[librsvg] Created tag 2.45.0

The signed tag '2.45.0' was created.

Tagger: Federico Mena Quintero <federico gnome org>
Date: 1542452227 -0600

    Tag for version 2.45.0

Changes since the last tag '2.44.0':

Antonio Ospite (1):
      (#365): rsvg-convert: Specify pixel dimensiosn for SVG output

Benedikt Heine (2):
      Fix memory leak
      Fix memory leak in handle

Federico Mena Quintero (206):
      Merge branch 'issue324' into 'master'
      Add xml processing instruction
      Bump version to 2.45.0
      Do the full CI on the librsvg-2.44 branch
      Tree leak
      Merge branch 'tree-leak' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'link-order' into 'master'
      gitlab#325 - rsvg_tree_free(): Cast the tree to our real Tree so it will get dropped
      compute_luminance_to_alpha(): Take ownership of the surface; return it again
      compute_luminance_to_alpha(): Return a Result
      gitlab#328 - Make masking work on big-endian
      Merge branch 'masking-endianness' into 'master'
      distcheck-hook: remind myself to use DESTDIR, or distcheck won't work
      Merge branch 'bz689832' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'state' into 'master'
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
      ViewParams: new struct to hold values required for Length normalization
      Length.normalize(): Take a ViewParams, not a whole DrawingCtx
      Length: basic tests for normalization
      Length: Basic tests for FontEm / FontEx normalization
      font_props: Take a ViewParams for our normalization functions, too
      Remove unused functions
      DrawingCtx::push_view_box(): Return a ViewParams object
      ViewParams: Use accessor functions; make fields private
      DrawingCtx: rename vb_stack field to view_box_stack
      DrawingCtx: Keep the whole stack of viewboxes in the view_box_stack
      DrawingCtx: store the view_box_stack in a RefCell
      Remove DrawingCtx::pop_view_box() in favor of an impl Drop for it
      Remove unused variable
      Docs for push_view_box()
      ViewParams: keep a Weak reference to the view box stack, not a strong one
      Merge branch 'pborelli/librsvg-cleanup'
      Merge branch 'bochecha/srcdir-builddir'
      (#335): Don't panic if the toplevel node is not <svg>
      tests/errors: Test that a non-svg toplevel element gives us a parsing error
      Don't chain calls to finish_load() and the function whose result it depends on
      (#335): Return an error when the toplevel element is not <svg>
      Merge branch 'non-svg-toplevel' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'YaLTeR/librsvg-fix-crashes'
      Update NEWS
      Remove unused macro_use
      (#337) - Don't panic with "ex" or "em" units in the font-size property
      (#338): Don't panic when an image element doesn't have width/height attributes
      (#340): Don't panic when a marker has a zero-sized viewBox attribute
      AcquiredNodes: Use a Rc<...> instead of a raw pointer into the Vec of acquired nodes
      AcquiredNode.get(): Return a reference, not a cloned Rc<>
      NodeUse: release the acquired child as soon as possible
      (#342): Don't crash if a <use> node references one of its ancestors
      Remove unused function
      filters::render() - Take the computed values of the node being filtered, not the whole node
      Fix error message
      Minimal docs for AttributeError and NodeError
      Rename AttributeError to ValueErrorKind
      Rename methods to set styles from a pbag
      Tighten an unsafe block
      Split the scary Node.set_style() into three smaller functions
      Node: add an element_name field
      Now that nodes know their element name, don't pass it down the rsvg_load_set_node_atts() chain
      AspectRatio: don't use a helper function to parse
      Align::parse_xy() - Take the full ident, not the &str version
      parse_align_xy(): This should be a standalone function, not a non-method
      parse_fit_mode(): This should be a standalone function, not a non-method
      Makefile.am: Fix the location of the enum timestamp files
      (#341): Don't infinite-loop with cyclic pattern references
      Makefile.am: Don't generate a ChangeLog for distribution anymore
      Update NEWS
      Delete old samples and bugs directories
      path_parser.rs: format the tests nicely and ask rustfmt to skip them
      (#345): path_parser.rs: Numbers must have digits; they can't consist of a single dot
      with_discrete_layer(): Propagate errors from cairo::ImageSurface::create()
      Remove stray printlns
      FilterContext::into_output(): propagate errors more simply
      with_discrete_layer(): Separate out the filter rendering and propagate errors from it
      Update NEWS
      (#344): Don't let a viewBox with overflowing numbers pass through
      Update NEWS
      Remove unused function
      css.rs: New file; start porting the CSS processing code to Rust
      rsvg_handle_get_dimensions_sub() - Don't panic if we get passed a nonexistent fragment identifier
      rsvg-dimensions.c: Fix the GOptionEntry for G_OPTION_REMAINING
      rsvg-dimensions.c: Be clear on whether a fragment is not found, or whether its position/dimensions 
could not be computed
      compute_text_bbox(): Don't mutate the bbox directly; use its methods
      BoundingBox::with_ink_rect() - new method, analogous to with_ink_extents()
      tests/dimensions.c: Add infrastructure to test for object positions
      (#347): Set the ink_rect of Pango layouts, not just their objectBoundingBox rect
      Merge branch 'sub-positions' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'YaLTeR/librsvg-fix-filters'
      Oops, add css.rs to Makefile.am
      tests/Makefile.am: List the dimensions and styles fixtures with wildcards
      croco.rs: Minimal hand-written binding to the part of libcroco that we need
      css.rs: Basic skeleton for the CRDocHandler vtable
      css.rs: Move most of the libcroco callbacks to Rust
      Move CSS importing to Rust
      Move rsvg_css_parse_color_() to rsvg-base.c
      Remove rsvg-styles.c - yay!
