                   if (alpem == 0.)
-                       alpem = 1.;
-                   sum = (sum + aa * alp2em) * alpem / em;
-               }
-           }
-           /*--------------------------------------------------
-             Store b[NB].
-             --------------------------------------------------*/
-           b[n] = aa;
-           if (nend >= 0) {
-               if (*nb <= 1) {
-                   if (nu + 1. == 1.)
-                       alp2em = 1.;
-                   else
-                       alp2em = nu;
-                   sum += b[1] * alp2em;
-                   goto L250;
-               }
-               else {/*-- nb >= 2 : ---------------------------
-                       Calculate and store b[NB-1].
-                       ----------------------------------------*/
-                   --n;
-                   en -= 2.;
-                   b[n] = en * aa / *x - bb;
-                   if (n == 1)
-                       goto L240;
-                   m = m ? 0 : 2; /* m = 2 - m failed on gcc4-20041019 */
-                   if (m != 0) {
-                       em -= 1.;
-                       alp2em = em + em + nu;
-                       alpem = em - 1. + nu;
-                       if (alpem == 0.)
-                           alpem = 1.;
-                       sum = (sum + b[n] * alp2em) * alpem / em;
-                   }
-               }
-           }
-           /* if (n - 2 != 0) */
-           /* --------------------------------------------------------
-              Calculate via difference equation and store b[N],
-              until N = 2.
-              -------------------------------------------------------- */
-           for (n = n-1; n >= 2; n--) {
-               en -= 2.;
-               b[n] = en * b[n + 1] / *x - b[n + 2];
-               m = m ? 0 : 2; /* m = 2 - m failed on gcc4-20041019 */
-               if (m != 0) {
-                   em -= 1.;
-                   alp2em = em + em + nu;
-                   alpem = em - 1. + nu;
-                   if (alpem == 0.)
-                       alpem = 1.;
-                   sum = (sum + b[n] * alp2em) * alpem / em;
-               }
-           }
-           /* ---------------------------------------
-              Calculate b[1].
-              -----------------------------------------*/
-           b[1] = 2. * (nu + 1.) * b[2] / *x - b[3];
-           em -= 1.;
-           alp2em = em + em + nu;
-           if (alp2em == 0.)
-               alp2em = 1.;
-           sum += b[1] * alp2em;
-           /* ---------------------------------------------------
-              Normalize.  Divide all b[N] by sum.
-              ---------------------------------------------------*/
-/*         if (nu + 1. != 1.) poor test */
-           if(gnm_abs(nu) > 1e-15)
-               sum *= (gnm_gamma(nu) * gnm_pow(.5* *x, -nu));
-           aa = enmten_BESS;
-           if (sum > 1.)
-               aa *= sum;
-           for (n = 1; n <= *nb; ++n) {
-               if (gnm_abs(b[n]) < aa)
-                   b[n] = 0.;
-               else
-                   b[n] /= sum;
-           }
-       }
-    }
-    else {
-      /* Error return -- X, NB, or ALPHA is out of range : */
-       b[1] = 0.;
-       *ncalc = min0(*nb,0) - 1;
-    }
-/* Cleaning up done by tools/import-R:  */
-#undef min0
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* Imported src/nmath/bessel_k.c from R.  */
- *  Mathlib : A C Library of Special Functions
- *  Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Ross Ihaka and the R Development Core team.
- *  Copyright (C) 2002-3    The R Foundation
- *
- *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- *  (at your option) any later version.
- *
- *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *  GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
- *  USA.
- */
-/*  DESCRIPTION --> see below */
-/* From http://www.netlib.org/specfun/rkbesl   Fortran translated by f2c,...
- *     ------------------------------=#----    Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich
- */
-static void K_bessel(gnm_float *x, gnm_float *alpha, long *nb,
-                    long *ize, gnm_float *bk, long *ncalc);
-static gnm_float bessel_k(gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha, gnm_float expo)
-    long nb, ncalc, ize;
-    gnm_float *bk;
-    char *vmax;
-#ifdef IEEE_754
-    /* NaNs propagated correctly */
-    if (gnm_isnan(x) || gnm_isnan(alpha)) return x + alpha;
-    if (x < 0) {
-       return gnm_nan;
-    }
-    ize = (long)expo;
-    if(alpha < 0)
-       alpha = -alpha;
-    nb = 1+ (long)gnm_floor(alpha);/* nb-1 <= |alpha| < nb */
-    alpha -= (nb-1);
-    bk = (gnm_float *) calloc(nb, sizeof(gnm_float));
-    if (!bk) MATHLIB_ERROR("%s", ("bessel_k allocation error"));
-    vmax = vmaxget();
-    bk = (gnm_float *) R_alloc(nb, sizeof(gnm_float));
-    K_bessel(&x, &alpha, &nb, &ize, bk, &ncalc);
-    if(ncalc != nb) {/* error input */
-      if(ncalc < 0)
-       MATHLIB_WARNING4(("bessel_k(%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld); alpha=%" GNM_FORMAT_g ". 
Arg. out of range?\n"),
-                        x, ncalc, nb, alpha);
-      else
-       MATHLIB_WARNING2(("bessel_k(%" GNM_FORMAT_g ",nu=%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): precision lost in result\n"),
-                        x, alpha+nb-1);
-    }
-    x = bk[nb-1];
-    free(bk);
-    vmaxset(vmax);
-    return x;
-static void K_bessel(gnm_float *x, gnm_float *alpha, long *nb,
-                    long *ize, gnm_float *bk, long *ncalc)
-  This routine calculates modified Bessel functions
-  of the third kind, K_(N+ALPHA) (X), for non-negative
-  argument X, and non-negative order N+ALPHA, with or without
-  exponential scaling.
-  Explanation of variables in the calling sequence
- X     - Non-negative argument for which
-        K's or exponentially scaled K's (K*EXP(X))
-        are to be calculated.  If K's are to be calculated,
-        X must not be greater than XMAX_BESS_K.
- ALPHA - Fractional part of order for which
-        K's or exponentially scaled K's (K*EXP(X)) are
-        to be calculated.  0 <= ALPHA < 1.0.
- NB    - Number of functions to be calculated, NB > 0.
-        The first function calculated is of order ALPHA, and the
-        last is of order (NB - 1 + ALPHA).
- IZE   - Type. IZE = 1 if unscaled K's are to be calculated,
-                   = 2 if exponentially scaled K's are to be calculated.
- BK    - Output vector of length NB.   If the
-        routine terminates normally (NCALC=NB), the vector BK
-        contains the functions K(ALPHA,X), ... , K(NB-1+ALPHA,X),
-        or the corresponding exponentially scaled functions.
-        If (0 < NCALC < NB), BK(I) contains correct function
-        values for I <= NCALC, and contains the ratios
-        K(ALPHA+I-1,X)/K(ALPHA+I-2,X) for the rest of the array.
- NCALC - Output variable indicating possible errors.
-        Before using the vector BK, the user should check that
-        NCALC=NB, i.e., all orders have been calculated to
-        the desired accuracy.  See error returns below.
- *******************************************************************
- Error returns
-  In case of an error, NCALC != NB, and not all K's are
-  calculated to the desired accuracy.
-  NCALC < -1:  An argument is out of range. For example,
-       NB <= 0, IZE is not 1 or 2, or IZE=1 and ABS(X) >= XMAX_BESS_K.
-       In this case, the B-vector is not calculated,
-       and NCALC is set to MIN0(NB,0)-2         so that NCALC != NB.
-  NCALC = -1:  Either  K(ALPHA,X) >= XINF  or
-       K(ALPHA+NB-1,X)/K(ALPHA+NB-2,X) >= XINF.         In this case,
-       the B-vector is not calculated. Note that again
-       NCALC != NB.
-  0 < NCALC < NB: Not all requested function values could
-       be calculated accurately.  BK(I) contains correct function
-       values for I <= NCALC, and contains the ratios
-       K(ALPHA+I-1,X)/K(ALPHA+I-2,X) for the rest of the array.
- Intrinsic functions required are:
- Acknowledgement
-       This program is based on a program written by J. B. Campbell
-       (2) that computes values of the Bessel functions K of float
-       argument and float order.  Modifications include the addition
-       of non-scaled functions, parameterization of machine
-       dependencies, and the use of more accurate approximations
-       for SINH and SIN.
- References: "On Temme's Algorithm for the Modified Bessel
-             Functions of the Third Kind," Campbell, J. B.,
-             TOMS 6(4), Dec. 1980, pp. 581-586.
-            "A FORTRAN IV Subroutine for the Modified Bessel
-             Functions of the Third Kind of Real Order and Real
-             Argument," Campbell, J. B., Report NRC/ERB-925,
-             National Research Council, Canada.
-  Latest modification: May 30, 1989
-  Modified by: W. J. Cody and L. Stoltz
-              Applied Mathematics Division
-              Argonne National Laboratory
-              Argonne, IL  60439
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
-     * Mathematical constants
-     * A = LOG(2) - Euler's constant
-     * D = SQRT(2/PI)
-     ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-    const gnm_float a = GNM_const(.11593151565841244881);
-    /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
-      P, Q - Approximation for LOG(GAMMA(1+ALPHA))/ALPHA + Euler's constant
-      Coefficients converted from hex to decimal and modified
-      by W. J. Cody, 2/26/82 */
-    static const gnm_float p[8] = { GNM_const(.805629875690432845),GNM_const(20.4045500205365151),
-           GNM_const(157.705605106676174),GNM_const(536.671116469207504),GNM_const(900.382759291288778),
-           GNM_const(730.923886650660393),GNM_const(229.299301509425145),GNM_const(.822467033424113231) };
-    static const gnm_float q[7] = { GNM_const(29.4601986247850434),GNM_const(277.577868510221208),
-           GNM_const(1206.70325591027438),GNM_const(2762.91444159791519),GNM_const(3443.74050506564618),
-           GNM_const(2210.63190113378647),GNM_const(572.267338359892221) };
-    /* R, S - Approximation for (1-ALPHA*PI/SIN(ALPHA*PI))/(2.D0*ALPHA) */
-    static const gnm_float r[5] = { GNM_const(-.48672575865218401848),GNM_const(13.079485869097804016),
-           GNM_const(-101.96490580880537526),GNM_const(347.65409106507813131),
-           GNM_const(3.495898124521934782e-4) };
-    static const gnm_float s[4] = { GNM_const(-25.579105509976461286),GNM_const(212.57260432226544008),
-           GNM_const(-610.69018684944109624),GNM_const(422.69668805777760407) };
-    /* T    - Approximation for SINH(Y)/Y */
-    static const gnm_float t[6] = { GNM_const(1.6125990452916363814e-10),
-           GNM_const(2.5051878502858255354e-8),GNM_const(2.7557319615147964774e-6),
-           GNM_const(1.9841269840928373686e-4),GNM_const(.0083333333333334751799),
-           GNM_const(.16666666666666666446) };
-    /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-    static const gnm_float estm[6] = { 52.0583,5.7607,2.7782,14.4303,185.3004, 9.3715 };
-    static const gnm_float estf[7] = { 41.8341,7.1075,6.4306,42.511,GNM_const(1.35633),84.5096,20.};
-    /* Local variables */
-    long iend, i, j, k, m, ii, mplus1;
-    gnm_float x2by4, twox, c, blpha, ratio, wminf;
-    gnm_float d1, d2, d3, f0, f1, f2, p0, q0, t1, t2, twonu;
-    gnm_float dm, ex, bk1, bk2, nu;
-    ii = 0; /* -Wall */
-    ex = *x;
-    nu = *alpha;
-    *ncalc = imin2(*nb,0) - 2;
-    if (*nb > 0 && (0. <= nu && nu < 1.) && (1 <= *ize && *ize <= 2)) {
-       if(ex <= 0 || (*ize == 1 && ex > xmax_BESS_K)) {
-           if(ex <= 0) {
-               ML_ERROR(ME_RANGE);
-               for(i=0; i < *nb; i++)
-                   bk[i] = gnm_pinf;
-           } else /* would only have underflow */
-               for(i=0; i < *nb; i++)
-                   bk[i] = 0.;
-           *ncalc = *nb;
-           return;
-       }
-       k = 0;
-       if (nu < sqxmin_BESS_K) {
-           nu = 0.;
-       } else if (nu > .5) {
-           k = 1;
-           nu -= 1.;
-       }
-       twonu = nu + nu;
-       iend = *nb + k - 1;
-       c = nu * nu;
-       d3 = -c;
-       if (ex <= 1.) {
-           /* ------------------------------------------------------------
-              Calculation of P0 = GAMMA(1+ALPHA) * (2/X)**ALPHA
-                             Q0 = GAMMA(1-ALPHA) * (X/2)**ALPHA
-              ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-           d1 = 0.; d2 = p[0];
-           t1 = 1.; t2 = q[0];
-           for (i = 2; i <= 7; i += 2) {
-               d1 = c * d1 + p[i - 1];
-               d2 = c * d2 + p[i];
-               t1 = c * t1 + q[i - 1];
-               t2 = c * t2 + q[i];
-           }
-           d1 = nu * d1;
-           t1 = nu * t1;
-           f1 = gnm_log(ex);
-           f0 = a + nu * (p[7] - nu * (d1 + d2) / (t1 + t2)) - f1;
-           q0 = gnm_exp(-nu * (a - nu * (p[7] + nu * (d1-d2) / (t1-t2)) - f1));
-           f1 = nu * f0;
-           p0 = gnm_exp(f1);
-           /* -----------------------------------------------------------
-              Calculation of F0 =
-              ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-           d1 = r[4];
-           t1 = 1.;
-           for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-               d1 = c * d1 + r[i];
-               t1 = c * t1 + s[i];
-           }
-           /* d2 := gnm_sinh(f1)/ nu = gnm_sinh(f1)/(f1/f0)
-            *     = f0 * gnm_sinh(f1)/f1 */
-           if (gnm_abs(f1) <= .5) {
-               f1 *= f1;
-               d2 = 0.;
-               for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
-                   d2 = f1 * d2 + t[i];
-               }
-               d2 = f0 + f0 * f1 * d2;
-           } else {
-               d2 = gnm_sinh(f1) / nu;
-           }
-           f0 = d2 - nu * d1 / (t1 * p0);
-           if (ex <= 1e-10) {
-               /* ---------------------------------------------------------
-                  X <= 1.0E-10
-                  Calculation of K(ALPHA,X) and X*K(ALPHA+1,X)/K(ALPHA,X)
-                  --------------------------------------------------------- */
-               bk[0] = f0 + ex * f0;
-               if (*ize == 1) {
-                   bk[0] -= ex * bk[0];
-               }
-               ratio = p0 / f0;
-               c = ex * GNM_MAX;
-               if (k != 0) {
-                   /* ---------------------------------------------------
-                      Calculation of K(ALPHA,X)
-                      and  X*K(ALPHA+1,X)/K(ALPHA,X),  ALPHA >= 1/2
-                      --------------------------------------------------- */
-                   *ncalc = -1;
-                   if (bk[0] >= c / ratio) {
-                       return;
-                   }
-                   bk[0] = ratio * bk[0] / ex;
