[four-in-a-row: 36/72] changed filenames to make more sense
- From: Michael Catanzaro <mcatanzaro src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [four-in-a-row: 36/72] changed filenames to make more sense
- Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2018 20:59:48 +0000 (UTC)
commit 5694901047b8feb7d14531181e971c05b926f707
Author: Jacob Humphrey <jacob ryan humphrey gmail com>
Date: Fri Dec 14 21:16:14 2018 -0600
changed filenames to make more sense
src/Makefile.am | 24 +-
src/four-in-a-row.vala | 753 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/{gfx.vala => game-board-view.vala} | 2 +-
src/{game_board.vala => game-board.vala} | 0
src/main.vala | 753 +------------------------------
5 files changed, 767 insertions(+), 765 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index 162e120..fa5a437 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -2,26 +2,26 @@ bin_PROGRAMS = four-in-a-row
check_PROGRAMS = ai-test
-four_in_a_row_SOURCES = \
- games-controls-list.vala \
- ai.vala \
- main.vala \
- prefs.vala \
- gfx.vala \
- theme.vala \
- scorebox.vala \
- game_board.vala \
- config.vapi
+four_in_a_row_SOURCES = ai.vala \
+ config.vapi \
+ four-in-a-row.vala \
+ game-board-view.vala \
+ game-board.vala \
+ games-controls-list.vala \
+ main.vala \
+ prefs.vala \
+ scorebox.vala \
+ theme.vala
four_in_a_row_CPPFLAGS = \
- -I$(top_srcdir)
+ -I$(top_srcdir) \
+ --include config.h
four_in_a_row_CFLAGS = \
-DDATA_DIRECTORY=\"$(datadir)/four-in-a-row\" \
-DSOUND_DIRECTORY=\"$(datadir)/four-in-a-row/sounds\" \
-DLOCALEDIR=\"$(datadir)/locale\" \
-DICON_THEME_DIRECTORY="\"$(datadir)/icons\"" \
four_in_a_row_LDADD = \
diff --git a/src/four-in-a-row.vala b/src/four-in-a-row.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00181c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/four-in-a-row.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
+const string APPNAME_LONG = "Four-in-a-row";
+class FourInARow : Gtk.Application {
+ public bool gameover;
+ public bool player_active;
+ PlayerID player;
+ PlayerID winner;
+ public PlayerID who_starts;
+ /**
+ * socre:
+ *
+ * The scores for the current instance (Player 1, Player 2, Draw)
+ */
+ public int score[3];
+ static AnimID anim;
+ char vstr[53];
+ int moves;
+ public int column;
+ public int column_moveto;
+ int row;
+ int row_dropto;
+ int blink_r1 = 0;
+ int blink_c1 = 0;
+ int blink_r2 = 0;
+ int blink_c2 = 0;
+ int blink_t = 0;
+ int blink_n = 0;
+ bool blink_on = false;
+ public uint timeout = 0;
+ const ActionEntry app_entries[] = {
+ {"scores", on_game_scores},
+ {"quit", on_game_exit},
+ {"preferences", on_settings_preferences},
+ {"help", on_help_contents},
+ {"about", on_help_about}
+ };
+ public void game_reset() {
+ stop_anim();
+ undo_action.set_enabled(false);
+ hint_action.set_enabled(false);
+ who_starts = (who_starts == PlayerID.PLAYER1)
+ ? PlayerID.PLAYER2 : PlayerID.PLAYER1;
+ player = who_starts;
+ gameover = true;
+ player_active = false;
+ winner = NOBODY;
+ column = 3;
+ column_moveto = 3;
+ row = 0;
+ row_dropto = 0;
+ clear_board();
+ set_status_message(null);
+ GameBoardView.instance.draw_all();
+ move_cursor(column);
+ gameover = false;
+ prompt_player();
+ if (!is_player_human()) {
+ vstr[0] = player == PLAYER1 ? vlevel[p.level[PlayerID.PLAYER1]]
+ : vlevel[p.level[PlayerID.PLAYER2]];
+ game_process_move(playgame((string)vstr) - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ public void blink_winner(int n) {
+ /* blink the winner's line(s) n times */
+ if (winner == NOBODY)
+ return;
+ blink_t = winner;
+ if (Board.instance.is_line_at((Tile)winner, row, column, out blink_r1,
+ out blink_c1, out blink_r2, out blink_c2)) {
+ anim = AnimID.BLINK;
+ blink_on = false;
+ blink_n = n;
+ var temp = new Animate(0);
+ timeout = Timeout.add(SPEED_BLINK, temp.exec);
+ while (timeout!=0)
+ Gtk.main_iteration();
+ }
+ }
+ public void add_actions() {
+ new_game_action = new SimpleAction("new-game", null);
+ new_game_action.activate.connect(this.on_game_new);
+ add_action(new_game_action);
+ hint_action = new SimpleAction("hint", null);
+ hint_action.activate.connect(this.on_game_hint);
+ add_action(hint_action);
+ undo_action = new SimpleAction("undo-move", null);
+ undo_action.activate.connect(on_game_undo);
+ add_action(undo_action);
+ set_accels_for_action("app.new-game", {"<Primary>n"});
+ set_accels_for_action("app.hint", {"<Primary>h"});
+ set_accels_for_action("app.undo-move", {"<Primary>z"});
+ set_accels_for_action("app.quit", {"<Primary>q"});
+ set_accels_for_action("app.contents", {"F1"});
+ add_action_entries(app_entries, this);
+ }
+ bool column_clicked_cb(int column) {
+ if (player_active) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (gameover && timeout == 0) {
