[polari/wip/kunaljain/polari-search-result-view: 2/2] Implement ResultView

commit 20c4832c98479a6394d41b174201e2e0c5a4a978
Author: Kunaal Jain <kunaalus gmail com>
Date:   Sat Jul 9 17:10:48 2016 +0530

    Implement ResultView

 src/resultView.js |  677 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 677 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/resultView.js b/src/resultView.js
index 846496b..e79ec7b 100644
--- a/src/resultView.js
+++ b/src/resultView.js
@@ -16,7 +16,28 @@ const PasteManager = imports.pasteManager;
 const Signals = imports.signals;
 const Utils = imports.utils;
+const MAX_NICK_CHARS = 8;
+const SCROLL_TIMEOUT = 100; // ms
+const TIMESTAMP_INTERVAL = 300; // seconds of inactivity after which to
+                                // insert a timestamp
+const INACTIVITY_THRESHOLD = 300; // a threshold in seconds used to control
+                                  // the visibility of status messages
+const NUM_INITIAL_LOG_EVENTS = 50; // number of log events to fetch on start
+const NUM_LOG_EVENTS = 10; // number of log events to fetch when requesting more
 const MARGIN = 14;
+const NICK_SPACING = 14; // space after nicks, matching the following elements
+                         // of the nick button in the entry area:
+                         // 8px padding + 6px spacing
+const NICKTAG_PREFIX = 'nick';
 const ResultTextView = new Lang.Class({
     Name: 'ResultTextView',
@@ -24,6 +45,93 @@ const ResultTextView = new Lang.Class({
     _init: function(params) {
+        this.buffer.connect('mark-set', Lang.bind(this, this._onMarkSet));
+        this.connect('screen-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._updateLayout));
+    },
+    vfunc_get_preferred_width: function() {
+        return [1, 1];
+    },
+    vfunc_style_updated: function() {
+        let context = this.get_style_context();
+        context.save();
+        context.add_class('dim-label');
+        context.set_state(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL);
+        this._dimColor = context.get_color(context.get_state());
+        context.restore();
+        this.parent();
+    },
+    vfunc_draw: function(cr) {
+        this.parent(cr);
+        let mark = this.buffer.get_mark('indicator-line');
+        if (!mark) {
+            cr.$dispose();
+            return Gdk.EVENT_PROPAGATE;
+        }
+        let iter = this.buffer.get_iter_at_mark(mark);
+        let location = this.get_iter_location(iter);
+        let [, y] = this.buffer_to_window_coords(Gtk.TextWindowType.TEXT,
+                                                 location.x, location.y);
+        let tags = iter.get_tags();
+        let pixelsAbove = tags.reduce(function(prev, current) {
+                return Math.max(prev, current.pixels_above_lines);
+            }, this.get_pixels_above_lines());
+        let pixelsBelow = tags.reduce(function(prev, current) {
+                return Math.max(prev, current.pixels_below_lines);
+            }, this.get_pixels_below_lines());
+        let lineSpace = Math.floor((pixelsAbove + pixelsBelow) / 2);
+        y = y - lineSpace + 0.5;
+        let width = this.get_allocated_width() - 2 * MARGIN;
+        let [, extents] = this._layout.get_pixel_extents();
+        let layoutWidth = extents.width + 0.5;
+        let layoutX = extents.x + Math.floor((width - extents.width) / 2) + 0.5;
+        let layoutHeight = extents.height;
+        let baseline = Math.floor(this._layout.get_baseline() / Pango.SCALE);
+        let layoutY = y - baseline + Math.floor((layoutHeight - baseline) / 2) + 0.5;
+        let [hasClip, clip] = Gdk.cairo_get_clip_rectangle(cr);
+        if (hasClip &&
+            clip.y <= layoutY + layoutHeight &&
+            clip.y + clip.height >= layoutY) {
+            Gdk.cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, this._dimColor);
+            cr.moveTo(layoutX, layoutY);
+            PangoCairo.show_layout(cr, this._layout);
+            let [, color] = this.get_style_context().lookup_color('borders');
+            Gdk.cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, color);
+            cr.setLineWidth(1);
+            cr.moveTo(MARGIN, y);
+            cr.lineTo(layoutX - MARGIN, y);
+            cr.moveTo(layoutX + layoutWidth + MARGIN, y);
