[chronojump] neuromuscularProfile has own R file. graph.R extrema to util.R

commit 2e50bde5bc0d00d1877656e327c993a96d6cf199
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Thu Mar 20 17:29:03 2014 +0100

    neuromuscularProfile has own R file. graph.R extrema to util.R

 encoder/Makefile.am            |    1 +
 encoder/graph.R                |  349 +--------------------------------------
 encoder/neuromuscularProfile.R |  287 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/constants.cs               |    1 +
 src/gui/encoder.cs             |   14 +-
 src/utilEncoder.cs             |   13 ++-
 6 files changed, 319 insertions(+), 346 deletions(-)
diff --git a/encoder/Makefile.am b/encoder/Makefile.am
index 927f37b..cc1d691 100644
--- a/encoder/Makefile.am
+++ b/encoder/Makefile.am
@@ -3,4 +3,5 @@ encoderdatadir = @datadir@/@PACKAGE@/encoder
 dist_encoderdata_DATA = pyserial_pyper.py \
             graph.R \
             inertia-momentum.R \
+            neuromuscularProfile.R \
diff --git a/encoder/graph.R b/encoder/graph.R
index 5e02dd2..57f4d27 100644
--- a/encoder/graph.R
+++ b/encoder/graph.R
@@ -78,11 +78,13 @@ colSpeed="springgreen3"; colForce="blue2"; colPower="tomato2"       #colors
 cols=c(colSpeed,colForce,colPower); lty=rep(1,3)       
 #--- user commands ---
 #way A. passing options to a file
 getOptionsFromFile <- function(optionsFile) {
        optionsCon <- file(optionsFile, 'r')
-       options=readLines(optionsCon,n=27)
+       options=readLines(optionsCon,n=29)
        return (options)
@@ -108,345 +110,6 @@ EncoderConfigurationName = ""
 write("(1/5) Starting R", OutputData2)
-#extrema function is part of EMD package
-#It's included here to save time, because 'library("EMD")' is quite time consuming
-extrema <- function(y, ndata = length(y), ndatam1 = ndata - 1) {
-       minindex <- maxindex <- NULL; nextreme <- 0; cross <- NULL; ncross <- 0 
-       z1 <- sign(diff(y))
-       index1 <- seq(1, ndatam1)[z1 != 0]; z1 <- z1[z1 != 0]  
-       if (!(is.null(index1) || all(z1==1) || all(z1==-1))) {
-               index1 <- index1[c(z1[-length(z1)] != z1[-1], FALSE)] + 1 
-               z1 <- z1[c(z1[-length(z1)] != z1[-1], FALSE)]  
-               nextreme <- length(index1)
-               if(nextreme >= 2)
-                       for(i in 1:(nextreme-1)) {
-                               tmpindex <- index1[i]:(index1[i+1]-1)
-                               if(z1[i] > 0) {
-                                       tmpindex <- tmpindex[y[index1[i]] == y[tmpindex]]
-                                       maxindex <- rbind(maxindex, c(min(tmpindex), max(tmpindex)))
-                               } else {
-                                       tmpindex <- tmpindex[y[index1[i]] == y[tmpindex]]
-                                       minindex <- rbind(minindex, c(min(tmpindex), max(tmpindex)))
-                               }     
-                       } 
-               tmpindex <- index1[nextreme]:ndatam1  
-               if(z1[nextreme] > 0) {
-                       tmpindex <- tmpindex[y[index1[nextreme]] == y[tmpindex]]
-                       maxindex <- rbind(maxindex, c(min(tmpindex), max(tmpindex)))
-               } else {
-                       tmpindex <- tmpindex[y[index1[nextreme]] == y[tmpindex]]
-                       minindex <- rbind(minindex, c(min(tmpindex), max(tmpindex)))
-               }  
-               ### Finding the index of zero crossing  
-               if (!(all(sign(y) >= 0) || all(sign(y) <= 0) || all(sign(y) == 0))) {
-                       index1 <- c(1, index1)
-                       for (i in 1:nextreme) {
-                               if (y[index1[i]] == 0) {
-                                       tmp <- c(index1[i]:index1[i+1])[y[index1[i]:index1[i+1]] == 0]
-                                       cross <- rbind(cross, c(min(tmp), max(tmp)))                 
-                               } else
