[gnome-user-docs] Updated Japanese translation

commit 04fbefd15765431e68bdec9384da081f182e506d
Author: Jiro Matsuzawa <jmatsuzawa gnome org>
Date:   Sat Oct 31 09:09:59 2015 +0900

    Updated Japanese translation
    Merge the latest pot.

 gnome-help/ja/ja.po | 4772 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 files changed, 2971 insertions(+), 1801 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gnome-help/ja/ja.po b/gnome-help/ja/ja.po
index 27559f8..b65e075 100644
--- a/gnome-help/ja/ja.po
+++ b/gnome-help/ja/ja.po
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: gnome-user-docs master\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-23 16:42+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-10-30 23:04+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-23 16:50+0900\n"
-"Last-Translator: Noriko Mizumoto <noriko fedoraproject org>\n"
+"Last-Translator: Jiro Matsuzawa <jmatsuzawa gnome org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Japanese <gnome-translation gnome gr jp>\n"
 "Language: ja\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ msgstr "<em>バウンスキー</em>を有効にすると、繰り返し押して
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</link> overview and make sure you're looking 
at the <gui>Windows</gui> view."
-msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing <gui>Universal 
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
<gui>Universal Access</gui>."
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>ウィンドウ</gui>ビューを表示します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ msgstr "<gui>ユニバーサルアクセス</gui>を開き、<gui>タイピン
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Switch <gui>Bounce Keys</gui> on."
-msgid "Switch <gui>Bounce Keys</gui> to <gui>On</gui>."
+msgid "Switch <gui>Bounce Keys</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>バウンスキー</gui>をオンにします。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/title
@@ -106,6 +106,10 @@ msgstr "トップバーの<link xref=\"a11y-icon\">アクセシビリティア
 msgid "Use the <gui>Acceptance delay</gui> slider to change how long bounce keys waits before it registers 
another key press after you pressed the key for the first time. Select <gui>Beep when a key is rejected</gui> 
if you want the computer to make a sound each time it ignores a key press because it happened too soon after 
the previous key press."
 msgstr "<gui>認識するまでの間隔</gui>のスライダーを使って、1 
+#. (itstool) path: credit/name
+msgid "Jana Heves"
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Use the <app>Orca</app> screen reader with a refreshable Braille display."
 msgstr "点字ディスプレイで <app>Orca</app> スクリーンリーダーを使います。"
@@ -115,9 +119,21 @@ msgid "Read screen in Braille"
 msgstr "点字で画面を読む"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "GNOME provides the <app>Orca</app> screen reader to display the user interface on a refreshable 
Braille display. Depending on how you installed GNOME, you might not have Orca installed. <link 
href=\"install:orca\">Install Orca</link>, then refer to the <link href=\"help:orca\">Orca Help</link> for 
more information."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "GNOME provides the <app>Orca</app> screen reader to display the user interface on a refreshable 
Braille display. Depending on how you installed GNOME, you might not have Orca installed. <link 
href=\"install:orca\">Install Orca</link>, then refer to the <link href=\"help:orca\">Orca Help</link> for 
more information."
+msgid "GNOME provides the <app>Orca</app> screen reader to display the user interface on a refreshable 
Braille display. Depending on how you installed GNOME, you might not have Orca installed. If not, install 
Orca first."
 msgstr "GNOME には <app>Orca</app> というスクリーンリーダーがあり、画面のユーザーインターフェースを点字ディスプレイに表示することができます。GNOME 
のインストール方法によっては、Orca がインストールされていないこともあります。<link href=\"install:orca\">Orca をインストールして</link>、詳細について<link 
href=\"help:orca\">Orca のヘルプ</link> を参照してください。"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<link action=\"install:vino\" style=\"button\">Install Vino</link>"
+msgid "<link style=\"button\" action=\"install:orca\">Install Orca</link>"
+msgstr "<link action=\"install:vino\" style=\"button\">Vino をインストール</link>"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+msgid "Refer to the <link href=\"help:orca\">Orca Help</link> for more information."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Make windows and buttons on the screen more (or less) vivid, so they're easier to see."
 msgstr "画面上のウィンドウやボタンのあざやかさを強めて (または弱めて) 見やすくします。"
@@ -134,7 +150,7 @@ msgstr "ウィンドウやボタンは、コントラストを調節すること
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Switch <gui>High Contrast</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>."
+msgid "Switch <gui>High Contrast</gui> to <gui>ON</gui> in the <gui>Seeing</gui> section."
 msgstr "<gui>ホバークリック</gui>をオンにします。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/title
@@ -174,13 +190,13 @@ msgstr "ホバークリックを有効にすれば、対象物の上にマウス
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Open <gui>Universal Access</gui> and select the <gui>Pointing and Clicking</gui> tab."
-msgid "Press <gui>Click Assistant</gui> in the <gui>Pointing and Clicking</gui> section."
+msgid "Press <gui>Click Assist</gui> in the <gui>Pointing &amp; Clicking</gui> section."
 msgstr "<gui>ユニバーサルアクセス</gui>を開き、<gui>ポインター操作とクリック</gui>タブを選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Switch <gui>Hover Click</gui> on."
-msgid "Switch <gui>Hover Click</gui> to <gui>On</gui>."
+msgid "Switch <gui>Hover Click</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>ホバークリック</gui>をオンにします。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -221,7 +237,7 @@ msgstr "画面の文字が読み取りにくいときは、フォントサイズ
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Switch <gui>Large Text</gui> to <gui>On</gui> in the <gui>Seeing</gui> section."
+msgid "Switch <gui>Large Text</gui> to <gui>ON</gui> in the <gui>Seeing</gui> section."
 msgstr "<gui>ホバークリック</gui>をオンにします。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -263,7 +279,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Switch <gui>Always Show Universal Access Menu</gui> to <gui>On</gui>."
+msgid "Switch <gui>Always Show Universal Access Menu</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>ホバークリック</gui>をオンにします。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -294,7 +310,7 @@ msgstr "<gui>表示形式</gui>セクションから<gui>一覧</gui>を選択
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Switch <gui>Zoom</gui> to <gui>On</gui>."
+msgid "Switch <gui>Zoom</gui> to <gui>ON</gui> in the top-right corner of the <gui>Zoom Options</gui> 
 msgstr "<gui>ホバークリック</gui>をオンにします。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -306,11 +322,11 @@ msgid "You can quickly turn zoom on and off by clicking the <link xref=\"a11y-ic
 msgstr "トップバーの<link xref=\"a11y-icon\">アクセシビリティアイコン</link>から、<gui>ズーム</gui>を選択すると、ズームのオン/オフを簡単に切り替えられます。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "You can change the magnification factor, the mouse tracking, and the position of the magnified view 
on the screen. Adjust these in the <gui>Magnifier</gui> tab of the <gui>Zoom</gui> settings window."
+msgid "You can change the magnification factor, the mouse tracking, and the position of the magnified view 
on the screen. Adjust these in the <gui>Magnifier</gui> tab of the <gui>Zoom Options</gui> window."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "You can activate crosshairs to help you find the mouse or touchpad pointer. To switch them on and 
adjust their length, color, and thickness, go to <gui>Crosshairs</gui> in the <gui>Crosshairs</gui> tab of 
the <gui>Zoom</gui> settings window."
+msgid "You can activate crosshairs to help you find the mouse or touchpad pointer. Switch them on and adjust 
their length, color, and thickness in the <gui>Crosshairs</gui> tab of the <gui>Zoom</gui> settings window."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -390,14 +406,8 @@ msgstr "マウスの左ボタンを押したままにすることで、右クリ
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Open <gui>Universal Access</gui> and select the <gui>Pointing and Clicking</gui> tab."
-msgid "Press <gui>Click Assist</gui> in the <gui>Pointing and Clicking</gui> section."
-msgstr "<gui>ユニバーサルアクセス</gui>を開き、<gui>ポインター操作とクリック</gui>タブを選択します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Switch <gui>Simulated Secondary Click</gui> on."
-msgid "Switch <gui>Simulated Secondary Click</gui> to <gui>On</gui>."
+msgid "Switch <gui>Simulated Secondary Click</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>副ボタンのクリックの代替</gui>をオンにします。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -411,7 +421,9 @@ msgid "To right-click with simulated secondary click, hold down the left mouse b
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Some special pointers, such as the resize pointers, do not change colors. You can still use simulated 
secondary click as normal, even if you don't get visual feedback from the pointer."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Some special pointers, such as the resize pointers, do not change colors. You can still use 
simulated secondary click as normal, even if you don't get visual feedback from the pointer."
+msgid "Some special pointers, such as the resize pointers, do not change colors. You can still use simulated 
secondary click as normal, even if you do not get visual feedback from the pointer."
 msgstr "サイズ変更時のポインターなど、特殊なポインターによっては色が変わらないことがあります。ポインターが反応していないように見えても、通常どおり副ボタンのクリックの代替を行えます。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -433,9 +445,33 @@ msgid "Read screen aloud"
 msgstr "画面を読み上げる"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "GNOME provides the <app>Orca</app> screen reader to speak the user interface. Depending on how you 
installed GNOME, you might not have Orca installed. <link href=\"install:orca\">Install Orca</link>, then 
refer to the <link href=\"help:orca\">Orca Help</link> for more information."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "GNOME provides the <app>Orca</app> screen reader to speak the user interface. Depending on how you 
installed GNOME, you might not have Orca installed. <link href=\"install:orca\">Install Orca</link>, then 
refer to the <link href=\"help:orca\">Orca Help</link> for more information."
+msgid "GNOME provides the <app>Orca</app> screen reader to speak the user interface. Depending on how you 
installed GNOME, you might not have Orca installed. If not, install Orca first."
 msgstr "GNOME には <app>Orca</app> というスクリーンリーダーがあり、画面のユーザーインターフェースを音声で読み上げることができます。GNOME のインストール方法によっては、Orca 
がインストールされていないこともあります。<link href=\"install:orca\">Orca をインストールして</link>、詳細について <link href=\"help:orca\">Orca 
のヘルプ</link> を参照してください。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Click <gui>Universal Access</gui> to open the panel."
+msgstr "サイドバーの<gui>ゴミ箱</gui>をクリックします。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Click <gui>Screen Reader</gui> in the <gui>Seeing</gui> section, then switch <gui>Screen Reader</gui> 
on in the dialog."
+msgstr "<gui>ホバークリック</gui>をオンにします。"
+#. (itstool) path: note/title
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Quickly turn bounce keys on and off"
+msgid "Quickly turn Screen Reader on and off"
+msgstr "バウンスキーのオン/オフをすばやく切り替える"
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can quickly turn mouse keys on and off by clicking the <link xref=\"a11y-icon\">accessibility 
icon</link> on the top bar and selecting <gui>Mouse Keys</gui>."
+msgid "You can turn Screen Reader on and off by clicking the <link xref=\"a11y-icon\">accessibility 
icon</link> in the top bar and selecting <gui>Screen Reader</gui>."
+msgstr "トップバーの<link xref=\"a11y-icon\">アクセシビリティアイコン</link>から、<gui>マウスキー</gui>を選択すると、マウスキーのオン/オフを簡単に切り替えられます。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Have a delay between a key being pressed and that letter appearing on the screen."
 msgstr "キーを押してから画面に文字が表示されるまでの間に時間差をもうけます。"
@@ -451,7 +487,7 @@ msgstr "キーを押してから画面に文字が表示されるまでの間に
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Switch <gui>Slow Keys</gui> on."
-msgid "Switch <gui>Slow Keys</gui> to <gui>On</gui>."
+msgid "Switch <gui>Slow Keys</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>スローキー</gui>をオンにします。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/title
@@ -499,7 +535,7 @@ msgstr "複数のキーを同時に押すことが困難であれば、固定キ
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Switch <gui>Sticky Keys</gui> on."
-msgid "Switch <gui>Sticky Keys</gui> to <gui>On</gui>."
+msgid "Switch <gui>Sticky Keys</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>固定キー</gui>をオンにします。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/title
@@ -560,7 +596,7 @@ msgstr "<gui>ユニバーサルアクセス</gui>を開き、<gui>聴覚</gui>
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Switch <gui>Visual Alerts</gui> to <gui>On</gui>."
+msgid "Switch <gui>Visual Alerts</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>ホバークリック</gui>をオンにします。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -616,9 +652,17 @@ msgstr "-- GNOME ドキュメンテーションチーム"
 msgid "Jim Campbell"
 msgstr "Jim Campbell"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/years
+msgid "2014"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: credit/years
+msgid "2015"
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Connect an online account."
-msgstr "オンラインアカウントに接続します。"
+msgid "Allow applications to access your accounts online for photos, contacts, calendars, and more."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
 msgid "Add an account"
@@ -631,7 +675,20 @@ msgid "Adding an account will help link your online accounts with your GNOME des
 msgstr "アカウントを追加することで、あなたのオンラインアカウントと GNOME 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click the <key>+</key> button in the lower-left portion of the window."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</link> overview and make sure you're looking 
at the <gui>Windows</gui> view."
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
<gui>Online Accounts</gui>."
+msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>ウィンドウ</gui>ビューを表示します。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Click on <gui>Online Accounts</gui> to open the panel."
+msgstr "サイドバーの<gui>ゴミ箱</gui>をクリックします。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click the <key>+</key> button in the lower-left portion of the window."
+msgid "Click the <gui>+</gui> button in the lower-left corner of the window."
 msgstr "ウィンドウ左下部分の <key>+</key> ボタンをクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -642,12 +699,8 @@ msgstr "削除するアカウントを選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "If you have more than one account type, you can add the other accounts at a later time."
-msgid "If you want to add more than one account type, you can do so at a later time."
-msgstr "複数のアカウントがあれば、他のアカウントはあとで追加できます。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "A small website window will open where you can enter your online account credentials. For example, if 
you are setting up a Google account, enter your Google username and password."
+#| msgid "A small website window will open where you can enter your online account credentials. For example, 
if you are setting up a Google account, enter your Google username and password."
+msgid "A small website window or dialog will open where you can enter your online account credentials. For 
example, if you are setting up a Google account, enter your Google username and password. Some providers 
allow you to create a new account from the login dialog."
 msgstr "小さなウェブサイトウィンドウが開き、そこにあなたのオンラインアカウントの認証情報を入力します。たとえば、Google アカウントのセットアップをする場合、あなたの Google 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -658,72 +711,17 @@ msgstr "認証情報が正しく入力できれば、あなたのオンライン
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Select the applications that you want linked to your online account. For example, if you want to 
use an online account for chat, but do not want to use an online account for your calendar, turn the 
<gui>calendar</gui> option off."
-msgid "Select the applications that you want linked to your online account. For example, if you want to use 
an online account for chat, but do not want to use an online account for your calendar, turn the 
<gui>Calendar</gui> option to <gui>Off</gui>."
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "After you have added the accounts, each application that you have selected will automatically use 
those credentials when you start them."
-msgstr "アカウントを追加した後は、選択された各アプリケーションは起動時に自動的にその認証情報を使います。"
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "For security reasons, GNOME will not store your password on your computer. Instead, it stores a token 
that is provided by the online service. If you want to fully revoke the link between your desktop and the 
online service, <link xref=\"accounts-remove\">remove</link> it."
-msgstr "セキュリティ上の理由により、GNOME 
-#. (itstool) path: credit/name
-msgid "Julita Inca"
-msgstr "Julita Inca"
-#. (itstool) path: info/desc
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Create a new account using <app>Online Accounts</app>."
-msgstr "オンラインアカウントを使って新規アカウントを作成します。"
-#. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "Create an online account"
-msgstr "オンラインアカウントの作成"
+#| msgid "All services that are offered by an account provider will be enabled by default. <link 
xref=\"accounts-disable-service\">Switch off</link> individual services to disable them."
+msgid "All services that are offered by an account provider will be enabled by default. <link 
xref=\"accounts-disable-service\">Switch</link> individual services to <gui>OFF</gui> to disable them."
+msgstr "アカウントプロバイダーが提供するすべてのサービスは、デフォルトで有効になります。各サービスを無効にするには個別に<link 
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Some online account service providers allow you to create an account while adding it to <app>Online 
Accounts</app>. This allows you to manage all your online accounts from one application."
-msgstr "アカウントサービスプロバイダーによっては、<app>オンラインアカウント</app> 
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Open the <app>Online Accounts</app> settings from the Activities overview."
-msgid "Open the <app>Online Accounts</app> settings from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview."
-msgstr "アクティビティ画面から<app>オンラインアカウント</app>の設定を開きます。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click <gui style=\"button\">+</gui>."
-msgstr "<gui style=\"button\">+</gui> ボタンをクリックします。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Select an <gui>Account Type</gui> from the drop down menu. Some account types may <link 
xref=\"accounts-provider-not-available\">not be available</link>."
-msgid "Select the type of account which you want to add. Some account types may <link 
xref=\"accounts-provider-not-available\">not be available</link>."
-msgstr "<gui>アカウントの種類</gui>をドロップダウンメニューから選択します。アカウントの種類によっては<link 
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If the service allows you to create an account, you should see more information on how to do this."
+msgid "After you have added accounts, applications can use those accounts for the services you have chosen 
to allow. See <link xref=\"accounts-disable-service\"/> for information on controlling which services to 
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "Not all online account providers offer the option to create an account at this stage. If this is true 
of the service you wish to register, you will need to use an alternative method to create an account."
-msgstr "すべてのオンラインアカウントプロバイダーが、この段階でのアカウント作成を許可しているわけではありません。登録を希望するサービスがこれに該当する場合、別の手段でアカウントを作成する必要があります。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Fill in the registration form. You will typically be asked for some personal details such as username 
and password."
-msgstr "登録フォームを記入します。たいていユーザー名やパスワードなど個人情報を記入する必要があります。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "You need to grant GNOME access to your new account in order to use it with <app>Online 
-msgstr "新規に作成したアカウントを<app>オンラインアカウント</app>で使用できるように、GNOME にアカウントへのアクセスを許可する必要があります。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "All services that are offered by an account provider will be enabled by default. <link 
xref=\"accounts-disable-service\">Switch off</link> individual services to disable them."
-msgid "All services that are offered by an account provider will be enabled by default. <link 
xref=\"accounts-disable-service\">Switch</link> individual services to <gui>Off</gui> to disable them."
-msgstr "アカウントプロバイダーが提供するすべてのサービスは、デフォルトで有効になります。各サービスを無効にするには個別に<link 
+msgid "Many online services provide an authorization token which GNOME stores instead of your password. If 
you remove an account, you should also revoke that certificate in the online service. See <link 
xref=\"accounts-remove\"/> for more information."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Some online accounts can be used to access multiple services (like calendar and email). You can 
control which of these services can be used by applications."
@@ -734,7 +732,9 @@ msgid "Control which online services an account can be used to access"
 msgstr "アカウントがアクセスできるオンラインサービスの設定"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Some types of online account allow you to access several services with the same user account. For 
example, Google accounts provide access to calendar, email, contacts and chat. You may want to use your 
account for some services, but not others. For example, you may want to use your Google account for email but 
not chat, since you have a different online account that you use for chat."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Some types of online account allow you to access several services with the same user account. For 
example, Google accounts provide access to calendar, email, contacts and chat. You may want to use your 
account for some services, but not others. For example, you may want to use your Google account for email but 
not chat, since you have a different online account that you use for chat."
+msgid "Some types of online account providers allow you to access several services with the same user 
account. For example, Google accounts provide access to calendar, email, contacts and chat. You may want to 
use your account for some services, but not others. For example, you may want to use your Google account for 
email but not chat if you have a different online account that you use for chat."
 msgstr "オンラインアカウントの種類によっては、ひとつのユーザーアカウントで複数のサービスにアクセスできるものがあります。たとえば、Google 
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -742,19 +742,27 @@ msgid "You can disable some of the services that are provided by each online acc
 msgstr "各オンラインアカウントで提供されているサービスのいくつかを無効にすることができます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Select the account you want to change from the list on the left."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Select the account you want to change from the list on the left."
+msgid "Select the account which you want to change from the list on the left."
 msgstr "左側の一覧から変更するアカウントを選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "A list of services that are available with this account will be shown under <gui>Use this account 
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "A list of services that are available with this account will be shown under <gui>Use this account 
+msgid "A list of services that are available with this account will be shown under <gui>Use for</gui>. See 
<link xref=\"accounts-which-application\"/> to see which applications access which services."
 msgstr "<gui>このアカウントの用途</gui>の下に、アカウントで利用できるサービスの一覧が表示されます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Switch off any of the services that you don't want to be used."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Switch off any of the services that you don't want to be used."
+msgid "Switch off any of the services that you do not want to use."
 msgstr "使用しないサービスをオフにします。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Once a service has been disabled for an account, applications on your computer won't be able to use 
the account to connect to that service any more."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Once a service has been disabled for an account, applications on your computer won't be able to 
use the account to connect to that service any more."
+msgid "Once a service has been disabled for an account, applications on your computer will not be able to 
use the account to connect to that service any more."
 msgstr "アカウントに対してサービスを無効にすると、お使いのコンピューターのアプリケーションは、そのアカウントから該当のサービスに接続できなくなります。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -782,19 +790,35 @@ msgid "Support for your favorite online service provider needs someone to develo
 msgstr "お使いのオンラインサービスプロバイダーをサポートするには、誰かしらによる開発作業が必要になります。現在は、数種類のオンラインアカウントだけをサポートしています。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "If you're interested in adding support for other services, contact the developers on the <link 
href=\"https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gnome-online-accounts\";> bug tracker</link>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you're interested in adding support for other services, contact the developers on the <link 
href=\"https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gnome-online-accounts\";> bug tracker</link>."
+msgid "If you are interested in adding support for other services, contact the developers on the <link 
href=\"https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gnome-online-accounts\";> bug tracker</link>."
 msgstr "他のサービスのサポートに関心があれば、<link 
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Create an online account"
-msgid "Delete an online account."
-msgstr "オンラインアカウントの作成"
+#| msgid "What if an online service provider is not listed?"
+msgid "Remove access to an online service provider from your applications."
+msgstr "オンラインサービスプロバイダーが一覧になかったら?"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
 msgid "Remove an account"
 msgstr "アカウントの削除"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Select the account you wish to remove."
+msgid "You can remove an online account which you no longer wish to use."
+msgstr "削除するアカウントを選択します。"
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+msgid "Many online services provide an authorization token which GNOME stores instead of your password. If 
you remove an account, you should also revoke that certificate in the online service. This will ensure that 
no other application or website can connect to that service using the authorization for GNOME."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+msgid "How to revoke the authorization depends on the service provider. Check your settings on the 
provider's website for authorized or connected apps or sites. Look for an app called \"GNOME\" and remove it."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Select the account you wish to remove."
@@ -802,21 +826,22 @@ msgid "Select the account which you wish to remove."
 msgstr "削除するアカウントを選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click the <key>-</key> button in the lower-left portion of the window."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click the <key>-</key> button in the lower-left portion of the window."
+msgid "Click the <gui>-</gui> button in the lower-left corner of the window."
 msgstr "ウィンドウ左下部分の <key>-</key> ボタンをクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click <gui>Remove</gui>."
-msgstr "<gui>削除</gui>をクリックします。"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Click <gui>Remove</gui> in the confirmation dialog."
+msgstr "<gui>ユニバーサルアクセス</gui>をクリックする。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "Instead of deleting the account completely, it's possible to <link 
xref=\"accounts-disable-service\">restrict the services</link> accessed by your desktop."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Instead of deleting the account completely, it's possible to <link 
xref=\"accounts-disable-service\">restrict the services</link> accessed by your desktop."
+msgid "Instead of deleting the account completely, it is possible to <link 
xref=\"accounts-disable-service\">restrict the services</link> accessed by your desktop."
 msgstr "アカウントを完全に削除するのではなく、デスクトップからアクセスする<link xref=\"accounts-disable-service\">サービスを制限する</link>ことができます"
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "To remove GNOME's access to the online account, you should revoke the access through the account's 
website or similar service."
-msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: credit/years
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "2012-2013"
@@ -832,75 +857,94 @@ msgid "Applications can use the accounts created in <app>Online Accounts</app> a
 msgstr "アプリケーションは、<app>オンラインアカウント</app>で作成したアカウントや、そのアカウントで利用するサービスをアクセスできます。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "Which applications take advantage of online accounts?"
-msgstr "どのアプリケーションがオンラインアカウントを利用できますか?"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Other search applications"
+msgid "Online services and applications"
+msgstr "他の検索アプリケーション"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "<app>Online Accounts</app> can be used by external applications to automatically configure 
-msgstr "<app>Online Accounts</app> は他のアプリケーションから使用でき、アプリケーションの設定が自動的に行われます。"
+msgid "Once you have added an online account, any application can use that account for any of the available 
services that you have not <link xref=\"accounts-disable-service\">disabled</link>. Different providers 
provide different services. This page lists the different services and some of the applications that are 
known to use them."
+msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: section/title
-msgid "With a Google account"
-msgstr "Google アカウントの場合"
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+msgid "Calendar"
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "<app>Evolution</app>, the email application. Your email account will be added to <app>Evolution</app> 
automatically, so it will retrieve your mail, give you access to your contacts, and display your calendar 
items in your Google agenda."
-msgstr "<app>Evolution</app>、メールクライアント。メールアカウントが<app>Evolution</app>に自動的に追加されます。それにより、メールの取得や、連絡先へアクセス、また 
Google カレンダーの予定リスト項目の表示ができるようになります。"
+msgid "The Calendar service allows you to view, add, and edit events in an online calendar. It is used by 
applications like <app>Calendar</app>, <app>Evolution</app>, and <app>California</app>."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+msgid "Chat"
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "The Chat service allows you to chat with your contacts on popular instant messaging platforms. It is 
used used by the <app>Empathy</app> application."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "<app>Empathy</app>, the instant messaging application. Your online account will be added and 
you'll be able to communicate with your friends."
-msgid "<app>Empathy</app>, the instant messaging application. Your online account will be added and you will 
be able to communicate with your friends."
-msgstr "<app>Empathy</app>、インスタントメッセージングクライアント。オンラインアカウントが追加され、友達とコミュニケーションできるようになります。"
+msgid "Contacts"
+msgstr "連絡先"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "<app>Contacts</app>, which will allow to see and edit your contacts."
-msgstr "<app>連絡先</app>から、連絡先の参照や編集ができるようになります。"
+msgid "The Contacts service allows you to see the published details of your contacts on various services. It 
is used by applications like <app>Contacts</app> and <app>Evolution</app>."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+msgid "Documents"
+msgstr "ドキュメント"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "<app>Documents</app> can access your online documents and display them."
-msgstr "<app>ドキュメント</app>から、オンラインドキュメントにアクセスしたり、表示したりできるようになります。"
+msgid "The Documents service allows you to view your online documents such as those in Google docs. You can 
view your documents using the <app>Documents</app> application."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
-msgid "With Windows Live, Facebook or Twitter accounts"
-msgstr "Windows Live、Facebook、あるいは Twitter アカウントの場合"
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr "ファイル"
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "<app>Empathy</app> can use these accounts to connect you online and chat with your contacts, friends, 
and followers."
-msgstr "<app>Empathy</app> がアウントを使用し、オンラインへの接続や、相手先や友達、フォロワーとのコミュニケーションができるようになります。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "The Files service adds a remote file location, as if you had added one using the <link 
xref=\"nautilus-connect\">Connect to Server</link> functionality in the file manager. You can access remote 
files using the file manager, as well as through file open and save dialogs in any application."
+msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: section/title
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "With a SkyDrive account"
-msgstr "Google アカウントの場合"
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+msgid "Mail"
+msgstr "Mail"
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "<app>Documents</app> can access your online documents in Microsoft SkyDrive and display them."
-msgstr "<app>ドキュメント</app>から、オンラインドキュメントにアクセスしたり、表示したりできるようになります。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "The Mail service allows you to send and receive email through an email provider like Google. It is 
used by <app>Evolution</app>."
+msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "With a Google account"
-msgid "With a Exchange account"
-msgstr "Google アカウントの場合"
+#| msgctxt "link"
+#| msgid "Photos"
+msgid "Photos"
+msgstr "写真"
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "Once you have created an Exchange account, <app>Evolution</app> will start retrieving mails from this 
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "The Photos service allows you to view your online photos such as those you post on Facebook. You can 
view your photos using the <app>Photos</app> application."
 msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "With a Google account"
-msgid "With a ownCloud account"
-msgstr "Google アカウントの場合"
+#| msgid "Printer problems"
+msgid "Printers"
+msgstr "プリンターに関する問題"
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "When an ownCloud account is set up, <app>Evolution</app> is able to access and edit contacts and 
calendar appointments."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "The Print service allows you to send a PDF copy to a provider from within the print dialog of any 
application. The provider might provide print services, or it might just serve as storage for the PDF, which 
you can download and print later."
 msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "<app>Files</app> and other applications will be able to list and access your online files stored in 
the ownCloud installation."
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+msgid "Read Later"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "The Read Later service allows you to save a web page to an external services so that you can read it 
later on another device. No applications currently use this service."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: credit/name
@@ -912,16 +956,24 @@ msgid "Why add your email or social media accounts to your desktop?"
 msgstr "メールやソーシャルメディアのアカウントをデスクトップに追加するのはなぜ?"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "Why should I add an account?"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Why should I add an account?"
+msgid "Why add an account?"
 msgstr "アカウントを追加するメリットは何ですか?"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Adding your accounts brings your choice of services like calendar, chat and e-mail straight to your 
desktop and makes the information of the services a seamless part of your user experience. By adding accounts 
you can easily keep in touch with services of different accounts, like chats, at the same time. Just set your 
account once and every time you start your computer all the accounts and services you've added are ready for 
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Adding your accounts brings your choice of services like calendar, chat and e-mail straight to 
your desktop and makes the information of the services a seamless part of your user experience. By adding 
accounts you can easily keep in touch with services of different accounts, like chats, at the same time. Just 
set your account once and every time you start your computer all the accounts and services you've added are 
ready for you."
+msgid "Adding your online accounts brings your choice of services like calendar, chat, and e-mail straight 
to your desktop and makes the information of the services a seamless part of your user experience. By adding 
accounts you can easily keep in touch using services from different accounts, like chats, at the same time. 
Just set up your online accounts once and every time you start your computer all the accounts and services 
that you have added are ready to use."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+msgid "See <link xref=\"accounts-which-application\"/> for information on which applications can access 
which online services."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "<link xref=\"accounts-create\">Create a new account</link>, <link xref=\"accounts-add\">Add an 
existing account</link>, <link xref=\"accounts-remove\">Remove an account</link>…"
+msgid "<link xref=\"accounts-add\">Add an online account</link>, <link xref=\"accounts-remove\">Remove an 
account</link>, <link xref=\"accounts-which-application\">Learn about services</link>…"
 msgstr "<link xref=\"files-search\">検索</link>、<link xref=\"files-delete\">ファイルの削除</link>、<link 
xref=\"files#backup\">バックアップ</link>, <link xref=\"files#removable\">リムーバブルドライブ</link>..."
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
@@ -930,9 +982,13 @@ msgstr "オンラインアカウント"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "You can enter your login details for some online services (such as Google and Facebook) into the 
<app>Online Accounts</app> window. This will let you easily access your calendar, mail, chat accounts, and 
similar, from those applications without having to enter your account details again."
+msgid "You can enter your login details for some online services, such as Google and Facebook, into the 
<app>Online Accounts</app> window. This lets you use applications to access online services like email, 
calendars, chat, and documents."
 msgstr "オンラインサービス (Google や Facebook など) 
+#. (itstool) path: credit/name
+msgid "David King"
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Verify your backup was successful."
 msgstr "バックアップが成功したか確認します。"
@@ -946,7 +1002,9 @@ msgid "After you have backed up your files, you should make sure that the backup
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "When you use the file manager to copy or move files, the computer checks to make sure that all of the 
data transferred correctly. However, if you are transferring data that is very important to you, you may want 
to perform additional checks to confirm that your data has been transferred properly."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "When you use the file manager to copy or move files, the computer checks to make sure that all of 
the data transferred correctly. However, if you are transferring data that is very important to you, you may 
want to perform additional checks to confirm that your data has been transferred properly."
+msgid "When you use <app>Files</app> to copy or move files, the computer checks to make sure that all of the 
data transferred correctly. However, if you are transferring data that is very important to you, you may want 
to perform additional checks to confirm that your data has been transferred properly."
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -957,14 +1015,16 @@ msgstr "転送先メディアにコピーしたファイルやフォルダーを
 msgid "If you find that you do regular backups of large amounts of data, you may find it easier to use a 
dedicated backup program, such as <app>Déjà Dup</app>. Such a program is more powerful and more reliable than 
just copying and pasting files."
 msgstr "大量のデータを定期的にバックアップするのであれば、<app>Déjà Dup</app> 
-#. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Learn how often you should backup your important files to make sure that they're safe."
-msgstr "重要なファイルの安全を確保するのに、どの程度の頻度でバックアップを取るべきかについて学びます。"
 #. (itstool) path: credit/name
 msgid "Tiffany Antopolski"
 msgstr "Tiffany Antopolski"
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Learn how often you should backup your important files to make sure that they're safe."
+msgid "Learn how often you should backup your important files to make sure that they are safe."
+msgstr "重要なファイルの安全を確保するのに、どの程度の頻度でバックアップを取るべきかについて学びます。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
 msgid "Frequency of backups"
 msgstr "バックアップの頻度"
@@ -1022,7 +1082,9 @@ msgid "Files that are already backed up somewhere else, such as to a CD, DVD, or
 msgstr "他の場所にすでにバックアップ済みのファイル。たとえば CD、DVD、その他のリムーバブルメディアなど。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Files that you can recreate easily. For example, if you are a programmer, you don't have to back up 
the files that get produced when you compile your programs. Instead, just make sure that you back up the 
original source files."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Files that you can recreate easily. For example, if you are a programmer, you don't have to back 
up the files that get produced when you compile your programs. Instead, just make sure that you back up the 
original source files."
+msgid "Files that you can recreate easily. For example, if you are a programmer, you do not have to back up 
the files that get produced when you compile your programs. Instead, just make sure that you back up the 
original source files."
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -1073,15 +1135,25 @@ msgid "These are usually stored in your home folder (<file>/home/your_name</file
 msgstr "通常、これらはユーザーのホームフォルダー (<file>/home/your_name</file>) 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If your backup medium has sufficient space (if it's an external hard disk, for example), consider 
backing up the entire Home folder. You can find out how much disk space your Home folder takes up by using 
the <app>Disk Usage Analyzer</app>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If your backup medium has sufficient space (if it's an external hard disk, for example), consider 
backing up the entire Home folder. You can find out how much disk space your Home folder takes up by using 
the <app>Disk Usage Analyzer</app>."
+msgid "If your backup medium has sufficient space (if it is an external hard disk, for example), consider 
backing up the entire Home folder. You can find out how much disk space your Home folder takes up by using 
the <app>Disk Usage Analyzer</app>."
 msgstr "バックアップ先のメディアに十分な空き領域があれば (たとえば、外付けハードディスクなど)、ホームフォルダー全体をバックアップすることを検討してください。<app>ディスク使用量解析ツール 
(BaoBab)</app> を使えば、ホームフォルダーがどれだけのディスク領域を使用しているか確認できます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "Hidden files"
 msgstr "隠しファイル"
+#. (itstool) path: media/span
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Window operations"
+msgid "View options"
+msgstr "ウィンドウ操作"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Any file or folder name that starts with a period (.) is hidden by default. To view hidden files, 
click <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Show Hidden Files</gui></guiseq> or press 
<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq>. You can copy these to a backup location like any other file."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Any file or folder name that starts with a period (.) is hidden by default. To view hidden files, 
click <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Show Hidden Files</gui></guiseq> or press 
<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq>. You can copy these to a backup location like any other file."
+msgid "Any file or folder name that starts with a period (.) is hidden by default. To view hidden files, 
click the <gui><_:media-1/></gui> button in the toolbar, and then choose <gui>Show Hidden Files</gui>, or 
press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq>. You can copy these to a backup location like any other 
 msgstr "ピリオド (.) 
とクリックするか、<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq> を押します。他のファイルと同じように隠しファイルもバックアップ先へコピーできます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -1101,11 +1173,13 @@ msgid "System-wide settings"
 msgstr "システム全体の設定"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Settings for important parts of the system aren't stored in your Home folder. There are a number of 
locations that they could be stored, but most are stored in the <file>/etc</file> folder. In general, you 
won't need to back up these files on a home computer. If you are running a server, however, you should back 
up the files for the services that it is running."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Settings for important parts of the system aren't stored in your Home folder. There are a number 
of locations that they could be stored, but most are stored in the <file>/etc</file> folder. In general, you 
won't need to back up these files on a home computer. If you are running a server, however, you should back 
up the files for the services that it is running."
+msgid "Settings for important parts of the system are not stored in your Home folder. There are a number of 
locations that they could be stored, but most are stored in the <file>/etc</file> folder. In general, you 
will not need to back up these files on a home computer. If you are running a server, however, you should 
back up the files for the services that it is running."
 msgstr "システムの重要な設定は、ユーザーのホームフォルダーには保存されません。それらの保存先は様々ですが、たいていは <file>/etc</file> 
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Back up anything that you can't bear to lose if something goes wrong."
+msgid "Back up anything that you cannot bear to lose if something goes wrong."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
@@ -1152,15 +1226,15 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "In general, you will want to back up files that are irreplaceable and files that require a great time 
investment to replace without a backup. If things are easy to replace, on the other hand, you may not want to 
use up disk space by having backups of them."
 msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Advice on where to store your backups and what type of storage device to use."
-msgstr "バックアップの保存場所、および使用するストレージデバイスの種類に関するアドバイスです。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/title
 msgctxt "sort"
 msgid "c"
 msgstr "c"
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+msgid "Advice on where to store your backups and what type of storage device to use."
+msgstr "バックアップの保存場所、および使用するストレージデバイスの種類に関するアドバイスです。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
 msgid "Where to store your backup"
 msgstr "バックアップの保存先"
@@ -1202,22 +1276,24 @@ msgid "Writable CDs or DVDs (low/medium capacity)"
 msgstr "書き込み可能な CD または DVD (小/中容量)"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Online backup service (<link href=\"http://aws.amazon.com/s3/\";>Amazon S3</link> or <link 
href=\"https://one.ubuntu.com/\";>Ubuntu One</link>, for example; capacity depends on price)"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Online backup service (<link href=\"http://aws.amazon.com/s3/\";>Amazon S3</link> or <link 
href=\"https://one.ubuntu.com/\";>Ubuntu One</link>, for example; capacity depends on price)"
+msgid "Online backup service (<link href=\"http://aws.amazon.com/s3/\";>Amazon S3</link>, for example; 
capacity depends on price)"
 msgstr "オンラインバックアップサービス (たとえば <link href=\"http://aws.amazon.com/s3/\";>Amazon S3</link> や <link 
href=\"https://one.ubuntu.com/\";>Ubuntu One</link>。容量は料金プラン次第)"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 msgid "Some of these options have sufficient capacity to allow for a backup of every file on your system, 
also known as a <em>complete system backup</em>."
 msgstr "この選択肢のなかには、<em>完全システムバックアップ</em>とも言われる、お使いのシステムの全ファイルをバックアップするのに十分な容量を持っているものもあります。"
-#. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Why, what, where and how of backups."
-msgstr "バックアップについてのなぜ、何を、どこに、どうやって。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/title
 msgctxt "link:trail"
 msgid "Backups"
 msgstr "バックアップ"
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+msgid "Why, what, where and how of backups."
+msgstr "バックアップについてのなぜ、何を、どこに、どうやって。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
 msgid "Back up your important files"
 msgstr "重要なファイルをバックアップする"
@@ -1252,47 +1328,41 @@ msgstr "Bluetoothの問題"
 msgid "Problems"
 msgstr "問題"
-#. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Pair Bluetooth devices."
-msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: credit/name
 msgid "Paul W. Frields"
 msgstr "Paul W. Frields"
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+msgid "Pair Bluetooth devices."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
 msgid "Connect your computer to a Bluetooth device"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Before you can use a Bluetooth device like a mouse or a headset, you first need to connect your 
computer to the device. This is also called pairing the Bluetooth devices."
+msgid "Before you can use a Bluetooth device like a mouse or a headset, you first need to connect your 
computer to the device. This is also called <em>pairing</em> the Bluetooth devices."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #. (itstool) path: choose/p
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Click your name on the top bar and select <gui>Settings</gui>."
-msgid "Click the system status area of the top bar."
-msgstr "トップバーにあるユーザー名をクリックし、<gui>設定</gui>を選択します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#. (itstool) path: when/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Select <gui>Custom Shortcuts</gui> on the left side of the window."
-msgid "Select <gui>Bluetooth</gui>. The Bluetooth section of the menu will expand."
-msgstr "ウィンドウ左側で<gui>独自のショートカット</gui>を選択します"
+#| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</link> overview and make sure you're looking 
at the <gui>Windows</gui> view."
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>ウィンドウ</gui>ビューを表示します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
+#. (itstool) path: choose/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Select <gui>Bluetooth Settings</gui> to open the panel."
+msgid "Click on <gui>Bluetooth</gui> to open the panel."
 msgstr "サイドバーの<gui>ゴミ箱</gui>をクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Make sure Bluetooth is enabled: the switch in the titlebar should be set to <gui>ON</gui>. With the 
panel open and the switch <gui>ON</gui>, your computer will begin searching for devices."
+msgid "Make sure Bluetooth is enabled: the switch at the top should be set to <gui>ON</gui>. With the panel 
open and the switch <gui>ON</gui>, your computer will begin searching for devices."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Make the other Bluetooth device <link xref=\"bluetooth-visibility\">discoverable or visible</link> 
and place it within 10 meters (about 33 feet) of your computer."
+msgid "Make the other Bluetooth device <link xref=\"bluetooth-visibility\">discoverable or visible</link> 
and place it within 5-10 meters (about 16-33 feet) of your computer."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -1300,39 +1370,23 @@ msgid "Click the device in the <gui>Devices</gui> list. The panel for the device
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If a PIN is not required, set the <gui>Connection</gui> switch to <gui>ON</gui> and click 
<gui>Done</gui>. The entry for the device in the <gui>Devices</gui> list will show a status of 
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click <gui>PIN options</gui> to set how a PIN will be delivered to the other device."
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "The automatic PIN setting will use a six-digit numerical code. A device with no input keys or screen, 
such as a mouse or headset, may require a specific PIN such as 0000, or no PIN at all. Check your device's 
manual for the proper setting."
+msgid "If required, confirm the PIN on your other device. The device should show you the PIN you see on your 
computer screen. Confirm the PIN on the device (you may need to click <gui>Pair</gui> or <gui>Confirm</gui>), 
then click <gui>Confirm</gui> on the computer."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Choose an appropriate PIN setting for your device, then click <gui>Close</gui>."
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click <gui>Continue</gui> to proceed. If you did not choose a preset PIN, the PIN will be displayed 
on the screen."
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If required, confirm the PIN on your other device. The device should show you the PIN you see on your 
computer screen, or may prompt you to enter the PIN. Confirm the PIN on the device, then click 
+msgid "You need to finish your entry within about 20 seconds on most devices, or the connection will not be 
completed. If that happens, return to the device list and start again."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "You need to finish your entry within about 20 seconds on most devices, or the connection will not be 
completed. If that happens, return to the device list and start again."
+msgid "The entry for the device in the <gui>Devices</gui> list will show a <gui>Connected</gui> status."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "A message appears when the connection successfully completes. Click <gui>Close</gui>."
+msgid "To edit the device, click on it in the <gui>Device</gui> list. You will see a panel specific to the 
device. It may display additional options applicable to the type of device to which you are connecting."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click <gui>Done</gui>. The entry for the device in the <gui>Devices</gui> list will show a status of 
+msgid "Close the panel once you have changed the settings."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: media/p
@@ -1344,21 +1398,15 @@ msgstr "トップバーの時計をクリックします。"
 msgid "When one or more Bluetooth devices are connected, the Bluetooth icon appears in the system status 
 msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "You can <link xref=\"bluetooth-remove-connection\">remove a Bluetooth connection</link> later if 
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "To control sharing to your <file>Downloads</file> folder, refer to the <gui>Bluetooth Sharing</gui> 
settings. See <link xref=\"sharing-bluetooth\"/>."
-msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "The adapter could be turned off or may not have drivers, or Bluetooth might be disabled or blocked."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "I can't connect my Bluetooth device"
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Send a file to a Bluetooth device"
+msgid "I cannot connect my Bluetooth device"
+msgstr "Bluetooth デバイスにファイルを送る"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 msgid "There are a number of reasons why you may not be able to connect to a Bluetooth device, such as a 
phone or headset."
@@ -1377,11 +1425,11 @@ msgid "Bluetooth hardware not recognized"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Your Bluetooth adapter/dongle may not have been recognized by the computer. This could be because 
<link xref=\"hardware-driver\">drivers</link> for the adapter aren't installed. Some Bluetooth adapters 
aren't supported on Linux, so you may not be able to get the right drivers for them. In this case, you will 
probably have to get a different Bluetooth adapter."
+msgid "Your Bluetooth adapter or dongle may not have been recognized by the computer. This could be because 
<link xref=\"hardware-driver\">drivers</link> for the adapter are not installed. Some Bluetooth adapters are 
not supported on Linux, so you may not be able to get the right drivers for them. In this case, you will 
probably have to get a different Bluetooth adapter."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/title
-msgid "Adapter not switched on"
+msgid "Adapter is not switched on"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: when/p
@@ -1389,7 +1437,7 @@ msgid "Make sure that your Bluetooth adapter is switched on. Click the Bluetooth
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: choose/p
-msgid "Make sure that your Bluetooth adapter is switched on. Open the Bluetooth panel and check that it's 
not <link xref=\"bluetooth-turn-on-off\">disabled</link>."
+msgid "Make sure that your Bluetooth adapter is switched on. Open the Bluetooth panel and check that it is 
not <link xref=\"bluetooth-turn-on-off\">disabled</link>."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/title
@@ -1397,7 +1445,7 @@ msgid "Device Bluetooth connection switched off"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Check that Bluetooth is turned on on the device you're trying to connect to, and that it is <link 
xref=\"bluetooth-visibility\">discoverable or visible</link>. For example, if you're trying to connect to a 
phone, make sure that it's not in airplane mode."
+msgid "Check that Bluetooth is turned on on the device you are trying to connect to, and that it is <link 
xref=\"bluetooth-visibility\">discoverable or visible</link>. For example, if you are trying to connect to a 
phone, make sure that it is not in airplane mode."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/title
@@ -1413,16 +1461,14 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Remove a device from the list of Bluetooth devices."
 msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: credit/years
-msgid "2014"
-msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "Remove a connection between Bluetooth devices"
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Send a file to a Bluetooth device"
+msgid "Disconnect a Bluetooth device"
+msgstr "Bluetooth デバイスにファイルを送る"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If you don't want to be connected to a Bluetooth device anymore, you can remove the connection. This 
is useful if you no longer want to use a device like a mouse or headset, or if you no longer wish to transfer 
files to or from a device."
+msgid "If you do not want to be connected to a Bluetooth device anymore, you can remove the connection. This 
is useful if you no longer want to use a device like a mouse or headset, or if you no longer wish to transfer 
files to or from a device."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: when/p
@@ -1430,14 +1476,19 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Click the Bluetooth icon in the <gui>menu bar</gui> and select <gui>Bluetooth Settings</gui>."
 msgstr "トップバーのユーザー名の箇所をクリックし、<gui>システム設定</gui>を選択します。"
+#. (itstool) path: when/p
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Select <gui>Bluetooth Settings</gui> to open the panel."
+msgstr "サイドバーの<gui>ゴミ箱</gui>をクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Select the account you want to change from the list on the left."
-msgid "Select the device you want to disconnect from the list."
+msgid "Select the device which you want to disconnect from the list."
 msgstr "左側の一覧から変更するアカウントを選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "In the device dialogue box, switch <gui>Connection</gui> to <gui>OFF</gui> and click <gui>Done</gui>, 
or to remove the device from the <gui>Devices</gui> list, click <gui>Remove Device</gui>."
+msgid "In the device dialog box, switch <gui>Connection</gui> to <gui>OFF</gui>, or to remove the device 
from the <gui>Devices</gui> list, click <gui>Remove Device</gui>."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -1459,39 +1510,34 @@ msgid "You can send files to connected Bluetooth devices, such as some mobile ph
 msgstr "接続済みの Bluetooth 
Bluetooth アイコンからファイルを送る、あるいは、Bluetooth 設定ウィンドウからファイルを送る、ファイルマネージャーから直接ファイルを送る、という三つの方法が使用できます。"
 #. (itstool) path: choose/p
-msgid "You can send files to connected Bluetooth devices, such as some mobile phones or other computers. 
Some types of devices don't allow the transfer of files, or specific types of files. You can send files using 
the Bluetooth icon on the top bar, or from the Bluetooth settings window."
-msgstr "接続済みの Bluetooth 
Bluetooth アイコンからファイルを送る、あるいは、Bluetooth 設定ウィンドウからファイルを送る、という方法が使用できます。"
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "Before you begin, make sure Bluetooth is enabled on your computer. See <link 
-msgstr "この手順を行う前に、お使いのコンピューターで Bluetooth が有効になっていることを確認してください。「<link 
-#. (itstool) path: when/p
-msgid "Click the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar and select <gui>Send Files to Device</gui>."
-msgstr "メニューバーの Bluetooth アイコンをクリックし、<gui>デバイスにファイルを送る</gui>を選択します。"
-#. (itstool) path: choose/p
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</link> overview and make sure you're looking 
at the <gui>Windows</gui> view."
-msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
-msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>ウィンドウ</gui>ビューを表示します。"
+#| msgid "You can send files to connected Bluetooth devices, such as some mobile phones or other computers. 
Some types of devices don't allow the transfer of files, or specific types of files. You can send files using 
the Bluetooth icon on the top bar, or from the Bluetooth settings window."
+msgid "You can send files to connected Bluetooth devices, such as some mobile phones or other computers. 
Some types of devices do not allow the transfer of files, or specific types of files. You can send files 
using the Bluetooth settings window."
+msgstr "接続済みの Bluetooth 
Bluetooth アイコンからファイルを送る、あるいは、Bluetooth 設定ウィンドウからファイルを送る、という方法が使用できます。"
-#. (itstool) path: when/p
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Click on <gui>Bluetooth</gui> to open the panel."
-msgstr "サイドバーの<gui>ゴミ箱</gui>をクリックします。"
+#| msgid "Set the <gui>Recently Used</gui> slider to <gui>Off</gui>."
+msgid "Make sure Bluetooth is enabled: the switch in the titlebar should be set to <gui>ON</gui>."
+msgstr "<gui>最近使用したファイル</gui>のスイッチを<gui>オフ</gui>に切り替えます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Select the device which you want to send the files to and click <gui>Send</gui>."
-msgid "In the <gui>Devices</gui> list, select the device to which to send the files to and click <gui>Send 
+msgid "In the <gui>Devices</gui> list, select the device to which to send the files. If the desired device 
is not shown as <gui>Connected</gui> in the list, you need to <link 
xref=\"bluetooth-connect-device\">connect</link> to it."
 msgstr "送信先のデバイスを選択し、<gui>送信</gui>ボタンを押します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If the desired device is not shown in the list, you need to <link 
xref=\"bluetooth-connect-device\">connect</link> to it."
+msgid "A panel specific to the external device appears."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click <gui>Trash</gui> in the sidebar."
+msgid "Click <gui>Send Files…</gui> and the file chooser will appear."
+msgstr "サイドバーの<gui>ゴミ箱</gui>をクリックします。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "Choose the file you want to send and click <gui>Select</gui>."
 msgstr "送信するファイルを選び、<gui>選択</gui>ボタンを押します。"
@@ -1500,7 +1546,9 @@ msgid "To send more than one file in a folder, hold down <key>Ctrl</key> as you
 msgstr "同じフォルダー内にある複数のファイルを送る場合は、<key>Ctrl</key> キーを押しながら各ファイルを選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "The owner of the receiving device usually has to press a button to accept the file. Once the owner 
accepts or declines, the result of the file transfer will be shown on your screen."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The owner of the receiving device usually has to press a button to accept the file. Once the owner 
accepts or declines, the result of the file transfer will be shown on your screen."
+msgid "The owner of the receiving device usually has to press a button to accept the file. The 
<gui>Bluetooth File Transfer</gui> dialog will show the progress bar. Click <gui>Close</gui> when the 
transfer is complete."
 msgstr "通常、受信デバイス側で、ファイルの受信を承諾する必要があります。受信デバイス側で、承諾あるいは拒否が行われると、その転送結果があなたのコンピューターの画面に表示されます。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -1512,17 +1560,17 @@ msgid "Turn Bluetooth on or off"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: when/p
-msgid "You can turn Bluetooth on to use Bluetooth devices and send and receive files, but turn it off to 
conserve power. To turn Bluetooth on, click the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar and click <gui>Turn On 
+msgid "You can turn Bluetooth on to connect to other Bluetooth devices, or turn it off to conserve power. To 
turn Bluetooth on, click the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar and switch <gui>Bluetooth</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: choose/p
-msgid "You can turn Bluetooth on to use Bluetooth devices and send and receive files, but turn it off to 
conserve power. To turn Bluetooth on:"
+msgid "You can turn Bluetooth on to connect to other Bluetooth devices, or turn it off to conserve power. To 
turn Bluetooth on:"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Set the <gui>Recently Used</gui> slider to <gui>Off</gui>."
-msgid "Set the switch in the titlebar to <gui>ON</gui>."
+msgid "Set the switch at the top to <gui>ON</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>最近使用したファイル</gui>のスイッチを<gui>オフ</gui>に切り替えます。"
 #. (itstool) path: when/p
@@ -1535,7 +1583,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: when/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "To turn Bluetooth off, click the Bluetooth icon and click <gui>Turn Off Bluetooth</gui>."
+msgid "To turn Bluetooth off, click the Bluetooth icon and switch <gui>Bluetooth</gui> to <gui>OFF</gui>."
 msgstr "トップバーのユーザー名の箇所をクリックし、<gui>システム設定</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: choose/p
@@ -1543,34 +1591,48 @@ msgid "To turn Bluetooth off:"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#yourname\">system menu</gui> from the right side of the top 
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Select <gui>Custom Shortcuts</gui> on the left side of the window."
+msgid "Select <gui><_:media-1/> Not In Use</gui>. The Bluetooth section of the menu will expand."
+msgstr "ウィンドウ左側で<gui>独自のショートカット</gui>を選択します"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Click <gui>Take Screenshot</gui>."
 msgid "Select <gui>Turn Off</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>スクリーンショットの取得</gui>をクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
+msgid "Your computer is <link xref=\"bluetooth-visibility\">visible</link> if <gui>Visible</gui> is switched 
to <gui>ON</gui> in the Bluetooth menu."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
 msgid "Your computer is <link xref=\"bluetooth-visibility\">visible</link> as long as the 
<gui>Bluetooth</gui> panel is open."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Whether or not other devices can discover your computer."
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "An IP Address is like a phone number for your computer."
+msgid "Whether other devices can discover your computer."
+msgstr "IP アドレスとはコンピューターの電話番号のようなものです。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
 msgid "What is Bluetooth visibility?"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Bluetooth visibility simply refers to whether other devices can discover your computer when searching 
for Bluetooth devices. When Bluetooth is turned on and the <gui>Bluetooth</gui> panel is open, your computer 
will advertise itself to all other devices within range, allowing them to attempt to connect to you."
+msgid "Bluetooth visibility refers to whether other devices can discover your computer when searching for 
Bluetooth devices. When Bluetooth is turned on and the <gui>Bluetooth</gui> panel is open, your computer will 
advertize itself to all other devices within range, allowing them to attempt to connect to your computer."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "To indicate that your computer is visible while the <gui>Bluetooth</gui> panel is open, the 
<em>visible name</em> is displayed. The name appears in the label above the device list, <gui>Visible as 
\"Jo's Desktop\"</gui>, for example, and can be <link xref=\"sharing-displayname\">changed</link> from the 
<gui>Sharing</gui> panel."
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Your computer does not need to be visible to search for other devices, but those devices need to be 
visible for your computer to discover them."
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can <link xref=\"files-rename\">rename</link> the file as you wish."
+msgid "You can <link xref=\"sharing-displayname\">change</link> the name your computer displays to other 
+msgstr "お望みなら、ファイルの<link xref=\"files-rename\">名前を変更</link>できます。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 msgid "After you have <link xref=\"bluetooth-connect-device\">connected to a device</link>, neither your 
computer nor the device needs to be visible to communicate with each other."
@@ -1601,9 +1663,12 @@ msgstr "キャリブレーション"
 #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to
 #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to
 #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file.
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgctxt "_"
+#| msgid "external ref='figures/universal-access-menu.png' md5='0a74b1981ea14f71e521f92f1ab6ec86'"
 msgctxt "_"
-msgid "external ref='figures/shell-appts.png' md5='3bd352466637914eaabacc29774c408d'"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "external ref='figures/shell-appts.png' md5='2bfebd76895fcf7ca89f4503fe390b1e'"
+msgstr "external ref='figures/universal-access-menu.png' md5='0a74b1981ea14f71e521f92f1ab6ec86'"
 #. (itstool) path: media
 #. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When
@@ -1617,7 +1682,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Display your appointments on the calendar at the top of the screen."
-msgid "Display your appointments in the calendar at the top of the screen."
+msgid "Display your appointments in the calendar area at the top of the screen."
 msgstr "画面最上部にスケジュール表を表示します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
@@ -1633,7 +1698,7 @@ msgstr "<app>Evolution</app>のカレンダーにすばやくアクセスする
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Most distros come with <app>Evolution</app> installed by default. If yours does not, you may need 
to install it using your distro's package manager."
-msgid "Most distributions come with <app>Evolution</app> installed by default. If yours does not, you may 
need to install it using your distribution package manager."
+msgid "Most distributions come with <app>Evolution</app> installed by default. If yours does not, you may 
need to install it using your distribution's package manager."
 msgstr "たいていのディストリビューションでは、<app>Evolution</app> 
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -1650,28 +1715,24 @@ msgstr "トップバーの時計をクリックします。"
 msgid "Click the date for which you want to see your appointments from the calendar."
 msgstr "<gui>カレンダー</gui>上の、スケジュールを確認したい日付をクリックします。"
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+msgid "A dot is shown under each date that has an appointment."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Existing appointments will display on the right. As appointments are added in 
<app>Evolution</app>, they will appear in the clock's appointment list."
-msgid "Existing appointments will be displayed on the right. As appointments are added to the calendar, they 
will appear in the clock's appointment list."
+msgid "Existing appointments will be displayed to the left of the calendar. As appointments are added to 
your <app>Evolution</app> calendar, they will appear in the clock's appointment list."
 msgstr "登録されているスケジュールが右側に表示されます。<app>Evolution</app> に予定が追加されると、その予定がスケジュール一覧に表示されます。"
 #. (itstool) path: media/p
 msgid "Clock, calendar, and appointments"
 msgstr "時計、カレンダーおよび予定"
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "To quickly get to the full <app>Evolution</app> calendar, click on the clock and click <gui>Open 
-msgstr "<app>Evolution</app>のカレンダーにすばやくアクセスするには、時計をクリックし、<gui>カレンダーを開く</gui>をクリックします。"
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "This will work only if you have an existing <app>Evolution</app> account. Otherwise, a window will 
appear with the necessary steps for adding your first account."
-msgstr "この機能には、<app>Evolution</app> のアカウントが必要になります。まだアカウントを作っていない場合、最初のアカウントを登録手続き用のウィンドウが開きます。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Click the clock on the top bar and go into the <gui>Date and Time Settings</gui> to alter the 
-msgid "Click the clock on the top bar and go into the <gui>Date &amp; Time Settings</gui> to alter the 
+msgid "Use the <gui>Date &amp; Time Settings</gui> to alter the date or time."
 msgstr "トップバーの時計から<gui>日時の設定</gui>を開き、日時を変更します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
@@ -1684,28 +1745,36 @@ msgstr "トップバーに表示される日付や時刻、あるいは表示方
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Click on the clock in the middle of the top bar and select <gui>Date and Time Settings</gui>."
-msgid "Click on the clock in the middle of the top bar and select <gui>Date &amp; Time Settings</gui>."
-msgstr "トップバー中央の時計をクリックして、<gui>日時の設定</gui>を選択します。"
+#| msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
<gui>Date &amp; Time</gui>."
+msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>詳細</gui>を入力します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "You may need to click <gui>Unlock</gui> and type the <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">admin 
-msgid "If you have a standard account, you will need to click <gui>Unlock</gui> and type the <link 
xref=\"user-admin-explain\">administrator password</link>."
-msgstr "<gui>ロック解除</gui>ボタンを押して、管理者用パスワードを入力しなければならない場合があります。"
+#| msgid "Click on <gui>Details</gui> to open the panel."
+msgid "Click on <gui>Date &amp; Time</gui> to open the panel."
+msgstr "<gui>詳細</gui>をクリックしてパネルを開きます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If you have an internet connection, you can set your date, time and time zone to update automatically 
by switching <gui>Automatic Date &amp; Time</gui> and <gui>Automatic Time Zone</gui> to <gui>On</gui>."
+msgid "If you have <gui>Automatic Date &amp; Time</gui> set to <gui>ON</gui>, your date and time should 
update automatically if you have an internet connection. To update your date and time manually, set this to 
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If you do not have an internet connection, you can update these manually by switching them to 
<gui>Off</gui>, then clicking <gui>Date &amp; Time</gui> and <gui>Time Zone</gui> to update."
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Open <gui>Mouse &amp; Touchpad</gui>."
+msgid "Click <gui>Date &amp; Time</gui>, then adjust the time and date."
+msgstr "<gui>マウスとタッチパッド</gui>を開きます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "You can also change how the hour is displayed by selecting <gui>24-hour</gui> or <gui>AM/PM</gui> 
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can also change how the hour is displayed by selecting <gui>24-hour</gui> or <gui>AM/PM</gui> 
+msgid "You can change how the hour is displayed by selecting <gui>24-hour</gui> or <gui>AM/PM</gui> for 
<gui>Time Format</gui>."
 msgstr "また、時刻の表示方式として、<gui>24時制表示</gui>か<gui>午前/午後</gui>を選択できます。"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+msgid "You may also wish to <link xref=\"clock-timezone\">set the timezone manually</link>."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Add other timezones so you can see what time it is in other cities."
@@ -1717,7 +1786,7 @@ msgid "Change your timezone"
 msgstr "タイムゾーンを変更する"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If you have <gui>Automatic Time Zone</gui> set to <gui>On</gui>, your time zone should update 
automatically if you have an internet connection. To update your time zone manually, set this to 
+msgid "If you have <gui>Automatic Time Zone</gui> set to <gui>ON</gui>, your time zone should update 
automatically if you have an internet connection. To update your time zone manually, set this to 
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -1730,8 +1799,75 @@ msgstr "あなたのいる場所を地図から選択して、ドロップダウ
 msgid "The time will be updated automatically when you select a different location. You may also wish to 
<link xref=\"clock-set\">set the clock manually</link>."
 msgstr "現在設定されているものとは異なる場所を選択すると、時計は自動的に更新されます。また、<link xref=\"clock-set\">時計を手動で調節する</link>こともできます。"
+#. (itstool) path: info/link
+msgid "<title>Clocks Help</title>"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+msgid "Display times in other cities under the calendar."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+msgid "Add a world clock"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+msgid "Use <app>Clocks</app> to add times in other cities."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "This requires <app>Evolution</app> to be installed on your computer."
+msgid "This requires the <app>Clocks</app> application to be installed."
+msgstr "この機能を利用するには、<app>Evolution</app> をインストールする必要があります。"
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Most distros come with <app>Evolution</app> installed by default. If yours does not, you may need 
to install it using your distro's package manager."
+msgid "Most distributions come with <app>Clocks</app> installed by default. If yours does not, you may need 
to install it using your distribution package manager."
+msgstr "たいていのディストリビューションでは、<app>Evolution</app> 
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+msgid "To add a world clock:"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "Click the <gui>Add world clocks...</gui> link under the calendar to launch <app>Clocks</app>."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+msgid "If you already have one or more world clocks, click on one and <app>Clocks</app> will launch."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Right-click and pick <gui>Cut</gui>, or press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>X</key></keyseq>."
+msgid "In the <app>Clocks</app> window, click <gui style=\"button\">New</gui> button or 
<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>N</key></keyseq> to add a new city."
+msgstr "右クリックして<gui>切り取り</gui>を選択するか、<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>X</key></keyseq> を押します。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "Start typing the name of the city into the search."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Select the account you want to change from the list on the left."
+msgid "Select the correct city or the closest location to you from the list."
+msgstr "左側の一覧から変更するアカウントを選択します。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Press <gui style=\"button\">Add</gui> to finish adding the city."
