[longomatch] Created tag LONGOMATCH_1_0_0
- From: Andoni Morales Alastruey <amorales src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [longomatch] Created tag LONGOMATCH_1_0_0
- Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2014 13:04:52 +0000 (UTC)
The signed tag 'LONGOMATCH_1_0_0' was created.
Tagger: Andoni Morales Alastruey <ylatuya gmail com>
Date: Thu Dec 4 14:04:26 2014 +0100
Tag LongoMatch 1.0.0
Changes since the last tag 'LONGOMATCH_0_20_7':
Andika Triwidada (1):
Added Indonesian translation
Andoni Morales Alastruey (857):
Disable focus in child widgets
Keep focus for treeview to allow multiple selection
Catch corrupted database exceptions correctly
Decouple UI completetly from the backend
Add a new file based DB
Add a new function to load safely between different formats
Use Json for seralization everywhere with Json.NET
Start adding unit tests
Fix bugs founds with unit tests
Remove unused Coordinates subcategories
test: test DB is updated in Add/Remove
Start with the new UI redesign
Add new constants for the icons width/heigth
Clean up API adding services and managers accesor Config
Add a new interface for panels
Return default added item
Pass the widget to OpenImage instead of the toplevel window
Add a new getter for the media file description
Add am e-mail field to the player description
Destroy the busy dialog correctly
Don't emit signals loading elements
Add new panels to manage panels and templates
Simplify date picking adding a new API in the IGUIToolkit
Remoce unused widget PlayerProperties
Add a new Image field to the analysis templates
Fix position label text
Delete unused enum
Fix services startup
Add a separator in the teams template
Update team shield in the list
Fix exception when no image is selected
Add a component to edit analysis templates
Use a new API for the IPlayer and ICapturer
Add a new panel for the preferences
Add missing file
Sanitize interfaces and event handlers
Add a support for multimedia backends plugins
Add a new Color class
Add new classes for drawing objects
Move Point class to a different file
Add new Interfaces for drawing backends
Add a first Gtk+Cairo drawing backend
Use the new Color class to represent colors
Start replacing the old widgets, starting with the timeline
Fix loading segments in the player
Add a new widget for coding
Redraw widget correctly invalidating the drawing area
Fix tringles drawing and support for different orientations
Update current time in the timeline widget
Handle more nicely segments updates
Ensure plays are moved within valid bounds
Move zoom buttons inside the timeline widget
Draw position triangle correctly in the timerule
Implement zooming in the timeline with the scale
Continue work with the timeline and the UI
Remove references to Gtk Widgets in Core and fix atk deps
Update the ratio correctly
Update gui files with newer monodevelop
Fix throtlling time updates
Handle opening file errors correctly
Add a base class for Canvas with selectable objects
Move play's bondaries checks to the play object
Add more preset colors
Add new enum for multiple selection
Add new helper method to scale images
Add new extension method to swap elements from a list
Add FontSize to the drawing interface
Add + and - operators for Point
Add formation info for team templates
Add a new property to set the selection mode
Draw objects in reverse order to match the selection
Change selection API to support removals
Add default colors for home and away teams
Fix images scalling
Default to JSON serialization
Use byte for colors
Use global templates provider
Add a new parameter to scale images
Save formation as int[] as a workaround for a JSON deserialization
Add more defaults for colors
Add a new widget for tagging teams
Start using the new team tagger
Include category name in menu
Fix exceptions with empty shields
Delete unused import
Fix deserialization fallback
Deserialize categories color with the new API
Update Swap method to make it easier to use
Add formation string to old templates
Replace deprected API for setting Cairo colors
Implement players substitutions in the team tagger
Add a new config setting for the default analysis template
Fix segfault loading subcategories
Update background in template changes
Store last dir openning images
Ignore changes when loading a player
Prompt to save the template before exiting
Fix categories deserialization
Make more configurables the tagger icons sizes
Fix saving projects
Add the teams tagger in the coding widget
Update GUI files
Scale player icons to fit them to the correct size
Remove players from subcategories
Add Timers and Periods
Add Duration property to MediaFile
Add new timeline widgets for timers
Initilialize projects without the GamePeriods string
Add a new property to hide controls
Fix exception and make the extended Open private
Add a new widget to sync periods
Add a new Events broker and simplify events passing
Add a new widget to record periods
Add a new parameter to create timer periods with name
Add a scroll bar for the periods syncer
Clone objects using the binary serializer
Save key constant as integers
Fix more events passing with the events broker
Add frame stepping api to the IPlayerBin interface
Fix colors conversion
Remove focus from player buttons
Fix scenarios without player
Fix DB serialization
Change coding UI for the fake analysis mode
Save templates correctly from the editor
Reduce buttons to 5 per row
Refactor data model and add a migration tool for the old db
Unregister events on widget destroy
Add new delegates definitions
Add helpers to get the play position tags
Update Drawing API
Add support for scaled canvas
Add default implementation instead of using an abstract class
