[vala/db8c411392f89cf8fc0268d4819f15755d0c4137: 9/9] WIP gtk+-4.0: Update to 3.91.2+75bf6db5

commit 74b9e574550452dde77f5762ecdb494a85acece9
Author: Rico Tzschichholz <ricotz ubuntu com>
Date:   Thu Sep 21 12:29:30 2017 +0200

    WIP gtk+-4.0: Update to 3.91.2+75bf6db5

 vapi/gtk+-4.0.vapi                |  301 ++++++++-----------------------------
 vapi/metadata/Gdk-4.0-custom.vala |   29 ----
 vapi/metadata/Gdk-4.0.metadata    |    2 -
 3 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 272 deletions(-)
diff --git a/vapi/gtk+-4.0.vapi b/vapi/gtk+-4.0.vapi
index e006e8a..3fd77a0 100644
--- a/vapi/gtk+-4.0.vapi
+++ b/vapi/gtk+-4.0.vapi
@@ -5154,33 +5154,44 @@ namespace Gdk {
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
        public class Event {
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
                [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
                [Version (since = "2.2")]
                public Event (Gdk.EventType type);
                public Gdk.Event copy ();
                public void free ();
                public static Gdk.Event? @get ();
+               public bool get_axes (double axes, uint n_axes);
                public bool get_axis (Gdk.AxisUse axis_use, out double value);
                [Version (since = "3.2")]
                public bool get_button (out uint button);
                [Version (since = "3.2")]
                public bool get_click_count (out uint click_count);
                public bool get_coords (out double x_win, out double y_win);
+               public bool get_crossing_detail (Gdk.NotifyType detail);
+               public bool get_crossing_mode (Gdk.CrossingMode mode);
                [Version (since = "3.0")]
                public unowned Gdk.Device? get_device ();
                [Version (since = "3.22")]
                public unowned Gdk.DeviceTool get_device_tool ();
+               public bool get_drag_context (Gdk.DragContext context);
                [Version (since = "3.4")]
                public unowned Gdk.EventSequence get_event_sequence ();
                [Version (since = "3.10")]
                public Gdk.EventType get_event_type ();
+               public bool get_focus_in (bool focus_in);
+               public bool get_grab_window (Gdk.Window window);
+               public bool get_key_group (uint group);
+               public bool get_key_is_modifier (bool is_modifier);
                [Version (since = "3.2")]
                public bool get_keycode (out uint16 keycode);
                [Version (since = "3.2")]
                public bool get_keyval (out uint keyval);
+               public bool get_pad_axis_value (uint index, double value);
+               public bool get_pad_button (uint button);
+               public bool get_pad_group_mode (uint group, uint mode);
                [Version (since = "3.22")]
                public bool get_pointer_emulated ();
+               public bool get_property (Gdk.Atom property, Gdk.PropertyState state);
                public bool get_root_coords (out double x_root, out double y_root);
                [Version (since = "3.22")]
                public int get_scancode ();
@@ -5192,277 +5203,116 @@ namespace Gdk {
                public bool get_scroll_direction (out Gdk.ScrollDirection direction);
                [Version (since = "3.20")]
                public unowned Gdk.Seat get_seat ();
+               public bool get_selection (Gdk.Atom selection);
+               public bool get_selection_property (Gdk.Atom property, Gdk.Atom target, Gdk.Window requestor);
+               public bool get_setting (string setting);
                [Version (since = "3.0")]
                public unowned Gdk.Device? get_source_device ();
                public bool get_state (out Gdk.ModifierType state);
+               public bool get_string (string string);
                public uint32 get_time ();
+               public bool get_touch_emulating_pointer (bool emulating);
+               public bool get_touchpad_angle_delta (double delta);
+               public bool get_touchpad_deltas (double dx, double dy);
+               public bool get_touchpad_gesture_n_fingers (uint n_fingers);
+               public bool get_touchpad_gesture_phase (Gdk.TouchpadGesturePhase phase);
+               public bool get_touchpad_scale (double scale);
                [Version (since = "3.10")]
                public unowned Gdk.Window get_window ();
+               public bool get_window_state (Gdk.WindowState changed, Gdk.WindowState new_state);
                public static void handler_set (owned Gdk.EventFunc func);
                [Version (since = "3.20")]
                public bool is_scroll_stop_event ();
+               public bool is_sent ();
                public static Gdk.Event? peek ();
                public void put ();
-               [Version (since = "2.12")]
                public static void request_motions (Gdk.EventMotion event);
                public void set_coords (double x, double y);
                [Version (since = "3.0")]
                public void set_device (Gdk.Device device);
                [Version (since = "3.22")]
                public void set_device_tool (Gdk.DeviceTool? tool);
+               public void set_keyval (uint keyval);