+msgstr "<gui>ユニバーサルアクセス</gui>をクリックする。"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+msgid "Refer to the <link href=\"help:gnome-clocks\">Clocks Help</link> for more of the capabilities of 
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "<link xref=\"clock-set\">Set date and time</link>, <link xref=\"clock-timezone\">timezone</link>, 
<link xref=\"clock-calendar\">calendar and appointments</link>…"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<link xref=\"clock-set\">Set date and time</link>, <link xref=\"clock-timezone\">timezone</link>, 
<link xref=\"clock-calendar\">calendar and appointments</link>…"
+msgid "<link xref=\"clock-set\">Set date and time</link>, <link xref=\"clock-world\">world clocks</link>, 
<link xref=\"clock-timezone\">timezone</link>, <link xref=\"clock-calendar\">calendar and 
 msgstr "<link xref=\"clock-set\">日時</link>, <link xref=\"clock-timezone\">タイムゾーン</link>, <link 
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
@@ -1753,7 +1889,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</link> overview and make sure you're looking 
at the <gui>Windows</gui> view."
-msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing <gui>Color</gui>."
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>ウィンドウ</gui>ビューを表示します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -1880,7 +2016,7 @@ msgid "How do I calibrate my screen?"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "You can callibrate your screen so that it shows more accurate colour. This is especially useful if 
you are involved in digital photography, design or artwork."
+msgid "You can calibrate your screen so that it shows more accurate colour. This is especially useful if you 
are involved in digital photography, design or artwork."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -2215,7 +2351,7 @@ msgid "Why don't the default monitor profiles have a calibration expiry?"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "The default color profile used for each monitor is generated automatically based on the display EDID 
which is stored in a memory chip inside the monitor. The EDID only gives us a snapshot of the available 
colors the monitor was capable of displaying when it was manufactured, and does not contain much other 
information for color correction."
+msgid "The default color profile used for each monitor is generated automatically based on the display <link 
href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Display_Identification_Data\";> EDID</link> which is stored in a 
memory chip inside the monitor. The EDID only gives us a snapshot of the available colors the monitor was 
capable of displaying when it was manufactured, and does not contain much other information for color 
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: figure/desc
@@ -2456,8 +2592,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Press <gui style=\"button\">Create Contact</gui>."
-msgstr "<gui>作成</gui>をクリックします。"
+msgid "Press <gui style=\"button\">Add</gui>."
+msgstr "<gui>閉じる</gui>ボタンをクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
@@ -2482,11 +2618,6 @@ msgstr "<gui>作成</gui>をクリックします。"
 msgid "Access your contacts."
 msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: page/title
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Contacts"
-msgstr "連絡先"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 msgid "Use <app>Contacts</app> to store, access or edit information for your contacts, locally or in your 
<link xref=\"accounts\">Online Accounts</link>."
 msgstr ""
@@ -2571,7 +2702,7 @@ msgid "Enable <em>selection mode</em> by pressing the tick button above the cont
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "A checkbox will apear next to each contact. Tick the checkboxes next to the contacts that you want to 
+msgid "A checkbox will appear next to each contact. Tick the checkboxes next to the contacts that you want 
to merge."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -2599,7 +2730,7 @@ msgstr "<gui>ユニバーサルアクセス</gui>をクリックする。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Press <gui style=\"button\">Linked Contacts</gui>."
+msgid "Press <gui style=\"button\">Linked Accounts</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>作成</gui>をクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -2608,7 +2739,7 @@ msgid "Press <gui style=\"button\">Unlink</gui> to unlink the entry from the con
 msgstr "<gui>ユニバーサルアクセス</gui>をクリックする。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Press <gui style=\"button\">Close</gui> once you have finished unlinking the entries."
+msgid "Close the window once you have finished unlinking the entries."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -2659,15 +2790,11 @@ msgid "Starting Contacts for the first time"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "When you run <app>Contacts</app> for the first time, the <gui>Contacts Setup</gui> window opens."
+msgid "When you run <app>Contacts</app> for the first time, the <gui>Select Address Book</gui> window opens."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If you have <link xref=\"accounts\">online accounts</link> configured, they are listed with 
<gui>Local Address Book</gui>. Select an item from the list and click <gui style=\"button\">Select</gui>."
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "Click the <gui style=\"button\">Online Account Settings</gui> to edit existing account settings."
+msgid "If you have <link xref=\"accounts\">online accounts</link> configured, they are listed with 
<gui>Local Address Book</gui>. Select an item from the list and click <gui style=\"button\">Done</gui>."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -2692,20 +2819,23 @@ msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Open the <app>Disks</app> application from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview."
-msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面から<app>ファイル</app>アプリケーションを開きます。"
+#| msgid "Open <app>Screenshot</app> from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview."
+msgid "Open <app>Disks</app> from the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview."
+msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面から<app>スクリーンショット</app>を開きます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Choose the hard disk from the <gui>Disk Drives</gui> list."
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Select <gui>Wireless</gui> from the list on the left."
+msgid "Choose the disk from the list in the left pane."
+msgstr "左の一覧から<gui>無線</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Click the gear button and select <gui>Benchmark Drive</gui>."
+msgid "Click the gear button and select <gui>Benchmark…</gui> from the menu."
 msgstr "トップバーのユーザー名の箇所をクリックし、<gui>システム設定</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click <gui>Start Benchmark</gui> and adjust the <gui>Transfer Rate</gui> and <gui>Access Time</gui> 
parameters as desired."
+msgid "Click <gui>Start Benchmark…</gui> and adjust the <gui>Transfer Rate</gui> and <gui>Access Time</gui> 
parameters as desired."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -2714,7 +2844,7 @@ msgid "Click <gui>Start Benchmarking</gui> to test how fast data can be read fro
 msgstr "<link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">管理者権限</link>が必要になります。あなたのパスワードか、要求された管理者アカウントのパスワードを入力します。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "If <gui>Also perform write-benchmark</gui> is checked, the benchmark will test how fast data can be 
read from and written to the disk. This will take longer to complete."
+msgid "If <gui>Perform write-benchmark</gui> is checked, the benchmark will test how fast data can be read 
from and written to the disk. This will take longer to complete."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -2746,15 +2876,15 @@ msgid "To check the free disk space and disk capacity using <app>Disk Usage Anal
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Open the <app>Disks</app> application from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview. The window will 
display the <gui>Total file system capacity</gui> and <gui>Total file system usage</gui>."
+msgid "Open <app>Disk Usage Analyzer</app> from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview. The window will display 
a list of file locations together with the usage and capacity of each."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click one of the toolbar buttons to choose to <gui>Scan Home</gui>, <gui>Scan filesystem</gui>, 
<gui>Scan a folder</gui>, or <gui>Scan a remote folder</gui>."
+msgid "Click one of the items in the list to view a detailed summary of the usage for that item. Click the 
menu button, and then <gui>Scan Folder…</gui> or <gui>Scan Remote Folder…</gui> to scan a different location."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "The information is displayed according to <gui>Folder</gui>, <gui>Usage</gui>, <gui>Size</gui> and 
<gui>Contents</gui>. See more details in <link href=\"help:baobab\"><app>Disk Usage Analyzer</app></link>."
+msgid "The information is displayed according to <gui>Folder</gui>, <gui>Size</gui>, <gui>Contents</gui> and 
when the data was last <gui>Modified</gui>. See more details in <link href=\"help:baobab\"><app>Disk Usage 
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -2814,15 +2944,21 @@ msgid "Check your disk's health using the Disks application"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Select the disk you want to check from the <gui>Storage Devices</gui> list. Information and status of 
the disk will appear under <gui>Drive</gui>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Open <app>Screenshot</app> from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview."
+msgid "Open <app>Disks</app> from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview."
+msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面から<app>スクリーンショット</app>を開きます。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "Select the disk you want to check from the list of storage devices on the left. Information and 
status of the disk will be shown."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "<gui>SMART Status</gui> should say \"Disk is healthy\"."
+msgid "Click the gear icon and select <gui>SMART Data &amp; Self Tests…</gui>. The <gui>Overall 
Assessment</gui> should say \"Disk is OK\"."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click the <gui>SMART Data</gui> button to view more drive information, or to run a self-test."
+msgid "See more information under <gui>SMART Attributes</gui>, or click the <gui style=\"button\">Start 
Self-test</gui> button to run a self-test."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -2830,7 +2966,7 @@ msgid "What if the disk isn't healthy?"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "Even if the <gui>SMART Status</gui> indicates that the disk <em>isn't</em> healthy, there may be no 
cause for alarm. However, it's better to be prepared with a <link xref=\"backup-why\">backup</link> to 
prevent data loss."
+msgid "Even if the <gui>Overall Assessment</gui> indicates that the disk <em>isn't</em> healthy, there may 
be no cause for alarm. However, it's better to be prepared with a <link xref=\"backup-why\">backup</link> to 
prevent data loss."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
@@ -2858,20 +2994,22 @@ msgid "Format a removable disk"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Select the disk you want to wipe from the <gui>Storage Devices</gui> list."
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Select the account you want to change from the list on the left."
+msgid "Select the disk you want to wipe from the list of storage devices on the left."
+msgstr "左側の一覧から変更するアカウントを選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
 msgid "Make sure that you have selected the correct disk! If you choose the wrong disk, all of the files on 
the other disk will be deleted!"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "In the Volumes section, click <gui>Unmount Volume</gui>. Then click <gui>Format Volume</gui>."
+msgid "In the toolbar underneath the <gui>Volumes</gui> section, click the gear icon. Then click 
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "In the window that pops up, choose a filesystem <gui>Type</gui> for the disk."
+msgid "In the window that pops up, choose a file system <gui>Type</gui> for the disk."
 msgstr "表示されたウィンドウで、撮る対象を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -2879,11 +3017,11 @@ msgid "If you use the disk on Windows and Mac OS computers in addition to Linux
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Give the disk a name and click <gui>Format</gui> to begin wiping the disk."
+msgid "Give the disk a name and click <gui>Format…</gui> to continue and show a confirmation window. Check 
the details carefully, and click <gui>Format</gui> to wipe the disk."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Once the formatting has finished, <gui>safely remove</gui> the disk. It should now be blank and ready 
to use again."
+msgid "Once the formatting has finished, click the eject icon to safely remove the disk. It should now be 
blank and ready to use again."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: note/title
@@ -2920,15 +3058,15 @@ msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Open the <gui>Activities</gui> overview and start the <app>Disks</app> application."
+msgid "Open the <gui>Activities</gui> overview and start <app>Disks</app>."
 msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面とデスクトップを切り替えます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "In the pane marked <gui>Storage Devices</gui>, you will find hard disks, CD/DVD drives, and other 
physical devices. Click the device you want to inspect."
+msgid "In the list of storage devices on the left, you will find hard disks, CD/DVD drives, and other 
physical devices. Click the device you want to inspect."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "In the right pane, the area labeled <gui>Volumes</gui> provides a visual breakdown of the volumes and 
partitions present on the selected device. It also contains a variety of tools used to manage these volumes."
+msgid "The right pane provides a visual breakdown of the volumes and partitions present on the selected 
device. It also contains a variety of tools used to manage these volumes."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -2940,7 +3078,7 @@ msgid "Your computer most likely has at least one <em>primary</em> partition and
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "One primary partition must contain information that your computer uses to start up, or <em>boot</em>. 
For this reason it is sometimes called a boot partition, or boot volume. To determine if a volume is 
bootable, look at its <gui>Partition Flags</gui> in the disk utility. External media such as USB drives and 
CDs may also contain a bootable volume."
+msgid "One primary partition must contain information that your computer uses to start up, or <em>boot</em>. 
For this reason it is sometimes called a boot partition, or boot volume. To determine if a volume is 
bootable, select the partition and click the gear button in the toolbar underneath the partition list. Then, 
click <gui>Edit Partition…</gui> and look at its <gui>Flags</gui>. External media such as USB drives and CDs 
may also contain a bootable volume."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -2953,6 +3091,92 @@ msgstr "<link xref=\"files-search\">検索</link>、<link xref=\"files-delete\">
 msgid "Disks &amp; storage"
 msgstr "小技とコツ"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/name
+msgid "Petr Kovar"
+msgstr "Petr Kovar"
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+msgid "Change the screen blanking time to save power."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Read screen in Braille"
+msgid "Set screen blanking time"
+msgstr "点字で画面を読む"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+msgid "To save power, you can adjust the time before the screen blanks when left idle. You can also disable 
the blanking completely."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: steps/title
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can stop the screen from dimming itself:"
+msgid "To set the screen blanking time:"
+msgstr "画面が暗くならないようにする方法は次のとおりです。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+msgstr "<gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</gui>画面を開き、<gui>Power</gui> と入力します。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click on <gui>Power</gui> to open the panel."
+msgid "Click <gui>Power</gui> to open the panel."
+msgstr "<gui>電源</gui>をクリックしてパネルを開きます。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "Use the <gui>Blank screen</gui> drop-down list under <gui>Power Saving</gui> to set the blank screen 
time, or disable the blanking completely."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+msgid "When your computer is left idle, the screen will automatically lock itself for security reasons. To 
change this behavior, see <link xref=\"session-screenlocks\"/>."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+msgid "Change the screen brightness to make it more readable in bright light."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+msgid "Set screen brightness"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+msgid "Depending on your hardware, you can change the brightness of your screen to save power or to make the 
screen more readable in bright light."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+msgid "To change the brightness of your screen, click the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#yourname\">system 
menu</gui> on the right side of the top bar and adjust the screen brightness slider to the value you want to 
use. The change should take effect immediately."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+msgid "Many laptop keyboards have special keys to adjust the brightness. These often have a picture that 
looks like the sun. Hold down the <key>Fn</key> key to use these keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+msgid "You can also adjust the screen brightness by using the <gui>Power</gui> panel."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: steps/title
+msgid "To set the screen brightness using the Power panel:"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "Adjust the <gui>Screen brightness</gui> slider to the value you want to use. The change should take 
effect immediately."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+msgid "If your computer features an integrated light sensor, the screen brightness will automatically be 
adjusted for you. You can disable automatic screen brightness in the <gui>Power</gui> panel."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If it is possible to set the brightness of your screen, it will dim when the computer is idle in 
order to save power. When you start using the computer again, the screen will brighten."
+msgid "If it is possible to set the brightness of your screen, you can also have the screen dim 
automatically to save power. For more information, see <link xref=\"power-whydim\"/>."
+msgstr "画面の明るさを設定できる場合、節電のためコンピューターがアイドル状態になると画面が暗くなります。コンピューターを操作すれば画面は明るくなります。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Set up an additional monitor."
@@ -2975,7 +3199,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</link> overview and make sure you're looking 
at the <gui>Windows</gui> view."
-msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>ウィンドウ</gui>ビューを表示します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -2984,11 +3208,17 @@ msgid "Click on <gui>Displays</gui> to open the panel."
 msgstr "サイドバーの<gui>ゴミ箱</gui>をクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "The monitor with the <link xref=\"shell-introduction\">top bar</link> is the main monitor. To change 
which monitor is treated as \"main\", click on the top bar and drag it over to the monitor which you want to 
set as the \"main\" monitor."
+msgid "Click on the monitor that you would like to activate or deactivate, then in the list of monitor 
configuration select <gui>Turn Off</gui> to deactivate the monitor, or one of <gui>Primary</gui>, 
<gui>Secondary</gui>, or <gui>Mirror</gui> to activate it."
 msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities overview</link>."
+msgid "The primary monitor is the one with the <link xref=\"shell-introduction\">top bar</link>, and where 
the <gui>Activities</gui> overview is shown."
+msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ画面</link>を開きます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "To rotate the orientation of the monitor, click on it and use the buttons with the arrows to rotate 
+msgid "To rotate the orientation of the monitor, use the buttons with the arrows until the preview is 
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -3017,7 +3247,9 @@ msgid "To decide which applications should start when you plug in various device
 msgstr "さまざまなデバイスを接続した場合に起動するアプリケーションを設定する方法は次のとおりです。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>詳細</gui>を入力します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -3033,15 +3265,21 @@ msgid "Find your desired device or media type, and then choose an application or
 msgstr "設定したいデバイスやメディアの種類を探し、それ用のアプリケーションや動作を選択します。各種のデバイスやメディアについては以下の説明を参照してください。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Instead of starting an application, you can also set it so that the device will be shown in the file 
manager. When that happens, you will be asked what to do, or nothing will happen automatically."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Instead of starting an application, you can also set it so that the device will be shown in the 
file manager. When that happens, you will be asked what to do, or nothing will happen automatically."
+msgid "Instead of starting an application, you can also set it so that the device will be shown in the file 
manager, with the <gui>Open folder</gui> option. When that happens, you will be asked what to do, or nothing 
will happen automatically."
 msgstr "アプリケーションを起動する代わりに、ファイルマネージャーでデバイスを表示するように設定することもできます。その場合、どう処理するか、あるいは自動的には何もしないか確認されます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If you don't see the device or media type that you want to change in the list (such as Blu-ray discs 
or E-book readers), click <gui>Other Media</gui> to see a more detailed list of devices. Select the type of 
device or media from the <gui>Type</gui> drop-down and the application or action from the <gui>Action</gui> 
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you don't see the device or media type that you want to change in the list (such as Blu-ray 
discs or E-book readers), click <gui>Other Media</gui> to see a more detailed list of devices. Select the 
type of device or media from the <gui>Type</gui> drop-down and the application or action from the 
<gui>Action</gui> drop-down."
+msgid "If you do not see the device or media type that you want to change in the list (such as Blu-ray discs 
or E-book readers), click <gui>Other Media…</gui> to see a more detailed list of devices. Select the type of 
device or media from the <gui>Type</gui> drop-down and the application or action from the <gui>Action</gui> 
 msgstr "設定したいデバイスやメディアの種類が一覧に見つからない場合は 
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "If you don't want any applications to be opened automatically, whatever you plug in, select 
<gui>Never prompt or start programs on media insertion</gui> at the bottom of the Removable Media window."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you don't want any applications to be opened automatically, whatever you plug in, select 
<gui>Never prompt or start programs on media insertion</gui> at the bottom of the Removable Media window."
+msgid "If you do not want any applications to be opened automatically, whatever you plug in, select 
<gui>Never prompt or start programs on media insertion</gui> at the bottom of the <gui>Details</gui> window."
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -3053,7 +3291,9 @@ msgid "Audio discs"
 msgstr "オーディオディスク"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Choose your favorite music application or CD audio extractor to handle audio CDs. If you use audio 
DVDs (DVD-A), select how to open them under <gui>Other Media</gui>. If you open an audio disc with the file 
manager, the tracks will appear as WAV files that you can play in any audio player application."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Choose your favorite music application or CD audio extractor to handle audio CDs. If you use audio 
DVDs (DVD-A), select how to open them under <gui>Other Media</gui>. If you open an audio disc with the file 
manager, the tracks will appear as WAV files that you can play in any audio player application."
+msgid "Choose your favorite music application or CD audio extractor to handle audio CDs. If you use audio 
DVDs (DVD-A), select how to open them under <gui>Other Media…</gui>. If you open an audio disc with the file 
manager, the tracks will appear as WAV files that you can play in any audio player application."
 msgstr "オーディオ CD を扱うための、お好みの音楽アプリケーション や CD オーディオエクストラクターを選択します。オーディオ DVD (DVD-A) 
を使用する場合は、<gui>他のメディア</gui>から、開く方法を選択します。ファイルマネージャーでオーディオディスクを開くと、トラックは、任意のオーディオプレイヤーアプリケーションで再生できる WAV 
 #. (itstool) path: item/title
@@ -3061,7 +3301,9 @@ msgid "Video discs"
 msgstr "ビデオディスク"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Choose your favorite video application to handle video DVDs. Use the <gui>Other Media</gui> button to 
set an application for Blu-ray, HD DVD, video CD (VCD), and super video CD (SVCD). If DVDs or other video 
discs do not work correctly when you insert them, see <link xref=\"video-dvd\"/>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Choose your favorite video application to handle video DVDs. Use the <gui>Other Media</gui> button 
to set an application for Blu-ray, HD DVD, video CD (VCD), and super video CD (SVCD). If DVDs or other video 
discs do not work correctly when you insert them, see <link xref=\"video-dvd\"/>."
+msgid "Choose your favorite video application to handle video DVDs. Use the <gui>Other Media…</gui> button 
to set an application for Blu-ray, HD DVD, video CD (VCD), and super video CD (SVCD). If DVDs or other video 
discs do not work correctly when you insert them, see <link xref=\"video-dvd\"/>."
 msgstr "ビデオ DVD を処理する場合は、お好みのビデオアプリケーションを選択します。Blu-ray、HD DVD、ビデオ CD (VCD)、およびスーパービデオ CD (SVCD) 
用にアプリケーションを設定するには、<gui>他のメディア</gui>ボタンから行います。万が一、DVD やその他のビデオディスクを挿入しても正しく動作しない場合は、<link xref=\"video-dvd\"/> 
 #. (itstool) path: item/title
@@ -3069,7 +3311,9 @@ msgid "Blank discs"
 msgstr "空のディスク"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Use the <gui>Other Media</gui> button to select a disc-writing application for blank CDs, blank DVDs, 
blank Blu-ray discs, and blank HD DVDs."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Use the <gui>Other Media</gui> button to select a disc-writing application for blank CDs, blank 
DVDs, blank Blu-ray discs, and blank HD DVDs."
+msgid "Use the <gui>Other Media…</gui> button to select a disc-writing application for blank CDs, blank 
DVDs, blank Blu-ray discs, and blank HD DVDs."
 msgstr "<gui>他のメディア</gui>ボタンから、空の CD や、空の DVD、空のブルーレイディスク、空の HD DVD 用のライティングアプリケーションを選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/title
@@ -3081,7 +3325,9 @@ msgid "Use the <gui>Photos</gui> drop-down to choose a photo-management applicat
 msgstr "<gui>写真</gui>のドロップダウンリストから、デジタルカメラを接続したときや、カメラ用の CF、SD、MMC、MS 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Under <gui>Other Media</gui>, you can select an application to open Kodak picture CDs, such as those 
you might have made in a store. These are regular data CDs with JPEG images in a folder called 
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Under <gui>Other Media</gui>, you can select an application to open Kodak picture CDs, such as 
those you might have made in a store. These are regular data CDs with JPEG images in a folder called 
+msgid "Under <gui>Other Media…</gui>, you can select an application to open Kodak picture CDs, such as those 
you might have made in a store. These are regular data CDs with JPEG images in a folder called 
 msgstr "<gui>他のメディア</gui>からは、Kodak のピクチャー CD を開くのに使うアプリケーションを選択できます。ピクチャー CD 
は、店頭で作成したものかもしれません。それは、<file>PICTURES</file> と呼ばれるフォルダー内に JPEG 画像を配置した通常のデータ CD です。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/title
@@ -3097,7 +3343,9 @@ msgid "E-book readers"
 msgstr "電子書籍リーダー"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Use the <gui>Other Media</gui> button to choose an application to manage the books on your e-book 
reader, or manage the files yourself using the file manager."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Use the <gui>Other Media</gui> button to choose an application to manage the books on your e-book 
reader, or manage the files yourself using the file manager."
+msgid "Use the <gui>Other Media…</gui> button to choose an application to manage the books on your e-book 
reader, or manage the files yourself using the file manager."
 msgstr "<gui>他のメディア</gui>ボタンから、お使いの電子書籍リーダーの書籍を管理するアプリケーションを選択するか、あるいは、ファイルマネージャーを使って自分でファイルを管理します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/title
@@ -3125,7 +3373,9 @@ msgid "Use the <app>Files</app> file manager to browse and organize the files on
 msgstr "お使いのコンピューターに保存したファイルを閲覧したり整理したりするには、<app>ファイル</app>というファイルマネージャーを使います。また、ファイルマネージャーを使って、ストレージデバイス 
(外付けハードディスクなど) や、<link xref=\"nautilus-connect\">ファイルサーバー</link>、ネットワーク上の共有フォルダーに配置したファイルも管理できます。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "To start the file manager, open <app>Files</app> in the <gui>Activities</gui> overview. You can also 
search for files and folders through the overview in the same way you would <link 
xref=\"shell-apps-open\">search for applications</link>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "To start the file manager, open <app>Files</app> in the <gui>Activities</gui> overview. You can 
also search for files and folders through the overview in the same way you would <link 
xref=\"shell-apps-open\">search for applications</link>."
+msgid "To start the file manager, open <app>Files</app> in the <gui 
xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview. You can also search for files and folders 
through the overview in the same way you would <link xref=\"shell-apps-open\">search for applications</link>."
 msgstr "ファイルマネージャーを起動するには、<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面で<app>ファイル</app>アプリケーションを開きます。アクティビティ画面では、<link 
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -3133,7 +3383,9 @@ msgid "Exploring the contents of folders"
 msgstr "フォルダーの中身を調べる"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "In the file manager, double-click any folder to view its contents, and double-click any file to open 
it with the default application for that file. You can also right-click a folder to open it in a new tab or 
new window."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "In the file manager, double-click any folder to view its contents, and double-click any file to 
open it with the default application for that file. You can also right-click a folder to open it in a new tab 
or new window."
+msgid "In the file manager, double-click any folder to view its contents, and double-click or <link 
xref=\"mouse-middleclick\">middle-click</link> any file to open it with the default application for that 
file. Middle-click a folder to open it in a new tab. You can also right-click a folder to open it in a new 
tab or new window."
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
@@ -3141,30 +3393,30 @@ msgid "When looking through the files in a folder, you can quickly <link xref=\"
 msgstr "フォルダー中のファイルにざっと目を通したい場合は、スペースバーを押して<link 
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "The <em>path bar</em> above the list of files and folders shows you which folder you're viewing, 
including the parent folders of the current folder. Click a parent folder in the path bar to go to that 
folder. Right-click any folder in the path bar to open it in a new tab or window, copy or move it, or access 
its properties."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The <em>path bar</em> above the list of files and folders shows you which folder you're viewing, 
including the parent folders of the current folder. Click a parent folder in the path bar to go to that 
folder. Right-click any folder in the path bar to open it in a new tab or window, copy or move it, or access 
its properties."
+msgid "The <em>path bar</em> above the list of files and folders shows you which folder you're viewing, 
including the parent folders of the current folder. Click a parent folder in the path bar to go to that 
folder. Right-click any folder in the path bar to open it in a new tab or window, or access its properties."
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "If you want to quickly skip to a file in the folder you're viewing, start typing its name. A search 
box will appear at the top of the window and the first file which matches your search will be highlighted. 
Press the down arrow key, or scroll with the mouse, to skip to the next file that matches your search."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you want to quickly skip to a file in the folder you're viewing, start typing its name. A 
search box will appear at the top of the window and the first file which matches your search will be 
highlighted. Press the down arrow key, or scroll with the mouse, to skip to the next file that matches your 
+msgid "If you want to quickly <link xref=\"files-search\">search for a file</link>, in or below the folder 
you are viewing, start typing its name. A <em>search bar</em> will appear at the top of the window and only 
files which match your search will be shown. Press <key>Esc</key> to cancel the search."
-#. (itstool) path: media/span
-msgid "down"
-msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "You can quickly access common places from the <em>sidebar</em>. If you do not see the sidebar, click 
the <_:media-1/> button in the toolbar and pick <gui>Show Sidebar</gui>. You can add bookmarks to folders 
that you use often and they will appear in the sidebar. Use the <gui>Bookmarks</gui> menu to do this, or 
simply drag a folder into the sidebar."
+msgid "You can quickly access common places from the <em>sidebar</em>. If you do not see the sidebar, click 
<gui>Files</gui> in the top bar and then select <gui>Sidebar</gui>. You can add bookmarks to folders that you 
use often and they will appear in the sidebar. Drag a folder to the sidebar, and drop it over <gui>New 
bookmark</gui>, or click the window menu and then select <gui style=\"menuitem\">Bookmark this 
-#. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Copy or move items to a new folder."
-msgstr "アイテムを新しいフォルダーにコピーまたは移動します。"
 #. (itstool) path: credit/name
 msgid "Cristopher Thomas"
 msgstr "Cristopher Thomas"
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+msgid "Copy or move items to a new folder."
+msgstr "アイテムを新しいフォルダーにコピーまたは移動します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
 msgid "Copy or move files and folders"
 msgstr "ファイル、フォルダーをコピーまたは移動する"
@@ -3198,7 +3450,9 @@ msgid "Navigate to another folder, where you want to put the copy of the file."
 msgstr "ファイルのコピーを配置する別のフォルダーを表示します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click the gear icon and pick <gui>Paste</gui> to finish copying the file, or press 
<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>V</key></keyseq>. There will now be a copy of the file in the original folder and 
the other folder."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click the gear icon and pick <gui>Paste</gui> to finish copying the file, or press 
<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>V</key></keyseq>. There will now be a copy of the file in the original folder and 
the other folder."
+msgid "Click the menu button and pick <gui>Paste</gui> to finish copying the file, or press 
<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>V</key></keyseq>. There will now be a copy of the file in the original folder and 
the other folder."
 msgstr "歯車のアイコンをクリックして<gui>貼り付け</gui>を選択するか、<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>V</key></keyseq> 
 #. (itstool) path: steps/title
@@ -3219,7 +3473,7 @@ msgstr "ファイルを移動する別のフォルダーを表示します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Click the gear button in the toolbar and pick <gui>Paste</gui> to finish moving the file, or press 
<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>V</key></keyseq>. The file will be taken out of its original folder and moved to 
the other folder."
+msgid "Click the menu button in the toolbar and pick <gui>Paste</gui> to finish moving the file, or press 
<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>V</key></keyseq>. The file will be taken out of its original folder and moved to 
the other folder."
 msgstr "歯車のアイコンをクリックして<gui>貼り付け</gui>を選択するか、<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>V</key></keyseq> 
 #. (itstool) path: steps/title
@@ -3247,7 +3501,9 @@ msgid "You can force the file to be copied by holding down the <key>Ctrl</key> k
 msgstr "<key>Ctrl</key> キーを押したままでドラッグすると、コピーとなり、<key>Shift</key> キーを押したままでドラッグすると、移動となります。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "You can't copy or move a file into a folder that is <em>read-only</em>. Some folders are read-only to 
prevent you from making changes to their contents. You can change things from being read-only by <link 
xref=\"nautilus-file-properties-permissions\">changing file permissions </link>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can't copy or move a file into a folder that is <em>read-only</em>. Some folders are read-only 
to prevent you from making changes to their contents. You can change things from being read-only by <link 
xref=\"nautilus-file-properties-permissions\">changing file permissions </link>."
+msgid "You cannot copy or move a file into a folder that is <em>read-only</em>. Some folders are read-only 
to prevent you from making changes to their contents. You can change things from being read-only by <link 
xref=\"nautilus-file-properties-permissions\">changing file permissions </link>."
 msgstr "<em>読み込み専用</em> のフォルダーには、ファイルをコピーしたり移動したりはできません。中身に変更を加えられないように、読み込み専用となっているフォルダーがあります。<link 
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -3259,7 +3515,9 @@ msgid "Delete files and folders"
 msgstr "ファイル、フォルダーを削除する"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If you don't want a file or folder any more, you can delete it. When you delete an item it is moved 
to the <gui>Trash</gui> folder, where it is stored until you empty the trash. You can <link 
xref=\"files-recover\">restore items </link> in the <gui>Trash</gui> folder to their original location if you 
decide you need them, or if they were accidentally deleted."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you don't want a file or folder any more, you can delete it. When you delete an item it is 
moved to the <gui>Trash</gui> folder, where it is stored until you empty the trash. You can <link 
xref=\"files-recover\">restore items </link> in the <gui>Trash</gui> folder to their original location if you 
decide you need them, or if they were accidentally deleted."
+msgid "If you do not want a file or folder any more, you can delete it. When you delete an item it is moved 
to the <gui>Trash</gui> folder, where it is stored until you empty the trash. You can <link 
xref=\"files-recover\">restore items</link> in the <gui>Trash</gui> folder to their original location if you 
decide you need them, or if they were accidentally deleted."
 #. (itstool) path: steps/title
@@ -3271,10 +3529,16 @@ msgid "Select the item you want to place in the trash by clicking it once."
 msgstr "ゴミ箱に配置するアイテムをシングルクリックで選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Delete</key></keyseq> on your keyboard. Alternatively, drag the 
item to the <gui>Trash</gui> in the sidebar."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Delete</key></keyseq> on your keyboard. Alternatively, drag the 
item to the <gui>Trash</gui> in the sidebar."
+msgid "Press <key>Delete</key> on your keyboard. Alternatively, drag the item to the <gui>Trash</gui> in the 
 msgstr "キーボードで <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Delete</key></keyseq> 
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
+msgid "The file will be moved to the trash, and you'll be presented with an option to <gui>Undo</gui> the 
deletion. The <gui>Undo</gui> button will appear for a few seconds. If you select <gui>Undo</gui>, the file 
will be restored to its original location."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
 msgid "To delete files permanently, and free up disk space on your computer, you need to empty the trash. To 
empty the trash, right-click <gui>Trash</gui> in the sidebar and select <gui>Empty Trash</gui>."
@@ -3303,7 +3567,9 @@ msgid "Because you cannot undo this, you will be asked to confirm that you want
 msgstr "この操作は元に戻すことができないため、そのファイルやフォルダーを削除してもよいかどうかを確認するメッセージが表示されます。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "If you frequently need to delete files without using the trash (for example, if you often work with 
sensitive data), you can add a <gui>Delete</gui> entry to the right-click menu for files and folders. Click 
<gui>Files</gui> in the top bar, pick <gui>Preferences</gui> and select the <gui>Behavior</gui> tab. Select 
<gui>Include a Delete command that bypasses Trash</gui>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you frequently need to delete files without using the trash (for example, if you often work 
with sensitive data), you can add a <gui>Delete</gui> entry to the right-click menu for files and folders. 
Click <gui>Files</gui> in the top bar, pick <gui>Preferences</gui> and select the <gui>Behavior</gui> tab. 
Select <gui>Include a Delete command that bypasses Trash</gui>."
+msgid "If you frequently need to delete files trash (for example, if you often work with sensitive data), 
you can remove the delete confirmation. Click <gui>Files</gui> in the top bar, select <gui>Preferences</gui> 
and click the <gui>Behavior</gui> tab. Select <gui>Ask before emptying the Trash or deleting files</gui>."
 msgstr "ゴミ箱を使わずにファイルを削除することが多い場合 
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
@@ -3385,7 +3651,9 @@ msgid "In this case, try burning the disc again but use a lower burning speed, f
 msgstr "この場合、書き込みをもう一度実行してみてください。ただし書き込み速度はより低速 (たとえば、48x よりも 12x) 
にします。低速なほど、より信頼性も高くなります。速度の選択は、<gui>CD/DVD クリエーター</gui>ウィンドウの<gui>プロパティ</gui>から可能です。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Make a file invisible, so you can't see it in the file manager."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Make a file invisible, so you can't see it in the file manager."
+msgid "Make a file invisible, so you cannot see it in the file manager."
 msgstr "ファイルを非表示にして、ファイルマネージャーで表示できないようにします。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
@@ -3393,15 +3661,21 @@ msgid "Hide a file"
 msgstr "ファイルを隠す"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "The GNOME file manager gives you the ability to hide and unhide files at your discretion. When a file 
is hidden, it isn't displayed by the file manager, but it's still there in its folder."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The GNOME file manager gives you the ability to hide and unhide files at your discretion. When a 
file is hidden, it isn't displayed by the file manager, but it's still there in its folder."
+msgid "The <app>Files</app> file manager gives you the ability to hide and unhide files at your discretion. 
When a file is hidden, it is not displayed by the file manager, but it is still there in its folder."
 msgstr "ファイルマネージャーでは、ユーザーの判断でファイルを隠したり、表示させたりできます。隠しファイルは、ファイルマネージャーには表示されませんが、依然として存在します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "To hide a file, <link xref=\"files-rename\">rename it</link> with a <key>.</key> at the beginning of 
its name. For example, to hide a file named <file> example.txt</file>, you should rename it to 
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "To hide a file, <link xref=\"files-rename\">rename it</link> with a <key>.</key> at the beginning 
of its name. For example, to hide a file named <file> example.txt</file>, you should rename it to 
+msgid "To hide a file, <link xref=\"files-rename\">rename it</link> with a <file>.</file> at the beginning 
of its name. For example, to hide a file named <file>example.txt</file>, you should rename it to 
 msgstr "ファイルを隠すには、そのファイル名を <key>.</key> で始まる名前に<link 
という名前のファイルを隠しファイルにするには、<file>.example.txt</file> という名前に変更してください。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "You can hide folders in the same way that you can hide files. Hide a folder by placing a <key>.</key> 
at the beginning of the folder's name."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can hide folders in the same way that you can hide files. Hide a folder by placing a 
<key>.</key> at the beginning of the folder's name."
+msgid "You can hide folders in the same way that you can hide files. Hide a folder by placing a 
<file>.</file> at the beginning of the folder's name."
 msgstr "ファイルと同じ方法でフォルダーを隠すことができます。フォルダーの名前の先頭に、<key>.</key> を配置します。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -3410,12 +3684,12 @@ msgstr "すべての隠しファイルを表示する"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "If you want to see all hidden files in a folder, go to that folder and either click the <_:media-1/> 
button in the toolbar and pick <gui>Show Hidden Files</gui>, or press 
<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq>. You will see all hidden files, along with regular files that 
are not hidden."
+msgid "If you want to see all hidden files in a folder, go to that folder and either click the 
<gui><_:media-1/></gui> button in the toolbar and pick <gui>Show Hidden Files</gui>, or press 
<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq>. You will see all hidden files, along with regular files that 
are not hidden."
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "To hide these files again, either click the <_:media-1/> button in the toolbar and pick <gui>Show 
Hidden Files</gui>, or press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq> again."
+msgid "To hide these files again, either click the <gui><_:media-1/></gui> button in the toolbar and pick 
<gui>Show Hidden Files</gui>, or press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq> again."
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -3424,12 +3698,12 @@ msgstr "隠しファイルを解除する"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "To unhide a file, go to the folder containing the hidden file and click the <_:media-1/> button in 
the toolbar and pick <gui>Show Hidden Files</gui>. Then, find the hidden file and rename it so that it 
doesn't have a <key>.</key> in front of its name. For example, to unhide a file called 
<file>.example.txt</file>, you should rename it to <file>example.txt</file>."
+msgid "To unhide a file, go to the folder containing the hidden file and click the view options button in 
the toolbar and pick <gui>Show Hidden Files</gui>. Then, find the hidden file and rename it so that it does 
not have a <file>.</file> in front of its name. For example, to unhide a file called 
<file>.example.txt</file>, you should rename it to <file>example.txt</file>."
 msgstr "隠しファイルを解除するには、対象の隠しファイルのあるフォルダーに移動し、<guiseq><gui>表示</gui><gui>隠しファイルを表示する</gui></guiseq> 
とクリックします。それから、その隠しファイルを特定し、<key>.</key> で始まらないファイル名に変更します。たとえば、<file>.example.txt</file> 
という隠しファイルを元に戻すには、<file>example.txt</file> という名前に変更するとよいでしょう。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Once you have renamed the file, you can either click the <_:media-1/> button in the toolbar and pick 
<gui>Show Hidden Files</gui>, or press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq> to hide any other hidden 
files again."
+msgid "Once you have renamed the file, you can either click the view options button in the toolbar and pick 
<gui>Show Hidden Files</gui>, or press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq> to hide any other hidden 
files again."
 msgstr "ファイル名を変更したあとは、<guiseq><gui>表示</gui><gui>隠しファイルを表示</gui></guiseq> 
とクリックするか、<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq> を押して、再度、他の隠しファイルを非表示にすることができます。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
@@ -3437,7 +3711,9 @@ msgid "By default, you will only see hidden files in the file manager until you
 msgstr "デフォルトでは、ファイルマネージャーを閉じるまでの間、隠しファイルを表示することができるだけです。この設定を変更してファイルマネージャーで常に隠しファイルを表示するには、<link 
xref=\"nautilus-views\"/> を参照してください。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "Most hidden files will have a <key>.</key> at the beginning of their name, but others might have a 
<key>~</key> at the end of their name instead. These files are backup files. See <link xref=\"files-tilde\"/> 
for more information."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Most hidden files will have a <key>.</key> at the beginning of their name, but others might have a 
<key>~</key> at the end of their name instead. These files are backup files. See <link xref=\"files-tilde\"/> 
for more information."
+msgid "Most hidden files will have a <file>.</file> at the beginning of their name, but others might have a 
<file>~</file> at the end of their name instead. These files are backup files. See <link 
xref=\"files-tilde\"/> for more information."
 msgstr "ほとんどの隠しファイルは、ファイル名が<key>.</key> で始まりますが、その他には、ファイル名が <key>~</key> 
で終わるものもあります。これらは、バックアップファイルです。詳細は、<link xref=\"files-tilde\"/> を参照してください。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -3449,15 +3725,21 @@ msgid "Find a lost file"
 msgstr "見失ったファイルを探し出す"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If you created or downloaded a file, but now you can't find it, follow these tips."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you created or downloaded a file, but now you can't find it, follow these tips."
+msgid "If you created or downloaded a file, but now you cannot find it, follow these tips."
 msgstr "ファイルの作成やダウンロードを行ったが、それが見つからない場合は、次のヒントを参考にしてください。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If you don't remember where you saved the file, but you have some idea of how you named it, you can 
search for the file by name. See <link xref=\"files-search\"/> to learn how."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you don't remember where you saved the file, but you have some idea of how you named it, you 
can search for the file by name. See <link xref=\"files-search\"/> to learn how."
+msgid "If you do not remember where you saved the file, but you have some idea of how you named it, you can 
<link xref=\"files-search\">search for the file by name</link>."
 msgstr "どこにファイルを保存したか思い出せないが、どういう名前をつけたかがある程度思い出せれば、名前でファイルを検索できます。検索方法については、<link xref=\"files-search\"/> 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If you just downloaded the file, your web browser might have automatically saved it to a common 
folder. Check the Desktop and Downloads folders in your home folder."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you just downloaded the file, your web browser might have automatically saved it to a common 
folder. Check the Desktop and Downloads folders in your home folder."
+msgid "If you just downloaded the file, your web browser might have automatically saved it to a common 
folder. Check the <file>Desktop</file> and <file>Downloads</file> folders in your home folder."
 msgstr "ファイルをダウンロードしただけであれば、ウェブブラウザーが自動的に共通フォルダーに保存した可能性もあります。ホームフォルダー配下の \"デスクトップ\" フォルダーや \"ダウンロード\" 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -3466,7 +3748,7 @@ msgstr "誤ってファイルを削除してしまった可能性があります
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "You might have renamed the file in a way that made the file hidden. Files that start with a 
<file>.</file> or end with a <file>~</file> are hidden in the file manager. Click the <_:media-1/> button in 
the file manager toolbar and pick <gui>Show Hidden Files</gui> to display them. See <link 
xref=\"files-hidden\"/> to learn more."
+msgid "You might have renamed the file in a way that made the file hidden. Files that start with a 
<file>.</file> or end with a <file>~</file> are hidden in the file manager. Click the view options button in 
the <app>Files</app> toolbar and enable <gui>Show Hidden Files</gui> to display them. See <link 
xref=\"files-hidden\"/> to learn more."
 msgstr "隠しファイルとみなされる名前にファイル名を変更した可能性があります。ファイル名が、<file>.</file> ではじまるか、<file>~</file> 
 xref=\"files-hidden\"/> を参照してください。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -3478,15 +3760,21 @@ msgid "Open files with other applications"
 msgstr "別のアプリケーションでファイルを開く"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "When you double-click a file in the file manager, it will be opened with the default application for 
that file type. You can open it in a different application, search online for applications, or set the 
default application for all files of the same type."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "When you double-click a file in the file manager, it will be opened with the default application 
for that file type. You can open it in a different application, search online for applications, or set the 
default application for all files of the same type."
+msgid "When you double-click (or middle-click) a file in the file manager, it will be opened with the 
default application for that file type. You can open it in a different application, search online for 
applications, or set the default application for all files of the same type."
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "To open a file with an application other than the default, right-click the file and select the 
application you want from the top of the menu. If you don't see the application you want, click <gui>Open 
With Other Application</gui>. By default, the file manager only shows applications it knows can handle the 
file. To look through all the applications on your computer, click <gui>Show other applications</gui>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "To open a file with an application other than the default, right-click the file and select the 
application you want from the top of the menu. If you don't see the application you want, click <gui>Open 
With Other Application</gui>. By default, the file manager only shows applications it knows can handle the 
file. To look through all the applications on your computer, click <gui>Show other applications</gui>."
+msgid "To open a file with an application other than the default, right-click the file and select the 
application you want from the top of the menu. If you do not see the application you want, select <gui>Open 
With Other Application</gui>. By default, the file manager only shows applications that are known to handle 
the file. To look through all the applications on your computer, click <gui>View All Applications</gui>."
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If you still can't find the application you want, you can search for more applications by clicking 
<gui>Find applications online</gui>. The file manager will search online for packages containing applications 
that are known to handle files of that type."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you still can't find the application you want, you can search for more applications by clicking 
<gui>Find applications online</gui>. The file manager will search online for packages containing applications 
that are known to handle files of that type."
+msgid "If you still cannot find the application you want, you can search for more applications by clicking 
<gui>Find New Applications</gui>. The file manager will search online for packages containing applications 
that are known to handle files of that type."
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -3510,11 +3798,15 @@ msgid "Select the <gui>Open With</gui> tab."
 msgstr "<gui>開き方</gui>タブを選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Select the application you want and click <gui>Set as default</gui>. By default, the file manager 
only shows applications it knows can handle the file. To look through all the applications on your computer, 
click <gui>Show other applications</gui>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Choose the file you want to send and click <gui>Select</gui>."
+msgid "Select the application you want and click <gui>Set as default</gui>."
+msgstr "送信するファイルを選び、<gui>選択</gui>ボタンを押します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If <gui>Other Applications</gui> contains an application you sometimes want to use, but don't want to 
make the default, select that application and click <gui>Add</gui>. This will add it to <gui>Recommended 
Applications</gui>. You will then be able to use this application by right-clicking the file and selecting it 
from the list."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If <gui>Other Applications</gui> contains an application you sometimes want to use, but don't want 
to make the default, select that application and click <gui>Add</gui>. This will add it to <gui>Recommended 
Applications</gui>. You will then be able to use this application by right-clicking the file and selecting it 
from the list."
+msgid "If <gui>Other Applications</gui> contains an application you sometimes want to use, but do not want 
to make the default, select that application and click <gui>Add</gui>. This will add it to <gui>Recommended 
Applications</gui>. You will then be able to use this application by right-clicking the file and selecting it 
from the list."
 msgstr "<gui>別のアプリケーション</gui> 
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
@@ -3537,16 +3829,10 @@ msgstr "ファイルを、本格的なアプリケーションで開くことな
 msgid "The built-in preview supports most file formats for documents, images, video, and audio. In the 
preview, you can scroll through your documents or seek through your video and audio."
 msgstr "この組み込みのプレビュー機能は、ドキュメント、画像、ビデオ、音声のたいていのファイル形式に対応しています。プレビューでは、ドキュメントのスクロールや、ビデオや音声のシークが可能です。"
-#. (itstool) path: media/span
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Toggle fullscreen mode"
-msgid "fullscreen"
-msgstr "フルスクリーンモードを切り替える"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "To view a preview full-screen, click the <media type=\"image\" 
src=\"figures/view-fullscreen-16.png\">fullscreen</media> button near the bottom, or press <key>f</key>. 
Click <media type=\"image\" src=\"figures/view-fullscreen-16.png\">fullscreen</media> or press <key>f</key> 
again to leave full-screen, or press the space bar to exit the preview completely."
-msgid "To view a preview full-screen, click the <_:media-1/> button near the bottom, or press <key>f</key>. 
Click <_:media-2/> or press <key>f</key> again to leave full-screen, or press the space bar to exit the 
preview completely."
+msgid "To view a preview full-screen, press <key>f</key> or <key>F11</key>. Press <key>f</key> or 
<key>F11</key> again to leave full-screen, or press the space bar to exit the preview completely."
 msgstr "プレビューをフルスクリーンで表示するには、<media type=\"image\" 
src=\"figures/view-fullscreen-16.png\">フルスクリーン</media>ボタンをクリックするか、あるいは <key>f</key> キーを押します。もう一度、<media 
type=\"image\" src=\"figures/view-fullscreen-16.png\">フルスクリーン</media>ボタンをクリックするか、<key>f</key> 
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -3566,12 +3852,22 @@ msgid "To restore a file from the Trash:"
 msgstr "ゴミ箱からファイルを元に戻す方法は次のとおりです。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Open the <app>Files</app> application from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview."
-msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面から<app>ファイル</app>アプリケーションを開きます。"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>詳細</gui>を入力します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click <gui>Trash</gui> in the sidebar."
-msgstr "サイドバーの<gui>ゴミ箱</gui>をクリックします。"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<app>Nautilus</app> file manager"
+msgid "Click on <app>Files</app> to open the file manager."
+msgstr "<app>Nautilus</app> ファイルマネージャー"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "In the file manager, click <gui>Files</gui> in the top bar and pick <gui>Connect to Server</gui> 
from the app menu."
+msgid "Click <gui>Trash</gui> in the sidebar. If you do not see the sidebar, click <gui>Files</gui> in the 
top bar and pick <gui>Sidebar</gui>."
+msgstr "ファイルマネージャーを開き、トップバーの<gui>ファイル</gui>をクリックして<gui>サーバーへ接続</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
@@ -3604,7 +3900,9 @@ msgid "To eject a removable device:"
 msgstr "リムーバブルデバイスを取り出す方法は次のとおりです。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "From the <gui>Activities</gui> overview, open <app>Files</app>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "From the <gui>Activities</gui> overview, open <app>Files</app>."
+msgid "From the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview, open 
 msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面から、<app>ファイル</app>を開きます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -3652,7 +3950,9 @@ msgid "Rename a file or folder"
 msgstr "ファイル、フォルダーの名前を変更する"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "As with other file managers, you can use the GNOME file manager to change the name of a file or 
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "As with other file managers, you can use the GNOME file manager to change the name of a file or 
+msgid "As with other file managers, you can use <app>Files</app> to change the name of a file or folder."
 msgstr "他のファイルマネージャーと同様に、GNOME のファイルマネージャーを使ってファイルやフォルダーの名前を変更できます。"
 #. (itstool) path: steps/title
@@ -3664,7 +3964,9 @@ msgid "Right-click on the item and select <gui>Rename</gui>, or select the file
 msgstr "アイテムを右クリックし、<gui>名前の変更</gui>を選択するか、あるいはファイルを選択して <key>F2</key> キーを押します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Type the new name and press <key>Enter</key>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Type the new name and press <key>Enter</key>."
+msgid "Type the new name and press <key>Enter</key> or click <gui>Rename</gui>."
 msgstr "新しい名前を入力し、<key>Enter</key> キーを押します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -3672,11 +3974,15 @@ msgid "You can also rename a file from the <link xref=\"nautilus-file-properties
 msgstr "<link xref=\"nautilus-file-properties-basic\">プロパティ</link>ウィンドウからファイルの名前を変更することもできます。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "When you rename a file, only the first part of the name of the file is selected, not the file 
extension (the part after the \".\"). The extension normally denotes what type of file it is (e.g. 
<file>file.pdf</file> is a PDF document), and you usually do not want to change that. If you need to change 
the extension as well, select the entire file name and change it."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "When you rename a file, only the first part of the name of the file is selected, not the file 
extension (the part after the \".\"). The extension normally denotes what type of file it is (e.g. 
<file>file.pdf</file> is a PDF document), and you usually do not want to change that. If you need to change 
the extension as well, select the entire file name and change it."
+msgid "When you rename a file, only the first part of the name of the file is selected, not the file 
extension (the part after the last <file>.</file>). The extension normally denotes what type of file it is 
(for example, <file>file.pdf</file> is a PDF document), and you usually do not want to change that. If you 
need to change the extension as well, select the entire file name and change it."
 msgstr "ファイル名を変更するときは、ファイル名の前半部分だけが選択されており、拡張子 (\".\" 以降の部分) は選択されていません。通常、拡張子はファイルの種類を示しており 
(たとえば、<file>file.pdf</file> は PDF ドキュメントである)、拡張子を変更することはあまりありません。拡張子も変更する必要がある場合は、ファイル名全体を選択し、変更してください。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "If you renamed the wrong file, or named your file improperly, you can undo the rename. To revert the 
action, immediately click the gear button in the toolbar and select <gui>Undo</gui> to restore the former 
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you renamed the wrong file, or named your file improperly, you can undo the rename. To revert 
the action, immediately click the gear button in the toolbar and select <gui>Undo</gui> to restore the former 
+msgid "If you renamed the wrong file, or named your file improperly, you can undo the rename. To revert the 
action, immediately click the menu button in the toolbar and select <gui>Undo Rename</gui>, or press 
<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Z</key></keyseq>, to restore the former name."
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -3684,11 +3990,15 @@ msgid "Valid characters for file names"
 msgstr "ファイル名として有効な文字"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "You can use any character except the <key>/</key> (slash) character in file names. Some devices, 
however, use a <em>file system</em> that has more restrictions on file names. Therefore, it is a best 
practice to avoid the following characters in your file names: <key>|</key>, <key>\\</key>, <key>?</key>, 
<key>*</key>, <key>&lt;</key>, <key>\"</key>, <key>:</key>, <key>&gt;</key>, <key>/</key>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can use any character except the <key>/</key> (slash) character in file names. Some devices, 
however, use a <em>file system</em> that has more restrictions on file names. Therefore, it is a best 
practice to avoid the following characters in your file names: <key>|</key>, <key>\\</key>, <key>?</key>, 
<key>*</key>, <key>&lt;</key>, <key>\"</key>, <key>:</key>, <key>&gt;</key>, <key>/</key>."
+msgid "You can use any character except the <file>/</file> (slash) character in file names. Some devices, 
however, use a <em>file system</em> that has more restrictions on file names. Therefore, it is a best 
practice to avoid the following characters in your file names: <file>|</file>, <file>\\</file>, 
<file>?</file>, <file>*</file>, <file>&lt;</file>, <file>\"</file>, <file>:</file>, <file>&gt;</file>, 
 msgstr "ファイル名には、<key>/</key> (スラッシュ) 
 <key>\\</key>, <key>?</key>, <key>*</key>, <key>&lt;</key>, <key>\"</key>, <key>:</key>, <key>&gt;</key>, 
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "If you name a file with a <key>.</key> as the first character, the file will be <link 
xref=\"files-hidden\">hidden</link> when you attempt to view it in the file manager."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you name a file with a <key>.</key> as the first character, the file will be <link 
xref=\"files-hidden\">hidden</link> when you attempt to view it in the file manager."
+msgid "If you name a file with a <file>.</file> as the first character, the file will be <link 
xref=\"files-hidden\">hidden</link> when you attempt to view it in the file manager."
 msgstr "<key>.</key> で始まる名前を付けると、そのファイルをファイルマネージャーで表示しようとしても、<link xref=\"files-hidden\">表示されません</link>。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -3700,7 +4010,9 @@ msgid "The file name is already in use"
 msgstr "ファイル名がすでに使われている"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "You can't have two files or folders with the same name in the same folder. If you try to rename a 
file to a name that already exists in the folder you are working in, the file manager will not allow it."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can't have two files or folders with the same name in the same folder. If you try to rename a 
file to a name that already exists in the folder you are working in, the file manager will not allow it."
+msgid "You cannot have two files or folders with the same name in the same folder. If you try to rename a 
file to a name that already exists in the folder you are working in, the file manager will not allow it."
 msgstr "ひとつのフォルダー内に、同じ名前のファイルやフォルダーを複数配置することはできません。作業中のフォルダーですでに使用されている名前を付けようとしても、ファイルマネージャーがそれを禁止します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -3712,7 +4024,9 @@ msgid "The file name is too long"
 msgstr "ファイル名が長すぎる"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "On some file systems, file names can have no more than 255 characters in their names. This 255 
character limit includes both the file name and the path to the file (e.g., 
<file>/home/wanda/Documents/work/business-proposals/… </file>), so you should avoid long file and folder 
names where possible."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "On some file systems, file names can have no more than 255 characters in their names. This 255 
character limit includes both the file name and the path to the file (e.g., 
<file>/home/wanda/Documents/work/business-proposals/… </file>), so you should avoid long file and folder 
names where possible."
+msgid "On some file systems, file names can have no more than 255 characters in their names. This 255 
character limit includes both the file name and the path to the file (for example, 
<file>/home/wanda/Documents/work/business-proposals/…</file>), so you should avoid long file and folder names 
where possible."
 msgstr "ファイルシステムによっては、ファイル名に 255 文字しか使用できないことがあります。255 文字の制限は、ファイル名とファイルパス (たとえば 
<file>/home/wanda/Documents/work/business-proposals/… </file>) も含みます。そのため、できるだけ長いファイル名やフォルダー名は避けるとよいでしょう。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/title
@@ -3724,7 +4038,9 @@ msgid "If <gui>Rename</gui> is grayed out, you do not have permission to rename
 xref=\"nautilus-file-properties-permissions\"/> を参照してください。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Locate files based on file name and type. Save your searches for later use."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Locate files based on file name and type. Save your searches for later use."
+msgid "Locate files based on file name and type."
 msgstr "名称や種類に基づいてファイルを検索する。検索結果を後で使いまわせるように保存する。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
@@ -3732,7 +4048,9 @@ msgid "Search for files"
 msgstr "ファイルを検索する"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "You can search for files based on their name or file type directly within the file manager. You can 
even save common searches, and they will appear as special folders in your home folder."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can search for files based on their name or file type directly within the file manager. You 
can even save common searches, and they will appear as special folders in your home folder."
+msgid "You can search for files based on their name or file type directly within the file manager."
 #. (itstool) path: links/title
@@ -3745,18 +4063,24 @@ msgid "Search"
 msgstr "検索"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Open the <app>Files</app> application from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview."
+msgid "Open the <app>Files</app> application from the <gui 
xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview."
+msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面から<app>ファイル</app>アプリケーションを開きます。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "If you know the files you want are under a particular folder, go to that folder."
 msgstr "お探しのファイルが特定のフォルダーの下にあることがわかっていれば、そのフォルダーまで移動します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Click the magnifying glass in the toolbar, or press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>F</key></keyseq>."
-msgstr "ツールバーの<gui>検索</gui>をクリックするか、<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>F</key></keyseq> を押します。"
+msgid "Type a word or words that you know appear in the file name, and they will be shown in the search bar. 
For example, if you name all your invoices with the word \"Invoice\", type <input>invoice</input>. Words are 
matched regardless of case."
+msgstr "ファイル名の一部を入力し、Enter を押します。たとえば、インボイスのファイル名に \"Invoice\" という単語を含めているばあい、<input>invoice</input> 
と入力し、<key>Enter</key> を押します。大文字小文字に関係なくマッチします。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Type a word or words that you know appear in the file name. For example, if you name all your 
invoices with the word \"Invoice\", type <input>invoice</input>. Press <key>Enter</key>. Words are matched 
regardless of case."
-msgstr "ファイル名の一部を入力し、Enter を押します。たとえば、インボイスのファイル名に \"Invoice\" という単語を含めているばあい、<input>invoice</input> 
と入力し、<key>Enter</key> を押します。大文字小文字に関係なくマッチします。"
+msgid "Instead of typing words directly to bring up the search bar, you can click the magnifying glass in 
the toolbar, or press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>F</key></keyseq>."
+msgstr "ツールバーの<gui>検索</gui>をクリックするか、<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>F</key></keyseq> を押します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
@@ -3769,7 +4093,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Click <key>+</key> and pick a <gui>File Type</gui> from the drop-down list to narrow the search 
results based on file type. Click the <key>x</key> button to remove this option and widen the search results."
+msgid "Click the <gui>+</gui> button and pick a <gui>File Type</gui> from the drop-down list to narrow the 
search results based on file type. Click the <gui>x</gui> button to remove this option and widen the search 
 msgstr "ドロップダウンリストから<gui>ファイルの種類</gui>を選択すると、ファイルの種類を指定して検索結果を狭められます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -3781,31 +4105,6 @@ msgstr "検索結果から、ファイルを開いたり、コピーしたり、
 msgid "Click the magnifying glass in the toolbar again to exit the search and return to the folder."
 msgstr "ツールバーの<gui>検索</gui>を再びクリックすると、検索画面から抜け元のフォルダーに戻ります。"
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If you perform certain searches often, you can save them to access them quickly."
-msgstr "特定の検索をよく実行するのであれば、すばやく検索を実行できるように、検索条件を保存しておくとよいでしょう。"
-#. (itstool) path: steps/title
-msgid "Save a search"
-msgstr "検索を保存する"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Start a search as above."
-msgstr "先に述べた検索処理を実行します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "When you're happy with the search parameters, click the âš™ gear button and select <gui>Save Search 
-msgstr "検索パラメーターに満足すれば、<guiseq><gui>ファイル</gui><gui>名前を付けて検索を保存</gui></guiseq> の順にクリックしてください。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Give the search a name and click <gui>Save</gui>. If you like, select a different folder to save the 
search in. When you view that folder, you will see your saved search as an orange folder icon with a 
magnifying glass on it."
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "To remove the search file when you are done with it, simply <link xref=\"files-delete\">delete</link> 
the search as you would any other file. When you delete a saved search, it does not delete the files that the 
search matched."
-msgstr "保存した検索を使用し終わって削除するには、他のファイルと同様に単にその検索を<link 
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>S</key></keyseq> to select multiple files which have similar names."
 msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>S</key></keyseq> を押して、似た名前を持つ複数のファイルを選択します。"
@@ -3847,7 +4146,9 @@ msgid "<file>Vacation-???.jpg</file>"
 msgstr "<file>Vacation-???.jpg</file>"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If you have photos as before, but you've edited some of them and added <file>-edited</file> to the 
end of the file name of the photos you've edited, select the edited photos with"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you have photos as before, but you've edited some of them and added <file>-edited</file> to the 
end of the file name of the photos you've edited, select the edited photos with"
+msgid "If you have photos as before, but you have edited some of them and added <file>-edited</file> to the 
end of the file name of the photos you have edited, select the edited photos with"
 msgstr "上記の写真ファイルがあり、そのうちいくつかのファイルを編集してファイル名の末尾に <file>-edited</file> を付け加えた場合、次のパターンで編集した写真を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: example/p
@@ -3867,7 +4168,9 @@ msgid "You can easily share files with your contacts by email directly from the
 msgstr "ファイルマネージャーから、メールの相手先とファイルを簡単に共有できます。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "Before you begin, make sure <app>Evolution</app> is installed on your computer, and your email 
account is configured."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Before you begin, make sure <app>Evolution</app> is installed on your computer, and your email 
account is configured."
+msgid "Before you begin, make sure <app>Evolution</app> or <app>Geary</app> is installed on your computer, 
and your email account is configured."
 msgstr "この手順を行う前に、<app>Evolution</app> があなたのコンピューターにインストールされていること、およびメールアカウントが設定されていることを確認してください。"
 #. (itstool) path: steps/title
@@ -3879,7 +4182,9 @@ msgid "Locate the file you want to transfer."
 msgstr "転送するファイルのある場所へ移動します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Right-click the file and select <gui>Send To</gui>. The <gui>Compose Message</gui> window will appear 
with the file attached."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Right-click the file and select <gui>Send To</gui>. The <gui>Compose Message</gui> window will 
appear with the file attached."
+msgid "Right-click the file and select <gui>Send to…</gui>. An email compose window will appear with the 
file attached."
 msgstr "ファイルを右クリックして<gui>送る</gui>を選択します。このファイルが添付された状態で<gui>メッセージの作成</gui>ウィンドウが開きます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -3887,7 +4192,9 @@ msgid "Click <gui>To</gui> to choose a contact, or enter an email address where
 msgstr "<gui>宛先</gui>ボタンを押して相手先を選択するか、メールアドレスを入力します。必要に応じて<gui>件名</gui>とメッセージ本文を入力し、<gui>送信</gui>ボタンを押します。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "You can send multiple files at once. Select multiple files by holding down <key>Ctrl</key>, then 
right-click any selected file."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can send multiple files at once. Select multiple files by holding down <key>Ctrl</key>, then 
right-click any selected file."
+msgid "You can send multiple files at once. Select multiple files by holding down <key>Ctrl</key> while 
clicking the files, then right-click any selected file."
 msgstr "一度に複数のファイルを送ることができます。<key>Ctrl</key> キーを押しながら、複数のファイルを選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -3914,7 +4221,7 @@ msgstr "アイコン表示"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "To sort files in a different order, click the <_:media-1/> button in the toolbar and choose <gui>By 
Name</gui>, <gui>By Size</gui>, <gui>By Type</gui> or <gui>By Modification Date</gui>."
