[chronojump] Changes new lines characters.
- From: Carles Pina i Estany <carlespina src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [chronojump] Changes new lines characters.
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 12:07:55 +0000 (UTC)
commit 95ef43449ba7bab947b0370801a65bba69163c28
Author: Carles Pina i Estany <carles pina cat>
Date: Fri Sep 30 14:06:36 2016 +0200
Changes new lines characters.
Previously some files used Windows end of lines or mixed. Now all the
*.cs files have Unix endings.
This is the result of:
find . -iname "*.cs" -exec dos2unix {} \;
CesarPlayer/Capturer/GstCameraCapturer.cs | 978 +-
CesarPlayer/Capturer/ICapturer.cs | 186 +-
CesarPlayer/Capturer/ObjectManager.cs | 78 +-
CesarPlayer/Editor/GstVideoSplitter.cs | 866 +-
CesarPlayer/Editor/IVideoEditor.cs | 166 +-
CesarPlayer/Gui/CapturerBin.cs | 776 +-
CesarPlayer/Gui/PlayerBin.cs | 1248 +-
CesarPlayer/Gui/VolumeWindow.cs | 34 +-
CesarPlayer/MultimediaFactory.cs | 218 +-
CesarPlayer/Player/IPlayer.cs | 32 +-
CesarPlayer/Utils/TimeString.cs | 34 +-
chronojump_server/ChronojumpServer.cs | 3506 +++---
.../pina_to_pina-good/ChronojumpServerAlive.cs | 166 +-
src/chronojump.cs | 1164 +-
src/commandLineEncoder.cs | 2 +-
src/gui/chronojump.cs |14048 ++++++++++----------
src/gui/chronopic.cs | 2220 ++--
src/gui/movingStartWindow.cs | 346 +-
src/gui/networks.cs | 516 +-
src/gui/old/chronojumpServerOld.cs | 628 +-
src/gui/preferences.cs | 2430 ++--
src/json.cs | 492 +-
src/log.cs | 10 +-
src/server.cs | 1368 +-
src/util.cs | 12 +-
src/utilAll.cs | 8 +-
testing-stuff/json_get.cs | 98 +-
testing-stuff/json_ping.cs | 98 +-
testing-stuff/json_post.cs | 182 +-
29 files changed, 15955 insertions(+), 15955 deletions(-)
diff --git a/CesarPlayer/Capturer/GstCameraCapturer.cs b/CesarPlayer/Capturer/GstCameraCapturer.cs
index 7f6b0d5..4d1709c 100644
--- a/CesarPlayer/Capturer/GstCameraCapturer.cs
+++ b/CesarPlayer/Capturer/GstCameraCapturer.cs
@@ -1,489 +1,489 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-namespace LongoMatch.Video.Capturer {
- using System;
- using System.Collections;
- using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
- using LongoMatch.Video.Common;
-#region Autogenerated code
- public class GstCameraCapturer : Gtk.HBox, LongoMatch.Video.Capturer.ICapturer {
- public event EllpasedTimeHandler EllapsedTime;
- private LiveSourceTimer timer;
- [Obsolete]
- protected GstCameraCapturer(GLib.GType gtype) : base(gtype) {}
- public GstCameraCapturer(IntPtr raw) : base(raw) {}
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern unsafe IntPtr gst_camera_capturer_new(IntPtr filename, out IntPtr err);
- public unsafe GstCameraCapturer (string filename) : base (IntPtr.Zero)
- {
- if (GetType () != typeof (GstCameraCapturer)) {
- throw new InvalidOperationException ("Can't override this constructor.");
- }
- IntPtr error = IntPtr.Zero;
- Raw = gst_camera_capturer_new(GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup(filename), out
- if (error != IntPtr.Zero) throw new GLib.GException (error);
- timer = new LiveSourceTimer();
- timer.EllapsedTime += delegate(int ellapsedTime) {
- if (EllapsedTime!= null)
- EllapsedTime(ellapsedTime);
- };
- }
- [GLib.Property ("output_height")]
- public uint OutputHeight {
- get {
- GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("output_height");
- uint ret = (uint) val;
- val.Dispose ();
- return ret;
- }
- set {
- GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
- SetProperty("output_height", val);
- val.Dispose ();
- }
- }
- [GLib.Property ("output_width")]
- public uint OutputWidth {
- get {
- GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("output_width");
- uint ret = (uint) val;
- val.Dispose ();
- return ret;
- }
- set {
- GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
- SetProperty("output_width", val);
- val.Dispose ();
- }
- }
- [GLib.Property ("video_bitrate")]
- public uint VideoBitrate {
- get {
- GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("video_bitrate");
- uint ret = (uint) val;
- val.Dispose ();
- return ret;
- }
- set {
- GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
- SetProperty("video_bitrate", val);
- val.Dispose ();
- }
- }
- [GLib.Property ("output_file")]
- public string OutputFile {
- get {
- GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("output_file");
- string ret = (string) val;
- val.Dispose ();
- return ret;
- }
- set {
- GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
- SetProperty("output_file", val);
- val.Dispose ();
- }
- }
- [GLib.Property ("audio_bitrate")]
- public uint AudioBitrate {
- get {
- GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("audio_bitrate");
- uint ret = (uint) val;
- val.Dispose ();
- return ret;
- }
- set {
- GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
- SetProperty("audio_bitrate", val);
- val.Dispose ();
- }
- }
- [GLib.Property ("device_id")]
- public string DeviceID {
- get {
- GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("device_id");
- string ret = (string) val;
- val.Dispose ();
- return ret;
- }
- set {
- GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
- SetProperty("device_id", val);
- val.Dispose ();
- }
- }
-#pragma warning disable 0169
- [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
- delegate void ErrorSignalDelegate (IntPtr arg0, IntPtr arg1, IntPtr gch);
- static void ErrorSignalCallback (IntPtr arg0, IntPtr arg1, IntPtr gch)
- {
- ErrorArgs args = new ErrorArgs ();
- try {
- GLib.Signal sig = ((GCHandle) gch).Target as GLib.Signal;
- if (sig == null)
- throw new Exception("Unknown signal GC handle received " + gch);
- args.Args = new object[1];
- args.Args[0] = GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString (arg1);
- ErrorHandler handler = (ErrorHandler) sig.Handler;
- handler (GLib.Object.GetObject (arg0), args);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false);
- }
- }
- [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
- delegate void ErrorVMDelegate (IntPtr gcc, IntPtr message);
- static ErrorVMDelegate ErrorVMCallback;
- static void error_cb (IntPtr gcc, IntPtr message)
- {
- try {
- GstCameraCapturer gcc_managed = GLib.Object.GetObject (gcc, false) as
- gcc_managed.OnError (GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString (message));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false);
- }
- }
- private static void OverrideError (GLib.GType gtype)
- {
- if (ErrorVMCallback == null)
- ErrorVMCallback = new ErrorVMDelegate (error_cb);
- OverrideVirtualMethod (gtype, "error", ErrorVMCallback);
- }
- [GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(LongoMatch.Video.Capturer.GstCameraCapturer),
- protected virtual void OnError (string message)
- {
- GLib.Value ret = GLib.Value.Empty;
- GLib.ValueArray inst_and_params = new GLib.ValueArray (2);
- GLib.Value[] vals = new GLib.Value [2];
- vals [0] = new GLib.Value (this);
- inst_and_params.Append (vals [0]);
- vals [1] = new GLib.Value (message);
- inst_and_params.Append (vals [1]);
- g_signal_chain_from_overridden (inst_and_params.ArrayPtr, ref ret);
- foreach (GLib.Value v in vals)
- v.Dispose ();
- }
- [GLib.Signal("error")]
- public event ErrorHandler Error {
- add {
- GLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (this, "error", new
- sig.AddDelegate (value);
- }
- remove {
- GLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (this, "error", new
- sig.RemoveDelegate (value);
- }
- }
- [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
- delegate void DeviceChangeSignalDelegate (IntPtr arg0, int arg1, IntPtr gch);
- static void DeviceChangeSignalCallback (IntPtr arg0, int arg1, IntPtr gch)
- {
- DeviceChangeArgs args = new DeviceChangeArgs ();
- try {
- GLib.Signal sig = ((GCHandle) gch).Target as GLib.Signal;
- if (sig == null)
- throw new Exception("Unknown signal GC handle received " + gch);
- args.Args = new object[1];
- args.Args[0] = arg1;
- DeviceChangeHandler handler = (DeviceChangeHandler) sig.Handler;
- handler (GLib.Object.GetObject (arg0), args);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false);
- }
- }
- [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
- delegate void DeviceChangeVMDelegate (IntPtr gcc, int deviceChange);
- static DeviceChangeVMDelegate DeviceChangeVMCallback;
- static void device_change_cb (IntPtr gcc, int deviceChange)
- {
- try {
- GstCameraCapturer gcc_managed = GLib.Object.GetObject (gcc, false) as
- gcc_managed.OnDeviceChange (deviceChange);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false);
- }
- }
- private static void OverrideDeviceChange (GLib.GType gtype)
- {
- if (DeviceChangeVMCallback == null)
- DeviceChangeVMCallback = new DeviceChangeVMDelegate (device_change_cb);
- OverrideVirtualMethod (gtype, "device_change", DeviceChangeVMCallback);
- }
- [GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(LongoMatch.Video.Capturer.GstCameraCapturer),
- protected virtual void OnDeviceChange (int deviceChange)
- {
- GLib.Value ret = GLib.Value.Empty;
- GLib.ValueArray inst_and_params = new GLib.ValueArray (2);
- GLib.Value[] vals = new GLib.Value [2];
- vals [0] = new GLib.Value (this);
- inst_and_params.Append (vals [0]);
- vals [1] = new GLib.Value (deviceChange);
- inst_and_params.Append (vals [1]);
- g_signal_chain_from_overridden (inst_and_params.ArrayPtr, ref ret);
- foreach (GLib.Value v in vals)
- v.Dispose ();
- }
- [GLib.Signal("device_change")]
- public event DeviceChangeHandler DeviceChange {
- add {
- GLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (this, "device_change", new
- sig.AddDelegate (value);
- }
- remove {
- GLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (this, "device_change", new
- sig.RemoveDelegate (value);
- }
- }
- [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
- delegate void EosVMDelegate (IntPtr gcc);
- static EosVMDelegate EosVMCallback;
- static void eos_cb (IntPtr gcc)
- {
- try {
- GstCameraCapturer gcc_managed = GLib.Object.GetObject (gcc, false) as
- gcc_managed.OnEos ();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false);
- }
- }
- private static void OverrideEos (GLib.GType gtype)
- {
- if (EosVMCallback == null)
- EosVMCallback = new EosVMDelegate (eos_cb);
- OverrideVirtualMethod (gtype, "eos", EosVMCallback);
- }
- [GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(LongoMatch.Video.Capturer.GstCameraCapturer),
- protected virtual void OnEos ()
- {
- GLib.Value ret = GLib.Value.Empty;
- GLib.ValueArray inst_and_params = new GLib.ValueArray (1);
- GLib.Value[] vals = new GLib.Value [1];
- vals [0] = new GLib.Value (this);
- inst_and_params.Append (vals [0]);
- g_signal_chain_from_overridden (inst_and_params.ArrayPtr, ref ret);
- foreach (GLib.Value v in vals)
- v.Dispose ();
- }
- [GLib.Signal("eos")]
- public event System.EventHandler Eos {
- add {
- GLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (this, "eos");
- sig.AddDelegate (value);
- }
- remove {
- GLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (this, "eos");
- sig.RemoveDelegate (value);
- }
- }
-#pragma warning restore 0169
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern void gst_camera_capturer_init_backend(out int argc, IntPtr argv);
- public static int InitBackend(string argv) {
- int argc;
- gst_camera_capturer_init_backend(out argc, GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup(argv));
- return argc;
- }
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern void gst_camera_capturer_stop(IntPtr raw);
- public void Stop() {
- timer.Stop();
- gst_camera_capturer_stop(Handle);
- }
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern void gst_camera_capturer_toggle_pause(IntPtr raw);
- public void TogglePause() {
- timer.TogglePause();
- gst_camera_capturer_toggle_pause(Handle);
- }
- public int CurrentTime{
- get{
- return timer.CurrentTime;
- }
- }
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern void gst_camera_capturer_start(IntPtr raw);
- public void Start() {
- timer.Start();
- gst_camera_capturer_start(Handle);
- }
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern void gst_camera_capturer_run(IntPtr raw);
- public void Run() {
- gst_camera_capturer_run(Handle);
- }
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern void gst_camera_capturer_close(IntPtr raw);
- public void Close() {
- gst_camera_capturer_close(Handle);
- }
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern bool gst_camera_capturer_set_video_muxer(IntPtr raw, int type, out IntPtr
- public bool SetVideoMuxer(VideoMuxerType type) {
- IntPtr error = IntPtr.Zero;
- bool raw_ret = gst_camera_capturer_set_video_muxer(Handle, (int) type, out error);
- if (error != IntPtr.Zero) throw new GLib.GException (error);
- bool ret = raw_ret;
- return ret;
- }
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern bool gst_camera_capturer_set_video_encoder(IntPtr raw, int type, out IntPtr
- public bool SetVideoEncoder(VideoEncoderType type) {
- IntPtr error = IntPtr.Zero;
- bool raw_ret = gst_camera_capturer_set_video_encoder(Handle, (int) type, out error);
- if (error != IntPtr.Zero) throw new GLib.GException (error);
- bool ret = raw_ret;
- return ret;
- }
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern bool gst_camera_capturer_set_audio_encoder(IntPtr raw, int type, out IntPtr
- public bool SetAudioEncoder(AudioEncoderType type) {
- IntPtr error = IntPtr.Zero;
- bool raw_ret = gst_camera_capturer_set_audio_encoder(Handle, (int) type, out error);
- if (error != IntPtr.Zero) throw new GLib.GException (error);
- bool ret = raw_ret;
- return ret;
- }
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern bool gst_camera_capturer_set_source(IntPtr raw, int type, out IntPtr error);
- public bool SetSource(CaptureSourceType type) {
- IntPtr error = IntPtr.Zero;
- bool raw_ret = gst_camera_capturer_set_source(Handle, (int) type, out error);
- if (error != IntPtr.Zero) throw new GLib.GException (error);
- bool ret = raw_ret;
- return ret;
- }
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern IntPtr gst_camera_capturer_get_type();
- public static new GLib.GType GType {
- get {
- IntPtr raw_ret = gst_camera_capturer_get_type();
- GLib.GType ret = new GLib.GType(raw_ret);
- return ret;
- }
- }
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern IntPtr gst_camera_capturer_enum_audio_devices();
- public static string[] AudioDevices {
- get {
- IntPtr raw_ret = gst_camera_capturer_enum_audio_devices();
- return (string[])GLib.Marshaller.ListPtrToArray(raw_ret, typeof(GLib.List),
true, false, typeof(String));
- }
- }
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern IntPtr gst_camera_capturer_enum_video_devices();
- public static string[] VideoDevices {
- get {
- IntPtr raw_ret = gst_camera_capturer_enum_video_devices();
- return (string[])GLib.Marshaller.ListPtrToArray(raw_ret, typeof(GLib.List),
true, false, typeof(String));
- }
- }
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern IntPtr gst_camera_capturer_get_current_frame(IntPtr raw);
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern IntPtr gst_camera_capturer_unref_pixbuf(IntPtr raw);
- public Gdk.Pixbuf CurrentFrame {
- get {
- IntPtr raw_ret = gst_camera_capturer_get_current_frame (Handle);
- Gdk.Pixbuf p = GLib.Object.GetObject (raw_ret) as Gdk.Pixbuf;
- /* The refcount for p is now 2. We need to decrease the counter to 1
- * so that p.Dipose() sets it to 0 and triggers the pixbuf destroy function
- * that frees the associated data*/
- gst_camera_capturer_unref_pixbuf (raw_ret);
- return p;
- }
- }
- static GstCameraCapturer ()
- {
- LongoMatch.GtkSharp.Capturer.ObjectManager.Initialize ();
- }
- }
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+namespace LongoMatch.Video.Capturer {
+ using System;
+ using System.Collections;
+ using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+ using LongoMatch.Video.Common;
+#region Autogenerated code
+ public class GstCameraCapturer : Gtk.HBox, LongoMatch.Video.Capturer.ICapturer {
+ public event EllpasedTimeHandler EllapsedTime;
+ private LiveSourceTimer timer;
+ [Obsolete]
+ protected GstCameraCapturer(GLib.GType gtype) : base(gtype) {}
+ public GstCameraCapturer(IntPtr raw) : base(raw) {}
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern unsafe IntPtr gst_camera_capturer_new(IntPtr filename, out IntPtr err);
+ public unsafe GstCameraCapturer (string filename) : base (IntPtr.Zero)
+ {
+ if (GetType () != typeof (GstCameraCapturer)) {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException ("Can't override this constructor.");
+ }
+ IntPtr error = IntPtr.Zero;
+ Raw = gst_camera_capturer_new(GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup(filename), out
+ if (error != IntPtr.Zero) throw new GLib.GException (error);
+ timer = new LiveSourceTimer();
+ timer.EllapsedTime += delegate(int ellapsedTime) {
+ if (EllapsedTime!= null)
+ EllapsedTime(ellapsedTime);
+ };
+ }
+ [GLib.Property ("output_height")]
+ public uint OutputHeight {
+ get {
+ GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("output_height");
+ uint ret = (uint) val;
+ val.Dispose ();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ set {
+ GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
+ SetProperty("output_height", val);
+ val.Dispose ();
+ }
+ }
+ [GLib.Property ("output_width")]
+ public uint OutputWidth {
+ get {
+ GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("output_width");
+ uint ret = (uint) val;
+ val.Dispose ();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ set {
+ GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
+ SetProperty("output_width", val);
+ val.Dispose ();
+ }
+ }
+ [GLib.Property ("video_bitrate")]
+ public uint VideoBitrate {
+ get {
+ GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("video_bitrate");
+ uint ret = (uint) val;
+ val.Dispose ();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ set {
+ GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
+ SetProperty("video_bitrate", val);
+ val.Dispose ();
+ }
+ }
+ [GLib.Property ("output_file")]
+ public string OutputFile {
+ get {
+ GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("output_file");
+ string ret = (string) val;
+ val.Dispose ();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ set {
+ GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
+ SetProperty("output_file", val);
+ val.Dispose ();
+ }
+ }
+ [GLib.Property ("audio_bitrate")]
+ public uint AudioBitrate {
+ get {
+ GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("audio_bitrate");
+ uint ret = (uint) val;
+ val.Dispose ();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ set {
+ GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
+ SetProperty("audio_bitrate", val);
+ val.Dispose ();
+ }
+ }
+ [GLib.Property ("device_id")]
+ public string DeviceID {
+ get {
+ GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("device_id");
+ string ret = (string) val;
+ val.Dispose ();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ set {
+ GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
+ SetProperty("device_id", val);
+ val.Dispose ();
+ }
+ }
+#pragma warning disable 0169
+ [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ delegate void ErrorSignalDelegate (IntPtr arg0, IntPtr arg1, IntPtr gch);
+ static void ErrorSignalCallback (IntPtr arg0, IntPtr arg1, IntPtr gch)
+ {
+ ErrorArgs args = new ErrorArgs ();
+ try {
+ GLib.Signal sig = ((GCHandle) gch).Target as GLib.Signal;
+ if (sig == null)
+ throw new Exception("Unknown signal GC handle received " + gch);
+ args.Args = new object[1];
+ args.Args[0] = GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString (arg1);
+ ErrorHandler handler = (ErrorHandler) sig.Handler;
+ handler (GLib.Object.GetObject (arg0), args);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false);
+ }
+ }
+ [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ delegate void ErrorVMDelegate (IntPtr gcc, IntPtr message);
+ static ErrorVMDelegate ErrorVMCallback;
+ static void error_cb (IntPtr gcc, IntPtr message)
+ {
+ try {
+ GstCameraCapturer gcc_managed = GLib.Object.GetObject (gcc, false) as
+ gcc_managed.OnError (GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString (message));
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void OverrideError (GLib.GType gtype)
+ {
+ if (ErrorVMCallback == null)
+ ErrorVMCallback = new ErrorVMDelegate (error_cb);
+ OverrideVirtualMethod (gtype, "error", ErrorVMCallback);
+ }
+ [GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(LongoMatch.Video.Capturer.GstCameraCapturer),
+ protected virtual void OnError (string message)
+ {
+ GLib.Value ret = GLib.Value.Empty;
+ GLib.ValueArray inst_and_params = new GLib.ValueArray (2);
+ GLib.Value[] vals = new GLib.Value [2];
+ vals [0] = new GLib.Value (this);
+ inst_and_params.Append (vals [0]);
+ vals [1] = new GLib.Value (message);
+ inst_and_params.Append (vals [1]);
+ g_signal_chain_from_overridden (inst_and_params.ArrayPtr, ref ret);
+ foreach (GLib.Value v in vals)
+ v.Dispose ();
+ }
+ [GLib.Signal("error")]
+ public event ErrorHandler Error {
+ add {
+ GLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (this, "error", new
+ sig.AddDelegate (value);
+ }
+ remove {
+ GLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (this, "error", new
+ sig.RemoveDelegate (value);
+ }
+ }
+ [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ delegate void DeviceChangeSignalDelegate (IntPtr arg0, int arg1, IntPtr gch);
+ static void DeviceChangeSignalCallback (IntPtr arg0, int arg1, IntPtr gch)
+ {
+ DeviceChangeArgs args = new DeviceChangeArgs ();
+ try {
+ GLib.Signal sig = ((GCHandle) gch).Target as GLib.Signal;
+ if (sig == null)
+ throw new Exception("Unknown signal GC handle received " + gch);
+ args.Args = new object[1];
+ args.Args[0] = arg1;
+ DeviceChangeHandler handler = (DeviceChangeHandler) sig.Handler;
+ handler (GLib.Object.GetObject (arg0), args);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false);
+ }
+ }
+ [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ delegate void DeviceChangeVMDelegate (IntPtr gcc, int deviceChange);
+ static DeviceChangeVMDelegate DeviceChangeVMCallback;
+ static void device_change_cb (IntPtr gcc, int deviceChange)
+ {
+ try {
+ GstCameraCapturer gcc_managed = GLib.Object.GetObject (gcc, false) as
+ gcc_managed.OnDeviceChange (deviceChange);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void OverrideDeviceChange (GLib.GType gtype)
+ {
+ if (DeviceChangeVMCallback == null)
+ DeviceChangeVMCallback = new DeviceChangeVMDelegate (device_change_cb);
+ OverrideVirtualMethod (gtype, "device_change", DeviceChangeVMCallback);
+ }
+ [GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(LongoMatch.Video.Capturer.GstCameraCapturer),
+ protected virtual void OnDeviceChange (int deviceChange)
+ {
+ GLib.Value ret = GLib.Value.Empty;
+ GLib.ValueArray inst_and_params = new GLib.ValueArray (2);
+ GLib.Value[] vals = new GLib.Value [2];
+ vals [0] = new GLib.Value (this);
+ inst_and_params.Append (vals [0]);
+ vals [1] = new GLib.Value (deviceChange);
+ inst_and_params.Append (vals [1]);
+ g_signal_chain_from_overridden (inst_and_params.ArrayPtr, ref ret);
+ foreach (GLib.Value v in vals)
+ v.Dispose ();
+ }
+ [GLib.Signal("device_change")]
+ public event DeviceChangeHandler DeviceChange {
+ add {
+ GLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (this, "device_change", new
+ sig.AddDelegate (value);
+ }
+ remove {
+ GLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (this, "device_change", new
+ sig.RemoveDelegate (value);
+ }
+ }
+ [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ delegate void EosVMDelegate (IntPtr gcc);
+ static EosVMDelegate EosVMCallback;
+ static void eos_cb (IntPtr gcc)
+ {
+ try {
+ GstCameraCapturer gcc_managed = GLib.Object.GetObject (gcc, false) as
+ gcc_managed.OnEos ();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void OverrideEos (GLib.GType gtype)
+ {
+ if (EosVMCallback == null)
+ EosVMCallback = new EosVMDelegate (eos_cb);
+ OverrideVirtualMethod (gtype, "eos", EosVMCallback);
+ }
+ [GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(LongoMatch.Video.Capturer.GstCameraCapturer),
+ protected virtual void OnEos ()
+ {
+ GLib.Value ret = GLib.Value.Empty;
+ GLib.ValueArray inst_and_params = new GLib.ValueArray (1);
+ GLib.Value[] vals = new GLib.Value [1];
+ vals [0] = new GLib.Value (this);
+ inst_and_params.Append (vals [0]);
+ g_signal_chain_from_overridden (inst_and_params.ArrayPtr, ref ret);
+ foreach (GLib.Value v in vals)
+ v.Dispose ();
+ }
+ [GLib.Signal("eos")]
+ public event System.EventHandler Eos {
+ add {
+ GLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (this, "eos");
+ sig.AddDelegate (value);
+ }
+ remove {
+ GLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (this, "eos");
+ sig.RemoveDelegate (value);
+ }
+ }
+#pragma warning restore 0169
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern void gst_camera_capturer_init_backend(out int argc, IntPtr argv);
+ public static int InitBackend(string argv) {
+ int argc;
+ gst_camera_capturer_init_backend(out argc, GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup(argv));
+ return argc;
+ }
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern void gst_camera_capturer_stop(IntPtr raw);
+ public void Stop() {
+ timer.Stop();
+ gst_camera_capturer_stop(Handle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern void gst_camera_capturer_toggle_pause(IntPtr raw);
+ public void TogglePause() {
+ timer.TogglePause();
+ gst_camera_capturer_toggle_pause(Handle);
+ }
+ public int CurrentTime{
+ get{
+ return timer.CurrentTime;
+ }
+ }
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern void gst_camera_capturer_start(IntPtr raw);
+ public void Start() {
+ timer.Start();
+ gst_camera_capturer_start(Handle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern void gst_camera_capturer_run(IntPtr raw);
+ public void Run() {
+ gst_camera_capturer_run(Handle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern void gst_camera_capturer_close(IntPtr raw);
+ public void Close() {
+ gst_camera_capturer_close(Handle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern bool gst_camera_capturer_set_video_muxer(IntPtr raw, int type, out IntPtr
+ public bool SetVideoMuxer(VideoMuxerType type) {
+ IntPtr error = IntPtr.Zero;
+ bool raw_ret = gst_camera_capturer_set_video_muxer(Handle, (int) type, out error);
+ if (error != IntPtr.Zero) throw new GLib.GException (error);
+ bool ret = raw_ret;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern bool gst_camera_capturer_set_video_encoder(IntPtr raw, int type, out IntPtr
+ public bool SetVideoEncoder(VideoEncoderType type) {
+ IntPtr error = IntPtr.Zero;
+ bool raw_ret = gst_camera_capturer_set_video_encoder(Handle, (int) type, out error);
+ if (error != IntPtr.Zero) throw new GLib.GException (error);
+ bool ret = raw_ret;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern bool gst_camera_capturer_set_audio_encoder(IntPtr raw, int type, out IntPtr
+ public bool SetAudioEncoder(AudioEncoderType type) {
+ IntPtr error = IntPtr.Zero;
+ bool raw_ret = gst_camera_capturer_set_audio_encoder(Handle, (int) type, out error);
+ if (error != IntPtr.Zero) throw new GLib.GException (error);
+ bool ret = raw_ret;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern bool gst_camera_capturer_set_source(IntPtr raw, int type, out IntPtr error);
+ public bool SetSource(CaptureSourceType type) {
+ IntPtr error = IntPtr.Zero;
+ bool raw_ret = gst_camera_capturer_set_source(Handle, (int) type, out error);
+ if (error != IntPtr.Zero) throw new GLib.GException (error);
+ bool ret = raw_ret;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern IntPtr gst_camera_capturer_get_type();
+ public static new GLib.GType GType {
+ get {
+ IntPtr raw_ret = gst_camera_capturer_get_type();
+ GLib.GType ret = new GLib.GType(raw_ret);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern IntPtr gst_camera_capturer_enum_audio_devices();
+ public static string[] AudioDevices {
+ get {
+ IntPtr raw_ret = gst_camera_capturer_enum_audio_devices();
+ return (string[])GLib.Marshaller.ListPtrToArray(raw_ret, typeof(GLib.List),
true, false, typeof(String));
+ }
+ }
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern IntPtr gst_camera_capturer_enum_video_devices();
+ public static string[] VideoDevices {
+ get {
+ IntPtr raw_ret = gst_camera_capturer_enum_video_devices();
+ return (string[])GLib.Marshaller.ListPtrToArray(raw_ret, typeof(GLib.List),
true, false, typeof(String));
+ }
+ }
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern IntPtr gst_camera_capturer_get_current_frame(IntPtr raw);
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern IntPtr gst_camera_capturer_unref_pixbuf(IntPtr raw);
+ public Gdk.Pixbuf CurrentFrame {
+ get {
+ IntPtr raw_ret = gst_camera_capturer_get_current_frame (Handle);
+ Gdk.Pixbuf p = GLib.Object.GetObject (raw_ret) as Gdk.Pixbuf;
+ /* The refcount for p is now 2. We need to decrease the counter to 1
+ * so that p.Dipose() sets it to 0 and triggers the pixbuf destroy function
+ * that frees the associated data*/
+ gst_camera_capturer_unref_pixbuf (raw_ret);
+ return p;
+ }
+ }
+ static GstCameraCapturer ()
+ {
+ LongoMatch.GtkSharp.Capturer.ObjectManager.Initialize ();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/CesarPlayer/Capturer/ICapturer.cs b/CesarPlayer/Capturer/ICapturer.cs
index 4960bdb..5c7a06e 100644
--- a/CesarPlayer/Capturer/ICapturer.cs
+++ b/CesarPlayer/Capturer/ICapturer.cs
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-// ICapturer.cs
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-using System;
-using LongoMatch.Video.Common;
-using Gdk;
-namespace LongoMatch.Video.Capturer
- public interface ICapturer
- {
- event EllpasedTimeHandler EllapsedTime;
- event ErrorHandler Error;
- event DeviceChangeHandler DeviceChange;
- uint OutputWidth {
- get ;
- set ;
- }
- uint OutputHeight {
- get;
- set ;
- }
- string OutputFile {
- get ;
- set ;
- }
- uint VideoBitrate {
- get;
- set ;
- }
- uint AudioBitrate {
- get ;
- set ;
- }
- int CurrentTime {
- get ;
- }
- Pixbuf CurrentFrame {
- get;
- }
- string DeviceID {
- set;
- get;
- }
- bool SetVideoEncoder(VideoEncoderType type);
- bool SetAudioEncoder(AudioEncoderType type);
- bool SetVideoMuxer(VideoMuxerType type);
- bool SetSource(CaptureSourceType type);
- void TogglePause();
- void Start();
- void Stop();
- void Run();
- void Close();
- void Dispose();
- }
+// ICapturer.cs
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+using System;
+using LongoMatch.Video.Common;
+using Gdk;
+namespace LongoMatch.Video.Capturer
+ public interface ICapturer
+ {
+ event EllpasedTimeHandler EllapsedTime;
+ event ErrorHandler Error;
+ event DeviceChangeHandler DeviceChange;
+ uint OutputWidth {
+ get ;
+ set ;
+ }
+ uint OutputHeight {
+ get;
+ set ;
+ }
+ string OutputFile {
+ get ;
+ set ;
+ }
+ uint VideoBitrate {
+ get;
+ set ;
+ }
+ uint AudioBitrate {
+ get ;
+ set ;
+ }
+ int CurrentTime {
+ get ;
+ }
+ Pixbuf CurrentFrame {
+ get;
+ }
+ string DeviceID {
+ set;
+ get;
+ }
+ bool SetVideoEncoder(VideoEncoderType type);
+ bool SetAudioEncoder(AudioEncoderType type);
+ bool SetVideoMuxer(VideoMuxerType type);
+ bool SetSource(CaptureSourceType type);
+ void TogglePause();
+ void Start();
+ void Stop();
+ void Run();
+ void Close();
+ void Dispose();
+ }
diff --git a/CesarPlayer/Capturer/ObjectManager.cs b/CesarPlayer/Capturer/ObjectManager.cs
index ed2be4c..1e4ff83 100644
--- a/CesarPlayer/Capturer/ObjectManager.cs
+++ b/CesarPlayer/Capturer/ObjectManager.cs
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
-// ObjectManager.cs
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-// This file was generated by the Gtk# code generator.
-// Any changes made will be lost if regenerated.
-namespace LongoMatch.GtkSharp.Capturer {
- public class ObjectManager {
- static bool initialized = false;
- // Call this method from the appropriate module init function.
- public static void Initialize ()
- {
- if (initialized)
- return;
- initialized = true;
- GLib.GType.Register (LongoMatch.Video.Capturer.GstCameraCapturer.GType, typeof
- }
- }
+// ObjectManager.cs
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+// This file was generated by the Gtk# code generator.
+// Any changes made will be lost if regenerated.
+namespace LongoMatch.GtkSharp.Capturer {
+ public class ObjectManager {
+ static bool initialized = false;
+ // Call this method from the appropriate module init function.
+ public static void Initialize ()
+ {
+ if (initialized)
+ return;
+ initialized = true;
+ GLib.GType.Register (LongoMatch.Video.Capturer.GstCameraCapturer.GType, typeof
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/CesarPlayer/Editor/GstVideoSplitter.cs b/CesarPlayer/Editor/GstVideoSplitter.cs
index c97c1cb..7c298a9 100644
--- a/CesarPlayer/Editor/GstVideoSplitter.cs
+++ b/CesarPlayer/Editor/GstVideoSplitter.cs
@@ -1,433 +1,433 @@
-// GstVideoSplitter.cs
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-namespace LongoMatch.Video.Editor {
- using System;
- using System.Collections;
- using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
- using LongoMatch.Video.Common;
- public class GstVideoSplitter : GLib.Object, IVideoEditor, IVideoSplitter {
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern unsafe IntPtr gst_video_editor_new(out IntPtr err);
- public event ProgressHandler Progress;
- public unsafe GstVideoSplitter () : base (IntPtr.Zero)
- {
- if (GetType () != typeof (GstVideoSplitter)) {
- throw new InvalidOperationException ("Can't override this constructor.");
- }
- IntPtr error = IntPtr.Zero;
- Raw = gst_video_editor_new(out error);
- if (error != IntPtr.Zero) throw new GLib.GException (error);
- PercentCompleted += delegate(object o, PercentCompletedArgs args) {
- if (Progress!= null)
- Progress (args.Percent);
- };
- }
- #region Properties
- [GLib.Property ("enable-audio")]
- public bool EnableAudio {
- get {
- GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("enable-audio");
- bool ret = (bool) val;
- val.Dispose ();
- return ret;
- }
- set {
- GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
- SetProperty("enable-audio", val);
- val.Dispose ();
- }
- }
- [GLib.Property ("enable-title")]
- public bool EnableTitle {
- get {
- GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("enable-title");
- bool ret = (bool) val;
- val.Dispose ();
- return ret;
- }
- set {
- GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
- SetProperty("enable-title", val);
- val.Dispose ();
- }
- }
- [GLib.Property ("video_bitrate")]
- public int VideoBitrate {
- get {
- GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("video_bitrate");
- int ret = (int) val;
- val.Dispose ();
- return ret;
- }
- set {
- GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
- SetProperty("video_bitrate", val);
- val.Dispose ();
- }
- }
- [GLib.Property ("audio_bitrate")]
- public int AudioBitrate {
- get {
- GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("audio_bitrate");
- int ret = (int) val;
- val.Dispose ();
- return ret;
- }
- set {
- GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
- SetProperty("audio_bitrate", val);
- val.Dispose ();
- }
- }
- [GLib.Property ("width")]
- public int Width {
- get {
- GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("width");
- int ret = (int) val;
- val.Dispose ();
- return ret;
- }
- set {
- GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
- SetProperty("width", val);
- val.Dispose ();
- }
- }
- [GLib.Property ("height")]
- public int Height {
- get {
- GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("height");
- int ret = (int) val;
- val.Dispose ();
- return ret;
- }
- set {
- GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
- SetProperty("height", val);
- val.Dispose ();
- }
- }
- [GLib.Property ("output_file")]
- public string OutputFile {
- get {
- GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("output_file");
- string ret = (string) val;
- val.Dispose ();
- return ret;
- }
- set {
- GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
- SetProperty("output_file", val);
- val.Dispose ();
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region GSignals
-#pragma warning disable 0169
- [GLib.CDeclCallback]
- delegate void ErrorVMDelegate (IntPtr gvc, IntPtr message);
- static ErrorVMDelegate ErrorVMCallback;
- static void error_cb (IntPtr gvc, IntPtr message)
- {
- try {
- GstVideoSplitter gvc_managed = GLib.Object.GetObject (gvc, false) as
- gvc_managed.OnError (GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString (message));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false);
- }
- }
- private static void OverrideError (GLib.GType gtype)
- {
- if (ErrorVMCallback == null)
- ErrorVMCallback = new ErrorVMDelegate (error_cb);
- OverrideVirtualMethod (gtype, "error", ErrorVMCallback);
- }
- [GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(LongoMatch.Video.Editor.GstVideoSplitter),
- protected virtual void OnError (string message)
- {
- GLib.Value ret = GLib.Value.Empty;
- GLib.ValueArray inst_and_params = new GLib.ValueArray (2);
- GLib.Value[] vals = new GLib.Value [2];
- vals [0] = new GLib.Value (this);
- inst_and_params.Append (vals [0]);
- vals [1] = new GLib.Value (message);
- inst_and_params.Append (vals [1]);
- g_signal_chain_from_overridden (inst_and_params.ArrayPtr, ref ret);
- foreach (GLib.Value v in vals)
- v.Dispose ();
- }
- [GLib.Signal("error")]
- public event ErrorHandler Error {
- add {
- GLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (this, "error", typeof (ErrorArgs));
- sig.AddDelegate (value);
- }
- remove {
- GLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (this, "error", typeof (ErrorArgs));
- sig.RemoveDelegate (value);
- }
- }
- [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
- delegate void PercentCompletedVMDelegate (IntPtr gvc, float percent);
- static PercentCompletedVMDelegate PercentCompletedVMCallback;
- static void percentcompleted_cb (IntPtr gvc, float percent)
- {
- try {
- GstVideoSplitter gvc_managed = GLib.Object.GetObject (gvc, false) as
- gvc_managed.OnPercentCompleted (percent);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false);
- }
- }
- private static void OverridePercentCompleted (GLib.GType gtype)
- {
- if (PercentCompletedVMCallback == null)
- PercentCompletedVMCallback = new PercentCompletedVMDelegate
- OverrideVirtualMethod (gtype, "percent_completed", PercentCompletedVMCallback);
- }
- [GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(LongoMatch.Video.Editor.GstVideoSplitter),
- protected virtual void OnPercentCompleted (float percent)
- {
- GLib.Value ret = GLib.Value.Empty;
- GLib.ValueArray inst_and_params = new GLib.ValueArray (2);
- GLib.Value[] vals = new GLib.Value [2];
- vals [0] = new GLib.Value (this);
- inst_and_params.Append (vals [0]);
- vals [1] = new GLib.Value (percent);
- inst_and_params.Append (vals [1]);
- g_signal_chain_from_overridden (inst_and_params.ArrayPtr, ref ret);
- foreach (GLib.Value v in vals)
- v.Dispose ();
- }
- [GLib.Signal("percent_completed")]
- public event PercentCompletedHandler PercentCompleted {
- add {
- GLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (this, "percent_completed", typeof
- sig.AddDelegate (value);
- }
- remove {
- GLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (this, "percent_completed", typeof
- sig.RemoveDelegate (value);
- }
- }
-#pragma warning restore 0169
- #endregion
- #region Public Methods
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern IntPtr gst_video_editor_get_type();
- public static new GLib.GType GType {
- get {
- IntPtr raw_ret = gst_video_editor_get_type();
- GLib.GType ret = new GLib.GType(raw_ret);
- return ret;
- }
- }
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern void gst_video_editor_clear_segments_list(IntPtr raw);
- public void ClearList() {
- gst_video_editor_clear_segments_list(Handle);
- }
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern void gst_video_editor_add_segment(IntPtr raw, string file_path, long start,
long duration, double rate, IntPtr title, bool hasAudio);
- public void AddSegment(string filePath, long start, long duration, double rate, string title,
bool hasAudio) {
- if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT)
- filePath="file:///"+filePath;
- gst_video_editor_add_segment(Handle, filePath, start, duration, rate,
GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup(title), hasAudio);
- }
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern void gst_video_editor_start(IntPtr raw);
- public void Start() {
- gst_video_editor_start(Handle);
- }
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern void gst_video_editor_cancel(IntPtr raw);
- public void Cancel() {
- // The handle might have already been dealocated
- try{
- gst_video_editor_cancel(Handle);
- }catch{
- }
- }
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern void gst_video_editor_set_video_encoder(IntPtr raw, out IntPtr error_ptr, int
- public void SetVideoEncoder(out string error, VideoEncoderType codec) {
- IntPtr error_ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
- gst_video_editor_set_video_encoder(Handle,out error_ptr,(int)codec);
- if (error_ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
- error = GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString(error_ptr);
- else
- error = null;
- }
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern void gst_video_editor_set_audio_encoder(IntPtr raw, out IntPtr error_ptr, int
- public void SetAudioEncoder(out string error, AudioEncoderType codec) {
- IntPtr error_ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
- gst_video_editor_set_audio_encoder(Handle,out error_ptr,(int)codec);
- if (error_ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
- error = GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString(error_ptr);
- else
- error = null;
- }
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern void gst_video_editor_set_video_muxer(IntPtr raw, out IntPtr error_ptr, int
- public void SetVideoMuxer(out string error, VideoMuxerType muxer) {
- IntPtr error_ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
- gst_video_editor_set_video_muxer(Handle,out error_ptr,(int)muxer);
- if (error_ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
- error = GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString(error_ptr);
- else
- error = null;
- }
- [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
- static extern void gst_video_editor_init_backend(out int argc, IntPtr argv);
- public static int InitBackend(string argv) {
- int argc;
- gst_video_editor_init_backend(out argc, GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup(argv));
- return argc;
- }
- public void SetSegment (string filePath, long start, long duration, double rate, string
title, bool hasAudio){
- ClearList();
- AddSegment(filePath, start, duration, rate, title,hasAudio);
- }
- public VideoQuality VideoQuality{
- set{VideoBitrate=(int)value;}
- }
- public AudioQuality AudioQuality{
- set{AudioBitrate = (int)value;}
- }
- public VideoFormat VideoFormat{
- set{
- if (value == VideoFormat.PORTABLE){
- Height = 240;
- Width = 320;
- }
- else if (value == VideoFormat.VGA){
- Height = 480 ;
- Width = 640;
- }
- else if (value == VideoFormat.TV){
- Height = 576;
- Width = 720;
- }
- else if (value == VideoFormat.HD720p){
- Height = 720;
- Width = 1280;
- }
- else if (value == VideoFormat.HD1080p){
- Height = 1080;
- Width = 1920;
- }
- }
- }
- public AudioEncoderType AudioEncoder{
- set{
- string error;
- SetAudioEncoder(out error,value);
- if (error != null)
- throw new Exception(error);
- }
- }
- public VideoEncoderType VideoEncoder{
- set{
- string error;
- SetVideoEncoder(out error, value);
- if (error != null)
- throw new Exception(error);
- }
- }
- public VideoMuxerType VideoMuxer{
- set{
- string error;
- SetVideoMuxer(out error,value);
- if (error != null)
- throw new Exception(error);
- }
- }
- public string TempDir{
- set{;}
- }
- #endregion
- }
+// GstVideoSplitter.cs
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+namespace LongoMatch.Video.Editor {
+ using System;
+ using System.Collections;
+ using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+ using LongoMatch.Video.Common;
+ public class GstVideoSplitter : GLib.Object, IVideoEditor, IVideoSplitter {
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern unsafe IntPtr gst_video_editor_new(out IntPtr err);
+ public event ProgressHandler Progress;
+ public unsafe GstVideoSplitter () : base (IntPtr.Zero)
+ {
+ if (GetType () != typeof (GstVideoSplitter)) {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException ("Can't override this constructor.");
+ }
+ IntPtr error = IntPtr.Zero;
+ Raw = gst_video_editor_new(out error);
+ if (error != IntPtr.Zero) throw new GLib.GException (error);
+ PercentCompleted += delegate(object o, PercentCompletedArgs args) {
+ if (Progress!= null)
+ Progress (args.Percent);
+ };
+ }
+ #region Properties
+ [GLib.Property ("enable-audio")]
+ public bool EnableAudio {
+ get {
+ GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("enable-audio");
+ bool ret = (bool) val;
+ val.Dispose ();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ set {
+ GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
+ SetProperty("enable-audio", val);
+ val.Dispose ();
+ }
+ }
+ [GLib.Property ("enable-title")]
+ public bool EnableTitle {
+ get {
+ GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("enable-title");
+ bool ret = (bool) val;
+ val.Dispose ();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ set {
+ GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
+ SetProperty("enable-title", val);
+ val.Dispose ();
+ }
+ }
+ [GLib.Property ("video_bitrate")]
+ public int VideoBitrate {
+ get {
+ GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("video_bitrate");
+ int ret = (int) val;
+ val.Dispose ();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ set {
+ GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
+ SetProperty("video_bitrate", val);
+ val.Dispose ();
+ }
+ }
+ [GLib.Property ("audio_bitrate")]
+ public int AudioBitrate {
+ get {
+ GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("audio_bitrate");
+ int ret = (int) val;
+ val.Dispose ();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ set {
+ GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
+ SetProperty("audio_bitrate", val);
+ val.Dispose ();
+ }
+ }
+ [GLib.Property ("width")]
+ public int Width {
+ get {
+ GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("width");
+ int ret = (int) val;
+ val.Dispose ();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ set {
+ GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
+ SetProperty("width", val);
+ val.Dispose ();
+ }
+ }
+ [GLib.Property ("height")]
+ public int Height {
+ get {
+ GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("height");
+ int ret = (int) val;
+ val.Dispose ();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ set {
+ GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
+ SetProperty("height", val);
+ val.Dispose ();
+ }
+ }
+ [GLib.Property ("output_file")]
+ public string OutputFile {
+ get {
+ GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("output_file");
+ string ret = (string) val;
+ val.Dispose ();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ set {
+ GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
+ SetProperty("output_file", val);
+ val.Dispose ();
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region GSignals
+#pragma warning disable 0169
+ [GLib.CDeclCallback]
+ delegate void ErrorVMDelegate (IntPtr gvc, IntPtr message);
+ static ErrorVMDelegate ErrorVMCallback;
+ static void error_cb (IntPtr gvc, IntPtr message)
+ {
+ try {
+ GstVideoSplitter gvc_managed = GLib.Object.GetObject (gvc, false) as
+ gvc_managed.OnError (GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString (message));
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void OverrideError (GLib.GType gtype)
+ {
+ if (ErrorVMCallback == null)
+ ErrorVMCallback = new ErrorVMDelegate (error_cb);
+ OverrideVirtualMethod (gtype, "error", ErrorVMCallback);
+ }
+ [GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(LongoMatch.Video.Editor.GstVideoSplitter),
+ protected virtual void OnError (string message)
+ {
+ GLib.Value ret = GLib.Value.Empty;
+ GLib.ValueArray inst_and_params = new GLib.ValueArray (2);
+ GLib.Value[] vals = new GLib.Value [2];
+ vals [0] = new GLib.Value (this);
+ inst_and_params.Append (vals [0]);
+ vals [1] = new GLib.Value (message);
+ inst_and_params.Append (vals [1]);
+ g_signal_chain_from_overridden (inst_and_params.ArrayPtr, ref ret);
+ foreach (GLib.Value v in vals)
+ v.Dispose ();
+ }
+ [GLib.Signal("error")]
+ public event ErrorHandler Error {
+ add {
+ GLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (this, "error", typeof (ErrorArgs));
+ sig.AddDelegate (value);
+ }
+ remove {
+ GLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (this, "error", typeof (ErrorArgs));
+ sig.RemoveDelegate (value);
+ }
+ }
+ [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ delegate void PercentCompletedVMDelegate (IntPtr gvc, float percent);
+ static PercentCompletedVMDelegate PercentCompletedVMCallback;
+ static void percentcompleted_cb (IntPtr gvc, float percent)
+ {
+ try {
+ GstVideoSplitter gvc_managed = GLib.Object.GetObject (gvc, false) as
+ gvc_managed.OnPercentCompleted (percent);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void OverridePercentCompleted (GLib.GType gtype)
+ {
+ if (PercentCompletedVMCallback == null)
+ PercentCompletedVMCallback = new PercentCompletedVMDelegate
+ OverrideVirtualMethod (gtype, "percent_completed", PercentCompletedVMCallback);
+ }
+ [GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(LongoMatch.Video.Editor.GstVideoSplitter),
+ protected virtual void OnPercentCompleted (float percent)
+ {
+ GLib.Value ret = GLib.Value.Empty;
+ GLib.ValueArray inst_and_params = new GLib.ValueArray (2);
+ GLib.Value[] vals = new GLib.Value [2];
+ vals [0] = new GLib.Value (this);
+ inst_and_params.Append (vals [0]);
+ vals [1] = new GLib.Value (percent);
+ inst_and_params.Append (vals [1]);
+ g_signal_chain_from_overridden (inst_and_params.ArrayPtr, ref ret);
+ foreach (GLib.Value v in vals)
+ v.Dispose ();
+ }
+ [GLib.Signal("percent_completed")]
+ public event PercentCompletedHandler PercentCompleted {
+ add {
+ GLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (this, "percent_completed", typeof
+ sig.AddDelegate (value);
+ }
+ remove {
+ GLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (this, "percent_completed", typeof
+ sig.RemoveDelegate (value);
+ }
+ }
+#pragma warning restore 0169
+ #endregion
+ #region Public Methods
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern IntPtr gst_video_editor_get_type();
+ public static new GLib.GType GType {
+ get {
+ IntPtr raw_ret = gst_video_editor_get_type();
+ GLib.GType ret = new GLib.GType(raw_ret);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern void gst_video_editor_clear_segments_list(IntPtr raw);
+ public void ClearList() {
+ gst_video_editor_clear_segments_list(Handle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern void gst_video_editor_add_segment(IntPtr raw, string file_path, long start,
long duration, double rate, IntPtr title, bool hasAudio);
+ public void AddSegment(string filePath, long start, long duration, double rate, string title,
bool hasAudio) {
+ if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT)
+ filePath="file:///"+filePath;
+ gst_video_editor_add_segment(Handle, filePath, start, duration, rate,
GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup(title), hasAudio);
+ }
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern void gst_video_editor_start(IntPtr raw);
+ public void Start() {
+ gst_video_editor_start(Handle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern void gst_video_editor_cancel(IntPtr raw);
+ public void Cancel() {
+ // The handle might have already been dealocated
+ try{
+ gst_video_editor_cancel(Handle);
+ }catch{
+ }
+ }
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern void gst_video_editor_set_video_encoder(IntPtr raw, out IntPtr error_ptr, int
+ public void SetVideoEncoder(out string error, VideoEncoderType codec) {
+ IntPtr error_ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
+ gst_video_editor_set_video_encoder(Handle,out error_ptr,(int)codec);
+ if (error_ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
+ error = GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString(error_ptr);
+ else
+ error = null;
+ }
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern void gst_video_editor_set_audio_encoder(IntPtr raw, out IntPtr error_ptr, int
+ public void SetAudioEncoder(out string error, AudioEncoderType codec) {
+ IntPtr error_ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
+ gst_video_editor_set_audio_encoder(Handle,out error_ptr,(int)codec);
+ if (error_ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
+ error = GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString(error_ptr);
+ else
+ error = null;
+ }
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern void gst_video_editor_set_video_muxer(IntPtr raw, out IntPtr error_ptr, int
+ public void SetVideoMuxer(out string error, VideoMuxerType muxer) {
+ IntPtr error_ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
+ gst_video_editor_set_video_muxer(Handle,out error_ptr,(int)muxer);
+ if (error_ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
+ error = GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString(error_ptr);
+ else
+ error = null;
+ }
+ [DllImport("libcesarplayer.dll")]
+ static extern void gst_video_editor_init_backend(out int argc, IntPtr argv);
+ public static int InitBackend(string argv) {
+ int argc;
+ gst_video_editor_init_backend(out argc, GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup(argv));
+ return argc;
+ }
+ public void SetSegment (string filePath, long start, long duration, double rate, string
title, bool hasAudio){
+ ClearList();
+ AddSegment(filePath, start, duration, rate, title,hasAudio);
+ }
+ public VideoQuality VideoQuality{
+ set{VideoBitrate=(int)value;}
+ }
+ public AudioQuality AudioQuality{
+ set{AudioBitrate = (int)value;}
+ }
+ public VideoFormat VideoFormat{
+ set{
+ if (value == VideoFormat.PORTABLE){
+ Height = 240;
+ Width = 320;
+ }
+ else if (value == VideoFormat.VGA){
+ Height = 480 ;
+ Width = 640;
+ }
+ else if (value == VideoFormat.TV){
+ Height = 576;
+ Width = 720;
+ }
+ else if (value == VideoFormat.HD720p){
+ Height = 720;
+ Width = 1280;
+ }
+ else if (value == VideoFormat.HD1080p){
+ Height = 1080;
+ Width = 1920;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public AudioEncoderType AudioEncoder{
+ set{
+ string error;
+ SetAudioEncoder(out error,value);
+ if (error != null)
+ throw new Exception(error);
+ }
+ }
+ public VideoEncoderType VideoEncoder{
+ set{
+ string error;
+ SetVideoEncoder(out error, value);
+ if (error != null)
+ throw new Exception(error);
+ }
+ }
+ public VideoMuxerType VideoMuxer{
+ set{
+ string error;
+ SetVideoMuxer(out error,value);
+ if (error != null)
+ throw new Exception(error);
+ }
+ }
+ public string TempDir{
+ set{;}
+ }
+ #endregion
+ }
diff --git a/CesarPlayer/Editor/IVideoEditor.cs b/CesarPlayer/Editor/IVideoEditor.cs
index 68cc46c..0bc4c1b 100644
--- a/CesarPlayer/Editor/IVideoEditor.cs
+++ b/CesarPlayer/Editor/IVideoEditor.cs
@@ -1,83 +1,83 @@
-// IVideoEditor.cs
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using LongoMatch.Video.Common;
-namespace LongoMatch.Video.Editor
- public interface IVideoEditor
- {
- event ProgressHandler Progress;
- VideoQuality VideoQuality{
- set;
- }
- AudioQuality AudioQuality{
- set;
- }
- VideoFormat VideoFormat{
- set;
- }
- AudioEncoderType AudioEncoder{
- set;
- }
- VideoEncoderType VideoEncoder{
- set;
- }
- VideoMuxerType VideoMuxer{
- set;
- }
- string OutputFile{
- set;
- }
- string TempDir{
- set;
- }
- bool EnableTitle{
- set;
- }
- bool EnableAudio{
- set;
- }
- void AddSegment (string filePath, long start, long duration, double rate, string title, bool
hasAudio) ;
- void ClearList();
- void Start();
- void Cancel();
- }
+// IVideoEditor.cs
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using LongoMatch.Video.Common;
+namespace LongoMatch.Video.Editor
+ public interface IVideoEditor
+ {
+ event ProgressHandler Progress;
+ VideoQuality VideoQuality{
+ set;
+ }
+ AudioQuality AudioQuality{
+ set;
+ }
+ VideoFormat VideoFormat{
+ set;
+ }
+ AudioEncoderType AudioEncoder{
+ set;
+ }
+ VideoEncoderType VideoEncoder{
+ set;
+ }
+ VideoMuxerType VideoMuxer{
+ set;
+ }
+ string OutputFile{
+ set;
+ }
+ string TempDir{
+ set;
+ }
+ bool EnableTitle{
+ set;
+ }
+ bool EnableAudio{
+ set;
+ }
+ void AddSegment (string filePath, long start, long duration, double rate, string title, bool
hasAudio) ;
+ void ClearList();
+ void Start();
+ void Cancel();
+ }
diff --git a/CesarPlayer/Gui/CapturerBin.cs b/CesarPlayer/Gui/CapturerBin.cs
index 76a9960..e01e7bb 100644
--- a/CesarPlayer/Gui/CapturerBin.cs
+++ b/CesarPlayer/Gui/CapturerBin.cs
@@ -1,271 +1,271 @@
-// CapturerBin.cs
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-using System;
-using Gtk;
-using Gdk;
-using GLib;
-using LongoMatch.Video;
-using LongoMatch.Video.Common;
-using LongoMatch.Video.Capturer;
-using LongoMatch.Video.Utils;
-using Mono.Unix;
-namespace LongoMatch.Gui
+// CapturerBin.cs
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+using System;
+using Gtk;
+using Gdk;
+using GLib;
+using LongoMatch.Video;
+using LongoMatch.Video.Common;
+using LongoMatch.Video.Capturer;
+using LongoMatch.Video.Utils;
+using Mono.Unix;
+namespace LongoMatch.Gui
- public partial class CapturerBin : Gtk.Bin
- {
- public event EventHandler CaptureFinished;
- public event ErrorHandler Error;
- public event NewSnapshotHandler NewSnapshot;
- public event NewSnapshotHandler NewSnapshotMini;
- private Pixbuf logopix;
- private CapturePropertiesStruct captureProps;
- private CapturerType capturerType;
- private bool captureStarted;
- private bool capturing;
- private const int THUMBNAIL_MAX_WIDTH = 150;
- ICapturer capturer;
- public CapturerBin()
- {
- this.Build();
- captureProps = new CapturePropertiesStruct();
- captureProps.Width = 320;
- captureProps.Height = 240;
- captureProps.VideoBitrate = 1000;
- captureProps.AudioBitrate = 128;
- captureProps.VideoEncoder = VideoEncoderType.H264;
- captureProps.AudioEncoder = AudioEncoderType.Aac;
- captureProps.Muxer = VideoMuxerType.Mp4;
- captureProps.OutputFile = "";
- captureProps.CaptureSourceType = CaptureSourceType.System;
- Type = CapturerType.Fake;
+ public partial class CapturerBin : Gtk.Bin
+ {
+ public event EventHandler CaptureFinished;
+ public event ErrorHandler Error;
+ public event NewSnapshotHandler NewSnapshot;
+ public event NewSnapshotHandler NewSnapshotMini;
+ private Pixbuf logopix;
+ private CapturePropertiesStruct captureProps;
+ private CapturerType capturerType;
+ private bool captureStarted;
+ private bool capturing;
+ private const int THUMBNAIL_MAX_WIDTH = 150;
+ ICapturer capturer;
+ public CapturerBin()
+ {
+ this.Build();
+ captureProps = new CapturePropertiesStruct();
+ captureProps.Width = 320;
+ captureProps.Height = 240;
+ captureProps.VideoBitrate = 1000;
+ captureProps.AudioBitrate = 128;
+ captureProps.VideoEncoder = VideoEncoderType.H264;
+ captureProps.AudioEncoder = AudioEncoderType.Aac;
+ captureProps.Muxer = VideoMuxerType.Mp4;
+ captureProps.OutputFile = "";
+ captureProps.CaptureSourceType = CaptureSourceType.System;
+ Type = CapturerType.Fake;
snapshotbutton.Visible = false;
timelabel.Visible = false;
- }
- public CapturerType Type {
- set {
- /* Close any previous instance of the capturer */
- Close();
- MultimediaFactory factory = new MultimediaFactory();
- capturer = factory.getCapturer(value);
- capturer.EllapsedTime += OnTick;
- if (value != CapturerType.Fake){
- capturer.Error += OnError;
- capturer.DeviceChange += OnDeviceChange;
- capturerhbox.Add((Widget)capturer);
- (capturer as Widget).Visible = true;
- capturerhbox.Visible = true;
- logodrawingarea.Visible = false;
- } else{
- logodrawingarea.Visible = true;
- capturerhbox.Visible = false;
- }
- SetProperties();
- capturerType = value;
- }
- }
- public string Logo{
- set{
- try{
- this.logopix = new Pixbuf(value);
- }catch{
- /* FIXME: Add log */
- }
- }
- }
- public int CurrentTime {
- get {
- if (capturer == null)
- return -1;
- return capturer.CurrentTime;
- }
- }
- public bool Capturing{
- get{
- return capturing;
- }
- }
- public CapturePropertiesStruct CaptureProperties{
- set{
- captureProps = value;
- }
- }
- public void Start(){
- if (capturer == null)
- return;
- capturing = true;
- captureStarted = true;
+ }
+ public CapturerType Type {
+ set {
+ /* Close any previous instance of the capturer */
+ Close();
+ MultimediaFactory factory = new MultimediaFactory();
+ capturer = factory.getCapturer(value);
+ capturer.EllapsedTime += OnTick;
+ if (value != CapturerType.Fake){
+ capturer.Error += OnError;
+ capturer.DeviceChange += OnDeviceChange;
+ capturerhbox.Add((Widget)capturer);
+ (capturer as Widget).Visible = true;
+ capturerhbox.Visible = true;
+ logodrawingarea.Visible = false;
+ } else{
+ logodrawingarea.Visible = true;
+ capturerhbox.Visible = false;
+ }
- recbutton.Visible = false;
- pausebutton.Visible = false;
- //stopbutton.Visible = true;
- stopbutton.Visible = false;
+ SetProperties();
+ capturerType = value;
+ }
+ }
+ public string Logo{
+ set{
+ try{
+ this.logopix = new Pixbuf(value);
+ }catch{
+ /* FIXME: Add log */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public int CurrentTime {
+ get {
+ if (capturer == null)
+ return -1;
+ return capturer.CurrentTime;
+ }
+ }
+ public bool Capturing{
+ get{
+ return capturing;
+ }
+ }
+ public CapturePropertiesStruct CaptureProperties{
+ set{
+ captureProps = value;
+ }
+ }
+ public void Start(){
+ if (capturer == null)
+ return;
+ capturing = true;
+ captureStarted = true;
+ recbutton.Visible = false;
+ pausebutton.Visible = false;
+ //stopbutton.Visible = true;
+ stopbutton.Visible = false;
- capturer.Start();
- }
+ capturer.Start();
+ }
- public void SnapshotDone(){
- if (capturer == null)
- return;
+ public void SnapshotDone(){
+ if (capturer == null)
+ return;
- }
+ }
- public void TogglePause(){
- if (capturer == null)
- return;
- capturing = !capturing;
- recbutton.Visible = !capturing;
- pausebutton.Visible = capturing;
- capturer.TogglePause();
- }
- public void Stop() {
- if (capturer != null){
- capturing = false;
- captureStarted = false;
- capturer.Stop();
- }
- }
- public void Run(){
+ public void TogglePause(){
+ if (capturer == null)
+ return;
+ capturing = !capturing;
+ recbutton.Visible = !capturing;
+ pausebutton.Visible = capturing;
+ capturer.TogglePause();
+ }
+ public void Stop() {
+ if (capturer != null){
+ capturing = false;
+ captureStarted = false;
+ capturer.Stop();
+ }
+ }
+ public void Run(){
if (capturer != null) {
- capturer.Run();
+ capturer.Run();
- public void Close(){
- /* resetting common properties */
- pausebutton.Visible = false;
- stopbutton.Visible = false;
+ public void Close(){
+ /* resetting common properties */
+ pausebutton.Visible = false;
+ stopbutton.Visible = false;
//recbutton.Visible = true;
recbutton.Visible = false;
- captureStarted = false;
- capturing = false;
+ captureStarted = false;
+ capturing = false;
- if (capturer == null)
- return;
- /* stopping and closing capturer */
+ if (capturer == null)
+ return;
+ /* stopping and closing capturer */
try {
- capturer.Stop();
- capturer.Close();
- if (capturerType == CapturerType.Live){
- /* release and dispose live capturer */
- capturer.Error -= OnError;
- capturer.DeviceChange += OnDeviceChange;
- capturerhbox.Remove(capturer as Gtk.Widget);
- capturer.Dispose();
- }
+ capturer.Stop();
+ capturer.Close();
+ if (capturerType == CapturerType.Live){
+ /* release and dispose live capturer */
+ capturer.Error -= OnError;
+ capturer.DeviceChange += OnDeviceChange;
+ capturerhbox.Remove(capturer as Gtk.Widget);
+ capturer.Dispose();
+ }
} catch (Exception e) {}
- capturer = null;
- }
- public Pixbuf CurrentMiniatureFrame {
- get {
- int h, w;
- double rate;
- Pixbuf scaled_pix;
- Pixbuf pix;
- if (capturer == null)
- return null;
- pix = capturer.CurrentFrame;
- if (pix == null)
- return null;
- w = pix.Width;
- h = pix.Height;
- rate = (double)w / (double)h;
- if (h > w) {
- w = (int)(THUMBNAIL_MAX_WIDTH * rate);
- } else {
- h = (int)(THUMBNAIL_MAX_WIDTH / rate);
- }
- scaled_pix = pix.ScaleSimple (w, h, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear);
- pix.Dispose();
- return scaled_pix;
- }
- }
- private void SetProperties(){
- if (capturer == null)
- return;
- capturer.DeviceID = captureProps.DeviceID;
- capturer.OutputFile = captureProps.OutputFile;
- capturer.OutputHeight = captureProps.Height;
- capturer.OutputWidth = captureProps.Width;
- capturer.SetVideoEncoder(captureProps.VideoEncoder);
- capturer.SetAudioEncoder(captureProps.AudioEncoder);
- capturer.SetVideoMuxer(captureProps.Muxer);
- capturer.SetSource(captureProps.CaptureSourceType);
- capturer.VideoBitrate = captureProps.VideoBitrate;
- capturer.AudioBitrate = captureProps.AudioBitrate;
- }
+ capturer = null;
+ }
+ public Pixbuf CurrentMiniatureFrame {
+ get {
+ int h, w;
+ double rate;
+ Pixbuf scaled_pix;
+ Pixbuf pix;
+ if (capturer == null)
+ return null;
+ pix = capturer.CurrentFrame;
+ if (pix == null)
+ return null;
+ w = pix.Width;
+ h = pix.Height;
+ rate = (double)w / (double)h;
+ if (h > w) {
+ w = (int)(THUMBNAIL_MAX_WIDTH * rate);
+ } else {
+ h = (int)(THUMBNAIL_MAX_WIDTH / rate);
+ }
+ scaled_pix = pix.ScaleSimple (w, h, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear);
+ pix.Dispose();
+ return scaled_pix;
+ }
+ }
+ private void SetProperties(){
+ if (capturer == null)
+ return;
+ capturer.DeviceID = captureProps.DeviceID;
+ capturer.OutputFile = captureProps.OutputFile;
+ capturer.OutputHeight = captureProps.Height;
+ capturer.OutputWidth = captureProps.Width;
+ capturer.SetVideoEncoder(captureProps.VideoEncoder);
+ capturer.SetAudioEncoder(captureProps.AudioEncoder);
+ capturer.SetVideoMuxer(captureProps.Muxer);
+ capturer.SetSource(captureProps.CaptureSourceType);
+ capturer.VideoBitrate = captureProps.VideoBitrate;
+ capturer.AudioBitrate = captureProps.AudioBitrate;
+ }
private void SetButtonsVisibility() {
- bool snapshot = capturerType == CapturerType.Snapshot;
- //recbutton.Visible = !snapshot;
+ bool snapshot = capturerType == CapturerType.Snapshot;
+ //recbutton.Visible = !snapshot;
recbutton.Visible = false;
- pausebutton.Visible = false;
- stopbutton.Visible = false;
- snapshotbutton.Visible = snapshot;
- //timelabel.Visible = !snapshot;
- timelabel.Visible = false;
+ pausebutton.Visible = false;
+ stopbutton.Visible = false;
+ snapshotbutton.Visible = snapshot;
+ //timelabel.Visible = !snapshot;
+ timelabel.Visible = false;
//called from Chronojump
public void ClickRec () {
- if (capturer == null)
- return;
+ if (capturer == null)
+ return;
recbutton.Visible = false;
stopbutton.Visible = true;
@@ -275,175 +275,175 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui
public void ClickStop () {
//CaptureFinished(this, new EventArgs());
- //recbutton.Visible = true;
- recbutton.Visible = false;
- pausebutton.Visible = false;
- stopbutton.Visible = false;
+ //recbutton.Visible = true;
+ recbutton.Visible = false;
+ pausebutton.Visible = false;
+ stopbutton.Visible = false;
- protected virtual void OnRecbuttonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
- {
- if (capturer == null)
- return;
+ protected virtual void OnRecbuttonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (capturer == null)
+ return;
recbutton.Visible = false;
stopbutton.Visible = true;
- if (captureStarted == true){
- if (capturing)
- return;
- TogglePause();
- }
+ if (captureStarted == true){
+ if (capturing)
+ return;
+ TogglePause();
+ }
- Start();
- }
- protected virtual void OnPausebuttonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
- {
- if (capturer != null && capturing)
- TogglePause();
- }
- protected virtual void OnStopbuttonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
- {
- int res;
- if (capturer == null)
- return;
+ Start();
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnPausebuttonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (capturer != null && capturing)
+ TogglePause();
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnStopbuttonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
+ {
+ int res;
+ if (capturer == null)
+ return;
- MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog((Gtk.Window)this.Toplevel, DialogFlags.Modal,
MessageType.Question, ButtonsType.YesNo,
- Catalog.GetString("You are going to stop and
finish the current capture."+"\n"+
- "Do you want to proceed?"));
- res = md.Run();
- md.Destroy();
- if (res == (int)ResponseType.Yes){
- md = new MessageDialog((Gtk.Window)this.Toplevel, DialogFlags.Modal,
MessageType.Info, ButtonsType.None,
- Catalog.GetString("Finalizing file. This
can take a while"));
- md.Show();
- Stop();
- md.Destroy();
- recbutton.Visible = true;
- pausebutton.Visible = false;
- stopbutton.Visible = false;
- if (CaptureFinished != null)
- CaptureFinished(this, new EventArgs());
- }
+ MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog((Gtk.Window)this.Toplevel, DialogFlags.Modal,
MessageType.Question, ButtonsType.YesNo,
+ Catalog.GetString("You are going to stop and
finish the current capture."+"\n"+
+ "Do you want to proceed?"));
+ res = md.Run();
+ md.Destroy();
+ if (res == (int)ResponseType.Yes){
+ md = new MessageDialog((Gtk.Window)this.Toplevel, DialogFlags.Modal,
MessageType.Info, ButtonsType.None,
+ Catalog.GetString("Finalizing file. This
can take a while"));
+ md.Show();
+ Stop();
+ md.Destroy();
+ recbutton.Visible = true;
+ pausebutton.Visible = false;
+ stopbutton.Visible = false;
+ if (CaptureFinished != null)
+ CaptureFinished(this, new EventArgs());
+ }
- recbutton.Visible = true;
- pausebutton.Visible = false;
- stopbutton.Visible = false;
+ recbutton.Visible = true;
+ pausebutton.Visible = false;
+ stopbutton.Visible = false;
if (CaptureFinished != null) {
Console.WriteLine("OnStopbuttonclicked 1");
- CaptureFinished(this, new EventArgs());
+ CaptureFinished(this, new EventArgs());
- }
- protected virtual void OnTick (int ellapsedTime){
- timelabel.Text = "Time: " + TimeString.MSecondsToSecondsString(CurrentTime);
- }
- protected virtual void OnError (object o, ErrorArgs args)
- {
- if (Error != null)
- Error (o, args);
- Close();
- }
- protected virtual void OnDeviceChange (object o, DeviceChangeArgs args)
- {
- /* device disconnected, pause capture */
- if (args.DeviceChange == -1){
- if (capturing)
- TogglePause();
- recbutton.Sensitive = false;
- MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog((Gtk.Window)this.Toplevel,
- MessageType.Question, ButtonsType.Ok,
- Catalog.GetString("Device disconnected.
" +
- "The capture will be paused"));
- md.Icon=Stetic.IconLoader.LoadIcon(md, "longomatch", Gtk.IconSize.Dialog);
- md.Run();
- md.Destroy();
- } else {
- recbutton.Sensitive = true;
- MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog((Gtk.Window)this.Toplevel,
- MessageType.Question, ButtonsType.YesNo,
- Catalog.GetString("Device reconnected." +
- "Do you want to restart the
- md.Icon=Stetic.IconLoader.LoadIcon(md, "longomatch", Gtk.IconSize.Dialog);
- if (md.Run() == (int)ResponseType.Yes){
- Console.WriteLine ("Accepted to toggle pause");
- TogglePause();
- }
- md.Destroy();
- }
- }
- protected virtual void OnLogodrawingareaExposeEvent (object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args)
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnTick (int ellapsedTime){
+ timelabel.Text = "Time: " + TimeString.MSecondsToSecondsString(CurrentTime);
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnError (object o, ErrorArgs args)
+ {
+ if (Error != null)
+ Error (o, args);
+ Close();
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnDeviceChange (object o, DeviceChangeArgs args)
+ {
+ /* device disconnected, pause capture */
+ if (args.DeviceChange == -1){
+ if (capturing)
+ TogglePause();
+ recbutton.Sensitive = false;
+ MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog((Gtk.Window)this.Toplevel,
+ MessageType.Question, ButtonsType.Ok,
+ Catalog.GetString("Device disconnected.
" +
+ "The capture will be paused"));
+ md.Icon=Stetic.IconLoader.LoadIcon(md, "longomatch", Gtk.IconSize.Dialog);
+ md.Run();
+ md.Destroy();
+ } else {
+ recbutton.Sensitive = true;
+ MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog((Gtk.Window)this.Toplevel,
+ MessageType.Question, ButtonsType.YesNo,
+ Catalog.GetString("Device reconnected." +
+ "Do you want to restart the
+ md.Icon=Stetic.IconLoader.LoadIcon(md, "longomatch", Gtk.IconSize.Dialog);
+ if (md.Run() == (int)ResponseType.Yes){
+ Console.WriteLine ("Accepted to toggle pause");
+ TogglePause();
+ }
+ md.Destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnLogodrawingareaExposeEvent (object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args)
- Gdk.Window win;
- Pixbuf frame;
- int width, height, allocWidth, allocHeight, logoX, logoY;
- float ratio;
- if (logopix == null)
- return;
- win = logodrawingarea.GdkWindow;
- width = logopix.Width;
- height = logopix.Height;
- allocWidth = logodrawingarea.Allocation.Width;
- allocHeight = logodrawingarea.Allocation.Height;
+ Gdk.Window win;
+ Pixbuf frame;
+ int width, height, allocWidth, allocHeight, logoX, logoY;
+ float ratio;
+ if (logopix == null)
+ return;
+ win = logodrawingarea.GdkWindow;
+ width = logopix.Width;
+ height = logopix.Height;
+ allocWidth = logodrawingarea.Allocation.Width;
+ allocHeight = logodrawingarea.Allocation.Height;
// Checking if allocated space is smaller than our logo
- if ((float) allocWidth / width > (float) allocHeight / height) {
- ratio = (float) allocHeight / height;
- } else {
- ratio = (float) allocWidth / width;
- }
- width = (int) (width * ratio);
- height = (int) (height * ratio);
- logoX = (allocWidth / 2) - (width / 2);
- logoY = (allocHeight / 2) - (height / 2);
+ if ((float) allocWidth / width > (float) allocHeight / height) {
+ ratio = (float) allocHeight / height;
+ } else {
+ ratio = (float) allocWidth / width;
+ }
+ width = (int) (width * ratio);
+ height = (int) (height * ratio);
+ logoX = (allocWidth / 2) - (width / 2);
+ logoY = (allocHeight / 2) - (height / 2);
// Drawing our frame
- frame = new Pixbuf(Colorspace.Rgb, false, 8, allocWidth, allocHeight);
- logopix.Composite(frame, 0, 0, allocWidth, allocHeight, logoX, logoY,
- ratio, ratio, InterpType.Bilinear, 255);
- win.DrawPixbuf (this.Style.BlackGC, frame, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, allocWidth, allocHeight,
- RgbDither.Normal, 0, 0);
- frame.Dispose();
- return;
- }
- protected virtual void OnSnapshotbuttonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
- {
- Pixbuf frame = capturer.CurrentFrame;
- if (frame != null && NewSnapshot != null) {
- NewSnapshot(frame);
- }
+ frame = new Pixbuf(Colorspace.Rgb, false, 8, allocWidth, allocHeight);
+ logopix.Composite(frame, 0, 0, allocWidth, allocHeight, logoX, logoY,
+ ratio, ratio, InterpType.Bilinear, 255);
+ win.DrawPixbuf (this.Style.BlackGC, frame, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, allocWidth, allocHeight,
+ RgbDither.Normal, 0, 0);
+ frame.Dispose();
+ return;
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnSnapshotbuttonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
+ {
+ Pixbuf frame = capturer.CurrentFrame;
+ if (frame != null && NewSnapshot != null) {
+ NewSnapshot(frame);
+ }
- Pixbuf frameMini = CurrentMiniatureFrame;
- if (frameMini != null && NewSnapshotMini != null) {
- NewSnapshotMini(frameMini);
- }
- }
- }
+ Pixbuf frameMini = CurrentMiniatureFrame;
+ if (frameMini != null && NewSnapshotMini != null) {
+ NewSnapshotMini(frameMini);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/CesarPlayer/Gui/PlayerBin.cs b/CesarPlayer/Gui/PlayerBin.cs
index 089429a..57998bd 100644
--- a/CesarPlayer/Gui/PlayerBin.cs
+++ b/CesarPlayer/Gui/PlayerBin.cs
@@ -1,624 +1,624 @@
-// PlayerBin.cs
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-using System;
-using Gtk;
-using Gdk;
-using Mono.Unix;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using LongoMatch.Video;
-using LongoMatch.Video.Common;
-using LongoMatch.Video.Player;
-using LongoMatch.Video.Utils;
-namespace LongoMatch.Gui
- [System.ComponentModel.Category("LongoMatch")]
- [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(true)]
- public partial class PlayerBin : Gtk.Bin
- {
- public event SegmentClosedHandler SegmentClosedEvent;
- public event TickHandler Tick;
- public event ErrorHandler Error;
- public event StateChangeHandler PlayStateChanged;
- public event NextButtonClickedHandler Next;
- public event PrevButtonClickedHandler Prev;
- public event DrawFrameHandler DrawFrame;
- public event SeekEventHandler SeekEvent;
- private const int THUMBNAIL_MAX_WIDTH = 100;
- private TickHandler tickHandler;
- private IPlayer player;
- private long length=0;
- private string slength;
- private long segmentStartTime;
- private long segmentStopTime;
- private bool seeking=false;
- private double[] seeksQueue;
- private bool IsPlayingPrevState = false;
- private float rate=1;
- private double previousVLevel = 1;
- private bool muted=false;
- private object[] pendingSeek=null; //{start,stop,rate}
- //the player.mrl is diferent from the filename as it's an uri eg:file:///foo.avi
- private string filename = null;
- protected VolumeWindow vwin;
-#region Constructors
- public PlayerBin()
- {
- this.Build();
- PlayerInit();
- vwin = new VolumeWindow();
- vwin.VolumeChanged += new VolumeChangedHandler(OnVolumeChanged);
- controlsbox.Visible = false;
- UnSensitive();
- timescale.Adjustment.PageIncrement = 0.01;
- timescale.Adjustment.StepIncrement = 0.0001;
- playbutton.CanFocus = false;
- prevbutton.CanFocus = false;
- nextbutton.CanFocus = false;
- volumebutton.CanFocus = false;
- timescale.CanFocus = false;
- vscale1.CanFocus = false;
- drawbutton.CanFocus = false;
- seeksQueue = new double[2];
- seeksQueue [0] = -1;
- seeksQueue [1] = -1;
- }
-#region Properties
- public IPlayer Player{
- get{return player;}
- }
- public long AccurateCurrentTime{
- get{return player.AccurateCurrentTime;}
- }
- public long CurrentTime{
- get{return player.CurrentTime;}
- }
- public long StreamLength{
- get{return player.StreamLength;}
- }
- public float Rate{
- get{return rate;}
- set{vscale1.Value = (int)(value*25);}
- }
- public bool FullScreen{
- set{
- if (value)
- GdkWindow.Fullscreen();
- else
- GdkWindow.Unfullscreen();
- }
- }
- public Pixbuf CurrentMiniatureFrame{
- get{
- Pixbuf pixbuf =
- return pixbuf;
- }
- }
- public Pixbuf CurrentFrame{
- get{return player.GetCurrentFrame();}
- }
- public Pixbuf LogoPixbuf{
- set{player.LogoPixbuf = value;}
- }
- public bool DrawingMode {
- set{player.DrawingMode= value;}
- }
- public Pixbuf DrawingPixbuf {
- set{player.DrawingPixbuf=value;}
- }
- public bool LogoMode{
- set{player.LogoMode = value;}
- }
- public bool ExpandLogo {
- get{return player.ExpandLogo;}
- set{player.ExpandLogo = value;}
- }
- public bool Opened {
- get{return filename != null;}
- }
- public Widget VideoWidget{
- get{return ((Gtk.EventBox)player);}
- }
-#region Public methods
- public void Open (string mrl){
- filename = mrl;
- ResetGui();
- CloseActualSegment();
- try{
- player.Open(mrl);
- }
- catch {
- //We handle this error async
- }
- }
- public void Play(){
- player.Play();
- float val = GetRateFromScale();
- if (segmentStartTime == 0 && segmentStopTime==0)
- player.SetRate(val);
- else
- player.SetRateInSegment(val,segmentStopTime);
- }
- public void Pause(){
- player.Pause();
- }
- public void TogglePlay(){
- if (player.Playing)
- Pause();
- else
- Play();
- }
- public void SetLogo (string filename){
- player.Logo=filename;
- }
- public void ResetGui(){
- closebutton.Hide();
- SetSensitive();
- timescale.Value=0;
- timelabel.Text="";
- player.CancelProgramedStop();
- }
- public void SetPlayListElement(string fileName,long start, long stop, float rate, bool
- if (hasNext)
- nextbutton.Sensitive = true;
- else
- nextbutton.Sensitive = false;
- if (fileName != filename){
- Open(fileName);
- //Wait until the pipeline is prerolled and ready to seek
- pendingSeek = new object[3] {start,stop,rate};
- }
- else player.SegmentSeek(start,stop,rate);
- segmentStartTime = start;
- segmentStopTime = stop;
- player.LogoMode = false;
- Rate = rate;
- }
- public void Close(){
- player.Close();
- filename = null;
- timescale.Value = 0;
- UnSensitive();
- }
- public void SeekTo(long time, bool accurate){
- player.SeekTime(time,1,accurate);
- if (SeekEvent != null)
- SeekEvent(time);
- }
- public void SeekInSegment(long pos){
- player.SeekInSegment(pos, GetRateFromScale());
- if (SeekEvent != null)
- SeekEvent(pos);
- }
- public void SeekToNextFrame(bool in_segment){
- int currentTime = (int)player.CurrentTime;
- if (segmentStopTime==0 | currentTime < segmentStopTime){
- if (player.Playing)
- player.Pause();
- player.SeekToNextFrame( GetRateFromScale(), in_segment);
- if (SeekEvent != null)
- SeekEvent(currentTime );
- }
- }
- public void SeekToPreviousFrame(bool in_segment){
- long currentTime = player.CurrentTime;
- if (currentTime> segmentStartTime){
- if (player.Playing)
- player.Pause();
- player.SeekToPreviousFrame( GetRateFromScale(),in_segment);
- if (SeekEvent != null)
- SeekEvent(currentTime);
- }
- }
- public void StepForward(){
- SeekFromTimescale(timescale.Value + timescale.Adjustment.PageIncrement);
- }
- public void StepBackward(){
- SeekFromTimescale(timescale.Value - timescale.Adjustment.PageIncrement);
- }
- public void FramerateUp(){
- vscale1.Adjustment.Value += vscale1.Adjustment.StepIncrement;
- }
- public void FramerateDown(){
- vscale1.Adjustment.Value -= vscale1.Adjustment.StepIncrement;
- }
- public void UpdateSegmentStartTime (long start){
- segmentStartTime = start;
- player.SegmentStartUpdate(start, GetRateFromScale());
- if (SeekEvent != null)
- SeekEvent(start);
- }
- public void UpdateSegmentStopTime (long stop){
- segmentStopTime = stop;
- player.SegmentStopUpdate(stop, GetRateFromScale());
- if (SeekEvent != null)
- SeekEvent(stop);
- }
- public void SetStartStop(long start, long stop){
- segmentStartTime = start;
- segmentStopTime = stop;
- closebutton.Show();
- vscale1.Value = 25;
- player.SegmentSeek(start,stop, GetRateFromScale());
- player.Play();
- }
- public void CloseActualSegment(){
- closebutton.Hide();
- segmentStartTime = 0;
- segmentStopTime = 0;
- vscale1.Value=25;
- //timescale.Sensitive = true;
- slength = TimeString.MSecondsToSecondsString(length);
- if (SegmentClosedEvent != null)
- SegmentClosedEvent();
- player.CancelProgramedStop();
- }
- public void SetSensitive(){
- controlsbox.Sensitive = true;
- vscale1.Sensitive = true;
- }
- public void UnSensitive(){
- controlsbox.Sensitive = false;
- vscale1.Sensitive = false;
- }
- public void SeeControlsBox(bool see){
- controlsbox.Visible = see;
- }
-#region Private methods
- private float GetRateFromScale(){
- VScale scale= vscale1;
- double val = scale.Value;
- if (val >25 ){
- val = val-25 ;
- }
- else if (val <=25){
- val = val/25;
- }
- return (float)val;
- }
- private bool InSegment(){
- return !(segmentStopTime == 0 && segmentStartTime ==0) ;
- }
- private void PlayerInit(){
- MultimediaFactory factory;
- Widget playerWidget;
- factory= new MultimediaFactory();
- player = factory.getPlayer(320,280);
- tickHandler = new TickHandler(OnTick);
- player.Tick += tickHandler;
- player.StateChange += new StateChangeHandler(OnStateChanged);
- player.Eos += new EventHandler (OnEndOfStream);
- player.Error += new ErrorHandler (OnError);
- player.ReadyToSeek += new EventHandler(OnReadyToSeek);
- playerWidget = (Widget)player;
- playerWidget.ButtonPressEvent += OnVideoboxButtonPressEvent;
- playerWidget.ScrollEvent += OnVideoboxScrollEvent;
- playerWidget.Show();
- videobox.Add(playerWidget);
- }
- private void SeekFromTimescale(double pos){
- if (InSegment()){
- long seekPos = segmentStartTime +
- player.SeekInSegment(seekPos, GetRateFromScale());
- timelabel.Text= TimeString.MSecondsToSecondsString(seekPos) + "/" +
- TimeString.MSecondsToSecondsString(segmentStopTime-segmentStartTime);
- }
- else {
- player.Position = pos;
- timelabel.Text= TimeString.MSecondsToSecondsString(player.CurrentTime) + "/"
+ slength;
- Rate = 1;
- }
- }
-#region Callbacks
- protected virtual void OnStateChanged(object o, StateChangeArgs args){
- if (args.Playing){
- playbutton.Hide();
- pausebutton.Show();
- }
- else{
- playbutton.Show();
- pausebutton.Hide();
- }
- if (PlayStateChanged != null)
- PlayStateChanged(this,args);
- }
- protected void OnReadyToSeek(object o, EventArgs args){
- if (pendingSeek != null){
- player.SegmentSeek((long)pendingSeek[0],
- (long)pendingSeek[1],
- (float)pendingSeek[2]);
- player.Play();
- pendingSeek = null;
- }
- }
- protected virtual void OnTick(object o,TickArgs args){
- long currentTime = args.CurrentTime;
- float currentposition = args.CurrentPosition;
- long streamLength = args.StreamLength;
- //Console.WriteLine ("Current Time:{0}\n Length:{1}\n",currentTime, streamLength);
- if (length != streamLength){
- length = streamLength;
- slength = TimeString.MSecondsToSecondsString(length);
- }
- if (InSegment()){
- currentTime -= segmentStartTime;
- currentposition =
- slength =
- }
- timelabel.Text = TimeString.MSecondsToSecondsString(currentTime) + "/" + slength;
- timescale.Value = currentposition;
- if (Tick != null)
- Tick(o,args);
- }
- protected virtual void OnTimescaleAdjustBounds(object o, Gtk.AdjustBoundsArgs args)
- {
- double pos;
- if (!seeking){
- seeking = true;
- IsPlayingPrevState = player.Playing;
- player.Tick -= tickHandler;
- player.Pause();
- seeksQueue [0] = -1;
- seeksQueue [1] = -1;
- }
- pos = timescale.Value;
- seeksQueue[0] = seeksQueue[1];
- seeksQueue[1] = pos;
- SeekFromTimescale(pos);
- }
- protected virtual void OnTimescaleValueChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
- {
- if (seeking){
- /* Releasing the timescale always report value different from the real one.
- * We need to cache previous position and seek again to the this position */
- SeekFromTimescale(seeksQueue[0] != -1 ? seeksQueue[0] : seeksQueue[1]);
- seeking=false;
- player.Tick += tickHandler;
- if (IsPlayingPrevState)
- player.Play();
- }
- }
- protected virtual void OnPlaybuttonClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
- {
- Play();
- }
- protected virtual void OnStopbuttonClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
- {
- player.SeekTime(segmentStartTime,1,true);
- }
- protected virtual void OnVolumebuttonClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
- {
- vwin.SetLevel(player.Volume);
- vwin.Show();
- }
- protected virtual void OnDestroyEvent(object o, Gtk.DestroyEventArgs args)
- {
- player.Dispose();
- }
- protected virtual void OnVolumeChanged(double level){
- player.Volume = level;
- if (level == 0)
- muted = true;
- else
- muted = false;
- }
- protected virtual void OnPausebuttonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
- {
- player.Pause();
- }
- protected virtual void OnEndOfStream (object o, EventArgs args){
- player.SeekInSegment(0, GetRateFromScale());
- player.Pause();
- }
- protected virtual void OnError (object o, ErrorArgs args){
- if(Error != null)
- Error(o,args);
- }
- protected virtual void OnClosebuttonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
- {
- CloseActualSegment();
- }
- protected virtual void OnPrevbuttonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
- {
- if (Prev != null)
- Prev();
- }
- protected virtual void OnNextbuttonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
- {
- if (Next != null)
- Next();
- }
- protected virtual void OnVscale1FormatValue (object o, Gtk.FormatValueArgs args)
- {
- double val = args.Value;
- if (val >25 ){
- val = val-25 ;
- args.RetVal = val +"X";
- }
- else if (val ==25){
- args.RetVal = "1X";
- }
- else if (val <25){
- args.RetVal = "-"+val+"/25"+"X";
- }
- }
- protected virtual void OnVscale1ValueChanged (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
- {
- float val = GetRateFromScale();
- // Mute for rate != 1
- if (val != 1 && player.Volume != 0){
- previousVLevel = player.Volume;
- player.Volume=0;
- }
- else if (val != 1 && muted)
- previousVLevel = 0;
- else if (val ==1)
- player.Volume = previousVLevel;
- if (InSegment()){
- player.SetRateInSegment(val,segmentStopTime);
- }
- else
- player.SetRate(val);
- rate = val;
- }
- protected virtual void OnVideoboxButtonPressEvent (object o, Gtk.ButtonPressEventArgs args)
- {
- if(filename == null)
- return;
- /* FIXME: The pointer is grabbed when the event box is clicked.
- * Make sure to ungrab it in order to avoid clicks outisde the window
- * triggering this callback. This should be fixed properly.*/
- Pointer.Ungrab(Gtk.Global.CurrentEventTime);
- if (!player.Playing)
- Play();
- else
- Pause();
- }
- protected virtual void OnVideoboxScrollEvent (object o, Gtk.ScrollEventArgs args)
- {
- switch (args.Event.Direction){
- case ScrollDirection.Down:
- SeekToPreviousFrame(InSegment());
- break;
- case ScrollDirection.Up:
- SeekToNextFrame(InSegment());
- break;
- case ScrollDirection.Left:
- StepBackward();
- break;
- case ScrollDirection.Right:
- StepForward();
- break;
- }
- }
- protected virtual void OnDrawButtonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
- {
- int currentTime;
- currentTime = (int)AccurateCurrentTime;
- // If the player has reached the end of the segment the current time
- // will be unseekable and it's not possible to get a frame at this
- // instant. If we exceed the segment stop time, decrease in a
- // milisecond the position.
- if (InSegment() && currentTime >= segmentStopTime)
- currentTime -= 1;
- if (DrawFrame != null)
- DrawFrame(currentTime);
- }
- }
+// PlayerBin.cs
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+//Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+using System;
+using Gtk;
+using Gdk;
+using Mono.Unix;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+using LongoMatch.Video;
+using LongoMatch.Video.Common;
+using LongoMatch.Video.Player;
+using LongoMatch.Video.Utils;
+namespace LongoMatch.Gui
+ [System.ComponentModel.Category("LongoMatch")]
+ [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(true)]
+ public partial class PlayerBin : Gtk.Bin
+ {
+ public event SegmentClosedHandler SegmentClosedEvent;
+ public event TickHandler Tick;
+ public event ErrorHandler Error;
+ public event StateChangeHandler PlayStateChanged;
+ public event NextButtonClickedHandler Next;
+ public event PrevButtonClickedHandler Prev;
+ public event DrawFrameHandler DrawFrame;
+ public event SeekEventHandler SeekEvent;
+ private const int THUMBNAIL_MAX_WIDTH = 100;
+ private TickHandler tickHandler;
+ private IPlayer player;
+ private long length=0;
+ private string slength;
+ private long segmentStartTime;
+ private long segmentStopTime;
+ private bool seeking=false;
+ private double[] seeksQueue;
+ private bool IsPlayingPrevState = false;
+ private float rate=1;
+ private double previousVLevel = 1;
+ private bool muted=false;
+ private object[] pendingSeek=null; //{start,stop,rate}
+ //the player.mrl is diferent from the filename as it's an uri eg:file:///foo.avi
+ private string filename = null;
+ protected VolumeWindow vwin;
+#region Constructors
+ public PlayerBin()
+ {
+ this.Build();
+ PlayerInit();
+ vwin = new VolumeWindow();
+ vwin.VolumeChanged += new VolumeChangedHandler(OnVolumeChanged);
+ controlsbox.Visible = false;
+ UnSensitive();
+ timescale.Adjustment.PageIncrement = 0.01;
+ timescale.Adjustment.StepIncrement = 0.0001;
+ playbutton.CanFocus = false;
+ prevbutton.CanFocus = false;
+ nextbutton.CanFocus = false;
+ volumebutton.CanFocus = false;
+ timescale.CanFocus = false;
+ vscale1.CanFocus = false;
+ drawbutton.CanFocus = false;
+ seeksQueue = new double[2];
+ seeksQueue [0] = -1;
+ seeksQueue [1] = -1;
+ }
+#region Properties
+ public IPlayer Player{
+ get{return player;}
+ }
+ public long AccurateCurrentTime{
+ get{return player.AccurateCurrentTime;}
+ }
+ public long CurrentTime{
+ get{return player.CurrentTime;}
+ }
+ public long StreamLength{
+ get{return player.StreamLength;}
+ }
+ public float Rate{
+ get{return rate;}
+ set{vscale1.Value = (int)(value*25);}
+ }
+ public bool FullScreen{
+ set{
+ if (value)
+ GdkWindow.Fullscreen();
+ else
+ GdkWindow.Unfullscreen();
+ }
+ }
+ public Pixbuf CurrentMiniatureFrame{
+ get{
+ Pixbuf pixbuf =
+ return pixbuf;
+ }
+ }
+ public Pixbuf CurrentFrame{
+ get{return player.GetCurrentFrame();}
+ }
+ public Pixbuf LogoPixbuf{
+ set{player.LogoPixbuf = value;}
+ }
+ public bool DrawingMode {
+ set{player.DrawingMode= value;}
+ }
+ public Pixbuf DrawingPixbuf {
+ set{player.DrawingPixbuf=value;}
+ }
+ public bool LogoMode{
+ set{player.LogoMode = value;}
+ }
+ public bool ExpandLogo {
+ get{return player.ExpandLogo;}
+ set{player.ExpandLogo = value;}
+ }
+ public bool Opened {
+ get{return filename != null;}
+ }
+ public Widget VideoWidget{
+ get{return ((Gtk.EventBox)player);}
+ }
+#region Public methods
+ public void Open (string mrl){
+ filename = mrl;
+ ResetGui();
+ CloseActualSegment();
+ try{
+ player.Open(mrl);
+ }
+ catch {
+ //We handle this error async
+ }
+ }
+ public void Play(){
+ player.Play();
+ float val = GetRateFromScale();
+ if (segmentStartTime == 0 && segmentStopTime==0)
+ player.SetRate(val);
+ else
+ player.SetRateInSegment(val,segmentStopTime);
+ }
+ public void Pause(){
+ player.Pause();
+ }
+ public void TogglePlay(){
+ if (player.Playing)
+ Pause();
+ else
+ Play();
+ }
+ public void SetLogo (string filename){
+ player.Logo=filename;
+ }
+ public void ResetGui(){
+ closebutton.Hide();
+ SetSensitive();
+ timescale.Value=0;
+ timelabel.Text="";
+ player.CancelProgramedStop();
+ }
+ public void SetPlayListElement(string fileName,long start, long stop, float rate, bool
+ if (hasNext)
+ nextbutton.Sensitive = true;
+ else
+ nextbutton.Sensitive = false;
+ if (fileName != filename){
+ Open(fileName);
+ //Wait until the pipeline is prerolled and ready to seek
+ pendingSeek = new object[3] {start,stop,rate};
+ }
+ else player.SegmentSeek(start,stop,rate);
+ segmentStartTime = start;
+ segmentStopTime = stop;
+ player.LogoMode = false;
+ Rate = rate;
+ }
+ public void Close(){
+ player.Close();
+ filename = null;
+ timescale.Value = 0;
+ UnSensitive();
+ }
+ public void SeekTo(long time, bool accurate){
+ player.SeekTime(time,1,accurate);
+ if (SeekEvent != null)
+ SeekEvent(time);
+ }
+ public void SeekInSegment(long pos){
+ player.SeekInSegment(pos, GetRateFromScale());
+ if (SeekEvent != null)
+ SeekEvent(pos);
+ }
+ public void SeekToNextFrame(bool in_segment){
+ int currentTime = (int)player.CurrentTime;
+ if (segmentStopTime==0 | currentTime < segmentStopTime){
+ if (player.Playing)
+ player.Pause();
+ player.SeekToNextFrame( GetRateFromScale(), in_segment);
+ if (SeekEvent != null)
+ SeekEvent(currentTime );
+ }
+ }
+ public void SeekToPreviousFrame(bool in_segment){
+ long currentTime = player.CurrentTime;
+ if (currentTime> segmentStartTime){
+ if (player.Playing)
+ player.Pause();
+ player.SeekToPreviousFrame( GetRateFromScale(),in_segment);
+ if (SeekEvent != null)
+ SeekEvent(currentTime);
+ }
+ }
+ public void StepForward(){
+ SeekFromTimescale(timescale.Value + timescale.Adjustment.PageIncrement);
+ }
+ public void StepBackward(){
+ SeekFromTimescale(timescale.Value - timescale.Adjustment.PageIncrement);
+ }
+ public void FramerateUp(){
+ vscale1.Adjustment.Value += vscale1.Adjustment.StepIncrement;
+ }
+ public void FramerateDown(){
+ vscale1.Adjustment.Value -= vscale1.Adjustment.StepIncrement;
+ }
+ public void UpdateSegmentStartTime (long start){
+ segmentStartTime = start;
+ player.SegmentStartUpdate(start, GetRateFromScale());
+ if (SeekEvent != null)
+ SeekEvent(start);
+ }
+ public void UpdateSegmentStopTime (long stop){
+ segmentStopTime = stop;
+ player.SegmentStopUpdate(stop, GetRateFromScale());
+ if (SeekEvent != null)
+ SeekEvent(stop);
+ }
+ public void SetStartStop(long start, long stop){
+ segmentStartTime = start;
+ segmentStopTime = stop;
+ closebutton.Show();
+ vscale1.Value = 25;
+ player.SegmentSeek(start,stop, GetRateFromScale());
+ player.Play();
+ }
+ public void CloseActualSegment(){
+ closebutton.Hide();
+ segmentStartTime = 0;
+ segmentStopTime = 0;
+ vscale1.Value=25;
+ //timescale.Sensitive = true;
+ slength = TimeString.MSecondsToSecondsString(length);
+ if (SegmentClosedEvent != null)
+ SegmentClosedEvent();
+ player.CancelProgramedStop();
+ }
+ public void SetSensitive(){
+ controlsbox.Sensitive = true;
+ vscale1.Sensitive = true;
+ }
+ public void UnSensitive(){
+ controlsbox.Sensitive = false;
+ vscale1.Sensitive = false;
+ }
+ public void SeeControlsBox(bool see){
+ controlsbox.Visible = see;
+ }
+#region Private methods
+ private float GetRateFromScale(){
+ VScale scale= vscale1;
+ double val = scale.Value;
+ if (val >25 ){
+ val = val-25 ;
+ }
+ else if (val <=25){
+ val = val/25;
+ }
+ return (float)val;
+ }
+ private bool InSegment(){
+ return !(segmentStopTime == 0 && segmentStartTime ==0) ;
+ }
+ private void PlayerInit(){
+ MultimediaFactory factory;
+ Widget playerWidget;
+ factory= new MultimediaFactory();
+ player = factory.getPlayer(320,280);
+ tickHandler = new TickHandler(OnTick);
+ player.Tick += tickHandler;
+ player.StateChange += new StateChangeHandler(OnStateChanged);
+ player.Eos += new EventHandler (OnEndOfStream);
+ player.Error += new ErrorHandler (OnError);
+ player.ReadyToSeek += new EventHandler(OnReadyToSeek);
+ playerWidget = (Widget)player;
+ playerWidget.ButtonPressEvent += OnVideoboxButtonPressEvent;
+ playerWidget.ScrollEvent += OnVideoboxScrollEvent;
+ playerWidget.Show();
+ videobox.Add(playerWidget);
+ }
+ private void SeekFromTimescale(double pos){
+ if (InSegment()){
+ long seekPos = segmentStartTime +
+ player.SeekInSegment(seekPos, GetRateFromScale());
+ timelabel.Text= TimeString.MSecondsToSecondsString(seekPos) + "/" +
+ TimeString.MSecondsToSecondsString(segmentStopTime-segmentStartTime);
+ }
+ else {
+ player.Position = pos;
+ timelabel.Text= TimeString.MSecondsToSecondsString(player.CurrentTime) + "/"
+ slength;
+ Rate = 1;
+ }
+ }
+#region Callbacks
+ protected virtual void OnStateChanged(object o, StateChangeArgs args){
+ if (args.Playing){
+ playbutton.Hide();
+ pausebutton.Show();
+ }
+ else{
+ playbutton.Show();
+ pausebutton.Hide();
+ }
+ if (PlayStateChanged != null)
+ PlayStateChanged(this,args);
+ }
+ protected void OnReadyToSeek(object o, EventArgs args){
+ if (pendingSeek != null){
+ player.SegmentSeek((long)pendingSeek[0],
+ (long)pendingSeek[1],
+ (float)pendingSeek[2]);
+ player.Play();
+ pendingSeek = null;
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnTick(object o,TickArgs args){
+ long currentTime = args.CurrentTime;
+ float currentposition = args.CurrentPosition;
+ long streamLength = args.StreamLength;
+ //Console.WriteLine ("Current Time:{0}\n Length:{1}\n",currentTime, streamLength);
+ if (length != streamLength){
+ length = streamLength;
+ slength = TimeString.MSecondsToSecondsString(length);
+ }
+ if (InSegment()){
+ currentTime -= segmentStartTime;
+ currentposition =
+ slength =
+ }
+ timelabel.Text = TimeString.MSecondsToSecondsString(currentTime) + "/" + slength;
+ timescale.Value = currentposition;
+ if (Tick != null)
+ Tick(o,args);
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnTimescaleAdjustBounds(object o, Gtk.AdjustBoundsArgs args)
+ {
+ double pos;
+ if (!seeking){
+ seeking = true;
+ IsPlayingPrevState = player.Playing;
+ player.Tick -= tickHandler;
+ player.Pause();
+ seeksQueue [0] = -1;
+ seeksQueue [1] = -1;
+ }
+ pos = timescale.Value;
+ seeksQueue[0] = seeksQueue[1];
+ seeksQueue[1] = pos;
+ SeekFromTimescale(pos);
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnTimescaleValueChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (seeking){
+ /* Releasing the timescale always report value different from the real one.
+ * We need to cache previous position and seek again to the this position */
+ SeekFromTimescale(seeksQueue[0] != -1 ? seeksQueue[0] : seeksQueue[1]);
+ seeking=false;
+ player.Tick += tickHandler;
+ if (IsPlayingPrevState)
+ player.Play();
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnPlaybuttonClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
+ {
+ Play();
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnStopbuttonClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
+ {
+ player.SeekTime(segmentStartTime,1,true);
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnVolumebuttonClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
+ {
+ vwin.SetLevel(player.Volume);
+ vwin.Show();
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnDestroyEvent(object o, Gtk.DestroyEventArgs args)
+ {
+ player.Dispose();
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnVolumeChanged(double level){
+ player.Volume = level;
+ if (level == 0)
+ muted = true;
+ else
+ muted = false;
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnPausebuttonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
+ {
+ player.Pause();
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnEndOfStream (object o, EventArgs args){
+ player.SeekInSegment(0, GetRateFromScale());
+ player.Pause();
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnError (object o, ErrorArgs args){
+ if(Error != null)
+ Error(o,args);
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnClosebuttonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
+ {
+ CloseActualSegment();
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnPrevbuttonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (Prev != null)
+ Prev();
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnNextbuttonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (Next != null)
+ Next();
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnVscale1FormatValue (object o, Gtk.FormatValueArgs args)
+ {
+ double val = args.Value;
+ if (val >25 ){
+ val = val-25 ;
+ args.RetVal = val +"X";
+ }
+ else if (val ==25){
+ args.RetVal = "1X";
+ }
+ else if (val <25){
+ args.RetVal = "-"+val+"/25"+"X";
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnVscale1ValueChanged (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
+ {
+ float val = GetRateFromScale();
+ // Mute for rate != 1
+ if (val != 1 && player.Volume != 0){
+ previousVLevel = player.Volume;
+ player.Volume=0;
+ }
+ else if (val != 1 && muted)
+ previousVLevel = 0;
+ else if (val ==1)
+ player.Volume = previousVLevel;
+ if (InSegment()){
+ player.SetRateInSegment(val,segmentStopTime);
+ }
+ else
+ player.SetRate(val);
+ rate = val;
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnVideoboxButtonPressEvent (object o, Gtk.ButtonPressEventArgs args)
+ {
+ if(filename == null)
+ return;
+ /* FIXME: The pointer is grabbed when the event box is clicked.
+ * Make sure to ungrab it in order to avoid clicks outisde the window
+ * triggering this callback. This should be fixed properly.*/
+ Pointer.Ungrab(Gtk.Global.CurrentEventTime);
+ if (!player.Playing)
+ Play();
+ else
+ Pause();
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnVideoboxScrollEvent (object o, Gtk.ScrollEventArgs args)
+ {
+ switch (args.Event.Direction){
+ case ScrollDirection.Down:
+ SeekToPreviousFrame(InSegment());
+ break;
+ case ScrollDirection.Up:
+ SeekToNextFrame(InSegment());
+ break;
+ case ScrollDirection.Left:
+ StepBackward();
+ break;
+ case ScrollDirection.Right:
+ StepForward();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnDrawButtonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
+ {
+ int currentTime;
+ currentTime = (int)AccurateCurrentTime;
+ // If the player has reached the end of the segment the current time
+ // will be unseekable and it's not possible to get a frame at this
+ // instant. If we exceed the segment stop time, decrease in a
+ // milisecond the position.
+ if (InSegment() && currentTime >= segmentStopTime)
+ currentTime -= 1;
+ if (DrawFrame != null)
+ DrawFrame(currentTime);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/CesarPlayer/Gui/VolumeWindow.cs b/CesarPlayer/Gui/VolumeWindow.cs
index 6b4945e..ccd9706 100644
--- a/CesarPlayer/Gui/VolumeWindow.cs
+++ b/CesarPlayer/Gui/VolumeWindow.cs
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
// VolumeWindow.cs
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
using System;
using LongoMatch.Video.Common;
diff --git a/CesarPlayer/MultimediaFactory.cs b/CesarPlayer/MultimediaFactory.cs
index 9c15be5..d6f637e 100644
--- a/CesarPlayer/MultimediaFactory.cs
+++ b/CesarPlayer/MultimediaFactory.cs
@@ -1,109 +1,109 @@
-// PlayerMaker.cs
-// Copyright(C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-using System;
-using LongoMatch.Video.Capturer;
-using LongoMatch.Video.Player;
-using LongoMatch.Video.Editor;
-using LongoMatch.Video.Utils;
-using LongoMatch.Video.Common;
-namespace LongoMatch.Video
- public class MultimediaFactory
- {
- OperatingSystem oS;
- public MultimediaFactory()
- {
- oS = Environment.OSVersion;
- }
- public IPlayer getPlayer(int width, int height){
- switch (oS.Platform) {
- case PlatformID.Unix:
- return new GstPlayer(width,height,PlayerUseType.Video);
- case PlatformID.Win32NT:
- return new GstPlayer(width,height,PlayerUseType.Video);
- default:
- return new GstPlayer(width,height,PlayerUseType.Video);
- }
- }
- public IMetadataReader getMetadataReader(){
- switch (oS.Platform) {
- case PlatformID.Unix:
- return new GstPlayer(1,1,PlayerUseType.Metadata);
- case PlatformID.Win32NT:
- return new GstPlayer(1,1,PlayerUseType.Metadata);
- default:
- return new GstPlayer(1,1,PlayerUseType.Metadata);
- }
- }
- public IFramesCapturer getFramesCapturer(){
- switch (oS.Platform) {
- case PlatformID.Unix:
- return new GstPlayer(1,1,PlayerUseType.Capture);
- case PlatformID.Win32NT:
- return new GstPlayer(1,1,PlayerUseType.Capture);
- default:
- return new GstPlayer(1,1,PlayerUseType.Capture);
- }
- }
- public IVideoEditor getVideoEditor(){
- switch (oS.Platform) {
- case PlatformID.Unix:
- return new GstVideoSplitter();
- case PlatformID.Win32NT:
- return new GstVideoSplitter();
- default:
- return new GstVideoSplitter();
- }
- }
- public ICapturer getCapturer(CapturerType type){
- switch (type) {
- case CapturerType.Fake:
- return new FakeCapturer();
- case CapturerType.Live:
- case CapturerType.Snapshot:
- return new GstCameraCapturer("test.avi");
- default:
- return new FakeCapturer();
- }
- }
- }
+// PlayerMaker.cs
+// Copyright(C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+//Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+using System;
+using LongoMatch.Video.Capturer;
+using LongoMatch.Video.Player;
+using LongoMatch.Video.Editor;
+using LongoMatch.Video.Utils;
+using LongoMatch.Video.Common;
+namespace LongoMatch.Video
+ public class MultimediaFactory
+ {
+ OperatingSystem oS;
+ public MultimediaFactory()
+ {
+ oS = Environment.OSVersion;
+ }
+ public IPlayer getPlayer(int width, int height){
+ switch (oS.Platform) {
+ case PlatformID.Unix:
+ return new GstPlayer(width,height,PlayerUseType.Video);
+ case PlatformID.Win32NT:
+ return new GstPlayer(width,height,PlayerUseType.Video);
+ default:
+ return new GstPlayer(width,height,PlayerUseType.Video);
+ }
+ }
+ public IMetadataReader getMetadataReader(){
+ switch (oS.Platform) {
+ case PlatformID.Unix:
+ return new GstPlayer(1,1,PlayerUseType.Metadata);
+ case PlatformID.Win32NT:
+ return new GstPlayer(1,1,PlayerUseType.Metadata);
+ default:
+ return new GstPlayer(1,1,PlayerUseType.Metadata);
+ }
+ }
+ public IFramesCapturer getFramesCapturer(){
+ switch (oS.Platform) {
+ case PlatformID.Unix:
+ return new GstPlayer(1,1,PlayerUseType.Capture);
+ case PlatformID.Win32NT:
+ return new GstPlayer(1,1,PlayerUseType.Capture);
+ default:
+ return new GstPlayer(1,1,PlayerUseType.Capture);
+ }
+ }
+ public IVideoEditor getVideoEditor(){
+ switch (oS.Platform) {
+ case PlatformID.Unix:
+ return new GstVideoSplitter();
+ case PlatformID.Win32NT:
+ return new GstVideoSplitter();
+ default:
+ return new GstVideoSplitter();
+ }
+ }
+ public ICapturer getCapturer(CapturerType type){
+ switch (type) {
+ case CapturerType.Fake:
+ return new FakeCapturer();
+ case CapturerType.Live:
+ case CapturerType.Snapshot:
+ return new GstCameraCapturer("test.avi");
+ default:
+ return new FakeCapturer();
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/CesarPlayer/Player/IPlayer.cs b/CesarPlayer/Player/IPlayer.cs
index 0f18b51..b24dbbf 100644
--- a/CesarPlayer/Player/IPlayer.cs
+++ b/CesarPlayer/Player/IPlayer.cs
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
// IPlayer.cs
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
using System;
diff --git a/CesarPlayer/Utils/TimeString.cs b/CesarPlayer/Utils/TimeString.cs
index e264a0f..d4f755f 100644
--- a/CesarPlayer/Utils/TimeString.cs
+++ b/CesarPlayer/Utils/TimeString.cs
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
// TimeString.cs
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andoni Morales Alastruey
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
using System;
diff --git a/chronojump_server/ChronojumpServer.cs b/chronojump_server/ChronojumpServer.cs
index 60d0981..057935f 100644
--- a/chronojump_server/ChronojumpServer.cs
+++ b/chronojump_server/ChronojumpServer.cs
@@ -1,1753 +1,1753 @@
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// <autogenerated>
-// This code was generated by a tool.
-// Mono Runtime Version: 2.0.50727.1433
-// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
-// the code is regenerated.
