[easytag/wip/application-window: 45/70] Use GAction for some view menu items

commit 5e81160336853bc21fe73c04460e977033bf753a
Author: David King <amigadave amigadave com>
Date:   Sun Jul 13 18:25:14 2014 +0100

    Use GAction for some view menu items
    The sorting items remain.

 data/menus.ui            |   20 +++-
 data/toolbar.ui          |   34 +++++-
 src/application_window.c |  319 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 src/application_window.h |    4 -
 src/bar.c                |  113 ----------------
 src/bar.h                |   20 ---
 src/browser.c            |   95 +++++++-------
 src/browser.h            |    8 +-
 src/easytag.c            |   18 +--
 src/easytag.h            |    1 -
 src/scan_dialog.c        |   32 ++---
 src/ui_manager.h         |   31 -----
 12 files changed, 322 insertions(+), 373 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/menus.ui b/data/menus.ui
index a83ba61..7911299 100644
--- a/data/menus.ui
+++ b/data/menus.ui
@@ -114,27 +114,38 @@
             <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">_View</attribute>
+                    <attribute name="action">win.scanner</attribute>
                     <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">Show Scanner</attribute>
                     <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">Scanner Mode</attribute>
+                        <attribute name="action">win.scan-mode</attribute>
                         <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">Fill Tags</attribute>
+                        <attribute name="target">fill-tag</attribute>
+                        <attribute name="action">win.scan-mode</attribute>
                         <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">Rename Files and Directories</attribute>
+                        <attribute name="target">rename-file</attribute>
+                        <attribute name="action">win.scan-mode</attribute>
                         <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">Process Fields</attribute>
+                        <attribute name="target">process-fields</attribute>
+                    <attribute name="action">win.file-artist-view</attribute>
                     <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">Tree Browser</attribute>
+                    <attribute name="target">file</attribute>
+                    <attribute name="action">win.file-artist-view</attribute>
                     <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">Artists and Albums</attribute>
+                    <attribute name="target">artist</attribute>
@@ -305,20 +316,27 @@
+                    <attribute name="accel">&lt;Primary&gt;&lt;Shift&gt;c</attribute>
+                    <attribute name="action">win.collapse-tree</attribute>
                     <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">Collapse Tree</attribute>
+                    <attribute name="accel">&lt;Primary&gt;&lt;Shift&gt;r</attribute>
+                    <attribute name="action">win.reload-tree</attribute>
                     <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">Reload Tree</attribute>
+                    <attribute name="accel">&lt;Primary&gt;r</attribute>
+                    <attribute name="action">win.reload-directory</attribute>
                     <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">Reload Directory</attribute>
-                    <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">Show Hidden Directoires</attribute>
+                    <attribute name="action">win.browse-show-hidden</attribute>
+                    <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">Show Hidden Directories</attribute>
diff --git a/data/toolbar.ui b/data/toolbar.ui
index b991749..1a310a7 100644
--- a/data/toolbar.ui
+++ b/data/toolbar.ui
@@ -41,6 +41,15 @@
             <object class="GtkSeparatorToolItem" id="separator1"/>
+            <object class="GtkToggleToolButton" id="scanner_button">
+                <property name="action-name">win.scanner</property>
+                <property name="icon-name">document-properties</property>
+                <property name="label" translatable="yes">_Show Scanner</property>
+                <property name="tooltip-text" translatable="yes">Show scanner</property>
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+            </object>
+        </child>
+        <child>
             <object class="GtkToolButton" id="remove_tags_button">
                 <property name="action-name">win.remove-tags</property>
                 <property name="icon-name">edit-clear</property>
@@ -80,6 +89,29 @@
             <object class="GtkSeparatorToolItem" id="separator2"/>
+            <object class="GtkToggleToolButton" id="file_view_button">
+                <property name="action-name">win.file-artist-view</property>
+                <property name="action-target">'file'</property>
+                <property name="icon-name">audio-x-generic</property>
+                <property name="label" translatable="yes">Tree Browser</property>
+                <property name="tooltip-text" translatable="yes">View by directory tree</property>
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+            </object>
+        </child>
+        <child>
+            <object class="GtkToggleToolButton" id="artist_view_button">
+                <property name="action-name">win.file-artist-view</property>
+                <property name="action-target">'artist'</property>
+                <property name="label" translatable="yes">Artist and Album</property>
+                <property name="stock-id">easytag-artist-album</property>
+                <property name="tooltip-text" translatable="yes">View by artist and album</property>
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+            </object>
+        </child>
+        <child>
+            <object class="GtkSeparatorToolItem" id="separator3"/>
+        </child>
+        <child>
             <object class="GtkToolButton" id="invert_selection_button">
                 <property name="action-name">win.invert-selection</property>
                 <property name="label" translatable="yes">Invert File Selection</property>
@@ -89,7 +121,7 @@
-            <object class="GtkSeparatorToolItem" id="separator3"/>