+msgid "To sort files in a different order, click the view options button in the toolbar and choose <gui>By 
Name</gui>, <gui>By Size</gui>, <gui>By Type</gui>, <gui>By Modification Date</gui>, or <gui>By Access 
 xref=\"files-sort\"/> を参照してください。このメニューは、現在のフォルダーにだけ適用されます。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
@@ -3924,7 +4231,7 @@ msgstr "たとえば、<gui>アイテムの並べ替え</gui>メニューから<
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "You can sort in the reverse order by selecting <gui>Reversed Order</gui> from the pull-down menu."
+msgid "You can sort in the reverse order by selecting <gui>Reversed Order</gui> from the menu."
 msgstr "<gui>アイテムの並べ替え</gui>メニューから<gui>逆順</gui>を選択すると、並び順を反転できます。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -3937,7 +4244,7 @@ msgstr "異なる順序でファイルを並べ替えるには、ファイルマ
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "In list view, you can show columns with more attributes and sort on those columns. Click the 
<_:media-1/> button in the toolbar, pick <gui>Visible Columns</gui> and select the columns that you want to 
be visible. You will then be able to sort by those columns. See <link xref=\"nautilus-list\"/> for 
descriptions of available columns."
+msgid "In list view, you can show columns with more attributes and sort on those columns. Click the view 
options button in the toolbar, pick <gui>Visible Columns…</gui> and select the columns that you want to be 
visible. You will then be able to sort by those columns. See <link xref=\"nautilus-list\"/> for descriptions 
of available columns."
 xref=\"nautilus-list\"/> を参照してください。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -3945,45 +4252,51 @@ msgid "Ways of sorting files"
 msgstr "並べ替え方法"
 #. (itstool) path: item/title
-msgid "By Name"
-msgstr "名前順"
+#. (itstool) path: title/gui
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "名前"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "Sorts alphabetically by the name of the file."
 msgstr "ファイル名のアルファベット順に並べ替えます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/title
-msgid "By Size"
-msgstr "サイズ順"
+#. (itstool) path: title/gui
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "サイズ"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "Sorts by the size of the file (how much disk space it takes up). Sorts from smallest to largest by 
 msgstr "ファイルサイズ (ファイルが占めるディスク領域の大きさ) の順に並べ替えます。デフォルトでは最も小さいものから最も大きいものの順になります。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/title
-msgid "By Type"
-msgstr "種類順"
+#. (itstool) path: title/gui
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr "種類"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "Sorts alphabetically by the file type. Files of the same type are grouped together, then sorted by 
 msgstr "ファイル種別の順に並べ替えます。同じ種類のファイルはひとまとまりになり、その中で名前順に並びます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/title
-msgid "By Modification Date"
-msgstr "更新日時順"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Date Modified;"
+msgid "Last Modified"
+msgstr "更新日時"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "Sorts by the date and time that a file was last changed. Sorts from oldest to newest by default."
 msgstr "最後に更新した日時の順に並べ替えます。デフォルトでは、最も古いものから最も新しいものの順になります。"
-#. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Quickly create new documents from custom file templates."
-msgstr "カスタマイズしたファイルテンプレートから新しいドキュメントをすばやく作成します。"
 #. (itstool) path: credit/name
 msgid "Anita Reitere"
 msgstr "Anita Reitere"
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+msgid "Quickly create new documents from custom file templates."
+msgstr "カスタマイズしたファイルテンプレートから新しいドキュメントをすばやく作成します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
 msgid "Templates for commonly-used document types"
 msgstr "よく使うドキュメントのテンプレート"
@@ -4001,7 +4314,9 @@ msgid "Create a document that you are going to use as a template. For example, y
 msgstr "テンプレートとして使用したいドキュメントを作成します。たとえば、ワープロソフトでレターヘッドを作成します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Save the file with the template content in the <file>Templates </file> folder in your 
<file>Home</file> folder. If the <file>Templates </file> folder doesn't exist, you will need to create it 
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Save the file with the template content in the <file>Templates </file> folder in your 
<file>Home</file> folder. If the <file>Templates </file> folder doesn't exist, you will need to create it 
+msgid "Save the file with the template content in the <file>Templates</file> folder in your 
<file>Home</file> folder. If the <file>Templates</file> folder does not exist, you will need to create it 
 msgstr "ホームフォルダー配下の<file>テンプレート</file>フォルダーにテンプレートを保存します。<file>テンプレート</file>フォルダーが存在しない場合は、まずそれを作成する必要があります。"
 #. (itstool) path: steps/title
@@ -4022,46 +4337,34 @@ msgid "Choose your desired template from the list."
 msgstr "使用するテンプレートを一覧から選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Enter a filename for the newly-created document."
-msgstr "新規に作成したドキュメントのファイル名を入力します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Double-click the file to open it and start editing."
-msgstr "ファイルをダブルクリックで開き、編集を開始します。"
+msgid "Double-click the file to open it and start editing. You may wish to <link 
xref=\"files-rename\">rename the file</link> when you are finished."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "These are backup files. They are hidden by default."
 msgstr "それはバックアップファイルです。デフォルトでは非表示になっています。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "What is a file with a \"~\" at the end of its name?"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "What is a file with a \"~\" at the end of its name?"
+msgid "What is a file with a <file>~</file> at the end of its name?"
 msgstr "\"~\" が名前の末尾に付いたファイルは何ですか?"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Files with a \"~\" at the end of their names (for example, <file>example.txt~</file>) are 
automatically created backup copies of documents edited in the <app>gedit</app> text editor or other 
applications. It is safe to delete them, but there's no harm to leave them on your computer."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Files with a \"~\" at the end of their names (for example, <file>example.txt~</file>) are 
automatically created backup copies of documents edited in the <app>gedit</app> text editor or other 
applications. It is safe to delete them, but there's no harm to leave them on your computer."
+msgid "Files with a <file>~</file> at the end of their names (for example, <file>example.txt~</file>) are 
automatically created backup copies of documents edited in the <app>gedit</app> text editor or other 
applications. It is safe to delete them, but there is no harm to leave them on your computer."
 msgstr "\"~\" が名前の末尾に付いたファイル (たとえば、<file>example.txt~</file>) 
は、テキストドキュメントなどのバックアップファイルとして自動的に生成されたものです。テキストエディターの <app>gedit</app> 
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "These files are hidden by default. If you are seeing them, that is because you either selected 
<gui>Show Hidden Files</gui> (in the <_:media-1/> menu of the <app>Files</app> toolbar) or pressed 
<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq>. You can hide them again by repeating either of these steps."
+msgid "These files are hidden by default. If you are seeing them, that is because you either selected 
<gui>Show Hidden Files</gui> (in the view options menu of the <app>Files</app> toolbar) or pressed 
<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq>. You can hide them again by repeating either of these steps."
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 msgid "These files are treated in the same way as normal hidden files. See <link xref=\"files-hidden\"/> for 
advice on dealing with hidden files."
 msgstr "これらのファイルは、通常の隠しファイルと同じように扱われます。隠しファイルの扱いについては、<link xref=\"files-hidden\"/> を参照してください。"
-#. (itstool) path: media
-#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When
-#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to
-#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to
-#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file.
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgctxt "_"
-#| msgid "external ref='figures/gnome.png' md5='85ec62374d1dc2168674a56999647b05'"
-msgctxt "_"
-msgid "external ref='figures/nautilus-3-10.png' md5='e25df7716ce56fcba4f3a2dcb56d2475'"
-msgstr "external ref='figures/gnome.png' md5='85ec62374d1dc2168674a56999647b05'"
 #. (itstool) path: info/title
 msgctxt "link:trail"
 msgid "Files"
@@ -4075,19 +4378,13 @@ msgstr "<link xref=\"files-search\">検索</link>、<link xref=\"files-delete\">
 msgid "Files, folders &amp; search"
 msgstr "ファイル、フォルダーおよび検索"
-#. (itstool) path: media/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "<app>Nautilus</app> file manager"
-msgid "<app>Files</app> file manager"
-msgstr "<app>Nautilus</app> ファイルマネージャー"
-#. (itstool) path: links/title
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
 msgid "Common tasks"
 msgstr "よく行う操作"
-#. (itstool) path: links/title
-msgid "More topics"
-msgstr "その他のトピック"
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+msgid "More file-related tasks"
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
 msgid "Removable drives and external disks"
@@ -4145,10 +4442,6 @@ msgstr "連絡先"
 msgid "You can send an <link href=\"mailto:gnome-doc-list gnome org\">email</link> to the GNOME docs mailing 
list to learn more about how to get involved with the documentation team."
 msgstr "ドキュメンテーションチームへの参加方法についてより詳しく知りたい場合は、GNOME ドキュメンテーションチームのメーリングリストに<link href=\"mailto:gnome-doc-list 
gnome org\">メール</link>を送ってください。"
-#. (itstool) path: credit/name
-msgid "Petr Kovar"
-msgstr "Petr Kovar"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Consider switching to GNOME Classic if you prefer a more traditional desktop experience."
 msgstr "旧来型のデスクトップ体験が好みであれば、GNOME クラシックという選択肢があります。"
@@ -4164,13 +4457,15 @@ msgid "<em>GNOME Classic</em> is a feature for users who prefer a more tradition
 msgstr "<em>GNOME クラシック</em> とは、旧来型のデスクトップ体験を好むユーザー向けの機能です。<em>GNOME クラシック</em> は <em>GNOME 3</em> 
の技術をベースとしていますが、ユーザーインターフェースに多くの変更を加えています。たとえば、トップバーの<gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">アプリケーション</gui>メニューや<gui 
 #. (itstool) path: when/p
-msgid "<em>GNOME Classic</em> is a feature for users who prefer a more traditional desktop experience. While 
<em>GNOME Classic</em> is based on <em>GNOME 3</em> technologies, it provides a number of changes to the user 
interface, such as the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Applications</gui> and <gui 
xref=\"shell-terminology\">Places</gui> menus on the top bar, and a window list at the bottom of the screen."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<em>GNOME Classic</em> is a feature for users who prefer a more traditional desktop experience. 
While <em>GNOME Classic</em> is based on <em>GNOME 3</em> technologies, it provides a number of changes to 
the user interface, such as the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Applications</gui> and <gui 
xref=\"shell-terminology\">Places</gui> menus on the top bar, and a window list at the bottom of the screen."
+msgid "<em>GNOME Classic</em> is a feature for users who prefer a more traditional desktop experience. While 
<em>GNOME Classic</em> is based on <em>GNOME 3</em> technologies, it provides a number of changes to the user 
interface, such as the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Applications</gui> and <gui>Places</gui> 
menus on the top bar, and a window list at the bottom of the screen."
 msgstr "<em>GNOME クラシック</em> とは、旧来型のデスクトップ体験を好むユーザー向けの機能です。<em>GNOME クラシック</em> は <em>GNOME 3</em> 
の技術をベースとしていますが、ユーザーインターフェースに多くの変更を加えています。たとえば、トップバーの<gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">アプリケーション</gui>メニューや<gui 
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "You can use the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Applications</gui> menu on the top bar to launch 
applications. The <em xref=\"shell-terminology\">activities overview</em> is available by selecting the 
<gui>Activities Overview</gui> item from the menu."
-msgid "You can use the <gui>Applications</gui> menu on the top bar to launch applications. The <em 
xref=\"shell-terminology\"> <gui>Activities</gui> overview</em> is available by selecting the <gui>Activities 
Overview</gui> item from the menu."
+msgid "You can use the <gui>Applications</gui> menu on the top bar to launch applications. The <gui 
xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview is available by selecting the 
<gui>Activities Overview</gui> item from the menu."
 msgstr "トップバーの<gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">アプリケーション</gui>メニューを使って、アプリケーションを起動できます。<em 
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -4180,7 +4475,6 @@ msgid "To access the <em><gui>Activities</gui> overview</em>, you can also press
 msgstr "<em xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ画面</em>は、<key xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key> 
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
-#. (itstool) path: item/title
 msgid "Window list"
 msgstr "ウィンドウ一覧"
@@ -4190,6 +4484,7 @@ msgid "The window list at the bottom of the screen provides access to all your o
 msgstr "画面最下部のウィンドウ一覧から、開いているウィンドウやアプリケーションにアクセスできます。またウィンドウを最小化したり、元のサイズに戻したりすることも可能です。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
+#. (itstool) path: when/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "At the right-hand side of the window list, GNOME displays a short identifier for the current 
worskpace, such as <gui>1</gui> for the first (top) workspace. In addition, the identifier also displays the 
total number of available workspaces. To switch to a different workspace, you can click the identifier and 
select the workspace you want to use from the menu."
 msgid "At the right-hand side of the window list, GNOME displays a short identifier for the current 
workspace, such as <gui>1</gui> for the first (top) workspace. In addition, the identifier also displays the 
total number of available workspaces. To switch to a different workspace, you can click the identifier and 
select the workspace you want to use from the menu."
@@ -4254,6 +4549,23 @@ msgid "Click the options icon, which is displayed to the left of the <gui>Sign I
 msgstr "<gui>メニューバー</gui>の右端のアイコンをクリックし、<gui>システム設定</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
+msgid "How to determine which version of GNOME is running."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+msgid "Determine which version of GNOME is running"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You can determine the version of GNOME that is running on your system by going to the 
<gui>Details</gui> panel in <gui>Settings</gui>."
+msgstr "<gui>システム設定</gui>の<gui>詳細</gui>パネルから既定のウェブブラウザーを変更します。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "A window appears showing information about your system, including your distribution's name and the 
GNOME version."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "<link xref=\"session-fingerprint\">Fingerprint readers</link>, smart cards…"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4278,12 +4590,16 @@ msgid "Make sure that the card is put in correctly. Many cards look as though th
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Open <app>Files</app> by using the <gui>Activities</gui> menu. Does the inserted card appear in the 
<gui>Devices</gui> list in the left sidebar? Sometimes the card appears in this list but is not mounted; 
click it once to mount. (If the sidebar is not visible, press <key>F9</key> or click 
<guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui> Sidebar</gui><gui> Show Sidebar</gui></guiseq>.)"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Open <app>Files</app> by using the <gui>Activities</gui> menu. Does the inserted card appear in 
the <gui>Devices</gui> list in the left sidebar? Sometimes the card appears in this list but is not mounted; 
click it once to mount. (If the sidebar is not visible, press <key>F9</key> or click 
<guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui> Sidebar</gui><gui> Show Sidebar</gui></guiseq>.)"
+msgid "Open <app>Files</app> from the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview. 
Does the inserted card appear in the <gui>Devices</gui> list in the left sidebar? Sometimes the card appears 
in this list but is not mounted; click it once to mount. (If the sidebar is not visible, press <key>F9</key> 
or click the <gui><_:media-1/></gui> button in the toolbar and choose <gui>Show Sidebar</gui>.)"
 # "see the picture below" の画像が存在しない
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If your card does not show up in the sidebar, click 
<guiseq><gui>Go</gui><gui>Computer</gui></guiseq>. If your card reader is correctly configured, the reader 
should come up as a drive when no card is present, and the card itself when the card has been mounted (see 
the picture below)."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If your card does not show up in the sidebar, click 
<guiseq><gui>Go</gui><gui>Computer</gui></guiseq>. If your card reader is correctly configured, the reader 
should come up as a drive when no card is present, and the card itself when the card has been mounted (see 
the picture below)."
+msgid "If your card does not show up in the sidebar, press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>L</key></keyseq>, 
then type <input>computer:///</input> and press <key>Enter</key>. If your card reader is correctly 
configured, the reader should come up as a drive when no card is present, and the card itself when the card 
has been mounted."
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -4291,7 +4607,9 @@ msgid "If you see the card reader but not the card, the problem may be with the
 msgstr "もしカードリーダーが表示されてもカードが表示されない場合は、カード側に問題がある可能性があります。別なカードを使ってみるか、もし可能ならそのカードを別なリーダーで確認します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If no cards or drives are available in the <gui>Computer</gui> folder, it is possible that your card 
reader does not work with Linux due to driver issues. If your card reader is internal (inside the computer 
instead of sitting outside) this is more likely. The best solution is to directly connect your device 
(camera, cell phone, etc.) to a USB port on the computer. USB external card readers are also available, and 
are far better supported by Linux."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If no cards or drives are available in the <gui>Computer</gui> folder, it is possible that your 
card reader does not work with Linux due to driver issues. If your card reader is internal (inside the 
computer instead of sitting outside) this is more likely. The best solution is to directly connect your 
device (camera, cell phone, etc.) to a USB port on the computer. USB external card readers are also 
available, and are far better supported by Linux."
+msgid "If no cards or drives are shown when browsing the <gui>Computer</gui> location, it is possible that 
your card reader does not work with Linux due to driver issues. If your card reader is internal (inside the 
computer instead of sitting outside) this is more likely. The best solution is to directly connect your 
device (camera, cell phone, etc.) to a USB port on the computer. USB external card readers are also 
available, and are far better supported by Linux."
 msgstr "<gui>コンピューター</gui>フォルダーにカード、ドライブいずれも表示されない場合、ドライバー関連の問題でお使いのカードリーダーは Linux 
では動作しない可能性があります。内蔵式のカードリーダー (外付けではなくコンピューター内部に設置されている) 
また、USB接続の外部カードリーダーを利用することもでき、この方が一般的にも Linux に対応している可能性が高くなります。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -4311,7 +4629,9 @@ msgid "In order for your computer to be able to use these devices, it needs to k
 msgstr "これらのデバイスをコンピューターで利用できるようにするには、デバイスとどのように通信するかを知る必要があります。これを<em>デバイスドライバー</em>と呼ばれるソフトウェアが行います。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "When you attach a device to your computer, you must have the correct driver installed for that device 
to work. For example, if you plug in a printer but the correct driver isn't available, you won't be able to 
use the printer. Normally, each model of device uses a driver that is not compatible with any other model."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "When you attach a device to your computer, you must have the correct driver installed for that 
device to work. For example, if you plug in a printer but the correct driver isn't available, you won't be 
able to use the printer. Normally, each model of device uses a driver that is not compatible with any other 
+msgid "When you attach a device to your computer, you must have the correct driver installed for that device 
to work. For example, if you plug in a printer but the correct driver is not available, you will not be able 
to use the printer. Normally, each model of device uses a driver that is not compatible with any other model."
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -4319,7 +4639,9 @@ msgid "On Linux, the drivers for most devices are installed by default, so every
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "In addition, some existing drivers are incomplete or partially non-functional. For example, you might 
find that your printer can't do double-sided printing, but is otherwise completely functional."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "In addition, some existing drivers are incomplete or partially non-functional. For example, you 
might find that your printer can't do double-sided printing, but is otherwise completely functional."
+msgid "In addition, some existing drivers are incomplete or partially non-functional. For example, you might 
find that your printer cannot do double-sided printing, but is otherwise completely functional."
 msgstr "さらに、いくつかのドライバーは不完全か一部が機能しません。たとえば、プリンターが両面印刷はできないが、その他は完璧に動作するかもしれません。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -4348,6 +4670,10 @@ msgstr "<link xref=\"a11y#vision\">視覚</link>, <link xref=\"a11y#sound\">聴
 msgid "Hardware &amp; drivers"
 msgstr "ハードウェアとドライバー"
+#. (itstool) path: links/title
+msgid "More topics"
+msgstr "その他のトピック"
 #. (itstool) path: info/title
 msgctxt "link:trail"
 msgid "Problems"
@@ -4387,7 +4713,9 @@ msgid "While IRC being a real-time discussion, people tend to not reply immediat
 msgstr "IRC ではリアルタイムで会話できますが、参加者がすぐに返事できないことはよくあります。気長に返事を待ってください。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "Please note the <link href=\"https://live.gnome.org/CodeOfConduct/\";>GNOME code of conduct</link> 
applies when you chat on IRC."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Please note the <link href=\"https://live.gnome.org/CodeOfConduct/\";>GNOME code of conduct</link> 
applies when you chat on IRC."
+msgid "Please note the <link href=\"https://wiki.gnome.org/Foundation/CodeOfConduct\";>GNOME code of 
conduct</link> applies when you chat on IRC."
 msgstr "IRC でチャットをするときは、<link href=\"https://live.gnome.org/CodeOfConduct/\";>GNOME 行動規範</link>に従ってください。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -4441,6 +4769,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "<_:media-1/> GNOME Help"
 msgstr "GNOME ヘルプ"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/name
+msgid "Julita Inca"
+msgstr "Julita Inca"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Make the insertion point blink and control how quickly it blinks."
 msgstr "挿入位置の点滅や、点滅速度の設定を行います。"
@@ -4456,7 +4788,7 @@ msgstr "テキストフィールドにあるキーボードカーソルが見づ
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</link> overview and make sure you're looking 
at the <gui>Windows</gui> view."
-msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>ウィンドウ</gui>ビューを表示します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -4480,10 +4812,6 @@ msgstr "Juanjo Marin"
 msgid "The <key>Menu</key> key launches a context menu with the keyboard rather than with a right-click."
 msgstr "<key>Menu</key> キーを使うと、マウスの右クリックを行わずにキーボードからコンテキストメニューを開くことができます。"
-#. (itstool) path: license/p
-msgid "Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0"
-msgstr "Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
 msgid "What is the <key>Menu</key> key?"
 msgstr "<key>Menu</key> キーとは何ですか?"
@@ -4537,7 +4865,7 @@ msgstr "アクティビティ画面を表示するキーを変更する手順は
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities overview</link>."
-msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview, then open the 
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview, then open the 
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ画面</link>を開きます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -4563,9 +4891,12 @@ msgstr "割り当てるキーの組み合わせを押します。"
 #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to
 #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to
 #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file.
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgctxt "_"
+#| msgid "external ref='figures/printing-select.png' md5='e38a5749ed445a812346602ad58b88b4'"
 msgctxt "_"
-msgid "external ref='figures/input-methods-switcher.png' md5='3c55959bbc710a43fa455cb998ba5c85'"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "external ref='figures/input-methods-switcher.png' md5='2ee80298080e748428543267cb499806'"
+msgstr "external ref='figures/printing-select.png' md5='e38a5749ed445a812346602ad58b88b4'"
 #. (itstool) path: credit/name
 msgid "Juanjo Marín"
@@ -4592,7 +4923,7 @@ msgstr "キーボードには、様々な言語向けに、様々なレイアウ
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</link> overview and make sure you're looking 
at the <gui>Windows</gui> view."
-msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing <gui>Region &amp; 
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
<gui>Region &amp; Language</gui>."
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>ウィンドウ</gui>ビューを表示します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -4603,7 +4934,7 @@ msgstr "<gui>地域と言語</gui> をクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Click the <key>+</key> button, select the language which is associated with the layout, then select a 
layout and press<gui>Add</gui>."
+msgid "Click the <gui>+</gui> button in the <gui>Input Sources</gui> section, select the language which is 
associated with the layout, then select a layout and press <gui>Add</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>+</gui> ボタンをクリックし、レイアウトを選択して、<gui>追加</gui> をクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: media/span
@@ -4797,7 +5128,9 @@ msgid "<keyseq><key>Super</key><key>M</key></keyseq>"
 msgstr "<keyseq><key>Super</key><key>M</key></keyseq>"
 #. (itstool) path: td/p
-msgid "<link xref=\"shell-notifications#messagingtray\">Open the message tray.</link> Press <key>Esc</key> 
to close."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<link xref=\"shell-notifications#messagingtray\">Open the message tray.</link> Press 
<key>Esc</key> to close."
+msgid "<link xref=\"shell-notifications#messagetray\">Open the message tray.</link> Press <key>Esc</key> to 
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-notifications#messagingtray\">メッセージトレイを開きます。</link><key>Esc</key> を押すと閉じます。"
 #. (itstool) path: table/title
@@ -4817,7 +5150,9 @@ msgid "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F5</key></keyseq> or <keyseq><key>Super</key><
 msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F5</key></keyseq> または <keyseq><key>Super</key><key>↓</key></keyseq>"
 #. (itstool) path: td/p
-msgid "Restore a maximized window to its original size. Use <keyseq><key>Alt</key> <key>F10</key></keyseq> 
to maximize. <keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F10</key></keyseq> both maximizes and restores."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Restore a maximized window to its original size. Use <keyseq><key>Alt</key> 
<key>F10</key></keyseq> to maximize. <keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F10</key></keyseq> both maximizes and 
+msgid "Restore a maximized window to its original size. Use <keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F10</key></keyseq> to 
maximize. <keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F10</key></keyseq> both maximizes and restores."
 msgstr "最大化したウィンドウを元のサイズに戻します。<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F10</key></keyseq> 
で最大化します。<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F10</key></keyseq> は、ウィンドウを最大化するのにも、元のサイズに戻すのにも両方使用できます。"
 #. (itstool) path: td/p
@@ -4881,17 +5216,27 @@ msgid "Jeremy Bicha"
 msgstr "Jeremy Bicha"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Use an on-screen keyboard to enter text by clicking buttons with the mouse."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Use an on-screen keyboard to enter text by clicking buttons with the mouse."
+msgid "Use an on-screen keyboard to enter text by clicking buttons with the mouse or a touchscreen."
 msgstr "オンスクリーンキーボードを使い、マウスでボタンをクリックして文字入力を行います。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "Use a screen keyboard"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Use a screen keyboard"
+msgid "Use an on-screen keyboard"
 msgstr "スクリーンキーボードを使う"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If you don't have a keyboard attached to your computer or prefer not to use it, you can turn on the 
<em>screen keyboard</em> to enter text."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you don't have a keyboard attached to your computer or prefer not to use it, you can turn on 
the <em>screen keyboard</em> to enter text."
+msgid "If you do not have a keyboard attached to your computer or prefer not to use it, you can turn on the 
<em>on-screen keyboard</em> to enter text."
 msgstr "キーボードをコンピューターに接続していない、あるいはキーボードを使いたくない場合は、<em>スクリーンキーボード</em>を有効にしてテキスト入力ができます。"
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+msgid "The on-screen keyboard is automatically enabled if you use a touchscreen"
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Open <gui>Keyboard</gui> and select the <gui>Typing</gui> tab."
@@ -4916,7 +5261,7 @@ msgstr "キーボード"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "You can press the <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> icon to hide the keyboard temporarily. The 
keyboard will show again automatically when you next press on something where you can use it. To make the 
keyboard show again, open the <link xref=\"shell-notifications\">messaging tray</link> (by moving your mouse 
to the bottom of the screen), and press the keyboard icon."
+msgid "You can press the <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> icon to hide the keyboard temporarily. The 
keyboard will show again automatically when you next press on something where you can use it. To make the 
keyboard show again, open the <link xref=\"shell-notifications\">message tray</link> (by moving your mouse to 
the bottom of the screen), and press the keyboard icon."
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -4998,10 +5343,6 @@ msgid "Launch email client"
 msgstr "メールクライアントを起動"
 #. (itstool) path: td/p
-msgid "Mail"
-msgstr "Mail"
-#. (itstool) path: td/p
 msgid "Launch web browser"
 msgstr "ウェブブラウザーを起動"
@@ -5331,7 +5672,6 @@ msgid "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>Delete</key></keyseq>"
 msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>Delete</key></keyseq>"
 #. (itstool) path: td/p
-#. (itstool) path: item/title
 msgid "Lock screen"
 msgstr "画面をロック"
@@ -5534,51 +5874,25 @@ msgid "View split on right"
 msgstr "画面右半分に表示する"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
-msgid "Change keyboard shortcuts"
-msgstr "キーボードショートカットを変更する"
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "This section shows how to change keyboard shortcuts for an application."
-msgstr "このセクションでは、アプリケーションで使用されているキーボードショートカットを変更する方法を説明します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Open the Terminal application."
-msgstr "端末アプリケーションを起動します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Run the <cmd>gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface can-change-accels true</cmd> command."
-msgstr "<cmd>gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface can-change-accels true</cmd> を実行します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Start the application for which you want to change the keyboard shortcut."
-msgstr "キーボードショートカットを変更するアプリケーションを起動します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Find the menu item for which you want to change the keyboard shortcut."
-msgstr "キーボードショートカットを変更するメニューアイテムにフォーカスを当てます。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Type the shortcut that you want on the keyboard."
-msgstr "割りてたいショートカットをキーボードから入力します。"
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "Note that this setting is desktop-wide. You can disable it after you make changes by running the 
<cmd>gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface can-change-accels false</cmd> command. You can also use the 
<app>dconf-editor</app> utility to do this."
-msgstr "この設定はデスクトップワイドで有効となることに注意してください。ショートカットを変更したあとで、<cmd>gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface 
can-change-accels false</cmd> を実行すると、変更する機能を無効化できます。<app>dconf-editor</app> でも同じ設定ができます。"
-#. (itstool) path: section/title
 msgid "Custom shortcuts"
 msgstr "独自のショートカット"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "To create your own keyboard shortcut:"
-msgstr "独自のキーボードショートカットを定義する方法は次のとおりです。"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Define or change keyboard shortcuts in <gui>Keyboard</gui> settings."
+msgid "To create your own application keyboard shortcut in the <app>Keyboard</app> settings:"
+msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>の設定でキーボードショートカットの割り当て、変更を行います。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Select <gui>Custom Shortcuts</gui> in the left pane, and click the <gui style=\"button\">+</gui> 
button (or click the <gui style=\"button\">+</gui> button in any category). The <gui>Custom Shortcut</gui> 
window will appear."
-msgstr "左側のペインで<gui>独自のショートカット</gui>を選択し、<gui style=\"button\">+</gui> ボタンを押します (あるいは、任意のカテゴリーを選択し、<gui 
style=\"button\">+</gui> ボタンを押します)。<gui>独自のショートカット</gui>ウィンドウが表示されます。"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click the <gui>+</gui> button. The <gui>Custom Shortcut</gui> window will appear."
+msgid "Click the <gui style=\"button\">+</gui> button. The <gui>Custom Shortcut</gui> window will appear."
+msgstr "<gui>+</gui> ボタンをクリックします。<gui>独自のショートカット</gui>ウィンドウが表示されます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Type a <gui>Name</gui> to identify the shortcut, and a <gui>Command</gui> to run an application, then 
click <gui>Apply</gui>. For example, if you wanted the shortcut to open Rhythmbox, you could name it 
<input>Music</input> and use the <input>rhythmbox</input> command."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Type a <gui>Name</gui> to identify the shortcut, and a <gui>Command</gui> to run an application, 
then click <gui>Apply</gui>. For example, if you wanted the shortcut to open Rhythmbox, you could name it 
<input>Music</input> and use the <input>rhythmbox</input> command."
+msgid "Type a <gui>Name</gui> to identify the shortcut, and a <gui>Command</gui> to run an application, then 
click <gui>Add</gui>. For example, if you wanted the shortcut to open <app>Rhythmbox</app>, you could name it 
<input>Music</input> and use the <input>rhythmbox</input> command."
 msgstr "ショートカットを識別する<gui>名前</gui>および、アプリケーションを起動する<gui>コマンド</gui>を入力し、<gui>適用</gui>を押します。たとえば、Rhythmbox 
を開くショートカットを定義する場合、名前を<input>音楽</input>とし、コマンドに <input>rhythmbox</input> と指定するとよいでしょう。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -5629,7 +5943,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</link> overview and make sure you're looking 
at the <gui>Windows</gui> view."
-msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>ウィンドウ</gui>ビューを表示します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -5651,7 +5965,7 @@ msgid "Select <gui>Wallpapers</gui> to use one of the many professional backgrou
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Select <gui>Pictures</gui> to use one of your own photos from your <file>Pictures</file> folder. Most 
photo management applications store photos there. If you would like to use an image that is not in your 
Pictures folder, either use <app>Files</app> by right-clicking on the image file and selecting <gui>Set as 
Wallpaper</gui>, or <app>Image Viewer</app> by opening the image file and selecting 
<guiseq><gui>Image</gui><gui>Set as Desktop Background</gui></guiseq>."
+msgid "Select <gui>Pictures</gui> to use one of your own photos from your <file>Pictures</file> folder. Most 
photo management applications store photos there. If you would like to use an image that is not in your 
Pictures folder, either use <app>Files</app> by right-clicking on the image file and selecting <gui>Set as 
Wallpaper</gui>, or <app>Image Viewer</app> by opening the image file, clicking the menu button in the 
titlebar and selecting <gui>Set as Wallpaper</gui>."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -5681,7 +5995,7 @@ msgid "This can happen because the display resolution that you have set it is no
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "To solve this, open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
<gui>Displays</gui>. Click on <gui>Displays</gui> to open the panel. Try some of the <gui>Resolution</gui> 
options and set the one that makes the screen look better."
+msgid "To solve this, open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and 
start typing <gui>Displays</gui>. Click on <gui>Displays</gui> to open the panel. Try some of the 
<gui>Resolution</gui> options and set the one that makes the screen look better."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -5693,7 +6007,7 @@ msgid "If you have two displays connected to the computer (for example, a normal
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "You can set it so that the two displays have different resolutions, but you won't be able to display 
the same thing on both screens simultaneously. In effect, you will have two independent screens connected at 
the same time. You can move windows from one screen to another, but you can't show the same window on both 
screens at once."
+msgid "You can set it so that the two displays have different resolutions, but you will not be able to 
display the same thing on both screens simultaneously. In effect, you will have two independent screens 
connected at the same time. You can move windows from one screen to another, but you cannot show the same 
window on both screens at once."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
@@ -5701,12 +6015,11 @@ msgid "To set up the displays so that they each have their own resolution:"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Click on <gui>Displays</gui> to open panel."
-msgstr "サイドバーの<gui>ゴミ箱</gui>をクリックします。"
+msgid "The displays should be listed as <gui>Mirrored</gui>. Select your main display."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Uncheck <gui>Mirror Displays</gui>."
+msgid "Select <gui>Primary</gui> in the list of display configurations, and then click <gui 
style=\"button\">Apply</gui> to save."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -5745,7 +6058,7 @@ msgid "Resolution"
 msgstr "解像度"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "The resolution is the number of pixels (dots on the screen) in each direction that can be displayed. 
Each resolution has an <em>aspect ratio</em>, the ratio of the width to the height. Wide-screen displays use 
a 16:9 aspect ratio, while traditional displays use 4:3. If you choose a resolution that does not match the 
aspect ratio of your display, the screen will be letterboxed to avoid distortion, by adding black bars to the 
top and bottom or both sides of the screen."
+msgid "The resolution is the number of pixels (dots on the screen) in each direction that can be displayed. 
Each resolution has an <em>aspect ratio</em>, the ratio of the width to the height. Wide-screen displays use 
a 16∶9 aspect ratio, while traditional displays use 4∶3. If you choose a resolution that does not match the 
aspect ratio of your display, the screen will be letterboxed to avoid distortion, by adding black bars to the 
top and bottom or both sides of the screen."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
@@ -5827,21 +6140,21 @@ msgid "Get more help"
 msgstr "もっと詳しく"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Turn the touchpad off while typing to prevent accidental clicks."
-msgstr "思いがけずクリックを防ぐためにタイプ中はタッチパッドを無効にします。"
+msgid "Control how quickly you need to press the mouse button a second time to double-click."
+msgstr "ダブルクリックするために必要なマウスボタンのクリック速度を設定します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "Disable touchpad while typing"
-msgstr "タイプ中にタッチパッドを無効にする"
+msgid "Adjust the double-click speed"
+msgstr "ダブルクリックの間隔を調節する"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Touchpads on laptops are often located where you rest your wrist while typing, which can sometimes 
cause accidental clicks while you type. You can disable the touchpad while you type. It will only work again 
a short time after your last key stroke."
+msgid "Double-clicking only happens when you press the mouse button twice quickly enough. If the second 
press is too long after the first, you'll just get two separate clicks, not a double click. If you have 
difficulty pressing the mouse button quickly, you should increase the timeout."
+msgstr "ダブルクリックは、マウスボタンをすばやく 2 度クリックすることによって行えます。1 回目と 2 回目のクリック間隔が長すぎた場合は、ダブルクリックではなく、シングルクリックを 2 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</link> overview and make sure you're looking 
at the <gui>Windows</gui> view."
-msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing <gui>Mouse &amp; 
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
<gui>Mouse &amp; Touchpad</gui>."
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>ウィンドウ</gui>ビューを表示します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -5852,27 +6165,6 @@ msgstr "<gui>マウスとタッチパッド</gui>を開きます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "In the <gui>Touchpad</gui> section, check <gui>Disable while typing</gui>."
-msgstr "<gui>マウスとタッチパッド</gui>を開き、<gui>タッチパッド</gui>タブを選択します。<gui>タッチパッド</gui>タブはタッチパッドがあるコンピューターでのみ利用できます。"
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "The <gui>Touchpad</gui> section only appears if your system has a touchpad."
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Control how quickly you need to press the mouse button a second time to double-click."
-msgstr "ダブルクリックするために必要なマウスボタンのクリック速度を設定します。"
-#. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "Adjust the double-click speed"
-msgstr "ダブルクリックの間隔を調節する"
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Double-clicking only happens when you press the mouse button twice quickly enough. If the second 
press is too long after the first, you'll just get two separate clicks, not a double click. If you have 
difficulty pressing the mouse button quickly, you should increase the timeout."
-msgstr "ダブルクリックは、マウスボタンをすばやく 2 度クリックすることによって行えます。1 回目と 2 回目のクリック間隔が長すぎた場合は、ダブルクリックではなく、シングルクリックを 2 
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Under <gui>General</gui>, adjust the <gui>Double-click</gui> slider to a value you find comfortable."
 msgstr "<gui>ポインターの速度</gui> で、ポインターの動きがちょうど良くなるまで、<gui>加速</gui>と<gui>感度</gui>のスライダーを調節してください。"
@@ -5906,7 +6198,9 @@ msgid "In the <gui>General</gui> section, switch <gui>Primary button</gui> to <g
 msgstr "<gui>ホバークリック</gui>をオンにします。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Use the middle mouse button to open applications, paste text, open tabs, and more."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Use the middle mouse button to open applications, paste text, open tabs, and more."
+msgid "Use the middle mouse button to open applications, open tabs and more."
 msgstr "マウスの中ボタンを使って、アプリケーションを開く、テキストを貼り付ける、タブを開く、などなどを行います。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
@@ -5926,18 +6220,6 @@ msgid "Many applications use middle-click for advanced click shortcuts."
 msgstr "多くのアプリケーションが、拡張的なショートカット機能を中クリックに当てています。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "One common shortcut is to paste selected text. (This is sometimes called primary selection paste.) 
Select the text you want to paste, then go to where you want to paste it and middle-click. The selected text 
is pasted at the mouse position."
-msgstr "よくあるショートカット機能のひとつが、選択テキストの貼り付けです 
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Pasting text with your middle mouse button is completely separate from the normal clipboard. 
Selecting text does not copy it to your clipboard. This quick method of pasting only works with the middle 
mouse button."
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "On scrollbars and sliders, a regular click in the empty space moves by a set amount (such as one 
page) in the direction you clicked. You can also middle-click in the empty space to move to exactly the 
location you clicked."
-msgstr "スクロールバーやスライダーでは、その空き領域で通常のクリックを行うと、ある一定の量だけ (ページ単位など) 
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "In the <gui>Activities</gui> overview, you can quickly open a new window for an application in its 
own new workspace with middle-click. Simply middle-click on the application's icon, either in the dash on the 
left, or in the applications overview. The applications overview is diplayed using the grid button in the 
@@ -5953,6 +6235,12 @@ msgstr "ファイルマネージャーでは、中クリックに 2 種類の機
 msgid "Some specialized applications allow you to use the middle mouse button for other functions. Search 
your application's help for <em>middle-click</em> or <em>middle mouse button</em>."
 msgstr "特殊なアプリケーションには、中ボタンに他の機能を割り当てているものもあります。アプリケーションのヘルプで、<em>中クリック (middle-click)</em> や、<em>中ボタン 
(middle mouse button)</em> などをキーに検索してください。"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/years
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "2012-2013"
+msgid "2013, 2015"
+msgstr "2012-2013"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Enable mouse keys to control the mouse with the keypad."
@@ -5974,7 +6262,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Use the up and down arrow keys to select <gui>Mouse Keys</gui> and press <key>Enter</key>."
-msgid "Use the up and down arrow keys to select <gui>Mouse Keys</gui> in the <gui>Pointing and 
Clicking</gui> section then press <key>Enter</key>."
+msgid "Use the up and down arrow keys to select <gui>Mouse Keys</gui> in the <gui>Pointing &amp; 
Clicking</gui> section then press <key>Enter</key> to switch <gui>Mouse Keys</gui> to <gui>On</gui>."
 msgstr "上下の矢印キーを使い、<gui>マウスキー</gui> を選択し、<key>Enter</key> キーを押します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -5984,7 +6272,7 @@ msgstr "<key>Num Lock</key>が OFF になっていることを確認してくだ
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "The keypad is a set of numerical buttons on your keyboard, usually arranged into a square grid. If 
you have a keyboard without a keypad (such as a laptop keyboard), you may need to hold down the function 
(<key>Fn</key>) key and use certain other keys on your keyboard as a keypad. If you use this feature often on 
a laptop, you can purchase external USB keypads."
-msgid "The keypad is a set of numerical buttons on your keyboard, usually arranged into a square grid. If 
you have a keyboard without a keypad (such as a laptop keyboard), you may need to hold down the function 
(<key>Fn</key>) key and use certain other keys on your keyboard as a keypad. If you use this feature often on 
a laptop, you can purchase external USB or bluetooth numeric keypads."
+msgid "The keypad is a set of numerical buttons on your keyboard, usually arranged into a square grid. If 
you have a keyboard without a keypad (such as a laptop keyboard), you may need to hold down the function 
(<key>Fn</key>) key and use certain other keys on your keyboard as a keypad. If you use this feature often on 
a laptop, you can purchase external USB or Bluetooth numeric keypads."
 msgstr "キーパッドとは、キーボードの数字キーをひとまとめにしたものです。通常は四角の格子状に並んでいます。お使いのキーボードにキーパッドが無い場合 (ラップトップ用キーボードなど)、ファンクション 
(<key>Fn</key>) キーを押しながら、キーボードの何か別のキーをキーパッドの代わりとして使う場合があります。この機能をラップトップ上でよく使うのであれば、外付けの USB 
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -6006,7 +6294,7 @@ msgid "The normal number keys, in a line at the top of the keyboard, will not co
 msgstr "キーボードの上部に並んでいる通常の数字キーでは、マウスポインターを操作することはできません。キーパッドの数字キーだけが使えます。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "How to check your mouse if it is not working."
+msgid "How to checki why your mouse is not working."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
@@ -6026,35 +6314,6 @@ msgid "If it is a USB mouse (with a rectangular connector), try plugging it in t
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
-msgid "Check that the mouse was recognized by your computer"
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Open the <app>Terminal</app> application from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview."
-msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面で:"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "In the terminal window, type <cmd>xsetpointer -l | grep Pointer</cmd>, exactly as it appears here, 
and press <key>Enter</key>."
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "A short list of mouse devices will appear. Check that at least one of the items says 
<sys>[XExtensionPointer]</sys> next to it, and that one of the <sys>[XExtensionPointer]</sys> items has the 
name of the mouse to the left of it."
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If there is no entry that has the name of the mouse followed by <sys>[XExtensionPointer]</sys>, then 
the mouse was not recognized by your computer. If the entry exists, your mouse was recognized by your 
computer. In this case you should check that the mouse is <link 
xref=\"mouse-problem-notmoving#plugged-in\">plugged in</link> and in <link 
xref=\"mouse-problem-notmoving#broken\">working condition</link>."
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "If your mouse has a serial (RS-232) connector, you may need to perform some extra steps to get it 
working. The steps might depend on the make or model of your mouse."
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "It can be complicated to fix problems with mouse detection. Ask for support from your distribution or 
vendor if you think that your mouse has not been detected properly."
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: section/title
 msgid "Check that the mouse actually works"
 msgstr ""
@@ -6071,7 +6330,7 @@ msgid "Checking wireless mice"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Make sure the mouse is turned on. There is often a switch on the bottom of the mouse to turn the 
mouse off completely, so you can move it from place to place without it constantly waking up."
+msgid "Make sure the mouse is turned on. There is often a switch on the bottom of the mouse to turn the 
mouse off completely, so you can take it with you without it constantly waking up."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -6122,7 +6381,7 @@ msgstr "<gui>ポインターの速度</gui> で、ポインターの動きがち
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "You can set different pointer speed for each type of device. For example, you can have one scroll 
speed for a laptop touchpad and another for a mouse. Sometimes the most comfortable settings for one type of 
device are not the best for another. Just set the sliders on both the <gui>Mouse</gui> and 
<gui>Touchpad</gui> sections."
+msgid "You can set different pointer speed for each type of device. For example, you can have one scroll 
speed for a laptop touchpad and another for a mouse. Sometimes the most comfortable settings for one type of 
device are not the best for another."
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
@@ -6156,6 +6415,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "In the <gui>Touchpad</gui> section, check <gui>Tap to click</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>マウスとタッチパッド</gui>を開き、<gui>マウス</gui>タブを選択します。"
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+msgid "The <gui>Touchpad</gui> section only appears if your system has a touchpad."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "To click, tap on the touchpad."
 msgstr "クリックするにはタッチパッドをタップします。"
@@ -6220,6 +6483,14 @@ msgstr "<gui>マウスとタッチパッド</gui>を開き、<gui>マウス</gui
 msgid "This feature is also known as <em>Reverse Scrolling</em>."
 msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: credit/years
+msgid "2011"
+msgstr "2011"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/name
+msgid "Jana Svarova"
+msgstr "Jana Svarova"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "If you have to wiggle or click the mouse before it responds."
 msgstr "マウスが応答する前に揺らしたりクリックしなければならない場合。"
@@ -6236,12 +6507,6 @@ msgstr "マウスが動きはじめるのが遅い"
 msgid "Wireless and optical mice, as well as touchpads on laptops, may need to \"wake up\" before they start 
working. They automatically go to sleep when not in use to save battery power. To wake up your mouse or 
touchpad, you can click on a mouse button or wiggle the mouse."
 msgstr "ラップトップのタッチパッドと同じように、無線や光学マウスも動作する前に \"ウェイクアップ\" 
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Laptop touchpads sometimes have a delay after you stop typing before they will start working. This 
is to prevent you from accidentally touching the touchpad with your palm while typing. See <link 
xref=\"mouse-disabletouchpad\"/> for details."
-msgid "Laptop touchpads sometimes react with delay after you stop typing before they start working. This is 
to prevent you from accidentally touching the touchpad with your palm while typing. See <link 
xref=\"mouse-disabletouchpad\"/> for details."
-msgstr "ラップトップのタッチパッドは、入力を止めたあと機能するまでに遅れが正じることがあります。これはタイプ中に思いがけず手のひらでタッチパッドを触ってしまうことを防ぐためです。詳細は <link 
xref=\"mouse-disabletouchpad\"/> を参照してください。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "<link xref=\"mouse-lefthanded\">Left-handed</link>, <link xref=\"mouse-sensitivity\">speed and 
sensitivity</link>, <link xref=\"mouse-touchpad-click\">touchpad clicking and scrolling</link>…"
 msgstr "<link xref=\"mouse-lefthanded\">左手で利用する</link>, <link xref=\"mouse-sensitivity\">速度と感度</link>, <link 
@@ -6339,34 +6604,6 @@ msgid "Once you have finished setup, the iPod should work normally when you plug
 msgstr "設定を終了した後で iPod を Linux コンピューターに接続すると、正常に動作します。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Add a <input>.is_audio_player</input> file to tell your computer that it's an audio player."
-msgstr "<input>.is_audio_player</input> ファイルを追加し、そのデバイスがオーディオプレイヤーであることをコンピューターに伝えます。"
-#. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "Why isn't my audio player recognized when I plug it in?"
-msgstr "オーディオプレイヤーを接続しても認識されない"
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If your audio player (MP3 player etc.) is plugged in to the computer but you can't see it in your 
music organizer application, it may not have been properly recognized as an audio player."
-msgstr "オーディオプレイヤー(MP3 プレイヤーやその他)をコンピューターに接続しても、音楽管理ソフトウェアから見ることができないのであれば、そのプレイヤーは適切に認識されていません。"
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Try unplugging the player and then plugging it in again. If that doesn't help, open the File Manager. 
You should see the player listed under <gui>Devices</gui> in the sidebar - click it to open the folder for 
the audio player. Now, click <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>New Document</gui><gui>Empty 
Document</gui></guiseq>, type <input>.is_audio_player</input> and press <key>Enter</key> (the period and 
underscores are important, and it should be all lower-case). This file tells your computer to recognize the 
device as an audio player."
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Now, find the audio player in the File Manager sidebar and eject it (right-click and click 
<gui>Eject</gui>). Unplug it, then plug it back in. This time it should have been recognized as an audio 
player by your music organizer. If not, try closing the music organizer and then re-opening it."
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "These instructions won't work for iPods and some other audio players. They should work if your player 
is a <em>USB Mass Storage</em> device, though; it should say in its manual if it is."
-msgstr "この方法は、iPod やその他のオーディオプレイヤーには効果がありません。プレイヤーが <em>USB Mass Storage</em> デバイスである場合に効果があります。USB Mass 
Storage デバイスであるかどうかは、プレイヤーのマニュアルに記載されているでしょう。"
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "When you look in the audio player folder again, you won't see the <input>.is_audio_player</input> 
file. This is because the period in the file's name tells the File Manager to hide the file. You can check 
that it is still there by clicking <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Show Hidden Files</gui></guiseq>."
-#. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Single-click to open files, run or view executable text files, and specify trash behavior."
 msgstr "シングルクリックによるファイルオープン、実行可能なテキストファイルの起動、およびゴミ箱関連の動作の設定を行います。"
@@ -6431,7 +6668,7 @@ msgid "If <gui>Ask each time</gui> is selected, a dialog will pop up asking if y
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "Executable text files are also called scripts. All scripts in 
<file>~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts</file> folder will appear in the context menu for a file under the <gui 
style=\"menuitem\">Scripts</gui> submenu. When a script is executed from a local folder, all selected files 
will be pasted to the script as parameters. To execute a script on a file:"
+msgid "Executable text files are also called <em>scripts</em>. All scripts in the 
<file>~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts</file> folder will appear in the context menu for a file under the <gui 
style=\"menuitem\">Scripts</gui> submenu. When a script is executed from a local folder, all selected files 
will be pasted to the script as parameters. To execute a script on a file:"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -6470,18 +6707,6 @@ msgstr "<gui>ゴミ箱を空にする/ファイルを削除する前に確認す
 msgid "This option is selected by default. When emptying the trash, a message will be displayed confirming 
that you would like to empty the trash or delete files."
 msgstr "このオプションはデフォルトで選択されています。ゴミ箱を空にする操作が行われると、確認メッセージが表示され、本当にゴミ箱を空にする/ファイルを削除するか尋ねられます。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/title
-msgid "<gui>Include a Delete command that bypasses Trash</gui>"
-msgstr "<gui>\"削除\" (ゴミ箱を経由しない) をメニューに追加する</gui>"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Selecting this option will add a <gui>Delete</gui> item to the menu that pops up when you right-click 
on an item in the <app>Files</app> application."
-msgstr "このオプションを選択すると、<app>ファイル</app>アプリケーションでの右クリックのポップアップメニューに<gui>削除</gui>メニュー項目を追加します。"
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "Deleting an item using the <gui>Delete</gui> menu option bypasses the Trash altogether. The item is 
removed from the system completely. There is no way to recover the deleted item."
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Add, delete, and rename bookmarks in the file manager."
 msgstr "ファイルマネージャーのブックマークの追加、削除、名前変更を行います。"
@@ -6505,7 +6730,7 @@ msgstr "ブックマークに登録するフォルダーを開きます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Click the gear button in the toolbar and pick <gui>Bookmark this Location</gui>."
+msgid "Click the window menu in the toolbar and pick <gui>Bookmark this Location</gui>."
 msgstr "トップバーのユーザー名の箇所をクリックし、<gui>システム設定</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: steps/title
@@ -6513,13 +6738,10 @@ msgid "Delete a bookmark:"
 msgstr "ブックマークを削除する方法は次のとおりです。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click on <gui>Files</gui> in the top bar and pick <gui>Bookmarks</gui> from the app menu."
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "In the <gui>Bookmarks</gui> window, select the bookmark you wish to delete and click the <key>-</key> 
-msgstr "<gui>ブックマークの編集</gui>ウィンドウで、削除するブックマークを選択し、<gui>削除</gui>ボタンをクリックします。"
+#| msgid "Right-click on the item and select <gui>Rename</gui>, or select the file and press <key>F2</key>."
+msgid "Right-click on the bookmark in the sidebar and select <gui>Remove</gui> from the menu."
+msgstr "アイテムを右クリックし、<gui>名前の変更</gui>を選択するか、あるいはファイルを選択して <key>F2</key> キーを押します。"
 #. (itstool) path: steps/title
 msgid "Rename a bookmark:"
@@ -6527,8 +6749,9 @@ msgstr "ブックマークの名前を変更する方法は次のとおりです
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "In the <gui>Bookmarks</gui> window, select the bookmark you wish to rename."
-msgstr "<gui>ブックマークの編集</gui>ウィンドウで、名前を変更するブックマークを選択します。"
+#| msgid "Right-click the file and select <gui>Send To</gui>."
+msgid "Right-click on the bookmark in the sidebar and select <gui>Rename…</gui>."
+msgstr "ファイルを右クリックし、<gui>送る</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "In the <gui>Name</gui> text box, type the new name for the bookmark."
@@ -6551,7 +6774,9 @@ msgid "You can connect to a server or network share to browse and view files on
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "To browse files over the network, open the <app>Files</app> application from the 
<gui>Activities</gui> overview, and click <gui>Browse Network</gui> in the sidebar. The file manager will 
find any computers on your local area network that advertise their ability to serve files. If you want to 
connect to a server on the internet, or if you do not see the computer you're looking for, you can manually 
connect to a server by typing in its internet/network address."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "To browse files over the network, open the <app>Files</app> application from the 
<gui>Activities</gui> overview, and click <gui>Browse Network</gui> in the sidebar. The file manager will 
find any computers on your local area network that advertise their ability to serve files. If you want to 
connect to a server on the internet, or if you do not see the computer you're looking for, you can manually 
connect to a server by typing in its internet/network address."
+msgid "To browse files over the network, open the <app>Files</app> application from the 
<gui>Activities</gui> overview, and click <gui>Other Locations</gui> in the sidebar. The file manager will 
find any computers on your local area network that advertize their ability to serve files. If you want to 
connect to a server on the internet, or if you do not see the computer you're looking for, you can manually 
connect to a server by typing in its internet/network address."
 #. (itstool) path: steps/title
@@ -6559,11 +6784,15 @@ msgid "Connect to a file server"
 msgstr "ファイルサーバーに接続する"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "In the file manager, click <gui>Files</gui> in the top bar and pick <gui>Connect to Server</gui> from 
the app menu."
-msgstr "ファイルマネージャーを開き、トップバーの<gui>ファイル</gui>をクリックして<gui>サーバーへ接続</gui>を選択します。"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click <gui>Trash</gui> in the sidebar."
+msgid "In the file manager, click <gui>Other Locations</gui> in the sidebar."
+msgstr "サイドバーの<gui>ゴミ箱</gui>をクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Enter the address of the server, in the form of a <link xref=\"#urls\">URL</link>. Details on 
supported URLs are <link xref=\"#types\">listed below</link>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Enter the address of the server, in the form of a <link xref=\"#urls\">URL</link>. Details on 
supported URLs are <link xref=\"#types\">listed below</link>."
+msgid "In <gui>Connect to Server</gui>, enter the address of the server, in the form of a <link 
xref=\"#urls\">URL</link>. Details on supported URLs are <link xref=\"#types\">listed below</link>."
 msgstr "サーバーのアドレスを <link xref=\"#urls\">URL</link> 形式で入力します。サポート対象の URL の詳細については、<link 
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
@@ -6571,7 +6800,9 @@ msgid "If you have connected to the server before, you can click on it in the <g
 msgstr "以前に接続したサーバーがあれば、<gui>最近使用したサーバー</gui>の一覧からそのサーバーを選択できます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click <gui>Connect</gui>. A new window will open showing you the files on the server. You can browse 
the files just as you would for those on your own computer. The server will also be added to the sidebar so 
you can access it quickly in the future"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click <gui>Connect</gui>. A new window will open showing you the files on the server. You can 
browse the files just as you would for those on your own computer. The server will also be added to the 
sidebar so you can access it quickly in the future"
+msgid "Click <gui>Connect</gui>. The files on the server will be shown. You can browse the files just as you 
would for those on your own computer. The server will also be added to the sidebar so you can access it 
quickly in the future."
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -6703,13 +6934,37 @@ msgid "Based on the HTTP protocol used on the web, WebDAV is sometimes used to s
 msgstr "Web で使われる HTTP プロトコルをベースにして、ローカルネットワーク上でファイルを共有したり、インターネット上にファイルを保存したりするのに、WebDAV 
がときどき使用されます。サーバーがセキュアな接続をサポートする場合は、それを利用した方がよいでしょう。Secure WebDAV は強力な SSL 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "A typical WebDAV URL looks like this:"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "A typical WebDAV URL looks like this:"
+msgid "A WebDAV URL looks like this:"
 msgstr "典型的な WebDAV の URL は次のような書式になります。"
 #. (itstool) path: example/p
-msgid "<sys>http://example.hostname.com/path</sys>"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<sys>http://example.hostname.com/path</sys>"
+msgid "<sys>dav://example.hostname.com/path</sys>"
 msgstr "<sys>http://example.hostname.com/path</sys>"
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+msgid "NFS share"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "UNIX computers traditionally use the Network File System protocol to share files over a local 
network. With NFS, security is based on the UID of the user accessing the share, so no authentication 
credentials are needed when connecting."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "A typical Windows share URL looks like this:"
+msgid "A typical NFS share URL looks like this:"
+msgstr "典型的な Windows 共有 の URL は次のような書式になります。"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<sys>smb://servername/Share</sys>"
+msgid "<sys>nfs://servername/path</sys>"
+msgstr "<sys>smb://servername/Share</sys>"
 #. (itstool) path: media
 #. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When
 #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to
@@ -6745,16 +7000,22 @@ msgstr "アイコン表示では、ファイルやフォルダーの追加情報
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "You can zoom in a folder by clicking the <_:media-1/> button in the toolbar and choosing one of the 
<gui>Zoom</gui> options. As you zoom in, the file manager will display more and more information in captions. 
You can choose up to three things to show in captions. The first will be displayed at most zoom levels. The 
last will only be shown at very large sizes."
+msgid "You can zoom in a folder by clicking the view options button in the toolbar and choosing a zoom level 
with the slider. As you zoom in, the file manager will display more and more information in captions. You can 
choose up to three things to show in captions. The first will be displayed at most zoom levels. The last will 
only be shown at very large sizes."
 msgstr "ツールバーの下矢印ボタンをクリックして<gui>拡大</gui>を選択することで、フォルダー内で拡大表示ができます。拡大表示をすれば、より多くの情報が見出しに表示されます。表示項目は 3 
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
 msgid "The information you can show in icon captions is the same as the columns you can use in list view. 
See <link xref=\"nautilus-list\"/> for more information."
 msgstr "アイコンの見出しに表示される情報は、一覧表示で表示できる列と同じものです。詳細については、<link xref=\"nautilus-list\"/> を参照してください。"
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "If you have a file manager window open, you may have to reload for icon caption changes to take 
effect. Click <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Reload</gui></guiseq> or press 
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "List view"
+msgid "List View"
+msgstr "一覧表示"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+msgid "When viewing files as a list, you can <gui>Navigate folders in a tree</gui>. This shows expanders on 
each directory in the file list, so that the contents of several folders can be shown at once. This is useful 
if the folder structure is relevant, such as if your music files are organized with a folder per artist, and 
a subfolder per album."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "View basic file information, set permissions, and choose default applications."
@@ -6780,18 +7041,20 @@ msgstr "<gui>基本</gui>タブの情報については以下で説明します
 msgid "Basic properties"
 msgstr "基本プロパティ"
-#. (itstool) path: title/gui
-#. (itstool) path: td/p
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "名前"
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click <gui>Create</gui>."
+msgid "<gui>Name</gui>"
+msgstr "<gui>作成</gui>をクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "You can rename the file by changing this field. You can also rename a file outside the properties 
window. See <link xref=\"files-rename\"/>."
 msgstr "この欄を変更することで、ファイル名の変更ができます。プロパティウィンドウ以外でも名前の変更は可能です。<link xref=\"files-rename\"/> を参照してください。"
-#. (itstool) path: title/gui
-msgid "Type"
-msgstr "種類"
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<gui>Type</gui>"
+msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "This helps you identify the type of the file, such as PDF document, OpenDocument Text, or JPEG image. 
The file type determines which applications can open the file, among other things. For example, you can't 
open a picture with a music player. See <link xref=\"files-open\"/> for more information on this."
@@ -6809,11 +7072,6 @@ msgstr "内容"
 msgid "This field is displayed if you are looking at the properties of a folder rather than a file. It helps 
you see the number of items in the folder. If the folder includes other folders, each inner folder is counted 
as one item, even if it contains further items. Each file is also counted as one item. If the folder is 
empty, the contents will display <gui>nothing</gui>."
 msgstr "この欄は、ファイルではなくフォルダーのプロパティを参照する場合に表示されます。フォルダーに含まれるアイテムの数を確認するのに便利です。フォルダーが内部に他のフォルダーを含む場合は、内部の各フォルダーは 
1 件として数えられ、さらにそのフォルダーの内部にもアイテムがあればそれらも計上されます。各ファイルも 1 件として数えられます。フォルダーの中身が無い場合は、<gui>無し</gui>と表示されます。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/title
-#. (itstool) path: title/gui
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "サイズ"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "This field is displayed if you are looking at a file (not a folder). The size of a file tells you how 
much disk space it takes up. This is also an indicator of how long it will take to download a file or send it 
in an email (big files take longer to send/receive)."
@@ -6823,23 +7081,18 @@ msgid "Sizes may be given in bytes, KB, MB, or GB; in the case of the last three
 msgstr "サイズの表示単位は、バイト、KB、MB、あるいは GB になります。後者 3 つのいずれかの場合は、バイト単位でのサイズも括弧内に表示されます。厳密には、1 KB は 1024 バイト、1 MB は 
1024 KB (以下、同様) となります。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/title
-#. (itstool) path: title/gui
-msgid "Location"
-msgstr "場所"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Folders"
+msgid "Parent Folder"
+msgstr "フォルダー"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "The location of each file on your computer is given by its <em>absolute path</em>. This is a unique 
\"address\" of the file on your computer, made up of a list of the folders that you would need to go into to 
find the file. For example, if Jim had a file called <file>Resume.pdf</file> in his Home folder, its location 
would be <file>/home/jim/Resume.pdf</file>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The location of each file on your computer is given by its <em>absolute path</em>. This is a 
unique \"address\" of the file on your computer, made up of a list of the folders that you would need to go 
into to find the file. For example, if Jim had a file called <file>Resume.pdf</file> in his Home folder, its 
location would be <file>/home/jim/Resume.pdf</file>."
+msgid "The location of each file on your computer is given by its <em>absolute path</em>. This is a unique 
\"address\" of the file on your computer, made up of a list of the folders that you would need to go into to 
find the file. For example, if Jim had a file called <file>Resume.pdf</file> in his Home folder, its parent 
folder would be <file>/home/jim</file> and its location would be <file>/home/jim/Resume.pdf</file>."
 が <file>Resume.pdf</file> という名前のファイルを、彼のホームフォルダーに置いているとすれば、そのファイルの場所は、<file>/home/jim/Resume.pdf</file> 
 #. (itstool) path: item/title
-msgid "Volume"
-msgstr "ボリューム"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "The file system or device that the file is stored on. This shows you where the file is physically 
stored, for example if it is on the hard disk or on a CD, or a <link xref=\"nautilus-connect\">network share 
or file server</link>. Hard disks can be split up into several <link xref=\"disk-partitions\">disk 
partitions</link>; the partition will be displayed under <gui>Volume</gui> too."
-msgstr "該当のファイルが保存されているファイルシステムやデバイスを示します。この情報は、そのファイルの物理的な保存場所を示しており、たとえば、ファイルが、お使いのコンピューターのハードディスクにあるのか、CD 
-#. (itstool) path: item/title
 msgid "Free Space"
 msgstr "空き容量"
@@ -6848,6 +7101,7 @@ msgid "This is only displayed for folders. It gives the amount of disk space whi
 msgstr "これはフォルダーだけに表示されます。そのフォルダーのあるディスクにおいて利用可能なディスク容量を示しています。この情報は、ハードディスクがいっぱいになっていないか確認する場合に便利です。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/title
+#. (itstool) path: title/gui
 msgid "Accessed"
 msgstr "アクセス日時"
@@ -6880,11 +7134,6 @@ msgstr "ファイルのアクセス権限を利用して、あなたの所有す
 msgid "See <link xref=\"#files\"/> and <link xref=\"#folders\"/> below for details on the types of 
permissions you can set."
 msgstr "設定可能なアクセス権の種類の詳細については、以下の <link xref=\"#files\"/> および <link xref=\"#folders\"/> を参照してください。"
-#. (itstool) path: section/title
-#. (itstool) path: title/gui
-msgid "Files"
-msgstr "ファイル"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
 msgid "You can set the permissions for the file owner, the group owner, and all other users of the system. 
