[latexila/wip/latexila-next] PostProcessorLatex: code clean-up

commit d94dbd10af68be8ab683eda1fd5f8b0d8a8a1a56
Author: SĂŠbastien Wilmet <swilmet gnome org>
Date:   Sat Sep 13 23:43:24 2014 +0200

    PostProcessorLatex: code clean-up

 src/liblatexila/latexila-post-processor-latex.c |  372 +++++++++++-----------
 1 files changed, 186 insertions(+), 186 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/liblatexila/latexila-post-processor-latex.c b/src/liblatexila/latexila-post-processor-latex.c
index 7ea02e4..5683e59 100644
--- a/src/liblatexila/latexila-post-processor-latex.c
+++ b/src/liblatexila/latexila-post-processor-latex.c
@@ -51,20 +51,39 @@ typedef enum
 } State;
-/* Opened file. They are present in a stack. It is used to know on which file an
- * error or warning occurred.
+/* File opened by TeX. It is used to know on which file an error or warning
+ * occurred. File's are pushed and popped in a stack.
-typedef struct
+typedef struct _File File;
+struct _File
   gchar *filename;
+  /* There are basically two ways to detect the current file TeX is processing:
+   * 1) Use \Input (srctex or srcltx package) and \include exclusively. This will
+   *    cause (La)TeX to print the line ":<+ filename" in the log file when opening
+   *    a file, ":<-" when closing a file. Filenames pushed on the stack in this mode
+   *    are marked as reliable.
+   *
+   * 2) Since people will probably also use the \input command, we also have to
+   *    detect the old-fashioned way. TeX prints '(filename' when opening a file
+   *    and a ')' when closing one. It is impossible to detect this with 100%
+   *    certainty (TeX prints many messages and even text (a context) from the
+   *    TeX source file, there could be unbalanced parentheses), so we use an
+   *    heuristic algorithm. In heuristic mode a ')' will only be considered as
+   *    a signal that TeX is closing a file if the top of the stack is not
+   *    marked as "reliable".
+   *
+   * The method used here is almost the same as in Kile.
+   */
   guint reliable : 1;
   /* Non-existent files are also pushed on the stack, because the corresponding
-   * ')' will pop it. If we don't push them, wrong files are popped.
+   * ')' will pop them. If we don't push them, wrong files are popped.
    * When a new message is added, the last _existing_ file is taken.
   guint exists : 1;
-} OpenedFile;
 struct _LatexilaPostProcessorLatexPrivate
@@ -82,24 +101,27 @@ struct _LatexilaPostProcessorLatexPrivate
    * line_buffer.
   GString *line_buffer;
-  gint nb_lines;
+  /* Number of lines in @line_buffer. */
+  gint lines_count;
   /* If a filename is split into several lines. */
   GString *filename_buffer;
   /* The stack containing the files that TeX is processing. The top of the stack
    * is the beginning of the list.