Add a new base class for a canvas with a scaled background image
Start with Drawables implementation with Line and Circle
Add a new widget for tagging plays
Implement correctly context saving and scalling
Add new event for size changed
Add more space at the end in the timelines
Always try first with the selected element
Unselect all objects when clearing the selections
Add argument to silent changes notifications
Fix exception drawing when the background is not set
Draw position object lines and make size relative to the background
Finish implementation of the postions tagger widget
Add helper to set default postion tags
Release panels correctly
Show a position tagger taggin new plays
Unregister tick events properly
Add a new widget to view plays by position tags
Create a new menu class to reuse it in widgets
Scroll periods editor properly
Fix tests
Delay move events 200ms
Add support for tooltips in canvas
Select only boundaries for timer objects
Draw timer line at the bottom
Fix excaption seting secondsPerPixel when no timers are loaded
Handle zooming in editing game periods
Add new capture based on periods
Fx period timenode when no stop is specified
Use the vevents broker for player and capturer events
Fix description with fake live projects
Set harddisk icon for fake live projects
Reset selection after removing projects
Set the current project before filling the details
Add a new utility to diable focus on childs
Fix detaching player widget
Fix fake projects scenarios
Use the plays menu everywhere
Add a new drawing tool
Draw arrow in positions
Pause player before frame stepping
Fix objects clonning
Add menu to edit and delete drawings
Update cats when selected in the editor
Create directory if it doesn exists
Add anew wrapping object for drawing contexts
Fix blackboard clearing
Reset operator after clearing
Add support to display drawings in the player again
Split Utils and Constants
Enable support for rendering drawings in exported clips again
Fix passing of media file argument
Remove segment closed events in favor of null play selection
Implement players tagging from the coding UI
Refactor project import addins support
Split image scaling in copy and in place
Fix new project panel for projects imports
Remove FPS from plays
Don't set selectiong in canvas objects directly
Remove unused code
Do not notify twice for players selection
Add back backgounds edition in the categories templates
Add a new script to update makefiles and update them
Dispose background canvas surface correctly
Use OpenFiles from Misc
Add a new .pc file for addins
Add dll config for LongoMatch.GUI
Split .pc file in core + addins
Rename core assembly to LongoMatch.Core
Update .gitignore
Fix link of LongoMatch.Core assembly after renaming
Fix requires for longomatch-addins.pc
Redesign subcategories
Fix PlaysFilter and add unit tests
Remove TogglePlay from the IPlayer API
Remove the PlayerUseType from the constructor arguments
Remove Position property from IPlayer interface
Chain bin destructors to free player resources
Remove Tick event from the IPlayer API
Remove timeout on dispose
Stop timeout if we are playing
Update player time when we hace the duration info
Add new plugin interface for file discovery
Call multimedia callbacks from the main thread
Fix files names for autorendering plays
Add new plugin interface for file discovery
Add a YCbCr color format
Add an Edit value to TagMode
Add a FitMode enum
Update formatting policies
Image: make public ComputeScale and static ScaleFactor
Notify buttons click to subclasses
Include tags in plays description
Track key pressed events in gdk windows
Redraw seleted objects last
Add a property to disable moving objects
Add configurable coding panels
Update time label with current seek pos
Update Dutch translation
Start with code formatting
Update Stetic files
Add missing using
Remove tests from LongoMatch.Migration
Copy LongoMatch.GUI.dll.config to the output dir
Add autogenerated marshalling files for the IDE
Add back support for playlists
Start with the Gtk theming
Start with the Gtk theming
Configure wait times for moves and clicks
Add icons
Add ICons
Gtk theming
Add a new date picker component
Add media file chooser component
Add a new combobox for teams selection
Add a new API to list starting/bench players
Start with players tagging widget rededign
Start with new projects panel design
Add more icons for the new design
Use the new icons in the Teams templates panel
Fix file chooser right button style
Rename namespace CanvasObjects and fix players selections
Add calendar icon
Use the logo from the icons instead of the resource
Track media file changes correctly
Start with timelines customization
Emit tick events to update timelines
Fix canvas object creation with the new namespace
Customize player widget
Implement the disposable pattern for canvas and canvas objects
Respect defined tagging mode for buttons visibility
Start with category properties with tables hidden
Rename PlaysTagger to Dashboard
Rename ButtonsWidget to DashboardWidget
Update makefiles
Fix stetic file after widget rename
Continue with players redesign
Dispose correctly more objects
Organize player properties in a single column instead of 2
Implement player selection in the teams tagger
Align central box in the New Projects panel
Use shorter strings for the capture configuration
Customize notebooks
Customize notebook and support detaching tabs
Fix tabs icons size
Fix more background colors
Show the selection icon in the timeline
Fix more missing calls to Dispose
Implement new UI for teams combo boxes
Add a panel header component and use it in more places
Delete unused file
Show score and penalty cards events in timelines
