[glom] if(): Prefer return/continue shortcut instead of nesting.
- From: Murray Cumming <murrayc src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [glom] if(): Prefer return/continue shortcut instead of nesting.
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2016 10:53:14 +0000 (UTC)
commit 4682ec49981371ce479470ec8155c20dfdaab686
Author: Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com>
Date: Thu Nov 10 09:42:49 2016 +0100
if(): Prefer return/continue shortcut instead of nesting.
glom/base_db_table_data.cc | 158 ++--
glom/libglom/document/document.cc | 760 ++++++++++----------
glom/mode_data/notebook_data.cc | 43 +-
glom/mode_design/iso_codes.cc | 106 ++--
glom/mode_design/layout/dialog_layout_details.cc | 388 +++++-----
glom/mode_design/layout/dialog_layout_export.cc | 72 +-
.../layout_item_dialogs/dialog_fieldslist.cc | 110 ++--
.../layout_item_dialogs/dialog_sortfields.cc | 69 +-
.../report_layout/dialog_layout_report.cc | 68 +-
.../mode_design/translation/window_translations.cc | 50 +-
glom/mode_design/users/dialog_groups_list.cc | 18 +-
glom/notebook_glom.cc | 53 +-
glom/utility_widgets/adddel/adddel.cc | 9 +-
glom/variablesmap.cc | 16 +-
14 files changed, 958 insertions(+), 962 deletions(-)
diff --git a/glom/base_db_table_data.cc b/glom/base_db_table_data.cc
index a627783..0476dbb 100644
--- a/glom/base_db_table_data.cc
+++ b/glom/base_db_table_data.cc
@@ -96,89 +96,89 @@ bool Base_DB_Table_Data::record_new(bool use_entered_data, const Gnome::Gda::Val
for(const auto& layout_item : fieldsToAdd)
const Glib::ustring field_name = layout_item->get_name();
- if(!layout_item->get_has_relationship_name()) //TODO: Allow people to add a related record also by
entering new data in a related field of the related record.
- {
- if (!map_added.count(field_name)) //If it was not added already.
- {
- Gnome::Gda::Value value;
+ if(layout_item->get_has_relationship_name()) //TODO: Allow people to add a related record also by
entering new data in a related field of the related record.
+ continue;
- const auto field = layout_item->get_full_field_details();
- if(!field)
- continue;
+ if (map_added.count(field_name)) //If it was added already.
+ continue;
- //Use the specified (generated) primary key value, if there is one:
- if(primary_key_name == field_name && !Conversions::value_is_empty(primary_key_value))
- {
- value = primary_key_value;
- }
- else
- {
- if(use_entered_data)
- value = get_entered_field_data(*layout_item);
- }
+ Gnome::Gda::Value value;
- if(Conversions::value_is_empty(value)) //This deals with empty strings too.
- {
- //If the default value should be calculated, then calculate it:
- if(field->get_has_calculation())
- {
- const auto calculation = field->get_calculation();
- const auto field_values = get_record_field_values_for_calculation(m_table_name, fieldPrimaryKey,
- //We need the connection when we run the script, so that the script may use it.
- // TODO: Is this function supposed to throw an exception?
- auto sharedconnection = connect_to_server(AppWindow::get_appwindow());
- Glib::ustring error_message; //TODO: Check this.
- value =
- glom_evaluate_python_function_implementation(
- field->get_glom_type(),
- calculation,
- field_values,
- document,
- m_table_name,
- fieldPrimaryKey, primary_key_value,
- sharedconnection->get_gda_connection(),
- error_message);
- }
- }
+ const auto field = layout_item->get_full_field_details();
+ if(!field)
+ continue;
- //Use default values (These are also specified in postgres as part of the field definition,
- //so we could theoretically just not specify it here.)
- //TODO_Performance: Add has_default_value()?
- if(Conversions::value_is_empty(value))
- {
- value = field->get_default_value();
- }
+ //Use the specified (generated) primary key value, if there is one:
+ if(primary_key_name == field_name && !Conversions::value_is_empty(primary_key_value))
+ {
+ value = primary_key_value;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(use_entered_data)
+ value = get_entered_field_data(*layout_item);
+ }
- //Use auto-increment values:
- if(field->get_auto_increment() && Conversions::value_is_empty(value))
- {
- value =
- DbUtils::get_next_auto_increment_value(m_table_name, field->get_name());
- }
+ if(Conversions::value_is_empty(value)) //This deals with empty strings too.
+ {
+ //If the default value should be calculated, then calculate it:
+ if(field->get_has_calculation())
+ {
+ const auto calculation = field->get_calculation();
+ const auto field_values = get_record_field_values_for_calculation(m_table_name, fieldPrimaryKey,
+ //We need the connection when we run the script, so that the script may use it.
+ // TODO: Is this function supposed to throw an exception?
+ auto sharedconnection = connect_to_server(AppWindow::get_appwindow());
+ Glib::ustring error_message; //TODO: Check this.
+ value =
+ glom_evaluate_python_function_implementation(
+ field->get_glom_type(),
+ calculation,
+ field_values,
+ document,
+ m_table_name,
+ fieldPrimaryKey, primary_key_value,
+ sharedconnection->get_gda_connection(),
+ error_message);
+ }
+ }
- /* //TODO: This would be too many small queries when adding one record.
- //Check whether the value meets uniqueness constraints:
- if(field->get_primary_key() || field->get_unique_key())
- {
- if(!get_field_value_is_unique(m_table_name, layout_item, value))
- {
- //Ignore this field value. TODO: Warn the user about it.
- }
- }
- */
- if(!value.is_null())
- {
- builder->add_field_value(field_name, value);
- map_added.emplace(field_name);
- }
- else
- {
- std::cerr << G_STRFUNC << ": value is null for field: " << field_name << std::endl;
- }
+ //Use default values (These are also specified in postgres as part of the field definition,
+ //so we could theoretically just not specify it here.)
+ //TODO_Performance: Add has_default_value()?
+ if(Conversions::value_is_empty(value))
+ {
+ value = field->get_default_value();
+ }
+ //Use auto-increment values:
+ if(field->get_auto_increment() && Conversions::value_is_empty(value))
+ {
+ value =
+ DbUtils::get_next_auto_increment_value(m_table_name, field->get_name());
+ }
+ /* //TODO: This would be too many small queries when adding one record.
+ //Check whether the value meets uniqueness constraints:
+ if(field->get_primary_key() || field->get_unique_key())
+ {
+ if(!get_field_value_is_unique(m_table_name, layout_item, value))
+ {
+ //Ignore this field value. TODO: Warn the user about it.
+ */
+ if(!value.is_null())
+ {
+ builder->add_field_value(field_name, value);
+ map_added.emplace(field_name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cerr << G_STRFUNC << ": value is null for field: " << field_name << std::endl;
+ }
//Put it all together to create the record with these field values:
diff --git a/glom/libglom/document/document.cc b/glom/libglom/document/document.cc
index 44a7601..2acb48a 100644
--- a/glom/libglom/document/document.cc
+++ b/glom/libglom/document/document.cc
@@ -1963,22 +1963,22 @@ void Document::load_after_layout_item_formatting(const xmlpp::Element* element,
for(const auto& node_choices : nodeChoiceList->get_children(GLOM_NODE_FORMAT_CUSTOM_CHOICE))
const auto element_custom_choices = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element*>(node_choices);
- if(element_custom_choices)
- {
- if(field_type == Field::glom_field_type::INVALID)
- {
- //Discover the field type, so we can interpret the text as a value.
- //Not all calling functions know this, so they don't all supply the correct value.
- //TODO_Performance.
- const auto field_temp = get_field(table_name, field_name);
- if(field_temp)
- field_type = field_temp->get_glom_type();
- }
+ if (!element_custom_choices)
+ continue;
- auto value = std::make_shared<ChoiceValue>();
- load_after_choicevalue(element_custom_choices, value, field_type);
- list_values.emplace_back(value);
+ if(field_type == Field::glom_field_type::INVALID)
+ {
+ //Discover the field type, so we can interpret the text as a value.
+ //Not all calling functions know this, so they don't all supply the correct value.
+ //TODO_Performance.
+ const auto field_temp = get_field(table_name, field_name);
+ if(field_temp)
+ field_type = field_temp->get_glom_type();
+ auto value = std::make_shared<ChoiceValue>();
+ load_after_choicevalue(element_custom_choices, value, field_type);
+ list_values.emplace_back(value);
@@ -2130,17 +2130,17 @@ void Document::load_after_sort_by(const xmlpp::Element* node, const Glib::ustrin
for(const auto& node_item_field : node->get_children(GLOM_NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_ITEM_FIELD))
const auto element = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element*>(node_item_field);
- if(element)
- {
- auto item = std::make_shared<LayoutItem_Field>();
- //item.set_full_field_details_empty();
- load_after_layout_item_field(element, table_name, item);
- item->set_full_field_details( get_field(item->get_table_used(table_name), item->get_name()) );
+ if(!element)
+ continue;
- const auto ascending = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(element,
+ auto item = std::make_shared<LayoutItem_Field>();
+ //item.set_full_field_details_empty();
+ load_after_layout_item_field(element, table_name, item);
+ item->set_full_field_details( get_field(item->get_table_used(table_name), item->get_name()) );
- list_fields.emplace_back( LayoutItem_GroupBy::type_pair_sort_field(item, ascending) );
- }
+ const auto ascending = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(element,
+ list_fields.emplace_back( LayoutItem_GroupBy::type_pair_sort_field(item, ascending) );
@@ -2468,16 +2468,16 @@ void Document::load_after_translations(const xmlpp::Element* element, const std:
for(const auto& node_translation : nodeTranslations->get_children(GLOM_NODE_TRANSLATION))
const auto element_translation = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element*>(node_translation);
- if(element_translation)
- {
- const auto locale = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(element_translation,
- const auto translation = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(element_translation,
- item->set_title(translation, locale);
+ if(!element_translation)
+ continue;
- //Remember any new translation locales in our cached list:
- //TODO: Use a set instead?
