[bugzilla-gnome-org-customizations] StockAnswers: Explicitly ask user to reset NEEDINFO status

commit 602da9f84e932ec0616a6737ffdbeaf4bd031770
Author: Andre Klapper <a9016009 gmx de>
Date:   Thu Jan 15 00:03:34 2015 +0100

    StockAnswers: Explicitly ask user to reset NEEDINFO status

 .../hook/bug/edit-after_comment_textarea.html.tmpl |   12 ++++++------
 1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/extensions/StockAnswers/template/en/default/hook/bug/edit-after_comment_textarea.html.tmpl 
index 4b66a72..26a6866 100644
--- a/extensions/StockAnswers/template/en/default/hook/bug/edit-after_comment_textarea.html.tmpl
+++ b/extensions/StockAnswers/template/en/default/hook/bug/edit-after_comment_textarea.html.tmpl
@@ -67,14 +67,14 @@
   [% ELSIF bug.isopened %]
   <div style="display: block" id="stocklinks" name="stocklinks">
     <script type="text/javascript">
-      addStockLink("Thanks for taking the time to report this.\nWithout a stack trace from the crash it's 
very hard to determine what caused it.\nCan you get us a stack trace? Please see 
https://wiki.gnome.org/Community/GettingInTouch/Bugzilla/GettingTraces for more information on how to do so. 
Thanks in advance!", 'need_stacktrace', 'NEEDINFO', '', '1');
-      addStockLink("Thanks for taking the time to report this.\nThis [% terms.bug %] report isn't very 
useful because it doesn't describe the [% terms.bug %] well. If you have time and can still reproduce the [% 
terms.bug %], please read https://bugzilla.gnome.org/page.cgi?id=bug-writing.html and add a more useful 
description to this [% terms.bug %].", 'bad_description', 'NEEDINFO', '', '');
-      addStockLink("Thanks for taking the time to report this.\nThis [% terms.bug %] report isn't very 
useful because it doesn't describe the [% terms.bug %] well. If you have time and can still reproduce the [% 
terms.bug %], please read https://bugzilla.gnome.org/page.cgi?id=bug-writing.html and add a description of 
how to reproduce this [% terms.bug %].\n\nYou'll also need to add a stack trace; please see 
https://wiki.gnome.org/Community/GettingInTouch/Bugzilla/GettingTraces for more information about how to do 
so. Thanks in advance!", 'bad_description+crasher', 'NEEDINFO', '', '1');
+      addStockLink("Thanks for taking the time to report this.\nWithout a stack trace from the crash it's 
very hard to determine what caused it.\nCan you get us a stack trace? Please see 
https://wiki.gnome.org/Community/GettingInTouch/Bugzilla/GettingTraces for more information on how to do so. 
When pasting a stack trace in this [% terms.bug %] report, please reset the status of this [% terms.bug %] 
report from NEEDINFO to its previous status. Thanks in advance!", 'need_stacktrace', 'NEEDINFO', '', '1');
+      addStockLink("Thanks for taking the time to report this.\nThis [% terms.bug %] report isn't very 
useful because it doesn't describe the [% terms.bug %] well. If you have time and can still reproduce the [% 
terms.bug %], please read https://bugzilla.gnome.org/page.cgi?id=bug-writing.html and add a more useful 
description to this [% terms.bug %]. When providing a better description, please reset the status of this [% 
terms.bug %] report from NEEDINFO to its previous status.", 'bad_description', 'NEEDINFO', '', '');
+      addStockLink("Thanks for taking the time to report this.\nThis [% terms.bug %] report isn't very 
useful because it doesn't describe the [% terms.bug %] well. If you have time and can still reproduce the [% 
terms.bug %], please read https://bugzilla.gnome.org/page.cgi?id=bug-writing.html and add a description of 
how to reproduce this [% terms.bug %].\n\nYou'll also need to add a stack trace; please see 
https://wiki.gnome.org/Community/GettingInTouch/Bugzilla/GettingTraces for more information about how to do 
so. When providing a better description and pasting a stack trace, please reset the status of this [% 
terms.bug %] report from NEEDINFO to its previous status. Thanks in advance!", 'bad_description+crasher', 
'NEEDINFO', '', '1');
       addStockLink("Thanks for taking the time to report this.\nUnfortunately, that stack trace is missing 
some elements that will help a lot to solve the problem, so it will be hard for the developers to fix that 
crash. Can you get us a stack trace with debugging symbols? Please see 
