[gsoc-admin] data: Add basic.ics
- From: Lasse Schuirmann <lschuirma src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gsoc-admin] data: Add basic.ics
- Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2015 17:51:42 +0000 (UTC)
commit 515aac0deceb72d49f52ca4249ebf87fefee961c
Author: Lasse Schuirmann <lasse schuirmann gmail com>
Date: Wed Aug 12 18:48:31 2015 +0200
data: Add basic.ics
This makes me able to develop stuff on this plane without internet
data/basic.ics | 7340 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
data/config.cfg | 2 +-
maillib/config.py | 2 -
3 files changed, 7341 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/basic.ics b/data/basic.ics
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3cbc1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/basic.ics
@@ -0,0 +1,7340 @@
+PRODID:-//Google Inc//Google Calendar 70.9054//EN
+X-WR-CALNAME:gsummerofcode gmail com
+X-WR-CALDESC:Timeline and important dates for Google Summer of Code.
+UID:s2gmg0fef4u9gl4o50nvhii850 google com
+ 951
+LOCATION:Oregon Convention Center\, Room D137/138\, Northeast Martin Luther
+ King Junior Boulevard\, Portland\, OR\, United States
+SUMMARY:GSoC BoF: OSCON\, Portland\, United States
+UID:12b0qmms8f8qu2ph965nhveiec google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Suggested 'pencils down' date. Take a week to scrub code
+ \, write tests\, improve documentation\, etc.
+UID:liaq2s5082mopr4v040oikk2i0 google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Students can begin submitting required code samples to G
+ oogle
+UID:51kmp75ib8l3im98l0ppad7748 google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Mentors give students a helping hand and guidance on the
+ ir projects.
+UID:4g5t7r17fb4cd09j6oqatjb3rc google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Mentor Summit at Google: Delegates from each successfull
+ y participating organization are invited to Google to greet\, collaborate a
+ nd code. Our mission for the weekend: make the program even better\, have f
+ un and make new friends.
+UID:spnkqa27ofqm0h7ab5afqk12k0 google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Firm 'pencils down' date. Mentors\, students and organiz
+ ation administrators can begin submitting final evaluations to Google.
+UID:vdno01b0j5p6kmiqofotiv5l0c google com
+SUMMARY:GSOC 2015: Final results of Google Summer of Code 2015 announced
+UID:juud3g5tvrkvtu5pv9ngmf389g google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Final evaluation deadline Google begins issuing student
+ and mentoring organization payments provided forms and evaluations are on f
+ ile.
+UID:ar0dtaev7r6vvd4kb3l5sp2bg0 google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: "Soft" deadline for student code sample submission. Stud
+ ents who want their t-shirts and certificates in the first wave of shipment
+ s must submit their code sample by this date.
+UID:2rbfepi6ko5473ibmj1ieg1nno google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Mid-term evaluations deadline\; Google begins issuing mi
+ d-term student payments provided passing student survey is on file.
+UID:i9dobvnvd5b3sertgfeijtvjfs google com
+DESCRIPTION:Details: https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/cben8g4bil62h3pej5q
+ jjku22i4\nDate: 14 May 2015\nBegin: 7pm\nLocation: Kalkscheune\, Johannisst
+ raße 2\, 10117 Berlin Germany\nEvent Website: http://opentechsummit.net
+LOCATION:Kalkscheune\, Johannisstraße 2\, 10117 Berlin Germany
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: OpenTechSummit May 14\, Berlin
+UID:dpmun5qioud50mhpk5e4a5pcbk google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: IRC meeting to resolve any outstanding duplicate accepte
+ d students - 19:00 UTC #gsoc on freenode.net (organizations must send a del
+ egate to represent them in this meeting regardless of if they are in a dupl
+ icate situation before the meeting.)
+UID:qfadhv5b3dm7unl4j6rvkp0vh8 google com
+DESCRIPTION:I would be holding a meetup for students interested in particip
+ ating in the 2015 Google Summer of Code in the Federal University of Techno
+ logy\, Akure.\n\nMy name is Taslim OKUNOLA\, Google Student Ambassador - FU
+ TA. I hope to engage few student programmers especially those who have part
+ icipated in previous GSoCs to enlighten students about the program and also
+ give answers to some questions. We would also put them through the applica
+ tion process and inform them about the timeline.\n\nThis event is opened to
+ students from FUTA\, Elizade University and Akure. Interested attendees sh
+ ould register here: http://goo.gl/forms/r7ZJhsjPbI\n\nDate: Wednesday\, 25t
+ h March\, 2015\n\nTime: 4pm - 6pm WAT\n\nVenue: \nGNS Building\,\nBeside SA
+ AT Annex\,\nFederal University of Technology\,\nAkure\, Ondo State.\nNigeri
+ a.
+LOCATION:GNS Building\, Beside SAAT Annex\, Federal University of Technolog
+ y\, Akure\, Ondo State. Nigeria.
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Akure\, Ondo State. Nigeria.
+UID:j47ltg4bhinntm9fml2ulls89c google com
+DESCRIPTION:Hello everyone\, \n\nWe are very excited to participate in Goog
+ le Summer of Code 2015! We will be hosting an online meetup for interested
+ students on Wednesday March 11\, 2015 at 10am ET (US). During this hour\, o
+ ur mentors will go over our ideas list and answer any questions. \n\nDial i
+ n details are below. You can also visit our dedicated GSoC forum at http://
+ hpccsystems.com/bb/viewforum.php?f=51&sid=e5966d9e118acb93f12fc3c81af16b1a
+ for more information.\n\n--------------------------------------------------
+ ----- \nMeetup information \n----------------------------------------------
+ --------- \nTopic: HPCC Systems GSoC Meetup \nDate: Wednesday\, March 11\,
+ 2015 \nTime: 10:00 am\, Eastern Daylight Time (New York\, GMT-04:00) \nMeet
+ ing Number: 274 631 262 \nMeeting Password: (This meeting does not require
+ a password.) \nMeeting Link: https://reedelsevier.webex.com/reedelsevier/j.
+ php?MTID=ma3b9e1cb0657268eb84b8c1cf2a5b76d \n\nProvide your phone number wh
+ en you join the meeting to receive a call back. Alternatively\, you can cal
+ l: \nCall-in toll-free number: 1-855-733-3266 (US) \nCall-in number: 1-937
+ -610-2663 (US) \nShow global numbers: http://www.mymeetingroom.com/cnums.a
+ sp?bwebid=6862754&ppc=6786945772&num=1855-733-3266&num2=1937-610-2663 \nAtt
+ endee access code: 678 694 5772 \n\n---------------------------------------
+ ---------------- \nFor assistance \n---------------------------------------
+ ---------------- \n1. Go to https://reedelsevier.webex.com/reedelsevier/mc
+ \n2. On the left navigation bar\, click "Support". \nTo check whether you h
+ ave the appropriate players installed for UCF (Universal Communications For
+ mat) rich media files\, go to https://reedelsevier.webex.com/reedelsevier/s
+ ystemdiagnosis.php. \n
+ 12fc3c81af16b1a for more information.
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: HPCC Systems
+UID:d9hdids01ll8ojro68vas5mu2o google com
+DESCRIPTION:We are having a GSoC Meetup at Google\, Bangalore.\n\nDate: 2nd
+ March\,2015\n\nTime: 4:30 to 7 pm IST\n\nAgenda: ->Increase no. of student
+ s participating in GSoC whose colleges have no or less previous GSoC partic
+ ipation.\n\n -> Increase no. of Women participants in GSoC fro
+ m India.\n\nSpeakers: 5 GSoCers from 2012\,2013\,2014\n\nRight now we are h
+ aving an in person event.\n\nIf are able to get permission for hangouts on
+ air\, we will be streaming it in nearly 5-10 colleges. I'll update the link
+ for HOA soon.\n\nOrganiser: Tejas Dharamsi-GSoC 2014 (PES Institute of Tec
+ hnology)\n Rajath Kumar (RNSIT)
+LOCATION:Google Bangalore Google India Pvt. Ltd No. 3\, RMZ Infinity - Towe
+ r E Old Madras Road 3rd\, 4th\, and 5th Floors Bangalore\, 560 016 India
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Google Bangalore\, India
+UID:atcreh5qrf3rih1jr4bn72mln8 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Google Summer of Code 2015 presentation\nby Andreu Ibanez\n\nPl
+ ace: URJC\, Campus de Móstoles\, AULA Magna \nCalle Tulipán s/n\nMóstoles \
+ nMadrid\n\nmarch 5\, 14 pm\n\nhttp://www.urjc.es/\n\nG+ event:\nhttps://plu
+ s.google.com/u/0/events/c11a2tvc11mupc6vsorb16rg4l8\n(hour still not change
+ d\, i m not controlling it)
+LOCATION:URJC\, Campus de Móstoles\, AULA Magna Calle Tulipán s/n Móstoles
+ Madrid
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: URJC\, Campus de Móstoles\, AULA Magna\, Madrid\, Spai
+ n
+UID:vrl7il996j400gfp6ftjc17irk google com
+DESCRIPTION:Chicago on Thursday\, February 26\, at 4:30pm:\n\nRyerson Labor
+ atory - Room 251\n1100 East 58th St\nChicago\, IL 60637\n(see https://maps.
+ uchicago.edu/?location=Ryerson+Laboratory for map)\n\nAnyone is welcome to
+ attend\, and you do not need to make any prior\narrangements to gain access
+ to the building or room. We would\,\nhowever\, appreciate if you RSVP'd so
+ we can get enough food:\n\n http://goo.gl/forms/fHWCxswAWb\n\nI will be
+ speaking in my capacity as former mentor and org admin\, but\nthere will a
+ lso be several GSoC alums at the event who will provide\nthe student perspe
+ ctive on applying and participating in GSoC.
+LOCATION:Ryerson Laboratory - Room 251 1100 East 58th St Chicago\, IL 60637
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: UChicago\, Chicago\, Illinois\, USA
+UID:24veqm3n1qeofji7cb09eouhb4 google com
+DESCRIPTION:I am going to hold a Meet Up for Students who are interested in
+ applying for Google Summer of Code 2015 at George Mason University on Mond
+ ay March 16th at 3PM -5PM EST. \n\nMy name is Jade Garrett and I participat
+ ed as a student in the 2014 Google Summer of Code Program and I am going to
+ hold a Q& A session for students who would be interested in participating
+ in the 2015 GSOC Session and want to know more about it and what it entails
+ and the progress timeline. \n\nThis is open to any student in the Northern
+ Virginia and DC metropolitan area who would like to attend\, \nPlease RSVP
+ Here so I can have enough refreshments for everyone. http://goo.gl/forms/9
+ 1SxVWqWTf \n\nTime: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM\n\nAddress: \nGeorge Mason University
+ - Fairfax Campus\n4400 University Blvd \nEnterprise Hall Room 278\nFairfax
+ VA 22030
+LOCATION:George Mason University - Fairfax Campus 4400 University Blvd Ent
+ erprise Hall Room 278 Fairfax VA 22030
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: George Mason University\, Virginia\, USA
+UID:o3idv9sl8jkdp3qf0lco1t115c google com
+DESCRIPTION:FARAFIN Google Summer of Code GSoC 2015 Hangout presentation\nF
+ ebruary 18 \, 16:30-17:30 CET\n\nSpeaker\nAndreu Ibanez\, Liquid Galaxy pro
+ ject\n\nUniversity of Magdeburg\, Germany \nFaculty of Computer Science (FA
+ RAFIN) .\n\nFull address:\nOtto von Güericke Universität Magdeburg\nFaculta
+ t für Informatik\nUniversitätsplatz 2\,\nGebäude 29 (Gebäude Ada Lovelace)\
+ nZimmer 307.\nMagdeburg 39106\, Deutschland\n\nHangout event url\nhttps://p
+ lus.google.com/events/c8b9c3d9mt6rj7kvchsb4lp5pfk\n\n\nfind attached his fl
+ yer\, and a promo post on our gdg blog\nhttp://www.gdglleida.com/2015/02/la
+ -temporada-del-google-summer-of-code.html\n
+LOCATION:Otto von Güericke Universität Magdeburg Facultat für Informatik Un
+ iversitätsplatz 2\, Gebäude 29 (Gebäude Ada Lovelace) Zimmer 307. Magdeburg
+ 39106\, Deutschland
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: University of Magdeburg\, Germany Faculty of Computer
+ Science (FARAFIN)\, Germany
+UID:72bgksf24sqi5co58v9fpj2jfg google com
+DESCRIPTION:Google Maps Coordinates: https://www.google.it/maps/dir/''/46.0
+ 811862\,13.2120254/@46.0806001\,13.2127437\,17z/data=!4m2!4m1!3e0
+LOCATION:University of Udine\, Via delle Scienze\, 208 33100 Udine\, classr
+ oom number 1
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: University of Udine\, Italy
+UID:knt2jq6h4lfn5rj8bkj050e6fs google com
+SUMMARY:GCI Grand Prize Winners announced
+UID:76rtds7pcbk8rtn62onl74lbdc google com
+LOCATION:Palacio de Congresos de Cádiz C/ Plocia s/n\, 11006 Cádiz
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Cadiz Convention Center\, Spain
+UID:1bs6p0t3cckjpo95o24s79b41k google com
+DESCRIPTION:We are planing to help the students providing impact of open so
+ urce world and its importance in our life\, followed by our experience with
+ open source organisations. GSoC students would be giving a talk about thei
+ r experience with their organizations. \n\nAt the end\, we are thinking of
+ having a Q&A round for an interactive session. \n\nMeetup site: fossdtu.git
+ hub.io
+LOCATION:Delhi Technological University\, Delhi\, India
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Delhi Technological University
+UID:4jo79cane35ncanh9ujrsgnvc4 google com
+LOCATION:UPES University\, Dehradhun\, India
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: UPES\, Dehradhun\, India
+UID:fvg8v1tb6ce6r0rqt54e5ehh58 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Date : 10th - 11th January\, 2015\nTime : 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. \nVen
+ ue : National Institute Of Technology Durgapur\, West Bengal\, India. PIN -
+ 713209.\n
+LOCATION:National Institute Of Technology Durgapur\, West Bengal\, India. P
+ IN - 713209.
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: West Bengal\, India
+UID:3pp6lukun9ba6p9pfenbvlnjrk google com
+LOCATION:University of Buea Main Campus\, Buea \, Cameroon
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Buea\, Cameroon
+UID:e8ohtrq2lu3d9i30ko4nvn6m5s google com
+DESCRIPTION:We've confirmed that the meetup will be hosted at Faculty of Co
+ mputer Science & IT\, University of Malaya\, Kuala Lumpur\, Malaysia on Nov
+ ember 28\, 15:00-17:30.\n\nAmy Theia Knuth: amy theia knuth gmail com
+LOCATION:Faculty of Computer Science & IT\, University of Malaya\, Kuala Lu
+ mpur\, Malaysia
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Kuala Lumpur\, Malaysia
+UID:i1kli5r3nnijmgvcp74cd46hdc google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Mentors give students a helping hand and guidance on the
+ ir projects.
+UID:irks57u6bsabuvjmemr5n9g4f8 google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Mentors and students can begin submitting mid-term evalu
+ ations.
+UID:chi7ob5rgkhcdaaplosj2dbvc0 google com
+ 7kg
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup/Hangout on Air: Kick Start Google Summer of Code 2015
+UID:otcrthel4mnm2qo60odh2e9i84 google com
+LOCATION:NIT Trichy Trichy TamilNadu - 620015 India
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Tamil Nadu\, India
+UID:7bv3ihcgonjqiuvee5sciusgh0 google com
+LOCATION:Bugema University Information Technology Labs\, Uganda
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Uganda
+UID:tn3t6m9n03iau486loict2ssjs google com
+ rofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+LOCATION:MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology\, Bangalore\, India
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Bangalore\, India
+UID:2bs5gbs41kchra0q6p45amq82o google com
+SUMMARY:GCI Mentoring Orgs submit their winners to Google
+UID:sjranamiu561pdvh7tepc6k8eg google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Students begin coding for their Google Summer of Code pr
+ ojects\; Google begins issuing initial student payments provided tax forms
+ are on file and students are in good standing with their communities.
+UID:f4sh9bo94ud7534u81fiia0kl0 google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Community Bonding Period: Students get to know mentors\,
+ read documentation\, get up to speed to begin working on their projects.
+UID:7ilv39b6jrmnl95ra7g61jgi3s google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Accepted student proposals announced on the Google Summe
+ r of Code 2015 site.
+UID:bheh332mh7l438hhdndg4h2fb8 google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: All mentors must be signed up and all student proposals
+ matched with a mentor\; Student acceptance choice deadline.
+UID:3j53ef1l578d1n9veq33s30rv0 google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: First round of de-duplication checks happens\; organizat
+ ions work together to try to resolve as many duplicates as possible.
+UID:446v8boed5e2iorrvtjmne1lho google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Slot allocation trades happen amongst organizations. Men
+ toring organizations review and rank student proposals\; where necessary\,
+ mentoring organizations may request further proposal detail from the studen
+ t applicant
+UID:lbrartu7nc1530bkied7tis7l8 google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Slot allocations published to mentoring organizations
+UID:o72veveg999tko1na22dofr9h8 google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Mentoring organizations should have requested slots via
+ their profile in Melange by this point.
+UID:pkovak6rj7r0rakcncrulrsnvg google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Mentoring organizations review and rank student proposal
+ s\; where necessary\, mentoring organizations may request further proposal
+ detail from the student applicant.
+UID:k2sjr119k0bksq4ke1kelh6qlk google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Student application deadline.
+UID:7o1mn330fdgm1fp1hl48e8i3cc google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Student application period opens.
+UID:lc6tiku3mfj7847v8b1isgt6dg google com
+SUMMARY:GCI Deadline for Mentors to review student work
+UID:o68uge0n96f3ct5j9armipt460 google com
+ rofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+SUMMARY:GCI - Last day students can claim tasks
+UID:dsi213b4hil3nn7kv4l84d78ic google com
+SUMMARY:GCI - all student work must be submitted
+UID:l9f3hjncilt9p3lf57al6bg0qc google com
+SUMMARY:GCI Starts for Students
+UID:ei9ghnrnfmq7lqhjev9ugumc4o google com
+SUMMARY:GCI 14 Mentoring Orgs Announced
+UID:les41cpv9bvutd8323hpcm3lss google com
+SUMMARY:GCI Mentoring Org Application Period
+UID:vcoccv4g5c3en608l4tu04k7hg google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: IRC feedback meeting for rejected organizations for Goog
+ le Summer of Code 2015. #gsoc on freenode.net. Rejected organizations may a
+ lso choose to email the administrators directly for feedback.
+UID:b7il54r345vsg04opvkvh3nhuc google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Would-be students discuss project ideas with potential m
+ entoring organizations.
+UID:if4ucu95m29m8qlmgaalk3ni6k google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: List of accepted mentoring organizations published on th
+ e Google Summer of Code 2015 site.