-   * Elements type: pointer to OpenedFile
+   * Elements type: pointer to File
   GSList *stack_files;
   /* The directory where the document is compiled. */
+  /* FIXME why not storing the GFile? */
   gchar *directory_path;
   /* For statistics. */
-  gint nb_badboxes;
-  gint nb_warnings;
-  gint nb_errors;
+  gint badboxes_count;
+  gint warnings_count;
+  gint errors_count;
 G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex,
@@ -107,18 +129,56 @@ G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex,
 #if 0
-static OpenedFile *
-opened_file_new (void)
+static File *
+file_new (void)
-  return g_slice_new0 (OpenedFile);
+  return g_slice_new0 (File);
 static void
-opened_file_free (OpenedFile *opened_file)
+file_free (File *file)
+  if (file != NULL)
+    g_slice_free (File, file);
+static void
+set_line_buffer (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
+                 const gchar                *line)
+  if (pp->priv->line_buffer != NULL)
+    g_string_free (pp->priv->line_buffer, TRUE);
+  pp->priv->line_buffer = g_string_new (line);
+  pp->priv->lines_count = 1;
+static void
+append_to_line_buffer (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
+                       const gchar                *line)
+  g_return_if_fail (pp->priv->line_buffer != NULL);
+  g_string_append (pp->priv->line_buffer, line);
+  pp->priv->lines_count++;
+static void
+set_filename_buffer (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
+                     const gchar                *content)
+  if (pp->priv->filename_buffer != NULL)
+    g_string_free (pp->priv->filename_buffer, TRUE);
+  pp->priv->filename_buffer = g_string_new (content);
+static void
+append_to_filename_buffer (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
+                           const gchar                *content)
-  if (opened_file != NULL)
-    g_slice_free (OpenedFile, opened_file);
+  g_return_if_fail (pp->priv->filename_buffer != NULL);
+  g_string_append (pp->priv->filename_buffer, content);
 static gchar *
@@ -128,7 +188,7 @@ get_current_filename (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp)
   for (l = pp->priv->stack_files; l != NULL; l = l->next)
-      OpenedFile *file = l->data;
+      File *file = l->data;
       /* TODO check lazily if the file exists */
       if (file->exists)
@@ -154,7 +214,7 @@ add_message (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
       g_strcmp0 (cur_msg->text, "There were undefined references.") == 0)
       latexila_build_msg_reinit (cur_msg);
-      return;
+      goto end;
   if (set_filename)
@@ -205,15 +265,15 @@ add_message (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
   switch (cur_msg->type)
-      pp->priv->nb_badboxes++;
+      pp->priv->badboxes_count++;
-      pp->priv->nb_warnings++;
+      pp->priv->warnings_count++;
-      pp->priv->nb_errors++;
+      pp->priv->errors_count++;
@@ -225,6 +285,17 @@ add_message (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
   pp->priv->cur_msg = latexila_build_msg_new ();
+  pp->priv->state = STATE_START;
+  if (pp->priv->line_buffer != NULL)
+    {
+      g_string_free (pp->priv->line_buffer, TRUE);
+      pp->priv->line_buffer = NULL;
+    }
+  pp->priv->lines_count = 0;
 static void
@@ -255,17 +326,17 @@ latexila_post_processor_latex_end (LatexilaPostProcessor *post_processor)
   cur_msg->type = LATEXILA_BUILD_MSG_TYPE_INFO;
   cur_msg->text = g_strdup_printf ("%d %s, %d %s, %d %s",
-                                   pp->priv->nb_errors,
-                                   pp->priv->nb_errors == 1 ? "error" : "errors",
-                                   pp->priv->nb_warnings,
-                                   pp->priv->nb_warnings == 1 ? "warning" : "warnings",
-                                   pp->priv->nb_badboxes,
-                                   pp->priv->nb_badboxes == 1 ? "badbox" : "badboxes");
+                                   pp->priv->errors_count,
+                                   pp->priv->errors_count == 1 ? "error" : "errors",
+                                   pp->priv->warnings_count,
+                                   pp->priv->warnings_count == 1 ? "warning" : "warnings",
+                                   pp->priv->badboxes_count,
+                                   pp->priv->badboxes_count == 1 ? "badbox" : "badboxes");
   add_message (pp, FALSE);
-static gboolean
+static void
 detect_badbox_line (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
                     const gchar                *badbox_line,
                     gboolean                    current_line_is_empty)
@@ -287,8 +358,7 @@ detect_badbox_line (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