Fix exception after disposing canvas objects
Fix playlists binary serialization
Usa pango for text rendering and support text aligment
Fix makefiles
Add lastname and nickname for players
Use new icons in the plays selection widget
Make IWidget interface IDisposable
Fix exception un plays lists showing menus
Include players tagged in the tagging widget
Remove unused file
Add style for check buttons
Fix infinite bucle in the drawing tool
Change background color of the analysis window
Style handles in panned windows
Remove pixels gaps in notebook tabs
Remove borders in the GtkAspectFrame
Style radio buttons
Add new icons for the drawing tool
Add a custom cell renderers for lists of plays
Fix jumping to a previous playlist element
Group score and penalty cards in the plays list
Redesign the project type selection panel
Implement prelight/selected/loaded in plays lists
Set timeline height correctly
Rework plays selection logic
Make PenaltyCard serializable
Use the new zoom icons
Update makefiles
Fix tests
Update icons for the welcome panel
Add missing files
Style comboboxes
Use the media file choorser in the project properties panel
Fix bench size in the teams tagger
Fix disposing of timeline objects
Support removing players for the current match
Remove actions groups from the coding widget
Fix creation of live projects
Format code for CapturerBin
Split tick events for player and capturer
Make sure the capturer emits tick events
Use a filename with the current date as default
Only create a independent frames capturer for file projects
use new background and fix resetting them in the dashboard
Add new buttons to control Dashboard's fit/fill/1:1 and edition mode
Add new icons for the dashboard modes
Fix rendering text to surfaces
Redraw after reloading the teams
Fix exception redrawing before setting positions
Use the default field background for teams edition
Delete redraw, now handled in the component
Add the common header to the preferences panel
Remove unused code
Polish UI for the preferences panel
Fix new plays insertion in the correct iter
Don't show menus for groups and players in the treeview
Use a toolbar for the dashboard config
Update makefiles for icons
Add tool to fill makefiles for data and update them
Add a new icon
Update makefiles
remove test from build for now
Make more classes serializable
Show play tag editor when tagging a new play
Fix full screen switching
Don't show menu when not in edit mode
Support multiple selection modes in the teams tagger
Clear players selection after tagging a new play
Edit notes, name and players for plays
Update makefiles
Clip the drawing area in the Cairo context
Only redraw the timeline area that's in the clip region
Remove unused function
Use the right icon for centering the timelines
Add support for setting the font size in text objects
Close paths when drawing text
Force center alignment for counter and text objects
Enable selection only with the Selection tool
Fix segfault when no devices are presents
Make flags parameter optional to LoadIcon
Use icons logo instead of from resources
Rename Categories to EventType and split them from dashboard buttons
Insert Core in the LongoMatch namespace
Fix CSV exporter
Do not serialize the Selected property in events
Fix dipose in canvases when Objects is null
Disconnect all signals when closing the player
Start and close the frames capturer for each project change
Enable back editing events properties
Reset team tagger selection after adding a new event
Rename more categories to EventType and plays to Event
Show times with the hour digit
Remove tests until they are back
Show tags in the events editor
Update POTFILES.in
Update more string with play to event
Fix video widget painting outside its region
Add the new project to the database
Shutdown multimedia backends on exit
Simplify the IFramesCapturer interface
Fix a race in the video window X Bad Window
Set sort method from the correct place
Show time with hours in more places
Make filters work again
Remove dll extension from the library name (just .so)
Guard backends shutdown
Disable key pressed in the treeviews
Set MediaFileMode in the media file chooser
Start enabling stats again
Add missing file and update makefiles
Fix buttons names for tags and timers
Respect individual colors for score and penalty card events
Fix typo
Add event time in timenodes
Fix exception when event time is null
Use the name of the score or the penalty to create the event
Disable GStreamer plugins check for now
Add a default color for Score
Add 1080p to the list of video standards for the conversion tool
Fix IVideoConverter instantiation
Filter out hardare accelerated decoder for transcoding
Add AssemblyInfo.cs to help with Monodevelop builds
Fix postions combobox reading
Reset tag mode for all objects in the canvas
Fix drawings with hardarware decoders
Show Score point in the description
Fix color of header buttons
Include tags for any kind of buttons
Show all tags the the play editor
Fix typo in merge
Make capture buttons smaller
Update project files
Force file type recognition to C
Move data dir configuration to the init function
Keep original player state when detaching it
Remove old project files
Update tools to parse the new csproj files
Remove unused imports
Fix extension for the default projects importer
Force lgm extension for exported projects
Fix doubles serialization using the InvariantInfo
Update score when score events are added/removed
Create a new base class for buttons
Fix build in OS X
Don't recreate thumbnails importing projects
Update build instructions in the README
Don't check tags in the filters when filling the filters
Associate timers with teams
Sort player events by time