For your files, you are the owner, and you can give yourself read-only or read-and-write permission. Set a 
file to read-only if you don't want to accidentally change it."
@@ -6902,7 +7151,6 @@ msgid "If the file is a program, such as a script, you must select <gui>Allow ex
 <link xref=\"nautilus-behavior#executable\"/> を参照してください。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
-#. (itstool) path: title/gui
 msgid "Folders"
 msgstr "フォルダー"
@@ -6957,21 +7205,33 @@ msgid "Control what information is displayed in columns in list view."
 msgstr "一覧表示の列に表示する列を設定します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "File manager list columns preferences"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "File manager list columns preferences"
+msgid "Files list columns preferences"
 msgstr "ファイルマネージャーの一覧表示項目の設定"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "There are nine columns of information that you can display in the file manager's list view. Click 
<gui>Files</gui> in the top bar, pick <gui>Preferences</gui> and choose the <gui>List Columns</gui> tab to 
select which columns will be visible."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "There are nine columns of information that you can display in the file manager's list view. Click 
<gui>Files</gui> in the top bar, pick <gui>Preferences</gui> and choose the <gui>List Columns</gui> tab to 
select which columns will be visible."
+msgid "There are eleven columns of information that you can display in the <gui>Files</gui> list view. Click 
<gui>Files</gui> in the top bar, pick <gui>Preferences</gui> and choose the <gui>List Columns</gui> tab to 
select which columns will be visible."
 msgstr "一覧表示の列に表示できる情報は 9 
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "Use the <gui>Move Up</gui> and <gui>Move Down</gui> buttons to choose the order in which the selected 
columns will appear."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Use the <gui>Move Up</gui> and <gui>Move Down</gui> buttons to choose the order in which the 
selected columns will appear."
+msgid "Use the <gui>Move Up</gui> and <gui>Move Down</gui> buttons to choose the order in which the selected 
columns will appear. Click <gui>Reset to Default</gui> to undo any changes and return to the default columns."
 msgstr "<gui>上げる</gui>および<gui>下げる</gui>ボタンを使って、選択した項目の表示順を指定してください。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "The name of folders and files in the folder being viewed."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The name of folders and files in the folder being viewed."
+msgid "The name of folders and files."
 msgstr "フォルダーやファイルの名前が表示されます。"
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+msgid "The <gui>Name</gui> column cannot be hidden."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "The size of a folder is given as the number of items contained in the folder. The size of a file is 
given as bytes, KB, or MB."
 msgstr "フォルダーのサイズは、該当のフォルダー配下に含まれるアイテム数が表示されます。ファイルのサイズは、バイト、KB、MB 単位で表示されます。"
@@ -6981,7 +7241,9 @@ msgid "Displayed as folder, or file type such as PDF document, JPEG image, MP3 a
 msgstr "フォルダー、あるいは、PDF ドキュメント、JPEG 画像、MP3 オーディオなどのファイルの種類が表示されます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Gives the date and time of the last time the file was modified."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Gives the date and time of the last time the file was modified."
+msgid "Gives the date of the last time the file was modified."
 msgstr "最後にファイルを更新した日時が表示されます。"
 #. (itstool) path: title/gui
@@ -6997,19 +7259,23 @@ msgid "Group"
 msgstr "グループ"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "The group the file is owned by. On my home computers, each user is in their own group. Groups are 
sometimes used in corporate environments, where users might be in groups according to department or project."
+msgid "The group the file is owned by. Each user is normally in their own group, but it is possible to have 
many users in one group. For example, a department may have their own group in a work environment."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: title/gui
 msgid "Permissions"
 msgstr "アクセス権"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Displays the file access permissions e.g. <gui>drwxrw-r--</gui>"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Displays the file access permissions e.g. <gui>drwxrw-r--</gui>"
+msgid "Displays the file access permissions. For example, <gui>drwxrw-r--</gui>"
 msgstr "ファイルのアクセス権が、たとえば <gui>drwxrw-r--</gui> のように表示されます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "The first character <gui>-</gui> is the file type. <gui>-</gui> means regular file and <gui>d</gui> 
means directory (folder)."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The first character <gui>-</gui> is the file type. <gui>-</gui> means regular file and 
<gui>d</gui> means directory (folder)."
+msgid "The first character is the file type. <gui>-</gui> means regular file and <gui>d</gui> means 
directory (folder). In rare cases, other characters can also be shown."
 msgstr "上の例の先頭文字 <gui>-</gui> はファイルタイプを示しています。その文字が <gui>-</gui> であれば通常のファイルを意味し、<gui>d</gui> であればディレクトリ 
(フォルダーのこと) を意味しています。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -7025,24 +7291,26 @@ msgid "The last three characters in the column <gui>r--</gui> specify permission
 msgstr "最後の 3 文字 <gui>r--</gui> は、システム上のその他の全ユーザーの権限を示しています。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Each character has the following meanings:"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Each character has the following meanings:"
+msgid "Each permission has the following meanings:"
 msgstr "ひとつひとつの文字の意味は次のとおりです。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "r : Read permission."
-msgstr "r : 読み取り権限"
+msgid "<gui>r</gui>: readable, meaning that you can open the file or folder"
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "w : Write permission."
-msgstr "w : 書き込み権限"
+msgid "<gui>w</gui>: writable, meaning that you can save changes to it"
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "x : Execute permission."
-msgstr "x : 実行権限"
+msgid "<gui>x</gui>: executable, meaning that you can run it if it is a program or script file, or you can 
access subfolders and files if it is a folder"
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "- : No permission."
-msgstr "- : 権限なし"
+msgid "<gui>-</gui>: permission not set"
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: title/gui
 msgid "MIME Type"
@@ -7052,10 +7320,34 @@ msgstr "MIME åž‹"
 msgid "Displays the MIME type of the item."
 msgstr "アイテムの MIME 型が表示されます。"
+#. (itstool) path: title/gui
+msgid "Location"
+msgstr "場所"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "The path to the location of the file."
 msgstr "ファイルの場所を示すパスが表示されます。"
+#. (itstool) path: title/gui
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Modified"
+msgid "Modified – Time"
+msgstr "更新日時"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "Gives the date and time of the last time the file was modified."
+msgstr "最後にファイルを更新した日時が表示されます。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Gives the date and time of the last time the file was modified."
+msgid "Gives the date or time of the last time the file was modified."
+msgstr "最後にファイルを更新した日時が表示されます。"
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+msgid "View and set preferences for the file browser."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
 msgid "File manager preferences"
 msgstr "ファイルマネージャーの設定"
@@ -7072,6 +7364,11 @@ msgstr "ファイルマネージャーのプレビュー設定"
 msgid "The file manager creates thumbnails to preview image, video, and text files. Thumbnail previews can 
be slow for large files or over networks, so you can control when previews are made. Click <gui>Files</gui> 
in the top bar, pick <gui>Preferences</gui> and select the <gui>Preview</gui> tab."
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<gui>Files</gui>"
+msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "By default, all previews are done for <gui>Local Files Only</gui>, those on your computer or 
connected external drives. You can set this feature to <gui>Always</gui> or <gui>Never</gui>. The file 
manager can <link xref=\"nautilus-connect\">browse files on other computers</link> over a local area network 
or the internet. If you often browse files over a local area network, and the network has high bandwidth, you 
may want to set the preview option to <gui>Always</gui>."
 やインターネット上の<link xref=\"nautilus-connect\">他のコンピューターのファイルを閲覧</link>できます。LAN 
@@ -7080,12 +7377,19 @@ msgstr "デフォルトでは、<gui>ローカルファイルのみ</gui>が指
 msgid "In addition, you can use the <gui>Only for files smaller than</gui> setting to limit the size of 
files previewed."
 msgstr "また、<gui>ファイルの最大サイズ</gui>を設定して、プレビューするファイルのサイズを制限できます。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<gui>Folders</gui>"
+msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "If you show file sizes in <link xref=\"nautilus-list\">list view columns</link> or <link 
xref=\"nautilus-display#icon-captions\">icon captions</link>, folders will be shown with a count of how many 
files and folders they contain. Counting items in a folder can be slow, especially for very large folders, or 
over a network. You can turn this feature on or off, or turn it on only for files on your computer and local 
external drives."
 msgstr "<link xref=\"nautilus-list\">一覧表示の列</link>や、<link 
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Specify the default view, sort order, and zoom levels for the file manager."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Specify the default view, sort order, and zoom levels for the file manager."
+msgid "Specify the default sort order and grouping for the file manager."
 msgstr "ファイルマネージャーの、デフォルトの表示方法、並び順、ズームレベルを指定します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
@@ -7095,7 +7399,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "You can control the default view for new folders, how files and folders are sorted by default, the 
zoom level for the icon and compact views, and whether files are displayed in the tree sidebar. In any file 
manager window, click <gui>Files</gui> in the top bar, select <gui>Preferences</gui> and select the 
<gui>Views</gui> tab."
-msgid "You can change the default view for new folders, how files and folders are sorted by default, the 
zoom level for the icon and compact views, and whether files are displayed in the tree sidebar. Select 
<guiseq><gui style=\"menu\">Files</gui> <gui style=\"menuitem\">Preferences</gui></guiseq> in the top bar 
while <app>Files</app> is open and select the <gui style=\"tab\">Views</gui> tab."
+msgid "You can change how files and folders are grouped and sorted by default. Select <guiseq><gui 
style=\"menu\">Files</gui> <gui style=\"menuitem\">Preferences</gui></guiseq> in the top bar while 
<app>Files</app> is open and select the <gui style=\"tab\">Views</gui> tab."
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -7103,14 +7407,6 @@ msgid "Default view"
 msgstr "デフォルトの表示"
 #. (itstool) path: title/gui
-msgid "View new folders using"
-msgstr "新しいフォルダーの表示形式"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "By default, new folders are shown in icon view. If you prefer the list view, you can set it here as 
the default. Alternatively, you can select a different view for each folder as you browse by clicking the 
<gui style=\"button\">View items as a list</gui> or <gui style=\"button\">View items as a grid of icons</gui> 
button in the toolbar."
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: title/gui
 msgid "Arrange items"
 msgstr "アイテムの並び順"
@@ -7120,21 +7416,11 @@ msgstr "アイテムの並び順"
 msgid "You can change the default sort order that is used in folders using the <gui>Arrange items</gui> 
drop-down list in the preferences to sort by name, file size, file type, when they were last modified, when 
they were last accessed or when they were trashed."
-#. (itstool) path: media/span
-#. TRANSLATORS: use the translation of the tooltip for the downwards
-#. pointing arrow button that opens the preferences menu in the main
-#. window for 'View options'
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Window operations"
-msgid "View options"
-msgstr "ウィンドウ操作"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-#. TRANSLATORS: use the translation of the tooltip for the downwards
-#. pointing arrow button that opens the preferences menu in the main
-#. window for 'View options'
+#. TRANSLATORS: use the translation of the tooltip for the view selector
+#. button that opens the view popover in the main window for 'View options'
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "You can change how <link xref=\"files-sort\">files are sorted</link> in an individual folder by 
clicking the <_:media-1/> button in the toolbar and choosing <gui>By Name</gui>, <gui>By Size</gui>, <gui>By 
Type</gui> or <gui>By Modification Date</gui>, or by clicking the list column headers in list view. This menu 
only affects the current folder."
+msgid "You can change how <link xref=\"files-sort\">files are sorted</link> in an individual folder by 
clicking the view options button in the toolbar and choosing <gui>Name</gui>, <gui>Size</gui>, 
<gui>Type</gui> or <gui>Last Modified</gui>, or by clicking the list column headers in list view."
 xref=\"files-sort\"/> を参照してください。このメニューは、現在のフォルダーにだけ適用されます。"
 #. (itstool) path: title/gui
@@ -7145,55 +7431,6 @@ msgstr "フォルダーをファイルより前に配置する"
 msgid "By default, the file manager no longer shows all folders before files. To see all folders listed 
before files, enable this option."
 msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: title/gui
-msgid "Show hidden and backup files"
-msgstr "隠しファイルとバックアップファイルを表示する"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "The file manager does not display <link xref=\"files-hidden\">hidden files</link> and folders by 
default. You can always show hidden files by selecting this option."
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#. TRANSLATORS: use the translation of the tooltip for the downwards
-#. pointing arrow button that opens the preferences menu in the main
-#. window for 'View options'
-msgid "You can also show hidden files in an individual window by selecting <gui>Show Hidden Files</gui>, 
from the <_:media-1/> menu in the toolbar."
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: section/title
-msgid "Icon view defaults"
-msgstr "アイコン表示の規定値"
-#. (itstool) path: title/gui
-msgid "Default zoom level"
-msgstr "デフォルトのズームレベル"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#. TRANSLATORS: use the translation of the tooltip for the downwards
-#. pointing arrow button that opens the preferences menu in the main
-#. window for 'View options'
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "You can make the icons and text larger or smaller by default in icon view using this option. You can 
also change this setting in an individual folder by clicking the <_:media-1/> button in the toolbar and 
selecting <gui>Zoom In</gui>, <gui>Zoom Out</gui> or <gui>Normal Size</gui>. If you frequently use a larger 
or smaller zoom level, you can set the default with this option."
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "In icon view, more or fewer captions are shown based on your zoom level. See <link 
xref=\"nautilus-display#icon-captions\"/> for more information."
-msgid "In icon view, more or fewer <link xref=\"nautilus-display#icon-captions\">captions</link> are shown 
based on your zoom level."
-msgstr "アイコン表示では、表示される見出しの数がズームレベルによって変わります。詳細については、<link xref=\"nautilus-display#icon-captions\"/> 
-#. (itstool) path: section/title
-msgid "List view defaults"
-msgstr "一覧表示の規定値"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#. TRANSLATORS: use the translation of the tooltip for the downwards
-#. pointing arrow button that opens the preferences menu in the main
-#. window for 'View options'
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "You can make the icons and text larger or smaller in list view using this option. You can also do 
this in an individual folder by clicking the <_:media-1/> button in the toolbar and selecting <gui>Zoom 
In</gui>, <gui>Zoom Out</gui> or <gui>Normal Size</gui>."
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "There are few Linux viruses, so you probably don't need anti-virus software."
 msgstr "Linux にはウイルスはほとんど見られないため、ウイルス除去ソフトウェアは必要ないでしょう。"
@@ -7207,7 +7444,9 @@ msgid "If you are used to Windows or Mac OS, you are probably also used to havin
 msgstr "Windows ã‚„ Mac OS 
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Anti-virus software does exist for Linux, but you probably don't need to use it. Viruses that affect 
Linux are still very rare. Some argue that this is because Linux is not as widely used as other operating 
systems, so no-one writes viruses for it. Others argue that Linux is intrinsically more secure, and security 
problems that viruses could make use of are fixed very quickly."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Anti-virus software does exist for Linux, but you probably don't need to use it. Viruses that 
affect Linux are still very rare. Some argue that this is because Linux is not as widely used as other 
operating systems, so no-one writes viruses for it. Others argue that Linux is intrinsically more secure, and 
security problems that viruses could make use of are fixed very quickly."
+msgid "Anti-virus software does exist for Linux, but you probably don't need to use it. Viruses that affect 
Linux are still very rare. Some argue that this is because Linux is not as widely used as other operating 
systems, so no one writes viruses for it. Others argue that Linux is intrinsically more secure, and security 
problems that viruses could make use of are fixed very quickly."
 msgstr "Linux 用のウイルス除去ソフトウェアは存在しますが、おそらく使用する必要はないでしょう。Linux に影響を及ぼすようなウイルスは現在でもめったにありません。Linux 
は他のオペレーティングシステムと比べてあまり普及していないため Linux を狙ったウイルスを作成する人がいないという意見が一部にあります。また別の意見として、Linux 
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -7218,14 +7457,16 @@ msgstr "いずれにしても、 Linux に影響を及ぼすウイルスは非
 msgid "If you want to be extra-safe, or if you want to check for viruses in files that you are passing 
between yourself and people using Windows and Mac OS, you can still install anti-virus software. Check in the 
software installer or search online; a number of applications are available."
 msgstr "確実に防御したい、Windows や Mac OS 
-#. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "<link xref=\"net-default-browser\">Change the default browser</link>, <link 
xref=\"net-install-flash\">install Flash</link>, <link xref=\"net-install-moonlight\">Silverlight 
-msgstr "<link xref=\"net-default-browser\">既定のブラウザーの変更</link>、<link xref=\"net-install-flash\">Flash 
のインストール</link>、<link xref=\"net-install-moonlight\">Silverlight のサポート</link>"
 #. (itstool) path: credit/name
 msgid "The Ubuntu Documentation Team"
 msgstr "Ubuntu ドキュメンテーションチーム"
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<link xref=\"net-default-browser\">Change the default browser</link>, <link 
xref=\"net-install-flash\">install Flash</link>, <link xref=\"net-install-moonlight\">Silverlight 
+msgid "<link xref=\"net-default-browser\">Change the default browser</link>, <link 
xref=\"net-install-flash\">install Flash</link>…"
+msgstr "<link xref=\"net-default-browser\">既定のブラウザーの変更</link>、<link xref=\"net-install-flash\">Flash 
のインストール</link>、<link xref=\"net-install-moonlight\">Silverlight のサポート</link>"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
 msgid "Web Browsers"
 msgstr "ウェブブラウザー"
@@ -7236,7 +7477,9 @@ msgid "Change the default web browser by going to <gui>Details</gui> in <gui>Set
 msgstr "<gui>システム設定</gui>の<gui>詳細</gui>パネルから既定のウェブブラウザーを変更します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "Change which web browser websites are opened in"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Change which web browser websites are opened in"
+msgid "Change which web browser opens websites by default"
 msgstr "ウェブサイトを開くウェブブラウザーの変更"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -7252,7 +7495,9 @@ msgid "Choose <gui>Default Applications</gui> from the list on the left side of
 msgstr "<gui>詳細</gui>を開き、ウィンドウ左側の一覧から<gui>既定のアプリケーション</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Choose which web browser you would like links to be opened in by changing the <gui>Web</gui> option."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Choose which web browser you would like links to be opened in by changing the <gui>Web</gui> 
+msgid "Choose which web browser you would like to open links by changing the <gui>Web</gui> option."
 msgstr "<gui>ウェブ</gui>オプションを変更し、リンクを開くのに使用するウェブブラウザーを選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -7300,14 +7545,16 @@ msgstr "Linux が動作しているコンピューターに感染するウイル
 msgid "You may, however, wish to scan your email for viruses in case you happen to forward a virus from one 
person to another. For example, if one of your friends has a Windows computer with a virus and sends you a 
virus-infected email, and you then forward that email to another friend with a Windows computer, then the 
second friend might get the virus too. You could install an anti-virus application to scan your emails to 
prevent this, but it's unlikely to happen and most people using Windows and Mac OS have anti-virus software 
of their own anyway."
 msgstr "しかしながら、ある人から送られてきたウイルスメールをうっかり別の人に転送してしまう場合があるので、メールスキャンはしておいた方がよいでしょう。たとえば、ウイルスに感染した Windows 
機を使う友達が、あなたにウイルスメールを送信してしまい、さらにあなたがそのメールを、Windows 機を使う別の友達宛に転送したとしましょう。この場合、2 
番目の友達もウイルスに感染してしまう恐れがあります。メールスキャンを行うアンチウイルスソフトをインストールしてこうした問題を避けられますが、よく起きることではありませんし、いずれにせよ Windows や Mac OS 
-#. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "<link xref=\"net-default-email\">Default email apps</link>"
-msgstr "<link xref=\"net-default-email\">既定のメールクライアント</link>"
 #. (itstool) path: credit/name
 msgid "The GNOME Documentation Project"
 msgstr "GNOME ドキュメンテーションプロジェクト"
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<link xref=\"net-antivirus\">Antivirus software</link>, <link xref=\"net-firewall-on-off\">basic 
+msgid "<link xref=\"net-default-email\">Default email apps</link>, <link xref=\"net-email-virus\">Should I 
scan for viruses?</link>…"
+msgstr "<link xref=\"net-antivirus\">ウイルス対策ソフトウェア</link>、<link 
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
 msgid "Email &amp; email software"
 msgstr "メールとメールソフトウェア"
@@ -7329,7 +7576,9 @@ msgid "Find your internal (network) IP address"
 msgstr "内部 (ネットワーク) IP アドレスを確認する"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
 msgstr "<gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</gui>画面を開き、<gui>Network</gui> と入力します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -7337,15 +7586,21 @@ msgid "Click on <gui>Network</gui> to open the panel."
 msgstr "<gui>ネットワーク</gui>を選択して設定パネルを開きます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Select <gui>Wi-Fi</gui> or <gui>Wired</gui> from the list on the left, depending on which network 
connection you want to find the IP address for."
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Choose which connection, <gui>Wi-Fi</gui> or <gui>Wired</gui>, from the left pane."
+msgstr "<gui>マウスとタッチパッド</gui>を開き、<gui>マウス</gui>タブを選択する。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "The IP address for a wired connection will be displayed on the right."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: media/span
-msgid "details"
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "settings"
+msgstr "設定"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "You will see the IP address for a wired connection on the right, or open the connection details by 
pressing on the <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> button to see the <gui>Details</gui> for wireless 
+msgid "Click the <_:media-1/> button to see the IP address for the wireless network in the 
<gui>Details</gui> panel."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: steps/title
@@ -7502,23 +7757,21 @@ msgid "To give your computer a fixed (static) IP address:"
 msgstr "コンピューターに固定 (静的) IP アドレスを与える:"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click the <gui>network icon</gui> on the <gui>top bar</gui> and select <gui>Network Settings</gui>."
-msgstr "<gui>トップバー</gui>で<gui>ネットワークアイコン</gui>をクリックし、<gui>ネットワーク設定</gui>を選択します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Select the network connection from the list (<gui>Wired</gui> or <gui>Wireless</gui>) and click 
-msgstr "一覧からネットワーク接続を選択してから (<gui>有線</gui>または<gui>無線</gui>) <gui>設定</gui>をクリックします。"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Select the network connection that you want to set up manually and click <gui>Configure</gui>. For 
example, if you plug in to the network with a cable, look at <gui>Wired</gui>."
+msgid "In the left pane, select the network connection that you want to give a fixed address. If you plug in 
to the network with a cable, click <gui>Wired</gui>, then click the <_:media-1/> button in the lower right 
corner of the panel. For a <gui>Wi-Fi</gui> connection, the <_:media-2/> button will be located next to the 
active network."
+msgstr "手動で設定するネットワーク接続を選択し、<gui>設定</gui>をクリックします。たとえば、ケーブルでネットワークにつないでいる場合は<gui>有線</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click on the <gui>IPv4 Settings</gui> tab and change the <gui>Method</gui> to <em>Manual</em>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click on the <gui>IPv4 Settings</gui> tab and change the <gui>Method</gui> to <em>Manual</em>."
+msgid "Click on the <gui>IPv4 Settings</gui> or <gui>IPv6 Settings</gui> tab and change the 
<gui>Addresses</gui> to <em>Manual</em>."
 msgstr "<gui>IPv4 設定</gui>タブをクリックして<gui>メソッド</gui>を<em>手動</em>に変更します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If no connection information is listed in the <gui>Addresses</gui> list, or if you want to set up a 
new connection, click <gui>Add</gui>."
-msgstr "<gui>アドレス</gui>一覧に接続情報がない場合、または新規の接続を設定する場合には<gui>追加</gui>をクリックします。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Enter the <em>IP Address</em>, <em>Netmask</em>, and <em>Gateway</em> information into the 
appropriate boxes. How you choose these will depend on your network setup; there are specific rules governing 
which IP addresses and netmasks are valid for a given network."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Enter the <em>IP Address</em>, <em>Netmask</em>, and <em>Gateway</em> information into the 
appropriate boxes. How you choose these will depend on your network setup; there are specific rules governing 
which IP addresses and netmasks are valid for a given network."
+msgid "Enter the <em>Address</em>, <em>Netmask</em>, and <em>Gateway</em> information into the appropriate 
boxes. How you choose these will depend on your network setup; there are specific rules governing which IP 
addresses and netmasks are valid for a given network."
 msgstr "<em>IP 
アドレス</em>、<em>ネットマスク</em>、<em>ゲートウェイ</em>の情報を該当ボックスに入力します。行うネットワークの設定により入力情報は異なります。ネットワークにより有効な IP 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -7526,7 +7779,9 @@ msgid "If necessary, enter a <em>Domain Name Server</em> address into the <gui>D
 msgstr "必要であれば、<em>ドメインネームサーバー</em>のアドレスを <gui>DNS サーバー</gui>のボックスに入力します。これはドメイン名を検索するサーバーの IP 
アドレスになります。企業ネットワークやインターネットプロバイダーの場合、ほとんどが専用の DNS サーバーを持っています。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click <gui>Save</gui>. The network connection should now have a fixed IP address."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click <gui>Save</gui>. The network connection should now have a fixed IP address."
+msgid "Click <gui>Apply</gui>. The network connection should now have a fixed IP address."
 msgstr "<gui>保存</gui>をクリックします。これでこのネットワーク接続は固定 IP アドレスになるはずです。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -7606,34 +7861,6 @@ msgid "Gnash"
 msgstr "Gnash"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Some websites use Silverlight to display web pages. The Moonlight plug-in lets you view these pages."
-msgstr "Silverlight を使ってウェブページを表示するウェブサイトがあります。Moonlight プラグインがあれば、こうしたページを閲覧できます。"
-#. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "Install the Silverlight plug-in"
-msgstr "Silverlight プラグインのインストール"
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "<app>Silverlight</app> is a <em>plug-in</em> for your web browser which allows you to watch videos 
and use interactive web pages on some websites. Some websites won't work without Silverlight."
-msgstr "<app>Silverlight</app> 
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If you view a Silverlight-enabled website but don't have the plug-in installed, you will probably see 
a message telling you so. This message should have instructions telling you how to get the plug-in, but these 
instructions might not be suitable for your web browser or version of Linux."
-msgstr "Silverlight 
 Linux 向けウェブブラウザーには対応していないでしょう。"
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If you want to view Silverlight-enabled websites, you should install the <em>Moonlight</em> plug-in 
instead. This is a free, open-source version of Silverlight which runs on Linux."
-msgstr "Silverlight が必要になるウェブサイトを閲覧したい場合は、代わりに、<em>Moonlight</em> プラグインをインストールするとよいでしょう。これは、Linux で動作する 
Silverlight のフリーなオープンソース実装です。"
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Some Linux distributions have a copy of Moonlight that you can install using their software 
installer; just open the installer and search for <input>Silverlight</input> or <input>Moonlight</input>."
-msgstr "Linux ディストリビューションによっては、パッケージマネージャーを使って Moonlight 
をインストールできるものがあります。パッケージマネージャーを開き、<input>Silverlight</input> あるいは <input>Moonlight</input> で検索するだけです。"
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If your distribution doesn't have a Moonlight software package, see the <link 
href=\"http://www.go-mono.com/moonlight/\";>Moonlight website</link> for more information and installation 
-msgstr "お使いのディストリビューションが Moonlight のパッケージを提供していない場合は、<link 
href=\"http://www.go-mono.com/moonlight/\";>Moonlight のウェブサイト</link>を参照し、詳細な情報とインストール手順を確認してください。"
-#. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "The unique identifier assigned to network hardware."
 msgstr "ネットワークハードウェアに割り当てられる固有の識別子です。"
@@ -7655,15 +7882,23 @@ msgstr "自分のネットワークハードウェアの MAC アドレスを識
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Select <gui>Wi-Fi</gui> or <gui>Wired</gui> from the list on the left, depending on which device you 
want to check."
+msgid "Choose which device, <gui>Wi-Fi</gui> or <gui>Wired</gui>, from the left pane."
 msgstr "<gui>マウスとタッチパッド</gui>を開き、<gui>マウス</gui>タブを選択する。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Your MAC address will be displayed as the <gui>Hardware Address</gui> on the right for a wired 
connection, or open the connection details by pressing on the <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> button 
to see the <gui>Details</gui> for wireless network."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Your MAC address will be displayed as the <gui>Hardware Address</gui>."
+msgid "The MAC address for the wired device will be displayed as the <gui>Hardware Address</gui> on the 
+msgstr "<gui>ハードウェアアドレス</gui>に MAC アドレスが表示されます。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "Click the <_:media-1/> button to see the MAC address for the wireless device displayed as the 
<gui>Hardware Address</gui> in the <gui>Details</gui> panel."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "In practice, you may need to <link xref=\"net-editcon\">modify or \"spoof\" a MAC address</link>. For 
example, some internet service providers may require that a specific MAC address be used to access their 
service. If the network card stops working, and you need to swap a new card in, the service won't work 
anymore. In such cases, you would need to spoof the MAC address."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "In practice, you may need to <link xref=\"net-editcon\">modify or \"spoof\" a MAC address</link>. 
For example, some internet service providers may require that a specific MAC address be used to access their 
service. If the network card stops working, and you need to swap a new card in, the service won't work 
anymore. In such cases, you would need to spoof the MAC address."
+msgid "In practice, you may need to modify or \"spoof\" a MAC address. For example, some internet service 
providers may require that a specific MAC address be used to access their service. If the network card stops 
working, and you need to swap a new card in, the service won't work anymore. In such cases, you would need to 
spoof the MAC address."
 msgstr "実際には、<link xref=\"net-editcon\">MAC 
アドレスの変更すなわち「なりすまし」</link>をしなければならない場合があります。たとえば、一部のインターネットサービスプロバイダーでは、サービスを利用するのに特定の MAC 
アドレスが必要となる場合があります。ネットワークカードが故障して新しいカードと交換する必要が生じると、サービスが利用できなくなる場合があります。このような場合に MAC アドレスの変更が必要になります。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -7684,25 +7919,8 @@ msgstr "ネットワーク設定を手動で行う方法は次のとおりです
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</link> overview and make sure you're looking 
at the <gui>Windows</gui> view."
-msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
-msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>ウィンドウ</gui>ビューを表示します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Click the <gui>+</gui> button in the button bar."
-msgid "Click on <gui>Settings</gui> to open the control center."
-msgstr "ボタンバーの <gui>+</gui> ボタンを押します。"
-#. (itstool) path: media/span
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "settings"
-msgstr "設定"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Select the network connection that you want to set up manually and click <gui>Configure</gui>. For 
example, if you plug in to the network with a cable, look at <gui>Wired</gui>."
-msgid "In the left pane, select the network connection that you want to set up manually and click the 
<_:media-1/> button. For example, if you plug in to the network with a cable, click <gui>Wired</gui>. For a 
<gui>Wi-Fi</gui> connection, the <_:media-2/> button will be located next to the active network."
+msgid "In the left pane, select the network connection that you want to set up manually. If you plug in to 
the network with a cable, click <gui>Wired</gui>, then click the <_:media-1/> button in the lower right 
corner of the panel. For a <gui>Wi-Fi</gui> connection, the <_:media-2/> button will be located next to the 
active network."
 msgstr "手動で設定するネットワーク接続を選択し、<gui>設定</gui>をクリックします。たとえば、ケーブルでネットワークにつないでいる場合は<gui>有線</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -7724,11 +7942,11 @@ msgid "These must be <em>IP addresses</em>; that is, they must be four numbers s
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "In the <gui>DNS</gui> section, switch <gui>Automatic</gui> to <gui>OFF</gui>. Enter the IP address of 
a DNS server you want to use. Enter additional DNS server addresses using the <key>+</key> button."
+msgid "In the <gui>DNS</gui> section, switch <gui>Automatic</gui> to <gui>OFF</gui>. Enter the IP address of 
a DNS server you want to use. Enter additional DNS server addresses using the <gui>+</gui> button."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "In the <gui>Routes</gui> section, switch <gui>Automatic</gui> to <gui>OFF</gui>. Enter the 
<gui>Address</gui>, <gui>Netmask</gui>, <gui>Gateway</gui> and <gui>Metric</gui> for a route you want to use. 
Enter additional routes using the <key>+</key> button."
+msgid "In the <gui>Routes</gui> section, switch <gui>Automatic</gui> to <gui>OFF</gui>. Enter the 
<gui>Address</gui>, <gui>Netmask</gui>, <gui>Gateway</gui> and <gui>Metric</gui> for a route you want to use. 
Enter additional routes using the <gui>+</gui> button."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -7736,6 +7954,56 @@ msgid "Click <gui>Apply</gui>. If you are not connected to the network, click th
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
+msgid "Use your phone or Internet stick to connect to the mobile broadband network."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Connect to a file server"
+msgid "Connect to mobile broadband"
+msgstr "ファイルサーバーに接続する"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+msgid "You can set up a connection to a cellular (3G) network with your computer's built-in 3G modem, your 
mobile phone, or an Internet stick."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "If you do not have a built-in 3G modem, connect your phone or Internet stick to a USB port on your 
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Select <gui>Custom Shortcuts</gui> on the left side of the window."
+msgid "Select <gui><_:media-1/> Mobile Broadband Off</gui>. The <gui>Mobile Broadband</gui> section of the 
menu will expand."
+msgstr "ウィンドウ左側で<gui>独自のショートカット</gui>を選択します"
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+msgid "If <gui>Mobile Broadband</gui> does not appear in the system status menu, ensure that your device is 
not set to connect as Mass Storage."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "Select <gui>Connect</gui>. If you are connecting for the first time, the <gui>Set up a Mobile 
Broadband Connection</gui> wizard is launched. The opening screen displays a list of required information. 
Click <gui style=\"button\">Next</gui>."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "Choose your provider's country or region from the list. Click <gui style=\"button\">Next</gui>."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click <gui style=\"button\">+</gui>."
+msgid "Choose your provider from the list. Click <gui style=\"button\">Next</gui>."
+msgstr "<gui style=\"button\">+</gui> ボタンをクリックします。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "Select a plan according to the type of device you are connecting. This will determine the Access 
Point Name. Click <gui style=\"button\">Next</gui>."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "Confirm the settings you have selected by clicking <gui style=\"button\">Apply</gui>. The wizard will 
close and the <gui>Network</gui> panel will display the properties of your connection."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "You can save settings (like the password) for a network connection so that everyone who uses the 
computer will be able to connect to it."
 msgstr "コンピューターを使用する人が誰でもネットワーク接続を行えるよう、ネットワーク接続の設定 (パスワードなど) を保存することができます。"
@@ -7753,12 +8021,14 @@ msgid "Select <gui>Wi-Fi</gui> from the list on the left."
 msgstr "<gui>マウスとタッチパッド</gui>を開き、<gui>マウス</gui>タブを選択する。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Open the connection details by pressing on the <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> button to see 
the <gui>Details</gui> for wireless network."
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click the <gui>Check</gui> button to switch to selection mode."
+msgid "Click the <_:media-1/> button to open the connection details."
+msgstr "<gui>Check</gui> ボタンを押して、選択モードに切り替えます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Select <gui>Identity</gui> from the panel on the left side."
+msgid "Select <gui>Identity</gui> from the pane on the left."
 msgstr "<gui>マウスとタッチパッド</gui>を開き、<gui>マウス</gui>タブを選択する。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -7811,7 +8081,9 @@ msgid "What is a proxy?"
 msgstr "プロキシとは"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "A <em>web proxy</em> filters websites that you look at, it receipts requests from your web browser to 
fetches the web pages and their elements, and following a policy will decide to pass them you back. They are 
commonly used in businesses and at public wireless hotspots to control what websites you can look at, prevent 
you from accessing the internet without logging in, or to do security checks on websites."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "A <em>web proxy</em> filters websites that you look at, it receipts requests from your web browser 
to fetches the web pages and their elements, and following a policy will decide to pass them you back. They 
are commonly used in businesses and at public wireless hotspots to control what websites you can look at, 
prevent you from accessing the internet without logging in, or to do security checks on websites."
+msgid "A <em>web proxy</em> filters websites that you look at, it receives requests from your web browser to 
fetch web pages and their elements, and following a policy will decide to pass them you back. They are 
commonly used in businesses and at public wireless hotspots to control what websites you can look at, prevent 
you from accessing the internet without logging in, or to do security checks on websites."
 msgstr "閲覧する web サイトにフィルターをかけるのが <em>web プロキシ</em>です。web ブラウザーからの要求を受け web 
ページとそのエレメントを読み込み、ポリシーによってユーザーに渡すかが決定されます。ユーザーが閲覧する web サイトを管理、ログインしないユーザーによるインターネットアクセスを阻止、web 
サイトでのセキュリティチェックを行う目的でビジネスや公衆無線 LAN アクセスポイントなどでよく使用されています。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -7900,15 +8172,19 @@ msgid "If a website's offer is too good to be true, or asks for sensitive inform
 msgstr "web 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Be careful in providing any application <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">root level 
permissions</link>, especially ones that you have not used before or which are not well-known. Providing 
anyone or anything with root level permissions puts your computer at high risk to exploitation."
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Be careful in providing any application <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">root level 
permissions</link>, especially ones that you have not used before or apps that are not well-known. Providing 
anyone/anything with root level permissions puts your computer at high risk to exploitation."
+msgid "Be careful in providing <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">root level permissions</link> to any 
application, especially ones that you have not used before or which are not well-known. Providing anyone or 
anything with root level permissions puts your computer at high risk to exploitation."
+msgstr "アプリケーションに <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">root 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "Make sure you are only running necessary remote-access services. Having SSH or VNC running can be 
useful, but also leaves your computer open to intrusion if not secured properly. Consider using a <link 
xref=\"net-firewall-on-off\">firewall</link> to help protect your computer from intrusion."
 msgstr "リモートアクセスのサービスは必要最低限のものだけを実行してください。SSH や VNC 
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "<link xref=\"net-antivirus\">Antivirus software</link>, <link xref=\"net-firewall-on-off\">basic 
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<link xref=\"net-antivirus\">Antivirus software</link>, <link xref=\"net-firewall-on-off\">basic 
+msgid "<link xref=\"net-antivirus\">Antivirus software</link>, <link xref=\"net-antivirus\">basic 
firewalls</link>, <link xref=\"net-firewall-on-off\">firewall ports</link>…"
 msgstr "<link xref=\"net-antivirus\">ウイルス対策ソフトウェア</link>、<link 
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
@@ -8000,19 +8276,15 @@ msgid "If there isn't a NetworkManager package for your type of VPN, you will pr
 msgstr "お使いの VPN 用の NetworkManager パッケージがない場合、VPN 
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Once that's done, you can set up the VPN connection:"
-msgstr "必要な作業を完了したら VPN 接続の設定を行います。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Click the <gui>+</gui> button in the button bar."
-msgid "Click on <gui>Network</gui> to open the control center."
-msgstr "ボタンバーの <gui>+</gui> ボタンを押します。"
+#| msgid "Once that's done, you can set up the VPN connection:"
+msgid "To set up the VPN connection:"
+msgstr "必要な作業を完了したら VPN 接続の設定を行います。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "In the list of accounts on the left, click the <gui>+</gui> button to add a new user account."
-msgid "At the bottom of the list on the left, click the <key>+</key> button to add a new connection."
+msgid "At the bottom of the list on the left, click the <gui>+</gui> button to add a new connection."
 msgstr "ウィンドウ左のアカウント一覧で、<gui>+</gui> ボタンをクリックし、 新しいユーザーアカウントを追加します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -8034,19 +8306,19 @@ msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "When you've finished setting-up the VPN, click the network icon on the top bar, go to <gui>VPN 
Connections</gui> and click on the connection you just created. It will try to establish a VPN connection - 
the network icon will change as it tries to connect."
-msgid "When you have finished setting-up the VPN, click the system status area on the top bar, click 
<gui>VPN</gui> and select the connection you just created. You may need to enter a password for the 
connection before it is established. Once the connection is made, you will see a lock shaped icon in the top 
+msgid "When you have finished setting-up the VPN, open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#yourname\">system 
menu</gui> from the right side of the top bar, click <gui>VPN off</gui> and select <gui>Connect</gui>. You 
may need to enter a password for the connection before it is established. Once the connection is made, you 
will see a lock shaped icon in the top bar."
 msgstr "VPN の設定を完了したら、トップバーのネットワークアイコンをクリックし<gui>VPN 接続</gui>を開きます。作成した接続をクリックすると、VPN 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Hopefully, you will successfully connect to the VPN. If not, you may need to double-check the VPN 
settings you entered. You can do this by clicking the network icon, clicking <gui>Network Settings</gui> and 
going to the <gui>VPN</gui> tab."
-msgid "Hopefully you will successfully connect to the VPN. If not, you may need to double-check the VPN 
settings you entered. You can do this from the <gui>Network</gui> panel that you used to create the 
connection, select the VPN connection from the list, then press the button in the bottom right corner of the 
+msgid "Hopefully you will successfully connect to the VPN. If not, you may need to double-check the VPN 
settings you entered. You can do this from the <gui>Network</gui> panel that you used to create the 
connection. Select the VPN connection from the list, then press the <_:media-1/> button to review the 
 msgstr "うまくいけば VPN に接続されます。接続できない場合、入力した VPN 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "To disconnect from the VPN, click the network icon on the top bar and click <gui>Disconnect</gui> 
under the name of your VPN connection."
-msgid "To disconnect from the VPN, click the system status area on the top bar and click <gui>Turn Off</gui> 
under the name of your VPN connection."
+msgid "To disconnect from the VPN, click the system menu on the top bar and click <gui>Turn Off</gui> under 
the name of your VPN connection."
 msgstr "VPN を切断する場合は、トップバーのネットワークアイコンをクリックし VPN 接続名の下の<gui>切断</gui>をクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -8070,7 +8342,9 @@ msgid "Currently, most IP addresses consist of four sets of numbers, each separa
 msgstr "現在、IP アドレスのほとんどは 4 つの番号セットから構成され、それぞれのセットはピリオドで区切られています。<code></code> などがその例です。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "An IP address can either be <em>dynamic</em> or <em>static</em>. Dynamic IP addresses are temporarily 
assigned each time your computer connects to a network. Static IP addresses are fixed, and do not change. 
Dynamic IP addresses are more common that static addresses - static addresses are typically only used when 
there is a special need for them, such as administering a server."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "An IP address can either be <em>dynamic</em> or <em>static</em>. Dynamic IP addresses are 
temporarily assigned each time your computer connects to a network. Static IP addresses are fixed, and do not 
change. Dynamic IP addresses are more common that static addresses - static addresses are typically only used 
when there is a special need for them, such as administering a server."
+msgid "An IP address can either be <em>dynamic</em> or <em>static</em>. Dynamic IP addresses are temporarily 
assigned each time your computer connects to a network. Static IP addresses are fixed, and do not change. 
Dynamic IP addresses are more common that static addresses - static addresses are typically only used when 
there is a special need for them, such as in the administration of a server."
 msgstr "IP アドレスは<em>動的</em>または<em>静的</em>のいずれかに分類できます。コンピューターがネットワークに接続する度、一時的に割り当てられるのが動的な IP 
アドレスです。固定で変化しないのが静的な IP アドレスになります。静的アドレスは、サーバー管理など特殊な用途での使用が典型的です。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -8082,7 +8356,9 @@ msgid "Connect to a wired (Ethernet) network"
 msgstr "有線 (Ethernet) ネットワークへの接続"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "To set up most wired network connections, all you need to do is plug in a network cable. The network 
icon on the top bar should spin or pulse for a few seconds and then will change to a \"socket\" icon when you 
are connected."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "To set up most wired network connections, all you need to do is plug in a network cable. The 
network icon on the top bar should spin or pulse for a few seconds and then will change to a \"socket\" icon 
when you are connected."
+msgid "To set up most wired network connections, all you need to do is plug in a network cable. The wired 
network icon (<_:media-1/>) is displayed on the top bar with three dots while the connection is being 
established. The dots disappear when you are connected."
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -8118,15 +8394,13 @@ msgid "You can use your computer as a wireless hotspot. This allows other device
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Click your name on the top bar and select <gui>Settings</gui>."
-msgid "Click the system status area on the top bar and select <gui>Wi-Fi</gui>."
-msgstr "トップバーにあるユーザー名をクリックし、<gui>設定</gui>を選択します。"
+msgid "Select <gui><_:media-1/> Wi-Fi Not Connected</gui> or the name of the wireless network to which you 
are already connected. The Wi-Fi section of the menu will expand."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Select <gui>Date and Time Settings</gui>."
-msgid "Select <gui>Wi-Fi Settings</gui>."
+msgid "Click <gui>Wi-Fi Settings</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>日時の設定</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -8155,11 +8429,21 @@ msgid "If you have your computer on an airplane (or some other area where wirele
 msgstr "飛行機内 (または無線接続が許可されていないエリア内) でコンピューターを使用する場合、無線機能をオフにする必要があります。また、他の目的で無線機能をオフにすることもあります 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Switch <gui>Airplane Mode</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>. This will turn off your wireless connection until 
you switch airplane mode off again."
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#yourname\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+msgstr "<gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</gui>画面を開き、<gui>Network</gui> と入力します。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Switch <gui>Airplane Mode</gui> on. This will turn off your wireless connection until you switch 
off airplane mode again."
+msgid "Switch <gui>Airplane Mode</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>. This will turn off your wireless connection until 
you disable airplane mode again."
+msgstr "<gui>機内モード</gui>を有効にします。機内モードを無効に戻すまで、無線接続はオフの状態になります。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "Using <em>Airplane Mode</em> will completely turn off both wireless and Bluetooth connections."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Using <em>Airplane Mode</em> will completely turn off both wireless and Bluetooth connections."
+msgid "Using <em>Airplane Mode</em> will completely turn off all wireless connections, including WiFi, 3G 
and Bluetooth connections."
 msgstr "<em>機内モード</em>を使用すると、ワイヤレスおよび Bluetooth いずれの接続も完全にオフになります。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -8176,17 +8460,26 @@ msgstr "ワイヤレス接続に対応したコンピューターをお使いの
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Click the system status area on the top bar, select <gui>Wi-Fi</gui>, then click <gui>Select 
-msgstr "トップバーのユーザー名の箇所をクリックし、<gui>システム設定</gui>を選択します。"
+#| msgid "Select <gui>Custom Shortcuts</gui> on the left side of the window."
+msgid "Select <gui><_:media-1/> Wi-Fi Not Connected</gui>. The Wi-Fi section of the menu will expand."
+msgstr "ウィンドウ左側で<gui>独自のショートカット</gui>を選択します"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click <gui>Close</gui>."
+msgid "Click <gui>Select Network</gui>."
+msgstr "<gui>閉じる</gui>ボタンをクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Choose the file you want to send and click <gui>Select</gui>."
-msgid "Click the name of the network you want to connect to, then click <gui>Connect</gui>."
+msgid "Click the name of the network you want, then click <gui>Connect</gui>."
 msgstr "送信するファイルを選び、<gui>選択</gui>ボタンを押します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If the name of the network isn't in the list, try clicking <gui>More</gui> to see if the network is 
further down the list. If you still don't see the network, you may be out of range or the network <link 
xref=\"net-wireless-hidden\">might be hidden</link>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If the name of the network isn't in the list, try clicking <gui>More</gui> to see if the network 
is further down the list. If you still don't see the network, you may be out of range or the network <link 
xref=\"net-wireless-hidden\">might be hidden</link>."
+msgid "If the name of the network is not in the list, try clicking <gui>More</gui> to see if the network is 
further down the list. If you still do not see the network, you may be out of range, or the network <link 
xref=\"net-wireless-hidden\">might be hidden</link>."
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -8194,7 +8487,9 @@ msgid "If the network is protected by a password (<link xref=\"net-wireless-wepw
 msgstr "ネットワークがパスワード (<link xref=\"net-wireless-wepwpa\">暗号鍵</link>) 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If you do not know the key, it may be written on the underside of the wireless router or base 
station, in its instruction manual, or you may have to ask the person who administers the wireless network."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you do not know the key, it may be written on the underside of the wireless router or base 
station, in its instruction manual, or you may have to ask the person who administers the wireless network."
+msgid "If you do not know the key, it may be written on the underside of the wireless router or base 
station, or in its instruction manual, or you may have to ask the person who administers the wireless 
 msgstr "鍵を知らない場合、ワイヤレスルーターやベースステーションの裏側、説明書などに記載されていることがあります。または、必要に応じてワイヤレスネットワーク管理者に問い合わせてください。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -8202,11 +8497,15 @@ msgid "The network icon will change appearance as the computer attempts to conne
 msgstr "コンピューターによりネットワークへの接続が試みられると、ネットワークアイコンが変化します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If the connection is successful, the icon will change to a dot with several bars above it. More bars 
indicate a stronger connection to the network. If there aren't many bars, the connection is weak and might 
not be very reliable."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If the connection is successful, the icon will change to a dot with several bars above it. More 
bars indicate a stronger connection to the network. If there aren't many bars, the connection is weak and 
might not be very reliable."
+msgid "If the connection is successful, the icon will change to a dot with several curved bars above it 
(<_:media-1/>). More bars indicate a stronger connection to the network. Fewer bars mean the connection is 
weaker and might not be very reliable."
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If the connection is not successful, you <link xref=\"net-passwordok-noconnect\">may be asked for 
your password again</link> or it might just tell you that the connection has been disconnected. There are a 
number of things that could have caused this to happen. You could have entered the wrong password, the 
wireless signal could be too weak, or your computer's wireless card might have a problem, for example. See 
<link xref=\"net-wireless-troubleshooting\"/> for more help."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If the connection is not successful, you <link xref=\"net-passwordok-noconnect\">may be asked for 
your password again</link> or it might just tell you that the connection has been disconnected. There are a 
number of things that could have caused this to happen. You could have entered the wrong password, the 
wireless signal could be too weak, or your computer's wireless card might have a problem, for example. See 
<link xref=\"net-wireless-troubleshooting\"/> for more help."
+msgid "If the connection is not successful, you may be asked for your password again or it might just tell 
you that the connection has been disconnected. There are a number of things that could have caused this to 
happen. You could have entered the wrong password, the wireless signal could be too weak, or your computer's 
wireless card might have a problem, for example. See <link xref=\"net-wireless-troubleshooting\"/> for more 
 msgstr "接続に失敗した場合、<link 
 <link xref=\"net-wireless-troubleshooting\"/> をご覧ください。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -8362,7 +8661,7 @@ msgid "If you're sure that you entered the correct <link xref=\"net-wireless-wep
 msgstr "間違いなく正しい<link 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Double-check that you have the right password"
+msgid "Double-check that you have the correct password"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -8386,7 +8685,9 @@ msgid "Sometimes wireless cards get stuck or experience a minor problem that mea
 msgstr "ワイヤレスカードが動作しなくなったり、何らかの問題が生じて接続しなくなる場合があります。カードを一度オフにしてからオンにし直しリセットしてみてください。詳細については <link 
xref=\"net-wireless-troubleshooting\"/> を参照してください。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Check that you're using the right type of wireless security"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Check that you're using the right type of wireless security"
+msgid "Check that you're using the correct type of wireless security"
 msgstr "正しい種類の無線セキュリティを使用しているか確認してください"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -8422,15 +8723,21 @@ msgid "In this step you can check to see if you can get working device drivers f
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Check to see if your wireless adapter is on a list of supported devices"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Check to see if your wireless adapter is on a list of supported devices"
+msgid "Check to see if your wireless adapter is on a list of supported devices."
 msgstr "お使いのワイヤレスアダプターがサポートされているか確認します"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Most Linux distributions keep a list of wireless devices that they have support for. Sometimes, these 
lists provide extra information on how to get the drivers for certain adapters working properly. Go to the 
list for your distribution (for example, <link 
href=\"https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported\";>Ubuntu</link>, <link 
href=\"http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers\";>Fedora</link> or <link 
href=\"http://en.opensuse.org/HCL:Network_(Wireless)\">openSuSE</link>) and see if your make and model of 
wireless adapter is listed. You may be able to use some of the information there to get your wireless drivers 
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Most Linux distributions keep a list of wireless devices that they have support for. Sometimes, 
these lists provide extra information on how to get the drivers for certain adapters working properly. Go to 
the list for your distribution (for example, <link 
href=\"https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported\";>Ubuntu</link>, <link 
href=\"http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers\";>Fedora</link> or <link 
href=\"http://en.opensuse.org/HCL:Network_(Wireless)\">openSuSE</link>) and see if your make and model of 
wireless adapter is listed. You may be able to use some of the information there to get your wireless drivers 
+msgid "Most Linux distributions keep a list of wireless devices that they have support for. Sometimes, these 
lists provide extra information on how to get the drivers for certain adapters working properly. Go to the 
list for your distribution (for example, <link 
href=\"https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported\";>Ubuntu</link>, <link 
href=\"https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wireless_network_configuration\";>Arch</link> <link 
href=\"http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers\";>Fedora</link> or <link 
href=\"http://en.opensuse.org/HCL:Network_(Wireless)\">openSUSE</link>) and see if your make and model of 
wireless adapter is listed. You may be able to use some of the information there to get your wireless drivers 
 msgstr "たいていの Linux 
ディストリビューションは、サポートするワイヤレスデバイス一覧を公開しています。特定のアダプター向けドライバーの入手方法など追加情報も記載している場合があります。お使いのディストリビューション用の一覧 (<link 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Look for restricted (binary) drivers"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Look for restricted (binary) drivers"
+msgid "Look for restricted (binary) drivers."
 msgstr "制限のある (バイナリ) ドライバーを探す"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -8442,7 +8749,9 @@ msgid "Some Linux distributions have a tool that can download restricted drivers
 msgstr "Linux 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Use the Windows drivers for your adapter"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Use the Windows drivers for your adapter"
+msgid "Use the Windows drivers for your adapter."
 msgstr "Windows 向けドライバーを使用する"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -8586,7 +8895,9 @@ msgid "Wireless adapter was not recognized"
 msgstr "ワイヤレスアダプターが認識されませんでした"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "If your wireless adapter was not recognized, it might not be working properly or the correct drivers 
may not be installed for it. How you check to see if there are any drivers you can install will depend on 
which Linux distribution you are using (like Ubuntu, Fedora or openSuSE)."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If your wireless adapter was not recognized, it might not be working properly or the correct 
drivers may not be installed for it. How you check to see if there are any drivers you can install will 
depend on which Linux distribution you are using (like Ubuntu, Fedora or openSuSE)."
+msgid "If your wireless adapter was not recognized, it might not be working properly or the correct drivers 
may not be installed for it. How you check to see if there are any drivers you can install will depend on 
which Linux distribution you are using (like Ubuntu, Arch, Fedora or openSUSE)."
 Linux  ディストリビューションによって異なります (Ubuntu、Fedora、openSuSE など)。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
@@ -8614,11 +8925,15 @@ msgid "The disc containing drivers for your wireless adapter (even if it only co
 msgstr "ワイヤレスアダプター用ドライバーが収録されているディスク (Windows ドライバーのみでも可)"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "The manufacturers and model numbers of your computer, wireless adapter and router. This information 
can usually be found on the underside/reverse of the device."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The manufacturers and model numbers of your computer, wireless adapter and router. This 
information can usually be found on the underside/reverse of the device."
+msgid "The manufacturers and model numbers of your computer, wireless adapter and router. This information 
can usually be found on the underside or reverse of the device."
 msgstr "コンピューター、ワイヤレスアダプター、ルーターなどの製造元とモデル番号 (通常、デバイスの底面に記載)"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Any version/revision numbers that may be printed on your wireless network devices or their packaging. 
These can be especially helpful, so look carefully."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Any version/revision numbers that may be printed on your wireless network devices or their 
packaging. These can be especially helpful, so look carefully."
+msgid "Any version or revision numbers that may be printed on your wireless network devices or their 
packaging. These can be especially helpful, so look carefully."
 msgstr "無線ネットワークデバイスまたはその包装材料などに印刷されていることがあるバージョンまたはリビジョン番号など (この番号は特に役に立つため、よく探してください)"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -8658,15 +8973,21 @@ msgid "If your wireless card is <em>inside</em> your computer, make sure that th
 msgstr "ワイヤレスカードがコンピューターの<em>内部</em>にある場合は、ワイヤレススイッチがオンになっているか確認します 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click the system status area on the top bar and select <gui>Wi-Fi</gui>, then select <gui>Wi-Fi 
Settings</gui>. Make sure that <gui>Wi-Fi</gui> is set to <gui>ON</gui>. You should also check that <link 
xref=\"net-wireless-airplane\">Airplane Mode is not switched on</link>."
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click the network icon and make sure that <gui>Wireless</gui> is set to ON. You should also check 
that <link xref=\"net-wireless-airplane\">Airplane Mode is not switched on</link>."
+msgid "Click the system status area on the top bar and select <gui>Wi-Fi</gui>, then select <gui>Wi-Fi 
Settings</gui>. Make sure that <gui>Wi-Fi</gui> is set to <gui>ON</gui>. You should also check that <link 
xref=\"net-wireless-airplane\">Airplane Mode</link> is <em>not</em> switched on."
+msgstr "ネットワークアイコンをクリックして、<gui>無線</gui>がオンに設定されているか確認します。<link 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Open the Terminal, type <cmd>nm-tool</cmd> and press <key>Enter</key>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Open the Terminal, type <cmd>nm-tool</cmd> and press <key>Enter</key>."
+msgid "Open the Terminal, type <cmd>nmcli device</cmd> and press <key>Enter</key>."
 msgstr "端末を開き、<cmd>nm-tool</cmd> を入力して <key>Enter</key> を押します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "This will display information about your network hardware and connection status. Look down the list 
of information and see if there is a section related to the wireless network adapter. The information for 
each network device is separated by a row of dashes. If you find the line <code>State: Connected</code> in 
the section for your wireless adapter, it means that it is working and connected to your wireless router."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "This will display information about your network hardware and connection status. Look down the 
list of information and see if there is a section related to the wireless network adapter. The information 
for each network device is separated by a row of dashes. If you find the line <code>State: Connected</code> 
in the section for your wireless adapter, it means that it is working and connected to your wireless router."
+msgid "This will display information about your network interfaces and connection status. Look down the list 
of information and see if there is an item related to the wireless network adapter. If the state is 
<code>connected</code>, it means that the adapter is working and connected to your wireless router."
 <code>State: Connected</code> があれば、そのデバイスは実行中でワイヤレスルーターに接続されていることを示しています。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -8674,15 +8995,21 @@ msgid "If you are connected to your wireless router, but you still cannot access
 msgstr "ワイヤレスルーターに接続されているのにインターネットにアクセスできない場合、ルーターが正しく設定されていない、またはインターネットサービスプロバイダー (ISP) 
側で技術的な問題が発生している可能性があります。ルーターと ISP の設定ガイドを点検して設定に間違いがないか確認するか ISP にサポートを求めます。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If the information from <cmd>nm-tool</cmd> did not indicate that you were connected to the network, 
click <gui>Next</gui> to proceed to the next portion of the troubleshooting guide."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If the information from <cmd>nm-tool</cmd> did not indicate that you were connected to the 
network, click <gui>Next</gui> to proceed to the next portion of the troubleshooting guide."
+msgid "If the information from <cmd>nmcli device</cmd> did not indicate that you were connected to the 
network, click <gui>Next</gui> to proceed to the next portion of the troubleshooting guide."
 msgstr "<cmd>nm-tool</cmd> による出力にネットワークに接続された情報が表示されていなかった場合、<gui>次</gui>をクリックしてトラブルシューティングガイドの次の部分に進みます。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Identify and fix problems with wireless connections"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Identify and fix problems with wireless connections"
+msgid "Identify and fix problems with wireless connections."
 msgstr "無線接続に関する問題を特定して修正します"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "This is a step-by step troubleshooting guide to help you identify and fix wireless problems. If you 
cannot connect to a wireless network for some reason, try following the instructions here."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "This is a step-by step troubleshooting guide to help you identify and fix wireless problems. If 
you cannot connect to a wireless network for some reason, try following the instructions here."
+msgid "This is a step-by-step troubleshooting guide to help you identify and fix wireless problems. If you 
cannot connect to a wireless network for some reason, try following the instructions here."
 msgstr "無線に関する問題の特定および修正を順を追って解説していくトラブルシューティングガイドです。何らかの理由で無線ネットワークに接続できない場合、次の手順を行ってみてください。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -8742,7 +9069,9 @@ msgid "Using <em>some</em> encryption is always better than using none, but WEP
 msgstr "何もしないよりは何らかの暗号化を使用した方が良いですが、WEP はこうした標準の中では安全性が最小レベルとなるため、できれば使用しない方がよいでしょう。3 種類の中では WPA2 
がもっとも安全性に優れています。ワイヤレスカードおよびルーターが WPA2 に対応している場合、無線ネットワーク設定では WPA2 を使用するとよいでしょう。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "<link xref=\"net-wireless-connect\">Connect to wifi</link>, <link xref=\"net-wireless-hidden\">Hidden 
networks</link>, <link xref=\"net-editcon\">Edit connection settings</link>, <link 
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<link xref=\"net-wireless-connect\">Connect to wifi</link>, <link 
xref=\"net-wireless-hidden\">Hidden networks</link>, <link xref=\"net-editcon\">Edit connection 
settings</link>, <link xref=\"net-wireless-disconnecting\">Disconnecting</link>…"
+msgid "<link xref=\"net-wireless-connect\">Connect to wifi</link>, <link xref=\"net-wireless-hidden\">Hidden 
networks</link>, <link xref=\"net-wireless-disconnecting\">Disconnecting</link>…"
 msgstr "<link xref=\"net-wireless-connect\">無線接続</link>、<link 
xref=\"net-wireless-hidden\">非表示設定のネットワーク</link>、<link xref=\"net-editcon\">接続設定の編集</link>、<link 
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
@@ -8754,7 +9083,9 @@ msgid "<link xref=\"net-wireless\">Wireless</link>, <link xref=\"net-wired\">wir
 msgstr "<link xref=\"net-wireless\">無線</link>、<link xref=\"net-wired\">有線</link>、<link 
xref=\"net-problem\">接続関連の問題</link>、<link xref=\"net-browser\">web ブラウジング</link>、<link 
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "Networking, web, email &amp; chat"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Networking, web, email &amp; chat"
+msgid "Networking, web &amp; email"
 msgstr "ネットワーク、ウェブ、メール、およびチャット"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -8770,7 +9101,9 @@ msgid "When you check the remaining battery life, you may find that the time rem
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "In order to estimate the remaining battery life, a number of factors must be taken into account. One 
is the amount of power currently being used by the computer: power consumption varies depending on how many 
programs you have open, which devices are plugged in, and whether you are running any intensive tasks (like 
watching a DVD or converting music files, for example). This changes from moment to moment, and is difficult 
to predict."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "In order to estimate the remaining battery life, a number of factors must be taken into account. 
One is the amount of power currently being used by the computer: power consumption varies depending on how 
many programs you have open, which devices are plugged in, and whether you are running any intensive tasks 
(like watching a DVD or converting music files, for example). This changes from moment to moment, and is 
difficult to predict."
+msgid "In order to estimate the remaining battery life, a number of factors must be taken into account. One 
is the amount of power currently being used by the computer: power consumption varies depending on how many 
programs you have open, which devices are plugged in, and whether you are running any intensive tasks (like 
watching high-definition video or converting music files, for example). This changes from moment to moment, 
and is difficult to predict."
 (DVD の試聴や音楽ファイルの変換) などによって異なります。消費力は刻一刻と変化するため、正確に予測するのは困難です。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -8814,7 +9147,9 @@ msgid "<link xref=\"shell-exit#shutdown\">Turn off</link> the computer when you
 msgstr "長時間使用しない場合は、コンピューターの<link 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Use the <gui>Power</gui> preferences in <app>Settings</app> to change your power settings. There are 
a number of options that will help to save power: you can automatically dim the display after a certain time, 
reduce the display brightness and have the computer <link xref=\"power-suspend\">automatically suspend</link> 
if you have not used it for a certain period of time."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Use the <gui>Power</gui> preferences in <app>Settings</app> to change your power settings. There 
are a number of options that will help to save power: you can automatically dim the display after a certain 
time, reduce the display brightness and have the computer <link xref=\"power-suspend\">automatically 
suspend</link> if you have not used it for a certain period of time."
+msgid "Use the <gui>Power</gui> panel in <app>Settings</app> to change your power settings. There are a 
number of options that will help to save power: you can <link xref=\"power-whydim\">automatically dim the 
screen</link> after a certain time, reduce the <link xref=\"display-brightness\">screen brightness</link>, 
and have the computer <link xref=\"power-suspend\">automatically suspend</link> if you have not used it for a 
certain period of time."