+            <object class="GtkSeparatorToolItem" id="separator4"/>
             <object class="GtkToolButton" id="find_button">
diff --git a/src/application_window.c b/src/application_window.c
index 97580b4..f8f5508 100644
--- a/src/application_window.c
+++ b/src/application_window.c
@@ -1960,7 +1960,7 @@ on_delete (GSimpleAction *action,
     et_browser_load_file_list (ET_BROWSER (priv->browser),
                                ETCore->ETFileDisplayedList, NULL);
     /* Rebuild the list... */
-    et_browser_toggle_display_mode (ET_BROWSER (priv->browser));
+    /*et_browser_toggle_display_mode (ET_BROWSER (priv->browser));*/
     /* To update state of command buttons */
     et_application_window_update_actions (self);
@@ -2314,6 +2314,145 @@ on_preferences (GSimpleAction *action,
 static void
+on_action_toggle (GSimpleAction *action,
+                  GVariant *variant,
+                  gpointer user_data)
+    GVariant *state;
+    /* Toggle the current state. */
+    state = g_action_get_state (G_ACTION (action));
+    g_action_change_state (G_ACTION (action),
+                           g_variant_new_boolean (!g_variant_get_boolean (state)));
+static void
+on_action_radio (GSimpleAction *action,
+                 GVariant *variant,
+                 gpointer user_data)
+    /* Set the action state to the just-activated state. */
+    g_action_change_state (G_ACTION (action), variant);
+static void
+on_scanner_change (GSimpleAction *action,
+                   GVariant *variant,
+                   gpointer user_data)
+    EtApplicationWindow *self;
+    EtApplicationWindowPrivate *priv;
+    gboolean active;
+    self = ET_APPLICATION_WINDOW (user_data);
+    priv = et_application_window_get_instance_private (self);
+    active = g_variant_get_boolean (variant);
+    if (!active)
+    {
+        if (priv->scan_dialog)
+        {
+            gtk_widget_hide (priv->scan_dialog);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (priv->scan_dialog)
+        {
+            gtk_widget_show (priv->scan_dialog);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            priv->scan_dialog = GTK_WIDGET (et_scan_dialog_new ());
+            gtk_widget_show (priv->scan_dialog);
+        }
+    }
+    g_simple_action_set_state (action, variant);
+static void
+on_file_artist_view_change (GSimpleAction *action,
+                            GVariant *variant,
+                            gpointer user_data)
+    EtApplicationWindow *self;
+    EtApplicationWindowPrivate *priv;
+    const gchar *state;
+    self = ET_APPLICATION_WINDOW (user_data);
+    priv = et_application_window_get_instance_private (self);
+    state = g_variant_get_string (variant, NULL);
+    g_return_if_fail (ETCore->ETFileDisplayedList != NULL);
+    /* Save the current displayed data. */
+    ET_Save_File_Data_From_UI (ETCore->ETFileDisplayed);
+    if (strcmp (state, "file") == 0)
+    {
+        et_browser_set_display_mode (ET_BROWSER (priv->browser),
+                                     ET_BROWSER_MODE_FILE);
+    }
+    else if (strcmp (state, "artist") == 0)
+    {
+        et_browser_set_display_mode (ET_BROWSER (priv->browser),
+                                     ET_BROWSER_MODE_ARTIST);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        g_assert_not_reached ();
+    }
+    g_simple_action_set_state (action, variant);
+    et_application_window_update_actions (ET_APPLICATION_WINDOW (user_data));
+static void
+on_collapse_tree (GSimpleAction *action,
+                  GVariant *variant,
+                  gpointer user_data)
+    EtApplicationWindowPrivate *priv;
+    EtApplicationWindow *self = ET_APPLICATION_WINDOW (user_data);
+    priv = et_application_window_get_instance_private (self);
+    et_browser_collapse (ET_BROWSER (priv->browser));
+static void
+on_reload_tree (GSimpleAction *action,
+                GVariant *variant,
+                gpointer user_data)
+    EtApplicationWindowPrivate *priv;
+    EtApplicationWindow *self = ET_APPLICATION_WINDOW (user_data);
+    priv = et_application_window_get_instance_private (self);
+    et_browser_reload (ET_BROWSER (priv->browser));
+static void
+on_reload_directory (GSimpleAction *action,
+                     GVariant *variant,
+                     gpointer user_data)
+    EtApplicationWindowPrivate *priv;
+    EtApplicationWindow *self = ET_APPLICATION_WINDOW (user_data);
+    priv = et_application_window_get_instance_private (self);
+    et_browser_reload_directory (ET_BROWSER (priv->browser));
+static void
 on_set_default_path (GSimpleAction *action,
                      GVariant *variant,
                      gpointer user_data)
@@ -2685,6 +2824,18 @@ static const GActionEntry actions[] =
     { "redo-last-changes", on_redo_last_changes },
     { "remove-tags", on_remove_tags },
     { "preferences", on_preferences },
+    /* View menu. */
+    { "scanner", on_action_toggle, NULL, "false", on_scanner_change },
+    /* { "scan-mode", on_action_radio, NULL, "false", on_scan_mode_change },
+     * Created from GSetting. */
+    /* FIXME: Sorting submenus. */
+    { "file-artist-view", on_action_radio, "s", "'file'",
+      on_file_artist_view_change },
+    { "collapse-tree", on_collapse_tree },
+    { "reload-tree", on_reload_tree },
+    { "reload-directory", on_reload_directory },
+    /* { "browse-show-hidden", on_action_toggle, NULL, "true",
+      on_browse_show_hidden_change }, Created from GSetting. */
     /* Browser menu. */
     { "set-default-path", on_set_default_path },
     { "rename-directory", on_rename_directory },
@@ -2749,8 +2900,12 @@ et_application_window_init (EtApplicationWindow *self)
     g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (self), actions,
                                      G_N_ELEMENTS (actions), self);
+    action = g_settings_create_action (MainSettings, "browse-show-hidden");
+    g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (self), action);
     action = g_settings_create_action (MainSettings, "browse-subdir");
     g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (self), action);
+    action = g_settings_create_action (MainSettings, "scan-mode");
+    g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (self), action);
     window = GTK_WINDOW (self);
@@ -2982,37 +3137,30 @@ et_application_window_search_cddb_for_selection (G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkAction *action