-                   twonu += 2.;
-                   ratio = twonu;
-               }
-               *ncalc = 1;
-               if (*nb == 1)
-                   return;
-               /* -----------------------------------------------------
-                  Calculate  K(ALPHA+L,X)/K(ALPHA+L-1,X),
-                  L = 1, 2, ... , NB-1
-                  ----------------------------------------------------- */
-               *ncalc = -1;
-               for (i = 1; i < *nb; ++i) {
-                   if (ratio >= c)
-                       return;
-                   bk[i] = ratio / ex;
-                   twonu += 2.;
-                   ratio = twonu;
-               }
-               *ncalc = 1;
-               goto L420;
-           } else {
-               /* ------------------------------------------------------
-                  10^-10 < X <= 1.0
-                  ------------------------------------------------------ */
-               c = 1.;
-               x2by4 = ex * ex / 4.;
-               p0 = .5 * p0;
-               q0 = .5 * q0;
-               d1 = -1.;
-               d2 = 0.;
-               bk1 = 0.;
-               bk2 = 0.;
-               f1 = f0;
-               f2 = p0;
-               do {
-                   d1 += 2.;
-                   d2 += 1.;
-                   d3 = d1 + d3;
-                   c = x2by4 * c / d2;
-                   f0 = (d2 * f0 + p0 + q0) / d3;
-                   p0 /= d2 - nu;
-                   q0 /= d2 + nu;
-                   t1 = c * f0;
-                   t2 = c * (p0 - d2 * f0);
-                   bk1 += t1;
-                   bk2 += t2;
-               } while (gnm_abs(t1 / (f1 + bk1)) > GNM_EPSILON ||
-                        gnm_abs(t2 / (f2 + bk2)) > GNM_EPSILON);
-               bk1 = f1 + bk1;
-               bk2 = 2. * (f2 + bk2) / ex;
-               if (*ize == 2) {
-                   d1 = gnm_exp(ex);
-                   bk1 *= d1;
-                   bk2 *= d1;
-               }
-               wminf = estf[0] * ex + estf[1];
-           }
-       } else if (GNM_EPSILON * ex > 1.) {
-           /* -------------------------------------------------
-              X > 1./EPS
-              ------------------------------------------------- */
-           *ncalc = *nb;
-           bk1 = 1. / (M_SQRT_2dPI * gnm_sqrt(ex));
-           for (i = 0; i < *nb; ++i)
-               bk[i] = bk1;
-           return;
-       } else {
-           /* -------------------------------------------------------
-              X > 1.0
-              ------------------------------------------------------- */
-           twox = ex + ex;
-           blpha = 0.;
-           ratio = 0.;
-           if (ex <= 4.) {
-               /* ----------------------------------------------------------
-                  Calculation of K(ALPHA+1,X)/K(ALPHA,X),  1.0 <= X <= 4.0
-                  ----------------------------------------------------------*/
-               d2 = gnm_trunc(estm[0] / ex + estm[1]);
-               m = (long) d2;
-               d1 = d2 + d2;
-               d2 -= .5;
-               d2 *= d2;
-               for (i = 2; i <= m; ++i) {
-                   d1 -= 2.;
-                   d2 -= d1;
-                   ratio = (d3 + d2) / (twox + d1 - ratio);
-               }
-               /* -----------------------------------------------------------
-                  Calculation of I(|ALPHA|,X) and I(|ALPHA|+1,X) by backward
-                  recurrence and K(ALPHA,X) from the wronskian
-                  -----------------------------------------------------------*/
-               d2 = gnm_trunc(estm[2] * ex + estm[3]);
-               m = (long) d2;
-               c = gnm_abs(nu);
-               d3 = c + c;
-               d1 = d3 - 1.;
-               f1 = GNM_MIN;
-               f0 = (2. * (c + d2) / ex + .5 * ex / (c + d2 + 1.)) * GNM_MIN;
-               for (i = 3; i <= m; ++i) {
-                   d2 -= 1.;
-                   f2 = (d3 + d2 + d2) * f0;
-                   blpha = (1. + d1 / d2) * (f2 + blpha);
-                   f2 = f2 / ex + f1;
-                   f1 = f0;
-                   f0 = f2;
-               }
-               f1 = (d3 + 2.) * f0 / ex + f1;
-               d1 = 0.;
-               t1 = 1.;
-               for (i = 1; i <= 7; ++i) {
-                   d1 = c * d1 + p[i - 1];
-                   t1 = c * t1 + q[i - 1];
-               }
-               p0 = gnm_exp(c * (a + c * (p[7] - c * d1 / t1) - gnm_log(ex))) / ex;
-               f2 = (c + .5 - ratio) * f1 / ex;
-               bk1 = p0 + (d3 * f0 - f2 + f0 + blpha) / (f2 + f1 + f0) * p0;
-               if (*ize == 1) {
-                   bk1 *= gnm_exp(-ex);
-               }
-               wminf = estf[2] * ex + estf[3];
-           } else {
-               /* ---------------------------------------------------------
-                  Calculation of K(ALPHA,X) and K(ALPHA+1,X)/K(ALPHA,X), by
-                  backward recurrence, for  X > 4.0
-                  ----------------------------------------------------------*/
-               dm = gnm_trunc(estm[4] / ex + estm[5]);
-               m = (long) dm;
-               d2 = dm - .5;
-               d2 *= d2;
-               d1 = dm + dm;
-               for (i = 2; i <= m; ++i) {
-                   dm -= 1.;
-                   d1 -= 2.;
-                   d2 -= d1;
-                   ratio = (d3 + d2) / (twox + d1 - ratio);
-                   blpha = (ratio + ratio * blpha) / dm;
-               }
-               bk1 = 1. / ((M_SQRT_2dPI + M_SQRT_2dPI * blpha) * gnm_sqrt(ex));
-               if (*ize == 1)
-                   bk1 *= gnm_exp(-ex);
-               wminf = estf[4] * (ex - gnm_abs(ex - estf[6])) + estf[5];
-           }
-           /* ---------------------------------------------------------
-              Calculation of K(ALPHA+1,X)
-              from K(ALPHA,X) and  K(ALPHA+1,X)/K(ALPHA,X)
-              --------------------------------------------------------- */
-           bk2 = bk1 + bk1 * (nu + .5 - ratio) / ex;
-       }
-       /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
-         Calculation of 'NCALC', K(ALPHA+I,X), I  =  0, 1, ... , NCALC-1,
-         &       K(ALPHA+I,X)/K(ALPHA+I-1,X),  I = NCALC, NCALC+1, ... , NB-1
-         -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-       *ncalc = *nb;
-       bk[0] = bk1;
-       if (iend == 0)
-           return;
-       j = 1 - k;
-       if (j >= 0)
-           bk[j] = bk2;
-       if (iend == 1)
-           return;
-       m = imin2((long) (wminf - nu),iend);
-       for (i = 2; i <= m; ++i) {
-           t1 = bk1;
-           bk1 = bk2;
-           twonu += 2.;
-           if (ex < 1.) {
-               if (bk1 >= GNM_MAX / twonu * ex)
-                   break;
-           } else {
-               if (bk1 / ex >= GNM_MAX / twonu)
-                   break;
-           }
-           bk2 = twonu / ex * bk1 + t1;
-           ii = i;
-           ++j;
-           if (j >= 0) {
-               bk[j] = bk2;
-           }
-       }
-       m = ii;
-       if (m == iend) {
-           return;
-       }
-       ratio = bk2 / bk1;
-       mplus1 = m + 1;
-       *ncalc = -1;
-       for (i = mplus1; i <= iend; ++i) {
-           twonu += 2.;
-           ratio = twonu / ex + 1./ratio;
-           ++j;
-           if (j >= 1) {
-               bk[j] = ratio;
-           } else {
-               if (bk2 >= GNM_MAX / ratio)
-                   return;
-               bk2 *= ratio;
-           }
-       }
-       *ncalc = imax2(1, mplus1 - k);
-       if (*ncalc == 1)
-           bk[0] = bk2;
-       if (*nb == 1)
-           return;
-       for (i = *ncalc; i < *nb; ++i) { /* i == *ncalc */
-#ifndef IEEE_754
-           if (bk[i-1] >= GNM_MAX / bk[i])
-               return;
-           bk[i] *= bk[i-1];
-           (*ncalc)++;
-       }
-    }
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* Imported src/nmath/bessel_y.c from R.  */
- *  Mathlib : A C Library of Special Functions
- *  Copyright (C) 1998-2012 Ross Ihaka and the R Core team.
- *
- *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- *  (at your option) any later version.
- *
- *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *  GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- *  along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
- *  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/
- */
-/*  DESCRIPTION --> see below */
-/* From http://www.netlib.org/specfun/rybesl   Fortran translated by f2c,...
- *     ------------------------------=#----    Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich
- */
-#define min0(x, y) (((x) <= (y)) ? (x) : (y))
-static void Y_bessel(gnm_float *x, gnm_float *alpha, long *nb,
-                    gnm_float *by, long *ncalc);
-static gnm_float bessel_y(gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha)
-    long nb, ncalc;
-    gnm_float na, *by;
-    const void *vmax;
-#ifdef IEEE_754
-    /* NaNs propagated correctly */
-    if (gnm_isnan(x) || gnm_isnan(alpha)) return x + alpha;
-    if (x < 0) {
-       return gnm_nan;
-    }
-    na = gnm_floor(alpha);
-    if (alpha < 0) {
-       /* Using Abramowitz & Stegun  9.1.2
-        * this may not be quite optimal (CPU and accuracy wise) */
-       return(bessel_y(x, -alpha) * gnm_cospi(alpha) -
-              ((alpha == na) ? 0 :
-               bessel_j(x, -alpha) * gnm_sinpi(alpha)));
-    }
-    nb = 1+ (long)na;/* nb-1 <= alpha < nb */
-    alpha -= (gnm_float)(nb-1);
-    by = (gnm_float *) calloc(nb, sizeof(gnm_float));
-    if (!by) MATHLIB_ERROR("%s", ("bessel_y allocation error"));
-    vmax = vmaxget();
-    by = (gnm_float *) R_alloc((size_t) nb, sizeof(gnm_float));
-    Y_bessel(&x, &alpha, &nb, by, &ncalc);
-    if(ncalc != nb) {/* error input */
-       if(ncalc == -1)
-           return gnm_pinf;
-       else if(ncalc < -1)
-           MATHLIB_WARNING4(("bessel_y(%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld); alpha=%" GNM_FORMAT_g 
". Arg. out of range?\n"),
-                            x, ncalc, nb, alpha);
-       else /* ncalc >= 0 */
-           MATHLIB_WARNING2(("bessel_y(%" GNM_FORMAT_g ",nu=%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): precision lost in result\n"),
-                            x, alpha+(gnm_float)nb-1);
-    }
-    x = by[nb-1];
-    free(by);
-    vmaxset(vmax);
-    return x;
-/* modified version of bessel_y that accepts a work array instead of
-   allocating one. */
-static gnm_float bessel_y_ex(gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha, gnm_float *by)
-    long nb, ncalc;
-    gnm_float na;
-#ifdef IEEE_754
-    /* NaNs propagated correctly */
-    if (gnm_isnan(x) || gnm_isnan(alpha)) return x + alpha;
-    if (x < 0) {
-       return gnm_nan;
-    }
-    na = gnm_floor(alpha);
-    if (alpha < 0) {
-       /* Using Abramowitz & Stegun  9.1.2
-        * this may not be quite optimal (CPU and accuracy wise) */
-       return(bessel_y_ex(x, -alpha, by) * gnm_cospi(alpha) -
-              ((alpha == na) ? 0 :
-               bessel_j_ex(x, -alpha, by) * gnm_sinpi(alpha)));
-    }
-    nb = 1+ (long)na;/* nb-1 <= alpha < nb */
-    alpha -= (gnm_float)(nb-1);
-    Y_bessel(&x, &alpha, &nb, by, &ncalc);
-    if(ncalc != nb) {/* error input */
-       if(ncalc == -1)
-           return gnm_pinf;
-       else if(ncalc < -1)
-           MATHLIB_WARNING4(("bessel_y(%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld); alpha=%" GNM_FORMAT_g 
". Arg. out of range?\n"),
-                            x, ncalc, nb, alpha);
-       else /* ncalc >= 0 */
-           MATHLIB_WARNING2(("bessel_y(%" GNM_FORMAT_g ",nu=%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): precision lost in result\n"),
-                            x, alpha+(gnm_float)nb-1);
-    }
-    x = by[nb-1];
-    return x;
-static void Y_bessel(gnm_float *x, gnm_float *alpha, long *nb,
-                    gnm_float *by, long *ncalc)
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This routine calculates Bessel functions Y_(N+ALPHA) (X)
- for non-negative argument X, and non-negative order N+ALPHA.
- Explanation of variables in the calling sequence
- X     - Non-negative argument for which
-        Y's are to be calculated.
- ALPHA - Fractional part of order for which
-        Y's are to be calculated.  0 <= ALPHA < 1.0.
- NB    - Number of functions to be calculated, NB > 0.
-        The first function calculated is of order ALPHA, and the
-        last is of order (NB - 1 + ALPHA).
- BY    - Output vector of length NB.   If the
-        routine terminates normally (NCALC=NB), the vector BY
-        contains the functions Y(ALPHA,X), ... , Y(NB-1+ALPHA,X),
-        If (0 < NCALC < NB), BY(I) contains correct function
-        values for I <= NCALC, and contains the ratios
-        Y(ALPHA+I-1,X)/Y(ALPHA+I-2,X) for the rest of the array.
- NCALC - Output variable indicating possible errors.
-        Before using the vector BY, the user should check that
-        NCALC=NB, i.e., all orders have been calculated to
-        the desired accuracy.  See error returns below.
- *******************************************************************
- Error returns
-  In case of an error, NCALC != NB, and not all Y's are
-  calculated to the desired accuracy.
-  NCALC < -1:  An argument is out of range. For example,
-       NB <= 0, IZE is not 1 or 2, or IZE=1 and ABS(X) >=
-       XMAX.  In this case, BY[0] = 0.0, the remainder of the
-       BY-vector is not calculated, and NCALC is set to
-       MIN0(NB,0)-2  so that NCALC != NB.
-  NCALC = -1:  Y(ALPHA,X) >= XINF.  The requested function
-       values are set to 0.0.
-  1 < NCALC < NB: Not all requested function values could
-       be calculated accurately.  BY(I) contains correct function
-       values for I <= NCALC, and and the remaining NB-NCALC
-       array elements contain 0.0.
- Intrinsic functions required are:
- Acknowledgement
-       This program draws heavily on Temme's Algol program for Y(a,x)
-       and Y(a+1,x) and on Campbell's programs for Y_nu(x).    Temme's
-       scheme is used for  x < THRESH, and Campbell's scheme is used
-       in the asymptotic region.  Segments of code from both sources
-       have been translated into Fortran 77, merged, and heavily modified.
-       Modifications include parameterization of machine dependencies,
-       use of a new approximation for ln(gamma(x)), and built-in
-       protection against over/underflow.
- References: "Bessel functions J_nu(x) and Y_nu(x) of float
-             order and float argument," Campbell, J. B.,
-             Comp. Phy. Comm. 18, 1979, pp. 133-142.
-            "On the numerical evaluation of the ordinary
-             Bessel function of the second kind," Temme,
-             N. M., J. Comput. Phys. 21, 1976, pp. 343-350.
