[nautilus/wip/gbsneto/search-popover: 16/22] query: make NautilusQuery a final class

commit 713c527225afc07102d315ccc330b0dcb74bdfc3
Author: Georges Basile Stavracas Neto <georges stavracas gmail com>
Date:   Fri Oct 2 21:45:08 2015 -0300

    query: make NautilusQuery a final class
    NautilusQuery handle all the necessary data
    to perform searches throughout directories.
    Currently, there is no NautilusQuery subclass
    in Nautilus code, and - since it's inside
    libnautilus-private - there is no way to subclass
    This commit updates NautilusQuery code be a final

 libnautilus-private/Makefile.am                    |    5 +-
 libnautilus-private/nautilus-query.c               |  459 ++++++++++++++++++--
 libnautilus-private/nautilus-query.h               |   56 ++-
 libnautilus-private/nautilus-search-directory.c    |   22 +-
 .../nautilus-search-engine-simple.c                |    5 +-
 .../nautilus-search-engine-tracker.c               |    5 +-
 libnautilus-private/nautilus-search-hit.c          |    5 +-
 src/nautilus-list-view.c                           |    8 +-
 src/nautilus-query-editor.c                        |   29 +-
 src/nautilus-shell-search-provider.c               |    9 +-
 10 files changed, 506 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libnautilus-private/Makefile.am b/libnautilus-private/Makefile.am
index 166744d..ea7315b 100644
--- a/libnautilus-private/Makefile.am
+++ b/libnautilus-private/Makefile.am
@@ -31,7 +31,10 @@ BUILT_SOURCES =                                      \
        nautilus-private-enum-types.c                   \
-ENUM_TYPES = nautilus-search-provider.h
+ENUM_TYPES =                                           \
+       nautilus-query.h                                \
+       nautilus-search-provider.h
 nautilus-private-enum-types.h: nautilus-private-enum-types.h.template $(ENUM_TYPES) $(GLIB_MKENUMS)
        $(AM_V_GEN) (cd $(srcdir) && $(GLIB_MKENUMS) --template nautilus-private-enum-types.h.template 
$(ENUM_TYPES)) > $@
diff --git a/libnautilus-private/nautilus-query.c b/libnautilus-private/nautilus-query.c
index fb7bd48..b95c631 100644
--- a/libnautilus-private/nautilus-query.c
+++ b/libnautilus-private/nautilus-query.c
@@ -28,13 +28,21 @@
 #include "nautilus-file-utilities.h"
 #include "nautilus-query.h"
+#include "nautilus-private-enum-types.h"
+struct _NautilusQuery {
+        GObject parent;
-struct NautilusQueryDetails {
        char *text;
-       char *location_uri;
+       GFile *location;
        GList *mime_types;
        gboolean show_hidden;
+        GDateTime *datetime;
+        NautilusQuerySearchType search_type;
+        NautilusQuerySearchContent search_content;
+        gboolean searching;
+        gboolean recursive;
        char **prepared_words;
@@ -43,37 +51,255 @@ static void  nautilus_query_init             (NautilusQuery      *query);
 G_DEFINE_TYPE (NautilusQuery, nautilus_query, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
+enum {
+        PROP_0,
+        PROP_DATE,
+        PROP_TEXT,
+        LAST_PROP
 static void
 finalize (GObject *object)
        NautilusQuery *query;
        query = NAUTILUS_QUERY (object);
-       g_free (query->details->text);
-       g_strfreev (query->details->prepared_words);
-       g_free (query->details->location_uri);
+        g_free (query->text);
+        g_strfreev (query->prepared_words);
+        g_clear_object (&query->location);
+        g_clear_pointer (&query->datetime, g_date_time_unref);
        G_OBJECT_CLASS (nautilus_query_parent_class)->finalize (object);
 static void
+nautilus_query_get_property (GObject    *object,
+                             guint       prop_id,
+                             GValue     *value,
+                             GParamSpec *pspec)
+        NautilusQuery *self = NAUTILUS_QUERY (object);
+        switch (prop_id) {
+        case PROP_DATE:
+                g_value_set_boxed (value, self->datetime);
+                break;
+        case PROP_LOCATION:
+                g_value_set_object (value, self->location);
+                break;
+        case PROP_MIMETYPES:
+                g_value_set_pointer (value, self->mime_types);
+                break;
+       case PROP_RECURSIVE:
+               g_value_set_boolean (value, self->recursive);
+               break;
+        case PROP_SEARCH_TYPE:
+                g_value_set_enum (value, self->search_type);
+                break;
+        case PROP_SEARCHING:
+                g_value_set_boolean (value, self->searching);
+                break;
+        case PROP_SHOW_HIDDEN:
+                g_value_set_boolean (value, self->show_hidden);
+                break;
+        case PROP_TEXT:
+                g_value_set_string (value, self->text);
+                break;
