[vala] (74 commits) Created branch wip/beniofel/transform

The branch 'wip/beniofel/transform' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  6b0b28b... gtk+-3.0: Update to 3.19.4 (*)
  2c9e824... vapi: Update GIR-based bindings (*)
  ef6a500... gdk-3.0, gtk+-3.0: Update to 3.19.5 (*)
  86f3c27... vapi: Update GIR-based bindings (*)
  a55d11f... Fix typo in valadoc (*)
  c22bf9b... vapi: Add gio-windows-2.0 (*)
  b860733... manpage: add --no-color (*)
  4b8a503... glib-2.0: add support for gintptr and guintptr types (*)
  6182d2d... gdk-3.0, gtk+-3.0: Update to 3.19.5+8bfbb2c1 (*)
  e851d0d... vapi: Update GIR-based bindings (*)
  c2779cc... girparser: add support for gintptr and guintptr types. (*)
  6cc2c64... README: update link to wiki (*)
  cd55956... vapi: Update GIR-based bindings (*)
  23fae16... gdk-3.0, gtk+-3.0: Update to 3.19.6+44d94a4a (*)
  bc37493... vapi: Update GIR-based bindings (*)
  7687017... gdk-3.0, gtk+-3.0: Update to 3.19.7 (*)
  999f928... Symbol: fix docs for owner and scope (*)
  80126f2... codegen: add code for [Profile] missed in cf193ab75 (*)
  4493ff3... Add missing cheader attribute for luaL_loadfile (*)
  fa93dbe... vala: check for null parent symbol (*)
  bc4fc3d... codegen: fix criticals when duplicating unowned instnaces (*)
  ea92f8d... Introduce [Version (...)] (*)
  1020283... gobject-2.0: Add [Version] attributes (*)
  7b60f47... libbonoboui-2.0: Use [Version] instead of [Deprecated] (*)
  f34a2a1... libpanelapplet-2.0: Use [Version] instead of [Deprecated] a (*)
  6341cbc... sqlite3: Use [Version] instead of [Deprecated] and [Experim (*)
  39e83be... xcb: Use [Version] instead of [Deprecated] and [Experimenta (*)
  1cb3b4c... glib-2.0: Use [Version] instead of [Deprecated] and [Experi (*)
  de6e364... atk-1.0: Use [Version] instead of [Deprecated] and [Experim (*)
  b5f794d... clutter: Use [Version] instead of [Deprecated] and [Experim (*)
  1e7675a... libsoup-2.4: Use [Version] instead of [Deprecated] and [Exp (*)
  d6767ab... pango: Use [Version] instead of [Deprecated] and [Experimen (*)
  f3b11fb... gdk-3.0: Use [Version] instead of [Deprecated] and [Experim (*)
  86c3e83... mx-1.0: Use [Version] instead of [Deprecated] and [Experime (*)
  0ca138b... clutter-gtk-1.0: Use [Version] instead of [Deprecated] and  (*)
  4f261cf... gio-2.0: Use [Version] instead of [Deprecated] and [Experim (*)
  892454b... gdk-pixbuf-2.0: Use [Version] instead of [Deprecated] and [ (*)
  2de1cf0... gdk-x11-3.0: Use [Version] instead of [Deprecated] and [Exp (*)
  376f4fb... librsvg-2.0: Use [Version] instead of [Deprecated] and [Exp (*)
  6bbc166... Deprecate [Deprecated] and [Experimental] (*)
  f6f50b4... gdk-2.0: Use [Version] instead of [Deprecated] and [Experim (*)
  60a8d44... gtk+-2.0: Use [Version] instead of [Deprecated] and [Experi (*)
  1f1dad7... gtk-3.0: Use [Version] instead of [Deprecated] and [Experim (*)
  238196e... Always check unused attrs. Add [Version] to known attrs (*)
  ac33d2d... Regenerate all bindings with [Version] (*)
  85fc59f... Merge branch 'wip/x-version' (*)
  d4c2ce5... glib-2.0: fix Version usage (*)
  d1b28df... glib-2.0: fix Version on some symbols (*)
  763f51e... gdk-3.0, gtk+-3.0: Update to 3.19.8 (*)
  27c31f2... vapi: Update GIR-based bindings (*)
  c2eecf4... girparser: Do not unconditionally make a delegate owned (*)
  8bd1dba... vapi: Update GIR-based bindings (*)
  b4dbfb7... gtk+-3.0: Further syncing with introspection annotations (*)
  e5e61fe... gdk-3.0, gtk+-3.0: Update to 3.19.8+feabf353 (*)
  e3769fb... glib-2.0: StringBuilder.free_to_bytes() consumes the given  (*)
  d8edbd0... gobject-2.0: Pass through vapigen to sort and fully qualify (*)
  17b5438... gobject-2.0: Add some fixes and information from introspect (*)
  fba0858... codegen: Create only one vala-array helper function per arr (*)
  31309c7... codegen: Properly handle DelegateType in get_ccode_lower_ca (*)
  8983406... codegen: Properly handle GenericType in get_ccode_lower_cas (*)
  2751090... codegen: Properly handle PointerType/VoidType in get_ccode_ (*)
  642110c... glib-2.0: Fix DuplicateFunc (*)
  75858b0... gtk+-3.0: Update and further syncing with introspection ann (*)
  0b297f4... Require and target GLib >= 2.32 (*)
  77b55a4... glib-2.0: Add Version annotations and more new symbols (*)
  2a54e24... vapi: Regenerate all bindings due Cond/Mutex changes (*)
  e78f0b9... Release 0.31.1 (*)
  c884192... glib-2.0: Fix wrong Version annotation and really add bindi (*)
  4313a9e... gio-2.0: "inbuf" argument of Converter.convert() is not nul (*)
  21d2110... vala: Fix critical warning with dynamic properties (*)
  3806a69... Revert "codegen: Create only one vala-array helper function (*)
  f22cd37... gtk+-3.0: Update to 3.19.8+3f4f914f (*)
  4f06275... vapi: Update GIR-based bindings (*)
  26bdfb6... Merge branch 'master' into wip/beniofel/transform

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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