+ blink_winner(2);
+ } else if (is_player_human() && timeout == 0) {
+ game_process_move(column);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void on_game_new(Variant? v) {
+ stop_anim();
+ game_reset();
+ }
+ public void draw_line(int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2, int tile) {
+ /* draw a line of 'tile' from r1,c1 to r2,c2 */
+ bool done = false;
+ int d_row = 0;
+ int d_col = 0;
+ if (r1 < r2)
+ d_row = 1;
+ else if (r1 > r2)
+ d_row = -1;
+ if (c1 < c2)
+ d_col = 1;
+ else if (c1 > c2)
+ d_col = -1;
+ do {
+ done = (r1 == r2 && c1 == c2);
+ Board.instance.set(r1, c1, (Tile) tile);
+ GameBoardView.instance.draw_tile(r1, c1);
+ if (r1 != r2)
+ r1 += d_row;
+ if (c1 != c2)
+ c1 += d_col;
+ } while (!done);
+ }
+ public FourInARow() {
+ Object(application_id: "org.gnome.four-in-a-row",
+ flags: ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE);
+ anim = AnimID.NONE;
+ gameover = true;
+ player_active = false;
+ player = PlayerID.PLAYER1;
+ winner = PlayerID.NOBODY;
+ score[PlayerID.PLAYER1] = 0;
+ score[PlayerID.PLAYER2] = 0;
+ score[PlayerID.NOBODY] = 0;
+ who_starts = PlayerID.PLAYER2; /* This gets reversed immediately. */
+ clear_board();
+ }
+ protected override void activate() {
+ if (!window.is_visible()) {
+ window.show_all();
+ GameBoardView.instance.refresh_pixmaps();
+ GameBoardView.instance.draw_all();
+ Scorebox.instance.update(); /* update visible player descriptions */
+ prompt_player();
+ game_reset();
+ }
+ }
+ // protected override void startup() {
+ // create_app(this);
+ // }
+ public void prompt_player() {
+ int players = p.get_n_human_players();
+ bool human = is_player_human();
+ string who;
+ string str;
+ hint_action.set_enabled(human && !gameover);
+ switch (players) {
+ case 0:
+ undo_action.set_enabled(false);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ undo_action.set_enabled((human && moves >1) || (!human && gameover));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ undo_action.set_enabled(moves > 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (gameover && winner == PlayerID.NOBODY) {
+ if (score[PlayerID.NOBODY] == 0)
+ set_status_message(null);
+ else
+ set_status_message(_("It’s a draw!"));
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (players) {
+ case 1:
+ if (human) {
+ if (gameover)
+ set_status_message(_("You win!"));
+ else
+ set_status_message(_("Your Turn"));
+ } else {
+ if (gameover)
+ set_status_message(_("I win!"));
+ else
+ set_status_message(_("I’m Thinking…"));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ case 0:
+ if (gameover) {
+ who = player == PLAYER1 ? theme_get_player_win(PlayerID.PLAYER1)
+ : theme_get_player_win(PlayerID.PLAYER2);
+ str = _(who);
+ } else if (player_active) {
+ set_status_message(_("Your Turn"));
+ return;
+ } else {
+ who = player == PLAYER1 ? theme_get_player_turn(PlayerID.PLAYER1)
+ : theme_get_player_turn(PlayerID.PLAYER2);
+ str = _(who);
+ }
+ set_status_message(str);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ public void swap_player() {
+ player = (player == PlayerID.PLAYER1) ? PlayerID.PLAYER2 : PlayerID.PLAYER1;
+ move_cursor(3);
+ prompt_player();
+ }
+ public void game_process_move(int c) {
+ process_move(c);
+ }
+ public void play_sound(SoundID id) {
+ string name;
+ if (!p.do_sound)
+ return;
+ switch (id) {
+ case SoundID.DROP:
+ name = "slide";
+ break;
+ case SoundID.I_WIN:
+ name = "reverse";
+ break;
+ case SoundID.YOU_WIN:
+ name = "bonus";
+ break;
+ case SoundID.PLAYER_WIN:
+ name = "bonus";
+ break;
+ case SoundID.DRAWN_GAME:
+ name = "reverse";
+ break;
+ case SoundID.COLUMN_FULL:
+ name = "bad";
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ string filename, path;
+ filename = name + ".ogg";
+ path = Path.build_filename(Config.SOUND_DIRECTORY, filename);
+ CanberraGtk.context_get().play(
+ id,
+ Canberra.PROP_MEDIA_NAME, name,
+ Canberra.PROP_MEDIA_FILENAME, path);
+ }
+ public void process_move3(int c) {
+ play_sound(SoundID.DROP);
+ vstr[++moves] = '1' + (char)c;
+ vstr[moves + 1] = '0';
+ check_game_state();
+ if (gameover) {
+ score[winner]++;
+ Scorebox.instance.update();
+ prompt_player();
+ } else {
+ swap_player();
+ if (!is_player_human()) {
+ vstr[0] = player == PlayerID.PLAYER1 ? vlevel[p.level[PlayerID.PLAYER1]]
+ : vlevel[p.level[PlayerID.PLAYER2]];
+ c = playgame((string)vstr) - 1;
+ if (c < 0)
+ gameover = true;
+ var nm = new NextMove(c);
+ Timeout.add(SPEED_DROP, nm.exec);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void game_init() {
+ anim = AnimID.NONE;
+ gameover = true;
+ player_active = false;
+ player = PlayerID.PLAYER1;
+ winner = PlayerID.NOBODY;
+ score[PlayerID.PLAYER1] = 0;
+ score[PlayerID.PLAYER2] = 0;
