[chronojump] 1RM Squat gui done and integrated with bench press on R

commit 0d68d54ae975fef1c9b3c761e438d36366eaaafb
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Tue Dec 20 16:04:25 2016 +0100

    1RM Squat gui done and integrated with bench press on R

 encoder/graph.R    |  141 +++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------
 src/constants.cs   |    4 +-
 src/gui/encoder.cs |   33 ++++++++-----
 3 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)
diff --git a/encoder/graph.R b/encoder/graph.R
index e80beef..937335d 100644
--- a/encoder/graph.R
+++ b/encoder/graph.R
@@ -1927,7 +1927,7 @@ paintCrossVariables <- function (paf, varX, varY, option,
-paint1RMBadillo2010 <- function (paf, title, outputData1)
+paint1RMBadilloExercise <- function (exercise, paf, title, outputData1)
        curvesLoadTotal = (paf[,findPosInPaf("Load","")])               #mass: X
        curvesLoadExtra = (paf[,findPosInPaf("MassExtra","")])
@@ -1937,17 +1937,48 @@ paint1RMBadillo2010 <- function (paf, title, outputData1)
        loadPercent <- seq(30,100, by=5)
-       #msp: mean speed propulsive
-       #solve the quadratic ecuation on each %1RM vel = (-b - sqrt(b^2 -4ac))/(2a) with a = 8.4326, b = - 
73.501, c = 112.33
-       msp <- c(1.33, 1.235, 1.145, 1.055, 0.965, 0.88, 0.795,
-                                         0.715, 0.635, 0.555, 0.475, 0.405, 0.325, 0.255, 0.185)
-       #variation <- c(0.08, 0.07, 0.06, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.03, 
+       #variables that are different on each exercise. Declare them here
+       msp = NULL #msp: mean speed propulsive
+       loadPercentCalc = NULL
+       subtitle = NULL
+       speed1RM = NULL
+       speed1RMText = NULL
+       formula = NULL
+       reference = NULL
+       #solve the quadratic ecuation on each %1RM vel = (-b - sqrt(b^2 -4ac))/(2a)
+       if(exercise == "BENCH")
+       {
+               #a = 8.4326, b = - 73.501, c = 112.33
+               msp <- c(1.33, 1.235, 1.145, 1.055, 0.965, 0.88, 0.795,
+                        0.715, 0.635, 0.555, 0.475, 0.405, 0.325, 0.255, 0.185)
+               #variation <- c(0.08, 0.07, 0.06, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 
0.03, 0.04)
+               loadPercentCalc <- 8.4326*curvesSpeed^2 - 73.501*curvesSpeed + 112.33
+               subtitle <- translateToPrint("Concentric mean speed on bench press 1RM =")
+               speed1RM <- 0.185
+               speed1RMText <- " 0.185m/s"
+               formula <- paste(" 8.4326 * ", translateToPrint("speed"), " ^2 - 73.501 * ", 
translateToPrint("speed"), " + 112.33")
+               reference <- " Gonzalez-Badillo, Sanchez-Medina (2010)"
+       } else
+       { # == "SQUAT"
+               #a = -2.079, b = -59.5, c = 120.5
+               msp <- c(1.4477703, 1.3712719, 1.2943984, 1.2171443, 1.1395039, 1.0614714, 0.9830407,
+                        0.9042056, 0.8249600, 0.7452972, 0.6652106, 0.5846934, 0.5037386, 0.4223390, 
+               loadPercentCalc <- -2.079*curvesSpeed^2 - 59.5*curvesSpeed + 120.5
+               subtitle <- translateToPrint("Concentric mean speed on squat 1RM =")
+               #Note this prediction uses 0.340 as 1RM concentric speed on squat, but same authors found 
0.310 on other articles
+               #reason seem to be: this prediction is calculated on full squat
+               speed1RM <- 0.340
+               speed1RMText <- " 0.34m/s"
+               formula <- paste("-2.079 * ", translateToPrint("speed"), " ^2 - 59.5 * ", 
translateToPrint("speed"), " + 120.5")
+               reference <- " Gonzalez-Badillo, Sanchez-Medina (2015)"
+       }
-       loadPercentCalc <- 8.4326*curvesSpeed^2 - 73.501*curvesSpeed + 112.33
        #sometimes there's a negative value, fix it
        for(i in 1:length(loadPercentCalc))
               if(loadPercentCalc[i] < 0)
@@ -1972,10 +2003,10 @@ paint1RMBadillo2010 <- function (paf, title, outputData1)
        plot(curvesLoadExtra,curvesSpeed, type="p",
             main=paste(title, "1RM", translateToPrint("prediction")),
-            sub=paste("\n",translateToPrint("Concentric mean speed on bench press 1RM =")," 0.185m/s.",
+            sub=paste(subtitle, speed1RMText,
                      translateToPrint("Estimated percentual load ="),
-                     " 8.4326 * ", translateToPrint("speed"), " ^2 - 73.501 * ", translateToPrint("speed"), 
" + 112.33\n",
-                     translateToPrint("Adapted from")," Gonzalez-Badillo, Sanchez-Medina (2010)"),
+                     formula, "\n",
+                     translateToPrint("Adapted from"), reference),
             ylim=c(miny,maxy), xlab="", ylab="",axes=T)