-  Latest modification: March 19, 1990
-  Modified by: W. J. Cody
-              Applied Mathematics Division
-              Argonne National Laboratory
-              Argonne, IL  60439
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  Mathematical constants
-    FIVPI = 5*PI
-    PIM5 = 5*PI - 15
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-    const static gnm_float fivpi = GNM_const(15.707963267948966192);
-    const static gnm_float pim5        =   GNM_const(.70796326794896619231);
-    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
-      Coefficients for Chebyshev polynomial expansion of
-      1/gamma(1-x), abs(x) <= .5
-      ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-    const static gnm_float ch[21] = { GNM_const(-6.7735241822398840964e-24),
-           GNM_const(-6.1455180116049879894e-23),GNM_const(2.9017595056104745456e-21),
-           GNM_const(1.3639417919073099464e-19),GNM_const(2.3826220476859635824e-18),
-           GNM_const(-9.0642907957550702534e-18),GNM_const(-1.4943667065169001769e-15),
-           GNM_const(-3.3919078305362211264e-14),GNM_const(-1.7023776642512729175e-13),
-           GNM_const(9.1609750938768647911e-12),GNM_const(2.4230957900482704055e-10),
-           GNM_const(1.7451364971382984243e-9),GNM_const(-3.3126119768180852711e-8),
-           GNM_const(-8.6592079961391259661e-7),GNM_const(-4.9717367041957398581e-6),
-           GNM_const(7.6309597585908126618e-5),GNM_const(.0012719271366545622927),
-           GNM_const(.0017063050710955562222),GNM_const(-.07685284084478667369),
-           GNM_const(-.28387654227602353814),GNM_const(.92187029365045265648) };
-    /* Local variables */
-    long i, k, na;
-    gnm_float alfa, div, ddiv, even, gamma, term, cosmu, sinmu,
-       b, c, d, e, f, g, h, p, q, r, s, d1, d2, q0, pa,pa1, qa,qa1,
-       en, en1, nu, ex,  ya,ya1, twobyx, den, odd, aye, dmu, x2, xna;
-    en1 = ya = ya1 = 0;                /* -Wall */
-    ex = *x;
-    nu = *alpha;
-    if (*nb > 0 && 0. <= nu && nu < 1.) {
-       if(ex < GNM_MIN || ex > xlrg_BESS_Y) {
-           /* Warning is not really appropriate, give
-            * proper limit:
-            * ML_ERROR(ME_RANGE); */
-           *ncalc = *nb;
-           if(ex > xlrg_BESS_Y)  by[0]= 0.; /*was gnm_pinf */
-           else if(ex < GNM_MIN) by[0]=gnm_ninf;
-           for(i=0; i < *nb; i++)
-               by[i] = by[0];
-           return;
-       }
-       xna = gnm_trunc(nu + .5);
-       na = (long) xna;
-       if (na == 1) {/* <==>  .5 <= *alpha < 1  <==>  -5. <= nu < 0 */
-           nu -= xna;
-       }
-       if (nu == -.5) {
-           p = M_SQRT_2dPI / gnm_sqrt(ex);
-           ya = p * gnm_sin(ex);
-           ya1 = -p * gnm_cos(ex);
-       } else if (ex < 3.) {
-           /* -------------------------------------------------------------
-              Use Temme's scheme for small X
-              ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-           b = ex * .5;
-           d = -gnm_log(b);
-           f = nu * d;
-           e = gnm_pow(b, -nu);
-           if (gnm_abs(nu) < M_eps_sinc)
-               c = M_1_PI;
-           else
-               c = nu / gnm_sin(nu * M_PIgnum);
-           /* ------------------------------------------------------------
-              Computation of gnm_sinh(f)/f
-              ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-           if (gnm_abs(f) < 1.) {
-               x2 = f * f;
-               en = 19.;
-               s = 1.;
-               for (i = 1; i <= 9; ++i) {
-                   s = s * x2 / en / (en - 1.) + 1.;
-                   en -= 2.;
-               }
-           } else {
-               s = (e - GNM_const(1.) / e) * .5 / f;
-           }
-           /* --------------------------------------------------------
-              Computation of 1/gamma(1-a) using Chebyshev polynomials */
-           x2 = nu * nu * 8.;
-           aye = ch[0];
-           even = 0.;
-           alfa = ch[1];
-           odd = 0.;
-           for (i = 3; i <= 19; i += 2) {
-               even = -(aye + aye + even);
-               aye = -even * x2 - aye + ch[i - 1];
-               odd = -(alfa + alfa + odd);
-               alfa = -odd * x2 - alfa + ch[i];
-           }
-           even = (even * .5 + aye) * x2 - aye + ch[20];
-           odd = (odd + alfa) * 2.;
-           gamma = odd * nu + even;
-           /* End of computation of 1/gamma(1-a)
-              ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-           g = e * gamma;
-           e = (e + GNM_const(1.) / e) * .5;
-           f = 2. * c * (odd * e + even * s * d);
-           e = nu * nu;
-           p = g * c;
-           q = M_1_PI / g;
-           c = nu * M_PI_2gnum;
-           if (gnm_abs(c) < M_eps_sinc)
-               r = 1.;
-           else
-               r = gnm_sin(c) / c;
-           r = M_PIgnum * c * r * r;
-           c = 1.;
-           d = -b * b;
-           h = 0.;
-           ya = f + r * q;
-           ya1 = p;
-           en = 1.;
-           while (gnm_abs(g / (1. + gnm_abs(ya))) +
-                  gnm_abs(h / (1. + gnm_abs(ya1))) > GNM_EPSILON) {
-               f = (f * en + p + q) / (en * en - e);
-               c *= (d / en);
-               p /= en - nu;
-               q /= en + nu;
-               g = c * (f + r * q);
-               h = c * p - en * g;
-               ya += g;
-               ya1+= h;
-               en += 1.;
-           }
-           ya = -ya;
-           ya1 = -ya1 / b;
-       } else if (ex < thresh_BESS_Y) {
-           /* --------------------------------------------------------------
-              Use Temme's scheme for moderate X :  3 <= x < 16
-              -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-           c = (.5 - nu) * (.5 + nu);
-           b = ex + ex;
-           e = ex * M_1_PI * gnm_cos(nu * M_PIgnum) / GNM_EPSILON;
-           e *= e;
-           p = 1.;
-           q = -ex;
-           r = 1. + ex * ex;
-           s = r;
-           en = 2.;
-           while (r * en * en < e) {
-               en1 = en + 1.;
-               d = (en - 1. + c / en) / s;
-               p = (en + en - p * d) / en1;
-               q = (-b + q * d) / en1;
-               s = p * p + q * q;
-               r *= s;
-               en = en1;
-           }
-           f = p / s;
-           p = f;
-           g = -q / s;
-           q = g;
-           en -= 1.;
-           if (en > 0.) {
-               r = en1 * (2. - p) - 2.;
-               s = b + en1 * q;
-               d = (en - 1. + c / en) / (r * r + s * s);
-               p = d * r;
-               q = d * s;
-               e = f + 1.;
-               f = p * e - g * q;
-               g = q * e + p * g;
-               en1 = en;
-               goto L220;
-           }
-           f = 1. + f;
-           d = f * f + g * g;
-           pa = f / d;
-           qa = -g / d;
-           d = nu + .5 - p;
-           q += ex;
-           pa1 = (pa * q - qa * d) / ex;
-           qa1 = (qa * q + pa * d) / ex;
-           b = ex - M_PI_2gnum * (nu + .5);
-           c = gnm_cos(b);
-           s = gnm_sin(b);
-           d = M_SQRT_2dPI / gnm_sqrt(ex);
-           ya = d * (pa * s + qa * c);
-           ya1 = d * (qa1 * s - pa1 * c);
-       } else { /* x > thresh_BESS_Y */
-           /* ----------------------------------------------------------
-              Use Campbell's asymptotic scheme.
-              ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-           na = 0;
-           d1 = gnm_trunc(ex / fivpi);
-           i = (long) d1;
-           dmu = ex - 15. * d1 - d1 * pim5 - (*alpha + .5) * M_PI_2gnum;
-           if (i - (i / 2 << 1) == 0) {
-               cosmu = gnm_cos(dmu);
-               sinmu = gnm_sin(dmu);
-           } else {
-               cosmu = -gnm_cos(dmu);
-               sinmu = -gnm_sin(dmu);
-           }
-           ddiv = 8. * ex;
-           dmu = *alpha;
-           den = gnm_sqrt(ex);
-           for (k = 1; k <= 2; ++k) {
-               p = cosmu;
-               cosmu = sinmu;
-               sinmu = -p;
-               d1 = (2. * dmu - 1.) * (2. * dmu + 1.);
-               d2 = 0.;
-               div = ddiv;
-               p = 0.;
-               q = 0.;
-               q0 = d1 / div;
-               term = q0;
-               for (i = 2; i <= 20; ++i) {
-                   d2 += 8.;
-                   d1 -= d2;
-                   div += ddiv;
-                   term = -term * d1 / div;
-                   p += term;
-                   d2 += 8.;
-                   d1 -= d2;
-                   div += ddiv;
-                   term *= (d1 / div);
-                   q += term;
-                   if (gnm_abs(term) <= GNM_EPSILON) {
-                       break;
-                   }
-               }
-               p += 1.;
-               q += q0;
-               if (k == 1)
-                   ya = M_SQRT_2dPI * (p * cosmu - q * sinmu) / den;
-               else
-                   ya1 = M_SQRT_2dPI * (p * cosmu - q * sinmu) / den;
-               dmu += 1.;
-           }
-       }
-       if (na == 1) {
-           h = 2. * (nu + 1.) / ex;
-           if (h > 1.) {
-               if (gnm_abs(ya1) > GNM_MAX / h) {
-                   h = 0.;
-                   ya = 0.;
-               }
-           }
-           h = h * ya1 - ya;
-           ya = ya1;
-           ya1 = h;
-       }
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------
-          Now have first one or two Y's
-          --------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       by[0] = ya;
-       *ncalc = 1;
-       if(*nb > 1) {
-           by[1] = ya1;
-           if (ya1 != 0.) {
-               aye = 1. + *alpha;
-               twobyx = GNM_const(2.) / ex;
-               *ncalc = 2;
-               for (i = 2; i < *nb; ++i) {
-                   if (twobyx < 1.) {
-                       if (gnm_abs(by[i - 1]) * twobyx >= GNM_MAX / aye)
-                           goto L450;
-                   } else {
-                       if (gnm_abs(by[i - 1]) >= GNM_MAX / aye / twobyx)
-                           goto L450;
-                   }
-                   by[i] = twobyx * aye * by[i - 1] - by[i - 2];
-                   aye += 1.;
-                   ++(*ncalc);
-               }
-           }
-       }
-       for (i = *ncalc; i < *nb; ++i)
-           by[i] = gnm_ninf;/* was 0 */
-    } else {
-       by[0] = 0.;
-       *ncalc = min0(*nb,0) - 1;
-    }
-/* Cleaning up done by tools/import-R:  */
-#undef min0
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
 /* Imported src/nmath/dlnorm.c from R.  */
  *  Mathlib : A C Library of Special Functions
@@ -8153,45 +5936,3 @@ gnm_owent (gnm_float h, gnm_float a)
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-gnm_bessel_i (gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha)
-       if (x < 0) {
-               if (alpha != gnm_floor (alpha))
-                       return gnm_nan;
-               return gnm_fmod (alpha, 2) == 0
-                       ? bessel_i (-x, alpha, 1)  /* Even for even alpha */
-                       : 0 - bessel_i (-x, alpha, 1);  /* Odd for odd alpha */
-       } else
-               return bessel_i (x, alpha, 1);
-gnm_bessel_j (gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha)
-       if (x < 0) {
-               if (alpha != gnm_floor (alpha))
-                       return gnm_nan;
-               return gnm_fmod (alpha, 2) == 0
-                       ? bessel_j (-x, alpha)  /* Even for even alpha */
-                       : 0 - bessel_j (-x, alpha);  /* Odd for odd alpha */
-       } else
-               return bessel_j (x, alpha);
-gnm_bessel_k (gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha)
-       return bessel_k (x, alpha, 1);
-gnm_bessel_y (gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha)
-       return bessel_y (x, alpha);
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
diff --git a/src/mathfunc.h b/src/mathfunc.h
index c224556..f43825e 100644
--- a/src/mathfunc.h
+++ b/src/mathfunc.h
@@ -37,11 +37,6 @@ gnm_float logspace_sub (gnm_float logx, gnm_float logy);
 gnm_float gnm_owent (gnm_float h, gnm_float a);
 gnm_float gnm_logcf (gnm_float x, gnm_float i, gnm_float d);
-gnm_float gnm_bessel_i (gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha);
-gnm_float gnm_bessel_j (gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha);
-gnm_float gnm_bessel_k (gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha);
-gnm_float gnm_bessel_y (gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha);
 /* "d": density.  */
 /* "p": distribution function.  */
 /* "q": inverse distribution function.  */
diff --git a/src/sf-bessel.c b/src/sf-bessel.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3233bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sf-bessel.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2273 @@
+#include <gnumeric-config.h>
+#include <sf-bessel.h>
+#include <sf-gamma.h>
+#include <sf-trig.h>
+#include <mathfunc.h>
+#define ML_ERROR(cause) do { } while(0)
+#define MATHLIB_ERROR(_a,_b) return gnm_nan;
+#define M_SQRT_2dPI     GNM_const(0.797884560802865355879892119869)  /* sqrt(2/pi) */
+#define MATHLIB_WARNING2 g_warning
+#define MATHLIB_WARNING4 g_warning
+static gnm_float bessel_y_ex(gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha, gnm_float *by);
+static gnm_float bessel_k(gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha, gnm_float expo);
+static gnm_float bessel_y(gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha);
+static inline int imin2 (int x, int y) { return MIN (x, y); }
+static inline int imax2 (int x, int y) { return MAX (x, y); }
+static inline gnm_float fmax2 (gnm_float x, gnm_float y) { return MAX (x, y); }
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Imported src/nmath/bessel.h from R.  */
+/* Constants und Documentation that apply to several of the
+ * ./bessel_[ijky].c  files */
+/* *******************************************************************
+ Explanation of machine-dependent constants
+   beta          = Radix for the floating-point system
+   minexp = Smallest representable power of beta
+   maxexp = Smallest power of beta that overflows
+   it = p = Number of bits (base-beta digits) in the mantissa
+           (significand) of a working precision (floating-point) variable
+   NSIG          = Decimal significance desired.  Should be set to
+           INT(LOG10(2)*it+1).  Setting NSIG lower will result
+           in decreased accuracy while setting NSIG higher will
+           increase CPU time without increasing accuracy.  The
+           truncation error is limited to a relative error of
+           T=.5*10^(-NSIG).
+   ENTEN  = 10 ^ K, where K is the largest long such that
+           ENTEN is machine-representable in working precision
+   ENSIG  = 10 ^ NSIG
+   RTNSIG = 10 ^ (-K) for the smallest long K such that
+           K >= NSIG/4
+   ENMTEN = Smallest ABS(X) such that X/4 does not underflow
+   XINF          = Largest positive machine number; approximately beta ^ maxexp
+           == GNM_MAX (defined in  #include <float.h>)
+   SQXMIN = Square root of beta ^ minexp = gnm_sqrt(GNM_MIN)
+   EPS   = The smallest positive floating-point number such that 1.0+EPS > 1.0
+         = beta ^ (-p)  == GNM_EPSILON
+  For I :
+   EXPARG = Largest working precision argument that the library
+           EXP routine can handle and upper limit on the
+           magnitude of X when IZE=1; approximately LOG(beta ^ maxexp)
+  For I and J :
+   xlrg_IJ = (was = XLARGE). Upper limit on the magnitude of X (when
+           IZE=2 for I()).  Bear in mind that if ABS(X)=N, then at least
+           N iterations of the backward recursion will be executed.
+           The value of 10 ^ 4 is used on every machine.
+  For j :
+   XMIN_J  = Smallest acceptable argument for RBESY; approximately
+           max(2*beta ^ minexp, 2/XINF), rounded up
+  For Y :
+   xlrg_Y =  (was = XLARGE). Upper bound on X;
+           approximately 1/DEL, because the sine and cosine functions
+           have lost about half of their precision at that point.
+   EPS_SINC = Machine number below which gnm_sin(x)/x = 1; approximately SQRT(EPS).
+   THRESH = Lower bound for use of the asymptotic form;
+           approximately AINT(-LOG10(EPS/2.0))+1.0
+  For K :
+   xmax_k =  (was = XMAX). Upper limit on the magnitude of X when ize = 1;
+           i.e. maximal x for UNscaled answer.
