[gtk-doc] mkdb: extract the markdown to docbook code

commit 455b09e9b0785a284a7ad9853e8f7672cf9a2007
Author: Stefan Sauer <ensonic users sf net>
Date:   Fri May 26 16:56:39 2017 +0200

    mkdb: extract the markdown to docbook code
    This is only a start, see the hack for some shared symbols.

 Makefile.am        |    2 +
 gtkdoc/md_to_db.py |  744 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 gtkdoc/mkdb.py     |  717 +-------------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 750 insertions(+), 713 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index c42ec19..405e4ab 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ pylibdata_DATA = \
   gtkdoc/common.py \
   gtkdoc/config.py \
   gtkdoc/fixxref.py \
+  gtkdoc/md_to_db.py \
   gtkdoc/mkdb.py \
   gtkdoc/mkhtml.py \
   gtkdoc/mkman.py \
@@ -92,6 +93,7 @@ CLEANFILES = \
   gtkdoc/common.pyc \
   gtkdoc/config.pyc \
   gtkdoc/fixxref.pyc \
+  gtkdoc/md_to_db.pyc \
   gtkdoc/mkdb.pyc \
   gtkdoc/mkhtml.pyc \
   gtkdoc/mkman.pyc \
diff --git a/gtkdoc/md_to_db.py b/gtkdoc/md_to_db.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59f4583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gtkdoc/md_to_db.py
@@ -0,0 +1,744 @@
+# -*- python; coding: utf-8 -*-
+# gtk-doc - GTK DocBook documentation generator.
+# Copyright (C) 1998  Damon Chaplin
+#               2007-2016  Stefan Sauer
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+Markdown to Docbook converter
+import logging
+import re
+# external functions
+ExpandAbbreviations = MakeXRef = MakeHashXRef = tagify = None
+# Elements to consider non-block items in MarkDown parsing
+    'emphasis', 'envar', 'filename', 'firstterm', 'footnote', 'function', 'literal',
+    'manvolnum', 'option', 'replaceable', 'structfield', 'structname', 'title',
+    'varname'
+MD_ESCAPABLE_CHARS = r'\`*_{}[]()>#+-.!'
+def Init():
+    # TODO(enonic): find a better way to do this
+    global ExpandAbbreviations, MakeXRef, MakeHashXRef, tagify
+    from .mkdb import ExpandAbbreviations, MakeXRef, MakeHashXRef, tagify
+def MarkDownParseBlocks(lines, symbol, context):
+    md_blocks = []
+    md_block = {"type": ''}
+    logging.debug("parsing %s lines", len(lines))
+    for line in lines:
+        logging.info("type='%s', int='%s', parsing '%s'", md_block["type"], md_block.get('interrupted'), 
+        first_char = None
+        if line:
+            first_char = line[0]
+        if md_block["type"] == "markup":
+            if 'closed' not in md_block:
+                if md_block["start"] in line:
+                    md_block["depth"] += 1
+                if md_block["end"] in line:
+                    if md_block["depth"] > 0:
+                        md_block["depth"] -= 1
+                    else:
+                        logging.info("closing tag '%s'", line)
+                        md_block["closed"] = 1
+                        # TODO(ensonic): reparse inner text with MarkDownParseLines?
+                md_block["text"] += "\n" + line
+                logging.info("add to markup: '%s'", line)
+                continue
+        deindented_line = line.lstrip()
+        if md_block["type"] == "heading":
+            # a heading is ended by any level less than or equal
+            if md_block["level"] == 1:
+                heading_match = re.search(r'^[#][ \t]+(.+?)[ \t]*[#]*[ \t]*(?:{#([^}]+)})?[ \t]*$', line)
+                if re.search(r'^={4,}[ \t]*$', line):
+                    text = md_block["lines"].pop()
+                    md_block.pop("interrupted", None)
+                    md_blocks.append(md_block)
+                    md_block = {'type': "heading",
+                                'text': text,
+                                'lines': [],
+                                'level': 1,
+                                }
+                    continue
+                elif heading_match:
+                    md_block.pop("interrupted", None)
+                    md_blocks.append(md_block)
+                    md_block = {'type': "heading",
+                                'text': heading_match.group(1),
+                                'lines': [],
+                                'level': 1,
+                                }
+                    if heading_match.group(2):
+                        md_block['id'] = heading_match.group(2)
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    # push lines into the block until the end is reached
+                    md_block["lines"].append(line)
+                    continue
+            else:
+                heading_match = re.search(r'^([#]{1,2})[ \t]+(.+?)[ \t]*[#]*[ \t]*(?:{#([^}]+)})?[ \t]*$', 
+                if re.search(r'^[=]{4,}[ \t]*$', line):
+                    text = md_block["lines"].pop()
+                    md_block.pop("interrupted", None)
+                    md_blocks.append(md_block)
+                    md_block = {'type': "heading",
+                                'text': text,
+                                'lines': [],
+                                'level': 1,
+                                }
+                    continue
+                elif re.search(r'^[-]{4,}[ \t]*$', line):
+                    text = md_block["lines"].pop()
+                    md_block.pop("interrupted", None)
+                    md_blocks.append(md_block)
+                    md_block = {'type': "heading",
+                                'text': text,
+                                'lines': [],
+                                'level': 2,
+                                }
+                    continue
+                elif heading_match:
+                    md_block.pop("interrupted", None)
+                    md_blocks.append(md_block)
+                    md_block = {'type': "heading",
+                                'text': heading_match.group(2),
+                                'lines': [],
+                                'level': len(heading_match.group(1))
+                                }
+                    if heading_match.group(3):
+                        md_block['id'] = heading_match.group(3)
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    # push lines into the block until the end is reached
+                    md_block["lines"].append(line)
+                    continue
+        elif md_block["type"] == "code":
+            end_of_code_match = re.search(r'^[ \t]*\]\|(.*)', line)
+            if end_of_code_match:
+                md_blocks.append(md_block)
+                md_block = {'type': "paragraph",
+                            'text': end_of_code_match.group(1),
+                            'lines': [],
+                            }
+            else:
+                md_block["lines"].append(line)
+            continue
+        if deindented_line == '':
+            logging.info('setting "interrupted" due to empty line')
+            md_block["interrupted"] = 1
+            continue
+        if md_block["type"] == "quote":
+            if 'interrupted' not in md_block:
+                line = re.sub(r'^[ ]*>[ ]?', '', line)
+                md_block["lines"].append(line)
+                continue
+        elif md_block["type"] == "li":
+            marker = md_block["marker"]
+            marker_match = re.search(r'^([ ]{0,3})(%s)[ ](.*)' % marker, line)