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -8826,7 +9161,9 @@ msgid "Laptops, netbooks, and other devices with batteries"
 msgstr "ラップトップ、ネットブック、その他バッテリーを搭載しているデバイスについて"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Reduce the screen brightness: powering the screen accounts for a significant fraction of a laptop 
power consumption."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Reduce the screen brightness: powering the screen accounts for a significant fraction of a laptop 
power consumption."
+msgid "Reduce the <link xref=\"display-brightness\">screen brightness</link>. Powering the screen accounts 
for a significant fraction of a laptop power consumption."
 msgstr "画面の明るさを低めに設定します。ラップトップが消費する電力の大部分は、ディスプレイへの電力供給が占めています。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -8834,7 +9171,9 @@ msgid "Most laptops have buttons on the keyboard (or a keyboard shortcut) that y
 msgstr "ほとんどのラップトップのキーボードには明るさを調整できるボタン (またはキーボードショートカット) があります 。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If you do not need an Internet connection for a little while, turn off the wireless/Bluetooth card. 
These devices work by broadcasting radio waves, which takes quite a bit of power."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you do not need an Internet connection for a little while, turn off the wireless/Bluetooth 
card. These devices work by broadcasting radio waves, which takes quite a bit of power."
+msgid "If you do not need an Internet connection for a little while, turn off the wireless or Bluetooth 
cards. These devices work by broadcasting radio waves, which takes quite a bit of power."
 msgstr "少しのあいだインターネット接続を必要としない場合は、ワイヤレスカードや Bluetooth カードをオフにします。こうしたデバイスは、動作している間に電波を送受信するため、相当量の電力を消費します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -8850,11 +9189,15 @@ msgid "Reduce the number of tasks that are running in the background. Computers
 msgstr "バックグラウンドで実行中のタスクを減らします。作業量が多いほど電力の消費量も多くなります。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Most of your running applications do very little when you are not actively using them. However, 
applications that frequently grab data from the internet, play music or movies can impact your power 
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Most of your running applications do very little when you are not actively using them. However, 
applications that frequently grab data from the internet, play music or movies can impact your power 
+msgid "Most of your running applications do very little when you are not actively using them. However, 
applications that frequently grab data from the internet or play music or movies can impact your power 
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Tips such as \"Do not let the battery charge get too low\""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Tips such as \"Do not let the battery charge get too low\""
+msgid "Tips such as \"Do not let the battery charge get too low\"."
 msgstr "コツ (残量が低くなり過ぎないようにするなど) を紹介します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
@@ -8941,8 +9284,18 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "These instructions will only work if you are using <app>systemd</app>. Contact your distribution for 
more information."
 msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+msgid "You need to have the <app>Tweak Tool</app> installed on your computer to change this setting."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: if/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<link action=\"install:rygel\" style=\"button\">Install Rygel</link>"
+msgid "<link style=\"button\" action=\"install:gnome-tweak-tool\">Install <app>Tweak Tool</app></link>"
+msgstr "<link action=\"install:rygel\" style=\"button\">Rygel をインストール</link>"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "If you do not want the computer to suspend when you close the lid, you can change the settings for 
that behavior. You will need to have an <link xref=\"user-admin-change\">administrator password</link> to 
change the setting."
+msgid "If you do not want the computer to suspend when you close the lid, you can change the setting for 
that behavior."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
@@ -8950,37 +9303,34 @@ msgid "Be very careful if you change this setting. Some laptops can overheat if
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Run the following command:"
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "You will now see the contents of the file. Look for <code>HandleLidSwitch=</code> in the file. The 
line may be quoted out with a <code>#</code> at the start and may be followed by an argument. If the line 
already exists, unquote it. Otherwise, add the line."
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: item/code
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"      "
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
<gui>Tweak Tool</gui>."
+msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>詳細</gui>を入力します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "You can use <input>lock</input> for the screen to lock, <input>ignore</input> for nothing to happen, 
<input>poweroff</input> for the computer to switch off or <input>suspend</input> to suspend. For more 
information, see <link href=\"man:logind.conf\">logind.conf help</link>."
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click on <gui>Details</gui> to open the panel."
+msgid "Click <gui>Tweak Tool</gui> to open the application."
+msgstr "<gui>詳細</gui>をクリックしてパネルを開きます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Once you finish editing the file, save your changes and quit the editor."
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click the <gui>✓</gui> button."
+msgid "Click the <gui>Power</gui> tab."
+msgstr "<gui>✓</gui> ボタンを押します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Run the following command to make your change work:"
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Switch <gui>Hover Click</gui> on."
+msgid "Switch <gui>Don't suspend on lid close</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>."
+msgstr "<gui>ホバークリック</gui>をオンにします。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If you do not run that command, the change will only work after your computer is restarted."
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Choose the <gui>General</gui> tab."
+msgid "Close the <gui>Tweak Tool</gui> window."
+msgstr "<gui>全般</gui>タブを開きます。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Some fan-control software could be missing, or your laptop may be running hot."
@@ -9003,74 +9353,6 @@ msgid "It is also possible that your laptop just produces a lot of heat. This do
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Hibernate is disabled by default since it's not well supported."
-msgstr "ハイバネートは十分にサポートしていないためデフォルトでは無効になっています。"
-#. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "How do I hibernate my computer?"
-msgstr "コンピューターをハイバネートするには?"
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "When the computer <em>hibernates</em>, all of your applications and documents are stored and the 
computer completely switches off so it does not use any power, but the applications and documents will still 
be open when you switch on the computer again."
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Unfortunately, hibernate <link xref=\"power-suspendfail\">doesn't work</link> in many cases, which 
can cause you to lose data if you expect your documents and applications to re-open when you switch your 
computer back on. Therefore, hibernate is disabled by default."
-msgstr "残念ながら、ハイバネートが<link 
-#. (itstool) path: section/title
-msgid "Test if hibernate works"
-msgstr "ハイバネートが正しく動作するか確認する"
-#. (itstool) path: note/title
-msgid "Always save your work before hibernating"
-msgstr "ハイバネートする前に必ず作業を保存してください"
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "You should save all of your work before hibernating the computer, just in case something goes wrong 
and your open applications and documents cannot be recovered when you switch on the computer again."
-msgstr "コンピューターを再びオンにしたときに何らかのエラーが発生してアプリケーションやドキュメントの復元が不可能にならないよう、ハイバネートする前にすべての作業を必ず保存してください。"
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "You can use the command line to test if hibernate works on your computer."
-msgstr "ハイバネートがお使いのコンピューターで正しく動作するかはコマンドラインで確認できます。"
-#. (itstool) path: when/p
-msgid "Open the <app>Terminal</app> by pressing <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key> <key>Alt</key><key>t</key></keyseq> 
or by searching for <input>terminal</input> in the <gui>dash</gui>."
-msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key> <key>Alt</key><key>t</key></keyseq> を押して<app>端末</app>を開くか、<gui>dash</gui> で 
<input>terminal</input> の検索を行い端末を開きます。"
-#. (itstool) path: choose/p
-msgid "Open the <app>Terminal</app> by searching for <input>terminal</input> in the <gui>Activities 
-msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面で<input>terminal</input>と検索して、<app>端末</app>を開きます。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "As root, type <cmd>pm-hibernate</cmd> into the terminal and press <key>Enter</key>."
-msgstr "root 権限で、端末上で <cmd>pm-hibernate</cmd> と入力して <key>Enter</key> を押します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Enter your password when prompted."
-msgstr "必要に応じてパスワードを入力します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "After you computer turns off, switch it back on. Did your open applications re-open?"
-msgstr "コンピューターの電源をオフにしてから再びオンにします。アプリケーションが開いた状態で起動しましたか?"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If hibernate doesn't work, check if your swap partition is at least as large as your available RAM."
-msgstr "ハイバネートが正しく動作しない場合は、swap パーティションの領域が少なくとも利用可能な RAM と同じサイズは確保されているか確認します。"
-#. (itstool) path: section/title
-msgid "Enable hibernate"
-msgstr "ハイバネートを有効にする"
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "If the hibernate test works, you can continue to use the <cmd>pm-hibernate</cmd> command when you 
want to hibernate."
-msgstr "ハイバネートのテストが成功すれば、<cmd>pm-hibernate</cmd> コマンドを使ってハイバネートしてください。"
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "You can also enable the hibernate option in the menus. To do that, use your favorite text editor to 
create <file>/etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/org.gnome.enable-hibernate.pkla</file>. Add the 
following to the file and save:"
-msgstr "また、メニューのハイバネートオプションを有効にすることもできます。テキストエディターを使って 
-#. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Computers usually get warm, but if they get too hot they can overheat, which can be damaging."
 msgstr "コンピューターが熱を持つのは普通ですが、熱くなり過ぎるとオーバーヒートを起して損傷する恐れがあります。"
@@ -9087,7 +9369,9 @@ msgid "Most laptops get reasonably warm once you have been using them for a whil
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If you have a desktop computer which feels hot to the touch, it may have insufficient cooling. If 
this concerns you, you can buy extra cooling fans or check that the cooling fans and vents are free from dust 
and other blockages. You might want to consider putting the computer in a better-ventilated area too - if 
kept in confined spaces (e.g. in a cupboard), the cooling system in the computer may not be able to remove 
heat and circulate cool air fast enough."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you have a desktop computer which feels hot to the touch, it may have insufficient cooling. If 
this concerns you, you can buy extra cooling fans or check that the cooling fans and vents are free from dust 
and other blockages. You might want to consider putting the computer in a better-ventilated area too - if 
kept in confined spaces (e.g. in a cupboard), the cooling system in the computer may not be able to remove 
heat and circulate cool air fast enough."
+msgid "If you have a desktop computer which feels hot to the touch, it may have insufficient cooling. If 
this concerns you, you can buy extra cooling fans or check that the cooling fans and vents are free from dust 
and other blockages. You might want to consider putting the computer in a better-ventilated area too - if 
kept in confined spaces (for example, in a cupboard), the cooling system in the computer may not be able to 
remove heat and circulate cool air fast enough."
 (戸棚など) に設置している場合、冷却システムがうまく機能せず、排熱や冷気の循環が十分にできないことがあります。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -9103,20 +9387,20 @@ msgid "Allowing the battery to completely discharge is bad for it."
 msgstr "完全に放電させてしまうのはバッテリーによくありません。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "Why did my computer turn off/hibernate when the battery got to 10%?"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Why did my computer turn off/hibernate when the battery got to 10%?"
+msgid "Why did my computer turn off when the battery got to 10%?"
 msgstr "バッテリー残量が 10% になったらコンピューターが電源オフまたはハイバネートしました。なぜですか?"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "When the charge level of the battery gets too low, your computer will automatically <link 
xref=\"power-hibernate\">hibernate</link>. It does this to make sure that the battery does not completely 
discharge, since this is bad for the battery. If the battery just ran out, the computer would not have time 
to shut down properly either."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "When the charge level of the battery gets too low, your computer will automatically <link 
xref=\"power-hibernate\">hibernate</link>. It does this to make sure that the battery does not completely 
discharge, since this is bad for the battery. If the battery just ran out, the computer would not have time 
to shut down properly either."
+msgid "When the charge level of the battery gets too low, your computer will automatically turn off. It does 
this to make sure that the battery does not completely discharge, since this is bad for the battery. If the 
battery just ran out, the computer would not have time to shut down properly either."
 msgstr "バッテリー残量が低くなりすぎると、コンピューターは自動的に<link 
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "You can change what happens when the battery level gets too low by opening <app>Power</app> from the 
<gui>Activities</gui> overview. Look at the <gui>When power is critically low</gui> setting. You can choose 
for the computer to hibernate or shut down. If you choose shut down, your applications and documents <em>will 
not</em> be saved before the computer turns off."
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Some computers have problems hibernating, and may not be able to recover the applications and 
documents you had open when you turn on the computer again. In this case, it is possible that you could lose 
some of your work if you did not save it before the computer hibernated. You may be able to <link 
xref=\"power-suspendfail\">fix problems with hibernation</link> though."
+msgid "Bear in mind that when your computer automatically turns off, your applications and documents <em>are 
not</em> saved. To avoid losing your work, save it before the battery gets too low."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Some wireless devices have problems handling when your computer is suspended and does not resume 
@@ -9127,7 +9411,9 @@ msgid "I have no wireless network when I wake up my computer"
 msgstr "コンピューターを再開すると無線ネットワークの接続が切れます"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If you have suspended your computer, or it has hibernated, you may find that your wireless internet 
connection does not work when you resume it again. This happens when the <link 
xref=\"hardware-driver\">driver</link> for the wireless device does not fully support certain power saving 
features. Typically, the wireless connection fails to turn on properly when the computer is resumed."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you have suspended your computer, or it has hibernated, you may find that your wireless 
internet connection does not work when you resume it again. This happens when the <link 
xref=\"hardware-driver\">driver</link> for the wireless device does not fully support certain power saving 
features. Typically, the wireless connection fails to turn on properly when the computer is resumed."
+msgid "If you have suspended your computer, you may find that your wireless internet connection does not 
work when you resume it again. This happens when the <link xref=\"hardware-driver\">driver</link> for the 
wireless device does not fully support certain power saving features. Typically, the wireless connection 
fails to turn on properly when the computer is resumed."
 msgstr "コンピューターをサスペンドまたはハイバネートした場合、再開後に無線ネットワーク接続が機能しないことがあります。無線デバイスの<link 
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -9139,11 +9425,15 @@ msgid "Select <gui>Wi-Fi</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>Wi-Fi</gui> を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Switch the wireless <gui>Off</gui> and then <gui>On</gui> again."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Switch the wireless <gui>Off</gui> and then <gui>On</gui> again."
+msgid "Switch the wireless <gui>OFF</gui> and then <gui>ON</gui> again."
 msgstr "無線を一度<gui>オフ</gui>にしてから<gui>オン</gui>にし直します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If the wireless still does not work, switch <gui>On</gui> the <gui>Airplane Mode</gui> and then 
switch it <gui>Off</gui> again."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If the wireless still does not work, switch <gui>On</gui> the <gui>Airplane Mode</gui> and then 
switch it <gui>Off</gui> again."
+msgid "If the wireless still does not work, switch <gui>ON</gui> the <gui>Airplane Mode</gui> and then 
switch it <gui>OFF</gui> again."
 msgstr "これで無線が動作しない場合は、<gui>機内モード</gui>を<gui>オン</gui>にしてから<gui>オフ</gui>にし直します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -9175,7 +9465,9 @@ msgid "Be careful when changing power cables or using travel adapters. Switch ev
 msgstr "電源ケーブルの交換時や旅行用アダプターを使用する際は注意が必要です。できればすべてのスイッチをまずオフにしてから行ってください。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Some computer hardware causes problems with suspend or hibernate."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Some computer hardware causes problems with suspend or hibernate."
+msgid "Some computer hardware causes problems with suspend."
 msgstr "コンピューターの一部のハードウェアが原因でサスペンドやハイバネートに問題が発生します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
@@ -9183,7 +9475,9 @@ msgid "Why does my computer not turn back on after I suspended it?"
 msgstr "コンピューターをサスペンドしたあと復帰しないのはなぜですか?"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If you <link xref=\"power-suspend\">suspend</link> or <link xref=\"power-hibernate\">hibernate</link> 
your computer, then try to resume it or turn it back on, you may find that it does not work as you expected. 
This could be because suspend and hibernate are not supported properly by your hardware."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you <link xref=\"power-suspend\">suspend</link> or <link 
xref=\"power-hibernate\">hibernate</link> your computer, then try to resume it or turn it back on, you may 
find that it does not work as you expected. This could be because suspend and hibernate are not supported 
properly by your hardware."
+msgid "If you <link xref=\"power-suspend\">suspend</link> your computer, then try to resume it, you may find 
that it does not work as you expected. This could be because suspend is not supported properly by your 
 msgstr "コンピューターを<link xref=\"power-suspend\">サスペンド</link>や<link 
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -9211,23 +9505,13 @@ msgid "If your computer loses power and does not have an alternative power suppl
 msgstr "電源を失い、予備の供給電源 (動作するバッテリーなど) を得られない場合、コンピューターはオフになります。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
-msgid "None of my applications/documents are open when I turn on the computer again"
-msgstr "コンピューターをオンにし直すと、アプリケーションやドキュメントが開かれていません"
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "If you hibernated your computer and switched it on again, but none of your documents or applications 
are open, it probably failed to hibernate properly. Sometimes this happens because of a minor problem, and 
the computer will be able to hibernate properly the next time you do it. It might also happen because you had 
installed a software update which required the computer to be restarted; in this case, the computer may have 
shut down instead of hibernating."
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "It is also possible that the computer is not capable of hibernating because the hardware does not 
support it properly. This might be because of a problem with Linux drivers for your hardware, for example. 
You can test this by hibernating again and seeing if it works the second time. If it does not, it is probably 
a problem with drivers on your computer."
-msgstr "また、ハードウェア側で対応していないことが原因でハイバネートができない可能性もあります。たとえば、お使いのハードウェア用の Linux 
-#. (itstool) path: section/title
 msgid "My wireless connection (or other hardware) does not work when I wake up my computer"
 msgstr "コンピューターを再開しても、無線接続 (または他のハードウェア) が動作しません"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "If you suspend or hibernate your computer and then resume it again, you may find that your internet 
connection, mouse, or some other device does not work properly. This could be because the driver for the 
device does not properly support suspend or hibernate. This is a <link xref=\"hardware-driver\">problem with 
the driver</link> and not the device itself."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you suspend or hibernate your computer and then resume it again, you may find that your 
internet connection, mouse, or some other device does not work properly. This could be because the driver for 
the device does not properly support suspend or hibernate. This is a <link xref=\"hardware-driver\">problem 
with the driver</link> and not the device itself."
+msgid "If you suspend your computer and then resume it again, you may find that your internet connection, 
mouse, or some other device does not work properly. This could be because the driver for the device does not 
properly support suspend. This is a <link xref=\"hardware-driver\">problem with the driver</link> and not the 
device itself."
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
@@ -9235,7 +9519,9 @@ msgid "If the device has a power switch, try turning it off and then on again. I
 msgstr "デバイスに電源スイッチがある場合は、一度オフにしてからオンにし直してみます。ほとんどの場合、デバイスが正常に作動し始めるようになります。デバイスを USB 
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "If you cannot turn off/unplug the device, or if this does not work, you may need to restart your 
computer for the device to start working again."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you cannot turn off/unplug the device, or if this does not work, you may need to restart your 
computer for the device to start working again."
+msgid "If you cannot turn off or unplug the device, or if this does not work, you may need to restart your 
computer for the device to start working again."
 msgstr "デバイスをオフにしたり外したりできない、あるいはそれでも作動しないときは、コンピューターを再起動してデバイスを作動させ直す必要がある場合があります。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -9251,7 +9537,9 @@ msgid "When you <em>suspend</em> the computer, you send it to sleep. All of your
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Some computers have problems with hardware support which mean that they <link 
xref=\"power-suspendfail\">may not be able to suspend or hibernate properly</link>. It is a good idea to test 
suspend on your computer to see if it does work before relying on it."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Some computers have problems with hardware support which mean that they <link 
xref=\"power-suspendfail\">may not be able to suspend or hibernate properly</link>. It is a good idea to test 
suspend on your computer to see if it does work before relying on it."
+msgid "Some computers have problems with hardware support which mean that they <link 
xref=\"power-suspendfail\">may not be able to suspend properly</link>. It is a good idea to test suspend on 
your computer to see if it does work before relying on it."
 msgstr "ハードウェアのサポートに関して問題があるコンピューターがあります。その場合、<link 
 #. (itstool) path: note/title
@@ -9279,15 +9567,9 @@ msgid "You can stop the screen from dimming itself:"
 msgstr "画面が暗くならないようにする方法は次のとおりです。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing <gui>Power</gui>."
-msgstr "<gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</gui>画面を開き、<gui>Power</gui> と入力します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click on <gui>Power</gui> to open the panel."
-msgstr "<gui>電源</gui>をクリックしてパネルを開きます。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Switch <gui>Blank screen</gui> to <gui>Off</gui> in the <gui>Power Saving</gui> section."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Switch <gui>Blank screen</gui> to <gui>Off</gui> in the <gui>Power Saving</gui> section."
+msgid "Switch <gui>Blank screen</gui> to <gui>OFF</gui> in the <gui>Power Saving</gui> section."
 msgstr "<gui>省電力</gui>セクションの<gui>ブランクスクリーン</gui>を<gui>しない</gui>に設定します。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -9315,7 +9597,9 @@ msgid "Problem with the computer hardware"
 msgstr "コンピューターのハードウェアに問題がある"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "A component of your computer may be broken or malfunctioning. If this is the case, you will need to 
get your computer repaired. Common faults include a broken power supply unit, incorrectly-fitted components 
(such as the memory/RAM) and a faulty motherboard."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "A component of your computer may be broken or malfunctioning. If this is the case, you will need 
to get your computer repaired. Common faults include a broken power supply unit, incorrectly-fitted 
components (such as the memory/RAM) and a faulty motherboard."
+msgid "A component of your computer may be broken or malfunctioning. If this is the case, you will need to 
get your computer repaired. Common faults include a broken power supply unit, incorrectly-fitted components 
(such as the memory or RAM) and a faulty motherboard."
 msgstr "コンピューターの部品が破損しているか不良品の可能性があります。この場合、コンピューターを修理する必要があります。よくある故障としては、電源供給ユニットの故障、部品が正しく取り付けられていない 
(メモリー、RAM など)、マザーボードの不良などがあります。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -9375,6 +9659,20 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "<link xref=\"session-language\">Language</link>, <link xref=\"session-formats\">region and 
formats</link>, <link xref=\"keyboard-layouts\">keyboard layouts</link>…"
 msgstr "<link xref=\"session-language\">言語</link>, <link xref=\"session-formats\">地域とフォーマット</link>, <link 
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<link xref=\"sharing-bluetooth\">Bluetooth sharing</link>, <link xref=\"sharing-desktop\">Screen 
sharing</link>, <link xref=\"sharing-media\">Media sharing</link>…"
+msgid "<link xref=\"sharing-bluetooth\">Bluetooth sharing</link>, <link xref=\"sharing-personal\">Personal 
file sharing</link>, <link xref=\"sharing-desktop\">Screen sharing</link>, <link xref=\"sharing-media\">Media 
+msgstr "<link xref=\"sharing-bluetooth\">Bluetooth 共有</link>, <link xref=\"sharing-desktop\">画面共有</link>, 
<link xref=\"sharing-media\">メディア共有</link>…"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+msgid "Sharing Settings"
+msgstr "共有設定"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+msgid "The <em>Sharing Settings</em> in GNOME help you control what is shared over the local network, or 
through other technologies such as <em>Bluetooth</em>."
+msgstr "<em>共有設定</em>で、ローカルネットワーク上で何を共有するか、あるいは <em>Bluetooth</em> など他の技術を使用した共有を行うかどうか、などを設定できます。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/title
 msgctxt "link:trail"
 msgid "Settings"
@@ -9401,15 +9699,18 @@ msgid "To print on both sides of each sheet of paper:"
 msgstr "用紙の両面に印刷する方法は次のとおりです。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>Print</gui></guiseq>."
-msgstr "<guiseq><gui>ファイル</gui><gui>印刷</gui></guiseq>を選択します。"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the print dialog by pressing <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>P</key></keyseq>."
+msgstr "ツールバーの<gui>検索</gui>をクリックするか、<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>F</key></keyseq> を押します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "Go to the <gui>Page Setup</gui> tab of the Print window and choose an option from the 
<gui>Two-sided</gui> drop-down list. If the option is disabled, two-sided printing is not available for your 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Printers handle two-sided printing in different ways. It's a good idea to experiment with your 
printer to see how it works."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Printers handle two-sided printing in different ways. It's a good idea to experiment with your 
printer to see how it works."
+msgid "Printers handle two-sided printing in different ways. It is a good idea to experiment with your 
printer to see how it works."
 msgstr "プリンターにより両面印刷の処理方法が異なります。期待通りに印刷できるかお使いのプリンターでテスト印刷してみるとよいでしょう。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -9421,15 +9722,21 @@ msgid "The availability of these options may depend on the type of printer you h
 msgstr "このオプションが利用できるかどうかはお使いのプリンタータイプやアプリケーションによって異なります。常にオプションが利用できるわけではありません。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Print folded booklets (like a book or pamphlet) using normal A4/Letter-size paper."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Print folded booklets (like a book or pamphlet) using normal A4/Letter-size paper."
+msgid "Print folded booklets (like a book or pamphlet) from a PDF using normal A4/Letter-size paper."
 msgstr "通常の A4 あるいはレターサイズの用紙を使って、本やパンフレット用の製本印刷をします。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "Print folded booklets"
-msgstr "製本印刷する"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Print a booklet on a single-sided printer"
+msgid "Print a booklet on a double-sided printer"
+msgstr "片面印刷のプリンターで製本印刷をする"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "You can make folded booklets (like a small book or pamphlet) by printing pages of a document in a 
special order and changing a couple of printing options."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can make folded booklets (like a small book or pamphlet) by printing pages of a document in a 
special order and changing a couple of printing options."
+msgid "You can make a folded booklet (like a small book or pamphlet) by printing pages of a document in a 
special order and changing a couple of printing options."
 msgstr "小冊子やパンフレットなどを作成するには、製本印刷用の特殊なページ順序およびオプションを指定して印刷します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -9447,8 +9754,34 @@ msgid "To print a booklet:"
 msgstr "製本印刷を行う方法は次のとおりです。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Go to the <gui>General</gui> tab. Under <em>Range</em>, choose <gui>Pages</gui>."
-msgstr "<gui>全般</gui>タブを開きます。<em>範囲</em>オプションの<gui>ページ</gui>を選択します。"
+msgid "Open the print dialog. This can normally be done through <gui style=\"menuitem\">Print</gui> in the 
menu or using the <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>P</key></keyseq> keyboard shortcut."
+msgstr "印刷ダイアログを開きます。ダイアログを開くには、メニューの<gui style=\"menuitem\">印刷</gui>をクリックするか、キーボードショートカットの 
<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>P</key></keyseq> を押します。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Click the <gui>Properties...</gui> button"
+msgstr "<gui>視覚</gui>タブを選択する。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "In the <gui>Orientation</gui> drop-down list, make sure that <gui>Landscape</gui> is selected."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "In the <gui>Pages per side</gui> option, select <gui>2</gui>."
+msgid "In the <gui>Duplex</gui> drop-down list, select <gui>Short Edge</gui>."
+msgstr "<gui>段組み印刷</gui>オプションで <gui>2</gui> を選択します。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Click <gui>OK</gui> to go back to the print dialog."
+msgstr "サイドバーの<gui>ゴミ箱</gui>をクリックします。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Under <em>Range</em>, choose <gui>Pages</gui>."
+msgid "Under <gui>Range and Copies</gui>, choose <gui>Pages</gui>."
+msgstr "<em>範囲</em>オプションの<gui>ページ</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "Type the numbers of the pages in this order (n is the total number of pages, and a multiple of 4):"
@@ -9479,25 +9812,33 @@ msgid "20 page booklet: Type <input>20,1,2,19,18,3,4,17,16,5,6,15,14,7,8,13,12,9
 msgstr "20 ページの冊子の場合、<input>20,1,2,19,18,3,4,17,16,5,6,15,14,7,8,13,12,9,10,11</input> と入力します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Now, go to the <gui>Page Setup</gui> tab."
-msgstr "次に、<gui>ページの設定</gui> タブを開きます。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Under <em>Layout</em>, in the <gui>Two-sided</gui> option, select <gui>Short Edge (Flip)</gui>."
-msgstr "<em>レイアウト</em>の下にある<gui>両面印刷</gui>オプションで<gui>短辺 (折り返し)</gui>を選択します。"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Choose the <gui>Page Setup</gui> tab."
+msgid "Choose the <gui>Page Layout</gui> tab."
+msgstr "<gui>ページの設定</gui> タブを開きます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "In the <gui>Pages per side</gui> option, select <gui>2</gui>."
-msgstr "<gui>段組み印刷</gui>オプションで <gui>2</gui> を選択します。"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "In the <gui>Only print</gui> menu, select <gui>Odd sheets</gui>."
+msgid "Under <gui>Layout</gui>, select <gui>Brochure</gui>."
+msgstr "<gui>印刷の対象</gui>オプションで<gui>奇数ページ</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "In the <gui>Page ordering</gui> menu, select <gui>Left to right</gui>."
-msgstr "<gui>ページの順番</gui>というオプションで<gui>左から右へ</gui>を選択します。"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Under <em>Layout</em>, in the <gui>Two-sided</gui> option, select <gui>Short Edge (Flip)</gui>."
+msgid "Under <gui>Page Sides</gui>, in the <gui>Include</gui> drop-down list, select <gui>All pages</gui>."
+msgstr "<em>レイアウト</em>の下にある<gui>両面印刷</gui>オプションで<gui>短辺 (折り返し)</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "Click <gui>Print</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>印刷</gui>を押します。"
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Print a booklet on a single-sided printer"
+msgid "Print a booklet from a PDF using a single-sided printer."
+msgstr "片面印刷のプリンターで製本印刷をする"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
 msgid "Print a booklet on a single-sided printer"
 msgstr "片面印刷のプリンターで製本印刷をする"
@@ -9507,14 +9848,6 @@ msgid "To print:"
 msgstr "印刷方法は次のとおりです。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Choose the <gui>General</gui> tab."
-msgstr "<gui>全般</gui>タブを開きます。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Under <em>Range</em>, choose <gui>Pages</gui>."
-msgstr "<em>範囲</em>オプションの<gui>ページ</gui>を選択します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "…until you have typed all of the pages."
 msgstr "上記を全ページ分入力します。"
@@ -9527,28 +9860,20 @@ msgid "16 page booklet: Type <input>16,1,2,15,14,3,4,13,12,5,6,11,10,7,8,9</inpu
 msgstr "16 ページの冊子の場合、<input>16,1,2,15,14,3,4,13,12,5,6,11,10,7,8,9</input> と入力します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Choose the <gui>Page Setup</gui> tab."
-msgstr "<gui>ページの設定</gui> タブを開きます。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Under <em>Layout</em>, in the <gui>Two-sided</gui> menu, select <gui>One Sided</gui>."
-msgstr "<em>レイアウト</em>の下にある<gui>両面印刷</gui>オプションで<gui>片面</gui>を選択します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "In the <gui>Pages per side</gui> menu, select <gui>2</gui>."
-msgstr "<gui>段組み印刷</gui>オプションで <gui>2</gui> を選択します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "In the <gui>Only print</gui> menu, select <gui>Odd sheets</gui>."
-msgstr "<gui>印刷の対象</gui>オプションで<gui>奇数ページ</gui>を選択します。"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Under <em>Layout</em>, in the <gui>Two-sided</gui> option, select <gui>Short Edge (Flip)</gui>."
+msgid "Under <gui>Page Sides</gui>, in the <gui>Include</gui> drop-down list, select <gui>Front sides / 
right pages</gui>."
+msgstr "<em>レイアウト</em>の下にある<gui>両面印刷</gui>オプションで<gui>短辺 (折り返し)</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "When all the pages have printed, flip the pages over and place them back in the printer."
 msgstr "指定ページの印刷が完了したら、印刷用紙を裏返してプリンターにセットしなおします。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "In the <gui>Only print</gui> menu, select <gui>Even sheets</gui>."
-msgstr "<gui>印刷の対象</gui>オプションで<gui>偶数ページ</gui>を選択します。"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Under <em>Layout</em>, in the <gui>Two-sided</gui> option, select <gui>Short Edge (Flip)</gui>."
+msgid "Under <gui>Page Sides</gui>, in the <gui>Include</gui> drop-down list, select <gui>Back sides / left 
+msgstr "<em>レイアウト</em>の下にある<gui>両面印刷</gui>オプションで<gui>短辺 (折り返し)</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "How to print a folded, multi-page booklet using A4 or Letter-sized paper."
@@ -9582,10 +9907,6 @@ msgstr "<app>PDF-Shuffler</app> や <app>PDF Mod</app> などを使って、作
 msgid "Select the type of printer you will be using for printing from the list below:"
 msgstr "お使いのプリンタータイプを以下の一覧から選択してください。"
-#. (itstool) path: credit/name
-msgid "Jana Svarova"
-msgstr "Jana Svarova"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Cancel a pending print job and remove it from the queue."
 msgstr "保留中の印刷ジョブを取り消してキューから削除します。"
@@ -9611,12 +9932,15 @@ msgid "How to cancel a print job:"
 msgstr "印刷ジョブを取り消す方法は次のとおりです。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
 msgstr "<gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</gui>画面を開き、<gui>Printer</gui>と入力します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click <gui>Printers</gui>."
-msgstr "<gui>プリンター</gui>を選択します。"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Click <gui>Printers</gui> to open the panel."
+msgstr "サイドバーの<gui>ゴミ箱</gui>をクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "Click the <gui>Show Jobs</gui> button on the right-hand side of the <gui>Printers</gui> dialog."
@@ -9625,19 +9949,25 @@ msgstr "<gui>プリンター</gui>ダイアログの右側にある<gui>ジョ
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Cancel the print job by clicking the stop button on the pay-pause-stop symbols."
-msgid "Cancel the print job by clicking the stop button on the play-pause-stop symbols."
+msgid "Cancel the print job by clicking the stop button."
 msgstr "再生/一時停止/停止の記号上の停止ボタンをクリックして印刷ジョブを取り消します。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "If this does not cancel the print job like you expected, try holding down the <gui>Cancel</gui> 
button on your printer."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If this does not cancel the print job like you expected, try holding down the <gui>Cancel</gui> 
button on your printer."
+msgid "If this does not cancel the print job like you expected, try holding down the <em>cancel</em> button 
on your printer."
 msgstr "期待通り印刷ジョブが取り消されない場合は、プリンター上の<gui>取り消し</gui>ボタンを長押ししてみてください。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "As a last resort, especially if you have a big print job with a lot of pages that won't cancel, 
remove the paper from the printer's paper input tray. The printer should realize that there is no paper and 
will stop printing. You can then try canceling the print job again, or try turning the printer off and then 
on again."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "As a last resort, especially if you have a big print job with a lot of pages that won't cancel, 
remove the paper from the printer's paper input tray. The printer should realize that there is no paper and 
will stop printing. You can then try canceling the print job again, or try turning the printer off and then 
on again."
+msgid "As a last resort, especially if you have a big print job with a lot of pages that will not cancel, 
remove the paper from the printer's paper input tray. The printer should realize that there is no paper and 
will stop printing. You can then try canceling the print job again, or try turning the printer off and then 
on again."
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "Be careful that you don't damage the printer when removing the paper, though - if you would have to 
pull hard on the paper to remove it, you should probably just leave it where it is."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Be careful that you don't damage the printer when removing the paper, though - if you would have 
to pull hard on the paper to remove it, you should probably just leave it where it is."
+msgid "Be careful that you don't damage the printer when removing the paper, though. If you would have to 
pull hard on the paper to remove it, you should probably just leave it where it is."
 msgstr "用紙を取り出す際は、プリンターを破損しないよう注意してください。用紙を強く引っ張り出さなければならないようなら、そのままにしておいた方がよいでしょう。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -9649,10 +9979,6 @@ msgid "If you want to pause or release a print job, you can do so by going to th
 msgstr "印刷ジョブを一時停止または解放したい場合は、プリンター設定のジョブダイアログで対応するボタンをクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click your name on the top bar and select <gui>Settings</gui>."
-msgstr "トップバーにあるユーザー名をクリックし、<gui>設定</gui>を選択します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "Click the <gui>Show Jobs</gui> button on the right-hand side of the <gui>Printers</gui> dialog and 
either pause or release the print job based on your needs."
 msgstr "<gui>プリンター</gui>ダイアログ右側の<gui>ジョブの表示</gui>をクリックし、対象の印刷ジョブの一時停止または解放を行います。"
@@ -9669,23 +9995,25 @@ msgid "If you want to change the paper size of your document (for example, print
 msgstr "ドキュメントの用紙サイズを変えたい場合 (US レターサイズの PDF ドキュメントをA4 サイズの用紙に印刷するなど)、ドキュメントの印刷形式を変更することができます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>Print</gui></guiseq>"
-msgstr "<guiseq><gui>ファイル</gui><gui>印刷</gui></guiseq>を選択します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "Select the <gui>Page Setup</gui> tab."
 msgstr "<gui>ページの設定</gui>タブを開きます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Under the <em>Paper</em> column, choose your <em>Paper size</em> from the drop-down list."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Under the <em>Paper</em> column, choose your <em>Paper size</em> from the drop-down list."
+msgid "Under the <gui>Paper</gui> column, choose your <gui>Paper size</gui> from the drop-down list."
 msgstr "<em>用紙</em>列の下にあるドロップダウンリストから<em>用紙サイズ</em>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click <gui>Print</gui> and your document should print."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click <gui>Print</gui> and your document should print."
+msgid "Click <gui>Print</gui> to print your document."
 msgstr "<gui>印刷</gui>をクリックしてドキュメントを印刷します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "You can also use the <gui>Orientation</gui> menu to choose a different orientation:"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can also use the <gui>Orientation</gui> menu to choose a different orientation:"
+msgid "You can also use the <gui>Orientation</gui> drop-down list to choose a different orientation:"
 msgstr "<gui>用紙の向き</gui>オプションを使用して、向きを変更することもできます。"
 #. (itstool) path: p/gui
@@ -9705,15 +10033,21 @@ msgid "Reverse landscape"
 msgstr "横方向 (逆向き)"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Make sure that you have the envelope/label the right way up, and have chosen the correct paper size."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Make sure that you have the envelope/label the right way up, and have chosen the correct paper 
+msgid "Make sure that you have the envelope the right way up, and have chosen the correct paper size."
 msgstr "封筒やラベルに印刷する場合は、正しい向きになっているか、正しい用紙サイズを選択しているか確認してください。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "Print envelopes and labels"
-msgstr "封筒やラベルに印刷する"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Printing onto envelopes"
+msgid "Print envelopes"
+msgstr "封筒に印刷する"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Most printers will allow you to print directly onto an envelope or sheet of labels. This is 
especially useful if you have a lot of letters to send, for example."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Most printers will allow you to print directly onto an envelope or sheet of labels. This is 
especially useful if you have a lot of letters to send, for example."
+msgid "Most printers will allow you to print directly onto an envelope. This is especially useful if you 
have a lot of letters to send, for example."
 msgstr "たいていのプリンターは封筒やラベルシートの印刷に対応しています。これは、多数の書簡を送付する場合などに便利です。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -9721,7 +10055,13 @@ msgid "Printing onto envelopes"
 msgstr "封筒に印刷する"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "There are two things you need to check when trying to print onto an envelope. The first is that your 
printer knows what size the envelope is. After you click <gui>Print</gui> and the Print window appears, go to 
the <gui>Page Setup</gui> tab and choose the <gui>Paper type</gui> as \"Envelope\" if you can. If you can't 
do this, see if you can change the <gui>Paper size</gui> to an envelope size (e.g. \"C5\"). The pack of 
envelopes will say what size they are; most envelopes come in standard sizes."
+msgid "There are two things you need to check when trying to print onto an envelope."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "There are two things you need to check when trying to print onto an envelope. The first is that 
your printer knows what size the envelope is. After you click <gui>Print</gui> and the Print window appears, 
go to the <gui>Page Setup</gui> tab and choose the <gui>Paper type</gui> as \"Envelope\" if you can. If you 
can't do this, see if you can change the <gui>Paper size</gui> to an envelope size (e.g. \"C5\"). The pack of 
envelopes will say what size they are; most envelopes come in standard sizes."
+msgid "The first is that your printer knows what size the envelope is. Press 
<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>P</key></keyseq> to open the Print dialog, go to the <gui>Page Setup</gui> tab 
and choose the <gui>Paper type</gui> as \"Envelope\" if you can. If you cannot do this, see if you can change 
the <gui>Paper size</gui> to an envelope size (for example, <gui>C5</gui>). The pack of envelopes will say 
what size they are; most envelopes come in standard sizes."
 (C5 など) に変更できるか確認します。お使いの封筒サイズは封筒が入っていたパッケージに記載されています。ほとんどの封筒は標準的なサイズです。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
@@ -9729,7 +10069,9 @@ msgid "Secondly, you need to make sure that the envelopes are loaded with the ri
 msgstr "次に、プリンターの給紙トレイに正しい向きで封筒をセットしているか確認します。詳細はプリンター付属のマニュアルを参照するか、封筒を 1 枚印刷してみて正しい向きを確認します。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "Some printers are not designed to be able to print envelopes, especially some laser printers. Check 
your printer's manual to see if it accepts envelopes; otherwise, you could damage the printer by feeding an 
envelope in."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Some printers are not designed to be able to print envelopes, especially some laser printers. 
Check your printer's manual to see if it accepts envelopes; otherwise, you could damage the printer by 
feeding an envelope in."
+msgid "Some printers are not designed to be able to print envelopes, especially some laser printers. Check 
your printer's manual to see if it accepts envelopes. Otherwise, you could damage the printer by feeding an 
envelope in."
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -9737,7 +10079,9 @@ msgid "Check the amount of ink or toner left in printer cartridges."
 msgstr "プリンターのカートリッジ内のインクまたはトナーの残量を確認します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "How can I check my printer's ink/toner levels?"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "How can I check my printer's ink/toner levels?"
+msgid "How can I check my printer's ink or toner levels?"
 msgstr "プリンターのインクやトナーの残量はどうやって確認するのですか?"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -9749,13 +10093,17 @@ msgid "Some printers have a built-in screen to display ink levels and other info
 msgstr "インク残量やその他の情報を表示するディスプレイを搭載しているプリンターもあります。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
+msgid "Some printers report toner or ink levels to the computer, which can be found in the 
<gui>Printers</gui> panel in <app>Settings</app>"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
 msgid "The drivers and status tools for most HP printers are provided by the HP Linux Imaging and Printing 
(HPLIP) project. Other manufacturers might supply proprietary drivers with similar features."
 msgstr "たいていの HP 製プリンター用のドライバーとステータスツールが、HP Linux Imaging and Printing (HPLIP) プロジェクトから提供されています。HP 
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Alternatively, you can install an application to check or monitor ink levels. <app>Inkblot</app> 
shows ink status for many HP, Epson and Canon printers. See if your printer is on the <link 
href=\"http://libinklevel.sourceforge.net./#supported\";>list of supported models</link>. Another ink levels 
application for Epson and some other printers is <app>mktink</app>."
-msgid "Alternatively, you can install an application to check or monitor ink levels. <app>Inkblot</app> 
shows ink status for many HP, Epson and Canon printers. See if your printer is on the <link 
href=\"http://libinklevel.sourceforge.net/#supported\";>list of supported models</link>. Another ink levels 
application for Epson and some other printers is <app>mktink</app>."
+msgid "Alternatively, you can install an application to check or monitor ink levels. <app>Inkblot</app> 
shows ink status for many HP, Epson and Canon printers. See if your printer is on the <link 
href=\"http://libinklevel.sourceforge.net/#supported\";>list of supported models</link>. Another ink levels 
application for Epson and some other printers is <app>mtink</app>."
 msgstr "あるいは、インク残量を確認、監視するアプリケーションをインストールすることもできます。<app>Inkblot</app> を使用すると、HP、Epson、Canon 
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -9775,7 +10123,9 @@ msgid "You can change the name or location of a printer in the printer settings.
 msgstr "プリンターの名前または場所をプリンター設定で変更できます。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "You need administrative privileges on the system to change the name or location of a printer."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You need administrative privileges on the system to change the name or location of a printer."
+msgid "You need <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">administrative privileges</link> on the system to change 
the name or location of a printer."
 msgstr "プリンターの名前または場所を変更するには、管理者権限が必要です。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -9787,11 +10137,13 @@ msgid "If you want to change the name of a printer, take the following steps:"
 msgstr "プリンター名を変更する手順は次のとおりです。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click the <key>Unlock</key> button in the top-right corner and enter your password."
-msgstr "右上の<key>ロック解除</key>ボタンを押してパスワードを入力します。"
+msgid "Click the <gui>Unlock</gui> button in the top-right corner and enter your password."
+msgstr "右上にある<gui>ロック解除</gui>ボタンをクリックして、パスワードを入力します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click on the name of your printer, and start typing a new name for the printer."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click on the name of your printer, and start typing a new name for the printer."
+msgid "Click the name of your printer, and start typing a new name for the printer."
 msgstr "プリンター名をクリックして、プリンターの新しい名前を入力します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -9809,7 +10161,7 @@ msgstr "プリンターの場所を変更します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "By clicking on the location, start editing the location."
-msgid "Click on the location, and start editing the location."
+msgid "Click the location, and start editing the location."
 msgstr "場所をクリックして、場所を入力します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -9832,12 +10184,20 @@ msgstr "逆順にする"
 msgid "Printers usually print the first page first, and the last page last, so the pages end up in reverse 
order when you pick them up. If needed, you can reverse this printing order."
 msgstr "通常、プリンターは 
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#. (itstool) path: steps/title
 msgid "To reverse the order:"
 msgstr "逆順に印刷する方法は次のとおりです。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "In the <gui>General</gui> tab of the Print window under <em>Copies</em>, check <gui>Reverse</gui>. 
The last page will be printed first, and so on."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>F</key></keyseq> to open the search bar at the top of the 
+msgid "Press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>P</key></keyseq> to open the Print dialog."
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>F</key></keyseq> を押して、ウィンドウ上部に検索バーを開きます。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "In the <gui>General</gui> tab of the Print window under <em>Copies</em>, check <gui>Reverse</gui>. 
The last page will be printed first, and so on."
+msgid "In the <gui>General</gui> tab, under <gui>Copies</gui>, check <gui>Reverse</gui>. The last page will 
be printed first, and so on."
 msgstr "印刷ダイアログの<gui>全般</gui>タブを開き、<em>コピー</em>オプションの<gui>ページを逆順にする</gui>にチェックを付けます。末尾ページから逆順に印刷されるようになります。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -9845,15 +10205,21 @@ msgid "Collate"
 msgstr "ページを揃える"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "If you are printing more than one copy of the document, the print-outs will be grouped by page number 
by default (i.e. all of the copies of page one come out, then the copies of page two, and so on). 
<em>Collating</em> will make each copy come out with its pages grouped together in the right order instead."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you are printing more than one copy of the document, the print-outs will be grouped by page 
number by default (i.e. all of the copies of page one come out, then the copies of page two, and so on). 
<em>Collating</em> will make each copy come out with its pages grouped together in the right order instead."
+msgid "If you are printing more than one copy of the document, the print-outs will be grouped by page number 
by default (that is, all of the copies of page one come out, then the copies of page two, and so on). 
<em>Collating</em> will make each copy come out with its pages grouped together in the right order instead."
 msgstr "ドキュメントを複数部印刷する場合、デフォルトではページ番号ごとにまとめて印刷されます (ページ 1 のコピーがすべて印刷されてからページ 2 
のコピーが印刷される)。<em>ページを揃える</em>ことで各ページのコピーが 1 枚ずつドキュメントセットごと印刷されるようになります。"
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "To Collate:"
+#. (itstool) path: steps/title
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "To Collate:"
+msgid "To collate:"
 msgstr "ページを揃える方法は次のとおりです。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "In the <gui>General</gui> tab of the Print window under <em>Copies</em> check <gui>Collate</gui>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "In the <gui>General</gui> tab of the Print window under <em>Copies</em> check <gui>Collate</gui>."
+msgid "In the <gui>General</gui> tab, under <gui>Copies</gui>, check <gui>Collate</gui>."
 msgstr "印刷ダイアログの<gui>全般</gui>タブ内の<em>コピー</em>の下にある<gui>ページを揃える</gui>にチェックを付けます。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -9873,7 +10239,9 @@ msgid "The manual for your printer will usually provide detailed instructions on
 msgstr "通常、紙詰まりの直し方はプリンターのマニュアルで解説されています。一般的には、プリンターのパネルを開いて機器内に詰まっている紙を強めに、かつ慎重に引っ張り出します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Once the jam has been cleared you may need to press the printer's <gui>Resume</gui> button to start 
printing again. With some printers, you may even need to turn the printer off and then on again, and then 
start the print job again."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Once the jam has been cleared you may need to press the printer's <gui>Resume</gui> button to 
start printing again. With some printers, you may even need to turn the printer off and then on again, and 
then start the print job again."
+msgid "Once the jam has been cleared you may need to press the printer's <em>resume</em> button to start 
printing again. With some printers, you may even need to turn the printer off and then on again, and then 
start the print job again."
 #. (itstool) path: media
@@ -9901,7 +10269,9 @@ msgid "To only print certain pages from the document:"
 msgstr "ドキュメントの特定ページだけを印刷する方法は次のとおりです。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "In the <gui>General</gui> tab in the <gui>Print</gui> window choose <gui>Pages</gui> from the 
<gui>Range</gui> section."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "In the <gui>General</gui> tab in the <gui>Print</gui> window choose <gui>Pages</gui> from the 
<gui>Range</gui> section."
+msgid "In the <gui>General</gui> tab, choose <gui>Pages</gui> from the <gui>Range</gui> section."
 msgstr "<gui>印刷</gui>ダイアログの<gui>全般</gui>タブを開き、<gui>範囲</gui>オプションの<gui>ページ</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -9925,33 +10295,29 @@ msgid "If you have more than one printer available, you can select which will be
 msgstr "プリンターが複数ある場合、どのプリンターをデフォルトで使用するか選択できます。よく使うプリンターを指定するとよいでしょう。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "You need administrative privileges on the system to set the default printer."
-msgstr "デフォルトのプリンターを設定するには、管理者権限が必要です。"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">Administrative privileges</link> are required. Enter your 
password, or the password for the requested administrator account."
+msgid "You need <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">administrative privileges</link> on the system to set the 
default printer."
+msgstr "<link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">管理者権限</link>が必要になります。あなたのパスワードか、要求された管理者アカウントのパスワードを入力します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Select your desired default printer from the list of available printers."
-msgstr "利用可能なプリンターの一覧からデフォルトにするプリンターを選択します。"
+msgid "Click <gui>Printers</gui>."
+msgstr "<gui>プリンター</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click the <gui>Unlock</gui> button in the top-right corner and enter your password."
-msgstr "右上にある<gui>ロック解除</gui>ボタンをクリックして、パスワードを入力します。"
+msgid "Select your desired default printer from the list of available printers."
+msgstr "利用可能なプリンターの一覧からデフォルトにするプリンターを選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Select the <gui>Default</gui> option."
-msgstr "<gui>デフォルト</gui>オプションを選択します。"
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "When choosing from the list of available printers, you can filter the printer search results by 
specifying a name or location of the printer (for example, <input>1st floor</input> or 
-msgstr "利用可能なプリンターの一覧から選択をする場合、プリンターの名前や場所を指定して検索結果を絞ることができます (<input>1 階</input>、<input>エントランス</input>など)。"
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "The search results filtering is available only in the dialog for addition of new printers."
-msgid "The search results filtering is available only in the dialog for adding new printers."
-msgstr "検索結果をフィルタリングできるのは、新規プリンター追加用ダイアログ内のみです。"
+#| msgid "Select the <gui>Default</gui> option."
+msgid "Select the <gui>Default printer</gui> checkbox."
+msgstr "<gui>デフォルト</gui>オプションを選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "When you print in an application, the default printer is automatically used, unless you choose a 
different printer for that specific output."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "When you print in an application, the default printer is automatically used, unless you choose a 
different printer for that specific output."
+msgid "When you print in an application, the default printer is automatically used, unless you choose a 
different printer."
 msgstr "アプリケーションから印刷すれば、デフォルトのプリンターが自動的に使用されます。他のプリンターを使う場合は出力ごとにプリンターを指定する必要があります。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -9985,19 +10351,25 @@ msgid "A message will appear when the system is finished installing the printer.
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If your printer was not set up automatically, you can add it in the printer settings."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If your printer was not set up automatically, you can add it in the printer settings."
+msgid "If your printer was not set up automatically, you can add it in the printer settings:"
 msgstr "プリンターが自動的に設定されなかった場合は、手動でプリンター設定に追加することができます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click the <key>+</key> button."
-msgstr "<key>+</key>ボタンを押します。"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click the <gui>✓</gui> button."
+msgid "Click the <gui>+</gui> button."
+msgstr "<gui>✓</gui> ボタンを押します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "In the pop-up window, select your new printer. Click <gui>Add</gui>."
 msgstr "ポップアップウィンドウで新しいプリンターを選択します。<gui>追加</gui>をクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If your printer does not appear in the Add Printer pop-up, you may need to install print drivers."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If your printer does not appear in the Add Printer pop-up, you may need to install print drivers."
+msgid "If your printer does not appear in the Add a New Printer window, you may need to install print 
 msgstr "プリンター追加用のポップアップウィンドウにプリンターが表示されないときは、プリンタードライバーをインストールしなければならない場合があります。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -10013,35 +10385,45 @@ msgid "Why are there streaks, lines or the wrong colors on my print-outs?"
 msgstr "印刷物に線や筋のようなものが出たり、違う色になってしまうのはなぜですか?"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If your print-outs are streaky, faded, have lines on them that shouldn't be there, or are otherwise 
poor in quality, this may be due to a problem with the printer or a low ink/toner supply."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If your print-outs are streaky, faded, have lines on them that shouldn't be there, or are 
otherwise poor in quality, this may be due to a problem with the printer or a low ink/toner supply."
+msgid "If your print-outs are streaky, faded, have lines on them that should not be there, or are otherwise 
poor in quality, this may be due to a problem with the printer or a low ink or toner supply."
 msgstr "印刷物に線や筋のようなものが出る、インクがかすれるなど、印刷品質が悪い場合は、プリンターに問題があるかインクやトナーの残量が少ない可能性があります。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
 msgid "Fading text or images"
 msgstr "テキストやイメージの色が薄い"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "You may be running out of ink or toner. Check your ink/toner supply and buy a new cartridge if 
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You may be running out of ink or toner. Check your ink/toner supply and buy a new cartridge if 
+msgid "You may be running out of ink or toner. Check your ink or toner supply and buy a new cartridge if 
 msgstr "インクやトナーが切れかけている可能性があります。インクまたはトナーの残量を確認し、必要であれば新しいカートリッジを購入してください。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
 msgid "Streaks and lines"
 msgstr "線や筋のようなものが出る"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If you have an inkjet printer, the print head may be dirty or partially blocked. Try cleaning the 
print head (see the printer's manual for instructions)."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you have an inkjet printer, the print head may be dirty or partially blocked. Try cleaning the 
print head (see the printer's manual for instructions)."
+msgid "If you have an inkjet printer, the print head may be dirty or partially blocked. Try cleaning the 
print head. See the printer's manual for instructions."
 msgstr "インクジェットプリンターの場合、印字ヘッドが汚れているか部分的に汚れが詰まっている可能性があります。印字ヘッドを掃除してみてください (掃除の仕方についてはプリンターのマニュアルを参照してください)。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
 msgid "Wrong colors"
 msgstr "違う色で印刷される"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "The printer may have run out of one color of ink or toner. Check your ink/toner supply and buy a new 
cartridge if necessary."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The printer may have run out of one color of ink or toner. Check your ink/toner supply and buy a 
new cartridge if necessary."
+msgid "The printer may have run out of one color of ink or toner. Check your ink or toner supply and buy a 
new cartridge if necessary."
 msgstr "インクやトナーの特定色が切れかけている可能性があります。インクまたはトナーの残量を確認し、必要であれば新しいカートリッジを購入してください。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Jagged lines, or lines aren't straight"
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Jagged lines, or lines aren't straight"
+msgid "Jagged lines, or lines are not straight"
 msgstr "線がギザギザになる、直線にならない"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -10055,7 +10437,6 @@ msgid "Save a document as a PDF, Postscript or SVG file instead of sending it to
 msgstr "ドキュメントをプリンターで印刷せずに、PDF や Postscript、SVG などのファイルに変換して保存します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-#. (itstool) path: steps/title
 msgid "Print to file"
 msgstr "ファイルに出力する"
@@ -10063,9 +10444,11 @@ msgstr "ファイルに出力する"
 msgid "You can choose to print a document to a file instead of sending it to print from a printer. Printing 
to file will create a <sys>PDF</sys>, a <sys>Postscript</sys> or a <sys>SVG</sys> file that contains the 
document. This can be useful if you want to transfer the document to another machine or to share it with 
 msgstr "ドキュメントをプリンターで印刷する代わりに、ファイルに出力することもできます。ドキュメントをファイルに出力すると、ドキュメントの内容の 
<sys>PDF</sys>、<sys>Postscript</sys>、あるいは <sys>SVG</sys> 
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Open the print dialog. This can normally be done through <gui style=\"menuitem\">Print</gui> in the 
menu or using the <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>P</key></keyseq> keyboard shortcut."
-msgstr "印刷ダイアログを開きます。ダイアログを開くには、メニューの<gui style=\"menuitem\">印刷</gui>をクリックするか、キーボードショートカットの 
<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>P</key></keyseq> を押します。"
+#. (itstool) path: steps/title
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Print to file"
+msgid "To print to file:"
+msgstr "ファイルに出力する"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "Select <gui>Print to File</gui> under <gui>Printer</gui> in the <gui style=\"tab\">General</gui> tab."
@@ -10130,33 +10513,37 @@ msgid "Privacy Settings"
 msgstr "プライバシー設定"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "The <em>Privacy Settings</em> in GNOME help you control whether or not certain parts of your desktop 
are visible to others. You can also use these settings to clear your computer usage history and clean-out 
unecessary files."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The <em>Privacy Settings</em> in GNOME help you control whether or not certain parts of your 
desktop are visible to others. You can also use these settings to clear your computer usage history and 
clean-out unecessary files."
+msgid "The <em>Privacy Settings</em> in GNOME help you control whether or not certain parts of your desktop 
are visible to others. You can also use these settings to clear your computer usage history and clean out 
unnecessary files."
 msgstr "<em>プライバシー設定</em>で、デスクトップの一部分を外部から見えるようにするかどうかを設定できます。また、コンピューターの使用履歴のクリアや、不要ファイルの削除もここから行うことができます。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Stop your computer from tracking your recently-used files."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Stop your computer from tracking your recently-used files."
+msgid "Stop or limit your computer from tracking your recently-used files."
 msgstr "最近使用したファイルを記録しないようにします。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "Turn off file history tracking"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Turn off file history tracking"
+msgid "Turn off or limit file history tracking"
 msgstr "ファイル操作履歴の記録をオフにする"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Tracking recently-used files and folders can make it easier to find items that you have been 
working on, but you may wish to keep these items private. To turn off the file history tracking features of 
your desktop:"
-msgid "Tracking recently-used files and folders can make it easier to find items that you have been working 
on, but you may wish to keep these items private."
+msgid "Tracking recently used files and folders makes it easier to find items that you have been working on 
in the file manager and in file dialogs in applications. You may wish to keep your file usage history pvivate 
instead, or only track your very recent history."
 #. (itstool) path: steps/title
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Turn off file history tracking"
-msgid "To turn off the file history tracking features of your desktop:"
+msgid "Turn off file history tracking"
 msgstr "ファイル操作履歴の記録をオフにする"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</link> overview and make sure you're looking 
at the <gui>Windows</gui> view."
-msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>ウィンドウ</gui>ビューを表示します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -10176,16 +10563,66 @@ msgstr "<gui>ゴミ箱と一時ファイルの削除</gui>を選択します。"
 msgid "Set the <gui>Recently Used</gui> switch to <gui>OFF</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>最近使用したファイル</gui>のスイッチを<gui>オフ</gui>に切り替えます。"
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "To re-enable this feature, set the <gui>Recently Used</gui> slider to <gui>On</gui>."
 msgid "To re-enable this feature, set the <gui>Recently Used</gui> switch to <gui>ON</gui>."
 msgstr "この機能を再度有効にするには、<gui>最近使用したファイル</gui>のスイッチを<gui>オン</gui>に切り替えます。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Set the <gui>Automatically Purge Trash</gui> or <gui>Automatically Purge Temporary Files</gui> 
sliders to <gui>On</gui>."
+msgid "Use the <gui>Clear Recent History</gui> button to purge the history immediately."
+msgstr "<gui>ゴミ箱を自動で空にする</gui>、あるいは<gui>一時ファイルを自動で削除する</gui>のスイッチを<gui>オン</gui>に切り替えます。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
 msgid "This setting will not affect how your web browser stores information about the web sites you visit."
 msgstr "この設定は、Web ブラウザーによる、Web サイトのアクセス履歴の管理には影響しません。"
+#. (itstool) path: steps/title
+msgid "Restrict the amount of time your file history is tracked"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Set the <gui>Recently Used</gui> slider to <gui>Off</gui>."
+msgid "Ensure the <gui>Recently Used</gui> switch is <gui>ON</gui>."
+msgstr "<gui>最近使用したファイル</gui>のスイッチを<gui>オフ</gui>に切り替えます。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "Select the length of time to <gui>Retain History</gui>. Choose from options <gui>1 day</gui>, <gui>7 
days</gui>, <gui>30 days</gui>, or <gui>Forever</gui>."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+msgid "Enable or disable geolocation."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+msgid "Control location services"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+msgid "Geolocation, or location services, uses cell tower positioning, GPS, and nearby Wi-Fi access points 
to determine your current location for use in setting your timezone and by applications such as 
<app>Maps</app>. When enabled, it is possible for your location to be shared over the network with a great 
deal of precision."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: steps/title
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Turn off file history tracking"
+msgid "Turn off the geolocation features of your desktop"
+msgstr "ファイル操作履歴の記録をオフにする"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Set the <gui>Recently Used</gui> slider to <gui>Off</gui>."
+msgid "Set the <gui>Location Services</gui> switch to <gui>OFF</gui>."
+msgstr "<gui>最近使用したファイル</gui>のスイッチを<gui>オフ</gui>に切り替えます。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "To re-enable this feature, set the <gui>Recently Used</gui> slider to <gui>On</gui>."
+msgid "To re-enable this feature, set the <gui>Location Services</gui> switch to <gui>ON</gui>."
+msgstr "この機能を再度有効にするには、<gui>最近使用したファイル</gui>のスイッチを<gui>オン</gui>に切り替えます。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Set how often your trash and temporary files will be cleared from your computer."
 msgstr "ゴミ箱の中身や一時ファイルを削除する頻度を設定します。"
@@ -10198,8 +10635,14 @@ msgstr "ゴミ箱の中身や一時ファイルを削除する"
 msgid "Clearing out your trash and temporary files removes unwanted and unneeded files from your computer, 
and also frees up more space on your hard drive. You can manually empty your trash and clear your temporary 
files, but you can also set your computer to automatically do this for you."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+msgid "Temporary files are files created automatically by applications in the background. They can increase 
performance by providing a copy of data that was downloaded or computed."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: steps/title
-msgid "Automatically empty your trash and clear your temporary files after a set period of time:"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Automatically empty your trash and clear your temporary files after a set period of time:"
+msgid "Automatically empty your trash and clear temporary files"
 msgstr "一定期間が経過したら自動的にゴミ箱の中身や一時ファイルを削除するための設定手順は次のとおりです。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -10209,7 +10652,7 @@ msgstr "<gui>ゴミ箱と一時ファイルの削除</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Set the <gui>Automatically Purge Trash</gui> or <gui>Automatically Purge Temporary Files</gui> 
sliders to <gui>On</gui>."
-msgid "Set the <gui>Automatically Purge Trash</gui> or <gui>Automatically Purge Temporary Files</gui> 
switches to <gui>ON</gui>."
+msgid "Set one or both of the <gui>Automatically empty Trash</gui> or <gui>Automatically purge Temporary 
Files</gui> switches to <gui>ON</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>ゴミ箱を自動で空にする</gui>、あるいは<gui>一時ファイルを自動で削除する</gui>のスイッチを<gui>オン</gui>に切り替えます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -10222,17 +10665,9 @@ msgstr "<em>ゴミ箱</em>や<em>一時ファイル</em>の削除する頻度を
 msgid "Use the <gui>Empty Trash</gui> or <gui>Purge Temporary Files</gui> buttons to perform these actions 
 msgstr "<gui>ゴミ箱を自動で空にする</gui>、あるいは<gui>一時ファイルを自動で削除する</gui>のスイッチを<gui>オン</gui>に切り替えます。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click <gui>Close</gui>."
-msgstr "<gui>閉じる</gui>ボタンをクリックします。"
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "Use the <em>Purge After: Immediately</em> setting with caution. Setting your trash to be purged 
immediately will cause any files you delete to skip your trash and be permanently deleted. Files that are 
deleted are much more difficult to recover than files that are in your trash."
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "Unless you have a specific need to immediately delete files from your trash, it is probably safer to 
set a longer <gui>Purge After</gui> value."
-msgstr "すぐにゴミ箱を空にする必要が特になければ、<gui>次の時間経過後に削除する</gui>の値を長めに設定しておくと、より安全になるでしょう。"
+msgid "You can delete files immediately and permanently without using the Trash. See <link 
xref=\"files-delete#permanent\"/> for information."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Prevent other people from using your desktop when you go away from your computer."
