[dasher: 200/217] Removed antique build and install files.

commit 04f67fca90b3fb3f242227f6cafb6e907f2b66e4
Author: Ada Majorek <amajorek google com>
Date:   Fri Feb 5 10:40:04 2016 -0800

    Removed antique build and install files.

 Data/Help/Manual.vcproj                   |  232 --
 Src/Common/Common.vcp                     |  353 ---
 Src/Common/Common.vcproj                  |  341 ---
 Src/Common/Common_vc80.vcproj             | 1056 ---------
 Src/DasherCore/DasherCore.dsp             |  504 ----
 Src/DasherCore/DasherCore.vcp             | 3630 -----------------------------
 Src/DasherCore/DasherCore.vcproj          |  551 -----
 Src/DasherCore/DasherCore.vcw             |   29 -
 Src/DasherCore/DasherCore_vc80.vcproj     | 2159 -----------------
 Src/Installer/Makefile.am                 |    6 -
 Src/InstallerTobii/Background.bmp         |  Bin 461814 -> 0 bytes
 Src/InstallerTobii/InstallerTobii.wixproj |  101 -
 Src/InstallerTobii/InstallerTobii.wxs     |  393 ----
 Src/InstallerTobii/License.rtf            |  426 ----
 Src/InstallerTobii/Makefile.am            |    6 -
 Src/InstallerTobii/Top.bmp                |  Bin 85894 -> 0 bytes
 Src/InstallerW2K/Background.bmp           |  Bin 461814 -> 0 bytes
 Src/InstallerW2K/InstallerW2K.wixproj     |   67 -
 Src/InstallerW2K/InstallerW2K.wxs         |  393 ----
 Src/InstallerW2K/License.rtf              |  426 ----
 Src/InstallerW2K/Makefile.am              |    6 -
 Src/InstallerW2K/Top.bmp                  |  Bin 85894 -> 0 bytes
 Src/Makefile.am                           |    2 +-
 Src/Win32/Dasher.dsp                      |  394 ----
 Src/Win32/Dasher.dsw                      |   59 -
 Src/Win32/Dasher.sln                      |  116 -
 Src/Win32/Dasher.vcproj                   |  683 ------
 Src/Win32/DasherControl.vcproj            |  223 --
 Src/Win32/DasherControl_vc80.vcproj       | 1115 ---------
 Src/Win32/Dasher_vc80.sln                 |  411 ----
 Src/Win32/Dasher_vc80.vcproj              | 1388 -----------
 Src/Win32/Makefile.am                     |  112 -
 32 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 15181 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Src/Makefile.am b/Src/Makefile.am
index 02ee03c..7eb7a18 100644
--- a/Src/Makefile.am
+++ b/Src/Makefile.am
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ bin_PROGRAMS = dasher
 #if DOGTK
-SUBDIRS = Common DasherCore DasherIM Gtk2 Installer InstallerTobii InstallerW2K Win32
+SUBDIRS = Common DasherCore DasherIM Gtk2
 dasher_SOURCES = main.cc

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