+            if marker_match:
+                indentation = marker_match.group(1)
+                if md_block["indentation"] != indentation:
+                    md_block["lines"].append(line)
+                else:
+                    ordered = md_block["ordered"]
+                    md_block.pop('last', None)
+                    md_blocks.append(md_block)
+                    md_block = {'type': "li",
+                                'ordered': ordered,
+                                'indentation': indentation,
+                                'marker': marker,
+                                'last': 1,
+                                'lines': [re.sub(r'^[ ]{0,4}', '', marker_match.group(3))],
+                                }
+                continue
+            if 'interrupted' in md_block:
+                if first_char == " ":
+                    md_block["lines"].append('')
+                    line = re.sub(r'^[ ]{0,4}', '', line)
+                    md_block["lines"].append(line)
+                    md_block.pop("interrupted", None)
+                    continue
+            else:
+                line = re.sub(r'^[ ]{0,4}', '', line)
+                md_block["lines"].append(line)
+                continue
+        # indentation sensitive types
+        heading_match = re.search(r'^([#]{1,2})[ \t]+(.+?)[ \t]*[#]*[ \t]*(?:{#([^}]+)})?[ \t]*$', line)
+        code_match = re.search(r'^[ \t]*\|\[[ ]*(?:<!-- language="([^"]+?)" -->)?', line)
+        if heading_match:
+            # atx heading (#)
+            md_blocks.append(md_block)
+            md_block = {'type': "heading",
+                        'text': heading_match.group(2),
+                        'lines': [],
+                        'level': len(heading_match.group(1)),
+                        }
+            if heading_match.group(3):
+                md_block['id'] = heading_match.group(3)
+            continue
+        elif re.search(r'^={4,}[ \t]*$', line):
+            # setext heading (====)
+            if md_block["type"] == "paragraph" and "interrupted" in md_block:
+                md_blocks.append(md_block.copy())
+                md_block["type"] = "heading"
+                md_block["lines"] = []
+                md_block["level"] = 1
+            continue
+        elif re.search(r'^-{4,}[ \t]*$', line):
+            # setext heading (-----)
+            if md_block["type"] == "paragraph" and "interrupted" in md_block:
+                md_blocks.append(md_block.copy())
+                md_block["type"] = "heading"
+                md_block["lines"] = []
+                md_block["level"] = 2
+            continue
+        elif code_match:
+            # code
+            md_block["interrupted"] = 1
+            md_blocks.append(md_block)
+            md_block = {'type': "code",
+                        'lines': [],
+                        }
+            if code_match.group(1):
+                md_block['language'] = code_match.group(1)
+            continue
+        # indentation insensitive types
+        markup_match = re.search(r'^[ ]*<\??(\w+)[^>]*([\/\?])?[ \t]*>', line)
+        li_match = re.search(r'^([ ]*)[*+-][ ](.*)', line)
+        quote_match = re.search(r'^[ ]*>[ ]?(.*)', line)
+        if re.search(r'^[ ]*<!DOCTYPE/', line):
+            md_blocks.append(md_block)
+            md_block = {'type': "markup",
+                        'text': deindented_line,
+                        'start': '<',
+                        'end': '>',
+                        'depth': 0,
+                        }
+        elif markup_match:
+            # markup, including <?xml version="1.0"?>
+            tag = markup_match.group(1)
+            is_self_closing = markup_match.group(2) is not None
+            # skip link markdown
+            # TODO(ensonic): consider adding more uri schemes (ftp, ...)
+            if re.search(r'https?', tag):
+                logging.info("skipping link '%s'", tag)
+            else:
+                # for TEXT_LEVEL_ELEMENTS, we want to keep them as-is in the paragraph
+                # instead of creation a markdown block.
+                scanning_for_end_of_text_level_tag = (
+                    md_block["type"] == "paragraph" and
+                    'start' in md_block and
+                    'closed' not in md_block)
+                logging.info("markup found '%s', scanning %s ?", tag, scanning_for_end_of_text_level_tag)
+                if tag not in MD_TEXT_LEVEL_ELEMENTS and not scanning_for_end_of_text_level_tag:
+                    md_blocks.append(md_block)
+                    if is_self_closing:
+                        logging.info("self-closing docbook '%s'", tag)
+                        md_block = {'type': "self-closing tag",
+                                    'text': deindented_line,
+                                    }
+                        is_self_closing = 0
+                        continue
+                    logging.info("new markup '%s'", tag)
+                    md_block = {'type': "markup",
+                                'text': deindented_line,
+                                'start': '<' + tag + '>',
+                                'end': '</' + tag + '>',
+                                'depth': 0,
+                                }
+                    if re.search(r'<\/%s>' % tag, deindented_line):
+                        md_block["closed"] = 1
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    if tag in MD_TEXT_LEVEL_ELEMENTS:
+                        logging.info("text level docbook '%s' in '%s' state", tag, md_block["type"])
+                        # TODO(ensonic): handle nesting
+                        if not scanning_for_end_of_text_level_tag:
+                            if not re.search(r'<\/%s>' % tag, deindented_line):
+                                logging.info("new text level markup '%s'", tag)
+                                md_block["start"] = '<' + tag + '>'
+                                md_block["end"] = '</' + tag + '>'
+                                md_block.pop("closed", None)
+                                logging.info("scanning for end of '%s'", tag)
+                        else:
+                            if md_block["end"] in deindented_line:
+                                md_block["closed"] = 1
+                                logging.info("found end of '%s'", tag)
+        elif li_match:
+            # li
+            md_blocks.append(md_block)
+            indentation = li_match.group(1)
+            md_block = {'type': "li",
+                        'ordered': 0,
+                        'indentation': indentation,
+                        'marker': "[*+-]",
+                        'first': 1,
+                        'last': 1,
+                        'lines': [re.sub(r'^[ ]{0,4}', '', li_match.group(2))],
+                        }
+            continue
+        elif quote_match:
+            md_blocks.append(md_block)
+            md_block = {'type': "quote",
+                        'lines': [quote_match.group(1)],
+                        }
+            continue
+        # list item
+        list_item_match = re.search(r'^([ ]{0,4})\d+[.][ ]+(.*)', line)
+        if list_item_match:
+            md_blocks.append(md_block)
+            indentation = list_item_match.group(1)