-// </autogenerated>
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/// <remarks/>
-/// <remarks>
-public partial class ChronojumpServer : System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol {
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback ConnectDatabaseOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback DisConnectDatabaseOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback CanINewOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback CanIOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback QueryOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback StatsOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadSessionOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UpdateSessionOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadSportOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadJumpTypeOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadJumpRjTypeOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadRunTypeOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadRunIntervalTypeOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadPersonOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadPersonSessionIfNeededOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadPingOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadEvaluatorOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback EditEvaluatorOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback SelectEvaluatorsOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadJumpOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadJumpRjOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadRunOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadRunIOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadRTOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadPulseOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadMultiChronopicOperationCompleted;
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback ListDirectoryOperationCompleted;
- public ChronojumpServer() {
- //this.Url = "http://localhost:8080/chronojumpServer.asmx";
- this.Url = "http://server.chronojump.org:80/chronojumpServer.asmx";
- //this.Url = "http://localhost:80/chronojumpServer.asmx";
- }
- public event ConnectDatabaseCompletedEventHandler ConnectDatabaseCompleted;
- public event DisConnectDatabaseCompletedEventHandler DisConnectDatabaseCompleted;
- public event CanINewCompletedEventHandler CanINewCompleted;
- public event CanICompletedEventHandler CanICompleted;
- public event QueryCompletedEventHandler QueryCompleted;
- public event StatsCompletedEventHandler StatsCompleted;
- public event UploadSessionCompletedEventHandler UploadSessionCompleted;
- public event UpdateSessionCompletedEventHandler UpdateSessionCompleted;
- public event UploadSportCompletedEventHandler UploadSportCompleted;
- public event UploadJumpTypeCompletedEventHandler UploadJumpTypeCompleted;
- public event UploadJumpRjTypeCompletedEventHandler UploadJumpRjTypeCompleted;
- public event UploadRunTypeCompletedEventHandler UploadRunTypeCompleted;
- public event UploadRunIntervalTypeCompletedEventHandler UploadRunIntervalTypeCompleted;
- public event UploadPersonCompletedEventHandler UploadPersonCompleted;
- public event UploadPersonSessionIfNeededCompletedEventHandler UploadPersonSessionIfNeededCompleted;
- public event UploadPingCompletedEventHandler UploadPingCompleted;
- public event UploadEvaluatorCompletedEventHandler UploadEvaluatorCompleted;
- public event EditEvaluatorCompletedEventHandler EditEvaluatorCompleted;
- public event SelectEvaluatorsCompletedEventHandler SelectEvaluatorsCompleted;
- public event UploadJumpCompletedEventHandler UploadJumpCompleted;
- public event UploadJumpRjCompletedEventHandler UploadJumpRjCompleted;
- public event UploadRunCompletedEventHandler UploadRunCompleted;
- public event UploadRunICompletedEventHandler UploadRunICompleted;
- public event UploadRTCompletedEventHandler UploadRTCompleted;
- public event UploadPulseCompletedEventHandler UploadPulseCompleted;
- public event UploadMultiChronopicCompletedEventHandler UploadMultiChronopicCompleted;
- public event ListDirectoryCompletedEventHandler ListDirectoryCompleted;
- /// <remarks>
-///Conecta BBDD
- public string ConnectDatabase() {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("ConnectDatabase", new object[0]);
- return ((string)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginConnectDatabase(System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("ConnectDatabase", new object[0], callback, asyncState);
- }
- public string EndConnectDatabase(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((string)(results[0]));
- }
- public void ConnectDatabaseAsync() {
- this.ConnectDatabaseAsync(null);
- }
- public void ConnectDatabaseAsync(object userState) {
- if ((this.ConnectDatabaseOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.ConnectDatabaseOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("ConnectDatabase", new object[0], this.ConnectDatabaseOperationCompleted,
- }
- private void OnConnectDatabaseCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.ConnectDatabaseCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.ConnectDatabaseCompleted(this, new ConnectDatabaseCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Desconecta BBDD
- public string DisConnectDatabase() {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("DisConnectDatabase", new object[0]);
- return ((string)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginDisConnectDatabase(System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("DisConnectDatabase", new object[0], callback, asyncState);
- }
- public string EndDisConnectDatabase(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((string)(results[0]));
- }
- public void DisConnectDatabaseAsync() {
- this.DisConnectDatabaseAsync(null);
- }
- public void DisConnectDatabaseAsync(object userState) {
- if ((this.DisConnectDatabaseOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.DisConnectDatabaseOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("DisConnectDatabase", new object[0], this.DisConnectDatabaseOperationCompleted,
- }
- private void OnDisConnectDatabaseCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.DisConnectDatabaseCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.DisConnectDatabaseCompleted(this, new
DisConnectDatabaseCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results, invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled,
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Check actions that client can do depending on it's version)
- [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("http://server.chronojump.org:8080/CanINew",
- public bool CanINew(string action, string clientVersion) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("CanINew", new object[] {
- action,
- clientVersion});
- return ((bool)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginCanINew(string action, string clientVersion, System.AsyncCallback
callback, object asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("CanINew", new object[] {
- action,
- clientVersion}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public bool EndCanINew(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((bool)(results[0]));
- }
- public void CanINewAsync(string action, string clientVersion) {
- this.CanINewAsync(action, clientVersion, null);
- }
- public void CanINewAsync(string action, string clientVersion, object userState) {
- if ((this.CanINewOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.CanINewOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("CanINew", new object[] {
- action,
- clientVersion}, this.CanINewOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnCanINewCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.CanINewCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.CanINewCompleted(this, new CanINewCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results, invokeArgs.Error,
invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Check actions that client can do depending on it's version)
- [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("http://server.chronojump.org:8080/CanI",
- public bool CanI(string action, double clientVersion) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("CanI", new object[] {
- action,
- clientVersion});
- return ((bool)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginCanI(string action, double clientVersion, System.AsyncCallback callback,
object asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("CanI", new object[] {
- action,
- clientVersion}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public bool EndCanI(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((bool)(results[0]));
- }
- public void CanIAsync(string action, double clientVersion) {
- this.CanIAsync(action, clientVersion, null);
- }
- public void CanIAsync(string action, double clientVersion, object userState) {
- if ((this.CanIOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.CanIOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.OnCanICompleted);
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("CanI", new object[] {
- action,
- clientVersion}, this.CanIOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnCanICompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.CanICompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.CanICompleted(this, new CanICompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results, invokeArgs.Error,
invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
- [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("http://server.chronojump.org:8080/Query",
- public string Query(string tableName, string test, string variable, int sex, string ageInterval, int
countryID, int sportID, int speciallityID, int levelID, int evaluatorID) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("Query", new object[] {
- tableName,
- test,
- variable,
- sex,
- ageInterval,
- countryID,
- sportID,
- speciallityID,
- levelID,
- evaluatorID});
- return ((string)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginQuery(string tableName, string test, string variable, int sex, string
ageInterval, int countryID, int sportID, int speciallityID, int levelID, int evaluatorID,
System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("Query", new object[] {
- tableName,
- test,
- variable,
- sex,
- ageInterval,
- countryID,
- sportID,
- speciallityID,
- levelID,
- evaluatorID}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public string EndQuery(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((string)(results[0]));
- }
- public void QueryAsync(string tableName, string test, string variable, int sex, string ageInterval, int
countryID, int sportID, int speciallityID, int levelID, int evaluatorID) {
- this.QueryAsync(tableName, test, variable, sex, ageInterval, countryID, sportID, speciallityID,
levelID, evaluatorID, null);
- }
- public void QueryAsync(string tableName, string test, string variable, int sex, string ageInterval, int
countryID, int sportID, int speciallityID, int levelID, int evaluatorID, object userState) {
- if ((this.QueryOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.QueryOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.OnQueryCompleted);
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("Query", new object[] {
- tableName,
- test,
- variable,
- sex,
- ageInterval,
- countryID,
- sportID,
- speciallityID,
- levelID,
- evaluatorID}, this.QueryOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnQueryCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.QueryCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.QueryCompleted(this, new QueryCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results, invokeArgs.Error,
invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
- [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("http://server.chronojump.org:8080/Stats",
- public string[] Stats() {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("Stats", new object[0]);
- return ((string[])(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginStats(System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("Stats", new object[0], callback, asyncState);
- }
- public string[] EndStats(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((string[])(results[0]));
- }
- public void StatsAsync() {
- this.StatsAsync(null);
- }
- public void StatsAsync(object userState) {
- if ((this.StatsOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.StatsOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.OnStatsCompleted);
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("Stats", new object[0], this.StatsOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnStatsCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.StatsCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.StatsCompleted(this, new StatsCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results, invokeArgs.Error,
invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Upload a session
- public int UploadSession(ServerSession mySession) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadSession", new object[] {
- mySession});
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadSession(ServerSession mySession, System.AsyncCallback callback,
object asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("UploadSession", new object[] {
- mySession}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public int EndUploadSession(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public void UploadSessionAsync(ServerSession mySession) {
- this.UploadSessionAsync(mySession, null);
- }
- public void UploadSessionAsync(ServerSession mySession, object userState) {
- if ((this.UploadSessionOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.UploadSessionOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("UploadSession", new object[] {
- mySession}, this.UploadSessionOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnUploadSessionCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.UploadSessionCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.UploadSessionCompleted(this, new UploadSessionCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Update session uploadingState
- public int UpdateSession(int sessionID, int state) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("UpdateSession", new object[] {
- sessionID,
- state});
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginUpdateSession(int sessionID, int state, System.AsyncCallback callback,
object asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("UpdateSession", new object[] {
- sessionID,
- state}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public int EndUpdateSession(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public void UpdateSessionAsync(int sessionID, int state) {
- this.UpdateSessionAsync(sessionID, state, null);
- }
- public void UpdateSessionAsync(int sessionID, int state, object userState) {
- if ((this.UpdateSessionOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.UpdateSessionOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("UpdateSession", new object[] {
- sessionID,
- state}, this.UpdateSessionOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnUpdateSessionCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.UpdateSessionCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.UpdateSessionCompleted(this, new UpdateSessionCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Upload an sport (user defined)
- public int UploadSport(Sport mySport) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadSport", new object[] {
- mySport});
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadSport(Sport mySport, System.AsyncCallback callback, object
asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("UploadSport", new object[] {
- mySport}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public int EndUploadSport(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public void UploadSportAsync(Sport mySport) {
- this.UploadSportAsync(mySport, null);
- }
- public void UploadSportAsync(Sport mySport, object userState) {
- if ((this.UploadSportOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.UploadSportOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("UploadSport", new object[] {
- mySport}, this.UploadSportOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnUploadSportCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.UploadSportCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.UploadSportCompleted(this, new UploadSportCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Upload a jump type (user defined)
- public string UploadJumpType(JumpType type, int evalSID) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadJumpType", new object[] {
- type,
- evalSID});
- return ((string)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadJumpType(JumpType type, int evalSID, System.AsyncCallback
callback, object asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("UploadJumpType", new object[] {
- type,
- evalSID}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public string EndUploadJumpType(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((string)(results[0]));
- }
- public void UploadJumpTypeAsync(JumpType type, int evalSID) {
- this.UploadJumpTypeAsync(type, evalSID, null);
- }
- public void UploadJumpTypeAsync(JumpType type, int evalSID, object userState) {
- if ((this.UploadJumpTypeOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.UploadJumpTypeOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("UploadJumpType", new object[] {
- type,
- evalSID}, this.UploadJumpTypeOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnUploadJumpTypeCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.UploadJumpTypeCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.UploadJumpTypeCompleted(this, new UploadJumpTypeCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Upload a jumpRj type (user defined)
- public string UploadJumpRjType(JumpType type, int evalSID) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadJumpRjType", new object[] {
- type,
- evalSID});
- return ((string)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadJumpRjType(JumpType type, int evalSID, System.AsyncCallback
callback, object asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("UploadJumpRjType", new object[] {
- type,
- evalSID}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public string EndUploadJumpRjType(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((string)(results[0]));
- }
- public void UploadJumpRjTypeAsync(JumpType type, int evalSID) {
- this.UploadJumpRjTypeAsync(type, evalSID, null);
- }
- public void UploadJumpRjTypeAsync(JumpType type, int evalSID, object userState) {
- if ((this.UploadJumpRjTypeOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.UploadJumpRjTypeOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("UploadJumpRjType", new object[] {
- type,
- evalSID}, this.UploadJumpRjTypeOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnUploadJumpRjTypeCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.UploadJumpRjTypeCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.UploadJumpRjTypeCompleted(this, new UploadJumpRjTypeCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Upload a run type (user defined)
- public string UploadRunType(RunType type, int evalSID) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadRunType", new object[] {
- type,
- evalSID});
- return ((string)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadRunType(RunType type, int evalSID, System.AsyncCallback callback,
object asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("UploadRunType", new object[] {
- type,
- evalSID}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public string EndUploadRunType(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((string)(results[0]));
- }
- public void UploadRunTypeAsync(RunType type, int evalSID) {
- this.UploadRunTypeAsync(type, evalSID, null);
- }
- public void UploadRunTypeAsync(RunType type, int evalSID, object userState) {
- if ((this.UploadRunTypeOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.UploadRunTypeOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("UploadRunType", new object[] {
- type,
- evalSID}, this.UploadRunTypeOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnUploadRunTypeCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.UploadRunTypeCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.UploadRunTypeCompleted(this, new UploadRunTypeCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Upload a run interval type (user defined)
- public string UploadRunIntervalType(RunType type, int evalSID) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadRunIntervalType", new object[] {
- type,
- evalSID});
- return ((string)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadRunIntervalType(RunType type, int evalSID, System.AsyncCallback
callback, object asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("UploadRunIntervalType", new object[] {
- type,
- evalSID}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public string EndUploadRunIntervalType(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((string)(results[0]));
- }
- public void UploadRunIntervalTypeAsync(RunType type, int evalSID) {
- this.UploadRunIntervalTypeAsync(type, evalSID, null);
- }
- public void UploadRunIntervalTypeAsync(RunType type, int evalSID, object userState) {
- if ((this.UploadRunIntervalTypeOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.UploadRunIntervalTypeOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("UploadRunIntervalType", new object[] {
- type,
- evalSID}, this.UploadRunIntervalTypeOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnUploadRunIntervalTypeCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.UploadRunIntervalTypeCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.UploadRunIntervalTypeCompleted(this, new
UploadRunIntervalTypeCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results, invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled,
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Upload a person
- public int UploadPerson(Person myPerson, int sessionID) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadPerson", new object[] {
- myPerson,
- sessionID});
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadPerson(Person myPerson, int sessionID, System.AsyncCallback
callback, object asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("UploadPerson", new object[] {
- myPerson,
- sessionID}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public int EndUploadPerson(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public void UploadPersonAsync(Person myPerson, int sessionID) {
- this.UploadPersonAsync(myPerson, sessionID, null);
- }
- public void UploadPersonAsync(Person myPerson, int sessionID, object userState) {
- if ((this.UploadPersonOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.UploadPersonOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("UploadPerson", new object[] {
- myPerson,
- sessionID}, this.UploadPersonOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnUploadPersonCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.UploadPersonCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.UploadPersonCompleted(this, new UploadPersonCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Upload person session if needed
- public int UploadPersonSessionIfNeeded(PersonSession ps) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadPersonSessionIfNeeded", new object[] {
- ps});
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadPersonSessionIfNeeded(PersonSession ps, System.AsyncCallback
callback, object asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("UploadPersonSessionIfNeeded", new object[] {
- ps}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public int EndUploadPersonSessionIfNeeded(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public void UploadPersonSessionIfNeededAsync(PersonSession ps) {
- this.UploadPersonSessionIfNeededAsync(ps, null);
- }
- public void UploadPersonSessionIfNeededAsync(PersonSession ps, object userState) {
- if ((this.UploadPersonSessionIfNeededOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.UploadPersonSessionIfNeededOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("UploadPersonSessionIfNeeded", new object[] {
- ps}, this.UploadPersonSessionIfNeededOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnUploadPersonSessionIfNeededCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.UploadPersonSessionIfNeededCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.UploadPersonSessionIfNeededCompleted(this, new
UploadPersonSessionIfNeededCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results, invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled,
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Upload a ping
- public string UploadPing(ServerPing myPing, bool doInsertion) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadPing", new object[] {
- myPing,
- doInsertion});
- return ((string)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadPing(ServerPing myPing, bool doInsertion, System.AsyncCallback
callback, object asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("UploadPing", new object[] {
- myPing,
- doInsertion}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public string EndUploadPing(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((string)(results[0]));
- }
- public void UploadPingAsync(ServerPing myPing, bool doInsertion) {
- this.UploadPingAsync(myPing, doInsertion, null);
- }
- public void UploadPingAsync(ServerPing myPing, bool doInsertion, object userState) {
- if ((this.UploadPingOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.UploadPingOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("UploadPing", new object[] {
- myPing,
- doInsertion}, this.UploadPingOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnUploadPingCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.UploadPingCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.UploadPingCompleted(this, new UploadPingCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Upload an evaluator
- public string UploadEvaluator(ServerEvaluator myEval) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadEvaluator", new object[] {
- myEval});
- return ((string)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadEvaluator(ServerEvaluator myEval, System.AsyncCallback callback,
object asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("UploadEvaluator", new object[] {
- myEval}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public string EndUploadEvaluator(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((string)(results[0]));
- }
- public void UploadEvaluatorAsync(ServerEvaluator myEval) {
- this.UploadEvaluatorAsync(myEval, null);
- }
- public void UploadEvaluatorAsync(ServerEvaluator myEval, object userState) {
- if ((this.UploadEvaluatorOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.UploadEvaluatorOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("UploadEvaluator", new object[] {
- myEval}, this.UploadEvaluatorOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnUploadEvaluatorCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.UploadEvaluatorCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.UploadEvaluatorCompleted(this, new UploadEvaluatorCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Edit an evaluator
- public bool EditEvaluator(ServerEvaluator clientEval, int evalSID) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("EditEvaluator", new object[] {
- clientEval,
- evalSID});
- return ((bool)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginEditEvaluator(ServerEvaluator clientEval, int evalSID,
System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("EditEvaluator", new object[] {
- clientEval,
- evalSID}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public bool EndEditEvaluator(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((bool)(results[0]));
- }
- public void EditEvaluatorAsync(ServerEvaluator clientEval, int evalSID) {
- this.EditEvaluatorAsync(clientEval, evalSID, null);
- }
- public void EditEvaluatorAsync(ServerEvaluator clientEval, int evalSID, object userState) {
- if ((this.EditEvaluatorOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.EditEvaluatorOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("EditEvaluator", new object[] {
- clientEval,
- evalSID}, this.EditEvaluatorOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnEditEvaluatorCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.EditEvaluatorCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.EditEvaluatorCompleted(this, new EditEvaluatorCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Select evaluators
- public string[] SelectEvaluators(bool addAnyString) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("SelectEvaluators", new object[] {
- addAnyString});
- return ((string[])(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginSelectEvaluators(bool addAnyString, System.AsyncCallback callback,
object asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("SelectEvaluators", new object[] {
- addAnyString}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public string[] EndSelectEvaluators(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((string[])(results[0]));
- }
- public void SelectEvaluatorsAsync(bool addAnyString) {
- this.SelectEvaluatorsAsync(addAnyString, null);
- }
- public void SelectEvaluatorsAsync(bool addAnyString, object userState) {
- if ((this.SelectEvaluatorsOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.SelectEvaluatorsOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("SelectEvaluators", new object[] {
- addAnyString}, this.SelectEvaluatorsOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnSelectEvaluatorsCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.SelectEvaluatorsCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.SelectEvaluatorsCompleted(this, new SelectEvaluatorsCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Upload a jump
- public int UploadJump(Jump myTest) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadJump", new object[] {
- myTest});
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadJump(Jump myTest, System.AsyncCallback callback, object
asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("UploadJump", new object[] {
- myTest}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public int EndUploadJump(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public void UploadJumpAsync(Jump myTest) {
- this.UploadJumpAsync(myTest, null);
- }
- public void UploadJumpAsync(Jump myTest, object userState) {
- if ((this.UploadJumpOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.UploadJumpOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("UploadJump", new object[] {
- myTest}, this.UploadJumpOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnUploadJumpCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.UploadJumpCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.UploadJumpCompleted(this, new UploadJumpCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Upload a jumpRj
- public int UploadJumpRj(JumpRj myTest) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadJumpRj", new object[] {
- myTest});
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadJumpRj(JumpRj myTest, System.AsyncCallback callback, object
asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("UploadJumpRj", new object[] {
- myTest}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public int EndUploadJumpRj(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public void UploadJumpRjAsync(JumpRj myTest) {
- this.UploadJumpRjAsync(myTest, null);
- }
- public void UploadJumpRjAsync(JumpRj myTest, object userState) {
- if ((this.UploadJumpRjOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.UploadJumpRjOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("UploadJumpRj", new object[] {
- myTest}, this.UploadJumpRjOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnUploadJumpRjCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.UploadJumpRjCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.UploadJumpRjCompleted(this, new UploadJumpRjCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Upload a run
- public int UploadRun(Run myTest) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadRun", new object[] {
- myTest});
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadRun(Run myTest, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("UploadRun", new object[] {
- myTest}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public int EndUploadRun(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public void UploadRunAsync(Run myTest) {
- this.UploadRunAsync(myTest, null);
- }
- public void UploadRunAsync(Run myTest, object userState) {
- if ((this.UploadRunOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.UploadRunOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("UploadRun", new object[] {
- myTest}, this.UploadRunOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnUploadRunCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.UploadRunCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.UploadRunCompleted(this, new UploadRunCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Upload a run interval
- public int UploadRunI(RunInterval myTest) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadRunI", new object[] {
- myTest});
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadRunI(RunInterval myTest, System.AsyncCallback callback, object
asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("UploadRunI", new object[] {
- myTest}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public int EndUploadRunI(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public void UploadRunIAsync(RunInterval myTest) {
- this.UploadRunIAsync(myTest, null);
- }
- public void UploadRunIAsync(RunInterval myTest, object userState) {
- if ((this.UploadRunIOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.UploadRunIOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("UploadRunI", new object[] {
- myTest}, this.UploadRunIOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnUploadRunICompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.UploadRunICompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.UploadRunICompleted(this, new UploadRunICompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Upload a reaction time
- [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("http://server.chronojump.org:8080/UploadRT",
- public int UploadRT(ReactionTime myTest) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadRT", new object[] {
- myTest});
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadRT(ReactionTime myTest, System.AsyncCallback callback, object
asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("UploadRT", new object[] {
- myTest}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public int EndUploadRT(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public void UploadRTAsync(ReactionTime myTest) {
- this.UploadRTAsync(myTest, null);
- }
- public void UploadRTAsync(ReactionTime myTest, object userState) {
- if ((this.UploadRTOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.UploadRTOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("UploadRT", new object[] {
- myTest}, this.UploadRTOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnUploadRTCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.UploadRTCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.UploadRTCompleted(this, new UploadRTCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Upload a pulse
- public int UploadPulse(Pulse myTest) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadPulse", new object[] {
- myTest});
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadPulse(Pulse myTest, System.AsyncCallback callback, object
asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("UploadPulse", new object[] {
- myTest}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public int EndUploadPulse(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public void UploadPulseAsync(Pulse myTest) {
- this.UploadPulseAsync(myTest, null);
- }
- public void UploadPulseAsync(Pulse myTest, object userState) {
- if ((this.UploadPulseOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.UploadPulseOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("UploadPulse", new object[] {
- myTest}, this.UploadPulseOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnUploadPulseCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.UploadPulseCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.UploadPulseCompleted(this, new UploadPulseCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///Upload a multiChronopic
- public int UploadMultiChronopic(MultiChronopic myTest) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadMultiChronopic", new object[] {
- myTest});
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadMultiChronopic(MultiChronopic myTest, System.AsyncCallback
callback, object asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("UploadMultiChronopic", new object[] {
- myTest}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public int EndUploadMultiChronopic(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((int)(results[0]));
- }
- public void UploadMultiChronopicAsync(MultiChronopic myTest) {
- this.UploadMultiChronopicAsync(myTest, null);
- }
- public void UploadMultiChronopicAsync(MultiChronopic myTest, object userState) {
- if ((this.UploadMultiChronopicOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.UploadMultiChronopicOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("UploadMultiChronopic", new object[] {
- myTest}, this.UploadMultiChronopicOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnUploadMultiChronopicCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.UploadMultiChronopicCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.UploadMultiChronopicCompleted(this, new
UploadMultiChronopicCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results, invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled,
- }
- }
- /// <remarks>
-///List directory files (only as a sample)
- public string[] ListDirectory(string path) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("ListDirectory", new object[] {
- path});
- return ((string[])(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginListDirectory(string path, System.AsyncCallback callback, object
asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("ListDirectory", new object[] {
- path}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public string[] EndListDirectory(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((string[])(results[0]));
- }
- public void ListDirectoryAsync(string path) {
- this.ListDirectoryAsync(path, null);
- }
- public void ListDirectoryAsync(string path, object userState) {
- if ((this.ListDirectoryOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.ListDirectoryOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("ListDirectory", new object[] {
- path}, this.ListDirectoryOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnListDirectoryCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.ListDirectoryCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.ListDirectoryCompleted(this, new ListDirectoryCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
-public partial class ConnectDatabaseCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal ConnectDatabaseCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public string Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((string)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void ConnectDatabaseCompletedEventHandler(object sender, ConnectDatabaseCompletedEventArgs
-public partial class DisConnectDatabaseCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal DisConnectDatabaseCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool
cancelled, object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public string Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((string)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void DisConnectDatabaseCompletedEventHandler(object sender,
DisConnectDatabaseCompletedEventArgs args);
-public partial class CanINewCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal CanINewCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled, object
userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public bool Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((bool)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void CanINewCompletedEventHandler(object sender, CanINewCompletedEventArgs args);
-public partial class CanICompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal CanICompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled, object
userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public bool Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((bool)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void CanICompletedEventHandler(object sender, CanICompletedEventArgs args);
-public partial class QueryCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal QueryCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled, object
userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public string Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((string)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void QueryCompletedEventHandler(object sender, QueryCompletedEventArgs args);
-public partial class StatsCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal StatsCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled, object
userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public string[] Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((string[])(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void StatsCompletedEventHandler(object sender, StatsCompletedEventArgs args);
-public partial class UploadSessionCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal UploadSessionCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public int Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((int)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void UploadSessionCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadSessionCompletedEventArgs args);
-public partial class UpdateSessionCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal UpdateSessionCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public int Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((int)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void UpdateSessionCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UpdateSessionCompletedEventArgs args);
-public partial class UploadSportCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal UploadSportCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public int Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((int)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void UploadSportCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadSportCompletedEventArgs args);
-public partial class UploadJumpTypeCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal UploadJumpTypeCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public string Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((string)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void UploadJumpTypeCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadJumpTypeCompletedEventArgs
-public partial class UploadJumpRjTypeCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal UploadJumpRjTypeCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool
cancelled, object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public string Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((string)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void UploadJumpRjTypeCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadJumpRjTypeCompletedEventArgs
-public partial class UploadRunTypeCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal UploadRunTypeCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public string Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((string)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void UploadRunTypeCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadRunTypeCompletedEventArgs args);
-public partial class UploadRunIntervalTypeCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs
- private object[] results;
- internal UploadRunIntervalTypeCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool
cancelled, object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public string Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((string)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void UploadRunIntervalTypeCompletedEventHandler(object sender,
UploadRunIntervalTypeCompletedEventArgs args);
-public partial class UploadPersonCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal UploadPersonCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public int Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((int)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void UploadPersonCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadPersonCompletedEventArgs args);
-public partial class UploadPersonSessionIfNeededCompletedEventArgs :
System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal UploadPersonSessionIfNeededCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception,
bool cancelled, object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public int Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((int)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void UploadPersonSessionIfNeededCompletedEventHandler(object sender,
UploadPersonSessionIfNeededCompletedEventArgs args);
-public partial class UploadPingCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal UploadPingCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public string Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((string)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void UploadPingCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadPingCompletedEventArgs args);
-public partial class UploadEvaluatorCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal UploadEvaluatorCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public string Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((string)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void UploadEvaluatorCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadEvaluatorCompletedEventArgs
-public partial class EditEvaluatorCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal EditEvaluatorCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public bool Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((bool)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void EditEvaluatorCompletedEventHandler(object sender, EditEvaluatorCompletedEventArgs args);
-public partial class SelectEvaluatorsCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal SelectEvaluatorsCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool
cancelled, object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public string[] Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((string[])(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void SelectEvaluatorsCompletedEventHandler(object sender, SelectEvaluatorsCompletedEventArgs
-public partial class UploadJumpCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal UploadJumpCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public int Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((int)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void UploadJumpCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadJumpCompletedEventArgs args);
-public partial class UploadJumpRjCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal UploadJumpRjCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public int Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((int)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void UploadJumpRjCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadJumpRjCompletedEventArgs args);
-public partial class UploadRunCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal UploadRunCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public int Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((int)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void UploadRunCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadRunCompletedEventArgs args);
-public partial class UploadRunICompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal UploadRunICompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public int Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((int)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void UploadRunICompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadRunICompletedEventArgs args);
-public partial class UploadRTCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal UploadRTCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled, object
userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public int Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((int)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void UploadRTCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadRTCompletedEventArgs args);
-public partial class UploadPulseCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal UploadPulseCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public int Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((int)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void UploadPulseCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadPulseCompletedEventArgs args);
-public partial class UploadMultiChronopicCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal UploadMultiChronopicCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool
cancelled, object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public int Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((int)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void UploadMultiChronopicCompletedEventHandler(object sender,
UploadMultiChronopicCompletedEventArgs args);
-public partial class ListDirectoryCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal ListDirectoryCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public string[] Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((string[])(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void ListDirectoryCompletedEventHandler(object sender, ListDirectoryCompletedEventArgs args);
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// <autogenerated>
+// This code was generated by a tool.
+// Mono Runtime Version: 2.0.50727.1433
+// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
+// the code is regenerated.
+// </autogenerated>
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/// <remarks/>
+/// <remarks>
+public partial class ChronojumpServer : System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol {
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback ConnectDatabaseOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback DisConnectDatabaseOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback CanINewOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback CanIOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback QueryOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback StatsOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadSessionOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UpdateSessionOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadSportOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadJumpTypeOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadJumpRjTypeOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadRunTypeOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadRunIntervalTypeOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadPersonOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadPersonSessionIfNeededOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadPingOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadEvaluatorOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback EditEvaluatorOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback SelectEvaluatorsOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadJumpOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadJumpRjOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadRunOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadRunIOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadRTOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadPulseOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback UploadMultiChronopicOperationCompleted;
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback ListDirectoryOperationCompleted;
+ public ChronojumpServer() {
+ //this.Url = "http://localhost:8080/chronojumpServer.asmx";
+ this.Url = "http://server.chronojump.org:80/chronojumpServer.asmx";
+ //this.Url = "http://localhost:80/chronojumpServer.asmx";
+ }
+ public event ConnectDatabaseCompletedEventHandler ConnectDatabaseCompleted;
+ public event DisConnectDatabaseCompletedEventHandler DisConnectDatabaseCompleted;
+ public event CanINewCompletedEventHandler CanINewCompleted;
+ public event CanICompletedEventHandler CanICompleted;
+ public event QueryCompletedEventHandler QueryCompleted;
+ public event StatsCompletedEventHandler StatsCompleted;
+ public event UploadSessionCompletedEventHandler UploadSessionCompleted;
+ public event UpdateSessionCompletedEventHandler UpdateSessionCompleted;
+ public event UploadSportCompletedEventHandler UploadSportCompleted;
+ public event UploadJumpTypeCompletedEventHandler UploadJumpTypeCompleted;
+ public event UploadJumpRjTypeCompletedEventHandler UploadJumpRjTypeCompleted;
+ public event UploadRunTypeCompletedEventHandler UploadRunTypeCompleted;
+ public event UploadRunIntervalTypeCompletedEventHandler UploadRunIntervalTypeCompleted;
+ public event UploadPersonCompletedEventHandler UploadPersonCompleted;
+ public event UploadPersonSessionIfNeededCompletedEventHandler UploadPersonSessionIfNeededCompleted;
+ public event UploadPingCompletedEventHandler UploadPingCompleted;
+ public event UploadEvaluatorCompletedEventHandler UploadEvaluatorCompleted;
+ public event EditEvaluatorCompletedEventHandler EditEvaluatorCompleted;
+ public event SelectEvaluatorsCompletedEventHandler SelectEvaluatorsCompleted;
+ public event UploadJumpCompletedEventHandler UploadJumpCompleted;
+ public event UploadJumpRjCompletedEventHandler UploadJumpRjCompleted;
+ public event UploadRunCompletedEventHandler UploadRunCompleted;
+ public event UploadRunICompletedEventHandler UploadRunICompleted;
+ public event UploadRTCompletedEventHandler UploadRTCompleted;
+ public event UploadPulseCompletedEventHandler UploadPulseCompleted;
+ public event UploadMultiChronopicCompletedEventHandler UploadMultiChronopicCompleted;
+ public event ListDirectoryCompletedEventHandler ListDirectoryCompleted;
+ /// <remarks>
+///Conecta BBDD
+ public string ConnectDatabase() {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("ConnectDatabase", new object[0]);
+ return ((string)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginConnectDatabase(System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("ConnectDatabase", new object[0], callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public string EndConnectDatabase(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((string)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void ConnectDatabaseAsync() {
+ this.ConnectDatabaseAsync(null);
+ }
+ public void ConnectDatabaseAsync(object userState) {
+ if ((this.ConnectDatabaseOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.ConnectDatabaseOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("ConnectDatabase", new object[0], this.ConnectDatabaseOperationCompleted,
+ }
+ private void OnConnectDatabaseCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.ConnectDatabaseCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.ConnectDatabaseCompleted(this, new ConnectDatabaseCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Desconecta BBDD
+ public string DisConnectDatabase() {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("DisConnectDatabase", new object[0]);
+ return ((string)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginDisConnectDatabase(System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("DisConnectDatabase", new object[0], callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public string EndDisConnectDatabase(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((string)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void DisConnectDatabaseAsync() {
+ this.DisConnectDatabaseAsync(null);
+ }
+ public void DisConnectDatabaseAsync(object userState) {
+ if ((this.DisConnectDatabaseOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.DisConnectDatabaseOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("DisConnectDatabase", new object[0], this.DisConnectDatabaseOperationCompleted,
+ }
+ private void OnDisConnectDatabaseCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.DisConnectDatabaseCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.DisConnectDatabaseCompleted(this, new
DisConnectDatabaseCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results, invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled,
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Check actions that client can do depending on it's version)
+ [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("http://server.chronojump.org:8080/CanINew",
+ public bool CanINew(string action, string clientVersion) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("CanINew", new object[] {
+ action,
+ clientVersion});
+ return ((bool)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginCanINew(string action, string clientVersion, System.AsyncCallback
callback, object asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("CanINew", new object[] {
+ action,
+ clientVersion}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public bool EndCanINew(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((bool)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void CanINewAsync(string action, string clientVersion) {
+ this.CanINewAsync(action, clientVersion, null);
+ }
+ public void CanINewAsync(string action, string clientVersion, object userState) {
+ if ((this.CanINewOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.CanINewOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("CanINew", new object[] {
+ action,
+ clientVersion}, this.CanINewOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnCanINewCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.CanINewCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.CanINewCompleted(this, new CanINewCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results, invokeArgs.Error,
invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Check actions that client can do depending on it's version)
+ [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("http://server.chronojump.org:8080/CanI",
+ public bool CanI(string action, double clientVersion) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("CanI", new object[] {
+ action,
+ clientVersion});
+ return ((bool)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginCanI(string action, double clientVersion, System.AsyncCallback callback,
object asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("CanI", new object[] {
+ action,
+ clientVersion}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public bool EndCanI(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((bool)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void CanIAsync(string action, double clientVersion) {
+ this.CanIAsync(action, clientVersion, null);
+ }
+ public void CanIAsync(string action, double clientVersion, object userState) {
+ if ((this.CanIOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.CanIOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.OnCanICompleted);
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("CanI", new object[] {
+ action,
+ clientVersion}, this.CanIOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnCanICompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.CanICompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.CanICompleted(this, new CanICompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results, invokeArgs.Error,
invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+ [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("http://server.chronojump.org:8080/Query",
+ public string Query(string tableName, string test, string variable, int sex, string ageInterval, int
countryID, int sportID, int speciallityID, int levelID, int evaluatorID) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("Query", new object[] {
+ tableName,
+ test,
+ variable,
+ sex,
+ ageInterval,
+ countryID,
+ sportID,
+ speciallityID,
+ levelID,
+ evaluatorID});
+ return ((string)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginQuery(string tableName, string test, string variable, int sex, string
ageInterval, int countryID, int sportID, int speciallityID, int levelID, int evaluatorID,
System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("Query", new object[] {
+ tableName,
+ test,
+ variable,
+ sex,
+ ageInterval,
+ countryID,
+ sportID,
+ speciallityID,
+ levelID,
+ evaluatorID}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public string EndQuery(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((string)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void QueryAsync(string tableName, string test, string variable, int sex, string ageInterval, int
countryID, int sportID, int speciallityID, int levelID, int evaluatorID) {
+ this.QueryAsync(tableName, test, variable, sex, ageInterval, countryID, sportID, speciallityID,
levelID, evaluatorID, null);
+ }
+ public void QueryAsync(string tableName, string test, string variable, int sex, string ageInterval, int
countryID, int sportID, int speciallityID, int levelID, int evaluatorID, object userState) {
+ if ((this.QueryOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.QueryOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.OnQueryCompleted);
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("Query", new object[] {
+ tableName,
+ test,
+ variable,
+ sex,
+ ageInterval,
+ countryID,
+ sportID,
+ speciallityID,
+ levelID,
+ evaluatorID}, this.QueryOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnQueryCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.QueryCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.QueryCompleted(this, new QueryCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results, invokeArgs.Error,
invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+ [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("http://server.chronojump.org:8080/Stats",
+ public string[] Stats() {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("Stats", new object[0]);
+ return ((string[])(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginStats(System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("Stats", new object[0], callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public string[] EndStats(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((string[])(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void StatsAsync() {
+ this.StatsAsync(null);
+ }
+ public void StatsAsync(object userState) {
+ if ((this.StatsOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.StatsOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.OnStatsCompleted);
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("Stats", new object[0], this.StatsOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnStatsCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.StatsCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.StatsCompleted(this, new StatsCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results, invokeArgs.Error,
invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Upload a session
+ public int UploadSession(ServerSession mySession) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadSession", new object[] {
+ mySession});
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadSession(ServerSession mySession, System.AsyncCallback callback,
object asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("UploadSession", new object[] {
+ mySession}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public int EndUploadSession(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void UploadSessionAsync(ServerSession mySession) {
+ this.UploadSessionAsync(mySession, null);
+ }
+ public void UploadSessionAsync(ServerSession mySession, object userState) {
+ if ((this.UploadSessionOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.UploadSessionOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("UploadSession", new object[] {
+ mySession}, this.UploadSessionOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnUploadSessionCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.UploadSessionCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.UploadSessionCompleted(this, new UploadSessionCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Update session uploadingState
+ public int UpdateSession(int sessionID, int state) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("UpdateSession", new object[] {
+ sessionID,
+ state});
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginUpdateSession(int sessionID, int state, System.AsyncCallback callback,
object asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("UpdateSession", new object[] {
+ sessionID,
+ state}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public int EndUpdateSession(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void UpdateSessionAsync(int sessionID, int state) {
+ this.UpdateSessionAsync(sessionID, state, null);
+ }
+ public void UpdateSessionAsync(int sessionID, int state, object userState) {
+ if ((this.UpdateSessionOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.UpdateSessionOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("UpdateSession", new object[] {
+ sessionID,
+ state}, this.UpdateSessionOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnUpdateSessionCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.UpdateSessionCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.UpdateSessionCompleted(this, new UpdateSessionCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Upload an sport (user defined)
+ public int UploadSport(Sport mySport) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadSport", new object[] {
+ mySport});
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadSport(Sport mySport, System.AsyncCallback callback, object
asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("UploadSport", new object[] {
+ mySport}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public int EndUploadSport(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void UploadSportAsync(Sport mySport) {
+ this.UploadSportAsync(mySport, null);
+ }
+ public void UploadSportAsync(Sport mySport, object userState) {
+ if ((this.UploadSportOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.UploadSportOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("UploadSport", new object[] {
+ mySport}, this.UploadSportOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnUploadSportCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.UploadSportCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.UploadSportCompleted(this, new UploadSportCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Upload a jump type (user defined)
+ public string UploadJumpType(JumpType type, int evalSID) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadJumpType", new object[] {
+ type,
+ evalSID});
+ return ((string)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadJumpType(JumpType type, int evalSID, System.AsyncCallback
callback, object asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("UploadJumpType", new object[] {
+ type,
+ evalSID}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public string EndUploadJumpType(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((string)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void UploadJumpTypeAsync(JumpType type, int evalSID) {
+ this.UploadJumpTypeAsync(type, evalSID, null);
+ }
+ public void UploadJumpTypeAsync(JumpType type, int evalSID, object userState) {
+ if ((this.UploadJumpTypeOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.UploadJumpTypeOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("UploadJumpType", new object[] {
+ type,
+ evalSID}, this.UploadJumpTypeOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnUploadJumpTypeCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.UploadJumpTypeCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.UploadJumpTypeCompleted(this, new UploadJumpTypeCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Upload a jumpRj type (user defined)
+ public string UploadJumpRjType(JumpType type, int evalSID) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadJumpRjType", new object[] {
+ type,
+ evalSID});
+ return ((string)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadJumpRjType(JumpType type, int evalSID, System.AsyncCallback
callback, object asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("UploadJumpRjType", new object[] {
+ type,
+ evalSID}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public string EndUploadJumpRjType(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((string)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void UploadJumpRjTypeAsync(JumpType type, int evalSID) {
+ this.UploadJumpRjTypeAsync(type, evalSID, null);
+ }
+ public void UploadJumpRjTypeAsync(JumpType type, int evalSID, object userState) {
+ if ((this.UploadJumpRjTypeOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.UploadJumpRjTypeOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("UploadJumpRjType", new object[] {
+ type,
+ evalSID}, this.UploadJumpRjTypeOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnUploadJumpRjTypeCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.UploadJumpRjTypeCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.UploadJumpRjTypeCompleted(this, new UploadJumpRjTypeCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Upload a run type (user defined)
+ public string UploadRunType(RunType type, int evalSID) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadRunType", new object[] {
+ type,
+ evalSID});
+ return ((string)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadRunType(RunType type, int evalSID, System.AsyncCallback callback,
object asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("UploadRunType", new object[] {
+ type,
+ evalSID}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public string EndUploadRunType(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((string)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void UploadRunTypeAsync(RunType type, int evalSID) {
+ this.UploadRunTypeAsync(type, evalSID, null);
+ }
+ public void UploadRunTypeAsync(RunType type, int evalSID, object userState) {
+ if ((this.UploadRunTypeOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.UploadRunTypeOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("UploadRunType", new object[] {
+ type,
+ evalSID}, this.UploadRunTypeOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnUploadRunTypeCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.UploadRunTypeCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.UploadRunTypeCompleted(this, new UploadRunTypeCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Upload a run interval type (user defined)
+ public string UploadRunIntervalType(RunType type, int evalSID) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadRunIntervalType", new object[] {
+ type,
+ evalSID});
+ return ((string)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadRunIntervalType(RunType type, int evalSID, System.AsyncCallback
callback, object asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("UploadRunIntervalType", new object[] {
+ type,
+ evalSID}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public string EndUploadRunIntervalType(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((string)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void UploadRunIntervalTypeAsync(RunType type, int evalSID) {
+ this.UploadRunIntervalTypeAsync(type, evalSID, null);
+ }
+ public void UploadRunIntervalTypeAsync(RunType type, int evalSID, object userState) {
+ if ((this.UploadRunIntervalTypeOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.UploadRunIntervalTypeOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("UploadRunIntervalType", new object[] {
+ type,
+ evalSID}, this.UploadRunIntervalTypeOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnUploadRunIntervalTypeCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.UploadRunIntervalTypeCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.UploadRunIntervalTypeCompleted(this, new
UploadRunIntervalTypeCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results, invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled,
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Upload a person
+ public int UploadPerson(Person myPerson, int sessionID) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadPerson", new object[] {
+ myPerson,
+ sessionID});
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadPerson(Person myPerson, int sessionID, System.AsyncCallback
callback, object asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("UploadPerson", new object[] {
+ myPerson,
+ sessionID}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public int EndUploadPerson(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void UploadPersonAsync(Person myPerson, int sessionID) {
+ this.UploadPersonAsync(myPerson, sessionID, null);
+ }
+ public void UploadPersonAsync(Person myPerson, int sessionID, object userState) {
+ if ((this.UploadPersonOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.UploadPersonOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("UploadPerson", new object[] {
+ myPerson,
+ sessionID}, this.UploadPersonOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnUploadPersonCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.UploadPersonCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.UploadPersonCompleted(this, new UploadPersonCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Upload person session if needed
+ public int UploadPersonSessionIfNeeded(PersonSession ps) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadPersonSessionIfNeeded", new object[] {
+ ps});
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadPersonSessionIfNeeded(PersonSession ps, System.AsyncCallback
callback, object asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("UploadPersonSessionIfNeeded", new object[] {
+ ps}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public int EndUploadPersonSessionIfNeeded(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void UploadPersonSessionIfNeededAsync(PersonSession ps) {
+ this.UploadPersonSessionIfNeededAsync(ps, null);
+ }
+ public void UploadPersonSessionIfNeededAsync(PersonSession ps, object userState) {
+ if ((this.UploadPersonSessionIfNeededOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.UploadPersonSessionIfNeededOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("UploadPersonSessionIfNeeded", new object[] {
+ ps}, this.UploadPersonSessionIfNeededOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnUploadPersonSessionIfNeededCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.UploadPersonSessionIfNeededCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.UploadPersonSessionIfNeededCompleted(this, new
UploadPersonSessionIfNeededCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results, invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled,
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Upload a ping
+ public string UploadPing(ServerPing myPing, bool doInsertion) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadPing", new object[] {
+ myPing,
+ doInsertion});
+ return ((string)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadPing(ServerPing myPing, bool doInsertion, System.AsyncCallback
callback, object asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("UploadPing", new object[] {
+ myPing,
+ doInsertion}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public string EndUploadPing(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((string)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void UploadPingAsync(ServerPing myPing, bool doInsertion) {
+ this.UploadPingAsync(myPing, doInsertion, null);
+ }
+ public void UploadPingAsync(ServerPing myPing, bool doInsertion, object userState) {
+ if ((this.UploadPingOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.UploadPingOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("UploadPing", new object[] {
+ myPing,
+ doInsertion}, this.UploadPingOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnUploadPingCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.UploadPingCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.UploadPingCompleted(this, new UploadPingCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Upload an evaluator
+ public string UploadEvaluator(ServerEvaluator myEval) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadEvaluator", new object[] {
+ myEval});
+ return ((string)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadEvaluator(ServerEvaluator myEval, System.AsyncCallback callback,
object asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("UploadEvaluator", new object[] {
+ myEval}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public string EndUploadEvaluator(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((string)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void UploadEvaluatorAsync(ServerEvaluator myEval) {
+ this.UploadEvaluatorAsync(myEval, null);
+ }
+ public void UploadEvaluatorAsync(ServerEvaluator myEval, object userState) {
+ if ((this.UploadEvaluatorOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.UploadEvaluatorOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("UploadEvaluator", new object[] {
+ myEval}, this.UploadEvaluatorOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnUploadEvaluatorCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.UploadEvaluatorCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.UploadEvaluatorCompleted(this, new UploadEvaluatorCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Edit an evaluator
+ public bool EditEvaluator(ServerEvaluator clientEval, int evalSID) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("EditEvaluator", new object[] {
+ clientEval,
+ evalSID});
+ return ((bool)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginEditEvaluator(ServerEvaluator clientEval, int evalSID,
System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("EditEvaluator", new object[] {
+ clientEval,
+ evalSID}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public bool EndEditEvaluator(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((bool)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void EditEvaluatorAsync(ServerEvaluator clientEval, int evalSID) {
+ this.EditEvaluatorAsync(clientEval, evalSID, null);
+ }
+ public void EditEvaluatorAsync(ServerEvaluator clientEval, int evalSID, object userState) {
+ if ((this.EditEvaluatorOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.EditEvaluatorOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("EditEvaluator", new object[] {
+ clientEval,
+ evalSID}, this.EditEvaluatorOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnEditEvaluatorCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.EditEvaluatorCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.EditEvaluatorCompleted(this, new EditEvaluatorCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Select evaluators
+ public string[] SelectEvaluators(bool addAnyString) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("SelectEvaluators", new object[] {
+ addAnyString});
+ return ((string[])(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginSelectEvaluators(bool addAnyString, System.AsyncCallback callback,
object asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("SelectEvaluators", new object[] {
+ addAnyString}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public string[] EndSelectEvaluators(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((string[])(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void SelectEvaluatorsAsync(bool addAnyString) {
+ this.SelectEvaluatorsAsync(addAnyString, null);
+ }
+ public void SelectEvaluatorsAsync(bool addAnyString, object userState) {
+ if ((this.SelectEvaluatorsOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.SelectEvaluatorsOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("SelectEvaluators", new object[] {
+ addAnyString}, this.SelectEvaluatorsOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnSelectEvaluatorsCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.SelectEvaluatorsCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.SelectEvaluatorsCompleted(this, new SelectEvaluatorsCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Upload a jump
+ public int UploadJump(Jump myTest) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadJump", new object[] {
+ myTest});
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadJump(Jump myTest, System.AsyncCallback callback, object
asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("UploadJump", new object[] {
+ myTest}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public int EndUploadJump(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void UploadJumpAsync(Jump myTest) {
+ this.UploadJumpAsync(myTest, null);
+ }
+ public void UploadJumpAsync(Jump myTest, object userState) {
+ if ((this.UploadJumpOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.UploadJumpOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("UploadJump", new object[] {
+ myTest}, this.UploadJumpOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnUploadJumpCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.UploadJumpCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.UploadJumpCompleted(this, new UploadJumpCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Upload a jumpRj
+ public int UploadJumpRj(JumpRj myTest) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadJumpRj", new object[] {
+ myTest});
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadJumpRj(JumpRj myTest, System.AsyncCallback callback, object
asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("UploadJumpRj", new object[] {
+ myTest}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public int EndUploadJumpRj(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void UploadJumpRjAsync(JumpRj myTest) {
+ this.UploadJumpRjAsync(myTest, null);
+ }
+ public void UploadJumpRjAsync(JumpRj myTest, object userState) {
+ if ((this.UploadJumpRjOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.UploadJumpRjOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("UploadJumpRj", new object[] {
+ myTest}, this.UploadJumpRjOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnUploadJumpRjCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.UploadJumpRjCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.UploadJumpRjCompleted(this, new UploadJumpRjCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Upload a run
+ public int UploadRun(Run myTest) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadRun", new object[] {
+ myTest});
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadRun(Run myTest, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("UploadRun", new object[] {
+ myTest}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public int EndUploadRun(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void UploadRunAsync(Run myTest) {
+ this.UploadRunAsync(myTest, null);
+ }
+ public void UploadRunAsync(Run myTest, object userState) {
+ if ((this.UploadRunOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.UploadRunOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("UploadRun", new object[] {
+ myTest}, this.UploadRunOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnUploadRunCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.UploadRunCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.UploadRunCompleted(this, new UploadRunCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Upload a run interval
+ public int UploadRunI(RunInterval myTest) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadRunI", new object[] {
+ myTest});
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadRunI(RunInterval myTest, System.AsyncCallback callback, object
asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("UploadRunI", new object[] {
+ myTest}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public int EndUploadRunI(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void UploadRunIAsync(RunInterval myTest) {
+ this.UploadRunIAsync(myTest, null);
+ }
+ public void UploadRunIAsync(RunInterval myTest, object userState) {
+ if ((this.UploadRunIOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.UploadRunIOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("UploadRunI", new object[] {
+ myTest}, this.UploadRunIOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnUploadRunICompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.UploadRunICompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.UploadRunICompleted(this, new UploadRunICompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Upload a reaction time
+ [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("http://server.chronojump.org:8080/UploadRT",
+ public int UploadRT(ReactionTime myTest) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadRT", new object[] {
+ myTest});
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadRT(ReactionTime myTest, System.AsyncCallback callback, object
asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("UploadRT", new object[] {
+ myTest}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public int EndUploadRT(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void UploadRTAsync(ReactionTime myTest) {
+ this.UploadRTAsync(myTest, null);
+ }
+ public void UploadRTAsync(ReactionTime myTest, object userState) {
+ if ((this.UploadRTOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.UploadRTOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("UploadRT", new object[] {
+ myTest}, this.UploadRTOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnUploadRTCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.UploadRTCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.UploadRTCompleted(this, new UploadRTCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Upload a pulse
+ public int UploadPulse(Pulse myTest) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadPulse", new object[] {
+ myTest});
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadPulse(Pulse myTest, System.AsyncCallback callback, object
asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("UploadPulse", new object[] {
+ myTest}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public int EndUploadPulse(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void UploadPulseAsync(Pulse myTest) {
+ this.UploadPulseAsync(myTest, null);
+ }
+ public void UploadPulseAsync(Pulse myTest, object userState) {
+ if ((this.UploadPulseOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.UploadPulseOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("UploadPulse", new object[] {
+ myTest}, this.UploadPulseOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnUploadPulseCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.UploadPulseCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.UploadPulseCompleted(this, new UploadPulseCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///Upload a multiChronopic
+ public int UploadMultiChronopic(MultiChronopic myTest) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("UploadMultiChronopic", new object[] {
+ myTest});
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadMultiChronopic(MultiChronopic myTest, System.AsyncCallback
callback, object asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("UploadMultiChronopic", new object[] {
+ myTest}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public int EndUploadMultiChronopic(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((int)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void UploadMultiChronopicAsync(MultiChronopic myTest) {
+ this.UploadMultiChronopicAsync(myTest, null);
+ }
+ public void UploadMultiChronopicAsync(MultiChronopic myTest, object userState) {
+ if ((this.UploadMultiChronopicOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.UploadMultiChronopicOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("UploadMultiChronopic", new object[] {
+ myTest}, this.UploadMultiChronopicOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnUploadMultiChronopicCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.UploadMultiChronopicCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.UploadMultiChronopicCompleted(this, new
UploadMultiChronopicCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results, invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled,
+ }
+ }
+ /// <remarks>
+///List directory files (only as a sample)
+ public string[] ListDirectory(string path) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("ListDirectory", new object[] {
+ path});
+ return ((string[])(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginListDirectory(string path, System.AsyncCallback callback, object
asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("ListDirectory", new object[] {
+ path}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public string[] EndListDirectory(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((string[])(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void ListDirectoryAsync(string path) {
+ this.ListDirectoryAsync(path, null);
+ }
+ public void ListDirectoryAsync(string path, object userState) {
+ if ((this.ListDirectoryOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.ListDirectoryOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("ListDirectory", new object[] {
+ path}, this.ListDirectoryOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnListDirectoryCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.ListDirectoryCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.ListDirectoryCompleted(this, new ListDirectoryCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+public partial class ConnectDatabaseCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal ConnectDatabaseCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public string Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((string)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void ConnectDatabaseCompletedEventHandler(object sender, ConnectDatabaseCompletedEventArgs
+public partial class DisConnectDatabaseCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal DisConnectDatabaseCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool
cancelled, object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public string Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((string)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void DisConnectDatabaseCompletedEventHandler(object sender,
DisConnectDatabaseCompletedEventArgs args);
+public partial class CanINewCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal CanINewCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled, object
userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public bool Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((bool)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void CanINewCompletedEventHandler(object sender, CanINewCompletedEventArgs args);
+public partial class CanICompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal CanICompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled, object
userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public bool Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((bool)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void CanICompletedEventHandler(object sender, CanICompletedEventArgs args);
+public partial class QueryCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal QueryCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled, object
userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public string Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((string)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void QueryCompletedEventHandler(object sender, QueryCompletedEventArgs args);
+public partial class StatsCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal StatsCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled, object
userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public string[] Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((string[])(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void StatsCompletedEventHandler(object sender, StatsCompletedEventArgs args);
+public partial class UploadSessionCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal UploadSessionCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public int Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((int)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void UploadSessionCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadSessionCompletedEventArgs args);
+public partial class UpdateSessionCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal UpdateSessionCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public int Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((int)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void UpdateSessionCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UpdateSessionCompletedEventArgs args);
+public partial class UploadSportCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal UploadSportCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public int Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((int)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void UploadSportCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadSportCompletedEventArgs args);
+public partial class UploadJumpTypeCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal UploadJumpTypeCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public string Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((string)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void UploadJumpTypeCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadJumpTypeCompletedEventArgs
+public partial class UploadJumpRjTypeCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal UploadJumpRjTypeCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool
cancelled, object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public string Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((string)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void UploadJumpRjTypeCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadJumpRjTypeCompletedEventArgs
+public partial class UploadRunTypeCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal UploadRunTypeCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public string Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((string)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void UploadRunTypeCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadRunTypeCompletedEventArgs args);
+public partial class UploadRunIntervalTypeCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs
+ private object[] results;
+ internal UploadRunIntervalTypeCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool
cancelled, object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public string Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((string)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void UploadRunIntervalTypeCompletedEventHandler(object sender,
UploadRunIntervalTypeCompletedEventArgs args);
+public partial class UploadPersonCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal UploadPersonCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public int Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((int)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void UploadPersonCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadPersonCompletedEventArgs args);
+public partial class UploadPersonSessionIfNeededCompletedEventArgs :
System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal UploadPersonSessionIfNeededCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception,
bool cancelled, object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public int Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((int)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void UploadPersonSessionIfNeededCompletedEventHandler(object sender,
UploadPersonSessionIfNeededCompletedEventArgs args);
+public partial class UploadPingCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal UploadPingCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public string Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((string)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void UploadPingCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadPingCompletedEventArgs args);
+public partial class UploadEvaluatorCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal UploadEvaluatorCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public string Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((string)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void UploadEvaluatorCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadEvaluatorCompletedEventArgs
+public partial class EditEvaluatorCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal EditEvaluatorCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public bool Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((bool)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void EditEvaluatorCompletedEventHandler(object sender, EditEvaluatorCompletedEventArgs args);
+public partial class SelectEvaluatorsCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal SelectEvaluatorsCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool
cancelled, object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public string[] Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((string[])(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void SelectEvaluatorsCompletedEventHandler(object sender, SelectEvaluatorsCompletedEventArgs
+public partial class UploadJumpCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal UploadJumpCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public int Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((int)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void UploadJumpCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadJumpCompletedEventArgs args);
+public partial class UploadJumpRjCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal UploadJumpRjCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public int Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((int)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void UploadJumpRjCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadJumpRjCompletedEventArgs args);
+public partial class UploadRunCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal UploadRunCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public int Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((int)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void UploadRunCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadRunCompletedEventArgs args);
+public partial class UploadRunICompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal UploadRunICompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public int Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((int)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void UploadRunICompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadRunICompletedEventArgs args);
+public partial class UploadRTCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal UploadRTCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled, object
userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public int Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((int)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void UploadRTCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadRTCompletedEventArgs args);
+public partial class UploadPulseCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal UploadPulseCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public int Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((int)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void UploadPulseCompletedEventHandler(object sender, UploadPulseCompletedEventArgs args);
+public partial class UploadMultiChronopicCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal UploadMultiChronopicCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool
cancelled, object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public int Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((int)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void UploadMultiChronopicCompletedEventHandler(object sender,
UploadMultiChronopicCompletedEventArgs args);
+public partial class ListDirectoryCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal ListDirectoryCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public string[] Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((string[])(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void ListDirectoryCompletedEventHandler(object sender, ListDirectoryCompletedEventArgs args);
diff --git a/chronojump_server/server_alive/pina_to_pina-good/ChronojumpServerAlive.cs
index c447e8c..63f43f1 100644
--- a/chronojump_server/server_alive/pina_to_pina-good/ChronojumpServerAlive.cs
+++ b/chronojump_server/server_alive/pina_to_pina-good/ChronojumpServerAlive.cs
@@ -1,87 +1,87 @@
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// <autogenerated>
-// This code was generated by a tool.
-// Mono Runtime Version: 2.0.50727.42
-// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
-// the code is regenerated.
-// </autogenerated>
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/// <remarks/>
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// <autogenerated>
+// This code was generated by a tool.
+// Mono Runtime Version: 2.0.50727.42
+// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
+// the code is regenerated.
+// </autogenerated>
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/// <remarks/>
/// <remarks>
-[System.Web.Services.WebServiceBinding(Name="ChronojumpServerAliveSoap", Namespace="http://localhost:8080/")]
-public class ChronojumpServerAlive : System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol {
- private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback PingAliveOperationCompleted;
- public ChronojumpServerAlive() {
- this.Url = "http://localhost:8080/chronojumpServerAlive.asmx";
- }
- private event PingAliveCompletedEventHandler PingAliveCompleted;
+[System.Web.Services.WebServiceBinding(Name="ChronojumpServerAliveSoap", Namespace="http://localhost:8080/")]
+public class ChronojumpServerAlive : System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol {
+ private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback PingAliveOperationCompleted;
+ public ChronojumpServerAlive() {
+ this.Url = "http://localhost:8080/chronojumpServerAlive.asmx";
+ }
+ private event PingAliveCompletedEventHandler PingAliveCompleted;
/// <remarks>
- [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("http://localhost:8080/PingAlive",
RequestNamespace="http://localhost:8080/", ResponseNamespace="http://localhost:8080/",
- public string PingAlive(string str) {
- object[] results = this.Invoke("PingAlive", new object[] {
- str});
- return ((string)(results[0]));
- }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginPingAlive(string str, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) {
- return this.BeginInvoke("PingAlive", new object[] {
- str}, callback, asyncState);
- }
- public string EndPingAlive(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
- object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
- return ((string)(results[0]));
- }
- public void PingAliveAsync(string str) {
- this.PingAliveAsync(str, null);
- }
- public void PingAliveAsync(string str, object userState) {
- if ((this.PingAliveOperationCompleted == null)) {
- this.PingAliveOperationCompleted = new
- }
- this.InvokeAsync("PingAlive", new object[] {
- str}, this.PingAliveOperationCompleted, userState);
- }
- private void OnPingAliveCompleted(object arg) {
- if ((this.PingAliveCompleted != null)) {
- System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
- this.PingAliveCompleted(this, new PingAliveCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
- }
- }
-public class PingAliveCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
- private object[] results;
- internal PingAliveCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
- base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
- this.results = results;
- }
- public string Result {
- get {
- this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
- return ((string)(this.results[0]));
- }
- }
-public delegate void PingAliveCompletedEventHandler(object sender, PingAliveCompletedEventArgs args);
+ [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("http://localhost:8080/PingAlive",
RequestNamespace="http://localhost:8080/", ResponseNamespace="http://localhost:8080/",
+ public string PingAlive(string str) {
+ object[] results = this.Invoke("PingAlive", new object[] {
+ str});
+ return ((string)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public System.IAsyncResult BeginPingAlive(string str, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) {
+ return this.BeginInvoke("PingAlive", new object[] {
+ str}, callback, asyncState);
+ }
+ public string EndPingAlive(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
+ object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
+ return ((string)(results[0]));
+ }
+ public void PingAliveAsync(string str) {
+ this.PingAliveAsync(str, null);
+ }
+ public void PingAliveAsync(string str, object userState) {
+ if ((this.PingAliveOperationCompleted == null)) {
+ this.PingAliveOperationCompleted = new
+ }
+ this.InvokeAsync("PingAlive", new object[] {
+ str}, this.PingAliveOperationCompleted, userState);
+ }
+ private void OnPingAliveCompleted(object arg) {
+ if ((this.PingAliveCompleted != null)) {
+ System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs =
+ this.PingAliveCompleted(this, new PingAliveCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results,
invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
+ }
+ }
+public class PingAliveCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
+ private object[] results;
+ internal PingAliveCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled,
object userState) :
+ base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
+ this.results = results;
+ }
+ public string Result {
+ get {
+ this.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary();
+ return ((string)(this.results[0]));
+ }
+ }
+public delegate void PingAliveCompletedEventHandler(object sender, PingAliveCompletedEventArgs args);
diff --git a/src/chronojump.cs b/src/chronojump.cs
index 0337efc..266fe70 100644
--- a/src/chronojump.cs
+++ b/src/chronojump.cs
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
- * This file is part of ChronoJump
- *
- * Chronojump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * Chronojump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
- */
-using System;
-using Gtk;
-using Glade;
-using Mono.Unix;
-using System.IO; //"File" things
+ * This file is part of ChronoJump
+ *
+ * Chronojump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Chronojump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
+ */
+using System;
+using Gtk;
+using Glade;
+using Mono.Unix;
+using System.IO; //"File" things
using System.Threading;
-using System.Diagnostics; //Process
-using System.Collections; //ArrayList
+using System.Diagnostics; //Process
+using System.Collections; //ArrayList
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-public class ChronoJump
- SplashWindow splashWin;
- private static string progVersion = ""; //now in "version" file
+public class ChronoJump
+ SplashWindow splashWin;
+ private static string progVersion = ""; //now in "version" file
private static string progName = "Chronojump";
private static string runningFolder;
- private string runningFileName; //useful for knowing if there are two chronojump instances
- private string messageToShowOnBoot = "";
- private string messageCrashedBefore = "";
- private bool chronojumpHasToExit = false;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button fakeSplashButton; //raised when splash win ended
- Thread thread;
- bool needEndSplashWin = false;
- bool needUpdateSplashMessage = false;
- string splashMessage = "";
- bool creatingDB = false; //on creation and on update always refresh labels
- bool updatingDB = false;
+ private string runningFileName; //useful for knowing if there are two chronojump instances
+ private string messageToShowOnBoot = "";
+ private string messageCrashedBefore = "";
+ private bool chronojumpHasToExit = false;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button fakeSplashButton; //raised when splash win ended
+ Thread thread;
+ bool needEndSplashWin = false;
+ bool needUpdateSplashMessage = false;
+ string splashMessage = "";
+ bool creatingDB = false; //on creation and on update always refresh labels
+ bool updatingDB = false;
private static string baseDirectory;
[DllImport("libglib-2.0-0.dll") /* willfully unmapped */ ]
static extern bool g_setenv (String env, String val, bool overwrite);
- public static void Main(string [] args)
- {/*
- bool timeLogPassedOk = Log.Start(args);
- Log.WriteLine(string.Format("Time log passed: {0}", timeLogPassedOk.ToString()));
- Log.WriteLine(string.Format("Client database option 1 in ... " + Util.GetDatabaseDir()));
- Log.WriteLine(string.Format("Client database option 2 in ... " + Util.GetDatabaseTempDir()));
+ public static void Main(string [] args)
+ {/*
+ bool timeLogPassedOk = Log.Start(args);
+ Log.WriteLine(string.Format("Time log passed: {0}", timeLogPassedOk.ToString()));
+ Log.WriteLine(string.Format("Client database option 1 in ... " + Util.GetDatabaseDir()));
+ Log.WriteLine(string.Format("Client database option 2 in ... " + Util.GetDatabaseTempDir()));
@@ -74,40 +74,40 @@ public class ChronoJump
LogB.Debugging = true; //now LogB.Debug will be shown. Also there will be thread info on
Warning, Error, Information
- var envPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("PATH");
- var rBinPath = "";
+ var envPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("PATH");
+ var rBinPath = "";
baseDirectory = Util.GetPrefixDir();
- if(UtilAll.IsWindows()) {
- //Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("R_HOME", RelativeToPrefix ("library"));
- //rBinPath = RelativeToPrefix ("lib");
- //rBinPath = RelativeToPrefix ("library");
- //var rPath = System.Environment.Is64BitProcess ? @"C:\Program
Files\R\R-3.0.2\bin\x64" : @"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.0.2\bin\i386";
- string x64 = "bin" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "x64";
- string i386 = "bin" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "i386";
- var rPath = System.Environment.Is64BitProcess ?
- System.IO.Path.Combine(baseDirectory, x64) :
System.IO.Path.Combine(baseDirectory, i386);
- if (Directory.Exists(rPath) == false) {
- LogB.Error("Could not found the specified path to the directory containing
R.dll: ", rPath);
- throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(string.Format("Could not found the
specified path to the directory containing R.dll: {0}", rPath));
- }
- var newPath = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", rPath, System.IO.Path.PathSeparator,
- LogB.Information("newPath:", newPath);
- System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", newPath);
- LogB.Information("path:", System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH"));
- //use this because we don't want to look at the registry
- //we don't want to force user to install R
- Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("R_HOME", baseDirectory);
- LogB.Information("R_HOME:", baseDirectory);
- } else {
+ if(UtilAll.IsWindows()) {
+ //Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("R_HOME", RelativeToPrefix ("library"));
+ //rBinPath = RelativeToPrefix ("lib");
+ //rBinPath = RelativeToPrefix ("library");
+ //var rPath = System.Environment.Is64BitProcess ? @"C:\Program
Files\R\R-3.0.2\bin\x64" : @"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.0.2\bin\i386";
+ string x64 = "bin" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "x64";
+ string i386 = "bin" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "i386";
+ var rPath = System.Environment.Is64BitProcess ?
+ System.IO.Path.Combine(baseDirectory, x64) :
System.IO.Path.Combine(baseDirectory, i386);
+ if (Directory.Exists(rPath) == false) {
+ LogB.Error("Could not found the specified path to the directory containing
R.dll: ", rPath);
+ throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(string.Format("Could not found the
specified path to the directory containing R.dll: {0}", rPath));
+ }
+ var newPath = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", rPath, System.IO.Path.PathSeparator,
+ LogB.Information("newPath:", newPath);
+ System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", newPath);
+ LogB.Information("path:", System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH"));
+ //use this because we don't want to look at the registry
+ //we don't want to force user to install R
+ Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("R_HOME", baseDirectory);
+ LogB.Information("R_HOME:", baseDirectory);
+ } else {
switch (UtilAll.GetOSEnum()) {
case UtilAll.OperatingSystems.MACOSX:
- rBinPath = "/Library/Frameworks/R.Framework/Libraries";
- Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("R_HOME",
+ rBinPath = "/Library/Frameworks/R.Framework/Libraries";
+ Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("R_HOME",
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", rBinPath +
Path.PathSeparator + envPath);
@@ -126,31 +126,31 @@ public class ChronoJump
LogB.Information("Platform:" + Environment.OSVersion.Platform);
- LogB.Information("baseDir0:", System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);
- LogB.Information("baseDir1:", baseDirectory);
- LogB.Information("envPath+rBinPath:", envPath + Path.PathSeparator + rBinPath);
+ LogB.Information("baseDir0:", System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);
+ LogB.Information("baseDir1:", baseDirectory);
+ LogB.Information("envPath+rBinPath:", envPath + Path.PathSeparator + rBinPath);
- //this call has to be done to chronojump.prg
- //chronojump.prg createBlankDB
- //this creates a blank database and exists.
- //Then new user will have an updated database without the need of creating in
- if(args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "createBlankDB") {
- createBlankDB();
- Environment.Exit(1);
- }
- if(args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "createBlankDBServer") {
- createBlankDBServer();
- Environment.Exit(1);
+ //this call has to be done to chronojump.prg
+ //chronojump.prg createBlankDB
+ //this creates a blank database and exists.
+ //Then new user will have an updated database without the need of creating in
+ if(args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "createBlankDB") {
+ createBlankDB();
+ Environment.Exit(1);
+ }
+ if(args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "createBlankDBServer") {
+ createBlankDBServer();
+ Environment.Exit(1);
@@ -191,16 +191,16 @@ public class ChronoJump
new ChronoJump(args);
- bool createdSplashWin = false;
+ bool createdSplashWin = false;
public static string RelativeToPrefix(string relativePath) {
return System.IO.Path.Combine(baseDirectory, relativePath);
- public ChronoJump (string [] args)
- {
- Application.Init();
+ public ChronoJump (string [] args)
+ {
+ Application.Init();
//start threading to show splash window
@@ -216,20 +216,20 @@ public class ChronoJump
- Application.Run();
- }
- //variables to manage the ping thread
- string versionAvailable;
- //bool pingStart;
- //bool pingEnd;
- bool pulseGTKPingShouldEnd;
+ Application.Run();
+ }
+ //variables to manage the ping thread
+ string versionAvailable;
+ //bool pingStart;
+ //bool pingEnd;
+ bool pulseGTKPingShouldEnd;
bool allSQLCallsDoneOnSqliteThingsThread;
//used when Chronojump is being running two or more times (quadriple-click on start)
bool quitNow = false;
- protected void sqliteThings () {
+ protected void sqliteThings () {
bool crashedBefore = checkIfChronojumpExitAbnormally();
if(crashedBefore) {
if(chronojumpIsExecutingNTimes()) {
@@ -239,14 +239,14 @@ public class ChronoJump
- chronojumpCrashedBefore();
+ chronojumpCrashedBefore();
- //print version of chronojump
- progVersion = UtilAll.ReadVersion();
- LogB.Information("Chronojump version: {0}", progVersion);
+ //print version of chronojump
+ progVersion = UtilAll.ReadVersion();
+ LogB.Information("Chronojump version: {0}", progVersion);
//to store user videos and photos
//to store encoder data and graphs
@@ -256,154 +256,154 @@ public class ChronoJump
//TODO: encoder weight auto written depending on person loaded, and changes if it changes person or weight
- //move database to new location if chronojump version is before 0.7
- moveDatabaseToNewLocationIfNeeded();
- LogB.Information("move? ended");
- splashMessageChange(1); //checking database
- /*
- splashMessage = "pre-connect";
- needUpdateSplashMessage = true;
- Console.ReadLine();
- */
- Sqlite.CreateDir();
- bool defaultDBLocation = Sqlite.Connect();
- LogB.SQL("sqlite connected");
- /*
- splashMessage = "post-connect" + defaultDBLocation.ToString();
- needUpdateSplashMessage = true;
- Console.ReadLine();
- */
- //Chech if the DB file exists
- if (!Sqlite.CheckTables(defaultDBLocation)) {
- LogB.SQL ( Catalog.GetString ("no tables, creating ...") );
- creatingDB = true;
- splashMessageChange(2); //creating database
- /*
- splashMessage = "pre-create";
- needUpdateSplashMessage = true;
- Console.ReadLine();
- */
- Sqlite.CreateDir();
- Sqlite.CreateFile();
- //Sqlite.CreateFile(defaultDBLocation);
- /*
- splashMessage = "post-create";
- needUpdateSplashMessage = true;
- Console.ReadLine();
- */
+ //move database to new location if chronojump version is before 0.7
+ moveDatabaseToNewLocationIfNeeded();
+ LogB.Information("move? ended");
+ splashMessageChange(1); //checking database
+ /*
+ splashMessage = "pre-connect";
+ needUpdateSplashMessage = true;
+ Console.ReadLine();
+ */
+ Sqlite.CreateDir();
+ bool defaultDBLocation = Sqlite.Connect();
+ LogB.SQL("sqlite connected");
+ /*
+ splashMessage = "post-connect" + defaultDBLocation.ToString();
+ needUpdateSplashMessage = true;
+ Console.ReadLine();
+ */
+ //Chech if the DB file exists
+ if (!Sqlite.CheckTables(defaultDBLocation)) {
+ LogB.SQL ( Catalog.GetString ("no tables, creating ...") );
+ creatingDB = true;
+ splashMessageChange(2); //creating database
+ /*
+ splashMessage = "pre-create";
+ needUpdateSplashMessage = true;
+ Console.ReadLine();
+ */
+ Sqlite.CreateDir();
+ Sqlite.CreateFile();
+ //Sqlite.CreateFile(defaultDBLocation);
+ /*
+ splashMessage = "post-create";
+ needUpdateSplashMessage = true;
+ Console.ReadLine();
+ */
- Sqlite.CreateTables(false); //not server
- creatingDB = false;
- } else {
- LogB.SQL("doing backup");
- //backup the database
- Util.BackupDirCreateIfNeeded();
- splashMessageChange(3); //making db backup
- Util.BackupDatabase();
- LogB.SQL ("made a database backup"); //not compressed yet, it seems
System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream and
- //System.IO.Compression.GZipStream are not in mono
- if(! Sqlite.IsSqlite3()) {
- bool ok = Sqlite.ConvertFromSqlite2To3();
- if (!ok) {
- LogB.Error("problem with sqlite");
- //check (spanish)
- string errorMessage = Catalog.GetString("Failed database conversion,
ensure you have libsqlite3-0 installed. \nIf problems persist ask in chronojump-list");
- errorMessage += "\n\n" + string.Format(Catalog.GetString("If you have
no data on your database (you just installed Chronojump), you can fix this problem deleting this file: {0}"),
- Util.GetDatabaseDir() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
"chronojump.db") +
- "\n" + Catalog.GetString("And starting Chronojump again.");
- LogB.Error(errorMessage);
- messageToShowOnBoot += errorMessage;
- chronojumpHasToExit = true;
+ Sqlite.CreateTables(false); //not server
+ creatingDB = false;
+ } else {
+ LogB.SQL("doing backup");
+ //backup the database
+ Util.BackupDirCreateIfNeeded();
+ splashMessageChange(3); //making db backup
+ Util.BackupDatabase();
+ LogB.SQL ("made a database backup"); //not compressed yet, it seems
System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream and
+ //System.IO.Compression.GZipStream are not in mono
+ if(! Sqlite.IsSqlite3()) {
+ bool ok = Sqlite.ConvertFromSqlite2To3();
+ if (!ok) {
+ LogB.Error("problem with sqlite");
+ //check (spanish)
+ string errorMessage = Catalog.GetString("Failed database conversion,
ensure you have libsqlite3-0 installed. \nIf problems persist ask in chronojump-list");
+ errorMessage += "\n\n" + string.Format(Catalog.GetString("If you have
no data on your database (you just installed Chronojump), you can fix this problem deleting this file: {0}"),
+ Util.GetDatabaseDir() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
"chronojump.db") +
+ "\n" + Catalog.GetString("And starting Chronojump again.");
+ LogB.Error(errorMessage);
+ messageToShowOnBoot += errorMessage;
+ chronojumpHasToExit = true;
- }
- Sqlite.Connect();
- }
- splashMessageChange(4); //updating DB
- updatingDB = true;
+ }
+ Sqlite.Connect();
+ }
+ splashMessageChange(4); //updating DB
+ updatingDB = true;
messageToShowOnBoot += Catalog.GetString("All DJ jumps have been renamed as
'DJna' (Drop Jumps with No Arms).") + "\n\n"+
Catalog.GetString("If your Drop Jumps were executed using the arms,
please rename them manually as 'DJa'.") + "\n";
- bool softwareIsNew = Sqlite.ConvertToLastChronojumpDBVersion();
- updatingDB = false;
+ bool softwareIsNew = Sqlite.ConvertToLastChronojumpDBVersion();
+ updatingDB = false;
- if(! softwareIsNew) {
- //Console.Clear();
- string errorMessage = string.Format(Catalog.GetString ("Sorry, this
Chronojump version ({0}) is too old for your database."), progVersion) + "\n" +
- Catalog.GetString("Please update Chronojump") + ":\n";
- errorMessage += "http://chronojump.org";
- //errorMessage += "\n\n" + Catalog.GetString("Press any key");
- LogB.Error(errorMessage);
- messageToShowOnBoot += errorMessage;
- chronojumpHasToExit = true;
- }
- LogB.Information ( Catalog.GetString ("tables already created") );
+ if(! softwareIsNew) {
+ //Console.Clear();
+ string errorMessage = string.Format(Catalog.GetString ("Sorry, this
Chronojump version ({0}) is too old for your database."), progVersion) + "\n" +
+ Catalog.GetString("Please update Chronojump") + ":\n";
+ errorMessage += "http://chronojump.org";
+ //errorMessage += "\n\n" + Catalog.GetString("Press any key");
+ LogB.Error(errorMessage);
+ messageToShowOnBoot += errorMessage;
+ chronojumpHasToExit = true;
+ }
+ LogB.Information ( Catalog.GetString ("tables already created") );
- //check for bad Rjs (activate if program crashes and you use it in the same db before
- //SqliteJump.FindBadRjs();
+ //check for bad Rjs (activate if program crashes and you use it in the same db before
+ //SqliteJump.FindBadRjs();
- }
- //splashMessageChange(5); //check for new version
- splashMessageChange(5); //connecting to server
- messageToShowOnBoot += recuperateBrokenEvents();
- //connect to server to Ping
- versionAvailable = "";
+ }
+ //splashMessageChange(5); //check for new version
+ splashMessageChange(5); //connecting to server
+ messageToShowOnBoot += recuperateBrokenEvents();
+ //connect to server to Ping
+ versionAvailable = "";
- pingStart = false;
- pingEnd = false;
+ pingStart = false;
+ pingEnd = false;
// disable server connection on start until server is not working on windows again
bool connectServerAtStart = false;
if(connectServerAtStart) {
- thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(findVersion));
- GLib.Idle.Add (new GLib.IdleHandler (PulseGTKPing));
- thread.Start();
+ thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(findVersion));
+ GLib.Idle.Add (new GLib.IdleHandler (PulseGTKPing));
+ thread.Start();
- //wait until pinging process start
- while(! pingStart) {
- }
+ //wait until pinging process start
+ while(! pingStart) {
+ }
on_find_version_cancelled(new object(), new EventArgs());
- versionAvailable = Constants.ServerOffline;
+ versionAvailable = Constants.ServerOffline;
//doing ping using json methods
@@ -421,14 +421,14 @@ public class ChronoJump
allSQLCallsDoneOnSqliteThingsThread = false;
- //wait until pinging ends (or it's cancelled)
- //while(! pingEnd) {
- //}
+ //wait until pinging ends (or it's cancelled)
+ //while(! pingEnd) {
+ //}
- string versionAvailableKnown = SqlitePreferences.Select("versionAvailable", true);
- if( versionAvailable != Constants.ServerOffline && new Version(versionAvailable) > new
Version(progVersion) ) {
+ string versionAvailableKnown = SqlitePreferences.Select("versionAvailable", true);
+ if( versionAvailable != Constants.ServerOffline && new Version(versionAvailable) > new
Version(progVersion) ) {
//check if available version is higher than known available version
Version versionAvailableAsV = new Version(versionAvailable);
@@ -443,122 +443,122 @@ public class ChronoJump
if(updateKnownVersion) {
- //is the first time we know about this new version
- //just write on db and show message to user
- SqlitePreferences.Update(Constants.PrefVersionAvailable, versionAvailable,
- versionAvailableKnown = versionAvailable;
- messageToShowOnBoot += string.Format(Catalog.GetString(
- "\nNew Chronojump version available on website.\nYour
Chronojump version is: {1}"),
- versionAvailable, progVersion) + "\n\n" +
- Catalog.GetString("Please, update to new version.") + "\n";
- }
+ //is the first time we know about this new version
+ //just write on db and show message to user
+ SqlitePreferences.Update(Constants.PrefVersionAvailable, versionAvailable,
+ versionAvailableKnown = versionAvailable;
+ messageToShowOnBoot += string.Format(Catalog.GetString(
+ "\nNew Chronojump version available on website.\nYour
Chronojump version is: {1}"),
+ versionAvailable, progVersion) + "\n\n" +
+ Catalog.GetString("Please, update to new version.") + "\n";
+ }
- //if chronojump chrashed before
- if(crashedBefore) {
- if( versionAvailableKnown.Length > 0 && new Version(versionAvailableKnown) > new
Version(progVersion) )
- messageToShowOnBoot += "\n" + Catalog.GetString("Chronojump crashed before.")
+ "\n" +
- Catalog.GetString("Please, update to new version: ") +
versionAvailableKnown + "\n";
+ //if chronojump chrashed before
+ if(crashedBefore) {
+ if( versionAvailableKnown.Length > 0 && new Version(versionAvailableKnown) > new
Version(progVersion) )
+ messageToShowOnBoot += "\n" + Catalog.GetString("Chronojump crashed before.")
