[dia] drs: overhaul format, export and render import

commit 1dae77fa7952533404fe398c15f0180546bfcf85
Author: Hans Breuer <hans breuer org>
Date:   Sun Apr 20 19:13:21 2014 +0200

    drs: overhaul format, export and render import
     - the render script language is simplified by stripping 'draw-' and
       'fill-' prefix to rendering command. The draw or fill must be used is
       deduced from the attributes 'fill' and/or 'stroke'
     - import from rendering command finally got implemented as a fallback for
       unknown object types
     - no more G_GNUC_UNUSED necessary, everything is used and debugged now;)
    To test the new rendering import either some object plug-ins used for creating
    a file need to be disabled or the object type needs in the exported file need
    to be renamed.

 lib/diaimportrenderer.c                   |    7 +-
 plug-ins/drs/dia-render-script-import.c   |  279 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 plug-ins/drs/dia-render-script-renderer.c |   22 ++--
 plug-ins/drs/dia-render-script.dtd        |   98 ++++-------
 4 files changed, 294 insertions(+), 112 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/diaimportrenderer.c b/lib/diaimportrenderer.c
index 9def10b..b439537 100644
--- a/lib/diaimportrenderer.c
+++ b/lib/diaimportrenderer.c
@@ -546,8 +546,10 @@ fill_bezier (DiaRenderer *renderer,
              Color *color)
   DiaImportRenderer *self = DIA_IMPORT_RENDERER (renderer);
-  DiaObject *object = create_standard_beziergon (numpoints, points);
+  DiaObject *object;
+  g_return_if_fail (numpoints > 2);
+  object = create_standard_beziergon (numpoints, points);
   _apply_style (self, object, color, NULL, 0.0);
   _push_object (self, object);
@@ -590,8 +592,7 @@ draw_rounded_polyline (DiaRenderer *renderer,
   DiaImportRenderer *self = DIA_IMPORT_RENDERER (renderer);
   DiaObject *object = create_standard_polyline (num_points, points, NULL, NULL);
-  /* XXX: radius */
-  _apply_style (self, object, NULL, color, 0.0);
+  _apply_style (self, object, NULL, color, radius);
   _push_object (self, object);
diff --git a/plug-ins/drs/dia-render-script-import.c b/plug-ins/drs/dia-render-script-import.c
index 9bec0ed..0f09241 100644
--- a/plug-ins/drs/dia-render-script-import.c
+++ b/plug-ins/drs/dia-render-script-import.c
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  * Copyright (C) 1998 Alexander Larsson
  * dia-render-script-import.c - plugin for dia
- * Copyright (C) 2009, Hans Breuer, <Hans Breuer Org>
+ * Copyright (C) 2009, 2014 Hans Breuer, <hans breuer org>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -28,103 +28,107 @@
 #include "diagramdata.h"
 #include "group.h"
 #include "intl.h"
+#include "diaimportrenderer.h"
 #include <libxml/tree.h>
 #include "dia-render-script.h"
-G_GNUC_UNUSED static real
+static real
 _parse_real (xmlNodePtr node, const char *attrib)
   xmlChar *str = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)attrib);
   real val = 0;
   if (str) {
-    val = g_strtod ((gchar *)str, NULL);
+    val = g_ascii_strtod ((gchar *)str, NULL);
   return val;
-G_GNUC_UNUSED static Point *
+static Point
 _parse_point (xmlNodePtr node, const char *attrib)
   xmlChar *str = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)attrib);
-  Point *pt = g_new0(Point, 1);
+  Point pt = { 0, 0 };
   if (str) {
     gchar *ep = NULL;
-    pt->x = g_strtod ((gchar *)str, &ep);
+    pt.x = g_ascii_strtod ((gchar *)str, &ep);
     if (ep) {
-      pt->y = g_strtod (ep, NULL);
+      pt.y = g_ascii_strtod (ep, NULL);
   return pt;
-G_GNUC_UNUSED static GArray *