+        default:
+                G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+        }
+static void
+nautilus_query_set_property (GObject      *object,
+                             guint         prop_id,
+                             const GValue *value,
+                             GParamSpec   *pspec)
+        NautilusQuery *self = NAUTILUS_QUERY (object);
+        switch (prop_id) {
+        case PROP_DATE:
+                nautilus_query_set_date (self, g_value_get_boxed (value));
+                break;
+        case PROP_LOCATION:
+                nautilus_query_set_location (self, g_value_get_object (value));
+                break;
+        case PROP_MIMETYPES:
+                nautilus_query_set_mime_types (self, g_value_get_pointer (value));
+                break;
+       case PROP_RECURSIVE:
+               nautilus_query_set_recursive (self, g_value_get_boolean (value));
+               break;
+        case PROP_SEARCH_TYPE:
+                nautilus_query_set_search_type (self, g_value_get_enum (value));
+                break;
+        case PROP_SEARCHING:
+                nautilus_query_set_searching (self, g_value_get_boolean (value));
+                break;
+        case PROP_SHOW_HIDDEN:
+                nautilus_query_set_show_hidden_files (self, g_value_get_boolean (value));
+                break;
+        case PROP_TEXT:
+                nautilus_query_set_text (self, g_value_get_string (value));
+                break;
+        default:
+                G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+        }
+static void
 nautilus_query_class_init (NautilusQueryClass *class)
        GObjectClass *gobject_class;
        gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class);
        gobject_class->finalize = finalize;
-       g_type_class_add_private (class, sizeof (NautilusQueryDetails));
+        gobject_class->get_property = nautilus_query_get_property;
+        gobject_class->set_property = nautilus_query_set_property;
+        /**
+         * NautilusQuery::date:
+         *
+         * The initial date of the query.
+         *
+         */
+        g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+                                         PROP_DATE,
+                                         g_param_spec_boxed ("date",
+                                                             "Date of the query",
+                                                             "The initial date of the query",
+                                                             G_TYPE_DATE_TIME,
+                                                             G_PARAM_READWRITE));
+        /**
+         * NautilusQuery::location:
+         *
+         * The location of the query.
+         *
+         */
+        g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+                                         PROP_LOCATION,
+                                         g_param_spec_object ("location",
+                                                              "Location of the query",
+                                                              "The location of the query",
+                                                              G_TYPE_FILE,
+                                                              G_PARAM_READWRITE));
+        /**
+         * NautilusQuery::mimetypes:
+         *
+         * MIME types the query holds.
+         *
+         */
+        g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+                                         PROP_MIMETYPES,
+                                         g_param_spec_pointer ("mimetypes",
+                                                               "MIME types of the query",
+                                                               "The MIME types of the query",
+                                                               G_PARAM_READWRITE));
+       /**
+         * NautilusQuery::recursive:
+         *
+         * Whether the query is being performed on subdirectories or not.
+         *
+         */
+        g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+                                         PROP_RECURSIVE,
+                                         g_param_spec_boolean ("recursive",
+                                                               "Whether the query is being performed on 
+                                                               "Whether the query is being performed on 
subdirectories or not",
+                                                               FALSE,
+                                                               G_PARAM_READWRITE));
+        /**
+         * NautilusQuery::search-type:
+         *
+         * The search type of the query.