+ "\n" +
+ Catalog.GetString("Please, update to new version: ") +
versionAvailableKnown + "\n";
else {
- messageToShowOnBoot += messageCrashedBefore;
+ messageToShowOnBoot += messageCrashedBefore;
//SqlitePreferences.Update("videoOn", "False", true);
- }
- splashMessageChange(6); //preparing main window
- //start as "simulated"
- SqlitePreferences.Update("simulated", "True", true); //dbcon opened
+ }
+ splashMessageChange(6); //preparing main window
+ //start as "simulated"
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("simulated", "True", true); //dbcon opened
- // Chronojump sqlite is in an initialized state, let's keep the Sqlite state here
- // to be re-used
- Sqlite.saveClassState ();
+ // Chronojump sqlite is in an initialized state, let's keep the Sqlite state here
+ // to be re-used
+ Sqlite.saveClassState ();
allSQLCallsDoneOnSqliteThingsThread = true;
LogB.SQL("all SQL calls done on sqliteThings thread");
- UtilAll.IsWindows(); //only as additional info here
- //Application.Init();
- needEndSplashWin = true;
- }
- private void findVersion() {
- LogB.Debug("--1--");
- //pingStart = true;
- pulseGTKPingShouldEnd = false;
- splashShowButton = true;
- LogB.Debug("--2--");
- //maybe other thread doesn't create at time the splash win
- //then just wait
+ UtilAll.IsWindows(); //only as additional info here
+ //Application.Init();
+ needEndSplashWin = true;
+ }
+ private void findVersion() {
+ LogB.Debug("--1--");
+ //pingStart = true;
+ pulseGTKPingShouldEnd = false;
+ splashShowButton = true;
+ LogB.Debug("--2--");
+ //maybe other thread doesn't create at time the splash win
+ //then just wait
while(! createdSplashWin)
- try {
- if(splashWin.FakeButtonCreated)
- LogB.Information("Created splashWin.FakeButton");
- else
- LogB.Warning("NOT Created splashWin.FakeButton, si es bloqueja, posar aquà un
while (mentre no estigui creat)");
- splashWin.FakeButtonCancel.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_find_version_cancelled);
- LogB.Debug("--3--");
- } catch {
- LogB.Warning("Problem with splash win");
- }
- versionAvailable = Server.Ping(true, progName, UtilAll.ReadVersion()); //doInsertion
- LogB.Debug("--4--");
- splashShowButton = false;
- LogB.Information(" version: ", versionAvailable);
- LogB.Debug("\n--5--");
- //pingEnd = true;
- LogB.Debug("--6--");
- }
- private void on_find_version_cancelled(object o, EventArgs args) {
- splashShowButton = false;
- pulseGTKPingShouldEnd = true;
- versionAvailable = Constants.ServerOffline;
- //pingEnd = true;
- }
- protected void readMessageToStart() {
- if(messageToShowOnBoot.Length > 0) {
- ErrorWindow errorWin;
- if(chronojumpHasToExit) {
- messageToShowOnBoot += "\n<b>" + string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Chronojump
will exit now.")) + "</b>\n";
- errorWin = ErrorWindow.Show(messageToShowOnBoot);
+ try {
+ if(splashWin.FakeButtonCreated)
+ LogB.Information("Created splashWin.FakeButton");
+ else
+ LogB.Warning("NOT Created splashWin.FakeButton, si es bloqueja, posar aquà un
while (mentre no estigui creat)");
+ splashWin.FakeButtonCancel.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_find_version_cancelled);
+ LogB.Debug("--3--");
+ } catch {
+ LogB.Warning("Problem with splash win");
+ }
+ versionAvailable = Server.Ping(true, progName, UtilAll.ReadVersion()); //doInsertion
+ LogB.Debug("--4--");
+ splashShowButton = false;
+ LogB.Information(" version: ", versionAvailable);
+ LogB.Debug("\n--5--");
+ //pingEnd = true;
+ LogB.Debug("--6--");
+ }
+ private void on_find_version_cancelled(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ splashShowButton = false;
+ pulseGTKPingShouldEnd = true;
+ versionAvailable = Constants.ServerOffline;
+ //pingEnd = true;
+ }
+ protected void readMessageToStart() {
+ if(messageToShowOnBoot.Length > 0) {
+ ErrorWindow errorWin;
+ if(chronojumpHasToExit) {
+ messageToShowOnBoot += "\n<b>" + string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Chronojump
will exit now.")) + "</b>\n";
+ errorWin = ErrorWindow.Show(messageToShowOnBoot);
- errorWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- } else {
- errorWin = ErrorWindow.Show(messageToShowOnBoot);
+ errorWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ } else {
+ errorWin = ErrorWindow.Show(messageToShowOnBoot);
errorWin.ProgVersion = progVersion;
errorWin.Button_accept_label(Catalog.GetString("Open Chronojump"));
- errorWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- }
- } else {
- startChronojump();
- }
- }
- private void on_message_boot_accepted_continue (object o, EventArgs args) {
- startChronojump();
- }
+ errorWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ }
+ } else {
+ startChronojump();
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_message_boot_accepted_continue (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ startChronojump();
+ }
private void on_message_boot_accepted_quit (object o, EventArgs args) {
try {
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ public class ChronoJump
private void startChronojump() {
//wait until all sql calls are done in other thread
@@ -579,122 +579,122 @@ public class ChronoJump
LogB.SQL("all SQL done! starting Chronojump");
- new ChronoJumpWindow(progVersion, progName, runningFileName);
- }
- private static void createBlankDB() {
- LogB.SQL("Creating blank database");
- Sqlite.ConnectBlank();
- Sqlite.CreateFile();
- Sqlite.CreateTables(false); //not server
- LogB.SQL("Created blank database! Exiting");
- }
- private static void createBlankDBServer() {
- LogB.SQL("Creating blank database for server");
- if(Sqlite.CheckFileServer())
- LogB.Error("File already exists. Cannot create.");
- else {
- Sqlite.ConnectServer();
- Sqlite.CreateFile();
- Sqlite.CreateTables(true); //server
- LogB.SQL("Created blank database! Exiting");
- string myVersion = UtilAll.ReadVersion();
- LogB.Warning("CAUTION: client info about versionAvailable (on server): ", myVersion);
- SqlitePreferences.Update ("availableVersion", myVersion, false);
- LogB.Information("Maybe you don't want to show this version on pings, change it to
last stable published version");
- }
- }
- /* --------------------
- /* splash window things
- * --------------------*/
- private bool splashShowButton = false;
- private void splashMessageChange(int messageInt) {
- splashMessage = Catalog.GetString(Constants.SplashMessages[messageInt]);
- needUpdateSplashMessage = true;
- }
- protected bool PulseGTK ()
- {
+ new ChronoJumpWindow(progVersion, progName, runningFileName);
+ }
+ private static void createBlankDB() {
+ LogB.SQL("Creating blank database");
+ Sqlite.ConnectBlank();
+ Sqlite.CreateFile();
+ Sqlite.CreateTables(false); //not server
+ LogB.SQL("Created blank database! Exiting");
+ }
+ private static void createBlankDBServer() {
+ LogB.SQL("Creating blank database for server");
+ if(Sqlite.CheckFileServer())
+ LogB.Error("File already exists. Cannot create.");
+ else {
+ Sqlite.ConnectServer();
+ Sqlite.CreateFile();
+ Sqlite.CreateTables(true); //server
+ LogB.SQL("Created blank database! Exiting");
+ string myVersion = UtilAll.ReadVersion();
+ LogB.Warning("CAUTION: client info about versionAvailable (on server): ", myVersion);
+ SqlitePreferences.Update ("availableVersion", myVersion, false);
+ LogB.Information("Maybe you don't want to show this version on pings, change it to
last stable published version");
+ }
+ }
+ /* --------------------
+ /* splash window things
+ * --------------------*/
+ private bool splashShowButton = false;
+ private void splashMessageChange(int messageInt) {
+ splashMessage = Catalog.GetString(Constants.SplashMessages[messageInt]);
+ needUpdateSplashMessage = true;
+ }
+ protected bool PulseGTK ()
+ {
return false;
- //if( ( needEndSplashWin && pingEnd )
- // || ! thread.IsAlive) {
- if( needEndSplashWin || ! thread.IsAlive ) {
+ //if( ( needEndSplashWin && pingEnd )
+ // || ! thread.IsAlive) {
+ if( needEndSplashWin || ! thread.IsAlive ) {
- LogB.Information("splash window ending here");
+ LogB.Information("splash window ending here");
- return false;
- }
- //need to do this, if not it crashes because chronopicWin gets died by thread ending
- splashWin = SplashWindow.Show();
- //Log.WriteLine("splash");
- if(updatingDB) {
- splashWin.ShowProgressbar("updating");
- splashWin.UpdateLabel(splashMessage + " " + Sqlite.PrintConversionText());
- splashWin.UpdateProgressbar("version", Sqlite.PrintConversionVersion());
- splashWin.UpdateProgressbar("rate", Sqlite.PrintConversionRate());
- splashWin.UpdateProgressbar("subrate", Sqlite.PrintConversionSubRate());
- } else if(creatingDB) {
- splashWin.ShowProgressbar("creating");
- splashWin.UpdateProgressbar("version", Sqlite.PrintCreation());
- //splashWin.UpdateProgressbar("rate", Sqlite.PrintConversionRate());
- splashWin.UpdateProgressbar("subrate", Sqlite.PrintConversionSubRate());
- }
- if(needUpdateSplashMessage) {
- splashWin.UpdateLabel(splashMessage);
- needUpdateSplashMessage = false;
- }
- Thread.Sleep (50);
- //Log.Write(" (PulseGTK:" + thread.ThreadState.ToString() + ") ");
- return true;
- }
- private void on_splash_ended(object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("splash screen going to END");
- fakeSplashButton.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_splash_ended);
+ return false;
+ }
+ //need to do this, if not it crashes because chronopicWin gets died by thread ending
+ splashWin = SplashWindow.Show();
+ //Log.WriteLine("splash");
+ if(updatingDB) {
+ splashWin.ShowProgressbar("updating");
+ splashWin.UpdateLabel(splashMessage + " " + Sqlite.PrintConversionText());
+ splashWin.UpdateProgressbar("version", Sqlite.PrintConversionVersion());
+ splashWin.UpdateProgressbar("rate", Sqlite.PrintConversionRate());
+ splashWin.UpdateProgressbar("subrate", Sqlite.PrintConversionSubRate());
+ } else if(creatingDB) {
+ splashWin.ShowProgressbar("creating");
+ splashWin.UpdateProgressbar("version", Sqlite.PrintCreation());
+ //splashWin.UpdateProgressbar("rate", Sqlite.PrintConversionRate());
+ splashWin.UpdateProgressbar("subrate", Sqlite.PrintConversionSubRate());
+ }
+ if(needUpdateSplashMessage) {
+ splashWin.UpdateLabel(splashMessage);
+ needUpdateSplashMessage = false;
+ }
+ Thread.Sleep (50);
+ //Log.Write(" (PulseGTK:" + thread.ThreadState.ToString() + ") ");
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void on_splash_ended(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("splash screen going to END");
+ fakeSplashButton.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_splash_ended);
if(splashWin != null)
- splashWin.Destroy();
+ splashWin.Destroy();
- SplashWindow.Hide();
+ SplashWindow.Hide();
- LogB.Information("splash screen ENDED!");
- readMessageToStart();
- }
+ LogB.Information("splash screen ENDED!");
+ readMessageToStart();
+ }
- protected bool PulseGTKPing ()
- {
- if(pulseGTKPingShouldEnd) {
- splashWin.CancelButtonShow(false);
- LogB.Information("ping going to END");
- return false;
- }
- if(splashShowButton)
- splashWin.CancelButtonShow(true); //show cancel button on splash win
- else
- splashWin.CancelButtonShow(false);
- Thread.Sleep (50);
- LogB.Debug(" (PulseGTKPing:" + thread.ThreadState.ToString() + ") ");
- if(thread.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Stopped)
- pulseGTKPingShouldEnd = true;
- return true;
+ protected bool PulseGTKPing ()
+ {
+ if(pulseGTKPingShouldEnd) {
+ splashWin.CancelButtonShow(false);
+ LogB.Information("ping going to END");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(splashShowButton)
+ splashWin.CancelButtonShow(true); //show cancel button on splash win
+ else
+ splashWin.CancelButtonShow(false);
+ Thread.Sleep (50);
+ LogB.Debug(" (PulseGTKPing:" + thread.ThreadState.ToString() + ") ");
+ if(thread.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Stopped)
+ pulseGTKPingShouldEnd = true;
+ return true;
@@ -743,40 +743,40 @@ public class ChronoJump
- //recuperate temp jumpRj or RunI if chronojump hangs
- private string recuperateBrokenEvents()
- {
- string returnString = "";
- string tableName = "tempJumpRj";
- int existsTempData = Sqlite.TempDataExists(tableName);
- if(existsTempData > 0)
- {
- JumpRj myJumpRj = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumpData("tempJumpRj", existsTempData, false);
- try {
- myJumpRj.InsertAtDB (true, Constants.JumpRjTable);
- } catch {} //pitty, cannot insert
- Sqlite.DeleteTempEvents(tableName);
- returnString = "Recuperated last Reactive Jump";
- }
- tableName = "tempRunInterval";
- existsTempData = Sqlite.TempDataExists(tableName);
- if(existsTempData > 0)
- {
- RunInterval myRun = SqliteRunInterval.SelectRunData("tempRunInterval",
existsTempData, false);
- try {
- myRun.InsertAtDB (true, Constants.RunIntervalTable);
- } catch {} //pitty, cannot insert
- Sqlite.DeleteTempEvents(tableName);
- returnString = "Recuperated last Intervallic Run";
- }
- return returnString;
- }
+ //recuperate temp jumpRj or RunI if chronojump hangs
+ private string recuperateBrokenEvents()
+ {
+ string returnString = "";
+ string tableName = "tempJumpRj";
+ int existsTempData = Sqlite.TempDataExists(tableName);
+ if(existsTempData > 0)
+ {
+ JumpRj myJumpRj = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumpData("tempJumpRj", existsTempData, false);
+ try {
+ myJumpRj.InsertAtDB (true, Constants.JumpRjTable);
+ } catch {} //pitty, cannot insert
+ Sqlite.DeleteTempEvents(tableName);
+ returnString = "Recuperated last Reactive Jump";
+ }
+ tableName = "tempRunInterval";
+ existsTempData = Sqlite.TempDataExists(tableName);
+ if(existsTempData > 0)
+ {
+ RunInterval myRun = SqliteRunInterval.SelectRunData("tempRunInterval",
existsTempData, false);
+ try {
+ myRun.InsertAtDB (true, Constants.RunIntervalTable);
+ } catch {} //pitty, cannot insert
+ Sqlite.DeleteTempEvents(tableName);
+ returnString = "Recuperated last Intervallic Run";
+ }
+ return returnString;
+ }
private void createRunningFileName(string runningFileName) {
TextWriter writer = File.CreateText(runningFileName);
@@ -785,13 +785,13 @@ public class ChronoJump
- private bool checkIfChronojumpExitAbnormally() {
- runningFileName = Util.GetDatabaseDir() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "chronojump_running";
+ private bool checkIfChronojumpExitAbnormally() {
+ runningFileName = Util.GetDatabaseDir() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "chronojump_running";
return true;
return false;
- }
+ }
private bool chronojumpIsExecutingNTimesComparePids(string pidName, string pid) {
Process [] pids = Process.GetProcessesByName(pidName);
@@ -835,89 +835,89 @@ public class ChronoJump
- //move database to new location if chronojump version is before 0.7
- private void moveDatabaseToNewLocationIfNeeded()
- {
- string reallyOldDB = Util.GetReallyOldDatabaseDir();
- string oldDB = Util.GetOldDatabaseDir();
- string newDB = Util.GetDatabaseDir();
- string previous = "";
- bool moveNeeded = false;
- if(! Directory.Exists(newDB)) {
- if(Directory.Exists(oldDB)) {
- previous = oldDB;
- moveNeeded = true;
- } else if(Directory.Exists(reallyOldDB)){
- previous = reallyOldDB;
- moveNeeded = true;
- }
- }
- if(moveNeeded) {
- try {
- Directory.Move(previous, newDB);
- }
- catch {
- string feedback = "";
- feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Cannot move database directory
from {0} to {1}"),
- previous, Path.GetFullPath(newDB)) + "\n";
- feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Trying to move/copy each file
now")) + "\n";
- int fileMoveProblems = 0;
- int fileCopyProblems = 0;
- try {
- Directory.CreateDirectory(newDB);
- Directory.CreateDirectory(newDB + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
- string [] filesToMove = Directory.GetFiles(previous);
- foreach (string oldFile in filesToMove) {
- string newFile = newDB + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
- try {
- File.Move(oldFile, newFile);
- }
- catch {
- fileMoveProblems ++;
- try {
- LogB.Warning(string.Format("{0}-{1}",
oldFile, newFile));
- File.Copy(oldFile, newFile);
- }
- catch {
- fileCopyProblems ++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- catch {
- feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Cannot create directory
{0}"), Path.GetFullPath(newDB)) + "\n";
- feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Please, do it
manually.")) + "\n";
- feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Chronojump will exit
now.")) + "\n";
- messageToShowOnBoot += feedback;
- LogB.Error(feedback);
- chronojumpHasToExit = true;
- }
- if(fileCopyProblems > 0) {
- feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Cannot copy {0} files
from {1} to {2}"), fileCopyProblems, previous, Path.GetFullPath(newDB)) + "\n";
- feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Please, do it
manually.")) + "\n";
- feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Chronojump will exit
now.")) + "\n";
- messageToShowOnBoot += feedback;
- LogB.Error(feedback);
- chronojumpHasToExit = true;
- }
- if(fileMoveProblems > 0) {
- feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Cannot move {0} files
from {1} to {2}"), fileMoveProblems, previous, Path.GetFullPath(newDB)) + "\n";
- feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Please, do it
manually")) + "\n";
- messageToShowOnBoot += feedback;
- LogB.Error(feedback);
- }
- }
- string dbMove = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Database is now here: {0}"),
- messageToShowOnBoot += dbMove;
- LogB.Warning(dbMove);
- }
- }
+ //move database to new location if chronojump version is before 0.7
+ private void moveDatabaseToNewLocationIfNeeded()
+ {
+ string reallyOldDB = Util.GetReallyOldDatabaseDir();
+ string oldDB = Util.GetOldDatabaseDir();
+ string newDB = Util.GetDatabaseDir();
+ string previous = "";
+ bool moveNeeded = false;
+ if(! Directory.Exists(newDB)) {
+ if(Directory.Exists(oldDB)) {
+ previous = oldDB;
+ moveNeeded = true;
+ } else if(Directory.Exists(reallyOldDB)){
+ previous = reallyOldDB;
+ moveNeeded = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(moveNeeded) {
+ try {
+ Directory.Move(previous, newDB);
+ }
+ catch {
+ string feedback = "";
+ feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Cannot move database directory
from {0} to {1}"),
+ previous, Path.GetFullPath(newDB)) + "\n";
+ feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Trying to move/copy each file
now")) + "\n";
+ int fileMoveProblems = 0;
+ int fileCopyProblems = 0;
+ try {
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(newDB);
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(newDB + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
+ string [] filesToMove = Directory.GetFiles(previous);
+ foreach (string oldFile in filesToMove) {
+ string newFile = newDB + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
+ try {
+ File.Move(oldFile, newFile);
+ }
+ catch {
+ fileMoveProblems ++;
+ try {
+ LogB.Warning(string.Format("{0}-{1}",
oldFile, newFile));
+ File.Copy(oldFile, newFile);
+ }
+ catch {
+ fileCopyProblems ++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch {
+ feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Cannot create directory
{0}"), Path.GetFullPath(newDB)) + "\n";
+ feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Please, do it
manually.")) + "\n";
+ feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Chronojump will exit
now.")) + "\n";
+ messageToShowOnBoot += feedback;
+ LogB.Error(feedback);
+ chronojumpHasToExit = true;
+ }
+ if(fileCopyProblems > 0) {
+ feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Cannot copy {0} files
from {1} to {2}"), fileCopyProblems, previous, Path.GetFullPath(newDB)) + "\n";
+ feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Please, do it
manually.")) + "\n";
+ feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Chronojump will exit
now.")) + "\n";
+ messageToShowOnBoot += feedback;
+ LogB.Error(feedback);
+ chronojumpHasToExit = true;
+ }
+ if(fileMoveProblems > 0) {
+ feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Cannot move {0} files
from {1} to {2}"), fileMoveProblems, previous, Path.GetFullPath(newDB)) + "\n";
+ feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Please, do it
manually")) + "\n";
+ messageToShowOnBoot += feedback;
+ LogB.Error(feedback);
+ }
+ }
+ string dbMove = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Database is now here: {0}"),
+ messageToShowOnBoot += dbMove;
+ LogB.Warning(dbMove);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/commandLineEncoder.cs b/src/commandLineEncoder.cs
index 291fc0a..af2b81c 100644
--- a/src/commandLineEncoder.cs
+++ b/src/commandLineEncoder.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// This file is copied and adapted from
+// This file is copied and adapted from
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
diff --git a/src/gui/chronojump.cs b/src/gui/chronojump.cs
index 21a605b..391ef84 100644
--- a/src/gui/chronojump.cs
+++ b/src/gui/chronojump.cs
@@ -1,7024 +1,7024 @@
- * This file is part of ChronoJump
- *
- * Chronojump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * Chronojump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
- */
-using System;
-using Gtk;
-using Gdk;
-using Glade;
-using System.IO.Ports;
-using Mono.Unix;
-using System.IO; //"File" things
-using System.Collections; //ArrayList
-using System.Collections.Generic; //List
-using LongoMatch.Gui;
-using LongoMatch.Video.Capturer;
-using LongoMatch.Video.Common;
-using LongoMatch.Video.Utils;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
- [Widget] Gtk.Window app1;
- [Widget] Gtk.MenuBar main_menu;
- [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_mode;
- [Widget] Gtk.HBox hbox_gui_tests;
- [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spin_gui_tests;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_carles;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioMenuItem radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioMenuItem radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_reactive;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioMenuItem radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioMenuItem radio_menuitem_mode_runs_intervallic;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioMenuItem radio_menuitem_mode_power_gravitatory;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioMenuItem radio_menuitem_mode_power_inertial;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioMenuItem radio_menuitem_mode_other;
- [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_mode_selected_jumps_simple;
- [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_mode_selected_jumps_reactive;
- [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_mode_selected_runs_simple;
- [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_mode_selected_runs_intervallic;
- [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_mode_selected_power_gravitatory;
- [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_mode_selected_power_inertial;
- [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_mode_selected_other;
- [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_start; //use to display the start images to select different modes
- [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_sup;
- [Widget] Gtk.HBox hbox_other;
- [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_capture_graph_table;
- [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_capture_analyze; //not encoder
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_version;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_logo;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_selector_start_jumps;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_selector_start_runs;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_selector_start_encoder_gravitatory;
- //[Widget] Gtk.Image image_selector_start_encoder_inertial;
- [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_selector_start_jumps;
- [Widget] Gtk.Viewport viewport_selector_start_jumps;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_selector_start_jumps_simple;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_selector_start_jumps_reactive;
- [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_selector_start_runs;
- [Widget] Gtk.Viewport viewport_selector_start_runs;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_selector_start_runs_simple;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_selector_start_runs_intervallic;
- [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_selector_start_encoder;
- [Widget] Gtk.Viewport viewport_selector_start_encoder;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_selector_start_encoder_gravitatory;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_selector_start_encoder_inertial;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_mode_reaction_times_small;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_mode_pulses_small;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_mode_multi_chronopic_small;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_mode_encoder_capture_small;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_mode_encoder_analyze_small;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_mode_jumps_small;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_mode_jumps_reactive_small;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_mode_runs_small;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_mode_runs_intervallic_small;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_mode_reaction_times_small;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_mode_pulses_small;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_mode_multi_chronopic_small;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_mode_jumps_small;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_mode_jumps_reactive_small;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_mode_runs_small;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_mode_runs_intervallic_small;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_mode_encoder_gravitatory;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_mode_encoder_inertial;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_mode_reaction_times_small;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_mode_pulses_small;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_mode_multi_chronopic_small;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_persons_new_1;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_persons_new_plus;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_persons_open_1;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_persons_open_plus;
- [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_session_person;
- //[Widget] Gtk.Box vbox_persons;
- [Widget] Gtk.TreeView treeview_persons;
- [Widget] Gtk.TreeView treeview_jumps;
- [Widget] Gtk.TreeView treeview_jumps_rj;
- [Widget] Gtk.TreeView treeview_runs;
- [Widget] Gtk.TreeView treeview_runs_interval;
- [Widget] Gtk.TreeView treeview_reaction_times;
- [Widget] Gtk.TreeView treeview_pulses;
- [Widget] Gtk.TreeView treeview_multi_chronopic;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_select_jumps;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_select_jumps_rj;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_select_runs;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_select_runs_interval;
- //auto mode
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_jump_types_options;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_jump_auto_controls;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_auto_person_skip;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_auto_person_remove;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_auto_start;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_jump_auto_current_person;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_jump_auto_current_test;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_line_session_avg;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_line_session_max;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_line_person_avg;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_line_person_max;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_line_person_max_all_sessions;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_result_jumps;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_result_jumps_rj;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_result_runs;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_result_runs_interval;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_pulses;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_jumps;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_jumps_test;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_jumps_rj;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_runs;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_runs_interval;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_pulses;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_select_jumps;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_select_jumps_rj;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_select_runs;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_select_runs_interval;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_result_jumps;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_result_jumps_rj;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_result_runs;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_result_runs_interval;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_pulses;
- //menus
- [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem session_menuitem;
- [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem help_menuitem;
- //menu session
- [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_edit_session;
- [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_delete_session;
- [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_export_csv;
- [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_export_xml;
- [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_encoder_session_overview;
- [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_import_chronojump_session;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_session_open;
- //menu person
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_persons_up;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_persons_down;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_edit_current_person;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_show_all_person_events;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_delete_current_person;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_current_person;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_current_person_title;
- //tests
- //jumps
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_edit_selected_jump;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_video_play_selected_jump;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_delete_selected_jump;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_edit_selected_jump_rj;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_video_play_selected_jump_rj;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_delete_selected_jump_rj;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_repair_selected_jump_rj;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image extra_windows_jumps_image_dj_fall_calculate;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image extra_windows_jumps_image_dj_fall_predefined;
- [Widget] Gtk.HBox hbox_extra_window_jumps_fall_height;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_jumps_result_help_power;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_jumps_result_help_stiffness;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_jumps_rj_result_help_power;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_jumps_rj_result_help_stiffness;
- [Widget] Gtk.DrawingArea drawingarea_jumps_profile;
- [Widget] Gtk.ScrolledWindow scrolledwindow_jumps_profile_help;
- [Widget] Gtk.ScrolledWindow scrolledwindow_jumps_profile_training;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_tab_jumps_profile;
- //runs
- [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menu_execute_simple_runs1;
- [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menu_execute_intervallic_runs1;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_edit_selected_run;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_video_play_selected_run;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_delete_selected_run;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_edit_selected_run_interval;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_video_play_selected_run_interval;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_delete_selected_run_interval;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_repair_selected_run_interval;
- //other
- //reaction time
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_edit_selected_reaction_time;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_video_play_selected_reaction_time;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_delete_selected_reaction_time;
- [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spinbutton_animation_lights_speed;
- [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spinbutton_flicker_lights_speed;
- [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton check_reaction_time_disc_red;
- [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton check_reaction_time_disc_yellow;
- [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton check_reaction_time_disc_green;
- [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton check_reaction_time_disc_buzzer;
- [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spinbutton_discriminative_lights_minimum;
- [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spinbutton_discriminative_lights_maximum;
- //pulse
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_edit_selected_pulse;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_video_play_selected_pulse;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_delete_selected_pulse;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_repair_selected_pulse;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box vbox_execute_test;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_execute_test;
- [Widget] Gtk.Viewport viewport_chronopics;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_chronopics;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_chronopics;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_connected_chronopics;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_chronopics_multitest;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_simulated_warning;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_chronopic_detecting;
- [Widget] Gtk.ProgressBar progressbar_chronopic_detecting;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_chronopic_detecting_cancel;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_chronopic_detecting_info;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_chronopic_encoder_detecting;
- [Widget] Gtk.ProgressBar progressbar_chronopic_encoder_detecting;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_chronopic_encoder_detecting_cancel;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_chronopic_encoder_detecting_info;
- [Widget] Gtk.Viewport viewport_chronopic_encoder;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_chronopic_encoder;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_chronopic_encoder_no;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_chronopic_encoder_yes;
- [Widget] Gtk.HBox hbox_video_capture;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_video_feedback;
- [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_video;
- //[Widget] Gtk.Label label_video;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_video_yes;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_video_no;
- //multiChronopic
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_edit_selected_multi_chronopic;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_video_play_selected_multi_chronopic;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_delete_selected_multi_chronopic;
-// [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_multi_chronopic_buttons;
-// [Widget] Gtk.Button button_multi_chronopic_start;
-// [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_analysis;
-// [Widget] Gtk.Entry extra_window_spin_run_analysis_distance;
-// [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton extra_window_check_multichronopic_sync;
-// [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton extra_window_check_multichronopic_delete_first;
-// [Widget] Gtk.Entry entry_multi_chronopic_cp2;
- //widgets for enable or disable
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_new;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_open;
- [Widget] Gtk.Frame frame_persons;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_recuperate_person;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_recuperate_persons_from_session;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_person_add_single;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_person_add_multiple;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_custom;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_20m;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_100m;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_200m;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_400m;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_gesell;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_20yard;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_505;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_illinois;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_margaria;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_shuttle;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_zigzag;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_interval_by_laps;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_interval_by_time;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_interval_unlimited;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_interval_mtgug;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_reaction_time_execute;
- [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_execute;
- [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_results;
- [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_options_top;
- [Widget] Gtk.Frame frame_share_data;
- [Widget] Gtk.EventBox eventbox_image_test;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_test;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_image_test_zoom;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_test_zoom;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box vbox_this_test_buttons;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_video_play_this_test;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_delete_this_test;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_upload_session;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_activate_chronopics;
- //non standard icons
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_jump_reactive_bell;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_run_interval_bell;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_jump_reactive_repair;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_run_interval_repair;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_pulse_repair;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_person_delete;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_delete_this_test;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_jump_delete;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_jump_reactive_delete;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_run_delete;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_run_interval_delete;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_reaction_time_delete;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_pulse_delete;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_multi_chronopic_delete;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_jump_type_delete_simple;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_jump_type_delete_reactive;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_run_type_delete_simple;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_run_type_delete_intervallic;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_jumps_zoom;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_jumps_rj_zoom;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_runs_zoom;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_runs_interval_zoom;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_reaction_times_zoom;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_pulses_zoom;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_multi_chronopic_zoom;
- //encoder
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_encoder_capture_zoom;
- //[Widget] Gtk.Image image_encoder_analyze_zoom;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_encoder_analyze_stats;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_encoder_analyze_image_save;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_encoder_analyze_1RM_save;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_encoder_analyze_table_save;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_encoder_signal_delete;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_encoder_inertial_instructions;
- Random rand;
- //persons
- private TreeStore treeview_persons_store;
- private TreeViewPersons myTreeViewPersons;
- private Gtk.Button fakeButtonPersonUp;
- private Gtk.Button fakeButtonPersonDown;
- //normal jumps
- private TreeStore treeview_jumps_store;
- private TreeViewJumps myTreeViewJumps;
- //rj jumps
- private TreeStore treeview_jumps_rj_store;
- private TreeViewJumpsRj myTreeViewJumpsRj;
- //normal runs
- private TreeStore treeview_runs_store;
- private TreeViewRuns myTreeViewRuns;
- //runs interval
- private TreeStore treeview_runs_interval_store;
- private TreeViewRunsInterval myTreeViewRunsInterval;
- //reaction times
- private TreeStore treeview_reaction_times_store;
- private TreeViewReactionTimes myTreeViewReactionTimes;
- //pulses
- private TreeStore treeview_pulses_store;
- private TreeViewPulses myTreeViewPulses;
- //multiChronopic
- private TreeStore treeview_multi_chronopic_store;
- private TreeViewMultiChronopic myTreeViewMultiChronopic;
- private Preferences preferences;
- private static Person currentPerson;
- private static Session currentSession;
- private static PersonSession currentPersonSession;
- private static bool definedSession;
- private static Jump currentJump;
- private static JumpRj currentJumpRj;
- private static Run currentRun;
- private static RunInterval currentRunInterval;
- private static ReactionTime currentReactionTime;
- private static Pulse currentPulse;
- private static MultiChronopic currentMultiChronopic;
- private static EventExecute currentEventExecute;
- //Used by Cancel and Finish
- private static EventType currentEventType;
- private static JumpType currentJumpType;
- private static JumpType currentJumpRjType;
- bool thisJumpIsSimple; //needed on updating
- bool lastJumpIsSimple; //needed on update
- private static RunType currentRunType;
- private static RunType currentRunIntervalType;
- bool thisRunIsSimple; //needed on updating
- bool lastRunIsSimple; //needed on update
- private static PulseType currentPulseType;
- private static ReactionTimeType currentReactionTimeType;
- private static MultiChronopicType currentMultiChronopicType;
- private static Report report;
- //windows needed
- PreferencesWindow preferencesWin;
- SessionAddEditWindow sessionAddEditWin;
- SessionLoadWindow sessionLoadWin;
- PersonRecuperateWindow personRecuperateWin;
- PersonsRecuperateFromOtherSessionWindow personsRecuperateFromOtherSessionWin;
- PersonAddModifyWindow personAddModifyWin;
- PersonAddMultipleWindow personAddMultipleWin;
- PersonSelectWindow personSelectWin;
- JumpsMoreWindow jumpsMoreWin;
- JumpsRjMoreWindow jumpsRjMoreWin;
- EditJumpWindow editJumpWin;
- EditJumpRjWindow editJumpRjWin;
- RepairJumpRjWindow repairJumpRjWin;
- JumpTypeAddWindow jumpTypeAddWin;
- RunsMoreWindow runsMoreWin;
- RunsIntervalMoreWindow runsIntervalMoreWin;
- RunTypeAddWindow runTypeAddWin;
- EditRunWindow editRunWin;
- RepairRunIntervalWindow repairRunIntervalWin;
- EditRunIntervalWindow editRunIntervalWin;
- EditReactionTimeWindow editReactionTimeWin;
- EditPulseWindow editPulseWin;
- RepairPulseWindow repairPulseWin;
- EditMultiChronopicWindow editMultiChronopicWin;
- ConfirmWindowJumpRun confirmWinJumpRun; //for deleting jumps and RJ jumps (and runs)
- ErrorWindow errorWin;
- ReportWindow reportWin;
- RepetitiveConditionsWindow repetitiveConditionsWin;
- GenericWindow genericWin;
- EvaluatorWindow evalWin;
- PersonNotUploadWindow personNotUploadWin;
- ExecuteAutoWindow executeAutoWin;
- ChronopicWindow chronopicWin;
- ChronopicWizardWindow chronopicWizardWin;
- string wizardPortContacts;
- string wizardPortEncoder;
- static Thread pingThread;
- /*
- * useful to not check for Chronopic if changing select_menuitem_mode_toggled from a 50 to a 50
- * great for 1.6.3 where people change from simple jumps to reactive jumps and Chronopic don't need
to change
- *
- * maybe it will be replaced by chronopic_wizard_window
- private enum chronopicTypes { CONTACTS50, CONTACTS10, ENCODER }
- private chronopicTypes lastChronopicType;
- */
- private bool firstRjValue;
- private double rjTcCount;
- private double rjTvCount;
- private string rjTcString;
- private string rjTvString;
- private bool createdStatsWin;
- private string progVersion;
- private string progName;
- private string runningFileName; //useful for knowing if there are two chronojump instances
- private bool normalGUI; //false means small gui
- private bool debugMode; //currently only for encoder R
- //int chronopicCancelledTimes = 0;
- //only called the first time the software runs
- //and only on windows
- private void on_language_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) {
- //languageChange();
- //createMainWindow("");
- }
- private void on_button_image_test_zoom_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) {
- EventType myType;
- if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Active)
- myType = currentJumpType;
- else if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_reactive.Active)
- myType = currentJumpRjType;
- else if(radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple.Active)
- myType = currentRunType;
- else if(radio_menuitem_mode_runs_intervallic.Active)
- myType = currentRunIntervalType;
- else if(radio_mode_reaction_times_small.Active)
- myType = currentReactionTimeType;
- else if(radio_mode_pulses_small.Active)
- myType = currentPulseType;
- else //if(radio_mode_multi_chronopic_small.Active)
- myType = currentMultiChronopicType;
- if(myType.Name == "DJa" && extra_window_jumps_check_dj_fall_calculate.Active)
- new DialogImageTest("", Util.GetImagePath(false) + "jump_dj_a_inside.png",
- else if(myType.Name == "DJna" && extra_window_jumps_check_dj_fall_calculate.Active)
- new DialogImageTest("", Util.GetImagePath(false) + "jump_dj_inside.png",
- else
- new DialogImageTest(myType);
- }
- public ChronoJumpWindow(string progVersion, string progName, string runningFileName)
- {
- this.progVersion = progVersion;
- this.progName = progName;
- this.runningFileName = runningFileName;
- Glade.XML gxml;
- gxml = Glade.XML.FromAssembly (Util.GetGladePath() + "chronojump.glade", "app1",
- gxml.Autoconnect(this);
- //put an icon to window
- UtilGtk.IconWindow(app1);
- //show chronojump logo on down-left area
- changeTestImage("", "", "LOGO");
- //white bg
- eventbox_image_test.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, UtilGtk.WHITE);
- //start with the Mode selector
- notebook_start.CurrentPage = 0;
- //new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, UtilGtk.ScreenHeightFitted(false).ToString()
- //UtilGtk.ResizeIfNeeded(stats_window);
- //app1.Maximize(); //this was for starting at fullscreen
- report = new Report(-1); //when a session is loaded or created, it will change the
report.SessionID value
- //TODO: check what happens if a session it's deleted
- //i think report it's deactivated until a new session is created or loaded,
- //but check what happens if report window is opened
- //put videoOn as false before loading preferences to start always without the camera
- //this is good if camera produces crash
- SqlitePreferences.Update("videoOn", "False", false);
- //preferencesLoaded is a fix to a gtk#-net-windows-bug where radiobuttons raise signals
- //at initialization of chronojump and gives problems if this signals are raised while
preferences are loading
- loadPreferences ();
- createTreeView_persons (treeview_persons);
- createTreeView_jumps (treeview_jumps);
- createTreeView_jumps_rj (treeview_jumps_rj);
- createTreeView_runs (treeview_runs);
- createTreeView_runs_interval (treeview_runs_interval);
- createTreeView_reaction_times (treeview_reaction_times);
- createTreeView_pulses (treeview_pulses);
- createTreeView_multi_chronopic (false, treeview_multi_chronopic);
- createComboSelectJumps(true);
- createComboSelectJumpsRj(true);
- createComboSelectRuns(true);
- createComboSelectRunsInterval(true);
- createComboResultJumps();
- createComboResultJumpsRj();
- createComboResultRuns();
- createComboResultRunsInterval();
- //reaction_times has no combo
- createComboPulses();
- //createComboMultiChronopic();
- createdStatsWin = false;
- repetitiveConditionsWin = RepetitiveConditionsWindow.Create();
- repetitiveConditionsWin.FakeButtonClose.Clicked += new
- createChronopicWindow(false, "");
- wizardPortContacts = "";
- wizardPortEncoder = "";
- on_extra_window_multichronopic_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
- on_extra_window_pulses_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
- on_extra_window_reaction_times_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
- on_extra_window_runs_interval_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
- on_extra_window_runs_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
- on_extra_window_jumps_rj_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
- on_extra_window_jumps_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
- //changeTestImage("", "", "LOGO");
- //We have no session, mark some widgets as ".Sensitive = false"
- sensitiveGuiNoSession();
- definedSession = false;
- rand = new Random(40);
- formatModeMenu();
- putNonStandardIcons();
- eventExecutePutNonStandardIcons();
- //eventExecuteCreateComboGraphResultsSize();
- /*
- if(chronopicPort != Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortWindows &&
- (chronopicPort != Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortLinux &&
- ) {
- ConfirmWindow confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Do you want to
connect to Chronopic now?"), "", "");
- confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(chronopicAtStart);
- }
- */
- stats_win_create();
- createdStatsWin = true;
- //stats_win_initializeSession();
- encoderInitializeStuff();
- //presentationInit();
- videoCaptureInitialize();
- //leave empty on new releases
- //string buildDate = " (2016-07-27)";
- string buildDate = " (d)";
- label_version.Text = progVersion + buildDate;
- LogB.Information("Build date:" + buildDate);
- LeastSquares ls = new LeastSquares();
- ls.Test();
- LogB.Information(string.Format("coef = {0} {1} {2}", ls.Coef[0], ls.Coef[1], ls.Coef[2]));
- /*
- * start a ping in other thread
- * http://www.mono-project.com/docs/gui/gtksharp/responsive-applications/
- * Gtk.Application.Invoke
- */
- pingThread = new Thread (new ThreadStart (pingAtStart));
- pingThread.Start();
- //moveStartTestInitial();
- ChronopicRegister cr = new ChronopicRegister();
- }
- private void chronopicAtStart(object o, EventArgs args) {
- //make active menuitem chronopic, and this
- //will raise other things
- }
- private bool normalGUIOld = true; //to know if we changed state. Start as true
- private void on_app1_size_allocate(object obj, SizeAllocatedArgs args) {
- int width;
- int height;
- app1.GetSize(out width, out height);
- if(width >= 1000)
- normalGUI = true;
- else
- normalGUI = false;
- if(normalGUI != normalGUIOld) {
- Log.WriteLine("Change Size. New is normal? -> " + normalGUI.ToString());
- normalGUIOld = normalGUI;
- changeGUIAspect();
- }
- }
- private void changeGUIAspect() {
- //QueryChildPacking(frame_test_options,
- if(normalGUI) {
- //if change these values, change also in glade
- //frame_test_options.BoxChild.Expand(true);
- label_current_person_title.Text=Catalog.GetString("Current person");
- } else {
- //frame_test_options.BoxChild.Expand(false);
- label_current_person_title.Text=Catalog.GetString("Current");
- }
- }
- private void formatModeMenu()
- {
- ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Child).Text =
- " " + ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Child).Text;
- ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_reactive.Child).Text =
- " " + ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_reactive.Child).Text;
- ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple.Child).Text =
- " " + ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple.Child).Text;
- ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_runs_intervallic.Child).Text =
- " " + ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_runs_intervallic.Child).Text;
- ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_power_gravitatory.Child).Text =
- " " + ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_power_gravitatory.Child).Text;
- ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_power_inertial.Child).Text =
- " " + ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_power_inertial.Child).Text;
- }
- private void putNonStandardIcons() {
- Pixbuf pixbuf;
- //change colors of tests mode
- /*
- * gui for small screens
- */
- viewport_selector_start_jumps.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0x0b,0x48,0x6b));
- label_selector_start_jumps_simple.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0xff,0xff,0xff));
- label_selector_start_jumps_reactive.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0xff,0xff,0xff));
- viewport_selector_start_runs.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0x3b,0x86,0x86));
- label_selector_start_runs_simple.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0xff,0xff,0xff));
- label_selector_start_runs_intervallic.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, new
- viewport_selector_start_encoder.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0x79,0xbd,0x98));
- label_selector_start_encoder_gravitatory.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, new
- label_selector_start_encoder_inertial.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, new
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameJumps);
- image_mode_jumps_small.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameJumpsRJ);
- image_mode_jumps_reactive_small.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameRuns);
- image_mode_runs_small.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameRunsInterval);
- image_mode_runs_intervallic_small.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameEncoderGravitatory);
- image_mode_encoder_gravitatory.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameEncoderInertial);
- image_mode_encoder_inertial.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameReactionTime);
- image_mode_reaction_times_small.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNamePulse);
- image_mode_pulses_small.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameMultiChronopic);
- image_mode_multi_chronopic_small.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameJumpsFallCalculate);
- extra_windows_jumps_image_dj_fall_calculate.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameJumpsFallPredefined);
- extra_windows_jumps_image_dj_fall_predefined.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "line_session_avg.png");
- image_line_session_avg.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "line_session_max.png");
- image_line_session_max.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "line_person_avg.png");
- image_line_person_avg.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "line_person_max.png");
- image_line_person_max.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "line_person_max_all_sessions.png");
- image_line_person_max_all_sessions.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- //reaction times changes
- //UtilGtk.ColorsTestLabel(viewport_chronopics, label_extra_window_radio_reaction_time);
- //UtilGtk.ColorsTestLabel(viewport_chronopics,
- //UtilGtk.ColorsTestLabel(viewport_chronopics,
- //UtilGtk.ColorsTestLabel(viewport_chronopics,
- UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, extra_window_radio_reaction_time);
- UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, extra_window_radio_reaction_time_animation_lights);
- UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, extra_window_radio_reaction_time_flicker);
- UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, extra_window_radio_reaction_time_discriminative);
- //pulses changes
- //UtilGtk.ColorsTestLabel(viewport_chronopics, label_extra_window_radio_pulses_free);
- //UtilGtk.ColorsTestLabel(viewport_chronopics, label_extra_window_radio_pulses_custom);
- UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, extra_window_radio_pulses_free);
- UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, extra_window_radio_pulses_custom);
- //multichronopic changes
- //UtilGtk.ColorsTestLabel(viewport_chronopics, label_extra_window_radio_multichronopic_start);
- //UtilGtk.ColorsTestLabel(viewport_chronopics,
- UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, extra_window_radio_multichronopic_start);
- UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, extra_window_radio_multichronopic_run_analysis);
- //open buttons (this is shown better in windows than the default open icon)
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameOpen);
- image_session_open.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- //not changed because it's small. TODO: do bigger
- //image_encoder_capture_open.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- //persons buttons
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameNew1);
- image_persons_new_1.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameNewPlus);
- image_persons_new_plus.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameOpen1);
- image_persons_open_1.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameOpenPlus);
- image_persons_open_plus.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "stock_bell.png");
- image_jump_reactive_bell.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_run_interval_bell.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_encoder_bell.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "preferences-system.png");
- image_jump_reactive_repair.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_run_interval_repair.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_pulse_repair.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "stock_delete.png");
- image_person_delete.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_delete_this_test.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_jump_delete.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_jump_reactive_delete.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_run_delete.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_run_interval_delete.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_reaction_time_delete.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_pulse_delete.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_multi_chronopic_delete.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_jump_type_delete_simple.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_jump_type_delete_reactive.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_run_type_delete_simple.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_run_type_delete_intervallic.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- //zoom icons, done like this because there's one zoom icon created ad-hoc,
- //and is not nice that the other are different for an user theme change
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameZoomFitIcon);
- image_jumps_zoom.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_jumps_rj_zoom.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_runs_zoom.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_runs_interval_zoom.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_reaction_times_zoom.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_pulses_zoom.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_multi_chronopic_zoom.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- //encoder
- UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, radiobutton_encoder_analyze_powerbars);
- UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, radiobutton_encoder_analyze_cross);
- UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, radiobutton_encoder_analyze_side);
- UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, radiobutton_encoder_analyze_single);
- UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, radiobutton_encoder_analyze_neuromuscular_profile);
- UtilGtk.ColorsCheckbox(viewport_chronopics, check_encoder_analyze_show_speed);
- UtilGtk.ColorsCheckbox(viewport_chronopics, check_encoder_analyze_show_accel);
- UtilGtk.ColorsCheckbox(viewport_chronopics, check_encoder_analyze_show_force);
- UtilGtk.ColorsCheckbox(viewport_chronopics, check_encoder_analyze_show_power);
- UtilGtk.ColorsCheckbox(viewport_chronopics, check_encoder_analyze_show_range);
- UtilGtk.ColorsCheckbox(viewport_chronopics, check_encoder_analyze_show_time_to_peak_power);
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "gpm-statistics.png");
- image_encoder_analyze_stats.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_encoder_analyze_image_save.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "stock_delete.png");
- image_encoder_signal_delete.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "spreadsheet.png");
- image_encoder_analyze_table_save.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "jumps-profile-pie.png");
- image_tab_jumps_profile.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_encoder_analyze_individual_current_set.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_encoder_analyze_individual_current_session.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_encoder_analyze_individual_all_sessions.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_encoder_analyze_groupal_current_session.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_encoder_analyze_powerbars.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_encoder_analyze_cross.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_encoder_analyze_1RM.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- image_encoder_analyze_1RM_save.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_encoder_analyze_side.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_encoder_analyze_single.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_encoder_analyze_nmp.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_encoder_analyze_eccon_together.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_encoder_analyze_eccon_separated.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_encoder_analyze_speed.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_encoder_analyze_accel.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_encoder_analyze_force.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_encoder_analyze_power.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_encoder_analyze_mean.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_encoder_analyze_max.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_encoder_analyze_range.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_encoder_analyze_time_to_pp.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_encoder_inertial_instructions.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- //auto mode
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameAutoPersonSkipIcon);
- image_auto_person_skip.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameAutoPersonRemoveIcon);
- image_auto_person_remove.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameSelectorJumps);
- image_selector_start_jumps.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameSelectorRuns);
- image_selector_start_runs.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_selector_start_encoder_gravitatory.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- //pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- //image_selector_start_encoder_inertial.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameLogo);
- image_logo.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameLogo320); //changed
to 270 for the presentation
- image_presentation_logo.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- }
- private void loadPreferences ()
- {
- preferences = Preferences.LoadAllFromSqlite();
- LogB.Information (string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Chronojump database version file: {0}"),
- preferences.databaseVersion));
- checkbutton_allow_finish_rj_after_time.Active = preferences.allowFinishRjAfterTime;
- //---- video ----
- UtilGtk.ColorsCheckOnlyPrelight(checkbutton_video);
- UtilGtk.ColorsCheckOnlyPrelight(checkbutton_video_encoder);
- //don't raise the signal
- checkbutton_video.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_checkbutton_video_clicked);
- checkbutton_video.Active = preferences.videoOn;
- checkbutton_video.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_checkbutton_video_clicked);
- //don't raise the signal
- checkbutton_video_encoder.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_checkbutton_video_encoder_clicked);
- checkbutton_video_encoder.Active = preferences.videoOn;
- checkbutton_video_encoder.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_checkbutton_video_encoder_clicked);
- changeVideoButtons(preferences.videoOn);
- //change language works on windows. On Linux let's change the locale
- //if(UtilAll.IsWindows())
- // languageChange();
- //pass to report
- report.preferences = preferences;
- report.Progversion = progVersion;
- LogB.Information ( Catalog.GetString ("Preferences loaded") );
- }
- /*
- * languageChange is not related to windows and linux, is related to .net or mono
- * on .net (windows) we can change language. On mono, we use locale
- * now since 0.53 svn, we use mono on windows and linux, then this is not used
- *
- private void languageChange () {
- string myLanguage = SqlitePreferences.Select("language");
- if ( myLanguage != "0") {
- try {
- Log.WriteLine("myLanguage: {0}", myLanguage);
- System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new
- System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new
- //probably only works on newly created windows, if change, then say user has
to restart
- Log.WriteLine ("Changed language to {0}", myLanguage );
- } catch {
- new DialogMessage(Catalog.GetString("There's a problem with this language on
this computer. Please, choose another language."));
- }
- }
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- test modes (small GUI) ----------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- public void on_radio_mode_reaction_times_small_toggled (object obj, EventArgs args) {
- if(radio_mode_reaction_times_small.Active) {
- notebooks_change(4);
- on_extra_window_reaction_times_test_changed(obj, args);
- hbox_results_legend.Visible = true;
- }
- }
- public void on_radio_mode_pulses_small_toggled (object obj, EventArgs args) {
- if(radio_mode_pulses_small.Active) {
- notebooks_change(5);
- on_extra_window_pulses_test_changed(obj, args);
- hbox_results_legend.Visible = false;
- }
- }
- public void on_radio_mode_multi_chronopic_small_toggled (object obj, EventArgs args) {
- if(radio_mode_multi_chronopic_small.Active) {
- notebooks_change(6);
- on_extra_window_multichronopic_test_changed(obj, args);
- hbox_results_legend.Visible = false;
- }
- }
- public void on_radio_mode_encoder_capture_small_toggled (object obj, EventArgs args) {
- if(radio_mode_encoder_capture_small.Active)
- notebook_encoder_sup.CurrentPage = 0;
- }
- public void on_radio_mode_encoder_analyze_small_toggled (object obj, EventArgs args) {
- if(radio_mode_encoder_analyze_small.Active)
- notebook_encoder_sup.CurrentPage = 1;
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- TREEVIEW (generic) --------------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void expandOrMinimizeTreeView(TreeViewEvent tvEvent, TreeView tv) {
- if(tvEvent.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED)
- tv.CollapseAll();
- else if (tvEvent.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.OPTIMAL) {
- tv.CollapseAll();
- tvEvent.ExpandOptimal();
- } else //MAXIMIZED
- tv.ExpandAll();
- //Log.WriteLine("IS " + tvEvent.ExpandState);
- }
- private void on_treeview_button_release_event (object o, ButtonReleaseEventArgs args) {
- Gdk.EventButton e = args.Event;
- Gtk.TreeView myTv = (Gtk.TreeView) o;
- if (e.Button == 3) {
- if(myTv == treeview_persons) {
- treeviewPersonsContextMenu(currentPerson);
- } else if(myTv == treeview_jumps) {
- if (myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- Jump myJump = SqliteJump.SelectJumpData(
myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID, false );
- treeviewJumpsContextMenu(myJump);
- }
- } else if(myTv == treeview_jumps_rj) {
- if (myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- JumpRj myJump = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumpData( "jumpRj",
myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID, false );
- treeviewJumpsRjContextMenu(myJump);
- }
- } else if(myTv == treeview_runs) {
- if (myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- Run myRun = SqliteRun.SelectRunData( myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID,
false );
- treeviewRunsContextMenu(myRun);
- }
- } else if(myTv == treeview_runs_interval) {
- if (myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- RunInterval myRun = SqliteRunInterval.SelectRunData(
Constants.RunIntervalTable, myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID, false );
- treeviewRunsIntervalContextMenu(myRun);
- }
- } else if(myTv == treeview_reaction_times) {
- if (myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- ReactionTime myRt = SqliteReactionTime.SelectReactionTimeData(
myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID, false );
- treeviewReactionTimesContextMenu(myRt);
- }
- } else if(myTv == treeview_pulses) {
- if (myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- Pulse myPulse = SqlitePulse.SelectPulseData(
myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID, false );
- treeviewPulsesContextMenu(myPulse);
- }
- } else if(myTv == treeview_multi_chronopic) {
- if (myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- MultiChronopic mc = SqliteMultiChronopic.SelectMultiChronopicData(
myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID, false );
- treeviewMultiChronopicContextMenu(mc);
- }
- } else
- LogB.Information(myTv.ToString());
- }
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- TREEVIEW PERSONS ----------------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void createTreeView_persons (Gtk.TreeView tv) {
- myTreeViewPersons = new TreeViewPersons( tv );
- tv.Selection.Changed += onTreeviewPersonsSelectionEntry;
- }
- private void fillTreeView_persons () {
- ArrayList myPersons = SqlitePersonSession.SelectCurrentSessionPersons(
- currentSession.UniqueID,
- false); //means: do not returnPersonAndPSlist
- if(myPersons.Count > 0) {
- //fill treeview
- myTreeViewPersons.Fill(myPersons);
- }
- }
- private void on_treeview_persons_up (object o, EventArgs args) {
- myTreeViewPersons.SelectPreviousRow(currentPerson.UniqueID);
- }
- private void on_treeview_persons_down (object o, EventArgs args) {
- myTreeViewPersons.SelectNextRow(currentPerson.UniqueID);
- }
- //return true if selection is done (there's any person)
- private bool selectRowTreeView_persons(Gtk.TreeView tv, TreeStore store, int rowNum)
- {
- myTreeViewPersons.SelectRow(rowNum);
- //the selection of row in treeViewPersons.SelectRow is not a real selection
- //and unfortunately doesn't raises the on_treeview_persons_cursor_changed ()
- //for this reason we reproduce the method here
- TreeModel model;
- TreeIter iter;
- if (tv.Selection.GetSelected (out model, out iter)) {
- string selectedID = (string) model.GetValue (iter, 0); //ID, Name
- currentPerson = SqlitePerson.Select(Convert.ToInt32(selectedID));
- currentPersonSession = SqlitePersonSession.Select(Convert.ToInt32(selectedID),
- label_person_change();
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- void label_person_change() {
- label_current_person.Text = "<b>" + currentPerson.Name + "</b>";
- label_current_person.UseMarkup = true;
- label_encoder_person_name.Text = "<b>" + currentPerson.Name + "</b>";
- label_encoder_person_name.UseMarkup = true;
- }
- private void treeview_persons_storeReset() {
- myTreeViewPersons.RemoveColumns();
- myTreeViewPersons = new TreeViewPersons(treeview_persons);
- }
- //private void on_treeview_persons_cursor_changed (object o, EventArgs args) {
- private void onTreeviewPersonsSelectionEntry (object o, EventArgs args) {
- TreeModel model;
- TreeIter iter;
- // you get the iter and the model if something is selected
- if (((TreeSelection)o).GetSelected(out model, out iter)) {
- string selectedID = (string) model.GetValue (iter, 0); //ID, Name
- currentPerson = SqlitePerson.Select(Convert.ToInt32(selectedID));
- currentPersonSession = SqlitePersonSession.Select(Convert.ToInt32(selectedID),
- label_person_change();
- personChanged();
- }
- }
- private void personChanged() {
- //1) change on jumps, runs, pulse capture graph
- if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Active) {
- updateGraphJumpsSimple();
- if(notebook_capture_analyze.CurrentPage == 2) //Jumps Profile
- jumpsProfileDo(true); //calculate data
- }
- else if(radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple.Active)
- updateGraphRunsSimple();
- else if(radio_mode_reaction_times_small.Active)
- updateGraphReactionTimes();
- //2) change on encoder
- encoderPersonChanged();
- }
- private void treeviewPersonsContextMenu(Person myPerson) {
- Menu myMenu = new Menu ();
- Gtk.MenuItem myItem;
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Edit") + " " + myPerson.Name);
- myItem.Activated += on_edit_current_person_clicked_from_main_gui;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Show all tests of") + " " + myPerson.Name);
- myItem.Activated += on_show_all_person_events_activate;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 1, 2 );
- Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem mySep = new SeparatorMenuItem();
- myMenu.Attach( mySep, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
- myItem = new MenuItem ( string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Delete {0} from this
- myItem.Activated += on_delete_current_person_from_session_clicked;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 3, 4 );
- myMenu.Popup();
- myMenu.ShowAll();
- }
- private void resetAllTreeViews( bool alsoPersons) {
- if(alsoPersons) {
- //load the persons treeview
- treeview_persons_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_persons();
- }
- //Leave SQL opened in all this process
- Sqlite.Open(); // ------------------------------
- //load the jumps treeview
- treeview_jumps_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_jumps(Constants.AllJumpsName, true);
- //load the jumps_rj treeview_rj
- treeview_jumps_rj_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_jumps_rj(Constants.AllJumpsName, true);
- //load the runs treeview
- treeview_runs_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_runs(Constants.AllRunsName, true);
- //load the runs_interval treeview
- treeview_runs_interval_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_runs_interval(Constants.AllRunsName, true);
- //load the pulses treeview
- treeview_pulses_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_pulses(Constants.AllPulsesName, true);
- //load the reaction_times treeview
- treeview_reaction_times_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_reaction_times("reactionTime", true);
- //load the multiChronopic treeview
- treeview_multi_chronopic_storeReset(true);
- fillTreeView_multi_chronopic(true);
- //close SQL opened in all this process
- Sqlite.Close(); // ------------------------------
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- TREEVIEW JUMPS ------------------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void createTreeView_jumps (Gtk.TreeView tv) {
- //myTreeViewJumps is a TreeViewJumps instance
- myTreeViewJumps = new TreeViewJumps(tv, preferences, TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED);
- //the glade cursor_changed does not work on mono 1.2.5 windows
- tv.CursorChanged += on_treeview_jumps_cursor_changed;
- //show or hide help_power and help_stiffness depending on preferences
- button_jumps_result_help_power.Visible = preferences.showPower;
- button_jumps_result_help_stiffness.Visible = preferences.showStiffness;
- }
- private void fillTreeView_jumps (string filter) {
- fillTreeView_jumps(filter, false);
- }
- private void fillTreeView_jumps (string filter, bool dbconOpened) {
- string [] myJumps;
- myJumps = SqliteJump.SelectJumps(dbconOpened, currentSession.UniqueID, -1, "", "",
- Sqlite.Orders_by.DEFAULT, -1);
- myTreeViewJumps.Fill(myJumps, filter);
- expandOrMinimizeTreeView((TreeViewEvent) myTreeViewJumps, treeview_jumps);
- }
- private void on_button_jumps_zoom_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- myTreeViewJumps.ExpandState = myTreeViewJumps.ZoomChange(myTreeViewJumps.ExpandState);
- if(myTreeViewJumps.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED)
- treeview_jumps.CollapseAll();
- else
- treeview_jumps.ExpandAll();
- }
- private void treeview_jumps_storeReset() {
- myTreeViewJumps.RemoveColumns();
- myTreeViewJumps = new TreeViewJumps(treeview_jumps, preferences, myTreeViewJumps.ExpandState);
- }
- private void on_treeview_jumps_cursor_changed (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("Cursor changed");
- // don't select if it's a person,
- // is for not confusing with the person treeviews that controls who jumps
- if (myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID == 0) {
- myTreeViewJumps.Unselect();
- showHideActionEventButtons(false, "Jump"); //hide
- } else {
- showHideActionEventButtons(true, "Jump"); //show
- }
- }
- private void treeviewJumpsContextMenu(Jump myJump) {
- Menu myMenu = new Menu ();
- Gtk.MenuItem myItem;
- /*
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Play Video") + " " +
- myJump.Type + " (" + myJump.PersonName + ")");
- if(File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.JUMP, myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID))) {
- myItem.Activated += on_video_play_selected_jump_clicked;
- myItem.Sensitive = true;
- } else
- myItem.Sensitive = false;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
- */
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Edit selected") + " " + myJump.Type + " (" +
myJump.PersonName + ")");
- myItem.Activated += on_edit_selected_jump_clicked;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
- Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem mySep = new SeparatorMenuItem();
- myMenu.Attach( mySep, 0, 1, 1, 2 );
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Delete selected") + " " + myJump.Type + " (" +
myJump.PersonName + ")");
- myItem.Activated += on_delete_selected_jump_clicked;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
- myMenu.Popup();
- myMenu.ShowAll();
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- TREEVIEW JUMPS RJ ---------------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void createTreeView_jumps_rj (Gtk.TreeView tv) {
- myTreeViewJumpsRj = new TreeViewJumpsRj (tv, preferences,
- //the glade cursor_changed does not work on mono 1.2.5 windows
- tv.CursorChanged += on_treeview_jumps_rj_cursor_changed;
- //show or hide help_power and help_stiffness depending on preferences
- button_jumps_rj_result_help_power.Visible = preferences.showPower;
- button_jumps_rj_result_help_stiffness.Visible = preferences.showStiffness;
- }
- private void fillTreeView_jumps_rj (string filter) {
- fillTreeView_jumps_rj (filter, false);
- }
- private void fillTreeView_jumps_rj (string filter, bool dbconOpened) {
- string [] myJumps;
- myJumps = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumps(dbconOpened, currentSession.UniqueID, -1, "", "");
- myTreeViewJumpsRj.Fill(myJumps, filter);
- expandOrMinimizeTreeView((TreeViewEvent) myTreeViewJumpsRj, treeview_jumps_rj);
- }
- private void on_button_jumps_rj_zoom_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- myTreeViewJumpsRj.ExpandState = myTreeViewJumpsRj.ZoomChange(myTreeViewJumpsRj.ExpandState);
- if(myTreeViewJumpsRj.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED)
- treeview_jumps_rj.CollapseAll();
- else if(myTreeViewJumpsRj.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.OPTIMAL) {
- treeview_jumps_rj.CollapseAll();
- myTreeViewJumpsRj.ExpandOptimal();
- } else
- treeview_jumps_rj.ExpandAll();
- }
- private void treeview_jumps_rj_storeReset() {
- myTreeViewJumpsRj.RemoveColumns();
- myTreeViewJumpsRj = new TreeViewJumpsRj (treeview_jumps_rj, preferences,
- }
- private void on_treeview_jumps_rj_cursor_changed (object o, EventArgs args) {
- // don't select if it's a person,
- // is for not confusing with the person treeviews that controls who jumps
- if (myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID == 0) {
- myTreeViewJumpsRj.Unselect();
- showHideActionEventButtons(false, "JumpRj");
- } else if (myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID == -1) {
- myTreeViewJumpsRj.SelectHeaderLine();
- showHideActionEventButtons(true, "JumpRj");
- } else {
- showHideActionEventButtons(true, "JumpRj");
- }
- }
- private void treeviewJumpsRjContextMenu(JumpRj myJump) {
- Menu myMenu = new Menu ();
- Gtk.MenuItem myItem;
- /*
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Play Video") + " " +
- myJump.Type + " (" + myJump.PersonName + ")");
- if(File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.JUMP_RJ, myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID))) {
- myItem.Activated += on_video_play_selected_jump_rj_clicked;
- myItem.Sensitive = true;
- } else
- myItem.Sensitive = false;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
- */
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Edit selected") + " " + myJump.Type + " (" +
myJump.PersonName + ")");
- myItem.Activated += on_edit_selected_jump_rj_clicked;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Repair selected") + " " + myJump.Type + " (" +
myJump.PersonName + ")");
- myItem.Activated += on_repair_selected_jump_rj_clicked;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 1, 2 );
- Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem mySep = new SeparatorMenuItem();
- myMenu.Attach( mySep, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Delete selected") + " " + myJump.Type + " (" +
myJump.PersonName + ")");
- myItem.Activated += on_delete_selected_jump_rj_clicked;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 3, 4 );
- myMenu.Popup();
- myMenu.ShowAll();
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- TREEVIEW RUNS -------------------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void createTreeView_runs (Gtk.TreeView tv) {
- //myTreeViewRuns is a TreeViewRuns instance
- myTreeViewRuns = new TreeViewRuns (tv, preferences.digitsNumber,
preferences.metersSecondsPreferred, TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED );
- //the glade cursor_changed does not work on mono 1.2.5 windows
- tv.CursorChanged += on_treeview_runs_cursor_changed;
- }
- private void fillTreeView_runs (string filter) {
- fillTreeView_runs (filter, false);
- }
- private void fillTreeView_runs (string filter, bool dbconOpened) {
- string [] myRuns = SqliteRun.SelectRuns(dbconOpened, currentSession.UniqueID, -1, "",
- Sqlite.Orders_by.DEFAULT, -1);
- myTreeViewRuns.Fill(myRuns, filter);
- expandOrMinimizeTreeView((TreeViewEvent) myTreeViewRuns, treeview_runs);
- }
- private void on_button_runs_zoom_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- myTreeViewRuns.ExpandState = myTreeViewRuns.ZoomChange(myTreeViewRuns.ExpandState);
- if(myTreeViewRuns.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED)
- treeview_runs.CollapseAll();
- else
- treeview_runs.ExpandAll();
- }
- private void treeview_runs_storeReset() {
- myTreeViewRuns.RemoveColumns();
- myTreeViewRuns = new TreeViewRuns(treeview_runs, preferences.digitsNumber,
preferences.metersSecondsPreferred, myTreeViewRuns.ExpandState);
- }
- private void on_treeview_runs_cursor_changed (object o, EventArgs args) {
- // don't select if it's a person,
- // is for not confusing with the person treeviews that controls who runs
- if (myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID == 0) {
- myTreeViewRuns.Unselect();
- showHideActionEventButtons(false, "Run");
- } else {
- showHideActionEventButtons(true, "Run");
- }
- }
- private void treeviewRunsContextMenu(Run myRun) {
- Menu myMenu = new Menu ();
- Gtk.MenuItem myItem;
- /*
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Play Video") + " " +
- myRun.Type + " (" + myRun.PersonName + ")");
- if(File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.RUN, myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID))) {
- myItem.Activated += on_video_play_selected_run_clicked;
- myItem.Sensitive = true;
- } else
- myItem.Sensitive = false;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
- */
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Edit selected") + " " + myRun.Type + " (" +
myRun.PersonName + ")");
- myItem.Activated += on_edit_selected_run_clicked;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
- Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem mySep = new SeparatorMenuItem();
- myMenu.Attach( mySep, 0, 1, 1, 2 );
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Delete selected") + " " + myRun.Type + " (" +
myRun.PersonName + ")");
- myItem.Activated += on_delete_selected_run_clicked;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
- myMenu.Popup();
- myMenu.ShowAll();
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- TREEVIEW RUN INTERVAL -----------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void createTreeView_runs_interval (Gtk.TreeView tv) {
- //myTreeViewRunsInterval is a TreeViewRunsInterval instance
- myTreeViewRunsInterval = new TreeViewRunsInterval (tv, preferences.digitsNumber,
preferences.metersSecondsPreferred, TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED);
- //the glade cursor_changed does not work on mono 1.2.5 windows
- tv.CursorChanged += on_treeview_runs_interval_cursor_changed;
- }
- private void fillTreeView_runs_interval (string filter) {
- fillTreeView_runs_interval (filter, false);
- }
- private void fillTreeView_runs_interval (string filter, bool dbconOpened) {
- string [] myRuns = SqliteRunInterval.SelectRuns(dbconOpened, currentSession.UniqueID, -1, "");
- myTreeViewRunsInterval.Fill(myRuns, filter);
- expandOrMinimizeTreeView((TreeViewEvent) myTreeViewRunsInterval, treeview_runs_interval);
- }
- private void on_button_runs_interval_zoom_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- myTreeViewRunsInterval.ExpandState =
- if(myTreeViewRunsInterval.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED)
- treeview_runs_interval.CollapseAll();
- else if(myTreeViewRunsInterval.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.OPTIMAL) {
- treeview_runs_interval.CollapseAll();
- myTreeViewRunsInterval.ExpandOptimal();
- } else
- treeview_runs_interval.ExpandAll();
- }
- private void treeview_runs_interval_storeReset() {
- myTreeViewRunsInterval.RemoveColumns();
- myTreeViewRunsInterval = new TreeViewRunsInterval (treeview_runs_interval,
- preferences.digitsNumber, preferences.metersSecondsPreferred,
- }
- private void on_treeview_runs_interval_cursor_changed (object o, EventArgs args) {
- // don't select if it's a person,
- // is for not confusing with the person treeviews that controls who runs
- if (myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID == 0) {
- myTreeViewRunsInterval.Unselect();
- showHideActionEventButtons(false, "RunInterval");
- } else if (myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID == -1) {
- myTreeViewRunsInterval.SelectHeaderLine();
- showHideActionEventButtons(true, "RunInterval");
- } else {
- showHideActionEventButtons(true, "RunInterval");
- }
- }
- private void treeviewRunsIntervalContextMenu(RunInterval myRun) {
- Menu myMenu = new Menu ();
- Gtk.MenuItem myItem;
- /*
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Play Video") + " " +
- myRun.Type + " (" + myRun.PersonName + ")");
- if(File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.RUN_I, myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID))) {
- myItem.Activated += on_video_play_selected_run_interval_clicked;
- myItem.Sensitive = true;
- } else
- myItem.Sensitive = false;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
- */
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Edit selected") + " " + myRun.Type + " (" +
myRun.PersonName + ")");
- myItem.Activated += on_edit_selected_run_interval_clicked;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Repair selected") + " " + myRun.Type + " (" +
myRun.PersonName + ")");
- myItem.Activated += on_repair_selected_run_interval_clicked;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 1, 2 );
- Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem mySep = new SeparatorMenuItem();
- myMenu.Attach( mySep, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Delete selected") + " " + myRun.Type + " (" +
myRun.PersonName + ")");
- myItem.Activated += on_delete_selected_run_interval_clicked;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 3, 4 );
- myMenu.Popup();
- myMenu.ShowAll();
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- TREEVIEW REACTION TIMES ---------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void createTreeView_reaction_times (Gtk.TreeView tv) {
- //myTreeViewReactionTimes is a TreeViewReactionTimes instance
- myTreeViewReactionTimes = new TreeViewReactionTimes( tv, preferences.digitsNumber,
- //the glade cursor_changed does not work on mono 1.2.5 windows
- tv.CursorChanged += on_treeview_reaction_times_cursor_changed;
- }
- private void fillTreeView_reaction_times (string filter) {
- fillTreeView_reaction_times (filter, false);
- }
- private void fillTreeView_reaction_times (string filter, bool dbconOpened) {
- string [] myRTs = SqliteReactionTime.SelectReactionTimes(dbconOpened,
currentSession.UniqueID, -1, "",
- Sqlite.Orders_by.DEFAULT, -1);
- myTreeViewReactionTimes.Fill(myRTs, filter);
- expandOrMinimizeTreeView((TreeViewEvent) myTreeViewReactionTimes, treeview_reaction_times);
- }
- private void on_button_reaction_times_zoom_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- myTreeViewReactionTimes.ExpandState = myTreeViewReactionTimes.ZoomChange(
- myTreeViewReactionTimes.ExpandState);
- if(myTreeViewReactionTimes.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED)
- treeview_reaction_times.CollapseAll();
- else
- treeview_reaction_times.ExpandAll();
- }
- private void treeview_reaction_times_storeReset() {
- myTreeViewReactionTimes.RemoveColumns();
- myTreeViewReactionTimes = new TreeViewReactionTimes( treeview_reaction_times,
preferences.digitsNumber, myTreeViewReactionTimes.ExpandState );
- }
- private void on_treeview_reaction_times_cursor_changed (object o, EventArgs args) {
- // don't select if it's a person,
- // is for not confusing with the person treeviews that controls who is executing
- if (myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID == 0) {
- myTreeViewReactionTimes.Unselect();
- showHideActionEventButtons(false, "ReactionTime");
- } else {
- showHideActionEventButtons(true, "ReactionTime");
- }
- }
- private void treeviewReactionTimesContextMenu(ReactionTime myRt) {
- Menu myMenu = new Menu ();
- Gtk.MenuItem myItem;
- /*
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Play Video") + " " +
- myRt.Type + " (" + myRt.PersonName + ")");
- if(File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.RT, myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID))) {
- myItem.Activated += on_video_play_selected_reaction_time_clicked;
- myItem.Sensitive = true;
- } else
- myItem.Sensitive = false;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
- */
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Edit selected") + " " + myRt.Type + " (" +
myRt.PersonName + ")");
- myItem.Activated += on_edit_selected_reaction_time_clicked;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
- Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem mySep = new SeparatorMenuItem();
- myMenu.Attach( mySep, 0, 1, 1, 2 );
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Delete selected") + " " + myRt.Type + " (" +
myRt.PersonName + ")");
- myItem.Activated += on_delete_selected_reaction_time_clicked;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
- myMenu.Popup();
- myMenu.ShowAll();
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- TREEVIEW PULSES -----------------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void createTreeView_pulses (Gtk.TreeView tv) {
- //myTreeViewPulses is a TreeViewPulses instance
- myTreeViewPulses = new TreeViewPulses( tv, preferences.digitsNumber,
TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED );
- //the glade cursor_changed does not work on mono 1.2.5 windows
- tv.CursorChanged += on_treeview_pulses_cursor_changed;
- }
- private void fillTreeView_pulses (string filter) {
- fillTreeView_pulses (filter, false);
- }
- private void fillTreeView_pulses (string filter, bool dbconOpened) {
- string [] myPulses = SqlitePulse.SelectPulses(dbconOpened, currentSession.UniqueID, -1);
- myTreeViewPulses.Fill(myPulses, filter);
- expandOrMinimizeTreeView((TreeViewEvent) myTreeViewPulses, treeview_pulses);
- }
- private void on_button_pulses_zoom_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- myTreeViewPulses.ExpandState = myTreeViewPulses.ZoomChange(myTreeViewPulses.ExpandState);
- if(myTreeViewPulses.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED)
- treeview_pulses.CollapseAll();
- else if(myTreeViewPulses.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.OPTIMAL) {
- treeview_pulses.CollapseAll();
- myTreeViewPulses.ExpandOptimal();
- } else
- treeview_pulses.ExpandAll();
- }
- private void treeview_pulses_storeReset() {
- myTreeViewPulses.RemoveColumns();
- myTreeViewPulses = new TreeViewPulses( treeview_pulses, preferences.digitsNumber,
myTreeViewPulses.ExpandState );
- }
- private void on_treeview_pulses_cursor_changed (object o, EventArgs args) {
- // don't select if it's a person,
- // is for not confusing with the person treeviews that controls who is executing
- if (myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID == 0) {
- myTreeViewPulses.Unselect();
- showHideActionEventButtons(false, "Pulse");
- } else if (myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID == -1) {
- myTreeViewPulses.SelectHeaderLine();
- showHideActionEventButtons(true, "Pulse");
- } else {
- showHideActionEventButtons(true, "Pulse");
- }
- }
- private void treeviewPulsesContextMenu(Pulse myPulse) {
- Menu myMenu = new Menu ();
- Gtk.MenuItem myItem;
- /*
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Play Video") + " " +
- myPulse.Type + " (" + myPulse.PersonName + ")");
- if(File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.PULSE, myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID))) {
- myItem.Activated += on_video_play_selected_pulse_clicked;
- myItem.Sensitive = true;
- } else
- myItem.Sensitive = false;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
- */
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Edit selected") + " " + myPulse.Type + " (" +
myPulse.PersonName + ")");
- myItem.Activated += on_edit_selected_pulse_clicked;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Repair selected") + " " + myPulse.Type + " (" +
myPulse.PersonName + ")");
- myItem.Activated += on_repair_selected_pulse_clicked;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 1, 2 );
- Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem mySep = new SeparatorMenuItem();
- myMenu.Attach( mySep, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Delete selected") + " " + myPulse.Type + " (" +
myPulse.PersonName + ")");
- myItem.Activated += on_delete_selected_pulse_clicked;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 3, 4 );
- myMenu.Popup();
- myMenu.ShowAll();
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- TREEVIEW MULTI CHRONOPIC --------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void createTreeView_multi_chronopic (bool dbconOpened, Gtk.TreeView tv) {
- //myTreeViewMultiChronopic is a TreeViewMultiChronopic instance
- if(definedSession)
- myTreeViewMultiChronopic = new TreeViewMultiChronopic( tv, preferences.digitsNumber,
- TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED,
SqliteMultiChronopic.MaxCPs(dbconOpened, currentSession.UniqueID) );
- else
- myTreeViewMultiChronopic = new TreeViewMultiChronopic( tv, preferences.digitsNumber,
- TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED, 2);
- //the glade cursor_changed does not work on mono 1.2.5 windows
- tv.CursorChanged += on_treeview_multi_chronopic_cursor_changed;
- }
- private void fillTreeView_multi_chronopic () {
- fillTreeView_multi_chronopic (false);
- }
- private void fillTreeView_multi_chronopic (bool dbconOpened) {
- string [] mcs = SqliteMultiChronopic.SelectTests(dbconOpened, currentSession.UniqueID, -1);
- myTreeViewMultiChronopic.Fill(mcs, "");
- expandOrMinimizeTreeView((TreeViewEvent) myTreeViewMultiChronopic, treeview_multi_chronopic);
- }
- private void on_button_multi_chronopic_zoom_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- myTreeViewMultiChronopic.ExpandState =
- if(myTreeViewMultiChronopic.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED)
- treeview_multi_chronopic.CollapseAll();
- else if(myTreeViewMultiChronopic.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.OPTIMAL) {
- treeview_multi_chronopic.CollapseAll();
- myTreeViewMultiChronopic.ExpandOptimal();
- } else
- treeview_multi_chronopic.ExpandAll();
- }
- private void treeview_multi_chronopic_storeReset(bool dbconOpened) {
- myTreeViewMultiChronopic.RemoveColumns();
- if(definedSession)
- myTreeViewMultiChronopic = new TreeViewMultiChronopic( treeview_multi_chronopic,
- myTreeViewMultiChronopic.ExpandState,
SqliteMultiChronopic.MaxCPs(dbconOpened, currentSession.UniqueID) );
- else
- myTreeViewMultiChronopic = new TreeViewMultiChronopic( treeview_multi_chronopic,
- myTreeViewMultiChronopic.ExpandState, 2);
- }
- private void on_treeview_multi_chronopic_cursor_changed (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("Cursor changed");
- // don't select if it's a person,
- // is for not confusing with the person treeviews that controls who does events
- if (myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID == 0) {
- myTreeViewMultiChronopic.Unselect();
- showHideActionEventButtons(false, Constants.MultiChronopicName); //hide
- } else if (myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID == -1) {
- myTreeViewMultiChronopic.SelectHeaderLine();
- showHideActionEventButtons(true, Constants.MultiChronopicName);
- } else {
- showHideActionEventButtons(true, Constants.MultiChronopicName); //show
- }
- }
- private void treeviewMultiChronopicContextMenu(MultiChronopic mc) {
- Menu myMenu = new Menu ();
- Gtk.MenuItem myItem;
- /*
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Play Video") + " " +
- mc.Type + " (" + mc.PersonName + ")");
- if(File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.MULTICHRONOPIC,
myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID))) {
- myItem.Activated += on_video_play_selected_multi_chronopic_clicked;
- myItem.Sensitive = true;
- } else
- myItem.Sensitive = false;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
- */
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Edit selected") + " " + mc.Type + " (" +
mc.PersonName + ")");
- myItem.Activated += on_edit_selected_multi_chronopic_clicked;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
- /*
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Repair selected") + " " + mc.Type + " (" +
mc.PersonName + ")");
- myItem.Activated += on_repair_selected_multi_chronopic_clicked;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
- */
- Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem mySep = new SeparatorMenuItem();
- myMenu.Attach( mySep, 0, 1, 1, 2 );
- myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Delete selected") + " " + mc.Type + " (" +
mc.PersonName + ")");
- myItem.Activated += on_delete_selected_multi_chronopic_clicked;
- myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
- myMenu.Popup();
- myMenu.ShowAll();
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- CREATE AND UPDATE COMBOS ---------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- string [] selectJumpsString;
- string [] selectJumpsRjString;
- string [] selectRunsString;
- string [] selectRunsIntervalString;
- // ---------------- combo_select ----------------------
- private void createComboSelectJumps(bool create) {
- if(create)
- combo_select_jumps = ComboBox.NewText ();
- string [] jumpTypes = SqliteJumpType.SelectJumpTypes(false, "", "", false); //without
alljumpsname, without filter, not only name
- selectJumpsString = new String [jumpTypes.Length];
- string [] jumpNamesToCombo = new String [jumpTypes.Length];
- int i =0;
- foreach(string jumpType in jumpTypes) {
- string [] j = jumpType.Split(new char[] {':'});
- string nameTranslated = Catalog.GetString(j[1]);
- selectJumpsString[i] =
- j[0] + ":" + j[1] + ":" + nameTranslated + ":" + //uniqueID, name,
- j[2] + ":" + j[3] + ":" + j[4]; //startIn, weight,
- jumpNamesToCombo[i] = nameTranslated;
- i++;
- }
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_select_jumps, jumpNamesToCombo, "");
- combo_select_jumps.Active = 0;
- combo_select_jumps.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_select_jumps_changed);
- if(create) {
- hbox_combo_select_jumps.PackStart(combo_select_jumps, true, true, 0);
- hbox_combo_select_jumps.ShowAll();
- combo_select_jumps.Sensitive = false;
- }
- }
- private void createComboSelectJumpsRj(bool create) {
- if(create)
- combo_select_jumps_rj = ComboBox.NewText ();
- string [] jumpTypes = SqliteJumpType.SelectJumpRjTypes("", false); //without alljumpsname,
not only name
- selectJumpsRjString = new String [jumpTypes.Length];
- string [] jumpNamesToCombo = new String [jumpTypes.Length];
- int i =0;
- foreach(string jumpType in jumpTypes) {
- string [] j = jumpType.Split(new char[] {':'});
- string nameTranslated = Catalog.GetString(j[1]);
- selectJumpsRjString[i] =
- j[0] + ":" + j[1] + ":" + nameTranslated + ":" + //uniqueID, name,
- j[2] + ":" + j[3] + ":" + j[4] + ":" + //startIn, weight,
- j[5] + ":" + j[6]; //fixedValue,
- jumpNamesToCombo[i] = nameTranslated;
- i++;
- }
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_select_jumps_rj, jumpNamesToCombo, "");
- combo_select_jumps_rj.Active = 0;
- combo_select_jumps_rj.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_select_jumps_rj_changed);
- if(create) {
- hbox_combo_select_jumps_rj.PackStart(combo_select_jumps_rj, true, true, 0);
- hbox_combo_select_jumps_rj.ShowAll();
- combo_select_jumps_rj.Sensitive = false;
- }
- }
- private void createComboSelectRuns(bool create) {
- if(create)
- combo_select_runs = ComboBox.NewText ();
- string [] runTypes = SqliteRunType.SelectRunTypes("", false); //without allrunsname, not only
- selectRunsString = new String [runTypes.Length];
- string [] runNamesToCombo = new String [runTypes.Length];
- int i =0;
- foreach(string runType in runTypes) {
- string [] j = runType.Split(new char[] {':'});
- string nameTranslated = Catalog.GetString(j[1]);
- selectRunsString[i] =
- j[0] + ":" + j[1] + ":" + nameTranslated + ":" + //uniqueID, name,
- j[2] + ":" + j[3]; //distance,
- runNamesToCombo[i] = nameTranslated;
- i++;
- }
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_select_runs, runNamesToCombo, "");
- combo_select_runs.Active = 0;
- combo_select_runs.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_select_runs_changed);
- if(create) {
- hbox_combo_select_runs.PackStart(combo_select_runs, true, true, 0);
- hbox_combo_select_runs.ShowAll();
- combo_select_runs.Sensitive = false;
- }
- }
- private void createComboSelectRunsInterval(bool create) {
- if(create)
- combo_select_runs_interval = ComboBox.NewText ();
- string [] runTypes = SqliteRunIntervalType.SelectRunIntervalTypes("", false); //without
allrunsname, not only name
- selectRunsIntervalString = new String [runTypes.Length];
- string [] runNamesToCombo = new String [runTypes.Length];
- int i =0;
- foreach(string runType in runTypes) {
- string [] j = runType.Split(new char[] {':'});
- string nameTranslated = Catalog.GetString(j[1]);
- selectRunsIntervalString[i] =
- j[0] + ":" + j[1] + ":" + nameTranslated + ":" + //uniqueID, name,
- j[2] + ":" + j[3] + ":" + j[4] + ":" + //distance,
tracksLimited, fixedValue
- j[5] + ":" + j[6] + ":" + j[6]; //unlimited,
description, distancesString
- runNamesToCombo[i] = nameTranslated;
- i++;
- }
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_select_runs_interval, runNamesToCombo, "");
- combo_select_runs_interval.Active = 0;
- combo_select_runs_interval.Changed += new EventHandler
- if(create) {
- hbox_combo_select_runs_interval.PackStart(combo_select_runs_interval, true, true, 0);
- hbox_combo_select_runs_interval.ShowAll();
- combo_select_runs_interval.Sensitive = false;
- }
- }
- // ---------------- combo_result ----------------------
- private void createComboResultJumps() {
- combo_result_jumps = ComboBox.NewText ();
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_result_jumps,
- SqliteJumpType.SelectJumpTypes(false, Constants.AllJumpsName, "", true),
//with alljumpsname, without filter, only select name
- "");
- combo_result_jumps.Active = 0;
- combo_result_jumps.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_result_jumps_changed);
- hbox_combo_result_jumps.PackStart(combo_result_jumps, true, true, 0);
- hbox_combo_result_jumps.ShowAll();
- combo_result_jumps.Sensitive = false;
- }
- private void createComboResultJumpsRj() {
- combo_result_jumps_rj = ComboBox.NewText();
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_result_jumps_rj,
SqliteJumpType.SelectJumpRjTypes(Constants.AllJumpsName, true), ""); //only select name
- combo_result_jumps_rj.Active = 0;
- combo_result_jumps_rj.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_result_jumps_rj_changed);
- hbox_combo_result_jumps_rj.PackStart(combo_result_jumps_rj, true, true, 0);
- hbox_combo_result_jumps_rj.ShowAll();
- combo_result_jumps_rj.Sensitive = false;
- }
- private void createComboResultRuns() {
- combo_result_runs = ComboBox.NewText();
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_result_runs, SqliteRunType.SelectRunTypes(Constants.AllRunsName,
true), ""); //without filter, only select name
- combo_result_runs.Active = 0;
- combo_result_runs.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_result_runs_changed);
- hbox_combo_result_runs.PackStart(combo_result_runs, true, true, 0);
- hbox_combo_result_runs.ShowAll();
- combo_result_runs.Sensitive = false;
- }
- private void createComboResultRunsInterval() {
- combo_result_runs_interval = ComboBox.NewText();
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_result_runs_interval,
SqliteRunIntervalType.SelectRunIntervalTypes(Constants.AllRunsName, true), ""); //without filter, only select
- combo_result_runs_interval.Active = 0;
- combo_result_runs_interval.Changed += new EventHandler
- hbox_combo_result_runs_interval.PackStart(combo_result_runs_interval, true, true, 0);
- hbox_combo_result_runs_interval.ShowAll();
- combo_result_runs_interval.Sensitive = false;
- }
- //no need of reationTimes
- private void createComboPulses() {
- combo_pulses = ComboBox.NewText();
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_pulses, SqlitePulseType.SelectPulseTypes(Constants.AllPulsesName,
true), ""); //without filter, only select name
- combo_pulses.Active = 0;
- combo_pulses.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_pulses_changed);
- hbox_combo_pulses.PackStart(combo_pulses, true, true, 0);
- hbox_combo_pulses.ShowAll();
- combo_pulses.Sensitive = false;
- }
- /*
- private void createComboMultiChronopic()
- {
- button_multi_chronopic_start.Sensitive = false;
- button_run_analysis.Sensitive = false;
- extra_window_spin_run_analysis_distance.Sensitive = false;
- }
- */
- // -------------- combo select tests changed --------
- private void on_combo_select_jumps_changed(object o, EventArgs args) {
- ComboBox combo = o as ComboBox;
- if (o == null)
- return;
- string myText = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
- LogB.Information("Selected: " + myText);
- //show extra window options
- on_extra_window_jumps_test_changed(o, args);
- }
- private void on_combo_select_jumps_rj_changed(object o, EventArgs args) {
- ComboBox combo = o as ComboBox;
- if (o == null)
- return;
- string myText = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
- LogB.Information("Selected: " + myText);
- //show extra window options
- on_extra_window_jumps_rj_test_changed(o, args);
- }
- private void on_combo_select_runs_changed(object o, EventArgs args) {
- ComboBox combo = o as ComboBox;
- if (o == null)
- return;
- string myText = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
- LogB.Information("Selected: " + myText);
- //show extra window options
- on_extra_window_runs_test_changed(o, args);
- }
- private void on_combo_select_runs_interval_changed(object o, EventArgs args) {
- ComboBox combo = o as ComboBox;
- if (o == null)
- return;
- string myText = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
- LogB.Information("Selected: " + myText);
- //show extra window options
- on_extra_window_runs_interval_test_changed(o, args);
- }
- // -------------- combo result tests changed --------
- private void on_combo_result_jumps_changed(object o, EventArgs args) {
- //combo_result_jumps.Changed -= new EventHandler (on_combo_result_jumps_changed);
- ComboBox combo = o as ComboBox;
- if (o == null)
- return;
- string myText = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
- treeview_jumps_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_jumps(myText);
- }
- private void on_combo_result_jumps_rj_changed(object o, EventArgs args) {
- //combo_result_jumps_rj.Changed -= new EventHandler (on_combo_result_jumps_rj_changed);
- ComboBox combo = o as ComboBox;
- if (o == null)
- return;
- string myText = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
- treeview_jumps_rj_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_jumps_rj(myText);
- }
- private void on_combo_result_runs_changed(object o, EventArgs args) {
- //combo_result_runs.Changed -= new EventHandler (on_combo_result_runs_changed);
- ComboBox combo = o as ComboBox;
- if (o == null)
- return;
- string myText = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
- treeview_runs_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_runs(myText);
- }
- private void on_combo_result_runs_interval_changed(object o, EventArgs args) {
- //combo_result_runs_interval.Changed -= new EventHandler
- ComboBox combo = o as ComboBox;
- if (o == null)
- return;
- string myText = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
- treeview_runs_interval_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_runs_interval(myText);
- }
- //no need of reationTimes because is done in:
- //gui/reactionTime on_extra_window_reaction_times_test_changed()
- private void on_combo_pulses_changed(object o, EventArgs args) {
- //combo_pulses.Changed -= new EventHandler (on_combo_pulses_changed);
- ComboBox combo = o as ComboBox;
- if (o == null)
- return;
- string myText = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
- treeview_pulses_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_pulses(myText);
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- DELETE EVENT, QUIT -----------------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void on_delete_event (object o, DeleteEventArgs args) {
- args.RetVal = true;
- //cannot terminate chronojump untile press 'cancel' if autodetect encoder is working
- if(cpDetect != null && cpDetect.Detecting == true)
- return;
- on_quit1_activate (new object(), new EventArgs ());
- }
- private void on_quit1_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
- /*
- if(chronopicCancelledTimes > 0 && UtilAll.IsWindows()) {
- confirmWinJumpRun = ConfirmWindowJumpRun.Show(
- Catalog.GetString("Attention, current version of Chronojump gets
hanged on exit\nif user has cancelled detection of Chronopic."),
- Catalog.GetString("Sorry, you will have to close Chronojump using
CTRL + ALT + DEL."));
- confirmWinJumpRun.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_quit2_activate);
- } else
- on_quit2_activate(new object(), new EventArgs());
- */
- on_quit2_activate(new object(), new EventArgs());
- }
- private void on_quit2_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("Bye!");
- if(chronopicWin.Connected == true) {
- chronopicWin.SerialPortsCloseIfNeeded();
- }
- try {
- File.Delete(runningFileName);
- } catch {
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
- string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Could not delete file:\n{0}"),
- }
- if(File.Exists(Util.GetDatabaseTempDir() + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
- File.Move(Util.GetDatabaseTempDir() + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
- Util.GetDatabaseDir() + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
- LogB.Information("Bye2!");
- encoderRProcCapture.SendEndProcess();
- encoderRProcAnalyze.SendEndProcess();
- LogB.Information("Bye3!");
- //exit start ping if has not ended
- if(pingThread.IsAlive)
- pingThread.Abort();
- Log.End();
- Application.Quit();
- //Environment.Exit(Environment.ExitCode);
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- SESSION NEW, LOAD, EXPORT, DELETE -----
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void on_new_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("new session");
- sessionAddEditWin = SessionAddEditWindow.Show(app1, new Session());
- sessionAddEditWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_new_session_accepted);
- sessionAddEditWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_new_session_accepted);
- }
- private void on_new_session_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- if(sessionAddEditWin.CurrentSession != null)
- {
- currentSession = sessionAddEditWin.CurrentSession;
- sessionAddEditWin.HideAndNull();
- //serverUniqueID is undefined until session is updated
- currentSession.ServerUniqueID = Constants.ServerUndefinedID;
- app1.Title = progName + " - " + currentSession.Name;
- if(createdStatsWin) {
- stats_win_initializeSession();
- }
- resetAllTreeViews(true); //boolean means: "also persons"
- //show hidden widgets
- sensitiveGuiNoSession();
- sensitiveGuiYesSession();
- definedSession = true;
- //for sure, jumpsExists is false, because we create a new session
- button_edit_current_person.Sensitive = false;
- button_show_all_person_events.Sensitive = false;
- button_delete_current_person.Sensitive = false;
- //update report
- report.SessionID = currentSession.UniqueID;
- report.StatisticsRemove();
- try {
- reportWin.FillTreeView();
- } catch {} //reportWin is still not created, not need to Fill again
- //feedback (more in 1st session created)
- string feedbackLoadUsers = Catalog.GetString ("Session created, now add or load
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, feedbackLoadUsers);
- }
- }
- private void on_edit_session_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- LogB.Information("edit session");
- if(currentSession.Name == Constants.SessionSimulatedName)
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Constants.SessionProtected);
- else {
- sessionAddEditWin = SessionAddEditWindow.Show(app1, currentSession);
- sessionAddEditWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked -= new
- sessionAddEditWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked += new
- }
- }
- private void on_edit_session_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- if(sessionAddEditWin.CurrentSession != null)
- {
- currentSession = sessionAddEditWin.CurrentSession;
- sessionAddEditWin.HideAndNull();
- app1.Title = progName + " - " + currentSession.Name;
- if(createdStatsWin) {
- stats_win_initializeSession();
- }
- }
- }
- private void on_button_encoder_import_chronojump_session(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- sessionLoadWin = SessionLoadWindow.Show (app1, SessionLoadWindow.WindowType.IMPORT_SESSION);
- sessionLoadWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_load_session_accepted_to_import);
- }
- //from import session
- private void on_load_session_accepted_to_import(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- int sessionNumber = sessionLoadWin.CurrentSessionId();
- string databasePath = sessionLoadWin.DatabasePath();
- LogB.Information (databasePath);
- ImportSessionFromDatabase (databasePath, sessionNumber);
- }
- private void ImportSessionFromDatabase(string databasePath, int sessionNumber)
- {
- string source_filename = databasePath;
- string destination_filename = Sqlite.DatabaseFilePath;
- string session = Convert.ToString (sessionNumber);
- ChronojumpImporter chronojumpImporter = new ChronojumpImporter (source_filename,
destination_filename, session);
- ChronojumpImporter.Result result = chronojumpImporter.import ();
- if (result.success) {
- updateComboStats ();
- new DialogMessage (Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Catalog.GetString ("Session
- } else {
- LogB.Debug ("Chronojump Importer error: ", result.error);
- new DialogMessage (Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, result.error);
- }
- }
- private void on_open_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- LogB.Information("open session");
- sessionLoadWin = SessionLoadWindow.Show(app1, SessionLoadWindow.WindowType.LOAD_SESSION);
- sessionLoadWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_load_session_accepted_from_open);
- }
- //from open session
- private void on_load_session_accepted_from_open (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- currentSession = sessionLoadWin.CurrentSession;
- on_load_session_accepted();
- }
- //called from open session OR from gui/networks configInit when config.SessionMode ==
- private void on_load_session_accepted ()
- {
- app1.Title = progName + " - " + currentSession.Name;
- if(createdStatsWin) {
- stats_win_initializeSession();
- }
- resetAllTreeViews(true); //boolean means: "also persons"
- bool foundPersons = selectRowTreeView_persons(treeview_persons, treeview_persons_store, 0);
- //show hidden widgets
- sensitiveGuiNoSession();
- sensitiveGuiYesSession();
- definedSession = true;
- button_edit_current_person.Sensitive = false;
- button_show_all_person_events.Sensitive = false;
- button_delete_current_person.Sensitive = false;
- //if there are persons
- if(foundPersons) {
- //activate the gui for persons in main window
- sensitiveGuiYesPerson();
- }
- //update report
- report.SessionID = currentSession.UniqueID;
- report.StatisticsRemove();
- if(reportWin != null)
- reportWin.FillTreeView();
- chronojumpWindowTestsNext();
- }
- private void on_delete_session_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- LogB.Information("--- delete session ---");
- if(currentSession.Name == Constants.SessionSimulatedName)
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Constants.SessionProtected);
- else {
- ConfirmWindow confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Are you sure you
want to delete the current session"), "", Catalog.GetString("and all the session tests?"));
- confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_delete_session_accepted);
- }
- }
- private void on_delete_session_accepted (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Catalog.GetString("Deleted session and all its
- SqliteSession.DeleteAllStuff(currentSession.UniqueID.ToString());
- sensitiveGuiNoSession();
- definedSession = false;
- app1.Title = progName + "";
- }
- private void on_export_session_activate(object o, EventArgs args) {
- ConfirmWindow confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Encoder data will not be
exported."), "", "");
- confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_export_session_accepted);
- }
- private void on_export_session_accepted(object o, EventArgs args) {
- new ExportSessionCSV(currentSession, app1, preferences);
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- PERSON RECUPERATE, LOAD, EDIT, DELETE -
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void on_recuperate_person_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("recuperate person");
- personRecuperateWin = PersonRecuperateWindow.Show(app1, currentSession,
- personRecuperateWin.FakeButtonDone.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_recuperate_person_accepted);
- }
- private void on_recuperate_person_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("here!!!");
- currentPerson = personRecuperateWin.CurrentPerson;
- currentPersonSession = personRecuperateWin.CurrentPersonSession;
- label_person_change();
- myTreeViewPersons.Add(currentPerson.UniqueID.ToString(), currentPerson.Name);
- int rowToSelect = myTreeViewPersons.FindRow(currentPerson.UniqueID);
- if(rowToSelect != -1) {
- selectRowTreeView_persons(treeview_persons,
- treeview_persons_store,
- rowToSelect);
- sensitiveGuiYesPerson();
- }
- }
- private void on_recuperate_persons_from_session_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("recuperate persons from other session");
- personsRecuperateFromOtherSessionWin = PersonsRecuperateFromOtherSessionWindow.Show(app1,
- personsRecuperateFromOtherSessionWin.FakeButtonDone.Clicked += new
- }
- private void on_recuperate_persons_from_session_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- currentPerson = personsRecuperateFromOtherSessionWin.CurrentPerson;
- currentPersonSession = personsRecuperateFromOtherSessionWin.CurrentPersonSession;
- label_person_change();
- treeview_persons_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_persons();
- int rowToSelect = myTreeViewPersons.FindRow(currentPerson.UniqueID);
- if(rowToSelect != -1) {
- selectRowTreeView_persons(treeview_persons,
- treeview_persons_store,
- rowToSelect);
- sensitiveGuiYesPerson();
- }
- }
- bool person_add_single_called_from_person_select_window;
- private void on_person_add_single_from_main_gui (object o, EventArgs args) {
- person_add_single_called_from_person_select_window = false;
- person_add_single();
- }
- private void person_add_single () {
- personAddModifyWin = PersonAddModifyWindow.Show(app1,
- currentSession, new Person(-1),
- preferences.digitsNumber, checkbutton_video, useVideo
- );
- //-1 means we are adding a new person
- //if we were modifying it will be it's uniqueID
- personAddModifyWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked += new
- }
- private void on_person_add_single_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- if (personAddModifyWin.CurrentPerson != null)
- {
- currentPerson = personAddModifyWin.CurrentPerson;
- currentPersonSession = SqlitePersonSession.Select(currentPerson.UniqueID,
- label_person_change();
- myTreeViewPersons.Add(currentPerson.UniqueID.ToString(), currentPerson.Name);
- //when adding new person, photos cannot be recorded as currentPerson.UniqueID
- //because it was undefined. Copy them now
- if(File.Exists(Util.GetPhotoTempFileName(false)) &&
File.Exists(Util.GetPhotoTempFileName(true))) {
- try {
- File.Move(Util.GetPhotoTempFileName(false),
- Util.GetPhotoFileName(false, currentPerson.UniqueID));
- } catch {
- File.Copy(Util.GetPhotoTempFileName(false),
- Util.GetPhotoFileName(false, currentPerson.UniqueID),
- }
- try {
- File.Move(Util.GetPhotoTempFileName(true),
- Util.GetPhotoFileName(true, currentPerson.UniqueID));
- } catch {
- File.Copy(Util.GetPhotoTempFileName(true),
- Util.GetPhotoFileName(true, currentPerson.UniqueID),
- }
- }
- int rowToSelect = myTreeViewPersons.FindRow(currentPerson.UniqueID);
- if(rowToSelect != -1) {
- selectRowTreeView_persons(treeview_persons,
- treeview_persons_store,
- rowToSelect);
- sensitiveGuiYesPerson();
- //appbar2.Push( 1, Catalog.GetString("Successfully added") + " " +
currentPerson.Name );
- }
- if(person_add_single_called_from_person_select_window) {
- ArrayList myPersons = SqlitePersonSession.SelectCurrentSessionPersons(
- currentSession.UniqueID,
- false); //means: do not returnPersonAndPSlist
- personSelectWin.Update(myPersons);
- }
- }
- }
- //show spinbutton window asking for how many people to create
- private void on_person_add_multiple_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- personAddMultipleWin = PersonAddMultipleWindow.Show(app1, currentSession);
- personAddMultipleWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- }
- private void on_person_add_multiple_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- if (personAddMultipleWin.CurrentPerson != null)
- {
- currentPerson = personAddMultipleWin.CurrentPerson;
- currentPersonSession = SqlitePersonSession.Select(currentPerson.UniqueID,
- label_person_change();
- treeview_persons_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_persons();
- int rowToSelect = myTreeViewPersons.FindRow(currentPerson.UniqueID);
- if(rowToSelect != -1) {
- selectRowTreeView_persons(treeview_persons,
- treeview_persons_store,
- rowToSelect);
- sensitiveGuiYesPerson();
- string myString = string.Format(
- Catalog.GetPluralString(
- "Successfully added one person.",
- "Successfully added {0} persons.",
- personAddMultipleWin.PersonsCreatedCount),
- personAddMultipleWin.PersonsCreatedCount);
- //appbar2.Push( 1, Catalog.GetString(myString) );
- }
- }
- }
- bool person_edit_single_called_from_person_select_window;
- private void on_edit_current_person_clicked_from_main_gui (object o, EventArgs args) {
- person_edit_single_called_from_person_select_window = false;
- person_edit_single();
- }
- private void person_edit_single() {
- LogB.Information("modify person");
- personAddModifyWin = PersonAddModifyWindow.Show(app1, currentSession, currentPerson,
- preferences.digitsNumber, checkbutton_video, useVideo
- );
- personAddModifyWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked += new
- }
- private void on_edit_current_person_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- if (personAddModifyWin.CurrentPerson != null)
- {
- currentPerson = personAddModifyWin.CurrentPerson;
- currentPersonSession = SqlitePersonSession.Select(currentPerson.UniqueID,
- label_person_change();
- treeview_persons_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_persons();
- int rowToSelect = myTreeViewPersons.FindRow(currentPerson.UniqueID);
- if(rowToSelect != -1) {
- selectRowTreeView_persons(treeview_persons,
- treeview_persons_store,
- rowToSelect);
- sensitiveGuiYesPerson();
- }
- on_combo_result_jumps_changed(combo_result_jumps, args);
- on_combo_result_jumps_rj_changed(combo_result_jumps_rj, args);
- on_combo_result_runs_changed(combo_result_runs, args);
- on_combo_result_runs_interval_changed(combo_result_runs_interval, args);
- on_combo_pulses_changed(combo_pulses, args);
- if(createdStatsWin) {
- stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, true);
- }
-// personAddModifyWin.Destroy();
- if(person_edit_single_called_from_person_select_window) {
- ArrayList myPersons = SqlitePersonSession.SelectCurrentSessionPersons(
- currentSession.UniqueID,
- false); //means: do not returnPersonAndPSlist
- personSelectWin.Update(myPersons);
- }
- }
- }
- private void on_show_all_person_events_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
- PersonShowAllEventsWindow.Show(app1, currentSession.UniqueID, currentPerson);
- }
- private void on_delete_current_person_from_session_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("delete current person from this session");
- ConfirmWindow confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(
- Catalog.GetString("Are you sure you want to delete the current person and all
his/her tests (jumps, runs, pulses, ...) from this session?\n(His/her personal data and tests in other
sessions will remain intact.)"), "",
- Catalog.GetString("Current Person: ") + currentPerson.Name);
- confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- }
- private void on_delete_current_person_from_session_accepted (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Catalog.GetString("Deleted person and all
his/her tests on this session."));
- SqlitePersonSession.DeletePersonFromSessionAndTests(
- currentSession.UniqueID.ToString(), currentPerson.UniqueID.ToString());
- resetAllTreeViews(true); //boolean means: "also persons"
- bool foundPersons = selectRowTreeView_persons(treeview_persons, treeview_persons_store, 0);
- if(createdStatsWin) {
- stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, true);
- }
- //if there are no persons
- if(!foundPersons) {
- sensitiveGuiNoPerson ();
- if(createdStatsWin) {
- stats_win_hide();
- }
- }
- }
- private void on_button_encoder_person_change_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- ArrayList myPersons = SqlitePersonSession.SelectCurrentSessionPersons(
- currentSession.UniqueID,
- false); //means: do not returnPersonAndPSlist
- personSelectWin = PersonSelectWindow.Show(app1, myPersons);
- personSelectWin.FakeButtonAddPerson.Clicked += new
- personSelectWin.FakeButtonEditPerson.Clicked += new
- personSelectWin.FakeButtonDeletePerson.Clicked += new
- personSelectWin.FakeButtonDone.Clicked += new
- }
- private void on_button_encoder_person_add_person(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- person_add_single_called_from_person_select_window = true;
- person_add_single();
- }
- private void on_button_encoder_person_edit_person(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- currentPerson = personSelectWin.SelectedPerson;
- person_edit_single_called_from_person_select_window = true;
- person_edit_single();
- }
- private void on_button_encoder_person_delete_person(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- currentPerson = personSelectWin.SelectedPerson;
- //without confirm, because it's already confirmed on PersonSelect
- on_delete_current_person_from_session_accepted (o, args);
- ArrayList myPersons = SqlitePersonSession.SelectCurrentSessionPersons(
- currentSession.UniqueID,
- false); //means: do not returnPersonAndPSlist
- personSelectWin.Update(myPersons);
- personSelectWin.Button_delete_confirm_focus(false, false);
- }
- private void on_button_encoder_person_change_done(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- currentPerson = personSelectWin.SelectedPerson;
- currentPersonSession = SqlitePersonSession.Select(currentPerson.UniqueID,
- label_person_change();
- personChanged();
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- SOME CALLBACKS ------------------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- //edit
- private void on_cut1_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
- }
- private void on_copy1_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
- }
- private void on_paste1_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
- }
- private void on_preferences_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- preferencesWin = PreferencesWindow.Show(preferences, getMenuItemMode());
- preferencesWin.FakeButtonImported.Clicked += new
- preferencesWin.FakeButtonDebugModeStart.Clicked += new
- preferencesWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_preferences_accepted);
- }
- private void on_preferences_import_configuration (object o, EventArgs args) {
- preferencesWin.FakeButtonImported.Clicked -= new
- configInit();
- LogB.Information("Initialized configuration");
- }
- private void on_preferences_accepted (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- preferences = preferencesWin.GetPreferences;
- if(checkbutton_video.Active) {
- videoCapturePrepare(false); //if error, show message
- }
- //change language works on windows. On Linux let's change the locale
- //if(UtilAll.IsWindows())
- // languageChange();
- if(repetitiveConditionsWin != null)
- repetitiveConditionsWin.VolumeOn = preferences.volumeOn;
- try {
- if(createdStatsWin) {
- //statsWin.PrefsDigitsNumber = preferences.digitsNumber;
- //statsWin.WeightStatsPercent = preferences.weightStatsPercent;
- //statsWin.HeightPreferred = preferences.heightPreferred;
- stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, true);
- }
- //pass to report
- report.preferences = preferences;
- createTreeView_jumps (treeview_jumps);
- createTreeView_jumps_rj (treeview_jumps_rj);
- createTreeView_runs (treeview_runs);
- createTreeView_runs_interval (treeview_runs_interval);
- createTreeView_pulses(treeview_pulses);
- createTreeView_reaction_times(treeview_reaction_times);
- createTreeView_multi_chronopic(false, treeview_multi_chronopic);
- on_combo_result_jumps_changed(combo_result_jumps, args);
- on_combo_result_jumps_rj_changed(combo_result_jumps_rj, args);
- on_combo_result_runs_changed(combo_result_runs, args);
- on_combo_result_runs_interval_changed(combo_result_runs_interval, args);
- on_combo_pulses_changed(combo_pulses, args);
- //currently no combo_reaction_times
- treeview_reaction_times_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_reaction_times("reactionTime");
- //currently no combo_multi_chronopic
- treeview_multi_chronopic_storeReset(false);
- fillTreeView_multi_chronopic();
- }
- catch
- {
- }
- }
- /*
- * menu test selectors
- */
- private void on_menuitem_mode_main_menu_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- reset_buttons_selector_start();
- notebook_start.CurrentPage = 0;
- //don't show menu bar on start page
- main_menu.Visible = false;
- }
- private void select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes m)
- {
- menuitem_mode_selected_jumps_simple.Visible = false;
- menuitem_mode_selected_jumps_reactive.Visible = false;
- menuitem_mode_selected_runs_simple.Visible = false;
- menuitem_mode_selected_runs_intervallic.Visible = false;
- menuitem_mode_selected_power_gravitatory.Visible = false;
- menuitem_mode_selected_power_inertial.Visible = false;
- menuitem_mode_selected_other.Visible = false;
- LogB.Information("MODE", m.ToString());
- //default for everythong except encoder
- menuitem_encoder_session_overview.Visible = false;
- menuitem_export_encoder_signal.Visible = false;
- menuitem_export_csv.Visible = true;
- menuitem_import_chronojump_session.Visible = true;
- hbox_other.Visible = false;
- if(m == Constants.Menuitem_modes.JUMPSSIMPLE || m == Constants.Menuitem_modes.JUMPSREACTIVE)
- {
- notebook_sup.CurrentPage = 0;
- notebook_capture_analyze.ShowTabs = true;
- if(m == Constants.Menuitem_modes.JUMPSSIMPLE)
- {
- menuitem_mode_selected_jumps_simple.Visible = true;
- notebooks_change(0);
- on_extra_window_jumps_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
- hbox_results_legend.Visible = true;
- notebook_capture_analyze.GetNthPage(2).Show(); //show jumpsProfile on jumps
- } else
- {
- menuitem_mode_selected_jumps_reactive.Visible = true;
- notebooks_change(1);
- on_extra_window_jumps_rj_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
- hbox_results_legend.Visible = false;
- notebook_capture_analyze.GetNthPage(2).Hide(); //hide jumpsProfile on jumps
- }
- }
- else if(m == Constants.Menuitem_modes.RUNSSIMPLE || m ==
- {
- notebook_sup.CurrentPage = 0;
- notebook_capture_analyze.ShowTabs = true;
- menuitem_import_chronojump_session.Visible = false; // not implemented yet
- if(m == Constants.Menuitem_modes.RUNSSIMPLE)
- {
- menuitem_mode_selected_runs_simple.Visible = true;
- notebooks_change(2);
- on_extra_window_runs_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
- hbox_results_legend.Visible = true;
- }
- else
- {
- menuitem_mode_selected_runs_intervallic.Visible = true;
- notebooks_change(3);
- on_extra_window_runs_interval_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
- hbox_results_legend.Visible = false;
- }
- notebook_capture_analyze.GetNthPage(2).Hide(); //hide jumpsProfile on runs
- }
- else if(m == Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERGRAVITATORY || m ==
- {
- menuitem_encoder_session_overview.Visible = true;
- menuitem_export_encoder_signal.Visible = true;
- menuitem_export_csv.Visible = false;
- menuitem_import_chronojump_session.Visible = false; // not implemented yet
- //on OSX R is not installed by default. Check if it's installed. Needed for encoder
- if( UtilAll.GetOSEnum() == UtilAll.OperatingSystems.MACOSX &&
- ! Util.FileExists(Constants.ROSX) )
- {
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
- Catalog.GetString("Sorry, R software is not installed.") +
- "\n" + Catalog.GetString("Please, install it from here:") +
- "\n\nhttp://cran.cnr.berkeley.edu/bin/macosx/R-latest.pkg");
- return;
- }
- notebook_sup.CurrentPage = 1;
- /*
- * If there's a signal on gravitatory and we move to inertial,
- * interface has to change to YESPERSON (meaning no_signal).