+static GArray *
 _parse_points (xmlNodePtr node, const char *attrib)
   xmlChar *str = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)attrib);
   GArray *arr = NULL;
   if (str) {
-    GArray *arr = g_array_new(FALSE, TRUE, sizeof(Point));
     gint i;
     gchar **split = g_strsplit ((gchar *)str, " ", -1);
     gchar *val, *ep = NULL;
+    arr = g_array_new(FALSE, TRUE, sizeof(Point));
     for (i = 0; split[i] != NULL; ++i)
       /* count them */;
     g_array_set_size (arr, i);
-    for (i = 0, val = split[i]; split[i] != 0; ++i) {
+    for (i = 0; split[i] != 0; ++i) {
       Point *pt = &g_array_index(arr, Point, i);
-      pt->x = g_strtod (val, &ep);
-      pt->y = ep ? ++ep, g_strtod (ep, &ep) : 0;
+      val = split[i];
+      pt->x = g_ascii_strtod (val, &ep);
+      pt->y = ep ? ++ep, g_ascii_strtod (ep, &ep) : 0;
   return arr;
-G_GNUC_UNUSED static GArray *
+static GArray *
 _parse_bezpoints (xmlNodePtr node, const char *attrib)
   xmlChar *str = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)attrib);
   GArray *arr = NULL;
   if (str) {
-    GArray *arr = g_array_new(FALSE, TRUE, sizeof(BezPoint));
     gint i;
     gchar **split = g_strsplit ((gchar *)str, " ", -1);
     gchar *val, *ep = NULL;
+    arr = g_array_new(FALSE, TRUE, sizeof(BezPoint));
     for (i = 0; split[i] != NULL; ++i)
       /* count them */;
     g_array_set_size (arr, i);
-    for (i = 0, val = split[i]; split[i] != 0; ++i) {
+    for (i = 0; split[i] != 0; ++i) {
       BezPoint *pt = &g_array_index(arr, BezPoint, i);
+      val = split[i];
       pt->type = val[0] == 'M' ? BEZ_MOVE_TO : (val[0] == 'L' ? BEZ_LINE_TO : BEZ_CURVE_TO);
-      ep = (gchar *)str + 1;
+      ep = (gchar *)val + 1;
-      pt->p1.x = ep ? g_strtod (ep, &ep) : 0;
-      pt->p1.y = ep ? ++ep, g_strtod (ep, &ep) : 0;
-      pt->p2.x = ep ? ++ep, g_strtod (ep, &ep) : 0;
-      pt->p2.y = ep ? ++ep, g_strtod (ep, &ep) : 0;
-      pt->p3.x = ep ? ++ep, g_strtod (ep, &ep) : 0;
-      pt->p3.y = ep ? ++ep, g_strtod (ep, &ep) : 0;
+      pt->p1.x = ep ? g_ascii_strtod (ep, &ep) : 0;
+      pt->p1.y = ep ? ++ep, g_ascii_strtod (ep, &ep) : 0;
+      if (pt->type == BEZ_CURVE_TO) {
+       pt->p2.x = ep ? ++ep, g_ascii_strtod (ep, &ep) : 0;
+       pt->p2.y = ep ? ++ep, g_ascii_strtod (ep, &ep) : 0;
+       pt->p3.x = ep ? ++ep, g_ascii_strtod (ep, &ep) : 0;
+       pt->p3.y = ep ? ++ep, g_ascii_strtod (ep, &ep) : 0;
+      }
   return arr;
-G_GNUC_UNUSED static Color *
+static Color *
 _parse_color (xmlNodePtr node, const char *attrib)
   xmlChar *str = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)attrib);
   Color *val = NULL;
   if (str) {
     PangoColor color;
-    if (!pango_color_parse (&color, (gchar *)str)) {
+    if (pango_color_parse (&color, (gchar *)str)) {
       val = g_new (Color, 1);
       val->red = color.red / 65535.0; 
       val->green = color.green / 65535.0; 
@@ -135,13 +139,218 @@ _parse_color (xmlNodePtr node, const char *attrib)
   return val;
+static LineStyle
+_parse_linestyle (xmlNodePtr node, const char *attrib)
+  xmlChar *str = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)attrib);
+  LineStyle val = LINESTYLE_SOLID;
+  if (str) {
+    if (strcmp ((const char *)str, "dashed") == 0)
+      val = LINESTYLE_DASHED;
+    else if  (strcmp ((const char *)str, "dash-dot") == 0)
+      val = LINESTYLE_DASH_DOT;
+    else if  (strcmp ((const char *)str, "dash-dot-dot") == 0)
+    else if (strcmp ((const char *)str, "dotted") == 0)
+      val = LINESTYLE_DOTTED;
+    else if (strcmp ((const char *)str, "solid") != 0)