@@ -1987,90 +2018,19 @@ paint1RMBadillo2010 <- function (paf, title, outputData1)
        mtext(side=4,at=msp, paste(" ",loadPercent), las=2)
-       arrows(curvesLoadExtra,curvesSpeed,loadCalcExtra,0.185,code=2,col=colors[loadPercentCalc])
+       arrows(curvesLoadExtra, curvesSpeed, loadCalcExtra, speed1RM, code=2, col=colors[loadPercentCalc])
        closerValues = which(curvesLoadExtra == max(curvesLoadExtra))
-       segments(loadCalcExtra[closerValues],0.185,loadCalcExtra[closerValues],0,lty=3)
+       segments(loadCalcExtra[closerValues], speed1RM, loadCalcExtra[closerValues], 0, lty=3)
        predicted1RM = mean(loadCalcExtra[closerValues])
-       segments(predicted1RM,0.185,predicted1RM,0,lty=1)
+       segments(predicted1RM, speed1RM, predicted1RM, 0, lty=1)
        mtext(side=1, at=predicted1RM, round(predicted1RM,2), cex=.8)
-       write(paste("1RM;",round(predicted1RM,2),sep=""), SpecialData)
+       mtext(speed1RM, at=speed1RM, side=2, cex=.8, las=2)
-paint1RMBadilloSquat <- function (paf, title, outputData1)
-        curvesLoadTotal = (paf[,findPosInPaf("Load","")])              #mass: X
-        curvesLoadExtra = (paf[,findPosInPaf("MassExtra","")])
-        curvesSpeed = (paf[,findPosInPaf("Speed", "mean")])    #mean speed Y
-        par(mar=c(5,6,3,4))
-        loadPercent <- seq(30,100, by=5)
-        #msp: mean speed propulsive
-        percent1RM <- percent1RM <- seq(30, 100, 5)
-        #solve the quadratic ecuation on each %1RM vel = (-b - sqrt(b^2 -4ac))/(2a) with a = 8.4326, b = - 
73.501, c = 112.33
-        msp <- c(1.4477703, 1.3712719, 1.2943984, 1.2171443, 1.1395039, 1.0614714, 0.9830407, 0.9042056, 
0.8249600, 0.7452972, 0.6652106,
-                 0.5846934, 0.5037386, 0.4223390, 0.3404870)
-        maxy=max(c(msp,curvesSpeed))
-        miny=min(c(msp,curvesSpeed))
-        loadPercentCalc <- -2.079*curvesSpeed^2 - 59.5*curvesSpeed + 120.5
-        #sometimes there's a negative value, fix it
-        for(i in 1:length(loadPercentCalc))
-                if(loadPercentCalc[i] < 0)
-                        loadPercentCalc[i] = NA
-        loadCalcTotal <- 100 * curvesLoadTotal / loadPercentCalc
-        loadCalcExtra <- loadCalcTotal - (curvesLoadTotal - curvesLoadExtra)
-        #for calculations take only the curves slower or == than 1.33
-        curvesSpeedInIntervalPos = which(curvesSpeed <= max(msp))
-        if(length(curvesSpeedInIntervalPos) == 0) {
-                plot(0,0,type="n",axes=F,xlab="",ylab="")
-                text(x=0,y=0,translateToPrint("Not enough data."),cex=1.5)
-                dev.off()
-                write("1RM;-1", SpecialData)
-                write("", outputData1)
-                quit()
-        }
-        par(mar=c(6,5,3,4))
-        plot(curvesLoadExtra,curvesSpeed, type="p",
-             main=paste(title, "1RM", translateToPrint("prediction")),
-             sub=paste("\n",translateToPrint("Concentric mean speed on squat 1RM =")," 0.31m/s.",
-                       translateToPrint("Estimated percentual load ="),
-                       "-2.079 * ", translateToPrint("speed"), " ^2 - 59.5 * ", translateToPrint("speed"), " 
+ 120.5\n",
-                       translateToPrint("Adapted from")," Gonzalez-Badillo, Sanchez-Medina (2015)"),
-             xlim=c(min(curvesLoadExtra),max(loadCalcExtra[curvesSpeedInIntervalPos])),
-             ylim=c(miny,maxy), xlab="", ylab="",axes=T)
-        mtext(side=1,line=2,"Kg")
-        mtext(side=2,line=3,paste(translateToPrint("Mean speed in concentric propulsive phase"),"(m/s)"))
-        mtext(side=4,line=2,"1RM (%)")
-        abline(h=msp, lty=2, col="gray")
-        mtext(side=4,at=msp, paste(" ",loadPercent), las=2)
-        colors=c(rep(NA,29),rev(heat.colors(100)[0:71]))
-        arrows(curvesLoadExtra,curvesSpeed,loadCalcExtra,0.185,code=2,col=colors[loadPercentCalc])
-        closerValues = which(curvesLoadExtra == max(curvesLoadExtra))
-        segments(loadCalcExtra[closerValues],0.185,loadCalcExtra[closerValues],0,lty=3)
-        predicted1RM = mean(loadCalcExtra[closerValues])
-        segments(predicted1RM,0.185,predicted1RM,0,lty=1)
-        mtext(side=1, at=predicted1RM, round(predicted1RM,2), cex=.8)
-        write(paste("1RM;",round(predicted1RM,2),sep=""), SpecialData)
+       write(paste("1RM;",round(predicted1RM,2),sep=""), SpecialData)
 #---- RM Indirect start ----
@@ -3213,8 +3173,11 @@ doProcess <- function(options)
                                            op$AnalysisVariables[1], op$AnalysisVariables[2], #speed1RM, 
-               else if(op$Analysis == "1RMBadillo2010") {
-                       paint1RMBadillo2010(paf, op$Title, op$OutputData1)