- * But, if there's no person shoud continue on NOPERSON
- */
- if(selectRowTreeView_persons(treeview_persons, treeview_persons_store, 0))
- encoderButtonsSensitive(encoderSensEnum.YESPERSON);
- blankEncoderInterface();
- bool changed = false;
- if(m == Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERGRAVITATORY) {
- menuitem_mode_selected_power_gravitatory.Visible = true;
- //change encoderConfigurationCurrent if needed
- if(encoderConfigurationCurrent.has_inertia) {
- encoderConfigurationCurrent = new EncoderConfiguration(); //LINEAR,
- changed = true;
- }
- currentEncoderGI = Constants.EncoderGI.GRAVITATORY;
- hbox_capture_1RM.Visible = true;
- notebook_encoder_capture_extra_mass.CurrentPage = 0;
- if(radio_encoder_analyze_individual_current_set.Active ||
radio_encoder_analyze_individual_current_session.Active) {
- radiobutton_encoder_analyze_1RM.Visible = true;
- radiobutton_encoder_analyze_neuromuscular_profile.Visible = true;
- }
- hbox_encoder_capture_1_or_cont.Visible = true;
- } else {
- menuitem_mode_selected_power_inertial.Visible = true;
- //change encoderConfigurationCurrent if needed
- if(! encoderConfigurationCurrent.has_inertia) {
- encoderConfigurationCurrent = new EncoderConfiguration(
- encoderConfigurationCurrent.SetInertialDefaultOptions();
- changed = true;
- }
- currentEncoderGI = Constants.EncoderGI.INERTIAL;
- hbox_capture_1RM.Visible = false;
- notebook_encoder_capture_extra_mass.CurrentPage = 1;
- radiobutton_encoder_analyze_1RM.Visible = false;
- radiobutton_encoder_analyze_neuromuscular_profile.Visible = false;
- radio_encoder_capture_1set.Active = true;
- hbox_encoder_capture_1_or_cont.Visible = false;
- }
- encoderGuiChangesAfterEncoderConfigurationWin(true);
- if(changed) {
- prepareAnalyzeRepetitions ();
- }
- }
- else { //m == Constants.Menuitem_modes.OTHER (contacts / other)
- notebook_sup.CurrentPage = 0;
- hbox_other.Visible = true;
- menuitem_mode_selected_other.Visible = true;
- radio_mode_reaction_times_small.Active = true;
- notebook_capture_analyze.CurrentPage = 0;
- notebook_capture_analyze.ShowTabs = false; //only capture tab is shown (only valid
for "OTHER" tests)
- //notebook_capture_analyze.GetNthPage(2).Hide(); //hide jumpsProfile on other tests
- }
- //show the program
- notebook_start.CurrentPage = 1;
- //it's not visible at startup
- main_menu.Visible = true;
- //if wizard has been used mark Chronopic as connected or disconnected depending if port exists
- if(Constants.Menuitem_mode_IsContacts(m) && wizardPortContacts != "")
- chronopicWin.Connected =
- Util.FoundInStringArray(ChronopicPorts.GetPorts(), wizardPortContacts);
- else if(! Constants.Menuitem_mode_IsContacts(m) && wizardPortEncoder != "")
- chronopicWin.Connected =
- Util.FoundInStringArray(ChronopicPorts.GetPorts(), wizardPortEncoder);
- //change multitest firmware or autoDetectChronopic
- if(Constants.Menuitem_mode_IsContacts(m))
- {
- if(chronopicWin.Connected)
- change_multitest_firmware(m);
- else
- autoDetectChronopic(m); //on contacts will perform change_multitest_firmware
at the end
- }
- else if(wizardPortEncoder == "")
- autoDetectChronopic(m);
- chronojumpWindowTestsNext();
- }
- ChronopicDetect cpDetect;
- private void autoDetectChronopic(Constants.Menuitem_modes m)
- {
- main_menu.Sensitive = false;
- if(m == Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERGRAVITATORY || m ==
- {
- hbox_chronopic_encoder_detecting.Visible = true;
- viewport_chronopic_encoder.Visible = false;
- cpDetect = new ChronopicDetect(
- chronopicWin.SP,
- progressbar_chronopic_encoder_detecting,
- button_chronopic_encoder_detecting_cancel,
- button_chronopic_encoder_detecting_info,
- configAutodetectPort
- );
- cpDetect.Detect("ENCODER");
- cpDetect.FakeButtonDone.Clicked += new
- }
- else {
- //disabled on Windows until is fixed //TODO
- if(UtilAll.IsWindows()) {
- main_menu.Sensitive = true;
- return;
- }
- hbox_chronopic_detecting.Visible = true;
- viewport_chronopics.Visible = false;
- cpDetect = new ChronopicDetect(
- chronopicWin.SP,
- progressbar_chronopic_detecting,
- button_chronopic_detecting_cancel,
- button_chronopic_detecting_info,
- configAutodetectPort
- );
- cpDetect.Detect("NORMAL");
- cpDetect.FakeButtonDone.Clicked += new
- }
- }
- private void on_autoDetectChronopic_encoder_done(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- cpDetect.FakeButtonDone.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_autoDetectChronopic_encoder_done);
- hbox_chronopic_encoder_detecting.Visible = false;
- viewport_chronopic_encoder.Visible = true;
- string str = cpDetect.Detected;
- if(str != null && str != "") {
- LogB.Information("Detected at port: " + str);
- createChronopicWindow(true, str);
- }
- else {
- LogB.Information("Not detected.");
- createChronopicWindow(true, Util.GetDefaultPort());
- }
- on_autoDetectChronopic_all_done();
- }
- private void on_autoDetectChronopic_normal_done(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- cpDetect.FakeButtonDone.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_autoDetectChronopic_normal_done);
- hbox_chronopic_detecting.Visible = false;
- viewport_chronopics.Visible = true;
- string str = cpDetect.Detected;
- if(str != null && str != "") {
- LogB.Information("Detected at port: " + str);
- //set connected stuff for chronopicWin
- chronopicWin.Connected = true;
- //set cpd for chronopicWin
- ChronopicPortData cpd = new ChronopicPortData(1, str, true);
- ArrayList cpdArray = new ArrayList();
- cpdArray.Add(cpd);
- LogB.Debug("chronopicWin is null? " + (chronopicWin == null).ToString());
- LogB.Debug("chronopicWin.CP is null? " + (chronopicWin.CP == null).ToString());
- createChronopicWindow(cpDetect.getCP(), cpdArray, true, str);
- LogB.Debug("chronopicWin.CP is null? " + (chronopicWin.CP == null).ToString());
- change_multitest_firmware(getMenuItemMode());
- }
- else {
- LogB.Information("Not detected.");
- createChronopicWindow(true, Util.GetDefaultPort());
- }
- on_autoDetectChronopic_all_done();
- }
- private void on_autoDetectChronopic_all_done()
- {
- main_menu.Sensitive = true;
- }
- private bool previousMultitestFirmwareDefined = false;
- private Constants.Menuitem_modes previousMultitestFirmware;
- //change debounce time automatically on change menuitem mode (if multitest firmware)
- private void change_multitest_firmware(Constants.Menuitem_modes m)
- {
- LogB.Information("change_multitest_firmware");
- //---- 1 if don't need to change, return
- if(previousMultitestFirmwareDefined &&
- ! Constants.Menuitem_mode_multitest_should_change(previousMultitestFirmware,
- {
- LogB.Information("don't need to change multitest firmware");
- return;
- }
- label_chronopics_multitest.Text = "";
- //---- 2 if is not connected, return
- if(! chronopicWin.Connected)
- return;
- //---- 3 if port does not exists, show cp window and return
- //http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=88415
- //https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15514
- if(! UtilAll.IsWindows ()) {
- if(! File.Exists(chronopicWin.GetContactsFirstPort())) {
- LogB.Information("Chronopic has been disconnected");
- createChronopicWindow(true, "");
- chronopicWin.Connected = false;
- return;
- }
- }
- LogB.Information("change_multitest_firmware 1");
- LogB.Debug("chronopicWin is null? " + (chronopicWin == null).ToString());
- int cps = chronopicWin.NumConnected();
- LogB.Debug("cps: " + cps.ToString());
- LogB.Debug("chronopicWin.Connected? " + chronopicWin.Connected.ToString());
- Chronopic.Plataforma ps;
- bool ok = (chronopicWin.CP).Read_platform(out ps);
- if(!ok) {
- LogB.Information("Chronopic has been disconnected");
- createChronopicWindow(true, "");
- chronopicWin.Connected = false;
- return;
- }
- LogB.Information("change_multitest_firmware 2");
- ChronopicAuto ca;
- /*
- try {
- ca = new ChronopicAutoCheck();
- //problems with windows using this:
- string chronopicVersion = ca.Read(chronopicWin.SP);
- LogB.Debug("version: " + chronopicVersion);
- } catch {
- LogB.Information("Could not read from Chronopic with method 1");
- return;
- }
- */
- //---- 4 try to communicate with multitest firmware (return if cannot connect)
- LogB.Information("Trying method 2");
- bool isChronopicAuto = false;
- try {
- string result = chronopicWin.CheckAuto(out isChronopicAuto);
- LogB.Debug("version: " + result);
- } catch {
- LogB.Information("Could not read from Chronopic with method 2");
- return;
- }
- //---- 5 change 10 <-> 50 ms
- LogB.Information("change_multitest_firmware 3");
- if(isChronopicAuto) {
- int debounceChange = 50;
- if(m == Constants.Menuitem_modes.RUNSSIMPLE || m ==
- debounceChange = 10;
- int msChanged = chronopicWin.ChangeMultitestFirmware(debounceChange);
- if(msChanged != -1) {
- if(msChanged == 50)
- label_chronopics_multitest.Text = "[" + Catalog.GetString("Jumps") +
- else if(msChanged == 10)
- label_chronopics_multitest.Text = "[" + Catalog.GetString("Runs") +
- else
- label_chronopics_multitest.Text = "";
- } else
- label_chronopics_multitest.Text = "";
- }
- previousMultitestFirmwareDefined = true;
- previousMultitestFirmware = m;
- }
- private Constants.Menuitem_modes getMenuItemMode()
- {
- if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Active)
- return Constants.Menuitem_modes.JUMPSSIMPLE;
- else if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_reactive.Active)
- return Constants.Menuitem_modes.JUMPSREACTIVE;
- else if(radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple.Active)
- return Constants.Menuitem_modes.RUNSSIMPLE;
- else if(radio_menuitem_mode_runs_intervallic.Active)
- return Constants.Menuitem_modes.RUNSINTERVALLIC;
- else if(radio_menuitem_mode_power_gravitatory.Active)
- return Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERGRAVITATORY;
- else if(radio_menuitem_mode_power_inertial.Active)
- return Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERINERTIAL;
- else // if(radio_menuitem_mode_other.Active)
- return Constants.Menuitem_modes.OTHER;
- }
- private void reset_buttons_selector_start_from_gui(object o, EventArgs args) {
- reset_buttons_selector_start();
- }
- private void reset_buttons_selector_start()
- {
- notebook_selector_start_jumps.CurrentPage = 0;
- notebook_selector_start_runs.CurrentPage = 0;
- notebook_selector_start_encoder.CurrentPage = 0;
- }
- private void on_radio_menuitem_mode_activate(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- //togglebutton sends signal two times (deactivate/activate), just get the good signal
- //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10755541/mono-gtk-radiobutton-clicked-event-firing-twice
- if( ! (o as Gtk.RadioMenuItem).Active )
- return;
- select_menuitem_mode_toggled(getMenuItemMode());
- }
- private void on_button_selector_start_jumps_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- notebook_selector_start_jumps.CurrentPage = 1;
- notebook_selector_start_runs.CurrentPage = 0;
- notebook_selector_start_encoder.CurrentPage = 0;
- }
- private void on_button_selector_start_jumps_simple_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Active) {
- //needed if people select again the same option
- select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes.JUMPSSIMPLE);
- }
- else
- radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Active = true;
- }
- private void on_button_selector_start_jumps_reactive_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_reactive.Active)
- select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes.JUMPSREACTIVE);
- else
- radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_reactive.Active = true;
- }
- private void on_button_selector_start_runs_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- notebook_selector_start_jumps.CurrentPage = 0;
- notebook_selector_start_runs.CurrentPage = 1;
- notebook_selector_start_encoder.CurrentPage = 0;
- }
- private void on_button_selector_start_runs_simple_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- if(radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple.Active)
- select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes.RUNSSIMPLE);
- else
- radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple.Active = true;
- }
- private void on_button_selector_start_runs_intervallic_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- if(radio_menuitem_mode_runs_intervallic.Active)
- select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes.RUNSINTERVALLIC);
- else
- radio_menuitem_mode_runs_intervallic.Active = true;
- }
- private void on_button_selector_start_encoder_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- notebook_selector_start_jumps.CurrentPage = 0;
- notebook_selector_start_runs.CurrentPage = 0;
- notebook_selector_start_encoder.CurrentPage = 1;
- }
- private void on_button_selector_start_encoder_gravitatory_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- if(radio_menuitem_mode_power_gravitatory.Active)
- select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERGRAVITATORY);
- else
- radio_menuitem_mode_power_gravitatory.Active = true;
- }
- private void on_button_selector_start_encoder_inertial_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- if(radio_menuitem_mode_power_inertial.Active)
- select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERINERTIAL);
- else
- radio_menuitem_mode_power_inertial.Active = true;
- }
- private void on_button_selector_start_other_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- if(radio_menuitem_mode_other.Active)
- select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes.OTHER);
- else
- radio_menuitem_mode_other.Active = true;
- }
- /*
- * end of menu test selectors
- */
- /*
- * videoOn
- */
- //at what tab of notebook_sup there's the video_capture
- private int video_capture_notebook_sup = 0;
- //changed by user clicking on notebook tabs
- private void on_notebook_sup_switch_page (object o, SwitchPageArgs args) {
- if(
- (notebook_sup.CurrentPage == 0 && video_capture_notebook_sup == 1) ||
- (notebook_sup.CurrentPage == 1 && video_capture_notebook_sup == 0))
- {
- //first stop showing video
- bool wasActive = false;
- if(checkbutton_video.Active) {
- wasActive = true;
- checkbutton_video.Active = false;
- }
- if(notebook_sup.CurrentPage == 0) {
- //remove video capture from encoder tab
- viewport_video_capture_encoder.Remove(capturer);
- //add in contacts tab
- hbox_video_capture.PackStart(capturer, true, true, 0);
- } else {
- //remove video capture from contacts tab
- hbox_video_capture.Remove(capturer);
- //add in encoder tab
- //switch to capture tab
- radiobutton_video_encoder_capture.Active = true;
- //sometimes it seems is not removed and then cannot be added again
- //just add if not exists
- //maybe this error was because before we were not doing the:
- //radiobutton_video_encoder_capture.Active = true;
- if(viewport_video_capture_encoder.Child == null)
- viewport_video_capture_encoder.Add(capturer);
- }
- if(wasActive)
- checkbutton_video.Active = true;
- video_capture_notebook_sup = notebook_sup.CurrentPage;
- }
- }
- CapturerBin capturer;
- private void videoCaptureInitialize()
- {
- capturer = new CapturerBin();
- hbox_video_capture.PackStart(capturer, true, true, 0);
- videoCapturePrepare(false); //if error, show message
- }
- int videoDeviceNum = 0;
- private void videoCapturePrepare(bool showErrorMessage) {
- LogB.Information("videoCapturePPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPrepare");
- List<LongoMatch.Video.Utils.Device> devices =
- if(devices.Count == 0) {
- if(showErrorMessage)
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Constants.CameraNotFound);
- return;
- }
- CapturePropertiesStruct s = new CapturePropertiesStruct();
- s.OutputFile = Util.GetVideoTempFileName();
- s.VideoBitrate = 1000;
- s.AudioBitrate = 128;
- s.CaptureSourceType = CaptureSourceType.System;
- s.Width = 360;
- s.Height = 288;
- foreach(LongoMatch.Video.Utils.Device dev in devices){
- LogB.Information(dev.ID.ToString());
- LogB.Information(dev.IDProperty.ToString());
- LogB.Information(dev.DeviceType.ToString());
- }
- s.DeviceID = devices[videoDeviceNum].ID;
- capturer.CaptureProperties = s;
- //checkbutton_video and checkbutton_video_encoder are synchronized
- if(checkbutton_video.Active)
- capturer.Type = CapturerType.Live;
- else
- capturer.Type = CapturerType.Fake;
- capturer.Visible=true;
- try {
- capturer.Stop();
- } catch {}
- capturer.Run();
- }
- private void changeVideoButtons(bool myVideo) {
- image_video_yes.Visible = myVideo;
- image_video_no.Visible = ! myVideo;
- }
- private void on_checkbutton_video_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) {
- if(checkbutton_video.Active) {
- preferences.videoOn = true;
- SqlitePreferences.Update("videoOn", "True", false);
- } else {
- preferences.videoOn = false;
- SqlitePreferences.Update("videoOn", "False", false);
- }
- //change encoder checkbox but don't raise the signal
- checkbutton_video_encoder.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_checkbutton_video_encoder_clicked);
- checkbutton_video_encoder.Active = preferences.videoOn;
- checkbutton_video_encoder.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_checkbutton_video_encoder_clicked);
- changeVideoButtons(preferences.videoOn);
- videoCapturePrepare(true); //if error, show message
- }
- private void on_checkbutton_video_encoder_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) {
- if(checkbutton_video_encoder.Active) {
- preferences.videoOn = true;
- SqlitePreferences.Update("videoOn", "True", false);
- } else {
- preferences.videoOn = false;
- SqlitePreferences.Update("videoOn", "False", false);
- }
- //change contacts checkbox but don't raise the signal
- checkbutton_video.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_checkbutton_video_clicked);
- checkbutton_video.Active = preferences.videoOn;
- checkbutton_video.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_checkbutton_video_clicked);
- //changeVideoButtons(preferences.videoOn);
- //will start on record
- videoCapturePrepare(true); //if error, show message
- }
- /*
- * cancel and finish
- */
- private void on_cancel_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- event_execute_ButtonCancel.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_cancel_clicked);
- LogB.Information("cancel clicked one");
- //this will cancel jumps or runs
- currentEventExecute.Cancel = true;
- if(chronopicWin.Connected)
- checkCancelTotally(o, args);
- //let update stats
- //nothing changed, but stats update button cannot be insensitive,
- //because probably some jump type has changed it's jumper
- //the unsensitive of button stats is for showing the user, that he has to update manually
- //because it's not automatically updated
- //because it crashes in some thread problem
- //that will be fixed in other release
- //if(createdStatsWin)
- // showUpdateStatsAndHideData(true);
- }
- private void on_cancel_multi_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- LogB.Information("cancel multi clicked one");
- //this will cancel jumps or runs
- currentEventExecute.Cancel = true;
- if(chronopicWin.Connected)
- checkCancelMultiTotally(o, args);
- }
- //if user doesn't touch the platform after pressing "cancel", sometimes it gets waiting a Read_event
- //now the event cancels ok, and next will be ok, also
- private void checkCancelTotally (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- if(currentEventExecute.TotallyCancelled)
- LogB.Information("totallyCancelled");
- else {
- LogB.Information("NOT-totallyCancelled ");
- errorWin = ErrorWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Please, touch the contact platform for
full cancelling.") + "\n" +
- Catalog.GetString("Then press Accept") + "\n");
- errorWin.Button_accept.Clicked -= new EventHandler(checkCancelTotally);
- errorWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(checkCancelTotally);
- //abort test when there are problems with USB disconnected
- errorWin.Show_button_abort();
- errorWin.Button_abort.Clicked += new EventHandler(abortTest);
- }
- }
- private void checkCancelMultiTotally (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- bool needCancel1 = false;
- bool needCancel2 = false;
- bool needCancel3 = false;
- bool needCancel4 = false;
- needCancel1 = !currentEventExecute.TotallyCancelledMulti1;
- if(currentEventExecute.Chronopics > 1) {
- needCancel2 = !currentEventExecute.TotallyCancelledMulti2;
- if(currentEventExecute.Chronopics > 2) {
- needCancel3 = !currentEventExecute.TotallyCancelledMulti3;
- if(currentEventExecute.Chronopics > 3)
- needCancel4 = !currentEventExecute.TotallyCancelledMulti4;
- }
- }
- if(needCancel1 || needCancel2 || needCancel3 || needCancel4) {
-// LogB.Information("NOT-totallyCancelled ");
- string cancelStr = "";
- string sep = "";
- if(needCancel1) {
- cancelStr += sep + "1";
- sep = ", ";
- }
- if(needCancel2) {
- cancelStr += sep + "2";
- sep = ", ";
- }
- if(needCancel3) {
- cancelStr += sep + "3";
- sep = ", ";
- }
- if(needCancel4) {
- cancelStr += sep + "4";
- sep = ", ";
- }
- errorWin = ErrorWindow.Show(string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Please, touch the
contact platform on Chronopic/s [{0}] for full cancelling.\nThen press button\n"), cancelStr));
- errorWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(checkCancelMultiTotally);
- }
- }
- private void on_finish_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- currentEventExecute.Finish = true;
- if(chronopicWin.Connected)
- checkFinishTotally(o, args);
- //let update stats
- if(createdStatsWin)
- showUpdateStatsAndHideData(true);
- }
- //mark to only get inside on_multi_chronopic_finished one time
- //static bool multiFinishingByClickFinish;
- private void on_finish_multi_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- /*
- if(multiFinishingByClickFinish)
- return;
- else
- multiFinishingByClickFinish = true;
- */
- currentEventExecute.Finish = true;
- //runA is not called for this, because it ends different
- //and there's a message on gui/eventExecute.cs for runA
- LogB.Debug("RR1");
- if(currentMultiChronopicType.Name != Constants.RunAnalysisName && chronopicWin.Connected) {
- checkFinishMultiTotally(o, args);
- }
- LogB.Debug("RR2");
- //let update stats
- //if(createdStatsWin)
- // showUpdateStatsAndHideData(true);
- }
- //if user doesn't touch the platform after pressing "finish", sometimes it gets waiting a Read_event
- //now the event finishes ok, and next will be ok
- //
- //not for multiChronopic:
- private void checkFinishTotally (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- if(currentEventExecute.TotallyFinished)
- LogB.Information("totallyFinished");
- else {
- LogB.Information("NOT-totallyFinished ");
- errorWin = ErrorWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Please, touch the contact platform for
full finishing.") + "\n" +
- Catalog.GetString("Then press Accept") + "\n");
- errorWin.Button_accept.Clicked -= new EventHandler(checkFinishTotally);
- errorWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(checkFinishTotally);
- //abort test when there are problems with USB disconnected
- errorWin.Show_button_abort();
- errorWin.Button_abort.Clicked += new EventHandler(abortTest);
- }
- }
- private void abortTest (object o, EventArgs args) {
- errorWin.Button_abort.Clicked -= new EventHandler(abortTest);
- LogB.Warning("Destroying error window");
- errorWin.HideAndNull();
- LogB.Warning("Going to abort thread");
- currentEventExecute.ThreadAbort();
- LogB.Warning("Aborted");
- sensitiveGuiEventDone();
- LogB.Warning("Sensitivity restored");
- }
- //runA is not called for this, because it ends different
- //and there's a message on gui/eventExecute.cs for runA
- private void checkFinishMultiTotally (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- bool needFinish1 = false;
- bool needFinish2 = false;
- bool needFinish3 = false;
- bool needFinish4 = false;
- LogB.Information("cfmt 0");
- needFinish1 = !currentEventExecute.TotallyFinishedMulti1;
- if(currentEventExecute.Chronopics > 1) {
- LogB.Information("cfmt 1");
- needFinish2 = !currentEventExecute.TotallyFinishedMulti2;
- if(currentEventExecute.Chronopics > 2) {
- LogB.Information("cfmt 2");
- needFinish3 = !currentEventExecute.TotallyFinishedMulti3;
- if(currentEventExecute.Chronopics > 3) {
- LogB.Information("cfmt 3");
- needFinish4 = !currentEventExecute.TotallyFinishedMulti4;
- }
- }
- }
- LogB.Information("cfmt 4");
- if(needFinish1 || needFinish2 || needFinish3 || needFinish4) {
-// LogB.Information("NOT-totallyFinishled ");
- string cancelStr = "";
- string sep = "";
- if(needFinish1) {
- cancelStr += sep + "1";
- sep = ", ";
- }
- if(needFinish2) {
- cancelStr += sep + "2";
- sep = ", ";
- }
- if(needFinish3) {
- cancelStr += sep + "3";
- sep = ", ";
- }
- if(needFinish4) {
- cancelStr += sep + "4";
- sep = ", ";
- }
- LogB.Information("cfmt 5");
- //try here because maybe solves problems in runAnalysis when seem to update the
eventExecuteWindow at the same time as tries to show this errorWindow
- errorWin = ErrorWindow.Show(string.Format(
- Catalog.GetString("Please, touch the contact platform
on Chronopic/s [{0}] for full finishing.") +
- "\n" + Catalog.GetString("Then press this
button:\n"), cancelStr));
- LogB.Information("cfmt 6");
- errorWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(checkFinishMultiTotally);
- LogB.Information("cfmt 7");
- //}
- } else {
- LogB.Information("totallyFinished");
- /*
- //call write here, because if done in execute/MultiChronopic, will be called n times
if n chronopics are working
- currentEventExecute.MultiChronopicWrite(false);
- currentMultiChronopic = (MultiChronopic) currentEventExecute.EventDone;
- //if this multichronopic has more chronopics than other in session, then reload
treeview, else simply add
- if(currentMultiChronopic.CPs() !=
SqliteMultiChronopic.MaxCPs(currentSession.UniqueID)) {
- treeview_multi_chronopic_storeReset(false);
- fillTreeView_multi_chronopic();
- } else
- myTreeViewMultiChronopic.Add(currentPerson.Name, currentMultiChronopic);
- //since when test is done, treeview select it. action event button have to be
- showHideActionEventButtons(true, Constants.MultiChronopicName); //show
- //unhide buttons for delete last test
- sensitiveGuiYesEvent();
- */
- }
- }
- void on_button_execute_test_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- //http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=88415
- //https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15514
- if(! UtilAll.IsWindows() && chronopicWin.Connected) {
- if(! File.Exists(chronopicWin.GetContactsFirstPort())) {
- LogB.Information("Chronopic has been disconnected");
- createChronopicWindow(true, "");
- chronopicWin.Connected = false;
- return;
- }
- }
- on_button_execute_test_accepted(o, args);
- }
- void on_button_execute_test_accepted (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- //simulated tests are only allowed on SIMULATED session
- if(currentSession.Name != Constants.SessionSimulatedName && ! chronopicWin.Connected) {
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Constants.SimulatedTestsNotAllowed);
- return;
- }
- if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Active)
- {
- LogB.Debug("radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple");
- on_normal_jump_activate(o, args);
- }
- else if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_reactive.Active)
- {
- LogB.Debug("radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_reactive");
- on_rj_activate(o, args);
- }
- else if(radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple.Active) {
- LogB.Debug("radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple");
- extra_window_runs_distance = (double) extra_window_runs_spinbutton_distance.Value;
- on_normal_run_activate(o, args);
- }
- else if(radio_menuitem_mode_runs_intervallic.Active) {
- LogB.Debug("radio_mode_runs_i_small");
- //RSA runs cannot be simulated because it's complicated to manage the countdown
- if(currentRunIntervalType.IsRSA && !chronopicWin.Connected) {
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
- Catalog.GetString("Sorry, RSA tests cannot be simulated."));
- return;
- }
- extra_window_runs_interval_distance = (double)
- extra_window_runs_interval_limit = extra_window_runs_interval_spinbutton_limit.Value;
- on_run_interval_activate(o, args);
- }
- else if(radio_mode_reaction_times_small.Active) {
- LogB.Debug("radio_mode_rt");
- if(extra_window_radio_reaction_time_discriminative.Active)
- reaction_time_discriminative_lights_prepare();
- on_reaction_time_activate (o, args);
- }
- else if(radio_mode_pulses_small.Active) {
- LogB.Debug("radio_mode_pulses");
- on_pulse_activate (o, args);
- }
- else if(radio_mode_multi_chronopic_small.Active) {
- LogB.Debug("radio_mode_mc");
- on_multi_chronopic_start_clicked(o, args);
- }
- //if a test has been deleted
- //notebook_results_data changes to page 3: "deleted test"
- //when a new test is done
- //this notebook has to poing again to data of it's test
- change_notebook_results_data();
- }
- private void change_notebook_results_data()
- {
- //there are some notebook_execut pages that have not notebook_results_data pages
- //like jump simple (0), run simple (2), reaction time (4)
- if(notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 1) //reactive jump
- notebook_results_data.CurrentPage = 0;
- else if(notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 3) //interval run
- notebook_results_data.CurrentPage = 1;
- else if(notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 5) //pulse
- notebook_results_data.CurrentPage = 2;
- }
- private void changeTestImage(string eventTypeString, string eventName, string fileNameString) {
- Pixbuf pixbuf; //main image
- Pixbuf pixbufZoom; //icon of zoom image (if shown can have two different images)
- switch (fileNameString) {
- case "LOGO":
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameLogo);
- button_image_test_zoom.Hide();
- break;
- case "":
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(true) + "no_image.png");
- button_image_test_zoom.Hide();
- break;
- default:
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(true) + fileNameString);
- //button image test zoom will have a different image depending on if there's
- //future: change tooltip also
- if(eventTypeString != "" && eventName != "" && eventTypeHasLongDescription
(eventTypeString, eventName))
- pixbufZoom = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- else
- pixbufZoom = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
- image_test_zoom.Pixbuf = pixbufZoom;
- button_image_test_zoom.Show();
- break;
- }
- image_test.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- }
- private bool eventTypeHasLongDescription (string eventTypeString, string eventName) {
- if(eventTypeString != "" && eventName != "")
- {
- EventType myType = new EventType ();
- if(eventTypeString == EventType.Types.JUMP.ToString())
- myType = new JumpType(eventName);
- else if (eventTypeString == EventType.Types.RUN.ToString())
- myType = new RunType(eventName);
- else if (eventTypeString == EventType.Types.REACTIONTIME.ToString())
- myType = new ReactionTimeType(eventName);
- else if (eventTypeString == EventType.Types.PULSE.ToString())
- myType = new PulseType(eventName);
- else if (eventTypeString == EventType.Types.MULTICHRONOPIC.ToString())
- myType = new MultiChronopicType(eventName);
- else LogB.Error("Error on eventTypeHasLongDescription");
- if(myType.HasLongDescription)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- JUMPS EXECUTION (no RJ) ----------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- //suitable for all jumps not repetitive
- private void on_normal_jump_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- if(execute_auto_doing)
- sensitiveGuiAutoExecuteOrWait (true);
- //currentJumpType is already defined in selecting name from combo or from jumpsMoreWin
- //string jumpEnglishName = Util.FindOnArray(':',2,1,
UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_select_jumps), selectJumpsString);
- //currentJumpType = new JumpType(jumpEnglishName);
- double jumpWeight = 0;
- if(currentJumpType.HasWeight) {
- if(extra_window_jumps_option == "%")
- jumpWeight = (double) extra_window_jumps_spinbutton_weight.Value;
- else
- jumpWeight = Util.WeightFromKgToPercent(
- (double) extra_window_jumps_spinbutton_weight.Value,
- currentPersonSession.Weight);
- }
- double myFall = 0;
- if(currentJumpType.HasFall) {
- if(extra_window_jumps_check_dj_fall_calculate.Active)
- myFall = -1;
- else
- myFall = (double) extra_window_jumps_spinbutton_fall.Value;
- }
- string description = "";
- if(currentJumpType.Name == "slCMJleft" || currentJumpType.Name == "slCMJright") {
- description = slCMJString();
- extra_window_jumps_spin_single_leg_distance.Value = 0;
- extra_window_jumps_spin_single_leg_angle.Value = 90;
- }
- //used by cancel and finish
- //currentEventType = new JumpType();
- currentEventType = currentJumpType;
- //hide jumping buttons
- if(! execute_auto_doing)
- sensitiveGuiEventDoing();
- //show the event doing window
- double progressbarLimit = 3; //3 phases for show the Dj
- if(myFall == -1)
- progressbarLimit = 4; //4 if there's a pre-jump
- else if( currentJumpType.StartIn ||
- currentJumpType.Name == Constants.TakeOffName ||
- currentJumpType.Name == Constants.TakeOffWeightName)
- progressbarLimit = 2; //2 for normal jump (or take off)
- //don't let update until test finishes
- if(createdStatsWin)
- showUpdateStatsAndHideData(false);
- event_execute_initializeVariables(
- ! chronopicWin.Connected, //is simulated
- currentPerson.UniqueID,
- currentPerson.Name,
- Catalog.GetString("Phases"), //name of the different moments
- Constants.JumpTable, //tableName
- currentJumpType.Name
- );
- ExecutingGraphData egd = event_execute_prepareForTest ();
- event_execute_ButtonCancel.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_cancel_clicked);
- event_execute_ButtonFinish.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_finish_clicked);
- //when user clicks on update the eventExecute window
- //(for showing with his new confgured values: max, min and guides
- event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_update_clicked); //if we don't do
this, on_update_clicked it's called 'n' times when 'n' events are done
- event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_update_clicked);
- currentEventExecute = new JumpExecute(currentPerson.UniqueID, currentPerson.Name,
- currentSession.UniqueID, currentJumpType.Name, myFall, jumpWeight,
- chronopicWin.CP, event_execute_label_message, app1, preferences.digitsNumber,
- progressbarLimit, egd, description);
- UtilGtk.ChronopicColors(viewport_chronopics, label_chronopics, label_connected_chronopics,
- if (!chronopicWin.Connected)
- currentEventExecute.SimulateInitValues(rand);
- if( currentJumpType.StartIn )
- currentEventExecute.Manage();
- else
- currentEventExecute.ManageFall();
- thisJumpIsSimple = true; //used by: on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonUpdateGraph.Clicked +=
- new EventHandler(on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked);
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonEventEnded.Clicked += new
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_jump_finished);
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonThreadDyed.Clicked += new
- }
- private void on_jump_finished (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_jump_finished);
- //test can be deleted if not cancelled
- button_delete_this_test.Sensitive = ! currentEventExecute.Cancel;
- if ( ! currentEventExecute.Cancel ) {
- currentJump = (Jump) currentEventExecute.EventDone;
- if(currentJumpType.Name == "slCMJleft" || currentJumpType.Name == "slCMJright") {
- if(extra_window_jumps_radiobutton_single_leg_mode_vertical.Active)
- currentJump.Description += " 0 90";
- else {
- currentJump.Description += " 0 90";
- //unsensitive slCMJ options
- hbox_extra_window_jumps_single_leg_radios.Sensitive = false;
- //but show the input cm
- notebook_options_after_execute.CurrentPage = 1;
- }
- SqliteJump.UpdateDescription(Constants.JumpTable,
- currentJump.UniqueID, currentJump.Description);
- }
- //move video file if exists
- if(preferences.videoOn)
- if (! Util.CopyTempVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.JUMP,
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
- Catalog.GetString("Sorry, video cannot be stored."));
- myTreeViewJumps.PersonWeight = currentPersonSession.Weight;
- myTreeViewJumps.Add(currentPerson.Name, currentJump);
- //since when test is done, treeview select it. action event button have to be
- showHideActionEventButtons(true, "Jump"); //show
- if(createdStatsWin) {
- showUpdateStatsAndHideData(true);
- }
- lastJumpIsSimple = true;
- //unhide buttons for delete last jump
- if(! execute_auto_doing)
- sensitiveGuiYesEvent();
- }
- else if( currentEventExecute.ChronopicDisconnected )
- chronopicDisconnectedWhileExecuting();
- //unhide buttons that allow jumping
- if(execute_auto_doing) {
- execute_auto_order_pos ++;
- execute_auto_select();
- sensitiveGuiAutoExecuteOrWait (false);
- }
- }
- private void chronopicDisconnectedWhileExecuting() {
- LogB.Error("DISCONNECTED gui/cj");
- createChronopicWindow(true, "");
- chronopicWin.Connected = false;
- }
- private void on_test_finished_can_touch_gtk (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonThreadDyed.Clicked -= new
- LogB.Information(" cantouch1 ");
- if(! execute_auto_doing)
- sensitiveGuiEventDone();
- LogB.Information(" cantouch3 ");
- if ( ! currentEventExecute.Cancel )
- event_execute_progressbar_time.Fraction = 1;
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- JUMPS RJ EXECUTION ------------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void on_rj_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- //currentJumpRjType is already defined in selecting name from combo or from jumpsMoreWin
- //string jumpEnglishName = Util.FindOnArray(':',2,1,
UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_select_jumps_rj), selectJumpsRjString);
- //currentJumpRjType = new JumpType(jumpEnglishName);
- double progressbarLimit = 0;
- //if it's a unlimited interval run, put -1 as limit value
- if(currentJumpRjType.Unlimited) {
- progressbarLimit = -1;
- } else {
- if(currentJumpRjType.FixedValue > 0) {
- progressbarLimit = currentJumpRjType.FixedValue;
- } else {
- progressbarLimit = (double) extra_window_jumps_rj_spinbutton_limit.Value;
- }
- }
- double jumpWeight = 0;
- if(currentJumpRjType.HasWeight) {
- if(extra_window_jumps_rj_option == "%") {
- jumpWeight = (double) extra_window_jumps_rj_spinbutton_weight.Value;
- } else {
- jumpWeight = Util.WeightFromKgToPercent(
- (double) extra_window_jumps_rj_spinbutton_weight.Value,
- currentPersonSession.Weight);
- }
- }
- double myFall = 0;
- if( currentJumpRjType.HasFall || currentJumpRjType.Name == Constants.RunAnalysisName)
- myFall = (double) extra_window_jumps_rj_spinbutton_fall.Value;
- //used by cancel and finish
- //currentEventType = new JumpRjType();
- currentEventType = currentJumpRjType;
- //hide jumping buttons
- sensitiveGuiEventDoing();
- //don't let update until test finishes
- if(createdStatsWin)
- showUpdateStatsAndHideData(false);
- //show the event doing window
- event_execute_initializeVariables(
- ! chronopicWin.Connected, //is simulated
- currentPerson.UniqueID,
- currentPerson.Name,
- Catalog.GetString("Jumps"), //name of the different moments
- Constants.JumpRjTable, //tableName
- currentJumpRjType.Name
- );
- ExecutingGraphData egd = event_execute_prepareForTest ();
- event_execute_ButtonCancel.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_cancel_clicked);
- event_execute_ButtonFinish.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_finish_clicked);
- //when user clicks on update the eventExecute window
- //(for showing with his new configured values: max, min and guides
- event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_update_clicked); //if we don't do
this, on_update_clicked it's called 'n' times when 'n' events are done
- event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_update_clicked);
- currentEventExecute = new JumpRjExecute(currentPerson.UniqueID, currentPerson.Name,
- currentSession.UniqueID, currentJumpRjType.Name, myFall, jumpWeight,
- progressbarLimit, currentJumpRjType.JumpsLimited,
- chronopicWin.CP, event_execute_label_message, app1, preferences.digitsNumber,
- checkbutton_allow_finish_rj_after_time.Active, preferences.volumeOn,
- repetitiveConditionsWin, progressbarLimit, egd
- );
- //suitable for limited by jump and time
- //simulated always simulate limited by jumps
- if(!chronopicWin.Connected)
- currentEventExecute.SimulateInitValues(rand);
- currentEventExecute.Manage();
- thisJumpIsSimple = false; //used by: on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonUpdateGraph.Clicked +=
- new EventHandler(on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked);
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonEventEnded.Clicked += new
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_jump_rj_finished);
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonThreadDyed.Clicked += new
- }
- private void on_jump_rj_finished (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- LogB.Information("ON JUMP RJ FINISHED");
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_jump_rj_finished);
- //test can be deleted if not cancelled
- button_delete_this_test.Sensitive = ! currentEventExecute.Cancel;
- if ( ! currentEventExecute.Cancel ) {
- currentJumpRj = (JumpRj) currentEventExecute.EventDone;
- //move video file if exists
- if(preferences.videoOn)
- if(! Util.CopyTempVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.JUMP_RJ,
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
Catalog.GetString("Sorry, video cannot be stored."));
- //if user clicked in finish earlier
- if(currentEventExecute.Finish) {
- currentJumpRj.Jumps = Util.GetNumberOfJumps(currentJumpRj.TvString, false);
- if(currentJumpRj.JumpsLimited) {
- currentJumpRj.Limited = currentJumpRj.Jumps.ToString() + "J";
- } else {
- currentJumpRj.Limited = Util.GetTotalTime(
- currentJumpRj.TcString, currentJumpRj.TvString) + "T";
- }
- }
- myTreeViewJumpsRj.PersonWeight = currentPersonSession.Weight;
- myTreeViewJumpsRj.Add(currentPerson.Name, currentJumpRj);
- //since when test is done, treeview select it. action event button have to be
- showHideActionEventButtons(true, "JumpRj"); //show
- if(createdStatsWin) {
- showUpdateStatsAndHideData(true);
- }
- lastJumpIsSimple = false;
- //unhide buttons for delete last jump
- sensitiveGuiYesEvent();
- //put correct time value in eventWindow (put the time from chronopic and not onTimer
soft chronometer)
- event_execute_LabelTimeValue = Util.GetTotalTime(currentJumpRj.TcString,
- //possible deletion of last jump can make the jumps on event window be false
- event_execute_LabelEventValue = currentJumpRj.Jumps;
- }
- else if( currentEventExecute.ChronopicDisconnected )
- chronopicDisconnectedWhileExecuting();
- //delete the temp tables if exists
- Sqlite.DeleteTempEvents("tempJumpRj");
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- RUNS EXECUTION (no interval) ----------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- //suitable for all runs not repetitive
- private void on_normal_run_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- //if distance can be always different in this run,
- //show values selected in runExtraWin
- double myDistance = 0;
- if(currentRunType.Distance == 0) {
- myDistance = extra_window_runs_distance;
- } else {
- myDistance = currentRunType.Distance;
- }
- //used by cancel and finish
- //currentEventType = new RunType();
- currentEventType = currentRunType;
- //hide jumping (running) buttons
- sensitiveGuiEventDoing();
- //show the event doing window
- double progressbarLimit = 3; //same for startingIn than out (before)
- //don't let update until test finishes
- if(createdStatsWin)
- showUpdateStatsAndHideData(false);
- event_execute_initializeVariables(
- ! chronopicWin.Connected, //is simulated
- currentPerson.UniqueID,
- currentPerson.Name,
- Catalog.GetString("Phases"), //name of the different moments
- Constants.RunTable, //tableName
- currentRunType.Name
- );
- ExecutingGraphData egd = event_execute_prepareForTest ();
- event_execute_ButtonCancel.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_cancel_clicked);
- event_execute_ButtonFinish.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_finish_clicked);
- //when user clicks on update the eventExecute window
- //(for showing with his new confgured values: max, min and guides
- event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_update_clicked); //if we don't do
this, on_update_clicked it's called 'n' times when 'n' events are done
- event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_update_clicked);
- currentEventExecute = new RunExecute(
- currentPerson.UniqueID, currentSession.UniqueID,
- currentRunType.Name, myDistance,
- chronopicWin.CP, event_execute_label_message, app1,
- preferences.digitsNumber, preferences.metersSecondsPreferred,
- progressbarLimit, egd,
- preferences.runDoubleContactsMode,
- preferences.runDoubleContactsMS,
- preferences.runSpeedStartArrival
- );
- if (!chronopicWin.Connected)
- currentEventExecute.SimulateInitValues(rand);
- currentEventExecute.Manage();
- thisRunIsSimple = true; //used by: on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonUpdateGraph.Clicked +=
- new EventHandler(on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked);
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonEventEnded.Clicked += new
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_run_finished);
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonThreadDyed.Clicked += new
- }
- private void on_run_finished (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_run_finished);
- //test can be deleted if not cancelled
- button_delete_this_test.Sensitive = ! currentEventExecute.Cancel;
- if ( ! currentEventExecute.Cancel ) {
- currentRun = (Run) currentEventExecute.EventDone;
- //move video file if exists
- if(preferences.videoOn)
- if(! Util.CopyTempVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.RUN,
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
Catalog.GetString("Sorry, video cannot be stored."));
- currentRun.MetersSecondsPreferred = preferences.metersSecondsPreferred;
- myTreeViewRuns.Add(currentPerson.Name, currentRun);
- //since when test is done, treeview select it. action event button have to be
- showHideActionEventButtons(true, "Run"); //show
- if(createdStatsWin) {
- showUpdateStatsAndHideData(true);
- }
- lastRunIsSimple = true;
- //unhide buttons for delete last jump
- sensitiveGuiYesEvent();
- //put correct time value in eventWindow (put the time from chronopic and not onTimer
soft chronometer)
- event_execute_LabelTimeValue = currentRun.Time;
- }
- else if( currentEventExecute.ChronopicDisconnected )
- chronopicDisconnectedWhileExecuting();
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- RUNS EXECUTION (interval) ----------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void on_run_interval_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- LogB.Information("run interval accepted");
- //if distance can be always different in this run,
- //show values selected in runExtraWin
- double distanceInterval = 0;
- if(currentRunIntervalType.Distance == 0) {
- distanceInterval = extra_window_runs_interval_distance;
- } else {
- distanceInterval = currentRunIntervalType.Distance;
- }
- double progressbarLimit = 0;
- //if it's a unlimited interval run, put -1 as limit value
- if(currentRunIntervalType.Unlimited) {
- progressbarLimit = -1;
- } else {
- if(currentRunIntervalType.FixedValue > 0) {
- progressbarLimit = currentRunIntervalType.FixedValue;
- } else {
- progressbarLimit = extra_window_runs_interval_limit;
- }
- }
- //used by cancel and finish
- //currentEventType = new RunType();
- currentEventType = currentRunIntervalType;
- //hide running buttons
- sensitiveGuiEventDoing();
- //don't let update until test finishes
- if(createdStatsWin)
- showUpdateStatsAndHideData(false);
- //show the event doing window
- event_execute_initializeVariables(
- ! chronopicWin.Connected, //is simulated
- currentPerson.UniqueID,
- currentPerson.Name,
- Catalog.GetString("Tracks"), //name of the different moments
- Constants.RunIntervalTable, //tableName
- currentRunIntervalType.Name
- );
- ExecutingGraphData egd = event_execute_prepareForTest ();
- event_execute_ButtonCancel.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_cancel_clicked);
- event_execute_ButtonFinish.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_finish_clicked);
- //when user clicks on update the eventExecute window
- //(for showing with his new confgured values: max, min and guides
- event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_update_clicked); //if we don't do
this, on_update_clicked it's called 'n' times when 'n' events are done
- event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_update_clicked);
- currentEventExecute = new RunIntervalExecute(
- currentPerson.UniqueID, currentSession.UniqueID, currentRunIntervalType.Name,
- distanceInterval, progressbarLimit, currentRunIntervalType.TracksLimited,
- chronopicWin.CP, event_execute_label_message, app1,
- preferences.digitsNumber, preferences.metersSecondsPreferred,
preferences.volumeOn, repetitiveConditionsWin,
- progressbarLimit, egd,
- preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode,
- preferences.runIDoubleContactsMS,
- preferences.runSpeedStartArrival
- );
- //suitable for limited by tracks and time
- if(!chronopicWin.Connected)
- currentEventExecute.SimulateInitValues(rand);
- currentEventExecute.Manage();
- thisRunIsSimple = false; //used by: on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonUpdateGraph.Clicked +=
- new EventHandler(on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked);
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonEventEnded.Clicked += new
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_run_interval_finished);
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonThreadDyed.Clicked += new
- }
- private void on_run_interval_finished (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_run_interval_finished);
- //test can be deleted if not cancelled
- button_delete_this_test.Sensitive = ! currentEventExecute.Cancel;
- if ( ! currentEventExecute.Cancel ) {
- currentRunInterval = (RunInterval) currentEventExecute.EventDone;
- //move video file if exists
- if(preferences.videoOn)
- if(! Util.CopyTempVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.RUN_I,
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
Catalog.GetString("Sorry, video cannot be stored."));
- currentRunInterval.MetersSecondsPreferred = preferences.metersSecondsPreferred;
- //if user clicked in finish earlier
- if(currentEventExecute.Finish) {
- currentRunInterval.Tracks =
Util.GetNumberOfJumps(currentRunInterval.IntervalTimesString, false);
- if(currentRunInterval.TracksLimited) {
- currentRunInterval.Limited = currentRunInterval.Tracks.ToString() +
- } else {
- currentRunInterval.Limited = Util.GetTotalTime(
- currentRunInterval.IntervalTimesString) + "T";
- }
- }
- myTreeViewRunsInterval.Add(currentPerson.Name, currentRunInterval);
- //since when test is done, treeview select it. action event button have to be
- showHideActionEventButtons(true, "RunInterval"); //show
- if(createdStatsWin) {
- showUpdateStatsAndHideData(true);
- }
- lastRunIsSimple = false;
- //unhide buttons for delete last jump
- sensitiveGuiYesEvent();
- //put correct time value in eventWindow (put the time from chronopic and not onTimer
soft chronometer)
- event_execute_LabelTimeValue = currentRunInterval.TimeTotal;
- //possible deletion of last run can make the runs on event window be false
- event_execute_LabelEventValue = currentRunInterval.Tracks;
- }
- else if( currentEventExecute.ChronopicDisconnected )
- chronopicDisconnectedWhileExecuting();
- //delete the temp tables if exists
- Sqlite.DeleteTempEvents("tempRunInterval");
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- REACTION TIMES EXECUTION --------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- //suitable for reaction times
- private void on_reaction_time_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- //used by cancel and finish
- currentEventType = new ReactionTimeType();
- //hide jumping buttons
- sensitiveGuiEventDoing();
- //show the event doing window
- double progressbarLimit = 2;
- //don't let update until test finishes
- if(createdStatsWin)
- showUpdateStatsAndHideData(false);
- event_execute_initializeVariables(
- ! chronopicWin.Connected, //is simulated
- currentPerson.UniqueID,
- currentPerson.Name,
- Catalog.GetString("Phases"), //name of the different moments
- Constants.ReactionTimeTable, //tableName
- ""
- );
- ExecutingGraphData egd = event_execute_prepareForTest ();
- event_execute_ButtonCancel.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_cancel_clicked);
- event_execute_ButtonFinish.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_finish_clicked);
- //when user clicks on update the eventExecute window
- //(for showing with his new confgured values: max, min and guides
- event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_update_clicked); //if we don't do
this, on_update_clicked it's called 'n' times when 'n' events are done
- event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_update_clicked);
- string sep = "";
- string description = "";
- if(extra_window_radio_reaction_time_discriminative.Active) {
- if(check_reaction_time_disc_red.Active == true) {
- description += sep + Catalog.GetString("red");
- sep = " + ";
- }
- if(check_reaction_time_disc_yellow.Active == true) {
- description += sep + Catalog.GetString("yellow");
- sep = " + ";
- }
- if(check_reaction_time_disc_green.Active == true) {
- description += sep + Catalog.GetString("green");
- sep = " + ";
- }
- if(check_reaction_time_disc_buzzer.Active == true) {
- description += sep + Catalog.GetString("buzzer");
- sep = " + ";
- }
- }
- else if(extra_window_radio_reaction_time_animation_lights.Active)
- description = spinbutton_flicker_lights_speed.Value.ToString() + " - " +
- currentEventExecute = new ReactionTimeExecute(currentPerson.UniqueID, currentPerson.Name,
- currentSession.UniqueID, currentReactionTimeType.Name,
- chronopicWin.CP, event_execute_label_message, app1, preferences.digitsNumber,
- progressbarLimit, egd, description
- );
- if (!chronopicWin.Connected)
- currentEventExecute.SimulateInitValues(rand);
- //not on simulated because results would be always 0
- if( chronopicWin.Connected &&
- (extra_window_radio_reaction_time_discriminative.Active ||
- extra_window_radio_reaction_time_animation_lights.Active) )
- //TODO: do also for flickr
- currentEventExecute.StartIn = false;
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonReactionTimeStart.Clicked += new
- currentEventExecute.Manage(); //check that platform is ok
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonUpdateGraph.Clicked +=
- new EventHandler(on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked);
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonEventEnded.Clicked += new
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_reaction_time_finished);
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonThreadDyed.Clicked += new
- }
- private void on_event_execute_reaction_time_start (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonReactionTimeStart.Clicked -= new
- //Fire leds or buzzer on discriminative (if not simulated)
- if(chronopicWin.Connected) {
- if(extra_window_radio_reaction_time_discriminative.Active) {
- Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(discriminativeStartTime * 1000)); //in ms
- ChronopicAuto cs = new ChronopicStartReactionTimeAnimation();
- cs.CharToSend = discriminativeCharToSend;
- cs.Write(chronopicWin.SP, 0);
- }
- else if(extra_window_radio_reaction_time_animation_lights.Active) {
- int speed = Convert.ToInt32(spinbutton_animation_lights_speed.Value);
- ChronopicAuto cs = new ChronopicStartReactionTimeAnimation();
- cs.CharToSend = "l";
- cs.Write(chronopicWin.SP,speed);
- }
- LogB.Information("opening port at gui/chronojump.cs");
- chronopicWin.SP.Open();
- /*
- * some machines needed to flush
- * - my Linux laptop two bytes
- * - a linux guest on windows host (virtual box) don't need
- * Note this will not allow reaction time be lower than 100 ms (DefaultTimeout on
- */
- LogB.Information("Going to flush by time out"); //needed on some machines
- chronopicWin.CP.FlushByTimeOut();
- LogB.Information("flushed!");
- }
- currentEventExecute.Manage2();
- }
- private void on_reaction_time_finished (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_reaction_time_finished);
- //test can be deleted if not cancelled
- button_delete_this_test.Sensitive = ! currentEventExecute.Cancel;
- if ( ! currentEventExecute.Cancel ) {
- currentReactionTime = (ReactionTime) currentEventExecute.EventDone;
- //move video file if exists
- if(preferences.videoOn)
- if(! Util.CopyTempVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.RT,
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
Catalog.GetString("Sorry, video cannot be stored."));
- myTreeViewReactionTimes.Add(currentPerson.Name, currentReactionTime);
- //since when test is done, treeview select it. action event button have to be
- showHideActionEventButtons(true, "ReactionTime"); //show
- if(createdStatsWin) {
- showUpdateStatsAndHideData(true);
- }
- //unhide buttons for delete last reaction time
- sensitiveGuiYesEvent();
- }
- else if( currentEventExecute.ChronopicDisconnected )
- chronopicDisconnectedWhileExecuting();
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- PULSES EXECUTION ----------------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void on_pulse_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- LogB.Information("pulse accepted");
- double pulseStep = 0;
- int totalPulses = 0;
- if(currentPulseType.Name == "Free") {
- pulseStep = currentPulseType.FixedPulse; // -1
- totalPulses = currentPulseType.TotalPulsesNum; //-1
- } else { //custom (info comes from Extra Window
- pulseStep = extra_window_pulses_spinbutton_pulse_step.Value;
- if(extra_window_pulses_checkbutton_unlimited.Active)
- totalPulses = currentPulseType.TotalPulsesNum; //-1
- else
- totalPulses = Convert.ToInt32(
- extra_window_pulses_spinbutton_total_pulses.Value); //-1:
unlimited; or 'n': limited by 'n' pulses
- }
- //used by cancel and finish
- //currentEventType = new PulseType();
- currentEventType = currentPulseType;
- //hide pulse buttons
- sensitiveGuiEventDoing();
- //don't let update until test finishes
- if(createdStatsWin)
- showUpdateStatsAndHideData(false);
- //show the event doing window
- event_execute_initializeVariables(
- ! chronopicWin.Connected, //is simulated
- currentPerson.UniqueID,
- currentPerson.Name,
- Catalog.GetString("Pulses"), //name of the different moments
- Constants.PulseTable, //tableName
- currentPulseType.Name
- );
- ExecutingGraphData egd = event_execute_prepareForTest ();
- event_execute_ButtonCancel.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_cancel_clicked);
- event_execute_ButtonFinish.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_finish_clicked);
- //when user clicks on update the eventExecute window
- //(for showing with his new confgured values: max, min and guides
- event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_update_clicked); //if we don't do
this, on_update_clicked it's called 'n' times when 'n' events are done
- event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_update_clicked);
- currentEventExecute = new PulseExecute(currentPerson.UniqueID, currentPerson.Name,
- currentSession.UniqueID, currentPulseType.Name, pulseStep, totalPulses,
- chronopicWin.CP, event_execute_label_message,
- app1, preferences.digitsNumber, preferences.volumeOn, egd
- );
- if(!chronopicWin.Connected)
- currentEventExecute.SimulateInitValues(rand);
- currentEventExecute.Manage();
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonUpdateGraph.Clicked +=
- new EventHandler(on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked);
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonEventEnded.Clicked += new
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_pulse_finished);
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonThreadDyed.Clicked += new
- }
- private void on_pulse_finished (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- LogB.Information("pulse finished");
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_pulse_finished);
- //test can be deleted if not cancelled
- button_delete_this_test.Sensitive = ! currentEventExecute.Cancel;
- if ( ! currentEventExecute.Cancel ) {
- /*
- //if user clicked in finish earlier
- if(currentPulse.Finish) {
- currentRunInterval.Tracks =
Util.GetNumberOfJumps(currentRunInterval.IntervalTimesString, false);
- if(currentRunInterval.TracksLimited) {
- currentRunInterval.Limited = currentRunInterval.Tracks.ToString() +
- } else {
- currentRunInterval.Limited = Util.GetTotalTime(
- currentRunInterval.IntervalTimesString) + "T";
- }
- }
- */
- currentPulse = (Pulse) currentEventExecute.EventDone;
- //move video file if exists
- if(preferences.videoOn)
- if(! Util.CopyTempVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.PULSE,
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
Catalog.GetString("Sorry, video cannot be stored."));
- myTreeViewPulses.Add(currentPerson.Name, currentPulse);
- //since when test is done, treeview select it. action event button have to be
- showHideActionEventButtons(true, "Pulse"); //show
- if(createdStatsWin) {
- showUpdateStatsAndHideData(true);
- }
- //unhide buttons for delete last jump
- sensitiveGuiYesEvent();
- //put correct time value in eventWindow (put the time from chronopic and not onTimer
soft chronometer)
- event_execute_LabelTimeValue = Util.GetTotalTime(currentPulse.TimesString);
- }
- else if( currentEventExecute.ChronopicDisconnected )
- chronopicDisconnectedWhileExecuting();
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- MULTI CHRONOPIC EXECUTION -------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- //recreate is used when a Chronopic was disconnected
- //
- //encoderPort is usually "" and will be Util.GetDefaultPort
- //but, since 1.5.1 when selecting encoder option from main menu,
- //then encoderPort will be found and send here
- //normal call
- private void createChronopicWindow(bool recreate, string encoderPort)
- {
- ArrayList cpd = new ArrayList();
- for(int i=1; i<=4;i++) {
- ChronopicPortData cpdata = new ChronopicPortData(i,"",false);
- cpd.Add(cpdata);
- }
- createChronopicWindow(null, cpd, recreate, encoderPort);
- }
- //called directly on autodetect (detected cp and cpd is send)
- private void createChronopicWindow(Chronopic cp, ArrayList cpd, bool recreate, string encoderPort)
- {
- if(encoderPort == "")
- encoderPort = Util.GetDefaultPort();
- chronopicWin = ChronopicWindow.Create(cp, cpd, encoderPort, recreate, preferences.volumeOn);
- //chronopicWin.FakeButtonCancelled.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_chronopic_window_cancelled);
- if(notebook_sup.CurrentPage == 0) {
- int cps = chronopicWin.NumConnected();
- LogB.Debug("cps: " + cps.ToString());
- chronopicContactsLabels(cps, recreate);
- }
- else //(notebook_sup.CurrentPage == 1)
- chronopicEncoderLabels(recreate);
- if(recreate)
- label_chronopics_multitest.Text = "";
- }
- private void on_chronopic_contacts_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- ChronopicWindow.ChronojumpMode cmode = ChronopicWindow.ChronojumpMode.JUMPORRUN;
- if(radio_menuitem_mode_other.Active)
- cmode = ChronopicWindow.ChronojumpMode.OTHER;
- chronopicWin = ChronopicWindow.View(cmode, preferences.volumeOn);
- //chronopicWin.FakeWindowReload.Clicked += new EventHandler(chronopicWindowReload);
- chronopicWin.FakeWindowDone.Clicked += new
- }
- private void on_chronopic_encoder_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- chronopicWin = ChronopicWindow.View(ChronopicWindow.ChronojumpMode.ENCODER,
- //chronopicWin.FakeWindowReload.Clicked += new EventHandler(chronopicWindowReload);
- chronopicWin.FakeWindowDone.Clicked += new
- }
- /*
- private void on_chronopic_window_cancelled (object o, EventArgs ags) {
- chronopicWin.FakeButtonCancelled.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_chronopic_window_cancelled);
- chronopicCancelledTimes ++;
- }
- */
- /*
- private void chronopicWindowReload(object o, EventArgs args) {
- //chronopicWin.FakeWindowReload.Clicked -= new EventHandler(chronopicWindowReload);
- //store ports info and update labels if necessary
- on_chronopic_window_connected_or_done (o, args);
- //create chronopic window again (maybe new ports)
- //createChronopicWindow(true);
- //show it
- chronopicWin = ChronopicWindow.View(preferences.volumeOn);
- }
- */
- private void on_chronopic_window_contacts_connected_or_done (object o, EventArgs args) {
- chronopicWin.FakeWindowDone.Clicked -= new
- int cps = chronopicWin.NumConnected();
- if(radio_mode_multi_chronopic_small.Active)
- on_extra_window_multichronopic_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
- if(cps > 0)
- change_multitest_firmware(getMenuItemMode());
- else
- label_chronopics_multitest.Text = "";
- chronopicContactsLabels(cps, true);
- }
- private void on_chronopic_window_encoder_connected_or_done (object o, EventArgs args) {
- chronopicWin.FakeWindowDone.Clicked -= new
- chronopicEncoderLabels(true);
- }
- private void chronopicContactsLabels(int cps, bool colorize) {
- //string text = "<b>" + cps.ToString() + "</b>";
- string text = cps.ToString();
- label_connected_chronopics.Text = text;
- //label_connected_chronopics.UseMarkup = true;
- LogB.Debug("cpwin connected: " + chronopicWin.Connected.ToString());
- if(colorize)
- UtilGtk.ChronopicColors(viewport_chronopics,
- label_chronopics, label_connected_chronopics,
- chronopicWin.Connected);
- }
- private void chronopicEncoderLabels(bool colorize) {
- LogB.Information("at chronopicEncoderLabels");
- string encoderPort = chronopicWin.GetEncoderPort();
- LogB.Debug("gui/chronojump.cs encoderPort:", encoderPort);
- if(encoderPort != null && encoderPort != "" && encoderPort != Util.GetDefaultPort())
- {
- label_chronopic_encoder.Text = Catalog.GetString("Encoder connected");
- image_chronopic_encoder_no.Visible = false;
- image_chronopic_encoder_yes.Visible = true;
- }
- else {
- label_chronopic_encoder.Text = Catalog.GetString("Encoder disconnected");
- image_chronopic_encoder_no.Visible = true;
- image_chronopic_encoder_yes.Visible = false;
- }
- if(colorize)
- UtilGtk.ChronopicColors(viewport_chronopic_encoder,
- label_chronopic_encoder, new Gtk.Label(),
- encoderPort != "");
- LogB.Information("at chronopicEncoderLabels end");
- }
- private void on_multi_chronopic_start_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("multi chronopic accepted");
- bool syncAvailable = false;
- if(currentMultiChronopicType.SyncAvailable && extra_window_check_multichronopic_sync.Active)
- syncAvailable = true;
- //used by cancel and finish
- currentEventType = new MultiChronopicType();
- //hide pulse buttons
- sensitiveGuiEventDoing();
- //don't let update until test finishes
- if(createdStatsWin)
- showUpdateStatsAndHideData(false);
- //show the event doing window
- event_execute_initializeVariables(
- ! chronopicWin.Connected, //is simulated
- currentPerson.UniqueID,
- currentPerson.Name,
- Catalog.GetString("Changes"), //name of the different moments
- Constants.MultiChronopicTable, //tableName
- currentMultiChronopicType.Name
- );
- ExecutingGraphData egd = event_execute_prepareForTest ();
- event_execute_ButtonCancel.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_cancel_multi_clicked);
- event_execute_ButtonFinish.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_finish_multi_clicked);
- //when user clicks on update the eventExecute window
- //(for showing with his new confgured values: max, min and guides
- event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_update_clicked); //if we don't do
this, on_update_clicked it's called 'n' times when 'n' events are done
- event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_update_clicked);
- /*
- bool syncAvailable = false;
- if(currentMultiChronopicType.SyncAvailable && extra_window_check_multichronopic_sync.Active)
- syncAvailable = true;
- */
- int numConnected = chronopicWin.NumConnected();
- if(numConnected == 1)
- currentEventExecute = new MultiChronopicExecute(
- currentPerson.UniqueID, currentPerson.Name,
- currentSession.UniqueID, currentMultiChronopicType.Name,
- chronopicWin.CP,
- syncAvailable, extra_window_check_multichronopic_delete_first.Active,
- extra_window_spin_run_analysis_distance.Value.ToString(),
- app1, egd
- );
- else if(numConnected == 2)
- currentEventExecute = new MultiChronopicExecute(
- currentPerson.UniqueID, currentPerson.Name,
- currentSession.UniqueID, currentMultiChronopicType.Name,
- chronopicWin.CP, chronopicWin.CP2,
- syncAvailable, extra_window_check_multichronopic_delete_first.Active,
- extra_window_spin_run_analysis_distance.Value.ToString(),
- app1, egd
- );
- else if(numConnected == 3)
- currentEventExecute = new MultiChronopicExecute(
- currentPerson.UniqueID, currentPerson.Name,
- currentSession.UniqueID, currentMultiChronopicType.Name,
- chronopicWin.CP, chronopicWin.CP2, chronopicWin.CP3,
- syncAvailable, extra_window_check_multichronopic_delete_first.Active,
- extra_window_spin_run_analysis_distance.Value.ToString(),
- app1, egd
- );
- else if(numConnected == 4)
- currentEventExecute = new MultiChronopicExecute(
- currentPerson.UniqueID, currentPerson.Name,
- currentSession.UniqueID, currentMultiChronopicType.Name,
- chronopicWin.CP, chronopicWin.CP2, chronopicWin.CP3, chronopicWin.CP4,
- syncAvailable, extra_window_check_multichronopic_delete_first.Active,
- extra_window_spin_run_analysis_distance.Value.ToString(),
- app1, egd
- );
- //if(!chronopicWin.Connected)
- // currentEventExecute.SimulateInitValues(rand);
- //mark to only get inside on_multi_chronopic_finished one time
- multiFinishing = false;
- currentEventExecute.Manage();
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonUpdateGraph.Clicked +=
- new EventHandler(on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked);
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonEventEnded.Clicked += new
-// currentEventExecute.FakeButtonRunATouchPlatform.Clicked += new
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked += new
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonThreadDyed.Clicked += new
- }
- bool multiFinishing;
- private void on_multi_chronopic_finished (object o, EventArgs args) {
- if(multiFinishing)
- return;
- else
- multiFinishing = true;
- currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked -= new
- //test can be deleted if not cancelled
- button_delete_this_test.Sensitive = ! currentEventExecute.Cancel;
- if(currentMultiChronopicType.Name == Constants.RunAnalysisName && !
- //new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
- // Catalog.GetString("This Run Analysis is not valid because there are
no strides."));
- currentEventExecute.RunANoStrides();
- else if ( ! currentEventExecute.Cancel ) {
- /*
- on runAnalysis test, when cp1 ends, run ends,
- but cp2 is still waiting event
- with this will ask cp2 to press button
- solves problem with threads at ending
- */
- //on_finish_multi_clicked(o, args);
- //this produces also a crash:
- //new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, "Please, touch a platform now.");
- //call write here, because if done in execute/MultiChronopic, will be called n times
if n chronopics are working
- currentEventExecute.MultiChronopicWrite(false);
- currentMultiChronopic = (MultiChronopic) currentEventExecute.EventDone;
- //move video file if exists
- if(preferences.videoOn)
- if(! Util.CopyTempVideo(currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.MULTICHRONOPIC,
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
Catalog.GetString("Sorry, video cannot be stored."));
- //this produces also a crash:
- //new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, "Please, touch a platform now.");
- //if this multichronopic has more chronopics than other in session, then reload
treeview, else simply add
- if(currentMultiChronopic.CPs() != SqliteMultiChronopic.MaxCPs(false,
currentSession.UniqueID)) {
- treeview_multi_chronopic_storeReset(false);
- fillTreeView_multi_chronopic();
- } else
- myTreeViewMultiChronopic.Add(currentPerson.Name, currentMultiChronopic);
- //since when test is done, treeview select it. action event button have to be
- showHideActionEventButtons(true, Constants.MultiChronopicName); //show
- //unhide buttons for delete last test
- sensitiveGuiYesEvent();
- }
- else if( currentEventExecute.ChronopicDisconnected )
- chronopicDisconnectedWhileExecuting();
- }
- /*
- * update button is clicked on eventWindow, chronojump.cs delegate points here
- */
- private void on_update_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("--On_update_clicked--");
- try {
- switch (currentEventType.Type) {
- case EventType.Types.JUMP:
- if(lastJumpIsSimple && radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Active)
PrepareJumpSimpleGraph(currentEventExecute.PrepareEventGraphJumpSimpleObject, false);
- else if (radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_reactive.Active)
- PrepareJumpReactiveGraph(
- Util.GetLast(currentJumpRj.TvString),
- currentJumpRj.TvString,
currentJumpRj.TcString, preferences.volumeOn, repetitiveConditionsWin);
- break;
- case EventType.Types.RUN:
- if(lastRunIsSimple && radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple.Active)
PrepareRunSimpleGraph(currentEventExecute.PrepareEventGraphRunSimpleObject, false);
- else if(radio_menuitem_mode_runs_intervallic.Active) {
- RunType runType =
SqliteRunIntervalType.SelectAndReturnRunIntervalType(currentRunInterval.Type, false);
- double distanceTotal =
- runType.DistancesString,
- double distanceInterval = currentRunInterval.DistanceInterval;
- if(distanceInterval == -1) //variable distances
- distanceInterval =
- runType.DistancesString, (int)
currentRunInterval.Tracks -1);
- PrepareRunIntervalGraph(distanceInterval,
- currentRunInterval.IntervalTimesString,
- distanceTotal,
- runType.DistancesString,
- currentRunInterval.StartIn,
- preferences.volumeOn,
- }
- break;
- case EventType.Types.PULSE:
- if(radio_mode_pulses_small.Active)
- PreparePulseGraph(Util.GetLast(currentPulse.TimesString),
- break;
- case EventType.Types.REACTIONTIME:
- if(radio_mode_reaction_times_small.Active)
PrepareReactionTimeGraph(currentEventExecute.PrepareEventGraphReactionTimeObject, false);
- break;
- case EventType.Types.MULTICHRONOPIC:
- if(radio_mode_multi_chronopic_small.Active)
- PrepareMultiChronopicGraph(
- //currentMultiChronopic.timestamp,
- currentMultiChronopic.Cp1InStr,
- currentMultiChronopic.Cp1OutStr,
- currentMultiChronopic.Cp2InStr,
- currentMultiChronopic.Cp2OutStr,
- currentMultiChronopic.Cp3InStr,
- currentMultiChronopic.Cp3OutStr,
- currentMultiChronopic.Cp4InStr,
- currentMultiChronopic.Cp4OutStr);
- break;
- }
- }
- catch {
- errorWin = ErrorWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Cannot update. Probably this test was
- }
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- EVENTS EDIT ---------------------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- int eventOldPerson;
- private void on_edit_selected_jump_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //notebooks_change(0); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
- LogB.Information("Edit selected jump (normal)");
- //1.- check that there's a line selected
- //2.- check that this line is a jump and not a person (check also if it's not a individual
RJ, the pass the parent RJ)
- if (myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- //3.- obtain the data of the selected jump
- Jump myJump = SqliteJump.SelectJumpData( myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID, false );
- eventOldPerson = myJump.PersonID;
- //4.- edit this jump
- editJumpWin = EditJumpWindow.Show(app1, myJump, preferences.weightStatsPercent,
- editJumpWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_edit_selected_jump_accepted);
- }
- }
- private void on_edit_selected_jump_rj_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //notebooks_change(1); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
- LogB.Information("Edit selected jump (RJ)");
- //1.- check that there's a line selected
- //2.- check that this line is a jump and not a person (check also if it's not a individual
RJ, the pass the parent RJ)
- if (myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- //3.- obtain the data of the selected jump
- JumpRj myJump = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumpData( "jumpRj",
myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID, false );
- eventOldPerson = myJump.PersonID;
- //4.- edit this jump
- editJumpRjWin = EditJumpRjWindow.Show(app1, myJump, preferences.weightStatsPercent,
- editJumpRjWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- }
- }
- private void on_edit_selected_jump_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("edit selected jump accepted");
- Jump myJump = SqliteJump.SelectJumpData( myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID, false );
- //if person changed, fill treeview again, if not, only update it's line
- if(eventOldPerson == myJump.PersonID) {
- if(! preferences.weightStatsPercent) {
- double personWeight = SqlitePersonSession.SelectAttribute(
- false, myJump.PersonID, currentSession.UniqueID,
- myJump.Weight = Util.WeightFromPercentToKg(myJump.Weight, personWeight);
- }
- myTreeViewJumps.Update(myJump);
- }
- else {
- treeview_jumps_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_jumps(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_result_jumps));
- }
- updateGraphJumpsSimple();
- if(createdStatsWin)
- stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, false);
- }
- private void on_edit_selected_jump_rj_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("edit selected jump RJ accepted");
- JumpRj myJump = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumpData( "jumpRj", myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID,
false );
- //if person changed, fill treeview again, if not, only update it's line
- if(eventOldPerson == myJump.PersonID) {
- if(! preferences.weightStatsPercent) {
- double personWeight = SqlitePersonSession.SelectAttribute(
- false, myJump.PersonID, currentSession.UniqueID,
- myJump.Weight = Util.WeightFromPercentToKg(myJump.Weight, personWeight);
- }
- myTreeViewJumpsRj.Update(myJump);
- }
- else {
- treeview_jumps_rj_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_jumps_rj(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_result_jumps_rj));
- }
- if(createdStatsWin)
- stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, false);
- }
- private void on_edit_selected_run_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //notebooks_change(2); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
- LogB.Information("Edit selected run (normal)");
- //1.- check that there's a line selected
- //2.- check that this line is a jump and not a person (check also if it's not a individual
RJ, the pass the parent RJ)
- if (myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- //3.- obtain the data of the selected run
- Run myRun = SqliteRun.SelectRunData( myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID, false );
- myRun.MetersSecondsPreferred = preferences.metersSecondsPreferred;
- eventOldPerson = myRun.PersonID;
- //4.- edit this run
- editRunWin = EditRunWindow.Show(app1, myRun, preferences.digitsNumber,
- editRunWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_edit_selected_run_accepted);
- }
- }
- private void on_edit_selected_run_interval_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //notebooks_change(3); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
- LogB.Information("Edit selected run interval");
- //1.- check that there's a line selected
- //2.- check that this line is a run and not a person (check also if it's not a individual
subrun, the pass the parent run)
- if (myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- //3.- obtain the data of the selected run
- RunInterval myRun = SqliteRunInterval.SelectRunData( Constants.RunIntervalTable,
myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID, false );
- eventOldPerson = myRun.PersonID;
- //4.- edit this run
- editRunIntervalWin = EditRunIntervalWindow.Show(app1, myRun,
preferences.digitsNumber, preferences.metersSecondsPreferred);
- editRunIntervalWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- }
- }
- private void on_edit_selected_run_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("edit selected run accepted");
- Run myRun = SqliteRun.SelectRunData( myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID, false );
- //if person changed, fill treeview again, if not, only update it's line
- if(eventOldPerson == myRun.PersonID)
- myTreeViewRuns.Update(myRun);
- else {
- treeview_runs_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_runs(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_result_runs));
- }
- updateGraphRunsSimple();
- if(createdStatsWin)
- stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, false);
- }
- private void on_edit_selected_run_interval_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("edit selected run interval accepted");
- RunInterval myRun = SqliteRunInterval.SelectRunData( Constants.RunIntervalTable,
myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID, false );
- //if person changed, fill treeview again, if not, only update it's line
- if(eventOldPerson == myRun.PersonID)
- myTreeViewRunsInterval.Update(myRun);
- else {
- treeview_runs_interval_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_runs_interval(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_result_runs_interval));
- }
- if(createdStatsWin)
- stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, false);
- }
- private void on_edit_selected_reaction_time_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //notebooks_change(4); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
- LogB.Information("Edit selected reaction time");
- //1.- check that there's a line selected
- //2.- check that this line is a event and not a person
- if (myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- //3.- obtain the data of the selected event
- ReactionTime myRT = SqliteReactionTime.SelectReactionTimeData(
myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID, false );
- eventOldPerson = myRT.PersonID;
- //4.- edit this event
- editReactionTimeWin = EditReactionTimeWindow.Show(app1, myRT,
- editReactionTimeWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- }
- }
- private void on_edit_selected_reaction_time_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("edit selected reaction time accepted");
- ReactionTime myRT = SqliteReactionTime.SelectReactionTimeData(
myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID, false);
- //if person changed, fill treeview again, if not, only update it's line
- if(eventOldPerson == myRT.PersonID)
- myTreeViewReactionTimes.Update(myRT);
- else {
- treeview_reaction_times_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_reaction_times(currentReactionTimeType.Name);
- }
- updateGraphReactionTimes();
- }
- private void on_edit_selected_pulse_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //notebooks_change(5); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
- LogB.Information("Edit selected pulse");
- //1.- check that there's a line selected
- //2.- check that this line is a event and not a person
- if (myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- //3.- obtain the data of the selected event
- Pulse myPulse = SqlitePulse.SelectPulseData( myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID, false
- eventOldPerson = myPulse.PersonID;
- //4.- edit this event
- editPulseWin = EditPulseWindow.Show(app1, myPulse, preferences.digitsNumber);
- editPulseWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- }
- }
- private void on_edit_selected_pulse_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("edit selected pulse accepted");
- Pulse myPulse = SqlitePulse.SelectPulseData( myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID, false );
- //if person changed, fill treeview again, if not, only update it's line
- if(eventOldPerson == myPulse.PersonID)
- myTreeViewPulses.Update(myPulse);
- else {
- treeview_pulses_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_pulses(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_pulses));
- }
- }
- private void on_edit_selected_multi_chronopic_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //notebooks_change(6); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
- LogB.Information("Edit selected multi chronopic");
- //1.- check that there's a line selected
- //2.- check that this line is a jump and not a person (check also if it's not a individual
RJ, the pass the parent RJ)
- if (myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- //3.- obtain the data of the selected test
- MultiChronopic mc = SqliteMultiChronopic.SelectMultiChronopicData(
myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID, false );
- eventOldPerson = mc.PersonID;
- //4.- edit this jump
- editMultiChronopicWin = EditMultiChronopicWindow.Show(app1, mc,
- editMultiChronopicWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- }
- }
- private void on_edit_selected_multi_chronopic_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("edit selected multi chronopic accepted");
- MultiChronopic mc = SqliteMultiChronopic.SelectMultiChronopicData(
myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID, false );
- //if person changed, fill treeview again, if not, only update it's line
- if(eventOldPerson == mc.PersonID)
- myTreeViewMultiChronopic.Update(mc);
- else {
- treeview_multi_chronopic_storeReset(false);
- fillTreeView_multi_chronopic();
- }
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- EVENTS PLAY VIDEO ---------------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- //Not used on encoder
- private bool playVideo(string fileName, bool play)
- {
- if(File.Exists(fileName)) {
- LogB.Information("Play video starting...");
- PlayerBin player = new PlayerBin();
- player.Open(fileName);
- //without these lines works also but has less functionalities (speed, go to ms)
- Gtk.Window d = new Gtk.Window(Catalog.GetString("Playing video"));
- d.Add(player);
- d.Modal = true;
- d.SetDefaultSize(500,400);
- d.ShowAll();
- d.DeleteEvent += delegate(object sender, DeleteEventArgs e) {player.Close();
- if(play) {
- LogB.Information("Play video playing...");
- player.Play();
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- private void on_video_play_this_test_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- Constants.TestTypes type = Constants.TestTypes.JUMP;
- int id = 0;
- switch (currentEventType.Type) {
- case EventType.Types.JUMP:
- if(lastJumpIsSimple) {
- type = Constants.TestTypes.JUMP;
- id = currentJump.UniqueID;
- }
- else {
- type = Constants.TestTypes.JUMP_RJ;
- id = currentJumpRj.UniqueID;
- } break;
- case EventType.Types.RUN:
- if(lastRunIsSimple) {
- type = Constants.TestTypes.RUN;
- id = currentRun.UniqueID;
- } else {
- type = Constants.TestTypes.RUN_I;
- id = currentRunInterval.UniqueID;
- }
- break;
- case EventType.Types.PULSE:
- type = Constants.TestTypes.PULSE;
- id = currentPulse.UniqueID;
- break;
- case EventType.Types.REACTIONTIME:
- type = Constants.TestTypes.RT;
- id = currentReactionTime.UniqueID;
- break;
- case EventType.Types.MULTICHRONOPIC:
- type = Constants.TestTypes.MULTICHRONOPIC;
- id = currentMultiChronopic.UniqueID;
- break;
- }
- playVideo(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID, type, id), true);
- }
- private void on_video_play_selected_jump_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- if (myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID > 0)
- playVideo(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.JUMP,
- myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID), true);
- }
- private void on_video_play_selected_jump_rj_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- if (myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID > 0)
- playVideo(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.JUMP_RJ,
- myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID), true);
- }
- private void on_video_play_selected_run_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- if (myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID > 0)
- playVideo(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.RUN,
- myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID), true);
- }
- private void on_video_play_selected_run_interval_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- if (myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID > 0)
- playVideo(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.RUN_I,
- myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID), true);
- }
- private void on_video_play_selected_reaction_time_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- if (myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID > 0)
- playVideo(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.RT,
- myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID), true);
- }
- private void on_video_play_selected_pulse_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- if (myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID > 0)
- playVideo(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.PULSE,
- myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID), true);
- }
- private void on_video_play_selected_multi_chronopic_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- if (myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID > 0)
- playVideo(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.MULTICHRONOPIC,
- myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID), true);
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- EVENTS DELETE -------------------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void on_delete_this_test_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- switch (currentEventType.Type) {
- case EventType.Types.JUMP:
- if(lastJumpIsSimple) {
- //maybe, after executing the test, user has selected other test on
- //delete this is called on execute
- //we should ensure we are deleting last jump and not the selected jump
- //force selection of last jump
- if(currentJump.UniqueID != myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID)
- myTreeViewJumps.SelectEvent(currentJump.UniqueID);
- on_delete_selected_jump_clicked(o, args);
- } else {
- if(currentJumpRj.UniqueID != myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID)
- myTreeViewJumpsRj.SelectEvent(currentJumpRj.UniqueID);
- on_delete_selected_jump_rj_clicked(o, args);
- }
- break;
- case EventType.Types.RUN:
- if(lastRunIsSimple) {
- if(currentRun.UniqueID != myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID)
- myTreeViewRuns.SelectEvent(currentRun.UniqueID);
- on_delete_selected_run_clicked(o, args);
- } else {
- if(currentRunInterval.UniqueID !=
- on_delete_selected_run_interval_clicked(o, args);
- }
- break;
- case EventType.Types.PULSE:
- if(currentPulse.UniqueID != myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID)
- myTreeViewPulses.SelectEvent(currentPulse.UniqueID);
- on_delete_selected_pulse_clicked(o, args);
- break;
- case EventType.Types.REACTIONTIME:
- if(currentReactionTime.UniqueID != myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID)
- myTreeViewReactionTimes.SelectEvent(currentReactionTime.UniqueID);
- on_delete_selected_reaction_time_clicked(o, args);
- break;
- case EventType.Types.MULTICHRONOPIC:
- if(currentMultiChronopic.UniqueID != myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID)
- myTreeViewMultiChronopic.SelectEvent(currentMultiChronopic.UniqueID);
- on_delete_selected_multi_chronopic_clicked(o, args);
- break;
- }
- }
- private void deleted_last_test_update_widgets() {
- vbox_this_test_buttons.Sensitive = false;
- UtilGtk.ClearDrawingArea(event_execute_drawingarea, event_execute_pixmap);
- notebook_results_data.CurrentPage = 3; //shows "deleted test"
- }
- private void on_delete_selected_jump_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //notebooks_change(0); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
- LogB.Information("delete this jump (normal)");
- //1.- check that there's a line selected
- //2.- check that this line is a jump and not a person
- LogB.Information(myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID.ToString());
- if (myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- //3.- display confirmwindow of deletion
- if (preferences.askDeletion) {
- confirmWinJumpRun = ConfirmWindowJumpRun.Show(Catalog.GetString("Do you want
to delete this jump?"), "");
- confirmWinJumpRun.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- } else {
- on_delete_selected_jump_accepted(o, args);
- }
- }
- }
- private void on_delete_selected_jump_rj_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //notebooks_change(1); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
- LogB.Information("delete this reactive jump");
- //1.- check that there's a line selected
- //2.- check that this line is a jump and not a person (check also if it's not a individual
RJ, the pass the parent RJ)
- if (myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- //3.- display confirmwindow of deletion
- if (preferences.askDeletion) {
- confirmWinJumpRun = ConfirmWindowJumpRun.Show( Catalog.GetString("Do you want
to delete this jump?"),
- Catalog.GetString("Attention: Deleting a Reactive subjump
will delete the whole jump"));
- confirmWinJumpRun.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- } else {
- on_delete_selected_jump_rj_accepted(o, args);
- }
- }
- }
- private void on_delete_selected_jump_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("accept delete this jump");
- int id = myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID;
- Sqlite.Delete(false, Constants.JumpTable, id);
- myTreeViewJumps.DelEvent(id);
- showHideActionEventButtons(false, "Jump");
- if(createdStatsWin) {
- stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, false);
- }
- Util.DeleteVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.JUMP, id );
- //we can be here being called from jump treeview (not from execute tab)
- //then what we are deleting is selected jump, not last jump
- //only if selected is last, then
- //change executing window: drawingarea, button_delete, "deleted test" message
- try {
- if(currentJump.UniqueID == id)
- deleted_last_test_update_widgets();
- } catch {
- //there's no currentJump (no one jumped), then it crashed,
- //but don't need to update widgets
- }
- updateGraphJumpsSimple();
- //if auto mode, show last person/test again
- if(execute_auto_doing) {
- execute_auto_order_pos --;
- execute_auto_select();
- }
- }
- private void on_delete_selected_jump_rj_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("accept delete this jump");
- int id = myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID;
- Sqlite.Delete(false, Constants.JumpRjTable, id);
- myTreeViewJumpsRj.DelEvent(id);
- showHideActionEventButtons(false, "JumpRj");
- if(createdStatsWin) {
- stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, false);
- }
- Util.DeleteVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.JUMP_RJ, id );
- try {
- if(currentJumpRj.UniqueID == id)
- deleted_last_test_update_widgets();
- } catch {
- //there's no currentJumpRj (no one jumped), then it crashed,
- //but don't need to update widgets
- }
- }
- private void on_delete_selected_run_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //notebooks_change(2); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
- LogB.Information("delete this run (normal)");
- //1.- check that there's a line selected
- //2.- check that this line is a jump and not a person
- if (myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- //3.- display confirmwindow of deletion
- if (preferences.askDeletion) {
- confirmWinJumpRun = ConfirmWindowJumpRun.Show(Catalog.GetString("Do you want
to delete this run?"), "");
- confirmWinJumpRun.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- } else {
- on_delete_selected_run_accepted(o, args);
- }
- }
- }
- private void on_delete_selected_run_interval_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //notebooks_change(3); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
- LogB.Information("delete this run interval");
- //1.- check that there's a line selected
- //2.- check that this line is a run and not a person (check also if it's a subrun, pass the
parent run)
- if (myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- //3.- display confirmwindow of deletion
- if (preferences.askDeletion) {
- confirmWinJumpRun = ConfirmWindowJumpRun.Show( Catalog.GetString("Do you want
to delete this run?"),
- Catalog.GetString("Attention: Deleting a Intervallic subrun
will delete the whole run"));
- confirmWinJumpRun.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- } else {
- on_delete_selected_run_interval_accepted(o, args);
- }
- }
- }
- private void on_delete_selected_run_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("accept delete this run");
- int id = myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID;
- Sqlite.Delete(false, Constants.RunTable, id);
- myTreeViewRuns.DelEvent(id);
- showHideActionEventButtons(false, "Run");
- if(createdStatsWin) {
- stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, false);
- }
- Util.DeleteVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.RUN, id );
- try {
- if(currentRun.UniqueID == id)
- deleted_last_test_update_widgets();
- } catch {
- //there's no currentRun (no one done it now), then it crashed,
- //but don't need to update widgets
- }
- updateGraphRunsSimple();
- }
- private void on_delete_selected_run_interval_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("accept delete this run");
- int id = myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID;
- Sqlite.Delete(false, Constants.RunIntervalTable, id);
- myTreeViewRunsInterval.DelEvent(id);
- showHideActionEventButtons(false, "RunInterval");
- if(createdStatsWin) {
- stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, false);
- }
- Util.DeleteVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.RUN_I, id );
- try {
- if(currentRunInterval.UniqueID == id)
- deleted_last_test_update_widgets();
- } catch {
- //there's no currentRunInterval (no one done it now), then it crashed,
- //but don't need to update widgets
- }
- }
- private void on_delete_selected_reaction_time_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //notebooks_change(4); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
- LogB.Information("delete this reaction time");
- //1.- check that there's a line selected
- //2.- check that this line is a jump and not a person
- LogB.Information(myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID.ToString());
- if (myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- //3.- display confirmwindow of deletion
- if (preferences.askDeletion) {
- confirmWinJumpRun = ConfirmWindowJumpRun.Show("Do you want to delete this
test?", "");
- confirmWinJumpRun.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- } else {
- on_delete_selected_reaction_time_accepted(o, args);
- }
- }
- }
- private void on_delete_selected_reaction_time_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("accept delete this reaction time");
- int id = myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID;
- Sqlite.Delete(false, Constants.ReactionTimeTable, id);
- myTreeViewReactionTimes.DelEvent(id);
- showHideActionEventButtons(false, "ReactionTime");
- Util.DeleteVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.RT, id );
- try {
- if(currentReactionTime.UniqueID == id)
- deleted_last_test_update_widgets();
- } catch {
- //there's no currentReactionTime (no one done it now), then it crashed,
- //but don't need to update widgets
- }
- updateGraphReactionTimes();
- }
- private void on_delete_selected_pulse_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //notebooks_change(5); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
- LogB.Information("delete this pulse");
- //1.- check that there's a line selected
- //2.- check that this line is a jump and not a person
- LogB.Information(myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID.ToString());
- if (myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- //3.- display confirmwindow of deletion
- if (preferences.askDeletion) {
- confirmWinJumpRun = ConfirmWindowJumpRun.Show("Do you want to delete this
test?", "");
- confirmWinJumpRun.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- } else {
- on_delete_selected_pulse_accepted(o, args);
- }
- }
- }
- private void on_delete_selected_pulse_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("accept delete this pulse");
- int id = myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID;
- Sqlite.Delete(false, Constants.PulseTable, id);
- myTreeViewPulses.DelEvent(id);
- showHideActionEventButtons(false, "Pulse");
- Util.DeleteVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.PULSE, id );
- try {
- if(currentPulse.UniqueID == id)
- deleted_last_test_update_widgets();
- } catch {
- //there's no currentPulse (no one done it now), then it crashed,
- //but don't need to update widgets
- }
- }
- private void on_delete_selected_multi_chronopic_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //notebooks_change(6); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
- LogB.Information("delete this multi chronopic");
- //1.- check that there's a line selected
- //2.- check that this line is a test and not a person (check also if it's not a individual
mc, then pass the parent mc)
- if (myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- //3.- display confirmwindow of deletion
- if (preferences.askDeletion) {
- confirmWinJumpRun = ConfirmWindowJumpRun.Show( Catalog.GetString("Do you want
to delete this test?"), "");
- confirmWinJumpRun.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- } else {
- on_delete_selected_multi_chronopic_accepted(o, args);
- }
- }
- }
- private void on_delete_selected_multi_chronopic_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("accept delete this multi chronopic");
- int id = myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID;
- Sqlite.Delete(false, Constants.MultiChronopicTable, id);
- myTreeViewMultiChronopic.DelEvent(id);
- showHideActionEventButtons(false, Constants.MultiChronopicName);
- Util.DeleteVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.MULTICHRONOPIC, id );
- try {
- if(currentMultiChronopic.UniqueID == id)
- deleted_last_test_update_widgets();
- } catch {
- //there's no currentMultiChronopic (no one done it now), then it crashed,
- //but don't need to update widgets
- }
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- EVENTS TYPE ADD -----------------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void on_jump_simple_type_add_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("Add simple new jump type");
- jumpTypeAddWin = JumpTypeAddWindow.Show(app1, true); //is simple
- jumpTypeAddWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_jump_type_add_accepted);
- }
- private void on_jump_reactive_type_add_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("Add reactive new jump type");
- jumpTypeAddWin = JumpTypeAddWindow.Show(app1, false); //is reactive
- jumpTypeAddWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_jump_type_add_accepted);
- }
- private void on_jump_type_add_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("ACCEPTED Add new jump type");
- if(jumpTypeAddWin.InsertedSimple) {
- createComboSelectJumps(false); //this will update also the selectJumpsString
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_result_jumps,
- SqliteJumpType.SelectJumpTypes(false, Constants.AllJumpsName, "",
true), ""); //without filter, only select name
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Catalog.GetString("Added simple
- } else {
- createComboSelectJumpsRj(false); //this will update also the selectJumpsRjString
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_result_jumps_rj,
- SqliteJumpType.SelectJumpRjTypes(Constants.AllJumpsName, true), "");
//without filter, only select name
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Catalog.GetString("Added reactive
- }
- updateComboStats();
- combo_select_jumps.Active = 0;
- combo_select_jumps_rj.Active = 0;
- combo_result_jumps.Active = 0;
- combo_result_jumps_rj.Active = 0;
- }
- private void on_run_simple_type_add_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("Add simple new run type");
- runTypeAddWin = RunTypeAddWindow.Show(app1, true); //is simple
- runTypeAddWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_run_type_add_accepted);
- }
- private void on_run_intervallic_type_add_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("Add intervallic new run type");
- runTypeAddWin = RunTypeAddWindow.Show(app1, false); //is intervallic
- runTypeAddWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_run_type_add_accepted);
- }
- private void on_run_type_add_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("ACCEPTED Add new run type");
- if(runTypeAddWin.InsertedSimple) {
- createComboSelectRuns(false); //this will update also the selectRunsString
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_result_runs,
- SqliteRunType.SelectRunTypes(Constants.AllRunsName, true), "");
//without filter, only select name
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Catalog.GetString("Added simple
- } else {
- createComboSelectRunsInterval(false); //this will update also the
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_result_runs_interval,
- SqliteRunIntervalType.SelectRunIntervalTypes(Constants.AllRunsName,
true), ""); //without filter, only select name
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Catalog.GetString("Added intervallic
- }
- updateComboStats();
- combo_select_runs.Active = 0;
- combo_select_runs_interval.Active = 0;
- combo_result_runs.Active = 0;
- combo_result_runs_interval.Active = 0;
- }
- //reactiontime has no types
- private void on_pulse_type_add_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("Add new pulse type");
- }
- private void on_pulse_type_add_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("ACCEPTED Add new pulse type");
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- EVENTS TYPE DELETE --------------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void on_jump_type_delete_simple (object o, EventArgs args) {
- jumpsMoreWin = JumpsMoreWindow.Show(app1, false); //delete jump type
- jumpsMoreWin.Button_deleted_test.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_deleted_jump_type);
- }
- private void on_jump_type_delete_reactive (object o, EventArgs args) {
- jumpsRjMoreWin = JumpsRjMoreWindow.Show(app1, false); //delete jump type
- jumpsRjMoreWin.Button_deleted_test.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_deleted_jump_rj_type);
- }
- private void on_run_type_delete_simple (object o, EventArgs args) {
- runsMoreWin = RunsMoreWindow.Show(app1, false); //delete run type
- runsMoreWin.Button_deleted_test.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_deleted_run_type);
- }
- private void on_run_type_delete_intervallic (object o, EventArgs args) {
- runsIntervalMoreWin = RunsIntervalMoreWindow.Show(app1, false); //delete run type
- runsIntervalMoreWin.Button_deleted_test.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_deleted_run_i_type);
- }
- //----
- private void on_deleted_jump_type (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //first delete if from combos
- string translatedName = Util.FindOnArray(':', 2, 1, jumpsMoreWin.SelectedEventName,
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_select_jumps, translatedName);
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_result_jumps, translatedName);
- //2nd delete if from global string. -1 selects all row
- string row = Util.FindOnArray(':',1, -1, jumpsMoreWin.SelectedEventName, selectJumpsString);
- selectJumpsString = Util.DeleteString(selectJumpsString, row);
- combo_select_jumps.Active = 0;
- combo_result_jumps.Active = 0;
- extra_window_jumps_initialize(new JumpType("Free"));
- }
- private void on_deleted_jump_rj_type (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //first delete if from combos
- string translatedName = Util.FindOnArray(':', 2, 1, jumpsRjMoreWin.SelectedEventName,
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_select_jumps_rj, translatedName);
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_result_jumps_rj, translatedName);
- //2nd delete if from global string. -1 selects all row
- string row = Util.FindOnArray(':',1, -1, jumpsRjMoreWin.SelectedEventName,
- selectJumpsRjString = Util.DeleteString(selectJumpsRjString, row);
- combo_select_jumps_rj.Active = 0;
- combo_result_jumps_rj.Active = 0;
- extra_window_jumps_rj_initialize(new JumpType("RJ(j)"));
- }
- private void on_deleted_run_type (object o, EventArgs args) {
- extra_window_runs_initialize(new RunType("Custom"));
- }
- private void on_deleted_run_i_type (object o, EventArgs args) {
- extra_window_runs_interval_initialize(new RunType("byLaps"));
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- EVENTS REPAIR -------------------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void on_repair_selected_jump_rj_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //notebooks_change(1); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
- LogB.Information("Repair selected subjump");
- //1.- check that there's a line selected
- //2.- check that this line is a jump and not a person (check also if it's not a individual
RJ, the pass the parent RJ)
- if (myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- //3.- obtain the data of the selected jump
- JumpRj myJump = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumpData( "jumpRj",
myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID, false );
- //4.- edit this jump
- repairJumpRjWin = RepairJumpRjWindow.Show(app1, myJump, preferences.digitsNumber);
- repairJumpRjWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- }
- }
- private void on_repair_selected_jump_rj_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("Repair selected reactive jump accepted");
- treeview_jumps_rj_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_jumps_rj(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_result_jumps_rj));
- if(createdStatsWin) {
- stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, false);
- }
- }
- private void on_repair_selected_run_interval_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //notebooks_change(3); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
- LogB.Information("Repair selected subrun");
- //1.- check that there's a line selected
- //2.- check that this line is a run and not a person
- //(check also if it's not a individual run interval, then pass the parent run interval)
- if (myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- //3.- obtain the data of the selected run
- RunInterval myRun = SqliteRunInterval.SelectRunData( Constants.RunIntervalTable,
myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID, false );
- //4.- edit this run
- repairRunIntervalWin = RepairRunIntervalWindow.Show(app1, myRun,
- repairRunIntervalWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- }
- }
- private void on_repair_selected_run_interval_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("repair selected run interval accepted");
- treeview_runs_interval_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_runs_interval(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_result_runs_interval));
- if(createdStatsWin) {
- stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, false);
- }
- }
- private void on_repair_selected_pulse_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //notebooks_change(5); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
- LogB.Information("Repair selected pulse");
- //1.- check that there's a line selected
- //2.- check that this line is a pulse and not a person
- //(check also if it's not a individual pulse, then pass the parent pulse)
- if (myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID > 0) {
- //3.- obtain the data of the selected pulse
- Pulse myPulse = SqlitePulse.SelectPulseData( myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID, false
- //4.- edit this pulse
- repairPulseWin = RepairPulseWindow.Show(app1, myPulse, preferences.digitsNumber);
- repairPulseWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- }
- }
- private void on_repair_selected_pulse_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("repair selected pulse accepted");
- treeview_pulses_storeReset();
- fillTreeView_pulses(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_pulses));
- }
- private void on_repair_selected_multi_chronopic_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //notebooks_change(6); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
- LogB.Information("Repair selected multichronopic");
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- Info on power and stiffness -----------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void on_button_jumps_jumpsRj_result_help_power_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Constants.HelpPower);
- }
- private void on_button_jumps_jumpsRj_result_help_stiffness_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Constants.HelpStiffness,
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- AUTO MODE -----------------------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void on_button_auto_start_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
-//TODO: put five buttons in a viewport than can be colorified
- executeAutoWin = ExecuteAutoWindow.Show(app1, currentSession.UniqueID);
- executeAutoWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_button_auto_start_accepted);
- }
- ArrayList execute_auto_order;
- int execute_auto_order_pos;
- bool execute_auto_doing = false;
- private void on_button_auto_start_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- executeAutoWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_button_auto_start_accepted);
- sensitiveGuiAutoStartEnd (true);
- execute_auto_order = executeAutoWin.GetOrderedData();
- execute_auto_order_pos = 0;
- execute_auto_doing = true;
- executeAutoWin.Close();
- execute_auto_select();
- }
- private void execute_auto_select()
- {
- if(execute_auto_order_pos >= execute_auto_order.Count) {
- on_button_auto_end_clicked (new object (), new EventArgs());
- return;
- }
- ExecuteAuto ea = (ExecuteAuto) execute_auto_order[execute_auto_order_pos];
- int rowToSelect = myTreeViewPersons.FindRow(ea.personUniqueID);
- if(rowToSelect != -1) {
- //this will update also currentPerson
- selectRowTreeView_persons(treeview_persons, treeview_persons_store, rowToSelect);
- label_jump_auto_current_person.Text = currentPerson.Name;
- //select the test
- int rowTest = Convert.ToInt32(Util.FindOnArray(':', 0, -2,
ea.testUniqueID.ToString(), selectJumpsString));
- combo_select_jumps.Active = rowTest;
- label_jump_auto_current_test.Text = "(" + ea.testTrName + ")";
- //put GUI on auto_waiting
- sensitiveGuiAutoExecuteOrWait (false);
- }
- }
- private void on_button_auto_end_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- sensitiveGuiAutoStartEnd (false);
- execute_auto_doing = false;
- }
- private void on_button_auto_order_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- executeAutoWin = ExecuteAutoWindow.ShowJustOrder(app1, execute_auto_order,
- }
- private void on_button_auto_skip_person_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- execute_auto_order = ExecuteAuto.SkipPerson(execute_auto_order, execute_auto_order_pos,
- //update currentPerson and labels from current position
- execute_auto_select();
- }
- private void on_button_auto_remove_person_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- execute_auto_order = ExecuteAuto.RemovePerson(execute_auto_order, execute_auto_order_pos,
- //update currentPerson and labels from current position
- execute_auto_select();
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- SOME MORE CALLBACKS---------------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- //changed by chronojump when it's needed
- private void notebooks_change(int desiredPage) {
- LogB.Information("notebooks_change");
- //LogB.Debug(new StackFrame(1).GetMethod().Name);
- //LogB.Information("currentPage" + notebook_execute.CurrentPage.ToString());
- //LogB.Information("desiredPage" + desiredPage.ToString());
- while(notebook_execute.CurrentPage < desiredPage)
- notebook_execute.NextPage();
- while(notebook_execute.CurrentPage > desiredPage)
- notebook_execute.PrevPage();
- //delete capture graph
- UtilGtk.ClearDrawingArea(event_execute_drawingarea, event_execute_pixmap);
- //change table under graph
- change_notebook_results_data();
- while(notebook_results.CurrentPage < desiredPage)
- notebook_results.NextPage();
- while(notebook_results.CurrentPage > desiredPage)
- notebook_results.PrevPage();
- while(notebook_options_top.CurrentPage < desiredPage)
- notebook_options_top.NextPage();
- while(notebook_options_top.CurrentPage > desiredPage)
- notebook_options_top.PrevPage();
- //change test image according to notebook_execute
- if(notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 0)
- changeTestImage(EventType.Types.JUMP.ToString(),
- currentJumpType.Name, currentJumpType.ImageFileName);
- else if(notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 1)
- changeTestImage(EventType.Types.JUMP.ToString(),
- currentJumpRjType.Name, currentJumpRjType.ImageFileName);
- else if(notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 2)
- changeTestImage(EventType.Types.RUN.ToString(),
- currentRunType.Name, currentRunType.ImageFileName);
- else if(notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 3)
- changeTestImage(EventType.Types.RUN.ToString(),
- currentRunIntervalType.Name, currentRunIntervalType.ImageFileName);
- else if(notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 4)
- changeTestImage(EventType.Types.REACTIONTIME.ToString(),
- currentReactionTimeType.Name, currentReactionTimeType.ImageFileName);
- else if(notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 5)
- changeTestImage(EventType.Types.PULSE.ToString(),
- currentPulseType.Name, currentPulseType.ImageFileName);
- else if(notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 6) {
- changeTestImage(EventType.Types.MULTICHRONOPIC.ToString(),
- currentMultiChronopicType.Name,
- }
- //button_execute_test have to be non sensitive in multichronopic without two cps
- //else has to be sensitive
- //if there are persons
- if (notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 6) {
- if (chronopicWin.NumConnected() >= 2)
- extra_window_multichronopic_can_do(true);
- else
- extra_window_multichronopic_can_do(false);
- } else {
- button_execute_test.Sensitive = myTreeViewPersons.IsThereAnyRecord();
- }
- //Attention: "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
- //This will call stats_win_change_test_type
- //that will call on_combo_stats_type_changed
- //that will call updateComboStats
- //and that will call Sqlite.
- //This is dangerous because it can crash when notebooks_change is called after deleting a test
- //just disable notebooks change in that situation
- stats_win_change_test_type(notebook_execute.CurrentPage);
- }
- //changed by user clicking on notebook tabs
- private void on_notebook_change_by_user (object o, SwitchPageArgs args) {
- //show chronojump logo on down-left area
- //changeTestImage("", "", "LOGO");
- }
- //help
- private void on_menuitem_manual_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
- /*
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.HELP,
- Catalog.GetString("There's a copy of Chronojump Manual at:") + "\n" +
- "<i>" + Path.GetFullPath(Util.GetManualDir()) + "</i>\n\n" +
- Catalog.GetString("Newer versions will be on this site:") +"\n" +
- "<i>http://www.chronojump.org/multimedia.html</i>");
- */
- LogB.Information("Opening manual at: " + System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(Util.GetManualDir()));
- try {
- System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(Util.GetManualDir()));
- } catch {
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, "Sorry, manual folder does not
- }
- }
- private void on_menuitem_formulas_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, "Here there will be bibliographic information
about formulas and some notes.\n\nProbably this will be a window and not a dialog\n\nNote text is
- }
- private void on_menuitem_accelerators_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
- new DialogMessage(
- Catalog.GetString("Accelerators help"),
- Constants.MessageTypes.INFO,
- Catalog.GetString("Use these keys in order to work faster.") + "\n\n" +
- "- " + Catalog.GetString("On execute test tab:") + "\n\n" +
- "<tt><b>CTRL+p</b></tt> " + Catalog.GetString("Edit selected person") + "\n" +
- "<tt><b>CTRL+" + Catalog.GetString("CURSOR_UP") + "</b></tt> " +
Catalog.GetString("Select previous person") + "\n" +
- "<tt><b>CTRL+" + Catalog.GetString("CURSOR_DOWN") + "</b></tt> " +
Catalog.GetString("Select next person") + "\n" +
- "<tt><b>(space)</b></tt> " + Catalog.GetString("Execute test") + "\n" +
- "<tt><b>v</b></tt> " + Catalog.GetString("Play video of this test") + " " +
Catalog.GetString("(if available)")+ "\n" +
- "<tt><b>d</b></tt> " + Catalog.GetString("Delete this test") + "\n" +
- "\n" + "- " + Catalog.GetString("On results tab:") + "\n\n" +
- "<tt><b>z</b></tt> " + Catalog.GetString("Zoom change") + "\n" +
- "<tt><b>v</b></tt> " + Catalog.GetString("Play video of selected test") + " "
+ Catalog.GetString("(if available)")+ "\n" +
- "<tt><b>e</b></tt> " + Catalog.GetString("Edit selected test") + "\n" +
- "<tt><b>d</b></tt> " + Catalog.GetString("Delete selected test") + "\n" +
- "<tt><b>r</b></tt> " + Catalog.GetString("Repair selected test") + " " +
Catalog.GetString("(if available)")
- );
- }
- private void on_menuitem_check_last_version_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- Json js = new Json();
- bool success = js.GetLastVersion(progVersion);
- if(success) {
- LogB.Information(js.ResultMessage);
- new DialogMessage(
- "Chronojump",
- Constants.MessageTypes.INFO,
- js.ResultMessage
- );
- }
- else {
- LogB.Error(js.ResultMessage);
- new DialogMessage(
- "Chronojump",
- Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
- js.ResultMessage);
- }
- }
- private void on_menuitem_ping_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- pingDo(true);
- }
- private void pingAtStart()
- {
- pingDo(false);
- }
- private void pingDo(bool showInWindow)
- {
- Json js = new Json();
- bool success = js.Ping(UtilAll.GetOS(), UtilAll.ReadVersion(), preferences.machineID);
- if(success) {
- LogB.Information(js.ResultMessage);
- if(showInWindow)
- new DialogMessage(
- "Chronojump",
- Constants.MessageTypes.INFO,
- js.ResultMessage);
- }
- else {
- LogB.Error(js.ResultMessage);
- if(showInWindow)
- new DialogMessage(
- "Chronojump",
- Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
- js.ResultMessage);
- }
- /*
- new DialogMessage(
- "Chronojump",
- Constants.MessageTypes.INFO,
- "Temporarily Disabled");
- */
- }
- private void on_preferences_debug_mode_start (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //first delete debug file
- Util.FileDelete(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + "chronojump-debug.txt");
- encoderRProcCapture.Debug = true;
- encoderRProcAnalyze.Debug = true;
- hbox_gui_tests.Visible = true;
- button_carles.Visible = true;
- preferencesWin.DebugActivated();
- }
- private void on_button_gui_tests_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- chronojumpWindowTestsStart(Convert.ToInt32(spin_gui_tests.Value -1));
- }
- private void on_button_carles_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //carles stuff
- }
- private void on_about1_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
- string translator_credits = Catalog.GetString ("translator-credits");
- //only print if exist (don't print 'translator-credits' word
- if(translator_credits == "translator-credits")
- translator_credits = "";
- new About(progVersion, translator_credits);
- }
- private void on_button_rj_bells_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) {
- repetitiveConditionsWin.View(Constants.BellModes.JUMPS, preferences.volumeOn);
- }
- private void on_button_time_bells_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) {
- repetitiveConditionsWin.View(Constants.BellModes.RUNS, preferences.volumeOn);
- }
- private void on_repetitive_conditions_closed(object o, EventArgs args) {
- //treeview_encoder should be updated (to colorize some cells)
- //only if there was data
- //this avoids misbehaviour when bell is pressed and there's no data in treeview
- EncoderCurve curve = treeviewEncoderCaptureCurvesGetCurve(1, false);
- if(curve.N != null) {
- List<string> contents =
- encoderUpdateTreeViewCapture(contents); //this updates encoderCaptureCurves
- findAndMarkSavedCurves(false, false); //SQL closed; don't update curve SQL records
(like future1: meanPower)
- //also update the bars plot (to show colors depending on bells changes)
- if(captureCurvesBarsData.Count > 0) {
- string mainVariable =
- double mainVariableHigher =
- double mainVariableLower =
- plotCurvesGraphDoPlot(mainVariable, mainVariableHigher, mainVariableLower,
- repetitiveConditionsWin.EncoderInertialDiscardFirstThree,
- false); //not capturing
- } else
- UtilGtk.ErasePaint(encoder_capture_curves_bars_drawingarea,
- }
- }
- JumpsProfile jumpsProfile;
- private void jumpsProfileDo (bool calculateData)
- {
- if(currentPerson == null || currentSession == null)
- return;
- if(jumpsProfile == null) {
- jumpsProfile = new JumpsProfile();
- calculateData = true;
- }
- if(calculateData)
- jumpsProfile.Calculate(currentPerson.UniqueID, currentSession.UniqueID);
- JumpsProfileGraph.Do(jumpsProfile.GetIndexes(), drawingarea_jumps_profile);
- }
- private void on_drawingarea_jumps_profile_expose_event (object o, ExposeEventArgs args)
- {
- jumpsProfileDo(false); //do not calculate data
- //data is calculated on switch page (at notebook_capture_analyze) or on change person
- }
- private void on_notebook_capture_analyze_switch_page (object o, SwitchPageArgs args) {
- if(notebook_capture_analyze.CurrentPage == 2)
- jumpsProfileDo(true);
- }
- private void on_button_jumps_profile_help_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- scrolledwindow_jumps_profile_training.Visible = false;
- scrolledwindow_jumps_profile_help.Visible = ! scrolledwindow_jumps_profile_help.Visible;
- }
- private void on_button_jumps_profile_training_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- scrolledwindow_jumps_profile_help.Visible = false;
- scrolledwindow_jumps_profile_training.Visible = !
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- SENSITIVE GUI METHODS-------------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- private void menuSessionSensitive(bool option)
- {
- menuitem_edit_session.Sensitive = option;
- menuitem_delete_session.Sensitive = option;
- menuitem_export_csv.Sensitive = option;
- //menuitem_export_xml.Sensitive = option; not implemented yet
- menuitem_encoder_session_overview.Sensitive = option;
- }
- private void menuPersonSelectedSensitive(bool option)
- {
- button_persons_up.Sensitive = option;
- button_persons_down.Sensitive = option;
- button_edit_current_person.Sensitive = option;
- button_show_all_person_events.Sensitive = option;
- button_delete_current_person.Sensitive = option;
- }
- private void sensitiveGuiNoSession ()
- {
- notebook_session_person.CurrentPage = 0;
- treeview_persons.Sensitive = false;
- //menuitems
- menuSessionSensitive(false);
- menuPersonSelectedSensitive(false);
- button_image_test_zoom.Sensitive = false;
- frame_persons.Sensitive = false;
- button_recuperate_person.Sensitive = false;
- button_recuperate_persons_from_session.Sensitive = false;
- button_person_add_single.Sensitive = false;
- button_person_add_multiple.Sensitive = false;
- button_edit_current_person.Sensitive = false;
- button_delete_current_person.Sensitive = false;
- button_encoder_person_change.Sensitive = false;
- //notebooks
- notebook_execute.Sensitive = false;
- //hbox_chronopics.Sensitive = false;
- notebook_results.Sensitive = false;
- notebook_options_top.Sensitive = false;
- notebook_encoder_sup.Sensitive = false;
- vbox_stats.Sensitive = false;
- frame_share_data.Sensitive = false;
- vbox_this_test_buttons.Sensitive = false;
- vbox_execute_test.Sensitive = false;
- button_execute_test.Sensitive = false;
- encoderButtonsSensitive(encoderSensEnum.NOSESSION);
- eventExecuteHideAllTables();
- }
- private void sensitiveGuiYesSession ()
- {
- notebook_session_person.CurrentPage = 1;
- button_image_test_zoom.Sensitive = true;
- frame_persons.Sensitive = true;
- button_recuperate_person.Sensitive = true;
- button_recuperate_persons_from_session.Sensitive = true;
- button_person_add_single.Sensitive = true;
- button_person_add_multiple.Sensitive = true;
- button_encoder_person_change.Sensitive = true;
- menuSessionSensitive(true);
- vbox_stats.Sensitive = true;
- frame_share_data.Sensitive = true;
- //changeTestImage("", "", "LOGO");
- }
- //only called by delete person functions (if we run out of persons)
- private void sensitiveGuiNoPerson () {
- hbox_jumps.Sensitive = false;
- hbox_jumps_rj.Sensitive = false;
- button_execute_test.Sensitive = false;
- encoderButtonsSensitive(encoderSensEnum.NOPERSON);
- personChanged();
- notebook_execute.Sensitive = false;
- //hbox_chronopics.Sensitive = false;
- notebook_results.Sensitive = false;
- notebook_options_top.Sensitive = false;
- notebook_encoder_sup.Sensitive = false;
- treeview_persons.Sensitive = false;
- menuPersonSelectedSensitive(false);
- vbox_execute_test.Sensitive = false;
- label_encoder_person_name.Text = "";
- }
- private void sensitiveGuiYesPerson () {
- hbox_jumps.Sensitive = true;
- hbox_jumps_rj.Sensitive = true;
- button_execute_test.Sensitive = true;
- encoderButtonsSensitive(encoderSensEnum.YESPERSON);
- personChanged();
- notebook_execute.Sensitive = true;
- //hbox_chronopics.Sensitive = true;
- notebook_results.Sensitive = true;
- notebook_options_top.Sensitive = true;
- notebook_encoder_sup.Sensitive = true;
- treeview_persons.Sensitive = true;
- menuPersonSelectedSensitive(true);
- //unsensitive edit, delete, repair events because no event is initially selected
- showHideActionEventButtons(false, "ALL");
- combo_select_jumps.Sensitive = true;
- combo_result_jumps.Sensitive = true;
- combo_select_jumps_rj.Sensitive = true;
- combo_result_jumps_rj.Sensitive = true;
- combo_select_runs.Sensitive = true;
- combo_result_runs.Sensitive = true;
- combo_select_runs_interval.Sensitive = true;
- combo_result_runs_interval.Sensitive = true;
- combo_pulses.Sensitive = true;
- vbox_execute_test.Sensitive = true;
- }
- private void sensitiveGuiYesEvent () {
- }
- private void sensitiveGuiEventDoing () {
- session_menuitem.Sensitive = false;
- menuitem_mode.Sensitive = false;
- //jumpsProfile has Sqlite calls. Don't do them while jumping
- //but don't unsensitive the notebook because user need to "finish" or cancel"
- //notebook_capture_analyze.Sensitive = true;
- notebook_capture_analyze.GetNthPage(1).Hide();
- if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Active)
- notebook_capture_analyze.GetNthPage(2).Hide();
- help_menuitem.Sensitive = false;
- frame_persons.Sensitive = false;
- button_execute_test.Sensitive = false;
- button_encoder_person_change.Sensitive = false;
- encoderButtonsSensitive(encoderSensEnum.PROCESSINGR);
- //hbox
- hbox_jumps_test.Sensitive = false;
- hbox_jump_types_options.Sensitive = false;
- hbox_jumps_rj.Sensitive = false;
- hbox_runs.Sensitive = false;
- hbox_runs_interval.Sensitive = false;
- hbox_pulses.Sensitive = false;
- vbox_this_test_buttons.Sensitive = false;
- button_upload_session.Sensitive = false;
- button_activate_chronopics.Sensitive = false;
- notebook_options_top.Sensitive = false;
- event_execute_button_update.Sensitive = false;
- //hbox_multi_chronopic_buttons.Sensitive = false;
- }
- private void sensitiveGuiEventDone () {
- LogB.Information(" sensitiveGuiEventDone start ");
- session_menuitem.Sensitive = true;
- menuitem_mode.Sensitive = true;
- //jumpsProfile has Sqlite calls. Don't do them while jumping
- //but don't unsensitive the notebook because user need to "finish" or cancel"
- //notebook_capture_analyze.Sensitive = true;
- notebook_capture_analyze.GetNthPage(1).Show();
- if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Active)
- notebook_capture_analyze.GetNthPage(2).Show();
- help_menuitem.Sensitive = true;
- frame_persons.Sensitive = true;
- button_execute_test.Sensitive = true;
- button_encoder_person_change.Sensitive = true;
- if(encoderCaptureCurves != null && encoderCaptureCurves.Count > 0)
- encoderButtonsSensitive(encoderSensEnum.DONEYESSIGNAL);
- else
- encoderButtonsSensitive(encoderSensEnum.DONENOSIGNAL);
- //hbox
- hbox_jumps_test.Sensitive = true;
- hbox_jump_types_options.Sensitive = true;
- hbox_jumps_rj.Sensitive = true;
- hbox_runs.Sensitive = true;
- hbox_runs_interval.Sensitive = true;
- hbox_pulses.Sensitive = true;
- //hbox_multi_chronopic_buttons.Sensitive = true;
- vbox_this_test_buttons.Sensitive = true;
- button_upload_session.Sensitive = true;
- button_activate_chronopics.Sensitive = true;
- notebook_options_top.Sensitive = true;
- event_execute_button_update.Sensitive = true;
- //allow repeat last jump or run (check also if it wasn't cancelled)
- if(currentEventExecute != null && ! currentEventExecute.Cancel) {
- switch (currentEventType.Type) {
- case EventType.Types.REACTIONTIME:
- LogB.Information("sensitiveGuiEventDone reaction time");
- break;
- case EventType.Types.PULSE:
- LogB.Information("sensitiveGuiEventDone pulse");
- break;
- case EventType.Types.MULTICHRONOPIC:
- LogB.Information("sensitiveGuiEventDone multichronopic");
- break;
- default:
- LogB.Information("sensitiveGuiEventDone default");
- break;
- }
- }
- LogB.Information(" sensitiveGuiEventDone end ");
- }
- /*
- * sensitive GUI on executeAuto methods
- */
- private void on_autodetect_help_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- new DialogMessage(
- Catalog.GetString("Help on auto-detect"),
- Constants.MessageTypes.INFO,
- Catalog.GetString("Modes:") + "\n\n" +
- "- <b>" + Catalog.GetString("Active") + "</b>: " +
- Catalog.GetString("Auto-detection on hardware is active.") + " " +
Catalog.GetString("Default mode") + ".\n\n" +
- "- <b>" + Catalog.GetString("Active, discarding first port") + "</b>: " +
- Catalog.GetString("Use this option on computers where first port
fails.") + "\n\n" +
- "- <b>" + Catalog.GetString("Inactive") + "</b>: " +
- Catalog.GetString("Auto-detection on hardware is inactive.") + " " +
Catalog.GetString("Use it if you have problems at start or at capture.")
- );
- }
- private void on_button_chronopic_wizard_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- chronopicWizardWin = ChronopicWizardWindow.Show();
- chronopicWizardWin.FakeButtonChronopicWizardFinished.Clicked -=
- new EventHandler(chronopic_wizard_finished);
- chronopicWizardWin.FakeButtonChronopicWizardFinished.Clicked += new
- EventHandler(chronopic_wizard_finished);
- }
- private void chronopic_wizard_finished (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- chronopicWizardWin.FakeButtonChronopicWizardFinished.Clicked -=
- new EventHandler(chronopic_wizard_finished);
- wizardPortContacts = chronopicWizardWin.PortContacts;
- wizardPortEncoder = chronopicWizardWin.PortEncoder;
- LogB.Information("wizardPortContacts: " + wizardPortContacts);
- LogB.Information("wizardPortEncoder: " + wizardPortEncoder);
- /*
- * createChronopicWindow (pass cp,...)
