[orca] Prep for v3.21.91 release

commit 9168ad1196e3d99838cce122ef2861af37e8741c
Author: Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com>
Date:   Fri Sep 2 10:40:36 2016 -0400

    Prep for v3.21.91 release

 NEWS         |  150 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 README       |    2 +-
 configure.ac |    2 +-
 3 files changed, 152 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 007a79a..860fbc4 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,3 +1,153 @@
+3.21.91 - 2 September 2016
+Flat Review:
+ * Automatically refresh content
+ * Improve accuracy with respect to what is truly on screen and where
+   it is located
+ * Improve performance building context
+ * Fix reviewability of Gtk+ icon panels and Gtk+ spin button values
+ * Add toolkit-specific handling for special cases (and toolkit bugs)
+ * Make menu-bar menus reviewable, including separators and disabled
+   items which cannot be arrowed to natively
+ * Make objects which typically display text (but might not implement
+   the text interface) reviewable by word and character
+ * Fix issue finding initial flat review location in Thunderbird
+Mouse Review:
+ * Dig deeper to find object under pointer for page tab list descendants
+   (So we don't just say "Page Tab")
+ * Fix issue causing Orca to say "blank" in text with embedded objects
+ * Add word support to all text objects; not just editable text objects
+ * Work around Gtk+ 3 exposing incorrect text range extents for entries
+   (So we present the actual word under the mouse)
+ * Add logic to handle windows whose accessible name doesn't match the
+   displayed name
+ * Add an announcement so that when the user toggles Mouse Review some
+   confirmation is provided
+ * Fix instance where braille was not being refreshed
+ * Do not ignore deletion events resulting from BackSpace
+ * Update some cached information
+ * Filter out a spurious, unwanted text-delete event from VTE
+ * Don't treat inserted strings <= 1 char as a terminal autotext event
+ * Don't treat terminal insertion as command result if terminal isn't
+   locusOfFocus
+ * Present terminal paste events like we do paste events from other apps
+ * Work around issues in the text support of VTE which was causing us
+   to present cut-off text
+ * Attempt to filter out terminal pager text-change noise to reduce
+   chattiness
+ * Present terminal pager text insertions when they result from a
+   printable key
+ * Add a "sticky" browse mode and keybinding
+ * Do not descend ROLE_EMBEDDED objects for the caret (ARIA compliance)
+ * Treat menu and toolbar descendants as focus mode widgets
+ * Create new localized role names for ARIA landmark roles
+ * Don't automatically update locusOfFocus to alerts; just present them
+ * Improve presentation of Roundcube Mail's list of messages
+ * Fix issue presenting stale content
+ * Don't present name and summary for page which is no longer showing
+   or visible
+ * Attempt to hack around SeaMonkey's broken events for HTML input
+   popups which was causing us to exit focus mode incorrectly
+ * Improve presentation and handling of editable ARIA combo boxes
+ * Don't treat present "readonly" state for paragraphs in read-only
+   documents
+ * Add handling for GtkListBox items used by LibreOffice
+ * Work around a number of LibreOffice bugs which were causing us to
+   to present the wrong thing
+ * Ensure we use the system voice for rolename info in WebKitGtk SayAll
+ * Create new localized rolenames for horizontal and vertical scrollbars
+   bars, sliders, and splitters
+ * More aggressively verify if a message is from a focused chat
+ * Fix whereAmI presentation of Gtk+ 3.20 combo boxes
+ * Remove .desktop file
+ * Include tool bar when presenting context
+ * Improve reliability of profile-based synthesis switching
+ * Do not supress presentation of locking keys in password fields
+ * Make the progressbar update intervals independent so beeps are always
+   presented when that is desired
+New and updated translations (THANKS EVERYONE!!!):
+    ca            Catalan                     Jordi Mas
+    cs            Czech                       Marek Černocký
+    da            Danish                      Ask Hjorth Larsen
+    de            German                      Mario Blättermann,
+                                              Christian Kirbach
+    en_GB         British English             David King
+    es            Spanish                     Daniel Mustieles
+    fr            French                      Claude Paroz
+    hu            Hungarian                   Balázs Úr
+    id            Indonesian                  Andika Triwidada
+    lt            Lithuanian                  Aurimas ÄŒernius
+    pl            Polish                      Piotr DrÄ…g
+    pt            Portuguese                  Tiago Santos
+    pt_BR         Brazilian Portuguese        Rafael Fontenelle,
+                                              Enrico Nicoletto
+    sk            Slovak                      Dušan Kazik
+    sl            Slovenian                   Matej Urbančič
+    sr            Serbian                     Мирослав Николић
+    sr@latin      Serbian                     Miroslav Nikolić
+    sv            Swedish                     Anders Jonsson
+    tr            Turkish                     Muhammet Kara,
+                                              Neriman Kara
 3.21.3 - 20 June 2016
diff --git a/README b/README
index c1e11f8..e3d3a59 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Orca v3.21.4pre
+Orca v3.21.91
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 230f6ff..921b3d7 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 m4_define([orca_major_version], [3])
 m4_define([orca_minor_version], [21])
-m4_define([orca_micro_version], [4pre])
+m4_define([orca_micro_version], [91])

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