+      g_warning ("DRS: unknown linestyle: %s", str);
+    xmlFree(str);
+  }
+  return val;
+static LineCaps
+_parse_linecaps (xmlNodePtr node, const char *attrib)
+  xmlChar *str = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)attrib);
+  LineCaps val = LINECAPS_BUTT;
+  if (str) {
+    if (strcmp ((const char *)str, "round") == 0)
+      val = LINECAPS_ROUND;
+    else if (strcmp ((const char *)str, "projecting") == 0)
+    else if (strcmp ((const char *)str, "butt") != 0)
+      g_warning ("unknown linecaps: %s", str);
+    xmlFree(str);
+  }
+  return val;
+static LineJoin
+_parse_linejoin (xmlNodePtr node, const char *attrib)
+  xmlChar *str = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)attrib);
+  LineJoin val = LINEJOIN_MITER;
+  if (str) {
+    if (strcmp ((const char *)str, "round") == 0)
+      val = LINEJOIN_ROUND;
+    else if (strcmp ((const char *)str, "bevel") == 0)
+      val = LINEJOIN_BEVEL;
+    else if (strcmp ((const char *)str, "miter") != 0)
+      g_warning ("unknown linejoin: %s", str);
+    xmlFree(str);
+  }
+  return val;
+static FillStyle
+_parse_fillstyle (xmlNodePtr node, const char *attrib)
+  /* ToDo: complain about everything but */
+static Alignment
+_parse_alignment (xmlNodePtr node, const char *attrib)
+  xmlChar *str = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)attrib);
+  Alignment val = ALIGN_LEFT;
+  if (str) {
+    if (strcmp ((const char *)str, "center") == 0)
+      val = ALIGN_CENTER;
+    else if (strcmp ((const char *)str, "right") == 0)
+      val = ALIGN_RIGHT;
+    else if (strcmp ((const char *)str, "left") != 0)
+      g_warning ("unknown alignment: %s", str);
+    xmlFree(str);
+  }
+  return val;
+static DiaFont *
+_parse_font (xmlNodePtr node)
+  DiaFont *font = NULL;
+  xmlChar *str;
+  xmlChar *fam = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"family");
+  real size = _parse_real (node, "size");
+  if (size <= 0.0)
+    size = 1.0;
+  if (fam)
+    font = dia_font_new ((const char *)fam, 0, size);
+  if (!font)
+    font = dia_font_new_from_style (DIA_FONT_SANS, size);
+  str = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"weight");
+  if (str) {
+    dia_font_set_weight_from_string (font, (const char*)str);
+    xmlFree (str);
+  }
+  str = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"slant");
+  if (str) {
+    dia_font_set_slant_from_string (font, (const char*)str);
+    xmlFree (str);
+  }
+  if (fam)
+    xmlFree (fam);
+  return font;
+static DiaObject *
+_render_object (xmlNodePtr render, DiaContext *ctx)
+  DiaRenderer *ir = g_object_new (DIA_TYPE_IMPORT_RENDERER, NULL);
+  DiaRendererClass *ops = DIA_RENDERER_GET_CLASS (ir);
+  DiaObject *o;
+  xmlNodePtr node;
-typedef struct _RenderOp RenderOp;
-struct _RenderOp {
-  void (*render) (RenderOp *self, ...);
-  void (*destroy)(RenderOp *self);
-  void *params[6];
+  g_return_val_if_fail (ops != NULL, NULL);
+  for (node = render->children; node; node = node->next) {
+    if (xmlStrcmp (node->name, (const xmlChar *)"set-linewidth") == 0)
+      ops->set_linewidth (ir, _parse_real (node, "width"));
+    else if (xmlStrcmp (node->name, (const xmlChar *)"set-linestyle") == 0)
+      ops->set_linestyle (ir, _parse_linestyle (node, "mode"));
+    else if (xmlStrcmp (node->name, (const xmlChar *)"set-dashlength") == 0)
+      ops->set_dashlength (ir, _parse_real (node, "length"));
+    else if (xmlStrcmp (node->name, (const xmlChar *)"set-linecaps") == 0)
+      ops->set_linecaps (ir, _parse_linecaps (node, "mode"));