- Utils::add_unique(m_translation_available_locales, locale);
- }
+ const auto locale = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(element_translation,
+ const auto translation = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(element_translation,
+ item->set_title(translation, locale);
+ //Remember any new translation locales in our cached list:
+ //TODO: Use a set instead?
+ Utils::add_unique(m_translation_available_locales, locale);
@@ -2634,176 +2634,172 @@ bool Document::load_after(int& failure_code)
for(const auto& node_table : list_nodes_tables)
auto nodeTable = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(node_table);
- if(nodeTable)
- {
- const auto table_name = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(nodeTable, GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
+ if(!nodeTable)
+ continue;
- const auto doctableinfo = std::make_shared<DocumentTableInfo>();
- m_tables[table_name] = doctableinfo;
+ const auto table_name = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(nodeTable, GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
- auto table_info = std::make_shared<TableInfo>();
- table_info->set_name(table_name);
- table_info->set_hidden( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(nodeTable,
- table_info->set_default( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(nodeTable,
+ const auto doctableinfo = std::make_shared<DocumentTableInfo>();
+ m_tables[table_name] = doctableinfo;
- doctableinfo->m_info = table_info;
+ auto table_info = std::make_shared<TableInfo>();
+ table_info->set_name(table_name);
+ table_info->set_hidden( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(nodeTable, GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN)
+ table_info->set_default( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(nodeTable,
- doctableinfo->m_overviewx = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_float(nodeTable,
- doctableinfo->m_overviewy = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_float(nodeTable,
+ doctableinfo->m_info = table_info;
- //Translations:
- load_after_translations(nodeTable, doctableinfo->m_info);
+ doctableinfo->m_overviewx = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_float(nodeTable,
+ doctableinfo->m_overviewy = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_float(nodeTable,
- //Relationships:
- //These should be loaded before the fields, because the fields use them.
- const auto nodeRelationships = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(nodeTable, GLOM_NODE_RELATIONSHIPS);
- if(nodeRelationships)
- {
- for(const auto& item_rel : nodeRelationships->get_children(GLOM_NODE_RELATIONSHIP))
- {
- const auto node_rel = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(item_rel);
- if(node_rel)
- {
- auto relationship = std::make_shared<Relationship>();
- const auto relationship_name = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_rel,
+ //Translations:
+ load_after_translations(nodeTable, doctableinfo->m_info);
- relationship->set_from_table(table_name);
- relationship->set_name(relationship_name);;
+ //Relationships:
+ //These should be loaded before the fields, because the fields use them.
+ const auto nodeRelationships = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(nodeTable, GLOM_NODE_RELATIONSHIPS);
+ if(nodeRelationships)
+ {
+ for(const auto& item_rel : nodeRelationships->get_children(GLOM_NODE_RELATIONSHIP)) {
+ const auto node_rel = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(item_rel);
+ if (!node_rel)
+ continue;
- relationship->set_from_field( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_rel,
- relationship->set_to_table( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_rel,
- relationship->set_to_field( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_rel,
- relationship->set_auto_create( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_rel,
- relationship->set_allow_edit( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_rel,
+ auto relationship = std::make_shared<Relationship>();
+ const auto relationship_name = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_rel, GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
- //Translations:
- load_after_translations(node_rel, relationship);
+ relationship->set_from_table(table_name);
+ relationship->set_name(relationship_name);;
- doctableinfo->m_relationships.emplace_back(relationship);
- }
- }
+ relationship->set_from_field(XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_rel, GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_KEY));
+ relationship->set_to_table(XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_rel,
+ relationship->set_to_field(XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_rel,
+ relationship->set_auto_create(
+ XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_rel, GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_AUTO_CREATE));
+ relationship->set_allow_edit(
+ XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_rel, GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_ALLOW_EDIT));
+ //Translations:
+ load_after_translations(node_rel, relationship);
+ doctableinfo->m_relationships.emplace_back(relationship);
+ }
- //Fields:
- const auto nodeFields = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(nodeTable, GLOM_NODE_FIELDS);
- if(nodeFields)
+ //Fields:
+ const auto nodeFields = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(nodeTable, GLOM_NODE_FIELDS);
+ if(nodeFields)
+ {
+ const auto type_names = Field::get_type_names();
+ //Loop through Field child nodes:
+ for(const auto& item_field : nodeFields->get_children(GLOM_NODE_FIELD))
- const auto type_names = Field::get_type_names();
+ const auto node_field = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(item_field);
+ if(!node_field)
+ continue;
- //Loop through Field child nodes:
- for(const auto& item_field : nodeFields->get_children(GLOM_NODE_FIELD))
- {
- const auto node_field = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(item_field);
- if(node_field)
- {
- auto field = std::make_shared<Field>();
+ auto field = std::make_shared<Field>();
- const auto strName = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_field, GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
- field->set_name( strName );
+ const auto strName = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_field, GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
+ field->set_name( strName );
- field->set_primary_key( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_field,
- field->set_unique_key( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_field,
- field->set_auto_increment( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_field,
+ field->set_primary_key( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_field,
+ field->set_unique_key( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_field,
+ field->set_auto_increment( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_field,
- //Get lookup information, if present.
- auto nodeLookup = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(node_field, GLOM_NODE_FIELD_LOOKUP);
- if(nodeLookup)
- {
- const auto lookup_relationship_name = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(nodeLookup,
- auto lookup_relationship = get_relationship(table_name, lookup_relationship_name);
- field->set_lookup_relationship(lookup_relationship);
+ //Get lookup information, if present.
+ auto nodeLookup = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(node_field, GLOM_NODE_FIELD_LOOKUP);
+ if(nodeLookup)
+ {
+ const auto lookup_relationship_name = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(nodeLookup,
+ auto lookup_relationship = get_relationship(table_name, lookup_relationship_name);
+ field->set_lookup_relationship(lookup_relationship);
- field->set_lookup_field( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(nodeLookup,
- }
+ field->set_lookup_field( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(nodeLookup, GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_FIELD)
+ }
- field->set_calculation( XmlUtils::get_child_text_node(node_field, GLOM_NODE_CALCULATION) );
- if(!(field->get_has_calculation())) //Try the deprecated attribute instead
- field->set_calculation( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_field,
+ field->set_calculation( XmlUtils::get_child_text_node(node_field, GLOM_NODE_CALCULATION) );
+ if(!(field->get_has_calculation())) //Try the deprecated attribute instead
+ field->set_calculation( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_field,
- //Field Type:
- const auto field_type = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_field, GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE);
+ //Field Type:
+ const auto field_type = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_field, GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE);
- //Get the type enum for this string representation of the type:
- auto field_type_enum = Field::glom_field_type::INVALID;
- for(const auto& type_pair : type_names)
- {
- if(type_pair.second == field_type)
- {
- field_type_enum = type_pair.first;
- break;
- }
- }
+ //Get the type enum for this string representation of the type:
+ auto field_type_enum = Field::glom_field_type::INVALID;
+ for(const auto& type_pair : type_names)
+ {
+ if(type_pair.second == field_type)
+ {
+ field_type_enum = type_pair.first;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- //We set this after set_field_info(), because that gets a glom type from the (not-specified)
gdatype. Yes, that's strange, and should probably be more explicit.
- field->set_glom_type(field_type_enum);
+ //We set this after set_field_info(), because that gets a glom type from the (not-specified)
gdatype. Yes, that's strange, and should probably be more explicit.
+ field->set_glom_type(field_type_enum);
- field->set_default_value( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_value(node_field,
+ field->set_default_value( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_value(node_field,
- //Default Formatting:
- const auto elementFormatting = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(node_field, GLOM_NODE_FORMAT);
- if(elementFormatting)
- load_after_layout_item_formatting(elementFormatting, field->m_default_formatting,
field_type_enum, table_name, strName);
+ //Default Formatting:
+ const auto elementFormatting = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(node_field, GLOM_NODE_FORMAT);
+ if(elementFormatting)
+ load_after_layout_item_formatting(elementFormatting, field->m_default_formatting,
field_type_enum, table_name, strName);
- //Translations:
- load_after_translations(node_field, field);
+ //Translations:
+ load_after_translations(node_field, field);
- doctableinfo->m_fields.emplace_back(field);
- }
- }
- } //Fields
- // Load Example Rows after fields have been loaded, because they
- // need the fields to be able to associate a value to a named field.
- // TODO: Allow this to be loaded progressively from disk later,
- // instead of storing in it all in memory?
- const auto nodeExampleRows = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(nodeTable, GLOM_NODE_EXAMPLE_ROWS);
- if(nodeExampleRows)
- {
- //Loop through example_row child nodes:
- for(const auto& item_row : nodeExampleRows->get_children(GLOM_NODE_EXAMPLE_ROW))
- {
- const auto node_row = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(item_row);
- if(node_row)
- {
- type_row_data field_values(doctableinfo->m_fields.size());
- //Loop through value child nodes
- for(const auto& item_value : node_row->get_children(GLOM_NODE_VALUE))
- {
- const auto node_value = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(item_value);
- if(node_value)
- {
- const auto column_name = node_value->get_attribute(GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_COLUMN);
- if(column_name)
- {
- //std::cout << "DEBUG: column_name = " << column_name->get_value() << " fields size="
<< doctableinfo->m_fields.size() << std::endl;
- // TODO_Performance: If it's too many rows we could
- // consider a map to find the column more quickly.
- for(unsigned int i = 0; i < doctableinfo->m_fields.size(); ++i)
- {
- auto field = doctableinfo->m_fields[i];
- //std::cout << " DEBUG: searching: field i=" << i << " =" << field->get_name() <<
- if(field && (field->get_name() == column_name->get_value()))
- {
- field_values[i] = XmlUtils::get_node_text_child_as_value(node_value,
- //std::cout << " DEBUG: document example value: field=" << field->get_name() <<
", value=" << field_values[i].to_string() << std::endl;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ doctableinfo->m_fields.emplace_back(field);
+ }
+ } //Fields
+ // Load Example Rows after fields have been loaded, because they
+ // need the fields to be able to associate a value to a named field.