+ score[PlayerID.NOBODY] = 0;
+ who_starts = PlayerID.PLAYER2; /* This gets reversed immediately. */
+ clear_board();
+ }
+ public bool is_player_human() {
+ return player == PLAYER1 ? p.level[PlayerID.PLAYER1] == Level.HUMAN
+ : p.level[PlayerID.PLAYER2] == Level.HUMAN;
+ }
+ public void process_move2(int c) {
+ int r = Board.instance.first_empty_row(c);
+ if (r > 0) {
+ row = 0;
+ row_dropto = r;
+ anim = AnimID.DROP;
+ var temp = new Animate(c);
+ timeout = Timeout.add(SPEED_DROP, temp.exec);
+ } else {
+ application.play_sound(SoundID.COLUMN_FULL);
+ }
+ }
+ public void process_move(int c) {
+ if (timeout != 0) {
+ var temp = new Animate(c);
+ Timeout.add(SPEED_DROP, temp.exec);
+ return;
+ }
+ column_moveto = c;
+ anim = AnimID.MOVE;
+ var temp = new Animate(c);
+ timeout = Timeout.add(SPEED_DROP, temp.exec);
+ }
+ void drop_marble(int r, int c) {
+ Tile tile = player == PlayerID.PLAYER1 ? Tile.PLAYER1 : Tile.PLAYER2;
+ Board.instance.set(r, c, tile);
+ GameBoardView.instance.draw_tile(r, c);
+ column = column_moveto = c;
+ row = row_dropto = r;
+ }
+ public void drop() {
+ Tile tile = player == PLAYER1 ? Tile.PLAYER1 : Tile.PLAYER2;
+ Board.instance.set(row, column, Tile.CLEAR);
+ GameBoardView.instance.draw_tile(row, column);
+ row++;
+ Board.instance.set(row, column, tile);
+ GameBoardView.instance.draw_tile(row, column);
+ }
+ public void move(int c) {
+ Board.instance.set(0, column, Tile.CLEAR);
+ GameBoardView.instance.draw_tile(0, column);
+ column = c;
+ Board.instance.set(0, c, player == PlayerID.PLAYER1 ? Tile.PLAYER1 : Tile.PLAYER2);
+ GameBoardView.instance.draw_tile(0, c);
+ }
+ public void move_cursor(int c) {
+ move(c);
+ column = column_moveto = c;
+ row = row_dropto = 0;
+ }
+ void set_status_message(string? message) {
+ headerbar.set_title(message);
+ }
+ class NextMove {
+ int c;
+ public NextMove(int c) {
+ this.c = c;
+ }
+ public bool exec() {
+ application.process_move(c);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ void stop_anim() {
+ if (timeout == 0)
+ return;
+ anim = AnimID.NONE;
+ Source.remove(timeout);
+ timeout = 0;
+ }
+ void clear_board() {
+ Board.instance.clear();
+ for (var i = 0; i < SIZE_VSTR; i++)
+ vstr[i] = '\0';
+ vstr[0] = vlevel[Level.WEAK];
+ vstr[1] = '0';
+ moves = 0;
+ }
+ void blink_tile(int r, int c, int t, int n) {
+ if (timeout != 0)
+ return;
+ blink_r1 = r;
+ blink_c1 = c;
+ blink_r2 = r;
+ blink_c2 = c;
+ blink_t = t;
+ blink_n = n;
+ blink_on = false;
+ anim = AnimID.BLINK;
+ var temp = new Animate(0);
+ timeout = Timeout.add(SPEED_BLINK, temp.exec);
+ }
+ void on_game_hint(SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) {
+ string s;
+ int c;
+ if (timeout != 0)
+ return;
+ if (gameover)
+ return;
+ hint_action.set_enabled(false);
+ undo_action.set_enabled(false);
+ application.set_status_message(_("I’m Thinking…"));
+ vstr[0] = vlevel[Level.STRONG];
+ c = playgame((string)vstr) - 1;
+ column_moveto = c;
+ while (timeout != 0)
+ Gtk.main_iteration();
+ anim = AnimID.HINT;
+ var temp = new Animate(0);
+ timeout = Timeout.add(SPEED_MOVE, temp.exec);
+ application.blink_tile(0, c, Board.instance.get(0, c), 6);
+ s = _("Hint: Column ")+ (c + 1).to_string();
+ application.set_status_message(s);
+ if (moves <= 0 || (moves == 1 && application.is_player_human()))
+ undo_action.set_enabled(false);
+ else
+ undo_action.set_enabled(true);
+ }
+ void on_game_scores(SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) {
+ Scorebox.instance.present();
+ return;
+ }
+ void on_game_exit(SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) {
+ stop_anim();
+ quit();
+ }
+ class Animate {
+ int c;
+ public Animate(int c) {
+ this.c = c;
+ }
+ public bool exec() {
+ if (anim == AnimID.NONE)
+ return false;
+ switch (anim) {
+ case AnimID.NONE:
+ break;
+ case AnimID.HINT:
+ case AnimID.MOVE:
+ if (application.column < application.column_moveto) {
+ application.move(application.column + 1);
+ } else if (application.column > application.column_moveto) {
+ application.move(application.column - 1);
+ } else {
+ application.timeout = 0;
+ if (anim == AnimID.MOVE) {
+ anim = AnimID.NONE;
+ application.process_move2(c);
+ } else {
+ anim = AnimID.NONE;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case AnimID.DROP:
+ if (application.row < application.row_dropto) {
+ application.drop();
+ } else {
+ anim = AnimID.NONE;
+ application.timeout = 0;
+ application.process_move3(c);
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case AnimID.BLINK:
+ application.draw_line(application.blink_r1, application.blink_c1,
+ application.blink_r2, application.blink_c2,
+ application.blink_on ? application.blink_t : Tile.CLEAR);
+ application.blink_n--;
+ if (application.blink_n <= 0 && application.blink_on) {