+    else if (xmlStrcmp (node->name, (const xmlChar *)"set-linejoin") == 0)
+      ops->set_linejoin (ir, _parse_linejoin (node, "mode"));
+    else if (xmlStrcmp (node->name, (const xmlChar *)"set-fillstyle") == 0)
+      ops->set_fillstyle (ir, _parse_fillstyle (node, "mode"));
+    /* ToDo: set-linejoin, set-fillstyle */
+    else if (xmlStrcmp (node->name, (const xmlChar *)"set-font") == 0) {
+      DiaFont *font = _parse_font (node);
+      ops->set_font (ir, font, _parse_real (node, "height"));
+      dia_font_unref (font);
+    } else {
+      Color *stroke = _parse_color (node, "stroke");
+      Color *fill = _parse_color (node, "fill");
+      if (xmlStrcmp (node->name, (const xmlChar *)"line") == 0) {
+       Point p1 = _parse_point (node, "start");
+       Point p2 = _parse_point (node, "end");
+       if (stroke)
+         ops->draw_line (ir, &p1, &p2, stroke);
+      } else if (   xmlStrcmp (node->name, (const xmlChar *)"polyline") == 0
+                || xmlStrcmp (node->name, (const xmlChar *)"rounded-polyline") == 0) {
+       GArray *path = _parse_points (node, "points");
+       real r = _parse_real (node,"r");
+       if (path) {
+         if (stroke)
+           ops->draw_rounded_polyline (ir, &g_array_index(path,Point,0), path->len, stroke, r);
+         g_array_free (path, TRUE);
+       }
+      } else if (   xmlStrcmp (node->name, (const xmlChar *)"polygon") == 0) {
+       GArray *path = _parse_points (node, "points");
+       if (path) {
+         if (fill)
+           ops->fill_polygon (ir, &g_array_index(path,Point,0), path->len, fill);
+         if (stroke)
+           ops->draw_polygon (ir, &g_array_index(path,Point,0), path->len, stroke);
+         g_array_free (path, TRUE);
+       }
+      } else if (xmlStrcmp (node->name, (const xmlChar *)"arc") == 0) {
+       Point center = _parse_point (node, "center");
+       if (fill)
+         ops->fill_arc (ir, &center, _parse_real (node, "width"), _parse_real (node, "height"),
+                        _parse_real (node, "angle1"),  _parse_real (node, "angle2"), fill);
+       if (stroke)
+         ops->draw_arc (ir, &center, _parse_real (node, "width"), _parse_real (node, "height"),
+                        _parse_real (node, "angle1"),  _parse_real (node, "angle2"), stroke);
+      } else if (xmlStrcmp (node->name, (const xmlChar *)"ellipse") == 0) {
+       Point center = _parse_point (node, "center");
+       if (fill)
+         ops->fill_ellipse (ir, &center, _parse_real (node, "width"),
+                            _parse_real (node, "height"), fill);
+       if (stroke)
+         ops->draw_ellipse (ir, &center, _parse_real (node, "width"),
+                            _parse_real (node, "height"), stroke);
+      } else if (xmlStrcmp (node->name, (const xmlChar *)"bezier") == 0) {
+       GArray *path = _parse_bezpoints (node, "bezpoints");
+       if (path) {
+         if (fill)
+           ops->fill_bezier (ir, &g_array_index(path,BezPoint,0), path->len, fill);
+         if (stroke)
+           ops->draw_bezier (ir, &g_array_index(path,BezPoint,0), path->len, stroke);
+         g_array_free (path, TRUE);
+       }
+      } else if (   xmlStrcmp (node->name, (const xmlChar *)"rect") == 0
+                || xmlStrcmp (node->name, (const xmlChar *)"rounded-rect") == 0) {
+       Point ul = _parse_point (node, "lefttop");
+       Point lr = _parse_point (node, "rightbottom");
+       real r = _parse_real (node,"r");
+       if (fill)
+         ops->fill_rounded_rect (ir, &ul, &lr, fill, r);
+       if (stroke)
+         ops->draw_rounded_rect (ir, &ul, &lr, stroke, r);
