[libgweather] Updated Bulgarian translation

commit ef2d6fbaaa4e893ecea7bd315342dcaab62ebcfb
Author: Alexander Shopov <ash kambanaria org>
Date:   Sun Sep 10 18:30:29 2017 +0300

    Updated Bulgarian translation

 po-locations/bg.po | 8631 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 files changed, 4342 insertions(+), 4289 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po-locations/bg.po b/po-locations/bg.po
index bfe21f3..4da5118 100644
--- a/po-locations/bg.po
+++ b/po-locations/bg.po
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 # Bulgarian translation of weather-locations po-file.
 # Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# Copyright (C) 2010, 2013, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2010, 2013, 2015, 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 # Copyright (C) 2010, 2014 Krasimir Chonov <mk2616 abv bg>.
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the libgweather package.
 # Vladimir Petkov <kaladan gmail com>, 2004.
 # Rostislav Raykov <zbrox i-space org>, 2004.
 # Ivelina Karcheva <anima i-space org>, 2004.
-# Alexander Shopov <ash kambanaria org>, 2005, 2013, 2015.
+# Alexander Shopov <ash kambanaria org>, 2005, 2013, 2015, 2017.
 # Yavor Doganov <yavor gnu org>, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009.
 # Krasimir Chonov <mk2616 abv bg>, 2010, 2014.
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: libgweather-locations master\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-03-09 19:07+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-03-09 19:07+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-10 18:30+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-10 18:30+0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: Alexander Shopov <ash kambanaria org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Bulgarian <dict fsa-bg org>\n"
 "Language: bg\n"
@@ -896,75 +896,83 @@ msgstr "Куелимане"
 msgid "Namibia"
 msgstr "Намибия"
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:366
+msgid "Windhoek"
+msgstr "Виндхук"
 #. NE - Niger
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:367
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:368
 msgid "Niger"
 msgstr "Нигер"
 #. A city in Niger
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:369
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:370
 msgid "Agadez"
 msgstr "Агадес"
 #. The capital of Niger
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:371
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:372
 msgid "Niamey"
 msgstr "Ниамей"
 #. A city in Niger
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:373
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:374
 msgid "Zinder"
 msgstr "Зиндер"
 #. NG - Nigeria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:375
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:376
 msgid "Nigeria"
 msgstr "Нигерия"
-#. A city in Lagos Nigeria
 #: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:377
+msgid "Abuja"
+msgstr "Абуджа"
+#. A city in Lagos Nigeria
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:379
 msgid "Ikeja"
 msgstr "Икеджа"
 #. A city in Nigeria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:379
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:381
 msgid "Ilorin"
 msgstr "Илорин"
 #. A city in Nigeria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:381
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:383
 msgid "Kaduna"
 msgstr "Кадуна"
 #. A city in Nigeria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:383
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:385
 msgid "Kano"
 msgstr "Кано"
 #. A city in Nigeria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:385
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:387
 msgid "Port Harcourt"
 msgstr "Порт Харкорт"
 #. RW - Rwanda
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:387
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:389
 msgid "Rwanda"
 msgstr "Руанда"
 #. RE - Réunion, an overseas department of France in the Indian
 #. Ocean.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:391
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:393
 msgid "Réunion"
 msgstr "Реюнион"
 #. The capital of Réunion
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:393
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:395
 msgid "Saint-Denis"
 msgstr "Сен-Дени"
 #. A city in Réunion
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:395
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:397
 msgctxt "City in Réunion"
 msgid "Saint-Pierre"
 msgstr "Сен-Пиер"
@@ -973,139 +981,139 @@ msgstr "Сен-Пиер"
 #. "São Tomé and Príncipe". The official ISO 3166 short English
 #. name does not have the accents.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:400
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:402
 msgid "Sao Tome and Principe"
 msgstr "Сао Томе и Принсипе"
 #. SN - Senegal
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:402
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:404
 msgid "Senegal"
 msgstr "Сенегал"
 #. A city in Senegal
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:404
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:406
 msgid "Boukot Ouolof"
 msgstr "Боукот Оуолоф"
 #. The capital of Senegal
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:406
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:408
 msgid "Dakar"
 msgstr "Дакар"
 #. A city in Senegal
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:408
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:410
 msgid "Saint-Louis"
 msgstr "Сен-Луис"
 #. A city in Senegal
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:410
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:412
 msgid "Tambacounda"
 msgstr "Тамбакунда"
 #. A city in Senegal
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:412
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:414
 msgid "Ziguinchor"
 msgstr "Зигуинчор"
 #. SC - Seychelles
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:414
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:416
 msgid "Seychelles"
 msgstr "Сейшелски острови"
 #. A city in the Seychelles
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:416
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:418
 msgid "Cascade"
 msgstr "Каскейд"
 #. The capital of the Seychelles
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:418
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:420
 msgctxt "City in Seychelles"
 msgid "Victoria"
 msgstr "Виктория"
 #. SL - Sierra Leone
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:420
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:422
 msgid "Sierra Leone"
 msgstr "Сиера Леоне"
 # В някои други източници и преводи (tzdata) е „Фритаун“.
 #. The capital of Sierra Leone
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:422
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:424
 msgid "Freetown"
 msgstr "Фрийтaун"
 #. A city in Sierra Leone
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:424
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:426
 msgid "Lungi"
 msgstr "Лунги"
 #. SO - Somalia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:426
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:428
 msgid "Somalia"
 msgstr "Сомалия"
 #. ZA - South Africa
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:428
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:430
 msgid "South Africa"
 msgstr "Южноафриканска Република"
 #. A city in South Africa
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:430
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:432
 msgid "Bloemfontein"
 msgstr "Бломфонтен"
 #. A city in South Africa
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:432
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:434
 msgid "Cape Town"
 msgstr "Кейптаун"
 #. A city in South Africa
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:434
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:436
 msgid "Durban"
 msgstr "Дърбан"
 #. A city in South Africa
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:436
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:438
 msgid "Johannesburg"
 msgstr "Йоханесбург"
 #. A city in South Africa
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:438
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:440
 msgid "Klerksdorp"
 msgstr "Клерксдорп"
 #. A city in South Africa
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:440
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:442
 msgid "Port Elizabeth"
 msgstr "Порт Елизабет"
 #. A city in South Africa
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:442
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:444
 msgid "Potchefstroom"
 msgstr "Почефстроом"
 #. The capital of South Africa
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:444
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:446
 msgid "Pretoria"
 msgstr "Претория"
 #. A city in South Africa
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:446
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:448
 msgid "Springs"
 msgstr "Спрингс"
 #. A city in South Africa
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:448
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:450
 msgid "Upington"
 msgstr "Упингтон"
 #. A city in South Africa
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:450
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:452
 msgid "Vereeniging"
 msgstr "Вереенигинг"
 #. SD - Sudan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:452
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:454
 msgid "Sudan"
 msgstr "Судан"
@@ -1113,267 +1121,267 @@ msgstr "Судан"
 #. "Khartoum" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Arabic is "Al Khartum".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:457
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:459
 msgid "Khartoum"
 msgstr "Хартум"
 #. SZ - Swaziland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:459
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:461
 msgid "Swaziland"
 msgstr "Свазиленд"
 #. The capital of Swaziland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:461
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:463
 msgid "Lobamba"
 msgstr "Лобамба"
 #. A city in Swaziland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:463
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:465
 msgid "Manzini"
 msgstr "Манзини"
 #. The capital of Swaziland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:465
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:467
 msgid "Mbabane"
 msgstr "Мбабане"
 #. TZ - United Republic of Tanzania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:467
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:469
 msgid "Tanzania"
 msgstr "Танзания"
 #. A city in Tanzania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:469
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:471
 msgid "Arusha"
 msgstr "Аруша"
 #. A city in Tanzania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:471
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:473
 msgid "Bukoba"
 msgstr "Букоба"
 #. The capital of Tanzania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:473
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:475
 msgid "Dar es Salaam"
 msgstr "Дар-ес-Салаам"
 #. A city in Tanzania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:475
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:477
 msgid "Dodoma"
 msgstr "Додома"
 #. A city in Tanzania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:477
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:479
 msgid "Iringa"
 msgstr "Иринга"
 #. A city in Tanzania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:479
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:481
 msgid "Kigoma"
 msgstr "Кигома"
 #. A city in Tanzania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:481
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:483
 msgid "Mbeya"
 msgstr "Мбея"
 #. A city in Tanzania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:483
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:485
 msgid "Morogoro"
 msgstr "Морогоро"
 #. A city in Tanzania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:485
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:487
 msgid "Moshi"
 msgstr "Моши"
 #. A city in Tanzania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:487
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:489
 msgid "Mtwara"
 msgstr "Мтуара"
 #. A city in Tanzania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:489
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:491
 msgid "Musoma"
 msgstr "Мусома"
 #. A city in Tanzania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:491
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:493
 msgid "Mwanza"
 msgstr "Мванза"
 #. A city in Tanzania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:493
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:495
 msgid "Songea"
 msgstr "Сонгея"
 #. A city in Tanzania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:495
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:497
 msgid "Tabora"
 msgstr "Табора"
 #. A city in Tanzania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:497
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:499
 msgid "Zanzibar"
 msgstr "Занзибар"
 #. TG - Togo
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:499
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:501
 msgid "Togo"
 msgstr "Того"
 #. The capital of Togo
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:501
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:503
 msgid "Lome"
 msgstr "Ломе"
 #. A city in Togo
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:503
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:505
 msgid "Niamtougou"
 msgstr "Ниамтугу"
 #. TN - Tunisia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:505
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:507
 msgid "Tunisia"
 msgstr "Тунис"
 #. A city in Tunisia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:507
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:509
 msgid "Bizerte"
 msgstr "Бизерта"
 #. A city in Tunisia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:509
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:511
 msgid "El Borma"
 msgstr "Ел Борма"
 #. A city in Tunisia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:511
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:513
 msgid "Gabes"
 msgstr "Габес"
 #. A city in Tunisia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:513
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:515
 msgid "Gafsa"
 msgstr "Гафса"
 #. A city in Tunisia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:515
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:517
 msgid "Houmt Souk"
 msgstr "Хумт Сук"
 #. A city in Tunisia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:517
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:519
 msgid "Jendouba"
 msgstr "Джендуба"
 #. A city in Tunisia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:519
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:521
 msgid "Kairouan"
 msgstr "Кайроуан"
 #. A city in Tunisia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:521
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:523
 msgid "Monastir"
 msgstr "Монастир"
 #. A city in Tunisia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:523
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:525
 msgid "Qulaybiyah"
 msgstr "Кулайбиях"
 #. A city in Tunisia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:525
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:527
 msgid "Remada"
 msgstr "Ремада"
 #. A city in Tunisia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:527
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:529
 msgid "Sfax"
 msgstr "Сфакс"
 #. A city in Tunisia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:529
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:531
 msgid "Tabarka"
 msgstr "Табарка"
 #. A city in Tunisia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:531
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:533
 msgid "Tozeur"
 msgstr "Тозюр"
 #. The capital of Tunisia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:533
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:535
 msgid "Tunis"
 msgstr "Тунис"
 #. UG - Uganda
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:535
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:537
 msgid "Uganda"
 msgstr "Уганда"
 #. A city in Uganda
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:537
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:539
 msgid "Arua"
 msgstr "Аруа"
 #. A city in Uganda
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:539
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:541
 msgid "Entebbe"
 msgstr "Ентебе"
 #. A city in Uganda
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:541
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:543
 msgid "Kabale"
 msgstr "Кабале"
 #. The capital of Uganda
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:543
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:545
 msgid "Kampala"
 msgstr "Кампала"
 #. EH - Western Sahara, a disputed territory in western Africa
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:545
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:547
 msgid "Western Sahara"
 msgstr "Западна Сахара"
 #. ZM - Zambia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:547
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:549
 msgid "Zambia"
 msgstr "Замбия"
 #. A city in Zambia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:549
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:551
 msgid "Chinganze"
 msgstr "Чингандзе"
 #. A city in Zambia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:551
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:553
 msgid "Livingstone"
 msgstr "Ливингстон"
 #. The capital of Zambia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:553
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:555
 msgid "Lusaka"
 msgstr "Лусака"
 #. A city in Zambia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:555
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:557
 msgid "Ndola"
 msgstr "Ндола"
 #. ZW - Zimbabwe
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:557
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:559
 msgid "Zimbabwe"
 msgstr "Зимбабве"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:558
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:560
 msgctxt "Region"
 msgid "Antarctica"
 msgstr "Антарктида"
 #. AQ - Antarctica
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:560
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:562
 msgctxt "Country"
 msgid "Antarctica"
 msgstr "Антарктида"
@@ -1383,7 +1391,7 @@ msgstr "Антарктида"
 #. in places where "Antarctica" is already clear from
 #. context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:566
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:568
 msgid "Palmer Station (Chile Time)"
 msgstr "Станция „Палмър“ (чилийско време)"
@@ -1391,7 +1399,7 @@ msgstr "Станция „Палмър“ (чилийско време)"
 #. only used in places where "Antarctica" is already clear
 #. from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:571
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:573
 msgid "Rothera Research Station"
 msgstr "Станция „Ротера“"
@@ -1399,7 +1407,7 @@ msgstr "Станция „Ротера“"
 #. only used in places where "Antarctica" is already clear
 #. from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:576
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:578
 msgid "Showa Station"
 msgstr "Станция „Шоуа“"
@@ -1407,7 +1415,7 @@ msgstr "Станция „Шоуа“"
 #. is only used in places where "Antarctica" is already
 #. clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:581
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:583
 msgid "Mawson Station"
 msgstr "Станция „Моусън“"
@@ -1415,7 +1423,7 @@ msgstr "Станция „Моусън“"
 #. only used in places where "Antarctica" is already clear
 #. from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:586
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:588
 msgid "Vostok Station"
 msgstr "Станция „Восток“"
@@ -1423,7 +1431,7 @@ msgstr "Станция „Восток“"
 #. is only used in places where "Antarctica" is already
 #. clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:591
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:593
 msgid "Davis Station"
 msgstr "Станция „Дейвис“"
@@ -1432,7 +1440,7 @@ msgstr "Станция „Дейвис“"
 #. only used in places where "Antarctica" is already clear
 #. from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:597
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:599
 msgid "Casey Station (Western Australia Time)"
 msgstr "Станция Кейси (западно-австралийско време)"
@@ -1440,7 +1448,7 @@ msgstr "Станция Кейси (западно-австралийско вр
 #. only used in places where "Antarctica" is already clear
 #. from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:602
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:604
 msgid "Dumont d'Urville Station"
 msgstr "Станция „Дюмон Дюрвил“"
@@ -1448,7 +1456,7 @@ msgstr "Станция „Дюмон Дюрвил“"
 #. the same time as New Zealand. The string is only used in
 #. places where "Antarctica" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:607
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:609
 msgid "McMurdo Station (New Zealand Time)"
 msgstr "Станция „Макмърдо“ (новозеландско време)"
@@ -1456,21 +1464,25 @@ msgstr "Станция „Макмърдо“ (новозеландско вре
 #. the same time as New Zealand. The string is only used in
 #. places where "Antarctica" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:612
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:614
 msgid "Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station (New Zealand Time)"
 msgstr "Станция на Южния полюс „Амундсен-Скот“ (новозеландско време)"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:613
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:615
+msgid "Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station"
+msgstr "Станция на Южния полюс „Амундсен-Скот“"
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:616
 msgid "Asia"
 msgstr "Азия"
 #. AF - Afghanistan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:615
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:618
 msgid "Afghanistan"
 msgstr "Афганистан"
 #. A city in Afghanistan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:617
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:620
 msgid "Herat"
 msgstr "Херат"
@@ -1478,22 +1490,22 @@ msgstr "Херат"
 #. "Kabul" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Persian is "Kabol".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:622
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:625
 msgid "Kabul"
 msgstr "Кабул"
 #. A city in Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:624
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:627
 msgid "Armenia"
 msgstr "Армения"
 #. The capital of Armenia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:626
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:629
 msgid "Yerevan"
 msgstr "Ереван"
 #. AZ - Azerbaijan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:628
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:631
 msgid "Azerbaijan"
 msgstr "Азербейджан"
@@ -1501,56 +1513,56 @@ msgstr "Азербейджан"
 #. "Baku" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name is "Baki".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:633
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:636
 msgid "Baku"
 msgstr "Баку"
 #. A city in Azerbaijan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:635
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:638
 msgid "Ganca"
 msgstr "Ганка"
 #. BD - Bangladesh
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:637
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:640
 msgid "Bangladesh"
 msgstr "Бангладеш"
 #. A city in Bangladesh.
 #. The local name in Bengali is "চট্টগ্রাম".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:641
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:644
 msgid "Chittagong"
 msgstr "Читагонг"
 #. The capital of Bangladesh.
 #. The local name in Bengali is "ঢাকা".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:645
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:648
 msgid "Dhaka"
 msgstr "Дака"
 #. A city in Bangladesh
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:647
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:650
 msgid "Solpur"
 msgstr "Солпур"
 #. BT - Bhutan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:649
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:652
 msgid "Bhutan"
 msgstr "Бутан"
 #. BN - Brunei Darussalam
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:651
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:654
 msgid "Brunei"
 msgstr "Бруней"
 #. The capital of Brunei
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:653
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:656
 msgid "Bandar Seri Begawan"
 msgstr "Бандар-Сери-Бегаван"
 #. KH - Cambodia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:655
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:658
 msgid "Cambodia"
 msgstr "Камбоджа"
@@ -1558,48 +1570,48 @@ msgstr "Камбоджа"
 #. "Phnom Penh" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Khmer is "Phnum Penh".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:660
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:663
 msgid "Phnom Penh"
 msgstr "Пном Пен"
 #. A city in Cambodia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:662
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:665
 msgid "Siemreab"
 msgstr "Сиемреаб"
 #. CN - China. (The official ISO 3166 short English name does
 #. not include "The People's Republic of".)
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:666
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:669
 msgid "China"
 msgstr "Китай"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:668
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:671
 msgid "Anhui"
 msgstr "Анхуи"
 #. A city in Anhui in China.
 #. The name is also written "合肥".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:672
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:675
 msgid "Hefei"
 msgstr "Хефей"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:674
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:677
 msgctxt "State in China"
 msgid "Beijing"
 msgstr "Пекин"
 #. The capital of China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:676
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:679
 msgctxt "City in Beijing, China"
 msgid "Beijing"
 msgstr "Пекин"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:678
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:681
 msgctxt "State in China"
 msgid "Chongqing"
 msgstr "Чонгкинг"
@@ -1607,227 +1619,227 @@ msgstr "Чонгкинг"
 #. A city in Chongqing in China.
 #. The name is also written "重庆".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:682
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:685
 msgctxt "City in Chongqing, China"
 msgid "Chongqing"
 msgstr "Чонгкинг"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:684
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:687
 msgid "Fujian"
 msgstr "Фуджиан"
 #. A city in Fujian in China.
 #. The name is also written "福州".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:688
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:691
 msgid "Fuzhou"
 msgstr "Фуджоу"
 #. A city in Fujian in China.
 #. The name is also written "厦门".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:692
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:695
 msgid "Xiamen"
 msgstr "Зиамен"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:694
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:697
 msgid "Gansu"
 msgstr "Гансу"
 #. A city in Gansu in China.
 #. The name is also written "å…°å·ž".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:698
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:701
 msgid "Lanzhou"
 msgstr "Ланжоу"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:700
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:703
 msgid "Guangdong"
 msgstr "Гуангдонг"
 #. A city in Guangdong in China.
 #. The name is also written "广州".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:704
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:707
 msgid "Guangzhou"
 msgstr "Гуангджоу"
 #. A city in Guangdong in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:706
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:709
 msgid "Shantou"
 msgstr "Шантоу"
 #. A city in Guangdong in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:708
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:711
 msgid "Shenzhen"
 msgstr "Шенжен"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:710
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:713
 msgid "Guangxi"
 msgstr "Гуангши"
 #. A city in Guangxi in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:712
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:715
 msgid "Guilin"
 msgstr "Гулин"
 #. A city in Guangxi in China.
 #. The name is also written "南宁".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:716
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:719
 msgid "Nanning"
 msgstr "Нанкин"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:718
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:721
 msgid "Guizhou"
 msgstr "Гуиджоу"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:720
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:723
 msgid "Hainan"
 msgstr "Хайнан"
 #. A city in Hainan in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:722
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:725
 msgid "Sanya"
 msgstr "Саня"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:724
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:727
 msgid "Heilongjiang"
 msgstr "Хейлонгджианг"
 #. A city in Heilongjiang in China.
 #. The name is also written "哈尔滨".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:728
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:731
 msgid "Harbin"
 msgstr "Харбин"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:730
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:733
 msgid "Henan"
 msgstr "Хенан"
 #. A city in Henan in China.
 #. The name is also written "郑州".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:734
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:737
 msgid "Zhengzhou"
 msgstr "Женгжоу"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:736
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:739
 msgid "Hubei"
 msgstr "Хубей"
 #. A city in Hubei in China.
 #. The name is also written "武汉".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:740
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:743
 msgid "Wuhan"
 msgstr "Вухан"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:742
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:745
 msgid "Hunan"
 msgstr "Хунан"
 #. A city in Hunan in China.
 #. The name is also written "é•¿æ²™".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:746
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:749
 msgid "Changsha"
 msgstr "Чангша"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:748
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:751
 msgid "Inner Mongolia"
 msgstr "Вътрешна Монголия"
 #. A city in Inner Mongolia in China.
 #. The name is also written "呼和浩特".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:752
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:755
 msgid "Hohhot"
 msgstr "Хохот"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:754
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:757
 msgid "Jiangsu"
 msgstr "Джиангсу"
 #. A city in Jiangsu in China.
 #. The name is also written "南京".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:758
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:761
 msgid "Nanjing"
 msgstr "Нанджинг"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:760
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:763
 msgid "Jilin"
 msgstr "Джилин"
 #. A city in Jilin in China.
 #. The name is also written "长春".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:764
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:767
 msgid "Changchun"
 msgstr "Чангчун"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:766
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:769
 msgid "Liaoning"
 msgstr "Ляонинг"
 #. A city in Liaoning in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:768
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:771
 msgid "Dalian"
 msgstr "Далян"
 #. A city in Liaoning in China.
 #. The name is also written "沈阳".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:772
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:775
 msgid "Shenyang"
 msgstr "Шенянг"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:774
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:777
 msgid "Shaanxi"
 msgstr "Шаанкси"
 #. A city in Shaanxi in China.
 #. The name is also written "西安".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:778
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:781
 msgid "Xi'an"
 msgstr "Жиан"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:780
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:783
 msgid "Shandong"
 msgstr "Шандонг"
 #. A city in Shandong in China.
 #. The name is also written "济南"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:783
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:786
 msgid "Jinan"
 msgstr "Дзинан"
 #. A city in Shandong in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:785
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:788
 msgid "Qingdao"
 msgstr "Кингдао"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:787
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:790
 msgctxt "State in China"
 msgid "Shanghai"
 msgstr "Шанхай"
@@ -1835,37 +1847,37 @@ msgstr "Шанхай"
 #. A city in Shanghai in China.
 #. The name is also written "上海".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:791
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:794
 msgctxt "City in Shanghai, China"
 msgid "Shanghai"
 msgstr "Шанхай"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:793
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:796
 msgid "Shanxi"
 msgstr "Шанси"
 #. A city in Shanxi in China.
 #. The name is also written "太原".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:797
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:800
 msgid "Taiyuan"
 msgstr "Тайуан"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:799
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:802
 msgid "Sichuan"
 msgstr "Сичуан"
 #. A city in Sichuan in China.
 #. The name is also written "成都".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:803
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:806
 msgid "Chengdu"
 msgstr "Ченду"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:805
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:808
 msgctxt "State in China"
 msgid "Tianjin"
 msgstr "Тианджин"
@@ -1873,128 +1885,132 @@ msgstr "Тианджин"
 #. A city in Tianjin in China.
 #. The name is also written "天津".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:809
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:812
 msgctxt "City in Tianjin, China"
 msgid "Tianjin"
 msgstr "Тианджин"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:811
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:814
 msgid "Xinjiang"
 msgstr "Зинджианг"
 #. A city in Xinjiang in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:813
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:816
 msgid "Kashi"
 msgstr "Каши"
 #. A city in Xinjiang in China.
 #. The name is also written "乌鲁木齐".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:817
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:820
 msgid "Urumqi"
 msgstr "Урумчи"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:819
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:822
 msgid "Yunnan"
 msgstr "Юнан"
 #. A city in Yunnan in China.
 #. The name is also written "昆明".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:823
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:826
 msgid "Kunming"
 msgstr "Кунминг"
 #. A state/province/territory in China
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:825
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:828
 msgid "Zhejiang"
 msgstr "Жеджианг"
 #. A city in Zhejiang in China.
 #. The name is also written "杭州".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:829
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:832
 msgid "Hangzhou"
 msgstr "Ханджоу"
 #. GE - Georgia (the country, not the US state)
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:831
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:834
 msgctxt "Country"
 msgid "Georgia"
 msgstr "Грузия"
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:835
+msgid "Tbilisi"
+msgstr "Тбилиси"
 #. HK - Hong Kong, aka "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
 #. of China"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:835
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:839
 msgid "Hong Kong"
 msgstr "Хонг Конг"
 #. A city in Hong Kong
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:837
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:841
 msgid "Kowloon"
 msgstr "Коулуун"
 #. IN - India
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:839
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:843
 msgid "India"
 msgstr "Индия"
 #. A city in India
 #. the local name in Bengali is "আগরতলা/Agortôla"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:842
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:846
 msgid "Agartala"
 msgstr "Агартала"
 #. A city in India
 #. the local name in Hindi is "आगरा"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:846
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:850
 msgid "Agra"
 msgstr "Агра"
 #. A city in India
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:848
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:852
 msgid "Ahmadabad"
 msgstr "Ахмадабад"
 #. A city in India
 #. the local name in Hindi is "इलाहाबाद"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:851
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:855
 msgid "Allahabad"
 msgstr "Аллахабад"
 #. A city in India
 #. the local name in Punjabi is "ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤਸਰ"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:855
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:859
 msgid "Amritsar"
 msgstr "Амритсар"
 #. A city in India
 #. the local name in Marathi is "औरंगाबाद"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:858
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:862
 msgid "Aurangabad"
 msgstr "Орангабад"
 #. A city in India
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:860
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:864
 msgid "Bagdogra"
 msgstr "Багдогра"
 #. A city in India - local airport
 #. "Bengaluru" is the new name
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:864
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:868
 msgid "Bangalore"
 msgstr "Бангалор"
 #. A city in India
 #. the local name in Gujrati is "ભાવનગર"
 #. the local name in Hindi is "भावनगर"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:868
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:872
 msgid "Bhavnagar"
 msgstr "Бавнагар"
@@ -2003,33 +2019,33 @@ msgstr "Бавнагар"
 #. The local name is "Varanasi".
 #. The local name in Hindi is "वाराणसी".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:874
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:878
 msgid "Benares"
 msgstr "Варанаси"
 #. A city in India.
 #. The local name in Hindi is "भोपाल".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:878
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:882
 msgid "Bhopal"
 msgstr "Бопал"
 #. A city in India.
 #. The local name in Oriya is "ଭୁବେନଶ୍ବର".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:882
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:886
 msgid "Bhubaneshwar"
 msgstr "Бубанешвар"
 #. A city in India.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:884
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:888
 msgid "Bhuj"
 msgstr "Будж"
 #. A union territory in India.
 #. The local name in Hindi is "चण्डीगढ़ / चंडीगढ़"
 #. The local name in Punjabi is "ਚੰਡੀਗੜ੍ਹ"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:888
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:892
 msgid "Chandigarh"
 msgstr "Чандигар"
@@ -2037,53 +2053,53 @@ msgstr "Чандигар"
 #. "Madras" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Tamil is "Chennai / சென்னை".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:893
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:897
 msgid "Chennai"
 msgstr "Мадрас"
 #. A city in India.
 #. The local name in Tamil is "கோயம்புத்தூர்".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:897
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:901
 msgid "Coimbatore"
 msgstr "Коимбатор"
 #. A city in India
 #. also known as Dehra Doon
 #. the local name in Hindi is "देहरादून"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:901
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:905
 msgid "Dehradun"
 msgstr "Дехрадун"
 #. A city in India
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:903
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:907
 msgid "Dibrugarh"
 msgstr "Дибругар"
 #. A city in India
 #. the local name in Hindi is "दीमापुर"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:906
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:910
 msgid "Dimapur"
 msgstr "Димапур"
 #. A city in India
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:908
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:912
 msgid "Hyderabad"
 msgstr "Хайдарабад"
 #. A city in India
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:910
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:914
 msgid "Jaipur"
 msgstr "Джайпур"
 #. A city in India.
 #. The local name in Dogri is "जम्मू"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:913
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:917
 msgid "Jammu"
 msgstr "Джаму"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:915
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:919
 msgid "Kochi"
 msgstr "Кочи"
@@ -2091,20 +2107,20 @@ msgstr "Кочи"
 #. "Calcutta" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Bengali is "Kolkata /  কলকাতা".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:920
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:924
 msgid "Kolkata"
 msgstr "Калкута"
 #. A city in India.
 #. The local name in Hindi is "लेह"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:923
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:927
 msgid "Leh"
 msgstr "Ле"
 #. A city in India.
 #. The local name in Hindi is "लखनऊ".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:927
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:931
 msgid "Lucknow"
 msgstr "Лукноу"
@@ -2112,12 +2128,12 @@ msgstr "Лукноу"
 #. "Bombay" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Marathi is "Mumbai /  मुंबई".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:932
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:936
 msgid "Mumbai"
 msgstr "Мумбай"
 #. A city in India
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:934
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:938
 msgid "Nagpur"
 msgstr "Нагпур"
@@ -2126,540 +2142,545 @@ msgstr "Нагпур"
 #. The local name in Panjabi is "ਨਵੀਂ ਦਿੱਲੀ".
 #. The local name in Hindi is "नई दिल्ली".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:940
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:944
 msgid "New Delhi"
 msgstr "Делхи"
 #. A city in India
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:942
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:946
 msgid "Patna"
 msgstr "Патна"
 #. A city in India
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:944
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:948
 msgid "Pune"
 msgstr "Пуна"
 #. A city in India.
 #. The local name in Hindi is "शिमला"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:947
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:951
 msgid "Shimla"
 msgstr "Шимла"
 #. A city in India.
 #. The local name in Dogri is "श्रीनगर"
 #. The local name in Urdu is "شرینگر"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:951
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:955
 msgid "Srinagar"
 msgstr "Сринагар"
 #. A city in India.
 #. The local name in Malayalam is "തിരുവനന്തപുരം".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:955
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:959
 msgid "Thiruvananthapuram"
 msgstr "Тируванантапурам"
 #. A city in India.
 #. The local name in Tamil is "திருச்சிராப்பள்ளி".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:959
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:963
 msgid "Tiruchchirappalli"
 msgstr "Тиручирапали"
 #. JP - Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:961
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:965
 msgid "Japan"
 msgstr "Япония"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:963
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:967
 msgid "Akita"
 msgstr "Акита"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:965
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:969
 msgid "Ami"
 msgstr "Ами"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:967
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:971
 msgid "Aomori"
 msgstr "Аомори"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:969
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:973
 msgid "Asahikawa"
 msgstr "Асахикава"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:971
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:975
 msgid "Ashiya"
 msgstr "Ашия"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:973
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:977
 msgid "Chitose"
 msgstr "Читосе"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:975
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:979
 msgid "Chofu"
 msgstr "Чофу"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:977
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:981
 msgid "Fuji"
 msgstr "Фуджи"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:979
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:983
 msgid "Fukue"
 msgstr "Фукуе"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:981
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:985
 msgid "Fukuoka"
 msgstr "Фукуока"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:983
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:987
 msgid "Futemma"
 msgstr "Футема"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:985
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:989
 msgid "Gifu"
 msgstr "Гифу"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:987
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:991
 msgid "Hakodate"
 msgstr "Хакодате"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:989
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:993
 msgid "Hamamatsu"
 msgstr "Хамамацу"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:991
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:995
 msgid "Hamanaka"
 msgstr "Хаманака"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:993
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:997
 msgid "Hanamaki"
 msgstr "Ханамаки"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:995
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:999
 msgid "Hiroshima"
 msgstr "Хирошима"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:997
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1001
 msgid "Hofu"
 msgstr "Хофу"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:999
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1003
 msgid "Ishigaki"
 msgstr "Ишигаки"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1001
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1005
 msgid "Iwakuni"
 msgstr "Ивакуни"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1003
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1007
 msgid "Izumo"
 msgstr "Изумо"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1005
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1009
 msgid "Janado"
 msgstr "Джанадо"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1007
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1011
 msgid "Kadena"
 msgstr "Кадена"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1009
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1013
 msgid "Kagoshima"
 msgstr "Кагошима"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1011
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1015
 msgid "Kanayama"
 msgstr "Канаяма"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1013
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1017
 msgid "Kanoya"
 msgstr "Каноя"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1015
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1019
 msgid "Kashoji"
 msgstr "Кашоджи"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1017
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1021
 msgid "Kitakyushu"
 msgstr "Китакюшу"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1019
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1023
 msgid "Komatsu"
 msgstr "Комацу"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1021
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1025
 msgid "Komatsushima"
 msgstr "Комацушима"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1023
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1027
 msgid "Kumamoto"
 msgstr "Кумамото"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1025
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1029
 msgid "Kushiro"
 msgstr "Куширо"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1027
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1031
 msgid "Matsubara"
 msgstr "Мацубара"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1029
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1033
 msgid "Matsumoto"
 msgstr "Мацумото"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1031
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1035
 msgid "Matsushima"
 msgstr "Мацушима"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1033
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1037
 msgid "Matsuyama"
 msgstr "Мацуяма"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1035
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1039
 msgid "Memambetsu"
 msgstr "Мемамбецу"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1037
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1041
 msgid "Mihonoseki"
 msgstr "Михоносеки"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1039
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1043
 msgid "Minami"
 msgstr "Минами"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1041
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1045
 msgid "Misawa"
 msgstr "Мисава"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1043
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1047
 msgid "Mito"
 msgstr "Мито"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1045
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1049
 msgid "Miyazaki"
 msgstr "Миязаки"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1047
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1051
 msgid "Mombetsu"
 msgstr "Момбецу"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1049
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1053
 msgid "Nagasaki"
 msgstr "Нагасаки"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1051
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1055
 msgid "Nagoya"
 msgstr "Нагоя"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1053
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1057
 msgid "Naha"
 msgstr "Наха"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1055
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1059
 msgid "Naka-shibetsu"
 msgstr "Накашибецу"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1057
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1061
 msgid "Niigata"
 msgstr "Ниигата"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1059
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1063
 msgid "Obihiro"
 msgstr "Обихиро"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1061
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1065
 msgid "Odaira"
 msgstr "Одаира"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1063
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1067
 msgid "Odaka"
 msgstr "Одака"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1065
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1069
 msgid "Odate"
 msgstr "Одате"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1067
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1071
 msgid "Ofunakoshi"
 msgstr "Офунакоши"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1069
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1073
 msgid "Ogimachiya"
 msgstr "Огимачия"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1071
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1075
 msgid "Oita"
 msgstr "Оита"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1073
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1077
 msgid "Okata"
 msgstr "Оката"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1075
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1079
 msgid "Okayama"
 msgstr "Окаяма"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1077
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1081
 msgid "Okazato"
 msgstr "Окадзато"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1079
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1083
 msgid "Osaka"
 msgstr "Осака"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1081
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1085
 msgid "Ozuki"
 msgstr "Озуки"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1083
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1087
 msgid "Saga"
 msgstr "Сага"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1085
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1089
 msgid "Sanrizuka"
 msgstr "Санридзука"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1087
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1091
 msgid "Sawada"
 msgstr "Сауада"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1089
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1093
 msgid "Sendai"
 msgstr "Сендай"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1091
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1095
 msgid "Shiroi"
 msgstr "Широи"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1093
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1097
 msgid "Takamatsu"
 msgstr "Такамацу"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1095
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1099
 msgid "Takatsu"
 msgstr "Такацу"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1097
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1101
 msgid "Tateyama"
 msgstr "Татеяма"
 #. The capital of Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1099
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1103
 msgid "Tokyo"
 msgstr "Токио"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1101
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1105
 msgid "Tottori"
 msgstr "Тотори"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1103
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1107
 msgid "Toyama"
 msgstr "Тояма"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1105
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1109
 msgid "Toyooka"
 msgstr "Тойока"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1107
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1111
 msgid "Tsuiki"
 msgstr "Цуики"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1109
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1113
 msgid "Ushuku"
 msgstr "Ушуку"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1111
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1115
 msgid "Wakkanai"
 msgstr "Уаканай"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1113
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1117
 msgid "Yamagata"
 msgstr "Ямагата"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1115
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1119
 msgid "Yamaguchi"
 msgstr "Ямагучи"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1117
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1121
 msgid "Yao"
 msgstr "Яо"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1119
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1123
 msgid "Yokota"
 msgstr "Йокота"
 #. A city in Japan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1121
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1125
 msgid "Yoshinaga"
 msgstr "Йошинага"
 #. KZ - Kazakhstan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1123
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1127
 msgid "Kazakhstan"
 msgstr "Казахстан"
 #. The time zone used in the eastern half of Kazakhstan.
 #. FIXME: is there an official name for this zone?
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1127
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1131
 msgid "Eastern Kazakhstan"
 msgstr "Източен Казахстан"
 #. The time zone used in the western half of Kazakhstan.
 #. FIXME: is there an official name for this zone?
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1131
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1135
 msgid "Western Kazakhstan"
 msgstr "Запден Казахстан"
 #. A city in Kazakhstan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1133
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1137
 msgid "Almaty"
 msgstr "Алмати"
 #. A city in Kazakhstan.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Aktau".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1137
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1141
 msgid "Aqtau"
 msgstr "Актау"
 #. A city in Kazakhstan.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Aktobe".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1141
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1145
 msgid "Aqtöbe"
 msgstr "Актобе"
 #. The capital of Kazakhstan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1143
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1147
 msgid "Astana"
 msgstr "Астана"
+#. A city in Kazakhstan
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1149
+msgid "Atyrau"
+msgstr "Атърау"
 #. A city in Kazakhstan.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Ural'sk".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1147
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1153
 msgid "Oral"
 msgstr "Уралск"
 #. A city in Kazakhstan.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Karaganda".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1151
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1157
 msgid "Qaraghandy"
 msgstr "Караганда"
 #. A city in Kazakhstan.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Kostanay".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1155
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1161
 msgid "Qostanay"
 msgstr "Костанай"
 #. A city in Kazakhstan.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Kyzylorda".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1159
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1165
 msgid "Qyzylorda"
 msgstr "Кизилорда"
 #. A city in Kazakhstan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1161
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1167
 msgid "Shymkent"
 msgstr "Шимкент"
 #. KG - Kyrgyzstan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1163
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1169
 msgid "Kyrgyzstan"
 msgstr "Киргизстан"
 #. The capital of Kyrgyzstan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1165
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1171
 msgid "Bishkek"
 msgstr "Бишкек"
 #. LA - Lao People's Democratic Republic
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1167
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1173
 msgid "Laos"
 msgstr "Лаос"
@@ -2667,7 +2688,7 @@ msgstr "Лаос"
 #. "Vientiane" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Lao is "Viangchan".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1172
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1178
 msgid "Vientiane"
 msgstr "Виентян"
@@ -2676,7 +2697,7 @@ msgstr "Виентян"
 #. used. The "u" spelling is currently slightly more popular in
 #. English.)
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1178
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1184
 msgctxt "Country"
 msgid "Macau"
 msgstr "Макао"
@@ -2684,7 +2705,7 @@ msgstr "Макао"
 #. The capital of Macau.
 #. The local name in Chinese is "Aomen / 澳门".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1182
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1188
 msgctxt "City in Macau"
 msgid "Macau"
 msgstr "Макао"
@@ -2692,114 +2713,114 @@ msgstr "Макао"
 #. A city in Macau.
 #. The local name in Chinese is "Dangzai / 氹仔".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1186
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1192
 msgid "Taipa"
 msgstr "Тайпа"
 #. MY - Malaysia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1188
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1194
 msgid "Malaysia"
 msgstr "Малайзия"
 #. A city in Malaysia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1190
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1196
 msgid "Bintulu"
 msgstr "Бинтулу"
 #. A city in Malaysia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1192
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1198
 msgctxt "City in Malaysia"
 msgid "George Town"
 msgstr "Джорджтаун"
 #. A city in Malaysia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1194
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1200
 msgid "Johor Bahru"
 msgstr "Джохор-Бару"
 #. A city in Malaysia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1196
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1202
 msgid "Klang"
 msgstr "Кланг"
 #. A city in Malaysia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1198
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1204
 msgid "Kota Baharu"
 msgstr "Кота Бару"
 #. A city in Malaysia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1200
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1206
 msgid "Kota Kinabalu"
 msgstr "Кота Кинабалу"
 #. A city in Malaysia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1202
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1208
 msgid "Kuah"
 msgstr "Куа"
 #. The capital of Malaysia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1204
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1210
 msgid "Kuala Lumpur"
 msgstr "Куала Лумпур"
 #. A city in Malaysia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1206
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1212
 msgid "Kuantan"
 msgstr "Куантан"
 #. A city in Malaysia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1208
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1214
 msgid "Kuching"
 msgstr "Кучинг"
 #. A city in Malaysia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1210
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1216
 msgid "Kudat"
 msgstr "Кудат"
 #. A city in Malaysia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1212
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1218
 msgid "Melaka"
 msgstr "Мелака"
 #. A city in Malaysia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1214
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1220
 msgid "Miri"
 msgstr "Мири"
 #. A city in Malaysia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1216
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1222
 msgid "Sandakan"
 msgstr "Сандакан"
 #. A city in Malaysia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1218
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1224
 msgid "Sepang"
 msgstr "Сепанг"
 #. A city in Malaysia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1220
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1226
 msgid "Sibu"
 msgstr "Сибу"
 #. A city in Malaysia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1222
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1228
 msgid "Sitiawan"
 msgstr "Ситиаван"
 #. A city in Malaysia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1224
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1230
 msgid "Tawau"
 msgstr "Тавау"
 #. A city in Malaysia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1226
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1232
 msgctxt "City in Malaysia"
 msgid "Victoria"
 msgstr "Виктория"
 #. MV - Maldives
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1228
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1234
 msgid "Maldives"
 msgstr "Малдивски острови"
@@ -2807,40 +2828,40 @@ msgstr "Малдивски острови"
 #. "Male" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Dhivehi is "Maale".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1233
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1239
 msgid "Male"
 msgstr "Мале"
 #. MN - Mongolia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1235
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1241
 msgid "Mongolia"
 msgstr "Монголия"
 #. The time zone used in the eastern part of Mongolia.
 #. FIXME: Is there an official name for this zone?
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1239
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1245
 msgid "Eastern Mongolia"
 msgstr "Източна Монголия"
 #. The time zone used in the western part of Mongolia.
 #. FIXME: Is there an official name for this zone?
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1243
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1249
 msgid "Western Mongolia"
 msgstr "Западна Монголия"
 #. The time zone used in the central part of Mongolia.
 #. FIXME: Is there an official name for this zone?
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1247
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1253
 msgid "Central Mongolia"
 msgstr "Централна Монголия"
 #. The capital of Mongolia.
 #. The name is also written "Улаанбаатар".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1251
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1257
 msgid "Ulaanbaatar"
 msgstr "Улан Батор"
@@ -2848,7 +2869,7 @@ msgstr "Улан Батор"
 #. currently the official ISO 3166 short English name, and gets
 #. more Google hits in English)
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1256
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1262
 msgid "Myanmar"
 msgstr "Бирма"
@@ -2856,226 +2877,233 @@ msgstr "Бирма"
 #. "Rangoon" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Burmese is "Yangon".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1261
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1267
 msgid "Rangoon"
 msgstr "Рангун"
 #. NP - Nepal
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1263
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1269
 msgid "Nepal"
 msgstr "Непал"
 #. The capital of Nepal.
 #. The local name in Nepali is "काठमाडौं".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1267
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1273
 msgid "Kathmandu"
 msgstr "Катманду"
 #. KP - The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, aka North
 #. Korea
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1271
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1277
 msgid "North Korea"
 msgstr "Северна Корея"
+#. The capital of North Korea.
+#. The local name in Korean is "평양".
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1281
+msgid "Pyongyang"
+msgstr "Пхенан"
 #. PK - Pakistan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1273
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1283
 msgid "Pakistan"
 msgstr "Пакистан"
 #. The capital of Pakistan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1275
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1285
 msgid "Islamabad"
 msgstr "Исламабад"
 #. A city in Pakistan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1277
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1287
 msgid "Karachi"
 msgstr "Карачи"
 #. A city in Pakistan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1279
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1289
 msgid "Lahore"
 msgstr "Лахор"
 #. A city in Pakistan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1281
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1291
 msgid "Nawabshah"
 msgstr "Навабшах"
 #. PH - Philippines
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1283
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1293
 msgid "Philippines"
 msgstr "Филипини"
 #. A city in the Philippines
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1285
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1295
 msgid "Angeles"
 msgstr "Анджелис"
 #. A city in the Philippines
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1287
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1297
 msgid "Davao"
 msgstr "Давао"
 #. A city in the Philippines
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1289
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1299
 msgid "Laoag"
 msgstr "Лаоаг"
 #. The capital of the Philippines
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1291
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1301
 msgid "Manila"
 msgstr "Манила"
 #. A city in the Philippines
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1293
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1303
 msgid "Masbate"
 msgstr "Масбате"
 #. A city in the Philippines
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1295
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1305
 msgid "Pildira"
 msgstr "Пилдира"
 #. A city in the Philippines
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1297
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1307
 msgid "Subic"
 msgstr "Субик"
 #. A city in the Philippines
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1299
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1309
 msgid "Zamboanga City"
 msgstr "Замбоанга сити"
 #. SG - Singapore
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1301
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1311
 msgctxt "Country"
 msgid "Singapore"
 msgstr "Сингапур"
 #. The capital of Singapore
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1303
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1313
 msgctxt "City in Singapore"
 msgid "Singapore"
 msgstr "Сингапур"
 #. KR - The Republic of Korea, aka South Korea
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1305
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1315
 msgid "South Korea"
 msgstr "Южна Корея"
 #. A city in South Korea
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1307
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1317
 msgid "Ch'ongju"
 msgstr "Чонжу"
 #. A city in South Korea
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1309
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1319
 msgid "Cheju"
 msgstr "Чеджу"
 #. A city in South Korea
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1311
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1321
 msgid "Inch'on"
 msgstr "Инчон"
 #. A city in South Korea
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1313
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1323
 msgid "Kunsan"
 msgstr "Кунсан"
 #. A city in South Korea.
 #. The name is also written "오산".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1317
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1327
 msgid "Osan"
 msgstr "Осан"
 #. A city in South Korea
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1319
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1329
 msgid "P'yongt'aek"
 msgstr "Пионгтаек"
 #. A city in South Korea
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1321
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1331
 msgid "Pusan"
 msgstr "Пусан"
 #. The capital of South Korea.
 #. "Seoul" is the traditional English name.
-#. The local name in Korean is "Soul".
+#. The local name in Korean is "서울" (transliterated as "Soul").
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1326
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1336
 msgid "Seoul"
 msgstr "Сеул"
 #. A city in South Korea
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1328
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1338
 msgid "Taegu"
 msgstr "Тегу"
 #. LK - Sri Lanka
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1330
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1340
 msgid "Sri Lanka"
 msgstr "Шри Ланка"
 #. The capital of Sri Lanka
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1332
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1342
 msgid "Colombo"
 msgstr "Коломбо"
 #. A city in Sri Lanka
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1334
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1344
 msgid "Katunayaka"
 msgstr "Катунаяка"
 #. The capital of Sri Lanka
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1336
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1346
 msgid "Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte"
 msgstr "Шри Джайеуарденепура Коте"
 #. TW - Taiwan, Province of China. (That's the official ISO
 #. 3166 short English name.)
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1340
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1350
 msgid "Taiwan"
 msgstr "Тайван"
 #. A city in Taiwan.
 #. The name is also written "高雄".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1344
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1354
 msgid "Kaohsiung"
 msgstr "Каошунг"
 #. A city in Taiwan.
 #. The name is also written "埔頂".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1348
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1358
 msgid "Taoyuan"
 msgstr "Таоюан"
 #. The capital of Taiwan.
 #. The name is also written "臺北".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1352
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1362
 msgid "Taipei"
 msgstr "Тайпай"
 #. TJ - Tajikistan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1354
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1364
 msgid "Tajikistan"
 msgstr "Таджикистан"
 #. The capital of Tajikistan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1356
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1366
 msgid "Dushanbe"
 msgstr "Душанбе"
 #. TH - Thailand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1358
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1368
 msgid "Thailand"
 msgstr "Тайланд"
@@ -3083,92 +3111,92 @@ msgstr "Тайланд"
 #. "Bangkok" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Thai is "Krung Thep / กรุงเทพฯ".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1363
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1373
 msgid "Bangkok"
 msgstr "Банкок"
 #. A city in Thailand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1365
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1375
 msgid "Chiang Mai"
 msgstr "Чианг Май"
 #. A city in Thailand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1367
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1377
 msgid "Chon Buri"
 msgstr "Чон Бури"
 #. A city in Thailand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1369
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1379
 msgid "Hat Yai"
 msgstr "Хат Яй"
 #. A city in Thailand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1371
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1381
 msgid "Hua Hin"
 msgstr "Хуа Хин"
 #. A city in Thailand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1373
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1383
 msgid "Khon Kaen"
 msgstr "Кхон Каен"
 #. A city in Thailand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1375
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1385
 msgid "Lampang"
 msgstr "Лампанг"
 #. A city in Thailand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1377
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1387
 msgid "Mae Hong Son"
 msgstr "Мае Хонг Сон"
 #. A city in Thailand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1379
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1389
 msgid "Nan"
 msgstr "Нан"
 #. A city in Thailand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1381
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1391
 msgid "Phrae"
 msgstr "Фрае"
 #. A city in Thailand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1383
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1393
 msgid "Phuket"
 msgstr "Фукет"
 #. A city in Thailand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1385
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1395
 msgid "Ranong"
 msgstr "Ранонг"
 #. A city in Thailand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1387
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1397
 msgid "Rayong"
 msgstr "Районг"
 #. A city in Thailand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1389
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1399
 msgid "Surat Thani"
 msgstr "Сурат Тани"
 #. A city in Thailand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1391
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1401
 msgid "Trang"
 msgstr "Транг"
 #. A city in Thailand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1393
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1403
 msgid "Ubon Ratchathani"
 msgstr "Убон Ратчатани"
 #. A city in Thailand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1395
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1405
 msgid "Udon Thani"
 msgstr "Удон Тани"
 #. TM - Turkmenistan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1397
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1407
 msgid "Turkmenistan"
 msgstr "Тюркменестан"
@@ -3176,22 +3204,22 @@ msgstr "Тюркменестан"
 #. "Ashgabat" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Turkmen is "Asgabat".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1402
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1412
 msgid "Ashgabat"
 msgstr "Ашхабад"
 #. UZ - Uzbekistan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1404
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1414
 msgid "Uzbekistan"
 msgstr "Узбекистан"
 #. A city in Uzbekistan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1406
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1416
 msgid "Nukus"
 msgstr "Нукус"
 #. A city in Uzbekistan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1408
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1418
 msgid "Samarqand"
 msgstr "Самарканд"
@@ -3199,17 +3227,17 @@ msgstr "Самарканд"
 #. "Tashkent" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name is "Toshkent".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1413
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1423
 msgid "Tashkent"
 msgstr "Ташкент"
 #. A city in Uzbekistan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1415
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1425
 msgid "Termiz"
 msgstr "Термиз"
 #. A city in Uzbekistan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1417
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1427
 msgid "Urganch"
 msgstr "Ургенч"
@@ -3217,12 +3245,12 @@ msgstr "Ургенч"
 #. includes a space, though it is also frequently written
 #. without one.)
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1422
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1432
 msgid "Viet Nam"
 msgstr "Виетнам"
 #. A city in Viet Nam
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1424
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1434
 msgid "Da Nang"
 msgstr "Да Нанг"
@@ -3230,7 +3258,7 @@ msgstr "Да Нанг"
 #. "Hanoi" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Vietnamese is "Ha Noi".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1429
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1439
 msgid "Hanoi"
 msgstr "Ханой"
@@ -3238,72 +3266,72 @@ msgstr "Ханой"
 #. "Ho Chi Minh City" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Vietnamese is "Thanh Pho Ho Chi Minh".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1434
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1444
 msgid "Ho Chi Minh City"
 msgstr "Хо Ши Мин"
 #. FIXME: rename this to Atlantic Ocean
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1436
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1446
 msgctxt "Region"
 msgid "Atlantic"
 msgstr "Атлантически океан"
 #. AI - Anguilla, a British territory in the Caribbean
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1438
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1448
 msgid "Anguilla"
 msgstr "Ангила"
 #. The capital of Anguilla
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1440
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1450
 msgid "The Valley"
 msgstr "Дъ Вали"
 #. AG - Antigua and Barbuda
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1442
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1452
 msgid "Antigua and Barbuda"
 msgstr "Антигуа и Барбуда"
 #. A city in Antigua and Barbuda
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1444
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1454
 msgid "Fitches Creek"
 msgstr "Фичес Крийк"
 #. The capital of Antigua and Barbuda
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1446
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1456
 msgctxt "City in Antigua and Barbuda"
 msgid "Saint John's"
 msgstr "Сейнт Джонс"
 #. BB - Barbados
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1448
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1458
 msgid "Barbados"
 msgstr "Барбадос"
 #. The capital of Barbados
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1450
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1460
 msgid "Bridgetown"
 msgstr "Бриджтаун"
 #. A city in Barbados
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1452
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1462
 msgid "Paragon"
 msgstr "Парагон"
 #. BM - Bermuda, a British territory off the coast of the
 #. United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1456
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1466
 msgid "Bermuda"
 msgstr "Бермуда"
 #. The capital of Bermuda
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1458
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1468
 msgctxt "City in Bermuda"
 msgid "Hamilton"
 msgstr "Хемилтън"
 #. A city in Bermuda
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1460
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1470
 msgctxt "City in Bermuda"
 msgid "Saint George"
 msgstr "Сейнт Джордж"
@@ -3311,30 +3339,30 @@ msgstr "Сейнт Джордж"
 #. DM - Dominica, a Caribbean island nation, not to be confused
 #. with the Domincan Republic.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1464
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1474
 msgid "Dominica"
 msgstr "Доминика"
 #. A city in Dominica
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1466
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1476
 msgid "Marigot"
 msgstr "Маригот"
 #. The capital of Dominica
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1468
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1478
 msgctxt "City in Dominica"
 msgid "Roseau"
 msgstr "Росо"
 #. A city in Dominica
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1470
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1480
 msgid "Saint Joseph"
 msgstr "Сейнт Джоузеф"
 #. GL - Greenland, an autonomous province of Denmark in the
 #. North Atlantic.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1474
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1484
 msgid "Greenland"
 msgstr "Гренландия"
@@ -3342,7 +3370,7 @@ msgstr "Гренландия"
 #. The string is only used in places where "Greenland" is
 #. already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1479
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1489
 msgid "Danmarkshavn"
 msgstr "Данмарксафен"
@@ -3350,69 +3378,69 @@ msgstr "Данмарксафен"
 #. seem to point towards calling the area "Western
 #. Greenland" rathern than just "Greenland".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1484
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1494
 msgid "Western Greenland"
 msgstr "Западна Гренландия"
 #. The timezone around Scoresbysund / Ittoqqortoormiit on
 #. the east coast of Greenland.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1488
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1498
 msgid "Eastern Greenland"
 msgstr "Източна Гренландия"
 #. The timezone at the Thule US Air Force Base on the west
 #. coast of Greenland.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1492
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1502
 msgid "Thule AFB"
 msgstr "Туле, военновъздушна база"
 #. A city in Greenland.