Rename event type to Penalties
Highlight event button when header is clicked
Fix memory leak with discarded buffers
Increase wait time for preroll
Add more option to the test-editor cli
Update media file recursively for playlist elements too
Escape markup text when rendering text
Escape markup text when rendering list elements
Show the render menu before the delete one
Fix rendering when drawings are out of the segments
Add a new callback for objects that needs a redraw
Add support for players subsitutions
Check for 30fps correctly
Fix updates in capture settings
Add more ranges for quality
Fix weird bug changing static quality objects after deserialization
Use config values for the default capture settings
Catch errors gracefully when a project fails to open
Add new icons for player swapping
Hide substitution button in the event editor
Load surfaces in the Player and scale using the correct width
Include name and description in plugins
Add support for plugins registering GStreamer elements
Add a new plugin that register the open source gst plugins
Rename LongoMatchGtk.exe to LongoMatch.exe
Remove unused makefile
Hide status bar when it's not showing any info
MAke scores a label as they are not editable
Show error message when project can't be loaded
Fix layout in category properties
Add another size group for the elements in the right side
Make category properties editable with a project open
Add missing file to makefiles
Add another missing file
Add makefiles for the GStreamer plugins
Include plugins dir in the library path
Use the media file chooser in the rendering properties widget
Improve video conversion dialog
Customize zoom scale with icons
Update events lists widget when the dashboard is edited
Open teams tagger with half the size of the coding widget
Add loaders dir to the libraries search path
Update makefiles
Revert hack for gdk-pixbuf and fix it correctly upstream
Add dll config for the GStreamer loader plugin
Rename config file
Fix file chooser mode for the capture output file
Fix exception creating fake live projects
Use a custom registry in all platforms
Use a common directory in the plugins dir for GStreamer plugins
Fix search path for plugins
Let the preferences left list adjust to its required size
Use a media file chooser in the capture preferences
Remove the experimental string from the audio export option
Use "folder" instead of "file" for the file chooser for folders
Prefix config and addins dir with 1.0
Fix serialization due to invalid locale in windows
Don't remove dll.config files in make clean
Make counters a pure circle
Make arrows shaper
For text use a line width of 1 to avoid to much rounded corners
Make dashes relative to the line width
Make drawings sizes relative to the image width
Fail gracefully when we can't get a screenshot
Implement the players tool for drawing
Reset tagger selection and hide angle tool
Fix Exception with early calls to GetSelection
Improve performance if the drawing toolkit
Fix redraws after changing the fit mode
Add a new editor for event types tags and groups
Fix prompts saving templates
Update transifex translations
Update POTFILES.in
Update cs.po
Add missing reference to solution
Fix in a better way redraws after resizing
Start with multiple angles supports
Use Json.net OptIn serialization for Area
Use the current player to get frames when possible
Fix deletion of events with position tags
Add team selection for timers
Add support for images in dashboard buttons
Handle multiple groups in the event types buttons
Use ubuntu font as the default one in the Drawing backend
Make the scale font smaller and enlarge it to fit value
Use ModifyFont instead of makerkup to ease translations
Show a default title for projects
Update media file chooser in the projects manager panel
Guard for more errors in projects imports
Enable stats again
Fix exception when no file is openned
Raise exceptions when adding a new project fails
Use UTC datetimes for json.net
Fix a bit more the API to raise exceptions on failures
Don't take snapshots for plays
Draw tagged players in the list
Fix double category clicks with the editor
Fix name of gtk dll in windows
Update event desription when changed
Don't capture miniatures for new events
Redraw highlighted objects on top
Optimize redraws for more objects
Avoid useless redraws
Draw buttons without gradients
Add buttons to tag teams
Update Basque translation
Update Norwegian translation
Prompt to close openend project when openning the managing tools
Stack the analysis panel to return from preferences
Reset draw ares after zooming
Do not take in account not visible objects for the selection
Add support for timers in the timeline
Update Dutch translation
Update POTFILES.in
Add transifex config file
Add new filters by period
Clear periods filter too
Do not prompt twice to save a template
Fix tools opened that were inverted
Don't take in account filtered events for selection
Add suport for timers filters
Don't serialize TagsByGroups
Dipose the timer correctly in the timeline when destroyed
Fix moving events to other event types
Make the edit button work en edition+manual mode
Show drawings from the playlist elements too
Extract title from the project details
Add support for editing dashboard names
Only seek to 0 when the file does not change
Add missing reference to solution
Do not warn for static surfaces
Add support for manual tagging mode
Revert namespace changes in the Migration library
Use a HashSet for the active view to avoid duplicates
Add missing resource
Support editing frame drawings in playlists
Revert "Add missing resource"
Fix cursors resources
Use the current database to list projects
Ensure the file exists before adding it to the queue