+      } else if (   xmlStrcmp (node->name, (const xmlChar *)"string") == 0) {
+       Point pos = _parse_point (node, "pos");
+       Alignment align = _parse_alignment (node, "alignment");
+       xmlChar *text = xmlNodeGetContent(node);
+       if (text) {
+         ops->draw_string (ir, (const char*)text, &pos, align, fill);
+         xmlFree (text);
+       }
+      } else if (node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
+       g_warning ("%s not handled", node->name);
+      }
+      g_free (fill);
+      g_free (stroke);
+    }
+  }
+  o = dia_import_renderer_get_objects (ir);
+  g_object_unref (ir);
+  return o;
 static xmlNodePtr
 find_child_named (xmlNodePtr node, const char *name)
@@ -199,8 +408,12 @@ read_items (xmlNodePtr startnode, DiaContext *ctx)
          object_load_props (o, props, ctx);
          items = g_list_append (items, o);
+      } else if (render) {
+        DiaObject *o = _render_object (render, ctx);
+       if (o)
+         items = g_list_append (items, o);
       } else {
-        g_debug ("DRS: unknown object '%s'", sType);
+       g_debug ("DRS-Import: %s?", node->name);
     } else {
       g_debug ("DRS-Import: %s?", node->name);
diff --git a/plug-ins/drs/dia-render-script-renderer.c b/plug-ins/drs/dia-render-script-renderer.c
index fa90842..7e656c6 100644
--- a/plug-ins/drs/dia-render-script-renderer.c
+++ b/plug-ins/drs/dia-render-script-renderer.c
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ draw_line(DiaRenderer *self,
   DrsRenderer *renderer = DRS_RENDERER (self);
   xmlNodePtr node;
-  node = xmlNewChild(renderer->root, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"draw-line", NULL);
+  node = xmlNewChild(renderer->root, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"line", NULL);
   _node_set_point (node, "start", start);
   _node_set_point (node, "end", end);
   _node_set_color (node, "stroke", color);
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ draw_polyline(DiaRenderer *self,
   DrsRenderer *renderer = DRS_RENDERER (self);
   xmlNodePtr node;
-  node = xmlNewChild(renderer->root, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"draw-polyline", NULL);
+  node = xmlNewChild(renderer->root, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"polyline", NULL);
   _node_set_points (node, points, num_points);
   _node_set_color (node, "stroke", color);
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ _polygon(DiaRenderer *self,
   g_return_if_fail(1 < num_points);
   node = xmlNewChild(renderer->root, NULL, 
-                     (const xmlChar *)(fill ? "fill-polygon" : "draw-polygon"), NULL);
+                     (const xmlChar *)"polygon", NULL);
   _node_set_points (node, points, num_points);
   if (fill)
     _node_set_color (node, "fill", color);
@@ -504,10 +504,10 @@ _rounded_rect(DiaRenderer *self,
   if (rounding)
     node = xmlNewChild(renderer->root, NULL, 
-                       (const xmlChar *)(fill ? "fill-rounded-rect" : "draw-rounded-rect"), NULL);
+                       (const xmlChar *)"rounded-rect", NULL);
     node = xmlNewChild(renderer->root, NULL, 
-                       (const xmlChar *)(fill ? "fill-rect" : "draw-rect"), NULL);
+                       (const xmlChar *)"rect", NULL);
   _node_set_point (node, "lefttop", lefttop);
   _node_set_point (node, "rightbottom", rightbottom);
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ _arc(DiaRenderer *self,
   DrsRenderer *renderer = DRS_RENDERER (self);
   xmlNodePtr node;
-  node = xmlNewChild(renderer->root, NULL, (const xmlChar *)(fill ? "fill-arc" : "draw-arc"), NULL);
