[vala] gobject-2.0: Add a bunch of missing symbols

commit 9792f3fca3d33fba9817ede34a672d4805078ac4
Author: Rico Tzschichholz <ricotz ubuntu com>
Date:   Mon Oct 3 15:59:30 2016 +0200

    gobject-2.0: Add a bunch of missing symbols
    Additions for ObjectClass, Type, TypeClass, TypeInterface are based on
    patch by therebedragons111

 vapi/gobject-2.0.vapi |  130 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/vapi/gobject-2.0.vapi b/vapi/gobject-2.0.vapi
index d8ec674..b352e79 100644
--- a/vapi/gobject-2.0.vapi
+++ b/vapi/gobject-2.0.vapi
@@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ namespace GLib {
                [Version (since = "2.38")]
                public void unbind ();
-               public GLib.BindingFlags flags { get; }
-               public GLib.Object source { get; }
-               public string source_property { get; }
-               public GLib.Object target { get; }
-               public string target_property { get; }
+               public GLib.BindingFlags flags { get; construct; }
+               public GLib.Object source { get; construct; }
+               public string source_property { get; construct; }
+               public GLib.Object target { get; construct; }
+               public string target_property { get; construct; }
        [CCode (ref_function = "g_closure_ref", type_id = "G_TYPE_CLOSURE", unref_function = 
@@ -102,6 +102,8 @@ namespace GLib {
                public void remove_invalidate_notifier (void* notify_data, GLib.ClosureNotify notify_func);
                public void set_marshal (GLib.ClosureMarshal marshal);
                public void set_meta_marshal (void* marshal_data, GLib.ClosureMarshal meta_marshal);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Closure.simple (uint sizeof_closure, void* data);
                public void sink ();
        [CCode (lower_case_csuffix = "enum")]
@@ -192,6 +194,7 @@ namespace GLib {
                public T steal_qdata<T> (GLib.Quark quark);
                public void thaw_notify ();
                public void unref ();
+               public void watch_closure (GLib.Closure closure);
                public void weak_ref (GLib.WeakNotify notify);
                public void weak_unref (GLib.WeakNotify notify);
                public signal void notify (GLib.ParamSpec pspec);
@@ -199,6 +202,11 @@ namespace GLib {
        [CCode (lower_case_csuffix = "object_class")]
        public class ObjectClass : GLib.TypeClass {
                public unowned GLib.ParamSpec? find_property (string property_name);
+               [CCode (cname = "G_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME")]
+               public unowned string get_name ();
+               [CCode (cname = "G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE")]
+               public GLib.Type get_type ();
+               public void install_properties ([CCode (array_length_pos = 0.9, array_length_type = "guint")] 
GLib.ParamSpec[] pspecs);
                public void install_property (uint property_id, GLib.ParamSpec pspec);
                [CCode (array_length_type = "guint")]
 #if VALA_0_26
@@ -206,6 +214,7 @@ namespace GLib {
                public unowned GLib.ParamSpec[] list_properties ();
+               public void override_property (uint property_id, string name);
        [CCode (get_value_function = "g_value_get_param", param_spec_function = "g_param_spec_param", 
ref_function = "g_param_spec_ref", set_value_function = "g_value_set_param", take_value_function = 
"g_value_take_param", type_id = "G_TYPE_PARAM", unref_function = "g_param_spec_unref")]
        public class ParamSpec {
@@ -305,10 +314,24 @@ namespace GLib {
                [CCode (cname = "g_param_spec_long")]
                public ParamSpecLong (string name, string nick, string blurb, long minimum, long maximum, 
long default_value, GLib.ParamFlags flags);
+       public class ParamSpecObject : GLib.ParamSpec {
+               [CCode (cname = "g_param_spec_object")]
+               public ParamSpecObject (string name, string nick, string blurb, GLib.Type object_type, 
GLib.ParamFlags flags);
+       }
        public class ParamSpecParam : GLib.ParamSpec {
                [CCode (cname = "g_param_spec_param")]
                public ParamSpecParam (string name, string nick, string blurb, GLib.Type param_type, 
GLib.ParamFlags flags);
+       [Compact]
+       public class ParamSpecPool {
+               public ParamSpecPool (bool type_prefixing = false);
+               public void insert (GLib.ParamSpec pspec, GLib.Type owner_type);
+               [CCode (array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")]
+               public (unowned GLib.ParamSpec)[] list (GLib.Type owner_type);
+               public GLib.List<weak GLib.ParamSpec> list_owned (GLib.Type owner_type);
+               public unowned GLib.ParamSpec lookup (string param_name, GLib.Type owner_type, bool 
+               public void remove (GLib.ParamSpec pspec);
+       }
        public class ParamSpecString : GLib.ParamSpec {
                public string cset_first;
                public string cset_nth;
@@ -347,23 +370,52 @@ namespace GLib {
                [CCode (cname = "g_param_spec_ulong")]
                public ParamSpecULong (string name, string nick, string blurb, ulong minimum, ulong maximum, 
ulong default_value, GLib.ParamFlags flags);