 #. The local name in Kalaallisut is "Uummannaq".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1496
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1506
 msgid "Dundas"
 msgstr "Дундас"
 #. The capital of Greenland.
 #. The local name in Kalaallisut is "Nuuk".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1500
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1510
 msgid "Godthåb"
 msgstr "Готаб"
 #. A city in Greenland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1502
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1512
 msgid "Ittorisseq"
 msgstr "Иторисек"
 #. A city in Greenland.
 #. The local name in Kalaallisut is "Ilulissat".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1506
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1516
 msgid "Jakobshavn"
 msgstr "Якобсхавен"
 #. A city in Greenland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1508
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1518
 msgid "Kulusuk"
 msgstr "Кулусук"
 #. A city in Greenland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1510
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1520
 msgid "Narsarsuaq"
 msgstr "Нарсарсуак"
 #. A city in Greenland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1512
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1522
 msgid "Søndre Strømfjord"
 msgstr "Сьондре Стрьомфиорд"
 #. PR - Puerto Rico, a territory of the United States in the
 #. Caribbean.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1516
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1526
 msgid "Puerto Rico"
 msgstr "Пуерто Рико"
@@ -3422,65 +3450,65 @@ msgstr "Пуерто Рико"
 #. l'Atlantique". The string is only used in places where a
 #. country is already clear from the context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1523
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1533
 msgid "Atlantic Time"
 msgstr "Атлантическо време"
 #. A city in Puerto Rico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1525
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1535
 msgid "Carolina"
 msgstr "Каролина"
 #. A city in Puerto Rico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1527
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1537
 msgid "Ponce"
 msgstr "Понсе"
 #. A city in Puerto Rico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1529
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1539
 msgid "Rafael Hernandez"
 msgstr "Рафаел Ернандес"
 #. A city in Puerto Rico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1531
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1541
 msgid "San Juan"
 msgstr "Сан Хуан"
 #. BL - Saint Barthélemy, an overseas territory of France in
 #. the Caribbean, formerly part of Guadeloupe.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1535
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1545
 msgid "Saint Barthélemy"
 msgstr "Св. Вартоломей"
 #. SH - Saint Helena, a British territory in the South Atlantic
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1537
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1547
 msgid "Saint Helena"
 msgstr "Сейнт Хелена"
 #. A city in Saint Helena
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1539
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1549
 msgctxt "City in Saint Helena"
 msgid "Georgetown"
 msgstr "Джорджтаун"
 #. KN - Saint Kitts and Nevis
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1541
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1551
 msgid "Saint Kitts and Nevis"
 msgstr "Сейнт Китс и Нийвис"
 #. The capital of Saint Kitts and Nevis
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1543
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1553
 msgid "Basseterre"
 msgstr "Басетере"
 #. A city in Saint Kitts and Nevis
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1545
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1555
 msgid "Golden Rock"
 msgstr "Голдън Рок"
 #. A city in Saint Kitts and Nevis
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1547
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1557
 msgctxt "City in Saint Kitts and Nevis"
 msgid "Newcastle"
 msgstr "Нюкясъл"
@@ -3488,21 +3516,21 @@ msgstr "Нюкясъл"
 #. VI - United States Virgin Islands, a territory of the United
 #. States in the Caribbean
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1551
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1561
 msgid "United States Virgin Islands"
 msgstr "Вирджински о-ви (САЩ)"
 #. A city in the United States Virgin Islands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1553
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1563
 msgid "Charlotte Amalie"
 msgstr "Шарлот Амали"
 #. A city in the United States Virgin Islands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1555
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1565
 msgid "Christiansted"
 msgstr "Кристианстед"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1556
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1566
 msgid "Australasia and Oceania"
 msgstr "Австралия и Океания"
@@ -3510,17 +3538,17 @@ msgstr "Австралия и Океания"
 #. South Pacific, not to be confused with the separate nation
 #. of "Samoa".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1561
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1571
 msgid "American Samoa"
 msgstr "о-ви Самоа (САЩ)"
 #. A city in American Samoa
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1563
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1573
 msgid "Pago Pago"
 msgstr "Паго Паго"
 #. AU - Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1565
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1575
 msgid "Australia"
 msgstr "Австралия"
@@ -3528,7 +3556,7 @@ msgstr "Австралия"
 #. only used in places where "Australia" is already clear
 #. from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1570
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1580
 msgid "Western Time"
 msgstr "Западно време"
@@ -3537,7 +3565,7 @@ msgstr "Западно време"
 #. used in places where "Australia" is already clear from
 #. context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1576
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1586
 msgid "Central Western Time"
 msgstr "Централно западно време"
@@ -3546,7 +3574,7 @@ msgstr "Централно западно време"
 #. state of South Australia, and is only used in places
 #. where "Australia" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1582
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1592
 msgid "Central Time (South Australia)"
 msgstr "Централно време (Южна Австралия)"
@@ -3557,7 +3585,7 @@ msgstr "Централно време (Южна Австралия)"
 #. state uses Eastern Time. This string is only used in
 #. places where "Australia" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1590
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1600
 msgid "Central Time (Yancowinna, NSW)"
 msgstr "Централно време (Йанковина, Норт Саут Уелс)"
@@ -3567,7 +3595,7 @@ msgstr "Централно време (Йанковина, Норт Саут У
 #. string is only used in places where "Australia" is
 #. already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1597
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1607
 msgid "Central Time (Northern Territory)"
 msgstr "Централно време (Северна територия)"
@@ -3576,7 +3604,7 @@ msgstr "Централно време (Северна територия)"
 #. state of Tasmania, and is only used in places where
 #. "Australia" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1603
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1613
 msgid "Eastern Time (Tasmania)"
 msgstr "Източно време (Тасмания)"
@@ -3585,7 +3613,7 @@ msgstr "Източно време (Тасмания)"
 #. state of Victoria, and is only used in places where
 #. "Australia" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1609
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1619
 msgid "Eastern Time (Victoria)"
 msgstr "Източно време (Виктория)"
@@ -3594,7 +3622,7 @@ msgstr "Източно време (Виктория)"
 #. state of New South Wales, and is only used in places
 #. where "Australia" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1615
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1625
 msgid "Eastern Time (New South Wales)"
 msgstr "Източно време (Нови Южен Уелс)"
@@ -3604,7 +3632,7 @@ msgstr "Източно време (Нови Южен Уелс)"
 #. This string is only used in places where "Australia" is
 #. already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1622
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1632
 msgid "Eastern Time (Queensland)"
 msgstr "Източно време (Куинсленд)"
@@ -3612,199 +3640,199 @@ msgstr "Източно време (Куинсленд)"
 #. coast of Australia. This string is only used in places
 #. where "Australia" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1627
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1637
 msgid "Lord Howe Island"
 msgstr "о-в Лорд Хоу"
 #. A state/province/territory in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1629
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1639
 msgid "Australian Capital Territory"
 msgstr "Австралийска столична територия"
 #. The capital of Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1631
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1641
 msgid "Canberra"
 msgstr "Канбера"
 #. A state/province/territory in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1633
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1643
 msgid "New South Wales"
 msgstr "Нови Южен Уелс"
 #. A city in New South Wales in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1635
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1645
 msgid "Dubbo"
 msgstr "Дубо"
 #. A city in New South Wales in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1637
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1647
 msgid "Forest Hill"
 msgstr "Форест Хил"
 #. A city in New South Wales in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1639
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1649
 msgctxt "City in New South Wales, Australia"
 msgid "Richmond"
 msgstr "Ричмънд"
 #. A city in New South Wales in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1641
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1651
 msgctxt "City in New South Wales, Australia"
 msgid "Sydney"
 msgstr "Сидни"
 #. A city in New South Wales in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1643
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1653
 msgid "Tamworth"
 msgstr "Тамуърт"
 #. A state/province/territory in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1645
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1655
 msgid "Northern Territory"
 msgstr "Северна територия"
 #. A city in Northern Territory in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1647
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1657
 msgid "Alice Springs"
 msgstr "Алис Спрингс"
 #. A city in Northern Territory in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1649
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1659
 msgid "Darwin"
 msgstr "Даруин"
 #. A city in Northern Territory in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1651
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1661
 msgid "Katherine"
 msgstr "Катрин"
 #. A state/province/territory in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1653
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1663
 msgid "Queensland"
 msgstr "Куинсланд"
 #. A city in Queensland in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1655
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1665
 msgid "Brisbane"
 msgstr "Брисбейн"
 #. A city in Queensland in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1657
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1667
 msgid "Cairns"
 msgstr "Кернс"
 #. A city in Queensland in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1659
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1669
 msgid "Coolangatta"
 msgstr "Кулангата"
 #. A city in Queensland in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1661
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1671
 msgid "Mount Isa"
 msgstr "Маунт Иса"
 #. A city in Queensland in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1663
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1673
 msgid "Rockhampton"
 msgstr "Рокхемптън"
 #. A city in Queensland in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1665
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1675
 msgid "Townsville"
 msgstr "Таунсвил"
 #. A state/province/territory in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1667
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1677
 msgid "South Australia"
 msgstr "Южна Австралия"
 #. A city in South Australia in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1669
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1679
 msgid "Adelaide"
 msgstr "Аделаида"
 #. A city in South Australia in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1671
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1681
 msgid "Woomera"
 msgstr "Уумера"
 #. A state/province/territory in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1673
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1683
 msgid "Tasmania"
 msgstr "Тасмания"
 #. A city in Tasmania in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1675
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1685
 msgctxt "City in Tasmania, Australia"
 msgid "Hobart"
 msgstr "Хобарт"
 #. A city in Tasmania in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1677
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1687
 msgid "Launceston"
 msgstr "Лонсестън"
 #. A state/province/territory in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1679
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1689
 msgctxt "State in Australia"
 msgid "Victoria"
 msgstr "Виктория"
 #. A city in Victoria in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1681
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1691
 msgid "Lara"
 msgstr "Лара"
 #. A city in Victoria in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1683
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1693
 msgctxt "City in Victoria, Australia"
 msgid "Melbourne"
 msgstr "Мелбърн"
 #. A state/province/territory in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1685
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1695
 msgid "Western Australia"
 msgstr "Западна Австралия"
 #. A city in Western Australia in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1687
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1697
 msgid "Broome"
 msgstr "Бруум"
 #. A city in Western Australia in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1689
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1699
 msgid "Bullsbrook"
 msgstr "Булсбрук"
 #. A city in Western Australia in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1691
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1701
 msgid "Kalgoorlie"
 msgstr "Калгурли"
 #. A city in Western Australia in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1693
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1703
 msgid "Kununurra"
 msgstr "Кунунура"
 #. A city in Western Australia in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1695
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1705
 msgid "Learmonth"
 msgstr "Лиърмант"
 #. A city in Western Australia in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1697
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1707
 msgid "Perth"
 msgstr "Пърт"
 #. A city in Western Australia in Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1699
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1709
 msgid "Shellborough"
 msgstr "Шелбъро"
 #. IO - British Indian Ocean Territory, which is exactly what
 #. it sounds like.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1703
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1713
 msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory"
 msgstr "Британска територия в Индийския океан"
@@ -3812,17 +3840,17 @@ msgstr "Британска територия в Индийския океан"
 #. Indian Ocean, not to be confused with various other islands
 #. of the same name.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1708
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1718
 msgid "Christmas Island"
 msgstr "о-в Рождество"
 #. A city in Christmas Island
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1710
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1720
 msgid "Drumsite"
 msgstr "Дръмсайт"
 #. The capital of Christmas Island
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1712
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1722
 msgid "Flying Fish Cove"
 msgstr "Флайинг Фиш Коув"
@@ -3830,39 +3858,39 @@ msgstr "Флайинг Фиш Коув"
 #. the Indian Ocean. The "(Keeling)" is to distinguish them
 #. from other "Cocos Island"s, and is part of the official name.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1717
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1727
 msgid "Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
 msgstr "о-в Кокос (Кийлинг)"
 #. A city in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1719
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1729
 msgid "Bantam Village"
 msgstr "Бантам Вилидж"
 #. CK - Cook Islands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1721
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1731
 msgid "Cook Islands"
 msgstr "Острови Кук"
 #. The capital of the Cook Islands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1723
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1733
 msgid "Avarua"
 msgstr "Аваруа"
 #. FJ - Fiji
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1725
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1735
 msgid "Fiji"
 msgstr "Фиджи"
 #. The capital of Fiji
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1727
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1737
 msgid "Suva"
 msgstr "Сува"
 #. PF - French Polynesia, a French territory in the South
 #. Pacific
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1731
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1741
 msgid "French Polynesia"
 msgstr "Френска Полинезия"
@@ -3871,7 +3899,7 @@ msgstr "Френска Полинезия"
 #. Tahiti). This string is only used in places where
 #. "French Polynesia" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1737
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1747
 msgid "Tahiti / Society Islands"
 msgstr "Таити / о-ви Сосиете"
@@ -3879,7 +3907,7 @@ msgstr "Таити / о-ви Сосиете"
 #. French Polynesia. This string is only used in places
 #. where "French Polynesia" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1742
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1752
 msgid "Marquesas Islands"
 msgstr "Маркизки острови"
@@ -3887,86 +3915,86 @@ msgstr "Маркизки острови"
 #. French Polynesia. This string is only used in places
 #. where "French Polynesia" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1747
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1757
 msgid "Gambier Islands"
 msgstr "о-ви Гамбир"
 # Едно време беше „Папа-ете“
 #. The capital of French Polynesia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1749
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1759
 msgid "Papeete"
 msgstr "Папеете"
 #. GU - Guam, a territory of the United States in the South
 #. Pacific.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1753
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1763
 msgid "Guam"
 msgstr "Гуам"
 #. A city in Guam
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1755
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1765
 msgid "Asatdas"
 msgstr "Асатдас"
 #. A city in Guam
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1757
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1767
 msgid "Hagåtña"
 msgstr "Хагатня"
 #. ID - Indonesia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1759
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1769
 msgid "Indonesia"
 msgstr "Индонезия"
 #. The timezone on the western islands of Indonesia. The
 #. name in Indonesian is "Waktu Indonesia Bagian Barat".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1763
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1773
 msgid "Western Indonesia Time"
 msgstr "Западно индонезийско време"
 #. The timezone on the central islands of Indonesia. The
 #. name in Indonesian is "Waktu Indonesia Bagian Tengah".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1767
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1777
 msgid "Central Indonesia Time"
 msgstr "Централно индонезийско време"
 #. The timezone on the eastern islands of Indonesia. The
 #. name in Indonesian is "Waktu Indonesia Bagian Timur".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1771
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1781
 msgid "Eastern Indonesia Time"
 msgstr "Източно индонезийско време"
 #. The capital of Indonesia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1773
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1783
 msgid "Jakarta"
 msgstr "Джакарта"
 #. A city in Indonesia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1775
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1785
 msgid "Makassar"
 msgstr "Макасар"
 #. A city in Indonesia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1777
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1787
 msgid "Medan"
 msgstr "Медан"
 #. A city in Indonesia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1779
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1789
 msgid "Palembang"
 msgstr "Палембанг"
 #. A city in Indonesia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1781
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1791
 msgid "Pekanbaru"
 msgstr "Пеканбару"
 #. KI - Kiribati
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1783
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1793
 msgid "Kiribati"
 msgstr "Кирибати"
@@ -3974,7 +4002,7 @@ msgstr "Кирибати"
 #. main island groups of Kiribati. This string is only used
 #. in places where "Kiribati" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1788
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1798
 msgid "Gilbert Islands"
 msgstr "о-ви Гилбърт"
@@ -3982,7 +4010,7 @@ msgstr "о-ви Гилбърт"
 #. main island groups of Kiribati. This string is only used
 #. in places where "Kiribati" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1793
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1803
 msgid "Phoenix Islands"
 msgstr "о-ви Финикс"
@@ -3990,28 +4018,28 @@ msgstr "о-ви Финикс"
 #. island groups of Kiribati. This string is only used in
 #. places where "Kiribati" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1798
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1808
 msgid "Line Islands"
 msgstr "о-ви Лайн"
 #. A city in Kiribati
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1800
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1810
 msgctxt "City in Kiribati"
 msgid "London"
 msgstr "Лондон"
 #. MH - Marshall Islands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1802
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1812
 msgid "Marshall Islands"
 msgstr "Маршалови острови"
 #. The capital of the Marshall Islands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1804
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1814
 msgid "Majuro"
 msgstr "Маджуро"
 #. FM - Federated States of Micronesia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1806
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1816
 msgid "Micronesia, Federated States of"
 msgstr "Микронезия"
@@ -4020,7 +4048,7 @@ msgstr "Микронезия"
 #. The string is only used in places where "Micronesia" is
 #. already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1812
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1822
 msgid "Pohnpei / Kosrae"
 msgstr "Понпей / Косрае"
@@ -4029,39 +4057,39 @@ msgstr "Понпей / Косрае"
 #. string is only used in places where "Micronesia" is
 #. already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1818
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1828
 msgid "Yap / Chuuk"
 msgstr "Яп / Чуук"
 #. The capital of the Federated States of Micronesia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1820
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1830
 msgid "Palikir"
 msgstr "Паликир"
 #. NR - Nauru
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1822
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1832
 msgid "Nauru"
 msgstr "Науру"
 #. NC - New Caledonia, a French territory in the South Pacific.
 #. The French name is "Nouvelle-Calédonie".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1826
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1836
 msgid "New Caledonia"
 msgstr "Нова Каледония"
 #. A city in New Caledonia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1828
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1838
 msgid "Karenga"
 msgstr "Каренга"
 #. The capital of New Caledonia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1830
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1840
 msgid "Nouméa"
 msgstr "Нумея"
 #. NZ - New Zealand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1832
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1842
 msgid "New Zealand"
 msgstr "Нова Зеландия"
@@ -4072,49 +4100,49 @@ msgstr "Нова Зеландия"
 #. there a better name for this? "Mainland" seems odd in
 #. reference to an island nation...
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1840
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1850
 msgid "Mainland New Zealand"
 msgstr "Континентална Нова Зеландия"
 #. This refers to the time zone in the Chatham Islands of
 #. New Zealand.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1844
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1854
 msgid "Chatham Islands"
 msgstr "о-ви Чатъм"
 #. A city in New Zealand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1846
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1856
 msgid "Auckland"
 msgstr "Окланд"
 #. A city in New Zealand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1848
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1858
 msgid "Christchurch"
 msgstr "Крайстчърч"
 #. The capital of New Zealand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1850
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1860
 msgid "Wellington"
 msgstr "Уелингтън"
 #. NU - Niue
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1852
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1862
 msgid "Niue"
 msgstr "Ниуе"
 #. The capital of Niue
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1854
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1864
 msgid "Alofi"
 msgstr "Алофи"
 #. NF - Norfolk Island, a territory of Australia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1856
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1866
 msgid "Norfolk Island"
 msgstr "о-в Норфолк"
 #. A city in Norfolk Island
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1858
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1868
 msgctxt "City in Norfolk Island"
 msgid "Kingston"
 msgstr "Кингстън"
@@ -4122,99 +4150,99 @@ msgstr "Кингстън"
 #. MP - Northern Mariana Islands, a semi-independent territory
 #. of the United States in the western Pacific Ocean.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1862
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1872
 msgid "Northern Mariana Islands"
 msgstr "Северни Мариански острови"
 #. A city in the Northern Mariana Islands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1864
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1874
 msgid "Chalan Kanoa"
 msgstr "Чалан Каноа"
 #. PW - Palau
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1866
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1876
 msgid "Palau"
 msgstr "Палао"
 #. The capital of Palau
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1868
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1878
 msgid "Koror"
 msgstr "Корор"
 #. The capital of Palau
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1870
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1880
 msgid "Melekeok"
 msgstr "Мелекеок"
 #. PG - Papua New Guinea
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1872
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1882
 msgid "Papua New Guinea"
 msgstr "Папуа — Нова Гвинея"
 #. The capital of Papua New Guinea
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1874
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1884
 msgid "Port Moresby"
 msgstr "Порт Морзби"
 #. PN - Pitcairn, a British territory in the South Pacific
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1876
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1886
 msgid "Pitcairn"
 msgstr "Питкерн"
 #. WS - Samoa, an independent nation not to be confused with
 #. "American Samoa"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1880
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1890
 msgid "Samoa"
 msgstr "Самоа"
 #. The capital of Samoa
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1882
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1892
 msgid "Apia"
 msgstr "Апия"
 #. SB - Solomon Islands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1884
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1894
 msgid "Solomon Islands"
 msgstr "Соломонови острови"
 #. The capital of the Solomon Islands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1886
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1896
 msgid "Honiara"
 msgstr "Хониара"
 #. TL - Timor-Leste (formerly known as "East Timor")
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1888
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1898
 msgid "Timor-Leste"
 msgstr "Източен Тимор"
 #. TK - Tokelau, a territory of New Zealand
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1890
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1900
 msgid "Tokelau"
 msgstr "Токелау"
 #. TO - Tonga
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1892
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1902
 msgid "Tonga"
 msgstr "Тонга"
 #. A city in Tonga
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1894
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1904
 msgid "Fua'amotu"
 msgstr "Фуа'амоту"
 #. The capital of Tonga
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1896
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1906
 msgid "Nuku'alofa"
 msgstr "Нукуалофа"
 #. TV - Tuvalu
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1898
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1908
 msgid "Tuvalu"
 msgstr "Тувалу"
 #. The capital of Tuvalu
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1900
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1910
 msgid "Funafuti"
 msgstr "Фунафути"
@@ -4222,7 +4250,7 @@ msgstr "Фунафути"
 #. mostly-uninhabited United States territories in the South
 #. Pacific.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1905
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1915
 msgid "United States Minor Outlying Islands"
 msgstr "Малки острови, прилежащи към САЩ"
@@ -4232,7 +4260,7 @@ msgstr "Малки острови, прилежащи към САЩ"
 #. places where "US Minor Outlying Islands" is already
 #. clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1912
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1922
 msgid "Johnston Atoll (Hawaii Time)"
 msgstr "Атол Джонстън (хавайско време)"
@@ -4243,7 +4271,7 @@ msgstr "Атол Джонстън (хавайско време)"
 #. places where "US Minor Outlying Islands" is already
 #. clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1920
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1930
 msgid "Midway Atoll (Samoa Time)"
 msgstr "Атол Мидуей (самоанско време)"
@@ -4252,339 +4280,339 @@ msgstr "Атол Мидуей (самоанско време)"
 #. where "US Minor Outlying Islands" is already clear from
 #. context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1926
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1936
 msgid "Wake Island"
 msgstr "о-в Уейк"
 #. A city in the United States Minor Outlying Islands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1928
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1938
 msgid "Wake Island, Wake Island Army Airfield Airport"
 msgstr "Уейк Айлънд, летище „Уейк Айлънд Арми Еърфийлд“"
 #. VU - Vanuatu
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1930
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1940
 msgid "Vanuatu"
 msgstr "Вануату"
 #. WF - Wallis and Futuna, a French territory in the South
 #. Pacific
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1934
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1944
 msgid "Wallis and Futuna"
 msgstr "Уолис и Футуна"
 #. A city in Wallis and Futuna
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1936
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1946
 msgid "Mata'utu"
 msgstr "Матауту"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1937
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1947
 msgid "Central and South America"
 msgstr "Централна и Южна Америка"
 #. AR - Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1939
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1949
 msgid "Argentina"
 msgstr "Аржентина"
 #. The capital of Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1941
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1951
 msgid "Buenos Aires"
 msgstr "Буенос Айрес"
 #. A city in Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1943
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1953
 msgid "Comodoro Rivadavia"
 msgstr "Комодоро Ривадавия"
 #. A city in Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1945
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1955
 msgid "Corrientes"
 msgstr "Кориентес"
 #. A city in Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1947
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1957
 msgctxt "City in Argentina"
 msgid "Córdoba"
 msgstr "Кордоба"
 #. A city in Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1949
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1959
 msgid "El Palomar"
 msgstr "Ел Паломар"
 #. A city in Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1951
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1961
 msgid "Ezeiza"
 msgstr "Езеиза"
 #. A city in Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1953
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1963
 msgid "Formosa"
 msgstr "Формоса"
 #. A city in Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1955
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1965
 msgid "Mar del Plata"
 msgstr "Мар дел Плата"
 #. A city in Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1957
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1967
 msgid "Mendoza"
 msgstr "Мендоса"
 #. A city in Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1959
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1969
 msgid "Neuquén"
 msgstr "Неукен"
 #. A city in Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1961
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1971
 msgid "Posadas"
 msgstr "Посадас"
 #. A city in Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1963
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1973
 msgid "Puerto Iguazú"
 msgstr "Пуерто Игуасу"
 #. A city in Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1965
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1975
 msgid "Reconquista"
 msgstr "Реконкиста"
 #. A city in Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1967
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1977
 msgid "Resistencia"
 msgstr "Ресистенсия"
 #. A city in Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1969
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1979
 msgid "Rosario"
 msgstr "Росарио"
 #. A city in Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1971
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1981
 msgid "Río Gallegos"
 msgstr "Рио Галегос"
 #. A city in Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1973
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1983
 msgid "Río Grande"
 msgstr "Рио Гранде"
 #. A city in Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1975
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1985
 msgid "Salta"
 msgstr "Салта"
 #. A city in Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1977
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1987
 msgid "San Carlos de Bariloche"
 msgstr "Сан Карлос де Барилоче"
 #. A city in Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1979
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1989
 msgctxt "City in Argentina"
 msgid "San Fernando"
 msgstr "Сан Фернандо"
 #. A city in Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1981
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1991
 msgid "San Salvador de Jujuy"
 msgstr "Сан Салвадор де Хухуй"
 #. A city in Argentina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1983
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1993
 msgid "Ushuaia"
 msgstr "Ушуайя"
 #. AW - Aruba, a Caribbean island that is one of the three
 #. constituent countries of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1987
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1997
 msgid "Aruba"
 msgstr "Аруба"
 #. A city in Aruba
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1989
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1999
 msgid "Camacuri"
 msgstr "Камакури"
 #. The capital of Aruba
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1991
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2001
 msgid "Oranjestad"
 msgstr "Оранестад"
 #. BS - Bahamas
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1993
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2003
 msgid "Bahamas"
 msgstr "Бахамски острови"
 #. A city in the Bahamas
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1995
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2005
 msgctxt "City in Bahamas"
 msgid "Freeport"
 msgstr "Фрипорт"
 #. A city in the Bahamas
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1997
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2007
 msgctxt "City in Bahamas"
 msgid "Georgetown"
 msgstr "Джорджтаун"
 #. The capital of the Bahamas
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:1999
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2009
 msgid "Nassau"
 msgstr "Насау"
 #. BZ - Belize
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2001
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2011
 msgid "Belize"
 msgstr "Белиз"
 #. A city in Belize
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2003
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2013
 msgid "Belize City"
 msgstr "Белиз сити"
 #. BO - Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2005
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2015
 msgid "Bolivia"
 msgstr "Боливия"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2007
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2017
 msgid "Camiri"
 msgstr "Камири"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2009
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2019
 msgid "Cobija"
 msgstr "Кобия"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2011
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2021
 msgid "Cochabamba"
 msgstr "Кочабамба"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2013
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2023
 msgctxt "City in Bolivia"
 msgid "Concepción"
 msgstr "Консепсион"
 #. The capital of Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2015
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2025
 msgctxt "City in Bolivia"
 msgid "La Paz"
 msgstr "Ла Пас"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2017
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2027
 msgid "Magdalena"
 msgstr "Магдалена"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2019
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2029
 msgid "Oruro"
 msgstr "Оруро"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2021
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2031
 msgid "Potosí"
 msgstr "Потоси"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2023
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2033
 msgid "Puerto Suárez"
 msgstr "Пуерто Сауарес"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2025
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2035
 msgid "Reyes"
 msgstr "Рейс"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2027
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2037
 msgid "Riberalta"
 msgstr "Рибералта"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2029
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2039
 msgid "Roboré"
 msgstr "Роборе"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2031
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2041
 msgid "Rurrenabaque"
 msgstr "Руренабаке"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2033
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2043
 msgid "San Borja"
 msgstr "Сан Борха"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2035
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2045
 msgid "San Ignacio de Velasco"
 msgstr "Сан Игнасио де Веласко"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2037
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2047
 msgid "San Joaquín"
 msgstr "Сан Хоакин"
 #. A city in Bolivia.
 #. One of several cities in Bolivia called "San José".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2041
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2051
 msgid "San José de Chiquitos"
 msgstr "Сан Хосе де Чикитос"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2043
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2053
 msgid "Santa Ana de Yacuma"
 msgstr "Санта Ана де Якума"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2045
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2055
 msgid "Santa Cruz"
 msgstr "Санта Круз"
 #. The capital of Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2047
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2057
 msgid "Sucre"
 msgstr "Сукре"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2049
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2059
 msgid "Tarija"
 msgstr "Тариха"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2051
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2061
 msgctxt "City in Bolivia"
 msgid "Trinidad"
 msgstr "Тринидад"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2053
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2063
 msgid "Villamontes"
 msgstr "Виламонтес"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2055
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2065
 msgid "Viro Viro"
 msgstr "Виро Виро"
 #. A city in Bolivia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2057
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2067
 msgid "Yacuiba"
 msgstr "Якуиба"
 #. BR - Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2059
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2069
 msgid "Brazil"
 msgstr "Бразилия"
@@ -4593,7 +4621,7 @@ msgstr "Бразилия"
 #. details. This string is only used in places where
 #. "Brazil" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2065
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2075
 msgid "Tocantins"
 msgstr "Токантинско време"
@@ -4602,7 +4630,7 @@ msgstr "Токантинско време"
 #. details. This string is only used in places where
 #. "Brazil" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2071
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2081
 msgctxt "Timezone"
 msgid "Bahia"
 msgstr "Баия"
@@ -4613,7 +4641,7 @@ msgstr "Баия"
 #. used in places where "Brazil" is already clear from
 #. context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2078
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2088
 msgid "Amapá / East Pará"
 msgstr "Амапа / Източна Пара"
@@ -4622,7 +4650,7 @@ msgstr "Амапа / Източна Пара"
 #. details. This string is only used in places where
 #. "Brazil" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2084
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2094
 msgctxt "Timezone"
 msgid "Roraima"
 msgstr "Рорайма"
@@ -4632,7 +4660,7 @@ msgstr "Рорайма"
 #. for more details. This string is only used in places
 #. where "Brazil" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2090
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2100
 msgctxt "Timezone"
 msgid "Mato Grosso do Sul"
 msgstr "Мато Гросо до Сул"
@@ -4642,7 +4670,7 @@ msgstr "Мато Гросо до Сул"
 #. details. This string is only used in places where
 #. "Brazil" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2096
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2106
 msgctxt "Timezone"
 msgid "Mato Grosso"
 msgstr "Мато Гросо"
@@ -4653,7 +4681,7 @@ msgstr "Мато Гросо"
 #. used in places where "Brazil" is already clear from
 #. context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2103
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2113
 msgid "West Amazonas"
 msgstr "Западно Амазоние"
@@ -4663,7 +4691,7 @@ msgstr "Западно Амазоние"
 #. details. This string is only used in places where
 #. "Brazil" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2110
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2120
 msgid "Ceará, Maranhão, Paraíba, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte"
 msgstr "Време в Сеара, Мараняо, Параиба, Пиауи и Рио Гранде до Норте"
@@ -4672,7 +4700,7 @@ msgstr "Време в Сеара, Мараняо, Параиба, Пиауи и
 #. for more details. This string is only used in places
 #. where "Brazil" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2116
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2126
 msgid "Alagoas, Sergipe"
 msgstr "Време в Алагоас и Сержипе"
@@ -4682,7 +4710,7 @@ msgstr "Време в Алагоас и Сержипе"
 #. used in places where "Brazil" is already clear from
 #. context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2123
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2133
 msgid "East Amazonas"
 msgstr "Източно Амазоние"
@@ -4691,7 +4719,7 @@ msgstr "Източно Амазоние"
 #. for more details. This string is only used in places
 #. where "Brazil" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2129
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2139
 msgid "Fernando de Noronha"
 msgstr "Фернанду де Нороня"
@@ -4701,7 +4729,7 @@ msgstr "Фернанду де Нороня"
 #. used in places where "Brazil" is already clear from
 #. context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2136
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2146
 msgid "West Pará, Rondônia"
 msgstr "Западна Пара, Рондония"
@@ -4710,7 +4738,7 @@ msgstr "Западна Пара, Рондония"
 #. details. This string is only used in places where
 #. "Brazil" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2142
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2152
 msgctxt "Timezone"
 msgid "Pernambuco"
 msgstr "Пернамбуку"
@@ -4720,7 +4748,7 @@ msgstr "Пернамбуку"
 #. details. This string is only used in places where
 #. "Brazil" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2148
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2158
 msgctxt "Timezone"
 msgid "Acre"
 msgstr "Акри"
@@ -4743,620 +4771,620 @@ msgstr "Акри"
 #. Paulo). This string is only used in places where
 #. "Brazil" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2167
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2177
 msgid "Brasília Time"
 msgstr "Бразилско време"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2169
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2179
 msgctxt "State in Brazil"
 msgid "Acre"
 msgstr "Акри"
 #. A city in Acre in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2171
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2181
 msgid "Cruzeiro do Sul"
 msgstr "Крузейро до Сул"
 #. A city in Acre in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2173
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2183
 msgid "Rio Branco"
 msgstr "Рио Бранко"
 #. A city in Acre in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2175
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2185
 msgid "Tarauacá"
 msgstr "Тарауака"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2177
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2187
 msgid "Alagoas"
 msgstr "Алагоас"
 #. A city in Alagoas in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2179
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2189
 msgid "Maceió"
 msgstr "Масейо"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2181
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2191
 msgid "Amapá"
 msgstr "Амапа"
 #. A city in Amapá in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2183
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2193
 msgid "Oiapoque"
 msgstr "Ояпоки"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2185
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2195
 msgid "Amazonas"
 msgstr "Амазонас"
 #. A city in Amazonas in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2187
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2197
 msgid "Manaus"
 msgstr "Манаус"
 #. A city in Amazonas in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2189
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2199
 msgid "Manicoré"
 msgstr "Маникоре"
 #. A city in Amazonas in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2191
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2201
 msgid "São Félix"
 msgstr "Сао Феликс"
 #. A city in Amazonas in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2193
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2203
 msgid "São Gabriel"
 msgstr "Сао Габриел"
 #. A city in Amazonas in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2195
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2205
 msgid "Tefé"
 msgstr "Тефе"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2197
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2207
 msgctxt "State in Brazil"
 msgid "Bahia"
 msgstr "Баия"
 #. A city in Bahia in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2199
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2209
 msgid "Bom Jesus da Lapa"
 msgstr "Бом Хесус да Лапа"
 #. A city in Bahia in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2201
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2211
 msgid "Ilhéus"
 msgstr "Ильеус"
 #. A city in Bahia in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2203
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2213
 msgid "Paulo Afonso"
 msgstr "Пауло Афонсо"
 #. A city in Bahia in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2205
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2215
 msgid "Pôrto Seguro"
 msgstr "Порту Сегуро"
 #. A city in Bahia in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2207
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2217
 msgid "Salvador"
 msgstr "Салвадор"
 #. A city in Bahia in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2209
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2219
 msgid "Vitória da Conquista"
 msgstr "Витория да Конкуиста"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2211
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2221
 msgid "Ceará"
 msgstr "Сеара"
 #. A city in Ceará in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2213
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2223
 msgid "Fortaleza"
 msgstr "Форталеза"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2215
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2225
 msgctxt "State in Brazil"
 msgid "Distrito Federal"
 msgstr "Мексико (град)"
 #. The capital of Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2217
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2227
 msgid "Brasília"
 msgstr "Бразилия"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2219
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2229
 msgid "Espírito Santo"
 msgstr "Ешпирито Санто"
 #. A city in Espírito Santo in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2221
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2231
 msgid "Vitória"
 msgstr "Витория"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2223
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2233
 msgid "Goiás"
 msgstr "Гояш"
 #. A city in Goiás in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2225
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2235
 msgid "Anápolis"
 msgstr "Анаполис"
 #. A city in Goiás in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2227
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2237
 msgid "Goiânia"
 msgstr "Гояш"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2229
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2239
 msgid "Maranhão"
 msgstr "Мараняо"
 #. A city in Maranhão in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2231
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2241
 msgid "Imperatriz"
 msgstr "Императрис"
 #. A city in Maranhão in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2233
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2243
 msgid "São Luís"
 msgstr "Сао Луис"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2235
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2245
 msgctxt "State in Brazil"
 msgid "Mato Grosso"
 msgstr "Мато Гросо"
 #. A city in Mato Grosso in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2237
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2247
 msgid "Alta Floresta"
 msgstr "Алта Флореста"
 #. A city in Mato Grosso in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2239
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2249
 msgid "Barra do Garças"
 msgstr "Бара до Гарсаш"
 #. A city in Mato Grosso in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2241
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2251
 msgid "Cuiabá"
 msgstr "Куяба"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2243
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2253
 msgctxt "State in Brazil"
 msgid "Mato Grosso do Sul"
 msgstr "Мато Гросо до Сул"
 #. A city in Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2245
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2255
 msgid "Campo Grande"
 msgstr "Кампу Гранди"
 #. A city in Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2247
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2257
 msgid "Corumbá"
 msgstr "Корумба"
 #. A city in Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2249
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2259
 msgid "Dourados"
 msgstr "Дорадус"
 #. A city in Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2251
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2261
 msgid "Ponta Porã"
 msgstr "Понта Пора"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2253
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2263
 msgid "Minas Gerais"
 msgstr "Минаш Жерайш"
 #. A city in Minas Gerais in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2255
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2265
 msgid "Barbacena"
 msgstr "Барбацена"
 #. A city in Minas Gerais in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2257
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2267
 msgid "Belo Horizonte"
 msgstr "Белу Оризонти"
 #. A city in Minas Gerais in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2259
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2269
 msgid "Juiz de Fora"
 msgstr "Жуис де Фора"
 #. A city in Minas Gerais in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2261
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2271
 msgid "Montes Claros"
 msgstr "Монтеш Кларош"
 #. A city in Minas Gerais in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2263
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2273
 msgid "Poços de Caldas"
 msgstr "Посош де Калдаш"
 #. A city in Minas Gerais in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2265
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2275
 msgid "Uberaba"
 msgstr "Убераба"
 #. A city in Minas Gerais in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2267
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2277
 msgid "Uberlândia"
 msgstr "Удерландия"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2269
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2279
 msgid "Paraná"
 msgstr "Парана"
 #. A city in Paraná in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2271
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2281
 msgid "Curitiba"
 msgstr "Куритиба"
 #. A city in Paraná in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2273
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2283
 msgid "Foz do Iguaçu"
 msgstr "Фос до Игуасу"
 #. A city in Paraná in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2275
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2285
 msgid "Londrina"
 msgstr "Лондрина"
 #. A city in Paraná in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2277
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2287
 msgid "Maringá"
 msgstr "Маринга"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2279
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2289
 msgid "Paraíba"
 msgstr "Параиба"
 #. A city in Paraíba in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2281
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2291
 msgid "Campina Grande"
 msgstr "Кампина Гранде"
 #. A city in Paraíba in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2283
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2293
 msgid "João Pessoa"
 msgstr "Жоао Песоа"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2285
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2295
 msgid "Pará"
 msgstr "Пара"
 #. A city in Pará in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2287
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2297
 msgid "Altamira"
 msgstr "Алтамира"
 #. A city in Pará in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2289
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2299
 msgid "Belém"
 msgstr "Белем"
 #. A city in Pará in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2291
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2301
 msgid "Cachimbo"
 msgstr "Качимбо"
 #. A city in Pará in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2293
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2303
 msgid "Conceição do Araguaia"
 msgstr "Консейсао до Арагуая"
 #. A city in Pará in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2295
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2305
 msgid "Itaituba"
 msgstr "Итайтуба"
 #. A city in Pará in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2297
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2307
 msgid "Jacareacanga"
 msgstr "Жакареаканга"
 #. A city in Pará in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2299
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2309
 msgid "Marabá"
 msgstr "Мараба"
 #. A city in Pará in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2301
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2311
 msgid "Piri Grande"
 msgstr "Пири Гранде"
 #. A city in Pará in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2303
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2313
 msgid "Santarém"
 msgstr "Сантарем"
 #. A city in Pará in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2305
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2315
 msgid "Tucuruí"
 msgstr "Тукуруи"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2307
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2317
 msgctxt "State in Brazil"
 msgid "Pernambuco"
 msgstr "Пернамбуку"
 #. A city in Pernambuco in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2309
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2319
 msgid "Petrolina"
 msgstr "Петролина"
 #. A city in Pernambuco in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2311
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2321
 msgid "Recife"
 msgstr "Ресифи"
 #. A city in Pernambuco in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2313
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2323
 msgid "Vila dos Remédios"
 msgstr "Вила дос Ремедиос"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2315
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2325
 msgid "Piauí"
 msgstr "Пиауи"
 #. A city in Piauí in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2317
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2327
 msgid "Parnaíba"
 msgstr "Парнаиба"
 #. A city in Piauí in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2319
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2329
 msgid "Teresina"
 msgstr "Терезина"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2321
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2331
 msgid "Rio Grande do Norte"
 msgstr "Рио Гранде до Норте"
 #. A city in Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2323
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2333
 msgid "Mossoró"
 msgstr "Мосоро"
 #. A city in Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2325
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2335
 msgctxt "City in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil"
 msgid "Natal"
 msgstr "Натал"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2327
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2337
 msgid "Rio Grande do Sul"
 msgstr "Рио Гранде до Сул"
 #. A city in Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2329
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2339
 msgid "Pelotas"
 msgstr "Пелотас"
 #. A city in Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2331
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2341
 msgid "Porto Alegre"
 msgstr "Порту Алегри"
 #. A city in Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2333
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2343
 msgctxt "City in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil"
 msgid "Santa Maria"
 msgstr "Санта Мария"
 #. A city in Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2335
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2345
 msgid "Uruguaiana"
 msgstr "Уругуайана"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2337
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2347
 msgctxt "State in Brazil"
 msgid "Rio de Janeiro"
 msgstr "Рио де Жанейро"
 #. A city in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2339
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2349
 msgid "Campos"
 msgstr "Кампуш"
 #. A city in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2341
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2351
 msgctxt "City in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil"
 msgid "Rio de Janeiro"
 msgstr "Рио де Жанейро"
 #. A city in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2343
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2353
 msgid "São Pedro da Aldeia"
 msgstr "Сао Педро да Алдея"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2345
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2355
 msgid "Rondônia"
 msgstr "Рондония"
 #. A city in Rondônia in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2347
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2357
 msgid "Pôrto Velho"
 msgstr "Порту Велю"
 #. A city in Rondônia in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2349
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2359
 msgid "Vilhena"
 msgstr "Вилхена"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2351
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2361
 msgctxt "State in Brazil"
 msgid "Roraima"
 msgstr "Рорайма"
 #. A city in Roraima in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2353
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2363
 msgid "Boa Vista"
 msgstr "Боа Виста"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2355
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2365
 msgid "Santa Catarina"
 msgstr "Санта Катарина"
 #. A city in Santa Catarina in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2357
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2367
 msgid "Florianópolis"
 msgstr "Флорианополис"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2359
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2369
 msgid "Sergipe"
 msgstr "Сержипе"
 #. A city in Sergipe in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2361
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2371
 msgid "Aracaju"
 msgstr "Аракайо"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2363
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2373
 msgctxt "State in Brazil"
 msgid "São Paulo"
 msgstr "Сао Пауло"
 #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2365
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2375
 msgid "Bauru"
 msgstr "Бауру"
 #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2367
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2377
 msgid "Campinas"
 msgstr "Кампинас"
 #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2369
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2379
 msgid "Guaratinguetá"
 msgstr "Гуаратингуета"
 #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2371
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2381
 msgid "Guarulhos"
 msgstr "Гуарулош"
 #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2373
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2383
 msgid "Palmeiras"
 msgstr "Палмейраш"
 #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2375
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2385
 msgid "Piracicaba"
 msgstr "Пирасикаба"
 #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2377
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2387
 msgid "Piraçununga"
 msgstr "Пирасунунга"
 #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2379
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2389
 msgid "Presidente Prudente"
 msgstr "Президенте Пруденте"
 #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2381
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2391
 msgid "Santos"
 msgstr "Сантош"
 #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2383
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2393
 msgid "São José dos Campos"
 msgstr "Сао Хосе дос Кампос"
 #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2385
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2395
 msgctxt "City in São Paulo, Brazil"
 msgid "São Paulo"
 msgstr "Сао Пауло"
 #. A state/province/territory in Brazil
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2387
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2397
 msgid "Tocantis"
 msgstr "Токантинс"
 #. VG - British Virgin Islands, a British territory in the
 #. Caribbean
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2391
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2401
 msgid "British Virgin Islands"
 msgstr "Вирджиснки о-ви (Брит.)"
 #. The capital of the British Virgin Islands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2393
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2403
 msgid "Road Town"
 msgstr "Роад Таун"
 #. A city in the British Virgin Islands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2395
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2405
 msgid "The Mill"
 msgstr "Дъ Мил"
 #. KY - Cayman Islands, a British territory in the Caribbean
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2397
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2407
 msgid "Cayman Islands"
 msgstr "Кайманови острови"
 #. The capital of the Cayman Islands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2399
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2409
 msgctxt "City in Cayman Islands"
 msgid "George Town"
 msgstr "Джорджтаун"
 #. A city in the Cayman Islands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2401
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2411
 msgid "Knob Hill"
 msgstr "Ноб Хил"
 #. A city in the Cayman Islands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2403
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2413
 msgid "Red Bay Estate"
 msgstr "Ред Бей Естейт"
 #. CL - Chile
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2405
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2415
 msgid "Chile"
 msgstr "Чили"
 #. This refers to the time zone for mainland Chile (as
 #. opposed to the time zone for Easter Island).
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2409
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2419
 msgid "Mainland Chile"
 msgstr "Континентално Чили"
@@ -5364,225 +5392,225 @@ msgstr "Континентално Чили"
 #. string is only used in places where "Chile" is already
 #. understood from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2414
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2424
 msgid "Easter Island"
 msgstr "о-в Рождество"
 #. A city in Chile
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2416
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2426
 msgid "Antofagasta"
 msgstr "Антофагаста"
 #. A city in Chile
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2418
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2428
 msgid "Arica"
 msgstr "Арика"
 #. A city in Chile
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2420
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2430
 msgid "Balmaceda"
 msgstr "Балмаседа"
 #. A city in Chile
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2422
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2432
 msgctxt "City in Chile"
 msgid "Concepción"
 msgstr "Консепсион"
 #. A city in Chile
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2424
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2434
 msgid "Hanga Roa"
 msgstr "Ханга Роа"
 #. A city in Chile
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2426
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2436
 msgid "Iquique"
 msgstr "Икике"
 #. A city in Chile
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2428
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2438
 msgid "La Serena"
 msgstr "Ла Серена"
 #. A city in Chile
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2430
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2440
 msgid "Puerto Montt"
 msgstr "Пуерто Монт"
 #. A city in Chile
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2432
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2442
 msgid "Punta Arenas"
 msgstr "Пунта Аренас"
 #. A city in Chile
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2434
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2444
 msgid "Santa Teresa de Lo Ovalle"
 msgstr "Санта Тереса де Ло Овале"
 #. The capital of Chile
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2436
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2446
 msgctxt "City in Chile"
 msgid "Santiago"
 msgstr "Сантяго"
 #. A city in Chile
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2438
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2448
 msgid "Temuco"
 msgstr "Темуко"
 #. CO - Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2440
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2450
 msgid "Colombia"
 msgstr "Колумбия"
 #. A city in Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2442
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2452
 msgid "Barranquilla"
 msgstr "Баранкиля"
 #. The capital of Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2444
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2454
 msgid "Bogotá"
 msgstr "Богота"
 #. A city in Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2446
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2456
 msgid "Bucaramanga"
 msgstr "Букараманга"
 #. A city in Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2448
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2458
 msgid "Cali"
 msgstr "Кали"
 #. A city in Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2450
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2460
 msgid "Cartagena"
 msgstr "Картахена"
 #. A city in Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2452
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2462
 msgid "Cúcuta"
 msgstr "Кукута"
 #. A city in Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2454
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2464
 msgid "Ibagué"
 msgstr "Ибаге"
 #. A city in Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2456
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2466
 msgid "Ipiales"
 msgstr "Ипиалес"
 #. A city in Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2458
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2468
 msgid "Leticia"
 msgstr "Летисия"
 #. A city in Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2460
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2470
 msgid "Medellín"
 msgstr "Меделин"
 #. A city in Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2462
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2472
 msgid "Monteria"
 msgstr "Монтерия"
 #. A city in Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2464
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2474
 msgid "Pasto"
 msgstr "Пасто"
 #. A city in Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2466
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2476
 msgid "Pereira"
 msgstr "Перейра"
 #. A city in Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2468
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2478
 msgid "Popayán"
 msgstr "Попаян"
 #. A city in Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2470
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2480
 msgid "Quibdó"
 msgstr "Куибдо"
 #. A city in Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2472
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2482
 msgid "Riohacha"
 msgstr "Риоача"
 #. A city in Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2474
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2484
 msgid "Rionegro"
 msgstr "Рионегро"
 #. A city in Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2476
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2486
 msgid "San Andrés"
 msgstr "Сан Андрес"
 #. A city in Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2478
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2488
 msgid "Santa Marta"
 msgstr "Санта Марта"
 #. A city in Colombia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2480
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2490
 msgid "Villavicencio"
 msgstr "Вилявисенсио"
 #. CR - Costa Rica
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2482
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2492
 msgid "Costa Rica"
 msgstr "Коста Рика"
 #. A city in Costa Rica
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2484
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2494
 msgid "Alajuela"
 msgstr "Алахуела"
 #. A city in Costa Rica
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2486
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2496
 msgctxt "City in Costa Rica"
 msgid "Liberia"
 msgstr "Либерия"
 #. A city in Costa Rica
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2488
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2498
 msgid "Mata de Palo"
 msgstr "Мата де Пало"
 #. A city in Costa Rica
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2490
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2500
 msgid "Puerto Limón"
 msgstr "Пуерто Лимон"
 #. The capital of Costa Rica
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2492
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2502
 msgid "San José"
 msgstr "Сан Хосе"
 #. CU - Cuba
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2494
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2504
 msgid "Cuba"
 msgstr "Куба"
 #. A city in Cuba
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2496
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2506
 msgid "Camagüey"
 msgstr "Камагуей"
 #. A city in Cuba
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2498
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2508
 msgid "Cienfuegos"
 msgstr "Сиенфуегос"
 #. A city in Cuba
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2500
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2510
 msgid "Guantánamo"
 msgstr "Гуантанамо"
@@ -5590,126 +5618,126 @@ msgstr "Гуантанамо"
 #. "Havana" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Spanish is "La Habana".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2505
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2515
 msgid "Havana"
 msgstr "Хавана"
 #. A city in Cuba
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2507
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2517
 msgid "Holguín"
 msgstr "Олгин"
 #. A city in Cuba
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2509
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2519
 msgctxt "City in Cuba"
 msgid "Manzanillo"
 msgstr "Манцанило"
 #. A city in Cuba
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2511
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2521
 msgid "Matanzas"
 msgstr "Матансас"
 #. A city in Cuba
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2513
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2523
 msgid "Santiago de Cuba"
 msgstr "Сантяго де Куба"
 #. DO - Dominican Republic
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2515
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2525
 msgid "Dominican Republic"
 msgstr "Доминиканска република"
 #. A city in the Dominican Republic
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2517
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2527
 msgid "Barahona"
 msgstr "Барахона"
 #. A city in the Dominican Republic
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2519
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2529
 msgid "La Romana"
 msgstr "Ла Романа"
 #. A city in the Dominican Republic
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2521
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2531
 msgid "Mancha Nueva"
 msgstr "Манча Нуева"
 #. A city in the Dominican Republic
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2523
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2533
 msgid "Pantanal"
 msgstr "Пантанал"
 #. A city in the Dominican Republic
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2525
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2535
 msgid "Puerto Plata"
 msgstr "Пуерто Плата"
 #. A city in the Dominican Republic
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2527
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2537
 msgctxt "City in Dominican Republic"
 msgid "Santiago"
 msgstr "Сантяго"
 #. The capital of the Dominican Republic
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2529
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2539
 msgid "Santo Domingo"
 msgstr "Санто Доминго"
 #. EC - Ecuador
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2531
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2541
 msgid "Ecuador"
 msgstr "Еквадор"
 #. This refers to the time zone for mainland Ecuador (as
 #. opposed to the time zone for the Galapagos Islands).
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2535
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2545
 msgid "Mainland Ecuador"
 msgstr "Континентален Еквадор"
 #. The time zone for the Galapagos Islands.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2537
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2547
 msgid "Galapagos Islands"
 msgstr "Галапагоски острови"
 #. A city in Ecuador
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2539
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2549
 msgid "Guayaquil"
 msgstr "Гуаякил"
 #. A city in Ecuador
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2541
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2551
 msgid "Latacunga"
 msgstr "Латакунга"
 #. A city in Ecuador
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2543
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2553
 msgid "Manta"
 msgstr "Манта"
 #. The capital of Ecuador
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2545
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2555
 msgid "Quito"
 msgstr "Кито"
 #. SV - El Salvador
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2547
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2557
 msgid "El Salvador"
 msgstr "Салвадор"
 #. A city in El Salvador
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2549
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2559
 msgid "Comalapa"
 msgstr "Комалапа"
 #. A city in El Salvador
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2551
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2561
 msgid "Ilopango"
 msgstr "Илопанго"
 #. The capital of El Salvador
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2553
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2563
 msgid "San Salvador"
 msgstr "Сан Салвадор"
@@ -5719,12 +5747,12 @@ msgstr "Сан Салвадор"
 #. Malvinas". The parenthesized form is the compromise used by
 #. ISO and the UN.)
