[gspell] Entry: apply underlines to all words

commit ac9c99e14b15ab2ee245a973618924da5765a3ba
Author: Sébastien Wilmet <swilmet gnome org>
Date:   Fri Oct 28 14:07:11 2016 +0200

    Entry: apply underlines to all words

 gspell/gspell-entry.c |  110 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 files changed, 96 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gspell/gspell-entry.c b/gspell/gspell-entry.c
index 4d6eed8..5892c6d 100644
--- a/gspell/gspell-entry.c
+++ b/gspell/gspell-entry.c
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 #include "gspell-entry.h"
+#include "gspell-entry-utils.h"
  * SECTION:entry
@@ -51,10 +52,35 @@ enum
 G_DEFINE_TYPE (GspellEntry, gspell_entry, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
+static gboolean
+remove_underlines_filter (PangoAttribute *attr,
+                         gpointer        user_data)
+       return (attr->klass->type == PANGO_ATTR_UNDERLINE ||
+               attr->klass->type == PANGO_ATTR_UNDERLINE_COLOR);
 static void
-apply_underline (GspellEntry *gspell_entry,
-                guint        byte_start,
-                guint        byte_end)
+remove_all_underlines (GspellEntry *gspell_entry)
+       PangoAttrList *attr_list;
+       attr_list = gtk_entry_get_attributes (gspell_entry->entry);
+       if (attr_list == NULL)
+       {
+               return;
+       }
+       pango_attr_list_filter (attr_list,
+                               remove_underlines_filter,
+                               NULL);
+static void
+insert_underline (GspellEntry *gspell_entry,
+                 guint        byte_start,
+                 guint        byte_end)
        PangoAttribute *attr_underline;
        PangoAttribute *attr_underline_color;
@@ -70,21 +96,69 @@ apply_underline (GspellEntry *gspell_entry,
        attr_list = gtk_entry_get_attributes (gspell_entry->entry);
-       if (attr_list != NULL)
-       {
-               pango_attr_list_change (attr_list, attr_underline);
-               pango_attr_list_change (attr_list, attr_underline_color);
-       }
-       else
+       if (attr_list == NULL)
                attr_list = pango_attr_list_new ();
-               pango_attr_list_change (attr_list, attr_underline);
-               pango_attr_list_change (attr_list, attr_underline_color);
                gtk_entry_set_attributes (gspell_entry->entry, attr_list);
                pango_attr_list_unref (attr_list);
+       /* Do not use pango_attr_list_change(), because all previous underlines
+        * are anyway removed by remove_all_underlines().
+        */
+       pango_attr_list_insert (attr_list, attr_underline);
+       pango_attr_list_insert (attr_list, attr_underline_color);
+static void
+recheck_all (GspellEntry *gspell_entry)
+       PangoAttrList *attr_list;
+       GSList *words;
+       GSList *l;
+       words = _gspell_entry_utils_get_words (gspell_entry->entry);
+       for (l = words; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+       {
+               GspellEntryWord *cur_word = l->data;
+               insert_underline (gspell_entry,
+                                 cur_word->byte_start,
+                                 cur_word->byte_end);
+       }
+       g_slist_free_full (words, _gspell_entry_word_free);
+       /* If more attributes have been added to an existing PangoAttrList,
+        * GtkEntry doesn't know that the :attributes property has been
+        * modified. Without this code, GtkEntry can become buggy, especially
+        * with multi-byte characters (displaying them as unknown char boxes).
+        */
+       attr_list = gtk_entry_get_attributes (gspell_entry->entry);
+       gtk_entry_set_attributes (gspell_entry->entry, attr_list);
+/* Connect to the ::changed signal before/after, so that other features (in
+ * other libraries or apps) can insert other underline attributes (e.g. for
+ * grammar checking) in another phase of the ::changed signal emission.
+ *
+ * But the GtkEntry API is not as nice as the GtkTextView API for inserting
+ * tags, setting priorities on them, etc. So, do the best that we can with the
+ * current GtkEntry API. If you find a better solution...
+ */
+static void
+changed_before_cb (GtkEditable *editable,
+                  GspellEntry *gspell_entry)
+       remove_all_underlines (gspell_entry);
+static void
+changed_after_cb (GtkEditable *editable,
+                 GspellEntry *gspell_entry)
+       recheck_all (gspell_entry);
 static void
@@ -96,7 +170,15 @@ set_entry (GspellEntry *gspell_entry,
        g_assert (gspell_entry->entry == NULL);
        gspell_entry->entry = gtk_entry;
-       apply_underline (gspell_entry, 0, 3);
+       g_signal_connect (gtk_entry,
+                         "changed",
+                         G_CALLBACK (changed_before_cb),
+                         gspell_entry);
+       g_signal_connect_after (gtk_entry,
+                               "changed",
+                               G_CALLBACK (changed_after_cb),
+                               gspell_entry);
        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (gspell_entry), "entry");

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