+            cr.lineTo(MARGIN + width, y);
+            cr.stroke();
+        }
+        cr.$dispose();
+        return Gdk.EVENT_PROPAGATE;
+    },
+    _onMarkSet: function(buffer, iter, mark) {
+        if (mark.name == 'indicator-line')
+            this.queue_draw();
+    },
+    _updateLayout: function() {
+        this._layout = this.create_pango_layout(null);
+        this._layout.set_markup('<small><b>%s</b></small>'.format(_("New Messages")), -1);
@@ -44,5 +152,574 @@ const ResultView = new Lang.Class({
+        this._active = false;
+        this._toplevelFocus = false;
+        this._fetchingBacklog = false;
+        this._joinTime = 0;
+        this._maxNickChars = MAX_NICK_CHARS;
+        this._needsIndicator = true;
+        this._pending = {};
+        this._pendingLogs = [];
+        this._logWalker = null;
+        this._createTags();
+        this.connect('style-updated',
+                     Lang.bind(this, this._onStyleUpdated));
+        this._onStyleUpdated();
+        this.connect('screen-changed',
+                     Lang.bind(this, this._updateIndent));
+        this.connect('scroll-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onScroll));
+        this.vadjustment.connect('changed',
+                                 Lang.bind(this, this._updateScroll));
+        this._view.connect('key-press-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onKeyPress));
+        /* pick up DPI changes (e.g. via the 'text-scaling-factor' setting):
+           the default handler calls pango_cairo_context_set_resolution(), so
+           update the indent after that */
+        this._view.connect_after('style-updated',
+                                 Lang.bind(this, this._updateIndent));
+        let adj = this.vadjustment;
+        this._scrollBottom = adj.upper - adj.page_size;
+        this._hoverCursor = Gdk.Cursor.new(Gdk.CursorType.HAND1);
+    },
+    _createTags: function() {
+        let buffer = this._view.get_buffer();
+        let tagTable = buffer.get_tag_table();
+        let tags = [
+          { name: 'nick',
+            left_margin: MARGIN },
+          { name: 'gap',
+            pixels_above_lines: 10 },
+          { name: 'message',
+            indent: 0 },
+          { name: 'highlight',
+            weight: Pango.Weight.BOLD },
+          { name: 'status',
+            left_margin: MARGIN,
+            indent: 0,
+            justification: Gtk.Justification.RIGHT },
+          { name: 'timestamp',
+            left_margin: MARGIN,
+            indent: 0,
+            weight: Pango.Weight.BOLD,
+            justification: Gtk.Justification.RIGHT },
+          { name: 'action',
+            left_margin: MARGIN },
+          { name: 'url',
+            underline: Pango.Underline.SINGLE },
+          { name: 'indicator-line',
+            pixels_above_lines: 24 },
+          { name: 'loading',
+            justification: Gtk.Justification.CENTER }
+        ];
+        tags.forEach(function(tagProps) {
+            tagTable.add(new Gtk.TextTag(tagProps));
+        });
+    },
+    _onStyleUpdated: function() {
+        let context = this.get_style_context();
+        context.save();
+        context.add_class('dim-label');
+        context.set_state(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL);
+        let dimColor = context.get_color(context.get_state());
+        context.restore();
+        context.save();
+        context.set_state(Gtk.StateFlags.LINK);
+        let linkColor = context.get_color(context.get_state());
+        this._activeNickColor = context.get_color(context.get_state());
+        context.set_state(Gtk.StateFlags.LINK | Gtk.StateFlags.PRELIGHT);
+        this._hoveredLinkColor = context.get_color(context.get_state());
+        context.restore();
+        let desaturatedNickColor = (this._activeNickColor.red +
+                                    this._activeNickColor.blue +
+                                    this._activeNickColor.green) / 3;
+        this._inactiveNickColor = new Gdk.RGBA ({ red: desaturatedNickColor,
+                                                  green: desaturatedNickColor,
+                                                  blue: desaturatedNickColor,
+                                                  alpha: 1.0 });
+        if (this._activeNickColor.equal(this._inactiveNickColor))