-                                       if (y[index1[i]] * y[index1[i+1]] < 0) {
-                                               tmp <- min(c(index1[i]:index1[i+1])[y[index1[i]] * 
y[index1[i]:index1[i+1]] <= 0])
-                                               if (y[tmp] == 0) {
-                                                       tmp <- c(tmp:index1[i+1])[y[tmp:index1[i+1]] == 0]
-                                                       cross <- rbind(cross, c(min(tmp), max(tmp))) 
-                                               } else 
-                                                       cross <- rbind(cross, c(tmp-1, tmp)) 
-                                       }
-                       }
-                       #if (y[ndata] == 0) {
-                       #    tmp <- c(index1[nextreme+1]:ndata)[y[index1[nextreme+1]:ndata] == 0]
-                       #    cross <- rbind(cross, c(min(tmp), max(tmp)))         
-                       #} else
-                       if (any(y[index1[nextreme+1]] * y[index1[nextreme+1]:ndata] <= 0)) {
-                               tmp <- min(c(index1[nextreme+1]:ndata)[y[index1[nextreme+1]] * 
y[index1[nextreme+1]:ndata] <= 0])
-                               if (y[tmp] == 0) {
-                                       tmp <- c(tmp:ndata)[y[tmp:ndata] == 0]
-                                       cross <- rbind(cross, c(min(tmp), max(tmp))) 
-                               } else
-                                       cross <- rbind(cross, c(tmp-1, tmp))
-                       }
-                       ncross <- nrow(cross)        
-               }
-       } 
-       list(minindex=minindex, maxindex=maxindex, nextreme=nextreme, cross=cross, ncross=ncross)
-#comes with every jump of the three best (in flight time)
-#e1, c, e2 are displacements
-neuromuscularProfileJump <- function(e1, c, e2, mass, smoothingC)
-       #          /\
-       #         /  \ 
-       # _     c/    \e2
-       #  \    /      \
-       # e1\  /        \
-       #    \/          \
-       weight <- mass * g
-       #----------------
-       #1.- e1 variables
-       #----------------
-       #e1.range <- range of e1
-       e1.pos <- cumsum(e1)
-       e1.range <- e1.pos[length(e1.pos)]
-       #e1f (when force is done)
-       #from max(abs(speed$y)) at e1, to end of e1
-       e1.speed <- getSpeed(e1, smoothingC)
-       e1f <- e1[max(abs(e1.speed$y)):length(e1)]
-       #e1f.t duration of e1f
-       e1f.t <- length(e1f)
-       #e1f.fmax <- max Force on e1f
-       e1f.speed <- getSpeed(e1f, smoothingC)
-       e1f.accel <- getAcceleration(e1f.speed)
-       e1f.accel$y <- e1f.accel$y * 1000
-       e1f.force <- mass * (e1f.accel$y + g)
-       e1f.fmax <- max(e1f.force)
-       #e1f.rdf.avg
-       #average force on e1f / e1f.t
-       e1f.rfd.avg <- mean(e1f.force) / e1f.t #bars LOAD
-       #e1f.i (Impulse)
-       #average force on e1f * e1f.t / weight
-       e1f.i <- mean(e1f.force) * e1f.t / weight 
-       e1.list = list(
-                      range = e1.range,
-                      t = e1f.t,
-                      fmax = e1f.fmax,
-                      rfd.avg = e1f.rfd.avg,
-                      i = e1f.i
-                      )
-       #----------------
-       #2.- c variables
-       #----------------
-       #find takeoff
-       c.speed <- getSpeed(c, smoothingC)
-       c.accel = getAcceleration(c.speed) 
-       #speed comes in mm/ms when derivate to accel its mm/ms^2 to convert it to m/s^2 need to *1000 because 
it's quadratic
-       c.accel$y <- c.accel$y * 1000
-       c.force <- mass * (c.accel$y + g)
-       c.position = cumsum(c)
-       c.takeoff = min(which(c.force <= weight))
-       #c.jumpHeight = (c.position[length(c.position)] - c.position[c.takeoff]) /10
-       #cl "land" from bottom to takeoff (force < weight)
-       #ca "air" from takeoff to max height
-       #c = cl + ca
-       cl = c[1:c.takeoff]
