[gnome-maps/wip/mlundblad/osm-add-location: 7/9] Introduce an abstract base class for search result popovers

commit 0069dbfdf129ee96a7e77afdabfb07c7ea69de73
Author: Marcus Lundblad <ml update uu se>
Date:   Sun Jan 31 11:55:54 2016 +0100

    Introduce an abstract base class for search result popovers
    The base class for search popover enables propagating typing events
    to an associated search entry. This allows the user to continue
    typing when the search result popover is activated (while still being
    able to navigate the search results in the popover and selecting
    a row with enter).
    This code was earlier part of the place search popover (in the main
    header bar).
    Also rename the place search popover from SearchPopup to
    PlacePopover to be consistent with the search result popover for
    OSM POI results (in a later patch).

 data/org.gnome.Maps.data.gresource.xml        |    2 +-
 data/ui/{search-popup.ui => place-popover.ui} |    2 +-
 po/POTFILES.in                                |    2 +-
 src/org.gnome.Maps.src.gresource.xml          |    3 +-
 src/placeEntry.js                             |    8 +-
 src/{searchPopup.js => placePopover.js}       |   80 +-----------------
 src/searchPopover.js                          |  112 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 7 files changed, 126 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/org.gnome.Maps.data.gresource.xml b/data/org.gnome.Maps.data.gresource.xml
index a895e11..81dc771 100644
--- a/data/org.gnome.Maps.data.gresource.xml
+++ b/data/org.gnome.Maps.data.gresource.xml
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
     <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">ui/place-bubble.ui</file>
     <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">ui/place-entry.ui</file>
     <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">ui/place-list-row.ui</file>
+    <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">ui/place-popover.ui</file>
     <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">ui/route-entry.ui</file>
-    <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">ui/search-popup.ui</file>
     <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">ui/send-to-dialog.ui</file>
     <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">ui/sidebar.ui</file>
     <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">ui/social-place-more-results-row.ui</file>
diff --git a/data/ui/search-popup.ui b/data/ui/place-popover.ui
similarity index 97%
rename from data/ui/search-popup.ui
rename to data/ui/place-popover.ui
index ae7d839..adf2f89 100644
--- a/data/ui/search-popup.ui
+++ b/data/ui/place-popover.ui
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <!-- interface-requires gtk+ 3.10 -->
-  <template class="Gjs_SearchPopup" parent="GtkPopover">
+  <template class="Gjs_PlacePopover" parent="Gjs_SearchPopover">
     <property name="visible">False</property>
     <property name="hexpand">False</property>
     <property name="modal">False</property>
diff --git a/po/POTFILES.in b/po/POTFILES.in
index 51d116d..bf77455 100644
--- a/po/POTFILES.in
+++ b/po/POTFILES.in
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ data/org.gnome.Maps.gschema.xml
 [type: gettext/glade]data/ui/osm-account-dialog.ui
 [type: gettext/glade]data/ui/osm-edit-dialog.ui
 [type: gettext/glade]data/ui/place-bubble.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]data/ui/search-popup.ui
+[type: gettext/glade]data/ui/place-popover.ui
 [type: gettext/glade]data/ui/send-to-dialog.ui
 [type: gettext/glade]data/ui/shape-layer-file-chooser.ui
 [type: gettext/glade]data/ui/shape-layer-row.ui
diff --git a/src/org.gnome.Maps.src.gresource.xml b/src/org.gnome.Maps.src.gresource.xml
index 4f7fd3a..ba3150c 100644
--- a/src/org.gnome.Maps.src.gresource.xml
+++ b/src/org.gnome.Maps.src.gresource.xml
@@ -45,12 +45,13 @@
+    <file>placePopover.js</file>
-    <file>searchPopup.js</file>
+    <file>searchPopover.js</file>
diff --git a/src/placeEntry.js b/src/placeEntry.js
index b4df702..eee769f 100644
--- a/src/placeEntry.js
+++ b/src/placeEntry.js
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ const Application = imports.application;
 const Location = imports.location;
 const Place = imports.place;
 const PlaceStore = imports.placeStore;
-const SearchPopup = imports.searchPopup;
+const PlacePopover = imports.placePopover;
 const Utils = imports.utils;
 const PlaceEntry = new Lang.Class({
@@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ const PlaceEntry = new Lang.Class({
     _createPopover: function(numVisible, maxChars) {
-        let popover = new SearchPopup.SearchPopup({ num_visible:   numVisible,
-                                                    relative_to:   this,
-                                                    maxChars:      maxChars});
+        let popover = new PlacePopover.PlacePopover({ num_visible:   numVisible,
+                                                      relative_to:   this,
+                                                      maxChars:      maxChars});
         this.connect('size-allocate', (function(widget, allocation) {
             // Magic number to make the alignment pixel perfect.