+               else if(op$Analysis == "1RMBadilloBench") {
+                       paint1RMBadilloExercise("BENCH", paf, op$Title, op$OutputData1)
+               }
+               else if(op$Analysis == "1RMBadilloSquat") {
+                       paint1RMBadilloExercise("SQUAT", paf, op$Title, op$OutputData1)
                else if(op$Analysis == "neuromuscularProfile") {
                        #only signal, it's a jump, use mass of the body (100%) + mass Extra if any
diff --git a/src/constants.cs b/src/constants.cs
index de5f8aa..3a07e70 100644
--- a/src/constants.cs
+++ b/src/constants.cs
@@ -950,6 +950,7 @@ public class Constants
                "Encoder is not connected.", 
                "Concentric mean speed on bench press 1RM =",
+               "Concentric mean speed on squat 1RM =",
                "Estimated percentual load =",
                "Adapted from",
                "Mean speed in concentric propulsive phase",
@@ -995,7 +996,8 @@ public class Constants
                Catalog.GetString("Not enough data."),
                Catalog.GetString("Encoder is not connected."),
-               Catalog.GetString("Concentric mean speed on bench press 1RM is"),
+               Catalog.GetString("Concentric mean speed on bench press 1RM ="),
+               Catalog.GetString("Concentric mean speed on squat 1RM ="),
                Catalog.GetString("Estimated percentual load ="),
                Catalog.GetString("Adapted from"),
                Catalog.GetString("Mean speed in concentric propulsive phase"),
diff --git a/src/gui/encoder.cs b/src/gui/encoder.cs
index 0989694..7115adf 100644
--- a/src/gui/encoder.cs
+++ b/src/gui/encoder.cs
@@ -2004,14 +2004,17 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                                                 nameTemp == "1RM Any exercise" || 
                                                 nameTemp == Catalog.GetString("1RM Any exercise") ||
                                                 nameTemp == "1RM Bench Press" || 
-                                                nameTemp == Catalog.GetString("1RM Bench Press")
+                                                nameTemp == Catalog.GetString("1RM Bench Press") ||
+                                                nameTemp == "1RM Squat" ||
+                                                nameTemp == Catalog.GetString("1RM Squat")
                                                 //no 1RM Indirect because cannot be done with saved curves
                                                )) {
                                        new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, 
                                                        Catalog.GetString("Sorry, this graph is not supported 
yet.") +
                                                        "\n\nIntersession or Interperson" +
                                                        "\n- 1RM Any exercise" +
-                                                       "\n- 1RM Bench Press"
+                                                       "\n- 1RM Bench Press" +
+                                                       "\n- 1RM Squat"
                                                        //no 1RM Indirect because cannot be done with saved 
@@ -2023,7 +2026,9 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                                                nameTemp == "1RM Any exercise" || 
                                                nameTemp == Catalog.GetString("1RM Any exercise") ||
                                                nameTemp == "1RM Bench Press" || 
-                                               nameTemp == Catalog.GetString("1RM Bench Press")
+                                               nameTemp == Catalog.GetString("1RM Bench Press") ||
+                                               nameTemp == "1RM Squat" ||
+                                               nameTemp == Catalog.GetString("1RM Squat")
                                                //no 1RM Indirect because cannot be done with saved curves
                                  ) {
                                        bool differentExercises = false;
@@ -2113,7 +2118,7 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                //use this send because we change it to send it to R
                //but we don't want to change encoderAnalysis because we want to know again if == "cross" (or 
                //encoderAnalysis can be "cross" and sendAnalysis be "Speed / Load"
-               //encoderAnalysis can be "1RM" and sendAnalysis be "1RMBadillo1010"
+               //encoderAnalysis can be "1RM" and sendAnalysis be "1RMBadilloBench, ...