+           Solution to equation:
+              W(X) * (1 -1/8 X + 9/128 X^2) = beta ^ minexp
+           where  W(X) = EXP(-X)*SQRT(PI/2X)
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Approximate values for some important machines are:
+                 beta minexp maxexp it NSIG ENTEN ENSIG RTNSIG ENMTEN   EXPARG
+   SUN, etc.) (S.P.)  2          -126  128  24   8  1e38   1e8   1e-2  4.70e-38     88
+ IEEE  (...) (D.P.)  2  -1022 1024  53  16  1e308  1e16  1e-4  8.90e-308   709
+ CRAY-1              (S.P.)  2  -8193 8191  48  15  1e2465 1e15  1e-4  1.84e-2466 5677
+ Cyber 180/855
+   under NOS  (S.P.)  2          -975 1070  48  15  1e322  1e15  1e-4  1.25e-293   741
+ IBM 3033     (D.P.) 16           -65   63  14   5  1e75   1e5   1e-2  2.16e-78    174
+ VAX         (S.P.)  2   -128  127  24   8  1e38   1e8   1e-2  1.17e-38     88
+ VAX D-Format (D.P.)  2          -128  127  56  17  1e38   1e17  1e-5  1.17e-38     88
+ VAX G-Format (D.P.)  2         -1024 1023  53  16  1e307  1e16  1e-4  2.22e-308   709
+And routine specific :
+                   xlrg_IJ xlrg_Y xmax_k EPS_SINC XMIN_J    XINF   THRESH
+   SUN, etc.) (S.P.)   1e4  1e4   85.337  1e-4  2.36e-38   3.40e38     8.
+ IEEE  (...) (D.P.)    1e4  1e8  705.342  1e-8  4.46e-308  1.79e308   16.
+ CRAY-1              (S.P.)    1e4  2e7 5674.858  5e-8  3.67e-2466 5.45e2465  15.
+ Cyber 180/855
+   under NOS  (S.P.)   1e4  2e7  672.788  5e-8  6.28e-294  1.26e322   15.
+ IBM 3033     (D.P.)   1e4  1e8  177.852  1e-8  2.77e-76   7.23e75    17.
+ VAX         (S.P.)    1e4  1e4   86.715  1e-4  1.18e-38   1.70e38     8.
+ VAX e-Format (D.P.)   1e4  1e9   86.715  1e-9  1.18e-38   1.70e38    17.
+ VAX G-Format (D.P.)   1e4  1e8  706.728  1e-8  2.23e-308  8.98e307   16.
+#define nsig_BESS      16
+#define ensig_BESS     1e16
+#define rtnsig_BESS    1e-4
+#define enmten_BESS    8.9e-308
+#define enten_BESS     1e308
+#define exparg_BESS    709.
+#define xlrg_BESS_IJ   1e5
+#define xlrg_BESS_Y    1e8
+#define thresh_BESS_Y  16.
+#define xmax_BESS_K    705.342/* maximal x for UNscaled answer */
+/* gnm_sqrt(GNM_MIN) = GNM_const(1.491668e-154) */
+#define sqxmin_BESS_K  1.49e-154
+/* x < eps_sinc         <==>  gnm_sin(x)/x == 1 (particularly "==>");
+  Linux (around 2001-02) gives GNM_const(2.14946906753213e-08)
+  Solaris 2.5.1                 gives GNM_const(2.14911933289084e-08)
+#define M_eps_sinc     2.149e-8
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Imported src/nmath/bessel_i.c from R.  */
+ *  Mathlib : A C Library of Special Functions
+ *  Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Ross Ihaka and the R Development Core team.
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+ *  USA.
+ */
+/*  DESCRIPTION --> see below */
+/* From http://www.netlib.org/specfun/ribesl   Fortran translated by f2c,...
+ *     ------------------------------=#----    Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich
+ */
+static void I_bessel(gnm_float *x, gnm_float *alpha, long *nb,
+                    long *ize, gnm_float *bi, long *ncalc);
+static gnm_float bessel_i(gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha, gnm_float expo)
+    long nb, ncalc, ize;
+    gnm_float *bi;
+    char *vmax;
+#ifdef IEEE_754
+    /* NaNs propagated correctly */
+    if (gnm_isnan(x) || gnm_isnan(alpha)) return x + alpha;
+    if (x < 0) {
+       return gnm_nan;
+    }
+    ize = (long)expo;
+    if (alpha < 0) {
+       /* Using Abramowitz & Stegun  9.6.2
+        * this may not be quite optimal (CPU and accuracy wise) */
+       return(bessel_i(x, -alpha, expo) +
+              bessel_k(x, -alpha, expo) * ((ize == 1)? 2. : 2.*gnm_exp(-x))/M_PIgnum
+              * gnm_sinpi(-alpha));
+    }
+    nb = 1+ (long)gnm_floor(alpha);/* nb-1 <= alpha < nb */
+    alpha -= (nb-1);
+    bi = (gnm_float *) calloc(nb, sizeof(gnm_float));
+    if (!bi) MATHLIB_ERROR("%s", ("bessel_i allocation error"));
+    vmax = vmaxget();
+    bi = (gnm_float *) R_alloc(nb, sizeof(gnm_float));
+    I_bessel(&x, &alpha, &nb, &ize, bi, &ncalc);
+    if(ncalc != nb) {/* error input */
+       if(ncalc < 0)
+           MATHLIB_WARNING4(("bessel_i(%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld); alpha=%" GNM_FORMAT_g 
". Arg. out of range?\n"),
+                            x, ncalc, nb, alpha);
+       else
+           MATHLIB_WARNING2(("bessel_i(%" GNM_FORMAT_g ",nu=%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): precision lost in result\n"),
+                            x, alpha+nb-1);
+    }
+    x = bi[nb-1];
+    free(bi);
+    vmaxset(vmax);
+    return x;
+static void I_bessel(gnm_float *x, gnm_float *alpha, long *nb,
+                    long *ize, gnm_float *bi, long *ncalc)
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ This routine calculates Bessel functions I_(N+ALPHA) (X)
+ for non-negative argument X, and non-negative order N+ALPHA,
+ with or without exponential scaling.
+ Explanation of variables in the calling sequence
+ X     - Non-negative argument for which
+        I's or exponentially scaled I's (I*EXP(-X))
+        are to be calculated.  If I's are to be calculated,
+        X must be less than EXPARG_BESS (see bessel.h).
+ ALPHA - Fractional part of order for which
+        I's or exponentially scaled I's (I*EXP(-X)) are
+        to be calculated.  0 <= ALPHA < 1.0.
+ NB    - Number of functions to be calculated, NB > 0.
+        The first function calculated is of order ALPHA, and the
+        last is of order (NB - 1 + ALPHA).
+ IZE   - Type. IZE = 1 if unscaled I's are to be calculated,
+                   = 2 if exponentially scaled I's are to be calculated.
+ BI    - Output vector of length NB.   If the routine
+        terminates normally (NCALC=NB), the vector BI contains the
+        functions I(ALPHA,X) through I(NB-1+ALPHA,X), or the
+        corresponding exponentially scaled functions.
+ NCALC - Output variable indicating possible errors.
+        Before using the vector BI, the user should check that
+        NCALC=NB, i.e., all orders have been calculated to
+        the desired accuracy.  See error returns below.
+ *******************************************************************
+ *******************************************************************
+ Error returns
+  In case of an error, NCALC != NB, and not all I's are
+  calculated to the desired accuracy.
+  NCALC < 0:  An argument is out of range. For example,
+     NB <= 0, IZE is not 1 or 2, or IZE=1 and ABS(X) >= EXPARG_BESS.
+     In this case, the BI-vector is not calculated, and NCALC is
+     set to MIN0(NB,0)-1 so that NCALC != NB.
+  NB > NCALC > 0: Not all requested function values could
+     be calculated accurately. This usually occurs because NB is
+     much larger than ABS(X).  In this case, BI[N] is calculated
+     to the desired accuracy for N <= NCALC, but precision
+     is lost for NCALC < N <= NB.  If BI[N] does not vanish
+     for N > NCALC (because it is too small to be represented),
+     and BI[N]/BI[NCALC] = 10**(-K), then only the first NSIG-K
+     significant figures of BI[N] can be trusted.
+ Intrinsic functions required are:
+     DBLE, EXP, gamma_cody, INT, MAX, MIN, REAL, SQRT
+ Acknowledgement
+  This program is based on a program written by David J.
+  Sookne (2) that computes values of the Bessel functions J or
+  I of float argument and long order.  Modifications include
+  the restriction of the computation to the I Bessel function
+  of non-negative float argument, the extension of the computation
+  to arbitrary positive order, the inclusion of optional
+  exponential scaling, and the elimination of most underflow.
+  An earlier version was published in (3).
+ References: "A Note on Backward Recurrence Algorithms," Olver,
+             F. W. J., and Sookne, D. J., Math. Comp. 26, 1972,
+             pp 941-947.
+            "Bessel Functions of Real Argument and Integer Order,"
+             Sookne, D. J., NBS Jour. of Res. B. 77B, 1973, pp
+             125-132.
+            "ALGORITHM 597, Sequence of Modified Bessel Functions
+             of the First Kind," Cody, W. J., Trans. Math. Soft.,
+             1983, pp. 242-245.
+  Latest modification: May 30, 1989
+  Modified by: W. J. Cody and L. Stoltz
+              Applied Mathematics Division
+              Argonne National Laboratory
+              Argonne, IL  60439
+    /*-------------------------------------------------------------------
+      Mathematical constants
+      -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    const gnm_float const__ = 1.585;
+    /* Local variables */
+    long nend, intx, nbmx, k, l, n, nstart;
+    gnm_float pold, test,      p, em, en, empal, emp2al, halfx,
+       aa, bb, cc, psave, plast, tover, psavel, sum, nu, twonu;
+    /*Parameter adjustments */
+    --bi;
+    nu = *alpha;
+    twonu = nu + nu;
+    /*-------------------------------------------------------------------
+      Check for X, NB, OR IZE out of range.
+      ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if (*nb > 0 && *x >= 0. && (0. <= nu && nu < 1.) &&
+       (1 <= *ize && *ize <= 2) ) {
+       *ncalc = *nb;
+       if((*ize == 1 && *x > exparg_BESS) ||
+          (*ize == 2 && *x > xlrg_BESS_IJ)) {
+           ML_ERROR(ME_RANGE);
+           for(k=1; k <= *nb; k++)
+               bi[k]=gnm_pinf;
+           return;
+       }
+       intx = (long) (*x);/* --> we will probably fail when *x > LONG_MAX */
+       if (*x >= rtnsig_BESS) { /* "non-small" x */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
+   Initialize the forward sweep, the P-sequence of Olver
+   ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+           nbmx = *nb - intx;
+           n = intx + 1;
+           en = (gnm_float) (n + n) + twonu;
+           plast = 1.;
+           p = en / *x;
+           /* ------------------------------------------------
+              Calculate general significance test
+              ------------------------------------------------ */
+           test = ensig_BESS + ensig_BESS;
+           if (intx << 1 > nsig_BESS * 5) {
+               test = gnm_sqrt(test * p);
+           } else {
+               test /= gnm_pow(const__, (gnm_float)intx);
+           }
+           if (nbmx >= 3) {
+               /* --------------------------------------------------
+                  Calculate P-sequence until N = NB-1
+                  Check for possible overflow.
+                  ------------------------------------------------ */
+               tover = enten_BESS / ensig_BESS;
+               nstart = intx + 2;
+               nend = *nb - 1;
+               for (k = nstart; k <= nend; ++k) {
+                   n = k;
+                   en += 2.;
+                   pold = plast;
+                   plast = p;
+                   p = en * plast / *x + pold;
+                   if (p > tover) {
+                       /* ------------------------------------------------
+                          To avoid overflow, divide P-sequence by TOVER.
+                          Calculate P-sequence until ABS(P) > 1.
+                          ---------------------------------------------- */
+                       tover = enten_BESS;
+                       p /= tover;
+                       plast /= tover;
+                       psave = p;
+                       psavel = plast;
+                       nstart = n + 1;
+                       do {
+                           ++n;
+                           en += 2.;
+                           pold = plast;
+                           plast = p;
+                           p = en * plast / *x + pold;
+                       }
+                       while (p <= 1.);
+                       bb = en / *x;
+                       /* ------------------------------------------------
+                          Calculate backward test, and find NCALC,
+                          the highest N such that the test is passed.
+                          ------------------------------------------------ */
+                       test = pold * plast / ensig_BESS;
+                       test *= .5 - .5 / (bb * bb);
+                       p = plast * tover;
+                       --n;
+                       en -= 2.;
+                       nend = imin2(*nb,n);
+                       for (l = nstart; l <= nend; ++l) {
+                           *ncalc = l;
+                           pold = psavel;
+                           psavel = psave;
+                           psave = en * psavel / *x + pold;
+                           if (psave * psavel > test) {
+                               goto L90;
+                           }
+                       }
+                       *ncalc = nend + 1;
+                       --(*ncalc);
+                       goto L120;
+                   }
+               }
+               n = nend;
+               en = (gnm_float)(n + n) + twonu;
+               /*---------------------------------------------------
+                 Calculate special significance test for NBMX > 2.
+                 --------------------------------------------------- */
+               test = fmax2(test,gnm_sqrt(plast * ensig_BESS) * gnm_sqrt(p + p));
+           }
+           /* --------------------------------------------------------
+              Calculate P-sequence until significance test passed.
+              -------------------------------------------------------- */
+           do {
+               ++n;
+               en += 2.;
+               pold = plast;
+               plast = p;
+               p = en * plast / *x + pold;
+           } while (p < test);
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Initialize the backward recursion and the normalization sum.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+           ++n;
+           en += 2.;
+           bb = 0.;
+           aa = 1. / p;
+           em = (gnm_float) n - 1.;
+           empal = em + nu;
+           emp2al = em - 1. + twonu;
+           sum = aa * empal * emp2al / em;
+           nend = n - *nb;
+           if (nend < 0) {
+               /* -----------------------------------------------------
+                  N < NB, so store BI[N] and set higher orders to 0..
+                  ----------------------------------------------------- */
+               bi[n] = aa;
+               nend = -nend;
+               for (l = 1; l <= nend; ++l) {
+                   bi[n + l] = 0.;
+               }
+           } else {
+               if (nend > 0) {
+                   /* -----------------------------------------------------
+                      Recur backward via difference equation,
+                      calculating (but not storing) BI[N], until N = NB.
+                      --------------------------------------------------- */
+                   for (l = 1; l <= nend; ++l) {
+                       --n;
+                       en -= 2.;
+                       cc = bb;
+                       bb = aa;
+                       aa = en * bb / *x + cc;
+                       em -= 1.;
+                       emp2al -= 1.;
+                       if (n == 1) {
+                           break;
+                       }
+                       if (n == 2) {
+                           emp2al = 1.;
+                       }
+                       empal -= 1.;
+                       sum = (sum + aa * empal) * emp2al / em;
+                   }
+               }
+               /* ---------------------------------------------------
+                  Store BI[NB]
+                  --------------------------------------------------- */
+               bi[n] = aa;
+               if (*nb <= 1) {
+                   sum = sum + sum + aa;
+                   goto L230;
+               }
+               /* -------------------------------------------------
+                  Calculate and Store BI[NB-1]
+                  ------------------------------------------------- */
+               --n;
+               en -= 2.;
+               bi[n] = en * aa / *x + bb;
+               if (n == 1) {
+                   goto L220;
+               }
+               em -= 1.;
+               if (n == 2)
+                   emp2al = 1.;
+               else
+                   emp2al -= 1.;
+               empal -= 1.;
+               sum = (sum + bi[n] * empal) * emp2al / em;
+           }
+           nend = n - 2;
+           if (nend > 0) {
+               /* --------------------------------------------
+                  Calculate via difference equation
+                  and store BI[N], until N = 2.