           g_warning ("PostProcessorLatex: %s", error->message);
           g_error_free (error);
-          error = NULL;
-          return FALSE;
+          return;
@@ -303,8 +373,7 @@ detect_badbox_line (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
           g_warning ("PostProcessorLatex: %s", error->message);
           g_error_free (error);
-          error = NULL;
-          return FALSE;
+          return;
@@ -319,8 +388,7 @@ detect_badbox_line (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
           g_warning ("PostProcessorLatex: %s", error->message);
           g_error_free (error);
-          error = NULL;
-          return FALSE;
+          return;
@@ -330,8 +398,6 @@ detect_badbox_line (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
       gint n1;
       gint n2;
-      pp->priv->state = STATE_START;
       /* TODO use g_match_info_fetch_named() */
       strings = g_regex_split (regex_badbox_lines, badbox_line, 0);
@@ -352,16 +418,16 @@ detect_badbox_line (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
           cur_msg->end_line = n1;
+      add_message (pp, TRUE);
       g_strfreev (strings);
-      return TRUE;
+      return;
   if (g_regex_match (regex_badbox_line, badbox_line, 0, NULL))
       gchar **strings;
-      pp->priv->state = STATE_START;
       strings = g_regex_split (regex_badbox_line, badbox_line, 0);
       g_free (cur_msg->text);
@@ -369,39 +435,44 @@ detect_badbox_line (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
       cur_msg->start_line = atoi (strings[2]);
+      add_message (pp, TRUE);
       g_strfreev (strings);
-      return TRUE;
+      return;
   if (g_regex_match (regex_badbox_output, badbox_line, 0, NULL))
       gchar **strings;
-      pp->priv->state = STATE_START;
       strings = g_regex_split (regex_badbox_output, badbox_line, 0);
       g_free (cur_msg->text);
       cur_msg->text = g_strdup (strings[1]);
       cur_msg->start_line = NO_LINE;
+      add_message (pp, TRUE);
       g_strfreev (strings);
-      return TRUE;
+      return;
-  if (pp->priv->nb_lines > 4 || current_line_is_empty)
+  if (pp->priv->lines_count > 4 || current_line_is_empty)
-      pp->priv->state = STATE_START;
       g_free (cur_msg->text);
       cur_msg->text = g_strdup (badbox_line);
       cur_msg->start_line = NO_LINE;
-      return TRUE;
+      add_message (pp, TRUE);
+      return;
-  pp->priv->state = STATE_BADBOX;
-  return FALSE;
+  if (pp->priv->state == STATE_START)
+    {
+      pp->priv->state = STATE_BADBOX;
+      set_line_buffer (pp, badbox_line);
+    }
 static gboolean
@@ -422,7 +493,6 @@ detect_badbox (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
           g_warning ("PostProcessorLatex: %s", error->message);
           g_error_free (error);
-          error = NULL;
           return FALSE;
@@ -434,43 +504,23 @@ detect_badbox (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
         return FALSE;
       pp->priv->cur_msg->type = LATEXILA_BUILD_MSG_TYPE_BADBOX;
-      if (detect_badbox_line (pp, line, FALSE))
-        {
-          add_message (pp, TRUE);
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          if (pp->priv->line_buffer != NULL)
-            g_string_free (pp->priv->line_buffer, TRUE);
-          pp->priv->line_buffer = g_string_new (line);
-          pp->priv->nb_lines++;
-        }
+      detect_badbox_line (pp, line, FALSE);
       return TRUE;
     case STATE_BADBOX:
-      g_string_append (pp->priv->line_buffer, line);
-      pp->priv->nb_lines++;
-      if (detect_badbox_line (pp,
-                              pp->priv->line_buffer->str,
-                              line[0] == '\0'))
-        {
-          add_message (pp, TRUE);
-          pp->priv->nb_lines = 0;
-        }
+      detect_badbox_line (pp,
+                          pp->priv->line_buffer->str,
+                          line[0] == '\0');
       /* The return value is not important here. */
       return TRUE;
-      return FALSE;
+      g_return_val_if_reached (FALSE);
-static gboolean
+static void
 detect_warning_line (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
                      const gchar                *warning,
                      gboolean                    current_line_is_empty)
@@ -492,7 +542,7 @@ detect_warning_line (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
           g_warning ("PostProcessorLatex: %s", error->message);
           g_error_free (error);
-          return FALSE;
+          return;
@@ -507,7 +557,7 @@ detect_warning_line (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
           g_warning ("PostProcessorLatex: %s", error->message);
           g_error_free (error);
-          return FALSE;
+          return;