- * recreate is true because it has been created on first ChronojumpWindow call
- */
- //contacts and encoder
- if(wizardPortContacts != "")
- {
- Chronopic cpW; //cp Wizard
- chronopicWin.CreateSPifNeeded(wizardPortContacts);
- cpW = new Chronopic(chronopicWin.SP);
- ChronopicPortData cpdata = new ChronopicPortData(1, wizardPortContacts, true);
- ArrayList cpd = new ArrayList();
- cpd.Add(cpdata);
- if(wizardPortEncoder == "") //no encoder
- createChronopicWindow(cpW, cpd, true, "");
- else
- createChronopicWindow(cpW, cpd, true, wizardPortEncoder);
- }
- else { //only encoder
- createChronopicWindow(true, wizardPortEncoder);
- }
- //need to do this because createChronopicWindow does it but relying on menuitem_mode, and now
we are on start page
- if(wizardPortEncoder != "")
- chronopicEncoderLabels(true);
- //all the needed info is take. Can destroy wizard window
- chronopicWizardWin.HideAndNull();
- }
- //start/end auto mode
- private void sensitiveGuiAutoStartEnd (bool start) {
- //if automode, sensitiveGuiEventDoing, sensitiveGuiEventDone don't work
- session_menuitem.Sensitive = ! start;
- menuitem_mode.Sensitive = ! start;
- help_menuitem.Sensitive = ! start;
- frame_persons.Sensitive = ! start;
- hbox_jumps_test.Visible = ! start;
- button_auto_start.Visible = ! start;
- hbox_jump_types_options.Visible = ! start;
- hbox_jump_auto_controls.Visible = start;
- notebook_capture_analyze.GetNthPage(1).Visible = ! start;
- if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Active)
- notebook_capture_analyze.GetNthPage(2).Visible = ! start;
- //when start, put button delete_this_test as not sensitive
- //(just for the test previous to the auto process)
- if(start)
- button_delete_this_test.Sensitive = false;
- }
- //true: executing a test; false: waiting a test to be executed
- private void sensitiveGuiAutoExecuteOrWait (bool execute) {
- //if automode, sensitiveGuiEventDoing, sensitiveGuiEventDone don't work
- button_activate_chronopics.Sensitive = ! execute;
- button_execute_test.Sensitive = ! execute;
- notebook_options_top.Sensitive = ! execute;
- vbox_this_test_buttons.Sensitive = ! execute;
- }
- private void showHideActionEventButtons(bool show, string type) {
- bool success = false;
- bool recordedVideo = false;
- if(type == "ALL" || type == "Jump") {
- button_edit_selected_jump.Sensitive = show;
- button_delete_selected_jump.Sensitive = show;
- button_video_play_selected_jump.Sensitive = false;
- if (myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID > 0 && File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(
- currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.JUMP,
- myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID))) {
- button_video_play_selected_jump.Sensitive = true;
- recordedVideo = true;
- }
- success = true;
- }
- if (type == "ALL" || type == "JumpRj") {
- button_edit_selected_jump_rj.Sensitive = show;
- button_delete_selected_jump_rj.Sensitive = show;
- button_repair_selected_jump_rj.Sensitive = show;
- button_video_play_selected_jump_rj.Sensitive = false;
- if (myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID > 0 && File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(
- currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.JUMP_RJ,
- myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID))) {
- button_video_play_selected_jump_rj.Sensitive = true;
- recordedVideo = true;
- }
- success = true;
- }
- if (type == "ALL" || type == "Run") {
- button_edit_selected_run.Sensitive = show;
- button_delete_selected_run.Sensitive = show;
- button_video_play_selected_run.Sensitive = false;
- if (myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID > 0 && File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(
- currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.RUN,
- myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID))) {
- button_video_play_selected_run.Sensitive = true;
- recordedVideo = true;
- }
- success = true;
- }
- if (type == "ALL" || type == "RunInterval") {
- button_edit_selected_run_interval.Sensitive = show;
- button_delete_selected_run_interval.Sensitive = show;
- button_repair_selected_run_interval.Sensitive = show;
- button_video_play_selected_run_interval.Sensitive = false;
- if (myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID > 0 && File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(
- currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.RUN_I,
- myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID))) {
- button_video_play_selected_run_interval.Sensitive = true;
- recordedVideo = true;
- }
- success = true;
- }
- if (type == "ALL" || type == "ReactionTime") {
- button_edit_selected_reaction_time.Sensitive = show;
- button_delete_selected_reaction_time.Sensitive = show;
- button_video_play_selected_reaction_time.Sensitive = false;
- if (myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID > 0 && File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(
- currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.RT,
- myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID))) {
- button_video_play_selected_reaction_time.Sensitive = true;
- recordedVideo = true;
- }
- success = true;
- }
- if (type == "ALL" || type == "Pulse") {
- // menuitem_edit_selected_pulse.Sensitive = show;
- // menuitem_delete_selected_pulse.Sensitive = show;
- button_edit_selected_pulse.Sensitive = show;
- button_delete_selected_pulse.Sensitive = show;
- button_repair_selected_pulse.Sensitive = show;
- button_video_play_selected_pulse.Sensitive = false;
- if (myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID > 0 && File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(
- currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.PULSE,
- myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID))) {
- button_video_play_selected_pulse.Sensitive = true;
- recordedVideo = true;
- }
- success = true;
- }
- if (type == "ALL" || type == Constants.MultiChronopicName) {
- button_edit_selected_multi_chronopic.Sensitive = show;
- button_delete_selected_multi_chronopic.Sensitive = show;
- button_video_play_selected_multi_chronopic.Sensitive = false;
- if (myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID > 0 && File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(
- currentSession.UniqueID,
- Constants.TestTypes.MULTICHRONOPIC,
- myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID))) {
- button_video_play_selected_multi_chronopic.Sensitive = true;
- recordedVideo = true;
- }
- success = true;
- }
- if (!success)
- LogB.Error(string.Format("Error in showHideActionEventButtons, type: {0}", type));
- button_video_play_this_test.Sensitive = recordedVideo;
- }
- /*
- * voluntary crash for testing purposes
- */
- private void on_debug_crash_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
- bool voluntaryCrashAllowed = true;
- if(voluntaryCrashAllowed) {
- ConfirmWindow confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Done for testing
purposes. Chronojump will exit badly"), "", "Are you sure you want to crash application?");
- confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(crashing);
- } else {
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, "Currently disabled.");
- }
- }
- private void crashing (object o, EventArgs args) {
- string [] myString = new String [3];
- LogB.Error(myString[5]);
- }
- private void on_menuitem_server_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("SERVER");
- }
+ * This file is part of ChronoJump
+ *
+ * Chronojump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Chronojump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
+ */
+using System;
+using Gtk;
+using Gdk;
+using Glade;
+using System.IO.Ports;
+using Mono.Unix;
+using System.IO; //"File" things
+using System.Collections; //ArrayList
+using System.Collections.Generic; //List
+using LongoMatch.Gui;
+using LongoMatch.Video.Capturer;
+using LongoMatch.Video.Common;
+using LongoMatch.Video.Utils;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
+ [Widget] Gtk.Window app1;
+ [Widget] Gtk.MenuBar main_menu;
+ [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_mode;
+ [Widget] Gtk.HBox hbox_gui_tests;
+ [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spin_gui_tests;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_carles;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioMenuItem radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioMenuItem radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_reactive;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioMenuItem radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioMenuItem radio_menuitem_mode_runs_intervallic;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioMenuItem radio_menuitem_mode_power_gravitatory;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioMenuItem radio_menuitem_mode_power_inertial;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioMenuItem radio_menuitem_mode_other;
+ [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_mode_selected_jumps_simple;
+ [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_mode_selected_jumps_reactive;
+ [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_mode_selected_runs_simple;
+ [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_mode_selected_runs_intervallic;
+ [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_mode_selected_power_gravitatory;
+ [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_mode_selected_power_inertial;
+ [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_mode_selected_other;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_start; //use to display the start images to select different modes
+ [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_sup;
+ [Widget] Gtk.HBox hbox_other;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_capture_graph_table;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_capture_analyze; //not encoder
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_version;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_logo;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_selector_start_jumps;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_selector_start_runs;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_selector_start_encoder_gravitatory;
+ //[Widget] Gtk.Image image_selector_start_encoder_inertial;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_selector_start_jumps;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Viewport viewport_selector_start_jumps;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_selector_start_jumps_simple;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_selector_start_jumps_reactive;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_selector_start_runs;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Viewport viewport_selector_start_runs;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_selector_start_runs_simple;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_selector_start_runs_intervallic;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_selector_start_encoder;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Viewport viewport_selector_start_encoder;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_selector_start_encoder_gravitatory;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_selector_start_encoder_inertial;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_mode_reaction_times_small;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_mode_pulses_small;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_mode_multi_chronopic_small;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_mode_encoder_capture_small;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_mode_encoder_analyze_small;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_mode_jumps_small;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_mode_jumps_reactive_small;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_mode_runs_small;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_mode_runs_intervallic_small;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_mode_reaction_times_small;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_mode_pulses_small;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_mode_multi_chronopic_small;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_mode_jumps_small;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_mode_jumps_reactive_small;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_mode_runs_small;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_mode_runs_intervallic_small;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_mode_encoder_gravitatory;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_mode_encoder_inertial;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_mode_reaction_times_small;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_mode_pulses_small;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_mode_multi_chronopic_small;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_persons_new_1;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_persons_new_plus;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_persons_open_1;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_persons_open_plus;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_session_person;
+ //[Widget] Gtk.Box vbox_persons;
+ [Widget] Gtk.TreeView treeview_persons;
+ [Widget] Gtk.TreeView treeview_jumps;
+ [Widget] Gtk.TreeView treeview_jumps_rj;
+ [Widget] Gtk.TreeView treeview_runs;
+ [Widget] Gtk.TreeView treeview_runs_interval;
+ [Widget] Gtk.TreeView treeview_reaction_times;
+ [Widget] Gtk.TreeView treeview_pulses;
+ [Widget] Gtk.TreeView treeview_multi_chronopic;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_select_jumps;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_select_jumps_rj;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_select_runs;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_select_runs_interval;
+ //auto mode
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_jump_types_options;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_jump_auto_controls;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_auto_person_skip;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_auto_person_remove;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_auto_start;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_jump_auto_current_person;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_jump_auto_current_test;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_line_session_avg;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_line_session_max;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_line_person_avg;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_line_person_max;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_line_person_max_all_sessions;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_result_jumps;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_result_jumps_rj;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_result_runs;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_result_runs_interval;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_pulses;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_jumps;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_jumps_test;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_jumps_rj;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_runs;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_runs_interval;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_pulses;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_select_jumps;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_select_jumps_rj;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_select_runs;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_select_runs_interval;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_result_jumps;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_result_jumps_rj;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_result_runs;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_result_runs_interval;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_pulses;
+ //menus
+ [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem session_menuitem;
+ [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem help_menuitem;
+ //menu session
+ [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_edit_session;
+ [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_delete_session;
+ [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_export_csv;
+ [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_export_xml;
+ [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_encoder_session_overview;
+ [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_import_chronojump_session;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_session_open;
+ //menu person
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_persons_up;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_persons_down;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_edit_current_person;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_show_all_person_events;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_delete_current_person;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_current_person;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_current_person_title;
+ //tests
+ //jumps
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_edit_selected_jump;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_video_play_selected_jump;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_delete_selected_jump;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_edit_selected_jump_rj;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_video_play_selected_jump_rj;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_delete_selected_jump_rj;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_repair_selected_jump_rj;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image extra_windows_jumps_image_dj_fall_calculate;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image extra_windows_jumps_image_dj_fall_predefined;
+ [Widget] Gtk.HBox hbox_extra_window_jumps_fall_height;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_jumps_result_help_power;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_jumps_result_help_stiffness;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_jumps_rj_result_help_power;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_jumps_rj_result_help_stiffness;
+ [Widget] Gtk.DrawingArea drawingarea_jumps_profile;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ScrolledWindow scrolledwindow_jumps_profile_help;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ScrolledWindow scrolledwindow_jumps_profile_training;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_tab_jumps_profile;
+ //runs
+ [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menu_execute_simple_runs1;
+ [Widget] Gtk.MenuItem menu_execute_intervallic_runs1;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_edit_selected_run;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_video_play_selected_run;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_delete_selected_run;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_edit_selected_run_interval;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_video_play_selected_run_interval;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_delete_selected_run_interval;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_repair_selected_run_interval;
+ //other
+ //reaction time
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_edit_selected_reaction_time;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_video_play_selected_reaction_time;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_delete_selected_reaction_time;
+ [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spinbutton_animation_lights_speed;
+ [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spinbutton_flicker_lights_speed;
+ [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton check_reaction_time_disc_red;
+ [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton check_reaction_time_disc_yellow;
+ [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton check_reaction_time_disc_green;
+ [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton check_reaction_time_disc_buzzer;
+ [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spinbutton_discriminative_lights_minimum;
+ [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spinbutton_discriminative_lights_maximum;
+ //pulse
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_edit_selected_pulse;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_video_play_selected_pulse;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_delete_selected_pulse;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_repair_selected_pulse;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box vbox_execute_test;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_execute_test;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Viewport viewport_chronopics;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_chronopics;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_chronopics;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_connected_chronopics;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_chronopics_multitest;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_simulated_warning;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_chronopic_detecting;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ProgressBar progressbar_chronopic_detecting;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_chronopic_detecting_cancel;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_chronopic_detecting_info;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_chronopic_encoder_detecting;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ProgressBar progressbar_chronopic_encoder_detecting;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_chronopic_encoder_detecting_cancel;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_chronopic_encoder_detecting_info;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Viewport viewport_chronopic_encoder;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_chronopic_encoder;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_chronopic_encoder_no;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_chronopic_encoder_yes;
+ [Widget] Gtk.HBox hbox_video_capture;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_video_feedback;
+ [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_video;
+ //[Widget] Gtk.Label label_video;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_video_yes;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_video_no;
+ //multiChronopic
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_edit_selected_multi_chronopic;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_video_play_selected_multi_chronopic;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_delete_selected_multi_chronopic;
+// [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_multi_chronopic_buttons;
+// [Widget] Gtk.Button button_multi_chronopic_start;
+// [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_analysis;
+// [Widget] Gtk.Entry extra_window_spin_run_analysis_distance;
+// [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton extra_window_check_multichronopic_sync;
+// [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton extra_window_check_multichronopic_delete_first;
+// [Widget] Gtk.Entry entry_multi_chronopic_cp2;
+ //widgets for enable or disable
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_new;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_open;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Frame frame_persons;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_recuperate_person;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_recuperate_persons_from_session;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_person_add_single;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_person_add_multiple;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_custom;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_20m;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_100m;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_200m;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_400m;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_gesell;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_20yard;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_505;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_illinois;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_margaria;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_shuttle;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_zigzag;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_interval_by_laps;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_interval_by_time;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_interval_unlimited;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_run_interval_mtgug;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_reaction_time_execute;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_execute;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_results;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_options_top;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Frame frame_share_data;
+ [Widget] Gtk.EventBox eventbox_image_test;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_test;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_image_test_zoom;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_test_zoom;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box vbox_this_test_buttons;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_video_play_this_test;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_delete_this_test;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_upload_session;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_activate_chronopics;
+ //non standard icons
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_jump_reactive_bell;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_run_interval_bell;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_jump_reactive_repair;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_run_interval_repair;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_pulse_repair;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_person_delete;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_delete_this_test;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_jump_delete;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_jump_reactive_delete;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_run_delete;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_run_interval_delete;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_reaction_time_delete;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_pulse_delete;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_multi_chronopic_delete;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_jump_type_delete_simple;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_jump_type_delete_reactive;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_run_type_delete_simple;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_run_type_delete_intervallic;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_jumps_zoom;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_jumps_rj_zoom;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_runs_zoom;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_runs_interval_zoom;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_reaction_times_zoom;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_pulses_zoom;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_multi_chronopic_zoom;
+ //encoder
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_encoder_capture_zoom;
+ //[Widget] Gtk.Image image_encoder_analyze_zoom;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_encoder_analyze_stats;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_encoder_analyze_image_save;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_encoder_analyze_1RM_save;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_encoder_analyze_table_save;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_encoder_signal_delete;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_encoder_inertial_instructions;
+ Random rand;
+ //persons
+ private TreeStore treeview_persons_store;
+ private TreeViewPersons myTreeViewPersons;
+ private Gtk.Button fakeButtonPersonUp;
+ private Gtk.Button fakeButtonPersonDown;
+ //normal jumps
+ private TreeStore treeview_jumps_store;
+ private TreeViewJumps myTreeViewJumps;
+ //rj jumps
+ private TreeStore treeview_jumps_rj_store;
+ private TreeViewJumpsRj myTreeViewJumpsRj;
+ //normal runs
+ private TreeStore treeview_runs_store;
+ private TreeViewRuns myTreeViewRuns;
+ //runs interval
+ private TreeStore treeview_runs_interval_store;
+ private TreeViewRunsInterval myTreeViewRunsInterval;
+ //reaction times
+ private TreeStore treeview_reaction_times_store;
+ private TreeViewReactionTimes myTreeViewReactionTimes;
+ //pulses
+ private TreeStore treeview_pulses_store;
+ private TreeViewPulses myTreeViewPulses;
+ //multiChronopic
+ private TreeStore treeview_multi_chronopic_store;
+ private TreeViewMultiChronopic myTreeViewMultiChronopic;
+ private Preferences preferences;
+ private static Person currentPerson;
+ private static Session currentSession;
+ private static PersonSession currentPersonSession;
+ private static bool definedSession;
+ private static Jump currentJump;
+ private static JumpRj currentJumpRj;
+ private static Run currentRun;
+ private static RunInterval currentRunInterval;
+ private static ReactionTime currentReactionTime;
+ private static Pulse currentPulse;
+ private static MultiChronopic currentMultiChronopic;
+ private static EventExecute currentEventExecute;
+ //Used by Cancel and Finish
+ private static EventType currentEventType;
+ private static JumpType currentJumpType;
+ private static JumpType currentJumpRjType;
+ bool thisJumpIsSimple; //needed on updating
+ bool lastJumpIsSimple; //needed on update
+ private static RunType currentRunType;
+ private static RunType currentRunIntervalType;
+ bool thisRunIsSimple; //needed on updating
+ bool lastRunIsSimple; //needed on update
+ private static PulseType currentPulseType;
+ private static ReactionTimeType currentReactionTimeType;
+ private static MultiChronopicType currentMultiChronopicType;
+ private static Report report;
+ //windows needed
+ PreferencesWindow preferencesWin;
+ SessionAddEditWindow sessionAddEditWin;
+ SessionLoadWindow sessionLoadWin;
+ PersonRecuperateWindow personRecuperateWin;
+ PersonsRecuperateFromOtherSessionWindow personsRecuperateFromOtherSessionWin;
+ PersonAddModifyWindow personAddModifyWin;
+ PersonAddMultipleWindow personAddMultipleWin;
+ PersonSelectWindow personSelectWin;
+ JumpsMoreWindow jumpsMoreWin;
+ JumpsRjMoreWindow jumpsRjMoreWin;
+ EditJumpWindow editJumpWin;
+ EditJumpRjWindow editJumpRjWin;
+ RepairJumpRjWindow repairJumpRjWin;
+ JumpTypeAddWindow jumpTypeAddWin;
+ RunsMoreWindow runsMoreWin;
+ RunsIntervalMoreWindow runsIntervalMoreWin;
+ RunTypeAddWindow runTypeAddWin;
+ EditRunWindow editRunWin;
+ RepairRunIntervalWindow repairRunIntervalWin;
+ EditRunIntervalWindow editRunIntervalWin;
+ EditReactionTimeWindow editReactionTimeWin;
+ EditPulseWindow editPulseWin;
+ RepairPulseWindow repairPulseWin;
+ EditMultiChronopicWindow editMultiChronopicWin;
+ ConfirmWindowJumpRun confirmWinJumpRun; //for deleting jumps and RJ jumps (and runs)
+ ErrorWindow errorWin;
+ ReportWindow reportWin;
+ RepetitiveConditionsWindow repetitiveConditionsWin;
+ GenericWindow genericWin;
+ EvaluatorWindow evalWin;
+ PersonNotUploadWindow personNotUploadWin;
+ ExecuteAutoWindow executeAutoWin;
+ ChronopicWindow chronopicWin;
+ ChronopicWizardWindow chronopicWizardWin;
+ string wizardPortContacts;
+ string wizardPortEncoder;
+ static Thread pingThread;
+ /*
+ * useful to not check for Chronopic if changing select_menuitem_mode_toggled from a 50 to a 50
+ * great for 1.6.3 where people change from simple jumps to reactive jumps and Chronopic don't need
to change
+ *
+ * maybe it will be replaced by chronopic_wizard_window
+ private enum chronopicTypes { CONTACTS50, CONTACTS10, ENCODER }
+ private chronopicTypes lastChronopicType;
+ */
+ private bool firstRjValue;
+ private double rjTcCount;
+ private double rjTvCount;
+ private string rjTcString;
+ private string rjTvString;
+ private bool createdStatsWin;
+ private string progVersion;
+ private string progName;
+ private string runningFileName; //useful for knowing if there are two chronojump instances
+ private bool normalGUI; //false means small gui
+ private bool debugMode; //currently only for encoder R
+ //int chronopicCancelledTimes = 0;
+ //only called the first time the software runs
+ //and only on windows
+ private void on_language_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //languageChange();
+ //createMainWindow("");
+ }
+ private void on_button_image_test_zoom_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ EventType myType;
+ if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Active)
+ myType = currentJumpType;
+ else if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_reactive.Active)
+ myType = currentJumpRjType;
+ else if(radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple.Active)
+ myType = currentRunType;
+ else if(radio_menuitem_mode_runs_intervallic.Active)
+ myType = currentRunIntervalType;
+ else if(radio_mode_reaction_times_small.Active)
+ myType = currentReactionTimeType;
+ else if(radio_mode_pulses_small.Active)
+ myType = currentPulseType;
+ else //if(radio_mode_multi_chronopic_small.Active)
+ myType = currentMultiChronopicType;
+ if(myType.Name == "DJa" && extra_window_jumps_check_dj_fall_calculate.Active)
+ new DialogImageTest("", Util.GetImagePath(false) + "jump_dj_a_inside.png",
+ else if(myType.Name == "DJna" && extra_window_jumps_check_dj_fall_calculate.Active)
+ new DialogImageTest("", Util.GetImagePath(false) + "jump_dj_inside.png",
+ else
+ new DialogImageTest(myType);
+ }
+ public ChronoJumpWindow(string progVersion, string progName, string runningFileName)
+ {
+ this.progVersion = progVersion;
+ this.progName = progName;
+ this.runningFileName = runningFileName;
+ Glade.XML gxml;
+ gxml = Glade.XML.FromAssembly (Util.GetGladePath() + "chronojump.glade", "app1",
+ gxml.Autoconnect(this);
+ //put an icon to window
+ UtilGtk.IconWindow(app1);
+ //show chronojump logo on down-left area
+ changeTestImage("", "", "LOGO");
+ //white bg
+ eventbox_image_test.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, UtilGtk.WHITE);
+ //start with the Mode selector
+ notebook_start.CurrentPage = 0;
+ //new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, UtilGtk.ScreenHeightFitted(false).ToString()
+ //UtilGtk.ResizeIfNeeded(stats_window);
+ //app1.Maximize(); //this was for starting at fullscreen
+ report = new Report(-1); //when a session is loaded or created, it will change the
report.SessionID value
+ //TODO: check what happens if a session it's deleted
+ //i think report it's deactivated until a new session is created or loaded,
+ //but check what happens if report window is opened
+ //put videoOn as false before loading preferences to start always without the camera
+ //this is good if camera produces crash
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("videoOn", "False", false);
+ //preferencesLoaded is a fix to a gtk#-net-windows-bug where radiobuttons raise signals
+ //at initialization of chronojump and gives problems if this signals are raised while
preferences are loading
+ loadPreferences ();
+ createTreeView_persons (treeview_persons);
+ createTreeView_jumps (treeview_jumps);
+ createTreeView_jumps_rj (treeview_jumps_rj);
+ createTreeView_runs (treeview_runs);
+ createTreeView_runs_interval (treeview_runs_interval);
+ createTreeView_reaction_times (treeview_reaction_times);
+ createTreeView_pulses (treeview_pulses);
+ createTreeView_multi_chronopic (false, treeview_multi_chronopic);
+ createComboSelectJumps(true);
+ createComboSelectJumpsRj(true);
+ createComboSelectRuns(true);
+ createComboSelectRunsInterval(true);
+ createComboResultJumps();
+ createComboResultJumpsRj();
+ createComboResultRuns();
+ createComboResultRunsInterval();
+ //reaction_times has no combo
+ createComboPulses();
+ //createComboMultiChronopic();
+ createdStatsWin = false;
+ repetitiveConditionsWin = RepetitiveConditionsWindow.Create();
+ repetitiveConditionsWin.FakeButtonClose.Clicked += new
+ createChronopicWindow(false, "");
+ wizardPortContacts = "";
+ wizardPortEncoder = "";
+ on_extra_window_multichronopic_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
+ on_extra_window_pulses_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
+ on_extra_window_reaction_times_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
+ on_extra_window_runs_interval_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
+ on_extra_window_runs_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
+ on_extra_window_jumps_rj_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
+ on_extra_window_jumps_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
+ //changeTestImage("", "", "LOGO");
+ //We have no session, mark some widgets as ".Sensitive = false"
+ sensitiveGuiNoSession();
+ definedSession = false;
+ rand = new Random(40);
+ formatModeMenu();
+ putNonStandardIcons();
+ eventExecutePutNonStandardIcons();
+ //eventExecuteCreateComboGraphResultsSize();
+ /*
+ if(chronopicPort != Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortWindows &&
+ (chronopicPort != Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortLinux &&
+ ) {
+ ConfirmWindow confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Do you want to
connect to Chronopic now?"), "", "");
+ confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(chronopicAtStart);
+ }
+ */
+ stats_win_create();
+ createdStatsWin = true;
+ //stats_win_initializeSession();
+ encoderInitializeStuff();
+ //presentationInit();
+ videoCaptureInitialize();
+ //leave empty on new releases
+ //string buildDate = " (2016-07-27)";
+ string buildDate = " (d)";
+ label_version.Text = progVersion + buildDate;
+ LogB.Information("Build date:" + buildDate);
+ LeastSquares ls = new LeastSquares();
+ ls.Test();
+ LogB.Information(string.Format("coef = {0} {1} {2}", ls.Coef[0], ls.Coef[1], ls.Coef[2]));
+ /*
+ * start a ping in other thread
+ * http://www.mono-project.com/docs/gui/gtksharp/responsive-applications/
+ * Gtk.Application.Invoke
+ */
+ pingThread = new Thread (new ThreadStart (pingAtStart));
+ pingThread.Start();
+ //moveStartTestInitial();
+ ChronopicRegister cr = new ChronopicRegister();
+ }
+ private void chronopicAtStart(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //make active menuitem chronopic, and this
+ //will raise other things
+ }
+ private bool normalGUIOld = true; //to know if we changed state. Start as true
+ private void on_app1_size_allocate(object obj, SizeAllocatedArgs args) {
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ app1.GetSize(out width, out height);
+ if(width >= 1000)
+ normalGUI = true;
+ else
+ normalGUI = false;
+ if(normalGUI != normalGUIOld) {
+ Log.WriteLine("Change Size. New is normal? -> " + normalGUI.ToString());
+ normalGUIOld = normalGUI;
+ changeGUIAspect();
+ }
+ }
+ private void changeGUIAspect() {
+ //QueryChildPacking(frame_test_options,
+ if(normalGUI) {
+ //if change these values, change also in glade
+ //frame_test_options.BoxChild.Expand(true);
+ label_current_person_title.Text=Catalog.GetString("Current person");
+ } else {
+ //frame_test_options.BoxChild.Expand(false);
+ label_current_person_title.Text=Catalog.GetString("Current");
+ }
+ }
+ private void formatModeMenu()
+ {
+ ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Child).Text =
+ " " + ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Child).Text;
+ ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_reactive.Child).Text =
+ " " + ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_reactive.Child).Text;
+ ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple.Child).Text =
+ " " + ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple.Child).Text;
+ ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_runs_intervallic.Child).Text =
+ " " + ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_runs_intervallic.Child).Text;
+ ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_power_gravitatory.Child).Text =
+ " " + ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_power_gravitatory.Child).Text;
+ ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_power_inertial.Child).Text =
+ " " + ((Label) radio_menuitem_mode_power_inertial.Child).Text;
+ }
+ private void putNonStandardIcons() {
+ Pixbuf pixbuf;
+ //change colors of tests mode
+ /*
+ * gui for small screens
+ */
+ viewport_selector_start_jumps.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0x0b,0x48,0x6b));
+ label_selector_start_jumps_simple.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0xff,0xff,0xff));
+ label_selector_start_jumps_reactive.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0xff,0xff,0xff));
+ viewport_selector_start_runs.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0x3b,0x86,0x86));
+ label_selector_start_runs_simple.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0xff,0xff,0xff));
+ label_selector_start_runs_intervallic.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, new
+ viewport_selector_start_encoder.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0x79,0xbd,0x98));
+ label_selector_start_encoder_gravitatory.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, new
+ label_selector_start_encoder_inertial.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, new
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameJumps);
+ image_mode_jumps_small.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameJumpsRJ);
+ image_mode_jumps_reactive_small.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameRuns);
+ image_mode_runs_small.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameRunsInterval);
+ image_mode_runs_intervallic_small.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameEncoderGravitatory);
+ image_mode_encoder_gravitatory.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameEncoderInertial);
+ image_mode_encoder_inertial.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameReactionTime);
+ image_mode_reaction_times_small.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNamePulse);
+ image_mode_pulses_small.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameMultiChronopic);
+ image_mode_multi_chronopic_small.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameJumpsFallCalculate);
+ extra_windows_jumps_image_dj_fall_calculate.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameJumpsFallPredefined);
+ extra_windows_jumps_image_dj_fall_predefined.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "line_session_avg.png");
+ image_line_session_avg.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "line_session_max.png");
+ image_line_session_max.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "line_person_avg.png");
+ image_line_person_avg.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "line_person_max.png");
+ image_line_person_max.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "line_person_max_all_sessions.png");
+ image_line_person_max_all_sessions.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ //reaction times changes
+ //UtilGtk.ColorsTestLabel(viewport_chronopics, label_extra_window_radio_reaction_time);
+ //UtilGtk.ColorsTestLabel(viewport_chronopics,
+ //UtilGtk.ColorsTestLabel(viewport_chronopics,
+ //UtilGtk.ColorsTestLabel(viewport_chronopics,
+ UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, extra_window_radio_reaction_time);
+ UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, extra_window_radio_reaction_time_animation_lights);
+ UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, extra_window_radio_reaction_time_flicker);
+ UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, extra_window_radio_reaction_time_discriminative);
+ //pulses changes
+ //UtilGtk.ColorsTestLabel(viewport_chronopics, label_extra_window_radio_pulses_free);
+ //UtilGtk.ColorsTestLabel(viewport_chronopics, label_extra_window_radio_pulses_custom);
+ UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, extra_window_radio_pulses_free);
+ UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, extra_window_radio_pulses_custom);
+ //multichronopic changes
+ //UtilGtk.ColorsTestLabel(viewport_chronopics, label_extra_window_radio_multichronopic_start);
+ //UtilGtk.ColorsTestLabel(viewport_chronopics,
+ UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, extra_window_radio_multichronopic_start);
+ UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, extra_window_radio_multichronopic_run_analysis);
+ //open buttons (this is shown better in windows than the default open icon)
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameOpen);
+ image_session_open.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ //not changed because it's small. TODO: do bigger
+ //image_encoder_capture_open.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ //persons buttons
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameNew1);
+ image_persons_new_1.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameNewPlus);
+ image_persons_new_plus.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameOpen1);
+ image_persons_open_1.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameOpenPlus);
+ image_persons_open_plus.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "stock_bell.png");
+ image_jump_reactive_bell.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_run_interval_bell.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_encoder_bell.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "preferences-system.png");
+ image_jump_reactive_repair.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_run_interval_repair.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_pulse_repair.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "stock_delete.png");
+ image_person_delete.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_delete_this_test.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_jump_delete.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_jump_reactive_delete.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_run_delete.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_run_interval_delete.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_reaction_time_delete.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_pulse_delete.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_multi_chronopic_delete.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_jump_type_delete_simple.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_jump_type_delete_reactive.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_run_type_delete_simple.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_run_type_delete_intervallic.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ //zoom icons, done like this because there's one zoom icon created ad-hoc,
+ //and is not nice that the other are different for an user theme change
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameZoomFitIcon);
+ image_jumps_zoom.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_jumps_rj_zoom.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_runs_zoom.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_runs_interval_zoom.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_reaction_times_zoom.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_pulses_zoom.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_multi_chronopic_zoom.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ //encoder
+ UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, radiobutton_encoder_analyze_powerbars);
+ UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, radiobutton_encoder_analyze_cross);
+ UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, radiobutton_encoder_analyze_side);
+ UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, radiobutton_encoder_analyze_single);
+ UtilGtk.ColorsRadio(viewport_chronopics, radiobutton_encoder_analyze_neuromuscular_profile);
+ UtilGtk.ColorsCheckbox(viewport_chronopics, check_encoder_analyze_show_speed);
+ UtilGtk.ColorsCheckbox(viewport_chronopics, check_encoder_analyze_show_accel);
+ UtilGtk.ColorsCheckbox(viewport_chronopics, check_encoder_analyze_show_force);
+ UtilGtk.ColorsCheckbox(viewport_chronopics, check_encoder_analyze_show_power);
+ UtilGtk.ColorsCheckbox(viewport_chronopics, check_encoder_analyze_show_range);
+ UtilGtk.ColorsCheckbox(viewport_chronopics, check_encoder_analyze_show_time_to_peak_power);
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "gpm-statistics.png");
+ image_encoder_analyze_stats.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_encoder_analyze_image_save.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "stock_delete.png");
+ image_encoder_signal_delete.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "spreadsheet.png");
+ image_encoder_analyze_table_save.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "jumps-profile-pie.png");
+ image_tab_jumps_profile.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_encoder_analyze_individual_current_set.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_encoder_analyze_individual_current_session.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_encoder_analyze_individual_all_sessions.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_encoder_analyze_groupal_current_session.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_encoder_analyze_powerbars.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_encoder_analyze_cross.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_encoder_analyze_1RM.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ image_encoder_analyze_1RM_save.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_encoder_analyze_side.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_encoder_analyze_single.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_encoder_analyze_nmp.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_encoder_analyze_eccon_together.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_encoder_analyze_eccon_separated.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_encoder_analyze_speed.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_encoder_analyze_accel.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_encoder_analyze_force.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_encoder_analyze_power.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_encoder_analyze_mean.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_encoder_analyze_max.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_encoder_analyze_range.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_encoder_analyze_time_to_pp.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_encoder_inertial_instructions.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ //auto mode
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameAutoPersonSkipIcon);
+ image_auto_person_skip.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameAutoPersonRemoveIcon);
+ image_auto_person_remove.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameSelectorJumps);
+ image_selector_start_jumps.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameSelectorRuns);
+ image_selector_start_runs.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_selector_start_encoder_gravitatory.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ //pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ //image_selector_start_encoder_inertial.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameLogo);
+ image_logo.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameLogo320); //changed
to 270 for the presentation
+ image_presentation_logo.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ }
+ private void loadPreferences ()
+ {
+ preferences = Preferences.LoadAllFromSqlite();
+ LogB.Information (string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Chronojump database version file: {0}"),
+ preferences.databaseVersion));
+ checkbutton_allow_finish_rj_after_time.Active = preferences.allowFinishRjAfterTime;
+ //---- video ----
+ UtilGtk.ColorsCheckOnlyPrelight(checkbutton_video);
+ UtilGtk.ColorsCheckOnlyPrelight(checkbutton_video_encoder);
+ //don't raise the signal
+ checkbutton_video.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_checkbutton_video_clicked);
+ checkbutton_video.Active = preferences.videoOn;
+ checkbutton_video.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_checkbutton_video_clicked);
+ //don't raise the signal
+ checkbutton_video_encoder.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_checkbutton_video_encoder_clicked);
+ checkbutton_video_encoder.Active = preferences.videoOn;
+ checkbutton_video_encoder.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_checkbutton_video_encoder_clicked);
+ changeVideoButtons(preferences.videoOn);
+ //change language works on windows. On Linux let's change the locale
+ //if(UtilAll.IsWindows())
+ // languageChange();
+ //pass to report
+ report.preferences = preferences;
+ report.Progversion = progVersion;
+ LogB.Information ( Catalog.GetString ("Preferences loaded") );
+ }
+ /*
+ * languageChange is not related to windows and linux, is related to .net or mono
+ * on .net (windows) we can change language. On mono, we use locale
+ * now since 0.53 svn, we use mono on windows and linux, then this is not used
+ *
+ private void languageChange () {
+ string myLanguage = SqlitePreferences.Select("language");
+ if ( myLanguage != "0") {
+ try {
+ Log.WriteLine("myLanguage: {0}", myLanguage);
+ System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new
+ System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new
+ //probably only works on newly created windows, if change, then say user has
to restart
+ Log.WriteLine ("Changed language to {0}", myLanguage );
+ } catch {
+ new DialogMessage(Catalog.GetString("There's a problem with this language on
this computer. Please, choose another language."));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- test modes (small GUI) ----------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ public void on_radio_mode_reaction_times_small_toggled (object obj, EventArgs args) {
+ if(radio_mode_reaction_times_small.Active) {
+ notebooks_change(4);
+ on_extra_window_reaction_times_test_changed(obj, args);
+ hbox_results_legend.Visible = true;
+ }
+ }
+ public void on_radio_mode_pulses_small_toggled (object obj, EventArgs args) {
+ if(radio_mode_pulses_small.Active) {
+ notebooks_change(5);
+ on_extra_window_pulses_test_changed(obj, args);
+ hbox_results_legend.Visible = false;
+ }
+ }
+ public void on_radio_mode_multi_chronopic_small_toggled (object obj, EventArgs args) {
+ if(radio_mode_multi_chronopic_small.Active) {
+ notebooks_change(6);
+ on_extra_window_multichronopic_test_changed(obj, args);
+ hbox_results_legend.Visible = false;
+ }
+ }
+ public void on_radio_mode_encoder_capture_small_toggled (object obj, EventArgs args) {
+ if(radio_mode_encoder_capture_small.Active)
+ notebook_encoder_sup.CurrentPage = 0;
+ }
+ public void on_radio_mode_encoder_analyze_small_toggled (object obj, EventArgs args) {
+ if(radio_mode_encoder_analyze_small.Active)
+ notebook_encoder_sup.CurrentPage = 1;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- TREEVIEW (generic) --------------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void expandOrMinimizeTreeView(TreeViewEvent tvEvent, TreeView tv) {
+ if(tvEvent.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED)
+ tv.CollapseAll();
+ else if (tvEvent.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.OPTIMAL) {
+ tv.CollapseAll();
+ tvEvent.ExpandOptimal();
+ } else //MAXIMIZED
+ tv.ExpandAll();
+ //Log.WriteLine("IS " + tvEvent.ExpandState);
+ }
+ private void on_treeview_button_release_event (object o, ButtonReleaseEventArgs args) {
+ Gdk.EventButton e = args.Event;
+ Gtk.TreeView myTv = (Gtk.TreeView) o;
+ if (e.Button == 3) {
+ if(myTv == treeview_persons) {
+ treeviewPersonsContextMenu(currentPerson);
+ } else if(myTv == treeview_jumps) {
+ if (myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ Jump myJump = SqliteJump.SelectJumpData(
myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID, false );
+ treeviewJumpsContextMenu(myJump);
+ }
+ } else if(myTv == treeview_jumps_rj) {
+ if (myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ JumpRj myJump = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumpData( "jumpRj",
myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID, false );
+ treeviewJumpsRjContextMenu(myJump);
+ }
+ } else if(myTv == treeview_runs) {
+ if (myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ Run myRun = SqliteRun.SelectRunData( myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID,
false );
+ treeviewRunsContextMenu(myRun);
+ }
+ } else if(myTv == treeview_runs_interval) {
+ if (myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ RunInterval myRun = SqliteRunInterval.SelectRunData(
Constants.RunIntervalTable, myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID, false );
+ treeviewRunsIntervalContextMenu(myRun);
+ }
+ } else if(myTv == treeview_reaction_times) {
+ if (myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ ReactionTime myRt = SqliteReactionTime.SelectReactionTimeData(
myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID, false );
+ treeviewReactionTimesContextMenu(myRt);
+ }
+ } else if(myTv == treeview_pulses) {
+ if (myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ Pulse myPulse = SqlitePulse.SelectPulseData(
myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID, false );
+ treeviewPulsesContextMenu(myPulse);
+ }
+ } else if(myTv == treeview_multi_chronopic) {
+ if (myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ MultiChronopic mc = SqliteMultiChronopic.SelectMultiChronopicData(
myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID, false );
+ treeviewMultiChronopicContextMenu(mc);
+ }
+ } else
+ LogB.Information(myTv.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- TREEVIEW PERSONS ----------------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void createTreeView_persons (Gtk.TreeView tv) {
+ myTreeViewPersons = new TreeViewPersons( tv );
+ tv.Selection.Changed += onTreeviewPersonsSelectionEntry;
+ }
+ private void fillTreeView_persons () {
+ ArrayList myPersons = SqlitePersonSession.SelectCurrentSessionPersons(
+ currentSession.UniqueID,
+ false); //means: do not returnPersonAndPSlist
+ if(myPersons.Count > 0) {
+ //fill treeview
+ myTreeViewPersons.Fill(myPersons);
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_treeview_persons_up (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ myTreeViewPersons.SelectPreviousRow(currentPerson.UniqueID);
+ }
+ private void on_treeview_persons_down (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ myTreeViewPersons.SelectNextRow(currentPerson.UniqueID);
+ }
+ //return true if selection is done (there's any person)
+ private bool selectRowTreeView_persons(Gtk.TreeView tv, TreeStore store, int rowNum)
+ {
+ myTreeViewPersons.SelectRow(rowNum);
+ //the selection of row in treeViewPersons.SelectRow is not a real selection
+ //and unfortunately doesn't raises the on_treeview_persons_cursor_changed ()
+ //for this reason we reproduce the method here
+ TreeModel model;
+ TreeIter iter;
+ if (tv.Selection.GetSelected (out model, out iter)) {
+ string selectedID = (string) model.GetValue (iter, 0); //ID, Name
+ currentPerson = SqlitePerson.Select(Convert.ToInt32(selectedID));
+ currentPersonSession = SqlitePersonSession.Select(Convert.ToInt32(selectedID),
+ label_person_change();
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ void label_person_change() {
+ label_current_person.Text = "<b>" + currentPerson.Name + "</b>";
+ label_current_person.UseMarkup = true;
+ label_encoder_person_name.Text = "<b>" + currentPerson.Name + "</b>";
+ label_encoder_person_name.UseMarkup = true;
+ }
+ private void treeview_persons_storeReset() {
+ myTreeViewPersons.RemoveColumns();
+ myTreeViewPersons = new TreeViewPersons(treeview_persons);
+ }
+ //private void on_treeview_persons_cursor_changed (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ private void onTreeviewPersonsSelectionEntry (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ TreeModel model;
+ TreeIter iter;
+ // you get the iter and the model if something is selected
+ if (((TreeSelection)o).GetSelected(out model, out iter)) {
+ string selectedID = (string) model.GetValue (iter, 0); //ID, Name
+ currentPerson = SqlitePerson.Select(Convert.ToInt32(selectedID));
+ currentPersonSession = SqlitePersonSession.Select(Convert.ToInt32(selectedID),
+ label_person_change();
+ personChanged();
+ }
+ }
+ private void personChanged() {
+ //1) change on jumps, runs, pulse capture graph
+ if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Active) {
+ updateGraphJumpsSimple();
+ if(notebook_capture_analyze.CurrentPage == 2) //Jumps Profile
+ jumpsProfileDo(true); //calculate data
+ }
+ else if(radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple.Active)
+ updateGraphRunsSimple();
+ else if(radio_mode_reaction_times_small.Active)
+ updateGraphReactionTimes();
+ //2) change on encoder
+ encoderPersonChanged();
+ }
+ private void treeviewPersonsContextMenu(Person myPerson) {
+ Menu myMenu = new Menu ();
+ Gtk.MenuItem myItem;
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Edit") + " " + myPerson.Name);
+ myItem.Activated += on_edit_current_person_clicked_from_main_gui;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Show all tests of") + " " + myPerson.Name);
+ myItem.Activated += on_show_all_person_events_activate;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 1, 2 );
+ Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem mySep = new SeparatorMenuItem();
+ myMenu.Attach( mySep, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Delete {0} from this
+ myItem.Activated += on_delete_current_person_from_session_clicked;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 3, 4 );
+ myMenu.Popup();
+ myMenu.ShowAll();
+ }
+ private void resetAllTreeViews( bool alsoPersons) {
+ if(alsoPersons) {
+ //load the persons treeview
+ treeview_persons_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_persons();
+ }
+ //Leave SQL opened in all this process
+ Sqlite.Open(); // ------------------------------
+ //load the jumps treeview
+ treeview_jumps_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_jumps(Constants.AllJumpsName, true);
+ //load the jumps_rj treeview_rj
+ treeview_jumps_rj_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_jumps_rj(Constants.AllJumpsName, true);
+ //load the runs treeview
+ treeview_runs_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_runs(Constants.AllRunsName, true);
+ //load the runs_interval treeview
+ treeview_runs_interval_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_runs_interval(Constants.AllRunsName, true);
+ //load the pulses treeview
+ treeview_pulses_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_pulses(Constants.AllPulsesName, true);
+ //load the reaction_times treeview
+ treeview_reaction_times_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_reaction_times("reactionTime", true);
+ //load the multiChronopic treeview
+ treeview_multi_chronopic_storeReset(true);
+ fillTreeView_multi_chronopic(true);
+ //close SQL opened in all this process
+ Sqlite.Close(); // ------------------------------
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- TREEVIEW JUMPS ------------------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void createTreeView_jumps (Gtk.TreeView tv) {
+ //myTreeViewJumps is a TreeViewJumps instance
+ myTreeViewJumps = new TreeViewJumps(tv, preferences, TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED);
+ //the glade cursor_changed does not work on mono 1.2.5 windows
+ tv.CursorChanged += on_treeview_jumps_cursor_changed;
+ //show or hide help_power and help_stiffness depending on preferences
+ button_jumps_result_help_power.Visible = preferences.showPower;
+ button_jumps_result_help_stiffness.Visible = preferences.showStiffness;
+ }
+ private void fillTreeView_jumps (string filter) {
+ fillTreeView_jumps(filter, false);
+ }
+ private void fillTreeView_jumps (string filter, bool dbconOpened) {
+ string [] myJumps;
+ myJumps = SqliteJump.SelectJumps(dbconOpened, currentSession.UniqueID, -1, "", "",
+ Sqlite.Orders_by.DEFAULT, -1);
+ myTreeViewJumps.Fill(myJumps, filter);
+ expandOrMinimizeTreeView((TreeViewEvent) myTreeViewJumps, treeview_jumps);
+ }
+ private void on_button_jumps_zoom_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ myTreeViewJumps.ExpandState = myTreeViewJumps.ZoomChange(myTreeViewJumps.ExpandState);
+ if(myTreeViewJumps.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED)
+ treeview_jumps.CollapseAll();
+ else
+ treeview_jumps.ExpandAll();
+ }
+ private void treeview_jumps_storeReset() {
+ myTreeViewJumps.RemoveColumns();
+ myTreeViewJumps = new TreeViewJumps(treeview_jumps, preferences, myTreeViewJumps.ExpandState);
+ }
+ private void on_treeview_jumps_cursor_changed (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("Cursor changed");
+ // don't select if it's a person,
+ // is for not confusing with the person treeviews that controls who jumps
+ if (myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID == 0) {
+ myTreeViewJumps.Unselect();
+ showHideActionEventButtons(false, "Jump"); //hide
+ } else {
+ showHideActionEventButtons(true, "Jump"); //show
+ }
+ }
+ private void treeviewJumpsContextMenu(Jump myJump) {
+ Menu myMenu = new Menu ();
+ Gtk.MenuItem myItem;
+ /*
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Play Video") + " " +
+ myJump.Type + " (" + myJump.PersonName + ")");
+ if(File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.JUMP, myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID))) {
+ myItem.Activated += on_video_play_selected_jump_clicked;
+ myItem.Sensitive = true;
+ } else
+ myItem.Sensitive = false;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
+ */
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Edit selected") + " " + myJump.Type + " (" +
myJump.PersonName + ")");
+ myItem.Activated += on_edit_selected_jump_clicked;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
+ Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem mySep = new SeparatorMenuItem();
+ myMenu.Attach( mySep, 0, 1, 1, 2 );
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Delete selected") + " " + myJump.Type + " (" +
myJump.PersonName + ")");
+ myItem.Activated += on_delete_selected_jump_clicked;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
+ myMenu.Popup();
+ myMenu.ShowAll();
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- TREEVIEW JUMPS RJ ---------------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void createTreeView_jumps_rj (Gtk.TreeView tv) {
+ myTreeViewJumpsRj = new TreeViewJumpsRj (tv, preferences,
+ //the glade cursor_changed does not work on mono 1.2.5 windows
+ tv.CursorChanged += on_treeview_jumps_rj_cursor_changed;
+ //show or hide help_power and help_stiffness depending on preferences
+ button_jumps_rj_result_help_power.Visible = preferences.showPower;
+ button_jumps_rj_result_help_stiffness.Visible = preferences.showStiffness;
+ }
+ private void fillTreeView_jumps_rj (string filter) {
+ fillTreeView_jumps_rj (filter, false);
+ }
+ private void fillTreeView_jumps_rj (string filter, bool dbconOpened) {
+ string [] myJumps;
+ myJumps = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumps(dbconOpened, currentSession.UniqueID, -1, "", "");
+ myTreeViewJumpsRj.Fill(myJumps, filter);
+ expandOrMinimizeTreeView((TreeViewEvent) myTreeViewJumpsRj, treeview_jumps_rj);
+ }
+ private void on_button_jumps_rj_zoom_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ myTreeViewJumpsRj.ExpandState = myTreeViewJumpsRj.ZoomChange(myTreeViewJumpsRj.ExpandState);
+ if(myTreeViewJumpsRj.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED)
+ treeview_jumps_rj.CollapseAll();
+ else if(myTreeViewJumpsRj.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.OPTIMAL) {
+ treeview_jumps_rj.CollapseAll();
+ myTreeViewJumpsRj.ExpandOptimal();
+ } else
+ treeview_jumps_rj.ExpandAll();
+ }
+ private void treeview_jumps_rj_storeReset() {
+ myTreeViewJumpsRj.RemoveColumns();
+ myTreeViewJumpsRj = new TreeViewJumpsRj (treeview_jumps_rj, preferences,
+ }
+ private void on_treeview_jumps_rj_cursor_changed (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ // don't select if it's a person,
+ // is for not confusing with the person treeviews that controls who jumps
+ if (myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID == 0) {
+ myTreeViewJumpsRj.Unselect();
+ showHideActionEventButtons(false, "JumpRj");
+ } else if (myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID == -1) {
+ myTreeViewJumpsRj.SelectHeaderLine();
+ showHideActionEventButtons(true, "JumpRj");
+ } else {
+ showHideActionEventButtons(true, "JumpRj");
+ }
+ }
+ private void treeviewJumpsRjContextMenu(JumpRj myJump) {
+ Menu myMenu = new Menu ();
+ Gtk.MenuItem myItem;
+ /*
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Play Video") + " " +
+ myJump.Type + " (" + myJump.PersonName + ")");
+ if(File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.JUMP_RJ, myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID))) {
+ myItem.Activated += on_video_play_selected_jump_rj_clicked;
+ myItem.Sensitive = true;
+ } else
+ myItem.Sensitive = false;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
+ */
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Edit selected") + " " + myJump.Type + " (" +
myJump.PersonName + ")");
+ myItem.Activated += on_edit_selected_jump_rj_clicked;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Repair selected") + " " + myJump.Type + " (" +
myJump.PersonName + ")");
+ myItem.Activated += on_repair_selected_jump_rj_clicked;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 1, 2 );
+ Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem mySep = new SeparatorMenuItem();
+ myMenu.Attach( mySep, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Delete selected") + " " + myJump.Type + " (" +
myJump.PersonName + ")");
+ myItem.Activated += on_delete_selected_jump_rj_clicked;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 3, 4 );
+ myMenu.Popup();
+ myMenu.ShowAll();
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- TREEVIEW RUNS -------------------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void createTreeView_runs (Gtk.TreeView tv) {
+ //myTreeViewRuns is a TreeViewRuns instance
+ myTreeViewRuns = new TreeViewRuns (tv, preferences.digitsNumber,
preferences.metersSecondsPreferred, TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED );
+ //the glade cursor_changed does not work on mono 1.2.5 windows
+ tv.CursorChanged += on_treeview_runs_cursor_changed;
+ }
+ private void fillTreeView_runs (string filter) {
+ fillTreeView_runs (filter, false);
+ }
+ private void fillTreeView_runs (string filter, bool dbconOpened) {
+ string [] myRuns = SqliteRun.SelectRuns(dbconOpened, currentSession.UniqueID, -1, "",
+ Sqlite.Orders_by.DEFAULT, -1);
+ myTreeViewRuns.Fill(myRuns, filter);
+ expandOrMinimizeTreeView((TreeViewEvent) myTreeViewRuns, treeview_runs);
+ }
+ private void on_button_runs_zoom_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ myTreeViewRuns.ExpandState = myTreeViewRuns.ZoomChange(myTreeViewRuns.ExpandState);
+ if(myTreeViewRuns.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED)
+ treeview_runs.CollapseAll();
+ else
+ treeview_runs.ExpandAll();
+ }
+ private void treeview_runs_storeReset() {
+ myTreeViewRuns.RemoveColumns();
+ myTreeViewRuns = new TreeViewRuns(treeview_runs, preferences.digitsNumber,
preferences.metersSecondsPreferred, myTreeViewRuns.ExpandState);
+ }
+ private void on_treeview_runs_cursor_changed (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ // don't select if it's a person,
+ // is for not confusing with the person treeviews that controls who runs
+ if (myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID == 0) {
+ myTreeViewRuns.Unselect();
+ showHideActionEventButtons(false, "Run");
+ } else {
+ showHideActionEventButtons(true, "Run");
+ }
+ }
+ private void treeviewRunsContextMenu(Run myRun) {
+ Menu myMenu = new Menu ();
+ Gtk.MenuItem myItem;
+ /*
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Play Video") + " " +
+ myRun.Type + " (" + myRun.PersonName + ")");
+ if(File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.RUN, myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID))) {
+ myItem.Activated += on_video_play_selected_run_clicked;
+ myItem.Sensitive = true;
+ } else
+ myItem.Sensitive = false;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
+ */
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Edit selected") + " " + myRun.Type + " (" +
myRun.PersonName + ")");
+ myItem.Activated += on_edit_selected_run_clicked;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
+ Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem mySep = new SeparatorMenuItem();
+ myMenu.Attach( mySep, 0, 1, 1, 2 );
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Delete selected") + " " + myRun.Type + " (" +
myRun.PersonName + ")");
+ myItem.Activated += on_delete_selected_run_clicked;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
+ myMenu.Popup();
+ myMenu.ShowAll();
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- TREEVIEW RUN INTERVAL -----------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void createTreeView_runs_interval (Gtk.TreeView tv) {
+ //myTreeViewRunsInterval is a TreeViewRunsInterval instance
+ myTreeViewRunsInterval = new TreeViewRunsInterval (tv, preferences.digitsNumber,
preferences.metersSecondsPreferred, TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED);
+ //the glade cursor_changed does not work on mono 1.2.5 windows
+ tv.CursorChanged += on_treeview_runs_interval_cursor_changed;
+ }
+ private void fillTreeView_runs_interval (string filter) {
+ fillTreeView_runs_interval (filter, false);
+ }
+ private void fillTreeView_runs_interval (string filter, bool dbconOpened) {
+ string [] myRuns = SqliteRunInterval.SelectRuns(dbconOpened, currentSession.UniqueID, -1, "");
+ myTreeViewRunsInterval.Fill(myRuns, filter);
+ expandOrMinimizeTreeView((TreeViewEvent) myTreeViewRunsInterval, treeview_runs_interval);
+ }
+ private void on_button_runs_interval_zoom_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ myTreeViewRunsInterval.ExpandState =
+ if(myTreeViewRunsInterval.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED)
+ treeview_runs_interval.CollapseAll();
+ else if(myTreeViewRunsInterval.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.OPTIMAL) {
+ treeview_runs_interval.CollapseAll();
+ myTreeViewRunsInterval.ExpandOptimal();
+ } else
+ treeview_runs_interval.ExpandAll();
+ }
+ private void treeview_runs_interval_storeReset() {
+ myTreeViewRunsInterval.RemoveColumns();
+ myTreeViewRunsInterval = new TreeViewRunsInterval (treeview_runs_interval,
+ preferences.digitsNumber, preferences.metersSecondsPreferred,
+ }
+ private void on_treeview_runs_interval_cursor_changed (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ // don't select if it's a person,
+ // is for not confusing with the person treeviews that controls who runs
+ if (myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID == 0) {
+ myTreeViewRunsInterval.Unselect();
+ showHideActionEventButtons(false, "RunInterval");
+ } else if (myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID == -1) {
+ myTreeViewRunsInterval.SelectHeaderLine();
+ showHideActionEventButtons(true, "RunInterval");
+ } else {
+ showHideActionEventButtons(true, "RunInterval");
+ }
+ }
+ private void treeviewRunsIntervalContextMenu(RunInterval myRun) {
+ Menu myMenu = new Menu ();
+ Gtk.MenuItem myItem;
+ /*
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Play Video") + " " +
+ myRun.Type + " (" + myRun.PersonName + ")");
+ if(File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.RUN_I, myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID))) {
+ myItem.Activated += on_video_play_selected_run_interval_clicked;
+ myItem.Sensitive = true;
+ } else
+ myItem.Sensitive = false;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
+ */
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Edit selected") + " " + myRun.Type + " (" +
myRun.PersonName + ")");
+ myItem.Activated += on_edit_selected_run_interval_clicked;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Repair selected") + " " + myRun.Type + " (" +
myRun.PersonName + ")");
+ myItem.Activated += on_repair_selected_run_interval_clicked;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 1, 2 );
+ Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem mySep = new SeparatorMenuItem();
+ myMenu.Attach( mySep, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Delete selected") + " " + myRun.Type + " (" +
myRun.PersonName + ")");
+ myItem.Activated += on_delete_selected_run_interval_clicked;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 3, 4 );
+ myMenu.Popup();
+ myMenu.ShowAll();
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- TREEVIEW REACTION TIMES ---------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void createTreeView_reaction_times (Gtk.TreeView tv) {
+ //myTreeViewReactionTimes is a TreeViewReactionTimes instance
+ myTreeViewReactionTimes = new TreeViewReactionTimes( tv, preferences.digitsNumber,
+ //the glade cursor_changed does not work on mono 1.2.5 windows
+ tv.CursorChanged += on_treeview_reaction_times_cursor_changed;
+ }
+ private void fillTreeView_reaction_times (string filter) {
+ fillTreeView_reaction_times (filter, false);
+ }
+ private void fillTreeView_reaction_times (string filter, bool dbconOpened) {
+ string [] myRTs = SqliteReactionTime.SelectReactionTimes(dbconOpened,
currentSession.UniqueID, -1, "",
+ Sqlite.Orders_by.DEFAULT, -1);
+ myTreeViewReactionTimes.Fill(myRTs, filter);
+ expandOrMinimizeTreeView((TreeViewEvent) myTreeViewReactionTimes, treeview_reaction_times);
+ }
+ private void on_button_reaction_times_zoom_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ myTreeViewReactionTimes.ExpandState = myTreeViewReactionTimes.ZoomChange(
+ myTreeViewReactionTimes.ExpandState);
+ if(myTreeViewReactionTimes.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED)
+ treeview_reaction_times.CollapseAll();
+ else
+ treeview_reaction_times.ExpandAll();
+ }
+ private void treeview_reaction_times_storeReset() {
+ myTreeViewReactionTimes.RemoveColumns();
+ myTreeViewReactionTimes = new TreeViewReactionTimes( treeview_reaction_times,
preferences.digitsNumber, myTreeViewReactionTimes.ExpandState );
+ }
+ private void on_treeview_reaction_times_cursor_changed (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ // don't select if it's a person,
+ // is for not confusing with the person treeviews that controls who is executing
+ if (myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID == 0) {
+ myTreeViewReactionTimes.Unselect();
+ showHideActionEventButtons(false, "ReactionTime");
+ } else {
+ showHideActionEventButtons(true, "ReactionTime");
+ }
+ }
+ private void treeviewReactionTimesContextMenu(ReactionTime myRt) {
+ Menu myMenu = new Menu ();
+ Gtk.MenuItem myItem;
+ /*
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Play Video") + " " +
+ myRt.Type + " (" + myRt.PersonName + ")");
+ if(File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.RT, myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID))) {
+ myItem.Activated += on_video_play_selected_reaction_time_clicked;
+ myItem.Sensitive = true;
+ } else
+ myItem.Sensitive = false;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
+ */
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Edit selected") + " " + myRt.Type + " (" +
myRt.PersonName + ")");
+ myItem.Activated += on_edit_selected_reaction_time_clicked;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
+ Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem mySep = new SeparatorMenuItem();
+ myMenu.Attach( mySep, 0, 1, 1, 2 );
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Delete selected") + " " + myRt.Type + " (" +
myRt.PersonName + ")");
+ myItem.Activated += on_delete_selected_reaction_time_clicked;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
+ myMenu.Popup();
+ myMenu.ShowAll();
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- TREEVIEW PULSES -----------------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void createTreeView_pulses (Gtk.TreeView tv) {
+ //myTreeViewPulses is a TreeViewPulses instance
+ myTreeViewPulses = new TreeViewPulses( tv, preferences.digitsNumber,
TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED );
+ //the glade cursor_changed does not work on mono 1.2.5 windows
+ tv.CursorChanged += on_treeview_pulses_cursor_changed;
+ }
+ private void fillTreeView_pulses (string filter) {
+ fillTreeView_pulses (filter, false);
+ }
+ private void fillTreeView_pulses (string filter, bool dbconOpened) {
+ string [] myPulses = SqlitePulse.SelectPulses(dbconOpened, currentSession.UniqueID, -1);
+ myTreeViewPulses.Fill(myPulses, filter);
+ expandOrMinimizeTreeView((TreeViewEvent) myTreeViewPulses, treeview_pulses);
+ }
+ private void on_button_pulses_zoom_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ myTreeViewPulses.ExpandState = myTreeViewPulses.ZoomChange(myTreeViewPulses.ExpandState);
+ if(myTreeViewPulses.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED)
+ treeview_pulses.CollapseAll();
+ else if(myTreeViewPulses.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.OPTIMAL) {
+ treeview_pulses.CollapseAll();
+ myTreeViewPulses.ExpandOptimal();
+ } else
+ treeview_pulses.ExpandAll();
+ }
+ private void treeview_pulses_storeReset() {
+ myTreeViewPulses.RemoveColumns();
+ myTreeViewPulses = new TreeViewPulses( treeview_pulses, preferences.digitsNumber,
myTreeViewPulses.ExpandState );
+ }
+ private void on_treeview_pulses_cursor_changed (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ // don't select if it's a person,
+ // is for not confusing with the person treeviews that controls who is executing
+ if (myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID == 0) {
+ myTreeViewPulses.Unselect();
+ showHideActionEventButtons(false, "Pulse");
+ } else if (myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID == -1) {
+ myTreeViewPulses.SelectHeaderLine();
+ showHideActionEventButtons(true, "Pulse");
+ } else {
+ showHideActionEventButtons(true, "Pulse");
+ }
+ }
+ private void treeviewPulsesContextMenu(Pulse myPulse) {
+ Menu myMenu = new Menu ();
+ Gtk.MenuItem myItem;
+ /*
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Play Video") + " " +
+ myPulse.Type + " (" + myPulse.PersonName + ")");
+ if(File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.PULSE, myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID))) {
+ myItem.Activated += on_video_play_selected_pulse_clicked;
+ myItem.Sensitive = true;
+ } else
+ myItem.Sensitive = false;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
+ */
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Edit selected") + " " + myPulse.Type + " (" +
myPulse.PersonName + ")");
+ myItem.Activated += on_edit_selected_pulse_clicked;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Repair selected") + " " + myPulse.Type + " (" +
myPulse.PersonName + ")");
+ myItem.Activated += on_repair_selected_pulse_clicked;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 1, 2 );
+ Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem mySep = new SeparatorMenuItem();
+ myMenu.Attach( mySep, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Delete selected") + " " + myPulse.Type + " (" +
myPulse.PersonName + ")");
+ myItem.Activated += on_delete_selected_pulse_clicked;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 3, 4 );
+ myMenu.Popup();
+ myMenu.ShowAll();
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- TREEVIEW MULTI CHRONOPIC --------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void createTreeView_multi_chronopic (bool dbconOpened, Gtk.TreeView tv) {
+ //myTreeViewMultiChronopic is a TreeViewMultiChronopic instance
+ if(definedSession)
+ myTreeViewMultiChronopic = new TreeViewMultiChronopic( tv, preferences.digitsNumber,
+ TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED,
SqliteMultiChronopic.MaxCPs(dbconOpened, currentSession.UniqueID) );
+ else
+ myTreeViewMultiChronopic = new TreeViewMultiChronopic( tv, preferences.digitsNumber,
+ TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED, 2);
+ //the glade cursor_changed does not work on mono 1.2.5 windows
+ tv.CursorChanged += on_treeview_multi_chronopic_cursor_changed;
+ }
+ private void fillTreeView_multi_chronopic () {
+ fillTreeView_multi_chronopic (false);
+ }
+ private void fillTreeView_multi_chronopic (bool dbconOpened) {
+ string [] mcs = SqliteMultiChronopic.SelectTests(dbconOpened, currentSession.UniqueID, -1);
+ myTreeViewMultiChronopic.Fill(mcs, "");
+ expandOrMinimizeTreeView((TreeViewEvent) myTreeViewMultiChronopic, treeview_multi_chronopic);
+ }
+ private void on_button_multi_chronopic_zoom_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ myTreeViewMultiChronopic.ExpandState =
+ if(myTreeViewMultiChronopic.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.MINIMIZED)
+ treeview_multi_chronopic.CollapseAll();
+ else if(myTreeViewMultiChronopic.ExpandState == TreeViewEvent.ExpandStates.OPTIMAL) {
+ treeview_multi_chronopic.CollapseAll();
+ myTreeViewMultiChronopic.ExpandOptimal();
+ } else
+ treeview_multi_chronopic.ExpandAll();
+ }
+ private void treeview_multi_chronopic_storeReset(bool dbconOpened) {
+ myTreeViewMultiChronopic.RemoveColumns();
+ if(definedSession)
+ myTreeViewMultiChronopic = new TreeViewMultiChronopic( treeview_multi_chronopic,
+ myTreeViewMultiChronopic.ExpandState,
SqliteMultiChronopic.MaxCPs(dbconOpened, currentSession.UniqueID) );
+ else
+ myTreeViewMultiChronopic = new TreeViewMultiChronopic( treeview_multi_chronopic,
+ myTreeViewMultiChronopic.ExpandState, 2);
+ }
+ private void on_treeview_multi_chronopic_cursor_changed (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("Cursor changed");
+ // don't select if it's a person,
+ // is for not confusing with the person treeviews that controls who does events
+ if (myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID == 0) {
+ myTreeViewMultiChronopic.Unselect();
+ showHideActionEventButtons(false, Constants.MultiChronopicName); //hide
+ } else if (myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID == -1) {
+ myTreeViewMultiChronopic.SelectHeaderLine();
+ showHideActionEventButtons(true, Constants.MultiChronopicName);
+ } else {
+ showHideActionEventButtons(true, Constants.MultiChronopicName); //show
+ }
+ }
+ private void treeviewMultiChronopicContextMenu(MultiChronopic mc) {
+ Menu myMenu = new Menu ();
+ Gtk.MenuItem myItem;
+ /*
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Play Video") + " " +
+ mc.Type + " (" + mc.PersonName + ")");
+ if(File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.MULTICHRONOPIC,
myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID))) {
+ myItem.Activated += on_video_play_selected_multi_chronopic_clicked;
+ myItem.Sensitive = true;
+ } else
+ myItem.Sensitive = false;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
+ */
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Edit selected") + " " + mc.Type + " (" +
mc.PersonName + ")");
+ myItem.Activated += on_edit_selected_multi_chronopic_clicked;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
+ /*
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Repair selected") + " " + mc.Type + " (" +
mc.PersonName + ")");
+ myItem.Activated += on_repair_selected_multi_chronopic_clicked;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
+ */
+ Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem mySep = new SeparatorMenuItem();
+ myMenu.Attach( mySep, 0, 1, 1, 2 );
+ myItem = new MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString("Delete selected") + " " + mc.Type + " (" +
mc.PersonName + ")");
+ myItem.Activated += on_delete_selected_multi_chronopic_clicked;
+ myMenu.Attach( myItem, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
+ myMenu.Popup();
+ myMenu.ShowAll();
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- CREATE AND UPDATE COMBOS ---------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ string [] selectJumpsString;
+ string [] selectJumpsRjString;
+ string [] selectRunsString;
+ string [] selectRunsIntervalString;
+ // ---------------- combo_select ----------------------
+ private void createComboSelectJumps(bool create) {
+ if(create)
+ combo_select_jumps = ComboBox.NewText ();
+ string [] jumpTypes = SqliteJumpType.SelectJumpTypes(false, "", "", false); //without
alljumpsname, without filter, not only name
+ selectJumpsString = new String [jumpTypes.Length];
+ string [] jumpNamesToCombo = new String [jumpTypes.Length];
+ int i =0;
+ foreach(string jumpType in jumpTypes) {
+ string [] j = jumpType.Split(new char[] {':'});
+ string nameTranslated = Catalog.GetString(j[1]);
+ selectJumpsString[i] =
+ j[0] + ":" + j[1] + ":" + nameTranslated + ":" + //uniqueID, name,
+ j[2] + ":" + j[3] + ":" + j[4]; //startIn, weight,
+ jumpNamesToCombo[i] = nameTranslated;
+ i++;
+ }
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_select_jumps, jumpNamesToCombo, "");
+ combo_select_jumps.Active = 0;
+ combo_select_jumps.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_select_jumps_changed);
+ if(create) {
+ hbox_combo_select_jumps.PackStart(combo_select_jumps, true, true, 0);
+ hbox_combo_select_jumps.ShowAll();
+ combo_select_jumps.Sensitive = false;
+ }
+ }
+ private void createComboSelectJumpsRj(bool create) {
+ if(create)
+ combo_select_jumps_rj = ComboBox.NewText ();
+ string [] jumpTypes = SqliteJumpType.SelectJumpRjTypes("", false); //without alljumpsname,
not only name
+ selectJumpsRjString = new String [jumpTypes.Length];
+ string [] jumpNamesToCombo = new String [jumpTypes.Length];
+ int i =0;
+ foreach(string jumpType in jumpTypes) {
+ string [] j = jumpType.Split(new char[] {':'});
+ string nameTranslated = Catalog.GetString(j[1]);
+ selectJumpsRjString[i] =
+ j[0] + ":" + j[1] + ":" + nameTranslated + ":" + //uniqueID, name,
+ j[2] + ":" + j[3] + ":" + j[4] + ":" + //startIn, weight,
+ j[5] + ":" + j[6]; //fixedValue,
+ jumpNamesToCombo[i] = nameTranslated;
+ i++;
+ }
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_select_jumps_rj, jumpNamesToCombo, "");
+ combo_select_jumps_rj.Active = 0;
+ combo_select_jumps_rj.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_select_jumps_rj_changed);
+ if(create) {
+ hbox_combo_select_jumps_rj.PackStart(combo_select_jumps_rj, true, true, 0);
+ hbox_combo_select_jumps_rj.ShowAll();
+ combo_select_jumps_rj.Sensitive = false;
+ }
+ }
+ private void createComboSelectRuns(bool create) {
+ if(create)
+ combo_select_runs = ComboBox.NewText ();
+ string [] runTypes = SqliteRunType.SelectRunTypes("", false); //without allrunsname, not only
+ selectRunsString = new String [runTypes.Length];
+ string [] runNamesToCombo = new String [runTypes.Length];
+ int i =0;
+ foreach(string runType in runTypes) {
+ string [] j = runType.Split(new char[] {':'});
+ string nameTranslated = Catalog.GetString(j[1]);
+ selectRunsString[i] =
+ j[0] + ":" + j[1] + ":" + nameTranslated + ":" + //uniqueID, name,
+ j[2] + ":" + j[3]; //distance,
+ runNamesToCombo[i] = nameTranslated;
+ i++;
+ }
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_select_runs, runNamesToCombo, "");
+ combo_select_runs.Active = 0;
+ combo_select_runs.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_select_runs_changed);
+ if(create) {
+ hbox_combo_select_runs.PackStart(combo_select_runs, true, true, 0);
+ hbox_combo_select_runs.ShowAll();
+ combo_select_runs.Sensitive = false;
+ }
+ }
+ private void createComboSelectRunsInterval(bool create) {
+ if(create)
+ combo_select_runs_interval = ComboBox.NewText ();
+ string [] runTypes = SqliteRunIntervalType.SelectRunIntervalTypes("", false); //without
allrunsname, not only name
+ selectRunsIntervalString = new String [runTypes.Length];
+ string [] runNamesToCombo = new String [runTypes.Length];
+ int i =0;
+ foreach(string runType in runTypes) {
+ string [] j = runType.Split(new char[] {':'});
+ string nameTranslated = Catalog.GetString(j[1]);
+ selectRunsIntervalString[i] =
+ j[0] + ":" + j[1] + ":" + nameTranslated + ":" + //uniqueID, name,
+ j[2] + ":" + j[3] + ":" + j[4] + ":" + //distance,
tracksLimited, fixedValue
+ j[5] + ":" + j[6] + ":" + j[6]; //unlimited,
description, distancesString
+ runNamesToCombo[i] = nameTranslated;
+ i++;
+ }
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_select_runs_interval, runNamesToCombo, "");
+ combo_select_runs_interval.Active = 0;
+ combo_select_runs_interval.Changed += new EventHandler
+ if(create) {
+ hbox_combo_select_runs_interval.PackStart(combo_select_runs_interval, true, true, 0);
+ hbox_combo_select_runs_interval.ShowAll();
+ combo_select_runs_interval.Sensitive = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // ---------------- combo_result ----------------------
+ private void createComboResultJumps() {
+ combo_result_jumps = ComboBox.NewText ();
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_result_jumps,
+ SqliteJumpType.SelectJumpTypes(false, Constants.AllJumpsName, "", true),
//with alljumpsname, without filter, only select name
+ "");
+ combo_result_jumps.Active = 0;
+ combo_result_jumps.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_result_jumps_changed);
+ hbox_combo_result_jumps.PackStart(combo_result_jumps, true, true, 0);
+ hbox_combo_result_jumps.ShowAll();
+ combo_result_jumps.Sensitive = false;
+ }
+ private void createComboResultJumpsRj() {
+ combo_result_jumps_rj = ComboBox.NewText();
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_result_jumps_rj,
SqliteJumpType.SelectJumpRjTypes(Constants.AllJumpsName, true), ""); //only select name
+ combo_result_jumps_rj.Active = 0;
+ combo_result_jumps_rj.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_result_jumps_rj_changed);
+ hbox_combo_result_jumps_rj.PackStart(combo_result_jumps_rj, true, true, 0);
+ hbox_combo_result_jumps_rj.ShowAll();
+ combo_result_jumps_rj.Sensitive = false;
+ }
+ private void createComboResultRuns() {
+ combo_result_runs = ComboBox.NewText();
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_result_runs, SqliteRunType.SelectRunTypes(Constants.AllRunsName,
true), ""); //without filter, only select name
+ combo_result_runs.Active = 0;
+ combo_result_runs.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_result_runs_changed);
+ hbox_combo_result_runs.PackStart(combo_result_runs, true, true, 0);
+ hbox_combo_result_runs.ShowAll();
+ combo_result_runs.Sensitive = false;
+ }
+ private void createComboResultRunsInterval() {
+ combo_result_runs_interval = ComboBox.NewText();
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_result_runs_interval,
SqliteRunIntervalType.SelectRunIntervalTypes(Constants.AllRunsName, true), ""); //without filter, only select
+ combo_result_runs_interval.Active = 0;
+ combo_result_runs_interval.Changed += new EventHandler
+ hbox_combo_result_runs_interval.PackStart(combo_result_runs_interval, true, true, 0);
+ hbox_combo_result_runs_interval.ShowAll();
+ combo_result_runs_interval.Sensitive = false;
+ }
+ //no need of reationTimes
+ private void createComboPulses() {
+ combo_pulses = ComboBox.NewText();
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_pulses, SqlitePulseType.SelectPulseTypes(Constants.AllPulsesName,
true), ""); //without filter, only select name
+ combo_pulses.Active = 0;
+ combo_pulses.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_pulses_changed);
+ hbox_combo_pulses.PackStart(combo_pulses, true, true, 0);
+ hbox_combo_pulses.ShowAll();
+ combo_pulses.Sensitive = false;
+ }
+ /*
+ private void createComboMultiChronopic()
+ {
+ button_multi_chronopic_start.Sensitive = false;
+ button_run_analysis.Sensitive = false;
+ extra_window_spin_run_analysis_distance.Sensitive = false;
+ }
+ */
+ // -------------- combo select tests changed --------
+ private void on_combo_select_jumps_changed(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ ComboBox combo = o as ComboBox;
+ if (o == null)
+ return;
+ string myText = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
+ LogB.Information("Selected: " + myText);
+ //show extra window options
+ on_extra_window_jumps_test_changed(o, args);
+ }
+ private void on_combo_select_jumps_rj_changed(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ ComboBox combo = o as ComboBox;
+ if (o == null)
+ return;
+ string myText = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
+ LogB.Information("Selected: " + myText);
+ //show extra window options
+ on_extra_window_jumps_rj_test_changed(o, args);
+ }
+ private void on_combo_select_runs_changed(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ ComboBox combo = o as ComboBox;
+ if (o == null)
+ return;
+ string myText = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
+ LogB.Information("Selected: " + myText);
+ //show extra window options
+ on_extra_window_runs_test_changed(o, args);
+ }
+ private void on_combo_select_runs_interval_changed(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ ComboBox combo = o as ComboBox;
+ if (o == null)
+ return;
+ string myText = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
+ LogB.Information("Selected: " + myText);
+ //show extra window options
+ on_extra_window_runs_interval_test_changed(o, args);
+ }
+ // -------------- combo result tests changed --------
+ private void on_combo_result_jumps_changed(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //combo_result_jumps.Changed -= new EventHandler (on_combo_result_jumps_changed);
+ ComboBox combo = o as ComboBox;
+ if (o == null)
+ return;
+ string myText = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
+ treeview_jumps_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_jumps(myText);
+ }
+ private void on_combo_result_jumps_rj_changed(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //combo_result_jumps_rj.Changed -= new EventHandler (on_combo_result_jumps_rj_changed);
+ ComboBox combo = o as ComboBox;
+ if (o == null)
+ return;
+ string myText = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
+ treeview_jumps_rj_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_jumps_rj(myText);
+ }
+ private void on_combo_result_runs_changed(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //combo_result_runs.Changed -= new EventHandler (on_combo_result_runs_changed);
+ ComboBox combo = o as ComboBox;
+ if (o == null)
+ return;
+ string myText = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
+ treeview_runs_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_runs(myText);
+ }
+ private void on_combo_result_runs_interval_changed(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //combo_result_runs_interval.Changed -= new EventHandler
+ ComboBox combo = o as ComboBox;
+ if (o == null)
+ return;
+ string myText = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
+ treeview_runs_interval_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_runs_interval(myText);
+ }
+ //no need of reationTimes because is done in:
+ //gui/reactionTime on_extra_window_reaction_times_test_changed()
+ private void on_combo_pulses_changed(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //combo_pulses.Changed -= new EventHandler (on_combo_pulses_changed);
+ ComboBox combo = o as ComboBox;
+ if (o == null)
+ return;
+ string myText = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
+ treeview_pulses_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_pulses(myText);
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- DELETE EVENT, QUIT -----------------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void on_delete_event (object o, DeleteEventArgs args) {
+ args.RetVal = true;
+ //cannot terminate chronojump untile press 'cancel' if autodetect encoder is working
+ if(cpDetect != null && cpDetect.Detecting == true)
+ return;
+ on_quit1_activate (new object(), new EventArgs ());
+ }
+ private void on_quit1_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ /*
+ if(chronopicCancelledTimes > 0 && UtilAll.IsWindows()) {
+ confirmWinJumpRun = ConfirmWindowJumpRun.Show(
+ Catalog.GetString("Attention, current version of Chronojump gets
hanged on exit\nif user has cancelled detection of Chronopic."),
+ Catalog.GetString("Sorry, you will have to close Chronojump using
CTRL + ALT + DEL."));
+ confirmWinJumpRun.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_quit2_activate);
+ } else
+ on_quit2_activate(new object(), new EventArgs());
+ */
+ on_quit2_activate(new object(), new EventArgs());
+ }
+ private void on_quit2_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("Bye!");
+ if(chronopicWin.Connected == true) {
+ chronopicWin.SerialPortsCloseIfNeeded();
+ }
+ try {
+ File.Delete(runningFileName);
+ } catch {
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
+ string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Could not delete file:\n{0}"),
+ }
+ if(File.Exists(Util.GetDatabaseTempDir() + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
+ File.Move(Util.GetDatabaseTempDir() + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
+ Util.GetDatabaseDir() + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
+ LogB.Information("Bye2!");
+ encoderRProcCapture.SendEndProcess();
+ encoderRProcAnalyze.SendEndProcess();
+ LogB.Information("Bye3!");
+ //exit start ping if has not ended
+ if(pingThread.IsAlive)
+ pingThread.Abort();
+ Log.End();
+ Application.Quit();
+ //Environment.Exit(Environment.ExitCode);
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- SESSION NEW, LOAD, EXPORT, DELETE -----
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void on_new_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("new session");
+ sessionAddEditWin = SessionAddEditWindow.Show(app1, new Session());
+ sessionAddEditWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_new_session_accepted);
+ sessionAddEditWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_new_session_accepted);
+ }
+ private void on_new_session_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ if(sessionAddEditWin.CurrentSession != null)
+ {
+ currentSession = sessionAddEditWin.CurrentSession;
+ sessionAddEditWin.HideAndNull();
+ //serverUniqueID is undefined until session is updated
+ currentSession.ServerUniqueID = Constants.ServerUndefinedID;
+ app1.Title = progName + " - " + currentSession.Name;
+ if(createdStatsWin) {
+ stats_win_initializeSession();
+ }
+ resetAllTreeViews(true); //boolean means: "also persons"
+ //show hidden widgets
+ sensitiveGuiNoSession();
+ sensitiveGuiYesSession();
+ definedSession = true;
+ //for sure, jumpsExists is false, because we create a new session
+ button_edit_current_person.Sensitive = false;
+ button_show_all_person_events.Sensitive = false;
+ button_delete_current_person.Sensitive = false;
+ //update report
+ report.SessionID = currentSession.UniqueID;
+ report.StatisticsRemove();
+ try {
+ reportWin.FillTreeView();
+ } catch {} //reportWin is still not created, not need to Fill again
+ //feedback (more in 1st session created)
+ string feedbackLoadUsers = Catalog.GetString ("Session created, now add or load
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, feedbackLoadUsers);
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_edit_session_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ LogB.Information("edit session");
+ if(currentSession.Name == Constants.SessionSimulatedName)
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Constants.SessionProtected);
+ else {
+ sessionAddEditWin = SessionAddEditWindow.Show(app1, currentSession);
+ sessionAddEditWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked -= new
+ sessionAddEditWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked += new
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_edit_session_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ if(sessionAddEditWin.CurrentSession != null)
+ {
+ currentSession = sessionAddEditWin.CurrentSession;
+ sessionAddEditWin.HideAndNull();
+ app1.Title = progName + " - " + currentSession.Name;
+ if(createdStatsWin) {
+ stats_win_initializeSession();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_button_encoder_import_chronojump_session(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ sessionLoadWin = SessionLoadWindow.Show (app1, SessionLoadWindow.WindowType.IMPORT_SESSION);
+ sessionLoadWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_load_session_accepted_to_import);
+ }
+ //from import session
+ private void on_load_session_accepted_to_import(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ int sessionNumber = sessionLoadWin.CurrentSessionId();
+ string databasePath = sessionLoadWin.DatabasePath();
+ LogB.Information (databasePath);
+ ImportSessionFromDatabase (databasePath, sessionNumber);
+ }
+ private void ImportSessionFromDatabase(string databasePath, int sessionNumber)
+ {
+ string source_filename = databasePath;
+ string destination_filename = Sqlite.DatabaseFilePath;
+ string session = Convert.ToString (sessionNumber);
+ ChronojumpImporter chronojumpImporter = new ChronojumpImporter (source_filename,
destination_filename, session);
+ ChronojumpImporter.Result result = chronojumpImporter.import ();
+ if (result.success) {
+ updateComboStats ();
+ new DialogMessage (Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Catalog.GetString ("Session
+ } else {
+ LogB.Debug ("Chronojump Importer error: ", result.error);
+ new DialogMessage (Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, result.error);
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_open_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ LogB.Information("open session");
+ sessionLoadWin = SessionLoadWindow.Show(app1, SessionLoadWindow.WindowType.LOAD_SESSION);
+ sessionLoadWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_load_session_accepted_from_open);
+ }
+ //from open session
+ private void on_load_session_accepted_from_open (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ currentSession = sessionLoadWin.CurrentSession;
+ on_load_session_accepted();
+ }
+ //called from open session OR from gui/networks configInit when config.SessionMode ==
+ private void on_load_session_accepted ()
+ {
+ app1.Title = progName + " - " + currentSession.Name;
+ if(createdStatsWin) {
+ stats_win_initializeSession();
+ }
+ resetAllTreeViews(true); //boolean means: "also persons"
+ bool foundPersons = selectRowTreeView_persons(treeview_persons, treeview_persons_store, 0);
+ //show hidden widgets
+ sensitiveGuiNoSession();
+ sensitiveGuiYesSession();
+ definedSession = true;
+ button_edit_current_person.Sensitive = false;
+ button_show_all_person_events.Sensitive = false;
+ button_delete_current_person.Sensitive = false;
+ //if there are persons
+ if(foundPersons) {
+ //activate the gui for persons in main window
+ sensitiveGuiYesPerson();
+ }
+ //update report
+ report.SessionID = currentSession.UniqueID;
+ report.StatisticsRemove();
+ if(reportWin != null)
+ reportWin.FillTreeView();
+ chronojumpWindowTestsNext();
+ }
+ private void on_delete_session_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ LogB.Information("--- delete session ---");
+ if(currentSession.Name == Constants.SessionSimulatedName)
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Constants.SessionProtected);
+ else {
+ ConfirmWindow confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Are you sure you
want to delete the current session"), "", Catalog.GetString("and all the session tests?"));
+ confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_delete_session_accepted);
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_delete_session_accepted (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Catalog.GetString("Deleted session and all its
+ SqliteSession.DeleteAllStuff(currentSession.UniqueID.ToString());
+ sensitiveGuiNoSession();
+ definedSession = false;
+ app1.Title = progName + "";
+ }
+ private void on_export_session_activate(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ ConfirmWindow confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Encoder data will not be
exported."), "", "");
+ confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_export_session_accepted);
+ }
+ private void on_export_session_accepted(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ new ExportSessionCSV(currentSession, app1, preferences);
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- PERSON RECUPERATE, LOAD, EDIT, DELETE -
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void on_recuperate_person_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("recuperate person");
+ personRecuperateWin = PersonRecuperateWindow.Show(app1, currentSession,
+ personRecuperateWin.FakeButtonDone.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_recuperate_person_accepted);
+ }
+ private void on_recuperate_person_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("here!!!");
+ currentPerson = personRecuperateWin.CurrentPerson;
+ currentPersonSession = personRecuperateWin.CurrentPersonSession;
+ label_person_change();
+ myTreeViewPersons.Add(currentPerson.UniqueID.ToString(), currentPerson.Name);
+ int rowToSelect = myTreeViewPersons.FindRow(currentPerson.UniqueID);
+ if(rowToSelect != -1) {
+ selectRowTreeView_persons(treeview_persons,
+ treeview_persons_store,
+ rowToSelect);
+ sensitiveGuiYesPerson();
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_recuperate_persons_from_session_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("recuperate persons from other session");
+ personsRecuperateFromOtherSessionWin = PersonsRecuperateFromOtherSessionWindow.Show(app1,
+ personsRecuperateFromOtherSessionWin.FakeButtonDone.Clicked += new
+ }
+ private void on_recuperate_persons_from_session_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ currentPerson = personsRecuperateFromOtherSessionWin.CurrentPerson;
+ currentPersonSession = personsRecuperateFromOtherSessionWin.CurrentPersonSession;
+ label_person_change();
+ treeview_persons_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_persons();
+ int rowToSelect = myTreeViewPersons.FindRow(currentPerson.UniqueID);
+ if(rowToSelect != -1) {
+ selectRowTreeView_persons(treeview_persons,
+ treeview_persons_store,
+ rowToSelect);
+ sensitiveGuiYesPerson();
+ }
+ }
+ bool person_add_single_called_from_person_select_window;
+ private void on_person_add_single_from_main_gui (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ person_add_single_called_from_person_select_window = false;
+ person_add_single();
+ }
+ private void person_add_single () {
+ personAddModifyWin = PersonAddModifyWindow.Show(app1,
+ currentSession, new Person(-1),
+ preferences.digitsNumber, checkbutton_video, useVideo
+ );
+ //-1 means we are adding a new person
+ //if we were modifying it will be it's uniqueID
+ personAddModifyWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked += new
+ }
+ private void on_person_add_single_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ if (personAddModifyWin.CurrentPerson != null)
+ {
+ currentPerson = personAddModifyWin.CurrentPerson;
+ currentPersonSession = SqlitePersonSession.Select(currentPerson.UniqueID,
+ label_person_change();
+ myTreeViewPersons.Add(currentPerson.UniqueID.ToString(), currentPerson.Name);
+ //when adding new person, photos cannot be recorded as currentPerson.UniqueID
+ //because it was undefined. Copy them now
+ if(File.Exists(Util.GetPhotoTempFileName(false)) &&
File.Exists(Util.GetPhotoTempFileName(true))) {
+ try {
+ File.Move(Util.GetPhotoTempFileName(false),
+ Util.GetPhotoFileName(false, currentPerson.UniqueID));
+ } catch {
+ File.Copy(Util.GetPhotoTempFileName(false),
+ Util.GetPhotoFileName(false, currentPerson.UniqueID),
+ }
+ try {
+ File.Move(Util.GetPhotoTempFileName(true),
+ Util.GetPhotoFileName(true, currentPerson.UniqueID));
+ } catch {
+ File.Copy(Util.GetPhotoTempFileName(true),
+ Util.GetPhotoFileName(true, currentPerson.UniqueID),
+ }
+ }
+ int rowToSelect = myTreeViewPersons.FindRow(currentPerson.UniqueID);
+ if(rowToSelect != -1) {
+ selectRowTreeView_persons(treeview_persons,
+ treeview_persons_store,
+ rowToSelect);
+ sensitiveGuiYesPerson();
+ //appbar2.Push( 1, Catalog.GetString("Successfully added") + " " +
currentPerson.Name );
+ }
+ if(person_add_single_called_from_person_select_window) {
+ ArrayList myPersons = SqlitePersonSession.SelectCurrentSessionPersons(
+ currentSession.UniqueID,
+ false); //means: do not returnPersonAndPSlist
+ personSelectWin.Update(myPersons);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //show spinbutton window asking for how many people to create
+ private void on_person_add_multiple_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ personAddMultipleWin = PersonAddMultipleWindow.Show(app1, currentSession);
+ personAddMultipleWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ }
+ private void on_person_add_multiple_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ if (personAddMultipleWin.CurrentPerson != null)
+ {
+ currentPerson = personAddMultipleWin.CurrentPerson;
+ currentPersonSession = SqlitePersonSession.Select(currentPerson.UniqueID,
+ label_person_change();
+ treeview_persons_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_persons();
+ int rowToSelect = myTreeViewPersons.FindRow(currentPerson.UniqueID);
+ if(rowToSelect != -1) {
+ selectRowTreeView_persons(treeview_persons,
+ treeview_persons_store,
+ rowToSelect);
+ sensitiveGuiYesPerson();
+ string myString = string.Format(
+ Catalog.GetPluralString(
+ "Successfully added one person.",
+ "Successfully added {0} persons.",
+ personAddMultipleWin.PersonsCreatedCount),
+ personAddMultipleWin.PersonsCreatedCount);
+ //appbar2.Push( 1, Catalog.GetString(myString) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool person_edit_single_called_from_person_select_window;
+ private void on_edit_current_person_clicked_from_main_gui (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ person_edit_single_called_from_person_select_window = false;
+ person_edit_single();
+ }
+ private void person_edit_single() {
+ LogB.Information("modify person");
+ personAddModifyWin = PersonAddModifyWindow.Show(app1, currentSession, currentPerson,
+ preferences.digitsNumber, checkbutton_video, useVideo
+ );
+ personAddModifyWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked += new
+ }
+ private void on_edit_current_person_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ if (personAddModifyWin.CurrentPerson != null)
+ {
+ currentPerson = personAddModifyWin.CurrentPerson;
+ currentPersonSession = SqlitePersonSession.Select(currentPerson.UniqueID,
+ label_person_change();
+ treeview_persons_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_persons();
+ int rowToSelect = myTreeViewPersons.FindRow(currentPerson.UniqueID);
+ if(rowToSelect != -1) {
+ selectRowTreeView_persons(treeview_persons,
+ treeview_persons_store,
+ rowToSelect);
+ sensitiveGuiYesPerson();
+ }
+ on_combo_result_jumps_changed(combo_result_jumps, args);
+ on_combo_result_jumps_rj_changed(combo_result_jumps_rj, args);
+ on_combo_result_runs_changed(combo_result_runs, args);
+ on_combo_result_runs_interval_changed(combo_result_runs_interval, args);
+ on_combo_pulses_changed(combo_pulses, args);
+ if(createdStatsWin) {
+ stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, true);
+ }
+// personAddModifyWin.Destroy();
+ if(person_edit_single_called_from_person_select_window) {
+ ArrayList myPersons = SqlitePersonSession.SelectCurrentSessionPersons(
+ currentSession.UniqueID,
+ false); //means: do not returnPersonAndPSlist
+ personSelectWin.Update(myPersons);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_show_all_person_events_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ PersonShowAllEventsWindow.Show(app1, currentSession.UniqueID, currentPerson);
+ }
+ private void on_delete_current_person_from_session_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("delete current person from this session");
+ ConfirmWindow confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(
+ Catalog.GetString("Are you sure you want to delete the current person and all
his/her tests (jumps, runs, pulses, ...) from this session?\n(His/her personal data and tests in other
sessions will remain intact.)"), "",
+ Catalog.GetString("Current Person: ") + currentPerson.Name);
+ confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ }
+ private void on_delete_current_person_from_session_accepted (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Catalog.GetString("Deleted person and all
his/her tests on this session."));
+ SqlitePersonSession.DeletePersonFromSessionAndTests(
+ currentSession.UniqueID.ToString(), currentPerson.UniqueID.ToString());
+ resetAllTreeViews(true); //boolean means: "also persons"
+ bool foundPersons = selectRowTreeView_persons(treeview_persons, treeview_persons_store, 0);
+ if(createdStatsWin) {
+ stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, true);
+ }
+ //if there are no persons
+ if(!foundPersons) {
+ sensitiveGuiNoPerson ();
+ if(createdStatsWin) {
+ stats_win_hide();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_button_encoder_person_change_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ ArrayList myPersons = SqlitePersonSession.SelectCurrentSessionPersons(
+ currentSession.UniqueID,
+ false); //means: do not returnPersonAndPSlist
+ personSelectWin = PersonSelectWindow.Show(app1, myPersons);
+ personSelectWin.FakeButtonAddPerson.Clicked += new
+ personSelectWin.FakeButtonEditPerson.Clicked += new
+ personSelectWin.FakeButtonDeletePerson.Clicked += new
+ personSelectWin.FakeButtonDone.Clicked += new
+ }
+ private void on_button_encoder_person_add_person(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ person_add_single_called_from_person_select_window = true;
+ person_add_single();
+ }
+ private void on_button_encoder_person_edit_person(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ currentPerson = personSelectWin.SelectedPerson;
+ person_edit_single_called_from_person_select_window = true;
+ person_edit_single();
+ }
+ private void on_button_encoder_person_delete_person(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ currentPerson = personSelectWin.SelectedPerson;
+ //without confirm, because it's already confirmed on PersonSelect
+ on_delete_current_person_from_session_accepted (o, args);
+ ArrayList myPersons = SqlitePersonSession.SelectCurrentSessionPersons(
+ currentSession.UniqueID,
+ false); //means: do not returnPersonAndPSlist
+ personSelectWin.Update(myPersons);
+ personSelectWin.Button_delete_confirm_focus(false, false);
+ }
+ private void on_button_encoder_person_change_done(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ currentPerson = personSelectWin.SelectedPerson;
+ currentPersonSession = SqlitePersonSession.Select(currentPerson.UniqueID,
+ label_person_change();
+ personChanged();
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- SOME CALLBACKS ------------------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ //edit
+ private void on_cut1_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ }
+ private void on_copy1_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ }
+ private void on_paste1_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ }
+ private void on_preferences_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ preferencesWin = PreferencesWindow.Show(preferences, getMenuItemMode());
+ preferencesWin.FakeButtonImported.Clicked += new
+ preferencesWin.FakeButtonDebugModeStart.Clicked += new
+ preferencesWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_preferences_accepted);
+ }
+ private void on_preferences_import_configuration (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ preferencesWin.FakeButtonImported.Clicked -= new
+ configInit();
+ LogB.Information("Initialized configuration");
+ }
+ private void on_preferences_accepted (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ preferences = preferencesWin.GetPreferences;
+ if(checkbutton_video.Active) {
+ videoCapturePrepare(false); //if error, show message
+ }
+ //change language works on windows. On Linux let's change the locale
+ //if(UtilAll.IsWindows())
+ // languageChange();
+ if(repetitiveConditionsWin != null)
+ repetitiveConditionsWin.VolumeOn = preferences.volumeOn;
+ try {
+ if(createdStatsWin) {
+ //statsWin.PrefsDigitsNumber = preferences.digitsNumber;
+ //statsWin.WeightStatsPercent = preferences.weightStatsPercent;
+ //statsWin.HeightPreferred = preferences.heightPreferred;
+ stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, true);
+ }
+ //pass to report
+ report.preferences = preferences;
+ createTreeView_jumps (treeview_jumps);
+ createTreeView_jumps_rj (treeview_jumps_rj);
+ createTreeView_runs (treeview_runs);
+ createTreeView_runs_interval (treeview_runs_interval);
+ createTreeView_pulses(treeview_pulses);
+ createTreeView_reaction_times(treeview_reaction_times);
+ createTreeView_multi_chronopic(false, treeview_multi_chronopic);
+ on_combo_result_jumps_changed(combo_result_jumps, args);
+ on_combo_result_jumps_rj_changed(combo_result_jumps_rj, args);
+ on_combo_result_runs_changed(combo_result_runs, args);
+ on_combo_result_runs_interval_changed(combo_result_runs_interval, args);
+ on_combo_pulses_changed(combo_pulses, args);
+ //currently no combo_reaction_times
+ treeview_reaction_times_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_reaction_times("reactionTime");
+ //currently no combo_multi_chronopic
+ treeview_multi_chronopic_storeReset(false);
+ fillTreeView_multi_chronopic();
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * menu test selectors
+ */
+ private void on_menuitem_mode_main_menu_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ reset_buttons_selector_start();
+ notebook_start.CurrentPage = 0;
+ //don't show menu bar on start page
+ main_menu.Visible = false;
+ }
+ private void select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes m)
+ {
+ menuitem_mode_selected_jumps_simple.Visible = false;
+ menuitem_mode_selected_jumps_reactive.Visible = false;
+ menuitem_mode_selected_runs_simple.Visible = false;
+ menuitem_mode_selected_runs_intervallic.Visible = false;
+ menuitem_mode_selected_power_gravitatory.Visible = false;
+ menuitem_mode_selected_power_inertial.Visible = false;
+ menuitem_mode_selected_other.Visible = false;
+ LogB.Information("MODE", m.ToString());
+ //default for everythong except encoder
+ menuitem_encoder_session_overview.Visible = false;
+ menuitem_export_encoder_signal.Visible = false;
+ menuitem_export_csv.Visible = true;
+ menuitem_import_chronojump_session.Visible = true;
+ hbox_other.Visible = false;
+ if(m == Constants.Menuitem_modes.JUMPSSIMPLE || m == Constants.Menuitem_modes.JUMPSREACTIVE)
+ {
+ notebook_sup.CurrentPage = 0;
+ notebook_capture_analyze.ShowTabs = true;
+ if(m == Constants.Menuitem_modes.JUMPSSIMPLE)
+ {
+ menuitem_mode_selected_jumps_simple.Visible = true;
+ notebooks_change(0);
+ on_extra_window_jumps_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
+ hbox_results_legend.Visible = true;
+ notebook_capture_analyze.GetNthPage(2).Show(); //show jumpsProfile on jumps
+ } else
+ {
+ menuitem_mode_selected_jumps_reactive.Visible = true;
+ notebooks_change(1);
+ on_extra_window_jumps_rj_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
+ hbox_results_legend.Visible = false;
+ notebook_capture_analyze.GetNthPage(2).Hide(); //hide jumpsProfile on jumps
+ }
+ }
+ else if(m == Constants.Menuitem_modes.RUNSSIMPLE || m ==
+ {
+ notebook_sup.CurrentPage = 0;
+ notebook_capture_analyze.ShowTabs = true;
+ menuitem_import_chronojump_session.Visible = false; // not implemented yet
+ if(m == Constants.Menuitem_modes.RUNSSIMPLE)
+ {
+ menuitem_mode_selected_runs_simple.Visible = true;
+ notebooks_change(2);
+ on_extra_window_runs_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
+ hbox_results_legend.Visible = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ menuitem_mode_selected_runs_intervallic.Visible = true;
+ notebooks_change(3);
+ on_extra_window_runs_interval_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
+ hbox_results_legend.Visible = false;
+ }
+ notebook_capture_analyze.GetNthPage(2).Hide(); //hide jumpsProfile on runs
+ }
+ else if(m == Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERGRAVITATORY || m ==
+ {
+ menuitem_encoder_session_overview.Visible = true;
+ menuitem_export_encoder_signal.Visible = true;
+ menuitem_export_csv.Visible = false;
+ menuitem_import_chronojump_session.Visible = false; // not implemented yet
+ //on OSX R is not installed by default. Check if it's installed. Needed for encoder
+ if( UtilAll.GetOSEnum() == UtilAll.OperatingSystems.MACOSX &&
+ ! Util.FileExists(Constants.ROSX) )
+ {
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
+ Catalog.GetString("Sorry, R software is not installed.") +
+ "\n" + Catalog.GetString("Please, install it from here:") +
+ "\n\nhttp://cran.cnr.berkeley.edu/bin/macosx/R-latest.pkg");
+ return;
+ }
+ notebook_sup.CurrentPage = 1;
+ /*
+ * If there's a signal on gravitatory and we move to inertial,
+ * interface has to change to YESPERSON (meaning no_signal).
+ * But, if there's no person shoud continue on NOPERSON
+ */
+ if(selectRowTreeView_persons(treeview_persons, treeview_persons_store, 0))
+ encoderButtonsSensitive(encoderSensEnum.YESPERSON);
+ blankEncoderInterface();
+ bool changed = false;
+ if(m == Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERGRAVITATORY) {
+ menuitem_mode_selected_power_gravitatory.Visible = true;
+ //change encoderConfigurationCurrent if needed
+ if(encoderConfigurationCurrent.has_inertia) {
+ encoderConfigurationCurrent = new EncoderConfiguration(); //LINEAR,
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ currentEncoderGI = Constants.EncoderGI.GRAVITATORY;
+ hbox_capture_1RM.Visible = true;
+ notebook_encoder_capture_extra_mass.CurrentPage = 0;
+ if(radio_encoder_analyze_individual_current_set.Active ||
radio_encoder_analyze_individual_current_session.Active) {
+ radiobutton_encoder_analyze_1RM.Visible = true;
+ radiobutton_encoder_analyze_neuromuscular_profile.Visible = true;
+ }
+ hbox_encoder_capture_1_or_cont.Visible = true;
+ } else {
+ menuitem_mode_selected_power_inertial.Visible = true;
+ //change encoderConfigurationCurrent if needed
+ if(! encoderConfigurationCurrent.has_inertia) {
+ encoderConfigurationCurrent = new EncoderConfiguration(
+ encoderConfigurationCurrent.SetInertialDefaultOptions();
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ currentEncoderGI = Constants.EncoderGI.INERTIAL;
+ hbox_capture_1RM.Visible = false;
+ notebook_encoder_capture_extra_mass.CurrentPage = 1;
+ radiobutton_encoder_analyze_1RM.Visible = false;
+ radiobutton_encoder_analyze_neuromuscular_profile.Visible = false;
+ radio_encoder_capture_1set.Active = true;
+ hbox_encoder_capture_1_or_cont.Visible = false;
+ }
+ encoderGuiChangesAfterEncoderConfigurationWin(true);
+ if(changed) {
+ prepareAnalyzeRepetitions ();
+ }
+ }
+ else { //m == Constants.Menuitem_modes.OTHER (contacts / other)
+ notebook_sup.CurrentPage = 0;
+ hbox_other.Visible = true;
+ menuitem_mode_selected_other.Visible = true;
+ radio_mode_reaction_times_small.Active = true;
+ notebook_capture_analyze.CurrentPage = 0;
+ notebook_capture_analyze.ShowTabs = false; //only capture tab is shown (only valid
for "OTHER" tests)
+ //notebook_capture_analyze.GetNthPage(2).Hide(); //hide jumpsProfile on other tests
+ }
+ //show the program
+ notebook_start.CurrentPage = 1;
+ //it's not visible at startup
+ main_menu.Visible = true;
+ //if wizard has been used mark Chronopic as connected or disconnected depending if port exists
+ if(Constants.Menuitem_mode_IsContacts(m) && wizardPortContacts != "")
+ chronopicWin.Connected =
+ Util.FoundInStringArray(ChronopicPorts.GetPorts(), wizardPortContacts);
+ else if(! Constants.Menuitem_mode_IsContacts(m) && wizardPortEncoder != "")
+ chronopicWin.Connected =
+ Util.FoundInStringArray(ChronopicPorts.GetPorts(), wizardPortEncoder);
+ //change multitest firmware or autoDetectChronopic
+ if(Constants.Menuitem_mode_IsContacts(m))
+ {
+ if(chronopicWin.Connected)
+ change_multitest_firmware(m);
+ else
+ autoDetectChronopic(m); //on contacts will perform change_multitest_firmware
at the end
+ }
+ else if(wizardPortEncoder == "")
+ autoDetectChronopic(m);
+ chronojumpWindowTestsNext();
+ }
+ ChronopicDetect cpDetect;
+ private void autoDetectChronopic(Constants.Menuitem_modes m)
+ {
+ main_menu.Sensitive = false;
+ if(m == Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERGRAVITATORY || m ==
+ {
+ hbox_chronopic_encoder_detecting.Visible = true;
+ viewport_chronopic_encoder.Visible = false;
+ cpDetect = new ChronopicDetect(
+ chronopicWin.SP,
+ progressbar_chronopic_encoder_detecting,
+ button_chronopic_encoder_detecting_cancel,
+ button_chronopic_encoder_detecting_info,
+ configAutodetectPort
+ );
+ cpDetect.Detect("ENCODER");
+ cpDetect.FakeButtonDone.Clicked += new
+ }
+ else {
+ //disabled on Windows until is fixed //TODO
+ if(UtilAll.IsWindows()) {
+ main_menu.Sensitive = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ hbox_chronopic_detecting.Visible = true;
+ viewport_chronopics.Visible = false;
+ cpDetect = new ChronopicDetect(
+ chronopicWin.SP,
+ progressbar_chronopic_detecting,
+ button_chronopic_detecting_cancel,
+ button_chronopic_detecting_info,
+ configAutodetectPort
+ );
+ cpDetect.Detect("NORMAL");
+ cpDetect.FakeButtonDone.Clicked += new
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_autoDetectChronopic_encoder_done(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ cpDetect.FakeButtonDone.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_autoDetectChronopic_encoder_done);
+ hbox_chronopic_encoder_detecting.Visible = false;
+ viewport_chronopic_encoder.Visible = true;
+ string str = cpDetect.Detected;
+ if(str != null && str != "") {
+ LogB.Information("Detected at port: " + str);
+ createChronopicWindow(true, str);
+ }
+ else {
+ LogB.Information("Not detected.");
+ createChronopicWindow(true, Util.GetDefaultPort());
+ }
+ on_autoDetectChronopic_all_done();
+ }
+ private void on_autoDetectChronopic_normal_done(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ cpDetect.FakeButtonDone.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_autoDetectChronopic_normal_done);
+ hbox_chronopic_detecting.Visible = false;
+ viewport_chronopics.Visible = true;
+ string str = cpDetect.Detected;
+ if(str != null && str != "") {
+ LogB.Information("Detected at port: " + str);
+ //set connected stuff for chronopicWin
+ chronopicWin.Connected = true;
+ //set cpd for chronopicWin
+ ChronopicPortData cpd = new ChronopicPortData(1, str, true);
+ ArrayList cpdArray = new ArrayList();
+ cpdArray.Add(cpd);
+ LogB.Debug("chronopicWin is null? " + (chronopicWin == null).ToString());
+ LogB.Debug("chronopicWin.CP is null? " + (chronopicWin.CP == null).ToString());
+ createChronopicWindow(cpDetect.getCP(), cpdArray, true, str);
+ LogB.Debug("chronopicWin.CP is null? " + (chronopicWin.CP == null).ToString());
+ change_multitest_firmware(getMenuItemMode());
+ }
+ else {
+ LogB.Information("Not detected.");
+ createChronopicWindow(true, Util.GetDefaultPort());
+ }
+ on_autoDetectChronopic_all_done();
+ }
+ private void on_autoDetectChronopic_all_done()
+ {
+ main_menu.Sensitive = true;
+ }
+ private bool previousMultitestFirmwareDefined = false;
+ private Constants.Menuitem_modes previousMultitestFirmware;
+ //change debounce time automatically on change menuitem mode (if multitest firmware)
+ private void change_multitest_firmware(Constants.Menuitem_modes m)
+ {
+ LogB.Information("change_multitest_firmware");
+ //---- 1 if don't need to change, return
+ if(previousMultitestFirmwareDefined &&
+ ! Constants.Menuitem_mode_multitest_should_change(previousMultitestFirmware,
+ {
+ LogB.Information("don't need to change multitest firmware");
+ return;
+ }
+ label_chronopics_multitest.Text = "";
+ //---- 2 if is not connected, return
+ if(! chronopicWin.Connected)
+ return;
+ //---- 3 if port does not exists, show cp window and return
+ //http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=88415
+ //https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15514
+ if(! UtilAll.IsWindows ()) {
+ if(! File.Exists(chronopicWin.GetContactsFirstPort())) {
+ LogB.Information("Chronopic has been disconnected");
+ createChronopicWindow(true, "");
+ chronopicWin.Connected = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ LogB.Information("change_multitest_firmware 1");
+ LogB.Debug("chronopicWin is null? " + (chronopicWin == null).ToString());
+ int cps = chronopicWin.NumConnected();
+ LogB.Debug("cps: " + cps.ToString());
+ LogB.Debug("chronopicWin.Connected? " + chronopicWin.Connected.ToString());
+ Chronopic.Plataforma ps;
+ bool ok = (chronopicWin.CP).Read_platform(out ps);
+ if(!ok) {
+ LogB.Information("Chronopic has been disconnected");
+ createChronopicWindow(true, "");
+ chronopicWin.Connected = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ LogB.Information("change_multitest_firmware 2");
+ ChronopicAuto ca;
+ /*
+ try {
+ ca = new ChronopicAutoCheck();
+ //problems with windows using this:
+ string chronopicVersion = ca.Read(chronopicWin.SP);
+ LogB.Debug("version: " + chronopicVersion);
+ } catch {
+ LogB.Information("Could not read from Chronopic with method 1");
+ return;
+ }
+ */
+ //---- 4 try to communicate with multitest firmware (return if cannot connect)
+ LogB.Information("Trying method 2");
+ bool isChronopicAuto = false;
+ try {
+ string result = chronopicWin.CheckAuto(out isChronopicAuto);
+ LogB.Debug("version: " + result);
+ } catch {
+ LogB.Information("Could not read from Chronopic with method 2");
+ return;
+ }
+ //---- 5 change 10 <-> 50 ms
+ LogB.Information("change_multitest_firmware 3");
+ if(isChronopicAuto) {
+ int debounceChange = 50;
+ if(m == Constants.Menuitem_modes.RUNSSIMPLE || m ==
+ debounceChange = 10;
+ int msChanged = chronopicWin.ChangeMultitestFirmware(debounceChange);
+ if(msChanged != -1) {
+ if(msChanged == 50)
+ label_chronopics_multitest.Text = "[" + Catalog.GetString("Jumps") +
+ else if(msChanged == 10)
+ label_chronopics_multitest.Text = "[" + Catalog.GetString("Runs") +
+ else
+ label_chronopics_multitest.Text = "";
+ } else
+ label_chronopics_multitest.Text = "";
+ }
+ previousMultitestFirmwareDefined = true;
+ previousMultitestFirmware = m;
+ }
+ private Constants.Menuitem_modes getMenuItemMode()
+ {
+ if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Active)
+ return Constants.Menuitem_modes.JUMPSSIMPLE;
+ else if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_reactive.Active)
+ return Constants.Menuitem_modes.JUMPSREACTIVE;
+ else if(radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple.Active)
+ return Constants.Menuitem_modes.RUNSSIMPLE;
+ else if(radio_menuitem_mode_runs_intervallic.Active)
+ return Constants.Menuitem_modes.RUNSINTERVALLIC;
+ else if(radio_menuitem_mode_power_gravitatory.Active)
+ return Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERGRAVITATORY;
+ else if(radio_menuitem_mode_power_inertial.Active)
+ return Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERINERTIAL;
+ else // if(radio_menuitem_mode_other.Active)
+ return Constants.Menuitem_modes.OTHER;
+ }
+ private void reset_buttons_selector_start_from_gui(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ reset_buttons_selector_start();
+ }
+ private void reset_buttons_selector_start()
+ {
+ notebook_selector_start_jumps.CurrentPage = 0;
+ notebook_selector_start_runs.CurrentPage = 0;
+ notebook_selector_start_encoder.CurrentPage = 0;
+ }
+ private void on_radio_menuitem_mode_activate(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ //togglebutton sends signal two times (deactivate/activate), just get the good signal
+ //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10755541/mono-gtk-radiobutton-clicked-event-firing-twice
+ if( ! (o as Gtk.RadioMenuItem).Active )
+ return;
+ select_menuitem_mode_toggled(getMenuItemMode());
+ }
+ private void on_button_selector_start_jumps_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ notebook_selector_start_jumps.CurrentPage = 1;
+ notebook_selector_start_runs.CurrentPage = 0;
+ notebook_selector_start_encoder.CurrentPage = 0;
+ }
+ private void on_button_selector_start_jumps_simple_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Active) {
+ //needed if people select again the same option
+ select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes.JUMPSSIMPLE);
+ }
+ else
+ radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Active = true;
+ }
+ private void on_button_selector_start_jumps_reactive_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_reactive.Active)
+ select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes.JUMPSREACTIVE);
+ else
+ radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_reactive.Active = true;
+ }
+ private void on_button_selector_start_runs_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ notebook_selector_start_jumps.CurrentPage = 0;
+ notebook_selector_start_runs.CurrentPage = 1;
+ notebook_selector_start_encoder.CurrentPage = 0;
+ }
+ private void on_button_selector_start_runs_simple_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ if(radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple.Active)
+ select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes.RUNSSIMPLE);
+ else
+ radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple.Active = true;
+ }
+ private void on_button_selector_start_runs_intervallic_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ if(radio_menuitem_mode_runs_intervallic.Active)
+ select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes.RUNSINTERVALLIC);
+ else
+ radio_menuitem_mode_runs_intervallic.Active = true;
+ }
+ private void on_button_selector_start_encoder_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ notebook_selector_start_jumps.CurrentPage = 0;
+ notebook_selector_start_runs.CurrentPage = 0;
+ notebook_selector_start_encoder.CurrentPage = 1;
+ }
+ private void on_button_selector_start_encoder_gravitatory_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ if(radio_menuitem_mode_power_gravitatory.Active)
+ select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERGRAVITATORY);
+ else
+ radio_menuitem_mode_power_gravitatory.Active = true;
+ }
+ private void on_button_selector_start_encoder_inertial_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ if(radio_menuitem_mode_power_inertial.Active)
+ select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERINERTIAL);
+ else
+ radio_menuitem_mode_power_inertial.Active = true;
+ }
+ private void on_button_selector_start_other_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ if(radio_menuitem_mode_other.Active)
+ select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes.OTHER);
+ else
+ radio_menuitem_mode_other.Active = true;
+ }
+ /*
+ * end of menu test selectors
+ */
+ /*
+ * videoOn
+ */
+ //at what tab of notebook_sup there's the video_capture
+ private int video_capture_notebook_sup = 0;
+ //changed by user clicking on notebook tabs
+ private void on_notebook_sup_switch_page (object o, SwitchPageArgs args) {
+ if(
+ (notebook_sup.CurrentPage == 0 && video_capture_notebook_sup == 1) ||
+ (notebook_sup.CurrentPage == 1 && video_capture_notebook_sup == 0))
+ {
+ //first stop showing video
+ bool wasActive = false;
+ if(checkbutton_video.Active) {
+ wasActive = true;
+ checkbutton_video.Active = false;
+ }
+ if(notebook_sup.CurrentPage == 0) {
+ //remove video capture from encoder tab
+ viewport_video_capture_encoder.Remove(capturer);
+ //add in contacts tab
+ hbox_video_capture.PackStart(capturer, true, true, 0);
+ } else {
+ //remove video capture from contacts tab
+ hbox_video_capture.Remove(capturer);
+ //add in encoder tab
+ //switch to capture tab
+ radiobutton_video_encoder_capture.Active = true;
+ //sometimes it seems is not removed and then cannot be added again
+ //just add if not exists
+ //maybe this error was because before we were not doing the:
+ //radiobutton_video_encoder_capture.Active = true;
+ if(viewport_video_capture_encoder.Child == null)
+ viewport_video_capture_encoder.Add(capturer);
+ }
+ if(wasActive)
+ checkbutton_video.Active = true;
+ video_capture_notebook_sup = notebook_sup.CurrentPage;
+ }
+ }
+ CapturerBin capturer;
+ private void videoCaptureInitialize()
+ {
+ capturer = new CapturerBin();
+ hbox_video_capture.PackStart(capturer, true, true, 0);
+ videoCapturePrepare(false); //if error, show message
+ }
+ int videoDeviceNum = 0;
+ private void videoCapturePrepare(bool showErrorMessage) {
+ LogB.Information("videoCapturePPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPrepare");
+ List<LongoMatch.Video.Utils.Device> devices =
+ if(devices.Count == 0) {
+ if(showErrorMessage)
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Constants.CameraNotFound);
+ return;
+ }
+ CapturePropertiesStruct s = new CapturePropertiesStruct();
+ s.OutputFile = Util.GetVideoTempFileName();
+ s.VideoBitrate = 1000;
+ s.AudioBitrate = 128;
+ s.CaptureSourceType = CaptureSourceType.System;
+ s.Width = 360;
+ s.Height = 288;
+ foreach(LongoMatch.Video.Utils.Device dev in devices){
+ LogB.Information(dev.ID.ToString());
+ LogB.Information(dev.IDProperty.ToString());
+ LogB.Information(dev.DeviceType.ToString());
+ }
+ s.DeviceID = devices[videoDeviceNum].ID;
+ capturer.CaptureProperties = s;
+ //checkbutton_video and checkbutton_video_encoder are synchronized
+ if(checkbutton_video.Active)
+ capturer.Type = CapturerType.Live;
+ else
+ capturer.Type = CapturerType.Fake;
+ capturer.Visible=true;
+ try {
+ capturer.Stop();
+ } catch {}
+ capturer.Run();
+ }
+ private void changeVideoButtons(bool myVideo) {
+ image_video_yes.Visible = myVideo;
+ image_video_no.Visible = ! myVideo;
+ }
+ private void on_checkbutton_video_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ if(checkbutton_video.Active) {
+ preferences.videoOn = true;
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("videoOn", "True", false);
+ } else {
+ preferences.videoOn = false;
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("videoOn", "False", false);
+ }
+ //change encoder checkbox but don't raise the signal
+ checkbutton_video_encoder.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_checkbutton_video_encoder_clicked);
+ checkbutton_video_encoder.Active = preferences.videoOn;
+ checkbutton_video_encoder.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_checkbutton_video_encoder_clicked);
+ changeVideoButtons(preferences.videoOn);
+ videoCapturePrepare(true); //if error, show message
+ }
+ private void on_checkbutton_video_encoder_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ if(checkbutton_video_encoder.Active) {
+ preferences.videoOn = true;
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("videoOn", "True", false);
+ } else {
+ preferences.videoOn = false;
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("videoOn", "False", false);
+ }
+ //change contacts checkbox but don't raise the signal
+ checkbutton_video.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_checkbutton_video_clicked);
+ checkbutton_video.Active = preferences.videoOn;
+ checkbutton_video.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_checkbutton_video_clicked);
+ //changeVideoButtons(preferences.videoOn);
+ //will start on record
+ videoCapturePrepare(true); //if error, show message
+ }
+ /*
+ * cancel and finish
+ */
+ private void on_cancel_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ event_execute_ButtonCancel.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_cancel_clicked);
+ LogB.Information("cancel clicked one");
+ //this will cancel jumps or runs
+ currentEventExecute.Cancel = true;
+ if(chronopicWin.Connected)
+ checkCancelTotally(o, args);
+ //let update stats
+ //nothing changed, but stats update button cannot be insensitive,
+ //because probably some jump type has changed it's jumper
+ //the unsensitive of button stats is for showing the user, that he has to update manually
+ //because it's not automatically updated
+ //because it crashes in some thread problem
+ //that will be fixed in other release
+ //if(createdStatsWin)
+ // showUpdateStatsAndHideData(true);
+ }
+ private void on_cancel_multi_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ LogB.Information("cancel multi clicked one");
+ //this will cancel jumps or runs
+ currentEventExecute.Cancel = true;
+ if(chronopicWin.Connected)
+ checkCancelMultiTotally(o, args);
+ }
+ //if user doesn't touch the platform after pressing "cancel", sometimes it gets waiting a Read_event
+ //now the event cancels ok, and next will be ok, also
+ private void checkCancelTotally (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ if(currentEventExecute.TotallyCancelled)
+ LogB.Information("totallyCancelled");
+ else {
+ LogB.Information("NOT-totallyCancelled ");
+ errorWin = ErrorWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Please, touch the contact platform for
full cancelling.") + "\n" +
+ Catalog.GetString("Then press Accept") + "\n");
+ errorWin.Button_accept.Clicked -= new EventHandler(checkCancelTotally);
+ errorWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(checkCancelTotally);
+ //abort test when there are problems with USB disconnected
+ errorWin.Show_button_abort();
+ errorWin.Button_abort.Clicked += new EventHandler(abortTest);
+ }
+ }
+ private void checkCancelMultiTotally (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ bool needCancel1 = false;
+ bool needCancel2 = false;
+ bool needCancel3 = false;
+ bool needCancel4 = false;
+ needCancel1 = !currentEventExecute.TotallyCancelledMulti1;
+ if(currentEventExecute.Chronopics > 1) {
+ needCancel2 = !currentEventExecute.TotallyCancelledMulti2;
+ if(currentEventExecute.Chronopics > 2) {
+ needCancel3 = !currentEventExecute.TotallyCancelledMulti3;
+ if(currentEventExecute.Chronopics > 3)
+ needCancel4 = !currentEventExecute.TotallyCancelledMulti4;
+ }
+ }
+ if(needCancel1 || needCancel2 || needCancel3 || needCancel4) {
+// LogB.Information("NOT-totallyCancelled ");
+ string cancelStr = "";
+ string sep = "";
+ if(needCancel1) {
+ cancelStr += sep + "1";
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ if(needCancel2) {
+ cancelStr += sep + "2";
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ if(needCancel3) {
+ cancelStr += sep + "3";
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ if(needCancel4) {
+ cancelStr += sep + "4";
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ errorWin = ErrorWindow.Show(string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Please, touch the
contact platform on Chronopic/s [{0}] for full cancelling.\nThen press button\n"), cancelStr));
+ errorWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(checkCancelMultiTotally);
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_finish_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ currentEventExecute.Finish = true;
+ if(chronopicWin.Connected)
+ checkFinishTotally(o, args);
+ //let update stats
+ if(createdStatsWin)
+ showUpdateStatsAndHideData(true);
+ }
+ //mark to only get inside on_multi_chronopic_finished one time
+ //static bool multiFinishingByClickFinish;
+ private void on_finish_multi_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ /*
+ if(multiFinishingByClickFinish)
+ return;
+ else
+ multiFinishingByClickFinish = true;
+ */
+ currentEventExecute.Finish = true;
+ //runA is not called for this, because it ends different
+ //and there's a message on gui/eventExecute.cs for runA
+ LogB.Debug("RR1");
+ if(currentMultiChronopicType.Name != Constants.RunAnalysisName && chronopicWin.Connected) {
+ checkFinishMultiTotally(o, args);
+ }
+ LogB.Debug("RR2");
+ //let update stats
+ //if(createdStatsWin)
+ // showUpdateStatsAndHideData(true);
+ }
+ //if user doesn't touch the platform after pressing "finish", sometimes it gets waiting a Read_event
+ //now the event finishes ok, and next will be ok
+ //
+ //not for multiChronopic:
+ private void checkFinishTotally (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ if(currentEventExecute.TotallyFinished)
+ LogB.Information("totallyFinished");
+ else {
+ LogB.Information("NOT-totallyFinished ");
+ errorWin = ErrorWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Please, touch the contact platform for
full finishing.") + "\n" +
+ Catalog.GetString("Then press Accept") + "\n");
+ errorWin.Button_accept.Clicked -= new EventHandler(checkFinishTotally);
+ errorWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(checkFinishTotally);
+ //abort test when there are problems with USB disconnected
+ errorWin.Show_button_abort();
+ errorWin.Button_abort.Clicked += new EventHandler(abortTest);
+ }
+ }
+ private void abortTest (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ errorWin.Button_abort.Clicked -= new EventHandler(abortTest);
+ LogB.Warning("Destroying error window");
+ errorWin.HideAndNull();
+ LogB.Warning("Going to abort thread");
+ currentEventExecute.ThreadAbort();
+ LogB.Warning("Aborted");
+ sensitiveGuiEventDone();
+ LogB.Warning("Sensitivity restored");
+ }
+ //runA is not called for this, because it ends different
+ //and there's a message on gui/eventExecute.cs for runA
+ private void checkFinishMultiTotally (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ bool needFinish1 = false;
+ bool needFinish2 = false;
+ bool needFinish3 = false;
+ bool needFinish4 = false;
+ LogB.Information("cfmt 0");
+ needFinish1 = !currentEventExecute.TotallyFinishedMulti1;
+ if(currentEventExecute.Chronopics > 1) {
+ LogB.Information("cfmt 1");
+ needFinish2 = !currentEventExecute.TotallyFinishedMulti2;
+ if(currentEventExecute.Chronopics > 2) {
+ LogB.Information("cfmt 2");
+ needFinish3 = !currentEventExecute.TotallyFinishedMulti3;
+ if(currentEventExecute.Chronopics > 3) {
+ LogB.Information("cfmt 3");
+ needFinish4 = !currentEventExecute.TotallyFinishedMulti4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ LogB.Information("cfmt 4");
+ if(needFinish1 || needFinish2 || needFinish3 || needFinish4) {
+// LogB.Information("NOT-totallyFinishled ");
+ string cancelStr = "";
+ string sep = "";
+ if(needFinish1) {
+ cancelStr += sep + "1";
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ if(needFinish2) {
+ cancelStr += sep + "2";
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ if(needFinish3) {
+ cancelStr += sep + "3";
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ if(needFinish4) {
+ cancelStr += sep + "4";
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ LogB.Information("cfmt 5");
+ //try here because maybe solves problems in runAnalysis when seem to update the
eventExecuteWindow at the same time as tries to show this errorWindow
+ errorWin = ErrorWindow.Show(string.Format(
+ Catalog.GetString("Please, touch the contact platform
on Chronopic/s [{0}] for full finishing.") +
+ "\n" + Catalog.GetString("Then press this
button:\n"), cancelStr));
+ LogB.Information("cfmt 6");
+ errorWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(checkFinishMultiTotally);
+ LogB.Information("cfmt 7");
+ //}
+ } else {
+ LogB.Information("totallyFinished");
+ /*
+ //call write here, because if done in execute/MultiChronopic, will be called n times
if n chronopics are working
+ currentEventExecute.MultiChronopicWrite(false);
+ currentMultiChronopic = (MultiChronopic) currentEventExecute.EventDone;
+ //if this multichronopic has more chronopics than other in session, then reload
treeview, else simply add
+ if(currentMultiChronopic.CPs() !=
SqliteMultiChronopic.MaxCPs(currentSession.UniqueID)) {
+ treeview_multi_chronopic_storeReset(false);
+ fillTreeView_multi_chronopic();
+ } else
+ myTreeViewMultiChronopic.Add(currentPerson.Name, currentMultiChronopic);
+ //since when test is done, treeview select it. action event button have to be
+ showHideActionEventButtons(true, Constants.MultiChronopicName); //show
+ //unhide buttons for delete last test
+ sensitiveGuiYesEvent();
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ void on_button_execute_test_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ //http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=88415
+ //https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15514
+ if(! UtilAll.IsWindows() && chronopicWin.Connected) {
+ if(! File.Exists(chronopicWin.GetContactsFirstPort())) {
+ LogB.Information("Chronopic has been disconnected");
+ createChronopicWindow(true, "");
+ chronopicWin.Connected = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ on_button_execute_test_accepted(o, args);
+ }
+ void on_button_execute_test_accepted (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ //simulated tests are only allowed on SIMULATED session
+ if(currentSession.Name != Constants.SessionSimulatedName && ! chronopicWin.Connected) {
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Constants.SimulatedTestsNotAllowed);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Active)
+ {
+ LogB.Debug("radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple");
+ on_normal_jump_activate(o, args);
+ }
+ else if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_reactive.Active)
+ {
+ LogB.Debug("radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_reactive");
+ on_rj_activate(o, args);
+ }
+ else if(radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple.Active) {
+ LogB.Debug("radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple");
+ extra_window_runs_distance = (double) extra_window_runs_spinbutton_distance.Value;
+ on_normal_run_activate(o, args);
+ }
+ else if(radio_menuitem_mode_runs_intervallic.Active) {
+ LogB.Debug("radio_mode_runs_i_small");
+ //RSA runs cannot be simulated because it's complicated to manage the countdown
+ if(currentRunIntervalType.IsRSA && !chronopicWin.Connected) {
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
+ Catalog.GetString("Sorry, RSA tests cannot be simulated."));
+ return;
+ }
+ extra_window_runs_interval_distance = (double)
+ extra_window_runs_interval_limit = extra_window_runs_interval_spinbutton_limit.Value;
+ on_run_interval_activate(o, args);
+ }
+ else if(radio_mode_reaction_times_small.Active) {
+ LogB.Debug("radio_mode_rt");
+ if(extra_window_radio_reaction_time_discriminative.Active)
+ reaction_time_discriminative_lights_prepare();
+ on_reaction_time_activate (o, args);
+ }
+ else if(radio_mode_pulses_small.Active) {
+ LogB.Debug("radio_mode_pulses");
+ on_pulse_activate (o, args);
+ }
+ else if(radio_mode_multi_chronopic_small.Active) {
+ LogB.Debug("radio_mode_mc");
+ on_multi_chronopic_start_clicked(o, args);
+ }
+ //if a test has been deleted
+ //notebook_results_data changes to page 3: "deleted test"
+ //when a new test is done
+ //this notebook has to poing again to data of it's test
+ change_notebook_results_data();
+ }
+ private void change_notebook_results_data()
+ {
+ //there are some notebook_execut pages that have not notebook_results_data pages
+ //like jump simple (0), run simple (2), reaction time (4)
+ if(notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 1) //reactive jump
+ notebook_results_data.CurrentPage = 0;
+ else if(notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 3) //interval run
+ notebook_results_data.CurrentPage = 1;
+ else if(notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 5) //pulse
+ notebook_results_data.CurrentPage = 2;
+ }
+ private void changeTestImage(string eventTypeString, string eventName, string fileNameString) {
+ Pixbuf pixbuf; //main image
+ Pixbuf pixbufZoom; //icon of zoom image (if shown can have two different images)
+ switch (fileNameString) {
+ case "LOGO":
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + Constants.FileNameLogo);
+ button_image_test_zoom.Hide();
+ break;
+ case "":
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(true) + "no_image.png");
+ button_image_test_zoom.Hide();
+ break;
+ default:
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(true) + fileNameString);
+ //button image test zoom will have a different image depending on if there's
+ //future: change tooltip also
+ if(eventTypeString != "" && eventName != "" && eventTypeHasLongDescription
(eventTypeString, eventName))
+ pixbufZoom = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ else
+ pixbufZoom = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) +
+ image_test_zoom.Pixbuf = pixbufZoom;
+ button_image_test_zoom.Show();
+ break;
+ }
+ image_test.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ }
+ private bool eventTypeHasLongDescription (string eventTypeString, string eventName) {
+ if(eventTypeString != "" && eventName != "")
+ {
+ EventType myType = new EventType ();
+ if(eventTypeString == EventType.Types.JUMP.ToString())
+ myType = new JumpType(eventName);
+ else if (eventTypeString == EventType.Types.RUN.ToString())
+ myType = new RunType(eventName);
+ else if (eventTypeString == EventType.Types.REACTIONTIME.ToString())
+ myType = new ReactionTimeType(eventName);
+ else if (eventTypeString == EventType.Types.PULSE.ToString())
+ myType = new PulseType(eventName);
+ else if (eventTypeString == EventType.Types.MULTICHRONOPIC.ToString())
+ myType = new MultiChronopicType(eventName);
+ else LogB.Error("Error on eventTypeHasLongDescription");
+ if(myType.HasLongDescription)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- JUMPS EXECUTION (no RJ) ----------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ //suitable for all jumps not repetitive
+ private void on_normal_jump_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ if(execute_auto_doing)
+ sensitiveGuiAutoExecuteOrWait (true);
+ //currentJumpType is already defined in selecting name from combo or from jumpsMoreWin
+ //string jumpEnglishName = Util.FindOnArray(':',2,1,
UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_select_jumps), selectJumpsString);
+ //currentJumpType = new JumpType(jumpEnglishName);
+ double jumpWeight = 0;
+ if(currentJumpType.HasWeight) {
+ if(extra_window_jumps_option == "%")
+ jumpWeight = (double) extra_window_jumps_spinbutton_weight.Value;
+ else
+ jumpWeight = Util.WeightFromKgToPercent(
+ (double) extra_window_jumps_spinbutton_weight.Value,
+ currentPersonSession.Weight);
+ }
+ double myFall = 0;
+ if(currentJumpType.HasFall) {
+ if(extra_window_jumps_check_dj_fall_calculate.Active)
+ myFall = -1;
+ else
+ myFall = (double) extra_window_jumps_spinbutton_fall.Value;
+ }
+ string description = "";
+ if(currentJumpType.Name == "slCMJleft" || currentJumpType.Name == "slCMJright") {
+ description = slCMJString();
+ extra_window_jumps_spin_single_leg_distance.Value = 0;
+ extra_window_jumps_spin_single_leg_angle.Value = 90;
+ }
+ //used by cancel and finish
+ //currentEventType = new JumpType();
+ currentEventType = currentJumpType;
+ //hide jumping buttons
+ if(! execute_auto_doing)
+ sensitiveGuiEventDoing();
+ //show the event doing window
+ double progressbarLimit = 3; //3 phases for show the Dj
+ if(myFall == -1)
+ progressbarLimit = 4; //4 if there's a pre-jump
+ else if( currentJumpType.StartIn ||
+ currentJumpType.Name == Constants.TakeOffName ||
+ currentJumpType.Name == Constants.TakeOffWeightName)
+ progressbarLimit = 2; //2 for normal jump (or take off)
+ //don't let update until test finishes
+ if(createdStatsWin)
+ showUpdateStatsAndHideData(false);
+ event_execute_initializeVariables(
+ ! chronopicWin.Connected, //is simulated
+ currentPerson.UniqueID,
+ currentPerson.Name,
+ Catalog.GetString("Phases"), //name of the different moments
+ Constants.JumpTable, //tableName
+ currentJumpType.Name
+ );
+ ExecutingGraphData egd = event_execute_prepareForTest ();
+ event_execute_ButtonCancel.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_cancel_clicked);
+ event_execute_ButtonFinish.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_finish_clicked);
+ //when user clicks on update the eventExecute window
+ //(for showing with his new confgured values: max, min and guides
+ event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_update_clicked); //if we don't do
this, on_update_clicked it's called 'n' times when 'n' events are done
+ event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_update_clicked);
+ currentEventExecute = new JumpExecute(currentPerson.UniqueID, currentPerson.Name,
+ currentSession.UniqueID, currentJumpType.Name, myFall, jumpWeight,
+ chronopicWin.CP, event_execute_label_message, app1, preferences.digitsNumber,
+ progressbarLimit, egd, description);
+ UtilGtk.ChronopicColors(viewport_chronopics, label_chronopics, label_connected_chronopics,
+ if (!chronopicWin.Connected)
+ currentEventExecute.SimulateInitValues(rand);
+ if( currentJumpType.StartIn )
+ currentEventExecute.Manage();
+ else
+ currentEventExecute.ManageFall();
+ thisJumpIsSimple = true; //used by: on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonUpdateGraph.Clicked +=
+ new EventHandler(on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked);
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonEventEnded.Clicked += new
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_jump_finished);
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonThreadDyed.Clicked += new
+ }
+ private void on_jump_finished (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_jump_finished);
+ //test can be deleted if not cancelled
+ button_delete_this_test.Sensitive = ! currentEventExecute.Cancel;
+ if ( ! currentEventExecute.Cancel ) {
+ currentJump = (Jump) currentEventExecute.EventDone;
+ if(currentJumpType.Name == "slCMJleft" || currentJumpType.Name == "slCMJright") {
+ if(extra_window_jumps_radiobutton_single_leg_mode_vertical.Active)
+ currentJump.Description += " 0 90";
+ else {
+ currentJump.Description += " 0 90";
+ //unsensitive slCMJ options
+ hbox_extra_window_jumps_single_leg_radios.Sensitive = false;
+ //but show the input cm
+ notebook_options_after_execute.CurrentPage = 1;
+ }
+ SqliteJump.UpdateDescription(Constants.JumpTable,
+ currentJump.UniqueID, currentJump.Description);
+ }
+ //move video file if exists
+ if(preferences.videoOn)
+ if (! Util.CopyTempVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.JUMP,
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
+ Catalog.GetString("Sorry, video cannot be stored."));
+ myTreeViewJumps.PersonWeight = currentPersonSession.Weight;
+ myTreeViewJumps.Add(currentPerson.Name, currentJump);
+ //since when test is done, treeview select it. action event button have to be
+ showHideActionEventButtons(true, "Jump"); //show
+ if(createdStatsWin) {
+ showUpdateStatsAndHideData(true);
+ }
+ lastJumpIsSimple = true;
+ //unhide buttons for delete last jump
+ if(! execute_auto_doing)
+ sensitiveGuiYesEvent();
+ }
+ else if( currentEventExecute.ChronopicDisconnected )
+ chronopicDisconnectedWhileExecuting();
+ //unhide buttons that allow jumping
+ if(execute_auto_doing) {
+ execute_auto_order_pos ++;
+ execute_auto_select();
+ sensitiveGuiAutoExecuteOrWait (false);
+ }
+ }
+ private void chronopicDisconnectedWhileExecuting() {
+ LogB.Error("DISCONNECTED gui/cj");
+ createChronopicWindow(true, "");
+ chronopicWin.Connected = false;
+ }
+ private void on_test_finished_can_touch_gtk (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonThreadDyed.Clicked -= new
+ LogB.Information(" cantouch1 ");
+ if(! execute_auto_doing)
+ sensitiveGuiEventDone();
+ LogB.Information(" cantouch3 ");
+ if ( ! currentEventExecute.Cancel )
+ event_execute_progressbar_time.Fraction = 1;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- JUMPS RJ EXECUTION ------------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void on_rj_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ //currentJumpRjType is already defined in selecting name from combo or from jumpsMoreWin
+ //string jumpEnglishName = Util.FindOnArray(':',2,1,
UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_select_jumps_rj), selectJumpsRjString);
+ //currentJumpRjType = new JumpType(jumpEnglishName);
+ double progressbarLimit = 0;
+ //if it's a unlimited interval run, put -1 as limit value
+ if(currentJumpRjType.Unlimited) {
+ progressbarLimit = -1;
+ } else {
+ if(currentJumpRjType.FixedValue > 0) {
+ progressbarLimit = currentJumpRjType.FixedValue;
+ } else {
+ progressbarLimit = (double) extra_window_jumps_rj_spinbutton_limit.Value;
+ }
+ }
+ double jumpWeight = 0;
+ if(currentJumpRjType.HasWeight) {
+ if(extra_window_jumps_rj_option == "%") {
+ jumpWeight = (double) extra_window_jumps_rj_spinbutton_weight.Value;
+ } else {
+ jumpWeight = Util.WeightFromKgToPercent(
+ (double) extra_window_jumps_rj_spinbutton_weight.Value,
+ currentPersonSession.Weight);
+ }
+ }
+ double myFall = 0;
+ if( currentJumpRjType.HasFall || currentJumpRjType.Name == Constants.RunAnalysisName)
+ myFall = (double) extra_window_jumps_rj_spinbutton_fall.Value;
+ //used by cancel and finish
+ //currentEventType = new JumpRjType();
+ currentEventType = currentJumpRjType;
+ //hide jumping buttons
+ sensitiveGuiEventDoing();
+ //don't let update until test finishes
+ if(createdStatsWin)
+ showUpdateStatsAndHideData(false);
+ //show the event doing window
+ event_execute_initializeVariables(
+ ! chronopicWin.Connected, //is simulated
+ currentPerson.UniqueID,
+ currentPerson.Name,
+ Catalog.GetString("Jumps"), //name of the different moments
+ Constants.JumpRjTable, //tableName
+ currentJumpRjType.Name
+ );
+ ExecutingGraphData egd = event_execute_prepareForTest ();
+ event_execute_ButtonCancel.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_cancel_clicked);
+ event_execute_ButtonFinish.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_finish_clicked);
+ //when user clicks on update the eventExecute window
+ //(for showing with his new configured values: max, min and guides
+ event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_update_clicked); //if we don't do
this, on_update_clicked it's called 'n' times when 'n' events are done
+ event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_update_clicked);
+ currentEventExecute = new JumpRjExecute(currentPerson.UniqueID, currentPerson.Name,
+ currentSession.UniqueID, currentJumpRjType.Name, myFall, jumpWeight,
+ progressbarLimit, currentJumpRjType.JumpsLimited,
+ chronopicWin.CP, event_execute_label_message, app1, preferences.digitsNumber,
+ checkbutton_allow_finish_rj_after_time.Active, preferences.volumeOn,
+ repetitiveConditionsWin, progressbarLimit, egd
+ );
+ //suitable for limited by jump and time
+ //simulated always simulate limited by jumps
+ if(!chronopicWin.Connected)
+ currentEventExecute.SimulateInitValues(rand);
+ currentEventExecute.Manage();
+ thisJumpIsSimple = false; //used by: on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonUpdateGraph.Clicked +=
+ new EventHandler(on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked);
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonEventEnded.Clicked += new
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_jump_rj_finished);
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonThreadDyed.Clicked += new
+ }
+ private void on_jump_rj_finished (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ LogB.Information("ON JUMP RJ FINISHED");
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_jump_rj_finished);
+ //test can be deleted if not cancelled
+ button_delete_this_test.Sensitive = ! currentEventExecute.Cancel;
+ if ( ! currentEventExecute.Cancel ) {
+ currentJumpRj = (JumpRj) currentEventExecute.EventDone;
+ //move video file if exists
+ if(preferences.videoOn)
+ if(! Util.CopyTempVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.JUMP_RJ,
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
Catalog.GetString("Sorry, video cannot be stored."));
+ //if user clicked in finish earlier
+ if(currentEventExecute.Finish) {
+ currentJumpRj.Jumps = Util.GetNumberOfJumps(currentJumpRj.TvString, false);
+ if(currentJumpRj.JumpsLimited) {
+ currentJumpRj.Limited = currentJumpRj.Jumps.ToString() + "J";
+ } else {
+ currentJumpRj.Limited = Util.GetTotalTime(
+ currentJumpRj.TcString, currentJumpRj.TvString) + "T";
+ }
+ }
+ myTreeViewJumpsRj.PersonWeight = currentPersonSession.Weight;
+ myTreeViewJumpsRj.Add(currentPerson.Name, currentJumpRj);
+ //since when test is done, treeview select it. action event button have to be
+ showHideActionEventButtons(true, "JumpRj"); //show
+ if(createdStatsWin) {
+ showUpdateStatsAndHideData(true);
+ }
+ lastJumpIsSimple = false;
+ //unhide buttons for delete last jump
+ sensitiveGuiYesEvent();
+ //put correct time value in eventWindow (put the time from chronopic and not onTimer
soft chronometer)
+ event_execute_LabelTimeValue = Util.GetTotalTime(currentJumpRj.TcString,
+ //possible deletion of last jump can make the jumps on event window be false
+ event_execute_LabelEventValue = currentJumpRj.Jumps;
+ }
+ else if( currentEventExecute.ChronopicDisconnected )
+ chronopicDisconnectedWhileExecuting();
+ //delete the temp tables if exists
+ Sqlite.DeleteTempEvents("tempJumpRj");
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- RUNS EXECUTION (no interval) ----------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ //suitable for all runs not repetitive
+ private void on_normal_run_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ //if distance can be always different in this run,
+ //show values selected in runExtraWin
+ double myDistance = 0;
+ if(currentRunType.Distance == 0) {
+ myDistance = extra_window_runs_distance;
+ } else {
+ myDistance = currentRunType.Distance;
+ }
+ //used by cancel and finish
+ //currentEventType = new RunType();
+ currentEventType = currentRunType;
+ //hide jumping (running) buttons
+ sensitiveGuiEventDoing();
+ //show the event doing window
+ double progressbarLimit = 3; //same for startingIn than out (before)
+ //don't let update until test finishes
+ if(createdStatsWin)
+ showUpdateStatsAndHideData(false);
+ event_execute_initializeVariables(
+ ! chronopicWin.Connected, //is simulated
+ currentPerson.UniqueID,
+ currentPerson.Name,
+ Catalog.GetString("Phases"), //name of the different moments
+ Constants.RunTable, //tableName
+ currentRunType.Name
+ );
+ ExecutingGraphData egd = event_execute_prepareForTest ();
+ event_execute_ButtonCancel.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_cancel_clicked);
+ event_execute_ButtonFinish.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_finish_clicked);
+ //when user clicks on update the eventExecute window
+ //(for showing with his new confgured values: max, min and guides
+ event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_update_clicked); //if we don't do
this, on_update_clicked it's called 'n' times when 'n' events are done
+ event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_update_clicked);
+ currentEventExecute = new RunExecute(
+ currentPerson.UniqueID, currentSession.UniqueID,
+ currentRunType.Name, myDistance,
+ chronopicWin.CP, event_execute_label_message, app1,
+ preferences.digitsNumber, preferences.metersSecondsPreferred,
+ progressbarLimit, egd,
+ preferences.runDoubleContactsMode,
+ preferences.runDoubleContactsMS,
+ preferences.runSpeedStartArrival
+ );
+ if (!chronopicWin.Connected)
+ currentEventExecute.SimulateInitValues(rand);
+ currentEventExecute.Manage();
+ thisRunIsSimple = true; //used by: on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonUpdateGraph.Clicked +=
+ new EventHandler(on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked);
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonEventEnded.Clicked += new
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_run_finished);
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonThreadDyed.Clicked += new
+ }
+ private void on_run_finished (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_run_finished);
+ //test can be deleted if not cancelled
+ button_delete_this_test.Sensitive = ! currentEventExecute.Cancel;
+ if ( ! currentEventExecute.Cancel ) {
+ currentRun = (Run) currentEventExecute.EventDone;
+ //move video file if exists
+ if(preferences.videoOn)
+ if(! Util.CopyTempVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.RUN,
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
Catalog.GetString("Sorry, video cannot be stored."));
+ currentRun.MetersSecondsPreferred = preferences.metersSecondsPreferred;
+ myTreeViewRuns.Add(currentPerson.Name, currentRun);
+ //since when test is done, treeview select it. action event button have to be
+ showHideActionEventButtons(true, "Run"); //show
+ if(createdStatsWin) {
+ showUpdateStatsAndHideData(true);
+ }
+ lastRunIsSimple = true;
+ //unhide buttons for delete last jump
+ sensitiveGuiYesEvent();
+ //put correct time value in eventWindow (put the time from chronopic and not onTimer
soft chronometer)
+ event_execute_LabelTimeValue = currentRun.Time;
+ }
+ else if( currentEventExecute.ChronopicDisconnected )
+ chronopicDisconnectedWhileExecuting();
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- RUNS EXECUTION (interval) ----------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void on_run_interval_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ LogB.Information("run interval accepted");
+ //if distance can be always different in this run,
+ //show values selected in runExtraWin
+ double distanceInterval = 0;
+ if(currentRunIntervalType.Distance == 0) {
+ distanceInterval = extra_window_runs_interval_distance;
+ } else {
+ distanceInterval = currentRunIntervalType.Distance;
+ }
+ double progressbarLimit = 0;
+ //if it's a unlimited interval run, put -1 as limit value
+ if(currentRunIntervalType.Unlimited) {
+ progressbarLimit = -1;
+ } else {
+ if(currentRunIntervalType.FixedValue > 0) {
+ progressbarLimit = currentRunIntervalType.FixedValue;
+ } else {
+ progressbarLimit = extra_window_runs_interval_limit;
+ }
+ }
+ //used by cancel and finish
+ //currentEventType = new RunType();
+ currentEventType = currentRunIntervalType;
+ //hide running buttons
+ sensitiveGuiEventDoing();
+ //don't let update until test finishes
+ if(createdStatsWin)
+ showUpdateStatsAndHideData(false);
+ //show the event doing window
+ event_execute_initializeVariables(
+ ! chronopicWin.Connected, //is simulated
+ currentPerson.UniqueID,
+ currentPerson.Name,
+ Catalog.GetString("Tracks"), //name of the different moments
+ Constants.RunIntervalTable, //tableName
+ currentRunIntervalType.Name
+ );
+ ExecutingGraphData egd = event_execute_prepareForTest ();
+ event_execute_ButtonCancel.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_cancel_clicked);
+ event_execute_ButtonFinish.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_finish_clicked);
+ //when user clicks on update the eventExecute window
+ //(for showing with his new confgured values: max, min and guides
+ event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_update_clicked); //if we don't do
this, on_update_clicked it's called 'n' times when 'n' events are done
+ event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_update_clicked);
+ currentEventExecute = new RunIntervalExecute(
+ currentPerson.UniqueID, currentSession.UniqueID, currentRunIntervalType.Name,
+ distanceInterval, progressbarLimit, currentRunIntervalType.TracksLimited,
+ chronopicWin.CP, event_execute_label_message, app1,
+ preferences.digitsNumber, preferences.metersSecondsPreferred,
preferences.volumeOn, repetitiveConditionsWin,
+ progressbarLimit, egd,
+ preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode,
+ preferences.runIDoubleContactsMS,
+ preferences.runSpeedStartArrival
+ );
+ //suitable for limited by tracks and time
+ if(!chronopicWin.Connected)
+ currentEventExecute.SimulateInitValues(rand);
+ currentEventExecute.Manage();
+ thisRunIsSimple = false; //used by: on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonUpdateGraph.Clicked +=
+ new EventHandler(on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked);
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonEventEnded.Clicked += new
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_run_interval_finished);
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonThreadDyed.Clicked += new
+ }
+ private void on_run_interval_finished (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_run_interval_finished);
+ //test can be deleted if not cancelled
+ button_delete_this_test.Sensitive = ! currentEventExecute.Cancel;
+ if ( ! currentEventExecute.Cancel ) {
+ currentRunInterval = (RunInterval) currentEventExecute.EventDone;
+ //move video file if exists
+ if(preferences.videoOn)
+ if(! Util.CopyTempVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.RUN_I,
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
Catalog.GetString("Sorry, video cannot be stored."));
+ currentRunInterval.MetersSecondsPreferred = preferences.metersSecondsPreferred;
+ //if user clicked in finish earlier
+ if(currentEventExecute.Finish) {
+ currentRunInterval.Tracks =
Util.GetNumberOfJumps(currentRunInterval.IntervalTimesString, false);
+ if(currentRunInterval.TracksLimited) {
+ currentRunInterval.Limited = currentRunInterval.Tracks.ToString() +
+ } else {
+ currentRunInterval.Limited = Util.GetTotalTime(
+ currentRunInterval.IntervalTimesString) + "T";
+ }
+ }
+ myTreeViewRunsInterval.Add(currentPerson.Name, currentRunInterval);
+ //since when test is done, treeview select it. action event button have to be
+ showHideActionEventButtons(true, "RunInterval"); //show
+ if(createdStatsWin) {
+ showUpdateStatsAndHideData(true);
+ }
+ lastRunIsSimple = false;
+ //unhide buttons for delete last jump
+ sensitiveGuiYesEvent();
+ //put correct time value in eventWindow (put the time from chronopic and not onTimer
soft chronometer)
+ event_execute_LabelTimeValue = currentRunInterval.TimeTotal;
+ //possible deletion of last run can make the runs on event window be false
+ event_execute_LabelEventValue = currentRunInterval.Tracks;
+ }
+ else if( currentEventExecute.ChronopicDisconnected )
+ chronopicDisconnectedWhileExecuting();
+ //delete the temp tables if exists
+ Sqlite.DeleteTempEvents("tempRunInterval");
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- REACTION TIMES EXECUTION --------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ //suitable for reaction times
+ private void on_reaction_time_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ //used by cancel and finish
+ currentEventType = new ReactionTimeType();
+ //hide jumping buttons
+ sensitiveGuiEventDoing();
+ //show the event doing window
+ double progressbarLimit = 2;
+ //don't let update until test finishes
+ if(createdStatsWin)
+ showUpdateStatsAndHideData(false);
+ event_execute_initializeVariables(
+ ! chronopicWin.Connected, //is simulated
+ currentPerson.UniqueID,
+ currentPerson.Name,
+ Catalog.GetString("Phases"), //name of the different moments
+ Constants.ReactionTimeTable, //tableName
+ ""
+ );
+ ExecutingGraphData egd = event_execute_prepareForTest ();
+ event_execute_ButtonCancel.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_cancel_clicked);
+ event_execute_ButtonFinish.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_finish_clicked);
+ //when user clicks on update the eventExecute window
+ //(for showing with his new confgured values: max, min and guides
+ event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_update_clicked); //if we don't do
this, on_update_clicked it's called 'n' times when 'n' events are done
+ event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_update_clicked);
+ string sep = "";
+ string description = "";
+ if(extra_window_radio_reaction_time_discriminative.Active) {
+ if(check_reaction_time_disc_red.Active == true) {
+ description += sep + Catalog.GetString("red");
+ sep = " + ";
+ }
+ if(check_reaction_time_disc_yellow.Active == true) {
+ description += sep + Catalog.GetString("yellow");
+ sep = " + ";
+ }
+ if(check_reaction_time_disc_green.Active == true) {
+ description += sep + Catalog.GetString("green");
+ sep = " + ";
+ }
+ if(check_reaction_time_disc_buzzer.Active == true) {
+ description += sep + Catalog.GetString("buzzer");
+ sep = " + ";
+ }
+ }
+ else if(extra_window_radio_reaction_time_animation_lights.Active)
+ description = spinbutton_flicker_lights_speed.Value.ToString() + " - " +
+ currentEventExecute = new ReactionTimeExecute(currentPerson.UniqueID, currentPerson.Name,
+ currentSession.UniqueID, currentReactionTimeType.Name,
+ chronopicWin.CP, event_execute_label_message, app1, preferences.digitsNumber,
+ progressbarLimit, egd, description
+ );
+ if (!chronopicWin.Connected)
+ currentEventExecute.SimulateInitValues(rand);
+ //not on simulated because results would be always 0
+ if( chronopicWin.Connected &&
+ (extra_window_radio_reaction_time_discriminative.Active ||
+ extra_window_radio_reaction_time_animation_lights.Active) )
+ //TODO: do also for flickr
+ currentEventExecute.StartIn = false;
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonReactionTimeStart.Clicked += new
+ currentEventExecute.Manage(); //check that platform is ok
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonUpdateGraph.Clicked +=
+ new EventHandler(on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked);
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonEventEnded.Clicked += new
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_reaction_time_finished);
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonThreadDyed.Clicked += new
+ }
+ private void on_event_execute_reaction_time_start (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonReactionTimeStart.Clicked -= new
+ //Fire leds or buzzer on discriminative (if not simulated)
+ if(chronopicWin.Connected) {
+ if(extra_window_radio_reaction_time_discriminative.Active) {
+ Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(discriminativeStartTime * 1000)); //in ms
+ ChronopicAuto cs = new ChronopicStartReactionTimeAnimation();
+ cs.CharToSend = discriminativeCharToSend;
+ cs.Write(chronopicWin.SP, 0);
+ }
+ else if(extra_window_radio_reaction_time_animation_lights.Active) {
+ int speed = Convert.ToInt32(spinbutton_animation_lights_speed.Value);
+ ChronopicAuto cs = new ChronopicStartReactionTimeAnimation();
+ cs.CharToSend = "l";
+ cs.Write(chronopicWin.SP,speed);
+ }
+ LogB.Information("opening port at gui/chronojump.cs");
+ chronopicWin.SP.Open();
+ /*
+ * some machines needed to flush
+ * - my Linux laptop two bytes
+ * - a linux guest on windows host (virtual box) don't need
+ * Note this will not allow reaction time be lower than 100 ms (DefaultTimeout on
+ */
+ LogB.Information("Going to flush by time out"); //needed on some machines
+ chronopicWin.CP.FlushByTimeOut();
+ LogB.Information("flushed!");
+ }
+ currentEventExecute.Manage2();
+ }
+ private void on_reaction_time_finished (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_reaction_time_finished);
+ //test can be deleted if not cancelled
+ button_delete_this_test.Sensitive = ! currentEventExecute.Cancel;
+ if ( ! currentEventExecute.Cancel ) {
+ currentReactionTime = (ReactionTime) currentEventExecute.EventDone;
+ //move video file if exists
+ if(preferences.videoOn)
+ if(! Util.CopyTempVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.RT,
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
Catalog.GetString("Sorry, video cannot be stored."));
+ myTreeViewReactionTimes.Add(currentPerson.Name, currentReactionTime);
+ //since when test is done, treeview select it. action event button have to be
+ showHideActionEventButtons(true, "ReactionTime"); //show
+ if(createdStatsWin) {
+ showUpdateStatsAndHideData(true);
+ }
+ //unhide buttons for delete last reaction time
+ sensitiveGuiYesEvent();
+ }
+ else if( currentEventExecute.ChronopicDisconnected )
+ chronopicDisconnectedWhileExecuting();
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- PULSES EXECUTION ----------------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void on_pulse_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ LogB.Information("pulse accepted");
+ double pulseStep = 0;
+ int totalPulses = 0;
+ if(currentPulseType.Name == "Free") {
+ pulseStep = currentPulseType.FixedPulse; // -1
+ totalPulses = currentPulseType.TotalPulsesNum; //-1
+ } else { //custom (info comes from Extra Window
+ pulseStep = extra_window_pulses_spinbutton_pulse_step.Value;
+ if(extra_window_pulses_checkbutton_unlimited.Active)
+ totalPulses = currentPulseType.TotalPulsesNum; //-1
+ else
+ totalPulses = Convert.ToInt32(
+ extra_window_pulses_spinbutton_total_pulses.Value); //-1:
unlimited; or 'n': limited by 'n' pulses
+ }
+ //used by cancel and finish
+ //currentEventType = new PulseType();
+ currentEventType = currentPulseType;
+ //hide pulse buttons
+ sensitiveGuiEventDoing();
+ //don't let update until test finishes
+ if(createdStatsWin)
+ showUpdateStatsAndHideData(false);
+ //show the event doing window
+ event_execute_initializeVariables(
+ ! chronopicWin.Connected, //is simulated
+ currentPerson.UniqueID,
+ currentPerson.Name,
+ Catalog.GetString("Pulses"), //name of the different moments
+ Constants.PulseTable, //tableName
+ currentPulseType.Name
+ );
+ ExecutingGraphData egd = event_execute_prepareForTest ();
+ event_execute_ButtonCancel.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_cancel_clicked);
+ event_execute_ButtonFinish.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_finish_clicked);
+ //when user clicks on update the eventExecute window
+ //(for showing with his new confgured values: max, min and guides
+ event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_update_clicked); //if we don't do
this, on_update_clicked it's called 'n' times when 'n' events are done
+ event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_update_clicked);
+ currentEventExecute = new PulseExecute(currentPerson.UniqueID, currentPerson.Name,
+ currentSession.UniqueID, currentPulseType.Name, pulseStep, totalPulses,
+ chronopicWin.CP, event_execute_label_message,
+ app1, preferences.digitsNumber, preferences.volumeOn, egd
+ );
+ if(!chronopicWin.Connected)
+ currentEventExecute.SimulateInitValues(rand);
+ currentEventExecute.Manage();
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonUpdateGraph.Clicked +=
+ new EventHandler(on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked);
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonEventEnded.Clicked += new
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_pulse_finished);
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonThreadDyed.Clicked += new
+ }
+ private void on_pulse_finished (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ LogB.Information("pulse finished");
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_pulse_finished);
+ //test can be deleted if not cancelled
+ button_delete_this_test.Sensitive = ! currentEventExecute.Cancel;
+ if ( ! currentEventExecute.Cancel ) {
+ /*
+ //if user clicked in finish earlier
+ if(currentPulse.Finish) {
+ currentRunInterval.Tracks =
Util.GetNumberOfJumps(currentRunInterval.IntervalTimesString, false);
+ if(currentRunInterval.TracksLimited) {
+ currentRunInterval.Limited = currentRunInterval.Tracks.ToString() +
+ } else {
+ currentRunInterval.Limited = Util.GetTotalTime(
+ currentRunInterval.IntervalTimesString) + "T";
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ currentPulse = (Pulse) currentEventExecute.EventDone;
+ //move video file if exists
+ if(preferences.videoOn)
+ if(! Util.CopyTempVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.PULSE,
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
Catalog.GetString("Sorry, video cannot be stored."));
+ myTreeViewPulses.Add(currentPerson.Name, currentPulse);
+ //since when test is done, treeview select it. action event button have to be
+ showHideActionEventButtons(true, "Pulse"); //show
+ if(createdStatsWin) {
+ showUpdateStatsAndHideData(true);
+ }
+ //unhide buttons for delete last jump
+ sensitiveGuiYesEvent();
+ //put correct time value in eventWindow (put the time from chronopic and not onTimer
soft chronometer)
+ event_execute_LabelTimeValue = Util.GetTotalTime(currentPulse.TimesString);
+ }
+ else if( currentEventExecute.ChronopicDisconnected )
+ chronopicDisconnectedWhileExecuting();
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- MULTI CHRONOPIC EXECUTION -------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ //recreate is used when a Chronopic was disconnected
+ //
+ //encoderPort is usually "" and will be Util.GetDefaultPort
+ //but, since 1.5.1 when selecting encoder option from main menu,
+ //then encoderPort will be found and send here
+ //normal call
+ private void createChronopicWindow(bool recreate, string encoderPort)
+ {
+ ArrayList cpd = new ArrayList();
+ for(int i=1; i<=4;i++) {
+ ChronopicPortData cpdata = new ChronopicPortData(i,"",false);
+ cpd.Add(cpdata);
+ }
+ createChronopicWindow(null, cpd, recreate, encoderPort);
+ }
+ //called directly on autodetect (detected cp and cpd is send)
+ private void createChronopicWindow(Chronopic cp, ArrayList cpd, bool recreate, string encoderPort)
+ {
+ if(encoderPort == "")
+ encoderPort = Util.GetDefaultPort();
+ chronopicWin = ChronopicWindow.Create(cp, cpd, encoderPort, recreate, preferences.volumeOn);
+ //chronopicWin.FakeButtonCancelled.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_chronopic_window_cancelled);
+ if(notebook_sup.CurrentPage == 0) {
+ int cps = chronopicWin.NumConnected();
+ LogB.Debug("cps: " + cps.ToString());
+ chronopicContactsLabels(cps, recreate);
+ }
+ else //(notebook_sup.CurrentPage == 1)
+ chronopicEncoderLabels(recreate);
+ if(recreate)
+ label_chronopics_multitest.Text = "";
+ }
+ private void on_chronopic_contacts_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ ChronopicWindow.ChronojumpMode cmode = ChronopicWindow.ChronojumpMode.JUMPORRUN;
+ if(radio_menuitem_mode_other.Active)
+ cmode = ChronopicWindow.ChronojumpMode.OTHER;
+ chronopicWin = ChronopicWindow.View(cmode, preferences.volumeOn);
+ //chronopicWin.FakeWindowReload.Clicked += new EventHandler(chronopicWindowReload);
+ chronopicWin.FakeWindowDone.Clicked += new
+ }
+ private void on_chronopic_encoder_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ chronopicWin = ChronopicWindow.View(ChronopicWindow.ChronojumpMode.ENCODER,
+ //chronopicWin.FakeWindowReload.Clicked += new EventHandler(chronopicWindowReload);
+ chronopicWin.FakeWindowDone.Clicked += new
+ }
+ /*
+ private void on_chronopic_window_cancelled (object o, EventArgs ags) {
+ chronopicWin.FakeButtonCancelled.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_chronopic_window_cancelled);
+ chronopicCancelledTimes ++;
+ }
+ */
+ /*
+ private void chronopicWindowReload(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //chronopicWin.FakeWindowReload.Clicked -= new EventHandler(chronopicWindowReload);
+ //store ports info and update labels if necessary
+ on_chronopic_window_connected_or_done (o, args);
+ //create chronopic window again (maybe new ports)
+ //createChronopicWindow(true);
+ //show it
+ chronopicWin = ChronopicWindow.View(preferences.volumeOn);
+ }
+ */
+ private void on_chronopic_window_contacts_connected_or_done (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ chronopicWin.FakeWindowDone.Clicked -= new
+ int cps = chronopicWin.NumConnected();
+ if(radio_mode_multi_chronopic_small.Active)
+ on_extra_window_multichronopic_test_changed(new object(), new EventArgs());
+ if(cps > 0)
+ change_multitest_firmware(getMenuItemMode());
+ else
+ label_chronopics_multitest.Text = "";
+ chronopicContactsLabels(cps, true);
+ }
+ private void on_chronopic_window_encoder_connected_or_done (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ chronopicWin.FakeWindowDone.Clicked -= new
+ chronopicEncoderLabels(true);
+ }
+ private void chronopicContactsLabels(int cps, bool colorize) {
+ //string text = "<b>" + cps.ToString() + "</b>";
+ string text = cps.ToString();
+ label_connected_chronopics.Text = text;
+ //label_connected_chronopics.UseMarkup = true;
+ LogB.Debug("cpwin connected: " + chronopicWin.Connected.ToString());
+ if(colorize)
+ UtilGtk.ChronopicColors(viewport_chronopics,
+ label_chronopics, label_connected_chronopics,
+ chronopicWin.Connected);
+ }
+ private void chronopicEncoderLabels(bool colorize) {
+ LogB.Information("at chronopicEncoderLabels");
+ string encoderPort = chronopicWin.GetEncoderPort();
+ LogB.Debug("gui/chronojump.cs encoderPort:", encoderPort);
+ if(encoderPort != null && encoderPort != "" && encoderPort != Util.GetDefaultPort())
+ {
+ label_chronopic_encoder.Text = Catalog.GetString("Encoder connected");
+ image_chronopic_encoder_no.Visible = false;
+ image_chronopic_encoder_yes.Visible = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ label_chronopic_encoder.Text = Catalog.GetString("Encoder disconnected");
+ image_chronopic_encoder_no.Visible = true;
+ image_chronopic_encoder_yes.Visible = false;
+ }
+ if(colorize)
+ UtilGtk.ChronopicColors(viewport_chronopic_encoder,
+ label_chronopic_encoder, new Gtk.Label(),
+ encoderPort != "");
+ LogB.Information("at chronopicEncoderLabels end");
+ }
+ private void on_multi_chronopic_start_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("multi chronopic accepted");
+ bool syncAvailable = false;
+ if(currentMultiChronopicType.SyncAvailable && extra_window_check_multichronopic_sync.Active)
+ syncAvailable = true;
+ //used by cancel and finish
+ currentEventType = new MultiChronopicType();
+ //hide pulse buttons
+ sensitiveGuiEventDoing();
+ //don't let update until test finishes
+ if(createdStatsWin)
+ showUpdateStatsAndHideData(false);
+ //show the event doing window
+ event_execute_initializeVariables(
+ ! chronopicWin.Connected, //is simulated
+ currentPerson.UniqueID,
+ currentPerson.Name,
+ Catalog.GetString("Changes"), //name of the different moments
+ Constants.MultiChronopicTable, //tableName
+ currentMultiChronopicType.Name
+ );
+ ExecutingGraphData egd = event_execute_prepareForTest ();
+ event_execute_ButtonCancel.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_cancel_multi_clicked);
+ event_execute_ButtonFinish.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_finish_multi_clicked);
+ //when user clicks on update the eventExecute window
+ //(for showing with his new confgured values: max, min and guides
+ event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_update_clicked); //if we don't do
this, on_update_clicked it's called 'n' times when 'n' events are done
+ event_execute_ButtonUpdate.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_update_clicked);
+ /*
+ bool syncAvailable = false;
+ if(currentMultiChronopicType.SyncAvailable && extra_window_check_multichronopic_sync.Active)
+ syncAvailable = true;
+ */
+ int numConnected = chronopicWin.NumConnected();
+ if(numConnected == 1)
+ currentEventExecute = new MultiChronopicExecute(
+ currentPerson.UniqueID, currentPerson.Name,
+ currentSession.UniqueID, currentMultiChronopicType.Name,
+ chronopicWin.CP,
+ syncAvailable, extra_window_check_multichronopic_delete_first.Active,
+ extra_window_spin_run_analysis_distance.Value.ToString(),
+ app1, egd
+ );
+ else if(numConnected == 2)
+ currentEventExecute = new MultiChronopicExecute(
+ currentPerson.UniqueID, currentPerson.Name,
+ currentSession.UniqueID, currentMultiChronopicType.Name,
+ chronopicWin.CP, chronopicWin.CP2,
+ syncAvailable, extra_window_check_multichronopic_delete_first.Active,
+ extra_window_spin_run_analysis_distance.Value.ToString(),
+ app1, egd
+ );
+ else if(numConnected == 3)
+ currentEventExecute = new MultiChronopicExecute(
+ currentPerson.UniqueID, currentPerson.Name,
+ currentSession.UniqueID, currentMultiChronopicType.Name,
+ chronopicWin.CP, chronopicWin.CP2, chronopicWin.CP3,
+ syncAvailable, extra_window_check_multichronopic_delete_first.Active,
+ extra_window_spin_run_analysis_distance.Value.ToString(),
+ app1, egd
+ );
+ else if(numConnected == 4)
+ currentEventExecute = new MultiChronopicExecute(
+ currentPerson.UniqueID, currentPerson.Name,
+ currentSession.UniqueID, currentMultiChronopicType.Name,
+ chronopicWin.CP, chronopicWin.CP2, chronopicWin.CP3, chronopicWin.CP4,
+ syncAvailable, extra_window_check_multichronopic_delete_first.Active,
+ extra_window_spin_run_analysis_distance.Value.ToString(),
+ app1, egd
+ );
+ //if(!chronopicWin.Connected)
+ // currentEventExecute.SimulateInitValues(rand);
+ //mark to only get inside on_multi_chronopic_finished one time
+ multiFinishing = false;
+ currentEventExecute.Manage();
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonUpdateGraph.Clicked +=
+ new EventHandler(on_event_execute_update_graph_in_progress_clicked);
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonEventEnded.Clicked += new
+// currentEventExecute.FakeButtonRunATouchPlatform.Clicked += new
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked += new
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonThreadDyed.Clicked += new
+ }
+ bool multiFinishing;
+ private void on_multi_chronopic_finished (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ if(multiFinishing)
+ return;
+ else
+ multiFinishing = true;
+ currentEventExecute.FakeButtonFinished.Clicked -= new
+ //test can be deleted if not cancelled
+ button_delete_this_test.Sensitive = ! currentEventExecute.Cancel;
+ if(currentMultiChronopicType.Name == Constants.RunAnalysisName && !