+ // TODO: Allow this to be loaded progressively from disk later,
+ // instead of storing in it all in memory?
+ const auto nodeExampleRows = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(nodeTable, GLOM_NODE_EXAMPLE_ROWS);
+ if(nodeExampleRows)
+ {
+ //Loop through example_row child nodes:
+ for(const auto& item_row : nodeExampleRows->get_children(GLOM_NODE_EXAMPLE_ROW)) {
+ const auto node_row = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(item_row);
+ if (!node_row)
+ continue;
+ type_row_data field_values(doctableinfo->m_fields.size());
+ //Loop through value child nodes
+ for (const auto& item_value : node_row->get_children(GLOM_NODE_VALUE)) {
+ const auto node_value = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(item_value);
+ if (!node_value)
+ continue;
+ const auto column_name = node_value->get_attribute(GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_COLUMN);
+ if (!column_name)
+ continue;
+ //std::cout << "DEBUG: column_name = " << column_name->get_value() << " fields size=" <<
doctableinfo->m_fields.size() << std::endl;
+ // TODO_Performance: If it's too many rows we could
+ // consider a map to find the column more quickly.
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < doctableinfo->m_fields.size(); ++i) {
+ auto field = doctableinfo->m_fields[i];
+ //std::cout << " DEBUG: searching: field i=" << i << " =" << field->get_name() << std::endl;
+ if (field && (field->get_name()==column_name->get_value())) {
+ field_values[i] = XmlUtils::get_node_text_child_as_value(node_value,
+ //std::cout << " DEBUG: document example value: field=" << field->get_name() << ",
value=" << field_values[i].to_string() << std::endl;
+ break;
- // Append line to doctableinfo->m_example_rows
- doctableinfo->m_example_rows.emplace_back(field_values);
- } // Example Rows
- //std::cout << " debug: loading: table=" << table_name << ", m_example_rows.size()=" <<
doctableinfo->m_example_rows.size() << std::endl;
+ // Append line to doctableinfo->m_example_rows
+ doctableinfo->m_example_rows.emplace_back(field_values);
+ }
+ } // Example Rows
- } //if(table)
+ //std::cout << " debug: loading: table=" << table_name << ", m_example_rows.size()=" <<
doctableinfo->m_example_rows.size() << std::endl;
} //Tables.
//Look at each "table" node.
@@ -2812,254 +2808,254 @@ bool Document::load_after(int& failure_code)
for(const auto& node_table : list_nodes_tables)
auto nodeTable = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(node_table);
- if(nodeTable)
- {
- const auto table_name = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(nodeTable, GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
- const auto doctableinfo = m_tables[table_name];
+ if(!nodeTable)
+ continue;
+ const auto table_name = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(nodeTable, GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
+ const auto doctableinfo = m_tables[table_name];
- //Layouts:
- const auto nodeDataLayouts = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(nodeTable, GLOM_NODE_DATA_LAYOUTS);
- if(nodeDataLayouts)
+ //Layouts:
+ const auto nodeDataLayouts = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(nodeTable, GLOM_NODE_DATA_LAYOUTS);
+ if(nodeDataLayouts)
+ {
+ for(const auto& item : nodeDataLayouts->get_children(GLOM_NODE_DATA_LAYOUT))
- for(const auto& item : nodeDataLayouts->get_children(GLOM_NODE_DATA_LAYOUT))
+ auto node_data_layout = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(item);
+ if(!node_data_layout)
+ continue;
+ const auto layout_name = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_data_layout,
+ const auto layout_platform = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_data_layout,
+ type_list_layout_groups layout_groups;
+ const auto node_group = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(node_data_layout,
+ if(!node_group)
+ continue;
+ //Look at all its children:
+ for(const auto& item_group : node_group->get_children(GLOM_NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_GROUP))
- auto node_data_layout = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(item);
- if(node_data_layout)
- {
- const auto layout_name = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_data_layout,
- const auto layout_platform = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_data_layout,
+ const auto node_layout_group = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element*>(item_group);
+ if(!node_layout_group)
+ continue;
- type_list_layout_groups layout_groups;
+ const auto group_name = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_layout_group,
+ if(group_name.empty())
+ continue;
- const auto node_group = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(node_data_layout,
- if(node_group)
- {
- //Look at all its children:
- for(const auto& item_group : node_group->get_children(GLOM_NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_GROUP))
- {
- const auto node_layout_group = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element*>(item_group);
- if(node_layout_group)
- {
- const auto group_name = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_layout_group,
- if(!group_name.empty())
- {
- auto group = std::make_shared<LayoutGroup>();
- load_after_layout_group(node_layout_group, table_name, group);
- layout_groups.emplace_back(group);
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ auto group = std::make_shared<LayoutGroup>();
+ load_after_layout_group(node_layout_group, table_name, group);
- LayoutInfo layout_info;
- layout_info.m_layout_name = layout_name;
- layout_info.m_layout_platform = layout_platform;
- layout_info.m_layout_groups = layout_groups;
- doctableinfo->m_layouts.emplace_back(layout_info);
- }
+ layout_groups.emplace_back(group);
- } //if(nodeDataLayouts)
+ LayoutInfo layout_info;
+ layout_info.m_layout_name = layout_name;
+ layout_info.m_layout_platform = layout_platform;
+ layout_info.m_layout_groups = layout_groups;
+ doctableinfo->m_layouts.emplace_back(layout_info);
+ }
+ } //if(nodeDataLayouts)
- //Reports:
- const auto nodeReports = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(nodeTable, GLOM_NODE_REPORTS);
- if(nodeReports)
+ //Reports:
+ const auto nodeReports = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(nodeTable, GLOM_NODE_REPORTS);
+ if(nodeReports)
+ {
+ for(const auto& item_report : nodeReports->get_children(GLOM_NODE_REPORT))
- for(const auto& item_report : nodeReports->get_children(GLOM_NODE_REPORT))
- {
- auto node_report = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(item_report);
- if(node_report)
- {
- const auto report_name = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_report,
- const auto show_table_title = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_report,
+ auto node_report = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(item_report);
+ if(!node_report)
+ continue;
- //type_list_layout_groups layout_groups;
+ const auto report_name = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_report, GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
+ const auto show_table_title = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_report,
- auto report = std::make_shared<Report>();
- report->set_name(report_name);
- report->set_show_table_title(show_table_title);
+ //type_list_layout_groups layout_groups;
- const auto node_group = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(node_report,
- if(node_group)
- {
- //Look at all its children:
- for(const auto& item_group : node_group->get_children(GLOM_NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_GROUP))
- {
- const auto node_layout_group = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element*>(item_group);
- if(node_layout_group)
- {
- auto group = report->get_layout_group();
- group->remove_all_items();
- load_after_layout_group(node_layout_group, table_name, group);
- fill_layout_field_details(table_name, group); //Get full field details from the field
- }
- }
- }
+ auto report = std::make_shared<Report>();
+ report->set_name(report_name);
+ report->set_show_table_title(show_table_title);
- //Translations:
- load_after_translations(node_report, report);
+ const auto node_group = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(node_report,
+ if(!node_group)
+ continue;
- doctableinfo->m_reports[report->get_name()] = report;
- }
+ //Look at all its children:
+ for(const auto& item_group : node_group->get_children(GLOM_NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_GROUP))
+ {
+ const auto node_layout_group = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element*>(item_group);
+ if(!node_layout_group)
+ continue;
+ auto group = report->get_layout_group();
+ group->remove_all_items();
+ load_after_layout_group(node_layout_group, table_name, group);
+ fill_layout_field_details(table_name, group); //Get full field details from the field names.