-       ca = c[c.takeoff:length(c)]
-       #ca.range
-       #flight phase on concentric
-       ca.pos = cumsum(ca)
-       ca.range = ca.pos[length(ca)] 
-       #cl.t = contact time (duration) on cl
-       cl.t <- length(cl)
-       #cl.rfd.avg = average force on cl / cl.t / weight #bars EXPLODE
-       cl.speed <- getSpeed(cl, smoothingC)
-       cl.accel = getAcceleration(cl.speed) 
-       #speed comes in mm/ms when derivate to accel its mm/ms^2 to convert it to m/s^2 need to *1000 because 
it's quadratic
-       cl.accel$y <- cl.accel$y * 1000
-       cl.force <- mass * (cl.accel$y + g)
-       cl.rfd.avg <- mean(cl.force) / cl.t / weight
-       #cl.i = average force on cl * cl.t / weight #impulse #bars DRIVE
-       cl.i <- mean(cl.force) * cl.t / weight
-       #cl.f.avg = average force on cl / weight
-       cl.f.avg <- mean(cl.force) / weight
-       #cl.vf (vF -> valley Force)
-       #minimum force on cl before concentric Speed max
-       cl.speed.max.pos <- min(which(cl.speed$y == max(cl.speed$y)))
-       cl.vf.pos <- min(which(cl.speed$y == min(cl.speed$y[1:cl.speed.max.pos])))
-       cl.vf <- cl.force[cl.vf.pos]
-       #cl.f.max = max force at right of valley
-       cl.f.max <- max(cl.force[cl.vf.pos:length(cl)])
-       #cl.s.avg = avg Speed on cl
-       cl.s.avg <- mean(cl.speed$y)
-       #cl.s.max = max Speed on cl
-       cl.s.max <- max(cl.speed$y)
-       #power
-       cl.p <- cl.force * cl.speed$y
-       #cl.p.avg = avg Power on cl
-       cl.p.avg <- mean(cl.p)
-       #cl.p.max = max Power on cl
-       cl.p.max <- max(cl.p)
-       c.list = list(
-                      ca.range = ca.range,
-                      cl.t = cl.t,
-                      cl.rfd.avg = cl.rfd.avg,
-                      cl.i = cl.i,
-                      cl.f.avg = cl.f.avg,
-                      cl.vf = cl.vf,
-                      cl.f.max = cl.f.max,
-                      cl.s.avg = cl.s.avg, cl.s.max = cl.s.max,
-                      cl.p.avg = cl.p.avg, cl.p.max = cl.p.max
-                      )
-       #----------------
-       #3.- e2 variables
-       #----------------
-       #get landing
-       e2.speed <- getSpeed(e2, smoothingC)
-       e2.accel = getAcceleration(e2.speed) 
-       #speed comes in mm/ms when derivate to accel its mm/ms^2 to convert it to m/s^2 need to *1000 because 
it's quadratic
-       e2.accel$y <- e2.accel$y * 1000
-       e2.force <- mass * (e2.accel$y + g)
-       e2.land.pos = max(which(e2.force <= weight))
-       #e2f (when force is done)
-       #is the same as contact phase (land on eccentric)
-       e2f <- e2[e2.land.pos:length(e2)]
-       #e2f.t duration of e2f
-       e2f.t <- length(e2f) 
-       #for this variables, we use e2 instead of e2f because there's lot more force on e2f
-       #so there's no need to use e2f
-       #e2f.f.max = max force on e2f
-       e2f.f.max <- max(e2.force)
-       #e2fFmaxt = duration from land to max force
-       e2f.f.max.t <- min(which(e2.force == e2f.f.max)) - e2.land.pos
-       #e2f.rfd.max = e2f.f.max / e2f.f.max.t
-       e2f.rfd.max <- e2f.f.max / e2f.f.max.t
-       e2.list = list(
-                     e2f.t = e2f.t,
-                     e2f.f.max  = e2f.f.max,
-                     e2f.f.max.t  = e2f.f.max.t,
-                     e2f.rfd.max  = e2f.rfd.max
-                     )
-       #return an object, yes, object oriented, please
-       return (list(e1 = e1.list, c = c.list, e2 = e2.list))
-#Manuel Lapuente analysis of 6 separate ABKs (e1, c, e2)
-neuromuscularProfileGetData <- function(displacement, curves, mass, smoothingC)
-       weight=mass*g
-       #get the maxheight of the 6 jumps
-       #sequence is e,c,e,c for every jump. There are 6 jumps. Need the first c of every jump
-       nums = NULL
-       heights = NULL
-       count = 1
-       for(i in seq(2,22,length=6)) {
-               d = displacement[curves[i,1]:curves[i,2]]