+         *
+         */
+        g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+                                         PROP_SEARCH_TYPE,
+                                         g_param_spec_enum ("search-type",
+                                                            "Type of the query",
+                                                            "The type of the query",
+                                                            NAUTILUS_TYPE_QUERY_SEARCH_TYPE,
+                                                            NAUTILUS_QUERY_SEARCH_TYPE_LAST_MODIFIED,
+                                                            G_PARAM_READWRITE));
+        /**
+         * NautilusQuery::searching:
+         *
+         * Whether the query is being performed or not.
+         *
+         */
+        g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+                                         PROP_SEARCHING,
+                                         g_param_spec_boolean ("searching",
+                                                               "Whether the query is being performed",
+                                                               "Whether the query is being performed or not",
+                                                               FALSE,
+                                                               G_PARAM_READWRITE));
+        /**
+         * NautilusQuery::show-hidden:
+         *
+         * Whether the search should include hidden files.
+         *
+         */
+        g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+                                         PROP_SHOW_HIDDEN,
+                                         g_param_spec_boolean ("show-hidden",
+                                                               "Show hidden files",
+                                                               "Whether the search should show hidden files",
+                                                               FALSE,
+                                                               G_PARAM_READWRITE));
+        /**
+         * NautilusQuery::text:
+         *
+         * The search string.
+         *
+         */
+        g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+                                         PROP_TEXT,
+                                         g_param_spec_string ("text",
+                                                              "Text of the search",
+                                                              "The text string of the search",
+                                                              NULL,
+                                                              G_PARAM_READWRITE));
 static void
 nautilus_query_init (NautilusQuery *query)
-       query->details = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (query, NAUTILUS_TYPE_QUERY,
-                                                     NautilusQueryDetails);
-       query->details->show_hidden = TRUE;
-       query->details->location_uri = nautilus_get_home_directory_uri ();
+        query->show_hidden = TRUE;
+        query->location = g_file_new_for_path (g_get_home_dir ());
+        query->search_type = NAUTILUS_QUERY_SEARCH_TYPE_LAST_MODIFIED;
+        query->search_content = NAUTILUS_QUERY_SEARCH_CONTENT_SIMPLE;
 static gchar *
@@ -97,13 +323,13 @@ nautilus_query_matches_string (NautilusQuery *query,
        gdouble retval;
        gint idx, nonexact_malus;
-       if (!query->details->text) {
+        if (!query->text) {
                return -1;
-       if (!query->details->prepared_words) {
-               prepared_string = prepare_string_for_compare (query->details->text);
-               query->details->prepared_words = g_strsplit (prepared_string, " ", -1);
+        if (!query->prepared_words) {
+                prepared_string = prepare_string_for_compare (query->text);
+                query->prepared_words = g_strsplit (prepared_string, " ", -1);
                g_free (prepared_string);
@@ -112,13 +338,13 @@ nautilus_query_matches_string (NautilusQuery *query,
        ptr = NULL;
        nonexact_malus = 0;
-       for (idx = 0; query->details->prepared_words[idx] != NULL; idx++) {
-               if ((ptr = strstr (prepared_string, query->details->prepared_words[idx])) == NULL) {
+        for (idx = 0; query->prepared_words[idx] != NULL; idx++) {
+                if ((ptr = strstr (prepared_string, query->prepared_words[idx])) == NULL) {
                        found = FALSE;
-               nonexact_malus += strlen (ptr) - strlen (query->details->prepared_words[idx]);