+  node = xmlNewChild(renderer->root, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"arc", NULL);
   _node_set_point (node, "center", center);
   _node_set_real (node, "width", width);
   _node_set_real (node, "height", height);
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ _ellipse(DiaRenderer *self,
   xmlNodePtr node;
   node = xmlNewChild(renderer->root, NULL, 
-                     (const xmlChar *)(fill ? "fill-ellipse" : "draw-ellipse"), NULL);
+                     (const xmlChar *)"ellipse", NULL);
   _node_set_point (node, "center", center);
   _node_set_real (node, "width", width);
   _node_set_real (node, "height", height);
@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ _bezier(DiaRenderer *self,
   xmlNodePtr node;
   node = xmlNewChild (renderer->root, NULL, 
-                      (const xmlChar *)(fill ? "fill-bezier" : "draw-bezier"), NULL);
+                      (const xmlChar *)"bezier", NULL);
   _node_set_bezpoints (node, points, numpoints);
   if (fill)
     _node_set_color (node, "fill", color);
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ draw_rounded_polyline (DiaRenderer *self,
   DrsRenderer *renderer = DRS_RENDERER (self);
   xmlNodePtr node;
-  node = xmlNewChild (renderer->root, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"draw-rounded-polyline", NULL);
+  node = xmlNewChild (renderer->root, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"rounded-polyline", NULL);
   _node_set_points (node, points, num_points);
   _node_set_color (node, "stroke", color);
   _node_set_real (node, "r", radius);
@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ draw_string(DiaRenderer *self,
   xmlNodePtr node;
   gchar *align = NULL;
-  node = xmlNewChild(renderer->root, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"draw-string", NULL);
+  node = xmlNewChild(renderer->root, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"string", NULL);
   _node_set_point (node, "pos", pos);
   _node_set_color (node, "fill", color);
   switch (alignment) {
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ draw_image(DiaRenderer *self,
   xmlNodePtr node;
   gchar *uri;
-  node = xmlNewChild(renderer->root, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"draw-image", NULL);
+  node = xmlNewChild(renderer->root, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"image", NULL);
   _node_set_point (node, "point", point);
   _node_set_real (node, "width", width);
   _node_set_real (node, "height", height);
diff --git a/plug-ins/drs/dia-render-script.dtd b/plug-ins/drs/dia-render-script.dtd
index 98ae3e1..90899f0 100644
--- a/plug-ins/drs/dia-render-script.dtd
+++ b/plug-ins/drs/dia-render-script.dtd
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
 <!ELEMENT object (object|
-                 draw-line|draw-polyline|draw-rounded-polyline|draw-polygon|fill-polygon|
-                 draw-rect|fill-rect|draw-rounded-rect|fill-rounded-rect|
-                 draw-arc|fill-arc|draw-ellipse|fill-ellipse|
-                 draw-bezier|fill-bezier|
-                 draw-string|draw-image)* >
+                 line|polyline|rounded-polyline|polygon|
+                 rect|rounded-rect|
+                 arc|ellipse|
+                 bezier|
+                 string|image)* >
 <!ATTLIST object
        type CDATA #IMPLIED >
@@ -54,108 +54,76 @@
        size CDATA #IMPLIED
        weight CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT draw-line EMPTY >
-<!ATTLIST draw-line
+<!ATTLIST line
        start CDATA #REQUIRED