                [Version (since = "2.2")]
                public void set_screen (Gdk.Screen screen);
+               public void set_selection (Gdk.Window window, Gdk.Atom selection, uint32 time);
                [Version (since = "3.0")]
                public void set_source_device (Gdk.Device device);
                public void set_user_data (GLib.Object user_data);
                [Version (since = "3.4")]
                public bool triggers_context_menu ();
-               public Gdk.EventAny any {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventAny *)")]  get; }
-               public Gdk.EventButton button {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventButton *)")]  get; }
-               public Gdk.EventConfigure configure {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventConfigure *)")]  get; }
-               public Gdk.EventCrossing crossing {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventCrossing *)")]  get; }
-               public Gdk.EventDND dnd {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventDND *)")]  get; }
-               public Gdk.EventExpose expose {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventExpose *)")]  get; }
-               public Gdk.EventFocus focus_change {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventFocus *)")]  get; }
-               public Gdk.EventGrabBroken grab_broken {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventGrabBroken *)")]  get; }
-               public Gdk.EventKey key {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventKey *)")]  get; }
-               public Gdk.EventMotion motion {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventMotion *)")]  get; }
-               public Gdk.EventOwnerChange owner_change {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventOwnerChange *)")]  get; }
-               public Gdk.EventPadAxis pad_axis {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventPadAxis *)")]  get; }
-               public Gdk.EventPadButton pad_button {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventPadButton *)")]  get; }
-               public Gdk.EventPadGroupMode pad_group_mode {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventPadGroupMode *)")]  
get; }
-               public Gdk.EventProperty property {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventProperty *)")]  get; }
-               public Gdk.EventProximity proximity {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventProximity *)")]  get; }
-               public Gdk.EventScroll scroll {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventScroll *)")]  get; }
-               public Gdk.EventSelection selection {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventSelection *)")]  get; }
-               public Gdk.EventSetting setting {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventSetting *)")]  get; }
-               public Gdk.EventTouch touch {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventTouch *)")]  get; }
-               public Gdk.EventTouchpadPinch touchpad_pinch {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventTouchpadPinch *)")]  
get; }
-               public Gdk.EventTouchpadSwipe touchpad_swipe {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventTouchpadSwipe *)")]  
get; }
-               public Gdk.EventVisibility visibility {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventVisibility *)")]  get; }
-               public Gdk.EventWindowState window_state {[CCode (cname = "(GdkEventWindowState *)")]  get; }
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
        public class EventAny : Gdk.Event {
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
        public class EventButton : Gdk.Event {
-               public double axes;
-               public uint button;
-               public weak Gdk.Device device;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public Gdk.ModifierType state;
-               public uint32 time;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
-               public double x;
-               public double x_root;
-               public double y;
-               public double y_root;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
        public class EventConfigure : Gdk.Event {
-               public int height;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public int width;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
-               public int x;
-               public int y;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
        public class EventCrossing : Gdk.Event {
-               public Gdk.NotifyType detail;
-               public bool focus;
-               public Gdk.CrossingMode mode;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public Gdk.ModifierType state;
-               public weak Gdk.Window subwindow;
-               public uint32 time;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
-               public double x;
-               public double x_root;
-               public double y;
-               public double y_root;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
        public class EventDND : Gdk.Event {
-               public weak Gdk.DragContext context;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public uint32 time;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