+                nonexact_malus += strlen (ptr) - strlen (query->prepared_words[idx]);
        if (!found) {
@@ -142,70 +368,227 @@ nautilus_query_new (void)
 char *
 nautilus_query_get_text (NautilusQuery *query)
-       return g_strdup (query->details->text);
+        g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_QUERY (query), NULL);
+        return g_strdup (query->text);
 nautilus_query_set_text (NautilusQuery *query, const char *text)
-       g_free (query->details->text);
-       query->details->text = g_strstrip (g_strdup (text));
+        g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_QUERY (query));
+        g_free (query->text);
+        query->text = g_strstrip (g_strdup (text));
-       g_strfreev (query->details->prepared_words);
-       query->details->prepared_words = NULL;
+        g_strfreev (query->prepared_words);
+        query->prepared_words = NULL;
+        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (query), "text");
-char *
 nautilus_query_get_location (NautilusQuery *query)
-       return g_strdup (query->details->location_uri);
+        g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_QUERY (query), NULL);
+        return g_object_ref (query->location);
-nautilus_query_set_location (NautilusQuery *query, const char *uri)
+nautilus_query_set_location (NautilusQuery *query,
+                             GFile         *location)
-       g_free (query->details->location_uri);
-       query->details->location_uri = g_strdup (uri);
+        g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_QUERY (query));
+        if (g_set_object (&query->location, location)) {
+                g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (query), "location");
+        }
 GList *
 nautilus_query_get_mime_types (NautilusQuery *query)
-       return g_list_copy_deep (query->details->mime_types, (GCopyFunc) g_strdup, NULL);
+        g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_QUERY (query), NULL);
+        return g_list_copy_deep (query->mime_types, (GCopyFunc) g_strdup, NULL);
 nautilus_query_set_mime_types (NautilusQuery *query, GList *mime_types)
-       g_list_free_full (query->details->mime_types, g_free);
-       query->details->mime_types = g_list_copy_deep (mime_types, (GCopyFunc) g_strdup, NULL);
+        g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_QUERY (query));
+        g_list_free_full (query->mime_types, g_free);
+        query->mime_types = g_list_copy_deep (mime_types, (GCopyFunc) g_strdup, NULL);
+        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (query), "mimetypes");
 nautilus_query_add_mime_type (NautilusQuery *query, const char *mime_type)
-       query->details->mime_types = g_list_append (query->details->mime_types,
-                                                   g_strdup (mime_type));
+        g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_QUERY (query));
+        query->mime_types = g_list_append (query->mime_types, g_strdup (mime_type));
+        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (query), "mimetypes");
 nautilus_query_get_show_hidden_files (NautilusQuery *query)
-       return query->details->show_hidden;
+        g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_QUERY (query), FALSE);
+        return query->show_hidden;
 nautilus_query_set_show_hidden_files (NautilusQuery *query, gboolean show_hidden)
-       query->details->show_hidden = show_hidden;
+        g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_QUERY (query));
+        if (query->show_hidden != show_hidden) {
+                query->show_hidden = show_hidden;
+                g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (query), "show-hidden");
+        }
 char *
 nautilus_query_to_readable_string (NautilusQuery *query)
-       if (!query || !query->details->text || query->details->text[0] == '\0') {
+        if (!query || !query->text || query->text[0] == '\0') {
                return g_strdup (_("Search"));
-       return g_strdup_printf (_("Search for “%s”"), query->details->text);
+        return g_strdup_printf (_("Search for “%s”"), query->text);
+nautilus_query_get_search_content (NautilusQuery *query)
+        g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_QUERY (query), NAUTILUS_QUERY_SEARCH_CONTENT_SIMPLE);
+        return query->search_content;
+nautilus_query_set_search_content (NautilusQuery              *query,
+                                   NautilusQuerySearchContent  content)
+        g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_QUERY (query));