+            md_block = {'type': "li",
+                        'ordered': 1,
+                        'indentation': indentation,
+                        'marker': "\\d+[.]",
+                        'first': 1,
+                        'last': 1,
+                        'lines': [re.sub(r'^[ ]{0,4}', '', list_item_match.group(2))],
+                        }
+            continue
+        # paragraph
+        if md_block["type"] == "paragraph":
+            if "interrupted" in md_block:
+                md_blocks.append(md_block)
+                md_block = {'type': "paragraph",
+                            'text': line,
+                            }
+                logging.info("new paragraph due to interrupted")
+            else:
+                md_block["text"] += "\n" + line
+                logging.info("add to paragraph: '%s'", line)
+        else:
+            md_blocks.append(md_block)
+            md_block = {'type': "paragraph",
+                        'text': line,
+                        }
+            logging.info("new paragraph due to different block type")
+    md_blocks.append(md_block)
+    md_blocks.pop(0)
+    return md_blocks
+def MarkDownParseSpanElementsInner(text, markersref):
+    markup = ''
+    markers = {i: 1 for i in markersref}
+    while text != '':
+        closest_marker = ''
+        closest_marker_position = -1
+        text_marker = ''
+        offset = 0
+        markers_rest = []
+        for marker, use in markers.items():
+            if not use:
+                continue
+            marker_position = text.find(marker)
+            if marker_position < 0:
+                markers[marker] = 0
+                continue
+            if closest_marker == '' or marker_position < closest_marker_position:
+                closest_marker = marker
+                closest_marker_position = marker_position
+        if closest_marker_position >= 0:
+            text_marker = text[closest_marker_position:]
+        if text_marker == '':
+            markup += text
+            text = ''
+            continue
+        markup += text[:closest_marker_position]
+        text = text[closest_marker_position:]
+        markers_rest = {k: v for k, v in markers.items() if v and k != closest_marker}
+        if closest_marker == '![' or closest_marker == '[':
+            element = None
+            # FIXME: '(?R)' is a recursive subpattern
+            # match a [...] block with no ][ inside or this thing again
+            # m = re.search(r'\[((?:[^][]|(?R))*)\]', text)
+            m = re.search(r'\[((?:[^][])*)\]', text)
+            if ']' in text and m:
+                element = {'!': text[0] == '!',
+                           'a': m.group(1),
+                           }
+                offset = len(m.group(0))
+                if element['!']:
+                    offset += 1
+                logging.debug("Recursive md-expr match: off=%d, text='%s', match='%s'", offset, text, 
+                remaining_text = text[offset:]
+                m2 = re.search(r'''^\([ ]*([^)'"]*?)(?:[ ]+['"](.+?)['"])?[ ]*\)''', remaining_text)
+                m3 = re.search(r'^\s*\[([^\]<]*?)\]', remaining_text)
+                if m2:
+                    element['»'] = m2.group(1)
+                    if m2.group(2):
+                        element['#'] = m2.group(2)
+                    offset += len(m2.group(0))
+                elif m3:
+                    element['ref'] = m3.group(1)
+                    offset += len(m3.group(0))
+                else:
+                    element = None
+            if element:
+                if '»' in element:
+                    element['»'] = element['»'].replace('&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;')
+                if element['!']:
+                    markup += '<inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="' + \
+                        element['»'] + '"></imagedata></imageobject>'
+                    if 'a' in element:
+                        markup += "<textobject><phrase>" + element['a'] + "</phrase></textobject>"
+                        markup += "</inlinemediaobject>"
+                elif 'ref' in element:
+                    element['a'] = MarkDownParseSpanElementsInner(element['a'], markers_rest)
+                    markup += '<link linkend="' + element['ref'] + '"'
+                    if '#' in element:
+                        # title attribute not supported
+                        pass
+                    markup += '>' + element['a'] + "</link>"
+                else:
+                    element['a'] = MarkDownParseSpanElementsInner(element['a'], markers_rest)
+                    markup += '<ulink url="' + element['»'] + '"'
+                    if '#' in element:
+                        # title attribute not supported
+                        pass
+                    markup += '>' + element['a'] + "</ulink>"
+            else:
+                markup += closest_marker
+                if closest_marker == '![':
+                    offset = 2
+                else:
+                    offset = 1
+        elif closest_marker == '<':
+            m4 = re.search(r'^<(https?:[\/]{2}[^\s]+?)>', text, flags=re.I)
+            m5 = re.search(r'^<([A-Za-z0-9._-]+?@[A-Za-z0-9._-]+?)>', text)
+            m6 = re.search(r'^<[^>]+?>', text)
+            if m4:
+                element_url = m4.group(1).replace('&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;')
+                markup += '<ulink url="' + element_url + '">' + element_url + '</ulink>'
+                offset = len(m4.group(0))
+            elif m5:
+                markup += "<ulink url=\"mailto:"; + m5.group(1) + "\">" + m5.group(1) + "</ulink>"
+                offset = len(m5.group(0))
+            elif m6:
+                markup += m6.group(0)
+                offset = len(m6.group(0))
+            else:
+                markup += "&lt;"
+                offset = 1
+        elif closest_marker == "\\":
+            special_char = ''
+            if len(text) > 1:
+                special_char = text[1]
+            if special_char in MD_ESCAPABLE_CHARS or special_char in MD_GTK_ESCAPABLE_CHARS:
+                markup += special_char
+                offset = 2
+            else:
+                markup += "\\"
+                offset = 1
+        elif closest_marker == "`":
+            m7 = re.search(r'^(`+)([^`]+?)\1(?!`)', text)
+            if m7:
+                element_text = m7.group(2)
+                markup += "<literal>" + element_text + "</literal>"
+                offset = len(m7.group(0))
+            else:
+                markup += "`"
+                offset = 1
+        elif closest_marker == "@":
+            # Convert '@param()'
+            # FIXME: we could make those also links ($symbol.$2), but that would be less
+            # useful as the link target is a few lines up or down
+            m7 = re.search(r'^(\A|[^\\])\@(\w+((\.|->)\w+)*)\s*\(\)', text)
+            m8 = re.search(r'^(\A|[^\\])\@(\w+((\.|->)\w+)*)', text)
+            m9 = re.search(r'^\\\@', text)
+            if m7:
+                markup += m7.group(1) + "<parameter>" + m7.group(2) + "()</parameter>\n"
+                offset = len(m7.group(0))
+            elif m8:
+                # Convert '@param', but not '\@param'.
