[gnome-software/wip/kalev/rpm-ostree: 2/2] update dialog: Add separate sections for package additions and removals

commit 13dea6d4078a5debac3cbc294b41e7eebb650816
Author: Kalev Lember <klember redhat com>
Date:   Mon May 29 13:02:26 2017 +0200

    update dialog: Add separate sections for package additions and removals
    ... as per the design guidance in

 src/gs-update-dialog.c |  114 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 files changed, 104 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/gs-update-dialog.c b/src/gs-update-dialog.c
index 32e94a4..3f1913f 100644
--- a/src/gs-update-dialog.c
+++ b/src/gs-update-dialog.c
@@ -34,6 +34,13 @@ typedef struct {
        GtkWidget       *focus;
 } BackEntry;
+typedef enum {
+} GsUpdateDialogSection;
 struct _GsUpdateDialog
        GtkDialog        parent_instance;
@@ -265,7 +272,6 @@ gs_update_dialog_show_update_details (GsUpdateDialog *dialog, GsApp *app)
        GsApp *app_related;
        AsAppKind kind;
-       const gchar *sort;
        kind = gs_app_get_kind (app);
@@ -291,11 +297,6 @@ gs_update_dialog_show_update_details (GsUpdateDialog *dialog, GsApp *app)
                                                g_object_ref (app_related),
-                       sort = gs_app_get_source_default (app_related);
-                       g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (row),
-                                               "sort",
-                                               g_strdup (sort),
-                                               g_free);
                        label = gtk_label_new (gs_app_get_source_default (app_related));
                        g_object_set (label,
                                      "margin-start", 20,
@@ -333,14 +334,104 @@ gs_update_dialog_show_update_details (GsUpdateDialog *dialog, GsApp *app)
+static GsUpdateDialogSection
+get_app_section (GsApp *app)
+       /* Sections:
+        * 1. additions
+        * 2. removals
+        * 3. updates */
+       if (gs_app_get_state (app) == AS_APP_STATE_AVAILABLE) {
+       } else if (gs_app_get_state (app) == AS_APP_STATE_UNAVAILABLE) {
+       } else if (gs_app_get_state (app) == AS_APP_STATE_UPDATABLE ||
+                gs_app_get_state (app) == AS_APP_STATE_UPDATABLE_LIVE) {
+               return GS_UPDATE_DIALOG_SECTION_UPDATES;
+       } else {
+               /* XXX: can we reach this with INSTALLING state? */
+               g_assert_not_reached ();
+       }
+static gchar *
+get_app_sort_key (GsApp *app)
+       GString *key;
+       key = g_string_sized_new (64);
+       /* first sort apps by section */
+       g_string_append_printf (key, "%u:", get_app_section (app));
+       /* then sort by name */
+       g_string_append (key, gs_app_get_source_default (app));
+       return g_string_free (key, FALSE);
+static GtkWidget *
+get_section_header (GsUpdateDialog *dialog, GsUpdateDialogSection section)
+       GtkStyleContext *context;
+       GtkWidget *header;
+       GtkWidget *label;
+       /* get labels and buttons for everything */
+       if (section == GS_UPDATE_DIALOG_SECTION_ADDITIONS) {
+               /* TRANSLATORS: This is the header for package additions during
+                * a system update */
+               label = gtk_label_new (_("Additions"));
+       } else if (section == GS_UPDATE_DIALOG_SECTION_REMOVALS) {
+               /* TRANSLATORS: This is the header for package removals during
+                * a system update */
+               label = gtk_label_new (_("Removals"));
+       } else if (section == GS_UPDATE_DIALOG_SECTION_UPDATES) {
+               /* TRANSLATORS: This is the header for package removals during
+                * a system update */
+               label = gtk_label_new (_("Updates"));
+       } else {
+               g_assert_not_reached ();
+       }
+       /* create header */
+       header = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 3);
+       context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (header);
+       gtk_style_context_add_class (context, "app-listbox-header");
+       /* put label into the header */
+       gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (header), label, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+       gtk_widget_set_visible (label, TRUE);
+       gtk_widget_set_margin_start (label, 6);
+       gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.0);
+       context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (label);
+       gtk_style_context_add_class (context, "app-listbox-header-title");
+       /* success */
+       return header;
 static void
 list_header_func (GtkListBoxRow *row,
                  GtkListBoxRow *before,
                  gpointer user_data)
+       GsUpdateDialog *dialog = (GsUpdateDialog *) user_data;
+       GObject *o = G_OBJECT (gtk_bin_get_child (GTK_BIN (row)));
+       GsApp *app = g_object_get_data (o, "app");
+       GsApp *app_before = NULL;
        GtkWidget *header = NULL;
-       if (before != NULL)
-               header = gtk_separator_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
+       /* get the app before */
+       if (before != NULL) {
+               GObject *o_before = G_OBJECT (gtk_bin_get_child (GTK_BIN (before)));
+               app_before = g_object_get_data (o_before, "app");
+       }
+       /* section changed */
+       if (before == NULL ||
+           (get_app_section (app_before) != get_app_section (app))) {
+               header = get_section_header (dialog, get_app_section (app));
+       }
        gtk_list_box_row_set_header (row, header);
@@ -351,8 +442,11 @@ os_updates_sort_func (GtkListBoxRow *a,
        GObject *o1 = G_OBJECT (gtk_bin_get_child (GTK_BIN (a)));
        GObject *o2 = G_OBJECT (gtk_bin_get_child (GTK_BIN (b)));
-       const gchar *key1 = g_object_get_data (o1, "sort");
-       const gchar *key2 = g_object_get_data (o2, "sort");
+       GsApp *a1 = g_object_get_data (o1, "app");
+       GsApp *a2 = g_object_get_data (o2, "app");
+       g_autofree gchar *key1 = get_app_sort_key (a1);
+       g_autofree gchar *key2 = get_app_sort_key (a2);
        return g_strcmp0 (key1, key2);

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