-et_application_window_browser_collapse (G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkAction *action,
-                                        gpointer user_data)
-    EtApplicationWindowPrivate *priv;
-    EtApplicationWindow *self = ET_APPLICATION_WINDOW (user_data);
-    priv = et_application_window_get_instance_private (self);
-    et_browser_collapse (ET_BROWSER (priv->browser));
-et_application_window_browser_reload (G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkAction *action,
-                                      gpointer user_data)
-    EtApplicationWindowPrivate *priv;
-    EtApplicationWindow *self = ET_APPLICATION_WINDOW (user_data);
-    priv = et_application_window_get_instance_private (self);
-    et_browser_reload (ET_BROWSER (priv->browser));
 et_application_window_browser_toggle_display_mode (EtApplicationWindow *self)
     EtApplicationWindowPrivate *priv;
+    GVariant *variant;
     priv = et_application_window_get_instance_private (self);
-    et_browser_toggle_display_mode (ET_BROWSER (priv->browser));
+    variant = g_action_group_get_action_state (G_ACTION_GROUP (self),
+                                               "file-artist-view");
+    if (strcmp (g_variant_get_string (variant, NULL), "file") == 0)
+    {
+        et_browser_set_display_mode (ET_BROWSER (priv->browser),
+                                     ET_BROWSER_MODE_FILE);
+    }
+    else if (strcmp (g_variant_get_string (variant, NULL), "artist") == 0)
+    {
+        et_browser_set_display_mode (ET_BROWSER (priv->browser),
+                                     ET_BROWSER_MODE_ARTIST);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        g_assert_not_reached ();
+    }
@@ -3097,18 +3245,6 @@ et_application_window_run_player_for_artist_list (G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkAction *actio
-et_application_window_reload_directory (G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkAction *action,
-                                        gpointer user_data)
-    EtApplicationWindowPrivate *priv;
-    EtApplicationWindow *self = ET_APPLICATION_WINDOW (user_data);
-    priv = et_application_window_get_instance_private (self);
-    et_browser_reload_directory (ET_BROWSER (priv->browser));
 et_application_window_select_dir (EtApplicationWindow *self, const gchar *path)
     EtApplicationWindowPrivate *priv;
@@ -3142,41 +3278,6 @@ et_application_window_get_scan_dialog (EtApplicationWindow *self)
     return priv->scan_dialog;
-et_application_window_show_scan_dialog (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
-    EtApplicationWindowPrivate *priv;
-    gboolean active;
-    EtApplicationWindow *self = ET_APPLICATION_WINDOW (user_data);
-    priv = et_application_window_get_instance_private (self);
-    active = gtk_toggle_action_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION (action));
-    if (!active)
-    {
-        if (priv->scan_dialog)
-        {
-            gtk_widget_hide (priv->scan_dialog);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        if (priv->scan_dialog)
-        {
-            gtk_widget_show (priv->scan_dialog);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            priv->scan_dialog = GTK_WIDGET (et_scan_dialog_new ());
-            gtk_widget_show (priv->scan_dialog);
-        }
-    }
  * Action when Scan button is pressed
@@ -3216,14 +3317,6 @@ et_on_action_select_browser_mode (G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkRadioAction *action,
                                   G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkRadioAction *current,
                                   gpointer user_data)
-    g_return_if_fail (ETCore->ETFileDisplayedList != NULL);
-    /* Save the current displayed data */
-    ET_Save_File_Data_From_UI(ETCore->ETFileDisplayed);
-    et_application_window_browser_toggle_display_mode (ET_APPLICATION_WINDOW (user_data));
-    et_application_window_update_actions (ET_APPLICATION_WINDOW (user_data));
@@ -3341,14 +3434,8 @@ et_application_window_disable_command_actions (EtApplicationWindow *self)
     set_action_state (self, "undo-last-changes", FALSE);
     set_action_state (self, "redo-last-changes", FALSE);
-    /* "Scanner" menu commands */
-    ui_widget_set_sensitive (MENU_SCANNER_PATH, AM_SCANNER_FILL_TAG,
-                             FALSE);
-    ui_widget_set_sensitive (MENU_SCANNER_PATH,
-                             AM_SCANNER_RENAME_FILE, FALSE);
-    ui_widget_set_sensitive (MENU_SCANNER_PATH,
-                             AM_SCANNER_PROCESS_FIELDS, FALSE);
+    /* FIXME: "Scanner" menu commands */
+    /*set_action_state (self, "scan-mode", FALSE);*/
@@ -3430,18 +3517,12 @@ et_application_window_update_actions (EtApplicationWindow *self)
         set_action_state (self, "show-load-filenames", FALSE);
         set_action_state (self, "show-playlist", FALSE);
         set_action_state (self, "run-player", FALSE);
-        ui_widget_set_sensitive (MENU_SCANNER_PATH,
-                                 AM_SCANNER_FILL_TAG, FALSE);
-        ui_widget_set_sensitive (MENU_SCANNER_PATH,
-                                 AM_SCANNER_RENAME_FILE, FALSE);
-        ui_widget_set_sensitive (MENU_SCANNER_PATH,
-                                 AM_SCANNER_PROCESS_FIELDS, FALSE);
-        ui_widget_set_sensitive (MENU_VIEW, AM_ARTIST_VIEW_MODE, FALSE);
+        /* FIXME set_action_state (self, "scan-mode", FALSE);*/
+        set_action_state (self, "file-artist-view", FALSE);
-        GtkWidget *artist_radio = NULL;
         GList *selfilelist = NULL;
         ET_File *etfile;
         gboolean has_undo = FALSE;
@@ -3501,13 +3582,8 @@ et_application_window_update_actions (EtApplicationWindow *self)
         set_action_state (self, "show-load-filenames", TRUE);
         set_action_state (self, "show-playlist", TRUE);
         set_action_state (self, "run-player", TRUE);
-        ui_widget_set_sensitive (MENU_SCANNER_PATH,
-                                 AM_SCANNER_FILL_TAG,TRUE);
-        ui_widget_set_sensitive (MENU_SCANNER_PATH,
-                                 AM_SCANNER_RENAME_FILE, TRUE);
-        ui_widget_set_sensitive (MENU_SCANNER_PATH,
-                                 AM_SCANNER_PROCESS_FIELDS, TRUE);
-        ui_widget_set_sensitive (MENU_VIEW, AM_ARTIST_VIEW_MODE, TRUE);