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2560
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2570
 msgid "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"
 msgstr "Фолклендски (Малвински) о-ви"
 #. The capital of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2562
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2572
 msgctxt "City in Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"
 msgid "Stanley"
 msgstr "Станли"
@@ -5732,215 +5760,215 @@ msgstr "Станли"
 #. GF - French Guiana, an overseas department of France on the
 #. northern coast of South America.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2566
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2576
 msgid "French Guiana"
 msgstr "Френска Гвиана"
 #. The capital of French Guiana
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2568
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2578
 msgid "Cayenne"
 msgstr "Шайен"
 #. GD - Grenada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2570
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2580
 msgid "Grenada"
 msgstr "Гренада"
 #. A city in Grenada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2572
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2582
 msgid "Bamboo"
 msgstr "Бамбу"
 #. The capital of Grenada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2574
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2584
 msgid "Saint George's"
 msgstr "Сейнт Джорджис"
 #. GP - Guadeloupe, an overseas department of France in the
 #. Caribbean.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2578
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2588
 msgid "Guadeloupe"
 msgstr "Гваделупа"
 #. The capital of Guadeloupe
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2580
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2590
 msgid "Basse-Terre"
 msgstr "Басе-Тере"
 #. A city in Guadeloupe
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2582
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2592
 msgid "Les Abymes"
 msgstr "Лес Абимес"
 #. GT - Guatemala
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2584
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2594
 msgctxt "Country"
 msgid "Guatemala"
 msgstr "Гватемала"
 #. The capital of Guatemala
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2586
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2596
 msgctxt "City in Guatemala"
 msgid "Guatemala"
 msgstr "Гватемала"
 #. A city in Guatemala
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2588
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2598
 msgid "Huehuetenango"
 msgstr "Хухутенанго"
 #. A city in Guatemala
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2590
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2600
 msgid "Puerto Barrios"
 msgstr "Пуерто Бариос"
 #. A city in Guatemala
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2592
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2602
 msgid "Puerto San José"
 msgstr "Пуерто Сан Хосе"
 #. A city in Guatemala
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2594
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2604
 msgid "Retalhuleu"
 msgstr "Реталхулеу"
 #. A city in Guatemala
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2596
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2606
 msgid "Tikal"
 msgstr "Тикал"
 #. GY - Guyana
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2598
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2608
 msgid "Guyana"
 msgstr "Гайана"
 #. The capital of Guyana
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2600
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2610
 msgctxt "City in Guyana"
 msgid "Georgetown"
 msgstr "Джорджтаун"
 #. HT - Haiti
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2602
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2612
 msgid "Haiti"
 msgstr "Хаити"
 #. Capital of Haiti
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2604
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2614
 msgid "Port-au-Prince"
 msgstr "Порт-о-Пренс"
 #. HN - Honduras
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2606
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2616
 msgid "Honduras"
 msgstr "Хондурас"
 #. A city in Honduras
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2608
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2618
 msgid "Amapala"
 msgstr "Амапала"
 #. A city in Honduras
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2610
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2620
 msgid "Catacamas"
 msgstr "Катакамас"
 #. A city in Honduras
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2612
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2622
 msgid "Ciudad Choluteca"
 msgstr "Сиудад Чолутека"
 #. A city in Honduras
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2614
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2624
 msgid "Comayagua"
 msgstr "Комайагуа"
 #. A city in Honduras
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2616
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2626
 msgid "Guanaja"
 msgstr "Гуанаха"
 #. A city in Honduras
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2618
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2628
 msgid "La Ceiba"
 msgstr "Ла Сеиба"
 #. A city in Honduras
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2620
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2630
 msgid "La Esperanza"
 msgstr "Ла Есперанца"
 #. A city in Honduras
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2622
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2632
 msgid "La Mesa"
 msgstr "Ла Меса"
 #. A city in Honduras
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2624
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2634
 msgid "Puerto Lempira"
 msgstr "Пуерто Лемпира"
 #. A city in Honduras
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2626
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2636
 msgid "Roatán"
 msgstr "Роатан"
 #. A city in Honduras
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2628
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2638
 msgid "Santa Rosa de Copán"
 msgstr "Санта Роса де Копан"
 #. The capital of Honduras
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2630
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2640
 msgid "Tegucigalpa"
 msgstr "Тегусигалпа"
 #. A city in Honduras
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2632
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2642
 msgid "Tela"
 msgstr "Тела"
 #. A city in Honduras
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2634
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2644
 msgid "Yoro"
 msgstr "Йоро"
 #. JM - Jamaica
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2636
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2646
 msgid "Jamaica"
 msgstr "Ямайка"
 #. The capital of Jamaica
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2638
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2648
 msgctxt "City in Jamaica"
 msgid "Kingston"
 msgstr "Кингстън"
 #. A city in Jamaica
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2640
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2650
 msgid "Montego Bay"
 msgstr "Монтего Бей"
 #. MQ - Martinique, an overseas department of France in the
 #. Caribbean.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2644
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2654
 msgid "Martinique"
 msgstr "Мартиника"
 #. The capital of Martinique
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2646
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2656
 msgid "Fort-de-France"
 msgstr "Фор-дьо-Франс"
 #. A city in Martinique
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2648
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2658
 msgid "Le Lamentin"
 msgstr "Льо Ламентен"
 #. MS - Montserrat, a British territory in the Caribbean.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2650
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2660
 msgid "Montserrat"
 msgstr "Монсерат"
@@ -5948,216 +5976,216 @@ msgstr "Монсерат"
 #. of the three constituent countries of the Kingdom of the
 #. Netherlands.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2655
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2665
 msgid "Netherlands Antilles"
 msgstr "Холандски Антили"
 #. A city in the Netherlands Antilles
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2657
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2667
 msgid "Benners"
 msgstr "Бенер"
 #. A city in the Netherlands Antilles
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2659
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2669
 msgid "Cupe Coy"
 msgstr "Куп Кой"
 #. A city in the Netherlands Antilles
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2661
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2671
 msgid "Dorp Nikiboko"
 msgstr "Дорп Никобоко"
 #. A city in the Netherlands Antilles
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2663
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2673
 msgid "Gato"
 msgstr "Гато"
 #. NI - Nicaragua
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2665
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2675
 msgid "Nicaragua"
 msgstr "Никарагуа"
 #. A city in Nicaragua
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2667
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2677
 msgid "Bluefields"
 msgstr "Блуфилдс"
 #. A city in Nicaragua
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2669
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2679
 msgid "Chinandega"
 msgstr "Чинандега"
 #. A city in Nicaragua
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2671
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2681
 msgid "Jinotega"
 msgstr "Инотега"
 #. A city in Nicaragua
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2673
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2683
 msgid "Juigalpa"
 msgstr "Хуигалпа"
 #. The capital of Nicaragua
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2675
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2685
 msgid "Managua"
 msgstr "Манагуа"
 #. A city in Nicaragua
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2677
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2687
 msgid "Puerto Cabezas"
 msgstr "Пуерто Кабесас"
 #. A city in Nicaragua
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2679
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2689
 msgid "Rivas"
 msgstr "Ривас"
 #. PA - Panama. The local (Spanish) name is "Panamá". In common
 #. English usage (and in ISO 3166) it does not have the accent.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2683
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2693
 msgid "Panama"
 msgstr "Панама"
 #. A city in Panama
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2685
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2695
 msgid "David"
 msgstr "Давид"
 #. A city in Panama
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2687
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2697
 msgid "Fuerte Kobbe"
 msgstr "Фуерте Кобе"
 #. The capital of Panama
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2689
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2699
 msgid "Panamá"
 msgstr "Панама"
 #. A city in Panama
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2691
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2701
 msgid "Tocumen"
 msgstr "Токумен"
 #. PY - Paraguay
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2693
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2703
 msgid "Paraguay"
 msgstr "Парагвай"
 #. The capital of Paraguay
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2695
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2705
 msgid "Asunción"
 msgstr "Асунсион"
 #. A city in Paraguay
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2697
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2707
 msgid "Colonia Félix de Azara"
 msgstr "Колония Феликс де Азара"
 #. PE - Peru
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2699
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2709
 msgctxt "Country"
 msgid "Peru"
 msgstr "Перу"
 #. A city in Peru
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2701
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2711
 msgid "Andahuaylas"
 msgstr "Андахуайла"
 #. A city in Peru
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2703
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2713
 msgid "Arequipa"
 msgstr "Арекипа"
 #. A city in Peru
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2705
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2715
 msgid "Ayacucho"
 msgstr "Аякучо"
 #. A city in Peru
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2707
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2717
 msgid "Chiclayo"
 msgstr "Чиклайо"
 #. A city in Peru
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2709
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2719
 msgid "Cusco"
 msgstr "Куско"
 #. A city in Peru
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2711
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2721
 msgid "Iquitos"
 msgstr "Икитос"
 #. A city in Peru
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2713
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2723
 msgid "Juliaca"
 msgstr "Хулиака"
 #. The capital of Peru
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2715
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2725
 msgctxt "City in Peru"
 msgid "Lima"
 msgstr "Лима"
 #. A city in Peru
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2717
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2727
 msgid "Pisco"
 msgstr "Писко"
 #. A city in Peru
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2719
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2729
 msgid "Pucallpa"
 msgstr "Пукалпа"
 #. A city in Peru
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2721
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2731
 msgid "Puerto Maldonado"
 msgstr "Пуерто Малдоналдо"
 #. A city in Peru
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2723
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2733
 msgid "Tacna"
 msgstr "Такна"
 #. A city in Peru
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2725
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2735
 msgid "Talara"
 msgstr "Талара"
 #. A city in Peru
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2727
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2737
 msgid "Tarapoto"
 msgstr "Тарапото"
 #. A city in Peru
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2729
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2739
 msgid "Trujillo"
 msgstr "Трухило"
 #. A city in Peru
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2731
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2741
 msgid "Tumbes"
 msgstr "Тумбес"
 #. LC - Saint Lucia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2733
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2743
 msgid "Saint Lucia"
 msgstr "Сейнт Лусия"
 #. The capital of Saint Lucia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2735
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2745
 msgid "Castries"
 msgstr "Кастрийс"
 #. A city in Saint Lucia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2737
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2747
 msgid "Pointe Sable"
 msgstr "Пойнте Сабле"
 #. A city in Saint Lucia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2739
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2749
 msgid "Vigie"
 msgstr "Виги"
@@ -6165,280 +6193,280 @@ msgstr "Виги"
 #. Martin / Sint Maarten. (The Dutch half is considered part of
 #. the Netherlands Antilles.)
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2744
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2754
 msgid "Saint Martin"
 msgstr "Сен Мартен"
 #. VC - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2746
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2756
 msgid "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"
 msgstr "Сейнт Винсънт и Гренадини"
 #. A city in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2748
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2758
 msgid "Arnos Vale"
 msgstr "Арнос Вале"
 #. The capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2750
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2760
 msgid "Kingstown"
 msgstr "Кингстаун"
 #. GS - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, a British
 #. territory in the South Atlantic.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2754
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2764
 msgid "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"
 msgstr "Южна Джорджия и Южни Сандвичеви о-ви"
 #. SR - Suriname
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2756
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2766
 msgid "Suriname"
 msgstr "Суринам"
 #. The capital of Suriname
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2758
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2768
 msgid "Paramaribo"
 msgstr "Парамарибо"
 #. A city in Suriname
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2760
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2770
 msgid "Zanderij"
 msgstr "Зандериж"
 #. TT - Trinidad and Tobago
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2762
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2772
 msgid "Trinidad and Tobago"
 msgstr "Тринидад и Тобаго"
 #. A city in Trinidad and Tobago
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2764
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2774
 msgid "Bon Accord"
 msgstr "Бон Акорд"
 #. A city in Trinidad and Tobago
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2766
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2776
 msgid "Piarco"
 msgstr "Пиарко"
 #. The capital of Trinidad and Tobago
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2768
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2778
 msgid "Port-of-Spain"
 msgstr "Порт-ъф-Спейн"
 #. TC - Turks and Caicos Islands, a British territory in the
 #. Caribbean
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2772
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2782
 msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands"
 msgstr "Острови Туркс и Кайкос"
 #. UY - Uruguay
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2774
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2784
 msgid "Uruguay"
 msgstr "Уругвай"
 #. A city in Uruguay
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2776
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2786
 msgid "Carrasco"
 msgstr "Караско"
 #. A city in Uruguay
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2778
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2788
 msgid "Colonia"
 msgstr "Колония"
 #. A city in Uruguay
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2780
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2790
 msgid "Durazno"
 msgstr "Дурасно"
 #. A city in Uruguay
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2782
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2792
 msgid "Maldonado"
 msgstr "Малдонадо"
 #. The capital of Uruguay
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2784
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2794
 msgctxt "City in Uruguay"
 msgid "Montevideo"
 msgstr "Монтевидео"
 #. VE - Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2786
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2796
 msgid "Venezuela"
 msgstr "Венецуела"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2788
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2798
 msgid "Acarigua"
 msgstr "Акаригуа"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2790
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2800
 msgctxt "City in Venezuela"
 msgid "Barcelona"
 msgstr "Барселона"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2792
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2802
 msgid "Barinas"
 msgstr "Баринас"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2794
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2804
 msgid "Barquisimeto"
 msgstr "Баркисимето"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2796
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2806
 msgid "Calabozo"
 msgstr "Калабозо"
 #. The capital of Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2798
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2808
 msgid "Caracas"
 msgstr "Каракас"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2800
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2810
 msgid "Ciudad Bolívar"
 msgstr "Куидад Боливар"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2802
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2812
 msgid "Coro"
 msgstr "Коро"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2804
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2814
 msgid "El Variante"
 msgstr "Ел Варианте"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2806
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2816
 msgid "El Vigía"
 msgstr "Ел Вигия"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2808
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2818
 msgid "Guanare"
 msgstr "Гуанаре"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2810
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2820
 msgid "Guaricure"
 msgstr "Гуарикуре"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2812
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2822
 msgid "Guasdalito"
 msgstr "Гуасдалито"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2814
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2824
 msgid "Güiria"
 msgstr "Гуйрия"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2816
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2826
 msgid "La Chica"
 msgstr "Ла Чика"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2818
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2828
 msgid "Maracaibo"
 msgstr "Маракайбо"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2820
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2830
 msgid "Maracay"
 msgstr "Маракай"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2822
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2832
 msgid "Maturín"
 msgstr "Матурин"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2824
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2834
 msgid "Mene Grande"
 msgstr "Мене Гранде"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2826
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2836
 msgid "Morocure"
 msgstr "Морокуре"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2828
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2838
 msgctxt "City in Venezuela"
 msgid "Mérida"
 msgstr "Мерида"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2830
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2840
 msgid "Paramillo"
 msgstr "Парамильо"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2832
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2842
 msgid "Puerto Ayacucho"
 msgstr "Пуерто Аякучо"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2834
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2844
 msgid "Puerto Borburata"
 msgstr "Пуерто Борбурата"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2836
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2846
 msgid "San Antonio del Táchira"
 msgstr "Сан Антонио дел Тачира"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2838
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2848
 msgid "San Felipe"
 msgstr "Сан Фелипе"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2840
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2850
 msgctxt "City in Venezuela"
 msgid "San Fernando"
 msgstr "Сан Фернандо"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2842
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2852
 msgid "San Juan de los Morros"
 msgstr "Сан Хуан де лос Морос"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2844
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2854
 msgid "San Tomé"
 msgstr "Сан Томе"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2846
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2856
 msgid "Santa Bárbara"
 msgstr "Санта Барбара"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2848
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2858
 msgctxt "City in Venezuela"
 msgid "Valencia"
 msgstr "Валенсия"
 #. A city in Venezuela
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2850
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2860
 msgid "Valera"
 msgstr "Валера"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2851
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2861
 msgid "Europe"
 msgstr "Европа"
 #. AL - Albania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2853
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2863
 msgid "Albania"
 msgstr "Албания"
@@ -6446,64 +6474,64 @@ msgstr "Албания"
 #. "Tirana" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name is "Tiranë".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2858
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2868
 msgid "Tirana"
 msgstr "Тирана"
 #. AD - Andorra
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2860
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2870
 msgid "Andorra"
 msgstr "Андора"
 #. AT - Austria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2862
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2872
 msgid "Austria"
 msgstr "Австрия"
 #. A city in Austria.
 #. One of several cities in Austria called "Aigen".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2866
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2876
 msgid "Aigen im Ennstal"
 msgstr "Аген Им Енстал"
 #. A city in Austria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2868
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2878
 msgid "Graz"
 msgstr "Грац"
 #. A city in Austria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2870
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2880
 msgid "Hohenems"
 msgstr "Хохенемс"
 #. A city in Austria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2872
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2882
 msgid "Innsbruck"
 msgstr "Инсбрук"
 #. A city in Austria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2874
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2884
 msgid "Klagenfurt"
 msgstr "Клагенфурт"
 #. A city in Austria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2876
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2886
 msgid "Linz"
 msgstr "Линц"
 #. A city in Austria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2878
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2888
 msgid "Salzburg"
 msgstr "Залцбург"
 #. A city in Austria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2880
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2890
 msgid "Teesdorf"
 msgstr "Теесдорф"
 #. A city in Austria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2882
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2892
 msgid "Tulln"
 msgstr "Тулин"
@@ -6511,67 +6539,67 @@ msgstr "Тулин"
 #. "Vienna" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in German is "Wien".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2887
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2897
 msgid "Vienna"
 msgstr "Виена"
 #. A city in Austria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2889
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2899
 msgid "Wiener Neustadt"
 msgstr "Винер Нойщат"
 #. A city in Austria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2891
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2901
 msgid "Zell am See"
 msgstr "Зел ам Зее"
 #. A city in Austria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2893
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2903
 msgid "Zeltweg"
 msgstr "Зелтвег"
 #. BY - Belarus
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2895
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2905
 msgid "Belarus"
 msgstr "Беларус"
 #. A city in Belarus
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2897
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2907
 msgctxt "City in Belarus"
 msgid "Brest"
 msgstr "Брест"
 #. A city in Belarus
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2899
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2909
 msgid "Homyel'"
 msgstr "Гомел"
 #. A city in Belarus
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2901
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2911
 msgid "Hrodna"
 msgstr "Гродно"
 #. The capital of Belarus
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2903
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2913
 msgid "Minsk"
 msgstr "Минск"
 #. A city in Belarus
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2905
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2915
 msgid "Vitsyebsk"
 msgstr "Витебск"
 #. BE - Belgium. The local names for the country are "België"
 #. (Dutch), Belgique (French), and Belgien (German).
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2909
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2919
 msgid "Belgium"
 msgstr "Белгия"
 #. A state in Belgium. local name (nl): Antwerpen. local name
 #. (fr): Anvers. local name (de): Antwerpen.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2913
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2923
 msgctxt "State in Belgium"
 msgid "Antwerp"
 msgstr "Антверпен"
@@ -6580,7 +6608,7 @@ msgstr "Антверпен"
 #. "Antwerp" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name is "Antwerpen".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2918
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2928
 msgctxt "City in Antwerp, Belgium"
 msgid "Antwerp"
 msgstr "Антверпен"
@@ -6590,14 +6618,14 @@ msgstr "Антверпен"
 #. et wallon. local name (de): Brüssel, Flämish- und
 #. Wallonisch-Brabant.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2924
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2934
 msgid "Brussels, Flemish and Walloon Brabant"
 msgstr "Брюксел, фландски и валонски Брабант"
 #. A city in Brussels, Flemish and Walloon Brabant in
 #. Belgium
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2928
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2938
 msgid "Beauvechain"
 msgstr "Бовешан"
@@ -6606,19 +6634,19 @@ msgstr "Бовешан"
 #. The local name in French is "Bruxelles".
 #. The local name in Dutch is "Brussel".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2934
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2944
 msgid "Brussels"
 msgstr "Брюксел"
 #. A city in Brussels, Flemish and Walloon Brabant in
 #. Belgium
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2938
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2948
 msgid "Schaffen"
 msgstr "Шафен"
 #. A state/province/territory in Belgium
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2940
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2950
 msgid "East-Flanders"
 msgstr "Източна Фландрия"
@@ -6626,29 +6654,29 @@ msgstr "Източна Фландрия"
 #. (fr_BE): Hinnot. local name (nl): Henegouwen. local name
 #. (de): Hennegau.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2945
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2955
 msgid "Hainaut"
 msgstr "Хено"
 #. A city in Hainaut in Belgium
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2947
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2957
 msgid "Chièvres"
 msgstr "Шиевр"
 #. A city in Hainaut in Belgium
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2949
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2959
 msgid "Gosselies"
 msgstr "Госели"
 #. A state in Belgium. local name (nl): Limburg. local name
 #. (fr): Limbourg. local name (de): Limburg.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2953
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2963
 msgid "Limburg"
 msgstr "Лимбург"
 #. A city in Limburg in Belgium
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2955
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2965
 msgid "Kleine-Brogel"
 msgstr "Клайне-Брогел"
@@ -6656,33 +6684,33 @@ msgstr "Клайне-Брогел"
 #. (fr_BE): Lîdje. local name (nl): Luik. local name (de):
 #. Lüttich.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2960
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2970
 msgid "Liège"
 msgstr "Лиеж"
 #. A city in Liège in Belgium
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2962
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2972
 msgid "Bierset"
 msgstr "Биерсе"
 #. A city in Liège in Belgium
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2964
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2974
 msgid "Elsenborn"
 msgstr "Елсенборн"
 #. A state/province/territory in Belgium
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2966
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2976
 msgctxt "State in Belgium"
 msgid "Luxembourg"
 msgstr "Люксембург"
 #. A state/province/territory in Belgium
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2968
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2978
 msgid "Namur"
 msgstr "Намур"
 #. A city in Namur in Belgium
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2970
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2980
 msgid "Florennes"
 msgstr "Флоранс"
@@ -6690,57 +6718,57 @@ msgstr "Флоранс"
 #. local name (fr): Flandre occidentale. local name (de):
 #. Westflandern.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2975
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2985
 msgid "West-Flanders"
 msgstr "Западна Фландрия"
 #. A city in West-Flanders in Belgium
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2977
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2987
 msgid "Koksijde"
 msgstr "Коксийде"
 #. A city in West-Flanders in Belgium
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2979
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2989
 msgid "Oostende"
 msgstr "Остенде"
 #. BA - Bosnia and Herzegovina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2981
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2991
 msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina"
 msgstr "Босна и Херцеговина"
 #. A city in Bosnia and Herzegovina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2983
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2993
 msgid "Banja Luka"
 msgstr "Баня Лука"
 #. A city in Bosnia and Herzegovina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2985
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2995
 msgid "Mostar"
 msgstr "Мостар"
 #. The capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2987
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2997
 msgid "Sarajevo"
 msgstr "Сараево"
 #. BG - Bulgaria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2989
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2999
 msgid "Bulgaria"
 msgstr "България"
 #. A city in Bulgaria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2991
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3001
 msgid "Burgas"
 msgstr "Бургас"
 #. A city in Bulgaria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2993
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3003
 msgid "Gorna Oryakhovitsa"
 msgstr "Горна Оряховица"
 #. A city in Bulgaria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:2995
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3005
 msgid "Plovdiv"
 msgstr "Пловдив"
@@ -6748,122 +6776,122 @@ msgstr "Пловдив"
 #. "Sofia" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name is "Sofiya".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3000
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3010
 msgid "Sofia"
 msgstr "София"
 #. A city in Bulgaria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3002
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3012
 msgid "Varna"
 msgstr "Варна"
 #. HR - Croatia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3004
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3014
 msgid "Croatia"
 msgstr "Хърватско"
 #. A city in Croatia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3006
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3016
 msgid "Bol"
 msgstr "Бол"
 #. A city in Croatia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3008
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3018
 msgid "Dubrovnik"
 msgstr "Дубровник"
 #. A city in Croatia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3010
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3020
 msgid "Jelovice"
 msgstr "Йеловице"
 #. A city in Croatia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3012
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3022
 msgid "Liška"
 msgstr "Лишка"
 #. A city in Croatia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3014
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3024
 msgid "Osijek"
 msgstr "Осиек"
 #. A city in Croatia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3016
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3026
 msgid "Rijeka"
 msgstr "Риека"
 #. A city in Croatia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3018
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3028
 msgid "Split"
 msgstr "Сплит"
 #. A city in Croatia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3020
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3030
 msgid "Zadar"
 msgstr "Задар"
 #. The capital of Croatia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3022
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3032
 msgid "Zagreb"
 msgstr "Загреб"
 #. CY - Cyprus
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3024
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3034
 msgid "Cyprus"
 msgstr "Кипър"
 #. A city in Cyprus
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3026
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3036
 msgid "Akrotiri"
 msgstr "Акротири"
 #. A city in Cyprus
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3028
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3038
 msgid "Larnaca"
 msgstr "Ларнака"
 #. The capital of Cyprus
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3030
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3040
 msgid "Nicosia"
 msgstr "Никозия"
 #. A city in Cyprus
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3032
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3042
 msgid "Paphos"
 msgstr "Пафос"
 #. A city in Cyprus
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3034
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3044
 msgid "Tymbou"
 msgstr "Тимбу"
 #. CZ - Czech Republic
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3036
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3046
 msgid "Czech Republic"
 msgstr "Чехия"
 #. A city in the Czech Republic
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3038
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3048
 msgid "Brno"
 msgstr "Бърно"
 #. A city in the Czech Republic
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3040
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3050
 msgid "Holešov"
 msgstr "Холешов"
 #. A city in the Czech Republic
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3042
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3052
 msgid "Karlovy Vary"
 msgstr "Карлови Вари"
 #. A city in the Czech Republic
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3044
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3054
 msgid "Liberec"
 msgstr "Либерец"
 #. A city in the Czech Republic
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3046
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3056
 msgid "Ostrava"
 msgstr "Острава"
@@ -6871,17 +6899,17 @@ msgstr "Острава"
 #. "Prague" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Czech is "Praha".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3051
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3061
 msgid "Prague"
 msgstr "Прага"
 #. DK - Denmark. The Danish name is "Danmark"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3053
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3063
 msgid "Denmark"
 msgstr "Дания"
 #. A city in Denmark
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3055
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3065
 msgid "Billund"
 msgstr "Билунд"
@@ -6889,799 +6917,799 @@ msgstr "Билунд"
 #. "Copenhagen" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name is "København".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3060
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3070
 msgid "Copenhagen"
 msgstr "Копенхаген"
 #. A city in Denmark
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3062
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3072
 msgid "Esbjerg"
 msgstr "Есбьорг"
 #. A city in Denmark
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3064
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3074
 msgid "Karup"
 msgstr "Каруп"
 #. A city in Denmark
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3066
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3076
 msgid "Kastrup"
 msgstr "Каструп"
 #. A city in Denmark
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3068
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3078
 msgid "Mejlby"
 msgstr "Мялби"
 #. A city in Denmark
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3070
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3080
 msgid "Odense"
 msgstr "Оденсе"
 #. A city in Denmark
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3072
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3082
 msgid "Roskilde"
 msgstr "Роскилде"
 #. A city in Denmark
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3074
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3084
 msgid "Rønne"
 msgstr "Рьоне"
 #. A city in Denmark
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3076
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3086
 msgid "Skrydstrup"
 msgstr "Скридструп"
 #. A city in Denmark
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3078
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3088
 msgid "Sottrupskov"
 msgstr "Сотрупсков"
 #. A city in Denmark
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3080
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3090
 msgid "Tirstrup"
 msgstr "Тирструп"
 #. A city in Denmark
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3082
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3092
 msgid "Vamdrup"
 msgstr "Вамдруп"
 #. A city in Denmark
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3084
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3094
 msgid "Ã…lborg"
 msgstr "Алборг"
 #. EE - Estonia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3086
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3096
 msgid "Estonia"
 msgstr "Естония"
 #. A city in Estonia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3088
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3098
 msgid "Kuressaare"
 msgstr "Куресааре"
 #. A city in Estonia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3090
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3100
 msgid "Kärdla"
 msgstr "Кардла"
 #. A city in Estonia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3092
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3102
 msgid "Pärnu"
 msgstr "Перну"
 #. The capital of Estonia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3094
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3104
 msgid "Tallinn"
 msgstr "Талин"
 #. A city in Estonia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3096
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3106
 msgid "Tartu"
 msgstr "Тарту"
 #. FO - Faroe Islands, an autonomous province of Denmark in the
 #. north Atlantic.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3100
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3110
 msgid "Faroe Islands"
 msgstr "Фарьорски острови"
 #. A city in the Faroe Islands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3102
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3112
 msgid "Sørvágur"
 msgstr "Сьорвагур"
 #. The capital of the Faroe Islands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3104
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3114
 msgid "Tórshavn"
 msgstr "Торсхавен"
 #. FI - Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3106
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3116
 msgid "Finland"
 msgstr "Финландия"
 #. A city in Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3108
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3118
 msgid "Enontekiö"
 msgstr "Енонтекио"
 #. A city in Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3110
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3120
 msgid "Halli"
 msgstr "Хали"
 #. The capital of Finland.
 #. The local name in Swedish is "Helsingfors".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3114
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3124
 msgid "Helsinki"
 msgstr "Хелзинки"
 #. A city in Finland.
 #. The local name in Swedish is "Vanda".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3118
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3128
 msgid "Vantaa"
 msgstr "Ванта"
 #. A city in Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3120
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3130
 msgid "Ivalo"
 msgstr "Ивало"
 #. A city in Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3122
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3132
 msgid "Joensuu"
 msgstr "Йоенсуу"
 #. A city in Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3124
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3134
 msgid "Jyväskylä"
 msgstr "Живаскила"
 #. A city in Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3126
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3136
 msgid "Kajaani"
 msgstr "Каяани"
 #. A city in Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3128
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3138
 msgid "Kauhava"
 msgstr "Каухава"
 #. A city in Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3130
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3140
 msgid "Kemi"
 msgstr "Кеми"
 #. A city in Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3132
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3142
 msgid "Kittilä"
 msgstr "Китила"
 #. A city in Finland.
 #. The local name in Swedish is "Kronoby".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3136
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3146
 msgid "Kruunupyy"
 msgstr "Круунупий"
 #. A city in Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3138
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3148
 msgid "Kuopio"
 msgstr "Куопио"
 #. A city in Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3140
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3150
 msgid "Kuusamo"
 msgstr "Куусамо"
 #. A city in Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3142
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3152
 msgid "Lappeenranta"
 msgstr "Лапеенранта"
 #. A city in Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3144
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3154
 msgid "Mikkeli"
 msgstr "Микели"
 #. A city in Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3146
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3156
 msgid "Oulu"
 msgstr "Оулу"
 #. A city in Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3148
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3158
 msgid "Pori"
 msgstr "Пори"
 #. A city in Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3150
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3160
 msgid "Rovaniemi"
 msgstr "Рованиеми"
 #. A city in Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3152
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3162
 msgid "Savonlinna"
 msgstr "Савонлина"
 #. A city in Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3154
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3164
 msgid "Seinäjoki"
 msgstr "Сейнайоки"
 #. A city in Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3156
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3166
 msgid "Tampere"
 msgstr "Тампере"
 #. A city in Finland.
 #. The local name in Swedish is "Ã…bo".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3160
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3170
 msgid "Turku"
 msgstr "Турку"
 #. A city in Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3162
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3172
 msgid "Utti"
 msgstr "Ути"
 #. A city in Finland.
 #. The local name in Swedish is "Vasa".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3166
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3176
 msgid "Vaasa"
 msgstr "Вааса"
 #. A city in Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3168
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3178
 msgid "Varkaus"
 msgstr "Варкаус"
 #. FR - France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3170
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3180
 msgid "France"
 msgstr "Франция"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3172
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3182
 msgid "Abbeville"
 msgstr "Абевил"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3174
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3184
 msgid "Acon"
 msgstr "Акон"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3176
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3186
 msgid "Agen"
 msgstr "Аген"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3178
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3188
 msgid "Ajaccio"
 msgstr "Аячо"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3180
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3190
 msgid "Alençon"
 msgstr "Аленсон"
 #. A city in France.
 #. One of several cities in France called "Ambérieu".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3184
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3194
 msgid "Ambérieu-en-Bugey"
 msgstr "Амберю-ен-Бюже"
 # FIXME: Най-вероятно е грешно.
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3186
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3196
 msgid "Auch"
 msgstr "Ош"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3188
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3198
 msgid "Aurillac"
 msgstr "Орилак"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3190
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3200
 msgid "Avord"
 msgstr "Авор"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3192
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3202
 msgid "Bastia"
 msgstr "Бастия"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3194
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3204
 msgid "Beauvais"
 msgstr "Бове"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3196
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3206
 msgid "Bergerac"
 msgstr "Бержерак"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3198
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3208
 msgid "Biarritz"
 msgstr "Биариц"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3200
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3210
 msgctxt "City in France"
 msgid "Bordeaux"
 msgstr "Бордо"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3202
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3212
 msgid "Bourges"
 msgstr "Бурже"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3204
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3214
 msgctxt "City in France"
 msgid "Brest"
 msgstr "Брест"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3206
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3216
 msgid "Brive"
 msgstr "Бриве"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3208
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3218
 msgid "Béziers"
 msgstr "Безие"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3210
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3220
 msgid "Caen"
 msgstr "Каен"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3212
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3222
 msgid "Calvi"
 msgstr "Калви"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3214
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3224
 msgid "Cambrai"
 msgstr "Камбре"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3216
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3226
 msgid "Cannes"
 msgstr "Кан"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3218
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3228
 msgid "Carcassonne"
 msgstr "Каркасон"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3220
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3230
 msgid "Cazaux"
 msgstr "Казо"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3222
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3232
 msgid "Chambéry"
 msgstr "Шамбери"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3224
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3234
 msgid "Chartres"
 msgstr "Шартр"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3226
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3236
 msgid "Cherbourg"
 msgstr "Шербург"
 #. A city in France.
 #. One of several cities in France called "Châlons".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3230
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3240
 msgid "Châlons-en-Champagne"
 msgstr "Шалон ан Шампан"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3232
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3242
 msgid "Châteaudun"
 msgstr "Шатодун"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3234
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3244
 msgid "Châteauroux"
 msgstr "Шатору"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3236
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3246
 msgid "Clermont-Ferrand"
 msgstr "Клермон-Феран"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3238
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3248
 msgid "Cognac"
 msgstr "Коняк"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3240
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3250
 msgid "Colmar"
 msgstr "Колмар"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3242
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3252
 msgid "Creil"
 msgstr "Крел"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3244
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3254
 msgid "Dax"
 msgstr "Да"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3246
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3256
 msgid "Dijon"
 msgstr "Дижон"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3248
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3258
 msgid "Dinard"
 msgstr "Динар"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3250
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3260
 msgid "Dole"
 msgstr "Дол"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3252
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3262
 msgid "Dollemard"
 msgstr "Долемар"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3254
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3264
 msgid "Grenoble"
 msgstr "Гренобъл"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3256
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3266
 msgid "Hoëricourt"
 msgstr "Херикур"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3258
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3268
 msgid "Hyères"
 msgstr "Иер"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3260
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3270
 msgid "Mulhouse"
 msgstr "Мюлуз"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3262
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3272
 msgid "Istres"
 msgstr "Истр"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3264
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3274
 msgid "La Roche-sur-Yon"
 msgstr "Ла Рош-сюр-Йон"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3266
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3276
 msgid "La Rochelle"
 msgstr "Ла Рошел"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3268
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3278
 msgid "Lannion"
 msgstr "Ланион"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3270
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3280
 msgid "Le Mans"
 msgstr "Льо Ман"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3272
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3282
 msgid "Le Puy"
 msgstr "Ле Пуй"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3274
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3284
 msgid "Lille"
 msgstr "Лил"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3276
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3286
 msgid "Limoges"
 msgstr "Лимож"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3278
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3288
 msgid "Luxeuil-les-Bains"
 msgstr "Люкьой ле Бен"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3280
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3290
 msgid "Lyon"
 msgstr "Лион"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3282
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3292
 msgid "Marseille"
 msgstr "Марсилия"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3284
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3294
 msgid "Melun"
 msgstr "Мелон"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3286
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3296
 msgid "Metz"
 msgstr "Мец"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3288
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3298
 msgid "Mont-de-Marsan"
 msgstr "Мон-дю-Марсан"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3290
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3300
 msgid "Montgauch"
 msgstr "Монгош"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3292
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3302
 msgid "Montpellier"
 msgstr "Монпелие"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3294
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3304
 msgid "Montélimar"
 msgstr "Монтелимар"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3296
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3306
 msgid "Mâcon"
 msgstr "Макон"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3298
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3308
 msgid "Méné Guen"
 msgstr "Мене Гуен"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3300
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3310
 msgid "Nancy"
 msgstr "Нанси"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3302
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3312
 msgid "Nantes"
 msgstr "Нант"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3304
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3314
 msgid "Nevers"
 msgstr "Невер"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3306
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3316
 msgid "Nice"
 msgstr "Ница"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3308
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3318
 msgid "Nîmes"
 msgstr "Ним"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3310
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3320
 msgctxt "City in France"
 msgid "Orange"
 msgstr "Оранж"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3312
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3322
 msgid "Orléans"
 msgstr "Орлеан"
 #. The capital of France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3314
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3324
 msgctxt "City in France"
 msgid "Paris"
 msgstr "Париж"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3316
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3326
 msgid "Pau"
 msgstr "По"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3318
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3328
 msgid "Perpignan"
 msgstr "Перпинян"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3320
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3330
 msgid "Poggiale"
 msgstr "Погиел"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3322
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3332
 msgid "Poitiers"
 msgstr "Поатие"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3324
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3334
 msgid "Quimper"
 msgstr "Кимпер"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3326
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3336
 msgid "Reims"
 msgstr "Реймс"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3328
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3338
 msgid "Rennes"
 msgstr "Рен"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3330
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3340
 msgid "Rodez"
 msgstr "Родез"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3332
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3342
 msgid "Romorantin"
 msgstr "Роморантен"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3334
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3344
 msgid "Rouen"
 msgstr "Руан"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3336
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3346
 msgid "Saint-Brieuc"
 msgstr "Сен Брио"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3338
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3348
 msgid "Saint-Quentin"
 msgstr "Сен-Куентин"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3340
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3350
 msgid "Saint-Yan"
 msgstr "Сен-Йан"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3342
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3352
 msgid "Salon"
 msgstr "Салон"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3344
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3354
 msgid "Strasbourg"
 msgstr "Страсбург"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3346
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3356
 msgid "Tarbes"
 msgstr "Тарб"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3348
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3358
 msgid "Toulouse"
 msgstr "Тулуза"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3350
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3360
 msgid "Tours"
 msgstr "Тур"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3352
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3362
 msgid "Trignac"
 msgstr "Триняк"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3354
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3364
 msgid "Troyes"
 msgstr "Троа"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3356
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3366
 msgid "Veauche"
 msgstr "Виши"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3358
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3368
 msgctxt "City in France"
 msgid "Vichy"
 msgstr "Виши"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3360
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3370
 msgid "Vélizy"
 msgstr "Велизи"
 #. A city in France
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3362
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3372
 msgid "Évreux"
 msgstr "Еврьо"
 #. DE - Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3364
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3374
 msgid "Germany"
 msgstr "Германия"
 #. A state/province/territory in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3366
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3376
 msgid "Baden-Württemberg"
 msgstr "Баден-Вюрттемберг"
 #. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3368
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3378
 msgid "Donaueschingen"
 msgstr "Донаушинген"
 #. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3370
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3380
 msgid "Friedrichshafen"
 msgstr "Фридрихсхафен"
 #. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3372
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3382
 msgid "Karlsruhe"
 msgstr "Калрсруе"
 #. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3374
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3384
 msgid "Lahr"
 msgstr "Лар"
 #. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3376
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3386
 msgid "Laupheim"
 msgstr "Лаупхайм"
 #. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3378
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3388
 msgid "Meßstetten"
 msgstr "Местетен"
 #. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3380
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3390
 msgid "Neuostheim"
 msgstr "Нойостхайм"
 #. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3382
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3392
 msgid "Niederstetten"
 msgstr "Нидерщетен"
 #. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3384
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3394
 msgctxt "City in Baden-Württemberg, Germany"
 msgid "Stuttgart"
 msgstr "Щутгарт"
@@ -7690,42 +7718,42 @@ msgstr "Щутгарт"
 #. use that unless you know that it has a different name in
 #. your language.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3389
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3399
 msgid "Bavaria"
 msgstr "Бавария"
 #. A city in Bavaria in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3391
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3401
 msgid "Augsburg"
 msgstr "Аугсбург"
 #. A city in Bavaria in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3393
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3403
 msgid "Dorfgmünd"
 msgstr "Дорфгмунд"
 #. A city in Bavaria in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3395
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3405
 msgid "Hof"
 msgstr "Хоф"
 #. A city in Bavaria in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3397
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3407
 msgid "Illesheim"
 msgstr "Илесхайм"
 #. A city in Bavaria in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3399
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3409
 msgid "Katterbach"
 msgstr "Катербах"
 #. A city in Bavaria in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3401
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3411
 msgid "Lager Lechfeld"
 msgstr "Лагер Лехфелд"
 #. A city in Bavaria in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3403
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3413
 msgid "Landsberg"
 msgstr "Ландсберг"
@@ -7733,14 +7761,14 @@ msgstr "Ландсберг"
 #. "Munich" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name is "München".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3408
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3418
 msgid "Munich"
 msgstr "Мюнхен"
 #. A city in Bavaria in Germany.
 #. One of several cities in Germany called "Neuburg".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3412
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3422
 msgid "Neuburg an der Donau"
 msgstr "Нойбург ан дер Донау"
@@ -7748,62 +7776,62 @@ msgstr "Нойбург ан дер Донау"
 #. "Nuremberg" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name is "Nürnberg".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3417
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3427
 msgid "Nuremberg"
 msgstr "Нюрнберг"
 #. A city in Bavaria in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3419
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3429
 msgid "Oberpfaffenhofen"
 msgstr "Оберпфафенхофен"
 #. A city in Bavaria in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3421
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3431
 msgid "Roth"
 msgstr "Рот"
 #. A city in Bavaria in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3423
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3433
 msgid "Würzburg"
 msgstr "Вюрцбург"
 #. A state/province/territory in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3425
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3435
 msgctxt "State in Germany"
 msgid "Berlin"
 msgstr "Берлин"
 #. The capital of Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3427
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3437
 msgctxt "City in Berlin, Germany"
 msgid "Berlin"
 msgstr "Берлин"
 #. A state/province/territory in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3429
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3439
 msgid "Brandenburg"
 msgstr "Бранденбург"
 #. A state/province/territory in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3431
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3441
 msgctxt "State in Germany"
 msgid "Bremen"
 msgstr "Бремен"
 #. A city in Bremen in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3433
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3443
 msgctxt "City in Bremen, Germany"
 msgid "Bremen"
 msgstr "Бремен"
 #. A state/province/territory in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3435
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3445
 msgctxt "State in Germany"
 msgid "Hamburg"
 msgstr "Хамбург"
 #. A city in Hamburg in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3437
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3447
 msgctxt "City in Hamburg, Germany"
 msgid "Hamburg"
 msgstr "Хамбург"
@@ -7812,27 +7840,27 @@ msgstr "Хамбург"
 #. use that unless you know that it has a different name in
 #. your language.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3442
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3452
 msgid "Hesse"
 msgstr "Хесен"
 #. A city in Hesse in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3444
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3454
 msgid "Frankfurt"
 msgstr "Франкфурт"
 #. A city in Hesse in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3446
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3456
 msgid "Fritzlar"
 msgstr "Фритцлар"
 #. A city in Hesse in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3448
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3458
 msgid "Kassel"
 msgstr "Касел"
 #. A city in Hesse in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3450
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3460
 msgid "Wiesbaden"
 msgstr "Висбаден"
@@ -7840,47 +7868,47 @@ msgstr "Висбаден"
 #. Please use that unless you know that it has a different
 #. name in your language.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3455
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3465
 msgid "Lower Saxony"
 msgstr "Долна Саксония"
 #. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3457
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3467
 msgid "Achum"
 msgstr "Ахум"
 #. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3459
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3469
 msgid "Braunschweig"
 msgstr "Брауншвайг"
 #. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3461
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3471
 msgid "Celle"
 msgstr "Сел"
 #. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3463
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3473
 msgid "Faßberg"
 msgstr "Фасберг"
 #. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3465
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3475
 msgid "Hannover"
 msgstr "Хановер"
 #. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3467
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3477
 msgid "Nordholz"
 msgstr "Нордхолц"
 #. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3469
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3479
 msgid "Webershausen"
 msgstr "Веберсхаузен"
 #. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3471
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3481
 msgid "Wunstorf"
 msgstr "Вунтщорф"
@@ -7888,27 +7916,27 @@ msgstr "Вунтщорф"
 #. "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern". Please use that unless you know
 #. that it has a different name in your language.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3476
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3486
 msgid "Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania"
 msgstr "Мекленбург-Западна Померания"
 #. A city in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3478
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3488
 msgid "Laage"
 msgstr "Лааге"
 #. A city in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3480
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3490
 msgid "Parchim"
 msgstr "Пархим"
 #. A city in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3482
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3492
 msgid "Seebad Heringsdorf"
 msgstr "Зеебад Херингсдорф"
 #. A city in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3484
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3494
 msgid "Trollenhagen"
 msgstr "Троленхаген"
@@ -7916,67 +7944,67 @@ msgstr "Троленхаген"
 #. "Nordrhein-Westfalen". Please use that unless you know
 #. that it has a different name in your language.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3489
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3499
 msgid "North Rhine-Westphalia"
 msgstr "Северен Рейн-Вестфалия"
 #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3491
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3501
 msgid "Baal"
 msgstr "Баал"
 #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3493
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3503
 msgid "Bonn"
 msgstr "Бон"
 #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3495
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3505
 msgid "Bredeck"
 msgstr "Бредек"
 #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3497
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3507
 msgid "Dortmund"
 msgstr "Дортмунд"
 #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3499
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3509
 msgid "Geilenkirchen"
 msgstr "Гейленкирхен"
 #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3501
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3511
 msgid "Kalkar"
 msgstr "Калкар"
 #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3503
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3513
 msgid "Kalkum"
 msgstr "Калкум"
 #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3505
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3515
 msgid "Klemenshof"
 msgstr "Клеменсхоф"
 #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3507
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3517
 msgid "Mönchengladbach"
 msgstr "Мьонхенгладбах"
 #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3509
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3519
 msgid "Münster"
 msgstr "Мюнстер"
 #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3511
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3521
 msgid "Paderborn"
 msgstr "Падерборн"
 #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3513
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3523
 msgid "Rheine"
 msgstr "Рейн"
@@ -7984,47 +8012,47 @@ msgstr "Рейн"
 #. Please use that unless you know that it has a different
 #. name in your language.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3518
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3528
 msgid "Rhineland-Palatinate"
 msgstr "Рейнланд-Пфалц"
 #. A city in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3520
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3530
 msgid "Büchel"
 msgstr "Бюхел"
 #. A city in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3522
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3532
 msgid "Hahn"
 msgstr "Хан"
 #. A city in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3524
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3534
 msgid "Liebenscheid"
 msgstr "Либенсхайд"
 #. A city in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3526
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3536
 msgid "Ramstein"
 msgstr "Рамщайн"
 #. A city in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3528
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3538
 msgid "Spangdahlem"
 msgstr "Шпангдалем"
 #. A city in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3530
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3540
 msgid "Zweibrücken"
 msgstr "Цвайбрюкен"
 #. A state/province/territory in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3532
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3542
 msgid "Saarland"
 msgstr "Саарланд"
 #. A city in Saarland in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3534
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3544
 msgid "Saarbrücken"
 msgstr "Саарбрюкен"
@@ -8032,17 +8060,17 @@ msgstr "Саарбрюкен"
 #. use that unless you know that it has a different name in
 #. your language.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3539
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3549
 msgid "Saxony"
 msgstr "Саксония"
 #. A city in Saxony in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3541
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3551
 msgid "Dresden"
 msgstr "Дрезден"
 #. A city in Saxony in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3543
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3553
 msgid "Leipzig"
 msgstr "Лайпциг"
@@ -8050,47 +8078,47 @@ msgstr "Лайпциг"
 #. Please use that unless you know that it has a different
 #. name in your language.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3548
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3558
 msgid "Saxony-Anhalt"
 msgstr "Саксония-Анхалт"
 #. A city in Saxony-Anhalt in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3550
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3560
 msgid "Holzdorf"
 msgstr "Холцдорф"
 #. A state in Germany. The Danish name is "Slesvig-Holsten".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3552
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3562
 msgid "Schleswig-Holstein"
 msgstr "Шлайсвиг-Холщайн"
 #. A city in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3554
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3564
 msgid "Hohn"
 msgstr "Хон"
 #. A city in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3556
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3566
 msgid "Kiel"
 msgstr "Кил"
 #. A city in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3558
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3568
 msgid "Schleswig"
 msgstr "Шлайсвиг"
 #. A city in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3560
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3570
 msgid "Ulstrupfeld"
 msgstr "Улструпфелд"
 #. A city in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3562
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3572
 msgid "Vorrade"
 msgstr "Вораде"
 #. A city in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3564
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3574
 msgid "Westerland"
 msgstr "Вестерланд"
@@ -8098,51 +8126,51 @@ msgstr "Вестерланд"
 #. use that unless you know that it has a different name in
 #. your language.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3569
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3579
 msgid "Thuringia"
 msgstr "Тюрингия"
 #. A city in Thuringia in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3571
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3581
 msgid "Altenburg"
 msgstr "Алтенбург"
 #. A city in Thuringia in Germany
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3573
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3583
 msgid "Bindersleben"
 msgstr "Биндерслебен"
 #. GI - Gibraltar, a British overseas territory on the southern
 #. tip of Spain.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3577
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3587
 msgctxt "Country"
 msgid "Gibraltar"
 msgstr "Гибралтар"
 #. The capital of Gibraltar
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3579
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3589
 msgctxt "City in Gibraltar"
 msgid "Gibraltar"
 msgstr "Гибралтар"
 #. GR - Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3581
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3591
 msgid "Greece"
 msgstr "Гърция"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3583
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3593
 msgid "Alexandroúpolis"
 msgstr "Александруполис (Гюмюрджина)"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3585
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3595
 msgid "Andravída"
 msgstr "Андравида"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3587
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3597
 msgid "Argostólion"
 msgstr "Аргостолион"
@@ -8150,63 +8178,63 @@ msgstr "Аргостолион"
 #. "Athens" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Greek is "Athína / Αθήνα".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3592
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3602
 msgctxt "City in Greece"
 msgid "Athens"
 msgstr "Атина"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3594
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3604
 msgid "Chrysoúpolis"
 msgstr "Хрисуполис"
 #. A city in Greece.
 #. The name is also written "Χίος".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3598
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3608
 msgid "Chíos"
 msgstr "Хиос"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3600
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3610
 msgid "Elefsís"
 msgstr "Елефсис"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3602
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3612
 msgid "Irákleion"
 msgstr "Ираклион"
 #. A city in Greece.
 #. The name is also written "Καλαμάτα".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3606
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3616
 msgid "Kalamáta"
 msgstr "Каламата"
 # Не е каменистия о-в Карпатос.
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3608
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3618
 msgid "Karpásion"
 msgstr "Карпасион"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3610
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3620
 msgid "Katomérion"
 msgstr "Катомерион"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3612
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3622
 msgid "Kos"
 msgstr "Кос"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3614
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3624
 msgid "Kozáni"
 msgstr "Козани"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3616
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3626
 msgid "Kárpathos"
 msgstr "Карпатос"
@@ -8214,367 +8242,367 @@ msgstr "Карпатос"
 #. A city in Greece.
 #. The name is also written "Κέρκυρα".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3620
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3630
 msgid "Kérkyra"
 msgstr "Корфу"
 #. A city in Greece.
 #. The name is also written "Κύθηρα".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3624
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3634
 msgid "Kýthira"
 msgstr "Китира"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3626
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3636
 msgid "Lárisa"
 msgstr "Лариса"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3628
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3638
 msgid "Monólithos"
 msgstr "Монолитос"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3630
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3640
 msgid "Mytilíni"
 msgstr "Митилини"
 #. A city in Greece.
 #. The name is also written "Μύκονος".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3634
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3644
 msgid "Mýkonos"
 msgstr "Миконос"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3636
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3646
 msgid "Náxos"
 msgstr "Наксос"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3638
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3648
 msgid "Paradeísion"
 msgstr "Парадеисион"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3640
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3650
 msgid "Páros"
 msgstr "Парос"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3642
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3652
 msgid "Skíathos"
 msgstr "Скиатос"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3644
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3654
 msgid "Soúda"
 msgstr "Суда"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3646
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3656
 msgid "Sámos"
 msgstr "Самос"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3648
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3658
 msgid "Tanágra"
 msgstr "Танагра"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3650
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3660
 msgid "Thessaloníki"
 msgstr "Солун"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3652
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3662
 msgid "Zákynthos"
 msgstr "Закинтос"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3654
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3664
 msgid "Áno Síros"
 msgstr "Ано Сирос"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3656
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3666
 msgid "Áraxos"
 msgstr "Араксос"
 #. A city in Greece
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3658
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3668
 msgid "Áyios Athanásios"
 msgstr "Агиос Атанасиос"
 #. GG - The Bailiwick of Guernsey, a British Crown dependency
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3660
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3670
 msgid "Guernsey"
 msgstr "Джърнси"
 #. The time zone in the UK (GMT in the winter, and British
 #. Summer Time in the summer.)
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3664
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3674
 msgid "GMT/BST"
 msgstr "GMT/Британско лятно време"
 #. A city in Guernsey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3666
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3676
 msgid "Hautnez"
 msgstr "Хотнез"
 #. The capital of Guernsey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3668
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3678
 msgid "Saint Peter Port"
 msgstr "Сейнт Питър Порт"
 #. HU - Hungary
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3670
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3680
 msgid "Hungary"
 msgstr "Унгария"
 #. The capital of Hungary
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3672
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3682
 msgid "Budapest"
 msgstr "Будапеща"
 #. A city in Hungary
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3674
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3684
 msgid "Debrecen"
 msgstr "Дебрецен"
 #. A city in Hungary
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3676
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3686
 msgid "Győr"
 msgstr "Гьор"
 #. A city in Hungary
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3678
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3688
 msgid "Kecskemét"
 msgstr "Кечкемет"
 #. A city in Hungary
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3680
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3690
 msgid "Pápa"
 msgstr "Папа"
 #. A city in Hungary
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3682
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3692
 msgid "Pécs"
 msgstr "Печ"
 #. A city in Hungary
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3684
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3694
 msgid "Szeged"
 msgstr "Сегед"
 #. A city in Hungary
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3686
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3696
 msgid "Szolnok"
 msgstr "Солнок"
 #. IS - Iceland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3688
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3698
 msgid "Iceland"
 msgstr "Исландия"
 #. A city in Iceland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3690
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3700
 msgid "Akureyri"
 msgstr "Акурейри"
 #. A city in Iceland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3692
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3702
 msgid "Eiðar"
 msgstr "Ейдар"
 #. The capital of Iceland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3694
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3704
 msgid "Reykjavík"
 msgstr "Рейкявик"
 #. A city in Iceland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3696
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3706
 msgid "Ytri-Njarðvík"
 msgstr "Итри-Нярдвик"
 #. IE - Ireland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3698
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3708
 msgid "Ireland"
 msgstr "Ирландия"
 #. The time zone in Ireland (GMT in the winter, and Irish
 #. Summer Time in the summer.)