+UID:hffh7rear4sju8ebsvvel71am8 google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Google program administrators review organization applic
+ ations.
+UID:3ar23tdce9ul6gjtedbts2qm6o google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Mentoring organization application deadline.
+UID:na6ei1n3oaru6jg886u8e5t40s google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015: Mentoring organizations can begin submitting application
+ s to Google.
+UID:gku942ihj80mbd58aei5gurdss google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC 2015 Program Announced
+UID:sojgi8gepeda8aus2dp1ebcg5g google com
+ 014-el.html
+SUMMARY:GSoC presentation at 2014 DevFest Leida
+UID:sfc1215i7beqq240e674d3srkg google com
+LOCATION:Escola Politecnica Superior\, Universitat de Lleida\, Spain
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Escola Politecnica Superior\, Universitat de Lleida\,
+ Spain
+UID:24jrhv8sllv29hcua444ao1m90 google com
+DESCRIPTION:"Soft" deadline for student code sample submission. What this m
+ eans: if you get us your code sample by this "soft deadline\," you will be
+ in the first round of t-shirts to be shipped. Otherwise you'll need to wait
+ until we have time to do one offs.
+SUMMARY:"Soft" deadline for student code sample submission.
+UID:9i09npnaps0cap4vi639k7q6vo google com
+LOCATION:OSCON 2014\, Portland\, OR\, USA\, Room D136
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: OSCON 2014
+UID:dncl8ag2n1aaafgm77kkb380ec google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] Passing students can begin submitting required code sam
+ ples to Google
+UID:8qd84tcso9qj4616m2pq8be2oc google com
+LOCATION:Google: Delegates from each 2014 participating organization are in
+ vited to Google to greet\, collaborate and code. Our mission for the weeken
+ d: make the program even better\, have fun and make new friends.
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] Reunion at Google: Representatives from each successful
+ ly participating organization are invited to Google to greet\, collaborate
+ and code. Our mission for the weekend: make the program even better\, have
+ fun and make new friends.
+UID:dal42cbq47ruj4iih0is7bkkk0 google com
+LOCATION:#gsoc on freenode
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] IRC meeting to resolve any outstanding duplicate accept
+ ed students - 19:00 UTC #gsoc (organizations must send a delegate to repres
+ ent them in this meeting regardless of if they are in a duplicate situation
+ before the meeting.)
+UID:u3uj40359u7gkrmi9a56c4k9fg google com
+DESCRIPTION:This is a discussion session @DrupalCampChina 2014 on participa
+ ting Google Summer of Code with Drupal https://groups.drupal.org/google-sum
+ mer-code.\n\nThe goal of this session is to help potential students who are
+ interested in GSoC to apply 2014 program or prepare for the next year.\n\n
+ Datetime:\n10AM\, Saturday\, March. 22nd\, 2014. 3:30PM-4:20PM (China time)
+ \n\nLocation:\nThe Nest (Gongyi Xintiandi)\, 105 Puyu West Road\, Shanghai\
+ , China\n\nNear Lujiabang Road subway station (line 8\, 9)\nWalk east for 1
+ 0 minutes\, Make a right turn on Puyu West Road\nNear Nanpu Bridge subway s
+ tation (line 4)\n\nRegistration is optional\nhttps://groups.drupal.org/node
+ /406128\n
+LOCATION:The Nest (Gongyi Xintiandi)\, 105 Puyu West Road\, Shanghai\, Chin
+ a
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Shanghai\, China
+ORGANIZER;CN=arth c patel gmail com:mailto:arth c patel gmail com
+UID:djm8f94a5b8bh780vjdusbfa08 google com
+ rofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+SUMMARY:[GCI 13] Grand Prize Winners announced
+ORGANIZER;CN=arth c patel gmail com:mailto:arth c patel gmail com
+UID:mpoa1bbila1n3m06gugmdui2ic google com
+ rofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] List of accepted mentoring organizations published on t
+ he Google Summer of Code 2014 site.
+UID:ljhpj7qbb0n4r1el9gkpfo11t4 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Hello everybody\n\nI'm pleased to announce that I'll be giving
+ a presentation about GSOC program at RITSI\, Spain's national congress in C
+ órdoba\, south of Spain\, where a couple thousands computing engineering st
+ udents from around Spain will meet for a day on a multitrack conference.\nM
+ arch 28 is the date\, track 3 the place\, hour still unknown. \n\nMain page
+ on http://cordoba2014.congreso.ritsi.org/\nProgram of the congress can be
+ found at: http://cordoba2014.congreso.ritsi.org/programa/\nAnd the presenta
+ tion page at: http://cordoba2014.congreso.ritsi.org/programa/gsoc-programa-
+ de-becas-de-verano-de-google/\n\nSome GSOC swag graciously provided by OSPO
+ team will be given away.\n\nBest\,\n\nandreu ibanez\nfrom Liquid Galaxy LA
+ B project\, GSOC 2014
+LOCATION:RITSI\, Spain's national congress in Córdoba\, south of Spain
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: RITSI congress\, Spain
+UID:i970rsa4v6jqe1dekervheod40 google com
+DESCRIPTION:we will do a GSoC Meetup (presentation + Q&A-session) at the Un
+ iversity of Technology Graz\, Austria\, next week.\nHere are the details:\n
+ \nDate: Tuesday\, 11. March 2014\nTime: 6.45 pm (CET)\n\nLocation:\nLecture
+ Hall i12\nFaculty of Software Technology\nUniversity of Technology Graz\nI
+ nffeldgasse 16b\n8010 Graz\nAustria\nhttps://www.google.at/maps/place/Inffe
+ ldgasse+16b/@47.0587319\,15.4591376\,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x476e4a91
+ fd13a2e9:0xeb64a4feac2d8a02 \n\nThe talk will be in German. Participating o
+ rganizations are: Catrobat\, Blender\, Worldforge\n \nInfo: Announcement fl
+ yer is attached\n\nBest Regards\,\nStefan
+LOCATION:Lecture Hall i12 Faculty of Software Technology University of Tech
+ nology Graz Inffeldgasse 16b 8010 Graz Austria
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Graz\, Austria
+UID:ake4pk84ve5hct18oqqe4i7nsc google com
+DESCRIPTION:Sorry for the short notice\, but I'll be hosting a GSoC infoses
+ sion for prospective students on Friday March 7\, at 3:30pm local time\, at
+ the University of Washington\, Electrical Engineering building\, room AE10
+ 8.\n\nhttp://www.washington.edu/home/maps/northcentral.html?ee1\n185 Steven
+ s Way \nSeattle\, WA 98195-2500
+LOCATION:185 Stevens Way Seattle\, WA 98195-2500
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Seattle\, Washington\, US
+UID:q7ibl6af4oun58c0uevund2kvg google com
+DESCRIPTION:Hello everyone!\n\nWe are a bunch of hackers at Pune Institute
+ of Computer Technology. In\norder to increase the contribution in open sour
+ ce software projects\nfrom student community\, Hacker's Den is organizing "
+ How to GSoC &\nOPW"\, a beginner's guide to Google Summer of Code and Outre
+ ach Program\nfor Women where GSoC and OPW alumni themselves will unravel th
+ e\nsecrets behind GSoC & OPW.\n\nWhat : How to GSoC & OPW\nWhen : Friday\,
+ 7 March\, 2014 5 PM\nWhere : EnTC Seminar Hall\, Pune Institute Of Computer
+ Technology\nCity - Pune\nCountry - India\n\nSpeakers :\n1) Vipul Amler - P
+ ICT 2012 - GSoC'12 JRuby\n2) Kumar Sukhani - PICT 2013 - GSoC'13 JRuby\n3)
+ Anuj Deshpande - PICT 2014 - GSoC'13 BeagleBoard\n4) Sayali Lunkad - PICT 2
+ 014 - OPW'13 OpenStack\n\nEvent Link :\nhttp://www.hackersden.org/events/gs
+ oc2014
+LOCATION:EnTC Seminar Hall\, Pune Institute Of Computer Technology
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Pune\, India
+UID:0mf40vvirgsffde7ukv2n8nc4g google com
+DESCRIPTION:We're going to give an informational talk to students intereste
+ d in\nGSoC\, introducing the program\, bringing some former students to sha
+ re\ntheir experiences and encouraging them to apply.\n\nWhere:\n\nFacultad
+ de Informática\nCampus de Elviña\, s/n\n15071 A Coruña\n\nRoom: TBA\n\nWhen
+ : Thursday\, 6 March 2014\, 20:00 local time.\n\nOrganised by: GPUL (gpul.o
+ rg)\n\n\nRegards\,\n\nSantiago Saavedra
+LOCATION:Facultad de Informática Campus de Elviña\, s/n 15071 A Coruña
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: A Coruña\, Spain
+UID:av9f8sutd13tsioj34iq7jvncg google com
+ rofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] List of accepted mentoring organizations published on t
+ he Google Summer of Code 2014 site.
+UID:3asjfcub67346b4lk4605e0dl0 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Date: Friday\, 28 February 2014\nTime: 9h00 (CET)\n\nLocation:\
+ n\nMain Lecture Hall\nFaculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering\nUnive
+ rsity of Prishtina\nBregu i Diellit\, p.n.\n10000\, Prishitna\,\nRepublic o
+ f Kosovo\nhttps://maps.google.com/maps?q=42.648404\,21.167132\n\nPresenter:
+ Wolfgang Slany\nThe talk will be in English\n
+LOCATION:Main Lecture Hall Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering U
+ niversity of Prishtina Bregu i Diellit\, p.n. 10000\, Prishitna\, Republic
+ of Kosovo https://maps.google.com/maps?q=42.648404\,21.167132
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Prishtina (Kosovo)
+UID:npognppgo006qkqt5ld4kgeojs google com
+DESCRIPTION:Time : March 5th 2014\, 19:00 (GMT+1)\nLocation : Jozef Plateau
+ zaal\, Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen en\nArchitectuur\, Universiteit Ge
+ nt\, Jozef Plateaustraat 22\, Gent\, Belgium
+LOCATION:Jozef Plateauzaal\, Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen en Architect
+ uur\, Universiteit Gent\, Jozef Plateaustraat 22\, Gent\, Belgium
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Ghent\, Belgium
+UID:caf3g1hspmg5qkp7phpmrr3cgg google com
+DESCRIPTION:Sumana Harihareswara (from the Wikimedia foundation)\, along wi
+ th myself will be holding an Information Session at Hunter College in New Y
+ ork City on February 21st at 5pm. I will update with room information when
+ that is set up but just figured I'd post this so that if those who are inte
+ rested want to come\, they can adjust their schedules if necessary.\n\nTo r
+ epeat:\n\nWhere: Hunter College\, 68th st campus\nRoom: Hunter West 215\nTi
+ me: 5:00pm\n\nInterested in coming\, but not a Hunter Student? You will nee
+ d to check-in in the west building and get a badge and then head to the roo
+ m...I am trying to book the same room as last time.\n\n--rob
+SUMMARY:GSOC Meetup: Hunter College\, New York
+UID:c1iqaje6hn1l77f73js4v4u48s google com
+DESCRIPTION:\nI will be holding a GSoC Information Session at the Universit
+ y of\nChicago on Thursday\, February 27th\, from 4:30pm to 5:30pm. It will\
+ ntake place in Ryerson Hall's 4th Floor Conference Room\n(https://maps.uchi
+ cago.edu/?location=Ryerson+Laboratory\; once in\nRyerson\, there are signs
+ pointing the way to the conference room).\n\nAlthough the information sessi
+ on takes place on the UChicago campus\,\nthis event is open to anyone\, not
+ just UChicago students (also\, the\nlocation of the talk will be open to t
+ he public and doesn't require\nuniversity credentials to access).
+LOCATION:Ryerson Hall's 4th Floor Conference Room (https://maps.uchicago.ed
+ u/?location=Ryerson+Laboratory)
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Chicago\, USA
+UID:m1qvtuqpej5gdnm1qa84k418rg google com
+DESCRIPTION:Location: Budapest\, Hungary\, Budapest University of Technolog
+ y and Economics\, room: IB.210\nDate: 24th of February 2014\nTime: it seems
+ that it will be at 2:00 PM\, but actually it is not finally fixed.\n
+LOCATION:Location: Budapest\, Hungary\, Budapest University of Technology a
+ nd Economics\, room: IB.210
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Budapest\, Hungary
+UID:ek3e6m6obj8502rv3piddl748g google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] Google program administrators review organization appli
+ cations.
+UID:2rdnqhusj2brp3qg88kmjcdhuk google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] IRC meeting with rejected mentoring organizations.
+UID:uo2fvhes5a1ou2gpsk3po8f3ko google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] Mentoring organization application deadline.
+UID:gbpl4fktgp8utifer6u5ouvrjk google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] Mentoring organizations can begin submitting applicatio
+ ns to Google.
+UID:2brbir3fkfnml661s8o9crtpoo google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] Slot allocation trades happen amongst organizations. Me
+ ntoring organizations review and rank student proposals\; where necessary\,
+ mentoring organizations may request further proposal detail from the stude
+ nt applicant.
+UID:r6ue3d1tq5happskkihh746sbo google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] First round of de-duplication checks happens\; organiza
+ tions work together to try to resolve as many duplicates as possible.
+UID:bshjv68ls3m038448lk1pjtc14 google com
+ rofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+SUMMARY:[GCI 13] Grand Prize Winners announced
+UID:ipdon8jmibfr6ia9nplarm1v24 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Hi\n\nMinix project mentors are hosting a talk by Joel Sherrill
+ of the\nRTEMS project in Amsterdam. The talk covers SMP and\nthread schedu
+ ling in RTEMS. This has involved the work of\nat least three GSoC students
+ - one of whom is now an RTEMS\ncore developer.\n\nIf you are interested in
+ attending\, the details are:\n\nRTEMS Scheduling and SMP\nJanuary 21 at 14.
+ 00\n\n\nMathematics and Science Building ("Wiskunde & Natuurkunde Gebouw")\
+ , room S6.07\, of VU campus\nDe Boelelaan 1081 \n1081 HV Amsterdam \n\nH
+ ow to get to room S6.07: enter the building at entrance number 1081\, go to
+ floor number 6\, find letter S in the main hallway\, find room number 7 th
+ ere.\n\nThe route to the VU campus using various modes of transport in Engl
+ ish is at:\nhttp://www.vu.nl/en/about-vu-amsterdam/contact-info-and-route/r
+ oute-description/index.asp\nA map of the VU campus to find the right buildi
+ ng with is at:\nhttp://www.vu.nl/en/Images/Boelelaan_campus_map_tcm12-36293
+ 7.pdf\nNotice the entrance number marked 1081.\n--joel sherrill\n\nRTEMS
+LOCATION:Mathematics and Science Building ("Wiskunde & Natuurkunde Gebouw")
+ \, room S6.07\, of VU campus De Boelelaan 1081 1081 HV Amsterdam
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Amsterdam
+UID:mopl18hlmv6dfj33fgrsmv7egk google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC Table: FOSDEM in Brussels\, Belgium
+UID:cll5n1mpoe3lt4fspk1ccq5bh4 google com
+LOCATION:Linux Conf Australia\, Perth
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: LCA\, Perth\, Australia
+UID:35s5hqrri7uvutl7lp31rk8110 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Meet-Up ENSI (École nationale des sciences de l'informatique):
+ the 8th of January (12h Tunisian local time-CET)\nAddress: Campus Universi
+ taire de la Manouba\, 2010 Manouba\, Tunisia
+LOCATION:Campus Universitaire de la Manouba\, 2010 Manouba\, Tunisia
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Tunisia
+UID:r2pf2u2ap6igfg3dgqu7kh332o google com
+DESCRIPTION:Meet-Up IIT (École nationale des sciences de l'informatique):
+ the 26 of December (10h Tunisian local time-CET)\nAddress: Cité El Ons Rout
+ e de Tunis Km 10 Technopole – Sfax\, Tunisia
+LOCATION:Cité El Ons Route de Tunis Km 10 Technopole – Sfax\, Tunisia
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Tunisia
+UID:522n3f1039ffkqdk6q1bpam8jo google com
+DESCRIPTION:We are organizing a small GSoC info session at Faculty of Engin
+ eering\, University of Peradeniya\, Sri Lanka.\nDate : 11/12/2013\nTime : 1
+ .00 pm onwards\nVenue : Seminar Room 1\, Faculty of Engineering\, Universit
+ y of Peradeniya\, Sri Lanka.
+LOCATION:Seminar Room 1\, Faculty of Engineering\, University of Peradeniya
+ \, Sri Lanka
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Sri Lanka
+UID:jkhf9cs2ig089545atqfolbn10 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Hi\, on 26th of December we will be holding a Meetup in hackath
+ on format at the Google campus in Tel Aviv - Israel (26th floor of the Elec
+ tra Building)\n\nWe will have a lightning talk on GSOC and provide informat
+ ion for Mediawiki Devs/ Students/ Hackers who are interested in participat
+ ing as students/mentors in the program this year.\n\nFor more information h
+ ttp://www.wikimedia.org.il/events/hackathon-2013/
+LOCATION:Google Tel Aviv Office
+SUMMARY:GSoC Presentation: Winter Mediawiki 2013 Hackathon\, Tel Aviv\, Isr
+ ael
+UID:9uiccs65nc2dc83phh6tshva9g google com
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Zurich\, Switzerland
+UID:43prl29q6m8v71jupb1kdrcr20 google com
+LOCATION:Seminar Room of CSE\, UoM
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Sri Lanka\, University of Moratuwa
+UID:ar90874bmt67omag2t1m3ekg88 google com
+DESCRIPTION:When:\nDec. 12\, 2013 4pm-5.30pm\nWhere:\nComputer Engineering
+ Department\nMiddle East Technical University\nAnkara / Turkey\nDescription:
+ \nAn information session on GSoC with previous GSoC participants. All are w
+ elcome!\n
+LOCATION:Computer Engineering Department Middle East Technical University A
+ nkara / Turkey
+SUMMARY:GSoC meetup: Ankara\, Turkey
+UID:7ln8jag43bhefau49mvpgka0qs google com
+DESCRIPTION:Place: Université de Bourgogne Antenne de Creusot\, Centre Univ
+ ersitaire Condorcet. Le Creusot\, France.\nRoom: Amphi 8\nDescription: We a
+ re hosting an information session (in English) about the Google Summer of C
+ ode 2014. It is an open session!\nDate and Time: 12/12/2013 8:15AM-9:00AM
+LOCATION:Université de Bourgogne Antenne de Creusot\, Centre Universitaire
+ Condorcet. Le Creusot\, France.