-               public short x_root;
-               public short y_root;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
        public class EventExpose : Gdk.Event {
-               public Gdk.Rectangle area;
-               public int count;
-               public weak Cairo.Region region;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
        public class EventFocus : Gdk.Event {
-               public int16 @in;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
-       [Version (since = "2.8")]
        public class EventGrabBroken : Gdk.Event {
-               public weak Gdk.Window grab_window;
-               public bool implicit;
-               public bool keyboard;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
        public class EventKey : Gdk.Event {
-               public uint8 group;
-               public uint16 hardware_keycode;
-               public uint is_modifier;
-               public uint keyval;
-               public int length;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public Gdk.ModifierType state;
-               [CCode (cname = "string")]
-               public string str;
-               public uint32 time;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
        public class EventMotion : Gdk.Event {
-               [CCode (array_length = false)]
-               public weak double[] axes;
-               public weak Gdk.Device device;
-               public int16 is_hint;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public Gdk.ModifierType state;
-               public uint32 time;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
-               public double x;
-               public double x_root;
-               public double y;
-               public double y_root;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
-       [Version (since = "2.6")]
        public class EventOwnerChange : Gdk.Event {
-               public weak Gdk.Window owner;
-               public Gdk.OwnerChange reason;
-               public Gdk.Atom selection;
-               public uint32 selection_time;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public uint32 time;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
-       [Version (since = "3.22")]
        public class EventPadAxis : Gdk.Event {
-               public uint group;
-               public uint index;
-               public uint mode;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public uint32 time;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public double value;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
-       [Version (since = "3.22")]
        public class EventPadButton : Gdk.Event {
-               public uint button;
-               public uint group;
-               public uint mode;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public uint32 time;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
-       [Version (since = "3.22")]
        public class EventPadGroupMode : Gdk.Event {
-               public uint group;
-               public uint mode;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public uint32 time;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
        public class EventProperty : Gdk.Event {
-               public Gdk.Atom atom;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public Gdk.PropertyState state;
-               public uint32 time;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
        public class EventProximity : Gdk.Event {
-               public weak Gdk.Device device;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public uint32 time;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
        public class EventScroll : Gdk.Event {
-               public double delta_x;
-               public double delta_y;
-               public weak Gdk.Device device;
-               public Gdk.ScrollDirection direction;
-               public uint is_stop;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public Gdk.ModifierType state;
-               public uint32 time;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
-               public double x;
-               public double x_root;
-               public double y;
-               public double y_root;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
        public class EventSelection : Gdk.Event {
-               public Gdk.Atom property;
-               public weak Gdk.Window requestor;
-               public Gdk.Atom selection;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public Gdk.Atom target;
-               public uint32 time;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_sequence_get_type ()")]
@@ -5471,82 +5321,26 @@ namespace Gdk {
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
        public class EventSetting : Gdk.Event {
-               public Gdk.SettingAction action;
-               public weak string name;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
        public class EventTouch : Gdk.Event {
-               public double axes;
-               public weak Gdk.Device device;
-               public bool emulating_pointer;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public weak Gdk.EventSequence sequence;