      Add test for CSS imports.
      Merge branch 'css-processing' into 'master'
      DrawingCtx.get_pango_context() - Use dpi_y for the Pango context's resolution
      Round when converting userspace units to Pango units, which are ints
      (#348): Fix incorrect font sizing
      Merge branch 'font-size-scaling' into 'master'
      (#349): Don't panic when loading an external image that is bigger than Cairo's limits
      Merge branch 'too-large-image-data' into 'master'
      RsvgSaxHandlerStyle - don't use an RsvgSaxHandlerDefs struct to store the parent handler
      rsvg-load: Remove superfluous checks for the vtable functions
      rsvg-load: Fix use-after-free in style_handler_end()
      rsvg-load: Fix use-after-free in xinclude_handler_end() if it were called
      Don't use a global variable for the xmlSAXHandler
      RsvgLoad: move all the XML state to a separate structure
      xml.rs: New file; start moving the XML parsing state to Rust
      Move the "currentnode" to XmlState in Rust
      Port the element_name_stack to Rust
      Port standard_element_start() to Rust
      Inline rsvg_load_set_node_atts() in its only caller
      standard_element_end(): Extract this function from sax_end_element_cb()
      Port standard_element_end() to Rust
      Minimal docs for XmlState
      Port characters_impl() to Rust; it's now add_characters()
      Remove a bunch of unused functions
      XmlContext: new trait for XML parsing contexts
      Rewrite the machinery for nested XML handlers in Rust
      Some documentation for XmlState
      NodeCreationContext: move the actual node creation to its own function
      NodeCreationContext: add a case for the <style> element
      NodeCreationContext: provide a little constructor for the initial case
      Return Option from end_element() and get_node() in XmlHandler
      Port <style> element handling to Rust
      rsvg-load.c: Remove leftover handling of the <style> element
      defs::Reference - encapsulate the micro-parser for uri#fragment_id
      Defs::lookup() - Use Reference::parse() instead of doing the parsing here
      feImage: Use Reference::parse to see if we are dealing with a node or a whole image
      node.rs: Remove unused import
      end_element: rename svg.set_delayed_style()
      characters(): pass element name to node_new()
      create_node() - don't pass element name to new_node.set_style()
      node.rs: remove unused import
      tests/dimensions.c: Make assertions in the main test function more useful
      Merge branch 'alatiera/ulong' into 'master'
      (#349): Don't panic if we get a "data:" URI with empty data.
      SharedImageSurface::from_pixbuf() - Implement this in Rust
      error::LoadingError: new error enum for the loading stage
      handle::image_surface_new_from_href() - Port to Rust
      rsvg_cairo_surface_from_pixbuf(): Removed
      Merge branch 'surface-from-href' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'fix-convolve-matrix-allocation' into 'master'
      cargo update
      Remove unused function
      Use the locale_config crate
      Use the language_tags crate
      (#256): Fix matching of the systemLanguage attribute with the user's locale
      rsvg-test.c: Add plain "en" to the locale so the systemLanguage tests pick it up
      rsvg-test.c: Override the environment's locale with LC_ALL
      Merge branch 'system-language' into 'master'
      Pass the previous_handler down to the start_element implementations
      (#320) - Parse XmlLang as an identifier, not a CSS string
      Merge branch 'xml-lang' into 'master'
      (#334): Preserve the cairo_t's transformation matrix during rendering
      Merge branch 'preserve-matrix-during-rendering' into 'master'
      (#358) - Use assert_approx_eq_cairo in tests
      Remove unused #[repr(C)]
      Update minimum cairo version in COMPILING.md
      (#359): Require rust 1.27
      Merge branch 'smcv/librsvg-non-x86-tolerance'
      NodeChars: Do xml:space normalization only once
      Factor out some duplicated code
      XmlSpaceNormalize: new enum to specify how to trim spaces in xml_space_normalize()
      (#363): Fix whitespace removal around <tspan> elements
      Merge branch 'space-in-text-element' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'smcv/librsvg-save-all-diffs'
      Merge branch 'smcv/librsvg-more-i386-tolerance'
      (#368): Log when an element is not rendered due to a nonexistent filter
      NodeTRef: log if the referenced element is nonexistent
      marker.rs: Log when a referenced marker is not found
      DrawingCtx: log when an element references a nonexistent mask
      gradient.rs: Log when referencing a nonexistent gradient
      paint_server.rs: Log when there is a nonexistent pattern with no alternate
      NodeUse: Log when referencing a nonexistent element
      pattern.rs: Log when we find a circular reference
      Merge branch 'log-nonexistent-references' into 'master'
      (#371): rsvg-convert - Fix positioning of extracted elements when they are scaled
      NodePath: Log when path commands cannot be parsed
      (#372): Fix mis-rendering in small arc segments
      Merge branch 'small-arc-segments' into 'master'
      (#373): Render gradients with userSpaceOnUse even for an empty bounding box
      Merge branch 'gradient-userspaceonuse' into 'master'
      Remove unused prototypes
      wip: xinclude, in acquire_text()
      Don't use dynamic dispatch for the XML handlers; we only have three cases anyway
      XmlState: split style_start_element() into valid and invalid cases
      Merge branch 'memleak' into 'master'
      wip: xinclude fallback
      wip: xinclude for text
      cargo fmt
      Use a real NodeStyle for the <style> element instead of special loading logic
      Support <xi:include parse="text"> inclusions
      Make xi:fallback work for the <xi:include parse="text"> case
      Add tests for xi:include in text mode
      Hook up the C code to handle XML xi:include into the Rust code
      Remove unused C code for XML loading
      Merge branch 'xml-processing'
      Update NEWS