Only call StopMove if we moved an object
Fix draw areas with the selections
Add Redraw function for canvas objects
Redraw dashboard buttons when the properties change
Improve draw performance for category objects and fix record mode
Set ShowSubcategories true by default
Fix exeception deleting palyers when none is selected
Respect font color in card objects
Fix starting players when the count is lower than the tactics
Fix redraws in general for widgets resizes
Delete unused file
Make sure to use the UTC datetime for serialization bug in Windows
Fail gracefully when the file format is not supported
Fix the migration tool
Support editing default periods in the dashboards editor
Reset cursors currectly when there was no movement
Add support for creating and deleting periods
Include cross and player as resources in the csproj
Remove the coordinates fix
Fix makefiles
Fix makefiles for the migration build dir
Redraw category objects when changed
Don't reload the whole dashboard when switching the fit mode
Delete unused function
Don't override the existing MONO_PATH launching the migration tool
Revert "Delete unused function"
Update the current database after the migration
Use mono-sgen to launch the migration tool
Force UTC for real
Fix migration tool in Windows
Support renaming teams in the teams panel
Add a min width and height for empty dashboards
Increase timeline labels a to 200px
Set the widget height counting all the timelines
Use avfvideosrc in OS X
Recenter main window in OS X
Don't escape names in the cell renderer
Fix redraw after moving a button and rounding the position
Add support for system templates
Revert change removing the Migration Tool menu item
Use the new name we have for the template
Fix typo in Interface name
Add new Parse function to parse hex colors
Reset players selection correctly
Listen to key pressed in the main window
Redesign dashboard buttons
Disable focus in events lists too
Make hotkeys work when detaching the player
Center text in blackboard
Fix function to measure text size
Name event box to paint the background correctly
Create dashboards dir if it does not exists
Fix exception with early redraws
Update players to the new design
Add missing images to the makefiles
Fix lineup updates with the player paused
Add sorting to the projects list
Fix conversion of old templates with empty backgrounds
Ignore case in the projects filter
Check for invalid path chars in template names
Adjust labels width to the longuest name
Don't create timers timenode until it's ended
Don't draw the selection area in the backbuffer
Don't override Draw when not needed
Fix timer object drawing
Use smaller icons for dashboard buttons
Don't forward key pressed from entries
Ellipsize text in headers
Update timers timeline when a new node is added
Fix plays menu in the timeline
Fix loading of Gst plugins with dependencies in Windows
Redesign tags editor
Add a way to edit tag groups
Grab focus of the last created tag to make edition faster
Remove print line
Support seeking from the timeline
Put a scrolled window to the tags editor
Update translations
Take Scroll in account for seeking from the timeline
Fix function to change focus in widgets
Leave the treeviews focusable for multiple selection
Fix focus function
Start with hotkeys handling
Detach player with the same window size as the widget
Add an outline focus to square buttons
Store lower case keys
Unloaded the loaded play on removal
Create event when all tags are selected
use Shift for all default keys
Add a new configuration panel for global hotkeys
Fix warnings
Only redraw the event time if the seconds changed
Use the default shield icon
Use the new shortcuts icon
Make dashboard hotkeys work except for Event buttons
Add replacements for the default gtk icons
Improve preformance with timeline redraws
Remove unused dependencies from LongoMatch.Services
Make tag buttons from the same group act as radio buttons
Add support for event type hotkeys without tags
Support disabling popup windows in the dashboard
Add missing files to the makefiles
Remind projects sorting in the config
Fix exception when no playlist is created
Fix warnings
Set default visibility to true
Change hotkeys positions to match the layout
Fix coding widget active widget selection
Add tooltips for the dashboard toolbar buttons
Fix hotkeys updates
Rename Seconds to TotalSeconds in Time
Fix Area conversion in scalled canvas
Add new properties to access Time
Fix Exception changing lineup in the new projects panel
Implement the new live analysis UI
Fix resume button icon
Fix projects sorting
Prompt before quiting if we have pending rendering jobs
Fix deadlock cancelling rendering jobs
Fix Exception initializing Time and X
Fix closing segments in non-live
Set the correct mode in the fake analysis component
Open the new project panel for fake live projects
Fix exception disposing the static needle surface
Add support for moving timenodes as a whole
Use non-accurate seeks to sync periods
Update recorded periods for fake live projects
Add a default ID if its empty in the migration
Resync timeline events after syncing periods
Fix hotkey description
Make capture hotkeys work
Handle correctly back button for fake live projects
Fix call to NewGuid
Update POTFILES.in
Add 50 and 60 fps to the list of framerates
Fix exception when no output files are selected
Differenciate timing info from the player and the capturer
Unload loaded element when it's deleted
Stop player when the edit popup shows up
Fix Exception with hotkeys when there is no capturer
Fix moving positions outside of the field boundaries
Fix name of the default lineup
Remove Tag Subcategories action from the old version
Disable key presses in the playlist tree view