-               public Gdk.ModifierType state;
-               public uint32 time;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
-               public double x;
-               public double x_root;
-               public double y;
-               public double y_root;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
        public class EventTouchpadPinch : Gdk.Event {
-               public double angle_delta;
-               public double dx;
-               public double dy;
-               public int8 n_fingers;
-               public Gdk.TouchpadGesturePhase phase;
-               public double scale;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public Gdk.ModifierType state;
-               public uint32 time;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
-               public double x;
-               public double x_root;
-               public double y;
-               public double y_root;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
        public class EventTouchpadSwipe : Gdk.Event {
-               public double dx;
-               public double dy;
-               public int8 n_fingers;
-               public Gdk.TouchpadGesturePhase phase;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public Gdk.ModifierType state;
-               public uint32 time;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
-               public double x;
-               public double x_root;
-               public double y;
-               public double y_root;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
-       [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "3.12")]
        public class EventVisibility : Gdk.Event {
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public Gdk.VisibilityState state;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
        public class EventWindowState : Gdk.Event {
-               public Gdk.WindowState changed_mask;
-               public Gdk.WindowState new_window_state;
-               public int8 send_event;
-               public Gdk.EventType type;
-               public weak Gdk.Window window;
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", type_id = "gdk_frame_clock_get_type ()")]
        public abstract class FrameClock : GLib.Object {
@@ -6288,7 +6082,6 @@ namespace Gdk {
        public enum EventMask {
@@ -6321,10 +6114,6 @@ namespace Gdk {
-               @2BUTTON_PRESS,
-               DOUBLE_BUTTON_PRESS,
-               @3BUTTON_PRESS,
-               TRIPLE_BUTTON_PRESS,
@@ -6619,7 +6408,15 @@ namespace Gdk {
-               TILED
+               TILED,
+               TOP_TILED,
+               TOP_RESIZABLE,
+               RIGHT_TILED,
+               RIGHT_RESIZABLE,
+               BOTTOM_TILED,
+               BOTTOM_RESIZABLE,
+               LEFT_TILED,
+               LEFT_RESIZABLE
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", cprefix = "GDK_WINDOW_", type_id = "gdk_window_type_get_type 
        public enum WindowType {
@@ -9243,15 +9040,27 @@ namespace Gtk {
                [Version (since = "3.14")]
                public Gtk.Widget widget { get; construct; }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "gtk/gtk.h", type_id = "gtk_event_controller_scroll_get_type ()")]
+       public class EventControllerScroll : Gtk.EventController {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkEventController*")]
+               public EventControllerScroll (Gtk.Widget widget, Gtk.EventControllerScrollFlags flags);
+               public Gtk.EventControllerScrollFlags get_flags ();
+               public void set_flags (Gtk.EventControllerScrollFlags flags);
+               public Gtk.EventControllerScrollFlags flags { get; construct; }
+               public signal void decelerate (double object, double p0);
+               public signal void scroll (double object, double p0);
+               public signal void scroll_begin ();
+               public signal void scroll_end ();
+       }
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gtk/gtk.h", type_id = "gtk_expander_get_type ()")]
        public class Expander : Gtk.Container, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable {
                [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
                [Version (since = "2.4")]
-               public Expander (string label);
+               public Expander (string? label);
                [Version (since = "2.4")]
                public bool get_expanded ();
                [Version (since = "2.4")]
-               public unowned string get_label ();
+               public unowned string? get_label ();
                [Version (since = "2.22")]
                public bool get_label_fill ();
                [Version (since = "2.4")]
@@ -13688,7 +13497,7 @@ namespace Gtk {
                [Version (since = "2.4")]
                public void set_is_important (bool is_important);
                [Version (since = "2.4")]
-               public void set_proxy_menu_item (string menu_item_id, Gtk.Widget menu_item);
+               public void set_proxy_menu_item (string menu_item_id, Gtk.Widget? menu_item);
                [Version (since = "2.12")]
                public void set_tooltip_markup (string markup);
                [Version (since = "2.12")]
@@ -16079,6 +15888,16 @@ namespace Gtk {