-               speed <- getSpeed(d, smoothingC)
-               accel = getAcceleration(speed) 
-               #speed comes in mm/ms when derivate to accel its mm/ms^2 to convert it to m/s^2 need to *1000 
because it's quadratic
-               accel$y <- accel$y * 1000
-               force <- mass * (accel$y + g)
-               position = cumsum(d)
-               takeoff = min(which(force <= weight))
-               jumpHeight = (position[length(position)] - position[takeoff]) /10
-               print(paste("Jump Height =", jumpHeight))
-               #store variables
-               nums[count] = i
-               heights[count] = jumpHeight
-               count = count +1
-       }
-       df=data.frame(cbind(nums,heights))
-       bests=rev(order(df$heights))[1:3]
-       print(c("best three jumps are:", df$nums[bests]))
-       print(c("heights are:", df$heights[bests]))
-       #with the best three jumps (in jump height) do:
-       npj <- list()
-       count = 1
-       for(i in df$nums[bests]) {
-               npj[[count]] <- neuromuscularProfileJump(
-                                                 displacement[curves[(i-1),1]:curves[(i-1),2]],        #e1
-                                                 displacement[curves[(i),1]:curves[(i),2]],    #c
-                                                 displacement[curves[(i+1),1]:curves[(i+1),2]],        #e2
-                                                 mass, smoothingC)
-               count = count +1
-       }
-       #create a list of avg of each three values
-       #npmeans = list(
-       #         e1.fmax = mean(npj[[1]]$e1$fmax, npj[[2]]$e1$fmax, npj[[3]]$e1$fmax),
-       #         c.fmax  = mean(npj[[1]]$c$fmax,  npj[[2]]$c$fmax,  npj[[3]]$c$fmax),
-       #         e2.fmax = mean(npj[[1]]$e2$fmax, npj[[2]]$e2$fmax, npj[[3]]$e2$fmax)
-       #         )
-       #return the list
-       #return (npmeans)
-       return (npj)
-neuromuscularProfilePlotBars <- function(load, explode, drive)
-       barplot(c(load,explode,drive),col=topo.colors(3),names.arg=c("Load","Explode","Drive"))
-       print(c("load, explode, drive", load, explode, drive))
-       #show small text related to graph result and how to train
-neuromuscularProfilePlotOther <- function() 
-       #plot
-       #curve e1,c,e2 distance,speed,force /time of best jump
-       #curve e1,c,e2 force/time  (of the three best jumps)
-       #to plot e1,c,e2 curves, just sent to paint() the xmin:xmax from start e1 to end of e2
-neuromuscularProfileWriteData <- function(npj, outputData1)
-       #values of first, 2nd and 3d jumps
-       jump1 <- as.numeric(c(npj[[1]]$e1, npj[[1]]$c, npj[[1]]$e2))
-       jump2 <- as.numeric(c(npj[[2]]$e1, npj[[2]]$c, npj[[2]]$e2))
-       jump3 <- as.numeric(c(npj[[3]]$e1, npj[[3]]$c, npj[[3]]$e2))
-       df <- data.frame(rbind(jump1,jump2,jump3))
-       colnames(df) <- c(paste("e1.",names(npj[[1]]$e1),sep=""), names(npj[[1]]$c), names(npj[[1]]$e2))
-       print(df)
-       write.csv(df, outputData1, quote=FALSE)
 # This function converts top curve into bottom curve
@@ -2340,6 +2003,12 @@ doProcess <- function(options) {
        OperatingSystem=options[27]     #if this changes, change it also at start of this R file
        #IMPORTANT, if this grows, change the readLines value on getOptionsFromFile
+       scriptUtilR = options[28]
+       scriptNeuromuscularProfileR = options[29]
+       #--- include files ---
+       source(scriptUtilR)
+       source(scriptNeuromuscularProfileR)
diff --git a/encoder/neuromuscularProfile.R b/encoder/neuromuscularProfile.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eca07e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/encoder/neuromuscularProfile.R
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+#  This file is part of ChronoJump
+#  ChronoJump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or   
+#     (at your option) any later version.
