[gthumb] replaced the "bilinear" filter with a real box filter

commit 896fdfa00e534270314a775015d18c9769dd5802
Author: Paolo Bacchilega <paobac src gnome org>
Date:   Sun Jan 18 18:40:43 2015 +0100

    replaced the "bilinear" filter with a real box filter
    this will reduce blur in the tool preview

 .../file_tools/gth-file-tool-adjust-colors.c       |    2 +-
 .../file_tools/gth-file-tool-adjust-contrast.c     |    2 +-
 extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-curves.c       |    2 +-
 extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-effects.c      |    2 +-
 extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-grayscale.c    |    2 +-
 extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-resize.c       |    2 +-
 extensions/file_tools/gth-image-line-tool.c        |    2 +-
 extensions/file_tools/gth-image-rotator.c          |    2 +-
 extensions/file_tools/gth-preview-tool.c           |    2 +-
 gthumb/cairo-scale.c                               |  325 +-------------------
 gthumb/cairo-scale.h                               |    6 +-
 gthumb/gth-image-overview.c                        |    6 +-
 12 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 331 deletions(-)
diff --git a/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-adjust-colors.c 
index 3ec7b15..d825bb0 100644
--- a/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-adjust-colors.c
+++ b/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-adjust-colors.c
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ gth_file_tool_adjust_colors_get_options (GthFileTool *base)
        viewer = gth_image_viewer_page_get_image_viewer (GTH_IMAGE_VIEWER_PAGE (viewer_page));
        gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET (viewer), &allocation);
        if (scale_keeping_ratio (&width, &height, PREVIEW_SIZE * allocation.width, PREVIEW_SIZE * 
allocation.height, FALSE))
-               self->priv->preview = _cairo_image_surface_scale_bilinear (source, width, height);
+               self->priv->preview = _cairo_image_surface_scale_fast (source, width, height);
                self->priv->preview = cairo_surface_reference (source);
diff --git a/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-adjust-contrast.c 
index 95ab6b4..bb30c36 100644
--- a/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-adjust-contrast.c
+++ b/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-adjust-contrast.c
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ gth_file_tool_adjust_contrast_get_options (GthFileTool *base)
        height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (source);
        gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET (viewer), &allocation);
        if (scale_keeping_ratio (&width, &height, PREVIEW_SIZE * allocation.width, PREVIEW_SIZE * 
allocation.height, FALSE))
-               self->priv->preview = _cairo_image_surface_scale_bilinear (source, width, height);
+               self->priv->preview = _cairo_image_surface_scale_fast (source, width, height);
                self->priv->preview = cairo_surface_reference (source);
diff --git a/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-curves.c b/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-curves.c
index c2aefbb..e224e2c 100644
--- a/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-curves.c
+++ b/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-curves.c
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ gth_file_tool_curves_get_options (GthFileTool *base)
        viewer = gth_image_viewer_page_get_image_viewer (GTH_IMAGE_VIEWER_PAGE (viewer_page));
        gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET (viewer), &allocation);
        if (scale_keeping_ratio (&width, &height, PREVIEW_SIZE * allocation.width, PREVIEW_SIZE * 
allocation.height, FALSE))
-               self->priv->preview = _cairo_image_surface_scale_bilinear (source, width, height);
+               self->priv->preview = _cairo_image_surface_scale_fast (source, width, height);
                self->priv->preview = cairo_surface_reference (source);
diff --git a/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-effects.c b/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-effects.c
index 4cc7288..a0d5ff2 100644
--- a/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-effects.c
+++ b/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-effects.c
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ gth_file_tool_effects_get_options (GthFileTool *base)
        height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (source);
        gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET (viewer), &allocation);
        if (scale_keeping_ratio (&width, &height, PREVIEW_SIZE * allocation.width, PREVIEW_SIZE * 