diff --git a/src/searchPopup.js b/src/placePopover.js
similarity index 69%
rename from src/searchPopup.js
rename to src/placePopover.js
index dd33ae1..fbe94fb 100644
--- a/src/searchPopup.js
+++ b/src/placePopover.js
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
  * Author: Jonas Danielsson <jonas threetimestwo org>
-const Gdk = imports.gi.Gdk;
 const GObject = imports.gi.GObject;
 const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk;
 const Lang = imports.lang;
@@ -25,6 +24,7 @@ const Lang = imports.lang;
 const Application = imports.application;
 const PlaceListRow = imports.placeListRow;
 const PlaceStore = imports.placeStore;
+const SearchPopover = imports.searchPopover;
 const _PLACE_ICON_SIZE = 20;
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ const Mode = {
     RESULT: 3 // We are displaying results
-const SearchPopup = new Lang.Class({
-    Name: 'SearchPopup',
-    Extends: Gtk.Popover,
+const PlacePopover = new Lang.Class({
+    Name: 'PlacePopover',
+    Extends: SearchPopover.SearchPopover,
     Signals : {
         'selected' : { param_types: [ GObject.TYPE_OBJECT ] }
-    Template: 'resource:///org/gnome/Maps/ui/search-popup.ui',
+    Template: 'resource:///org/gnome/Maps/ui/place-popover.ui',
     InternalChildren: [ 'hintRevealer',
@@ -81,14 +81,6 @@ const SearchPopup = new Lang.Class({
-        // We need to propagate events to the listbox so that we can
-        // keep typing while selecting a place. But we do not want to
-        // propagate the 'enter' key press if there is a selection.
-        this._entry.connect('key-press-event',
-                            this._propagateKeys.bind(this));
-        this._entry.connect('button-press-event',
-                            this._list.unselect_all.bind(this._list));
         this._list.set_header_func(function(row, before) {
             let header = new Gtk.Separator();
             if (before)
@@ -193,67 +185,5 @@ const SearchPopup = new Lang.Class({
             this._hintRevealer.reveal_child = false;
             this._hintRevealer.reveal_child = true;
-    },
-    _propagateKeys: function(entry, event) {
-        let row;
-        if (this.visible) {
-            row = this._list.get_selected_row();
-            if (!row)
-                row = this._list.get_row_at_index(0);
-        } else
-            row = this._list.get_row_at_index(0);
-        if (!row)
-            return false;
-        let length = this._list.get_children().length;
-        let keyval = event.get_keyval()[1];
-        if (keyval === Gdk.KEY_Escape) {
-            this._list.unselect_all();
-            this.hide();
-            return false;
-        }
-        // If we get an 'enter' keypress and we have a selected
-        // row, we do not want to propagate the event.