+ anim = AnimID.NONE;
+ application.timeout = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ application.blink_on = !application.blink_on;
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ void on_game_undo(SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) {
+ int r, c;
+ if (timeout != 0)
+ return;
+ c = vstr[moves] - '0' - 1;
+ r = Board.instance.first_empty_row(c) + 1;
+ vstr[moves] = '0';
+ vstr[moves + 1] = '\0';
+ moves--;
+ if (gameover) {
+ score[winner]--;
+ Scorebox.instance.update();
+ gameover = false;
+ prompt_player();
+ } else {
+ swap_player();
+ }
+ move_cursor(c);
+ Board.instance.set(r, c, Tile.CLEAR);
+ GameBoardView.instance.draw_tile(r, c);
+ if (p.get_n_human_players() == 1 && !application.is_player_human()) {
+ if (moves > 0) {
+ c = vstr[moves] - '0' - 1;
+ r = Board.instance.first_empty_row(c) + 1;
+ vstr[moves] = '0';
+ vstr[moves + 1] = '\0';
+ moves--;
+ swap_player();
+ move_cursor(c);
+ Board.instance.set(r, c, Tile.CLEAR);
+ GameBoardView.instance.draw_tile(r, c);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void on_settings_preferences(SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) {
+ prefsbox_open();
+ }
+ void on_help_about(SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) {
+ const string authors[] = {"Tim Musson <trmusson ihug co nz>",
+ "David Neary <bolsh gimp org>",
+ "Nikhar Agrawal <nikharagrawal2006 gmail com>",
+ "Jacob Humphrey <jacob ryan humphrey gmail com"
+ };
+ const string artists[] = { "Alan Horkan",
+ "Anatol Drlicek",
+ "Based on the Faenza icon theme by Matthieu James"
+ };
+ const string documenters[] = {"Timothy Musson"};
+ Gtk.show_about_dialog(window,
+ name: _(Config.APPNAME_LONG),
+ version: Config.VERSION,
+ copyright: "Copyright © 1999–2008 Tim Musson and David Neary\n" +
+ "Copyright © 2014 Michael Catanzaro\n" +
+ "Copyright © 2018 Jacob Humphrey",
+ license_type: Gtk.License.GPL_3_0,
+ comments: _("Connect four in a row to win"),
+ authors: authors,
+ documenters: documenters,
+ artists: artists,
+ translator_credits: _("translator-credits"),
+ logo_icon_name: "four-in-a-row",
+ website: "https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Four-in-a-row";);
+ }
+ void on_help_contents(SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) {
+ try {
+ Gtk.show_uri_on_window(window,
+ "help:four-in-a-row",
+ Gtk.get_current_event_time());
+ } catch(Error error) {
+ warning("Failed to show help: %s", error.message);
+ }
+ }
+ void check_game_state() {
+ if (Board.instance.is_line_at((Tile)player, row, column)) {
+ gameover = true;
+ winner = player;
+ switch (p.get_n_human_players()) {
+ case 1:
+ play_sound(is_player_human() ? SoundID.YOU_WIN : SoundID.I_WIN);
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ case 2:
+ play_sound(SoundID.PLAYER_WIN);
+ break;
+ }
+ blink_winner(6);
+ } else if (moves == 42) {
+ gameover = true;
+ winner = NOBODY;
+ play_sound(SoundID.DRAWN_GAME);
+ }
+ }
+ protected override void startup() {
+ base.startup();
+ Gtk.AspectFrame frame;
+ GLib.Menu app_menu, section;
+ Gtk.Builder builder;
+ Gtk.CssProvider css_provider;
+ Gtk.Window.set_default_icon_name("four-in-a-row");
+ css_provider = new Gtk.CssProvider();
+ try {
+ css_provider.load_from_data("GtkButtonBox {-GtkButtonBox-child-internal-pad-x:0;}\0");
+ } catch (Error error) {
+ stderr.printf("Could not load UI: %s\n", error.message);
+ return;
+ }
+ Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default(),
+ css_provider,
+ builder = new Gtk.Builder.from_file(Config.DATA_DIRECTORY + "/four-in-a-row.ui");
+ window = builder.get_object("fiar-window") as Gtk.ApplicationWindow;
+ window.application = this;
+ window.set_default_size(DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT); /* TODO save size & state */
+ headerbar = builder.get_object("headerbar") as Gtk.HeaderBar;
+ add_actions();
+ app_menu = new GLib.Menu();
+ section = new GLib.Menu();
+ app_menu.append_section(null, section);
+ section.append(_("_Scores"), "app.scores");
+ section.append(_("_Preferences"), "app.preferences");
+ section = new GLib.Menu();
+ app_menu.append_section(null, section);
+ section.append(_("_Help"), "app.help");
+ section.append(_("_About"), "app.about");
+ section.append(_("_Quit"), "app.quit");
+ this.app_menu = app_menu;
+ frame = builder.get_object("frame") as Gtk.AspectFrame;
+ frame.add(GameBoardView.instance);
+ GameBoardView.instance.column_clicked.connect(column_clicked_cb);
+ GameBoardView.instance.key_press_event.connect(on_key_press);
+ hint_action.set_enabled(false);
+ undo_action.set_enabled(false);
+ }
+ Gtk.HeaderBar headerbar;
+ bool on_key_press(Gdk.EventKey e) {
+ if ((player_active) || timeout != 0 ||
+ (e.keyval != p.keypress[Move.LEFT] &&