allocation.height, FALSE))
-               self->priv->preview = _cairo_image_surface_scale_bilinear (source, width, height);
+               self->priv->preview = _cairo_image_surface_scale_fast (source, width, height);
                self->priv->preview = cairo_surface_reference (source);
diff --git a/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-grayscale.c b/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-grayscale.c
index 7083636..0680350 100644
--- a/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-grayscale.c
+++ b/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-grayscale.c
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ gth_file_tool_grayscale_get_options (GthFileTool *base)
        height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (source);
        gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET (viewer), &allocation);
        if (scale_keeping_ratio (&width, &height, PREVIEW_SIZE * allocation.width, PREVIEW_SIZE * 
allocation.height, FALSE))
-               self->priv->preview = _cairo_image_surface_scale_bilinear (source, width, height);
+               self->priv->preview = _cairo_image_surface_scale_fast (source, width, height);
                self->priv->preview = cairo_surface_reference (source);
diff --git a/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-resize.c b/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-resize.c
index 36a7d74..5136840 100644
--- a/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-resize.c
+++ b/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-resize.c
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ gth_file_tool_resize_get_options (GthFileTool *base)
        preview_width = self->priv->original_width;
        preview_height = self->priv->original_height;
        if (scale_keeping_ratio (&preview_width, &preview_height, allocation.width, allocation.height, FALSE))
-               self->priv->preview = _cairo_image_surface_scale_bilinear (source, preview_width, 
+               self->priv->preview = _cairo_image_surface_scale_fast (source, preview_width, preview_height);
                self->priv->preview = cairo_surface_reference (source);
diff --git a/extensions/file_tools/gth-image-line-tool.c b/extensions/file_tools/gth-image-line-tool.c
index 115c999..f33118e 100644
--- a/extensions/file_tools/gth-image-line-tool.c
+++ b/extensions/file_tools/gth-image-line-tool.c
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ update_image_surface (GthImageLineTool *self)
        gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET (self->priv->viewer), &allocation);
        max_size = MAX (allocation.width, allocation.height) / G_SQRT2 + 2;
        if (scale_keeping_ratio (&width, &height, max_size, max_size, FALSE))
-               preview_image = _cairo_image_surface_scale_bilinear (image, width, height);
+               preview_image = _cairo_image_surface_scale_fast (image, width, height);
                preview_image = cairo_surface_reference (image);
diff --git a/extensions/file_tools/gth-image-rotator.c b/extensions/file_tools/gth-image-rotator.c
index b596d3e..df0ec7d 100644
--- a/extensions/file_tools/gth-image-rotator.c
+++ b/extensions/file_tools/gth-image-rotator.c
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ update_image_surface (GthImageRotator *self)
        gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET (self->priv->viewer), &allocation);
        max_size = MAX (allocation.width, allocation.height) / G_SQRT2 + 2;
        if (scale_keeping_ratio (&width, &height, max_size, max_size, FALSE))
-               preview_image = _cairo_image_surface_scale_bilinear (image, width, height);
+               preview_image = _cairo_image_surface_scale_fast (image, width, height);
                preview_image = cairo_surface_reference (image);
diff --git a/extensions/file_tools/gth-preview-tool.c b/extensions/file_tools/gth-preview-tool.c
index 77e6eed..cefa1c2 100644
--- a/extensions/file_tools/gth-preview-tool.c
+++ b/extensions/file_tools/gth-preview-tool.c
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ update_preview_image (GthPreviewTool *self)
        gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET (self->priv->viewer), &allocation);
        max_size = MAX (allocation.width, allocation.height) / G_SQRT2 + 2;
        if (scale_keeping_ratio (&width, &height, max_size, max_size, FALSE))
-               self->priv->preview_image = _cairo_image_surface_scale_bilinear (image, width, height);
+               self->priv->preview_image = _cairo_image_surface_scale_fast (image, width, height);
                self->priv->preview_image = cairo_surface_reference (image);
diff --git a/gthumb/cairo-scale.c b/gthumb/cairo-scale.c
index 2591de4..e663864 100644
--- a/gthumb/cairo-scale.c