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Le Creusot\, France
+UID:5834t4ba3pivs532v35mksralk google com
+DESCRIPTION:10:15 - 12:00: Presentations about GSoC\n12:00 - 14:00: Social
+ event for attendees
+LOCATION:Gdańsk University of Technology\, WETI NE Aud 1\, Gdańsk\, Poland
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Gdańsk University of Technology\, Poland
+UID:t4110ekonm8bf3bqeb7rk19h7k google com
+DESCRIPTION:11:00 - 12:00: Presentations from GSoC students and mentors\n12
+ :00 - 14:00: Social event for attendees
+LOCATION:Polytechnic University of Bucharest\, Senate Room\, Bucharest\, Ro
+ mania
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Polytechnic University of Bucharest
+UID:iofc5nure5acg5h9s9ra7raut0 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Hi\, \n\nWe will be hosting an information session for GSoC 201
+ 4 aspirants along with the GDayK event.\n\nDate: 09th November 2013\nTime:
+ 3:00pm to 4:30pm (GMT+5:30 Colombo Timezone)\nVenue: Queen's Hotel\, Kandy
+ > http://goo.gl/maps/zWiop\n\nThanks\,\nHarsha
+SUMMARY:GSOC Meetup: Kandy\, Sri Lanka
+UID:qbhpbnmgq2u0mrusb0lj1iaeo8 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Confirmed attendees only
+SUMMARY:University of Toronto GSoC 2014 10 Things Event
+UID:k2tjgcq6ioi4rntbp1op7955dg google com
+DESCRIPTION:Location: Room No. 207\, Academic Block\, Temporary Campus\, II
+ T Mandi\, Mandi\, Himachal Pradesh\, India\nTime: 5:00pm - 6:30pm
+LOCATION:Room No. 207\, Academic Block\, Temporary Campus\, IIT Mandi\, Man
+ di\, Himachal Pradesh\, India
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Indian Institute of Technology Mandi
+UID:6usn7q0tmvf202df4kook8hi94 google com
+DESCRIPTION:We are organizing an information session with GSoC alumni at PE
+ S Institute of Technology\, Bangalore\, India.\n\nDate: 23rd November\, 201
+ 3\nTime: 10:00 AM\nVenue: PES Institute of Technology\, Bangalore\, India\n
+ Address: 100 feet ring road\, Hosakaerehalli\, Banashankari III stage\, Ban
+ galore - 560085\n\nThe event is open to all\n\nLink to our college open sou
+ rce community: pesos.pes.edu/fb \n\nQueries can be directed either as a rep
+ ly to this thread or can be mailed to pesos pes edu
+LOCATION:100 feet ring road\, Hosakaerehalli\, Banashankari III stage\, Ban
+ galore - 560085
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Bangalore\, India
+UID:cjgs7tq9r3uu4mqi3827lgqacc google com
+ rofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+LOCATION:International University of Sarajevo\, Hrasnička cesta 15\, 71210
+ Sarajevo\, BiH
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Sarajevo\, Bosnia-Herzegovina
+UID:8d7l70m6fvvitnpj5228456gbc google com
+DESCRIPTION:Date: 19th of November 2013\nTime: 18:00h - 20:00h\nLocation: U
+ niversity of Antwerp (CMI G0.05)\nInfo: GSoC Presentation by participants:\
+ n -Daan Janssens\n -Glenn De Jonghe\n -Christophe van Gysel
+LOCATION:University of Antwerp (CMI G0.05)\, Antwerp\, Belgium
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Antwerp\, Belgium
+UID:thq5s6gik17p10j0e1h7e94n6o google com
+DESCRIPTION:Date: 2nd November 2013.\nTime: 11 AM\, IST (+5:30)\nVenue: Nat
+ ional Institute of Technology Karnataka Campus\, Surathkal\, Mangalore\, IN
+ DIA 575 025\n \nThanks and Regards\nMora Sreyantha Chary\nFinal year\, Comp
+ uter Engineering '14\n\nNational Institute of Technology Karnataka\nSurathk
+ al\, India 575 025
+LOCATION:National Institute of Technology Karnataka Campus\, Surathkal\, Ma
+ ngalore\, INDIA 575 025
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: NITK\, India
+UID:2icqkhj7ai8nekej3pvgpbvihc google com
+LOCATION:IIT Bombay\, Mumbai\, India
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: IIT Bombay\, Mumbai\, India
+UID:pv86ha6r16u55r1oo867hh2ftc google com
+SUMMARY:[GCI 13] Mentoring orgs submit nominated Grand Prize Winners
+UID:6hrtjjkpvhau85k0afh4j9fu70 google com
+SUMMARY:[GCI 13] Deadline for Mentoring orgs to complete their evaluations
+ of student work
+UID:p4pov52dc2c14j490bk5mq6o58 google com
+SUMMARY:[GCI 13] Contest Ends for Students - Deadline to submit work
+UID:fai2jg9jhpf4o5lqgsd04366k0 google com
+SUMMARY:[GCI 13] Deadline for students to claim tasks
+UID:0k7ljn9pi67hhk5hpf01ahe578 google com
+SUMMARY:[GCI 13] Contest begins - Students can register and start completin
+ g tasks
+UID:t3lpik26h9fjqqq6n4o5g2f8sg google com
+SUMMARY:[GCI 13] GCI Mentoring Organizations Announced
+UID:36i2ebq6ta8oct14kr2iers3ig google com
+SUMMARY:[GCI 13] GCI Mentoring Org Application Period
+UID:lit11nf7d0ajbic7kl3t42ojtk google com
+SUMMARY:Google Summer of Code 2014 announced
+UID:4hr4ovn89ndhomo5itn3n86jpc google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] Final results of Google Summer of Code 2014 announced
+UID:ooumtqd1nb3cn2cfhpjt6gj9mo google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] 1. Final evaluation deadline Google begins issuing stud
+ ent and mentoring organization payments provided forms and evaluations are
+ on file.
+UID:a80tomj8m22vklcpsjqujma8c8 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] Firm 'pencils down' date. Mentors\, students and organi
+ zation administrators can begin submitting final evaluations to Google.
+UID:j82eud2qq6jqit0viq209fv8go google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] Suggested 'pencils down' date. Take a week to scrub cod
+ e\, write tests\, improve documentation\, etc.
+UID:v80eg8l80qmgp0u2t8snvqcttg google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] Mentors give students a helping hand and guidance on th
+ eir projects.
+UID:gna2cboongana7vn58ooto21os google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] Mid-term evaluations deadline\; Google begins issuing m
+ id-term student payments provided passing student survey is on file.
+UID:5lt78ejgpj5oiuuu7mt26kdhpg google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] Mentors and students can begin submitting mid-term eval
+ uations.
+UID:vqmfufbhc5k7ch20rl4mnkj4eo google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] Mentors give students a helping hand and guidance on th
+ eir projects.
+UID:umugtgecvv9scl5lkapf6i6mpg google com
+LOCATION:good standing with their communities.
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] 1. Students begin coding for their Google Summer of Cod
+ e projects\; Google begins issuing initial student payments provided tax fo
+ rms are on file and students are in good standing with their communities.
+UID:bjerqt7s44ktgcp3tlt80ku93k google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] Students get to know mentors\, read documentation\, get
+ up to speed to begin working on their projects.
+UID:kqofb9brt6hnbs5d2om0intd20 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] Accepted student proposals announced on the Google Summ
+ er of Code 2014 site.
+UID:55gsqb29ivcnctr8nerp2dl028 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] Student acceptance choice deadline.
+UID:8hfpnc81c3uagjb0753p4i39vc google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] All mentors must be signed up and all student proposals
+ matched with a mentor
+UID:5m2m1fflnle3preb1ns8giqtl0 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] Slot allocations published to mentoring organizations.
+UID:sdtg00q5ivg6bj2kbpqqs8ofvc google com
+LOCATION:Melange by this point.
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] Mentoring organizations should have requested slots via
+ their profile in Melange by this point.
+UID:hk2ji55dq285n9fer5ii601jn4 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] Mentoring organizations review and rank student proposa
+ ls\; where necessary\, mentoring organizations may request further proposal
+ detail from the student applicant.
+UID:jqcevjbk24iqtncl0964m541ek google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] Student application deadline.
+UID:c4ugh5kaa3o5fvdg64ovbg9g14 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014 ] Student application period opens.
+UID:5blacn50dpu8mtrm9duib36f8c google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2014] Would-be student participants discuss application ideas
+ with mentoring organizations.
+UID:k2c4p9bf458kdbo6ue8ktqsdn0 google com
+LOCATION:OSCON\, Portland Convention Center\, Room D 139/140
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: OSCON\, Portland\, OR\, USA
+UID:h4vneup1ij0ikn4pob8d2k933k google com
+DESCRIPTION:Hello All\,\n I am Ravi Sharan\, Volunteer at GDG Hyd
+ erabad. I'm very happy to announce that GDG Hyderabad is coming up with an
+ On-Air session this Sunday (21-04-2013) with previous Girl GSoC participant
+ s from India to motivate the girl developer community to participate in the
+ program. Session details can be found @ GEEK GIRLS MEET GSoC. \n
+ \n This one hour On-Air session will be about the previous GSoCs
+ sharing their experience in getting involved with GSoC. They will also thro
+ w some light on how girl developers can start to contribute for Open Source
+ projects. You can post your comments throughout the session and the best o
+ nes will get a chance to feature on the Q&A session at the end of the hango
+ ut.\n\nSession Details :\n\nDate - April 21\, 2013.\n\nTime - 7.00 p.m 8.00
+ p.m (IST)\n\nLocation - Youtube (The hangout link will be posted on the GD
+ G Hyderabad Google + page at 06:50 PM on the day of the event.)\n\nLooking
+ forward to meet you all On-Air on Sunday. Have a good time.\n\n\nRegards\,\
+ nRavi Sharan B A G.\,\nGDG Hyderabad.
+LOCATION:Youtube (The hangout link will be posted on the GDG Hyderabad Goog
+ le + page at 06:50 PM on the day of the event.)
+SUMMARY:GSoC Hangout on Air: Hyderabad\, India
+UID:p1rfhhb5pumm3d0gcd097g8ls0 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Hey All\,\n\nI would like to schedule a meetup that will be hel
+ d day after tomorrow at\n\nLocation : Faculty of Engineering And Technology
+ \, Jamia Millia Islamia\, New Delhi\nDate : 20th March 2013\nThere is no re
+ gistration as such and everyone is invited.\n\nThe talk will be taken by me
+ (Manu Gupta) and is coordinated by Akif Khan of Jamia Millia\n\nWe will su
+ rely send in a blog report once the event is added\n\nPlease add the same t
+ o the list. Sorry for the last minute notice/\n\nRegards
+LOCATION:Faculty of Engineering And Technology\, Jamia Millia Islamia\, New
+ Delhi
+SUMMARY:GSoC Info Session: New Delhi\, India
+UID:eocst1dvjbrrdsqnjakobl7tn0 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Freie Universität Berlin\nInstitut für Informatik / Department
+ of Computer Science\nTakustr. 9\n14195 Berlin
+LOCATION:Freie Universität Berlin\, Institut für Informatik / Department of
+ Computer Science Takustr. 9 14195 Berlin
+SUMMARY:GSoC Info Session: Berlin\, Germany
+UID:r4cs6q6u2p4h02qnlfp7916pb4 google com
+DESCRIPTION:GDG Cairo will be hosting a GSoC meetup for undergraduate and p
+ ostgraduate students. Mostafa Mohamed\, a veteran coder participated in ear
+ lier GSoC programs will give an awareness session and answer questions from
+ prospective applicants.\n\nLocation: Hall 2\, Credit Hours building\, Facu
+ lty of Engineering of AinShams University\nDate and Time: April 13th at 5:0
+ 0pm local time\n\nRegards\,\nMohamed Abdellatif
+LOCATION:Hall 2\, Credit Hours building\, Faculty of Engineering of AinSham
+ s University
+SUMMARY:GSoC Info Session: Cairo\, Egypt
+UID:hbq024gts6of6f537jjm70aecg google com
+DESCRIPTION:Please come to the meeting with a link to your ideas page and t
+ he name of the organization you applied under ready. You can queue yourself
+ in the IRC channel once you have arrived.
+LOCATION:#gsoc on Freenode
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] IRC feedback meeting in #gsoc on Freenode for rejected
+ organizations.
+UID:b5ijpolslvgfcrcp0b5maqa6g8 google com
+DESCRIPTION:the place is called eigenLab\, address Largo Bruno Pontecorvo P
+ isa\, Italy\nhttp://map.ninux.org/select/eigenlab/\n\nhere are some news ab
+ out the projects successfully completed within the\nlast year GSoC:\nhttp:/
+ /blog.ninux.org/?s=GSoC
+LOCATION:Largo Bruno Pontecorvo Pisa\, Italy
+SUMMARY:GSoC Info Session: Pisa\, Italy
+UID:73draa22inctv946g2494ts3rc google com
+LOCATION:University of Washington campus\, in room CSE-AE107
+SUMMARY:GSoC Info Session\, Seattle\, Washington\, United States
+UID:ijepl53nqhtljm8f9oqmurvkjk google com
+ ttps://sites.google.com/site/eduonair/google-summer-of-code-2013-hangout-on
+ -air
+SUMMARY:GSoC Hangout on Air: Google Summer of Code 2013
+UID:gms2fr0ovsu6b8tq5a7a3figbo google com
+DESCRIPTION:Event Date: Wednesday 17 April\, 6 PM\nPlace: Fast University\
+ , Lahore
+LOCATION: Fast University\, Lahore
+SUMMARY:GSoC Info Session: Lahore\, Pakistan
+UID:26q16rbgjkaeojhmclivqv3dbs google com
+SUMMARY:Student acceptance choice deadline.
+UID:ianlk0qlrolpa26namaa9fkgh4 google com
+LOCATION:this meeting regardless of if they are in a duplicate situation be
+ fore the meeting.)
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] All mentors must be signed up and all student proposals
+ matched with a mentor
+UID:lthdvccrgevbaj5m4sdf7dsq6g google com
+SUMMARY:IRC meeting to resolve any outstanding duplicate accepted students
+ - 19:00 UTC #gsoc (organizations must send a delegate to represent them in
+ this meeting regardless of if they are in a duplicate situation before the
+ meeting.)
+UID:q6dc0upctnj2hobr0crbrfk90s google com
+DESCRIPTION:Title: Google Summer of Code. Be part of it!\nSubTitle: Catroid
+ Project\nPresenters: Sercan Akpolat\nDate: 11/04/2013\nStart Time: 1:30 p
+ m\nEnd Time: open end\nLocation: ENG 208 at the Koç University\nAddress: Ru
+ melifeneri Yolu 34450 Sariyer Istanbul\, Turkey
+LOCATION:Rumelifeneri Yolu 34450 Sariyer Istanbul\, Turkey
+SUMMARY:GSoC Info Session: Istanbul\, Turkey
+UID:cnon6cpqi6b127b7tfp4cfbv48 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Fusolab 2.0\, address Viale della Bella Villa 94\,\nRome Italy
+ - http://www.fusolab.net/
+LOCATION:Fusolab Viale della Bella Villa 94 00172 Roma Italy
+SUMMARY:GSoC Info Session: Rome\, Italy
+UID:u0e1l8qrmngb02q9iv91v6680o google com
+DESCRIPTION:Date : Monday April 15th\, 2013\, 19:00-22:00\nLocation : Ghent
+ \, Belgium\, Ghent University\, Plateaustraat 22\, Jozef Plateauzaal\nWebsi
+ te : http://student.ugent.be/ceneka/?q=node/193
+LOCATION:Ghent\, Belgium
+SUMMARY:GSoC Info Session: Ghent\, Belgium
+UID:re3p3k6k96tapeoeijbqlf44rc google com
+DESCRIPTION:Hi\,\n\nThis time\, and for the first time ever\, the Free Soft
+ ware Office of the University of Granada (Spain) is going to hold a GSoC me
+ etup/brainstorming session to stimulate the collaboration of Granada studen
+ ts with this program. Since it's the first time\, we won't have any alumni
+ present\, it will be just the CS Faculty dean and myself. So\, here's the s
+ kinny\n* Date: April 12th\n* Hour: Midday\, 12:00 PM\n* Place: ETSIIT (http
+ ://etsiit.ugr.es)\, CS Faculty of the University of Granada\n\nAny advice f
+ or newbies will be welcome.\n\nCheers\n\nJJ
+LOCATION: ETSIIT (http://etsiit.ugr.es)\, CS Faculty of the University of G
+ ranada
+SUMMARY:GSoC Info Session: University of Granada\, Spain
+UID:117920nb276qc7pna2uknf03ho google com
+DESCRIPTION:Venue - University of Moratuwa\, Moratuwa\, Sri Lanka\nDate - 2
+ 9th March\, 2013\nTime - 8 AM - 12PM GMT+5.30
+LOCATION:University of Moratuwa\, Moratuwa\, Sri Lanka
+SUMMARY:GSoC Info Session: University of Moratuwa\, Moratuwa\, Sri Lanka
+UID:ouiu8k8rv0vfn9b69i0pd5tdbg google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Students get to know mentors\, read documentation\, get
+ up to speed to begin working on their projects.
+UID:s0aj6bg4q6ecniv013ujh37rqc google com
+ 6132/
+LOCATION:Wikimedia Foundation 149 New Montgomery Street\, San Francisco\, C
+ A
+SUMMARY:GSoC Info Session: San Francisco\, CA\, USA
+UID:b8hquqfkcn3kg62ku358tha6s0 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Title: Google Summer of Code. Be part of it!\nSubTitle: Catroid
+ Project and KDE\nPresenters: Sercan Akpolat(GSoC\, Catroid Project)\, Pete
+ r Grasch(KDE)\nDate: 13/03/2013\nStart Time: 6 pm\nEnd Time: open end\nLoc
+ ation: Room i12 at the Graz University of Technology\nAddress: Inffeldgasse
+ 16b\, 8020 Graz\, Austria
+LOCATION:Inffeldgasse 16b\, 8020 Graz\, Austria
+SUMMARY:GSoC Info Session: Graz\, Austria
+UID:7v9k641g4tqtjcqip1evufmc9g google com
+DESCRIPTION:Faculdades Integradas de Taquara - FACCAT [1]\, Taquara\, state
+ of Rio Grande do Sul\, Brasil.\n\n[1] - http://www.faccat.br
+LOCATION:Faculdades Integradas de Taquara - FACCAT\, Taquara\, state of Rio
+ Grande do Sul\, Brasil.