+ e.keyval != p.keypress[Move.RIGHT] &&
+ e.keyval != p.keypress[Move.DROP])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (gameover) {
+ blink_winner(2);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (e.keyval == p.keypress[Move.LEFT] && column != 0) {
+ column_moveto--;
+ move_cursor(column_moveto);
+ } else if (e.keyval == p.keypress[Move.RIGHT] && column < 6) {
+ column_moveto++;
+ move_cursor(column_moveto);
+ } else if (e.keyval == p.keypress[Move.DROP]) {
+ game_process_move(column);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/gfx.vala b/src/game-board-view.vala
similarity index 99%
rename from src/gfx.vala
rename to src/game-board-view.vala
index 4f92a9e..4959e94 100644
--- a/src/gfx.vala
+++ b/src/game-board-view.vala
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* -*- Mode: vala; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-/* gfx.vala
+/* game-board-view.vala
* Copyright © 2018 Jacob Humphrey
diff --git a/src/game_board.vala b/src/game-board.vala
similarity index 100%
rename from src/game_board.vala
rename to src/game-board.vala
diff --git a/src/main.vala b/src/main.vala
index b62ef46..b676904 100644
--- a/src/main.vala
+++ b/src/main.vala
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
* along with GNOME Four-in-a-row. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-const string APPNAME_LONG = N_("Four-in-a-row");
const int SIZE_VSTR = 53;
const int SPEED_BLINK = 150;
const int SPEED_MOVE = 35;
@@ -73,757 +72,7 @@ public enum SoundID {
-class FourInARow : Gtk.Application {
- public bool gameover;
- public bool player_active;
- PlayerID player;
- PlayerID winner;
- public PlayerID who_starts;
- /**
- * socre:
- *
- * The scores for the current instance (Player 1, Player 2, Draw)
- */
- public int score[3];
- static AnimID anim;
- char vstr[53];
- int moves;
- public int column;
- public int column_moveto;
- int row;
- int row_dropto;
- int blink_r1 = 0;
- int blink_c1 = 0;
- int blink_r2 = 0;
- int blink_c2 = 0;
- int blink_t = 0;
- int blink_n = 0;
- bool blink_on = false;
- public uint timeout = 0;
- const ActionEntry app_entries[] = {
- {"scores", on_game_scores},
- {"quit", on_game_exit},
- {"preferences", on_settings_preferences},
- {"help", on_help_contents},
- {"about", on_help_about}
- };
- public void game_reset() {
- stop_anim();
- undo_action.set_enabled(false);
- hint_action.set_enabled(false);
- who_starts = (who_starts == PlayerID.PLAYER1)
- ? PlayerID.PLAYER2 : PlayerID.PLAYER1;
- player = who_starts;
- gameover = true;
- player_active = false;
- winner = NOBODY;
- column = 3;
- column_moveto = 3;
- row = 0;
- row_dropto = 0;
- clear_board();
- set_status_message(null);
- GameBoardView.instance.draw_all();
- move_cursor(column);
- gameover = false;
- prompt_player();
- if (!is_player_human()) {
- vstr[0] = player == PLAYER1 ? vlevel[p.level[PlayerID.PLAYER1]]
- : vlevel[p.level[PlayerID.PLAYER2]];
- game_process_move(playgame((string)vstr) - 1);
- }
- }
- public void blink_winner(int n) {
- /* blink the winner's line(s) n times */
- if (winner == NOBODY)
- return;
- blink_t = winner;
- if (Board.instance.is_line_at((Tile)winner, row, column, out blink_r1,
- out blink_c1, out blink_r2, out blink_c2)) {
- anim = AnimID.BLINK;
- blink_on = false;
- blink_n = n;
- var temp = new Animate(0);
- timeout = Timeout.add(SPEED_BLINK, temp.exec);
- while (timeout!=0)
- Gtk.main_iteration();
- }
- }
- public void add_actions() {
- new_game_action = new SimpleAction("new-game", null);
- new_game_action.activate.connect(this.on_game_new);
- add_action(new_game_action);
- hint_action = new SimpleAction("hint", null);
- hint_action.activate.connect(this.on_game_hint);
- add_action(hint_action);
- undo_action = new SimpleAction("undo-move", null);
- undo_action.activate.connect(on_game_undo);
- add_action(undo_action);
- set_accels_for_action("app.new-game", {"<Primary>n"});
- set_accels_for_action("app.hint", {"<Primary>h"});
- set_accels_for_action("app.undo-move", {"<Primary>z"});
- set_accels_for_action("app.quit", {"<Primary>q"});
- set_accels_for_action("app.contents", {"F1"});
- add_action_entries(app_entries, this);
- }
- bool column_clicked_cb(int column) {
- if (player_active) {
- return false;
- }
- if (gameover && timeout == 0) {
- blink_winner(2);
- } else if (is_player_human() && timeout == 0) {
- game_process_move(column);
- }
- return true;
- }
- void on_game_new(Variant? v) {
- stop_anim();
- game_reset();
- }
- public void draw_line(int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2, int tile) {
- /* draw a line of 'tile' from r1,c1 to r2,c2 */
- bool done = false;
- int d_row = 0;
- int d_col = 0;
- if (r1 < r2)
- d_row = 1;
- else if (r1 > r2)
- d_row = -1;