+++ b/gthumb/cairo-scale.c
@@ -146,6 +146,15 @@ _cairo_image_surface_scale_nearest (cairo_surface_t *image,
+cairo_surface_t *
+_cairo_image_surface_scale_fast (cairo_surface_t *image,
+                                int              new_width,
+                                int              new_height)
+       return _cairo_image_surface_scale (image, new_width, new_height, SCALE_FILTER_BOX, NULL);
 /* -- _cairo_image_surface_scale_filter --
  * Based on code from ImageMagick/magick/resize.c
@@ -603,322 +612,6 @@ _cairo_image_surface_scale_squared (cairo_surface_t *image,
-/* -- _cairo_image_surface_scale_bilinear -- */
-#if 0
-#define BILINEAR_INTERPOLATE(v, v00, v01, v10, v11, fx, fy) \
-       tmp = (1.0 - (fy)) * \
-             ((1.0 - (fx)) * (v00) + (fx) * (v01)) \
-              + \
-              (fy) * \
-              ((1.0 - (fx)) * (v10) + (fx) * (v11)); \
-       v = CLAMP (tmp, 0, 255);
-cairo_surface_t *
-_cairo_image_surface_scale_bilinear_2x2 (cairo_surface_t *image,
-                                        int              new_width,
-                                        int              new_height)
-       cairo_surface_t *scaled;
-       int              src_width;
-       int              src_height;
-       guchar          *p_src;
-       guchar          *p_dest;
-       int              src_rowstride;
-       int              dest_rowstride;
-       ScaleReal           step_x, step_y;
-       guchar          *p_dest_row;
-       guchar          *p_src_row;
-       guchar          *p_src_col;
-       guchar          *p_dest_col;
-       ScaleReal           x_src, y_src;
-       int              x, y;
-       guchar           r00, r01, r10, r11;
-       guchar           g00, g01, g10, g11;
-       guchar           b00, b01, b10, b11;
-       guchar           a00, a01, a10, a11;
-       guchar           r, g, b, a;
-       guint32          pixel;
-       ScaleReal           tmp;
-       ScaleReal           x_fract, y_fract;
-       int              col, row;
-       scaled = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,
-                                            new_width,
-                                            new_height);
-       src_width = cairo_image_surface_get_width  (image);
-       src_height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (image);
-       p_src = _cairo_image_surface_flush_and_get_data (image);
-       p_dest = _cairo_image_surface_flush_and_get_data (scaled);
-       src_rowstride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride (image);
-       dest_rowstride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride (scaled);
-       cairo_surface_flush (scaled);
-       step_x = (ScaleReal) src_width / new_width;
-       step_y = (ScaleReal) src_height / new_height;
-       p_dest_row = p_dest;
-       p_src_row = p_src;
-       y_src = 0;
-       for (y = 0; y < new_height; y++) {
-               row = floor (y_src);
-               y_fract = y_src - row;
-               p_src_row = p_src + (row * src_rowstride);
-               p_dest_col = p_dest_row;
-               p_src_col = p_src_row;
-               x_src = 0;
-               for (x = 0; x < new_width; x++) {
-                       col = floor (x_src);
-                       x_fract = x_src - col;
-                       p_src_col = p_src_row + (col * 4);
-                       /* x00 */
-                       CAIRO_COPY_RGBA (p_src_col, r00, g00, b00, a00);
-                       /* x01 */
-                       if (col + 1 < src_width - 1) {
-                               p_src_col += 4;
-                               CAIRO_COPY_RGBA (p_src_col, r01, g01, b01, a01);
-                       }
-                       else {
-                               r01 = r00;
-                               g01 = g00;
-                               b01 = b00;
-                               a01 = a00;
-                       }
-                       /* x10 */
-                       if (row + 1 < src_height - 1) {
-                               p_src_col = p_src_row + src_rowstride + (col * 4);
-                               CAIRO_COPY_RGBA (p_src_col, r10, g10, b10, a10);
-                       }
-                       else {
-                               r10 = r00;
-                               g10 = g00;
-                               b10 = b00;
-                               a10 = a00;
-                       }
-                       /* x11 */
-                       if ((row + 1 < src_height - 1) && (col + 1 < src_width - 1)) {
-                               p_src_col += 4;
-                               CAIRO_COPY_RGBA (p_src_col, r11, g11, b11, a11);
-                       }
-                       else {
-                               r11 = r00;