+                  ------------------------------------------ */
+               for (l = 1; l <= nend; ++l) {
+                   --n;
+                   en -= 2.;
+                   bi[n] = en * bi[n + 1] / *x + bi[n + 2];
+                   em -= 1.;
+                   if (n == 2)
+                       emp2al = 1.;
+                   else
+                       emp2al -= 1.;
+                   empal -= 1.;
+                   sum = (sum + bi[n] * empal) * emp2al / em;
+               }
+           }
+           /* ----------------------------------------------
+              Calculate BI[1]
+              -------------------------------------------- */
+           bi[1] = 2. * empal * bi[2] / *x + bi[3];
+           sum = sum + sum + bi[1];
+           /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+              Normalize.  Divide all BI[N] by sum.
+              --------------------------------------------------------- */
+           if (nu != 0.)
+               sum *= (gnm_exp(lgamma1p (nu)) * gnm_pow(*x * .5, -nu));
+           if (*ize == 1)
+               sum *= gnm_exp(-(*x));
+           aa = enmten_BESS;
+           if (sum > 1.)
+               aa *= sum;
+           for (n = 1; n <= *nb; ++n) {
+               if (bi[n] < aa)
+                   bi[n] = 0.;
+               else
+                   bi[n] /= sum;
+           }
+           return;
+       } else {
+           /* -----------------------------------------------------------
+              Two-term ascending series for small X.
+              -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+           aa = 1.;
+           empal = 1. + nu;
+           if (*x > enmten_BESS)
+               halfx = .5 * *x;
+           else
+               halfx = 0.;
+           if (nu != 0.)
+               aa = gnm_pow(halfx, nu) / gnm_exp(lgamma1p(nu));
+           if (*ize == 2)
+               aa *= gnm_exp(-(*x));
+           if (*x + 1. > 1.)
+               bb = halfx * halfx;
+           else
+               bb = 0.;
+           bi[1] = aa + aa * bb / empal;
+           if (*x != 0. && bi[1] == 0.)
+               *ncalc = 0;
+           if (*nb > 1) {
+               if (*x == 0.) {
+                   for (n = 2; n <= *nb; ++n) {
+                       bi[n] = 0.;
+                   }
+               } else {
+                   /* -------------------------------------------------
+                      Calculate higher-order functions.
+                      ------------------------------------------------- */
+                   cc = halfx;
+                   tover = (enmten_BESS + enmten_BESS) / *x;
+                   if (bb != 0.)
+                       tover = enmten_BESS / bb;
+                   for (n = 2; n <= *nb; ++n) {
+                       aa /= empal;
+                       empal += 1.;
+                       aa *= cc;
+                       if (aa <= tover * empal)
+                           bi[n] = aa = 0.;
+                       else
+                           bi[n] = aa + aa * bb / empal;
+                       if (bi[n] == 0. && *ncalc > n)
+                           *ncalc = n - 1;
+                   }
+               }
+           }
+       }
+    } else {
+       *ncalc = imin2(*nb,0) - 1;
+    }
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Imported src/nmath/bessel_j.c from R.  */
+ *  Mathlib : A C Library of Special Functions
+ *  Copyright (C) 1998-2012 Ross Ihaka and the R Core team.
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
+ *  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/
+ */
+/*  DESCRIPTION --> see below */
+/* From http://www.netlib.org/specfun/rjbesl   Fortran translated by f2c,...
+ *     ------------------------------=#----    Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich
+ * Additional code for nu == alpha < 0  MM
+ */
+#define min0(x, y) (((x) <= (y)) ? (x) : (y))
+static void J_bessel(gnm_float *x, gnm_float *alpha, long *nb,
+                    gnm_float *b, long *ncalc);
+static gnm_float bessel_j(gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha)
+    long nb, ncalc;
+    gnm_float na, *bj;
+    const void *vmax;
+#ifdef IEEE_754
+    /* NaNs propagated correctly */
+    if (gnm_isnan(x) || gnm_isnan(alpha)) return x + alpha;
+    if (x < 0) {
+       return gnm_nan;
+    }
+    na = gnm_floor(alpha);
+    if (alpha < 0) {
+       /* Using Abramowitz & Stegun  9.1.2
+        * this may not be quite optimal (CPU and accuracy wise) */
+       return(bessel_j(x, -alpha) * gnm_cospi(alpha) +
+              ((alpha == na) ? 0 :
+              bessel_y(x, -alpha) * gnm_sinpi(alpha)));
+    }
+    nb = 1 + (long)na; /* nb-1 <= alpha < nb */
+    alpha -= (gnm_float)(nb-1);
+    bj = (gnm_float *) calloc(nb, sizeof(gnm_float));
+    if (!bj) MATHLIB_ERROR("%s", ("bessel_j allocation error"));
+    vmax = vmaxget();
+    bj = (gnm_float *) R_alloc((size_t) nb, sizeof(gnm_float));
+    J_bessel(&x, &alpha, &nb, bj, &ncalc);
+    if(ncalc != nb) {/* error input */
+      if(ncalc < 0)
+       MATHLIB_WARNING4(("bessel_j(%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld); alpha=%" GNM_FORMAT_g ". 
Arg. out of range?\n"),
+                        x, ncalc, nb, alpha);
+      else
+       MATHLIB_WARNING2(("bessel_j(%" GNM_FORMAT_g ",nu=%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): precision lost in result\n"),
+                        x, alpha+(gnm_float)nb-1);
+    }
+    x = bj[nb-1];
+    free(bj);
+    vmaxset(vmax);
+    return x;
+/* modified version of bessel_j that accepts a work array instead of
+   allocating one. */
+static gnm_float bessel_j_ex(gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha, gnm_float *bj)
+    long nb, ncalc;
+    gnm_float na;
+#ifdef IEEE_754
+    /* NaNs propagated correctly */
+    if (gnm_isnan(x) || gnm_isnan(alpha)) return x + alpha;
+    if (x < 0) {
+       return gnm_nan;
+    }
+    na = gnm_floor(alpha);
+    if (alpha < 0) {
+       /* Using Abramowitz & Stegun  9.1.2
+        * this may not be quite optimal (CPU and accuracy wise) */
+       return(bessel_j_ex(x, -alpha, bj) * gnm_cospi(alpha) +
+              ((alpha == na) ? 0 :
+               bessel_y_ex(x, -alpha, bj) * gnm_sinpi(alpha)));
+    }
+    nb = 1 + (long)na; /* nb-1 <= alpha < nb */
+    alpha -= (gnm_float)(nb-1);
+    J_bessel(&x, &alpha, &nb, bj, &ncalc);
+    if(ncalc != nb) {/* error input */
+      if(ncalc < 0)
+       MATHLIB_WARNING4(("bessel_j(%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld); alpha=%" GNM_FORMAT_g ". 
Arg. out of range?\n"),
+                        x, ncalc, nb, alpha);
+      else
+       MATHLIB_WARNING2(("bessel_j(%" GNM_FORMAT_g ",nu=%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): precision lost in result\n"),
+                        x, alpha+(gnm_float)nb-1);
+    }
+    x = bj[nb-1];
+    return x;
+static void J_bessel(gnm_float *x, gnm_float *alpha, long *nb,
+                    gnm_float *b, long *ncalc)
+ Calculates Bessel functions J_{n+alpha} (x)
+ for non-negative argument x, and non-negative order n+alpha, n = 0,1,..,nb-1.
+  Explanation of variables in the calling sequence.
+ X     - Non-negative argument for which J's are to be calculated.
+ ALPHA - Fractional part of order for which
+        J's are to be calculated.  0 <= ALPHA < 1.
+ NB    - Number of functions to be calculated, NB >= 1.
+        The first function calculated is of order ALPHA, and the
+        last is of order (NB - 1 + ALPHA).
+ B     - Output vector of length NB.  If RJBESL
+        terminates normally (NCALC=NB), the vector B contains the
+        functions J/ALPHA/(X) through J/NB-1+ALPHA/(X).
+ NCALC - Output variable indicating possible errors.
+        Before using the vector B, the user should check that
+        NCALC=NB, i.e., all orders have been calculated to
+        the desired accuracy.  See the following
+        ****************************************************************
+ Error return codes
+    In case of an error,  NCALC != NB, and not all J's are
+    calculated to the desired accuracy.
+    NCALC < 0: An argument is out of range. For example,
+       NBES <= 0, ALPHA < 0 or > 1, or X is too large.
+       In this case, b[1] is set to zero, the remainder of the
+       B-vector is not calculated, and NCALC is set to
+       MIN(NB,0)-1 so that NCALC != NB.
+    NB > NCALC > 0: Not all requested function values could
+       be calculated accurately.  This usually occurs because NB is
+       much larger than ABS(X).         In this case, b[N] is calculated
+       to the desired accuracy for N <= NCALC, but precision
+       is lost for NCALC < N <= NB.  If b[N] does not vanish
+       for N > NCALC (because it is too small to be represented),
+       and b[N]/b[NCALC] = 10^(-K), then only the first NSIG - K
+       significant figures of b[N] can be trusted.
+  Acknowledgement
+       This program is based on a program written by David J. Sookne
+       (2) that computes values of the Bessel functions J or I of float
+       argument and long order.  Modifications include the restriction
+       of the computation to the J Bessel function of non-negative float
+       argument, the extension of the computation to arbitrary positive
+       order, and the elimination of most underflow.
+  References:
+       Olver, F.W.J., and Sookne, D.J. (1972)
+       "A Note on Backward Recurrence Algorithms";
+       Math. Comp. 26, 941-947.
+       Sookne, D.J. (1973)
+       "Bessel Functions of Real Argument and Integer Order";
+       NBS Jour. of Res. B. 77B, 125-132.
+  Latest modification: March 19, 1990
+  Author: W. J. Cody
+         Applied Mathematics Division
+         Argonne National Laboratory
+         Argonne, IL  60439
+ *******************************************************************
+ */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Mathematical constants
+   PI2   = 2 / PI
+   TWOPI1 = first few significant digits of 2 * PI
+   TWOPI2 = (2*PI - TWOPI1) to working precision, i.e.,
+           TWOPI1 + TWOPI2 = 2 * PI to extra precision.
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    const static gnm_float pi2 = GNM_const(.636619772367581343075535);
+    const static gnm_float twopi1 = GNM_const(6.28125);
+    const static gnm_float twopi2 =  GNM_const(.001935307179586476925286767);
+ *  Factorial(N)
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* removed array fact */
+    /* Local variables */
+    long nend, intx, nbmx, i, j, k, l, m, n, nstart;
+    gnm_float nu, twonu, capp, capq, pold, vcos, test, vsin;
+    gnm_float p, s, t, z, alpem, halfx, aa, bb, cc, psave, plast;
+    gnm_float tover, t1, alp2em, em, en, xc, xk, xm, psavel, gnu, xin, sum;
+    /* Parameter adjustment */
+    --b;
+    nu = *alpha;
+    twonu = nu + nu;
+    /*-------------------------------------------------------------------
+      Check for out of range arguments.
+      -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (*nb > 0 && *x >= 0. && 0. <= nu && nu < 1.) {
+       *ncalc = *nb;
+       if(*x > xlrg_BESS_IJ) {
+           ML_ERROR(ME_RANGE);
+           /* indeed, the limit is 0,
+            * but the cutoff happens too early */
+           for(i=1; i <= *nb; i++)
+               b[i] = 0.; /*was gnm_pinf (really nonsense) */
+           return;
+       }
+       intx = (long) (*x);
+       /* Initialize result array to zero. */
+       for (i = 1; i <= *nb; ++i)
+           b[i] = 0.;
+       /*===================================================================
+         Branch into  3 cases :
+         1) use 2-term ascending series for small X
+         2) use asymptotic form for large X when NB is not too large
+         3) use recursion otherwise
+         ===================================================================*/
+       if (*x < rtnsig_BESS) {
+         /* ---------------------------------------------------------------
+            Two-term ascending series for small X.
+            --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+           alpem = 1. + nu;
+           halfx = (*x > enmten_BESS) ? .5 * *x :  0.;
+           aa    = (nu != 0.)    ? gnm_pow(halfx, nu) / (nu * gnm_gamma(nu)) : 1.;
+           bb    = (*x + 1. > 1.)? -halfx * halfx : 0.;
+           b[1] = aa + aa * bb / alpem;
+           if (*x != 0. && b[1] == 0.)
+               *ncalc = 0;
+           if (*nb != 1) {
+               if (*x <= 0.) {
+                   for (n = 2; n <= *nb; ++n)
+                       b[n] = 0.;
+               }
+               else {
+                   /* ----------------------------------------------
+                      Calculate higher order functions.
+                      ---------------------------------------------- */
+                   if (bb == 0.)
+                       tover = (enmten_BESS + enmten_BESS) / *x;
+                   else
+                       tover = enmten_BESS / bb;
+                   cc = halfx;
+                   for (n = 2; n <= *nb; ++n) {
+                       aa /= alpem;
+                       alpem += 1.;
+                       aa *= cc;
+                       if (aa <= tover * alpem)
+                           aa = 0.;
+                       b[n] = aa + aa * bb / alpem;
+                       if (b[n] == 0. && *ncalc > n)
+                           *ncalc = n - 1;
+                   }
+               }
+           }
+       } else if (*x > 25. && *nb <= intx + 1) {
+           /* ------------------------------------------------------------
+              Asymptotic series for X > 25 (and not too large nb)
+              ------------------------------------------------------------ */
+           xc = gnm_sqrt(pi2 / *x);
+           xin = 1 / (64 * *x * *x);
+           if (*x >= 130.)     m = 4;
+           else if (*x >= 35.) m = 8;
+           else                m = 11;
+           xm = 4. * (gnm_float) m;
+           /* ------------------------------------------------
+              Argument reduction for SIN and COS routines.
+              ------------------------------------------------ */
+           t = gnm_trunc(*x / (twopi1 + twopi2) + .5);
+           z = (*x - t * twopi1) - t * twopi2 - (nu + .5) / pi2;
+           vsin = gnm_sin(z);
+           vcos = gnm_cos(z);
+           gnu = twonu;
+           for (i = 1; i <= 2; ++i) {
+               s = (xm - 1. - gnu) * (xm - 1. + gnu) * xin * .5;
+               t = (gnu - (xm - 3.)) * (gnu + (xm - 3.));
+               t1= (gnu - (xm + 1.)) * (gnu + (xm + 1.));
+               k = m + m;
+               capp = s * t / gnm_fact(k);
+               capq = s * t1/ gnm_fact(k + 1);
+               xk = xm;
+               for (; k >= 4; k -= 2) {/* k + 2(j-2) == 2m */
+                   xk -= 4.;
+                   s = (xk - 1. - gnu) * (xk - 1. + gnu);
+                   t1 = t;
+                   t = (gnu - (xk - 3.)) * (gnu + (xk - 3.));
+                   capp = (capp + 1. / gnm_fact(k - 2)) * s * t  * xin;
+                   capq = (capq + 1. / gnm_fact(k - 1)) * s * t1 * xin;
+               }
+               capp += 1.;
+               capq = (capq + 1.) * (gnu * gnu - 1.) * (.125 / *x);
+               b[i] = xc * (capp * vcos - capq * vsin);
+               if (*nb == 1)
+                   return;
+               /* vsin <--> vcos */ t = vsin; vsin = -vcos; vcos = t;
+               gnu += 2.;
+           }
+           /* -----------------------------------------------
+              If  NB > 2, compute J(X,ORDER+I) for I = 2, NB-1
+              ----------------------------------------------- */
+           if (*nb > 2)
+               for (gnu = twonu + 2., j = 3; j <= *nb; j++, gnu += 2.)
