[gnome-applets/wip/segeiger/in-process: 1/9] mini-commander: switch to in-process applet

commit 26211681a4713490e5f65c001a61db880b8c02ec
Author: Sebastian Geiger <sbastig gmx net>
Date:   Wed Sep 7 18:04:45 2016 +0200

    mini-commander: switch to in-process applet

 mini-commander/src/Makefile.am                     |   72 ++++++++++----------
 mini-commander/src/mini-commander_applet.c         |    8 +-
 ....applets.MiniCommanderApplet.panel-applet.in.in |    3 +-
 ...el.applet.MiniCommanderAppletFactory.service.in |    3 -
 4 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mini-commander/src/Makefile.am b/mini-commander/src/Makefile.am
index 56f140a..8277f97 100644
--- a/mini-commander/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/mini-commander/src/Makefile.am
@@ -1,47 +1,53 @@
-mini_commander_applet_CFLAGS = \
-       -I.                             \
-       -I$(srcdir)                     \
-       -DMC_MENU_UI_DIR=\""$(uidir)"\" \
+mini_commander_applet_libdir = $(pkglibdir)/$(LIBPANEL_APPLET_API_VERSION)
+mini_commander_applet_lib_LTLIBRARIES = libmini-commander-applet.la
+libmini_commander_applet_la_CPPFLAGS = \
+       -I. \
+       -I$(srcdir) \
+       -DMC_MENU_UI_DIR=\""$(uidir)"\" \
        -DGNOMELOCALEDIR=\""$(localedir)"\" \
        -DGTK_BUILDERDIR=\""$(pkgdatadir)/builder"\" \
+       $(NULL)
+libmini_commander_applet_la_CFLAGS = \
        $(WARN_CFLAGS) \
        $(AM_CFLAGS) \
-libexec_PROGRAMS = mini_commander_applet
-mini_commander_applet_SOURCES =                        \
-       about.c                                 \
-       about.h                                 \
-       cmd_completion.c                        \
-       cmd_completion.h                        \
-       command_line.c                          \
-       command_line.h                          \
-       exec.c                                  \
-       exec.h                                  \
-       mini-commander_applet.c                 \
-       mini-commander_applet.h                 \
-       help.c                                  \
-       help.h                                  \
-       history.c                               \
-       history.h                               \
-       macro.c                                 \
-       macro.h                                 \
-       preferences.c                           \
-       preferences.h                           \
+libmini_commander_applet_la_SOURCES = \
+       about.c \
+       about.h \
+       cmd_completion.c \
+       cmd_completion.h\
+       command_line.c \
+       command_line.h \
+       exec.c \
+       exec.h \
+       mini-commander_applet.c \
+       mini-commander_applet.h \
+       help.c \
+       help.h \
+       history.c \
+       history.h \
+       macro.c \
+       macro.h \
+       preferences.c \
+       preferences.h \
+       $(NULL)
-mini_commander_applet_LDFLAGS = \
+libmini_commander_applet_la_LDFLAGS = \
        $(WARN_LDFLAGS) \
        $(AM_LDFLAGS) \
-mini_commander_applet_LDADD =  \
+libmini_commander_applet_la_LIBADD = \
+       $(NULL)
 builderdir = $(pkgdatadir)/builder
 builder_DATA = mini-commander.ui
@@ -65,26 +71,20 @@ update-icon-cache:
                echo "***   $(gtk_update_icon_cache)"; \
 appletdir       = $(LIBPANEL_APPLET_DIR)
 applet_in_files = org.gnome.applets.MiniCommanderApplet.panel-applet.in
 applet_DATA     = $(applet_in_files:.panel-applet.in=.panel-applet)
 $(applet_in_files): $(applet_in_files).in Makefile
        $(AM_V_GEN)sed \
-            -e "s|\@LIBEXECDIR\@|$(libexecdir)|" \
+            -e "s|\@APPLET_LOCATION\@|$(APPLET_LOCATION)|" \
             -e "s|\@VERSION\@|$(PACKAGE_VERSION)|" \
             $< > $@
 %.panel-applet: %.panel-applet.in $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*po) ; $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) 
$(top_srcdir)/po $< $@ -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache
-servicedir       = $(datadir)/dbus-1/services
-service_in_files = org.gnome.panel.applet.MiniCommanderAppletFactory.service.in
-service_DATA     = $(service_in_files:.service.in=.service)
-org.gnome.panel.applet.MiniCommanderAppletFactory.service: $(service_in_files)
-       $(AM_V_GEN)sed \
-            -e "s|\@LIBEXECDIR\@|$(libexecdir)|" \
-            $< > $@
 gsettings_schemas_in_in = \
diff --git a/mini-commander/src/mini-commander_applet.c b/mini-commander/src/mini-commander_applet.c
index a9a948e..4bacf45 100644
--- a/mini-commander/src/mini-commander_applet.c
+++ b/mini-commander/src/mini-commander_applet.c
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ mini_commander_applet_factory (PanelApplet *applet,
         return retval;
-PANEL_APPLET_OUT_PROCESS_FACTORY ("MiniCommanderAppletFactory",
-                                 PANEL_TYPE_APPLET,
-                                 mini_commander_applet_factory,
-                                 NULL)
+PANEL_APPLET_IN_PROCESS_FACTORY ("MiniCommanderAppletFactory",
+                                 PANEL_TYPE_APPLET,
+                                 mini_commander_applet_factory,
+                                 NULL)
diff --git a/mini-commander/src/org.gnome.applets.MiniCommanderApplet.panel-applet.in.in 
index a712210..14e957f 100644
--- a/mini-commander/src/org.gnome.applets.MiniCommanderApplet.panel-applet.in.in
+++ b/mini-commander/src/org.gnome.applets.MiniCommanderApplet.panel-applet.in.in
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 [Applet Factory]
 _Name=MiniCommander Applet Factory
 _Description=MiniCommander Applet Factory

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