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3702
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3712
 msgid "GMT/IST"
 msgstr "GMT/Ирландско лятно време"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3703
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3713
 msgid "Athlone"
 msgstr "Атлоун"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3704
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3714
 msgid "Bray"
 msgstr "Брей"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3705
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3715
 msgid "Carlow"
 msgstr "Карлоу"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3706
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3716
 msgid "Carrick on Shannon"
 msgstr "Карик он Шанън"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3707
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3717
 msgid "Castlebar"
 msgstr "Касълбар"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3708
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3718
 msgid "Cavan"
 msgstr "Каван"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3709
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3719
 msgid "Clonmel"
 msgstr "Клонмел"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3710
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3720
 msgid "Cork"
 msgstr "Корк"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3711
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3721
 msgid "Drogheda"
 msgstr "Дрода"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3712
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3722
 msgid "Dublin"
 msgstr "Дъблин"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3713
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3723
 msgid "Dundalk"
 msgstr "Дъндолк"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3714
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3724
 msgid "Ennis"
 msgstr "Енис"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3715
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3725
 msgid "Galway"
 msgstr "Голуей"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3716
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3726
 msgid "Kilkenny"
 msgstr "Килкени"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3717
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3727
 msgid "Lifford"
 msgstr "Лифорд"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3718
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3728
 msgid "Limerick"
 msgstr "Лимерик"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3719
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3729
 msgid "Longford"
 msgstr "Лонгфорд"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3720
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3730
 msgid "Monaghan"
 msgstr "Монахан"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3721
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3731
 msgid "Mullingar"
 msgstr "Мълингар"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3722
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3732
 msgid "Naas"
 msgstr "Нейс"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3723
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3733
 msgid "Navan"
 msgstr "Наван"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3724
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3734
 msgid "Nenagh"
 msgstr "Нина"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3725
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3735
 msgid "Newbridge"
 msgstr "Нюбридж"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3726
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3736
 msgid "Portlaoise"
 msgstr "Портлийш"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3727
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3737
 msgid "Roscommon"
 msgstr "Роскомън"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3728
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3738
 msgid "Sligo"
 msgstr "Слайгоу"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3729
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3739
 msgid "Swords"
 msgstr "Суордс"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3730
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3740
 msgid "Tallaght"
 msgstr "Тала"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3731
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3741
 msgid "Tralee"
 msgstr "Трали"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3732
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3742
 msgid "Trim"
 msgstr "Трим"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3733
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3743
 msgid "Tullamore"
 msgstr "Тюламор"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3734
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3744
 msgid "Waterford"
 msgstr "Уотърфорд"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3735
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3745
 msgid "Wexford"
 msgstr "Уексфорд"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3736
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3746
 msgid "Wicklow"
 msgstr "Уиклоу"
 #. IM - Isle of Man, a British Crown dependency
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3738
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3748
 msgid "Isle of Man"
 msgstr "Айл ъф Ман"
 #. The capital of the Isle of Man
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3740
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3750
 msgctxt "City in Isle of Man"
 msgid "Douglas"
 msgstr "Дъглас"
 #. A city in the Isle of Man
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3742
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3752
 msgid "Ronaldsway"
 msgstr "Роналдсуей"
 #. IT - Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3744
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3754
 msgid "Italy"
 msgstr "Италия"
 #. An administrative division of Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3746
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3756
 msgid "Liguria"
 msgstr "Лигурия"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3748
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3758
 msgid "Albenga"
 msgstr "Албенга"
@@ -8582,132 +8610,132 @@ msgstr "Албенга"
 #. "Genoa" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Italian is "Genova".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3753
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3763
 msgid "Genoa"
 msgstr "Геноа"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3755
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3765
 msgid "Isola del Cantone"
 msgstr "Исола дел Кантоне"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3757
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3767
 msgid "Laigueglia"
 msgstr "Лаигуелия"
 #. An administrative division of Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3759
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3769
 msgid "Sardinia"
 msgstr "Сардиния"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3761
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3771
 msgid "Alghero"
 msgstr "Алгеро"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3763
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3773
 msgid "Cagliari"
 msgstr "Каляри"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3765
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3775
 msgid "Decimomannu"
 msgstr "Децимоману"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3767
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3777
 msgid "Olbia"
 msgstr "Олбия"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3769
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3779
 msgid "San Stèfano"
 msgstr "Сан Стефано"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3771
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3781
 msgid "Àrbatax"
 msgstr "Арбатакс"
 #. An administrative division of Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3773
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3783
 msgid "Friuli-Venezia Giulia"
 msgstr "Фриули-Венеция Джулия"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3775
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3785
 msgid "Aviano"
 msgstr "Авиано"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3777
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3787
 msgid "Ronchi dei Legionari"
 msgstr "Рончи дей Легионари"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3779
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3789
 msgid "Tarvisio"
 msgstr "Тарвизио"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3781
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3791
 msgid "Trieste"
 msgstr "Триест"
 #. An administrative division of Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3783
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3793
 msgid "Puglia"
 msgstr "Пулия"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3785
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3795
 msgid "Bari"
 msgstr "Бари"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3787
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3797
 msgid "Brindisi"
 msgstr "Бриндизи"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3789
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3799
 msgid "Ginosa Marina"
 msgstr "Джиноса Марина"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3791
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3801
 msgid "Gioia del Colle"
 msgstr "Джия дел Коле"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3793
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3803
 msgid "Grottaglie"
 msgstr "Гроталие"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3795
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3805
 msgid "Lecce"
 msgstr "Лече"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3797
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3807
 msgid "Tamaricciola"
 msgstr "Тамаричола"
 #. An administrative division of Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3799
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3809
 msgid "Lombardy"
 msgstr "Ломбардия"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3801
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3811
 msgid "Bergamo"
 msgstr "Бергамо"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3803
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3813
 msgid "Brescia"
 msgstr "Бреша"
@@ -8715,102 +8743,102 @@ msgstr "Бреша"
 #. "Milan" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Italian is "Milano".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3808
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3818
 msgid "Milan"
 msgstr "Милано"
 #. An administrative division of Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3810
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3820
 msgid "Emilia-Romagna"
 msgstr "Емилия-Романя"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3812
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3822
 msgid "Bologna"
 msgstr "Болоня"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3814
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3824
 msgid "Cervia"
 msgstr "Сервия"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3816
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3826
 msgid "Ferrara"
 msgstr "Ферара"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3818
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3828
 msgid "Forlì"
 msgstr "Форли"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3820
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3830
 msgid "Parma"
 msgstr "Парма"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3822
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3832
 msgid "Piacenza"
 msgstr "Пиаченца"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3824
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3834
 msgid "Rimini"
 msgstr "Римини"
 #. An administrative division of Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3826
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3836
 msgid "Trentino-Alto Adige"
 msgstr "Трентино-Южен Тирол"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3828
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3838
 msgid "Bolzano"
 msgstr "Болцано"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3830
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3840
 msgid "Dobbiaco"
 msgstr "Добиако"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3832
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3842
 msgid "Paneveggio"
 msgstr "Панаведжио"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3834
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3844
 msgid "Resia"
 msgstr "Режа"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3836
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3846
 msgid "Sporminore"
 msgstr "Спорминоре"
 #. An administrative division of Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3838
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3848
 msgid "Val d'Aosta"
 msgstr "Вале д’Аоста"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3840
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3850
 msgid "Breuil-Cervinia"
 msgstr "Бреюл-Червиния"
 #. An administrative division of Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3842
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3852
 msgid "Campania"
 msgstr "Кампания"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3844
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3854
 msgid "Capri"
 msgstr "Капри"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3846
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3856
 msgid "Grazzanise"
 msgstr "Грацанисе"
@@ -8818,33 +8846,33 @@ msgstr "Грацанисе"
 #. "Naples" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Italian is "Napoli".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3851
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3861
 msgctxt "City in Italy"
 msgid "Naples"
 msgstr "Неапол"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3853
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3863
 msgid "Pontecagnano"
 msgstr "Понтеканано"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3855
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3865
 msgid "Trevico"
 msgstr "Тревизо"
 #. An administrative division of Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3857
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3867
 msgid "Piedmont"
 msgstr "Пиемонт"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3859
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3869
 msgid "Case Arfel"
 msgstr "Казе Арфел"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3861
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3871
 msgid "Cuneo"
 msgstr "Кунео"
@@ -8852,67 +8880,67 @@ msgstr "Кунео"
 #. "Turin" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name is "Torino".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3866
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3876
 msgid "Turin"
 msgstr "Торино"
 #. An administrative division of Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3868
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3878
 msgid "Sicily"
 msgstr "Сицилия"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3870
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3880
 msgid "Catania"
 msgstr "Катания"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3872
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3882
 msgid "Lampedusa"
 msgstr "о-в Лампедуза"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3874
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3884
 msgid "Messina"
 msgstr "Месина"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3876
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3886
 msgid "Palermo"
 msgstr "Палермо"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3878
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3888
 msgid "Pantelleria"
 msgstr "Пантелерия"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3880
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3890
 msgid "Trapani"
 msgstr "Трапани"
 #. An administrative division of Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3882
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3892
 msgid "Calabria"
 msgstr "Калабрия"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3884
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3894
 msgid "Crotone"
 msgstr "Кротоне"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3886
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3896
 msgid "Reggio di Calabria"
 msgstr "Реджо ди Калабрия"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3888
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3898
 msgid "Sant'Eufemia Lamezia"
 msgstr "Сант Еуфемия Ламеция"
 #. An administrative division of Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3890
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3900
 msgid "Tuscany"
 msgstr "Тоскана"
@@ -8920,53 +8948,53 @@ msgstr "Тоскана"
 #. "Florence" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Italian is "Firenze".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3895
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3905
 msgctxt "City in Italy"
 msgid "Florence"
 msgstr "Флоренция"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3897
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3907
 msgid "Grosseto"
 msgstr "Гросето"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3899
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3909
 msgid "Lucca"
 msgstr "Лука"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3901
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3911
 msgid "Palazzo"
 msgstr "Палацо"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3903
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3913
 msgid "Pisa"
 msgstr "Пиза"
 #. An administrative division of Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3905
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3915
 msgid "Lazio"
 msgstr "Лацио"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3907
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3917
 msgid "Frosinone"
 msgstr "Фросиноне"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3909
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3919
 msgid "Latina"
 msgstr "Латина"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3911
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3921
 msgid "Pratica di Mare"
 msgstr "Пратика ди Маре"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3913
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3923
 msgid "Rieti"
 msgstr "Риети"
@@ -8974,63 +9002,63 @@ msgstr "Риети"
 #. "Rome" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Italian is "Roma".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3918
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3928
 msgctxt "City in Italy"
 msgid "Rome"
 msgstr "Рим"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3920
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3930
 msgid "Viterbo"
 msgstr "Витербо"
 #. An administrative division of Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3922
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3932
 msgid "Marche"
 msgstr "Марке"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3924
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3934
 msgid "Ancona"
 msgstr "Анкона"
 #. An administrative division of Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3926
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3936
 msgid "Umbria"
 msgstr "Умбрия"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3928
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3938
 msgid "Perugia"
 msgstr "Перуджа"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3930
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3940
 msgid "Salignano"
 msgstr "Салинано"
 #. An administrative division of Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3932
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3942
 msgid "Abruzzo"
 msgstr "Абруцо"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3934
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3944
 msgid "Pescara"
 msgstr "Пескара"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3936
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3946
 msgid "L'Aquila"
 msgstr "Лакуила"
 #. An administrative division of Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3938
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3948
 msgid "Veneto"
 msgstr "Венето"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3940
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3950
 msgid "Treviso"
 msgstr "Тревизо"
@@ -9038,217 +9066,217 @@ msgstr "Тревизо"
 #. "Venice" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Italian is "Venezia".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3945
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3955
 msgid "Venice"
 msgstr "Венеция"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3947
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3957
 msgid "Verona"
 msgstr "Верона"
 #. A city in Italy
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3949
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3959
 msgid "Vicenza"
 msgstr "Виченца"
 #. JE - The Bailiwick of Jersey, a British Crown dependency
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3951
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3961
 msgid "Jersey"
 msgstr "Джърси"
 #. A city in Jersey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3953
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3963
 msgid "La Hougue"
 msgstr "Ла Хоуг"
 #. The capital of Jersey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3955
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3965
 msgid "Saint Helier"
 msgstr "Сейнт Хелиър"
 #. LV - Latvia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3957
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3967
 msgid "Latvia"
 msgstr "Латвия"
 #. A city in Latvia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3959
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3969
 msgid "Liepāja"
 msgstr "Лиепая"
 #. The capital of Latvia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3961
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3971
 msgid "RÄ«ga"
 msgstr "Рига"
 #. LI - Liechtenstien
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3963
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3973
 msgid "Liechtenstein"
 msgstr "Лихтенщайн"
 #. The capital of Liechtenstein
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3965
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3975
 msgid "Vaduz"
 msgstr "Вадуц"
 #. LT - Lithuania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3967
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3977
 msgid "Lithuania"
 msgstr "Литва"
 #. A city in Lithuania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3969
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3979
 msgid "Kaunas"
 msgstr "Каунас"
 #. A city in Lithuania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3971
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3981
 msgid "Palanga"
 msgstr "Паланга"
 #. The capital of Lithuania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3973
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3983
 msgid "Vilnius"
 msgstr "Вилнюс"
 #. A city in Lithuania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3975
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3985
 msgid "Å iauliai"
 msgstr "Шяуляй"
 #. LU - Luxembourg
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3977
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3987
 msgctxt "Country"
 msgid "Luxembourg"
 msgstr "Люксембург"
 #. The capital of Luxembourg
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3979
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3989
 msgctxt "City in Luxembourg"
 msgid "Luxembourg"
 msgstr "Люксембург"
 #. MK - The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3981
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3991
 msgid "Macedonia"
 msgstr "Македония"
 #. A city in Macedonia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3983
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3993
 msgid "Ohrid"
 msgstr "Охрид"
 #. The capital of Macedonia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3985
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3995
 msgid "Skopje"
 msgstr "Скопие"
 #. MT - Malta
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3987
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3997
 msgctxt "Country"
 msgid "Malta"
 msgstr "Малта"
 #. A city in Malta
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3989
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3999
 msgid "Luqa"
 msgstr "Лука"
 #. The capital of Malta
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3991
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4001
 msgid "Valletta"
 msgstr "Валета"
 #. MD - Moldova
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3993
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4003
 msgid "Moldova"
 msgstr "Молдова"
 #. The capital of Moldova
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3995
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4005
 msgid "Chişinău"
 msgstr "Кишинев"
 #. MC - Monaco
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3997
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4007
 msgctxt "Country"
 msgid "Monaco"
 msgstr "Монако"
 #. The capital of Monaco
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:3999
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4009
 msgctxt "City in Monaco"
 msgid "Monaco"
 msgstr "Монако"
 #. ME - Montenegro
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4001
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4011
 msgid "Montenegro"
 msgstr "Черна гора"
 #. A city in Montenegro
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4003
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4013
 msgid "Podgorica"
 msgstr "Подгорица"
 #. A city in Montenegro
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4005
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4015
 msgid "Tivat"
 msgstr "Тиват"
 #. NL - Netherlands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4007
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4017
 msgid "Netherlands"
 msgstr "Холандия"
 #. The capital of the Netherlands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4009
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4019
 msgid "Amsterdam"
 msgstr "Амстердам"
 #. A city in the Netherlands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4011
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4021
 msgid "De Kooy"
 msgstr "Де Кой"
 #. A city in the Netherlands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4013
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4023
 msgid "Deelen"
 msgstr "Деелен"
 #. A city in the Netherlands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4015
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4025
 msgid "Eindhoven"
 msgstr "Айндховен"
 #. A city in the Netherlands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4017
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4027
 msgid "Gilze"
 msgstr "Гилзе"
 #. A city in the Netherlands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4019
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4029
 msgid "Groningen"
 msgstr "Грьонинген"
 #. A city in the Netherlands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4021
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4031
 msgid "Leeuwarden"
 msgstr "Леуварден"
 #. A city in the Netherlands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4023
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4033
 msgid "Maastricht"
 msgstr "Маастрихт"
 #. A city in the Netherlands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4025
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4035
 msgid "Oost-Vlieland"
 msgstr "Ост-Влиланд"
 #. A city in the Netherlands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4027
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4037
 msgid "Rotterdam"
 msgstr "Ротердам"
@@ -9256,322 +9284,337 @@ msgstr "Ротердам"
 #. "The Hague" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Dutch is "'s-Gravenhage".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4032
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4042
 msgid "The Hague"
 msgstr "Хага"
 #. A city in the Netherlands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4034
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4044
 msgid "Valkenburg"
 msgstr "Валкенбург"
 #. A city in the Netherlands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4036
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4046
 msgid "Volkel"
 msgstr "Вьолкел"
 #. A city in the Netherlands
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4038
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4048
 msgid "Woensdrecht"
 msgstr "Вьоенсдрехт"
 #. NO - Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4040
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4050
 msgid "Norway"
 msgstr "Норвегия"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4042
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4052
 msgid "Alta"
 msgstr "Алта"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4044
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4054
 msgid "Berlevåg"
 msgstr "Берлевог"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4046
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4056
 msgid "Bodø"
 msgstr "Бодо"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4048
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4058
 msgid "Bolle"
 msgstr "Боле"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4050
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4060
 msgid "Boltåsen"
 msgstr "Болтясен"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4052
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4062
 msgid "Brønnøysund"
 msgstr "Бронойсунд"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4054
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4064
 msgid "BÃ¥tsfjord"
 msgstr "Ботсфиорд"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4056
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4066
 msgid "Dalem"
 msgstr "Далем"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4058
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4068
 msgid "Djupdalen"
 msgstr "Дюпдален"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4060
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4070
 msgid "Eldskog"
 msgstr "Елдског"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4062
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4072
 msgid "Fagernes"
 msgstr "Фагернес"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4064
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4074
 msgid "Fiskenes"
 msgstr "Фискенес"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4066
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4076
 msgid "Flesland"
 msgstr "Флесланд"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4068
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4078
 msgid "Florø"
 msgstr "Флоро"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4070
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4080
 msgid "Førde"
 msgstr "Фьорде"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4072
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4082
 msgid "Gardermoen"
 msgstr "Гардермоен"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4074
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4084
 msgid "Hammerfest"
 msgstr "Хамерфест"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4076
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4086
 msgid "Hasvik"
 msgstr "Хасвик"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4078
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4088
 msgid "Haugesund"
 msgstr "Хогесунд"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4080
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4090
 msgid "Holm"
 msgstr "Холм"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4082
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4092
 msgid "Honningsvåg"
 msgstr "Хонингсвог"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4084
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4094
 msgid "Kirkenes"
 msgstr "Киркенес"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4086
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4096
 msgid "Kjevik"
 msgstr "Кйевик"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4088
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4098
 msgid "Kristiansund"
 msgstr "Кристиансунд"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4090
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4100
 msgid "Tromsø"
 msgstr "Тромса"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4092
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4102
 msgid "Mehamn"
 msgstr "Меам"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4094
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4104
 msgid "Molde"
 msgstr "Мьолде"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4096
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4106
 msgid "Mosjøen"
 msgstr "Мосьоен"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4098
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4108
 msgid "Namsos"
 msgstr "Намсос"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4100
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4110
 msgid "Narvik"
 msgstr "Нарвик"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4102
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4112
 msgid "Notodden"
 msgstr "Нотоден"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4104
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4114
 msgid "Oseberg"
 msgstr "Осеберг"
 #. The capital of Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4106
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4116
 msgid "Oslo"
 msgstr "Осло"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4108
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4118
 msgid "Rygge"
 msgstr "Риге"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4110
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4120
 msgid "Røros"
 msgstr "Рьорос"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4112
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4122
 msgid "Rørvik"
 msgstr "Рьорвик"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4114
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4124
 msgid "Røssvoll"
 msgstr "Рьосвол"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4116
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4126
 msgid "Røst"
 msgstr "Рьост"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4118
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4128
 msgid "Sandane"
 msgstr "Сандане"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4120
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4130
 msgid "Skagen"
 msgstr "Скаген"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4122
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4132
 msgid "Skien"
 msgstr "Скиен"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4124
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4134
 msgid "Sola"
 msgstr "Сола"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4126
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4136
 msgid "Stokka"
 msgstr "Стока"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4128
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4138
 msgid "Svartnes"
 msgstr "Свартнес"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4130
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4140
 msgid "Svolvær"
 msgstr "Сволвяр"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4132
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4142
 msgid "Sørkjosen"
 msgstr "Сьоркьосен"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4134
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4144
 msgid "Torp"
 msgstr "Торп"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4136
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4146
 msgid "Trondheim"
 msgstr "Трондхайм"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4138
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4148
 msgid "Vadsø"
 msgstr "Вадсьо"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4140
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4150
 msgid "Ã…lesund"
 msgstr "Олесунд"
 #. A city in Norway
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4142
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4152
 msgid "Ørsta"
 msgstr "Йорста"
 #. PL - Poland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4144
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4154
 msgid "Poland"
 msgstr "Полша"
 #. A city in Poland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4146
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4156
+msgid "Bydgoszcz"
+msgstr "Бидгошч"
+#. A city in Poland
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4158
 msgid "Gdańsk"
 msgstr "Гданск"
 #. A city in Poland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4148
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4160
 msgid "Katowice"
 msgstr "Катовице"
 #. A city in Poland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4150
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4162
 msgid "Kraków"
 msgstr "Краков"
 #. A city in Poland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4152
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4164
+msgid "Lublin"
+msgstr "Люблин"
+#. A city in Poland
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4166
 msgid "Łódź"
 msgstr "Лоц"
 #. A city in Poland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4154
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4168
+msgid "Olsztyn"
+msgstr "Олщин"
+#. A city in Poland
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4170
 msgid "Poznań"
 msgstr "Познан"
 #. A city in Poland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4156
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4172
 msgid "Rzeszów"
 msgstr "Ржешов"
 #. A city in Poland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4158
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4174
 msgid "Szczecin"
 msgstr "Шчечин"
@@ -9579,18 +9622,23 @@ msgstr "Шчечин"
 #. "Warsaw" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Polish is "Warszawa".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4163
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4179
 msgctxt "City in Poland"
 msgid "Warsaw"
 msgstr "Варшава"
 #. A city in Poland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4165
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4181
 msgid "Wrocław"
 msgstr "Вроцлав"
+#. A city in Poland
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4183
+msgid "Zielona Góra"
+msgstr "Жельона гора"
 #. PT - Portugal
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4167
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4185
 msgid "Portugal"
 msgstr "Португалия"
@@ -9598,7 +9646,7 @@ msgstr "Португалия"
 #. is only used in places where "Portugal" is already
 #. understood from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4172
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4190
 msgid "Azores"
 msgstr "Азорски о-ви"
@@ -9606,39 +9654,39 @@ msgstr "Азорски о-ви"
 #. of Madeira. The string is only used in places where
 #. "Portugal" is already understood from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4177
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4195
 msgid "Madeira"
 msgstr "Мадейра"
 #. This refers to the time zone for mainland Portugal (as
 #. opposed to the time zone for the Azores).
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4181
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4199
 msgid "Mainland Portugal"
 msgstr "Континентална Португалия"
 #. A city in Portugal
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4183
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4201
 msgid "Beja"
 msgstr "Бежа"
 #. A city in Portugal
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4185
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4203
 msgid "Castelo Branco"
 msgstr "Кастело Бранко"
 #. A city in Portugal
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4187
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4205
 msgid "Faro"
 msgstr "Фару"
 #. A city in Portugal
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4189
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4207
 msgid "Flor da Rosa"
 msgstr "Флор да Роса"
 #. A city in Portugal
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4191
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4209
 msgid "Lajes"
 msgstr "Лахес"
@@ -9646,74 +9694,74 @@ msgstr "Лахес"
 #. "Lisbon" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Portuguese is "Lisboa".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4196
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4214
 msgid "Lisbon"
 msgstr "Лисабон"
 #. A city in Portugal
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4198
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4216
 msgid "Monte Real"
 msgstr "Монте Реал"
 #. A city in Portugal
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4200
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4218
 msgid "Montijo"
 msgstr "Монтижу"
 #. A city in Portugal
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4202
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4220
 msgid "Ovar"
 msgstr "Овар"
 #. A city in Portugal
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4204
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4222
 msgid "Ponta Delgada"
 msgstr "Понта Делгада"
 #. A city in Portugal
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4206
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4224
 msgid "Porto"
 msgstr "Порто"
 #. A city in Portugal
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4208
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4226
 msgid "Porto Santo"
 msgstr "Порту Санту"
 #. A city in Portugal.
 #. One of several cities in Portugal called "Santa Cruz".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4212
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4230
 msgid "Santa Cruz das Flores"
 msgstr "Санта Крус дас Флореш"
 #. A city in Portugal
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4214
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4232
 msgid "Sintra"
 msgstr "Синтра"
 #. A city in Portugal
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4216
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4234
 msgid "Água de Pena"
 msgstr "Акуа де Пена"
 #. RO - Romania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4218
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4236
 msgid "Romania"
 msgstr "Румъния"
 #. A city in Romania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4220
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4238
 msgid "Arad"
 msgstr "Арад"
 #. A city in Romania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4222
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4240
 msgid "Bacău"
 msgstr "Бакъу"
 #. A city in Romania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4224
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4242
 msgid "Baia Mare"
 msgstr "Бая Маре"
@@ -9721,67 +9769,67 @@ msgstr "Бая Маре"
 #. "Bucharest" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Romanian is "BucureÅŸti".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4229
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4247
 msgid "Bucharest"
 msgstr "Букурещ"
 #. A city in Romania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4231
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4249
 msgid "Cluj-Napoca"
 msgstr "Клуж-Напока"
 #. A city in Romania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4233
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4251
 msgid "Craiova"
 msgstr "Крайова"
 #. A city in Romania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4235
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4253
 msgid "IaÅŸi"
 msgstr "Яш"
 #. A city in Romania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4237
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4255
 msgid "Mihail Kogălniceanu"
 msgstr "Михай Когалничану"
 #. A city in Romania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4239
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4257
 msgid "Oradea"
 msgstr "Орадя"
 #. A city in Romania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4241
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4259
 msgid "Satu Mare"
 msgstr "Сату Маре"
 #. A city in Romania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4243
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4261
 msgid "Sibiu"
 msgstr "Сибиу"
 #. A city in Romania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4245
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4263
 msgid "Suceava"
 msgstr "Сучава"
 #. A city in Romania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4247
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4265
 msgid "TimiÅŸoara"
 msgstr "Тимишоара"
 #. A city in Romania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4249
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4267
 msgid "Tulcea"
 msgstr "Тулча"
 #. A city in Romania
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4251
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4269
 msgid "Târgu-Mureş"
 msgstr "Търгу Муреш"
 #. RU - Russian Federation
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4253
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4271
 msgid "Russia"
 msgstr "Русия"
@@ -9790,7 +9838,7 @@ msgstr "Русия"
 #. "Калининградское время". This string is only used in
 #. places where "Russia" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4259
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4277
 msgid "Kaliningrad Time"
 msgstr "Калининградско време"
@@ -9799,7 +9847,7 @@ msgstr "Калининградско време"
 #. "Московское время". This string is only used in places
 #. where "Russia" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4265
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4283
 msgid "Moscow Time"
 msgstr "Московско време"
@@ -9809,7 +9857,7 @@ msgstr "Московско време"
 #. used in places where "Russia" is already clear from
 #. context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4272
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4290
 msgid "Samara Time"
 msgstr "Самарско време"
@@ -9818,7 +9866,7 @@ msgstr "Самарско време"
 #. "Екатеринбургское время". This string is only used in
 #. places where "Russia" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4278
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4296
 msgid "Yekaterinburg Time"
 msgstr "Екатеринбургско време"
@@ -9828,7 +9876,7 @@ msgstr "Екатеринбургско време"
 #. used in places where "Russia" is already clear from
 #. context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4285
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4303
 msgid "Omsk Time"
 msgstr "Омско време"
@@ -9837,7 +9885,7 @@ msgstr "Омско време"
 #. "Красноярское время". This string is only used in places
 #. where "Russia" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4291
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4309
 msgid "Krasnoyarsk Time"
 msgstr "Красноярско време"
@@ -9846,7 +9894,7 @@ msgstr "Красноярско време"
 #. name is "Иркутское время". This string is only used in
 #. places where "Russia" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4297
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4315
 msgid "Irkutsk Time"
 msgstr "Иркутско време"
@@ -9855,7 +9903,7 @@ msgstr "Иркутско време"
 #. name is "Якутское время". This string is only used in
 #. places where "Russia" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4303
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4321
 msgid "Yakutsk Time"
 msgstr "Якутско време"
@@ -9864,7 +9912,7 @@ msgstr "Якутско време"
 #. "Владивостокское время". This string is only used in
 #. places where "Russia" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4309
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4327
 msgid "Vladivostok Time"
 msgstr "Владивостокско време"
@@ -9873,7 +9921,7 @@ msgstr "Владивостокско време"
 #. "Магаданское время". This string is only used in places
 #. where "Russia" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4315
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4333
 msgid "Magadan Time"
 msgstr "Магаданско време"
@@ -9882,21 +9930,21 @@ msgstr "Магаданско време"
 #. is "Камчатское время". This string is only used in
 #. places where "Russia" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4321
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4339
 msgid "Kamchatka Time"
 msgstr "Камчатско време"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Абакан".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4325
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4343
 msgid "Abakan"
 msgstr "Абакан"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Адлер".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4329
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4347
 msgid "Adler"
 msgstr "Адлер"
@@ -9904,168 +9952,168 @@ msgstr "Адлер"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Анадырь".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4333
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4351
 msgid "Anadyr'"
 msgstr "Анадир"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Анапа".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4337
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4355
 msgid "Anapa"
 msgstr "Анапа"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Архангельск".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4341
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4359
 msgid "Arkhangel'sk"
 msgstr "Архангелск"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Астрахань".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4345
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4363
 msgid "Astrakhan'"
 msgstr "Астрахан"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Барнаул".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4349
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4367
 msgid "Barnaul"
 msgstr "Барнаул"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Брацк".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4353
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4371
 msgid "Bratsk"
 msgstr "Брацк"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Брянск".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4357
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4375
 msgid "Bryansk"
 msgstr "Брянск"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Чебоксары".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4361
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4379
 msgid "Cheboksary"
 msgstr "Чебоксари"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Челябинск".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4365
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4383
 msgid "Chelyabinsk"
 msgstr "Челябинск"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Чита".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4369
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4387
 msgid "Chita"
 msgstr "Чита"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Чульман".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4373
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4391
 msgid "Chul'man"
 msgstr "Чулман"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Энгельс".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4377
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4395
 msgid "Engel's"
 msgstr "Енгелс"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Иркуцк".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4381
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4399
 msgid "Irkutsk"
 msgstr "Иркутск"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Иже́вск".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4385
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4403
 msgid "Izhevsk"
 msgstr "Ижевск"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Калининград".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4389
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4407
 msgid "Kaliningrad"
 msgstr "Калининград"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Казань".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4393
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4411
 msgid "Kazan'"
 msgstr "Казан"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Кемерово".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4397
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4415
 msgid "Kemerovo"
 msgstr "Кемерово"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Хабаровск".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4401
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4419
 msgid "Khabarovsk"
 msgstr "Хабаровск"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Ханты-Мансийск".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4405
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4423
 msgid "Khanty-Mansiysk"
 msgstr "Ханти-Мансийск"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Краснодар".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4409
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4427
 msgid "Krasnodar"
 msgstr "Краснодар"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Красноярск".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4413
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4431
 msgid "Krasnoyarsk"
 msgstr "Красноярск"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Магадан".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4417
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4435
 msgid "Magadan"
 msgstr "Магадан"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Минеральные Воды".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4421
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4439
 msgid "Mineral'nyye Vody"
 msgstr "Минералние Води"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Мирный".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4425
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4443
 msgid "Mirnyy"
 msgstr "Мирни"
@@ -10073,7 +10121,7 @@ msgstr "Мирни"
 #. "Moscow" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Moskva / Москва".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4430
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4448
 msgctxt "City in Russia"
 msgid "Moscow"
 msgstr "Москва"
@@ -10081,82 +10129,82 @@ msgstr "Москва"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Мурманск".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4434
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4452
 msgid "Murmansk"
 msgstr "Мурманск"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Нальчик".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4438
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4456
 msgid "Nal'chik"
 msgstr "Налчик"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Нижневартовск".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4442
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4460
 msgid "Nizhnevartovsk"
 msgstr "Нижневартовск"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Новокузнецк".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4446
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4464
 msgid "Novokuznetsk"
 msgstr "Новокузнецк"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Новосибирск".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4450
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4468
 msgid "Novosibirsk"
 msgstr "Новосибирск"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Омск".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4454
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4472
 msgid "Omsk"
 msgstr "Омск"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Оренбург".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4458
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4476
 msgid "Orenburg"
 msgstr "Оренбург"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Пенза".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4462
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4480
 msgid "Penza"
 msgstr "Пенза"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Пермь".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4466
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4484
 msgid "Perm'"
 msgstr "Перм"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Петропавловск-Камчатский".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4470
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4488
 msgid "Petropavlovsk"
 msgstr "Петропавловск-Камчатски"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Ростов-на-Дону".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4474
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4492
 msgid "Rostov"
 msgstr "Ростов-на-Дон"
 #. A city in Russia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4476
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4494
 msgid "Rybinsk"
 msgstr "Рибинск"
@@ -10165,144 +10213,144 @@ msgstr "Рибинск"
 #. The local name in Russian is "Sankt-Peterburg /
 #. Санкт-Петербург".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4482
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4500
 msgid "Saint Petersburg"
 msgstr "Санкт-Петербург"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Самара".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4486
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4504
 msgid "Samara"
 msgstr "Самара"
 #. A city in Russia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4488
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4506
 msgid "Saratov"
 msgstr "Саратов"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Ставрополь".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4492
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4510
 msgid "Stavropol'"
 msgstr "Ставропол"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Стригино".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4496
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4514
 msgid "Strigino"
 msgstr "Стригино"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Сургут".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4500
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4518
 msgid "Surgut"
 msgstr "Сургут"
 #. A city in Russia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4502
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4520
 msgid "Syktyvkar"
 msgstr "Сиктивкар"
 #. A city in Russia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4504
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4522
 msgid "Tiksi"
 msgstr "Тикси"
 #. A city in Russia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4506
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4524
 msgid "Tomsk"
 msgstr "Томск"
 #. A city in Russia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4508
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4526
 msgid "Tyumen"
 msgstr "Тюмен"
 #. A city in Russia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4510
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4528
 msgid "Udachnyy"
 msgstr "Удачни"
 #. A city in Russia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4512
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4530
 msgid "Ufa"
 msgstr "Уфа"
 #. A city in Russia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4514
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4532
 msgid "Ul'yanovsk"
 msgstr "Уляновск"
 #. A city in Russia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4516
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4534
 msgid "Ulan-Ude"
 msgstr "Улан Уде"
 #. A city in Russia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4518
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4536
 msgid "Velikiye Luki"
 msgstr "Великие Луки"
 #. A city in Russia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4520
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4538
 msgid "Vladivostok"
 msgstr "Владивосток"
 #. A city in Russia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4522
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4540
 msgid "Volgograd"
 msgstr "Волгоград"
 #. A city in Russia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4524
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4542
 msgid "Voronezh"
 msgstr "Воронеж"
 #. A city in Russia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4526
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4544
 msgid "Yakutsk"
 msgstr "Якутск"
 #. A city in Russia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4528
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4546
 msgid "Yaroslavl"
 msgstr "Ярославл"
 #. A city in Russia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4530
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4548
 msgid "Yekaterinburg"
 msgstr "Екатеринбург"
 #. A city in Russia.
 #. The local name in Russian is "Йошкар-Ола".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4534
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4552
 msgid "Yoshkar-Ola"
 msgstr "Йошкар-Ола"
 #. A city in Russia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4536
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4554
 msgid "Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk"
 msgstr "Южно-Сахалинск"
 #. SM - San Marino
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4538
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4556
 msgctxt "Country"
 msgid "San Marino"
 msgstr "Сан Марино"
 #. The capital of San Marino
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4540
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4558
 msgctxt "City in San Marino"
 msgid "San Marino"
 msgstr "Сан Марино"
 #. RS - Serbia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4542
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4560
 msgid "Serbia"
 msgstr "Сърбия"
@@ -10310,147 +10358,147 @@ msgstr "Сърбия"
 #. "Belgrade" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Serbian is "Beograd".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4547
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4565
 msgid "Belgrade"
 msgstr "Белград"
 #. A city in Serbia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4549
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4567
 msgid "Niš"
 msgstr "Ниш"
 #. A city in Serbia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4551
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4569
 msgid "Vršac"
 msgstr "Вършац"
 #. A city in Serbia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4553
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4571
 msgid "Zemun"
 msgstr "Земун"
 #. SK - Slovakia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4555
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4573
 msgid "Slovakia"
 msgstr "Словакия"
 #. The capital of Slovakia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4557
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4575
 msgid "Bratislava"
 msgstr "Братислава"
 #. A city in Slovakia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4559
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4577
 msgid "Dolný Hričov"
 msgstr "Долни Хричов"
 #. A city in Slovakia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4561
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4579
 msgid "Dubnica nad Váhom"
 msgstr "Дъбница над Вахом"
 #. A city in Slovakia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4563
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4581
 msgid "Kamenica nad Cirochou"
 msgstr "Каменица над Цирочу"
 #. A city in Slovakia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4565
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4583
 msgid "Košice"
 msgstr "Кошице"
 #. A city in Slovakia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4567
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4585
 msgid "Lučenec"
 msgstr "Лученец"
 #. A city in Slovakia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4569
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4587
 msgid "Martin"
 msgstr "Мартин"
 #. A city in Slovakia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4571
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4589
 msgid "Nové Zámky"
 msgstr "Нове Замки"
 #. A city in Slovakia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4573
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4591
 msgid "Partizánske"
 msgstr "Партизанске"
 #. A city in Slovakia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4575
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4593
 msgid "Piešťany"
 msgstr "Пиещани"
 #. A city in Slovakia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4577
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4595
 msgid "Poprad"
 msgstr "Попрад"
 #. A city in Slovakia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4579
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4597
 msgid "Prešov"
 msgstr "Прешов"
 #. A city in Slovakia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4581
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4599
 msgid "Prievidza"
 msgstr "Приевидза"
 #. A city in Slovakia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4583
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4601
 msgid "Ružomberok"
 msgstr "Ружомберок"
 #. A city in Slovakia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4585
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4603
 msgid "Sliač"
 msgstr "Слиач"
 #. A city in Slovakia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4587
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4605
 msgid "Spišská Nová Ves"
 msgstr "Спишка Нова Вес"
 #. A city in Slovakia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4589
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4607
 msgid "Svidník"
 msgstr "Свидник"
 #. A city in Slovakia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4591
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4609
 msgid "Trenčín"
 msgstr "Тренчин"
 #. A city in Slovakia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4593
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4611
 msgid "Žilina"
 msgstr "Жилина"
 #. SI - Slovenia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4595
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4613
 msgid "Slovenia"
 msgstr "Словения"
 #. The capital of Slovenia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4597
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4615
 msgid "Ljubljana"
 msgstr "Любляна"
 #. A city in Slovenia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4599
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4617
 msgid "Maribor"
 msgstr "Марибор"
 #. A city in Slovenia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4601
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4619
 msgid "Portorož"
 msgstr "Портороз"
 #. ES - Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4603
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4621
 msgid "Spain"
 msgstr "Испания"
@@ -10458,14 +10506,14 @@ msgstr "Испания"
 #. string is only used in places where "Spain" is already
 #. clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4608
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4626
 msgid "Canary Islands"
 msgstr "Канарски острови"
 #. This refers to the time zone for mainland Spain (as
 #. opposed to the time zone for the Canary Islands).
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4612
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4630
 msgid "Mainland Spain"
 msgstr "Континентална Испания"
@@ -10473,282 +10521,282 @@ msgstr "Континентална Испания"
 #. Melilla, on the coast of Africa. The string is only used
 #. in places where "Spain" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4617
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4635
 msgid "Ceuta and Melilla"
 msgstr "Селта и Мелила"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4619
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4637
 msgid "A Coruña"
 msgstr "Ла Коруня"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4621
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4639
 msgid "Agoncillo"
 msgstr "Агончило"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4623
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4641
 msgid "Alcantarilla"
 msgstr "Алкантарила"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4625
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4643
 msgid "Alcorcón"
 msgstr "Алкоркон"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4627
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4645
 msgid "Alicante"
 msgstr "Аликанте"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4629
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4647
 msgid "Almería"
 msgstr "Алмерия"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4631
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4649
 msgid "Armilla"
 msgstr "Армиля"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4633
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4651
 msgid "Atogo"
 msgstr "Атого"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4635
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4653
 msgid "Avilés"
 msgstr "Авилес"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4637
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4655
 msgid "Barajas"
 msgstr "Барахас"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4639
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4657
 msgctxt "City in Spain"
 msgid "Barcelona"
 msgstr "Барселона"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4641
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4659
 msgid "Bilbao"
 msgstr "Билбао"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4643
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4661
 msgid "Colmenar Viejo"
 msgstr "Колменар Виехо"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4645
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4663
 msgid "Corcovados"
 msgstr "Корковадос"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4647
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4665
 msgid "Cuatro Vientos"
 msgstr "Куатро Виентос"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4649
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4667
 msgctxt "City in Spain"
 msgid "Córdoba"
 msgstr "Кордоба"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4651
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4669
 msgid "El Matorral"
 msgstr "Ел Маторал"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4653
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4671
 msgid "Fuenlabrada"
 msgstr "Фуенлабрада"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4655
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4673
 msgid "Fuenterrabía"
 msgstr "Фуентерабия"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4657
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4675
 msgid "Gando"
 msgstr "Гандо"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4659
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4677
 msgid "Gerona"
 msgstr "Герона"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4661
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4679
 msgid "Getafe"
 msgstr "Гетафе"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4663
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4681
 msgid "Granada"
 msgstr "Гранада"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4665
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4683
 msgid "Güime"
 msgstr "Гуйме"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4667
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4685
 msgid "Ibiza"
 msgstr "Ибиса"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4669
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4687
 msgid "Jerez"
 msgstr "Херес"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4671
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4689
 msgid "Leganés"
 msgstr "Леганес"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4673
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4691
 msgctxt "City in Spain"
 msgid "León"
 msgstr "Леон"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4675
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4693
 msgid "Los Baldíos"
 msgstr "Лос Балдиос"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4677
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4695
 msgid "Los Llanos"
 msgstr "Лос Лянос"
 #. The capital of Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4679
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4697
 msgid "Madrid"
 msgstr "Мадрид"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4681
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4699
 msgid "Mahón"
 msgstr "Маон"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4683
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4701
 msgid "Melilla"
 msgstr "Мелила"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4685
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4703
 msgid "Morón"
 msgstr "Морон"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4687
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4705
 msgid "Móstoles"
 msgstr "Мостолес"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4689
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4707
 msgid "Málaga"
 msgstr "Малага"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4691
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4709
 msgid "Noáin"
 msgstr "Ноаин"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4693
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4711
 msgid "Palma"
 msgstr "Палма"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4695
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4713
 msgid "Reus"
 msgstr "Реус"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4697
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4715
 msgid "Rota"
 msgstr "Рота"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4699
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4717
 msgid "Sabadell"
 msgstr "Сабадел"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4701
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4719
 msgid "Salamanca"
 msgstr "Саламанка"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4703
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4721
 msgid "San Javier"
 msgstr "Сан Хавиер"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4705
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4723
 msgid "San Pablo"
 msgstr "Сан Пабло"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4707
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4725
 msgid "Santander"
 msgstr "Сантандер"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4709
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4727
 msgctxt "City in Spain"
 msgid "Santiago"
 msgstr "Сантяго"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4711
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4729
 msgid "Talavera la Real"
 msgstr "Талавера ла Реал"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4713
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4731
 msgid "Tamaduste"
 msgstr "Тамадусте"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4715
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4733
 msgid "Torrejón del Rey"
 msgstr "Торехон дел Рей"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4717
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4735
 msgctxt "City in Spain"
 msgid "Valencia"
 msgstr "Валенсия"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4719
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4737
 msgid "Vigo"
 msgstr "Виго"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4721
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4739
 msgid "Villanubla"
 msgstr "Виланубла"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4723
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4741
 msgid "Vitoria-Gasteiz"
 msgstr "Витория-Гастес"
 #. A city in Spain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4725
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4743
 msgid "Zaragoza"
 msgstr "Сарагоса"
@@ -10756,182 +10804,182 @@ msgstr "Сарагоса"
 #. Arctic Ocean which is a part of Norway with unusual status
 #. internationally.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4730
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4748
 msgid "Svalbard and Jan Mayen"
 msgstr "Сволборд и Йан Майен"
 #. The capital of Svalbard and Jan Mayen
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4732
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4750
 msgid "Longyearbyen"
 msgstr "Лонгйербйен"
 #. SE - Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4734
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4752
 msgid "Sweden"
 msgstr "Швеция"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4736
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4754
 msgid "Borlänge"
 msgstr "Борленге"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4738
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4756
 msgid "Gällivare"
 msgstr "Геливаре"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4740
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4758
 msgid "Göteborg"
 msgstr "Гьотеборг"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4742
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4760
 msgid "Halmstad"
 msgstr "Халмщад"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4744
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4762
 msgid "Jönköping"
 msgstr "Йонкьопинг"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4746
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4764
 msgid "Kalmar"
 msgstr "Калмар"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4748
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4766
 msgid "Karlstad"
 msgstr "Карлщад"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4750
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4768
 msgid "Kiruna"
 msgstr "Кируна"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4752
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4770
 msgid "Kramfors"
 msgstr "Крамфорс"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4754
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4772
 msgid "Kristianstad"
 msgstr "Кристианстад"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4756
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4774
 msgid "Linköping"
 msgstr "Линкьопинг"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4758
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4776
 msgid "Ljungbyhed"
 msgstr "Люнгбихед"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4760
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4778
 msgid "Luleå"
 msgstr "Лулеа"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4762
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4780
 msgid "Lycksele"
 msgstr "Ликселе"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4764
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4782
 msgid "Malmö"
 msgstr "Малмьо"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4766
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4784
 msgid "Norrköping"
 msgstr "Норкьопинг"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4768
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4786
 msgid "Nyköping"
 msgstr "Никьопинг"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4770
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4788
 msgid "Ronneby"
 msgstr "Ронеби"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4772
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4790
 msgid "Skellefteå"
 msgstr "Скелефтеа"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4774
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4792
 msgid "Skövde"
 msgstr "Скьовде"
 #. The capital of Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4776
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4794
 msgid "Stockholm"
 msgstr "Стокхолм"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4778
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4796
 msgid "Sundsvall"
 msgstr "Сундсвал"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4780
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4798
 msgid "Söderhamn"
 msgstr "Сьодерхамн"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4782
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4800
 msgid "Umeå"
 msgstr "Умеа"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4784
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4802
 msgid "Visby"
 msgstr "Висби"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4786
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4804
 msgid "Västerås"
 msgstr "Вастерос"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4788
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4806
 msgid "Växjö"
 msgstr "Ваксьо"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4790
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4808
 msgid "Ängelholm"
 msgstr "Ангелхолм"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4792
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4810
 msgid "Örebro"
 msgstr "Йоребрьо"
 #. A city in Sweden
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4794
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4812
 msgid "Örnsköldsvik"
 msgstr "Йорнскьолдсвик"
 #. CH - Switzerland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4796
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4814
 msgid "Switzerland"
 msgstr "Швейцария"
 #. The capital of Switzerland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4798
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4816
 msgid "Bern"
 msgstr "Берн"
 #. A city in Switzerland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4800
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4818
 msgid "Basel"
 msgstr "Базел"
@@ -10939,222 +10987,222 @@ msgstr "Базел"
 #. "Geneva" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name is "Genève".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4805
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4823
 msgid "Geneva"
 msgstr "Женева"
 #. A city in Switzerland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4807
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4825
 msgid "Grenchen"
 msgstr "Гренхен"
 #. A city in Switzerland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4809
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4827
 msgid "Lugano"
 msgstr "Лугано"
 #. A city in Switzerland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4811
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4829
 msgid "Neuchâtel"
 msgstr "Нюшател"
 #. A city in Switzerland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4813
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4831
 msgid "Sankt Gallen"
 msgstr "Сенкт Гален"
 #. A city in Switzerland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4815
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4833
 msgid "St. Moritz"
 msgstr "Сейнт Морис"
 #. A city in Switzerland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4817
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4835
 msgid "Sion"
 msgstr "Сион"
 #. A city in Switzerland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4819
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4837
 msgid "Zürich"
 msgstr "Цюрих"
 #. TR - Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4821
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4839
 msgid "Turkey"
 msgstr "Турция"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4823
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4841
 msgid "Adana"
 msgstr "Адана"
 #. The capital of Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4825
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4843
 msgid "Ankara"
 msgstr "Анкара"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4827
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4845
 msgid "Antalya"
 msgstr "Анталия"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4829
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4847
 msgid "Balikesir"
 msgstr "Балъкешир"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4831
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4849
 msgid "Bandirma"
 msgstr "Бандърма"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4833
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4851
 msgid "Bodrum"
 msgstr "Бодрум"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4835
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4853
 msgid "Burdur"
 msgstr "Бурдур"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4837
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4855
 msgid "Bursa"
 msgstr "Бурса"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4839
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4857
 msgid "Corlu"
 msgstr "Чорлу"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4841
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4859
 msgid "Dalaman"
 msgstr "Даламан"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4843
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4861
 msgid "Diyarbakir"
 msgstr "Диарбекир"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4845
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4863
 msgid "Erzurum"
 msgstr "Ерзурум"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4847
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4865
 msgid "Eskisehir"
 msgstr "Ескишехир"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4849
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4867
 msgid "Gaziantep"
 msgstr "Газиантеп"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4851
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4869
 msgid "Istanbul"
 msgstr "Истанбул"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4853
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4871
 msgid "Izmir"
 msgstr "Измир"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4855
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4873
 msgid "Kars"
 msgstr "Карш"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4857
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4875
 msgid "Kayseri"
 msgstr "Кайсери"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4859
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4877
 msgid "Kislakoy"
 msgstr "Кислакьой"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4861
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4879
 msgid "Konya"
 msgstr "Коня"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4863
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4881
 msgid "Malatya"
 msgstr "Малатия"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4865
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4883
 msgid "Merzifon"
 msgstr "Мерзифон"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4867
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4885
 msgid "Nevsehir"
 msgstr "Невшехир"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4869
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4887
 msgid "Samsun"
 msgstr "Самсун"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4871
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4889
 msgid "Tepetarla"
 msgstr "Тепетарлъ"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4873
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4891
 msgid "Trabzon"
 msgstr "Трабзон"
 #. A city in Turkey
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4875
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4893
 msgid "Van"
 msgstr "Ван"
 #. UA - Ukraine
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4877
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4895
 msgid "Ukraine"
 msgstr "Украйна"
 #. A city in Ukraine
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4879
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4897
 msgid "Boryspil'"
 msgstr "Бориспил"
 #. A city in Ukraine
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4881
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4899
 msgid "Chagor"
 msgstr "Чагор"
 #. A city in Ukraine
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4883
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4901
 msgid "Dnipropetrovs'k"
 msgstr "Днепропетровск"
 #. A city in Ukraine
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4885
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4903
 msgid "Donets'k"
 msgstr "Донецк"
 #. A city in Ukraine
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4887
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4905
 msgid "Hostomel'"
 msgstr "Хостомел"
 #. A city in Ukraine
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4889
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4907
 msgid "Ivano-Frankivs'k"
 msgstr "Ивано-Франковск"
 #. A city in Ukraine
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4891
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4909
 msgid "Kharkiv"
 msgstr "Харков"
@@ -11162,69 +11210,69 @@ msgstr "Харков"
 #. "Kiev" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Ukrainian is "Kyyiv".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4896
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4914
 msgid "Kiev"
 msgstr "Киев"
 #. A city in Ukraine
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4898
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4916
 msgid "Kryvyy Rih"
 msgstr "Кривой Рог"
 #. A city in Ukraine
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4900
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4918
 msgid "L'viv"
 msgstr "Лвов"
 #. A city in Ukraine
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4902
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4920
 msgid "Mokroye"
 msgstr "Мокрое"
 #. A city in Ukraine
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4904
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4922
 msgid "Mykolayiv"
 msgstr "Николаев"
 #. A city in Ukraine
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4906
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4924
 msgid "Odesa"
 msgstr "Одеса"
 #. A city in Ukraine
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4908
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4926
 msgid "Rivne"
 msgstr "Ривне"
 #. A city in Ukraine
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4910
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4928
 msgid "Simferopol'"
 msgstr "Симферопол"
 #. A city in Ukraine
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4912
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4930
 msgid "Telichka"
 msgstr "Теличка"
 #. A city in Ukraine
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4914
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4932
 msgid "Uzhhorod"
 msgstr "Ужгород"
 #. GB - United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4916
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4934
 msgid "United Kingdom"
 msgstr "Обединеното Кралство"
 #. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4918
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4936
 msgid "East and South East England"
 msgstr "Източна и югоизточна Англия"
 #. A city in East and South East England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4922
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4940
 msgctxt "City in East and South East England, United Kingdom"
 msgid "Benson"
 msgstr "Бенсън"
@@ -11232,21 +11280,21 @@ msgstr "Бенсън"
 #. A city in East and South East England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4926
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4944
 msgid "Biggin Hill"
 msgstr "Бигин Хил"
 #. A city in East and South East England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4930
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4948
 msgid "Brize Norton"
 msgstr "Бриз Нортон"
 #. A city in East and South East England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4934
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4952
 msgctxt "City in East and South East England, United Kingdom"
 msgid "Cambridge"
 msgstr "Кембридж"
@@ -11254,19 +11302,19 @@ msgstr "Кембридж"
 #. A city in East and South East England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4938
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4956
 msgid "Farnborough"
 msgstr "Фарнбъро"
 #. A city in East and South East England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4942
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4960
 msgid "Lakenheath"
 msgstr "Лейкънхийт"
 #. The capital of the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4944
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4962
 msgctxt "City in East and South East England, United Kingdom"
 msgid "London"
 msgstr "Лондон"
@@ -11274,77 +11322,77 @@ msgstr "Лондон"
 #. A city in East and South East England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4948
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4966
 msgid "Luton"
 msgstr "Лутън"
 #. A city in East and South East England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4952
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4970
 msgid "Lydd"
 msgstr "Лид"
 #. A city in East and South East England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4956
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4974
 msgid "Manston"
 msgstr "Манстън"
 #. A city in East and South East England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4960
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4978
 msgid "Marham"
 msgstr "Мархам"
 #. A city in East and South East England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4964
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4982
 msgid "Mildenhall"
 msgstr "Милдънхол"
 #. A city in East and South East England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4968
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4986
 msgid "Northolt"
 msgstr "Нортхолт"
 #. A city in East and South East England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4972
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4990
 msgid "Norwich"
 msgstr "Норич"
 #. A city in East and South East England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4976
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4994
 msgid "Odiham"
 msgstr "Одихам"
 #. A city in East and South East England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4980
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4998
 msgid "Shoreham-by-Sea"
 msgstr "Шорхъм-бай-Сий"
 #. A city in East and South East England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4984
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5002
 msgid "Southampton"
 msgstr "Саутхямптън"
 #. A city in East and South East England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4988
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5006
 msgctxt "City in East and South East England, United Kingdom"
 msgid "Southend"
 msgstr "Саутенд"
@@ -11352,357 +11400,357 @@ msgstr "Саутенд"
 #. A city in East and South East England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4992
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5010
 msgid "Stansted Mountfitchet"
 msgstr "Станстед Маунтфичет"
 #. A city in East and South East England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:4996
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5014
 msgid "Wainfleet"
 msgstr "Уейнфлийт"
 #. A city in East and South East England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5000
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5018
 msgid "Ipswich"
 msgstr "Ипсуич"
 #. A city in East and South East England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5004
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5022
 msgid "Wittering"
 msgstr "Уитъринг"
 #. A city in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5006
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5024
 msgid "Fairford"
 msgstr "Феърфорд"
 #. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5008
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5026
 msgid "Midlands"
 msgstr "Мидландс"
 #. A city in Midlands in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5010
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5028
 msgctxt "City in Midlands, United Kingdom"
 msgid "Birmingham"
 msgstr "Бирмингам"
 #. A city in Midlands in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5012
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5030
 msgid "Castle Donington"
 msgstr "Кесъл Донингтън"
 #. A city in Midlands in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5014
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5032
 msgid "Cottesmore"
 msgstr "Котсмор"
 #. A city in Midlands in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5016
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5034
 msgid "Coventry"
 msgstr "Ковънтри"
 #. A city in Midlands in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5018
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5036
 msgid "Cranfield"
 msgstr "Кранфийлд"
 #. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5020
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5038
 msgid "North East England"
 msgstr "Североизточна Англия"
 #. A city in North East England in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5022
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5040
 msgid "Coningsby"
 msgstr "Конингсби"
 #. A city in North East England in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5024
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5042
 msgid "Cranwell"
 msgstr "Крануел"
 #. A city in North East England in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5026
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5044
 msgid "Dishforth"
 msgstr "Дишфорт"
 #. A city in North East England in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5028
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5046
 msgctxt "City in North East England, United Kingdom"
 msgid "Newcastle"
 msgstr "Нюкясъл"
 #. A city in North East England in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5030
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5048
 msgctxt "City in North East England, United Kingdom"
 msgid "Stockton"
 msgstr "Стоктън"
 #. A city in North East England in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5032
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5050
 msgid "Topcliffe"
 msgstr "Топклиф"
 #. A city in North East England in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5034
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5052
 msgid "Waddington"
 msgstr "Уедингтън"
 #. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5036
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5054
 msgid "North West England"
 msgstr "Северозападна Англия"
 #. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5038
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5056
 msgid "Blackpool"
 msgstr "Блекпул"
 #. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5040
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5058
 msgid "Carlisle"
 msgstr "Карлайл"
 #. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5042
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5060
 msgid "Church Fenton"
 msgstr "Чърч Фентън"
 #. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5044
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5062
 msgid "Kirmington"
 msgstr "Кирмингтън"
 #. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5046
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5064
 msgid "Leeds"
 msgstr "Лийдс"
 #. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5048
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5066
 msgid "Leeming Bar"
 msgstr "Лийминг Бар"
 #. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5050
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5068
 msgid "Linton upon Ouse"
 msgstr "Линтън-ъпон-Ус"
 #. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5052
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5070
 msgctxt "City in North West England, United Kingdom"
 msgid "Liverpool"
 msgstr "Ливърпул"
 #. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5054
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5072
 msgctxt "City in North West England, United Kingdom"
 msgid "Manchester"
 msgstr "Манчестър"
 #. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5056
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5074
 msgid "Shawbury"
 msgstr "Шообъри"
 #. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5058
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5076
 msgid "Northern Ireland"
 msgstr "Северна Ирландия"
 #. A city in Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5060
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5078
 msgid "Belfast"
 msgstr "Белфаст"
 #. A city in Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5062
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5080
 msgid "Eglinton"
 msgstr "Еглинтън"
 #. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5064
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5082
 msgid "Scotland"
 msgstr "Шотландия"
 #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5066
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5084
 msgctxt "City in Scotland, United Kingdom"
 msgid "Aberdeen"
 msgstr "Абърдийн"
 #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5068
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5086
 msgid "Campbeltown"
 msgstr "Кемпбълтаун"
 #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5070
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5088
 msgid "Dundee"
 msgstr "Дънди"
 #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5072
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5090
 msgid "Edinburgh"
 msgstr "Единбург"
 #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5074
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5092
 msgctxt "City in Scotland, United Kingdom"
 msgid "Glasgow"
 msgstr "Глазгоу"
 #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5076
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5094
 msgid "Gramisdale"
 msgstr "Грамисдейл"
 #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5078
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5096
 msgid "Inverness"
 msgstr "Инвернес"
 #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5080
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5098
 msgid "Kilmoluag"
 msgstr "Килмолуог"
 #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5082
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5100
 msgid "Kinloss"
 msgstr "Кинлос"
 #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5084
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5102
 msgid "Kintra"
 msgstr "Кинтра"
 #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5086
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5104
 msgid "Kirkwall"
 msgstr "Киркуол"
 #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5088
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5106
 msgid "Leuchars"
 msgstr "Льошарс"
 #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5090
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5108
 msgid "Lossiemouth"
 msgstr "Лосимут"
 #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5092
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5110
 msgid "Mossbank"
 msgstr "Мосбанк"
 #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5094
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5112
 msgid "Prestwick"
 msgstr "Престуик"
 #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5096
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5114
 msgid "Stornoway"
 msgstr "Сторноуей"
 #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5098
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5116
 msgid "Sumburgh"
 msgstr "Сумбург"
 #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5100
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5118
 msgid "Wick"
 msgstr "Уик"
 #. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5102
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5120
 msgid "South and South West England"
 msgstr "Южна и югозападна Англия"
 #. A city in South and South West England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5106
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5124
 msgid "Boscombe"
 msgstr "Боском"
 #. A city in South and South West England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5110
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5128
 msgid "Bournemouth"
 msgstr "Борнемут"
 #. A city in South and South West England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5114
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5132
 msgid "Bristol"
 msgstr "Бристол"
 #. A city in South and South West England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5118
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5136
 msgid "Butes"
 msgstr "Бютс"
 #. A city in South and South West England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5122
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5140
 msgid "Exeter"
 msgstr "Екзитър"
 #. A city in South and South West England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5126
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5144
 msgid "Filton"
 msgstr "Филтън"
 #. A city in South and South West England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5130
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5148
 msgid "Helston"
 msgstr "Хелстън"
 #. A city in South and South West England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5134
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5152
 msgid "Hugh Town"
 msgstr "Хю Таун"
 #. A city in South and South West England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5138
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5156
 msgid "Lyneham"
 msgstr "Лайнхам"
 #. A city in South and South West England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5142
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5160
 msgid "Middle Wallop"
 msgstr "Мидъл Уолъп"
 #. A city in South and South West England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5146
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5164
 msgctxt "City in South and South West England, United Kingdom"
 msgid "Plymouth"
 msgstr "Плимут"
@@ -11710,80 +11758,80 @@ msgstr "Плимут"
 #. A city in South and South West England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5150
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5168
 msgid "Staverton"
 msgstr "Ставертън"
 #. A city in South and South West England in the United
 #. Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5154
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5172
 msgid "Yeovilton"
 msgstr "Йеовилтон"
 #. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5156
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5174
 msgid "Wales"
 msgstr "Уелс"
 #. A city in Wales in the United Kingdom.