- } //if(nodeReports)
+ //Translations:
+ load_after_translations(node_report, report);
+ doctableinfo->m_reports[report->get_name()] = report;
+ }
+ } //if(nodeReports)
- //Print Layouts:
- const auto nodePrintLayouts = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(nodeTable, GLOM_NODE_PRINT_LAYOUTS);
- if(nodePrintLayouts)
+ //Print Layouts:
+ const auto nodePrintLayouts = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(nodeTable, GLOM_NODE_PRINT_LAYOUTS);
+ if(nodePrintLayouts)
+ {
+ for(const auto& item_print_layout : nodePrintLayouts->get_children(GLOM_NODE_PRINT_LAYOUT))
- for(const auto& item_print_layout : nodePrintLayouts->get_children(GLOM_NODE_PRINT_LAYOUT))
+ auto node_print_layout = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(item_print_layout);
+ if(!node_print_layout)
+ continue;
+ const auto name = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_print_layout, GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
+ const auto show_table_title = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_print_layout,
+ auto print_layout = std::make_shared<PrintLayout>();
+ print_layout->set_name(name);
+ print_layout->set_show_table_title(show_table_title);
+ print_layout->set_show_grid(
+ XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_print_layout,
+ print_layout->set_show_rules(
+ XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_print_layout,
+ print_layout->set_show_outlines(
+ XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_print_layout,
+ //Get the horizontal and vertical rules:
+ PrintLayout::type_vec_doubles vec_rules_h;
+ for(const auto& item_rule : node_print_layout->get_children(GLOM_NODE_HORIZONTAL_RULE))
- auto node_print_layout = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(item_print_layout);
- if(node_print_layout)
- {
- const auto name = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_print_layout, GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
- const auto show_table_title = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_print_layout,
- auto print_layout = std::make_shared<PrintLayout>();
- print_layout->set_name(name);
- print_layout->set_show_table_title(show_table_title);
- print_layout->set_show_grid(
- XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_print_layout,
- print_layout->set_show_rules(
- XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_print_layout,
- print_layout->set_show_outlines(
- XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_print_layout,
- //Get the horizontal and vertical rules:
- PrintLayout::type_vec_doubles vec_rules_h;
- for(const auto& item_rule : node_print_layout->get_children(GLOM_NODE_HORIZONTAL_RULE))
- {
- const auto node_rule = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element*>(item_rule);
- if(!node_rule)
- continue;
+ const auto node_rule = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element*>(item_rule);
+ if(!node_rule)
+ continue;
- const auto pos = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_decimal(node_rule,
- vec_rules_h.emplace_back(pos);
- }
- print_layout->set_horizontal_rules(vec_rules_h);
+ const auto pos = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_decimal(node_rule,
+ vec_rules_h.emplace_back(pos);
+ }
+ print_layout->set_horizontal_rules(vec_rules_h);
- PrintLayout::type_vec_doubles vec_rules_v;
- for(const auto& item_rule : node_print_layout->get_children(GLOM_NODE_VERTICAL_RULE))
- {
- const auto node_rule = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element*>(item_rule);
- if(!node_rule)
- continue;
+ PrintLayout::type_vec_doubles vec_rules_v;
+ for(const auto& item_rule : node_print_layout->get_children(GLOM_NODE_VERTICAL_RULE))
+ {
+ const auto node_rule = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element*>(item_rule);
+ if(!node_rule)
+ continue;
- const auto pos = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_decimal(node_rule,
- vec_rules_v.emplace_back(pos);
- }
- print_layout->set_vertical_rules(vec_rules_v);
+ const auto pos = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_decimal(node_rule,
+ vec_rules_v.emplace_back(pos);
+ }
+ print_layout->set_vertical_rules(vec_rules_v);
- //Page Setup:
- const auto key_file_text = XmlUtils::get_child_text_node(node_print_layout,
- print_layout->set_page_setup(key_file_text);
+ //Page Setup:
+ const auto key_file_text = XmlUtils::get_child_text_node(node_print_layout,
+ print_layout->set_page_setup(key_file_text);
- print_layout->set_page_count(
- XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_decimal(node_print_layout,
+ print_layout->set_page_count(
+ XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_decimal(node_print_layout,
- //Layout Groups:
- const auto nodeGroups = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(node_print_layout,
- if(nodeGroups)
- {
- //Look at all its children:
- for(const auto& item_group : nodeGroups->get_children(GLOM_NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_GROUP))
- {
- const auto node_layout_group = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element*>(item_group);
- if(node_layout_group)
- {
- auto group = print_layout->get_layout_group();
- group->remove_all_items();
- load_after_layout_group(node_layout_group, table_name, group, true /* load positions
too. */);
- fill_layout_field_details(table_name, group); //Get full field details from the field
- }
- }
- }
+ //Layout Groups:
+ const auto nodeGroups = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(node_print_layout,
+ if(nodeGroups)
+ {
+ //Look at all its children:
+ for(const auto& item_group : nodeGroups->get_children(GLOM_NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_GROUP))
+ {
+ const auto node_layout_group = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element*>(item_group);
+ if(!node_layout_group)
+ continue;
- //Translations:
- load_after_translations(node_print_layout, print_layout);
+ auto group = print_layout->get_layout_group();
+ group->remove_all_items();
+ load_after_layout_group(node_layout_group, table_name, group, true /* load positions too.
- doctableinfo->m_print_layouts[print_layout->get_name()] = print_layout;
+ fill_layout_field_details(table_name, group); //Get full field details from the field names.
- } //if(nodePrintLayouts)
+ //Translations:
+ load_after_translations(node_print_layout, print_layout);
+ doctableinfo->m_print_layouts[print_layout->get_name()] = print_layout;
+ }
+ } //if(nodePrintLayouts)
- //Groups:
- //These are only used when recreating the database, for instance from an example file.
- m_groups.clear();
- const auto nodeGroups = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(nodeRoot, GLOM_NODE_GROUPS);
- if(nodeGroups)
+ //Groups:
+ //These are only used when recreating the database, for instance from an example file.
+ m_groups.clear();
+ const auto nodeGroups = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(nodeRoot, GLOM_NODE_GROUPS);
+ if(nodeGroups)
+ {
+ for(const auto& item_group : nodeGroups->get_children(GLOM_NODE_GROUP))
- for(const auto& item_group : nodeGroups->get_children(GLOM_NODE_GROUP))
+ auto node_group = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(item_group);
+ if(!node_group)
+ continue;
+ GroupInfo group_info;
+ group_info.set_name( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_group, GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) );
+ group_info.m_developer = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_group,
+ for(const auto& item_priv : node_group->get_children(GLOM_NODE_TABLE_PRIVS))
- auto node_group = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(item_group);
- if(node_group)
- {
- GroupInfo group_info;
+ auto node_priv = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(item_priv);
+ if(!node_priv)
+ continue;
- group_info.set_name( XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_group, GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) );
- group_info.m_developer = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_group,
+ const auto priv_table_name = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_priv,
- for(const auto& item_priv : node_group->get_children(GLOM_NODE_TABLE_PRIVS))
- {
- auto node_priv = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(item_priv);
- if(node_priv)
- {
- const auto priv_table_name = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_priv,
- Privileges privs;
- privs.m_view = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_priv,
- privs.m_edit = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_priv,
- privs.m_create = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_priv,
- privs.m_delete = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_priv,
- group_info.m_map_privileges[priv_table_name] = privs;
- }
- }
+ Privileges privs;
+ privs.m_view = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_priv, GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_PRIV_VIEW);
+ privs.m_edit = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_priv, GLOM_ATTRIBUTE_PRIV_EDIT);
+ privs.m_create = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_priv,
+ privs.m_delete = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value_as_bool(node_priv,
- m_groups[group_info.get_name()] = group_info;
- }
+ group_info.m_map_privileges[priv_table_name] = privs;
+ m_groups[group_info.get_name()] = group_info;
+ }
- //Library Modules:
- m_map_library_scripts.clear();
+ //Library Modules:
+ m_map_library_scripts.clear();
- const auto nodeModules = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(nodeRoot, GLOM_NODE_LIBRARY_MODULES);
- if(nodeModules)
- {
- for(const auto& item : nodeModules->get_children(GLOM_NODE_LIBRARY_MODULE))
- {
- auto node_lib_module = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(item);
- if(node_lib_module)
- {
- //The name is in an attribute:
- const auto module_name = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_lib_module,
+ const auto nodeModules = XmlUtils::get_node_child_named(nodeRoot, GLOM_NODE_LIBRARY_MODULES);
+ if(nodeModules)
+ {
+ for(const auto& item : nodeModules->get_children(GLOM_NODE_LIBRARY_MODULE)) {
+ auto node_lib_module = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(item);
+ if (!node_lib_module)
+ continue;
- //The string is in a child text node:
- Glib::ustring script;
+ //The name is in an attribute:
+ const auto module_name = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_lib_module,
- const auto text_child = node_lib_module->get_first_child_text();
- if(text_child)
- script = text_child->get_content();
+ //The string is in a child text node:
+ Glib::ustring script;
- //Fall back to the deprecated attribute:
- if(script.empty())
- script = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_lib_module,
+ const auto text_child = node_lib_module->get_first_child_text();
+ if (text_child)
+ script = text_child->get_content();
- m_map_library_scripts[module_name] = script;
- }
- }
+ //Fall back to the deprecated attribute:
+ if (script.empty())
+ script = XmlUtils::get_node_attribute_value(node_lib_module,
+ m_map_library_scripts[module_name] = script;
} //root
diff --git a/glom/mode_data/notebook_data.cc b/glom/mode_data/notebook_data.cc
index bb7ae31..4b81889 100644
--- a/glom/mode_data/notebook_data.cc
+++ b/glom/mode_data/notebook_data.cc
@@ -353,30 +353,29 @@ void Notebook_Data::on_switch_page_handler(Gtk::Widget* pPage)
//Remember that currently-viewed layout, so we can show it again when the user comes back to this table
from elsewhere:
auto box = dynamic_cast<Box_Data*>(get_visible_child());
- if(box)
- {
- auto document = get_document();
- if(document)
- document->set_layout_current(m_table_name, box->get_layout_name());
+ if(!box)
+ return;
- //And refresh the list view whenever it is shown, to
- //a) show any new records that were added via the details view, or via a related portal elsewhere.
- //b) show changed field contents, changed elsewhere.
- if(box == &m_Box_List)
- {
- //std::cout << "debug: switching to list\n";
- const auto primary_key_selected = m_Box_List.get_primary_key_value_selected();
- m_Box_List.refresh_data_from_database();
- m_Box_List.set_primary_key_value_selected(primary_key_selected);
- }
- else if(box == &m_Box_Details)
- {
- //std::cout << "debug: switching to details\n";
- const auto primary_key_selected = m_Box_List.get_primary_key_value_selected();
- m_Box_Details.refresh_data_from_database_with_primary_key(primary_key_selected);
- }
- }
+ auto document = get_document();
+ if(document)
+ document->set_layout_current(m_table_name, box->get_layout_name());
+ //And refresh the list view whenever it is shown, to
+ //a) show any new records that were added via the details view, or via a related portal elsewhere.
+ //b) show changed field contents, changed elsewhere.