- if (c1 < c2)
- d_col = 1;
- else if (c1 > c2)
- d_col = -1;
- do {
- done = (r1 == r2 && c1 == c2);
- Board.instance.set(r1, c1, (Tile) tile);
- GameBoardView.instance.draw_tile(r1, c1);
- if (r1 != r2)
- r1 += d_row;
- if (c1 != c2)
- c1 += d_col;
- } while (!done);
- }
- public FourInARow() {
- Object(application_id: "org.gnome.four-in-a-row",
- flags: ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE);
- anim = AnimID.NONE;
- gameover = true;
- player_active = false;
- player = PlayerID.PLAYER1;
- winner = PlayerID.NOBODY;
- score[PlayerID.PLAYER1] = 0;
- score[PlayerID.PLAYER2] = 0;
- score[PlayerID.NOBODY] = 0;
- who_starts = PlayerID.PLAYER2; /* This gets reversed immediately. */
- clear_board();
- }
- protected override void activate() {
- if (!window.is_visible()) {
- window.show_all();
- GameBoardView.instance.refresh_pixmaps();
- GameBoardView.instance.draw_all();
- Scorebox.instance.update(); /* update visible player descriptions */
- prompt_player();
- game_reset();
- }
- }
- // protected override void startup() {
- // create_app(this);
- // }
- public void prompt_player() {
- int players = p.get_n_human_players();
- bool human = is_player_human();
- string who;
- string str;
- hint_action.set_enabled(human && !gameover);
- switch (players) {
- case 0:
- undo_action.set_enabled(false);
- break;
- case 1:
- undo_action.set_enabled((human && moves >1) || (!human && gameover));
- break;
- case 2:
- undo_action.set_enabled(moves > 0);
- break;
- }
- if (gameover && winner == PlayerID.NOBODY) {
- if (score[PlayerID.NOBODY] == 0)
- set_status_message(null);
- else
- set_status_message(_("It’s a draw!"));
- return;
- }
- switch (players) {
- case 1:
- if (human) {
- if (gameover)
- set_status_message(_("You win!"));
- else
- set_status_message(_("Your Turn"));
- } else {
- if (gameover)
- set_status_message(_("I win!"));
- else
- set_status_message(_("I’m Thinking…"));
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- case 0:
- if (gameover) {
- who = player == PLAYER1 ? theme_get_player_win(PlayerID.PLAYER1)
- : theme_get_player_win(PlayerID.PLAYER2);
- str = _(who);
- } else if (player_active) {
- set_status_message(_("Your Turn"));
- return;
- } else {
- who = player == PLAYER1 ? theme_get_player_turn(PlayerID.PLAYER1)
- : theme_get_player_turn(PlayerID.PLAYER2);
- str = _(who);
- }
- set_status_message(str);
- break;
- }
- }
- public void swap_player() {
- player = (player == PlayerID.PLAYER1) ? PlayerID.PLAYER2 : PlayerID.PLAYER1;
- move_cursor(3);
- prompt_player();
- }
- public void game_process_move(int c) {
- process_move(c);
- }
- public void play_sound(SoundID id) {
- string name;
- if (!p.do_sound)
- return;
- switch (id) {
- case SoundID.DROP:
- name = "slide";
- break;
- case SoundID.I_WIN:
- name = "reverse";
- break;
- case SoundID.YOU_WIN:
- name = "bonus";
- break;
- case SoundID.PLAYER_WIN:
- name = "bonus";
- break;
- case SoundID.DRAWN_GAME:
- name = "reverse";
- break;
- case SoundID.COLUMN_FULL:
- name = "bad";
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- string filename, path;
- filename = name + ".ogg";
- path = Path.build_filename(Config.SOUND_DIRECTORY, filename);
- CanberraGtk.context_get().play(
- id,
- Canberra.PROP_MEDIA_NAME, name,
- Canberra.PROP_MEDIA_FILENAME, path);
- }
- public void process_move3(int c) {
- play_sound(SoundID.DROP);
- vstr[++moves] = '1' + (char)c;
- vstr[moves + 1] = '0';
- check_game_state();
- if (gameover) {
- score[winner]++;
- Scorebox.instance.update();
- prompt_player();
- } else {
- swap_player();
- if (!is_player_human()) {
- vstr[0] = player == PlayerID.PLAYER1 ? vlevel[p.level[PlayerID.PLAYER1]]
- : vlevel[p.level[PlayerID.PLAYER2]];
- c = playgame((string)vstr) - 1;
- if (c < 0)
- gameover = true;
- var nm = new NextMove(c);
- Timeout.add(SPEED_DROP, nm.exec);
- }
- }
- }
- public void game_init() {
- anim = AnimID.NONE;
- gameover = true;
- player_active = false;
- player = PlayerID.PLAYER1;
- winner = PlayerID.NOBODY;
- score[PlayerID.PLAYER1] = 0;
- score[PlayerID.PLAYER2] = 0;
- score[PlayerID.NOBODY] = 0;
- who_starts = PlayerID.PLAYER2; /* This gets reversed immediately. */
- clear_board();
- }
- public bool is_player_human() {
- return player == PLAYER1 ? p.level[PlayerID.PLAYER1] == Level.HUMAN
- : p.level[PlayerID.PLAYER2] == Level.HUMAN;
- }
- public void process_move2(int c) {
- int r = Board.instance.first_empty_row(c);
- if (r > 0) {
- row = 0;
- row_dropto = r;
- anim = AnimID.DROP;
- var temp = new Animate(c);
- timeout = Timeout.add(SPEED_DROP, temp.exec);
- } else {
- application.play_sound(SoundID.COLUMN_FULL);
- }
- }
- public void process_move(int c) {
- if (timeout != 0) {
- var temp = new Animate(c);
- Timeout.add(SPEED_DROP, temp.exec);