@@ -515,8 +565,6 @@ detect_warning_line (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
       gchar **strings;
-      pp->priv->state = STATE_START;
       strings = g_regex_split (regex_warning_line, warning, 0);
       g_free (cur_msg->text);
@@ -524,16 +572,16 @@ detect_warning_line (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
       cur_msg->start_line = atoi (strings[2]);
+      add_message (pp, TRUE);
       g_strfreev (strings);
-      return TRUE;
+      return;
   if (g_regex_match (regex_warning_international_line, warning, 0, NULL))
       gchar **strings;
-      pp->priv->state = STATE_START;
       strings = g_regex_split (regex_warning_international_line, warning, 0);
       g_free (cur_msg->text);
@@ -541,24 +589,29 @@ detect_warning_line (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
       cur_msg->start_line = atoi (strings[2]);
+      add_message (pp, TRUE);
       g_strfreev (strings);
-      return TRUE;
+      return;
   len = strlen (warning);
-  if (warning[len-1] == '.' || pp->priv->nb_lines > 5 || current_line_is_empty)
+  if (warning[len-1] == '.' || pp->priv->lines_count > 5 || current_line_is_empty)
-      pp->priv->state = STATE_START;
       g_free (cur_msg->text);
       cur_msg->text = g_strdup (warning);
       cur_msg->start_line = NO_LINE;
-      return TRUE;
+      add_message (pp, TRUE);
+      return;
-  pp->priv->state = STATE_WARNING;
-  return FALSE;
+  if (pp->priv->state == STATE_START)
+    {
+      pp->priv->state = STATE_WARNING;
+      set_line_buffer (pp, warning);
+    }
 static gboolean
@@ -624,18 +677,7 @@ detect_warning (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
               contents = new_contents;
-          if (detect_warning_line (pp, contents, FALSE))
-            {
-              add_message (pp, TRUE);
-            }
-          else
-            {
-              if (pp->priv->line_buffer != NULL)
-                g_string_free (pp->priv->line_buffer, TRUE);
-              pp->priv->line_buffer = g_string_new (contents);
-              pp->priv->nb_lines++;
-            }
+          detect_warning_line (pp, contents, FALSE);
           g_free (contents);
           g_free (name);
@@ -668,22 +710,15 @@ detect_warning (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
       return FALSE;
     case STATE_WARNING:
-      g_string_append (pp->priv->line_buffer, line);
-      pp->priv->nb_lines++;
-      if (detect_warning_line (pp,
-                               pp->priv->line_buffer->str,
-                               line[0] == '\0'))
-        {
-          add_message (pp, TRUE);
-          pp->priv->nb_lines = 0;
-        }
+      detect_warning_line (pp,
+                           pp->priv->line_buffer->str,
+                           line[0] == '\0');
       /* The return value is not important here. */
       return TRUE;
-      return FALSE;
+      g_return_val_if_reached (FALSE);
@@ -764,35 +799,34 @@ detect_error (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
   switch (pp->priv->state)
     case STATE_START:
-      found = TRUE;
+      found = FALSE;
       msg = NULL;
       if (g_regex_match (regex_latex_error, line, 0, NULL))
           gchar **strings = g_regex_split (regex_latex_error, line, 0);
           msg = g_strdup (strings[1]);
+          found = TRUE;
           g_strfreev (strings);
       else if (g_regex_match (regex_pdflatex_error, line, 0, NULL))
           gchar **strings = g_regex_split (regex_pdflatex_error, line, 0);
           msg = g_strdup (strings[1]);
+          found = TRUE;
           g_strfreev (strings);
       else if (g_regex_match (regex_tex_error, line, 0, NULL))
           gchar **strings = g_regex_split (regex_tex_error, line, 0);
           msg = g_strdup (strings[1]);
+          found = TRUE;
           g_strfreev (strings);
-      else
-        {
-          found = FALSE;
-        }
       if (found)
-          pp->priv->nb_lines++;
+          pp->priv->lines_count++;
           cur_msg->type = LATEXILA_BUILD_MSG_TYPE_ERROR;
           len = strlen (line);
@@ -809,12 +843,8 @@ detect_error (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
           /* The message is split into several lines. */
-              if (pp->priv->line_buffer != NULL)
-                g_string_free (pp->priv->line_buffer, TRUE);
-              pp->priv->line_buffer = g_string_new (msg);
+              set_line_buffer (pp, msg);
               pp->priv->state = STATE_ERROR;
               g_free (msg);
@@ -824,9 +854,6 @@ detect_error (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
       return FALSE;
     case STATE_ERROR:
-      g_string_append (pp->priv->line_buffer, line);
-      pp->priv->nb_lines++;
       len = strlen (line);
       if (line[len-1] == '.')