                string sendAnalysis = encoderAnalysis;
                //see doProcess at encoder/graph.R
@@ -2161,9 +2166,12 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                        //(my1RMName == "1RM Any exercise") done below different for curve and signal
                        if(my1RMName == "1RM Bench Press") {
-                               sendAnalysis = "1RMBadillo2010";
+                               sendAnalysis = "1RMBadilloBench";
                                analysisOptions = "p";
-                       } 
+                       } else if(my1RMName == "1RM Squat") {
+                               sendAnalysis = "1RMBadilloSquat";
+                               analysisOptions = "p";
+                       }
                if(sendAnalysis == "powerBars" || sendAnalysis == "single" || sendAnalysis == "side")
@@ -2257,7 +2265,7 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                        //because is 1RM of a person on an exercise
                        //this is checked at: "on_button_encoder_analyze_clicked()"
                        if(encoderAnalysis == "1RM" &&
-                                       (my1RMName == "1RM Bench Press" || my1RMName == "1RM Any exercise") )
+                                       (my1RMName == "1RM Bench Press" || my1RMName == "1RM Squat" || 
my1RMName == "1RM Any exercise") )
                                //get exercise ID
                                int exID = -1;
@@ -3003,13 +3011,13 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                createComboEncoderAnalyzeWeights(true); //first creation
                //create combo analyze 1RM
-               string [] comboAnalyze1RMOptions = { "1RM Any exercise", "1RM Bench Press", "1RM Indirect" };
+               string [] comboAnalyze1RMOptions = { "1RM Any exercise", "1RM Bench Press", "1RM Squat", "1RM 
Indirect" };
                string [] comboAnalyze1RMOptionsTranslated = { 
-                       Catalog.GetString("1RM Any exercise"), Catalog.GetString("1RM Bench Press"), 
-                       Catalog.GetString("1RM Indirect")
+                       Catalog.GetString("1RM Any exercise"), Catalog.GetString("1RM Bench Press"),
+                       Catalog.GetString("1RM Squat"), Catalog.GetString("1RM Indirect")
                }; //if added more, change the int in the 'for' below
                encoderAnalyze1RMTranslation = new String [comboAnalyze1RMOptions.Length];
-               for(int j=0; j < 3 ; j++)
+               for(int j=0; j < 4 ; j++)
                        encoderAnalyze1RMTranslation[j] = 
                                comboAnalyze1RMOptions[j] + ":" + comboAnalyze1RMOptionsTranslated[j];
                combo_encoder_analyze_1RM = ComboBox.NewText ();
@@ -5701,7 +5709,8 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                        button_encoder_analyze_1RM_save.Visible = 
                                (radiobutton_encoder_analyze_1RM.Active &&
-                               (my1RMName == "1RM Bench Press" || my1RMName == "1RM Any exercise" || 
my1RMName == "1RM Indirect") );
+                               (my1RMName == "1RM Bench Press" || my1RMName == "1RM Squat" ||
+                                my1RMName == "1RM Any exercise" || my1RMName == "1RM Indirect") );
                         * TODO: currently disabled because 
                         * on_button_encoder_analyze_1RM_save_clicked () reads getExerciseNameFromTable()

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