+SUMMARY:GSoC Info Session: Rio Grande do Sul\, Brasil
+UID:99k43usuas47q2q7liq6jlgn34 google com
+DESCRIPTION:I along with fellow GSoC alumnus Daniel Packer will be hosting
+ an info session details are as follows:\n\nDate: 13 March 2013\nCity: New Y
+ ork\, NY USA\nCampus: Hunter College\nBuilding: Hunter West \nRoom: 215 \n
+ Time: 1pm\n
+LOCATION:Hunter College\, Hunter West 215\, New York\, NY USA
+SUMMARY:GSoC Info Session: Hunter College\, New York\, USA
+UID:tdmsdfgamj66n7b916edq1eg2s google com
+DESCRIPTION:When: Monday\, 4th March 2013 \nTime: 1:30pm to 5:00pm (GMT+5
+ :30 Colombo Timezone)\nWhere: Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology
+ (SLIIT)\, Malabe\, D-Block\, 302 Hall\n\nWe hope to have 2-3 past GSoCcers
+ as the Speakers.\n\nMore info: \n[1] Lanyrd event : http://lanyrd.com/2013
+ /sliit-gsoc-meetup/\n[2] Map of the place: http://goo.gl/maps/XOExn
+LOCATION:Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT)\, Malabe\, D
+ -Block\, 302 Hall
+SUMMARY:GSoC Info Session: SLIIT\, Colombo\, Sri Lanka
+UID:r6ijrpd9a46pck8vuo3p2hcp68 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Date:- 18 March 2013\nTime:- 11:30am - 1:00pm IST\nCollege:- Me
+ erut Institute of Engineering and Technology\,Meerut\nCity:- Meerut\nRoom:-
+ Audi-5\nExpected turnout :- 50+
+LOCATION:Meerut Institute of Engineering and Technology\,Meerut
+SUMMARY:GSoC Info Session: Meerut\, India
+UID:apmt1gll0n45a1dmr2lsjasrgg google com
+DESCRIPTION:There will be a GSoC 2013 meetup in Sudbury\, Ontario on Tuesda
+ y\, February 26 at 4:00 PM in room FA-358 of the Fraser building at Laurent
+ ian University.\n\nI've scheduled it as part of the GDG Sudbury events (htt
+ ps://developers.google.com/events/176379482/).\n\nLast year we had about 20
+ students turn out\, but it was too close to the end of the application per
+ iod and we only had one (unsuccessful) applicant\, so as a big believer in
+ the program I'm hoping to hit the student base in the area early this year
+ to rustle up some more applications & hope for more success :)
+LOCATION:Sudbury Ontario\, Laurentian University
+SUMMARY:GSoC Info Session: Sudbury\, Ontario
+UID:t45j3kphfuubov4hg5rpnr9plc google com
+DESCRIPTION:When: Wednesday 20th of February\nWhere: Hacklab KIKA\nTime: 8:
+ 00 p.m.\n\nIt is a collaboration between "Free Software Macedonia" and "Fig
+ ht like a Girl" and it aims for young girls and women to get involved in Fr
+ ee Software though programs like this one.\n\nWe have two speakers\, explai
+ ning the programs.\n\nLinks:\n\n1. http://b10g.spodeli.org/2013/02/blog-pos
+ t_9698.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+spod
+ eliznaenje+%28Spodeli+Znaenje%29 - announcement in Macedonian\n\n2. Map to
+ place: https://plus.google.com/107897866196367010934/about?hl=en
+LOCATION:Skopje\, Macedonia
+SUMMARY:GSoC Info Session: Skopje\, Macedonia
+UID:4tmocpugk6k4fjnsh29haibvq8 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Here\, at IRILL in Paris\,\nMarch 13th from 4 => 8pm. We will h
+ ave (at least) people from Debian\,\nLLVM & Scilab.\n\nHere is the address:
+ \n23\, avenue d'Italie\,\n75013 Paris\nFrance\nhttp://www.irill.org/about/a
+ ccess
+LOCATION:IRILL\, Paris\, France
+SUMMARY:GSoC Info Session: IRILL\, Paris\, France
+UID:2u15n745h0lfljiq7ve5t5b2s4 google com
+DESCRIPTION:When: Tuesday\, 19th February\, 2013\nWhere: PES Institute of T
+ echnology\, Bangalore\, India.\nBuilding: MCA Seminar Hall\, MRD block\nTim
+ e: 3:45 PM IST\n\nPESIT was one of the highest 10 colleges to have the most
+ number of GSoCers [1]\n\nThe Google Maps location of PESIT is [2]\n\nIn al
+ l\, there are going to be 5 speakers\, each of them a 2012 GSoCer.\n3 of th
+ em are from KDE\, 1 from SimpleCV\, another from DocBook\n\n[1] http://goog
+ le-opensource.blogspot.in/2012/05/correction-to-google-summer-of-code.html\
+ n\n[2] http://goo.gl/maps/nj6AU\n\nRegards\,\nShrikrishna Holla\nPES OpenSo
+ urce community
+LOCATION:PESIT\, Bangalore\, India
+SUMMARY:GSoC Info Session: PESIT\, Bangalore\, India
+UID:40pu98ra6cmarm1meksi4vnjts google com
+DESCRIPTION:I had this scheduled before hand and planned to include GSOC in
+ formation\neven if it was in the abstract abouout the future and details ab
+ out the past\nbut now it is real. :)\n\nDate: 15 February 2013\nCi
+ ty: Chattanooga Tennessee USA\nCampus: University of Tennesse
+ e at Chattanooga\nBuilding: Engineering and Computer Science Building\
+ nRoom: I don't know yet.. if interested\, ask me\nTime: No
+ on EST\n\nThat's about all I know at this time.\n\nFWIW: I will be in Chatt
+ anooga again Sunday for scholarship interviews.\nIf you want to talk GSOC\,
+ I will be back on campus then.
+LOCATION:University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
+UID:a43kf02n4q35olf8a0glvmdf5s google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Would-be student participants discuss application ideas
+ with mentoring organizations.
+UID:ko70qfd4ecnljg59pa96d1ru1o google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Program Announced.
+UID:jjo049qk35b26j1gtaru305orc google com
+LOCATION:Google: Representatives from each successfully participating organ
+ ization are invited to Google to greet\, collaborate and code. Our mission
+ for the weekend: make the program even better\, have fun and make new frien
+ ds.
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Mentor Summit at Google: Representatives from each succ
+ essfully participating organization are invited to Google to greet\, collab
+ orate and code. Our mission for the weekend: make the program even better\,
+ have fun and make new friends.
+UID:ku3gcdlibsobq6qcveb6e2gp74 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Final results of Google Summer of Code 2013 announced
+UID:t6m8pbn35l2iidd18shm6tq5tk google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Students can begin submitting required code samples to
+ Google
+UID:560anc5e3kh5ajl526lgkrbhhs google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Final evaluation deadline Google begins issuing student
+ and mentoring organization payments provided forms and evaluations are on
+ file.
+UID:hge3sig8i1mkfo2td0dbjjb0cg google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Firm 'pencils down' date. Mentors\, students and organi
+ zation administrators can begin submitting final evaluations to Google.
+UID:jr9m4jkd1975o76clk7n3fg790 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Suggested 'pencils down' date. Take a week to scrub cod
+ e\, write tests\, improve documentation\, etc.
+UID:amb1seg4bl066a3mlk9m1qe0rk google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Mentors give students a helping hand and guidance on th
+ eir projects.
+UID:6qgth0i7i97indmcghlrq4b8h8 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Mid-term evaluations deadline\; Google begins issuing m
+ id-term student payments provided passing student survey is on file.
+UID:phck7sectm3rs6tn3c7hagu2uk google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Mentors and students can begin submitting mid-term eval
+ uations.
+UID:5hlvi4pvihesfiotan6sti1om4 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Mentors give students a helping hand and guidance on th
+ eir projects.
+UID:oau60nm4l4q57qkvinish1g5o0 google com
+LOCATION:good standing with their communities.
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Students begin coding for their Google Summer of Code p
+ rojects\; Google begins issuing initial student payments provided tax forms
+ are on file and students are in good standing with their communities.
+UID:npdp7ddq1g7gcv1c1ig8lgv7p4 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Accepted student proposals announced on the Google Summ
+ er of Code 2013 site.
+UID:5on0jqb7vbofgnue26fd6ag6ms google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] First round of de-duplication checks happens\; organiza
+ tions work together to try to resolve as many duplicates as possible.
+UID:h9m52t44avo3rq3ki62v7rrjd4 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Slot allocation trades happen amongst organizations. Me
+ ntoring organizations review and rank student proposals\; where necessary\,
+ mentoring organizations may request further proposal detail from the stude
+ nt applicant.
+UID:blnsutbjmos60c2c3o6p3b8s04 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Slot allocations published to mentoring organizations
+UID:gfuvgl4g1f4i2icak5t7u3mhok google com
+LOCATION:Melange by this point.
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Mentoring organizations should have requested slots via
+ their profile in Melange by this point.
+UID:oiseppr8797u4o6tro6nd888vs google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Mentoring organizations review and rank student proposa
+ ls\; where necessary\, mentoring organizations may request further proposal
+ detail from the student applicant.
+UID:r6c5252sqm1gknskc9mgod6sp8 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Student application deadline.
+UID:sdgkslj10nnuplnusno5t27pc4 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Student application period opens.
+UID:1jf6qd8ldlue8lblirtgr1fqo0 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Google program administrators review organization appli
+ cations.
+UID:q2cuqtrtil1goef7dko59cf5jc google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] List of accepted mentoring organizations published on t
+ he Google Summer of Code 2013 site.
+UID:ol8l1licp7jvf3rvub0tie08fs google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Mentoring organization application deadline.
+UID:pufiphuhg1b3sht9cgvteb938k google com
+SUMMARY:[GSoC 2013] Mentoring organizations can begin submitting applicatio
+ ns to Google.
+ORGANIZER;CN=eduardo edusantos gmail com:mailto:eduardo edusantos gmail com
+UID:e79uk2egh416s8p7h9voj6k2d8 google com
+ rofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+LOCATION:Aeroporto de Foz
+UID:08gblltueihbv0rgefl8qtncas google com
+LOCATION:Starts- Students can start claiming tasks
+SUMMARY:[GCI] Google Code-in Starts- Students can start claiming tasks
+UID:st0a0gl40ch2rv8cr71jv9i4jo google com
+LOCATION:Grand Prize Winners Announced on Google OS Blog
+SUMMARY:[GCI] Google Code-in Grand Prize Winners Announced on Google OS Blo
+ g
+UID:nru0o6qiio7djjjpimtqg8f77k google com
+SUMMARY:[GCI] Mentoring Organization Deadline for Evaluation of Student Wor
+ k
+UID:mvn26gald3k1fer73q6t4ni9n0 google com
+LOCATION:Student Work Stops
+SUMMARY:[GCI] All Google Code-in Student Work Stops
+UID:ol49589ompoesltt8a6r2efnss google com
+SUMMARY:[GCI] GCI Mentoring Organizations Announced
+UID:9h27highgpv2slb7m1scjp02a0 google com
+SUMMARY:[GCI] Deadline for Organizations to apply to be Mentoring Orgs for
+ GCI 2012
+UID:5tv3gc9hojlsnk53j93e89hkco google com
+LOCATION:2012 Announced
+SUMMARY:[GCI] Google Code-in 2012 Announced
+UID:qbbrcf3mg5rj0vprd9qml1uut0 google com
+SUMMARY:[GCI] Mentoring Organizations can apply to be part of GCI 2012
+ORGANIZER;CN=max loeffler 1 googlemail com:mailto:max loeffler 1 googlemail
+ .com
+ ummerofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+DESCRIPTION:Date & Time: Thursday\, 10th March\, 14:00 - 15:00 (GMT + 2)\nL
+ ocation: Amphitheatre EC105\, "Politehnica" University of Bucharest\,\nBuch
+ arest\, Romania
+LOCATION:Bucharest\, Romania
+SUMMARY:Google Summer of Code Presentation
+ORGANIZER;CN=max loeffler 1 googlemail com:mailto:max loeffler 1 googlemail
+ .com
+ ummerofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+LOCATION:OSCON 2009 Conference
+SUMMARY:Community update and BoF at OSCON 2009 Conference
+ORGANIZER;CN=max loeffler 1 googlemail com:mailto:max loeffler 1 googlemail
+ .com
+ ummerofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+DESCRIPTION:Come learn more about Google Summer of Code past and present.\n
+ Google Chicago\n20 W. Kinzie St\nChicago\, IL 60654\nMain Phone 312-840-410
+ 0\n\nRegistration LInk TBD
+LOCATION:Google Chicago
+SUMMARY:Chicago GSoC Meetup
+ORGANIZER;CN=max loeffler 1 googlemail com:mailto:max loeffler 1 googlemail
+ .com
+ ummerofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+SUMMARY:GSOC Mentor Summit
+ORGANIZER;CN=max loeffler 1 googlemail com:mailto:max loeffler 1 googlemail
+ .com
+ ummerofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+DESCRIPTION:Look for two adjoining tables marked for Google Summer of Code
+ BoF.
+LOCATION:Lunch Room at Portland Convention Center
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup Lunch at OSCON\, Portland
+ORGANIZER;CN=max loeffler 1 googlemail com:mailto:max loeffler 1 googlemail
+ .com
+ ummerofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+SUMMARY:Google begins sending student stipend payments & start of program g
+ ifts
+UID:sbqjh3378sv6und1bhei8ni0ro google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] Students can begin submitting required code samples to Googl
+ e
+UID:e79aqb5in7depmhtb0r0kca2u8 google com
+LOCATION:Oregon Convention Center\, D135
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Portland\, OR\; OSCON
+UID:sj4v88uh4o94oac81o9it8ufjk google com
+LOCATION:The Eliot Center at 1226 SW Salmon St Portland\, OR 97205
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: OS Bridge\, Portland
+UID:0brui5ah3cbse2bk2doem4sjrc google com
+DESCRIPTION:see http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/document/show/gsoc_progr
+ am/google/gsoc2012/studentinfo
+SUMMARY:LAST DAY for Students to submit tax forms & proof of enrollment
+UID:vptd9hgo4jg5s5gul1pihhbm4c google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] All mentors must be signed up and all student proposals matc
+ hed with a mentor - 07:00 UTC
+UID:n45rf2cpiiic22qg9bq4au75fk google com
+DESCRIPTION:The UA Huntsville Space Hardware Club (https://sites.google.com
+ /site/uahshc/)\nwill be hosting a GSOC Info Session this week.\n\nDate: Thu
+ rsday March 29\nTime: 7-9 pm\nLocation: Von Braun Research Hall M50\n\nJoel
+ Sherrill\, RTEMS maintainer and UAH alum\, will be presenting.
+LOCATION:UA Huntsville\, Von Braun Research Hall M50
+SUMMARY:GSOC Info Session at UA Huntsville
+UID:4n47h244gffhiqmm3auk76vnsk google com
+DESCRIPTION:Hi all\,\n\nThere will be an InfoSession about GSoC at Open Ho
+ use Event. \nVenue is 3rd April 10:00 AM at Computer Connection Institute S
+ ialkot\, Virtual University Pakistan.\n\nSession will host by "Muhammad Adn
+ an" Google Summer Coder 2010. Students can show their proposals and can get
+ advices from him. \n\nCheers!
+LOCATION:Computer Connection Institute Sialkot\, Virtual University Pakista
+ n
+SUMMARY:GSoC infosession at Open House Event (CCI Campus Sialkot\, Virtual
+ University\, Pakistan)
+UID:io7rgfvmdtllpbebdanoct6e2g google com
+DESCRIPTION:Date: Wednesday\, March 28\, 2012\nTime: 4:30 pm (1:30 pm PDT)
+ \nLocation: Fundación iFaro\, Av. Arce 2017\, La Paz\, Bolivia\nDescription
+ : Connecting students with local FOSS experts to help them understand how o
+ pen source communities operate.
+LOCATION:Fundación iFaro\, Av. Arce 2017\, La Paz\, Bolivia
+SUMMARY:GSoC Infosession: La Paz\, Bolivia
+UID:geb2khl52dif6r43u97hgd1q30 google com
+ footer?terminid=event20120321145226
+LOCATION:Hochschule der Medien (HdM) Nobelstr. 10 70569 Stuttgart in room
+ no. 041 (Hörsaal 041).
+SUMMARY:GSoC Infosession: Stuttgart\, Germany
+UID:f870nu8vf1g76sdfajsums5h7s google com
+LOCATION:#gsoc on freednode in IRC
+SUMMARY:Feedback Session for Rejected GSoC Organizations
+UID:m32fsst2g98sa584f2n03on5ko google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] Mentoring organization application deadline.
+UID:3ue8r01dkjioctinggm4jf4j3g google com
+DESCRIPTION:I'll be hosting a GSoC info session for prospective student app
+ licants\nin Seattle WA on Friday March 9 at 3:30pm. The location is the\nEl
+ ectrical Engineering building on the University of Washington\ncampus\, in
+ room EEB 303. http://www.washington.edu/home/maps/northcentral.html?ee1
+LOCATION:Electrical Engineering building on the University of Washington ca
+ mpus\, in room EEB 303. http://www.washington.edu/home/maps/northcentral.ht
+ ml?ee1
+SUMMARY:GSoC Infosession: Seattle\, WA\, Univesity of Washington
+UID:qq7c53hikllsj7hdi2iobe4nk8 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Hi\,\n\nMentors from the RTEMS and Minix Projects will be at Em
+ bedded World in\nNuremberg Germany from Feb 28 to March 1. There may be ot
+ her GSOC\nmentors or students in attendance and it would be great to at lea
+ st\nsay hi to one another. Even better would be a meet up if folks are\nint
+ erested.\n\n+ Minix folks will be in the Vrije Universiteit booth in Hall 5
+ /5-349\n+ RTEMS folks will be in the Embedded Brains booth in Hall 5/311\n\
+ nIf there is interest in a meet up\, please let Ben Gras and I know so\nwe
+ can work out the details.
+SUMMARY:GSoC meetup opportunities: Embedded World\, Nuremberg\, Germany
+UID:nrq4g6qf816hilaj81gidk6l6g google com
+DESCRIPTION:Fusolab\nVia Giorgio Pitacco 29\n00177 Roma\, Italy\nat 21:00 h
+ ours (GMT +1)
+SUMMARY:GSoC Infosession in Rome\, Italy
+UID:o8a3dfq2agend3mg7sn6nci9l0 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Hi all\,\n\nThis is relatively short notice\, but I will be hol
+ ding a GSoC info\nsession at the University of Chicago this Thursday (March
+ 1st) at\n4:30pm in Ryerson 255\n(http://maps.uchicago.edu/mainquad/ryerson
+ .html).\n\nThis is an open event\, and anyone in the area is welcome to att
+ end. If\nyou have any questions regarding how to get to the UChicago campus
+ \,\nplease feel free to contact me off-list.\n\nPizza will be provided\, co
+ urtesy of the UChicago ACM. If you plan to\nattend\, please RSVP at http://
+ goo.gl/mG8cu so we can order enough\npizza.\n\nCheers!
+SUMMARY:GSoC info session at the University of Chicago\, March 1st @ 4:30pm
+UID:ceh73eili6vdvgmjrfj5tc63us google com
+DESCRIPTION:Vijay (GSoC '11) and I are hosting an info session at Harvey Mu
+ dd College this Saturday.\n\nWhen: 2pm\, Saturday 3 March\nWhere: Conferenc
+ e Room A/B\, Platt Campus Center\, 340 E Foothill Blvd\, Claremont\, Califo
+ rnia\nHow: RSVP to me fionatay com
+LOCATION:Conference Room A/B\, Platt Campus Center\, 340 E Foothill Blvd\,
+ Claremont\, California\, USA
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Harvey Mudd College\, Claremont\, California\, USA
+UID:54n9nfbacd53s71d7emv5n5eik google com
+LOCATION:Google: Representatives from each successfully participating organ
+ ization are invited to Google to greet\, collaborate and code. Our mission
+ for the weekend: make the program even better\, have fun and make new frien
+ ds.