+        if (query->search_content != content) {
+                query->search_content = content;
+                g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (query), "search-type");
+        }
+nautilus_query_get_search_type (NautilusQuery *query)
+        g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_QUERY (query), NAUTILUS_QUERY_SEARCH_TYPE_LAST_MODIFIED);
+        return query->search_type;
+nautilus_query_set_search_type (NautilusQuery           *query,
+                                NautilusQuerySearchType  type)
+        g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_QUERY (query));
+        if (query->search_type != type) {
+                query->search_type = type;
+                g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (query), "search-type");
+        }
+nautilus_query_get_date (NautilusQuery *query)
+        g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_QUERY (query), NULL);
+        return query->datetime;
+nautilus_query_set_date (NautilusQuery *query,
+                         GDateTime     *date)
+        g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_QUERY (query));
+        if (query->datetime != date) {
+                g_clear_pointer (&query->datetime, g_date_time_unref);
+                if (date) {
+                        /* Assign the new date */
+                        query->datetime = g_date_time_ref (date);
+                }
+                g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (query), "date");
+        }
+nautilus_query_get_searching (NautilusQuery *query)
+        g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_QUERY (query), FALSE);
+        return query->searching;
+nautilus_query_set_searching (NautilusQuery *query,
+                             gboolean       searching)
+        g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_QUERY (query));
+        searching = !!searching;
+        if (query->searching != searching) {
+                query->searching = searching;
+               g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (query), "searching");
+        }
+nautilus_query_get_recursive (NautilusQuery *query)
+        g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_QUERY (query), FALSE);
+        return query->recursive;
+nautilus_query_set_recursive (NautilusQuery *query,
+                              gboolean       recursive)
+        g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_QUERY (query));
+        recursive = !!recursive;
+        if (query->recursive != recursive) {
+                query->recursive = recursive;
+                g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (query), "recursive");
+        }
+nautilus_query_is_empty (NautilusQuery *query)
+        if (!query) {
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+        if (!query->datetime &&
+           (!query->text ||
+           (query->text && query->text[0] == '\0')) &&
+           !query->mime_types) {
+                   return TRUE;
+           }
+        return FALSE;
diff --git a/libnautilus-private/nautilus-query.h b/libnautilus-private/nautilus-query.h
index 9ceffe8..b21d492 100644
--- a/libnautilus-private/nautilus-query.h
+++ b/libnautilus-private/nautilus-query.h
@@ -24,26 +24,21 @@
 #include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gio/gio.h>
-#define NAUTILUS_TYPE_QUERY            (nautilus_query_get_type ())
-typedef struct NautilusQueryDetails NautilusQueryDetails;
+typedef enum {
+} NautilusQuerySearchType;
-typedef struct NautilusQuery {
-       GObject parent;
-       NautilusQueryDetails *details;
-} NautilusQuery;
+typedef enum {
+} NautilusQuerySearchContent;
-typedef struct {
-       GObjectClass parent_class;
-} NautilusQueryClass;
+#define NAUTILUS_TYPE_QUERY            (nautilus_query_get_type ())
-GType          nautilus_query_get_type (void);
+G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (NautilusQuery, nautilus_query, NAUTILUS, QUERY, GObject)
 NautilusQuery* nautilus_query_new      (void);
@@ -53,15 +48,40 @@ void           nautilus_query_set_text           (NautilusQuery *query, const ch
 gboolean       nautilus_query_get_show_hidden_files (NautilusQuery *query);
 void           nautilus_query_set_show_hidden_files (NautilusQuery *query, gboolean show_hidden);
-char *         nautilus_query_get_location       (NautilusQuery *query);
-void           nautilus_query_set_location       (NautilusQuery *query, const char *uri);
+GFile*         nautilus_query_get_location       (NautilusQuery *query);