+       public class ParamSpecUnichar : GLib.ParamSpec {
+               public unichar default_value;
+               [CCode (cname = "g_param_spec_unichar")]
+               public ParamSpecUnichar (string name, string nick, string blurb, unichar default_value, 
GLib.ParamFlags flags);
+       }
        [Version (since = "2.26")]
        public class ParamSpecVariant : GLib.ParamSpec {
+               public GLib.Variant? default_value;
+               public GLib.VariantType type;
                [CCode (cname = "g_param_spec_variant")]
                public ParamSpecVariant (string name, string nick, string blurb, GLib.VariantType type, 
GLib.Variant? default_value, GLib.ParamFlags flags);
        [CCode (free_function = "g_type_class_unref")]
        public class TypeClass {
+               public void add_private (size_t private_size);
                [CCode (cname = "G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS")]
                public GLib.Type get_type ();
+               [CCode (cname = "g_type_interface_peek")]
+               public unowned GLib.TypeInterface? peek (GLib.Type iface_type);
+               public unowned GLib.TypeClass? peek_parent ();
+       }
+       [Compact]
+       public class TypeInstance {
+       }
+       [CCode (free_function = "g_type_default_interface_unref")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class TypeInterface {
+               public void add_prerequisite ();
+               public unowned GLib.TypePlugin get_plugin (GLib.Type interface_type);
+               [CCode (cname = "G_TYPE_FROM_INTERFACE")]
+               public GLib.Type get_type ();
+               public unowned GLib.TypeInterface? peek_parent ();
-       [CCode (lower_case_csuffix = "type_module")]
-       public class TypeModule : GLib.Object, GLib.TypePlugin {
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "gobject.h", type_id = "g_type_module_get_type ()")]
+       public abstract class TypeModule : GLib.Object, GLib.TypePlugin {
                [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
                protected TypeModule ();
+               public void add_interface (GLib.Type instance_type, GLib.Type interface_type, 
GLib.InterfaceInfo interface_info);
                public virtual bool load ();
+               [Version (since = "2.6")]
+               public GLib.Type register_enum (string name, GLib.EnumValue const_static_values);
+               [Version (since = "2.6")]
+               public GLib.Type register_flags (string name, GLib.FlagsValue const_static_values);
+               public GLib.Type register_type (GLib.Type parent_type, string type_name, GLib.TypeInfo 
type_info, GLib.TypeFlags flags);
                public void set_name (string name);
                public virtual void unload ();
@@ -372,6 +424,7 @@ namespace GLib {
        [CCode (copy_function = "g_value_array_copy", free_function = "g_value_array_free", type_id = 
+       [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.32")]
        public class ValueArray {
                public uint n_values;
                [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_values", array_length_type = "guint")]
@@ -386,7 +439,12 @@ namespace GLib {
                public void sort (GLib.CompareFunc<GLib.Value> compare_func);
                public void sort_with_data (GLib.CompareDataFunc<GLib.Value> compare_func);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "gobject.h", type_id = "g_type_plugin_get_type ()")]
        public interface TypePlugin {
+               public void complete_interface_info (GLib.Type instance_type, GLib.Type interface_type, 
GLib.InterfaceInfo info);
+               public void complete_type_info (GLib.Type g_type, GLib.TypeInfo info, GLib.TypeValueTable 
+               public void unuse ();
+               public void use ();
        [CCode (has_type_id = false)]
        public struct EnumValue {
@@ -400,7 +458,16 @@ namespace GLib {
                public weak string value_name;
                public weak string value_nick;
+       [CCode (has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct InterfaceInfo {
+               public GLib.InterfaceInitFunc interface_init;
+               public GLib.InterfaceFinalizeFunc interface_finalize;
+               public void* interface_data;
+       }
+       [CCode (has_copy_function = false, has_destroy_function = false)]
        public struct ObjectConstructParam {
+               public ParamSpec pspec;
+               public GLib.Value value;
        [CCode (has_copy_function = false, has_destroy_function = false)]
        public struct Parameter {
@@ -430,8 +497,14 @@ namespace GLib {
                public const GLib.Type FLAGS;
                public const GLib.Type INTERFACE;
                public const GLib.Type INVALID;
+               public void add_class_private (size_t private_size);
+               [CCode (array_length_type = "guint")]
                public GLib.Type[] children ();
-               public unowned GLib.TypeClass class_peek ();
+               public unowned GLib.TypeClass? class_peek ();
+               public unowned GLib.TypeClass? class_peek_parent ();
+               public unowned GLib.TypeClass? class_peek_static ();
+               public unowned GLib.TypeClass? default_interface_peek ();
+               public GLib.TypeInterface default_interface_ref ();
                public GLib.TypeClass class_ref ();
