[gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-3-8] print-notifications: Connect to message bus asynchronously

commit 8f631b320ed451cd1d25f5b3950564aef511d8cb
Author: Marek Kasik <mkasik redhat com>
Date:   Thu Sep 5 10:57:40 2013 +0200

    print-notifications: Connect to message bus asynchronously

 .../gsd-print-notifications-manager.c              |   43 ++++++++++++++-----
 1 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/print-notifications/gsd-print-notifications-manager.c 
index 3615c82..379d67f 100644
--- a/plugins/print-notifications/gsd-print-notifications-manager.c
+++ b/plugins/print-notifications/gsd-print-notifications-manager.c
@@ -1058,6 +1058,33 @@ cups_connection_test (gpointer user_data)
+static void
+gsd_print_notifications_manager_got_dbus_connection (GObject      *source_object,
+                                                     GAsyncResult *res,
+                                                     gpointer      user_data)
+        GsdPrintNotificationsManager *manager = (GsdPrintNotificationsManager *) user_data;
+        GError                       *error = NULL;
+        manager->priv->cups_bus_connection = g_bus_get_finish (res, &error);
+        if (manager->priv->cups_bus_connection != NULL) {
+                g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe (manager->priv->cups_bus_connection,
+                                                    NULL,
+                                                    CUPS_DBUS_INTERFACE,
+                                                    NULL,
+                                                    CUPS_DBUS_PATH,
+                                                    NULL,
+                                                    0,
+                                                    on_cups_notification,
+                                                    manager,
+                                                    NULL);
+        } else {
+                g_warning ("Connection to message bus failed: %s", error->message);
+                g_error_free (error);
+        }
 static gboolean
 gsd_print_notifications_manager_start_idle (gpointer data)
@@ -1069,18 +1096,10 @@ gsd_print_notifications_manager_start_idle (gpointer data)
         cups_connection_test (manager);
-        manager->priv->cups_bus_connection = g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, NULL, NULL);
-        g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe (manager->priv->cups_bus_connection,
-                                            NULL,
-                                            CUPS_DBUS_INTERFACE,
-                                            NULL,
-                                            CUPS_DBUS_PATH,
-                                            NULL,
-                                            0,
-                                            on_cups_notification,
-                                            manager,
-                                            NULL);
+        g_bus_get (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM,
+                   NULL,
+                   gsd_print_notifications_manager_got_dbus_connection,
+                   data);
         scp_handler (manager, TRUE);

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