[gtk+] gtk: port missing array annotations from Vala bindings

commit e596e58c51a2f25c8ff4d35dea2bb77751b2f105
Author: Evan Nemerson <evan nemerson com>
Date:   Mon May 26 09:29:56 2014 -0700

    gtk: port missing array annotations from Vala bindings

 gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.h |   12 ++++++++++--
 gtk/gtkbindings.h            |    2 +-
 gtk/gtkimcontextsimple.c     |    2 +-
 gtk/gtkrecentmanager.h       |    3 ++-
 gtk/gtkselection.c           |    3 ++-
 gtk/gtktextbufferrichtext.h  |    2 +-
 gtk/gtktreemodel.c           |    2 +-
 7 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.h b/gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.h
index 681fe06..21f86b6 100644
--- a/gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.h
+++ b/gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.h
@@ -47,16 +47,24 @@ typedef struct _GtkColorSelection       GtkColorSelection;
 typedef struct _GtkColorSelectionPrivate  GtkColorSelectionPrivate;
 typedef struct _GtkColorSelectionClass  GtkColorSelectionClass;
+ * GtkColorSelectionChangePaletteFunc:
+ * @colors: (array length=n_colors): Array of colors
+ * @n_colors: Number of colors in the array
+ *
+ * Deprecated: 3.4
+ */
 typedef void (* GtkColorSelectionChangePaletteFunc) (const GdkColor    *colors,
                                                      gint               n_colors);
  * GtkColorSelectionChangePaletteWithScreenFunc:
  * @screen:
- * @colors:
- * @n_colors:
+ * @colors: (array length=n_colors): Array of colors
+ * @n_colors: Number of colors in the array
  * Since: 2.2
+ * Deprecated: 3.4
 typedef void (* GtkColorSelectionChangePaletteWithScreenFunc) (GdkScreen         *screen,
                                                               const GdkColor    *colors,
diff --git a/gtk/gtkbindings.h b/gtk/gtkbindings.h
index d0c6030..67c897a 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkbindings.h
+++ b/gtk/gtkbindings.h
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ struct _GtkBindingArg
  * @next: implementation detail
  * @signal_name: the action signal to be emitted
  * @n_args: number of arguments specified for the signal
- * @args: the arguments specified for the signal
+ * @args: (array length=n_args): the arguments specified for the signal
  * A GtkBindingSignal stores the necessary information to
  * activate a widget in response to a key press via a signal
diff --git a/gtk/gtkimcontextsimple.c b/gtk/gtkimcontextsimple.c
index ae9ec48..41ab8c2 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkimcontextsimple.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkimcontextsimple.c
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@ gtk_im_context_simple_get_preedit_string (GtkIMContext   *context,
  * gtk_im_context_simple_add_table: (skip)
  * @context_simple: A #GtkIMContextSimple
- * @data: the table 
+ * @data: (array): the table
  * @max_seq_len: Maximum length of a sequence in the table
  *               (cannot be greater than #GTK_MAX_COMPOSE_LEN)
  * @n_seqs: number of sequences in the table
diff --git a/gtk/gtkrecentmanager.h b/gtk/gtkrecentmanager.h
index 94042ca..b0a26ee 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkrecentmanager.h
+++ b/gtk/gtkrecentmanager.h
@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ typedef struct _GtkRecentManagerPrivate GtkRecentManagerPrivate;
  *   “&percnt;f” and “&percnt;u” escape characters which will be expanded
  *   to the resource file path and URI respectively when the command line
  *   is retrieved;
- * @groups: a vector of strings containing groups names;
+ * @groups: (array zero-terminated=1): a vector of strings containing
+ *   groups names;
  * @is_private: whether this resource should be displayed only by the
  *   applications that have registered it or not.
diff --git a/gtk/gtkselection.c b/gtk/gtkselection.c
index cbe3e48..e066521 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkselection.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkselection.c
@@ -1214,7 +1214,8 @@ gtk_selection_data_get_format (const GtkSelectionData *selection_data)
  * gtk_selection_data_get_data: (skip)
- * @selection_data: a pointer to a #GtkSelectionData-struct.
+ * @selection_data: (array) (element-type guint8): a pointer to a
+ *   #GtkSelectionData-struct.
  * Retrieves the raw data of the selection.
diff --git a/gtk/gtktextbufferrichtext.h b/gtk/gtktextbufferrichtext.h
index 6bd66cc..75cf2d6 100644
--- a/gtk/gtktextbufferrichtext.h
+++ b/gtk/gtktextbufferrichtext.h
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ typedef guint8 * (* GtkTextBufferSerializeFunc)   (GtkTextBuffer     *register_b
  * @register_buffer: the #GtkTextBuffer the format is registered with
  * @content_buffer: the #GtkTextBuffer to deserialize into
  * @iter: insertion point for the deserialized text
- * @data: data to deserialize
+ * @data: (array length=length): data to deserialize
  * @length: length of @data
  * @create_tags: %TRUE if deserializing may create tags
  * @user_data: user data that was specified when registering the format
diff --git a/gtk/gtktreemodel.c b/gtk/gtktreemodel.c
index 6d159ef..3be8308 100644
--- a/gtk/gtktreemodel.c
+++ b/gtk/gtktreemodel.c
@@ -2544,7 +2544,7 @@ gtk_tree_row_reference_deleted (GObject     *proxy,
  * @proxy: a #GObject
  * @path: the parent path of the reordered signal
  * @iter: the iter pointing to the parent of the reordered
- * @new_order: the new order of rows
+ * @new_order: (array): the new order of rows
  * Lets a set of row reference created by
  * gtk_tree_row_reference_new_proxy() know that the

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