+                markup += m8.group(1) + "<parameter>" + m8.group(2) + "</parameter>\n"
+                offset = len(m8.group(0))
+            elif m9:
+                markup += r"\@"
+                offset = len(m9.group(0))
+            else:
+                markup += "@"
+                offset = 1
+        elif closest_marker == '#':
+            m10 = re.search(r'^(\A|[^\\])#([\w\-:\.]+[\w]+)\s*\(\)', text)
+            m11 = re.search(r'^(\A|[^\\])#([\w\-:\.]+[\w]+)', text)
+            m12 = re.search(r'^\\#', text)
+            if m10:
+                # handle #Object.func()
+                markup += m10.group(1) + MakeXRef(m10.group(2), tagify(m10.group(2) + "()", "function"))
+                offset = len(m10.group(0))
+            elif m11:
+                # Convert '#symbol', but not '\#symbol'.
+                markup += m11.group(1) + MakeHashXRef(m11.group(2), "type")
+                offset = len(m11.group(0))
+            elif m12:
+                markup += '#'
+                offset = len(m12.group(0))
+            else:
+                markup += '#'
+                offset = 1
+        elif closest_marker == "%":
+            m12 = re.search(r'^(\A|[^\\])\%(-?\w+)', text)
+            m13 = re.search(r'^\\%', text)
+            if m12:
+                # Convert '%constant', but not '\%constant'.
+                # Also allow negative numbers, e.g. %-1.
+                markup += m12.group(1) + MakeXRef(m12.group(2), tagify(m12.group(2), "literal"))
+                offset = len(m12.group(0))
+            elif m13:
+                markup += r"\%"
+                offset = len(m13.group(0))
+            else:
+                markup += "%"
+                offset = 1
+        if offset > 0:
+            text = text[offset:]
+    return markup
+def MarkDownParseSpanElements(text):
+    markers = ["\\", '<', '![', '[', "`", '%', '#', '@']
+    text = MarkDownParseSpanElementsInner(text, markers)
+    # Convert 'function()' or 'macro()'.
+    # if there is abc_*_def() we don't want to make a link to _def()
+    # FIXME: also handle abc(def(....)) : but that would need to be done recursively :/
+    def f(m):
+        return m.group(1) + MakeXRef(m.group(2), tagify(m.group(2) + "()", "function"))
+    text = re.sub(r'([^\*.\w])(\w+)\s*\(\)', f, text)
+    return text
+def ReplaceEntities(text, symbol):
+    entities = [["&lt;", '<'],
+                ["&gt;", '>'],
+                ["&ast;", '*'],
+                ["&num;", '#'],
+                ["&percnt;", '%'],
+                ["&colon;", ':'],
+                ["&quot;", '"'],
+                ["&apos;", "'"],
+                ["&nbsp;", ' '],
+                ["&amp;", '&'],  # Do this last, or the others get messed up.
+                ]
+    # Expand entities in <programlisting> even inside CDATA since
+    # we changed the definition of |[ to add CDATA
+    for i in entities:
+        text = re.sub(i[0], i[1], text)
+    return text
+def MarkDownOutputDocBook(blocksref, symbol, context):
+    output = ''
+    blocks = blocksref
+    for block in blocks:
+    #$output += "\n<!-- beg type='" . $block->{"type"} . "'-->\n"
+        if block["type"] == "paragraph":
+            text = MarkDownParseSpanElements(block["text"])
+            if context == "li" and output == '':
+                if 'interrupted' in block:
+                    output += "\n<para>%s</para>\n" % text
+                else:
+                    output += "<para>%s</para>" % text
+                    if len(blocks) > 1:
+                        output += "\n"
+            else:
+                output += "<para>%s</para>\n" % text
+        elif block["type"] == "heading":
+            title = MarkDownParseSpanElements(block["text"])
+            if block["level"] == 1:
+                tag = "refsect2"
+            else:
+                tag = "refsect3"
+            text = MarkDownParseLines(block["lines"], symbol, "heading")
+            if 'id' in block:
+                output += "<%s id=\"%s\">" % (tag, block["id"])
+            else:
+                output += "<%s>" % tag
+            output += "<title>%s</title>%s</%s>\n" % (title, text, tag)
+        elif block["type"] == "li":
+            tag = "itemizedlist"
+            if "first" in block:
+                if block["ordered"]:
+                    tag = "orderedlist"
+                output += "<%s>\n" % tag
+            if "interrupted" in block:
+                block["lines"].append('')
+            text = MarkDownParseLines(block["lines"], symbol, "li")
+            output += "<listitem>" + text + "</listitem>\n"
+            if 'last' in block:
+                if block["ordered"]:
+                    tag = "orderedlist"
+                output += "</%s>\n" % tag
+        elif block["type"] == "quote":
+            text = MarkDownParseLines(block["lines"], symbol, "quote")
+            output += "<blockquote>\n%s</blockquote>\n" % text
+        elif block["type"] == "code":
+            tag = "programlisting"
+            if "language" in block:
+                if block["language"] == "plain":
+                    output += "<informalexample><screen><![CDATA[\n"
+                    tag = "screen"
+                else:
+                    output += "<informalexample><programlisting language=\"%s\"><![CDATA[\n" % 
+            else:
+                output += "<informalexample><programlisting><![CDATA[\n"
+            logging.debug('listing for %s: [%s]', symbol, '\n'.join(block['lines']))
+            for line in block["lines"]:
+                output += ReplaceEntities(line, symbol) + "\n"
+            output += "]]></%s></informalexample>\n" % tag
+        elif block["type"] == "markup":
+            text = ExpandAbbreviations(symbol, block["text"])
+            output += text + "\n"
+        else:
+            output += block["text"] + "\n"
+        #$output += "\n<!-- end type='" . $block->{"type"} . "'-->\n"
+    return output
+def MarkDownParseLines(lines, symbol, context):
+    logging.info('md parse: ctx=%s, [%s]', context, '\n'.join(lines))
+    blocks = MarkDownParseBlocks(lines, symbol, context)
+    output = MarkDownOutputDocBook(blocks, symbol, context)
+    return output
+def MarkDownParse(text, symbol):
+    """Converts mark down syntax to the respective docbook.