+            this._inactiveNickColor.alpha = 0.5;
+        context.save();
+        context.add_class('view');
+        context.set_state(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL);
+        this._statusHeaderHoverColor = context.get_color(context.get_state());
+        context.restore();
+        let buffer = this._view.get_buffer();
+        let tagTable = buffer.get_tag_table();
+        let tags = [
+          { name: 'status',
+            foreground_rgba: dimColor },
+          { name: 'timestamp',
+            foreground_rgba: dimColor },
+          { name: 'action',
+            foreground_rgba: dimColor },
+          { name: 'url',
+            foreground_rgba: linkColor }
+        ];
+        tags.forEach(function(tagProps) {
+            let tag = tagTable.lookup(tagProps.name);
+            for (let prop in tagProps) {
+                if (prop == 'name')
+                    continue;
+                tag[prop] = tagProps[prop];
+            }
+        });
+        let offset = NICKTAG_PREFIX.length;
+        tagTable.foreach(Lang.bind(this, function(tag) {
+            if (tag._status)
+                this._setNickStatus(tag.name.substring(offset), tag._status);
+        }));
+    },
+    vfunc_destroy: function() {
+        this.parent();
+    },
+    _onLogEventsReady: function(events) {
+        this._hideLoadingIndicator();
+        this._pendingLogs = events.concat(this._pendingLogs);
+        this._insertPendingLogs();
+        this._fetchingBacklog = false;
+    },
+    _insertPendingLogs: function() {
+        if (this._pendingLogs.length == 0)
+            return;
+        let index = -1;
+        let nick = this._pendingLogs[0].sender;
+        let type = this._pendingLogs[0].messageType;
+        if (!this._logWalker.isEnd()) {
+            for (let i = 0; i < this._pendingLogs.length; i++)
+                if (this._pendingLogs[i].sender != nick ||
+                    this._pendingLogs[i].messageType != type) {
+                    index = i;
+                    break;
+                }
+        } else {
+            index = 0;
+        }
+        if (index < 0)
+            return;
+        let pending = this._pendingLogs.splice(index);
+        let state = { lastNick: null, lastTimestamp: 0 };
+        let iter = this._view.buffer.get_start_iter();
+        for (let i = 0; i < pending.length; i++) {
+            let message = { nick: pending[i].sender,
+                            text: pending[i].message,
+                            timestamp: pending[i].timestamp,
+                            messageType: pending[i].messageType,
+                            shouldHighlight: false };
+            this._insertMessage(iter, message, state);
+            this._setNickStatus(message.nick, Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.OFFLINE);
+            if (!iter.is_end() || i < pending.length - 1)
+                this._view.buffer.insert(iter, '\n', -1);
+        }
+        if (!this._channel)
+            return;
+        if (this._room.type == Tp.HandleType.ROOM) {
+            let members = this._channel.group_dup_members_contacts();
+            for (let j = 0; j < members.length; j++)
+                this._setNickStatus(members[j].get_alias(),
+                                    Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.AVAILABLE);
+        } else {
+                this._setNickStatus(this._channel.connection.self_contact.get_alias(),
+                                    Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.AVAILABLE);
+                this._setNickStatus(this._channel.target_contact.get_alias(),
+                                    Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.AVAILABLE);
+        }
+    },
+    get _nPending() {
+        return Object.keys(this._pending).length;
+    },
+    _updateIndent: function() {
+        let context = this._view.get_pango_context();
+        let metrics = context.get_metrics(null, null);
+        let charWidth = Math.max(metrics.get_approximate_char_width(),
+                                 metrics.get_approximate_digit_width());
+        let pixelWidth = Pango.units_to_double(charWidth);
+        let totalWidth = this._maxNickChars * pixelWidth + NICK_SPACING;