 #. The local name in Welsh is "Caerdydd".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5160
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5178
 msgctxt "City in Wales, United Kingdom"
 msgid "Cardiff"
 msgstr "Кардиф"
 #. A city in Wales in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5162
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5180
 msgid "Hawarden"
 msgstr "Хауърдин"
 #. A city in Wales in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5164
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5182
 msgid "Pembrey"
 msgstr "Пембри"
 #. A city in Wales in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5166
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5184
 msgid "Saint Athan"
 msgstr "Сейнт Ейтън"
 #. A city in Wales in the United Kingdom
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5168
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5186
 msgid "Valley"
 msgstr "Вали"
 #. VA - Holy See (Vatican City State)
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5170
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5188
 msgid "Vatican City"
 msgstr "Ватикана"
 #. AX - Ã…land Islands, an autonomous province of Finland
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5172
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5190
 msgid "Ã…land Islands"
 msgstr "о-ви Йоланд"
 #. A city in the Ã…land Islands.
 #. The local name in Finnish is "Maarianhamina".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5176
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5194
 msgid "Mariehamn"
 msgstr "Мариехамн"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5177
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5195
 msgid "Middle East"
 msgstr "Близък Изток"
 #. BH - Bahrain
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5179
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5197
 msgid "Bahrain"
 msgstr "Бахрейн"
 #. A city in Bahrain.
 #. The name is also written "الحد".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5183
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5201
 msgid "Al Hadd"
 msgstr "Ел Хад"
@@ -11791,383 +11839,383 @@ msgstr "Ел Хад"
 #. "Manama" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Arabic is "Al Manamah / المنامة".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5188
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5206
 msgid "Manama"
 msgstr "Манама"
 #. IR - Islamic Republic of Iran
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5190
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5208
 msgid "Iran"
 msgstr "Иран"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "آبادان".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5194
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5212
 msgid "Abadan"
 msgstr "Абадан"
 #. A city in Iran
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5196
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5214
 msgid "Abadeh"
 msgstr "Абадех"
 #. A city in Iran
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5198
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5216
 msgid "Abū Mūsā"
 msgstr "Абу Муса"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "آغاجاری".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5202
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5220
 msgid "Aghajari"
 msgstr "Агхаджари"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "اهواز".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5206
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5224
 msgid "Ahvaz"
 msgstr "Ахваз"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "اردبيل".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5210
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5228
 msgid "Ardabil"
 msgstr "Ардабил"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "بندر عباس".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5214
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5232
 msgid "Bandar 'Abbas"
 msgstr "Бандар Абас"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "بندر بوشهر".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5218
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5236
 msgid "Bandar-e Bushehr"
 msgstr "Бандар-е-Бушехр"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "بندر لنگه".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5222
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5240
 msgid "Bandar-e Lengeh"
 msgstr "Бандар-е-Ленгех"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "بندر ماهشهر".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5226
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5244
 msgid "Bandar-e Mahshahr"
 msgstr "Бандар-е-Машахр"
 #. A city in Iran
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5228
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5246
 msgid "Birjand"
 msgstr "Бирджанд"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "چاه بهار".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5232
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5250
 msgid "Chah Bahar"
 msgstr "Чах Бахар"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "ديرستان".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5236
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5254
 msgid "Dayrestan"
 msgstr "Дайрестан"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "دو گنبدان".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5240
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5258
 msgid "Do Gonbadan"
 msgstr "До Гонбадан"
 #. A city in Iran
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5242
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5260
 msgid "Esfahan"
 msgstr "Исфахан"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "فسا".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5246
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5264
 msgid "Fasa"
 msgstr "Фаса"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "گرگان".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5250
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5268
 msgid "Gorgan"
 msgstr "Горган"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "گوشه شاهزاده قاسم".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5254
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5272
 msgid "Gusheh Shahzadeh Qasem"
 msgstr "Гушех Шахзадех Касим"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "همدان".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5258
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5276
 msgid "Hamadan"
 msgstr "Хамадан"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "يلام".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5262
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5280
 msgid "Ilam"
 msgstr "Илам"
 #. A city in Iran
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5264
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5282
 msgid "Iranshahr"
 msgstr "Ираншахр"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "كرج".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5268
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5286
 msgid "Karaj"
 msgstr "Карадж"
 #. A city in Iran
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5270
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5288
 msgid "Kashan"
 msgstr "Кашан"
 #. A city in Iran
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5272
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5290
 msgid "Kerman"
 msgstr "Керман"
 #. A city in Iran
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5274
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5292
 msgid "Kermanshah"
 msgstr "Керманшах"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "خرم آباد".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5278
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5296
 msgid "Khorramabad"
 msgstr "Хорамабад"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "كيش".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5282
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5300
 msgid "Kish"
 msgstr "Киш"
 #. A city in Iran
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5284
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5302
 msgid "Lar"
 msgstr "Лар"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "مشهد".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5288
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5306
 msgid "Mashhad"
 msgstr "Машхад"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "مسجد سلیمان".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5292
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5310
 msgid "Masjed Soleyman"
 msgstr "Масджид Сюлейман"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "نو شهر".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5296
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5314
 msgid "Now Shahr"
 msgstr "Ноу Шахр"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "ارومیه".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5300
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5318
 msgid "Orumiyeh"
 msgstr "Орумие"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "قزوین".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5304
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5322
 msgid "Qazvin"
 msgstr "Казвин"
 #. A city in Iran
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5306
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5324
 msgid "Rasht"
 msgstr "Рашт"
 #. A city in Iran
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5308
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5326
 msgid "Sabzevar"
 msgstr "Сабзевар"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "سخت سر".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5312
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5330
 msgid "Sakht Sar"
 msgstr "Сахт Сар"
 #. A city in Iran
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5314
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5332
 msgid "Sanandaj"
 msgstr "Санандадж"
 #. A city in Iran
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5316
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5334
 msgid "Sarakhs"
 msgstr "Сарахс"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "سمنان".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5320
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5338
 msgid "Semnan"
 msgstr "Семнан"
 #. A city in Iran.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5323
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5341
 msgid "Shahin Shahr"
 msgstr "Шахиншахр"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "شهر بالا".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5327
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5345
 msgid "Shahr-e Bala"
 msgstr "Шахр-е Бала"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "شهر كرد".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5331
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5349
 msgid "Shahr-e Kord"
 msgstr "Шахр-е Корд"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "شیراز".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5335
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5353
 msgid "Shiraz"
 msgstr "Шираз"
 #. A city in Iran
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5337
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5355
 msgid "Tabas"
 msgstr "Табас"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "تبريز".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5341
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5359
 msgid "Tabriz"
 msgstr "Тебриз"
 #. The capital of Iran.
 #. The name is also written "تهران".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5345
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5363
 msgid "Tehran"
 msgstr "Техеран"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "يزد".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5349
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5367
 msgid "Yazd"
 msgstr "Язд"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "زابل".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5353
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5371
 msgid "Zabol"
 msgstr "Забол"
 #. A city in Iran.
 #. The name is also written "زاهدان (کي)".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5357
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5375
 msgid "Zahedan-e (Yek)"
 msgstr "Захедане (Йек)"
 #. IQ - Iraq
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5359
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5377
 msgid "Iraq"
 msgstr "Ирак"
 #. IL - Israel
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5361
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5379
 msgid "Israel"
 msgstr "Израел"
 #. A city in Israel
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5363
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5381
 msgid "Elat"
 msgstr "Ейлат"
 #. A city in Israel
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5365
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5383
 msgid "Mahanayim"
 msgstr "Маханаим"
 #. A city in Israel
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5367
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5385
 msgid "Mahane Yisra'el"
 msgstr "Махане Ишраил"
 #. A city in Israel
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5369
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5387
 msgid "Ramot Remez"
 msgstr "Рамот Ремез"
 #. A city in Israel
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5371
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5389
 msgid "Shizzafon"
 msgstr "Шизафон"
 #. A city in Israel
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5373
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5391
 msgid "Tel Aviv"
 msgstr "Тел Авив"
 #. JO - Jordan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5375
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5393
 msgctxt "Country"
 msgid "Jordan"
 msgstr "Йордания"
 # Арабското име е такова, но на български винаги е бил Акаба.
 #. A city in Jordan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5377
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5395
 msgid "Al 'Aqabah"
 msgstr "Акаба"
 #. A city in Jordan
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5379
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5397
 msgid "Al Jizah"
 msgstr "Джиза"
@@ -12175,12 +12223,12 @@ msgstr "Джиза"
 #. "Amman" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Arabic is "'Amman".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5384
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5402
 msgid "Amman"
 msgstr "Аман"
 #. KW - Kuwait
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5386
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5404
 msgctxt "Country"
 msgid "Kuwait"
 msgstr "Кувейт"
@@ -12189,13 +12237,13 @@ msgstr "Кувейт"
 #. "Kuwait" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Arabic is "Al Kuwayt / الكويت".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5391
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5409
 msgctxt "City in Kuwait"
 msgid "Kuwait"
 msgstr "Кувейт"
 #. LB - Lebanon
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5393
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5411
 msgctxt "Country"
 msgid "Lebanon"
 msgstr "Ливан"
@@ -12204,17 +12252,17 @@ msgstr "Ливан"
 #. "Beirut" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name is "Beyrouth".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5398
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5416
 msgid "Beirut"
 msgstr "Бейрут"
 #. OM - Oman
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5400
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5418
 msgid "Oman"
 msgstr "Оман"
 #. A city in Oman
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5402
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5420
 msgid "Mu'askar al Murtafi'ah"
 msgstr "Муаскар ал Муртафиах"
@@ -12222,22 +12270,22 @@ msgstr "Муаскар ал Муртафиах"
 #. "Muscat" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Arabic is "Masqat".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5407
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5425
 msgid "Muscat"
 msgstr "Мускат"
 #. A city in Oman
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5409
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5427
 msgid "Salalah"
 msgstr "Салала"
 #. PS - Occupied Palestinian Territory
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5411
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5429
 msgid "Palestinian Territory"
 msgstr "Палестинска територия"
 #. QA - Qatar
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5413
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5431
 msgid "Qatar"
 msgstr "Катар"
@@ -12245,69 +12293,69 @@ msgstr "Катар"
 #. "Doha" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Arabic is "Ad Dawhah / الدوحة".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5418
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5436
 msgid "Doha"
 msgstr "Доха"
 #. SA - Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5420
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5438
 msgid "Saudi Arabia"
 msgstr "Саудитска Арабия"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5422
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5440
 msgid "'Ar'ar"
 msgstr "Арар"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5424
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5442
 msgid "Abha"
 msgstr "Абха"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5426
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5444
 msgid "Ad Dalfa'ah"
 msgstr "Ад Далфа"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5428
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5446
 msgid "Ad Dammam"
 msgstr "Ад Дамам"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5430
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5448
 msgid "Al 'Aqiq"
 msgstr "Ел Акик"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5432
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5450
 msgid "Al Qaysumah"
 msgstr "Ал Кайсума"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5434
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5452
 msgid "Al Qurayyat"
 msgstr "Ал Курайат"
 # Няма как да се възпроизведе произношението с българската азбука, но е
 # коректно TTBOMK.
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5436
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5454
 msgid "Al Wajh"
 msgstr "Ал Уаджх"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5438
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5456
 msgid "Al Wuday'ah"
 msgstr "Ал Уудайя"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5440
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5458
 msgid "Ar Ruqayyiqah"
 msgstr "Ар Рукайика"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5442
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5460
 msgid "At Ta'if"
 msgstr "Таиф"
@@ -12315,32 +12363,32 @@ msgstr "Таиф"
 #. "Dhahran" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Arabic is "Az Zahran".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5447
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5465
 msgid "Dhahran"
 msgstr "Дахран"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5449
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5467
 msgid "Ha'il"
 msgstr "Хаил"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5451
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5469
 msgid "Jiddah"
 msgstr "Джеда"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5453
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5471
 msgid "Jizan"
 msgstr "Джизан"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5455
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5473
 msgid "Khamis Mushayt"
 msgstr "Хамис Мушайт"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5457
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5475
 msgid "Masjid Ibn Rashid"
 msgstr "Масджид Ибн Рашид"
@@ -12348,7 +12396,7 @@ msgstr "Масджид Ибн Рашид"
 #. "Mecca" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Arabic is "Makkah".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5462
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5480
 msgid "Mecca"
 msgstr "Мека"
@@ -12356,27 +12404,27 @@ msgstr "Мека"
 #. "Medina" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Arabic is "Al Madinah al Munawwarah".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5467
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5485
 msgid "Medina"
 msgstr "Медина"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5469
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5487
 msgid "Najran"
 msgstr "Наджран"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5471
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5489
 msgid "Qal'at Bishah"
 msgstr "Калат Бишах"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5473
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5491
 msgid "Qara"
 msgstr "Кара"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5475
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5493
 msgid "Rafha"
 msgstr "Рафха"
@@ -12384,37 +12432,37 @@ msgstr "Рафха"
 #. "Riyadh" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Arabic is "Ar Riyad".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5480
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5498
 msgid "Riyadh"
 msgstr "Рияд"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5482
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5500
 msgid "Tabuk"
 msgstr "Табук"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5484
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5502
 msgid "Tamrah"
 msgstr "Тамра"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5486
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5504
 msgid "Turayf"
 msgstr "Тураиф"
 #. A city in Saudi Arabia
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5488
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5506
 msgid "Yanbu' al Bahr"
 msgstr "Янбу ал Бахр"
 #. SY - Syrian Arab Republic
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5490
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5508
 msgid "Syria"
 msgstr "Сирия"
 #. A city in Syria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5492
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5510
 msgid "Al Qamishli"
 msgstr "Камишли"
@@ -12422,7 +12470,7 @@ msgstr "Камишли"
 #. "Aleppo" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Arabic is "Halab".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5497
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5515
 msgid "Aleppo"
 msgstr "Халеб"
@@ -12430,12 +12478,12 @@ msgstr "Халеб"
 #. "Damascus" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Arabic is "Dimashq".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5502
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5520
 msgid "Damascus"
 msgstr "Дамаск"
 #. A city in Syria
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5504
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5522
 msgid "Dayr az Zawr"
 msgstr "Дайр аз Заур"
@@ -12443,12 +12491,12 @@ msgstr "Дайр аз Заур"
 #. "Latakia" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Arabic is "Al Ladhiqiyah".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5509
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5527
 msgid "Latakia"
 msgstr "Латакия"
 #. AE - United Arab Emirates
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5511
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5529
 msgid "United Arab Emirates"
 msgstr "Обединени Арабски Емирства"
@@ -12456,17 +12504,17 @@ msgstr "Обединени Арабски Емирства"
 #. "Abu Dhabi" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Arabic is "Abu Zaby".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5516
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5534
 msgid "Abu Dhabi"
 msgstr "Абу Даби"
 #. A city in the United Arab Emirates
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5518
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5536
 msgid "Al 'Ayn"
 msgstr "Ел Айн"
 #. A city in the United Arab Emirates
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5520
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5538
 msgid "Al Fujayrah"
 msgstr "Фуджейра"
@@ -12474,12 +12522,12 @@ msgstr "Фуджейра"
 #. "Dubai" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Arabic is "Dubayy".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5525
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5543
 msgid "Dubai"
 msgstr "Дубай"
 #. A city in the United Arab Emirates
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5527
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5545
 msgid "Ra's al Khaymah"
 msgstr "Рас Ел Хайма"
@@ -12487,42 +12535,42 @@ msgstr "Рас Ел Хайма"
 #. "Sharjah" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Arabic is "Ash Shariqah".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5532
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5550
 msgid "Sharjah"
 msgstr "Шарджа"
 #. YE - Yemen
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5534
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5552
 msgid "Yemen"
 msgstr "Йемен"
 #. A city in Yemen
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5536
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5554
 msgid "'Adan"
 msgstr "Аден"
 #. A city in Yemen
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5538
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5556
 msgid "'Ataq"
 msgstr "Атак"
 #. A city in Yemen
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5540
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5558
 msgid "Al Hudaydah"
 msgstr "Ходейда"
 #. A city in Yemen
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5542
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5560
 msgid "Ma'rib"
 msgstr "Мариб"
 #. A city in Yemen
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5544
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5562
 msgid "Mori"
 msgstr "Мори"
 #. A city in Yemen
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5546
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5564
 msgid "Sa'dah"
 msgstr "Сада"
@@ -12530,26 +12578,26 @@ msgstr "Сада"
 #. "Sanaa" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Arabic is "San'a'".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5551
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5569
 msgid "Sanaa"
 msgstr "Сана"
 #. A city in Yemen
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5553
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5571
 msgid "Say'un"
 msgstr "Сааюн"
 #. A city in Yemen
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5555
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5573
 msgid "Ta'izz"
 msgstr "Таиз"
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5556
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5574
 msgid "North America"
 msgstr "Северна Америка"
 #. CA - Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5558
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5576
 msgid "Canada"
 msgstr "Канада"
@@ -12560,7 +12608,7 @@ msgstr "Канада"
 #. where "US", "Canada" or "Mexico" is already clear from
 #. the context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5566
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5584
 msgid "Pacific Time"
 msgstr "Тихоокеанско време"
@@ -12571,7 +12619,7 @@ msgstr "Тихоокеанско време"
 #. string is only used in places where "US", "Canada" or
 #. "Mexico" is already clear from the context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5574
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5592
 msgid "Mountain Time"
 msgstr "Планинско време"
@@ -12580,7 +12628,7 @@ msgstr "Планинско време"
 #. is part of the "Mountain Time" zone, but does not
 #. observe Daylight Saving Time with the rest of the zone.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5580
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5598
 msgid "Mountain Time, no DST (Northeast BC)"
 msgstr "Планинско време, без лятно време (Севороизточна Британска Колумбия)"
@@ -12591,7 +12639,7 @@ msgstr "Планинско време, без лятно време (Севор
 #. "US", "Canada" or "Mexico" is already clear from the
 #. context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5588
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5606
 msgid "Central Time"
 msgstr "Централно време"
@@ -12600,7 +12648,7 @@ msgstr "Централно време"
 #. zone, but does not observe Daylight Saving Time with the
 #. rest of the zone.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5594
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5612
 msgid "Central Time, no DST (Saskatchewan)"
 msgstr "Централно време, без лятно време (Саскачеуан)"
@@ -12610,7 +12658,7 @@ msgstr "Централно време, без лятно време (Саска
 #. "Heure de l'Est". The string is only used in places
 #. where "US" or "Canada" is already clear from the context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5601
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5619
 msgid "Eastern Time"
 msgstr "Източно време"
@@ -12620,7 +12668,7 @@ msgstr "Източно време"
 #. which do not observe Daylight Saving Time with the rest
 #. of the zone.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5608
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5626
 msgid "Eastern Time, no DST (Southampton Island, etc)"
 msgstr "Източно време, без лятно време (о-в Саутхямптън и т.н.)"
@@ -12629,7 +12677,7 @@ msgstr "Източно време, без лятно време (о-в Саут
 #. "Atlantic Time" zone, but does not observe Daylight
 #. Saving Time with the rest of the zone.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5614
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5632
 msgid "Atlantic Time, no DST (Eastern Quebec)"
 msgstr "Атлантическо време, без корекция за лятно време (Източен Квебек)"
@@ -12637,2177 +12685,2177 @@ msgstr "Атлантическо време, без корекция за лят
 #. Newfoundland. In French-speaking parts of Canada it is
 #. called "Heure de Terre-Neuve".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5619
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5637
 msgid "Newfoundland Time"
 msgstr "Нюфаундлендско време"
 #. A state/province/territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5621
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5639
 msgid "Alberta"
 msgstr "Албърта"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5623
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5641
 msgid "Banff"
 msgstr "Банф"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5625
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5643
 msgid "Bergen"
 msgstr "Берген"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5627
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5645
 msgid "Bow Island"
 msgstr "Боу Айлънд"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5629
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5647
 msgid "Brooks"
 msgstr "Брукс"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5631
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5649
 msgid "Calgary"
 msgstr "Калгари"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5633
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5651
 msgid "Cardston"
 msgstr "Кардстън"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5635
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5653
 msgid "Claresholm"
 msgstr "Клерсхолм"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5637
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5655
 msgid "Cold Lake"
 msgstr "Колд Лейк"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5639
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5657
 msgid "Coleman"
 msgstr "Колман"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5641
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5659
 msgid "Coronation"
 msgstr "Коронейшън"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5643
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5661
 msgid "Drumheller"
 msgstr "Друмхелер"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5645
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5663
 msgid "Edmonton"
 msgstr "Едмънтън"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5647
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5665
 msgid "Edson"
 msgstr "Едсон"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5649
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5667
 msgid "Embarras Portage"
 msgstr "Ембарас Портидж"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5651
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5669
 msgid "Esther"
 msgstr "Естер"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5653
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5671
 msgid "Fort Chipewyan"
 msgstr "Форт Чипеуиан"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5655
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5673
 msgid "Fort McMurray"
 msgstr "Форт Макмъри"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5657
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5675
 msgid "Grande Prairie"
 msgstr "Гранде Прери"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5659
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5677
 msgid "High Level"
 msgstr "Хай Левъл"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5661
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5679
 msgctxt "City in Alberta, Canada"
 msgid "Jasper"
 msgstr "Джаспър"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5663
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5681
 msgid "Lac La Biche"
 msgstr "Лак Ла Биш"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5665
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5683
 msgid "Lethbridge"
 msgstr "Летбридж"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5667
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5685
 msgid "Medicine Hat"
 msgstr "Медисин Хет"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5669
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5687
 msgid "Milk River"
 msgstr "Милк Ривър"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5671
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5689
 msgid "Onefour"
 msgstr "Уанфор"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5673
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5691
 msgid "Peace River"
 msgstr "Пийс Ривър"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5675
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5693
 msgid "Pincher Creek"
 msgstr "Пинчър Крийк"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5677
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5695
 msgid "Red Deer"
 msgstr "Ред Диър"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5679
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5697
 msgid "Rocky Mountain House"
 msgstr "Роки Маунтин Хаус"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5681
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5699
 msgid "Seebe"
 msgstr "Сийб"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5683
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5701
 msgid "Slave Lake"
 msgstr "Слейв Лейк"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5685
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5703
 msgid "Spirit River"
 msgstr "Спирит Ривър"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5687
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5705
 msgid "Three Hills"
 msgstr "Три Хилс"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5689
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5707
 msgid "Vegreville"
 msgstr "Вегревил"
 #. A city in Alberta in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5691
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5709
 msgid "Whitecourt"
 msgstr "Уайткорт"
 #. A state/province/territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5693
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5711
 msgid "British Columbia"
 msgstr "Британска Колумбия"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5695
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5713
 msgid "Abbotsford"
 msgstr "Абътсфорд"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5697
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5715
 msgid "Agassiz"
 msgstr "Агасис"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5699
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5717
 msgid "Allison Harbour"
 msgstr "Алисън Харбър"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5701
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5719
 msgid "Alta Lake"
 msgstr "Алта Лейк"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5703
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5721
 msgid "Baldonnel"
 msgstr "Балдонел"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5705
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5723
 msgid "Bella Coola"
 msgstr "Бела Кула"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5707
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5725
 msgid "Blue River"
 msgstr "Блу Ривър"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5709
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5727
 msgid "Boat Basin"
 msgstr "Боут Басeн"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5711
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5729
 msgid "Burns Lake"
 msgstr "Бърнс Лейк"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5713
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5731
 msgid "Campbell River"
 msgstr "Кембъл Ривър"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5715
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5733
 msgid "Castlegar"
 msgstr "Кесългар"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5717
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5735
 msgctxt "City in British Columbia, Canada"
 msgid "Clinton"
 msgstr "Клинтън"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5719
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5737
 msgid "Comox"
 msgstr "Комокс"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5721
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5739
 msgid "Cranbrook"
 msgstr "Кранбрук"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5723
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5741
 msgctxt "City in British Columbia, Canada"
 msgid "Creston"
 msgstr "Крестън"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5725
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5743
 msgid "Dease Lake"
 msgstr "Дийс Лейк"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5727
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5745
 msgid "Esquimalt"
 msgstr "Искуаймолт"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5729
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5747
 msgid "Fort Grahame"
 msgstr "Форт Греъм"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5731
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5749
 msgid "Fort Nelson"
 msgstr "Форт Нелсън"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5733
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5751
 msgid "Gabriola"
 msgstr "Габриола"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5735
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5753
 msgid "Golden"
 msgstr "Голдън"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5737
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5755
 msgid "Hollyburn"
 msgstr "Холибърн"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5739
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5757
 msgid "Hope"
 msgstr "Хоуп"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5741
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5759
 msgid "Kamloops"
 msgstr "Камлупс"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5743
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5761
 msgid "Kelowna"
 msgstr "Келоуна"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5745
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5763
 msgid "Lasqueti"
 msgstr "Ласкети"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5747
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5765
 msgid "Little Prairie"
 msgstr "Литъл Прери"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5749
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5767
 msgid "Lytton"
 msgstr "Литън"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5751
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5769
 msgid "McLeod Lake"
 msgstr "Маклауд Лейк"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5753
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5771
 msgid "Nakusp"
 msgstr "Накусп"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5755
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5773
 msgid "Nanaimo"
 msgstr "Нанаймо"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5757
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5775
 msgid "Nanoose Bay"
 msgstr "Нануус Бей"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5759
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5777
 msgctxt "City in British Columbia, Canada"
 msgid "Natal"
 msgstr "Натал"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5761
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5779
 msgid "Nelson"
 msgstr "Нелсън"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5763
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5781
 msgid "North Kamloops"
 msgstr "Норт Камлупс"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5765
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5783
 msgid "Ocean Falls"
 msgstr "Оушън Фолс"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5767
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5785
 msgid "Osoyoos"
 msgstr "Осойус"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5769
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5787
 msgid "Penticton"
 msgstr "Пентиктън"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5771
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5789
 msgid "Pitt Meadows"
 msgstr "Пит Медоус"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5773
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5791
 msgid "Port Hardy"
 msgstr "Порт Харди"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5775
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5793
 msgid "Port Simpson"
 msgstr "Порт Симпсън"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5777
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5795
 msgid "Powell River"
 msgstr "Пауъл Ривър"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5779
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5797
 msgid "Prince George"
 msgstr "Принц Джордж"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5781
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5799
 msgid "Prince Rupert"
 msgstr "Принц Рупърт"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5783
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5801
 msgctxt "City in British Columbia, Canada"
 msgid "Princeton"
 msgstr "Принстън"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5785
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5803
 msgid "Queen Charlotte"
 msgstr "Куийн Шарлот"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5787
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5805
 msgid "Quesnel"
 msgstr "Кеснел"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5789
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5807
 msgid "Revelstoke"
 msgstr "Ревълстоук"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5791
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5809
 msgid "Rocky Point"
 msgstr "Роки Пойнт"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5793
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5811
 msgid "Salmon Arm"
 msgstr "Салмън Арм"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5795
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5813
 msgid "Sandspit"
 msgstr "Сендспит"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5797
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5815
 msgid "Smithers"
 msgstr "Смидърс"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5799
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5817
 msgid "Squamish"
 msgstr "Скуомиш"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5801
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5819
 msgid "Stephen"
 msgstr "Стивън"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5803
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5821
 msgid "Steveston"
 msgstr "Стивстън"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5805
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5823
 msgid "Stewart"
 msgstr "Стюарт"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5807
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5825
 msgid "Summerland"
 msgstr "Съмърленд"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5809
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5827
 msgid "Terrace"
 msgstr "Терас"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5811
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5829
 msgid "Tofino"
 msgstr "Тофино"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5813
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5831
 msgid "Tow Hill"
 msgstr "Тоу Хил"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5815
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5833
 msgid "Trout Lake"
 msgstr "Траут Лейк"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5817
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5835
 msgctxt "City in British Columbia, Canada"
 msgid "Vancouver"
 msgstr "Ванкувър"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5819
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5837
 msgctxt "City in British Columbia, Canada"
 msgid "Vernon"
 msgstr "Върнън"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5821
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5839
 msgctxt "City in British Columbia, Canada"
 msgid "Victoria"
 msgstr "Виктория"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5823
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5841
 msgid "White Rock"
 msgstr "Уайт Рок"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5825
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5843
 msgid "Williams Lake"
 msgstr "Уилямс Лейк"
 #. A city in British Columbia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5827
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5845
 msgid "Winter Harbour"
 msgstr "Уинтър Харбър"
 #. A state/province/territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5829
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5847
 msgid "Manitoba"
 msgstr "Манитоба"
 #. A city in Manitoba in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5831
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5849
 msgid "Berens River"
 msgstr "Беренс Ривър"
 #. A city in Manitoba in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5833
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5851
 msgid "Brandon"
 msgstr "Брендън"
 #. A city in Manitoba in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5835
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5853
 msgid "Carman"
 msgstr "Карман"
 #. A city in Manitoba in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5837
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5855
 msgid "Churchill"
 msgstr "Чърчил"
 #. A city in Manitoba in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5839
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5857
 msgid "Dauphin"
 msgstr "Дофин"
 #. A city in Manitoba in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5841
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5859
 msgid "Flin Flon"
 msgstr "Флин Флон"
 #. A city in Manitoba in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5843
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5861
 msgid "Gillam"
 msgstr "Гилам"
 #. A city in Manitoba in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5845
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5863
 msgid "Gimli"
 msgstr "Гимли"
 #. A city in Manitoba in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5847
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5865
 msgctxt "City in Manitoba, Canada"
 msgid "Grand Rapids"
 msgstr "Гранд Рапидс"
 #. A city in Manitoba in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5849
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5867
 msgid "Island Lake"
 msgstr "Айлънд Лейк"
 #. A city in Manitoba in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5851
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5869
 msgid "Lynn Lake"
 msgstr "Лин Лейк"
 #. A city in Manitoba in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5853
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5871
 msgctxt "City in Manitoba, Canada"
 msgid "Miami"
 msgstr "Маями"
 #. A city in Manitoba in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5855
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5873
 msgid "Morden"
 msgstr "Мордън"
 #. A city in Manitoba in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5857
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5875
 msgid "Norway House"
 msgstr "Норуей Хаус"
 #. A city in Manitoba in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5859
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5877
 msgid "Pilot Mound"
 msgstr "Пайлът Маунд"
 #. A city in Manitoba in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5861
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5879
 msgid "Swan River"
 msgstr "Суон Ривър"
 #. A city in Manitoba in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5863
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5881
 msgid "The Pas"
 msgstr "Дъ Пас"
 #. A city in Manitoba in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5865
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5883
 msgid "Thompson"
 msgstr "Томпсън"
 #. A city in Manitoba in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5867
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5885
 msgid "Victoria Beach"
 msgstr "Виктория Бийч"
 #. A city in Manitoba in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5869
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5887
 msgid "Winnipeg"
 msgstr "Уинипег"
 #. A state/province/territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5871
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5889
 msgid "New Brunswick"
 msgstr "Ню Брунсуик"
 #. A city in New Brunswick in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5873
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5891
 msgid "Bathurst"
 msgstr "Батърст"
 #. A city in New Brunswick in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5875
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5893
 msgid "Dipper Harbour"
 msgstr "Дипър Харбър"
 #. A city in New Brunswick in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5877
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5895
 msgid "Fredericton"
 msgstr "Фредериктън"
 #. A city in New Brunswick in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5879
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5897
 msgid "Gagetown"
 msgstr "Гейджтаун"
 #. A city in New Brunswick in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5881
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5899
 msgid "Moncton"
 msgstr "Монктън"
 #. A city in New Brunswick in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5883
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5901
 msgid "Saint John"
 msgstr "Сейнт Джон"
 #. A city in New Brunswick in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5885
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5903
 msgid "Saint Leonard"
 msgstr "Сейнт Лионард"
 #. A city in New Brunswick in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5887
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5905
 msgid "Saint Stephen"
 msgstr "Сейнт Стивън"
 #. A state/province/territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5889
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5907
 msgid "Newfoundland and Labrador"
 msgstr "Нюфаундленд и Лабрадор"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5891
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5909
 msgid "Argentia"
 msgstr "Арджентия"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5893
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5911
 msgid "Cape Race"
 msgstr "Кейп Рейс"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5895
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5913
 msgid "Cartwright"
 msgstr "Картрайт"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5897
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5915
 msgid "Deer Lake"
 msgstr "Диър Лейк"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5899
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5917
 msgid "Englee"
 msgstr "Енгли"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5901
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5919
 msgid "Ferolle Point"
 msgstr "Ферол Пойнт"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5903
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5921
 msgid "Gander"
 msgstr "Гандър"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5905
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5923
 msgid "Goose Bay"
 msgstr "Гуус Бей"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5907
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5925
 msgid "Harbour Breton"
 msgstr "Харбър Бретон"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5909
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5927
 msgctxt "City in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada"
 msgid "Hebron"
 msgstr "Хеброн"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5911
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5929
 msgid "Hopedale"
 msgstr "Хоупдейл"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5913
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5931
 msgid "Makkovik"
 msgstr "Маковик"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5915
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5933
 msgid "Mary's Harbour"
 msgstr "Мерис Харбър"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5917
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5935
 msgid "Mount Pearl Park"
 msgstr "Маунт Пърл Парк"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5919
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5937
 msgid "Nain"
 msgstr "Наин"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5921
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5939
 msgid "Neddy Harbour"
 msgstr "Неди Харбър"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5923
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5941
 msgid "Nutak"
 msgstr "Нутак"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5925
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5943
 msgid "Saint Anthony"
 msgstr "Сейнт Антъни"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5927
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5945
 msgctxt "City in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada"
 msgid "Saint John's"
 msgstr "Сейнт Джонс"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5929
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5947
 msgctxt "City in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada"
 msgid "Stephenville"
 msgstr "Стивънвил"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5931
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5949
 msgid "Terra Nova"
 msgstr "Тера Нова"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5933
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5951
 msgid "Twillingate"
 msgstr "Туилингейт"
 #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5935
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5953
 msgid "Wabush"
 msgstr "Уабуш"
 #. A state/province/territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5937
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5955
 msgid "Northwest Territories"
 msgstr "Северозападни територии"
 #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5939
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5957
 msgid "Aklavik"
 msgstr "Аклавик"
 #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5941
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5959
 msgid "Cape Parry"
 msgstr "Кейп Пари"
 #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5943
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5961
 msgid "Délįne"
 msgstr "Делин"
 #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5945
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5963
 msgid "Fort Good Hope"
 msgstr "Форт Гуд Хоуп"
 #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5947
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5965
 msgid "Fort Providence"
 msgstr "Форт Провидънс"
 #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5949
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5967
 msgid "Fort Simpson"
 msgstr "Форт Симпсън"
 #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5951
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5969
 msgctxt "City in Northwest Territories, Canada"
 msgid "Fort Smith"
 msgstr "Форт Смит"
 #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5953
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5971
 msgid "Hay River"
 msgstr "Хей Ривър"
 #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5955
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5973
 msgid "Holman"
 msgstr "Холман"
 #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5957
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5975
 msgid "Inuvik"
 msgstr "Инувик"
 #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5959
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5977
 msgid "Nahanni Butte"
 msgstr "Нахани Бът"
 #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5961
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5979
 msgid "Norman Wells"
 msgstr "Норман Уелс"
 #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5963
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5981
 msgid "Paulatuk"
 msgstr "Полатук"
 #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5965
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5983
 msgid "Sachs Harbour"
 msgstr "Сачс Харбър"
 #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5967
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5985
 msgid "Tuktoyaktuk"
 msgstr "Туктояктук"
 #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5969
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5987
 msgid "Tununuk"
 msgstr "Тунунук"
 #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5971
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5989
 msgid "Wha Ti"
 msgstr "Уа Ти"
 #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5973
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5991
 msgid "Yellowknife"
 msgstr "Йелоунайф"
 #. A state/province/territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5975
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5993
 msgid "Nova Scotia"
 msgstr "Нова Скотия"
 #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5977
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5995
 msgid "Bay Saint Lawrence"
 msgstr "з-в Сейнт Лорънс"
 #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5979
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5997
 msgid "Beaver Harbour"
 msgstr "Бийвър Харбър"
 #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5981
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5999
 msgid "Caledonia"
 msgstr "Каледония"
 #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5983
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6001
 msgid "Canso"
 msgstr "Кенсо"
 #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5985
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6003
 msgid "Caribou Island"
 msgstr "о-в Карибу"
 #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5987
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6005
 msgid "Chéticamp"
 msgstr "Шетикамп"
 #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5989
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6007
 msgid "Dingwall"
 msgstr "Дингуол"
 #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5991
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6009
 msgid "Grand-Etang"
 msgstr "Гранд-Етанг"
 #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5993
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6011
 msgctxt "City in Nova Scotia, Canada"
 msgid "Greenwood"
 msgstr "Грийнууд"
 #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5995
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6013
 msgid "Halifax"
 msgstr "Халифакс"
 #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5997
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6015
 msgid "Kentville"
 msgstr "Кентвил"
 #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:5999
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6017
 msgctxt "City in Nova Scotia, Canada"
 msgid "Liverpool"
 msgstr "Ливърпул"
 #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6001
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6019
 msgid "Sheet Harbour"
 msgstr "Шийт Харбър"
 #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6003
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6021
 msgctxt "City in Nova Scotia, Canada"
 msgid "Sydney"
 msgstr "Сидни"
 #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6005
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6023
 msgid "Westport"
 msgstr "Уестпорт"
 #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6007
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6025
 msgid "Yarmouth"
 msgstr "Ярмут"
 #. A state/province/territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6009
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6027
 msgid "Nunavut"
 msgstr "Нунавут"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6011
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6029
 msgid "Arviat"
 msgstr "Арвиат"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6013
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6031
 msgid "Baker Lake"
 msgstr "Бейкър Лейк"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6015
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6033
 msgid "Cambridge Bay"
 msgstr "Кембридж Бей"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6017
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6035
 msgid "Cape Dorset"
 msgstr "Кейп Дорсет"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6019
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6037
 msgid "Cape Dyer"
 msgstr "Кейп Дайър"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6021
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6039
 msgid "Chesterfield Inlet"
 msgstr "Честърфийлд Инлет"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6023
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6041
 msgid "Clyde River"
 msgstr "Клайд Ривър"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6025
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6043
 msgid "Coral Harbour"
 msgstr "Корал Харбър"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6027
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6045
 msgid "Ennadai"
 msgstr "Енадай"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6029
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6047
 msgctxt "City in Nunavut, Canada"
 msgid "Eureka"
 msgstr "Юрика"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6031
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6049
 msgid "Gjoa Haven"
 msgstr "Джоа Хевън"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6033
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6051
 msgid "Hall Beach"
 msgstr "Хали Бийч"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6035
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6053
 msgid "Igloolik"
 msgstr "Иглулик"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6037
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6055
 msgid "Iqaluit"
 msgstr "Икалуит"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6039
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6057
 msgid "Kugaaruk"
 msgstr "Кугарук"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6041
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6059
 msgid "Kugluktuk"
 msgstr "Куглуктук"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6043
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6061
 msgid "Pangnirtung"
 msgstr "Пангниртунг"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6045
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6063
 msgid "Pond Inlet"
 msgstr "Понд Инлет"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6047
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6065
 msgid "Qikiqtarjuaq"
 msgstr "Кикиктарюак"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6049
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6067
 msgid "Rankin Inlet"
 msgstr "Ранкин Инлет"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6051
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6069
 msgid "Repulse Bay"
 msgstr "Репълс Бей"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6053
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6071
 msgid "Resolute"
 msgstr "Резолют"
 #. A city in Nunavut in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6055
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6073
 msgid "Taloyoak"
 msgstr "Талояк"
 #. A state/province/territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6057
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6075
 msgctxt "State in Canada"
 msgid "Ontario"
 msgstr "Онтарио"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6059
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6077
 msgid "Bancroft"
 msgstr "Банкрофт"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6061
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6079
 msgid "Beardmore"
 msgstr "Биърдмор"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6063
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6081
 msgid "Borden"
 msgstr "Борден"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6065
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6083
 msgctxt "City in Ontario, Canada"
 msgid "Burlington"
 msgstr "Бърлингтън"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6067
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6085
 msgid "Central Patricia"
 msgstr "Сентръл Патриша"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6069
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6087
 msgid "Chapleau"
 msgstr "Шапло"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6071
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6089
 msgid "Cobourg"
 msgstr "Кобург"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6073
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6091
 msgid "Collingwood"
 msgstr "Колингууд"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6075
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6093
 msgid "Coppell"
 msgstr "Копел"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6077
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6095
 msgid "Delhi"
 msgstr "Дели"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6079
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6097
 msgctxt "City in Ontario, Canada"
 msgid "Dryden"
 msgstr "Дриден"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6081
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6099
 msgid "Earlton"
 msgstr "Ърлтън"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6083
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6101
 msgid "Elliot Lake"
 msgstr "Елиът Лейк"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6085
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6103
 msgid "Erieau"
 msgstr "Ерио"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6087
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6105
 msgid "Front of Escott"
 msgstr "Фронт ъф Ескот"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6089
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6107
 msgid "Geraldton"
 msgstr "Джералдтън"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6091
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6109
 msgid "Goderich"
 msgstr "Годерич"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6093
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6111
 msgid "Gore Bay"
 msgstr "Гор Бей"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6095
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6113
 msgid "Hallowell"
 msgstr "Халоуел"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6097
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6115
 msgctxt "City in Ontario, Canada"
 msgid "Hamilton"
 msgstr "Хемилтън"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6099
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6117
 msgid "Heron Bay"
 msgstr "Херон Бей"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6101
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6119
 msgid "Kapuskasing"
 msgstr "Капускасинг"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6103
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6121
 msgid "Kenora"
 msgstr "Кенора"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6105
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6123
 msgctxt "City in Ontario, Canada"
 msgid "Kingston"
 msgstr "Кингстън"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6107
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6125
 msgctxt "City in Ontario, Canada"
 msgid "London"
 msgstr "Лондон"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6109
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6127
 msgid "Moosonee"
 msgstr "Мусони"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6111
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6129
 msgid "Mount Forest"
 msgstr "Маунт Форест"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6113
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6131
 msgid "Muskoka Falls"
 msgstr "Маскока Фолс"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6115
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6133
 msgid "Nanticoke"
 msgstr "Нантикоук"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6117
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6135
 msgid "North Bay"
 msgstr "Норт Бей"
 #. The capital of Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6119
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6137
 msgid "Ottawa"
 msgstr "Отава"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6121
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6139
 msgid "Petawawa"
 msgstr "Петавава"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6123
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6141
 msgid "Peterborough"
 msgstr "Питирбъро"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6125
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6143
 msgid "Port Weller"
 msgstr "Порт Уелър"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6127
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6145
 msgid "Red Lake"
 msgstr "Ред Лейк"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6129
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6147
 msgid "Saint Catharines"
 msgstr "Сент Катаринес"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6131
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6149
 msgid "Sarnia"
 msgstr "Сарния"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6133
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6151
 msgid "Sault Sainte Marie"
 msgstr "Солт Сейнт Мари"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6135
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6153
 msgid "Sioux Lookout"
 msgstr "Сиукс Лукаут"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6137
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6155
 msgid "Sudbury"
 msgstr "Съдбъри"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6139
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6157
 msgid "Thunder Bay"
 msgstr "Тъндър Бей"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6141
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6159
 msgid "Timmins"
 msgstr "Тиминс"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6143
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6161
 msgid "Tobermory"
 msgstr "Тобърмори"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6145
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6163
 msgid "Toronto"
 msgstr "Торонто"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6147
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6165
 msgctxt "City in Ontario, Canada"
 msgid "Trenton"
 msgstr "Трентън"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6149
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6167
 msgid "Upsala"
 msgstr "Упсала"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6151
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6169
 msgctxt "City in Ontario, Canada"
 msgid "Waterloo"
 msgstr "Ватерло"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6153
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6171
 msgid "Wawa"
 msgstr "Уоуа"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6155
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6173
 msgid "Whitefish Falls"
 msgstr "Уайтфиш Фолс"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6157
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6175
 msgid "Wiarton"
 msgstr "Уиартън"
 #. A city in Ontario in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6159
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6177
 msgid "Windsor"
 msgstr "Уиндзър"
 #. A state/province/territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6161
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6179
 msgid "Prince Edward Island"
 msgstr "о-в Принц Едуард"
 #. A city in Prince Edward Island in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6163
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6181
 msgid "Charlottetown"
 msgstr "Шарлоттаун"
 #. A city in Prince Edward Island in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6165
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6183
 msgctxt "City in Prince Edward Island, Canada"
 msgid "Elmira"
 msgstr "Елмира"
 #. A city in Prince Edward Island in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6167
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6185
 msgid "Summerside"
 msgstr "Съмърсайд"
 #. A city in Prince Edward Island in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6169
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6187
 msgid "Tignish"
 msgstr "Тигниш"
 #. A state/province/territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6171
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6189
 msgctxt "State in Canada"
 msgid "Quebec"
 msgstr "Квебек"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6173
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6191
 msgid "Amqui"
 msgstr "Амки"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6175
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6193
 msgid "Bagotville"
 msgstr "Бегътвил"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6177
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6195
 msgid "Baie-Comeau"
 msgstr "Байе-Комо"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6179
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6197
 msgid "Baie-Sainte-Catherine"
 msgstr "Сент-Сен-Катрен"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6181
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6199
 msgid "Baie-de-la-Trinité"
 msgstr "Байе-де-ла-Трините"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6183
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6201
 msgid "Beauceville"
 msgstr "Босвил"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6185
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6203
 msgid "Beauport"
 msgstr "Бопорт"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6187
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6205
 msgctxt "City in Quebec, Canada"
 msgid "Bedford"
 msgstr "Бедфорд"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6189
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6207
 msgid "Bellin"
 msgstr "Белин"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6191
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6209
 msgid "Blanc-Sablon"
 msgstr "Блан-Саблон"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6193
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6211
 msgid "Canton-Bégin"
 msgstr "Кантон-Бегин"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6195
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6213
 msgid "Cap-Chat"
 msgstr "Кап-Ша"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6197
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6215
 msgid "Cap-aux-Meules"
 msgstr "Кап-о-Меле"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6199
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6217
 msgid "Cape Cove"
 msgstr "Кейп Коув"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6201
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6219
 msgid "Chibougamau"
 msgstr "Шибугамо"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6203
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6221
 msgid "Fort-Rupert"
 msgstr "Форт Рупърт"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6205
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6223
 msgid "Gaspé"
 msgstr "Гаспе"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6207
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6225
 msgid "Gatineau"
 msgstr "Гатино"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6209
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6227
 msgid "Harrington Harbour"
 msgstr "Харингтън Харбър"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6211
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6229
 msgid "Havre-Saint-Pierre"
 msgstr "Хавр-Сен-Пиер"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6213
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6231
 msgid "Inoucdjouac"
 msgstr "Инужуак"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6215
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6233
 msgid "Ivugivik"
 msgstr "Ивугивик"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6217
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6235
 msgid "Jacques-Cartier"
 msgstr "Жак-Картие"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6219
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6237
 msgid "Jonquière"
 msgstr "Жонкиер"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6221
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6239
 msgid "Koartac"
 msgstr "Коартак"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6223
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6241
 msgid "Kuujjuaq"
 msgstr "Куужуак"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6225
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6243
 msgid "L'Anse-Saint-Jean"
 msgstr "Л'Анс-Сен-Жан"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6227
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6245
 msgid "L'Ascension"
 msgstr "Л'Асенсион"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6229
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6247
 msgid "L'Assomption"
 msgstr "Л'Асомсион"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6231
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6249
 msgid "La Baie"
 msgstr "Ла Байе"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6233
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6251
 msgid "La Tuque"
 msgstr "Ла Тюк"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6235
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6253
 msgid "Leaf River"
 msgstr "Лийф Ривър"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6237
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6255
 msgid "Lennoxville"
 msgstr "Ленъксвил"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6239
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6257
 msgid "Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan"
 msgstr "Лонг-Пойнт-де-Минган"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6241
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6259
 msgid "Maniwaki"
 msgstr "Маниуаки"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6243
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6261
 msgid "Maricourt"
 msgstr "Марикорт"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6245
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6263
 msgid "Matagami"
 msgstr "Матагами"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6247
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6265
 msgid "Mont-Apica"
 msgstr "Мон-Апика"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6249
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6267
 msgid "Mont-Joli"
 msgstr "Мон-Жоли"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6251
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6269
 msgid "Montmagny"
 msgstr "Монмагни"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada.
 #. The local name in French is "Montréal".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6255
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6273
 msgid "Montreal"
 msgstr "Монреал"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6257
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6275
 msgid "Natashquan"
 msgstr "Наташкуан"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6259
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6277
 msgid "New Carlisle"
 msgstr "Ню Карлайл"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6261
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6279
 msgid "Nicolet"
 msgstr "Николет"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6263
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6281
 msgid "Normandin"
 msgstr "Нормандин"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6265
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6283
 msgid "Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette"
 msgstr "Нотр-Дам-дьо-ла-Салет"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6267
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6285
 msgid "Nouveau-Comptoir"
 msgstr "Ново-Комтоа"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6269
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6287
 msgid "Parent"
 msgstr "Парент"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6271
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6289
 msgid "Petite-Rivière"
 msgstr "Пти-Ривиер"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6273
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6291
 msgid "Port-Menier"
 msgstr "Порт-Мение"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6275
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6293
 msgid "Portneuf"
 msgstr "Портньоф"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6277
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6295
 msgid "Poste-de-la-Baleine"
 msgstr "Пост-дьо-ла-Бален"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6279
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6297
 msgid "Puvirnituq"
 msgstr "Пувирнитук"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada.