https://wiki.gnome.org/Community/GettingInTouch/Bugzilla/GettingTraces for more information on how to do so 
and reopen this [% terms.bug %] report. Thanks in advance!", 'bad_stacktrace', '', 'INCOMPLETE', '1');
       addStockLink("Thanks for taking the time to report this.\nHowever, you are using a version that is too 
old and not supported anymore by GNOME developers. GNOME developers are no longer working on that version, so 
unfortunately there will not be any [% terms.bug %] fixes by GNOME developers for the version that you 
use.\n\nBy upgrading to a newer version of GNOME you could receive [% terms.bug %] fixes and new 
functionality. You may need to upgrade your Linux distribution to obtain a newer version of GNOME.\n\nPlease 
feel free to reopen this [% terms.bug %] report if the problem still occurs with a recent version of GNOME, 
or feel free to report this [% terms.bug %] in the [% terms.bug %] tracking system of your Linux distribution 
if your distribution still supports the version that you are using.", 'obsolete', '', 'OBSOLETE', '');
       addStockLink("Thanks for taking the time to report this.\nHowever, this application does not track its 
[% terms.bugs %] in the GNOME [% terms.Bugzilla %]. We kindly ask you to report the [% terms.bug %] to the 
application authors. For a selective list of other [% terms.bug %] tracking systems please consult 
https://wiki.gnome.org/Bugsquad/TriageGuide/NonGnome.\n\nIf the affected third party application has a [% 
terms.bug %] tracking system you should investigate whether a [% terms.bug %] for the reported issue is 
already filed in this system. If it has not been filed yet please do so. Also ensure that both [% terms.bug 
%] reports contain a link to each other.\nThanks in advance!", 'not_gnome', '', 'NOTGNOME', '');
       addStockLink("Thanks for taking the time to report this.\nWe would like to note that GNOME Bugzilla is 
not a place to receive help for configuration or preferences issues, but a [% terms.bug %] tracking system 
for errors in the software code. In order to receive help, please bring up your support question in a support 
forum (for example, the support forum of your distribution) or the mailing list of the project. Thank you for 
your understanding!", 'support_request', '', 'INVALID', '');
-      addStockLink("This problem was reported against a version which is not supported anymore.\nCould you 
please check again if the issue you reported here still happens in a recent version of GNOME and update this 
report by adding a comment and adjusting the 'Version' field?\n\nWithout feedback this report might get 
closed as INCOMPLETE after a while.\n\nAgain thank you for reporting this problem. We are sorry that it could 
not be fixed for the version that you originally used here.", 'old_untouched', 'NEEDINFO', '', '');
+      addStockLink("This problem was reported against a version which is not supported anymore.\nCould you 
please check again if the issue you reported here still happens in a recent version of GNOME and update this 
report by adding a comment, adjusting the 'Version' field, and resetting the status of this [% terms.bug %] 
report from NEEDINFO to its previous status?\n\nWithout feedback this report might get closed as INCOMPLETE 
after a while.\n\nAgain thank you for reporting this problem. We are sorry that it could not be fixed for the 
version that you originally used here.", 'old_untouched', 'NEEDINFO', '', '');
       addStockLink("Thanks for taking the time to report this.\nThis particular [% terms.bug %] has already 
been reported into our [% terms.bug %] tracking system, but please feel free to report any further [% 
terms.bugs %] you find.", 'duplicate', '', 'DUPLICATE', '');
       addStockLink("Thanks for taking the time to report this.\nThis particular [% terms.bug %] has already 
been reported into our [% terms.bug %] tracking system, but the maintainers need more information to fix the 
[% terms.bug %]. Could you please answer the questions in the other report in order to help the developers?", 
'dupe+needinfo', '', 'DUPLICATE', '');
       addStockLink("Thanks for taking the time to report this.\nThis particular [% terms.bug %] has already 
been reported into our [% terms.bug %] tracking system, but we are happy to tell you that the problem has 