+        let tabs = Pango.TabArray.new(1, true);
+        tabs.set_tab(0, Pango.TabAlign.LEFT, totalWidth);
+        this._view.tabs = tabs;
+        this._view.indent = -totalWidth;
+        this._view.left_margin = MARGIN + totalWidth;
+    },
+    _ensureLogWalker: function() {
+        if (this._logWalker)
+            return;
+        let logManager = LogManager.getDefault();
+        this._logWalker = logManager.walkEvents(this._room.account,
+                                                this._room.channel_name);
+        this._fetchingBacklog = true;
+        this._logWalker.getEvents(NUM_INITIAL_LOG_EVENTS,
+                                  Lang.bind(this, this._onLogEventsReady));
+    },
+    _updateScroll: function() {
+        let adj = this.vadjustment;
+        if (adj.value == this._scrollBottom) {
+            if (this._nPending == 0) {
+                this._view.emit('move-cursor',
+                                Gtk.MovementStep.BUFFER_ENDS, 1, false);
+            } else {
+                let id = Object.keys(this._pending).sort(function(a, b) {
+                    return a - b;
+                })[0];
+                this._view.scroll_mark_onscreen(this._pending[id]);
+            }
+        }
+        this._scrollBottom = adj.upper - adj.page_size;
+    },
+    _onScroll: function(w, event) {
+        let [hasDir, dir] = event.get_scroll_direction();
+        if (hasDir && dir != Gdk.ScrollDirection.UP)
+            return Gdk.EVENT_PROPAGATE;
+        let [hasDeltas, dx, dy] = event.get_scroll_deltas();
+        if (hasDeltas && dy >= 0)
+            return Gdk.EVENT_PROPAGATE;
+        return this._fetchBacklog();
+    },
+    _onKeyPress: function(w, event) {
+        let [, keyval] = event.get_keyval();
+        if (keyval === Gdk.KEY_Home ||
+            keyval === Gdk.KEY_KP_Home) {
+            this._view.emit('move-cursor',
+                            Gtk.MovementStep.BUFFER_ENDS,
+                            -1, false);
+            return Gdk.EVENT_STOP;
+        } else if (keyval === Gdk.KEY_End ||
+                   keyval === Gdk.KEY_KP_End) {
+            this._view.emit('move-cursor',
+                            Gtk.MovementStep.BUFFER_ENDS,
+                            1, false);
+            return Gdk.EVENT_STOP;
+        }
+        if (keyval != Gdk.KEY_Up &&
+            keyval != Gdk.KEY_KP_Up &&
+            keyval != Gdk.KEY_Page_Up &&
+            keyval != Gdk.KEY_KP_Page_Up)
+            return Gdk.EVENT_PROPAGATE;
+        return this._fetchBacklog();
+    },
+    _fetchBacklog: function() {
+        if (this.vadjustment.value != 0 ||
+            this._logWalker.isEnd())
+            return Gdk.EVENT_PROPAGATE;
+        if (this._fetchingBacklog)
+            return Gdk.EVENT_STOP;
+        this._fetchingBacklog = true;
+        this._showLoadingIndicator();
+        Mainloop.timeout_add(500, Lang.bind(this,
+            function() {
+                this._logWalker.getEvents(NUM_LOG_EVENTS,
+                                          Lang.bind(this, this._onLogEventsReady));
+                return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE;
+            }));
+        return Gdk.EVENT_STOP;
+    },
+    _showUrlContextMenu: function(url, button, time) {
+        let menu = new Gtk.Menu();
+        let item = new Gtk.MenuItem({ label: _("Open Link") });
+        item.connect('activate', function() {
+            Utils.openURL(url, Gtk.get_current_event_time());
+        });
+        menu.append(item);
+        item = new Gtk.MenuItem({ label: _("Copy Link Address") });
+        item.connect('activate',
+            function() {
+                let clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get_default(item.get_display());
+                clipboard.set_text(url, -1);
+            });
+        menu.append(item);
+        menu.show_all();
+        menu.popup(null, null, null, button, time);
+    },
+    _showLoadingIndicator: function() {
+        let indicator = new Gtk.Image({ icon_name: 'content-loading-symbolic',
+                                        visible: true });
+        let buffer = this._view.buffer;
+        let iter = buffer.get_start_iter();
+        let anchor = buffer.create_child_anchor(iter);
+        this._view.add_child_at_anchor(indicator, anchor);