-                               g11 = g00;
-                               b11 = b00;
-                               a11 = a00;
-                       }
-                       BILINEAR_INTERPOLATE (r, r00, r01, r10, r11, x_fract, y_fract);
-                       BILINEAR_INTERPOLATE (g, g00, g01, g10, g11, x_fract, y_fract);
-                       BILINEAR_INTERPOLATE (b, b00, b01, b10, b11, x_fract, y_fract);
-                       BILINEAR_INTERPOLATE (a, a00, a01, a10, a11, x_fract, y_fract);
-                       pixel = CAIRO_RGBA_TO_UINT32 (r, g, b, a);
-                       memcpy (p_dest_col, &pixel, 4);
-                       p_dest_col += 4;
-                       x_src += step_x;
-               }
-               p_dest_row += dest_rowstride;
-               y_src += step_y;
-       }
-       cairo_surface_mark_dirty (scaled);
-       return scaled;
-static void
-_cairo_surface_reduce_row (guchar *dest_data,
-                          guchar *src_row0,
-                          guchar *src_row1,
-                          guchar *src_row2,
-                          int     src_width)
-       int     x, b;
-       ScaleReal  sum;
-       int     col0, col1, col2;
-       guchar  c[4];
-       guint32 pixel;
-       /*  Pre calculated gausian matrix
-        *  Standard deviation = 0.71
-               12 32 12
-               32 86 32
-               12 32 12
-               Matrix sum is = 262
-               Normalize by dividing with 273
-       */
-       for (x = 0; x < src_width - (src_width % 2); x += 2) {
-               for (b = 0; b < 4; b++) {
-                       col0 = MAX (x - 1, 0) * 4 + b;
-                       col1 = x * 4 + b;
-                       col2 = MIN (x + 1, src_width - 1) * 4 + b;
-                       sum = 0.0;
-                       sum += src_row0[col0] * 12;
-                       sum += src_row0[col1] * 32;
-                       sum += src_row0[col2] * 12;
-                       sum += src_row1[col0] * 32;
-                       sum += src_row1[col1] * 86;
-                       sum += src_row1[col2] * 32;
-                       sum += src_row2[col0] * 12;
-                       sum += src_row2[col1] * 32;
-                       sum += src_row2[col2] * 12;
-                       sum /= 262.0;
-                       c[b] = CLAMP (sum, 0, 255);
-               }
-               pixel = CAIRO_RGBA_TO_UINT32 (c[CAIRO_RED], c[CAIRO_GREEN], c[CAIRO_BLUE], c[CAIRO_ALPHA]);
-               memcpy (dest_data, &pixel, 4);
-               dest_data += 4;
-       }
-static cairo_surface_t *
-_cairo_surface_reduce_by_half (cairo_surface_t *src)
-       int              src_width, src_height;
-       cairo_surface_t *dest;
-       int              src_rowstride, dest_rowstride;
-       guchar          *row0, *row1, *row2;
-       guchar          *src_data, *dest_data;
-       int              y;
-       src_width = cairo_image_surface_get_width (src);
-       src_height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (src);
-       dest = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,
-                                          src_width / 2,
-                                          src_height / 2);
-       dest_rowstride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride (dest);
-       dest_data = _cairo_image_surface_flush_and_get_data (dest);
-       src_rowstride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride (src);
-       src_data = _cairo_image_surface_flush_and_get_data (src);
-       for (y = 0; y < src_height - (src_height % 2); y += 2) {
-               row0 = src_data + (MAX (y - 1, 0) * src_rowstride);
-               row1 = src_data + (y * src_rowstride);
-               row2 = src_data + (MIN (y + 1, src_height - 1) * src_rowstride);
-               _cairo_surface_reduce_row (dest_data,
-                                          row0,
-                                          row1,
-                                          row2,
-                                          src_width);
-               dest_data += dest_rowstride;
-       }
-       cairo_surface_mark_dirty (dest);
-       return dest;
-static cairo_surface_t *
-_cairo_image_surface_scale_bilinear_2x2 (cairo_surface_t *image,
-                                        int              new_width,
-                                        int              new_height)
-       cairo_surface_t *output;
-       cairo_t         *cr;
-       output = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,
-                                            new_width,
-                                            new_height);
-       cr = cairo_create (output);
-       cairo_scale (cr,
-                    (double) new_width / cairo_image_surface_get_width (image),