        end CDATA #REQUIRED
        stroke CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT draw-polyline EMPTY >
-<!ATTLIST draw-polyline
+<!ELEMENT polyline EMPTY >
+<!ATTLIST polyline
        points CDATA #REQUIRED
        stroke CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT draw-rounded-polyline EMPTY >
-<!ATTLIST draw-rounded-polyline
+<!ELEMENT rounded-polyline EMPTY >
+<!ATTLIST rounded-polyline
        points CDATA #REQUIRED
        stroke CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT draw-polygon EMPTY >
-<!ATTLIST draw-polygon
-       points CDATA #REQUIRED
-       stroke CDATA #IMPLIED >
-<!ELEMENT fill-polygon EMPTY >
-<!ATTLIST fill-polygon
+<!ELEMENT polygon EMPTY >
+<!ATTLIST polygon
        points CDATA #REQUIRED
+       stroke CDATA #IMPLIED
        fill CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT draw-rect EMPTY >
-<!ATTLIST draw-rect
-       lefttop CDATA #REQUIRED
-       rightbottom CDATA #REQUIRED
-       stroke CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT fill-rect EMPTY >
-<!ATTLIST fill-rect
+<!ATTLIST rect
        lefttop CDATA #REQUIRED
        rightbottom CDATA #REQUIRED
+       stroke CDATA #IMPLIED
        fill CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT draw-rounded-rect EMPTY >
-<!ATTLIST draw-rounded-rect
-       lefttop CDATA #REQUIRED
-       rightbottom CDATA #REQUIRED
-       stroke CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT fill-rounded-rect EMPTY >
-<!ATTLIST fill-rounded-rect
+<!ELEMENT rounded-rect EMPTY >
+<!ATTLIST rounded-rect
        lefttop CDATA #REQUIRED
        rightbottom CDATA #REQUIRED
+       stroke CDATA #IMPLIED
        fill CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT draw-arc EMPTY >
-<!ATTLIST draw-arc
-       center CDATA #REQUIRED
-       width CDATA #REQUIRED
-       height CDATA #REQUIRED
-       angle1 CDATA #REQUIRED
-       angle2 CDATA #REQUIRED
-       stroke CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT fill-arc EMPTY >
-<!ATTLIST fill-arc
+<!ATTLIST arc
        center CDATA #REQUIRED
        width CDATA #REQUIRED
        height CDATA #REQUIRED
        angle1 CDATA #REQUIRED
        angle2 CDATA #REQUIRED
+       stroke CDATA #IMPLIED
        fill CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT draw-ellipse EMPTY >
-<!ATTLIST draw-ellipse
-       center CDATA #REQUIRED
-       width CDATA #REQUIRED
-       height CDATA #REQUIRED
-       stroke CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT fill-ellipse EMPTY >
-<!ATTLIST fill-ellipse
+<!ELEMENT ellipse EMPTY >
+<!ATTLIST ellipse
        center CDATA #REQUIRED
        width CDATA #REQUIRED
        height CDATA #REQUIRED
+       stroke CDATA #IMPLIED
        fill CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT draw-bezier EMPTY >
-<!ATTLIST draw-bezier
-       bezpoints CDATA #REQUIRED
-       stroke CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT fill-bezier EMPTY >
-<!ATTLIST fill-bezier
+<!ELEMENT bezier EMPTY >
+<!ATTLIST bezier
        bezpoints CDATA #REQUIRED
+       stroke CDATA #IMPLIED
        fill CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT draw-string ANY >
-<!ATTLIST draw-string
+<!ELEMENT string ANY >
+<!ATTLIST string
        pos CDATA #IMPLIED
        fill CDATA #IMPLIED
        alignment (left|right|center) #IMPLIED >
-<!ELEMENT draw-image EMPTY >
-<!ATTLIST draw-image
+<!ELEMENT image EMPTY >
+<!ATTLIST image
        point CDATA #REQUIRED
        width CDATA #REQUIRED
        height CDATA #REQUIRED

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