+    http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown
+    Inspired by the design of ParseDown
+    http://parsedown.org/
+    Copyright (c) 2013 Emanuil Rusev, erusev.com
+    ==================
+    Atx-style Headers
+    -----------------
+    # Header 1
+    ## Header 2 ##
+    Setext-style Headers
+    --------------------
+    Header 1
+    ========
+    Header 2
+    --------
+    Ordered (unnested) Lists
+    ------------------------
+    1. item 1
+    1. item 2 with loooong
+       description
+    3. item 3
+    Note: we require a blank line above the list items
+    """
+    # TODO(ensonic): it would be nice to add id parameters to the refsect2 elements
+    return MarkDownParseLines(text.splitlines(), symbol, '')
diff --git a/gtkdoc/mkdb.py b/gtkdoc/mkdb.py
index 3fdb50d..6398c08 100644
--- a/gtkdoc/mkdb.py
+++ b/gtkdoc/mkdb.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 # -*- python; coding: utf-8 -*-
 # gtk-doc - GTK DocBook documentation generator.
@@ -34,8 +33,7 @@ import re
 import string
 import sys
-from gtkdoc import common
+from . import common, md_to_db
 # Options
@@ -209,15 +207,6 @@ documented ways.
-# Elements to consider non-block items in MarkDown parsing
-    'emphasis', 'envar', 'filename', 'firstterm', 'footnote', 'function', 'literal',
-    'manvolnum', 'option', 'replaceable', 'structfield', 'structname', 'title',
-    'varname'
-MD_ESCAPABLE_CHARS = r'\`*_{}[]()>#+-.!'
 # Function and other declaration output settings.
@@ -941,7 +930,7 @@ def OutputDB(file):
     OutputBook(book_top, book_bottom)
     logging.info("All files created: %d", changed)
-    return changed
+    return (changed, book_top, book_bottom)
 def OutputIndex(basename, apiindex):
@@ -4262,707 +4251,9 @@ def IsEmptyDoc(doc):
     return False
-# FIXME(ensonic): replace
 def ConvertMarkDown(symbol, text):
-    return MarkDownParse(text, symbol)
-# TODO(ensonic): it would be nice to add id parameters to the refsect2 elements
-def MarkDownParseBlocks(lines, symbol, context):
-    md_blocks = []
-    md_block = {"type": ''}
-    logging.debug("parsing %s lines", len(lines))
-    for line in lines:
-        logging.info("type='%s', int='%s', parsing '%s'", md_block["type"], md_block.get('interrupted'), 
-        first_char = None
-        if line:
-            first_char = line[0]
-        if md_block["type"] == "markup":
-            if 'closed' not in md_block:
-                if md_block["start"] in line:
-                    md_block["depth"] += 1
-                if md_block["end"] in line:
-                    if md_block["depth"] > 0:
-                        md_block["depth"] -= 1
-                    else:
-                        logging.info("closing tag '%s'", line)
-                        md_block["closed"] = 1
-                        # TODO(ensonic): reparse inner text with MarkDownParseLines?
-                md_block["text"] += "\n" + line
-                logging.info("add to markup: '%s'", line)
-                continue
-        deindented_line = line.lstrip()
-        if md_block["type"] == "heading":
-            # a heading is ended by any level less than or equal
-            if md_block["level"] == 1:
-                heading_match = re.search(r'^[#][ \t]+(.+?)[ \t]*[#]*[ \t]*(?:{#([^}]+)})?[ \t]*$', line)
-                if re.search(r'^={4,}[ \t]*$', line):
-                    text = md_block["lines"].pop()
-                    md_block.pop("interrupted", None)
-                    md_blocks.append(md_block)
-                    md_block = {'type': "heading",
-                                'text': text,
-                                'lines': [],
-                                'level': 1,
-                                }
-                    continue
-                elif heading_match:
-                    md_block.pop("interrupted", None)
-                    md_blocks.append(md_block)
-                    md_block = {'type': "heading",
-                                'text': heading_match.group(1),
-                                'lines': [],
-                                'level': 1,
-                                }
-                    if heading_match.group(2):
-                        md_block['id'] = heading_match.group(2)
-                    continue
-                else:
-                    # push lines into the block until the end is reached
-                    md_block["lines"].append(line)
-                    continue
-            else:
-                heading_match = re.search(r'^([#]{1,2})[ \t]+(.+?)[ \t]*[#]*[ \t]*(?:{#([^}]+)})?[ \t]*$', 
-                if re.search(r'^[=]{4,}[ \t]*$', line):
-                    text = md_block["lines"].pop()
-                    md_block.pop("interrupted", None)
-                    md_blocks.append(md_block)
-                    md_block = {'type': "heading",
-                                'text': text,
-                                'lines': [],
-                                'level': 1,
-                                }
-                    continue
-                elif re.search(r'^[-]{4,}[ \t]*$', line):
-                    text = md_block["lines"].pop()
-                    md_block.pop("interrupted", None)
-                    md_blocks.append(md_block)
-                    md_block = {'type': "heading",
-                                'text': text,
-                                'lines': [],
-                                'level': 2,
-                                }
-                    continue
-                elif heading_match:
-                    md_block.pop("interrupted", None)
-                    md_blocks.append(md_block)
-                    md_block = {'type': "heading",
-                                'text': heading_match.group(2),
-                                'lines': [],
-                                'level': len(heading_match.group(1))
-                                }
-                    if heading_match.group(3):
-                        md_block['id'] = heading_match.group(3)
-                    continue
-                else:
-                    # push lines into the block until the end is reached
-                    md_block["lines"].append(line)
-                    continue
-        elif md_block["type"] == "code":
-            end_of_code_match = re.search(r'^[ \t]*\]\|(.*)', line)
-            if end_of_code_match:
-                md_blocks.append(md_block)
-                md_block = {'type': "paragraph",
-                            'text': end_of_code_match.group(1),
-                            'lines': [],
-                            }
-            else:
-                md_block["lines"].append(line)
-            continue
-        if deindented_line == '':
-            logging.info('setting "interrupted" due to empty line')
-            md_block["interrupted"] = 1
-            continue
-        if md_block["type"] == "quote":
-            if 'interrupted' not in md_block:
-                line = re.sub(r'^[ ]*>[ ]?', '', line)
-                md_block["lines"].append(line)
-                continue
-        elif md_block["type"] == "li":
-            marker = md_block["marker"]
-            marker_match = re.search(r'^([ ]{0,3})(%s)[ ](.*)' % marker, line)
-            if marker_match:
-                indentation = marker_match.group(1)
-                if md_block["indentation"] != indentation:
-                    md_block["lines"].append(line)
-                else:
-                    ordered = md_block["ordered"]
-                    md_block.pop('last', None)