+#  ChronoJump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+#   Copyright (C) 2014         Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com> 
+g = 9.81
+#comes with every jump of the three best (in flight time)
+#e1, c, e2 are displacements
+neuromuscularProfileJump <- function(e1, c, e2, mass, smoothingC)
+       #          /\
+       #         /  \ 
+       # _     c/    \e2
+       #  \    /      \
+       # e1\  /        \
+       #    \/          \
+       weight <- mass * g
+       #----------------
+       #1.- e1 variables
+       #----------------
+       #e1.range <- range of e1
+       e1.pos <- cumsum(e1)
+       e1.range <- e1.pos[length(e1.pos)]
+       #e1f (when force is done)
+       #from max(abs(speed$y)) at e1, to end of e1
+       e1.speed <- getSpeed(e1, smoothingC)
+       e1f <- e1[max(abs(e1.speed$y)):length(e1)]
+       #e1f.t duration of e1f
+       e1f.t <- length(e1f)
+       #e1f.fmax <- max Force on e1f
+       e1f.speed <- getSpeed(e1f, smoothingC)
+       e1f.accel <- getAcceleration(e1f.speed)
+       e1f.accel$y <- e1f.accel$y * 1000
+       e1f.force <- mass * (e1f.accel$y + g)
+       e1f.fmax <- max(e1f.force)
+       #e1f.rdf.avg
+       #average force on e1f / e1f.t
+       e1f.rfd.avg <- mean(e1f.force) / e1f.t #bars LOAD
+       #e1f.i (Impulse)
+       #average force on e1f * e1f.t / weight
+       e1f.i <- mean(e1f.force) * e1f.t / weight 
+       e1.list = list(
+                      range = e1.range,
+                      t = e1f.t,
+                      fmax = e1f.fmax,
+                      rfd.avg = e1f.rfd.avg,
+                      i = e1f.i
+                      )
+       #----------------
+       #2.- c variables
+       #----------------
+       #find takeoff
+       c.speed <- getSpeed(c, smoothingC)
+       c.accel = getAcceleration(c.speed) 
+       #speed comes in mm/ms when derivate to accel its mm/ms^2 to convert it to m/s^2 need to *1000 because 
it's quadratic
+       c.accel$y <- c.accel$y * 1000
+       c.force <- mass * (c.accel$y + g)
+       c.position = cumsum(c)
+       c.takeoff = min(which(c.force <= weight))
+       #c.jumpHeight = (c.position[length(c.position)] - c.position[c.takeoff]) /10
+       #cl "land" from bottom to takeoff (force < weight)
+       #ca "air" from takeoff to max height
+       #c = cl + ca
+       cl = c[1:c.takeoff]
+       ca = c[c.takeoff:length(c)]
+       #ca.range
+       #flight phase on concentric
+       ca.pos = cumsum(ca)
+       ca.range = ca.pos[length(ca)] 
+       #cl.t = contact time (duration) on cl
+       cl.t <- length(cl)
+       #cl.rfd.avg = average force on cl / cl.t / weight #bars EXPLODE
+       cl.speed <- getSpeed(cl, smoothingC)
+       cl.accel = getAcceleration(cl.speed) 
+       #speed comes in mm/ms when derivate to accel its mm/ms^2 to convert it to m/s^2 need to *1000 because 
it's quadratic
+       cl.accel$y <- cl.accel$y * 1000
+       cl.force <- mass * (cl.accel$y + g)
+       cl.rfd.avg <- mean(cl.force) / cl.t / weight
+       #cl.i = average force on cl * cl.t / weight #impulse #bars DRIVE
+       cl.i <- mean(cl.force) * cl.t / weight
+       #cl.f.avg = average force on cl / weight
+       cl.f.avg <- mean(cl.force) / weight
+       #cl.vf (vF -> valley Force)
+       #minimum force on cl before concentric Speed max
+       cl.speed.max.pos <- min(which(cl.speed$y == max(cl.speed$y)))
+       cl.vf.pos <- min(which(cl.speed$y == min(cl.speed$y[1:cl.speed.max.pos])))
+       cl.vf <- cl.force[cl.vf.pos]
+       #cl.f.max = max force at right of valley