 #. The local name in French is "Québec".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6283
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6301
 msgctxt "City in Quebec, Canada"
 msgid "Quebec"
 msgstr "Квебек"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6285
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6303
 msgid "Radisson"
 msgstr "Радисън"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6287
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6305
 msgid "Rivière-du-Loup"
 msgstr "Ривиер-дю-Луп"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6289
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6307
 msgid "Rivière-la-Madeleine"
 msgstr "Ривиер-дю-Мадлен"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6291
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6309
 msgid "Roberval"
 msgstr "Робервал"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6293
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6311
 msgid "Rouyn"
 msgstr "Руюн"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6295
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6313
 msgid "Saint-Anicet"
 msgstr "Сен-Анисе"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6297
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6315
 msgid "Saint-Chrysostome"
 msgstr "Сен-Крисостом"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6299
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6317
 msgid "Saint-Fabien"
 msgstr "Сен-Фабиен"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6301
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6319
 msgid "Saint-François"
 msgstr "Сен-Франсоа"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6303
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6321
 msgid "Saint-Henri-de-Taillon"
 msgstr "Сен-Анри-дьо-Телон"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6305
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6323
 msgid "Saint-Jean"
 msgstr "Сен-Жан"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6307
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6325
 msgid "Saint-Joachim"
 msgstr "Сен-Жоаким"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6309
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6327
 msgid "Saint-Jovite"
 msgstr "Сен-Жови"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6311
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6329
 msgid "Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatière"
 msgstr "Сен-Ан-дьо-ла-Покатиер"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6313
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6331
 msgid "Schefferville"
 msgstr "Шефервил"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6315
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6333
 msgid "Senneville"
 msgstr "Сенвил"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6317
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6335
 msgid "Sept-ÃŽles"
 msgstr "Сет-ил"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6319
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6337
 msgid "Shawinigan"
 msgstr "Шауиниган"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6321
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6339
 msgid "Sherbrooke"
 msgstr "Шербрук"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6323
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6341
 msgid "Stoneham"
 msgstr "Стоунхем"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6325
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6343
 msgid "Trois-Rivières"
 msgstr "Троа-Ривиер"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6327
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6345
 msgid "Val-d'Or"
 msgstr "Вал Д'Ор"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6329
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6347
 msgid "Valcartier Station"
 msgstr "Станция „Валкартие“"
 #. A city in Quebec in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6331
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6349
 msgid "Varennes"
 msgstr "Варен"
 #. A state/province/territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6333
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6351
 msgid "Saskatchewan"
 msgstr "Саскатчеуан"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6335
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6353
 msgid "Assiniboia"
 msgstr "Асинибоя"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6337
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6355
 msgid "Broadview"
 msgstr "Бродвю"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6339
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6357
 msgid "Buffalo Narrows"
 msgstr "Бъфало Нероуз"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6341
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6359
 msgid "East Poplar"
 msgstr "Ийст Поплар"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6343
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6361
 msgid "Eastend"
 msgstr "Ийстенд"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6345
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6363
 msgid "Estevan"
 msgstr "Естеван"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6347
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6365
 msgid "Kindersley"
 msgstr "Киндръсли"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6349
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6367
 msgid "La Ronge"
 msgstr "Ла Ронж"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6351
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6369
 msgid "Leader"
 msgstr "Лийдър"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6353
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6371
 msgid "Lloydminster"
 msgstr "Лойдминстър"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6355
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6373
 msgid "Lucky Lake"
 msgstr "Лъки Лейк"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6357
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6375
 msgid "Maple Creek"
 msgstr "Мейпъл Крийк"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6359
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6377
 msgid "Meadow Lake"
 msgstr "Медоу Лейк"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6361
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6379
 msgid "Melfort"
 msgstr "Мелфорт"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6363
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6381
 msgid "Nipawin"
 msgstr "Нипауин"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6365
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6383
 msgid "North Battleford"
 msgstr "Норт Батълфорд"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6367
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6385
 msgid "Prince Albert"
 msgstr "Принц Албърт"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6369
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6387
 msgid "Regina"
 msgstr "Реджайна"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6371
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6389
 msgid "Rockglen"
 msgstr "Рокглен"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6373
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6391
 msgid "Rosetown"
 msgstr "Роузтаун"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6375
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6393
 msgid "Saskatoon"
 msgstr "Саскатун"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6377
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6395
 msgctxt "City in Saskatchewan, Canada"
 msgid "Southend"
 msgstr "Саутенд"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6379
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6397
 msgid "Spiritwood"
 msgstr "Спиритууд"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6381
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6399
 msgid "Stony Rapids"
 msgstr "Стоуни Рапидс"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6383
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6401
 msgid "Swift Current"
 msgstr "Суифт Карънт"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6385
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6403
 msgid "Uranium City"
 msgstr "Юрениъм сити"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6387
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6405
 msgid "Val Marie"
 msgstr "Вал Мери"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6389
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6407
 msgid "Watrous"
 msgstr "Уатрус"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6391
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6409
 msgid "Weyburn"
 msgstr "Уийбърн"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6393
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6411
 msgid "Wynyard"
 msgstr "Уинйард"
 #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6395
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6413
 msgid "Yorkton"
 msgstr "Йорктън"
 #. FIXME: rename this to Yukon
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6397
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6415
 msgid "Yukon Territory"
 msgstr "Територия Юкон"
 #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6399
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6417
 msgid "Burwash Landing"
 msgstr "Буруош Лендинг"
 #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6401
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6419
 msgid "Carmacks"
 msgstr "Кармакс"
 #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6403
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6421
 msgid "Dawson"
 msgstr "Досън"
 #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6405
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6423
 msgid "Haines Junction"
 msgstr "Хейнс Джънкшън"
 #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6407
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6425
 msgid "Mayo"
 msgstr "Майо"
 #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6409
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6427
 msgid "Old Crow"
 msgstr "Олд Кроу"
 #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6411
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6429
 msgid "Shingle Point"
 msgstr "Шингъл Пойнт"
 #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6413
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6431
 msgid "Snag"
 msgstr "Снаг"
 #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6415
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6433
 msgid "Teslin"
 msgstr "Теслин"
 #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6417
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6435
 msgid "Watson Lake"
 msgstr "Уотсън Лейк"
 #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6419
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6437
 msgid "Whitehorse"
 msgstr "Уайтхорс"
 #. MX - Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6421
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6439
 msgid "Mexico"
 msgstr "Мексико"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6423
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6441
 msgctxt "State in Mexico"
 msgid "Aguascalientes"
 msgstr "Агуаскалиентес"
 #. A city in Aguascalientes in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6425
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6443
 msgctxt "City in Aguascalientes, Mexico"
 msgid "Aguascalientes"
 msgstr "Агуаскалиентес"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6427
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6445
 msgid "Baja California"
 msgstr "Баха Калифорния"
 #. A city in Baja California in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6429
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6447
 msgid "Mexicali"
 msgstr "Мехикали"
 #. A city in Baja California in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6431
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6449
 msgid "Tijuana"
 msgstr "Тихуана"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6433
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6451
 msgid "Baja California Sur"
 msgstr "Баха Калифорния Сур"
 #. A city in Baja California Sur in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6435
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6453
 msgctxt "City in Baja California Sur, Mexico"
 msgid "La Paz"
 msgstr "Ла Пас"
 #. A city in Baja California Sur in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6437
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6455
 msgid "Loreto"
 msgstr "Лорето"
 #. A city in Baja California Sur in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6439
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6457
 msgid "San José del Cabo"
 msgstr "Сан Хосе дел Кабо"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6441
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6459
 msgctxt "State in Mexico"
 msgid "Campeche"
 msgstr "Кампече"
 #. A city in Campeche in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6443
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6461
 msgctxt "City in Campeche, Mexico"
 msgid "Campeche"
 msgstr "Кампече"
 #. A city in Campeche in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6445
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6463
 msgid "Carmen"
 msgstr "Кармен"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6447
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6465
 msgid "Chiapas"
 msgstr "Чиапас"
 #. A city in Chiapas in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6449
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6467
 msgid "Tapachula"
 msgstr "Тапачула"
 #. A city in Chiapas in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6451
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6469
 msgid "Tuxtla"
 msgstr "Тухтла"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6453
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6471
 msgctxt "State in Mexico"
 msgid "Chihuahua"
 msgstr "Чихуахуа"
 #. A city in Chihuahua in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6455
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6473
 msgctxt "City in Chihuahua, Mexico"
 msgid "Chihuahua"
 msgstr "Чихуахуа"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6457
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6475
 msgid "Coahuila"
 msgstr "Коауила"
 #. A city in Coahuila in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6459
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6477
 msgid "Monclova"
 msgstr "Монклова"
 #. A city in Coahuila in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6461
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6479
 msgid "Piedras Negras"
 msgstr "Пиедрас Неграс"
 #. A city in Coahuila in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6463
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6481
 msgid "Saltillo"
 msgstr "Салтило"
 #. A city in Coahuila in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6465
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6483
 msgid "Torreón"
 msgstr "Тореон"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6467
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6485
 msgctxt "State in Mexico"
 msgid "Colima"
 msgstr "Колима"
 #. A city in Colima in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6469
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6487
 msgctxt "City in Colima, Mexico"
 msgid "Colima"
 msgstr "Колима"
 #. A city in Colima in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6471
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6489
 msgctxt "City in Colima, Mexico"
 msgid "Manzanillo"
 msgstr "Манцанило"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6473
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6491
 msgctxt "State in Mexico"
 msgid "Distrito Federal"
 msgstr "Мексико (град)"
@@ -14816,347 +14864,347 @@ msgstr "Мексико (град)"
 #. "Mexico City" is the traditional English name.
 #. The local name in Spanish is "México".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6478
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6496
 msgid "Mexico City"
 msgstr "Мексико сити"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6480
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6498
 msgctxt "State in Mexico"
 msgid "Durango"
 msgstr "Дуранго"
 #. A city in Durango in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6482
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6500
 msgctxt "City in Durango, Mexico"
 msgid "Durango"
 msgstr "Дуранго"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6484
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6502
 msgid "Guanajuato"
 msgstr "Гуанахуато"
 #. A city in Guanajuato in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6486
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6504
 msgctxt "City in Guanajuato, Mexico"
 msgid "León"
 msgstr "Леон"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6488
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6506
 msgid "Guerrero"
 msgstr "Гереро"
 #. A city in Guerrero in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6490
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6508
 msgid "Acapulco"
 msgstr "Акапулко"
 #. A city in Guerrero in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6492
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6510
 msgid "Ixtapa"
 msgstr "Икстапа"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6494
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6512
 msgid "Hidalgo"
 msgstr "Идалго"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6496
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6514
 msgid "Jalisco"
 msgstr "Халиско"
 #. A city in Jalisco in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6498
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6516
 msgid "Guadalajara"
 msgstr "Гуадалахара"
 #. A city in Jalisco in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6500
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6518
 msgid "Puerto Vallarta"
 msgstr "Пуерто Валарта"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6502
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6520
 msgid "Michoacán"
 msgstr "Мичоакан"
 #. A city in Michoacán in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6504
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6522
 msgid "Morelia"
 msgstr "Морелия"
 #. A city in Michoacán in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6506
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6524
 msgid "Uruapan"
 msgstr "Уруапан"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6508
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6526
 msgid "Morelos"
 msgstr "Морелос"
 #. A city in Morelos in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6510
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6528
 msgid "Cuernavaca"
 msgstr "Карнавака"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6512
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6530
 msgid "México"
 msgstr "Мексико"
 #. A city in México in Mexico.
 #. One of several cities in Mexico called "Juárez".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6516
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6534
 msgid "Ciudad Juárez"
 msgstr "Куидад Хуарес"
 #. A city in México in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6518
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6536
 msgid "Toluca"
 msgstr "Толука"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6520
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6538
 msgid "Nayarit"
 msgstr "Наярит"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6522
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6540
 msgid "Nuevo León"
 msgstr "Нуево Леон"
 #. A city in Nuevo León in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6524
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6542
 msgid "Monterrey"
 msgstr "Монтерей"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6526
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6544
 msgctxt "State in Mexico"
 msgid "Oaxaca"
 msgstr "Оаксака"
 #. A city in Oaxaca in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6528
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6546
 msgid "El Zapote"
 msgstr "Ел Запоте"
 #. A city in Oaxaca in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6530
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6548
 msgid "Ixtepec"
 msgstr "Икстепек"
 #. A city in Oaxaca in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6532
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6550
 msgid "Laguna Tepic"
 msgstr "Лагуна Тепик"
 #. A city in Oaxaca in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6534
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6552
 msgctxt "City in Oaxaca, Mexico"
 msgid "Oaxaca"
 msgstr "Оаксака"
 #. A city in Oaxaca in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6536
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6554
 msgid "Puerto Escondido"
 msgstr "Пуерто Ескондидо"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6538
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6556
 msgctxt "State in Mexico"
 msgid "Puebla"
 msgstr "Пуебла"
 #. A city in Puebla in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6540
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6558
 msgctxt "City in Puebla, Mexico"
 msgid "Puebla"
 msgstr "Пуебла"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6542
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6560
 msgctxt "State in Mexico"
 msgid "Querétaro"
 msgstr "Керетаро"
 #. A city in Querétaro in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6544
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6562
 msgctxt "City in Querétaro, Mexico"
 msgid "Querétaro"
 msgstr "Керетаро"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6546
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6564
 msgid "Quintana Roo"
 msgstr "Кинтана Роо"
 #. A city in Quintana Roo in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6548
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6566
 msgid "Cancún"
 msgstr "Канкун"
 #. A city in Quintana Roo in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6550
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6568
 msgid "Chetumal"
 msgstr "Четумал"
 #. A city in Quintana Roo in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6552
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6570
 msgid "Cozumel"
 msgstr "Козумел"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6554
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6572
 msgctxt "State in Mexico"
 msgid "San Luis Potosí"
 msgstr "Сан Луис Потоси"
 #. A city in San Luis Potosí in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6556
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6574
 msgctxt "City in San Luis Potosí, Mexico"
 msgid "San Luis Potosí"
 msgstr "Сан Луис Потоси"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6558
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6576
 msgid "Sinaloa"
 msgstr "Синалоа"
 #. A city in Sinaloa in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6560
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6578
 msgid "Culiacán"
 msgstr "Кулиакан"
 #. A city in Sinaloa in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6562
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6580
 msgid "Los Mochis"
 msgstr "Лос Мочис"
 #. A city in Sinaloa in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6564
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6582
 msgid "Mazatlán"
 msgstr "Масатлан"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6566
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6584
 msgctxt "State in Mexico"
 msgid "Sonora"
 msgstr "Сонора"
 #. A city in Sonora in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6568
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6586
 msgid "Ciudad Obregón"
 msgstr "Куидад Обрегон"
 #. A city in Sonora in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6570
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6588
 msgid "Guaymas"
 msgstr "Гуаймас"
 #. A city in Sonora in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6572
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6590
 msgid "Hermosillo"
 msgstr "Ермосильо"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6574
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6592
 msgid "Tabasco"
 msgstr "Табаско"
 #. A city in Tabasco in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6576
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6594
 msgid "Villahermosa"
 msgstr "Вилахермоса"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6578
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6596
 msgid "Tamaulipas"
 msgstr "Тамаулипас"
 #. A city in Tamaulipas in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6580
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6598
 msgid "Ciudad Victoria"
 msgstr "Куидад Виктория"
 #. A city in Tamaulipas in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6582
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6600
 msgid "Matamoros"
 msgstr "Матаморос"
 #. A city in Tamaulipas in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6584
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6602
 msgid "Nuevo Laredo"
 msgstr "Нуево Ларедо"
 #. A city in Tamaulipas in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6586
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6604
 msgid "Reynosa"
 msgstr "Рейноса"
 #. A city in Tamaulipas in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6588
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6606
 msgid "Tampico"
 msgstr "Темпико"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6590
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6608
 msgid "Tlaxcala"
 msgstr "Тласкала"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6592
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6610
 msgctxt "State in Mexico"
 msgid "Veracruz"
 msgstr "Веракрус"
 #. A city in Veracruz in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6594
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6612
 msgid "Minatitlán"
 msgstr "Минатитлан"
 #. A city in Veracruz in Mexico.
 #. One of several cities in Mexico called "Poza Rica".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6598
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6616
 msgid "Poza Rica de Hidalgo"
 msgstr "Поза Рика де Идалго"
 #. A city in Veracruz in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6600
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6618
 msgctxt "City in Veracruz, Mexico"
 msgid "Veracruz"
 msgstr "Веракрус"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6602
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6620
 msgid "Yucatán"
 msgstr "Юкатан"
 #. A city in Yucatán in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6604
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6622
 msgid "Chichén-Itzá"
 msgstr "Чичен-Ица"
 #. A city in Yucatán in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6606
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6624
 msgctxt "City in Yucatán, Mexico"
 msgid "Mérida"
 msgstr "Мерида"
 #. A state/province/territory in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6608
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6626
 msgctxt "State in Mexico"
 msgid "Zacatecas"
 msgstr "Закатекас"
 #. A city in Zacatecas in Mexico
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6610
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6628
 msgctxt "City in Zacatecas, Mexico"
 msgid "Zacatecas"
 msgstr "Закатекас"
@@ -15165,18 +15213,18 @@ msgstr "Закатекас"
 #. America (off the coast of Newfoundland). The French name is
 #. "Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon".
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6615
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6633
 msgid "Saint Pierre and Miquelon"
 msgstr "Сейнт Пиер и Микелон"
 #. The capital of Saint Pierre and Miquelon
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6617
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6635
 msgctxt "City in Saint Pierre and Miquelon"
 msgid "Saint-Pierre"
 msgstr "Сен-Пиер"
 #. US - United States, aka United States of America
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6619
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6637
 msgid "United States"
 msgstr "Съединени Щати"
@@ -15187,7 +15235,7 @@ msgstr "Съединени Щати"
 #. Daylight Saving Time). It is only used in places where
 #. "United States" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6627
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6645
 msgid "Hawaiian-Aleutian Time (Aleutian Islands)"
 msgstr "Хавайско-алеутско време (Алеутски о-ви)"
@@ -15198,7 +15246,7 @@ msgstr "Хавайско-алеутско време (Алеутски о-ви)"
 #. Daylight Saving Time. It is only used in places where
 #. "United States" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6635
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6653
 msgid "Hawaiian-Aleutian Time, no DST (Hawaii)"
 msgstr "Хавайско-алеутско време, без лятно време (Хаваи)"
@@ -15206,7 +15254,7 @@ msgstr "Хавайско-алеутско време, без лятно врем
 #. United States. The string is only used in places where
 #. "United States" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6640
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6658
 msgid "Alaska Time"
 msgstr "Време в Аляска"
@@ -15216,8721 +15264,8726 @@ msgstr "Време в Аляска"
 #. the zone. The string is only used in places where
 #. "United States" is already clear from context.
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6647
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6665
 msgid "Mountain Time, no DST (Arizona)"
 msgstr "Планинско време, без лятно време (Аризона)"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6649
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6667
 msgid "Alabama"
 msgstr "Алабама"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6651
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6669
 msgid "Alabaster"
 msgstr "Алабастър"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6653
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6671
 msgid "Albertville"
 msgstr "Албъртвил"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6655
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6673
 msgid "Alexander City"
 msgstr "Александър сити"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6657
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6675
 msgid "Andalusia"
 msgstr "Андалусия"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6659
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6677
 msgid "Anniston"
 msgstr "Анистън"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6661
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6679
 msgctxt "City in Alabama, United States"
 msgid "Auburn"
 msgstr "Обърн"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6663
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6681
 msgctxt "City in Alabama, United States"
 msgid "Birmingham"
 msgstr "Бирмингам"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6665
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6683
 msgid "Cullman"
 msgstr "Кълман"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6667
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6685
 msgid "Daleville"
 msgstr "Дейлвил"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6669
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6687
 msgctxt "City in Alabama, United States"
 msgid "Decatur"
 msgstr "Декатур"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6671
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6689
 msgid "Dothan"
 msgstr "Дотан"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6673
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6691
 msgid "Evergreen"
 msgstr "Евъргрийн"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6675
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6693
 msgid "Fort Payne"
 msgstr "Форт Пейн"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6677
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6695
 msgid "Gadsden"
 msgstr "Гадстен"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6679
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6697
 msgid "Haleyville"
 msgstr "Хейливил"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6681
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6699
 msgctxt "City in Alabama, United States"
 msgid "Huntsville"
 msgstr "Хънтсвил"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6683
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6701
 msgid "Mobile"
 msgstr "Мобайл"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6685
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6703
 msgctxt "City in Alabama, United States"
 msgid "Montgomery"
 msgstr "Монтгомъри"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6687
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6705
 msgid "Muscle Shoals"
 msgstr "Масъл Шолс"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6689
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6707
 msgid "Ozark"
 msgstr "Озарк"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6691
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6709
 msgctxt "City in Alabama, United States"
 msgid "Troy"
 msgstr "Трой"
 #. A city in Alabama in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6693
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6711
 msgid "Tuscaloosa"
 msgstr "Таскалуса"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6695
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6713
 msgid "Alaska"
 msgstr "Аляска"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6697
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6715
 msgid "Adak"
 msgstr "Адак"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6699
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6717
 msgctxt "City in Alaska, United States"
 msgid "Alpine"
 msgstr "Алпайн"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6701
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6719
 msgid "Ambler"
 msgstr "Амблер"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6703
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6721
 msgid "Anaktuvuk Pass"
 msgstr "проход Анактувук"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6705
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6723
 msgid "Anchorage"
 msgstr "Анкъридж"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6707
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6725
 msgid "Angoon"
 msgstr "Ангун"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6709
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6727
 msgid "Aniak"
 msgstr "Аниак"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6711
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6729
 msgid "Annette"
 msgstr "Анет"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6713
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6731
 msgid "Anvik"
 msgstr "Анвик"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6715
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6733
 msgid "Arctic Village"
 msgstr "Арктик Вилидж"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6717
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6735
 msgid "Barrow"
 msgstr "Бароу"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6719
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6737
 msgid "Bethel"
 msgstr "Бетъл"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6721
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6739
 msgid "Bettles"
 msgstr "Бетлес"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6723
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6741
 msgid "Birchwood"
 msgstr "Бирчууд"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6725
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6743
 msgid "Buckland"
 msgstr "Бъкланд"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6727
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6745
 msgid "Chandalar"
 msgstr "Чандалар"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6729
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6747
 msgid "Chignik"
 msgstr "Чигник"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6731
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6749
 msgid "Chisana"
 msgstr "Кисана"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6733
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6751
 msgid "Chistochina"
 msgstr "Кисточайна"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6735
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6753
 msgid "Chulitna"
 msgstr "Чулитна"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6737
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6755
 msgid "Cold Bay"
 msgstr "Колд Бийч"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6739
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6757
 msgid "Cordova"
 msgstr "Кордова"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6741
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6759
 msgid "Deadhorse"
 msgstr "Дедхорс"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6743
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6761
 msgid "Delta Junction"
 msgstr "Делта Джънкшън"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6745
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6763
 msgid "Dillingham"
 msgstr "Дилингъм"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6747
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6765
 msgctxt "City in Alaska, United States"
 msgid "Eagle"
 msgstr "Ийгъл"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6749
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6767
 msgid "Egegik"
 msgstr "Егеджик"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6751
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6769
 msgid "Elfin Cove"
 msgstr "Елфин Коув"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6753
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6771
 msgid "Emmonak"
 msgstr "Емонак"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6755
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6773
 msgid "Eureka Roadhouse"
 msgstr "Юрика Роудхаус"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6757
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6775
 msgid "Fairbanks"
 msgstr "Феърбенкс"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6759
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6777
 msgid "Fort Yukon"
 msgstr "Форт Юкон"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6761
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6779
 msgid "Galena"
 msgstr "Галена"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6763
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6781
 msgid "Gambell"
 msgstr "Гамбел"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6765
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6783
 msgid "Gulkana"
 msgstr "Гулкана"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6767
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6785
 msgid "Gustavus"
 msgstr "Густавус"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6769
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6787
 msgid "Haines"
 msgstr "Хайнс"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6771
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6789
 msgid "Healy"
 msgstr "Хийли"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6773
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6791
 msgid "Homer"
 msgstr "Хомер"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6775
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6793
 msgid "Hoonah"
 msgstr "Хууна"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6777
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6795
 msgid "Hooper Bay"
 msgstr "Хупър Бей"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6779
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6797
 msgid "Huslia"
 msgstr "Хуслия"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6781
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6799
 msgid "Hydaburg"
 msgstr "Хидабург"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6783
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6801
 msgctxt "City in Alaska, United States"
 msgid "Juneau"
 msgstr "Джуно"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6785
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6803
 msgid "Kake"
 msgstr "Кейк"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6787
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6805
 msgid "Kaktovik"
 msgstr "Кактовик"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6789
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6807
 msgid "Kaltag"
 msgstr "Калтаг"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6791
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6809
 msgid "Kenai"
 msgstr "Кенай"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6793
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6811
 msgid "Ketchikan"
 msgstr "Кетчикан"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6795
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6813
 msgid "King Salmon"
 msgstr "Кинг Солмон"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6797
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6815
 msgid "Kipnuk"
 msgstr "Кипнук"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6799
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6817
 msgid "Kivalina"
 msgstr "Кивалина"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6801
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6819
 msgid "Klawock"
 msgstr "Клавок"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6803
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6821
 msgid "Kodiak"
 msgstr "Кодиак"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6805
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6823
 msgid "Kotzebue"
 msgstr "Коцебуе"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6807
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6825
 msgid "Koyuk"
 msgstr "Коюк"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6809
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6827
 msgid "Kustatan"
 msgstr "Кустатан"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6811
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6829
 msgid "Lake Minchumina"
 msgstr "Лейк Минчумина"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6813
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6831
 msgid "Lime Village"
 msgstr "Лайм Вилидж"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6815
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6833
 msgid "Manley Hot Springs"
 msgstr "Манли Хот Спрингс"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6817
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6835
 msgid "McCarthy"
 msgstr "Маккарти"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6819
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6837
 msgid "McGrath"
 msgstr "Макграт"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6821
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6839
 msgid "McKinley Park"
 msgstr "Маккинли Парк"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6823
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6841
 msgid "Mekoryuk"
 msgstr "Мекорюк"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6825
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6843
 msgid "Metlakatla"
 msgstr "Метлакатла"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6827
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6845
 msgid "Nabesna"
 msgstr "Небесна"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6829
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6847
 msgid "Nenana"
 msgstr "Ненана"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6831
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6849
 msgid "Newhalen"
 msgstr "Нюхейлън"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6833
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6851
 msgid "Noatak"
 msgstr "Ноатак"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6835
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6853
 msgid "Nome"
 msgstr "Ном"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6837
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6855
 msgid "Northway"
 msgstr "Нортуей"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6839
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6857
 msgid "Nuiqsut"
 msgstr "Нуксут"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6841
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6859
 msgid "Palmer"
 msgstr "Палмер"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6843
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6861
 msgid "Paxson"
 msgstr "Паксон"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6845
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6863
 msgctxt "City in Alaska, United States"
 msgid "Petersburg"
 msgstr "Питърсбърг"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6847
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6865
 msgid "Platinum"
 msgstr "Платинум"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6849
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6867
 msgid "Point Hope"
 msgstr "Пойнт Хоуп"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6851
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6869
 msgid "Point Lay"
 msgstr "Пойнт Лей"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6853
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6871
 msgid "Port Alexander"
 msgstr "Порт Алекзандър"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6855
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6873
 msgid "Port Alsworth"
 msgstr "Порт Алсуърт"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6857
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6875
 msgid "Port Heiden"
 msgstr "Порт Хейден"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6859
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6877
 msgctxt "City in Alaska, United States"
 msgid "Saint George"
 msgstr "Сейнт Джордж"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6861
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6879
 msgid "Saint Marys"
 msgstr "Сейнт Мерис"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6863
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6881
 msgid "Saint Paul"
 msgstr "Сейнт Пол"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6865
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6883
 msgid "Sand Point"
 msgstr "Сенд Пойнт"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6867
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6885
 msgid "Savoonga"
 msgstr "Савунга"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6869
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6887
 msgid "Scammon Bay"
 msgstr "Скамън Бей"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6871
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6889
 msgid "Selawik"
 msgstr "Селауик"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6873
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6891
 msgid "Seldovia"
 msgstr "Селдовия"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6875
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6893
 msgid "Seward"
 msgstr "Сюърд"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6877
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6895
 msgid "Shishmaref"
 msgstr "Шишмареф"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6879
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6897
 msgid "Sitka"
 msgstr "Ситка"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6881
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6899
 msgid "Skagway"
 msgstr "Скагуей"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6883
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6901
 msgid "Sleetmute"
 msgstr "Слийтмют"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6885
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6903
 msgid "Soldotna"
 msgstr "Солдотна"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6887
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6905
 msgctxt "City in Alaska, United States"
 msgid "Sutton"
 msgstr "Сътън"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6889
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6907
 msgid "Takotna"
 msgstr "Такотна"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6891
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6909
 msgid "Talkeetna"
 msgstr "Талкитна"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6893
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6911
 msgid "Tanana"
 msgstr "Танана"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6895
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6913
 msgid "Tin City"
 msgstr "Тин сити"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6897
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6915
 msgid "Togiak"
 msgstr "Тоджиак"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6899
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6917
 msgid "Unalakleet"
 msgstr "Уналаклит"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6901
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6919
 msgid "Unalaska"
 msgstr "Уналяска"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6903
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6921
 msgid "Valdez"
 msgstr "Валдес"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6905
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6923
 msgid "Wainwright"
 msgstr "Уейнрайт"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6907
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6925
 msgid "Wasilla"
 msgstr "Уасила"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6909
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6927
 msgid "Whittier"
 msgstr "Уитиър"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6911
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6929
 msgid "Willow"
 msgstr "Уилоу"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6913
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6931
 msgid "Wrangell"
 msgstr "Рангел"
 #. A city in Alaska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6915
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6933
 msgid "Yakutat"
 msgstr "Якутат"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6917
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6935
 msgid "Arizona"
 msgstr "Аризона"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6919
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6937
 msgid "Bullhead City"
 msgstr "Булхед сити"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6921
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6939
 msgid "Casa Grande"
 msgstr "Каса Гранде"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6923
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6941
 msgctxt "City in Arizona, United States"
 msgid "Chandler"
 msgstr "Чандлер"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6925
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6943
 msgid "Childs"
 msgstr "Чайлдс"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6927
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6945
 msgctxt "City in Arizona, United States"
 msgid "Douglas"
 msgstr "Дъглас"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6929
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6947
 msgid "Flagstaff"
 msgstr "Флагстаф"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6931
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6949
 msgid "Gilbert"
 msgstr "Гилбърт"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6933
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6951
 msgctxt "City in Arizona, United States"
 msgid "Glendale"
 msgstr "Глендейл"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6935
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6953
 msgid "Goodyear"
 msgstr "Гудиър"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6937
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6955
 msgid "Grand Canyon"
 msgstr "Големия Каньон"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6939
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6957
 msgid "Kingman"
 msgstr "Кингман"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6941
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6959
 msgid "Mesa"
 msgstr "Меса"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6943
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6961
 msgid "Nogales"
 msgstr "Ногалес"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6945
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6963
 msgid "Page"
 msgstr "Пейдж"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6947
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6965
 msgctxt "City in Arizona, United States"
 msgid "Peoria"
 msgstr "Пеория"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6949
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6967
 msgid "Phoenix"
 msgstr "Финикс"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6951
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6969
 msgid "Prescott"
 msgstr "Прескот"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6953
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6971
 msgid "Safford"
 msgstr "Сафърд"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6955
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6973
 msgid "Saint Johns"
 msgstr "Сейнт Джонс"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6957
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6975
 msgid "Scottsdale"
 msgstr "Скотсдейл"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6959
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6977
 msgid "Show Low"
 msgstr "Шоу Лоу"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6961
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6979
 msgid "Sierra Vista"
 msgstr "Сиера Виста"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6963
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6981
 msgid "Tempe"
 msgstr "Темпе"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6965
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6983
 msgid "Tucson"
 msgstr "Тюсън"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6967
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6985
 msgid "Window Rock"
 msgstr "Уиндоу Рок"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6969
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6987
 msgid "Winslow"
 msgstr "Уинслоу"
 #. A city in Arizona in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6971
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6989
 msgid "Yuma"
 msgstr "Юма"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6973
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6991
 msgid "Arkansas"
 msgstr "Арканзас"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6975
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6993
 msgid "Arkadelphia"
 msgstr "Аркаделфия"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6977
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6995
 msgid "Batesville"
 msgstr "Бейтсвил"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6979
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6997
 msgid "Bentonville"
 msgstr "Бентонвил"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6981
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6999
 msgid "Blytheville"
 msgstr "Блайтвил"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6983
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7001
 msgid "Camden"
 msgstr "Камдън"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6985
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7003
 msgid "De Queen"
 msgstr "Де Куин"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6987
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7005
 msgid "El Dorado"
 msgstr "Ел Дорадо"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6989
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7007
 msgctxt "City in Arkansas, United States"
 msgid "Fayetteville"
 msgstr "Файетвил"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6991
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7009
 msgid "Flippin"
 msgstr "Флипин"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6993
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7011
 msgctxt "City in Arkansas, United States"
 msgid "Fort Smith"
 msgstr "Форт Смит"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6995
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7013
 msgid "Harrison"
 msgstr "Харисън"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6997
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7015
 msgctxt "City in Arkansas, United States"
 msgid "Hot Springs"
 msgstr "Хот Спрингс"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:6999
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7017
 msgid "Jonesboro"
 msgstr "Джонсборо"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7001
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7019
 msgid "Little Rock"
 msgstr "Литъл Рок"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7003
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7021
 msgid "Mena"
 msgstr "Мена"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7005
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7023
 msgctxt "City in Arkansas, United States"
 msgid "Monticello"
 msgstr "Монтичело"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7007
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7025
 msgid "Mount Ida"
 msgstr "Маунт Ида"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7009
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7027
 msgctxt "City in Arkansas, United States"
 msgid "Mountain Home"
 msgstr "Маунтин Хоум"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7011
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7029
 msgctxt "City in Arkansas, United States"
 msgid "Newport"
 msgstr "Нюпорт"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7013
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7031
 msgid "Pine Bluff"
 msgstr "Пайн Блъф"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7015
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7033
 msgid "Rogers"
 msgstr "Роджърс"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7017
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7035
 msgid "Russellville"
 msgstr "Ръселвил"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7019
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7037
 msgid "Searcy"
 msgstr "Сиърси"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7021
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7039
 msgid "Siloam Springs"
 msgstr "Силоум Спрингс"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7023
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7041
 msgid "Springdale"
 msgstr "Спрингдейл"
 # Произнася се като немския град.
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7025
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7043
 msgctxt "City in Arkansas, United States"
 msgid "Stuttgart"
 msgstr "Щутгарт"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7027
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7045
 msgid "Texarkana"
 msgstr "Тексаркана"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7029
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7047
 msgid "Walnut Ridge"
 msgstr "Уолнът Ридж"
 #. A city in Arkansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7031
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7049
 msgid "West Memphis"
 msgstr "Уест Мемфис"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7033
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7051
 msgid "California"
 msgstr "Калифорния"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7035
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7053
 msgid "Alturas"
 msgstr "Алтурас"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7037
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7055
 msgid "Anaheim"
 msgstr "Анахийм"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7039
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7057
 msgid "Arcata"
 msgstr "Арката"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7041
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7059
 msgctxt "City in California, United States"
 msgid "Auburn"
 msgstr "Обърн"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7043
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7061
 msgid "Avalon"
 msgstr "Авалон"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7045
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7063
 msgid "Bakersfield"
 msgstr "Бейкърсфилд"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7047
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7065
 msgid "Berkeley"
 msgstr "Бъркли"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7049
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7067
 msgid "Bishop"
 msgstr "Бишъп"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7051
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7069
 msgid "Blythe"
 msgstr "Блайт"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7053
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7071
 msgid "Burbank"
 msgstr "Бърбанк"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7055
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7073
 msgid "Camarillo"
 msgstr "Камарило"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7057
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7075
 msgid "Campo"
 msgstr "Кампо"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7059
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7077
 msgctxt "City in California, United States"
 msgid "Carlsbad"
 msgstr "Карлсбад"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7061
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7079
 msgid "Chico"
 msgstr "Чико"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7063
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7081
 msgid "China Lake"
 msgstr "Чайна Лейк"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7065
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7083
 msgid "Chino"
 msgstr "Чино"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7067
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7085
 msgid "Chula Vista"
 msgstr "Чула Виста"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7069
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7087
 msgctxt "City in California, United States"
 msgid "Concord"
 msgstr "Конкорд"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7071
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7089
 msgctxt "City in California, United States"
 msgid "Corona"
 msgstr "Корона"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7073
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7091
 msgid "Costa Mesa"
 msgstr "Коста Меса"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7075
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7093
 msgid "Crescent City"
 msgstr "Крисънт сити"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7077
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7095
 msgid "Daggett"
 msgstr "Дагет"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7079
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7097
 msgid "Daly City"
 msgstr "Дели сити"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7081
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7099
 msgid "Edwards"
 msgstr "Еуардс"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7083
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7101
 msgid "El Centro"
 msgstr "Ел Сентро"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7085
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7103
 msgid "El Monte"
 msgstr "Ел Монте"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7087
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7105
 msgid "Emigrant Gap"
 msgstr "Емигрант Гап"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7089
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7107
 msgid "Escondido"
 msgstr "Ескондидо"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7091
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7109
 msgctxt "City in California, United States"
 msgid "Fairfield"
 msgstr "Феърфийлд"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7093
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7111
 msgid "Fontana"
 msgstr "Фонтана"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7095
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7113
 msgctxt "City in California, United States"
 msgid "Fremont"
 msgstr "Фримонт"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7097
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7115
 msgid "Fresno"
 msgstr "Фрезно"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7099
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7117
 msgid "Fullerton"
 msgstr "Фулертон"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7101
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7119
 msgid "Garden Grove"
 msgstr "Гардън Гроув"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7103
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7121
 msgctxt "City in California, United States"
 msgid "Glendale"
 msgstr "Глендейл"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7105
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7123
 msgctxt "City in California, United States"
 msgid "Hanford"
 msgstr "Ханфорд"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7107
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7125
 msgid "Hawthorne"
 msgstr "Хоторн"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7109
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7127
 msgctxt "City in California, United States"
 msgid "Hayward"
 msgstr "Хейуърд"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7111
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7129
 msgid "Huntington Beach"
 msgstr "Хънтингтън Бийч"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7113
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7131
 msgctxt "City in California, United States"
 msgid "Imperial"
 msgstr "Империал"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7115
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7133
 msgid "Imperial Beach"
 msgstr "Империал Бийч"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7117
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7135
 msgid "Inglewood"
 msgstr "Ингълууд"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7119
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7137
 msgid "Inyokern"
 msgstr "Иниокерн"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7121
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7139
 msgid "Irvine"
 msgstr "Ървин"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7123
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7141
 msgid "La Verne"
 msgstr "Ла Верне"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7125
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7143
 msgctxt "City in California, United States"
 msgid "Lancaster"
 msgstr "Ланкастър"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7127
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7145
 msgid "Lemoore"
 msgstr "Лимур"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7129
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7147
 msgid "Livermore"
 msgstr "Ливърмор"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7131
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7149
 msgid "Lompoc"
 msgstr "Ломпок"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7133
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7151
 msgid "Long Beach"
 msgstr "Лонг Бийч"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7135
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7153
 msgid "Los Alamitos"
 msgstr "Лос Аламитос"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7137
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7155
 msgid "Los Angeles"
 msgstr "Лос Анджелис"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7139
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7157
 msgid "Madera"
 msgstr "Мадера"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7141
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7159
 msgctxt "City in California, United States"
 msgid "Marysville"
 msgstr "Мерисвил"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7143
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7161
 msgid "Merced"
 msgstr "Мерсед"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7145
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7163
 msgid "Modesto"
 msgstr "Модесто"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7147
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7165
 msgid "Montague"
 msgstr "Монтегю"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7149
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7167
 msgid "Monterey"
 msgstr "Монтерей"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7151
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7169
 msgid "Mount Shasta"
 msgstr "Маунт Шаста"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7153
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7171
 msgid "Mount Wilson"
 msgstr "Маунт Уилсън"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7155
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7173
 msgid "Mountain View"
 msgstr "Маунтин Вю"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7157
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7175
 msgid "Napa"
 msgstr "Напа"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7159
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7177
 msgid "Needles"
 msgstr "Нийдълс"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7161
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7179
 msgid "Newhall"
 msgstr "Нюхол"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7163
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7181
 msgid "Norwalk"
 msgstr "Норуок"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7165
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7183
 msgid "Oakland"
 msgstr "Оукланд"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7167
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7185
 msgid "Oceanside"
 msgstr "Оушънсайд"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7169
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7187
 msgctxt "City in California, United States"
 msgid "Ontario"
 msgstr "Онтарио"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7171
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7189
 msgctxt "City in California, United States"
 msgid "Orange"
 msgstr "Ориндж"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7173
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7191
 msgid "Oroville"
 msgstr "Оровил"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7175
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7193
 msgid "Oxnard"
 msgstr "Окснард"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7177
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7195
 msgid "Palm Springs"
 msgstr "Палм Спрингс"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7179
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7197
 msgid "Palmdale"
 msgstr "Палмдейл"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7181
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7199
 msgid "Palo Alto"
 msgstr "Пало Алто"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7183
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7201
 msgctxt "City in California, United States"
 msgid "Pasadena"
 msgstr "Пасадена"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7185
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7203
 msgid "Paso Robles"
 msgstr "Пасо Роблес"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7187
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7205
 msgid "Pomona"
 msgstr "Помона"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7189
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7207
 msgid "Porterville"
 msgstr "Портървил"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7191
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7209
 msgid "Ramona"
 msgstr "Рамона"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7193
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7211
 msgid "Rancho Cucamonga"
 msgstr "Ранчо Кукамонга"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7195
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7213
 msgid "Red Bluff"
 msgstr "Ред Блъф"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7197
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7215
 msgid "Redding"
 msgstr "Рединг"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7199
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7217
 msgid "Riverside"
 msgstr "Ривърсайд"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7201
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7219
 msgid "Sacramento"
 msgstr "Сакраменто"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7203
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7221
 msgid "Salinas"
 msgstr "Салинас"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7205
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7223
 msgid "San Bernardino"
 msgstr "Сан Бернардино"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7207
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7225
 msgid "San Carlos"
 msgstr "Сан Карлос"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7209
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7227
 msgid "San Diego"
 msgstr "Сан Диего"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7211
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7229
 msgid "San Francisco"
 msgstr "Сан Франциско"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7213
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7231
 msgid "San Jose"
 msgstr "Сан Хосе"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7215
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7233
 msgid "San Luis Obispo"
 msgstr "Сан Луис Обиспо"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7217
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7235
 msgid "Sandberg"
 msgstr "Сандберг"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7219
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7237
 msgid "Santa Ana"
 msgstr "Санта Ана"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7221
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7239
 msgid "Santa Barbara"
 msgstr "Санта Барбара"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7223
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7241
 msgctxt "City in California, United States"
 msgid "Santa Clara"
 msgstr "Санта Клара"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7225
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7243
 msgctxt "City in California, United States"
 msgid "Santa Maria"
 msgstr "Санта Мария"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7227
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7245
 msgid "Santa Monica"
 msgstr "Санта Моника"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7229
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7247
 msgid "Santa Rosa"
 msgstr "Санта Роса"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7231
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7249
 msgid "Simi Valley"
 msgstr "Сими Вали"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7233
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7251
 msgid "South Lake Tahoe"
 msgstr "Саут Лейк Тахо"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7235
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7253
 msgctxt "City in California, United States"
 msgid "Stockton"
 msgstr "Стоктън"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7237
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7255
 msgid "Sunnyvale"
 msgstr "Сънивейл"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7239
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7257
 msgid "Thousand Oaks"
 msgstr "Таузънд Оукс"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7241
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7259
 msgid "Torrance"
 msgstr "Торанс"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7243
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7261
 msgid "Truckee"
 msgstr "Траки"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7245
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7263
 msgid "Twentynine Palms"
 msgstr "Туентинайн Палмс"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7247
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7265
 msgid "Ukiah"
 msgstr "Укиа"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7249
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7267
 msgid "Vacaville"
 msgstr "Вакавил"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7251
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7269
 msgid "Vallejo"
 msgstr "Валехо"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7253
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7271
 msgid "Van Nuys"
 msgstr "Ван Найс"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7255
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7273
 msgid "Ventura"
 msgstr "Вентура"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7257
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7275
 msgid "Victorville"
 msgstr "Викторвил"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7259
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7277
 msgid "Visalia"
 msgstr "Висалия"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7261
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7279
 msgid "Watsonville"
 msgstr "Уотсънвил"
 #. A city in California in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7263
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7281
 msgid "West Covina"
 msgstr "Уест Ковина"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7265
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7283
 msgid "Colorado"
 msgstr "Колорадо"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7267
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7285
 msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States"
 msgid "Akron"
 msgstr "Акрон"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7269
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7287
 msgid "Alamosa"
 msgstr "Аламоса"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7271
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7289
 msgid "Arvada"
 msgstr "Арвада"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7273
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7291
 msgid "Aspen"
 msgstr "Аспен"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7275
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7293
 msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States"
 msgid "Aurora"
 msgstr "Аурора"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7277
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7295
 msgid "Broomfield"
 msgstr "Брумфийлд"
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7296
+msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States"
+msgid "Boulder"
+msgstr "Болдър"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7279
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7298
 msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States"
 msgid "Burlington"
 msgstr "Бърлингтън"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7281
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7300
 msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States"
 msgid "Cardiff"
 msgstr "Кардиф"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7283
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7302
 msgid "Colorado Springs"
 msgstr "Колорадо Спрингс"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7285
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7304
 msgid "Cortez"
 msgstr "Кортес"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7287
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7306
 msgid "Craig"
 msgstr "Крег"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7289
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7308
 msgid "Denver"
 msgstr "Денвър"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7291
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7310
 msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States"
 msgid "Durango"
 msgstr "Дуранго"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7293
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7312
 msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States"
 msgid "Eagle"
 msgstr "Ийгъл"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7295
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7314
 msgid "Elbert"
 msgstr "Елбърт"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7297
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7316
 msgid "Fort Carson"
 msgstr "Форт Карсън"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7299
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7318
 msgid "Fort Collins"
 msgstr "Форт Колинс"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7301
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7320
 msgid "Grand Junction"
 msgstr "Гранд Джънкшън"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7303
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7322
 msgid "Gunnison"
 msgstr "Гънисън"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7305
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7324
 msgid "Hayden"
 msgstr "Хайден"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7307
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7326
 msgid "La Junta"
 msgstr "Ла Хунта"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7309
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7328
 msgid "La Veta"
 msgstr "Ла Вета"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7311
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7330
 msgid "Lakewood"
 msgstr "Лейкуд"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7313
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7332
 msgid "Lamar"
 msgstr "Ламар"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7315
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7334
 msgid "Leadville"
 msgstr "Лийдвил"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7317
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7336
 msgid "Limon"
 msgstr "Лимън"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7319
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7338
 msgid "Meeker"
 msgstr "Мийкър"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7321
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7340
 msgid "Montrose"
 msgstr "Монтроуз"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7323
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7342
 msgid "Pagosa Springs"
 msgstr "Пагоса Спрингс"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7325
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7344
 msgid "Pueblo"
 msgstr "Пуебло"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7327
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7346
 msgid "Rifle"
 msgstr "Райфъл"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7329
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7348
 msgid "Saguache"
 msgstr "Сагуачи"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7331
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7350
 msgid "Salida"
 msgstr "Салида"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7333
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7352
 msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States"
 msgid "Springfield"
 msgstr "Спрингфилд"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7335
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7354
 msgid "Steamboat Springs"
 msgstr "Стиймбоут Спрингс"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7337
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7356
 msgid "Tarryall"
 msgstr "Тариол"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7339
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7358
 msgid "Telluride"
 msgstr "Телърайд"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7341
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7360
 msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States"
 msgid "Trinidad"
 msgstr "Тринидад"
 #. A city in Colorado in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7343
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7362
 msgid "Westminster"
 msgstr "Уестминстър"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7345
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7364
 msgid "Connecticut"
 msgstr "Кънектикът"
 #. A city in Connecticut in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7347
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7366
 msgid "Bridgeport"
 msgstr "Бриджпорт"
 #. A city in Connecticut in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7349
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7368
 msgid "Danbury"
 msgstr "Данбъри"
 #. A city in Connecticut in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7351
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7370
 msgid "Groton"
 msgstr "Гротън"
 #. A city in Connecticut in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7353
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7372
 msgid "Hartford"
 msgstr "Хартфорд"
 #. A city in Connecticut in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7355
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7374
 msgid "Meriden"
 msgstr "Меридън"
 #. A city in Connecticut in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7357
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7376
 msgid "New Haven"
 msgstr "Ню Хейвън"
 #. A city in Connecticut in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7359
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7378
 msgctxt "City in Connecticut, United States"
 msgid "Oxford"
 msgstr "Оксфорд"
 #. A city in Connecticut in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7361
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7380
 msgid "Stamford"
 msgstr "Стамфорд"
 #. A city in Connecticut in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7363
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7382
 msgid "Waterbury"
 msgstr "Уотърбъри"
 #. A city in Connecticut in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7365
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7384
 msgid "Windsor Locks"
 msgstr "Уиндзър Локс"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7367
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7386
 msgid "Delaware"
 msgstr "Делауеър"
 #. A city in Delaware in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7369
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7388
 msgid "Dover"
 msgstr "Доувър"
 #. A city in Delaware in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7371
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7390
 msgctxt "City in Delaware, United States"
 msgid "Georgetown"
 msgstr "Джорджтаун"
 #. A city in Delaware in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7373
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7392
 msgctxt "City in Delaware, United States"
 msgid "Wilmington"
 msgstr "Уилмингтън"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7375
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7394
 msgid "District of Columbia"
 msgstr "Окръг Колумбия"
 #. The capital of the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7377
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7396
 msgctxt "City in District of Columbia, United States"
 msgid "Washington"
 msgstr "Вашингтон"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7379
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7398
 msgid "Florida"
 msgstr "Флорида"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7381
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7400
 msgid "Apalachicola"
 msgstr "Апалакикола"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7383
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7402
 msgid "Bartow"
 msgstr "Бартоу"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7385
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7404
 msgid "Boca Raton"
 msgstr "Бока Ратон"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7387
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7406
 msgid "Brooksville"
 msgstr "Бруксвил"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7389
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7408
 msgid "Cape Canaveral"
 msgstr "Кейп Канаверал"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7391
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7410
 msgid "Cape Coral"
 msgstr "Кейп Корал"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7393
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7412
 msgid "Clearwater"
 msgstr "Клиъруотър"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7395
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7414
 msgid "Cocoa"
 msgstr "Кокоа"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7397
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7416
 msgid "Crestview"
 msgstr "Крествю"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7399
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7418
 msgid "Cross City"
 msgstr "Крос сити"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7401
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7420
 msgid "Daytona Beach"
 msgstr "Дейтона Бийч"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7403
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7422
 msgid "Destin"
 msgstr "Дестин"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7405
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7424
 msgid "Fort Lauderdale"
 msgstr "Форт Лодърдейл"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7407
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7426
 msgid "Fort Myers"
 msgstr "Форт Майерс"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7409
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7428
 msgid "Fort Pierce"
 msgstr "Форт Пиърс"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7411
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7430
 msgid "Fort Walton Beach"
 msgstr "Форт Уолтън Бийч"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7413
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7432
 msgctxt "City in Florida, United States"
 msgid "Gainesville"
 msgstr "Гейнсвил"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7415
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7434
 msgid "Hialeah"
 msgstr "Хаялия"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7417
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7436
 msgid "Hollywood"
 msgstr "Холиууд"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7419
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7438
 msgid "Homestead"
 msgstr "Хоумстед"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7421
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7440
 msgctxt "City in Florida, United States"
 msgid "Jacksonville"
 msgstr "Джексънвил"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7423
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7442
 msgid "Key West"
 msgstr "Кий Уест"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7425
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7444
 msgid "Lakeland"
 msgstr "Лейкланд"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7427
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7446
 msgctxt "City in Florida, United States"
 msgid "Leesburg"
 msgstr "Лийсбург"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7429
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7448
 msgid "Marathon"
 msgstr "Маратон"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7431
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7450
 msgid "Marianna"
 msgstr "Мариана"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7433
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7452
 msgid "Mayport"
 msgstr "Мейпорт"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7435
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7454
 msgctxt "City in Florida, United States"
 msgid "Melbourne"
 msgstr "Мелбърн"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7437
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7456
 msgctxt "City in Florida, United States"
 msgid "Miami"
 msgstr "Маями"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7439
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7458
 msgid "Milton"
 msgstr "Милтън"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7441
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7460
 msgctxt "City in Florida, United States"
 msgid "Naples"
 msgstr "Непълс"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7443
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7462
 msgid "New Smyrna Beach"
 msgstr "Ню Смирна Бийч"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7445
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7464
 msgid "Ocala"
 msgstr "Окала"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7447
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7466
 msgid "Okeechobee"
 msgstr "Окичоби"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7449
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7468
 msgid "Orlando"
 msgstr "Орландо"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7451
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7470
 msgid "Ormond Beach"
 msgstr "Ормънд Бийч"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7453
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7472
 msgid "Panama City"
 msgstr "Панама сити"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7455
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7474
 msgid "Pembroke Pines"
 msgstr "Пемброук Пайнс"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7457
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7476
 msgid "Pensacola"
 msgstr "Пенсакола"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7459
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7478
 msgid "Perry"
 msgstr "Пери"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7461
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7480
 msgid "Pompano Beach"
 msgstr "Помпано Бийч"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7463
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7482
 msgid "Punta Gorda"
 msgstr "Пунта Горда"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7465
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7484
 msgid "Sarasota"
 msgstr "Сарасота"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7467
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7486
 msgctxt "City in Florida, United States"
 msgid "Springfield"
 msgstr "Спрингфилд"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7469
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7488
 msgid "Stuart"
 msgstr "Стюарт"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7471
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7490
 msgid "Tallahassee"
 msgstr "Талахаси"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7473
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7492
 msgid "Tampa"
 msgstr "Тампа"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7475
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7494
 msgid "The Villages"
 msgstr "Дъ Вилиджис"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7477
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7496
 msgid "Titusville"
 msgstr "Титусвил"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7479
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7498
 msgctxt "City in Florida, United States"
 msgid "Valparaiso"
 msgstr "Валпарайсо"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7481
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7500
 msgid "Vero Beach"
 msgstr "Веро Бийч"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7483
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7502
 msgid "Vilano Beach"
 msgstr "Вилано Бийч"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7485
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7504
 msgid "West Palm Beach"
 msgstr "Уест Палм Бийч"
 #. A city in Florida in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7487
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7506
 msgid "Winter Haven"
 msgstr "Уинтър Хевън"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7489
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7508
 msgctxt "State in United States"
 msgid "Georgia"
 msgstr "Джорджия"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7491
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7510
 msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
 msgid "Albany"
 msgstr "Олбъни"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7493
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7512
 msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
 msgid "Alma"
 msgstr "Алма"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7495
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7514
 msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
 msgid "Athens"
 msgstr "Атънс"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7497
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7516
 msgid "Atlanta"
 msgstr "Атланта"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7499
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7518
 msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
 msgid "Augusta"
 msgstr "Огъста"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7501
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7520
 msgid "Bainbridge"
 msgstr "Бейнбридж"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7503
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7522
 msgid "Barretts"
 msgstr "Баретс"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7505
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7524
 msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
 msgid "Brunswick"
 msgstr "Брунсвик"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7507
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7526
 msgid "Canton"
 msgstr "Кантон"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7509
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7528
 msgid "Cartersville"
 msgstr "Картърсвил"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7511
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7530
 msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
 msgid "Columbus"
 msgstr "Колъмбъс"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7513
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7532
 msgid "Dalton"
 msgstr "Долтън"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7515
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7534
 msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
 msgid "Douglas"
 msgstr "Дъглас"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7517
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7536
 msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
 msgid "Dublin"
 msgstr "Дъблин"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7519
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7538
 msgid "Fort Benning"
 msgstr "Форт Бенинг"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7521
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7540
 msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
 msgid "Gainesville"
 msgstr "Гейнсвил"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7523
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7542
 msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
 msgid "Greensboro"
 msgstr "Грийнсбъро"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7525
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7544
 msgid "Hinesville"
 msgstr "Хайнсвил"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7527
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7546
 msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
 msgid "La Grange"
 msgstr "Ла Гранж"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7529
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7548
 msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
 msgid "Lawrenceville"
 msgstr "Лорънсвил"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7531
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7550
 msgid "Macon"
 msgstr "Макон"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7533
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7552
 msgid "Marietta"
 msgstr "Мариета"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7535
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7554
 msgid "Milledgeville"
 msgstr "Милиджвил"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7537
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7556
 msgid "Moultrie"
 msgstr "Моултри"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7539
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7558
 msgid "Newnan"
 msgstr "Нюнан"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7541
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7560
 msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
 msgid "Rome"
 msgstr "Роум"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7543
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7562
 msgid "Savannah"
 msgstr "Савана"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7545
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7564
 msgid "Statesboro"
 msgstr "Стейтсбъро"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7547
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7566
 msgid "Sylvania"
 msgstr "Силвания"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7549