-                    md_blocks.append(md_block)
-                    md_block = {'type': "li",
-                                'ordered': ordered,
-                                'indentation': indentation,
-                                'marker': marker,
-                                'last': 1,
-                                'lines': [re.sub(r'^[ ]{0,4}', '', marker_match.group(3))],
-                                }
-                continue
-            if 'interrupted' in md_block:
-                if first_char == " ":
-                    md_block["lines"].append('')
-                    line = re.sub(r'^[ ]{0,4}', '', line)
-                    md_block["lines"].append(line)
-                    md_block.pop("interrupted", None)
-                    continue
-            else:
-                line = re.sub(r'^[ ]{0,4}', '', line)
-                md_block["lines"].append(line)
-                continue
-        # indentation sensitive types
-        heading_match = re.search(r'^([#]{1,2})[ \t]+(.+?)[ \t]*[#]*[ \t]*(?:{#([^}]+)})?[ \t]*$', line)
-        code_match = re.search(r'^[ \t]*\|\[[ ]*(?:<!-- language="([^"]+?)" -->)?', line)
-        if heading_match:
-            # atx heading (#)
-            md_blocks.append(md_block)
-            md_block = {'type': "heading",
-                        'text': heading_match.group(2),
-                        'lines': [],
-                        'level': len(heading_match.group(1)),
-                        }
-            if heading_match.group(3):
-                md_block['id'] = heading_match.group(3)
-            continue
-        elif re.search(r'^={4,}[ \t]*$', line):
-            # setext heading (====)
-            if md_block["type"] == "paragraph" and "interrupted" in md_block:
-                md_blocks.append(md_block.copy())
-                md_block["type"] = "heading"
-                md_block["lines"] = []
-                md_block["level"] = 1
-            continue
-        elif re.search(r'^-{4,}[ \t]*$', line):
-            # setext heading (-----)
-            if md_block["type"] == "paragraph" and "interrupted" in md_block:
-                md_blocks.append(md_block.copy())
-                md_block["type"] = "heading"
-                md_block["lines"] = []
-                md_block["level"] = 2
-            continue
-        elif code_match:
-            # code
-            md_block["interrupted"] = 1
-            md_blocks.append(md_block)
-            md_block = {'type': "code",
-                        'lines': [],
-                        }
-            if code_match.group(1):
-                md_block['language'] = code_match.group(1)
-            continue
-        # indentation insensitive types
-        markup_match = re.search(r'^[ ]*<\??(\w+)[^>]*([\/\?])?[ \t]*>', line)
-        li_match = re.search(r'^([ ]*)[*+-][ ](.*)', line)
-        quote_match = re.search(r'^[ ]*>[ ]?(.*)', line)
-        if re.search(r'^[ ]*<!DOCTYPE/', line):
-            md_blocks.append(md_block)
-            md_block = {'type': "markup",
-                        'text': deindented_line,
-                        'start': '<',
-                        'end': '>',
-                        'depth': 0,
-                        }
-        elif markup_match:
-            # markup, including <?xml version="1.0"?>
-            tag = markup_match.group(1)
-            is_self_closing = markup_match.group(2) is not None
-            # skip link markdown
-            # TODO(ensonic): consider adding more uri schemes (ftp, ...)
-            if re.search(r'https?', tag):
-                logging.info("skipping link '%s'", tag)
-            else:
-                # for TEXT_LEVEL_ELEMENTS, we want to keep them as-is in the paragraph
-                # instead of creation a markdown block.
-                scanning_for_end_of_text_level_tag = (
-                    md_block["type"] == "paragraph" and
-                    'start' in md_block and
-                    'closed' not in md_block)
-                logging.info("markup found '%s', scanning %s ?", tag, scanning_for_end_of_text_level_tag)
-                if tag not in MD_TEXT_LEVEL_ELEMENTS and not scanning_for_end_of_text_level_tag:
-                    md_blocks.append(md_block)
-                    if is_self_closing:
-                        logging.info("self-closing docbook '%s'", tag)
-                        md_block = {'type': "self-closing tag",
-                                    'text': deindented_line,
-                                    }
-                        is_self_closing = 0
-                        continue
-                    logging.info("new markup '%s'", tag)
-                    md_block = {'type': "markup",
-                                'text': deindented_line,
-                                'start': '<' + tag + '>',
-                                'end': '</' + tag + '>',
-                                'depth': 0,
-                                }
-                    if re.search(r'<\/%s>' % tag, deindented_line):
-                        md_block["closed"] = 1
-                    continue
-                else:
-                    if tag in MD_TEXT_LEVEL_ELEMENTS:
-                        logging.info("text level docbook '%s' in '%s' state", tag, md_block["type"])
-                        # TODO(ensonic): handle nesting
-                        if not scanning_for_end_of_text_level_tag:
-                            if not re.search(r'<\/%s>' % tag, deindented_line):
-                                logging.info("new text level markup '%s'", tag)
-                                md_block["start"] = '<' + tag + '>'
-                                md_block["end"] = '</' + tag + '>'
-                                md_block.pop("closed", None)
-                                logging.info("scanning for end of '%s'", tag)
-                        else:
-                            if md_block["end"] in deindented_line:
-                                md_block["closed"] = 1
-                                logging.info("found end of '%s'", tag)
-        elif li_match:
-            # li
-            md_blocks.append(md_block)
-            indentation = li_match.group(1)
-            md_block = {'type': "li",
-                        'ordered': 0,
-                        'indentation': indentation,
-                        'marker': "[*+-]",
-                        'first': 1,
-                        'last': 1,
-                        'lines': [re.sub(r'^[ ]{0,4}', '', li_match.group(2))],
-                        }
-            continue
-        elif quote_match:
-            md_blocks.append(md_block)
-            md_block = {'type': "quote",
-                        'lines': [quote_match.group(1)],
-                        }
-            continue
-        # list item
-        list_item_match = re.search(r'^([ ]{0,4})\d+[.][ ]+(.*)', line)
-        if list_item_match:
-            md_blocks.append(md_block)
-            indentation = list_item_match.group(1)
-            md_block = {'type': "li",
-                        'ordered': 1,
-                        'indentation': indentation,
-                        'marker': "\\d+[.]",
-                        'first': 1,
-                        'last': 1,
-                        'lines': [re.sub(r'^[ ]{0,4}', '', list_item_match.group(2))],
-                        }
-            continue
-        # paragraph
-        if md_block["type"] == "paragraph":
-            if "interrupted" in md_block:
-                md_blocks.append(md_block)
-                md_block = {'type': "paragraph",