+ if(box == &m_Box_List)
+ {
+ //std::cout << "debug: switching to list\n";
+ const auto primary_key_selected = m_Box_List.get_primary_key_value_selected();
+ m_Box_List.refresh_data_from_database();
+ m_Box_List.set_primary_key_value_selected(primary_key_selected);
+ }
+ else if(box == &m_Box_Details)
+ {
+ //std::cout << "debug: switching to details\n";
+ const auto primary_key_selected = m_Box_List.get_primary_key_value_selected();
+ m_Box_Details.refresh_data_from_database_with_primary_key(primary_key_selected);
+ }
void Notebook_Data::get_record_counts(gulong& total, gulong& found)
diff --git a/glom/mode_design/iso_codes.cc b/glom/mode_design/iso_codes.cc
index 5c2cac0..296a6f0 100644
--- a/glom/mode_design/iso_codes.cc
+++ b/glom/mode_design/iso_codes.cc
@@ -62,27 +62,27 @@ type_list_currencies get_list_of_currency_symbols()
for(const auto& node : nodeRoot->get_children("iso_4217_entry"))
auto nodeEntry = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(node);
- if(nodeEntry)
- {
- Currency currency;
+ if(!nodeEntry)
+ continue;
- const auto attribute_code = nodeEntry->get_attribute("letter_code");
- if(attribute_code)
- currency.m_symbol = attribute_code->get_value();
+ Currency currency;
- const auto attribute_name = nodeEntry->get_attribute("currency_name");
- if(attribute_name)
- {
- Glib::ustring name = _(attribute_name->get_value().c_str());
- const auto pchTranslatedName = dgettext("iso_4217", name.c_str());
- if(pchTranslatedName)
- name = pchTranslatedName;
+ const auto attribute_code = nodeEntry->get_attribute("letter_code");
+ if(attribute_code)
+ currency.m_symbol = attribute_code->get_value();
- currency.m_name = name;
- }
+ const auto attribute_name = nodeEntry->get_attribute("currency_name");
+ if(attribute_name)
+ {
+ Glib::ustring name = _(attribute_name->get_value().c_str());
+ const auto pchTranslatedName = dgettext("iso_4217", name.c_str());
+ if(pchTranslatedName)
+ name = pchTranslatedName;
- list_currencies.emplace_back(currency);
+ currency.m_name = name;
+ list_currencies.emplace_back(currency);
@@ -162,25 +162,25 @@ Glib::ustring get_locale_name(const Glib::ustring& locale_id)
for(const auto& node : nodeRoot->get_children("iso_639_entry"))
auto nodeEntry = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(node);
- if(nodeEntry)
+ if(!nodeEntry)
+ continue;
+ //TODO: There are 3 codes (not each entry has each code). Is this the correct one to identify a
+ const auto attribute_code = nodeEntry->get_attribute("iso_639_1_code");
+ if(attribute_code)
- //TODO: There are 3 codes (not each entry has each code). Is this the correct one to identify a
- const auto attribute_code = nodeEntry->get_attribute("iso_639_1_code");
- if(attribute_code)
+ const auto identifier = attribute_code->get_value();
+ if(!identifier.empty())
- const auto identifier = attribute_code->get_value();
- if(!identifier.empty())
+ const auto attribute_name = nodeEntry->get_attribute("name");
+ if(attribute_name)
- const auto attribute_name = nodeEntry->get_attribute("name");
- if(attribute_name)
- {
- Glib::ustring name = attribute_name->get_value();
- const auto pchTranslatedName = dgettext("iso_639", name.c_str());
- if(pchTranslatedName)
- name = pchTranslatedName;
- map_languages[identifier] = name;
- }
+ Glib::ustring name = attribute_name->get_value();
+ const auto pchTranslatedName = dgettext("iso_639", name.c_str());
+ if(pchTranslatedName)
+ name = pchTranslatedName;
+ map_languages[identifier] = name;
@@ -212,27 +212,27 @@ Glib::ustring get_locale_name(const Glib::ustring& locale_id)
for(const auto& node : nodeRoot->get_children("iso_3166_entry"))
auto nodeEntry = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(node);
- if(nodeEntry)
- {
- const auto attribute_code = nodeEntry->get_attribute("alpha_2_code");
- if(attribute_code)
- {
- const auto identifier = attribute_code->get_value();
- if(!identifier.empty())
- {
- const auto attribute_name = nodeEntry->get_attribute("name");
- if(attribute_name)
- {
- Glib::ustring name = attribute_name->get_value();
- const auto pchTranslatedName = dgettext("iso_3166", name.c_str());
- if(pchTranslatedName)
- name = pchTranslatedName;
- map_country[identifier] = name;
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ if(!nodeEntry)
+ continue;
+ const auto attribute_code = nodeEntry->get_attribute("alpha_2_code");
+ if(!attribute_code)
+ continue;
+ const auto identifier = attribute_code->get_value();
+ if(identifier.empty())
+ continue;
+ const auto attribute_name = nodeEntry->get_attribute("name");
+ if(!attribute_name)
+ continue;
+ Glib::ustring name = attribute_name->get_value();
+ const auto pchTranslatedName = dgettext("iso_3166", name.c_str());
+ if(pchTranslatedName)
+ name = pchTranslatedName;
+ map_country[identifier] = name;
diff --git a/glom/mode_design/layout/dialog_layout_details.cc
index f99d6fd..00cdc60 100644
--- a/glom/mode_design/layout/dialog_layout_details.cc
+++ b/glom/mode_design/layout/dialog_layout_details.cc
@@ -1096,254 +1096,254 @@ void Dialog_Layout_Details::on_cell_data_name(Gtk::CellRenderer* renderer, const
//Set the view's cell properties depending on the model's data:
auto renderer_text = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText*>(renderer);
- if(renderer_text)
- {
- if(iter)
- {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ if(!renderer_text)
+ return;
- std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> layout_item = row[m_model_items->m_columns.m_col_layout_item];
+ if(!iter)
+ return;
- //Use the markup property instead of the text property, so that we can give the text some style:
- Glib::ustring markup;
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
- bool is_group = false;
+ std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> layout_item = row[m_model_items->m_columns.m_col_layout_item];
- auto layout_portal = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Portal>(layout_item);
- if(layout_portal)
+ //Use the markup property instead of the text property, so that we can give the text some style:
+ Glib::ustring markup;
+ bool is_group = false;
+ auto layout_portal = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Portal>(layout_item);
+ if(layout_portal)
+ {
+ auto layout_calendar = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_CalendarPortal>(layout_portal);
+ if(layout_calendar)
+ markup = Glib::ustring::compose(_("Related Calendar: %1"), layout_portal->get_relationship_name());
+ else
+ markup = Glib::ustring::compose(_("Related List: %1"), layout_portal->get_relationship_name());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto layout_group = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutGroup>(layout_item);
+ if(layout_group)
+ {
+ is_group = true;
+ //Make group names bold:
+ markup = UiUtils::bold_message( layout_item->get_name() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto layout_item_field = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Field>(layout_item);
+ if(layout_item_field)
- auto layout_calendar = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_CalendarPortal>(layout_portal);
- if(layout_calendar)
- markup = Glib::ustring::compose(_("Related Calendar: %1"), layout_portal->get_relationship_name());
- else
- markup = Glib::ustring::compose(_("Related List: %1"), layout_portal->get_relationship_name());
+ markup = Glib::ustring::compose(_("Field: %1"), layout_item_field->get_layout_display_name());
+ //Just for debugging:
+ //if(!row[m_model_items->m_columns.m_col_editable])
+ // markup += " *";
- auto layout_group = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutGroup>(layout_item);
- if(layout_group)
+ auto layout_item_button = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Button>(layout_item);
+ if(layout_item_button)
- is_group = true;
- //Make group names bold:
- markup = UiUtils::bold_message( layout_item->get_name() );
+ markup = _("Button"); //Buttons don't have names - just titles. TODO: Would they be useful?
- auto layout_item_field = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Field>(layout_item);
- if(layout_item_field)
+ auto layout_item_text = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Text>(layout_item);
+ if(layout_item_text)
- markup = Glib::ustring::compose(_("Field: %1"), layout_item_field->get_layout_display_name());
- //Just for debugging:
- //if(!row[m_model_items->m_columns.m_col_editable])
- // markup += " *";
+ markup = _("Text"); //Text objects don't have names - just titles. TODO: Would they be useful?
- auto layout_item_button = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Button>(layout_item);
- if(layout_item_button)
+ auto layout_item_image = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Image>(layout_item);
+ if(layout_item_image)
- markup = _("Button"); //Buttons don't have names - just titles. TODO: Would they be useful?
+ markup = _("Image"); //Image objects don't have names - just titles. TODO: Would they be
+ else if(layout_item)
+ markup = layout_item->get_name();
- {
- auto layout_item_text = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Text>(layout_item);
- if(layout_item_text)
- {
- markup = _("Text"); //Text objects don't have names - just titles. TODO: Would they be
- }
- else
- {
- auto layout_item_image = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Image>(layout_item);
- if(layout_item_image)
- {
- markup = _("Image"); //Image objects don't have names - just titles. TODO: Would they be
- }
- else if(layout_item)
- markup = layout_item->get_name();
- else
- markup = Glib::ustring();
- }
- }
+ markup = Glib::ustring();
- renderer_text->property_markup() = markup;
- if(is_group)
- renderer_text->property_editable() = true; //Group names can be changed.
- else
- renderer_text->property_editable() = false; //Field names can never be edited.
+ renderer_text->property_markup() = markup;
+ if(is_group)
+ renderer_text->property_editable() = true; //Group names can be changed.
+ else
+ renderer_text->property_editable() = false; //Field names can never be edited.
void Dialog_Layout_Details::on_cell_data_title(Gtk::CellRenderer* renderer, const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator&
//Set the view's cell properties depending on the model's data:
auto renderer_text = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText*>(renderer);
- if(renderer_text)
- {
- if(iter)
- {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
- std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> layout_item = row[m_model_items->m_columns.m_col_layout_item];
- auto layout_notebook = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Notebook>(layout_item);
- if(layout_notebook)
- renderer_text->property_text() = _("(Notebook)");
- else if(layout_item)
- renderer_text->property_text() = item_get_title(layout_item);
- else
- renderer_text->property_text() = Glib::ustring();
+ if(!renderer_text)
+ return;
- auto layout_group = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutGroup>(layout_item);
- auto layout_portal = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Portal>(layout_item);
- auto layout_button = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Button>(layout_item);
- auto layout_text = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Text>(layout_item);
- const bool editable = (layout_group && !layout_portal) || layout_button || layout_text; //Only groups,
buttons, and text objects have titles that can be edited.
