[gtk+] (11 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/csoriano/gtkpathbar_rework

The branch 'wip/csoriano/gtkpathbar_rework' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  0d71bce... gtkpathbar: rename timeout for clarity
  c123e54... gtkpathbar: tabs to spaces in scroll_timeout
  bc4a077... gtkpathbar: adjust Nautilus slider timeouts
  7dfd8f5... gtkpathbar: remove unfocus management
  0f23a3b... gtkpathbar: remove unmap handling of sliders
  8a74041... gtkpathbar: match NautilusPathBar allocation
  f83fe18... gtkpathbar: allow more destinations as root
  22ae569... gtkpathbar: avoid unrefing wrong memory
  321c26c... gtkpathbar: only unref cancelable when it exists
  324e947... gtkpathbar: listen to file changes and update pathbar
  1690b38... gtkpathbar: remove event window

Commits added to the branch:

  cca6081... gtkpathbar: rename timeout for clarity
  8e0bfec... gtkpathbar: tabs to spaces in scroll_timeout
  149d4d5... gtkpathbar: adjust Nautilus slider timeouts
  749dd07... gtkpathbar: remove unfocus management
  91354cb... gtkpathbar: remove unmap handling of sliders
  f101306... gtkpathbar: match NautilusPathBar allocation
  9646af4... gtkpathbar: allow more destinations as root
  89d19a3... gtkpathbar: avoid unrefing wrong memory
  f1ec5a5... gtkpathbar: only unref cancelable when it exists
  a087639... gtkpathbar: listen to file changes and update pathbar
  7ebf9f8... gtkpathbar: remove event window

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