[polari] (16 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/raresv/nick-popover

The branch 'wip/raresv/nick-popover' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  9810a38... userDetails: restrict length of fullnameLabel
  19abaf8... userDetails: first userDetails patch.
  0fed691... userListRow: remove the avatar-default-symbolic icon
  a18f555... userListPopover: change the search entry icon
  a80b395... userTracker: add UserTracker class with local tracking only
  f6887f5... userTracker: Add global tracking
  6802f8a... chatView: replace old status tracking logic with the new on
  a5e08e9... application: Initialize UserStatusMonitor on startup
  96a9a25... userDetails: Rename UserListDetails to UserDetails.
  0fb7189... userDetails: add offline support
  f477f84... chatView: split out _createNickTag() and _onNickTagClicked(
  a79cffc... chatView: add tab before the nickTag into the buffer.
  d83d4dc... userPopover: Add user popover
  5bc59cd... chatView: add HoverFilterTag class and use it
  14f5c8e... userTracker: add notify actions
  b74d293... userDetails: add notification support.
  1cf6409... userPopover: add notify button and action.

Commits added to the branch:

  7e36ae7... userDetails: Restrict length of fullnameLabel.
  f621fce... userDetails: First userDetails patch.
  309a0a0... userListRow: Remove the avatar-default-symbolic icon.
  6aaa086... userListPopover: Change the search entry icon.
  89b18e8... chatView: Split out status tracking.
  c358574... userTracker: Add global tracking.
  6c4c975... application: Initialize UserStatusMonitor on startup.
  09a2e64... userDetails: Rename UserListDetails to UserDetails.
  12d7a00... userDetails: Add offline support.
  42c9b43... userPopover: Add user popover.
  f2af896... chatView: Split out _onNickTagClicked() and bind it to the 
  772992b... chatView: Add tab before the nickTag into the buffer.
  b9be0fa... chatView: Add HoverFilterTag class and use it.
  3e7070a... userTracker: Add notify actions.
  44f3058... userDetails: Add notification support.
  96579c9... userPopover: Add notify button and action.

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