[vte/wip/egmont/bidi: 1/2] misc tests

commit 4f1cd219626f8cb489af7154e8bd1b74d036a790
Author: Egmont Koblinger <egmont gmail com>
Date:   Tue Nov 20 16:38:05 2018 +0100

    misc tests

 doc/bidi.txt | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+)
diff --git a/doc/bidi.txt b/doc/bidi.txt
index 200b3b48..a8145824 100644
--- a/doc/bidi.txt
+++ b/doc/bidi.txt
@@ -180,4 +180,26 @@ squares everywhere.
                                                         ╭─╮   a┌─┐z  n╔═╗x   ┏━┓[2 k[?2500h
 ┗━┛   א╚═╝ת  z└─┘a   ╰─╯[?2500l[1 k
+                                 ┌────────────┐
+─────────────────────────────────┤ Misc tests ├─────────────────────────────────
+                                 └────────────┘
+Attributes – bold ("lo S"), magenta ("hl")
+Hello oi7w
+Hello שָׁלוֹם
+Numbers are simply LTR – "jumps over 123 456 789 Shlm!"
+The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over 123 4
+56 789 oi7w!
+The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over 123 456 789 שָׁלוֹם!
+Numbers are inside RTL – "jumps Shlm 123 456 789 Shlm!"
+The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps 4 123 oi7w
+oi7w 789 56!
+The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps שָׁלוֹם 123 456 789 שָׁלוֹם!
+Mirroring across linebreak – "jumps Shlm <[<[<[<[ Shlm!"
+The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps >]>]> oi7w
+oi7w ]>]!
+The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps שָׁלוֹם <[<[<[<[ שָׁלוֹם!

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