+ //new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
+ // Catalog.GetString("This Run Analysis is not valid because there are
no strides."));
+ currentEventExecute.RunANoStrides();
+ else if ( ! currentEventExecute.Cancel ) {
+ /*
+ on runAnalysis test, when cp1 ends, run ends,
+ but cp2 is still waiting event
+ with this will ask cp2 to press button
+ solves problem with threads at ending
+ */
+ //on_finish_multi_clicked(o, args);
+ //this produces also a crash:
+ //new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, "Please, touch a platform now.");
+ //call write here, because if done in execute/MultiChronopic, will be called n times
if n chronopics are working
+ currentEventExecute.MultiChronopicWrite(false);
+ currentMultiChronopic = (MultiChronopic) currentEventExecute.EventDone;
+ //move video file if exists
+ if(preferences.videoOn)
+ if(! Util.CopyTempVideo(currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.MULTICHRONOPIC,
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
Catalog.GetString("Sorry, video cannot be stored."));
+ //this produces also a crash:
+ //new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, "Please, touch a platform now.");
+ //if this multichronopic has more chronopics than other in session, then reload
treeview, else simply add
+ if(currentMultiChronopic.CPs() != SqliteMultiChronopic.MaxCPs(false,
currentSession.UniqueID)) {
+ treeview_multi_chronopic_storeReset(false);
+ fillTreeView_multi_chronopic();
+ } else
+ myTreeViewMultiChronopic.Add(currentPerson.Name, currentMultiChronopic);
+ //since when test is done, treeview select it. action event button have to be
+ showHideActionEventButtons(true, Constants.MultiChronopicName); //show
+ //unhide buttons for delete last test
+ sensitiveGuiYesEvent();
+ }
+ else if( currentEventExecute.ChronopicDisconnected )
+ chronopicDisconnectedWhileExecuting();
+ }
+ /*
+ * update button is clicked on eventWindow, chronojump.cs delegate points here
+ */
+ private void on_update_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("--On_update_clicked--");
+ try {
+ switch (currentEventType.Type) {
+ case EventType.Types.JUMP:
+ if(lastJumpIsSimple && radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Active)
PrepareJumpSimpleGraph(currentEventExecute.PrepareEventGraphJumpSimpleObject, false);
+ else if (radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_reactive.Active)
+ PrepareJumpReactiveGraph(
+ Util.GetLast(currentJumpRj.TvString),
+ currentJumpRj.TvString,
currentJumpRj.TcString, preferences.volumeOn, repetitiveConditionsWin);
+ break;
+ case EventType.Types.RUN:
+ if(lastRunIsSimple && radio_menuitem_mode_runs_simple.Active)
PrepareRunSimpleGraph(currentEventExecute.PrepareEventGraphRunSimpleObject, false);
+ else if(radio_menuitem_mode_runs_intervallic.Active) {
+ RunType runType =
SqliteRunIntervalType.SelectAndReturnRunIntervalType(currentRunInterval.Type, false);
+ double distanceTotal =
+ runType.DistancesString,
+ double distanceInterval = currentRunInterval.DistanceInterval;
+ if(distanceInterval == -1) //variable distances
+ distanceInterval =
+ runType.DistancesString, (int)
currentRunInterval.Tracks -1);
+ PrepareRunIntervalGraph(distanceInterval,
+ currentRunInterval.IntervalTimesString,
+ distanceTotal,
+ runType.DistancesString,
+ currentRunInterval.StartIn,
+ preferences.volumeOn,
+ }
+ break;
+ case EventType.Types.PULSE:
+ if(radio_mode_pulses_small.Active)
+ PreparePulseGraph(Util.GetLast(currentPulse.TimesString),
+ break;
+ case EventType.Types.REACTIONTIME:
+ if(radio_mode_reaction_times_small.Active)
PrepareReactionTimeGraph(currentEventExecute.PrepareEventGraphReactionTimeObject, false);
+ break;
+ case EventType.Types.MULTICHRONOPIC:
+ if(radio_mode_multi_chronopic_small.Active)
+ PrepareMultiChronopicGraph(
+ //currentMultiChronopic.timestamp,
+ currentMultiChronopic.Cp1InStr,
+ currentMultiChronopic.Cp1OutStr,
+ currentMultiChronopic.Cp2InStr,
+ currentMultiChronopic.Cp2OutStr,
+ currentMultiChronopic.Cp3InStr,
+ currentMultiChronopic.Cp3OutStr,
+ currentMultiChronopic.Cp4InStr,
+ currentMultiChronopic.Cp4OutStr);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ catch {
+ errorWin = ErrorWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Cannot update. Probably this test was
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- EVENTS EDIT ---------------------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ int eventOldPerson;
+ private void on_edit_selected_jump_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //notebooks_change(0); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
+ LogB.Information("Edit selected jump (normal)");
+ //1.- check that there's a line selected
+ //2.- check that this line is a jump and not a person (check also if it's not a individual
RJ, the pass the parent RJ)
+ if (myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ //3.- obtain the data of the selected jump
+ Jump myJump = SqliteJump.SelectJumpData( myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID, false );
+ eventOldPerson = myJump.PersonID;
+ //4.- edit this jump
+ editJumpWin = EditJumpWindow.Show(app1, myJump, preferences.weightStatsPercent,
+ editJumpWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_edit_selected_jump_accepted);
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_edit_selected_jump_rj_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //notebooks_change(1); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
+ LogB.Information("Edit selected jump (RJ)");
+ //1.- check that there's a line selected
+ //2.- check that this line is a jump and not a person (check also if it's not a individual
RJ, the pass the parent RJ)
+ if (myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ //3.- obtain the data of the selected jump
+ JumpRj myJump = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumpData( "jumpRj",
myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID, false );
+ eventOldPerson = myJump.PersonID;
+ //4.- edit this jump
+ editJumpRjWin = EditJumpRjWindow.Show(app1, myJump, preferences.weightStatsPercent,
+ editJumpRjWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_edit_selected_jump_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("edit selected jump accepted");
+ Jump myJump = SqliteJump.SelectJumpData( myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID, false );
+ //if person changed, fill treeview again, if not, only update it's line
+ if(eventOldPerson == myJump.PersonID) {
+ if(! preferences.weightStatsPercent) {
+ double personWeight = SqlitePersonSession.SelectAttribute(
+ false, myJump.PersonID, currentSession.UniqueID,
+ myJump.Weight = Util.WeightFromPercentToKg(myJump.Weight, personWeight);
+ }
+ myTreeViewJumps.Update(myJump);
+ }
+ else {
+ treeview_jumps_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_jumps(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_result_jumps));
+ }
+ updateGraphJumpsSimple();
+ if(createdStatsWin)
+ stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, false);
+ }
+ private void on_edit_selected_jump_rj_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("edit selected jump RJ accepted");
+ JumpRj myJump = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumpData( "jumpRj", myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID,
false );
+ //if person changed, fill treeview again, if not, only update it's line
+ if(eventOldPerson == myJump.PersonID) {
+ if(! preferences.weightStatsPercent) {
+ double personWeight = SqlitePersonSession.SelectAttribute(
+ false, myJump.PersonID, currentSession.UniqueID,
+ myJump.Weight = Util.WeightFromPercentToKg(myJump.Weight, personWeight);
+ }
+ myTreeViewJumpsRj.Update(myJump);
+ }
+ else {
+ treeview_jumps_rj_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_jumps_rj(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_result_jumps_rj));
+ }
+ if(createdStatsWin)
+ stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, false);
+ }
+ private void on_edit_selected_run_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //notebooks_change(2); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
+ LogB.Information("Edit selected run (normal)");
+ //1.- check that there's a line selected
+ //2.- check that this line is a jump and not a person (check also if it's not a individual
RJ, the pass the parent RJ)
+ if (myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ //3.- obtain the data of the selected run
+ Run myRun = SqliteRun.SelectRunData( myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID, false );
+ myRun.MetersSecondsPreferred = preferences.metersSecondsPreferred;
+ eventOldPerson = myRun.PersonID;
+ //4.- edit this run
+ editRunWin = EditRunWindow.Show(app1, myRun, preferences.digitsNumber,
+ editRunWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_edit_selected_run_accepted);
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_edit_selected_run_interval_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //notebooks_change(3); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
+ LogB.Information("Edit selected run interval");
+ //1.- check that there's a line selected
+ //2.- check that this line is a run and not a person (check also if it's not a individual
subrun, the pass the parent run)
+ if (myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ //3.- obtain the data of the selected run
+ RunInterval myRun = SqliteRunInterval.SelectRunData( Constants.RunIntervalTable,
myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID, false );
+ eventOldPerson = myRun.PersonID;
+ //4.- edit this run
+ editRunIntervalWin = EditRunIntervalWindow.Show(app1, myRun,
preferences.digitsNumber, preferences.metersSecondsPreferred);
+ editRunIntervalWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_edit_selected_run_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("edit selected run accepted");
+ Run myRun = SqliteRun.SelectRunData( myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID, false );
+ //if person changed, fill treeview again, if not, only update it's line
+ if(eventOldPerson == myRun.PersonID)
+ myTreeViewRuns.Update(myRun);
+ else {
+ treeview_runs_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_runs(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_result_runs));
+ }
+ updateGraphRunsSimple();
+ if(createdStatsWin)
+ stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, false);
+ }
+ private void on_edit_selected_run_interval_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("edit selected run interval accepted");
+ RunInterval myRun = SqliteRunInterval.SelectRunData( Constants.RunIntervalTable,
myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID, false );
+ //if person changed, fill treeview again, if not, only update it's line
+ if(eventOldPerson == myRun.PersonID)
+ myTreeViewRunsInterval.Update(myRun);
+ else {
+ treeview_runs_interval_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_runs_interval(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_result_runs_interval));
+ }
+ if(createdStatsWin)
+ stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, false);
+ }
+ private void on_edit_selected_reaction_time_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //notebooks_change(4); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
+ LogB.Information("Edit selected reaction time");
+ //1.- check that there's a line selected
+ //2.- check that this line is a event and not a person
+ if (myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ //3.- obtain the data of the selected event
+ ReactionTime myRT = SqliteReactionTime.SelectReactionTimeData(
myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID, false );
+ eventOldPerson = myRT.PersonID;
+ //4.- edit this event
+ editReactionTimeWin = EditReactionTimeWindow.Show(app1, myRT,
+ editReactionTimeWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_edit_selected_reaction_time_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("edit selected reaction time accepted");
+ ReactionTime myRT = SqliteReactionTime.SelectReactionTimeData(
myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID, false);
+ //if person changed, fill treeview again, if not, only update it's line
+ if(eventOldPerson == myRT.PersonID)
+ myTreeViewReactionTimes.Update(myRT);
+ else {
+ treeview_reaction_times_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_reaction_times(currentReactionTimeType.Name);
+ }
+ updateGraphReactionTimes();
+ }
+ private void on_edit_selected_pulse_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //notebooks_change(5); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
+ LogB.Information("Edit selected pulse");
+ //1.- check that there's a line selected
+ //2.- check that this line is a event and not a person
+ if (myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ //3.- obtain the data of the selected event
+ Pulse myPulse = SqlitePulse.SelectPulseData( myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID, false
+ eventOldPerson = myPulse.PersonID;
+ //4.- edit this event
+ editPulseWin = EditPulseWindow.Show(app1, myPulse, preferences.digitsNumber);
+ editPulseWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_edit_selected_pulse_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("edit selected pulse accepted");
+ Pulse myPulse = SqlitePulse.SelectPulseData( myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID, false );
+ //if person changed, fill treeview again, if not, only update it's line
+ if(eventOldPerson == myPulse.PersonID)
+ myTreeViewPulses.Update(myPulse);
+ else {
+ treeview_pulses_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_pulses(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_pulses));
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_edit_selected_multi_chronopic_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //notebooks_change(6); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
+ LogB.Information("Edit selected multi chronopic");
+ //1.- check that there's a line selected
+ //2.- check that this line is a jump and not a person (check also if it's not a individual
RJ, the pass the parent RJ)
+ if (myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ //3.- obtain the data of the selected test
+ MultiChronopic mc = SqliteMultiChronopic.SelectMultiChronopicData(
myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID, false );
+ eventOldPerson = mc.PersonID;
+ //4.- edit this jump
+ editMultiChronopicWin = EditMultiChronopicWindow.Show(app1, mc,
+ editMultiChronopicWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_edit_selected_multi_chronopic_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("edit selected multi chronopic accepted");
+ MultiChronopic mc = SqliteMultiChronopic.SelectMultiChronopicData(
myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID, false );
+ //if person changed, fill treeview again, if not, only update it's line
+ if(eventOldPerson == mc.PersonID)
+ myTreeViewMultiChronopic.Update(mc);
+ else {
+ treeview_multi_chronopic_storeReset(false);
+ fillTreeView_multi_chronopic();
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- EVENTS PLAY VIDEO ---------------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ //Not used on encoder
+ private bool playVideo(string fileName, bool play)
+ {
+ if(File.Exists(fileName)) {
+ LogB.Information("Play video starting...");
+ PlayerBin player = new PlayerBin();
+ player.Open(fileName);
+ //without these lines works also but has less functionalities (speed, go to ms)
+ Gtk.Window d = new Gtk.Window(Catalog.GetString("Playing video"));
+ d.Add(player);
+ d.Modal = true;
+ d.SetDefaultSize(500,400);
+ d.ShowAll();
+ d.DeleteEvent += delegate(object sender, DeleteEventArgs e) {player.Close();
+ if(play) {
+ LogB.Information("Play video playing...");
+ player.Play();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private void on_video_play_this_test_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ Constants.TestTypes type = Constants.TestTypes.JUMP;
+ int id = 0;
+ switch (currentEventType.Type) {
+ case EventType.Types.JUMP:
+ if(lastJumpIsSimple) {
+ type = Constants.TestTypes.JUMP;
+ id = currentJump.UniqueID;
+ }
+ else {
+ type = Constants.TestTypes.JUMP_RJ;
+ id = currentJumpRj.UniqueID;
+ } break;
+ case EventType.Types.RUN:
+ if(lastRunIsSimple) {
+ type = Constants.TestTypes.RUN;
+ id = currentRun.UniqueID;
+ } else {
+ type = Constants.TestTypes.RUN_I;
+ id = currentRunInterval.UniqueID;
+ }
+ break;
+ case EventType.Types.PULSE:
+ type = Constants.TestTypes.PULSE;
+ id = currentPulse.UniqueID;
+ break;
+ case EventType.Types.REACTIONTIME:
+ type = Constants.TestTypes.RT;
+ id = currentReactionTime.UniqueID;
+ break;
+ case EventType.Types.MULTICHRONOPIC:
+ type = Constants.TestTypes.MULTICHRONOPIC;
+ id = currentMultiChronopic.UniqueID;
+ break;
+ }
+ playVideo(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID, type, id), true);
+ }
+ private void on_video_play_selected_jump_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ if (myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID > 0)
+ playVideo(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.JUMP,
+ myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID), true);
+ }
+ private void on_video_play_selected_jump_rj_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ if (myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID > 0)
+ playVideo(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.JUMP_RJ,
+ myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID), true);
+ }
+ private void on_video_play_selected_run_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ if (myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID > 0)
+ playVideo(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.RUN,
+ myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID), true);
+ }
+ private void on_video_play_selected_run_interval_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ if (myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID > 0)
+ playVideo(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.RUN_I,
+ myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID), true);
+ }
+ private void on_video_play_selected_reaction_time_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ if (myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID > 0)
+ playVideo(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.RT,
+ myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID), true);
+ }
+ private void on_video_play_selected_pulse_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ if (myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID > 0)
+ playVideo(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.PULSE,
+ myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID), true);
+ }
+ private void on_video_play_selected_multi_chronopic_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ if (myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID > 0)
+ playVideo(Util.GetVideoFileName(currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.MULTICHRONOPIC,
+ myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID), true);
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- EVENTS DELETE -------------------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void on_delete_this_test_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ switch (currentEventType.Type) {
+ case EventType.Types.JUMP:
+ if(lastJumpIsSimple) {
+ //maybe, after executing the test, user has selected other test on
+ //delete this is called on execute
+ //we should ensure we are deleting last jump and not the selected jump
+ //force selection of last jump
+ if(currentJump.UniqueID != myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID)
+ myTreeViewJumps.SelectEvent(currentJump.UniqueID);
+ on_delete_selected_jump_clicked(o, args);
+ } else {
+ if(currentJumpRj.UniqueID != myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID)
+ myTreeViewJumpsRj.SelectEvent(currentJumpRj.UniqueID);
+ on_delete_selected_jump_rj_clicked(o, args);
+ }
+ break;
+ case EventType.Types.RUN:
+ if(lastRunIsSimple) {
+ if(currentRun.UniqueID != myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID)
+ myTreeViewRuns.SelectEvent(currentRun.UniqueID);
+ on_delete_selected_run_clicked(o, args);
+ } else {
+ if(currentRunInterval.UniqueID !=
+ on_delete_selected_run_interval_clicked(o, args);
+ }
+ break;
+ case EventType.Types.PULSE:
+ if(currentPulse.UniqueID != myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID)
+ myTreeViewPulses.SelectEvent(currentPulse.UniqueID);
+ on_delete_selected_pulse_clicked(o, args);
+ break;
+ case EventType.Types.REACTIONTIME:
+ if(currentReactionTime.UniqueID != myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID)
+ myTreeViewReactionTimes.SelectEvent(currentReactionTime.UniqueID);
+ on_delete_selected_reaction_time_clicked(o, args);
+ break;
+ case EventType.Types.MULTICHRONOPIC:
+ if(currentMultiChronopic.UniqueID != myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID)
+ myTreeViewMultiChronopic.SelectEvent(currentMultiChronopic.UniqueID);
+ on_delete_selected_multi_chronopic_clicked(o, args);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private void deleted_last_test_update_widgets() {
+ vbox_this_test_buttons.Sensitive = false;
+ UtilGtk.ClearDrawingArea(event_execute_drawingarea, event_execute_pixmap);
+ notebook_results_data.CurrentPage = 3; //shows "deleted test"
+ }
+ private void on_delete_selected_jump_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //notebooks_change(0); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
+ LogB.Information("delete this jump (normal)");
+ //1.- check that there's a line selected
+ //2.- check that this line is a jump and not a person
+ LogB.Information(myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID.ToString());
+ if (myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ //3.- display confirmwindow of deletion
+ if (preferences.askDeletion) {
+ confirmWinJumpRun = ConfirmWindowJumpRun.Show(Catalog.GetString("Do you want
to delete this jump?"), "");
+ confirmWinJumpRun.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ } else {
+ on_delete_selected_jump_accepted(o, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_delete_selected_jump_rj_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //notebooks_change(1); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
+ LogB.Information("delete this reactive jump");
+ //1.- check that there's a line selected
+ //2.- check that this line is a jump and not a person (check also if it's not a individual
RJ, the pass the parent RJ)
+ if (myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ //3.- display confirmwindow of deletion
+ if (preferences.askDeletion) {
+ confirmWinJumpRun = ConfirmWindowJumpRun.Show( Catalog.GetString("Do you want
to delete this jump?"),
+ Catalog.GetString("Attention: Deleting a Reactive subjump
will delete the whole jump"));
+ confirmWinJumpRun.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ } else {
+ on_delete_selected_jump_rj_accepted(o, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_delete_selected_jump_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("accept delete this jump");
+ int id = myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID;
+ Sqlite.Delete(false, Constants.JumpTable, id);
+ myTreeViewJumps.DelEvent(id);
+ showHideActionEventButtons(false, "Jump");
+ if(createdStatsWin) {
+ stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, false);
+ }
+ Util.DeleteVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.JUMP, id );
+ //we can be here being called from jump treeview (not from execute tab)
+ //then what we are deleting is selected jump, not last jump
+ //only if selected is last, then
+ //change executing window: drawingarea, button_delete, "deleted test" message
+ try {
+ if(currentJump.UniqueID == id)
+ deleted_last_test_update_widgets();
+ } catch {
+ //there's no currentJump (no one jumped), then it crashed,
+ //but don't need to update widgets
+ }
+ updateGraphJumpsSimple();
+ //if auto mode, show last person/test again
+ if(execute_auto_doing) {
+ execute_auto_order_pos --;
+ execute_auto_select();
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_delete_selected_jump_rj_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("accept delete this jump");
+ int id = myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID;
+ Sqlite.Delete(false, Constants.JumpRjTable, id);
+ myTreeViewJumpsRj.DelEvent(id);
+ showHideActionEventButtons(false, "JumpRj");
+ if(createdStatsWin) {
+ stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, false);
+ }
+ Util.DeleteVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.JUMP_RJ, id );
+ try {
+ if(currentJumpRj.UniqueID == id)
+ deleted_last_test_update_widgets();
+ } catch {
+ //there's no currentJumpRj (no one jumped), then it crashed,
+ //but don't need to update widgets
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_delete_selected_run_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //notebooks_change(2); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
+ LogB.Information("delete this run (normal)");
+ //1.- check that there's a line selected
+ //2.- check that this line is a jump and not a person
+ if (myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ //3.- display confirmwindow of deletion
+ if (preferences.askDeletion) {
+ confirmWinJumpRun = ConfirmWindowJumpRun.Show(Catalog.GetString("Do you want
to delete this run?"), "");
+ confirmWinJumpRun.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ } else {
+ on_delete_selected_run_accepted(o, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_delete_selected_run_interval_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //notebooks_change(3); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
+ LogB.Information("delete this run interval");
+ //1.- check that there's a line selected
+ //2.- check that this line is a run and not a person (check also if it's a subrun, pass the
parent run)
+ if (myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ //3.- display confirmwindow of deletion
+ if (preferences.askDeletion) {
+ confirmWinJumpRun = ConfirmWindowJumpRun.Show( Catalog.GetString("Do you want
to delete this run?"),
+ Catalog.GetString("Attention: Deleting a Intervallic subrun
will delete the whole run"));
+ confirmWinJumpRun.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ } else {
+ on_delete_selected_run_interval_accepted(o, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_delete_selected_run_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("accept delete this run");
+ int id = myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID;
+ Sqlite.Delete(false, Constants.RunTable, id);
+ myTreeViewRuns.DelEvent(id);
+ showHideActionEventButtons(false, "Run");
+ if(createdStatsWin) {
+ stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, false);
+ }
+ Util.DeleteVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.RUN, id );
+ try {
+ if(currentRun.UniqueID == id)
+ deleted_last_test_update_widgets();
+ } catch {
+ //there's no currentRun (no one done it now), then it crashed,
+ //but don't need to update widgets
+ }
+ updateGraphRunsSimple();
+ }
+ private void on_delete_selected_run_interval_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("accept delete this run");
+ int id = myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID;
+ Sqlite.Delete(false, Constants.RunIntervalTable, id);
+ myTreeViewRunsInterval.DelEvent(id);
+ showHideActionEventButtons(false, "RunInterval");
+ if(createdStatsWin) {
+ stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, false);
+ }
+ Util.DeleteVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.RUN_I, id );
+ try {
+ if(currentRunInterval.UniqueID == id)
+ deleted_last_test_update_widgets();
+ } catch {
+ //there's no currentRunInterval (no one done it now), then it crashed,
+ //but don't need to update widgets
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_delete_selected_reaction_time_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //notebooks_change(4); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
+ LogB.Information("delete this reaction time");
+ //1.- check that there's a line selected
+ //2.- check that this line is a jump and not a person
+ LogB.Information(myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID.ToString());
+ if (myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ //3.- display confirmwindow of deletion
+ if (preferences.askDeletion) {
+ confirmWinJumpRun = ConfirmWindowJumpRun.Show("Do you want to delete this
test?", "");
+ confirmWinJumpRun.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ } else {
+ on_delete_selected_reaction_time_accepted(o, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_delete_selected_reaction_time_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("accept delete this reaction time");
+ int id = myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID;
+ Sqlite.Delete(false, Constants.ReactionTimeTable, id);
+ myTreeViewReactionTimes.DelEvent(id);
+ showHideActionEventButtons(false, "ReactionTime");
+ Util.DeleteVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.RT, id );
+ try {
+ if(currentReactionTime.UniqueID == id)
+ deleted_last_test_update_widgets();
+ } catch {
+ //there's no currentReactionTime (no one done it now), then it crashed,
+ //but don't need to update widgets
+ }
+ updateGraphReactionTimes();
+ }
+ private void on_delete_selected_pulse_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //notebooks_change(5); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
+ LogB.Information("delete this pulse");
+ //1.- check that there's a line selected
+ //2.- check that this line is a jump and not a person
+ LogB.Information(myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID.ToString());
+ if (myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ //3.- display confirmwindow of deletion
+ if (preferences.askDeletion) {
+ confirmWinJumpRun = ConfirmWindowJumpRun.Show("Do you want to delete this
test?", "");
+ confirmWinJumpRun.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ } else {
+ on_delete_selected_pulse_accepted(o, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_delete_selected_pulse_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("accept delete this pulse");
+ int id = myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID;
+ Sqlite.Delete(false, Constants.PulseTable, id);
+ myTreeViewPulses.DelEvent(id);
+ showHideActionEventButtons(false, "Pulse");
+ Util.DeleteVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.PULSE, id );
+ try {
+ if(currentPulse.UniqueID == id)
+ deleted_last_test_update_widgets();
+ } catch {
+ //there's no currentPulse (no one done it now), then it crashed,
+ //but don't need to update widgets
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_delete_selected_multi_chronopic_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //notebooks_change(6); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
+ LogB.Information("delete this multi chronopic");
+ //1.- check that there's a line selected
+ //2.- check that this line is a test and not a person (check also if it's not a individual
mc, then pass the parent mc)
+ if (myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ //3.- display confirmwindow of deletion
+ if (preferences.askDeletion) {
+ confirmWinJumpRun = ConfirmWindowJumpRun.Show( Catalog.GetString("Do you want
to delete this test?"), "");
+ confirmWinJumpRun.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ } else {
+ on_delete_selected_multi_chronopic_accepted(o, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_delete_selected_multi_chronopic_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("accept delete this multi chronopic");
+ int id = myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID;
+ Sqlite.Delete(false, Constants.MultiChronopicTable, id);
+ myTreeViewMultiChronopic.DelEvent(id);
+ showHideActionEventButtons(false, Constants.MultiChronopicName);
+ Util.DeleteVideo(currentSession.UniqueID, Constants.TestTypes.MULTICHRONOPIC, id );
+ try {
+ if(currentMultiChronopic.UniqueID == id)
+ deleted_last_test_update_widgets();
+ } catch {
+ //there's no currentMultiChronopic (no one done it now), then it crashed,
+ //but don't need to update widgets
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- EVENTS TYPE ADD -----------------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void on_jump_simple_type_add_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("Add simple new jump type");
+ jumpTypeAddWin = JumpTypeAddWindow.Show(app1, true); //is simple
+ jumpTypeAddWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_jump_type_add_accepted);
+ }
+ private void on_jump_reactive_type_add_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("Add reactive new jump type");
+ jumpTypeAddWin = JumpTypeAddWindow.Show(app1, false); //is reactive
+ jumpTypeAddWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_jump_type_add_accepted);
+ }
+ private void on_jump_type_add_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("ACCEPTED Add new jump type");
+ if(jumpTypeAddWin.InsertedSimple) {
+ createComboSelectJumps(false); //this will update also the selectJumpsString
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_result_jumps,
+ SqliteJumpType.SelectJumpTypes(false, Constants.AllJumpsName, "",
true), ""); //without filter, only select name
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Catalog.GetString("Added simple
+ } else {
+ createComboSelectJumpsRj(false); //this will update also the selectJumpsRjString
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_result_jumps_rj,
+ SqliteJumpType.SelectJumpRjTypes(Constants.AllJumpsName, true), "");
//without filter, only select name
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Catalog.GetString("Added reactive
+ }
+ updateComboStats();
+ combo_select_jumps.Active = 0;
+ combo_select_jumps_rj.Active = 0;
+ combo_result_jumps.Active = 0;
+ combo_result_jumps_rj.Active = 0;
+ }
+ private void on_run_simple_type_add_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("Add simple new run type");
+ runTypeAddWin = RunTypeAddWindow.Show(app1, true); //is simple
+ runTypeAddWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_run_type_add_accepted);
+ }
+ private void on_run_intervallic_type_add_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("Add intervallic new run type");
+ runTypeAddWin = RunTypeAddWindow.Show(app1, false); //is intervallic
+ runTypeAddWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_run_type_add_accepted);
+ }
+ private void on_run_type_add_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("ACCEPTED Add new run type");
+ if(runTypeAddWin.InsertedSimple) {
+ createComboSelectRuns(false); //this will update also the selectRunsString
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_result_runs,
+ SqliteRunType.SelectRunTypes(Constants.AllRunsName, true), "");
//without filter, only select name
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Catalog.GetString("Added simple
+ } else {
+ createComboSelectRunsInterval(false); //this will update also the
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_result_runs_interval,
+ SqliteRunIntervalType.SelectRunIntervalTypes(Constants.AllRunsName,
true), ""); //without filter, only select name
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Catalog.GetString("Added intervallic
+ }
+ updateComboStats();
+ combo_select_runs.Active = 0;
+ combo_select_runs_interval.Active = 0;
+ combo_result_runs.Active = 0;
+ combo_result_runs_interval.Active = 0;
+ }
+ //reactiontime has no types
+ private void on_pulse_type_add_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("Add new pulse type");
+ }
+ private void on_pulse_type_add_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("ACCEPTED Add new pulse type");
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- EVENTS TYPE DELETE --------------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void on_jump_type_delete_simple (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ jumpsMoreWin = JumpsMoreWindow.Show(app1, false); //delete jump type
+ jumpsMoreWin.Button_deleted_test.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_deleted_jump_type);
+ }
+ private void on_jump_type_delete_reactive (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ jumpsRjMoreWin = JumpsRjMoreWindow.Show(app1, false); //delete jump type
+ jumpsRjMoreWin.Button_deleted_test.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_deleted_jump_rj_type);
+ }
+ private void on_run_type_delete_simple (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ runsMoreWin = RunsMoreWindow.Show(app1, false); //delete run type
+ runsMoreWin.Button_deleted_test.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_deleted_run_type);
+ }
+ private void on_run_type_delete_intervallic (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ runsIntervalMoreWin = RunsIntervalMoreWindow.Show(app1, false); //delete run type
+ runsIntervalMoreWin.Button_deleted_test.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_deleted_run_i_type);
+ }
+ //----
+ private void on_deleted_jump_type (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //first delete if from combos
+ string translatedName = Util.FindOnArray(':', 2, 1, jumpsMoreWin.SelectedEventName,
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_select_jumps, translatedName);
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_result_jumps, translatedName);
+ //2nd delete if from global string. -1 selects all row
+ string row = Util.FindOnArray(':',1, -1, jumpsMoreWin.SelectedEventName, selectJumpsString);
+ selectJumpsString = Util.DeleteString(selectJumpsString, row);
+ combo_select_jumps.Active = 0;
+ combo_result_jumps.Active = 0;
+ extra_window_jumps_initialize(new JumpType("Free"));
+ }
+ private void on_deleted_jump_rj_type (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //first delete if from combos
+ string translatedName = Util.FindOnArray(':', 2, 1, jumpsRjMoreWin.SelectedEventName,
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_select_jumps_rj, translatedName);
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_result_jumps_rj, translatedName);
+ //2nd delete if from global string. -1 selects all row
+ string row = Util.FindOnArray(':',1, -1, jumpsRjMoreWin.SelectedEventName,
+ selectJumpsRjString = Util.DeleteString(selectJumpsRjString, row);
+ combo_select_jumps_rj.Active = 0;
+ combo_result_jumps_rj.Active = 0;
+ extra_window_jumps_rj_initialize(new JumpType("RJ(j)"));
+ }
+ private void on_deleted_run_type (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ extra_window_runs_initialize(new RunType("Custom"));
+ }
+ private void on_deleted_run_i_type (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ extra_window_runs_interval_initialize(new RunType("byLaps"));
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- EVENTS REPAIR -------------------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void on_repair_selected_jump_rj_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //notebooks_change(1); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
+ LogB.Information("Repair selected subjump");
+ //1.- check that there's a line selected
+ //2.- check that this line is a jump and not a person (check also if it's not a individual
RJ, the pass the parent RJ)
+ if (myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ //3.- obtain the data of the selected jump
+ JumpRj myJump = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumpData( "jumpRj",
myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID, false );
+ //4.- edit this jump
+ repairJumpRjWin = RepairJumpRjWindow.Show(app1, myJump, preferences.digitsNumber);
+ repairJumpRjWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_repair_selected_jump_rj_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("Repair selected reactive jump accepted");
+ treeview_jumps_rj_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_jumps_rj(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_result_jumps_rj));
+ if(createdStatsWin) {
+ stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, false);
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_repair_selected_run_interval_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //notebooks_change(3); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
+ LogB.Information("Repair selected subrun");
+ //1.- check that there's a line selected
+ //2.- check that this line is a run and not a person
+ //(check also if it's not a individual run interval, then pass the parent run interval)
+ if (myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ //3.- obtain the data of the selected run
+ RunInterval myRun = SqliteRunInterval.SelectRunData( Constants.RunIntervalTable,
myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID, false );
+ //4.- edit this run
+ repairRunIntervalWin = RepairRunIntervalWindow.Show(app1, myRun,
+ repairRunIntervalWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_repair_selected_run_interval_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("repair selected run interval accepted");
+ treeview_runs_interval_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_runs_interval(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_result_runs_interval));
+ if(createdStatsWin) {
+ stats_win_fillTreeView_stats(false, false);
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_repair_selected_pulse_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //notebooks_change(5); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
+ LogB.Information("Repair selected pulse");
+ //1.- check that there's a line selected
+ //2.- check that this line is a pulse and not a person
+ //(check also if it's not a individual pulse, then pass the parent pulse)
+ if (myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID > 0) {
+ //3.- obtain the data of the selected pulse
+ Pulse myPulse = SqlitePulse.SelectPulseData( myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID, false
+ //4.- edit this pulse
+ repairPulseWin = RepairPulseWindow.Show(app1, myPulse, preferences.digitsNumber);
+ repairPulseWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_repair_selected_pulse_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("repair selected pulse accepted");
+ treeview_pulses_storeReset();
+ fillTreeView_pulses(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_pulses));
+ }
+ private void on_repair_selected_multi_chronopic_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //notebooks_change(6); see "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
+ LogB.Information("Repair selected multichronopic");
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- Info on power and stiffness -----------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void on_button_jumps_jumpsRj_result_help_power_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Constants.HelpPower);
+ }
+ private void on_button_jumps_jumpsRj_result_help_stiffness_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Constants.HelpStiffness,
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- AUTO MODE -----------------------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void on_button_auto_start_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+//TODO: put five buttons in a viewport than can be colorified
+ executeAutoWin = ExecuteAutoWindow.Show(app1, currentSession.UniqueID);
+ executeAutoWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_button_auto_start_accepted);
+ }
+ ArrayList execute_auto_order;
+ int execute_auto_order_pos;
+ bool execute_auto_doing = false;
+ private void on_button_auto_start_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ executeAutoWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_button_auto_start_accepted);
+ sensitiveGuiAutoStartEnd (true);
+ execute_auto_order = executeAutoWin.GetOrderedData();
+ execute_auto_order_pos = 0;
+ execute_auto_doing = true;
+ executeAutoWin.Close();
+ execute_auto_select();
+ }
+ private void execute_auto_select()
+ {
+ if(execute_auto_order_pos >= execute_auto_order.Count) {
+ on_button_auto_end_clicked (new object (), new EventArgs());
+ return;
+ }
+ ExecuteAuto ea = (ExecuteAuto) execute_auto_order[execute_auto_order_pos];
+ int rowToSelect = myTreeViewPersons.FindRow(ea.personUniqueID);
+ if(rowToSelect != -1) {
+ //this will update also currentPerson
+ selectRowTreeView_persons(treeview_persons, treeview_persons_store, rowToSelect);
+ label_jump_auto_current_person.Text = currentPerson.Name;
+ //select the test
+ int rowTest = Convert.ToInt32(Util.FindOnArray(':', 0, -2,
ea.testUniqueID.ToString(), selectJumpsString));
+ combo_select_jumps.Active = rowTest;
+ label_jump_auto_current_test.Text = "(" + ea.testTrName + ")";
+ //put GUI on auto_waiting
+ sensitiveGuiAutoExecuteOrWait (false);
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_button_auto_end_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ sensitiveGuiAutoStartEnd (false);
+ execute_auto_doing = false;
+ }
+ private void on_button_auto_order_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ executeAutoWin = ExecuteAutoWindow.ShowJustOrder(app1, execute_auto_order,
+ }
+ private void on_button_auto_skip_person_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ execute_auto_order = ExecuteAuto.SkipPerson(execute_auto_order, execute_auto_order_pos,
+ //update currentPerson and labels from current position
+ execute_auto_select();
+ }
+ private void on_button_auto_remove_person_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ execute_auto_order = ExecuteAuto.RemovePerson(execute_auto_order, execute_auto_order_pos,
+ //update currentPerson and labels from current position
+ execute_auto_select();
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- SOME MORE CALLBACKS---------------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ //changed by chronojump when it's needed
+ private void notebooks_change(int desiredPage) {
+ LogB.Information("notebooks_change");
+ //LogB.Debug(new StackFrame(1).GetMethod().Name);
+ //LogB.Information("currentPage" + notebook_execute.CurrentPage.ToString());
+ //LogB.Information("desiredPage" + desiredPage.ToString());
+ while(notebook_execute.CurrentPage < desiredPage)
+ notebook_execute.NextPage();
+ while(notebook_execute.CurrentPage > desiredPage)
+ notebook_execute.PrevPage();
+ //delete capture graph
+ UtilGtk.ClearDrawingArea(event_execute_drawingarea, event_execute_pixmap);
+ //change table under graph
+ change_notebook_results_data();
+ while(notebook_results.CurrentPage < desiredPage)
+ notebook_results.NextPage();
+ while(notebook_results.CurrentPage > desiredPage)
+ notebook_results.PrevPage();
+ while(notebook_options_top.CurrentPage < desiredPage)
+ notebook_options_top.NextPage();
+ while(notebook_options_top.CurrentPage > desiredPage)
+ notebook_options_top.PrevPage();
+ //change test image according to notebook_execute
+ if(notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 0)
+ changeTestImage(EventType.Types.JUMP.ToString(),
+ currentJumpType.Name, currentJumpType.ImageFileName);
+ else if(notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 1)
+ changeTestImage(EventType.Types.JUMP.ToString(),
+ currentJumpRjType.Name, currentJumpRjType.ImageFileName);
+ else if(notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 2)
+ changeTestImage(EventType.Types.RUN.ToString(),
+ currentRunType.Name, currentRunType.ImageFileName);
+ else if(notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 3)
+ changeTestImage(EventType.Types.RUN.ToString(),
+ currentRunIntervalType.Name, currentRunIntervalType.ImageFileName);
+ else if(notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 4)
+ changeTestImage(EventType.Types.REACTIONTIME.ToString(),
+ currentReactionTimeType.Name, currentReactionTimeType.ImageFileName);
+ else if(notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 5)
+ changeTestImage(EventType.Types.PULSE.ToString(),
+ currentPulseType.Name, currentPulseType.ImageFileName);
+ else if(notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 6) {
+ changeTestImage(EventType.Types.MULTICHRONOPIC.ToString(),
+ currentMultiChronopicType.Name,
+ }
+ //button_execute_test have to be non sensitive in multichronopic without two cps
+ //else has to be sensitive
+ //if there are persons
+ if (notebook_execute.CurrentPage == 6) {
+ if (chronopicWin.NumConnected() >= 2)
+ extra_window_multichronopic_can_do(true);
+ else
+ extra_window_multichronopic_can_do(false);
+ } else {
+ button_execute_test.Sensitive = myTreeViewPersons.IsThereAnyRecord();
+ }
+ //Attention: "notebooks_change sqlite problem"
+ //This will call stats_win_change_test_type
+ //that will call on_combo_stats_type_changed
+ //that will call updateComboStats
+ //and that will call Sqlite.
+ //This is dangerous because it can crash when notebooks_change is called after deleting a test
+ //just disable notebooks change in that situation
+ stats_win_change_test_type(notebook_execute.CurrentPage);
+ }
+ //changed by user clicking on notebook tabs
+ private void on_notebook_change_by_user (object o, SwitchPageArgs args) {
+ //show chronojump logo on down-left area
+ //changeTestImage("", "", "LOGO");
+ }
+ //help
+ private void on_menuitem_manual_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ /*
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.HELP,
+ Catalog.GetString("There's a copy of Chronojump Manual at:") + "\n" +
+ "<i>" + Path.GetFullPath(Util.GetManualDir()) + "</i>\n\n" +
+ Catalog.GetString("Newer versions will be on this site:") +"\n" +
+ "<i>http://www.chronojump.org/multimedia.html</i>");
+ */
+ LogB.Information("Opening manual at: " + System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(Util.GetManualDir()));
+ try {
+ System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(Util.GetManualDir()));
+ } catch {
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, "Sorry, manual folder does not
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_menuitem_formulas_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, "Here there will be bibliographic information
about formulas and some notes.\n\nProbably this will be a window and not a dialog\n\nNote text is
+ }
+ private void on_menuitem_accelerators_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ new DialogMessage(
+ Catalog.GetString("Accelerators help"),
+ Constants.MessageTypes.INFO,
+ Catalog.GetString("Use these keys in order to work faster.") + "\n\n" +
+ "- " + Catalog.GetString("On execute test tab:") + "\n\n" +
+ "<tt><b>CTRL+p</b></tt> " + Catalog.GetString("Edit selected person") + "\n" +
+ "<tt><b>CTRL+" + Catalog.GetString("CURSOR_UP") + "</b></tt> " +
Catalog.GetString("Select previous person") + "\n" +
+ "<tt><b>CTRL+" + Catalog.GetString("CURSOR_DOWN") + "</b></tt> " +
Catalog.GetString("Select next person") + "\n" +
+ "<tt><b>(space)</b></tt> " + Catalog.GetString("Execute test") + "\n" +
+ "<tt><b>v</b></tt> " + Catalog.GetString("Play video of this test") + " " +
Catalog.GetString("(if available)")+ "\n" +
+ "<tt><b>d</b></tt> " + Catalog.GetString("Delete this test") + "\n" +
+ "\n" + "- " + Catalog.GetString("On results tab:") + "\n\n" +
+ "<tt><b>z</b></tt> " + Catalog.GetString("Zoom change") + "\n" +
+ "<tt><b>v</b></tt> " + Catalog.GetString("Play video of selected test") + " "
+ Catalog.GetString("(if available)")+ "\n" +
+ "<tt><b>e</b></tt> " + Catalog.GetString("Edit selected test") + "\n" +
+ "<tt><b>d</b></tt> " + Catalog.GetString("Delete selected test") + "\n" +
+ "<tt><b>r</b></tt> " + Catalog.GetString("Repair selected test") + " " +
Catalog.GetString("(if available)")
+ );
+ }
+ private void on_menuitem_check_last_version_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ Json js = new Json();
+ bool success = js.GetLastVersion(progVersion);
+ if(success) {
+ LogB.Information(js.ResultMessage);
+ new DialogMessage(
+ "Chronojump",
+ Constants.MessageTypes.INFO,
+ js.ResultMessage
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ LogB.Error(js.ResultMessage);
+ new DialogMessage(
+ "Chronojump",
+ Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
+ js.ResultMessage);
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_menuitem_ping_activate (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ pingDo(true);
+ }
+ private void pingAtStart()
+ {
+ pingDo(false);
+ }
+ private void pingDo(bool showInWindow)
+ {
+ Json js = new Json();
+ bool success = js.Ping(UtilAll.GetOS(), UtilAll.ReadVersion(), preferences.machineID);
+ if(success) {
+ LogB.Information(js.ResultMessage);
+ if(showInWindow)
+ new DialogMessage(
+ "Chronojump",
+ Constants.MessageTypes.INFO,
+ js.ResultMessage);
+ }
+ else {
+ LogB.Error(js.ResultMessage);
+ if(showInWindow)
+ new DialogMessage(
+ "Chronojump",
+ Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
+ js.ResultMessage);
+ }
+ /*
+ new DialogMessage(
+ "Chronojump",
+ Constants.MessageTypes.INFO,
+ "Temporarily Disabled");
+ */
+ }
+ private void on_preferences_debug_mode_start (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //first delete debug file
+ Util.FileDelete(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + "chronojump-debug.txt");
+ encoderRProcCapture.Debug = true;
+ encoderRProcAnalyze.Debug = true;
+ hbox_gui_tests.Visible = true;
+ button_carles.Visible = true;
+ preferencesWin.DebugActivated();
+ }
+ private void on_button_gui_tests_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ chronojumpWindowTestsStart(Convert.ToInt32(spin_gui_tests.Value -1));
+ }
+ private void on_button_carles_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //carles stuff
+ }
+ private void on_about1_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ string translator_credits = Catalog.GetString ("translator-credits");
+ //only print if exist (don't print 'translator-credits' word
+ if(translator_credits == "translator-credits")
+ translator_credits = "";
+ new About(progVersion, translator_credits);
+ }
+ private void on_button_rj_bells_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ repetitiveConditionsWin.View(Constants.BellModes.JUMPS, preferences.volumeOn);
+ }
+ private void on_button_time_bells_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ repetitiveConditionsWin.View(Constants.BellModes.RUNS, preferences.volumeOn);
+ }
+ private void on_repetitive_conditions_closed(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //treeview_encoder should be updated (to colorize some cells)
+ //only if there was data
+ //this avoids misbehaviour when bell is pressed and there's no data in treeview
+ EncoderCurve curve = treeviewEncoderCaptureCurvesGetCurve(1, false);
+ if(curve.N != null) {
+ List<string> contents =
+ encoderUpdateTreeViewCapture(contents); //this updates encoderCaptureCurves
+ findAndMarkSavedCurves(false, false); //SQL closed; don't update curve SQL records
(like future1: meanPower)
+ //also update the bars plot (to show colors depending on bells changes)
+ if(captureCurvesBarsData.Count > 0) {
+ string mainVariable =
+ double mainVariableHigher =
+ double mainVariableLower =
+ plotCurvesGraphDoPlot(mainVariable, mainVariableHigher, mainVariableLower,
+ repetitiveConditionsWin.EncoderInertialDiscardFirstThree,
+ false); //not capturing
+ } else
+ UtilGtk.ErasePaint(encoder_capture_curves_bars_drawingarea,
+ }
+ }
+ JumpsProfile jumpsProfile;
+ private void jumpsProfileDo (bool calculateData)
+ {
+ if(currentPerson == null || currentSession == null)
+ return;
+ if(jumpsProfile == null) {
+ jumpsProfile = new JumpsProfile();
+ calculateData = true;
+ }
+ if(calculateData)
+ jumpsProfile.Calculate(currentPerson.UniqueID, currentSession.UniqueID);
+ JumpsProfileGraph.Do(jumpsProfile.GetIndexes(), drawingarea_jumps_profile);
+ }
+ private void on_drawingarea_jumps_profile_expose_event (object o, ExposeEventArgs args)
+ {
+ jumpsProfileDo(false); //do not calculate data
+ //data is calculated on switch page (at notebook_capture_analyze) or on change person
+ }
+ private void on_notebook_capture_analyze_switch_page (object o, SwitchPageArgs args) {
+ if(notebook_capture_analyze.CurrentPage == 2)
+ jumpsProfileDo(true);
+ }
+ private void on_button_jumps_profile_help_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ scrolledwindow_jumps_profile_training.Visible = false;
+ scrolledwindow_jumps_profile_help.Visible = ! scrolledwindow_jumps_profile_help.Visible;
+ }
+ private void on_button_jumps_profile_training_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ scrolledwindow_jumps_profile_help.Visible = false;
+ scrolledwindow_jumps_profile_training.Visible = !
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- SENSITIVE GUI METHODS-------------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ private void menuSessionSensitive(bool option)
+ {
+ menuitem_edit_session.Sensitive = option;
+ menuitem_delete_session.Sensitive = option;
+ menuitem_export_csv.Sensitive = option;
+ //menuitem_export_xml.Sensitive = option; not implemented yet
+ menuitem_encoder_session_overview.Sensitive = option;
+ }
+ private void menuPersonSelectedSensitive(bool option)
+ {
+ button_persons_up.Sensitive = option;
+ button_persons_down.Sensitive = option;
+ button_edit_current_person.Sensitive = option;
+ button_show_all_person_events.Sensitive = option;
+ button_delete_current_person.Sensitive = option;
+ }
+ private void sensitiveGuiNoSession ()
+ {
+ notebook_session_person.CurrentPage = 0;
+ treeview_persons.Sensitive = false;
+ //menuitems
+ menuSessionSensitive(false);
+ menuPersonSelectedSensitive(false);
+ button_image_test_zoom.Sensitive = false;
+ frame_persons.Sensitive = false;
+ button_recuperate_person.Sensitive = false;
+ button_recuperate_persons_from_session.Sensitive = false;
+ button_person_add_single.Sensitive = false;
+ button_person_add_multiple.Sensitive = false;
+ button_edit_current_person.Sensitive = false;
+ button_delete_current_person.Sensitive = false;
+ button_encoder_person_change.Sensitive = false;
+ //notebooks
+ notebook_execute.Sensitive = false;
+ //hbox_chronopics.Sensitive = false;
+ notebook_results.Sensitive = false;
+ notebook_options_top.Sensitive = false;
+ notebook_encoder_sup.Sensitive = false;
+ vbox_stats.Sensitive = false;
+ frame_share_data.Sensitive = false;
+ vbox_this_test_buttons.Sensitive = false;
+ vbox_execute_test.Sensitive = false;
+ button_execute_test.Sensitive = false;
+ encoderButtonsSensitive(encoderSensEnum.NOSESSION);
+ eventExecuteHideAllTables();
+ }
+ private void sensitiveGuiYesSession ()
+ {
+ notebook_session_person.CurrentPage = 1;
+ button_image_test_zoom.Sensitive = true;
+ frame_persons.Sensitive = true;
+ button_recuperate_person.Sensitive = true;
+ button_recuperate_persons_from_session.Sensitive = true;
+ button_person_add_single.Sensitive = true;
+ button_person_add_multiple.Sensitive = true;
+ button_encoder_person_change.Sensitive = true;
+ menuSessionSensitive(true);
+ vbox_stats.Sensitive = true;
+ frame_share_data.Sensitive = true;
+ //changeTestImage("", "", "LOGO");
+ }
+ //only called by delete person functions (if we run out of persons)
+ private void sensitiveGuiNoPerson () {
+ hbox_jumps.Sensitive = false;
+ hbox_jumps_rj.Sensitive = false;
+ button_execute_test.Sensitive = false;
+ encoderButtonsSensitive(encoderSensEnum.NOPERSON);
+ personChanged();
+ notebook_execute.Sensitive = false;
+ //hbox_chronopics.Sensitive = false;
+ notebook_results.Sensitive = false;
+ notebook_options_top.Sensitive = false;
+ notebook_encoder_sup.Sensitive = false;
+ treeview_persons.Sensitive = false;
+ menuPersonSelectedSensitive(false);
+ vbox_execute_test.Sensitive = false;
+ label_encoder_person_name.Text = "";
+ }
+ private void sensitiveGuiYesPerson () {
+ hbox_jumps.Sensitive = true;
+ hbox_jumps_rj.Sensitive = true;
+ button_execute_test.Sensitive = true;
+ encoderButtonsSensitive(encoderSensEnum.YESPERSON);
+ personChanged();
+ notebook_execute.Sensitive = true;
+ //hbox_chronopics.Sensitive = true;
+ notebook_results.Sensitive = true;
+ notebook_options_top.Sensitive = true;
+ notebook_encoder_sup.Sensitive = true;
+ treeview_persons.Sensitive = true;
+ menuPersonSelectedSensitive(true);
+ //unsensitive edit, delete, repair events because no event is initially selected
+ showHideActionEventButtons(false, "ALL");
+ combo_select_jumps.Sensitive = true;
+ combo_result_jumps.Sensitive = true;
+ combo_select_jumps_rj.Sensitive = true;
+ combo_result_jumps_rj.Sensitive = true;
+ combo_select_runs.Sensitive = true;
+ combo_result_runs.Sensitive = true;
+ combo_select_runs_interval.Sensitive = true;
+ combo_result_runs_interval.Sensitive = true;
+ combo_pulses.Sensitive = true;
+ vbox_execute_test.Sensitive = true;
+ }
+ private void sensitiveGuiYesEvent () {
+ }
+ private void sensitiveGuiEventDoing () {
+ session_menuitem.Sensitive = false;
+ menuitem_mode.Sensitive = false;
+ //jumpsProfile has Sqlite calls. Don't do them while jumping
+ //but don't unsensitive the notebook because user need to "finish" or cancel"
+ //notebook_capture_analyze.Sensitive = true;
+ notebook_capture_analyze.GetNthPage(1).Hide();
+ if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Active)
+ notebook_capture_analyze.GetNthPage(2).Hide();
+ help_menuitem.Sensitive = false;
+ frame_persons.Sensitive = false;
+ button_execute_test.Sensitive = false;
+ button_encoder_person_change.Sensitive = false;
+ encoderButtonsSensitive(encoderSensEnum.PROCESSINGR);
+ //hbox
+ hbox_jumps_test.Sensitive = false;
+ hbox_jump_types_options.Sensitive = false;
+ hbox_jumps_rj.Sensitive = false;
+ hbox_runs.Sensitive = false;
+ hbox_runs_interval.Sensitive = false;
+ hbox_pulses.Sensitive = false;
+ vbox_this_test_buttons.Sensitive = false;
+ button_upload_session.Sensitive = false;
+ button_activate_chronopics.Sensitive = false;
+ notebook_options_top.Sensitive = false;
+ event_execute_button_update.Sensitive = false;
+ //hbox_multi_chronopic_buttons.Sensitive = false;
+ }
+ private void sensitiveGuiEventDone () {
+ LogB.Information(" sensitiveGuiEventDone start ");
+ session_menuitem.Sensitive = true;
+ menuitem_mode.Sensitive = true;
+ //jumpsProfile has Sqlite calls. Don't do them while jumping
+ //but don't unsensitive the notebook because user need to "finish" or cancel"
+ //notebook_capture_analyze.Sensitive = true;
+ notebook_capture_analyze.GetNthPage(1).Show();
+ if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Active)
+ notebook_capture_analyze.GetNthPage(2).Show();
+ help_menuitem.Sensitive = true;
+ frame_persons.Sensitive = true;
+ button_execute_test.Sensitive = true;
+ button_encoder_person_change.Sensitive = true;
+ if(encoderCaptureCurves != null && encoderCaptureCurves.Count > 0)
+ encoderButtonsSensitive(encoderSensEnum.DONEYESSIGNAL);
+ else
+ encoderButtonsSensitive(encoderSensEnum.DONENOSIGNAL);
+ //hbox
+ hbox_jumps_test.Sensitive = true;
+ hbox_jump_types_options.Sensitive = true;
+ hbox_jumps_rj.Sensitive = true;
+ hbox_runs.Sensitive = true;
+ hbox_runs_interval.Sensitive = true;
+ hbox_pulses.Sensitive = true;
+ //hbox_multi_chronopic_buttons.Sensitive = true;
+ vbox_this_test_buttons.Sensitive = true;
+ button_upload_session.Sensitive = true;
+ button_activate_chronopics.Sensitive = true;
+ notebook_options_top.Sensitive = true;
+ event_execute_button_update.Sensitive = true;
+ //allow repeat last jump or run (check also if it wasn't cancelled)
+ if(currentEventExecute != null && ! currentEventExecute.Cancel) {
+ switch (currentEventType.Type) {
+ case EventType.Types.REACTIONTIME:
+ LogB.Information("sensitiveGuiEventDone reaction time");
+ break;
+ case EventType.Types.PULSE:
+ LogB.Information("sensitiveGuiEventDone pulse");
+ break;
+ case EventType.Types.MULTICHRONOPIC:
+ LogB.Information("sensitiveGuiEventDone multichronopic");
+ break;
+ default:
+ LogB.Information("sensitiveGuiEventDone default");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ LogB.Information(" sensitiveGuiEventDone end ");
+ }
+ /*
+ * sensitive GUI on executeAuto methods
+ */
+ private void on_autodetect_help_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ new DialogMessage(
+ Catalog.GetString("Help on auto-detect"),
+ Constants.MessageTypes.INFO,
+ Catalog.GetString("Modes:") + "\n\n" +
+ "- <b>" + Catalog.GetString("Active") + "</b>: " +
+ Catalog.GetString("Auto-detection on hardware is active.") + " " +
Catalog.GetString("Default mode") + ".\n\n" +
+ "- <b>" + Catalog.GetString("Active, discarding first port") + "</b>: " +
+ Catalog.GetString("Use this option on computers where first port
fails.") + "\n\n" +
+ "- <b>" + Catalog.GetString("Inactive") + "</b>: " +
+ Catalog.GetString("Auto-detection on hardware is inactive.") + " " +
Catalog.GetString("Use it if you have problems at start or at capture.")
+ );
+ }
+ private void on_button_chronopic_wizard_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ chronopicWizardWin = ChronopicWizardWindow.Show();
+ chronopicWizardWin.FakeButtonChronopicWizardFinished.Clicked -=
+ new EventHandler(chronopic_wizard_finished);
+ chronopicWizardWin.FakeButtonChronopicWizardFinished.Clicked += new
+ EventHandler(chronopic_wizard_finished);
+ }
+ private void chronopic_wizard_finished (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ chronopicWizardWin.FakeButtonChronopicWizardFinished.Clicked -=
+ new EventHandler(chronopic_wizard_finished);
+ wizardPortContacts = chronopicWizardWin.PortContacts;
+ wizardPortEncoder = chronopicWizardWin.PortEncoder;
+ LogB.Information("wizardPortContacts: " + wizardPortContacts);
+ LogB.Information("wizardPortEncoder: " + wizardPortEncoder);
+ /*
+ * createChronopicWindow (pass cp,...)