+       cl.f.max <- max(cl.force[cl.vf.pos:length(cl)])
+       #cl.s.avg = avg Speed on cl
+       cl.s.avg <- mean(cl.speed$y)
+       #cl.s.max = max Speed on cl
+       cl.s.max <- max(cl.speed$y)
+       #power
+       cl.p <- cl.force * cl.speed$y
+       #cl.p.avg = avg Power on cl
+       cl.p.avg <- mean(cl.p)
+       #cl.p.max = max Power on cl
+       cl.p.max <- max(cl.p)
+       c.list = list(
+                      ca.range = ca.range,
+                      cl.t = cl.t,
+                      cl.rfd.avg = cl.rfd.avg,
+                      cl.i = cl.i,
+                      cl.f.avg = cl.f.avg,
+                      cl.vf = cl.vf,
+                      cl.f.max = cl.f.max,
+                      cl.s.avg = cl.s.avg, cl.s.max = cl.s.max,
+                      cl.p.avg = cl.p.avg, cl.p.max = cl.p.max
+                      )
+       #----------------
+       #3.- e2 variables
+       #----------------
+       #get landing
+       e2.speed <- getSpeed(e2, smoothingC)
+       e2.accel = getAcceleration(e2.speed) 
+       #speed comes in mm/ms when derivate to accel its mm/ms^2 to convert it to m/s^2 need to *1000 because 
it's quadratic
+       e2.accel$y <- e2.accel$y * 1000
+       e2.force <- mass * (e2.accel$y + g)
+       e2.land.pos = max(which(e2.force <= weight))
+       #e2f (when force is done)
+       #is the same as contact phase (land on eccentric)
+       e2f <- e2[e2.land.pos:length(e2)]
+       #e2f.t duration of e2f
+       e2f.t <- length(e2f) 
+       #for this variables, we use e2 instead of e2f because there's lot more force on e2f
+       #so there's no need to use e2f
+       #e2f.f.max = max force on e2f
+       e2f.f.max <- max(e2.force)
+       #e2fFmaxt = duration from land to max force
+       e2f.f.max.t <- min(which(e2.force == e2f.f.max)) - e2.land.pos
+       #e2f.rfd.max = e2f.f.max / e2f.f.max.t
+       e2f.rfd.max <- e2f.f.max / e2f.f.max.t
+       e2.list = list(
+                     e2f.t = e2f.t,
+                     e2f.f.max  = e2f.f.max,
+                     e2f.f.max.t  = e2f.f.max.t,
+                     e2f.rfd.max  = e2f.rfd.max
+                     )
+       #return an object, yes, object oriented, please
+       return (list(e1 = e1.list, c = c.list, e2 = e2.list))
+#Manuel Lapuente analysis of 6 separate ABKs (e1, c, e2)
+neuromuscularProfileGetData <- function(displacement, curves, mass, smoothingC)
+       weight=mass*g
+       #get the maxheight of the 6 jumps
+       #sequence is e,c,e,c for every jump. There are 6 jumps. Need the first c of every jump
+       nums = NULL
+       heights = NULL
+       count = 1
+       for(i in seq(2,22,length=6)) {
+               d = displacement[curves[i,1]:curves[i,2]]
+               speed <- getSpeed(d, smoothingC)
+               accel = getAcceleration(speed) 
+               #speed comes in mm/ms when derivate to accel its mm/ms^2 to convert it to m/s^2 need to *1000 
because it's quadratic
+               accel$y <- accel$y * 1000
+               force <- mass * (accel$y + g)
+               position = cumsum(d)
+               takeoff = min(which(force <= weight))
+               jumpHeight = (position[length(position)] - position[takeoff]) /10
+               print(paste("Jump Height =", jumpHeight))
+               #store variables
+               nums[count] = i
+               heights[count] = jumpHeight
+               count = count +1
+       }
+       df=data.frame(cbind(nums,heights))
+       bests=rev(order(df$heights))[1:3]
+       print(c("best three jumps are:", df$nums[bests]))