@@ -10243,7 +10678,9 @@ msgid "Automatically lock your screen"
 msgstr "画面を自動的にロックする"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "When you leave your computer, you should <link xref=\"shell-exit#lock-screen\">lock the screen</link> 
to prevent other people from using your desktop and accessing your files. If you sometimes forget to lock 
your screen, you may wish to have your computer's screen lock automatically after a set period of time. This 
will help to secure your computer when you aren't using it."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "When you leave your computer, you should <link xref=\"shell-exit#lock-screen\">lock the 
screen</link> to prevent other people from using your desktop and accessing your files. If you sometimes 
forget to lock your screen, you may wish to have your computer's screen lock automatically after a set period 
of time. This will help to secure your computer when you aren't using it."
+msgid "When you leave your computer, you should <link xref=\"shell-exit#lock-screen\">lock the screen</link> 
to prevent other people from using your desktop and accessing your files. If you sometimes forget to lock 
your screen, you may wish to have your computerʼs screen lock automatically after a set period of time. This 
will help to secure your computer when you arenʼt using it."
 msgstr "コンピューターから離れるときは、<link 
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
@@ -10261,41 +10698,47 @@ msgid "Select <gui>Screen Lock</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>スクリーンショットの取得</gui>をクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Make sure <gui>Automatic Screen Lock</gui> is switched on, then select a length of time from the 
drop-down list."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Make sure <gui>Automatic Screen Lock</gui> is switched on, then select a length of time from the 
drop-down list."
+msgid "Make sure <gui>Automatic Screen Lock</gui> is switched <gui>ON</gui>, then select a length of time 
from the drop-down list."
 msgstr "<gui>自動画面ロック</gui>のスイッチをオンに切り替え、ロックが掛かるまでの時間をドロップダウンリストから選択します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "To allow notifications to be displayed on the lock screen, switch <gui>Show Notifications</gui> to 
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+msgid "Applications can present notifications to you that are still displayed on your lock screen. This is 
convenient, for example, to see if you have any email without unlocking your screen. If youʼre concerned 
about other people seeing these notifications, switch <gui>Show Notifications</gui> off."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "When your screen is locked, and you want to unlock it, press <key>Esc</key>, or swipe up from the 
bottom of your screen with your mouse. Then enter your password, and press <key>Enter</key> or click 
-msgid "When your screen is locked, and you want to unlock it, press <key>Esc</key>, or swipe up from the 
bottom of the screen with your mouse. Then enter your password, and press <key>Enter</key> or click 
+msgid "When your screen is locked, and you want to unlock it, press <key>Esc</key>, or swipe up from the 
bottom of the screen with your mouse. Then enter your password, and press <key>Enter</key> or click 
<gui>Unlock</gui>. Alternatively, just start typing your password and the lock curtain will be automatically 
raised as you type."
 msgstr "画面のロックを解除には、<key>Esc</key> キーを押すか、画面を下から上にマウスでドラッグします。次に、パスワードを入力して、<key>Enter</key> 
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Take a picture or record a video of what's happening on your screen."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Take a picture or record a video of what's happening on your screen."
+msgid "Take a picture or record a video of what is happening on your screen."
 msgstr "画面上で起こっていることを画像として取得あるいは映像として記録します。"
-#. (itstool) path: credit/years
-msgid "2011"
-msgstr "2011"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
 msgid "Screenshots and screencasts"
 msgstr "スクリーンショットとスクリーンキャスト"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "You can take a picture of your screen (a <em>screenshot</em>) or record a video of what's happening 
on the screen (a <em>screencast</em>). This is useful if you want to show someone how to do something on the 
computer, for example. Screenshots and screencasts are just normal picture and video files, so you can email 
them and share them on the web."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can take a picture of your screen (a <em>screenshot</em>) or record a video of what's 
happening on the screen (a <em>screencast</em>). This is useful if you want to show someone how to do 
something on the computer, for example. Screenshots and screencasts are just normal picture and video files, 
so you can email them and share them on the web."
+msgid "You can take a picture of your screen (a <em>screenshot</em>) or record a video of what is happening 
on the screen (a <em>screencast</em>). This is useful if you want to show someone how to do something on the 
computer, for example. Screenshots and screencasts are just normal picture and video files, so you can email 
them and share them on the web."
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Open <app>Screenshot</app> from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Open <app>Screenshot</app> from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview."
+msgid "Open <app>Screenshot</app> from the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> 
 msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面から<app>スクリーンショット</app>を開きます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "In the <app>Take Screenshot</app> window, select whether to grab the whole screen, the current 
window, or an area of the screen. Set a delay if you need to select a window or otherwise set up your desktop 
for the screenshot. Then choose any effects you want."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "In the <app>Take Screenshot</app> window, select whether to grab the whole screen, the current 
window, or an area of the screen. Set a delay if you need to select a window or otherwise set up your desktop 
for the screenshot. Then choose any effects you want."
+msgid "In the <app>Screenshot</app> window, select whether to grab the whole screen, the current window, or 
an area of the screen. Set a delay if you need to select a window or otherwise set up your desktop for the 
screenshot. Then choose any effects you want."
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -10314,11 +10757,11 @@ msgstr "<gui>スクリーンショットの保存</gui>ウィンドウで、フ
 msgid "Alternatively, import the screenshot directly into an image-editing application without saving it 
first. Click <gui>Copy to Clipboard</gui> then paste the image in the other application, or drag the 
screenshot thumbnail to the application."
-#. (itstool) path: note/title
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
 msgid "Keyboard shortcuts"
 msgstr "キーボードショートカット"
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
 msgid "Quickly take a screenshot of the desktop, a window, or an area at any time using these global 
keyboard shortcuts:"
 msgstr "デスクトップ、ウィンドウ、あるいは任意の領域のスクリーンショットをすばやく撮るには、以下のどこでも使用できるキーボードショートカットを使用します。"
@@ -10334,11 +10777,17 @@ msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Prt Scrn</key></keyseq> で、ウィンドウ
 msgid "<keyseq><key>Shift</key><key>Prt Scrn</key></keyseq> to take a screenshot of an area you select."
 msgstr "<keyseq><key>Shift</key><key>Prt Scrn</key></keyseq> で選択領域のスクリーンショットを撮ります。"
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "When you use a keyboard shortcut, the image is automatically saved in your Pictures folder with a 
file name that begins with \"Screenshot\" and includes the date and time it was taken."
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "When you use a keyboard shortcut, the image is automatically saved in your Pictures folder with a 
file name that begins with \"Screenshot\" and includes the date and time it was taken."
+msgid "When you use a keyboard shortcut, the image is automatically saved in your <file>Pictures</file> 
folder in your home folder with a file name that begins with <file>Screenshot</file> and includes the date 
and time it was taken."
 msgstr "キーボードショートカットを使用した場合は、画像が自動的にユーザーの画像フォルダーに保存されます。ファイル名は、\"Screenshot\" で始まり、撮影した日付と時刻が含まれます。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
+msgid "If you do not have a <file>Pictures</file> folder, the images will be saved in your home folder 
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
 msgid "You can also hold down <key>Ctrl</key> with any of the above shortcuts to copy the screenshot image 
to the clipboard instead of saving it."
 msgstr "また、<key>Ctrl</key> キーを押しながら上記のいずれかのショートカットを使用すると、画像を保存せずにクリップボードにコピーできます。"
@@ -10351,21 +10800,33 @@ msgid "You can make a video recording of what is happening on your screen:"
 msgstr "画面上で起きていることを記録したビデオを作成できます:"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>Shift</key><key>R</key></keyseq> to start recording 
what's on your screen."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>Shift</key><key>R</key></keyseq> to start 
recording what's on your screen."
+msgid "Press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>Shift</key><key>R</key></keyseq> to start recording 
what is on your screen."
 msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>Shift</key><key>R</key></keyseq> を押して、画面の録画を開始します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "A red circle is displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen when the recording is in progress. 
This indicator does not show up in the video."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "A red circle is displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen when the recording is in 
progress. This indicator does not show up in the video."
+msgid "A red circle is displayed in the top right corner of the screen when the recording is in progress."
 msgstr "録画中は、画面の右下角に赤い円が表示されます。このインジケーターは、ビデオには表示されません。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Once you've finished, press 
<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>Shift</key><key>R</key></keyseq> again to stop the recording."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Once you've finished, press 
<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>Shift</key><key>R</key></keyseq> again to stop the recording."
+msgid "Once you have finished, press 
<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>Shift</key><key>R</key></keyseq> again to stop the recording."
 msgstr "録画を停止するには、<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>Shift</key><key>R</key></keyseq> をもう一度押します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "The video is automatically saved in your Videos folder with a file name that starts with 
\"Screencast\" and includes the date and time it was taken."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The video is automatically saved in your Videos folder with a file name that starts with 
\"Screencast\" and includes the date and time it was taken."
+msgid "The video is automatically saved in your <file>Videos</file> folder in your home folder, with a file 
name that starts with <file>Screencast</file> and includes the date and time it was taken."
 msgstr "ビデオは、自動的にユーザーのビデオフォルダーに保存されます。ファイル名は、\"Screencast\" で始まり、録画した日付と時刻が含まれます。"
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+msgid "If you do not have a <file>Videos</file> folder, the videos will be saved in your home folder 
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "You can log in to your system using a supported fingerprint scanner instead of typing in your 
 msgstr ""
@@ -10378,13 +10839,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "If your system has a supported fingerprint scanner, you can record your fingerprint and use it to log 
 msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "You need <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">administrator privileges</link> to add user accounts. 
Click <gui>Unlock</gui> in the top right corner and type your password or the administrator password, as 
-msgid "You need <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">administrator privileges</link> to edit user accounts 
other than your own."
-msgstr "ユーザーアカウントを追加するには、<link 
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Record a screencast"
@@ -10399,10 +10853,17 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "If your finger is too dry, you may have difficulty registering your fingerprint. If this happens, 
moisten your finger slightly, dry it with a clean, lint-free cloth, and retry."
 msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You need <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">administrator privileges</link> to add user accounts. 
Click <gui>Unlock</gui> in the top right corner and type your password or the administrator password, as 
+msgid "You need <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">administrator privileges</link> to edit user accounts 
other than your own."
+msgstr "ユーザーアカウントを追加するには、<link 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</link> overview and make sure you're looking 
at the <gui>Windows</gui> view."
-msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing <gui>Users</gui>."
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>ウィンドウ</gui>ビューを表示します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -10417,15 +10878,15 @@ msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Select the user you want to delete and click the <gui>-</gui> button."
-msgid "Select the finger that you want to use for the fingerprint, then <gui 
+msgid "Select the finger that you want to use for the fingerprint, then <gui style=\"button\">Next</gui>."
 msgstr "削除するユーザーを選択し、<gui>-</gui> ボタンをクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Follow the instructions in the dialog and swipe your finger at <em>moderate speed</em> over your 
fingerprint reader. You should need to swipe your finger at least five times. Once the computer has a good 
record of your fingerprint, you will see a <gui>Done!</gui> message."
+msgid "Follow the instructions in the dialog and swipe your finger at a <em>moderate speed</em> over your 
fingerprint reader. Once the computer has a good record of your fingerprint, you will see a <gui>Done!</gui> 
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Select <gui>Continue</gui>. You will see a confirmation message that your fingerprint was saved 
successfully. Select <gui>Close</gui> to finish."
+msgid "Select <gui>Next</gui>. You will see a confirmation message that your fingerprint was saved 
successfully. Select <gui>Close</gui> to finish."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -10468,18 +10929,30 @@ msgstr "日付、時刻、数字、通貨、および計量単位のフォーマ
 msgid "Click <gui>Formats</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>閉じる</gui>ボタンをクリックします。"
+#. (itstool) path: media/span
+msgid "..."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Select the region that most closely matches the formats you'd like to use. By default, the list 
only shows regions that use the language set on the <gui>Language</gui> tab. Click the <gui>+</gui> button to 
select from all available regions."
-msgid "Select the region that most closely matches the formats you'd like to use. By default, the list only 
shows regions that use the language set on the <gui>Language</gui> tab. Click the <key>...</key> button to 
select from all available regions."
+msgid "Select the region and language that most closely matches the formats you would like to use. If your 
region and language are not listed, click <gui><_:media-1/></gui> at the bottom of the list to select from 
all available regions and languages."
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Respond to the prompt, <gui>Your session needs to be restarted for these changes to take effect</gui> 
by clicking <gui style=\"button\">Restart Now</gui>, or click <gui style=\"button\">X</gui> to restart later."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click <gui style=\"button\">+</gui>."
+msgid "Click <gui style=\"button\">Done</gui> to save."
+msgstr "<gui style=\"button\">+</gui> ボタンをクリックします。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "Respond to the prompt, <gui>Your session needs to be restarted for changes to take effect</gui> by 
clicking <gui style=\"button\">Restart Now</gui>, or click <gui style=\"button\">X</gui> to restart later."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "After you've selected a region, the area to the right of the list shows various examples of how dates 
and other values are shown. Although not shown in the examples, your region also controls the starting day of 
the week in calendars."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "After you've selected a region, the area to the right of the list shows various examples of how 
dates and other values are shown. Although not shown in the examples, your region also controls the starting 
day of the week in calendars."
+msgid "After you have selected a region, the area to the right of the list shows various examples of how 
dates and other values are shown. Although not shown in the examples, your region also controls the starting 
day of the week in calendars."
 msgstr "地域を選択すると、地域一覧の右側に日付などの様々なフォーマット例が表示されます。また、例には表示されませんが、設定した地域情報は、カレンダー上の週の開始日にも影響します。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -10501,34 +10974,19 @@ msgid "Click <gui>Language</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>変更</gui>をクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "Select your desired region and language. If your region and language are not listed, click 
<gui><_:media-1/></gui> at the bottom of the list to select from all available regions and languages."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Select your desired language. The initial list only shows a small subset of the supported 
languages. If your language is not listed, click <gui style=\"button\">+</gui>. Some translations may be 
incomplete, and certain applications may not support your language at all. Any untranslated text will appear 
in the language in which the software was originally developed, usually American English."
-msgid "Select your desired language. The initial list only shows a small subset of the supported languages. 
If your language is not listed, click <_:media-1/>. Some translations may be incomplete, and certain 
applications may not support your language at all. Any untranslated text will appear in the language in which 
the software was originally developed, usually American English."
+msgid "Some translations may be incomplete, and certain applications may not support your language at all. 
Any untranslated text will appear in the language in which the software was originally developed, usually 
American English."
 msgstr "お好みの言語を選択します。初期状態の一覧には、サポートする言語の内のほんの一部だけが表示されています。あなたの言語が一覧にない場合は、<gui style=\"button\">+</gui> 
 (たいていはアメリカ英語) で表示されます。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 msgid "There are some special folders in your home folder where applications can store things like music, 
pictures, and documents. These folders use standard names according to your language. When you log back in, 
you will be asked if you want to rename these folders to the standard names for your selected language. If 
you plan to use the new language all the time, you should update the folder names."
-#. (itstool) path: section/title
-msgid "Change the system language"
-msgstr "システムの言語を変更する"
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "When you change your language, you only change it for your account after you log in. You can also 
change the <em>system language</em>, the language used in places like the login screen."
-msgstr "言語を変更する場合、ログインし直したあと、あなたのアカウントにだけ適用されます。<em>システムの言語</em>、つまりログイン画面などで使用する言語を変更することもできます。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Click the <gui style=\"button\">Login Screen</gui> button."
-msgstr "<gui>ユニバーサルアクセス</gui>をクリックする。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "<link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">Administrative privileges</link> are required. Enter your 
password, or the password for the requested administrator account."
-msgid "Click <gui>Language</gui>. <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">Administrative privileges</link> are 
required. Enter your password, or the password for the requested administrator account."
-msgstr "<link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">管理者権限</link>が必要になります。あなたのパスワードか、要求された管理者アカウントのパスワードを入力します。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Change how long to wait before locking the screen in the <gui>Privacy</gui> settings."
 msgstr ""
@@ -10560,24 +11018,10 @@ msgstr "<gui>自動画面ロック</gui>のスイッチをオンに切り替え
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "If you like, you can have the clock update itself automatically by switching <gui>Network 
Time</gui> on."
-msgid "If you don't ever want the screen to lock itself automatically, switch <gui>Automatic Screen 
Lock</gui> to <gui>Off</gui>."
+msgid "If you don't ever want the screen to lock itself automatically, switch <gui>Automatic Screen 
Lock</gui> to <gui>OFF</gui>."
 msgstr "必要に応じて、<gui>ネットワーク時刻</gui>をオンに切り替えることで、時計を自動的に更新することもできます。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "<link xref=\"sharing-bluetooth\">Bluetooth sharing</link>, <link xref=\"sharing-desktop\">Screen 
sharing</link>, <link xref=\"sharing-media\">Media sharing</link>…"
-msgid "<link xref=\"sharing-bluetooth\">Bluetooth sharing</link>, <link xref=\"sharing-personal\">Personal 
file sharing</link>, <link xref=\"sharing-desktop\">Screen sharing</link>, <link xref=\"sharing-media\">Media 
-msgstr "<link xref=\"sharing-bluetooth\">Bluetooth 共有</link>, <link xref=\"sharing-desktop\">画面共有</link>, 
<link xref=\"sharing-media\">メディア共有</link>…"
-#. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "Sharing Settings"
-msgstr "共有設定"
-#. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "The <em>Sharing Settings</em> in GNOME help you control what is shared over the local network, or 
through other technologies such as <em>Bluetooth</em>."
-msgstr "<em>共有設定</em>で、ローカルネットワーク上で何を共有するか、あるいは <em>Bluetooth</em> など他の技術を使用した共有を行うかどうか、などを設定できます。"
-#. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "<link xref=\"sharing-desktop\">Desktop sharing</link>, <link xref=\"files-share\">Share files by 
email</link>, <link xref=\"sharing-media\">Media sharing</link>…"
 msgstr "<link xref=\"sharing-desktop\">デスクトップ共有</link>, <link xref=\"files-share\">メールでファイルを共有する</link>, 
<link xref=\"sharing-media\">メディア共有</link>…"
@@ -10585,6 +11029,12 @@ msgstr "<link xref=\"sharing-desktop\">デスクトップ共有</link>, <link xr
 msgid "Sharing"
 msgstr "共有"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/years
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "2012-2013"
+msgid "2014-2015"
+msgstr "2012-2013"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Allow files to be uploaded to your computer over Bluetooth."
 msgstr ""
@@ -10594,62 +11044,19 @@ msgid "Control sharing over Bluetooth"
 msgstr "Bluetooth による共有を設定する"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "You can allow access to your <file>Public</file> and <file>Downloads</file> folders for Bluetooth 
file sharing, and also restrict that access to only <em>trusted devices</em>. Configure <gui>Bluetooth 
Sharing</gui> to control access to the shared folders on your computer."
-msgid "You can allow access to your <file>Downloads</file> folder for Bluetooth file sharing, and also 
restrict that access to only <em>trusted devices</em>. Configure <gui>Bluetooth Sharing</gui> to control 
access to the shared folder on your computer."
-msgstr "Bluetooth 
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "A Bluetooth device is <em>trusted</em> if you have <em>paired</em>, or connected your computer to it. 
See <link xref=\"bluetooth-connect-device\"/>."
-msgstr "Bluetooth デバイスは、ペアリング済み、つまりお使いのコンピューターとそのデバイスを接続済みであれば、<em>信頼する</em>デバイスとなります。接続方法については、「<link 
+msgid "You can enable <gui>Bluetooth</gui> sharing to receive files over Bluetooth in the 
<file>Downloads</file> folder"
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: steps/title
 msgid "Allow files to be shared into your <file>Downloads</file> folder"
 msgstr "ファイルを<file>ダウンロード</file>フォルダーに共有できるようにする手順は次のとおりです。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</link> overview and make sure you're looking 
at the <gui>Windows</gui> view."
-msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
-msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>ウィンドウ</gui>ビューを表示します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Click on <gui>Sharing</gui> to open the panel."
-msgstr "サイドバーの<gui>ゴミ箱</gui>をクリックします。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If <gui>Sharing</gui> is <gui>OFF</gui>, switch it to <gui>ON</gui>."
-msgstr "<gui>共有</gui>が<gui>オフ</gui>になっている場合は、<gui>オン</gui>に切り替えます。"
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "You can <link xref=\"files-rename\">rename</link> the file as you wish."
-msgid "You can <link xref=\"sharing-displayname\">change</link> the name your computer displays to other 
-msgstr "お望みなら、ファイルの<link xref=\"files-rename\">名前を変更</link>できます。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Select <gui>Bluetooth Sharing</gui>."
-msgstr "<gui>Bluetooth 共有</gui>を選択します"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Switch <gui>Save Received Files to Downloads Folder</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>."
-msgstr "<gui>受信したファイルをダウンロードフォルダーに保存する</gui>のスイッチを<gui>オン</gui>に切り替えます。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If you only want to allow trusted devices to access your <file>Downloads</file> folder, switch 
<gui>Only Receive From Trusted Devices</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>."
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "This option is disabled by default. You should enable it if you want to prevent access to your shared 
files by anyone with a Bluetooth-enabled cell phone or similar device nearby."
-msgstr "このオプションはデフォルトで無効になっています。誰か近くにいる人が Bluetooth 
+msgid "Make sure that <link xref=\"bluetooth-turn-on-off\"><gui>Bluetooth</gui> is switched on</link>."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click <gui style=\"button\">Close</gui>. Bluetooth-enabled devices will now be able to send files to 
your <file>Downloads</file> folder."
-msgstr "<gui style=\"button\">閉じる</gui>ボタンを押します。これで、Bluetooth 
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "<gui>Files</gui> allows you to launch the <gui>Sharing</gui> panel directly by clicking the 
<gui>Preferences</gui> button when you visit the <gui>Downloads</gui> folder."
+msgid "Bluetooth-enabled devices can send files to your <file>Downloads</file> folder only when the 
<gui>Bluetooth</gui> panel is open."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -10672,24 +11079,47 @@ msgstr "<gui>画面共有</gui>の設定を行うには、<app>Vino</app> パッ
 msgid "<link action=\"install:vino\" style=\"button\">Install Vino</link>"
 msgstr "<link action=\"install:vino\" style=\"button\">Vino をインストール</link>"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</link> overview and make sure you're looking 
at the <gui>Windows</gui> view."
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>ウィンドウ</gui>ビューを表示します。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Click on <gui>Sharing</gui> to open the panel."
+msgstr "サイドバーの<gui>ゴミ箱</gui>をクリックします。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "If <gui>Sharing</gui> is <gui>OFF</gui>, switch it to <gui>ON</gui>."
+msgstr "<gui>共有</gui>が<gui>オフ</gui>になっている場合は、<gui>オン</gui>に切り替えます。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "If the text below <gui>Computer Name</gui> allows you to edit it, you can change the name your 
computer displays on the network."
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can <link xref=\"files-rename\">rename</link> the file as you wish."
+msgid "If the text below <gui>Computer Name</gui> allows you to edit it, you can <link 
xref=\"sharing-displayname\">change</link> the name your computer displays on the network."
+msgstr "お望みなら、ファイルの<link xref=\"files-rename\">名前を変更</link>できます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "Select <gui>Screen Sharing</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>画面共有</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "To let others view your desktop, switch <gui>Remote View</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>. This means that 
other people will be able to attempt to connect to your computer and view what's on your screen."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "To let others view your desktop, switch <gui>Remote View</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>. This means that 
other people will be able to attempt to connect to your computer and view what's on your screen."
+msgid "To let others view your desktop, switch <gui>Screen Sharing</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>. This means that 
other people will be able to attempt to connect to your computer and view what's on your screen."
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "To let others interact with your desktop, switch <gui>Remote Control</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>. This may 
allow the other person to move your mouse, run applications, and browse files on your computer, depending on 
the security settings which you are currently using."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "To let others interact with your desktop, switch <gui>Remote Control</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>. This 
may allow the other person to move your mouse, run applications, and browse files on your computer, depending 
on the security settings which you are currently using."
+msgid "To let others interact with your desktop, switch <gui>Allow Remote Control</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>. 
This may allow the other person to move your mouse, run applications, and browse files on your computer, 
depending on the security settings which you are currently using."
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "This option is enabled by default when <gui>Remote View</gui> is <gui>ON</gui>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "This option is enabled by default when <gui>Remote View</gui> is <gui>ON</gui>."
+msgid "This option is enabled by default when <gui>Screen Sharing</gui> is <gui>ON</gui>."
 msgstr "このオプションは、<gui>リモート表示</gui>を<gui>オン</gui>にすると、デフォルトで有効になります。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -10701,11 +11131,13 @@ msgid "It is important that you consider the full extent of what each security o
 msgstr "各セキュリティオプションについて、その設定を変更する前に、それぞれのオプションによる影響範囲を十分に理解しておくことが重要です。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/title
-msgid "Approve All Connections"
-msgstr "接続ごとに許可するかどうか確認する"
+msgid "New connections must ask for access"
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If you want to be able to choose whether to allow someone to access your desktop, switch <gui>Approve 
All Connections</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>. If you disable this option, you will not be asked whether you want to 
allow someone to connect to your computer."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you want to be able to choose whether to allow someone to access your desktop, switch 
<gui>Approve All Connections</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>. If you disable this option, you will not be asked 
whether you want to allow someone to connect to your computer."
+msgid "If you want to be able to choose whether to allow someone to access your desktop, enable <gui>New 
connections must ask for access</gui>. If you disable this option, you will not be asked whether you want to 
allow someone to connect to your computer."
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
@@ -10713,17 +11145,57 @@ msgid "This option is enabled by default."
 msgstr "このオプションはデフォルトで有効です。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/title
-msgid "Require Password"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Require Password"
+msgid "Require a Password"
 msgstr "パスワードを要求する"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "To require other people to use a password when connecting to your desktop, switch <gui>Require 
Password</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>. If you do not use this option, anyone can attempt to view your desktop."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "To require other people to use a password when connecting to your desktop, switch <gui>Require 
Password</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>. If you do not use this option, anyone can attempt to view your desktop."
+msgid "To require other people to use a password when connecting to your desktop, enable <gui>Require a 
Password</gui>. If you do not use this option, anyone can attempt to view your desktop."
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
 msgid "This option is disabled by default, but you should enable it and set a secure password."
 msgstr "このオプションはデフォルトで無効となっていますが、有効化して安全なパスワードを設定することを推奨します。"
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Network problems"
+msgid "Networks"
+msgstr "ネットワーク関連の問題"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+msgid "The <gui>Networks</gui> section lists the networks to which you are currently connected. Use the 
<gui>ON | OFF</gui> switch next to each to choose where your desktop can be shared."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Share your desktop"
+msgid "Stop sharing your desktop"
+msgstr "デスクトップを共有する"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+msgid "You can disconnect someone who is viewing your desktop using the <gui>notification icon</gui> in the 
message Tray. To do so:"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can also use your keyboard to maximize a window. Press 
<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Space</key></keyseq> to bring up the window menu, and press <key>x</key>."
+msgid "Open the message tray by pressing <keyseq><key>Super</key><key>M</key></keyseq>, or by moving your 
mouse pointer to the very bottom of your screen."
+msgstr "キーボードを使ってウィンドウを最大化することもできます。<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Space</key></keyseq> 
を押してウィンドウメニューを開き、<key>x</key> を押してください。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "Click on the <gui>Desktop</gui> icon in the <gui>Message Tray</gui>. This will open the 
<app>Sharing</app> panel."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Set the <gui>Show Notifications</gui> slider to <gui>Off</gui>."
+msgid "Toggle the <gui>Screen Sharing</gui> slider to <gui>Off.</gui>"
+msgstr "<gui>ロック画面に通知を表示する</gui>のスイッチをオフにします。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Control how your computer will appear to other computers or devices."
 msgstr ""
@@ -10735,7 +11207,7 @@ msgid "Set the display name for your computer"
 msgstr "IP アドレスとはコンピューターの電話番号のようなものです。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "You can change the name your computer uses to display itself on other computers or devices, on the 
network or over Bluetooth."
+msgid "You can change the name your computer uses to display itself to other computers or devices, on the 
network or over Bluetooth."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: steps/title
@@ -10749,7 +11221,9 @@ msgid "Edit the text below <gui>Computer Name</gui> to change the name your comp
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Share media on your local network using Rygel."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Share media on your local network using Rygel."
+msgid "Share media on your local network using UPnP."
 msgstr "Rygel を利用してローカルネットワーク上のメディアコンテンツを共有します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
@@ -10773,17 +11247,30 @@ msgid "Select <gui>Media Sharing</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>メディア共有</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Switch <gui>Share Media On This Network</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>."
-msgstr "<gui>このネットワーク上のメディアコンテンツを共有する</gui>のスイッチを<gui>オン</gui>に切り替えます。"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Switch <gui>Media Sharing</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>."
+msgstr "<gui>ホバークリック</gui>をオンにします。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "By default, <file>Music</file>, <file>Pictures</file> and <file>Videos</file> are shared. To remove 
one of these, click the <gui>X</gui> next to the folder name."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click <gui style=\"button\">+</gui> to open the <gui>Choose a folder</gui> window. Navigate 
<em>into</em> the desired folder, <file>Music</file> in your <file>Home</file> directory for example, and 
click <gui style=\"button\">Open</gui>. Repeat for the other folders you wish to share, for example 
<file>Pictures</file> and <file>Videos</file>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click <gui style=\"button\">+</gui> to open the <gui>Choose a folder</gui> window. Navigate 
<em>into</em> the desired folder, <file>Music</file> in your <file>Home</file> directory for example, and 
click <gui style=\"button\">Open</gui>. Repeat for the other folders you wish to share, for example 
<file>Pictures</file> and <file>Videos</file>."
+msgid "To add another folder, click <gui style=\"button\">+</gui> to open the <gui>Choose a folder</gui> 
window. Navigate <em>into</em> the desired folder and click <gui style=\"button\">Open</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui style=\"button\">+</gui> 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click <gui style=\"button\">Close</gui>. You will now be able to browse or play media in the folders 
you selected using the external device."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click <gui style=\"button\">Close</gui>. You will now be able to browse or play media in the 
folders you selected using the external device."
+msgid "Click <gui style=\"button\">X</gui>. You will now be able to browse or play media in the folders you 
selected using the external device."
 msgstr "<gui style=\"button\">閉じる</gui>ボタンを押します。これで、選択したフォルダーにあるメディアコンテンツを、外部のデバイスから参照したり再生したりできるようになります。"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+msgid "The <gui>Networks</gui> section lists the networks to which you are currently connected. Use the 
<gui>ON | OFF</gui> switch next to each to choose where your media can be shared."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Click <gui style=\"button\">Close</gui>. Bluetooth-enabled devices will now be able to access 
files in your <file>Public</file> folder."
@@ -10799,7 +11286,7 @@ msgstr "個人的なファイル"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "You can let other people view and control your desktop from another computer with a desktop 
viewing application. Configure <gui>Screen Sharing</gui> to allow others to access your desktop and set the 
security preferences."
-msgid "You can allow access to the <file>Public</file> folder in your <file>Home</file> directory from 
another computer on the network. Configure <gui>Personal File Sharing</gui> to allow others to access the 
contents of the folder."
+msgid "You can allow access to the <file>Public</file> folder in your <file>Home</file> folder from another 
computer on the network. Configure <gui>Personal File Sharing</gui> to allow others to access the contents of 
the folder."
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
@@ -10823,19 +11310,27 @@ msgstr "<gui>メディア共有</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "To let others view your desktop, switch <gui>Remote View</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>. This means that 
other people will be able to attempt to connect to your computer and view what's on your screen."
-msgid "Switch <gui>Share Public Folder On This Network</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>. This means that other people 
will be able to attempt to connect to your computer and access files in your <file>Public</file> folder."
+msgid "Switch <gui>Personal File Sharing</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>. This means that other people on your 
current network will be able to attempt to connect to your computer and access files in your 
<file>Public</file> folder."
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "A <em>url</em> is displayed by which your <file>Public</file> folder can be accessed from other 
computers on the network."
+msgid "A <em>URI</em> is displayed by which your <file>Public</file> folder can be accessed from other 
computers on the network."
 msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+msgid "Require Password"
+msgstr "パスワードを要求する"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "To require other people to use a password when connecting to your desktop, switch <gui>Require 
Password</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>. If you do not use this option, anyone can attempt to view your desktop."
 msgid "To require other people to use a password when accessing your <file>Public</file> folder, switch 
<gui>Require Password</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>. If you do not use this option, anyone can attempt to view your 
<file>Public</file> folder."
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+msgid "The <gui>Networks</gui> section lists the networks to which you are currently connected. Use the 
<gui>ON | OFF</gui> switch next to each to choose where your personal files can be shared."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Add (or remove) frequently-used program icons on the dash."
 msgstr "よく使うプログラムのアイコンをダッシュボードに追加 (あるいは削除) します。"
@@ -10845,18 +11340,22 @@ msgid "Pin your favorite apps to the dash"
 msgstr "お気に入りのアプリをダッシュボードに追加する"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "To add an application to the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">dash</link> for easy access:"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "To add an application to the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">dash</link> for easy access:"
+msgid "To add an application to the <link xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">dash</link> for easy 
 msgstr "アプリケーションを<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">ダッシュボード</link>に追加して、簡単に起動できるようにする方法は次のとおりです。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "The <em>activities overview</em> is the screen that's displayed when you click on 
<gui>Activities</gui> at the top left of the screen."
-msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\"><gui>Activities</gui> overview</link> by clicking 
<gui>Activities</gui> at the top left of the screen"
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview by clicking 
<gui>Activities</gui> at the top left of the screen"
 msgstr "<em>アクティビティ画面</em>とは、デスクトップ左上の<gui>アクティビティ</gui>ボタンをクリックすると表示される画面のことです。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\"><gui>Applications</gui> menu</link> at the top left of the 
screen and choose the <gui>Activities Overview</gui> item from the menu."
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "To access your windows and applications, click the <link 
xref=\"shell-terminology\"><gui>Applications</gui> menu</link> at the top left of the screen and select the 
<gui>Activities Overview</gui> item. You can also press the <key xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key> key 
to see your windows and applications in the <gui>Activities</gui> overview. Just start typing to search your 
applications, files, and folders."
+msgid "Click the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Applications</gui> menu at the top left of the 
screen and choose the <gui>Activities Overview</gui> item from the menu."
+msgstr "ウィンドウの一覧を表示したり、アプリケーションを起動するには、画面左上の<link 
xref=\"shell-terminology\"><gui>アプリケーション</gui>メニュー</link>を開き、<gui>アクティビティ画面</gui>を選択します。キーボードの <link 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
@@ -10882,7 +11381,7 @@ msgid "To remove an application icon from the dash, right-click the application
 msgstr "ダッシュボードからアプリケーションのアイコンを削除するには、アプリケーションのアイコンを右クリックし、<gui>お気に入りから削除</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "Favorite applications also appear in the <gui>Favorites</gui> section of the <link 
xref=\"shell-terminology\"><gui>Applications</gui> menu</link>."
+msgid "Favorite applications also appear in the <gui>Favorites</gui> section of the <gui 
xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Applications</gui> menu."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -10898,13 +11397,13 @@ msgstr "アプリケーションの起動"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Move your mouse pointer to the <gui>Activities</gui> corner at the top left of the screen to show 
the <gui>Activities Overview</gui>. This is where you can find all of your applications. (You can also open 
the overview by pressing the <link xref=\"windows-key\">Super key</link>.)"
-msgid "Move your mouse pointer to the <gui>Activities</gui> corner at the top left of the screen to show the 
<gui>Activities</gui> overview. This is where you can find all of your applications. You can also open the 
overview by pressing the <key xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key> key."
+msgid "Move your mouse pointer to the <gui>Activities</gui> corner at the top left of the screen to show the 
<gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview. This is where you can find all of your 
applications. You can also open the overview by pressing the <key xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key> 
xref=\"windows-key\">Super キー</link>を押してアクティビティ画面を表示することもできます。)"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "To access your windows and applications, click the <link 
xref=\"shell-terminology\"><gui>Applications</gui> menu</link> at the top left of the screen and select the 
<gui>Activities Overview</gui> item. You can also press the <key xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key> key 
to see your windows and applications in the <gui>Activities</gui> overview. Just start typing to search your 
applications, files, and folders."
-msgid "You can start applications from the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\"><gui>Applications</gui> 
menu</link> at the top left of the screen, or you can use the <gui>Activities</gui> overview by pressing the 
<key xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key> key."
+msgid "You can start applications from the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Applications</gui> 
menu at the top left of the screen, or you can use the <gui>Activities</gui> overview by pressing the <key 
xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key> key."
 msgstr "ウィンドウの一覧を表示したり、アプリケーションを起動するには、画面左上の<link 
xref=\"shell-terminology\"><gui>アプリケーション</gui>メニュー</link>を開き、<gui>アクティビティ画面</gui>を選択します。キーボードの <link 
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -10933,11 +11432,15 @@ msgid "Click the grid button at the bottom of the dash. You will see the frequen
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "You can launch an application in a separate <link xref=\"shell-workspaces\">workspace</link> by 
dragging its icon from the dash (or from the list of applications), and dropping it onto one of the 
workspaces on the right-hand side of the screen. The application will open in the chosen workspace."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can launch an application in a separate <link xref=\"shell-workspaces\">workspace</link> by 
dragging its icon from the dash (or from the list of applications), and dropping it onto one of the 
workspaces on the right-hand side of the screen. The application will open in the chosen workspace."
+msgid "You can launch an application in a separate <link xref=\"shell-workspaces\">workspace</link> by 
dragging its icon from the dash, and dropping it onto one of the workspaces on the right-hand side of the 
screen. The application will open in the chosen workspace."
 msgstr "アプリケーションを別のワークスペースで起動することができます。ダッシュボードから (あるいはアプリケーション一覧から) 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "You can launch an application in a <em>new</em> workspace by middle-clicking its icon in the dash or 
in the application list."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can launch an application in a <em>new</em> workspace by middle-clicking its icon in the dash 
or in the application list."
+msgid "You can launch an application in a <em>new</em> workspace by dragging its icon to the empty workspace 
at the bottom of the workspace switcher, or to the small gap between two workspaces."
 msgstr "ダッシュボードあるいはアプリケーションリストのアイコンを中クリックすると、<em>新しい</em>ワークスペースでアプリケーションを起動できます。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/title
@@ -10951,7 +11454,9 @@ msgid "Another way of launching an application is to press <keyseq><key>Alt</key
 msgstr "他にもアプリケーションを起動する方法があります。<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F2</key></keyseq> 
を押し、<em>コマンド名</em>を入力したあと、<key>Enter</key> キーを押します。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "For example, to launch <app>Rhythmbox</app>, press <keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F2</key></keyseq> and 
type 'rhythmbox' (without the single-quotes). The name of the app is the command to launch the program."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "For example, to launch <app>Rhythmbox</app>, press <keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F2</key></keyseq> 
and type 'rhythmbox' (without the single-quotes). The name of the app is the command to launch the program."
+msgid "For example, to launch <app>Rhythmbox</app>, press <keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F2</key></keyseq> and 
type '<cmd>rhythmbox</cmd>' (without the single-quotes). The name of the app is the command to launch the 
 msgstr "たとえば、<app>Rhythmbox</app> を起動するには、<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F2</key></keyseq> を押した後、'rhythmbox' 
と入力します (引用符は不要)。アプリの名前が、プログラムを起動するコマンド名になります。"
 #. (itstool) path: credit/name
@@ -10985,7 +11490,7 @@ msgstr "お使いのコンピューターを誰か他の人が使用できるよ
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "To <gui>Log Out</gui> or <gui>Switch User</gui>, click your name on the top bar and select the 
appropriate option."
-msgid "To <gui>Log Out</gui> or <gui>Switch User</gui>, click the system menu on the right side of the top 
bar, click your name and then choose the right option."
+msgid "To <gui>Log Out</gui> or <gui>Switch User</gui>, click the <link 
xref=\"shell-introduction#yourname\">system menu</link> on the right side of the top bar, click your name and 
then choose the right option."
 msgstr "<gui>ログアウト</gui>、あるいは<gui>ユーザーの切り替え</gui>を行うには、トップバーにあるユーザー名をクリックして該当する項目を選択してください。"
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
@@ -11024,7 +11529,7 @@ msgstr "サスペンド"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "To save power, suspend your computer when you aren't using it. If you use a laptop, GNOME suspends 
your computer automatically when you close the lid. This saves your state to your computer's memory and 
powers off most of the computer's functions. A very small amount of power is still used during suspend."
-msgid "To save power, suspend your computer when you are not using it. If you use a laptop, GNOME suspends 
your computer automatically when you close the lid. This saves your state to your computer's memory and 
powers off most of the computer's functions. A very small amount of power is still used during suspend."
+msgid "To save power, suspend your computer when you are not using it. If you use a laptop, GNOME, by 
default, suspends your computer automatically when you close the lid. This saves your state to your 
computer's memory and powers off most of the computer's functions. A very small amount of power is still used 
during suspend."
 msgstr "節電するには、コンピューターを使っていないときにサスペンドしてください。ラップトップをお使いであれば、蓋を閉じると GNOME 
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
@@ -11061,7 +11566,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #| msgctxt "_"
 #| msgid "external ref='figures/universal-access-menu.png' md5='0a74b1981ea14f71e521f92f1ab6ec86'"
 msgctxt "_"
-msgid "external ref='figures/shell-top-bar.png' md5='47dcaf839a377218b5a593c834a8aed9'"
+msgid "external ref='figures/shell-top-bar.png' md5='55f7ae9983112f7b1052e10f21ac84c3'"
 msgstr "external ref='figures/universal-access-menu.png' md5='0a74b1981ea14f71e521f92f1ab6ec86'"
 #. (itstool) path: media
@@ -11081,9 +11586,12 @@ msgstr "external ref='figures/universal-access-menu.png' md5='0a74b1981ea14f71e5
 #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to
 #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to
 #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file.
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgctxt "_"
+#| msgid "external ref='figures/universal-access-menu.png' md5='0a74b1981ea14f71e521f92f1ab6ec86'"
 msgctxt "_"
-msgid "external ref='figures/shell-activities.png' md5='e9fd4a053aade039919675b0c6b9b3e2'"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "external ref='figures/shell-activities.png' md5='f21d5d62e41f6823325a144cf82ca1f6'"
+msgstr "external ref='figures/universal-access-menu.png' md5='0a74b1981ea14f71e521f92f1ab6ec86'"
 #. (itstool) path: media
 #. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When
@@ -11099,9 +11607,12 @@ msgstr ""
 #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to
 #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to
 #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file.
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgctxt "_"
+#| msgid "external ref='figures/universal-access-menu.png' md5='0a74b1981ea14f71e521f92f1ab6ec86'"
 msgctxt "_"
-msgid "external ref='figures/shell-dash.png' md5='829fcd84aaa0651ab3a0136157661800'"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "external ref='figures/shell-dash.png' md5='32464c7ae813f2ebec1a38bbdfa97ce4'"
+msgstr "external ref='figures/universal-access-menu.png' md5='0a74b1981ea14f71e521f92f1ab6ec86'"
 #. (itstool) path: media
 #. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When
@@ -11112,7 +11623,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #| msgctxt "_"
 #| msgid "external ref='figures/universal-access-menu.png' md5='0a74b1981ea14f71e521f92f1ab6ec86'"
 msgctxt "_"
-msgid "external ref='figures/shell-appmenu-shell.png' md5='af4db3d3d3ed4572fb2c4d3847ca0836'"
+msgid "external ref='figures/shell-appmenu-shell.png' md5='94bda0c7e9ad37dc4658bf410d13f881'"
 msgstr "external ref='figures/universal-access-menu.png' md5='0a74b1981ea14f71e521f92f1ab6ec86'"
 #. (itstool) path: media
@@ -11136,7 +11647,7 @@ msgstr "external ref='figures/universal-access-menu.png' md5='0a74b1981ea14f71e5
 #| msgctxt "_"
 #| msgid "external ref='figures/universal-access-menu.png' md5='0a74b1981ea14f71e521f92f1ab6ec86'"
 msgctxt "_"
-msgid "external ref='figures/shell-exit.png' md5='bfe2580e70c3220b06582417451cda96'"
+msgid "external ref='figures/shell-exit.png' md5='1a3d98db1a86cf98efe8de6ede17b758'"
 msgstr "external ref='figures/universal-access-menu.png' md5='0a74b1981ea14f71e521f92f1ab6ec86'"
 #. (itstool) path: media
@@ -11160,7 +11671,7 @@ msgstr "external ref='figures/universal-access-menu.png' md5='0a74b1981ea14f71e5
 #| msgctxt "_"
 #| msgid "external ref='figures/universal-access-menu.png' md5='0a74b1981ea14f71e521f92f1ab6ec86'"
 msgctxt "_"
-msgid "external ref='figures/shell-lock.png' md5='b8894ae82f64e964bc802982aa3b988a'"
+msgid "external ref='figures/shell-lock.png' md5='dcc0335a64450a3a7abed4448bfa84f2'"
 msgstr "external ref='figures/universal-access-menu.png' md5='0a74b1981ea14f71e521f92f1ab6ec86'"
 #. (itstool) path: media
@@ -11197,7 +11708,6 @@ msgid "The top bar provides access to your windows and applications, your calend
 msgstr "トップバーから、ウィンドウの表示、アプリケーションの起動、カレンダーや予定の確認、サウンドやネットワーク、電源などの<link 
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
-#. (itstool) path: item/title
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "From the <gui>Activities</gui> overview:"
 msgid "<gui>Activities</gui> overview"
@@ -11210,11 +11720,13 @@ msgstr "アクティビティボタン"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "To access your windows and applications, click the <gui>Activities</gui> button, or just move your 
mouse pointer to the top-left hot corner. You can also press the <key xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key> 
key on your keyboard. You can see your windows and applications in the overview. You can also just start 
typing to search your applications, files, and folders."
-msgid "To access your windows and applications, click the <gui>Activities</gui> button, or just move your 
mouse pointer to the top-left hot corner. You can also press the <key xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key> 
key on your keyboard. You can see your windows and applications in the overview. You can also just start 
typing to search your applications, files, folders and the web."
+msgid "To access your windows and applications, click the <gui>Activities</gui> button, or just move your 
mouse pointer to the top-left hot corner. You can also press the <key xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key> 
key on your keyboard. You can see your windows and applications in the overview. You can also just start 
typing to search your applications, files, folders, and the web."
<link xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</link> 
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "To access your windows and applications, click the <link 
xref=\"shell-terminology\"><gui>Applications</gui> menu</link> at the top left of the screen and select the 
<gui>Activities Overview</gui> item. You can also press the <key xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key> key 
to see your windows and applications in the <gui>Activities</gui> overview. Just start typing to search your 
applications, files, and folders."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "To access your windows and applications, click the <link 
xref=\"shell-terminology\"><gui>Applications</gui> menu</link> at the top left of the screen and select the 
<gui>Activities Overview</gui> item. You can also press the <key xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key> key 
to see your windows and applications in the <gui>Activities</gui> overview. Just start typing to search your 
applications, files, and folders."
+msgid "To access your windows and applications, click the <gui 
xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Applications</gui> menu at the top left of the screen and select the 
<gui>Activities Overview</gui> item. You can also press the <key xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key> key 
to see your windows and applications in the <gui>Activities</gui> overview. Just start typing to search your 
applications, files, and folders."
 msgstr "ウィンドウの一覧を表示したり、アプリケーションを起動するには、画面左上の<link 
xref=\"shell-terminology\"><gui>アプリケーション</gui>メニュー</link>を開き、<gui>アクティビティ画面</gui>を選択します。キーボードの <link 
 #. (itstool) path: media/p
@@ -11273,14 +11785,26 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Clock, calendar &amp; appointments"
 msgstr "時計、カレンダーおよび予定"
+#. (itstool) path: media/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Clock, calendar, and appointments"
+msgid "Clock, calendar, appointments and notifications"
+msgstr "時計、カレンダーおよび予定"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "Click the clock on the top bar to see the current date, a month-by-month calendar, and a list of your 
upcoming appointments. You can also access the date and time settings and open your full <app>Evolution</app> 
calendar directly from the menu."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click the clock on the top bar to see the current date, a month-by-month calendar, and a list of 
your upcoming appointments. You can also access the date and time settings and open your full 
<app>Evolution</app> calendar directly from the menu."
+msgid "Click the clock on the top bar to see the current date, a month-by-month calendar, a list of your 
upcoming appointments and new notifications. You can also open the calendar by pressing 
<keyseq><key>Super</key><key>M</key></keyseq>. You can access the date and time settings and open your full 
<app>Evolution</app> calendar directly from the menu."
 msgstr "トップバーの時計を開くと、現在日付や、月ごとのカレンダー、また今後の予定について確認できます。また、直接このメニューから、日付と時刻の設定画面を開いたり、<app>Evolution</app> 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "<link xref=\"clock-calendar\">Learn more about the calendar and appointments.</link>"
 msgstr "<link xref=\"clock-calendar\">カレンダーと予定についてもっと詳しく。</link>"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "<link xref=\"shell-notifications\">Learn more about notifications and the message tray.</link>"
+msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-notifications\">通知メッセージとメッセージトレイについてもっと詳しく。</link>"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
 msgid "You and your computer"
 msgstr "あなた、およびお使いのコンピューターについて"
@@ -11321,22 +11845,6 @@ msgid "<link xref=\"shell-lockscreen\">Learn more about the lock screen.</link>"
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-lockscreen\">ロック画面についてもっと詳しく。</link>"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
-msgid "Message Tray"
-msgstr "メッセージトレイ"
-#. (itstool) path: media/p
-msgid "Message tray"
-msgstr "メッセージトレイ"
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "The message tray can be brought into view by pushing your mouse pointer against the bottom of the 
screen or by pressing <keyseq><key>Super</key><key>M</key></keyseq>. This is where your notifications are 
stored until you are ready to view them."
-msgstr "メッセージトレイは、マウスポインターを画面下部に対してしばらく押し続けるか、あるいは <keyseq><key>Super</key><key>M</key></keyseq> 
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "<link xref=\"shell-notifications\">Learn more about notifications and the message tray.</link>"
-msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-notifications\">通知メッセージとメッセージトレイについてもっと詳しく。</link>"
-#. (itstool) path: section/title
 #. (itstool) path: media/p
 msgid "Window List"
 msgstr "ウィンドウの一覧"
@@ -11352,10 +11860,6 @@ msgid "<link xref=\"shell-windows-switching\">Learn more about switching windows
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-windows-switching\">ウィンドウの切り替えについてもっと詳しく。</link>"
 #. (itstool) path: when/p
-msgid "At the right-hand side of the window list, GNOME displays a short identifier for the current 
worskpace, such as <gui>1</gui> for the first (top) workspace. In addition, the identifier also displays the 
total number of available workspaces. To switch to a different workspace, you can click the identifier and 
select the workspace you want to use from the menu."
-msgstr "ウィンドウ一覧の右側に、現在のワークスペースを示すインジケーターが表示されます。たとえば最初 (先頭) のワークスペースの場合、<gui>1</gui> 
-#. (itstool) path: when/p
 msgid "If an application or a system component wants to get your attention, it will display a blue icon at 
the right-hand side of the window list. Clicking the blue icon shows the message tray."
 msgstr "アプリケーションやシステムコンポーネントがユーザーへ注意喚起をする場合に、青いアイコンをウィンドウ一覧の右側に表示します。青いアイコンを押すとメッセージトレイが表示されます。"
@@ -11404,14 +11908,12 @@ msgid "This shortcut uses <key>`</key> on US keyboards, where the <key>`</key> k
 msgstr "このショートカットでは、US キーボードの <key>`</key> を使って説明しています。US キーボードでは <key>`</key> キーは <key>Tab</key> 
の上段に配置されています。他のすべてのキーボードにおいて、このショートカットは、<key>Super</key> に <key>Tab</key> の上のキーを組み合わせたものを意味しています。"
 #. (itstool) path: td/p
-msgid "Give keyboard focus to the top bar. In the <gui>Activities</gui> overview, switch keyboard focus 
between the top bar, dash, windows overview, applications list, and search field. Use the arrow keys to 
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Give keyboard focus to the top bar. In the <gui>Activities</gui> overview, switch keyboard focus 
between the top bar, dash, windows overview, applications list, and search field. Use the arrow keys to 
+msgid "Give keyboard focus to the top bar. In the <gui>Activities</gui> overview, switch keyboard focus 
between the top bar, dash, windows overview, applications list, search field, and message tray. Use the arrow 
keys to navigate."
 #. (itstool) path: td/p
-msgid "It is not currently possible to use the arrow keys to navigate the windows overview. To switch 
windows, exit the overview and use <keyseq><key>Super</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq> and 
 と <keyseq><key>Super</key><key>`</key></keyseq> を使います。"
-#. (itstool) path: td/p
 msgid "Show the list of applications."
 msgstr "アプリケーション一覧を表示します。"
@@ -11432,7 +11934,9 @@ msgid "<link xref=\"shell-workspaces-movewindow\">Move the current window to a d
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-workspaces-movewindow\">現在のウィンドウを別のワークスペースへ移します</link>。"
 #. (itstool) path: td/p
-msgid "<link xref=\"shell-exit\">Log out</link>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<link xref=\"shell-exit\">Log out</link>."
+msgid "<link xref=\"shell-exit\">Power Off</link>."
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-exit\">ログアウトします</link>。"
 #. (itstool) path: td/p
@@ -11440,7 +11944,9 @@ msgid "<link xref=\"shell-exit#lock-screen\">Lock the screen.</link>"
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-exit#lock-screen\">画面をロックします</link>。"
 #. (itstool) path: td/p
-msgid "Open <link xref=\"shell-notifications#messagingtray\">the message tray</link>. Press 
<keyseq><key>Super</key><key>M</key></keyseq> again or <key>Esc</key> to close."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Open <link xref=\"shell-notifications#messagingtray\">the message tray</link>. Press 
<keyseq><key>Super</key><key>M</key></keyseq> again or <key>Esc</key> to close."
+msgid "Open <link xref=\"shell-notifications#messagetray\">the message tray</link>. Press 
<keyseq><key>Super</key><key>M</key></keyseq> again or <key>Esc</key> to close."
 msgstr "<link 
を再度押すか、<key>Esc</key> を押すと閉じます。"
 #. (itstool) path: table/title
@@ -11554,7 +12060,7 @@ msgid "the ability to control media playback - change the volume, skip a track o
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "To unlock your computer, raise the lock screen curtain by dragging it upward with the cursor, or by 
pressing <key>Esc</key> or <key>Enter</key>. This will reveal the login screen, where you can enter your 
password to unlock. You can also switch users if your computer is configured for more than one."
+msgid "To unlock your computer, raise the lock screen curtain by dragging it upward with the cursor, or by 
pressing <key>Esc</key> or <key>Enter</key>. This will reveal the login screen, where you can enter your 
password to unlock. Alternatively, just start typing your password and the curtain will be automatically 
raised as you type. You can also switch users if your computer is configured for more than one."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: media
@@ -11580,7 +12086,9 @@ msgid "Marina Zhurakhinskaya"
 msgstr "Marina Zhurakhinskaya"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Messages pop-up at the bottom of the screen telling you when certain events happen."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Messages pop-up at the bottom of the screen telling you when certain events happen."
+msgid "Messages drop down from the top of the screen telling you when certain events happen."
 msgstr "何か起きると、画面低部にメッセージがポップアップしてユーザーに知らせます。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
@@ -11592,18 +12100,18 @@ msgid "What is a notification?"
 msgstr "通知メッセージとは何か"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "If an application or a system component wants to get your attention, a notification will be shown at 
the bottom of the screen."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If an application or a system component wants to get your attention, a notification will be shown 
at the bottom of the screen."
+msgid "If an application or a system component wants to get your attention, a notification will be shown at 
the top of the screen."
 msgstr "アプリケーションやシステムコンポーネントが、ユーザーへ注意喚起をする場合に通知メッセージが画面低部に表示されます。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "For example, if you get a new chat message, plug in an external device (like a USB stick), new 
updates are available for your computer, or your computer’s battery is low, you will get a notification 
informing you."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "For example, if you get a new chat message, plug in an external device (like a USB stick), new 
updates are available for your computer, or your computer’s battery is low, you will get a notification 
informing you."
+msgid "For example, if you get a new chat message, new updates are available for your computer, or your 
computer’s battery is low, you will get a notification informing you."
 msgstr "たとえば、チャットで新しいメッセージを受け取った、外部デバイス (USB メモリなど) 
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "To minimize distraction, some notifications first appear as a single line. You can move your mouse 
over them to see their full content."
-msgstr "できるだけユーザーの気を散らさないように、通知によっては、まず 1 行のメッセージとして表示されるものもあります。メッセージの箇所にマウスを合わせれば、通知内容の全文を確認できます。"
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Other notifications have selectable option buttons. To close one of these notifications without 
selecting one of its options, click the close button."
 msgstr "他には、選択可能なオプションボタンのある通知もあります。オプションを選択せずに通知を閉じるには、通知メッセージの任意の箇所をクリックします。"
@@ -11618,7 +12126,7 @@ msgstr "メッセージトレイ"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "The message tray gives you a way to get back to your notifications when it is convenient for you. It 
appears when you move your mouse to the bottom-right corner of the screen, or press <keyseq><key 
xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key><key>M</key></keyseq>. The message tray contains all the notifications 
that you have not acted upon or that permanently reside in it."
+msgid "The message tray gives you a way to get back to your notifications when it is convenient for you. It 
appears when you click on the clock, or press <keyseq><key 
xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key><key>M</key></keyseq>. The message tray contains all the notifications 
that you have not acted upon or that permanently reside in it."
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
@@ -11636,12 +12144,6 @@ msgstr "メッセージトレイ中のアイテムをクリックすると、該
 msgid "You can close the message tray by pressing <keyseq><key>Super</key><key>M</key></keyseq> again or 
 msgstr "キーボードを使ってウィンドウを最大化することもできます。<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Space</key></keyseq> 
を押してウィンドウメニューを開き、<key>x</key> を押してください。"
-#. (itstool) path: note/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "If the <link xref=\"keyboard-osk\">screen keyboard</link> is open, you'll need to click the 
<gui>tray button</gui> to show the message tray."
-msgid "If the <link xref=\"keyboard-osk\">screen keyboard</link> is open, you will need to click the 
<gui>tray button</gui> to show the message tray."
-msgstr "<link xref=\"keyboard-osk\">スクリーンキーボード</link> を使用している場合は、<gui>トレイボタン</gui>をクリックしてメッセージトレイを表示してください。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
 msgid "Hiding notifications"
 msgstr "通知メッセージを非表示にする"
@@ -11655,7 +12157,7 @@ msgstr "何か作業をしている最中に邪魔をされたくない場合、
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</link> overview and make sure you're looking 
at the <gui>Windows</gui> view."
-msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>ウィンドウ</gui>ビューを表示します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -11665,12 +12167,12 @@ msgstr "サイドバーの<gui>ゴミ箱</gui>をクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Switch <gui>Show Pop Up Banners</gui> to <gui>Off</gui>."
+msgid "Switch <gui>Show Pop Up Banners</gui> to <gui>OFF</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>ホバークリック</gui>をオンにします。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "When switched off, most notifications will not pop up at the bottom of the screen. Very important 
notifications, such as when your battery is critically low, will still pop up. Notifications will still be 
available in the messaging tray when you display it (by moving your mouse to the bottom of the screen, or by 
pressing <keyseq><key>Super</key><key>M</key></keyseq>), and they will start popping up again when you switch 
the toggle to <gui>ON</gui> again."
+msgid "When switched off, most notifications will not pop up at the bottom of the screen. Very important 
notifications, such as when your battery is critically low, will still pop up. Notifications will still be 
available in the message tray when you display it (by moving your mouse to the bottom of the screen, or by 
pressing <keyseq><key>Super</key><key>M</key></keyseq>), and they will start popping up again when you switch 
the toggle to <gui>ON</gui> again."
 #. (itstool) path: info/title
@@ -11679,166 +12181,28 @@ msgid "Desktop"
 msgstr "デスクトップ"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "<link xref=\"shell-introduction\">Introduction</link>, <link 
xref=\"shell-keyboard-shortcuts\">keyboard shortcuts</link>, <link xref=\"clock-calendar\">calendar</link>, 
<link xref=\"shell-notifications\">notifications</link>…"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<link xref=\"shell-introduction\">Introduction</link>, <link 
xref=\"shell-keyboard-shortcuts\">keyboard shortcuts</link>, <link xref=\"clock-calendar\">calendar</link>, 
<link xref=\"shell-notifications\">notifications</link>…"
+msgid "<link xref=\"clock-calendar\">Calendar</link>, <link 
xref=\"shell-notifications\">notifications</link>, <link xref=\"shell-keyboard-shortcuts\">keyboard 
shortcuts</link>, <link xref=\"shell-windows\">windows and workspaces</link>…"
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-introduction\">はじめに</link>, <link 
xref=\"shell-keyboard-shortcuts\">キーボードショートカット</link>, <link xref=\"clock-calendar\">スケジュール表</link>, <link 
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "Desktop, apps &amp; windows"
-msgstr "デスクトップ、アプリ、およびウィンドウ"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Share your desktop"
+msgid "Your desktop"
+msgstr "デスクトップを共有する"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
-msgid "The Desktop"
-msgstr "デスクトップ"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Share your desktop"
+msgid "Customise your desktop"
+msgstr "デスクトップを共有する"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
 msgid "Applications and windows"
 msgstr "アプリケーションとウィンドウ"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "An overview of terms used to describe different parts of the desktop."
-msgstr "デスクトップの各部品の説明に使われる用語の概要です。"
-#. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "Activities, dash, top bar… What are they?"
-msgstr "アクティビティ、ダッシュボード、トップバー... それは何ですか?"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "The <em>activities overview</em> is the screen that's displayed when you click on 
<gui>Activities</gui> at the top left of the screen."
-msgid "The <em><gui>Activities</gui> overview</em> is the screen that is displayed when you click 
<gui>Activities</gui> at the top left of the screen."
-msgstr "<em>アクティビティ画面</em>とは、デスクトップ左上の<gui>アクティビティ</gui>ボタンをクリックすると表示される画面のことです。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "The <em>activities overview</em> is the screen that's displayed when you click on 
<gui>Activities</gui> at the top left of the screen."
-msgid "The <em><gui>Activities</gui> overview</em> is the screen that is displayed when you select 
<gui>Activities Overview</gui> in the <gui>Applications</gui> menu at the top left of the screen."
-msgstr "<em>アクティビティ画面</em>とは、デスクトップ左上の<gui>アクティビティ</gui>ボタンをクリックすると表示される画面のことです。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/title
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Applications and windows"
-msgid "Applications menu"
-msgstr "アプリケーションとウィンドウ"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "You can find the <gui>Applications</gui> menu at the at the top left of the screen. It gives you 
access to applications organized into categories. The <em>activities overview</em> is available by selecting 
the <gui>Activities Overview</gui> item from the menu."
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: item/title
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Alt-Tab window switcher"
-msgid "Super-Tab window switcher"
-msgstr "Alt-Tab ウィンドウスイッチャー"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "When you hold down the <key>Alt</key> key and then press <key>Tab</key>, a <em>window 
switcher</em> appears. This shows the icons of the applications you have currently open."
-msgid "When you hold down the <key xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key> key and then press 
<key>Tab</key>, a <em>window switcher</em> appears. This shows the applications that are currently open."
-msgstr "<key>Alt</key> キーを押しながら <key>Tab</key> 
-#. (itstool) path: item/title
-msgid "Dash"
-msgstr "ダッシュボード"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "The <em>dash</em> is the list of your favorite applications that is shown on the left-hand side of 
the activities overview. Applications that are currently running are also shown here. The dash is sometimes 
referred to as the <em>dock</em>."
-msgid "The <em>dash</em> is the list of your favorite applications that is shown on the left-hand side of 
the <gui>Activities</gui> overview. Applications that are currently running are also shown here. The dash is 
sometimes referred to as the <em>dock</em>."
-#. (itstool) path: item/title
-msgid "Hot corner"
-msgstr "ホットコーナー"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "The <em>hot corner</em> is the corner at the top left of the screen. When you move the pointer to 
this corner, the activities overview opens."
-msgid "The <em>hot corner</em> is the corner at the top left of the screen. When you move the pointer to 
this corner, the <gui>Activities</gui> overview opens."
-msgstr "<em>ホットコーナー</em>とは、画面左上の角のことです。ここにマウスポインターを持っていくと、アクティビティ画面が開きます。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "The <em>lock screen</em> displays an image on the screen while your computer is locked. It provides 
useful information about what has been happening while you have been away, and allows you to control media 
playback without having to unlock."