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] Mentor Summit at Google: Representatives from each successfu
+ lly participating organization are invited to Google to greet\, collaborate
+ and code. Our mission for the weekend: make the program even better\, have
+ fun and make new friends.
+UID:g918mmjlcfc8s6f4p0h14ccmos google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] Final results of GSoC 2012 announced
+UID:c63iiijfl98nvnhdpdip0lvn0k google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] Final evaluation deadline Google begins issuing student and
+ mentoring organization payments provided forms and evaluations are on file.
+UID:ru7teeibtrsjqeam2ekevglai8 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] Firm 'pencils down' date. Mentors\, students and organizatio
+ n administrators can begin submitting final evaluations to Google.
+UID:69di5ocepf83v28v4fej3h7fm8 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] Suggested 'pencils down' date. Take to scrub code\, write te
+ sts\, improve documentation\, etc.
+UID:191opq91dqm5drck3ihlc11cf4 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] Mentors give students a helping hand and guidance on their p
+ rojects.
+UID:7gd5j4i4bukki14fkhlf6e5m08 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] Mid-term evaluations deadline\; Google begins issuing mid-te
+ rm student payments provided passing student survey is on file.
+UID:9dhd2k24i67eleigf1kmg7pg88 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] Mentors and students can begin submitting mid-term evaluatio
+ ns.
+UID:i30vcr7r26948j1ad00ctdshto google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] Mentors give students a helping hand and guidance on their p
+ rojects.
+UID:nho2gt7o2ucak6csa344pfvbqc google com
+LOCATION:good standing with their communities.
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] Students begin coding for their GSoC projects\; Google begin
+ s issuing initial student payments provided tax forms are on file and stude
+ nts are in good standing with their communities.
+UID:e3m0t2irlc9ipa67tppbftt2ts google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] Students get to know mentors\, read documentation\, get up t
+ o speed to begin working on their projects.
+UID:m6bim5p2ft2c66985256nr3gc4 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] Accepted student proposals announced on the Google Summer of
+ Code 2012 site.
+UID:bsjpinb2r112aqar2d883gknpk google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] IRC meeting to resolve any outstanding duplicate accepted st
+ udents - 19:00 UTC #gsoc
+UID:9lsvlt9hq5t193m6ob3pis7hgc google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] Student ranking/scoring deadline. Please do not add private
+ comments with a nonzero score or mark students as ineligible (unless doing
+ so as part of resolving duplicate accepted students) after this deadline -
+ 17:00 UTC
+UID:0f02toj78ii2s4rll7q12mub34 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] Mentoring organizations review and rank student proposals\;
+ where necessary\, mentoring organizations may request further proposal deta
+ il from the student applicant.
+UID:o92atodl2ofbll98fuct2f87h4 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] Student application deadline.
+UID:nodfcna7andb2emrcnsj5249t8 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] Student application period opens.
+UID:7jggn8lesp8c2hnfvaecqval3g google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] Would-be student participants discuss application ideas with
+ mentoring organizations.
+UID:616q8f8nqi0m582t5vn32hb6m8 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] List of accepted mentoring organizations published on the Go
+ ogle Summer of Code 2012 site.
+UID:8u7ks42qt45fghlve3461bjedk google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] Google program administrators review organization applicatio
+ ns.
+UID:tstv2l0arqe232f5bb887l2k30 google com
+SUMMARY:[GSOC] Mentoring organizations can begin submitting applications to
+ Google.
+UID:sp1cgq82nlfsq4ihhrep9patm0 google com
+SUMMARY:Program Announced
+UID:1e8v1sqljag8a51phc4friru7o google com
+SUMMARY:[GCI] Google Open Source Programs Office announces the winners via
+ blog post
+UID:5jv0n3pe1nui006vo5u06j7koo google com
+SUMMARY:[GCI] All work stops
+UID:5coq3g3e4q86s0svcagd3gk470 google com
+SUMMARY:[GCI] Organizations release second wave of tasks to students
+UID:6sov1tnedvi4244ucijj7489k4 google com
+SUMMARY:[GCI] Contest opens for entries by student participants
+UID:ka1iqeik128seu1mip6s4rgq0g google com
+SUMMARY:[GCI] Open Source Projects Announced
+UID:hhj6eqaoh4l59m4m17d5kv5l90 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Hi\,\n\nThere is going be a GSoC meetup in Bangladesh on Saturd
+ ay Night (Spetember 24). It's the first ever meetup here. We have already c
+ ontacted all the local gsoccers who are available. But if someone is left o
+ ut please reply here.\n\nDate: September 24\, Saturday\nTime: 7:30 pm (loca
+ l\, BST)\, 1: 30 pm (UTC)\nVenue: Flambe\, House 6\, Road 50\, Gulshan 2\,
+ Dhaka 1212\n\nThanks.\n\n-- \nRushafi
+LOCATION:Flambe\, House 6\, Road 50\, Gulshan 2\, Dhaka 1212
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Bangalore
+UID:k6r6462lnov02o0iuhigka15sg google com
+SUMMARY:Students can begin submitting required code samples to Google
+UID:65ipf8759p7205sh9840fuve0g google com
+SUMMARY:Firm Pencils Down Date. Mentors\, students and organization adminis
+ trators can begin submitting final evaluations to Google.
+UID:kafs7podhbqv0e1mc4sdm1ih9g google com
+SUMMARY:Final results of GSoC 2011 announced
+UID:8h9e3nu9q12av6lb7f8q8a4dc0 google com
+SUMMARY:Suggested 'pencils down' date. Take to scrub code\, write tests\, i
+ mprove documentation\, etc.
+UID:3ofsp4dfkbg3n0a4ggg6qqjmus google com
+LOCATION:Berlin - Desktop Summit
+SUMMARY:GSoC/Season of KDE/Gnome outreach project BoF
+UID:khhalql2l58sujnh4foorv229o google com
+ rofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+DESCRIPTION:Look for two adjoining tables marked for Google Summer of Code
+ BoF.
+LOCATION:Lunch Room at Portland Convention Center
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup Lunch at OSCON\, Portland
+UID:p42r062ps4c7g18qb5r9g12eps google com
+ terns-showcase
+LOCATION:Desktop Summit\, Berlin
+SUMMARY:GSoC/Season of KDE/Gnome Outreach Lightning Talk
+UID:4thlpqsumetv2sd1qkguvk03so google com
+DESCRIPTION:GNOME and KDE will hold a GSoC/Season of KDE/Gnome Outreach Pro
+ gram\nfor Women meet-up at the Desktop Summit in Berlin next month. Several
+ \nthings are going to happen:\n- We will have lunch together at the univers
+ ity mensa on August 6th at\n12:30. I will try to reserve a huge table.
+LOCATION:Desktop Summit\, Berlin\, University Mensa
+SUMMARY:GSoC/Season of KDE/Gnome Outreach Program meetup
+UID:qjm810v3pcfqvbdrs47gm6tgug google com
+LOCATION:OS Bridge\, Portland\, Oregon
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup - OS Bridge Conference
+UID:p4dn64cvdpr2n5cu6msjhcn3ms google com
+LOCATION:good standing with their communities.
+SUMMARY:Students begin coding for their GSoC projects\; Google begins issui
+ ng initial student payments provided tax forms are on file and students are
+ in good standing with their communities.
+UID:8taahsoneio35b1hmn4jfqibrk google com
+SUMMARY:Student ranking/scoring deadline. Please do not mark students as ac
+ cepted\, unaccept\, or ignore students after this deadline.
+UID:7at7tjav4kufrkkr50dslquek8 google com
+DESCRIPTION:All mentors must be signed up and all student proposals matched
+ with a mentor - 07:00 UTC\n\nStudent ranking/scoring deadline. Please do n
+ ot accept\, unaccept\, or ignore proposals (unless doing so as part of reso
+ lving duplicate accepted students) after this deadline - 17:00 UTC\n\nIRC m
+ eeting to resolve any outstanding duplicate accepted students - 19:00 UTC #
+ gsoc
+SUMMARY:Student Proposal Review Deadlines (see details)
+UID:pa4sdgubikv7pubjor7mvbvkuk google com
+SUMMARY:Mentoring Organizations make initial student rankings
+UID:kout4l5pet8csod9hpdvl5gtec google com
+DESCRIPTION:Hi everyone\,\n\nI will be leading a GSoC info session at the U
+ niversity of Chicago\nthis Thursday (March 31) at 6:30pm in Ryerson 255\n(h
+ ttp://maps.uchicago.edu/mainquad/ryerson.html). The presentation\nwill prov
+ ide an overview of the GSoC program\, along with details on\nhow to apply\,
+ important dates to remember\, tips for writing a\nsuccessful application\,
+ etc.\n\nThis event is not exclusively for UChicago students\, and anyone i
+ n the\narea is welcome to attend.\n\nCheers!\n--\nBorja Sotomayor\n\nScient
+ ific Writer\, Computation Institute\nLecturer\, Department of Computer Scie
+ nce\nUniversity of Chicago\nhttp://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~borja/\n\nCommun
+ ity Manager\, OpenNebula project\nhttp://www.opennebula.org/
+LOCATION:University of Chicago\, Ryerson 255
+SUMMARY:GSoC InfoSession: University of Chicago
+UID:50gj8l3tm6kej0rdu1gqeeoc80 google com
+DESCRIPTION:I'll be hosting a GSoC info session for prospective student app
+ licants\nin Seattle WA on Friday March 11 at 1:30pm. The location is the\n
+ Electrical Engineering building on the University of Washington\ncampus\, i
+ n room EEB 003. http://www.washington.edu/home/maps/northcentral.html?ee1
+LOCATION:University of Washington
+SUMMARY:GSoC InfoSession - Seattle\, Washington
+UID:hkt4v58b329ml21bs3e8d6fpuo google com
+SUMMARY:Deduplication begins: mentor organizations work with one another to
+ resolve duplicates if possible and re-rank student applications accordingl
+ y
+UID:5v30pt276nv1rtolnq1635lut4 google com
+DESCRIPTION:IRC meeting in #gsoc to get feedback on why your org was reject
+ ed.
+LOCATION:#gsoc on freenode
+SUMMARY:IRC Meeting for Rejected GSoC Orgs
+UID:0hgci7pfgn4gh0q02l5avs1n8o google com
+SUMMARY:Mentor Slots are Announced and adjusted as necessary
+UID:9l2bpf8gsq9mso4lkmusqlfeok google com
+LOCATION:@Fusolab Via Giorgio Pitacco 29\, Roma\, Italy
+SUMMARY:GSoC Infosession: Roma\, Italy
+UID:41mqj85oe5ruthu2h366p33ci8 google com
+DESCRIPTION:This meetup is going to happen on March 14th at the University
+ of Campinas\n(Unicamp). Some past students and mentors will be there to tal
+ k about GSoC and\nhave fun with wanna-be GSoC students. No registration is
+ needed.\n\nWhere: University of Campinas\, Ciclo Básico Building\, Room CB0
+ 3\nWhen: March 14\, 4pm (GMT-3)
+LOCATION:University of Campinas\, Ciclo Básico Building\, Room CB03
+SUMMARY:GSoC InfoSession - Campinas\, Brazil
+UID:4al5f6qh7amsus0s5rtrkjettk google com
+LOCATION:Electrical Engineering building on the University of Washington ca
+ mpus\, in room EEB 003
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup- Seattle
+UID:va1j2cld2vm64akba1jf36rpss google com
+DESCRIPTION:Thursday 24/03/2011 in Ain Shams\nUniversity\, FCIS\, at 16:30
+ in the seminar hall.
+LOCATION:Ain Shams University\, Cairo\, Egypt.
+SUMMARY:GSoC Infosession: Ain Shams University\, Cairo\, Egypt.
+UID:an4inqiapfjpn2pi0gugrbudac google com
+DESCRIPTION:The event: How to get accepted in Google Summer Of Code 2012?\n
+ Facebook Event Page : http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=136386493100423
+ \nDate: 10 April 2011\, at 12:00 pm\, (time zone GMT+1)\nPlace: National Sc
+ hool of Computer Science of Algiers\, conference hall\, Algiers.\nAddress:
+ BP 68 M Oued Smar\, El Harrach.\, 16309 Algiers\, Algeria
+LOCATION: National School of Computer Science of Algiers\, conference hall\
+ , Algiers. Address: BP 68 M Oued Smar\, El Harrach.\, 16309 Algiers\, Alger
+ ia
+SUMMARY:GSoC InfoSession in Algiers\, Algeria
+UID:k7uehn1fqbvrc0u6ttjurc5k1c google com
+LOCATION:#gsoc on freenode
+SUMMARY:IRC meeting to resolve any outstanding duplicate accepted students
+UID:26lobdb3socmga8a3192nt0c3c google com
+DESCRIPTION:March 14th\, Monday\n18:00\nComputer Engineering Building\, Roo
+ m BMB1\nMiddle East Technical University\nAnkara\, Turkey
+SUMMARY:GSoC Infosession - Ankara\, Turkey
+UID:2pofusr68iem3tnoanvg46bv6g google com
+DESCRIPTION:Details are as follows:\n\nVenue: Seminar Hall-2\, Birla Instit
+ ute of Technology\, Mesra\, Ranchi\nTime: 1200 hrs\nDate: 12th of March
+SUMMARY:GSoC Infosession: BIT Mesra\, Ranchi (India)
+UID:9rc2c88lmgkehrt18pajpvvopg google com
+SUMMARY:Mentors give students a helping hand and guidance on their projects
+ .
+UID:4knovp548ucinvffa82tbfpp6k google com
+ gle-Summer-of-Code.html
+LOCATION:Stuttgart\, Germany
+SUMMARY:Google Summer of Code Meetup
+UID:7dfpdq80k09hq8gcm81c7gpc9g google com
+SUMMARY:Mentors give students a helping hand and guidance on their projects
+ .
+UID:iub7lmj2k3e7mmh70q4h9922l4 google com
+SUMMARY:Final evaluation deadline Google begins issuing student and mentori
+ ng organization payments provided forms and evaluations are on file.
+UID:d1h3n25cfejaq3sh6sie6inp7s google com
+ rofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+DESCRIPTION:Date & Time: Thursday\, 10th March\, 14:00 - 15:00 (GMT + 2)\nL
+ ocation: Amphitheatre EC105\, "Politehnica" University of Bucharest\,\nBuch
+ arest\, Romania
+LOCATION:Bucharest\, Romania
+SUMMARY:Google Summer of Code Presentation
+UID:j7damlu5m19q46gbp10fu4ie6o google com
+SUMMARY:Mentors and students can begin submitting mid-term evaluations.
+UID:iva3nhiv4guqq63nn3f7bt8uqs google com
+SUMMARY:Mentoring organizations review and rank student proposals\; where n
+ ecessary\, mentoring organizations may request further proposal detail from
+ the student applicant.
+UID:ngjk7c8jbm881m75s5c9gvdl5g google com
+SUMMARY:List of accepted mentoring organizations published on the Google Su
+ mmer of Code 2011 site.
+UID:p1kqqiak54ru6m8842kig2go9g google com
+LOCATION:University of Akron
+SUMMARY:GSOC Infosession: Akron\, Ohio
+UID:b620c6fik4630ra3f71ts4pqlo google com
+SUMMARY:Mid-term evaluations deadline\; Google begins issuing mid-term stud
+ ent payments provided passing student survey is on file.
+UID:kc77srg5bcafh9v8stmodi0vmo google com
+SUMMARY:Google program administrators review organization applications.
+UID:19vl3m5s7nrg7aquqgce90ndko google com
+SUMMARY:Students get to know mentors\, read documentation\, get up to speed
+ to begin working on their projects.
+UID:v6n6476sfgil8ccbujkk64ptjo google com
+SUMMARY:Student application period opens.
+UID:e6ceekluhc1gqf9tbtbhnmrdi8 google com
+SUMMARY:Student application deadline.
+UID:37tssj898q29i1g8elf43ms32g google com
+DESCRIPTION:Mentor Summit at Google: Representatives from each successfully
+ participating organization are invited to Google to greet\, collaborate an
+ d code. Our mission for the weekend: make the program even better\, have fu
+ n and make new friends.
+SUMMARY:Google Summer of Code Mentor Summit
+UID:d0h85k3cal1n69a1r6nia3qkpg google com
+SUMMARY:Mentoring organization application deadline.
+UID:j5k73g91846klr4ocq9oc2d9r0 google com
+SUMMARY:Accepted student proposals announced on the Google Summer of Code 2
+ 011 site.
+UID:j1v2rs445idce0e10sl1pg06ng google com
+SUMMARY:Would-be student participants discuss application ideas with mentor
+ ing organizations.
+UID:i62kl2sfc9onke8750fp7s25b8 google com
+SUMMARY:Mentoring organizations can begin submitting applications to Google
+ .
+UID:fm05ac8bs7v4p71obm8bc7g0h0 google com
+LOCATION:Seminar Hall-2\, Birla Institute of Technology\, Mesra\, Ranchi
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup- India
+UID:gcqpus3oj4o60nmj9rtuhir3co google com
+DESCRIPTION:GSoC 2011 Information Session\nLocation: Department of Computer
+ Science\, HNG University\, \nPatan\, Gujarat 384265\n250 people capacity
+ (actually in workshop about python)\nDate: 27th March\, 15:00h
+LOCATION:Department of Computer Science\, HNG University
+SUMMARY:GSoC Infosession: Patan\, Gujarat
+UID:1qj4s3ni9t9hd699ms8r90h040 google com
+SUMMARY:Firm 'pencils down' date. Mentors\, students and organization admin
+ istrators can begin submitting final evaluations to Google.
+UID:334ckb6se32aio24gdrj8ad86c google com
+SUMMARY:Melange HackFest
+UID:7pc5v88g9dfsgqjcv36n2oavgc google com
+ rofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+SUMMARY:GSOC Mentor Summit
+UID:f503rcr8hcjencqat8cno676e8 google com
+ rofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+DESCRIPTION:-presentation from Carol on GSoC\n-presentation from John Britt
+ on\n-other fun stuff :-)
+LOCATION:345 Spear St.\, 4th Floor\, San Francisco\, CA. 94105
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Google San Francisco Office
+UID:vklv1oetjcooqlvrgurnoq13r0 google com
+DESCRIPTION:New York City Meetup: Hold the date!