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7568
 msgid "Thomaston"
 msgstr "Томастън"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7551
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7570
 msgid "Thomson"
 msgstr "Томсън"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7553
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7572
 msgid "Valdosta"
 msgstr "Владоста"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7555
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7574
 msgid "Vidalia"
 msgstr "Видалия"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7557
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7576
 msgid "Warner Robins"
 msgstr "Уорнър Робинс"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7559
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7578
 msgid "Waycross"
 msgstr "Уейкрос"
 #. A city in Georgia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7561
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7580
 msgid "Winder"
 msgstr "Уиндър"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7563
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7582
 msgid "Hawaii"
 msgstr "Хаваи"
 #. A city in Hawaii in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7565
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7584
 msgid "Hilo"
 msgstr "Хило"
 #. A city in Hawaii in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7567
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7586
 msgid "Honolulu"
 msgstr "Хонолулу"
 #. A city in Hawaii in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7569
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7588
 msgid "Kahului"
 msgstr "Кахулуи"
 #. A city in Hawaii in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7571
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7590
 msgid "Kailua"
 msgstr "Кайлуа"
 #. A city in Hawaii in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7573
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7592
 msgid "Kaumalapau"
 msgstr "Каумалапау"
 #. A city in Hawaii in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7575
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7594
 msgid "Kaunakakai"
 msgstr "Каунакакаи"
 #. A city in Hawaii in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7577
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7596
 msgid "Kekaha"
 msgstr "Кекаха"
 #. A city in Hawaii in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7579
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7598
 msgid "Lahaina"
 msgstr "Лахайна"
 #. A city in Hawaii in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7581
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7600
 msgid "Lihue"
 msgstr "Лиху"
 #. A city in Hawaii in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7583
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7602
 msgid "Wahiawā"
 msgstr "Уахиауа"
 #. A city in Hawaii in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7585
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7604
 msgid "Waiki‘i"
 msgstr "Уайки"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7587
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7606
 msgid "Idaho"
 msgstr "Айдахо"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7589
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7608
 msgid "Boise"
 msgstr "Боис"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7591
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7610
 msgid "Burley"
 msgstr "Бърли"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7593
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7612
 msgctxt "City in Idaho, United States"
 msgid "Caldwell"
 msgstr "Колдуел"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7595
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7614
 msgid "Challis"
 msgstr "Чалис"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7597
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7616
 msgid "Coeur d'Alene"
 msgstr "Кьор д'Ален"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7599
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7618
 msgid "Hailey"
 msgstr "Хейли"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7601
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7620
 msgid "Idaho Falls"
 msgstr "Айдахо Фолс"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7603
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7622
 msgid "Jerome"
 msgstr "Джероум"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7605
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7624
 msgid "Lewiston"
 msgstr "Люистън"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7607
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7626
 msgctxt "City in Idaho, United States"
 msgid "Lowell"
 msgstr "Лоуъл"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7609
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7628
 msgctxt "City in Idaho, United States"
 msgid "Malta"
 msgstr "Малта"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7611
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7630
 msgid "McCall"
 msgstr "Маккол"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7613
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7632
 msgctxt "City in Idaho, United States"
 msgid "Moscow"
 msgstr "Москоу"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7615
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7634
 msgctxt "City in Idaho, United States"
 msgid "Mountain Home"
 msgstr "Маунтин Хоум"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7617
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7636
 msgid "Mullan"
 msgstr "Милан"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7619
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7638
 msgid "Pocatello"
 msgstr "Покатило"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7621
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7640
 msgid "Rexburg"
 msgstr "Рексбург"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7623
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7642
 msgid "Salmon"
 msgstr "Салмън"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7625
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7644
 msgid "Sandpoint"
 msgstr "Сендпойнт"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7627
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7646
 msgid "Soda Springs"
 msgstr "Сода Спрингс"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7629
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7648
 msgctxt "City in Idaho, United States"
 msgid "Stanley"
 msgstr "Станли"
 #. A city in Idaho in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7631
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7650
 msgid "Twin Falls"
 msgstr "Туин Фолс"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7633
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7652
 msgid "Illinois"
 msgstr "Илинойс"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7635
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7654
 msgid "Alton"
 msgstr "Алтон"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7637
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7656
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Aurora"
 msgstr "Аурора"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7639
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7658
 msgid "Belleville"
 msgstr "Белвил"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7641
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7660
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Bloomington"
 msgstr "Блумингтън"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7643
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7662
 msgid "Cahokia"
 msgstr "Кахокия"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7645
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7664
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Cairo"
 msgstr "Кайро"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7647
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7666
 msgid "Carbondale"
 msgstr "Карбондейл"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7649
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7668
 msgid "Carmi"
 msgstr "Карми"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7651
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7670
 msgid "Centralia"
 msgstr "Сентралия"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7653
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7672
 msgid "Champaign"
 msgstr "Шампейн"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7655
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7674
 msgid "Chicago"
 msgstr "Чикаго"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7657
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7676
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Danville"
 msgstr "Данвил"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7659
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7678
 msgid "DeKalb"
 msgstr "ДеКалб"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7661
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7680
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Decatur"
 msgstr "Декатур"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7663
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7682
 msgid "Effingham"
 msgstr "Ефингам"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7665
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7684
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Fairfield"
 msgstr "Феърфийлд"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7667
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7686
 msgid "Flora"
 msgstr "Флора"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7669
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7688
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Freeport"
 msgstr "Фрипорт"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7671
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7690
 msgid "Galesburg"
 msgstr "Гейлсбург"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7673
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7692
 msgid "Grafton"
 msgstr "Графтън"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7675
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7694
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Harrisburg"
 msgstr "Харисбърг"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7677
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7696
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Jacksonville"
 msgstr "Джексънвил"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7679
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7698
 msgid "Joliet"
 msgstr "Джолиет"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7681
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7700
 msgid "Kankakee"
 msgstr "Канкаки"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7683
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7702
 msgid "Lacon"
 msgstr "Лейкън"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7685
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7704
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Lawrenceville"
 msgstr "Лорънсвил"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7687
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7706
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Lincoln"
 msgstr "Линкълн"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7689
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7708
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Litchfield"
 msgstr "Личфийлд"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7691
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7710
 msgid "Macomb"
 msgstr "Макомб"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7693
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7712
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Marion"
 msgstr "Марион"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7695
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7714
 msgid "Mattoon"
 msgstr "Матун"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7697
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7716
 msgid "Metropolis"
 msgstr "Метрополис"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7699
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7718
 msgid "Moline"
 msgstr "Молин"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7701
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7720
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Morris"
 msgstr "Морис"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7703
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7722
 msgid "Mount Carmel"
 msgstr "Маунт Кармел"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7705
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7724
 msgid "Mount Vernon"
 msgstr "Маунт Върнън"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7707
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7726
 msgid "Naperville"
 msgstr "Нейпървил"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7709
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7728
 msgid "Olney"
 msgstr "Олни"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7711
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7730
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Paris"
 msgstr "Парис"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7713
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7732
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Peoria"
 msgstr "Пеория"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7715
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7734
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Peru"
 msgstr "Перу"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7717
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7736
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Pittsfield"
 msgstr "Питсфийлд"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7719
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7738
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Pontiac"
 msgstr "Понтиак"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7721
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7740
 msgid "Quincy"
 msgstr "Куинси"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7723
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7742
 msgid "Rantoul"
 msgstr "Рантул"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7725
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7744
 msgid "Robinson"
 msgstr "Робинсън"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7727
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7746
 msgid "Rochelle"
 msgstr "Рошел"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7729
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7748
 msgid "Rockford"
 msgstr "Рокфорд"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7731
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7750
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Salem"
 msgstr "Сейлем"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7733
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7752
 msgid "Savanna"
 msgstr "Савана"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7735
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7754
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Sparta"
 msgstr "Спарта"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7737
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7756
 msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
 msgid "Springfield"
 msgstr "Спрингфилд"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7739
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7758
 msgid "Sterling"
 msgstr "Стърлинг"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7741
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7760
 msgid "Taylorville"
 msgstr "Тейлървил"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7743
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7762
 msgid "Waukegan"
 msgstr "Уоукеган"
 #. A city in Illinois in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7745
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7764
 msgid "West Chicago"
 msgstr "Западен Чикаго"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7747
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7766
 msgctxt "State in United States"
 msgid "Indiana"
 msgstr "Индиана"
 #. A city in Indiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7749
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7768
 msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States"
 msgid "Anderson"
 msgstr "Андерсън"
 #. A city in Indiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7751
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7770
 msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States"
 msgid "Bloomington"
 msgstr "Блумингтън"
 #. A city in Indiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7753
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7772
 msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States"
 msgid "Columbus"
 msgstr "Колъмбъс"
 #. A city in Indiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7755
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7774
 msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States"
 msgid "Elkhart"
 msgstr "Елкхарт"
 #. A city in Indiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7757
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7776
 msgid "Evansville"
 msgstr "Евънсвил"
 #. A city in Indiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7759
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7778
 msgid "Fort Wayne"
 msgstr "Форт Уейн"
 #. A city in Indiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7761
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7780
 msgid "Gary"
 msgstr "Гари"
 #. A city in Indiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7763
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7782
 msgid "Goshen"
 msgstr "Гошен"
 #. A city in Indiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7765
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7784
 msgid "Indianapolis"
 msgstr "Индианаполис"
 #. A city in Indiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7767
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7786
 msgid "Kokomo"
 msgstr "Кокомо"
 #. A city in Indiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7769
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7788
 msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States"
 msgid "Lafayette"
 msgstr "Лафайет"
 #. A city in Indiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7771
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7790
 msgid "Muncie"
 msgstr "Манси"
 #. A city in Indiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7773
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7792
 msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States"
 msgid "Peru"
 msgstr "Перу"
 #. A city in Indiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7775
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7794
 msgid "Shelbyville"
 msgstr "Шелбивил"
 #. A city in Indiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7777
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7796
 msgid "South Bend"
 msgstr "Саут Бенд"
 #. A city in Indiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7779
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7798
 msgid "Terre Haute"
 msgstr "Тер-Хоти"
 #. A city in Indiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7781
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7800
 msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States"
 msgid "Valparaiso"
 msgstr "Валпарайсо"
 #. A city in Indiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7783
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7802
 msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States"
 msgid "Warsaw"
 msgstr "Уорсоу"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7785
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7804
 msgid "Iowa"
 msgstr "Айова"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7787
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7806
 msgid "Ames"
 msgstr "Амес"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7789
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7808
 msgid "Ankeny"
 msgstr "Анкени"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7791
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7810
 msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
 msgid "Atlantic"
 msgstr "Атлантик"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7793
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7812
 msgid "Audubon"
 msgstr "Одъбон"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7795
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7814
 msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
 msgid "Boone"
 msgstr "Буун"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7797
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7816
 msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
 msgid "Burlington"
 msgstr "Бърлингтън"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7799
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7818
 msgid "Carroll"
 msgstr "Карол"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7801
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7820
 msgid "Cedar Rapids"
 msgstr "Седар Рапидс"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7803
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7822
 msgid "Chariton"
 msgstr "Чаритон"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7805
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7824
 msgid "Charles City"
 msgstr "Чарлз сити"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7807
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7826
 msgid "Cherokee"
 msgstr "Чероки"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7809
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7828
 msgid "Clarinda"
 msgstr "Кларинда"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7811
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7830
 msgid "Clarion"
 msgstr "Кларион"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7813
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7832
 msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
 msgid "Clinton"
 msgstr "Клинтън"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7815
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7834
 msgid "Council Bluffs"
 msgstr "Каунсил Блъфс"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7817
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7836
 msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
 msgid "Creston"
 msgstr "Крестън"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7819
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7838
 msgid "Davenport"
 msgstr "Девънпорт"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7821
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7840
 msgid "Decorah"
 msgstr "Декора"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7823
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7842
 msgid "Denison"
 msgstr "Денисон"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7825
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7844
 msgid "Des Moines"
 msgstr "Де-Мойн"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7827
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7846
 msgid "Dubuque"
 msgstr "Дубюк"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7829
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7848
 msgid "Estherville"
 msgstr "Естервил"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7831
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7850
 msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
 msgid "Fairfield"
 msgstr "Феърфийлд"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7833
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7852
 msgid "Fort Dodge"
 msgstr "Форт Додж"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7835
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7854
 msgid "Fort Madison"
 msgstr "Форт Медисън"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7837
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7856
 msgid "Harlan"
 msgstr "Харлан"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7839
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7858
 msgid "Iowa City"
 msgstr "Айова сити"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7841
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7860
 msgid "Keokuk"
 msgstr "Кеокук"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7843
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7862
 msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
 msgid "Knoxville"
 msgstr "Ноксвил"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7845
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7864
 msgid "Lamoni"
 msgstr "Ламони"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7847
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7866
 msgid "Le Mars"
 msgstr "Ле Марс"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7849
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7868
 msgid "Marshalltown"
 msgstr "Маршалтаун"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7851
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7870
 msgid "Mason City"
 msgstr "Мейсън сити"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7853
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7872
 msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
 msgid "Monticello"
 msgstr "Монтичело"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7855
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7874
 msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
 msgid "Mount Pleasant"
 msgstr "Маунт Плезънт"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7857
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7876
 msgid "Muscatine"
 msgstr "Мускатин"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7859
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7878
 msgid "Oelwein"
 msgstr "Оелуайн"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7861
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7880
 msgid "Orange City"
 msgstr "Ориндж сити"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7863
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7882
 msgid "Oskaloosa"
 msgstr "Оскалуса"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7865
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7884
 msgid "Ottumwa"
 msgstr "Отамуа"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7867
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7886
 msgid "Pella"
 msgstr "Пела"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7869
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7888
 msgid "Red Oak"
 msgstr "Ред Оук"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7871
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7890
 msgid "Sheldon"
 msgstr "Шелдън"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7873
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7892
 msgid "Shenandoah"
 msgstr "Шенандоа"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7875
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7894
 msgid "Sioux City"
 msgstr "Сиукс сити"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7877
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7896
 msgid "Spencer"
 msgstr "Спенсър"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7879
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7898
 msgid "Storm Lake"
 msgstr "Сторм Лейк"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7881
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7900
 msgid "Vinton"
 msgstr "Винтън"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7883
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7902
 msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
 msgid "Washington"
 msgstr "Вашингтон"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7885
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7904
 msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
 msgid "Waterloo"
 msgstr "Ватерло"
 #. A city in Iowa in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7887
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7906
 msgid "Webster City"
 msgstr "Уебстър сити"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7889
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7908
 msgid "Kansas"
 msgstr "Канзас"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7891
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7910
 msgid "Chanute"
 msgstr "Чанути"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7893
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7912
 msgid "Coffeyville"
 msgstr "Кофивил"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7895
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7914
 msgid "Concordia"
 msgstr "Конкордия"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7897
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7916
 msgid "Dodge City"
 msgstr "Додж сити"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7899
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7918
 msgctxt "City in Kansas, United States"
 msgid "Elkhart"
 msgstr "Елкхарт"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7901
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7920
 msgid "Elwood"
 msgstr "Елууд"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7903
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7922
 msgctxt "City in Kansas, United States"
 msgid "Emporia"
 msgstr "Емпория"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7905
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7924
 msgctxt "City in Kansas, United States"
 msgid "Garden City"
 msgstr "Гардън сити"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7907
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7926
 msgid "Goodland"
 msgstr "Гудленд"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7909
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7928
 msgid "Great Bend"
 msgstr "Грейт Бенд"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7911
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7930
 msgid "Hays"
 msgstr "Хейс"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7913
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7932
 msgid "Hill City"
 msgstr "Хил сити"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7915
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7934
 msgctxt "City in Kansas, United States"
 msgid "Hutchinson"
 msgstr "Хътчинсън"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7917
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7936
 msgid "Junction City"
 msgstr "Джънкшън сити"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7919
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7938
 msgctxt "City in Kansas, United States"
 msgid "Kansas City"
 msgstr "Канзас сити"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7921
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7940
 msgctxt "City in Kansas, United States"
 msgid "Lawrence"
 msgstr "Лорънс"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7923
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7942
 msgid "Liberal"
 msgstr "Либерал"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7925
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7944
 msgid "Manhattan"
 msgstr "Манхатън"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7927
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7946
 msgid "Medicine Lodge"
 msgstr "Медисин Лодж"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7929
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7948
 msgid "Newton"
 msgstr "Нютън"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7931
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7950
 msgid "Olathe"
 msgstr "Олати"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7933
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7952
 msgid "Overland Park"
 msgstr "Овърленд Парк"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7935
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7954
 msgid "Parsons"
 msgstr "Парсънс"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7937
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7956
 msgid "Pratt"
 msgstr "Прат"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7939
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7958
 msgid "Russell"
 msgstr "Ръсел"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7941
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7960
 msgid "Salina"
 msgstr "Салина"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7943
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7962
 msgid "Topeka"
 msgstr "Топека"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7945
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7964
 msgid "Wichita"
 msgstr "Уичита"
 #. A city in Kansas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7947
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7966
 msgid "Winfield"
 msgstr "Уинфийлд"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7949
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7968
 msgid "Kentucky"
 msgstr "Кентъки"
 #. A city in Kentucky in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7951
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7970
 msgid "Bowling Green"
 msgstr "Боулинг Грийн"
 #. A city in Kentucky in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7953
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7972
 msgctxt "City in Kentucky, United States"
 msgid "Frankfort"
 msgstr "Франкфорт"
 #. A city in Kentucky in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7955
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7974
 msgctxt "City in Kentucky, United States"
 msgid "Glasgow"
 msgstr "Глазгоу"
 #. A city in Kentucky in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7957
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7976
 msgctxt "City in Kentucky, United States"
 msgid "Henderson"
 msgstr "Хендерсън"
 #. A city in Kentucky in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7959
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7978
 msgctxt "City in Kentucky, United States"
 msgid "Jackson"
 msgstr "Джексън"
 #. A city in Kentucky in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7961
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7980
 msgctxt "City in Kentucky, United States"
 msgid "Lexington"
 msgstr "Лексингтън"
 #. A city in Kentucky in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7963
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7982
 msgctxt "City in Kentucky, United States"
 msgid "London"
 msgstr "Лондон"
 #. A city in Kentucky in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7965
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7984
 msgid "Louisville"
 msgstr "Луисвил"
 #. A city in Kentucky in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7967
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7986
 msgid "Middlesboro"
 msgstr "Мидълзбро"
 #. A city in Kentucky in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7969
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7988
 msgid "Muldraugh"
 msgstr "Мълдроу"
 #. A city in Kentucky in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7971
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7990
 msgid "Owensboro"
 msgstr "Оуенсборо"
 #. A city in Kentucky in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7973
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7992
 msgid "Paducah"
 msgstr "Падука"
 #. A city in Kentucky in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7975
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7994
 msgid "Somerset"
 msgstr "Съмърсет"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7977
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7996
 msgid "Louisiana"
 msgstr "Луизиана"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7979
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7998
 msgctxt "City in Louisiana, United States"
 msgid "Alexandria"
 msgstr "Александрия"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7981
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8000
 msgid "Amelia"
 msgstr "Амилиа"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7983
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8002
 msgid "Baton Rouge"
 msgstr "Батон Руж"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7985
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8004
 msgid "Boothville"
 msgstr "Буутвил"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7987
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8006
 msgid "DeRidder"
 msgstr "ДеРидър"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7989
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8008
 msgid "Fort Polk"
 msgstr "Форт Полк"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7991
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8010
 msgid "Galliano"
 msgstr "Галиано"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7993
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8012
 msgctxt "City in Louisiana, United States"
 msgid "Garden City"
 msgstr "Гардън сити"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7995
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8014
 msgid "Goosport"
 msgstr "Гууспорт"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7997
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8016
 msgid "Grand Isle"
 msgstr "Гранд Айл"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:7999
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8018
 msgid "Hammond"
 msgstr "Хамънд"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8001
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8020
 msgid "Hicks"
 msgstr "Хикс"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8003
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8022
 msgid "Houma"
 msgstr "Хума"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8005
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8024
 msgctxt "City in Louisiana, United States"
 msgid "Lafayette"
 msgstr "Лафайет"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8007
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8026
 msgid "Lake Charles"
 msgstr "Лейк Чарлс"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8009
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8028
 msgid "Leeville"
 msgstr "Лийвил"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8011
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8030
 msgctxt "City in Louisiana, United States"
 msgid "Monroe"
 msgstr "Монро"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8013
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8032
 msgid "Natchitoches"
 msgstr "Начиточес"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8015
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8034
 msgid "New Iberia"
 msgstr "Ню Иберия"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8017
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8036
 msgid "New Orleans"
 msgstr "Нови Орлеан"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8019
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8038
 msgid "Oakdale"
 msgstr "Оукдейл"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8021
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8040
 msgid "Patterson"
 msgstr "Патерсън"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8023
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8042
 msgid "Peason"
 msgstr "Пийсън"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8025
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8044
 msgid "Ruston"
 msgstr "Ръстън"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8027
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8046
 msgid "Shreveport"
 msgstr "Шрийвпорт"
 #. A city in Louisiana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8029
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8048
 msgid "Slidell"
 msgstr "Слидел"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8031
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8050
 msgid "Maine"
 msgstr "Мейн"
 #. A city in Maine in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8033
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8052
 msgctxt "City in Maine, United States"
 msgid "Auburn"
 msgstr "Обърн"
 #. A city in Maine in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8035
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8054
 msgctxt "City in Maine, United States"
 msgid "Augusta"
 msgstr "Огъста"
 #. A city in Maine in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8037
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8056
 msgid "Bangor"
 msgstr "Бангор"
 #. A city in Maine in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8039
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8058
 msgid "Bar Harbor"
 msgstr "Бар Харбър"
 #. A city in Maine in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8041
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8060
 msgctxt "City in Maine, United States"
 msgid "Brunswick"
 msgstr "Брунсвик"
 #. A city in Maine in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8043
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8062
 msgid "Caribou"
 msgstr "Карибу"
 #. A city in Maine in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8045
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8064
 msgid "Frenchville"
 msgstr "Френчвил"
 #. A city in Maine in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8047
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8066
 msgid "Fryeburg"
 msgstr "Фрайбург"
 #. A city in Maine in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8049
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8068
 msgctxt "City in Maine, United States"
 msgid "Greenville"
 msgstr "Грийнвил"
 #. A city in Maine in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8051
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8070
 msgid "Houlton"
 msgstr "Хултън"
 #. A city in Maine in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8053
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8072
 msgid "Millinocket"
 msgstr "Милинокет"
 #. A city in Maine in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8055
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8074
 msgctxt "City in Maine, United States"
 msgid "Portland"
 msgstr "Портланд"
 #. A city in Maine in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8057
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8076
 msgid "Presque Isle"
 msgstr "о-в Преск"
 #. A city in Maine in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8059
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8078
 msgid "Rockland"
 msgstr "Рокланд"
 #. A city in Maine in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8061
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8080
 msgctxt "City in Maine, United States"
 msgid "Sanford"
 msgstr "Санфорд"
 #. A city in Maine in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8063
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8082
 msgid "Waterville"
 msgstr "Уотървил"
 #. A city in Maine in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8065
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8084
 msgid "Wiscasset"
 msgstr "Уискасет"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8067
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8086
 msgid "Maryland"
 msgstr "Мериленд"
 #. A city in Maryland in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8069
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8088
 msgid "Annapolis"
 msgstr "Анаполис"
 #. A city in Maryland in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8071
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8090
 msgid "Baltimore"
 msgstr "Балтимор"
 #. A city in Maryland in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8073
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8092
 msgid "Camp Springs"
 msgstr "Кемп Спрингс"
 #. A city in Maryland in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8075
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8094
 msgid "Cumberland"
 msgstr "Къмбърланд"
 #. A city in Maryland in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8077
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8096
 msgid "Easton"
 msgstr "Ийстън"
 #. A city in Maryland in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8079
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8098
 msgctxt "City in Maryland, United States"
 msgid "Frederick"
 msgstr "Фредерик"
 #. A city in Maryland in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8081
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8100
 msgid "Hagerstown"
 msgstr "Хагърстаун"
 #. A city in Maryland in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8083
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8102
 msgid "Ocean City"
 msgstr "Оушън сити"
 #. A city in Maryland in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8085
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8104
 msgid "Patuxent"
 msgstr "Патуксент"
 #. A city in Maryland in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8087
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8106
 msgid "Saint Marys City"
 msgstr "Сейнт Мерис сити"
 #. A city in Maryland in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8089
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8108
 msgctxt "City in Maryland, United States"
 msgid "Salisbury"
 msgstr "Солсбъри"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8091
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8110
 msgid "Massachusetts"
 msgstr "Масачузетс"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8093
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8112
 msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States"
 msgid "Bedford"
 msgstr "Бедфорд"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8095
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8114
 msgid "Beverly"
 msgstr "Бевърли"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8097
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8116
 msgid "Boston"
 msgstr "Бостън"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8099
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8118
 msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States"
 msgid "Cambridge"
 msgstr "Кембридж"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8101
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8120
 msgid "Chatham"
 msgstr "Чатам"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8103
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8122
 msgid "Chicopee Falls"
 msgstr "Чикопи Фолс"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8105
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8124
 msgid "East Milton"
 msgstr "Ийст Милтън"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8107
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8126
 msgid "Fitchburg"
 msgstr "Фитчбърг"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8109
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8128
 msgid "Hyannis"
 msgstr "Хянис"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8111
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8130
 msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States"
 msgid "Lawrence"
 msgstr "Лорънс"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8113
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8132
 msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States"
 msgid "Lowell"
 msgstr "Лоуъл"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8115
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8134
 msgid "Nantucket"
 msgstr "Нантъкет"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8117
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8136
 msgid "New Bedford"
 msgstr "Ню Бедфорд"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8119
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8138
 msgid "North Adams"
 msgstr "Норт Адамс"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8121
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8140
 msgid "Norwood"
 msgstr "Норууд"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8123
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8142
 msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States"
 msgid "Orange"
 msgstr "Ориндж"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8125
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8144
 msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States"
 msgid "Pittsfield"
 msgstr "Питсфийлд"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8127
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8146
 msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States"
 msgid "Plymouth"
 msgstr "Плимут"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8129
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8148
 msgid "Provincetown"
 msgstr "Провинстаун"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8131
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8150
 msgid "Sandwich"
 msgstr "Сендуич"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8133
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8152
 msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States"
 msgid "Springfield"
 msgstr "Спрингфилд"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8135
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8154
 msgid "Vineyard Haven"
 msgstr "Вайнйард Хевън"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8137
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8156
 msgid "Westfield"
 msgstr "Уестфийлд"
 #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8139
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8158
 msgid "Worcester"
 msgstr "Уорчестер"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8141
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8160
 msgid "Michigan"
 msgstr "Мичиган"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8143
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8162
 msgid "Adrian"
 msgstr "Едриън"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8145
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8164
 msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
 msgid "Alma"
 msgstr "Алма"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8147
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8166
 msgid "Alpena"
 msgstr "Алпена"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8149
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8168
 msgid "Ann Arbor"
 msgstr "Ан Арбор"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8151
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8170
 msgid "Bad Axe"
 msgstr "Бед Екс"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8153
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8172
 msgid "Battle Creek"
 msgstr "Батъл Крийк"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8155
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8174
 msgid "Bellaire"
 msgstr "Белеър"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8157
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8176
 msgid "Benton Harbor"
 msgstr "Бентон Харбър"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8159
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8178
 msgid "Big Rapids"
 msgstr "Биг Рапидс"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8161
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8180
 msgid "Cadillac"
 msgstr "Кадилак"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8163
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8182
 msgid "Caro"
 msgstr "Каро"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8165
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8184
 msgid "Charlevoix"
 msgstr "Шарлевоа"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8167
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8186
 msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
 msgid "Charlotte"
 msgstr "Шарлот"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8169
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8188
 msgid "Cheboygan"
 msgstr "Чебойган"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8171
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8190
 msgid "Coldwater"
 msgstr "Колдуотър"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8173
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8192
 msgid "Copper Harbor"
 msgstr "Копър Харбър"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8175
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8194
 msgid "Detroit"
 msgstr "Детройт"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8177
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8196
 msgid "Escanaba"
 msgstr "Есканаба"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8179
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8198
 msgid "Flint"
 msgstr "Флинт"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8181
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8200
 msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
 msgid "Frankfort"
 msgstr "Франкфорт"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8183
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8202
 msgid "Gaylord"
 msgstr "Гейлорд"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8185
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8204
 msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
 msgid "Grand Rapids"
 msgstr "Гранд Рапидс"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8187
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8206
 msgid "Grayling"
 msgstr "Грейлинг"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8189
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8208
 msgid "Hancock"
 msgstr "Ханкок"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8191
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8210
 msgid "Harbor Springs"
 msgstr "Харбър Спрингс"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8193
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8212
 msgid "Hillsdale"
 msgstr "Хилсдейл"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8195
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8214
 msgid "Holland"
 msgstr "Холанд"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8197
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8216
 msgid "Houghton Lake"
 msgstr "Хютън Лейк"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8199
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8218
 msgid "Howell"
 msgstr "Хауъл"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8201
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8220
 msgid "Iron Mountain"
 msgstr "Айън Маунтин"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8203
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8222
 msgid "Ironwood"
 msgstr "Айънууд"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8205
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8224
 msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
 msgid "Jackson"
 msgstr "Джексън"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8207
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8226
 msgid "Kalamazoo"
 msgstr "Каламазу"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8209
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8228
 msgid "Kinross"
 msgstr "Кинрос"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8211
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8230
 msgid "Lambertville"
 msgstr "Ламбъртвил"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8213
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8232
 msgid "Lansing"
 msgstr "Лансинг"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8215
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8234
 msgid "Livonia"
 msgstr "Ливония"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8217
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8236
 msgid "Ludington"
 msgstr "Лудингтън"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8219
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8238
 msgid "Mackinac Island"
 msgstr "о-в Макинак"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8221
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8240
 msgid "Manistee"
 msgstr "Манисти"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8223
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8242
 msgid "Manistique"
 msgstr "Манистик"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8225
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8244
 msgid "Marquette"
 msgstr "Маркет"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8227
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8246
 msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
 msgid "Marshall"
 msgstr "Маршал"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8229
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8248
 msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
 msgid "Marysville"
 msgstr "Мерисвил"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8231
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8250
 msgid "Mason"
 msgstr "Мейсън"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8233
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8252
 msgid "Menominee"
 msgstr "Меномини"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8235
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8254
 msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
 msgid "Monroe"
 msgstr "Монро"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8237
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8256
 msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
 msgid "Mount Pleasant"
 msgstr "Маунт Плезънт"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8239
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8258
 msgid "Munising"
 msgstr "Мунисинг"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8241
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8260
 msgid "Muskegon"
 msgstr "Маскигон"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8243
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8262
 msgid "Newberry"
 msgstr "Нюбъри"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8245
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8264
 msgid "Oscoda"
 msgstr "Оскода"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8247
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8266
 msgid "Owosso"
 msgstr "Оуосо"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8249
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8268
 msgid "Pellston"
 msgstr "Пелстън"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8251
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8270
 msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
 msgid "Pontiac"
 msgstr "Понтиак"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8253
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8272
 msgid "Port Hope"
 msgstr "Порт Хоуп"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8255
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8274
 msgid "Rogers City"
 msgstr "Роджърс сити"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8257
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8276
 msgid "Saginaw"
 msgstr "Сагино"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8259
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8278
 msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
 msgid "Saint James"
 msgstr "Сейнт Джеймс"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8261
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8280
 msgid "Sault Ste. Marie"
 msgstr "Солт Сте Мари"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8263
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8282
 msgid "South Haven"
 msgstr "Саут Хейвън"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8265
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8284
 msgid "Sterling Heights"
 msgstr "Стърлинг Хейтс"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8267
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8286
 msgid "Sturgis"
 msgstr "Стърджис"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8269
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8288
 msgid "Traverse City"
 msgstr "Траверс сити"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8271
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8290
 msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
 msgid "Troy"
 msgstr "Трой"
 #. A city in Michigan in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8273
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8292
 msgid "Warren"
 msgstr "Уорън"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8275
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8294
 msgid "Minnesota"
 msgstr "Минесота"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8277
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8296
 msgid "Aitkin"
 msgstr "Ейткин"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8279
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8298
 msgid "Albert Lea"
 msgstr "Албърт Лий"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8281
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8300
 msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
 msgid "Alexandria"
 msgstr "Александрия"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8283
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8302
 msgid "Angle Inlet"
 msgstr "Енгъл Инлет"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8285
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8304
 msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
 msgid "Appleton"
 msgstr "Епълтън"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8287
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8306
 msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
 msgid "Austin"
 msgstr "Остин"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8289
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8308
 msgid "Baudette"
 msgstr "Бодет"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8291
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8310
 msgid "Bemidji"
 msgstr "Бемиджи"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8293
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8312
 msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
 msgid "Benson"
 msgstr "Бенсън"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8295
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8314
 msgid "Bigfork"
 msgstr "Бигфорк"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8297
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8316
 msgid "Brainerd"
 msgstr "Брейнърд"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8299
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8318
 msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
 msgid "Buffalo"
 msgstr "Бъфало"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8301
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8320
 msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
 msgid "Cambridge"
 msgstr "Кембридж"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8303
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8322
 msgid "Cloquet"
 msgstr "Клокет"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8305
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8324
 msgid "Cook"
 msgstr "Кук"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8307
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8326
 msgid "Crane Lake"
 msgstr "Крейн Лейк"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8309
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8328
 msgid "Crookston"
 msgstr "Крукстън"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8311
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8330
 msgid "Detroit Lakes"
 msgstr "Детройтските езера"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8313
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8332
 msgid "Dodge Center"
 msgstr "Додж Сентър"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8315
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8334
 msgid "Duluth"
 msgstr "Дулут"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8317
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8336
 msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
 msgid "Ely"
 msgstr "Ели"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8319
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8338
 msgid "Eveleth"
 msgstr "Евълет"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8321
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8340
 msgid "Fairmont"
 msgstr "Феърмонт"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8323
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8342
 msgid "Faribault"
 msgstr "Фариболт"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8325
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8344
 msgid "Fergus Falls"
 msgstr "Фъргъс Фолс"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8327
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8346
 msgid "Fosston"
 msgstr "Фостън"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8329
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8348
 msgid "Glencoe"
 msgstr "Гленкоу"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8331
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8350
 msgid "Glenwood"
 msgstr "Гленууд"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8333
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8352
 msgid "Grand Marais"
 msgstr "Гранд Маре"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8335
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8354
 msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
 msgid "Grand Rapids"
 msgstr "Гранд Рапидс"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8337
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8356
 msgid "Granite Falls"
 msgstr "Гранит Фолс"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8339
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8358
 msgid "Hallock"
 msgstr "Халок"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8341
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8360
 msgid "Hibbing"
 msgstr "Хибинг"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8343
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8362
 msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
 msgid "Hutchinson"
 msgstr "Хътчинсън"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8345
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8364
 msgid "International Falls"
 msgstr "Интернешънъл Фолс"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8347
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8366
 msgid "Inver Grove Heights"
 msgstr "Инвър Гроув Хейтс"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8349
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8368
 msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
 msgid "Jackson"
 msgstr "Джексън"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8351
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8370
 msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
 msgid "Litchfield"
 msgstr "Личфийлд"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8353
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8372
 msgid "Little Falls"
 msgstr "Литъл Фолс"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8355
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8374
 msgid "Longville"
 msgstr "Лонгвил"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8357
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8376
 msgid "Luverne"
 msgstr "Лувърн"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8359
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8378
 msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
 msgid "Madison"
 msgstr "Медисън"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8361
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8380
 msgid "Mankato"
 msgstr "Манкато"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8363
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8382
 msgid "Maple Lake"
 msgstr "Мейпъл Лейк"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8365
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8384
 msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
 msgid "Marshall"
 msgstr "Маршал"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8367
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8386
 msgid "McGregor"
 msgstr "Макгрегър"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8369
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8388
 msgid "Minneapolis"
 msgstr "Минеаполис"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8371
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8390
 msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
 msgid "Montevideo"
 msgstr "Монтевидео"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8373
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8392
 msgid "Moorhead"
 msgstr "Муърхед"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8375
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8394
 msgid "Moose Lake"
 msgstr "Мус Лейк"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8377
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8396
 msgid "Mora"
 msgstr "Мора"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8379
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8398
 msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
 msgid "Morris"
 msgstr "Морис"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8381
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8400
 msgid "New Ulm"
 msgstr "Ню Улм"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8383
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8402
 msgid "Olivia"
 msgstr "Оливия"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8385
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8404
 msgid "Orr"
 msgstr "Ор"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8387
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8406
 msgid "Ortonville"
 msgstr "Ортънвил"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8389
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8408
 msgid "Owatonna"
 msgstr "Оуатона"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8391
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8410
 msgid "Park Rapids"
 msgstr "Парк Рапидс"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8393
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8412
 msgid "Paynesville"
 msgstr "Пейнсвил"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8395
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8414
 msgid "Pine River"
 msgstr "Пайн Ривър"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8397
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8416
 msgid "Pipestone"
 msgstr "Пайпстоун"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8399
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8418
 msgid "Preston"
 msgstr "Престън"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8401
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8420
 msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
 msgid "Princeton"
 msgstr "Принстън"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8403
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8422
 msgid "Red Wing"
 msgstr "Ред Уинг"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8405
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8424
 msgid "Redwood Falls"
 msgstr "Редууд Фолс"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8407
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8426
 msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
 msgid "Rochester"
 msgstr "Рочестър"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8409
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8428
 msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
 msgid "Roseau"
 msgstr "Росо"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8411
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8430
 msgid "Rush City"
 msgstr "Ръш сити"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8413
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8432
 msgid "Saint Cloud"
 msgstr "Сейнт Клауд"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8415
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8434
 msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
 msgid "Saint James"
 msgstr "Сейнт Джеймс"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8417
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8436
 msgid "Silver Bay"
 msgstr "Силвър Бей"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8419
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8438
 msgid "Slayton"
 msgstr "Слейтън"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8421
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8440
 msgid "Stanton"
 msgstr "Стантън"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8423
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8442
 msgid "Staples"
 msgstr "Степълс"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8425
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8444
 msgid "Thief River Falls"
 msgstr "Тийф Ривър Фолс"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8427
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8446
 msgid "Tracy"
 msgstr "Трейси"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8429
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8448
 msgid "Two Harbors"
 msgstr "Ту Харбърс"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8431
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8450
 msgid "Wadena"
 msgstr "Уадена"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8433
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8452
 msgid "Warroad"
 msgstr "Уороуд"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8435
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8454
 msgid "Waseca"
 msgstr "Уасека"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8437
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8456
 msgid "Waskish"
 msgstr "Уаскиш"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8439
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8458
 msgid "Wheaton"
 msgstr "Уийтън"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8441
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8460
 msgid "Windom"
 msgstr "Уиндъм"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8443
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8462
 msgid "Winona"
 msgstr "Уинона"
 #. A city in Minnesota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8445
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8464
 msgid "Worthington"
 msgstr "Уортингтън"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8447
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8466
 msgid "Mississippi"
 msgstr "Мисисипи"
 #. A city in Mississippi in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8449
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8468
 msgid "Biloxi"
 msgstr "Билокси"
 #. A city in Mississippi in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8451
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8470
 msgctxt "City in Mississippi, United States"
 msgid "Columbus"
 msgstr "Колъмбъс"
 #. A city in Mississippi in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8453
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8472
 msgctxt "City in Mississippi, United States"
 msgid "Greenville"
 msgstr "Грийнвил"
 #. A city in Mississippi in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8455
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8474
 msgctxt "City in Mississippi, United States"
 msgid "Greenwood"
 msgstr "Грийнууд"
 #. A city in Mississippi in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8457
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8476
 msgid "Gulfport"
 msgstr "Гълфпорт"
 #. A city in Mississippi in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8459
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8478
 msgid "Hattiesburg"
 msgstr "Хатисбърг"
 #. A city in Mississippi in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8461
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8480
 msgctxt "City in Mississippi, United States"
 msgid "Jackson"
 msgstr "Джексън"
 #. A city in Mississippi in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8463
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8482
 msgid "McComb"
 msgstr "Маккомб"
 #. A city in Mississippi in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8465
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8484
 msgid "Meridian"
 msgstr "Меридиан"
 #. A city in Mississippi in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8467
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8486
 msgid "Natchez"
 msgstr "Начес"
 #. A city in Mississippi in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8469
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8488
 msgid "Olive Branch"
 msgstr "Олив Бранч"
 #. A city in Mississippi in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8471
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8490
 msgctxt "City in Mississippi, United States"
 msgid "Oxford"
 msgstr "Оксфорд"
 #. A city in Mississippi in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8473
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8492
 msgid "Pascagoula"
 msgstr "Паскагула"
 #. A city in Mississippi in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8475
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8494
 msgid "Tunica"
 msgstr "Тюника"
 #. A city in Mississippi in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8477
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8496
 msgid "Tupelo"
 msgstr "Тупело"
 #. A city in Mississippi in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8479
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8498
 msgid "Vicksburg"
 msgstr "Виксбург"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8481
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8500
 msgid "Missouri"
 msgstr "Мисури"
 #. A city in Missouri in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8483
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8502
 msgid "Cape Girardeau"
 msgstr "Кейп Жирардо"
 #. A city in Missouri in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8485
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8504
 msgid "Chesterfield"
 msgstr "Честърфийлд"
 #. A city in Missouri in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8487
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8506
 msgid "Chillicothe"
 msgstr "Чиликот"
 #. A city in Missouri in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8489
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8508
 msgctxt "City in Missouri, United States"
 msgid "Columbia"
 msgstr "Колумбия"
 #. A city in Missouri in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8491
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8510
 msgctxt "City in Missouri, United States"
 msgid "Farmington"
 msgstr "Фармингтън"
 #. A city in Missouri in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8493
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8512
 msgid "Independence"
 msgstr "Индепендънс"
 #. A city in Missouri in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8495
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8514
 msgid "Jefferson City"
 msgstr "Джеферсън сити"
 #. A city in Missouri in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8497
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8516
 msgid "Joplin"
 msgstr "Джоплин"
 #. A city in Missouri in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8499
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8518
 msgid "Kaiser"
 msgstr "Кайсър"
 #. A city in Missouri in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8501
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8520
 msgctxt "City in Missouri, United States"
 msgid "Kansas City"
 msgstr "Канзас сити"
 #. A city in Missouri in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8503
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8522
 msgid "Kirksville"
 msgstr "Кърксвил"
 #. A city in Missouri in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8505
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8524
 msgid "Knob Noster"
 msgstr "Ноб Ностър"
 #. A city in Missouri in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8507
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8526
 msgid "Poplar Bluff"
 msgstr "Поплър Блъф"
 #. A city in Missouri in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8509
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8528
 msgid "Sedalia"
 msgstr "Седалия"
 #. A city in Missouri in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8511
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8530
 msgctxt "City in Missouri, United States"
 msgid "Springfield"
 msgstr "Спрингфилд"
 #. A city in Missouri in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8513
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8532
 msgid "St. Louis"
 msgstr "Сейнт Луис"
 #. A city in Missouri in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8515
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8534
 msgid "Unity Village"
 msgstr "Юнити Вилидж"
 #. A city in Missouri in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8517
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8536
 msgctxt "City in Missouri, United States"
 msgid "Vichy"
 msgstr "Виши"
 #. A city in Missouri in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8519
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8538
 msgid "Waynesville"
 msgstr "Уейнсвил"
 #. A city in Missouri in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8521
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8540
 msgid "West Plains"
 msgstr "Уест Плейнс"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8523
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8542
 msgid "Montana"
 msgstr "Монтана"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8525
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8544
 msgid "Baker"
 msgstr "Бейкър"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8527
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8546
 msgid "Billings"
 msgstr "Билингс"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8529
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8548
 msgid "Black Eagle"
 msgstr "Блек Ийгъл"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8531
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8550
 msgid "Bozeman"
 msgstr "Бозмен"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8533
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8552
 msgid "Browning"
 msgstr "Браунинг"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8535
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8554
 msgid "Butte"
 msgstr "Буте"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8537
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8556
 msgid "Cut Bank"
 msgstr "Кът Бенк"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8539
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8558
 msgid "Dillon"
 msgstr "Дилон"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8541
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8560
 msgid "Drummond"
 msgstr "Дръмонд"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8543
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8562
 msgctxt "City in Montana, United States"
 msgid "Glasgow"
 msgstr "Глазгоу"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8545
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8564
 msgid "Glendive"
 msgstr "Глендив"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8547
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8566
 msgid "Great Falls"
 msgstr "Грейт Фолс"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8549
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8568
 msgid "Havre"
 msgstr "Авър"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8551
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8570
 msgid "Helena"
 msgstr "Хелена"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8553
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8572
 msgctxt "City in Montana, United States"
 msgid "Jordan"
 msgstr "Джордан"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8555
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8574
 msgid "Kalispell"
 msgstr "Калиспел"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8557
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8576
 msgid "Lewistown"
 msgstr "Люистаун"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8559
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8578
 msgid "Livingston"
 msgstr "Ливингстън"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8561
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8580
 msgid "Miles City"
 msgstr "Майлс сити"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8563
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8582
 msgid "Missoula"
 msgstr "Мисула"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8565
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8584
 msgctxt "City in Montana, United States"
 msgid "Sidney"
 msgstr "Сидни"
 #. A city in Montana in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8567
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8586
 msgid "Wolf Point"
 msgstr "Уулф Пойнт"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8569
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8588
 msgid "Nebraska"
 msgstr "Небраска"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8571
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8590
 msgid "Ainsworth"
 msgstr "Ейнсуърт"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8573
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8592
 msgid "Albion"
 msgstr "Албиън"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8575
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8594
 msgid "Alliance"
 msgstr "Алайънс"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8577
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8596
 msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States"
 msgid "Aurora"
 msgstr "Аурора"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8579
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8598
 msgid "Beatrice"
 msgstr "Беатрис"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8581
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8600
 msgid "Broken Bow"
 msgstr "Броукън Боу"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8583
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8602
 msgid "Chadron"
 msgstr "Чадрън"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8585
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8604
 msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States"
 msgid "Columbus"
 msgstr "Колъмбъс"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8587
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8606
 msgid "Falls City"
 msgstr "Фолс сити"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8589
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8608
 msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States"
 msgid "Fremont"
 msgstr "Фримонт"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8591
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8610
 msgid "Grand Island"
 msgstr "о-в Гранд"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8593
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8612
 msgid "Hastings"
 msgstr "Хейстингс"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8595
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8614
 msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States"
 msgid "Hebron"
 msgstr "Хеброн"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8597
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8616
 msgid "Holdrege"
 msgstr "Холдридж"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8599
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8618
 msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States"
 msgid "Imperial"
 msgstr "Империал"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8601
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8620
 msgid "Kearney"
 msgstr "Киърни"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8603
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8622
 msgid "Kimball"
 msgstr "Кимбал"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8605
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8624
 msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States"
 msgid "Lexington"
 msgstr "Лексингтън"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8607
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8626
 msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States"
 msgid "Lincoln"
 msgstr "Линкълн"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8609
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8628
 msgid "McCook"
 msgstr "Маккук"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8611
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8630
 msgid "Nebraska City"
 msgstr "Небраска сити"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8613
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8632
 msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States"
 msgid "Norfolk"
 msgstr "Норфолк"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8615
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8634
 msgid "North Platte"
 msgstr "Норт Плат"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8617
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8636
 msgid "O'Neill"
 msgstr "О'Нийл"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8619
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8638
 msgid "Ogallala"
 msgstr "Огалала"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8621
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8640
 msgid "Omaha"
 msgstr "Омаха"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8623
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8642
 msgid "Ord"
 msgstr "Орд"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8625
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8644
 msgid "Plattsmouth"
 msgstr "Платсмут"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8627
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8646
 msgid "Scottsbluff"
 msgstr "Скотсблъф"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8629
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8648
 msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States"
 msgid "Sidney"
 msgstr "Сидни"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8631
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8650
 msgid "Tekamah"
 msgstr "Текама"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8633
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8652
 msgid "Thedford"
 msgstr "Тедфорд"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8635
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8654
 msgid "Valentine"
 msgstr "Валънтайн"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8637
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8656
 msgid "Wayne"
 msgstr "Уейн"
 #. A city in Nebraska in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8639
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8658
 msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States"
 msgid "York"
 msgstr "Йорк"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8641
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8660
 msgid "Nevada"
 msgstr "Невада"
 #. A city in Nevada in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8643
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8662
 msgid "Elko"
 msgstr "Елко"
 #. A city in Nevada in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8645
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8664
 msgctxt "City in Nevada, United States"
 msgid "Ely"
 msgstr "Ели"
 #. A city in Nevada in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8647
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8666
 msgctxt "City in Nevada, United States"
 msgid "Eureka"
 msgstr "Юрика"
 #. A city in Nevada in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8649
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8668
 msgid "Fallon"
 msgstr "Фалон"
 #. A city in Nevada in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8651
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8670
 msgctxt "City in Nevada, United States"
 msgid "Henderson"
 msgstr "Хендерсън"
 #. A city in Nevada in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8653
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8672
 msgctxt "City in Nevada, United States"
 msgid "Las Vegas"
 msgstr "Лас Вегас"
 #. A city in Nevada in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8655
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8674
 msgid "Lovelock"
 msgstr "Лавлок"
 #. A city in Nevada in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8657
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8676
 msgid "Mercury"
 msgstr "Мъркюри"
 #. A city in Nevada in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8659
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8678
 msgid "North Las Vegas"
 msgstr "Северен Лас Вегас"
 #. A city in Nevada in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8661
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8680
 msgid "Reno"
 msgstr "Рино"
 #. A city in Nevada in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8663
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8682
 msgid "Tonopah"
 msgstr "Тонопа"
 #. A city in Nevada in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8665
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8684
 msgid "Winnemucca"
 msgstr "Уинемака"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8667
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8686
 msgid "New Hampshire"
 msgstr "Ню Хемпшир"
 #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8669
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8688
 msgctxt "City in New Hampshire, United States"
 msgid "Berlin"
 msgstr "Берлин"
 #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8671
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8690
 msgctxt "City in New Hampshire, United States"
 msgid "Concord"
 msgstr "Конкорд"
 #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8673
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8692
 msgid "Gorham"
 msgstr "Горам"
 #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8675
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8694
 msgid "Jaffrey"
 msgstr "Джефри"
 #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8677
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8696
 msgid "Keene"
 msgstr "Кийн"
 #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8679
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8698
 msgid "Laconia"
 msgstr "Лакония"
 #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8681
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8700
 msgctxt "City in New Hampshire, United States"
 msgid "Lebanon"
 msgstr "Лебънън"
 #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8683
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8702
 msgctxt "City in New Hampshire, United States"
 msgid "Manchester"
 msgstr "Манчестър"
 #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8685
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8704
 msgid "Nashua"
 msgstr "Нашуа"
 #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8687
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8706
 msgctxt "City in New Hampshire, United States"
 msgid "Plymouth"
 msgstr "Плимут"
 #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8689
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8708
 msgctxt "City in New Hampshire, United States"
 msgid "Portsmouth"
 msgstr "Портсмут"
 #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8691
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8710
 msgctxt "City in New Hampshire, United States"
 msgid "Rochester"
 msgstr "Рочестър"
 #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8693
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8712
 msgid "Whitefield"
 msgstr "Уайтфийлд"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8695
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8714
 msgid "New Jersey"
 msgstr "Ню Джърси"
 #. A city in New Jersey in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8697
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8716
 msgid "Andover"
 msgstr "Андовър"
 #. A city in New Jersey in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8699
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8718
 msgid "Atlantic City"
 msgstr "Атлантик сити"
 #. A city in New Jersey in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8701
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8720
 msgid "Belmar"
 msgstr "Белмар"
 #. A city in New Jersey in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8703
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8722
 msgctxt "City in New Jersey, United States"
 msgid "Caldwell"
 msgstr "Колдуел"
 #. A city in New Jersey in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8705
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8724
 msgid "Elizabeth"
 msgstr "Елизабет"
 #. A city in New Jersey in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8707
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8726
 msgid "Jersey City"
 msgstr "Джърси сити"
 #. A city in New Jersey in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8709
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8728
 msgid "Juliustown"
 msgstr "Джулиустаун"
 #. A city in New Jersey in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8711
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8730
 msgid "Millville"
 msgstr "Милвил"
 #. A city in New Jersey in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8713
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8732
 msgid "Morristown"
 msgstr "Мористаун"
 #. A city in New Jersey in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8715
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8734
 msgid "Mount Holly"
 msgstr "Маунт Холи"
 #. A city in New Jersey in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8717
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8736
 msgctxt "City in New Jersey, United States"
 msgid "Newark"
 msgstr "Нюарк"
 #. A city in New Jersey in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8719
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8738
 msgid "Paterson"
 msgstr "Патерсън"
 #. A city in New Jersey in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8721
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8740
 msgid "Somerville"
 msgstr "Съмървил"
 #. A city in New Jersey in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8723
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8742
 msgid "Sussex"
 msgstr "Съсекс"
 #. A city in New Jersey in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8725
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8744
 msgid "Teterboro"
 msgstr "Тетербъро"
 #. A city in New Jersey in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8727
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8746
 msgctxt "City in New Jersey, United States"
 msgid "Trenton"
 msgstr "Трентън"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8729
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8748
 msgid "New Mexico"
 msgstr "Ню Мексико"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8731
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8750
 msgid "Alamogordo"
 msgstr "Аламогордо"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8733
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8752
 msgid "Albuquerque"
 msgstr "Албакърки"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8735
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8754
 msgid "Artesia"
 msgstr "Артесия"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8737
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8756
 msgctxt "City in New Mexico, United States"
 msgid "Carlsbad"
 msgstr "Карлсбад"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8739
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8758
 msgid "Chama"
 msgstr "Чама"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8741
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8760
 msgid "Clayton"
 msgstr "Клейтън"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8743
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8762
 msgid "Clines Corners"
 msgstr "Клайнс Корнърс"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8745
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8764
 msgid "Clovis"
 msgstr "Кловис"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8747
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8766
 msgctxt "City in New Mexico, United States"
 msgid "Corona"
 msgstr "Корона"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8749
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8768
 msgid "Deming"
 msgstr "Деминг"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8751
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8770
 msgctxt "City in New Mexico, United States"
 msgid "Farmington"
 msgstr "Фармингтън"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8753
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8772
 msgid "Gallup"
 msgstr "Галъп"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8755
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8774
 msgid "Grants"
 msgstr "Грантс"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8757
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8776
 msgid "Hobbs"