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: item/title
-msgid "Notifications"
-msgstr "通知メッセージ"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "<em>Notifications</em> are messages that pop up at the bottom of the screen, telling you that 
something just happened. For example, when someone chatting with you sends a message, a notification will pop 
up to tell you. If you don't want to deal with a message right now, it is hidden in your message tray. Move 
your mouse to the bottom of the screen (or press <keyseq><key 
xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key><key>M</key></keyseq>) to see your message tray."
-#. (itstool) path: item/title
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "User menu"
-msgid "Places menu"
-msgstr "ユーザーメニュー"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "The <em>places menu</em> is opened when you click <gui>Places</gui> on the <gui>top bar</gui>. It 
gives you quick access to important folders, for example <gui>Downloads</gui> or <gui>Pictures</gui>."
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: item/title
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Settings"
-msgstr "設定"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "The <em>settings</em> are where you can change preferences and so on, similar to the Control Panel in 
Windows or the System Preferences in Mac OS. Click the system menu on the right side of the top bar and press 
the <gui>Settings</gui> button to access them. Alternatively, you can open the <gui>Activities</gui> overview 
and start typing <gui>Settings</gui>, then select the <gui>Settings</gui> panel."
-msgstr "<em>システム設定</em>とは、設定の変更などを行うメニューです。Windows の「コントロール パネル」や Mac OS 
-#. (itstool) path: item/title
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "System"
-msgid "System menu"
-msgstr "システム"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "The <em>system menu</em> is on the right side of the top bar. You can update some of your settings, 
find information about your <gui>Wi-Fi</gui> connection, switch user, log out and turn off your computer from 
this menu."
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: item/title
-msgid "Top bar"
-msgstr "トップバー"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "The <em>top bar</em> is the bar that runs along the very top of the screen. The 
<gui>Activities</gui> link is on one end of the top bar and your username is on the other."
-msgid "The <em>top bar</em> is the bar that runs along the very top of the screen. The <gui>Activities</gui> 
link is on one end of the top bar and the system menu is on the other."
-msgstr "<em>トップバー</em>とは、画面最上部に渡るバーのことです。トップバーの片方の端には<gui>アクティビティ</gui>ボタンが配置され、その反対側にはユーザーの名前が表示されています。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "The <em>top bar</em> is the bar that runs along the very top of the screen. The 
<gui>Activities</gui> link is on one end of the top bar and your username is on the other."
-msgid "The <em>top bar</em> is the bar that runs along the very top of the screen. The 
<gui>Applications</gui> menu is on one end of the top bar and the system menu is on the other."
-msgstr "<em>トップバー</em>とは、画面最上部に渡るバーのことです。トップバーの片方の端には<gui>アクティビティ</gui>ボタンが配置され、その反対側にはユーザーの名前が表示されています。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/title
-msgid "Workspace"
-msgstr "ワークスペース"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "You can put windows on different <em>workspaces</em>. They are a convenient way of grouping and 
separating windows."
-msgstr "別々の<em>ワークスペース</em>にウィンドウを配置することができます。ウィンドウをまとめたり、分けたりするのに便利な方法です。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/title
-#. (itstool) path: media/p
-msgid "Workspace selector"
-msgstr "ワークスペースセレクター"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "The <em>workspace selector</em> is the list of workspaces that is shown on the right-hand side of 
the <gui>Windows</gui> view in the activities overview."
-msgid "The <em>workspace selector</em> is the list of workspaces that is shown on the right-hand side of the 
<gui>Windows</gui> view in the <gui>Activities</gui> overview."
-msgstr "<em>ワークスペースセレクター</em>とは、アクティビティ画面の<gui>ウィンドウ</gui>ビュー右側に表示される、ワークスペースの一覧です。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "The <em>window list</em> is the bar at the very bottom of the screen, which shows buttons for all 
your open windows."
-msgstr ""
-#. (itstool) path: info/desc
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Check the activities overview or other workspaces."
 msgid "Check the <gui>Activities</gui> overview or other workspaces."
@@ -11851,18 +12215,18 @@ msgstr "見失ったウィンドウを探しだす"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "A window on a different workspace, or hidden behind another window, is easily found using the 
<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">activities overview</link>:"
-msgid "A window on a different workspace, or hidden behind another window, is easily found using the <link 
xref=\"shell-terminology\"><gui>Activities</gui> overview</link>:"
+msgid "A window on a different workspace, or hidden behind another window, is easily found using the <gui 
xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview:"
 msgstr "別のワークスペースのウィンドウや、他のウィンドウの下に隠れているウィンドウは、<link 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Open the <em><gui>Activities</gui> overview</em>. If the missing window is on the current <link 
xref=\"shell-windows#working-with-workspaces\">workspace</link>, it will be shown here in thumbnail. Simply 
click the thumbnail to redisplay the window, or"
+msgid "Open the <gui>Activities</gui> overview. If the missing window is on the current <link 
xref=\"shell-windows#working-with-workspaces\">workspace</link>, it will be shown here in thumbnail. Simply 
click the thumbnail to redisplay the window, or"
 msgstr "アクティビティ画面を開き、<gui>ウィンドウ</gui>ビューを選択します。お探しのウィンドウが、現在の<link 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Click on the different workspaces in the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">workspace 
selector</link> on the right-hand side of the screen to try to find your window, or"
-msgid "Click different workspaces in the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">workspace selector</link> at the 
right-hand side of the screen to try to find your window, or"
+msgid "Click different workspaces in the <link xref=\"shell-workspaces\">workspace selector</link> at the 
right-hand side of the screen to try to find your window, or"
 msgstr "アクティビティ画面右側の<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">ワークスペースセレクター</link>から別のワークスペースをクリックし、ウィンドウを探してみてください。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -11878,7 +12242,7 @@ msgstr "ウィンドウスイッチャーを使う方法は次のとおりです
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Press <keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq> to display the window switcher. Continue to 
hold down the <key>Alt</key> key and press <key>Tab</key> to cycle through the open windows, or 
<keyseq><key>Shift</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq> to cycle backwards."
-msgid "Press <keyseq><key xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key><key>Tab</key> </keyseq> to display the 
<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">window switcher</link>. Continue to hold down the <key>Super</key> key and 
press <key>Tab</key> to cycle through the open windows, or <keyseq><key>Shift</key><key>Tab</key> </keyseq> 
to cycle backwards."
+msgid "Press <keyseq><key xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq> to display the 
<link xref=\"shell-windows-switching\">window switcher</link>. Continue to hold down the <key>Super</key> key 
and press <key>Tab</key> to cycle through the open windows, or <keyseq><key>Shift</key><key>Tab</key> 
</keyseq> to cycle backwards."
 msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq> を押して、ウィンドウスイッチャーを表示します。<key>Alt</key> キーを押しながら 
<key>Tab</key> を押すとウィンドウが順に切り替わります。<keyseq><key>Shift</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq> を押すとその逆順に切り替わります。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -11914,7 +12278,9 @@ msgid "To restore a window to its unmaximized size, drag it away from the edges
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "Hold down the <key>Alt</key> key and drag anywhere in a window to move it."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Hold down the <key>Alt</key> key and drag anywhere in a window to move it."
+msgid "Hold down the <key>Super</key> key and drag anywhere in a window to move it."
 msgstr "<key>Alt</key> キーを押しながらウィンドウの任意の場所をドラッグすることで、ウィンドウを移動することができます。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -11932,7 +12298,9 @@ msgid "You can move and resize windows to help you work more efficiently. In add
 msgstr "ウィンドウの移動やサイズ変更をすることで、より効率的に作業できるようになります。ドラッグによる移動やサイズ変更についてはご存知でしょうが、方法はそれだけではありません。GNOME 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Move a window by dragging the titlebar, or hold down <key>Alt</key> and drag anywhere in the window. 
Hold down <key>Shift</key> while moving to snap the window to the edges of the screen and other windows."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Move a window by dragging the titlebar, or hold down <key>Alt</key> and drag anywhere in the 
window. Hold down <key>Shift</key> while moving to snap the window to the edges of the screen and other 
+msgid "Move a window by dragging the titlebar, or hold down <key xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key> and 
drag anywhere in the window. Hold down <key>Shift</key> while moving to snap the window to the edges of the 
screen and other windows."
 msgstr "ウィンドウを移動するには、タイトルバーをドラッグするか、あるいは <key>Alt</key> キーを押しながらウィンドウの任意の箇所をドラッグします。<key>Shift</key> 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -11964,7 +12332,7 @@ msgstr "ウィンドウを切り替える"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Including all applications in the <gui>window switcher</gui> makes switching between tasks a 
single-step process and provides a full picture of which applications are running."
-msgid "You can see all the running applications that have a graphical user interface in the <link 
xref=\"shell-terminology\"><em>window switcher</em></link>. This makes switching between tasks a single-step 
process and provides a full picture of which applications are running."
+msgid "You can see all the running applications that have a graphical user interface in the <em>window 
switcher</em>. This makes switching between tasks a single-step process and provides a full picture of which 
applications are running."
 msgstr "すべてのアプリケーションが<gui>ウィンドウスイッチャー</gui>に表示されるため、タスクの切り替えがシングルステップで実行でき、また、起動中のアプリケーションの一覧を確認することもできます。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -12005,20 +12373,18 @@ msgstr "ウィンドウスイッチャー上のウィンドウはアプリケー
 msgid "In the window switcher, applications from different workspaces are divided by vertical separators."
 msgstr "ウィンドウスイッチャーでは、異なるワークスペースで開いているアプリケーションは縦線で区切られて表示されます。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
 msgid "You can also move between the application icons in the window switcher with the <key>→</key> or 
<key>←</key> keys, or select one by clicking it with the mouse."
 msgstr "<key>→</key> あるいは <key>←</key> キーでウィンドウスイッチャー上のアプリケーションアイコンを移動したり、あるいはマウスでクリックして選択することもできます。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
 msgid "Previews of applications with a single window can be displayed with the <key>↓</key> key."
 msgstr "ウィンドウを 1 つだけ持つアプリケーションのプレビューは、<key>↓</key> キーを押すと表示されます。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "From the <gui>Activities</gui> overview:"
-msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面で次の操作を実行します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click on a <link xref=\"shell-windows\">window</link> to switch to it and leave the overview. If you 
have multiple <link xref=\"shell-windows#working-with-workspaces\">workspaces</link> open, you can click on 
each workspace to view the open windows on each workspace."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click on a <link xref=\"shell-windows\">window</link> to switch to it and leave the overview. If 
you have multiple <link xref=\"shell-windows#working-with-workspaces\">workspaces</link> open, you can click 
on each workspace to view the open windows on each workspace."
+msgid "From the <gui>Activities</gui> overview, click on a <link xref=\"shell-windows\">window</link> to 
switch to it and leave the overview. If you have multiple <link 
xref=\"shell-windows#working-with-workspaces\">workspaces</link> open, you can click on each workspace to 
view the open windows on each workspace."
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -12036,13 +12402,17 @@ msgstr "ウィンドウを画面の左右半分に最大化できます。2 つ
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "To maximize a window along a side of the screen, grab the titlebar and drag it to the left or 
right side until half of the screen is highlighted. Using the keyboard, hold down the <link 
xref=\"windows-key\">Super key</link> and press the <key>Left</key> or <key>Right</key> key."
-msgid "To maximize a window along a side of the screen, grab the titlebar and drag it to the left or right 
side until half of the screen is highlighted. Using the keyboard, hold down the <link 
xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super key</link> and press the <key>Left</key> or <key>Right</key> key."
+msgid "To maximize a window along a side of the screen, grab the titlebar and drag it to the left or right 
side until half of the screen is highlighted. Using the keyboard, hold down <key 
xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key> and press the <key>Left</key> or <key>Right</key> key."
 msgstr "ウィンドウを画面片側に最大化するには、タイトルバーをつかみ、左右どちらかの側に画面半分がハイライト表示されるまでドラッグします。キーボードを使う場合は、<link 
xref=\"windows-key\">Super キー</link>を押しながら <key>←</key> あるいは <key>→</key> キーを押します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 msgid "To restore a window to its original size, drag it away from the side of the screen, or use the same 
keyboard shortcut you used to maximize."
 msgstr "ウィンドウを元のサイズに戻すには、ウィンドウをドラッグして画面片側から引き離します。あるいは、片側に最大化するのに使用したものと同じショートカットが使用できます。"
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+msgid "Hold down the <key>Alt</key> key and drag anywhere in a window to move it."
+msgstr "<key>Alt</key> キーを押しながらウィンドウの任意の場所をドラッグすることで、ウィンドウを移動することができます。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Move and organize your windows."
 msgstr "ウィンドウを移動および整理します。"
@@ -12054,7 +12424,7 @@ msgstr "ウィンドウとワークスペース"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Like other desktops, Gnome uses windows to display your running applications. Using both the 
<gui>overview</gui> and the <gui>dash</gui>, you can launch new applications and control which window is 
-msgid "Like other desktops, GNOME uses windows to display your running applications. Using both the 
<gui>Activities</gui> overview and the <gui>dash</gui>, you can launch new applications and control active 
+msgid "Like other desktops, GNOME uses windows to display your running applications. Using both the <gui 
xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and the <em>dash</em>, you can launch new 
applications and control active windows."
 msgstr "他のデスクトップ環境と同様に、GNOME 
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -12098,12 +12468,14 @@ msgstr "マウスを使う方法:"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities overview</link>."
-msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\"><gui>Activities</gui> overview</link>."
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview."
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ画面</link>を開きます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities Overview</gui> from the <link 
xref=\"shell-terminology\"><gui style=\"menu\">Applications</gui> menu</link> at the top left of the screen."
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The <em>activities overview</em> is the screen that's displayed when you click on 
<gui>Activities</gui> at the top left of the screen."
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities Overview</gui> from the <gui 
xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Applications</gui> menu at the top left of the screen."
+msgstr "<em>アクティビティ画面</em>とは、デスクトップ左上の<gui>アクティビティ</gui>ボタンをクリックすると表示される画面のことです。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "Click and drag the window toward the right of the screen."
@@ -12112,7 +12484,7 @@ msgstr "ウィンドウをマウスで選択し、画面右側へドラッグし
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "The <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">workspace selector</link> will appear."
-msgid "The <em xref=\"shell-terminology\">workspace selector</em> will appear."
+msgid "The <em xref=\"shell-workspaces\">workspace selector</em> will appear."
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">ワークスペースセレクター</link>が表示されます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -12135,7 +12507,7 @@ msgstr "キーボードを使う方法:"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Select the window you want to move (e.g. using the <keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq> 
<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">window switcher</link>)."
-msgid "Select the window that you want to move (for example, using the <keyseq><key 
xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq> <em xref=\"shell-terminology\">window 
+msgid "Select the window that you want to move (for example, using the <keyseq><key 
xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq> <em xref=\"shell-windows-switching\">window 
 msgstr "移動するウィンドウを選択します (たとえば、<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq> 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -12161,19 +12533,13 @@ msgid "Switch between workspaces"
 msgstr "ワークスペースを切り替える"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities overview</link>."
-msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\"> <gui>Activities</gui> overview</link>."
-msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ画面</link>を開きます。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "At the top left of the screen, click the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\"><gui>Applications</gui> 
menu</link> and choose <gui>Activities Overview</gui>."
+msgid "At the top left of the screen, click the <gui 
xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Applications</gui> menu and choose <gui>Activities Overview</gui>."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Click on the different workspaces in the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">workspace 
selector</link> on the right-hand side of the screen to try to find your window, or"
-msgid "Click on a workspace in the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">workspace selector</link> on the right 
side of the screen to view the open windows on that workspace."
+msgid "Click on a workspace in the <link xref=\"shell-workspaces\">workspace selector</link> on the right 
side of the screen to view the open windows on that workspace."
 msgstr "アクティビティ画面右側の<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">ワークスペースセレクター</link>から別のワークスペースをクリックし、ウィンドウを探してみてください。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -12216,6 +12582,10 @@ msgstr "ワークスペースを使って、デスクトップのウィンドウ
 msgid "What is a workspace, and how will it help me?"
 msgstr "ワークスペースとは何ですか? 何の役に立ちますか?"
+#. (itstool) path: media/p
+msgid "Workspace selector"
+msgstr "ワークスペースセレクター"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Workspaces refer to the grouping of windows on your desktop. You can create many workspaces, which 
act like virtual desktops. Workspaces are meant to reduce clutter and make the desktop easier to navigate."
@@ -12238,7 +12608,7 @@ msgstr "ワークスペースの使い方:"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "In the <gui>Activities</gui> overview, move your cursor to the right-most side of the screen."
+msgid "In the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview, move your cursor to the 
right-most side of the screen."
 msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面で次の操作を実行します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -12248,19 +12618,19 @@ msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "In the <gui>Activities</gui> overview, move your cursor to the right-most side of the screen. A 
vertical panel will appear showing workspaces in use, plus an empty workspace. This is the <link 
xref=\"shell-terminology\">workspace selector</link>."
-msgid "A vertical panel will appear showing workspaces in use, plus an empty workspace. This is the <link 
xref=\"shell-terminology\">workspace selector</link>."
+msgid "A vertical panel will appear showing workspaces in use, plus an empty workspace. This is the 
workspace selector."
 msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面で、画面右端へマウスポインターを移動させます。縦方向のパネルが現れ、そこには、使用しているすべてのワークスペースに加え、空のワークスペースが 1 
つ表示されます。このパネルは<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">ワークスペースセレクター</link>と呼びます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "In the <gui>Activities</gui> overview, move your cursor to the right-most side of the screen. A 
vertical panel will appear showing workspaces in use, plus an empty workspace. This is the <link 
xref=\"shell-terminology\">workspace selector</link>."
-msgid "A vertical panel will appear showing available workspaces. This is the <link 
xref=\"shell-terminology\">workspace selector</link>."
+msgid "A vertical panel will appear showing available workspaces. This is the workspace selector."
 msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面で、画面右端へマウスポインターを移動させます。縦方向のパネルが現れ、そこには、使用しているすべてのワークスペースに加え、空のワークスペースが 1 
つ表示されます。このパネルは<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">ワークスペースセレクター</link>と呼びます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "To add a workspace, drag and drop a window from an existing workspace onto the empty workspace in 
the workspace selector. This workspace now contains the window you dropped into it, and a new empty workspace 
will appear below it."
-msgid "To add a workspace, drag and drop a window from an existing workspace onto the empty workspace in the 
<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">workspace selector</link>. This workspace now contains the window you have 
dropped, and a new empty workspace will appear below it."
+msgid "To add a workspace, drag and drop a window from an existing workspace onto the empty workspace in the 
workspace selector. This workspace now contains the window you have dropped, and a new empty workspace will 
appear below it."
 1 つ新しく追加されます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -12286,7 +12656,9 @@ msgid "Your computer will play a simple alert sound for certain types of message
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing <gui>Sound</gui>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>サウンド</gui>と入力します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -12298,11 +12670,15 @@ msgid "In the <gui>Sound Effects</gui> tab, select an alert sound. Each sound wi
 msgstr "<gui>音響効果</gui>タブで警告音を選択します。クリックして警告音を再生できます。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Use the volume slider in the <gui>Sound Effects</gui> tab to set the volume of the alert sound. This 
won't affect the volume of your music, movies, or other sound files."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Use the volume slider in the <gui>Sound Effects</gui> tab to set the volume of the alert sound. 
This won't affect the volume of your music, movies, or other sound files."
+msgid "Use the volume slider in the <gui>Sound Effects</gui> tab to set the volume of the alert sound. This 
will not affect the volume of your music, movies, or other sound files."
 msgstr "<gui>音響効果</gui>タブの音量スライダーを使い、警告音の音量を設定します。この設定は、お使いの音楽プレイヤーや動画プレイヤー、音楽ファイルの音量には影響しません。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "To disable alert sounds entirely, switch the <gui>Alert volume</gui> to <gui>Off</gui>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "To disable alert sounds entirely, switch the <gui>Alert volume</gui> to <gui>Off</gui>."
+msgid "To disable alert sounds entirely, switch the <gui>Alert volume</gui> to <gui>OFF</gui>."
 msgstr "警告音を完全に無効にするには、<gui>警告音の音量</gui>を<gui>オフ</gui>にします。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -12334,11 +12710,15 @@ msgid "Check that the speakers are plugged in correctly."
 msgstr "スピーカーが正しく接続されているか確認します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If the speakers aren't fully plugged in, or if they are plugged into the wrong socket, you might hear 
a buzzing sound."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If the speakers aren't fully plugged in, or if they are plugged into the wrong socket, you might 
hear a buzzing sound."
+msgid "If the speakers are not fully plugged in, or if they are plugged into the wrong socket, you might 
hear a buzzing sound."
 msgstr "スピーカーがしっかり挿入されていない、あるいは間違ったジャックに挿入されていると、ノイズ混じりの音声が聞こえます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Make sure the speaker/headphone cable isn't damaged."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Make sure the speaker/headphone cable isn't damaged."
+msgid "Make sure the speaker/headphone cable is not damaged."
 msgstr "スピーカーやヘッドフォンケーブルの損傷を確認します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -12346,11 +12726,15 @@ msgid "Audio cables and connectors can gradually wear with use. Try plugging the
 msgstr "オーディオケーブルとコネクターは徐々に消耗します。ケーブルあるいはヘッドフォンを別のオーディオデバイス(MP3 プレイヤーあるいは CD 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Check if the sound drivers aren't very good."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Check if the sound drivers aren't very good."
+msgid "Check if the sound drivers are not very good."
 msgstr "サウンドドライバーの品質を確認します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Some sound cards don't work very well on Linux because they don't have very good drivers. This 
problem is more difficult to identify. Try searching for the make and model of your sound card on the 
internet, plus the search term \"Linux\", to see if other people are having the same problem."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Some sound cards don't work very well on Linux because they don't have very good drivers. This 
problem is more difficult to identify. Try searching for the make and model of your sound card on the 
internet, plus the search term \"Linux\", to see if other people are having the same problem."
+msgid "Some sound cards do not work very well on Linux because they do not have very good drivers. This 
problem is more difficult to identify. Try searching for the make and model of your sound card on the 
internet, plus the search term \"Linux\", to see if other people are having the same problem."
 msgstr "サウンドカードには、Linux で動かないものがあります。よいドライバーがないからです。この問題は他の問題より、特定するのが難しいです。インターネットでサウンドカードのメーカーやモデルを 
\"Linux\" という単語と共に検索し、誰かが同じ問題を抱えていないかどうか調べます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -12358,15 +12742,21 @@ msgid "You can use the <cmd>lspci</cmd> command to get more information about yo
 msgstr "<cmd>lspci</cmd> コマンドを使うと、サウンドカードに関するより多くの情報を得ることができます。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "Check that it's not muted, that cables are plugged in properly, and that the sound card is detected."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Check that it's not muted, that cables are plugged in properly, and that the sound card is 
+msgid "Check that the sound is not muted, that cables are plugged in properly, and that the sound card is 
 msgstr "サウンドカードがミュートになっていないか、ケーブルが適切に挿入されているか、サウンドカードが検出されているか確認します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-msgid "I can't hear any sounds on the computer"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "I can't hear any sounds on the computer"
+msgid "I cannot hear any sounds on the computer"
 msgstr "コンピューターで音声を聞くことができません"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If you can't hear any sounds on your computer, for example when you try to play music, try these 
troubleshooting steps to see if you can fix the problem."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you can't hear any sounds on your computer, for example when you try to play music, try these 
troubleshooting steps to see if you can fix the problem."
+msgid "If you cannot hear any sounds on your computer, for example when you try to play music, go through 
the following troubleshooting tips."
 msgstr "コンピューターで音楽を再生した時などに何も聞こえなければ、以下のステップで問題を解決できるか試します。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -12374,95 +12764,131 @@ msgid "Make sure that the sound is not muted"
 msgstr "サウンドがミュートされていないことを確認する"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "Click the sound icon on the top bar (it looks like a speaker) and make sure that the sound is not 
muted or turned right down."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click the sound icon on the top bar (it looks like a speaker) and make sure that the sound is not 
muted or turned right down."
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#yourname\">system menu</gui> and make sure that the sound is 
not muted or turned down."
 msgstr "トップバーのサウンドアイコン(スピーカーの形)をクリックし、サウンドがミュートされていないか、オンになっているかを確認します。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "Some laptops have mute switches or keys on their keyboards—try pressing that key to see if it unmutes 
the sound."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Some laptops have mute switches or keys on their keyboards—try pressing that key to see if it 
unmutes the sound."
+msgid "Some laptops have mute switches or keys on their keyboards — try pressing that key to see if it 
unmutes the sound."
 msgstr "ラップトップには、キーボードにミュートスイッチやミュートキーがついているものがあります。そのようなキーを押し、サウンドのミュートが解除されるかどうか試します。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "You should also check that you haven't muted the application that you're using to play sound (e.g. 
your music player or movie player). The application may have a mute or volume button in its main window, so 
check that. Also, click the sound icon on the top bar and choose <gui>Sound Settings</gui>. When the 
<gui>Sound</gui> window appears, go to the <gui>Applications</gui> tab and check that your application is not 
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You should also check that you haven't muted the application that you're using to play sound (e.g. 
your music player or movie player). The application may have a mute or volume button in its main window, so 
check that. Also, click the sound icon on the top bar and choose <gui>Sound Settings</gui>. When the 
<gui>Sound</gui> window appears, go to the <gui>Applications</gui> tab and check that your application is not 
+msgid "You should also check that you have not muted the application that you are using to play sound (for 
example, your music player or movie player). The application may have a mute or volume button in its main 
window, so check that."
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Try changing the <gui>Connector</gui> option in the <gui>Output</gui> tab."
+msgid "Also, you can check the <gui>Applications</gui> tab in the <gui>Sound</gui> GUI:"
+msgstr "<gui>出力</gui>タブの<gui>コネクター</gui>オプションの変更も試します。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Open <app>Screenshot</app> from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview."
+msgid "Open <app>Settings</app> from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview."
+msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面から<app>スクリーンショット</app>を開きます。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click <gui>Add…</gui>"
+msgid "Click <gui>Sound</gui>."
+msgstr "<gui>追加…</gui>をクリックします。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "Go to the <gui>Applications</gui> tab and check that your application is not muted."
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
 msgid "Check that the speakers are turned on and connected properly"
 msgstr "スピーカーがオンであり、適切に接続されていることを確認する"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "If your computer has external speakers, make sure that they are turned on and that the volume is 
turned up. Make sure that the speaker cable is securely plugged into the \"output\" audio socket on the back 
of the computer. This socket is usually light green in color."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If your computer has external speakers, make sure that they are turned on and that the volume is 
turned up. Make sure that the speaker cable is securely plugged into the \"output\" audio socket on the back 
of the computer. This socket is usually light green in color."
+msgid "If your computer has external speakers, make sure that they are turned on and that the volume is 
turned up. Make sure that the speaker cable is securely plugged into the \"output\" audio socket on your 
computer. This socket is usually light green in color."
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "Some sound cards are able to switch which socket they use for output (to the speakers) and input 
(from a microphone, for instance). The output socket may be different when running Linux than on Windows or 
Mac OS. Try connecting the speaker cable to the different audio sockets on the computer in turn to see if 
that works."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Some sound cards are able to switch which socket they use for output (to the speakers) and input 
(from a microphone, for instance). The output socket may be different when running Linux than on Windows or 
Mac OS. Try connecting the speaker cable to the different audio sockets on the computer in turn to see if 
that works."
+msgid "Some sound cards can switch between the socket they use for output (to the speakers) and the socket 
for input (from a microphone, for instance). The output socket may be different when running Linux, Windows 
or Mac OS. Try connecting the speaker cable to a different audio socket on your computer."
 msgstr "サウンドカードには、スピーカーへの出力のために使うジャックとマイクなどからの入力のためのジャックを、それぞれ変更できるものがあります。出力ジャックは Linux と、Windows あるいは Mac 
OS とで異なる場合があります。スピーカーケーブルをコンピューターのオーディオジャックに順番に挿入し、音声が出力されるかどうか試します。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "A final thing to check is that the audio cable is securely plugged into the back of the speakers. 
Some speakers have more than one input too."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "A final thing to check is that the audio cable is securely plugged into the back of the speakers. 
Some speakers have more than one input too."
+msgid "A final thing to check is that the audio cable is securely plugged into the back of the speakers. 
Some speakers have more than one input, too."
 msgstr "最後にオーディオケーブルがスピーカーの背面にしっかり挿入されているか確認します。スピーカーのなかには、1つ以上の入力を持つものがあります。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
-msgid "Check that the right sound device is selected"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Check that the right sound device is selected"
+msgid "Check that the correct sound device is selected"
 msgstr "正しいサウンドデバイスが選択されていることを確認する"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "Some computers have multiple \"sound devices\" installed. Some of these are capable of outputting 
sound and some are not, so you should check that you have the correct one selected. This might involve some 
trial-and-error to choose the right one."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Some computers have multiple \"sound devices\" installed. Some of these are capable of outputting 
sound and some are not, so you should check that you have the correct one selected. This might involve some 
trial-and-error to choose the right one."
+msgid "Some computers have multiple \"sound devices\" installed. Some of these are capable of outputting 
sound and some are not, so you should check that you have the correct sound device selected. This might 
involve some trial-and-error to choose the right one."
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Click the sound icon on the top bar and select <gui>Sound Settings</gui>."
-msgstr "トップバーのユーザー名の箇所をクリックし、<gui>システム設定</gui>を選択します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "In the <gui>Sound</gui> window that appears, go to the <gui>Output</gui> tab. Make a note of which 
device and which profile are selected (so you can return to the default selections if changing them doesn't 
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "For the selected device, try changing the profile—play a sound after you change the profile to see if 
it works. You might need to go through the list and try each profile."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "For the selected device, try changing the profile—play a sound after you change the profile to see 
if it works. You might need to go through the list and try each profile."
+msgid "In the <gui>Output</gui> tab, change the <gui>Profile</gui> settings for the selected device and play 
a sound to see if it works. You might need to go through the list and try each profile."
 msgstr "試しに、選択しているデバイスのプロファイルを変更します。プロファイルを変更したらサウンドを再生し、音声が出力されるかどうかを確認します。リストにあるプロファイルをひとつひとつ試す必要があるでしょう。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If that doesn't work, you might want to try doing the same for any other devices that are listed."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If that doesn't work, you might want to try doing the same for any other devices that are listed."
+msgid "If that does not work, you might want to try doing the same for any other devices that are listed."
 msgstr "もし動くものがなければ、同じことを、リストにある他のデバイスに対しても試します。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Try changing the <gui>Connector</gui> option in the <gui>Output</gui> tab."
-msgstr "<gui>出力</gui>タブの<gui>コネクター</gui>オプションの変更も試します。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
 msgid "Check that the sound card was detected properly"
 msgstr "サウンドカードが適切に検出されていることを確認する"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "Your sound card may not have been detected properly. If this has happened, your computer will think 
that it isn't able to play sound. A possible reason for the card not being detected properly is that the 
drivers for the card are not installed."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If your sound card is not detected, you may need to manually install the drivers for it. How you 
do this will depend on the card you have."
+msgid "Your sound card may not have been detected properly probably because the drivers for the card are not 
installed. You may need to install the drivers for the card manually. How you do this depends on the type of 
the card."
+msgstr "サウンドカードが検出されていなかったら、手動によるドライバーのインストールが必要になることもあります。インストールの方法は、お使いのサウンドカードによって異なります。"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can use the <cmd>lspci</cmd> command to get more information about your sound card."
+msgid "Run the <cmd>lspci</cmd> command in the Terminal to find out what sound card you have:"
+msgstr "<cmd>lspci</cmd> コマンドを使うと、サウンドカードに関するより多くの情報を得ることができます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 msgid "Go to the <gui>Activities</gui> overview and open a Terminal."
 msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面に行き、端末を開きます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Type <cmd>aplay -l</cmd> and press <key>Enter</key>."
-msgstr "<cmd>aplay -l</cmd>を入力し、<key>Enter</key>キーを押します。"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can see what sound card you have by using the <cmd>lspci</cmd> command in the Terminal. You 
may have to run <cmd>lspci</cmd> as <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">superuser</link>; either type <cmd>sudo 
lspci</cmd> and type your password, or type <cmd>su</cmd>, enter the <em>root</em> (administrative) password, 
then type <cmd>lspci</cmd>. See if an <em>audio controller</em> or <em>audio device</em> is listed—it should 
have the sound card's make and model number. <cmd>lspci -v</cmd> will show a list with more detailed 
+msgid "Run <cmd>lspci</cmd> as <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">superuser</link>; either type <cmd>sudo 
lspci</cmd> and type your password, or type <cmd>su</cmd>, enter the <em>root</em> (administrative) password, 
then type <cmd>lspci</cmd>."
+msgstr "端末で <cmd>lspci</cmd> コマンドを使い、どんなサウンドカードがあるのかをみることができます。<link 
xref=\"user-admin-explain\">管理者</link>として <cmd>lspci</cmd> を実行しなければならない場合もあります。その場合、<cmd>sudo lspci</cmd> 
を実行してユーザーのパスワードを入力するか、<cmd>su</cmd> を実行して <em>root</em>(管理者権限のある)パスワードを入力してから、<cmd>lspci</cmd> 
を実行します。<em>audio controller</em>あるいは<em>audio device</em>が表示されるか確認します。出力にはサウンドカードの製造元およびモデル番号が表示されるはずです。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "A list of devices will be shown. If there are no <gui>playback hardware devices</gui>, your sound 
card has not been detected."
-msgstr "デバイスのリストが表示されます。もし再生用ハードウェアデバイスがなければ、サウンドカードは検出されていません。"
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "If your sound card is not detected, you may need to manually install the drivers for it. How you do 
this will depend on the card you have."
-msgstr "サウンドカードが検出されていなかったら、手動によるドライバーのインストールが必要になることもあります。インストールの方法は、お使いのサウンドカードによって異なります。"
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "You can see what sound card you have by using the <cmd>lspci</cmd> command in the Terminal. You may 
have to run <cmd>lspci</cmd> as <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">superuser</link>; either type <cmd>sudo 
lspci</cmd> and type your password, or type <cmd>su</cmd>, enter the <em>root</em> (administrative) password, 
then type <cmd>lspci</cmd>. See if an <em>audio controller</em> or <em>audio device</em> is listed—it should 
have the sound card's make and model number. <cmd>lspci -v</cmd> will show a list with more detailed 
-msgstr "端末で <cmd>lspci</cmd> コマンドを使い、どんなサウンドカードがあるのかをみることができます。<link 
xref=\"user-admin-explain\">管理者</link>として <cmd>lspci</cmd> を実行しなければならない場合もあります。その場合、<cmd>sudo lspci</cmd> 
を実行してユーザーのパスワードを入力するか、<cmd>su</cmd> を実行して <em>root</em>(管理者権限のある)パスワードを入力してから、<cmd>lspci</cmd> 
を実行します。<em>audio controller</em>あるいは<em>audio device</em>が表示されるか確認します。出力にはサウンドカードの製造元およびモデル番号が表示されるはずです。"
+msgid "Check if an <em>audio controller</em> or <em>audio device</em> is listed: in such case you should see 
the make and model number of the sound card. Also, <cmd>lspci -v</cmd> shows a list with more detailed 
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "You may be able to find and install drivers for your card. It's best to ask on support forums (or 
otherwise) for your Linux distribution for instructions."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You may be able to find and install drivers for your card. It's best to ask on support forums (or 
otherwise) for your Linux distribution for instructions."
+msgid "You may be able to find and install drivers for your card. It is best to ask on support forums (or 
otherwise) for your Linux distribution for instructions."
 msgstr "サウンドカードのドライバーを見つけ、インストールできるかもしれません。最善の方法は、お使いのLinuxディストリビューションの指示に従って、サポートフォーラム(あるいはその他)に相談することです。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "If you can't get drivers for your sound card, you might prefer to buy a new sound card. You can get 
sound cards that can be installed inside the computer and external USB sound cards."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you can't get drivers for your sound card, you might prefer to buy a new sound card. You can 
get sound cards that can be installed inside the computer and external USB sound cards."
+msgid "If you cannot get drivers for your sound card, you might prefer to buy a new sound card. You can get 
sound cards that can be installed inside the computer and external USB sound cards."
 msgstr "サウンドカードのドライバーを入手することができなかったら、新しいサウンドカードを購入したくなるでしょう。コンピューターに内蔵するものや、外付けUSBサウンドカードを使うことができます。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -12478,7 +12904,9 @@ msgid "You can use an external microphone for chatting with friends, speaking wi
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If your microphone has a circular plug, just plug it into the appropriate adapter on your computer. 
Most computers have two adapters: one for microphones and one for speakers. Look for a picture of a 
microphone next to the adapter. Microphones plugged into the appropriate adapter will usually be used by 
default. If not, see the instructions below for selecting a default input device."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If your microphone has a circular plug, just plug it into the appropriate adapter on your 
computer. Most computers have two adapters: one for microphones and one for speakers. Look for a picture of a 
microphone next to the adapter. Microphones plugged into the appropriate adapter will usually be used by 
default. If not, see the instructions below for selecting a default input device."
+msgid "If your microphone has a circular plug, just plug it into the appropriate audio socket on your 
computer. Most computers have two sockets: one for microphones and one for speakers. This socket is usually 
light red in color or is accompanied by a picture of a microphone. Microphones plugged into the appropriate 
socket are usually used by default. If not, see the instructions below for selecting a default input device."
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -12506,11 +12934,15 @@ msgid "Use different speakers or headphones"
 msgstr "外部のスピーカーやヘッドフォンを使う"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "You can use external speakers or headphones with your computer. Speakers usually either connect using 
a circular TRS (<em>tip, ring, sleeve</em>) plug or with USB."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can use external speakers or headphones with your computer. Speakers usually either connect 
using a circular TRS (<em>tip, ring, sleeve</em>) plug or with USB."
+msgid "You can use external speakers or headphones with your computer. Speakers usually either connect using 
a circular TRS (<em>tip, ring, sleeve</em>) plug or a USB."
 msgstr "コンピューターで外部スピーカーやヘッドフォンを使うことができます。スピーカーの接続には通常、円形のTRS(<em>tip、ring、sleeve</em>)プラグや、USBが用いられます。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If your speakers or headphones have a TRS plug, plug it into the appropriate socket on your computer. 
Most computers have two sockets: one for microphones and one for speakers. Look for a picture of headphones 
next to the socket. Speakers or headphones plugged into a TRS socket will usually be used by default. If not, 
see the instructions below for selecting the default device."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If your speakers or headphones have a TRS plug, plug it into the appropriate socket on your 
computer. Most computers have two sockets: one for microphones and one for speakers. Look for a picture of 
headphones next to the socket. Speakers or headphones plugged into a TRS socket will usually be used by 
default. If not, see the instructions below for selecting the default device."
+msgid "If your speakers or headphones have a TRS plug, plug it into the appropriate socket on your computer. 
Most computers have two sockets: one for microphones and one for speakers. This socket is usually light green 
in color or is accompanied by a picture of headphones. Speakers or headphones plugged into a TRS socket are 
usually used by default. If not, see the instructions below for selecting the default device."
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -12538,7 +12970,9 @@ msgid "Change the sound volume"
 msgstr "サウンドの音量の変更"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "To change the sound volume, click the sound icon on the top bar (it looks like a speaker) and move 
the volume slider left or right. You can completely turn off sound by dragging the slider all the way to the 
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "To change the sound volume, click the sound icon on the top bar (it looks like a speaker) and move 
the volume slider left or right. You can completely turn off sound by dragging the slider all the way to the 
+msgid "To change the sound volume, open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#yourname\">system menu</gui> from 
the right side of the top bar and move the volume slider left or right. You can completely turn off sound by 
dragging the slider to the left."
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -12546,7 +12980,9 @@ msgid "Some keyboards have keys that let you control the volume. They normally l
 <key>Fn</key> キーを押したまま該当のキーを押して使用します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Of course, if you have external speakers, you can also change the volume using the volume control on 
the speakers themselves. Some headphones have a volume control too."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Of course, if you have external speakers, you can also change the volume using the volume control 
on the speakers themselves. Some headphones have a volume control too."
+msgid "If you have external speakers, you can also change the volume using the speakers' volume control. 
Some headphones have a volume control too."
 msgstr "もちろん、外付けスピーカーを使っている場合、スピーカー自身の音量コントローラーを用いて音量を変更することもできます。音量コントローラー付きのヘッドフォンもあります。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -12554,15 +12990,27 @@ msgid "Changing the sound volume for individual applications"
 msgstr "アプリケーションごとに音量を変更する"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "You can change the volume for one application, but leave the volume for others unchanged. This is 
useful if you're listening to music and browsing the web, for example. You might want to turn off the volume 
in the web browser so sounds from websites don't interrupt the music."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can change the volume for one application, but leave the volume for others unchanged. This is 
useful if you're listening to music and browsing the web, for example. You might want to turn off the volume 
in the web browser so sounds from websites don't interrupt the music."
+msgid "You can change the volume for one application and leave the volume for others unchanged. This is 
useful if you are listening to music and browsing the web, for example. You might want to turn off the audio 
in the web browser so sounds from websites do not interrupt the music."
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "Some applications have volume controls in their main windows. If your application has one of these, 
use that to change the volume. Otherwise, click the sound icon on the top bar and select <gui>Sound 
Settings</gui>. Go to the <gui>Applications</gui> tab and change the volume of the application there."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Some applications have volume controls in their main windows. If your application has one of 
these, use that to change the volume. Otherwise, click the sound icon on the top bar and select <gui>Sound 
Settings</gui>. Go to the <gui>Applications</gui> tab and change the volume of the application there."
+msgid "Some applications have volume controls in their main windows. If your application has its volume 
control, use that to change the volume. If not:"
-#. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "Only applications that are playing sounds will be listed. If an application is playing sounds but 
isn't listed, it might not support the feature that lets you control its volume in this way. In that case, 
you can't change its volume."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Go to the <gui>IPv4 Settings</gui> tab and change the <gui>Method</gui> to <gui>Manual</gui>."
+msgid "Go to the <gui>Applications</gui> tab and change the volume of the application listed there."
+msgstr "<gui>IPv4 設定</gui>タブを開き、<gui>メソッド</gui>を<gui>手動</gui>に変更します。"
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Only applications that are playing sounds will be listed. If an application is playing sounds but 
isn't listed, it might not support the feature that lets you control its volume in this way. In that case, 
you can't change its volume."
+msgid "Only applications that are playing sounds are listed. If an application is playing sounds but is not 
listed, it might not support the feature that lets you control its volume in this way. In such case, you 
cannot change its volume."
 #. (itstool) path: media
@@ -13029,13 +13477,15 @@ msgid "GNOME's help is being translated by a world-wide volunteer community. You
 msgstr "GNOME ヘルプは、世界中のボランティアコミュニティによって翻訳されています。お気軽にご参加ください。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "There are <link href=\"http://l10n.gnome.org/module/gnome-user-docs/\";>many languages</link> for 
which translations are still needed."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "There are <link href=\"http://l10n.gnome.org/module/gnome-user-docs/\";>many languages</link> for 
which translations are still needed."
+msgid "There are <link href=\"https://l10n.gnome.org/module/gnome-user-docs/\";>many languages</link> for 
which translations are still needed."
 msgstr "まだ、翻訳を必要とする<link href=\"http://l10n.gnome.org/module/gnome-user-docs/\";>多くの言語</link>があります。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "To start translating you will need to <link href=\"http://l10n.gnome.org\";>create an 
account</link> and join the <link href=\"http://l10n.gnome.org/teams/\";>translation team</link> for your 
language. This will give you the ability to upload new translations."
-msgid "To start translating, you will need to <link href=\"https://l10n.gnome.org/register/\";>create an 
account</link> and join the <link href=\"http://l10n.gnome.org/teams/\";>translation team</link> for your 
language. This will give you the ability to upload new translations."
+msgid "To start translating, you will need to <link href=\"https://l10n.gnome.org/register/\";>create an 
account</link> and join the <link href=\"https://l10n.gnome.org/teams/\";>translation team</link> for your 
language. This will give you the ability to upload new translations."
 msgstr "翻訳を始めるには、<link href=\"http:l10n.gnome.org\">アカウントを作成</link>し、あなたの言語の<link 
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -13121,15 +13571,27 @@ msgid "Press the <gui style=\"button\">+</gui> button, below the list of account
 msgstr "ウィンドウ左のアカウント一覧で、<gui>+</gui> ボタンをクリックし、 新しいユーザーアカウントを追加します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "If you want the new user to have <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">administrative access</link> to 
the computer, select <gui>Administrator</gui> for the account type. Administrators can do things like add and 
delete users, install software and drivers, and change the date and time."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "If you want the new user to have <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">administrative access</link> to 
the computer, select <gui>Administrator</gui> for the account type. Administrators can do things like add and 
delete users, install software and drivers, and change the date and time."
+msgid "If you want the new user to have <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">administrative access</link> to 
the computer, select <gui>Administrator</gui> for the account type."
 msgstr "新しいユーザーに、お使いのコンピューターの<link 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "Administrators can do things like add and delete users, install software and drivers, and change the 
date and time."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Enter the new user's full name. The username will be filled in automatically based on the full 
name. The default is probably OK, but you can change it if you like."
 msgid "Enter the new user's full name. The username will be filled in automatically based on the full name. 
If you do not like the proposed username, you can change it."
 msgstr "ユーザーのフルネームを入力します。ユーザー名は、フルネームに基づいて自動的に入力されます。デフォルトのユーザー名でもおそらく問題ないでしょうが、お好みのものに変更してもかまいません。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You can also set the permissions for users other than the owner and those in the file's group."
+msgid "You can choose to set a password for the new user, or let them set it themselves on their first 
+msgstr "ファイルの所有者でも、所有グループに属するユーザーでも無い、その他のユーザーの権限も設定できます。"
 #. (itstool) path: media/span
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Require Password"
@@ -13137,7 +13599,7 @@ msgid "generate password"
 msgstr "パスワードを要求する"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "You can chose to set a password for the new user, or let them set it themselves on their first login. 
You can press on the <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> icon to automatically generate a random 
+msgid "If you choose to set the password now, you can press the <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> 
icon to automatically generate a random password."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -13147,7 +13609,7 @@ msgid "Click <gui>Add</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>追加…</gui>をクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "If you want to change the password after creating the account, select the account, <gui 
style=\"button\">Unlock</gui> the panel and press on the current password status."
+msgid "If you want to change the password after creating the account, select the account, <gui 
style=\"button\">Unlock</gui> the panel and press the current password status."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
@@ -13157,7 +13619,7 @@ msgid "In the <gui>Users</gui> panel, you can click the image next to the user's
 msgstr "<gui>ユーザーアカウント</gui>ウィンドウでは、ユーザー名の横の画像をクリックして、そのアカウントの画像を設定できます。この画像はログインウィンドウに表示されます。GNOME 
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "You can change which users are allowed to make changes to the system by giving them administrative 
+msgid "You can allow users to make changes to the system by giving them administrative privileges."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
@@ -13165,7 +13627,7 @@ msgid "Change who has administrative privileges"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "Administrative privileges are a way of deciding who can make changes to important parts of the 
system. You can change which users have administrative privileges and which ones don't. They are a good way 
of keeping your system secure and preventing potentially damaging unauthorized changes."
+msgid "Administrative privileges are a way of deciding who can make changes to important parts of the 
system. You can change which users have administrative privileges and which ones do not. They are a good way 
of keeping your system secure and preventing potentially damaging unauthorized changes."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -13176,6 +13638,11 @@ msgstr "ユーザーアカウントを追加するには、<link xref=\"user-adm
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
+msgid "Click <gui>Users</gui> to open the panel."
+msgstr "サイドバーの<gui>ゴミ箱</gui>をクリックします。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Select the user whose privileges you want to change."
 msgstr "削除するファイルを選んでください。"
@@ -13205,11 +13672,11 @@ msgid "How do administrative privileges work?"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "As well as the files that <em>you</em> create, your computer has a number of files which are needed 
by the system for it to work properly. If these important <em>system files</em> are changed improperly they 
can cause various things to break, so they are protected from changes by default. Certain applications also 
modify important parts of the system, and so are also protected."
+msgid "As well as the files that <em>you</em> create, your computer has a number of files which are needed 
by the system for it to work properly. If these important <em>system files</em> are changed incorrectly they 
can cause various things to break, so they are protected from changes by default. Certain applications also 
modify important parts of the system, and so are also protected."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "The way that they are protected is by only allowing users with <em>administrative privileges</em> to 
change the files or use the applications. In day-to-day use, you won't need to change any system files or use 
these applications, so by default you do not have administrative privileges."
+msgid "The way that they are protected is by only allowing users with <em>administrative privileges</em> to 
change the files or use the applications. In day-to-day use, you will not need to change any system files or 
use these applications, so by default you do not have administrative privileges."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -13249,7 +13716,7 @@ msgid "Only certain trusted users should be allowed to have administrative privi
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
-msgid "You can only do some things, like installing applications, if you have administrative privileges."
+msgid "You can do some things, like installing applications, only if you have administrative privileges."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
@@ -13257,20 +13724,26 @@ msgid "Problems caused by administrative restrictions"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "You may experience a few problems if you don't have <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">administrative 
privileges</link>. Some tasks require administrative privileges in order to work, such as:"
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "You need <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">administrator privileges</link> to add user accounts. 
Click <gui>Unlock</gui> in the top right corner and type your password or the administrator password, as 
+msgid "You may experience a few problems if you do not have <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">administrative 
privileges</link>. Some tasks require administrative privileges in order to work, such as:"
+msgstr "ユーザーアカウントを追加するには、<link 
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Connecting to networks or wireless networks"
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Connect to a wireless network"
+msgid "connecting to networks or wireless networks,"
+msgstr "無線ネットワークに接続する"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Viewing the contents of a removable disk connected to the computer, or the contents of a different 
disk partition (e.g. a Windows partition)"
+msgid "viewing the contents of a different disk partition (for example, a Windows partition), or"
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Installing new applications"
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Show all applications"
+msgid "installing new applications."
+msgstr "すべてのアプリケーションを表示する"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
 msgid "You can <link xref=\"user-admin-change\">change who has administrative privileges</link>."
@@ -13290,18 +13763,6 @@ msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Open <app>Screenshot</app> from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview."
-msgid "Open <app>Settings</app> from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview."
-msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面から<app>スクリーンショット</app>を開きます。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "From the <gui>Activities</gui> overview, open <app>Files</app>."
-msgid "Open the <gui>Users</gui> panel from <app>Settings</app>."
-msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面から、<app>ファイル</app>を開きます。"
-#. (itstool) path: item/p
-#, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Select the account you want to change from the list on the left."
 msgid "Select the user account that you want to log in to automatically at startup."
 msgstr "左側の一覧から変更するアカウントを選択します。"
@@ -13313,7 +13774,7 @@ msgstr "<gui>ユニバーサルアクセス</gui>をクリックする。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Toggle the <gui>Automatic Login</gui> switch to <gui>On</gui>."
+msgid "Toggle the <gui>Automatic Login</gui> switch to <gui>ON</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>ホバークリック</gui>をオンにします。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -13333,7 +13794,9 @@ msgid "Change your password"
 msgstr "パスワードの変更"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-msgid "It is a good idea to change your password from time to time, especially if you think someone else 
knows what your password is."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "It is a good idea to change your password from time to time, especially if you think someone else 
knows what your password is."
+msgid "It is a good idea to change your password from time to time, especially if you think someone else 
knows your password."
 msgstr "パスワードをときどき変更することはよい考えです。特にあなたのパスワードが他人に知られてしまった疑いがある場合は、パスワードを変更するとよいでしょう。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -13341,11 +13804,13 @@ msgid "Click the label <gui>·····</gui> next to <gui>Password</gui>. If you
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Enter your current password, then a new password. Enter your new password again in the <gui>Confirm 
password</gui> field."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Enter your current password, then a new password. Enter your new password again in the 
<gui>Confirm password</gui> field."
+msgid "Enter your current password, then a new password. Enter your new password again in the <gui>Verify 
New Password</gui> field."
 msgstr "現在のパスワード、次に新しいパスワードを入力します。<gui>パスワードの確認</gui>という欄に新しいパスワードを再び入力します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "You can press on the <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> icon to automatically generate a random 
+msgid "You can press the <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> icon to automatically generate a random 
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -13387,13 +13852,13 @@ msgstr "あなたの名前の横の画像をクリックします。ログイン
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "If you'd rather use a picture you already have on your computer, click <gui>Browse for more 
-msgid "If you'd rather use a picture you already have on your computer, click <gui>Browse for more 
+msgid "If you would rather use a picture you already have on your computer, click <gui>Browse for more 
 msgstr "お使いのコンピューターに保存してある画像を使用する場合は、<gui>他の画像も参照</gui>をクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "If you have a webcam, you can take a new login photo right now by clicking <gui>Take a 
photo</gui>. Take your picture, then move and resize the square outline to crop out the parts you don't want. 
If you don't like the picture you took, click <gui>Discard photo</gui> to try again, or <gui>Cancel</gui> to 
give up."
-msgid "If you have a webcam, you can take a new login photo right now by clicking <gui>Take a photo…</gui>. 
Take your picture, then move and resize the square outline to crop out the parts you don't want. If you don't 
like the picture you took, click <gui>Discard photo</gui> to try again, or <gui>Cancel</gui> to give up."
+msgid "If you have a webcam, you can take a new login photo right now by clicking <gui>Take a photo…</gui>. 
Take your picture, then move and resize the square outline to crop out the parts you do not want. If you do 
not like the picture you took, click <gui style=\"button\">Take Another Picture</gui> to try again, or 
<gui>Cancel</gui> to give up."
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -13425,7 +13890,7 @@ msgstr "削除するユーザーを選択し、<gui>-</gui> ボタンをクリ
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Each user has their own home folder for their files and settings. You can choose to keep or delete 
the user's home folder. Click <gui>Delete Files</gui> if you're sure they won't be used anymore and you need 
to free up disk space. These files are permanently deleted. They can't be recovered. You may want to back up 
the files to an external drive or CD before deleting them."
-msgid "Each user has their own home folder for their files and settings. You can choose to keep or delete 
the user's home folder. Click <gui>Delete Files</gui> if you're sure they won't be used anymore and you need 
to free up disk space. These files are permanently deleted. They cannot be recovered. You may want to back up 
the files to an external drive or CD before deleting them."
+msgid "Each user has their own home folder for their files and settings. You can choose to keep or delete 
the user's home folder. Click <gui>Delete Files</gui> if you are sure they will not be used anymore and you 
need to free up disk space. These files are permanently deleted. They cannot be recovered. You may want to 
back up the files to an external storage device before deleting them."
 CD にバックアップを取っておくとよいでしょう。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -13461,7 +13926,9 @@ msgid "Make your password as long as possible. The more characters it contains,
 msgstr "パスワードは可能なかぎり長くします。使用する文字が多くなるほど、人やコンピューターがパスワードを推測するのにかかる時間が長くなります。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Do not use any words that appear in a standard dictionary in any language. Password crackers will try 
these first. The most common password is \"password\" -- people can guess passwords like this very quickly!"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Do not use any words that appear in a standard dictionary in any language. Password crackers will 
try these first. The most common password is \"password\" -- people can guess passwords like this very 
+msgid "Do not use any words that appear in a standard dictionary in any language. Password crackers will try 
these first. The most common password is \"password\" – people can guess passwords like this very quickly!"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -13493,7 +13960,9 @@ msgid "If you use the same password for all of your accounts, anyone who guesses
 msgstr "もし、すべてのアカウントに同じパスワードを使用すれば、パスワードを特定した人間が、ただちにすべてのアカウントにアクセスできてしまいます。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "It can be difficult to remember lots of passwords, however. Though not as secure as using a different 
passwords for everything, it may be easier to use the same one for things that don't matter (like websites), 
and different ones for important things (like your online banking account and your email)."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "It can be difficult to remember lots of passwords, however. Though not as secure as using a 
different passwords for everything, it may be easier to use the same one for things that don't matter (like 
websites), and different ones for important things (like your online banking account and your email)."
+msgid "It can be difficult to remember lots of passwords, however. Though not as secure as using a different 
passwords for everything, it may be easier to use the same one for things that do not matter (like websites), 
and different ones for important things (like your online banking account and your email)."
 msgstr "しかしながら、多くのパスワードを記憶することは難しいかもしれません。すべてにおいて異なるパスワードを使用することほど安全ではありませんが、(ウェブサイトなど) 
重要でないものには同じパスワードを使用し、(オンラインバンキングやメールなど) 重要なパスワードには異なるパスワードを使用するとより扱いやすくなるでしょう。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -13517,11 +13986,15 @@ msgid "Installing the right codecs for DVD playback"
 msgstr "DVD 再生に適したコーデックをインストールする"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "In order to play DVDs, you need to have the right <em>codecs</em> installed. A codec is a piece of 
software that allows applications to read a video or audio format. If your movie player software doesn't find 
the right codecs, it may offer to install them for you. If not, you'll have to install the codecs manually - 
ask for help on how to do this, for example on your Linux distribution's support forums. You'll probably need 
to install the packages <app>gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly</app> and <app>libdvd0</app>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "In order to play DVDs, you need to have the right <em>codecs</em> installed. A codec is a piece of 
software that allows applications to read a video or audio format. If your movie player software doesn't find 
the right codecs, it may offer to install them for you. If not, you'll have to install the codecs manually - 
ask for help on how to do this, for example on your Linux distribution's support forums. You'll probably need 
to install the packages <app>gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly</app> and <app>libdvd0</app>."
+msgid "In order to play DVDs, you need to have the right <em>codecs</em> installed. A codec is a piece of 
software that allows applications to read a video or audio format. If your movie player software doesn't find 
the right codecs, it may offer to install them for you. If not, you'll have to install the codecs manually - 
ask for help on how to do this, for example on your Linux distribution's support forums."
 msgstr "DVD 
 や <app>libdvd0</app> などです。詳しい手順については、お使いの Linux ディストリビューションのサポートフォーラムで質問してみてください。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "DVDs are also <em>copy-protected</em> using a system called CSS. This prevents you from copying DVDs, 
but it also prevents you from playing them unless you have extra software to handle the copy protection. You 
can buy a commercial DVD decoder that can handle copy protection from <link 
href=\"http://www.fluendo.com/shop/product/fluendo-dvd-player/\";>Fluendo</link>. It works with Linux and 
should be legal to use in all countries."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "DVDs are also <em>copy-protected</em> using a system called CSS. This prevents you from copying 
DVDs, but it also prevents you from playing them unless you have extra software to handle the copy 
protection. You can buy a commercial DVD decoder that can handle copy protection from <link 
href=\"http://www.fluendo.com/shop/product/fluendo-dvd-player/\";>Fluendo</link>. It works with Linux and 
should be legal to use in all countries."
+msgid "DVDs are also <em>copy-protected</em> using a system called CSS. This prevents you from copying DVDs, 
but it also prevents you from playing them unless you have extra software to handle the copy protection. This 
software is available from a number of Linux distributions, but cannot be legally used in all countries. You 
can buy a commercial DVD decoder that can handle copy protection from <link 
href=\"http://fluendo.com/shop/product/oneplay-dvd-player/\";>Fluendo</link>. It works with Linux and should 
be legal to use in all countries."
 msgstr "DVD はまた、CSS と呼ばれるシステムを用いて<em>コピー保護</em>されています。この仕組みは DVD 
href=\"http://www.fluendo.com/shop/product/fluendo-dvd-player/\";>Fluendo</link> から、コピー保護を扱える商用 DVD 
デコーダーを購入できます。これは Linux でも動作し、また全ての国で合法です。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/title
@@ -13529,13 +14002,21 @@ msgid "Checking the DVD region"
 msgstr "DVD のリージョンを確認する"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
-msgid "DVDs have a <em>region code</em>, which tells you in which region of the world they are allowed to be 
played. If the region of your computer's DVD player doesn't match the region of the DVD you are trying to 
play, you won't be able to play the DVD. For example, if you have a Region 1 DVD player, you will only be 
allowed to play DVDs from North America."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "DVDs have a <em>region code</em>, which tells you in which region of the world they are allowed to 
be played. If the region of your computer's DVD player doesn't match the region of the DVD you are trying to 
play, you won't be able to play the DVD. For example, if you have a Region 1 DVD player, you will only be 
allowed to play DVDs from North America."
+msgid "DVDs have a <em>region code</em>, which tells you in which region of the world they are allowed to be 
played. If the region of your computer's DVD player does not match the region of the DVD you are trying to 
play, you won't be able to play the DVD. For example, if you have a Region 1 DVD player, you will only be 
allowed to play DVDs from North America."
 msgstr "DVD には<em>リージョンコード</em>が付与されています。リージョンコードは、その DVD の再生が許可されている地域を示します。あなたのコンピューターの DVD 
プレイヤーのリージョンと、DVD のリージョンとが一致しない場合、その DVD を再生できません。たとえばリージョン1の DVD プレイヤーは、北米の DVD のみ再生を許可されています。"
 #. (itstool) path: section/p
 msgid "It is often possible to change the region used by your DVD player, but it can only be done a few 
times before it locks into one region permanently. To change the DVD region of your computer's DVD player, 
use <link href=\"http://linvdr.org/projects/regionset/\";>regionset</link>."
 msgstr "DVD プレイヤーの中には、リージョンを変更できるものがあります。しかしこの変更は、DVD プレイヤーがリージョンをロックするまでの数回に限られます。コンピューターの DVD 
プレイヤーのリージョンを変更するには、<link href=\"http://linvdr.org/projects/regionset/\";>regionset</link> を使います。"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "For more compose key sequences, see <link 
href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compose_key#Common_compose_combinations\";>the compose key page on 
+msgid "You can find <link href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVD_region_code\";>more information about DVD 
region codes on Wikipedia</link>."
+msgstr "Compose キーを使ったその他の入力方法については、<link 
href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compose_key#Common_compose_combinations\";>Wikipedia の Compose キーのページ 
(英語)</link> を参照してください。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Check that they have the right video codecs installed."
 msgstr "正しいビデオコーデックがインストールされているか確かめます。"
@@ -13553,11 +14034,21 @@ msgid "To be able to play your video, the person you sent it to must have the ri
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Right-click on video file and select <gui>Properties</gui>."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Open <app>Screenshot</app> from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview."
+msgid "Open <app>Files</app> from the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview."
+msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面から<app>スクリーンショット</app>を開きます。"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Right-click on video file and select <gui>Properties</gui>."
+msgid "Right-click on the video file and select <gui>Properties</gui>."
 msgstr "ビデオファイルを右クリックして<gui>プロパティ</gui>を選択します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Go to the <gui>Audio/Video</gui> tab and look at which <gui>codec</gui> is listed under 
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Go to the <gui>Audio/Video</gui> tab and look at which <gui>codec</gui> is listed under 
+msgid "Go to the <gui>Audio/Video</gui> or <gui>Video</gui> tab and look at which <gui>Codec</gui> are 
listed under <gui>Video</gui> and <gui>Audio</gui> (if the video also has audio)."
 msgstr "<gui>音声/ビデオ</gui>タブへ進み、<gui>ビデオ</gui>の<gui>コーデック</gui>の値を参照します。"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
@@ -13588,7 +14079,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</link> overview and make sure you're looking 
at the <gui>Windows</gui> view."
-msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing <gui>Wacom 
+msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
<gui>Wacom Tablet</gui>."
 msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>ウィンドウ</gui>ビューを表示します。"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -13625,7 +14116,7 @@ msgid "In <em>absolute</em> mode, each point on the tablet maps to a point on th
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "In <em>relative</em> mode, if you lift the pointer off the tablet and put it down in a different 
position, the cursor on the screen doesn't move. This is the way a mouse operates, allowing you to cover 
distances on the screen with less hand movement."
+msgid "In <em>relative</em> mode, if you lift the pointer off the tablet and put it down in a different 
position, the cursor on the screen doesn't move. This is the way a mouse operates."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
@@ -13655,9 +14146,13 @@ msgid "Only the monitors that are configured will be selectable."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "Switch <gui>Keep aspect ratio (letterbox)</gui> to <gui>ON</gui> to match the drawing area of the 
tablet to the proportions of the monitor. Also called <em>force proportions</em>, this setting 
<em>letterboxes</em> the drawing area on, for instance, a 4:3 tablet to correspond more directly to a 
widescreen display."
+msgid "Switch <gui>Keep aspect ratio (letterbox)</gui> to <gui>ON</gui> to match the drawing area of the 
tablet to the proportions of the monitor. This setting, also called <em>force proportions</em>, 
<em>letterboxes</em> the drawing area on a tablet to correspond more directly to a display. For example, a 
4∶3 tablet would be mapped so that the drawing area would correspond to a widescreen display."
 msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+msgid "Click <gui>Close</gui>."