- return;
- }
- column_moveto = c;
- anim = AnimID.MOVE;
- var temp = new Animate(c);
- timeout = Timeout.add(SPEED_DROP, temp.exec);
- }
- void drop_marble(int r, int c) {
- Tile tile = player == PlayerID.PLAYER1 ? Tile.PLAYER1 : Tile.PLAYER2;
- Board.instance.set(r, c, tile);
- GameBoardView.instance.draw_tile(r, c);
- column = column_moveto = c;
- row = row_dropto = r;
- }
- public void drop() {
- Tile tile = player == PLAYER1 ? Tile.PLAYER1 : Tile.PLAYER2;
- Board.instance.set(row, column, Tile.CLEAR);
- GameBoardView.instance.draw_tile(row, column);
- row++;
- Board.instance.set(row, column, tile);
- GameBoardView.instance.draw_tile(row, column);
- }
- public void move(int c) {
- Board.instance.set(0, column, Tile.CLEAR);
- GameBoardView.instance.draw_tile(0, column);
- column = c;
- Board.instance.set(0, c, player == PlayerID.PLAYER1 ? Tile.PLAYER1 : Tile.PLAYER2);
- GameBoardView.instance.draw_tile(0, c);
- }
- public void move_cursor(int c) {
- move(c);
- column = column_moveto = c;
- row = row_dropto = 0;
- }
- void set_status_message(string? message) {
- headerbar.set_title(message);
- }
- class NextMove {
- int c;
- public NextMove(int c) {
- this.c = c;
- }
- public bool exec() {
- application.process_move(c);
- return false;
- }
- }
- void stop_anim() {
- if (timeout == 0)
- return;
- anim = AnimID.NONE;
- Source.remove(timeout);
- timeout = 0;
- }
- void clear_board() {
- Board.instance.clear();
- for (var i = 0; i < SIZE_VSTR; i++)
- vstr[i] = '\0';
- vstr[0] = vlevel[Level.WEAK];
- vstr[1] = '0';
- moves = 0;
- }
- void blink_tile(int r, int c, int t, int n) {
- if (timeout != 0)
- return;
- blink_r1 = r;
- blink_c1 = c;
- blink_r2 = r;
- blink_c2 = c;
- blink_t = t;
- blink_n = n;
- blink_on = false;
- anim = AnimID.BLINK;
- var temp = new Animate(0);
- timeout = Timeout.add(SPEED_BLINK, temp.exec);
- }
- void on_game_hint(SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) {
- string s;
- int c;
- if (timeout != 0)
- return;
- if (gameover)
- return;
- hint_action.set_enabled(false);
- undo_action.set_enabled(false);
- application.set_status_message(_("I’m Thinking…"));
- vstr[0] = vlevel[Level.STRONG];
- c = playgame((string)vstr) - 1;
- column_moveto = c;
- while (timeout != 0)
- Gtk.main_iteration();
- anim = AnimID.HINT;
- var temp = new Animate(0);
- timeout = Timeout.add(SPEED_MOVE, temp.exec);
- application.blink_tile(0, c, Board.instance.get(0, c), 6);
- s = _("Hint: Column ")+ (c + 1).to_string();
- application.set_status_message(s);
- if (moves <= 0 || (moves == 1 && application.is_player_human()))
- undo_action.set_enabled(false);
- else
- undo_action.set_enabled(true);
- }
- void on_game_scores(SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) {
- Scorebox.instance.present();
- return;
- }
- void on_game_exit(SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) {
- stop_anim();
- quit();
- }
- class Animate {
- int c;
- public Animate(int c) {
- this.c = c;
- }
- public bool exec() {
- if (anim == AnimID.NONE)
- return false;
- switch (anim) {
- case AnimID.NONE:
- break;
- case AnimID.HINT:
- case AnimID.MOVE:
- if (application.column < application.column_moveto) {
- application.move(application.column + 1);
- } else if (application.column > application.column_moveto) {
- application.move(application.column - 1);
- } else {
- application.timeout = 0;
- if (anim == AnimID.MOVE) {
- anim = AnimID.NONE;
- application.process_move2(c);
- } else {
- anim = AnimID.NONE;
- }
- return false;
- }
- break;
- case AnimID.DROP:
- if (application.row < application.row_dropto) {
- application.drop();
- } else {
- anim = AnimID.NONE;
- application.timeout = 0;
- application.process_move3(c);
- return false;
- }
- break;
- case AnimID.BLINK:
- application.draw_line(application.blink_r1, application.blink_c1,
- application.blink_r2, application.blink_c2,
- application.blink_on ? application.blink_t : Tile.CLEAR);
- application.blink_n--;
- if (application.blink_n <= 0 && application.blink_on) {
- anim = AnimID.NONE;
- application.timeout = 0;
- return false;
- }
- application.blink_on = !application.blink_on;
- break;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- void on_game_undo(SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) {
- int r, c;
- if (timeout != 0)
- return;
- c = vstr[moves] - '0' - 1;
- r = Board.instance.first_empty_row(c) + 1;
- vstr[moves] = '0';
- vstr[moves + 1] = '\0';
- moves--;
- if (gameover) {
- score[winner]--;
- Scorebox.instance.update();
- gameover = false;
- prompt_player();
- } else {
- swap_player();
- }
- move_cursor(c);
- Board.instance.set(r, c, Tile.CLEAR);
- GameBoardView.instance.draw_tile(r, c);
- if (p.get_n_human_players() == 1 && !application.is_player_human()) {