+                   b[j] = gnu * b[j - 1] / *x - b[j - 2];
+       }
+       else {
+           /* rtnsig_BESS <= x && ( x <= 25 || intx+1 < *nb ) :
+              --------------------------------------------------------
+              Use recurrence to generate results.
+              First initialize the calculation of P*S.
+              -------------------------------------------------------- */
+           nbmx = *nb - intx;
+           n = intx + 1;
+           en = (gnm_float)(n + n) + twonu;
+           plast = 1.;
+           p = en / *x;
+           /* ---------------------------------------------------
+              Calculate general significance test.
+              --------------------------------------------------- */
+           test = ensig_BESS + ensig_BESS;
+           if (nbmx >= 3) {
+               /* ------------------------------------------------------------
+                  Calculate P*S until N = NB-1.  Check for possible overflow.
+                  ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+               tover = enten_BESS / ensig_BESS;
+               nstart = intx + 2;
+               nend = *nb - 1;
+               en = (gnm_float) (nstart + nstart) - 2. + twonu;
+               for (k = nstart; k <= nend; ++k) {
+                   n = k;
+                   en += 2.;
+                   pold = plast;
+                   plast = p;
+                   p = en * plast / *x - pold;
+                   if (p > tover) {
+                       /* -------------------------------------------
+                          To avoid overflow, divide P*S by TOVER.
+                          Calculate P*S until ABS(P) > 1.
+                          -------------------------------------------*/
+                       tover = enten_BESS;
+                       p /= tover;
+                       plast /= tover;
+                       psave = p;
+                       psavel = plast;
+                       nstart = n + 1;
+                       do {
+                           ++n;
+                           en += 2.;
+                           pold = plast;
+                           plast = p;
+                           p = en * plast / *x - pold;
+                       } while (p <= 1.);
+                       bb = en / *x;
+                       /* -----------------------------------------------
+                          Calculate backward test and find NCALC,
+                          the highest N such that the test is passed.
+                          ----------------------------------------------- */
+                       test = pold * plast * (.5 - .5 / (bb * bb));
+                       test /= ensig_BESS;
+                       p = plast * tover;
+                       --n;
+                       en -= 2.;
+                       nend = min0(*nb,n);
+                       for (l = nstart; l <= nend; ++l) {
+                           pold = psavel;
+                           psavel = psave;
+                           psave = en * psavel / *x - pold;
+                           if (psave * psavel > test) {
+                               *ncalc = l - 1;
+                               goto L190;
+                           }
+                       }
+                       *ncalc = nend;
+                       goto L190;
+                   }
+               }
+               n = nend;
+               en = (gnm_float) (n + n) + twonu;
+               /* -----------------------------------------------------
+                  Calculate special significance test for NBMX > 2.
+                  -----------------------------------------------------*/
+               test = fmax2(test, gnm_sqrt(plast * ensig_BESS) * gnm_sqrt(p + p));
+           }
+           /* ------------------------------------------------
+              Calculate P*S until significance test passes. */
+           do {
+               ++n;
+               en += 2.;
+               pold = plast;
+               plast = p;
+               p = en * plast / *x - pold;
+           } while (p < test);
+           /*---------------------------------------------------------------
+             Initialize the backward recursion and the normalization sum.
+             --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+           ++n;
+           en += 2.;
+           bb = 0.;
+           aa = 1. / p;
+           m = n / 2;
+           em = (gnm_float)m;
+           m = (n << 1) - (m << 2);/* = 2 n - 4 (n/2)
+                                      = 0 for even, 2 for odd n */
+           if (m == 0)
+               sum = 0.;
+           else {
+               alpem = em - 1. + nu;
+               alp2em = em + em + nu;
+               sum = aa * alpem * alp2em / em;
+           }
+           nend = n - *nb;
+           /* if (nend > 0) */
+           /* --------------------------------------------------------
+              Recur backward via difference equation, calculating
+              (but not storing) b[N], until N = NB.
+              -------------------------------------------------------- */
+           for (l = 1; l <= nend; ++l) {
+               --n;
+               en -= 2.;
+               cc = bb;
+               bb = aa;
+               aa = en * bb / *x - cc;
+               m = m ? 0 : 2; /* m = 2 - m failed on gcc4-20041019 */
+               if (m != 0) {
+                   em -= 1.;
+                   alp2em = em + em + nu;
+                   if (n == 1)
+                       break;
+                   alpem = em - 1. + nu;
+                   if (alpem == 0.)
+                       alpem = 1.;
+                   sum = (sum + aa * alp2em) * alpem / em;
+               }
+           }
+           /*--------------------------------------------------
+             Store b[NB].
+             --------------------------------------------------*/
+           b[n] = aa;
+           if (nend >= 0) {
+               if (*nb <= 1) {
+                   if (nu + 1. == 1.)
+                       alp2em = 1.;
+                   else
+                       alp2em = nu;
+                   sum += b[1] * alp2em;
+                   goto L250;
+               }
+               else {/*-- nb >= 2 : ---------------------------
+                       Calculate and store b[NB-1].
+                       ----------------------------------------*/
+                   --n;
+                   en -= 2.;
+                   b[n] = en * aa / *x - bb;
+                   if (n == 1)
+                       goto L240;
+                   m = m ? 0 : 2; /* m = 2 - m failed on gcc4-20041019 */
+                   if (m != 0) {
+                       em -= 1.;
+                       alp2em = em + em + nu;
+                       alpem = em - 1. + nu;
+                       if (alpem == 0.)
+                           alpem = 1.;
+                       sum = (sum + b[n] * alp2em) * alpem / em;
+                   }
+               }
+           }
+           /* if (n - 2 != 0) */
+           /* --------------------------------------------------------
+              Calculate via difference equation and store b[N],
+              until N = 2.
+              -------------------------------------------------------- */
+           for (n = n-1; n >= 2; n--) {
+               en -= 2.;
+               b[n] = en * b[n + 1] / *x - b[n + 2];
+               m = m ? 0 : 2; /* m = 2 - m failed on gcc4-20041019 */
+               if (m != 0) {
+                   em -= 1.;
+                   alp2em = em + em + nu;
+                   alpem = em - 1. + nu;
+                   if (alpem == 0.)
+                       alpem = 1.;
+                   sum = (sum + b[n] * alp2em) * alpem / em;
+               }
+           }
+           /* ---------------------------------------
+              Calculate b[1].
+              -----------------------------------------*/
+           b[1] = 2. * (nu + 1.) * b[2] / *x - b[3];
+           em -= 1.;
+           alp2em = em + em + nu;
+           if (alp2em == 0.)
+               alp2em = 1.;
+           sum += b[1] * alp2em;
+           /* ---------------------------------------------------
+              Normalize.  Divide all b[N] by sum.
+              ---------------------------------------------------*/
+/*         if (nu + 1. != 1.) poor test */
+           if(gnm_abs(nu) > 1e-15)
+               sum *= (gnm_gamma(nu) * gnm_pow(.5* *x, -nu));
+           aa = enmten_BESS;
+           if (sum > 1.)
+               aa *= sum;
+           for (n = 1; n <= *nb; ++n) {
+               if (gnm_abs(b[n]) < aa)
+                   b[n] = 0.;
+               else
+                   b[n] /= sum;
+           }
+       }
+    }
+    else {
+      /* Error return -- X, NB, or ALPHA is out of range : */
+       b[1] = 0.;
+       *ncalc = min0(*nb,0) - 1;
+    }
+/* Cleaning up done by tools/import-R:  */
+#undef min0
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Imported src/nmath/bessel_k.c from R.  */
+ *  Mathlib : A C Library of Special Functions
+ *  Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Ross Ihaka and the R Development Core team.
+ *  Copyright (C) 2002-3    The R Foundation
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+ *  USA.
+ */
+/*  DESCRIPTION --> see below */
+/* From http://www.netlib.org/specfun/rkbesl   Fortran translated by f2c,...
+ *     ------------------------------=#----    Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich
+ */
+static void K_bessel(gnm_float *x, gnm_float *alpha, long *nb,
+                    long *ize, gnm_float *bk, long *ncalc);
+static gnm_float bessel_k(gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha, gnm_float expo)
+    long nb, ncalc, ize;
+    gnm_float *bk;
+    char *vmax;
+#ifdef IEEE_754
+    /* NaNs propagated correctly */
+    if (gnm_isnan(x) || gnm_isnan(alpha)) return x + alpha;
+    if (x < 0) {
+       return gnm_nan;
+    }
+    ize = (long)expo;
+    if(alpha < 0)
+       alpha = -alpha;
+    nb = 1+ (long)gnm_floor(alpha);/* nb-1 <= |alpha| < nb */
+    alpha -= (nb-1);
+    bk = (gnm_float *) calloc(nb, sizeof(gnm_float));
+    if (!bk) MATHLIB_ERROR("%s", ("bessel_k allocation error"));
+    vmax = vmaxget();
+    bk = (gnm_float *) R_alloc(nb, sizeof(gnm_float));
+    K_bessel(&x, &alpha, &nb, &ize, bk, &ncalc);
+    if(ncalc != nb) {/* error input */
+      if(ncalc < 0)
+       MATHLIB_WARNING4(("bessel_k(%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld); alpha=%" GNM_FORMAT_g ". 
Arg. out of range?\n"),
+                        x, ncalc, nb, alpha);
+      else
+       MATHLIB_WARNING2(("bessel_k(%" GNM_FORMAT_g ",nu=%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): precision lost in result\n"),
+                        x, alpha+nb-1);
+    }
+    x = bk[nb-1];
+    free(bk);
+    vmaxset(vmax);
+    return x;
+static void K_bessel(gnm_float *x, gnm_float *alpha, long *nb,
+                    long *ize, gnm_float *bk, long *ncalc)
+  This routine calculates modified Bessel functions
+  of the third kind, K_(N+ALPHA) (X), for non-negative
+  argument X, and non-negative order N+ALPHA, with or without
+  exponential scaling.
+  Explanation of variables in the calling sequence
+ X     - Non-negative argument for which
+        K's or exponentially scaled K's (K*EXP(X))
+        are to be calculated.  If K's are to be calculated,
+        X must not be greater than XMAX_BESS_K.
+ ALPHA - Fractional part of order for which
+        K's or exponentially scaled K's (K*EXP(X)) are
+        to be calculated.  0 <= ALPHA < 1.0.
+ NB    - Number of functions to be calculated, NB > 0.
+        The first function calculated is of order ALPHA, and the
+        last is of order (NB - 1 + ALPHA).
+ IZE   - Type. IZE = 1 if unscaled K's are to be calculated,
+                   = 2 if exponentially scaled K's are to be calculated.
+ BK    - Output vector of length NB.   If the
+        routine terminates normally (NCALC=NB), the vector BK
+        contains the functions K(ALPHA,X), ... , K(NB-1+ALPHA,X),
+        or the corresponding exponentially scaled functions.
+        If (0 < NCALC < NB), BK(I) contains correct function
+        values for I <= NCALC, and contains the ratios
+        K(ALPHA+I-1,X)/K(ALPHA+I-2,X) for the rest of the array.
+ NCALC - Output variable indicating possible errors.
+        Before using the vector BK, the user should check that
+        NCALC=NB, i.e., all orders have been calculated to
+        the desired accuracy.  See error returns below.
+ *******************************************************************
+ Error returns
+  In case of an error, NCALC != NB, and not all K's are
+  calculated to the desired accuracy.
+  NCALC < -1:  An argument is out of range. For example,
+       NB <= 0, IZE is not 1 or 2, or IZE=1 and ABS(X) >= XMAX_BESS_K.
+       In this case, the B-vector is not calculated,
+       and NCALC is set to MIN0(NB,0)-2         so that NCALC != NB.
+  NCALC = -1:  Either  K(ALPHA,X) >= XINF  or
+       K(ALPHA+NB-1,X)/K(ALPHA+NB-2,X) >= XINF.         In this case,
+       the B-vector is not calculated. Note that again
+       NCALC != NB.
+  0 < NCALC < NB: Not all requested function values could
+       be calculated accurately.  BK(I) contains correct function
+       values for I <= NCALC, and contains the ratios
+       K(ALPHA+I-1,X)/K(ALPHA+I-2,X) for the rest of the array.
+ Intrinsic functions required are:
+ Acknowledgement
+       This program is based on a program written by J. B. Campbell
+       (2) that computes values of the Bessel functions K of float
+       argument and float order.  Modifications include the addition
+       of non-scaled functions, parameterization of machine
+       dependencies, and the use of more accurate approximations
+       for SINH and SIN.
+ References: "On Temme's Algorithm for the Modified Bessel
+             Functions of the Third Kind," Campbell, J. B.,
+             TOMS 6(4), Dec. 1980, pp. 581-586.
+            "A FORTRAN IV Subroutine for the Modified Bessel
+             Functions of the Third Kind of Real Order and Real
+             Argument," Campbell, J. B., Report NRC/ERB-925,
+             National Research Council, Canada.