Update translations
Add support for reordering events in the list
Fix text escaping in the cell renderer
Initialize key modifier in the event parsing correctly
Save configuration after editing a hotkey
Add support for editing playlists names
Fix event selection in the list
Disable migration tool if db4o is not found
Add players hotkeys tagging
Fix launching the migration tool in Windows
Fix hotkey actions for frame stepping
Fix migration when the goal background is null
Fix indentation with gst-indent
Prefer Fluendo audio encoders when those are available
Fix current time query using the video sinks
Add a new Preferences panel to list plugins and configure them
Add missing serializable attribute to Circle
Delete unused file
Update preferences icons
Load the first selected plugin
Add the new supported framerates
Add missing dep in Json.NET
Replace unicode characters with images
Show players in the substitution event
Fix substitution edition with the away team
Only seek to the event time for substitutions
Add support for external videos and images in playlists
Remove link to trac
Show an error message when there are no capture devices
Delete addins dir if the initialization failed
Fix selection and scroll adding new events to the list
Improve hotkeys use in fake analysis
Fix removing playlist elements
Handle exceptions if one addin fails to load
Enable back player stats
Set GUIToolkit before loading plugins so they can use it
Init GUI toolkit a bit earlier
Make the Stats UI a plugin
Update POTFILES.in
Update translations
Fix Stats plugin link
Check all angles before creating the new project
Include team's shield in the project description
Add new UI for the projects manager
Fix projects sorting
Add Hotkey property for tags
Only load addins from the current prefix
Move some constants to the config
Fix renaming templates
Add new UI for the video conversion tool
Disable moving points in the stats fields
Add a way to edit the team tactics creating the project
Fix install dir for the stats plugin
Force UTF8 encoding and Unix new lines for serialized objects
Render player in the list using the PlayerObject
Only disable moving points for stats
Add missing file
Add support for setting custom colors to teams
Add more pkgconfig for the rest of libraries
Let the backend transform file paths into uris correctly
Fix style for separators
Add a common init function for the config
Add a getter for the project stats filter
Fix audio codec value in the description label
Add team colors to differentiate timeline events
Do not include score, penalties and subs in the stats
Install all the new pc files
Include score and penalties in players stats
Include time played in the player stats
Emulate better os x buttons
Add missing file to the makefiles
Disable whole selection for play objects
Fix OS X keys handling
Fix deadlock with the OS X sink
Disable moving play objects for real
Do not show drawing if the CurrentFrame is null
Fix gettext string
Add UI to configure tags hotkeys
Add support for tag hotkeys
Use team shield for the tabs icons
Add gtk-edit custom icon
Use default shield instead of the logo in the combo boxes
Align teams button in the tagging widget
Remove avconv remuxer and use the GStreamer one
Include headers in the CSV export
Add pc file for LongMatch.Gui and Oxyplot
Update transifex translations
Discover file in a Task to avoid blocking the main thread
Add dialog to choose an importer when several are available
Fix blocking main thread in the discoverer
Fix check deleting the default team
Make sure we are prompted to save after deleting a player
Don't reuse cached templates to avoid persisting changes
Install libcesarplayer in the libdir
Don't harcode the prefix path in the dll.config
Fix background colors for the dabases manager
Add accelerators for the menu items
Use custom button for the playlist widget
Open the left lists widget a bit widder
Update background images
Fix deserialization of old templates
Add stats for timers
Make stats dialog window take an 80% of the screen
Bump revision to 0.91
Add a property to set the background color
Set a width to the field in the player stats
Never hide the close button in the player in live
Add an indicator in live with the last tagged event
Improve layout for live and fake live controls
Hide the open button with multiple selection
Disable moving the timeline marker in the projects sync
Pause the periods sync player clicking back
Set de default background opacity for text to 80%
Fix codecs dialog properties
Fix updating drawings miniatures
Bump version 0.92
Fix exception in the players sorting function
Fix paths initilization for the db migration tool
Use the same checks in the the video conversion discovering files
Update fr and es translations
Make sure we don't end up with table that's not homogenous in width
Refresh updates in the project description in the projects manager
Use an identity when ffdeinterlace is not available
Update Stetic files
Fix typo
Use the full path to the assembly and use mono-sgen in windows too
Fix exception when the nodes list is empty
Fix templates copy
Replace unicode characters with arrows
Use the correct binary extension in windows
Force a video conversion for now
Use baseline profile and hint realtime in live recording
Fix scenario without faad faac
Bump version to 1.0
Use full path to mono-sgen.exe in windows
Balázs Úr (1):
Updated Hungarian translation
Daniel Mustieles (3):
Updated Spanish translation
Updated Spanish translation
Updated Spanish translation
Jordi Mas (1):
Fix Catalan translation
Jorge Zapata (1):
Use the correct module name
Julien Moutte (148):
Embed the header HBox in an EventBox to allow background theming.