+        buffer.insert(iter, '\n', -1);
+        let start = buffer.get_start_iter();
+        buffer.remove_all_tags(start, iter);
+        buffer.apply_tag(this._lookupTag('loading'), start, iter);
+    },
+    _hideLoadingIndicator: function() {
+        let buffer = this._view.buffer;
+        let iter = buffer.get_start_iter();
+        if (!iter.get_child_anchor())
+            return;
+        iter.forward_line();
+        buffer.delete(buffer.get_start_iter(), iter);
+    },
+    _formatTimestamp: function(timestamp) {
+        let date = GLib.DateTime.new_from_unix_local(timestamp);
+        let now = GLib.DateTime.new_now_local();
+        // 00:01 actually, just to be safe
+        let todayMidnight = GLib.DateTime.new_local(now.get_year(),
+                                                    now.get_month(),
+                                                    now.get_day_of_month(),
+                                                    0, 1, 0);
+        let dateMidnight = GLib.DateTime.new_local(date.get_year(),
+                                                   date.get_month(),
+                                                   date.get_day_of_month(),
+                                                   0, 1, 0);
+        let daysAgo = todayMidnight.difference(dateMidnight) / GLib.TIME_SPAN_DAY;
+        let format;
+        let desktopSettings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: 'org.gnome.desktop.interface' });
+        let clockFormat = desktopSettings.get_string('clock-format');
+        let hasAmPm = date.format('%p') != '';
+        if (clockFormat == '24h' || !hasAmPm) {
+            if(daysAgo < 1) { // today
+                /* Translators: Time in 24h format */
+                format = _("%H\u2236%M");
+            } else if(daysAgo <2) { // yesterday
+                /* Translators: this is the word "Yesterday" followed by a
+                 time string in 24h format. i.e. "Yesterday, 14:30" */
+                // xgettext:no-c-format
+                format = _("Yesterday, %H\u2236%M");
+            } else if (daysAgo < 7) { // this week
+                /* Translators: this is the week day name followed by a time
+                 string in 24h format. i.e. "Monday, 14:30" */
+                // xgettext:no-c-format
+                format = _("%A, %H\u2236%M");
+            } else if (date.get_year() == now.get_year()) { // this year
+                /* Translators: this is the month name and day number
+                 followed by a time string in 24h format.
+                 i.e. "May 25, 14:30" */
+                // xgettext:no-c-format
+                format = _("%B %d, %H\u2236%M");
+            } else { // before this year
+                /* Translators: this is the month name, day number, year
+                 number followed by a time string in 24h format.
+                 i.e. "May 25 2012, 14:30" */
+                // xgettext:no-c-format
+                format = _("%B %d %Y, %H\u2236%M");
+            }
+        } else {
+            if(daysAgo < 1) { // today
+                /* Translators: Time in 12h format */
+                format = _("%l\u2236%M %p");
+            } else if(daysAgo <2) { // yesterday
+                /* Translators: this is the word "Yesterday" followed by a
+                 time string in 12h format. i.e. "Yesterday, 2:30 pm" */
+                // xgettext:no-c-format
+                format = _("Yesterday, %l\u2236%M %p");
+            } else if (daysAgo < 7) { // this week
+                /* Translators: this is the week day name followed by a time
+                 string in 12h format. i.e. "Monday, 2:30 pm" */
+                // xgettext:no-c-format
+                format = _("%A, %l\u2236%M %p");
+            } else if (date.get_year() == now.get_year()) { // this year
+                /* Translators: this is the month name and day number
+                 followed by a time string in 12h format.
+                 i.e. "May 25, 2:30 pm" */
+                // xgettext:no-c-format
+                format = _("%B %d, %l\u2236%M %p");
+            } else { // before this year
+                /* Translators: this is the month name, day number, year
+                 number followed by a time string in 12h format.