+  Latest modification: May 30, 1989
+  Modified by: W. J. Cody and L. Stoltz
+              Applied Mathematics Division
+              Argonne National Laboratory
+              Argonne, IL  60439
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+    /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Mathematical constants
+     * A = LOG(2) - Euler's constant
+     * D = SQRT(2/PI)
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    const gnm_float a = GNM_const(.11593151565841244881);
+    /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
+      P, Q - Approximation for LOG(GAMMA(1+ALPHA))/ALPHA + Euler's constant
+      Coefficients converted from hex to decimal and modified
+      by W. J. Cody, 2/26/82 */
+    static const gnm_float p[8] = { GNM_const(.805629875690432845),GNM_const(20.4045500205365151),
+           GNM_const(157.705605106676174),GNM_const(536.671116469207504),GNM_const(900.382759291288778),
+           GNM_const(730.923886650660393),GNM_const(229.299301509425145),GNM_const(.822467033424113231) };
+    static const gnm_float q[7] = { GNM_const(29.4601986247850434),GNM_const(277.577868510221208),
+           GNM_const(1206.70325591027438),GNM_const(2762.91444159791519),GNM_const(3443.74050506564618),
+           GNM_const(2210.63190113378647),GNM_const(572.267338359892221) };
+    /* R, S - Approximation for (1-ALPHA*PI/SIN(ALPHA*PI))/(2.D0*ALPHA) */
+    static const gnm_float r[5] = { GNM_const(-.48672575865218401848),GNM_const(13.079485869097804016),
+           GNM_const(-101.96490580880537526),GNM_const(347.65409106507813131),
+           GNM_const(3.495898124521934782e-4) };
+    static const gnm_float s[4] = { GNM_const(-25.579105509976461286),GNM_const(212.57260432226544008),
+           GNM_const(-610.69018684944109624),GNM_const(422.69668805777760407) };
+    /* T    - Approximation for SINH(Y)/Y */
+    static const gnm_float t[6] = { GNM_const(1.6125990452916363814e-10),
+           GNM_const(2.5051878502858255354e-8),GNM_const(2.7557319615147964774e-6),
+           GNM_const(1.9841269840928373686e-4),GNM_const(.0083333333333334751799),
+           GNM_const(.16666666666666666446) };
+    /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    static const gnm_float estm[6] = { 52.0583,5.7607,2.7782,14.4303,185.3004, 9.3715 };
+    static const gnm_float estf[7] = { 41.8341,7.1075,6.4306,42.511,GNM_const(1.35633),84.5096,20.};
+    /* Local variables */
+    long iend, i, j, k, m, ii, mplus1;
+    gnm_float x2by4, twox, c, blpha, ratio, wminf;
+    gnm_float d1, d2, d3, f0, f1, f2, p0, q0, t1, t2, twonu;
+    gnm_float dm, ex, bk1, bk2, nu;
+    ii = 0; /* -Wall */
+    ex = *x;
+    nu = *alpha;
+    *ncalc = imin2(*nb,0) - 2;
+    if (*nb > 0 && (0. <= nu && nu < 1.) && (1 <= *ize && *ize <= 2)) {
+       if(ex <= 0 || (*ize == 1 && ex > xmax_BESS_K)) {
+           if(ex <= 0) {
+               ML_ERROR(ME_RANGE);
+               for(i=0; i < *nb; i++)
+                   bk[i] = gnm_pinf;
+           } else /* would only have underflow */
+               for(i=0; i < *nb; i++)
+                   bk[i] = 0.;
+           *ncalc = *nb;
+           return;
+       }
+       k = 0;
+       if (nu < sqxmin_BESS_K) {
+           nu = 0.;
+       } else if (nu > .5) {
+           k = 1;
+           nu -= 1.;
+       }
+       twonu = nu + nu;
+       iend = *nb + k - 1;
+       c = nu * nu;
+       d3 = -c;
+       if (ex <= 1.) {
+           /* ------------------------------------------------------------
+              Calculation of P0 = GAMMA(1+ALPHA) * (2/X)**ALPHA
+                             Q0 = GAMMA(1-ALPHA) * (X/2)**ALPHA
+              ------------------------------------------------------------ */
+           d1 = 0.; d2 = p[0];
+           t1 = 1.; t2 = q[0];
+           for (i = 2; i <= 7; i += 2) {
+               d1 = c * d1 + p[i - 1];
+               d2 = c * d2 + p[i];
+               t1 = c * t1 + q[i - 1];
+               t2 = c * t2 + q[i];
+           }
+           d1 = nu * d1;
+           t1 = nu * t1;
+           f1 = gnm_log(ex);
+           f0 = a + nu * (p[7] - nu * (d1 + d2) / (t1 + t2)) - f1;
+           q0 = gnm_exp(-nu * (a - nu * (p[7] + nu * (d1-d2) / (t1-t2)) - f1));
+           f1 = nu * f0;
+           p0 = gnm_exp(f1);
+           /* -----------------------------------------------------------
+              Calculation of F0 =
+              ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+           d1 = r[4];
+           t1 = 1.;
+           for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+               d1 = c * d1 + r[i];
+               t1 = c * t1 + s[i];
+           }
+           /* d2 := gnm_sinh(f1)/ nu = gnm_sinh(f1)/(f1/f0)
+            *     = f0 * gnm_sinh(f1)/f1 */
+           if (gnm_abs(f1) <= .5) {
+               f1 *= f1;
+               d2 = 0.;
+               for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
+                   d2 = f1 * d2 + t[i];
+               }
+               d2 = f0 + f0 * f1 * d2;
+           } else {
+               d2 = gnm_sinh(f1) / nu;
+           }
+           f0 = d2 - nu * d1 / (t1 * p0);
+           if (ex <= 1e-10) {
+               /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+                  X <= 1.0E-10
+                  Calculation of K(ALPHA,X) and X*K(ALPHA+1,X)/K(ALPHA,X)
+                  --------------------------------------------------------- */
+               bk[0] = f0 + ex * f0;
+               if (*ize == 1) {
+                   bk[0] -= ex * bk[0];
+               }
+               ratio = p0 / f0;
+               c = ex * GNM_MAX;
+               if (k != 0) {
+                   /* ---------------------------------------------------
+                      Calculation of K(ALPHA,X)
+                      and  X*K(ALPHA+1,X)/K(ALPHA,X),  ALPHA >= 1/2
+                      --------------------------------------------------- */
+                   *ncalc = -1;
+                   if (bk[0] >= c / ratio) {
+                       return;
+                   }
+                   bk[0] = ratio * bk[0] / ex;
+                   twonu += 2.;
+                   ratio = twonu;
+               }
+               *ncalc = 1;
+               if (*nb == 1)
+                   return;
+               /* -----------------------------------------------------
+                  Calculate  K(ALPHA+L,X)/K(ALPHA+L-1,X),
+                  L = 1, 2, ... , NB-1
+                  ----------------------------------------------------- */
+               *ncalc = -1;
+               for (i = 1; i < *nb; ++i) {
+                   if (ratio >= c)
+                       return;
+                   bk[i] = ratio / ex;
+                   twonu += 2.;
+                   ratio = twonu;
+               }
+               *ncalc = 1;
+               goto L420;
+           } else {
+               /* ------------------------------------------------------
+                  10^-10 < X <= 1.0
+                  ------------------------------------------------------ */
+               c = 1.;
+               x2by4 = ex * ex / 4.;
+               p0 = .5 * p0;
+               q0 = .5 * q0;
+               d1 = -1.;
+               d2 = 0.;
+               bk1 = 0.;
+               bk2 = 0.;
+               f1 = f0;
+               f2 = p0;
+               do {
+                   d1 += 2.;
+                   d2 += 1.;
+                   d3 = d1 + d3;
+                   c = x2by4 * c / d2;
+                   f0 = (d2 * f0 + p0 + q0) / d3;
+                   p0 /= d2 - nu;
+                   q0 /= d2 + nu;
+                   t1 = c * f0;
+                   t2 = c * (p0 - d2 * f0);
+                   bk1 += t1;
+                   bk2 += t2;
+               } while (gnm_abs(t1 / (f1 + bk1)) > GNM_EPSILON ||
+                        gnm_abs(t2 / (f2 + bk2)) > GNM_EPSILON);
+               bk1 = f1 + bk1;
+               bk2 = 2. * (f2 + bk2) / ex;
+               if (*ize == 2) {
+                   d1 = gnm_exp(ex);
+                   bk1 *= d1;
+                   bk2 *= d1;
+               }
+               wminf = estf[0] * ex + estf[1];
+           }
+       } else if (GNM_EPSILON * ex > 1.) {
+           /* -------------------------------------------------
+              X > 1./EPS
+              ------------------------------------------------- */
+           *ncalc = *nb;
+           bk1 = 1. / (M_SQRT_2dPI * gnm_sqrt(ex));
+           for (i = 0; i < *nb; ++i)
+               bk[i] = bk1;
+           return;
+       } else {
+           /* -------------------------------------------------------
+              X > 1.0
+              ------------------------------------------------------- */
+           twox = ex + ex;
+           blpha = 0.;
+           ratio = 0.;
+           if (ex <= 4.) {
+               /* ----------------------------------------------------------
+                  Calculation of K(ALPHA+1,X)/K(ALPHA,X),  1.0 <= X <= 4.0
+                  ----------------------------------------------------------*/
+               d2 = gnm_trunc(estm[0] / ex + estm[1]);
+               m = (long) d2;
+               d1 = d2 + d2;
+               d2 -= .5;
+               d2 *= d2;
+               for (i = 2; i <= m; ++i) {
+                   d1 -= 2.;
+                   d2 -= d1;
+                   ratio = (d3 + d2) / (twox + d1 - ratio);
+               }
+               /* -----------------------------------------------------------
+                  Calculation of I(|ALPHA|,X) and I(|ALPHA|+1,X) by backward
+                  recurrence and K(ALPHA,X) from the wronskian
+                  -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+               d2 = gnm_trunc(estm[2] * ex + estm[3]);
+               m = (long) d2;
+               c = gnm_abs(nu);
+               d3 = c + c;
+               d1 = d3 - 1.;
+               f1 = GNM_MIN;
+               f0 = (2. * (c + d2) / ex + .5 * ex / (c + d2 + 1.)) * GNM_MIN;
+               for (i = 3; i <= m; ++i) {
+                   d2 -= 1.;
+                   f2 = (d3 + d2 + d2) * f0;
+                   blpha = (1. + d1 / d2) * (f2 + blpha);
+                   f2 = f2 / ex + f1;
+                   f1 = f0;
+                   f0 = f2;
+               }
+               f1 = (d3 + 2.) * f0 / ex + f1;
+               d1 = 0.;
+               t1 = 1.;
+               for (i = 1; i <= 7; ++i) {
+                   d1 = c * d1 + p[i - 1];
+                   t1 = c * t1 + q[i - 1];
+               }
+               p0 = gnm_exp(c * (a + c * (p[7] - c * d1 / t1) - gnm_log(ex))) / ex;
+               f2 = (c + .5 - ratio) * f1 / ex;
+               bk1 = p0 + (d3 * f0 - f2 + f0 + blpha) / (f2 + f1 + f0) * p0;
+               if (*ize == 1) {
+                   bk1 *= gnm_exp(-ex);
+               }
+               wminf = estf[2] * ex + estf[3];
+           } else {
+               /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+                  Calculation of K(ALPHA,X) and K(ALPHA+1,X)/K(ALPHA,X), by
+                  backward recurrence, for  X > 4.0
+                  ----------------------------------------------------------*/
+               dm = gnm_trunc(estm[4] / ex + estm[5]);
+               m = (long) dm;
+               d2 = dm - .5;
+               d2 *= d2;
+               d1 = dm + dm;
+               for (i = 2; i <= m; ++i) {
+                   dm -= 1.;
+                   d1 -= 2.;
+                   d2 -= d1;
+                   ratio = (d3 + d2) / (twox + d1 - ratio);
+                   blpha = (ratio + ratio * blpha) / dm;
+               }
+               bk1 = 1. / ((M_SQRT_2dPI + M_SQRT_2dPI * blpha) * gnm_sqrt(ex));
+               if (*ize == 1)
+                   bk1 *= gnm_exp(-ex);
+               wminf = estf[4] * (ex - gnm_abs(ex - estf[6])) + estf[5];
+           }
+           /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+              Calculation of K(ALPHA+1,X)
+              from K(ALPHA,X) and  K(ALPHA+1,X)/K(ALPHA,X)
+              --------------------------------------------------------- */
+           bk2 = bk1 + bk1 * (nu + .5 - ratio) / ex;
+       }
+       /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+         Calculation of 'NCALC', K(ALPHA+I,X), I  =  0, 1, ... , NCALC-1,
+         &       K(ALPHA+I,X)/K(ALPHA+I-1,X),  I = NCALC, NCALC+1, ... , NB-1
+         -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+       *ncalc = *nb;
+       bk[0] = bk1;
+       if (iend == 0)
+           return;
+       j = 1 - k;
+       if (j >= 0)
+           bk[j] = bk2;
+       if (iend == 1)
+           return;
+       m = imin2((long) (wminf - nu),iend);
+       for (i = 2; i <= m; ++i) {
+           t1 = bk1;
+           bk1 = bk2;
+           twonu += 2.;
+           if (ex < 1.) {
+               if (bk1 >= GNM_MAX / twonu * ex)
+                   break;
+           } else {
+               if (bk1 / ex >= GNM_MAX / twonu)
+                   break;
+           }
+           bk2 = twonu / ex * bk1 + t1;
+           ii = i;
+           ++j;
+           if (j >= 0) {
+               bk[j] = bk2;
+           }
+       }
+       m = ii;
+       if (m == iend) {
+           return;
+       }
+       ratio = bk2 / bk1;
+       mplus1 = m + 1;
+       *ncalc = -1;
+       for (i = mplus1; i <= iend; ++i) {
+           twonu += 2.;
+           ratio = twonu / ex + 1./ratio;
+           ++j;
+           if (j >= 1) {
+               bk[j] = ratio;
+           } else {
+               if (bk2 >= GNM_MAX / ratio)
+                   return;
+               bk2 *= ratio;
+           }
+       }
+       *ncalc = imax2(1, mplus1 - k);
+       if (*ncalc == 1)
+           bk[0] = bk2;
+       if (*nb == 1)
+           return;
+       for (i = *ncalc; i < *nb; ++i) { /* i == *ncalc */
+#ifndef IEEE_754
+           if (bk[i-1] >= GNM_MAX / bk[i])
+               return;
+           bk[i] *= bk[i-1];
+           (*ncalc)++;
+       }
+    }
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Imported src/nmath/bessel_y.c from R.  */
+ *  Mathlib : A C Library of Special Functions
+ *  Copyright (C) 1998-2012 Ross Ihaka and the R Core team.
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
+ *  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/
+ */
+/*  DESCRIPTION --> see below */
+/* From http://www.netlib.org/specfun/rybesl   Fortran translated by f2c,...
+ *     ------------------------------=#----    Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich
+ */
+#define min0(x, y) (((x) <= (y)) ? (x) : (y))
+static void Y_bessel(gnm_float *x, gnm_float *alpha, long *nb,
+                    gnm_float *by, long *ncalc);
+static gnm_float bessel_y(gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha)
+    long nb, ncalc;
+    gnm_float na, *by;
+    const void *vmax;
+#ifdef IEEE_754
+    /* NaNs propagated correctly */
+    if (gnm_isnan(x) || gnm_isnan(alpha)) return x + alpha;
+    if (x < 0) {
+       return gnm_nan;
+    }
+    na = gnm_floor(alpha);
+    if (alpha < 0) {
+       /* Using Abramowitz & Stegun  9.1.2
+        * this may not be quite optimal (CPU and accuracy wise) */
+       return(bessel_y(x, -alpha) * gnm_cospi(alpha) -
+              ((alpha == na) ? 0 :
+               bessel_j(x, -alpha) * gnm_sinpi(alpha)));
+    }
+    nb = 1+ (long)na;/* nb-1 <= alpha < nb */
+    alpha -= (gnm_float)(nb-1);
+    by = (gnm_float *) calloc(nb, sizeof(gnm_float));
+    if (!by) MATHLIB_ERROR("%s", ("bessel_y allocation error"));
+    vmax = vmaxget();
+    by = (gnm_float *) R_alloc((size_t) nb, sizeof(gnm_float));
+    Y_bessel(&x, &alpha, &nb, by, &ncalc);
+    if(ncalc != nb) {/* error input */
+       if(ncalc == -1)
+           return gnm_pinf;
+       else if(ncalc < -1)
+           MATHLIB_WARNING4(("bessel_y(%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld); alpha=%" GNM_FORMAT_g 
". Arg. out of range?\n"),
+                            x, ncalc, nb, alpha);
+       else /* ncalc >= 0 */
+           MATHLIB_WARNING2(("bessel_y(%" GNM_FORMAT_g ",nu=%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): precision lost in result\n"),
+                            x, alpha+(gnm_float)nb-1);
+    }
+    x = by[nb-1];
+    free(by);
+    vmaxset(vmax);
+    return x;
+/* modified version of bessel_y that accepts a work array instead of
+   allocating one. */
+static gnm_float bessel_y_ex(gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha, gnm_float *by)
+    long nb, ncalc;
+    gnm_float na;
+#ifdef IEEE_754
+    /* NaNs propagated correctly */
+    if (gnm_isnan(x) || gnm_isnan(alpha)) return x + alpha;
+    if (x < 0) {
+       return gnm_nan;
+    }
+    na = gnm_floor(alpha);
+    if (alpha < 0) {
+       /* Using Abramowitz & Stegun  9.1.2
+        * this may not be quite optimal (CPU and accuracy wise) */
+       return(bessel_y_ex(x, -alpha, by) * gnm_cospi(alpha) -
+              ((alpha == na) ? 0 :
+               bessel_j_ex(x, -alpha, by) * gnm_sinpi(alpha)));
+    }
+    nb = 1+ (long)na;/* nb-1 <= alpha < nb */
+    alpha -= (gnm_float)(nb-1);
+    Y_bessel(&x, &alpha, &nb, by, &ncalc);
+    if(ncalc != nb) {/* error input */
+       if(ncalc == -1)
+           return gnm_pinf;
+       else if(ncalc < -1)
+           MATHLIB_WARNING4(("bessel_y(%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld); alpha=%" GNM_FORMAT_g 
". Arg. out of range?\n"),
+                            x, ncalc, nb, alpha);
+       else /* ncalc >= 0 */
+           MATHLIB_WARNING2(("bessel_y(%" GNM_FORMAT_g ",nu=%" GNM_FORMAT_g "): precision lost in result\n"),
+                            x, alpha+(gnm_float)nb-1);
+    }
+    x = by[nb-1];
+    return x;
+static void Y_bessel(gnm_float *x, gnm_float *alpha, long *nb,
+                    gnm_float *by, long *ncalc)
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ This routine calculates Bessel functions Y_(N+ALPHA) (X)
+ for non-negative argument X, and non-negative order N+ALPHA.