Start adapting the template editors to the new design and layout.
Rename treeview widgets in the templates views for consistency and start theming them.
Rename eventbox widget to something more suitable.
Use the color scheme.
Customize the menubar and children menus.
Rename template editor to dashboard editor, refactor widget hierarchy to accomodate with new design.
Add icons.
Fix typo in Predifined.
Add some more images for theming squared buttons. Split buttons configuration in a specific rc file.
Some new icons for the dashboard editor.
Make it possible to hide the internal buttons and trigger adding cards/tags/score/etc.. from remote
Tweak label alignments
Continue with design updates, connect remote buttons for the dashboard editor.
Rename widgets and reorganize widget tree.
Updated stetic file.
Include the new buttons rc file, and customize the dashboard editor widgets.
The vertical separator in the dashboard editor is currently handled with an image. We should change
this and theme the GtkVSeparator widget with the pixmap engine.
Properties need to be in a scrolledwindow.
Update icons for team editor
We will fix font size directly using pango markup.
Start working on the team editor, tweak icon sizes and font sizes using pango markup.
Continue redesigning the team editor UI. Allow hiding internal buttons and being remote controled to
add/delete players.
Some more fine tuning in the Team information table.
New buttons
New Style config for team shield icon size
Small tweaks for font sizes.
Add a ValueChanged signal for the DatePicker widget.
Default birthday set to 25 years ago to make it easier to reach the right date with the calendar
widget. We need to make the entry editable anyway..
Various fixes to the player editor widget. Make sure we support float numbers for the height, that we
clear the labels when null pointer is provided for a string and that we connect to the proper signal for
Tweak font size and scale the team shield to style configured values.
Changes in the widgets layout.
Signal added to DatePicker.
Nationality was not filled from the proper field.
We want to have some border on the buttons in their default state. Otherwise text only buttons are
barely visible.
Fake a frame coming from the title icon with a triangular shape. This requires removing all borders
between the vbox children and compensate with other paddings.
Some more adjustments to font sizes and paddings.
Do not authorize horizontal scrolling for the categories widget.
Default theming for TreeView
Add some new images for combo backgrounds that we will use to simplify the theme. They provide rounded
corners on both sides.
Simplify theming of comboboxes. We force combos to draw a shadow that covers the whole widget, prevent
children from drawing any shadow and customize backgrounds for team combos. The toggle buttons have a 1x1
background image that should match the combo background color. They can also receive a pixmap with different
states if we want but the background colors have to match.
Text color is white in Combobox content.
Add missing files.
Make sure that the tagproperties widget is not sensitive at creation time, it should only be enabled
when something gets selected.
Make sure the tagproperties widget is not sensitive when the Template changes. It should only be
reenabled when something gets selected.
Make sure the player properties widget is not sensitive when the Template changes. It should only be
reenabled when something gets selected.
Add a function to clear the player information from the widgets and use it.
When a new template is set or nothing is selected, make sure the tagger is null.
Improve support for null tagger. We need to reset the different widgets and also protect the event
handlers while changes are done
Manage player frame widget sensitivity only with LoadPlayer and ClearPlayerFrame (could be renamed ?).
Simplify the code.
Rename function for consistency.
Embed datepicker and filechooser in an event box to ease theming and make the button widget belong to
the composite widget.
Add missing files.
Remove useless files.
Tweak IconView background to dark grey.
Reuse the Treeview theme for IconView.
Replace LoadIcon calls by a helper function. This helper function has a fallback for missing icons and
can be used later on to improve icon loading wrt to cross platform support, scaling, etc...
Looks like the LoadIcon from IconTheme is buggy on Windows and OSX and get a random size. Make sure we
load the SVG icons with requested size.
Use the LoadIcon from helpers instead of Stetic's version.
Load the image in the VS widget using our helper to ensure aspect in all platforms.
Add the complete file path as a tooltip on the widget.
Use the datepicker and mediafilechooser widgets in the project manager.
Update with the paddings.
Remove the edit template button as it's not used currently. Use custom buttons for save/export/delete
instead of stock icons.
Add the new icon to Makefile.
- Add some padding between the project manager buttons and the status bar. - Add some padding in
the Open Project panel like other panels.
Load the images in the DrawingTool widget using our helper to ensure aspect in all platforms.
Load the apply button image using our helper function to maintain aspect ratio on all platforms.
Fix Typos.
Load the button image using our helper function to maintain aspect ratio on all platforms.
Load the button image using our helper function to maintain aspect ratio on all platforms.