- if (moves > 0) {
- c = vstr[moves] - '0' - 1;
- r = Board.instance.first_empty_row(c) + 1;
- vstr[moves] = '0';
- vstr[moves + 1] = '\0';
- moves--;
- swap_player();
- move_cursor(c);
- Board.instance.set(r, c, Tile.CLEAR);
- GameBoardView.instance.draw_tile(r, c);
- }
- }
- }
- void on_settings_preferences(SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) {
- prefsbox_open();
- }
- void on_help_about(SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) {
- const string authors[] = {"Tim Musson <trmusson ihug co nz>",
- "David Neary <bolsh gimp org>",
- "Nikhar Agrawal <nikharagrawal2006 gmail com>",
- "Jacob Humphrey <jacob ryan humphrey gmail com"
- };
- const string artists[] = { "Alan Horkan",
- "Anatol Drlicek",
- "Based on the Faenza icon theme by Matthieu James"
- };
- const string documenters[] = {"Timothy Musson"};
- Gtk.show_about_dialog(window,
- name: _(Config.APPNAME_LONG),
- version: Config.VERSION,
- copyright: "Copyright © 1999–2008 Tim Musson and David Neary\n" +
- "Copyright © 2014 Michael Catanzaro\n" +
- "Copyright © 2018 Jacob Humphrey",
- license_type: Gtk.License.GPL_3_0,
- comments: _("Connect four in a row to win"),
- authors: authors,
- documenters: documenters,
- artists: artists,
- translator_credits: _("translator-credits"),
- logo_icon_name: "four-in-a-row",
- website: "https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Four-in-a-row";);
- }
- void on_help_contents(SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) {
- try {
- Gtk.show_uri_on_window(window,
- "help:four-in-a-row",
- Gtk.get_current_event_time());
- } catch(Error error) {
- warning("Failed to show help: %s", error.message);
- }
- }
- void check_game_state() {
- if (Board.instance.is_line_at((Tile)player, row, column)) {
- gameover = true;
- winner = player;
- switch (p.get_n_human_players()) {
- case 1:
- play_sound(is_player_human() ? SoundID.YOU_WIN : SoundID.I_WIN);
- break;
- case 0:
- case 2:
- play_sound(SoundID.PLAYER_WIN);
- break;
- }
- blink_winner(6);
- } else if (moves == 42) {
- gameover = true;
- winner = NOBODY;
- play_sound(SoundID.DRAWN_GAME);
- }
- }
- protected override void startup() {
- base.startup();
- Gtk.AspectFrame frame;
- GLib.Menu app_menu, section;
- Gtk.Builder builder;
- Gtk.CssProvider css_provider;
- Gtk.Window.set_default_icon_name("four-in-a-row");
- css_provider = new Gtk.CssProvider();
- try {
- css_provider.load_from_data("GtkButtonBox {-GtkButtonBox-child-internal-pad-x:0;}\0");
- } catch (Error error) {
- stderr.printf("Could not load UI: %s\n", error.message);
- return;
- }
- Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default(),
- css_provider,
- builder = new Gtk.Builder.from_file(Config.DATA_DIRECTORY + "/four-in-a-row.ui");
- window = builder.get_object("fiar-window") as Gtk.ApplicationWindow;
- window.application = this;
- window.set_default_size(DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT); /* TODO save size & state */
- headerbar = builder.get_object("headerbar") as Gtk.HeaderBar;
- add_actions();
- app_menu = new GLib.Menu();
- section = new GLib.Menu();
- app_menu.append_section(null, section);
- section.append(_("_Scores"), "app.scores");
- section.append(_("_Preferences"), "app.preferences");
- section = new GLib.Menu();
- app_menu.append_section(null, section);
- section.append(_("_Help"), "app.help");
- section.append(_("_About"), "app.about");
- section.append(_("_Quit"), "app.quit");
- this.app_menu = app_menu;
- frame = builder.get_object("frame") as Gtk.AspectFrame;
- frame.add(GameBoardView.instance);
- GameBoardView.instance.column_clicked.connect(column_clicked_cb);
- GameBoardView.instance.key_press_event.connect(on_key_press);
- hint_action.set_enabled(false);
- undo_action.set_enabled(false);
- }
- Gtk.HeaderBar headerbar;
- bool on_key_press(Gdk.EventKey e) {
- if ((player_active) || timeout != 0 ||
- (e.keyval != p.keypress[Move.LEFT] &&
- e.keyval != p.keypress[Move.RIGHT] &&
- e.keyval != p.keypress[Move.DROP])) {
- return false;
- }
- if (gameover) {
- blink_winner(2);
- return true;
- }
- if (e.keyval == p.keypress[Move.LEFT] && column != 0) {
- column_moveto--;
- move_cursor(column_moveto);
- } else if (e.keyval == p.keypress[Move.RIGHT] && column < 6) {
- column_moveto++;
- move_cursor(column_moveto);
- } else if (e.keyval == p.keypress[Move.DROP]) {
- game_process_move(column);
- }
- return true;
- }
SimpleAction hint_action;
SimpleAction undo_action;
@@ -855,7 +104,7 @@ public int main(string[] argv) {
settings = new GLib.Settings("org.gnome.four-in-a-row");
- Environment.set_application_name(_(Config.APPNAME_LONG));
+ Environment.set_application_name(_(APPNAME_LONG));
p = new Prefs();
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