+                 i.e. "May 25 2012, 2:30 pm"*/
+                // xgettext:no-c-format
+                format = _("%B %d %Y, %l\u2236%M %p");
+            }
+        }
+        return date.format(format);
+    },
+    _insertMessage: function(iter, message, state) {
+        let isAction = message.messageType == Tp.ChannelTextMessageType.ACTION;
+        let needsGap = message.nick != state.lastNick || isAction;
+        if (message.timestamp - TIMESTAMP_INTERVAL > state.lastTimestamp) {
+            let tags = [this._lookupTag('timestamp')];
+            if (needsGap)
+                tags.push(this._lookupTag('gap'));
+            needsGap = false;
+            this._insertWithTags(iter,
+                                 this._formatTimestamp(message.timestamp) + '\n',
+                                 tags);
+        }
+        state.lastTimestamp = message.timestamp;
+        this._updateMaxNickChars(message.nick.length);
+        let tags = [];
+        if (isAction) {
+            message.text = "%s %s".format(message.nick, message.text);
+            state.lastNick = null;
+            tags.push(this._lookupTag('action'));
+            if (needsGap)
+                tags.push(this._lookupTag('gap'));
+        } else {
+            if (state.lastNick != message.nick) {
+                let tags = [this._lookupTag('nick')];
+                let nickTagName = this._getNickTagName(message.nick);
+                let nickTag = this._lookupTag(nickTagName);
+                if (!nickTag) {
+                    nickTag = new Gtk.TextTag({ name: nickTagName });
+                    this._view.get_buffer().get_tag_table().add(nickTag);
+                }
+                tags.push(nickTag);
+                if (needsGap)
+                    tags.push(this._lookupTag('gap'));
+                this._insertWithTags(iter, message.nick + '\t', tags);
+            }
+            state.lastNick = message.nick;
+            tags.push(this._lookupTag('message'));
+        }
+        if (message.shouldHighlight)
+            tags.push(this._lookupTag('highlight'));
+        let params = this._room.account.dup_parameters_vardict().deep_unpack();
+        let server = params.server.deep_unpack();
+        let text = message.text;
+        let channels = Utils.findChannels(text, server);
+        let urls = Utils.findUrls(text).concat(channels).sort((u1,u2) => u1.pos - u2.pos);
+        let pos = 0;
+        for (let i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
+            let url = urls[i];
+            this._insertWithTags(iter, text.substr(pos, url.pos - pos), tags);
+            let tag = this._createUrlTag(url.url);
+            this._view.get_buffer().tag_table.add(tag);
+            let name = url.name ? url.name : url.url;
+            this._insertWithTags(iter, name,
+                                 tags.concat(this._lookupTag('url'), tag));
+            pos = url.pos + name.length;
+        }
+        this._insertWithTags(iter, text.substr(pos), tags);
+    },
+    _createUrlTag: function(url) {
+        if (url.indexOf(':') == -1)
+            url = 'http://' + url;
+        let tag = new ButtonTag();
+        tag.connect('notify::hover', Lang.bind(this,
+            function() {
+                tag.foreground_rgba = tag.hover ? this._hoveredLinkColor : null;
+            }));
+        tag.connect('clicked',
+            function() {
+                Utils.openURL(url, Gtk.get_current_event_time());
+            });
+        tag.connect('button-press-event', Lang.bind(this,
+            function(tag, event) {
+                let [, button] = event.get_button();
+                if (button != Gdk.BUTTON_SECONDARY)
+                    return Gdk.EVENT_PROPAGATE;
+                this._showUrlContextMenu(url, button, event.get_time());
+                return Gdk.EVENT_STOP;
+            }));
+        return tag;
+    },
+    _ensureNewLine: function() {
+        let buffer = this._view.get_buffer();
+        let iter = buffer.get_end_iter();
+        let tags = [];
+        let groupTag = this._lookupTag('status' + this._state.lastStatusGroup);
+        if (groupTag && iter.ends_tag(groupTag))
+            tags.push(groupTag);
+        let headerTag = this._lookupTag('status-compressed' + this._state.lastStatusGroup);
+        if (headerTag && iter.ends_tag(headerTag))
+            tags.push(headerTag);
+        if (iter.get_line_offset() != 0)
+            this._insertWithTags(iter, '\n', tags);
+    },
+    _getLineIters: function(iter) {
+        let start = iter.copy();
+        start.backward_line();
+        start.forward_to_line_end();
+        let end = iter.copy();
+        end.forward_to_line_end();
+        return [start, end];
+    },
+    _lookupTag: function(name) {
+        return this._view.get_buffer().tag_table.lookup(name);
+    },
+    _insertWithTagName: function(iter, text, name) {
+        this._insertWithTags(iter, text, [this._lookupTag(name)]);
+    },
+    _insertWithTags: function(iter, text, tags) {
+        let buffer = this._view.get_buffer();
+        let offset = iter.get_offset();
+        buffer.insert(iter, text, -1);
+        let start = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset);
+        buffer.remove_all_tags(start, iter);
+        for (let i = 0; i < tags.length; i++)
+            buffer.apply_tag(tags[i], start, iter);

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