- renderer_text->property_editable() = editable;
- }
- }
+ if(!iter)
+ return;
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> layout_item = row[m_model_items->m_columns.m_col_layout_item];
+ auto layout_notebook = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Notebook>(layout_item);
+ if(layout_notebook)
+ renderer_text->property_text() = _("(Notebook)");
+ else if(layout_item)
+ renderer_text->property_text() = item_get_title(layout_item);
+ else
+ renderer_text->property_text() = Glib::ustring();
+ auto layout_group = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutGroup>(layout_item);
+ auto layout_portal = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Portal>(layout_item);
+ auto layout_button = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Button>(layout_item);
+ auto layout_text = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Text>(layout_item);
+ const bool editable = (layout_group && !layout_portal) || layout_button || layout_text; //Only groups,
buttons, and text objects have titles that can be edited.
+ renderer_text->property_editable() = editable;
void Dialog_Layout_Details::on_cell_data_column_width(Gtk::CellRenderer* renderer, const
Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& iter)
//Set the view's cell properties depending on the model's data:
auto renderer_text = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText*>(renderer);
- if(renderer_text)
- {
- if(iter)
- {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
- std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> layout_item = row[m_model_items->m_columns.m_col_layout_item];
+ if(!renderer_text)
+ return;
- guint column_width = 0;
- if(layout_item)
- {
- auto layout_button = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Button>(layout_item);
- auto layout_text = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Text>(layout_item);
- auto layout_field = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Field>(layout_item);
- const bool editable = (layout_field || layout_button || layout_text); //Only these have column
widths that can be edited.
- renderer_text->property_editable() = editable;
+ if(iter)
+ return;
- column_width = layout_item->get_display_width();
- }
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> layout_item = row[m_model_items->m_columns.m_col_layout_item];
- Glib::ustring text;
- if(column_width) //Show nothing if no width has been specified, meaning that it's automatic.
- text = Utils::string_from_decimal(column_width);
+ guint column_width = 0;
+ if(layout_item)
+ {
+ auto layout_button = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Button>(layout_item);
+ auto layout_text = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Text>(layout_item);
+ auto layout_field = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Field>(layout_item);
+ const bool editable = (layout_field || layout_button || layout_text); //Only these have column widths
that can be edited.
+ renderer_text->property_editable() = editable;
- renderer_text->property_text() = text;
- }
+ column_width = layout_item->get_display_width();
+ Glib::ustring text;
+ if(column_width) //Show nothing if no width has been specified, meaning that it's automatic.
+ text = Utils::string_from_decimal(column_width);
+ renderer_text->property_text() = text;
void Dialog_Layout_Details::on_cell_data_group_columns(Gtk::CellRenderer* renderer, const
Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& iter)
//Set the view's cell properties depending on the model's data:
auto renderer_text = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText*>(renderer);
- if(renderer_text)
- {
- if(iter)
- {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
- std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> layout_item = row[m_model_items->m_columns.m_col_layout_item];
+ if(!renderer_text)
+ return;
- auto layout_group = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutGroup>(layout_item);
- auto layout_portal = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Portal>(layout_item);
+ if(!iter)
+ return;
- const bool is_group = layout_group && !layout_portal; //Only groups have column_counts.
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> layout_item = row[m_model_items->m_columns.m_col_layout_item];
- //Get a text representation of the number:
- Glib::ustring text;
- if(is_group)
- {
- text = Utils::string_from_decimal(layout_group->get_columns_count());
- }
- else
- {
- //Show nothing in the columns_count columns for fields.
- }
- renderer_text->property_text() = text;
+ auto layout_group = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutGroup>(layout_item);
+ auto layout_portal = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Portal>(layout_item);
- renderer_text->property_editable() = is_group;
- }
+ const bool is_group = layout_group && !layout_portal; //Only groups have column_counts.
+ //Get a text representation of the number:
+ Glib::ustring text;
+ if(is_group)
+ {
+ text = Utils::string_from_decimal(layout_group->get_columns_count());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Show nothing in the columns_count columns for fields.
+ renderer_text->property_text() = text;
+ renderer_text->property_editable() = is_group;
void Dialog_Layout_Details::on_treeview_cell_edited_title(const Glib::ustring& path_string, const
Glib::ustring& new_text)
- if(!path_string.empty())
- {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Path path(path_string);
+ if(path_string.empty())
+ return;
- //Get the row from the path:
- auto iter = m_model_items->get_iter(path);
- if(iter)
- {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
- std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> layout_item = row[m_model_items->m_columns.m_col_layout_item];
- if(layout_item)
- {
- //Store the user's new text in the model:
- layout_item->set_title(new_text, AppWindow::get_current_locale());
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Path path(path_string);
- m_modified = true;
- }
- }
- }
+ //Get the row from the path:
+ auto iter = m_model_items->get_iter(path);
+ if(!iter)
+ return;
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> layout_item = row[m_model_items->m_columns.m_col_layout_item];
+ if(!layout_item)
+ return;
+ //Store the user's new text in the model:
+ layout_item->set_title(new_text, AppWindow::get_current_locale());
+ m_modified = true;
void Dialog_Layout_Details::on_treeview_cell_edited_name(const Glib::ustring& path_string, const
Glib::ustring& new_text)
- if(!path_string.empty())
- {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Path path(path_string);
+ if(path_string.empty())
+ return;
- //Get the row from the path:
- auto iter = m_model_items->get_iter(path);
- if(iter)
- {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
- std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> layout_item = row[m_model_items->m_columns.m_col_layout_item];
- if(layout_item)
- {
- //Store the user's new text in the model:
- layout_item->set_name(new_text);
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Path path(path_string);
- m_modified = true;
- }
- }
- }
+ //Get the row from the path:
+ auto iter = m_model_items->get_iter(path);
+ if(!iter)
+ return;
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> layout_item = row[m_model_items->m_columns.m_col_layout_item];
+ if(!layout_item)
+ return;
+ //Store the user's new text in the model:
+ layout_item->set_name(new_text);
+ m_modified = true;
void Dialog_Layout_Details::on_treeview_cell_edited_column_width(const Glib::ustring& path_string, const
Glib::ustring& new_text)
- if(!path_string.empty())
- {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Path path(path_string);
+ if(path_string.empty())
+ return;
- //Get the row from the path:
- auto iter = m_model_items->get_iter(path);
- if(iter)
- {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
- std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> layout_item = row[m_model_items->m_columns.m_col_layout_item];
- if(layout_item)
- {
- //Convert the text to a number, using the same logic used by GtkCellRendererText when it stores
- const auto new_value = static_cast<guint>( std::stod(new_text) );
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Path path(path_string);
- //Store the user's new value in the model:
- layout_item->set_display_width(new_value);
+ //Get the row from the path:
+ auto iter = m_model_items->get_iter(path);
+ if(!iter)
+ return;
- m_modified = true;
- }
- }
- }
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> layout_item = row[m_model_items->m_columns.m_col_layout_item];
+ if(!layout_item)
+ return;
+ //Convert the text to a number, using the same logic used by GtkCellRendererText when it stores numbers.
+ const auto new_value = static_cast<guint>( std::stod(new_text) );
+ //Store the user's new value in the model:
+ layout_item->set_display_width(new_value);
+ m_modified = true;
void Dialog_Layout_Details::on_treeview_cell_edited_group_columns(const Glib::ustring& path_string, const
Glib::ustring& new_text)
@@ -1356,30 +1356,30 @@ void Dialog_Layout_Details::on_treeview_cell_edited_group_columns(const Glib::us
//Get the row from the path:
auto iter = m_model_items->get_iter(path);
- if(iter)
+ if(!iter)
+ return;
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> layout_item = row[m_model_items->m_columns.m_col_layout_item];
+ auto layout_group = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutGroup>(layout_item);
+ auto layout_portal = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Portal>(layout_item);
+ if(layout_group && !layout_portal)
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
- std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> layout_item = row[m_model_items->m_columns.m_col_layout_item];
- auto layout_group = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutGroup>(layout_item);
- auto layout_portal = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayoutItem_Portal>(layout_item);
- if(layout_group && !layout_portal)
- {
- //std::istringstream astream(new_text); //Put it in a stream.
- //ColumnType new_value = ColumnType();
- //new_value << astream; //Get it out of the stream as the numerical type.
+ //std::istringstream astream(new_text); //Put it in a stream.
+ //ColumnType new_value = ColumnType();
+ //new_value << astream; //Get it out of the stream as the numerical type.
- //Convert the text to a number, using the same logic used by GtkCellRendererText when it stores
- auto new_value = static_cast<guint>( std::stod(new_text) );
+ //Convert the text to a number, using the same logic used by GtkCellRendererText when it stores numbers.
+ auto new_value = static_cast<guint>( std::stod(new_text) );
- //Don't allow a 0 columns_count:
- if(new_value == 0)
- new_value = 1;
+ //Don't allow a 0 columns_count:
+ if(new_value == 0)
+ new_value = 1;
- //Store the user's new text in the model:
- layout_group->set_columns_count(new_value);
+ //Store the user's new text in the model:
+ layout_group->set_columns_count(new_value);
- m_modified = true;
- }
+ m_modified = true;
diff --git a/glom/mode_design/layout/dialog_layout_export.cc b/glom/mode_design/layout/dialog_layout_export.cc
index 7add035..3039c40 100644
--- a/glom/mode_design/layout/dialog_layout_export.cc
+++ b/glom/mode_design/layout/dialog_layout_export.cc
@@ -301,55 +301,55 @@ void Dialog_Layout_Export::on_cell_data_name(Gtk::CellRenderer* renderer, const
//Set the view's cell properties depending on the model's data:
auto renderer_text = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText*>(renderer);
- if(renderer_text)
- {
- if(iter)
- {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ if(!renderer_text)
+ return;
- //Indicate that it's a field in another table.
- std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem_Field> item = row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item];
+ if(!iter)
+ return;
- //Names can never be edited.