                public uint depth ();
                [Version (since = "2.34")]
@@ -445,7 +518,10 @@ namespace GLib {
                [Version (since = "2.36")]
                public static uint get_type_registration_serial ();
                [CCode (array_length_type = "guint")]
+               public GLib.Type[] interface_prerequisites ();
+               [CCode (array_length_type = "guint")]
                public GLib.Type[] interfaces ();
+               public GLib.Type next_base (GLib.Type root_type);
                public bool is_a (GLib.Type is_a_type);
                [CCode (cname = "G_TYPE_IS_ABSTRACT")]
                public bool is_abstract ();
@@ -477,12 +553,28 @@ namespace GLib {
                public void query (out GLib.TypeQuery query);
                public void set_qdata (GLib.Quark quark, void* data);
+       [CCode (has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct TypeInfo {
+               public uint16 class_size;
+               public GLib.BaseInitFunc base_init;
+               public GLib.BaseFinalizeFunc base_finalize;
+               public GLib.ClassInitFunc class_init;
+               public GLib.ClassFinalizeFunc class_finalize;
+               public void* class_data;
+               public uint16 instance_size;
+               public uint16 n_preallocs;
+               public GLib.InstanceInitFunc instance_init;
+               unowned GLib.TypeValueTable value_table;
+       }
        public struct TypeQuery {
                public GLib.Type type;
                public weak string type_name;
                public uint class_size;
                public uint instance_size;
+       [CCode (has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct TypeValueTable {
+       }
        [CCode (copy_function = "g_value_copy", destroy_function = "g_value_unset", get_value_function = 
"g_value_get_boxed", marshaller_type_name = "BOXED", set_value_function = "g_value_set_boxed", 
take_value_function = "g_value_take_boxed", type_id = "G_TYPE_VALUE", type_signature = "v")]
        public struct Value {
                public Value (GLib.Type g_type);
@@ -656,6 +748,10 @@ namespace GLib {
+       [CCode (has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void BaseInitFunc (GLib.TypeClass g_class);
+       [CCode (has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void BaseFinalizeFunc (GLib.TypeClass g_class);
        [Version (since = "2.26")]
        public delegate bool BindingTransformFunc (GLib.Binding binding, GLib.Value source_value, ref 
GLib.Value target_value);
        [CCode (has_target = false)]
@@ -664,18 +760,34 @@ namespace GLib {
        public delegate void BoxedFreeFunc (void* boxed);
        [CCode (has_target = false)]
        public delegate void Callback ();
+       [CCode (has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void ClassInitFunc (GLib.TypeClass g_class, void* class_data);
+       [CCode (has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void ClassFinalizeFunc (GLib.TypeClass g_class, void* class_data);
        [CCode (has_target = false, instance_pos = 0)]
        public delegate void ClosureMarshal (GLib.Closure closure, out GLib.Value return_value, [CCode 
(array_length_pos = 2.9)] GLib.Value[] param_values, void* invocation_hint, void* marshal_data);
        [CCode (has_target = false)]
        public delegate void ClosureNotify (void* data, GLib.Closure closure);
        [CCode (has_target = false)]
-       public delegate void ObjectGetPropertyFunc (GLib.Object object, uint property_id, GLib.Value value, 
GLib.ParamSpec pspec);
+       public delegate void InstanceInitFunc (GLib.TypeInstance instance, GLib.TypeClass g_class);
+       [CCode (has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void InterfaceInitFunc (GLib.TypeInterface g_iface, void* iface_data);
+       [CCode (has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void InterfaceFinalizeFunc (GLib.TypeInterface g_iface, void* iface_data);
+       [CCode (cname = "GCallback", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate GLib.Object ObjectConstructorFunc (GLib.Type type, [CCode (array_length_pos = 1.9, 
array_length_type = "guint")] GLib.ObjectConstructParam[] construct_properties);
+       [CCode (has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void ObjectGetPropertyFunc (GLib.Object object, uint property_id, ref GLib.Value 
value, GLib.ParamSpec pspec);
+       [CCode (has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void ObjectFinalizeFunc (GLib.Object object);
        [CCode (has_target = false)]
        public delegate void ObjectSetPropertyFunc (GLib.Object object, uint property_id, GLib.Value value, 
GLib.ParamSpec pspec);
        public delegate bool SignalEmissionHook (GLib.SignalInvocationHint ihint, [CCode (array_length_pos = 
1.9)] GLib.Value[] param_values);
        [CCode (instance_pos = 0)]
        public delegate void ToggleNotify (GLib.Object object, bool is_last_ref);
        [CCode (has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void TypeClassCacheFunc (void* cache_data, GLib.TypeClass g_class);
+       [CCode (has_target = false)]
        public delegate void ValueTransform (GLib.Value src_value, ref GLib.Value dest_value);
        [CCode (instance_pos = 0)]
        public delegate void WeakNotify (GLib.Object object);

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