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "gtk/gtk.h", cprefix = "GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER_SCROLL_", type_id = 
"gtk_event_controller_scroll_flags_get_type ()")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum EventControllerScrollFlags {
+               NONE,
+               VERTICAL,
+               HORIZONTAL,
+               DISCRETE,
+               KINETIC,
+               BOTH_AXES
+       }
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gtk/gtk.h", cprefix = "GTK_EVENT_SEQUENCE_", type_id = 
"gtk_event_sequence_state_get_type ()")]
        [Version (since = "3.14")]
        public enum EventSequenceState {
diff --git a/vapi/metadata/Gdk-4.0-custom.vala b/vapi/metadata/Gdk-4.0-custom.vala
index 7754e54..12e8925 100644
--- a/vapi/metadata/Gdk-4.0-custom.vala
+++ b/vapi/metadata/Gdk-4.0-custom.vala
@@ -5,35 +5,6 @@ namespace Gdk {
                public static Gdk.Atom NONE;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = 
"g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdk_event_get_type ()")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class Event {
-               public Gdk.EventAny any { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventAny *)")] get; }
-               public Gdk.EventButton button { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventButton *)")] get; }
-               public Gdk.EventConfigure configure { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventConfigure *)")] get; }
-               public Gdk.EventCrossing crossing { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventCrossing *)")] get; }
-               public Gdk.EventDND dnd { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventDND *)")] get; }
-               public Gdk.EventExpose expose { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventExpose *)")] get; }
-               public Gdk.EventFocus focus_change { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventFocus *)")] get; }
-               public Gdk.EventGrabBroken grab_broken { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventGrabBroken *)")] get; }
-               public Gdk.EventKey key { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventKey *)")] get; }
-               public Gdk.EventMotion motion { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventMotion *)")] get; }
-               public Gdk.EventOwnerChange owner_change { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventOwnerChange *)")] get; }
-               public Gdk.EventPadAxis pad_axis { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventPadAxis *)")] get; }
-               public Gdk.EventPadButton pad_button { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventPadButton *)")] get; }
-               public Gdk.EventPadGroupMode pad_group_mode { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventPadGroupMode *)")] 
get; }
-               public Gdk.EventProperty property { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventProperty *)")] get; }
-               public Gdk.EventProximity proximity { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventProximity *)")] get; }
-               public Gdk.EventScroll scroll { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventScroll *)")] get; }
-               public Gdk.EventSelection selection { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventSelection *)")] get; }
-               public Gdk.EventSetting setting { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventSetting *)")] get; }
-               public Gdk.EventTouch touch { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventTouch *)")] get; }
-               public Gdk.EventTouchpadPinch touchpad_pinch { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventTouchpadPinch *)")] 
get; }
-               public Gdk.EventTouchpadSwipe touchpad_swipe { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventTouchpadSwipe *)")] 
get; }
-               public Gdk.EventVisibility visibility { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventVisibility *)")] get; }
-               public Gdk.EventWindowState window_state { [CCode (cname = "(GdkEventWindowState *)")] get; }
-       }
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
        public struct Rectangle : Cairo.RectangleInt {
diff --git a/vapi/metadata/Gdk-4.0.metadata b/vapi/metadata/Gdk-4.0.metadata
index b91e1bf..16ed383 100644
--- a/vapi/metadata/Gdk-4.0.metadata
+++ b/vapi/metadata/Gdk-4.0.metadata
@@ -54,9 +54,7 @@ EventExpose struct=false base_type="Gdk.Event" type_id="gdk_event_get_type ()"
 EventFocus struct=false base_type="Gdk.Event" type_id="gdk_event_get_type ()"
 EventGrabBroken struct=false base_type="Gdk.Event" type_id="gdk_event_get_type ()"
 EventKey struct=false base_type="Gdk.Event" type_id="gdk_event_get_type ()"
-        .string name="str" unowned=false
 EventMotion struct=false base_type="Gdk.Event" type_id="gdk_event_get_type ()"
-        .axes array
 EventOwnerChange struct=false base_type="Gdk.Event" type_id="gdk_event_get_type ()"
 EventPadAxis struct=false base_type="Gdk.Event" type_id="gdk_event_get_type ()"
 EventPadButton struct=false base_type="Gdk.Event" type_id="gdk_event_get_type ()"

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