@@ -835,9 +862,11 @@ detect_error (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
           cur_msg->text = g_string_free (pp->priv->line_buffer, FALSE);
           pp->priv->line_buffer = NULL;
+          /* FIXME set lines_count to 0? */
           pp->priv->state = STATE_ERROR_SEARCH_LINE;
-      else if (pp->priv->nb_lines > 4)
+      else if (pp->priv->lines_count > 4)
           g_free (cur_msg->text);
           cur_msg->text = g_string_free (pp->priv->line_buffer, FALSE);
@@ -846,17 +875,12 @@ detect_error (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
           cur_msg->start_line = NO_LINE;
           add_message (pp, TRUE);
-          pp->priv->nb_lines = 0;
-          pp->priv->state = STATE_START;
       /* The return value is not important here. */
       return TRUE;
-      pp->priv->nb_lines++;
       if (g_regex_match (regex_error_line, line, 0, NULL))
           gchar **strings = g_regex_split (regex_error_line, line, 0);
@@ -864,27 +888,21 @@ detect_error (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
           add_message (pp, TRUE);
-          pp->priv->nb_lines = 0;
-          pp->priv->state = STATE_START;
           g_strfreev (strings);
           return TRUE;
-      else if (pp->priv->nb_lines > 11)
+      else if (pp->priv->lines_count > 11)
           cur_msg->start_line = NO_LINE;
           add_message (pp, TRUE);
-          pp->priv->nb_lines = 0;
-          pp->priv->state = STATE_START;
           return TRUE;
-      break;
+      return FALSE;
-      break;
+      g_return_val_if_reached (FALSE);
-  return FALSE;
 static gboolean
@@ -934,17 +952,19 @@ detect_other (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
       new_line = g_regex_replace_literal (regex_other_bytes, line, -1, 0, human_size, 0, &error);
-      if (error == NULL)
+      if (error != NULL)
+          g_warning ("PostProcessorLatex: %s", error->message);
+          g_error_free (error);
+          error = NULL;
           g_free (cur_msg->text);
-          cur_msg->text = new_line;
+          cur_msg->text = g_strdup (line);
-          g_warning ("PostProcessorLatex: %s", error->message);
           g_free (cur_msg->text);
-          cur_msg->text = g_strdup (line);
+          cur_msg->text = new_line;
       g_free (nb_bytes_str);
@@ -964,10 +984,10 @@ detect_other (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
 static void
 push_file_on_stack (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
-                    const gchar                *filename,
                     gboolean                    reliable)
   /* TODO */
+  /* filename: pp->priv->filename_buffer->str */
 static void
@@ -975,8 +995,8 @@ pop_file_from_stack (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp)
   if (pp->priv->stack_files != NULL)
-      OpenedFile *opened_file = pp->priv->stack_files->data;
-      opened_file_free (opened_file);
+      File *file = pp->priv->stack_files->data;
+      file_free (file);
   pp->priv->stack_files = g_slist_remove_link (pp->priv->stack_files,
@@ -1022,7 +1042,7 @@ update_stack_file_heuristic (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
   /* Handle special case. */
   if (expect_filename && line[0] == ')')
-      push_file_on_stack (pp, pp->priv->filename_buffer->str, FALSE);
+      push_file_on_stack (pp, FALSE);
       expect_filename = FALSE;
       pp->priv->state = STATE_START;
@@ -1077,7 +1097,7 @@ update_stack_file_heuristic (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
               next_is_terminator ||
               file_exists (pp, pp->priv->filename_buffer->str))
-              push_file_on_stack (pp, pp->priv->filename_buffer->str, FALSE);
+              push_file_on_stack (pp, FALSE);
               expect_filename = FALSE;
               pp->priv->state = STATE_START;
@@ -1089,7 +1109,7 @@ update_stack_file_heuristic (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
               if (file_exists (pp, pp->priv->filename_buffer->str))
-                  push_file_on_stack (pp, pp->priv->filename_buffer->str, FALSE);
+                  push_file_on_stack (pp, FALSE);
                   expect_filename = FALSE;
                   pp->priv->state = STATE_START;
@@ -1104,13 +1124,10 @@ update_stack_file_heuristic (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
               pp->priv->state = STATE_START;
-              if (pp->priv->filename_buffer != NULL)
-                g_string_free (pp->priv->filename_buffer, TRUE);
               /* TODO ensure that filename_buffer is correctly initialized when
                * using it.