+SUMMARY:Google Summer of Code Meetup: NYC
+UID:irdm5p59qhltg55um062vu55fc google com
+SUMMARY:Community Bonding Period
+UID:5ang0t60oed6o2tg5in5bmdu28 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Freifunk Wireless Community Weekend 2010: Starting Friday May 1
+ 4 till\nSunday May 16\, 2010 freifunk.net\, c-base and the German community
+ \ninvite you to the "Freifunk Wireless Community Weekend" at the c-base\nsp
+ ace station in Berlin. As in previous years\, we will provide open\nspaces
+ for the community in the c-base to discuss and work on\nprojects. Later at
+ night we will have a number of special guests in\nthe evening presenting th
+ e latest creative commons hits and of course\nthe legendary freifunk BBQ. D
+ uring the event there will also be a get\ntogether of students and mentors
+ involved in the Google Summer of Code\nprogramme.\n\nBackground: Since 2003
+ the Freifunk community organises the Wireless\nCommunity Weekend during sp
+ ring in Berlin. Attracting the brightest\nfrom the wireless network communi
+ ty the Freifunk Community Weekend has\nestablished itself as a trendsetter
+ in the wireless world. While\nfocusing on the community participants also c
+ ome from research\ninstitutes like the Fraunhofer Institute and T-System La
+ bs as well as\nfrom commercial actors. The event brings together more than
+ 300\nparticipants coming from Europe and around the world\n(http://global.f
+ reifunk.net). Besides the strong community in Germany\nparticipants include
+ free wireless projects from South Africa (Meraka\nInstitute)\, China (Wire
+ less Student Network)\, Spain (guifi.net)\,\nSwitzerland (Schweiz Wireless)
+ \, Austria (funkfeuer.net)\, Italy\n(ninux.org)\, Russia (St. Petersburg)\,
+ Denmark (Djursland.net)\, the\nNetherlands and Slovenia (kiberpipa.net\, w
+ lan ljubljana).\n\n\nwho will be there\n\n* check out and sign in! WCW10:pa
+ rticipants:\nhttp://wiki.freifunk.net/WCW10:participants\n\n\nconnect\n\nht
+ tp://wiki.freifunk.net/Wireless_Community_Weekend_2010
+LOCATION: c-base space station\, Rungestrasse 20 10179 Berlin Germany
+SUMMARY:Freifunk Wireless Community Weekend
+UID:2dgd512a6bn0lro2837epvbmso google com
+SUMMARY:Suggested 'pencils down' date. Take a week to scrub code\, write te
+ sts\, improve documentation\, etc.
+UID:t089r411h3tk4ph38o52em3iio google com
+SUMMARY:Mentors and students can begin submitting mid-term evaluations.
+UID:gdnarui16lrnhpn9qntcb25bik google com
+SUMMARY:Firm 'pencils down' date. Mentors\, students and organization admin
+ istrators can begin submitting final evaluations to Google.
+UID:fs06926el3hm61e0lmm7r4fsm8 google com
+LOCATION:good standing with their communities.
+SUMMARY:Google begins issuing initial student payments provided tax forms a
+ re on file and students are in good standing with their communities.
+UID:njkb39tiqr3ruga57pb302uq9g google com
+SUMMARY:Google begins issuing student and mentoring organization payments p
+ rovided forms and evaluations are on file.
+UID:tr0bd3vptjv11qetc11mbs3f00 google com
+SUMMARY:Students can begin submitting required code samples to Google
+UID:4jfrm1vajqi6q3mi1vlhjvi6fo google com
+SUMMARY:Students begin coding for their GSoC projects
+UID:dsb430hohnpej8fru4j7iu4eok google com
+LOCATION:#gsoc on freenode
+SUMMARY:IRC meeting to resolve any outstanding duplicate accepted students
+UID:cshc7le3h6c83s5d17pocrdrbo google com
+SUMMARY:Final evaluation deadline
+UID:pkddkonremg765c7ola30riaqs google com
+SUMMARY:Mentoring organizations review and rank student proposals\; where n
+ ecessary\, mentoring organizations may request further proposal detail from
+ the student applicant.
+UID:f81g2q81hp615vs6t6pgt9sk84 google com
+SUMMARY:Accepted student proposals announced on the Google Summer of Code 2
+ 010 site.
+UID:v93uhaeruv94e91in1ge4eef7c google com
+SUMMARY:All mentors must be signed up and all student proposals matched wit
+ h a mentor
+UID:1vq4jvdvjmss7nu3vh6ut3f78k google com
+SUMMARY:Google begins issuing mid-term student payments provided passing st
+ udent survey is on file.
+UID:ui1fs0q6spsg35sa8no40vfj44 google com
+SUMMARY:Deduplication begins: mentor organizations work with one another to
+ resolve duplicates if possible and re-rank student applications accordingl
+ y
+UID:o8bgvdsle09289u42hsi03iphs google com
+SUMMARY:Student ranking/scoring deadline. Please do not add private comment
+ s with a nonzero score or mark students as ineligible (unless doing so as p
+ art of resolving duplicate accepted students) after this deadline
+UID:tlq6autl0hkm417hilu5q8icb8 google com
+SUMMARY:Mentors give students a helping hand and guidance on their projects
+ .
+UID:4u8h5qkrsdqatr08sdot8g2ndc google com
+SUMMARY:Mid-term evaluations deadline
+UID:p5j72ci52ahrm9grm8eeoil7uk google com
+SUMMARY:Mentors give students a helping hand and guidance on their projects
+ .
+UID:k5l1v47016appc77q3qbdsj61g google com
+SUMMARY:Final results of GSoC 2010 announced
+UID:mom0v2vtpfuddmemdgrq3tlhvg google com
+SUMMARY:Mentor organizations make initial student proposal rankings
+UID:mhc1ebp7mrbbk3n4ln4egsepks google com
+DESCRIPTION:Speaker:Mustafa Muhammed\n\nSession contents:\nWhat's GSoC\nHow
+ to participate\nHow to be accepted\nHow to find an idea\nMistakes most of
+ people do when they write proposals\nHow to choose a mentor\nIf you are acc
+ epted\, how to start coding\nThe GSoC phases
+LOCATION:Faculty of Engineering\, Mansoura University\, 611 Hall.
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Egypt | Faculty of Engineering\, Mansoura University
+UID:n1j7v7ldn04n3k0sugjq61rsj4 google com
+SUMMARY:Mentor organization slot allocations are announced and adjusted if
+ necessary
+UID:1mg48jgd6k1ffgc7kjbiaml8b4 google com
+SUMMARY:Mentoring organizations remove spam\, assign mentors to student app
+ lications\, and adjust slot allocation requests if necessary
+UID:sl3eno1h11tbl0ql0feu2fu5u0 google com
+SUMMARY:Student application deadline.
+UID:26du225b8ku8junbt4r9q7nv9o google com
+DESCRIPTION:http://illinois.edu\n\nUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champai
+ gn\nLocation: Siebel Center\, seminar room 2405 \n\nFor more information or
+ questions\, please see this thread:\nhttps://groups.google.com/group/googl
+ e-soc-meetups/browse_thread/thread/20f08022330bd399
+LOCATION:Champaign\, IL\, USA
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Google Summer of Code
+UID:dsmbjeonudj86aojmpk2qom5no google com
+DESCRIPTION:http://www.utm.my/\nUniversiti Teknologi Malaysia\, Skudai\nLoc
+ ation: BK 5\, N28\, FSKSM building\, \nNumber of Attendees (appx): 30\n*Age
+ nda/Topics discussed: GSoC eligibility\, deadline\, goals and former\nstude
+ nts' experience. \n\nFor more information or questions\, please see this th
+ read:\nhttps://groups.google.com/group/google-soc-meetups/t/22612169704ee37
+ 2
+LOCATION:Skudai\, Johor\, Malaysia
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Google Summer of Code
+UID:dl0sh2rqlq6hlkmlvljcr736jg google com
+DESCRIPTION:RSVP Required!\n\nOAR\n7047 Old Madison Pike\nSuite 320\nHuntsv
+ ille Alabama 35806\n\nhttp://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geoc
+ ode=&q=7047+Old+Madison+Pike\,+Huntsville\,+AL+35806+(oar+--+work)&sll=34.7
+ 167\,-86.5557&sspn=0.011958\,0.027874&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=7047+Old+Madison+Pi
+ ke+NW\,+Huntsville\,+Madison\,+Alabama+35806&t=h&z=16\n\nPlease email joel
+ DOT sherrill AT gmail DOT com if you are coming. There is limited space an
+ d we want to have enough pizza.
+LOCATION:Huntsville\, AL\, USA
+SUMMARY:Meetup: Google Summer of Code
+UID:sl4fr0mapn6bpavh18nl3an4go google com
+DESCRIPTION:More details about session can be found at http://rinng.eti.pg.
+ gda.pl/ \n(only PL language). \n\nFor more information or questions\, pleas
+ e see this thread:\nhttp://groups.google.com/group/google-soc-meetups/brows
+ e_thread/thread/926b224b7956df17
+LOCATION:Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz\, Poland
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Google Summer of Code
+UID:v0s0uektt3ib22t10e3443noao google com
+DESCRIPTION:Tufts University\nHalligan 111B\n\nLeo Franchi from the KDE pro
+ ject will be hosting this GSoC infosession. \n\nFor more details or questio
+ ns\, please see this thread:\nhttp://groups.google.com/group/google-soc-mee
+ tups/browse_thread/thread/d0c6d46ec021908a
+LOCATION:Medford\, MA\, USA
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Google Summer of Code
+UID:o53pj0qkr56ojeg1qhmf6g3fmk google com
+DESCRIPTION:Cantho University\, Students Cafe in the Library Building\n\nWh
+ o \n* Former GSoC students \n* FOSS Vietnam \n* LXDE community Vietnam \n*
+ Students and IT people\n\nFor more information or questions\, please see th
+ is thread:\nhttp://groups.google.com/group/google-soc-meetups/browse_thread
+ /thread/8a9724256e380b4e
+LOCATION:Can Tho\, Vietnam
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Google Summer of Code
+UID:5msv6sr5fonbk85m8d52rpifm4 google com
+DESCRIPTION: http://polignu.org/soc \n\nLocation: Av. Prof. Luciano Gualber
+ to\, travessa 3\, n .158\, Sala D1-04 \n(edif cio da Engenharia El trica\,
+ Escola Polit cnica)\, Cidade \nUniversit ria\, S o Paulo\, Brasil \n\nAgend
+ a/Topics discussed: GSoC elegibility\, deadline\, goals and former student
+ s' experience. Conditions to have SoC participation recognized as work/int
+ ernship credits for undergraduate students. \n\nNotable Atendees: Felipe "J
+ ucaBlues" Sanches and Bruno Gola\, former GSoC \nstudents. \n\nFor more inf
+ ormation or questions\, please see this thread:\nhttp://groups.google.com/g
+ roup/google-soc-meetups/browse_thread/thread/b6b2f66232e7f58e
+LOCATION:Sao Paulo\, Brasil
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Google Summer of Code
+UID:dc9uucksesavgcvk6e0usn9hj0 google com
+DESCRIPTION:University: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute \nLocation: Troy\,
+ NY\, USA. \nRoom: JEC 3117 \n\nMore details can be found on the seminars p
+ age of the department at http://www.cs.rpi.edu/news/seminars.html\n\nMarcus
+ Hanwell\, former GSoC student and mentor with the KDE project\, will be ho
+ sting this infosession.\n\nFor more information and questions\, please see
+ this thread:\nhttp://groups.google.com/group/google-soc-meetups/browse_thre
+ ad/thread/25fd2719067ffeb4
+LOCATION:Troy\, New York\, USA
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Google Summer of Code
+UID:j94ri361nekrq9imagoolrovfg google com
+DESCRIPTION:University of Georgia \nLocation: Boyd GSRC\, Athens\, GA \nRoo
+ m : 306 \n\nFor more information or questions\, please see this thread:\nht
+ tp://groups.google.com/group/google-soc-meetups/browse_thread/thread/45d616
+ 435272082e
+LOCATION:Athens\, Georgia\, USA
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Google Summer of Code
+UID:9colob8lhli4hkre6laoj5hjgk google com
+DESCRIPTION:One of two sessions to be held at University of Strasbourg\, se
+ e also 11 March at 19:00\n\nUniversity of Strasbourg\nIllkirch Campus\, Pol
+ e API\, Room J5\n\nFor more information or questions\, please see this thre
+ ad:\nhttps://groups.google.com/group/google-soc-meetups/browse_thread/threa
+ d/89274b5685c1b547
+LOCATION:Strasbourg\, France
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Google Summer of Code
+UID:kmgaqs9uhfmahqhs0usle3ih7o google com
+DESCRIPTION:Dirk Haun\, Google Summer of Code mentor for Geeklog\, will do
+ a presentation on Google Summer of Code at the PHP Users Group Stuttgart.\n
+ \nPHP User Group Stuttgart \n10 March 2010 \n7pm - 8:30pm \n\nhttp://www.ph
+ pugs.de/archives/116-Treffen-03.2010-Vortrag-Google-Summer-of-Code.html\n\n
+ If you know any students in the Stuttgart area\, please let them know abou
+ t these meetups. There's also a flyer with the dates on it\, linked from b
+ oth web pages. \n\nQuestions\, etc. can be asked in this thread:\nhttp://gr
+ oups.google.com/group/google-soc-meetups/browse_thread/thread/4fd53f0738d99
+ 830
+LOCATION:Stuttgart\, Germany
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Google Summer of Code
+UID:86ae2nkuhjgh0678hufoc53448 google com
+SUMMARY:Google program administrators review organization applications.
+UID:o80jv60ol980v18lmecgs23nn8 google com
+DESCRIPTION:University: INSA Lyon\nCountry: France\nDate: March 9th\, 1.00
+ PM\nRoom: 501.337\, Computer Science building\n\nFor any additional informa
+ tion or for questions\, please see this thread:\n\nhttp://groups.google.com
+ /group/google-soc-meetups/browse_thread/thread/9ed68554292da2c1
+LOCATION:Lyon\, France
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Google Summer of Code
+UID:jsclh91g8pl342b954edjhmtrc google com
+DESCRIPTION:Damian Minkov (SIP Communicator) and Shteryana Shopova (FreeBSD
+ ) will be hosting a GSoC infosession at Sofia University.\n\nHall 2\, Mathe
+ matics and Computer Science Faculty (ФМИ)\nJames Boucher Blvd\n\nFor more i
+ nformation or questions\, please see this thread:\nhttps://groups.google.co
+ m/group/google-soc-meetups/browse_thread/thread/4dbb6c7d2bb2064c\n\n
+LOCATION:Sofia\, Bulgaria
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Google Summer of Code
+UID:kqgchami6bnlnfbtd31akqdqv4 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Language: Polish \nWhere: Poland\, Szczecin\, West Pommeranian
+ University of Technology in Szczecin\, Faculty of CS and IT \nWhere exacly:
+ ul. Zolnierska 49 \nWhen: March 15th (Monday) \nKnowledge needed: None \nE
+ st. duration: 60 mins (less than 90) \nAudience: No upper limit \nRegistrat
+ ion: no registration \nMore detailed is not available today. Visit http://s
+ k.sep.szczecin.pl \n[PL only] for more info. \n\n====== \nAgenda: \n - What
+ is GSoC? \n - Why it's good idea to get involved? \n - General conditions\
+ , rules\, aims \n - Community: Where and how may I ask? How get help? \n -
+ Application: \n - What should I mention? \n - Typical mista
+ kes \n - An example of good application (for Blender) \n- Payments
+ (how much\, how often) \n- Administrativia \n - GSoC as a summer pr
+ actice \n - tax issues \n - submitting final evaluation cod
+ e \n- How to start? \n- Important dates\, timeline \n- Questions\, summary
+ \nThe agenda above can\, and as I suppose will\, be changed. \n\nContact pe
+ rson: Adam Rakowski\, adam.rakowski (here comes "at") sk.sep.szczecin.pl \n
+ Everybody is invited! \n\nFor questions or more information\, please see th
+ is thread: http://groups.google.com/group/google-soc-meetups/browse_thread
+ /thread/5c9a223ecc2dea56\n
+LOCATION:Poland\, Szczecin\, West Pommeranian University of Technology in S
+ zczecin
+SUMMARY:Info session for complete beginners: Poland\, Szczecin
+UID:fcedlviej9aodtc193m2entp60 google com
+DESCRIPTION:One of two sessions to be held at University of Strasbourg\, se
+ e also 12 March at 17:30\n\nUniversity of Strasbourg\nCentral Esplanade Cam
+ pus\, UFR Math-Info\, Room C10\n\nFor more information or questions\, pleas
+ e see this thread:\nhttps://groups.google.com/group/google-soc-meetups/brow
+ se_thread/thread/89274b5685c1b547
+LOCATION:Strasbourg\, France
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Google Summer of Code
+UID:tu5q2ri7hmn5gmn4f4dho6grf4 google com
+SUMMARY:List of accepted mentoring organizations published on the Google Su
+ mmer of Code 2010 site.
+UID:i0jl1rbhbjpgcodg41f8n1bjks google com
+DESCRIPTION:Jeroen De Dawn\, Google Summer of Code 2009 student\, will be g
+ iving a lightning talk on his GSoC experience at the opening weekend of the
+ Whitespace conference.\n\nRoom 1.21\, 1st Floor\n\nEvent website: http://h
+ sg.bn2vs.com/Opening_Weekend\n\nFor more information and for any questions\
+ , please see this thread:\nhttps://groups.google.com/group/google-soc-meetu
+ ps/browse_thread/thread/158c8da354f793ef
+LOCATION:Gent\, Belgium
+SUMMARY:Lightning Talk: Google Summer of Code
+UID:af0std40e0b0u9g15fkgqlf9o0 google com
+DESCRIPTION:The University of Chicago\nRyerson Physical Laboratory\, Room 2
+ 55\n1100 E 58th St\nChicago\, IL\nhttp://maps.uchicago.edu/mainquad/ryerson
+ .html\n\nChicago-area GSoC alumni and mentors are welcome to attend and sha
+ re\ntheir GSoC experiences with University of Chicago students.\n\n\nFor mo
+ re information or questions\, please see this thread:\nhttps://groups.googl
+ e.com/group/google-soc-meetups/browse_thread/thread/103e76a099bf312
+LOCATION:Chicago\, IL
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Google Summer of Code
+UID:qfjs09ijvsikle77c9mabmnhtg google com
+DESCRIPTION:Université catholique de Louvain\nLouvain-la-Neuve\, Belgium\nR
+ oom BARB11 (Sainte-Barbe auditoriums)\n\nThe presentation will be given in
+ French unless foreign students attend it.\n\nFor more information or questi
+ ons\, please see this thread:\n\nhttps://groups.google.com/group/google-soc
+ -meetups/browse_thread/thread/40f6d4e0efd6f04a
+LOCATION:Louvain-la-Neuve\, Belgium
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Google Summer of Code
+UID:d6otn62gg4bnabfo03t8t2jcp8 google com
+SUMMARY:Mentoring organizations can begin submitting applications to Google
+ .