Ivan Molodetskikh (10):
      Fix a feConvolveMatrix crash when kernel isn't set
      Fix filters crashing on non-invertible paffine
      Fix upper bound in PixelRectangle get_pixel clamp
      Add a sanity check to PixelRectangle
      Add FilterError::ChildNodeInError
      (#343): Handle child being in error in feComponentTransfer
      Handle child being in error in feMerge
      Handle child being in error in feLighting
      (#346): Return Cairo errors from filters
      (#352): Parse kernelMatrix as an unbounded list

Jordan Petridis (9):
      CI: disable tests based on debian tests
      CI: run make && make check
      CI: Do not fail if _build exists
      CONTRIBUTING.md: Update rustfmt documentation
      Merge branch 'alatiera/rustfmt-docs' into 'master'
      css.rs: Fix usize cast
      CI: Move cache setup inside the script
      CI: Enable debian tests again
      CI: Minor yaml formatting change

Linus Unnebäck (2):
      Explicitly add hidden lifetime parameters
      Fix formatting errors

Mathieu Bridon (2):
      build: Fix building with srcdir != builddir
      ci: Build with srcdir != builddir

Paolo Borelli (12):
      Do not assert if we ask dimensions of a file with no ink box
      tests: add a reftest for BZ#689832
      state: cleanup unused exports and declarations
      node: Use a RefCell for the State
      gradient: shorten code
      gradient: shorten code
      gradient: add a test for fix_focus_point
      state: do not manually implement Default for ComputedValues
      state: split out parse_attribute_pair
      Make rsvg_state_parse_style_pair take attr as a string
      attribute: implement fmt::Display
      gradient: do not mutate input focus point coordinates

Simon McVittie (4):
      Use LIBRSVG_LIBS, LIBM to satisfy dependencies of RUST_LIB
      tests: Tolerate greater rendering differences on all non-x86_64
      tests: Log and save a diff if max_diff exceeds x86_64 tolerance
      (#366): tests: Increase reftest tolerance on non-x86_64 even more

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