-                            'text': line,
-                            }
-                logging.info("new paragraph due to interrupted")
-            else:
-                md_block["text"] += "\n" + line
-                logging.info("add to paragraph: '%s'", line)
-        else:
-            md_blocks.append(md_block)
-            md_block = {'type': "paragraph",
-                        'text': line,
-                        }
-            logging.info("new paragraph due to different block type")
-    md_blocks.append(md_block)
-    md_blocks.pop(0)
-    return md_blocks
-def MarkDownParseSpanElementsInner(text, markersref):
-    markup = ''
-    markers = {i: 1 for i in markersref}
-    while text != '':
-        closest_marker = ''
-        closest_marker_position = -1
-        text_marker = ''
-        offset = 0
-        markers_rest = []
-        for marker, use in markers.items():
-            if not use:
-                continue
-            marker_position = text.find(marker)
-            if marker_position < 0:
-                markers[marker] = 0
-                continue
-            if closest_marker == '' or marker_position < closest_marker_position:
-                closest_marker = marker
-                closest_marker_position = marker_position
-        if closest_marker_position >= 0:
-            text_marker = text[closest_marker_position:]
-        if text_marker == '':
-            markup += text
-            text = ''
-            continue
-        markup += text[:closest_marker_position]
-        text = text[closest_marker_position:]
-        markers_rest = {k: v for k, v in markers.items() if v and k != closest_marker}
-        if closest_marker == '![' or closest_marker == '[':
-            element = None
-            # FIXME: '(?R)' is a recursive subpattern
-            # match a [...] block with no ][ inside or this thing again
-            # m = re.search(r'\[((?:[^][]|(?R))*)\]', text)
-            m = re.search(r'\[((?:[^][])*)\]', text)
-            if ']' in text and m:
-                element = {'!': text[0] == '!',
-                           'a': m.group(1),
-                           }
-                offset = len(m.group(0))
-                if element['!']:
-                    offset += 1
-                logging.debug("Recursive md-expr match: off=%d, text='%s', match='%s'", offset, text, 
-                remaining_text = text[offset:]
-                m2 = re.search(r'''^\([ ]*([^)'"]*?)(?:[ ]+['"](.+?)['"])?[ ]*\)''', remaining_text)
-                m3 = re.search(r'^\s*\[([^\]<]*?)\]', remaining_text)
-                if m2:
-                    element['»'] = m2.group(1)
-                    if m2.group(2):
-                        element['#'] = m2.group(2)
-                    offset += len(m2.group(0))
-                elif m3:
-                    element['ref'] = m3.group(1)
-                    offset += len(m3.group(0))
-                else:
-                    element = None
-            if element:
-                if '»' in element:
-                    element['»'] = element['»'].replace('&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;')
-                if element['!']:
-                    markup += '<inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="' + \
-                        element['»'] + '"></imagedata></imageobject>'
-                    if 'a' in element:
-                        markup += "<textobject><phrase>" + element['a'] + "</phrase></textobject>"
-                        markup += "</inlinemediaobject>"
-                elif 'ref' in element:
-                    element['a'] = MarkDownParseSpanElementsInner(element['a'], markers_rest)
-                    markup += '<link linkend="' + element['ref'] + '"'
-                    if '#' in element:
-                        # title attribute not supported
-                        pass
-                    markup += '>' + element['a'] + "</link>"
-                else:
-                    element['a'] = MarkDownParseSpanElementsInner(element['a'], markers_rest)
-                    markup += '<ulink url="' + element['»'] + '"'
-                    if '#' in element:
-                        # title attribute not supported
-                        pass
-                    markup += '>' + element['a'] + "</ulink>"
-            else:
-                markup += closest_marker
-                if closest_marker == '![':
-                    offset = 2
-                else:
-                    offset = 1
-        elif closest_marker == '<':
-            m4 = re.search(r'^<(https?:[\/]{2}[^\s]+?)>', text, flags=re.I)
-            m5 = re.search(r'^<([A-Za-z0-9._-]+?@[A-Za-z0-9._-]+?)>', text)
-            m6 = re.search(r'^<[^>]+?>', text)
-            if m4:
-                element_url = m4.group(1).replace('&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;')
-                markup += '<ulink url="' + element_url + '">' + element_url + '</ulink>'
-                offset = len(m4.group(0))
-            elif m5:
-                markup += "<ulink url=\"mailto:"; + m5.group(1) + "\">" + m5.group(1) + "</ulink>"
-                offset = len(m5.group(0))
-            elif m6:
-                markup += m6.group(0)
-                offset = len(m6.group(0))
-            else:
-                markup += "&lt;"
-                offset = 1
-        elif closest_marker == "\\":
-            special_char = ''
-            if len(text) > 1:
-                special_char = text[1]
-            if special_char in MD_ESCAPABLE_CHARS or special_char in MD_GTK_ESCAPABLE_CHARS:
-                markup += special_char
-                offset = 2
-            else:
-                markup += "\\"
-                offset = 1
-        elif closest_marker == "`":
-            m7 = re.search(r'^(`+)([^`]+?)\1(?!`)', text)
-            if m7:
-                element_text = m7.group(2)
-                markup += "<literal>" + element_text + "</literal>"
-                offset = len(m7.group(0))
-            else:
-                markup += "`"
-                offset = 1
-        elif closest_marker == "@":
-            # Convert '@param()'
-            # FIXME: we could make those also links ($symbol.$2), but that would be less
-            # useful as the link target is a few lines up or down
-            m7 = re.search(r'^(\A|[^\\])\@(\w+((\.|->)\w+)*)\s*\(\)', text)
-            m8 = re.search(r'^(\A|[^\\])\@(\w+((\.|->)\w+)*)', text)
-            m9 = re.search(r'^\\\@', text)
-            if m7:
-                markup += m7.group(1) + "<parameter>" + m7.group(2) + "()</parameter>\n"
-                offset = len(m7.group(0))
-            elif m8:
-                # Convert '@param', but not '\@param'.
-                markup += m8.group(1) + "<parameter>" + m8.group(2) + "</parameter>\n"
-                offset = len(m8.group(0))
-            elif m9:
-                markup += r"\@"
-                offset = len(m9.group(0))
-            else:
-                markup += "@"
-                offset = 1
-        elif closest_marker == '#':
-            m10 = re.search(r'^(\A|[^\\])#([\w\-:\.]+[\w]+)\s*\(\)', text)
-            m11 = re.search(r'^(\A|[^\\])#([\w\-:\.]+[\w]+)', text)
-            m12 = re.search(r'^\\#', text)
-            if m10:
-                # handle #Object.func()
-                markup += m10.group(1) + MakeXRef(m10.group(2), tagify(m10.group(2) + "()", "function"))
-                offset = len(m10.group(0))
-            elif m11:
-                # Convert '#symbol', but not '\#symbol'.