+        /* FIXME set_action_state (self, "scan-mode", TRUE); */
+        set_action_state (self, "file-artist-view", TRUE);
         /* Check if one of the selected files has undo or redo data */
@@ -3579,18 +3655,31 @@ et_application_window_update_actions (EtApplicationWindow *self)
             set_action_state (self, "redo-last-changes", FALSE);
-        artist_radio = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (UIManager,
-                                                  "/ToolBar/ArtistViewMode");
-        if (gtk_toggle_tool_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_TOOL_BUTTON (artist_radio)))
-            ui_widget_set_sensitive (MENU_VIEW, AM_COLLAPSE_TREE, FALSE);
-            ui_widget_set_sensitive (MENU_VIEW, AM_INITIALIZE_TREE, FALSE);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ui_widget_set_sensitive (MENU_VIEW, AM_COLLAPSE_TREE, TRUE);
-            ui_widget_set_sensitive (MENU_VIEW, AM_INITIALIZE_TREE, TRUE);
+            GVariant *variant;
+            const gchar *state;
+            variant = g_action_group_get_action_state (G_ACTION_GROUP (self),
+                                                     "file-artist-view");
+            state = g_variant_get_string (variant, NULL);
+            if (strcmp (state, "artist") == 0)
+            {
+                set_action_state (self, "collapse-tree", FALSE);
+                set_action_state (self, "reload-tree", FALSE);
+            }
+            else if (strcmp (state, "file") == 0)
+            {
+                set_action_state (self, "collapse-tree", TRUE);
+                set_action_state (self, "reload-tree", TRUE);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                g_assert_not_reached ();
+            }
+            g_variant_unref (variant);
diff --git a/src/application_window.h b/src/application_window.h
index 6cf7a6d..8cf1929 100644
--- a/src/application_window.h
+++ b/src/application_window.h
@@ -59,8 +59,6 @@ GtkWidget * et_application_window_get_preferences_dialog (EtApplicationWindow *s
 void et_application_window_show_preferences_dialog_scanner (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data);
 GtkWidget * et_application_window_get_cddb_dialog (EtApplicationWindow *self);
 void et_application_window_search_cddb_for_selection (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data);
-void et_application_window_browser_collapse (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data);
-void et_application_window_browser_reload (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data);
 void et_application_window_browser_toggle_display_mode (EtApplicationWindow *self);
 void et_application_window_browser_set_sensitive (EtApplicationWindow *self, gboolean sensitive);
 void et_application_window_browser_clear (EtApplicationWindow *self);
@@ -68,11 +66,9 @@ void et_application_window_browser_clear_album_model (EtApplicationWindow *self)
 void et_application_window_browser_clear_artist_model (EtApplicationWindow *self);
 void et_application_window_run_player_for_album_list (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data);
 void et_application_window_run_player_for_artist_list (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data);
-void et_application_window_reload_directory (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data);
 void et_application_window_select_dir (EtApplicationWindow *self, const gchar *path);
 const gchar * et_application_window_get_current_path (EtApplicationWindow *self);
 GtkWidget * et_application_window_get_scan_dialog (EtApplicationWindow *self);
-void et_application_window_show_scan_dialog (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data);
 void et_application_window_scan_selected_files (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data);
 void et_on_action_select_scan_mode (GtkRadioAction *action, GtkRadioAction *current, gpointer user_data);
 void et_on_action_select_browser_mode (GtkRadioAction *action, GtkRadioAction *current, gpointer user_data);
diff --git a/src/bar.c b/src/bar.c
index 64e2365..04d6b66 100644
--- a/src/bar.c
+++ b/src/bar.c
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ static GList *ActionPairsList = NULL;
  * Prototypes *
-static void Init_Menu_Bar (void);
 static void Statusbar_Remove_Timer (void);
 static void et_statusbar_push_tooltip (const gchar *message);
@@ -76,16 +75,6 @@ static void on_menu_item_deselect (GtkMenuItem *item, gpointer user_data);
 #define QCASE(string,callback) if (quark == g_quark_from_string((string))) { (callback)(); }
 #define QCASE_DATA(string,callback,data) if (quark == g_quark_from_string((string))) { (callback)((data)); }
-static void
-reload_browser (gpointer data)
-    EtApplicationWindow *window;
-    window = ET_APPLICATION_WINDOW (data);
-    et_application_window_browser_reload (NULL, window);
  * Menu bar
@@ -135,7 +124,6 @@ Menu_Sort_Action (GtkAction *item, gpointer data)
     QCASE_DATA(AM_SORT_DESCENDING_FILE_BITRATE,    ET_Sort_Displayed_File_List_And_Update_UI, 
-    QCASE_DATA(AM_INITIALIZE_TREE, reload_browser, data);
     et_application_window_browser_refresh_sort (ET_APPLICATION_WINDOW (data));
@@ -213,21 +201,6 @@ Create_UI (GtkWindow *window, GtkWidget **ppmenubar, GtkWidget **pptoolbar)
           _("Scan selected files"),
           G_CALLBACK (et_application_window_scan_selected_files) },
-        { AM_RELOAD_DIRECTORY, GTK_STOCK_REFRESH, _("Reload Directory"),
-          "<Primary>R", _("Reload directory"),
-          G_CALLBACK (et_application_window_reload_directory) },
-        { AM_COLLAPSE_TREE, NULL, _("_Collapse Tree"), "<Primary><Shift>C",
-          _("Collapse directory tree"),
-          G_CALLBACK (et_application_window_browser_collapse) },
-        { AM_INITIALIZE_TREE, GTK_STOCK_REFRESH, _("_Reload Tree"),
-          "<Primary><Shift>R", _("Reload directory tree"),
-          G_CALLBACK (et_application_window_browser_reload) },
-        { MENU_SCANNER, NULL, _("S_canner Mode"), NULL, NULL, NULL },
-        { MENU_VIEW, NULL, _("_View"), NULL, NULL, NULL },
          * Following items are on toolbar but not on menu
@@ -257,55 +230,12 @@ Create_UI (GtkWindow *window, GtkWidget **ppmenubar, GtkWidget **pptoolbar)
-    GtkToggleActionEntry ToggleActionEntries[] =
-    {
-#ifndef G_OS_WIN32 /* No sense here for Win32, "hidden" means : starts with a
-                    * '.'