- renderer_text->property_markup() = item->get_layout_display_name();
- }
- }
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ //Indicate that it's a field in another table.
+ std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem_Field> item = row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item];
+ //Names can never be edited.
+ renderer_text->property_markup() = item->get_layout_display_name();
void Dialog_Layout_Export::on_button_edit_field()
auto refTreeSelection = m_treeview_fields->get_selection();
- if(refTreeSelection)
- {
- //TODO: Handle multiple-selection:
- auto iter = refTreeSelection->get_selected();
- if(iter)
- {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
- std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem_Field> field = row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item];
+ if(!refTreeSelection)
+ return;
- //Get the chosen field:
- auto field_chosen = offer_field_list_select_one_field(field, m_table_name, this);
- if(field_chosen)
- {
- //Set the field details in the layout treeview:
+ //TODO: Handle multiple-selection:
+ auto iter = refTreeSelection->get_selected();
+ if(!iter)
+ return;
- row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item] = field;
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem_Field> field = row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item];
- //Scroll to, and select, the new row:
- /*
- auto refTreeSelection = m_treeview_fields->get_selection();
- if(refTreeSelection)
- refTreeSelection->select(iter);
+ //Get the chosen field:
+ auto field_chosen = offer_field_list_select_one_field(field, m_table_name, this);
+ if(!field_chosen)
+ return;
- m_treeview_fields->scroll_to_row( Gtk::TreeModel::Path(iter) );
+ //Set the field details in the layout treeview:
- treeview_fill_sequences(m_model_fields, m_ColumnsFields.m_col_sequence); //The document should have
checked this already, but it does not hurt to check again.
- */
- }
- }
- }
+ row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item] = field;
+ //Scroll to, and select, the new row:
+ /*
+ auto refTreeSelection = m_treeview_fields->get_selection();
+ if(refTreeSelection)
+ refTreeSelection->select(iter);
+ m_treeview_fields->scroll_to_row( Gtk::TreeModel::Path(iter) );
+ treeview_fill_sequences(m_model_fields, m_ColumnsFields.m_col_sequence); //The document should have
checked this already, but it does not hurt to check again.
+ */
} //namespace Glom
diff --git a/glom/mode_design/layout/layout_item_dialogs/dialog_fieldslist.cc
index 614f545..4e0aaef 100644
--- a/glom/mode_design/layout/layout_item_dialogs/dialog_fieldslist.cc
+++ b/glom/mode_design/layout/layout_item_dialogs/dialog_fieldslist.cc
@@ -284,80 +284,80 @@ void Dialog_FieldsList::on_cell_data_name(Gtk::CellRenderer* renderer, const Gtk
//Set the view's cell properties depending on the model's data:
auto renderer_text = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText*>(renderer);
- if(renderer_text)
- {
- if(iter)
- {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ if(!renderer_text)
+ return;
- std::shared_ptr<const LayoutItem_Field> item = row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item];
//TODO_performance: Reduce copying.
- if(item)
- {
- renderer_text->property_markup() = item->get_layout_display_name();
- }
- else
- {
- //Though this really shouldn't even be in the model:
- renderer_text->property_markup() = Glib::ustring();
- }
- renderer_text->property_editable() = false; //Names can never be edited.
- }
+ if(!iter)
+ return;
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ std::shared_ptr<const LayoutItem_Field> item = row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item]; //TODO_performance:
Reduce copying.
+ if(item)
+ {
+ renderer_text->property_markup() = item->get_layout_display_name();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Though this really shouldn't even be in the model:
+ renderer_text->property_markup() = Glib::ustring();
+ renderer_text->property_editable() = false; //Names can never be edited.
void Dialog_FieldsList::on_button_edit_field()
auto refTreeSelection = m_treeview_fields->get_selection();
- if(refTreeSelection)
- {
- //TODO: Handle multiple-selection:
- auto iter = refTreeSelection->get_selected();
- if(iter)
- {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
- std::shared_ptr<const LayoutItem_Field> field = row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item];
+ if(!refTreeSelection)
+ return;
- //Get the chosen field:
- auto field_chosen =
- offer_field_list_select_one_field(field, m_table_name, this);
+ //TODO: Handle multiple-selection:
+ auto iter = refTreeSelection->get_selected();
+ if(!iter)
+ return;
- //Set the field details in the layout treeview:
- if(field_chosen)
- row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item] = field_chosen;
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ std::shared_ptr<const LayoutItem_Field> field = row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item];
- //Scroll to, and select, the new row:
- /*
- auto refTreeSelection = m_treeview_fields->get_selection();
- if(refTreeSelection)
- refTreeSelection->select(iter);
+ //Get the chosen field:
+ auto field_chosen =
+ offer_field_list_select_one_field(field, m_table_name, this);
- m_treeview_fields->scroll_to_row( Gtk::TreeModel::Path(iter) );
+ //Set the field details in the layout treeview:
+ if(field_chosen)
+ row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item] = field_chosen;
- treeview_fill_sequences(m_model_fields, m_ColumnsFields.m_col_sequence); //The document should have
checked this already, but it does not hurt to check again.
- */
- }
- }
+ //Scroll to, and select, the new row:
+ /*
+ auto refTreeSelection = m_treeview_fields->get_selection();
+ if(refTreeSelection)
+ refTreeSelection->select(iter);
+ m_treeview_fields->scroll_to_row( Gtk::TreeModel::Path(iter) );
+ treeview_fill_sequences(m_model_fields, m_ColumnsFields.m_col_sequence); //The document should have
checked this already, but it does not hurt to check again.
+ */
void Dialog_FieldsList::on_button_formatting()
auto refTreeSelection = m_treeview_fields->get_selection();
- if(refTreeSelection)
+ if(!refTreeSelection)
+ return;
+ //TODO: Handle multiple-selection:
+ auto iter = refTreeSelection->get_selected();
+ if(!iter)
+ return;
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ std::shared_ptr<const LayoutItem_Field> field = row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item];
+ if(field)
- //TODO: Handle multiple-selection:
- auto iter = refTreeSelection->get_selected();
- if(iter)
- {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
- std::shared_ptr<const LayoutItem_Field> field = row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item];
- if(field)
- {
- field = offer_field_formatting(field, m_table_name, this, false /* no editing options */);
- row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item] = field;
- }
- }
+ field = offer_field_formatting(field, m_table_name, this, false /* no editing options */);
+ row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item] = field;
diff --git a/glom/mode_design/layout/layout_item_dialogs/dialog_sortfields.cc
index 9a525b2..91b67a4 100644
--- a/glom/mode_design/layout/layout_item_dialogs/dialog_sortfields.cc
+++ b/glom/mode_design/layout/layout_item_dialogs/dialog_sortfields.cc
@@ -258,53 +258,54 @@ void Dialog_SortFields::on_cell_data_name(Gtk::CellRenderer* renderer, const Gtk
//Set the view's cell properties depending on the model's data:
auto renderer_text = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText*>(renderer);
- if(renderer_text)
- {
- if(iter)
- {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ if(!renderer_text)
+ return;
- std::shared_ptr<const LayoutItem_Field> item = row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item];
//TODO_performance: Reduce copying.
- renderer_text->property_markup() = item->get_layout_display_name();
- renderer_text->property_editable() = false; //Names can never be edited.
- }
- }
+ if(!iter)
+ return;
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ std::shared_ptr<const LayoutItem_Field> item = row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item]; //TODO_performance:
Reduce copying.
+ renderer_text->property_markup() = item->get_layout_display_name();
+ renderer_text->property_editable() = false; //Names can never be edited.
void Dialog_SortFields::on_button_edit_field()
auto refTreeSelection = m_treeview_fields->get_selection();
- if(refTreeSelection)
- {
- //TODO: Handle multiple-selection:
- auto iter = refTreeSelection->get_selected();
- if(iter)
- {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
- std::shared_ptr<const LayoutItem_Field> field = row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item];
+ if(!refTreeSelection)
+ return;
- //Get the chosen field:
- auto field_chosen =
- offer_field_list_select_one_field(field, m_table_name, this);
- if(field_chosen)
+ //TODO: Handle multiple-selection:
+ auto iter = refTreeSelection->get_selected();
+ if(!iter)
+ return;
- //Set the field details in the layout treeview:
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ std::shared_ptr<const LayoutItem_Field> field = row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item];
- row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item] = field_chosen;
+ //Get the chosen field:
+ auto field_chosen =
+ offer_field_list_select_one_field(field, m_table_name, this);
+ if(!field_chosen)
+ return;
- //Scroll to, and select, the new row:
- /*
- auto refTreeSelection = m_treeview_fields->get_selection();
- if(refTreeSelection)
- refTreeSelection->select(iter);
+ //Set the field details in the layout treeview:
- m_treeview_fields->scroll_to_row( Gtk::TreeModel::Path(iter) );
+ row[m_ColumnsFields.m_col_layout_item] = field_chosen;
- treeview_fill_sequences(m_model_fields, m_ColumnsFields.m_col_sequence); //The document should have
checked this already, but it does not hurt to check again.
- */
- }
- }
+ //Scroll to, and select, the new row:
+ /*
+ auto refTreeSelection = m_treeview_fields->get_selection();
+ if(refTreeSelection)
+ refTreeSelection->select(iter);
+ m_treeview_fields->scroll_to_row( Gtk::TreeModel::Path(iter) );
+ treeview_fill_sequences(m_model_fields, m_ColumnsFields.m_col_sequence); //The document should have
checked this already, but it does not hurt to check again.
+ */
} //namespace Glom
diff --git a/glom/mode_design/report_layout/dialog_layout_report.cc
index 002cef3..5d18753 100644
--- a/glom/mode_design/report_layout/dialog_layout_report.cc
+++ b/glom/mode_design/report_layout/dialog_layout_report.cc
@@ -954,19 +954,19 @@ void Dialog_Layout_Report::on_cell_data_part(Gtk::CellRenderer* renderer, const
//Set the view's cell properties depending on the model's data:
auto renderer_text = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText*>(renderer);
- if(renderer_text)
- {
- if(iter)
- {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ if(!renderer_text)
+ return;
- std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> pItem = row[model->m_columns.m_col_item];
- const auto part = pItem->get_part_type_name();
+ if(!iter)
+ return;
- renderer_text->property_text() = part;
- renderer_text->property_editable() = false; //Part names can never be edited.