+ * recreate is true because it has been created on first ChronojumpWindow call
+ */
+ //contacts and encoder
+ if(wizardPortContacts != "")
+ {
+ Chronopic cpW; //cp Wizard
+ chronopicWin.CreateSPifNeeded(wizardPortContacts);
+ cpW = new Chronopic(chronopicWin.SP);
+ ChronopicPortData cpdata = new ChronopicPortData(1, wizardPortContacts, true);
+ ArrayList cpd = new ArrayList();
+ cpd.Add(cpdata);
+ if(wizardPortEncoder == "") //no encoder
+ createChronopicWindow(cpW, cpd, true, "");
+ else
+ createChronopicWindow(cpW, cpd, true, wizardPortEncoder);
+ }
+ else { //only encoder
+ createChronopicWindow(true, wizardPortEncoder);
+ }
+ //need to do this because createChronopicWindow does it but relying on menuitem_mode, and now
we are on start page
+ if(wizardPortEncoder != "")
+ chronopicEncoderLabels(true);
+ //all the needed info is take. Can destroy wizard window
+ chronopicWizardWin.HideAndNull();
+ }
+ //start/end auto mode
+ private void sensitiveGuiAutoStartEnd (bool start) {
+ //if automode, sensitiveGuiEventDoing, sensitiveGuiEventDone don't work
+ session_menuitem.Sensitive = ! start;
+ menuitem_mode.Sensitive = ! start;
+ help_menuitem.Sensitive = ! start;
+ frame_persons.Sensitive = ! start;
+ hbox_jumps_test.Visible = ! start;
+ button_auto_start.Visible = ! start;
+ hbox_jump_types_options.Visible = ! start;
+ hbox_jump_auto_controls.Visible = start;
+ notebook_capture_analyze.GetNthPage(1).Visible = ! start;
+ if(radio_menuitem_mode_jumps_simple.Active)
+ notebook_capture_analyze.GetNthPage(2).Visible = ! start;
+ //when start, put button delete_this_test as not sensitive
+ //(just for the test previous to the auto process)
+ if(start)
+ button_delete_this_test.Sensitive = false;
+ }
+ //true: executing a test; false: waiting a test to be executed
+ private void sensitiveGuiAutoExecuteOrWait (bool execute) {
+ //if automode, sensitiveGuiEventDoing, sensitiveGuiEventDone don't work
+ button_activate_chronopics.Sensitive = ! execute;
+ button_execute_test.Sensitive = ! execute;
+ notebook_options_top.Sensitive = ! execute;
+ vbox_this_test_buttons.Sensitive = ! execute;
+ }
+ private void showHideActionEventButtons(bool show, string type) {
+ bool success = false;
+ bool recordedVideo = false;
+ if(type == "ALL" || type == "Jump") {
+ button_edit_selected_jump.Sensitive = show;
+ button_delete_selected_jump.Sensitive = show;
+ button_video_play_selected_jump.Sensitive = false;
+ if (myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID > 0 && File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(
+ currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.JUMP,
+ myTreeViewJumps.EventSelectedID))) {
+ button_video_play_selected_jump.Sensitive = true;
+ recordedVideo = true;
+ }
+ success = true;
+ }
+ if (type == "ALL" || type == "JumpRj") {
+ button_edit_selected_jump_rj.Sensitive = show;
+ button_delete_selected_jump_rj.Sensitive = show;
+ button_repair_selected_jump_rj.Sensitive = show;
+ button_video_play_selected_jump_rj.Sensitive = false;
+ if (myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID > 0 && File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(
+ currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.JUMP_RJ,
+ myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID))) {
+ button_video_play_selected_jump_rj.Sensitive = true;
+ recordedVideo = true;
+ }
+ success = true;
+ }
+ if (type == "ALL" || type == "Run") {
+ button_edit_selected_run.Sensitive = show;
+ button_delete_selected_run.Sensitive = show;
+ button_video_play_selected_run.Sensitive = false;
+ if (myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID > 0 && File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(
+ currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.RUN,
+ myTreeViewRuns.EventSelectedID))) {
+ button_video_play_selected_run.Sensitive = true;
+ recordedVideo = true;
+ }
+ success = true;
+ }
+ if (type == "ALL" || type == "RunInterval") {
+ button_edit_selected_run_interval.Sensitive = show;
+ button_delete_selected_run_interval.Sensitive = show;
+ button_repair_selected_run_interval.Sensitive = show;
+ button_video_play_selected_run_interval.Sensitive = false;
+ if (myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID > 0 && File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(
+ currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.RUN_I,
+ myTreeViewRunsInterval.EventSelectedID))) {
+ button_video_play_selected_run_interval.Sensitive = true;
+ recordedVideo = true;
+ }
+ success = true;
+ }
+ if (type == "ALL" || type == "ReactionTime") {
+ button_edit_selected_reaction_time.Sensitive = show;
+ button_delete_selected_reaction_time.Sensitive = show;
+ button_video_play_selected_reaction_time.Sensitive = false;
+ if (myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID > 0 && File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(
+ currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.RT,
+ myTreeViewReactionTimes.EventSelectedID))) {
+ button_video_play_selected_reaction_time.Sensitive = true;
+ recordedVideo = true;
+ }
+ success = true;
+ }
+ if (type == "ALL" || type == "Pulse") {
+ // menuitem_edit_selected_pulse.Sensitive = show;
+ // menuitem_delete_selected_pulse.Sensitive = show;
+ button_edit_selected_pulse.Sensitive = show;
+ button_delete_selected_pulse.Sensitive = show;
+ button_repair_selected_pulse.Sensitive = show;
+ button_video_play_selected_pulse.Sensitive = false;
+ if (myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID > 0 && File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(
+ currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.PULSE,
+ myTreeViewPulses.EventSelectedID))) {
+ button_video_play_selected_pulse.Sensitive = true;
+ recordedVideo = true;
+ }
+ success = true;
+ }
+ if (type == "ALL" || type == Constants.MultiChronopicName) {
+ button_edit_selected_multi_chronopic.Sensitive = show;
+ button_delete_selected_multi_chronopic.Sensitive = show;
+ button_video_play_selected_multi_chronopic.Sensitive = false;
+ if (myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID > 0 && File.Exists(Util.GetVideoFileName(
+ currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Constants.TestTypes.MULTICHRONOPIC,
+ myTreeViewMultiChronopic.EventSelectedID))) {
+ button_video_play_selected_multi_chronopic.Sensitive = true;
+ recordedVideo = true;
+ }
+ success = true;
+ }
+ if (!success)
+ LogB.Error(string.Format("Error in showHideActionEventButtons, type: {0}", type));
+ button_video_play_this_test.Sensitive = recordedVideo;
+ }
+ /*
+ * voluntary crash for testing purposes
+ */
+ private void on_debug_crash_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ bool voluntaryCrashAllowed = true;
+ if(voluntaryCrashAllowed) {
+ ConfirmWindow confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Done for testing
purposes. Chronojump will exit badly"), "", "Are you sure you want to crash application?");
+ confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(crashing);
+ } else {
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, "Currently disabled.");
+ }
+ }
+ private void crashing (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ string [] myString = new String [3];
+ LogB.Error(myString[5]);
+ }
+ private void on_menuitem_server_activate (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("SERVER");
+ }
diff --git a/src/gui/chronopic.cs b/src/gui/chronopic.cs
index 71f2203..ee425a2 100644
--- a/src/gui/chronopic.cs
+++ b/src/gui/chronopic.cs
@@ -1,1110 +1,1110 @@
- * This file is part of ChronoJump
- *
- * Chronojump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * Chronojump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
- */
-using System;
-using Gtk;
-using Gdk;
-using Glade;
-using System.IO.Ports;
-using Mono.Unix;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.IO; //"File" things
-using System.Collections; //ArrayList
-public class ChronopicPortData
- public int Num;
- public string Port; //port filename
- public bool Connected;
- public ChronopicPortData(int num, string port, bool connected) {
- this.Num = num;
- this.Port = port;
- this.Connected = connected;
- }
-public class ChronopicWindow
- [Widget] Gtk.Window chronopic_window;
- static ChronopicWindow ChronopicWindowBox;
- //ChronopicConnection chronopicConnectionWin;
- [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_main;
- //[Widget] Gtk.Image image_contact_modular;
- //[Widget] Gtk.Image image_infrared;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_connect_contacts;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_connect_encoder;
- [Widget] Gtk.Frame frame_supplementary;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_cp1_yes;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_cp1_no;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_cp2_yes;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_cp2_no;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_cp3_yes;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_cp3_no;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_cp4_yes;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image image_cp4_no;
- //[Widget] Gtk.Entry entry_multi_chronopic_cp2;
- string [] comboWindowsOptions;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_windows1;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_windows2;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_windows3;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_windows4;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_linux1;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_linux2;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_linux3;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_linux4;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_windows_encoder;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_linux_encoder;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_connect_cp1;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_connect_cp2;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_connect_cp3;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_connect_cp4;
- [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton check_multichronopic_show;
- [Widget] Gtk.Table table_multi_chronopic;
- //[Widget] Gtk.Button button_reload;
- //frame_connections
- [Widget] Gtk.Frame frame_connection;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_title;
- [Widget] Gtk.ProgressBar progressbar;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_cancel;
- [Widget] Gtk.Image chronopic_image;
- [Widget] Gtk.TextView textview_ports_found_explanation;
- //Automatic firmware stuff
- [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton check_multitest_show;
- [Widget] Gtk.Table table_chronopic_auto;
- [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spin_auto_change_debounce;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_auto_check;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_auto_check_debounce;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_auto_change_debounce;
- //chronopic connection thread
- Thread thread;
- bool needUpdateChronopicWin;
- bool updateChronopicWinValuesState;
- string updateChronopicWinValuesMessage;
- //Gtk.Button fakeButtonCancelled;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button fakeConnectionButton; //raised when chronopic connection ended
- [Widget] Gtk.Button fakeWindowDone; //raised when chronopic connection ended
- //[Widget] Gtk.Button fakeWindowReload; //raised when asked to reload
- bool isWindows;
- //ArrayList of ChronopicPortData
- static ArrayList cpd;
- static string encoderPort;
- //platform state variables
- enum States {
- ON,
- }
- bool connected;
- bool volumeOn;
- int currentCp; //1 to 4
- //in order to cancel before close window
- static bool connecting;
- //cp1
- Chronopic cp;
- SerialPort sp;
- Chronopic.Plataforma platformState; //on (in platform), off (jumping), or unknow
- //cp2
- Chronopic cp2;
- Chronopic.Plataforma platformState2;
- //cp3
- Chronopic cp3;
- Chronopic.Plataforma platformState3;
- //cp4
- Chronopic cp4;
- Chronopic.Plataforma platformState4;
- States loggedState; //log of last state
- public enum ChronojumpMode { JUMPORRUN, ENCODER, OTHER };
- private ChronopicInit chronopicInit;
- public ChronopicWindow(Chronopic cpDetected, ArrayList myCpd)
- {
- LogB.Debug("constructor");
- Glade.XML gxml;
- gxml = Glade.XML.FromAssembly (Util.GetGladePath() + "chronojump.glade", "chronopic_window",
- gxml.Autoconnect(this);
- cpd = myCpd;
- if(cpDetected != null) {
- cp = cpDetected;
- sp = new SerialPort( ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[0]).Port );
- }
- UtilGtk.IconWindow(chronopic_window);
- if(UtilAll.IsWindows())
- isWindows = true;
- else
- isWindows = false;
- setDefaultValues();
- chronopicInit = new ChronopicInit();
- //Pixbuf pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "chronopic_128.png");
- //chronopic_image.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- /*
- Pixbuf pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(true) +
- image_contact_modular.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(true) + Constants.FileNameInfrared);
- image_infrared.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
- */
- /*
- if(chronopicPort1 != Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortWindows &&
- (chronopicPort1 != Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortLinux &&
- ) {
- ConfirmWindow confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Do you want to
connect to Chronopic now?"), "", "");
- confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(chronopicAtStart);
- }
- */
- }
- /*
- * recreate is false the first time (on initialization of ChronoJumpWindow at gui/chronojump.cs)
- * after that is true. Usually is used to manage a disconnected chronopic or other ports problems
- *
- * port names come from gui/chronojump.cs to this method (myCpd)
- */
- //this is the normal call
- static public ChronopicWindow Create (ArrayList myCpd, string myEncoderPort, bool recreate, bool
- {
- return Create(null, myCpd, myEncoderPort, recreate, volumeOn);
- }
- //this is called on AutoDetect
- static public ChronopicWindow Create (Chronopic cpDetected, ArrayList myCpd, string myEncoderPort,
bool recreate, bool volumeOn)
- {
- LogB.Debug("enter create");
- if (ChronopicWindowBox != null && recreate) {
- ChronopicWindowBox.chronopic_window.Hide();
- }
- if (ChronopicWindowBox == null || recreate) {
- ChronopicWindowBox = new ChronopicWindow (cpDetected, myCpd);
- }
- LogB.Information("create cp is null? " + (ChronopicWindowBox.cp == null).ToString());
- //don't show until View is called
- //ChronopicWindowBox.chronopic_window.Show ();
- ChronopicWindowBox.volumeOn = volumeOn;
- ChronopicWindowBox.setEncoderPort(myEncoderPort);
- ChronopicWindowBox.fakeWindowDone = new Gtk.Button();
- //ChronopicWindowBox.fakeWindowReload = new Gtk.Button();
- return ChronopicWindowBox;
- }
- static public ChronopicWindow View (ChronojumpMode cmode, bool volumeOn)
- {
- if (ChronopicWindowBox == null) {
- ChronopicWindowBox = new ChronopicWindow (null, cpd);
- }
- LogB.Information("view cp is null? " + (ChronopicWindowBox.cp == null).ToString());
- ChronopicWindowBox.volumeOn = volumeOn;
- if(cmode == ChronojumpMode.JUMPORRUN || cmode == ChronojumpMode.OTHER) {
- ChronopicWindowBox.notebook_main.CurrentPage = 0;
- ChronopicWindowBox.checkChronopicDisconnected(); //encoder does not need this because
there's no connection
- ChronopicWindowBox.frame_supplementary.Visible =
- (cmode == ChronojumpMode.OTHER); //can have multichronopic
- }
- else //cmode == ChronojumpMode.ENCODER)
- ChronopicWindowBox.notebook_main.CurrentPage = 1;
- ChronopicWindowBox.createCombos();
- ChronopicWindowBox.setEncoderPort(encoderPort);
- //ports info comes from gui/chronojump.cs to Create mehod
- if(! ChronopicWindowBox.connected)
- ChronopicWindowBox.connectingInfoShow();
- ChronopicWindowBox.chronopic_window.Show();
- ChronopicWindowBox.chronopic_window.Present();
- return ChronopicWindowBox;
- }
- private void setEncoderPort(string myEncoderPort) {
- if(Util.FoundInStringArray(ChronopicPorts.GetPorts(), myEncoderPort))
- encoderPort = myEncoderPort;
- else
- encoderPort = Util.GetDefaultPort();
- }
- private void setDefaultValues()
- {
- label_connect_contacts.Text = "<b>" + label_connect_contacts.Text + "</b>";
- label_connect_encoder.Text = "<b>" + label_connect_encoder.Text + "</b>";
- label_connect_contacts.UseMarkup = true;
- label_connect_encoder.UseMarkup = true;
- check_multichronopic_show.Active = false;
- table_multi_chronopic.Visible = false;
- check_multitest_show.Active = false;
- check_multitest_show.Sensitive = false;
- if(isWindows) {
- combo_linux1.Hide();
- combo_linux2.Hide();
- combo_linux3.Hide();
- combo_linux4.Hide();
- combo_linux_encoder.Hide();
- combo_windows2.Sensitive = false;
- combo_windows3.Sensitive = false;
- combo_windows4.Sensitive = false;
- } else {
- combo_windows1.Hide();
- combo_windows2.Hide();
- combo_windows3.Hide();
- combo_windows4.Hide();
- combo_windows_encoder.Hide();
- combo_linux2.Sensitive = false;
- combo_linux3.Sensitive = false;
- combo_linux4.Sensitive = false;
- }
- button_connect_cp1.Sensitive = false;
- button_connect_cp2.Sensitive = false;
- button_connect_cp3.Sensitive = false;
- button_connect_cp4.Sensitive = false;
- connected = false;
- foreach(ChronopicPortData a in cpd)
- if(a.Connected)
- connected = true;
- image_cp1_yes.Hide();
- image_cp2_yes.Hide();
- image_cp3_yes.Hide();
- image_cp4_yes.Hide();
- //encoderPort = "";
- //fakeButtonCancelled = new Gtk.Button();
- }
- //check if user has disconnected chronopic or port has changed
- private void checkChronopicDisconnected()
- {
- bool errorFound = false;
- foreach(ChronopicPortData a in cpd) {
- Chronopic myCP;
- Chronopic.Plataforma myPS;
- if(a.Num == 1) {
- myCP = cp;
- myPS = platformState;
- } else if(a.Num == 2) {
- myCP = cp2;
- myPS = platformState2;
- } else if(a.Num == 3) {
- myCP = cp3;
- myPS = platformState3;
- } else {
- myCP = cp4;
- myPS = platformState4;
- }
- bool ok = false;
- if(a.Connected) {
- string myPort = a.Port;
- //http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=88415
- //https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15514
- if(! isWindows) {
- if(! File.Exists(myPort)) {
- LogB.Error("port does not exists:", myPort);
- errorFound = true;
- }
- }
- if(! errorFound) {
- //try {
- ok = myCP.Read_platform(out myPS);
- //} catch {
- // LogB.DebugLine("catch at 1");
- //}
- if(!ok) {
- LogB.Error("false at 1");
- errorFound = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(errorFound) {
- ArrayList myCPD = new ArrayList();
- for(int i=1; i<=4; i++) {
- ChronopicPortData b = new ChronopicPortData(i,"",false);
- myCPD.Add(b);
- }
- Create (myCPD, encoderPort, true, volumeOn);
- connected = false;
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
- Catalog.GetString("One or more Chronopics have been disconnected.") +
"\n" +
- Catalog.GetString("Please connect again, and configure on Chronopic
- }
- }
- private void createCombos() {
- if(isWindows)
- ChronopicWindowBox.createComboWindows();
- else
- ChronopicWindowBox.createComboLinux();
- if(connected) {
- int num = 1;
- foreach(ChronopicPortData a in cpd) {
- if(a.Connected)
- connectionSucceded(num, false); //don't playSound
- num ++;
- }
- }
- }
- //private void createComboWindows(string myPort, Gtk.ComboBox myCombo) {
- private void createComboWindows() {
- //combo port stuff
- comboWindowsOptions = new string[32];
- //for (int i=1; i <= 32; i ++)
- //comboWindowsOptions[i-1] = "COM" + i;
- comboWindowsOptions = SerialPort.GetPortNames();
- string [] def = Util.StringToStringArray(Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortWindows);
- string [] allWithDef = Util.AddArrayString(def, comboWindowsOptions);
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_windows1, allWithDef, Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortWindows);
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_windows2, allWithDef, Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortWindows);
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_windows3, allWithDef, Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortWindows);
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_windows4, allWithDef, Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortWindows);
- foreach(ChronopicPortData a in cpd) {
- if(a.Num == 1) {
- combo_windows1.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(comboWindowsOptions, a.Port);
- combo_windows1.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
- if(a.Connected) {
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows2, a.Port);
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows3, a.Port);
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows4, a.Port);
- }
- } else if(a.Num == 2) {
- combo_windows2.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(comboWindowsOptions, a.Port);
- combo_windows2.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
- if(a.Connected) {
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows3, a.Port);
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows4, a.Port);
- }
- } else if(a.Num == 3) {
- combo_windows3.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(comboWindowsOptions, a.Port);
- combo_windows3.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
- if(a.Connected)
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows4, a.Port);
- } else { //4
- combo_windows4.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(comboWindowsOptions, a.Port);
- combo_windows4.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
- }
- }
- //encoder
- //this reduces the callbacks of combo change
- combo_windows_encoder.Sensitive = false;
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_windows_encoder, allWithDef, encoderPort);
- combo_windows_encoder.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
- combo_windows_encoder.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(allWithDef, encoderPort);
- combo_windows_encoder.Sensitive = true;
- }
- private void createComboLinux() {
- //string [] serial = Directory.GetFiles("/dev/", "ttyS*");
- string [] usbSerial = Directory.GetFiles("/dev/", "ttyUSB*");
- string [] usbSerialMac = Directory.GetFiles("/dev/", "tty.usbserial*");
- string [] all = Util.AddArrayString(usbSerial, usbSerialMac);
- string [] def = Util.StringToStringArray(Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortLinux);
- string [] allWithDef = Util.AddArrayString(def, all);
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_linux1, allWithDef, Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortLinux);
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_linux2, allWithDef, Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortLinux);
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_linux3, allWithDef, Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortLinux);
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_linux4, allWithDef, Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortLinux);
- foreach(ChronopicPortData a in cpd) {
- if(a.Num == 1) {
- combo_linux1.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(combo_linux1, a.Port);
- combo_linux1.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
- if(a.Connected) {
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux2, a.Port);
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux3, a.Port);
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux4, a.Port);
- }
- } else if(a.Num == 2) {
- combo_linux2.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(combo_linux2, a.Port);
- combo_linux2.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
- if(a.Connected) {
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux3, a.Port);
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux4, a.Port);
- }
- } else if(a.Num == 3) {
- combo_linux3.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(combo_linux3, a.Port);
- combo_linux3.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
- if(a.Connected)
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux4, a.Port);
- } else { //4
- combo_linux4.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(combo_linux4, a.Port);
- combo_linux4.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
- }
- }
- //encoder
- //this reduces the callbacks of combo change
- combo_linux_encoder.Sensitive = false;
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_linux_encoder, allWithDef, encoderPort);
- combo_linux_encoder.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
- combo_linux_encoder.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(allWithDef, encoderPort);
- combo_linux_encoder.Sensitive = true;
- }
- private void on_combo_changed(object o, EventArgs args) {
- ComboBox combo = o as ComboBox;
- if (o == null)
- return;
- //combo is not sensitive when it has been connected
- //this helps to have button_connect with correct sensitiveness after close window
- //also help to not have lots of callbacks coming here about encoder combos
- if(! combo.Sensitive)
- return;
- bool portOk = true;
- if(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo) == Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortWindows ||
- UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo) == Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortLinux)
- portOk = false;
- if (o == combo_linux1 || o == combo_windows1)
- button_connect_cp1.Sensitive = portOk;
- else if (o == combo_linux2 || o == combo_windows2)
- button_connect_cp2.Sensitive = portOk;
- else if (o == combo_linux3 || o == combo_windows3)
- button_connect_cp3.Sensitive = portOk;
- else if (o == combo_linux4 || o == combo_windows4)
- button_connect_cp4.Sensitive = portOk;
- else if (o == combo_windows_encoder) {
- combo_windows_encoder.Changed -= new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
- encoderPort = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
- } else if (o == combo_linux_encoder) {
- combo_linux_encoder.Changed -= new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
- encoderPort = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
- }
- }
- private void connectingInfoShow() {
- textview_ports_found_explanation.Buffer = UtilGtk.TextViewPrint(
- Catalog.GetString("If you just plugged Chronopic cable and expected port is
not listed, close and open again this window.") + "\n" +
- Catalog.GetString("If you have problems connecting with Chronopic, press help
- //saferPorts
- );
- }
- private void connectingInfoHide() {
- textview_ports_found_explanation.Buffer = UtilGtk.TextViewPrint("");
- }
- private void chronopicAtStart(object o, EventArgs args) {
- //make active menuitem chronopic, and this
- //will raise other things
-// menuitem_chronopic.Active = true;
- LogB.Information("CP AT START from gui/chronopic.cs");
- }
- protected bool PulseGTK ()
- {
- if(needUpdateChronopicWin || ! thread.IsAlive) {
- LogB.ThreadEnding();
- fakeConnectionButton.Click();
- pulseEnd();
- LogB.ThreadEnded();
- return false;
- }
- //need to do this, if not it crashes because chronopicConnectionWin gets died by thread ending
- //chronopicConnectionWin = ChronopicConnection.Show();
- //chronopicConnectionWin.Pulse();
- progressbar.Pulse();
- Thread.Sleep (50);
- LogB.Debug(thread.ThreadState.ToString());
- return true;
- }
- private void pulseEnd() {
- button_cancel.Sensitive = false;
- connecting = false;
- fakeWindowDone.Click();
- }
- private void updateChronopicWin(bool state, string message) {
- LogB.Information("updateChronopicWin-1");
- //need to do this, if not it crashes because chronopicConnectionWin gets died by thread ending
- //chronopicConnectionWin = ChronopicConnection.Show();
- LogB.Information("updateChronopicWin-2");
- if(state) {
- //chronopicConnectionWin.Connected(message);
- sensitivityConnected(message);
- progressbar.Fraction = 1.0;
- }
- else
- //chronopicConnectionWin.Disconnected(message);
- sensitivityDisconnected(message);
- needUpdateChronopicWin = false;
- }
- private void sensitivityConnected(string message) {
- LogB.Information("CONNECTED!!");
- label_title.Text = message;
- label_title.UseMarkup = true;
- button_cancel.Sensitive = false;
- check_multitest_show.Sensitive = true;
- }
- private void sensitivityDisconnected(string message) {
- LogB.Information("DISCONNECTED!!");
- label_title.Text = message;
- button_cancel.Sensitive = false;
- check_multitest_show.Sensitive = false;
- }
- private void on_button_help_ports_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- new HelpPorts();
- }
- private void on_check_multichronopic_show_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) {
- table_multi_chronopic.Visible = check_multichronopic_show.Active;
- }
- private void on_button_connect_cp_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- if (o == null)
- return;
- if(isWindows){
- if (o == button_connect_cp1)
- ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[0]).Port = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_windows1);
- else if (o == button_connect_cp2)
- ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[1]).Port = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_windows2);
- else if (o == button_connect_cp3)
- ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[2]).Port = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_windows3);
- else if (o == button_connect_cp4)
- ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[3]).Port = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_windows4);
- }
- else {
- if (o == button_connect_cp1)
- ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[0]).Port = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_linux1);
- else if (o == button_connect_cp2)
- ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[1]).Port = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_linux2);
- else if (o == button_connect_cp3)
- ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[2]).Port = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_linux3);
- else if (o == button_connect_cp4)
- ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[3]).Port = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_linux4);
- }
- if (o == button_connect_cp1)
- currentCp = 1;
- else if (o == button_connect_cp2)
- currentCp = 2;
- else if (o == button_connect_cp3)
- currentCp = 3;
- else // if (o == button_connect_cp4)
- currentCp = 4;
- prepareChronopicConnection();
- }
- private void on_button_help_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("HELP");
- new HelpPorts();
- }
- public void SerialPortsCloseIfNeeded() {
- if(sp != null && sp.IsOpen) {
- LogB.Information("Closing sp");
- sp.Close();
- }
- }
- // Chronopic Automatic Firmware ---------------
- private void on_check_multitest_show_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- table_chronopic_auto.Visible = check_multitest_show.Active;
- }
- private void on_button_auto_check_auto_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- ChronopicAuto ca = new ChronopicAutoCheck();
- label_auto_check.Text = ca.Read(sp);
- }
- private void on_button_auto_check_debounce_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- ChronopicAuto ca = new ChronopicAutoCheckDebounce();
- label_auto_check_debounce.Text = ca.Read(sp);
- }
- private void on_button_auto_change_debounce_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- ChronopicAuto ca = new ChronopicAutoChangeDebounce();
- ca.Write(sp, (int) spin_auto_change_debounce.Value);
- ca = new ChronopicAutoCheckDebounce();
- label_auto_change_debounce.Text = ca.Read(sp);
- }
- private void on_button_auto_check_help_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO,
- "50 ms recommended for jumps." + "\n" +
- "10 ms recommended for runs.");
- }
- private void on_button_auto_change_help_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO,
- "Minimum value will be 50 ms again when user unplugs USB cable.");
- }
- //called from gui/chronojump.cs
- //done here because sending the SP is problematic on windows
- public string CheckAuto (out bool isChronopicAuto)
- {
- ChronopicAuto ca = new ChronopicAutoCheck();
- string str = ca.Read(sp);
- isChronopicAuto = ca.IsChronopicAuto;
- return str;
- }
- public int ChangeMultitestFirmware (int debounceChange)
- {
- LogB.Information("change_multitest_firmware 3 a");
- try {
- //write change
- ChronopicAuto ca = new ChronopicAutoChangeDebounce();
- ca.Write(sp, debounceChange);
- //read if ok
- string ms = "";
- bool success = false;
- int tryNum = 7; //try to connect seven times
- do {
- ca = new ChronopicAutoCheckDebounce();
- ms = ca.Read(sp);
- if(ms.Length == 0)
- LogB.Error("multitest firmware. ms is null");
- else if(ms[0] == '-') //is negative
- LogB.Error("multitest firmware. ms = " + ms);
- else
- success = true;
- tryNum --;
- } while (! success && tryNum > 0);
- LogB.Debug("multitest firmware. ms = " + ms);
- if(ms == "50 ms")
- return 50;
- else if(ms == "10 ms")
- return 10;
- } catch {
- LogB.Error("Could not change debounce");
- }
- return -1;
- }
- // end of Chronopic Automatic Firmware ---------------
- void prepareChronopicConnection() {
- check_multitest_show.Sensitive = false;
- frame_connection.Visible = true;
- label_title.Text = Catalog.GetString("Please touch the platform or click Chronopic
<i>TEST</i> button");
- label_title.UseMarkup = true;
- button_cancel.Sensitive = true;
- fakeConnectionButton = new Gtk.Button();
- fakeConnectionButton.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_chronopic_connection_ended);
- connecting = true;
- needUpdateChronopicWin = false;
- thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(waitChronopicStart));
- GLib.Idle.Add (new GLib.IdleHandler (PulseGTK));
- LogB.ThreadStart();
- thread.Start();
- }
- static Chronopic cpDoing;
- protected void waitChronopicStart ()
- {
- if(currentCp == 1) {
- // simulated = false;
- // SqlitePreferences.Update("simulated", simulated.ToString(), false);
- if(connected)
- return;
- }
- SerialPort sp2;
- SerialPort sp3;
- SerialPort sp4;
- string message = "";
- string myPort = "";
- bool success = false;
- if(currentCp == 1) {
- myPort = ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[0]).Port;
- cpDoing = cp;
- connected = chronopicInit.Do(currentCp, out cpDoing, out sp, platformState, myPort,
out message, out success);
- cp = cpDoing;
- if(success)
- connectionSucceded(1, true);
- }
- else if(currentCp == 2) {
- myPort = ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[1]).Port;
- cpDoing = cp2;
- connected = chronopicInit.Do(currentCp, out cpDoing, out sp2, platformState2, myPort,
out message, out success);
- cp2 = cpDoing;
- if(success)
- connectionSucceded(2, true);
- }
- else if(currentCp == 3) {
- myPort = ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[2]).Port;
- cpDoing = cp3;
- connected = chronopicInit.Do(currentCp, out cpDoing, out sp3, platformState3, myPort,
out message, out success);
- cp3 = cpDoing;
- if(success)
- connectionSucceded(3, true);
- }
- else if(currentCp == 4) {
- myPort = ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[3]).Port;
- cpDoing = cp4;
- connected = chronopicInit.Do(currentCp, out cpDoing, out sp4, platformState4, myPort,
out message, out success);
- cp4 = cpDoing;
- if(success)
- connectionSucceded(4, true);
- }
- LogB.Information(string.Format("wait_chronopic_start {0}", message));
- if(success) {
- Util.PlaySound(Constants.SoundTypes.GOOD, volumeOn);
- updateChronopicWinValuesState= true; //connected
- updateChronopicWinValuesMessage= message;
- } else {
- Util.PlaySound(Constants.SoundTypes.BAD, volumeOn);
- updateChronopicWinValuesState= false; //disconnected
- updateChronopicWinValuesMessage= message;
- }
- foreach(ChronopicPortData a in cpd)
- LogB.Information(a.Num + ", " + a.Port + ", " + a.Connected);
- needUpdateChronopicWin = true;
- }
- private void connectionSucceded(int port, bool playSound)
- {
- string myPort = ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[port -1]).Port;
- ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[port -1]).Connected=true;
- if(port == 1) {
- button_connect_cp1.Sensitive = false;
- image_cp1_no.Hide();
- image_cp1_yes.Show();
- if(isWindows) {
- combo_windows1.Sensitive = false;
- combo_windows2.Sensitive = true;
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows2, myPort);
- combo_windows2.Active = 0; //first option
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows3, myPort);
- combo_windows3.Active = 0;
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows4, myPort);
- combo_windows4.Active = 0;
- } else {
- combo_linux1.Sensitive = false;
- combo_linux2.Sensitive = true;
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux2, myPort);
- combo_linux2.Active = 0; //first option
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux3, myPort);
- combo_linux3.Active = 0;
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux4, myPort);
- combo_linux4.Active = 0;
- }
- }
- else if(port == 2) {
- button_connect_cp2.Sensitive = false;
- image_cp2_no.Hide();
- image_cp2_yes.Show();
- if(isWindows) {
- combo_windows2.Sensitive = false;
- combo_windows3.Sensitive = true;
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows3, myPort);
- combo_windows3.Active = 0;
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows4, myPort);
- combo_windows4.Active = 0;
- } else {
- combo_linux2.Sensitive = false;
- combo_linux3.Sensitive = true;
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux3, myPort);
- combo_linux3.Active = 0;
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux4, myPort);
- combo_linux4.Active = 0;
- }
- }
- else if(port == 3) {
- button_connect_cp3.Sensitive = false;
- image_cp3_no.Hide();
- image_cp3_yes.Show();
- if(isWindows) {
- combo_windows3.Sensitive = false;
- combo_windows4.Sensitive = true;
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows4, myPort);
- combo_windows4.Active = 0;
- } else {
- combo_linux3.Sensitive = false;
- combo_linux4.Sensitive = true;
- UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux4, myPort);
- combo_linux4.Active = 0;
- }
- }
- else if(port == 4) {
- button_connect_cp4.Sensitive = false;
- image_cp4_no.Hide();
- image_cp4_yes.Show();
- if(isWindows)
- combo_windows4.Sensitive = false;
- else
- combo_linux4.Sensitive = false;
- }
- connectingInfoHide();
- frame_connection.Visible = true;
- updateChronopicWin(true, Catalog.GetString("connected"));
- if(playSound)
- Util.PlaySound(Constants.SoundTypes.GOOD, volumeOn);
- updateChronopicWinValuesState= true; //connected
- }
- private void on_chronopic_connection_ended(object o, EventArgs args) {
- updateChronopicWin(updateChronopicWinValuesState, updateChronopicWinValuesMessage);
- }
- private void on_button_cancel_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("cancelled-----");
- //fakeButtonCancelled.Click(); //just to show message of crashing on windows exiting
- button_cancel.Sensitive = false;
- cpDoing.AbortFlush = true;
- chronopicInit.CancelledByUser = true;
- //kill the chronopicInit.Do function that is waiting event
- //thread.Abort();
- //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2853072/thread-does-not-abort-on-application-closing
- //LogB.Debug(thread.ThreadState.ToString());
- //thread.IsBackground = true;
- //try to solve windows problems when a chronopic connection was cancelled
- //LogB.Debug(thread.ThreadState.ToString());
- //thread.Join(1000);
- //LogB.Debug(thread.ThreadState.ToString());
- updateChronopicWinValuesState= false; //disconnected
- updateChronopicWinValuesMessage= Catalog.GetString("Cancelled by user");
- needUpdateChronopicWin = true;
- }
- void on_button_close_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- if(connecting)
- button_cancel.Click();
- LogB.Information("CLOSE");
- fakeWindowDone.Click();
- ChronopicWindowBox.chronopic_window.Hide();
- }
- void on_delete_event (object o, DeleteEventArgs args)
- {
- //nice: this makes windows no destroyed, then it works like button_close
- fakeWindowDone.Click();
- if(connecting)
- button_cancel.Click();
- args.RetVal = true;
- ChronopicWindowBox.chronopic_window.Hide();
- }
- public bool IsConnected(int numCP) {
- //int count = 1;
- //foreach(ChronopicPortData a in cpd)
- // LogB.InformationLine(a.Num + ", " + a.Port + ", " + a.Connected);
- return ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[numCP]).Connected;
- }
- public int NumConnected() {
- int count = 0;
- foreach(ChronopicPortData a in cpd)
- if(a.Connected)
- count ++;
- return count;
- }
- public string GetContactsFirstPort() {
- return ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[0]).Port;
- }
- public string GetEncoderPort() {
- /*
- if(isWindows)
- return UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_windows_encoder);
- else
- return UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_linux_encoder);
- */
- /*
- * better like this because this can be created from Create
- * and readed from the software
- * without needing to define the combos (from View)
- */
- return encoderPort;
- }
- public void CreateSPifNeeded(string port)
- {
- if(sp == null)
- sp = new SerialPort(port);
- }
- public Chronopic CP {
- get { return cp; }
- }
- public Chronopic CP2 {
- get { return cp2; }
- }
- public Chronopic CP3 {
- get { return cp3; }
- }
- public Chronopic CP4 {
- get { return cp4; }
- }
- public SerialPort SP {
- get { return sp; }
- }
- public Chronopic.Plataforma PlatformState { //on (in platform), off (jumping), or unknow
- get { return platformState; }
- }
- //connected to a Chronopic
- public bool Connected {
- get { return connected; }
- set { connected = value; }
- }
- public Button FakeWindowDone {
- get { return fakeWindowDone; }
- }
- //public Gtk.Button FakeButtonCancelled {
- // get { return fakeButtonCancelled; }
- //}
+ * This file is part of ChronoJump
+ *
+ * Chronojump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Chronojump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
+ */
+using System;
+using Gtk;
+using Gdk;
+using Glade;
+using System.IO.Ports;
+using Mono.Unix;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.IO; //"File" things
+using System.Collections; //ArrayList
+public class ChronopicPortData
+ public int Num;
+ public string Port; //port filename
+ public bool Connected;
+ public ChronopicPortData(int num, string port, bool connected) {
+ this.Num = num;
+ this.Port = port;
+ this.Connected = connected;
+ }
+public class ChronopicWindow
+ [Widget] Gtk.Window chronopic_window;
+ static ChronopicWindow ChronopicWindowBox;
+ //ChronopicConnection chronopicConnectionWin;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_main;
+ //[Widget] Gtk.Image image_contact_modular;
+ //[Widget] Gtk.Image image_infrared;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_connect_contacts;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_connect_encoder;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Frame frame_supplementary;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_cp1_yes;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_cp1_no;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_cp2_yes;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_cp2_no;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_cp3_yes;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_cp3_no;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_cp4_yes;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image image_cp4_no;
+ //[Widget] Gtk.Entry entry_multi_chronopic_cp2;
+ string [] comboWindowsOptions;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_windows1;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_windows2;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_windows3;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_windows4;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_linux1;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_linux2;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_linux3;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_linux4;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_windows_encoder;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_linux_encoder;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_connect_cp1;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_connect_cp2;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_connect_cp3;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_connect_cp4;
+ [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton check_multichronopic_show;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Table table_multi_chronopic;
+ //[Widget] Gtk.Button button_reload;
+ //frame_connections
+ [Widget] Gtk.Frame frame_connection;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_title;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ProgressBar progressbar;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_cancel;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Image chronopic_image;
+ [Widget] Gtk.TextView textview_ports_found_explanation;
+ //Automatic firmware stuff
+ [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton check_multitest_show;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Table table_chronopic_auto;
+ [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spin_auto_change_debounce;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_auto_check;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_auto_check_debounce;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_auto_change_debounce;
+ //chronopic connection thread
+ Thread thread;
+ bool needUpdateChronopicWin;
+ bool updateChronopicWinValuesState;
+ string updateChronopicWinValuesMessage;
+ //Gtk.Button fakeButtonCancelled;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button fakeConnectionButton; //raised when chronopic connection ended
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button fakeWindowDone; //raised when chronopic connection ended
+ //[Widget] Gtk.Button fakeWindowReload; //raised when asked to reload
+ bool isWindows;
+ //ArrayList of ChronopicPortData
+ static ArrayList cpd;
+ static string encoderPort;
+ //platform state variables
+ enum States {
+ ON,
+ }
+ bool connected;
+ bool volumeOn;
+ int currentCp; //1 to 4
+ //in order to cancel before close window
+ static bool connecting;
+ //cp1
+ Chronopic cp;
+ SerialPort sp;
+ Chronopic.Plataforma platformState; //on (in platform), off (jumping), or unknow
+ //cp2
+ Chronopic cp2;
+ Chronopic.Plataforma platformState2;
+ //cp3
+ Chronopic cp3;
+ Chronopic.Plataforma platformState3;
+ //cp4
+ Chronopic cp4;
+ Chronopic.Plataforma platformState4;
+ States loggedState; //log of last state
+ public enum ChronojumpMode { JUMPORRUN, ENCODER, OTHER };
+ private ChronopicInit chronopicInit;
+ public ChronopicWindow(Chronopic cpDetected, ArrayList myCpd)
+ {
+ LogB.Debug("constructor");
+ Glade.XML gxml;
+ gxml = Glade.XML.FromAssembly (Util.GetGladePath() + "chronojump.glade", "chronopic_window",
+ gxml.Autoconnect(this);
+ cpd = myCpd;
+ if(cpDetected != null) {
+ cp = cpDetected;
+ sp = new SerialPort( ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[0]).Port );
+ }
+ UtilGtk.IconWindow(chronopic_window);
+ if(UtilAll.IsWindows())
+ isWindows = true;
+ else
+ isWindows = false;
+ setDefaultValues();
+ chronopicInit = new ChronopicInit();
+ //Pixbuf pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(false) + "chronopic_128.png");
+ //chronopic_image.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ /*
+ Pixbuf pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(true) +
+ image_contact_modular.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, Util.GetImagePath(true) + Constants.FileNameInfrared);
+ image_infrared.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
+ */
+ /*
+ if(chronopicPort1 != Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortWindows &&
+ (chronopicPort1 != Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortLinux &&
+ ) {
+ ConfirmWindow confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Do you want to
connect to Chronopic now?"), "", "");
+ confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(chronopicAtStart);
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ /*
+ * recreate is false the first time (on initialization of ChronoJumpWindow at gui/chronojump.cs)
+ * after that is true. Usually is used to manage a disconnected chronopic or other ports problems
+ *
+ * port names come from gui/chronojump.cs to this method (myCpd)
+ */
+ //this is the normal call
+ static public ChronopicWindow Create (ArrayList myCpd, string myEncoderPort, bool recreate, bool
+ {
+ return Create(null, myCpd, myEncoderPort, recreate, volumeOn);
+ }
+ //this is called on AutoDetect
+ static public ChronopicWindow Create (Chronopic cpDetected, ArrayList myCpd, string myEncoderPort,
bool recreate, bool volumeOn)
+ {
+ LogB.Debug("enter create");
+ if (ChronopicWindowBox != null && recreate) {
+ ChronopicWindowBox.chronopic_window.Hide();
+ }
+ if (ChronopicWindowBox == null || recreate) {
+ ChronopicWindowBox = new ChronopicWindow (cpDetected, myCpd);
+ }
+ LogB.Information("create cp is null? " + (ChronopicWindowBox.cp == null).ToString());
+ //don't show until View is called
+ //ChronopicWindowBox.chronopic_window.Show ();
+ ChronopicWindowBox.volumeOn = volumeOn;
+ ChronopicWindowBox.setEncoderPort(myEncoderPort);
+ ChronopicWindowBox.fakeWindowDone = new Gtk.Button();
+ //ChronopicWindowBox.fakeWindowReload = new Gtk.Button();
+ return ChronopicWindowBox;
+ }
+ static public ChronopicWindow View (ChronojumpMode cmode, bool volumeOn)
+ {
+ if (ChronopicWindowBox == null) {
+ ChronopicWindowBox = new ChronopicWindow (null, cpd);
+ }
+ LogB.Information("view cp is null? " + (ChronopicWindowBox.cp == null).ToString());
+ ChronopicWindowBox.volumeOn = volumeOn;
+ if(cmode == ChronojumpMode.JUMPORRUN || cmode == ChronojumpMode.OTHER) {
+ ChronopicWindowBox.notebook_main.CurrentPage = 0;
+ ChronopicWindowBox.checkChronopicDisconnected(); //encoder does not need this because
there's no connection
+ ChronopicWindowBox.frame_supplementary.Visible =
+ (cmode == ChronojumpMode.OTHER); //can have multichronopic
+ }
+ else //cmode == ChronojumpMode.ENCODER)
+ ChronopicWindowBox.notebook_main.CurrentPage = 1;
+ ChronopicWindowBox.createCombos();
+ ChronopicWindowBox.setEncoderPort(encoderPort);
+ //ports info comes from gui/chronojump.cs to Create mehod
+ if(! ChronopicWindowBox.connected)
+ ChronopicWindowBox.connectingInfoShow();
+ ChronopicWindowBox.chronopic_window.Show();
+ ChronopicWindowBox.chronopic_window.Present();
+ return ChronopicWindowBox;
+ }
+ private void setEncoderPort(string myEncoderPort) {
+ if(Util.FoundInStringArray(ChronopicPorts.GetPorts(), myEncoderPort))
+ encoderPort = myEncoderPort;
+ else
+ encoderPort = Util.GetDefaultPort();
+ }
+ private void setDefaultValues()
+ {
+ label_connect_contacts.Text = "<b>" + label_connect_contacts.Text + "</b>";
+ label_connect_encoder.Text = "<b>" + label_connect_encoder.Text + "</b>";
+ label_connect_contacts.UseMarkup = true;
+ label_connect_encoder.UseMarkup = true;
+ check_multichronopic_show.Active = false;
+ table_multi_chronopic.Visible = false;
+ check_multitest_show.Active = false;
+ check_multitest_show.Sensitive = false;
+ if(isWindows) {
+ combo_linux1.Hide();
+ combo_linux2.Hide();
+ combo_linux3.Hide();
+ combo_linux4.Hide();
+ combo_linux_encoder.Hide();
+ combo_windows2.Sensitive = false;
+ combo_windows3.Sensitive = false;
+ combo_windows4.Sensitive = false;
+ } else {
+ combo_windows1.Hide();
+ combo_windows2.Hide();
+ combo_windows3.Hide();
+ combo_windows4.Hide();
+ combo_windows_encoder.Hide();
+ combo_linux2.Sensitive = false;
+ combo_linux3.Sensitive = false;
+ combo_linux4.Sensitive = false;
+ }
+ button_connect_cp1.Sensitive = false;
+ button_connect_cp2.Sensitive = false;
+ button_connect_cp3.Sensitive = false;
+ button_connect_cp4.Sensitive = false;
+ connected = false;
+ foreach(ChronopicPortData a in cpd)
+ if(a.Connected)
+ connected = true;
+ image_cp1_yes.Hide();
+ image_cp2_yes.Hide();
+ image_cp3_yes.Hide();
+ image_cp4_yes.Hide();
+ //encoderPort = "";
+ //fakeButtonCancelled = new Gtk.Button();
+ }
+ //check if user has disconnected chronopic or port has changed
+ private void checkChronopicDisconnected()
+ {
+ bool errorFound = false;
+ foreach(ChronopicPortData a in cpd) {
+ Chronopic myCP;
+ Chronopic.Plataforma myPS;
+ if(a.Num == 1) {
+ myCP = cp;
+ myPS = platformState;
+ } else if(a.Num == 2) {
+ myCP = cp2;
+ myPS = platformState2;
+ } else if(a.Num == 3) {
+ myCP = cp3;
+ myPS = platformState3;
+ } else {
+ myCP = cp4;
+ myPS = platformState4;
+ }
+ bool ok = false;
+ if(a.Connected) {
+ string myPort = a.Port;
+ //http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=88415
+ //https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15514
+ if(! isWindows) {
+ if(! File.Exists(myPort)) {
+ LogB.Error("port does not exists:", myPort);
+ errorFound = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(! errorFound) {
+ //try {
+ ok = myCP.Read_platform(out myPS);
+ //} catch {
+ // LogB.DebugLine("catch at 1");
+ //}
+ if(!ok) {
+ LogB.Error("false at 1");
+ errorFound = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(errorFound) {
+ ArrayList myCPD = new ArrayList();
+ for(int i=1; i<=4; i++) {
+ ChronopicPortData b = new ChronopicPortData(i,"",false);
+ myCPD.Add(b);
+ }
+ Create (myCPD, encoderPort, true, volumeOn);
+ connected = false;
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
+ Catalog.GetString("One or more Chronopics have been disconnected.") +
"\n" +
+ Catalog.GetString("Please connect again, and configure on Chronopic
+ }
+ }
+ private void createCombos() {
+ if(isWindows)
+ ChronopicWindowBox.createComboWindows();
+ else
+ ChronopicWindowBox.createComboLinux();
+ if(connected) {
+ int num = 1;
+ foreach(ChronopicPortData a in cpd) {
+ if(a.Connected)
+ connectionSucceded(num, false); //don't playSound
+ num ++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //private void createComboWindows(string myPort, Gtk.ComboBox myCombo) {
+ private void createComboWindows() {
+ //combo port stuff
+ comboWindowsOptions = new string[32];
+ //for (int i=1; i <= 32; i ++)
+ //comboWindowsOptions[i-1] = "COM" + i;
+ comboWindowsOptions = SerialPort.GetPortNames();
+ string [] def = Util.StringToStringArray(Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortWindows);
+ string [] allWithDef = Util.AddArrayString(def, comboWindowsOptions);
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_windows1, allWithDef, Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortWindows);
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_windows2, allWithDef, Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortWindows);
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_windows3, allWithDef, Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortWindows);
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_windows4, allWithDef, Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortWindows);
+ foreach(ChronopicPortData a in cpd) {
+ if(a.Num == 1) {
+ combo_windows1.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(comboWindowsOptions, a.Port);
+ combo_windows1.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
+ if(a.Connected) {
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows2, a.Port);
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows3, a.Port);
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows4, a.Port);
+ }
+ } else if(a.Num == 2) {
+ combo_windows2.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(comboWindowsOptions, a.Port);
+ combo_windows2.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
+ if(a.Connected) {
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows3, a.Port);
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows4, a.Port);
+ }
+ } else if(a.Num == 3) {
+ combo_windows3.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(comboWindowsOptions, a.Port);
+ combo_windows3.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
+ if(a.Connected)
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows4, a.Port);
+ } else { //4
+ combo_windows4.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(comboWindowsOptions, a.Port);
+ combo_windows4.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
+ }
+ }
+ //encoder
+ //this reduces the callbacks of combo change
+ combo_windows_encoder.Sensitive = false;
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_windows_encoder, allWithDef, encoderPort);
+ combo_windows_encoder.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
+ combo_windows_encoder.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(allWithDef, encoderPort);
+ combo_windows_encoder.Sensitive = true;
+ }
+ private void createComboLinux() {
+ //string [] serial = Directory.GetFiles("/dev/", "ttyS*");
+ string [] usbSerial = Directory.GetFiles("/dev/", "ttyUSB*");
+ string [] usbSerialMac = Directory.GetFiles("/dev/", "tty.usbserial*");
+ string [] all = Util.AddArrayString(usbSerial, usbSerialMac);
+ string [] def = Util.StringToStringArray(Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortLinux);
+ string [] allWithDef = Util.AddArrayString(def, all);
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_linux1, allWithDef, Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortLinux);
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_linux2, allWithDef, Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortLinux);
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_linux3, allWithDef, Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortLinux);
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_linux4, allWithDef, Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortLinux);
+ foreach(ChronopicPortData a in cpd) {
+ if(a.Num == 1) {
+ combo_linux1.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(combo_linux1, a.Port);
+ combo_linux1.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
+ if(a.Connected) {
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux2, a.Port);
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux3, a.Port);
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux4, a.Port);
+ }
+ } else if(a.Num == 2) {
+ combo_linux2.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(combo_linux2, a.Port);
+ combo_linux2.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
+ if(a.Connected) {
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux3, a.Port);
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux4, a.Port);
+ }
+ } else if(a.Num == 3) {
+ combo_linux3.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(combo_linux3, a.Port);
+ combo_linux3.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
+ if(a.Connected)
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux4, a.Port);
+ } else { //4
+ combo_linux4.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(combo_linux4, a.Port);
+ combo_linux4.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
+ }
+ }
+ //encoder
+ //this reduces the callbacks of combo change
+ combo_linux_encoder.Sensitive = false;
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_linux_encoder, allWithDef, encoderPort);
+ combo_linux_encoder.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
+ combo_linux_encoder.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(allWithDef, encoderPort);
+ combo_linux_encoder.Sensitive = true;
+ }
+ private void on_combo_changed(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ ComboBox combo = o as ComboBox;
+ if (o == null)
+ return;
+ //combo is not sensitive when it has been connected
+ //this helps to have button_connect with correct sensitiveness after close window
+ //also help to not have lots of callbacks coming here about encoder combos
+ if(! combo.Sensitive)
+ return;
+ bool portOk = true;
+ if(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo) == Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortWindows ||
+ UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo) == Constants.ChronopicDefaultPortLinux)
+ portOk = false;
+ if (o == combo_linux1 || o == combo_windows1)
+ button_connect_cp1.Sensitive = portOk;
+ else if (o == combo_linux2 || o == combo_windows2)
+ button_connect_cp2.Sensitive = portOk;
+ else if (o == combo_linux3 || o == combo_windows3)
+ button_connect_cp3.Sensitive = portOk;
+ else if (o == combo_linux4 || o == combo_windows4)
+ button_connect_cp4.Sensitive = portOk;
+ else if (o == combo_windows_encoder) {
+ combo_windows_encoder.Changed -= new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
+ encoderPort = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
+ } else if (o == combo_linux_encoder) {
+ combo_linux_encoder.Changed -= new EventHandler (on_combo_changed);
+ encoderPort = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo);
+ }
+ }
+ private void connectingInfoShow() {
+ textview_ports_found_explanation.Buffer = UtilGtk.TextViewPrint(
+ Catalog.GetString("If you just plugged Chronopic cable and expected port is
not listed, close and open again this window.") + "\n" +
+ Catalog.GetString("If you have problems connecting with Chronopic, press help
+ //saferPorts
+ );
+ }
+ private void connectingInfoHide() {
+ textview_ports_found_explanation.Buffer = UtilGtk.TextViewPrint("");
+ }
+ private void chronopicAtStart(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //make active menuitem chronopic, and this
+ //will raise other things
+// menuitem_chronopic.Active = true;
+ LogB.Information("CP AT START from gui/chronopic.cs");
+ }
+ protected bool PulseGTK ()
+ {
+ if(needUpdateChronopicWin || ! thread.IsAlive) {
+ LogB.ThreadEnding();
+ fakeConnectionButton.Click();
+ pulseEnd();
+ LogB.ThreadEnded();
+ return false;
+ }
+ //need to do this, if not it crashes because chronopicConnectionWin gets died by thread ending
+ //chronopicConnectionWin = ChronopicConnection.Show();
+ //chronopicConnectionWin.Pulse();
+ progressbar.Pulse();
+ Thread.Sleep (50);
+ LogB.Debug(thread.ThreadState.ToString());
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void pulseEnd() {
+ button_cancel.Sensitive = false;
+ connecting = false;
+ fakeWindowDone.Click();
+ }
+ private void updateChronopicWin(bool state, string message) {
+ LogB.Information("updateChronopicWin-1");
+ //need to do this, if not it crashes because chronopicConnectionWin gets died by thread ending
+ //chronopicConnectionWin = ChronopicConnection.Show();
+ LogB.Information("updateChronopicWin-2");
+ if(state) {
+ //chronopicConnectionWin.Connected(message);
+ sensitivityConnected(message);
+ progressbar.Fraction = 1.0;
+ }
+ else
+ //chronopicConnectionWin.Disconnected(message);
+ sensitivityDisconnected(message);
+ needUpdateChronopicWin = false;
+ }
+ private void sensitivityConnected(string message) {
+ LogB.Information("CONNECTED!!");
+ label_title.Text = message;
+ label_title.UseMarkup = true;
+ button_cancel.Sensitive = false;
+ check_multitest_show.Sensitive = true;
+ }
+ private void sensitivityDisconnected(string message) {
+ LogB.Information("DISCONNECTED!!");
+ label_title.Text = message;
+ button_cancel.Sensitive = false;
+ check_multitest_show.Sensitive = false;
+ }
+ private void on_button_help_ports_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ new HelpPorts();
+ }
+ private void on_check_multichronopic_show_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ table_multi_chronopic.Visible = check_multichronopic_show.Active;
+ }
+ private void on_button_connect_cp_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ if (o == null)
+ return;
+ if(isWindows){
+ if (o == button_connect_cp1)
+ ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[0]).Port = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_windows1);
+ else if (o == button_connect_cp2)
+ ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[1]).Port = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_windows2);
+ else if (o == button_connect_cp3)
+ ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[2]).Port = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_windows3);
+ else if (o == button_connect_cp4)
+ ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[3]).Port = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_windows4);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (o == button_connect_cp1)
+ ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[0]).Port = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_linux1);
+ else if (o == button_connect_cp2)
+ ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[1]).Port = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_linux2);
+ else if (o == button_connect_cp3)
+ ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[2]).Port = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_linux3);
+ else if (o == button_connect_cp4)
+ ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[3]).Port = UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_linux4);
+ }
+ if (o == button_connect_cp1)
+ currentCp = 1;
+ else if (o == button_connect_cp2)
+ currentCp = 2;
+ else if (o == button_connect_cp3)
+ currentCp = 3;
+ else // if (o == button_connect_cp4)
+ currentCp = 4;
+ prepareChronopicConnection();
+ }
+ private void on_button_help_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("HELP");
+ new HelpPorts();
+ }
+ public void SerialPortsCloseIfNeeded() {
+ if(sp != null && sp.IsOpen) {
+ LogB.Information("Closing sp");
+ sp.Close();
+ }
+ }
+ // Chronopic Automatic Firmware ---------------
+ private void on_check_multitest_show_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ table_chronopic_auto.Visible = check_multitest_show.Active;
+ }
+ private void on_button_auto_check_auto_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ ChronopicAuto ca = new ChronopicAutoCheck();
+ label_auto_check.Text = ca.Read(sp);
+ }
+ private void on_button_auto_check_debounce_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ ChronopicAuto ca = new ChronopicAutoCheckDebounce();
+ label_auto_check_debounce.Text = ca.Read(sp);
+ }
+ private void on_button_auto_change_debounce_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ ChronopicAuto ca = new ChronopicAutoChangeDebounce();
+ ca.Write(sp, (int) spin_auto_change_debounce.Value);
+ ca = new ChronopicAutoCheckDebounce();
+ label_auto_change_debounce.Text = ca.Read(sp);
+ }
+ private void on_button_auto_check_help_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO,
+ "50 ms recommended for jumps." + "\n" +
+ "10 ms recommended for runs.");
+ }
+ private void on_button_auto_change_help_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO,
+ "Minimum value will be 50 ms again when user unplugs USB cable.");
+ }
+ //called from gui/chronojump.cs
+ //done here because sending the SP is problematic on windows
+ public string CheckAuto (out bool isChronopicAuto)
+ {
+ ChronopicAuto ca = new ChronopicAutoCheck();
+ string str = ca.Read(sp);
+ isChronopicAuto = ca.IsChronopicAuto;
+ return str;
+ }
+ public int ChangeMultitestFirmware (int debounceChange)
+ {
+ LogB.Information("change_multitest_firmware 3 a");
+ try {
+ //write change
+ ChronopicAuto ca = new ChronopicAutoChangeDebounce();
+ ca.Write(sp, debounceChange);
+ //read if ok
+ string ms = "";
+ bool success = false;
+ int tryNum = 7; //try to connect seven times
+ do {
+ ca = new ChronopicAutoCheckDebounce();
+ ms = ca.Read(sp);
+ if(ms.Length == 0)
+ LogB.Error("multitest firmware. ms is null");
+ else if(ms[0] == '-') //is negative
+ LogB.Error("multitest firmware. ms = " + ms);
+ else
+ success = true;
+ tryNum --;
+ } while (! success && tryNum > 0);
+ LogB.Debug("multitest firmware. ms = " + ms);
+ if(ms == "50 ms")
+ return 50;
+ else if(ms == "10 ms")
+ return 10;
+ } catch {
+ LogB.Error("Could not change debounce");
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // end of Chronopic Automatic Firmware ---------------
+ void prepareChronopicConnection() {
+ check_multitest_show.Sensitive = false;
+ frame_connection.Visible = true;
+ label_title.Text = Catalog.GetString("Please touch the platform or click Chronopic
<i>TEST</i> button");
+ label_title.UseMarkup = true;
+ button_cancel.Sensitive = true;
+ fakeConnectionButton = new Gtk.Button();
+ fakeConnectionButton.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_chronopic_connection_ended);
+ connecting = true;
+ needUpdateChronopicWin = false;
+ thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(waitChronopicStart));
+ GLib.Idle.Add (new GLib.IdleHandler (PulseGTK));
+ LogB.ThreadStart();
+ thread.Start();
+ }
+ static Chronopic cpDoing;
+ protected void waitChronopicStart ()
+ {
+ if(currentCp == 1) {
+ // simulated = false;
+ // SqlitePreferences.Update("simulated", simulated.ToString(), false);
+ if(connected)
+ return;
+ }
+ SerialPort sp2;
+ SerialPort sp3;
+ SerialPort sp4;
+ string message = "";
+ string myPort = "";
+ bool success = false;
+ if(currentCp == 1) {
+ myPort = ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[0]).Port;
+ cpDoing = cp;
+ connected = chronopicInit.Do(currentCp, out cpDoing, out sp, platformState, myPort,
out message, out success);
+ cp = cpDoing;
+ if(success)
+ connectionSucceded(1, true);
+ }
+ else if(currentCp == 2) {
+ myPort = ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[1]).Port;
+ cpDoing = cp2;
+ connected = chronopicInit.Do(currentCp, out cpDoing, out sp2, platformState2, myPort,
out message, out success);
+ cp2 = cpDoing;
+ if(success)
+ connectionSucceded(2, true);
+ }
+ else if(currentCp == 3) {
+ myPort = ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[2]).Port;
+ cpDoing = cp3;
+ connected = chronopicInit.Do(currentCp, out cpDoing, out sp3, platformState3, myPort,
out message, out success);
+ cp3 = cpDoing;
+ if(success)
+ connectionSucceded(3, true);
+ }
+ else if(currentCp == 4) {
+ myPort = ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[3]).Port;
+ cpDoing = cp4;
+ connected = chronopicInit.Do(currentCp, out cpDoing, out sp4, platformState4, myPort,
out message, out success);
+ cp4 = cpDoing;
+ if(success)
+ connectionSucceded(4, true);
+ }
+ LogB.Information(string.Format("wait_chronopic_start {0}", message));
+ if(success) {
+ Util.PlaySound(Constants.SoundTypes.GOOD, volumeOn);
+ updateChronopicWinValuesState= true; //connected
+ updateChronopicWinValuesMessage= message;
+ } else {
+ Util.PlaySound(Constants.SoundTypes.BAD, volumeOn);
+ updateChronopicWinValuesState= false; //disconnected
+ updateChronopicWinValuesMessage= message;
+ }
+ foreach(ChronopicPortData a in cpd)
+ LogB.Information(a.Num + ", " + a.Port + ", " + a.Connected);
+ needUpdateChronopicWin = true;
+ }
+ private void connectionSucceded(int port, bool playSound)
+ {
+ string myPort = ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[port -1]).Port;
+ ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[port -1]).Connected=true;
+ if(port == 1) {
+ button_connect_cp1.Sensitive = false;
+ image_cp1_no.Hide();
+ image_cp1_yes.Show();
+ if(isWindows) {
+ combo_windows1.Sensitive = false;
+ combo_windows2.Sensitive = true;
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows2, myPort);
+ combo_windows2.Active = 0; //first option
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows3, myPort);
+ combo_windows3.Active = 0;
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows4, myPort);
+ combo_windows4.Active = 0;
+ } else {
+ combo_linux1.Sensitive = false;
+ combo_linux2.Sensitive = true;
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux2, myPort);
+ combo_linux2.Active = 0; //first option
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux3, myPort);
+ combo_linux3.Active = 0;
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux4, myPort);
+ combo_linux4.Active = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(port == 2) {
+ button_connect_cp2.Sensitive = false;
+ image_cp2_no.Hide();
+ image_cp2_yes.Show();
+ if(isWindows) {
+ combo_windows2.Sensitive = false;
+ combo_windows3.Sensitive = true;
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows3, myPort);
+ combo_windows3.Active = 0;
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows4, myPort);
+ combo_windows4.Active = 0;
+ } else {
+ combo_linux2.Sensitive = false;
+ combo_linux3.Sensitive = true;
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux3, myPort);
+ combo_linux3.Active = 0;
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux4, myPort);
+ combo_linux4.Active = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(port == 3) {
+ button_connect_cp3.Sensitive = false;
+ image_cp3_no.Hide();
+ image_cp3_yes.Show();
+ if(isWindows) {
+ combo_windows3.Sensitive = false;
+ combo_windows4.Sensitive = true;
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_windows4, myPort);
+ combo_windows4.Active = 0;
+ } else {
+ combo_linux3.Sensitive = false;
+ combo_linux4.Sensitive = true;
+ UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_linux4, myPort);
+ combo_linux4.Active = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(port == 4) {
+ button_connect_cp4.Sensitive = false;
+ image_cp4_no.Hide();
+ image_cp4_yes.Show();
+ if(isWindows)
+ combo_windows4.Sensitive = false;
+ else
+ combo_linux4.Sensitive = false;
+ }
+ connectingInfoHide();
+ frame_connection.Visible = true;
+ updateChronopicWin(true, Catalog.GetString("connected"));
+ if(playSound)
+ Util.PlaySound(Constants.SoundTypes.GOOD, volumeOn);
+ updateChronopicWinValuesState= true; //connected
+ }
+ private void on_chronopic_connection_ended(object o, EventArgs args) {
+ updateChronopicWin(updateChronopicWinValuesState, updateChronopicWinValuesMessage);
+ }
+ private void on_button_cancel_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("cancelled-----");
+ //fakeButtonCancelled.Click(); //just to show message of crashing on windows exiting
+ button_cancel.Sensitive = false;
+ cpDoing.AbortFlush = true;
+ chronopicInit.CancelledByUser = true;
+ //kill the chronopicInit.Do function that is waiting event
+ //thread.Abort();
+ //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2853072/thread-does-not-abort-on-application-closing
+ //LogB.Debug(thread.ThreadState.ToString());
+ //thread.IsBackground = true;
+ //try to solve windows problems when a chronopic connection was cancelled
+ //LogB.Debug(thread.ThreadState.ToString());
+ //thread.Join(1000);
+ //LogB.Debug(thread.ThreadState.ToString());
+ updateChronopicWinValuesState= false; //disconnected
+ updateChronopicWinValuesMessage= Catalog.GetString("Cancelled by user");
+ needUpdateChronopicWin = true;
+ }
+ void on_button_close_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ if(connecting)
+ button_cancel.Click();
+ LogB.Information("CLOSE");
+ fakeWindowDone.Click();
+ ChronopicWindowBox.chronopic_window.Hide();
+ }
+ void on_delete_event (object o, DeleteEventArgs args)
+ {
+ //nice: this makes windows no destroyed, then it works like button_close
+ fakeWindowDone.Click();
+ if(connecting)
+ button_cancel.Click();
+ args.RetVal = true;
+ ChronopicWindowBox.chronopic_window.Hide();
+ }
+ public bool IsConnected(int numCP) {
+ //int count = 1;
+ //foreach(ChronopicPortData a in cpd)
+ // LogB.InformationLine(a.Num + ", " + a.Port + ", " + a.Connected);
+ return ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[numCP]).Connected;
+ }
+ public int NumConnected() {
+ int count = 0;
+ foreach(ChronopicPortData a in cpd)
+ if(a.Connected)
+ count ++;
+ return count;
+ }
+ public string GetContactsFirstPort() {
+ return ((ChronopicPortData) cpd[0]).Port;
+ }
+ public string GetEncoderPort() {
+ /*
+ if(isWindows)
+ return UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_windows_encoder);
+ else
+ return UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_linux_encoder);
+ */
+ /*
+ * better like this because this can be created from Create
+ * and readed from the software
+ * without needing to define the combos (from View)
+ */
+ return encoderPort;
+ }
+ public void CreateSPifNeeded(string port)
+ {
+ if(sp == null)
+ sp = new SerialPort(port);
+ }
+ public Chronopic CP {
+ get { return cp; }
+ }
+ public Chronopic CP2 {
+ get { return cp2; }
+ }
+ public Chronopic CP3 {
+ get { return cp3; }
+ }
+ public Chronopic CP4 {
+ get { return cp4; }
+ }
+ public SerialPort SP {
+ get { return sp; }
+ }
+ public Chronopic.Plataforma PlatformState { //on (in platform), off (jumping), or unknow
+ get { return platformState; }
+ }
+ //connected to a Chronopic
+ public bool Connected {
+ get { return connected; }
+ set { connected = value; }
+ }
+ public Button FakeWindowDone {
+ get { return fakeWindowDone; }
+ }
+ //public Gtk.Button FakeButtonCancelled {
+ // get { return fakeButtonCancelled; }
+ //}
diff --git a/src/gui/movingStartWindow.cs b/src/gui/movingStartWindow.cs
index e9eb229..a016cc9 100644
--- a/src/gui/movingStartWindow.cs
+++ b/src/gui/movingStartWindow.cs
@@ -1,173 +1,173 @@
- * This file is part of ChronoJump
- *
- * Chronojump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * Chronojump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
- */
-using System;
-using Gtk;
- * Unused because moving doesn't look nice on big buttons, store here for the future
- *
-public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
- [Widget] Gtk.HBox hbox_start_test;
- [Widget] Gtk.Alignment alignment_start_test_l;
- [Widget] Gtk.Alignment alignment_start_test_m;
- [Widget] Gtk.Alignment alignment_start_test_r;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_start_test_l;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_start_test_m;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_start_test_r;
- MovingStartButton msb_l;
- MovingStartButton msb_m;
- MovingStartButton msb_r;
- int msb_l_pos;
- int msb_m_pos;
- int msb_r_pos;
- bool timerStartTest_l;
- bool timerStartTest_m;
- bool timerStartTest_r;
- private void moveStartTestInitial()
- {
- int emptySpace = hbox_start_test.Allocation.Width -
- (button_start_test_l.Allocation.Width + button_start_test_m.Allocation.Width +
- int leftSpace = Convert.ToInt32(emptySpace / 4); //4: left, between 1-2, between 2-3, right
- msb_l_pos = leftSpace;
- msb_m_pos = leftSpace;
- msb_r_pos = leftSpace;
- alignment_start_test_l.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_l_pos),0);
- alignment_start_test_m.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_m_pos),0);
- alignment_start_test_r.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_r_pos),0);
- }
- private void on_alignment_start_l_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- msb_m = new MovingStartButton(msb_m_pos,
- //600,
- hbox_start_test.Allocation.Width - button_start_test_m.Allocation.Width -
- MovingStartButton.Dirs.R);
- timerStartTest_l = true;
- GLib.Timeout.Add(1, new GLib.TimeoutHandler(OnTimerStartTest_l));
- }
- //moving m to right will move also r, make him move to left until they collide
- bool OnTimerStartTest_l()
- {
- if (! timerStartTest_l)
- return false;
- if(msb_m != null)
- msb_m.Next();
- if(msb_m.Moving) {
- msb_m_pos = msb_m.Pos;
- if( msb_r_pos - msb_m.Speed >= 1)
- msb_r_pos -= msb_m.Speed;
- else
- msb_r_pos = 1;
- alignment_start_test_m.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_m_pos),0);
- alignment_start_test_r.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_r_pos),0);
- LogB.Information("mpos: " + msb_m.Pos + "; mspeed: " + msb_m.Speed + "; rpos: " +
- return true;
- } else
- return false;
- }
- private void on_alignment_start_m_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- msb_l = new MovingStartButton(msb_l_pos, 1, MovingStartButton.Dirs.L);
- timerStartTest_m = true;
- GLib.Timeout.Add(1, new GLib.TimeoutHandler(OnTimerStartTest_m));
- }
- //this will move l left, m right to maintain position, r right to the end
- bool OnTimerStartTest_m()
- {
- if (! timerStartTest_m)
- return false;
- if(msb_l != null)
- msb_l.Next();
- if(msb_l.Moving) {
- msb_l_pos = msb_l.Pos;
- msb_m_pos += msb_l.Speed;
- msb_r_pos += msb_l.Speed;
- alignment_start_test_l.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_l_pos),0);
- alignment_start_test_m.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_m_pos),0);
- alignment_start_test_r.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_r_pos),0);
- return true;
- } else
- return false;
- }
- private void on_alignment_start_r_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- msb_m = new MovingStartButton(msb_m_pos, -200, MovingStartButton.Dirs.L);
- timerStartTest_r = true;
- GLib.Timeout.Add(1, new GLib.TimeoutHandler(OnTimerStartTest_r));
- }
- //moving m to left but when colliding with l, move it also
- bool OnTimerStartTest_r()
- {
- if (! timerStartTest_r)
- return false;
- if(msb_m != null)
- msb_m.Next();
- if(msb_m.Moving) {
- int msb_l_pos_old = msb_l_pos;
- int msb_m_pos_old = msb_m_pos;
- msb_m_pos = msb_m.Pos;
- if(msb_m_pos <= 1) {
- msb_m_pos = 1;
- msb_l_pos -= msb_m.Speed;
- }
- if(msb_l_pos <= 0) {
- timerStartTest_r = false;
- return false;
- }
- msb_r_pos += (msb_l_pos_old - msb_l_pos) + (msb_m_pos_old - msb_m_pos);
- alignment_start_test_l.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_l_pos),0);
- alignment_start_test_m.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_m_pos),0);
- alignment_start_test_r.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_r_pos),0);
- return true;
- } else
- return false;
- }
- private void on_alignment_start_reset_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- moveStartTestInitial();
- }
+ * This file is part of ChronoJump
+ *
+ * Chronojump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Chronojump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
+ */
+using System;
+using Gtk;
+ * Unused because moving doesn't look nice on big buttons, store here for the future
+ *
+public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
+ [Widget] Gtk.HBox hbox_start_test;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Alignment alignment_start_test_l;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Alignment alignment_start_test_m;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Alignment alignment_start_test_r;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_start_test_l;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_start_test_m;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_start_test_r;
+ MovingStartButton msb_l;
+ MovingStartButton msb_m;
+ MovingStartButton msb_r;
+ int msb_l_pos;
+ int msb_m_pos;
+ int msb_r_pos;
+ bool timerStartTest_l;
+ bool timerStartTest_m;
+ bool timerStartTest_r;
+ private void moveStartTestInitial()
+ {
+ int emptySpace = hbox_start_test.Allocation.Width -
+ (button_start_test_l.Allocation.Width + button_start_test_m.Allocation.Width +
+ int leftSpace = Convert.ToInt32(emptySpace / 4); //4: left, between 1-2, between 2-3, right
+ msb_l_pos = leftSpace;
+ msb_m_pos = leftSpace;
+ msb_r_pos = leftSpace;
+ alignment_start_test_l.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_l_pos),0);
+ alignment_start_test_m.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_m_pos),0);
+ alignment_start_test_r.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_r_pos),0);
+ }
+ private void on_alignment_start_l_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ msb_m = new MovingStartButton(msb_m_pos,
+ //600,
+ hbox_start_test.Allocation.Width - button_start_test_m.Allocation.Width -
+ MovingStartButton.Dirs.R);
+ timerStartTest_l = true;
+ GLib.Timeout.Add(1, new GLib.TimeoutHandler(OnTimerStartTest_l));
+ }
+ //moving m to right will move also r, make him move to left until they collide
+ bool OnTimerStartTest_l()
+ {
+ if (! timerStartTest_l)
+ return false;
+ if(msb_m != null)
+ msb_m.Next();
+ if(msb_m.Moving) {
+ msb_m_pos = msb_m.Pos;
+ if( msb_r_pos - msb_m.Speed >= 1)
+ msb_r_pos -= msb_m.Speed;
+ else
+ msb_r_pos = 1;
+ alignment_start_test_m.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_m_pos),0);
+ alignment_start_test_r.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_r_pos),0);
+ LogB.Information("mpos: " + msb_m.Pos + "; mspeed: " + msb_m.Speed + "; rpos: " +
+ return true;
+ } else
+ return false;
+ }
+ private void on_alignment_start_m_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ msb_l = new MovingStartButton(msb_l_pos, 1, MovingStartButton.Dirs.L);
+ timerStartTest_m = true;
+ GLib.Timeout.Add(1, new GLib.TimeoutHandler(OnTimerStartTest_m));
+ }
+ //this will move l left, m right to maintain position, r right to the end
+ bool OnTimerStartTest_m()
+ {
+ if (! timerStartTest_m)
+ return false;
+ if(msb_l != null)
+ msb_l.Next();
+ if(msb_l.Moving) {
+ msb_l_pos = msb_l.Pos;
+ msb_m_pos += msb_l.Speed;
+ msb_r_pos += msb_l.Speed;
+ alignment_start_test_l.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_l_pos),0);
+ alignment_start_test_m.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_m_pos),0);
+ alignment_start_test_r.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_r_pos),0);
+ return true;
+ } else
+ return false;
+ }
+ private void on_alignment_start_r_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ msb_m = new MovingStartButton(msb_m_pos, -200, MovingStartButton.Dirs.L);
+ timerStartTest_r = true;
+ GLib.Timeout.Add(1, new GLib.TimeoutHandler(OnTimerStartTest_r));
+ }
+ //moving m to left but when colliding with l, move it also
+ bool OnTimerStartTest_r()
+ {
+ if (! timerStartTest_r)
+ return false;
+ if(msb_m != null)
+ msb_m.Next();
+ if(msb_m.Moving) {
+ int msb_l_pos_old = msb_l_pos;
+ int msb_m_pos_old = msb_m_pos;
+ msb_m_pos = msb_m.Pos;
+ if(msb_m_pos <= 1) {
+ msb_m_pos = 1;
+ msb_l_pos -= msb_m.Speed;
+ }
+ if(msb_l_pos <= 0) {
+ timerStartTest_r = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ msb_r_pos += (msb_l_pos_old - msb_l_pos) + (msb_m_pos_old - msb_m_pos);
+ alignment_start_test_l.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_l_pos),0);
+ alignment_start_test_m.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_m_pos),0);
+ alignment_start_test_r.SetPadding(0,0,Convert.ToUInt32(msb_r_pos),0);
+ return true;
+ } else
+ return false;
+ }
+ private void on_alignment_start_reset_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ moveStartTestInitial();
+ }
diff --git a/src/gui/networks.cs b/src/gui/networks.cs
index 277a292..bb75269 100644
--- a/src/gui/networks.cs
+++ b/src/gui/networks.cs
@@ -1,258 +1,258 @@
- * This file is part of ChronoJump
- *
- * Chronojump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * Chronojump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
- */
-using System;
-using Gtk;
-using Gdk;
-using Glade;
-using System.IO.Ports;
-using System.IO; //"File" things
-using System.Collections; //ArrayList
-using System.Collections.Generic; //List
-public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
- //custom buttons
- [Widget] Gtk.HBox hbox_encoder_analyze_signal_or_curves;
- //Auto-detect
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_autodetect_active;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_autodetect_inactive;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_autodetect_discard_first;
- //RFID
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_rfid;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_rfid;
- //better raspberry controls
- [Widget] Gtk.Entry entry_raspberry_extra_weight;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_encoder_capture_extra_mass_no_raspberry;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_encoder_capture_extra_mass_raspberry;
- [Widget] Gtk.HBox hbox_encoder_im_weights_n;
- //config.EncoderNameAndCapture
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_encoder_person;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_encoder_person_name;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_encoder_person_change;
- //config.EncoderCaptureShowOnlyBars
- [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_encoder_capture_main;
- [Widget] Gtk.VBox vbox_treeview_encoder_at_second_page;
- //shown when menu is hidden
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_preferences_not_menu;
- private bool useVideo = true;
- private Config.AutodetectPortEnum configAutodetectPort = Config.AutodetectPortEnum.ACTIVE;
- private enum linuxTypeEnum { NOTLINUX, LINUX, RASPBERRY, NETWORKS }
- private linuxTypeEnum linuxType;
- private bool encoderConfigurationDefinedFromFile = false;
- private bool encoderUpdateTreeViewWhileCapturing = true;
- private bool autodetectSignalEnabled = true;
- private void configInit()
- {
- //trying new Config class
- Config config = new Config();
- config.Read();
- LogB.Information("Config:\n" + config.ToString());
- /*
- * TODO: do an else to any option
- * is good to do the else here because user can import a configuration at any time
- * and things need to be restored to default position in glade
- *
- * But note this has to be executed only if it has changed!!
- */
- if(config.Maximized)
- app1.Maximize();
- if(config.CustomButtons) {
- //---- capture tab ----
- hbox_encoder_capture_extra_mass_no_raspberry.Visible = false;
- hbox_encoder_capture_extra_mass_raspberry.Visible = true;
- button_encoder_select.HeightRequest = 40;
- //this will make all encoder capture controls taller
- button_encoder_capture.SetSizeRequest(125,60);
- spin_encoder_im_weights_n.Visible = false;
- hbox_encoder_im_weights_n.Visible = true;
- //---- analyze tab ----
- hbox_encoder_analyze_signal_or_curves.HeightRequest = 40;
- button_encoder_analyze.SetSizeRequest(120,40);
- }
- if(! config.UseVideo) {
- useVideo = false;
- alignment_video_encoder.Visible = false;
- }
- //Auto-detect stuff
- configAutodetectPort = config.AutodetectPort;
- autodetectSignalEnabled = false; //do not raise signals that could rewrite the config file
- if(configAutodetectPort == Config.AutodetectPortEnum.ACTIVE)
- radio_autodetect_active.Active = true;
- else if(configAutodetectPort == Config.AutodetectPortEnum.INACTIVE)
- radio_autodetect_inactive.Active = true;
- else // (configAutodetectPort == Config.AutodetectPortEnum.DISCARDFIRST)
- radio_autodetect_discard_first.Active = true;
- autodetectSignalEnabled = true; //activate signals again
- //show only power
- if(config.OnlyEncoderGravitatory)
- select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERGRAVITATORY);
- else if(config.OnlyEncoderInertial)
- select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERINERTIAL);
- if(config.EncoderCaptureShowOnlyBars) {
- vpaned_encoder_capture_video_and_set_graph.Visible = false;
- vpaned_encoder_main.Remove(alignment_treeview_encoder_capture_curves);
- notebook_encoder_capture_main.ShowTabs = true;
- } else {
- /*
- * is good to do the else here because user can import a configuration at any time
- * and things need to be restored to default position in glade
- *
- * But note this has to be executed only if it has changed!!
- */
- /*
- notebook_encoder_capture_main.ShowTabs = false;
- vpaned_encoder_main.PackStart(alignment_treeview_encoder_capture_curves);
- */
- }
- encoderUpdateTreeViewWhileCapturing = config.EncoderUpdateTreeViewWhileCapturing;
- if(config.PersonWinHide) {
- //vbox_persons.Visible = false;
- notebook_session_person.Visible = false;
- hbox_encoder_person.Visible = true;
- }
- if(config.EncoderAnalyzeHide) {
- hbox_encoder_sup_capture_analyze_two_buttons.Visible = false;
- }
- if(config.Econf != null) {
- encoderConfigurationDefinedFromFile = true;
- encoderConfigurationCurrent = config.Econf;
- encoderConfigurationGUIUpdate();
- //TODO: allow to see full data, but don't allow to change it (Open window content as
- }
- if(config.SessionMode == Config.SessionModeEnum.UNIQUE)
- {
- main_menu.Visible = false;
- button_preferences_not_menu.Visible = true;
- if(! Sqlite.Exists(false, Constants.SessionTable, "session")) {
- //this creates the session and inserts at DB
- currentSession = new Session(
- "session", "", DateTime.Today, //name, place, dateTime
- Constants.SportUndefinedID, Constants.SpeciallityUndefinedID,
- "", Constants.ServerUndefinedID); //comments, serverID
- } else
- currentSession = SqliteSession.SelectByName("session");
- on_load_session_accepted();
- }
- //TODO
- //RunScriptOnExit
- /*
- if(linuxType == linuxTypeEnum.NETWORKS) {
- //mostrar directament el power
- select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWER);
- //no mostrar menu
- main_menu.Visible = false;
- //no mostrar persones
- //vbox_persons.Visible = false;
- //TODO: rfid can be here, also machine, maybe weight, other features
- //time, gym, ...
- //show rfid
- hbox_rfid.Visible = true;
- //to test display, just make sensitive the top controls, but beware there's no
session yet and no person
- notebook_sup.Sensitive = true;
- hbox_encoder_sup_capture_analyze.Sensitive = true;
- notebook_encoder_sup.Sensitive = false;
- }
- */
- }
- public void on_radio_autodetect_active_toggled (object obj, EventArgs args)
- {
- if(autodetectSignalEnabled && radio_autodetect_active.Active)
- {
- configAutodetectPort = Config.AutodetectPortEnum.ACTIVE;
- Config.UpdateField("AutodetectPort", configAutodetectPort.ToString());
- }
- }
- public void on_radio_autodetect_inactive_toggled (object obj, EventArgs args)
- {
- if(autodetectSignalEnabled && radio_autodetect_inactive.Active)
- {
- configAutodetectPort = Config.AutodetectPortEnum.INACTIVE;
- Config.UpdateField("AutodetectPort", configAutodetectPort.ToString());
- }
- }
- public void on_radio_autodetect_discard_first_toggled (object obj, EventArgs args)
- {
- if(autodetectSignalEnabled && radio_autodetect_discard_first.Active)
- {
- configAutodetectPort = Config.AutodetectPortEnum.DISCARDFIRST;
- Config.UpdateField("AutodetectPort", configAutodetectPort.ToString());
- }
- }
- //rfid
- private void rfid_test() {
- Networks networks = new Networks();
- networks.Test();
- }
- void on_button_rfid_read_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- string file = "/tmp/chronojump_rfid.txt";
- if(Util.FileExists(file))
- label_rfid.Text = Util.ReadFile(file, true);
- }
+ * This file is part of ChronoJump
+ *
+ * Chronojump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Chronojump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
+ */
+using System;
+using Gtk;
+using Gdk;
+using Glade;
+using System.IO.Ports;
+using System.IO; //"File" things
+using System.Collections; //ArrayList
+using System.Collections.Generic; //List
+public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
+ //custom buttons
+ [Widget] Gtk.HBox hbox_encoder_analyze_signal_or_curves;
+ //Auto-detect
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_autodetect_active;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_autodetect_inactive;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_autodetect_discard_first;
+ //RFID
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_rfid;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_rfid;
+ //better raspberry controls
+ [Widget] Gtk.Entry entry_raspberry_extra_weight;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_encoder_capture_extra_mass_no_raspberry;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_encoder_capture_extra_mass_raspberry;
+ [Widget] Gtk.HBox hbox_encoder_im_weights_n;
+ //config.EncoderNameAndCapture
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_encoder_person;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_encoder_person_name;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_encoder_person_change;
+ //config.EncoderCaptureShowOnlyBars
+ [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook_encoder_capture_main;
+ [Widget] Gtk.VBox vbox_treeview_encoder_at_second_page;
+ //shown when menu is hidden
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_preferences_not_menu;
+ private bool useVideo = true;
+ private Config.AutodetectPortEnum configAutodetectPort = Config.AutodetectPortEnum.ACTIVE;
+ private enum linuxTypeEnum { NOTLINUX, LINUX, RASPBERRY, NETWORKS }
+ private linuxTypeEnum linuxType;
+ private bool encoderConfigurationDefinedFromFile = false;
+ private bool encoderUpdateTreeViewWhileCapturing = true;
+ private bool autodetectSignalEnabled = true;
+ private void configInit()
+ {
+ //trying new Config class
+ Config config = new Config();
+ config.Read();
+ LogB.Information("Config:\n" + config.ToString());
+ /*
+ * TODO: do an else to any option
+ * is good to do the else here because user can import a configuration at any time
+ * and things need to be restored to default position in glade
+ *
+ * But note this has to be executed only if it has changed!!
+ */
+ if(config.Maximized)
+ app1.Maximize();
+ if(config.CustomButtons) {
+ //---- capture tab ----
+ hbox_encoder_capture_extra_mass_no_raspberry.Visible = false;
+ hbox_encoder_capture_extra_mass_raspberry.Visible = true;
+ button_encoder_select.HeightRequest = 40;
+ //this will make all encoder capture controls taller
+ button_encoder_capture.SetSizeRequest(125,60);
+ spin_encoder_im_weights_n.Visible = false;
+ hbox_encoder_im_weights_n.Visible = true;
+ //---- analyze tab ----
+ hbox_encoder_analyze_signal_or_curves.HeightRequest = 40;
+ button_encoder_analyze.SetSizeRequest(120,40);
+ }
+ if(! config.UseVideo) {
+ useVideo = false;
+ alignment_video_encoder.Visible = false;
+ }
+ //Auto-detect stuff
+ configAutodetectPort = config.AutodetectPort;
+ autodetectSignalEnabled = false; //do not raise signals that could rewrite the config file
+ if(configAutodetectPort == Config.AutodetectPortEnum.ACTIVE)
+ radio_autodetect_active.Active = true;
+ else if(configAutodetectPort == Config.AutodetectPortEnum.INACTIVE)
+ radio_autodetect_inactive.Active = true;
+ else // (configAutodetectPort == Config.AutodetectPortEnum.DISCARDFIRST)
+ radio_autodetect_discard_first.Active = true;
+ autodetectSignalEnabled = true; //activate signals again
+ //show only power
+ if(config.OnlyEncoderGravitatory)
+ select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERGRAVITATORY);
+ else if(config.OnlyEncoderInertial)
+ select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERINERTIAL);
+ if(config.EncoderCaptureShowOnlyBars) {
+ vpaned_encoder_capture_video_and_set_graph.Visible = false;
+ vpaned_encoder_main.Remove(alignment_treeview_encoder_capture_curves);
+ notebook_encoder_capture_main.ShowTabs = true;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * is good to do the else here because user can import a configuration at any time
+ * and things need to be restored to default position in glade
+ *
+ * But note this has to be executed only if it has changed!!
+ */
+ /*
+ notebook_encoder_capture_main.ShowTabs = false;
+ vpaned_encoder_main.PackStart(alignment_treeview_encoder_capture_curves);
+ */
+ }
+ encoderUpdateTreeViewWhileCapturing = config.EncoderUpdateTreeViewWhileCapturing;
+ if(config.PersonWinHide) {
+ //vbox_persons.Visible = false;
+ notebook_session_person.Visible = false;
+ hbox_encoder_person.Visible = true;
+ }
+ if(config.EncoderAnalyzeHide) {
+ hbox_encoder_sup_capture_analyze_two_buttons.Visible = false;
+ }
+ if(config.Econf != null) {
+ encoderConfigurationDefinedFromFile = true;
+ encoderConfigurationCurrent = config.Econf;
+ encoderConfigurationGUIUpdate();
+ //TODO: allow to see full data, but don't allow to change it (Open window content as
+ }
+ if(config.SessionMode == Config.SessionModeEnum.UNIQUE)
+ {
+ main_menu.Visible = false;
+ button_preferences_not_menu.Visible = true;
+ if(! Sqlite.Exists(false, Constants.SessionTable, "session")) {
+ //this creates the session and inserts at DB
+ currentSession = new Session(
+ "session", "", DateTime.Today, //name, place, dateTime
+ Constants.SportUndefinedID, Constants.SpeciallityUndefinedID,
+ "", Constants.ServerUndefinedID); //comments, serverID
+ } else
+ currentSession = SqliteSession.SelectByName("session");
+ on_load_session_accepted();
+ }
+ //TODO
+ //RunScriptOnExit
+ /*
+ if(linuxType == linuxTypeEnum.NETWORKS) {
+ //mostrar directament el power
+ select_menuitem_mode_toggled(Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWER);
+ //no mostrar menu
+ main_menu.Visible = false;
+ //no mostrar persones
+ //vbox_persons.Visible = false;
+ //TODO: rfid can be here, also machine, maybe weight, other features
+ //time, gym, ...
+ //show rfid
+ hbox_rfid.Visible = true;
+ //to test display, just make sensitive the top controls, but beware there's no
session yet and no person
+ notebook_sup.Sensitive = true;
+ hbox_encoder_sup_capture_analyze.Sensitive = true;
+ notebook_encoder_sup.Sensitive = false;
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ public void on_radio_autodetect_active_toggled (object obj, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ if(autodetectSignalEnabled && radio_autodetect_active.Active)
+ {
+ configAutodetectPort = Config.AutodetectPortEnum.ACTIVE;
+ Config.UpdateField("AutodetectPort", configAutodetectPort.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ public void on_radio_autodetect_inactive_toggled (object obj, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ if(autodetectSignalEnabled && radio_autodetect_inactive.Active)
+ {
+ configAutodetectPort = Config.AutodetectPortEnum.INACTIVE;
+ Config.UpdateField("AutodetectPort", configAutodetectPort.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ public void on_radio_autodetect_discard_first_toggled (object obj, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ if(autodetectSignalEnabled && radio_autodetect_discard_first.Active)
+ {
+ configAutodetectPort = Config.AutodetectPortEnum.DISCARDFIRST;
+ Config.UpdateField("AutodetectPort", configAutodetectPort.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ //rfid
+ private void rfid_test() {
+ Networks networks = new Networks();
+ networks.Test();
+ }
+ void on_button_rfid_read_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ string file = "/tmp/chronojump_rfid.txt";
+ if(Util.FileExists(file))
+ label_rfid.Text = Util.ReadFile(file, true);
+ }
diff --git a/src/gui/old/chronojumpServerOld.cs b/src/gui/old/chronojumpServerOld.cs
index 925d057..3264ca7 100644
--- a/src/gui/old/chronojumpServerOld.cs
+++ b/src/gui/old/chronojumpServerOld.cs
@@ -1,314 +1,314 @@
- * This file is part of ChronoJump
- *
- * Chronojump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * Chronojump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
- */
-using System;
-using Gtk;
-using Gdk;
-using Glade;
-using System.IO.Ports;
-using Mono.Unix;
-using System.IO; //"File" things
-using System.Collections; //ArrayList
-using System.Collections.Generic; //List
-using System.Threading;
-public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------
- * ---------------- SERVER CALLS --------------------------
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /*
- */
- bool serverEvaluatorDoing;
- // upload session and it's persons (callback)
- private void on_server_upload_session_pre (object o, EventArgs args) {
- /*
- //evaluator stuff
- //Server.ServerUploadEvaluator();
- string evalMessage = "";
- int evalSID = Convert.ToInt32(SqlitePreferences.Select("evaluatorServerID"));
- if(evalSID == Constants.ServerUndefinedID)
- evalMessage = Catalog.GetString("Please, first fill evaluator data.");
- else
- evalMessage = Catalog.GetString("Please, first check evaluator data is ok.");
-// appbar2.Push ( 1, evalMessage );
- server_evaluator_data_and_after_upload_session();
- */
- }
- private bool connectedAndCanI (string serverAction) {
- string versionAvailable = Server.Ping(false, "", ""); //false: don't do insertion
- if(versionAvailable != Constants.ServerOffline) { //false: don't do insertion
- if(Server.CanI(serverAction, progVersion))
- return true;
- else
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
- Catalog.GetString("Your version of Chronojump is too old for
this.") + "\n\n" +
- Catalog.GetString("Please, update to new version: ") +
versionAvailable + "\n");
- } else
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Constants.ServerOffline);
- return false;
- }
- private void on_menuitem_server_stats (object o, EventArgs args) {
- /*
- if(connectedAndCanI(Constants.ServerActionStats)) {
- ChronojumpServer myServer = new ChronojumpServer();
- LogB.SQL(myServer.ConnectDatabase());
- string [] statsServer = myServer.Stats();
- LogB.SQL(myServer.DisConnectDatabase());
- string [] statsMine = SqliteServer.StatsMine();
- new DialogServerStats(statsServer, statsMine);
- }
- */
- }
- private void on_menuitem_server_query (object o, EventArgs args) {
- /*
- if(connectedAndCanI(Constants.ServerActionQuery)) {
- ChronojumpServer myServer = new ChronojumpServer();
- QueryServerWindow.Show(
- preferences.digitsNumber,
- myServer.SelectEvaluators(true)
- );
- }
- */
- }
- private void on_server_ping (object o, EventArgs args) {
- /*
- string str = Server.Ping(false, progName, progVersion); //don't do insertion (will show
- //show online or offline (not the next version of client available)
- if(str != Constants.ServerOffline)
- str = Catalog.GetString(Constants.ServerOnline);
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, str);
- */
- }
- /*
- bool uploadSessionAfter;
- //called when after that has to continue with upload session
- private void server_evaluator_data_and_after_upload_session() {
-// appbar2.Push ( 1, "" );
- uploadSessionAfter = true;
- server_evaluator_data ();
- }
- //called when only has to be created/updated the evaluator (not update session)
- //private void on_menuitem_server_evaluator_data_only (object o, EventArgs args) {
- // uploadSessionAfter = false;
- // server_evaluator_data ();
- //}
- private void server_evaluator_data () {
- ServerEvaluator myEval = SqliteServer.SelectEvaluator(1);
- evalWin = EvaluatorWindow.Show(myEval);
- evalWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_evaluator_done);
- }
- private void on_evaluator_done (object o, EventArgs args) {
- if(evalWin.Changed) {
- string versionAvailable = Server.Ping(false, "", ""); //false: don't do insertion
- if(versionAvailable != Constants.ServerOffline) { //false: don't do insertion
- ConfirmWindow confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Do you want
to upload evaluator data now?"), "", "");
- confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- } else
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
- Catalog.GetString("Currently cannot upload.") + "\n\n" +
- }
- else
- if(uploadSessionAfter)
- select_persons_to_discard ();
- }
- private void on_evaluator_upload_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
- Server.ServerUploadEvaluator();
- if(uploadSessionAfter)
- select_persons_to_discard ();
- }
- private void select_persons_to_discard () {
- personNotUploadWin = PersonNotUploadWindow.Show(app1, currentSession.UniqueID);
- personNotUploadWin.FakeButtonDone.Clicked += new
- }
- private void on_select_persons_to_discard_done (object o, EventArgs args) {
- server_upload_session();
- }
- */
- private void on_menuitem_goto_server_website (object o, EventArgs args) {
- /*
- if(UtilAll.IsWindows())
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO,
- "http://www.chronojump.org/server.html" + "\n" +
- "http://www.chronojump.org/server_es.html");
- else
- System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Constants.ChronojumpWebsite +
System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "server.html");
- */
- }
- /*
- */
- /*
- private bool checkPersonsMissingData()
- {
- ArrayList impossibleWeight = new ArrayList(1);
- ArrayList undefinedCountry = new ArrayList(1); //country is required for server
- ArrayList undefinedSport = new ArrayList(1);
- ArrayList notToUpload = SqlitePersonSessionNotUpload.SelectAll(currentSession.UniqueID);
- ArrayList persons = SqlitePersonSession.SelectCurrentSessionPersons(
- currentSession.UniqueID,
- false); //means: do not returnPersonAndPSlist
- foreach (Person person in persons)
- {
- if(! Util.FoundInArrayList(notToUpload, person.UniqueID.ToString()))
- {
- //TODO: this is not needed if true at
- PersonSession ps = SqlitePersonSession.Select(person.UniqueID,
- if(ps.Weight <= 10 || ps.Weight >= 300)
- impossibleWeight.Add(person);
- if(person.CountryID == Constants.CountryUndefinedID)
- undefinedCountry.Add(person);
- if(ps.SportID == Constants.SportUndefinedID)
- undefinedSport.Add(person);
- //speciallity and level not required, because person gui obligates to select
them when sport is selected
- }
- }
- string weightString = "";
- string countryString = "";
- string sportString = "";
- int maxPeopleFail = 7;
- if(impossibleWeight.Count > 0) {
- weightString += "\n\n" + Catalog.GetString("<b>Weight</b> of the following persons is
not ok:") + "\n";
- string separator = "";
- int count=0;
- foreach(Person person in impossibleWeight) {
- weightString += separator + person.Name;
- separator = ", ";
- if(++count >= maxPeopleFail) {
- weightString += "...";
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(undefinedCountry.Count > 0) {
- countryString += "\n\n" + Catalog.GetString("<b>Country</b> of the following persons
is undefined:") + "\n";
- string separator = "";
- int count=0;
- foreach(Person person in undefinedCountry) {
- countryString += separator + person.Name;
- separator = ", ";
- if(++count >= maxPeopleFail) {
- countryString += "...";
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(undefinedSport.Count > 0) {
- sportString += "\n\n" + Catalog.GetString("<b>Sport</b> of the following persons is
undefined:") + "\n";
- string separator = "";
- int count=0;
- foreach(Person person in undefinedSport) {
- sportString += separator + person.Name;
- separator = ", ";
- if(++count >= maxPeopleFail) {
- sportString += "...";
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(weightString.Length > 0 || countryString.Length > 0 || sportString.Length > 0) {
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Catalog.GetString("Please, fix this
before uploading:") +
- weightString + countryString + sportString + "\n\n" +
- Catalog.GetString("Or when upload session again, mark these
persons as not to be uploaded.")
- );
- return true; //data is missing
- }
- else
- return false; //data is ok
- }
- private void server_upload_session ()
- {
- int evalSID = Convert.ToInt32(SqlitePreferences.Select("evaluatorServerID"));
- if(evalSID != Constants.ServerUndefinedID) {
- if(!checkPersonsMissingData()) {
- string message1 = "";
- if(currentSession.ServerUniqueID == Constants.ServerUndefinedID)
- message1 =
- Catalog.GetString("Session will be uploaded to
server.") + "\n" +
- Catalog.GetString("Names, date of birth and
descriptions of persons will be hidden.") + "\n\n" +
- Catalog.GetString("You can upload again this session
if you add more data or persons.");
- else
- message1 =
- Catalog.GetString("Session has been uploaded to
server before.") + "\n" +
- Catalog.GetString("Uploading new data.");
- message1 += "\n\n" + Catalog.GetString("All the uploaded data will be
licensed as:") +
- "\n<b>" + Catalog.GetString("Creative Commons Attribution
3.0") + "</b>";
- ConfirmWindow confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(message1,
- "<u>http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/</u>",
- Catalog.GetString("Are you sure you want to upload
this session to server?"));
- confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- }
- }
- }
- private void on_server_upload_session_accepted (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- if(connectedAndCanI(Constants.ServerActionUploadSession)) {
- Server.InitializeSessionVariables(app1, currentSession, progName, progVersion);
- Server.ThreadStart();
- }
- }
- */
+ * This file is part of ChronoJump
+ *
+ * Chronojump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Chronojump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
+ */
+using System;
+using Gtk;
+using Gdk;
+using Glade;
+using System.IO.Ports;
+using Mono.Unix;
+using System.IO; //"File" things
+using System.Collections; //ArrayList
+using System.Collections.Generic; //List
+using System.Threading;
+public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * ---------------- SERVER CALLS --------------------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ /*
+ */
+ bool serverEvaluatorDoing;
+ // upload session and it's persons (callback)
+ private void on_server_upload_session_pre (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ /*
+ //evaluator stuff
+ //Server.ServerUploadEvaluator();
+ string evalMessage = "";
+ int evalSID = Convert.ToInt32(SqlitePreferences.Select("evaluatorServerID"));
+ if(evalSID == Constants.ServerUndefinedID)
+ evalMessage = Catalog.GetString("Please, first fill evaluator data.");
+ else
+ evalMessage = Catalog.GetString("Please, first check evaluator data is ok.");
+// appbar2.Push ( 1, evalMessage );
+ server_evaluator_data_and_after_upload_session();
+ */
+ }
+ private bool connectedAndCanI (string serverAction) {
+ string versionAvailable = Server.Ping(false, "", ""); //false: don't do insertion
+ if(versionAvailable != Constants.ServerOffline) { //false: don't do insertion
+ if(Server.CanI(serverAction, progVersion))
+ return true;
+ else
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
+ Catalog.GetString("Your version of Chronojump is too old for
this.") + "\n\n" +
+ Catalog.GetString("Please, update to new version: ") +
versionAvailable + "\n");
+ } else
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Constants.ServerOffline);
+ return false;
+ }
+ private void on_menuitem_server_stats (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ /*
+ if(connectedAndCanI(Constants.ServerActionStats)) {
+ ChronojumpServer myServer = new ChronojumpServer();
+ LogB.SQL(myServer.ConnectDatabase());
+ string [] statsServer = myServer.Stats();
+ LogB.SQL(myServer.DisConnectDatabase());
+ string [] statsMine = SqliteServer.StatsMine();
+ new DialogServerStats(statsServer, statsMine);
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ private void on_menuitem_server_query (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ /*
+ if(connectedAndCanI(Constants.ServerActionQuery)) {
+ ChronojumpServer myServer = new ChronojumpServer();
+ QueryServerWindow.Show(
+ preferences.digitsNumber,
+ myServer.SelectEvaluators(true)
+ );
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ private void on_server_ping (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ /*
+ string str = Server.Ping(false, progName, progVersion); //don't do insertion (will show
+ //show online or offline (not the next version of client available)
+ if(str != Constants.ServerOffline)
+ str = Catalog.GetString(Constants.ServerOnline);
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, str);
+ */
+ }
+ /*
+ bool uploadSessionAfter;
+ //called when after that has to continue with upload session
+ private void server_evaluator_data_and_after_upload_session() {
+// appbar2.Push ( 1, "" );
+ uploadSessionAfter = true;
+ server_evaluator_data ();
+ }
+ //called when only has to be created/updated the evaluator (not update session)
+ //private void on_menuitem_server_evaluator_data_only (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ // uploadSessionAfter = false;
+ // server_evaluator_data ();
+ //}
+ private void server_evaluator_data () {
+ ServerEvaluator myEval = SqliteServer.SelectEvaluator(1);
+ evalWin = EvaluatorWindow.Show(myEval);
+ evalWin.FakeButtonAccept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_evaluator_done);
+ }
+ private void on_evaluator_done (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ if(evalWin.Changed) {
+ string versionAvailable = Server.Ping(false, "", ""); //false: don't do insertion
+ if(versionAvailable != Constants.ServerOffline) { //false: don't do insertion
+ ConfirmWindow confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Do you want
to upload evaluator data now?"), "", "");
+ confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ } else
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
+ Catalog.GetString("Currently cannot upload.") + "\n\n" +
+ }
+ else
+ if(uploadSessionAfter)
+ select_persons_to_discard ();
+ }
+ private void on_evaluator_upload_accepted (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ Server.ServerUploadEvaluator();
+ if(uploadSessionAfter)
+ select_persons_to_discard ();
+ }
+ private void select_persons_to_discard () {
+ personNotUploadWin = PersonNotUploadWindow.Show(app1, currentSession.UniqueID);
+ personNotUploadWin.FakeButtonDone.Clicked += new
+ }
+ private void on_select_persons_to_discard_done (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ server_upload_session();
+ }
+ */
+ private void on_menuitem_goto_server_website (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ /*
+ if(UtilAll.IsWindows())
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO,
+ "http://www.chronojump.org/server.html" + "\n" +
+ "http://www.chronojump.org/server_es.html");
+ else
+ System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Constants.ChronojumpWebsite +
System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "server.html");
+ */
+ }
+ /*
+ */
+ /*
+ private bool checkPersonsMissingData()
+ {
+ ArrayList impossibleWeight = new ArrayList(1);
+ ArrayList undefinedCountry = new ArrayList(1); //country is required for server
+ ArrayList undefinedSport = new ArrayList(1);
+ ArrayList notToUpload = SqlitePersonSessionNotUpload.SelectAll(currentSession.UniqueID);
+ ArrayList persons = SqlitePersonSession.SelectCurrentSessionPersons(
+ currentSession.UniqueID,
+ false); //means: do not returnPersonAndPSlist
+ foreach (Person person in persons)
+ {
+ if(! Util.FoundInArrayList(notToUpload, person.UniqueID.ToString()))
+ {
+ //TODO: this is not needed if true at
+ PersonSession ps = SqlitePersonSession.Select(person.UniqueID,
+ if(ps.Weight <= 10 || ps.Weight >= 300)
+ impossibleWeight.Add(person);
+ if(person.CountryID == Constants.CountryUndefinedID)
+ undefinedCountry.Add(person);
+ if(ps.SportID == Constants.SportUndefinedID)
+ undefinedSport.Add(person);
+ //speciallity and level not required, because person gui obligates to select
them when sport is selected
+ }
+ }
+ string weightString = "";
+ string countryString = "";
+ string sportString = "";
+ int maxPeopleFail = 7;
+ if(impossibleWeight.Count > 0) {
+ weightString += "\n\n" + Catalog.GetString("<b>Weight</b> of the following persons is
not ok:") + "\n";
+ string separator = "";
+ int count=0;
+ foreach(Person person in impossibleWeight) {
+ weightString += separator + person.Name;
+ separator = ", ";
+ if(++count >= maxPeopleFail) {
+ weightString += "...";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(undefinedCountry.Count > 0) {
+ countryString += "\n\n" + Catalog.GetString("<b>Country</b> of the following persons
is undefined:") + "\n";
+ string separator = "";
+ int count=0;
+ foreach(Person person in undefinedCountry) {
+ countryString += separator + person.Name;
+ separator = ", ";
+ if(++count >= maxPeopleFail) {
+ countryString += "...";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(undefinedSport.Count > 0) {
+ sportString += "\n\n" + Catalog.GetString("<b>Sport</b> of the following persons is
undefined:") + "\n";
+ string separator = "";
+ int count=0;
+ foreach(Person person in undefinedSport) {
+ sportString += separator + person.Name;
+ separator = ", ";
+ if(++count >= maxPeopleFail) {
+ sportString += "...";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(weightString.Length > 0 || countryString.Length > 0 || sportString.Length > 0) {
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Catalog.GetString("Please, fix this
before uploading:") +
+ weightString + countryString + sportString + "\n\n" +
+ Catalog.GetString("Or when upload session again, mark these
persons as not to be uploaded.")
+ );
+ return true; //data is missing
+ }
+ else
+ return false; //data is ok
+ }
+ private void server_upload_session ()
+ {
+ int evalSID = Convert.ToInt32(SqlitePreferences.Select("evaluatorServerID"));
+ if(evalSID != Constants.ServerUndefinedID) {
+ if(!checkPersonsMissingData()) {
+ string message1 = "";
+ if(currentSession.ServerUniqueID == Constants.ServerUndefinedID)
+ message1 =
+ Catalog.GetString("Session will be uploaded to
server.") + "\n" +
+ Catalog.GetString("Names, date of birth and
descriptions of persons will be hidden.") + "\n\n" +
+ Catalog.GetString("You can upload again this session
if you add more data or persons.");
+ else
+ message1 =
+ Catalog.GetString("Session has been uploaded to
server before.") + "\n" +
+ Catalog.GetString("Uploading new data.");
+ message1 += "\n\n" + Catalog.GetString("All the uploaded data will be
licensed as:") +
+ "\n<b>" + Catalog.GetString("Creative Commons Attribution
3.0") + "</b>";
+ ConfirmWindow confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(message1,
+ "<u>http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/</u>",
+ Catalog.GetString("Are you sure you want to upload
this session to server?"));
+ confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_server_upload_session_accepted (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ if(connectedAndCanI(Constants.ServerActionUploadSession)) {
+ Server.InitializeSessionVariables(app1, currentSession, progName, progVersion);
+ Server.ThreadStart();
+ }
+ }
+ */
diff --git a/src/gui/preferences.cs b/src/gui/preferences.cs
index 29782fe..941a29e 100644
--- a/src/gui/preferences.cs
+++ b/src/gui/preferences.cs
@@ -1,1215 +1,1215 @@
- * This file is part of ChronoJump
- *
- * ChronoJump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * ChronoJump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
- */
-using System;
-using System.IO;
-using Gdk;
-using Gtk;
-using Glade;
-//using Gnome;
-//using GLib; //for Value
-using System.Text; //StringBuilder
-using System.Collections; //ArrayList
-using Mono.Unix;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.Globalization; //CultureInfo stuff
-using System.Diagnostics; //Stopwatch
-using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Tar;
-using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.GZip;
-using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib;
-public class PreferencesWindow {
- [Widget] Gtk.Window preferences_win;
- [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook;
- //main tab
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_data_folder_open;
- [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton check_backup_multimedia_and_encoder;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_db_backup;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_backup_doing;
- [Widget] Gtk.ProgressBar pulsebar;
- //jumps tab
- [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_power;
- [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_stiffness;
- [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_initial_speed;
- [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_angle;
- [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_show_tv_tc_index;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_indexes;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radiobutton_show_q_index;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radiobutton_show_dj_index;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_elevation_height;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_elevation_tf;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_weight_percent;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_weight_kg;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_use_heights_on_jump_indexes;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_do_not_use_heights_on_jump_indexes;
- //runs tab
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_speed_ms;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_speed_km;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_runs_speed_start_arrival;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_runs_speed_start_leaving;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box vbox_runs_prevent_double_contact;
- [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_runs_prevent_double_contact;
- [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spinbutton_runs_prevent_double_contact;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_runs_prevent_double_contact_first;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_runs_prevent_double_contact_average;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_runs_prevent_double_contact_last;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box vbox_runs_i_prevent_double_contact;
- [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_runs_i_prevent_double_contact;
- [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spinbutton_runs_i_prevent_double_contact;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_runs_i_prevent_double_contact_first;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_runs_i_prevent_double_contact_average;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_runs_i_prevent_double_contact_last;
- //encoder capture tab
- [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spin_encoder_capture_time;
- [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spin_encoder_capture_inactivity_end_time;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_main_variable;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_main_variable;
- [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spin_encoder_capture_min_height_gravitatory;
- [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spin_encoder_capture_min_height_inertial;
- [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_encoder_capture_fully_extended;
- [Widget] Gtk.HBox hbox_encoder_capture_fully_extended;
- [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spin_encoder_capture_fully_extended;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_best;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_4top;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_all;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_none;
- [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton check_show_start_and_duration;
- //encoder other tab
- [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_encoder_propulsive;
- [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spin_encoder_smooth_con;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_encoder_con;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_encoder_1RM_nonweighted;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_encoder_1RM_weighted;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_encoder_1RM_weighted2;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_encoder_1RM_weighted3;
- //multimedia tab
- [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_volume;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_camera;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_camera;
- //language tab
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_language;
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_language;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_language_detected;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_language_force;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_graphs_translate;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_graphs_no_translate;
- [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_need_restart;
- //advanced tab
- [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_decimals;
- [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_ask_deletion;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_export_latin;
- [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_export_non_latin;
- [Widget] Gtk.Label label_advanced_feedback;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_accept;
- [Widget] Gtk.Button button_cancel;
- public Gtk.Button FakeButtonImported;
- public Gtk.Button FakeButtonDebugModeStart;
- static PreferencesWindow PreferencesWindowBox;
- private Preferences preferences; //stored to update SQL if anything changed
- private Thread thread;
- string databaseURL;
- string databaseTempURL;
- ListStore langsStore;
- PreferencesWindow () {
- Glade.XML gladeXML;
- gladeXML = Glade.XML.FromAssembly (Util.GetGladePath() + "chronojump.glade",
"preferences_win", "chronojump");
- gladeXML.Autoconnect(this);
- //put an icon to window
- UtilGtk.IconWindow(preferences_win);
- //database and log files stuff
- databaseURL = Util.GetDatabaseDir() + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
- databaseTempURL = Util.GetDatabaseTempDir() + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
- FakeButtonImported = new Gtk.Button();
- FakeButtonDebugModeStart = new Gtk.Button();
- }
- static public PreferencesWindow Show (Preferences preferences, Constants.Menuitem_modes menu_mode)
- {
- if (PreferencesWindowBox == null) {
- PreferencesWindowBox = new PreferencesWindow ();
- }
- if(menu_mode != Constants.Menuitem_modes.JUMPSSIMPLE && menu_mode !=
- PreferencesWindowBox.notebook.GetNthPage(1).Hide();
- if(menu_mode != Constants.Menuitem_modes.RUNSSIMPLE && menu_mode !=
- PreferencesWindowBox.notebook.GetNthPage(2).Hide();
- if(menu_mode != Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERGRAVITATORY && menu_mode !=
Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERINERTIAL) {
- PreferencesWindowBox.notebook.GetNthPage(3).Hide();
- PreferencesWindowBox.notebook.GetNthPage(4).Hide();
- }
- PreferencesWindowBox.preferences = preferences;
- PreferencesWindowBox.createComboLanguage();
- //multimedia tab
- if(preferences.volumeOn)
- PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_volume.Active = true;
- else
- PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_volume.Active = false;
- PreferencesWindowBox.createComboCamera(UtilVideo.GetVideoDevices(),
- string [] decs = {"1", "2", "3"};
- PreferencesWindowBox.combo_decimals.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(
- decs, preferences.digitsNumber.ToString());
- if(preferences.showPower)
- PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_power.Active = true;
- else
- PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_power.Active = false;
- if(preferences.showStiffness)
- PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_stiffness.Active = true;
- else
- PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_stiffness.Active = false;
- if(preferences.showInitialSpeed)
- PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_initial_speed.Active = true;
- else
- PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_initial_speed.Active = false;
- if(preferences.showAngle)
- PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_angle.Active = true;
- else
- PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_angle.Active = false;
- if(preferences.showQIndex || preferences.showDjIndex) {
- PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_show_tv_tc_index.Active = true;
- if(preferences.showQIndex) {
- PreferencesWindowBox.radiobutton_show_q_index.Active = true;
- PreferencesWindowBox.radiobutton_show_dj_index.Active = false;
- } else {
- PreferencesWindowBox.radiobutton_show_q_index.Active = false;
- PreferencesWindowBox.radiobutton_show_dj_index.Active = true;
- }
- }
- else {
- PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_show_tv_tc_index.Active = false;
- PreferencesWindowBox.hbox_indexes.Hide();
- }
- if(preferences.askDeletion)
- PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_ask_deletion.Active = true;
- else
- PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_ask_deletion.Active = false;
- if(preferences.weightStatsPercent)
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_weight_percent.Active = true;
- else
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_weight_kg.Active = true;
- if(preferences.heightPreferred)
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_elevation_height.Active = true;
- else
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_elevation_tf.Active = true;
- if(preferences.metersSecondsPreferred)
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_speed_ms.Active = true;
- else
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_speed_km.Active = true;
- if(preferences.runSpeedStartArrival)
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_speed_start_arrival.Active = true;
- else
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_speed_start_leaving.Active = true;
- //start of double contacts stuff ----
- PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_runs_prevent_double_contact.Active =
- (preferences.runDoubleContactsMode != Constants.DoubleContact.NONE);
- PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_runs_i_prevent_double_contact.Active =
- (preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode != Constants.DoubleContact.NONE);
- PreferencesWindowBox.spinbutton_runs_prevent_double_contact.Value =
- preferences.runDoubleContactsMS;
- PreferencesWindowBox.spinbutton_runs_i_prevent_double_contact.Value =
- preferences.runIDoubleContactsMS;
- if(preferences.runDoubleContactsMode != Constants.DoubleContact.NONE) {
- if(preferences.runDoubleContactsMode == Constants.DoubleContact.FIRST)
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_prevent_double_contact_first.Active = true;
- else if(preferences.runDoubleContactsMode == Constants.DoubleContact.AVERAGE)
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_prevent_double_contact_average.Active = true;
- else // Constants.DoubleContact.LAST DEFAULT
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_prevent_double_contact_last.Active = true;
- }
- if(preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode != Constants.DoubleContact.NONE) {
- if(preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode == Constants.DoubleContact.FIRST)
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_i_prevent_double_contact_first.Active = true;
- else if(preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode == Constants.DoubleContact.LAST)
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_i_prevent_double_contact_last.Active = true;
- else //Constants.DoubleContact.AVERAGE DEFAULT
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_i_prevent_double_contact_average.Active =
- }
- //---- end of double contacts stuff
- if(preferences.CSVExportDecimalSeparator == "COMMA")
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_export_latin.Active = true;
- else
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_export_non_latin.Active = true;
- //encoder capture -->
- PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_capture_time.Value = preferences.encoderCaptureTime;
- PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_capture_inactivity_end_time.Value =
- PreferencesWindowBox.createComboEncoderCaptureMainVariable(
- Constants.GetEncoderVariablesCapture(preferences.encoderCaptureMainVariable));
- PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_capture_min_height_gravitatory.Value =
- PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_capture_min_height_inertial.Value =
- PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_encoder_capture_fully_extended.Active =
- PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_capture_fully_extended.Value =
- PreferencesWindowBox.hbox_encoder_capture_fully_extended.Visible =
- if(preferences.encoderAutoSaveCurve == Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.BEST)
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_best.Active = true;
- else if(preferences.encoderAutoSaveCurve == Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.FROM4TOPENULTIMATE)
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_4top.Active = true;
- else if(preferences.encoderAutoSaveCurve == Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.ALL)
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_all.Active = true;
- else
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_none.Active = true;
- PreferencesWindowBox.check_show_start_and_duration.Active =
- //encoder other -->
- PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_encoder_propulsive.Active = preferences.encoderPropulsive;
- PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_smooth_con.Value = preferences.encoderSmoothCon;
- if(preferences.encoder1RMMethod == Constants.Encoder1RMMethod.NONWEIGHTED)
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_1RM_nonweighted.Active = true;
- else if(preferences.encoder1RMMethod == Constants.Encoder1RMMethod.WEIGHTED)
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_1RM_weighted.Active = true;
- else if(preferences.encoder1RMMethod == Constants.Encoder1RMMethod.WEIGHTED2)
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_1RM_weighted2.Active = true;
- else //(preferences.encoder1RMMethod == Constants.Encoder1RMMethod.WEIGHTED3)
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_1RM_weighted3.Active = true;
- //done here and not in glade to be shown with the decimal point of user language
- PreferencesWindowBox.label_encoder_con.Text = (0.7).ToString();
- //language -->
- if(preferences.language == "")
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_language_detected.Active = true;
- else
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_language_force.Active = true;
- if(preferences.RGraphsTranslate)
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_graphs_translate.Active = true;
- else
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_graphs_no_translate.Active = true;
- //allow signal to be called
- PreferencesWindowBox.hbox_language_signalOn = true;
- if(preferences.useHeightsOnJumpIndexes)
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_use_heights_on_jump_indexes.Active = true;
- else
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_do_not_use_heights_on_jump_indexes.Active = true;
- PreferencesWindowBox.preferences_win.Show ();
- return PreferencesWindowBox;
- }
- private void createComboEncoderCaptureMainVariable(string v) {
- combo_main_variable = ComboBox.NewText ();
- string [] values = Constants.EncoderVariablesCaptureList;
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_main_variable, values, "");
- combo_main_variable.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(combo_main_variable, v.ToString());
- hbox_combo_main_variable.PackStart(combo_main_variable, false, false, 0);
- hbox_combo_main_variable.ShowAll();
- combo_main_variable.Sensitive = true;
- }
- private void createComboCamera(string [] devices, int current) {
- combo_camera = ComboBox.NewText ();
- if(devices.Length == 0) {
- devices = Util.StringToStringArray(Constants.CameraNotFound);
- current = 0;
- }
- UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_camera, devices, "");
- hbox_combo_camera.PackStart(combo_camera, true, true, 0);
- hbox_combo_camera.ShowAll();
- if(current >= devices.Length)
- current = 0;
- combo_camera.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(devices, devices[current]);
- }
- private void on_checkbutton_encoder_capture_fully_extended_toggled(object obj, EventArgs args) {
- hbox_encoder_capture_fully_extended.Visible =
- }
- // ---- Language stuff
- private void createComboLanguage() {
- combo_language = ComboBox.NewText ();
- fillLanguages();
- hbox_combo_language.PackStart(combo_language, false, false, 0);
- hbox_combo_language.ShowAll();
- }
- //from Longomatch ;)
- //(C) Andoni Morales Alastruey
- bool hbox_language_signalOn = false;
- void fillLanguages () {
- int index = 0, active = 0;
- langsStore = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(CultureInfo));
- foreach (CultureInfo lang in UtilLanguage.Languages) {
- langsStore.AppendValues(lang.NativeName, lang);
- if (preferences.language != "" && lang.Name == preferences.language)
- active = index;
- index ++;
- }
- combo_language.Model = langsStore;
- combo_language.Active = active;
- combo_language.Changed += combo_language_changed;
- }
- private void on_radio_language_toggled (object obj, EventArgs args) {
- hbox_combo_language.Sensitive = radio_language_force.Active;
- if(hbox_language_signalOn)
- hbox_need_restart.Visible = true;
- }
- private void on_radio_translate_toggled (object obj, EventArgs args) {
- if(hbox_language_signalOn)
- hbox_need_restart.Visible = true;
- }
- private void combo_language_changed (object obj, EventArgs args) {
- if(hbox_language_signalOn)
- hbox_need_restart.Visible = true;
- }
- string getSelectedLanguage()
- {
- TreeIter iter;
- CultureInfo info;
- combo_language.GetActiveIter (out iter);
- info = (CultureInfo) langsStore.GetValue (iter, 1);
- if (info == null) {
- return "";
- } else {
- return info.Name;
- }
- }
- // ---- end of Language stuff
- private void on_checkbutton_show_tv_tc_index_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- if(checkbutton_show_tv_tc_index.Active)
- hbox_indexes.Show();
- else
- hbox_indexes.Hide();
- }
- private void on_checkbutton_runs_prevent_double_contact_toggled (object o, EventArgs args) {
- vbox_runs_prevent_double_contact.Visible = checkbutton_runs_prevent_double_contact.Active;
- }
- private void on_checkbutton_runs_i_prevent_double_contact_toggled (object o, EventArgs args) {
- vbox_runs_i_prevent_double_contact.Visible = checkbutton_runs_i_prevent_double_contact.Active;
- }
- void on_button_cancel_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- PreferencesWindowBox.preferences_win.Hide();
- PreferencesWindowBox = null;
- }
- void on_preferences_delete_event (object o, DeleteEventArgs args)
- {
- //do not hide/exit if copyiing
- if (thread != null && thread.IsAlive)
- args.RetVal = true;
- else {
- PreferencesWindowBox.preferences_win.Hide();
- PreferencesWindowBox = null;
- }
- }
- void on_button_data_folder_open_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- System.IO.FileInfo file1 = new System.IO.FileInfo(databaseURL); //potser cal una arrobar
abans (a windows)
- System.IO.FileInfo file2 = new System.IO.FileInfo(databaseTempURL); //potser cal una arrobar
abans (a windows)
- if(file1.Exists)
- System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Util.GetParentDir(false));
- else if(file2.Exists)
- System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Util.GetDatabaseTempDir());
- else
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Constants.DatabaseNotFound);
- }
- void on_button_db_restore_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- /*
- * TODO: problem is database stored is a chronojump.db or a folder (if images and videos were
- * FileChooserAction only lets you use one type
- * In the future backup db as tgz or similar
- */
- /*
- fc = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog(Catalog.GetString("Restore database from:"),
- preferences_win,
- FileChooserAction.SelectFolder,
- Catalog.GetString("Cancel"),ResponseType.Cancel,
- Catalog.GetString("Restore"),ResponseType.Accept
- );
- ConfirmWindow confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Are you sure you want to
- confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_overwrite_file_accepted);
- */
- }
- void on_button_logs_folder_open_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- string dir = UtilAll.GetLogsDir();
- LogB.Information(dir);
- if( ! new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(dir).Exists) {
- try {
- Directory.CreateDirectory (dir);
- } catch {
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
- Catalog.GetString("Cannot create directory.") + "\n\n" + dir);
- return;
- }
- }
- try {
- System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(dir);
- }
- catch {
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
- Constants.DirectoryCannotOpen + "\n\n" + dir);
- }
- }
- void on_button_tmp_folder_open_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- string dir = UtilAll.GetTempDir(); //potser cal una arrobar abans (a windows)
- System.IO.FileInfo fInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(dir);
- try {
- if(fInfo.Exists)
- System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(dir);
- } catch {
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
- Constants.DirectoryCannotOpen + "\n\n" + dir);
- }
- LogB.Warning(dir);
- }
- string fileDB;
- string fileCopy;
- Gtk.FileChooserDialog fc;
- void on_button_db_backup_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- System.IO.FileInfo file1 = new System.IO.FileInfo(databaseURL); //potser cal una arrobar
abans (a windows)
- System.IO.FileInfo file2 = new System.IO.FileInfo(databaseTempURL); //potser cal una arrobar
abans (a windows)
- fileDB = "";
- long length1 = 0;
- if(file1.Exists)
- length1 = file1.Length;
- long length2 = 0;
- if(file2.Exists)
- length2 = file2.Length;
- if(length1 == 0 && length2 == 0)
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Catalog.GetString("Error. Cannot
find database."));
- else if(length1 > length2)
- fileDB = databaseURL;
- else
- fileDB = databaseTempURL;
- fc = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog(Catalog.GetString("Copy database to:"),
- preferences_win,
- FileChooserAction.SelectFolder,
- Catalog.GetString("Cancel"),ResponseType.Cancel,
- Catalog.GetString("Copy"),ResponseType.Accept
- );
- if (fc.Run() == (int)ResponseType.Accept)
- {
- //if multimedia_and_encoder, then copy the folder. If not checked, then copy only the
db file
- if(check_backup_multimedia_and_encoder.Active)
- fileCopy = fc.Filename + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "chronojump";
- else
- fileCopy = fc.Filename + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "chronojump_copy.db";
- try {
- fc.Hide ();
- bool exists = false;
- if(check_backup_multimedia_and_encoder.Active) {
- if(Directory.Exists(fileCopy)) {
- LogB.Information(string.Format("Directory {0} exists, created
at {1}",
- fileCopy,
- exists = true;
- }
- } else {
- if (File.Exists(fileCopy)) {
- LogB.Information(string.Format("File {0} exists with
attributes {1}, created at {2}",
- fileCopy,
File.GetAttributes(fileCopy), File.GetCreationTime(fileCopy)));
- exists = true;
- }
- }
- if(exists) {
- LogB.Information("Overwrite...");
- ConfirmWindow confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Are
you sure you want to overwrite: "), "", fileCopy);
- confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
- } else {
- //if multimedia_and_encoder, then copy the folder. If not checked,
then copy only the db file
- if(check_backup_multimedia_and_encoder.Active)
- {
- thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(copyRecursive));
- GLib.Idle.Add (new GLib.IdleHandler (PulseGTK));
- backup_doing_sensitive_start_end(true);
- LogB.ThreadStart();
- thread.Start();
- } else {
- File.Copy(fileDB, fileCopy);
- string myString = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Copied to
{0}"), fileCopy);
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, myString);
- }
- }
- }
- catch {
- string myString = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Cannot copy to {0} "),
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, myString);
- }
- }
- else {
- fc.Hide ();
- return ;
- }
- //Don't forget to call Destroy() or the FileChooserDialog window won't get closed.
- fc.Destroy();
- }
- void on_button_import_configuration_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- fc = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog(Catalog.GetString("Import configuration file"),
- preferences_win,
- FileChooserAction.Open,
- Catalog.GetString("Cancel"),ResponseType.Cancel,
- Catalog.GetString("Import"),ResponseType.Accept
- );
- fc.Filter = new FileFilter();
- //it can handle future archives like: chronojump_config_SOME_VENDOR.txt
- //and it will be copied to chronojump_config.txt
- fc.Filter.AddPattern("chronojump_config*.txt");
- bool success = false;
- if (fc.Run() == (int)ResponseType.Accept)
- {
- try {
- File.Copy(fc.Filename, UtilAll.GetConfigFileName(), true);
- LogB.Information("Imported configuration");
- //will launch configInit() from gui/chronojump.cs
- FakeButtonImported.Click();
- success = true;
- } catch {
- LogB.Warning("Catched! Configuration cannot be imported");
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Catalog.GetString("Error
importing data."));
- }
- }
- //Don't forget to call Destroy() or the FileChooserDialog window won't get closed.