-                    (double) new_height / cairo_image_surface_get_height (image));
-       cairo_set_source_surface (cr, image, 0.0, 0.0);
-       cairo_pattern_set_filter (cairo_get_source (cr), CAIRO_FILTER_BILINEAR);
-       cairo_rectangle (cr, 0.0, 0.0, cairo_image_surface_get_width (image), cairo_image_surface_get_height 
-       cairo_fill (cr);
-       cairo_surface_flush (output);
-       cairo_destroy (cr);
-       return output;
-cairo_surface_t *
-_cairo_image_surface_scale_bilinear (cairo_surface_t *image,
-                                    int              new_width,
-                                    int              new_height)
-       double           scale, last_scale, s;
-       int              iterations = 0;
-       cairo_surface_t *tmp;
-       cairo_surface_t *tmp2;
-       double           w, h;
-       if ((new_width == 0) || (new_height == 0))
-               return NULL;
-       scale = (double) new_width / cairo_image_surface_get_width (image);
-       last_scale = 1.0;
-       s = scale;
-       while (s < 1.0 / _CAIRO_MAX_SCALE_FACTOR) {
-               s *= _CAIRO_MAX_SCALE_FACTOR;
-               last_scale /= _CAIRO_MAX_SCALE_FACTOR;
-               iterations++;
-       }
-       last_scale = last_scale / scale;
-       tmp = cairo_surface_reference (image);
-       w = cairo_image_surface_get_width (tmp);
-       h = cairo_image_surface_get_height (tmp);
-       while (iterations-- > 0) {
-               w /= _CAIRO_MAX_SCALE_FACTOR;
-               h /= _CAIRO_MAX_SCALE_FACTOR;
-               tmp2 = _cairo_image_surface_scale_bilinear_2x2 (tmp, round (w), round (h));
-               cairo_surface_destroy (tmp);
-               tmp = tmp2;
-       }
-       w /= last_scale;
-       h /= last_scale;
-       tmp2 = _cairo_image_surface_scale_bilinear_2x2 (tmp, round (w), round (h));
-       cairo_surface_destroy (tmp);
-       return tmp2;
 /* -- _cairo_image_surface_scale_async -- */
diff --git a/gthumb/cairo-scale.h b/gthumb/cairo-scale.h
index a0f58ff..44662d2 100644
--- a/gthumb/cairo-scale.h
+++ b/gthumb/cairo-scale.h
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ typedef enum /*< skip >*/ {
 cairo_surface_t *  _cairo_image_surface_scale_nearest   (cairo_surface_t        *image,
                                                         int                      new_width,
                                                         int                      new_height);
+cairo_surface_t *  _cairo_image_surface_scale_fast      (cairo_surface_t        *image,
+                                                        int                      new_width,
+                                                        int                      new_height);
 cairo_surface_t *  _cairo_image_surface_scale          (cairo_surface_t         *image,
                                                         int                      width,
                                                         int                      height,
@@ -59,9 +62,6 @@ cairo_surface_t *  _cairo_image_surface_scale_squared   (cairo_surface_t       *imag
                                                         int                      size,
                                                         scale_filter_t           quality,
                                                         GthAsyncTask            *task);
-cairo_surface_t *  _cairo_image_surface_scale_bilinear  (cairo_surface_t        *image,
-                                                        int                      new_width,
-                                                        int                      new_height);
 void               _cairo_image_surface_scale_async     (cairo_surface_t        *image,
                                                         int                      new_width,
                                                         int                      new_height,
diff --git a/gthumb/gth-image-overview.c b/gthumb/gth-image-overview.c
index 8e7cb5a..18a15d8 100644
--- a/gthumb/gth-image-overview.c
+++ b/gthumb/gth-image-overview.c
@@ -188,9 +188,9 @@ _gth_image_overview_update_preview (GthImageOverview *self)
        _gth_image_overview_update_zoom_info (self);
-       self->priv->preview = _cairo_image_surface_scale_bilinear (image,
-                                                                  self->priv->preview_area.width,
-                                                                  self->priv->preview_area.height);
+       self->priv->preview = _cairo_image_surface_scale_fast (image,
+                                                              self->priv->preview_area.width,
+                                                              self->priv->preview_area.height);

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