+       print(c("heights are:", df$heights[bests]))
+       #with the best three jumps (in jump height) do:
+       npj <- list()
+       count = 1
+       for(i in df$nums[bests]) {
+               npj[[count]] <- neuromuscularProfileJump(
+                                                 displacement[curves[(i-1),1]:curves[(i-1),2]],        #e1
+                                                 displacement[curves[(i),1]:curves[(i),2]],    #c
+                                                 displacement[curves[(i+1),1]:curves[(i+1),2]],        #e2
+                                                 mass, smoothingC)
+               count = count +1
+       }
+       #create a list of avg of each three values
+       #npmeans = list(
+       #         e1.fmax = mean(npj[[1]]$e1$fmax, npj[[2]]$e1$fmax, npj[[3]]$e1$fmax),
+       #         c.fmax  = mean(npj[[1]]$c$fmax,  npj[[2]]$c$fmax,  npj[[3]]$c$fmax),
+       #         e2.fmax = mean(npj[[1]]$e2$fmax, npj[[2]]$e2$fmax, npj[[3]]$e2$fmax)
+       #         )
+       #return the list
+       #return (npmeans)
+       return (npj)
+neuromuscularProfilePlotBars <- function(load, explode, drive)
+       barplot(c(load,explode,drive),col=topo.colors(3),names.arg=c("Load","Explode","Drive"))
+       print(c("load, explode, drive", load, explode, drive))
+       #show small text related to graph result and how to train
+neuromuscularProfilePlotOther <- function() 
+       #plot
+       #curve e1,c,e2 distance,speed,force /time of best jump
+       #curve e1,c,e2 force/time  (of the three best jumps)
+       #to plot e1,c,e2 curves, just sent to paint() the xmin:xmax from start e1 to end of e2
+neuromuscularProfileWriteData <- function(npj, outputData1)
+       #values of first, 2nd and 3d jumps
+       jump1 <- as.numeric(c(npj[[1]]$e1, npj[[1]]$c, npj[[1]]$e2))
+       jump2 <- as.numeric(c(npj[[2]]$e1, npj[[2]]$c, npj[[2]]$e2))
+       jump3 <- as.numeric(c(npj[[3]]$e1, npj[[3]]$c, npj[[3]]$e2))
+       df <- data.frame(rbind(jump1,jump2,jump3))
+       colnames(df) <- c(paste("e1.",names(npj[[1]]$e1),sep=""), names(npj[[1]]$c), names(npj[[1]]$e2))
+       print(df)
+       write.csv(df, outputData1, quote=FALSE)
diff --git a/src/constants.cs b/src/constants.cs
index a1918d6..86a15c1 100644
--- a/src/constants.cs
+++ b/src/constants.cs
@@ -616,6 +616,7 @@ public class Constants
        public static string EncoderScriptGraph = "graph.R";
        public static string EncoderScriptInertiaMomentum = "inertia-momentum.R";
        public static string EncoderScriptUtilR = "util.R";
+       public static string EncoderScriptNeuromuscularProfile = "neuromuscularProfile.R";
        //no longer used:
        //public static string EncoderScriptGraphCall = 
diff --git a/src/gui/encoder.cs b/src/gui/encoder.cs
index 57cd2bf..02868cc 100644
--- a/src/gui/encoder.cs
+++ b/src/gui/encoder.cs
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
        [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radiobutton_encoder_analyze_cross;
        [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radiobutton_encoder_analyze_single;
        [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radiobutton_encoder_analyze_side;
+       [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radiobutton_encoder_analyze_neuromuscular_profile;
        //[Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radiobutton_encoder_analyze_superpose;
        [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton check_encoder_analyze_eccon_together;