+ Explanation of variables in the calling sequence
+ X     - Non-negative argument for which
+        Y's are to be calculated.
+ ALPHA - Fractional part of order for which
+        Y's are to be calculated.  0 <= ALPHA < 1.0.
+ NB    - Number of functions to be calculated, NB > 0.
+        The first function calculated is of order ALPHA, and the
+        last is of order (NB - 1 + ALPHA).
+ BY    - Output vector of length NB.   If the
+        routine terminates normally (NCALC=NB), the vector BY
+        contains the functions Y(ALPHA,X), ... , Y(NB-1+ALPHA,X),
+        If (0 < NCALC < NB), BY(I) contains correct function
+        values for I <= NCALC, and contains the ratios
+        Y(ALPHA+I-1,X)/Y(ALPHA+I-2,X) for the rest of the array.
+ NCALC - Output variable indicating possible errors.
+        Before using the vector BY, the user should check that
+        NCALC=NB, i.e., all orders have been calculated to
+        the desired accuracy.  See error returns below.
+ *******************************************************************
+ Error returns
+  In case of an error, NCALC != NB, and not all Y's are
+  calculated to the desired accuracy.
+  NCALC < -1:  An argument is out of range. For example,
+       NB <= 0, IZE is not 1 or 2, or IZE=1 and ABS(X) >=
+       XMAX.  In this case, BY[0] = 0.0, the remainder of the
+       BY-vector is not calculated, and NCALC is set to
+       MIN0(NB,0)-2  so that NCALC != NB.
+  NCALC = -1:  Y(ALPHA,X) >= XINF.  The requested function
+       values are set to 0.0.
+  1 < NCALC < NB: Not all requested function values could
+       be calculated accurately.  BY(I) contains correct function
+       values for I <= NCALC, and and the remaining NB-NCALC
+       array elements contain 0.0.
+ Intrinsic functions required are:
+ Acknowledgement
+       This program draws heavily on Temme's Algol program for Y(a,x)
+       and Y(a+1,x) and on Campbell's programs for Y_nu(x).    Temme's
+       scheme is used for  x < THRESH, and Campbell's scheme is used
+       in the asymptotic region.  Segments of code from both sources
+       have been translated into Fortran 77, merged, and heavily modified.
+       Modifications include parameterization of machine dependencies,
+       use of a new approximation for ln(gamma(x)), and built-in
+       protection against over/underflow.
+ References: "Bessel functions J_nu(x) and Y_nu(x) of float
+             order and float argument," Campbell, J. B.,
+             Comp. Phy. Comm. 18, 1979, pp. 133-142.
+            "On the numerical evaluation of the ordinary
+             Bessel function of the second kind," Temme,
+             N. M., J. Comput. Phys. 21, 1976, pp. 343-350.
+  Latest modification: March 19, 1990
+  Modified by: W. J. Cody
+              Applied Mathematics Division
+              Argonne National Laboratory
+              Argonne, IL  60439
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Mathematical constants
+    FIVPI = 5*PI
+    PIM5 = 5*PI - 15
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    const static gnm_float fivpi = GNM_const(15.707963267948966192);
+    const static gnm_float pim5        =   GNM_const(.70796326794896619231);
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      Coefficients for Chebyshev polynomial expansion of
+      1/gamma(1-x), abs(x) <= .5
+      ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    const static gnm_float ch[21] = { GNM_const(-6.7735241822398840964e-24),
+           GNM_const(-6.1455180116049879894e-23),GNM_const(2.9017595056104745456e-21),
+           GNM_const(1.3639417919073099464e-19),GNM_const(2.3826220476859635824e-18),
+           GNM_const(-9.0642907957550702534e-18),GNM_const(-1.4943667065169001769e-15),
+           GNM_const(-3.3919078305362211264e-14),GNM_const(-1.7023776642512729175e-13),
+           GNM_const(9.1609750938768647911e-12),GNM_const(2.4230957900482704055e-10),
+           GNM_const(1.7451364971382984243e-9),GNM_const(-3.3126119768180852711e-8),
+           GNM_const(-8.6592079961391259661e-7),GNM_const(-4.9717367041957398581e-6),
+           GNM_const(7.6309597585908126618e-5),GNM_const(.0012719271366545622927),
+           GNM_const(.0017063050710955562222),GNM_const(-.07685284084478667369),
+           GNM_const(-.28387654227602353814),GNM_const(.92187029365045265648) };
+    /* Local variables */
+    long i, k, na;
+    gnm_float alfa, div, ddiv, even, gamma, term, cosmu, sinmu,
+       b, c, d, e, f, g, h, p, q, r, s, d1, d2, q0, pa,pa1, qa,qa1,
+       en, en1, nu, ex,  ya,ya1, twobyx, den, odd, aye, dmu, x2, xna;
+    en1 = ya = ya1 = 0;                /* -Wall */
+    ex = *x;
+    nu = *alpha;
+    if (*nb > 0 && 0. <= nu && nu < 1.) {
+       if(ex < GNM_MIN || ex > xlrg_BESS_Y) {
+           /* Warning is not really appropriate, give
+            * proper limit:
+            * ML_ERROR(ME_RANGE); */
+           *ncalc = *nb;
+           if(ex > xlrg_BESS_Y)  by[0]= 0.; /*was gnm_pinf */
+           else if(ex < GNM_MIN) by[0]=gnm_ninf;
+           for(i=0; i < *nb; i++)
+               by[i] = by[0];
+           return;
+       }
+       xna = gnm_trunc(nu + .5);
+       na = (long) xna;
+       if (na == 1) {/* <==>  .5 <= *alpha < 1  <==>  -5. <= nu < 0 */
+           nu -= xna;
+       }
+       if (nu == -.5) {
+           p = M_SQRT_2dPI / gnm_sqrt(ex);
+           ya = p * gnm_sin(ex);
+           ya1 = -p * gnm_cos(ex);
+       } else if (ex < 3.) {
+           /* -------------------------------------------------------------
+              Use Temme's scheme for small X
+              ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+           b = ex * .5;
+           d = -gnm_log(b);
+           f = nu * d;
+           e = gnm_pow(b, -nu);
+           if (gnm_abs(nu) < M_eps_sinc)
+               c = M_1_PI;
+           else
+               c = nu / gnm_sin(nu * M_PIgnum);
+           /* ------------------------------------------------------------
+              Computation of gnm_sinh(f)/f
+              ------------------------------------------------------------ */
+           if (gnm_abs(f) < 1.) {
+               x2 = f * f;
+               en = 19.;
+               s = 1.;
+               for (i = 1; i <= 9; ++i) {
+                   s = s * x2 / en / (en - 1.) + 1.;
+                   en -= 2.;
+               }
+           } else {
+               s = (e - GNM_const(1.) / e) * .5 / f;
+           }
+           /* --------------------------------------------------------
+              Computation of 1/gamma(1-a) using Chebyshev polynomials */
+           x2 = nu * nu * 8.;
+           aye = ch[0];
+           even = 0.;
+           alfa = ch[1];
+           odd = 0.;
+           for (i = 3; i <= 19; i += 2) {
+               even = -(aye + aye + even);
+               aye = -even * x2 - aye + ch[i - 1];
+               odd = -(alfa + alfa + odd);
+               alfa = -odd * x2 - alfa + ch[i];
+           }
+           even = (even * .5 + aye) * x2 - aye + ch[20];
+           odd = (odd + alfa) * 2.;
+           gamma = odd * nu + even;
+           /* End of computation of 1/gamma(1-a)
+              ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+           g = e * gamma;
+           e = (e + GNM_const(1.) / e) * .5;
+           f = 2. * c * (odd * e + even * s * d);
+           e = nu * nu;
+           p = g * c;
+           q = M_1_PI / g;
+           c = nu * M_PI_2gnum;
+           if (gnm_abs(c) < M_eps_sinc)
+               r = 1.;
+           else
+               r = gnm_sin(c) / c;
+           r = M_PIgnum * c * r * r;
+           c = 1.;
+           d = -b * b;
+           h = 0.;
+           ya = f + r * q;
+           ya1 = p;
+           en = 1.;
+           while (gnm_abs(g / (1. + gnm_abs(ya))) +
+                  gnm_abs(h / (1. + gnm_abs(ya1))) > GNM_EPSILON) {
+               f = (f * en + p + q) / (en * en - e);
+               c *= (d / en);
+               p /= en - nu;
+               q /= en + nu;
+               g = c * (f + r * q);
+               h = c * p - en * g;
+               ya += g;
+               ya1+= h;
+               en += 1.;
+           }
+           ya = -ya;
+           ya1 = -ya1 / b;
+       } else if (ex < thresh_BESS_Y) {
+           /* --------------------------------------------------------------
+              Use Temme's scheme for moderate X :  3 <= x < 16
+              -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+           c = (.5 - nu) * (.5 + nu);
+           b = ex + ex;
+           e = ex * M_1_PI * gnm_cos(nu * M_PIgnum) / GNM_EPSILON;
+           e *= e;
+           p = 1.;
+           q = -ex;
+           r = 1. + ex * ex;
+           s = r;
+           en = 2.;
+           while (r * en * en < e) {
+               en1 = en + 1.;
+               d = (en - 1. + c / en) / s;
+               p = (en + en - p * d) / en1;
+               q = (-b + q * d) / en1;
+               s = p * p + q * q;
+               r *= s;
+               en = en1;
+           }
+           f = p / s;
+           p = f;
+           g = -q / s;
+           q = g;
+           en -= 1.;
+           if (en > 0.) {
+               r = en1 * (2. - p) - 2.;
+               s = b + en1 * q;
+               d = (en - 1. + c / en) / (r * r + s * s);
+               p = d * r;
+               q = d * s;
+               e = f + 1.;
+               f = p * e - g * q;
+               g = q * e + p * g;
+               en1 = en;
+               goto L220;
+           }
+           f = 1. + f;
+           d = f * f + g * g;
+           pa = f / d;
+           qa = -g / d;
+           d = nu + .5 - p;
+           q += ex;
+           pa1 = (pa * q - qa * d) / ex;
+           qa1 = (qa * q + pa * d) / ex;
+           b = ex - M_PI_2gnum * (nu + .5);
+           c = gnm_cos(b);
+           s = gnm_sin(b);
+           d = M_SQRT_2dPI / gnm_sqrt(ex);
+           ya = d * (pa * s + qa * c);
+           ya1 = d * (qa1 * s - pa1 * c);
+       } else { /* x > thresh_BESS_Y */
+           /* ----------------------------------------------------------
+              Use Campbell's asymptotic scheme.
+              ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+           na = 0;
+           d1 = gnm_trunc(ex / fivpi);
+           i = (long) d1;
+           dmu = ex - 15. * d1 - d1 * pim5 - (*alpha + .5) * M_PI_2gnum;
+           if (i - (i / 2 << 1) == 0) {
+               cosmu = gnm_cos(dmu);
+               sinmu = gnm_sin(dmu);
+           } else {
+               cosmu = -gnm_cos(dmu);
+               sinmu = -gnm_sin(dmu);
+           }
+           ddiv = 8. * ex;
+           dmu = *alpha;
+           den = gnm_sqrt(ex);
+           for (k = 1; k <= 2; ++k) {
+               p = cosmu;
+               cosmu = sinmu;
+               sinmu = -p;
+               d1 = (2. * dmu - 1.) * (2. * dmu + 1.);
+               d2 = 0.;
+               div = ddiv;
+               p = 0.;
+               q = 0.;
+               q0 = d1 / div;
+               term = q0;
+               for (i = 2; i <= 20; ++i) {
+                   d2 += 8.;
+                   d1 -= d2;
+                   div += ddiv;
+                   term = -term * d1 / div;
+                   p += term;
+                   d2 += 8.;
+                   d1 -= d2;
+                   div += ddiv;
+                   term *= (d1 / div);
+                   q += term;
+                   if (gnm_abs(term) <= GNM_EPSILON) {
+                       break;
+                   }
+               }
+               p += 1.;
+               q += q0;
+               if (k == 1)
+                   ya = M_SQRT_2dPI * (p * cosmu - q * sinmu) / den;
+               else
+                   ya1 = M_SQRT_2dPI * (p * cosmu - q * sinmu) / den;
+               dmu += 1.;
+           }
+       }
+       if (na == 1) {
+           h = 2. * (nu + 1.) / ex;
+           if (h > 1.) {
+               if (gnm_abs(ya1) > GNM_MAX / h) {
+                   h = 0.;
+                   ya = 0.;
+               }
+           }
+           h = h * ya1 - ya;
+           ya = ya1;
+           ya1 = h;
+       }
+       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------
+          Now have first one or two Y's
+          --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+       by[0] = ya;
+       *ncalc = 1;
+       if(*nb > 1) {
+           by[1] = ya1;
+           if (ya1 != 0.) {
+               aye = 1. + *alpha;
+               twobyx = GNM_const(2.) / ex;
+               *ncalc = 2;
+               for (i = 2; i < *nb; ++i) {
+                   if (twobyx < 1.) {
+                       if (gnm_abs(by[i - 1]) * twobyx >= GNM_MAX / aye)
+                           goto L450;
+                   } else {
+                       if (gnm_abs(by[i - 1]) >= GNM_MAX / aye / twobyx)
+                           goto L450;
+                   }
+                   by[i] = twobyx * aye * by[i - 1] - by[i - 2];
+                   aye += 1.;
+                   ++(*ncalc);
+               }
+           }
+       }
+       for (i = *ncalc; i < *nb; ++i)
+           by[i] = gnm_ninf;/* was 0 */
+    } else {
+       by[0] = 0.;
+       *ncalc = min0(*nb,0) - 1;
+    }
+/* Cleaning up done by tools/import-R:  */
+#undef min0
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+gnm_bessel_i (gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha)
+       if (x < 0) {
+               if (alpha != gnm_floor (alpha))
+                       return gnm_nan;
+               return gnm_fmod (alpha, 2) == 0
+                       ? bessel_i (-x, alpha, 1)  /* Even for even alpha */
+                       : 0 - bessel_i (-x, alpha, 1);  /* Odd for odd alpha */
+       } else
+               return bessel_i (x, alpha, 1);
+gnm_bessel_j (gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha)
+       if (x < 0) {
+               if (alpha != gnm_floor (alpha))
+                       return gnm_nan;
+               return gnm_fmod (alpha, 2) == 0
+                       ? bessel_j (-x, alpha)  /* Even for even alpha */
+                       : 0 - bessel_j (-x, alpha);  /* Odd for odd alpha */
+       } else
+               return bessel_j (x, alpha);
+gnm_bessel_k (gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha)
+       return bessel_k (x, alpha, 1);
+gnm_bessel_y (gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha)
+       return bessel_y (x, alpha);
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
diff --git a/src/sf-bessel.h b/src/sf-bessel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9932ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sf-bessel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#ifndef GNM_SF_BESSEL_H_
+#define GNM_SF_BESSEL_H_
+#include <numbers.h>
+gnm_float gnm_bessel_i (gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha);
+gnm_float gnm_bessel_j (gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha);
+gnm_float gnm_bessel_k (gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha);
+gnm_float gnm_bessel_y (gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha);

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