- fc.Destroy();
- if(success)
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Catalog.GetString("Successfully
- }
- private void on_overwrite_file_accepted(object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- try {
- //if multimedia_and_encoder, then copy the folder. If not checked, then copy only the
db file
- if(check_backup_multimedia_and_encoder.Active) {
- Directory.Delete(fileCopy, true);
- thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(copyRecursive));
- GLib.Idle.Add (new GLib.IdleHandler (PulseGTK));
- backup_doing_sensitive_start_end(true);
- LogB.ThreadStart();
- thread.Start();
- } else {
- File.Delete(fileCopy);
- File.Copy(fileDB, fileCopy);
- fc.Hide ();
- string myString = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Copied to {0}"), fileCopy);
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, myString);
- }
- } catch {
- string myString = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Cannot copy to {0} "), fileCopy);
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, myString);
- }
- }
- /*
- * deprecated since 1.6.0. Use backup method below
- */
- private void copyRecursive() {
- Util.CopyFilesRecursively(new DirectoryInfo(Util.GetParentDir(false)), new
- }
- /*
- * Temprarily disabled
- *
- //from Longomatch
- //https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ylatuya/longomatch/master/LongoMatch.DB/CouchbaseStorage.cs
- private bool backup(string path)
- {
- try {
- string storageName = path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "chronojump_backup-" +
DateTime.UtcNow.ToString() + ".tar.gz";
- using (FileStream fs = new FileStream (outputFilename, FileMode.Create,
FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)) {
- using (Stream gzipStream = new GZipOutputStream (fs)) {
- using (TarArchive tarArchive = TarArchive.CreateOutputTarArchive
(gzipStream)) {
- //foreach (string n in new string[] {"", "-wal", "-shm"}) {
- // TarEntry tarEntry = TarEntry.CreateEntryFromFile (
- // Path.Combine (Config.DBDir,
storageName + ".cblite" + n));
- // tarArchive.WriteEntry (tarEntry, true);
- //}
- //AddDirectoryFilesToTar (tarArchive, Path.Combine
(Config.DBDir, storageName + " attachments"), true);
- AddDirectoryFilesToTar (tarArchive, Util.GetParentDir(false),
- }
- }
- }
- //LastBackup = DateTime.UtcNow;
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- LogB.Error (ex);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- //from Longomatch
- //https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ylatuya/longomatch/master/LongoMatch.DB/CouchbaseStorage.cs
- void AddDirectoryFilesToTar (TarArchive tarArchive, string sourceDirectory, bool recurse)
- {
- // Recursively add sub-folders
- if (recurse) {
- string[] directories = Directory.GetDirectories (sourceDirectory);
- foreach (string directory in directories)
- AddDirectoryFilesToTar (tarArchive, directory, recurse);
- }
- // Add files
- string[] filenames = Directory.GetFiles (sourceDirectory);
- foreach (string filename in filenames) {
- TarEntry tarEntry = TarEntry.CreateEntryFromFile (filename);
- tarArchive.WriteEntry (tarEntry, true);
- }
- }
- */
- //encoder
- private void on_button_inactivity_help_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO,
- Catalog.GetString("If a repetition has been found, test will end at selected
inactivity seconds.") + "\n\n" +
- Catalog.GetString("If a repetition has not been found, test will end at
selected inactivity seconds (x2).") + "\n" +
- Catalog.GetString("This will let the person to have more time to start
- );
- }
- // ---- start SQL stress tests ---->
- private void on_SQL_stress_test_safe_short_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("start safe short stress test ---->");
- sql_stress_test(1000);
- }
- private void on_SQL_stress_test_safe_long_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("start safe long stress test ---->");
- sql_stress_test(4000);
- }
- private void on_SQL_stress_test_not_safe_short_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("start not safe short stress test ---->");
- Sqlite.SafeClose = false;
- sql_stress_test(1000);
- Sqlite.SafeClose = true;
- }
- private void on_SQL_stress_test_not_safe_long_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- LogB.Information("start not safe long stress test ---->");
- Sqlite.SafeClose = false;
- sql_stress_test(4000);
- Sqlite.SafeClose = true;
- }
- private void sql_stress_test (int times) {
- Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
- sw.Start();
- //trying if new way of Sqlite.Close disposing dbcmd fixes problems when multiple open / close
- for(int i=0 ; i < times; i++) {
- LogB.Debug (" i=" + i.ToString());
- LogB.Debug(SqlitePreferences.Select("databaseVersion"));
- }
- sw.Stop();
- string message = "Success!" +
- " Done " + times + " times." +
- " Elapsed " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms";
- LogB.Information(message);
- label_advanced_feedback.Text = message;
- }
- // <---- end SQL stress tests ----
- private void on_debug_mode_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
- //will be managed from gui/chronojump.cs
- FakeButtonDebugModeStart.Click();
- }
- public void DebugActivated() {
- label_advanced_feedback.Text = "Debug mode on while Chronojump is running.";
- }
- private bool PulseGTK ()
- {
- if ( ! thread.IsAlive ) {
- LogB.ThreadEnding();
- endPulse();
- LogB.ThreadEnded();
- return false;
- }
- pulsebar.Pulse();
- Thread.Sleep (50);
- //LogB.Debug(thread.ThreadState.ToString());
- return true;
- }
- private void endPulse() {
- pulsebar.Fraction = 1;
- backup_doing_sensitive_start_end(false);
- fc.Hide ();
- string myString = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Copied to {0}"), fileCopy);
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, myString);
- }
- private void backup_doing_sensitive_start_end(bool start)
- {
- hbox_backup_doing.Visible = start;
- button_db_backup.Sensitive = ! start;
- button_data_folder_open.Sensitive = ! start;
- button_cancel.Sensitive = ! start;
- button_accept.Sensitive = ! start;
- }
- //change stuff in Sqlite and in preferences object that will be retrieved by GetPreferences
- void on_button_accept_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
- {
- Sqlite.Open();
- if( preferences.digitsNumber != Convert.ToInt32(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_decimals)) ) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("digitsNumber", UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_decimals),
- preferences.digitsNumber = Convert.ToInt32(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_decimals));
- }
- if( preferences.showPower != PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_power.Active ) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("showPower",
PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_power.Active.ToString(), true);
- preferences.showPower = PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_power.Active;
- }
- if( preferences.showStiffness != PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_stiffness.Active ) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("showStiffness",
PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_stiffness.Active.ToString(), true);
- preferences.showStiffness = PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_stiffness.Active;
- }
- if( preferences.showInitialSpeed != PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_initial_speed.Active ) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("showInitialSpeed",
PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_initial_speed.Active.ToString(), true);
- preferences.showInitialSpeed = PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_initial_speed.Active;
- }
- if( preferences.showAngle != PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_angle.Active ) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("showAngle",
PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_angle.Active.ToString(), true);
- preferences.showAngle = PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_angle.Active;
- }
- if(PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_show_tv_tc_index.Active) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("showQIndex",
PreferencesWindowBox.radiobutton_show_q_index.Active.ToString(), true);
- SqlitePreferences.Update("showDjIndex",
PreferencesWindowBox.radiobutton_show_dj_index.Active.ToString(), true);
- preferences.showQIndex = PreferencesWindowBox.radiobutton_show_q_index.Active;
- preferences.showDjIndex = PreferencesWindowBox.radiobutton_show_dj_index.Active;
- } else {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("showQIndex", "False", true);
- SqlitePreferences.Update("showDjIndex", "False", true);
- preferences.showQIndex = false;
- preferences.showDjIndex = false;
- }
- if( preferences.askDeletion != PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_ask_deletion.Active ) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("askDeletion",
PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_ask_deletion.Active.ToString(), true);
- preferences.askDeletion = PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_ask_deletion.Active;
- }
- if( preferences.weightStatsPercent != PreferencesWindowBox.radio_weight_percent.Active ) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("weightStatsPercent",
PreferencesWindowBox.radio_weight_percent.Active.ToString(), true);
- preferences.weightStatsPercent = PreferencesWindowBox.radio_weight_percent.Active;
- }
- if( preferences.heightPreferred != PreferencesWindowBox.radio_elevation_height.Active ) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("heightPreferred",
PreferencesWindowBox.radio_elevation_height.Active.ToString(), true);
- preferences.heightPreferred = PreferencesWindowBox.radio_elevation_height.Active;
- }
- if( preferences.metersSecondsPreferred != PreferencesWindowBox.radio_speed_ms.Active ) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("metersSecondsPreferred",
PreferencesWindowBox.radio_speed_ms.Active.ToString(), true);
- preferences.metersSecondsPreferred = PreferencesWindowBox.radio_speed_ms.Active;
- }
- if( preferences.runSpeedStartArrival !=
PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_speed_start_arrival.Active ) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("runSpeedStartArrival",
PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_speed_start_arrival.Active.ToString(), true);
- preferences.runSpeedStartArrival =
- }
- //start of double contacts stuff ----
- //1 simple runs ----
- //1.1 was FIRST or AVERAGE or LAST and now will be NONE
- if( (preferences.runDoubleContactsMode != Constants.DoubleContact.NONE) &&
- ! PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_runs_prevent_double_contact.Active)
- {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("runDoubleContactsMode",
Constants.DoubleContact.NONE.ToString(), true);
- preferences.runDoubleContactsMode = Constants.DoubleContact.NONE;
- }
- else if(PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_runs_prevent_double_contact.Active)
- {
- //1.2 mode has changed between FIRST, AVERAGE or LAST
- if( PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_prevent_double_contact_first.Active &&
- (preferences.runDoubleContactsMode != Constants.DoubleContact.FIRST)
) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("runDoubleContactsMode",
Constants.DoubleContact.FIRST.ToString(), true);
- preferences.runDoubleContactsMode = Constants.DoubleContact.FIRST;
- }
- else if( PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_prevent_double_contact_average.Active &&
- (preferences.runDoubleContactsMode !=
Constants.DoubleContact.AVERAGE) ) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("runDoubleContactsMode",
Constants.DoubleContact.AVERAGE.ToString(), true);
- preferences.runDoubleContactsMode = Constants.DoubleContact.AVERAGE;
- }
- else if( PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_prevent_double_contact_last.Active &&
- (preferences.runDoubleContactsMode != Constants.DoubleContact.LAST) )
- SqlitePreferences.Update("runDoubleContactsMode",
Constants.DoubleContact.LAST.ToString(), true);
- preferences.runDoubleContactsMode = Constants.DoubleContact.LAST;
- }
- if(preferences.runDoubleContactsMS != (int)
PreferencesWindowBox.spinbutton_runs_prevent_double_contact.Value) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("runDoubleContactsMS",
PreferencesWindowBox.spinbutton_runs_prevent_double_contact.Value.ToString(), true); //saved as string
- preferences.runDoubleContactsMS = (int)
- }
- }
- //2 intervallic runs ----
- //2.1 was FIRST or AVERAGE or LAST and now will be NONE
- if( (preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode != Constants.DoubleContact.NONE) &&
- ! PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_runs_i_prevent_double_contact.Active)
- {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("runIDoubleContactsMode",
Constants.DoubleContact.NONE.ToString(), true);
- preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode = Constants.DoubleContact.NONE;
- }
- else if(PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_runs_i_prevent_double_contact.Active)
- {
- //2.2 mode has changed between FIRST, AVERAGE or LAST
- if( PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_i_prevent_double_contact_first.Active &&
- (preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode != Constants.DoubleContact.FIRST)
) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("runIDoubleContactsMode",
Constants.DoubleContact.FIRST.ToString(), true);
- preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode = Constants.DoubleContact.FIRST;
- }
- else if( PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_i_prevent_double_contact_average.Active &&
- (preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode !=
Constants.DoubleContact.AVERAGE) ) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("runIDoubleContactsMode",
Constants.DoubleContact.AVERAGE.ToString(), true);
- preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode = Constants.DoubleContact.AVERAGE;
- }
- else if( PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_i_prevent_double_contact_last.Active &&
- (preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode != Constants.DoubleContact.LAST)
) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("runIDoubleContactsMode",
Constants.DoubleContact.LAST.ToString(), true);
- preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode = Constants.DoubleContact.LAST;
- }
- if(preferences.runIDoubleContactsMS != (int)
PreferencesWindowBox.spinbutton_runs_i_prevent_double_contact.Value) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("runIDoubleContactsMS",
PreferencesWindowBox.spinbutton_runs_i_prevent_double_contact.Value.ToString(), true); //saved as string
- preferences.runIDoubleContactsMS = (int)
- }
- }
- //---- end of double contacts stuff
- //encoder capture ----
- preferences.encoderCaptureTime = preferencesChange(
- "encoderCaptureTime",
- preferences.encoderCaptureTime,
- (int) PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_capture_time.Value);
- preferences.encoderCaptureInactivityEndTime = preferencesChange(
- "encoderCaptureInactivityEndTime",
- preferences.encoderCaptureInactivityEndTime,
- (int) PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_capture_inactivity_end_time.Value);
- Constants.EncoderVariablesCapture mainVariable = Constants.SetEncoderVariablesCapture(
- UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(PreferencesWindowBox.combo_main_variable));
- if( preferences.encoderCaptureMainVariable != mainVariable ) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("encoderCaptureMainVariable", mainVariable.ToString(), true);
- preferences.encoderCaptureMainVariable = mainVariable;
- }
- preferences.encoderCaptureMinHeightGravitatory = preferencesChange(
- "encoderCaptureMinHeightGravitatory",
- preferences.encoderCaptureMinHeightGravitatory,
- (int) PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_capture_min_height_gravitatory.Value);
- preferences.encoderCaptureMinHeightInertial = preferencesChange(
- "encoderCaptureMinHeightInertial",
- preferences.encoderCaptureMinHeightInertial,
- (int) PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_capture_min_height_inertial.Value);
- preferences.encoderCaptureCheckFullyExtended = preferencesChange(
- "encoderCaptureCheckFullyExtended",
- preferences.encoderCaptureCheckFullyExtended,
- PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_encoder_capture_fully_extended.Active);
- preferences.encoderCaptureCheckFullyExtendedValue = preferencesChange(
- "encoderCaptureCheckFullyExtendedValue",
- preferences.encoderCaptureCheckFullyExtendedValue,
- (int) PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_capture_fully_extended.Value);
- if(PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_best.Active) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("encoderAutoSaveCurve",
Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.BEST.ToString(), true);
- preferences.encoderAutoSaveCurve = Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.BEST;
- }
- else if(PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_4top.Active) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("encoderAutoSaveCurve",
Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.FROM4TOPENULTIMATE.ToString(), true);
- preferences.encoderAutoSaveCurve = Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.FROM4TOPENULTIMATE;
- }
- else if(PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_all.Active) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("encoderAutoSaveCurve",
Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.ALL.ToString(), true);
- preferences.encoderAutoSaveCurve = Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.ALL;
- }
- else {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("encoderAutoSaveCurve",
Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.NONE.ToString(), true);
- preferences.encoderAutoSaveCurve = Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.NONE;
- }
- preferences.encoderShowStartAndDuration = preferencesChange(
- "encoderShowStartAndDuration",
- preferences.encoderShowStartAndDuration,
- PreferencesWindowBox.check_show_start_and_duration.Active);
- //---- end of encoder capture
- //encoder other ----
- preferences.encoderPropulsive = preferencesChange(
- "encoderPropulsive",
- preferences.encoderPropulsive,
- PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_encoder_propulsive.Active);
- preferences.encoderSmoothCon = preferencesChange(
- "encoderSmoothCon",
- preferences.encoderSmoothCon,
- (double) PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_smooth_con.Value);
- Constants.Encoder1RMMethod encoder1RMMethod;
- if(PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_1RM_nonweighted.Active)
- encoder1RMMethod = Constants.Encoder1RMMethod.NONWEIGHTED;
- else if(PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_1RM_weighted.Active)
- encoder1RMMethod = Constants.Encoder1RMMethod.WEIGHTED;
- else if(PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_1RM_weighted2.Active)
- encoder1RMMethod = Constants.Encoder1RMMethod.WEIGHTED2;
- else // (PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_1RM_weighted3.Active)
- encoder1RMMethod = Constants.Encoder1RMMethod.WEIGHTED3;
- SqlitePreferences.Update("encoder1RMMethod", encoder1RMMethod.ToString(), true);
- preferences.encoder1RMMethod = encoder1RMMethod;
- //---- end of encoder other
- //multimedia ----
- if( preferences.volumeOn != PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_volume.Active ) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("volumeOn",
PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_volume.Active.ToString(), true);
- preferences.volumeOn = PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_volume.Active;
- }
- if( preferences.videoDeviceNum != UtilGtk.ComboGetActivePos(combo_camera) ) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("videoDevice",
UtilGtk.ComboGetActivePos(combo_camera).ToString(), true);
- preferences.videoDeviceNum = UtilGtk.ComboGetActivePos(combo_camera);
- }
- if(PreferencesWindowBox.radio_export_latin.Active) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("CSVExportDecimalSeparator","COMMA", true);
- preferences.CSVExportDecimalSeparator = "COMMA";
- }
- else {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("CSVExportDecimalSeparator","POINT", true);
- preferences.CSVExportDecimalSeparator = "POINT";
- }
- string selectedLanguage = getSelectedLanguage();
- //if there was a language on SQL but now "detected" is selected, put "" in language on SQL
- if(preferences.language != "" && radio_language_detected.Active) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("language", "", true);
- preferences.language = "";
- }
- //if force a language, and SQL language is != than selected language, change language on SQL
- else if(radio_language_force.Active && preferences.language != selectedLanguage) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("language", selectedLanguage, true);
- preferences.language = selectedLanguage;
- }
- if( preferences.RGraphsTranslate != PreferencesWindowBox.radio_graphs_translate.Active ) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("RGraphsTranslate",
- PreferencesWindowBox.radio_graphs_translate.Active.ToString(), true);
- preferences.RGraphsTranslate = PreferencesWindowBox.radio_graphs_translate.Active;
- }
- if( preferences.useHeightsOnJumpIndexes !=
PreferencesWindowBox.radio_use_heights_on_jump_indexes.Active ) {
- SqlitePreferences.Update("useHeightsOnJumpIndexes",
PreferencesWindowBox.radio_use_heights_on_jump_indexes.Active.ToString(), true);
- preferences.useHeightsOnJumpIndexes =
- }
- Sqlite.Close();
- PreferencesWindowBox.preferences_win.Hide();
- PreferencesWindowBox = null;
- }
- private bool preferencesChange(string prefName, bool prefValue, bool bNew)
- {
- if(prefValue != bNew)
- SqlitePreferences.Update(prefName, bNew.ToString(), true);
- return bNew;
- }
- private int preferencesChange(string prefName, int prefValue, int iNew)
- {
- if(prefValue != iNew)
- SqlitePreferences.Update(prefName, iNew.ToString(), true);
- return iNew;
- }
- private double preferencesChange(string prefName, double prefValue, double dNew)
- {
- if(prefValue != dNew)
- SqlitePreferences.Update(prefName, Util.ConvertToPoint(dNew), true);
- return dNew;
- }
- public Button Button_accept
- {
- set { button_accept = value; }
- get { return button_accept; }
- }
- public Preferences GetPreferences
- {
- get { return preferences; }
- }
+ * This file is part of ChronoJump
+ *
+ * ChronoJump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ChronoJump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
+ */
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using Gdk;
+using Gtk;
+using Glade;
+//using Gnome;
+//using GLib; //for Value
+using System.Text; //StringBuilder
+using System.Collections; //ArrayList
+using Mono.Unix;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Globalization; //CultureInfo stuff
+using System.Diagnostics; //Stopwatch
+using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Tar;
+using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.GZip;
+using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib;
+public class PreferencesWindow {
+ [Widget] Gtk.Window preferences_win;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Notebook notebook;
+ //main tab
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_data_folder_open;
+ [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton check_backup_multimedia_and_encoder;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_db_backup;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_backup_doing;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ProgressBar pulsebar;
+ //jumps tab
+ [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_power;
+ [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_stiffness;
+ [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_initial_speed;
+ [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_angle;
+ [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_show_tv_tc_index;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_indexes;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radiobutton_show_q_index;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radiobutton_show_dj_index;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_elevation_height;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_elevation_tf;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_weight_percent;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_weight_kg;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_use_heights_on_jump_indexes;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_do_not_use_heights_on_jump_indexes;
+ //runs tab
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_speed_ms;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_speed_km;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_runs_speed_start_arrival;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_runs_speed_start_leaving;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box vbox_runs_prevent_double_contact;
+ [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_runs_prevent_double_contact;
+ [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spinbutton_runs_prevent_double_contact;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_runs_prevent_double_contact_first;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_runs_prevent_double_contact_average;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_runs_prevent_double_contact_last;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box vbox_runs_i_prevent_double_contact;
+ [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_runs_i_prevent_double_contact;
+ [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spinbutton_runs_i_prevent_double_contact;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_runs_i_prevent_double_contact_first;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_runs_i_prevent_double_contact_average;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_runs_i_prevent_double_contact_last;
+ //encoder capture tab
+ [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spin_encoder_capture_time;
+ [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spin_encoder_capture_inactivity_end_time;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_main_variable;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_main_variable;
+ [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spin_encoder_capture_min_height_gravitatory;
+ [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spin_encoder_capture_min_height_inertial;
+ [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_encoder_capture_fully_extended;
+ [Widget] Gtk.HBox hbox_encoder_capture_fully_extended;
+ [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spin_encoder_capture_fully_extended;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_best;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_4top;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_all;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_none;
+ [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton check_show_start_and_duration;
+ //encoder other tab
+ [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_encoder_propulsive;
+ [Widget] Gtk.SpinButton spin_encoder_smooth_con;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_encoder_con;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_encoder_1RM_nonweighted;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_encoder_1RM_weighted;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_encoder_1RM_weighted2;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_encoder_1RM_weighted3;
+ //multimedia tab
+ [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_volume;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_camera;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_camera;
+ //language tab
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_language;
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_language;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_language_detected;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_language_force;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_graphs_translate;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_graphs_no_translate;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_need_restart;
+ //advanced tab
+ [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_decimals;
+ [Widget] Gtk.CheckButton checkbutton_ask_deletion;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_export_latin;
+ [Widget] Gtk.RadioButton radio_export_non_latin;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Label label_advanced_feedback;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_accept;
+ [Widget] Gtk.Button button_cancel;
+ public Gtk.Button FakeButtonImported;
+ public Gtk.Button FakeButtonDebugModeStart;
+ static PreferencesWindow PreferencesWindowBox;
+ private Preferences preferences; //stored to update SQL if anything changed
+ private Thread thread;
+ string databaseURL;
+ string databaseTempURL;
+ ListStore langsStore;
+ PreferencesWindow () {
+ Glade.XML gladeXML;
+ gladeXML = Glade.XML.FromAssembly (Util.GetGladePath() + "chronojump.glade",
"preferences_win", "chronojump");
+ gladeXML.Autoconnect(this);
+ //put an icon to window
+ UtilGtk.IconWindow(preferences_win);
+ //database and log files stuff
+ databaseURL = Util.GetDatabaseDir() + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
+ databaseTempURL = Util.GetDatabaseTempDir() + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
+ FakeButtonImported = new Gtk.Button();
+ FakeButtonDebugModeStart = new Gtk.Button();
+ }
+ static public PreferencesWindow Show (Preferences preferences, Constants.Menuitem_modes menu_mode)
+ {
+ if (PreferencesWindowBox == null) {
+ PreferencesWindowBox = new PreferencesWindow ();
+ }
+ if(menu_mode != Constants.Menuitem_modes.JUMPSSIMPLE && menu_mode !=
+ PreferencesWindowBox.notebook.GetNthPage(1).Hide();
+ if(menu_mode != Constants.Menuitem_modes.RUNSSIMPLE && menu_mode !=
+ PreferencesWindowBox.notebook.GetNthPage(2).Hide();
+ if(menu_mode != Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERGRAVITATORY && menu_mode !=
Constants.Menuitem_modes.POWERINERTIAL) {
+ PreferencesWindowBox.notebook.GetNthPage(3).Hide();
+ PreferencesWindowBox.notebook.GetNthPage(4).Hide();
+ }
+ PreferencesWindowBox.preferences = preferences;
+ PreferencesWindowBox.createComboLanguage();
+ //multimedia tab
+ if(preferences.volumeOn)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_volume.Active = true;
+ else
+ PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_volume.Active = false;
+ PreferencesWindowBox.createComboCamera(UtilVideo.GetVideoDevices(),
+ string [] decs = {"1", "2", "3"};
+ PreferencesWindowBox.combo_decimals.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(
+ decs, preferences.digitsNumber.ToString());
+ if(preferences.showPower)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_power.Active = true;
+ else
+ PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_power.Active = false;
+ if(preferences.showStiffness)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_stiffness.Active = true;
+ else
+ PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_stiffness.Active = false;
+ if(preferences.showInitialSpeed)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_initial_speed.Active = true;
+ else
+ PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_initial_speed.Active = false;
+ if(preferences.showAngle)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_angle.Active = true;
+ else
+ PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_angle.Active = false;
+ if(preferences.showQIndex || preferences.showDjIndex) {
+ PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_show_tv_tc_index.Active = true;
+ if(preferences.showQIndex) {
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radiobutton_show_q_index.Active = true;
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radiobutton_show_dj_index.Active = false;
+ } else {
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radiobutton_show_q_index.Active = false;
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radiobutton_show_dj_index.Active = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_show_tv_tc_index.Active = false;
+ PreferencesWindowBox.hbox_indexes.Hide();
+ }
+ if(preferences.askDeletion)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_ask_deletion.Active = true;
+ else
+ PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_ask_deletion.Active = false;
+ if(preferences.weightStatsPercent)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_weight_percent.Active = true;
+ else
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_weight_kg.Active = true;
+ if(preferences.heightPreferred)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_elevation_height.Active = true;
+ else
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_elevation_tf.Active = true;
+ if(preferences.metersSecondsPreferred)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_speed_ms.Active = true;
+ else
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_speed_km.Active = true;
+ if(preferences.runSpeedStartArrival)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_speed_start_arrival.Active = true;
+ else
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_speed_start_leaving.Active = true;
+ //start of double contacts stuff ----
+ PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_runs_prevent_double_contact.Active =
+ (preferences.runDoubleContactsMode != Constants.DoubleContact.NONE);
+ PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_runs_i_prevent_double_contact.Active =
+ (preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode != Constants.DoubleContact.NONE);
+ PreferencesWindowBox.spinbutton_runs_prevent_double_contact.Value =
+ preferences.runDoubleContactsMS;
+ PreferencesWindowBox.spinbutton_runs_i_prevent_double_contact.Value =
+ preferences.runIDoubleContactsMS;
+ if(preferences.runDoubleContactsMode != Constants.DoubleContact.NONE) {
+ if(preferences.runDoubleContactsMode == Constants.DoubleContact.FIRST)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_prevent_double_contact_first.Active = true;
+ else if(preferences.runDoubleContactsMode == Constants.DoubleContact.AVERAGE)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_prevent_double_contact_average.Active = true;
+ else // Constants.DoubleContact.LAST DEFAULT
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_prevent_double_contact_last.Active = true;
+ }
+ if(preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode != Constants.DoubleContact.NONE) {
+ if(preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode == Constants.DoubleContact.FIRST)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_i_prevent_double_contact_first.Active = true;
+ else if(preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode == Constants.DoubleContact.LAST)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_i_prevent_double_contact_last.Active = true;
+ else //Constants.DoubleContact.AVERAGE DEFAULT
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_i_prevent_double_contact_average.Active =
+ }
+ //---- end of double contacts stuff
+ if(preferences.CSVExportDecimalSeparator == "COMMA")
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_export_latin.Active = true;
+ else
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_export_non_latin.Active = true;
+ //encoder capture -->
+ PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_capture_time.Value = preferences.encoderCaptureTime;
+ PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_capture_inactivity_end_time.Value =
+ PreferencesWindowBox.createComboEncoderCaptureMainVariable(
+ Constants.GetEncoderVariablesCapture(preferences.encoderCaptureMainVariable));
+ PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_capture_min_height_gravitatory.Value =
+ PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_capture_min_height_inertial.Value =
+ PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_encoder_capture_fully_extended.Active =
+ PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_capture_fully_extended.Value =
+ PreferencesWindowBox.hbox_encoder_capture_fully_extended.Visible =
+ if(preferences.encoderAutoSaveCurve == Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.BEST)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_best.Active = true;
+ else if(preferences.encoderAutoSaveCurve == Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.FROM4TOPENULTIMATE)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_4top.Active = true;
+ else if(preferences.encoderAutoSaveCurve == Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.ALL)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_all.Active = true;
+ else
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_none.Active = true;
+ PreferencesWindowBox.check_show_start_and_duration.Active =
+ //encoder other -->
+ PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_encoder_propulsive.Active = preferences.encoderPropulsive;
+ PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_smooth_con.Value = preferences.encoderSmoothCon;
+ if(preferences.encoder1RMMethod == Constants.Encoder1RMMethod.NONWEIGHTED)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_1RM_nonweighted.Active = true;
+ else if(preferences.encoder1RMMethod == Constants.Encoder1RMMethod.WEIGHTED)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_1RM_weighted.Active = true;
+ else if(preferences.encoder1RMMethod == Constants.Encoder1RMMethod.WEIGHTED2)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_1RM_weighted2.Active = true;
+ else //(preferences.encoder1RMMethod == Constants.Encoder1RMMethod.WEIGHTED3)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_1RM_weighted3.Active = true;
+ //done here and not in glade to be shown with the decimal point of user language
+ PreferencesWindowBox.label_encoder_con.Text = (0.7).ToString();
+ //language -->
+ if(preferences.language == "")
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_language_detected.Active = true;
+ else
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_language_force.Active = true;
+ if(preferences.RGraphsTranslate)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_graphs_translate.Active = true;
+ else
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_graphs_no_translate.Active = true;
+ //allow signal to be called
+ PreferencesWindowBox.hbox_language_signalOn = true;
+ if(preferences.useHeightsOnJumpIndexes)
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_use_heights_on_jump_indexes.Active = true;
+ else
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_do_not_use_heights_on_jump_indexes.Active = true;
+ PreferencesWindowBox.preferences_win.Show ();
+ return PreferencesWindowBox;
+ }
+ private void createComboEncoderCaptureMainVariable(string v) {
+ combo_main_variable = ComboBox.NewText ();
+ string [] values = Constants.EncoderVariablesCaptureList;
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_main_variable, values, "");
+ combo_main_variable.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(combo_main_variable, v.ToString());
+ hbox_combo_main_variable.PackStart(combo_main_variable, false, false, 0);
+ hbox_combo_main_variable.ShowAll();
+ combo_main_variable.Sensitive = true;
+ }
+ private void createComboCamera(string [] devices, int current) {
+ combo_camera = ComboBox.NewText ();
+ if(devices.Length == 0) {
+ devices = Util.StringToStringArray(Constants.CameraNotFound);
+ current = 0;
+ }
+ UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_camera, devices, "");
+ hbox_combo_camera.PackStart(combo_camera, true, true, 0);
+ hbox_combo_camera.ShowAll();
+ if(current >= devices.Length)
+ current = 0;
+ combo_camera.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(devices, devices[current]);
+ }
+ private void on_checkbutton_encoder_capture_fully_extended_toggled(object obj, EventArgs args) {
+ hbox_encoder_capture_fully_extended.Visible =
+ }
+ // ---- Language stuff
+ private void createComboLanguage() {
+ combo_language = ComboBox.NewText ();
+ fillLanguages();
+ hbox_combo_language.PackStart(combo_language, false, false, 0);
+ hbox_combo_language.ShowAll();
+ }
+ //from Longomatch ;)
+ //(C) Andoni Morales Alastruey
+ bool hbox_language_signalOn = false;
+ void fillLanguages () {
+ int index = 0, active = 0;
+ langsStore = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(CultureInfo));
+ foreach (CultureInfo lang in UtilLanguage.Languages) {
+ langsStore.AppendValues(lang.NativeName, lang);
+ if (preferences.language != "" && lang.Name == preferences.language)
+ active = index;
+ index ++;
+ }
+ combo_language.Model = langsStore;
+ combo_language.Active = active;
+ combo_language.Changed += combo_language_changed;
+ }
+ private void on_radio_language_toggled (object obj, EventArgs args) {
+ hbox_combo_language.Sensitive = radio_language_force.Active;
+ if(hbox_language_signalOn)
+ hbox_need_restart.Visible = true;
+ }
+ private void on_radio_translate_toggled (object obj, EventArgs args) {
+ if(hbox_language_signalOn)
+ hbox_need_restart.Visible = true;
+ }
+ private void combo_language_changed (object obj, EventArgs args) {
+ if(hbox_language_signalOn)
+ hbox_need_restart.Visible = true;
+ }
+ string getSelectedLanguage()
+ {
+ TreeIter iter;
+ CultureInfo info;
+ combo_language.GetActiveIter (out iter);
+ info = (CultureInfo) langsStore.GetValue (iter, 1);
+ if (info == null) {
+ return "";
+ } else {
+ return info.Name;
+ }
+ }
+ // ---- end of Language stuff
+ private void on_checkbutton_show_tv_tc_index_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ if(checkbutton_show_tv_tc_index.Active)
+ hbox_indexes.Show();
+ else
+ hbox_indexes.Hide();
+ }
+ private void on_checkbutton_runs_prevent_double_contact_toggled (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ vbox_runs_prevent_double_contact.Visible = checkbutton_runs_prevent_double_contact.Active;
+ }
+ private void on_checkbutton_runs_i_prevent_double_contact_toggled (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ vbox_runs_i_prevent_double_contact.Visible = checkbutton_runs_i_prevent_double_contact.Active;
+ }
+ void on_button_cancel_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ PreferencesWindowBox.preferences_win.Hide();
+ PreferencesWindowBox = null;
+ }
+ void on_preferences_delete_event (object o, DeleteEventArgs args)
+ {
+ //do not hide/exit if copyiing
+ if (thread != null && thread.IsAlive)
+ args.RetVal = true;
+ else {
+ PreferencesWindowBox.preferences_win.Hide();
+ PreferencesWindowBox = null;
+ }
+ }
+ void on_button_data_folder_open_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ System.IO.FileInfo file1 = new System.IO.FileInfo(databaseURL); //potser cal una arrobar
abans (a windows)
+ System.IO.FileInfo file2 = new System.IO.FileInfo(databaseTempURL); //potser cal una arrobar
abans (a windows)
+ if(file1.Exists)
+ System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Util.GetParentDir(false));
+ else if(file2.Exists)
+ System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Util.GetDatabaseTempDir());
+ else
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Constants.DatabaseNotFound);
+ }
+ void on_button_db_restore_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ /*
+ * TODO: problem is database stored is a chronojump.db or a folder (if images and videos were
+ * FileChooserAction only lets you use one type
+ * In the future backup db as tgz or similar
+ */
+ /*
+ fc = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog(Catalog.GetString("Restore database from:"),
+ preferences_win,
+ FileChooserAction.SelectFolder,
+ Catalog.GetString("Cancel"),ResponseType.Cancel,
+ Catalog.GetString("Restore"),ResponseType.Accept
+ );
+ ConfirmWindow confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Are you sure you want to
+ confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_overwrite_file_accepted);
+ */
+ }
+ void on_button_logs_folder_open_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ string dir = UtilAll.GetLogsDir();
+ LogB.Information(dir);
+ if( ! new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(dir).Exists) {
+ try {
+ Directory.CreateDirectory (dir);
+ } catch {
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
+ Catalog.GetString("Cannot create directory.") + "\n\n" + dir);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(dir);
+ }
+ catch {
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
+ Constants.DirectoryCannotOpen + "\n\n" + dir);
+ }
+ }
+ void on_button_tmp_folder_open_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ string dir = UtilAll.GetTempDir(); //potser cal una arrobar abans (a windows)
+ System.IO.FileInfo fInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(dir);
+ try {
+ if(fInfo.Exists)
+ System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(dir);
+ } catch {
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
+ Constants.DirectoryCannotOpen + "\n\n" + dir);
+ }
+ LogB.Warning(dir);
+ }
+ string fileDB;
+ string fileCopy;
+ Gtk.FileChooserDialog fc;
+ void on_button_db_backup_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ System.IO.FileInfo file1 = new System.IO.FileInfo(databaseURL); //potser cal una arrobar
abans (a windows)
+ System.IO.FileInfo file2 = new System.IO.FileInfo(databaseTempURL); //potser cal una arrobar
abans (a windows)
+ fileDB = "";
+ long length1 = 0;
+ if(file1.Exists)
+ length1 = file1.Length;
+ long length2 = 0;
+ if(file2.Exists)
+ length2 = file2.Length;
+ if(length1 == 0 && length2 == 0)
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Catalog.GetString("Error. Cannot
find database."));
+ else if(length1 > length2)
+ fileDB = databaseURL;
+ else
+ fileDB = databaseTempURL;
+ fc = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog(Catalog.GetString("Copy database to:"),
+ preferences_win,
+ FileChooserAction.SelectFolder,
+ Catalog.GetString("Cancel"),ResponseType.Cancel,
+ Catalog.GetString("Copy"),ResponseType.Accept
+ );
+ if (fc.Run() == (int)ResponseType.Accept)
+ {
+ //if multimedia_and_encoder, then copy the folder. If not checked, then copy only the
db file
+ if(check_backup_multimedia_and_encoder.Active)
+ fileCopy = fc.Filename + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "chronojump";
+ else
+ fileCopy = fc.Filename + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "chronojump_copy.db";
+ try {
+ fc.Hide ();
+ bool exists = false;
+ if(check_backup_multimedia_and_encoder.Active) {
+ if(Directory.Exists(fileCopy)) {
+ LogB.Information(string.Format("Directory {0} exists, created
at {1}",
+ fileCopy,
+ exists = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (File.Exists(fileCopy)) {
+ LogB.Information(string.Format("File {0} exists with
attributes {1}, created at {2}",
+ fileCopy,
File.GetAttributes(fileCopy), File.GetCreationTime(fileCopy)));
+ exists = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(exists) {
+ LogB.Information("Overwrite...");
+ ConfirmWindow confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString("Are
you sure you want to overwrite: "), "", fileCopy);
+ confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new
+ } else {
+ //if multimedia_and_encoder, then copy the folder. If not checked,
then copy only the db file
+ if(check_backup_multimedia_and_encoder.Active)
+ {
+ thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(copyRecursive));
+ GLib.Idle.Add (new GLib.IdleHandler (PulseGTK));
+ backup_doing_sensitive_start_end(true);
+ LogB.ThreadStart();
+ thread.Start();
+ } else {
+ File.Copy(fileDB, fileCopy);
+ string myString = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Copied to
{0}"), fileCopy);
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, myString);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch {
+ string myString = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Cannot copy to {0} "),
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, myString);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ fc.Hide ();
+ return ;
+ }
+ //Don't forget to call Destroy() or the FileChooserDialog window won't get closed.
+ fc.Destroy();
+ }
+ void on_button_import_configuration_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ fc = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog(Catalog.GetString("Import configuration file"),
+ preferences_win,
+ FileChooserAction.Open,
+ Catalog.GetString("Cancel"),ResponseType.Cancel,
+ Catalog.GetString("Import"),ResponseType.Accept
+ );
+ fc.Filter = new FileFilter();
+ //it can handle future archives like: chronojump_config_SOME_VENDOR.txt
+ //and it will be copied to chronojump_config.txt
+ fc.Filter.AddPattern("chronojump_config*.txt");
+ bool success = false;
+ if (fc.Run() == (int)ResponseType.Accept)
+ {
+ try {
+ File.Copy(fc.Filename, UtilAll.GetConfigFileName(), true);
+ LogB.Information("Imported configuration");
+ //will launch configInit() from gui/chronojump.cs
+ FakeButtonImported.Click();
+ success = true;
+ } catch {
+ LogB.Warning("Catched! Configuration cannot be imported");
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Catalog.GetString("Error
importing data."));
+ }
+ }
+ //Don't forget to call Destroy() or the FileChooserDialog window won't get closed.
+ fc.Destroy();
+ if(success)
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Catalog.GetString("Successfully
+ }
+ private void on_overwrite_file_accepted(object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ try {
+ //if multimedia_and_encoder, then copy the folder. If not checked, then copy only the
db file
+ if(check_backup_multimedia_and_encoder.Active) {
+ Directory.Delete(fileCopy, true);
+ thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(copyRecursive));
+ GLib.Idle.Add (new GLib.IdleHandler (PulseGTK));
+ backup_doing_sensitive_start_end(true);
+ LogB.ThreadStart();
+ thread.Start();
+ } else {
+ File.Delete(fileCopy);
+ File.Copy(fileDB, fileCopy);
+ fc.Hide ();
+ string myString = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Copied to {0}"), fileCopy);
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, myString);
+ }
+ } catch {
+ string myString = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Cannot copy to {0} "), fileCopy);
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, myString);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * deprecated since 1.6.0. Use backup method below
+ */
+ private void copyRecursive() {
+ Util.CopyFilesRecursively(new DirectoryInfo(Util.GetParentDir(false)), new
+ }
+ /*
+ * Temprarily disabled
+ *
+ //from Longomatch
+ //https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ylatuya/longomatch/master/LongoMatch.DB/CouchbaseStorage.cs
+ private bool backup(string path)
+ {
+ try {
+ string storageName = path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "chronojump_backup-" +
DateTime.UtcNow.ToString() + ".tar.gz";
+ using (FileStream fs = new FileStream (outputFilename, FileMode.Create,
FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)) {
+ using (Stream gzipStream = new GZipOutputStream (fs)) {
+ using (TarArchive tarArchive = TarArchive.CreateOutputTarArchive
(gzipStream)) {
+ //foreach (string n in new string[] {"", "-wal", "-shm"}) {
+ // TarEntry tarEntry = TarEntry.CreateEntryFromFile (
+ // Path.Combine (Config.DBDir,
storageName + ".cblite" + n));
+ // tarArchive.WriteEntry (tarEntry, true);
+ //}
+ //AddDirectoryFilesToTar (tarArchive, Path.Combine
(Config.DBDir, storageName + " attachments"), true);
+ AddDirectoryFilesToTar (tarArchive, Util.GetParentDir(false),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //LastBackup = DateTime.UtcNow;
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ LogB.Error (ex);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ //from Longomatch
+ //https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ylatuya/longomatch/master/LongoMatch.DB/CouchbaseStorage.cs
+ void AddDirectoryFilesToTar (TarArchive tarArchive, string sourceDirectory, bool recurse)
+ {
+ // Recursively add sub-folders
+ if (recurse) {
+ string[] directories = Directory.GetDirectories (sourceDirectory);
+ foreach (string directory in directories)
+ AddDirectoryFilesToTar (tarArchive, directory, recurse);
+ }
+ // Add files
+ string[] filenames = Directory.GetFiles (sourceDirectory);
+ foreach (string filename in filenames) {
+ TarEntry tarEntry = TarEntry.CreateEntryFromFile (filename);
+ tarArchive.WriteEntry (tarEntry, true);
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ //encoder
+ private void on_button_inactivity_help_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO,
+ Catalog.GetString("If a repetition has been found, test will end at selected
inactivity seconds.") + "\n\n" +
+ Catalog.GetString("If a repetition has not been found, test will end at
selected inactivity seconds (x2).") + "\n" +
+ Catalog.GetString("This will let the person to have more time to start
+ );
+ }
+ // ---- start SQL stress tests ---->
+ private void on_SQL_stress_test_safe_short_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("start safe short stress test ---->");
+ sql_stress_test(1000);
+ }
+ private void on_SQL_stress_test_safe_long_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("start safe long stress test ---->");
+ sql_stress_test(4000);
+ }
+ private void on_SQL_stress_test_not_safe_short_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("start not safe short stress test ---->");
+ Sqlite.SafeClose = false;
+ sql_stress_test(1000);
+ Sqlite.SafeClose = true;
+ }
+ private void on_SQL_stress_test_not_safe_long_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ LogB.Information("start not safe long stress test ---->");
+ Sqlite.SafeClose = false;
+ sql_stress_test(4000);
+ Sqlite.SafeClose = true;
+ }
+ private void sql_stress_test (int times) {
+ Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
+ sw.Start();
+ //trying if new way of Sqlite.Close disposing dbcmd fixes problems when multiple open / close
+ for(int i=0 ; i < times; i++) {
+ LogB.Debug (" i=" + i.ToString());
+ LogB.Debug(SqlitePreferences.Select("databaseVersion"));
+ }
+ sw.Stop();
+ string message = "Success!" +
+ " Done " + times + " times." +
+ " Elapsed " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms";
+ LogB.Information(message);
+ label_advanced_feedback.Text = message;
+ }
+ // <---- end SQL stress tests ----
+ private void on_debug_mode_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ //will be managed from gui/chronojump.cs
+ FakeButtonDebugModeStart.Click();
+ }
+ public void DebugActivated() {
+ label_advanced_feedback.Text = "Debug mode on while Chronojump is running.";
+ }
+ private bool PulseGTK ()
+ {
+ if ( ! thread.IsAlive ) {
+ LogB.ThreadEnding();
+ endPulse();
+ LogB.ThreadEnded();
+ return false;
+ }
+ pulsebar.Pulse();
+ Thread.Sleep (50);
+ //LogB.Debug(thread.ThreadState.ToString());
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void endPulse() {
+ pulsebar.Fraction = 1;
+ backup_doing_sensitive_start_end(false);
+ fc.Hide ();
+ string myString = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Copied to {0}"), fileCopy);
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, myString);
+ }
+ private void backup_doing_sensitive_start_end(bool start)
+ {
+ hbox_backup_doing.Visible = start;
+ button_db_backup.Sensitive = ! start;
+ button_data_folder_open.Sensitive = ! start;
+ button_cancel.Sensitive = ! start;
+ button_accept.Sensitive = ! start;
+ }
+ //change stuff in Sqlite and in preferences object that will be retrieved by GetPreferences
+ void on_button_accept_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ Sqlite.Open();
+ if( preferences.digitsNumber != Convert.ToInt32(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_decimals)) ) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("digitsNumber", UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_decimals),
+ preferences.digitsNumber = Convert.ToInt32(UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_decimals));
+ }
+ if( preferences.showPower != PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_power.Active ) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("showPower",
PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_power.Active.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.showPower = PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_power.Active;
+ }
+ if( preferences.showStiffness != PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_stiffness.Active ) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("showStiffness",
PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_stiffness.Active.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.showStiffness = PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_stiffness.Active;
+ }
+ if( preferences.showInitialSpeed != PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_initial_speed.Active ) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("showInitialSpeed",
PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_initial_speed.Active.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.showInitialSpeed = PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_initial_speed.Active;
+ }
+ if( preferences.showAngle != PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_angle.Active ) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("showAngle",
PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_angle.Active.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.showAngle = PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_angle.Active;
+ }
+ if(PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_show_tv_tc_index.Active) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("showQIndex",
PreferencesWindowBox.radiobutton_show_q_index.Active.ToString(), true);
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("showDjIndex",
PreferencesWindowBox.radiobutton_show_dj_index.Active.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.showQIndex = PreferencesWindowBox.radiobutton_show_q_index.Active;
+ preferences.showDjIndex = PreferencesWindowBox.radiobutton_show_dj_index.Active;
+ } else {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("showQIndex", "False", true);
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("showDjIndex", "False", true);
+ preferences.showQIndex = false;
+ preferences.showDjIndex = false;
+ }
+ if( preferences.askDeletion != PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_ask_deletion.Active ) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("askDeletion",
PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_ask_deletion.Active.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.askDeletion = PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_ask_deletion.Active;
+ }
+ if( preferences.weightStatsPercent != PreferencesWindowBox.radio_weight_percent.Active ) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("weightStatsPercent",
PreferencesWindowBox.radio_weight_percent.Active.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.weightStatsPercent = PreferencesWindowBox.radio_weight_percent.Active;
+ }
+ if( preferences.heightPreferred != PreferencesWindowBox.radio_elevation_height.Active ) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("heightPreferred",
PreferencesWindowBox.radio_elevation_height.Active.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.heightPreferred = PreferencesWindowBox.radio_elevation_height.Active;
+ }
+ if( preferences.metersSecondsPreferred != PreferencesWindowBox.radio_speed_ms.Active ) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("metersSecondsPreferred",
PreferencesWindowBox.radio_speed_ms.Active.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.metersSecondsPreferred = PreferencesWindowBox.radio_speed_ms.Active;
+ }
+ if( preferences.runSpeedStartArrival !=
PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_speed_start_arrival.Active ) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("runSpeedStartArrival",
PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_speed_start_arrival.Active.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.runSpeedStartArrival =
+ }
+ //start of double contacts stuff ----
+ //1 simple runs ----
+ //1.1 was FIRST or AVERAGE or LAST and now will be NONE
+ if( (preferences.runDoubleContactsMode != Constants.DoubleContact.NONE) &&
+ ! PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_runs_prevent_double_contact.Active)
+ {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("runDoubleContactsMode",
Constants.DoubleContact.NONE.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.runDoubleContactsMode = Constants.DoubleContact.NONE;
+ }
+ else if(PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_runs_prevent_double_contact.Active)
+ {
+ //1.2 mode has changed between FIRST, AVERAGE or LAST
+ if( PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_prevent_double_contact_first.Active &&
+ (preferences.runDoubleContactsMode != Constants.DoubleContact.FIRST)
) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("runDoubleContactsMode",
Constants.DoubleContact.FIRST.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.runDoubleContactsMode = Constants.DoubleContact.FIRST;
+ }
+ else if( PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_prevent_double_contact_average.Active &&
+ (preferences.runDoubleContactsMode !=
Constants.DoubleContact.AVERAGE) ) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("runDoubleContactsMode",
Constants.DoubleContact.AVERAGE.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.runDoubleContactsMode = Constants.DoubleContact.AVERAGE;
+ }
+ else if( PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_prevent_double_contact_last.Active &&
+ (preferences.runDoubleContactsMode != Constants.DoubleContact.LAST) )
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("runDoubleContactsMode",
Constants.DoubleContact.LAST.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.runDoubleContactsMode = Constants.DoubleContact.LAST;
+ }
+ if(preferences.runDoubleContactsMS != (int)
PreferencesWindowBox.spinbutton_runs_prevent_double_contact.Value) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("runDoubleContactsMS",
PreferencesWindowBox.spinbutton_runs_prevent_double_contact.Value.ToString(), true); //saved as string
+ preferences.runDoubleContactsMS = (int)
+ }
+ }
+ //2 intervallic runs ----
+ //2.1 was FIRST or AVERAGE or LAST and now will be NONE
+ if( (preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode != Constants.DoubleContact.NONE) &&
+ ! PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_runs_i_prevent_double_contact.Active)
+ {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("runIDoubleContactsMode",
Constants.DoubleContact.NONE.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode = Constants.DoubleContact.NONE;
+ }
+ else if(PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_runs_i_prevent_double_contact.Active)
+ {
+ //2.2 mode has changed between FIRST, AVERAGE or LAST
+ if( PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_i_prevent_double_contact_first.Active &&
+ (preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode != Constants.DoubleContact.FIRST)
) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("runIDoubleContactsMode",
Constants.DoubleContact.FIRST.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode = Constants.DoubleContact.FIRST;
+ }
+ else if( PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_i_prevent_double_contact_average.Active &&
+ (preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode !=
Constants.DoubleContact.AVERAGE) ) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("runIDoubleContactsMode",
Constants.DoubleContact.AVERAGE.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode = Constants.DoubleContact.AVERAGE;
+ }
+ else if( PreferencesWindowBox.radio_runs_i_prevent_double_contact_last.Active &&
+ (preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode != Constants.DoubleContact.LAST)
) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("runIDoubleContactsMode",
Constants.DoubleContact.LAST.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.runIDoubleContactsMode = Constants.DoubleContact.LAST;
+ }
+ if(preferences.runIDoubleContactsMS != (int)
PreferencesWindowBox.spinbutton_runs_i_prevent_double_contact.Value) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("runIDoubleContactsMS",
PreferencesWindowBox.spinbutton_runs_i_prevent_double_contact.Value.ToString(), true); //saved as string
+ preferences.runIDoubleContactsMS = (int)
+ }
+ }
+ //---- end of double contacts stuff
+ //encoder capture ----
+ preferences.encoderCaptureTime = preferencesChange(
+ "encoderCaptureTime",
+ preferences.encoderCaptureTime,
+ (int) PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_capture_time.Value);
+ preferences.encoderCaptureInactivityEndTime = preferencesChange(
+ "encoderCaptureInactivityEndTime",
+ preferences.encoderCaptureInactivityEndTime,
+ (int) PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_capture_inactivity_end_time.Value);
+ Constants.EncoderVariablesCapture mainVariable = Constants.SetEncoderVariablesCapture(
+ UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(PreferencesWindowBox.combo_main_variable));
+ if( preferences.encoderCaptureMainVariable != mainVariable ) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("encoderCaptureMainVariable", mainVariable.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.encoderCaptureMainVariable = mainVariable;
+ }
+ preferences.encoderCaptureMinHeightGravitatory = preferencesChange(
+ "encoderCaptureMinHeightGravitatory",
+ preferences.encoderCaptureMinHeightGravitatory,
+ (int) PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_capture_min_height_gravitatory.Value);
+ preferences.encoderCaptureMinHeightInertial = preferencesChange(
+ "encoderCaptureMinHeightInertial",
+ preferences.encoderCaptureMinHeightInertial,
+ (int) PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_capture_min_height_inertial.Value);
+ preferences.encoderCaptureCheckFullyExtended = preferencesChange(
+ "encoderCaptureCheckFullyExtended",
+ preferences.encoderCaptureCheckFullyExtended,
+ PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_encoder_capture_fully_extended.Active);
+ preferences.encoderCaptureCheckFullyExtendedValue = preferencesChange(
+ "encoderCaptureCheckFullyExtendedValue",
+ preferences.encoderCaptureCheckFullyExtendedValue,
+ (int) PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_capture_fully_extended.Value);
+ if(PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_best.Active) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("encoderAutoSaveCurve",
Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.BEST.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.encoderAutoSaveCurve = Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.BEST;
+ }
+ else if(PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_4top.Active) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("encoderAutoSaveCurve",
Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.FROM4TOPENULTIMATE.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.encoderAutoSaveCurve = Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.FROM4TOPENULTIMATE;
+ }
+ else if(PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_auto_save_curve_all.Active) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("encoderAutoSaveCurve",
Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.ALL.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.encoderAutoSaveCurve = Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.ALL;
+ }
+ else {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("encoderAutoSaveCurve",
Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.NONE.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.encoderAutoSaveCurve = Constants.EncoderAutoSaveCurve.NONE;
+ }
+ preferences.encoderShowStartAndDuration = preferencesChange(
+ "encoderShowStartAndDuration",
+ preferences.encoderShowStartAndDuration,
+ PreferencesWindowBox.check_show_start_and_duration.Active);
+ //---- end of encoder capture
+ //encoder other ----
+ preferences.encoderPropulsive = preferencesChange(
+ "encoderPropulsive",
+ preferences.encoderPropulsive,
+ PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_encoder_propulsive.Active);
+ preferences.encoderSmoothCon = preferencesChange(
+ "encoderSmoothCon",
+ preferences.encoderSmoothCon,
+ (double) PreferencesWindowBox.spin_encoder_smooth_con.Value);
+ Constants.Encoder1RMMethod encoder1RMMethod;
+ if(PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_1RM_nonweighted.Active)
+ encoder1RMMethod = Constants.Encoder1RMMethod.NONWEIGHTED;
+ else if(PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_1RM_weighted.Active)
+ encoder1RMMethod = Constants.Encoder1RMMethod.WEIGHTED;
+ else if(PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_1RM_weighted2.Active)
+ encoder1RMMethod = Constants.Encoder1RMMethod.WEIGHTED2;
+ else // (PreferencesWindowBox.radio_encoder_1RM_weighted3.Active)
+ encoder1RMMethod = Constants.Encoder1RMMethod.WEIGHTED3;
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("encoder1RMMethod", encoder1RMMethod.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.encoder1RMMethod = encoder1RMMethod;
+ //---- end of encoder other
+ //multimedia ----
+ if( preferences.volumeOn != PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_volume.Active ) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("volumeOn",
PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_volume.Active.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.volumeOn = PreferencesWindowBox.checkbutton_volume.Active;
+ }
+ if( preferences.videoDeviceNum != UtilGtk.ComboGetActivePos(combo_camera) ) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("videoDevice",
UtilGtk.ComboGetActivePos(combo_camera).ToString(), true);
+ preferences.videoDeviceNum = UtilGtk.ComboGetActivePos(combo_camera);
+ }
+ if(PreferencesWindowBox.radio_export_latin.Active) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("CSVExportDecimalSeparator","COMMA", true);
+ preferences.CSVExportDecimalSeparator = "COMMA";
+ }
+ else {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("CSVExportDecimalSeparator","POINT", true);
+ preferences.CSVExportDecimalSeparator = "POINT";
+ }
+ string selectedLanguage = getSelectedLanguage();
+ //if there was a language on SQL but now "detected" is selected, put "" in language on SQL
+ if(preferences.language != "" && radio_language_detected.Active) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("language", "", true);
+ preferences.language = "";
+ }
+ //if force a language, and SQL language is != than selected language, change language on SQL
+ else if(radio_language_force.Active && preferences.language != selectedLanguage) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("language", selectedLanguage, true);
+ preferences.language = selectedLanguage;
+ }
+ if( preferences.RGraphsTranslate != PreferencesWindowBox.radio_graphs_translate.Active ) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("RGraphsTranslate",
+ PreferencesWindowBox.radio_graphs_translate.Active.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.RGraphsTranslate = PreferencesWindowBox.radio_graphs_translate.Active;
+ }
+ if( preferences.useHeightsOnJumpIndexes !=
PreferencesWindowBox.radio_use_heights_on_jump_indexes.Active ) {
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("useHeightsOnJumpIndexes",
PreferencesWindowBox.radio_use_heights_on_jump_indexes.Active.ToString(), true);
+ preferences.useHeightsOnJumpIndexes =
+ }
+ Sqlite.Close();
+ PreferencesWindowBox.preferences_win.Hide();
+ PreferencesWindowBox = null;
+ }
+ private bool preferencesChange(string prefName, bool prefValue, bool bNew)
+ {
+ if(prefValue != bNew)
+ SqlitePreferences.Update(prefName, bNew.ToString(), true);
+ return bNew;
+ }
+ private int preferencesChange(string prefName, int prefValue, int iNew)
+ {
+ if(prefValue != iNew)
+ SqlitePreferences.Update(prefName, iNew.ToString(), true);
+ return iNew;
+ }
+ private double preferencesChange(string prefName, double prefValue, double dNew)
+ {
+ if(prefValue != dNew)
+ SqlitePreferences.Update(prefName, Util.ConvertToPoint(dNew), true);
+ return dNew;
+ }
+ public Button Button_accept
+ {
+ set { button_accept = value; }
+ get { return button_accept; }
+ }
+ public Preferences GetPreferences
+ {
+ get { return preferences; }
+ }
diff --git a/src/json.cs b/src/json.cs
index ecd469d..bb930ce 100644
--- a/src/json.cs
+++ b/src/json.cs
@@ -1,246 +1,246 @@
- * This file is part of ChronoJump
- *
- * ChronoJump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * ChronoJump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2016 Carles Pina & Xavier de Blas
- */
-using System;
-using System.Net;
-using System.Web;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Json;
-using System.Text;
-using System.Collections.Generic; //Dictionary
-using Mono.Unix;
-public class Json
- public string ResultMessage;
- string serverUrl = "http://api.chronojump.org:8080";
- public Json()
- {
- ResultMessage = "";
- }
- public bool PostCrashLog(string email, string comments)
- {
- string filePath = UtilAll.GetLogFileOld();
- if(! File.Exists(filePath)) {
- this.ResultMessage = Catalog.GetString("Could not send file.\nIt does not exist.");
- return false;
- }
- if(comments != null && comments != "")
- Util.InsertTextBeginningOfFile(
- "----------\nUser comments:\n" + comments + "\n----------\n",
- // Create a request using a URL that can receive a post.
- WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create (serverUrl + "/backtrace/" + UtilAll.ReadVersion() +
"-" + email);
- // Set the Method property of the request to POST.
- request.Method = "POST";
- // Create POST data and convert it to a byte array.
- byte[] byteArray = readFile(filePath);
- // Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
- request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
- // Set the ContentLength property of the WebRequest.
- request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
- // Get the request stream.
- Stream dataStream;
- try {
- dataStream = request.GetRequestStream ();
- } catch {
- LogB.Warning("Error sending datastream");
- this.ResultMessage = Catalog.GetString("Could not send file.") + "\n" +
- string.Format(Catalog.GetString("You are not connected to the Internet\nor
{0} server is down."),
- serverUrl);
- return false;
- }
- // Write the data to the request stream.
- dataStream.Write (byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
- // Close the Stream object.
- dataStream.Close ();
- // Get the response.
- WebResponse response;
- try {
- response = request.GetResponse ();
- } catch {
- LogB.Warning("Error getting response");
- this.ResultMessage = Catalog.GetString("Could not send file.") + "\n" +
- string.Format(Catalog.GetString("You are not connected to the Internet\nor
{0} server is down."),
- serverUrl);
- return false;
- }
- // Display the status.
- LogB.Information(((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusDescription);
- // Get the stream containing content returned by the server.
- dataStream = response.GetResponseStream ();
- // Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
- StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (dataStream);
- // Read the content.
- string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd ();
- // Display the content.
- LogB.Information(responseFromServer);
- // Clean up the streams.
- reader.Close ();
- dataStream.Close ();
- response.Close ();
- JsonValue result = JsonValue.Parse(responseFromServer);
- string crash_id = result["crash_id"];
- LogB.Information("crash_id: ", crash_id);
- this.ResultMessage = Catalog.GetString("Log sent. Thank you.");
- return true;
- }
- private byte[] readFile(string filePath)
- {
- return System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
- }
- //public bool ChronojumpUpdated = true;
- public bool GetLastVersion(string currentVersion)
- {
- // Create a request using a URL that can receive a post.
- WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create (serverUrl + "/version");
- // Set the Method property of the request to GET.
- request.Method = "GET";
- // Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
- //request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
- HttpWebResponse response;
- try {
- response = (HttpWebResponse) request.GetResponse();
- } catch {
- this.ResultMessage =
- Catalog.GetString("Could not get last version.") + "\n" +
- string.Format(Catalog.GetString("You are not connected to the Internet\nor
{0} server is down."),
- serverUrl);
- return false;
- }
- string responseFromServer;
- using (var sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
- {
- responseFromServer = sr.ReadToEnd();
- }
- //this prints:
- // {"stable": "1.4.9"}
- //this.ResultMessage = "Last version published: " + responseFromServer;
- string [] strFull = responseFromServer.Split(new char[] {':'});
- int startPos = strFull[1].IndexOf('"') +1;
- int endPos = strFull[1].LastIndexOf('"') -2;
- string lastVersionPublished = strFull[1].Substring(startPos,endPos); //1.4.9
- string updateStr = "";
- if(currentVersion != lastVersionPublished)
- updateStr = "\n\n" + Catalog.GetString("Update software at ") + "www.chronojump.org";
- this.ResultMessage =
- Catalog.GetString("Installed version is: ") + currentVersion + "\n" +
- Catalog.GetString("Last version published: ") + lastVersionPublished +
- updateStr;
- //ChronojumpUpdated = (currentVersion == ResultMessage);
- return true;
- }
- public bool Ping(string osVersion, string cjVersion, string machineID)
- {
- // Create a request using a URL that can receive a post.
- WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create (serverUrl + "/ping");
- // Set the Method property of the request to POST.
- request.Method = "POST";
- // Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
- request.ContentType = "application/json";
- // Creates the json object
- JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
- json.Add("os_version", osVersion);
- json.Add("cj_version", cjVersion);
- json.Add("machine_id", machineID);
- // Converts it to a String
- String js = json.ToString();
- // Writes the json object into the request dataStream
- Stream dataStream;
- try {
- dataStream = request.GetRequestStream ();
- } catch {
- this.ResultMessage =
- string.Format(Catalog.GetString("You are not connected to the Internet\nor
{0} server is down."),
- serverUrl);
- return false;
- }
- dataStream.Write (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(js), 0, js.Length);
- dataStream.Close ();
- // Get the response.
- WebResponse response;
- try {
- response = request.GetResponse ();
- } catch {
- this.ResultMessage =
- string.Format(Catalog.GetString("You are not connected to the Internet\nor
{0} server is down."),
- serverUrl);
- return false;
- }
- // Display the status (will be 201, CREATED)
- Console.WriteLine (((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusDescription);
- // Clean up the streams.
- dataStream.Close ();
- response.Close ();
- this.ResultMessage = "Ping sent.";
- return true;
- }
- ~Json() {}
+ * This file is part of ChronoJump
+ *
+ * ChronoJump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ChronoJump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Carles Pina & Xavier de Blas
+ */
+using System;
+using System.Net;
+using System.Web;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Json;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Collections.Generic; //Dictionary
+using Mono.Unix;
+public class Json
+ public string ResultMessage;
+ string serverUrl = "http://api.chronojump.org:8080";
+ public Json()
+ {
+ ResultMessage = "";
+ }
+ public bool PostCrashLog(string email, string comments)
+ {
+ string filePath = UtilAll.GetLogFileOld();
+ if(! File.Exists(filePath)) {
+ this.ResultMessage = Catalog.GetString("Could not send file.\nIt does not exist.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(comments != null && comments != "")
+ Util.InsertTextBeginningOfFile(
+ "----------\nUser comments:\n" + comments + "\n----------\n",
+ // Create a request using a URL that can receive a post.
+ WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create (serverUrl + "/backtrace/" + UtilAll.ReadVersion() +
"-" + email);
+ // Set the Method property of the request to POST.
+ request.Method = "POST";
+ // Create POST data and convert it to a byte array.
+ byte[] byteArray = readFile(filePath);
+ // Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
+ request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
+ // Set the ContentLength property of the WebRequest.
+ request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
+ // Get the request stream.
+ Stream dataStream;
+ try {
+ dataStream = request.GetRequestStream ();
+ } catch {
+ LogB.Warning("Error sending datastream");
+ this.ResultMessage = Catalog.GetString("Could not send file.") + "\n" +
+ string.Format(Catalog.GetString("You are not connected to the Internet\nor
{0} server is down."),
+ serverUrl);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Write the data to the request stream.
+ dataStream.Write (byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
+ // Close the Stream object.
+ dataStream.Close ();
+ // Get the response.
+ WebResponse response;
+ try {
+ response = request.GetResponse ();
+ } catch {
+ LogB.Warning("Error getting response");
+ this.ResultMessage = Catalog.GetString("Could not send file.") + "\n" +
+ string.Format(Catalog.GetString("You are not connected to the Internet\nor
{0} server is down."),
+ serverUrl);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Display the status.
+ LogB.Information(((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusDescription);
+ // Get the stream containing content returned by the server.
+ dataStream = response.GetResponseStream ();
+ // Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
+ StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (dataStream);
+ // Read the content.
+ string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd ();
+ // Display the content.
+ LogB.Information(responseFromServer);
+ // Clean up the streams.
+ reader.Close ();
+ dataStream.Close ();
+ response.Close ();
+ JsonValue result = JsonValue.Parse(responseFromServer);
+ string crash_id = result["crash_id"];
+ LogB.Information("crash_id: ", crash_id);
+ this.ResultMessage = Catalog.GetString("Log sent. Thank you.");
+ return true;
+ }
+ private byte[] readFile(string filePath)
+ {
+ return System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
+ }
+ //public bool ChronojumpUpdated = true;
+ public bool GetLastVersion(string currentVersion)
+ {
+ // Create a request using a URL that can receive a post.
+ WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create (serverUrl + "/version");
+ // Set the Method property of the request to GET.
+ request.Method = "GET";
+ // Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
+ //request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
+ HttpWebResponse response;
+ try {
+ response = (HttpWebResponse) request.GetResponse();
+ } catch {
+ this.ResultMessage =
+ Catalog.GetString("Could not get last version.") + "\n" +
+ string.Format(Catalog.GetString("You are not connected to the Internet\nor
{0} server is down."),
+ serverUrl);
+ return false;
+ }
+ string responseFromServer;
+ using (var sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
+ {
+ responseFromServer = sr.ReadToEnd();
+ }
+ //this prints:
+ // {"stable": "1.4.9"}
+ //this.ResultMessage = "Last version published: " + responseFromServer;
+ string [] strFull = responseFromServer.Split(new char[] {':'});
+ int startPos = strFull[1].IndexOf('"') +1;
+ int endPos = strFull[1].LastIndexOf('"') -2;
+ string lastVersionPublished = strFull[1].Substring(startPos,endPos); //1.4.9
+ string updateStr = "";
+ if(currentVersion != lastVersionPublished)
+ updateStr = "\n\n" + Catalog.GetString("Update software at ") + "www.chronojump.org";
+ this.ResultMessage =
+ Catalog.GetString("Installed version is: ") + currentVersion + "\n" +
+ Catalog.GetString("Last version published: ") + lastVersionPublished +
+ updateStr;
+ //ChronojumpUpdated = (currentVersion == ResultMessage);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public bool Ping(string osVersion, string cjVersion, string machineID)
+ {
+ // Create a request using a URL that can receive a post.
+ WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create (serverUrl + "/ping");
+ // Set the Method property of the request to POST.
+ request.Method = "POST";
+ // Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
+ request.ContentType = "application/json";
+ // Creates the json object
+ JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
+ json.Add("os_version", osVersion);
+ json.Add("cj_version", cjVersion);
+ json.Add("machine_id", machineID);
+ // Converts it to a String
+ String js = json.ToString();
+ // Writes the json object into the request dataStream
+ Stream dataStream;
+ try {
+ dataStream = request.GetRequestStream ();
+ } catch {
+ this.ResultMessage =
+ string.Format(Catalog.GetString("You are not connected to the Internet\nor
{0} server is down."),
+ serverUrl);
+ return false;
+ }
+ dataStream.Write (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(js), 0, js.Length);
+ dataStream.Close ();
+ // Get the response.
+ WebResponse response;
+ try {
+ response = request.GetResponse ();
+ } catch {
+ this.ResultMessage =
+ string.Format(Catalog.GetString("You are not connected to the Internet\nor
{0} server is down."),
+ serverUrl);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Display the status (will be 201, CREATED)
+ Console.WriteLine (((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusDescription);
+ // Clean up the streams.
+ dataStream.Close ();
+ response.Close ();
+ this.ResultMessage = "Ping sent.";
+ return true;
+ }
+ ~Json() {}
diff --git a/src/log.cs b/src/log.cs
index f12a8b4..e773bdc 100644
--- a/src/log.cs
+++ b/src/log.cs
@@ -65,14 +65,14 @@ public class Log
//this does not write until exit
- //StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(new BufferedStream(new
FileStream(UtilAll.GetLogFileCurrent(), FileMode.Create)));
+ //StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(new BufferedStream(new
FileStream(UtilAll.GetLogFileCurrent(), FileMode.Create)));
//this writes all the time
- StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(UtilAll.GetLogFileCurrent(),
+ StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(UtilAll.GetLogFileCurrent(),
- System.Console.SetOut(sw);
- System.Console.SetError(sw);
- sw.AutoFlush = true;
+ System.Console.SetOut(sw);
+ System.Console.SetError(sw);
+ sw.AutoFlush = true;
public static void End()
diff --git a/src/server.cs b/src/server.cs
index eb1997d..263136d 100644
--- a/src/server.cs
+++ b/src/server.cs
@@ -1,684 +1,684 @@
- * This file is part of ChronoJump
- *
- * ChronoJump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * ChronoJump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
- */
-using System;
-using System.Data;
-using System.Text; //StringBuilder
-using System.Threading;
-using Mono.Unix;
-using Gtk;
-using Gdk;
-using Glade;
-using System.Net;
-using System.Collections;
-//test comment
-public class Server
- public static bool CanI(string action, string clientVersion) {
- try {
- ChronojumpServer myServer = new ChronojumpServer();
- return myServer.CanINew(action, clientVersion);
- } catch {
- return false;
- }
- }
- /*
- private static string getIP() {
- string strHostName = "";
- strHostName = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName();
- IPHostEntry ipEntry = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(strHostName);
- IPAddress[] addr = ipEntry.AddressList;
- return addr[addr.Length-1].ToString();
- }
- */
- public static string Ping(bool doInsertion, string progName, string progVersion) {
- try {
- ChronojumpServer myServer = new ChronojumpServer();
- LogB.Information(myServer.ConnectDatabase());
- int evalSID = Convert.ToInt32(SqlitePreferences.Select("evaluatorServerID"));
- string machineID = SqlitePreferences.Select("machineID");
- ServerPing myPing = new ServerPing(evalSID, progName + " " + progVersion,
- //getIP(), DateTime.Now); //evaluator IP, date
- machineID, DateTime.Now); //evaluator machineID, date
- //if !doIsertion nothing will be uploaded,
- //is ok for uploadPerson to know if server is online
- string versionAvailable = myServer.UploadPing(myPing, doInsertion);
- LogB.Information(myServer.DisConnectDatabase());
- return versionAvailable;
- } catch (Exception e){
- LogB.Information("Server Connection", e.Message);
- return Constants.ServerOffline;
- }
- }
- /*
- * server session update
- */
- static Thread thread;
- public static SessionUploadWindow sessionUploadWin;
- [Widget] static Gtk.Window app1;
- static Session currentSession;
- static string progName;
- static string progVersion;
- static bool serverSessionError;
- static bool needUpdateServerSession;
- static bool updatingServerSession;
- static SessionUploadPersonData sessionUploadPersonData;
- static int progressBarPersonsNum;
- static int countPersons;
- public static void InitializeSessionVariables(Gtk.Window mainApp, Session session, string
programName, string programVersion) {
- app1 = mainApp;
- currentSession = session;
- progName = programName;
- progVersion = programVersion;
- serverSessionError = false;
- needUpdateServerSession = false;
- updatingServerSession = false;
- sessionUploadPersonData = new SessionUploadPersonData();
- countPersons = 0;
- progressBarPersonsNum = 0;
- }
- public static void ThreadStart() {
- thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(on_server_upload_session_started));
- GLib.Idle.Add (new GLib.IdleHandler (pulseGTKServer));
- thread.Start();
- }
- private static bool pulseGTKServer ()
- {
- if(! thread.IsAlive) {
- sessionUploadWin.UploadFinished();
- LogB.Information("dying");
- return false;
- }
- if (serverSessionError) {
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Catalog.GetString("Error uploading
session to server"));
- return false;
- }
- //need to do this, if not it crashes because chronopicWin gets died by thread ending
- sessionUploadWin = SessionUploadWindow.Show(app1);
- if(countPersons == 0)
- sessionUploadWin.PulseProgressbar();
- //activity on pulsebar
- sessionUploadWin.UpdatePulsebar();
- if(needUpdateServerSession && !updatingServerSession) {
- //prevent that FillData is called again with same data
- updatingServerSession = true;
- //update progressBar
- sessionUploadWin.UpdateProgressbar(
- Util.DivideSafeFraction(++countPersons, progressBarPersonsNum));
- //fill data
- sessionUploadWin.FillData(sessionUploadPersonData);
- //not need to update until there's more data coming from the other thread
- updatingServerSession = false;
- needUpdateServerSession = false;
- }
- Thread.Sleep (50);
- LogB.Debug(thread.ThreadState.ToString());
- return true;
- }
- private static void on_server_upload_session_started ()
- {
- int evalSID = Convert.ToInt32(SqlitePreferences.Select("evaluatorServerID"));
- try {
- ChronojumpServer myServer = new ChronojumpServer();
- LogB.Information(myServer.ConnectDatabase());
- int state = (int) Constants.ServerSessionStates.UPLOADINGSESSION;
- //create ServerSession based on Session currentSession
- ServerSession serverSession = new ServerSession(currentSession, evalSID, progName + "
" + progVersion,
- UtilAll.GetOS(), DateTime.Now, state);
- //if uploading session for first time
- if(currentSession.ServerUniqueID == Constants.ServerUndefinedID)
- {
- //upload ServerSession
- int idAtServer = myServer.UploadSession(serverSession);
- //update session currentSession (serverUniqueID) on client database
- currentSession.ServerUniqueID = idAtServer;
- SqliteSession.UpdateServerUniqueID(currentSession.UniqueID,
- }
- state = (int) Constants.ServerSessionStates.UPLOADINGDATA;
- myServer.UpdateSession(currentSession.ServerUniqueID, state);
- sessionUploadPersonData.testTypes = "";
- string testTypesSeparator = "";
- sessionUploadPersonData.sports = "";
- string sportsSeparator = "";
- //upload persons (updating also person.serverUniqueID locally)
- ArrayList persons = SqlitePersonSession.SelectCurrentSessionPersons(
- serverSession.UniqueID,
- false); //means: do not returnPersonAndPSlist
- Constants.UploadCodes uCode;
- ArrayList notToUpload =
- //store in variable for updating progressBar from other thread
- progressBarPersonsNum = persons.Count - notToUpload.Count;
- foreach(Person p in persons) {
- Person person = p;
- //do not continue with this person if has been banned to upload
- if(Util.FoundInArrayList(notToUpload, person.UniqueID.ToString()))
- continue;
- PersonSession ps = SqlitePersonSession.Select(person.UniqueID,
- //check person if exists
- if(person.ServerUniqueID != Constants.ServerUndefinedID)
- uCode = Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS;
- else {
- uCode = Constants.UploadCodes.OK;
- person = serverUploadPerson(myServer, person, serverSession.UniqueID);
- }
- //if sport is user defined, upload it
- //and when upload the person, do it with new sportID
- Sport sport = SqliteSport.Select(false, ps.SportID);
- //but record old sport ID because locally will be a change in serverUniqueID
- //(with slite update)
- //but local sport has not to be changed
- int sportUserDefinedLocal = -1;
- if(sport.UserDefined) {
- sportUserDefinedLocal = sport.UniqueID;
- //this will be uploaded
- int newSport = myServer.UploadSport(sport);
- if(newSport != -1) {
- ps.SportID = newSport;
- sessionUploadPersonData.sports += sportsSeparator +
- sportsSeparator = ", ";
- }
- }
- //a person can be in the database for one session,
- //but maybe now we add jumps from another session and we should add an entry
at personsession
- serverUploadPersonSessionIfNeeded(myServer, person.ServerUniqueID,
- currentSession.ServerUniqueID, ps, sportUserDefinedLocal);
- //other thread updates the gui:
- sessionUploadPersonData.person = person;
- sessionUploadPersonData.personCode = uCode;
- //upload jumps
- int countU = 0;
- int countE = 0;
- int countS = 0;
- string [] jumps = SqliteJump.SelectJumps(false, currentSession.UniqueID,
person.UniqueID, "", "",
- Sqlite.Orders_by.DEFAULT, -1);
- Sqlite.Open();
- foreach(string myJump in jumps) {
- string [] js = myJump.Split(new char[] {':'});
- //select jump
- Jump test = SqliteJump.SelectJumpData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true);
- //fix it to server person, session keys
- test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID;
- test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
- //if test is not simulated and has not been uploaded,
- //see if it's type is not predefined and is not in the database
- //then upload it first
- if(test.Simulated == 0) {
- //upload jumpType if is user defined and doesn't exists in
server database
- //JumpType type = new JumpType(test.Type);
- JumpType type =
SqliteJumpType.SelectAndReturnJumpType(test.Type, true);
- if( ! type.IsPredefined) {
- //Console.WriteLine("USER DEFINED TEST: " +
- //
- //this uploads the new type, as it's user created, it
will be like this
- //eg: for user defined jumpType: "supra" of
evaluatorServerID: 9
- //at server will be "supra-9"
- //then two problems get solved:
- //1.- every evaluator that uploads a type will have a
different name
- //than other evaluator uploading a type that is named
the same but could be different
- //(one can think that "supra" is another thing
- //2- when the same evaluator upload some supra's,
only a new type is created
- //test.Type = myServer.UploadJumpType(type, evalSID);
- //int testType = (int) Constants.TestTypes.JUMP;
- //string insertedType =
myServer.UploadTestType(Constants.TestTypes.JUMP, type, evalSID);
- //string insertedType =
myServer.UploadTestType(testType, type, evalSID);
- string insertedType = myServer.UploadJumpType(type,
- if(insertedType != "-1") {
- //record type in test (with the "-7" if it's
done by evaluator 7)
- test.Type = insertedType;
- //show user uploaded type (without the "-7")
- sessionUploadPersonData.testTypes +=
testTypesSeparator + type.Name;
- testTypesSeparator = ", ";
- }
- //test.Type in the server will have the correct name
- }
- }
- //upload... (if not because of simulated or uploaded before, report
also the user)
- uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.JUMP,
Constants.JumpTable, test);
- if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
- countU ++;
- else if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
- countE ++;
- else //SIMULATED
- countS ++;
- }
- Sqlite.Close();
- //other thread updates the gui:
- sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsU = countU;
- sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsE = countE;
- sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsS = countS;
- //upload jumpsRj
- countU = 0;
- countE = 0;
- countS = 0;
- string [] jumpsRj = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumps(false, currentSession.UniqueID,
person.UniqueID, "", "");
- Sqlite.Open();
- foreach(string myJump in jumpsRj) {
- string [] js = myJump.Split(new char[] {':'});
- //select jump
- JumpRj test = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumpData(Constants.JumpRjTable,
Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true); //uniqueID
- //fix it to server person, session keys
- test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID;
- test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
- if(test.Simulated == 0) {
- JumpType type =
SqliteJumpType.SelectAndReturnJumpRjType(test.Type, true);
- if( ! type.IsPredefined) {
- string insertedType = myServer.UploadJumpRjType(type,
- if(insertedType != "-1") {
- test.Type = insertedType;
- sessionUploadPersonData.testTypes +=
testTypesSeparator + type.Name;
- testTypesSeparator = ", ";
- }
- }
- }
- //upload...
- uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.JUMP_RJ,
Constants.JumpRjTable, test);
- if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
- countU ++;
- else if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
- countE ++;
- else //SIMULATED
- countS ++;
- }
- Sqlite.Close();
- //other thread updates the gui:
- sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsRjU = countU;
- sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsRjE = countE;
- sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsRjS = countS;
- //upload runs
- countU = 0;
- countE = 0;
- countS = 0;
- string [] runs = SqliteRun.SelectRuns(false, currentSession.UniqueID,
person.UniqueID, "",
- Sqlite.Orders_by.DEFAULT, -1);
- Sqlite.Open();
- foreach(string myRun in runs) {
- string [] js = myRun.Split(new char[] {':'});
- //select run
- Run test = SqliteRun.SelectRunData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true);
- //fix it to server person, session keys
- test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID;
- test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
- if(test.Simulated == 0) {
- RunType type =
SqliteRunType.SelectAndReturnRunType(test.Type, true);
- if( ! type.IsPredefined) {
- string insertedType = myServer.UploadRunType(type,
- if(insertedType != "-1") {
- test.Type = insertedType;
- sessionUploadPersonData.testTypes +=
testTypesSeparator + type.Name;
- testTypesSeparator = ", ";
- }
- }
- }
- //upload...
- uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.RUN,
Constants.RunTable, test);
- if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
- countU ++;
- else if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
- countE ++;
- else //SIMULATED
- countS ++;
- }
- Sqlite.Close();
- //other thread updates the gui:
- sessionUploadPersonData.runsU = countU;
- sessionUploadPersonData.runsE = countE;
- sessionUploadPersonData.runsS = countS;
- //upload runs intervallic
- countU = 0;
- countE = 0;
- countS = 0;
- string [] runsI = SqliteRunInterval.SelectRuns(false,
currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID, "");
- Sqlite.Open();
- foreach(string myRun in runsI) {
- string [] js = myRun.Split(new char[] {':'});
- //select run
- RunInterval test =
SqliteRunInterval.SelectRunData(Constants.RunIntervalTable, Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true); //uniqueID
- //fix it to server person, session keys
- test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID;
- test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
- if(test.Simulated == 0) {
- RunType type =
SqliteRunIntervalType.SelectAndReturnRunIntervalType(test.Type, true);
- if( ! type.IsPredefined) {
- string insertedType =
myServer.UploadRunIntervalType(type, evalSID);
- if(insertedType != "-1") {
- test.Type = insertedType;
- sessionUploadPersonData.testTypes +=
testTypesSeparator + type.Name;
- testTypesSeparator = ", ";
- }
- }
- }
- //upload...
- uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.RUN_I,
Constants.RunIntervalTable, test);
- if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
- countU ++;
- else if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
- countE ++;
- else //SIMULATED
- countS ++;
- }
- Sqlite.Close();
- //other thread updates the gui:
- sessionUploadPersonData.runsIU = countU;
- sessionUploadPersonData.runsIE = countE;
- sessionUploadPersonData.runsIS = countS;
- //upload reaction times
- countU = 0;
- countE = 0;
- countS = 0;
- string [] rts = SqliteReactionTime.SelectReactionTimes(false,
currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID, "",
- Sqlite.Orders_by.DEFAULT, -1);
- Sqlite.Open();
- foreach(string myRt in rts) {
- string [] js = myRt.Split(new char[] {':'});
- //select rt
- ReactionTime test =
SqliteReactionTime.SelectReactionTimeData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true); //uniqueID
- //fix it to server person, session keys
- test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID;
- test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
- //upload...
- uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.RT,
Constants.ReactionTimeTable, test);
- if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
- countU ++;
- else if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
- countE ++;
- else //SIMULATED
- countS ++;
- }
- Sqlite.Close();
- //other thread updates the gui:
- sessionUploadPersonData.rtsU = countU;
- sessionUploadPersonData.rtsE = countE;
- sessionUploadPersonData.rtsS = countS;
- //upload pulses
- countU = 0;
- countE = 0;
- countS = 0;
- string [] pulses = SqlitePulse.SelectPulses(false, currentSession.UniqueID,
- Sqlite.Open();
- foreach(string myPulse in pulses) {
- string [] js = myPulse.Split(new char[] {':'});
- //select pulse
- Pulse test = SqlitePulse.SelectPulseData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1]),
true); //uniqueID
- //fix it to server person, session keys
- test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID;
- test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
- //upload...
- uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.PULSE,
Constants.PulseTable, test);
- if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
- countU ++;
- else if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
- countE ++;
- else //SIMULATED
- countS ++;
- }
- Sqlite.Close();
- //other thread updates the gui:
- sessionUploadPersonData.pulsesU = countU;
- sessionUploadPersonData.pulsesE = countE;
- sessionUploadPersonData.pulsesS = countS;
- //upload multiChronopic
- countU = 0;
- countE = 0;
- countS = 0;
- string [] mcs = SqliteMultiChronopic.SelectTests(false,
currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID);
- Sqlite.Open();
- foreach(string mc in mcs) {
- string [] js = mc.Split(new char[] {':'});
- //select mc
- MultiChronopic test =
SqliteMultiChronopic.SelectMultiChronopicData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true); //uniqueID
- //fix it to server person, session keys
- test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID;
- test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
- //upload...
- uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer,
Constants.TestTypes.MULTICHRONOPIC, Constants.MultiChronopicTable, test);
- if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
- countU ++;
- else if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
- countE ++;
- else //SIMULATED
- countS ++;
- }
- Sqlite.Close();
- //other thread updates the gui:
- sessionUploadPersonData.mcsU = countU;
- sessionUploadPersonData.mcsE = countE;
- sessionUploadPersonData.mcsS = countS;
- needUpdateServerSession = true;
- while(needUpdateServerSession) {
- //wait until data is printed on the other thread
- }
- }
- state = (int) Constants.ServerSessionStates.DONE;
- //myServer.UpdateSession(currentSession.ServerUniqueID, (ServerSessionStates)
- myServer.UpdateSession(currentSession.ServerUniqueID, state);
- LogB.Information(myServer.DisConnectDatabase());
- } catch {
- //other thread updates the gui:
- serverSessionError = true;
- }
- }
- //upload a person
- private static Person serverUploadPerson(ChronojumpServer myServer, Person person, int
- {
- int idAtServer = myServer.UploadPerson(person, serverSessionID);
- //update person (serverUniqueID) on client database
- person.ServerUniqueID = idAtServer;
- SqlitePerson.Update(person);
- return person;
- }
- private static void serverUploadPersonSessionIfNeeded(ChronojumpServer myServer,
- int personServerID, int sessionServerID, PersonSession ps, int sportUserDefinedLocal)
- {
- //when update locally, don't put the user defined sport id at server
- if(sportUserDefinedLocal != -1)
- ps.SportID = sportUserDefinedLocal;
- ps.UniqueID = -1;
- ps.PersonID = personServerID;
- ps.SessionID = sessionServerID;
- myServer.UploadPersonSessionIfNeeded(ps);
- }
- //upload a test
- private static Constants.UploadCodes serverUploadTest(ChronojumpServer myServer, Constants.TestTypes
type, string tableName, Event myTest)
- {
- Constants.UploadCodes uCode;
- if(myTest.Simulated == Constants.Simulated) {
- //Test is simulated, don't upload
- uCode = Constants.UploadCodes.SIMULATED;
- } else if(myTest.Simulated > 0) {
- //Test is already uploaded, don't upload
- uCode = Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS;
- } else {
- int idAtServer = -1;
- switch (type) {
- case Constants.TestTypes.JUMP :
- Jump jump = (Jump)myTest;
- idAtServer = myServer.UploadJump(jump);
- break;
- case Constants.TestTypes.JUMP_RJ :
- JumpRj jumpRj = (JumpRj)myTest;
- idAtServer = myServer.UploadJumpRj(jumpRj);
- break;
- case Constants.TestTypes.RUN :
- Run run = (Run)myTest;
- idAtServer = myServer.UploadRun(run);
- break;
- case Constants.TestTypes.RUN_I :
- RunInterval runI = (RunInterval)myTest;
- idAtServer = myServer.UploadRunI(runI);
- break;
- case Constants.TestTypes.RT :
- ReactionTime rt = (ReactionTime)myTest;
- idAtServer = myServer.UploadRT(rt);
- break;
- case Constants.TestTypes.PULSE :
- Pulse pulse = (Pulse)myTest;
- idAtServer = myServer.UploadPulse(pulse);
- break;
- case Constants.TestTypes.MULTICHRONOPIC :
- MultiChronopic mc = (MultiChronopic)myTest;
- idAtServer = myServer.UploadMultiChronopic(mc);
- break;
- }
- //update test (simulated) on client database
- myTest.Simulated = idAtServer;
- SqliteEvent.UpdateSimulated(true, tableName, myTest.UniqueID, idAtServer);
- uCode = Constants.UploadCodes.OK;
- }
- return uCode;
- }
- public static void ServerUploadEvaluator () {
- try {
- ChronojumpServer myServer = new ChronojumpServer();
- LogB.Information(myServer.ConnectDatabase());
- ServerEvaluator myEval = SqliteServer.SelectEvaluator(1);
- bool success = false;
- int evalSID = Convert.ToInt32(SqlitePreferences.Select("evaluatorServerID"));
- if(evalSID == Constants.ServerUndefinedID) {
- string idCode = myServer.UploadEvaluator(myEval);
- myEval.Code = Util.FetchName(idCode);
- myEval.Update(false);
- evalSID = Util.FetchID(idCode);
- SqlitePreferences.Update("evaluatorServerID", evalSID.ToString(), false);
- success = true;
- } else
- success = myServer.EditEvaluator(myEval, evalSID);
- if(success)
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO,
- string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Successfully Uploaded
evaluator with ID: {0}"), evalSID));
- else
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
- string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Evaluator {0} has not been
correctly uploaded. Maybe codes doesn't match."), evalSID));
- LogB.Information(myServer.DisConnectDatabase());
- } catch {
- new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Constants.ServerOffline);
- }
- }
+ * This file is part of ChronoJump
+ *
+ * ChronoJump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ChronoJump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
+ */
+using System;
+using System.Data;
+using System.Text; //StringBuilder
+using System.Threading;
+using Mono.Unix;
+using Gtk;
+using Gdk;
+using Glade;
+using System.Net;
+using System.Collections;
+//test comment
+public class Server
+ public static bool CanI(string action, string clientVersion) {
+ try {
+ ChronojumpServer myServer = new ChronojumpServer();
+ return myServer.CanINew(action, clientVersion);
+ } catch {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ private static string getIP() {
+ string strHostName = "";
+ strHostName = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName();
+ IPHostEntry ipEntry = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(strHostName);
+ IPAddress[] addr = ipEntry.AddressList;
+ return addr[addr.Length-1].ToString();
+ }
+ */
+ public static string Ping(bool doInsertion, string progName, string progVersion) {
+ try {
+ ChronojumpServer myServer = new ChronojumpServer();
+ LogB.Information(myServer.ConnectDatabase());
+ int evalSID = Convert.ToInt32(SqlitePreferences.Select("evaluatorServerID"));
+ string machineID = SqlitePreferences.Select("machineID");
+ ServerPing myPing = new ServerPing(evalSID, progName + " " + progVersion,
+ //getIP(), DateTime.Now); //evaluator IP, date
+ machineID, DateTime.Now); //evaluator machineID, date
+ //if !doIsertion nothing will be uploaded,
+ //is ok for uploadPerson to know if server is online
+ string versionAvailable = myServer.UploadPing(myPing, doInsertion);
+ LogB.Information(myServer.DisConnectDatabase());
+ return versionAvailable;
+ } catch (Exception e){
+ LogB.Information("Server Connection", e.Message);
+ return Constants.ServerOffline;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * server session update
+ */
+ static Thread thread;
+ public static SessionUploadWindow sessionUploadWin;
+ [Widget] static Gtk.Window app1;
+ static Session currentSession;
+ static string progName;
+ static string progVersion;
+ static bool serverSessionError;
+ static bool needUpdateServerSession;
+ static bool updatingServerSession;
+ static SessionUploadPersonData sessionUploadPersonData;
+ static int progressBarPersonsNum;
+ static int countPersons;
+ public static void InitializeSessionVariables(Gtk.Window mainApp, Session session, string
programName, string programVersion) {
+ app1 = mainApp;
+ currentSession = session;
+ progName = programName;
+ progVersion = programVersion;
+ serverSessionError = false;
+ needUpdateServerSession = false;
+ updatingServerSession = false;
+ sessionUploadPersonData = new SessionUploadPersonData();
+ countPersons = 0;
+ progressBarPersonsNum = 0;
+ }
+ public static void ThreadStart() {
+ thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(on_server_upload_session_started));
+ GLib.Idle.Add (new GLib.IdleHandler (pulseGTKServer));
+ thread.Start();
+ }
+ private static bool pulseGTKServer ()
+ {
+ if(! thread.IsAlive) {
+ sessionUploadWin.UploadFinished();
+ LogB.Information("dying");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (serverSessionError) {
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Catalog.GetString("Error uploading
session to server"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ //need to do this, if not it crashes because chronopicWin gets died by thread ending
+ sessionUploadWin = SessionUploadWindow.Show(app1);
+ if(countPersons == 0)
+ sessionUploadWin.PulseProgressbar();
+ //activity on pulsebar
+ sessionUploadWin.UpdatePulsebar();
+ if(needUpdateServerSession && !updatingServerSession) {
+ //prevent that FillData is called again with same data
+ updatingServerSession = true;
+ //update progressBar
+ sessionUploadWin.UpdateProgressbar(
+ Util.DivideSafeFraction(++countPersons, progressBarPersonsNum));
+ //fill data
+ sessionUploadWin.FillData(sessionUploadPersonData);
+ //not need to update until there's more data coming from the other thread
+ updatingServerSession = false;
+ needUpdateServerSession = false;
+ }
+ Thread.Sleep (50);
+ LogB.Debug(thread.ThreadState.ToString());
+ return true;
+ }
+ private static void on_server_upload_session_started ()
+ {
+ int evalSID = Convert.ToInt32(SqlitePreferences.Select("evaluatorServerID"));
+ try {
+ ChronojumpServer myServer = new ChronojumpServer();
+ LogB.Information(myServer.ConnectDatabase());
+ int state = (int) Constants.ServerSessionStates.UPLOADINGSESSION;
+ //create ServerSession based on Session currentSession
+ ServerSession serverSession = new ServerSession(currentSession, evalSID, progName + "
" + progVersion,
+ UtilAll.GetOS(), DateTime.Now, state);
+ //if uploading session for first time
+ if(currentSession.ServerUniqueID == Constants.ServerUndefinedID)
+ {
+ //upload ServerSession
+ int idAtServer = myServer.UploadSession(serverSession);
+ //update session currentSession (serverUniqueID) on client database
+ currentSession.ServerUniqueID = idAtServer;
+ SqliteSession.UpdateServerUniqueID(currentSession.UniqueID,
+ }
+ state = (int) Constants.ServerSessionStates.UPLOADINGDATA;
+ myServer.UpdateSession(currentSession.ServerUniqueID, state);
+ sessionUploadPersonData.testTypes = "";
+ string testTypesSeparator = "";
+ sessionUploadPersonData.sports = "";
+ string sportsSeparator = "";
+ //upload persons (updating also person.serverUniqueID locally)
+ ArrayList persons = SqlitePersonSession.SelectCurrentSessionPersons(
+ serverSession.UniqueID,
+ false); //means: do not returnPersonAndPSlist
+ Constants.UploadCodes uCode;
+ ArrayList notToUpload =
+ //store in variable for updating progressBar from other thread
+ progressBarPersonsNum = persons.Count - notToUpload.Count;
+ foreach(Person p in persons) {
+ Person person = p;
+ //do not continue with this person if has been banned to upload
+ if(Util.FoundInArrayList(notToUpload, person.UniqueID.ToString()))
+ continue;
+ PersonSession ps = SqlitePersonSession.Select(person.UniqueID,
+ //check person if exists
+ if(person.ServerUniqueID != Constants.ServerUndefinedID)
+ uCode = Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS;
+ else {
+ uCode = Constants.UploadCodes.OK;
+ person = serverUploadPerson(myServer, person, serverSession.UniqueID);
+ }
+ //if sport is user defined, upload it
+ //and when upload the person, do it with new sportID
+ Sport sport = SqliteSport.Select(false, ps.SportID);
+ //but record old sport ID because locally will be a change in serverUniqueID
+ //(with slite update)
+ //but local sport has not to be changed
+ int sportUserDefinedLocal = -1;
+ if(sport.UserDefined) {
+ sportUserDefinedLocal = sport.UniqueID;
+ //this will be uploaded
+ int newSport = myServer.UploadSport(sport);
+ if(newSport != -1) {
+ ps.SportID = newSport;
+ sessionUploadPersonData.sports += sportsSeparator +
+ sportsSeparator = ", ";
+ }
+ }
+ //a person can be in the database for one session,
+ //but maybe now we add jumps from another session and we should add an entry
at personsession
+ serverUploadPersonSessionIfNeeded(myServer, person.ServerUniqueID,
+ currentSession.ServerUniqueID, ps, sportUserDefinedLocal);
+ //other thread updates the gui:
+ sessionUploadPersonData.person = person;
+ sessionUploadPersonData.personCode = uCode;
+ //upload jumps
+ int countU = 0;
+ int countE = 0;
+ int countS = 0;
+ string [] jumps = SqliteJump.SelectJumps(false, currentSession.UniqueID,
person.UniqueID, "", "",
+ Sqlite.Orders_by.DEFAULT, -1);
+ Sqlite.Open();
+ foreach(string myJump in jumps) {
+ string [] js = myJump.Split(new char[] {':'});
+ //select jump
+ Jump test = SqliteJump.SelectJumpData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true);
+ //fix it to server person, session keys
+ test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID;
+ test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
+ //if test is not simulated and has not been uploaded,
+ //see if it's type is not predefined and is not in the database
+ //then upload it first
+ if(test.Simulated == 0) {
+ //upload jumpType if is user defined and doesn't exists in
server database
+ //JumpType type = new JumpType(test.Type);
+ JumpType type =
SqliteJumpType.SelectAndReturnJumpType(test.Type, true);
+ if( ! type.IsPredefined) {
+ //Console.WriteLine("USER DEFINED TEST: " +
+ //
+ //this uploads the new type, as it's user created, it
will be like this
+ //eg: for user defined jumpType: "supra" of
evaluatorServerID: 9
+ //at server will be "supra-9"
+ //then two problems get solved:
+ //1.- every evaluator that uploads a type will have a
different name
+ //than other evaluator uploading a type that is named
the same but could be different
+ //(one can think that "supra" is another thing
+ //2- when the same evaluator upload some supra's,
only a new type is created
+ //test.Type = myServer.UploadJumpType(type, evalSID);
+ //int testType = (int) Constants.TestTypes.JUMP;
+ //string insertedType =
myServer.UploadTestType(Constants.TestTypes.JUMP, type, evalSID);
+ //string insertedType =
myServer.UploadTestType(testType, type, evalSID);
+ string insertedType = myServer.UploadJumpType(type,
+ if(insertedType != "-1") {
+ //record type in test (with the "-7" if it's
done by evaluator 7)
+ test.Type = insertedType;
+ //show user uploaded type (without the "-7")
+ sessionUploadPersonData.testTypes +=
testTypesSeparator + type.Name;
+ testTypesSeparator = ", ";
+ }
+ //test.Type in the server will have the correct name
+ }
+ }
+ //upload... (if not because of simulated or uploaded before, report
also the user)
+ uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.JUMP,
Constants.JumpTable, test);
+ if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
+ countU ++;
+ else if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
+ countE ++;
+ else //SIMULATED
+ countS ++;
+ }
+ Sqlite.Close();
+ //other thread updates the gui:
+ sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsU = countU;
+ sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsE = countE;
+ sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsS = countS;
+ //upload jumpsRj
+ countU = 0;
+ countE = 0;
+ countS = 0;
+ string [] jumpsRj = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumps(false, currentSession.UniqueID,
person.UniqueID, "", "");
+ Sqlite.Open();
+ foreach(string myJump in jumpsRj) {
+ string [] js = myJump.Split(new char[] {':'});
+ //select jump
+ JumpRj test = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumpData(Constants.JumpRjTable,
Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true); //uniqueID
+ //fix it to server person, session keys
+ test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID;
+ test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
+ if(test.Simulated == 0) {
+ JumpType type =
SqliteJumpType.SelectAndReturnJumpRjType(test.Type, true);
+ if( ! type.IsPredefined) {
+ string insertedType = myServer.UploadJumpRjType(type,
+ if(insertedType != "-1") {
+ test.Type = insertedType;
+ sessionUploadPersonData.testTypes +=
testTypesSeparator + type.Name;
+ testTypesSeparator = ", ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //upload...
+ uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.JUMP_RJ,
Constants.JumpRjTable, test);
+ if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
+ countU ++;
+ else if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
+ countE ++;
+ else //SIMULATED
+ countS ++;
+ }
+ Sqlite.Close();
+ //other thread updates the gui:
+ sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsRjU = countU;
+ sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsRjE = countE;
+ sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsRjS = countS;
+ //upload runs
+ countU = 0;
+ countE = 0;
+ countS = 0;
+ string [] runs = SqliteRun.SelectRuns(false, currentSession.UniqueID,
person.UniqueID, "",
+ Sqlite.Orders_by.DEFAULT, -1);
+ Sqlite.Open();
+ foreach(string myRun in runs) {
+ string [] js = myRun.Split(new char[] {':'});
+ //select run
+ Run test = SqliteRun.SelectRunData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true);
+ //fix it to server person, session keys
+ test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID;
+ test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
+ if(test.Simulated == 0) {
+ RunType type =
SqliteRunType.SelectAndReturnRunType(test.Type, true);
+ if( ! type.IsPredefined) {
+ string insertedType = myServer.UploadRunType(type,
+ if(insertedType != "-1") {
+ test.Type = insertedType;
+ sessionUploadPersonData.testTypes +=
testTypesSeparator + type.Name;
+ testTypesSeparator = ", ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //upload...
+ uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.RUN,
Constants.RunTable, test);
+ if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
+ countU ++;
+ else if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
+ countE ++;
+ else //SIMULATED
+ countS ++;
+ }
+ Sqlite.Close();
+ //other thread updates the gui:
+ sessionUploadPersonData.runsU = countU;
+ sessionUploadPersonData.runsE = countE;
+ sessionUploadPersonData.runsS = countS;
+ //upload runs intervallic
+ countU = 0;
+ countE = 0;
+ countS = 0;
+ string [] runsI = SqliteRunInterval.SelectRuns(false,
currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID, "");
+ Sqlite.Open();
+ foreach(string myRun in runsI) {
+ string [] js = myRun.Split(new char[] {':'});
+ //select run
+ RunInterval test =
SqliteRunInterval.SelectRunData(Constants.RunIntervalTable, Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true); //uniqueID
+ //fix it to server person, session keys
+ test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID;
+ test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
+ if(test.Simulated == 0) {
+ RunType type =
SqliteRunIntervalType.SelectAndReturnRunIntervalType(test.Type, true);
+ if( ! type.IsPredefined) {
+ string insertedType =
myServer.UploadRunIntervalType(type, evalSID);
+ if(insertedType != "-1") {
+ test.Type = insertedType;
+ sessionUploadPersonData.testTypes +=
testTypesSeparator + type.Name;
+ testTypesSeparator = ", ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //upload...
+ uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.RUN_I,
Constants.RunIntervalTable, test);
+ if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
+ countU ++;
+ else if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
+ countE ++;
+ else //SIMULATED
+ countS ++;
+ }
+ Sqlite.Close();
+ //other thread updates the gui:
+ sessionUploadPersonData.runsIU = countU;
+ sessionUploadPersonData.runsIE = countE;
+ sessionUploadPersonData.runsIS = countS;
+ //upload reaction times
+ countU = 0;
+ countE = 0;
+ countS = 0;
+ string [] rts = SqliteReactionTime.SelectReactionTimes(false,
currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID, "",
+ Sqlite.Orders_by.DEFAULT, -1);
+ Sqlite.Open();
+ foreach(string myRt in rts) {
+ string [] js = myRt.Split(new char[] {':'});
+ //select rt
+ ReactionTime test =
SqliteReactionTime.SelectReactionTimeData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true); //uniqueID
+ //fix it to server person, session keys
+ test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID;
+ test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
+ //upload...
+ uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.RT,
Constants.ReactionTimeTable, test);
+ if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
+ countU ++;
+ else if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
+ countE ++;
+ else //SIMULATED
+ countS ++;
+ }
+ Sqlite.Close();
+ //other thread updates the gui:
+ sessionUploadPersonData.rtsU = countU;
+ sessionUploadPersonData.rtsE = countE;
+ sessionUploadPersonData.rtsS = countS;
+ //upload pulses
+ countU = 0;
+ countE = 0;
+ countS = 0;
+ string [] pulses = SqlitePulse.SelectPulses(false, currentSession.UniqueID,
+ Sqlite.Open();
+ foreach(string myPulse in pulses) {
+ string [] js = myPulse.Split(new char[] {':'});
+ //select pulse
+ Pulse test = SqlitePulse.SelectPulseData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1]),
true); //uniqueID
+ //fix it to server person, session keys
+ test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID;
+ test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
+ //upload...
+ uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.PULSE,
Constants.PulseTable, test);
+ if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
+ countU ++;
+ else if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
+ countE ++;
+ else //SIMULATED
+ countS ++;
+ }
+ Sqlite.Close();
+ //other thread updates the gui:
+ sessionUploadPersonData.pulsesU = countU;
+ sessionUploadPersonData.pulsesE = countE;
+ sessionUploadPersonData.pulsesS = countS;
+ //upload multiChronopic
+ countU = 0;
+ countE = 0;
+ countS = 0;
+ string [] mcs = SqliteMultiChronopic.SelectTests(false,
currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID);
+ Sqlite.Open();
+ foreach(string mc in mcs) {
+ string [] js = mc.Split(new char[] {':'});
+ //select mc
+ MultiChronopic test =
SqliteMultiChronopic.SelectMultiChronopicData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true); //uniqueID
+ //fix it to server person, session keys
+ test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID;
+ test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
+ //upload...
+ uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer,
Constants.TestTypes.MULTICHRONOPIC, Constants.MultiChronopicTable, test);
+ if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
+ countU ++;
+ else if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
+ countE ++;
+ else //SIMULATED
+ countS ++;
+ }
+ Sqlite.Close();
+ //other thread updates the gui:
+ sessionUploadPersonData.mcsU = countU;
+ sessionUploadPersonData.mcsE = countE;
+ sessionUploadPersonData.mcsS = countS;
+ needUpdateServerSession = true;
+ while(needUpdateServerSession) {
+ //wait until data is printed on the other thread
+ }
+ }
+ state = (int) Constants.ServerSessionStates.DONE;
+ //myServer.UpdateSession(currentSession.ServerUniqueID, (ServerSessionStates)
+ myServer.UpdateSession(currentSession.ServerUniqueID, state);
+ LogB.Information(myServer.DisConnectDatabase());
+ } catch {
+ //other thread updates the gui:
+ serverSessionError = true;
+ }
+ }
+ //upload a person
+ private static Person serverUploadPerson(ChronojumpServer myServer, Person person, int
+ {
+ int idAtServer = myServer.UploadPerson(person, serverSessionID);
+ //update person (serverUniqueID) on client database
+ person.ServerUniqueID = idAtServer;
+ SqlitePerson.Update(person);
+ return person;
+ }
+ private static void serverUploadPersonSessionIfNeeded(ChronojumpServer myServer,
+ int personServerID, int sessionServerID, PersonSession ps, int sportUserDefinedLocal)
+ {
+ //when update locally, don't put the user defined sport id at server
+ if(sportUserDefinedLocal != -1)
+ ps.SportID = sportUserDefinedLocal;
+ ps.UniqueID = -1;
+ ps.PersonID = personServerID;
+ ps.SessionID = sessionServerID;
+ myServer.UploadPersonSessionIfNeeded(ps);
+ }
+ //upload a test
+ private static Constants.UploadCodes serverUploadTest(ChronojumpServer myServer, Constants.TestTypes
type, string tableName, Event myTest)
+ {
+ Constants.UploadCodes uCode;
+ if(myTest.Simulated == Constants.Simulated) {
+ //Test is simulated, don't upload
+ uCode = Constants.UploadCodes.SIMULATED;
+ } else if(myTest.Simulated > 0) {
+ //Test is already uploaded, don't upload
+ uCode = Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS;
+ } else {
+ int idAtServer = -1;
+ switch (type) {
+ case Constants.TestTypes.JUMP :
+ Jump jump = (Jump)myTest;
+ idAtServer = myServer.UploadJump(jump);
+ break;
+ case Constants.TestTypes.JUMP_RJ :
+ JumpRj jumpRj = (JumpRj)myTest;
+ idAtServer = myServer.UploadJumpRj(jumpRj);
+ break;
+ case Constants.TestTypes.RUN :
+ Run run = (Run)myTest;
+ idAtServer = myServer.UploadRun(run);
+ break;
+ case Constants.TestTypes.RUN_I :
+ RunInterval runI = (RunInterval)myTest;
+ idAtServer = myServer.UploadRunI(runI);
+ break;
+ case Constants.TestTypes.RT :
+ ReactionTime rt = (ReactionTime)myTest;
+ idAtServer = myServer.UploadRT(rt);
+ break;
+ case Constants.TestTypes.PULSE :
+ Pulse pulse = (Pulse)myTest;
+ idAtServer = myServer.UploadPulse(pulse);
+ break;
+ case Constants.TestTypes.MULTICHRONOPIC :
+ MultiChronopic mc = (MultiChronopic)myTest;
+ idAtServer = myServer.UploadMultiChronopic(mc);
+ break;
+ }
+ //update test (simulated) on client database
+ myTest.Simulated = idAtServer;
+ SqliteEvent.UpdateSimulated(true, tableName, myTest.UniqueID, idAtServer);
+ uCode = Constants.UploadCodes.OK;
+ }
+ return uCode;
+ }
+ public static void ServerUploadEvaluator () {
+ try {
+ ChronojumpServer myServer = new ChronojumpServer();
+ LogB.Information(myServer.ConnectDatabase());
+ ServerEvaluator myEval = SqliteServer.SelectEvaluator(1);
+ bool success = false;
+ int evalSID = Convert.ToInt32(SqlitePreferences.Select("evaluatorServerID"));
+ if(evalSID == Constants.ServerUndefinedID) {
+ string idCode = myServer.UploadEvaluator(myEval);
+ myEval.Code = Util.FetchName(idCode);
+ myEval.Update(false);
+ evalSID = Util.FetchID(idCode);
+ SqlitePreferences.Update("evaluatorServerID", evalSID.ToString(), false);
+ success = true;
+ } else
+ success = myServer.EditEvaluator(myEval, evalSID);
+ if(success)
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO,
+ string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Successfully Uploaded
evaluator with ID: {0}"), evalSID));
+ else
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING,
+ string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Evaluator {0} has not been
correctly uploaded. Maybe codes doesn't match."), evalSID));
+ LogB.Information(myServer.DisConnectDatabase());
+ } catch {
+ new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Constants.ServerOffline);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/util.cs b/src/util.cs
index 3b51ff8..5997375 100644
--- a/src/util.cs
+++ b/src/util.cs
@@ -1166,15 +1166,15 @@ public class Util
else if(UtilAll.GetOSEnum() == UtilAll.OperatingSystems.MACOSX)
rBin = Constants.ROSX;
- pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
- pinfo.FileName=rBin;
- pinfo.Arguments ="CMD BATCH --no-save " + rScript +" " + outputFile;
- pinfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
+ pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
+ pinfo.FileName=rBin;
+ pinfo.Arguments ="CMD BATCH --no-save " + rScript +" " + outputFile;
+ pinfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
pinfo.UseShellExecute = false;
try {
- r = new Process();
- r.StartInfo = pinfo;
+ r = new Process();
+ r.StartInfo = pinfo;
//while ( ! ( File.Exists(outputFile) || CancelRScript) );
diff --git a/src/utilAll.cs b/src/utilAll.cs
index 939bcd3..65924d2 100644
--- a/src/utilAll.cs
+++ b/src/utilAll.cs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
using System;
using System.Diagnostics; //for detect OS
using System.IO; //for detect OS
-using System.Reflection; // Read Version
+using System.Reflection; // Read Version
//this class tries to be a space for methods that are used in different classes
//in chronojump and chronojump_mini
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ public class UtilAll
static bool printedOS = false;
- public static string ReadVersion() {
+ public static string ReadVersion() {
Version version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;
- return version.ToString();
- }
+ return version.ToString();
+ }
//Adapted from Mono. A developer's notebook. p 244
diff --git a/testing-stuff/json_get.cs b/testing-stuff/json_get.cs
index c295cad..80e665f 100644
--- a/testing-stuff/json_get.cs
+++ b/testing-stuff/json_get.cs
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
-//Carles Pina
-//compile: mcs json_get.cs /reference:System.Json.dll
-using System;
-using System.Net;
-using System.Web;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Json;
-public class JsonTest
- static public void Main()
- {
- // Create a request using a URL that can receive a GET.
- WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create ("http://api.chronojump.org:8080/version");
- // Set the Method property of the request to POST.
- request.Method = "GET";
- // Get the response.
- WebResponse response = request.GetResponse ();
- // Display the status.
- Console.WriteLine ("StatusDescription:" + ((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusDescription);
- Stream dataStream;
- // Get the stream containing content returned by the server.
- dataStream = response.GetResponseStream ();
- // Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
- StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (dataStream);
- // Read the content.
- string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd ();
- // Display the content.
- Console.WriteLine (responseFromServer);
- // Clean up the streams.
- reader.Close ();
- dataStream.Close ();
- response.Close ();
- JsonValue result = JsonValue.Parse(responseFromServer);
- string stable_version = result["stable"];
- Console.WriteLine("stable version is: "+ stable_version);
- }
+//Carles Pina
+//compile: mcs json_get.cs /reference:System.Json.dll
+using System;
+using System.Net;
+using System.Web;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Json;
+public class JsonTest
+ static public void Main()
+ {
+ // Create a request using a URL that can receive a GET.
+ WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create ("http://api.chronojump.org:8080/version");
+ // Set the Method property of the request to POST.
+ request.Method = "GET";
+ // Get the response.
+ WebResponse response = request.GetResponse ();
+ // Display the status.
+ Console.WriteLine ("StatusDescription:" + ((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusDescription);
+ Stream dataStream;
+ // Get the stream containing content returned by the server.
+ dataStream = response.GetResponseStream ();
+ // Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
+ StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (dataStream);
+ // Read the content.
+ string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd ();
+ // Display the content.
+ Console.WriteLine (responseFromServer);
+ // Clean up the streams.
+ reader.Close ();
+ dataStream.Close ();
+ response.Close ();
+ JsonValue result = JsonValue.Parse(responseFromServer);
+ string stable_version = result["stable"];
+ Console.WriteLine("stable version is: "+ stable_version);
+ }
diff --git a/testing-stuff/json_ping.cs b/testing-stuff/json_ping.cs
index 5a0ec12..12eb0e0 100644
--- a/testing-stuff/json_ping.cs
+++ b/testing-stuff/json_ping.cs
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
-//Carles Pina
-//compile: mcs json_ping.cs /reference:System.Json.dll
-//Good reference: http://computerbeacon.net/blog/creating-jsonobjects-in-c
-using System;
-using System.Net;
-using System.Web;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Json;
-using System.Text;
-public class JsonTest
- static public void Main()
- {
- // Create a request using a URL that can receive a post.
- WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create ("http://api.chronojump.org:8080/ping");
- // Set the Method property of the request to POST.
- request.Method = "POST";
- // Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
- request.ContentType = "application/json";
- // Creates the json object
- JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
- json.Add("os_version", "Linux");
- json.Add("cj_version", "0.99");
- // Converts it to a String
- String js = json.ToString();
- // Writes the json object into the request dataStream
- Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream ();
- dataStream.Write (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(js), 0, js.Length);
- dataStream.Close ();
- // Get the response.
- WebResponse response = request.GetResponse ();
- // Display the status (will be 201, CREATED)
- Console.WriteLine (((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusDescription);
- // Clean up the streams.
- dataStream.Close ();
- response.Close ();
- }
+//Carles Pina
+//compile: mcs json_ping.cs /reference:System.Json.dll
+//Good reference: http://computerbeacon.net/blog/creating-jsonobjects-in-c
+using System;
+using System.Net;
+using System.Web;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Json;
+using System.Text;
+public class JsonTest
+ static public void Main()
+ {
+ // Create a request using a URL that can receive a post.
+ WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create ("http://api.chronojump.org:8080/ping");
+ // Set the Method property of the request to POST.
+ request.Method = "POST";
+ // Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
+ request.ContentType = "application/json";
+ // Creates the json object
+ JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
+ json.Add("os_version", "Linux");
+ json.Add("cj_version", "0.99");
+ // Converts it to a String
+ String js = json.ToString();
+ // Writes the json object into the request dataStream
+ Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream ();
+ dataStream.Write (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(js), 0, js.Length);
+ dataStream.Close ();
+ // Get the response.
+ WebResponse response = request.GetResponse ();
+ // Display the status (will be 201, CREATED)
+ Console.WriteLine (((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusDescription);
+ // Clean up the streams.
+ dataStream.Close ();
+ response.Close ();
+ }
diff --git a/testing-stuff/json_post.cs b/testing-stuff/json_post.cs
index 2348f79..ae6b2e2 100644
--- a/testing-stuff/json_post.cs
+++ b/testing-stuff/json_post.cs
@@ -1,91 +1,91 @@
-//Carles Pina
-//compile: mcs json_post.cs /reference:System.Json.dll
-using System;
-using System.Net;
-using System.Web;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Json;
-public class JsonTest
- static private string getLogsDir()
- {
- return Path.Combine(
- Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData),
- "Chronojump" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "logs");
- }
- static private byte[] readFile(string filePath)
- {
- return System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
- }
- static public void Main()
- {
- string filePath = getLogsDir() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "log_chronojump.txt";
- if(! File.Exists(filePath)) {
- Console.WriteLine("Could not send file. It does not exist.");
- return;
- }
- // Create a request using a URL that can receive a post.
- WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create ("http://api.chronojump.org:8080/backtrace");
- // Set the Method property of the request to POST.
- request.Method = "POST";
- // Create POST data and convert it to a byte array.
- byte[] byteArray = readFile(filePath);
- // Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
- request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
- // Set the ContentLength property of the WebRequest.
- request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
- // Get the request stream.
- Stream dataStream;
- try {
- dataStream = request.GetRequestStream ();
- } catch {
- Console.WriteLine("Could not send file. You are not connected to the Internet or
server is down.");
- return;
- }
- // Write the data to the request stream.
- dataStream.Write (byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
- // Close the Stream object.
- dataStream.Close ();
- // Get the response.
- WebResponse response = request.GetResponse ();
- // Display the status.
- Console.WriteLine (((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusDescription);
- // Get the stream containing content returned by the server.
- dataStream = response.GetResponseStream ();
- // Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
- StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (dataStream);
- // Read the content.
- string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd ();
- // Display the content.
- Console.WriteLine (responseFromServer);
- // Clean up the streams.
- reader.Close ();
- dataStream.Close ();
- response.Close ();
- JsonValue result = JsonValue.Parse(responseFromServer);
- string crash_id = result["crash_id"];
- Console.WriteLine("crash_id: "+ crash_id);
- }
+//Carles Pina
+//compile: mcs json_post.cs /reference:System.Json.dll
+using System;
+using System.Net;
+using System.Web;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Json;
+public class JsonTest
+ static private string getLogsDir()
+ {
+ return Path.Combine(
+ Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData),
+ "Chronojump" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "logs");
+ }
+ static private byte[] readFile(string filePath)
+ {
+ return System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
+ }
+ static public void Main()
+ {
+ string filePath = getLogsDir() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "log_chronojump.txt";
+ if(! File.Exists(filePath)) {
+ Console.WriteLine("Could not send file. It does not exist.");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create a request using a URL that can receive a post.
+ WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create ("http://api.chronojump.org:8080/backtrace");
+ // Set the Method property of the request to POST.
+ request.Method = "POST";
+ // Create POST data and convert it to a byte array.
+ byte[] byteArray = readFile(filePath);
+ // Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
+ request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
+ // Set the ContentLength property of the WebRequest.
+ request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
+ // Get the request stream.
+ Stream dataStream;
+ try {
+ dataStream = request.GetRequestStream ();
+ } catch {
+ Console.WriteLine("Could not send file. You are not connected to the Internet or
server is down.");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Write the data to the request stream.
+ dataStream.Write (byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
+ // Close the Stream object.
+ dataStream.Close ();
+ // Get the response.
+ WebResponse response = request.GetResponse ();
+ // Display the status.
+ Console.WriteLine (((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusDescription);
+ // Get the stream containing content returned by the server.
+ dataStream = response.GetResponseStream ();
+ // Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
+ StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (dataStream);
+ // Read the content.
+ string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd ();
+ // Display the content.
+ Console.WriteLine (responseFromServer);
+ // Clean up the streams.
+ reader.Close ();
+ dataStream.Close ();
+ response.Close ();
+ JsonValue result = JsonValue.Parse(responseFromServer);
+ string crash_id = result["crash_id"];
+ Console.WriteLine("crash_id: "+ crash_id);
+ }
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