-                    */
-        { AM_BROWSER_HIDDEN_DIR, NULL, _("Show Hidden Directories"), NULL,
-          _("Show hidden directories"),
-          G_CALLBACK (et_application_window_browser_reload),
-          g_settings_get_boolean (MainSettings, "browse-show-hidden") },
-#endif /* !G_OS_WIN32 */
-        { AM_SCANNER_SHOW, "document-properties", _("_Show Scanner"), NULL,
-          _("Show scanner"),
-          G_CALLBACK (et_application_window_show_scan_dialog),
-          g_settings_get_boolean (MainSettings, "scan-startup") },
-    };
-    GtkRadioActionEntry view_mode_entries[] =
-    {
-        { AM_TREE_VIEW_MODE, "audio-x-generic", _("Tree Browser"), NULL,
-          _("View by directory tree"), 0 },
-        { AM_ARTIST_VIEW_MODE, "easytag-artist-album",
-          _("Artist and Album"), NULL,
-          _("View by artist and album"), 1 }
-    };
-    GtkRadioActionEntry scanner_mode_entries[] =
-    {
-        { AM_SCANNER_FILL_TAG, "document-properties", _("_Fill Tags…"), NULL,
-          _("Fill tags"), ET_SCAN_MODE_FILL_TAG },
-        { AM_SCANNER_RENAME_FILE, "document-properties",
-          _("_Rename Files and Directories…"), NULL,
-          _("Rename files and directories"), ET_SCAN_MODE_RENAME_FILE },
-        { AM_SCANNER_PROCESS_FIELDS, "document-properties",
-          _("_Process Fields…"), NULL, _("Process Fields"),
-    };
     GError *error = NULL;
     guint num_menu_entries;
-    guint num_toggle_entries;
-    guint n_view_mode_entries;
-    guint n_scanner_mode_entries;
     guint i;
     /* Calculate number of items into the menu */
     num_menu_entries = G_N_ELEMENTS(ActionEntries);
-    num_toggle_entries = G_N_ELEMENTS(ToggleActionEntries);
-    n_view_mode_entries = G_N_ELEMENTS (view_mode_entries);
-    n_scanner_mode_entries = G_N_ELEMENTS (scanner_mode_entries);
     /* Populate quarks list with the entries */
     for(i = 0; i < num_menu_entries; i++)
@@ -316,29 +246,12 @@ Create_UI (GtkWindow *window, GtkWidget **ppmenubar, GtkWidget **pptoolbar)
         ActionPairsList = g_list_prepend (ActionPairsList, ActionPair);
-    for(i = 0; i < num_toggle_entries; i++)
-    {
-        Action_Pair* ActionPair = g_malloc0(sizeof(Action_Pair));
-        ActionPair->action = ToggleActionEntries[i].name;
-        ActionPair->quark  = g_quark_from_string(ActionPair->action);
-        ActionPairsList = g_list_prepend (ActionPairsList, ActionPair);
-    }
     ActionPairsList = g_list_reverse (ActionPairsList);
     /* UI Management */
     ActionGroup = gtk_action_group_new("actions");
     gtk_action_group_set_translation_domain (ActionGroup, GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
     gtk_action_group_add_actions(ActionGroup, ActionEntries, num_menu_entries, window);
-    gtk_action_group_add_toggle_actions(ActionGroup, ToggleActionEntries, num_toggle_entries, window);
-    gtk_action_group_add_radio_actions (ActionGroup, view_mode_entries,
-                                        n_view_mode_entries, 0,
-                                        G_CALLBACK (et_on_action_select_browser_mode),
-                                        window);
-    gtk_action_group_add_radio_actions (ActionGroup, scanner_mode_entries,
-                                        n_scanner_mode_entries, 0,
-                                        G_CALLBACK (et_on_action_select_scan_mode),
-                                        window);
     UIManager = gtk_ui_manager_new();
@@ -357,7 +270,6 @@ Create_UI (GtkWindow *window, GtkWidget **ppmenubar, GtkWidget **pptoolbar)
                                 gtk_ui_manager_get_accel_group (UIManager));
     menubar = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget(UIManager, "/MenuBar");
-    Init_Menu_Bar();
     toolbar = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (UIManager, "/ToolBar");
@@ -371,31 +283,6 @@ Create_UI (GtkWindow *window, GtkWidget **ppmenubar, GtkWidget **pptoolbar)
- * Initialize some items of the main menu
- */
-static void
-Init_Menu_Bar (void)
-    CheckMenuItemBrowseSubdirMainMenu = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget(UIManager, 
-    if (CheckMenuItemBrowseSubdirMainMenu)
-    {
-        g_settings_bind (MainSettings, "browse-subdir",
-                         CheckMenuItemBrowseSubdirMainMenu, "active",
-                         G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET);
-    }
-    CheckMenuItemBrowseHiddenDirMainMenu = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (UIManager,
-                                                                      "/MenuBar/ViewMenu/BrowseHiddenDir");
-    if (CheckMenuItemBrowseHiddenDirMainMenu)
-    {
-        g_settings_bind (MainSettings, "browse-show-hidden",
-                         CheckMenuItemBrowseHiddenDirMainMenu, "active",
-                         G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET);
-    }
  * Status bar functions
 GtkWidget *Create_Status_Bar (void)
diff --git a/src/bar.h b/src/bar.h
index b89f60f..d1218fc 100644
--- a/src/bar.h
+++ b/src/bar.h
@@ -30,18 +30,11 @@ GtkWidget      *ProgressBar;
 GtkUIManager   *UIManager;
 GtkActionGroup *ActionGroup;
-GtkWidget *CheckMenuItemBrowseSubdirMainMenu;
-GtkWidget *CheckMenuItemBrowseHiddenDirMainMenu;
-#define MENU_VIEW "ViewMenu"
-#define MENU_SCANNER    "ScannerMenu"