-              pp->priv->filename_buffer = g_string_new ("");
+              set_filename_buffer (pp, "");
               expect_filename = FALSE;
@@ -1134,22 +1151,6 @@ update_stack_file_heuristic (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
-/* There are basically two ways to detect the current file TeX is processing:
- * 1) Use \Input (srctex or srcltx package) and \include exclusively. This will
- *    cause (La)TeX to print the line ":<+ filename" in the log file when opening
- *    a file, ":<-" when closing a file. Filenames pushed on the stack in this mode
- *    are marked as reliable.
- *
- * 2) Since people will probably also use the \input command, we also have to be
- *    to detect the old-fashioned way. TeX prints '(filename' when opening a file
- *    and a ')' when closing one. It is impossible to detect this with 100% certainty
- *    (TeX prints many messages and even text (a context) from the TeX source file,
- *    there could be unbalanced parentheses), so we use an heuristic algorithm.
- *    In heuristic mode a ')' will only be considered as a signal that TeX is closing
- *    a file if the top of the stack is not marked as "reliable".
- *
- * The method used here is almost the same as in Kile.
- */
 static void
 update_stack_file (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
                    const gchar                *line)
@@ -1181,16 +1182,13 @@ update_stack_file (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
           gchar *filename;
-          if (pp->priv->filename_buffer != NULL)
-            g_string_free (pp->priv->filename_buffer, TRUE);
           filename = g_strdup (line + 4);
           g_strstrip (filename);
-          pp->priv->filename_buffer = g_string_new (filename);
-          pp->priv->state = STATE_FILENAME;
+          set_filename_buffer (pp, filename);
           g_free (filename);
+          pp->priv->state = STATE_FILENAME;
       /* TeX closed a file. */
@@ -1212,7 +1210,7 @@ update_stack_file (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
       if (line[0] == '(' ||
           g_str_has_prefix (line, "\\openout"))
-          push_file_on_stack (pp, pp->priv->filename_buffer->str, TRUE);
+          push_file_on_stack (pp, TRUE);
           pp->priv->state = STATE_START;
@@ -1236,12 +1234,12 @@ update_stack_file (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
           gchar *line_stripped = g_strdup (line);
           g_strstrip (line_stripped);
-          g_string_append (pp->priv->filename_buffer, line_stripped);
+          append_to_filename_buffer (pp, line_stripped);
           g_free (line_stripped);
-      break;
+      g_return_if_reached ();
@@ -1251,6 +1249,9 @@ process_line (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
   g_assert (line != NULL);
+  if (pp->priv->state != STATE_START)
+    append_to_line_buffer (pp, line);
   switch (pp->priv->state)
     case STATE_START:
@@ -1283,8 +1284,7 @@ process_line (LatexilaPostProcessorLatex *pp,
-      pp->priv->state = STATE_START;
-      break;
+      g_return_if_reached ();
@@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ latexila_post_processor_latex_finalize (GObject *object)
   if (pp->priv->filename_buffer != NULL)
     g_string_free (pp->priv->filename_buffer, TRUE);
-  g_slist_free_full (pp->priv->stack_files, (GDestroyNotify) opened_file_free);
+  g_slist_free_full (pp->priv->stack_files, (GDestroyNotify) file_free);
   g_free (pp->priv->directory_path);

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