+void           nautilus_query_set_location       (NautilusQuery *query,
+                                                  GFile         *location);
 GList *        nautilus_query_get_mime_types     (NautilusQuery *query);
 void           nautilus_query_set_mime_types     (NautilusQuery *query, GList *mime_types);
 void           nautilus_query_add_mime_type      (NautilusQuery *query, const char *mime_type);
+NautilusQuerySearchContent nautilus_query_get_search_content (NautilusQuery *query);
+void                       nautilus_query_set_search_content (NautilusQuery              *query,
+                                                              NautilusQuerySearchContent  content);
+NautilusQuerySearchType nautilus_query_get_search_type (NautilusQuery *query);
+void                    nautilus_query_set_search_type (NautilusQuery           *query,
+                                                        NautilusQuerySearchType  type);
+GDateTime*     nautilus_query_get_date           (NautilusQuery *query);
+void           nautilus_query_set_date           (NautilusQuery *query,
+                                                  GDateTime     *date);
+gboolean       nautilus_query_get_recursive      (NautilusQuery *query);
+void           nautilus_query_set_recursive      (NautilusQuery *query,
+                                                  gboolean       recursive);
+gboolean       nautilus_query_get_searching      (NautilusQuery *query);
+void           nautilus_query_set_searching      (NautilusQuery *query,
+                                                  gboolean       searching);
 gdouble        nautilus_query_matches_string     (NautilusQuery *query, const gchar *string);
 char *         nautilus_query_to_readable_string (NautilusQuery *query);
+gboolean       nautilus_query_is_empty           (NautilusQuery *query);
 #endif /* NAUTILUS_QUERY_H */
diff --git a/libnautilus-private/nautilus-search-directory.c b/libnautilus-private/nautilus-search-directory.c
index 5de492f..10b5525 100644
--- a/libnautilus-private/nautilus-search-directory.c
+++ b/libnautilus-private/nautilus-search-directory.c
@@ -871,19 +871,16 @@ nautilus_search_directory_set_base_model (NautilusSearchDirectory *search,
        if (search->details->query != NULL) {
-               gchar *uri;
                GFile *query_location, *model_location;
                gboolean is_equal;
-               uri = nautilus_query_get_location (search->details->query);
-               query_location = g_file_new_for_uri (uri);
+                query_location = nautilus_query_get_location (search->details->query);
                model_location = nautilus_directory_get_location (base_model);
                is_equal = g_file_equal (model_location, query_location);
                g_object_unref (model_location);
                g_object_unref (query_location);
-               g_free (uri);
                if (!is_equal) {
@@ -924,11 +921,20 @@ nautilus_search_directory_set_query (NautilusSearchDirectory *search,
                                     NautilusQuery *query)
        NautilusFile *file;
+        NautilusQuery *old_query;
+        old_query = search->details->query;
+       if (g_set_object (&search->details->query, query)) {
+                /* Disconnect from the previous query changes */
+                if (old_query) {
+                        g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (old_query, search_force_reload, search);
+                }
+                if (query) {
+                        g_signal_connect_swapped (query, "notify", G_CALLBACK (search_force_reload), search);
+                }
-       if (search->details->query != query) {
-               g_object_ref (query);
-               g_clear_object (&search->details->query);
-               search->details->query = query;
                g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (search), properties[PROP_QUERY]);
diff --git a/libnautilus-private/nautilus-search-engine-simple.c 
index 33180fb..f3557d6 100644
--- a/libnautilus-private/nautilus-search-engine-simple.c
+++ b/libnautilus-private/nautilus-search-engine-simple.c
@@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ search_thread_data_new (NautilusSearchEngineSimple *engine,
                        NautilusQuery *query)
        SearchThreadData *data;
-       char *uri;
        GFile *location;
        data = g_new0 (SearchThreadData, 1);
@@ -103,9 +102,7 @@ search_thread_data_new (NautilusSearchEngineSimple *engine,
        data->visited = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL);