 #define MENU_FILE_SORT_TAG      "SortTagMenu"
 #define MENU_FILE_SORT_PROP     "SortPropMenu"
 #define MENU_SORT_TAG_PATH "ViewMenu/SortTagMenu"
 #define MENU_SORT_PROP_PATH "ViewMenu/SortPropMenu"
 #define POPUP_FILE              "FilePopup"
 #define POPUP_DIR               "DirPopup"
 #define POPUP_SUBMENU_SCANNER   "ScannerSubpopup"
@@ -49,17 +42,7 @@ GtkWidget *CheckMenuItemBrowseHiddenDirMainMenu;
 #define POPUP_LOG               "LogPopup"
 #define AM_SCAN_FILES "ScanFiles"
-#define AM_BROWSER_HIDDEN_DIR       "BrowseHiddenDir"
-#define AM_COLLAPSE_TREE            "CollapseTree"
-#define AM_INITIALIZE_TREE          "RefreshTree"
-#define AM_RELOAD_DIRECTORY         "ReloadDir"
-#define AM_TREE_VIEW_MODE "TreeViewMode"
-#define AM_ARTIST_VIEW_MODE "ArtistViewMode"
 #define AM_OPEN_OPTIONS_WINDOW      "Preferences"
-#define AM_SCANNER_FILL_TAG         "FillTag"
-#define AM_SCANNER_RENAME_FILE      "RenameFile"
-#define AM_SCANNER_PROCESS_FIELDS   "ProcessFields"
-#define AM_SCANNER_SHOW "ShowScanner"
 #define AM_CDDB_SEARCH_FILE         "CDDBSearchFile"
 #define AM_ARTIST_RUN_AUDIO_PLAYER  "ArtistRunAudio"
@@ -127,7 +110,4 @@ GtkWidget *Create_Status_Bar   (void);
 void Statusbar_Message (const gchar *message, gboolean with_timer);
 GtkWidget *Create_Progress_Bar (void);
-void Check_Menu_Item_Update_Browse_Subdir  (void);
-void Check_Menu_Item_Update_Browse_Hidden_Dir  (void);
 #endif /* __BAR_H__ */
diff --git a/src/browser.c b/src/browser.c
index 0c7cde1..deb4dfa 100644
--- a/src/browser.c
+++ b/src/browser.c
@@ -1374,7 +1374,7 @@ et_browser_refresh_list (EtBrowser *self)
     gchar *track;
     gchar *disc;
     gboolean valid;
-    GtkWidget *artist_radio;
+    GVariant *variant;
     g_return_if_fail (ET_BROWSER (self));
@@ -1386,9 +1386,6 @@ et_browser_refresh_list (EtBrowser *self)
-    artist_radio = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (UIManager,
-                                              "/ToolBar/ArtistViewMode");
     // Browse the full list for changes
     //gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GTK_TREE_MODEL(priv->file_model), &iter);
     //    g_print("above worked %d rows\n", gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children(GTK_TREE_MODEL(priv->file_model), 
@@ -1438,8 +1435,11 @@ et_browser_refresh_list (EtBrowser *self)
+    variant = g_action_group_get_action_state (G_ACTION_GROUP (MainWindow),
+                                               "file-artist-view");
     // When displaying Artist + Album lists => refresh also rows color
-    if (gtk_toggle_tool_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_TOOL_BUTTON (artist_radio)))
+    if (strcmp (g_variant_get_string (variant, NULL), "artist") == 0)
         for (row = 0; row < gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->artist_model), NULL); 
@@ -1467,6 +1467,8 @@ et_browser_refresh_list (EtBrowser *self)
+    g_variant_unref (variant);
@@ -1480,7 +1482,7 @@ et_browser_refresh_file_in_list (EtBrowser *self, ET_File *ETFile)
     EtBrowserPrivate *priv;
     GList *selectedRow = NULL;
-    GtkWidget *artist_radio;
+    GVariant *variant;
     GtkTreeSelection *selection;
     GtkTreeIter selectedIter;
     ET_File   *etfile;
@@ -1503,9 +1505,6 @@ et_browser_refresh_file_in_list (EtBrowser *self, ET_File *ETFile)
-    artist_radio = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (UIManager,
-                                              "/ToolBar/ArtistViewMode");
     // Search the row of the modified file to update it (when found: row_found=TRUE)
     // 1/3. Get position of ETFile in ETFileList
     if (row_found == FALSE)
@@ -1602,8 +1601,11 @@ et_browser_refresh_file_in_list (EtBrowser *self, ET_File *ETFile)
     /* Change appearance (line to red) if filename changed. */
     Browser_List_Set_Row_Appearance (self, &selectedIter);
-    // When displaying Artist + Album lists => refresh also rows color
-    if (gtk_toggle_tool_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_TOOL_BUTTON (artist_radio)))
+    variant = g_action_group_get_action_state (G_ACTION_GROUP (MainWindow),
+                                               "file-artist-view");
+    /* When displaying Artist + Album lists => refresh also rows color. */
+    if (strcmp (g_variant_get_string (variant, NULL), "artist") == 0)
         gchar *current_artist = ((File_Tag *)ETFile->FileTag->data)->artist;
         gchar *current_album  = ((File_Tag *)ETFile->FileTag->data)->album;
@@ -1664,6 +1666,8 @@ et_browser_refresh_file_in_list (EtBrowser *self, ET_File *ETFile)
         // FIX ME : see also if we must add a new line / or change list of the ETFile
+    g_variant_unref (variant);
@@ -2714,58 +2718,51 @@ Browser_Album_List_Set_Row_Appearance (EtBrowser *self, GtkTreeIter *iter)
-et_browser_toggle_display_mode (EtBrowser *self)
+et_browser_set_display_mode (EtBrowser *self,
+                             EtBrowserMode mode)
     EtBrowserPrivate *priv;
     ET_File *etfile = ETCore->ETFileDisplayed; // ETFile to display again after changing browser view
-    GtkWidget *artist_radio;
     g_return_if_fail (ET_BROWSER (self));
     priv = et_browser_get_instance_private (self);
-    // Save the current displayed data
-    ET_Save_File_Data_From_UI(ETCore->ETFileDisplayed);
-    // Toggle button to switch view