+UID:1c7a0uigj1m0id163mrvgck2vk google com
+DESCRIPTION:University of Karlsruhe\, Building 50.34\, Room HS-101\n\nTwo f
+ ormer GSoC students and one mentor/admin from Debian and KDE will\nbe aroun
+ d to give an intro and answer your question.\n\nMore information and RSVP i
+ nstructions at:\n\nhttps://groups.google.com/group/google-soc-meetups/brows
+ e_thread/thread/a75dd17f3aa577c8
+LOCATION:Karlsruhe\, Germany
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Google Summer of Code
+UID:n83a3mph4hm0mqc73cfob7bfqg google com
+DESCRIPTION:LOCATION: K.U. Leuven Science Campus - Celestijnenlaan 200A - 3
+ 001\nHeverlee - Belgium\n\nYou want to program for open source software dur
+ ing the summer\nholidays and earn 5000 USD? Not possible? It is! Not for yo
+ u? Yes it\nis! It's called Google's Summer of Code and it's here this year
+ too.\nWhat's it about? What am I supposed to do? What should my skills be?\
+ nHow much time do I need? These and other questions about Summer of\nCode w
+ ill be answered for you on March\, 9 between 12h and 13h. Bram\nLuyten (men
+ tor at DSpace) and Vincent Verhoeven (2 year as student)\nwill explain the
+ program in the lecture hall of computer science\,\nCelestijnenlaan 200A in
+ Heverlee. Everyone who is interested is\nwelcome!\n\nMore info: http://www.
+ wina.be/gsoc\n\nFor questions\, please follow this thread:\n\nhttp://groups
+ .google.com/group/google-soc-meetups/browse_thread/thread/de3c3c2279299d61
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Google Summer of Code
+UID:srmgfmqd43th9rp407b9r51gv0 google com
+DESCRIPTION:DePaul University's College of Computing and Digital Media\n243
+ S. Wabash Ave\, Chicago IL.\n2nd floor\, Academic Success Lounge\n\nChicag
+ o-area GSoC alumni and mentors are welcome to attend and share\ntheir GSoC
+ experiences with DePaul students.\n\nFor more information or questions\, pl
+ ease follow this thread:\n\nhttp://groups.google.com/group/google-soc-meetu
+ ps/browse_thread/thread/a6afbaab9adc423d
+LOCATION:Chicago\, Illinois\, USA
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Google Summer of Code
+UID:pe6pj1653528k92vi9lc6jvisg google com
+DESCRIPTION:Dirk Haun\, Google Summer of Code mentor for Geeklog\, will do
+ a short presentation on Google Summer of Code at Webmontag Stuttgart.\n\nWe
+ bmontag Stuttgart\n1 March 2010\n7:30pm - 9:30pm\nhttp://webmontag.de/locat
+ ion/stuttgart/\n\nThis one is actually at the university (Hochschule der Me
+ dien). It\nwill only be a short introduction into the program (Web Monday\n
+ presentations are supposed to be short :) \n\nFor a longer presentation\, s
+ ee Dirk's session on 10 March 2010.\n\nQuestions\, etc. can be asked in thi
+ s thread:\nhttp://groups.google.com/group/google-soc-meetups/browse_thread/
+ thread/4fd53f0738d99830
+LOCATION:Stuttgart\, Germany
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Google Summer of Code
+UID:fgjlav08vksl405oi1vfhnebsk google com
+SUMMARY:Would-be student participants discuss application ideas with mentor
+ ing organizations.
+UID:qt27qr5rkkof7boqkevh62816o google com
+SUMMARY:Mentoring organization application deadline.
+UID:msk3jakmabos5dkoj87e3ke9so google com
+DESCRIPTION:Menoufia University \n\nmain lecture hall on the second floor i
+ n the Computer and information science building\nThe session will be in Ara
+ bic. \n\nFor more information or questions\, please see this thread:\nhttps
+ ://groups.google.com/group/google-soc-meetups/browse_thread/thread/50262613
+ 8981dc94
+LOCATION:Shibin El Kom\, Egypt
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Google Summer of Code
+UID:70oo4vca3moe4juv7f75ooo5p4 google com
+SUMMARY:Student application period opens.
+UID:9d85kescl1b7417bp4hu1novv0 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Several former Summer of Code students and mentors will be host
+ ing an infosession\n\nhttp://www.unicamp.br/unicamp/\nUniversidade Estadual
+ de Campinas – UNICAMP\nMarch 3rd\, 16h\nRoom CB04\n\nThe idea is to do a b
+ rief talk about what the program is and tellabout our personal experiences
+ on past-years programs\, but also answer questions and chat aftwards\, so i
+ t’s gonna be a kind of pre-meetup.\nAll past and wanna-be GSoCers in the ar
+ ea are welcome!\n\nFor more information or to ask questions\, visit this ma
+ iling list discussion:\nhttps://groups.google.com/group/google-soc-meetups/
+ browse_thread/thread/b8b0be41d73ff448
+LOCATION:Campinas\, Brasil
+SUMMARY:Infosession: Google Summer of Code
+ORGANIZER;CN=Andy and Jen's Social Schedule:mailto:a5hjf5fhmi65k57tp45clagi
+ 2c group calendar google com
+ ummerofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+DESCRIPTION:Refreshments will be provided. For more information\, including
+ a list of presenters and instructions for RSVP at http://fosslc.org/drupal
+ /node/238
+LOCATION:244 Galbraith Building University of Toronto Campus Toronto\, Onta
+ rio\, Canada
+SUMMARY:University of Toronto - Google Summer of Code Infosession (RSVP req
+ uired)
+ORGANIZER;CN=Andy and Jen's Social Schedule:mailto:a5hjf5fhmi65k57tp45clagi
+ 2c group calendar google com
+ ummerofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+SUMMARY:Mentoring organizations can begin submitting applications to Google
+ORGANIZER;CN=Andy and Jen's Social Schedule:mailto:a5hjf5fhmi65k57tp45clagi
+ 2c group calendar google com
+ ummerofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+SUMMARY:Google begins sending student stipend payments & start of program g
+ ifts
+ORGANIZER;CN=Andy and Jen's Social Schedule:mailto:a5hjf5fhmi65k57tp45clagi
+ 2c group calendar google com
+ ummerofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+DESCRIPTION:Presenter: Carlos Mauro Cárdenas Fernández\n\nEnglish\n--------
+ ------------\nGoogle Summer of Code Conference at UNI.\n\nDear friends\, st
+ udents\, hackers and free software activists. We invite you to a informativ
+ e talking in order to participate in the Google Summer of Code. We show you
+ the steps\, possible projects\, strategies and other tips of this internat
+ ional event supported by Google Inc. that has the objective to support stud
+ ents of pre-grade\, post-grade and PhD programms in the developments of imp
+ roves to free software and opensource projects.\nWe'll wait for you this Ma
+ rch\, Friday 6th at 5:00pm in the auditorium of the Industrial and Systems
+ Engineering Faculty of the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería\n \nhttp://t
+ inyurl.com/soc-uni\n \n \nSpanish\n--------------------\nConferencia de Goo
+ gle Summer of Code en la UNI.\n \nEstimados amigos y compas estudiantes\, h
+ ackers y activistas del software libre. Les invitamos a una charla informat
+ iva para participar en el Google Summer of Code\, te mencionaremos los paso
+ s\, los posibles proyectos\, estrategias y varios items de este evento inte
+ rnacional apoyado por Google Inc. que tiene la finalidad de apoyar a los es
+ tudiantes de pre grado\, post grado y doctorado en el desarrollo de mejoras
+ a proyectos de software libre y opensource.\n\nTe esperamos este viernes 6
+ de Marzo a las 5:00 pm. En el Auditorio de la Facultad de Ingeniería Indus
+ trial y de Sistemas de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería.\n\nhttp://tin
+ yurl.com/soc-uni
+LOCATION:Industrial and Systems Engineering Faculty of the Universidad Naci
+ onal de Ingeniería
+SUMMARY:Lima\, Peru: Google Summer of Code Infosession
+ORGANIZER;CN=Andy and Jen's Social Schedule:mailto:a5hjf5fhmi65k57tp45clagi
+ 2c group calendar google com
+ ummerofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+DESCRIPTION:Dirk Haun\, Google Summer of Code mentor for the Geeklog projec
+ t\, will be giving a presentation on the Google Summer of Code\,\nexplainin
+ g what it is\, how it works\, how to apply (as a student)\, and\nso.\n\nMor
+ e information (in German):\nhttp://www.phpugs.de/archives/64-Treffen-03.200
+ 9\,-Vortrag-Google-Summer-of-Code.html\n\nAlso on Upcoming:\nhttp://upcomin
+ g.yahoo.com/event/1506885/
+LOCATION:Verband Region Stuttgart\, 5. Stock\, Kronenstr. 25\, 70174\, Stut
+ tgart\, Germany
+SUMMARY:Stuttgart\, Germany - GSoC Infosession
+ORGANIZER;CN=Andy and Jen's Social Schedule:mailto:a5hjf5fhmi65k57tp45clagi
+ 2c group calendar google com
+ ummerofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+DESCRIPTION:Come learn more about Google Summer of Code past and present.\n
+ Google Chicago\n20 W. Kinzie St\nChicago\, IL 60654\nMain Phone 312-840-410
+ 0\n\nRegistration LInk TBD
+LOCATION:Google Chicago
+SUMMARY:Chicago GSoC Meetup
+UID:1684rl69cku3qj340c8pf6qaso google com
+ rofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+DESCRIPTION:Come learn more about Google Summer of Code past and present.\n
+ Google Chicago\n20 W. Kinzie St\nChicago\, IL 60654\nMain Phone 312-840-410
+ 0\n\nRegistration LInk TBD
+LOCATION:Google Chicago
+SUMMARY:Chicago GSoC Meetup
+UID:6fhds412hm8m16cb46rt28l04c google com
+DESCRIPTION:Where: c-base space station (http://c-base.org)\, Rungestrasse
+ 20 10179\, Berlin\, Germany\n\n\nGoogle Map:\nhttp://maps.google.com/maps?f
+ =q&hl=en&geocode=&q=c-base\,+berlin\,+germany&ie=UTF8&ll=52.518179\,13.4156
+ 37&spn=0.012326\,0.040169&t=h&z=15&iwloc=A\n\nMore info: http://wiki.freifu
+ nk.net/Wireless_Community_Weekend_2009\n\nDescription: Starting Friday May
+ 22 till Sunday May 24 freifunk.net\,\nc-base and the German community invit
+ e you to the Google Summer of\nCode Meetup during "Freifunk Wireless Commun
+ ity Weekend" at the c-base\nspace station in Berlin.\n\nProposed presentati
+ ons include:\n\n * open spectrum in Europe and partners\n * topics CMS fo
+ r mesh networks via distributed hash tables\n * decentralised earch engine
+ s for mesh networks\n * 6mesh implementations with IPv6\n * multicasting
+ in mesh networks\n * OpenWrt and the release Kamikaze\n * new Freifunk Fi
+ rmware\n * villagetelco and open telephony in local networks\n * fpga on
+ openpattern devices and updates for hardware\n * wireless open mesh box pr
+ oject\n * freifunk-vpn software developements\, connecting the virtual\npu
+ blic freifunk network\n * freifunk/google summer of code\n\nAs in previous
+ years\, we will provide open spaces for the community in\nthe c-base to di
+ scuss and work on projects. Later at night we will\nhave a number of specia
+ l guests in the evening presenting the latest\ncreative commons hits and of
+ course the legendary freifunk BBQ.\n\nBackground: Since 2003 the Freifunk
+ community organises the Wireless\nCommunity Weekend during spring in Berlin
+ . Attracting the brightest\nfrom the wireless network community the Freifun
+ k Community Weekend has\nestablished itself as a trendsetter in the wireles
+ s world. While\nfocusing on the community participants also come from resea
+ rch\ninstitutes like the Fraunhofer Institute and T-System Labs as well as\
+ nfrom commercial actors. The event brings together participants coming\nfro
+ m Europe and around the world (http://global.freifunk.net). Besides\nthe st
+ rong community in Germany participants include free wireless\nprojects from
+ South Africa (Meraka Institute)\, China (Wireless Student\nNetwork)\, Spai
+ n (guifi.net)\, Switzerland (Schweiz Wireless)\, Austria\n(funkfeuer.net)\,
+ Italy (ninux.org)\, Russia (St. Petersburg) and the\nNetherlands (Djurslan
+ d.net).
+LOCATION:Berlin\, Germany (more information in appointment details)
+SUMMARY:Freifunk/Google Summer of Code Meetup
+ORGANIZER;CN=volk peter googlemail com:mailto:volk peter googlemail com
+UID:p5784lajpka0lba5q76ojmsfq4 google com
+ ummerofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+SUMMARY:Mentoring organizations can begin submitting applications to Google
+UID:a9kce6m1216j0bmvhvhg3d2vik google com
+DESCRIPTION:Grady Laksmono\, 2008 student working with the Moodle project\,
+ has organized a GSoC infosession.\n\nAgenda\n * Introduction of GSoC\n
+ * GSoC Presentation\n * Guest Speaker: Jon A. Cruz\, GSoC 2008-2009 M
+ entor\, Inkscape & OpenICC\n * Q/A\, Chat\, Discussion\n\nFood and drink
+ s will be served to all attendees. There will be a lot of Google goodies fo
+ r you!\n\n\n\nhttp://www.calstatela.edu/
+LOCATION:Cal State University Los Angeles\, E&T A210
+SUMMARY:Los Angeles\, USA - Google Summer of Code Information Session
+UID:b5jg4i2mdiakso6l6l23hj37lk google com
+ rofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+DESCRIPTION:Refreshments will be provided. For more information\, including
+ a list of presenters and instructions for RSVP at http://fosslc.org/drupal
+ /node/238
+LOCATION:244 Galbraith Building University of Toronto Campus Toronto\, Onta
+ rio\, Canada
+SUMMARY:University of Toronto - Google Summer of Code Infosession (RSVP req
+ uired)
+UID:s93hraslj7aur6e4l4f9hs379c google com
+DESCRIPTION:Date: Saturday\, March 28\, 2009 at 4:30:00 PM IST\nAgenda: Dis
+ cuss/Share/Talk/Have Fun aka Feel the Love of SoC :P\nVenue: CCD\, IIT Madr
+ as Campus.\n\nWhom/How to contact:\nJoin the GSoC - Indian Community Mailin
+ g Lists:\nhttp://groups.google.com/group/gsoc-india?hl=en\nOr catch any one
+ of us at ##gsoc-india on irc.freenode.net\n\n\nPeople who have confirmed s
+ o far:\nAkarsh Simha - GSoC 2008 student for KDE/Kstars and GSoC 2009 Mento
+ r\nfor the same :) IRC Nick - kstar\nArun Chaganty - GSoC 2008 student for
+ Gnome\, IRC Nick - vimzard\nSudharshan S - GSoC 2008 student for Openmoko\
+ , IRC Nick - Sup3rkiddo\nAjay Kumar - GSoC 2008 student for Sahana\, IRC Ni
+ ck - ajuonline
+LOCATION:CCD\, IIT Madras Campus
+SUMMARY:Chennai\, India: Gooogle Summer of Coder Meetup
+UID:lusbko64tbshc3bqi2brtqk604 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Adam Rakowski\, 2008 GSoC student with Tux4Kids\, will be hosti
+ ng a beginner's Summer of Code session at West-Pomeranian Technical Univers
+ ity.\n\nhttp://www.sk.sep.szczecin.pl/\n\nZachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Tec
+ hnologiczny\nWydział Informatyki\nul. Zolnierska 49\n71-210 Szczecin\n
+LOCATION:West-Pomeranian Technical University in Szczecin
+SUMMARY:Szczecin\, Poland - Google Summer of Code Infosession
+UID:hnrg0cqjs0lnje8u55urnv23q0 google com
+LOCATION:good standing with their communities.
+SUMMARY:Google begins issuing initial student payments provided tax forms a
+ re on file and students are in good standing with their communities.
+UID:bfgl5g7hjm0bq7lioemq4rq0dc google com
+SUMMARY:Students begin coding for their GSoC projects
+UID:cudjpghjgkqdda3ecee62uf5pg google com
+SUMMARY:Accepted students for 2009 announced
+UID:de216cleoniie0ss63ku3ptdgk google com
+SUMMARY:IRC meeting to resolve any outstanding duplicate accepted students
+ (timing TBD)
+UID:e3pcvgs0jed06qh1j40us3ej5o google com
+SUMMARY:All mentors must signed up and all student proposals matched with a
+ mentor
+UID:vgf5dqfldshg62b8qu967886ug google com
+SUMMARY:All mentors must signed up and all student proposals matched with a
+ mentor
+UID:ocpgcpi56qmuh8er9s16hipssg google com
+SUMMARY:Student application deadline
+UID:283h6u8rfhh8giv36lpqerbc2c google com
+SUMMARY:Student Application Period
+UID:t8k4sq976cdi3cdh88ck54teh0 google com
+SUMMARY:Mentoring organizations can submit applications to Google.
+UID:5lkusmiv7henqnvojlte9m5rfs google com
+SUMMARY:Mentoring organization application period closes
+UID:re5n1ns55o695a304g6ovepcc8 google com
+SUMMARY:Student applications open for 2009
+UID:5st6je01cbdghkbo7bn35e5e28 google com
+SUMMARY:List of accepted mentoring organizations published on the Google Su
+ mmer of Code 2009 site.
+UID:233spg6svmnvh9ugkmkq5asfao google com
+DESCRIPTION:Rodrigo Lazo\, Google Summer of Code 2007 student with the Gent
+ oo project\, will be hosting an information session about the program.
+LOCATION:San Pablo Catholic University - Classroom 304\, Av. Salaverry 301\
+ , Arequipa - Perú
+SUMMARY:Arequipa\, Peru: Google Summer of Code Infosession
+UID:ca1pf6v20pghrbotsc99nmpf88 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Palestra: 11/03 às 16:00 na CB05\nGoogle Summer of Code\nBruno
+ Cardoso\nBruno Dilly\nJoão Paulo Rechi Vita\nResumo: O Google Summer of Cod
+ e (GSoC) é um programa de incentivo a\nestudantes do mundo inteiro a entrar
+ no mundo Open-source. O programa\nconta com uma premiação de US$ 4.500\,00
+ para os estudantes\nselecionados que persistirem e chegarem até ao fim do
+ GSoC\, estimado\npara durar 3 meses. Nada mal! \;) O Summer Of Code é abert
+ o a\nestudantes de graduação\, mestrado e doutorado. Além disso\, o Google\
+ nfica de olho nos melhores participantes\, que podem vir a ser\nconvidados
+ a integrar o time. Se você gosta de programar e\ncompartilhar seus códigos\
+ , o Google Summer of Code cai como uma luva\npara você.\n\nA inscrição para
+ estudantes vai do dia 18 a 23 de março.\n\nOs estudantes da Unicamp não es
+ tão fazendo feio no GSoC\, ano passado\ntivemos 10 participantes\, o que de
+ u a UNICAMP o segundo lugar dentre\nuniversidades do mundo todo. Em 2007 fo
+ ram 9 participantes sendo 27 o\ntotal de brasileiros\, de várias partes do
+ país. Em 2005 e 2006 a\nUnicamp contou com certa de 50% dos estudantes bras
+ ileiros que foram\nselecionados para o GSoC.\n\nSobre os palestrantes: Brun
+ o Dilly é Engenheiro de Computação formado\npela Unicamp (turma 2002)\, atu
+ almente é mestrando na Geociências e\nparticipou do Google Summer of Code 3
+ vezes. O Bruno Cardoso também é\nEngenheiro de Computação formado pela Uni
+ camp (turma 2003)\, atualmente\né aluno de doutorado do Instituto de Comput
+ ação e participou do Google\nSummer of Code 3 vezes. O João Paulo Rechi Vit
+ a também é Engenheiro de\nComputação formado pela Unicamp (turma 2002)\, at
+ ualmente é aluno de\nmestrado do Instituto de Computação e participou do Go
+ ogle Summer of\nCode 1 vez.