        data->query = g_object_ref (query);
-       uri = nautilus_query_get_location (query);
-       location = g_file_new_for_uri (uri);
-       g_free (uri);
+       location = nautilus_query_get_location (query);
        g_queue_push_tail (data->directories, location);
        data->mime_types = nautilus_query_get_mime_types (query);
diff --git a/libnautilus-private/nautilus-search-engine-tracker.c 
index e8a6e2e..e49a631 100644
--- a/libnautilus-private/nautilus-search-engine-tracker.c
+++ b/libnautilus-private/nautilus-search-engine-tracker.c
@@ -250,6 +250,7 @@ nautilus_search_engine_tracker_start (NautilusSearchProvider *provider)
        NautilusSearchEngineTracker *tracker;
        gchar   *query_text, *search_text, *location_uri, *downcase;
+        GFile *location;
        GString *sparql;
        GList *mimetypes, *l;
        gint mime_count;
@@ -279,7 +280,8 @@ nautilus_search_engine_tracker_start (NautilusSearchProvider *provider)
        g_free (query_text);
        g_free (downcase);
-       location_uri = nautilus_query_get_location (tracker->details->query);
+        location = nautilus_query_get_location (tracker->details->query);
+       location_uri = location ? g_file_get_uri (location) : NULL;
        mimetypes = nautilus_query_get_mime_types (tracker->details->query);
        mime_count = g_list_length (mimetypes);
@@ -330,6 +332,7 @@ nautilus_search_engine_tracker_start (NautilusSearchProvider *provider)
        g_free (search_text);
        g_free (location_uri);
        g_list_free_full (mimetypes, g_free);
+        g_object_unref (location);
 static void
diff --git a/libnautilus-private/nautilus-search-hit.c b/libnautilus-private/nautilus-search-hit.c
index a6dc16c..7870437 100644
--- a/libnautilus-private/nautilus-search-hit.c
+++ b/libnautilus-private/nautilus-search-hit.c
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ nautilus_search_hit_compute_scores (NautilusSearchHit *hit,
                                    NautilusQuery     *query)
        GDateTime *now;
-       char *query_uri;
        GFile *query_location;
        GFile *hit_location;
        GTimeSpan m_diff = G_MAXINT64;
@@ -65,8 +64,7 @@ nautilus_search_hit_compute_scores (NautilusSearchHit *hit,
        gdouble proximity_bonus = 0.0;
        gdouble match_bonus = 0.0;
-       query_uri = nautilus_query_get_location (query);
-       query_location = g_file_new_for_uri (query_uri);
+       query_location = nautilus_query_get_location (query);
        hit_location = g_file_new_for_uri (hit->details->uri);
        if (g_file_has_prefix (hit_location, query_location)) {
@@ -122,7 +120,6 @@ nautilus_search_hit_compute_scores (NautilusSearchHit *hit,
               proximity_bonus, recent_bonus, match_bonus);
        g_date_time_unref (now);
-       g_free (query_uri);
        g_object_unref (query_location);
diff --git a/src/nautilus-list-view.c b/src/nautilus-list-view.c
index a0377da..5a729be 100644
--- a/src/nautilus-list-view.c
+++ b/src/nautilus-list-view.c
@@ -1463,12 +1463,12 @@ location_cell_data_func (GtkTreeViewColumn *column,
                base_location = g_object_ref (home_location);
        } else {
                NautilusQuery *query;
-               gchar *base_uri;
                NautilusFile *base;
+                GFile *location;
                query = nautilus_search_directory_get_query (NAUTILUS_SEARCH_DIRECTORY (directory));
-               base_uri = nautilus_query_get_location (query);
-               base = nautilus_file_get_by_uri (base_uri);
+                location = nautilus_query_get_location (query);
+               base = nautilus_file_get (location);
                if (!nautilus_file_is_in_recent (base)) {
                        base_location = nautilus_file_get_location (base);
@@ -1477,7 +1477,7 @@ location_cell_data_func (GtkTreeViewColumn *column,
                nautilus_file_unref (base);
-               g_free (base_uri);
+                g_object_unref (location);
                g_object_unref (query);
diff --git a/src/nautilus-query-editor.c b/src/nautilus-query-editor.c
index f2dfef6..7ac85e0 100644
--- a/src/nautilus-query-editor.c
+++ b/src/nautilus-query-editor.c
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ struct NautilusQueryEditorDetails {
        GtkWidget *search_current_button;
        GtkWidget *search_all_button;
-       char *current_uri;
+        GFile *current_location;
        GList *rows;
@@ -243,8 +243,8 @@ GFile *
 nautilus_query_editor_get_location (NautilusQueryEditor *editor)
        GFile *file = NULL;