-        if ((this.visible && row.is_selected()) &&
-            keyval === Gdk.KEY_Return ||
-            keyval === Gdk.KEY_KP_ENTER ||
-            keyval === Gdk.KEY_ISO_Enter) {
-            row.activate();
-            return true;
-        } else if (keyval === Gdk.KEY_KP_Up || keyval === Gdk.KEY_Up) {
-            this.show();
-            if (!row.is_selected()) {
-                let pRow = this._list.get_row_at_index(length - 1);
-                this._list.select_row(pRow);
-                return false;
-            }
-            if (row.get_index() > 0) {
-                let pRow = this._list.get_row_at_index(row.get_index() - 1);
-                this._list.select_row(pRow);
-            } else
-                this._list.unselect_all();
-        } else if (keyval === Gdk.KEY_KP_Down || keyval === Gdk.KEY_Down) {
-            this.show();
-            if (!row.is_selected()) {
-                this._list.select_row(row);
-                return false;
-            }
-            if (row.get_index() !== (length - 1)) {
-                let nRow = this._list.get_row_at_index(row.get_index() + 1);
-                this._list.select_row(nRow);
-            } else
-                this._list.unselect_all();
-        }
-        return false;
diff --git a/src/searchPopover.js b/src/searchPopover.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03c47e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/searchPopover.js
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+/* -*- Mode: JS2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js2-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+/* vim: set et ts=4 sw=4: */
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Marcus Lundblad.
+ *
+ * GNOME Maps is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+ * option) any later version.
+ *
+ * GNOME Maps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with GNOME Maps; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * Author: Marcus Lundblad <ml update uu se>
+ *         Jonas Danielsson <jonas threetimestwo org>
+ */
+const Gdk = imports.gi.Gdk;
+const GObject = imports.gi.GObject;
+const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk;
+const Lang = imports.lang;
+/* Abstract search result popover that progagates keypress events from a
+   focus-taking internal widget to the spawning search entry widget */
+const SearchPopover = new Lang.Class({
+    Name: 'SearchPopover',
+    Extends: Gtk.Popover,
+    Abstract: true,
+    _init: function(props) {
+        this.parent(props);
+        this._entry = this.relative_to;
+        // We need to propagate events to the listbox so that we can
+        // keep typing while selecting a place. But we do not want to
+        // propagate the 'enter' key press if there is a selection.
+        this._entry.connect('key-press-event',
+                            this._propagateKeys.bind(this));
+        this._entry.connect('button-press-event',
+                            this._list.unselect_all.bind(this._list));
+    },
+    _propagateKeys: function(entry, event) {
+        let row;
+        if (this.visible) {
+            row = this._list.get_selected_row();
+            if (!row)
+                row = this._list.get_row_at_index(0);
+        } else
+            row = this._list.get_row_at_index(0);
+        if (!row)
+            return false;
+        let length = this._list.get_children().length;
+        let keyval = event.get_keyval()[1];
+        if (keyval === Gdk.KEY_Escape) {
+            this._list.unselect_all();
+            this.hide();
+            return false;
+        }
+        // If we get an 'enter' keypress and we have a selected
+        // row, we do not want to propagate the event.
+        if ((this.visible && row.is_selected()) &&
+            keyval === Gdk.KEY_Return ||
+            keyval === Gdk.KEY_KP_ENTER ||
+            keyval === Gdk.KEY_ISO_Enter) {
+            row.activate();
+            return true;
+        } else if (keyval === Gdk.KEY_KP_Up || keyval === Gdk.KEY_Up) {
+            this.show();
+            if (!row.is_selected()) {
+                let pRow = this._list.get_row_at_index(length - 1);
+                this._list.select_row(pRow);
+                return false;
+            }
+            if (row.get_index() > 0) {
+                let pRow = this._list.get_row_at_index(row.get_index() - 1);
+                this._list.select_row(pRow);
+            } else
+                this._list.unselect_all();
+        } else if (keyval === Gdk.KEY_KP_Down || keyval === Gdk.KEY_Down) {
+            this.show();
+            if (!row.is_selected()) {
+                this._list.select_row(row);
+                return true;
+            }
+            if (row.get_index() !== (length - 1)) {
+                let nRow = this._list.get_row_at_index(row.get_index() + 1);
+                this._list.select_row(nRow);
+            } else
+                this._list.unselect_all();
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }

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