-    artist_radio = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (UIManager,
-                                              "/ToolBar/ArtistViewMode");
+    /* Save the current displayed data. */
+    ET_Save_File_Data_From_UI (ETCore->ETFileDisplayed);
-    // Button pressed in the toolbar
-    if (gtk_toggle_tool_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_TOOL_BUTTON (artist_radio)))
+    switch (mode)
-        /*
-         * Artist + Album view
-         */
+        case ET_BROWSER_MODE_FILE:
+            /* Set the whole list as "Displayed list". */
+            ET_Set_Displayed_File_List (ETCore->ETFileList);
-        /* Display Artist + Album lists. */
-        gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->notebook), 1);
-        ET_Create_Artist_Album_File_List();
-        Browser_Artist_List_Load_Files (self, etfile);
-    }else
-    {
+            /* Display Tree Browser. */
+            gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->notebook), 0);
+            et_browser_load_file_list (self, ETCore->ETFileDisplayedList,
+                                       etfile);
-        /*
-         * Browser (classic) view
-         */
-        // Set the whole list as "Displayed list"
-        ET_Set_Displayed_File_List(ETCore->ETFileList);
-        /* Display Tree Browser. */
-        gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->notebook), 0);
-        et_browser_load_file_list (self, ETCore->ETFileDisplayedList, etfile);
+            /* Displays the first file if nothing specified. */
+            if (!etfile)
+            {
+                GList *etfilelist = ET_Displayed_File_List_First ();
+                if (etfilelist)
+                {
+                    etfile = (ET_File *)etfilelist->data;
+                }
-        // Displays the first file if nothing specified
-        if (!etfile)
-        {
-            GList *etfilelist = ET_Displayed_File_List_First();
-            if (etfilelist)
-                etfile = (ET_File *)etfilelist->data;
-            Action_Select_Nth_File_By_Etfile(etfile);
-        }
+                Action_Select_Nth_File_By_Etfile (etfile);
+            }
+            break;
+            /* Display Artist + Album lists. */
+            gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->notebook), 1);
+            ET_Create_Artist_Album_File_List ();
+            Browser_Artist_List_Load_Files (self, etfile);
+            break;
+        default:
+            g_assert_not_reached ();
     //ET_Display_File_Data_To_UI(etfile); // Causes a crash
diff --git a/src/browser.h b/src/browser.h
index 83e75b7..201fdfb 100644
--- a/src/browser.h
+++ b/src/browser.h
@@ -53,6 +53,12 @@ void et_browser_show_open_directory_with_dialog (EtBrowser *self);
 void et_browser_show_open_files_with_dialog (EtBrowser *self);
 void et_browser_show_rename_directory_dialog (EtBrowser *self);
+typedef enum
+} EtBrowserMode;
  * To number columns of ComboBox
@@ -89,7 +95,7 @@ ET_File * et_browser_get_et_file_from_iter (EtBrowser *self, GtkTreeIter *iter);
 void et_browser_entry_set_text (EtBrowser *self, const gchar *text);
 void et_browser_label_set_text (EtBrowser *self, const gchar *text);
-void et_browser_toggle_display_mode (EtBrowser *self);
+void et_browser_set_display_mode (EtBrowser *self, EtBrowserMode mode);
 void et_browser_go_home (EtBrowser *self);
 void et_browser_go_desktop (EtBrowser *self);
diff --git a/src/easytag.c b/src/easytag.c
index 005bbf8..5766101 100644
--- a/src/easytag.c
+++ b/src/easytag.c
@@ -529,7 +529,6 @@ Save_List_Of_Files (GList *etfilelist, gboolean force_saving_files)
     File_Name *FileNameNew;
     double     fraction;
     GtkAction *uiaction;
-    GtkWidget *toggle_radio;
     GtkWidget *widget_focused;
     GtkTreePath *currentPath = NULL;
@@ -718,11 +717,7 @@ Save_List_Of_Files (GList *etfilelist, gboolean force_saving_files)
-    /* Browser is on mode : Artist + Album list */
-    toggle_radio = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (UIManager,
-                                              "/ToolBar/ArtistViewMode");
-    if (gtk_toggle_tool_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_TOOL_BUTTON (toggle_radio)))
-        et_application_window_browser_toggle_display_mode (window);
+    et_application_window_browser_toggle_display_mode (window);
     /* To update state of command buttons */
     et_application_window_update_actions (ET_APPLICATION_WINDOW (MainWindow));
@@ -1193,7 +1188,6 @@ gboolean Read_Directory (gchar *path_real)
     GList *l;
     gint   progress_bar_index = 0;
     GtkAction *uiaction;
-    GtkWidget *artist_radio;
     EtApplicationWindow *window;
     g_return_val_if_fail (path_real != NULL, FALSE);
@@ -1216,10 +1210,6 @@ gboolean Read_Directory (gchar *path_real)
-    artist_radio = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (UIManager, "/ToolBar/ArtistViewMode");
-    gtk_toggle_tool_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_TOOL_BUTTON (artist_radio),
-                                       FALSE);
     // Set to unsensitive the Browser Area, to avoid to select another file while loading the first one
     et_application_window_browser_set_sensitive (window, FALSE);
@@ -1561,13 +1551,11 @@ Init_Load_Default_Dir (void)
-    /* FIXME: Open the scanner window. */