-       if (editor->details->current_uri != NULL)
-               file = g_file_new_for_uri (editor->details->current_uri);
+        if (editor->details->current_location != NULL)
+                file = g_object_ref (editor->details->current_location);
        return file;
@@ -1007,16 +1007,16 @@ static void
 add_location_to_query (NautilusQueryEditor *editor,
                       NautilusQuery       *query)
-       char *uri;
+        GFile *location;
        if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (editor->details->search_all_button))) {
-               uri = nautilus_get_home_directory_uri ();
+               location = g_file_new_for_uri (nautilus_get_home_directory_uri ());
        } else {
-               uri = g_strdup (editor->details->current_uri);
+                location = nautilus_query_editor_get_location (editor);
-       nautilus_query_set_location (query, uri);
-       g_free (uri);
+       nautilus_query_set_location (query, location);
+       g_clear_object (&location);
 NautilusQuery *
@@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@ update_location (NautilusQueryEditor *editor)
        NautilusFile *file;
        GtkWidget *label;
-       file = nautilus_file_get_by_uri (editor->details->current_uri);
+        file = nautilus_file_get (editor->details->current_location);
        if (file != NULL) {
                char *name;
@@ -1092,7 +1092,7 @@ nautilus_query_editor_set_location (NautilusQueryEditor *editor,
         NautilusDirectory *directory;
         NautilusDirectory *base_model;
-       g_free (editor->details->current_uri);
+       g_clear_object (&editor->details->current_location);
         /* The client could set us a location that is actually a search directory,
          * like what happens with the slot when updating the query editor location.
@@ -1101,9 +1101,9 @@ nautilus_query_editor_set_location (NautilusQueryEditor *editor,
         directory = nautilus_directory_get (location);
         if (NAUTILUS_IS_SEARCH_DIRECTORY (directory)) {
                 base_model = nautilus_search_directory_get_base_model (NAUTILUS_SEARCH_DIRECTORY 
-                editor->details->current_uri = nautilus_directory_get_uri (base_model);
+                editor->details->current_location = nautilus_directory_get_location (base_model);
         } else {
-                editor->details->current_uri = g_file_get_uri (location);
+                editor->details->current_location = g_object_ref (location);
        update_location (editor);
@@ -1152,15 +1152,14 @@ nautilus_query_editor_set_query (NautilusQueryEditor    *editor,
        g_free (current_text);
-       g_free (editor->details->current_uri);
-       editor->details->current_uri = NULL;
+        g_clear_object (&editor->details->current_location);
        update_rows (editor, query);
        g_clear_object (&editor->details->query);
        if (query != NULL) {
                editor->details->query = g_object_ref (query);
-               editor->details->current_uri = nautilus_query_get_location (query);
+               editor->details->current_location = nautilus_query_get_location (query);
                update_location (editor);
diff --git a/src/nautilus-shell-search-provider.c b/src/nautilus-shell-search-provider.c
index 2148e7a..cec51c0 100644
--- a/src/nautilus-shell-search-provider.c
+++ b/src/nautilus-shell-search-provider.c
@@ -392,9 +392,10 @@ execute_search (NautilusShellSearchProvider *self,
                 GDBusMethodInvocation          *invocation,
                 gchar                         **terms)
-  gchar *terms_joined, *home_uri;
+  gchar *terms_joined;
   NautilusQuery *query;
   PendingSearch *pending_search;
+  GFile *home;
   cancel_current_search (self);
@@ -406,12 +407,12 @@ execute_search (NautilusShellSearchProvider *self,
   terms_joined = g_strjoinv (" ", terms);
-  home_uri = nautilus_get_home_directory_uri ();
+  home = g_file_new_for_path (g_get_home_dir ());
   query = nautilus_query_new ();
   nautilus_query_set_show_hidden_files (query, FALSE);
   nautilus_query_set_text (query, terms_joined);
-  nautilus_query_set_location (query, home_uri);
+  nautilus_query_set_location (query, home);
   pending_search = g_slice_new0 (PendingSearch);
   pending_search->invocation = g_object_ref (invocation);
@@ -439,7 +440,7 @@ execute_search (NautilusShellSearchProvider *self,
   nautilus_search_provider_start (NAUTILUS_SEARCH_PROVIDER (pending_search->engine));
-  g_free (home_uri);
+  g_clear_object (&home);
   g_free (terms_joined);

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