-                markup += m11.group(1) + MakeHashXRef(m11.group(2), "type")
-                offset = len(m11.group(0))
-            elif m12:
-                markup += '#'
-                offset = len(m12.group(0))
-            else:
-                markup += '#'
-                offset = 1
-        elif closest_marker == "%":
-            m12 = re.search(r'^(\A|[^\\])\%(-?\w+)', text)
-            m13 = re.search(r'^\\%', text)
-            if m12:
-                # Convert '%constant', but not '\%constant'.
-                # Also allow negative numbers, e.g. %-1.
-                markup += m12.group(1) + MakeXRef(m12.group(2), tagify(m12.group(2), "literal"))
-                offset = len(m12.group(0))
-            elif m13:
-                markup += r"\%"
-                offset = len(m13.group(0))
-            else:
-                markup += "%"
-                offset = 1
-        if offset > 0:
-            text = text[offset:]
-    return markup
-def MarkDownParseSpanElements(text):
-    markers = ["\\", '<', '![', '[', "`", '%', '#', '@']
-    text = MarkDownParseSpanElementsInner(text, markers)
-    # Convert 'function()' or 'macro()'.
-    # if there is abc_*_def() we don't want to make a link to _def()
-    # FIXME: also handle abc(def(....)) : but that would need to be done recursively :/
-    def f(m):
-        return m.group(1) + MakeXRef(m.group(2), tagify(m.group(2) + "()", "function"))
-    text = re.sub(r'([^\*.\w])(\w+)\s*\(\)', f, text)
-    return text
-def ReplaceEntities(text, symbol):
-    entities = [["&lt;", '<'],
-                ["&gt;", '>'],
-                ["&ast;", '*'],
-                ["&num;", '#'],
-                ["&percnt;", '%'],
-                ["&colon;", ':'],
-                ["&quot;", '"'],
-                ["&apos;", "'"],
-                ["&nbsp;", ' '],
-                ["&amp;", '&'],  # Do this last, or the others get messed up.
-                ]
-    # Expand entities in <programlisting> even inside CDATA since
-    # we changed the definition of |[ to add CDATA
-    for i in entities:
-        text = re.sub(i[0], i[1], text)
-    return text
-def MarkDownOutputDocBook(blocksref, symbol, context):
-    output = ''
-    blocks = blocksref
-    for block in blocks:
-    #$output += "\n<!-- beg type='" . $block->{"type"} . "'-->\n"
-        if block["type"] == "paragraph":
-            text = MarkDownParseSpanElements(block["text"])
-            if context == "li" and output == '':
-                if 'interrupted' in block:
-                    output += "\n<para>%s</para>\n" % text
-                else:
-                    output += "<para>%s</para>" % text
-                    if len(blocks) > 1:
-                        output += "\n"
-            else:
-                output += "<para>%s</para>\n" % text
-        elif block["type"] == "heading":
-            title = MarkDownParseSpanElements(block["text"])
-            if block["level"] == 1:
-                tag = "refsect2"
-            else:
-                tag = "refsect3"
-            text = MarkDownParseLines(block["lines"], symbol, "heading")
-            if 'id' in block:
-                output += "<%s id=\"%s\">" % (tag, block["id"])
-            else:
-                output += "<%s>" % tag
-            output += "<title>%s</title>%s</%s>\n" % (title, text, tag)
-        elif block["type"] == "li":
-            tag = "itemizedlist"
-            if "first" in block:
-                if block["ordered"]:
-                    tag = "orderedlist"
-                output += "<%s>\n" % tag
-            if "interrupted" in block:
-                block["lines"].append('')
-            text = MarkDownParseLines(block["lines"], symbol, "li")
-            output += "<listitem>" + text + "</listitem>\n"
-            if 'last' in block:
-                if block["ordered"]:
-                    tag = "orderedlist"
-                output += "</%s>\n" % tag
-        elif block["type"] == "quote":
-            text = MarkDownParseLines(block["lines"], symbol, "quote")
-            output += "<blockquote>\n%s</blockquote>\n" % text
-        elif block["type"] == "code":
-            tag = "programlisting"
-            if "language" in block:
-                if block["language"] == "plain":
-                    output += "<informalexample><screen><![CDATA[\n"
-                    tag = "screen"
-                else:
-                    output += "<informalexample><programlisting language=\"%s\"><![CDATA[\n" % 
-            else:
-                output += "<informalexample><programlisting><![CDATA[\n"
-            logging.debug('listing for %s: [%s]', symbol, '\n'.join(block['lines']))
-            for line in block["lines"]:
-                output += ReplaceEntities(line, symbol) + "\n"
-            output += "]]></%s></informalexample>\n" % tag
-        elif block["type"] == "markup":
-            text = ExpandAbbreviations(symbol, block["text"])
-            output += text + "\n"
-        else:
-            output += block["text"] + "\n"
-        #$output += "\n<!-- end type='" . $block->{"type"} . "'-->\n"
-    return output
-def MarkDownParseLines(lines, symbol, context):
-    logging.info('md parse: ctx=%s, [%s]', context, '\n'.join(lines))
-    blocks = MarkDownParseBlocks(lines, symbol, context)
-    output = MarkDownOutputDocBook(blocks, symbol, context)
-    return output
-def MarkDownParse(text, symbol):
-    """Converts mark down syntax to the respective docbook.
-    http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown
-    Inspired by the design of ParseDown
-    http://parsedown.org/
-    Copyright (c) 2013 Emanuil Rusev, erusev.com
-    ==================
-    Atx-style Headers
-    -----------------
-    # Header 1
-    ## Header 2 ##
-    Setext-style Headers
-    --------------------
-    Header 1
-    ========
-    Header 2
-    --------
-    Ordered (unnested) Lists
-    ------------------------
-    1. item 1
-    1. item 2 with loooong
-       description
-    3. item 3
-    Note: we require a blank line above the list items
-    """
-    return MarkDownParseLines(text.splitlines(), symbol, '')
+    md_to_db.Init()
+    return md_to_db.MarkDownParse(text, symbol)
 def ReadDeclarationsFile(ifile, override):

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