Force a default width/height for the DrawingTool. We set height to the minimum so that the toolbar
defines the minimum height. If we don't do that stetic will calculate a design size using wrong button sizes
and will make the window way too big.
Load the button image using our helper function to maintain aspect ratio on all platforms.
Also use the helper to load images for the volume button states.
Add proper padding in the categories properties widget. We don't want widgets to stick to the frame
Try to use the same name for panels everywhere.
Previous commit contained some other changes. Refactor welcomepanel to use a Table instead of the Fixed
widget. Much simpler.
Update copyrights.
Fix initial resize of the main window in multi monitor configuration
Try to please OS X compiler
No need to generate the dll config for LongoMatch.GUI
Rename video-utils to force Objective-C compilation. Make sure we properly export the symbols with no
Fix references and make it build with Xamarin Studio on OSX (no MSBUILD)
Add ObjectiveC support in configure.ac. We need it for libcesarplayer .mm files
Fix compiler warnings on OSX
Rename video_utils to .m only as we want to use objective c
Configure.ac needs to require objective c as well
Use custom buttons and set the images ourselves using our LoadIcon helper. This fixes the icons and
their size on OSX.
Make sure there are no conflicting RC files loaded.
Fix a typo
Make sure we use the EosHandler and not an EventHandler for EOS.
Use Fluendo's H264 encoder if available.
Use our Helper function to load the stock icon.
Seek method now takes a synchronous parameter.
Keep the zoom widget height synchronized. It should be identical to the scrolledwindow's scrollbar
height. Also invert the HScale to be consistent with other widgets in the app (ascending).
Theme the GtkScale widgets
Add files for GtkScale theming
Update makefiles for the new theme files
Workaround for a stupid orientation bug in GTK with pixmap engine and the Scales
Fix video window visibility issue on Windows when reparenting
Better fix for ticket #26543. Hiding EventBox's window has side effects on the them and event
handling over the video. Introduce a workaround forcing video window visibility instead.
Ignore submodule oneplay-longomatch
Theme the scrollbars
Fix scrollbars to work on different background colors
Introduce ugly workaround for video window position bug on OSX
Minor improvements on the Range backgrounds
Hide multi angle support for now as it's not ready for release.
Make buttons description label more readable
Try a different approach to force video window visibility when our widget becomes visible directly or
Add import dashboard feature in dashboard manager
Fix reference to NewtonSoft.Json
Handle the case where the user cancels the query dialog
Add icon for import dashboard
Fix icon color to match the others
Fix URLs for the project. Use longomatch.org
Fix a typo
Load the imported dashboard
Refresh objects.xml now the visible property override is gone for VideoWindow.
Use our icon loader helper to make sure icons show properly on all platforms.
Stock icons should be in the Gtk Theme, not in the icons folder.
Update Makefiles for stock icons move
Check if we have codecs providers and show a dialog if not. The dialog will present a legal
disclaimer and provide 2 options : Get the Pro version or install the open source codecs at risk.
Update Makefile from project files.
Use the same stock icon for Close and Cancel
Fix entries focus and text selection colors
Customize yes no stock icons
we will use the .com domain
Remove buggy encoding profiles
When generating score event subcategories we only sum points for the TotalCount. Percentual stats
should analyse the number of occurence.
Minor code improvement.
Improve checkbutton images making them smaller and centered.
Fix appearance of checkbuttons in their different states and inside notebooks.
The new codec choice popup does not use custom URLs anymore.
Add new image file for LM Pro
Add missing gtk-edit file in Makefile.
Integrate new design for the CodecChoice dialog.
Use stock button for refresh
Customize the stock refresh icon
Customize clickable link in labels
More fixes to the theme related to text selections, links, etc..
Add a workaround to set a URL Handler for GtkLabel
Define a cross platform URL Handler for GtkLabel
Make sure we show the dialog and close application from the main loop and not from constructor
Add sane filename proposition for the various file save dialogs
Add an exception for addins to request shutdown.
Cache the list of plugins instead of calculating it each time. Handle the AddinRequestShutdown
exception and rethrow.
Graceful shutdown if an addin requested it.
As we can't rely on Mono.Addins to manage domains properly between Free and Pro, we clean the addins
directory at startup until we find a better solution
Make sure we don't error out if the directory is not here
Marek Černocký (2):
Czech translation
Updated Czech translation
Piotr DrÄ…g (11):
doap: update URLs
Updated POTFILES.in and POTFILES.skip
Updated POTFILES.in
Updated POTFILES.in
Fix Romanian language code
Fix Basque language code
Updated POTFILES.in
Updated POTFILES.in
Updated POTFILES.in
Updated POTFILES.in
Updated POTFILES.in
Xavi Artigas (1):
Filter out BlackMagic DeckLink video capture cards coming through the DirectShow plugin.
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