+msgstr "<gui>閉じる</gui>ボタンをクリックします。"
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 msgid "Define the button functions and pressure feel of the Wacom stylus."
 msgstr ""
@@ -13675,7 +14170,7 @@ msgid "<gui>Eraser Pressure Feel:</gui> use the slider to adjust the \"feel\" (h
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-msgid "<gui>Button/Scroll Wheel</gui> configuration (these change to reflect the stylus). Click the menu 
next to each label to select one of these functions: No Action, Left Mouse Button Click, Middle Mouse Button 
Click, Right Mouse Button Click, Scroll Up, Scroll Down, Scroll Left, Scroll Right, Back, Forward."
+msgid "<gui>Button/Scroll Wheel</gui> configuration (these change to reflect the stylus). Click the menu 
next to each label to select one of these functions: No Action, Left Mouse Button Click, Middle Mouse Button 
Click, Right Mouse Button Click, Scroll Up, Scroll Down, Scroll Left, Scroll Right, Back, or Forward."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
@@ -13683,12 +14178,12 @@ msgid "<gui>Tip Pressure Feel:</gui> use the slider to adjust the \"feel\" betwe
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: note/p
-msgid "If you have more than one stylus, when the additional stylus gets close to the tablet, a pager will 
be displayed next to the stylus device name. Use the pager to choose which stylus to configured."
+msgid "If you have more than one stylus, when the additional stylus gets close to the tablet, a pager will 
be displayed next to the stylus device name. Use the pager to choose which stylus to configure."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "<link xref=\"wacom-multi-monitor\">Map a monitor</link>, <link xref=\"wacom-stylus\">Configure the 
stylus</link>, <link xref=\"wacom-left-handed\">Use the tablet left handed</link>…"
+msgid "<link xref=\"wacom-multi-monitor\">Map a monitor</link>, <link xref=\"wacom-stylus\">configure the 
stylus</link>, <link xref=\"wacom-left-handed\">use the tablet left handed</link>…"
 msgstr "<link xref=\"files-search\">検索</link>、<link xref=\"files-delete\">ファイルの削除</link>、<link 
xref=\"files#backup\">バックアップ</link>, <link xref=\"files#removable\">リムーバブルドライブ</link>..."
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
@@ -13697,6 +14192,737 @@ msgid "Wacom Graphics Tablet"
 msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>を選択します。"
 #, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Open <gui>Universal Access</gui> and select the <gui>Pointing and Clicking</gui> tab."
+#~ msgid "Press <gui>Click Assistant</gui> in the <gui>Pointing and Clicking</gui> section."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>ユニバーサルアクセス</gui>を開き、<gui>ポインター操作とクリック</gui>タブを選択します。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Switch <gui>Zoom</gui> to <gui>On</gui>."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>ホバークリック</gui>をオンにします。"
+#~ msgid "Connect an online account."
+#~ msgstr "オンラインアカウントに接続します。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "If you have more than one account type, you can add the other accounts at a later time."
+#~ msgid "If you want to add more than one account type, you can do so at a later time."
+#~ msgstr "複数のアカウントがあれば、他のアカウントはあとで追加できます。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Select the applications that you want linked to your online account. For example, if you want to 
use an online account for chat, but do not want to use an online account for your calendar, turn the 
<gui>calendar</gui> option off."
+#~ msgid "Select the applications that you want linked to your online account. For example, if you want to 
use an online account for chat, but do not want to use an online account for your calendar, turn the 
<gui>Calendar</gui> option to <gui>Off</gui>."
+#~ msgstr 
+#~ msgid "After you have added the accounts, each application that you have selected will automatically use 
those credentials when you start them."
+#~ msgstr "アカウントを追加した後は、選択された各アプリケーションは起動時に自動的にその認証情報を使います。"
+#~ msgid "For security reasons, GNOME will not store your password on your computer. Instead, it stores a 
token that is provided by the online service. If you want to fully revoke the link between your desktop and 
the online service, <link xref=\"accounts-remove\">remove</link> it."
+#~ msgstr "セキュリティ上の理由により、GNOME 
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Create a new account using <app>Online Accounts</app>."
+#~ msgstr "オンラインアカウントを使って新規アカウントを作成します。"
+#~ msgid "Create an online account"
+#~ msgstr "オンラインアカウントの作成"
+#~ msgid "Some online account service providers allow you to create an account while adding it to 
<app>Online Accounts</app>. This allows you to manage all your online accounts from one application."
+#~ msgstr "アカウントサービスプロバイダーによっては、<app>オンラインアカウント</app> 
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Open the <app>Online Accounts</app> settings from the Activities overview."
+#~ msgid "Open the <app>Online Accounts</app> settings from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview."
+#~ msgstr "アクティビティ画面から<app>オンラインアカウント</app>の設定を開きます。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Select an <gui>Account Type</gui> from the drop down menu. Some account types may <link 
xref=\"accounts-provider-not-available\">not be available</link>."
+#~ msgid "Select the type of account which you want to add. Some account types may <link 
xref=\"accounts-provider-not-available\">not be available</link>."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>アカウントの種類</gui>をドロップダウンメニューから選択します。アカウントの種類によっては<link 
+#~ msgid "Not all online account providers offer the option to create an account at this stage. If this is 
true of the service you wish to register, you will need to use an alternative method to create an account."
+#~ msgstr "すべてのオンラインアカウントプロバイダーが、この段階でのアカウント作成を許可しているわけではありません。登録を希望するサービスがこれに該当する場合、別の手段でアカウントを作成する必要があります。"
+#~ msgid "Fill in the registration form. You will typically be asked for some personal details such as 
username and password."
+#~ msgstr "登録フォームを記入します。たいていユーザー名やパスワードなど個人情報を記入する必要があります。"
+#~ msgid "You need to grant GNOME access to your new account in order to use it with <app>Online 
+#~ msgstr "新規に作成したアカウントを<app>オンラインアカウント</app>で使用できるように、GNOME にアカウントへのアクセスを許可する必要があります。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Create an online account"
+#~ msgid "Delete an online account."
+#~ msgstr "オンラインアカウントの作成"
+#~ msgid "Click <gui>Remove</gui>."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>削除</gui>をクリックします。"
+#~ msgid "Which applications take advantage of online accounts?"
+#~ msgstr "どのアプリケーションがオンラインアカウントを利用できますか?"
+#~ msgid "<app>Online Accounts</app> can be used by external applications to automatically configure 
+#~ msgstr "<app>Online Accounts</app> は他のアプリケーションから使用でき、アプリケーションの設定が自動的に行われます。"
+#~ msgid "With a Google account"
+#~ msgstr "Google アカウントの場合"
+#~ msgid "<app>Evolution</app>, the email application. Your email account will be added to 
<app>Evolution</app> automatically, so it will retrieve your mail, give you access to your contacts, and 
display your calendar items in your Google agenda."
+#~ msgstr "<app>Evolution</app>、メールクライアント。メールアカウントが<app>Evolution</app>に自動的に追加されます。それにより、メールの取得や、連絡先へアクセス、また 
Google カレンダーの予定リスト項目の表示ができるようになります。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "<app>Empathy</app>, the instant messaging application. Your online account will be added and 
you'll be able to communicate with your friends."
+#~ msgid "<app>Empathy</app>, the instant messaging application. Your online account will be added and you 
will be able to communicate with your friends."
+#~ msgstr "<app>Empathy</app>、インスタントメッセージングクライアント。オンラインアカウントが追加され、友達とコミュニケーションできるようになります。"
+#~ msgid "<app>Contacts</app>, which will allow to see and edit your contacts."
+#~ msgstr "<app>連絡先</app>から、連絡先の参照や編集ができるようになります。"
+#~ msgid "<app>Documents</app> can access your online documents and display them."
+#~ msgstr "<app>ドキュメント</app>から、オンラインドキュメントにアクセスしたり、表示したりできるようになります。"
+#~ msgid "With Windows Live, Facebook or Twitter accounts"
+#~ msgstr "Windows Live、Facebook、あるいは Twitter アカウントの場合"
+#~ msgid "<app>Empathy</app> can use these accounts to connect you online and chat with your contacts, 
friends, and followers."
+#~ msgstr "<app>Empathy</app> がアウントを使用し、オンラインへの接続や、相手先や友達、フォロワーとのコミュニケーションができるようになります。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "With a SkyDrive account"
+#~ msgstr "Google アカウントの場合"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "<app>Documents</app> can access your online documents in Microsoft SkyDrive and display them."
+#~ msgstr "<app>ドキュメント</app>から、オンラインドキュメントにアクセスしたり、表示したりできるようになります。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "With a Google account"
+#~ msgid "With a Exchange account"
+#~ msgstr "Google アカウントの場合"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "With a Google account"
+#~ msgid "With a ownCloud account"
+#~ msgstr "Google アカウントの場合"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Click your name on the top bar and select <gui>Settings</gui>."
+#~ msgid "Click the system status area of the top bar."
+#~ msgstr "トップバーにあるユーザー名をクリックし、<gui>設定</gui>を選択します。"
+#~ msgid "Before you begin, make sure Bluetooth is enabled on your computer. See <link 
+#~ msgstr "この手順を行う前に、お使いのコンピューターで Bluetooth が有効になっていることを確認してください。「<link 
+#~ msgid "Click the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar and select <gui>Send Files to Device</gui>."
+#~ msgstr "メニューバーの Bluetooth アイコンをクリックし、<gui>デバイスにファイルを送る</gui>を選択します。"
+#~ msgid "To quickly get to the full <app>Evolution</app> calendar, click on the clock and click <gui>Open 
+#~ msgstr "<app>Evolution</app>のカレンダーにすばやくアクセスするには、時計をクリックし、<gui>カレンダーを開く</gui>をクリックします。"
+#~ msgid "This will work only if you have an existing <app>Evolution</app> account. Otherwise, a window will 
appear with the necessary steps for adding your first account."
+#~ msgstr "この機能には、<app>Evolution</app> のアカウントが必要になります。まだアカウントを作っていない場合、最初のアカウントを登録手続き用のウィンドウが開きます。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Click on the clock in the middle of the top bar and select <gui>Date and Time Settings</gui>."
+#~ msgid "Click on the clock in the middle of the top bar and select <gui>Date &amp; Time Settings</gui>."
+#~ msgstr "トップバー中央の時計をクリックして、<gui>日時の設定</gui>を選択します。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "You may need to click <gui>Unlock</gui> and type the <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">admin 
+#~ msgid "If you have a standard account, you will need to click <gui>Unlock</gui> and type the <link 
xref=\"user-admin-explain\">administrator password</link>."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>ロック解除</gui>ボタンを押して、管理者用パスワードを入力しなければならない場合があります。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Press <gui style=\"button\">Create Contact</gui>."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>作成</gui>をクリックします。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Open the <app>Disks</app> application from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面から<app>ファイル</app>アプリケーションを開きます。"
+#~ msgid "Select the application you want and click <gui>Set as default</gui>. By default, the file manager 
only shows applications it knows can handle the file. To look through all the applications on your computer, 
click <gui>Show other applications</gui>."
+#~ msgstr 
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Toggle fullscreen mode"
+#~ msgid "fullscreen"
+#~ msgstr "フルスクリーンモードを切り替える"
+#~ msgid "If you perform certain searches often, you can save them to access them quickly."
+#~ msgstr "特定の検索をよく実行するのであれば、すばやく検索を実行できるように、検索条件を保存しておくとよいでしょう。"
+#~ msgid "Save a search"
+#~ msgstr "検索を保存する"
+#~ msgid "Start a search as above."
+#~ msgstr "先に述べた検索処理を実行します。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "When you're happy with the search parameters, click the âš™ gear button and select <gui>Save Search 
+#~ msgstr "検索パラメーターに満足すれば、<guiseq><gui>ファイル</gui><gui>名前を付けて検索を保存</gui></guiseq> の順にクリックしてください。"
+#~ msgid "Give the search a name and click <gui>Save</gui>. If you like, select a different folder to save 
the search in. When you view that folder, you will see your saved search as an orange folder icon with a 
magnifying glass on it."
+#~ msgstr 
+#~ msgid "To remove the search file when you are done with it, simply <link 
xref=\"files-delete\">delete</link> the search as you would any other file. When you delete a saved search, 
it does not delete the files that the search matched."
+#~ msgstr "保存した検索を使用し終わって削除するには、他のファイルと同様に単にその検索を<link 
+#~ msgid "By Name"
+#~ msgstr "名前順"
+#~ msgid "By Size"
+#~ msgstr "サイズ順"
+#~ msgid "By Type"
+#~ msgstr "種類順"
+#~ msgid "By Modification Date"
+#~ msgstr "更新日時順"
+#~ msgid "Enter a filename for the newly-created document."
+#~ msgstr "新規に作成したドキュメントのファイル名を入力します。"
+#~ msgid "Double-click the file to open it and start editing."
+#~ msgstr "ファイルをダブルクリックで開き、編集を開始します。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgctxt "_"
+#~| msgid "external ref='figures/gnome.png' md5='85ec62374d1dc2168674a56999647b05'"
+#~ msgctxt "_"
+#~ msgid "external ref='figures/nautilus-3-10.png' md5='e25df7716ce56fcba4f3a2dcb56d2475'"
+#~ msgstr "external ref='figures/gnome.png' md5='85ec62374d1dc2168674a56999647b05'"
+#~ msgid "<em>GNOME Classic</em> is a feature for users who prefer a more traditional desktop experience. 
While <em>GNOME Classic</em> is based on <em>GNOME 3</em> technologies, it provides a number of changes to 
the user interface, such as the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Applications</gui> and <gui 
xref=\"shell-terminology\">Places</gui> menus on the top bar, and a window list at the bottom of the screen."
+#~ msgstr "<em>GNOME クラシック</em> とは、旧来型のデスクトップ体験を好むユーザー向けの機能です。<em>GNOME クラシック</em> は <em>GNOME 3</em> 
の技術をベースとしていますが、ユーザーインターフェースに多くの変更を加えています。たとえば、トップバーの<gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">アプリケーション</gui>メニューや<gui 
+#~ msgid "Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0"
+#~ msgstr "Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0"
+#~ msgid "Change keyboard shortcuts"
+#~ msgstr "キーボードショートカットを変更する"
+#~ msgid "This section shows how to change keyboard shortcuts for an application."
+#~ msgstr "このセクションでは、アプリケーションで使用されているキーボードショートカットを変更する方法を説明します。"
+#~ msgid "Open the Terminal application."
+#~ msgstr "端末アプリケーションを起動します。"
+#~ msgid "Run the <cmd>gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface can-change-accels true</cmd> command."
+#~ msgstr "<cmd>gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface can-change-accels true</cmd> を実行します。"
+#~ msgid "Start the application for which you want to change the keyboard shortcut."
+#~ msgstr "キーボードショートカットを変更するアプリケーションを起動します。"
+#~ msgid "Find the menu item for which you want to change the keyboard shortcut."
+#~ msgstr "キーボードショートカットを変更するメニューアイテムにフォーカスを当てます。"
+#~ msgid "Type the shortcut that you want on the keyboard."
+#~ msgstr "割りてたいショートカットをキーボードから入力します。"
+#~ msgid "Note that this setting is desktop-wide. You can disable it after you make changes by running the 
<cmd>gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface can-change-accels false</cmd> command. You can also use the 
<app>dconf-editor</app> utility to do this."
+#~ msgstr "この設定はデスクトップワイドで有効となることに注意してください。ショートカットを変更したあとで、<cmd>gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface 
can-change-accels false</cmd> を実行すると、変更する機能を無効化できます。<app>dconf-editor</app> でも同じ設定ができます。"
+#~ msgid "To create your own keyboard shortcut:"
+#~ msgstr "独自のキーボードショートカットを定義する方法は次のとおりです。"
+#~ msgid "Select <gui>Custom Shortcuts</gui> in the left pane, and click the <gui style=\"button\">+</gui> 
button (or click the <gui style=\"button\">+</gui> button in any category). The <gui>Custom Shortcut</gui> 
window will appear."
+#~ msgstr "左側のペインで<gui>独自のショートカット</gui>を選択し、<gui style=\"button\">+</gui> ボタンを押します (あるいは、任意のカテゴリーを選択し、<gui 
style=\"button\">+</gui> ボタンを押します)。<gui>独自のショートカット</gui>ウィンドウが表示されます。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Click on <gui>Displays</gui> to open panel."
+#~ msgstr "サイドバーの<gui>ゴミ箱</gui>をクリックします。"
+#~ msgid "Turn the touchpad off while typing to prevent accidental clicks."
+#~ msgstr "思いがけずクリックを防ぐためにタイプ中はタッチパッドを無効にします。"
+#~ msgid "Disable touchpad while typing"
+#~ msgstr "タイプ中にタッチパッドを無効にする"
+#~ msgid "Touchpads on laptops are often located where you rest your wrist while typing, which can sometimes 
cause accidental clicks while you type. You can disable the touchpad while you type. It will only work again 
a short time after your last key stroke."
+#~ msgstr 
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "In the <gui>Touchpad</gui> section, check <gui>Disable while typing</gui>."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>マウスとタッチパッド</gui>を開き、<gui>タッチパッド</gui>タブを選択します。<gui>タッチパッド</gui>タブはタッチパッドがあるコンピューターでのみ利用できます。"
+#~ msgid "One common shortcut is to paste selected text. (This is sometimes called primary selection paste.) 
Select the text you want to paste, then go to where you want to paste it and middle-click. The selected text 
is pasted at the mouse position."
+#~ msgstr "よくあるショートカット機能のひとつが、選択テキストの貼り付けです 
+#~ msgid "Pasting text with your middle mouse button is completely separate from the normal clipboard. 
Selecting text does not copy it to your clipboard. This quick method of pasting only works with the middle 
mouse button."
+#~ msgstr 
+#~ msgid "On scrollbars and sliders, a regular click in the empty space moves by a set amount (such as one 
page) in the direction you clicked. You can also middle-click in the empty space to move to exactly the 
location you clicked."
+#~ msgstr "スクロールバーやスライダーでは、その空き領域で通常のクリックを行うと、ある一定の量だけ (ページ単位など) 
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Open the <app>Terminal</app> application from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面で:"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Laptop touchpads sometimes have a delay after you stop typing before they will start working. 
This is to prevent you from accidentally touching the touchpad with your palm while typing. See <link 
xref=\"mouse-disabletouchpad\"/> for details."
+#~ msgid "Laptop touchpads sometimes react with delay after you stop typing before they start working. This 
is to prevent you from accidentally touching the touchpad with your palm while typing. See <link 
xref=\"mouse-disabletouchpad\"/> for details."
+#~ msgstr "ラップトップのタッチパッドは、入力を止めたあと機能するまでに遅れが正じることがあります。これはタイプ中に思いがけず手のひらでタッチパッドを触ってしまうことを防ぐためです。詳細は <link 
xref=\"mouse-disabletouchpad\"/> を参照してください。"
+#~ msgid "Add a <input>.is_audio_player</input> file to tell your computer that it's an audio player."
+#~ msgstr "<input>.is_audio_player</input> ファイルを追加し、そのデバイスがオーディオプレイヤーであることをコンピューターに伝えます。"
+#~ msgid "Why isn't my audio player recognized when I plug it in?"
+#~ msgstr "オーディオプレイヤーを接続しても認識されない"
+#~ msgid "If your audio player (MP3 player etc.) is plugged in to the computer but you can't see it in your 
music organizer application, it may not have been properly recognized as an audio player."
+#~ msgstr "オーディオプレイヤー(MP3 プレイヤーやその他)をコンピューターに接続しても、音楽管理ソフトウェアから見ることができないのであれば、そのプレイヤーは適切に認識されていません。"
+#~ msgid "Try unplugging the player and then plugging it in again. If that doesn't help, open the File 
Manager. You should see the player listed under <gui>Devices</gui> in the sidebar - click it to open the 
folder for the audio player. Now, click <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>New Document</gui><gui>Empty 
Document</gui></guiseq>, type <input>.is_audio_player</input> and press <key>Enter</key> (the period and 
underscores are important, and it should be all lower-case). This file tells your computer to recognize the 
device as an audio player."
+#~ msgstr 
+#~ msgid "Now, find the audio player in the File Manager sidebar and eject it (right-click and click 
<gui>Eject</gui>). Unplug it, then plug it back in. This time it should have been recognized as an audio 
player by your music organizer. If not, try closing the music organizer and then re-opening it."
+#~ msgstr 
+#~ msgid "These instructions won't work for iPods and some other audio players. They should work if your 
player is a <em>USB Mass Storage</em> device, though; it should say in its manual if it is."
+#~ msgstr "この方法は、iPod やその他のオーディオプレイヤーには効果がありません。プレイヤーが <em>USB Mass Storage</em> デバイスである場合に効果があります。USB Mass 
Storage デバイスであるかどうかは、プレイヤーのマニュアルに記載されているでしょう。"
+#~ msgid "When you look in the audio player folder again, you won't see the <input>.is_audio_player</input> 
file. This is because the period in the file's name tells the File Manager to hide the file. You can check 
that it is still there by clicking <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Show Hidden Files</gui></guiseq>."
+#~ msgstr 
+#~ msgid "<gui>Include a Delete command that bypasses Trash</gui>"
+#~ msgstr "<gui>\"削除\" (ゴミ箱を経由しない) をメニューに追加する</gui>"
+#~ msgid "Selecting this option will add a <gui>Delete</gui> item to the menu that pops up when you 
right-click on an item in the <app>Files</app> application."
+#~ msgstr "このオプションを選択すると、<app>ファイル</app>アプリケーションでの右クリックのポップアップメニューに<gui>削除</gui>メニュー項目を追加します。"
+#~ msgid "Deleting an item using the <gui>Delete</gui> menu option bypasses the Trash altogether. The item 
is removed from the system completely. There is no way to recover the deleted item."
+#~ msgstr 
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "In the <gui>Bookmarks</gui> window, select the bookmark you wish to delete and click the 
<key>-</key> button."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>ブックマークの編集</gui>ウィンドウで、削除するブックマークを選択し、<gui>削除</gui>ボタンをクリックします。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "In the <gui>Bookmarks</gui> window, select the bookmark you wish to rename."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>ブックマークの編集</gui>ウィンドウで、名前を変更するブックマークを選択します。"
+#~ msgid "If you have a file manager window open, you may have to reload for icon caption changes to take 
effect. Click <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Reload</gui></guiseq> or press 
+#~ msgstr 
+#~ msgid "Volume"
+#~ msgstr "ボリューム"
+#~ msgid "The file system or device that the file is stored on. This shows you where the file is physically 
stored, for example if it is on the hard disk or on a CD, or a <link xref=\"nautilus-connect\">network share 
or file server</link>. Hard disks can be split up into several <link xref=\"disk-partitions\">disk 
partitions</link>; the partition will be displayed under <gui>Volume</gui> too."
+#~ msgstr 
+#~ msgid "The group the file is owned by. On my home computers, each user is in their own group. Groups are 
sometimes used in corporate environments, where users might be in groups according to department or project."
+#~ msgstr 
+#~ msgid "r : Read permission."
+#~ msgstr "r : 読み取り権限"
+#~ msgid "w : Write permission."
+#~ msgstr "w : 書き込み権限"
+#~ msgid "x : Execute permission."
+#~ msgstr "x : 実行権限"
+#~ msgid "- : No permission."
+#~ msgstr "- : 権限なし"
+#~ msgid "View new folders using"
+#~ msgstr "新しいフォルダーの表示形式"
+#~ msgid "Show hidden and backup files"
+#~ msgstr "隠しファイルとバックアップファイルを表示する"
+#~ msgid "Icon view defaults"
+#~ msgstr "アイコン表示の規定値"
+#~ msgid "Default zoom level"
+#~ msgstr "デフォルトのズームレベル"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "You can make the icons and text larger or smaller by default in icon view using this option. You 
can also change this setting in an individual folder by clicking the <_:media-1/> button in the toolbar and 
selecting <gui>Zoom In</gui>, <gui>Zoom Out</gui> or <gui>Normal Size</gui>. If you frequently use a larger 
or smaller zoom level, you can set the default with this option."
+#~ msgstr 
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "In icon view, more or fewer captions are shown based on your zoom level. See <link 
xref=\"nautilus-display#icon-captions\"/> for more information."
+#~ msgid "In icon view, more or fewer <link xref=\"nautilus-display#icon-captions\">captions</link> are 
shown based on your zoom level."
+#~ msgstr "アイコン表示では、表示される見出しの数がズームレベルによって変わります。詳細については、<link xref=\"nautilus-display#icon-captions\"/> 
+#~ msgid "List view defaults"
+#~ msgstr "一覧表示の規定値"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "You can make the icons and text larger or smaller in list view using this option. You can also do 
this in an individual folder by clicking the <_:media-1/> button in the toolbar and selecting <gui>Zoom 
In</gui>, <gui>Zoom Out</gui> or <gui>Normal Size</gui>."
+#~ msgstr 
+#~ msgid "<link xref=\"net-default-email\">Default email apps</link>"
+#~ msgstr "<link xref=\"net-default-email\">既定のメールクライアント</link>"
+#~ msgid "Click the <gui>network icon</gui> on the <gui>top bar</gui> and select <gui>Network 
+#~ msgstr "<gui>トップバー</gui>で<gui>ネットワークアイコン</gui>をクリックし、<gui>ネットワーク設定</gui>を選択します。"
+#~ msgid "Select the network connection from the list (<gui>Wired</gui> or <gui>Wireless</gui>) and click 
+#~ msgstr "一覧からネットワーク接続を選択してから (<gui>有線</gui>または<gui>無線</gui>) <gui>設定</gui>をクリックします。"
+#~ msgid "If no connection information is listed in the <gui>Addresses</gui> list, or if you want to set up 
a new connection, click <gui>Add</gui>."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>アドレス</gui>一覧に接続情報がない場合、または新規の接続を設定する場合には<gui>追加</gui>をクリックします。"
+#~ msgid "Some websites use Silverlight to display web pages. The Moonlight plug-in lets you view these 
+#~ msgstr "Silverlight を使ってウェブページを表示するウェブサイトがあります。Moonlight プラグインがあれば、こうしたページを閲覧できます。"
+#~ msgid "Install the Silverlight plug-in"
+#~ msgstr "Silverlight プラグインのインストール"
+#~ msgid "<app>Silverlight</app> is a <em>plug-in</em> for your web browser which allows you to watch videos 
and use interactive web pages on some websites. Some websites won't work without Silverlight."
+#~ msgstr "<app>Silverlight</app> 
+#~ msgid "If you view a Silverlight-enabled website but don't have the plug-in installed, you will probably 
see a message telling you so. This message should have instructions telling you how to get the plug-in, but 
these instructions might not be suitable for your web browser or version of Linux."
+#~ msgstr "Silverlight 
 Linux 向けウェブブラウザーには対応していないでしょう。"
+#~ msgid "If you want to view Silverlight-enabled websites, you should install the <em>Moonlight</em> 
plug-in instead. This is a free, open-source version of Silverlight which runs on Linux."
+#~ msgstr "Silverlight が必要になるウェブサイトを閲覧したい場合は、代わりに、<em>Moonlight</em> プラグインをインストールするとよいでしょう。これは、Linux で動作する 
Silverlight のフリーなオープンソース実装です。"
+#~ msgid "Some Linux distributions have a copy of Moonlight that you can install using their software 
installer; just open the installer and search for <input>Silverlight</input> or <input>Moonlight</input>."
+#~ msgstr "Linux ディストリビューションによっては、パッケージマネージャーを使って Moonlight 
をインストールできるものがあります。パッケージマネージャーを開き、<input>Silverlight</input> あるいは <input>Moonlight</input> で検索するだけです。"
+#~ msgid "If your distribution doesn't have a Moonlight software package, see the <link 
href=\"http://www.go-mono.com/moonlight/\";>Moonlight website</link> for more information and installation 
+#~ msgstr "お使いのディストリビューションが Moonlight のパッケージを提供していない場合は、<link 
href=\"http://www.go-mono.com/moonlight/\";>Moonlight のウェブサイト</link>を参照し、詳細な情報とインストール手順を確認してください。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Open the <link xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</link> overview and make sure you're looking 
at the <gui>Windows</gui> view."
+#~ msgid "Open the <gui xref=\"shell-terminology\">Activities</gui> overview and start typing 
+#~ msgstr "<link xref=\"shell-terminology\">アクティビティ</link>画面を開き、<gui>ウィンドウ</gui>ビューを表示します。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Click the <gui>+</gui> button in the button bar."
+#~ msgid "Click on <gui>Settings</gui> to open the control center."
+#~ msgstr "ボタンバーの <gui>+</gui> ボタンを押します。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Click the <gui>+</gui> button in the button bar."
+#~ msgid "Click on <gui>Network</gui> to open the control center."
+#~ msgstr "ボタンバーの <gui>+</gui> ボタンを押します。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Click your name on the top bar and select <gui>Settings</gui>."
+#~ msgid "Click the system status area on the top bar and select <gui>Wi-Fi</gui>."
+#~ msgstr "トップバーにあるユーザー名をクリックし、<gui>設定</gui>を選択します。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Click the system status area on the top bar, select <gui>Wi-Fi</gui>, then click <gui>Select 
+#~ msgstr "トップバーのユーザー名の箇所をクリックし、<gui>システム設定</gui>を選択します。"
+#~ msgid "Hibernate is disabled by default since it's not well supported."
+#~ msgstr "ハイバネートは十分にサポートしていないためデフォルトでは無効になっています。"
+#~ msgid "How do I hibernate my computer?"
+#~ msgstr "コンピューターをハイバネートするには?"
+#~ msgid "When the computer <em>hibernates</em>, all of your applications and documents are stored and the 
computer completely switches off so it does not use any power, but the applications and documents will still 
be open when you switch on the computer again."
+#~ msgstr 
+#~ msgid "Unfortunately, hibernate <link xref=\"power-suspendfail\">doesn't work</link> in many cases, which 
can cause you to lose data if you expect your documents and applications to re-open when you switch your 
computer back on. Therefore, hibernate is disabled by default."
+#~ msgstr "残念ながら、ハイバネートが<link 
+#~ msgid "Test if hibernate works"
+#~ msgstr "ハイバネートが正しく動作するか確認する"
+#~ msgid "Always save your work before hibernating"
+#~ msgstr "ハイバネートする前に必ず作業を保存してください"
+#~ msgid "You should save all of your work before hibernating the computer, just in case something goes 
wrong and your open applications and documents cannot be recovered when you switch on the computer again."
+#~ msgstr "コンピューターを再びオンにしたときに何らかのエラーが発生してアプリケーションやドキュメントの復元が不可能にならないよう、ハイバネートする前にすべての作業を必ず保存してください。"
+#~ msgid "You can use the command line to test if hibernate works on your computer."
+#~ msgstr "ハイバネートがお使いのコンピューターで正しく動作するかはコマンドラインで確認できます。"
+#~ msgid "Open the <app>Terminal</app> by pressing <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key> 
<key>Alt</key><key>t</key></keyseq> or by searching for <input>terminal</input> in the <gui>dash</gui>."
+#~ msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key> <key>Alt</key><key>t</key></keyseq> を押して<app>端末</app>を開くか、<gui>dash</gui> 
で <input>terminal</input> の検索を行い端末を開きます。"
+#~ msgid "Open the <app>Terminal</app> by searching for <input>terminal</input> in the <gui>Activities 
+#~ msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面で<input>terminal</input>と検索して、<app>端末</app>を開きます。"
+#~ msgid "As root, type <cmd>pm-hibernate</cmd> into the terminal and press <key>Enter</key>."
+#~ msgstr "root 権限で、端末上で <cmd>pm-hibernate</cmd> と入力して <key>Enter</key> を押します。"
+#~ msgid "Enter your password when prompted."
+#~ msgstr "必要に応じてパスワードを入力します。"
+#~ msgid "After you computer turns off, switch it back on. Did your open applications re-open?"
+#~ msgstr "コンピューターの電源をオフにしてから再びオンにします。アプリケーションが開いた状態で起動しましたか?"
+#~ msgid "If hibernate doesn't work, check if your swap partition is at least as large as your available 
+#~ msgstr "ハイバネートが正しく動作しない場合は、swap パーティションの領域が少なくとも利用可能な RAM と同じサイズは確保されているか確認します。"
+#~ msgid "Enable hibernate"
+#~ msgstr "ハイバネートを有効にする"
+#~ msgid "If the hibernate test works, you can continue to use the <cmd>pm-hibernate</cmd> command when you 
want to hibernate."
+#~ msgstr "ハイバネートのテストが成功すれば、<cmd>pm-hibernate</cmd> コマンドを使ってハイバネートしてください。"
+#~ msgid "You can also enable the hibernate option in the menus. To do that, use your favorite text editor 
to create <file>/etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/org.gnome.enable-hibernate.pkla</file>. Add the 
following to the file and save:"
+#~ msgstr "また、メニューのハイバネートオプションを有効にすることもできます。テキストエディターを使って 
+#~ msgid "You can change what happens when the battery level gets too low by opening <app>Power</app> from 
the <gui>Activities</gui> overview. Look at the <gui>When power is critically low</gui> setting. You can 
choose for the computer to hibernate or shut down. If you choose shut down, your applications and documents 
<em>will not</em> be saved before the computer turns off."
+#~ msgstr 
+#~ msgid "Some computers have problems hibernating, and may not be able to recover the applications and 
documents you had open when you turn on the computer again. In this case, it is possible that you could lose 
some of your work if you did not save it before the computer hibernated. You may be able to <link 
xref=\"power-suspendfail\">fix problems with hibernation</link> though."
+#~ msgstr 
+#~ msgid "None of my applications/documents are open when I turn on the computer again"
+#~ msgstr "コンピューターをオンにし直すと、アプリケーションやドキュメントが開かれていません"
+#~ msgid "If you hibernated your computer and switched it on again, but none of your documents or 
applications are open, it probably failed to hibernate properly. Sometimes this happens because of a minor 
problem, and the computer will be able to hibernate properly the next time you do it. It might also happen 
because you had installed a software update which required the computer to be restarted; in this case, the 
computer may have shut down instead of hibernating."
+#~ msgstr 
+#~ msgid "It is also possible that the computer is not capable of hibernating because the hardware does not 
support it properly. This might be because of a problem with Linux drivers for your hardware, for example. 
You can test this by hibernating again and seeing if it works the second time. If it does not, it is probably 
a problem with drivers on your computer."
+#~ msgstr "また、ハードウェア側で対応していないことが原因でハイバネートができない可能性もあります。たとえば、お使いのハードウェア用の Linux 
+#~ msgid "Click <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>Print</gui></guiseq>."
+#~ msgstr "<guiseq><gui>ファイル</gui><gui>印刷</gui></guiseq>を選択します。"
+#~ msgid "Print folded booklets"
+#~ msgstr "製本印刷する"
+#~ msgid "Go to the <gui>General</gui> tab. Under <em>Range</em>, choose <gui>Pages</gui>."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>全般</gui>タブを開きます。<em>範囲</em>オプションの<gui>ページ</gui>を選択します。"
+#~ msgid "Now, go to the <gui>Page Setup</gui> tab."
+#~ msgstr "次に、<gui>ページの設定</gui> タブを開きます。"
+#~ msgid "In the <gui>Page ordering</gui> menu, select <gui>Left to right</gui>."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>ページの順番</gui>というオプションで<gui>左から右へ</gui>を選択します。"
+#~ msgid "Under <em>Layout</em>, in the <gui>Two-sided</gui> menu, select <gui>One Sided</gui>."
+#~ msgstr "<em>レイアウト</em>の下にある<gui>両面印刷</gui>オプションで<gui>片面</gui>を選択します。"
+#~ msgid "In the <gui>Pages per side</gui> menu, select <gui>2</gui>."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>段組み印刷</gui>オプションで <gui>2</gui> を選択します。"
+#~ msgid "In the <gui>Only print</gui> menu, select <gui>Even sheets</gui>."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>印刷の対象</gui>オプションで<gui>偶数ページ</gui>を選択します。"
+#~ msgid "Click your name on the top bar and select <gui>Settings</gui>."
+#~ msgstr "トップバーにあるユーザー名をクリックし、<gui>設定</gui>を選択します。"
+#~ msgid "Click <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>Print</gui></guiseq>"
+#~ msgstr "<guiseq><gui>ファイル</gui><gui>印刷</gui></guiseq>を選択します。"
+#~ msgid "Print envelopes and labels"
+#~ msgstr "封筒やラベルに印刷する"
+#~ msgid "Click the <key>Unlock</key> button in the top-right corner and enter your password."
+#~ msgstr "右上の<key>ロック解除</key>ボタンを押してパスワードを入力します。"
+#~ msgid "You need administrative privileges on the system to set the default printer."
+#~ msgstr "デフォルトのプリンターを設定するには、管理者権限が必要です。"
+#~ msgid "When choosing from the list of available printers, you can filter the printer search results by 
specifying a name or location of the printer (for example, <input>1st floor</input> or 
+#~ msgstr "利用可能なプリンターの一覧から選択をする場合、プリンターの名前や場所を指定して検索結果を絞ることができます (<input>1 
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "The search results filtering is available only in the dialog for addition of new printers."
+#~ msgid "The search results filtering is available only in the dialog for adding new printers."
+#~ msgstr "検索結果をフィルタリングできるのは、新規プリンター追加用ダイアログ内のみです。"
+#~ msgid "Click the <key>+</key> button."
+#~ msgstr "<key>+</key>ボタンを押します。"
+#~ msgid "Use the <em>Purge After: Immediately</em> setting with caution. Setting your trash to be purged 
immediately will cause any files you delete to skip your trash and be permanently deleted. Files that are 
deleted are much more difficult to recover than files that are in your trash."
+#~ msgstr 
+#~ msgid "Unless you have a specific need to immediately delete files from your trash, it is probably safer 
to set a longer <gui>Purge After</gui> value."
+#~ msgstr "すぐにゴミ箱を空にする必要が特になければ、<gui>次の時間経過後に削除する</gui>の値を長めに設定しておくと、より安全になるでしょう。"
+#~ msgid "Change the system language"
+#~ msgstr "システムの言語を変更する"
+#~ msgid "When you change your language, you only change it for your account after you log in. You can also 
change the <em>system language</em>, the language used in places like the login screen."
+#~ msgstr "言語を変更する場合、ログインし直したあと、あなたのアカウントにだけ適用されます。<em>システムの言語</em>、つまりログイン画面などで使用する言語を変更することもできます。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Click the <gui style=\"button\">Login Screen</gui> button."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>ユニバーサルアクセス</gui>をクリックする。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "<link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">Administrative privileges</link> are required. Enter your 
password, or the password for the requested administrator account."
+#~ msgid "Click <gui>Language</gui>. <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">Administrative privileges</link> are 
required. Enter your password, or the password for the requested administrator account."
+#~ msgstr "<link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">管理者権限</link>が必要になります。あなたのパスワードか、要求された管理者アカウントのパスワードを入力します。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "You can allow access to your <file>Public</file> and <file>Downloads</file> folders for Bluetooth 
file sharing, and also restrict that access to only <em>trusted devices</em>. Configure <gui>Bluetooth 
Sharing</gui> to control access to the shared folders on your computer."
+#~ msgid "You can allow access to your <file>Downloads</file> folder for Bluetooth file sharing, and also 
restrict that access to only <em>trusted devices</em>. Configure <gui>Bluetooth Sharing</gui> to control 
access to the shared folder on your computer."
+#~ msgstr "Bluetooth 
+#~ msgid "A Bluetooth device is <em>trusted</em> if you have <em>paired</em>, or connected your computer to 
it. See <link xref=\"bluetooth-connect-device\"/>."
+#~ msgstr "Bluetooth デバイスは、ペアリング済み、つまりお使いのコンピューターとそのデバイスを接続済みであれば、<em>信頼する</em>デバイスとなります。接続方法については、「<link 
+#~ msgid "Select <gui>Bluetooth Sharing</gui>."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>Bluetooth 共有</gui>を選択します"
+#~ msgid "Switch <gui>Save Received Files to Downloads Folder</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>受信したファイルをダウンロードフォルダーに保存する</gui>のスイッチを<gui>オン</gui>に切り替えます。"
+#~ msgid "If you only want to allow trusted devices to access your <file>Downloads</file> folder, switch 
<gui>Only Receive From Trusted Devices</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>."
+#~ msgstr 
+#~ msgid "This option is disabled by default. You should enable it if you want to prevent access to your 
shared files by anyone with a Bluetooth-enabled cell phone or similar device nearby."
+#~ msgstr "このオプションはデフォルトで無効になっています。誰か近くにいる人が Bluetooth 
+#~ msgid "Click <gui style=\"button\">Close</gui>. Bluetooth-enabled devices will now be able to send files 
to your <file>Downloads</file> folder."
+#~ msgstr "<gui style=\"button\">閉じる</gui>ボタンを押します。これで、Bluetooth 
+#~ msgid "Approve All Connections"
+#~ msgstr "接続ごとに許可するかどうか確認する"
+#~ msgid "Switch <gui>Share Media On This Network</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>このネットワーク上のメディアコンテンツを共有する</gui>のスイッチを<gui>オン</gui>に切り替えます。"
+#~ msgid "Message Tray"
+#~ msgstr "メッセージトレイ"
+#~ msgid "Message tray"
+#~ msgstr "メッセージトレイ"
+#~ msgid "The message tray can be brought into view by pushing your mouse pointer against the bottom of the 
screen or by pressing <keyseq><key>Super</key><key>M</key></keyseq>. This is where your notifications are 
stored until you are ready to view them."
+#~ msgstr "メッセージトレイは、マウスポインターを画面下部に対してしばらく押し続けるか、あるいは <keyseq><key>Super</key><key>M</key></keyseq> 
+#~ msgid "At the right-hand side of the window list, GNOME displays a short identifier for the current 
worskpace, such as <gui>1</gui> for the first (top) workspace. In addition, the identifier also displays the 
total number of available workspaces. To switch to a different workspace, you can click the identifier and 
select the workspace you want to use from the menu."
+#~ msgstr "ウィンドウ一覧の右側に、現在のワークスペースを示すインジケーターが表示されます。たとえば最初 (先頭) のワークスペースの場合、<gui>1</gui> 
+#~ msgid "It is not currently possible to use the arrow keys to navigate the windows overview. To switch 
windows, exit the overview and use <keyseq><key>Super</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq> and 
+#~ msgstr 
 と <keyseq><key>Super</key><key>`</key></keyseq> を使います。"
+#~ msgid "To minimize distraction, some notifications first appear as a single line. You can move your mouse 
over them to see their full content."
+#~ msgstr "できるだけユーザーの気を散らさないように、通知によっては、まず 1 行のメッセージとして表示されるものもあります。メッセージの箇所にマウスを合わせれば、通知内容の全文を確認できます。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "If the <link xref=\"keyboard-osk\">screen keyboard</link> is open, you'll need to click the 
<gui>tray button</gui> to show the message tray."
+#~ msgid "If the <link xref=\"keyboard-osk\">screen keyboard</link> is open, you will need to click the 
<gui>tray button</gui> to show the message tray."
+#~ msgstr "<link xref=\"keyboard-osk\">スクリーンキーボード</link> 
+#~ msgid "Desktop, apps &amp; windows"
+#~ msgstr "デスクトップ、アプリ、およびウィンドウ"
+#~ msgid "The Desktop"
+#~ msgstr "デスクトップ"
+#~ msgid "An overview of terms used to describe different parts of the desktop."
+#~ msgstr "デスクトップの各部品の説明に使われる用語の概要です。"
+#~ msgid "Activities, dash, top bar… What are they?"
+#~ msgstr "アクティビティ、ダッシュボード、トップバー... それは何ですか?"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "The <em>activities overview</em> is the screen that's displayed when you click on 
<gui>Activities</gui> at the top left of the screen."
+#~ msgid "The <em><gui>Activities</gui> overview</em> is the screen that is displayed when you click 
<gui>Activities</gui> at the top left of the screen."
+#~ msgstr "<em>アクティビティ画面</em>とは、デスクトップ左上の<gui>アクティビティ</gui>ボタンをクリックすると表示される画面のことです。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "The <em>activities overview</em> is the screen that's displayed when you click on 
<gui>Activities</gui> at the top left of the screen."
+#~ msgid "The <em><gui>Activities</gui> overview</em> is the screen that is displayed when you select 
<gui>Activities Overview</gui> in the <gui>Applications</gui> menu at the top left of the screen."
+#~ msgstr "<em>アクティビティ画面</em>とは、デスクトップ左上の<gui>アクティビティ</gui>ボタンをクリックすると表示される画面のことです。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Applications and windows"
+#~ msgid "Applications menu"
+#~ msgstr "アプリケーションとウィンドウ"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Alt-Tab window switcher"
+#~ msgid "Super-Tab window switcher"
+#~ msgstr "Alt-Tab ウィンドウスイッチャー"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "When you hold down the <key>Alt</key> key and then press <key>Tab</key>, a <em>window 
switcher</em> appears. This shows the icons of the applications you have currently open."
+#~ msgid "When you hold down the <key xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key> key and then press 
<key>Tab</key>, a <em>window switcher</em> appears. This shows the applications that are currently open."
+#~ msgstr "<key>Alt</key> キーを押しながら <key>Tab</key> 
+#~ msgid "Dash"
+#~ msgstr "ダッシュボード"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "The <em>dash</em> is the list of your favorite applications that is shown on the left-hand side 
of the activities overview. Applications that are currently running are also shown here. The dash is 
sometimes referred to as the <em>dock</em>."
+#~ msgid "The <em>dash</em> is the list of your favorite applications that is shown on the left-hand side of 
the <gui>Activities</gui> overview. Applications that are currently running are also shown here. The dash is 
sometimes referred to as the <em>dock</em>."
+#~ msgstr 
+#~ msgid "Hot corner"
+#~ msgstr "ホットコーナー"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "The <em>hot corner</em> is the corner at the top left of the screen. When you move the pointer to 
this corner, the activities overview opens."
+#~ msgid "The <em>hot corner</em> is the corner at the top left of the screen. When you move the pointer to 
this corner, the <gui>Activities</gui> overview opens."
+#~ msgstr "<em>ホットコーナー</em>とは、画面左上の角のことです。ここにマウスポインターを持っていくと、アクティビティ画面が開きます。"
+#~ msgid "Notifications"
+#~ msgstr "通知メッセージ"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "<em>Notifications</em> are messages that pop up at the bottom of the screen, telling you that 
something just happened. For example, when someone chatting with you sends a message, a notification will pop 
up to tell you. If you don't want to deal with a message right now, it is hidden in your message tray. Move 
your mouse to the bottom of the screen (or press <keyseq><key 
xref=\"keyboard-key-super\">Super</key><key>M</key></keyseq>) to see your message tray."
+#~ msgstr 
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "User menu"
+#~ msgid "Places menu"
+#~ msgstr "ユーザーメニュー"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Settings"
+#~ msgstr "設定"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "The <em>settings</em> are where you can change preferences and so on, similar to the Control Panel 
in Windows or the System Preferences in Mac OS. Click the system menu on the right side of the top bar and 
press the <gui>Settings</gui> button to access them. Alternatively, you can open the <gui>Activities</gui> 
overview and start typing <gui>Settings</gui>, then select the <gui>Settings</gui> panel."
+#~ msgstr "<em>システム設定</em>とは、設定の変更などを行うメニューです。Windows の「コントロール パネル」や Mac OS 
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "System"
+#~ msgid "System menu"
+#~ msgstr "システム"
+#~ msgid "Top bar"
+#~ msgstr "トップバー"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "The <em>top bar</em> is the bar that runs along the very top of the screen. The 
<gui>Activities</gui> link is on one end of the top bar and your username is on the other."
+#~ msgid "The <em>top bar</em> is the bar that runs along the very top of the screen. The 
<gui>Activities</gui> link is on one end of the top bar and the system menu is on the other."
+#~ msgstr "<em>トップバー</em>とは、画面最上部に渡るバーのことです。トップバーの片方の端には<gui>アクティビティ</gui>ボタンが配置され、その反対側にはユーザーの名前が表示されています。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "The <em>top bar</em> is the bar that runs along the very top of the screen. The 
<gui>Activities</gui> link is on one end of the top bar and your username is on the other."
+#~ msgid "The <em>top bar</em> is the bar that runs along the very top of the screen. The 
<gui>Applications</gui> menu is on one end of the top bar and the system menu is on the other."
+#~ msgstr "<em>トップバー</em>とは、画面最上部に渡るバーのことです。トップバーの片方の端には<gui>アクティビティ</gui>ボタンが配置され、その反対側にはユーザーの名前が表示されています。"
+#~ msgid "Workspace"
+#~ msgstr "ワークスペース"
+#~ msgid "You can put windows on different <em>workspaces</em>. They are a convenient way of grouping and 
separating windows."
+#~ msgstr "別々の<em>ワークスペース</em>にウィンドウを配置することができます。ウィンドウをまとめたり、分けたりするのに便利な方法です。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "The <em>workspace selector</em> is the list of workspaces that is shown on the right-hand side of 
the <gui>Windows</gui> view in the activities overview."
+#~ msgid "The <em>workspace selector</em> is the list of workspaces that is shown on the right-hand side of 
the <gui>Windows</gui> view in the <gui>Activities</gui> overview."
+#~ msgstr "<em>ワークスペースセレクター</em>とは、アクティビティ画面の<gui>ウィンドウ</gui>ビュー右側に表示される、ワークスペースの一覧です。"
+#~ msgid "From the <gui>Activities</gui> overview:"
+#~ msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面で次の操作を実行します。"
+#~ msgid "Click the sound icon on the top bar and select <gui>Sound Settings</gui>."
+#~ msgstr "トップバーのユーザー名の箇所をクリックし、<gui>システム設定</gui>を選択します。"
+#~ msgid "In the <gui>Sound</gui> window that appears, go to the <gui>Output</gui> tab. Make a note of which 
device and which profile are selected (so you can return to the default selections if changing them doesn't 
+#~ msgstr 
+#~ msgid "Your sound card may not have been detected properly. If this has happened, your computer will 
think that it isn't able to play sound. A possible reason for the card not being detected properly is that 
the drivers for the card are not installed."
+#~ msgstr 
+#~ msgid "Type <cmd>aplay -l</cmd> and press <key>Enter</key>."
+#~ msgstr "<cmd>aplay -l</cmd>を入力し、<key>Enter</key>キーを押します。"
+#~ msgid "A list of devices will be shown. If there are no <gui>playback hardware devices</gui>, your sound 
card has not been detected."
+#~ msgstr "デバイスのリストが表示されます。もし再生用ハードウェアデバイスがなければ、サウンドカードは検出されていません。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "From the <gui>Activities</gui> overview, open <app>Files</app>."
+#~ msgid "Open the <gui>Users</gui> panel from <app>Settings</app>."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面から、<app>ファイル</app>を開きます。"
+#, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Click the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar and select <gui>Set Up New Device</gui>."
 #~ msgstr "トップバーのユーザー名の箇所をクリックし、<gui>システム設定</gui>を選択します。"
@@ -13706,10 +14932,6 @@ msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>を選択します。"
 #~ msgstr "送信先のデバイスを選択し、<gui>送信</gui>ボタンを押します。"
 #, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Click <gui>Remove</gui> in the confirmation window."
-#~ msgstr "<gui>ユニバーサルアクセス</gui>をクリックする。"
-#, fuzzy
 #~| msgid "Set the <gui>Recently Used</gui> slider to <gui>Off</gui>."
 #~ msgid "Set the switch in the titlebar to <gui>OFF</gui>."
 #~ msgstr "<gui>最近使用したファイル</gui>のスイッチを<gui>オフ</gui>に切り替えます。"
@@ -13726,9 +14948,6 @@ msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>を選択します。"
 #~ msgid "To create or add to a collection:"
 #~ msgstr "コレクションを作成する、また、コレクションへ追加する方法は次のとおりです。"
-#~ msgid "Click the <gui>✓</gui> button."
-#~ msgstr "<gui>✓</gui> ボタンを押します。"
 #~ msgid "In selection mode, check the documents to be collected."
 #~ msgstr "選択モードで、コレクションに追加するドキュメントを選択します。"
@@ -13795,18 +15014,12 @@ msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>を選択します。"
 #~ msgid "Source: the path of the folder containing the document;"
 #~ msgstr "ソース: ドキュメントのあるフォルダーなどの場所"
-#~ msgid "Date Modified;"
-#~ msgstr "更新日時"
 #~ msgid "Type: the <link xref=\"documents-formats\">file format</link> of the document."
 #~ msgstr "種類: ドキュメントの<link xref=\"documents-formats\">ファイル形式</link>"
 #~ msgid "To see a document's properties:"
 #~ msgstr "ドキュメントのプロパティ (メタデータ) を参照する方法は次のとおりです。"
-#~ msgid "Click the <gui>Check</gui> button to switch to selection mode."
-#~ msgstr "<gui>Check</gui> ボタンを押して、選択モードに切り替えます。"
 #~ msgid "Select a document."
 #~ msgstr "ドキュメントをひとつ選択します。"
@@ -13822,9 +15035,6 @@ msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>を選択します。"
 #~ msgid "Organize the documents stored locally on your computer or created online."
 #~ msgstr "お使いのコンピューターに保存されたローカルのドキュメントやオンラインで作成したドキュメントの整理をします。"
-#~ msgid "Documents"
-#~ msgstr "ドキュメント"
 #~ msgid "<app>Documents</app> is a GNOME application that lets you display, organize, and print the 
documents on your computer or those created remotely using <em>Google Docs</em> or <em>SkyDrive</em>."
 #~ msgstr "<app>ドキュメント</app> (gnome-documents) と呼ばれる GNOME 
@@ -13876,9 +15086,6 @@ msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>を選択します。"
 #~ msgid "To start a search in <app>Documents</app>:"
 #~ msgstr "<app>ドキュメント</app>で検索する方法は次のとおりです。"
-#~ msgid "Press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>F</key></keyseq> to open the search bar at the top of the 
-#~ msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>F</key></keyseq> を押して、ウィンドウ上部に検索バーを開きます。"
 #~ msgid "Start typing keywords, and searching begins instantly. You will see a list of documents whose 
title or author matches the keywords."
 #~ msgstr "キーワードを入力すると、すぐに検索が始まります。タイトルあるいは作者名がキーワードにマッチするドキュメントの一覧が表示されます。"
@@ -14090,18 +15297,12 @@ msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>を選択します。"
 #~ msgid "Open <gui>Network</gui> and select <gui>Wired</gui> or <gui>Wireless</gui> from the list on the 
left (depending on which device you want to check)."
 #~ msgstr "<gui>ネットワーク</gui>を開き、左の一覧から<gui>有線</gui>または<gui>無線</gui>を選択します (識別しようとしているデバイスに応じて)。"
-#~ msgid "Your MAC address will be displayed as the <gui>Hardware Address</gui>."
-#~ msgstr "<gui>ハードウェアアドレス</gui>に MAC アドレスが表示されます。"
 #~ msgid "If network settings don't get assigned automatically, you may have to enter them yourself."
 #~ msgstr "ネットワーク設定が自動的に割り当てられない場合はユーザーによる入力が必要な場合があります。"
 #~ msgid "Make sure that your wireless card is turned on or a network cable is plugged in. Otherwise, you 
won't be able to click <gui>Configure</gui>."
 #~ msgstr "ワイヤレスカードがオンになっているか、またはネットワークケーブルが差し込まれているか確認してください。これを忘れると<gui>設定</gui>をクリックできません。"
-#~ msgid "Go to the <gui>IPv4 Settings</gui> tab and change the <gui>Method</gui> to <gui>Manual</gui>."
-#~ msgstr "<gui>IPv4 設定</gui>タブを開き、<gui>メソッド</gui>を<gui>手動</gui>に変更します。"
 #~ msgid "Click <gui>Add</gui> and type the <em>IP address</em>, <em>network mask</em> and <em>default 
gateway IP address</em> into the corresponding columns of the <gui>Addresses</gui> list. Press 
<key>Enter</key> or <key>Tab</key> after typing each address."
 #~ msgstr "<gui>追加</gui>をクリックして<em>IP アドレス</em>、<em>ネットワークマスク</em>、<em>デフォルトのゲートウェイ IP 
アドレス</em>を<gui>アドレス</gui>一覧の該当欄に入力します。各アドレスを入力したら <key>Enter</key> または <key>Tab</key> キーを押します。"
@@ -14174,9 +15375,6 @@ msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>を選択します。"
 #~ msgid "A possible reason for why you are using Linux is the robust security that it is known for. One 
reason that Linux is relatively safe from malware and viruses is due to the lower number of people who use 
it. Viruses are targeted at popular operating systems like Windows, that have an extremely large user base. 
Linux is also very secure due to its open source nature, which allows experts to modify and enhance the 
security features included with each distribution."
 #~ msgstr "Linux を利用する理由として考えられるのがよく知られる強固なセキュリティです。マルウェアやウイルスに対して Linux 
が比較的安全である理由のひとつとしてユーザー数が少ないことが挙げられます。ウイルスは Windows のようにユーザー数が非常に多いポピュラーなオペレーティングシステムを標的にします。また、Linux 
-#~ msgid "Be careful in providing any application <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">root level 
permissions</link>, especially ones that you have not used before or apps that are not well-known. Providing 
anyone/anything with root level permissions puts your computer at high risk to exploitation."
-#~ msgstr "アプリケーションに <link xref=\"user-admin-explain\">root 
 #~ msgid "VPNs allow you to connect to a local network over the internet. Learn how to set up a VPN 
 #~ msgstr "VPN を使用することでインターネット経由でのローカルネットワークhの接続が可能になります。VPN 接続の設定方法について見ていきます。"
@@ -14192,9 +15390,6 @@ msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>を選択します。"
 #~ msgid "If you are already connected to a wireless network, you will be asked if you want to disconnect 
from that network. A single wireless adapter can only connect to or create one network at a time. Click 
<gui>Create Hotspot</gui> to confirm."
 #~ msgstr 
-#~ msgid "Switch <gui>Airplane Mode</gui> on. This will turn off your wireless connection until you switch 
off airplane mode again."
-#~ msgstr "<gui>機内モード</gui>を有効にします。機内モードを無効に戻すまで、無線接続はオフの状態になります。"
 #~ msgid "You may find that you have been disconnected from a wireless network even though you wanted to 
stay connected. Your computer will normally try to reconnect to the network as soon as this happens (the 
network icon on the top bar will spin or pulse if it is trying to reconnect), but it can be annoying, 
especially if you were using the internet at the time."
 #~ msgstr "接続を維持したいのに無線ネットワークが切断されてしまう場合があります。通常、コンピューターは切断が起こると直ちにネットワークの再接続を試行しますが 
@@ -14294,9 +15489,6 @@ msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>を選択します。"
 #~ msgid "It is possible to set up a wireless network so that it is \"hidden.\" Hidden networks won't show 
up in the list of networks that are displayed when you click the network icon on the top bar (or the list of 
wireless networks on any other computer). To connect to a hidden wireless network:"
 #~ msgstr "無線ネットワークが表示されないよう設定することができます。非表示のネットワークはトップバーのネットワークアイコンをクリックしてもネットワーク一覧には表示されません 
-#~ msgid "Select <gui>Wireless</gui> from the list on the left."
-#~ msgstr "左の一覧から<gui>無線</gui>を選択します。"
 #~ msgid "Select <gui>Other</gui> from the <gui>Network Name</gui> drop-down list."
 #~ msgstr "<gui>ネットワーク名</gui>のドロップダウンリストから<gui>その他</gui>を選択します。"
@@ -14306,9 +15498,6 @@ msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>を選択します。"
 #~ msgid "Double-check the password, try using the pass key instead of the password, turn the wireless card 
off and on again…"
 #~ msgstr "パスワードをダブルクリックして、パスワードではなくパスキーを使用します。ワイヤレスカードを一度オフにしてからオンにし直します。"
-#~ msgid "Click the network icon and make sure that <gui>Wireless</gui> is set to ON. You should also check 
that <link xref=\"net-wireless-airplane\">Airplane Mode is not switched on</link>."
-#~ msgstr "ネットワークアイコンをクリックして、<gui>無線</gui>がオンに設定されているか確認します。<link 
 #~ msgid "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>L</key></keyseq>"
 #~ msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>L</key></keyseq>"
@@ -14380,9 +15569,6 @@ msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>を選択します。"
 #~ msgid "In the device information on the right, click <gui>Send Files</gui>."
 #~ msgstr "右側のデバイス情報欄で、<gui>ファイルを送信</gui>ボタンを押します。"
-#~ msgid "This requires <app>Evolution</app> to be installed on your computer."
-#~ msgstr "この機能を利用するには、<app>Evolution</app> をインストールする必要があります。"
 #~ msgid "Adjust the date and time by clicking on the arrows to choose the hour and minute. You can choose 
the year, month and day from the drop-down lists."
 #~ msgstr "矢印ボタンを押して時、分を調節します。ドロップダウンリストから年月日を変更します。"
@@ -14479,9 +15665,6 @@ msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>を選択します。"
 #~ msgid "Select <guiseq><gui>Settings</gui> <gui>Privacy</gui><gui>Screen Lock</gui></guiseq>."
 #~ msgstr "<guiseq><gui>設定</gui><gui>プライバシー</gui><gui>画面ロック</gui></guiseq>を選択します。"
-#~ msgid "Set the <gui>Show Notifications</gui> slider to <gui>Off</gui>."
-#~ msgstr "<gui>ロック画面に通知を表示する</gui>のスイッチをオフにします。"
 #~ msgid "Click your name on the top bar."
 #~ msgstr "トップバーにあるユーザー名をクリックします。"
@@ -14563,10 +15746,6 @@ msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>を選択します。"
 #~ msgstr "削除するファイルを選んでください。"
 #, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Open <gui>Users</gui>."
-#~ msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>を選択します。"
-#, fuzzy
 #~| msgid "The account is initially disabled until you choose what to do about the user's password. Under 
<gui>Login Options</gui> click <gui>Account disabled</gui> next to <gui>Password</gui>. Select <gui>Set a 
password now</gui> from the <gui>Action</gui> drop-down list, and have the user type their password in the 
<gui>New password</gui> and <gui>Confirm password</gui> fields. See <link xref=\"user-goodpassword\"/>."
 #~ msgid "The account is initially disabled until you choose what to do about the user's password. Select 
the new account from the list. Under <gui>Login Options</gui> click <gui>Account disabled</gui> next to 
<gui>Password</gui>. Select <gui>Set a password now</gui> from the <gui>Action</gui> drop-down list, and have 
the user type their password in the <gui>New password</gui> and <gui>Confirm password</gui> fields. See <link 
 #~ msgstr 
 xref=\"user-goodpassword\"/> を参照してください。"
@@ -14654,9 +15833,6 @@ msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>を選択します。"
 #~ msgid "You can easily share files with your contacts or transfer them to external devices or <link 
xref=\"nautilus-connect\">network shares</link> directly from the file manager."
 #~ msgstr "直接ファイルマネージャーから、相手先とのファイルの共有や、外部デバイスやネットワーク上の共有ディスクへの転送を簡単に行うことができます。"
-#~ msgid "Right-click the file and select <gui>Send To</gui>."
-#~ msgstr "ファイルを右クリックし、<gui>送る</gui>を選択します。"
 #~ msgid "The <gui>Send To</gui> window will appear. Choose where you want to send the file and click 
<gui>Send</gui>. See the list of destinations below for more information."
 #~ msgstr "<gui>送る</gui>ウィンドウが表示されます。ファイルの送信先を指定し、<gui>送信</gui>をクリックします。詳細については、以下の宛先一覧を参照してください。"
@@ -14831,9 +16007,6 @@ msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>を選択します。"
 #~ msgid "Select a category on the left side of the window, and the desired action on the right."
 #~ msgstr "ウィンドウの左側でカテゴリーを選択し、右側で動作を選択します。"
-#~ msgid "Click the <gui>+</gui> button. The <gui>Custom Shortcut</gui> window will appear."
-#~ msgstr "<gui>+</gui> ボタンをクリックします。<gui>独自のショートカット</gui>ウィンドウが表示されます。"
 #~ msgid "Open <gui>Mouse &amp; Touchpad</gui> and select the <gui>Mouse</gui> tab."
 #~ msgstr "<gui>マウスとタッチパッド</gui>を開き、<gui>マウス</gui>タブを選択します。"
@@ -15125,9 +16298,6 @@ msgstr "<gui>キーボード</gui>を選択します。"
 #~ msgid "Switch <gui>Mouse Keys</gui> on."
 #~ msgstr "<gui>マウスキー</gui>をオンにします。"
-#~ msgid "You can quickly turn mouse keys on and off by clicking the <link xref=\"a11y-icon\">accessibility 
icon</link> on the top bar and selecting <gui>Mouse Keys</gui>."
-#~ msgstr "トップバーの<link 
 #~ msgid "Switch between the <gui>Activities</gui> overview and desktop."
 #~ msgstr "<gui>アクティビティ</gui>画面とデスクトップを切り替えます。"

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