already been fixed in the code repository.\n\nAfter your distribution has provided you with the updated 
package - and if you have some time - please feel encouraged to verify the fix by changing the status of this 
[% terms.bug %] report to VERIFIED. If the updated package does not fix the reported issue, please reopen 
this [% terms.bug %] report.", 'dupe+fixed', '', 'DUPLICATE', '');
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@
       addStockLink("This problem has been fixed in the unstable development version. The fix will be 
available in the next major software release. You may need to upgrade your Linux distribution to obtain that 
newer version.\n\nAfter your distribution has provided you with the updated package - and if you have some 
time - please feel encouraged to verify the fix by changing the status of this [% terms.bug %] report to 
VERIFIED. If the updated package does not fix the reported issue, please reopen this [% terms.bug %] 
report.", 'fixed_in_head', '', 'FIXED', '');
     [% IF bug.product == 'evince' %]
-      addStockLink("Thanks for taking the time to report this.\nUnfortunately it lacks some information that 
may help us in finding the cause of the [% terms.bug %]. Can you, if possible, attach the file causing the 
crash? Also this may be a Poppler [% terms.Bug %] (the backend used by Evince to render PDF, see 
https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evince/PopplerBugs for more information), could you please supply the poppler 
version and type? You can find it in the Help->About menu in Evince.", 'crash-evince', 'NEEDINFO', '', '1');
+      addStockLink("Thanks for taking the time to report this.\nUnfortunately it lacks some information that 
may help us in finding the cause of the [% terms.bug %]. Can you, if possible, attach the file causing the 
crash? Also this may be a Poppler [% terms.Bug %] (the backend used by Evince to render PDF, see 
https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evince/PopplerBugs for more information), could you please supply the poppler 
version and type? You can find it in the Help->About menu in Evince. When providing that information, please 
reset the status of this [% terms.bug %] report from NEEDINFO to its previous status.", 'crash-evince', 
'NEEDINFO', '', '1');
     [% ELSIF bug.product == 'metacity' %]
-      addStockLink("Thanks for taking the time to report this.\nUnfortunately it lacks some information that 
may help us in finding the cause of the [% terms.bug %].  Can you provide a verbose debugging log?  To do 
so:\n\n  1. Reduce your desktop to as few windows as possible to reproduce the [% terms.bug %]\n  2. Run 
METACITY_VERBOSE=1 METACITY_USE_LOGFILE=1 metacity --replace\n  3. On stdout metacity will print the name of 
the logfile\n  4. Reproduce the [% terms.bug %] as quickly as possible\n  5. Kill the metacity you started 
above to stop the logfile from growing any longer\n  6. Attach the logfile here", 'metacity-verbose-log', 
'NEEDINFO', '', '');
+      addStockLink("Thanks for taking the time to report this.\nUnfortunately it lacks some information that 
may help us in finding the cause of the [% terms.bug %].  Can you provide a verbose debugging log?  To do 
so:\n\n  1. Reduce your desktop to as few windows as possible to reproduce the [% terms.bug %]\n  2. Run 
METACITY_VERBOSE=1 METACITY_USE_LOGFILE=1 metacity --replace\n  3. On stdout metacity will print the name of 
the logfile\n  4. Reproduce the [% terms.bug %] as quickly as possible\n  5. Kill the metacity you started 
above to stop the logfile from growing any longer\n  6. Attach the logfile here\n\nWhen providing that 
information, please reset the status of this [% terms.bug %] report from NEEDINFO to its previous status.", 
'metacity-verbose-log', 'NEEDINFO', '', '');
     [% ELSIF bug.product == 'epiphany' || bug.product == 'galeon' %]
       addStockLink("Thanks for taking the time to report this.\nHowever, the stack trace shows this to be a 
crash in the closed-source flash-plugin, which does not track its [% terms.bugs %] in [% terms.Bugzilla %].  
We kindly ask you to report the [% terms.bug %] to the application authors at 
http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/report-flash-player-crash.html";, 'crash-flash-plugin', '','NOTGNOME', 
     [% END %]

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