+LOCATION:Ciclo Básico\, CB05
+SUMMARY:University of Campinas - GSoC Infosession
+UID:ebhssvr2stbgi5j5qt42kk0irk google com
+DESCRIPTION:Borja Sotomayor\, GSoC 2008 mentor for the Globus Alliance\, wi
+ ll host an information session on the program. Other Summer of Coders are e
+ ncouraged to attend and share their experiences.\n\nhttp://www.iit.edu/\n\n
+ (in Main Campus: http://www.iit.edu/about/directions_main.html)\n
+LOCATION:Stuart Building\,\nRoom 106\, 10 W 31st St\, Chicago\, IL
+SUMMARY:Illinois Institute of Technology - GSoC Infosession
+UID:8q4bjklrq38u6nr9sbkcc432nc google com
+ rofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+DESCRIPTION:Dirk Haun\, Google Summer of Code mentor for the Geeklog projec
+ t\, will be giving a presentation on the Google Summer of Code\,\nexplainin
+ g what it is\, how it works\, how to apply (as a student)\, and\nso.\n\nMor
+ e information (in German):\nhttp://www.phpugs.de/archives/64-Treffen-03.200
+ 9\,-Vortrag-Google-Summer-of-Code.html\n\nAlso on Upcoming:\nhttp://upcomin
+ g.yahoo.com/event/1506885/
+LOCATION:Verband Region Stuttgart\, 5. Stock\, Kronenstr. 25\, 70174\, Stut
+ tgart\, Germany
+SUMMARY:Stuttgart\, Germany - GSoC Infosession
+UID:3713k0g8n9schgp1f20pqr4enc google com
+SUMMARY:Mentoring organizations can begin submitting applications to Google
+UID:91bs7t2qr7itjnac0rl7h5n68o google com
+DESCRIPTION:A talk about the Summer of Code program and the Umit project's
+ Bluetooth Sniffer idea. Students with Electrical Engineering or Computer Sc
+ ience background are highly encouraged to participate.\n\nPresenter will be
+ Devtar Singh\, GSoC 2008 student with the Umit project.\n\nhttp://osacyber
+ .wordpress.com/2009/03/06/google-summer-of-code-gsoc-and-umit-project-talk-
+ 12th-mar/\n
+LOCATION:FIT XR 0001 (FIT Theatre Hall)
+SUMMARY:Multimedia University\, Cyberjaya - Google Summer of Code 2009 Talk
+UID:qlei79i5ea7jt41ts946b99g9k google com
+DESCRIPTION:Borja Sotomayor\, GSoC 2008 mentor for the Globus Alliance\, wi
+ ll host an information session on the program.\n\nDePaul University (http:/
+ /www.depaul.edu/)\n\n
+LOCATION:2nd Floor student lounge\, 243 S Wabash Avenue\, Chicago\, IL
+SUMMARY:DePaul University - GSoC Infosession
+UID:sua1i8q6ag7p51n18834o14nb0 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Borja Sotomayor\, GSoC 2008 mentor for the Globus Alliance\, wi
+ ll host an information session on the program.\n\nUniversity of Illinois at
+ Chicago (http://www.uic.edu/)
+LOCATION:Science and Engineering Offices\, Room 1000\, 851 South Morgan St\
+ , Chicago\, IL
+SUMMARY:University of Illinois at Chicago - GSoC Infosession
+UID:t31aa5ga8ks3aor027a77lrmcs google com
+DESCRIPTION:Borja Sotomayor\, GSoC 2008 mentor for the Globus Alliance\, wi
+ ll host an information session on the program.
+LOCATION:Northwestern University - Evanston Campus
+SUMMARY:Northwestern University - Google Summer of Code Infosession
+UID:qr9jpigbilmjhuniiifh17mjkg google com
+ rofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+DESCRIPTION:Presenter: Carlos Mauro Cárdenas Fernández\n\nEnglish\n--------
+ ------------\nGoogle Summer of Code Conference at UNI.\n\nDear friends\, st
+ udents\, hackers and free software activists. We invite you to a informativ
+ e talking in order to participate in the Google Summer of Code. We show you
+ the steps\, possible projects\, strategies and other tips of this internat
+ ional event supported by Google Inc. that has the objective to support stud
+ ents of pre-grade\, post-grade and PhD programms in the developments of imp
+ roves to free software and opensource projects.\nWe'll wait for you this Ma
+ rch\, Friday 6th at 5:00pm in the auditorium of the Industrial and Systems
+ Engineering Faculty of the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería\n \nhttp://t
+ inyurl.com/soc-uni\n \n \nSpanish\n--------------------\nConferencia de Goo
+ gle Summer of Code en la UNI.\n \nEstimados amigos y compas estudiantes\, h
+ ackers y activistas del software libre. Les invitamos a una charla informat
+ iva para participar en el Google Summer of Code\, te mencionaremos los paso
+ s\, los posibles proyectos\, estrategias y varios items de este evento inte
+ rnacional apoyado por Google Inc. que tiene la finalidad de apoyar a los es
+ tudiantes de pre grado\, post grado y doctorado en el desarrollo de mejoras
+ a proyectos de software libre y opensource.\n\nTe esperamos este viernes 6
+ de Marzo a las 5:00 pm. En el Auditorio de la Facultad de Ingeniería Indus
+ trial y de Sistemas de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería.\n\nhttp://tin
+ yurl.com/soc-uni
+LOCATION:Industrial and Systems Engineering Faculty of the Universidad Naci
+ onal de Ingeniería
+SUMMARY:Lima\, Peru: Google Summer of Code Infosession
+UID:s55c5mlam34a60nbdsah7onn14 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Hi Leslie\,\n\n My name is Artur and I'm from Brazil. I'm not y
+ et on the mentor's mailing list but I'm helping KDE on this subject and I'm
+ also going to be a mentor.\n\nI'm going to give a speech on a local univer
+ sity about GSoC. Friends that were mentors last years are going to give thi
+ s speech with me.\n\nDate: 04/03/2009\nTime: 12:00 p.m.\nLocation: UFPE (Un
+ iversidade Federal de Pernambuco) - Pernambuco's Federal University\nRoom:
+ CinLug\nSpeaker: Artur Duque de Souza (MoRpHeUz)\n\n\nPlease\, let me know
+ if you need any other info...\n--------------------------------------------
+ -----------\nBlog: http://labs.morpheuz.eng.br/blog/\n\n\n
+LOCATION:UFPE - Recife - Pernambuco - Brazil
+SUMMARY:Google Summer of Code Information Session
+UID:sbgrk4fbngsk8pejta5o87f4lg google com
+DESCRIPTION:This presentation will provide an overview of the Google Summer
+ of Code progra\, including information on how to apply to the program. You
+ 'll get a chance to hear from several local program mentors relating their
+ experiences.
+LOCATION:Paul Allen Center for Computer Science\, Microsoft Atrium (main fl
+ oor)
+SUMMARY:University of Washington - Google Summer of Code Infosession
+UID:ok1h405jk2e1ntsoqr2vrgqnk4 google com
+SUMMARY:Start of coding for 2009
+UID:sme8bbgp38h9rm11u0q0f12ll0 google com
+SUMMARY:Accepted students for 2009 announced
+UID:1ds1lfnqfmqk4qjjgkqu9ogboo google com
+ rofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+SUMMARY:Google begins sending student stipend payments & start of program g
+ ifts
+UID:8mikh207pja4o2mr05qri08704 google com
+SUMMARY:Accepted mentoring organizations for 2009 announced on code.google.
+ com
+UID:4n2p9hrtgsm1mdk3ekmelrdst8 google com
+LOCATION:this time
+SUMMARY:First display of duplicate acceptance must occur at this time
+UID:qutdt3p53nmnjk4qriemjcg5pg google com
+DESCRIPTION:- Students who have passed midterm evaluations continue working
+ on their projects\n- Mentors continue mentoring\n- Google begins issuing m
+ idterm payments (~15 July)
+SUMMARY:Coding Phase II
+UID:cs6pqjp6n6rnm59cd12nmukb1g google com
+LOCATION:#duplicate-resolution on Freenode
+SUMMARY:Duplicate Detection Resolution Meeting
+UID:ta47pk80ebt180dqumjvg6b7ik google com
+SUMMARY:All Student Proposals Must be Matched with a Mentor
+UID:b4b8n7p29ob6pc91ahd1u4n3q8 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Students get to know project community better\, read documentat
+ ion and otherwise get up to speed so they are best prepared to execute on t
+ heir proposals.
+SUMMARY:Community Bonding Period
+UID:ng4615542cqurgek5p9kjetsac google com
+DESCRIPTION:Time is approximate. Accepted student proposals will be listed
+ at http://code.google.com/soc/2008/
+SUMMARY:Accepted proposals for 2008 announced
+UID:fsiu0q9peo70qvrbce005k6mj8 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Mentoring organizations review and rank student program applica
+ tions.
+SUMMARY:Student Application Review Phase
+UID:9bnmssfgv8nb9ifb75etrpme9o google com
+DESCRIPTION:Students can submit applications to accepted mentoring organiza
+ tions.
+SUMMARY:Student Application Period
+UID:436qq98hjf8d4r0h2lvh7ggakg google com
+DESCRIPTION:Firm deadline of 00:00 UTC 1 April
+SUMMARY:Deadline for student applications for Google Summer of Code 2008
+UID:kvodg21flkmk9hcimqc9guflv4 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Google begins to make final program payments to students who pa
+ ssed their final program evaluations.\n\nGoogle will also begin issuing pay
+ ments to participating mentoring organizations provided they have submitted
+ their tax paperwork and completed any other paperwork to get paid.
+SUMMARY:Final Payments Start
+UID:lua3s0gqsbh0bpv1l2ha271tto google com
+DESCRIPTION:Further details forthcoming
+SUMMARY:Students Can Submit Code Samples to Google
+UID:7obft152n7sg4tm54ovqj908gc google com
+DESCRIPTION:All students and mentors must submit their final evaluations by
+ 19:00 UTC.
+SUMMARY:Final Evaluation Deadline
+UID:0cg286cg1a3a93tmvf8082qddo google com
+DESCRIPTION:Time is approximate
+SUMMARY:Students and mentors can being submitting final program evaluations
+UID:ednm96n88i8o00cob3h052q4cc google com
+DESCRIPTION:Mentors and students should submit final program evaluations to
+ Google.
+SUMMARY:Final Evaluations Phase
+UID:nek2tef5642gm7vn4bl7vf28es google com
+DESCRIPTION:While students are welcome and encouraged to keep working on th
+ eir Google Summer of Code projects\, mentors must submit a final evaluation
+ based on work done by their students by 18 August. All other coding activ
+ ity will occur outside the scope covered by the final evaluations.
+SUMMARY:'Pencils Down' Date
+UID:clk1d37vbchid22r6ibr1csbts google com
+DESCRIPTION:While it is entirely at the option of the student and her/his m
+ entor\, Google would suggest taking this week to hunt down bugs\, write uni
+ t tests\, document the code base\, etc.
+SUMMARY:*Suggested* Pencils Down Week
+UID:n776sgvlgrm97b3l339n0246tc google com
+DESCRIPTION:Firm deadline of 19:00 UTC.\n\nAll students and mentors should
+ have completed midterm evaluations. \n\n
+SUMMARY:Midterm Evaluations Due
+UID:p6993h5rnd64e7a45qrnk9fv1g google com
+DESCRIPTION:Time is approximate.
+SUMMARY:Midterm evaluations open for both students and mentors
+UID:36l7t0ih2n7gua6lbvuqaa6vfs google com
+SUMMARY:Midterm Evaluations Phase
+UID:std5n1umofq6n5qg0k02dfpvbg google com
+DESCRIPTION:- Students work on their accepted proposals\n- Mentors lend a h
+ elping hand\n- Google begins issuing initial payments (~27 May)
+SUMMARY:Coding Phase I
+UID:44q4nb63r6oupq5runr3fqe94o google com
+DESCRIPTION:Accepted students should begin work on their proposals.
+SUMMARY:Coding Starts
+UID:67cs33efvcgrkqs2v744vcpsqc google com
+DESCRIPTION:Time is approximate
+SUMMARY:Students can begin submitting applications to mentoring organizatio
+ ns
+UID:f3sdkb5dq7bbhg6mk5nq8lpvt8 google com
+DESCRIPTION:Students should use this time to discuss their would-be proposa
+ ls with our mentoring organizations. Get to know a bit more about each com
+ munity and their needs\, then see where you can help!
+SUMMARY:Exploration Phase
+UID:p43via0tpr93sb0vfi2jduagrg google com
+DESCRIPTION:Time is approximate.\n\nList of accepted mentoring organization
+ s will appear at http://code.google.com/soc/2008/
+SUMMARY:Accepted Mentoring Organizations Announced
+UID:p795qvlktu6cm98npdscc91cms google com
+DESCRIPTION:Google Summer of Code program administrators will review organi
+ zation applications and determine which applicants will participate in Goog
+ le Summer of Code 2008.
+SUMMARY:Organization Applications Reviewed
+UID:6tuhjaljqtq8hr0d00k8gmvnbc google com
+DESCRIPTION:Deadline is exactly 12 Noon Pacific / 19:00 UTC
+SUMMARY:Mentoring organization application deadline
+UID:pcb8d99micjvt9614vi0kb8en8 google com
+LOCATION:time is approximate
+SUMMARY:Mentoring organizations can begin submitting applications to Google
+UID:30pt1ji60u5a1ibapq0rgvfqb0 google com
+SUMMARY:Mentoring Organization Application Phase
+UID:p11v358hduc95ahmv5ah5t1cks google com
+SUMMARY:Google Summer of Code 2008 Announced
+UID:dpgql0h9mmqahkl6qg4te0u5os google com
+SUMMARY:Suggested Pencils Down Date
+UID:nkq33sjquc4s61j73jpqequfu8 google com
+SUMMARY:Students can begin submitting required code samples to Google
+UID:8icl1umdpha03vh5qp1opbh6ho google com
+SUMMARY:Requests for mentoring organization payments due
+UID:hqtbukctv5j1g93iag1uu5g4ik google com
+SUMMARY:Midterm Evaluations Due
+UID:jb8tu0f1jtff1p648b54ln2coc google com
+SUMMARY:Midterm Evaluations
+UID:l0l2rahceo90jqbtj3fje3o9r4 google com
+SUMMARY:Mentors and students can begin submitting mid-term evaluations.
+UID:l41p3u9hh4uu9lmonjffol5i48 google com
+DESCRIPTION:http://www.linuxsymposium.org/2009/\n\nGoogle is returning as a
+ sponsor\, and Googler John Admanski is speaking on "Autotest - testing the
+ untestable".\n
+LOCATION:Montreal\, Canada
+SUMMARY:Linux Symposium 2009
+ORGANIZER;CN=sharique work gmail com:mailto:sharique work gmail com
+ ummerofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+SUMMARY:GSOC Mentor Summit
+ORGANIZER;CN=sharique work gmail com:mailto:sharique work gmail com
+ ummerofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+DESCRIPTION:-presentation from Carol on GSoC\n-presentation from John Britt
+ on\n-other fun stuff :-)
+LOCATION:345 Spear St.\, 4th Floor\, San Francisco\, CA. 94105
+SUMMARY:GSoC Meetup: Google San Francisco Office
+ORGANIZER;CN=sharique work gmail com:mailto:sharique work gmail com
+ ummerofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+DESCRIPTION:Date & Time: Thursday\, 10th March\, 14:00 - 15:00 (GMT + 2)\nL
+ ocation: Amphitheatre EC105\, "Politehnica" University of Bucharest\,\nBuch
+ arest\, Romania
+LOCATION:Bucharest\, Romania
+SUMMARY:Google Summer of Code Presentation
+UID:fccfjap8nr48uuasjmnni4fup8 google com
+SUMMARY:Google begins issuing mid-term student payments provided passing st
+ udent survey is on file.
+UID:g702p6qbhmmi3i1go9abo6j0v0 google com
+SUMMARY:Firm Pencils Down Deadline
+UID:4lt41jm0rd8ubg8h3sl9tn4ib0 google com
+SUMMARY:Firm 'pencils down' date. Mentors\, students and organization admin
+ istrators can begin submitting final evaluations to Google.
+UID:ej308vf81oueqrn11o71ka4hrc google com
+SUMMARY:Final results of GSoC 2009 announced
+UID:f7rd1u1dt9ues0lnt870luqm5s google com
+SUMMARY:Final Results for the Program Announced
+UID:6dgbqpp4bn1uo8abv5pnifl0pg google com
+SUMMARY:Final Evaluations Due
+UID:9s00k4dodck80avg3872b2simo google com
+SUMMARY:Final Evaluations Begin
+UID:hk797brjtuo98ep34iofoir1sg google com
+SUMMARY:Final Evaluations
+UID:5hb9l2o51olhgmt3s79lev3svc google com
+SUMMARY:Final evaluation deadline
+UID:jk6kbold2lpe30isfp2pj03us8 google com
+ rofcode gmail com;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gsummerofcode gmail com
+LOCATION:OSCON 2009 Conference
+SUMMARY:Community update and BoF at OSCON 2009 Conference
diff --git a/data/config.cfg b/data/config.cfg
index 8111151..ab0ef56 100644
--- a/data/config.cfg
+++ b/data/config.cfg
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
type = ics_source
#url = http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/gsummerofcode%%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics
-path = basic.ics
+path = data/basic.ics
type = csv_source
diff --git a/maillib/config.py b/maillib/config.py
index c8d353f..c4569ec 100644
--- a/maillib/config.py
+++ b/maillib/config.py
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
-from collections import OrderedDict
import configparser
import datetime
import csv
-from io import StringIO
from ics import Calendar
import re
from urllib import request
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