 msgstr "Хобс"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8759
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8778
 msgid "Las Cruces"
 msgstr "Лас Крукес"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8761
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8780
 msgctxt "City in New Mexico, United States"
 msgid "Las Vegas"
 msgstr "Лас Вегас"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8763
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8782
 msgid "Los Alamos"
 msgstr "Лос Аламос"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8765
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8784
 msgid "Moriarty"
 msgstr "Мориарти"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8767
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8786
 msgid "Raton"
 msgstr "Ратон"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8769
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8788
 msgid "Roswell"
 msgstr "Розуел"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8771
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8790
 msgid "Ruidoso"
 msgstr "Руидосо"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8773
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8792
 msgid "Santa Fe"
 msgstr "Санта Фе"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8775
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8794
 msgid "Silver City"
 msgstr "Силвър сити"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8777
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8796
 msgid "Taos"
 msgstr "Таос"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8779
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8798
 msgid "Torreon"
 msgstr "Тореон"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8781
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8800
 msgid "Truth or Consequences"
 msgstr "Трут-ор-Консекуенсес"
 #. A city in New Mexico in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8783
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8802
 msgid "Tucumcari"
 msgstr "Тукумкари"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8785
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8804
 msgctxt "State in United States"
 msgid "New York"
 msgstr "Ню Йорк"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8787
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8806
 msgctxt "City in New York, United States"
 msgid "Albany"
 msgstr "Олбъни"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8789
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8808
 msgid "Binghamton"
 msgstr "Бингамтън"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8791
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8810
 msgid "Black River"
 msgstr "Блек Ривър"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8793
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8812
 msgctxt "City in New York, United States"
 msgid "Buffalo"
 msgstr "Бъфало"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8795
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8814
 msgid "Dansville"
 msgstr "Дансвил"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8797
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8816
 msgid "Dunkirk"
 msgstr "Дюнкерк"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8799
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8818
 msgid "East Hampton"
 msgstr "Ийст Хемптън"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8801
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8820
 msgctxt "City in New York, United States"
 msgid "Elmira"
 msgstr "Елмира"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8803
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8822
 msgid "Farmingdale"
 msgstr "Фармингдейл"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8805
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8824
 msgid "Fulton"
 msgstr "Фултън"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8807
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8826
 msgid "Glens Falls"
 msgstr "Гленс Фолс"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8809
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8828
 msgid "Islip"
 msgstr "Ислип"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8811
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8830
 msgid "Ithaca"
 msgstr "Итака"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8813
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8832
 msgctxt "City in New York, United States"
 msgid "Jamestown"
 msgstr "Джеймстаун"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8815
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8834
 msgid "Massena"
 msgstr "Масена"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8817
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8836
 msgid "Montauk"
 msgstr "Монток"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8819
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8838
 msgctxt "City in New York, United States"
 msgid "Montgomery"
 msgstr "Монтгомъри"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8821
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8840
 msgctxt "City in New York, United States"
 msgid "Monticello"
 msgstr "Монтичело"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8823
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8842
 msgctxt "City in New York, United States"
 msgid "New York"
 msgstr "Ню Йорк"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8825
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8844
 msgid "Newburgh"
 msgstr "Нюберг"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8827
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8846
 msgid "Niagara Falls"
 msgstr "Ниагара Фолс"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8829
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8848
 msgid "Penn Yan"
 msgstr "Пен Ян"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8831
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8850
 msgid "Plattsburgh"
 msgstr "Платсбърг"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8833
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8852
 msgid "Poughkeepsie"
 msgstr "Пукийпси"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8835
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8854
 msgctxt "City in New York, United States"
 msgid "Rochester"
 msgstr "Рочестър"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8837
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8856
 msgctxt "City in New York, United States"
 msgid "Rome"
 msgstr "Роум"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8839
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8858
 msgid "Saranac Lake"
 msgstr "Саранак Лейк"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8841
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8860
 msgid "Shirley"
 msgstr "Шърли"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8843
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8862
 msgid "Syracuse"
 msgstr "Сиракуза"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8845
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8864
 msgctxt "City in New York, United States"
 msgid "Watertown"
 msgstr "Уотъртаун"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8847
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8866
 msgid "Wellsville"
 msgstr "Уелсвил"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8849
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8868
 msgid "Westhampton Beach"
 msgstr "Уестхямптън Бийч"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8851
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8870
 msgid "White Plains"
 msgstr "Уайт Плейнс"
 #. A city in New York in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8853
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8872
 msgid "Yonkers"
 msgstr "Йонкърс"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8855
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8874
 msgid "North Carolina"
 msgstr "Северна Каролина"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8857
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8876
 msgid "Adamsville"
 msgstr "Адамсвил"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8859
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8878
 msgid "Ahoskie"
 msgstr "Ахоски"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8861
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8880
 msgid "Albemarle"
 msgstr "Албемарл"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8863
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8882
 msgid "Andrews"
 msgstr "Андрюс"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8865
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8884
 msgid "Asheboro"
 msgstr "Ашбъро"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8867
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8886
 msgid "Asheville"
 msgstr "Ешвил"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8869
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8888
 msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Beaufort"
 msgstr "Бофорт"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8871
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8890
 msgid "Bogue"
 msgstr "Боуг"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8873
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8892
 msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Boone"
 msgstr "Буун"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8875
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8894
 msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Burlington"
 msgstr "Бърлингтън"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8877
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8896
 msgid "Chapel Hill"
 msgstr "Чапел Хил"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8879
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8898
 msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Charlotte"
 msgstr "Шарлот"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8881
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8900
 msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Clinton"
 msgstr "Клинтън"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8883
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8902
 msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Concord"
 msgstr "Конкорд"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8885
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8904
 msgid "Currituck"
 msgstr "Къритък"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8887
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8906
 msgid "Durham"
 msgstr "Дърам"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8889
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8908
 msgid "Edenton"
 msgstr "Едентън"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8891
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8910
 msgid "Elizabeth City"
 msgstr "Елизабет сити"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8893
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8912
 msgid "Elizabethtown"
 msgstr "Елизабеттаун"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8895
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8914
 msgid "Erwin"
 msgstr "Ъруин"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8897
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8916
 msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Fayetteville"
 msgstr "Файетвил"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8899
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8918
 msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Franklin"
 msgstr "Франклин"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8901
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8920
 msgid "Gastonia"
 msgstr "Гастония"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8903
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8922
 msgid "Goldsboro"
 msgstr "Голдсборо"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8905
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8924
 msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Greensboro"
 msgstr "Грийнсбъро"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8907
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8926
 msgid "Hatteras"
 msgstr "Хатерас"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8909
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8928
 msgid "Havelock"
 msgstr "Хейвлок"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8911
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8930
 msgid "Hickory"
 msgstr "Хикъри"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8913
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8932
 msgid "Hoffman"
 msgstr "Хофман"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8915
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8934
 msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Jacksonville"
 msgstr "Джексънвил"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8917
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8936
 msgid "Jefferson"
 msgstr "Джеферсън"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8919
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8938
 msgid "Kenansville"
 msgstr "Кенансвил"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8921
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8940
 msgid "Kill Devil Hills"
 msgstr "Кил Девил Хилс"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8923
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8942
 msgid "Kinston"
 msgstr "Кинстън"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8925
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8944
 msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Lexington"
 msgstr "Лексингтън"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8927
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8946
 msgid "Louisburg"
 msgstr "Луисбург"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8929
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8948
 msgid "Lumberton"
 msgstr "Лумбертън"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8931
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8950
 msgid "Manteo"
 msgstr "Мантео"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8933
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8952
 msgid "Maxton"
 msgstr "Макстън"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8935
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8954
 msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Monroe"
 msgstr "Монро"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8937
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8956
 msgid "Mount Airy"
 msgstr "Маунт Еъри"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8939
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8958
 msgid "New Bern"
 msgstr "Ню Берн"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8941
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8960
 msgid "North Wilkesboro"
 msgstr "Норт Уилкесбро"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8943
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8962
 msgid "Oak Island"
 msgstr "о-в Оук"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8945
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8964
 msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Oxford"
 msgstr "Оксфорд"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8947
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8966
 msgid "Pinehurst"
 msgstr "Пайнхърст"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8949
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8968
 msgid "Raleigh"
 msgstr "Ралий"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8951
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8970
 msgid "Roanoke Rapids"
 msgstr "Роуноке Рапидс"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8953
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8972
 msgid "Rocky Mount"
 msgstr "Роки Маунт"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8955
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8974
 msgid "Roe"
 msgstr "Роу"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8957
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8976
 msgid "Roxboro"
 msgstr "Роксбъро"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8959
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8978
 msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Salisbury"
 msgstr "Солсбъри"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8961
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8980
 msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Sanford"
 msgstr "Санфорд"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8963
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8982
 msgid "Shelby"
 msgstr "Шелби"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8965
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8984
 msgid "Smithfield"
 msgstr "Смитфийлд"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8967
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8986
 msgid "Statesville"
 msgstr "Стейтсвил"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8969
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8988
 msgid "Wadesboro"
 msgstr "Уейдсбъро"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8971
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8990
 msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Washington"
 msgstr "Вашингтон"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8973
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8992
 msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Wilmington"
 msgstr "Уилмингтън"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8975
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8994
 msgid "Winston-Salem"
 msgstr "Уинстън-Сейлъм"
 #. A city in North Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8977
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8996
 msgid "Winterville"
 msgstr "Уинтървил"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8979
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8998
 msgid "North Dakota"
 msgstr "Северна Дакота"
 #. A city in North Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8981
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9000
 msgid "Bismarck"
 msgstr "Бисмарк"
 #. A city in North Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8983
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9002
 msgid "Bowman"
 msgstr "Боуман"
 #. A city in North Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8985
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9004
 msgid "Devils Lake"
 msgstr "Девилс Лейк"
 #. A city in North Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8987
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9006
 msgid "Dickinson"
 msgstr "Дикинсън"
 #. A city in North Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8989
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9008
 msgid "Fargo"
 msgstr "Фарго"
 #. A city in North Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8991
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9010
 msgid "Garrison"
 msgstr "Гарисън"
 #. A city in North Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8993
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9012
 msgid "Grand Forks"
 msgstr "Гранд Форкс"
 #. A city in North Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8995
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9014
 msgid "Hettinger"
 msgstr "Хетинджър"
 #. A city in North Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8997
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9016
 msgctxt "City in North Dakota, United States"
 msgid "Jamestown"
 msgstr "Джеймстаун"
 #. A city in North Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:8999
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9018
 msgid "Minot"
 msgstr "Майнот"
 #. A city in North Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9001
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9020
 msgid "Wahpeton"
 msgstr "Уопетън"
 #. A city in North Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9003
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9022
 msgid "Williston"
 msgstr "Уилистън"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9005
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9024
 msgid "Ohio"
 msgstr "Охайо"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9007
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9026
 msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States"
 msgid "Akron"
 msgstr "Акрон"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9009
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9028
 msgid "Ashtabula"
 msgstr "Аштабула"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9011
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9030
 msgid "Cincinnati"
 msgstr "Синсинати"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9013
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9032
 msgid "Cleveland"
 msgstr "Кливланд"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9015
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9034
 msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States"
 msgid "Columbus"
 msgstr "Колъмбъс"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9017
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9036
 msgid "Dayton"
 msgstr "Дейтън"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9019
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9038
 msgid "Defiance"
 msgstr "Дефайънс"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9021
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9040
 msgid "Elyria"
 msgstr "Елирия"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9023
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9042
 msgid "Findlay"
 msgstr "Финдли"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9025
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9044
 msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States"
 msgid "Hamilton"
 msgstr "Хемилтън"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9027
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9046
 msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States"
 msgid "Lancaster"
 msgstr "Ланкастър"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9029
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9048
 msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States"
 msgid "Lima"
 msgstr "Лима"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9031
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9050
 msgid "Mansfield"
 msgstr "Мансфийлд"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9033
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9052
 msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States"
 msgid "Marion"
 msgstr "Марион"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9035
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9054
 msgid "New Philadelphia"
 msgstr "Ню Филаделфия"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9037
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9056
 msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States"
 msgid "Newark"
 msgstr "Нюарк"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9039
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9058
 msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States"
 msgid "Springfield"
 msgstr "Спрингфилд"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9041
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9060
 msgid "Toledo"
 msgstr "Толедо"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9043
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9062
 msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States"
 msgid "Wilmington"
 msgstr "Уилмингтън"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9045
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9064
 msgid "Wooster"
 msgstr "Уустър"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9047
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9066
 msgid "Youngstown"
 msgstr "Йънгстаун"
 #. A city in Ohio in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9049
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9068
 msgid "Zanesville"
 msgstr "Зейнсвил"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9051
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9070
 msgid "Oklahoma"
 msgstr "Оклахома"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9053
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9072
 msgid "Ada"
 msgstr "Ада"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9055
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9074
 msgid "Altus"
 msgstr "Алтус"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9057
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9076
 msgid "Alva"
 msgstr "Алва"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9059
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9078
 msgid "Ardmore"
 msgstr "Ардмор"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9061
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9080
 msgid "Atoka"
 msgstr "Атока"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9063
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9082
 msgid "Bartlesville"
 msgstr "Бартълсвил"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9065
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9084
 msgctxt "City in Oklahoma, United States"
 msgid "Chandler"
 msgstr "Чандлър"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9067
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9086
 msgid "Chickasha"
 msgstr "Чикаша"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9069
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9088
 msgid "Claremore"
 msgstr "Клермор"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9071
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9090
 msgctxt "City in Oklahoma, United States"
 msgid "Clinton"
 msgstr "Клинтън"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9073
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9092
 msgid "Cushing"
 msgstr "Кушинг"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9075
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9094
 msgid "Duncan"
 msgstr "Дънкан"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9077
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9096
 msgid "Durant"
 msgstr "Дурант"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9079
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9098
 msgid "El Reno"
 msgstr "Ел Рено"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9081
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9100
 msgid "Enid"
 msgstr "Енид"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9083
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9102
 msgctxt "City in Oklahoma, United States"
 msgid "Frederick"
 msgstr "Фредерик"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9085
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9104
 msgid "Gage"
 msgstr "Гейдж"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9087
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9106
 msgid "Grove"
 msgstr "Гроув"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9089
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9108
 msgid "Guthrie"
 msgstr "Гътри"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9091
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9110
 msgid "Guymon"
 msgstr "Гаймон"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9093
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9112
 msgctxt "City in Oklahoma, United States"
 msgid "Hobart"
 msgstr "Хобарт"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9095
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9114
 msgid "Idabel"
 msgstr "Идабел"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9097
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9116
 msgid "Lawton"
 msgstr "Лоутън"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9099
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9118
 msgid "McAlester"
 msgstr "Макалистър"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9101
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9120
 msgid "Muskogee"
 msgstr "Маскоджи"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9103
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9122
 msgid "Norman"
 msgstr "Норман"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9105
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9124
 msgid "Oklahoma City"
 msgstr "Оклахома сити"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9107
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9126
 msgid "Okmulgee"
 msgstr "Окмълджи"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9109
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9128
 msgid "Pauls Valley"
 msgstr "Полс Вали"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9111
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9130
 msgid "Ponca City"
 msgstr "Понка сити"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9113
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9132
 msgid "Poteau"
 msgstr "Пото"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9115
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9134
 msgid "Sallisaw"
 msgstr "Салисоу"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9117
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9136
 msgctxt "City in Oklahoma, United States"
 msgid "Seminole"
 msgstr "Семиноул"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9119
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9138
 msgid "Shawnee"
 msgstr "Шоуний"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9121
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9140
 msgid "Stillwater"
 msgstr "Стилуотър"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9123
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9142
 msgid "Tahlequah"
 msgstr "Тахлекуа"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9125
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9144
 msgid "Tulsa"
 msgstr "Тълса"
 #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9127
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9146
 msgid "Weatherford"
 msgstr "Уедърфорд"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9129
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9148
 msgid "Oregon"
 msgstr "Орегон"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9131
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9150
 msgid "Astoria"
 msgstr "Астория"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9133
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9152
 msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States"
 msgid "Aurora"
 msgstr "Аурора"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9135
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9154
 msgid "Baker City"
 msgstr "Бейкър сити"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9137
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9156
 msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States"
 msgid "Brookings"
 msgstr "Брукингс"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9139
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9158
 msgid "Burns"
 msgstr "Бърнс"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9141
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9160
 msgid "Corvallis"
 msgstr "Корвалис"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9143
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9162
 msgid "Eugene"
 msgstr "Юджин"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9145
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9164
 msgid "Hermiston"
 msgstr "Хермистън"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9147
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9166
 msgid "Klamath Falls"
 msgstr "Кламат Фолс"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9149
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9168
 msgid "La Grande"
 msgstr "Ла Гранд"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9151
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9170
 msgid "Lakeview"
 msgstr "Лейквю"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9153
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9172
 msgid "McMinnville"
 msgstr "Макминвил"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9155
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9174
 msgid "Meacham"
 msgstr "Мийчам"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9157
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9176
 msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States"
 msgid "Medford"
 msgstr "Медфърд"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9159
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9178
 msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States"
 msgid "Newport"
 msgstr "Нюпорт"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9161
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9180
 msgid "North Bend"
 msgstr "Норт Бенд"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9163
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9182
 msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States"
 msgid "Ontario"
 msgstr "Онтарио"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9165
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9184
 msgid "Pendleton"
 msgstr "Пенделтън"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9167
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9186
 msgid "Placer"
 msgstr "Плейсър"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9169
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9188
 msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States"
 msgid "Portland"
 msgstr "Портланд"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9171
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9190
 msgid "Redmond"
 msgstr "Редмънд"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9173
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9192
 msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States"
 msgid "Rome"
 msgstr "Роум"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9175
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9194
 msgid "Roseburg"
 msgstr "Роузбург"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9177
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9196
 msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States"
 msgid "Salem"
 msgstr "Сейлем"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9179
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9198
 msgid "Scappoose"
 msgstr "Скапоус"
 #. A city in Oregon in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9181
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9200
 msgid "The Dalles"
 msgstr "Дъ Далс"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9183
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9202
 msgid "Pennsylvania"
 msgstr "Пенсилвания"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9185
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9204
 msgid "Allentown"
 msgstr "Алентаун"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9187
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9206
 msgid "Altoona"
 msgstr "Алтуна"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9189
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9208
 msgid "Beaver Falls"
 msgstr "Бевър Фолс"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9191
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9210
 msgid "Bradford"
 msgstr "Брадфорд"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9193
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9212
 msgid "Butler"
 msgstr "Бътлър"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9195
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9214
 msgid "Clearfield"
 msgstr "Клиърфийлд"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9197
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9216
 msgid "Doylestown"
 msgstr "Дойлестаун"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9199
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9218
 msgid "Du Bois"
 msgstr "Дю Боа"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9201
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9220
 msgid "Erie"
 msgstr "Ери"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9203
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9222
 msgctxt "City in Pennsylvania, United States"
 msgid "Franklin"
 msgstr "Франклин"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9205
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9224
 msgctxt "City in Pennsylvania, United States"
 msgid "Harrisburg"
 msgstr "Харисбърг"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9207
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9226
 msgctxt "City in Pennsylvania, United States"
 msgid "Indiana"
 msgstr "Индиана"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9209
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9228
 msgid "Indiantown"
 msgstr "Индиантаун"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9211
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9230
 msgid "Johnstown"
 msgstr "Джонстаун"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9213
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9232
 msgctxt "City in Pennsylvania, United States"
 msgid "Lancaster"
 msgstr "Ланкастър"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9215
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9234
 msgid "Latrobe"
 msgstr "Латроуб"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9217
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9236
 msgid "Meadville"
 msgstr "Медвил"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9219
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9238
 msgid "Mount Pocono"
 msgstr "Маунт Поконо"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9221
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9240
 msgid "New Castle"
 msgstr "Ню Кесъл"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9223
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9242
 msgid "Philadelphia"
 msgstr "Филаделфия"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9225
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9244
 msgid "Pittsburgh"
 msgstr "Питсбърг"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9227
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9246
 msgid "Pottstown"
 msgstr "Потстаун"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9229
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9248
 msgid "Quakertown"
 msgstr "Куекъртаун"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9231
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9250
 msgid "Reading"
 msgstr "Рединг"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9233
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9252
 msgid "Selinsgrove"
 msgstr "Селинсгроув"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9235
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9254
 msgid "State College"
 msgstr "Стейт Колидж"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9237
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9256
 msgctxt "City in Pennsylvania, United States"
 msgid "Washington"
 msgstr "Вашингтон"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9239
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9258
 msgid "Wilkes-Barre"
 msgstr "Уилкис-Баре"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9241
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9260
 msgid "Williamsport"
 msgstr "Уилямспорт"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9243
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9262
 msgid "Willow Grove"
 msgstr "Уилоу Гроув"
 #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9245
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9264
 msgctxt "City in Pennsylvania, United States"
 msgid "York"
 msgstr "Йорк"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9247
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9266
 msgid "Rhode Island"
 msgstr "Роуд Айлънд"
 #. A city in Rhode Island in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9249
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9268
 msgctxt "City in Rhode Island, United States"
 msgid "Newport"
 msgstr "Нюпорт"
 #. A city in Rhode Island in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9251
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9270
 msgid "Pawtucket"
 msgstr "Поутъкет"
 #. A city in Rhode Island in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9253
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9272
 msgid "Providence"
 msgstr "Провидънс"
 #. A city in Rhode Island in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9255
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9274
 msgid "Westerly"
 msgstr "Уестърли"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9257
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9276
 msgid "South Carolina"
 msgstr "Южна Каролина"
 #. A city in South Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9259
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9278
 msgctxt "City in South Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Anderson"
 msgstr "Андерсън"
 #. A city in South Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9261
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9280
 msgctxt "City in South Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Beaufort"
 msgstr "Бофорт"
 #. A city in South Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9263
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9282
 msgctxt "City in South Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Charleston"
 msgstr "Чарлстън"
 #. A city in South Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9265
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9284
 msgid "Clemson"
 msgstr "Клемсън"
 #. A city in South Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9267
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9286
 msgctxt "City in South Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Columbia"
 msgstr "Колумбия"
 #. A city in South Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9269
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9288
 msgid "Dalzell"
 msgstr "Далзъл"
 #. A city in South Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9271
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9290
 msgid "Darlington"
 msgstr "Дарлингтон"
 #. A city in South Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9273
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9292
 msgctxt "City in South Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Florence"
 msgstr "Флорънс"
 #. A city in South Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9275
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9294
 msgctxt "City in South Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Greenville"
 msgstr "Грийнвил"
 #. A city in South Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9277
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9296
 msgctxt "City in South Carolina, United States"
 msgid "Greenwood"
 msgstr "Грийнууд"
 #. A city in South Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9279
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9298
 msgid "Greer"
 msgstr "Гриър"
 #. A city in South Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9281
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9300
 msgid "Hilton Head Island"
 msgstr "Хилтън Хед Айлънд"
 #. A city in South Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9283
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9302
 msgid "Myrtle Beach"
 msgstr "Миртъл Бийч"
 #. A city in South Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9285
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9304
 msgid "North Myrtle Beach"
 msgstr "Норт Миртъл Бийч"
 #. A city in South Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9287
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9306
 msgid "Orangeburg"
 msgstr "Оринджбърг"
 #. A city in South Carolina in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9289
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9308
 msgid "Rock Hill"
 msgstr "Рок Хил"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9291
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9310
 msgid "South Dakota"
 msgstr "Южна Дакота"
 #. A city in South Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9293
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9312
 msgctxt "City in South Dakota, United States"
 msgid "Aberdeen"
 msgstr "Абърдийн"
 #. A city in South Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9295
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9314
 msgid "Box Elder"
 msgstr "Бокс Елдър"
 #. A city in South Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9297
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9316
 msgctxt "City in South Dakota, United States"
 msgid "Brookings"
 msgstr "Брукингс"
 #. A city in South Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9299
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9318
 msgctxt "City in South Dakota, United States"
 msgid "Buffalo"
 msgstr "Бъфало"
 #. A city in South Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9301
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9320
 msgid "Chamberlain"
 msgstr "Чембърлейн"
 #. A city in South Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9303
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9322
 msgid "Custer"
 msgstr "Къстър"
 #. A city in South Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9305
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9324
 msgid "Faith"
 msgstr "Фейт"
 #. A city in South Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9307
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9326
 msgid "Huron"
 msgstr "Хурон"
 #. A city in South Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9309
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9328
 msgid "Mitchell"
 msgstr "Мичел"
 #. A city in South Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9311
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9330
 msgid "Mobridge"
 msgstr "Мобридж"
 #. A city in South Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9313
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9332
 msgid "Philip"
 msgstr "Филип"
 #. A city in South Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9315
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9334
 msgid "Pierre"
 msgstr "Пиер"
 #. A city in South Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9317
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9336
 msgid "Pine Ridge"
 msgstr "Пайн Ридж"
 #. A city in South Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9319
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9338
 msgid "Rapid City"
 msgstr "Рапид сити"
 #. A city in South Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9321
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9340
 msgid "Sioux Falls"
 msgstr "Сиукс Фолс"
 #. A city in South Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9323
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9342
 msgid "Sisseton"
 msgstr "Систън"
 #. A city in South Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9325
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9344
 msgctxt "City in South Dakota, United States"
 msgid "Watertown"
 msgstr "Уотъртаун"
 #. A city in South Dakota in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9327
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9346
 msgid "Yankton"
 msgstr "Янктън"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9329
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9348
 msgid "Tennessee"
 msgstr "Тенеси"
 #. A city in Tennessee in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9331
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9350
 msgid "Chattanooga"
 msgstr "Чатануга"
 #. A city in Tennessee in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9333
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9352
 msgctxt "City in Tennessee, United States"
 msgid "Clarksville"
 msgstr "Кларксвил"
 #. A city in Tennessee in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9335
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9354
 msgid "Crossville"
 msgstr "Кросвил"
 #. A city in Tennessee in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9337
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9356
 msgid "Dyersburg"
 msgstr "Дайерсберг"
 #. A city in Tennessee in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9339
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9358
 msgctxt "City in Tennessee, United States"
 msgid "Jackson"
 msgstr "Джексън"
 #. A city in Tennessee in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9341
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9360
 msgid "Kingsport"
 msgstr "Кингспорт"
 #. A city in Tennessee in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9343
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9362
 msgctxt "City in Tennessee, United States"
 msgid "Knoxville"
 msgstr "Ноксвил"
 #. A city in Tennessee in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9345
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9364
 msgid "Memphis"
 msgstr "Мемфис"
 #. A city in Tennessee in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9347
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9366
 msgid "Millington"
 msgstr "Милингтън"
 #. A city in Tennessee in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9349
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9368
 msgid "Nashville"
 msgstr "Нешвил"
 #. A city in Tennessee in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9351
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9370
 msgid "Oak Ridge"
 msgstr "Оук Ридж"
 #. A city in Tennessee in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9353
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9372
 msgid "Smyrna"
 msgstr "Смирна"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9355
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9374
 msgid "Texas"
 msgstr "Тексас"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9357
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9376
 msgid "Abilene"
 msgstr "Абилин"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9359
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9378
 msgid "Alice"
 msgstr "Алис"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9361
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9380
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Alpine"
 msgstr "Алпайн"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9363
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9382
 msgid "Amarillo"
 msgstr "Амарило"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9365
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9384
 msgid "Angleton"
 msgstr "Англетон"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9367
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9386
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Arlington"
 msgstr "Арлингтън"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9369
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9388
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Austin"
 msgstr "Остин"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9371
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9390
 msgid "Bay City"
 msgstr "Бей сити"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9373
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9392
 msgid "Beaumont"
 msgstr "Бомонт"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9375
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9394
 msgid "Big Spring"
 msgstr "Биг Спрингс"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9377
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9396
 msgid "Borger"
 msgstr "Боргер"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9379
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9398
 msgid "Brady"
 msgstr "Брейди"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9381
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9400
 msgid "Brenham"
 msgstr "Бренъм"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9383
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9402
 msgid "Brownsville"
 msgstr "Браунсвил"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9385
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9404
 msgid "Brownwood"
 msgstr "Браунууд"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9387
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9406
 msgid "Burnet"
 msgstr "Бърнет"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9389
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9408
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Caldwell"
 msgstr "Колдуел"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9391
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9410
 msgid "Canadian"
 msgstr "Кънейдиън"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9393
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9412
 msgid "Carrollton"
 msgstr "Карълтън"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9395
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9414
 msgid "Childress"
 msgstr "Чайлдрес"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9397
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9416
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Clarksville"
 msgstr "Кларксвил"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9399
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9418
 msgid "College Station"
 msgstr "Колидж Стейшън"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9401
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9420
 msgid "Conroe"
 msgstr "Конро"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9403
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9422
 msgid "Corpus Christi"
 msgstr "Корпус Кристи"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9405
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9424
 msgid "Corsicana"
 msgstr "Корсикана"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9407
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9426
 msgid "Cotulla"
 msgstr "Котула"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9409
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9428
 msgid "Crockett"
 msgstr "Крокет"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9411
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9430
 msgid "Dalhart"
 msgstr "Далхарт"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9413
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9432
 msgid "Dallas"
 msgstr "Далас"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9415
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9434
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Decatur"
 msgstr "Декатур"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9417
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9436
 msgid "Del Rio"
 msgstr "Дел Рио"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9419
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9438
 msgid "Denton"
 msgstr "Дентон"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9421
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9440
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Dryden"
 msgstr "Дриден"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9423
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9442
 msgid "Dumas"
 msgstr "Дъмас"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9425
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9444
 msgid "Edinburg"
 msgstr "Единбург"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9427
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9446
 msgid "El Paso"
 msgstr "Ел Пасо"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9429
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9448
 msgid "Falfurrias"
 msgstr "Фолфъриас"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9431
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9450
 msgid "Fort Stockton"
 msgstr "Форт Стоктън"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9433
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9452
 msgid "Fort Worth"
 msgstr "Форт Уърт"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9435
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9454
 msgid "Fredericksburg"
 msgstr "Фредериксбург"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9437
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9456
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Gainesville"
 msgstr "Гейнсвил"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9439
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9458
 msgid "Galveston"
 msgstr "Галвестон"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9441
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9460
 msgid "Garland"
 msgstr "Гарланд"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9443
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9462
 msgid "Gatesville"
 msgstr "Гейтсвил"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9445
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9464
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Georgetown"
 msgstr "Джорджтаун"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9447
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9466
 msgid "Giddings"
 msgstr "Гидингс"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9449
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9468
 msgid "Gilmer"
 msgstr "Гилмър"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9451
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9470
 msgid "Graham"
 msgstr "Греъм"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9453
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9472
 msgid "Granbury"
 msgstr "Гранбъри"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9455
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9474
 msgid "Grand Prairie"
 msgstr "Гранд Прери"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9457
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9476
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Greenville"
 msgstr "Грийнвил"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9459
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9478
 msgid "Harlingen"
 msgstr "Харлинген"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9461
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9480
 msgid "Hearne"
 msgstr "Хиърн"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9463
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9482
 msgid "Hebbronville"
 msgstr "Хебронвил"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9465
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9484
 msgid "Hillsboro"
 msgstr "Хилсбъро"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9467
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9486
 msgid "Hondo"
 msgstr "Хондо"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9469
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9488
 msgid "Houston"
 msgstr "Хюстън"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9471
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9490
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Huntsville"
 msgstr "Хънтсвил"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9473
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9492
 msgid "Irving"
 msgstr "Ървинг"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9475
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9494
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Jacksonville"
 msgstr "Джексънвил"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9477
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9496
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Jasper"
 msgstr "Джаспър"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9479
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9498
 msgid "Junction"
 msgstr "Джънкшън"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9481
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9500
 msgid "Kerrville"
 msgstr "Кървил"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9483
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9502
 msgid "Killeen"
 msgstr "Килийн"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9485
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9504
 msgid "Kingsville"
 msgstr "Кингсвил"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9487
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9506
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "La Grange"
 msgstr "Ла Гранж"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9489
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9508
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Lancaster"
 msgstr "Ланкастър"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9491
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9510
 msgid "Laredo"
 msgstr "Ларедо"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9493
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9512
 msgid "Llano"
 msgstr "Ляно"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9495
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9514
 msgid "Longview"
 msgstr "Лонгвю"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9497
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9516
 msgid "Lubbock"
 msgstr "Лабок"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9499
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9518
 msgid "Lufkin"
 msgstr "Луфкин"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9501
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9520
 msgid "Marfa"
 msgstr "Марфа"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9503
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9522
 msgid "McAllen"
 msgstr "Макалън"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9505
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9524
 msgid "McKinney"
 msgstr "Маккини"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9507
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9526
 msgid "Mesquite"
 msgstr "Мескуайт"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9509
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9528
 msgid "Midland"
 msgstr "Мидланд"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9511
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9530
 msgid "Midlothian"
 msgstr "Мидлотиан"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9513
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9532
 msgid "Mineral Wells"
 msgstr "Минерал Уелс"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9515
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9534
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Mount Pleasant"
 msgstr "Маунт Плезънт"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9517
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9536
 msgid "Nacogdoches"
 msgstr "Накодочес"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9519
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9538
 msgid "New Braunfels"
 msgstr "Ню Брайфелс"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9521
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9540
 msgid "Odessa"
 msgstr "Одеса"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9523
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9542
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Orange"
 msgstr "Ориндж"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9525
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9544
 msgid "Palacios"
 msgstr "Паласиос"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9527
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9546
 msgid "Palestine"
 msgstr "Палестин"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9529
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9548
 msgid "Pampa"
 msgstr "Пампа"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9531
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9550
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Paris"
 msgstr "Парис"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9533
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9552
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Pasadena"
 msgstr "Пасадена"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9535
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9554
 msgid "Pecos"
 msgstr "Пекос"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9537
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9556
 msgid "Perryton"
 msgstr "Перитон"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9539
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9558
 msgid "Pine Springs"
 msgstr "Пайн Спрингс"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9541
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9560
 msgid "Plainview"
 msgstr "Плейнвю"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9543
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9562
 msgid "Plano"
 msgstr "Плано"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9545
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9564
 msgid "Port Aransas"
 msgstr "Порт Аранзас"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9547
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9566
 msgid "Port Isabel"
 msgstr "Порт Исабел"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9549
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9568
 msgid "Port Lavaca"
 msgstr "Порт Лавака"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9551
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9570
 msgid "Rockport"
 msgstr "Рокпорт"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9553
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9572
 msgid "Rocksprings"
 msgstr "Рокспрингс"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9555
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9574
 msgid "San Angelo"
 msgstr "Сан Анджело"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9557
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9576
 msgid "San Antonio"
 msgstr "Сан Антонио"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9559
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9578
 msgid "San Marcos"
 msgstr "Сан Маркос"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9561
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9580
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Seminole"
 msgstr "Семиноул"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9563
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9582
 msgid "Sherman"
 msgstr "Шърман"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9565
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9584
 msgid "Snyder"
 msgstr "Снайдър"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9567
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9586
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Sonora"
 msgstr "Сонора"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9569
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9588
 msgid "Spofford"
 msgstr "Спофърд"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9571
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9590
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Stephenville"
 msgstr "Стивънвил"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9573
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9592
 msgid "Sulphur Springs"
 msgstr "Сълфър Спрингс"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9575
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9594
 msgid "Sweetwater"
 msgstr "Суийтуотър"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9577
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9596
 msgid "Temple"
 msgstr "Темпъл"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9579
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9598
 msgid "Terrell"
 msgstr "Терел"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9581
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9600
 msgid "Tyler"
 msgstr "Тайлър"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9583
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9602
 msgid "Universal City"
 msgstr "Юнивърсъл сити"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9585
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9604
 msgid "Uvalde"
 msgstr "Увалде"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9587
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9606
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Vernon"
 msgstr "Върнън"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9589
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9608
 msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
 msgid "Victoria"
 msgstr "Виктория"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9591
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9610
 msgid "Waco"
 msgstr "Уако"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9593
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9612
 msgid "Weslaco"
 msgstr "Уеслако"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9595
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9614
 msgid "Wharton"
 msgstr "Уортън"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9597
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9616
 msgid "Wichita Falls"
 msgstr "Уичита Фолс"
 #. A city in Texas in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9599
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9618
 msgid "Wink"
 msgstr "Уинк"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9601
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9620
 msgid "Utah"
 msgstr "Юта"
 #. A city in Utah in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9603
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9622
 msgid "Bryce Canyon"
 msgstr "Брайс Кениън"
 #. A city in Utah in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9605
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9624
 msgid "Cedar City"
 msgstr "Седар сити"
 #. A city in Utah in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9607
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9626
 msgid "Delta"
 msgstr "Делта"
 #. A city in Utah in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9609
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9628
 msgid "Hanksville"
 msgstr "Хенксвил"
 #. A city in Utah in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9611
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9630
 msgid "Lakeside"
 msgstr "Лейксайд"
 #. A city in Utah in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9613
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9632
 msgid "Logan"
 msgstr "Лоуган"
 #. A city in Utah in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9615
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9634
 msgid "Milford"
 msgstr "Милфорд"
 #. A city in Utah in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9617
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9636
 msgid "Moab"
 msgstr "Моаб"
 #. A city in Utah in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9619
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9638
 msgid "Ogden"
 msgstr "Огден"
 #. A city in Utah in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9621
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9640
 msgid "Price"
 msgstr "Прайс"
 #. A city in Utah in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9623
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9642
 msgid "Provo"
 msgstr "Прово"
 #. A city in Utah in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9625
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9644
 msgid "Salt Lake City"
 msgstr "Солт Лейк сити"
 #. A city in Utah in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9627
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9646
 msgctxt "City in Utah, United States"
 msgid "Santa Clara"
 msgstr "Санта Клара"
 #. A city in Utah in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9629
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9648
 msgid "Vernal"
 msgstr "Вернал"
 #. A city in Utah in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9631
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9650
 msgid "Wendover"
 msgstr "Уендоувър"
 #. A city in Utah in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9633
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9652
 msgid "West Valley City"
 msgstr "Уест Вали сити"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9635
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9654
 msgid "Vermont"
 msgstr "Вермонт"
 #. A city in Vermont in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9637
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9656
 msgid "Barre"
 msgstr "Баре"
 #. A city in Vermont in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9639
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9658
 msgid "Bennington"
 msgstr "Бенингтън"
 #. A city in Vermont in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9641
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9660
 msgctxt "City in Vermont, United States"
 msgid "Burlington"
 msgstr "Бърлингтън"
 #. A city in Vermont in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9643
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9662
 msgid "Morrisville"
 msgstr "Морисвил"
 #. A city in Vermont in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9645
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9664
 msgid "Rutland"
 msgstr "Рутланд"
 #. A city in Vermont in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9647
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9666
 msgid "Saint Johnsbury"
 msgstr "Сейнт Джонсбъри"
 #. A city in Vermont in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9649
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9668
 msgctxt "City in Vermont, United States"
 msgid "Springfield"
 msgstr "Спрингфилд"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9651
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9670
 msgid "Virginia"
 msgstr "Вирджиния"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9653
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9672
 msgid "Abingdon"
 msgstr "Абингтън"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9655
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9674
 msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
 msgid "Alexandria"
 msgstr "Александрия"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9657
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9676
 msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
 msgid "Ashland"
 msgstr "Ашланд"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9659
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9678
 msgid "Blacksburg"
 msgstr "Блексбърг"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9661
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9680
 msgid "Charlottesville"
 msgstr "Шарлътсвил"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9663
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9682
 msgid "Chesapeake"
 msgstr "Чесапийк"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9665
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9684
 msgid "Chincoteague"
 msgstr "Чинкотег"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9667
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9686
 msgid "Culpeper"
 msgstr "Кълпепър"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9669
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9688
 msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
 msgid "Danville"
 msgstr "Данвил"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9671
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9690
 msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
 msgid "Dublin"
 msgstr "Дъблин"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9673
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9692
 msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
 msgid "Emporia"
 msgstr "Емпория"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9675
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9694
 msgid "Farmville"
 msgstr "Фармвил"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9677
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9696
 msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
 msgid "Franklin"
 msgstr "Франклин"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9679
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9698
 msgid "Hampton"
 msgstr "Хемптън"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9681
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9700
 msgid "Hillsville"
 msgstr "Хилсвил"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9683
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9702
 msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
 msgid "Hot Springs"
 msgstr "Хот Спрингс"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9685
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9704
 msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
 msgid "Leesburg"
 msgstr "Лийсбърг"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9687
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9706
 msgid "Louisa"
 msgstr "Луиза"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9689
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9708
 msgid "Lynchburg"
 msgstr "Линчбърг"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9691
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9710
 msgid "Manassas"
 msgstr "Манасас"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9693
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9712
 msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
 msgid "Marion"
 msgstr "Марион"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9695
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9714
 msgid "Martinsville"
 msgstr "Мартинсвил"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9697
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9716
 msgid "Melfa"
 msgstr "Мелфа"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9699
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9718
 msgid "Newport News"
 msgstr "Нюпорт Нюз"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9701
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9720
 msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
 msgid "Norfolk"
 msgstr "Норфолк"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9703
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9722
 msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
 msgid "Orange"
 msgstr "Ориндж"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9705
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9724
 msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
 msgid "Petersburg"
 msgstr "Питърсбърг"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9707
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9726
 msgid "Pohick"
 msgstr "Похик"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9709
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9728
 msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
 msgid "Portsmouth"
 msgstr "Портсмут"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9711
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9730
 msgid "Quantico"
 msgstr "Куантико"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9713
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9732
 msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
 msgid "Richmond"
 msgstr "Ричмънд"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9715
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9734
 msgid "Roanoke"
 msgstr "Роуноке"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9717
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9736
 msgid "South Hill"
 msgstr "Саут Хил"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9719
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9738
 msgid "Stafford"
 msgstr "Стафорд"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9721
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9740
 msgid "Staunton"
 msgstr "Стонтън"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9723
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9742
 msgid "Suffolk"
 msgstr "Съфолк"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9725
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9744
 msgid "Virginia Beach"
 msgstr "Вирджиния Бийч"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9727
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9746
 msgid "Wakefield"
 msgstr "Уейкфийлд"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9729
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9748
 msgid "West Point"
 msgstr "Уест Пойнт"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9731
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9750
 msgid "Williamsburg"
 msgstr "Уилямсбърг"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9733
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9752
 msgid "Winchester"
 msgstr "Уинчестър"
 #. A city in Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9735
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9754
 msgid "Wise"
 msgstr "Уайс"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9737
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9756
 msgctxt "State in United States"
 msgid "Washington"
 msgstr "Вашингтон"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9739
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9758
 msgctxt "City in Washington, United States"
 msgid "Arlington"
 msgstr "Арлингтън"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9741
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9760
 msgid "Bellevue"
 msgstr "Белвю"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9743
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9762
 msgid "Bellingham"
 msgstr "Белингъм"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9745
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9764
 msgid "Bremerton"
 msgstr "Брементън"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9747
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9766
 msgctxt "City in Washington, United States"
 msgid "Burlington"
 msgstr "Бърлингтън"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9749
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9768
 msgid "Deer Park"
 msgstr "Диър Парк"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9751
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9770
 msgid "Eastsound"
 msgstr "Ийстсаунд"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9753
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9772
 msgid "Ellensburg"
 msgstr "Еленсбърг"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9755
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9774
 msgid "Ephrata"
 msgstr "Ефрата"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9757
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9776
 msgid "Everett"
 msgstr "Евърет"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9759
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9778
 msgid "Fairchild"
 msgstr "Феърчайлд"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9761
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9780
 msgid "Friday Harbor"
 msgstr "Фрайдей Харбър"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9763
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9782
 msgctxt "City in Washington, United States"
 msgid "Hanford"
 msgstr "Ханфорд"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9765
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9784
 msgid "Hoquiam"
 msgstr "Хокиам"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9767
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9786
 msgid "Kelso"
 msgstr "Келсо"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9769
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9788
 msgid "Moses Lake"
 msgstr "Моузес Лейк"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9771
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9790
 msgid "Oak Harbor"
 msgstr "Оук Харбър"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9773
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9792
 msgid "Olympia"
 msgstr "Олимпия"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9775
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9794
 msgid "Omak"
 msgstr "Омак"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9777
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9796
 msgid "Pasco"
 msgstr "Паско"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9779
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9798
 msgid "Port Angeles"
 msgstr "Порт Анжелис"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9781
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9800
 msgid "Quillayute"
 msgstr "Килайюте"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9783
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9802
 msgid "Renton"
 msgstr "Рентон"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9785
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9804
 msgid "Seattle"
 msgstr "Сиатъл"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9787
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9806
 msgid "Shelton"
 msgstr "Шелтън"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9789
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9808
 msgid "Spokane"
 msgstr "Спокейн"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9791
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9810
 msgid "Stampede"
 msgstr "Стампийд"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9793
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9812
 msgid "Tacoma"
 msgstr "Такома"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9795
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9814
 msgid "Tillicum"
 msgstr "Тиликъм"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9797
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9816
 msgctxt "City in Washington, United States"
 msgid "Vancouver"
 msgstr "Ванкувър"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9799
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9818
 msgid "Walla Walla"
 msgstr "Уола Уола"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9801
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9820
 msgid "Wenatchee"
 msgstr "Уеначи"
 #. A city in Washington in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9803
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9822
 msgid "Yakima"
 msgstr "Якима"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9805
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9824
 msgid "West Virginia"
 msgstr "Западна Вирджиния"
 #. A city in West Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9807
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9826
 msgid "Beckley"
 msgstr "Бекли"
 #. A city in West Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9809
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9828
 msgid "Bluefield"
 msgstr "Блуфилд"
 #. A city in West Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9811
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9830
 msgid "Buckhannon"
 msgstr "Бъканън"
 #. A city in West Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9813
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9832
 msgctxt "City in West Virginia, United States"
 msgid "Charleston"
 msgstr "Чарлстън"
 #. A city in West Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9815
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9834
 msgid "Clarksburg"
 msgstr "Кларксбърг"
 #. A city in West Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9817
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9836
 msgid "Elkins"
 msgstr "Елкинс"
 #. A city in West Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9819
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9838
 msgid "Huntington"
 msgstr "Хънтингтън"
 #. A city in West Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9821
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9840
 msgid "Lewisburg"
 msgstr "Люисбърг"
 #. A city in West Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9823
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9842
 msgid "Martinsburg"
 msgstr "Мартинсбърг"
 #. A city in West Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9825
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9844
 msgid "Morgantown"
 msgstr "Моргантаун"
 #. A city in West Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9827
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9846
 msgid "Parkersburg"
 msgstr "Паркърсбърг"
 #. A city in West Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9829
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9848
 msgctxt "City in West Virginia, United States"
 msgid "Petersburg"
 msgstr "Питърсбърг"
 #. A city in West Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9831
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9850
 msgid "Point Pleasant"
 msgstr "Пойнт Плезънт"
 #. A city in West Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9833
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9852
 msgctxt "City in West Virginia, United States"
 msgid "Sutton"
 msgstr "Сътън"
 #. A city in West Virginia in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9835
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9854
 msgid "Wheeling"
 msgstr "Уилинг"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9837
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9856
 msgid "Wisconsin"
 msgstr "Уисконсин"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9839
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9858
 msgid "Antigo"
 msgstr "Антиго"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9841
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9860
 msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States"
 msgid "Appleton"
 msgstr "Епълтън"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9843
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9862
 msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States"
 msgid "Ashland"
 msgstr "Ашланд"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9845
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9864
 msgid "Baraboo"
 msgstr "Барабу"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9847
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9866
 msgid "Boscobel"
 msgstr "Боскобел"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9849
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9868
 msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States"
 msgid "Burlington"
 msgstr "Бърлингтън"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9851
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9870
 msgid "Camp Douglas"
 msgstr "Кемп Дъглас"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9853
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9872
 msgid "Clintonville"
 msgstr "Клинтънвил"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9855
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9874
 msgid "Eagle River"
 msgstr "Ийгъл Ривър"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9857
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9876
 msgid "Eau Claire"
 msgstr "О Клер"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9859
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9878
 msgid "Fond du Lac"
 msgstr "Фонд Дю Лак"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9861
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9880
 msgid "Green Bay"
 msgstr "Грийн Бей"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9863
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9882
 msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States"
 msgid "Hayward"
 msgstr "Хейуърд"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9865
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9884
 msgid "Janesville"
 msgstr "Джейнсвил"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9867
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9886
 msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States"
 msgid "Juneau"
 msgstr "Джуно"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9869
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9888
 msgid "Kenosha"
 msgstr "Кеноша"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9871
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9890
 msgid "La Crosse"
 msgstr "Ла Крос"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9873
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9892
 msgid "Ladysmith"
 msgstr "Лейдисмит"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9875
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9894
 msgid "Land O' Lakes"
 msgstr "Ленд О' Лейкс"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9877
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9896
 msgid "Lone Rock"
 msgstr "Лоун Рок"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9879
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9898
 msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States"
 msgid "Madison"
 msgstr "Медисън"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9881
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9900
 msgid "Manitowoc"
 msgstr "Манитовок"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9883
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9902
 msgid "Marshfield"
 msgstr "Маршфийлд"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9885
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9904
 msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States"
 msgid "Medford"
 msgstr "Медфърд"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9887
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9906
 msgid "Menomonie"
 msgstr "Меномини"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9889
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9908
 msgid "Merrill"
 msgstr "Мерил"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9891
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9910
 msgid "Milwaukee"
 msgstr "Милуоки"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9893
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9912
 msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States"
 msgid "Monroe"
 msgstr "Монро"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9895
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9914
 msgid "Mosinee"
 msgstr "Мозини"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9897
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9916
 msgid "New Richmond"
 msgstr "Ню Ричмънд"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9899
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9918
 msgid "Osceola"
 msgstr "Оскеола"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9901
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9920
 msgid "Oshkosh"
 msgstr "Ошкош"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9903
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9922
 msgid "Phillips"
 msgstr "Филипс"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9905
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9924
 msgid "Prairie du Chien"
 msgstr "Прери дю Шиен"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9907
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9926
 msgid "Racine"
 msgstr "Ресин"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9909
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9928
 msgid "Rhinelander"
 msgstr "Райнландър"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9911
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9930
 msgid "Rice Lake"
 msgstr "Райс Лейк"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9913
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9932
 msgid "Sheboygan"
 msgstr "Шебойгън"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9915
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9934
 msgid "Siren"
 msgstr "Сайрен"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9917
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9936
 msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States"
 msgid "Sparta"
 msgstr "Спарта"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9919
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9938
 msgid "Stevens Point"
 msgstr "Стивънс Пойнт"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9921
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9940
 msgid "Sturgeon Bay"
 msgstr "Стърджън Бей"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9923
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9942
 msgid "Superior"
 msgstr "Сюпириър"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9925
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9944
 msgid "Tomahawk"
 msgstr "Томахоук"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9927
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9946
 msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States"
 msgid "Watertown"
 msgstr "Уотъртаун"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9929
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9948
 msgid "Waukesha"
 msgstr "Уоукеша"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9931
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9950
 msgid "Waupaca"
 msgstr "Уоупака"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9933
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9952
 msgid "Wausau"
 msgstr "Уосоу"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9935
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9954
 msgid "Wautoma"
 msgstr "Уатома"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9937
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9956
 msgid "West Bend"
 msgstr "Уест Бенд"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9939
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9958
 msgid "Wisconsin Rapids"
 msgstr "Уисконсин Рапидс"
 #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9941
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9960
 msgid "Woodruff"
 msgstr "Уудръф"
 #. A state/province/territory in United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9943
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9962
 msgctxt "State in United States"
 msgid "Wyoming"
 msgstr "Уайоминг"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9945
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9964
 msgid "Big Piney"
 msgstr "Биг Пайни"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9947
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9966
 msgctxt "City in Wyoming, United States"
 msgid "Bordeaux"
 msgstr "Бордо"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9949
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9968
 msgctxt "City in Wyoming, United States"
 msgid "Buffalo"
 msgstr "Бъфало"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9951
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9970
 msgid "Casper"
 msgstr "Каспър"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9953
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9972
 msgid "Cheyenne"
 msgstr "Шайен"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9955
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9974
 msgid "Cody"
 msgstr "Коуди"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9957
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9976
 msgctxt "City in Wyoming, United States"
 msgid "Douglas"
 msgstr "Дъглас"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9959
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9978
 msgid "Evanston"
 msgstr "Евънстън"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9961
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9980
 msgid "Gillette"
 msgstr "Гилет"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9963
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9982
 msgid "Greybull"
 msgstr "Грейбул"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9965
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9984
 msgctxt "City in Wyoming, United States"
 msgid "Jackson"
 msgstr "Джексън"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9967
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9986
 msgid "Lander"
 msgstr "Ландер"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9969
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9988
 msgid "Laramie"
 msgstr "Ларами"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9971
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9990
 msgid "Pinedale"
 msgstr "Пайндейл"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9973
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9992
 msgid "Rawlins"
 msgstr "Роулинс"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9975
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9994
 msgid "Riverton"
 msgstr "Ривъртън"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9977
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9996
 msgid "Rock Springs"
 msgstr "Рок Спрингс"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9979
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9998
 msgid "Sheridan"
 msgstr "Шеридан"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9981
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:10000
 msgid "Torrington"
 msgstr "Торингтън"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9983
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:10002
 msgid "West Thumb"
 msgstr "Уест Тъмб"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9985
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:10004
 msgid "Worland"
 msgstr "Уорланд"
 #. A city in Wyoming in the United States
-#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:9987
+#: ../data/Locations.xml.in.h:10006
 msgctxt "City in Wyoming, United States"
 msgid "Wyoming"
 msgstr "Уайоминг"

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