- }
- }
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> pItem = row[model->m_columns.m_col_item];
+ const auto part = pItem->get_part_type_name();
+ renderer_text->property_text() = part;
+ renderer_text->property_editable() = false; //Part names can never be edited.
void Dialog_Layout_Report::on_cell_data_details(Gtk::CellRenderer* renderer, const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator&
iter, const Glib::WeakRef<type_model>& model_weak)
@@ -977,18 +977,18 @@ void Dialog_Layout_Report::on_cell_data_details(Gtk::CellRenderer* renderer, con
//Set the view's cell properties depending on the model's data:
auto renderer_text = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText*>(renderer);
- if(renderer_text)
- {
- if(iter)
- {
- Glib::ustring text;
+ if(!renderer_text)
+ return;
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
- std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> pItem = row[model->m_columns.m_col_item];
- renderer_text->property_text() = pItem->get_layout_display_name();
- renderer_text->property_editable() = false;
- }
- }
+ if(!iter)
+ return;
+ Glib::ustring text;
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> pItem = row[model->m_columns.m_col_item];
+ renderer_text->property_text() = pItem->get_layout_display_name();
+ renderer_text->property_editable() = false;
@@ -998,19 +998,19 @@ void Dialog_Layout_Report::on_cell_data_available_part(Gtk::CellRenderer* render
//Set the view's cell properties depending on the model's data:
auto renderer_text = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText*>(renderer);
- if(renderer_text)
- {
- if(iter)
- {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
- auto model = Glib::RefPtr<type_model>::cast_dynamic(m_treeview_available_parts->get_model());
- std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> pItem = row[model->m_columns.m_col_item];
- Glib::ustring part = pItem->get_part_type_name();
+ if(!renderer_text)
+ return;
- renderer_text->property_text() = part;
- renderer_text->property_editable() = false; //Part names can never be edited.
- }
- }
+ if(!iter)
+ return;
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ auto model = Glib::RefPtr<type_model>::cast_dynamic(m_treeview_available_parts->get_model());
+ std::shared_ptr<LayoutItem> pItem = row[model->m_columns.m_col_item];
+ Glib::ustring part = pItem->get_part_type_name();
+ renderer_text->property_text() = part;
+ renderer_text->property_editable() = false; //Part names can never be edited.
Glib::ustring Dialog_Layout_Report::get_original_report_name() const
diff --git a/glom/mode_design/translation/window_translations.cc
index 45e9f85..7c044fd 100644
--- a/glom/mode_design/translation/window_translations.cc
+++ b/glom/mode_design/translation/window_translations.cc
@@ -177,26 +177,26 @@ void Window_Translations::on_cell_data_original(Gtk::CellRenderer* renderer, con
//Set the view's cell properties depending on the model's data:
auto renderer_text = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText*>(renderer);
- if(renderer_text)
- {
- if(iter)
- {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ if(!renderer_text)
+ return;
- Glib::ustring text;
- std::shared_ptr<TranslatableItem> item = row[m_columns.m_col_item];
- if(item)
- text = item->get_title_original();
+ if(!iter)
+ return;
- //Use the name if there is no title:
- if(text.empty())
- text = item->get_name();
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
- //TODO: Mark non-English originals.
- renderer_text->property_text() = text;
- renderer_text->property_editable() = false; //Names can never be edited.
- }
- }
+ Glib::ustring text;
+ std::shared_ptr<TranslatableItem> item = row[m_columns.m_col_item];
+ if(item)
+ text = item->get_title_original();
+ //Use the name if there is no title:
+ if(text.empty())
+ text = item->get_name();
+ //TODO: Mark non-English originals.
+ renderer_text->property_text() = text;
+ renderer_text->property_editable() = false; //Names can never be edited.
void Window_Translations::on_cell_data_item_itemhint(Gtk::CellRenderer* renderer, const
Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& iter)
@@ -263,11 +263,11 @@ void Window_Translations::save_to_document()
//We have stored a std::shared_ptr to the original item, so we can just change it directly:
std::shared_ptr<TranslatableItem> item = row[m_columns.m_col_item];
- if(item)
- {
- const Glib::ustring translation = row[m_columns.m_col_translation];
- item->set_title(translation, m_translation_locale);
- }
+ if(!item)
+ continue;
+ const Glib::ustring translation = row[m_columns.m_col_translation];
+ item->set_title(translation, m_translation_locale);
m_treeview_modified = false;
diff --git a/glom/mode_design/users/dialog_groups_list.cc b/glom/mode_design/users/dialog_groups_list.cc
index f1d303a..059d679 100644
--- a/glom/mode_design/users/dialog_groups_list.cc
+++ b/glom/mode_design/users/dialog_groups_list.cc
@@ -596,17 +596,17 @@ void Dialog_GroupsList::on_cell_data_group_name(Gtk::CellRenderer* renderer, con
//Set the view's cell properties depending on the model's data:
auto renderer_text = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText*>(renderer);
- if(renderer_text)
- {
- if(iter)
- {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ if(!renderer_text)
+ return;
- Glib::ustring name = row[m_model_columns_groups.m_col_name];
+ if(!iter)
+ return;
- renderer_text->property_text() = Privs::get_user_visible_group_name(name);
- }
- }
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ Glib::ustring name = row[m_model_columns_groups.m_col_name];
+ renderer_text->property_text() = Privs::get_user_visible_group_name(name);
} //namespace Glom
diff --git a/glom/notebook_glom.cc b/glom/notebook_glom.cc
index 04737ef..eb367c2 100644
--- a/glom/notebook_glom.cc
+++ b/glom/notebook_glom.cc
@@ -64,28 +64,27 @@ void Notebook_Glom::on_switch_page_handler(Gtk::Widget* /* page */)
//Load the page as we enter it:
auto pChild = get_visible_child();
- if(pChild)
+ if(!pChild)
+ return;
+ auto pBox = dynamic_cast<Box_WithButtons*>(pChild);
+ if(!pBox)
+ return;
+ //pBox->load_from_document();
+ //Set the default button, if there is one:
+ auto pAppGlom = dynamic_cast<AppWindow*>(pApp);
+ if(!pAppGlom)
+ return;
+ if(auto default_button = pBox->get_default_button())
- auto pBox = dynamic_cast<Box_WithButtons*>(pChild);
- if(pBox)
- {
- //pBox->load_from_document();
- //Set the default button, if there is one:
- auto pAppGlom = dynamic_cast<AppWindow*>(pApp);
- if(pAppGlom)
- {
- auto default_button = pBox->get_default_button();
- if(default_button)
- {
- default_button->grab_default();
- pAppGlom->set_default(*default_button);
- }
- else
- pAppGlom->unset_default();
- }
- }
+ default_button->grab_default();
+ pAppGlom->set_default(*default_button);
+ else
+ pAppGlom->unset_default();
/* TODO: What this ever necessary?
@@ -100,10 +99,10 @@ void Notebook_Glom::on_leave_page(guint uiPageNumber)
for(const auto& pChild : get_page_children())
auto pBox = dynamic_cast<Base_DB*>(pChild);
- if(pBox)
- {
- pBox->save_to_document();
- }
+ if(!pBox)
+ continue;
+ pBox->save_to_document();
@@ -123,8 +122,10 @@ void Notebook_Glom::show_hint()
auto pBox = dynamic_cast<Box_WithButtons*>(pChild);
- if(pBox)
- pBox->show_hint();
+ if(!pBox)
+ continue;
+ pBox->show_hint();
diff --git a/glom/utility_widgets/adddel/adddel.cc b/glom/utility_widgets/adddel/adddel.cc
index 2cfebd2..3356c3e 100644
--- a/glom/utility_widgets/adddel/adddel.cc
+++ b/glom/utility_widgets/adddel/adddel.cc
@@ -1304,12 +1304,11 @@ void AddDel::on_treeview_columns_changed()
for(const auto& item : m_tree_view.get_columns())
auto pViewColumn = dynamic_cast<TreeViewColumnGlom*>(item);
- if(pViewColumn)
- {
- const auto column_id = pViewColumn->get_column_id();
- m_column_ids.emplace_back(column_id);
+ if(!pViewColumn)
+ continue;
- }
+ const auto column_id = pViewColumn->get_column_id();
+ m_column_ids.emplace_back(column_id);
//Tell other code that something has changed, so the new column order can be serialized.
diff --git a/glom/variablesmap.cc b/glom/variablesmap.cc
index 957496e..ccf50f2 100644
--- a/glom/variablesmap.cc
+++ b/glom/variablesmap.cc
@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ void VariablesMap::connect_widget(const Glib::ustring& widget_name, double& vari
m_builder->get_widget(widget_name, pWidget);
auto pScale = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Scale*>(pWidget);
- if(pScale)
- {
- m_mapWidgetsToVariables[pScale] = (void*)(&variable);
- }
+ if(!pScale)
+ return;
+ m_mapWidgetsToVariables[pScale] = (void*)(&variable);
void VariablesMap::connect_widget(const Glib::ustring& widget_name, Glib::Date& variable)
@@ -78,10 +78,10 @@ void VariablesMap::connect_widget(const Glib::ustring& widget_name, Glib::Date&
m_builder->get_widget(widget_name, pWidget);
auto pCalendar = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Calendar*>(pWidget);
- if(pCalendar)
- {
- m_mapWidgetsToVariables[pCalendar] = (void*)(&variable);
- }
+ if(!pCalendar)
+ return;
+ m_mapWidgetsToVariables[pCalendar] = (void*)(&variable);
void VariablesMap::transfer_widgets_to_variables()
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