-    /*
     if (g_settings_get_boolean (MainSettings, "scan-startup"))
-        et_application_window_show_scan_dialog (ET_APPLICATION_WINDOW (MainWindow));
+        g_action_group_activate_action (G_ACTION_GROUP (MainWindow), "scanner",
+                                        NULL);
-    */
diff --git a/src/easytag.h b/src/easytag.h
index 6f90ce0..8fba880 100644
--- a/src/easytag.h
+++ b/src/easytag.h
@@ -113,7 +113,6 @@ gint et_delete_file (ET_File *ETFile, gboolean multiple_files, GError **error);
 gint Save_All_Files_With_Answer         (gboolean force_saving_files);
 void Action_Main_Stop_Button_Pressed    (void);
-void Action_Select_Browser_Style        (void);
 void et_on_action_select_scan_mode (GtkRadioAction *action,
                                     GtkRadioAction *current,
                                     gpointer user_data);
diff --git a/src/scan_dialog.c b/src/scan_dialog.c
index ed57eaa..308d144 100644
--- a/src/scan_dialog.c
+++ b/src/scan_dialog.c
@@ -1751,16 +1751,11 @@ static void
 on_scan_mode_changed (EtScanDialog *self, gchar *key, GSettings *settings)
     EtScanDialogPrivate *priv;
-    GtkRadioAction *radio_action;
     EtScanMode mode;
     priv = et_scan_dialog_get_instance_private (self);
-    /* TODO: Bind to a single GAction. */
-    radio_action = GTK_RADIO_ACTION (gtk_ui_manager_get_action (UIManager,
-                                                                "/MenuBar/ViewMenu/ScannerMenu/FillTag"));
     mode = g_settings_get_enum (MainSettings, key);
-    gtk_radio_action_set_current_value (radio_action, mode);
     switch (mode)
@@ -1957,21 +1952,6 @@ Mask_Editor_List_Save_Button (EtScanDialog *self)
 static void
-on_hide (EtScanDialog *self)
-    GtkToggleAction *toggle_action;
-    toggle_action = GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION (gtk_ui_manager_get_action (UIManager,
-                                                                  "/ToolBar/ShowScanner"));
-    if (gtk_toggle_action_get_active (toggle_action))
-    {
-        gtk_toggle_action_set_active (toggle_action, FALSE);
-    }
-static void
 Select_Fields_Select_Unselect_All (EtScanDialog *self)
     GFlagsClass *flags_class;
@@ -2477,6 +2457,15 @@ Process_Fields_Convert_Check_Button_Toggled (EtScanDialog *self, GtkWidget *obje
                               gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON 
+/* Make sure that the Show Scanner toggle action is updated. */
+static void
+et_scan_on_hide (GtkWidget *widget,
+                 gpointer user_data)
+    g_action_group_activate_action (G_ACTION_GROUP (MainWindow), "scanner",
+                                    NULL);
 static void
 create_scan_dialog (EtScanDialog *self)
@@ -2508,7 +2497,6 @@ create_scan_dialog (EtScanDialog *self)
     /* 'Scan selected files' button */
     scan_button = gtk_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_APPLY);
-    /* TODO: Set related action to match AM_SCAN_FILES. */
     gtk_button_set_label (GTK_BUTTON (scan_button), _("Scan Files"));
     gtk_widget_set_can_default (scan_button, TRUE);
     gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (self), scan_button,
@@ -2520,9 +2508,9 @@ create_scan_dialog (EtScanDialog *self)
     /* The response signal handles close, scan and the delete event. */
     g_signal_connect (self, "response", G_CALLBACK (et_scan_on_response),
-    g_signal_connect (self, "hide", G_CALLBACK (on_hide), NULL);
     g_signal_connect (self, "delete-event",
                       G_CALLBACK (gtk_widget_hide_on_delete), NULL);
+    g_signal_connect (self, "hide", G_CALLBACK (et_scan_on_hide), NULL);
     /* The main vbox */
     ScanVBox = gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (self));
diff --git a/src/ui_manager.h b/src/ui_manager.h
index 3ae1c0a..b5a6c26 100644
--- a/src/ui_manager.h
+++ b/src/ui_manager.h
@@ -11,18 +11,6 @@ static const gchar *ui_xml =
 "  <menubar name='MenuBar'>"
 "    <menu action='ViewMenu'>"
-"      <menuitem action='ShowScanner' />"
-"      <menu action='ScannerMenu'>"
-"        <menuitem action='FillTag' />"
-"        <menuitem action='RenameFile' />"
-"        <menuitem action='ProcessFields' />"
-"      </menu>"
-"      <separator />"
-"      <menuitem action='TreeViewMode'/>"
-"      <menuitem action='ArtistViewMode'/>"
-"      <separator />"
 "      <menu action='SortTagMenu'>"
 "        <menuitem action='SortTrackNumAsc' />"
 "        <menuitem action='SortTrackNumDesc' />"
@@ -89,18 +77,6 @@ static const gchar *ui_xml =
 "        <menuitem action='SortSamplerateAsc' />"
 "        <menuitem action='SortSamplerateDesc' />"
 "      </menu>"
-"      <separator />"
-"      <menuitem action='CollapseTree' />"
-"      <menuitem action='RefreshTree' />"
-"      <separator />"
-"      <menuitem action='ReloadDir' />"
-"      <separator />"
-#ifndef G_OS_WIN32
-"      <menuitem action='BrowseHiddenDir' />"
-#endif /* !G_OS_WIN32 */
 "    </menu>"
 "  </menubar>"
@@ -110,13 +86,6 @@ static const gchar *ui_xml =
  * Tool bar
 "  <toolbar name='ToolBar'>"
-"    <toolitem action='ShowScanner'/>"
-"    <separator />"
-"    <toolitem action='TreeViewMode'/>"
-"    <toolitem action='ArtistViewMode'/>"
-"    <separator />"
 "    <toolitem action='Stop'/>"
 "  </toolbar>"

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