        [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_encoder_analyze_curve_num;
@@ -4921,11 +4922,14 @@ Log.WriteLine(str);
                                Pixbuf pixbuf = new Pixbuf (UtilEncoder.GetEncoderGraphTempFileName()); 
//from a file
                                image_encoder_analyze.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
                                encoder_pulsebar_analyze.Text = "";
-                               string contents = 
Util.ReadFile(UtilEncoder.GetEncoderAnalyzeTableTempFileName(), false);
-                               if (contents != null && contents != "") {
-                                       treeviewEncoderAnalyzeRemoveColumns();
-                                       createTreeViewEncoderAnalyze(contents);
+                               //Currently don't show neuromuscular profile because needs his own treeview 
+                               if( ! radiobutton_encoder_analyze_neuromuscular_profile.Active ) {
+                                       string contents = 
Util.ReadFile(UtilEncoder.GetEncoderAnalyzeTableTempFileName(), false);
+                                       if (contents != null && contents != "") {
+                                               treeviewEncoderAnalyzeRemoveColumns();
+                                               createTreeViewEncoderAnalyze(contents);
+                                       }
diff --git a/src/utilEncoder.cs b/src/utilEncoder.cs
index 2fbfa55..304ec11 100644
--- a/src/utilEncoder.cs
+++ b/src/utilEncoder.cs
@@ -166,6 +166,11 @@ public class UtilEncoder
                                Util.GetDataDir(), "encoder", Constants.EncoderScriptInertiaMomentum);
+       public static string GetEncoderScriptNeuromuscularProfile() {
+               return System.IO.Path.Combine(
+                               Util.GetDataDir(), "encoder", Constants.EncoderScriptNeuromuscularProfile);
+       }
        public static string GetEncoderScriptUtilR() {
                return System.IO.Path.Combine(
                                Util.GetDataDir(), "encoder", Constants.EncoderScriptUtilR);
@@ -249,6 +254,9 @@ public class UtilEncoder
                pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
                string operatingSystem = "Linux";
+               string scriptUtilR = GetEncoderScriptUtilR();
+               string scriptNeuromuscularProfile = GetEncoderScriptNeuromuscularProfile();
@@ -264,6 +272,8 @@ public class UtilEncoder
                        es.OutputData1 = es.OutputData1.Replace("\\","/");
                        es.OutputData2 = es.OutputData2.Replace("\\","/");
                        es.SpecialData = es.SpecialData.Replace("\\","/");
+                       scriptUtilR = scriptUtilR.Replace("\\","/");
+                       scriptNeuromuscularProfile = scriptNeuromuscularProfile.Replace("\\","/");
                        operatingSystem = "Windows";
@@ -271,7 +281,8 @@ public class UtilEncoder
                string scriptOptions = es.InputData + "\n" + 
                es.OutputGraph + "\n" + es.OutputData1 + "\n" + 
                es.OutputData2 + "\n" + es.SpecialData + "\n" + 
-               es.Ep.ToString2("\n") + "\n" + title + "\n" + operatingSystem + "\n";
+               es.Ep.ToString2("\n") + "\n" + title + "\n" + operatingSystem + "\n" +
+               scriptUtilR + "\n" + scriptNeuromuscularProfile + "\n" ;
                string optionsFile = Path.GetTempPath() + "Roptions.txt";
                TextWriter writer = File.CreateText(optionsFile);

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